The Tuesday . . first duty of a government MICHIGAN Overcast to maintain law and order. STATE MEWS ,s . . - The Quaid • i - Azam STATI ... With a chance of rain. High today 68 to 73. Low tonight UNIVERSITY 45 to 50. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, June 1, 1971 GI-HERO, ACTOR Swat defense set for beetle battle By MICHAEL FOX State News Combat Murphy dies in crash ROANOKE, Va. (AP) — The wreckage of a The plane was last heard from when its Burnette said the attitude of the wreckage Correspondent chartered plane carrying Audie pilot, Herman Butler, radioed the flight and the impact just below the summit of the Murphy, service station at Roanoke's Woodrum Field America's most - decorated World War II mountain made it appear the plane was PLAIN OF COWS, East Lansing — Dutch elm disease shortly after 11 hero, was found Monday on a mountaintop a.m., saying he would land trying for a landing approach into Woodrum beetles continued their savage full speed advance there 40 minutes later. against near here and state police said six bodies Field. campus elm tree positions today with renewed bombing A short time earlier, a number of residents were recovered. attacks in the "south 40 acres" area. State Police Lt. Marvin Kent said the near Galax, some 70 miles to the southwest The Federal Aviation Administration said Minor squirmishes were reported along Wilson Road bodies were "badly mangled" and a medical near the North Carolina border, reported the Murphy party had filed no where beetles came into contact with troops of the third flight plan examiner would be sent to the scene to try hearing a plane in trouble in a rainstorm. A and it had received no reports on the missing armored division of campus parks and planning. Division to make identification. reporter for the Galax Gazette said he saw plane until Sunday afternoon. personnel armed with fly swatters have been deployed at Numbers still visible on a portion of the a twin - engine plane flying at near treetop No air search was possible until skies half-mile intervals along a quarter-mile stretch of the road. tail of the twin - level "like it was on ayo -yo engine plane, however, string." cleared early Monday. Battle counts from the battle front reported matched those on the aircraft that I 1,483,795,142 enemy beetle casualties and 14 University Murphy, 46, and several other businessmen boarded ; troops wounded when the beetles destroyed the plywood Friday in Atlanta, state police said. i floorboards of their MSU vehicle. The beetle offensive went into its second week miserable Michigan monsoon season with the clearing over the of The wreckage, located on the north Brush Mountain about 14 miles northwest Roanoke, first was side of spotted from the air, 69 persons holiday weekend. Minor violations of a 16-hour holiday then was reached by rescue workers on foot. truce were reported Monday in the Baker Woodlot sector. Charles Burnette, pilot of a Virginia State The Republic of Lansing Monday responsibility for the troops which the republic stockpiled in diseased elms over the past few months at a neutral again refused any Police helicopter, said the plane burned on impact. Murphy, a baby - faced Texas farm boy who received 24 decorations, for in Cuba after heroism during World War II, was (Please turn to back page) traveling MIAMI (AP) from Atlanta to Martinsville, Va., in — Sixty - nine persons Neither the Federal Aviation aboard a Pan American Administration nor connection with a possible investment. Airways flight Pan Am would B M ; - % - The former soldier turned to business hijacked Saturday spent Memorial Day in comment on speculation that Castro would Cuba behind a wall of Communist silence several years ago after a movie career that keep the plane and passengers until the with no release in included "To Hell and Back," a film based sight. United States freed captains of four small 'Ian "I've been waiting by the Cuban fishing boats held along with their on his telephone all continued autobiography. He was accompanied on the flight day," said a Pan Am official. "But we boats at Key West on charges of by haven't heard a thing." violating several other persons. Early this country's fishing rights by dropping reports indicated there were five persons on the Meanwhile, Havana Radio - the official lines within the 12 - mile territorial zone. voice of Fidel Castro's Four fishing boat crew members, not plane. Police did not give any possible regime — identity of the sixth acknowledged the hijacking for the first charged, were released Monday when a person. Viet time Monday. In a Miami of war Burnette monitored Coast Guard cutter delivered them to the prisoners - said it appeared from the broadcast, Havana Radio said the plane was parent boats of the Cuban fishing fleet, wreckage and the fact that impact occurred diverted from its Caracas - to - Miami flight some 15 miles off Key West in the Florida only 300 feet from the top of the mountain that the Saturday afternoon by a "Venezuelan Straits. plane was trying for a landing youth who claimed political reasons." approach into Roanoke's Woodrum Airport The hijacked plane began its trip government to carry out be the sixth and The broadcast did not mention the J SAIGON (AP) — The government is the release as largest of the war by about 20 miles to the east. of the 60 passengers and nine fate Saturday in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with joing ahead with its plan to release North originally planned and on One U.S. official said, schedule. South Vietnam. According to the the prisoners would be transferred from proposal, Wreckage of the twin - engined Aero members. On Sunday, however, the State crew 21 passengers. Thirty - nine more boarded ■ietnamese prisoners of war on Friday however, it Commander first was spotted in mid - in Caracas. The hijacker reportedly wasn't exactly pressure, but it was Dept. said it had been grabbed ■though official sources reported only 13 pointed South Vietnamese ships to North afternoon 300 feet below the top of Brush in touch with the a woman out that we could sit around Swiss Embassy, which passenger and threatened her If about 660 eligible POWs have agreed to again for a Vietnamese craft during a 24 - hour cease - Mountain in Craig County, about 20 miles represents the with a knife, forcing the pilot to fly to long while waiting tor North Vietnam to fire in the United States in Cuba "and Bpatriation. v area of the release. east of the West Virginia border. they said all Havana. agree to anything as positive as this. the passengers and crew are 1 The prisoners, sick or suffering from doing well." Bounds, have until Thursday, to change The government originally offered to sir minds. repatriate 570 prisoners because that was the number of sick and wounded North Veterans march for peace It was not known why the prisoners Vietnamese held at Phu Quoc Island, the re refusing repatrition, but one source kid Monday: "Maybe they simply are largest POW camp in the South. But landing by their original orders to remain sources said when the government J the South until victory is achieved, began to ask the prisoners whether they ■aybe they've gotten orders through the wanted to return they found only a few who answered yes. At Bien Asia, and their opposition to it as former le to stay." Hoa, the response was as much indifferent as they're doing much by it." servicemen. second largest POW camp, only about 12 negative or positive, and the most frequent J The prisoners are being interviewed by volunteered to return, one source said. Lansing's moderately attended Before them moved a flag - draped At the conclusion of the parade the lepresentatives of the International Memorial Day Parade had an additional coffin carried by representatives from the comment was something like, "It's a free company marched into Reuben Park for a lommittee of the Red Cross. Under term's "When that happened the call went out note of solemnity this year. country, and they have as much right to brief memorial service through heckling Air Force, Army, Navy, and Coast Guard. to find any and every prisoner who Muted silence punctuated by sporadic march as everyone else, but I don't see as Jf the Geneva convention no prisoner of fit into the category of 'sick and wounded." might Frank May, a Jackson area veteran, (Please turn to back page) ■ar can be forced to return home. applause was the gallery reaction to the followed a flag bearer and played the The number of eligible was from 570 to Veterans for Peace contingent that | The South Vietnamese government 660. contingent's sole musical accompaniment poposed the release of sick and disabled poignantly marched at the rear of the "Taps" — on his coronet. Views vary on — The Red Cross, which handles the parade with a banner pleading "Please. n a communique last month and . . Then came a banner identifying the ie North Vietnamese government agreed interrogation, assembles the prisoners in NO more." group borne by a Vietnam and World War st week to accept all patriots who wished groups to listen to a tape recording of the "The nondescript mob," as one World II veteran, the main body, an open coffin B>return home. North Vietnamese radio broadcast War I veteran referred to them, was and a lone Air Force veteran holding his 1 American officials have expressed hope announcing Hanoi's acceptance of the ofex-GI primarily made up of long - haired Vietnam baby preceding the "Please. . . No More" if repatrition might lead to a release of proposal. Then, the prisoners are asked to veterans in various stages of military dress, e of the U.S. prisoners held by North indicate by hand whether they want to but scattered throughout the hundred or so hanner. Veterans for Peace support could not be war return. Those who refuse are marchers were World War II and Korean Jietnam. interrogated identified with any particular age, sex, or of individually. War veterans. race group. p this, some sources said, U.S. Applause was sporadic along ■fficials here have exerted considerable The planned release, to take place off Former gubernatorial candidate Zolton the entire parade Editor's note: Saturday's Memorial Day Vietnam route, but it grew veteran and State News Staff the coast of the demilitarized zone, Ferency, Ingham County Commissioner parade in pressure on the South Vietnamese would particularly strong at the reviewing stand Lansing marked the initial Writer. James Pocock and numerous professors where the entire assembly addressed the appearance en masse of the Veterans for from MSU joined the Veterans for Peace Peace A middle - aged black man with his family reviewers with an extended organization. Comments on the group peace sign, "They're okay. I am a veteran of World — contingent to demonstrate their concern rather than the traditional salute. were solicited from bystanders by Neila about the continuing situation in Southeast War II myself, and frankly I can't blame Aside from the applause the crowd Pomerantz and Ray Anderson, who is a them." Invasion of privacy An elderly woman passing by with her husband — "I never saw such an outfit to be in a parade." A young Chicano — "I dig it. I know how it's making me feel inside." A Marine veteran in his late 20s — "If they Sale of violation data want to protest, it's okay with me, but they're going about it the wrong way. They are running down the uniform. They have dirty hair and some of them probably went to the PX and got their uniform. They [criticized by officials should do things like that guy (John Kerry) who testified in Washington did. "They are a minority, less than ten per cent of all veterans, wonder how many of ifHANKFORT, Ky. (AP) - Selling traffic Christen said, however, "If somebody comes them are sincere and how many of them just r a'lon reports has become in and asks for a record he's entitled to, it go along with the crowd because it's the big business for [Kentucky Dept. of Public Safety and will be pulled and opened for inspection. thing ... I don't even know if their medals P: has brought some criticism from But I don't think we ought to sell it or give it and stripes are for real." | dais who lasionof claim the practice is an away by mail. A WW II veteran — "I think privacy "Public safety is not being served by they're fine. ■. e plan, begun several sending out reports to private interests." They are making their stand known. It is eyars ago, works T Way; anyone who pays $1 and submits Col. W. O. Newman, commissioner of important. They have insights that are not available to the American who §divW°Pfr form can 8et information on public safety, said he will take a closer look average at the administration of the division. He said hasn't been there. Hi ,drivers' The convictions on moving he was opposed to any overt recognition of Division of Driver Licensing A VFW member — "If these public record that would result in "pain or boys wanted a I n?/300'000 tf»'s way last year. parade they should have had one of their L '°(l say ^e most frequent buyers punishment" for the drivers involved. The own. This one is sponsored by the American lliuin 1 ralinR "B^dBswho represent clients program is neither prohibited nor Legion and the VFW. It should be some authorized specifically by law. J,wJ»t() k"ow an individual's worth as a Under Kentucky law, drivers are given other time; this is our parade." iGern,m^Urance'credit or employment. from 3 to 12 points for violations and a Another VFW member — "These people Waw ?rro" of Lexington, a former license may be suspended or revoked on are a disgrace to the uniform." hdit r Lexington office of Retail accumulation of 12 points. Points are Peren exP'ained, for example, that subtracted on the second anniversary of A middle - age woman — "I think it's great, ftep ,7 ec^s done by credit firms might conviction for the original violation. and that's the only reason I came down here. PiDan rU°'t driver or a salesman using a I think this is the only thing that is going to Mdri ^ Car froin 8ett'ng a job if he has a have effect on anyone. jy^mg record. °ger L. Wilhoite, director of the the program pays more than 'Tuesday* An "Americna Gold Star Mother" who rode in the parade — "I think it's for the Remembering ne. ►pC °i, WS operating b"dget for 125 The State News supplement Tuesday birds. Haven't you ever read the Bible. Wars |he|e.j.j " we had to quit it," he said, will appear Wednesday this week and will Units from the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the National Guard, and Veterans for Peace from all over Michigan have been going on for a long time. My son is loukfS a Wwu'd have to give us money announce the winners of the creative together with area high school bands marched past the Capitol Saturday morning in memory of those who died in in the Air Force and he's been there |St t Up, rit." service to their country. lae finance Commissioner Albert writing contest. State News photo by Terry Luke (Please turn to back page) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesd;;,y« June l news summary COGS budget to finance loans "Communication has been a problem and we would like to use the office as a kind of message center," Menson said. will be used to help pay for the ASMSU. Graduate students have in the legal aid omar* He said it would give the typically busy and mobile graduate aid service without paying for it in past biS, provi^d by From the wires of AP and UPI. The recently approved Council of Graduate Students (COGS) student a way to contact their government to obtain information Some $1,000 is all (Hated to the taxes, Menson nS8 the leW or for any other reason. There are nearly 7,000 graduate students Day Care budget for July, 1971, through June, 1972, is aimed at improving budget. Speakers and issues will be financed communication between graduate students and aiding them with at the University. new budget, he added. with ^ the "e* ° w,th &.000 « in th. various services, Robert Menson, COGS treasurer, said Friday. The new COGS budget also includes $1,000 for legal aid which COGS will meet at 3 p.m. Thursday in 107 Erickson Hall Some $4,200 of COGS' anticipated $14,000 income for the next year will fund a newly established graduate student loan program, Menson said. The program offers interest - free loans of IN CALIFORNIA up to $100 for graduate students for a period of 60 days. "One of the marks ofa first elass The loan program, which began three weeks ago, has already nation is not what it has to do to been used by six individuals with one loan repaid as of Friday. please other nations. but what it Hunt for bodies still .. Menson reported. He said $1,500 of the $2,000 allocated for this has to do to satisfy its own year's loans remains on balance. The loans are available from the conscience." Financial Aids Office of the Administration Building. Menson said the loan program fills a loan gap for graduate on students in that it provides relatively quick money at no interst Eugene J. McCarthy, YUBA CITY, Calif. (AP) - memory of the slain men and weapon. Some had been killed former Democratic senator for whatever need arises — emergency plane fare, rent or whatevvr Menson said the only other sources of loans for graduate The search for gravesites along the Feather River was shifted to Juan V. Corona, in jail charged with 10 of the killings. long as two months ago, others as additional gravesites discovered in a square mil have II as recently as last week. from Wisconsin students are the MSU Credit Union, which only graduate assistants can tap, and the MSU short - term loan program, which a new ranch Monday, the day of Sheriff Roy D. Whiteaker Whiteaker continued to say by probing sunken areas !/*' ' charges interest. Some 30 per cent of the annual COGS budget is a special Mass for the 23 transients found buried in fruit moved his search crew of 25 deputies, equipped with metal he believes more bodies will be S. """■ ""»■'> ««■ p found, but he also said "I hope allocated for the loan program with $1,000 added each term. orchards here and for the man detectors and tractor - driven we're very close" to the end of Whiteaker said Monday th,t I "The loans are intended to cover all types of graduate student needs and expenditures." Menson said. accused of murdering 10 of the trench diggers, to the Jack the digging. We re using a map we h I The new COGS budget will be its first full year budget. It was Prindiville Ranch. One area of the Sullivan supplied ourselves to assist the search but us „ I approved May 20 by the COGS assembly. COGS started In addition to the regular It is just south of the 500 ■ Ranch, where the 37 year old if there was declined to *!| Memorial Day services in the acre J. L. Sullivan Ranch where Corona sometimes ran a farm - - anything on the 2I collection of a 50 cent a term graduate student tax this winter term. 14,000 - member community of 21 of the drifters and sometime workers' camp, is flooded with that would indicate vjctims were wh^P buried. Earlier I Memorial Day observed Another major allocation in the 1971-72 COGS budget is Yuba City and its sister town farm - workers' bodies have been irrigation water and can't be $2,200 for secretarial help. Menson said a full time regular Marysville across the river, a discovered. All the victims had probed for several weeks, Whiteaker had said there was no map of the sort thai had I special Roman Catholic Mas?; been stabbed to death in the Whiteaker said. been I secretary was necessary to man the COGS office in the Student reported anonymously by Secretary of State William P. Rogers laid a wreath at the Services Building basement. was planned at St. isadore's chest.and hacked in the back of Since the first som« I Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington Monday as church. The Mass was in the head with a machete type - found by accident on grave May 20, was investigators with gravesites denoted with alle^dl the nation honored its x war dead. markings. Rogers presented the presidential wreath at Arlington, The sheriff also said the! Va.. National Cemetery. President Nixon spent the ACADEMIC COUNCIL bodies of victims who cannot be V weekend at his Camp David, Md.. retreat. A Night With identified or who are claimed by friends or not I American servicemen were divided into prowar and relate I will be buried in the antiwar groups in some parades across the nation. county Finals week • run Sutter Cemetery. But veterans who for years had marched in parades in Madison, Wis., and Seattle. Wash., boycotted them today. DICK GREGORY Whiteaker said Roy 52, Marysville, had been taken! DeLong. I They said they did so rather than march with other ink) protective custody but declined to say why. | soldiers who oppose the nation's policies in Southeast DeLongisI Asia. at the Toledo Sports Arena slated for pr believed to be one of the persons to have seen one of the victims. Sigurd Emil BeiermanJ last! I 1 Main Street alive. He earlier had S. Viets receive setback A proposed policy on the use of finals week will be proposed compulsory final examination. on the Academic Council, to questioned and it-leased. 419-691 2403 have full responsibility for the to the Academic Council at the The proposal specifies that no Corona, 37 year ■ old farm I - 8:00 P.M. D.S.T. (7:00 E.S.T.) implementation procedures. North Vietnamese regulars drove a South Vietnamese 3:15 p.m. meeting today in the final may be given at any time labor contractor, is being held in I task force into retreat Monday from the Cambodian Con Con Room of the other than the date and time slot The status of the title of the the Yuba County Jail jnft tickets $3.50 rubber town of Snuol which U.S. International Center. listed in the schedule of courses. new document also will be Marysville, moved there from I troops captured more student tickets $2.00 at the door the Yuba City Jail because it than a year ago. discussed. is| W.D. Collings, professor of Gordon E. Guyer, chairman newer and offers more security. L The South Vietnamese apparently were badly battered. physiology and chairman of the of the Dept. of Entomology, will Corona has been charged with I Educational Policies Committee, discuss Other items on the agenda The retreat came as a severe setback for the Saigon proposed include the 10 slayings that had bwnl will submit the report which implementation of the revised a report of the discovered by the time he wasl command which earlier in the day claimed a victory in calls for the elimination of the Bylaws of the Faculty. University Curriculum taken to court in Yuba City on I South Vietnam's northern sector near Da Nang. Committee, a report on the Wednesday. His arraignment will V His proposal, if adopted, will status of the number of degrees provide for the Committee on required for graduation and a continue next Wednesday. 1 Corona worked much of the I Committees, in collaboration with status report on the ad hoc NATO time assembling farm labor! unity asked the student representatives now committee on faculty grievances. crews for ranchers in the region.* - 1 * The United States is telling its Atlantic allies it hopes for a show of unity when the foreign ministers meet this week ASMSU BOARD to weigh prospects for talks with the Communists on force reductions in Europe. Washington's behind - the - scenes diplomatic advice has been aimed particularly at heading off any sharp, debate - provoking criticism by Norway and Denmark against There is you, a time for joy, and for the time is now. Select Final meeting Greece and Portugal. your rings from our collection The northern countries of the North Atlantic of engagement diamonds and recommendations tonight on in its campus. The group defines! The ASMSU Student Board will Treaty requests for financial support itself as an independent youth! Organization (NATO) don't like Portugal's colonial wedding bands. Handcrafted of hold its last meeting until fall term at 7:30 p.m. today in submitted last week by two organization whose goals are to! policy in Africa and what they sec as suppression of 18 Karat gold, from $135. McDonel Hall Conference Room Lansing organizations. point troubled youth to a nr democracy in Greece. Lifeline, a division of Lansing and better way of life. Youth for Christ, requested a $200 contribution from ASMSU Another group, People's| Learning Center, Inc., also se Western Union strike set The agenda committee is to conduct a follow - up survey on financial support from the boardl )6c expected to report out its children which it has worked with but did not specify an amount in! JacabBonB More than 20.000 employes were set to its request last week. 11*'center is ■ strike Western an alternative to public and! Union across the country at midnight Monday after parochial schools, intended tol rejecting a company offer of a 20 per cent wage increase TOP CASH FOR provide a full range off over two years. educational options. Four per cent of the pay raise offer hinged on Diane Rathnow. director ofl government approval of higher tariffs. USED BOOKS cabinet services, said Friday thatH The United Telegraph Workers and the she would remain in Communications Workers of America, both affiliated present position. Thel with the AFL - CIO. broke off talks in New York. They PAID AT announcement ended speculation on whether she would effect her I were demanding 31 per cent over two years. resignation which she announedB last week. Guerrilla threat seen Don't let bills Campus, BKKWSTEK showed up I at Kent State ■ill hav >ntly. Mr. Brews •oticed, is f ter, you Jordan accused the Palestinian ol that mode ol rhet■ I guerrillas Monday of launching a the Implicit li' l campaign of "sabotage and terror" to overthrow King Hussein and set up a PILE to defend State he ur&ed the freedom ol thought and expression — 'unpopular L | Palestinian state. Implicit Lie being that the rights ■ The government charge followed 507 E. Grand River of 'unpopular thought and el- ■ three days of scattered clashes between the guerrillas and government UP Across from Berkey pressiori are now ■ For u free coj being v/o/afed ■ N*rl0NA 1 white we sit su- I VIEW, writ. pinely by." IH',50E:.. troops and series of mine and bomb Free store side a - parking explosions. "A Palestinian state, governed by guerrillas, is the final objective of the while you're away current campaign of subversion, 50% off on MSU jewelry! sabotage and terror the guerrilla leaders have been conducting for the from home — use... KING HUSSEIN last three days," the statement charged. Charms Key Chains AUTOMATIC BILL-PAYING SERVICE Tie Tacks Cuff Links GM bus business set FOR MEMBERS TRAVELING ABROAD Money Clips Necklaces Theodore W. Khecl, New York Now you can be away from home for long periods and be assured that attorney and well - recurring known labor mediator, asked the government Monday to bills will be paid - on time and automatically - by your MSU Employees A wide selection to choose from! force General Motors out of the bus - manufacturing Credit Union. Phone today for complete details about this and the many other DESK SETS business an action he said can be taken under a 1965 financial services available for traveling members. "Bill-matic" — just one more — 30% OFF consent agreement signed by the company. reason it pays to be a credit union family. Parker, Sheaffer and Cross desk sets Speaking as co - chairman of the National Conference with ball point fountain pens and in on Public Transportation, Kheel said in a statement or GM's dominance ol the bus market "must serve to double or single sets of marble, wood metal. restrain all or developments of public transportation by buses." He said this travel is so because every bus increases the without a private automobile diminish GM's market for such cars. and potential for thus may 1019 MSU EMPLOYEESI CREDIT Trowbridge Rd.* Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday Phone 353-2280 ^unionJ CAMPUS BOOK STORE 131 E. Grand River Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michig; Tuesday, June 1, 1971 from mars probes I I a Ishaggv dainty white poodle and a b,ack icottie, two members of MSU'i growing Nations may share data ■pet population seem to find i m o n ground for CAPE KENNEDY (AP) - If a shorter route, theAmericancraft the unmanned Project Viking ■friendship despite the America's Mariner 9 and Russia's two Russian vehicles will attempt may get there first. ■well groomed aristrocratic Mars 2 and 3 ships which will attempt to land to land in November. Each weighs successfully explore By coordinating the research of on Mars in 1976to search for life. ■ appearance the red planet, U.S. >re than 10,000 pounds, of the poodle and space officials the trio and exchanging data, U.S. ■the shaggy, playful look of the say they are confident the two and Soviet scientists would have a There is speculation that the considerably heavier than nations will share their Mariner's 2,200 pounds. ■terrier. findings. better chance of unmasking "We're optimistic about this," Martian secrets, including a la,e News P^to by Terry Luke Dr. George Low, deputy determination if life exists there. administrator of the National Low reported that "last Aeronautics Administration after Mariner 9 and Space (NASA), said was launched January we and the Soviets established a framework for an agreement on exchange of data Alcoa, steelworkers successfully from Cape Kennedy from our planetary progress, Sunday. The Russian payloads were launched earlier in the month and from all our science programs. We agreed to exchange samples from the announce settlement moon and we're to the point NEW YORK all three are to reach Mars in (AP) - The Aluminum Co. of America where we're arranging the dates and the United Steelworkers Union (Alcoa) November. Because it is traveling (USW) annnounced Enrollment increase when we'll exchange some of our Apollo samples for some of the lunar samples obtained by their agreement Monday on a three - year contract that will boost average pay by about 30 per cent, and Alcoa hikes on some of its said, force price products. Luna 16. Agreements with four other aluminum producers — "So that's a first step," Low Metal Reynolds Co., Kaiser, Ormet and Olin — were expected to be U' admits 115 medical students added. "We'll have groups announced later Monday. meeting during the summer to arrange for detailed planetary Alcoa, the nation's No. 1 producer, and were Reynolds, also science exchange and I expect engaged in negotiations with other unions whose were at expirations we'll carry it out." midnight. Ijgii will admit 115 new students who are now in Dr. Robert D. At midday Monday, Mariner 9 The Ljical students this fall, an Schuetz, acting advance union called the terms of the advanced clinical training into intensive clinical Alcoa settlement in director of "During the past was 140,000 miles from Earth, I^ase of nearly 65 per cent community hospitals in Flint, the Institute of training and large classes continue College of Human year, the Medicine zipping along at 6,800 miles an "unprecedented" and "a substantial victory." |r |ast year's enrollment. Only Grand Rapids, Biology and Medicine at MSU, to be admitted. Lansing and said received 1,351 applications, and hour. NASA's Jet Propulstion T out of every 15 applicants Saginaw and will receive MSU's the increases were made Schuetz said the University is the College of Labordtor in Pasadena, Calif., Xe accepted. first M.D. degrees in possible by the opening this trying to supply more doctors for Osteopathic The State News, the student June, 1972. Medicine, which is still quite new, which is tracking the proble, newspaper at Michigan State ■he College of Human summer of the Life Sciences the University, is published The College of public and provide more received 393. That's more than every class day during four school Osteopathic reported all systems operating. Kdicinc will admit 83 students, Medicine will have 20 third year Building, tht anticipated opportunities for young people 15 applications for Mariner 9 is to fire into orbit terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. ■ from 45 last year. The College students - remodeling of part of Fee Hall to become doctors. every place in Subscription rate is $14 per year. slated to receive the the colleges. around Mars on Nov. 14, 1 Osteopathic Medicine will University's first D.O. and an "improvement grant" of dipping degrees in $4 35,000 from the National "Everyone seems to be aware "While many of the to within 750 miles of the loll 32, an increase from 25. that we need more doctors," he applicants Member Associated Press, United Press June, They and members are accepted in other colleges, we surface. Its two television International, J Counting the upperclassmen of the sopi. jmore class will train Institutes of Health. The said. "What is less well known is Inland Daily Press Association, Associated grant know from previous cameras and array of sensors are Collegiate Press, enabled the years that Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Piess ■the two colleges, MSU expects at the college's Pontiac site College of Human that many well - qualified only half of them will enter to and at Medicine to enroll 83 students attempt to learn why some Association, United States Student Press Association. J6 medical students - 189 hospitals in Detroit, Farmington, students are being turned medical school." of the surface this fall away areas are crater • Jdying for the M.D. degree and Flint and Pontiac. The new class instead originally anticipated. of the 64 because the medical schools do pocked and others are smooth; Second - class postage paid at East ■for the D.O. ■he totals include 31 M.D. will enroll at East fall. Lansing in the Additional construction will be not have sufficient faculties and facilities to take all good students Barbers feel whether dust storms sweep across the face; if there is ice and snow Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services necessary, he said, as students who building, Michigan State apply. University, East moral fervor Iem hall BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - on the polar seasonal color caps and whether result of vegetation. changes are the Michigan. Phones: Lansing, Beirut The craft is not equipped to barbers, miffed by Editorial find life, but could detect 355-8252 declining trade and infused with Classified Advertising conditions in which a life form, 355-8255 Mock trial slated moral fervor, pledged "to save teh morality of the such as microbes or tiny plants, Display Advertising 353-6400 tonight country" by Business • Circulation 355-3447 lopping the locks off long-haired might survive. A major goal is to scout potential landing sites for Photographic 355-8311 youths who enter their shops." A rally spokesman said Mam rally organizers, attended. Treaty, an immediate withdrawal was tried earlier on the same The rally organizer said the of U.S. troops and cessation of all charges which were ruled meeting was paralleled in military unconstitutional by the South support of the Saigon Washington, D.C., where a government. Vietnamese Superior Court. sustained hunger strike was being The rally is part of a nationally I mock trial of President Nixon ■ the U.S. administration will Btaged at 7 The mock trial is part of a series of meetings and marches held as part of the national antiwar effort. coordinated action to show solidarity in seeking an end to all Today's activities will include U.S. involvement in Southeast bells p.m. today in front protesting the trial of Mam and the reading of a letter written to Asia. J demonstration Hall. |he rally is in response to the 21 other students. began Friday with a The action rally in the President Nixon from Mam. The letter, dated April 16 calls for Persons attending the trial are asked to mock 3 for $10.00 ll of 22 South Vietnamese Union. Six persons, including two bring a recognizing the Peoples' Peace flashlight. [dents who are on trial for their k before a military tribunal in (4.00 eoch) ATTENTION East Lansing coordinator of DON'T WASTE MONEY I Mayday Collective said, Huy ART 133 STUDENTS , chairman of the |etnam National Student There will be a meeting of all Textbooks held over the ne of 22 persons on sections in 101 N. Kedzie I. He is accused of treason Inming from his meetings with Hall. Mon. June 7, 7-9 p.m summer may lose their P«ar students in the United and the drafting of the The purpose of this meeting is to provide your instructor value. SELL NOW for Jples' Peace Treaty. with feedback to help improve the course for next TOP CASH at T w th year. fOOT LONG 1H0T DOG .50 Attendance is mandatory. Grades will be withheld until Campu^ Jmedium your obtained. feedback has been Book teR0NI 1.50 Any questions — call departmental secretary S^ore 332-6517 355-7611. 507 E. Grand River delivery Please pass this word on to Across from Berkey My drive in others you know in this class. Free store - side parking try your hand at a magic spell with witchcraft kits . there's one for wealth, luck, love or placing a hex and it's all a matter of the right herb mixed with the right oil, then steeped and stored just so. Each kit contains all the ingredients you'll need for a spell binding experience fri. 12-9 JacdbgoriS 22? Ann St. (between marshall music and discount records) mon. sat. - 12-6 MICHIGAN VIEW STATE NEW! on UNIVERSITY Profs refused adequate hearing KEN LYNAM By BERTRAM G. MURRAY JR. Friends presented our appeal to Dean Carlin and Provost Cantlon. All have refused to Affairs Committee informed me, however: "Whether any member of the committee working to improve the situation to / We joined advertising manager Asst. Professor of Natural Science hear us. Why? used criteria other than those listed in the a group developing that was alreartl ' e bylaws is a matter of conjecture." There is, an alternative VJUW SUw«sfm)v fTHEOC °n lc,5 I write the following account for two Following the rules track B)„fthestandard course—" then, no evidence that any of the criteria Regions DAVE PERSON, managing editor reasons. First, the MSU community is The MSU Faculty Policy Handbook i he four persons were considered by the committee that fired Grolier BOB ROACH, city editor ignorant of many facts regarding the requires that each department annually reappointment in JOHN BORGER, campus editor "Murray - Van Tassell Case." Second, I have inform a nontenured professor of his me. spring department's own. faculty l ',Used l97Tnded '<* BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor Both the handbook and department accepted a position elsewhere, and I will not progress. In our department we are supposed The three persons not reapD(l! ?1(111 RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor have an opportunity to refute my critics. to meet with the chairman or the Advisory bylaws provide for a meeting between the tenure track During the past 15 months Van Tassell and Committee. No such meeting was every nontenured faculty member and the use the department's taught in tracK Jnrt h°!1 thj ATfc NE 1971, I have attempted to find out what the held. The first indication to me that anyone evaluating group before it makes its track B were so text StuHun? 1101 Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award faculty and the administration consider to was dissatisfied with my work was a curt recommendation. A subcommittee of the with other tracks that favorabU in l""inM for outstanding journalism. University Tenure Committee admitted to I)r Nelson be our deficiencies so we might defend note from the chairman stating that I would of the nat sci ourselves. We wrote to Chairman not be reappointed. me that my contention was correct that this suggested that further evaluation ciS?1 the department's Faculty Affairs My department's bylaws state that provision was to give the nontenured faculty Committee, to the department's Committee reappointment will be based on teaching, member an opportunity to answer adverse comparing tracks be (last) evaluation seems to discontin,,!1 * ,ker Ga' EDITORIALS Tenure and Reappointment, to the scholarship, committee participation, criticism, which to be helpful must occur t.k * ^ ieral k„'™ « on emotion,! „um lh,„ lection student evaluation and service to the after the evaluating group's preliminary University Tenure Committee and finally to character. the faculty of the Natural Science Dept. institution. The department's Faculty deliberations. Consequently it DJi7^ tally nw Nevertheless, every level to which I little objective evidence to semS ^ text thai basis for course imp^^ Moving moodo- appealed, except the board of trustees, upheld the department's opposite contention that a meeting before the committee began its deliberations was measure various tracks. of the relative effectiven«0 , Publish and perish consider nf .. satisfactory. Even the full University Tenure traff , Of the four persons Committee ruled that "the bylaw recommence , procedures you cited were not violated," reappointment in published nothing, one had last spring. 1970 t!!?S ..i quote p a n ; thus denying their certain knowledge that paper 22 years earlier, and The 14 - foot - wide mobile home pass a 14 - foot - wide trailer on a two - the intention of the bylaws was violated. published three papers. Of nST lentified was born in reaction to growing public lane highway. People would try the three* Moreover, this committee ignored the recommended for reappointment demand for bigger and better house anyway. Fourteen - foot - wide trailers procedures long recommended by the MSU trailers. However, delivering the 14 - would increase driver aggravation and chapter of AAUP and the National AAUP puJ!!s[)e<| published five 11 each. Papers, the other 'two £ foot - wide mobile home is not impatience, which would create still UR ■ permissible in Michigan as state law more traffic accidents. What would bars from the roads trailers wider than happen should two of these 14 - foot - During the past 15 months Van Tassell and I 12 feet. A bill has passed both houses of the - wide Goliaths ever meet on a 24 - foot wide two - lane highway remains have attempted to find out what the faculty and the administration consider to be our Ju legislature allowing the 14 - foot - entirely up to conjecture. deficiencies so we might defend ourselves. We wide behemoths to ramble the On the other hand Michigan can ill wrote to Chairman Hackel, to the department's e Editor: roadways. Unfortunately, most modern Michigan highway lanes are afford to chase away the growing Faculty Affairs Committee. . . All have refused lis remarl to hear us. jrminal ca mobile home industry. Mobile homes Why ? eldon rei only 12 feet wide. The bill is now in committee to iron out differences provide all the advantages of a private subja-tivf residence at considerably cheaper of the between the House and Senate cost. Mobile homes offer a bright If of c versions. The Senate barred 14- foot - Committee A regarding due process in such In December. 1969, the alternative to a state facing a housing provost usly has wide trailers from the highways on cases. to give mid • year salary increases to less inter crisis. Why did the entire University younj weekends; the House gave them a 24 - professors to recognize excellence y of this Establishment refuse to hear us? Perhaps the lective in hour - a - day, seven - day - a - week A viable compromise for this mobile undergraduate teaching. The departma facts that would have emerged would have carte blanche. chairman, in consultation with the Advisa home imbroglio would be to allow 14 been too embarrassing. his incide Neither version makes much sense. Committee, made the recommendation - foot - wide trailers to be transported In spring, 1968, the students and faculty and 17 nat sci professors by his i of got these pay raia Granted, Michigan has a $96 million - only between 1 and 6 a.m. At these University College evaluated the program. Of the 12 professors <22 per cent of tl ion of a The results appear in what is called "The ig while u a - year mobile home industry, early morning hours, traffic is very department) teaching track B, not onegot Nosow Report." Exactly half the 48 natural mid ohol. Peo providing residents with jobs and light. The trailers could be escorted by science professors considered their current - year increase. red cond housing. Yet allowing oversize trailers Conspicuously absent from the mid brightly lighted vehicles, giving course "relatively poor" or "poor." TTie raises was James Trosko (an to roam the highways during virtually motorists students were less generous. organizer« on each side of the road track B), who five months later received I year and every hour of the day would only ample warning of their approach. This The nat sci professors said they believed MSU Teacher - Scholar Award, which enseless increase an already growing highway the reward system in University College is made to professors "who in their brit itors recc solution would maintain highway based on, in order, (1) committee work, (2) have earned the respect of studet death toll. safety and, yet. careers personal relationships, (3) good teaching, and colleagues for their devoltion to nunity; oi It would be virtually impossible to industry in .Michigan.— - - - other, (5) committment to general skill in undergraduate teaching." safe from education, (6) research and writing and (7) and the i Point of view good student response. As I reat dru see it, nat sci reappointments and™ In fall, 1968, Van Tassell and I started tv comme year raises in 1970 represent retaliation 1 The Viet • 'skag teaching the standard course with its faculty the tenured faculty against the onal and d youn • written textbook and its common final Str nontenured professors who "conspired"' exam. We discovered what the faculty and change the unsuccessful policies of students already knew, and we began The tragedies of the Vietnam war department and University College. one expects much better results, will run like open sores upon the however. If the FBI cannot stop American conscience until every last American soldier leaves that heroin importation in this country, it OUR READERS' MIND give care facts befi comes as little surprise that the devastated land. But a new tragedy is athpenalt corruption - ridden Vietnamese finally gaining public attention, the police are even more ineffectual. Sheldon's scars of which will not be left behind Meantime, hundreds of new to the ch when the GIs finally come home. Students merit When o. vote in E. junkies are added to the tolls every ' Approximately living corpses - 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers will return to civilian life slaves to "skag," the as week. Action must be taken quickly if we hope to stop this tragedy among the survivors of that war. Lansing ned of h to counsi explaii nted the final victims of a war the American First, heroin can be detected by To the Editor: ■her witnt However, many East Lansing residents - old vote, I imagine that these 'fits of his people had hoped to forget when the urinalysis, and every returning GI "Should MSU students be permitted to leave the community after only four to five discouragement practices will only vote in East Lansing elections? The scene is a years. This is a transient town like any leaded r shooting stops. must be tested, beginning intensify. d the Meet the Candidates Night in a local school other university community. All of the married housing units, and all righ Figures recently released by the immediately. For those discovered to our "term auditorium during a previous city council Dinky rink but two of the dormitories, are within the provost marshall's office in Saigon be addicted, expanded care facilities, election campaign. "No," replied each of It is also foolish to assume that their indicate that as many as 10 to 15 per students vote as a block on any issue or precincts of East Lansing and the "tee. He possibly through Veteran's hospitals, the East Lansing City Council candidates, candidate. Of all groups, students are the "occupants" are residents if they wish to ed offense cent of the American servicemen in must be made available. But explaining that students should vote in this least likely to be organized as voters. declare themselves as such. d only to b Vietnam are presently using heroin. their hometowns where they know more They requires a change in government come from a wide range of cultures, Registering to vote should be only a Hallucir And the number is probably higher about the issues and the people. matter of presenting oneself to the city To the Editor: attitude which currently bars GIs backgrounds and living styles. Sheldon goi since the poll taken nine One candidate later expressed the clerk or a deputy at a convenient time and Recently the University Sympni now, was who have run afoul of the law trying fear that students who are here only a Y et played its final concert of the season inl^™ J|ueination months ago. there is a long history of place, raising your right hand and swearing n But whatever the exact figures, to support their habits from short time could vote to approve a bonded discouraging students from registering to that you are who you say you are and Fine Arts Center in Okemos. A number jjerting irrelevj th admission to veteran's facilities. indebtedness that the property owners vote in East Lansing. With the impending that you reside where you say that you do. faculty but relatively few students Ms <\ant the heroin market is deathly alive in would be paying for years later. their way to this remote cultural oi.r forces constitutional amendment for the 18 Only this and the time of residency are Secondly, more supportive - vear v«y deep Vietnam. Vietnamese servants services must be provided for the in - what the law requires. Time of residency This excellent performance reminded which he smuggle smack onto bases in restrictions are presently under litigation in again that there is still no decent auditon Do th service addict. Fifteen recently on our campus and our hopes for the u the courts. The remainder of the problem is lunchpails, children hawk it on street corners, mama - sans always stock a begun "amnesty houses" represent a step in this direction, but the services The Wolverine Riddle a matter of the differing interpretations city officials of what registering to vote by appear to be on the verge of being once more by a new ice arena. fanee ( "■iiiiiim ready supply, and small - time Not too long ago, a decision was ma they provide are woefully inadequate To the Editor: requires. people who have done such a fine job on this Events Building, entrepreneurs peddle it along with cigarets. to cope with the magnitude of the The 1970-71 edition of MSU's year's "Wolverine!" In my view, the only interest of the office of secretary ot state and the city clerks construct an All • passive is used to protect the innocent ) Lett problem. "yearbook," "The Wolverine," is certainly All Power to the People. project was withdrawn when C('nsl Has us£ escalated recently? Heroin a well put together book. Those who acting on its behalf is to ensure that each put in Samuel L. Riddle Jr. citizen votes only once. sentiment arose against it. Now, now has probably been at epidemic Thirdly, the Army must begin educating its members. "Junkies" long hours on the publication are to be complimented for their fine efforts. While Flint sophomore We all have an interest in assuring appears that we shall return toolJfp p'ol proportions in Vietnam for the past that no unscrupulous person or September to face the fait accompliol a several years, but newly acquired leisure time, due both to a who return from the amnesty houses are notoriously ridiculed by the thumbing casually through the pages of this work I came upon a picture of myself with a caption under it which read, il!!;.1.!" for the dead and nonexistent group «'s.",'Z ice skating facility rising in our midst. - Ah yes, I know that the nnlli State New led with tl she lifers, whose sensitivity to personal Instead, our city hall's attitude, accumulated is earmarked for a de-escalation in fighting and "Panthers." Though I am flattered that one '> facul decreased problems is generally about as would take the pains to identify me with Misplaced Memo relfecting the view of an East Lansing facility, but money is ^ 16. responsibilities under special interest group, has been to say to earmarkings have been changed around and perceptive as Attila the Hun's. those who are in the vanguard of social '"eluded. Vientnamization, has given the change in this decadent society, I would the student, "Couldn't you vote before! I am also prepared toadmiUM combat soldier the dismal prospect Consequently, officers and noncoms To: The student body elsewhere?" rink is a bit dinky. But. our.Aud,t«"»m like to request that the editors of "The of endless days of inactivity - sheer, play a part in driving the young Re: Such an attitude is a discredit to our insult to public and performers aliKe, Wolverine" investigate matters in a more Abortion reform monotonous boredom. The addict back to his habit. democratic ideals and maintains a believe that the faculty andI stud thorough manner before they publish. Thorough investigation would show that Voters of Michigan - segregated town and town concept. have an opportunity (a Pernn PolU depressed morale of our forgotten Lastly, the Army brass must Let us rather recognize the value of our express our views before bU reeS the picture was taken at a rally spring term, men, none of whom would choose to change its tactics. The continual It only takes five minutes to write system and use it for a total East Lansing commitment of University [w be the last to die in a purposeless 1970, on campus and that, indeed, made. Give us the chance to choose harangues about marijuana, contrary representatives from the Black Panther community. a letter that can undo centuries of bud Hlndemith and hockey! war, makes the situation ripe for any to what every enlisted man i knows party did speak. Investigation would also George Griffiths 111111! of escape. member, Board of Directors William N. Hug means to be true, has caused the Army's show that I spoke p.s a representative of the legislation. South Black Liberation Front International, not - People for a saner world Lansing chapter, American Civil Liberties Professor of Ger™ Vietnamese President warnings about heroin to fall on deaf) Union and Project : City Hall as a Representative of the BPP. May 27, Thicu, in response to a personal plea ears. Army educators must begin to In as much as there has been some May 27,1971 from Ambassador Elsworth Bunker, teach GIs and officers that there is a confusion in the aftermath of a recent visit jT long ordered a cr?ckdown on heroin differencein drugs, that smack cannot to campus (May 20) by members of the THE CARNIVAL 15 OUT THIS pushers. But be classed with marijuana. Detroit branch of the Black Panther party. WAV ABOUT A HALF-MILE..-I tyigh Vietnamese I would like to make It abundantly clear THINK WE'LL HAVE A 6REAT TIME officials, including police, are party In fine, however, all of these to the that I am not nor have I ever been an crime, turning their backs for remedies are at best makeshift. The official spokesman for the BPP. In the a cut of the profit. In April, only problem will not see ultimate future if one has inquiries concerning three kilograms of heroin were seized resolution unless and until all speaking engagements etc., where the BPP's by Vietnamese police, less than American forces are withdrawn from presence is desired it will simplify matters token enforcement of the law. No if the Detroit branch Is contacted directly. the graveyard that is Vietnam. Once again I say congratulations to the Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan OINT OF VIEW Tuesday, June 1, 1 c>71 5 Article about THEODORE F.STEARNS Regional Vice President, Grolier Interstate, Inc. office is that the them that must be the course, the PTC does not such FTC advised case. Of make about the service and complaints from people that never used it or did perhaps buying a lower price for all members. However, the "regular price" example, in over service questioned one customer that sent 200 quote requests in a then they will be disappointed. If they use it as a fine source of but, of course, the purpose of the years ahead. We arc dedicated to regulations, nor do I know not give it a was shown as a loophole in our period of about three weeks information in almost any buying service is not to sell the premise of where the comment fair for resale purposes. making more and came, but, opportunity. program. The fact of the matter without making one purchase, However, a more items avai! ,ble to the ij read the MICHIGAN the fact of the matter There was category they will be very member can use it for its is that quite a section is we will accept ?. regular price apparently testing our double pleased with the service since it hundreds of thousan d of items ATE NEWS article dated May every student that signs for our devoted to "regular price" that at the - personal use or the use of a discount store difference guarantee. Such is any already available through this j 1971, telling students to Combination Offer has a three the Consumer Buying Service as well as a - the finest available. The member of his regular retail store and the price people are not interested in the family and that service ■id the' new buying service day concellation clause various choice of educational and at the .cry lowest asks that each should be adequate to save him written member we quote must be lower than the value of the service but reference products that are in possible price we to our tour company provides. can right into his contract so that he "whenever possible when they only hundreds of dollars each regular price of that outlet, what they can personally gain the Combination Offer we don't year members. |t iS difficult for me to can do whatever are interested in receiving a from it and there must that he is enrolled in the *„Ve that quotes attributed to wants, read the literature investigation he quote on including any shipping charges be some have to comment too much in That, of course, is the "other that Ls a particular brand that would be protections on a nationwide detail. Any librarian or program. side of required, or, we the story." ker Gaulden, asst. attorney left with him name item." This is person . Finally, we do knowledgeable in the caliber of for every person give that outlines the required, of will pay double the basis against such abuses. a free gift Ceral in the Consumer program in detail to insure course, to guarantee a double difference. that comes in Unfortunately, I have lost a that We, of course, must the material great deal of faith in the tection Division, were the program is the difference use Problem put out by Grolier for a presentation of the buying ially made by him in the feels will benefit him in something that he if for some money guarantee manufacturers list price, since it Another item mentioned was Inc. will attest to its value. service as we feel each and integrity of the press in the reason the is text that they were written. years ahead. We are the service cannot buying a nationwide program as Mr. the problem with the Comment every United States, whether it is on not provided give a better price Gaulden mentioned. student's time is worthwhile and the any event, the allegations by law to provide such to the maintenance or service on items Again there was another we big - city level or university a three member for the Differences that are purchased comment that a salesman stated naturally want to encourage level. I don't really hold much Sot g° on unanswered as day cancellation - clause, but merchandise in question. There are differences in every through the that a as many people to find out hope that our side of the story . are one sided and not we This guarantee is made service. This is member could "slicker his about have felt it in the best interest of for area based completely roommate" our program as possible. will be printed in esentative of the true facts. two reasons. First of upon the inaccurate because we into buying from your paper. good business to do so. all, to competitiveness of the item only him So, although no program is The fact of the matter handle items where we can various quantities of perfect nor solves is, i,he first part of the article Complaints guarantee any new member that being sold in that area. An • j feel must be defended is we must meet insure that service is available on cosmetics for resale only to find every individual desire that a customer however, that you have through Mr. Gaulden was attributed their price or pay example used was the one of the your as a nationwide basis. stipulations of the may have, we stand firm in the one - sided reporting quoti' attributed to a saying that his office a cash penalty, and secondly, if manufacturer's recommended If the smeared the value of a most has the servicing of the item is not agreement is that "merchandise fact that our service has saved m pan y spokesman received a number of few cases that this cash price on a new car, and of effective handled through a service outlet is not sold to members for ■entified that the reason about the service. Icomplaints penalty might be paid, it assures members hundreds of dollars program for any course, most dealers will of the consumer that is s must sign for the whether these were question us of the knowledge of perhaps a discount upon that selling price. selling company, in the resale." Again, I don't know each year through its use and going into their complaints few cases where a local where this comment came major purchasing years in the ! before they leave the about the new outlet for that particular dealer from, will continue to do so in the service or inquiries product that However, we assure our might scoff at providing service, near future. can be obtained at members that we will get them a it only takes a little better price delivered to their pressure on the national manufacturer R READERS' MIIID door on that car than the local that this service is to see dealer can provide and we have acquired and such instances are done so in numerous cases. very If, as nowadays. Judicial system alright was quoted, a good comparative Other items mentioned in the shopper can outdo us, then they article related to the can become unlimited fairly wealthy in a use of our Research Department short period of time due to the in New York. Such double the difference guarantee. comment is The completely out of context since e Editor: administering the orders of a only reason that confusion of the issue results we must every person who purchases our his remarks entitled "Courts court, reflect the "terminal" from the publication of put some type of regulations such combination offer realizes that Srminal case" (SN 5-26-71) illness of our court an into our program is the fact that they are limited to 100 Seldon reacts in a mindless system? I editorial, based on senseless there uses of think not. I think Mr." are a few Sheldon semantic manipulation, the very few — consumers — fortunately a the service over the next ten (subjective diatribe to the sympathized with his friend and produce of that will year period and the - Its of the judicial system in shared the defensive impulse, not reflection. And I urge that such attempt to take advantage of of the service are restrictions If of our society. He must have felt to be hostility he always material be considered any program for their own outlined. If a customer compelled to carefully personal benefit. For an thesis to expects a usly has little familiarity pay this debt. by the readers and be written for them .ess interest in the overall I am quick to to publishers, as recognize the whether it has a place in y of this institution and no problems wit h which our journal a society of the i the incident he is faced of justice to relating to the availability individuals. But I community. University Young Socialist Alliance ibis incident, a man is found believe that no material Daniel A. Ward • by his own admission of substantial good and Birmingham senior Presents: .n of a social rule against misunderstanding and May 26,1971 ig while under the influence Eisenstein's Classic I. People who drive in an red condition kill a great r of innocent Perkins Family Restaurant of the Russian Revolution - motorists and Specialties in Pancakes & Waffles and inflict year nseless a great deal suffering. Our "TEN DAYS THAT ■tors mnoses on recognize the threat the safety of the 10 Piece Tuesday's Special Shrimp Basket SHOOK THE WORLD plus unity; our individual right Crispy French Fries and safe from drunks behind the Cole Slaw Land the courts are inclined 1.10 New Hours Wednesday, June 2 „ . to serve you better ^reat drunk drivers with Oppos.te Sears 7 & 9 p.m. 7 a.m. to 1a.m. ty commensurate with their 301 Clippert - Across From Frandor :nal and dangerous offense Friday & Saturday Struck would Mr. Sheldon's rial have read had he been "k and injured by that "reyele? Does the drunk YOU ASKED FOR give careful consideration facts before administering ath penalty so frequently as Sheldon's friend pleaded to the charge. He did not to. When arrested he was lied of his constitutional to counsel, and he could explained his case, BARGAINS ~nted the arresting officer "ther witnesses and argued "ri'ts of his past record, had leaded not guilty, and the right to due process our "terminally ill" courts I heir death throes, ntee. He did not. He 'ed offense and therefore is only to be punished. Hallucination Sheldon goes on to describe -lucination in which the Here They Are — Come and Get 'EM collecting the fine (carefully .irrelevantly '"> itemized) forces of which he v®ry deeply afraid, and First Duality - Regular Merchandise- Things You Like At the Time You Like 'Em which he harbors great Do the actions and arance of a clerk. MSU JEWELRY MSU SPORTWEAR RECORDS Letter A Gteal Selection T-Shirls Over 2000 to go P'ol icy Pins Bracelets Sweat Shirts State News welcomes all Charms Lavaliers iney should be typed Rings Etc. BUY ONE AT $|98 °n''• with the home town, faculty or staff 8- rl«!mIUded' *l" be and local phone uns'gnpd Regular Piice accepted for •u°n, and no letter ■without will be Get One of Equal a signature extreme oi Less Value for Originally priced to $4.79 L "ices All letters must ti an '?00 words long for FOLK - POP - JAZZ - Etc. "without editing. .TWTh 1TDLo°gNg DlUiVl .50 1.50 Come Ear M »2t!i1T &EL|VERY ^ DRIVE-IN Most Selec il S Book Store Sale Item in Main Store ONLY Tuesda £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^Jiinc_U97| U' health care plan explored revised questionnaires featured closed-end questions drawn from representing faculty, staff, married and single students and By BARBARAFARY ex-offlcio members who are administrative personnel. the open-end responses of the pilot survey. State News Staff Writer If reaction to the prepaid health care plan is judged favorable by Question 9-A of the single student survey reads, for example: The results of a survey to gauge reaction to a proposed prepaid "What did you like most about the medical care you received at the the board, it will advise President Wharton to recommend ite University health care plan will be available by July 1, members of University Health Center?" passage to the board of trustees. The plan could be implemented at the All-University Health Center Advisory Board were told Friday. The participant is asked to check one of seven responses, which a pilot level by July, 1972. The board met with Philip Marcus and William Given of the Urban were the most frequently received replies to a similar open-ended Board chairman Louie Bender, East Lansing graduate student, Survey Research Center who said more than 1,200 surveys would question on the pilot survey, Marcus said. announced Friday that two student members, off-campus be mailed over the Memorial Day weekend to members of the Although the prepaid health care plan has largely been the work representative David E. Jolly, Houston, Texas, senior, and University community chosen at random. "There will be surveys of the College of Human Medicine, a consultant advised that the on-campus representative Penelope Zielinski, Detroit junior, had of 750 single students, 200 married students and 280 permanent program not be established until the entire University community resigned from the board. They will not be replaced this term, he employes (faculty, administration, clerical-technical and labor)," was surveyed. The All-University Health Center Advsisory Board said. Marcus said. was chosen to monitor the survey because it is a committee The board will next meet July 15. Each of the surveys differs slightly in content to focus on the needs of a particular group, he said. All of the mailings were to be accompanied by a cover letter and literature on the propose* health care plan which would provide complete health care J°r a set NO MONKEY SHINING Mi subscription fee. To insure return of the survey forms, Marcus added, all of the subjects would be telephoned. Information obtained through the ISn survey will be completely confidential, he said, because no identifying marks will be made on the forms. Marcus said a pilot survey of 75 subjects, also chosen at random, had "gone very well." All 75 participants were contacted by telephone and interviewed personally earlier in the term. Group asks: adopt business involved. campaign in hopes of obtaining an ape zoo, has pledged $2,500, and the By MICHAEL J. BEYER the The purpose of the pilot survey was to hlep formulate questions The society in conjunction needed $2 million to Chicago Park District, which for the current survey. Marcus indicated to the board how the Have you ever thought of with the Lincoln Park Zoo of construct the building. maintains the zoo, has offered to The advertisements, which having a gorilla for a son — or Chicago, 01., has instituted a match the Society's funds. perhaps an orangutang for a program to build a new monkey are being run nationally in i Performing A rts Company daughter? house for the zoo. The program magazines such as Time, ask the The zoo itself, according to Arthur L. Schultz. executive Well, it is now possible, and is to put their apes up for readers to adopt a foster ape. THEATRE the Lincoln Park Zoological adoption. Society says even though they The deal in apes, there is no monkey sponsoring Most of theadvertisementsare society is presently humorously written — one an advertising showing a picture of a young director of the society, is 102 years old with more than 2,500 specimens on display. FESTIVAL man and woman quietly seated with their about small According to Schultz, June Copy center network arms a Taylor, past executive director 3 Plays in Repertory chimpanzee with the caption of the society, conceived the "Mr. and Mrs. Keith Reinhard THRU and their son, Harold." "Adopt an Ape" program. The Rope Dancers Schultz said the campaign is JUNE 5 The Tempest planned for campus The society offers an inch photograph of the son or daughter" for $25, "a full 8 x 10 "foster expected to last about two years. The apes are presently being housed in overcrowded 355-0148 colored, signed and numbered conditions, he said. A www, c'mon - The Country W ife A network of Universitywide copy centers will be reproduction of an original "Thousands of people are implemented "probably during this fiscal year" according to paiting by June the A young owner seems to be trying to coax some responding to varying amounts spirit into her Fairchild box office Tickets $2.00, $1.00 Emery G. Foster, asst. vice president for business operations. Copy centers are strategically located printing facilities which will replace copy work such as Xerox and printing work such as chimpanzee," one of the zoo's resident artists, for $500 the Society will arrange a $100. For of money, and gifts vary from a few cents to $20,000 or floppy - eared pet in the American Veterinary Medical Assn.'s "Pet Clinic '71 "held Saturday in the Judging Pavilion. $30,000" he said. State News photo by Jonathan Kaufman stencil and ditto. meeting with the "foster The action is a result of a recommendation by the Business parents" and a family portrait, Affairs Committee. The proposal stipulates that the copy centers and for $10,000 the zoo will now existing in the departments of Education, Chemistry, Agriculture, continuing Education and Engineering be encouraged to purchase services and supplies and receive advice from the name an ape after the donor or whomever designates. else the donor 11 students win positions OPENS TOMORROW centralized University printing service and to consider consolidation with the central University printing service. At present the society, which •ywhere. She is even in your hair. So be the first was formed in 1959 to aid the as OCC representatives to really quench vour thirst with Emil's £ GRADUATION CAKES* Eleven students won positions students living off - campus. sophomore; John F. Hagen, IRMfl Restaurant presf J? ■0 Place your order ^ » EARLY as Off - Campus representatives Thursday in the second election Traverse City junior; Thomas A. Leone, Grosse Pointe Farms To help assure valid election four voting booths w held within a week. junior; James L. Felton, by people from the Peoplel AH-You-Can-Eat >ath H b misunderstandings about the number of write - in ballots freshman. Doan and Kibbey were elected allowed. 1 rm a 12" Pizza, 11tem, M65 Those winning OCC seats Thursday, in order of votes on write • in ballots. There were 161 ballots cast in the elections, twice the number Orchesis PITCHER NIGHT 2012 E. received, were: Margaret A. cast in the invalidated elections. Michigan Ave. plans nighl Mead, Midland sophomore; arrives Vickie L. Banks, Colona, ID., The vote count ranged from 88 for Miss Mead to 20 for write - in junior; Steven E.' Crocker, candidate Doan, with a scattering tomorrow Watervliet sophomore; Lynne P. of votes for other candidates. Schaefer, Mt. Clemens There are approximately 12,000 of dancind BUTTERFIELD DRIVE-IN THEATRES buion CTARLlTE rii MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES St »/00 MIRIOIAN MAIl ORIVtRR MARSH RD. SUtllroom „ if RE DUCED PRICES DAILY DURING TW! LITE LI HOUR' 1 >0* Orchesis will feature I 8:15 iiy 7:1 Tickets BREWSTER informal night of today in 127 dance at Women'sIntramuf Bldg' The free demonstration! at the Union at open to the public. P Members of the modern dad 1111111 t i r tit11 t rr troupe will present a techniqB SHOWN 8:30 ONLY session led by Dixie Durr, d" ENDS TONITE! Ik 1. Valley of the Dolls 8:20 the recent sprint: concert A iTHONTraf 2- Beyond Valley of Dolls 10:50 present their compositions I o. Vampire Lovers — Late open discussion session T I AT 8:15 & LATK follow the performance. STARTS WED. EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN |ALSO . .THE COCKEYED] COWBOYS FROM CALICO COUNTY LANSiNG ^Gbdb Aftt S CEDAR ST NEAR JOLLY RD Phone 882 2429 ^ # it OP£HEt/ERYMTE Wr.BBI Open at 12 Noon 8 OSCARS. . . Incl. "Best Flick" At 12:15-5:00-9:45 P.M. 5TPATTON* JA PLUS. . . At 3:00-7:45 MASH SOME rV MACHINES • ■ ARE MORE r!!ts THAN MOST V MEN CAN HANDLE! w, ^ ROBERT WISE {JMHTT LANCASTER • 0EAN Mw \A ^ANDROMEDA frssunsan g WiaEfLHI NUUWEEN STAWXTON? • STRAIN UCHNtCOlOR KMVISI0N Cliffs Notes. a'way®'yflnJ prescription when y "J K»S2s| assigned plays r Open 6:45 Feature 7:20-9:25 and novels Only" | I it*** ""GLORY f SPELLBINDING!" N. V. Dally Newt CAMPUS Stompers the night book stor] Color visitor 131 E. Grand R'vfr^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, June 1, 1971 7 FOR credit World Game Attitude exhaustion and on alcoholism hit bitterness. sets seminar Digging into theatrical finesse, her soul she drew the with health problem in the United States, she said, and the American Medical Assn. (AMA) claims it is me. "I was looking out the window at your Capitol and I the Wall Street Journal that said students were moving away from audience into an embarrassing the number three killer behind thought one-third of your marijuana because alcohol the "Society be damned, I don't pause of sympathy and legislators are taking pills or some was University of Detroit's problem using accept them," said the weary pity — heart disease and cancer. cheaper and allowed them to systems and scenarios display "My disease is alcoholism. sort as quieter-downers, uppers, Lorl'd Game Institute will be and 3) all written; former Academy Award winner. Alcoholism is a "But, it's as hard for the emphasized over and drug, she or go-to-sleepers, and one out of function better. She extended praise to Offering its basic "World Game groups come together "The onus and stigma lies in the over, and as Lansing to present nonalcoholic to admit his bigotry such every eight is a potential and Ihilosophy Seminar" this their scenarios and lap of a nonalcoholic society." as it is for an alcoholic to admit problems of all it causes 25 times the alcoholic." neighboring cities "for doing limmer10 interested students in background information and Mercedes McCambridge readily his disease, because it has been other drugs In actuality, more, and more effectively, to discover how the research she said, combat alcoholism than any \e Detroit area. results admitted she was tired as she made a crime. Two-thirds of combined. investigations show one out of 14 are other city I have appeared in." [ The program will run from interrelated, the creation of a spoke Friday before the those in jail today are there as Its hereditary nature makes government officials and one in final strategy, and children of alcoholic parents There are more doctors who e 24 to Aug. 6 for three to a published Tri-County Council on 13 industrial account of the common drunks," she said. leaders are treat and have facilities for semester credits. Alcoholism and Addictions, and Her emphasis during the entire extremely susceptible, she said The findings in alcoholics. form. report will meet from 2 to 4 Holden Half-Way House annual and women are no less prone to it treating alcoholics in the local tour has not been on her Americans, she said, have a area, than there are in New York frnTdaily with other times by The meeting at Lansing's St. condition, for it is something she than men. tendency to associate alcoholism and Philadelphia Trangement. "Detroit Report I" Lawrence Hospital. The actress, Miss McCambridge's proudly admits to, but rather the concern is the fact that primary with degradation and the said. combined, she [ World Game, a student records the first who Oscar for her semester of won an nonalcoholic society's loathsome alcoholism although proverbial Skid Row bum, but Ltered system devised by R. student work in gathering and supporting role in "All The King's attitude toward the disease of has been properly the facts are that an alcoholic is Alcoholics are now beginning Lkminster Fuller, attempts to analyzing data on water, food, Men" two decades ago, was alcoholism. identified as a disease, society likely to be above average in to accept the fact that they have a Ljwer how the world's goods transportation, housing and concluding a 10-day nationwide continues to stigmatize those disease, Miss McCambridge said. "I no longer need the drug, intelligence, in the upper third of She made this tour in the Cn be used more efficiently and communication. A "total speaking tour on alcoholism. (alcohol), but you need it to alter possessing that particular his high school class, a pillar of his changing the attitudes of civic hopes of lmiitably in the face of obsolete systems" approach to each The strain had biochemical disorder as somehow obviously been your mood," she said. "You're community, a college graduate lolitical and economic systems category was used, but time, intense, and she had lost all taking the drug because being article immoral. She referred to an and earning more than $5,500 per leaders presently in and those who are id ecological considerations, personnel and resources patience with the press who, she that appeared in a paper a position to solve limited together makes you after year. the problem but refuse to jrough primary and secondary the students to the selected Tired feet said, had asked her untold time, "How alcoholism has affected uncomfortable." a recent speaking College students, far from being it. "If it's a secret accept ^search in these areas. Two categories. my Miss Cambridge engagement. "They are hell bent immune to alcoholism, have disease, it's a emphasized to point at me moral disease and it will never be Ejjor assumptions at the Considering MSU's huge career or marriage." "How would that alcoholism is, according to ... "Up out of the dregs of the shown a radical increase in contained because in its own lundation of the game are: Man For more information campus, this epilepsy or recent alcohol consumption on the coed finds a diabetes affect research, genetic in origin gutter and into the light we are during the sense it is subversive." 4 overspecialized both mentally summer husky companion your career or and as a biochemical disorder past year, Miss McCambridge L] politically and man has World program, write the helpful after a sudden attack of tired marriage?" was the cynical more curable than diabetes. The no benevolent enough to let shine said. In Britain, where youth fads Lansing Mayor Gerald Graves Instructed various economic University Game Institute, of Detroit, Detroit, feet or just the blahs. monotonous response. difference, she said, is that while upon your life," was Miss tend to originate, she said, deaths dedicated Friday as Mercedes hd political systems based on Mich. 48221. She began slowly, her face those with diabetes McCambridfce's ironic reply to due to alcohol have risen 20 McCambridge Day and presented State News photo are treated as what she considered the article's per the speaker with ie notion that the earth does by Chris Fischer expressing nothing but physical cent since last summer. a key to the city, chronically ill, alcoholics are morally superior as did East ot offer enough to go around. treated like moral position. She cited a front page article of Lansing Mayor lepers, and yet "Please don't ask Gordon Thomas. | Operating autonomously at they have no more control over society to reform or pity me. I am not ,e University of Detroit during their affliction than diabetics je past year, World Game is have over theirs. reformed, I am merely a person in the recovered state of [oordinated by Frank Lucatelli, Statistics compiled by thte a fatal lavid Pauls and William Ternes. "World Game takes the Earth Dept. of Health, Education and disease. anyone." Morally, I will match Too Busy To Be Welfare (HEW) show that Above all she a comprehensive, coordinated alcoholism is the number one was knocking at the image that it can't happen to hole, a vast, perfectly Provisioned spaceship hurtling A resident 20-YEAR-OLD Lansing awaits action by county discovered one man was riding a estimated value of $748, Hungry? ■rough space at 60,000 mph. prosecutors this week after MSU stolen bicycle, valued at $85. Police said they are investigated over were the weekend by HELP GREEN AMERICA ■orld Game asserts that designed officers arrested him last week for seeking police. complaints and warrants The Michigan Nurses Association against Toperly. the earth has plenty to riding a stolen bicycle on Mount him. Police said they found evidence Put cash in your gathered a wholesome collection of quick, has laround," Pauls said. Hope Road. * * * of forced entry in one incident. taste - tempting recipes "streamlined to fit 1 Police said an off The other thefts Classroom operation of the - duty officer A UNIVERSITY - OWNED occurred reportedly a hectic schedule." noticed a group of four from an open lorld Game involves: Eentification of world problems 1) about 11:45 p.m. riding cyclists at Thursday Mount Hope Road. The CANOE, valued at $171, was automobile at recovered Sunday in Sandford from an East Fee West Fee Hall, pocket! 350 recipes — Nurses' favorites — which lid division into problem area on Woodlot behind Holmes Hall laundry room include allergy recipes and substitutes in officer dryer and from an apparently a Toups; 2) group discussion of reportedly became suspicious of the group and after Bessey Hall rental employes locked office in the SELL YOUR BOOKS light - weight, 3 - ringed plastic binder. Jeeded information, research, radioed for a patrol check. told police they discovered a Building. Chemistry (search mounted in a unified Patrol officers who checked canoe missing early Saturday. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY system, design ideas for y registration numbers of the bikes Police said two East Lansing children in the woodlot found the FREE MOTHPROOF AT mail your coupon today canoe, which was later picked up SUMMER STORAGE )roup plans to form by rental employes. The canoe reportedly had been chained to Campus, Send $4.00 Checks and Michigan Nurses Association Coupons to LOUIS the dock near Bessey, officers added, and someone removed the lock. apparently Book | 120 Spartan Ave. East Lansing Michigan 48823 III' table tennis club FOUR THEFTS in which thieves stole a University - owned CLEANERS FREE PICK-UP Store electric typewriter, a tape deck AND DELIVERY 507 E. Grand River An MSU Table Tennis Club is and 15 tapes, women's underwear being planned as a result of the targe turn • out and show of interest at and a purse, with a total 623 E. GRAND RIVER Across from Berkey Saturday's table tennis desired (tournament at the Men's Intramural Bldg., Charles Demery, Free store side quantity,. ■foreign student counselor, said Thursday. - parking I "It was very well received," Demery commented. ■tournament acted as a cross cultural interaction between "The pnd American students." - foreign Red R J Nearly 40 individuals showed interest in forming a table tennis Hub, Demery estimated. I The doubles team of Connie and Dell K.S. Table Tennis Assn. team that Exhibition matches and coached Sweeris, members of played in China, performed the 1 «aS3W finalists. They also gave ■formation on forming a club, Demery said. 1 There were 150 JON ANTHONY individual entries for the four events and pearly 400 spectators for the exhibition matches by the Sweeris, Florist 809 E. Michigan IV 5-7271 Free parking behind store. THE COLONEL "You must owe money to borrow money." SAYS SAVE This is also known as a credit rating. And it's become a Anarchist Cook 4 TIMES way of life to most of Before that way of life becomes us. chocolate-covered cotton, . Books up to come to us. We can't pay off your bills for you but !**★★★★★★★★★★***;★★* $2.50 help straighten them out, explain all the possibilities before your next big financial decision, ease we can your cash shortage and PEANUTS UNLIMITED ON DELICIOUS coioNiv s»nocm *iei« increase your savings. In all you can eat on short, we want to be your Kmtoky Fried Aiv:unsin wpn* Washington's second Big Ten ' * " 6 but his record there came on strong in the final three 100 • yard crown and fourth by a 6 m.p.h. aiding wind to total llO-1/* points, while league win in two years was jump was "legal" aw! so th, □ Fresh Ground Beef □ Scotties Facial indoor champ second with Wisconsin was 89V«, Illinois third important in that Herb tied Ohio State immortal Jesse Owens' 35- went to him. Wayne Hartwick ^oni became tl with 76'/^, MSU fourth with 73, Tissue;200 ct. year-old record at 9.4. only Spartan to score 3,1 Hamburger and Michigan fifth with 51. Minnesota (43), Northwestern And MSU's mile relay win In individual events, taking sec*! 3:11.5 was the Spartans' first 'n the intermediate 2 (limit four) ^^^ (36), Ohio State (35), Purdue (22) and Iowa (21) filled the second division. since 1966 and the first time any league team has thrown together back - to - back indoor • outdoor behind defending Koster of Illinois. 51.4 clocking in the champ Hartwick^ final hi □ Grade A Holly Farms □ Shurfine Canned The three Spartan most wins were satisfying, with all being baton wins since Iowa In 1967. Running for the Spartans on that second best ever while preliminary mark equalled h his 51 milestones of sorts. Cassleman's Tom career best. Spuller, Mike Fryer Breast '/4's or team Pop, 12 oz. cans were win in the 660 came at the Hartwick earlier had Murphy, John Mock and taU I expense of Wisconsin's Mark third in the 120 yard Bob Cassleman Cassleman. high hurdS Lego's Winzenried, reigning NCAA half - Two other MSU individuals and while sophomore teammate John ib39c 12/M.00 VOTED BY PLAYERS Morrison The was 4 40 fifth. relay unit of I Washington. A1 Henderson, Mike □ Young & Tender f~~l Spartan 17 02. Holt and LaRue Butchee second in 40.9 to Indiana's was 40,5. Hockey's MVP: Gagnon Other MSU placers Turkey Drumsticks Apple Sauce Butchee, fourth in the 220' Mock, sixth in the 880; Kim included , 29c 12c Hartman, fifth in the mile; Kilpatrick, fourth in a fine 9:02.9 Randy By RICK GOSSELIN in the steeplechase. three- way tie for third place in □ Grand Prize Beef EH Kool-Aid, regular State News Just ! Sports Editor in the regular season, Gagnon, a junior center iceman from Montreal, Que., was voted by his team mates as the most a the league's scoring derby, The record spree was n_. great as had been _ anticipated, I In addition to although meet records were set in Thompson, Minute Steaks unsweetened, all flavors juniors Don Thompson and valuable performer on the team. the three distance races, with ggc Gilles Gagnon took a large Gagnon scored 27 goals in 31 portion of MSU hockey's post games and added 26 assists for a season accolades. MSU had four players as honorable mention selections on LaBadie of Illinois easy mile win in Lee pulling to an 4;01.5, Gam r SPEClAL COUPON, Hmit 12 6/25c I WTh total of 53 points. The little pivotman finished second in the WCHA in scoring behind all-WCHA team. Gagnon, goaltender Jim Watt, and defensemen Mike DeMarco and Bjorklund of Minnesota running away 13:20.9 with the three mile in and Don Timm | Denver's Vic Venasky with 38 B°b Boyd all received votes. steeplechasing to a record ir I PRODUCE I FOOT LONG \Hygrade's J HOT DOG MEDIUM .50 Thompson, voted the In the two additional honors, seniors Randy Sokoll and Dan 8:43.8. Pat Mat zdorf of Wisconsin went I WCHA's sophomore of the year Finegan claimed the 7 - 1 to win the high jump and up □ Large California PEPPERONI PIZZA 1.50 two seasons back, collected first sportsmanship and improved player awards, most the league mark by an inch there, team all-America honors and while Phil Wertman of Iowa went | Valencia Oranges 332-6517 took the team scoring title as a result of his 19 goals and an f „ , „ .. . . ... captain of the 16 • 1 V4 for a pole vault mark. DELIVERY MSI record of 38 assists. tean?' ""j""^ 'n 88 iM 10/79c VARSITY DRIVE INI Thompson was a first WCHA selection and finished in team The Detroit senior scored 20 goals, five of which came in one game against Bowling Green. □ Watermelon YOU GOT YOUR "A" Finegai^ ^ne of four Belmont graduating senior defensemen, $ whole ^ 29 NOW GET THE PLUS played in all but one MSU game, amassed 40 minutes in penalties and scored one goal. NEW YORK (UP1) - Canonero II, who will attempt to become the first horse si half 75C Turn your books 1948 to win the coveted Triple Crown of racing in Saturday's 103rd running of the I | into cash at THE GILLESGAGNON Belmont Stakes, put in a pair of □ Mix or Match: Fresh PIZZA busy morning drills Monday around the dogs of the Belmont S_ ■ inner turfJuan ParkTrainer course,Arias Homegrown Red Compuj, PEOPLE ports Sltorf _ pleased by Canonero's showing wasI and it was apparent that the colt DAIRY Radishes Michigan Book State's 37-0 win was ready to run after having over Iowa in 1970 was the first □a been held down to two days of shutout for a Spartan football walking around his shed row in □ Florida Citrus □ Green Onions . Store team in 23 — games. earn 7A. 1 Blend 8oZ. 5/590 2 bunches /19£ 507 E. Grand River I Free Delivery LOOK TO US LARRY'S ONLY GOODRICH'S Across from Berkey 351-7100 FOR QUALITY We carry a complete Sanders Family Free store side parking □ Orchard Grove - supply of package • complete selection of Bread, 20 oz. frames liquor 2/59c •'Sunglasses and wire rims Puie Fresh - <*»■•) What special items would there • are some prescription tenses ground Orange luice 59c you like to see us carry? Please repairs while you wait • tell us next time you come in. m HcUM. OfU things worth Suite 212 ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. 332-5222^ GOODRICH'S SHOPRITE remembering LARRY'S SHOPRITE In Spartan Shopping Center, 1109 E. Grand River, Between Harrison at Trowbridge. Between Gunson & Mllford. Close to East IHlLK-lce Spartan Village and Cherry Lane Campus. Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 Apts. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 to 9. to 9. Frl. & Sat. 9 to 10. ANNOUNCES A NEW LOCATION Sunday Saturday 9 to 6. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE SPECIAL COUPON! WOLVERINE 947 TROWBRIDGE RD. Spartan or Farmer Peet's OPENING SPECIALS 71 MILK SPECIAL 69' 50* ... 2% Low Fat Pitcher Pak 2 lbs. BACON w now available al: Farm Fresh Grade A LARGE EGGS 44' Limit one with coupon & $5 purchase off Banquet FROZEN TV DINNERS 11 01 2/79' STUDENT BOOK STORE SPECIAL C0UP0HL CAMPUS BOOK STORE Cherry, POPSICLES grape, orange ^ Now 2/7' MSU BOOK STORE Quality „ baq 59' i P® Minute Mai<|] Minute Maid GIBSON'S fiOOK STORE POTATO CHIPS MlemonadeI JACOBSON'S With the purchase of Potato Chips 5^ FRENCH ONION CHIP DIP Limit two with coupon and $5 purchase LEMONADE because a yearbook These OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 AM - 12 PM specials are also available at never forgets 1201 E. Grand River Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, June 1, 1971 SPORTS SIU captures By JOHN VIGES fell before the superb pitching of RBI s. The rally only made the game final game was Dick Langdon in State News Sports Writer Ohio's Terry Wenger for eight Jumping out to quick leads in close and did not even put the relief, the winner of SlU's first innings. each game Saturday, the Salukis Bearcats ahead. contest with Ohio, Southern Illinois came back Wenger yielded only three had little trouble winning the Thomas had four hits in the SIU placed five men on the from an 11-10 Friday afternoon hits before Dan Thomas, the loss to Cincinnati to edge Ohio, most valuable player of the crown although they did suffer first game and a host of Salukis all tournament team and Ohio through a six run uprising by had a pair of hits in each game, had three. MSU failed to put then erase Cincinnati from the tournament, led off the last Cincinnati in the second game. The winning pitcher in the anyone on the first team. tournament with a pair of inning with a long home run victories Saturday to win the over the left field fence, sending NCAA District 4 crown here. the game into extra innings. SIU downed the Bearcats 6-2 Wenger went out for a pinch IN MARTIN'S HOMECOMING in Saturday's opener and hitter and although his survived a six run rally to win replacements held off the the nightcap 10-7. Salukis for three more frames, Twins derail "At the beginning of SIU runners crossed the plate six the season, this team said it would settle for nothing less than 40 wins," Saluki Coach times in the 13th inning to capture a the finals. 7-1 win and a berth in Tigers, 6-2 Richard "Itchy" Jones said Cincinnati reached the finals B LOOMINGTON, MINN. went ahead in its half of the other run with a two - out homer happily after the game. "We had day's play be repeating the late (UPI) — Harmon Killebrew hit a second with three runs. in the ninth. Mickey Stanley had to win this tournament to reach inning rally used against MSU, three run homer in the eighth - With one out, Detroit starter four singles for the Tigers. 40 and our guys just didn't quit with only a minor variation. inning and the Minnesota Twins Mickey Lolich walked two men Kaat went all the way, striking ■ 'tf- until they made it." SIU scored six times in the coasted behind the eight - hit and Steve Braun doubled home out four men in boosting his SIU won four games in the seventh inning to take a 10-7 the first run. George Mitterwald pitching of Jim Kaat to spoil record to 4 - 3. Lolich dropped to ' ^ '• tourney, losing once to give it a 40-7 mark to carry into the lead but the Bearcats came back with a blitzkrieg of their own, Detroit Manager Billy Martin's homecoming with a 6 - 2 victory and Kaat then produced run - scoring singes. 8-4. Despite the loss, the Tigers Collegiate World Series in scoring four times before a man over the Tigers. Lolich retired 16in a row men remained in third place of the Omaha, Neb., which begins June was retired in the eighth. The Martin managed Missesota in after that until Mitterwald Keeping 11. Cincinnati finished the year 26-18. tournament's second place team held off a SIU rally to win the 1969 when the Twins won the American League's west division walked with two out in the seventh. American League East. Detroit is 4 games behind front running Boston and 2'/i games behind The Salukis nearly failed to game. title. Singles by Cesar Tovar and Rod SlU's Jim Dwyer I. held close to the baj b¥ Onclnnetl'. Tom Schaefer in District 4 second place Baltimore. The j action Saturday. SIU dropped the Bearcats twice on Saturday to clinch the district, and will advance to Omaha, Neb., on June 11th for the College World Series. in on make it to Saturday's finals. SIU had to face Ohio, winner over Butch Alberts was the hero of that game, slugging a pair of Detroit scored first, getting a run in the second inning on Willie Carew preceded Killebrew's eighth homer of the season into Tigers will continue their road trip with two more games at MSU, for the right to face three run homers and added Horton's single and Bill Freehan's the left centerfield stands. Minnesota on Wednesday and State News photo by Milt Horst Cincinnati and the Salukis and another hit for a total of seven double to right, but Minnesota Aurelio Rodriguez got Detroit's touch Thursday. S' batsmen bumped early n District 4 tournament By JOHN VIGES State News Sports Writer Psychologically battered by was still before would our own have frosting on the cake for us. Winning the Big Ten was our first goal for the fans, but it the been only fifth, sixth and seventh innings. Diamond faced only one batter over the minimum in the other six. he had been while straight winning eight games. Five solid hits came off Ike and the errors put the seal on his second loss of the SELL year and we Errors doomed the Spartans lursday's last inning loss to YOUR year. accomplished it." against Cincinnati and they licinnati, MSU was easy prey MSU did not have the hop that Van Pelt finished the game for ■iday for a poised Ohio proved MSU's bane again as Ohio MSU and did a creditable job, carried it through the regular took full advantage of five diversity team and the Spartans season against Ohio. The state of miscues which figured in six pitching 3 1/3 innings and Ere eliminated in two straight shock that followed Cincinnati's allowing only one run and three Bobcat runs. ?s from the NCAA District 4 five run, game winning hits. Litwhiler said Van Pelt was rally, Larry Ike started the game lumament 7-1. carried into the morning hours of "about the only bright spot we for MSU but was not as sharp had in the whole tournament." IThe abrupt end to MSU's as Friday's game. Itional title hopes ended an Only four Spartan batters could Kherwise excellent season for the solve the hard slider and lartans. Coach Danny good control pitching of Bobcat ace ■twhiler's squad lost its last Doug Diamond. Tonight is Bee games of the year to finish j ■ ■th a 36 -10 record Diamond raised his season flNq.,3 ) rlcoid to 11 0 a*4R? Spartans' - liking in the final poll of expose, striking otifbseven and Hlegiate Baseball Magazine. walking only two batters. ■"Naturally it's disappointing Catcher Bailey Oliver ft we have to end this way," connected for two hits, Brad Van ■twhiler said after the Spartans' FLAMING ! Pelt and John Dace had triples ■it from the tourney. "But, I'm and Ron Pruitt added a single to nil very proud of these players; the meager hitting attack.Van ley did a great job all year. Pelt scored on a sacrifice fly for |"We wanted badly lumament, to win this MSU's only run. especially since it | NOW MSI' collected all their hits in \she has easy' HOG NIGHT French tenn (all the beer you can drink] ) VARIS (AP) — Arthur Ashe, the lol Virginian from Gum Springs, ltned in an elegant performance Ashe, seeded second in the We have our buying guide Id Florida's Frank Froehling men's singles, beat France's chief lovided the big upset Monday as hope, Georges Goven, 6-4, 6-4, |th players swept through the per finals of the $100,000 i Open Tenni ■BB55BSS51M at the ★★★★ | up-to-date for FALL TERM to WIN THE Th" SUSEASTUDY • • offer you MORE CASH for your books GRAND PRIZE SOUNDS JUJvt SAVE THIS MENU VELECTIWNICALLY PRODUCED SOUNDS Water's Edge CAUSE THIS TO HAPPEN (The P:'asty Shoppe- . T;.CN Record ^ 332-4432 n^dseh We subscribe to the world's largest 545 E, Grand River buying service in order lo buy those OPEN: SAT & SUN noon to 7 Cut moving Pasty daily 10 to 7 80c I Salads, your choice 20c | books no longer needed at MSU. costs Beef Bar B-Q Chili Sloppy Joes 45c 60c 45c I Strawberry I I Coffee Hot tea tarts Foot Long Chili Dog 65c I Sanka Regular Chili Dog 45c I Hot Choc. Foot Long Hot Dog 55c I Milk, Choc./White 15c Regular Hot Dog Chicken 2 pes.- 35c I 70c I Tax Included On All Prices In a Ice Tea Lemonade hurry? Call 337-9013 15c, 25c 15c, 25c Campus Book • * Move-it-yourself one-way or local We'll have your order ready Full insurance coverage when you arrive * Dine In Or Take Out Professional aids — handtrucks, pads • New trucks that match your move *•••••• Clip this Coupon RENT A RYDER ONE-WAY TRUCK The Pasty Shoppe Ihyder^ j This JUNE 1—6 Week's • 507 E. Grand River THRIFTY RENT-A-CAR UNITED RENT ALL • 1 FREE SALAD Your Choice with Food Purchase ^A ACROSS FROM BERKEY 2790 E. Grand River L Totaling 35c More. M *515 E. or Michigan Ave 485-6516 351-5652 with this coupon M Free Store-Side Parking 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. June I, |97, Cigarettes Kodacolor film 3/95' 126,127,620 Urban 4-H program 89' Limit 1 Limit 1 (Coupon) liret Aft«r 6-5-71 -arising Store Only (Coupon) Expire* after 6-5-71 Ent noting Store Only seeks summer help $2.25 10% OFF the By BARBARAFARY "Two days Is only enough to old, If enough volunteers are State News Staff Writer concentrate on sports," he said, Flashcubes found. Discount Price Every Monday and Friday "and football practice has cut Into this. We're only supposed to "I'd like to have eight teams with two managers each," Short from 3:30 until 6 p.m., two on all teach sports, but 1 wish we could said. "The managers would also Spartan football players teach do more." umpire." sports to young boys at Film Developing M.19 Hildebrandt Park in Lansing. Williams will act as director Short, who has coached Little League in his hometown, said he Limit 1 They work with the boys of his hometown's recreational (Coupon) wants to organize a Lansing ExpJrei efter 6-5-71 through the Urban 4 H program this summer, and Little League because "now only East Lansing Store Only program which Is currently Alderman will be working on a exceptional kids play and It recruiting male volunteers for Model Cities recreational shouldn't be that way. I want to the summer months. $1.69 1.39 Jesse D. Williams, project. More students are- give every boy a chance." needed as volunteers this Games will be played on Bellefontaine, Ohio, sophomore, Nude Look Panty Ballet and Kenith 0. Alderson, summer to replace volunteers Little League Diamonds or city like Williams and Alderman, Miss diamonds during the day, he Baytown, Tex., sophomore, have Hose for 'Hot Pants' Panty Hose worked with the boys since the Siegrist said. said. Any student interested in the Recreational beginning of spring term. "We are summer Urban 4 - H program anticipating a great 99c Williams, a halfback, teaches basketball to the teenage group loss is volunteers, and we have should contact Miss Siegrist at Representatives from Michigan 4-H groups here at MSU for 4-H Week activites take time out f more serioui considerations for a game of basketball. The playeri are itudents from hiah wh""! I Limit 3 while Alderson, a linebacker, some 900 youngsters to work 178 S. Anthony Hall. (Coupon) with," she said. "We are clubs from across Michigan. c—-*■ State News photo by Jim u scn001 I ilres After 6-5-71 teaches Softball to the younger Kiein boys. The youngsters are from a recruiting high school students and community adults as well as nearby housing development and often would not have a chance college students who will be here BY STUDENTS 30C Otf The for after - school recreation if it this summer." Discount Price on Outsize were not for college volunteers, Miss Siegrist said volunteers Premiere set for music Kay Siegrist, Whittemore junior are especially needed to man the all women's Hosiery Panty Hose and asst. 4 - H coordinator, said. "We work with whites, blacks urban 4 - H sports and recreational activities for (excluding those mentioned and Chicanes," Williams said. "It specifically in this ad) s1.19 is interesting how they interact with each other. I really enjoy children on summer vacation. "We also need volunteers to The works of three young Michigan State University Limit 3 teach composers will be premiered by the MSU Symphony Orchestra working with them. handicraftscooking, sewing, Participation in sports is said. "We will and gardening," she only be able to set and the Jazz Band at 8:18 p.m. Friday in the Union Lounge. The concert will feature "Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra" Chobanian, a native of Iraq, will appear as guitar soloist in premiere performance of his composition, which was his doctd J important for these boys by Loris Chobanian; "Symphony" by Gary White and "Triplex thesis. Chobanian is now on the because it builds self up programs as volunteers are faculty at Baldwin 1.00 found." Conservatory of Music in Ohio. confidence." White, who is from Sallna, Kan., and holds bachelor a» Opaque Knee Sheer Williams Alderman play with rather than coach. said he and the boys David senior, said L. Short, Okemos he is organiziang Turkish youths hold master's degrees from the University of Kansas, is on the faculty at Iowa State College. White submitted his "symphonji mui Sox Knee Sox "We're part of the group," he Little League teams through as his doctoral thesis in music composition at MSU in 1%<) f said. "We'd rather not be up on Urban 4 - H and the Center for Arnold, who is from Louisiana, holds bachelor and'master| 67< Limit 3 57' Limit 3 a pedestal." boys Williams are said some of the having trouble in school a Urban Affairs for "the inner and outer city where kids don't have chance to play ball." 14-year-old hostage music degrees from MSU and for the past two return to MSU this fall to work toward the Ph.D. years has beenstd arranger for the West Point Military Academy Band. He plans! degree it (Coupon) (Coupon) have Short said he will need male ISTANBUL (AP) - The the Erkan house. They left in composition. Expires After 6-5-71 or dropped out and he Dennis Burkh, conductor of the MSU Expires After 6-5-71 volunteers to coach the young Turkish army brought the street a bag containing the Symphony Orchest East Lansing Store Only E»st Laming Store Only senses they need more guidance will conduct Chobanian's "Concerto." Gordon than he or Alderman can players who will be 8 to 13 years sharpshooters and police dogs passport and identity card of Mehli'ng and Le old and possibly 13 to 16 years Monday to the house where a 14 - Ephraim Elrom, the Israeli Gregorian, assistant conductors and doctoral candidates in ma provide. will direct the orchestra in White's "symphony " and Arnoldfl year - old girl was being held consul general kidnaped May 17 hostage by two youths sought in and killed five days later, "Triplex" respectively. No Doz Eaton's Corrasable NOW lll.AH Tills FROM TIIK VOI» HINGK connection with the kidnap - AT Till. STOHK WITH Till; RED slaying of an Israeli diplomat. Bond Typing Paper DOOM! As a helicopter and a light ✓ wv w //1 V\\ reconnaissance plane circled '—^ 49' Capital/Capsules overhead, the youths brought 59c Give Father 8 oz. of one Special Blends of Pipe Tobaccos — for of our 14 the girl, Sebil Erkan, to a third - Limit 1 Limit 1 floor window to show she was • (Coupon) >1 res After (Coupon) Expires After 6-5.71 Father's Day, June 20th. Gift Packed still alive. Witnesses said she had '( I J 0 ) » >\ 6-5-71 and Wrapped for an extra 35c -ansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only been tied to an armchair most of the time. They said one of the GOV. MILLIKEN has approved supplemental appropriation. industrial states conducted!™ youths seemed impatient, an additional $1.6 million The Senate will receive the Citizens Research Council V "constantly pacing from one appropriation to the Michigan remaining $225,000 for similar Michigan Indicated that Micltli Coppertone Bain de Soliel Campbell's Shop window to another." The two men kept Legislature to cover year - end housekeeping allowances. expenses. is first In per education capita spendinfB and last ♦ * * The House is expected to Suntan Lotion Suntan Creme The Store With The Red Door Ph. 332-4269 submachine guns in their hands at all times, one of the witnesses the additional $1.4 use million for A BILL AIMED at easing the highway spending The study used fiscal lfl said. projects not covered in the burden on police departments figures and ranked Michir )Z. 59c _ M.39 The youths, members of the regional $5.5 million budget. Expenses ranging from required to train all officers has been signed into law by Gov. second in health and hod Limit 1 Limit 1 Turkish People's Liberation expenditures and third in wtH Milliken. Army, seized the girl in her lawmakers' salaries to office (Coupon) Expires After 6-5-71 -ast Lansing Store Only (Coupon) Explrw After 6-5-71 East Lansing Store Only DON'T LET YOUR house on Sunday. They had renovation, printing equipment, The bill authorizes certain spending. According to encountered police while leaving postage fees and phone bills are exemptions to the 1970 law Wisconsin was BOOKS PILE UP! a vacant mansion and fled into expected to be paid from the requiring 240 hours of training for policemen employed by education spending, allowing $1 1.00 per capita next to MichlJ 200 off the agencies of three or more officers. $292. Maybelline TURN THEM INTO Exempted for the requirement will be persons who are not The Citizens Rescar discount Price on any Ultra Lash ATTENTION CAR OWNERS employed as policemen for up to six months, but who have is supported bv major in the state busing Tanya Suntan Product 67' CASH AT * Complete front end repair and previously had the training; those who work for a police MICHIGAN CITIES, backe^ Limit 1 Limit 1 alignment department for at least three the Michigan Municipal I * years and go to another agency; are challenging Gov. Milliki (Coupon) (Coupon) Brakes * Suspension ^ampus plans for state aid to citiesm >lres After 6-5-71 Expires Aftir 6-8-71 those who retire and return to -anslng Store Only East Laming Store Only * work within two years and new revenue sharing plan. Wheel balancing * Steering To remedy large state defil members of sheriffs' posses or 1.15 Crest 20C Off The Book LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center police auxiliaries who are temporarily under the direction of a sheriff or police department. Milliken wants legislators t cities about $28 million in funds In the fiscal year bi toothpaste Discount Price S^ore 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 A STUDY of eight northern July 1. The league has proposed! give cities an additional on any Shampoo 507 E. Grand River to million for a total of $7»mil 75 oz. 59c Limit 1 Across from Berkey -CUT OUT AND SAVE" Under the league's p'" * Free store - side parking money would be approp (Coupon) Expires After 6-5-71 (Coupon) Expires After 6-5-71 proportionately to Mjc SdtcKtft East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only suburbs than through M" proposal, basing aHocntw 1.19 cities' total local tax bu SANDAL including school taxes. Vaseline Intensive Arrid Extra The league's proposal w derive much of the extra for cities by tapping the Cpre Lotion Dry Deodorant LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL DOWNTOWN 309 N. Washington treasury from for funds it no property taxe telephone, telegraph and o„, 79c 02- 66' In the new companies. SALE Limit 1 Leonard Plaza Limit 1 Presents for Your Dining Pleasure (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires After 6-5-71 Expires After 6-5-71 -ansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only | TUESDAY co NIGHT SPECIAL French Fried Shrimp IIP 10 30% OFF ' WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Schensul's Famous Fried Chicken ORIGINAL PRICE MYSTIC PANTY HOSE SPECIAL 2/$1.00 THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Baked Ham w/Pineapple and Prune ONE BATH SIZE BAR OF DIAL WITH THE PURCHASE FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL OF ONE BATH SIZE BAR AT Broiled Baby Beef Liver w/Onions OUR REGULAR LOW PRICE iiwf 0 SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Baked Swiss Steak State Discount ■ OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 307 E. Grand River Next to the Card Shop Evening Specials include roll, butter and beverage and a choice of two of the following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. CUT AND SAVE._ I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED STATE NEWS 355-8255 Peanuts Personal Special 347 Student Services CLASSIFIED 355 8255 The State Permit racial News do« not discrimination in or religious COMET Automotive 1967. Automatic, power P^AnklyspeaJonq . by Phil Frapk Aviation Employment For Rent its steering, power brakes, $875 Call LEARN TO FLYI Complete advertising columns. The Debbie 353-3401.2-6-2 flight GIRL NEEDED for credit and ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. State News training. All courses are will not government collection position in Lansing SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV and VA certified. Automotive accept advertising which CORVAIR 1963 4 speed. Runs well. - FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport branch of Xerox Corporation. RENTAL, 372-4948. O Defies Nader. $40. 351 ■Scooters & Cycles discriminates against -0721.2-6-2 Road, Call 484-1324. C Experience in credit and ability to work ■ Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color or effectively with customers in WHEEL CHAIR and crutch rental. ■ Aviation national origin. CORVETTE, 1968. Convertible, A uto Service & Parts resolving credit problems are GULLIVER'S STATE DRUG, power disc requirements. Good starting salary brakes, positraction, 1105 East Grand River, East Imployment 350 hp, 327 cu. Special wire wheels, tinted glass, four new AT MEL'S and liberal fringe benefits. CALL Bruce Kirk at 371 Lansing. Phone ED 2-2011. 1-6-1 or rent we repair all foreign and - 2900 for an polyglas tires. Corvette American If we can't fix it, it interview. 5-6-4 REFRIGERATOR RENTALS. Dorm Impart ments 485-6929. 8-6-4 Bronze cars. can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O size. Summer rates. UNITED ■Houses CERTIFIED EXPERIENCED reading Automotive DELTA 88, 1969.Power steering CAR teacher. Bay Cliff Camp for RENT - ALL. 351 - 5652. 5 - 6 - ■Rooms WASH, 25c, or automatic wash, power disc physical handicapped. Summer 8 ■or sale CHEVELLE brakes, turbo 50c. Wax and vacuum, U-DO-IT. MALIBU, 1967 hydramatic. Must sell. 430 South Clipper, back of Koko weeks. John Vargo, Marquette, TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction 337-1898. ■Animals Fantastic condition. Mags and red Bar. 0-6-1 Michigan. 906 - 226 - 3212. 2 • 6 - guaranteed. Free delivery, service lines. 353-4283.3-6-3 ■Mobile Homes and pick-up. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C ■ersonal CHEVROLET, 1962. Good IeANUTS personal transportation. Call after 6pm 351-0087.2-6-2 ' CAMPACT REFRIGERATOR Ieal estate DODGE DART, 1962. 4 door MASON BODY SHOP , 812 East rentals for summer term, available now. UNITED Kalamazoo Street RENT-ALL, 2790 ■ecreation CHEVROLET 1969 automatic. $125. Phone 337-1284 . . .Since 1940. INTERESTED IN making $100- $300 East Grand River. 351-5652. 7-6-4 Complete auto painting and fcrvice 3-6-3 part time in sales? Or potentially $8 collision service. IV 5-0256. C Sport Van 108 Custom. $15,000 in two years. Must have Pyping Service - VW GUARANTEED initiative. Call 485-8980, Mr. Apartments Jpansportation - 115wheel repair. Randall. B4-6-4 base,8passenger. RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 a (anted Automatic, 8 cylinder FIAT 124 Sport Okemos Road. 349-9620. C NEEDED ENTHUSIASTIC young ONE BEDROOM, furnished, air deadline Coupe 1968. Very good condition. Must sell 'W ANifgmi persons who enjoy meeting and conditioning, ample storage, cla»» radio. 2 tone green 351-6298.4-6-4 $1500 bvy Employment working with people. Full or parking, close to campus. >.M. one day mm's ims gh part time positions with a young 332-2621 after 5 p.m. 9-6-4 re publication. and white paint. One FIAT, 124 Spider 1970. Gold, RESEARCH SUBJECTS WANTED. rapidly expanding Michigan owner. |cellations - 12 noon AM/FM radio, driving lights. Only $2 for 45 minutes evenings. Males Corporation are available. For CAMPUS VIEW class day before $2295. 12,400 miles. Beautiful condition. only. 355-4463.4-6-2 interview call Chris Combs or Bill $2900 or best offer. 355-6190 Stevens 393-0230, 9-4:30 p.m. APARTMENTS plication. 353-9346. 5-6-4 or PROGRESSIVE MANAGEMENT Summer leases $45/mo. PHONE Automotive 355 8255 MUSTANG 1965 8 cylinder. 4 FORD CORTINA wagon1970.1600cc Deluxe. 6000 miles. AM/FM Automotive COLLEGE INCORPORATED is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 3-6-3 Across from Williams Hall Call 332-6246 evenings. - on - the - floor OLDSMOBILE STARFIRE, 1964. 2 Autoportable. Snow tires. Best VW, 1970. Cobalt STUDENTS RATES blue beetle CLERK TYPIST, Cashier experience. - TWO MAN summer sublet, $1.50 Brown paint. Good tires, offer. Must sell. Graham, ||(ent conditi()n 31325' Beautiful new offices. $118 plus. air 351 -0053.4 6-4 Phone Wendy, 372-7700, conditioned, one block from I per word per day OPEL, 1968. 15,000 miles. Excellent PERSONNEL campus. 351-2244. 3-6-1 radio. $495. CONSULTANTS. •.$4.00 FORD, 1967. Automatic, 6 cylinder, condition. White with blue '63 "WHITE" stepvan/camper. Large National Organization 3-6-3 with local office APARTMENTS FOR summer. 220 ic per word per day 4 door, Good transportation. interior, snow tires. $999. Paneled, carpeted. Runs well. Oz hiring now Cedar MUSTANG 1969 MACH I 337-0735. 3-6-1 Street. 1 bedroom. $450. 882-5277. 3-6-2 349-9310. 6-6-4 for summer work. GO - GO dancers, waitresses, and $6.50 Supervised housing for men only. entertainers. Sharp, highest pay. Call 351-1394 or 351-2713. C | per word per day 351,8 cylinder engine. FORD GALAXIE, 1965. PINTO, GRABBER, green. 5300 Up to $1200/month. 487-0603. n 10 words per ad) Automatic, miles. Sharp, but economical. Scooters & Cycles •GOOD PAY 4-6-4 very dependable. Good condition. RIVER HOUSE & ALBERT Cruise -o - matic transmission. Must sell. 332-6107. 3-6-2 $400. Call 393-1409 before noon Inuts Personals must be or after 6 HONDA 350cc, 1970. Good •GOOD HOURS NURSING SUPERVISOR. 3 years APARTMENTS pm. 5-6-4 ■ paid. Radio, wide oval tires. PONTI AC CATALINA, 1965. 2 door condition. $650. Call 337-1496, experience. $9775. Nancy, after 10 p.m. 12-6-4 •CAR NECESSARY 37 2-7 700, PERSONNEL Fall & Summer, 1 block from re will be a 50c service FORD STATION hardtop, original owner. Excellent Actual miles. wagon 1966. campus, 1 - 2 bedroom, 2 - 4 Power steering, automatic condition, AM/FM, air, 1971 CONSULTANTS. 3-6-3 I bookkeeping charge if diagnostic record available. $585. persons, furnished, balcony, transmission. Michelin tires. Good I ad is not paid within Good clean CALL 351-3700 TEACHER FOR second grade in air car. $1995 condition. Phone 339-2409. 5-6-1 332-8263.4-6-4 conditioning, study. I week. Jewish Sunday School. Teaching or REDUCED SUMMER PONTI AC HONDA, 1968. 450cc. Like With 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. experience FIREBIRD, 1968. 6 new. camp required. Call RATES. 204 River St., Apt. I State News will be PLYMOUTH 1968 BARRACUDA FORD GALAXIE, 1963. V-8. trail and road tires. Low 337-0392.2-6-2 Cheap cylinder, standard shift, good mileage. 6. 351-3484 or 332-0255. onsible only for the transportation, $75. 349-1535 condition, $1200 339-9354, $700,351-6108.4-6-4 2 door . hardtop. 8 cyl inder after 5 p.m. x-3-6-3 353-3282.4-6-4 ROSE HILL REALTY ONE OR TWO girls needed, summer. day's incorrect - HONDA 450 1966. Good condition. OFFERS MONEY TO YOU Duplex 3 blocks from campus. automatic transmission. Radio, FORD New battery. Call Scott 332-3568. Two needed to be professional real $66 a month. Call Carol after 5 VAN 1966. Excellent TRIUMPH TR 250, 1968. 28,000 CAMP WATERFRONT director 3-6-3 estate sales representatives. We bucket seats, dark blue paint condition, custom paint job, new miles. Call after 8 pm, or before needed. Male or female, for co - ed _ p.m. 351-8696. 3-6-1 exhaust. Radio, extras, must 10 am, 351-0457. 5-6-4 offer on the job personalized sell. resident camp. Must be 21. Call Anytime. 489-3624. 5-6-4 1968 HONDA CL350. Two helmets, training for each new person. DUPLEX, JUNE and September. 2 Rex Miller at Y.M.C.A., 489 - with white vinyl top. Like new. $450. Call after 6 p.m. 353-1360. Excellent lucrative floor time and 3 bedroom. Clean. Call VALIANT, 1969. 23,000 miles. 6 6501.5-6-4 372-1629. 17-6-4 I Automotive White tires. $1495. MACH I, 1970. Orange slats. Radio, stick. Perfect condition. 482-7156, -«1-6-1 opportunities. Join •nd a gain big income through small staff spoiler. Excellent. After 484-5623. 4-6-4 SINGLE ROOM for mature grad our 6pm KAWASAKI 1967 250cc, nice huge sales volume and excellent llM HEALEY Sprite, 355-6007.4-6-4 student in exchange for condition. $400. 355-9394. Call supervisory and janitorial service profit sharing and trade - in Tellent condition. Low mi CURTIS FORD OF WILLIAMSTON VOLKSWAGEN, 1967. Excellent 351-0572. 10-6-2 any time. 3-6-3 for male house. 1 year minimum. programs. Weekly draw to qualified condition, radio, radial tires. portable. 372-7266. 5-6-1 $1095. 349-4924, after 6 p.m. 485-8836 or 487-5753. 0-7-6-4 applicants. Call Mr. Ackerman 655-2133 4-6-4 393-1220 for interview. 3-6-3 lACUDA, 1967. 2 3-6-3 door SUMMER AND GIRLS-SUPERVISED ■too, 6 cylinder, stick shift, part time OFF-CAMPUS lellent condition. Best offer CHEVROLET, 1947. Excellent VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Squareback. employment with merchant For Rent I $800. 882-43 7 2 before 2pm, running condition, needs paint Good condition. Best offer. wholesaler. Automobile required. APARTMENTS " job. 627-7555 after MERCURY COMET, 1963. New 349-4258 after 4:30 p.m. 4-6-4 WE HAVE moved. ROLL - 351-5800. 0 FURNITURE RENTAL n. 3-6-2 5:30 p.m. ROSSER 5-6-3 engine, parts. Must sell. Fred, Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. Student special starting at $20 a Now leasing for fall. 351 -9792.4-6-4 VOLKSWAGEN 1967 red with black Phone 489-4811. Our new address COUPLE NEEDED: As group foster month. Reserve now for Fall Across from Williams 1961. Runs good. Power CHEVY IMPALA 1964. Runs well, vinyl interior. 44,000 miles. Good 2400 North U.S. 27, home houseparents for (8) Term. BISHOP Hall on Michigan Ave. ing, power brakes. $50 or best Lansing. TF FURNITURE rebuilt condition. $925. Call 677-2875. children in Grand Rapids. RENTAL, 4972 Northwind Drive, . Call 349-0834, evenings. engine, some rust. $90. MERCURY 1966 Agency $70 a month per Call 351-8445. S -6-3 3-6-3 CYCLE INSURANCE. will provide house, 351-5830. 21-6-4 4 door, automatic, power steering, Central furnishings, person. Call radio. 4 excellent tires. New Michigan's Largest insurer. Any living expenses. Married couples, evenings. age 25-45 preferred, with no TV RENTALS Students only. Low exhaust system. Like VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1966. Blue, low cycle, any rate. LLOYD'S of — 332-6246 - new pLLE MALIBU, 1965. V-8, CHEVY II, 1963 2 door economical 6 interior. Needs grille. Solid body. mileage, $750. 484-6172 after 4:30 LANSING, 332-5335, 482-5585. children living at home, Husband monthly and term rates. Call Leaving country, must cylinder. Best offer. 641-4298. p.m. 4-6-4 may keep outside job. Salary, 351-7900 UNIVERSITY TV Aqua. Steal at $600. 351-3823 ■ 351-0574. 5-6-4 2-6-2 benefits. Send resume to: Group RENTALS. C after 6 p.m. S VOLKSWAGEN, 1968. 968 MOTORCYLE, Foster Homes, Catholic Social Fastback. In Bridgestone good condition. 4 on the floor. 350. Must sell, $375. Right on! Services, 300 Commerce Building, Live Close to Campus Walk to Classes $100 take over payments. 393-2104. 5-6-3 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502. 663-3476. 5-6-3 8-6-4 BURCHAM WOODS VOLKSWAGEN, 1963. Semi-Lemon. $125. Call 332-0091 after 6 p.m. 1962 TRIUMPH 350. Needs some work. Two helmets. $200. 351 7335. 5-6-4 - DIRECT SALES. Commission Income potential $250 - $500 a only. MARIGOLD APARTMENTS Marigold & Harrison 911 2-5-28 week. Call Mr. Hoyler or Mr. Marigold 1970 HONDA CB350. 5700 miles. Hunting at 351 - 3590. 5 - 6 - 41 VOLKSWAGEN 1962. Sunroof. Completely Furnished Spacious, furnished studio, Engine 13,000 miles old. $200 or Extremely excellent condition, $625. Also I966 VW, $600. 351 WANTED RESTAURANT manager. 1 Bedroom Deluxe Apartment $160.00 per month best offer. 332-2650. 3-6-3 - Full time job. Experience 2019.3-6-2 Now signing Summer and Fall Leases 1 and 2 bedroom apartments VOLKSWAGEN necessary. Call John 332 ■6-2 - 5041. 3 Call 337-7328 351-4878 1968 Fastback. PARK AND SHOPI Park 7,000 on new engine and clutch. yourself in an easy chair and All designed with you in mind. New exhaust, radial tires. $1250. 641-4516. 5-6-4 way today I shop the Want Ad Deposits Guaranteed Returnable NEED GOOD WORKERS? Help PLUS Live The "GoodLife" at 731! Wanted Ads in Classified get 'em fasti Dia! 355-8255 now. B3H HEnn 0ES • Most parking per unit in E. Lansing Completely Furnished Deluxe CROSSWORD PUZZLE □□GJ [!□□□ Etta 1-Bedroom Apartment I UU We will even ACROSS □□a □anaanan • Optional bars for only $5/mth. extra furnish the 1. 5. Sortie 34. Taro paste 35. Consult □EQ □□□HO Surpass • 37. Ascertain Heated pool cookbook & 8. Inexperienced 39. Firestone □□□ EDC] damn [1. Wheel shaft 42. Orient □□HQ Q@D 0013 • Around the clock service dishes... 12. 13. Kimono sash Jap. statesman 43 Sesame 14. Dissolve 45. Altercation lanonuuiiKisn 15. Dictionary 48. Pdem HHGailHDH □□□ • Security deposits refunded on the For a limited 17. Compulsion 49. Mum □□□ qhsb □□□ 19. 50. Siouan Indian Clumsy □QQ UCJUR BHD spot during move-out week time, we will 20. 22. Each Corral 51. Smoked salmon 52. Egypt, god 23. Soldiers 53. Honey buzzard Studio - $135/mth give the 24. Corn spike DOWN 9. 10. Upon Habit 26. Glut 1. Collide 1 bedroom - from $ 155 College Cookbook 30. 32. Pant Spawn of fish 2. Hatchet 3. Malady 16. 18. Hostels Potato bud 20. Cake Full Time 2 bedroom from $ 175 and a set of dishes ingredient - ^ Professional 21. By way of Management with every lease signed 22. Golf instructor Apartments shown from 2-7 p.m. daily (bring this ad) 25. Clumsy boat 27. Phosphate and on weekends SUMMER LEASE AVAILABLE Summer from $45 per man chloride 28. Rocky pinnacle Reservations Accepted Now for Fall Fall from $65 per man 29. 0ne: Ger. 31. Cake tins NOW LEASING plus... 33. Anything "the best location in town highflown for summer and fall Located at 731 Burcham Drive. East *2 johns per apt. 36.Energy Lansing 38. Bar legally VJ Mile Fast of Ahhott Road •balconies & patios 39. Hoodwink •roommate service 40. Ital. resort 745 Burcham Drive MODEL HOURS DAILY AND SUNDAY 41. Holly WATER'S EDGE & 42. Lord Avon 10:00 A M NOON 1:00 P M 6 00 PM 44. Samuel's 351-3118 RIVER'S EDGE mentor MODEL PHONE 351-7212 APARTMENTS 46. Pro if no answer - 484-4014 332-4432 47. Swamp ALTMAN MANAGEMENT CO. (next to Cedar Village) 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesd For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent LARGE TWO party furnished SUMMER - ONE bedroom, 2 SPARROW HOSPITAL, near. 301 SUMMER FOUR girls near campus. 2 2 PEOPLE - summer. Duplex $40. ROOMMATE NEEDED starting fall MEN. CLE am „ ~ _ efficiencies. Air conditioned, close term. 2 man, Cedar Village. Robert bedrooms. Air conditioned. Call South Holmes. 2 room furnished baths, laundry, parking. 135 Own room. Call Greg 332-4927. $135 $150 332-0625, after 5 Cedar. 15 6-4 3-6-1 to campus. summer. Leider, 23851 Morton, Oak Park, p.m. 7-6-4 apartment, $90. Also one room fall. Call 351-4062, 484-1328. ■>86.6836. ONE GIRL. Summer. Cedar Village. <313)544-0733.3-6-3 efficiency, furnished, $70. 13-6-4 WHITEHALL MANOR - Summer Utilities included. 3S1-3969. O 4 BEDROOM home. 2 kitchens, 2 Cheap. Call after 6 p.m., baths. Ideal for 6 or more girls. MARRIED STUDENTS one man needed for two man, twe 353 1266. 3-6-1 EAST LANSING, Lower duplex. 2 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Short drive on scenic Mt. Hope. bedroom apartment. Furnished & FACULTY J bedrooms. Carpeted, furnished for quiet, air conditioi $60 per person. Call evenings,at SUMMER. OWN room. Behind SUPERVISED APARTMENTS 3-4 students. $215-$240. Lease, swimming pool. $65. 351 - 3025, Cedar Village 393-3532. 56-2 Gables. Gerage. $50 per month ,6'J "F"-» ra deposit. Available September 15th. NO SECURITY or 355 - 4701, Ask for Daniel. 3 337-8370. 2-6 1 Now renting 3 and 4 man efficiencies for summer and 351-5964.5-6-4 DEPOSIT REQUIRED 6-2 j Apartments J FOUR MEN needed to fill large, clean house near campus. LOVELY FURNISHED 2, 3, 4, 5 Projector, ™ch junk lens„i c ,ii n"5, pluW«3 fall. $650 per term total. GIRL SUBLEASE for summer. KNOB HILL bedroom houses. Available June. "" D#n' $40/month. Ask for Irene, ONE BEDROOM apartments. All ■ provide continuous fret* 393 7094 after 5 p.m. 11-6-4 Summer rates $130-$185/month. 5-6 3 APARTMENTS utilities and laundry included. 349 ■maintenance on 351-6317 349-0832. 3-6-3 0242,393 4113. 5 6 4 toilets^ 349-3604 or 332^715 after 5 pm piano, GOOD 349-4700 ■garbage disposals, stoves, airg Friday. 3-6 2 lX)ndl|10n - $200. ROOMS FOR summer. One to four SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 or 3 man, V, ■conditioners, and many other! Bench j~ ' upfi#> $120 for term. 351-6317. Open: 11:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat. 332-3342.36 1 " man. 9 6-4 block from campus. 351 - 3214 4 ^appliances. Cedar Village also' THREE BEDROOM professors Rooms 2:00-5:00 Sunday 6-3 ■ has 24 - hour emergency! 4TH GIRL for beautiful Water's Edge NOW LEASING for fall. Furnished Also shown by appointment ■service by our oiwite staff. B home. Grad students only. $300 for summer term. Near campus. SPARTAN HALL sofa *95 $11.9b, TV, ^ $24g- apartment for 3 girls. Also single , singles, men, $12 ac' apartment. Congenial On Okemos Rd. Across Adjacent to campus. room. 6 blocks to campus. Parking. 694-8266 after noon. 4-6-4 from Okemos High School ■ ONLY 8 APARTMENTS ■ Call 332-8139. x 3-6-1 women. Now leasing for summer fall. 361-1176,372-1031.0 nsrr-0 J 353-0480 or 353-1228. 6-6-4 4TH GIRL for Twyckingham. a LEFT FOR SUMMER ■ RENT SUMMER, four bedroom, ATTRACTIVE SINGLE - close in. 100 USED SUMMER SUBLET, very close, 2 LANSING OR East Summer. Pool. Reduced. Call furnished includes dishwasher, vacuum clean. Lansing. One FURNISHED 3 room upstairs bedrooms, 4 man apartment. bedroom furnished. Large, airy Nancy, 353 - 5804. 2-6-1 washer and dryer, etc. 1 block from Room cooking. Lady over 20. June. 663-8418. B1 -6-1 canisters one full and upr|Bh„. G* Tl $47.50 per man. Call afternoons rooms. Air conditioned. campus. 351-4618.4-6-4 year $7rr ■ apartment for one mature person. Near shopping and bus, St. 351-3373.4-6-4 Beautifully maintained. Suitable OKEMOS. FURNISHED, 3 rooms, I Bogue St. at the Red oennisVis Irl and for faculty, grad students, business utilities. Couple. Main corner. Cedar 2 MEN to share summer, close, $50 MEN: SUMMER single/double rooms. COMPANY, 3,6 North clN* Community College. $115 SUBLET $159. Across from Student Services. Furnished two bedroom. people, married couples. Lease. Available June 1st. $130/month. Utilities included. 353-0039, 353-0045. 2-6-2 Low cost, across Bogue from _ Opposite Cav Mark,,. C-M 332-3135 or 882-6549. O 349-2313.3-6-2 Snyder. 332-8635. 4-6 4 including utilities. Call Mrs. sewing Robinson, 372-7610 or 485-3045. After 5p.m. 351-7219. 4-6-4 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham ONE OR two girls needed to share QUIET ROOM, male. No machinVc,;;^ - *3 Drive. 135 Kadzie. STUDENT APARTMENTS. 2 rooms, SINGLE GIRL. Campus near. 227 ONE 15th. BEDROOM Carpeting, available Juno furnished apartments. 2 man Includes duplex. Grad or working girl cooking. Close. $12 parking, no week. $5800 55.00 nT per month.POr,ablK U™ w J Bogue. To share small, furnished disposal, air a of summer and fall term, $130 a one bedroom, $65; or large conditioner. $140/month. 349 heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. preferred. 332-5942 after 5 p.m. 351-1754 after 6 p.m. 1-6-1 reconditioned used *! I LOVE month. 4 rooms, fall term only $165 a month. Furnished, parking. furnished $92.50. two bedroom, Phone 489-5922. 2 girl; June 1535.3-6-2 Leases starting June 15 and Sept. 1. Days, 487-3216. Evenings til 10 4 64 STUDENTS. SUMMER rooms. Close Singers, Whites, Home& "Many Others Necc^ "SiiotJ $39.95 10 minute drive from campus. occupancy. 5-6-3 P.m., 882-2316. O FURNISHED 2 bedroom house for to campus. Semi-furnished. Private Term, EDWa.I CEDAR 485-6581.4-6-4 126 MILFORD YES. .TWO JOHNS APARTMENTS. SUMMER and/or 2 grad men. electricity. $125. per month plus Deposit. ED 2-4770. or semi-private. Available June 13. Phone 351-8933. 4^ 4 distributing North Washington, 489« company!,! MAN NEEDED summer for 2 man. next year. One half block from 3-6-3 VILLAGE Across from campus. 332-2184, $65.4-6-4 Summer Leasing: only 3 left. 2 man apartments, close to campus. PER APARTMENT, campus. Two, three or four man. Immediate occupancy. 126 ONE MALE roommate for summer. MEN - room, TWO double bedrooms. bath. Private entrance. Living RIDING LAWN movvVrThi 351-2207, 372-5767, 489-1656. Simplicity.$200.349 48,7.c | Orchard. Phone 339-2219, Own room. $55/month. Call Parking. Clean, quiet. $12.50 / Only 8 apartments SUMMER SUBLEASE: one bedroom furnished, no deposit. $140. 24-6-4 and balconies too 337-2082. 22-6-4 George, 351-8840 after 5 4-6-4 p.m. week. Term or summer. 332-4709. 4^^ YOU WON'T beU„ uur | APARTMENT' NEED 1 or 2 for selection of frame styles left for Summer! 332-6109,351-7253. 1-6-1 OPTlcJ Two apartments for Fall! FREE RENT for little domestic work. summer, 6-4 $50 each. 355 - 6388. 5 ■ RIVER'S EDGE SUMMER. Collingwood ONE or two apartment. girls for No SUBLET HOUSE 3 bedrooms near SINGLE ROOMSforgentlemen. Share light cooking and bath. Available June 15th. $60 summer, $70 fall. DISCOUNT, 26,5 East M Avenue, 372-7409. C-6-4 damage deposit, own bedroom, campys. June through August. Compliments of Bedroom, bath. Want living room, kitchen, 2 girls. ED 2-5977. UNIVERSITY TERRACE, Summer 1 - 3 man. Reduced. Month free. and $55 or $65. Call 351-6047. 5-6-2 after 6 p.m, $115/month. 417 N. Francis. 5-7 Call BEFORE 5 p.m. 351 9036. 3-6-3 TV. GOOD condition, $25 Magu 4-{v4 stereo, TV conso Beth Darwish MALE Summer NEEDED. sublet. Capitol Pool. Villa. Very 332 6495. 3-6-2 WATER'S EDGE EAST SIDE. Furnished. One "HREE BEDROOM house. AVAILABLE 1-2 girls beginning Phone 35118,5 after 5~p"m.H bedroom apartment. $110 and Furnished, carpeted, close. Summer - Fall term with prof 332-5051 reasonable. 332-0947. 3-6-3 SUBLET' JULY unfurnished 1st, 2 apartment. bedroom Park APARTMENTS deposit. 332-5590. 8-6-4 Summer. $210/month. 355-8218 2-6-2 family. Private apartment. Close to campus. Call 337-1525. 4-6 4 MAN'S 10 ■ Superb construction. Good nri Top Bogue St. at the Red Cedar SUMMER. 1 girl for four man. Trace, Okemos. After 6 pm, 349 - (Next to Cedar Village) 351-6245. B1-6-, Evergreen Street. $45. 355-8919. 4278.2-6-1 See Frank or JoAnne STODDARD APARTMENTS. SINGLE ROOM for mature male 1-6-1 Furnished, 2 man, Summer, Fall. grad student in exchange for RECTILINEAR SPEAKERS., I MAN NEEDED Meadowbrook Trace. 332-4432 Close to campus. Call 351-8238. O 1219 turntable. Like supervisory and janitorial service. 1050 Water's Edge Dr. sell. 351-8907.4-6-4 NEW IDEA IN STUDENT LIVING Summer. After 6 pm, 393 - 7981 or 353 • 6062. 3-6 2 ONE ROOM for rent. $45/month ONE MAN two needed to sublease, SUMMER: 4 bedroom, furnished. Utilities paid. Walking distance. 1 yur minimum. 485-8836 or 487-5753. 0-7-6-4 man luxury apartment. Close One or two Bachelor Units and deposit. Apartment for rent, to campus. Phone 351-3582. 5-6-2 355 2431.2-6-2 WATERBED FRAMES $35 and ] $90, deposit. 1 block from REBIRTH, 402 East M