Friday MICHIGAN When Sunny TATE NEWS . . . the pres* it free and every STATI . . . high in the low 70s. man able to read, all is safe. UNIVERSITY Saturday warmer and cloudy. - Thomas Jefferson ie 63 Number 190 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 28, 1971 assive lobbying set Senate told of problem n protest of Viet war in draft limit measure The WASHINGTON (AP) — Supporters of measure has 26 sponsors and likely WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate is on elections at the time they register for the - drive to end U.S. operations in backing from 11 other senators who voted draft. for it. a vear aeo. An aide to McGovern said notice that there may be political trouble ochina at the end of 1971 announced built into an amendment to extend the "It is an easy and inexpensive way to three other senators have pledged ans Thursday for a massive lobbying support. draft only until June 30, 1972, leaving the help 18 - year - olds to register to vote at Even if it passes the Senate, however, it ort including nationwide radio ads to issue to face action again at the beginning the same time they register to fight," faces almost certain rejection by the House fluence senators before the expected of a national election campaign. Eagleton said. or a presidential veto. Even sponsors say id-June vote. there is no chance for the two-thirds vote But the chief sponsor of the one - year The House has passed a two - year draft But the fight for the McGovern-Hatfield that would be needed to override a veto. draft measure, due to face a vote June 4, extension, and Stennis advocates that ndment, rejected 55 to 39 by the said that is the way it should be. period. The lobbying effort, called Lobby of nate a vear a8°> appeared once again to "It should be part of the dialog in an (Please turn to page 15) an uphill battle. Americans, is being organized by two election year," said Sen. Richard S. groups, The Committee for Peace and New Schweiker, R - Pa. "That's the way the Priorities, which includes a number of democratic process ought to work." ospitalize labor leaders; and the National Council for an Indochina Deadline, created by former government officials such as ex-Secretary Sen. John C. Stennis, D - Miss., chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said an extension that would leave the draft law to Ber/o n of addicts, Defense Clark Clifford and former rug Ambassador to Japan Edwin Reischauer. Their main efforts will be focused in the June 7-11 period during which groups of lapse in a campaign year would be bad timing that would turn the matter into "a red hot issue." president lawyers, businessmen, religious tudy organizations, labor unions and others will come to Washington at their own expense It would be the more so si has voted to extend the right to vote to of Illinois to hold meetings and meet with senators Americans 18 and older. That makes the WASHINGTON (AP) - A Congressional draft registration age the voting age for they think are open to persuasion. udy says GIs hooked on heroin in "We are not interested in a massive House, Senate and Presidential elections. David K. Berlo, chairman of the Dept. of ietnam should be forcefully hospitalized r at least three years before they are outpouring of Americans," said Charles L. Fishman, a former Howard University law Balcony scene the Now in the process of being ratified by states, it would make an estimated 10 Communication , will president of Illinois State University (ISU) become to 11 million young citizens eligible to harged. professor who is executive director of the King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, standing with President Nixon after a full on Sept. 1, the Illinois Board of Regents The report released Thursday also Committee for Peace and New Priorities. dress welcoming ceremony Thursday, waves from the White House vote. announced Thursday. -ncludes draftees in Vietnam are so He said emphasis is on "people who can Sen. Thomas Eagleton, D - Mo., already Berlo, 42, has been at MSU since 1956 balcony which overlooks the South Lawn. The Arabian monarch is on a has proposed an amendment to enable and is currently the Ingham County -eptible to heroin sales President Nixon have an impact on congressmen and three day visit to Washington. AP Wirephoto young men to register to vote in federal - ould pull them out ahead of career senators." Republican Chairman. Idiers. If the drug traffic isn't stopped, > report says, all troops should be Berlo will become the 11th president of 1 thdrawn. the 17,500 - student school, located in conference, authors of the Normal, Illinois, succeeding Samuel E. S. Viet students stand tria At a news Braden who resigned last September. His port, Reps. Robert H. Steele, R-Conn., d Morgan Murphy, D-IIIsaid selection ended an eight - month search by nstitutional questions of forcing a man ISU, during which time 450 candidates submit to treatment were outweighed were screened for the university •the "heroin tragedy of Vietnam." students in South Vietnam. The mistrial presidency. the Mayday Collective who is organizing Heydel further confirmed that Man and By BOB ROACH Steele said between 15 and 20 per cent the local portion of nationwide weekend 15 others were on trial for treason, for came, he said, when the country's supreme A native of St. Louis, Berlo received his low ranking enlisted men in Vietnam are City Editor court upheld a defense motion that the BA and PhD from the University of demonstrations to show solidarity with the which the military field court could icted to heroin. South Vietnamese students. Action is sentence them to death. The six other military tribunal was unconstitutional Illinois, and was Director of Radio at He said the Army should consider testing State Dept. officials confirmed Thursday because it was not separated from the Eastern Illinois University for one year planned to begin at noon today in the students are charged with violating national 22 South Vietnamese students who met in ry American GI for addiction before his 1st floor union lounge. security laws, the punishment of which executive branch of government, and before coming to MSU. -tnam tour ends. December with a delegation of American because evidence had been obtained Berlo is married and the father of four Initial sources claimed that the 22 would be "considerably less," he said. students to draw up the People's Peace children. He served as chairman of the East And if after a few months there is no students, including Huy Tan Man, Though civil courts are still functioning through torture. egress made in heading off the addiction Treaty are now on trial for their lives chairman of the Vietnam National Student in South Vietnam, Hydel said that the The students were to go before a Lansing Human Relations Commission before a military tribunal in Saigon. reconstituted military court Thursday, he roblem. the report said, "the only Union, are on trial for their meeting last students can be tried before the military from 1964 to 1967. He was also a member lution is to withdraw American Initial information on the charges was said, following national assembly passage of the Governor's Advisory Council on year in Saigon with Douglass Hostetter, a because of war - time conditions. -'icemen from Southeast Asia." provided by an East Lansing coordinator of He added that he did not have all the of a piece of executive legislation that Public Health and chairman of the Ingham delegate of the National Student Assn. (NSA), in which the peace conditions were facts and could not be sure that charges placed one civilian on the court. Despite County March of Dimes in 1968. drawn up. against all of the students stem from their passage, Hydel said, the constitutionally - The author of numerous publications, alleged activities related to the treaty, but required separation of the judiciary from including the textbook "The Process of tudents may But Lars Hydel, a "country officer" of the State Dept.'s Vietnam Working Group, said by telephone Thursday that Man and the other students were, in fact, on trial, said he understood Man is being retried on earlier charges that ended in a mistrial in March, 1970. President Thieu's executive branch is still being contested. From the NSA office in Washington, Communication," Berlo the was the director of Agency for International Development Seminars on Communication from 1958 to At that time, Hydel said, Man was being Frank Greer, national coordinator, but that proceedings scheduled to begin 1961, and was the director of the National charge stemming from vote tried treason xtro on a Project in Agricultural Communication o Thursday had been postponed for two months. alleged association with communist (Please turn to page 15) from 1960 to 1961. chairman, there would be 33 student votes By MICHAEL FOX on the council, Powell noted. State News Staff Writer USAC Thursday issued some guidelines An unexpected additional student voting on implementing the Taylor Report sition on the Academic Council is likely revisions for itself. The committee agreed der a provision in the recently approved to ask ASMSU and the Council of ylor Report on Student Participation in Graduate Students (COGS) to appoint as cademic Government, Milton Powell, early fall term as possible the five date professor of Justin Morrill College undergraduate and four graduate student chairman of the University Student representatives, to USAC. ffairs Committee (USAC) said Thursday. Powell noted that when the provisions of The committee said the new student and Taylor Report are implemented by faculty representatives as provided under Passenger service out of East "t Jan. 1, students will have a Lansing on the Grand Trunk majority the Taylor Report should be seated as they USAC. The Taylor Report also provides are appointed or elected in an ex-officio Railroad ended a short time ' the chairmen of all Academic Council nonvoting capacity until Jan. 1. This would ago. The final reminder of "ding committees, including USAC, to allow the new student representatives to what used to be a convenient joting With 11 members on the council. students and six become acquainted with USAC, committee form of travel was removed faculty members said. mbers on USAC it is USAC will also recommend to the Thursday as workmen dismantled likely that the mmittee will elect a student as chairman, Academic Council committee on the train depot at Farm Lane. *ell told USAC committees that some of the six faculty Thursday at its last SN photo by Milton Horst 'ig of the current academic year. appointed by the president of USAC be "1 think it is current committee members to insure entirely appropriate that the i'man of this committee be a student," stability for the new group. USAC well said. currently is made up of 13 faculty Thirty - two voting student positions representatives of academic colleges and "nstituted from one student several ex-officio student members. Presentative from the 16 academic The Academic Council will vote Tuesday leges, six graduate students and 20 at - on general guidelines, including a January 1 fje students will serve on the Academic deadline for implementing the Taylor If USAC did elect a student Report. Gordi ook reveals lU'TOR'S NOTE: For the past year, *^on Sabine, vice schools, their parents and student protest. prof's study of student ideas than short-term exposure to the university. for the types of multiple responses that Sabine seeks. In one section, respondents subjects that to them and us are of great importance .. they're just little closer. a little upset. We need to listen president for The book allows the reader to see the full Consequently, one of the most . a interesting possibilities of the book is that a may indicate approval of an item, past "With quotations eloquent and moving "Most of what they want, most adults J*ia' projects, has held a fellowship range of comments on a given point with participation or use and whether they in their appeal for understanding and would like too," Sabine writes. "The end most of the innuendos. One hears the sequel can be written. If a similar study p. the American College Testing student who says he would burn the school were conducted near the end of a student's would participate in the activity in the sincerity and desirable social action, this is of the Vietnam war. Cleaner air. Less JJram'V the "nder which he was asked to down if he could get away with it as well as college career, one would have a more future. more of a "feelings" report than a superficiality and more meaning in life. "Ecology of the Modern accurate measure of the effect of college The sample of the poll is subject to statistical one." Not so much population that babies starve. *** Student." the student who wants more discipline, the student. No one has clearly analysis. Of the 5,241 students who were Sabine tries too hard. He tries to Racial harmony. It's a little hard to argue "east harder work and less protest in the school. on a partial result of that study is documented that the student becomes polled, 1,603 responded, indicating that dramatize what students have been through against such goals." "ew taok: "When You Listen, This The comments and percentages are the sample may be self-selected and not thousands of times and have generally l more "liberal" or more"open-minded" in WW You Can Hear essentially those of students still entirely representative. What type of found unproductive. Sabine is reinforcing the notion that if Gordon college, but these traits are held to be unaffected by the college campus. The . . . 'ne student failed to respond? While the attempt to explain today's teachers and parents would only listen to Raps wjth 1 603 students for the largely a result of college. "can College Testing Program." poll, on which the book was based, was The book was written by Sabine on the 'The attitude with which Sabine youth is admirable, the picture presented is the students, as he himself has done, that conducted in the first term of the freshman basis of the YOUTHPOLL. Sabine has been approaches the book is also notable. It is notably lacking in examining the problems education and home life would have better Stall i«1,.°l,owinfl revi8w. News year, mostly in reference to high school. on half-time assignments during the last super-sincerity of grandiose sort. that are really problems: drugs and adjusted products with no need for protest. $»bin 6 .5 er Bi" Holstein examines The book is in that sense a handy guide In the introduction of his book, one premarital sex, for example. Although it probably was not his intent, year in Iowa City, Iowa with the American methods and conclusions. for high school personnel when they feel passage reads: Sabine, whether consciously or not, Sabine through this poll and book is College Testing Program, through which the need to remind themselves of the wide "YOUTHPOLL listened - hard - to attempts to present the clean, wholesome rehearsing and reliving the conflicts that the poll was conducted. ^jdonprojects, Sabine, vice has done president for admirable range of opinion among their students. It is not that valuable to college administrators Sabine's methodology is more young youths America. to share It encouraged 1,603 their thoughts and image of today's youth with no ragged edges. They're basically the same kids their have plagued youth-adult relationships an sophisticated than the normal poll, which Pulling together the comments of because it does not fully refelct the views does not allow for open-ended answers and attitudes and emotions and feelings on parents always wanted them to be — (Please turn to page 15) 8 of 18 . year - olds about their of college students who have had more 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news FBI aid in local crimes opposei WASHINGTON (AP) - The President Nixon Afterward White House press met Congress has passed crime. summary administration is standing firm Gen. secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said legislat ion making the Wednesday with Atty. against stepped - up pleas from John N. Mitchell and FBI that the FBI's main help is assassination of the President or Senate sources said that part of the opposition to bills of the killing of members of type offered by Williams, From the wires of AP and UPI. senators for legislation that director J. Edgar Hoover to providing laboratory tests and would automatically bring the discuss ways in which the federal assisting local police in running Congress a federal crime, but Schweiker and Eastland comes the °PP°sitioti oi FBI into the search for killers of government could help, down out - of - state leads. murders traditionally are a state from local police who do not FBI's jurisdiction * policemen and firemen. more it tends lo Sen. Harrison A. Williams Jr., D-N.J., auoted Dept. Atty. Gen. TRIED TO DEFECT national police fore,. 0rne j Richard G. Kleindienst Thursday as writing him that "With quotations eloquent and the administration is opposed to by federal Soviet moving in their appeal for "direct intrusion found ncnnrnuTur' m 4 understanding and sincerity and desirable social action, this is more investigative personnel in purely local matters such as assaults seaman advanced by KloindS^J contended, \Vi||1;iIlls ^ JJ upon local officials." dm,lM pBl intrusion of a statistical one." feelings" report than a "It would^ seem that this MOSCOW (AP) — Simas A. The press never has reported handed back to the Soviet ship unconsciousness, Investigations of Lj administration's overzealousness Kudirka, the Lithuanian seaman the Kudirka case, nor has there 10 hours later on orders from Two Coast Guard officers, police mil would-H, |„sl about law and order ends with whQ was turned back by U.S. been any official information on headquarters in Boston. Hear Adm. William B. Ellis and couW - Gorbon Sabine, the lives of police and firemen," officers after leaping from a the seaman's whereabouts or One witness of the scene later Capt. Fletchey W. Brown Jr., significant!) productive zeal of ^ J * said Williams, author of one of Soviet vice-president for special projects ship to a Coast Guard status until now. reported that Kudirka "got were allowed to resign from the authorities." the bills introduced. cutter in an effort to gain Kudirka tried to defect while down on his hands and knees service rather than face a court- Williams' bill, cosponsored by asylum in America, has been his ship, the Sovietskaya Litva, Williams „id ||,„ 22 senators, would create a sentenced to 10 years in and begged the Americans to let martial for their part in the J presumption that if the killer of Dn a treason charge. prison was tied up to the Coast Guard cutter Vigilant for a conference him stay aboard." He said four Soviet seamen decision to return the seaman, A congressional subcommittee w as oppSJl requesting Kasl, d' J a policeman of fireman is not The sentence was reported apprehended within 24 hours he Thursday by a Lithuanian court on fishing rights. who came aboard the Vigilant to later called the decision a schedule Judiciary Com!,! He jumped 10 feet to the deck take Kudirka back tied his hands flagrant disregard of the long hearings on the bill a has fled across state lines to spokesman. of the Vigilant, only to be and feet and beat him into established principal tof asylum " possible. avoid prosecution and thus Kudirka tried to defect last comes within the purview of the Art treasure found FBI- Nov. 23 by jumping from a Soviet fishing trawler to the U.S. Milliken, party heads meet Broader bills that in effect vessel that had The pulled alongside long lost marble head and torso of a 2,000 - year - - would make the killing of off Martha's Vineyard, Mass. In old Greek sculpture -one of the wonders of the ancient policemen or fireman a federal a decision that later drew heated world has been discovered in the grounds of a boys' crime have been introduced by. criticism and was condemned - by Sen. James D. Eastland, D-Miss„ President school outside London, a British Museum archeologist Nixon, Kudirka was chairman of the Senate Judiciary refused announced Thursday. asylum and was carried set Committee, and Sen. RichardS. back aboard the Soviet ship by to complete 1971-72 budge The ancient fragment is part of the great altar of Zeus Schweiker, R-Pa. Russian seamen. at Pergamum, a 400 - foot - long niasterpeice of Prompted in part by the At the Lithuanian Supreme sculpture depicting a battle of gods and giants. killing of two New York Court in Vilnius, capital of policemen in Harlem last week, Soviet Lithuania, an official Pergamum, on the south coast of Turkey north of Izmir, Schweiker and other senators confirmed that Kudirka had leaders from both parties voiced is now known as Bergama. maintain current level's of Ju|v to meet th»n,„„ . , have urged early action on the been sentenced last week. He optimism that the budget will be pending bills. In addition to the spending until a new budget is of sDendinc P(P,,S?(' tj,e seaman had been tried adopted before the end of the finally adopted. ....... budget. *• Americans observe talks New York policemen, two on acharge of treason but Gov. Milliken fiscal year, June 30. One major consideration in Convcati and top Smart said Washington policemen have been declined to give any details of legislative leaders from both "I think, generally, that all this year's budget negotiatons is Rpnnh'lii Thursday i More than 150 Americans with slain in recent days. 'ii'l agreed oL family members the case. parties met Thursday to lay- responsible legislators recognize Milliken's proposal to increase thePUDIKi tax date, but that missing in Indochina watched in grim silence Thursday the importance of passing the the state income tax rate in they "tenl groundwork for completion of as American, South Vietnamese and Communist 1971 Awards the fiscal 1971-72 state budget bud8et on time< and the danger January, 1972. to for support" Million's no tax increase propotf delegates arrived for the 114th weekly session of the by July 1. of r"nn'ng for any length of Milliken said in his budget January. ui Vietnam peace talks in Paris. Milliken met with House time on temporary funding message earlier this year that The four - hour session produced no change in the to honor members Speaker William A. Ryan, D-Detroit; Senate Majority resolutions," Thursday. Smart said taxes would not be increased this calendar year. right "But as far as now, you can select I'm concert i long - standing deadlock, but South Vietnam formally Leader Robert VanderLaan, If, happened last year, the as However, some lawmakers are one of the tax dates, just sc placed on the conference record its proposed The Distinguished Faculty, Teacher - Scholar and Excellence R-Grand Rapids; House Minority bl,dgot »s not adopted on time, a saying that a tax increase should accomplishes iLs purpos arrangements for releasing 570 sick and injured North in Teaching Awards will be presented at the 1971 Awards • Leader Clifford Smart, R-Walled resolution would be required to come in October or as early as Smart said. Convocation 8 p.m. Thursday in 109 Anthony Hall. Lake; and Senate Democratic Vietnamese prisoners in Tonkin Gulf on June 4. Recipients of the awards will be honored at a reception Leader George S. Fitzgerald, immediately following the convocation. The ceremony and the D-Grosse Pointe Park. Soviet Jews convicted Four Latvian Jews, including a man who said he was reception are open to the public. offaculty Milliken and the lawmakers agreed to meet behind closed doors next week to negotiate the 192 U' extension courses being tried for wanting to go to Israel., were convicted The State News, the student level of expenditures and newspaper at Michigan State Thursday in Moscow of slandering the Soviet state. University, is published every class day during four school revenues for the coming fiscal Tass said Chief Judge Luka Lotko "took into consideration the humane character of Soviet criminal law" and sentenced them to prison terms ranging from terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $14 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, in The budget bills are currently legislative appropriations available throughout state committees where the bulk of one year to three years. Inland Daily Press Association, Associated adjustments will be made prior The University is offering 192 Collegiate Press, music and linguistics, in 40 primarily for educators The offense of the "criminal group," Tass said, was to Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press to floor action. extension courses, ranging from Michigan communities this others studying toward d( have reproduced and distributed to fellow Jews Association, United States Student Press Association. Complicating this year's outdoor education and summer, or professional advanceme "anti-Soviet publications from Tel Hviv and slanderous budget picture are projected community resources to art. The courses, designed reflect the burgeoning interest I Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, deficits in this year's budget that Michigan. the environment and i material" compiled by another group of Jews recently Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services must be eliminated by the end problems of minorities. Tcachl convicted in Leningrad. building, Michigan State University, East Lansing. of June. education courses predominatf Two more bodies found Michigan. Phones: Further complications could result from two proposals in the Teachers get Sociology, humanitiei geography and cultural a legislature that would modify or follow. The 13th and 14th bodies were unearthed Thursday Editorial do 355-8252 awaywith property tax Courses will be offered | from shallow graves in rain-swept orchards north of Yuba City, Calif. Sheriffs deputies continued to search Classified Advertising Display Advertising Business Circulation 355-8255 353-6400 revenues for education, and would require new forms of if for off-campus Adrian. Alpena, Battle Cm Bay City, Benton Harbc - 355-3447 revenue passed by the Bloomfield Hills, Dearbi for more possible victims of mass murder among To meet the needs of many teachers who cannot come to the Photographic 355-8311 lawmakers. Detroit, Dowagiac, DraytJ transients and farm workers. After campus for courses, the registrar has provided a means for them No. 14 was discovered Thursday Thursday's meeting. to be admitted off campus on a Plains, Dryden, Kast Flint, Grand Blanc, Graii DctroJ afternoon, Sheriff nondegree basis. "We worked on this for a couple of Roy D. Whiteaker said. There were no immediate terms," Walter Scott, Rapids, Holland, Ironwooj director of the Graduate Student Affairs Office, said Jackson and Kalamazoo. details. Thursday. Horace King, registrar, had said it was offered I Favorite son bid made Sen. Robert Taft Jr. bid Thursday for Ohio's favorite son nomination for leather pants suede & said. Admission to the graduate school is no take courses does not qualify him for admission to graduate school. mea the simplest solution, Scott longer a prerequisite to offered off campus. The only registration requirement is to fill out an application on which the student acknowledges the fact that admission to off campus courses - They will also be Lansing. Leland, Livoni| Menominee, Midland, J Clemens, Niles. Oaklanf Okemos, Oshtemo, Pontiac, Port Roscommon, Ki Hurofl president in the 1972 state primary as Reapplication is required for each term of additional off Saginaw, Scottville. Iraverf a standin for President Nixon. - - campus coursework. City, Utica, Walled Lake ail He said he did so out of concern $12.00 It II open up the total state for teachers in I Q Michigan who Warren. over criticism of the President by want to do graduate work in the former Sen. Charles Goodell, R-New College of Education but who just don't want to go into the graduate work for some reason or Information courses may be on extensijl obtianed d another," Scott said. York, and Rep. Paul McCloskey, Effective this summerterm, admission forms are the same as contacting the MSI Education Centers ^onI''nu'J i I!"" R-Calif. for guest matriculants from other Taft denied ambitions to take over universities, workshops and Harbor, Grand Rapids, special students, Scott said. Lansing, Marquette. Roche the state Republican party, but a This is trial basis but is very now on a likely to continue, Scott University Center and Travel successful favorite son effort carries City. the responsibility of settling dissension over state party leadership. That has been a factor in Ohio Republican cricles since Taft ran against former Gov. James A. Rhodes for the Sentate in the 1970 primary. 'Death warrant' issued FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover says youthful extremists have issued a "death warrant" against the American free enterprise system. He described them in New York as "a rapidly growing extremist movement, mostly young people, coming largely from the so-called new left, but also including elements of the old left, the far right and an indeterminate number of disaffected moderates, who view American business as a hypocritical and evil institution with no moral right to live." Penalty lowering urged The penalty for possession and use of marijuana should be lowered from a felony to a misdemeanor, a representative of Gov. Milliken told a state Senate committee hearing in Lansing Thursday. Dr. Thomas J. Stchnik, director of the governor's office for drug abuse, told the Senate Judiciary Committee that penalties for possession of marijuana should be brought into line with the times. )ttled under the authority of The C^a Oola'^mpany by:° Coca-Cola Bottling ComDany of Mlchlga"_ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. May 28, 1971 Director's resignation By MICHAEL FOX to have advise and consent over policies of the bookstore, unsure State News Staff Writer the policies of the bookstore as pool all student service groups costs and prompting her at one point to expand the number of would not be available to vote on made such as Student Electronics, students they are reaching. by the Man and Nature seek an investigation of it. a new appointment during the manager. In the Travel, Legal Aid and the Despite board approval on Diane Rathnow, director of past, Miss Miss Rathnow has been summer. bookstore. These groups would cabinet services for ASMSU, was Rathnow had been unable to May 11 of this new cabinet Miss working to implement a new then share planning and Rathnow refused exercise any control over the cabinet structure which would structure, Miss Rathnow reportedly uncertain Thursday publicity facilities to reduce comment. afternoon whether to effect her reportedly feels the Man and Nature inclusion in the resignation, which she announced to Student Board Tuesday Miss Rathnow the ASMSU night. said she IFC passes constitution operations structure. She code philosophy of the ignored the new cabinet reportedly feels Halls to provide planned that she cannot function as an felt the to resign because she board was not giving her administrator without full board summer housing the necessary lattitude properly administer and unite the various student organizations to for Inter-Greek Council backing on any actions she finds it necessary recommend. Harold to take or Wilson, Van Hoosen, Fee Williams housing Halls for will and provide undergraduate in the cabinet. The board The Buckner, ASMSU students summer term. circumvented what would Interfraternity Council (IFC) Wednesday "One think that has definitely been lacking chairman, said Thursday he night passed the constitution for the has been cooperation between Owen Hall will be open for normally be a verbal working new Inter - IFC and Panhel," understood that Miss Rathnow Greek Council (IGC), a he said. graduate students and McDonel agreement between the director step they believe will was reconsidering her announced help Greeks regain their Hall for adult institutes and of cabinet services and a vote on the ASMSU Cathy S. Rasher, Panhel's vice - president for intentions of resigning. He said it cabinet board. workshops. Wonders Hall will be internal affairs, said that her was likely that she would group by providing Man and "The executive board of IGC will organization won't used for orientation and West Nature be chosen be able to vote on the IGC continue in the position Bookstore a written from the executive boards of the constitution this through Circle halls will be open to agreement for membership in Panhellenic term. fall term. Council (Panhel) and youth groups. the cabinet, she told the board IFC," Ronald L. Barnes. "We worked on the constitution with If she did resign, a new IFC president said. "The ASMSU IFC," Any inquiries for single, on - representative she said, "and it's acceptable to us. We just don't director could not be selected as Tuesday. will be chosen from these campus housing should be An addition to the ASMSU people." have time this spring to vote on it." 10 class days are required for Officers from IFC and Panhel Miss Rasher said that under directed to the hall assignment Operations Code hope that a the IGC petitioning. The full board now provides single Greek representative, who would constitution Panhel and IFC would office, 109 West Holmes Hall. an explanation of the the represent still be entire Greek system, has a chance of independent in their internal affairs. relationship of Man and Nature regaining a vote on the board. Barnes explained that to ASMSU. cooperation between IGC would also coordinate activities that IFC and Panhel was affect A key point in the services and the ASMSU board agreement allows for the director of cabinet both IFC and Panhel. Barnes said would include events such as future Greek Weeks. the activities homecoming and future. He said sororities are financial troubles and essential, now and in the that have plagued fraternities in facing the same membership difficulties recent years. OiwIUilBaH^Lq iMILK-ICE CREAJiV ABORTION REFORM ANNOUNCES A NEW LOCATION FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 947 TROWBRIDGE RD. 1 Smile Keep on smiling buttons with grins on them can be seen on lapels and tee-shirts all over campus. Even this trash can near the Bill's By CHRIS MEAD outlook A discharge motion, which, if successful OPENING SPECIALS "friendlier" committee. At the time, the Horticulture Gardens has a great big smile. would put the bill up for automatic House •VIILK SPECIAL United Press International Social Services Committee was considered 2% Low Fat Pitcher Pak State News photo by Jeff Wilner The chances that an Abortion Reform consideration, requires a majority vote in split by a 2 - 1 margin against the bill. the House and is considered next to Bill will come to a vote on the House floor Farm Fresh Grade A impossible to achieve. "If the Speaker and the Democratic this year have slimmed considerably. "First we were told the committee caucus say this (the abortion bill) is a LARGE EGGS Chattanooga Guard As a result, supporters both in and out would move the first week in May," Allen priority then I will go along with their of the legislature are move in their pondering the next said. "Then we were told the first of June. wishes," Holmes said. "If they say it isn't a Banquet long battle to win approval Now we hear it may not be until priority then I will also go along with their FROZEN TV DINNERS of a bill that would legalize abortion for September. wishes. But I think the decision is basically |o remain in reserve any reason pregnancy. "I haven't during the first 90 days of "I don't have any firm schedule, but the purpose of opponents of the bill from the up to the Speaker and the caucus. Democratic Cherry, POPSICLES grape, orange given up hope on the outset has been to kill it by legislature yet, although I've been thwarted continually Holmes said his committee should be ICHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) — At the request of putting it off." Quality fcattanooga's mayor. 800 National Guardsmen preparing to at every turn," Rep. Richard Allen, R - The chairman of the committee —Rep. giving its attention to welfare budgets POTATO CHIPS n home from this troubled city Thursday were ordered to Ithaca, said Wednesday. Allen is the chief David -Holmes, D • Detroit — has said he throughout the summer months and that Imain here. House backer of the bill which has been "abortion doesn't happen to be the not only feels that the bill should be put I Mayor Robert Kirk Walker called off a curfew and state of civil lodged in the House Social Services off until fall, but also that he paramount issue in the state right now." With the purchase of Potato Chips probably lmergency Wednesday after five nights of civil distrubances, Committee for more than two months. won't take any action at all unless told to "I feel that we should FRENCH ONION CHIP DIP lostly in black neighborhoods. Allen said he will move to discharge the do so by House Speaker William A. probably take a Ryan, vote on it (in committee) to see how the 1, at midmorning, Brig. Gen. Van Nunally announced that committee from further consideration of D - Detroit, and the Democratic caucus. members line up. I think the OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK he Guardsmen still on duty would be released the bill within a week to 10 days unless the public is during the day. A Ryan, who is opposed to the abortion entitled to that," he said. "But I wouldn't 7 MM v minutes later, measure is either reported out or the - 12 PM however, Guard headquarters in Nashville bill, made the original committee be disappointed if it didn't come lulled to report, "We were going, but on an urgent plea by committee gives some indication it intends out, quite These specials are also available Mayor assignment in March when he rebuffed frankly, because there are a lot of ' at ■alker. we're now staying." to take action. moves to have the bill sent to a unanswered questions at this time." ^ 1201 E.Grand River IA city hall source said there had been no urgency involved on 's part, but rather a misunderstanding somewhere alcmg the I The source said the Guardsmen would not BARNES patrol, but would be leld in reserve. FLORAL SHOPLIFTING ■ Walker's full official statement was: "The phased withdrawal of OF EAST LANSING it Tennessee National Guard from Chattanooga is continuing, SN holiday [owever, a reduced complement of Guardsmen will be in ROSES SAY lattanooga tonight." Due to the I Meanwhile there was renewed racial trouble bet ween students holiday, the SO MUCH SO • State News will not publish BEAUTIFULLY JO miles northeast of here at Central High School in Harrison. ■ Inner city distrubances had decreased Monday, Memorial Day. The greatly since about 1,500 guardsmen were deployed Monday. On Wednesday night, the State News will appear as usual on Tuesday. ? Friday without a curfew and ban on the sale of beer Bd liquor, police reported little trouble. ■ The disorders began Friday night after a rock music Rfusal ro perform at a concert because he had not been paid in ldvance. and reached a peak Sundayight. singer's We telegraph flowers worldwide 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 IS JUST NOT WORTH IT/ r~ , . .ONE CARELESS, IMPULSIVE ACT COULD Turkey Sub. COST YOU Shaved Ham • AN ARREST, The Fantastic Four • EMBARRASSMENT, • A FINE AND/OR JAIL SENTENCE, A CRIMINAL RECORD, LOSS OF SOME GOOD JOB OPPORTUNITES. Reuben Ham Sub. . . . YOU'RE REALLY L Hobie's Spartan Shopping Center Trowbridge at Harnson 7CI.7gQQ J TOO SMART FOR THIS KIND OF A HASSLE!!! Mi MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND 9 III STATE. NEW! UNIVERSITY Shakespearean drama C fo the Ed f fmmmc ; KEN LYNAM advertising manager creates major tempest To Th artial reP1 MUSfflATS \i . ■tier prin DAVE PERSON, managing editor ddress mj BOB ROACH, city editor To the Editor: Pinter-like pausing ourth poii sienifW In the Never was a campus more in need of important scenes JOHN BORGER, campus editor an seeing Shakespeare performed. Teaching edited hat abori BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor brush-over. Perhaps' |t d ' lnaudib| blurs'& RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor him in the tutorial room, for the last two pity that this clumsy pedcstrianT™ SUch >rved on because al terms, has indeed shown me that. But if pass as s the model ,lsm ^ou this v.,...' the present performance by the PAC of yea 250 and i Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award "The Tempest" is to be the example — John Lab imily P'1 for outstanding journalism. preserve me! "The Tempest" is one of Visiting 51 • Profesj ,e need f< or. Shakespeare's most delicate plays in which he attempts to communicate an allusive First, it vision of peace, expiation and harmony. It jgal aboi EDITORIALS is a vision carried by words and communicated by goblins and spirits, all music, Greek gift liddle romen. ,hich inch - carefully manipulated by Prospero's To the Editor: gust have tightened strings. Alas! We had none of I would like to ear home Mayday this! comment on thearli, mas The poetry, the magnificent verse, was simply emasculated. No actor seemed to be which appeared in concerning the "Greek's Tuesday's partioip Stated L-- ort ion isi should not use taxpayers' dollars to "pluralistic university" concept which I and probably costly, trial and noncompetitive contract for the new have discussed in the past year is service to informal, off-campus, noncredit educational her. becaus float mismanaged companies in order MSU has 30 touch-tone operatic Sage in se: X27 fighter plane, an act which is as the community. At MSU, we are fortunate program. It has offices in 80 of Michigan's 83 programs hooked up to the Ann Arl n't have t< to artificially reinforce a small intolerable as the loan. in having two ongoing institutions which counties. The extension agents in the state computer. Of the 30 programs, 1 carry segment of the job market. If Lockheed can no longer are helping us to meet that challenge. out exclusively for the teletype: including These are the Cooperative Extension programs in the areas of agriculture, The most discouraging facet of compete with other aircraft Service and the Continuing marketing, family living education, 4-H youth farm budgeting analysis plan (new this the Lockheed loan is the Education income and expense projection!, a Pro0 Pentagon's companies, no matter what the Service. While both traditional programs and resource development. refusal to give Congress details of are on corporate structures of >ar",s th* reason. Congress and the Pentagon functions of this land-grant University, another program on corporate structu Lockheed's financial condition. should simply let the natural laws of iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiimmnmnn they are keenly aware that tradition alone farms and another ProSra"! program for low-income families begun in the same t'me, the program will improve Barry J. Shillito, asst. secretary of supply and demand run their course. is not enough in these times when the key the nutritional level, and hence, the health partnerships, all together. 19 counties word is "relevance." January, 1969. At that time, special federal defense for logistics, maintained The government has funds launched the program in 20 selected of many families. hooked into the computer, mine no business Today, 1 would like to discuss some of touchtone to teletype. The ex • Tuesday in the Joint Economic subsidizing the Edsels of the aircraft the Michigan counties. Much of the content Aides work with families referred to the things that are happening within the offices in Adrian, Allegan and Marq" Committee that such information industry and thrust of this innovative program was nutrition program by social service or any other private Cooperative Extension Service and save are hooked in by both touch-to was Lockheed's affair and its public developed in the College of Human agencies, schools and churches. enterprise. Continuing Education for a later column. The extension service is also teletype. The Cooperative Extension Service is Ecology, which continues to play an pioneering lc new ways of The current MSU programi b RAM our informal, off-campus, noncredit important training and teaching function serving Michigan's agriculture. for EPN. Person - to - person teaching is not always experimental one supported by e by Pi Drug educational program. It has offices in 80 of laws i Michigan's 83 counties. The extension agents in the state carry out programs in the areas of agriculture, marketing, family The primary aim is nutrition education through training of nonprofessional aides. These aides, many of whom are from the most efficient way to get the however, especially when you are dealing in technological matters. To job done, help solve this Foundation. Its only cost to farmer charge of a long-distance phone ca • the MSU program is been so successful that our expcnim'ntai, agricuii 17-1 by El A State Court of Appeals decision problem, the Michigan Extension Service is expressed intent of such legislation is living education, 4-H youth programs and low-income neighborhoods, then reteach economists anticipate it w> , last week at long last may force a going the computer route for farmers and Carpe liberalization of Michigan's present to curb the use and distribution of resource development. Th' educational flow runs from the other low-income families. rural citizens. Telfarm, MSU's electronic prototype for a national comu « New with i dangerous substances. It is hard to Extension service home economists and record keeping system, was the first in the - system to provide farmers drug possession laws. research laboratories, classrooms and see how this end has been served by educated minds of this University through 4-H youth agents provide the specialized nation. It was also the first such system to information. ,pie Curtis In its ruling, the court stated that training and over-all supervision for the be computerized. There are additional areas LP's; incarcerating an individual for the those educators "in the field" and to the the possession of minute traces of an aides. The program now includes 152 MSU has worked out a system with the Cooperative Extension Service i. P possession of minute traces of a drug peopie who can use the information this illegal drug is not necessarily criminal in his coat pocket. University can provide. full-time aides. They are currently working University of Michigan to use a "talking" to make a substantial c0.ntrlb"h ^ jnc! unless Michigan courts can determine with over 4,000 families or 23,000 people, computer in Ann Arbor. By using welfare, funds permitting. ^ Lawmakers disagree, arguing that The federally funded CES is best known waste disposal problems, Ian - whether the for helping commercial agriculture. This mostly in urban areas. touch-tone phones or any one of three amount found "is a and zoning, housing, nuirnag by arresting such an individual, the educational system is a main reason why The program is based on the belief that teletypes located in three different remnant of a larger usable amount." those Michigan children living in poverty and health. In all of these potential for dangerous drug use and farmers have their great ability to produce Cooperative Extension Service offices, Court precedent has previously distribution is arrested cannot develop to their fullest potential as farmers and county agents can "talk" with unique capabilities andP ' nd8ti0i as well. Their food. Our modern scientific agriculture has allowed convictions for illegal long as they are malnourished. By teaching the computer and "county agents serve as th ^ reasoning that a drop of rain implies given the country strength and stability, get extensive better nutrition to mothers and children at a major delivery system for the possession of drugs regardless of how because we can free the majority of our management information quickly and a deluge, or a roach a small an amount was discovered in kilo, conflicts work force for other jobs without the knowledge. with the innocent - until the person's possession. The - proven - constant worry of having enough food to guilty design of the Constitution. fulfill our basic needs. situation has become so ridiculous While the appelate court's that at times, hapless individuals ruling The Michigan Exteasion Service will, of has cleared a small patch in the course, continue its educational programs have been sent to jail legal and/or fined jungle of Michigan drug legislation, a for agriculture, the second largest industry simply for carrying a marijuana seed. vast overgrowth of in the state. Less is known, however, about I he Court's decision further inconsistency the increasing focus of the extension remains. The judiciary would do well illuminates the greater service on the needs of the poor. A good inconsistency to address itself to the problems that example is its Expanded Program in of Michigan drug statutes. The remain. Nutrition (EPN), a nutrition education Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 28. 1971 5 >UR READERS' MIND Cotton Mather Scientific ignorance Rican death rate from criminal morality and weak Lartial reply to his X,(,r printed May 24, 1971: II "unemotionaT j • abortion* ten times as high 2 doubt ifJ® Michigan rfn, aouDthf if Z u- P°Pu,ation I p roperty Planning fev'abortion TetiTflt can eliminate the need WhoSe "atural mother cannot or wu,U. n,ot Provide for their ■ H analogies |ddress myself to your third and differ much. statistics for ahortion amon^UMTooTis Physical amnnn the ;o physical and emotional needs? and emotional needs? ===== TourtH the P0,n»;^fc naive|y idealistic P°°r If so, I shall be waiting to To the Editor, for her responsibility and the 1 fourth point you say furthermore, „n,~, "• illegal ",v6a; abortions «""™ons America is America is a a multireligious, hear """>«« how y°u Wl" «« do ]t- i. If not noi, The terms used in your respect she has shown for the Lt • abortions, abortions » to date, havehave , cause from one-third of one-fourth to multicultural societv which then you had better think twice ===== " proabortion editorial: "smacked child she carries. Except for the nf maternal deaths . soc?ly wnith == of. scientific ignorance", (rved only the middle class year. So says Dr. John „ (theoretically) allows each before you force y°ur Cotton „ . . rare case of true rape, no one is Honlon individual to his life as he Malher Me morality "weak analogies" and forced to carry a child. lecause abortions cost at least president of the American Public run - upon sees fit under the protection of others- "inconsistent thinking" are Most people know the facts 1250 and that properly directed Health Assn. (Detroit Free Press the Constitution. Your Tmj|V planning can eliminate Feb. 10, 1969) right to Neila Pomerantz applicable to the editorial itself. of life and family planning is r not You claim that the antiabortion * for abortion among the participate Detroit grad student much cheaper than abortions — .... argument falls down because it even for the poor. A Also, why do you discount actlV,ty, is."° dlfferent than a May 25,1971 considers "human life the mere responsible for the consequences person is ■ First, it is true that safe and the possibility that the cost of W?l'l"®r!s rig to Participate Lal abortions serve mainly an abortion will be reduced from control, A social worker in New division and specialization of cells." This is correct, as long as of his acts and his omissions. Read the section on children in " and upper • class $250? There are abortions York, in |hicl, Em-it ..... The poor women, New York being done for $150, include many nonwhites, and there is all the reason in the have an illegal abortion world to believe that the price for example, told me she had great deal of trouble women in Spanish getting Harlem to a Abortion double standard these are human cells within a human uterus — which rules out your illogical extension to the Kahlil Gibran's book Prophet" before you decide that the life of the yet to be born "The I home. Dr. William Ober, gradually will be reduced so any „ 4 .. .. - accePt birth Prevention methods To the Editor: ™ .. been the woman who takes the fetuses of other species. child is the property of the accidents. You state as your definition woman who carries it. ■ 19G6, reports that in New of their religiousreligious beliefs. 11 was In cause poli, woman needing one can arrange beliefs. was somewhat somi surprised by blame — she has to carry the Abortion is an ugly word, but some cases, husbands won't of humanity "the ability to A child, whether conceived ■fork City the black and Puerto to pay for it. the medieval attitude suggested evidence for nine months. It is some of the let their wives consequences of reason and comprehend one's out of marriage, use them. There by Mr. Quarles in his letter relatively easy for the man to or in poverty, unwanted pregnancies are even existence." are many problems of Monday. He argued that a deny his part in the propagation Using your or inconveniently is still a child. implementation. Can you, Mr. woman forfeits all rights of not of a child. uglier. standards, no unborn baby, and Put your zeal into crusades to Editorial hypocrisy Quarles, come up with a carrying a child when she Until recently the responsible the "properly directed" family "wilfully" engages in sexual woman who wanted to avoid It isoptions open to the woman. months after birth would qualify I have deliberately considered probably few babies in their first my observation that many as human. I expect to find this make birth control information available to all who need it; to planning program for the poor? intercourse. pregnancy had one reliable men are helping single mothers keep and L The Editor: general, space considerations Your third point is an unwilling to offer same logic in your future raise their children, if Surely a man with a 16 means to do — abstention. they want J Why is your staff withholding allow only approximately sixty interesting comment on your month - old son knows that it Mr. Quarles' soother - emotional or financial support editorials supporting the to; to making known the fact Lv letter in response to the to sixty-five per cent of all perception of a democratic takes two to make a baby! solution, to the pregnant woman, unless "humane" killing of unwanted that there are sterilization, is impractical for they are legally forced to do so. babies after more couples Iroabortion editorial last week? letters to appear. republic. You state: Mr. Quarles has quietly the woman who merely wishes birth, of deformed willing to adopt than there are Xe you being fair to your Editorial "By willfully in avoided the question of a man's Certainly abortion is a gut or mentally deficient persons of babies available; to alleviating Un, wheni you do not a ex„cised to judgement is sexual intercourse,engaging to delay starting a family. issue, Mr. Quarles. But it has the all woman responsibility and portion of the ages, and of unwanted old the social conditions which of a However, there are now advantage of people. forfeits any claim to the blame for chemical means open to the afterthought, of cause a pregnancy to be t" uinltv? 8 determining "timelessness" and "constitutional right" of not pregnancy. Traditionally an unwanted it has woman, and I'm glad to see that providing time to rectify a I have done many difficult unwanted; — instead of asking to iThe State News often attacks the importance of the issue carrrying an unwanted child. If a Mr. Quarles approves. Such was potentially spoiled lifetime that and unpleasant things in my life, legalize the ending of the lives of in the "establishment" press being addressed; however, the woman wishes to reject the means of birth begun by a few moments' but carrying and giving birth to unborn babies who were control Although 1 frequently see letters opinion expressed in any letter is "burden or propagating," she are abandon. my three children are far from "created equal" to their wanted oni MSU students and staff in ie Laasing State Journal). Are w not being hypocritical when not considered in this judgement. Additionally, a precautions to prevent concerted attempt is made to should conception take the necessary sterilization and To the Editor: Illogical becoming more acceptable, where ten years ago severely depressed. I would be interested in the they were hearing Mr. Quarles' defense of unpleasant. It is no great the double standard. most difficult indignity for a woman to carry and peers, and who, like these peers, have "the right to life." . . . Abstention has its drawbacks, ju protect the MSU student mil a balance of letters that will sexual abstinence. If a woman 'n y°ur editorial on abortion however. And even Mr. Quarles Kaye A. Milton an unplanned child, and she is Garden City senior not forced to keep and raise it. Jody from the wrong ideas accurate|y reflect the feelings of refuses to consent to these two on May 19, you raise the point may admit that babies are often But she does deserve admiration pie one's that disagree with the academic methods, then she must be held that the fetus cannot reason, May 25, 1971 jr editorials?) community at responsible for the consequences comprehend its existance, or E.B. Mullings large. of her actions - including even distinguish between life and Lansing alumnus Since the editorial page is set pregnancy." death. Thus, destroying it is no Mac's Bar May 24, 1971 UP two daVs in advance, the By what right, Mr. different than destroying an 2700 E. Michigan earliest a letter possibly can Quarles, do you deny me my animal. How long after birth is it iDITOR'S NOTE: Signed, appear is two days after it is humanity? By what right, sir, do before a baby is capable of any Typed letters are never submitted to the editor. In you tell me to go get sterilized of the above functions? Should I Lthheld" save in rare cases in general, a letter is lich they contain the dead letter file if it has not relegated to sex? or to not engage in heterosexual conclude, using your reasoning, By what right do you, a that ll ls Permissible to kill any featuring: nonstrably false contentions been run within ten man, tell me that if I don't do as baby not capable of these excessive profanity. In weeks. days to two you say, I must suffer the functions? 3 Pool tables "consequences?" 1 have not been able to convince This imperfect society and myse'f that one side of the people is not made better by Portion controversy ir right and Draft Beer self-righteous persons who the other side wrong, but the lave you any idea? pervert the law to subject others somewhat emotional, and to their own values which are certainly illogical, merely opinion and not the law y°ur editorial did not help. of any omnipotent being. reasoning in Friday's Richard Anderson I You arMr. Quarles: must be quite a man to outcome, because you're a man. That's nice, but it doesn't solve most In some cases, abortion is the moral DeWitt graduate student Bring this coupon alternative — May 20,1971 peak out against abortion. It ' i ! obvious that you never been the victim of an is any problems for the women. Fortunately, you are not my however However, w unidealistic you are not the one to it is. STUDENTS-GRADS plus 50< for May 28,29.30 Fri - 8and 10pm Sat - 2:30,8 and 10pm problem either. But it's logic decide for' the more than fifty Sun 4pm only - iwanted pregnancy. May I such as yours that hinders any TRAVEL Tickets available at Union & Planetarium per cent of the population who box offices $i so Suggest that you ask a woman chance of abortion upon are women, with the American Union of what she feels in this situation? demand, free Students SPECIAL student or otherwise. Until Are you, Mr. .. pa woman, I can tell you that lis one of terror mixed with you are in the position of to assume Quarles, going responsiblity for all fares to and throughout Offer good only between LAST WEEKEND The Moog Synthesizer women, you will never the unwanted children — born in Europe . . . DISCOUNTS on LIVE cute frustration. One does not - ON STAGE at ABRAMS PLANETARIUM understand that there are ways lodging, meals, entertainment si blessed, but cursed, to look at abortion other than and healthy out of wedlock, born . . AUS service centers in 7-10 PM Moog music, featuring a 10 channel multi I Have you any idea what it is or mongoloid? - stereo sound system, your way. Are you and those of your major cities. performed LIVE by members of the MSU Music Department. nke to be unable to use the philosophy personally going to AMERICAN UNION OF at Fantastic visions by THE EYE SEE THE LIGHT SHOW new far out CO. Many rpill?" Do you have any idea lighting effects blend with the electronic moods of the STUDENTS Jfhat it is like to have had two take care of all the children Call Becky: 351-3393 Mac's Bar moog synthesizer. STELLARPHONIC MOOG ADVANCE . . . TICKETS don't miss it! on sale now. ■I'D coils, both of which were ■ejected by we any your body? Do idea how frustrated you « fi>. CUSTOM HAND MADE, Jnd fearful you become at the MNMIC vC? ssibility of an unwanted ■ You have built yourself Jorld5 not [,lause you're to live in — it's too bad reality. You see, Jrtgnanev isn't your problem, a a nice man; s Order Your Mother will forgive gou Its too late for Mother's Day this year. But those last minute paperbacks \ ntraception isn't your you needed for Mid-terms and that "free" ride to Mem, also because you're a Now to short in cash and long on Washington left you a bit apologies. A student Master Charge can help ease i; therefore, the question of be sure. your tight budget. Get one tomorrow ■bortion isn't your problem II have . . . before Father's Day rolls along. Tther, because you can before All Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate Students eligible willfully regardless of age. P in sexual relations and you leave. Please apply in person at the Brookfield N't have to worry about the Plaza Branch. this week we arc feAtuR-mq ]IV|SU Student faster Charge Application these specially pRiced lps T ALL INFORMATION - IRST NAME I STUDENTNUMBEf MINI DRAFT STATUS SPOUSE'S STUDENT NUMBER SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 1 EMPLOYER (IF MONTHLY SALARY RAM $3.29 by Paul McCartney 17-11 -70 Live E AND ADDRESS OF YOUR PARENTS by Elton John NAME OF BANK □ CHECKING Q ! □ (OTHER) Carpenters New Album $3.59 323 e CREDIT REFERENCES by the Carpenters river HOLDER OR LANDLORD BALANCE DUE MONTHLYPAVME^T I Curtis Live LP's by Curtis Mayfield $3.59 open daily sat. 9-6 T ION CONTAINED lf> ION IS TRUE AND N GRANT ING CRfc Dl T COMPLETE AND UNDERSTt YOUR BANK HE APPLICANT (S). jAyt poucjet to check our gACk rvnich Always feAtuRes At leAst SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 1 )oip s ! — ATURE OF SPOUSE discounted 40% & moRe, PHONE 351-5380 East Lansing State Bank East Lansing OltemoH Hasten Brook Held Plaza Red Cedar at Trowbridge £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Irish church confronts moral problems A Catholic Parliament to change laws banning the import and sale of McQuaid, issued a diocesan letter asserting that a law permiting layman remarked: "The Church ri,„ - I DUBLIN (AP) An array of social and political problems is contraceptives. William Cardinal Conway, primate of all Ireland, the pill would "Prove to be gravely damaging to morality, private the days are gone when the bishops could sockTVlike it but I threatening the links between the Roman Catholic hierarchy of state to fall in line." By estimate, 25,000 Ir^t 1 Ireland and some of their three million communicants. told newsmen that contraceptives could be the thin end of a and public," and would become "a curse upon our country," exPM the I The church is digging in against proposals to introduce divorce wedge opening the way for divorce, pornography and abortion. The government later temporarily shelved the issue in the pill. It is available on prescription as a menstrua?6" Us"it I and the contraceptive pill. It finds some young people indifferent Divorce is banned in the constitution, and constitutional Parliament, but Prime Minister Jack Lynch observed, "If we can be smuggled from Northern Ireland. reNator, 0, ■ changes require approval from a referendum. Contraceptives and accommodate the views acceptable to both the majority and the Public clamor for relaxation of the ban to its teachings while a minority of priests rebel against its abortion are forbidden under laws that could be changed by minority in a United Ireland, I do not see it amounting to widespread, even among the republic's 100 000 nin!V01 h authority. I In the , Republic of Ireland 95 per cent of the people are Parliament. permissiveness. Ireland will always remain a predominantly Dr. Alan Buchana, archbishop of Dublin for tk „tesNj I Catholic. An upheaval isn't likely among the great majority who The conservative archbishop of Dublin, the Most Rev. John religious country." Church of Ireland, told interviewers he opposed lln , otest«nt| actively practice the religion. But the issues that have caused of contraceptives but favored "reasonable wives within liberh f uteds,lel ferment in some other Catholic countries - the role of individual and the marriage bond, accordin °'sl>ands I conscience, the function of the priest, the value of the sacraments FOR 'THE LITTLE PEOPLE' consciences." Stresses are ' showing within the Catholic Church 8 to their I • are increasingly talked about. i. „ A Dublin newspaper published a survey of young people by parish priest said a number of priests have left the Ch T 0ne Regine Daly, a schoolgirl in the Athlone area. Half the teen-agers one diocese within the past year - and others are thin! U| in King foutil> it. about please their parents Church works she questioned said they attend Mass to or "At present, the Irish Church, in a world view kh show off their clothes. Most go to confession less than once a month. traditionalists," the Rev. Eamonn Gaynor of Qu'in nwr the I A group of Irish priests set up a national association to promote said. ^ ,nnear Shannon I experimental forms of ministry, examine the role of the Church NEW YORK (AP) — New interview. renewal, dislocation of people, The task force, in describing Father Gaynor, 45, a founder of the National d I in Irish society and defend individual priests against "any threat an He said the program was pollution problems, consumer the need for the program, said: Association, said it hopes to restore to individual nl . to their personal freedom and initiatives." A spokesman said York Presbyterians have a new initiative in setting Church policy. P ts I the kind of battler for their started as a means of dealing frauds, neglect of the aged, "In of enormous some priests have confused loyalty to the hierarchy with a "don't principles — a full-time with "issues of justice and of maladministration of public an institutions and age impersonality, "The role of the hierarchy should be to d_ "But traditionally guide initiative - LI at'ves, he I rock the boat" attitude. said. traditionally, thp the hi»nn>h,> hierarchy .i alone has Among the issues are several raised by the Dublin investigator-attorney to protect alleviating social wrongs in a office and miscarriages of human concern tends to be Church and society lose out if the priest has to 18 acted. Both! the interests of "little people" practical, concrete way," rather justice. stifle his 0WI)I government's dream of Irish political unity of some day bringing computerized, while the rights initiative." into the republic the mostly Protestant population of the British who often get ignored or than just talking about them in "We want to make our and legitimate grievances of province of Northern Ireland. The government wants to prepare mistreated in the mass processes sermons or pronouncements. institutions more responsive to individuals" in large "There is no wild turn-away from Rome. The extremesJ for that day by making it constitutionally and legally possible for of the city. The Rev. William Glenesk, the public they should serve," metropolitan centers tend to be and right are not as evident within the Irish Church asthevV I Catholic and Protestant moralities to coexist in a unified Ireland. His specified job is "to obtain chairman of a Task Force on said Glenesk, pastor of denied some other countries," a Catholic lecturer commented I The Catholic hierarchy has indicated no objections to justice for citizens who are Justice which developed the plan Brooklyn's Spencer Memorial amending Article 44 of the constitution, which grants denied it by often oppressive for the church's New York Presbyterian Church, TASK FORCE APPEAL Catholicism pre-eminence among religions in Ireland. The article institutions," to expose Presbytery, its local unit, voiced "We are stepping out of the has no weight in law, and the constitution guarantees religious "corporate and social hope other denominations will pews and pulpit and into court freedom. malpractice" and to defend the join in it, here and elsewhere. and the community to advise, But the church lias made plain its opposition to proposals in rights of those who lack means of doing so themselves. "We're hoping it will become bring relief, redress grievances ecumenical," he said. "There and right injustices, to seek a It is an unusual venture in also is a need for churches to just society that serves its Lansing churches asked NOW church social action, considered duplicate it in many places." the first of its kind for a "The community is our citizens." He said the approach is in the OPEN 24 HOURS religious body. Consumer - rights client," it added. The stated aim "best Biblical tradition." crusader Ralph Nader served as a is to "close the hypocrisy gap "It is as old as Isaiah arguing to consider peace movel consultant in setting it up. between preaching and for justice in ancient Jerusalem," MON thru SAT Lawyer David Gilman, 32, practicing" in the interests of he said. He added that it also is Lansing area religious bodies that more churches are "joining distribution of literature. picked as the new "Presbyterian neglected or exploited segments "as Presbyterian as a Swiss have been asked by the Lansing their voices with ecumenical The task force I SUNDAY TILL 11 P.M. advocate" after interviewing about 60 other a year of of society. attorney in Geneva named John Particular attention is to be Calvin," the founder of Peace Task Force to consider a agencies and the cry of the sponsored a seminar, held"1 statement calling for withdrawal common man in an urgent May 5 at the Center for Unit lawyers, said the task is not to focused on the slums, urban Presbyterianism. of all American military forces appeal for peace now." UNIVERSITY take on lawsuits of individuals, from Indochina by Dec. 31, Through a survey of the that drew 37 leaders from"! but push "class actions" BIG BOY 1971, task force chairman Greater Lansing area, the task churches to discuss the wi 1050 TROWBRIDGE RD. involving various groups being victimized. "It is to seek out areas where Outstanding Warren Day announced recently, While churches are considering the move, other antiwar force discovered that area churches have conducted a variety of activities, ranging other issues. The survey and seminai viewed as initial steps toward! 351-5132 wrongs and social injustice are activities have been sponsored from prayer meetings, antiwar long-range program to help tlT being done to powerless sectors of society, and to take action, in named by Sby the task force. Since the Lansing Area films and ratification of the Peoples' Peace Treaty to churches deal with the questi of peace. FIRST ASSEMBl. Y OF GOD the courts and otherwise, to Central United Methodist Council of Churches appointed 1125 Weber Dr. remedy the situations," he said in Joerg Schoenherr, Berlin, MSU. His parents reside in East (a bl N. or E. Gr. River at Germany doctoral candidate, has Germany, rmany the Peace Task Force on April Across from the Capitol Downer) UNIVERSITY been named the 1971 recipientrecipi He has published one paper 22< at 'east 28 Lansin8 area Diptlfinn^ holfi mnfprPnrJ WORSHIP SERVICES SEVENTH-DAY of the Sigma Chi fraternity frateri disproving the existence of ectodesmata matter, pastors have preached sermons L/ieilllUnb on peace, while 20 churches IO nOld COnrereilCI 9:45 and u;oo a.m. Rev. Richard W, Bishop. Pastor outstanding graduate award. which was have conducted discussion Topic ADVENTIST CHURCH claimed to be a series of 9:45 A.M. COLLEGE CLASS Source of Power" 10:50 A.M. WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC Sabbath School 9:30 Schoenherr undergraduate received degree his in West structures in the outer cell wall, His second paper, soon to be groups on war and peace. "The time has come churches should speak out," the when to discuss 'new day coming! Rev. Robert I . Reus . Worship Service -11:00 Berlin and his master's degree atf cojnplet*d» copcaps. ittplf^with council's board of directors said K. G. Smith, pastor the entry of liquids to porous Management and labor hospitals when they meet June! Church School 9:45 to Ili45 leaf surfaces. — and 2 at Kellogg Center. " EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY Schoenherr hopes to continue Crib Nursery 149 It has become clear, they said, 100 dletltian8 from Mlchl*an "There's a New Day Cominjl 485-94/7 Transportation — 484-6640 Highland Ave. AT M.S.U. work in research upon receiving New Ages; New Ideas" is til Call 351-8994 if you his Ph.D. need transportation theme for the annual EffectiJ Dietary Mani UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN Conference. ev. Jack Hllyard, Chaplain UNIVERSITY HERE'S WHY SO MANY PEOPLE WEAR GLASSES CHURCH EDGEWOOD UNITED Phone 351-7160 "Unions - How, Why, When® CAMPUS HOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH "Youth andl'nionizationl 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River CHURCH FROM VISION CENTER "Your Management MirrorB Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m. 469 N. Hagadorn An Ecumenical Fellowship ALL SAINTS CHURCH Meeting at 2606 South Hagadorn "S.O.P. for Union Organize# 800 Abbott Road and "Training Supervisors I ALWAYS OPEN Worship Services Deal with Employees in a UniJ John D. Walden - Pastor 9:30 & 11:30 For Information Situation" are among tal| Sermon by Dr. Truman 332-1888 scheduled. or Transportation A. Morrison Bus Schedule 332-8472 Speakers will be from tl Dr. Robert University, Michigan hospital Harris, Choirmaster 8:00 Holy Communion the Michigan Dept. of PubB Campus Church Bus Service, 10:00 Morning Prayer Health and related professions.® Pastor E. Eugene Williams "Mark it 'Personal' " 11:00 A.M. Morning and Evening Call and Sermon 332-0606 or 332-8693 The conference is sponsor! by the Collge of Human Ecolof EAST LANSING"iRiNITY CHURCH OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PEOPLES CHURCH Here are a few reasons why there are so many and Continuing Service in cooperation Educati® with tl E. Eugene Williams, 841 Timberlane Drive EAST LANSING Michigan Hospital Assn. and tJ Minister East Lansing 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos satisfied patients wearing Vision Center Glasses: Michigan Dietetic Assn. Interdenominational Stanley R. Reilly, (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn, •/« mi. S. of Gd. R. behind MEIJER'S) Assistant Telephone: 351-8200 • Eyeglasses At Prices Everyone Con Afford Sunglasses In Many Shopes And Colors. Library extends | • Interdenominational 9:45 An Independent Church With A Biblical Message University Class a.m. • Any Doctors Prescription Filled Eugene Williams "The Christian Encounter" 6:00 p.m. 9:45 a.m. Church School — all ages 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services SUNDAY SERVICE undergrad hoursl Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. 9:30 and 11:00 The Undergraduate Libra For Transportation Call 349-2830 349-2533 or on second and third floors of I Christian Reformed Church W.E. Robinson, Pastor r£> West Wing, will be open a.m. Tuesday through JuneP untj and Student Center LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES WJan and June 6 through June 10. I Usual library hours will apl Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) all other times and for all ot| units. Visit our new Student Center — ( LC'A LCMS CHURCH SCHOOL open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. for Students and Faculty at for Students at 9:30 & 11:00 WEAR University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel Lunch Wednesday 12:30 -1:30 Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Road Crib through Adults 332-2559 332-0778 Coffee Hour Pastor David Krusc After Services SALE MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP 8:15 a.m. Matins 1st and 3rd Communion First Church of Rev. Brink, preaching 9:15 a.m. Common Service 9:30 and 11:00 10:30 a.m. Common Service 2nd and 4th Matins 9:30 only Christ, Scientist SPORTCOATS for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 11:30 a.m. New Expressions Grand River at Haslett Entrance East $59.95 $ JJ Lansing reg. —PENTECOST SUNDAY ~ SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Services /MORNING SERVICE: "The Holy Spirit in Action' u a>rrii I EVENING SERVICE: 1 00 * "The Affect of the Holy Spir 1518 S. Washington Lesson — Sermon Subject DRESS F a.m. Morning Worship * Sunday 7 p.m. A ncient and Modern Necromancy lumni Memorial Chapel, one alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, lock east ofAuditorium. Dr. Victors Matthews $25.00 $]J88 Denounced. reg. Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary Wednesday Testimonial Meeting 10: 30 a.m. * Coffee Hour J.30- 10:30 a.m. * Discussion Group 9:45 A.M. COLLEGIAN tool Classes for Children College Bible Class FELLOWSHIP in the fireside room. 8:30 p.m. Dr. Ted Ward, cry at 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Fireside Room MSU, Teacher rides call 355-0155 after 9 Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor OPEN Glenn R. Blossom, Youth Pastor Weekdays — 9-5 p.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Frl. 11:00 A.M. eves. 7-9 p.m. Ground floor of Alumni Memorial Dr. Matthews, speaking |l\\\Shapel' Dress 's informal and a All are welcome to attend ision follows the sermon. FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Church Services and visit and use the reading room. Call 482-0754 for information. Lansing Mall Meridian Mall Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 28. 1 c>71 7 Ticket revision ordered By RAY ANDERSON (MCRC) ruling. at that time State News Staff Writer The ruling originated in a charging the Lansing offensive to minority group used as summons. Police with "unlawful members and is of little use to The Lansing Police speeding ticket issued to Eva solicitation of race on a traffic Dept. has law enforcement agencies." "Name, address, some been ordered to remove all race Montemayer in 1967 on which ticket." identification and the charge are she was designations from its traffic designated a Mexican. Don Holtrop, MCRC regional He said the fact a very few all we really need," Mrs. Mrs. Montemayer, Hodge tickets by a recent Michigan a manager for Lansing, said, Michigan communities use the said, adding, "the content is Civil Rights Commission Spanish-American, filed a "Basically it (the race designation indicates that it is designed to streamline the court complaint with the commission not very important. designation) has proven system rather than enlargement of case history." Michigan State Police have not Textile used a race designation on traffic class tickets since said. A spokesman 1966, an for the officer MSU "I feel it (race) is a reasonable basis for identification," said James R. Giddings, Lansing chief asst. city attorney. "Just like the Dept. of Public Safety said, "to color of eyes, height, weight, the best of my and other normal knowledge, we've identifying summer "This is a first for fie Mehas said. The course must never had one." Verna I. Hodge, East Lansing district court clerk, said East Lansing had a race designation characteristics." He said the information necessary to assist in identifying those who do not is our appear in on traffic tickets By BEA FRIEDEBERG department, and we're enroll at least 20 students or it many years court. State News Staff Writer definately interested in seeing will not be offered. ago, but with various re - evaluations it "If you don't have a that it is offered this year," Registration for the class can was deemed picture, it is difficult to Demetra Mehas, asst. professor be made until June unnecessary. identify a person, Travel to North Carolina and 22, but and of human environment and everything helps," he said. Baby New York is offered in a four week field - textile and apparel travel study of the - design, said Thursday. "If this trip is successful, a trip preferably it should be in by June 1, Miss Mehas said. Applications can be sent to 215 "There designated was a time when we students and the person's occupation besides race Giddings expressed possibility of revoking the The big sad .ye« belong to Kumba. a baby gorilla born industry in to Europe to study the apparel Human Ecology Bldg. for information to establish individual's driver's license if he an July 1970. the Dept. of Human Mumbi and Kisoro, is the first gorilla bom in 102 Kumba. the daughter of industry cycle may be added to A $100 deposit should failed to appear in court. - year - old Lincoln Park Zoo. Environment and Design this the residency as much as anything This, summer. program next year" she accompany each application. else," she said. he said, would make it added. necessary The balance must be for ticket holders to come paid by in, so emphasize individuals Exploration of Apparel Industries is the Textile and four June 10 to assure plane and hotel reservations. The tickets presently used are part of a new concept to police wouldn't need a physical a - description to find and identify credit course to The course introduction and eliminate much of the them as has many times been the acquaint paper undergraduate and tour orientation will take work and were designed to be graduate Volunteers decentralize students with the function and place on campus July 6 - 9. service areas of Students will leave July 11 for apparel production, and it will allow a organization and programs, the on individual MASV will explained. MASV, regional coordinators chance to witness the flow of merchandise from origin to textile industry. Charlotte, N. C., for a field analysis of all segments of the FREE The new MASV will be will be directors of college consumption. July 13-21 will be spent in sponsor only small loosely , The Michigan Assn. of Student meetings, Mrs. Sorum said. regional structured with a secretariat of two coordinators. The volunteer students. programs and not A cost of $228 includes air New York City, where students transportation and hotel will study production facilities, Ladies11 Da olunteers (MASV) has A lack of participation by of the newsletter, editorship students in MASV led to its which Mrs. "We can no longer demand accommodations. Tuition, living showrooms, resident buying ompletely reorganized Sorum has held for the last five that students take time out from costs on campus and meals are offices, retail stores and Ladies Day Movie ursday afternoon at a meeting reorganization, she said. Today's months, will go to Peter Cornish their involvement in their not included in that promotional service firms. n the MSU Office for Volunteer college students would rather be figure. Every Tuesday at 10 a.m. at Lansing Mall Theater of Western individual communities in order Students will return to campus out on Michigan University. Applications after the movie, register for free prizes in all ograms. assignment than Although all to hold offices in a state-wide will be taken on a July 21. Through July 28 there student first participating stores and shop their super buys. | Unlike federal volunteer attending a meeting, she volunteers are come - first serve basis, Miss will be a final course evaluation. members of organization or to handle the Be our guest, won't you. rograms which soon will be organizational work of the erged into one national group," Mrs. Sorum said. WANT AN ESCAPE MACHINE? POLICE ' ency. the representatives at The 'he* meeting voted to secretariat, which will rotate from school to school, centralize MASV because it is > longer relevant to college will obtain feedback from the USED ECONOMY SEDANS AND ■1 lansing mull ■olunteer programs. regional coordinators while the 5330 W. Saginaw "We felt that MASV should do coordinators volunteer will programs serve the in their SPORTS CARS FROM AL EDWARDS Hwy. nore than provide unication among student NINE BICYCLES with a total regions. One theft occurred from a olunteer programs in Michigan estimated value of $341 were m | *- SPORTS CAR locked student room in East . nd provide services to reported stolen sometime Holden Hall, police said, where ndividual volunteers," Judy between May 12 and from students who Thursday entry might have been gained , MSU volunteer parked the through the adjoining room. bikes in campus areas. "ordinator, said. "We wanted - move MASV in the direction linimizing nportanee and focusing on the its own A TELEVISION SET, an AM- FM receiver, a stereo turntable when The other owners thefts occurred unattended in a Shaw Hall left items CENTER and a cassette tape restroom, the north box office mportance of service to dividual schools." player with a total estimated value of $295 of Fairchild Theatre and an 1200 E. OAKLAND PHONE 402-1226 office in the Instructional Media Mrs. Sorum said the revamped reportedly were taken from the iASV would continue to first floor room in Williams Hall Center. OPEN MONDAY AND THURSDAY 'TILL 9 of Stephen R. Mathers, Grosse ublish a newsletter (The Pointe sophomore. FREE MOTHPROOF Michigan Student Volunteer), TIFFANY two 1969 RENAULT 16 SEDANS. Wagons, hich will continue to be Mathers told MSU police his room door SUMMER STORAGE RESTAURANT both in excellent shape, lots of miles left in unded by the Governor's was closed but not locked at the time of the theft, & LOUNGE these sharp, one - owner trades. ONE ffice, and will encourage and $1485. between 10:10 and 10:30 ONE $1585. LOUIS upport student volunteer rograms across the state. Wednesday p.m. "MASV will provide 1969 RENAULT 10, for In other thefts reported 16,000 miles Aut«^ Trans, Radio, only communication, cooperation, nd the exchange of ideas Wednesday, an estimated $384 CLEANERS Swing with on " SO*-" new one owner - - among the singles trade in. See it now at $1185. in cash, two personal checks, a [olunteer programs, with the coat, two wallets and a purse FREE PICK-UP at Jim's. jmphasis on those programs and t on the MASV reportedly were stolen sometime AND DELIVERY Cocktail specials 1969 RENAULT R 8 fully reconditioned itself," she $495. Wednesday from students in 623 E. GRAND RIVER daily MASV campus areas. was formerly student DUNE n and sponsored an annual BUGGY, front end and engine just Special Greek rebuilt. eekend convention, the menu every Ready for summer fun at $995. overnor's Conference, which Saturday evening atured 1967 SUNBEAM ALPINE reconditioned workshops and a - nquet. With the emphasis off DOWNTOWN LANSING roadster ready to go at $1095. J16 E. Michigan 1968 TRIUMPH 250 — low olidoy hours FREE EVENING PARKING 489-1196 and priced to sell at $1885. mileage, sharp, PI22A et for IM pool YOU CAN'T LOSE BY LOOKING ! PAR The Men's IM door pool will be Building and at HOLIDAY LANES a bit of crazy-quilting comes Miss J's way EXCELLENCE! open from Lanes available for OPEN to 5 p.m. Bowling in three small, Monday. all day and (approximately 6"*8") bags Regular hours for the outdoor evening "i are 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open 9 a.m., daily Just north of Frandor 337-9775 of bright patchwork print with nday through Saturday and 1 - a daisy Billiards * Cocktails * Good Food |5|p.m. Sunday. pattern quilted over. In our shoulder The Hotel SS Mariposa is going places: bag and handbag styles, the crazy-quilt has a charm all it's own. SAN FRANCISCO to ALASKA $7 Your choice of sage, and eight magnificent sailings on this Glacier Bay. Matson's Hotel SS exciting 13-day Mariposa sails for cruise-vacation, starting June 13. Alaska from San Fran¬ cisco June 13, 26; July AjjJLp' Check into Matson's ^a-going Hotel SS Mariposa in San Fran¬ 10, 23; August 5,18, 31 -with departures from Los Angeles the follow¬ DOMINO S cisco. And from there, ing day. Matson's Hotel SS 966 Trowbridge e9'n a great adventure. Monterey sails from Los An¬ Your luxurious hot.el cruises to Victoria, Juneau, Skagway, Glacier °ay. geles for Alaska June 21; from San Francisco the following day. 351-7100 Sitka and Vancouver. Then It's the perfect "two-week" vaca¬ °ack to For pick-up or free delivery to East California. The pace is lei¬ tion. Let us make your reservation complex, Shaw surely, the fun continuous. Every¬ now! Fares from $730. Lane, South complex, Brody dorms and married where the The SS Mariposa and SS Monte¬ housing. scenery is spectacular, Specially the famous Inside Pas¬ Open 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. weekdays; 5 • 2 rey are registered in the U.S. & Sat.; 4 p.m. - 1 a.m. - p.m. - a.m. • Fri. Sunday- The pizza people College Travel Ja.C'o]),son's of MSU. 130W.Grand River 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, FOUR PLAYS SET Plays spotlight Summer fer for holiday weekend HARPER slick and seeks a The holiday exodus will slow — a weekend happenings with the satisfying film about a private exception of campus stage detective hired to find a missing production. Five plavs will be husband. Paul Newman, Lauren JSZJ15r residents of ,h°J the SSS Lansing lJLinV*"n«. area to University ,students ai Bacall and Shelly Winters star. Summer Circle Free Theater. participate j„ offered. Three summ, I duringJuly"productionsS . At 7 and 9:15 p.m. Friday only presented outdoors in Kresge Court ONE FLEW OVER THE in 106 Wells Hall. "aucl,ons will be | A fourth production, "Androcles and the Li » CUCKOO'S NEST - a RECOMMENDED OFF presented as part of Lansing's Park and Recreation* domineering nurse struggles with a spirited patient while a once CAMPUS: "Brewster McCloud" local public parks July 16-28. n passive mental ward comes to at Meridian 2; "Patton" and life as spectators. Performances "M*A*S*H" at the Gladmer; Open auditions for "LaTurista," "Crawling Arnold" „ I at 8:30 p.m. Friday and "The Andromeda Strain" at the Town" will be held at 7:30 p.m. June 7 Auditions for "Our Town" (second - 8 in the Arena 0(111 Saturday and at 7:30 p.m. Campus; "The Night Visitor" at reading) "a ileatet i Sunday in Wonders Kiva. $2 the State; "Fantasia" at the Webbed drinker Misbegotten" and "Androcles same time and place June 21-22. and the Lion"'will h,.Tu al "k I admission. Fairchild Theatre. Admission i Lansing Mall; "Women in Love" TOM PAINE - Paul Foster's at Meridian 3; "On a Clear Day Everyone knows that the Red Cedar River ducks are a rare breed, but just how rare nobody For further information, telephone the theater g2 You Can See Forever" at knew. It was always assumed that their favorite treat was popcorn tossed to them by a friendly department biographical play about the 18th THE TEMPEST Meridian 4 and "Cold Turkey" observer. This duck apparently has found something she likes better. century revolutionary. Shakespeare's comedy of crime, Performances at 8:30 p.m. at Meridian 1. State News photo by Larry Gladchun remorse and forgiveness. At 8 Friday and at 7 and 10 p.m. p.m. Saturday in Fairchild Saturday in McDonel Kiva. Theatre. Admission is $2. Admission is $1.50. Screen PAC THE ROPE DANCERS play shows bad J u . ALL QUIET ON THE drama about a daughter who WESTERN FRONT suffers from a disease and mother who suffers from guilt. At 8 p.m. Friday in the Arena Theater. $1 admission. a highley praised 1930 film of Erich Maria Remarque's antiwar novel. A young German enters World War I and learns the manners THE COUNTRY WIFE - Critic George Nathan once Admittedly, my knowledge underlines and accents the the Hilberry production of "The William Wycherley's comedy difference between back home wrote that bad manners on the of Restoration dress is rather hypocrisy and exaggerated Country Wife" last month "an reason why, and it should obvious to anyone who J about town life in the 17th myth and battleground reality Cl;_ _ ., . ., u,„,V „ part of the players, director, or limited, but I do know that the concern for wit and honor in the unfriendly act." I now know the both productions. has seel Shows century. At 2 p.m. Saturday in Friday night only in Wells £hnical people in a theatrical men wore huge curly wigs and play, was not allowed to flower, production must be met with both sexes adorned their It is important, 1 think, that the equally bad manners on the part clothing with great quantities of words should flow, that we get a Performing A rts Com pony of the reviewer. something to think about, This is lace. Costume designed Gretel luxuriant Stensrud by and large ignored language feeling from contrast the especially in view of the twc this. thoughts that actually being THEATRE latest plays of the Performing Arts Company's (PAC) spring theatre Festival. The wigs worn by most of the from a period about xpressed. This feeling, to a great extent was missing. found FESTIVAL one hundred years later Mr. Rutledge's THURSDAY o "The Tempest" was bad history only lace direction of John-Paul Mustone 1 p.m. (FM): MUSIC THEATRE: "Darling o She Day" enough, but director Frank present was small bit on totally obnoxious. 3 Plays in Repertory 9 p.m. (FM): JAZZ with Frederick THorntor j= Rutledge's version of William Earlene Helderman's costume. I Mustone's Porky-pig stuttering FRIDAY *- THRU Wycherley's "The Country Wife" is like a slap in the face. It also understand that gannents and jerk-like movements were 1 p.m. (FM): MUSIC THEATRE: "Fiddler on the Roof." The Rope Dancers are missing, arwt they are being that were bordered in black were alien to the role of Mr. Sparkish, 2 p.m. (FM): HELSINKI FESTIVAL is a very rude production. taken advantage of. a symbol of mourning in those a camp and funny London fop. JUNE 5 The Tempest The recent, and by Whereas the Hilberry times, and while many of the There were a few all right • 2 p.m. (AM): SUNDAY CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Louis Lane, comparison brilliant Hilberry production paid proper players wore costumes with that performances they conductor Theatre production (Wayne attention to accurate costuming, attribute, nothing to shout about - 355-0148 The Country W ife State) of "The Country Wife" appropriate (for Restoration makes MSU's attempt comedy) hand gestures, and mourning! write about for that matter. 4 p.m. Pollution" (AM): FROM THE MIDWAY: "The Economics o There were many stilted Donald Treat's set MONDAY loathsome. The audiences that perhaps most importantly, the performances. The actors functional and basically 1 p.m. (AM): LECTURE Fairchild box office Tickets $2.00, $1.0 see the show at Theatre do not know what they Fairchild rhythm of the language, the PAC production does not. seemed not to be enjoying themselves and thus the evening satisfactory except f«r the two - DISCUSSION TUESDAY fema)e nudes that were painted 11:30 a.m. (AM): U.S. SENATE - CLASS OF '71 suffered. Restoration comedy- on it. This could have well been should be a fun thing. The 1 p.m. (AM): LECTURE - DISCUSSION: "Perspectives oi omitted Violence No. 6" theater was supposed to be WEDNESDAY K HE CAMEHOME FOR ou will mm enjoy 'AIRPORT' immensely, reveling and celebrating the new liberties after Director Puritan rule - but we'd hardly is simply not representative of Frank the oppressive version of "The Country Wife" Rutledge's 11:30 a.m. (AM): BOOKBEAT: Lauren Vanderpost. authorol "The Prisoner and the Bomb" is interviewed ^ LOVE ANDPEACE nd you will find yourself talking ebout it I know it from this PAC effort. Restoration Comedy. THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. (AM): HOLLAND FESTIVAL: Istvan Kertesz tnthusiestically to your friends." The lyrical beauty Rutledge recently told me SS ANDFOUND ANOTHER KIND OF WAR. Program Starts AIRPORT Program Starts at 8:30 Wycherley's language, which that he considered my reviewing conductor 11:30 a.m. (AM): SPECIAL: "Until I Die" psychiatrisl Elizabet h Kubler-Ross interviews people on the subject of death BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN K 1 p.m. (AM): LECTURE - DISCUSSION: "Students am JEANSEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET Diplomats" FRIDAY GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES W0 1 p.m. (AM): LECTURE DISCUSSION: "Trends in U.S. Asiai VANHEFLIN MAUREEN STAPLET0N IS - BARRY NELSON LLOYD NOLAN -1-— Policy. SATURDAY 1:30 p.m. (AM): URBAN CONFRONTATION: "Newspaper! PERKY % lb. Steak Burger - plus crispy french fries J T.V., Radio: Can They Be Trusted?" m and creamy cole slaw $.95 ■ get this fantastic special, isive the waitress this coupon when ordering. ' New Hours to serve you better.! Opposite Sears 5 THE HARD RIDE • • • • • rfut.U e e e e ,, "What Ever Happened 301 Clippert — Across From Frandor 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. Friday and Saturday £ " S DEVIL'S ANGELS (PUvL.! inustman color To Aunt Alice?"H3H3 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ #•••••••••• ® MSU Cine Series Presents MHRWAIIANS GP; <£2» rUUVISION' C01M by Detuie* TONIGHT ONLY! CHARLTON UHAKLI HESTON geraldine chaplin, UN HtSlUN chaplin. john phillip law g ROOM 106B WELLS WAf#///#/#iin IIIIIIUWVWNWS "Lynx-eved Lauren Recall lets lier voice burn like a laser into Scenarist William Goldman's polished - sled dialogue. Hired killers, bagmen, juvenile cops, mysterious servants and religious nuts tumble over one another, and the convoluted plot demands an audience's unwavering attention. By combining flamboyant suspen: IN ITS 4th GREAT WEEK! sunbacked slice of life and lots of good mean fun. Direci ry clue a pleasure to follow." Time Stewarde There is no cure for "TZze I'Amour Parisians' Madame . . with Number . the One IRMfl I RIDAY SHOWING AT: 7:00-8:40-10:15 SATURDAY bfl SHOWING AT: B0UEE Only 5 days until she sets up shop in the Union ballroom. Tickets on sale now while they last at THE — the Union. UNPUBLISHABLE NOVEL IS NOW AMERICA'S MOST CONTROVERSIAL "An excellent FILM! cure for CHRISTINA HART-MICHAEL GARRETT RATED X end - of - term angelique demoline hassles" donna stanley Air'SILLIMAN * j fgj< » HI""*'"11 rrrcD IOUIS K SHIR • JR Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. May 28. 1Q71 9 And romeda'-- tense suspense "The Andromeda Strain," underground research team Robert Wise's film of Michael is formless, unidentified. aware of its existence. The Story" and "The Sound of this flair from time to time. Crichton's best seller, exerts a - situation Gradually, with the Music," respectively the finest in the lab grows intensification of microscopes Wise's emphasis on bigness, good hold on the viewer's screen musical and the most critical. The virus leaks out and and the brainwork of scientists however, does permit some attention for its 130 minute - threatens one scientist. A popular film yet made. He has fantastic sets. Boris Leven's sets length. If the film and computers, the virus takes also made a dandy suspense film, were shorter, flashing emergency light throws are of erector - set quality: faster faced and less dazzled shape. "The Haunting," and a perfectly by another scientist into an intricate and sprawling, cold and its own gadgetry, its hold would epileptic fit. The lab's self - One barely gets a good look good adventure epic, "The Sand functional. have been firmer and its Pebbles." With "The Andromeda at the virus when it suspense greater. destructing device, designed to suddenly activate when the virus is out of begins expanding. With the Strain," Wise reminds viewers of If at times the camera lingers But only perfectionists his flair for science fiction, a control and to explode five growing enemy in sight, the over these gadget - filled sets to should lament what "isn't" flair last found in his "The Day minutes later, is triggered. film's genuine terror begins. excess and if the sets tend to about "The Andromeda Strain." the Earth Stood Still." One Amid the dwarf a competent cast at times, There is enough about the film confusion, the Director Wise is best known I guess doctor discovers a solution. for his regrets only that Wise's love for it is understandable if not that "is" to fascinate the musicals, "West Side average Victory over the virus depends overproduced, long films stiffles completely excusable. moviegoer and satisfy the most on his demanding science fiction buff. The team works to ability to survive deadly A deadly space virus is carried characterize detect, rays and gases and stop the and control the atomic explosion during the five to earth by a crashing American virus. Not only do they locate Upcoming festiv minute interval between satellite. All but two of the 68 the virus but they find it triggering and destruction. citizens of a small New Mexico growing at an alarming rate. Needless to say, the film's town are the virus' first victims; Nothing seems able to halt its most tense moments occur the earth's population threatens growth. to be its ultimate Above ground, outside the during this end sequence. target. medio, Instead of the customary, loudly A four on lab, the government ponders writi - man research team composed of three scientists and what to do with the New Mexico ticking clock, a soft voice purrs the countdown. "Four one doctor is whisked to a secret town where the virus is still minutes, 30 Race against time underground lab designed to alive. Scientists hastily minutes". seconds". . . "Three handle such an "one minute, 30 The Ingham County awards in the Writing Contest Festival are films, mixed media . . emergency. Part recommend the use of atomic seconds". "15 seconds." Bicentennial Media and Festival will be announced of the formally in .. A race against time as scientists attempt to save the damaged satellite that weapons on the site but, fearful The rest of "The Andromeda & presentations, poetry readings, world Creative Writing Awards the next issue of from a space • age germ provides the tension in the carried the virus and the two of international ramifications, "Tuesday," music and dance, science Strain" builds to this climax, Presentation No. where the winning poems will be survivors — a 69 - year - old man the President delays his decision 2, a program fiction thriller "Andromeda Strain" now constructing the crisis and centering on experimental showing at the and a six - month - old baby — for two crucial days. published. There will be no admission Campus Theater. slowly defining the enemy. The student work in media and the Programmed for the Media are brought to them for The crisis continues with only film begins showing charge. scrutiny. government officials merely the performing arts, will be held at 8 and the T FAIRCHILD THEATRE effects of the virus. The enemy p.m. Kiva. Wednesday in the Wonders NORTHSIDE Drive-in Dnv, Awards in the 1971 MSU rSTbeatre Creative Writing Competition also will be presented at the i)jj I* Beauty of Tempest abused festival. Winners of fiction and poetry GIANT HOLIDAY PROGRAM! How many ways Poor William Shakespeare, obably more than any other somewhat unnatural means and can you prepare CARTOON FESTIVAL AT DUSK! ! disguises to enable a main McDonald, Sterling Heights majority of the cast aywright, the works of this were rather senior, and Russel AT AT »at genius have been abused d mutilated by inept directors PANORAMA: character to manipulate and mete out "justice." Rosalind in "As You Like It" and Portia director, things Standish County as the Howes, bland. extension Where is the drunks, eloquence of Shakespeare? It is beauty and a pancake? 10:30 FIREWORKS 10:30 d unqualified actors, resulting Stephano and Trinculo, in "The Merchant of Venice" was clearly not with "The wm productions in which only the both donned extremely likable but the at Fairchild Theatre. Tempest" men's clothing in itie and basic plot are order to be able to function on a E #1 NOVEL OF THE YEAR-NOW A MOTION PICTURE! akespearian. The beauty of level that enabled them to act as bard, however, is in his e •*try. not his plots. When effective forces in the plays. In "Measure for Measure" ELEGANCE IN DINING roper attention is paid to both, akespeare can be a thrilling dexhilerating experience. By KENNETH STERN Vincentio disguised as a friar in order to see just what was going AIRPORT The current Performing Arts ^ State News Reviewer ^ on enabled in his dukedom and this him in the end to Albert Pick BURT "" DEAN version of "The !,ompany empest" -has managed to correct what he believed to be LANCASTER ■ MARTIN unfamiliar with the play, "The ampen my enthusiasm for the wrongdoings. Prospero uses his JEANSEBERG Tempest" concerns the magic and his disguise in much 'ay. The direction of Frank enchanted goings - on 9et utledge, associate professor of tropical island. on a the same way. JACQUELINE BISSET L Prospero, the He can arrange eatre, is Shakespeare through Duke of Milan who possesses convince ursurpers of the errors marriages, GEORGE KENNEDY > meat grinder. The all • magical has allowed pportant verse has been powers, affairs of state to drift into the of their ways and set things back HELEN HAYES to normal. A UNIVERSAL PICTURE attened out, and the ludicrous hands of his brother Antonio, This magic element in the TECHNICOLOR* and gestures of many who along with Alonso, the Produced in TODD AO* haracters in this stagnant King play really was not that apparent of Naples, ursurped roduction were embarassing. Prospero's but this is the director's work throne and set him with his rather than Shakespeare's. The In many cases, the daughter Miranda off in a boat, music, composed "rformances were marred by which has landed by William on this island. Penn seemed or diction, improper accents, foreign to the tone There, along with the crude and spirit of what, I Shown twice at 8:40 and Late nd affected speech. The slave Caliban and "dainty" spirit think, "The nguage was merely recited. It as not spoken from the heart of the winds Ariel, Prospero is Tempest" should be like. Occasionally, there was the Buffet Dinner master, and by his magical 1 sometimes the computerized, synthezised boing Every Friday night from 5 -10 P.M. players powers brings his enemies to the ned not to understand what - boing - boing type music, Or choose from our varied ala carte menu THE DEADLIEST MAN ALIVE...TAKES ON A WHOLE island and manages to set things which was hardly effective. ARMY!1 > were rattling off at the For reservations, phone 337 • 1741 right. Jth. For the sake of those of Prospero is another example how Shakespeare uses Except for the terrible wooden slats, the set by Donald Sleeping Rooms Available SuS,^£TWQOD SHIRLEY Maclaine Treat, associate professor of with Reasonable Rates theatre, was most satisfactory, TWO MULES FOR SISTER SARA but the production basically was estival A UNIVERSAL PICTURE* to c not lighted properly and the set suffered. Corner Saginaw (M-78) and Grand The River (M-43), East Lansing. 48823 comedy of Robert "Naked came thee out of thy ith film com PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-6944 NOW! Box office Opens 1 P.M. mother's womb, and naked shall thee return thither! The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the Complete with 4 SHOWS DAILY electronic Films of special merit will name of the Lord! WHERE'S THE unds and receive cash prizes. The judges vibrating color GIN?" 'ures, the 9th Annual Ann are Joseph J. Kuszai. associate 1:30 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:30 or Film 407 E. GRAND RIVER Festival completes professor of art, Douglas W. - DOWNTOWN run from 7 to 10 today Lawdwer, asst. professor of Q... BUT MAY BE TOO INTENSE FOR p.m. 109 Anthony Hall. English, and Robert Weil, RATED !' is the concluding event of associate professor of art. Counter Culture Festival The films were created by "FASCINATING! YOUNGER CHILDREN. Jisored by the Dept. ~ of students and independent film The Purest Science ican Thought and makers. nguage. Admission is free. fiction thriller his first to come to showing of the st' va 1 on the screen campus is sponsored by the Honors in Years!" :l,egp Films were shown irsday in Anthony Hall and * d n e s d a y jn Wilson itorium. None of the 43 films to be "MORE THAN JUST A BRILLIANT THRILLER! the best special effects Since '2001'!" - Added TOM PAINE ^NDROKDA STRAIN - Fun Cartoon & Novelty a play by Paul Foster ARTHUR HILL- DAVID WAYNE JAMES BORIS LEVEN OLSON; KATEREIO NELSON GIDDING • MICHAEL CRICHTON • ROBERT WISE GIL melle Tonight & Tomorrow McDonel Tickets at the Union & the door Kiva r— 1 H A UNIVFRSAl F Friday 8:30, Saturday 7:00 & 10:00 vsgsr TECHNICOLOR' P/ 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan fcy-May;, SPORTS , Spartans fall to late inning Cincinnati rally By JOHN VIGES disaster struck in the last inning. day and Rashead was safe on an The loss moved the SparUns error. Clancy struck out but State News Sports Writer to the losers bracket to play Boyce was walked filling the Ohio University, 5 - 4 victims of bases. "Unbelievable." Southern Illinois, in a 10 a.m. Litwhiler summoned John Assistant Coach Frank Dace back to the dugout and contest today. Cincinnati will Pellerin stood in the dugout and face the Salukis sent John Rohde to hit. The in a 1 p.m. could only shake his head in game.if MSU defeats Ohio it will Detroit sophomore did his job, disbelief after Cincinnati, the battle the loser of the SIU - lacing a line drive between the "home" team, had scored five third baseman and the third base Cincinnati clash in a 4 p.m. runs in the bottom of the ninth game. bag, scoring Rettenmund and to defeat MSU 8 - 7. Rashead. Across the field, along the Clancy had hurled a fine A balk moved runners to third base game before the last inning, line, all was second and third and setting limiting the Bearcats to three pandemonium as the Cincinnati runs on four hits. He seemed to them up for Rob Ellis's liner Bearcats swarmed over first that traced the path of Rohde's tire in the final frame, however, baseman Tom Schaefer who had hit almost exactly. and the first three batters got just driven in the tying and Clancy and Nagel both were good wood on the ball for two winning runs with a line single to tough on opposing hitters until center. singles and a triple. Coach Danny Litwhiler then the final two stanzas. Each team Spartan Gary Boyce had scored in the second and sixth made a strong tlirow to the brought in Leisman to quench the rally and the junior innings but outside of the plate, but it was just wide, scoring innings only two hits righthander seemed to have allowing Jerry Lux to dive, head made a good start towards that were allowed by either. first, across the plate a split Those two hits came in MSU's second before MSU catcher goal when he forced a pinch hitter to ground fifth as Ron DeLonge and to third Bailery Oliver made the tag. baseman Rashead. Rettenmund put Spartan On the Spartan's side of the runners on second and third to But, after bluffing the runner field Kirk Maas, who gave up the lead off the back to third base, Rashead inning. Nagel winning hit stared into space; uncorked a throw well over the worked his way out of trouble Dave Leisman, the losing pitcher walked slowly off the field with his eyes on the ground; in the head of John Rohde at first base, scoring the runner and by forcing Rashead to ground out, Clancy struck out and Loooooong Stretch sending the batter to second Boyce was retired by the first MSU'S John Dace demonstrates how first base should be played in a close dugout, Phil Rashead glared into base. call at first ea I baseman. the game with Cincinnati. MSU will play Ohio University today at 10 a.m. in a Coke can, pondering his The loss was a a game game pitting the Leisman hit the next batter two losers from opening day action. One team will be eliminated™ the Where'd it go? throwing error that hurt the on the leg and both runners were heart breaker for the third showdown. lown. Spartans immensely. advanced ranked Spartnas and the almost IMo, the sky isn't falling in on MSU's baseball team, John MSU had apparently sewn up by a sacrifice bunt. State News photo by Tom Gaunt Maas then came in, 3,000 fans that crowded into Dace is just searching for a pop-up. Though MSU lost to the game with a four run burst intentionally walked a batter, John Kobs field. IN FIRST GAME Cincinnati, E 7, in me opening game, the Spartans have yet in the eighth frame. MSU had a To win the District 4 title, and finally gave up the winning to lose back to - back games this season. four run lead and Rob Clancy MSU must now capture four hit. State News photo by Tom Gaunt was pitching strong before The Spartans broke up a straight games, two today and a SIU dumps pitchers duel between Clancy pair Saturday. d Larry Ike will take the mound t*(VOWSHOMN BUTTER FIELD DRIVE-IN THEATRES and Bearcat Denny Negal by crossing the plate four times in the eighth frame. in the first game with Maas pitching the 4 p.m. contest if By RICK GOSSELIN , For three innings MSU was MSU survives its match with defeated MSU at 1 p.m. today. fifth rated Ohio. State News Sports Editor For a while it looked like the playing as if it were ready to Starlite U.S. 27 WEST OF WAVERLV TOP FLIGHT ALl THE WAY! A ROSS HUNTER Pro explode but couldn't find the trigger. The Spartans found it in the the Although disappointed with opening days results Litwhiler felt his team was by no It took just one inning Southern Illinois University put a dent in 1 defending District for to playoff series would be a short one for SIU as Ohio Saluki ace Jim Langdon for jumped on means out of the tournament. champion Ohio University's three runs in the first two eighth and scored on back to one 372-2434 AIRPORT! back two run singles. "We can still win the tourney, but we have to win tomorrow," playoff hopes. Southern Illinois bunched all innings. But Langdon put the skids on runaway hilarity when BURT LANCASTER DEAN MARTIN Whitey Rettenmund started Litwhiler said. "We can't afford five of its runs into the third any further uprising (with the the rally with his third hit of the to lose." inning to wrestle away a 3-0 lead DON KrfdTTS from the Ohio Bearcats. With two run advantage the Ohio a exception of a solo home run by shortstop Mike Schmidt in the runs down OTv HAii... COLLEGE GRADS: team, SIlPs over Salukis coasted fifth), striking out seven in going the distance. Langdon is now home in claiming a 5-4 victory. 10-1 for the season. BURT LANCASTER-DEAN MARTI* IF YOU CAN TYPE, WHY The Salukis now move into While Langdon was struggling game four of the playoff series, in the early innings, his JEAN SEBERfi • JACQUELINE BISSh meeting Cincinnati, who teammates able to put GEORGE KENNEDY * HELEN NAVES NOT ENROLL IN LBU'S were into the lead in the bottom half him VAINEFUN • MAUREEN STAPLETQN of the third. at 8:30 only MINI-SECRETARIAL cJVowin The Salukis batted through at"n!oo only" ^ast^aqsing... the order in their portion of the k THIS IS THE MWN'HC OF THE «0E Of I COURSE THIS SUMMER third, scoring enough runs to send Ohio pitcher Jim Bierman down to his first defeat in seven decisions. There's no doubt about it, good jobs are scarce right now. Check the want ads through and SIU catcher Bob Sedick Sh THE FOPBIH rH3.!? "T | for secretaries. you will notice openings singled to open the third and 1 -I { A UNIVfRSAl HiUiW U(.rfN" cffiecPretzelGBell Jack Liggett joined him on the basepaths with another single, 6- & Late ;C*.P HA'.M.JON That's where you'll not only re¬ - «**••» «. -*>t*. LBU's Mini-Secretarial Course includes SPEEDWRITING ceive the finest food and most moving Sedick around to third. Plus... "THE COCKEYED SHORTHAND (the easiest and quickest form of shorthand courteous service around, but Langdon followed with a ground you'll find yourself surrounded by ball to short, but the play at tue COWBOYS FROM CALICO to learn), typing (on new electrics taught by an instructor) DICK LANGDON COUNTY" and filing or business English. a pictorial history of MSU and the piate by Ohio's Schmidt just East Lansing area. missed nailing Sedick, putting And there's more. You'll see over runners on first and second with Bierman got the next tvfl 50 original Tiffany type lamps plus a 17 foot high fireplace im¬ one run in. Saluki Mike Eden batters, but Dan RadisoJ Why don't you call today for details — This low cost ported from merry old England. drilled a single to score another contributed his single to drive if package, with the help of LBU's Placement Office, just And there's still more ... so drop run and Jim Dwyer followed the eventual winning run. I PROGRAM INFORMATION 482-3905 Doors open at 1 p.m. might get you on a good job earning a good income by fall. in and enjoy yourself won't you? him with yet another single to Ohio will play MSI at lfl You'll find the Pretzel Bell to be today with only one an interesting dining experience push across- two more runs, a.m. teuj including the go-ahead run. surviving. ICHIGAN TODAY.. . SUMMER TERM BEGINS Theatre Lansing - At 1:30 3:30 5:30 7:35 - - 9:35 p.m. MONDAY, IUNE 28 - - J 217 S. WASHINGTON-DOWNTOWN SUDDENLY THEIR FUN AND GAMES WEREN'T CHILD'S PLAY ANYMORE! LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY 1020 Trowbridge Road Corner ol Capitol and Ottawa East Lansing, Michigan 517/351-0300 Phone: 489-5767 TONIGHT, SATURDAY & SUNDAY Special Memorial Day Weekend Productions 2,754 People Have Thrilled to a HAL WALLIS PRODUCTION RED SKY AT MORNING KEN KESEY'S ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST 3rd BIG WEEK cHARRY GUARDIIMO strother martinnehemiah persoff. sck^itMarguerite Roberts "Winner of Best Actor, Best Actress, And used o» TMf M«i i, RICHARD BRADFORD. oimckd it JAMES GOLDSTONE. associate producer PAUL NATHAN. mucin it HAL B. WALLIS Best Show of 1970 - 71 New Players Season. A UNIVERSAL PICTURE 1 Tonight & Sat. 8:30, Sunday 7:30 Wonders Kiva Tickets at the Union & at the door. f itJ« y. May 28, 1971 SPORTS ]] [hick miron Future is bright Trackmen battle for S stickmen By DON KOPRIVA State News Sports Writer 2 - high 3 - 4 in the indoor meet's hurdles and of threats for top honors from Spartan Ihe 440 on up. Mike Holt, Mike coaches are hoping for at least Murphy Tom Spuller and A1 the same finish here with senior IOWA CITY, Iowa - MSU Hender-on are all e iterod in the L, had taken a hard check and, in rising, fell to his knees trackmen hope to make a Howard Doughty also entered to qur.rtor and MSU coacl' are K an and, strong give the Spa tans agonizing second, halted. "Moody's hurt, coach," someone bid for the Big Ten title here a good chance hoping for a couple of places at four place.,. and a few points today and Saturday,, but the there, while first steps were mechanical but he went back to his task Hartwick rates as the favorite freshman Bob Cassia man, th« _,s biggest tests for the Spartans will in the intermediate Reuse. Minutes later Moody was on the sidelines. He had been come late this afternoon in the where his 51.3 hurdler., winner indoors at 600 yards, wili lughing up blood. George Larkin was already seated the on qualifying for the finals for first with clocking is tied havehis hands lull in the 660. Inch nursing a badly mistreated kidney. Somewhere beneath the Saturday. Hosier's of defender Mark The Grand Rapids nativ ; may Ids of sweat there was pain written on both their drawn faces. Defending champion Indiana Hartwick Illinois. But have t,o battle defending champ IJot just the physical pain of their injuries but also the lingering is favored for the title but MSU, ace defeated the Illinois Mark Winzenried ot Wisconsin lowledge that their team was losing and they were powerless to Illinois and soundly at last month's and Illinois Ron indoor titlist DrrJ'" Relays. Phillips for the title. I|p 11 was over. MSU had lost and the 1971 season was old Wisconsin are expected to Both Spartan relay units are |wspa|>t'rs and fading print. mount strong threats. And the expected to make strong bids for The 660 should bt a Tjoodv and Larkin will be bai k next year. So will Kalvelage, Spartans' biggest hopes are in barnburner, but so too could be diington. Hartman, Gray, Wallers and Safran. Barring nothing events that have championships. The 440-yard the half, if Winzenried enters the preliminary and foursome ranks second in the _sS than a n offer from CBS, I plan to be around. 1 want semifinal qualifying for the loop behind Indiana while the event. For John Mock of MSU. I be around because MSU is going to perform finals. it's his last chance at the elusive surgery on a lot of mile balon Invest lacrosse squads Spartan sprinters and behind quartet is No. 3 Illinois and Michigan. Big Ten title, and the senior ■Rags to riches? Don't expect a national championship. But you hurdlers are key figures and But the 440 team has co-captain aims to make the % forget that MSU finished 1 - 9 in its first year, State will have to quality two in Indiana a run for the given most of it. Dave Dieters has been gome say that the Spartans will be wanting for defense next the 100 and 220 yard dash finals each time it's run and the mile money switched from the mile to give Ur. 1 can't deny that some exceptional defensemen are leaving and three for the the Spartans potential for high hurdle t corps through graduation. However, while watching junior "■ defensemen Moody maneuver final to keep in the the crown. squad has yet to lose to a Big running for Ten opponent this y ar, indoors or out. additional points in the 880. Ken Popejoy and Kim Off and running Herb Washington and LaRue Hartman are MSU mile entries. Milers Kim Hartman and Ken ■ through two men last Saturday If the Spartans expect to win Popejoy will be out in the Big Ten meet on Saturday working for to clear the Butchee are State's hopes in the For Popejoy, it's his chance to points. The favorite in the ball, any clouds of event is Leo Labide of Illinois, but Popejoy has a the meet, they will have to score beat running jinx over 100 and 220. Illinois' Lee LaBadir, the the sub four minute lllini "| coubt I had about next year's Washington is well in the middle, - runner. State News photo by Dave Shakespeare | defense left me. defending champ but is coming sprints and hurdles distances, while Indiana the first Big Ten runner ever to dip under four minutes in the mile, MSU lacrosse has ample off an injury and will be has to base its hard-pressed by a flock of other sprints and field strength on the and to continue the no loss Tickets BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS ingredients to be a big time events. | winner next season. The recipe fine sprinters, string he has going over LaBadie including The last time the in will bi Butchee, to retain hi?, title was held at league meet conference action. For a winning one and Iowa, in 1967, the Hartman. it's the first time he's ■ hopefully I take MSU a taste of it. students will Butchee is expected Indiana's defending champ Mike to duel Spartans finished a close second to the hor.t run the event in the loop >. et TONIGHT 104B WELLS Crowds for lacrosse this Goodrich for the 220 Hawkeyes, but this since 1969, when he placed year time Iowa is expected to be far third. peaked at about 400. It is true championship. out of the All quiet on the western front there were conflicts with Wayne Hartwick. running and battling Eric Allen is MSU s strongest (and John to eep out is a r.ire specimen! During its Morrison and Dave Martin of the cellar. hope in the field events, and his this is my went 100 minutes there is not a opinion) the nation's The Spartans have a number 49 5 triple jump rank: him single best baseball team, but the glorificaton of second in that event. combat, no dashing charg. trickle of the "faithful" who thrill of victory, no heroics. Just Other Spartan mtrics include the message. came to all the Unser will games seemed Marv Roberts in the shot put War is grim for those who have to fight it." much less than the « warranted. sport race and discus, Jim Stevenson in the pole .ault and Randy Kilprrtrick Robert Osborne ' * *"*' 1>ast Saturday's 9 " 6 ,oss to in the steeplechase. . Wittenberg disgusted me. MSU despite bruise Made in 1930 but BANNED in played brilliantly, Wittenberg Germany until 1950 and in France until played better. 300 people turned 1963 C VAL WASHINGTON Lewis Milestone's AZLPs/f out for one of the finest Led all year. There games TI IE was no charge for admittance, no baseball ■ rugby game going on 100 INDIANAPOLIS, IND (UPI) - Bobby Unser, 1968 winner of Community Owned Serving the Community yards away, no reason for not the Indianapolis 500 • mile ... ling a bigger crowd. Without doubt, there are still many i cow people wandering around paths of MSU who don't know what lacrosse is and think his left arm received in charge last weekend won't race, said Thursday a large bruise on connection with his arrest on keep him from driving in the 1971 a traffic FEATURES EVERY SUNDAY AN OUTSTANDING ALL QUIET ON THE race Saturday. Sport is a mutation No amount of sarcastic editorializing can Unser told conference the WESTERN FRONT a news len a closed mind. But lacrosse, and I say the word with he was unable to drive arm was sore Wednesday and a car the day after the injury occurred. He ■erenee, will not be denied. MSU had an excellent season, charged "police harassment," and added he is lishing 4 - 7 in its second year. There is still some hope that suit against the policeman he said considering filing a lople will "see the light" before next season when, I can assure Unser, appearing with his attorney, Donald was responsible. 7 and 9 p.m. $1 u, lacrosse will be a winner But it's sad so many missed this was hurt when officer Thomas White Bringgold, saio he VISIT US AND BE SURPRISED AT THE no ID handcuffed him, shoved him into a squad car and slammrd the SUMPTUOUS FOODS PREPARED FOR door on his arm. is oneo£ those .poll- 'hat grow., a you m A black and blue bruise about cultivating six by four inches YOUR DINING PLtASURt "One of the bstt lor the sport one is confi -11Led with what looko at first to shown at the news conference. in size >vas ■ mass confusion. But the greatest films intricacy, the ever ■ present potential ■ violence, and the uniqueness solidify into a harmony that is in the Altai .md yet refined, fcoach Ted Swoboda doesn't have the budget to skip about the GAS BUGGY ROOM Kevin Brownlow in luntry stocking his team through scholarships. The players that SWING I attracts aren't looking toward professional lacrosse careers, THE PARADES ley play the game out of lovr for what it offers and the with Ishness that it demands. ■he tension of the season is over, but the stickmen are ■ether again Saturday. If I may take the liberty to quote getting Buddy Com^bell ■bert Frost, "you come too." and his RESERVATIONS NOT NECESSARY ... BUT FOR ■he occasion will be an ahimc' .am- »; YOUR >• u.cient« CONVENIENCE, JUST PHONE 372 65b(' ■dy Honia, Bill Hermann, J> Nu Jlam, it. lrger, Rockie Ryan and Jim Robinson. The veteians may have ■>»■- Lin;, COUNTRY CtAN' ■blems keeping up with the ■ represent a good match speedy varsity but are experienced at THE (' PLAZA ■reshman Val Washington recently was awarded an honorable 125 WFSI MICHIGAN AVENUE ■ntion berth on the Midwest lacrosse team. Hau not ace Doug the Ko-Ko Bar On The Crest of Washington Square plage suffered a midseason injury, MSU might have had two erson the list. Friday & Saturday 9 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. ie /*' ^ varsity will be a full strength except for hard luck Larkin |o seems to have spent most of the season injured 410 S. Clippert off Kalama/,00 ( /X 3RD jhere will be no "overs," no instant replay; this is the last Jnce to view lacrosse this year 2 p.m. Saturday 1.1 hope you'll come too. at Spartan Open At 12 Noon y 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 ' CHILLING WEEK LANSING GOES WILD Sidney Glazier presents the FROM 20th CENTURY-rOX OVER "PATTON" AND "MASH" SO HERE WE GO WITH OUR night visitor Valley of the Dolls TODAY 4th BIG WEEK! Doors Open 7:00 P.M. FEATURE AT If You Haven't Seen It . . Don't 7:3? . - 9:35 Miss it. . . THOUSANDS Have Seen SATURDAY & SUN it More Than Once! FEATURE a .35 - 3:35 - 5:30 - 7:35 R/XTT9N IS Best Years have tied since we've had a chilling Best Picture mystery, but here Best Actor is one at last to squeeze the mind." Best Directoi Gone Shalit, look Magazine Beyond the Bone-chilling and Valley of the Dolls fearsome! The cast * Russ Meyer Production couldn't be better if ' PaNAVISION* Color by DELUXE* HITCHCOCK was leading the way!" • women in love Btuce Williamson, Playboy Magazine ACADEMY AWARD WINNER 20tKC.«, j Last Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 28, 1971 13 Peanuts Personal Special Next Week 10< a word prepaid state news classified 3558255 CAT/Sfy yQUR MEEDS The State New, P*rmit racial or doe, religiou, not Automotive fRAnkly speaking by Phil Frapk Employment Employment For Rent discrimination in its TOYOTA CORONA 1969. White. 4 masfj advertising columns. State News will The not door, 4 speed. Very nice inside and out. Must Call 372-1568 sell. Let's talk price. evenings. 4-5-28 SINGLE ROOM for mature grad SINGLE one GIRL. Campus near. 227 Bogue. To share small, furnished bedroom, $65; or large .automotive •ccept advertising which DIRECT SALES. Commission only. supervisory and janitorial service furnished two bedroom, 2 girt; Scooters & Cycles discriminates against TRIUMPH TR 250, 1968. 28,000 Income potential $250 - $500 a for male house. 1 year minimum. $92.50. Phone 489-5922. June Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color miles. Call after 8 pm, or before week. Call Mr. Hoyler or Mr. 485-8836 or 487-5753. 0-7-6-4 occupancy. 5-6-3 or national oriqin. 10 am, 351-0457. 5-6-4 Aviation Hunting at 351 - 3590. 5-6-41 SUMMER AND part time 126 MILFORD employment VOLKSWAGEN 1967 sedan. Beige WANTED RESTAURANT manager. employment with merchant Summer Leasing: only 3 left. 2 man wholesaler. Automobile required. for rent radio, 3 new tires. $975, 351-0061 Full time job. Experience apartments, close to campus. after 6 p.m. 3-5-28 351-5800. O Apartments necessary. Call John 332 - 5041. 3 351-2207, 372-5767, 489-1656. -6-2 24-6-4 Houses VOLKSWAGEN, Rooms Automotive engine. 1965. 1500cc. Van Excellent mechanical GIRL NEEDED for credit and FULL manage TIME. Start stereo store. immediately, Experience FORD, condition. $450. 349-3172. 3-5-28 FOR SALE Animals 1967. Automatic, 6 cylinder collection position in Lansing branch of Xerox Corporation. helpfu^.351-8907. 5-6-1 I LOVE txcnT' $450. G00d ,r8nsPOrtation.' VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER bus with Experience in credit and ability to CONOEING HEAD girls Camp Mobile Homes 882-5277. 3-6-2 Iowa, Female, 21, Senior tent. Rebuilt engine, new PERSONAL FORD VAN, Excellent condition paint. Reasonable. Call Howell tires, work effectively with customers in resolving credit problems are Lifesaving, experience. 353-0411 4-5-28 CEDAR custom 546-6562 evenings. 3-5-28 requirements. Good starting salary paint job, new PEANUTS PERSONAL exhaust! REAL ESTATE Radio, extras, must sell. 489-3624. 5-6-4 Anytime VOLKSWAGEN, 1968. Fastback.~ln and liberal fringe benefits. CALL Bruce Kirk at 371 - 2900 for an For Rent VILLAGE good condition. 4 on the RECREATION $100 floor. FORD take over TV AND stereo (SERVICE GALAXIE, 1963. V-8. Cheap payments. rentals, satisfaction transportation. 663-3476. 5-6-3 CERTIFIED EXPERIENCED reading guaranteed. Free delivery, service 875. 349-1535 Typing Service after 5pm. 3-6-2 teacher. Bay Cliff Camp for and pick-up. Call NEJAC, TRANSPORTATION VO L KSWAGE N7l 9637 Sermon" physical handicapped. Summer 8 337-1300. C FORD $125. Call 332-0091 after 6 weeks. John GALAXIE, 1965. Automatic, pm Vargo, Marquette, WANTED very dependable. Good condition. 2-5-28 Michigan. 906 - 226 - 3212. 2-6 TV RENTALS. Color and black and DEADLINE $400. Call 393-1409 before noon VOLKSWAGEN 1968 'KXJ LOWS HfllKEP FfEAK- WHAT white. MARSHALL MUSIC, East or after 6 pm. 5-6-4 Fastback. Lansing, 351 - 7830. C - 5 - 28 \ P.M. one class day 7,000 on new engine and clutch. New exhaust, radial tires. K) W) KNOW ABOUT VIETNAM'*:' COMMITTED TO fight before publication. FORD STATION wagon 1966. $1250 unemployment, inflation and REFRIGERATOR RENTALS. Dorm Power steering, 641-4516. 5-6-4 Cancellations - 12 noon automatic pollution? Bring your courage and size. Summer rates. UNITED one class day before transmission. Michelin tires. Good sincerity! We offer fun and RENT - ALL. 351 5652. 5 - 6 VW, 1970. Cobalt blue, beetle. - - condition. Phone 339-2409. 5-6-1 growth. Call 337 - 1216. 1-5-28 4 publication. Excellent condition. $1825. 351-1490; 5-6-4 PHONE Scooters & Cycles A uto Service & Parts FURNITURE RENTAL LANSING OR East Lansing. One Student special bedroom furnished. 355-8255 '63 "WHITE" starting at $20 a Large, airy stepvan/camper. month. Reserve now for Fall rooms. Air conditioned. RATES MAVERICK, 1970. Orange with Paneled, carpeted. Runs well. Oz MASON BODY SHOP 812 East CAMP WATERFRONT director Term. BISHOP Beautifully maintained. Suitable 337-0735. 3-6-1 , FURNITURE black interior. Perfect condition. Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. needed. Male or female, for co - ed RENTAL, 4972 Northwind for faculty, grad students, business $1.50 . .. Drive Four new tires. Must sell. Complete auto painting and resident camp. Must be 21. Call 351-5830. 21-6-4 people, married Doug, HONDA 1968 450cc. Like new. With couples. Lease. 15c per word per day 351-3956. 5-6-4 collision service. IV 5-0256. C Rex Miller at Y.M.C.A.. 489 - 332-3135 or 882-6549. O 3 days $4.00 Scooters & Cycles trail and road tires. Low mileage. 6501.5-6-4 CAMPACT REFRIGERATOR $700. 351-6108. 5-5-28 rentals for 13'Ac per word per day MERCURY MONTEREY', 1963, summer term, available SUMMER, FALL. One and two 19iReliable transportation HONDA 350cc, 1970. Good , recisioim MOTHER'SHELPER. Here,Cape Cod. now. UNITED RENT-ALL, 2790 bedrooms. Near campus. Call 5 days $6.50 , $50. condition. $650. Call 337-1496, CHOPPER TRIKE. 1 Call 351-7334, Zundapp frame, imports Write 522 Meadowlawn, East East Grand River. 351-5652. 7-6-4 349-3919. 5-5-28 anytime, Dave. after 10 p.m. 12-6-4 Honda 13c per word per day 1-5-28 engine. Partly finished. Lansing. 3-5-28 (based 10 words per ad) Daytime, 39 3-6045. Evenings ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. on ONE MAN needed beginning June 1. 1969 BSA 441 before 10 p.m., 663-8009. 3-5-28 PART TIME 7:30 12:30 p.m. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV MERCURY 1966 Victor. Excellent - a.m. • Rent $52.50. Close. 339-2753. Peanuts Personals must be 4 door, automatic, condition. $695 or best offer. Monday through Saturday. Light RENTAL, 372-4948. O 5-5-28 power steering, PARK AND SHOPI Park yourself in radio. Phone 882-7188 after 5 pm 1204 E. Oakland housekeeping and PBX prepaid. 4 excellent tires. New an easy chair and shop the Want Ad exhaust 4-5-28 receptionist. Must have good TV RENTALS - Students only. Low ONE TO four wanted for system. Like - new way today I the best and most summer. |There will be a 50c service interior. Needs grille. Solid body. care for all complete appearance and voice. Year around monthly and term rates. Call Oakhill Apartments. Close to bookkeeping charge if Aqua. Steal at $600. 351-3823 1971 OSSA Stelleto 250cc BULTACO 175cc. Good wood spike. foreign models — work. Prefer experience. Phone 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV campus, air conditioned. Call Motocrosser. 351-0576, 351-7132 service, repair, and body HAGER - FOX HOME CENTER, RENTALS. C [this ad is not paid within after 6 p.m. S from 5-10 p.m., ask for Mike. Knob tires, 21" front. Street legal. work. We'll give you NAMES 482-5501 extension 154. 3-5-28 351-1748 after 6 p.m. 2-5-28 week. Call 339-8331.6-5-28 4-5-28 of SUBLET. $160. Haslett Apartment. satisfied customers. [The State News will be 1967 305 Honda Scrambler. Engine 484-4411. Call TEACHERS. NUMEROUS school, Apartments Furnished, two bedroom four college positions. CLINE [responsible only for the MUSTANG 968 Norton/Matchless Scrambler. 750 just rebuilt. Call after 5 p.m. 485-0285. 3-5-28 AT MEL'S TEACHER'S AGENCY, 129 East ONE OR two men, summer t man. 6-6-4 After 5 p.m., 351-7219. first day's incorrect 1965 GT series, 6 Good shape. we repair all foreign and Grand River. 3-5-28 Old Cedar Village. 351-8 cylinder, $550. Call 393-6412. Conscientious owner. Best offer. American cars. If we can't fix it, it Insertion. 3-5-28 $850. 355-3725. 4-5-28 1966 HONDA 305. Good shape. can't be fixed. Call 5-5-28 STUDENT APARTMENT, four 332-3255. O REGISTERD $300 firm. 349 - 0946 after 6 pm. NURSE - licensed rooms, 2 bedrooms furnished. 3 6-2 practical nurse. ROSE LAWN ONE BEDROOM, furnished, air NOVA 1970. Bucket seats. Disc VW - GUARANTEED repair. Parking, fall term. 10 minute drive brakes. 3 speed automatic 3S6. RANDY'S MANOR, 707 Armstrong Road. conditioning, ample storage, from campus. $165 a month. MOBIL. I-06 u Low mileage. 655-3953. x-5-28 BSA VICTOR' 1967. Cerlanl forks, Okemos Road, 349-9620. C Positions available 7-3:30 shift, parking, close to campus. 485-6581. 2-5-28 BMW CLASSIC knobs. Make offer. Bruce, 351 3-11:30 shift. Excellent starting 332-2621 after 5 p.m. 9-6-4 R-26. In Automotive condition for excellent 7815. 1-5-28 - salary, with regular increases. NOW LEASING for OLDSMOBILE STARFIRE, 1964. 2 touring. Information summer and fa» FA ROMEO Duetto, 1968. White, door. 64,000 miles. Good 339-9457. 2-5-28 Employment Apply in person, or call Mrs. Swan TWO MAN, summer, half block to furnished apartment for 3 girls. condition. $300. 355-2779. 5-6^ 1962 TRIUMPH 350. Needs some 393-5680, personnel. 3-5-28 campus, parking, air. 337-2135. Also single room. 6 blocks to ith black convertible work. Two helmets. $200. 351 - 5-6-3 top, 1968 MOTORCYLE, Bridgestone FULL TIME SUMMER JOBS campus. Parking. 694-8266 after 5 iropean equipped, radio, Pirelli 7335. 5-6-4 COLLEGE STUDENTS OPEL. 1968. 15,000 miles. Excellent 350. Must sell, $375. Right onl Subsidiary of Alcoa P.m. 10-6-1 res, 5 speed. 33,000 miles. . . . Car Large National Organization WANTED ONE _ condition. White with blue 393-2104. 5-6-3 or two men starting necessary. Interviews on Friday, with local office hiring now !rfeet condition. $2500. Call 1970 fall term at ONE OR TWO girls interior, snow tires. $999. HONDA CB350. 5700 miles. May 28th at 10 a.m., 12 p.m., 2 for summer work. Collingwood. Call needed, summer. 652-9349, Frankenmuth, 349-9310. 6-6-4 Extremely excellent condition, •Good Pay 351-3360 Brian. 2-5-28 Duplex 3 blocks from campus. 1971 350 Motor Sport Honda. 1 p.m, Stafanoff Lounge next to ichigan. 5-5-28 $66 a month. Call Carol after month old. $775. $625. Also I966 VW, $600. 351 - Placement Bureau in •Good Hours 5' 694-4691 Student TWO MAN P.m. 351-8696. 3-6-1 2019.3-6-2 •Car Necessary summer sublet, air JSTIN PINTO, GRABBER, green. 5300 before 4 p.m. 5-5-28 Services. C-5-28 HEALEY Sprite, 1969. Call 351-3700 9 a.m. to 1 p.i conditioned, one block from miles. Sharp, but economical. "(cellent condition. Low mileage. campus. 351-2244. 3-6-1 DUPLEX, JUNE and September. 2 Must sell. 332-6107. 3-6-2 1970 HARLEY XLH. Good shape. SUMMER, PART time, and full time Reasonable. 372-7266. 5-6-1 Aviation COUPLE NEEDED: As group foster and 3 bedroom. Clean. Call' $1900. Call 694-4691 before 4 positions open. Set your own home houseparents for (8) APARTMENTS FOR 372-1629. 17-6-4 hours, work with your friends. summer. 220 PONTIAC FIREBIRD. 1968. 6 p.m. 5-5-28 RRACUDA, 1967. 2 door PROGRESSIVE MANAGEMENT children in Grand Rapids. Agency Cedar Street. 1 bedroo cylinder, standard shift, good LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight NEED THREE girls sublease summer. hardtop, 6 cylinder, stick shift, will provide house, furnishings, Supervised housing for condition. $1200. 339-9354, CYCLE INSURANCE. Central training. All courses INCORPORATED has sales and men on "xceilent condition. are Call 351-1394 Excellent location. 351-3835 Best offer Michigan's Largest insurer. Any sales living expenses. Married couples, or 351-2713. C or 353 3282. 4-5-28. government and VA certified. management positions 351-0572. 10-6-2 ver S800. 882-4372 before 2pm, cycle, any rate. LLOYD'S of available. Ask for Bill Stevens or age 25-45 preferred, with no FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport tier 6 pm. 3-6-2 Chris children living at home. Husband LANSING. 332-5335, 482-5585. Combs, 393-0230 TORINA CONVERTIBLE 1968. Excellent body and engine Road, Call 484-1324. C 393-0231. 5-6-3 or may keep outside job. Salary, benefits. Send resume to: Group If Your Car Has Spring Fever condition. Brand new tires. KAWASAKI 1971. A7SS-350. Auto Service & Parts Foster Homes, Recently tuned. Call after 6 p.m. 5-5-28 332-0644, Excellent condition. $750, best offer. 332-0567. 5-5-28 RESEARCH SUBJECTS WANTED. $2 for 45 minutes evenings. Males Catholic Services, 300 Commerce Building, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502. Social Give it a tune-up tonic from Kramer's EVR0LET 1961. ondition, best offer, must Good sell. TOYOTA, 1969. Red Corona deluxe, 4 door, 4 speed, AM/FM, snow WE HAVE moved. ROLL - ROSSER CAR WASH,25c, or automatic wash, 50c. Wax and vacuum. U - DO - only. 355-4463. 4-6-2 Our Large Inventory And P.M. 332-2144. 1-5-28 Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. JKSjL Low Prices tires, extra nice. Moving - must Phone 489-4811. Our new address IT. 430 South Clippert, back of EVR0LET, 1947, Excellent sell. 337-1893. 1-5-28 2400 North U.S. 27. Lansino. TF Koko Bar. 0-5-28 Will Save ing condition, needs paint 627-7555 after 5:30 p.m. You Money! We Stock Over a Million Parts EVY IMPALA 1964. Runs well, ""Jilt engine, some 351-8445. S -6-3 rust. $90. ft KRAMER AUTO PARTS 800 E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 pVELLE MALIBU, 1965. V-8, ■Womatic. Leaving country, must ■H. 351-0574. 5-6-4 e He O □ r. C PVETTE 1966 327 350 hp. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ►> CBS r K tit ■jwellent condition, new mufflers, 1 BE R 1 AjCQUP'T P* brakes. 351 -7099. 3-5-28 ACROSS A L . fMO|U|Ti6IO BE mo^mm |JvETTE, «r disc 1968. Convertible, 1 Ship's diary 4. Conversation 29. Select A*IPSltH AIW 5 hp, 327 brakes, positraction, cu. Special wire 8. Mayday 31. pipe joint AlXjEJ ■ » VA l iMMOiLjl 33 Jap coin P.I T Msa EA|P E;N f^els, man! 11-Haw. baking pit tinted glass, four new 3} Sign of sorrow t!. Ias 'ires. . 8-6-4 Corvette Bronze. per 12. Molten rock 13. Buddy 14. Moray 36. Topaz hummingbird p||P>E EL •±usowm DICT Sir )«S T O K[ElR or Madam, whichever!? 15. Haste 38. Great writings M0*"' disc 1969.Power brakes, ■dramatic. Must sell. 337-1898. steering, turbo 17. Strange 43. Unsymmetrical 45. Turmeric HjOjN e|n|d Of FT ■Ajmysi >■0 OiS T AlL 19 Weep 45 Orange drink Join the Mob at. 20. Ruse 23. Classified 47. Attitudinize 4S Billfish DOWN CORONET, 1968. $600 or section 49 Fencing dummy ■^2°,,er ^32-6148, fill 26 Watircourse 332-8113. 28. Jap. needle 50. Norse counties 1. Stead 4. Uproar 51. Annex 2. Porterid 5. Edible fish case J CAMINO, 1969 LeMans 3 Chasn 6 Grandparental Blue. I,."'' SS396. 4 speed. Less than |Z' °° miles. All extras. You get plenty of room (and trunk space, APARTMENTS We brought it all together! For openers, there's the " 2 3 i M 12 5 6 7 2% e 13 10 8. Ghosts Bj'"2411,3.5.28 now famous MINI-BUS. Free rides to and from i too) at Colling tooob 10 Underhanded campus 5 times a day. Goodbye to tardiness, park¬ 114 16 16 Unique |id°oNn 1963" ■iinn V„ ' ecor,omlcal "^Vood tires. ing meters, and gas money. Say "Hello" to the Campus Hill Mob who enjoy the romantic social '7 18 ■*100.482 3027. 3-5-28 new area. Picnic tables, Bar-B-Q pits, acres of grass % 25 Kil/FM4 SP'der 1970' |l24nn rad'0, drlvln9 lights. Only m'les' Beautiful Gold' Apartments "(formerly Northwind Apts.) along the banks of the Purple Cedar. Wow! Brand new swimming pool. All together for a mere $52.50 per person. % Va $ 23 24 H % 26 %*7 20 % 28 21 22. Relatives 23 Bright 24. Wither 25. Surgical ' ; 4m »?90n condition. ■ Central Air Conditioning ■ All Utilities included 24 30 31 ii 33 » ^34°6.5^!40,,er' 355-6190 or •UNLIMITED PARKING *DISHWASHERS except electricity ■ Carpeting Throughout ■ Drapes ■ Completely Furnished ■ Balcony or Patio Units w 35 36 % 37 instrument 27. Next 1 j EEB|*d. 1967. 326, V-8, 3 speed. •SHAG CARPETING •AIR CONDITIONING •BALCONIES *AND MUCH MORE ■ Study Area with drop lite ■ Walk thru Kitchen featuring K Refrigerator ■ Range ■ Disposer 38 39 w %w 12 30 Malay dagger ^ 32 Sidesteps MUSt Fall leases now being accepted, $200/2 man ■ Dishwasher ■ ■ Unlimited Laundry facilities ■ Storage and Parking ■ Party Room Y/a % Hi MM « 35 Bunchgrass 37. About $210/3 man 39 Esau RoOc°rORJINA I%M. #luxe' BOOOmlles. w#0°n. 1970. $220/4 man M3 349-3530 M9 % l|} 56 % SB 51 40 Impel 41 Genuina -3 kt J,°POrt8bl». Snow tires. Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind Dr- (behind Yankee Store) % 42 Nobleman .j ■Him I ™?1600 351-0053. or b#,t 0,,#r- 3-B-28 St xt 43 Enfold 44. Sonnet ^ ]4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent LARGE TWO party furnished SUMMER ONE bedroom, 2 EAST LANSING, Lower duplex. 2 2 BEDROOM home. Grad < EAST LANSING. Male students, 4TH GIRL for beautiful Water's Edge ROOMMATE NEEDED, luxury - efficiencies. Air conditioned, close bedrooms. Air conditioned. Call bedrooms. Carpeted, furnished for instructor. Call after 7 p.r single rooms, parking. apartment. Congenial duplex. Rec room, fireplace, yard, to campus. $135 summer. $150 332-0625, after 5 p.m. 7-6-4 3 4 students. $215 - $240. Lease, 337-9322. 4-6 28 Refrigerator. Call 332-5791. 8-6-4 Adjacent to campus. carpeted. 351-7396. 5-5-28 - 353-0480 or 353-1228. 6-6-4 fall. Call 351-4062, 484-1328. deposit. Available September LANSING. 3 bedroom apartment or 13-6-4 TWO GIRLS needed. 4 man. Cedar 15th. 351 -5969. 5 6-4 EAST LANSING rooms for men. GUILD GUITAR - 2 bedrooms with study. Carpeted Village. Fall - Spring. 337-0552. Starting fall. $192-$204 a term. Bood condition S?nn SUPERVISED APARTMENTS ■ 3-5-28 Private entrace, parking, 3-6-1 ' S20 0 694.865* NOW LEASING and summer paneled throughout. Available term. Call 484-9772. CEDAR GREENS Now renting 3 and 4 man SHEPHERD STREET. 2 bedroom. nearly new house. cooking, Phone 5-5 28 1 bedroom furnishwl GIRL TO share 3 man. Own room. Stove, refrigerator. Available June 332-2361. 2 5 28 TRAILER, SELF for summer and fall efficiencies for summer and -con, Pool, air. Summer and/or fall. 1st. $150 per month. Deposit. 5. Best offer POOL over sW ' SUMMER SUBLET. One bedroom 351-8904. 3-5-28 fall. $650 per term total. Phone 372-8130 after 6 p.m. 8-6-4 ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. 6-6-4 5300 3' Studio, 1 bedroom, Call 351-8631 Completely furnished. 372-8077 and den furnished. Luxury, golf and 2 bedroom apts. — GIRL WANTED for 4 man. Good 351-6317 SUMMER. JUNE 15 September 13. course, pool, lake. Faculty, grad before 4 p.m. C stereo. kenwood all furnished location. 351-8882, after 5 p.m. Near campus. Furnished. Parking. or couple. $170. Lake of the Hills, SUMMER TERM 5-6-2 MAN NEEDED Meadowbrook Trace. 332-8903. 4 5 28 MEN. CLEAN quiet rooms. Summer 'Urn,ab'e. Compact speakers .,^1 Haslett. 339-9354, 353-3282, Summer. After 6 pm, 393 7981 term. Cooking, close to campus refngera ' JIM rent from $135/month Wellhofer. 4-5-28 Furnished, spacious apartments for 2, recorder tadio No C1* *\ Male(s), grads or seniors. Summer If no answer — 484-4014 or fall. 1214 East Kalamazoo. 1. Days, 487-3216. Evenings til 10 Village, summer, $45. Call Debbie 4-6 people. Close. Call 351-8579. Close. Utilities paid. Call ^•Flctek TV 6-5-28 p.m., 882-2316. O and balconies too 353 1112. 3-6-2 3-6-2 351-7538 after 5:30 pm. 3-6-2 sets, recorder, walkie and ,8ikie. surf 1 w ROOMS FOR summer. One to four 1 OR 2 girls wanted for apartment Merchandise . U| 1604 man. 9-6-4 $120 for term. 351-6317. STODDARD APARTMENTS. Furnished, 2 man. Summer, Fall. school year 1971-72. Call 353-6019 or 353-1049. 4-5-28 RIVER'S EDGE FURNISHED summer Reservations APARTMENTS, leases available. ANN. unfurnished, Three stove, bedroom, refrigerator, GRAD STUDENTS private or summer rooms, semi-private. Close to fl u a secondhand r a n teed store1 l^9°| ' now being accepted no basement, garage, nice yard. campus, semi-furnished. Available Close to campus. Call 351-8238. O Michigan, Lansing'??! ONE GIRL. Summer. Cedar Village. Cheap. Call after 6 p.m., Norwood Apartments APARTMENT TO sublet for and for September. 731 BURCHAM East Lansing. See these sharp $195 plus utilities. Year lease. $100 deposit. Available June 1. June 13th. 1 5 28 Phone 351-8932. 485-4391. Hours daily 5:30 p.m. c v8" » , ^ summer. $145/month. 745 353-1266.3-6-1 Now renting large one and two bedroom for summer and Burcham 3-5-28 Drive. Call 332-1051. WATER'S EDGE luxury units including shag carpeting, ultra modern kitchen Family only. 332-1936. 5-6-3 GUY, $15 a week. Cooking. Call heathkit AR-14 receiver Wli TWO FURNISHED apartments on with dishwasher, swimming pool, 351-0798 between noon-4 cabinet. Factory tuned APARTMENTS pJ pm. West Barnes for married couples. fall. Close to campus. beautifully landscaped grounds, 5-6-4 No children or pets. Available Reduced summer rates. Call ROOMMATES NEEDED summer and ample parking. Only $160. $100,351-2207.5-6-2 June 1st, 3 rooms $125; July 1, 5 term. Meadowbrook Trace. $50 (Next to Cedar Village) Open daily and Sunday 10 a.m. - MEN : NOW renting for summer and 332-2712 after 3 p.m. rooms $150. 484-0497. 3-5-28 completely furnished. Pool, See Frank or JoAnne noon, 1 -6 p.m. 351 -7212.0 DETROIT STREET, South 314. Two fall. Furnished, panelled, carpeted, friends. Call 355-9107 or bedroom furnished for 3 students, $45. Binoculars, $26 parking, cooking and Telesca* SUMMER SUBLET Furnished 332-4432 laundry 5 d^I 351-3081. S-6-1 efficiency. Air, parking. Available 1050 Water's Edge Dr. $175 monthly,Fall. Also available for summer. 351-3969. O facilities. Two Call blocks Don from 325528Ca" 355'9450 June. $113.50. 677-1091. 3-5-28 REDUCED RENT, summer. 3 man, campus. Keger, SINGLE WORKING girl over 21 to 351-2103 or 355-1627. B5-6-4 rectilinear $50 month. Oakhill apartments. ONE GIRL for two man. $75 per XI's brand new, share 2 bedroom unfurnished best We will even 351-3628. 5-6-2 apartment in Lansing. Phone CAMPUS CLOSE, quiet. Living month. 226 Beal. Quiet. EAST LANSING' Furnished or offer. Other $1 351-5762. 5-6-2 room. components. 355-9477 3bs qIc 482-6980 after 5 p.m. 3-5-28 room, bedroom, kitchen, bath. 3-5-28 Beal Street Apartments Carpeted, private bath, entrance. furnish the MEADOWBROOK TRACE. Summer, ACROSS FROM MSU Sailing Club $100. Available 5-6 4 now. Ed 2 - 5374. OWN BEDROOM. Single. Three man Available June 12th. 351-5964 water bed units. large 4 man, 2 bath, furnished. Fall, 1 block from campus, 2 house. $60/month. Phone 5-6-4 mam« cookbook & Near pool. $260 and we give you our damage deposit. 393-1255. bedroom, furnished, 2 or 3 balcony, persons, air on Lake Lansing. One or two men needed for 482-8557. 5-6-2 heater and frame, $76 ai two bedroom, air RIVER HOUSE & ALBERT rebirth, 402 East conditioning. Open 6 - 7:30 p.m., For Sale Mich dishes... 3-5-28 Monday - Thursday. 216 Beal St., conditioned, carpeted, apartment. APARTMENTS FALL - SPRING , 4th man needed, Lansing. 489-6168. tf Apt. 2A. 351-6088 or 349-1076. _339-8390. 3-5^8 own room, block from Berkey, FREE PARKING at rear of store, for USED furniture, flea;; j ONE ROOM for rent, $45/month Fall & Summer, 1 block from $68 month. Phone 484-1708. Opening June 1. 314 E| For a limited ONE MAN needed to sublease, and deposit. Apartment for rent, campus, 1 - 2 bedroom, 2 - 4 3-5 28 your convenience. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Michigan. Dishes, books, coJ two man luxury apartment. Close $90, deposit. 1 block from persons, furnished, balcony, Avenue. 372-7409. C-5-5-28 antiques, rockers, junk. Bjrnl to campus. Phone 351-3582. 5-6-2 campus. All utilities paid. Call time, we will SUMMER. ONE or two girls for Collingwood apartment. No 351-9585, before 8 a.m., after 5 air conditioning, study. REDUCED SUMMER FENDER BASSMAN 75 watts 69 hunter's paradise. See Open 11 a.m. 3-6-1 you JunjI p.m. 7-6-4 damage deposit, own bedroom, EAST SIDE. Furnished. One RATES. 204 River St., Apt. model. 2, 12 Inch SRO give the $55 or $65. Call after 6 p.m, bedroom apartment. $110 and SPARROW HOSPITAL, near. 301 6. 351-34 84 or 332-0255. ONE GIRL, sublet summer. Utilities paid. Close. Rent negotiable. speakers. 355-0973. 1-5-28 EV 16MM FILM and aud.o tquipr, 351-6047. 5-6-2 deposit. 332-5590. 8-6-4 South Holmes. 2 room furnished 351-1376. 2-5-28 Years' College Cookbook 513 HILLCREST. 5 minutes walk to apartment, $90. Also one room UNIVERSITY 1 - 3 man. TERRACE, Summer Reduced. Month free. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, most brands. 30% off list price. Rich: viewer, collection. Sychror mikes, amps, bn™. CAMPUS VIEW efficiency, furnished, $70. 332 6495. 3-6-2 351-5869. 0-5-28 projector, lenses, parts, plugs «L and - a set of dishes APARTMENTS Union. Air conditioned, fully Utilities included. 351-3969. O much 5-63 junk. Call Dan, 484-02H furnished, carpeted, dishwasher, WHITEHALL MANOR - Summer AMPEX CAR cassette deck. Used with every lease signed Summer leases $45/mo. disposal, large rooms. Most (bring this ad) Across from Williams Hall utilities furnished. Few units left. one man needed for two man, two bedroom apartment. Furnished, Seeing is Believing 4 BEDROOMS for 4 people. Walking only 2 weeks. 355-6167. S-6-4 Best offer. PIANO, GOOD condition, uprighl Call 332-6246 evenings. From $45 per person. 351-0705 quiet, air conditioned, and distance to campus. 4 parking $200. Bench included. PhoJ or 655-1022.3-5-28 spaces. June 15-September 15. 332-3342. 3-6-1 Summer from $45 per man swimming pool. $65. 351 - 3025, Spacious apts. 351-4193. 3-6-2 GARAGE SALE, 1006 Marigold or 355 - 4701, Ask for Daniel. 3 - A mple parking Fall from $65 per man WEDDING GOWN, I Live Close to Campus Walk to Classes 6-2 Heated pool SUMME R 3 bedrooms for 6 students, headpiece, size 7-8 3 form* plus... OWE ' BEDROOM apartrhftrttst All Optional bars 2 blocks from campus, Cal| Kigpr, white, yellow. 489-39 23 3fter| 351-2103 or 355- 1627. B5-6-4 *the best location in town pm. 1-5-28 *2 johns per apt. MARIGOLD APARTMENTS utilities and laundry included. 349 -0242, 393-4113.5-6-4 Apartments shown from 2-7 NEW BI-LEVEL WATERBED FRAMES $35 and up. REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, *balconies& patios duplex, in East Lansing, 489-6168. TF MAMIYA PRESS super 23 car"j| • Marigold & Harrison 911 Marigold SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 or 3 man, '/, p.m. daily and on weekends. Lansing. 3 bedrooms, air multi-format 120, i 'roommate service • conditioned, unfurnished. SOFA, $9,95; chair, $2.49; chest, backs, custom case, S250. 0 block from campus. 351 - 3214. 4 Available summer only. Reduced 3398069. 5-6-4 J Completely Furnished Deluxe -6-3 NOW LEASING. rent. Call 337-0600, 351-8932. $11.95; TV, $12.95. ABC WATER'S EDGE & • 1 Bedroom Apartment $160.00 per month SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 B1-5-28 DOWN BACK PACKING bag, 24fl RIVER'S EDGE Now signing Summer and Fall Leases • Burcham Woods fill. Like new, S50. 332-56§ APARTMENTS J Call 337-7328 351-4878 THREE BEDROOM professor's BLACK CHEST $15; mattress, box 1-5-28 home. Grad students only. $300 332-4432 4TH GIRL for Twyckingham. 745 Burcham spring, $20; dining table, four (next to Cedar I All Deposits Guaranteed Returnable Summer. Pool. Reduced. Call 351-3118 for summer term. Near campus. chairs, $50, end table, $3. Phone PENTAX SV camera, Takuma Village) Nancy, 353 - 5804. 2-6-1 Call 332-8139. x-3-6-1 882-1076. 3-5-28 135 f/3.5, 24 f/3.5, 55 II if no answer - 484-4014 meter flash, filters. 4 BEDROOM house for girls only. 35S8209 after 5 pm. 5-6-1 OKEMOS. FURNISHED, 3 rooms, FURNITURE: USED 1 and 3 years. utilities. Couple. Main corner. SUBLET' JULY 1st, 2 bedroom Bailey Street. 1 year lease. unfurnished apartment. Park Starting June. 353-0769, Quality. Best offer. Jane Available June 1st. $130/month. 332-5622, after 5 pm. 1-5-28 339-9458, 489 1427. 3-5-28 349-2313.3-6-2 Trace, Okemos. After 6 pm, 349 - 4278.2-6-1 WEDDING ENGAGEMENT set. 1/3 COLOR SHINE for lips ONE BEDROOM available June $240 value. Call John 15th. Carpeting, disposal, air Houses carat. Revlon. S2.00. GULLIVEfl 482-5913. 3-5-28 STATE DRUG, 1105 East Grfl conditioner. $140/month. 349 - 1535.3-6-2 SUMMER. OWN room. Behind ZENITH PORTABLE stereo, River, East Lansing. Phf SUMMER FOUR girls near campus. 2 Gables. Garage. $50 per month. ED2=2011. l-b-28 excellent condition. $100 or best baths, laundry, parking. 135 337-9379. 2-6-1 •••••••••I Cedar. 15-6-4 offer. 353-2682. 3-6-1 WEDDING GOWN GIRLS - SUPERVISED LOVELY FURNISHED 2. 3, 4, 5 antique white, WATERBEDS SALE, take one home FOUR MEN needed to fill large, OFF-CAMPUS bedroom houses. Available June. for summer at Meridian Mall. 351-0574. 5-6-4 clean house near campus. Summer rates $130-$185/month. APARTMENTS 2-5-28 393-7094 after 5 p.m. 11-6-4 349-3604 or 332-6715 after 5 pm, UNDERWOOD PORTABj Now leasing for fall. 4 Friday. 3-6-2 SALE: OLD BOOKS & MAGAZINES typewriter, portable TV, CC BEDROOM home. 2 kitchens, 2 Across from Williams Playboys, comics, science fiction, tape recorder, dresser, 22 bj baths. Ideal for 6 or more girls. All in excellent nostalgia. Hall on Michigan Ave. Short drive on scenic Mt. Hope. Rooms CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP 332-0394. 1-5-28 $70 a month $60 per person. Call 541 Grand River (below Paramount). person. Call evenings. 393-3532. 5-6-2 SPARTAN HALL, singles, men, 1 - 6p.m. 13-6-4 HUNDREDS OF paperb«c| hardbacks, dishes, toys, w" women. Now leasing for summer, 332-6246 RANCH STYLE house. Own fall. 351-9286, 372-1031. O PLASTIC INFLATABLE furniture. chairs, 24" girl's Schwinn. bedroom. East Lansing. Quiet. Many styles. Low prices. Call sale. 9-5 pm, Saturday. May | Grad student preferred. 332-8519. 337-9215 noon 208 Mllford St. 1 528 3-5-28 LEASING FOR summer and fall - midnight. 9-6-4 term. Furnished single rooms for COLDSPOT ' girls. 6 blocks to campus. Parking. HOUSEHOLD SALE: Furniture, TV Phone 694-8266 after noon. lawn refrigerator. Grained finis . 1 antenna, mower, clothing. 355-2677. 1-5-28 4-5-28 1531 Snyder Road, East Lansing, ROOM FOR man. Over Revco Saturday, Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 Store. 211'/a Grand River, upstairs. 6-6-4 p.m. 2-5-28 Animals SINGLE ROOM for mature male 1956 HARMONY electric guitar, grad student in exchange for rebuilt, humbuckin pickup, supervisory and janitorial service. Grover heads. 355-9473. 3-6-1 1 year minimum. 485-8836 or 487-5753. 0-7-6-4 NIKKORMAT STN, 135mm lens. ^ Must sell immediately. 489-0218. WOMEN SINGLE room. Quiet house. Close in, one 10 week 2-5-28 AFFECTIONATE KtTTENS. «j summer, one summer and next cats, free, delivered to 2|C 200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING FUN IN YOUR OLYMPIC POOL year. Kitchen. No parking. 332-0647 after 5 p.m. 3-5-28 LES PAUL Custom guitar, black, 1969 model. $400. Call 393-6953. people. 482-3857. 3-6-2 ^FELLOWSHIP ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB ROOM "uuivi, TV v 2-5-28 IRISH SETTEK registered, field PUP*' champ.on ^ APARTMENT DISCOUNT LOOM - 4 harnesses. Fold up model. Excellent blood li"ec 4? SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. Summer from $37.50 - Fall from $52.50 Maximum cloth width, 45". $275. 353-8689 8-5 p.m.; 349-2665, 5X4 We manage 9 apartment buildings and have an apartment for every need. home. 3-5-28 8 WEEK old German m Shepherd SI ■ £ PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. Apartments Addresses Phone ADVENT - female. Black and'. -m $25. 393 6664. 3J DOLBY N°Jf no papers. Bay Colony Haslett & Hagadorr reduction unit. 4 months old, $85. £ READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY. TUDY. Beechwood 1130 Beech Street 351-3211 351-0965 355-9468. 2-5-28 ENGLISH SETTER P"PS ■ $ SUNDECKS. SPECIAL SUMMER - Delta Arms 235 Delta 393-0625 ENGAGEMENT RING and matching weeks old, registered. weeks old, r^'*jerQr0U S'eoj Grand National Grand Na Gr°u* * s375® ONLY RATES FROM band. 7 diamonds. Sacrifice, $150. g ■ Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen 332-1313 Champion. 393-bJW- Champion. 393-535 I £ INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. Haslett Arms 135 Collingwood 351 7662 355-6062. 3-6-1 . » a $ MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA. /PERSON/MONTH Princeton Arms 1308 Haslett Road 332 8511 1 $ 1, 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. ► North Pointe University Terrace 1240 Haslett Road 444 Michigan Avenue 351-3407 351 9117 SEVEN ELEVEN 711 Burcham APARTMENTS E. Lansing University Villa 635 Abbott Road 337 2361 — MEADOWBROOK trace To get to Meadowbrook Trace, *ln view of **Pool or Campus Pool Privileges Large Deluxe Completely One Bedroom Apartment 800 square feet of Comfortable Furnished Living h I go two miles south of Michigan State Campus on 1-496. Exit west onto Models open at each complex Monday through Saturday from 3 - 5 p.m. Air Condit ioned Summer Lease $ 140.00 per Jolly Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. Fully carpeted Fall Leases Available PHONE 393-0210 Contact Resident Manager today at above telephone numbers for your choice of Call 337-7328 337-0780 f uas, . opEN 11-7 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT apartment or call HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigan Ave. East Lansing - ► Security Deposits Held in Escrow -Returned Kxpira ' . ??17?10- Fr'day, May 28. J £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 197, Audio library adds pop music to are heavy favorites of library users. Mrs. students often check out records to study by. Perry said. She says 40s, and she would "big band sound." like to expand the library Being thrown into a new area of music like rock is not Mrs. collection of the catch collection (Resource Ecology and Man) a missed lecture or to when the library is it its busiest. course. Students V-ntel review, especially a "1 understand some students have an easier time studying by The new pop records are listed on a rock music than by classical," she said. Perry's first experience with a library challenge. When named blackboard in tk Pop music is alive and sounding great at the audio library with supervisor of the audio library when it opened in 1968, she had room on the fourth floor of the main library |Jki> Jk 111 Mrs. Perry said she had some difficulty cataloging the new the addition of a new contemporary collection that includes Bob records, especially those that are too recent to have found their no prior knowledge or cataloging music. She previously headed they were recorded by Mrs. Perry and her staff of li!'records. I Dylan, James Taylor, Traffic. Firesign Theatre and the Beatles. the circulation department. onto tapes. The titles are cataloged as are books in » dent81 way into The Library of Congress catalog system. Kathryn Perry, supervisor, said that 99 pop albums have been "We started out blindly," she recalled. "Dr. Chapin bought the If a student wanU to hear « "The Jefrcrvin Ai,,Card", . *I cataloged so far, and that a collect'on of 139 albums will be "Now where do I put something like this?" she said, pointing to original classical collection and then went to Europe for three example, he fills out a slip and temporarily surrender?! ' ,0J I available for listening by the end of the term. One hundred an album "The Who Sell Out" on her desk. "And 'Jesus Christ, months. The whole operation was left pretty much to me." ID card to the desk clerk. She gives him a set of P#r Sludenl I albums are on order and will join the new collection summer Superstar' — is it rock? Should it be listed as rock or opera?" The library now houses a collection of lecture tapes for 12 assigns him to one of the 65 listening stations The t d I term. Acquiring the contemporary collection has been a new courses, class supplementary tapes for many more, plus an r°l room a"d piped in to the studJ^'8.the» I Adding contemporary music to ..he library s collection of experience for Mrs. Perry, who formerly did not know one rock extensive collection of classical music and jazz, the new pop the listening capacity is 130 students because"twcT*i?,!i I class tapes and classical and jazz selections was Mrs. "The Perrv JS" ■"» I Sexuality Colliquium, 200 records of listen to a tape together, although Mrs. lecture and group from another. She says a clerk from Discount Records was music, the Human Perry's idea. The records were ordered through Discount Records a great help in this new aspect of her musical education. Sounds of Africa," a collection of famous speeches called "Spin arrangement is "a little crowded." mits 'hi | and arrived early in the term but could not be ready for use by "Who would have thought there was a group called the Fuggs?" Back the Years" and the entire works of Shakespeare. The library's collection was acquired through students until a few weeks ago. she said. "We're mainly stocked in the humanities and fine arts, but we donations and borrowing records to tape. RCA o 'i wanted a good basic collection and not 'faddy' music," Mrs. The contemporary collection, which ranges from The are branching out and we do plan to expand our collection, shipment of 100 records, for example, and Mrs Perry h Perry said. "1 thought we should have rock in our library because Temptations to Canned Heat, is not the only new dimension to especially into political science and science," Mrs. Perry said. tapes from her own records as well as some she borr'nuZ.T® I it is representative of our time. The library is for students and this the library. WKAR recently donated a large collection of 78 rpm "This year we had tapes for 75 professors and 57 of these were the State of Michigan Library in Lansing. Much of th» ? 1111 is the music they enjoy listening to." records, now collectors' items. This pleased Mrs. Perry, who said new requests." collection was obtained via the Dept. of Music ^I "Jesus Christ, Superstar" and "Bridge Over Troubled Water" interest has been shown recently in the music of the 20s, 30s and Mrs. Perry said the most popular class tape is the IDC 200 A special blower is on the expensive electronic times to keep it in "mint" collection, Mrs. equinmeni. I Perry said She sa * ® foresees an expansion of the audio library ant" M the I 'e '"to use of tape cassettes. "We've almost outgrown our quarters now," si Transfers, resignations OK'd Mrs. Perry added that students may tape li: their private use by law only if they tape sections of an lh I and not the entire work. Students may not tape class led I without written permission from a professor. 8■ "We almost had to sign in blood that we wouldn't alio to tape the Human Sexuality Colliquium," she said. July I (193); Rob rt A. CAin, head The audio library is open from 9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 pm and"! 1 9 S 4); Nevada Chandler. to 10 p.m. It is cio6ed Friday and Saturday nights. It is not ' I on Saturdays or Sundays in the summer and is closed durT I breaks due to lack of staff. Mrs. Perry says the aud 1 probably move to regular library hours in the future. Mrs. Perry says she is confident her decision t contemporary music was a wise one. "Twenty - five per cent of our circulation has been for the poo I music," she said. "This is great. We want the library to bealivimj I experience progr growing thing, and not an archive." Madison Colllge, July 31: Hasso Instructor to lead Ghullam Bhatia, instructor in mathematics, April 16; Susan Druckmiller, instructor in nursing, Aug. 31: Todd C. Gould, clinical instructor in osteopathic medicine, Parents coming tor you after finals? Feb. 28; and Sikandar Katyal, cli and development research associate in osteopathic The board a lal assignment as nature programs medicine, April 30. The board accepted resignations associate professor of anthropology Why not put them up in style at chang assignm and Computer Institute for Social Paul Risk, instructor in the "Experiences of a Ranger in the Holmes Hall parking lot at 9 Office of the esidential fellow. President to asst. professor of pathology and director and BS'.t. profesvir of medical Dept. of Parks and Recreation, will be conducting nature programs in the out - of - doors National Park Service." a.m. Saturday's program is entitled "Nature Contests and Games." watching Those who enjoy bird - are invited to meet Science Research, Aug. 31; Alfred B. Hudson, associate professor of anthropolgy, Aug. 31; David M. Smith, asst. professor ofanthropology KELLOGG technology. Oct. I. Lawrence K. and African Studies Center, Aug. 31; this weekend. Both talks begin at dusk. Saturday and Sunday mornings McKune, from off-campus credit professor of professor of Continuing Education, July 1; Thomas F.. Albright, from courses to eve™ The first wm in £ the two series of elening A,so toni8ht there wi,i be a at 7 a.m. in the parking lot of nature walk through toe Baker the Natural Resources Building, Robert Nonfort, Melson, asst. professor of political science, Aug. 31; Thomas N. asst. professor of large animal surgery and medicine, June CENTER librarian to asst. director, Library, illustrated "campfire" programs Wood. Lot f.It will start at 9:15 The walks will go through the 30; Alfred S. King, instructor (Comer of Harrison & Michigan) July 1; Frederick E. Smith, from asst. tonight and Saturday on the P-m. from the parking lot of he Baker Wood Lot. Bring in yecondary education and 3 fc ,j£ to the director to division librarian. Library, July I; and Gcroge L. Walsh. lawn of the Women's Intramural Nftura' Rfeso"rces ^mgjt is binoculars. Two tours through the Beal Safety in Highway Traffic lune 30; and David * On Campus B«S adm t, Office of the Building. Smith, instructor and asst. Botanic Gardens will be held at * Hum Medic atural The topic for tonight will be football coach, intercollegiate Air Conditioning 2 and 4 p.m. Saturday and A nature walk at Rose Lake athoetics, Ajril 30. * Color TV Research Area Saturday night Sunday. Meet in the gardens at The board approved the following * the top of the stairs adjacent to retirements (first year of MSU Twin Beds will be entitled "Mother Nature: AT DINNER A Look at her Night Life." Cars the Women's Intramural employment in parentheses): Seiba S. West Circle Drive. will leave from the MSU Bu»°mg jo Museum parking lot at 8:30 p.m. Also on Saturday and Sunday FOR THOSE WHO WANT SOMETHING TO 00 THIS MEMORIAL DAY: Warm clothing and flashlights J* 2Ua"d 4, P "i. walks through Brewers tel are recommended. Walks through the Sanford the Horticulture Gardens will be held. meet Participants at are the entrance asked to to the 1. See these Columbia and Epic greats at the Detroit Rock & Roll Revival, or Natural Area will be Saturday and Sunday mornings. held gardens adjacent to the Horticulture Building on East 2. COME TO DISCOUNT RECORDS' ANNUAL of litter battle Participants are asked to meet in Circle Drive. Live Johnny ft interAnd including MEMORIAL DAY Edgar Winter's White Trash Introducing Jerry la Croix WE SERVICE ALL MAKES Jumpin Jack Flash/Good Morning Little School Gi Johnny B Goode/Great Balls ot F ire SALE! ongTall Sally/Whole Lotta ShakinGoin About 200 civic leaders and Michigan lawmakers gathered DELL TELEVISION SERVICE Johnny and Edgar Winter And, and White Wednesday at the Olds Plaza Hotel to hear representatives from Trash, Box Scaggs and Tin House all at the the United States Brewers Association explain their role in the 1000 E. GRAND RIVER Detroit State Fairgrounds Noon to fight against litter. midnight Sunday, May 30 - then RUSH was David A. Erlandson, a field representative of the association, the keynote speaker at the "Litter Prevention Program" Ph. 482-0868 back to our Name - Your - Own - Discount dinner. $1 OFF on all carry-in items - Sale, Monday, May 31. Repeat of a great The program is the 13th in a series of 15 presentations to be old sale — the price depends on you.* delivered throughout the state. Erlandson told the audience, that contrary to public opinion, authorized PANASONIC servicetiter the brewers in the nation are very concerned, and are only too aware of the litter problem which costs the nation's taxpayers over $1 billion annually to "half - heartedly" correct. Erlandson said the brewing companies have initiated a program aimed at combatting the growing problem of pollution which will involve "thousands of man hours and millions of dollars." UNBELIEVABLEl He admitted the brewing industry's part in the problem, citing a The first 25 customers recent survey find that 14 per cent of the litter along the nation's roadsides is in the form of beer cans or bottles. to buy the Elton John "We simply cannot afford to ignore this problem," Tumble weed he said. "And certainly we know, the public isn't ignoring it either." Connection albums get Erlandson said the program will begin by requesting all of their them for $2.39 each! employes to carry litter containers in their company and personal cars, and further recommend that the mass media instill the public with the same concern in the fight against litter. Brewers are also going to place a statement on the side of all six On Epic • pack beer containers, explaining proper disposal of the package. Another point, which Erlandson called the "most important phase" of the program, is the establishment of a joint committee Name • Your - Own - Discount - Sales are fun sales. Get a gang together and come on over. of soft drink industry representatives, package manufacturing Here's How It Works: industry representatives, and food packaging industry *Price You Pay Per Record When You Buy representatives, to deal more effectively with the litter problem. . . . 411IIIIIIIIH V ^ Manufacturer's List Price 1-5 LP'S (33 1/3 % Off List) 6-10 LP'S (38% Off List) 11 or more 1005 E. GRAND RIVER BLVD s4" LIST s3" $308 s5" LIST $3»; s3" ]£ MEMORIAL DAY s6" LIST S4«5 $433 $41' : SPECIAL MAY 28, 29, 30, 31 These discounts apply to all records except Budget and Import. All tapes on sale at 30% off the list price. JlONH « SUPER SPECIAL SALE! SUN.MA Y30 * MON.MAY ! H BUY AN ENCHILADA, 10c (AT THE REGULAR PRICE) F0R ONL> discount records ■ AND GET YOUR CHOICE OF Hours: „ in Daily: 9:30-*3° 5 A TOSTADA, FRIJOLE OR Phone Sat: 9:30-6:00 351-8460 5 BEAN BURRITO 225 Ann Street Sun: 12:00-5:00 + A 95 CENT VALUE FOR 70 CENTS The only complete record store in the Lansing area