House panel Thursday MICHIGAN definition of WASHINGTON (AP) .oncressional definition of obscenity, diking the Supreme Court's ontroversial "redeeming social mportance" test, was approved i mi THooSrh UNIVERSITY Volume 63 Number 189 STATE East TATE MEWS Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 27, 1971 Jjnesdav by a House subcommittee. ourLAweDi The definition would apply to nvthing that "has its predominant Dpeal t" the Prur'enl interests when onsidcred as a whole by ontemporary community standards." The definition would specify that .vthing obscene under its standards id automatically be deemed to Senate halts move to raise Vc „n redeeming social importance. "Any slight value in such matter," proposed military proposed definition "shall be hikes Vs jgmed outweighed by the social terest.s in order and morality." The ite proposed act, In effect, would into law the Supreme Court's st that material is obscene when it meals to the prurient interests and is the WASHINGTON (AP) Nixon — The Senate gave volunteer Army, came as a blow to enough time for the government pay to administration a victory opponents of the administration's two to move by making the draft "a red hot issue" in a volunteer force and said [tensive to contemporary community Wednesday in its fight for a two year - year extension proposal. - a one - year the 1972 campaign and would probably draft extension by extension on June 30, tandards. rejecting a move to 1972, making it "a force action in a lame - duck political football" in the 1972 presidential congressional But it would strike the court's third increase sharply the proposed military pay Supporters of the one - year extension session after the election. ,( - which critics contend has raises. said an increase in pay raises from the $1 campaign when 18 - year • olds will vote "That's the worst possible time we could billion urged by the Nixon administration for the first time. pened the way for much of the The vote was 42 to 31. to the $2.7 billion voted earlier Stennis said, however, than an 18 select to have this matter expire from a irrent sexually explicit material - by the - practical, political standpoint." Earlier, clearing the decks for a Memorial House would improve their chances of month extension would do the same Stennis iat the matter be proved to have no thing said. Day recess and next week's showdown on defeating the House :ially redeeming importance. the - passed two - year proposal for a one - year draft extension in a vote scheduled for June. The proposed act would prohibit jiling obscene matter to homes in [hich minors under 17 live unless it is :ifically addressed to an adult. extension, it voted 67 to extend the draft for 18 The vote to 8 against a move months. against the amendment The votes the last on on the been debating for three the two amendments bill, which the Senate has were Examiners fi weeks, until after increasing the pay raises, which are the Memorial Day recess which began designed as an incentive to attract more volunteers and make possible an all - Wednesday night for the Senate and starts today for the House. The administration asked that the pay defies voting INALS POLICY raises be spread over two amendment combines them all in one years, while the year. WASHINGTON (AP) — Black voters are he was making no distinction in removing Sen. John C. Stennis, D-Miss., chairman being purged from the registration rolls in voters. of the Armed Services Committee and Mississippi in defiance of the Voting Rights Norman said later a member of his staff floor manager of the draft Act and the Department of measure, read Justice, House reached Knight by phone during the lunch investigators said Wednesday. Exam the Senate a letter from members of and received assurances that changes urged the recess Joint Chiefs of Staff, or their Rep. Don Edwards, D Calif., presiding Knight deputies, - would meet with over House judiciary subcommittee persons improperly opposing the pay amendment. purged and see that they were restored to "The necessity to absorb any substantial hearings on enforcement of the Voting the rolls. portion of the proposed additional pay- Rights Act. said in Jones County 34,000 By STEVE WATERBURV A subcommittee increase of voters have been taken off the rolls since investigator said later course, instruction, or other educational examinations scheduled during one day approximately $1.7 billion at federally registered black voters had been State News Staff Writer the expense of other March 1 and only 15,000 restored. activities. accounts," they said, If may take his class schedule to the asst. "would severely disrupt essential defense Among those removed, he said, purged in nine other Mississippi counties, a faculty member decides to hold a were deans office in his college who will black none of which had received the University Educational Policies final arrange programs and substantially impair our voters registered by federal attorney Litter (EPC) will recommend to the examination, it may not be scheduled for a rescheduling of the third examination examiners under the general's approval for their reregistration at any time other than the date and hour capabilities to meet national security- Voting Rights Act, Council on Tuesday that occurring on that day. which applies to seven Southern states. plans as required by the Voting Rights Act. listed in the schedule of courses. W.D. Collings, professor of requirements." Norman said Jones County is one of 29 fcsity policy be altered to eliminate If an instructor requires a written physiology, Sen. Peter Dominick, R - Colo., said a David L. Norman, acting head of the report and EPC chairman, said Justice Deptartment's Civil Mississippi counties reregistering its voters pmpulsory final examination, or take-home examination in Wednesday that if draft extension of 18 months would be Rights Division, place of a the council said the department had because of redistricting requirements under le proposal that will be submitted to final examination, adopts the EPC approved Jones ■council recognizes the recommended recommendations the date of County's reregistration plan but ordered the 1970 census. Only 17 have submitted "that in many policy states that it should their plans for the attorney |ng situations, a final evaluation before the final not examination be due implementation the provost. would be determined by OCC elections that no voters registered by federal general's period examiners by removed. approval, he said. Jty, comprehensive in nature and scheduled for the course. Norman said two counties — Coahoma ■ng on the content of the total A second Off • Campus Council Norman, who earlier told the The EPC also recommends a and Pike — had told the Justice lctional period, is desirable." The EPC proposal states that no student systematic election will be held today from 8:30 subcommittee the department is vigorously Dept. they rotation of finals week would not seek its approval but that he r, the EPC statement also should be required to take more than two schedules, so that a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at thie corner of enforcing the Voting Rights Act, the final examination expects the others to comply with the law. that "instructional settings period for each Grand River Avenue and MAC apparently was unaware that federally in which such a 'final examination' examinations during any one day of finals course will be scheduled at a different time Avenue, registered voters were being purged until Norman and subcommittee members week. each term. This provision also Bogue Street near Cedar Village Edwards told him. clashed repeatedly over their hot be necessary or desirable." applies to differing A student who has more than two common final examinations. Apartments, at the Wells Hall bridge and Edwards said subcommittee interpretations of the Voting Rights Act, tractors in such situations are investigators urged at Berkey Hall. There will be a limit of with several members I the time scheduled for their courses telephoned Jones County clerk Donise insisting that three write ins. counties going ahead with their ■g final week for "relevant - Knight Wednesday morning and were told plans without Justice Dept. approval are lctional activities." subject to criminal penalties under the act. ■ the council adopts the EPC Teacher report, Norman said the Civil Rights Division hiring ■y members would still be required to had sent 11 lawyers into ■ for a two hour period during finals Mississippi in an effort to find out whether counties were ■ at the time and date listed in the complying with the law, and would send fuk' of courses. them back to check on period suspected may be used for By CHARLES C.CAIN teachers who will not find jobs next violations. ■nation, discussion, summarizing the fall," teaching without full certification, Porter overabundance of teachers is due The department is State News Staff Writer he said. to working now on B. obtaining student evaluation of the said they could find themselves out of a lower-than-expected school additions "This is a situation which has not and a proposed legislation, he said, that would existed in this state for 20 job. flood of teachers coming out of the state's provide for a hearing examiner to consider The State Board of Education has years," Porter "It could have a definite effect universities and colleges. the more complex cases and make a announced its intention to develop new said. upon noncertified teachers," he said. "It is "Basically we find ourselves in this criteria for hiring teachers in Porter said this means that school recommendation which would then be Michigan, conceivable that their jobs could be problem because we have not expanded the taken into the courts. which could have serious effect on the boards should not hire new teachers unless terminated." number of schools as Sunny 5,000 to 6,000 teachers in the state they are certified. "School boards should not enter into Porter said the board's intention of we rapidly as we would and colleges have been thought turning teaching without certification. upgrading hiring criteria for teachers is in out more Advertising teachers than the demand calls John W. Porter, superintendent of contract with noncertified teachers unless there are no certified teachers available for compliance with a 30-year-old law which for," Porter said. public instruction, said Wednesday the has not been used "because we have At a hearing held and warmer. High never Wednesday before the board is going to send letters to local the job in that particular area," he said. ■ temperature in the low to mid school board supervisors had the problem of such an oversupply of State Board of Education, Melvin Leasure, Asked what effect this could have on drugs said ■60s. Clear, cold and chance informing them of upon teachers before." president of the 77,000 member Michigan of the "oversupply" of certified teachers who the 6,000 teachers in the state who are Porter said the H'fost tonight. will be unable to find jobs next fall. problem of an (Please turn to back page) "We are merely going to advise local school board oversupply of about supervisors 15,000 of the certified out of control WASHINGTON (AP) - Non-prescription drug advertising of $385 pMSU ACTION million become a a year "is out of control and has major public health problem," a spokesman for a leading organization of drugstore pharmacists said Wednesday. Resolution urges halt "It is often erroneous, it exaggerates claims and it even attempts to convince people they have nonexistent diseases" said W. James Bicket, representing the American Pharmaceutical Assn. to athletic By MICHAEL FOX spending experience including athletics was needed "Most over-the-counter critically, we feel that contributes substantially drug advertising to the 'drug orientation' of our culture and we believe State News Staff Writer lf by students something should be done about it," ASMSU Student Board The board separated Parker's original Bicket, a pharmacist from Zion, 111., told a Tuesday lers,a»SSed 3 roso'ut'on asking that the resolution into two parts. The first part Senate small business subcommittee. |t■ at n°l construct any new athletic this time to opposed the ice rink. The second part In separate Commission testimony, official a Federal Trade conserve funds. asked the yearly General Fund allocation presented a study- |Lr,ti«n arose from a resolution to the Atheltic Dept. cease except for the showing that makes of nonprescription ■t pl° "u> board last week by Seth net amount of the department's intramural drugs spend 37 cents of each for sales dollar Bt'th3Sl fusing graduate student, and health, physical education and advertising. r ne Proposed By contrast, said H. Michael Mann construction of a $4.4 recreation instruction expenditures. It also director of ldiJ^lnk t0 reP'ace the current arena r in sought to have the $1.5 million the FTC's Bureau of Demonstration Hall. accumulated from student football ticket Economics, the average for all industry is less than 2 cents for advertising of each -Khtt board v'ce chairman, led fees for the improvement of athletic- sales dollar. ■Lo °.pass t'le resolution after the facilities be transferred to the General Mann said evidence Bt of u eornmittee recommended Fund. is lacking conclude that heavily advertised products to ■iristDj mot'°ri. Harty said funds The parts of Parker's resolution dealing cost more than lightly promoted Ihoua •> bui'^ "b'8ger and better with the specific funding of the Athletic counterparts of other makers. ^ect S be better used to Dept. and the General Fund were tabled by But he said heavily advertised Bayer "'w dead scholarships or the board for another week of study. Mark aspirin costs about 1.7 times more than the ■think lancial aid" Jaeger, Hubbard-Holmes district lesser-advertised St. Joseph's brand aspirin. Tftnprt 's l110st important that we be representative, said the possible reaction of Bicket said various groups of student r We °Ut MSU's scholastic image — the athletic department to any fund cuts, and fytean, ab°ut the quality of our such as an increase in ticket prices, should practicing pharmacists are so JCm' Harty said. be investigated. concerned about the volume of ■*illheWf ripa'r our academic Hi, anri ^Wer students attending these image, In other action, the board passed a resolution deploring the conditions of "V -- • ' ■ . . nonprescription advertising they are preparing broadcast spots to counter false claims and to alert the public to "the broad pted k,. ones there will become student parking lots with regard to the J tne range of health consequences regarding use scoring system," Harty prevention of crime. The board also A -rated ■"ntativp j 'r McD°nel-Shaw district granted a Dept. of Communication group permission to broadcast one of ASMSU's An elderly man relaxes park bench of nonprescription drugs." He cited estimates that 20 per cent of on a sidewalk bench in 1.5 million hospitalizations each ■ by o,.'. n(*e1 any conscientious solve. In effect, it will uncovered by the Senate legislator could agree to. For committee such the Appointment of trustees In its spring sessions, the encourage gambling by as "I am In favor of Michigan Legislature has example, the bill (the Senate) making it unnecessary to go drinking teen-age driver. proposed and debated several sent to the House of to the race tracks to place appointing trustees because it "I-n addition, has been proven at other bills that mcy be of Representatives contained no bets. I further do not feel many penalty clause for illegally universities and colleges that significance to MSU students. that the supposed added legislators and citizens have Ranging from abortion performed abortions. We still revenue to be gained by the expressed concern over appointed trustees tend to "Unless we repair our academic must function better than elected reform and the age protect women from state will justify the problems problems concerning credit image there will be fewer students the dangers of cards and installment buying ones. of majority to legalization of an illegal that I see forming." attending these (hockey) games, off-track betting, most of the abortion, and, without a with the age of financial "Elected boards are good and the ones there will become penalty clause, in Lottery controversial bills involve we are responsibility being lowered because they stem from the effect powerless to do so. "At this time I would to 18. I'm afraid that the confused by the scoring system. " moral as well as legal democratic process, but in Kevin Harty "Another part of the bill support a state lottery. I'm longer that this bill is delayed judgments. not sure that it would most cases, the electorate do Sen. Philip O. Pittenger, that caused me to vote it in committee, the more flack not know the candidates or A SMS U vice chairman actually work or even solve down was the phoney and less support it will R-Lansing, Wednesday their qualifications. residence requirement of 90 any problems if implimented, explained how he voted on ultimately receive. but I'm definitely in favor of "If appointed, I feel that several such bills and revealed days. All a woman has to do is that she has been a at least giving lottery there is enough time and how he plans to vote on the swear "In most cases, I feel resident of the state for 90 supporters the opportunity to adults 18 and over are effort spent by trustees in a proposals the Senate has not young days. If she has not fulfilled try out the idea." responsible and mature large university such as MSU PHILIP yet dealt with. the requirement, the doctor that perhaps we should PITTENGER Abortion Age of Majority enough to handle the burdens be held liable." of adulthood. I consider paying them for "I voted against the can "Many senators feel the am not sure, Hoax nets half a million abortion bill in its final form. Off - track Betting bill to lower the legal age to however, that I will be able to their services, at least on a There were several "I can't support off-track 18 was handled a little too support the bill if it includes part-time basis." Australia's national airline paid out more than half a million dollars Wednesday in Sydney in a bomb hoax similar to the plot of t":>e movie "Doomsday Flight" shown there recently on television. The airlino. Qantas, was told a barometric bomb was concealed on a Boeing 707 en route to Hong Kong with 16 passengers aboard. The anonymous caller said Qantas would have to pay S560.000 to find out where the Curfew ends in device was located or else it would explode at a certain CHATANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) curfew that had been in effect began, when young blacks went some of those arrested as a result continue an effort begun night, five each Monday nig) altitude while — Mayor Robert Kirk Walker since Saturday opened doors of on a rampage after a black soul of the Friday night trouble were Tuesday to keep their and four fire coming i:i to land. bombings and t* rescinded a state of civil liquor and beer outlets, singer refused to appear for a in no way involved. neighborhoods cool. Virtually all sniper firings Tuesday night. emergency Wednesday after restaurants and shopping scheduled concert because he National Guardsmen were on the incidents were in Britons accepting market calm returned to this city which centers. had been beset by racial strife. The curfew was imposed was not paid in advance, Tensions surfaced the next the streets for the third straight night, but they were hopeful predominantly black sections. Walker said it would be Profs pen Most of the Britisli seem finally resigned to a future Lifting of a 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. about 24 hours after the trouble night, black leaders said, because they could join some of their impossible to assess the work of colleagues who were allowed to directory in the European Common Market. Many of them are the black volunteers , although unhappy about it. go home Wednesday. Day he said he felt Tuesday night's Public opinion polls report that two-thirds or so believe that Prime Minister Edward Heath will succeed in leading Britain into Europe. The same polls indicate Congressmen patrolling was called off. Guard headquarters at Nashville said it preferred not to the number of troops work beneficial. had Guardsmen proved to be were kept out of Two faculty members hav published an annotated guide major literature in the field announce housing project areas except higher education. that around 60 per cent oppose the move. The clear released, for security reasons. A when called. inference is that many people believe the issue is out of their hands. to sell earthly spokesman said, however, that the number on duty Wednesday night would match the number and with The mwnber of fire bombings other incidents dropped the Paul L. Dressel. director institutional research, and Sa B. Pratt, asst. professor deployment of institutional research, ha on patrol the night before. guardsmen Monday. Police said Monetary struggle continues WASHINGTON (AP) - billion operating funds in fiscal piece used in treating children Walker said volunteer patrols there were 24 fire bombings and written "The World of Hig Education: An AnnotatedGu Congressmen are telling the 1972. suffering from hydrocephalus. of American who unarmed blacks would 15 sniper fire incidents Sunday consumers hoped such products as space agency to sell its "NASA will not go out and The pump, Roush said, "was a to the Major Literature.' imported German automobiles would be cheaper when down-to-earth accomplishments sell for the sake of selling," dramatic thing which was the the dollar-mark value floated may find their hopes to the public because the then-acting administrator George result of the space program." CHANGE URGED dashed. taxpayer isn't excited any more M. Low told the appropriations Hearing this, Rep. Charles R. There is about collecting subcommittee in late-March Jonas, R-N.C. said: a low-intensity struggle now on between Overseas exporters and American importers over how to quote prices, in marks or in dollars. If the mark price 6loc wins, prices" will not conic down as much. If the four-biirion-year-old rocks from the inoon. "You people are so engrossed in your scientific investigations testimony released Wednesday. term to use," Rep. Robert N. the "We hive been trying for two "Maybe 'sell' is the wrong days now to get you to put on record some O'Neil blasts tyranny Giaimo, D-Conn., told Low, "but accomplishments and Mr. Roush prices are set in dollars, the U.S. selling cost will be that you don't really appreciate I do think t here is a comes up wijh the most in U.S. political down as muc't as the dollar falls, unless somebody ups how important these practical responsibility to inform the dramatic one we have heard his profit margin. applications are," Rep. Burt L. public as to what your missions anything about. Talcott, R-Calif., said during are hearings on the request of the . . . " Rep. J. Edward Roush, D-Ind., . . "These are the kinds of things system TV changes viewed National Aeronautics and Space said a doctor called his attention Administration (NASA) for $3.2 to a we anybody need. I can explain this to in the street and he will and replace him with someone the people in accordance with who will represe the Constitution pump the size of a 50-cent The snape and form of television has changed little say, 'That is great." O'Neil said. since the birth of the medium, but one network He cited former President Lyndon B. Johns Seeking to correct a "tyrannical and perverted executive sees some radical changes coming by the end The State News, the student newspaper at victory over Sen. Barry M. Goldwater in 1964 of tliis decade. University, is published every class day during four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Michigan State Clinic goal: , ' political system," State Board of Education member James F. O'Neil asked in a letter to a mandate against escalation of the Vietnam Don Durgin. president of the NBC Television Congress Wednesday to set up a parliamentary "However, within months after his electic Subscription rate is $14 per year. system of government in the United States. Lyndon Johnson started escalating the war Network, said in New York that a changing audience and technological break-throughs will make such Member Associated Press, United Press International, kick' habit A group of smokers trying to "There is an urgent need to correct our Vietnam and sending American boys by hundreds of thousands to fight a war in As changes not only possible but necessary. Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, tyrannical and perverted political system which O'Neil said. kick the habit will begin a series permits a person to be elected president on the Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press of meetings at 8 p.m. Wednesday basis of solemn promises to the people and to He said President Nixon was elected in 1! Last war secretary dies Association, United States Student Press Association. in room 204 of Sparrow "on the basis of his promise to end the wa continue in this crucial office long after he has Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Hospital. defaulted on those promises, violated the Vietnam and to provide us with a generation Kenneth. C. Royall, who began his Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Sponsored by the Ingham Constitution and tyrannized the people of this peace. career as a small-town lawyer and rounty Tuberculosis and building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, country and the world," O'Neil said in a "However, it is difficult to see how became the last U.S. secretary of war Michigan. Respiratory Disease Assn., the "citizen's petition to Congress." invasion of two more countries and the bombii and the first secretary of the Army, is program is seeking additional Phones: interested persons for the He said a switch to a parliamentary system, of five countries is going to end the dead at the age of 76. bring peace," O'Neil said. Editorial meetings which will be held similar to that of England and Canada, would 355-8252 Royall died shortly before Classified three nights a week for four offer "the only safeguard to prevent a president" He said there is "no guarantee" that the winn Advertising 355-8255 midnight Tuesday at a Durham, N.C., Display Advertising 353-6400 weeks. from unilaterally involving the country in a of the 1972 presidential election will For additional information call Vietnam-type agau jhospital, where he had been treated Business - Circulation 355-3447 351 - 9011 any day after 6 war. "commit further aggression and tyranny for five weeks for internal disorders. Photographic 355-8311 humanity." "Then, if the president violates the After rising to the rank of brigadier Constitution, defaults on his major commitments O'Neil sent copies of the petition to leaders general in the Army during World War or tyrannizes the people, an election can be held the Senate and House, including Sen II, Royall was appointed an asst. in a matter of weeks to remove him from office Griffin and Rep. Gerald Ford, both of Michigi isecretary and then undersecretary of war by President Harry S. Truman in 1945. He was appointed secretary two EUROPE $199 years later. Lockheed losses revealed MASS Lockheed Aircraft Corp. said Wednesday that it lost CAPS & GOWNS $86.3 million in 1970 and could go bankrupt unless the U.S. government guarantees financing for its LI011 MEETING for TriStar. At the same time Chairman Daniel Haughton and Spring Term Graduation President Carl Kotchian said in Burbank, Calif., a Thursday, May 27, 1971 will be issued "pattern" was emerging for solution of the firm's difficulties. 7:00 PM Gold Room, Union Monday, June 7 through Friday, June 11 The announcement, following a board of directors 8:30AM- 5-30 PM meeting and completion of the year-end audit, reported Discussion of Summer Flights for all MSU a 1970 net loss of $86.3 million, or $7.60 a share, students, faculty, staff and their families who Fourth Floor, Union Building against a 1969 net loss of $32.6 million or $2.90 a have enrolled or would like to enroll for the share. Summer'71 Flights. Detroit - London - Detroit June 14 - Sept. 3 Academic apparel for faculty and advanced 12 bodies exhumed $229 Detroit - London - Detroit June 24 Aug. 24 - $229 degree candidates must be reserved by A farm labor contractor arrested Detroit - London - Detroit June 25 - Sept. 11 $209 was Wednesday in Tuesday, June 8. the murders of 12 transient Detroit - Frankfurt - Detroit Aug. 1 - Sept. 1 $219 fruitpickers found buried in orchards north of Yuba Detroit -London - Detroit Aug. 9 - Sept. 14 $199 City, a central California farming community. Authorities continued to comb the area for other Contact: Union Board Phone possible graves. - The latest bodies were exhunied several hours after MSU Travel Office 353-9777 the 4 a.m. arrest of Juan V. Corona, 37, iri bed at his 2nd Floor - Student Union home south of town. Corona was booked for Mon. - Fri. 11:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M. investigation of murder. He had no comment. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 27. 1971 Bookstore would reconsider. to join cabinet prior to any changes in Title 22 representative, quieted the split of the bookstore," Buckner said. Title 22 failed under the new title. board in its discussions over the by a tie vote Buckner praised the board for when it was first voted on in a Following almost two hours of bookstore. not walking out and The ASMSU Student Board roll call vote. Off - argument the dissolving campus majority of the The title their quorum, but instead facing Tuesday night moved to make representatives bookstore representatives was finally approved the need for a decision. He Man and Nature Bookstore a' Kevin apparently led by by acclamation. stormed out of the meeting. added that if Miss Rathnow part of its cabinet, prompting Harty, board vice chairman, were Among the bookstore supporters Both Harold Buckner, ASMSU Diane Rathnow, director of conspicuous resigns, a replacement could not in their support for the who had attended to vocalize chairman, and Mrs. Linhart said be found until fall term. cabinet services, to announce her Man and Nature's cause were operations code addition, which Wednesday that they felt Title Procedure calls for 10 class resignation. was being sought by the two former ASMSU members. 22 should effectively establish days of An acclamation An hour of relatively quiet open petitioning for the approval of bookstore. the bookstore's relationship with position w»th the board, then the addition of "Title 22: . Man debate followed with Mary Jane the board. Buckner said it electing the director of cabinet and Nature Bookstore" to the Bookstore representatives, Brininstool, a Man and Nature provides a chain of command so services. There are not 10 class ASMSU Operations Code including Elizabeth Linhart, Man staff member, voicing a desire to thai suggestions on improving days left this term, nor will the facilitated the bookstore's move and Nature manager, said see the board the bookstore can be properly they pass the proposed board have the necessary full to become part of the cabinet. needed the guarantees provided title. Dwight Newell, off - handled. membership The move will not take effect in Title 22 during summer to insure their campus ASMSU representative; "I think the nine nine - term, Buckner said. until Man and Nature, Inc., is operation. Steven Landrum, Akers - Fee deadlock indicated that the "There isn't any reason dissolved as a nonprofit district representative, and why board was concerned with more Title 22 shouldn't make a corporation with the State of The operations code addition Cullen really- Hunt, Brody district than the theorhetical structure effective bookstore. We would Michigan. calls for all bookstore financial like to hear constructive Miss Rathnow said the board's matters to be handled through suggestions if they will help this the ASMSU Business Office and Hearing delayed action indicated its lack of faith All in favor . . . in her ability to effectively for the bookstore's current off - place grow," Mrs. Linhart said. manage the cabinet. campus bank account with East Ex-ASMSU Cabinet President Robert Grossfeld argues in favor of making the Man and ASMSU representatives and others associated with the Lansing State Bank to be closed and not operated. MT WTh Gree ks' suit Nature Bookstore part of the ASMSU Cabinet. Elizabeth Linhart, manager of the bookstore, foot long and Rick Kibbey, East Lansing senior, listen to the dialog at Tuesday's meeting. The board cabinet were attempting to A Man and Nature Bookstore on resolved to include the bookstore as part of the ASMSU Cabinet. persuade Miss Rathnow to retain her position Wednesday, but it advisory committee, established hot dog medium .50 State News photo by Tom Dolan appeared by mutual consent of the A spokesman for unlikely that she bookstore director and both the the is reached, AUSJ will probably pepperoni |Y COMMON CAUSE director of cabinet services and the ASMSU board, also was All-University Student Judiciary (AUSJ) said Wednesday that the put the case on its docket for fall term, he said. pizza 1.50 included in the title addition. The director of the bookstore student justices would not hold a hearing until at least fall term IFC had voting representation the ASMSU board until last 332-6517 also will on a suit by Interfraternity on delivery Lobbying be recommended for Council spring when a new constitution (IFC) against the appointment by the bookstore VARSITY DRIVE IWl toe ASMSU Student Board and disenfranchised the group. staff with the advice and consent of the director of cabinet Off-Campus Council (OCC). The IFC suit contends the services and the ASMSU board. Greeks WASHINGTON (AP) are unfairly denied Common TODAY'S YOUR DAY FOR ■ Cause, the self-styled The chain reaction Thirty - days voting representation on the Jciii/tns' lobby, is formulating a now concept on the art of can generate a flood of voter sentiment notice is to be board, as they are excluded from aimed at selected given the bookstore director ■lobbying on the theory that people should speak for themselves. congressmen or the Congress in general. membership in OCC. Residence I in its relatively short existence Common The spotlight is on an Cause has aroused individual legislator's response to the Halls Assn. and OCC have Isoiiu' of the people back home to pressure lawmakers here issue, making it difficult for him to evade a stand special COLONEL SANDERS' RECIPE or hope an interest voting rights on the and ■claims it is proving a fair match to the wine and unpopular vote will be forgotten by election time. Rep. Nelson Twisting and - cajole tradition of Washington special • interest |lobb\ ists. - - dine, arm - Common Cause was formed last Republican and former secretary of Welfare in the Johnson administration. August by John W. Gardner, Health, Education and a ASMSU board. the The AUSJ spokesman said case would be discussed Kmtaky fried ■""" How dots Common Cause reach its the housewife in Arkansas? "We call members, the farmer in It claims 160,000 members in all 50 states. to discuss black informally by the judiciary in a "r ' answers Tom her up on the One element of Common Cause's appeal is what it meeting this term between the (In Fact Mathews, Common Cause's public relations latent responsiveness in citizens regards as a groups involved. If no agreement chief. who are dissatisfied but don't "And that housewife in Little Rock really responds.' " know what to do. Common Cause's primary "Everybody's organized but the people," goes political facets "Old Towne" New England Any Day She calls her congressman, he membership appeal. 'gram, than asks her friends said, or sends him a letter or "Many people today recognize that national priorities must be State Rep. Earl E. Nelson, CLAM BAKE! Is Your and neighbors to do the same. changed," Gardner says in a pamphlet sent to D-Lansing, will speak at 4 p.m. •Whole Lobster members, "but they don't know how to go about it. prospective today in 335 S. Case Hall on Day For fBI •Clams 'Shrimp agents reported "The first thing Common Cause will speak and act in behalf of legislation nation's do is to assist you to designed to solve the "Black Political Style." Nelson is the first black state •Corn-on-the-Cob Every Friday 6 to 11 p.m. Kentucky problems." legislator from an area north of tossed salad-corn bread Which leads to a second element of Detroit and is the only black on Fried lonitoring hearing Common Cause — an attack built around precise how - to do the House it instructions instead Appropriations Chicken) - - of vague exhortations. Committee. For example, Common Cause's BILL'S The talk, sponsored DETROIT (UPl) A group of young < people c harged special antiwar television show, by James RESTAURANT & BAR currently being shown across the Madison College, is open to the ^Wednesday at a hearing that three FBI agents were "surveying" which leans heavily country, is part of a package public. 718 e. grand river, lansing ■the public hearings into Michigan Bell Telephone Co.'s Ta$59.7 million rate increase. request for on membership participation. Members were notified before the FOR DELIVERY broadcast that the show was 1 A bearded >outh wearing a blue denim jacket and trousers and coming up and asked to gather five or six friends and neighbors to CALL 332-5025 |atold"Bust rats the Bell" button stood up shortly before testimony began and crowd: "1 want to point out that there are three FBI surveying this hearing." The young man, who said his name is "not watch it with them. The kit outlines congressmen, the legislation the specific steps to be urged or resolutions to be backed and on the TROWBRIDGE ROAD 1040 E. Grand River E. Lansing important" but Isaid he was a member of Youth ■YAWF), pointed to the back of the semicircular chamber. Two Against War and Facism arguments in their favor. ENCO LIEBERMANN'S pirls standing next to three seated men shouted, "Mere they are." "You can't even attend a public icing under surveillance," the young man said. hearing anymore without Glenn Herriman, Inc. Ron Robinson, Manager For Graduation... J The three men he pointed to refused to identify themselves to J reporter and declined to say whether they were FBI agents. a pretty "I'm a telephone user," one of them said. "Yes, he uses everybody's telephone," Debbie Dunfield, one PHONE LADIES' ATTACHE' CASE lot the girls who pointed the three out, said. 332-4535 NOW ... 24 HOURS We'll Blow It Up PHONE: 482-6226 The preferred Graduation gift. For YOU! boyfriend, 'girlfriend! dog or cat "it" to our booth in the Meridian Mall and Hriiit-. Accutron® we'll shoot a beautiful black and white by Bulova from 3Vi Make it a memor¬ x 4' for $6.85 able Graduation. to 3V2' x 8' for $18.85 Give him an 40% discount Accutron by on additional prints Bulova. So PICTURE - "U" 485-5828 precise that accuracy is guaranteed to within tfY/ri> V/.A a month.15 See our full Ti IK range of 'ommunity Owned ... Serving the Community Accutron I FEATURES EVERY SUNDAY styles. " From. AN OUTSTANDING $110. It's Hard To Say SANSUI QUADPHONIC SYNTHESIZER But Once You've Heard It, It's Even Harder To Forget. Once you've heard the One of our specialties. . . busine. SANSUf QUADPHONIC practical and efficient. and hig IJ SIT US AND . . SYNTHESIZER you'll be Choose from wide selection of ■ BE SURPRISED AT THE a spoiled. JUMPTUOUS FOODS PREPARED FOR The synthesizer is the solid color vinyls and crisp crinkle |'OUR DINING PLEASURE newest, most dynamic, exciting sound in stereo I- in the listening. It turns your s2350 and W GAS BUGGY ROOM two-channel four-channel set. stereo into a ■ SERVING FREE FROM 12:30t08p.m. If you can't pronounce it, l-'ivorite Cock i,nl Is Avail,M ■ just come to The Stereo Personal Monogram Music: For Your Shoppe across from Berkey Listening Pleasure! because we're the only store in town with the SANSUI QUADPHONIC ^ERVA-noNS NOT NECESSARY 1 ruUR .. BUT FOR SYNTHESIZER. Once you've heard it, you'll never forget Make CONVENIENCE. JUST PHONE 372-6550 it. The Stereo THK 125 WKST MICHIGAN AVflNUI PI.AZA Shoppe 543 E. Grand River next to Paramount News Engraved 319 E. Grand River your gift Ph. 337-1300 Free. East Lansing, Mich. headquarters. On The Crest of EAST LANSING 20l) E. Grand R.v\ Washington Square Open 10 to 9 Thurs. & Fri. — 10 to 5 Sat. PHONE: 337-1314 - DOWNTOWN - 107 S Wa-1 MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY A solution to match the problem it together must KEN LYNAM By RICHARDS. KRUCH to give way to the sun, work and play of experience the atrocious disaster that our determine wh«.n, find the motivation advertising manager Director, Michigan Youth Politics Institute the summer Dear God: of benign neglect . . . brothers must fight. And we do not have to smell the putrid stench of dead bodies and can to respond to this opinion and the clr,> IIdenc« We tripped, we stumbled and we fell. We thank you for allowing our wars to see the blood and guts of the dead and Respond?!? Who said that''Tn,.,u „ I DAVE PERSON, managing editor Yes, kiddies, it's time once more for be fought on the other side of the world. dying. Glad you asked. The Miehio ?, I BOB ROACH, city editor frustration, discontent and activist rhetoric Our children, then, do not have to Bless us and make us strong so that Politics Institute (MYPI) i's wi£ .Yo»«i I JOHN BORGER, campus editor those of us who will experience the light you find the missing I BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor hearted bigotry of this summer's work direction, information. " companions can restrain from vomiting. competence. u < . And, oh yes, help our minority brothers The institute has assumed a rii«w I Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award and sisters to quietly tolerate the stench- ridden, rat-infested ghettos of our land so is aiming to mobilize concerned willing to utilize the political iSS'!'I 't dU4hI for outstanding journalism. Rv compiling ilafor^"! t0| that we can all rest in comfort, without initiate reform. It Ls reminders of the contradictions in our on Michigan's politics and probleT''Si society.. . Stop! Stop! Better benign neglect than kind of with information confidence in a person needs effectively to51 EDITORIALS benign guilt. So true, "I can't do anything problems. Having done this attarW l about it. Gotta wait for the man. He's got developed the competence t0 act the money." Maybe . . . formidable authority. * _ This is on the level, I Carolina ruling "Maybe not!" said the wounded soldier to the starving black man. Life is getting to be such a struggle." "So true, we haven't institute has an established has the formal end™,™™, people u legal staff „gr I individuals from the U.S. got the wherewithal to do anything about state House and Congress T| it. The man is too big to see us." Senate, labor unions th.l freedom of "Power to the people!" said the cliche-er to the cliche-ee. We must seize the State Board of Education, universities. industrv a Wearing long hair simply for the individual is commenting as much on sake of having long hair is no longer society as he would in rejecting it. a right, according to a federal court Yet, the judge clearly feels that MYPI is designed as a prototype that, in Columbia, S.C. In a recent ruling, social thought is only a one-way if sueeessful here. may spread nationally. the Carolina court indicated that street. In doing so, he has rather The overall concept, analogous to the strangely discriminated against the "Nader's Raiders" of politics, is designed society is still capable of modifying the law to reinforce cultural norms. individual who accepts society for to bring both public awareness and Last week District Court Judge the most part but wears long hair. direct action. Robert W. Hemphill ruled against More importantly, the South two youths filing suit against Carolina ruling implies that freedom government. So true, then we can throw MYPI is designed as a Lexington County High School, lie of expression (implied speech) means the scoundrels out and put "the People" in successful here, may spread prototype that il stated that the activities of the freedom of social and political power. The man h»s all the Maybe The overall concept, nationally! plaintiffs did not indicate that their power. analogous to thl thought only. Had he considered next spring term. . . "Nader's Raiders" of politics, is design! lengthy locks "were expressions of that freedom encompass all thought, "This is some shit!" said Joe College to to bring about both public awarenessani his benignly neglected conscience. "I know political or social thought." The then the high school boys would not direct action. the problems must be dealt with, but what If the institute is to succeed it ni. judge said that such a contention have been forced to cut their hair in can 1 do?" So true, we've tried all the would have raised the legal point ol compliance with the high school simple, risky crap and we have no tangible many dedicated volunteers. we need people who will do SpecificaJyl research ol whether they would be entitled to dress code. The mere fact that they result. The man never gets tired of coming the problems and politics in the a protection under the First wore their hair long to "do as I down .. . Whimper. their summer residence. Amendment's guarantee of free Sit up straight and ready yourself. Here If you've managed to read this please" expresses a conscious vanity it comes. Just the solution to match the [J speech vocal or implied. But perhaps you would be willing to gi\e th to which the judge feels they have no because the two youths wore their problem. Struggle, struggle, struggle. program a chance to sell itself. right. You, the reader, is it bad enough to You can give the institute that chanc| hair "to do as (they) please" and not make you do something about it? Talking At the base of the hair by attending one of the workshops t to register a blatantly social about that big word now — commitment. at 7:30 p.m. in 106 Holden Hall or controversy is the more important In case vou missed that lets say it again — complaint, they were forced to cut p.m. in Brody auditorium. it. question of whether society has the COMMITMENT. THe workshops will deal in depth wi right to standardize appearance - If you can't dig it yet, give up. This may the methods of research to be conduct^ Judge Hemphill's reasoning "to make men look like men." In the prove to be too much of a mental exercise. You can get more information ti suggests that the outward opinion of the Supreme Court, Why haven't more people, like you, for stopping into the MNC office in 44] appearances of individual members example, chosen to transform their Student Services Bldg. or bv of society do not necessarily reflect society does not. because such concern into action? Let's throw out some 353-5027. restrictions violate the citizens' right social commentary. However, social big words; direction, motivation, The activities we have planned for th to safely express himself. will scientists tell us that this assumption competence, confidence, information. Do summer require a few hours ol CAN I RUN MY T/N&ER& THROUGH- YOUR HAIR AND B/T£ any of these hit home? Note how each of commitment per week. The benefits f is unequivocally false; without However, with rulings such as the words is dependent on the others. Judge Hemphill's, the legal tolerance your without ear gbtt'im motiona. uy invotvep may be reaped arc potentially greaH exception every individual is Perhaps these are the sorts of things we Curious? Attend one of the workshops of influenced to some degree by the generated by the Constitution is are all striving to "get together." I suppose drop by the office — but l culture to which he is exposed. In subjugated to the more banal egocen- the degree to which you've managed to put nothing worthwhile ever came eai adopting a part of that culture, the trisrn of the norm. CAROL THOMAS Special inter not presently Greeks must change attitudes Special interest groups now hold One possible solution to this For the past several years, the "Greeks four of the 18 seats on the ASMSU whole campus, and they must also dispel develop noticeable characteristics, which this campus, but nevertheless a inconsistency would be to give are dead - Greeks are alive" argument has the ideas collected by the campus were almost glaring during Greek Week. one. Many of the campus political leads Student Board. Along with the interest groups such as been tossed around between both Greek population who watched closely during the are Greek, but this active group cannl The characteristics aren't physical; they district representatives, two Intrafraternity Council. Panhellenic and non - Greek groups with little progress week that was supposed to bring everyone save the system if the rest of the camp! show up in attitude and in conversation. on either side. representatives from the Office of Council and Intercooperative Greek Week is over, and the week of fun a little closer. Within their individual The Greeks can be identified by an almost believes that all Greeks are rich, high| Black Affairs (OBA) and one each Council a vote on the student board. groups and status slobs. and frolic designed to bring the two houses, Greeks are very much alive, but in teenybopper - like defensive attitude and from Off-Campus Council (OCC) and But such a system might recreate the warring factions together has created a reference to the campus and what's going paranoid fear of comment or criticism. Many houses have changed drastics! Residence Halls Assn. (RHA) give lopsided representation of the and worked toward becoming mjf deeper rift than ever before. on in the University they are very much In ordinary groups (not to say that this individuals associated with these ASMSU of two years ago, when Stories are flitting across the campus out of touch and the situation seems to responsive toward feelings on campus, M campus is ordinary) public criticism and about house hatreds, status • conscious deteriorate as time passes. many more houses simply stay bac ■ three groups, in effect, double interest groups were on virtual parity comment is welcomed because it is free houses, numerous snubs and several cases Their aloofness can be attributed in chapter meetings, taking care of noJ v-'ith the representatives of the publicity. It gives an opportunity to representation. of physical violence between Greek houses. affairs, bemoaning anti - Greek sentimej On student body as a whole. many cases to physical distance from the explain beliefs and actions, but in the past and planning for rush once a term. the other hand, however, and the sad news about many of these campus. Isolated groups tend to develop any criticism offered by writers or any . . residents of fraternities, sororities The logical answer would stories is that they are true. within themselves into self - sufficient units other source is met by a yelp of pain and If Greeks«are to survive, they're going! and cooperatives are left off the probably be to make all special Now, with another rush only one instead of turning to other groups and whispered murmurs of "We have our rights, have to live in the same place as the pe n special interest group gravy train. interest groups ex officio members summer vacation away, the Greeks must people. it's unfair." whom they are rushing, meaning <1 Members of these groups are not rather than voting members on the face even larger handicaps than they faced Because of this turning inward, which residence halls. It's a strange suggest! before Greek Week — they must eradicate student board. In this way. special may be due to pressures within faltering Despite all the propaganda to the considering the beautiful and ■ represented by OCC. RHA. or to any the faults that were so apparent to the houses, Greeks recently have begun to contrary, Greeks are a small minority on mortgaged houses scattered from • • J1 great extent, by OBA. While Section interest groups would still have an Harrison Avenues, the houses that t 1.4 of the Academic Freedom input in student government and OUR READERS' MIND supposed to be a pleasant altern I Report guarantees fair treatment to every student would be guaranteed dorm life. r all members of the community, the structure of the University equal representation through his district representative. Voting power Not that Greeks should whole house and move back pack up in |i ASMSU Student Board has should be exercised by the duly dorms, but in order to survive, jj most ■ disenfranchised a segment of that community from its patch work of dual representation. elected representatives of the students, not by the representatives of lobby groups. Full-time army vs. part-time crew houses should put their inside the rush situation all year not three weeks out of the yea . ac . hall residents have to get.tojjjo* #t To the Editor: applies. It's hard to beat full-time steadily, not through a hand rush. Now, most opinion a army promise you much. But what do we have door at And so when Joan told us at Woodstock with a part-time crew. now? entirely on the bas^ Seale Robert J. Grossfeld formed ml case: u (either there or in the movie, that her husband David had gotten a good or record) But what do you do? Demonstrate? "We can have a bigger and Riot? Oak Park senior because Greeks at all. few people know very hunger strike going in prison we all clapped better rally!" No. Maybe the answer is to May 21, 1971 Can political dissidents obtain a a second, unbiased jury. and were really happy. Then she sang an organize our brothers and sisters to take Residence hall floois and aP'fcr establish as tightly - knit gro P fair trial in modern America? The In New York the Panther 13 were organizing song. We liked it. It got to us. Late last year we decided that a hold of the system. I could throw all sorts of statistics and figures at you about how Misplaced memo houses. . . but residence/ hall d establishment has consistently acquitted of all charges. However, student-worker alliance would be the way. To: Mobile Home Manufacturers rush. answered with a resounding "yes," many people would be needed to decide while the Black Panther party and though innocent, most of the 13 were forced to spend many months in jail Lets work with the people. Well, here we sit and it's really a almost any Congressional race. But I won't. If you're on another trip, more power to Re: Allowing 14-foot-wide trailers People must learn Greek system and the peop to uDdenJJ ed, others have steadfastly rejected this beautiful day out and we walk by the river you. If you aren't on any trip, perhaps you on Michigan highways. before any attitudes will I* during the duration of their trial. and think about this that guy or the| claim. The outcome of the Bobby or girl ought to find out about the ones available Dear Homemakers - the Greeks who must give . Seale and Mrs. Huggins, now free, sitting in the dorm. Organizing? Lets play use to you. Stop by the Movement for a New Seale - Erieka Huggins trial has done were made to suffer similar, possibly tennis. Keep on truckin'. steps forward an(1 the other J little to dissipate the pall Congress office. I can't promise that you'll - The state legislature want the people - it's not the i unjust, imprisonment. Has justice Now I'm not knocking play. We all like end all badness next week. I really can't around. overhanging this issue. been served here? to play. You out there, like to play. Even To be sure Mrs. Huggins and Seale the Vietnamese probably like to play. ]0B COOL have been freed though not The question of fair trials for Remember the Vietnamese? You heard r CAN'T UJORKV . because they had been "fairly" dissidents has yet to be answered about them at the last rally. How many apoutche^t^ IaJHEN HE 5 BU5V I found innocent, but because of legal adequately. What is clear, however, is rallies? HAN6IN6 and social quirks. The only thing that the bureaucratic system of this I guess what I'm saying is that it's about the stupentg that is known for sure is that nation's judiciary, with its glacier - time we started being committed. This UNION .,1 means, maybe, putting off grad school for Superior Court Judge Harold M. Mulvey was correct when he ruled that it would be impossible to select slow procedures, is in direct contradiction to the ideal of justice a while. For the women it might mean taking a term off. For the men who can ~T through a "speedy and public trial." beat out their draft boards, the same thing Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 27. 1971 5 ly inority/ bill holstein background or environment." complete a course 'disadvantaged' of study She said these students are The J state News Staff Writer controversy and here" and secondly "to develop often three years behind the inadequate." She said a much wider system competence with the kids that confusion which center on the a "Those (services) that are here of tutorial academic assistance in under a regular ■ofothy Arata, member of the sophisticated supportive normal student in their academic come definitions themselves are part network are fine but they can't meet the Evidential Commission on of a expressly designed to larger controversy develop skills in reading, writing skills. demand," she said. "What programs is needed in specific departments in relation to admission basis." She said Tnissio'is and Student Body Miss Arata said the they're doing is fine, but it courses of concerning admission standards, specific Kposition, expressed concern financial aids and supportive and computation," Miss Arata University's present supportive doesn't meet the magnitude of She courses. specifically referred to "questionable academic worth" fsdav that the commission's services, Miss Arata said. said. service system is "very good but the problem." Project TAC, may simply provide a mass of Jfiniti<>ns ot "minority "Minority students will, for an experimental program of "Tutorial Assistance credits without enabling a sutdent to succeed in required ■dent" and "disadvantaged the most part, be able to in Chemistry," as a model for |u dent" have been gain courses. admission to the these programs. ■understood by observers, University V — // I V\X -v——- Miss Arata said the under existing admission She said that allowing commission is ■iss Arata said the terms often pressing the criteria," she said. "There Capital/ Capsules I bt.t.n used interchangably are educationally disadvantaged University to recognize the I with "high-risk student" minority students who have an students to take courses without potential of the educationally educational or economic developing sufficient academic ■ that the commission has disadvantaged student and allow |nd jt useful to distinguish disadvantage. But the skills is an inadequate solution. it to "flower." preponderant majority Miss Arata said the University "It takes a lot of money. But I Inority student" from who is academically able." are A RESOLUTION creating should help the educationally think the end result would be lonomically disadvantaged" Miss Arata said that in 1968, Committee on Budget and a The bill introduced by Gray disadvantaged "achieve a level of worth it," she said. J .educationally 10 per cent of black LEGISLATION TO REMOVE would require Blue Cross to students Expenditures was introduced to "the life and death Bjvantaged." admitted to the University were the House Wednesday. Blue Cross power of contract with all licensed Bsi Arata, asst. provost for The proposed - Blue Shield over hospitals in Michigan. "special admissions," indicating committee, Michigan All at the Ijerjiraduate education, was DOROTHY ARATA that only a small percentage of consisting of the Speaker, two introduced to the hospitals" was Other bills introduced to the Senate would lift Blue Cross - ? Wines ■rwonian of a commission minority students do not have members of the House, the clerk Michigan store next Senate Wednesday. ■committee on minority and but who come from low-income acceptable academic credentials. and asst. clerk of the House, a Blue Shield's exemption from • fcjBeer to The ■dvantaged students. families and Miss Arata said the member of the Speaker's staff Sen. James D. Gray, D - corporation franchise taxes and have been ■sing the Commissions' inadequately represented in economically disadvantaged and a member of the opposite Warren, charged that the "blues" repeal a provision by which | *Chilled Tappers Ko-Ko Bar rinition. Miss Arata said hospital service corporations *lce cold beer & wine institutions of higher learning, come into the University under a party, would be responsible for are doing a disservice to their such as Blue Cross were declared Inoritv" refers to individuals she said. regular admission criteria preparing the House budget. subscribers by refusing to *Kegs of beer available for parties subject to In addition to to be charitable and benevolent * re Miss Arata said the term pending the University's ability budgeting contract with many good Delicious pizza to go ■rimination or are objects of "educationally disadvantaged" is to provide financial assistance. House funds, the committee, if institutions exempt from hospitals in the state. taxation. ■judice from many other probably the most controversial She said this category is "meant approved, will establish the Tpph' and who posses category because it refers to to focus on poor policies and procedures in regard Iptable academic credentials lidmission. students who have "academic of whom are white. What people" most to all House expenditures and presentations of the budget New Players slate I 410 S. Clippert off Kalamazoo week Open till 2:00 a.m.j STOP potential, but who have been distinguishes the ■he term "economically unable to realize that educationally disadvantaged before the appropriations potential antaged" refers to [dents who "possess jtable academic credentials" without special assistance because of their economic, student — and makes them more controversial — from the other committees. MICHIGAN musical production TONIGHT cultural o r ' e d u cat ional two categories is that "the LED the nation "Irma la Douce," a musical responsibility of the University during March in the number of comedy of the back streets of in its 3rd Biff Week to the students graduated from medical Paris, will be be presented by the University New educationally Players at 8:30 Volunteers seek van disadvantaged student does not end with self - help training courses, Dr. the process of Henry C. Huntley, director of the U.S. Emergency Health p.m. today in the Union Ballroom. Although the love of Irma la Douce, a lady of the Nestor le Fripe, a poor law evening, and admittance. student, is true and sincere, the nature of Irma's profession is the "We are not trying to establish Services, said Wednesday. cause of uncontrollable assist in projects some sort of revolving door Medical self help is a program - designed to provide information Nestor. Irma and Nestor will be jealousy in portrayed by Connie Dickmeyer of program," she continued. East Lansing and for people in wheel To the educationally and training to prepare people Timothy B. Staton, Dearborn senior, e MSU Volunteer Action chairs who for survival in time of natural respectively. s, a division of the cannot affort disadvantaged student who is or "Irma La Douce," director a national disaster. carpenter, admitted, the University has a by Katherine Hewett, will be the teer Bureau, is looking for babysitting for children final production of the New whose responsibility to "provide Huntley said 16,825 students Players' season. me to donate a van to parents are ill and cleaning house The play also will be academic assistance to help him graduated from the course in presented at 8:30 p.m. Friday and at 7 for the elderly and sick. Jt them in their work, Judy and 10 p.m. Saturday in the Union Ballroom pm. asst. director of the The van is needed to transport / 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 ' uteer Bureau, said people in wheel chairs and esday. materials needed to carry out e group has 88 members their work. (does short - term work such The volunteers have put in Tinting houses, building ramps more than 1,000 man hours Open at 12 Noon since September, Mrs. Sorum TOO GOOD TO said. MISS ... together "If you multiply that plorado junior hour you see that these students by $2 an in one great show! have donated 8 Academy Awards [head society thousands of dollars worth of service to the community," she said. Including in Mrachek, Aurora, Colo., ir, is the new president of la Sigma Phi, women's Sessional journalism society. Ken Kcsev's succeeds Rhoda Weiss, Ionia senior. ONE FLEW OVER §ther officers for 1971-72 are THE CUCKOO'S NEST lary Vocino, Sterling > junior, vice president; Winner of the Best Show ■ Drouin, fclast Lansing junior, of the Xcw Player's 1970-71 Season ary. and Mary Paige Abeel, <;i _* J ' SHOWN 8:30 ONLY f UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS FREE MOTHPROOF with the 440 intermediates. great runner," Cassleman nc I ALSO And now he's slated to run the "but I really don't like bei| j. SUMMER STORAGE 660 in the conference meet, compared to other people. \\ ' 'IfSjH' TO I 0' Trl: Ml GRADUATE STUDENTS and FACULTY MEMBERS with a strong chance that he'll be going against Mark individuals." But Cassleman is muchf THE ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE CAMPS up b'UMFAHfifi I AT 8:15 & LATF. |ALSO . .THE COCKEYED^ ■ I J: fj . . and Co-Ed comprising 350 outstanding Boyi. Girls. Brothtr-Si«l«r Camps, located throughout the New England, Mid¬ dle Atlantic States and Canada. INVITES YOUR INQUIRIES concerning summer employment as LOUIS Winzenried of Wisconsin, two-time champion and American record holder in the odd event which is run only in BOB CASSLEMAN same as Wehrwein in what he done in the 600. He has help! make that middle distance tT one which is recognized, andol . . . H< CLEANERS spent working on the COWBOYS FROM Counselor*. Group Leaders. Specialties. General Counselors. CALICO COUNTY lansing Write, Phone, or Call in Person FREE PICK-UP the Big Ten. "It's kind of like going into a intermediate Spartan hurdles, assistant coach where Jim which now has two Spat listed in the top five on I Association of Private Camps - Dept. knife fight," Cassleman said, Gibbard hasn't all-time best performances ■ Phone 882-2429 ^ * C AND DELIVERY "but maybe without the knife. given up on his And an individual E Maxwell M. Alexander. Executive Director potential and will work with VOPE/VEVERYMTE AT.. gaSBKS.* i 55 West 42nd Street, OX 5-2656, New York 36, N. Y. 1 623 E. GRAND RIVER But the 660 is kind of a decent Cassleman next year. Cassleman definitely is. but III race, except that it's a nowhere "I don't think I've really probably also, as Gibbard put! event." "one of the top freshmen in THIRD BIG WEEK TRANSCENDENTAL l|our Future The 660 is not contested in fulfilled myself outdoors yet," he said. "I'm waiting for the country, one who's done ju the NCAA meet, so Cassleman sensational job for us this ye Awaits tke Test.. next three meets. Running 46 TOM PAINE MEDITATION 'jj! ?, [JIIJ\7iGRE :J/. tJ IJ v fDAT will likely be switched to the 440 for the Central Collegiate and national championship something satisfied me on the mile relay only in that I was As such, Cassleman will likfl remain an individual, not a 'M in the crowd, because he'ssT IMjraaiSAT iyOT.^jy*T6SB expecting it to come." meets. "The intermediates were kind got three years to go.andbigl Cassleman said he's been of a disappointment," Cassleman and better things waiting. as taught by pretty well satisfied with his said. "But if I hadn't been sick Maharishi Mahexh outdoor season, even the time and had worked sooner on them, Wings dealLul Yogi Voluminous home study materi and Robitaillel study prepared by e liscount records for netminder ELOCAL CLASSES -1 I J (313)851 6077 225 Ann Street The Detroit Red Wings Transcendental meditation is natural spontaneous tech¬ a Call Collect 351-8460 made it under the NHL lrf nique which allows each individual to expand his mind and deadline Tuesday night I improve his life. Stanley H. Kaplan WHAT TIME IS IT, BOYS AND dealing for goaltender JoeDf from the Buffalo Sabres. 1 Introductory Lecture Educational Center GIRLS? TUTORING AND GUIDANCE SINCE Vl3B Wings sent Mike Robitaill? 1 167b E. 16th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. • • • no,not finals time (not yet) Don Luce to the Sabres J Thursday, May 27 (212) 336—5300 f4^ it's exchange. McDonel Kiva May 27, 28, 29 8:30 p.m. 7:00 & 10:00 Sat. Tickets at the Union & at the door. $1.50 7:30 pm 106B Wells howdy M T W Til FOOT LONG doody HOT DOG time! MEDIUM PEPPERONI 1 h BOWL FREE! The whole gang is back ... on PIP Records' Nostalgia PIZZA 1,1 Trip . . . only delivery $2.99 VARSITYDRiVEJ ARTHUR TREACHER' (One coupon per customer — Does not include shoe rental) I COUPON-SAVE! I T We are now taking applications for our WITH THIS COUPON, GRAB A BARGAIN MEAL AT summer bowling leagues. For information call 355-3357. 2418 E. MICHIGAN, RIGHT PAST FRANDOR - OR 4100 S. LOGAN 20c DRINK, OUR CRISP FRIES, AND 2 LARGE FILLETS OF FISH, REGULARLY $1.20 UNION BOWLING LANES THIS OFFER GOOD THRU Basement, Union Building NOW 99< MAY 31»t AT E. MICH. STORE OR AT OUR S. LOGAN LOCATION FER GOOD ONLY WITH THIS COUPON! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan state news Thursday, May 27, 1971 classified state news 3558255 Peanuts Personal Special June 1—June 4. 347 Student Services classified 355-8255 CAT/Sfy yov# MEEDS The State News permit racial or does not religious Automotive pRankLy speaking by Phil Frank Employment For Rent For Rent discrimination in OPEL, 1968. 15,000 miles. Excellent it, mast* •dvertising columns State News will The not condition. interior, 349-9310. 6-6-4 White snow with tires. blue $999. MARRIED COUPLE for resident managers. 208 Cedar'Street. Rent in exchange for ONLY SELCO $8.50/month. Free deliveries. COMMUNICATIONS TV SINGLE GIRL. Campus near. 227 Bogue. To share small, furnished complete . automotive accept advertising which maintenance, and management. RENTAL, 372-4948. O one bedroom, $65; or large Scooters & Cycles discriminates PONT I AC Write James Martin, 6970 Kitson, furnished two bedroom, 2 girl, against FIREBIRD. 1968. 6 FURNITURE RENTAL $92.50. Phone 489 5922. June Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color or cylinder, standard shift, good Rockford, Michigan, 49341 or Student 616-866-1340. 7-6-4 special starting at 9 occupancy. 5-6-3 Aviation national origin. condition. $1200. 339-9354 month. Reserve now for Fall ~ 353 3282. 4 5 28. • employment RESEARCH SUBJECTS WANTED. Term. BISHOP FURNITURE SUMMER: ONE bedi for rent $2.00 for 45 minutes evenings. RENTAL, 4972 Northwind Dri • PONTIAC, 1969. LeMans. Two door 351-5830.21-6-4 hardtop. V-8. Automatic. May 26th. Call 355-4463. 4-5-27 6 p.m. 1-5-27 Apartments Power _ steering. Air. Bucket seats. CAMPACT REFRIGERATOR Houses ACCOUNTING ONE TO four wanted 'or A utomotive Console. Radio. Whitewalls. CLERK. Young rentals for summer term, available Oakhill sum Rooms $2200. 349-0178. 3-5-27 person, experienced. Permanent. Apartments. Close now. UNITED RFNT-ALL, 2790 37 2-7 700, PERSONNEL campus, air conditioned. C ,FOR SALE CHEVELLE 1968 SS-396. East Grand River. 351-5652. 7-6-4 351-1748 after 6 Powi SIMCA 1968. Leaving town, must CONSULTANTS. 2-5-27 p.m. 2-5-28 Animals ing, brakes, vinyl sell. $500. Will bargain. 332-4793 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction Mobile Homes 5-5-27 INTERESTED IN making $100-$300 SUBLET. $160. Haslett Apartment, guaranteed. Free delivery, service part time in sales? Or Furnished, two bedroom four .PERSONAL potentially and pick-up. Call NEJAC man- After 5 TORINA CONVERTIBLE $8-15,000 in two years. Must have p.m., 351-7219. .PEANUTS PERSONAL CORVETTE 1966 327 1968. 337-1300. C 6-6-4 350 hp. Excellent body and initiative. Call 485-8980, Mr. Excellent condition, engine .REAL ESTATE disc brakes. 351 -7099. new mufflers, condition. Brand new tires. Randall. B-5-27 TV RENTALS 3-5-28 - Students only. Low STUDENT APARTMENT, four .RECREATION Recently tuned. Call 332-0644 monthly and term rates. Call after 6 p.m. 5-5-28 SINGLE ROOM for mature rooms, 2 bedrooms furnished. grad 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV .SERVICE CORVETTE. 1968. Convertibte. Parking, fall term. 10 minute drive RENTALS. C from campus. $165 a month. Typing Service power disc brakes, positraction, TOYOTA CORONA 1969. supervisory and janitorial service 350 White, 4 485 6581. 2-5-28 hp, 327 cu. Special wire door, 4 speed. Very nice inside for male house. 1 year minimum. . TRANSPORTATION wheels, tinted glass, four new and out. Must sell. Let's talk 485-8836 or 487-5753. 0-7-6-4 .WANTED polyglas tires. Corvette Bronze Call 372-1568 evenings. 4-5-28 price. Apartments Beat Street Apartments 485-6929. 8-6-4 AMBITIOUS AND dependable Fall. 1 block I DEADLINE TRIUMPH TR4A 1966, IRS Electric 'THIS IS LCW QRflPE R)Ft! LET ME person, 18 years or older to take bedroom. 2 from or .1 campus, 2 persons i P.M. one elm day DELTA 88, 1969.Power steering, overdrive. Must sell. 393-7638 W WANT KNOW /F photographs on a commission basis. Experience helpful but not furnished, balcony, aii | before publication. Cancellation! - 12 noon power disc brakes, turbo hydramatic. Must sell. 337-1898 anytime. 3-5-27 V&3ME yBOT 5-4098. mpg. Some rust. $130. 3-5-27 MERCURY 1966 HONDA 50cc. Step through model. Red and white. 800 actual like new. $195. Phone 627-9217 miles, cycle, INSURANCE. Michigan's Largest insurer. Any any rate, LLOYD'S Central of only. 355-4463. 4-6-2 Yes, We Have SEVEN ELEVEN APARTMENTS * * 4 pHEVROLET, running 1947. Excellent condition, needs paint lob. 627-7555 after door, automatic, power steering, radio. 4 excellent exhaust system. tires. New Like - new or 351-4456. 3-5-27 LANSING, 332-5335, 482-5585. Location... 711 Burcham — Large Deluxe Completely Furnished E. Lansing * 5:30 p.m. X-RAY. HALF 5-6-3 interior. Needs grille. Solid body. Aqua. Steal at $600. 351-3823 1 970 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster. 10,000 miles. $1700 technologist time needed registered to work 1 Block from One Bedroom Apariment 800 square feet of Comfortable * I^EVY IMPALA 1964. Runs well. after 6 p.m. S best offer. 351-4857. 5-5-27 mornings. Excellent salary and Living working Air Conditioned Summer Lease SI40.00per 1 rebui't I Call 351-8445. engine, S some rust. $90, -6-3 MUSTANG cylinder, 1965 $550. GT Call series, 6 393-6412. 968 Norton/Matchless KAWASAKI 1971. A7SS-350. Excellent condition. $750, best Sparrow 5-5-27 conditions. Hospital Personnel. Apply Campus... Fully carpeted Fall Leases Available Call 337-7328 337-0780 month \L ^ * 750 JCHEVY IMPALA 1966 Sport Coupe I 327 4 speed, excellent . condition. 3-5 28 Scrambler. Good shape. Conscientious owner. Best offer. offer. 332-0567. 5-5-28 SUMMER AND part time WATER'S EDGE ecurity Deposits Held in Escrow -Returned Expiration ot Lease. » I 353 8453. 3-5-27 NOVA, 1969. 6 cylinder, 3 speed. $850. 355-3725. 4-5-28 PARK AND SHOPI Park yourself in an easy chair and shop the Want Ad employment with wholesaler. Automobile required. merchant ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ fHEVV 1 5650. Call 485-2365 NOVA, 1966. 3-speed. Power steering, brakes. $1450. 332-2310. 2-5-27 way todayI 351-5800. O and 3-5-27 CROSSWORD PUZZLE PEED GOOD WORKERS? I Wanted Ads in Classified get 'em Help NOVA 1970. Bucket brakes. 3 speed automatic 396. seats. Disc 968 SEARS motor scooter, 2286 miles. Great condition. $100. RIVER'S EDGE L'a«! Dial 355-8755 i Low mileage. 655-3953. x-5-28 351-8280. 1-5-27 APARTMENTS KAMIN'S STEREO SHOP NEW "MINI" 8-TRACK STEREO TAPE PLAYER 14 Roommate Service 37. Yale watts power, Thumbwheel controls for balance, tone, & 2 volume. 5" L x 754" D x 2%" H. Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms 39. Accord Furnished, Balconies i 49.' See Frank or JoAnne iditure 43. Fin S4995 at 1050 Waters 332-4432 Edge Dr. 16. 7. Exist Hootei 47. 48. G Get thi Coupon — - 18 Patches up 49. Over arith '2 Liquefy 59. Mailing c 8-TRACK STEREO APARTMENT DISCOUNT '6 Cleaver 7 Mutilate Summer from $37.50 DOWN TAPE We manage 9 apartment buildings - Fall from $52.50 and have an apartment for every need. 39. Watf 1. White li $525 Apartments Addresses Phone r— — 4 T 8 ,o " Limit 2 tapes per coupon Bay Colony Haslett & Hagadorr 351-3211 Expires June 11, 1971 Beechwood Delta Arms 1130 Beech Street 235 Delta 351-0965 3930625 1 Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen 332-1313 Haslett Arms Princeton Arms 135 Collingwood 1308 Haslett Road 351 7662 i % 19 20 r 21 22 23 2M 2S 332-3511 25 Departed kamins North Pointe 1240 Haslett Road w V 28 W 351 3407 .''8 Bandleader CHARGE University Terrace 444 Michigan Avenue 351-9117 w V 32~ 34. Black tea University Villa 635 Abbott Road 337-2361 V&L 36. Portals 38 Nobleman *ln view of Campus ifl ■ ■ H 38^ M ■ ■■ ■ 40. TM girl **Pool Y/j YSj y/y QJ| WLYSs Mi r kZ //, or Pool Privileges /// YSt 41.1 in ot W VA u endearment Models open at each complex Monday through Saturday from 3 - 5 p.m. H m m u wm ■ is us d 42. Ampersand Contact apartment Resident or Manager today at above telephone numbers for call HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigan Ave. East Lansing - your choice of Ifl ■ u u W//M ■ H ■ u u W/M ■ E ■ 43. Enervate 41 Outt t 19 ■ Thursday, May 27 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan l97] For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent SUMMER - ONE bedroom, 2 Student 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham ROOMMATE NEEDED, luxury LOVELY, FURNISHED efficiency GIRL ONE or two man small and one bedroom bedrooms. Air conditioned. Call 135 Kedzie. apartments. DIRECTORY Drive. 2 man duplex. Rec room, fireplace, yard, ■ apartment. Available summer Available June. 332-0625, after B p.m. 7-8-4 furnished apartments. Includes carpeted. 351-7396. 5-5-28 $120-$140. and/or fall. IV5-1731. 2-5-27 heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. 349-3604 3 5-27 TWO GIRLS needed. 4 man. Cedar ONE ROOM for rent, $45/month Leases starting June 15 and Sept. LANSING. 3 bedroom apartment or Village. Fall - Spring. 337-0552. 1. Days, 487-3216. Evenings til 10 2 bedrooms with study. Carpeted and deposit. Apartment for rent, RIVER HOUSE & ALBERT 3 528 deposit. 1 block from p.m., 882-2316. O and paneled throughout. Available $90, APARTMENTS SPECIAL! MSU BARBER SHOP campus. All utilities paid. Call summer term. Call 484-9772. 209 MAC Ave. GIRL TO share 3 man. Own room. Volkswagen muffler replacement 351-9585, before 8 a.m., after 5 SUPERVISED APARTMENTS 55-28 Fall & Summer, 1 block from Pool, air. Summer and/or fall. $29.95 complete, (type 3 - $.15.95) 351-1110 East Lansing p.m. 7-6-4 Now renting 3 and 4 351 8904. 3-5-28 All work guaranteed. Try us for your next man APARTMENTS. SUMMER and/or campus, 1 - 2 bedroom, 2 - 4 513 HILLCREST. 5 minutes walk to efficiencies for summer and next year. One half block from persons, furnished, balcony, RANDY'S MOBIL styling, razor cut or u -u 351 152& Union. Air conditioned, fully furnished, carpeted, dishwasher, fall. $650 per term total. campus. Immediate Two, three or four man. occupancy. 126 air conditioning, study. REDUCED SUMMER GIRL WANTED for 4 man. Good location. 351-8882, after 5 p.m. 5-6-2 1-96 at Okemos Rd. 349-9620 special cut. Appointments available. ZI disposal, large rooms. Most 351-6317 Orchard. Phone 339-2219, RATES. 204 River St., Apt. utilities furnished. Few units left. 337-2082. 22-6-4 6. 351-34 84 or 332-0255. From $45 per person. 351-0705 SUMMER. 2 man furnished PENNSYLVANIA NORTH, 325. 2 bedroom, furnished, ground level Protect Your Damage Deposit duNTACT LENS PORCELITE or 655-1022.3-5-28 apartment air conditioned. Across from campus.133 Durand.No. 11. SUMMER SUBLET. One bedroom 1 OR 2 girls wanted for apartment school year 1971-72. Call apartment. Utilities. $150. SERVICES ""/motoTr and den furnished. Luxury, golf 351 3969. O Expertly repairs chipped porcelain 3-5-27 353-6019 353-1049. 4-5-28 plumbing fixtures and D. M. DEAN, aa SPARROW HOSPITAL, near. 301 course, pool, lake. Faculty, grad or BOB JONE8 South Holmes. 2 room furnished or couple. $170. Lake of the Hills, appliances. Free estimates. 210 Abbott Rd. PAINTS SUMMER TERM Call now. Suite #16 Haslett. 339-9354, 353-3282, UNFURNISHED EXCEPT for stove apartment, $90. Also one room Phone 372-5882, after S p.m. efficiency, furnished, $70. Furnished, spacious apartments for 2, Wellhofer. 4-5-28 and refrigerator. South end near Reo. 2 bedroom lower apartment, AROUND THE 332-6963 Utilities included. 351-3969. O 3 ot 4 people. Air conditioned, utilities furnished. Adults only. WASHDAY SAVINGS GIRL NEED FALL and/or spring. 3 excellent campus location, from No pets. $130 per month plus CLOCK SERVICE aSc per load COLLEGE TRAVEL - t tXAMINEB" man Twickingham. 355-4339. $45 per man. 126 Orchard, deposit. Call Ovid 834-5235 The best for less • glasses 3-5-27 337-2082 8-6-4 Spacious living and summer 3-5-27 Special Texts Washer 50c OFFICE • CONTACT fun for the young at heart. LENS II WINDROW'S ECONOWASH ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ TWO GIRLS to share bedroom. IV 5-5495 before 5 p.m.; 351-1857 • • Olympic pool / Club ONE MAN, summer, ideal location. Air conditioning, pool, balcony, 3006 Vine St. 130 West Grand River Ave. £« Co-Optical f 0ptom'W«» 11 Color TV / Exercise Room 361-6010 I Cedar Village ■ after. 10-6-1 • Saunas Pool Tables inexpensive. Call 351-2648. 3-5-27 That's why we have a 24-hour answering service. 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. l blk. W. of Sears 8218 S. Login, S Apartments ■ • Volleyball One bdr. apts. from $155. BROOKS Imported Cars BEAD CRAFTS, ' provide continuous fteeP Two bdr. apts. from $190. Three bdr. apts. from $220. Now Leasing. (yKj Sales and DECOUPAQE SUPPLIES, ART REPRODUCTIONS MACRAlWl CHALET NEEDED 1 for ■maintenance on toilets,R man summer sublease, MODELS OPEN DAILY IflLgJ Service Toy Village I ■garbage disposals, stoves, airg Capital Villa. Cheap. 337-0004. 11 A.M.-7 P.M. Burcham Woods 482-1473 candle making supplies 3105 W. Saginaw 8-6-4 ■conditioners, and many otherg 745 Burcham Enfield's Incorporated IV 7-0851 I 5014 N. Grand River. Lansing 693 ■appliances. Cedar Village alsol ■ has 24 - hour emergency" ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom, unfurnished with garage and sun MEADOWBROOK 2 Bedroom furnished apartments 351-3118 WATERBED UNITS M-43f Okemoi, 349-1940 Jth^lgwnltsH •service by our on<«ite staff, g deck. Near Capitol. 484-1938 TRACE FRANDOR KARMELKORN ■ ■ Out 496 East to Jolly Rd. If no answer - 484 4014 Mattreaa,llnewjieater and frame Regular $1.15 after 7 p.m. 3-B-27 ■ Now Leasing for $76 Any size. KARMELKORN ■ exit, then to corner of Fall $60 per man up - ONE MAN needed to sublease, Waterbed Frames $35 and up. * Summer Term STODDARD APARTMENTS. Furnished, 2 man, Summer, Fall. Dunckel and Jolly 393-0210 two man to luxury apartment. Close campus. Phone 3B1-3B82. 5-6-2 Rebirth Waterbeds 402 E. Michigan - • 96c • with this coupon. - fttrmy Ooll Range, River Avenue a few cj Close to campus. Call 351-8238, O - mlnuta * 332 ■ 5051 PRIVATE - TWO rooms, bath. Furnished. Utilities paid. Parking. See Mgr. 3-8 p.m. Uinlng <898188 Good thru May 29 east of MSU. 349-2850 11 SUMMER SUBLET Furnished MaSs(«), grads or seniors. Summer or call 332-6197 ■ Bogue at the Red Cedar Z 0NE MAN nMd,d ,0 or fall. 1214 East Kalamazoo. efficiency. Air, parking. AvaU«ble „ | 3-6-27 " Americana $57.50.351-3195 Bill. 6-5-28 June. $113.80. 677-1091. 3-6-28 For Rent For Rent For Rent mmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmm {on Grand River ••••••••••••••»•••••••••••••••••••••*** across from Burger King) TWO GIRLS sublet Summer. spacious Burcham TWO FURNISHED apartments on TWO MEN wanted for lummer,oml 1 Live Close to Campus Walk to Classes GIRLS - SUPERVISED apartment. West Barnes for married couples. for fall, in Cedar Village Cilll % MEADOWBROOK TRACE. Summer, Woods, pool. 351-2243. 3-5-27 No children or pets. Available 351-2286.2-5-27 " OFF-CAMPUS June 1st, 3 rooms $125; July 1, 5 f THREE GIRLS. Summer sublet. No MARIGOLD APARTMENTS APARTMENTS f damage deposit. $50/month. large 4 man, 2 bath, furnished. Neer pool. $260 and we give you our damage deposit. 393-1255. MARRIED STUDENTS & FACULTY rooms $150. 484-0497. 3-5-28 Houses • Marigold & Harrison 911 Marigold Now leasing for fall. 9 3-5-28 EFFICIENCIES, 1 bedroom SINGLE WORKING girl over 21 to SUMMER. FOUR man, Complete NO SECURITY apertments. From $75, includes • Across from Williams 0 furnished, carpeted. 5 n share 2 bedroom unfurnished utilities. 349-0242. 393-4113. Hall Michigan Ave. £ DEPOSIT REQUIRED J Completely Furnished Deluxe on apartment in Lansing. Phone CAMPUS VIEW 5-6-2 from Berkey, 332-3795. 3-5-27 1 1 Bedroom Apartment $160.00 per month $70 a month per ^ 482-6980 after 5 p.m. 3-5-28 APARTMENTS KNOB HILL e Now signing Summer and Fall Leases person. Call evenings, w ACROSS FROM MSU Sailing Club Summer leases $45/mo. APARTMENTS APARTMENT TO sublet $145/month. for 745 TOGETHER HOUSE for ! * bedroomj sublet] J J summer. Call 337-7328 351-4878 332-6246 on Lake Lansing. One or two men Across from Williams Hall Burcham Drive. Call 332-1051. $260/month Great location. Cad 349-4700 2 All Deposits Guaranteed Returnable needed for two bedroom, air Call 332-6246 evenings. 3.5.28 after 6 p.m. 337-9656. 3-5-27 conditioned, carpeted, apartment. •••••••••• 339-8390. 3-5-28 Open: 11:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat. Norwood Apartments SUMMER SUBLET: 4 man, $50 J EAST SIDE. Furnished. One 2:00-5:00 Sunday person, deposit. Call 337-06711 bedroom apartment. $110 and Now renting large one and 3-5-27 Also shown by appointment j deposit. 332-5590. 8-6-4 two bedroom for summer and Your Blueprint 4 MAN. Walk to campus, utilities paid. 1020 Short. 489-1893. 5^-2 On Okemos Rd. Across from Okemos High School fall. Close to Reduced summer rates. Call 33&2712 after 3 p.m. campus. LIVE IN Ulrey House Co-op Room / board. $200 term, and summer] girls. Call 351-0100. 5-5-27 GuyJ 1 SUMMER. ONE or two girls for LARGE TWO party furnished Colllngwood apartment. No ROOMMATES NEEDED summer SUMMER FOUR girls near campus,a efficiencies. Air conditioned, close damage deposit, own bedroom, term. Meadowbrook Trace. $50 baths, laundry, parking 139 to campus. $135 summer. $150 $55 or $65. Call after 6 p.m, completely furnished. Pool, Cedar. 15-6-4 fall. Call 351-4062, 484-1328. 351-6047. 5-6-2 friends. Call 355-9107 or 13-6-4 351-3081. S-6-1 THREE BEDROOM professor] home. Grad students only. $2 REDUCED RENT, summer. 3 man, for summer term. Near campu^ $50 month. Oakhlll apartments. Call 332-8129. 3-5-28 351-3628. 5-6-2 FOUR MEN needed t( clean house nee 393-7094 after 5 p.m. 11-6-4 NEW IDEA IN STUDENT LIVING One or two Bachelor Units Featuring: Enclosed Pool Sauna Shag Carpet (new) Snack Bar - Juke Box Extra Storage Extra Rooms for Guest Game Room (Pool Table - Ping Pong) Price $129 for one - $139 for two All utilities paid except telephone Drop in and talk to our leasing agent today. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 444 Michigan Avenue East Lansing Phone: 361-7910_ Still a few places MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN EVERYDAY 1 - 6 except Sunday 332-6441 left for summer & fall or CALL MARINA 484-3494 NYLANDER, summer Live The "Good Life" at 731- TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. Completely Furnished Deluxe 1-Bedroom Apartment *160 These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control • central air conditioning and Hotpoint appliances. These four man leases... only MP ' per month 3 mo. leases units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time 6 mo. leases 00 has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units starting at $60/month per man. 9 12 mo. mo. leases leases '400' TOTAL Only 3 and 4 #AIR CONDITIONED man apts., "DISHWASHERS starting fall •UNLIMITED PARKING term *SHAG CARPETING (also now accepting fall leases) 'Full Time * * * PLUS * * * Professions! Management ® topcftmgftam NEW FURNITURE * FRESHLY PAINTED NEW CARPETING * NEW FURNISHINGS SUMMER LEASE AVAILABLE Reservations Accepted Now for Fall 4620 S. HAGADORN Collingtoooi) Located at 731 Burcham Drive. East Lansing just north of Mt. Hope Rd. management exclusively by: Apartments (formerly Northwlnd Apti.) Vi Mile East of Abbott MODEL HOURS DAILY Road AND SUNDAY 10:00 A.M.-NO0N- 1:00 p.M -8 00 P.m. ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Call 361-8282 2771 Northwind behind the MODEL PHONE 351-7212 MODEL OPEN DAILY Yankee Store ALTMAN MANAGEMENT CO_ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 27, 1971 9 For Rent For Rent For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale Lost & Found j 2 'or 3 bedroom house. ROOMS. THREE blocks from CONCORD 994 stereo tape recorder. ENGAGEMENT RING and matching Ell <89-2891 eveninflr 25"28 campus. Air conditioned Good condition. $100. Fred, band. 7 diamonds. Sacrifice, $150. 8 WEEK old German Shepherd pup, NO MONEY down. $126 a month. 2 FOUND: $12/week. 332-2501. 3-5-27 355-6947. 3-5-28 female. Black and tan, purebred, FRIGHTENED and t GIRL sublet summer. 355-6062. 3-6-1 bedrooms completely furnished. Utilities no papers. $25. 393-6664. 3-5-28 forlorn, young female, long - J.iH Close. Rent negotiable. MALE - FURNISHED, SUNN AMPLIFIER. Excellent 16MM GUILD GUITAR. D-50, used, in Own - Don't rent. Call Russell haired calico cat near Nat. Sci. CM376. 2-5-28 quiet, clean, neat. Near comfortable Free condition. $800 or best offer. Years' FILM and audio equipment. collection. Sychronizer, good condition. $200. 694-8667. 3-6-1 ENGLISH SETTER Pups -$75, 8 Kassouff, 371-1930, 372-3897 TEACHOUT REALTY. Residence, Building Tuesday night. Call Parking. 332-3094. 3-5-27 Phone 353-1833. 3-5-27 weeks 351-1643. 2-5-28 viewer, mikes, amps, broken old, registered. Sired by 5-6-2 Grand National Grouse Field TE projector, lenses, parts, plugs and TRAILER, SELF -contained, sleeps LOST BLACK wallet. Friday TWO SINGLE rooms for summer. LEVISION, $30. Man's bike, $12. much junk. Call Dan, 484-0216 Champion. 393-5350. 3-5-28 8x32 1 bedroom. Close along Girl's bike, 20", $15. 5. Best offer over $300. 355-2960. to campus. Shaw Male students. Linens furnished 24'., $10. 5-6-3 or Eppley, Reward. summer. Duplex $40. 355-3002. 3-5-27 6-6-4 Furnished. Carpeted. $1000. 353-0081. 1-5-27 332-1682. 3-5-27 POODLES. BLACK males. Adorable ti. Call Greg 332-4927. 351-8941.3-5-28 PIANO, GOOD condition, upright, puppies. Must sell fast. $35. Call LEASING FOR summer and fall NIKKON F, Tn meter, 43-86 STEREO, KENWOOD receiv BSR 489-9774. 2-5-27 $200. . zoom, Bench included. Phone MARLETTE 1966, excellent. Lovely term. Furnished and turntable, speakers, $175. single rooms for accessories. Excellent 332-3342. 3-6-1 LANSING: 3 bedroom girls. 6 blocks to campus. condition. Call after 5 p.m, Compact refrigerator, cassette NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND. 2 years corner lot. King Arthur's Court. nished duplex for lease, Parking. 393-6015. 2-5-27 recorder-radio. New LP's. old. AKC registered. $100 or trade Furnished 2 bedroom, front LOST RUNTY, brown '/> Pekingese. Phone 694-8266 after REFRIGERATOR, WASHER, dryer, nmer $180 a month, fall $220 noon. 4-5-28 353-1470 after 9 p.m. 2-5-28 for lawn mower or living room kitchen, skirted. Phone 485-4576 "Julius The Lecher". Last seen modern living-dining room K month. Phone 332-236 V 2-5-27 sets, evenings. 2-5-27 ROOMS FOR summer SKIS COMPLETE. Boots size walnut suite. 646-6200. 3-5-28 following black dog near Kedzie. - $10 per 10, 5'/., bookcase. Thursday — Reward. 489-0209 after 4 p.m. IrOOF' FURNISHED house for week, no lease, ample parking, boys' 1, 2, 13. Used 4 weeks. Friday, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., 12780 Animals AMERICAN 1968 12x50. Carpeted close to Sharma, 349-3685, 353-9389. Wood Road. 1-5-27 ■J people. Close. Call 351-8579. campus, men only. Call 2-5-27 Mobile Homes living room. Partly furnished. K-2 ^ 351-8096^3 5-27 Fully skirted on lot in Windsor LOST THURSDAY in Bessey Canoe USED FURNITURE. FLEA FAIR. SPARTAN HALL, singles, men, HEATHKIT AR-14 CHAMPION 1964. 10x55. 2 Estates, 15 minutes from MSU off storage men's restroom. Class ring. receiver. Walnut Opening June 1. 314 East t ANN. Three bedroom, women. Now leasing for summer cabinet. Factory tuned. Perfect. bedroom in good condition. I -96. $300 down, take over Mason High 1970, JHD. Michigan. Dishes, books, coins, Kpfurn^hed. stove, refrigerator, fall. 351-9286, 372-1031. O $100. 351-2207.5-6-2 antiques, rockers, junk. SPECIAL STUDENT, $2550. Immediate possession. . Call 646-6380 after 6 677-5071. Reward. 3-5-28 Ko basement, garage, nice yard. hunter's paradise. See you Bargain MSU PERSONNEL Located in quiet park on Grand . 3-5-28 K95 plus utilities. Year lease. For Sale OLYMPIA DELUXE typewriter, Open 11 a.m. 3-6-1 June 1. SALE - 25% OFF ON River Ave. in Williamston. LOST: WEDNESDAY. Valley Court Iioo deposit. Available June 1. $45. Binoculars, $25. Telescope, ALL DOGS MAY 27 28 - 655-2684. 5-5-28 Park. Men's registered Accutron ,mily only. 332-1936. 5-6-3 100 USED vacuum $25. Call 355-9450 after 5 p.m. cleaners. Tanks, CENTURY, 1968. 23', like nev v. Self ONLY AT DOCKTOR 1963 watch. Great sentimental value. 3-5-28 FLEETWOOD 57x10. 2 canisters and uprights. contained. Plus extras. 351-4097. $30 reward. 355-8058. 3-5-27 ticES FOR 5 or 6. Summer. Near Guaranteed PET, MERIDIAN MALL bedroom, front kitchen, KOZY 10x57 Expando. Living room one full year. $7.88 and 1-5-27 ,mpus. Call 349-3919. x-5-6-2 up. RECTILINEAR Xl'sbrand new.$125 completely furnished. $2000. 10 fully shag carpeted. Excellent DENNIS DISTRIBUTING SLY (SQUIRREL monkey), yellow minutes or best offer. Other stereo to campus. 641-6804. condition. 694-0836. 3-5-27 LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. HOUSEHOLD SALE: Furniture, TV gold, 114 Excellent 6-6-4 components. 355-9477, 355-9498. years. 355-8255 now for a quick - action Opposite City Market. C-5-27 antenna, lawn mower, clothing. condition. Friendly and playful. Classified Ad. 3-5-28 1531 Snyder Road, East Lansing, $17.50. BJ, 332-3581. 1 5-27 8x36 Lost & Found *f#.$l85/month ■ plus utilities. kl~ RIDING LAWNMOWER Simplicity 5 WATER BED UNITS, Saturday, Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 1951 Aluminum, Carpeted, cabana attached. Behind Warren's, pets. horsepower with snowplow. $200. mattress, liner, p.m. 2-5-28 LOST: Call after 7 p.m. 349-4817. C-5-28 heater and frame, $76 any size. $1300. 351-7454.6-6-4 GREEN sleeping bag 4FOR RUMOR CONTROL^ peace vigil, REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, 1956 HARMONY Demonstration Hall. and electric guitar, Please return. Lansing. 489-6168. TF Jane, 353-0534. 3-5-27 IrOIT STREET, South 314. Two FREE PARKING at rear of rebuilt, humbuckin pickup, USED 1968 Ritz Craft 12x50 General Information ooni furnished for 3 students, store, for Grover heads. 355-9473. 3-6-1 FREE SHELTIE, half - size collie. 3 furnished. 2 bedrooms. $3800. your convenience. OPTICAL LOST: BLACK wallet and Chinese Call: H.I.C. 353-8114 5monthly,Fall. Also available STEREOS years old. Male. To a good home 3 7 2-8520 after 5 DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan p.m. and wedding Receivers, $59.95 up. Speaker sets, 339-2409. 5-6-1 ring. Reward. Call 1','summer. 351-3969.0 Avenue. 372-7409. C-5-5-28 $19.95 up. Compact stereos, NIKKORMAT Must sell STN, 135mm lens. weekends. 5-5-27 355-1110. 1-5-27 $39.50 up. 8 track automatic immediately. 489-0218. [ GIRL for two man. $75 per tape 2-5-28 CAN BE yours. Panasonic TV. F,ont„. 226 Beal. Quiet. Black/White. 4 months old. 12" players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, used $2.50, new $4.00. 51-5762. 5-6-2 Stereo LES PAUL Custom guitar, black, screen. Call JJ, 355-9345. 5-6-1 albums $1.50 down. Italian wall Every year more people discover 1969 model. $400. Call 393-6953. t BEDROOM. Single. Three man tapestries. Oriental bedspreads. 2-5-28 PENTEX SV camera, Takumar AM-FM clock and portable radios. ■ouse. $60/month. Phone lens, 135 f/3.5, 24 f/3.5, 55 TV f/1.8, ^82-8557. 5-6-2 meter flash, filters. $320. sets, recorder, walkie and talkies, surf tape board. LOOM - 4 harnesses. Fold up model. Maximum cloth width, 45". $275. 355-8209 after 5 p.m. 5-6-1 Merchandise SPRING 4th man needed, tested and 353-8689 8-5 p.m.; 349-2665, _ , gu a ranteed. Wl LCOX home. 3-5-28 1 room, block from Berkey, SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 E. 3 month. Phone 484-1708. Brand new portables - $49,95, Michigan, Lansing. Phone $5.00 per month. Large selection 485-4391. Hours daily: 8 ADVENT DOLBY 101. Noise a.m. - of reconditioned used machines. 5:30 p.m. C reduction unit. 4 months old, $85. XlMER. THREE girls. Walking Singers, Whites, Necchis, New 355-9468. 2-5-28 |;stance. Furnished. Big yard. Call Home & "Many Others." $19.95 ^32 5731. 2-5-27 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS SONY STR6065 receiver. AR3a speakers. Other components. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 351-8907 until midnight. 5-5^27 DON'T T GET |LET Vi house; attractively 1115 North Washington, Burnished. 5 rooms, 1 bedroom SOME NUMBERS 489-6448 .C-5-27 |ruj study or 2 bedrooms. SALE: OLD BOOKS & MAGAZINES TO PUT UP IN Responsible couple or single grad SOFA, $9.95; chair, $2.49, chest, Playboys, comics, science fiction, FRONT OF ME? preferred. $155/month. 351-1905. $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC nostalgia. CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP SECONDHAND STORE, 1208 541 Grand River (below Turner. C Paramount) 1 -6 p.m. 13-6-4 BLACK CHEST $15; mattress, box spring, $20; dining table, four |EDR00M home. Grad chairs, $50; end table, $3. Phone jr. Call after 7 p.i 882-1076. 3-5-28 PLASTIC INFLATABLE furniture. 137-9322. 4-5-28 Many styles. Low prices. Call STEREO 4 months old. Allied 250w 337-9215 noon - midnight. 9-6-4 * amp. GarrtW SL75.'Utdh 18" 3 way speakers. $425 new, sell for YEAR END Clearance Close Out on $300. Call 482-2395. 2-5-27 Sony radios. Once a year specials at MARSHALL MUSIC. C-5-27 pPHERD STREET. 2 bedroom. we, refrigerator. Available June FURNITURE: USED 1 and 3 years. Is:. $150 per month. Deposit, ZENITH PORTABLE Air Conditioning Quality. Best offer. Jane stereo, "hone 372-8130 after 6 p,m. 8-6-4 339-9458, 489 1427. 3-5-28 excellent condition. $100 or best offer. 353-2682. 3-6-1 |WER, JUNE 15 - September 13. WATERBED FRAMES $35 and up. WATERBEDS SALE, take ar campus. Furnished. Parking. REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, one home ■32-8903. 4-5-28 Lansing, 489-6168. TF for summer at Meridian Mall. 2-5-28 JERS0NS needed for issible fall. Own rooms. Close to summer, WEDDING ENGAGEMENT set. 1/3 carat. $240 value. Call John 482-5913.3-5-28 in city i. Liberal roommates. Call 51-1982. 8-6-4 IfMER. TWO bedrooms. Partially in the hot Burnished. One block to campus. 80.337-2256. 3-5-27 asph |(URY LIVING for summer. Nice room and beautiful 3 ri for 5 and 4 persons. Call in slow ■51-3118 between ■2-6-4 6 - 8 p.m. jive o JEDROOM s. home. Ideal for 6 2 kitchens, 2 or more girls, t drive on scenic Mt. Hope, per person. Call ■93-3532. 56-2 That's usually the time you drive |NCH00m.STYLE house. Own your East Lansing. Quiet, !8 student preferred. 332-8519. small car. Stop torturing yourself! ■"EE MEN sublet summer Tarnished, 3 bedroom. Just north Trade up to a •'campus. 351-2705. x-3-5-27 factory equiped Rooms air-conditioned Toyota. fLE ROOMS for fall. Practically T camPus- Free utilities. Girls lv- Call 351-0573. 1-5-27 lT LANSING rooms for men. toting fa|| $l92-$204 a term. ■ 'va'e e"trace, parking, cooking, T,!r'y new house. Phone 2-5-28 TOYOTA builds more small cars '1 LANSING. ?Ie Male rooms, parking, students, 2|C 200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING FUN IN YOUR OLYMPIC POOL wigerator. Call 332-5791. 8-6-4 Jit FELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB ROOM, TV _ minutes from campus. r^P^tely furnished. 372-8077 ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. £ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS, with Air Conditioning J_fe 4 P.m. C Eh student * R°0M ,or in mature male exchange for jjt PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. ■ rvsory and janitorial service, T;5? 53.0-7-6-4 minimum. 485-8836 or ^READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY. FUDY. SPECIAL SUMMER - than any other auto-maker. £ SUNDECKS. * S37» ONLY RATES FROM |^EN Cl°se SINGLE in, room. one 10 Quiet week £ INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. er' 0ne Btar fc-0647l,.Chen- summer and No P'^ing. next £ MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA. /PERSON/MONTH See us for a large selection ot: T 47 a,ter 5 p.m. 3-5-28 Summer and fall. £ 1 2 and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. t-39,n,5P^lefl98- Park,"«- MEADOWB&OOK trace soi,i„„ Pit, a'0"" 351 For 0798, 10 summer. a.m. - To yet to on Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State Campus 1-496. Exit west onto Jolly Road and go to comer of Dunckel Road. PHONE 393-0210 WHEELS TOYOTA INC. l^^Cn'l quiet room*- Summer 2400 E. "S-itou0.9' cl0ie ^6,487-5753.0 t0 campus. OPEN 11-7 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT Michigan Ave. - lust 5 blocks west of Frandor 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^Thursday, May . Personal Recreation Service FOR HIRING TEACHERS IF VOU have a problem pregnancy, DIFFICULT TYPING SPECIALTY: Board weighing criteria the help you need to bring this technical, tables, foreign baby to full term will be provided languages. Leave number: The deadline for It's What's by calling either 669-9389 or Europe - Summer 71 393-0486 3-5-28 482-6585. 5-5-28 $220 Round Trip - Jet AIR Happening items for Tuesday's TYPING — TERM papers and theses. paper in noon today. Intra European Chartered Electric typewriter, fast service. A lawyer will be at ASMSU from 9 but added that he did not think Itself to the elimination of the flights, Eurail Pass, Call 349-1904. 18-6-4 (continued from page one) a.m. to noon and I to 5 p.m. every the board's proposal would go COMPLAIN Britrail Pass & Cycle rental - Chartered TYPIST. BOOKKEEPING in my Wednesday and from 1 to S p.m. every Thursday this term. CAII 3S3-0ftS9 Education Assn., said he far enough. temporary teaching permit evil," he said. school district qualified which teaches can ''I for an appointment. There is a $3 supported the board's intent of "The State Board of "Qualified teachers are to look for EFFECTIVELY! flights to Africa, home. Dictaphonework accepted. nominal charge. When coming for ail raising teaching qualifications. Education has not addressed available," he said. to pay the them or u faiN I Israel and India. Pick - up and delivery, for faculty appointment, check in at the ASMSU pri^ for flUnwill'l|| Call Frank Buck or business. 655-3458. B-5-27 business office, 307-B Student instructional staff'' ,qualityI Psychologists say a normal 351 8604 or N.U.S. 393-1616 Services Bldg. said. ^asure | BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. All women interested in initiating a amount of complaining and Sen. No job too large or too small letting off steam are mentally EUROPE $194. Studentours round Block off campus. 332-3255. C unconstitutionality of the abortion R-Ann Arbor rhaiirn Bursley, I and emotionally healthy, while suffering in silence can trip jet to London. Summer 1971. Call Eddie, 393-7520. 33-6-4 PNOrESSIONAL ecause it denies a woman the to control her body, should SL at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 38 and be dangerous. THESIS reviewed the as n«I Not satisfied with your job, Real Estate PREPARATION • IBM Typlnf lion. For more information, call •Wilkinson at 332-042 7. committee added "r'r-rl ,n„mU ducatl«i| SOUTHEAST ELEGANT 4 Multilith Printing it to Lot L on A 21 YEAR OLD Brooklyn N.Y., man is automobile because his license plate looked int rested members , home, car? Don't suffer in . - - - silence. Do something! Check bedroom tri - level featuring cozy . Nirdbinding HGtos°mus* be ^ree ^is week after pleading guilty Wednesday to suspicious. The released until prosecutors take education" within" JPP>di»i| family room, with charming man was Classified Ads for the better Complin Prtfissitnil Thisls Service fir tod (clear, brown and green), charges that he was selling magazines without a way it could be acc «ny| fireplace. There are 2 full baths, mplished. things you want in life, then formal living room, full basement Miitir's and Dictaril Candidates n and free of metal, lalom! The Hillel Foundation v permit in an East Lansing apartment house. Vladmir Salon was released from District Bursley said (.It°mnl ,cK"J go after them! Do it now! with furnace room and 2 car I Consultation Pleas* Call ■ Kahhoios Shabbos services A 32 YEAR OLD MSU student living in Court after he payed a $25 fine and $14 in court project which ' ouMg 3 ^I - SistH? 137 1S77 or S27 ?SM i attached garage. To further p.m. Friday, followed by East lovely homi TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. cious meal. All are welcon costs. East Lansing officers arrested him Tuesday Lansing also fxces prosecution this week on the'Wacher'Vr- i^°Uld esamine| LSAT, ATGSB and GRE Board Rapid accurate service. luse of the holiday there win linner or speaker Sundi will be at 619 Oak St. after an apartment resident told charges of stealing beverage bottles from the basement of the Student Services at the state\ m! 8 techni^es Exams. Kaplan tutoring classes professionally landscaped, and Experienced. 393-4075. O Britii h'uui P°''ce Salon tried to sell a magazine subscription A Building. tQ ma|(e . a.Jor un,versiti«| building employe told police that he the tvL ^ "in flow being formed for June, July saw offers a unique terraced patio Foundation is located at 319 to him. producing and August exams. CaM (313) the take the bottles at about 6:05 851-6077 collect. 16-6-4 adjacent to a beautifully wooded THESES RUN for only 7c per page. Hill crest at Grand River Avenue. For * * * man a.m. necessarv in ,°, teactl«| area. FHA and VA terms, or THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East rides or information, call 332-1916. COUNTY PROSECUTORS are expected to Wednesday. Police said they apprehended him as educational system " tate'1 owne, will consider land contract. he was leaving through a west door. The student Grand River. Phone 332-4222. The . . Dept. of American Thought _. ., issue a complaint r,_ and warrant this week against 6 a Burslev said m FREE .A lesson in complexion Call Dave Swank, 882-3527 or released at tiSratpjH ... , . . was scene. care. Call 484-4519. Fast Michigan 372-7943, HUBBELL REALTY ind Language and the Honors College 22 • year - old Westphalia man who was arrested ^ Jirplus of COMPANY, Realtors. 4-5-27 sill present the ninth annual Ann Tuesday evening after an East Lansing, officer Or MERLE 485-7197. Lansing Mall. NORMAN COSMETICS Transportation \rbor film festival, a collection of ' *" " m MW a billy club protruding from under the left front seat in the man's automobile. A UNIVERSITY dictaphone valued at $915, . OWNED typewriter and a purse and wallet '"Sometimes vou h STUDIOS. C-5-27 Service Anthony Hall. Nc valued at $6, $5 in cash and a 1964 Ford valued surplus of teachers ■ 1 admis! The officer said he saw the club when he now," the Ann \rk ^i** n Tired of Writing PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free "RY THE magic of a Want Ad to sell 970 Mosport C« approached the man's vehicle parked in a lot off at $75 were reported as stolen to police Tuesday said.' "And sometimes Term Papers? something you no longer need! >e reviewed at the Spon Beech Street. The officer added he went to the from student rooms, from a Linton Hall office estimates. Grad students, Dial 355-8255 now I a deficiency of teacher We have them neeting today. "A Histor and from in front of a Spartan Village apartment, the case a experienced, references. Brighten >f Alfa Romeo Racing" couple of years ago."! Call WORDS OF WISDOM up your house for spring. sh< ff anted 11 "313 769-2146" Between 7-11 p.m. 349-4817. C PAINTING, INTERIOR - Exterior. 2 FEMALE 1971 s Rim Prof to show slides 20% DISCOUNT ON grads desire Experienced Over 21. Free TYPEWRITER REPAIRS HAIR CUT the way you want it. sublease from either Jewish caricature UNION BUILDING BARBER estimates. No job too big / too Twyckingham, Campus Hill or SHOP. C-5-27 small. 489-4596. S-5-28 Capitol Villa. Call 1-835-3243. •Iron WATERBEDS GIANT Sale - Now 2-5-28 etc.). , et civic playi street with dances, the "Jewsih Caricature in discrimination began in earnest FOR MSU STUDENTS thru Saturday, See at Meridian WOMAN WITH governess experience, inment comi °f ,he American Popular Graphics, in this country and the ethnic Mall. 2-5-28 references, will babysit for people Married Students Assi going on vacation. For more today in the Day Can ■Unit,'Spartan of 1830 1960" win ** the subject a slide talk humor of the 1920s, COMIC STRIP Animal Crackers information, 351-5500, extension Village, or call Penny Olsen > | e given ' r by \ John J. ■ Appel spent a year at the FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 355-9869, after 5 p.m. Appel, professor of Amencan recently dropped by Free Press. 7174. 3-5-27 Smithsonian Institute from 1969 Enjoy it? Call or write now. Campus action will hold a rap thought and language and in - to 1970 collecting and SAILING LESSONS and sailboat ERRAND MAN. I'll try anything. the*'IJnton "oak*lRtfom.PEver vone 'is JameS ^ison College, at Q 0A interpreting data for this Peanuts Personal rentals by appointment. CAPTN JACK, 349-4757. 7-5-28 Call Light or 351-3873. 3-5-27 heavy work. Call raged t. 'Gamut" will e and share views. present the film P m- today in 3? Union. l^ture is the fourth in a presentation. AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES "Finale," a winner in the recent MSU series sponsored by 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett film festival, at 10:30 a.m. Saturday MOVING WEST - Grad student and on Channel 10 WMSB. Congregation Kehillat Israel, a Typing Service wife will drive your extra car for Blythe Cuyler newly formed Jewish group SCORPIO TOM of East Lansing: you this June. 337-9326, evenings. film's local'studenVproducer^and AM Cartoons will include political COMPLETE THESES service. 3-5-28 Issari, head of the film production on material from the age of Missed you at Sleeping Bag behind Discount printing. IBM typing and campus. Jackson, the "Gilded Age" when Daytona Funeral Home. See you binding of theses, resumes, BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for ent part two of antisemitism ' as social next year by Bozo. Stay happy "Viet i Veter Rehabilitatio publications. Across from campus, all positive. A negative, B negative and Love, Charlene from Boston. which of • corner MAC and Grand River, and AB negative, $10.00. O 1-5-27 below DUCK, COPYGRAPH Style Shop. SERVICES, Call negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, nined, at 5:30 p.m. Saturday on OPEN HOUSE PEDALS, Grub - Happy 337-1666. C Spring, Bestest buddies forever. Love, Ninny. 1-5-27 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST seeks term 507% East Grand Lansing. Agove the new Campus River. East Peanuts Personal SATURDAY & SUNDAY Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 Special papers, theses. Best rates, speedy 10c p.m., Monday, Thursday and a word prepair June 1- LITTLE GREEN frog, Happy service. 351-4619. 19-6-4 Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 nineteenth with love, Big Green ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith P.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Frog. 1-5-27 offset printing. Complete service manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 21 years experience. 349-0850. C Recreation UNION BOARD OFFERS Ml WTh * Large House * Large Lot * FOOT LONG Lots of Trees I.D., May 28,29,30 Trave Insurance, auto and bike rentals, makes and HOT DOG MEDIUM .50 * 5 Bedrooms * 21/z Baths Fri-8and10pm Sat - 2:30,8 and 10pm Sun-4pm only I $41,900 optional tours. UNION BOARD TRAVEL OFFICE. Open 11:30 PEPPERONI 1 cn Call Myna Knott 349 - 0384 Tickets available at Union & Planetarium box offices $'50 | a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call 353-9777. PIZZA I.OU ^C-5-27 332-6517 SIMON REAL ESTATE LAST WEEKEND The Moog Synthesizer Good Food OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - job application photos in 15 minutes. DELIVERY LIVE-ON STAGE at ABRAMS PLANETARIUM I PHOTOGRAPHY MSU-OKEMOS BY PAUL M<>< fea IVIRSITV DRIVE-IN , 351-6262. Anything BRANCH OFFICE ed LIVE by members of the MSU Music IH'f photographed anywhere. 21-6-4 Fantastic visions by THE EYE SEE THE LIGHT SHOW (. UMRANTilb new far out 4217 Okemos Rd., Okemos lighting effects blend with the electronic m<><> moog synthesizer. ADVANCE TICKETS on sa Phone 349-3310 STELLARPHONIC MOOG . . . don't miss it! ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * Complete front end repair and alignment Fish Fry $1.19 * Brakes * Suspension * Wheel balancing * Steering LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center 124 SOUTH LARCH (1Mb the we import crazy stripes from changing stars Wales for a wild time here. . . the multicolor Shetland wool sweater with colors you won I believe. . .and the new close skinny fit and roll-out European collar. S,M,L. $15. ZALES My, how youVe changed" i I i . iiiljjlr Jaoobsons Custom 3 CONVENIENT WAYS TO CHARGE. Charge - Revolving Charge - Bank Americard ■ Li Shop 318 S. Washington (across from FREE SPIRIT) 8. Lansing Mall 111 (or young men