T uesda Transition . . . from war to peace presents MICHIGAN Cloudy r . . . TATE NEWS the economy of every country wjth problems of great STATI ■ from . . today with temperatures 63-68 degrees. Partly magnitude and difficulty. — Liaquat Ali Khan UNIVERSITY cloudy and warm Wednesday. fnlume 63 Number 187 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 25, 1971 ||\lixon backs Jisclosure of 2,000 Guardsmen patrol |fund sources streets of Chattanooga WASHINGTON (AP) — The Nixon Ministration opposed Monday a ceiling CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) - Two ammunition. Brig. Gen. Van Nunally, asst. black soul singer, to perform as scheduled n campaign contributions but backed full thousand National Guardsmen patrolled adjutant general, said the ammunition Friday night. Closure of political financing. the center of Chattanooga Monday with would be used "if the lives of troops or An incident at Brainerd High School, Deputy Atty. Gen. Richard G. fixed bavonets after three nights of other persons are in danger, but not beset by racial disturbances the past two ■indienst and other witnesses told the disorder, mostly in black sections. necessarily in the case of pending property years, had resulted in dismissal of classes , elections subcommittee that full At midafternoon, 150 members of damage." the the day before. Mosure is the best way to correct the Tennessee Air National Guard, specially The city is in the midst of a dispute over ^jent system. But they supported other trained in the protection of firemen, were The Guardsmen moved in during early increased racial desegregation of the school joachi's also, including limitation of placed on standby to guard against fire morning on orders of Gov. Winfield Dunn. system. The school board has less than a ivertising expenses and tax incentives to bombings and property destruction. Smoldering racial tension had been month to submit a speedup plan to U.S. "courage small contributions. Each squad leader was issued live triggered by failure of Wilson Pickett, a District Court Judge Frank Wilson. The measure is subject to review by the Mayor Robert Kirk Walker asked for ■Finance Committee also before being taken help Sunday after local officers, with state up for action by the Sneate. Kleindienst recommended deletion of a DISCHARGED GIS AFFECTED police reinforcements, were unable to cope with what he called increasing violence I5 000 limitation on the amount any including "fire bombings, snipers, ndividual or group could contribute to the shootings, destruction of property and unpaign of a candidate for federal office. "Timely publicity would permit the • to decide whether a candidate's ies of support are unduly concentrated Finch reviews imperilling of life." The disturbances began Friday night with window smashing after the aborted rock music show, and continued in or otherwise suspect," said Kleindienst. He scattered, guerrilla-type incidents through estioned also the consitutionality of _ ing "to limit how much money a person lean spend." I Kleindienst and Sen. Ernest F. Hollings to halt drug the weekend despite a 7 p.m. curfew Saturday and Sunday. Arrests, most of them for curfew violations, totaled more than 300 by ■of South Carolina, chairman of the Senate BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) Presidential • "Reform the medical and health care — Monday morning. The majority of those ■Democratic Campaign Committee, agreed adviser Robert H. Finch said system so adequate services are available arrested were blacks. Monday ■also the bill should be amended to permit 20,000 drug addicts are being discharged everywhere. Police Commissioner Gene Roberts said Ibona fide bank loans to candidates and to annually from military service. •"Place new emphasis on preventive care several people in "little moving groups" ■illow government employes to be solicited Treatment programs are handled within and one - stop outpatient centers. were causing problems. each service, but Finch noted a "violent • "Make ■forcampaign contributions by persons who proper health insurance coverage |donot work for the government. difference of opinion," on how to combat available to everyone, regardless of ability to (Please turn to page 12) drug abuse. pay. "It's been difficult and spotty. Each service has its own Wolverine Under arrest program" he told a The 1971 Wolverine is being news conference after an address on health care. Finch said recent military bases in Greek board files suit A Tennessee National Guardsman hauls black demonstrator to the | distributed between 8 a.m. and 5:30 a Europe and Africa had revealed that efforts wall of building against ASMSU, OCC a on one of to p.m. weekdays in 30 Student Services Chattanooga's main streets Monday prevent drug abuse among American I Bldg. A receipt and student ID are morning. The Gaurd was called in late Sunday night after three nights troops "appear not to be altogether of effective." necessary to pick up the books. rioting. AP Wirephoto But Finch said he found a realistic "All students are represented by their Interfraternity Council (IFC) Monday response to drug problems at the battalion filed suit against the ASMSU Student district representatives and then special level. He said officers who discover such interest groups such as OCC and RHA are Board and the Off - Campus Council (OCC) problems often try to keep offenders out IN PANTHER CASE of cities where drugs are easily available over the representation Greek's on the lack board. of voting The suit represented by lobby votes," Keeton said. Keeton said IFC wishes either to see and, at the same time, try to keep men contends that OCC and RHA lose their voting seats on with drug problems out of contact with as a special interest group, IFC the ASMSU board or to have IFC gain deserves equal representation as more youthful and impressionable soldiers. access to special interest votes on the board. afforded OCC and Residence Halls Assn. Judge declares mistrial Article II, Section I of the OCC Finch, former secretary of health, (RHA). constitution states that students residing in education and welfare, spoke with William Keeton and James Humes, IFC fraternities and sororities can not be newsmen at John Hopkins Hospital after justices, submitted the suit to the members of OCC. calling for enactment of the Nixon All-University Student Judiciary (AUSJ), Panhellenic Council, the inter - sorority I NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - Judge purpose of the meeting, but the subjects burden of a 'reasonable doubt,' they ought administration's health care package. citing Article 1.4 of the Academic ■Harold M. under discussion were expected to include to throw the case out," Keskoff said. Freedom Report which guarantees fair organization, is not participating in the Mulvey declared a mistrial He said that the nationalized health suit. a date for a new trial and requests that "How many shots should the state get?" treatment .to all members of the Monday in the six • month trial of Black insurance plan proposed by Sen. Edward University ""wither Chairman Bobby G. Seale and a Seale and Mrs. Huggins be released on bail. IFC filed similar suit against OCC in M. Kennedy, D - Mass., would cost $77 community. a The Panther leaders each face two xal Panther leader. The prosecutor said "I absolutely will prosecute again," said billion annually but "would do little to April over being excluded from the lie would bring them to trial again. State's Atty. Arnold Markle. charges that could bring the death penalty expand services and make them available off-campus lobby in April, but later kidnaping resulting in death and aiding — I The withdrew their case. IFC claims Superior Court judge made his ruling elsewhere." a {•fter the jury of five blacks and seven A court order prevented the attorneys or the judge in the case from commenting on and abetting murder — plus conspiracy to "Our recommendations aim at revision of OCC election membership of some 5,000 students, with whites, selected over a period of four kidnap and to murder. In addition, Mrs. OCC representing 12,000 undergraduates. the trial. But Theodore Keskoff, the our entire health care system, not just one A second Off "lonths, insisted it Huggins was charged with binding with - Campus Council could not agree on or more of its component parts such as AUSJ will probably decide next Jrdicts on any of the attorney for a Black Panther convicted of criminal intent. election will be held from 8:30 a.m. to Tuesday charges faced by whether they «.rill hear the IFC case or not. 'e or Ericka conspiring to murder Rackley, said the insurance," he said. 5:30 p.m. Thursday at Grand River and Huggins arising from the Keeton said a decision might be made charges against Seale and Mrs. Huggins Finch said an administration White Paper MAC Avenues, Bogue Street near Cedar yet lying of Alex Rackley, another party Judge Mulvey's ruling followed this spring or perhaps at the start of fall term. should be dropped. on health care would be released Tuesday lember. Village apartments, the Wells Hall IFC had voting representation on the but summarized the proposal as trying to J I®"I declare a mistrial for the reason that "Any time the state can't sustain its (Please turn to page 12) accomplish: bridge and at Berkey Hall. There will be ASMSU board until last spring, when a new jury has failed to reach a verdict on all a limit of three write - ins. constitution disenfranchised them. o' the charges" in the two cases, Mulvey He thanked the 12 jurors and charged them. They had deliberated for 23 hours over a I The judge set six day period. - today for a meeting in with both defendants, their 'nd the prosecutor. He attorneys did not explain the 5 MSU alumni to receive awards president and treasurer of the CSU firm and taught accounting at the Detroit to Campbell - Ewald where he served as a Distinguished Alumni Awards will be Extension Service for the 4 - H Program presented to five former students of MSU governing board before becoming president Institute of Technology as an assistant director, senior vice president and general (now the 4 - H Youth in 1970. He is a 1951 graduate of MSU. Development at spring commencement exercises June professor. manager. Programs) in 1956, he Chamberlain is currently a member of In was appointed an 13. 1968 he received MSU's Six years later he became general associate professor after the University Corp. for Atmospheric receiving the Distinguished JEx-senator To be honored for their contributions Business Alumni Award. advertising and sales promotion manager doctorate from MSU in 1959. He became a Research board of trustees and has been Broad currently serves as a member of for the Ford Motor Co. He to society are a university president, a was named full professor in 1961. involved with the National Science the home builder, a retired advertising University's Alumni Assn. president of Flexitype in 1965. Mawby joined the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Development Council. Russell G. Mawby, president of the executive, the president of a philanthropic Foundation, a national philanthropic from Conn. organization and the president of a metal corporation. Eli Broad is currently president of Kauf¬ man and Broad Inc., which he cofoundedin Detroit in 1957 three years after receiving Edward E. Rothman, former president of Flexitype and Douglas Offset Co., is a 1921 graduate and also has been a member W.K. Kellogg Foundation, received a bachelor's degree from MSU in 1949. In organization, in 1965 as director of its division of agriculture. 1950, he joined the agriculture dept. at George B. Peters, chairman of the board a bachelor's degree with of the Adrian R. Chamberlain, president of high honors in Development Council since 1960. Purdue University as an extension specialist Idies Monday Colorado State University (CSU), will receive the Distinguished Alumni Award in addition to an honorary degree. business administration from MSU. At the age of 20, he became the youngest man to pass all five parts of the After graduation, he joined the Campbell - Ewald Co. and in 1936 became vice president of Mac Manus, John and Adams, in retail merchandising. He received the master's degree in at in Aurora Metal Corp., Aurora, Dl., graduated from MSU in 1936 with a degree mechanical engineering. He was a agricultural economics from Purdue in designer and engineer for the Sutton Tool I OLD LYME, Conn. (AP) - Death Chamberlain joined the faculty of CSU Michigan Certified Public Accountant's examination. He then joined a Detroit Inc. Three years later he joined the Corp. Ethyl 1951. Co. in Detroit for three years before | lmed former Sen. Thomas J. Dodd on in 1956 as a professor of civil engineering. as a consultant. He came to MSU as an extension certified accounting firm as a junior joining the Detroit Die Setting and After serving in the Air Force, where he ImJi ' a ^ew days a^ter he turned 64 and He was the acting dean of engineering, vice accountant. Broad formed his CPA specialist in marketing the following year. airedf°Ur years a^ter he was formally president for administration, executive vice own was awarded the Bronze Star, he returned Named asst. director of the Cooperative (Please turn to page 12) »n by his Senate colleagues. "odd, a Democrat - turned - ependent, died of a heart attack, his ■ t • Martha Bonanno, said. "He was *?ying a peaceful evening at home" I rw died about 12:30 am< sl,e said- ■Barh » °ne time Press aide» JosePh ■Conn M'd ^e silver-haired former 'fatKi 'cut senator had a premonition of t'881 Thursday. Iknat6 re having lunch . . . and the ■he 'p , ame very serious and said to ■toyon r" l° me' 1 have someth'ngto »y I did n ,1 m n°t going to live very long,' " ■ Twbarette. ■t^p s Puhlic service career spanned ■inthB ,.a third of a century, beginning ■Nine "h tlle £reat depression and KlJi ■ ®l January. ttle new Congress was sworn |neritinPnea.t!ed ■ °ned as a 1964 when Dodd was vice presidential candidate, 'tamed on June 23,1967, when the |tll608vensured I ' >n hlm for converting campaign funds to his personal (Please turn to page 12) ADRIAN R. CHAMBERLAIN EDWARD E. ROTHMAN RUSSELL G. MAWBY GEORGE B. PETERS 2 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan news Aide contends Nixon levels summary From the wires of AP and UPI. with citizenry on Viet war KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) Nixon from the outset has Vietnam to a completion and to U.S. troops out bv the end of — The Florida White House "made a very specific point to reduce the U.S. forces there." 1971. contended Monday it levels with communicate our policies to the The press secretary indicated "Is this the same Opinion the people about Vietnam war American people, and he will he thought the outcome of polls Research," a reporter inquired, continue to do that." is influenced by the phrasing of "that the Republican National policies, despite a Gallup poll "I think," Ziegler told questions. But he steered around Committee uses — the same "Our recommendations aim at report that said two - thirds think the administration tells reporters, "the American people a direct answer when a reporter outfit?" revision of our entire health care them less than it would. understand the course of action wanted to know whether he "I think they use that system, not just one or more of its Presidential Press Secretary the President if following to thought the Gallup question was organization from time to time, conflict loaded. He said he wasn't yes," Ziegler replied. "So does 'component parts such as Ronald L. Ziegler said President bring the in South addressing himself specifically to the Democratic party and other insurance." that poll. organizations." Robert H. Finch, presidential adviser The Gallup results appeared The President, himself, spent U' rescinds hike in Sunday newspapers and said the last full day of a weekend (See story p. D Nixon is facing a giant stay at his villa here, getting in credibility gap on Vietnam. And some work, conferring with staff it reported that in response to a members, and chatting for 20 question asking whether the minutes with pool use fe< beauty queen administration is telling all it in should on Vietnam, the result was Michele McDonald, who was crowned Miss U.S. A. Saturday Search on for slayers 67 per cent "no," 24 per cent night at Miami Beach. The University has decided to rescind the announced increases "yes" and nine per cent with no The 18 - year - old Butler, in fees for summer use of the indoor and outdoor swimming Martial law authorities put up posters throughout opinion. Pa., winner had filled out an polls, Jack Breslin, executive vice president, announced Monday. Ziegler referred to another poll entry form which said she would Istanbul on Monday with pictures of eight young men The increases were announced last week but "after further May 8 by Opinion Research like to talk with Nixon if she and a woman wanted in connection with the kidnap - review, it has been decided to continue with the old rates this Corp., later posted on had the opportunity to choose summer while we work out a more equitable means of handling slaying of Consul - General Ephraim Elrom of Israel. the press center bulletin board, anyone in the world for a the increased costs," Breslin said. At the same time the government asked parliament to which the press secretary conversation. Breslin said the same charges and conditions governing the approve a two - month extension of martial law imposed thought "implied or indicated The White House heard about pool's use last summer will remain in effect. substantial support for the April 26 for a month in 11 provinces. Passage in today's "The higher rates were proposed because of a very serious course of action which the it, an invitation followed, and session was considered certain. problem in increased pool maintenance costs," Breslin said. "It President is following in dealing she appeared at the presidential was believed that those who use the pools should bear the extra residence late in the morning with the matter in South costs rather than have the entire University subsidize them." with her mother and father, her Vietnam." Communist leaders assemble Breslin did not explain why the first decision was rescinded. That poll said 72 per cent crown and scepter, a bright smile and white minidress. Under the 1970 fee system which will again apply this supported Nixon's plan for Leonid I. Brezhnev of the Soviet Union and other summer, students, faculty and staff with current ID cards will be ending the war but 75 per cent She and the President sat Communist party leaders assembled in Prague on admitted to the pool free of charge. Students requiring towel and would not favor withdrawing by across a small desk in Nixon's locker will be charged 10 cents, while faculty and staff without the end of this year if this Monday for a Czechoslovak party congress postponed lockers will be charged 25 cents. study and chatted about such threatened the lives or safety of nearly three years by the Soviet - led invasion that Spouses of students, faculty and staff with University ID cards diverse topics as travel, American prisoners of war. But erased liberalization in this land. will pay 25 cents, while the charge to guests will be 50 cents. geography, swimming and 68 cent favored their Romania sent Dumitru Popescu, party executive Students with a previous term's ID will pay 25 cents. per congressmen voting to get all weather. Serious The President encouraged committee member and secretary, as its chief delegate. Michele to travel widely aboard Romania opposed the 1968 invasion and is resisting the as Miss U.S.A. and to get to Learning to walk is a serious business for this toddler in the Brezhnev doctrine of limited sovereignty on which the know the people. gardens. It is much easier with a little help from Dad. other major European Communist countries base their relations. BOWL FREE! State News photo Doug Bauman Tremors hit Aftershocks from quake area Saturday's disastrous earthquake Faculty voice grievances rippled through eastern Turkey on Monday, collapsing weakened buildings and stirring panic among dust - covered survivors. no People had been warned to stay out in the additional casualties from the new open, tremors and were with Political Science with pt least three - fourths of Winder Dept.! said he will make a the political science faculty and report to the department when I reported. has scheduled the remaining the interviews are completed.! Rescue workers using blowtorches and excavation Interviews with "faculty members within the next few The report will include his■ equipment dug into the rubble of concrete government weeks. Approximately 28 (One coupon per customer — Does ni members in the Dept. of impressions as well as| buildings in the provincial capital of Bingol where some Political Science concerning faculty members have been recommendatioi 400 persons perished. departmental conflicts are interviewed, Winder said. suggestions, he said. Ther interviews are in "moving along," Clarence L. "The main thing is my basicH Winder, dean of the College of reference to a letter expressing ground rule - keeping a We are taking applications for our Social Science said Monday. "distress over the unhappy mind while talking withl Operations unaffected by fire summer now bowling leagues. For information, call Winder said he has spoken condition of our department" everyone involved," Winder said.■ U.S. aircraft carried on normal operations out of 355-3357. sent to the political science "This is the only way 1 can get a| Cam Ranli Bay on Monday despite a Viet Cong faculty in early April by six true picture." attack that sent 1 1/2 million gallons of aviation fuel up sapper MTWTh faculty members. The letter was The letter was prompted by! acknowledged by Charles Press, increasing disputes amongj in flames. FOOT LONG chairman of the Dept. of faculty members, sources h Cam Ranh Bay is where President Lyndon B. Johnson visited in 1966 and 1967 and at that time it UNION BOWLING LANES HOT DOG MEDIUM .50 Political Science in a memo to the faculty. The memo resulted said. The six faculty members! who wrote the letter hoped thatl was considered the most secure U.S. base in South PEPPERONI 1 Cfl in Press asking Winder to any conflicts might be resolvedB Vietnam. Basement, Union Building PIZZA I.UU investigate these grievances. through open discussion. TheyB "I'm trying to give everyone a had declined to make any] A U.S. military spokesman said air operations were not affected, although fires burned more than 18 hours 332-6517 chance to express their views," Winder said. specific grievances public. Outside pressures concerned! after the attack Sunday night by a half dozen DELIVERY "I'm not going to reach any with resolving the conflict enemy conclusion until after I've talked caused Press to ask Dean \Vindei sappers, troops specially trained in infiltration. VARSITY DRIVE IN with everyone, he added. to listen to the grievances. Henderson 'in good shape' Lt. Gen. William R. Peers, who conducted a Pentagon inquiry into the alleged coverup of the My Lai massacre, said Monday that Col. Oran K. Henderson "was in good shape" when the inquiry began Dec. 2, 1969. The general told a Ft. Meade evidence hearing that he came to that conclusion after reviewing preliminary reports and interviews before his investigation began. Forced education fought The Sunreme Court agreed Monday to decide whether the states can force a high - school education on Amish children. Set for argument next term was a case from Wisconsin where Amish children have been exempted from compulsory attendance laws by order of the state supreme court. Wisconsin is appealing with a view that children of the 20th century must have the opportunity of a high - school education to reasonably expect success in life. On the other side are three Amish fathers from Green County who insist high school "just doesn't fit us." Parole urged for Hoffa Leonard Woodcock, president of the United Auto Workers, said Monday that Teamster President James R. Hotta should be paroled from federal nrison. "If Jimmy Hoffa were not Jimmy Hoffa, he would have been paroled already," Woodcock said at a news Trust love. conference in Detroit. "Anyone who was not as visible politically as Mr. Hoffa is would have been paroled." From one beer lover to another. Woodcock commented on the recent refusal of the 227 Ann St. Y, DETROIT, MICHIOAN 41 U.S. Parole Board to grant Hoffa (between marshall music parole at a news and discount records) conference called to report on Woodcock's first year as 12-8 mon—sat WUAW president. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. May 25, 1971 3 Board to discuss booksto By MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writer Buckner, ASMSU iL"!lC the"Throwing bookstore for two weeks somebody out of not throw anybody out of office, and if charged with that I my reason why a should faculty member students on textbooks and bookstore's University account board will also receive chairman, get involved in the topical reading matter. a . nf simulations for threw hpr out nf hie Cff?'rn?an' °ffice is a bad way to will categorically deny and i_x . , . is an item agreeable to both sides. recommendation A*! Mature internal affairs from ... prove of a the Man into and the ASMSU heated dispute. While both Mrs. Linhart ^" ne*°tiate- anything We because ca"'* «"le that denial," he lets his Buckner"said. Buckner said he and Mrs. operation. The chai, chairman is "The main affiliation with the ASMSU purpose of The director of the bookstore shall be recommended by the agenda committee that ASMSU not pass an resolution ookstore •ii I be nresented t«. presented to the Bucknpr acknowlerWri Buckner nnimnu/inrio i and »u that SSSS P.... Fcisuiiai hSuTes nosuuues it hostHlt'es 8et in get in the tne Linhart ironed out guidelines ior L,innart ironea for operating under a set of guidelines approved Cabinet shall be financial with Man and Nature staff with the a planned ice opposing rink ,in6l W'hoard new i . guiueimes approvea by Dy the tne the tne on at its weekly progress was being marl#. Way of a settlement," Mrs. the bookstore to come under the secondary purpose being Being advice and consent of ine oi the th ASMSU board in straw votes at that ASMSU will encourage the campus. BSSSks Linhart said after Monday's cabinet at ASMSU board under another Monday's meeting. He last week's meeting. D'sC over the Monday that are hin«i,|BO certain pressures 1" sRJaa *>"ckner denied he had said that influences" unless "outside Other stipulations submitted effective growth of Man and Nature," another provision Buckner and Mrs. Linhart recognize "the „ stymied the by the bookstore define the states. deplorable ikstore continued Monday ASMSU has acmou u„ u been , ?"n®.n thrown Mrs. Linhart out of his bookstore staff from accepting said they hoped an agreement condition of the student investigating purpose of Man and Nature parking Kernoon with Elizabeth the financial and legal status of office the guidelines the controversy Retaining all money earned could be worked out tonight. lots with "1 did not, have not and will providing a discount to all by Man and Nature in the At regard to the should be resolved tonight, tonight's meeting, the prevention of crime." Mrs. Linhart said the set of stipulations for Man and Nature membership on the cabinet HURTS FOREIGN RELATIONS constitute an addition to the ASMSU Code of Operations. The Office of Black Affairs status with ASMSU and the cabinet is delineated in the operations code. Dollar crisis aids trad By STERLING GREEN An advisory committee for the bookstore appears to be one Associated Press Writer $88 higher. It would issue of concern at this time. News Analysis $2,288. cost Man and Nature seeks to have a WASHINGTON - In just a fortnight since Germany floated Q. Wouldn't that cut into faculty member, Jack M. Bain, its mark, the dollar crisis has question; yes, to the second. The U.S. sales of the VW? outgoing dean of the College of cooled and reasonable speaks of early Communication stability setback to the dollar has worked re-establishment of A. So the Germans fear. In Arts, on its returned to the world's a fixed rate. advisory committee. °"Lt0 Buckner said there was no currencies. Will there be more dollar trade, American even while relations worsening with her Germany is violating IMF rules, from fhethnewUUhSCOrJIinis'and Japan's Toyota and Datsun, the but Germany shows no haste, most important trading partners. And the Canadian dollar has VW company might decide to *7 The dollar's prestige has been floating for about a year. iUt The ltS -?-nce ^ stay competitive, Insurance plan suffered around the world, and American hopes of persuading mean to Europe and Japan to lower their consumer? Q. What does the the change American telling VW has issued Germans that a more expensive mark would cost the a statement barriers against U.S. goods may VW its top place A. Very little in everyday among the draws criticism have answers deteriorated. Here on are questions the mop-up and of the terms. But he will pay more German Volkswagens, imports cameras for like wor'd s sma" car exPorters. q Actually manufacturers get a break? U.S. dollar crisis: 'xfj. ''■*< >5 Detroit attorney Irving Kroll premiums for .which he would Q. What did the crisis and its binoculars and cutlery. has charged the American receive fewer benefits. He would cure do to the dollar? Q. For example? Insurance Assn. (AIA) with not be able to take legal action A- Primarily, the dollar has A. If the revaluation wound States. U.S. goods will be more Physical fitness funding "a nationwide program to dupe the public into blind acceptance of the Madison crash agaiast would be measured the wrongdoer and against a lost value in relation to the German mark and. less up at 4 per cent, a VW that has been selling for $2,200 would be competitive even though their price stays the same, butcher shop type chart that importantly, to the Swiss franc. Avenue directed'no-fault'auto I Student and their young friends take a break for a little physical fitness, a - would place specific dollar values Dutch guilder and Austrian of insurance scheme." I near South Complex. i volleyball upon his arms, legs, eyes and schilling. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Kroll, president of the other portions of his body," he Q- Does this set a new University, is published every class day during four school Michigan Trial Lawyers Assn., charged. exchange rate for the mark? State News photo by Jeff Wilner terms, plus Welcome Week edition in said vast amounts of money are Kroll said he fears that September. being spent to convince the by A- No. The German central Subscription rate is $14 per year. removing the individual's legal bank simply erased the old public that 'no-faculty" is an responsibility for his own exchange rate of around 27"2 Member Associated Press, United Press would force electors inevitability. "Such claims can only be termed blatant falsehoods," he actions, the plan would encourage and place no premium on reckless and drunk driving, cents. Since May 10, the rate has been allowed to float, with day-by-day exchange Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. International, Collegiate Press, declared. "By the very The AIA charges that trial transactions setting the rate, testimony of the majority of the lawyers are opposed to the plan Q- Where is the rate now? Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. |o automobile for industry, such because it will decrease the party candidate A- Tbe fluctuations have Editorial and business offices at 347 Student vote claims are false." Kroll said the AIA consists primarily of a few select and number of court cases to be handled. "Saying that narrowed; the mark moved hi8her in terms of the dollar- 14 luilding, Michigan. Michigan State University, East Services Lansing, already wealthy stock we are opposed ma>' at a rate about 4 Per supposed to cast a vbte Dively is confident of the bill's companies which would casualty to 'no-fault' because we are trial cent above the old official rate. Phones: "dearly lawyers is tantamount to Q- Won't Germany settle Editorial By CHARLES C. CAIN representing the will of the passage and said Sheridian thinks like to cash in" oil the lucrative 355-8252 State News Staff Writer voters of their state, but in a few the bill had "substantial merit" accident and health field. criticizing the medical profession soon on a flxed rate? Doesn't Classified Advertising 355-8255 for fighting plan to abolish the International Monetary cases in other states electors and will be reviewed by the "The plan would have a Display Advertising 353-6400 klected Michigan members of have not done this." committee at an early date. motorist pay every higher insurance hospitals and medicines," Kroll said. Fund require a fixed rate? A- Business • Circulation 355-3447 Maybe, to the first Photographic Je U. S. Electoral College If °"e Lid be required to vote for vote fo! ofuthe elejct°rs dld "ot 355-8311 the candidate of his I presidential candidate of the Party the proposed legislation \ that nominated them, or Ke r ballot would be declared d under a bill introduced in leMichigan House last week. JRep. Michael A. Dively, would allow the other state electorf to take the Anting elector s votinS Place- "This bill seeks to protect the Tonight is ern monster. In the minds of many, mod¬ technology has created The computer. We've all heard the stories a The answer, of course, is obvious. In truth, the invention of the computer can be compared The computer provides a solution by performing high quality instruction for large numbers of students, economi¬ The computer affords us the way to store that permits people to knowledge in a directly usable form—in a way FLAMING people of Michigan from having with the invention of the apply it printing cally. without having to master it in ■Traverse City, sponsored the their decision altered after the about people making, say, a $30 Our goal is to make it pos¬ detail. purchase. And then being billed Engineers engaged in the Jislation. election is over," Dively said, for $3,000 by the computer. sible for a teacher to provide in¬ And without the concomi¬ lively said his proposal is The bill was referred to the Nonsense. development of computer sys¬ tems are convinced that over dividual guidance to many stu¬ tant human delays. lique to Michigan and is similar dents, instead of few. The computer is indicative HOG NIGHT House Elections Committee, The danger is not that the the next decade it is possible to Yet, computer-assisted in¬ ^ one adopted in North chaired by Alfred A. Sheridian, computer makes mistakes, but develop networks of intercon¬ struction is not a concept which of our present-day technology Jurolina several years ago. D - Taylor. that human errors remain uncor¬ nected computer systems capa¬ has been enthusiastically em¬ —a technology which has ad¬ vanced to such an extent that |l!nder present Michigan law, rected while the machine rolls ble of offering a wide variety of braced by all. There are many man now is capable, literally, of 7 21 persons voted into the on, compounding them. services to the Jectoral positions are not ■uired to cast their vote for ACCOUNTING MAJORS ASK ANY CPA ABOUT (all the beer you can drink] minded. Computers are literal They must be correctly mass By public. necessity, one-way communications — radio who feel that the computer will replace teachers. changing his world. We technological must insure that this potential is instructed to help us in the television—deal with a common This interpretation implies THE BECKER applied for the benefit of all p candidate of the part that CPA REVIEW COURSE solution of problems. They do denominator of entertainment mechanizing, rather than per¬ binated mankind. them. [lively cited the example of at the exactly what they are told. Not what they ought to have been This situation can be changed by developing computer-based sonalizing, education. Everywhere in our lives is To achieve this potential Detroit (313) 864 0128 told. systems that offer each indi¬ we will need creative concerned "erency, former The computer is man's vidual an almost unlimited range the effect and promise of the people I'chigan Democratic party assistant. Not his replacement. of entertainment and informa¬ computer. Its ability to predict de¬ That's where you come in , who in 1968 refused The unaided human mind —you may be planning a career □□oDaananqof tion. Each individual will select I mand makes it possible to I cast his electoral vote for needs help to cope successfully what he wants, and to how in industry—if so. you could be apply the economies of mass Pbert Humphrey. Ferency, with the complexity of our great a depth he wants to delve production to a wide variety of part of our vision of the future We invite inquiries through announced his society. into the areas in which he is customized products. Intellectual aids, such as your College Placement Direc¬ ientions early enough to allow interested. It will allow for the use of tor—he can computers, will not only in¬ At his choice of time. supply additional Je ■new remaining 20 electors to find elector who would vote crease the skill of our minds, Apply this principle to a computer terminal device for greater efficiency in home shop¬ information about an RCA but leave more time for human education. ping and much wider diversity Tjiheir Pvely said he party's candidate. creativity by freeing man of bur¬ densome routine tasks. What it amounts to is indi¬ vidualized instruction. To meet in home entertainment We are an nity employer. equal opportu¬ would favor the It c i be c afegui lolishment of the Electoral Do we really believe that simultaneously the needs of against the boom and bust cycle ourachievements in space could Pege altogether but added have been accomplished with¬ many students. of our economy. I1CJI From a practical stand¬ In short, the r' 'f the present system is to out computer assistance? computer point, limits to excellence in means I kept in operation, it should Do we really believe that we accuracy, efficiency, To make room Jor our new line oj education are almost purely progress. Jtoade more responsible to the es of the can function efficiently in our complex modern environment economic winning party, 'he members of the Electoral ART and CRAFT supplies, prices without computer assistance? if are not is voting as private expressing their personal are being slashed up to. 50% erence," pmaker said. "They are the Traverse City more. or ARE THEY N Future IfcWKmjii^Dii stkeTest.. Sale items include: Candles Earrings Mugs Incense Fraternity & Sorority jewelry FOR US OR AGAINST US? Vases I ; ISAT Puzzles plus much, much more. V fflsmmn I,. f'r'ti'Mi for tests required ' <° post - graduate All sales are final. Sale items as priced. (ft0? 8,udV material for f^ch fieUt prcpurcd by experts ■ •I Open. Wed. and Thurs. till 9 p. nnpgoD°D°a°i» MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE Anti-evolution pamphlet UNIVERSITY lacks scientific motive To the Editor: calls the "special theory 0f ■ I noticed in the State News of May 19 an d be !| >1 wou taught, but this as h advertisement for the pamphlet "Should involves Evolution Be Taught?" by John N. Moore At the nothing beyond core of genetl Moure's content! of the MSU Natural Science Department. Having read this pamphlet, and others by very good point. Science st .represented evolution as i £^?bl Moore and his associates of the Creation and this view is Research Society, I wish to comment on reinfowi Wfc ^ unquestioning attitude scientist ■„ V* the position put forth in it. ■doPt toward it. Those tak & in The pamphlet seems to be the latest step trend begun by Moore several years are regarded as scientific fe"' a ago. When I first met him, he claimed that reality, here empirical foundation are significant2* ' his interest on which n t!l to present Darwinism and was Genesis as two possible accounts of man's theory is based.By Moore could potatlngSfi?* encourage futher vi origin, and to allow students to make an research in these areas, and tY ^ informed choice between them. This was valuable pedagogical service the ostensible purpose of the high school Unfortunately, Moore has'been led t« J biology text ("A Search for Order in extreme opposite of the position h Complexity," Zondervan Publishing House, i Grand Rapids) which he recently wrote for attacking^ His claims undone by two views he at objectivity , the California Board of Education. In learned through discussions holds as i Jl with hi» actual fact, the text gives only a biased through his other writings. 1 ) He and, in many particulars, erroneous hpii8" firmly and uncritically in the written wJ account of evolutionary theory and the of the Bible, as divine evidence to support it, and proceeds to that Communism is an evil truth. 2.) He belli present creation the only rational which seowl as subjugate the world, and that those !1 explanation. teach evolution to Now, Moore suggests that "general" the way for the Marxist young people are J evolution — the "amoeba to man thesis," views have led him to oppressor ThJ as he somewhat questionably defines it — some of the evidence reject out of htl has no place in a school science course supporting evolutiJ and to treat the remainder in a "We're appealing this acquital to a higher court!" (although it would be of interest in the ad hoc manner. biased an study of social ideologies). What Moore Moore, clearly, may hold political and religious views he wishes whatej when he takes the stand as bL critic of evolution, he has an a scienti] Once in a rare while we come upon meet the requirements listed below, EW show that his motives are to obligation! document that is, of itself, you can apply for an absentee ballot further tl a a growth of scientific knowledge, andnotf compelling and pertinent editorial as soon as you register. MAKE replace accepted theory with his own pL comment. The leaflet on voter YOUR PRESENCE FELT IN EAST ideology. I do not feel that "Shoui registration being distributed in the academic community by PROJECT: LANSING ON AUG. 3, even if you are Peace going to be out of the city. Students can control city council Evolution Be Taught?" fulfills obligation. Howard t| Brol CITY HALL (P.O. Box 724, East * * * East Lansing reside! Lansing, Phone 351-7313) represents • May 20.19f such a commentary. We have VOTER REGISTRATION EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with whole damn city council if they wanted to. the effort in the decision-making process, INFORMATION the registration drive currently (Remember Berkeley!) by raising issues that had importance for reproduced it below. voter In order to vote in the August, So far, no one has wanted to. We ignore aware and sensitive students and other Dear Friends: IS IT REALLY IMPORTANT TO 1971, Primary Election register by July 2, 1971. you must underway by Project: City Hall, Susan Emery, member of the Ingham County Board of Commissioners, has written local elections. In the last city council election only 5 per cent, 6 per cent, and 14 thinking people, those five people got over 100 people involved in the campaign, and Misquoted this point-of-view article. percent respectively, of even the registered people became convinced it was worth To the Editor: VOTE IN THE UPCOMING CITY QUALIFICATIONS voters in the University precincts voted. taking the extra effort to make a write-in You vote in East Lansing I'm uptight about city council. What's so My relationships with the press corps I COUNCIL ELECTION IN EAST can if For some crazy reason we put all our vote to have their own representative in the State News have been more thai important about city council? Power — energies into national politics, where we LANSING? you are: that's what's important. You may think county government. And together we gave satisfying in the past. However, due to I have about the chance of a snowball in hell credence to participatory democracy and series of unfortunate events 1 fej A U.S. citizen, Only if you are concerned about power is a dirty word — you may say you of making any real, significant changes, and made new politics work — and got a chance constrained to offer a clarification of so who represents you in making decisions At least 21 years old, have no interest in power — but you ignore politics right here at home — where to change government, by becoming part statements attributed to me in a neJ Resident of Michigan six months, believe people should have control over regarding taxes, police and fire a few of us — less than 2,000 — not only of it. It was worth doing something about, article entitled " 'U' College class changf Resident of East Lansing on or their own lives, and you know far too make real and significant services, housing codes and zoning, can a difference and we did southing about it. seen" and published on page nine o before the 5 th Friday preceding the many people don't. That's power. but can choose and elect our own Let's do something aboUt city bountll. recreational opportunities, voter The city council has immense control Friday, May 21. I did not say. nor dm election (July 2, 1971) representatives. We have to live In this town — we have to believe, that University College courJ registration procedures. In short, over people's lives — over your life. It has elected this way. Registered to vote I know, because I was breathe the air and drink the water — we "spew out platitudes instead of providiil only if you are concerned about the power over the quality of the air you 641 people made me a county have to live with a downtown area devoted recognizable benefits." decisions which affect the quality of You need not reregister unless you breathe, it decides the quality of the water j commissioner — and under impossible to business interests rather than people I am aware of the complexities 1 have not voted within the past two you drink, it decides whether land will be your life. made Into a parking lot or a people's park. circumstances. We had to run a write-in interests — we have to stand and walk and reporting the substance of inforral To make impact on the priorities years, have moved or have changed campaign to get someone from the student gather on asphalt rather than grass — we discussion sessions. The complexity of tfl And right now, it's opting for parking lots. have task does not remove or even reduce in governmental policy - making your name since registering. You think you can just go your own way community elected — but even under to deal with policemen dressed In tJ If you move within the area, notify extraordinary circumstances, working gestapo uniforms and carrying deadly responsibility for accuracy. requires people to vote at all levels of and live your alternate lifestyle, ignoring against impossible odds, students got weapons — we have to deal with In the last analysis, I must bear tl government - not just in national East Lansing city clerk of your new the system — but you can't, unless you together and did it. It only took about five automobile congestion and breathe the responsibility for my comments as they'd elections. East Lansing has 47,540 address. This cannot be done by have hermit tendencies. If you try to live people to start it — people thinking and fumes —we have to deal with absentee heard rather than as they are uttered.B residents according to the 1970 phone. your alternate lifestyle right here in good saying "students have a stake in county landlords — we have to suffer the lack of herby publicly offer my apologies to « old E.L., you will find you are subject to census. More than half these people, MSU STUDENTS government — and dammit, we should be daycare centers, youth centers, drug University College as well as to the greafl harrassment, that it's difficult to get any represented." Even though that county treatment programs rather than academic community for this failure 1 26,000, are between the ages of 18 MSU students to register in East decent food, that the shops are rip-off commissioner seat rightfully belonged to punishment — we have to deal with a city communication. For the record, my offlB and 24. The input of these people Lansing must: joints, that there's little park area where students, the under-30s, the University council controlled by a city manager rather recognizes the very significant commitmij has been notoriously absent from you can take your friends and your kids community, people said it was impossible than the citizens, responsive to business to general education the University Collei 1) State that you have at the time and sit on the grass — and nowhere you can for us to get it — political theory, vote needs rather than human needs. Let's do holds. We are, in fact, trying I local electoral politics. now of applying for registration (on or take your friends and your kids and your Yet, these same people contribute analysis and "the apathy of the public" something about this town — register to support the University College initseffoi before July 2) established residence grass. would prevent it. vote and have a say in the issues. to build an even more effective set J substantially to the economy of East in East Lansing. You will need some We could do something about it — if we But "the public" wasn't apathetic — by If you will be away during August and general education experiences for tr Lansing by patronizing its merchants wanted to. It only took an average of making it known that "the younger will miss the Aug. 3 election, apply NOW student body. L proof of age such as a driver's license 2,139 votes to elect all five of our current Dorothy Ari and through the shared revenues the generation" had a stake in county for an absentee ballot at City Hall. Let's or ID card. The main question you city council members. With 10,369 people Assistant Provi city receives from the state and government, and could do something about not let the system run our lives because of federal governments based on will be asked is one of local in East Lansing just between the ages of 21 it, by opening up the political process and our apathy. By absentee ballot or in for Undergraduate EducatiB residency. If you have an off-campus and 24, the students could take over the involving anyone who was willing to make person. Vote Aug. 3. May 21,1* population count. What services do or married housing address and are they receive in return? willing to swear that this address is LOUIE BENDER GOVERNMENTS ARE your home and you have no SUPPOSED TO SERVE THE intention at this time of moving PEOPLE - NOT THE OTHER WAY elsewhere (for example, back to your AROUND!! parents' home) then you are inside straight Members of the University community and students in particular have traditionally ignored local elections and thereby abdicated qualified to vote in East Lansing. 2) your Sign an affidavit concerning qualifications as an elector. Ace' King: an any influence on the makeup of the 3) Attest under oath administered City Council. The City of East by the city clerk to the truth of My wife and I generally shower signature, sir. Well, some of the boys in Lansing has traditionally discouraged separately, but I invited her in with me back room have been remarking, u , statements contained in the affidavit student participation in local the other day so she could read my that where it says Horace King here, ■ you have signed. diploma to me again. I can't get enough of you signed it on the bottom of ■ government. These realities together have resulted in student 4) You should be prepared to it, see. Afterward, rolling around out in the Before After ' card, sir; well, it looks like it says ^ / disenfranchisement. produce evidence showing your snow, I remarked to her, "You know, 1 KAnd you realize you've got thats'g"4. This year, voting in the East current East Lansing address, i.e., incurred a lot of debts getting that not. When he noted with alarm the high Dallas, word came down that "Ace" would on every single form letter,form ' | Lansing primary election is both your driver's license, rent receipt or diploma." percentage of freshmen who'd signed up to have to come up with 300 more previously form notification, form.fo'™| more urgent and more difficult. It letter sent to you at this address. "You mean the $75.70 we still owe in be no pref majors, he seized the bull — rejected high school seniors. He had to University sends out. What do y I has greather urgency because of the library fines?" administrative matador that he is — by the cancel the Dallas jaunt to rifle through fella? „ ll9 vj "Well, yes, that too," I said, "but I was horns, and strongly urged all no pref what must by now be well - dog- eared Well, you're stumped, aren t yoajm greater variety of candidates and 5) The clerk may be reluctant to thinking more along the lines of the debts I freshmen, many of whom haven't been on boonswoggled because you can 81 applications to pick the cream of the viewpoints from which to choose. It register MSU students. If you qualify owe all those faculty members, department campus yet, to choose another major. factory seconds. how to wash your hands "P 1 is more difficult because the primary under the above standards be secretaries, meter maids, fellow students Any other major would do. Poor elbows - of that signature. "Ace", eh? election will be held in August rather prepared to insist that the clerk who didn't cover their answer sheets, administrators." When some of them turned out a little But you don't know the half of it. I But what you do, you go order the incineration of 20,0 dow«JJJi * 1 recalcitrant about selecting a major, Mr. than February. This resulted when register you. put yourself in his place. There you "Why don't you pay them all off at once King helped them out: mean, with that signature on them, l City Council followed the lead of the REGISTRATION TIMES AND by introducing them to each other. Serve a. since your highest grade in high school are, two levels below the poop deck, thousand. You bet your me, state and chose August 3 as the date 'em right." was a B in 10th grade English, you're an hoping like hell Gordon Sabine will be appropriation. PLACES strangled by a berserk Iowa corn bush so of the primary election. In doing this Capital, I thought. English major, kid. And how many other form - the council acted counter to the Monday through Friday - 8 a.m. Everybody, I'd like you to meet Our b. since your father sells agricultural you can snap up his title, and you still do you throw away? Well, y J to 5 p.m. Registrar, Horace King. machinery, you're obviously a business can't find anybody whoU go to lunch at in the bushes for awhile to ma ■ petitions and pleas of students and Friday, July 2 Final Day 8 He's the fellow in the grey suit. To major, kid. the ice rink with you. nobody notices the first 20,, . ■ counter to the need to broaden a.m. to 8 p.m. - - narrow two or that down for you, he's one of the three guys in the whole world who Think about that. Think what exacting And then, as if to cap it all off, a you get back to work at P | political interest and participation. toil a job like that must be. functionary, a mere lackey, strides into signature. 0 The council members know that City Hall, 410 Abbot Road owns only grey suits. I mean, most folks Why, after all that hard work, just as he your office one day and says, "Mr. King, Isn't that right, Florence.' who have nine grey suits will go out the was packing for a well - deserved junket to I've just been If you register, but will not be in noticing: about your He also runs registration. many people, particurly the staff, next time and snap up a blue one, right? faculty and students at MSU, are East Lansing for the primary, obtain Not "Ace". W SHOULD START EACH out of the city during the month of an absentee ballot. The absentee You may have been reading about him DAY WITH A 50N6 IN August and will, therefore, have to ballot may be returned beginning lately. He's the dude who sent out all the fOUR HEART, A 6LEAM make the extra effort to apply for an with the 30th day preceding the rejection letters, got the word he'd blown It, IN tfWR EVE A NO riffled through the files, dug out the PEACE IN YOU* SOULl absentee ballot. Thus, the initiative is election and should be returned no applications of 1,000 high school seniors yours if you want to exercise your later than election day. The deadline with grade - points of between 2.0 and 2.5, franchise. Our local political for obtaining the absentee ballot is 2 and sent them all acceptances. leadership is unwilling to help. p.m. on the Saturday preceding the Smooth? You bet your dorm It you are not registered and election. indebtedness it was. you But did "Ace" stop there? I should say Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 25, 1971 5 Nixon The following story is based in liaisons particular, was important, he Shumway's phone calls were size of a large on interviews which were said. It was a source close to the living room and administration did. However, we mainly requests. One was a deal. walls, like all the official walls, part of an independent President who wanted are all pretty much of the same Shumway If Shumway could give an editor were covered with color study project in journalism on to lunch with him. voice." Shumway part of the President's upcoming photographs of the President the presidential press accepted the invitation and then speech, the editor said he would and his family. Klein likened the PIOs to the cancelled a previous lunch date. secretary by State News Staff run a prostatement in his paper. heads of various auto "I know when he calls that the Klein said he thought his departments. Writer Barbara Fary. Shumway agreed. President wants to tell me Most of office would be retained by the requests for Although President Nixon's something," he said. information on the White House further administrations in "We act to keep the PIOs credibility has hit a new low, his Klein's department is a first in keeping with informed about each other just come through Klein's office. a seeming trend by press liaisons are busy getting White House history. state governments and business as auto makers are informed of Previously One such request came last week White House news and views out it was the press to establish offices for executive their competition," he said. secretary's office from entertainer Art Linkletter, to the public via the media. that was solely in charge of who wanted to pose with the communication. "They're out to sell their This was my impression of my White House press relations. product. The PIO's first loyalty President for publicity pictures two day trip to Washington, "We want to get information is to his department." - 'Uniquely Klein' for his new book. D.C., and interviews with Nixon "This office is uniquely Klein "Art Linkletter is an old friend out to the editor in Mississippi as "super - spokesman" Herbert G. well as the Klein said President Nixon was and was created for him," of the President's, but the visit Washington press Klein, director of corps," he said. the head man in charge of his Shumway said. "Klein is an had to be cleared by me," communication for the editor and also an old and press conferences. executive Shumway said. "Furthermore, I Klein said that although he branch; DeVan L. trusted friend of the President. accompanied him because a staff and his operations were often "He does not like rehearsals," Shumway, Klein's assistant, and He knows every editor and member is usually criticized, he worked with "a Klein said. "He goes over all the Bruce Whelihan, asst. present at broadcasting official in the such meetings." good conscience" because he felt information we have given him presidential press secretary. country. He also knows the his office was not one - sided. Press office to prepare himself. It's the Shumway, as Klein's assistant, President. It is this style background The press office in the west "We're always open to that works best for him." keeps the administration in Flea market contact with the nation's that makes him a spokesman for super ■ the wing of the White House is by newsmen's questions," he said. columnists and magazine writers nature more active than Klein's "They often ask administration." probing who can make or break the operation because it is questions, and we answer them." An noon unidentified student shows off his bargain an MC 5 album for only $1.50! at the Union Board Flea Market Sunday after¬ presidential image. His telephone rang constantly during the hour Shumway said worked to create the ties office with concerned with breaking news. My interview was with Bruce Klein said he views the press History major ... State News photo editors outside the by Tom Dolan and a half I was there. One Washington Whelihan, assistant to secretary's job as getting call, circle, arranging interviews and presidential press secretary newsmen to the news and his as wins stipend Y KELLEY'S OFFICE supplying statements and sheets "to give editors fact a Ronald It Ziegler. was Whelihan who had making long White House - news. range plans for foundation of knowledge." The office also arranged arranged the presidential William J. "It was our office that decided Murphy, Lansing announcement the administrative speeches across on Strategic senior and a history major, was Tenants' the President should speak in the rights outlined Arms Limitation Talks earlier the country, plugging the recently awarded a $50 stipend President and other top officials that day. This involved getting South," he said. "Ziegler's office for his essay "Pirraus, Eagle of network time and alerting the will be involved with the the Phyrrus." into whatever possibilities exist. press. logistics." The prize was awarded for Shumway hesitated for a The press secretary handles the moment before he answered a Klein said his control Murphy's entry in an open ■EDITOR'S NOTE: We feel health and safety laws of the for at least White House photo corps, the over contest handled state of Michigan and of one year, the parties or for any period less than a question about the nature of his department public information by a le following public service the are free to presidential press conferences, modify by agreement year, this law guarantees fair work. officers (PIOs) was slight. student-faculty committee. The municipality wherein the the daily tnouncement from state ty. * Gen. Frank J. Kelley's may be of significance property is located. Thus, the tenant has the right the obligations of this law. Where the term of the lease if for a weekly or monthly rental treatment of the tenant while still respecting the rights of the "We have to be careful not to become a public relations firm for the administration or the briefings and the arrangements for the press when the President travels. Whelihan '' I can't recall the last time I checked over a press release," he $50 award was provided through Alan W. Fisher, asst. professor of history, recipient of a national to take legal action landlord. our readers. against his President," he said. "There is a personally writes presidential said. "We do not require teaching fellowship awarded by landlord if it develops that the proclamations and clearance as the Kennedy the Dansforth Foundation. fine line between property if not fit for use as a telling and announcements. enants' rights have been selling." itlv expanded in Michigan in residence, or if the landlord "We get out the information refuses to keep the premises in a Crossfire about the things the President WE ■nt years. By Act 295 of the ilic Acts of 1968, the reasonable state of repair. Since these promises are ASMSU statem Shumway said Alvin Synder, the broadcast coordinator, got does because he is President," he said. The press secretary is the Red Roses llature created a new concept automatically "caught in the crossfire" only staff member who has the relationship between a part of every lease for a term of involving the Dick Cavett Show. complete access to the President. llord and his tenants, one year of less, the tenant if free to enforce his rights himself condemns a The Cavett people accused He walk in and out of the I s3" can lie law creates a covenant of Synder of coming down hard with the aid of his President's office at will. He also se, that is, a promise attorney. For when he requested that a debate I the premises are fit for use example, the tenant might take ASMSU today issued a statement participates in, but is not calling for the downfall of on the SST not be held on the responsible 1 residence. This promise is legal action to compel the South Africa's apartheid regime. Harold Buckner, ASMSU show. for, press policy decisions." ■matically a part of every landlord to make reasonable chairman, drafted the statement after the student board last week "The Cavett show had Te of residential property for repairs or the tenant might take endorsed African already Short talk , Solidarity Day. featured two speakers who were rm of less than one year. legal action to get some of his "Indeed, we find all form of racism, My interview with Klein lasted especially violent, against the SST and we felt it all of 10 minutes, after an hour > law also requires the money back since he was not distasteful regardless of the cause," the statement read. would not be fair if a debate wait. His was not an office but a getting all that he had been "But we would also call for our Jdlord s to automatically promised government to end the even were also scheduled. This was suite of them, located near the a part of each such and,for which he had dea^!1®' forP of racism that it perpetrates. That is, the tacit misinterpreted as an attempt at President's office in the k that he will keep the paid. approval it gives, along with goods and The law protects the rights of services, which allows not management, Shumway said. Executive Office Bldg. It was the reasonable repair only this racist government, but many others world wide - to stay the landlord by recognizing that in power." lug the term of the lease. he is not liable for any disrepair "So also call for everyone to remember the Reasonable repair" includes which was caused by the tenant. and we needless deaths suffering caused by the inhumane apartheid system and plying with all applicable to Where the term of the lease is join in the demonstration against it today." YouVe got a new car. If at time completely satisfied with: Our new car gasoline any you are not Our five strategic locations in the East Lansing and Meridian Area. Our drive-in windows at every branch. Our 414% daily interest regular passbook savings. Our free checking account with $300 minimum selection of checkbook styles. monthly balance. Our wide Our itemized statements for easy record-keeping. Our Monday through Saturday, 9-5 banking hours. Our handy Master Charge service. Our ex¬ helps fight pollution. clusive Student Aid Bonds which yield 5.13% interest. Our helpful loan policies. Or any of our other services. We'll give you your money back. Guarantee good only at East Lansing State Bank, your Home¬ Now you can use Lead-Free town Bank. Amoco® in your car and know Sometime this year you that you're not putting lead might be one of the thousands pollution in the air. And you'll of college students who will be helping your car, too Be¬ be getting a new car. Like this cause there won't be lead de¬ one. posits to foul your spark plugs Old? Not to you. It's a new or lead fluids to chew car. up your exhaust system. Both could And our new car gasoline last at least twice as long works fine in many of these Your new car . our new older "new" cars as well as in most of the '71 cars car gasoline They're made for each other. East Lansing State Bank Your Hometown Bank away from home You expect more from Standard and you get it.. Unslng Okemos Haslett Brookfleld Plaza Red Cedar at Trowbridge A J) Standard Oil Division American Oil Conipar.y 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Donors By RAY ANDERSON Program, is the supply blood for possibility of donor population. more donations," she said. she said, and the necessary blood will be transferred to the entire commun to say, "the 45 minutes It takes woman cannot be accepted as a and the small amount of donor and will have to wait until malarial repression caused by the Michigan's blood donor Students enrolled in the individual in need. The student discomfort involved should be six months after the baby is Staff Writer drug which would be passed on population increased Lansing region's 17 colleges and can give blood for that State News considerably on May 13th when universities are considered more than offset by the feeling born to donate. There is also a to the recipient. During the recent campus individual at the time, or anyone of satisfaction in knowing six - month waiting period after blood drive many Vietnam Prospective donors who have Governor Milliken signed into residents and eligible for blood outside the region they wish to somewhere a life might have surgery. Having a tooth removed by an been living in a malaria area but law a bill authorizing minors whether they are on campus or veterans were met have not been administered between the ages of 18 and 21 at home. help, but Mrs. Fishbeck been saved by the sacrifice." will defer a donor for 72 hours, appreciative, but not very emphasized that this can only be Barring medical A prospective donor on a rewarding, "Thank you, but antimalarial drugs have only a to donate without parental The blood needs of the consent. Mrs. Fishbeck students' immediate family are done at the time of donation, disqualification persons are able prescription or under a doctor's we're sorry," to their blood six month wait. - Once the blood has been placed to donate once every eight care will be dealt with on an The public's lack of knowledge expressed regret that the bill also covered under the Red donating attempt. in the blood bank it is available weeks, or up to five times a year individual basis by the staff, Mrs. Taking antimalarial drugs about the malarial restriction couldn't have passed a week Cross blood program, Mrs. for use because it must be from the day of their 18th Fishbeck said, but she added reflects a general ignorance of earlier to increase donations Fishbeck said. For a single prohibits the Vietnam veteran blood bank programs run by the during the campus blood drive, student this would include transfused within 21 days of birthday until they turn 66. that medication like from donating blood until two Rod Cross and other agencies. but she added that increased parents and brothers and sisters being drawn in its whole state. Most of the medical antihistamines, diet pills, birth years after the last medication, Mrs. Fishbeck added that due restrictions are obvious, but, if control pills and aspirin are not which, in effect defers them Everyday more than 13,000 public knowledge of the residing at home, and for a to the blood center's voluntary not, donation is left to the disqualifies, until two years after they leave units of blood are transfused in program would have a similar married student, spouse and status, coverage is significantly discretion of a doctor. One of the questions most the United States, but it is beneficial effect. children. Vietnam. curtailed when the student Jaundice automatically defers frequently asked by student The reason, said Doris estimated that the necessary "If people knew that every To obtain coverage the student leaves school, and no longer a donor as does the previously donors is whether the use of Feshbeck of the Lansing blood is donated by less than resident of our 33 county region only has to notify the Red Cross resides in one of Lansing region's mentioned malaria. A pregnant marijuana, LSD or other drugs three per cent of the eligible was covered. I think we'd get chapter that serves their college. Regional Red Cross Blood 33 counties. Students are entitled to the number of units they have donated until one year . after the date of their last donation. Although this coverage may not seem important, Mrs. Fishbeck explained, a unit (pint) of commercial blood costs • anywhere from $15 to $70, while the Red Cross provides "The Country Wife," the third "an incisive and hilarious view of town life in the 17th century, production in the Performing Arts Company's (PAC) Theater with emphasis on the Playboy Festival, will open at 8 p.m. ethic." Wednesday in Fairchild Theatre. Subsequent performances will be Harry Homer, a London at 2 p.m. Satuday and at 8 p.m. gentleman, will be played by June 3 and 4. Roger Bulington, Monon, Ind., ; The play is William Mr. Sparkish by John-Paul Wycherley's Restoration comedy Mustone. E. Lansing; Sir Jaspar "The Country Wife," described Fidget by John Goodlin, E. by director Frank Rutledge as Lansing; Lady Fidget, Bea cm PANCAKE HOUSE '-llllllll ' ■ Lighthouse at The white lighthouse stands out in contrast to darkly forested hills and pale gray water at dusk Perky's delicious two piece chicken plate with crispy french fries, creamy cole slaw and a hot buttered roll - $1.10. on Crystal Lake while workers at the base of the wooden structure are silhouetted against the water in the fading light. New Hours to serve you State News photo by Terry Luke better Opposite Sears 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. 301 Clippert - Across From Frandor Friday & Saturday Julius Kovacs, professor of to learn, and this purpose is ne 337 7800 Corner MEWT0J being accomplished in Physics 4 HIGHWAY M-78 (Soqinow I physics, and George Stranahan, associate professor of physics, to 289. A new grading system was SBOX 9J Program change the format of Physics introduced this term which SOfficeS Starts At ■ J emphasized individual Bopensg I . L Physics 289 is required for incentive," they said. The material is divided into nearly 600 students in physics. Because of this the class eight units, and tests are graded incentive wasn't very high to on a pass/no pass basis. A nearly begin with, Kovacs said. perfect score is required to pass, k frankovich Instead of three lectures a Kovacs said. production 3rd Unit tests can be retaken week with a mid - term and a MICHIGAN final determining the grade, the often desired to pass. DOCTORS! Week as as GLADMER CAMPUS class has been modified to One of the advantages of the :l UilVES THEATRES consist of two lectures per week and a weekly test. course is that at his own pace, a student can work Miss Chin said. GEORGE A final is still given, but A student may work leisurely, or PEPPARD counts only 20 per cent of the pass a number of units in one grade, Maribeth Gientke, Livonia week. sophomore and Yen - Pin Chin, Although in this way "ONE Richmond, Va., sophomore, advantageous, it can also be disadvantageous for some r PATTON said. Both are members of the MORE "open 12:45 - Complete students. Five have already "The purpose of education is finished their finals, but there IP RIFLES^ TRAIN ISOHT / «: 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:05-9:11 emily bronte s PLUS ITT) fC 349 7/00 MIRIOlAN MAM TO ROB' ftifttfW GHAMt KlViH K MARSH Rll DURING TWI LITE HOUR: PLUS.. ELVIS in "CHANGE OF . UNSfNG p #[g] members of the MSU CALL tow f visions by THE EYE SEE THE LIGHT SHOW CO. Many Hlon. 1 "thling effects blend with the electronic moods of the UILLSTELILARpHONlC Aty.n*hesizer. ADVANCE TICKETS on sale no*. MOOG . . . don't miss It! 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuescli ^May2s , John Pollution control WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. focus on progress — or lack of it Blatnik, asserting "the — in the areas of water and air conducted by on probed the subcommittee investigation. But he said "we're these problems," he said. investigations and oversight, just about holding our own" Blatnik noted that federal performance by the pollution. But he added: the panel that recently looked today in halting further expenditures on water-pollution "The real problem will be the into the federal degradation of natural resources. control increased form $50 water-pollution control agency is absolutely miserable," begins lopsided distribution of people. highway-building program. "We'll have a better picture million in 1966 to $1 billion in today an examination of all Pill or no pill, this is the big "We've got the best of the magnitude of the problem 1970-71. aspects of environmental problem." investigating team on the Hill," after the hearings are Since 1956, he said, $8.5 Blatnik. chairman of the he declared. concluded," he said. billion has been spent by all pollution. The Minnesota Democrat said House Public Works Committee, Blatnik declined to predict "I'm more optimistic than governmental agencies on the prolonged investigation will said the inquiry will be the outcome of the ever before that we will lick 11,078 waste-treatment projects. "We're going to give in-depth and full consideration to FOR CHILDREN environmental issues," he said. and ecological Blatnik was criticized recently by a Ralph Nader Greeks investigating team for allegedly Recreation Center, on Abbott renovate backing away from strong action against polluters. He was ' instrumental in operated by the MSU Volunteers participated in the project, and passing the 1956 clean water Road near Lake Lansing, as a for children in the Tower in the summer of 1969 a bill, the first antipollution By CAROL THOMAS Greek Week Volunteer project. Gardens area who otherwise non-Panhellenic chairman was measure approved by Congress State News Staff Writer At the beginning of Greek wouldn't have a place to stay. It elected for the project and it was in recent years. Along with Greek Week's Week, 30 participants, most of is open after school and on officially taken over by the MSU However, the Nader team lighter side, MSU Greeks spent weekends. Children between 6 Volunteers. accused the Minnesotan of them from Delta Chi fraternity some time and effort in and Sigma Kappa and Kappa and 15 years old use the center. As a non-Greek project, the supporting Reserve Mining Co. community renovation service with a project and Alpha Theta sororities, met at the Union and proceeded to the Project SCOPE was originally initials "Students SCOPE for stand Community for efforts to delay plans to halt the daily dumping of nearly 60,000 Keep off fund-raising effort for a recreation center armed with started as a Panhellenic Council Operations through People tons of iron ore tailings into recreation center for lumber and effort, with the initials standing Effort." Lake Superior. To protect the lawn at Cowtes House from stray pushcarts and spectators, snow fences were put paint donated by for "Students for Community Ten houses participated in underprivileged children. Capitol City Lumber, Ace Reserve Mining is located at up for Saturday's Lambda Chi Junior 500 around West Circle Drive. In conjunction with the MSU Effort Through Panhellenic the project, with Delta Chi State News photo by Jeff Hardware and Wickes. Silver Bay, Minn., in the Wilner Volunteers, Greeks recurtained, Organization." Many fraternity winning the trophy painted and repaired the SCOPE The recreation center is non-Panhellenic members for largest house participation. congressman's district. Capital Capsules ( I J 0 ) > >\ The. I GOV. MILLIKEN VETOED a bill Monday A LONG-RANGE PLAN for economic that he said would have increased state payments development of northern Michigan, Wisconsin I to local school districts by $1.3 million this year. and Minnesota was sent to state department I The bill would have postponed a provision in heads Monday. I this year's state school aid appropriation to The five-year plan, which calls for investment I deduct from state payments to a local district the of $546 million in federal, state and local funds I amount that district receives from trailer park in 119 counties, was prepared by the Upper I expensive fees. Great Lakes Regional Commission. f "The purpose of (the provision) was to Gov. Milliken, who released the plan Monday. I remove the discrimination which then existed said it would be subject to review and change "in L between a school district with no trailer parks light of emerging problems and new approaches I and which receives no additional funds, and a to their solution." 1 district with licensed mobile home parks which The plan, according to the commission. I steak knife that isn't received funds," Milliken said. "My signature on would attract about $1.2 billion in private I House Bill 4061 would restore the investments and would add 100,000 new jobs in discrimination." the region. Milliken called it "unlogical and The funds, according to the plan, would be I unreasonable" to postpone the provision and add invested in higheway and airport development, I to an already projected $55 million state budget natural resource utilization, manpower training I It's free with a fill-up, 8-gallon minimum. deficit. and education, harbor improvements and! stimulation of tourism. When you're getting away for Memorial Day, go all the way into beach fashion from Small's. Jump into hotpants - look trunks, fantasia florals, or shocking solid colors. Try on a tank top or a T-shirt. Color and style are the main ingredients for beachin' 1971 and Small's has them for you. Swim suits from $7.50. Tank tops and T-shirts from $4., Each knife is expen grain vinyl, with a sively precision-mad by Royalton. The blade is care padded covering to protect your knives. Looks expensive. Small's <3s> fully hollow-ground to But it's yours for stay sharp. The solid only 770*. Then rosewood handle is complete your double-riveted to last collection with the longer. addition of this Expensively made? 4-piece matching Certainly. But the cutlery set: carving expense ends there. Each knife, fork, ham slicer one of these handsome and sandwich spreader. steak knives is free with a / All for only $1.99* after you've fill-up, 8-gallon minimum, at collected 8 steak knives. Meridian Mall Downtown participating Enco stations. Start your collection where Mon. - Fri. 10 AM -« Mon. Noon-9 PM Tues.-Thurs. IOAM-5:30lM Collect as many as you see the "Free Sat. 10 AM - 6 PM Sun. Noon - 5 PM Fri. 10 AM - 9 PM Sat. 10 AM 5:30 you like. And to store your - Steak Knife" sign knives, you'll want the special 8-place at participating knife case. It's made of durable wood- Enco stations. Humble OH & Refining Company -Suggested promotion price. nRe-T^D wetfW I HOT SAND? .COOL SANDALS1 TROWBRIDGE ROAD ENCO Ron Robbinson, Manager NOW 24 HOURS /iNnque Ph. 332-4535 how Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Tuesday, May 25, 1971 9 PHI IIIIIllllII M Records By DON KOPRIVA has been established as the on of Indiana have clocked line at Iowa State News Sportt Writer 9.3s, and LaBadie (1:48.6) the odds Dave Martin and Howard favorite, with dual victories this but Hoosiers Larry Highbaugh - on choices for 1-2 if they run outdoor campaign over the two and Mike Goodrich have run 9.4 Doughty. Big Ten track has come of here, but it looks like MSU's Intermediate Hurdels squads that finished ahead of it this year along with Ohio State's John Mock, Northwestern's Tom — age. indoors, Wisconsin and MSU. Hartwick the favorite with his Jim Harris, who will likely skip Bach And it will show just how it and Wisconsin's Don 51.3 the best in four years but But the Badgers and Spartans are the 100 to go at 440 yards. has matured this weekend when expected to be joined by Illinois Vandrey could be the big men defending champ Mark Koster of MSU's LaRue Butchee and here. Record is 1:48.0. the 71st annual outdoor meet is in the move to keep the Hoosiers Illinois (51.8) should be tough. Purdue's Don Price both have 3 Mile — Bjorklund the run on Iowa's all-weather track. from annexing another title. heavy Record is 50.7 and that too run 9.5. choice with his 13:19.7 far The only events which Most glamorous events in the could be erased. may In the mile, the be regarded as secure in the glamor event ahead of the 13:40.6 record, but 440 yard relay — Indiana the meet will likely be track's old of expected record-breaking spree track, Lee LaBadie of Illinois Dlinois' Rick Gross beat him standbys, the crowd-pleasers, the rates as the favorite on the basis favorite with a 40.1, same as the are the earlier in a dual so it could be 440-yard dash, the long 100-yard dash and the mile run. of his 3:58.8 clocking, the first meet record. jump and the discus. Conference Both are notable for various sub-four minute effort in Big interesting. Mile Relay — Illinois and meet records in all others have reasons this year. In the century, Steeplechase — Don Timm of Michigan both have 3:08.5 but Ten history. But defending been surpassed or Minnesota far ahead with his MSU may have the best approached both defending champ Herb champ Garry Bjorklund of team, this year by league athletes. 8:43.0 the all-time league best. Washington of MSU and Minnesota should be right in with Cassleman perhaps the Defending champion Indiana surprising challenger Mike Miller Defending champ Steve Kelley finest anchorman in the there, if he is entered, while of Indiana is his league. MSU's Ken Popejoy, who has biggest threat High Hurdles — Defending Field events — Indiana's Spartans never lost to LaBadie in a league titlist Dick Taylor of Bob Winchell the favorite in the meet, posted a 4:07 in practice Northwestern the favorite with last week and could challenge his a shot put with his 59-4',j far 13.7 best and one-time high school rival. Godfrey Murray ahead of both competitiors and of Michigan Other (also 13.7) on the the meet record. Wisconsin's Pat events look just Cincy as mend from an injury but MSU in Matzdorf and Minnesota's Tim exciting, and the breakdown could well repeat its 2 - 3 - 4 Heikkila both at 7-2 in the goes something like this: finish of the indoor meet with high 220 — Goodrich the favorite John Morrison, jump with Michigan's John Action for the District 4 Wayne Hart wick, Mann at 7-0, equal to the To the wire Baseball Tournament, to be held p.m. contest. The me pairings for with him a 20.6 but Butchee gave a run for the money in a record. at MSU's John Kobs Field, will Friday's lor tridav'' triple header will be determined tr'Ple from recent dual meet. Indiana's MSU's LaRue Butchee Ueft) and Indiana's Mike begin Thursday at 1 Miller and Highbaugh should Goodrich, the defending Big Ten champ in p.m. when the results of Thursday's action. the 220 yard dash, battled right to the wire in a recent Southern Illinois meets furlong with Goodrich getting the Ohio At 10 a.m. the losers of each challenge along with judges' nod. It should be the same in the league meet this weekend with the two University. of Thursday's games will meet Washington. title and their teams going for meet honors. battling for the MSU and Cincinnati will also and one team will be eliminated 440 — Mark Kartman of State News photo by meet in first Gary Kasprzyk day action in a 4 from the double elimination Wisconsin, the defending champ, IEGINS THURSDAY tourney. Following at 1 p.m. leads with 46.9 but Ohio's ficuikoAa flew, will be a contest between the indoor winner Harris and It's time for winners of the opening day. The Illinois' Ben Dozier look to be a trim, a third game Friday will be at 4 the biggest threats. 660 — Could be a kticj, £ shaping or Fans help S' p.m. between the winner of humdinger. Friday's opener and the loser of If two-time champ Mark styling tor Jlcu/i y JOHN VIGES fans have been great all year." get tourney the second game. This will eliminate another team. Saturday, the two remaining Winzemried of Wisconsin goes here, it'll be a great tussle with young stars Bob Cassleman of MSU and Ron Phillips of Illinois now at long string ends. $3.00 Tues-Wed-Thurs American Conference with a Spartans in the nightcap. After teams will play at 1 p.m. and at 549 E. Gr. River ends May 2' I State News Sports Writer 4 p.m. also entered. Record is a committee of 29-5 overall mark, were if both teams have great 332-4080 the f|rst two games, the "home" 1:16.4 but even that could go in representatives from Ball State, suffered a loss after the opener. automatically placed in the te"m will be determined by a I Three of the nation's best Ohio State, Bowling Green tournament. coin flip, the right type of race. lllege baseball teams join MSU and Kent State voted to make 880 - Winzenried (1:47.5) fhursday at John Kobs Field to i solitary position in the MSU the site of the tournament. The positions in the tournament bracket were the Rob Clancy is slated to pitch Varsity Club te World Series. opener for the Spartans and ,u j""8 "P we 11 have determ»ned by a drawing. Larry Ike will hurl the first Ihursdav t 4 play opens at on 1 p.m. the Spartan's home advantage of tit good home "owd atmosphere plus some Southern Illinois will be the on Friday. Litwhiler game "home" team againt Ohio in the determine will the pitcher for the May 27. SUPERWOLVERINE IS HERE! s MSU. Southern Illinois, l'ttle thlnes' We wil! ** us«* to 1 p.m. opener and Cincinnati is third game after the first two wF?rme,r sPa.r,®n 8r",s; ,Gen?.. University and Cincinnati sity come together to vie i^how 1to nbll to Play thThil?H. 1 th*l.he "home" team against the have been played. .how films of 1970°NFL highHg^s. spot in the national n*ht f,eld and 80 on> Litwhiler Jiurnament in Omaha, Neb. 58 ■ The tournament is an NCAA Ohio University puit in a strong PICK UP YOUR |inction, with MSU merely the bid to hold the tournament at ist team. All money from gate their park. The Bobcats have Iceipts will go to pay the ■penses of the visiting teams. been in the tourney for the past YEARBOOK four years but hav# never been ■All students, with student the host team. AT ROOM 30, STUDENT SERVICES Jentification, will pay $1 and ■ults, including faculty, will be The committee also decided ftarged 82. Each ticket is for all upon the two at large teams, ft 0 00 Tn c 30 \ games during the day. Cincinnati and Southern Illinois. AM T0 3 PM ■MSU Coach Litwhiler traveled The Salukis' were an almost laight to Columbus, Ohio from automatic pick with their 36-6 (IF YOU HAVEN'T BOUGHT YOURS le University of Illinois, where record but Cincinnati was a close k team had just split a double choice over the University of lader with the Illini, so that he Detroit. Cincinnati will carry a YET, CHECK OUT THE NEW fculdbe present and influential 2 4-16 record into the en District 4 officials met. tournament. '71 WOLVERINE AT YOUR ■Litwhiler was, in fact, a big in getting the tournament MSU, the number two team in the nation and Big 10 champion, FAVORITE BOOKSTORE) |be played at MSU. and Ohio, winner of the Mid - s able to convince the Immittee that we were I many people to the drawing games all pt,' Litwhiler said, "and we FOOT LONG Kuld get a lot of fans for the HOT DOG ■wnament. MEDIUM ■"I felt that our students really ■served to have the PEPPERONI tourney fced here. They had been PIZZA P'y great all season and part of e reason we are in the 332-6517 Jurnament ■port of our fans. is because of the DELIVERY |! went after it because our IVARSITY DRIVE INI EmiVs Restaurant preser All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner Mso every Tuesday 12" Pizza, 11tem, M« EVERY NIGHT IS LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL DOWNTOWN PITCHER NIGHT 309 N. Washington 2012 E. Michigan Ave. in the new Leonard Plaza Presents for Your Dining Pleasure Tomorrow night is it TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL the knit tops Miss J likes to collect the very last Roast Loin of Pork w/ Dressing $1.47 are cool little WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL numbers with short sleeves in comfortable, colorful $1.35 SENIOR Schensul's Famous Fried Chicken THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Broiled Chopped Sirloin Steak w/Mushrooms $1.49 cotton A in red, white or Butterfly embroidered shirt, gold navy Sizes S-M-L or brown also. $5. NIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Broiled Top Chop & Filet Mignon $1.45 B Mock turtle top with butterfly, in gold or 8 pm-2 am SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL purple also $7. C. Ribbed shirt in purple also $8. Baked Swiss Steak $1.69 A J Ah>p' at the OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Fashion show, specials, fun, etc. K^SORED by the DON'T MISS IT!! senior class council Evening Specials include roll, butter and beverage and following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. CUT AND SAVE a choice of two of the Jacob son's 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan _ Tuesday, M,v ^ St ATE NEWS state news CLASSIFIED All Student Ads Must Be Prepaid Only 7 Papers Left Til End Of Term. classified 355-8255 3558255 The State News doe* not Automotive p»nkLy speaking . by Phil Frank Aviation Employment MVaatJkK permit racial or religious MERCURY 1966 LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight WOMAN WITH governess experience, STODDARD APab"L7~--J zzmmszzEm discrimination in its 4 door, automatic, power steering, training. All courses are references, will babysit for people Furnished, 2 man SuJMEfn$M government and VA certified. Ca„,^l| radio. 4 excellent advertising columns. The tires. New going on vacation. For more _C|Q» to campu, masti State News will accept advertising which not exhaust system. Like • new interior. Needs grille. Solid body. FRANCIS Road, AVIATION, Cjll 484-1324 C Airport Information, 351-5500, extension 7174. 3-5-27 • AUTOMOTIVE Aqua. Steal at $600. 351-3823 discriminates against after 6 p.m. S CONOEING Why Fight The Scooters & Cycles religion, race, color or Employment HEAD girls Camp Iowa, Female, 21, Senior ,M- P°ol Auto Parts & Service national origin. NOVA 1967 2 door automatic. Tape Lifesaving, experience. 353-0411. Crowd? TYPISTS FULL and part time Aviation deck. Best offer, must sell. 4 5 28 Our residents afternoons & evenings, 60 wpm ♦ EMPLOYMENT 351-3489 between 10-3 p.m. their own have minimum. Apply in person, 427V4 5-5-26 FULL TIME. Start immediately, heated poo, * FOR RENT Albert St., East Lansing. 4-5pm. W Soak up the NOVA manage stereo store. Experience take a ra; Apartments 1969. 6 cylinder, 3 speed. CAREER OPPORTUNITY helpful, 351-8907. 5-6-1 relaxing dip meet your neii - Power steering, brakes. $1450. Houses Automotive 332-2310. 3-5-25 Salesman. Those approved by ARTS AND Crafts Instructor. Rooms home office can train at $150 Furnished studio 1 Summer camp for physically FOR SALE CHEVROLET, 1 962. Good weekly with 123 year old highly and 2 # condition. Call 351-9604, ask for OLDSMOBILE 1961. F85 wagon. handicapped. Prefer elementary bedroom apts Animals Automatic. $50. Call 355-4684, respected life insurance company. from Johnson. 5-5-25 - 5 p.m. 3-5-26 We are an equel opportunity and/or special Ed experience. $135/mth. Mobile Homes John A. Vargo, Bay Cliff Camp, employer. Phone 482-6275. NOW • PERSONAL CHEVROLET 1960. Mechanically 5-5-26 Marquette, Mich. 49855, LEASING 906-226-3212. 2-5-27 sound. 19 mpg. Some rust. $130. .PEANUTS PERSONAL ♦ REAL ESTATE 355-4098 3-5-27 RESEARCH SUBJECTS WANTED. BABYSITTER WANTED for 16 Burcham Woods PONTIAC FIREBIRD. 1968. 6 $2.00 for 45 minutes Wednesday month old. June 14th-18th. 7:30 745 Burcham ♦ RECREATION CHEVY IMPALA 1966 Sport Coupe cylinder, standard shift, good night. May 26th. Call 355-4463. 327. 4 speed, excellent condition. condition. $1200. 339-9354, 3-5-26 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. and with variable 351-3118 »f no answer ♦ SERVICE 353-8453. 3-5-27 353-3282. 4-5-28. hours throughout summer. After 4 -484-401 a Typing Service TYPIST: CHALLENGING, full time. p.m. 351-4346. 1-5-25 Secretarial skills helpful. $120. 126 MlLFORD • TRANSPORTATION PONTIAC, 1969. LeMans. Two door Phone Nancy, 372-7700, Summer | * WANTED hardtop. V-8. Automatic. Power PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. Leasing: only 3 ieft . I steering. Air. Bucket seats. apartments, close man® DEADLINE CHEVY II 1969. Power brakes, Console. Radio. Whitewalls. ITS A MAP OF 3-5-26 1 P.M. one class day steering, $1750. 351-4683 after 5 $2200. 349-0178. 3-5-27 RIDING MASTER and assistant, For Rent p.m. 5-5-25 before publication. PONTIAC GTO, 1968. Bucket seats, summer camp, experience preferred, salary open. Call FURNITURE RENTAL CAMPUS VIEW Cancellations - 12 noon CHEVY II 1962. 4 door, standard, 6 4 speed. Excellent condition. 351-7337, evenings. 3-5-26 Student speciel starting at $20 a 882-9019. 3-5-25 one class day before cylinder. Good transportation, month. Reserve now for Fall APARTMENTS must sell. 355-7922. 2-5-25 publication. RAMBLER AMERICAN 1968. Automotive Scooters & Cycles CASHIER. EXPERIENCED in daily Term. BISHOP FURNITURE Summer leases $45 mo. RENTAL, 4972 Northwind Drive, Across from Williams Hall PHONE CHEVELLE 1968 SS-396. Power Radio, reliable transportation. HONDA 350cc, 1970. Good deposits and balancing. $410. 351-5830. 21-6-4 Call 332-6246 ] Low mileage. $750. 353-9293. Phone Wendy, 372-7700, 355-8255 steering, brakes, vinyl top. 1965 FORD 6-cylinder. 19 miles / condition. $650. Call 337-1496, evenings. 351-8130, evenings. 2-5-26 PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. Excellent condition. 351-2403. gallon. Good condition. $450. ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. after 10 p.m. 12-6-4 3-5-26 RATES 3-5-27 351-8968. 5-5-25 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV NEED THREE girls subleasesui SIMCA 1968. Leaving town, must Excellent location, 351-3£ 1 day $1.50 sell. $500. Will bargain. 332-4793. PERSONS INTERESTED in making RENTAL, 372-4948. O COMET 1960. 2 door, good 351-0572. 10-6-2 15c per word per day transportation, clean. Call 5-5-27 Scooters & Cycles big money here and at home. Free 3 days $4.00 training, call 332-0987. 2-5-25 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction 337-0974. 3-5-26 SUMMER, FALL. One and t» 13V2c per word per day TEMPEST 1961. Excellent 1969 HONDA 175. Low mileage, 350 BRIDGESTONE. Good guaranteed. Free delivery, service bedrooms. Near campus ( PART TIME delivery help, for and pick-up. Call NEJAC, condition. Minor rust. $75. Good condition. $475. Call condition, real sharp, going into 5 days $6.50 CORVETTE, 1968. Convertible, further information call 485-6634 337-1300. C 349-3919. 5-5-28 13c per word per power disc brakes, positraction, Bargain .355-3023.3-5-25 489-1504.5-5-26 service. 393-2104. 5-5-25 day or 1 - 546-3324, Howell. 10-6-4 (based on 10 words per ad) 350 hp, 327 cu. Special wire "IORINA CONVERTIBLE 1968. HONDA 250 Scrambler; 1970 Suzuki 1970 B5A Firebird. 5300 miles. TV RENTALS - Students only. Low ONE MAN needed beginning June Rent $52.50. Close. 339-275® 1 wheels, tinted glass, four new X-RAY. HALF time registered monthly and term rates. Call Excellent body and engine X6 Scrambler. Best offer for Excellent condition. $1200. Ed 5-5-28 * Peanuts Personals must be polyglas tires. Corvette Bronze. technologist needed to work 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV condition. Brand new tires. either. 355-1570 or 355-1530. 7-7240. 5-5-25 485-6929. 8-6-4 pre-paid. Recently tuned. Call 332-0644, S-5-26 mornings. Excellent salary and RENTALS. C working conditions. Apply Norwood Apartments after 6 p.m. 5-5-28 1969 KAWASAKI 350, Street There will be a 50c service CORVETTE 1970. 350-300. 10,000 miles. Convertible. Excellent 1971 350 Motor Sport Honda. 1 Scrambler. Good condition. $550. Sparrow Hospital Personnel. Now renting large one andl and bookkeeping charge if this ad is not paid within condition. 484-9043. 5-5-25 TOYOTA CORONA 1969. White, 4 month old. $775. 694-4691 Phil 355-8748. 3-5-27 5-5-27^ Apartments two bedroom for summer andl one week. door, 4 speed. Very nice inside and out. Must sell. Let's talk price. before 4 p.m. 5-5-28 BSA 1970 650cc. Call Russ after 11 SUMMER AND part time GIRLS. STARTING summer and fall. fall. Close to campus,! DODGE CORONET. 1968. $600 or employment with merchant Reduced summer rates. Call| best offer. 332-6148, 332-8113. Call 372-1568 evenings. 4-5-28 1970 HARLEY XLH. Good shape. p.m., 351-3760. Make offer. Rentals for 2, 3 or 4 girls. The State News will be wholesaler. Automobile required. 332-2712 after 3 p.m. 3-5-25 $1900. Call 694-4691 before 4 3-5-27 Conveniently located VJ block responsible only for the TRIUMPH TR4A 1966, IRS Electric __3_51-580aq from campus. 332-2495. 5-5-25 p.m. 5-5-28 TWO GIRLS needed for ■ first day's incorrect overdrive. Must sell. 393-7638 1969 BSA 441 Victor. Excellent EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car FIAT 124 Spider 1970 - Gold, Summer. Call Betty, 351-07(1 insertion. AM-FM radio, driving lights. Only anytime. 3-5-27 HUSQVARNA 1969. 360 Enduro condition. $695 or best offer. necessary. Call 351-7319 for DUPLEX, JUNE and September. 2 3-5-25 Phone 882-7188 after 5 p.m. interview. C end 3 bedroom. Clean. Call 12,400 miles. Beautiful condition. model. New 450x18 tire, rings, $2900 or best offer. 355-6190. VOLKSWAGEN 1971 Clementine. 4-5-28 372-1629. 17-6-4 ONE OR two men, si brakes, 5 extra sprockets. $775. SPEND SUMMER ON LAKE 5-5-27 Excellent condition. $1900. 663-4812 after 5 p.m. 3-5-26 Old Cedar Village. 351-8C MICHIGAN 371-2366 after 5 am. 5-5-27 1971 OSSA Stel I eto 2&Occ APARTMENTS. SUMMER and/or .5-5-28 -4^ HONDA 1968. 450 cc. Like new. Motocrosser. 351-0576, 351-7132 next year. One half block from Wanted: couple or responsible young i Automotive VOLKSWAGEN 1963. Semi • With trail and road tires. Low from 5-10 p.m., esk for Mike. women to live In my cottage near campus. Two, three or four man. ONE BEDROOM, furnish Lemon. $125. Call 332-0091 after 4-5-28 Immediate occupancy. 126 conditioning, ample mileage. $550. 351-6108. 5-5-28 Holland. Room and board, use of ALFA ROMEO Duetto, 1968. White, 6 p.m. 5-5-26 Orchard. Phone 339-2219, parking, close to Ci FORD GALAXIE 1966. Convertible. beach, yacht club, etc., in 332-2621 after 5 with black convertible top, Burns no oil. Power. Original KAWASAKI 1971. A7SS-350. HONDA 50cc. Step through model. exchange for part time supervision __337-2082_22:6-4 p.m. 9-6-4 European equipped, radio, Pirelli owner. $650. 332-4589. 3-5-26 VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Bus. Engine Excellent condition. $750, best Red and white. 800 actual miles, of 3 older children. Weekends off. CAMPUS, neer. 227 Bogue. Small 1 FURNISHED, TWO bedrot tires, 5 speed. 33,000 miles. overhauled. Customized for offer. 332-0567. 5-5-28 like new. $195. Phone 627-9217 Contact Mrs. Berry, 351-3753. Perfect condition. bedroom, furnished, carpeted, air balcony, air. Close. Pets al $2500. Call camping. 53,000. $525. 337-9379 or 351-4456. 3-5-27 4-5-28 FIREBIRD, 1967.326, V-8, 3 speed. conditioned, $130. Larger 1 351-3373, afternoons. 2-5-25 1-652-9349, Frankenmuth, after 5 p.m. 1-5-25 CYCLE INSURANCE. Central Michigan. 5-5-28 Good condition. Must sell. bedroom, furnished $150. Married Michigan's Largest insurer. Any OFFICE SECRETARY -Some 353-7598. 4-5-28 VOLKSWAGEN couple or single girls only. Phone DON'T SIGN BUG - 1966. cycle, any rate. LLOYD'S of payroll experience preferred. AUSTIN HEALEY 489-5922. 5-5-26 Sprite, 1969. Rebuilt engine. New tires. LANSING, 332-5335, 482-5585. Apply in person. LANSING IRON Excellent condition. Low mileage. Excellent condition. 351-2554. THAT LEASE... FORD VAN, 1964. Insulated, AND METAL 1404 North Larch Reasonable. 372-7266. 5-6-1 353-2382. 5-6-1 carpeted, fair condition. Runs Street. 5-6-1 BUICK 1967. Wildcat sedan. Power good. 351-6245. 3-5-25 1970 HARLEY DAVIDSON ■ Cedar Village ■ Unless your apt. includes a VW BUS, 1964. Some rust on body. Sportster. 10,000 miles. $1700 968 Norton/Matchless 750 COUPLE NEEDED: As group foster balcony or patio, two johnsj steering, and air. $1095. 349-2533, 349-2830. 3-5-26 Call FORD STATION wagon 1966. Power steering, automatic Needs $50 motor repair. $250. 349-3383. 3-5-27 best offer. 351-4857. 5-5-27 Scrambler. Good Conscientious owner. Best offer. $850. 355-3725. 4-5-28 shape. home houseparents for children in Grand Rapids. Agency will provide house, furnishings, (8) | Apartments J walking distance to campusl on site free maintenance transmission. Michelin tires. Good condition. Phone 339-2409. 5-6-1 VOLVO 1968 P-1800 sports coupe. CHOPPER TRIKE. Zundapp frame, Honda engine. Partly finished. living expenses. Married couples, i provide continuous free* service, large roomsl Sharpest in town. Radial tires, ■ maintenance on toilets" overdrive, Daytime, 393-6045. Evenings Auto Service & Parts age 25-45 preferred, with no carpeting, and moderit CHEVROLET 1965. 2 door. 6 FORD GALAXIE, 1963 Good Blaupunkt radio. before 10 p.m., 663-8009. 2-5-25 children living at home. Husband ■garbage disposals, stoves, aira furnishings, air conditioning condition. $250. Call 489-0229 PRECISION IMPORTS, 1206 East MASON BODY SHOP may keep outside job. Salary, ! conditioners, and many otheri and congenial residenj cylinder. Standard. $450. Call Oakland. 5-5-26 , 812 East benefits. Send resume to: Group 355-3163.3-5-25 evenings. 2-5-26 WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER Kalamazoo Street . . . Sinco 1940. I appliances. Cedar Village also! managers like Frank aniP Motorcycle Insurance Specielist. Complete Foster Homes, Catholic Social I has 24 - hour emergency* JoAnne. &&&&&& Phone 489-4811. Our new address 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF auto painting and collision service. IV 5-0256. C Services, 300 Commerce Building, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502. ■ service by our on-site staff, q ^GRADUATION CAKES* CAR WASH 25c, or automatic wash, 8-6-4 | Place your order r= * BULTACO 175cc. Good wood spike. 50c. Wax and vacuum. U-DO-lt. J Now Leasing for at WATER'S EDGE and - EARLY ft Knob tires, 21" front. Street legal. 430 South Clippert, back of Koko j Summer Term ■ with Call 339-8331. 6-5-28 Bar. 0-5-25 RIVER'S EDGE i ■ ! 332 - 5051 ■ u)OSt HONDA 1970 750. New engine, 1962. CHEVY 11 body. $50. Ford ■ ■ APARTMENTS chains, tires and fairing. $1200. straight axle, Complete with at Frandor or _j| Call 332-6335. 3-5-25 steering. $75. 655-1621, evenings. ■ Bogue St. at the Red Cedar ■ 351-8862 Brookfield Plaza on Grand River )2 3-5-27 Frandor 351-5032 1970 KAWASAKI 250cc. A-1 good AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and W Brookfield 337-0832 condition, only 1000 miles. Call American cars. If we can't fix it, it All student ads prior to May 489-3970 5-5-25 after five. Best offer. can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O 20th must be paid by May CROSSWORD POZZIE 'W GUARANTEED 28th to avoid the Hold List. - repa RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 ACROSS 31 ColUngtoooia Okemos Road. 349-9620. C Live Close to Campus Walk to Classes 1. 5. 8. Hypocrisy Impersonate Dept. in France 38 33 35 36, Apartments 1. Architectural 42. molding main! 46, per MARIGOLD APARTMENTS 12. 14. System Potables 47' 48. Sir or Madam, whichever!? means... Marigold 8t Harrison 911 Marigold 15. 16. Pessimistic Frug 49. 50! 18. Bravo 51 Completely Furnished Deluxe Join the Mob at... never having to walk more Now 1 Bedroom Apartment $ 160.00 signing Summer and Fall Leases 19. 22. Leftovers Unclean: Jewish law 1 5. Spotlight Call 337-7328 351-4878 25. Wary 2 6. Flirtatious than a few feet from your All Deposits Guaranteed Returnable 29. Precious metal 30. Fruit of the 3 4. 7. Inferior nonelastic rubber 2 1— T~ 6 7 r~ 9 " «0 % 1 APARTMENTS apartment to your car... % We now brought it all together! For famous MINI-BUS. Free openers, there's the rides to and from NEW IDEA IN STUDENT LIVING " 1 »2 "5 campus 5 times a day. Goodbye to tardiness, park¬ ing meters, and gas money. Say "Hello" to the Campus Hill Mob who enjoy the romantic social with all the unlimited parking One or two Bachelor Units 'H 1 15 % 16 17 16 area. Picnic tables, Bar-B-Q pits, acres of grass along the banks of the Purple Cedar. Wow! Brand Featuring: >9 %% 16 21 22 23 new swimming pool. All per person. together for a mere $5230 there is around. Shag Carpet (new) Enclosed Pool Sauna Snack Bar - Juke Box % % 5T 25 26 w 29 ■ Central Air Conditioning ■ All Utilities included Extra Storage Extra Rooms for Guest except electricity ■ Carpeting Throughout ■ Drapes io 4i 32 ■ Completely Furnished ■ Balcony or Patio Units Call Collingwood Apartments Game Room (Pool Table - Ping Pong) 'ft % va % ■ Study Area with 33 drop lite ■ Walk thru Kitchen M 35 featuring ■ Refrigerator ■ Range ■ Disposer ■ Dishwasher ■ Laundry facilities ■ Storage and Price $129 for one — $139 for two 36 $ J« 19 MO ■ Unlimited Parking. ■ Party Room Fall leases now being accepted, $200/2 man All utilities paia except telephone %n Mi V/, v/a HH 15 46 Drop in and talk {BIBB 349-3530 $210/3 $220/4 man man to our leasing agent today. H7 % M (formerly Northwind Apts.) HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT V9 50 % Si - Call 351-8282 MODEL OPEN DAILY 2771 Northwind behind the Yankee Store 444 Michigan Avenue % va East Laming Phone: 351-7910 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 25, 1971 11 for Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale OMMATE NEEDED, luxury SUPER CHEAP. Male as fourth. furnished apartments, For Stile For Sale olex Rec room' "fep'ace. Vard, Capitol Villa this HOUSES, FOR 5 or 6. Summer. Near summer. summer leases available. LADIES. Jpeted. 351-7396. 5-5-28 332 0947. 4-5-26 Reservations now being accepted campus. Call 349-3939. 5-5-28 entrance. SINGLE room, private Close. $15 per week PORTABLE STEREO. KLH, Model 11. (Garrard turntable). Excellent CAN BE Black/White. yours. 4 Panasonic TV. USED 1968 Ritz Craft 12x50 for September. 731 BURCHAM months old. 12" furnished. 2 bedrooms. $3800. 3 bedroom apartment or Beal Street Apartments THREE 351-5705. 3 5-27 condition. Owner leaving country. screen. Call East Lansing. See these MEN sublet summer JJ, 355-9345. 5-6-1 sharp $135. 372-8520 after 5 p.m. and jr0nms with study. Carpeted luxury units including shag furnished, 3 bedroom. Just north Mornings and evenings. Kail, I block EAST weekends. 5-5-27 7Danelod throughout. Available bedroom, 2 from campus, 2 carpeting, ultra modern kitchen of campus. 351-2705. x-3-5-27 LANSING. Male students, 355-7795. 3-5-26 PENTEX SV camera, Takumar lens, term. Call 484-9772. or 3 persons single rooms, 135 f/3.5, 24 ie, furnished, balcony, with dishwasher, swimming pool, parking. f/3.5, 55 f/1.8, air Refrigerator. Call 332-5791. 8-6-4 lvORY WEDDING and veil MARSHFIELD 1969 12x65. Front beautifully landscaped gorunds,and SUMMER. FOUR man. Completely gown meter flash, filters. $320. conditioning. Open 6 -7:30 p.m., .. Size 7. Shown on cover Bride's living room, 2 bedrooms, new furnished, carpeted. 5 minutes 355-8209 after 5 p.m. 5-6-1 , , Monday , - Thursday. 216 Beal St., ample parking. Only $160. "Z Apt. 2A. 351-6088 Open from Berkey. 332-3795. 3-5-27 „ . magazine. Call 332-5235 after 5 carpeting. Furnished, unfurnished, THREE men for University or 349-1076. daily and Sunday 10 a.m. - tor bale skirting. Corner lot at Brookview. _ 1-6 p.m. 351-7212. noon, p.m. 3-5-26 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. race. Summer. No deposit. O 625-7186, lot 54. 5-5-26 GIRL NEEDED for TOGETHER HOUSE for sublet. Brand 332-0150. 5-5-27 summer. Cheap. new portables - $49.95, Close to CLOSE TO downtown Summer. 4 FREE PARKING at rear of PLASTIC INFLATABLE furniture. $5.00 campus. 351-5919. bedrooms store, for per month. Large selection Lansing. East Many styles. Low prices. Call KING ARTHUR'S Court. Baron 3-5-25 your ^LEASING for summer and fall Hazel corner South Washington. $260/month. Great location. Call after 6 p.m. 337-9656. 3-5-27 DISCOUNT, convenience. OPTICAL 2615 East Michigan 337-9215 noon midnight. 9-6-4 of reconditioned used machines. mobile home. 12x50 with front 1()(| apartment for 3 girls, Small furnished, quiet, parking. - Singers, Whites, Necchis, New PRIVATE Avenue. 372-7409. C-5-5-28 Home & kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, single room. 6 blocks to - TWO rooms, bath. $85,351-8399. 8 6-4 "Many Others." $19.95 Furnished. Utilities paid. SUMMER SUBLET: 4 man, $50 SPEED QUEEN portable washer. power humidifier, carpeting and s Paiking. 694-8266 after 5 Parking. per to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS $90. Excellent condition. more. Small down payment will Male(s), person, deposit. Call 337-0671. SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49; chest, DISTRIBUTING lm. 10-6 1 or grads or seniors. Summer fall. 1214 East Kalamazoo MARRIED STUDENTS 3-527 $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC 355-3182. 3-5-26 1115 COMPANY, «ith cing North Washington, & FACULTY assistance. For a personal showing, 6-5-28 SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 489-6448 C-5-27 NEW SUNN AMPLIFIER. Excellent call Dave Swank, 882-3527 or BI-LEVEL duplex, in East ONE BLOCK east of MSU. NO SECURITY Lansing. 3 condition. $800 or best offer. 5 SPEED men's Schwinn. 372-7943, HUBBELL REALTY One bedrooms, air Phone 353-1833. 3-5-27 Like new COMPANY, REALTORS. 3-5-26 _ |0US living and summer bedroom unfurnished. Carpeting, DEPOSIT REQUIRED conditioned, unfurnished. SONY STR6065 receiver. AR3a condition. Complete with basket Available summer only. Reduced chain lock. Cost over (for the young at heart, appliances, parking, air speakers. Other components. IGNITION $90, new. KOZY 10x57 Expando. conditioning. Call ED 2-1703 KNOB HILL rent. Call 337-0600, 351-8932. 351-8907 until midnight. 5-5-27 ANALYZER, Heath $55. 351-3283. 1-5-25 Living room lympic pool I Club 3-5-25 B1-5-25 Oscilloscope - type, complete with fully shag carpeted. Excellent i/ior TV Exercise Room APARTMENTS manuals. $50. 351-2240. 1-5-25 condition. 694-0836. 3-5-27 WATERBED FRAMES $35 Unas Pool Tables SUBLET. ONE 349-4700 NICE ROOM for summer. Girl. Share REBIRTH, and up. Animals bedroom, 402 East Michigan, TELEVISION, $30. Man's bike, $12. Wyball unfurnished. Carpeted, air Open: 11:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat. house. Close. Also basement Lansing, 489-6168. TF Lost & Found Girl's bike, 20", $15. 24'., $10. ebdr. apt*, from $155. conditioned, pool, storage. room. 351-3439. 2-5-26 355-3002. 3-5-27 Udr. apis, from $190. 349-2748. 3-5-25 2:00-5:00 Sunday STEREOS LOST: GREEN sleeping bag Lp ^(jr apts. from $220. Also shown by appointment Receivers, $59.95 up. Speaker sets, CRAIG *8 track car player. Many to peace vigil. Demonstration Hall. «0DHLS OPEN DAILY THREE GIRLS. Summer sublet. No On Okemos Rd. Across $19.95 up. Compact stereos, choose from. The latest iri Please return. Jane, 353-0534. 3-5-27 T n A.M.. 7 P.M. damage deposit. $39.50 up. 8 track automatic tape $50/month. from Okemos High School Unswipeables at MARSHALL 351-2367. 3-5-27 2 players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, MUSIC. C-1-5-25 FREE SHELTIE, half FOUND: SMALL two month old BEDROOM home. Grad c ;[ADOWBROOK TRACE EAST SIDE. Furnished. One bedroom apartment. $110 and ONE MAN needed to sublet summer. Americana. $57.50. 351-3195 Bill. instructor. Call after 7 p.nr 337-9322. 4-5-28 used $2.50, new $4.00. Stereo albums $1.50 down. Italian wall SCHWINN 10 speed bike with years old. Male. To 339-2409. 5-6-1 - a size collie. 3 good home. champange 353-2757. 1-5-25 colored pup. Call tapestries. Oriental bedspreads. accessories. Practically new. $75. Call 3-5-27 ut 496 East to Jolly Rd. deposit. 332-5590. 8-6-4 AM-FM clock and portable radios. 372-1568 evenings. 4-5-28 TV GERMAN SHEPHERDS —AKC Personal I exit, then to corner of sets, walkie talkies, tape pups. Studs. Ruth's, 14645 TWO GIRLS sublet recorder, and STEREO Bunckel and Jolly spacious surf board. RECORDS, half price. Airport Road. 484-4026. 1-5-25 IF YOU have a problem 0210 apartment. Summer. Burcham SHEPHERD Merchandise tested and Stereo record player. Wanted: pregnancy, STREET. 2 bedroom. the help you need to Woods, pool. 351-2243. 3-5-27 guaranteed. WILCOX Back pack and sleeping bag. bring this Stove, refrigerator. Available June HALF GERMAN CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham SECONDHAND STORE, 509 E. 332-1906. 1-5-25 shepherd, half baby to full term will be provided ' ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED. 1st. $150 per month. Deposit. huskie pups. $10. 135 Kedzie. 2 man Michigan, Inquire 127 by calling either 669-9389 or GIRL NEED FALL and/or spring. 3 Block to campus. $140. 351-7253 Phone 372-8130 after 6 p.m. 8-6-4 Lansing. Phone Ferguson. 5-5-25 482-6585. 5-5-28 Wished apartments. Includes man 485-4391. Hours daily: 8 a.m. U.S. AIR Force Officer's dress Twickingham. 355-4339. or 332-6109. 1-5-25 - t $62.50 to $90 per man. 3-5-27 5:30 p.m. C uniform. V, price. Sue, 351-0303. SUMMER, JUNE 15 - September 13. FREE: ADORABLE kittens, box ALWAYS OPEN, 8-5:30 rting June 15 and Sept. Near campus. Furnished. 1-5-25 p.m. NEEDED 1 man for summer Parking. trained. Weaned. 641-4035 after UNION BUILDING BARBER Days,487-3216. Evenings til 10 sublease. MARTIN D35 guitar. Plays well. Call SHOP Capital Villa. Cheap. 332-8903. 4-5-28 noon. 5-5-26 C-5-25 12-2316. O 337-0004. Rich, 351-5869. O SONY 340 tape recorder. Sansui 125 CEDAR GREENS 8-6-4 watt amp. Head phone, 1 bedroom 2 PERSONS needed for summei tapes. 2 OH FREE A lesson in SALE: OLD BOOKS & HERM, How could You? furnishod ... years old. '/> price. 372-5841. Free complexion possible fall. Own rooms. Close t MAGAZINES care. Call ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom, Playboys, comics, science puppies / seven weeks. 393-0067 484-4519, East Michigan POOL unfurnished with garage and sun campus. Liberal i fiction, __b5-25_ 3-5-25 or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. nostalgia. Call 351-8631 deck. Near Capitol. 484-1938 351-1982.8-6 4 CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS after 7 p.m. 3-5-27 541 Grand River (below canisters and uprights. Guaranteed KITTENS, YOUNG male cats, free, STUDIOS. C-5-27 jOWBROOK TRACE 1 girl to SUMMER. TWO bedrooms. Partially Paramount) one full year. $7.88 and delivered to 1 -6 p.m. 13-6-4 up. friendly people furnished 2 bedroom SUMMER. 2 man furnished furnished. One block to campus. DENNIS 482-3857. 3-5-26 LSAT, ATGSB and GRE Board ONE BEDROOM apartment for DISTRIBUTING snt. Lease ends September. apartment air conditioned. Across 2, 3 $180. 337-2256. 3-5-27 summer. Cheap. Grove Street. WATER BED UNITS, COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Exams. Kaplan tutoring classes •1393-6545 after 7 p.m. 5-5-26 from campus.133 Durand. No. mattress, liner, 3-5-27 11. Evenings 337-2035. 1-5-25 heater and frame, $76 any size. Opposite City Market. C-5-27 Mobile Homes now being formed for and August exams. Call June, July Rooms REBIRTH, 402 East (313) ROOMS FOR sumn Michigan, RIDING LAWNMOWER Simplicity 5 851-6077 collect. 16-6-4 HURRY SUMMER TERM man. $120 for 9-6-4 SINGLE ROOMS. $110 summer. Lansing. 489-6168. TF horsepower with snowplow. $200. Call after 7 p.m. 349-4817. C-5-28 MICRO WAVE oven. Brand PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY in Furnished, spacious new. AND JOIN 3 ot 4 people. Air apartments for excellent campus location, from conditioned, 2, Houses Free utilities. Near campus. Call 337-1714. 3-5-26 $325. Can be seen at GAMBLE'S STORE, Williamston or phone 1970 PANASONIC Color TV. Waranteed. Best offer. 353-9777 CHAMPION natural Fieasonab'e settings rates on campus. 485-8048 after 1964. 10x55. 2 655-3725. 5-5-26 5 p.m. 5-5-24 HE FUN . . . $45 per 337 2082. 8-6-4 man. 126 Orcharc', OWN ROOM. Summer. Rent ROOMS, MALES. Summer and fall. Kitchen privileges. Parking. LOCATE LOST PETS or 626-6476. 16" portable. 2-5-26 bedroom in good condition. negotiable. Utilities fast. Dial 16 FOOT Sloop. Trailer, extra sails. Located in quiet park on Grand NEED GOOD WORKERS? paid. 349-3919. 5-5-28 355-8255 now for Help block from campus FURNISHED 3 351-1376.3-5-25 a quick - action All fine condition. 349-1243. River Ave. in Williamston Wanted Ads in Classified room upstaris Classified Ari. get 'em X1-5-25 655-2684. 5-5-28 fast! Dial 355-8255 now. apartment for one mature person. GUYS - GIRLS. For summer. .IVER'S EDGE and Near SUMMER THREE bedrooms for 6 shopping and bus, St. - Cooking. Call 351-0798, 10 a.m Your - Lawrence Hospital and students. Two blocks from 3 p.m. 9-6-4 WATER'S EDGE ; APARTMENTS n, per mo. summer riVo- including utilities. Call Robinson, 372-7610 2-5-26 or $115 Mrs. 485-3045. campus. Call Kiger, 351-2103 or 355-1627. B3-5-25 SUMMER. 2 girls needed to share modern house. Call SPARTAN women. Now HALL', -singrfesy Umeri, leasing for summer fall. 351-9286, 372-1031. O Blueprint ISee Frank, 351-8862 351-1425 ROOM FOR man. Over Revco SUMMER SUBLET. One bedroom 5-5-25 store. and den furnished. Luxury, golf 21114 Grand River, upstairs. TWO party furnished course, pool, lake. Faculty, grad 5-5-25 SUMMER FOUR girls near campus. noes. Air or couple. $170. Lake of the 2 conditioned, close Hills, baths, laundry, parking. 135 nyus. $135 summer. $150 Haslett. 339-9354, 353-3282, Cedar. 15-6-4 'ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. CaH 484-0585, Wellhofer. 4-5-28 484-1328. Completely furnished. 372-8077 FOUR before 4 p.m. C MEN needed to fill jLOVELY, FURNISHED efficiency large, clean house near and one - bedroom apartments. campus. MEN: NOW renting for summer and 393-7094 after 5 p.m. 11-6-4 fall. Furnished, paneled, Available June. $120-$140. carpeted, 349 3604 3-5-27 parking, cooking and laundry EAST LANSING. Three blocks from facilities. Two blocks from VER HOUSE & ALBERT campus. Four bedroom house for 1 OR 2 campus. Call Don Kiger, 351-2103 girls wanted for apartment 6 men APARTMENTS school year 1971-72. Call or women students. Full or 355-1627. B-5-5-25 353-6019 basement, furnished, available or 353-1049. 4-5-28 June & 15th Summer, 1 block from - September 15th, 3 MEN. CLEAN quiet rooms. Summer month lease. Contact Mr. pus, 1 2 bedroom, 2 • 4 - UNFURNISHED EXCEPT for stove Caster. . Cooking, close to campus. 485-3211, ext. 340, 489-0237 furnished, balcony, and refrigerator. South end near after 5 p.m. 6-5-28 487-5753.0 conditioning, study. Reo. 2 bedroom lower apartment, ROOMS. THREE DICED SUMMER utilities furnished. Adults only. EAST OF blocks from ES. 204 River No campus. 10 miles. New campus. Air conditioned. St., Apt. pets. $130 per month plus country home. Available for fall. $12/week. 332-2501. 3-5-27 1-3484 or 332-0255. deposit. Call Ovid 834-5235. Furnished for 4 conservative men. 3-5-27 $225. 351-3969. O MALE TIAN FEMALE grad wants - FURNISHED, comfortable, ONE MAN, summer, ideal location. quiet, clean, neat. Near. Free Air conditioning, pool, balcony, WEST OF campus. 2 miles. Newly parking. 332-3094. 3-5-27 inexpensive. Call 351-2648. 3-5-27 remodeled. Furnished, 3 bedroom, TWO $225. 351-3969. O SINGLE rooms for summer. Male students. Linens furnished. 1 bedroom. Call SUMMER SUBLEASE. Two bedrooms. $136.84/month. LUXURY LIVING for summer. Nice 332-1682. 3-5-27 Capitol Villa. Call Chris, 5 bedroom and beautiful 3 LEASING FOR summer and ERVISED APARTMENTS 677-3241. 5-6-1 bedroom for 5 and 4 persons. Call term. Furnished fall 351-3118 between 6 8 single rooms for - p.m. girls. 6 blocks to campus. Parking. renting 3 and 4 man 12-6-4 ,enc|es for Phone 694-8266 after noon. Still a few places summer and 4-5-28 $650 per term total. LIVE IN Ulrey House Co-op summer. GIRL FOR summer, furnished, c ROOMS FOR summer $10 per - MODcL APT. C-17 OPEN Room / board. $200 term. 351-6317 room. No deposit. 489-9333 Guys week- 00 ,ease- amP,e Parking, EVERYDAY 1 6 except and girls. Call 351-0100. 5-5-27 close t0 campus, men only. Call - Sunday 355-7682 2-5 26 •••••••••• 351-8096. 3-5-27 left for summer & fall MARINA NYLANDER, CALL 484 3494 GIRLS - SUPERVISED % J 0R'urnished. "1< East Lansing. One OFF-CAMPUS APARTMENTS £ £ ^ } SEVEN711ELEVEN Burcham E. Lansing — APARTMENTS J \L TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now These spacious luxury apartments are completely furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean leasing student units. carpeted and Large, airy furniture. Each Now leasing for fall. ® ^ Large Deluxe Completely Furnished ^ unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control Across from Williams One Bedroom £ - Apartment central air conditioning and Hotpoint appliances. These four man q ^ Hall on Michigan Ave. 800 square feet of Comfortable Living 3 mo. leases units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time $70 person. a month Call evenings. W per ^ * Air Conditioned Summer Lease $140.00 has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, 6 mo. leases Fully carpeted Fall Leases Available 9 mo. leases ^ recreation rooms and private balconies. If i you want to be among the Call 337-7328 U, MAYBE. WHEM 332-6246 • 337-0780 J first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units 12 mo. leases WS dads it was - Deposits Held in Escrow ity - Returned Expiratioi starting at S69/month per man. f WISTWATCH, ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Only 3 and 4 since; ml 6AVE man apts., ]° me.,now it's eLEOW watc+4 1 APARTMENT DISCOUNT starting fall Summer from $37.50 — Fall from $52.50 term We manage 9 apartment buildings and have an apartment for every need. Apartments Addresses Phone * Bay Colony Haslett 81 Hagadorr 351-3211 Beechwood 1130 Beech Street 351-0965 QTtopckmgijam Delta Arms 235 Delta 3930625 Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen 332-1313 Haslett Arms 135 Collingwood 351 7662 * Princeton Arms 1308 Haslett Road 332-3511 * North Pointe 1240 Haslett Road 351-3407 University Terrace 444 Michigan Avenue 351-9117 University Villa 635 Abbott Road 337-2361 £ twckia/GHAM 4620 S. HAGADORN just north *ln view of Campus ^— ■APTS. of Mt. Hope Rd. **Pool or Pool Privileges Models open at each complex Monday through Saturday from 3 - 5 p.m. MtlAtCUFF W. management exclusively by: Contact apartment or Resident Manager today at above telephone numbers for your choice of call HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT. 444 Michigan Ave. East Lansmg - ' MT.nort RD. ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY 351-791Q- 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Peanuts Pergonal IN PANTHER CASE THE PHI MU's know how to make a Judge declares mistrial birthday really happy. Thanks - to Curt and Mike too. Joni. 1-5-25 "We still feel Robert L. Gauthier, a 30 - year TO THE Sweetest Mellen; happy (Continued from p e one) opinions and listen with candor to each other's arguments." deadlocked on all nine charges. we are old white telephone equipment *» our ad tj notification by the jury late The judge then advised the We still feel it is in vain to installer. 25th and more so a very happy 1st. We've passed my mark for the Monday morning that it could jurors not to resume continue any longer." The judge then declared a shnn shop ,rnm'from each week first half and the second leg is a not reach a verdict on any of the deliberations until they had "Mr. foreman, are you telling mistrial in each case, and told the sure thing. LFEAA, CDIR. 1-5-25 charges against either defendant. He instructed the jurors "to pay finished lunch. But lVi hours after lunch. Mulvey received a me that you can't agree on any of the charges?" Mulvey asked. jury, "I know you labored long and hard on this matter." He and you'll save money, lust proper respect to each other's note that said: "Yes," said the foreman, ordered the jurors not to speak Heal Estate to newsmen because he said tear it out, check the items you SOUTHEAST - ELEGANT 4 more publicity might jeopardize Guardsmen the chances of fair trials in the want plus any others you need: patrol bedroom tri - level featuring cozy family room, with charming future. fireplace. There are 2 full baths, For Seale and his attorneys, MEATS formal living room, full basement with furnace room and 2 car (Continued from page one) Memorial Auditorium. But he refused to appear, saying he had $8,000 worth of windows in nearby business firms. the outcome was disappointment. They made no a CZIiiERQ attached enhance garage. this To further lovely home, the "We are dealing with marauding bands of criminals not been paid in advance. Police, said young blacks, in Nobody was arrested for secret of their belief that the several hours, but officers began state's case against the Panther □ Spartan All-Meat □ Spartan 12 oz. chairman was weak, and had protest, tore up the box office picking up persons who were out professionally landscaped, and offers a unique terraced patio who have the respect of no one, black or white," Roberts said. at the auditorium, causing about after police ordered the streets predicted an early acquittal. Skinless Franks Catsup adjacent to a beautifully wooded area. owner FHA and VA terms, or will consider land contract. Pickett had been scheduled to perform in the city-owned $2,500 damage, and then took cleared. Several of those arrested to the streets and broke about said they had nothing to do with widely held opinions about the The trial began Nov. 17, but defendants and the Black 99c 15c the demonstration. Call Dave Swank, 882-3527 or Scattered incidents of rock Panthers impeded jury selection, 372-7943, HUBBELL REALTY COMPANY, Realtors. 4-5-27 and stick throwing began anew Saturday afternoon, when and testimony did not get under way until March 18. The defense presented 11 witnesses and the □ Hygrade W. Va. □ Spartan EAST LANSING by owner. Spacious Mayor Walker declared a state of Colonial in central school area. This lovely home has been emergency. The state of emergency prosecution 15. Testimony took 20 court days. Semi-Boneless Ham Napkins Fellowship will r Realization 79c Self completely updated, redecorated includes the curfew and the 73c - ft t ASMSU from 9 and carpeted. Large living room, present the ancient science of yoga, Wedne lay and fro An week course stressing the halting of liquor sales as well as - dining room, family room, new to S p m ' sales of gasoline except directly kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1J4 baths. term. Cali yo*a Pos<"res- proper breathing. 35 3-0659 for an appointment. There relaxation, diet and meditation will into the tanks of automobiles. Shady double lot. Call owner at 351-7098. 3-5-25 is a S3 nominal charge. When coming b„e«ln 81 8 P-m- Thursday in Peoples for an appointment, please check in Shurc small gym in the basement. □ Hygrade Ball Park □ Kraft P,a'n or smoked Recreation at the ASMSU business Student Services Bldg. office, 307-B >r information, call Millie Stinson 482-1929. Alumni awards UNION BOARD OFFERS The Chri sekly ian Science imonial Organization meetings at The ski club wi" meet at 7:30 P-m- today in 204 Men's Intramural (Continued from page one) Commerce and is chairman of Franks Barbecue Sauce Eurail International I.D., the chamber's Respect for Law passes, Tuesday in the 81 dS- to set UP rides and «iv< 29 Travel Insurance, auto and bike 18 ounce and Order Committee. He is also sales and rentals, maps and Memorial Day weekend canoe trip. Manufacturing Co. in 1939. 79c There are still a few remaining spaces, a member of the Governor's 1 lb. package optional tours. UNION BOARD Peters joined the Aurora TRAVEL OFFICE. Open 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call 353-9777. ; Chess Club will meet at 7:30 Wednesday in East Holmes Hall ir Lounge. Please bring sets. si*n " UPS w*11 be ,aken at the meeting. Preliminary elections for officers will be held. Metal Corp. in 1941 and has served as an engineer and Advisory Council and the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission. Peters is active in numerous □ Seven-Up C-5-25 £ext y technical adviser to the professional societies, including Europe Summer '71 president; vice president of the $220 Round Trip — Intra European Chartered - Jet AIR Service Interested in working on 240 tons of mechanical challenge? The Railroad Club has it from Baker to firm and its board of directors, and from 1954 to 1957 as the American Society for Metals, American Foundrymen's □ Genuine Spring non-returnable 6-16 oz. bottles ^« / *C Worthington. How about railroading? Society, Illinois Society of president. He has been chairman Professional Engineers, National flights, Eurail Pass, They have it from ATSF to Wabash. of the board since 1957. Britrail Pass & Cycle rental Chartered PROFESSIONAL TYPIST seeks term papers, theses. Best rates, speedy Come meet witn tne Railroad Club at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union Oak He is a member of the board Society of Professional Engineers and the American Management Leg-O-Lamb of directors and vice president of □ - flights to Africa, Israel and India. service. 351-4619. 19-6-4 TYPING - TERM papers and theses. The Committee to Abolish ROTC will meet at 8 p.m. today in 36B the Illinois State Chamber of Assn., the Union League of Chicago. wh°le LB 98C Call Frank Buck Electric typewriter, fast service. 351 8604 or N.U.S. 393-1616 Call 349-1904. 18-6-4 Union. All are coordinate the welcome petition plan activities to accompany it. to drive help and □ UNION BOARD PRESENTS Dodd dies □ □ PROFESSIONAL European flights: Detroit to London. The Michigan Youth. Politics THESIS 6/15 - 9/3, $229; 6/24 - 8/24, Institute will hold a recruitment $229; 6/25 - 9/11, $209: 6/27 - 9/7, $229: 8/9 - 9/14, $199. PREPARATION meeting for researchers to do work in their local communities over the (Continued from page one) Dodd claimed later he to Duffey's Weicker's 454,271. 368,118 and □ Detroit to Frankfurt, 8/1 - 9/1, summer at 7:30 p.m. today in 106 use. Dodd remained active after I PRODUCE I $219. Caledonia Airlines. Call 353-9777. C-5-24 Holden Hall and 9 p.m. today in the Brody Auditorium. had been vindicated. The Justice Dept. in December, 1969, said it losing the race. Barbarette said he planned to reregister this □ 231 Complet« Professional Tkiilt Servico Ur had examined Dodd's income OFFJCIAL PASSPORT photos - job Master's mil Doctoral Candidates Free Brochure and Consultation, Please Call The Society for Asian Studies will meet to review the past year's tax records and could find no week as a Democrat. There speculation he would was for the □ Head Lettuce application photos in 15 minutes. PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL Cliff and Paula Haufhey 337 1H7 or $27 2931. activities and prepare for next year at 6 p.m. today in 204 International ground for criminal prosecution. Dodd U.S. House next run year, but I FROZEN FCODS I 351-6262. ran as an independent Barbarette said Dodd had □ Cello Carrots, J5CP Anything Center. Election for next year's no THESES RUN for only 7c per page. last year for a third term in the photographed anywhere. 21-6-4 officers will be held. All are such plans. ISAS MEMBER charter flights to THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East Grand River. Phone 332-4222 welcome. the Senate, but finished Democrat Joseph Duffey and behind I I Pet Ritz ,"fia,°" Europe. Student travel information C-5-5-28 The last scheduled Blockand Bridle Club will be held at r Lowell P. Weicker Jr., the YES TWO I0HNS 19c . . Contact: Tom Cook. Cream Pies $p| Telephone 7:30 today in 131 Anthony successful candidate. He told p.m. PER APARTMENT - No. 351-4335, Monday - Friday, 7 11 p.m. B-5-24 Transportation Hall. Election of next year's officers anddiscussion of this year's events will be held. Refreshments will be supporters he was running to clear the blot from his record. □ Kingsford EUROPE $194. Studentours round trip jet to London. Summer 1971. SHARE CAR expenses, Leaving around June 14th. Mexico. served. Robin Morgan, editor of He said as he announced his independent candidacy that the □ Charcoal party "bosses" were against him Call Eddie, 393-7520. 33-6-4 355-7915, 353-3281. 5-5-26 "Sisterhood is Powerful," will speak on "Feminism and the State of Women's Liberation Movement" at , and that he would not compete for the Democratic party nod. WATER'S EDGE APARTMENTS □ LARRY'S ONLY GOODRICH'S 1 Service Wanted 7:30 today in the Union See Frank 351-8862 Sanders Vanilla 1 □ p.m. Dodd received We carry a 266,497 votes complete PAINTING TWO supply of package Ice Cream qqc 1 EXTERIOR. Free GIRLS to move into house Inter - Varsity Fellowship will hold liquor % gallon // 1 estimates. Grad experienced, references. Brighten students, until August 25 with 3 others. $60/monthly. Call 882-9751 after a prayer meeting at 8 p.m. today in Bethel Manor, 803 E. Grand River Yes Seniors, It's the Last I DAIRY I up your house for 5:30 p.m. 2-5-25 spring. 349-4817. C CD Orchard Grove MISCELLANEOUS SENIOR PAINTING, INTERIOR - Exterior. wilderness trip? The Outing Club Experienced invites all to join. The club meets at 7 Over 21. Free estimates. No small. 489-4596. S-5-28 job too big / too BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for p.m. every Tuesday in 116 Natural Science Bldg. Fruit Drinks □ all positive. A negative, B negative 3/89C Attention anthropology majors: 54 gallon □ SAILING LESSONS and AB negative, $10.00. O and sailboat The second student - faculty coffee rentals by appointment. Call negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN hour will be held at 8 p.m. today at NIGHT CAPTN JACK, 349-4757. 7-5-28 COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 2 39 Collingwood Drive. Call Judy Typing Service 507V4 East Grand Lansing. Agove the Book Store. Hours: 9 River, East new a.m. to Campus 3:30 Tardoffat 35 3-6722 for details. □ □ THE ONLY p.m., Monday, Thursday and ERMANENT □ □ f. ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 HAIR REMOVAL offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, P.m. to COUPLE 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C NEEDS ELECTROLISIS IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE TOMORROW NIGHT, 8pm-2am manuscripts, general typing. IBM. furnished, air (with Doctor's 21 years conditioned apartment or house Prescription) experience. 349-0850. C at the <3 for July. 337-7495. 2-5-26 COMPLETE THESES service. 25c cover Discount printing. IBM typing and ERRAND MAN. I'll try anything. Virginia Hanchett Light or heavy work. Call 13 yrs. local experience binding of theses, resumes, SPONSORED BY THE SENIOR CLASS COUNCIL 351-3873. 3-5-27 110 E. Baker St. 484-1632 publications. Across from campus, corner MAC and Grand River, APARTMENT IN below Style Shop. Call COPYGRAPH for first 5 week term of summer GOODRICH'S SHOPRITE LARRY'S SHOPRITE SERVICES, school. Call 1-631-5759. 5-6-1 In Spartan Shopping Center, 337-1666. C Harrison at Trowbridge. Between Spartan Village and Cherry Lane Campus. Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 KAY'S TYPING service. Theses, Sunday dissertations, M T W Th Apts. Hours: Mon. - Frl. 9 to 9, to 9. Frl. & Sat. 9 to 10. BULLETIN manuscripts, term Saturday 9 to 6. 11 to 5. papers, etc. 393-3588. B-1-5-25 foot long _ _ SPECIAL COUPON! TYPIST. BOOKKEEPING home. Dictaphonework accepted. in my hot dog 50 medium Pick - up and delivery, for faculty or business. 655-3458. B 5 27 pepperoni 1 cn pizza I.JU GRADUATING SENIORS Macaroni & Cheese BARB I MEL: Typing, multilithing. No job too large Block off campus. 332-3255. C or too small. 332-6517 delivery TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. Rapid accurate Experienced. 393-4075. O service. VARSITY DRIVE IN GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS LOOK TO US ARE NOW AVAILABLE Dinner 1'/, m. 2/2% FOR QUALITY SPECIAL COUPON! •complete selection ot FOR PURCHASE Hawaiian Punch • Sunglasses and wire - rims 9/.qt| •prescription lenses ground H •repairs while you wait ^SKmJa 9m Limited Supply — Get Yours Now feat&i Ofdicicuv^ * ^ ALL FLAVORS 46 oz. ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. MSU BOOK STORE 2 with $5.00 Purc' Suite 212 332-5222