Peace . . . Wednesday is a dawn on a day without MICHIGAN Warm . . . TATE NEWS nd. Chance of showers. High -Peter Sinfield STATE . . . today low 70's. Low tonight near UNIVERSITY ,e 63 Number 193 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 2, 1971 Nixon calls for offensive in fight against hard drugs WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon move against the problem on four fronts: added it would only start more people called Tuesday night for "a national cutting off overseas sources, including in "down that long dismal road" to hard offensive" against heroin and hard - Vietnam; prosecuting drug pushers; drug drugs. addiction of returning Vietnam veterans treating addicts, and instituting a massive Nixon said he plans to meet Thursday and other young people. program of information "for the American with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, "It is not simply a question of Vietnam people with regard to how the drug the three service secretaries and the veterans; it is a national problem," Nixon problems begin." military service chiefs to discuss drug use told a White House news conference. The President restated his opposition to among U.S. soldiers in Vietnam. "What we need is a national offensive on the legalization of marijuana, saying, "I can He said the problem is one "of the this problem." see no social or moral justification highest priority." He said his administration whatsoever for legalizing marijuana." He Asked about the way Washington police hopes to handled the recent May Day antiwar demonstrations, Nixon said "I believe they did handle it properly" with the right COURT RULING ... combination of firmness and understanding, recognizing the rights of the demonstrators. Police powted Nixon said it was an exaggeration to say that constitutional rights of demonstrators were suspended. "They were stopped without injuries of any significance and a minimum amount of in WASHINGTON (AP) - dispersing The Supreme inflicts a "mortal wound" on the role of force," he said. "The police showed a great deal more respect for their rights than they showed for the rights" of the citizens of Washington, Nixon said. Court limited Tuesday the power of police strike threats in bringing about settlements. Why are the courts releasing so many if to clear the streets of "annoying" groups Even the majority agreed negotiations they were properly arrested?" the of people. could become flabbier. President was asked. In a 5 - 3 decision that struck down In other actions the court: Nixon said an arrest does not mean that Cincinnati's loitering ordinance, the court •Ruled 4 to 3 that Greyhound's takeover of Armour & Co., the nation's a person is guilty. The whole constitutional said the right to assemble in public for second system means that if a person is arrested he social or political purposes cannot be largest meat packer, does not lifter a Florida country club asked for some alligators to populate its ponds, the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish suspended simply because a policeman or violate the 1920 decree that broke up the gets a trial, and if the evidence is not there he is released, he added. Commission came up with an 11 - footer fond of roaming residential neighborhoods. A wildlife officer has trouble passersby find the gathering annoying. old "Beef Trust" and prohibited packers from engaging in the grocery or food lonvincing the gator to check in at the pond instead of at the clubhouse. Besides, said Justice Potter Stewart for Asked about Soviet suggestions for the majority, such ordinances contain an catering business. Greyhound operates negotiations on mutual troop withdrawals, AP Wirephoto restaurants and does food catering through obvious invitation to discriminate against Nixon said the United States is subsidiaries. considering people whose ideas, lifestyles or physical the topic internally, and in consultation •Held unanimously that the 1955 with its allies. appearance are resented by the majority. [/IMS OPTIONAL Cincinnati's city solicitor, William merger of Greater Buffalo Press and International Color Printing Co., the two McClain, commented that the ordinance He said after consideration in those was deemed constitutional when it was leaders in the printing and sales of forums, the government will be prepared to drafted 115 years ago. But now of course, newspaper color comics, violates the move forward to consider European troop New finals plan adopted he in said, "the court has changed its opinion reference to fundamental rights of the citizen and we will have to draft a ordinance in accordance with this new Clayton antitrust law. The decision did not undo the merger but left the question of divestiture to the federal court in Buffalo. •Ruled 6 to 3 that a confession by a levels in negotiations. By SYLVIA SMITH chairman, or, in colleges where there are no MSU in standing with nationally approved philosophy." new codefendant in a joint trial may be used as Wolveri AAUP guidelines." The maximum evidence as long as the confessor is departments, by the dean. penalty for violation was Wolverine Adams was referring to a statement 30 days in jail and a $50 fine. available for cross examination. The yearbook distribution Willard Warrington, professor of on decision eases a 1968 ruling against use of continues in 30 Student Services evaluation services, said the new policy will procedural standards in the renewal or In a second major ruling, the court gave Bldg. nonrenewal of nontenured federal judges broad leeway to block confessions against a codefendant. from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. until Friday. help to "build the last week of the term faculty which ■he Academic Council adopted a new into the total instructional process of the was adopted recently by the national railroad strikes when they conclude the ll examination policy Tuesday which AAUP. union is not making a "reasonable effort" term." Jfs the decision ■be on whether students The final examination period may now The council did not act upon Adams' to negotiate a contract settlement. required to take a final examination be used for examination, discussion, suggestion. The 5 - 4 decision involved a decade • Td the course instructor. The draft summarizing the course, obtaining student prepared by Carlisle's long dispute over brakemen's jobs on the Previously, all instructors were required evaluation of the course, instruction or (Please turn to back page) railroads. The dissenters said the ruling I administer a two - hour final other educational activities. pnation. An outline of an interim report on D. Collings, chairman of the faculty grievance procedures was briefly (ersity Educational Policies Committee sketched for council members by E. Fred T), said the bore new policy was the result than a year's deliberation on the Pf the final week of the term. Carlisle, associate professor of English and chairman of an ad hoc committee charged with developing a final grievance procedure Buckner hits jStudents are still to be evaluated," document. ■ngs said, "but now the evaluation does Promising a final draft "very soon," policy ■have to be during the two - four final Carlisle told the council the three foci of wination period." the interim report are: on s ew policy requires that all courses •To provide a judicial structure within P for a two - hour period at the date receiving acceptance letters. He also existing University structures. I time listed in the course schedule •To provide a procedure emphasizing questioned the sudden pressure on incoming freshmen to choose a major. mediation rather than creating adversary ■hitra M. Smith, associate professor in "I would hate to think that the Madison positions which do not now exist. Harold Buckner, ASMSU chairman, administration was hesitating to address College, said that • And to provide necessary channels for Element of compulsory faculty Tuesday accused the administration of itself to this problem in the hopes that it ■dance at the regularly scheduled final hearings and appeals when adversary ignoring questions he raised regarding recent situations are created. might disappear with the coming of summer ►"nation period would help to apparent shifts in University admissions — and leaving of students," Buckner wrote Walter Adams, professor of economics inate a possible incentive for faculty policies. to Cantlon Tuesday. and member of the executive committee of In a letter sent Tuesday to Provost John E. •bers not to give a final examination in Cantlon had said last week that he was still the national American Assn. of University Cantlon, Buckner said that questions he investigating various questions regarding the |r to be able "to take off for Bermuda a Professors (AAUP), reminded council that raised in a letter sent May 14 "seem to have pearlier." admissions policies. He was not available for "time is not standing still." been quietly swept under a fourth floor comment Tuesday. Ji order for a faculty member to be Adams suggested the council adopt "the rug." •fd from meeting his class during the intent, the spirit of the AAUP policy with Buckner's original letter questioned why "We don't want to cry 'wolf' before we're ■duled examination period, permission sure there is something to cry about. Neither ' be the understanding that an expert would hundreds of students who were told they granted by the departmental hammer out a policy that would place could not meet MSU standards are now (Please turn to back page) R Student-police By JIM SHELDON State News Staff Writer I ,. ,. gap .. . . the alienation may be because police are part of the establishment and are the most visible segment of the establishment." denied college. Forty-four agency; and in the past, degrees were hired. men presently staff the only men with |N|P fly of a major City of East Lansing, composed Naert said the biggest problems facing Starting July 3 of this year, under a new _ University, faces a highly East Lansing officers center on congested contract, beginning patrolmen will take fntial situation for demonstrations and home $9,035 if they have 130 academic apartment areas and on heavy traffic. With fCu's. ''Hipled with a smattering of credits, and bachelor's degree holders will so many students, he explained, starting $9,590. Pay scales for |b|,,, id,,,ll°By ar,d a magnified drug apartments are "easy targets" for outside burglars who often find a lack of security earn a patrolmen range from $8,360 to $11,330; ''ice departments in most small raises are based merit. cities, in the buildings. on Is'7® of East Lansing, whose problems Students who pack up and leave on from thefts and burglaries to an East Lansing officers "wouldn't be here weekends add to the usual heavy traffic, if there wasn't an MSU," Naert said. They jonal assault, can usually handle the which makes Friday afternoon, between 4 picture the campus as part of the overall Ku°n with relative ease. and 6 p.m., the highest accident period community, with no fence separating the a time when "off the pig-" and each week, Naert continued. I sentiments sometimes flare up University from the city. called enlightened Despite these problems, he said, the When a student faces an officer, his communities, what type of persons living in East Lansing reaction is usually no different from that Ke to be a cop in East Lansing? create a "fairly low" percentage of violent of any other citizen, Naert explained. oiigh certain groups or individuals crimes compared with other cities. r lout epithets Policemen can appreciate the student's against policemen, two conflict matter where you regulate "Really, if you take the student body," J Lansing Police Dept. officials agree no Naert remarked, "they are a little above point of view since "a lot of our officers are students, and those who aren't have Too ■ a rule, the student body at MSU is not Pe°Charles F. Pegg, chief of police, also the caliber of average persons in common. been," he said. ■' t(>ward officers and that no "gap" disagreed with the "police-student gap You've got a pretty responsible group of Naert said the department T the two exists. idea, but maintained a gap does appear people. They're a cut above the average." emphasizes An MSU maintenance employe cleans up after a too - full garbage truck training to assure that students and citizens laW°n t th'nlc ^at there is as big a gap between some segments of the student Maintaining law and order among the are not aroused in a confrontation. Officers spilled part of its smelly contents while passing the Administration F 01 of persons would haw you believe," community. , . responsible citizens of the city requires in crowd control work are instructed not Building Tuesday. Naert, deputy chief of East "Politically concerned students may reel each applicant to the East Lansing Police State News photo by Jeff Wilner an alienation towards police," he said, "but Dept. to have a minimum of two years in (Please turn to back page) | 8 Police said. "You're going to find 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I news Off-campus living requests fall "other" reasons, has met with a great deal of benefits derived from living on campus were studying housing regulations said th* I summary student opposition. ASMSU recently announced that it would institute a suit against the policy, extremely important to the university's case. At MSU, the residence halls have a large debt to retire, and increased food and labor costs to found that "living - learnine throughout the whole University » "We defined not mml«* I s of AP and UPI. Ninety - three of 226 processed special alleging that it violated the constitutional rights 'living . , of students. contend with. Financial considerations, having permission applications to live off - campus have therefore, are an important aspect of the special a significant number of'L**11* «I been approved this year, the director of Off • Although neither the ASMSU attorney nor student's residence hall and havta. *** in >1 Campus Housing announced Tuesday. More than the University attorney would comment on the permission policy. Residence halls built in recent years have faculty in those halls," he fcntact ^ I case, there are several suits of this sort in other 800 special permission applications were parts of the country. stressed the "living - learning" concept as an though there are other educational taJK ^ I processed and approved last year at this time. Southeastern Louisiana College once required essential part of on - campus living. fsidence haU living. ®5^°bi I Delores M. Bender, off • campus housing all unmarried women under 21 to live in Studies by various University committees director, said that including about 100 applications not yet processed, there are 326 university housing. Parenti of some coeds took generally have discovered that, in reality, "living • special pennission applications so far this year. "A couple of factors contributed to the the court college to court in 1961' and « federal district held that the housing policy was in learning" is not a University - wide reality. and Bernard Abbott, east campus area director, chairman of recent University concept must pro"'tLtTe^Miprofit? not just financial v'ing18^' ' decrease in applications," Mrs. Bender said. "The violation of the "equal protection" clause of the co - a committee reason for their special "I would hate to think that the board of trustees extended the period during Constitution. The college was found to be permission polty ' administration was hesitating to which students could be released from University discriminating on the basis of sex. address itself to the (admissions) housing by three months, from June 15 to the In a suit involving Louisiana Polytechnic problem in the hopes that it might disappear with the coming of summer and leaving ofstudents. " beginning of registration in September. This let many juniors off campus without special permission." Mrs. Bender said that many students also were Institute in 1970. however, a Louisiana circuit court, in a decision recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, said that it was constitutional for a state university to require, as a condition of Fog said cause Harold Buckner, scared away by the stricter special permission enrollment, that all students live in university (See si ■yp. 1) ASMSU chairman policy. The new housing policy, which allows special permission only for severe medical, financial or housing. The concept court stressed the "living - learning" of dormitory living, stating that the that killed Aud ROANOKE, Va. (AP) - The Woodrum's approach control pilot of the small plane that crashed killing World War II hero instrument landing facilities at the time of the crash. or in said - law of relatives one of the were victim. hav^l I Audie Murphy and five others Zacko said investigators had StV8,'""8 State Medical thl' VirgiHul Examiner's offe I may suddenly have found found no evidence that the plane to release the bodies himself flying in thick fog only had received structural damage positive identification. and £I minutes after receiving a before the crash. 1 Mrs. favorable weather report, federal Pathologists were still Crosby „f ■ Talks, troop cuts linked investigators said Tuesday. Winston-Salem, N.C., said her I working on formal brother in A team of investigators confirmations of identities of - - law Claude body was taken to a funenl (w| Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Semyon A. Tsarakin pawed through pieces of burned the six bodies recovered from home from the I and twisted metal brought back the charred wreckage, but the medical hospital. She said I linked a European security conference with negotiations Tuesday from the ridges of relatives waiting to claim the for a time to tell her examiners refused I on mutual and balanced force reductions in Europe. Brushy Mountain near here. It bodies said two had been body had been taken. where the I "We consider this the most practical," the veteran was there that the plane carrying I identified. Glenn Dody, father of one the hero - turned - actor and the o( I diplomat told newsmen fTuesday after talking for nearly These were passengers Claude the victims, said he was asked if 1 others slammed to earth Friday. two hours with Foreign Minister Poul Hactling in Crosby, 48, of Atlanta and Kim he wanted to Joseph E. Zacko, head of the Dody, 29, of Ft. Collins, Colo. son's body. try to identify his I Copenhagen. National Transportation Safety ■ Lincoln Carle, a business "I didn't go in," he In recent speeches, Soviet Communist party boss Board team, said he was unable associate of the 46 said, "I - year - old told them I didn't want that ■ Leonid 1. Brezhnev had dropped references to the security to say immediately what caused Murphy, confirmed that conference in urging the West to start talks about troop the crash, which occurred 3,000 identification of the actor's haunting me the rest of my life." L feet above Roanoke Valley. body had been made by two Murphy, the most decoratedI cuts. Tsarapkin's remarks, however, indicated the Soviet The last contact with American soldier of World War 1 the close friends. II and winner of the Medal of I attitude remains unchanged. plane was made by the flight Carle said Murphy's body service station at Roanoke's would be flown to Atlahta Honor, was flying with the! businessmen to look the I Massacre probe underway Woodrum Airport. service spokesman said Tuesday A flight Tuesday night and then on operations of a Modular! over Wednesday to Los Angeles. He Management plant it I The that the pilot of the plane had said serviced would be held in Army said Tuesday it is investigating charges that Martinsville, Va. I been told that Roanoke's Los Angeles Friday with a full U.S. airborne troops massacred between 24 and 40 weather was safe for visual flying The plane left Atlanta, Ga., 1 Vietnamese women and children on a beach near Bong military service at Arlington Friday morning, but was not! with a ceiling of 1,000 feet and National Cemetery on Monday. Son in September, 1968. reported missing for 48 hours I visibility of three miles. Others aboard the The charges were made by William E. Marhoun. 30. of But Zacko said, all other Commander aircraft were pilot Aero because the pilot had not filed i| flight plan. St. Paul, Minn., according to a story in the Chicago Sun airports in the area were Herman Butler of Denver, Colo., Times. reporting limited visibility and, and businessmen Jack Littleton on the mountain The ridges where of Ft. Collins and Raymond Army refused to discuss the charges, saying only the plane crashed, visibility was Prater of Chattanooga, Tenn. that "the allegations are being investigated and since this near zero with light rain and fog. All the bodies were badly Auditions set investigation is still in progress, it would be inappropriate The flight service said the mangled or burned. to provide further detail* stf this time." plane was not attempting to use Mrs. David Crosby, .sister - View on China reversed The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State for fall plays| "The Company," i University, is published every class day during four school A poll by Louis Harris reports that Americans have terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. dramatic group at MSU is! reversed themselves and now favor admission of Subscription rate is $14 per year. planning its fall dramatic season! of musical comedies that will be I Communist China to the United Nations by 58 to 27 cent, with the remaining 25 per cent undecided. per Member Associated Press, United Press International, presented on campus 1971-72 school year. during the| Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Just after the 1968 elections the count was 54 to 32 Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Open auditions for all roles! against, and in 1964 the antiadmission majority was an Association, United States Student Press Association. will be held from 7 to 10 p.m.l overwhelming 73 to 10, Harris said in the New York Post Second - class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. today and McDonel Fine Arts Room. Thursday in the| Tuesday. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State The first production wil University, East Lansing, Debate cutoff 'Michigan. "Damn Yankees," which will bel pushed followed by "Camelot," "HowB Senate Phones: to Succeed" and "Finian's| Republican Leader Hugh Scott said Tuesday a Editorial * 355-8252 Rainbow." move might be made Friday to limit debate on the draft Classified Advertising 355-8255 extension bill to assure passage by he June 30 deadline. Earlier this year the groupI Display Advertising 353-6400 The Pennsylvania!! said chances the Senate could Business - Circulation 355-3447 presented "Take Two," "Oncel muster the two - thirds needed to limit debate would be Photographic 355-8311 Upon a Mattress' and Fantastic ks." "The| good on the first try and excellent on a second attempt. He said the move would have to be made unless time limits can be reached for votes on amendments. Western Union closed JUNE A federal mediator failed to get peace talks going in Washington Tuesday between Western Union and 20,100 of its employes, whose strike closed offices across the PERMANENT WAVE nation in a contract deadlock over wages and job security. "The company didn't change its offer," said E. L. thrifty acres Hageman, president of the AFL-CIO United Telegraph Workers, which represents 17.000 Western Union strikers. SPECIAL BALCONY The other 3.100 belong to the AFL-CIO Communications Workers of America. The unions struck FRANCE'S FINEST WAVES BY BEAUTY SALON early Tuesday. L'OREAL of PARIS Costly project reviewed From the exclusive French formulas of Paris, comes WHITE The Dept. of Defense, concerned over mounting costs in VELVET, the exciting new soft - as velvet wave. This - the development of the Navy's new F14 conditioning creme wave, now made in the United States, fighter plane, has leaves your hair petal-soft. gives you a longer-lasting wave. ordered a high - level review of the S9 billion .. - project as a You 11 love the wonderful way your hair feels and looks when possible first step in cutting back the program. it's waved with WHITE VELVET and custom styled by our The Pentagon said skilled artists. Tuesday Secretary of the Navy John Chafee has been asked by Deputy Secretary of Defense David Packard "to re - examine the development and production plans for the F14 aircraft." Jij INCLUDES: 8 SHAMPOO, SET AND HAIRCUT FOR NORMAL HAIR Attitude change viewed Indians who watched the Fort Michili - Machinac Color treated Hair Slightly Higher pageant in Mackinaw City, over the Memorial Day weekend Tuesdav expressed some satisfaction with changes designed to reduce offense to Indians. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT TODAY But at least one Indian leader had reservations. "We would like to see the merchants around here who ♦ 372-8766 ♦ 393-8668 capitalize so much on the old Indian frontier stuff sell real 6126W. 6200 8. Pennsylvania Indian products instead of beaded goods made in Hong tanking Okemos Kong and Iokyo, said Charles Moose Pamp of Ann Arbor, co-chairman of the Great Lakes Indian Youth BALCONf Alliance. BEAUTY I.UTY SALON & Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 2. 1971 3 Plane's release expected WASHINGTON (AP) - The "Venezuelan youth who claimed the plane's impending release unusually long detention of the said. mystery of Cuba's four - day political reasons." came from the Swiss embassy in plane may have been connected detention of a hijacked Pan A spokesman for the Justice Earlier reports said the hijacker Havana and the Czechoslovakian with the jailing of the four Cuban American Airways jetliner may seized a woman passenger and Dept. said Tuesday there are no be cleared up today when the embassy in Washington. The fishermen. They are being held in plans to drop or alter the charges threatened her with a knife, United States does not maintain Key West for trial June 7 on plane is expected to be allowed to agains the Cuban fishing boat forcing the pilot to take him to diplomatic relations with the charges of violating the U.S. 12 continue its flight to Miami. Havana. captians "at this point." Fidel Castro regime in Cuba. mile fishing zone. Heretofore it has been Cuba's The White House said Tuesday White House press secretary A Pan American Airways However, a State Dept. practice to release hijacked it had been notified Ronald L. Ziegler said word of through spokesman in Miami had said the spokesman said he knew of no aircraft after only a few hours. diplomatic channels that the connection between the two. "As Officials said this las been the plane will be released today, but far as we know they are longest detention since hijackings Norwegians there was no word on whether it will be in completely separate cases," he began a decade ago. exchange for four Cuban fishing boat captains m* ■ arrested off Florida last week. How many of the airliner's 60 YOU GOT YOUR "A" passengers and 9 crew members will be permitted to proceed to Miami was not known, but they anti-Israel NOW GET THE PLUS presumably will not include the OSLO, Norway (AP) — Premier Golda Meir braved an anti 0 Yielding to hijacker. In its first mention of the Israeli demonstration in downtown Oslo Tuesday night, waving and Turn your books temptation smiling from her car as youthful leftists played Palestine liberation incident since the hijacking songs through loudspeakers. pparently sitting near the pool in the gardens on a sunny afternoon became too great a occurred last Saturday, Havana The 73- year - old Israeli leader passed University Square in a into cash at ■ temptation for this couple, who decided to go for a refreshing swim. Radio reported Monday that the limousine when nearly 200 demonstrators started their pro- plane was diverted from its Palestine demonstration by distributing leaflets State News photo by Terry Luke calling for "a Caracas - Miami run by a democratic Palestine with equal rights for Jews and Arabs." [gainst unfair trade Campu^ Mrs. Meier came directly from the Storting — Norway's parliament — after meeting Labor party Premier Trygve Bratteli and other government and party officials. The anti Israeli demonstration got only organized by a group lukewarm support. It was calling itself the "Palestine Committee in Book Dormanf laws Norway" and had been supported in advance by several other leftist youth organizations, but no prominent leftist leaders were present. A crowd outside the Storting cheered Mrs. Meir and departure. There were no incidents. She arrived earlier in the day from Sweden. upon her arrival Store (WASHINGTON (AP) The products on the U.S. market. manufacturers subsidies so they beefed up its staff. Although In the Storting building, Mrs. Meir denied that she had met any 507 E. Grand River n administration has The biggest case to date involved could sell their products at lower dumping cases used to take two Russian diplomats in Rovaniemi, Finland, last weekend. ed to dust off some old additional charges on imported Across from Berkey prices abroad. or three years to complete, She told members of the Labor party Storting group that such against unfair trade Japanese television sets. Since then, use of the Customs now hopes to process a report in the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter was unfounded. Free store side ices by foreign countries Under study now is a move - parking countervailing duty law has been most within a year or less. st1 them more actively in a by the Treasury Department to spotty. But Treasury officials The U.S. Tariff Commission & to rut down barriers to begin more vigorous said the study will clarify how also is increasing its activities Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! enforcement of an 1897 and when the United States and new investigating whether some countervailing duty law. The should use it. "There are all sorts imports sold in this not amount to statute permits the United States country of pitfalls and infringe upon U.S. patent rights. ■iteetioiiisin. Neither is it to charge importers additional opinions," said one official. If the commission finds that Keeled lo invite retaliation in duties for their products if the Dumping cheap imports is they do, it T form of trade can, under a 1930 wbts, they importers have been granted recognized internationally as an law, ban the import. It subsidies by their government. unfair trade practice and is established a precedent in this ■But tougher enforcement of The Treasury last used t'.iis unlikely to produce retaliation, area several years ago by laws is aimed at putting authority against France in the banning he said. an antibiotic used in chicken iss a message: Although a summer of 1968 when the The Customs Bureau, which feed from coming into the trading nation, the United French government granted handles antidumping United States. es can get stricter with jporters in the face of all sorts [ restrictions on its exports ■ Already the United States Inched the drive with stepped activity in imposing mal charges, or duties, on s that are sold at cheaper in America than in their ountries. lit ib doing so under a 1921 ring importers' ffotir nping their foreign - made M Meijer THRIFTY Why Pay More! ACRES thrifty acres I; Why Pay More! Why Pay More! M ICHIG AN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY City Hall should open registration to students KEN LYNAM advertising manager To the Editor: We wish to commend those enlightened fid students, and her custom to in addition h.c DAVE PERSON, managing editor deputize city clerks who have given our youth the school secretaries and g borhood I BOB ROACH, city editor JOHN BORGER, campus editor opportunity to improve our political system Imagine that the situation forT teache,s I from within. should deteriorate so markedl^""8 Vottts I ''•> I BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor Detroit City Clerk George C. Edwards, miles: down the ro.d in RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor Em despite some criticism from area media, has Perhaps these citv oh>ric I steadfastly campaigned to urge young mentioned are not "enlightened I . Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award people to register to vote. He has not heeded nervous mutters of "local hey are just demonstrating to us th?5"* I for outstanding journalism. take-over government things should operate in voter rel, *,y I by noxious brats and other they do not seem to realize th*? I" I hooligans," remarks which naturally accompany any voter registration drive voter registration can be a political?' I these days. He has systematically moved from do the wily East Fathers. Truly, Lansing City Moth '* have' ffi ^ I EDITORIALS college to college and from high school to we what close scrutiny of East Larwin. ,yl high school in the Detroit area, deputizing registrars and registering young potential registration practices reveals !f!! I voters. He has effectively given these new consequently, we are prepared to see Si voters the opportunity to solve the problems disenfranchisement" becomes an^£ I they see in government through the traditional ail-American U.S., Russia I means — the ballot The East box. Lansing City Clerk could however, make amends before the a™ «I In other cities around state, where the our city clerks cooperate, young citizens eager primary. Because so many personal! I to participate in the political process are would register if they had the same hours the City Mall time workS I is open £ I being registered to vote. The "mini-City business, we suggest that city hall remS I interplanetary Clerk's Office" at Lansing Community open late College did an excellent business this month, these one night per week toammrS I despite lack of cooperation from the East persons. This could alsoTl accomplished by following Lansinril Lansing City clerk, who was reported to example and deputizing secretaries m I have refused (as has been reported in the teachers in neighborhood schools America's Mariner 9 is on its way to for over 10 years. It is time they share The idn I past) to deputize registrars for the drive. is to bring people into the Mars to investigate that planet's in the planning, funding and Nevertheless, Lansing City Clerk Theo that everyone who wants to political system® I atmosphere. If all goes well. Mariner 9 execution of all space missions. Fulton cooperated fully with LCC officials Perhaps if we let more can participate. I people into the I Other countries should also be system, there would be fewer left who wmt I will begin orbiting within 750 miles of allowed to to tear it down. ■ Mars' surface in mid-November when participate in space two Soviet satellites, Mars 2 and Mars programs, if they are willing to foot 3, are also supposed to arrive. part of the bill. Africans, Europeans LindaGortnukeil Man's search for an answer to the and Orientals have as much right to Coordinator, I question "Is there intelligent life on Mars?" has led to a more relevant learn the secrets of outer space as the Americans and Soviets. Doctor's Project: Gty Hill I May 25,1971 1 question. As Max Lerner put it, "Is In the past, political interests made By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. there intelligent life on Earth?"' Two international cooperation in space major powers are investing vast sums general sense of well being and probably attempting to accomplish the same projects impossible. The space race itself was motivated by nationalistic Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. Names need not be some determine biological rhythms all tend to how often people have specific cosmetic aims. * * * Jock school goal. If the United States and the motives. But missions like Mariner 9 included unless personal intercourse. I have heard that a reply is an intrauterine device Soviet Union had conferred before and Mars 2 and 3 will yield only requested. A inserted during the first month or so of To the Editor: popular myth, especially among launching anything towards Mars, this knowledge, not glory. There is no, pregnancy can cause a spontaneous The article by Rick Gosselin io| Is it possible to have intercourse too younger men, says that each man is born duplication of effort could have been reason such nonmilitary space with the potential for a fixed number of abortion. Is this true? Are there any risks Wednesday's State News was so loosely I frequently? I'm sure that one's "normal prevented. exploration projects should not be orgasms. When you have used up your involved? How effective is it? organized and such a logical catastrophe I Now that each nation has launched frequency" depends on individual desire and allotment (regardless of means) one of two that I couldn't let it slip by. It seems thatl internationally sponsored. capacity. Is there a high frequency range Mr. Gosselin is perplexed by the fact thatl its Martian mission, there are rumors things occur, depending upon how sadistic a that might be "unhealthy." What might this that the United States and the Soviet Unfortunately, the United States version of the myth you believe in. Either An intrauterine device (IUD) is a some people don't regard sports on tl range be? you become impotent for the rest of your subsidized University level with the samtl Union will pool the information they and the Soviet Union waited until contraceptive of very high effectiveness. It Answering you will be made much easier life or you drop dead. depends upon the presence of a small plastic high esteem he does. He claims contact ■ will gather. After all the money has after the launches fo Mars 2, Mars 3 by a slight modification of your first loop or other shaped device sports cannot be dehumanizing simply! been spent, the two great powers are and Mariner 9 before they began because 70,000 plus people turn out tol question: Is it possible to have intercourse semi-permanently installed in the uterus. In thinking about sharing information. thinking about pooling their efforts. too frequently and still be enjoying it? The some fashion this prevents implantation of enjoy the spectacle. "And when people aril In this instance, though, now is Yet if they do decide to work together answer is no. There is a natural limit on the the egg. The IUD is inserted by a physician having a good time, somebody t in November, perhaps the inane frequency of enjoyable intercourse, though Is it true that when a girl goes on a diet the who slightly dilates the cervix in order to get doing something right." This is somethin|l better than never. Supposedly the less than a logical progression. I am suit I this limit varies from person to person and first place that she loses weight is in her it into place. It certainly would cause an space race is a race for knowledge for duplication fo space programs abortion if this was done during pregnancy. that the citizens of ancient Rome tunxdl may be different between men and women. bust? all men, not just Americans and eventually may cease and both A man is capable of having intercourse The use of the IUD does not carry with it out in comparable numbers and had an! Soviets. American and the Soviet American and the Soviet Union will My bust and hip very many risks, is easily installed in the equally enjoyable time watching the I only as long as he can maintain an erection. measurements are fine Union have been duplicating each be able to divert part of their space The length of time it takes to regain an but it is the waist where I want to lose doctor's office and is highly effective. gladiators beat each other to death. budgets to internal needs. erection after each episode of intercourse inches. I can't afford it anyplace else. If you are wondering whether there is a other's space efforts at enormous cost gets longer and longer as intercourse is possibility of a physician unwittingly I disagree that it is the people "whoH have never seen the inside of Spartan* engaged in repeatedly over a short period of involving himself in performing an abortion time (hours). This means that after a while, a When an overweight woman diets, she may while honoring your request for an IUD, Stadium that make this a 'jock school'"Itl man is not capable of responding to further indeed lose weight from the chest area forget it. THe IUD is inserted during the last is the sound of 70,000 Spartan fans J sexual stimulation. During the same period resulting in smaller breasts. The potential for couple of days of a menstrual period or shrieking their delight as someone « of time, a woman is not limited by her this depends, in part, on genetics and the immediately following one. While many painfully upended on the Tartan turf. Itisl the sound of 70,000 Spartan fans, eyesl 'What we hav physiology in the same way and can have repeated, frequent orgasms. In the best indication would be what your size was before you gained weight, or what your mother and/or sister look like. people who write to this column are uncertain about when pregnancy can occur, most physicians I have spoken with have glazed from half a bottle of Boone's FarmW "forgetting all their hates, prejudices, andH non-physiologic sphere, there is a thing called satiation. When the added work Reduction in the size of the waist line can mastered the concepts involved and apply biases enjoying themselves under one! common bond" shouting in mindlesB involved does not increase the satisfaction be aided considerably by appropriate them appropriately. derived, people tend to call it quits. exercises to strengthen abdominal muscles. unison "Kill Bubba, kill!" That, is what| makes this "jock school." lack a of Over longer periods of time, the frequency Sit-ups are quite helpful, but I suggest you commun of sexual intercourse depends on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, sexual drive. Fatigue, irritability, stress, one's contact the HPR folks for a complete routine. Sensible weight should be dictated To the class of '71 and other souls: Thank you for all your help in departing writing Timothy 0'Conni Clarkston junior! by general health considerations as well as this column. Stay well and do good things I May 28, 197l| Americans seem to revel in the radar screen; it took 38 minutes, euphoric sense of security that reaching Washington before the LOUIE BENDER comes from having a strong, efficient "immediate" messages. And all three Dept. of Defense. But a arrived after a "critical" message sent congressional report suggests this sometime later. The shape of thinks to come feeling may be somewhat unfounded The EC121 had been shot down as Rep. Durward Hall, R - Mo., before our Joint Chiefs of Staff concluded, the Dept. of Defense is knew there was any danger. "in a hell of a mess," and the relative The Dept. of Defense also security of American foreign blundered in Israel's attack on the relations is at stake. USS Liberty in 1967, misdirecting Every couple weeks, for no really good The committee's guiding principle is be renamed the Dept. of Geometry. stunted pinhead probably will have a A report released Saturday by the critical information, reason, I lock myself in the attic and spend that if sociology rates a department, It goes without saying, of course, that time grasping this, but can y®i and in the the day up there. geometry ought to get at least its own the director of the erstwhile center will conceptualize my recent invention, investigating subcommittee of the North Korean's seizure of the USS Last time, I ran across a 10th grade university, but we'll settle for a college. become chairman of the new department. phlegmoid? Can you? House Armed Services Committee Pueblo, report card, and, a couple hours later, my At this point we begin recruiting faculty can't. But do you« according to the However, there's no rush, and, anyway, "Hell, no, you revealed that the Pentagon spends an subcommittee. lips exhausted from having read it cover to we geometricists are doggedly cognizant and staff from without the University. We its existence?" average of one hour and 40 minutes cover, I paused to reflect on the geometry we're going to have to Drove ourselves go after Trapezoid from Harvard, whose "" . . .j In view of the subcommittee's class I'd had that year. sending worthy of collegehood before we attain it. pioneering in the field (Harvard Square is "I should say not. So beat it mckj a message stamped Lot of memories out of that class. Good "immediate" and 69 minutes sending allegations, Americans must wonder We'll settle for starting out as the center not perfectly square) is world-renowned. your own department, and don t what can be expected of the DCS memories: Iconoclese, the father of the for Geometric Affairs, with our offices We snatch Parallelogram and Rhombus around here spewing platitudes aga , a "flash." Though the Pentagon has in> Iconoclese triangle; Philanderous, the the Union or a dorm or somewhere. from MIT. We forge a trade with the I'll have you arrested for impersonating >1 sunk billions of dollars into its generally, much less in a general war father of the Philanderean Theorum; situation. Certainly, its present level Then, goes the game plan, we federal government: five sides of MSU beef asst. provost." vnllL Defense Communication System of competency leaves much to be Eucalyptus himself, the father of geometry demonstrate our academic proficiency by for the Pentagon, even-up. When you're fighting for I itself; Lobachersky, the father of the gang making off with a few gazillion in The department begins to take shape. It department's very honor, y°l (DCS), bad management of the desired. A weak and ineffective tackle. government grants "to study the roundness metamorphoses from being just a plain old sometimes be a little abrasive. system has nullified costly technological improvements. communications system simply is A='/sbh, the area of a trichenoid; V=23 of the wheels on army jeeps" or some such. department to being a really solid one. And then one day comes college^ not conducive to maintaining a ft. I sec. I sec., the volume of a crone. In case any you hustlers out there in About this time, just when things are and with it more grants, more ten "■ The implications of the Considering my other high school ladderland are already getting it up for the looking good for us, some cretin is bound most of all, more prestige. . proper security level; Pearl Harbor is graces, the C+ I'd hauled down in there bottom floor of this caper, by the way, to shamble We admit it; we're a little subcommittee's report are, of course, more than enough proof of that. pretty hot stuff. Hotter stuff, I along. ^ far more than monetary. was stow it. 1 already got first dibs on director. "Geometry is dead. We know all we now, but you just wait until w 1 Moreover, as a policing power reflected, than I'd managed in college, too. Go think up your own crusade. need to know about it. There are no new the bottom of our pyramid. J International relations and, hence, scattered all over the world, the U.S. Anyway, the moment I got let out of While we're still a center, we champion geometrical horizons." Of course there'll always be sKPjL the security of the United States the attic, I went straight for my We sic one of our around academic circles who w must maintain more than adequate catalog to geometric causes, like West Circle Drive young radical faculty could be jeopardized by ineffective communications with its foreign - pick out a few geometry courses to flesh isn't really a circle, and its name should be members on the detractor. what our angle is, but the impo> Jl communication. The DCS already based forces. It cannot afford out my GPA. There was nothing but spaces between geology and German and open changed. Like Parking Lot X is not at all equal to the "It was people like satisfied with Newtonian you, who were is that big business and gover form long lines to get at ft'"05 ^ » has performed dangerously poorly in another Pueblo incident and Russian. sum of Lots Y and Z, squared. Like the Center for Geometric Affairs is up the discoveries of the physics, who help | three critical international incidents. atomic bomb, the degrees. MSU has no geometry department. not at the center of anything, and should square root of two and Saran Isn't it? In one case, a U.S. tracking subsequently degenerated relations Wrap. Your Look it up, fellow can't - believe its. with other countries. - station in Korea sent two No geometry department. "immediate" messages to the Joint The Well, still incredulous, I called into a Dept. of Defense has put few back rooms and arranged Chiefs of Staff in Washington about a general billions of dollars into its organizational meeting, and now looming North Korean planes following an communication system because it tall on the academic horizon at EC121 reconnaissance plane. The Michigan has deemed that system vital to State is the Ad Hoc Committee to Reinstate first message was relayed in 1 3/4 national security and international Geometry to Its Rightful Place in the hours and the second in 3 hours. A well University. being. Certainly, by its "flash" then was sent when the (A disdainful guffaw for all you mismanagement of that system, it dunderheads who just tried to find an EC121 plane disappeared from the has endangered this very goal. acronym there. This is serious business.) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 2, 1971 Black grads can find jobs A mature dandelion awaits for a breeze to release its fuzzy jeeds all over campus lawns to if they'll look—Washington plague next year's diggers of said such as urban riots in "They see it as a reflection of encourage young blacks to plan the multiplying population By JAVON JACKSON Newark, Watts and Detroit, the the same establishment that has or act now for some delayed of fluffy yellow weeds. assassination of the Rev. Dr. failed to provide full equality of SN photo by Jim Klein Jobs for black college graduates gratification." { Martin Luther King Jr. and the opportunity in the past," he said. are available, this year if students new black awareness. Washington added that "They understand that there is employers must do their part in will work at His job is to provide basic career finding them, an asst. a change taking place in the director at the placement bureau information to minority students taking positive steps "to put opportunities open to them but equal opportunity policies into said this week. and assist in finding summer are suspicious of recruiters who Gene Washington, who practice so that black people are employment, full time evaluate blacks by white at work in every major specializes in placing business and employment for graduates and standards," Washington said. education majors and minority organizational unit and job graduate school information. "Let's look at the inner city category." students, said employment However, Washington said that situation," he said. "For He is available to students from opportunities in recent years for black students are "reluctant" to example, the ghetto does not 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through black colleges graduates have use the placement office. create expectations, it does not been excellent. However, 23 Friday at the Placement Bureau. per itudy cites neglect cent fewer campus employers are interviews this making year, making the job search more difficult. Reasons behind the current Mine checking search for black talent can be attributed to many factors, he PASHINGTON (AP) — A standards is "extremely lenient vernment report Tuesday said inequitable." ' Pg ao! i * ATTENTION confusing and " 8 u? ® [™ne operators for violations and . U.S. Bureau of Mines' ln its 85 - page report to a * g? Penalties on have required that they be ART 133 STUDENTS [orcement ,orce of health and safety Senate Labor subcommittee D r SUDCOmmlttee> the uws, ,oper*tors ln ™lat'on of corrected. During subsequent tougher mine inspections, inspections of the same mines, uniform enforcement of however, numerous new There will be a meeting of all regulations and an improved violations were found, often of POLICE system of assigning mine inspectors. the same type as the earlier ones." "That situation is atttributable, sections in 101 N. Kedzie Hall, Mon. June 7, 7-9 p.m. Sen. Harrison A. W. liamsJr D. at least in part, to the fact that the The purpose of this meeting rilmitf Committee T on Labor he/t,T, 1? and Publice Interior Department's policies for is to provide your instructor enforcing health and safetv with feedback to help M^whicha^dforthestudy ,landards .t improve the year. course for next A WILLIAMS HALL COED told MSU office*she was walking in Cu^f Mines dJ£ uncertain, and inequitable. Attendance is mandatory. .ntotifiedman attacked and tStora^hS' ^ ^ Interi°r ^ ^ ^ °f ^Yui^b Grades will be withheld until feedback •t u Lr » T gihe athdescriptj°n of the assailant- ^d who they said was hysterical, to "What is clear is that a massive shakeup is absolutely necessary..." statistics on" regular spot inspections had been overstated your obtained. has been Iniversity Health Center where doctors treated and kept her. • - ' •c^xxuy - K he said. in that The coed was able to tell police she had decided to go for a walk. they had included at least Any questions — call The GAO, Congress' watchdog 178 instances where no form of )uring that time, she said, the man jumped her and tore her blouse, departmental secretary on government agencies, was inspection actually had been he said she struggled free and ran to Williams 355-7611. where she called asked to review fficers. Police said they did not know where to the Interior made. search but will 'stion the coed further. Department's administration of Please pass this word on to the Federal Coal Mine Health "In these cases, coal mine others you know in this class. AN and Safety Act of 1969. inspectors merely delivered ESTIMATED $25 in damage occurred over the weekend to a 968 Mercury parked in Lot O near Owen Hall when The GAO baseduaaru its study mime iiaatuu on the not'ces violations to mine someoneVrew bureau"slistrictofficeshi Mount °Perators for not submitting Tords in the dust on the car and scratched in an obscene word with sharp instrument. Hope W Va and Norton Va required ventilation and ,^7' ' ' ' ' roof-control plans, but the An ideal Investment . Richard B. Scala, Bioomfield Hills le vehicle, told officers he found the graduate student and owner of u ! ? K , inspectors didnot go Dberedup, it words, "Now that you've bureau had maderequired about 31safety per undergound," the GAO stated. pass right. . . inspections and about one per In addition to requiring bureau THREE STUDENTS fVoi.i Case and Holden Halls cent of the required health inspections of coal mines, the law await action week from county prosecutors after lemat 2:18 a.m. Sunday for patrol officers arrested swimming in the outdoor pool at the inspections through Dec. 31, 1970," the GAO report said. requires mine operators to make certain health and safety That Can Move With You — len's Intramural Building. "Bureau inspectors have cited examinations. Police said patrol officers, who routinely check the area each ight, found the students in the pool. Police said the three were nly swimming and had done no damage. TOP CASH FOR bV id PUBLIC TELEPHONE, cash, a tape player carrying case TTtapes; a typewriter and an automobile battery were reported jSlij pRIDGETTE olen over the weekend from campus areas, student rooms and USED BOOKS itomobiles. Police said two students returned to campus and found items New and Improved issing from their residence hall rooms after they locked the door ion leaving. The typewriter reportedly was left PAID AT unattended in Compact a tth floor study lounge in iVest Akers Hall. FREE MOTHPROOF SUMMER STORAGE I WTh (ampus WASHER/COMBO FOOT LONG HOT DOG .50 No Plumbing LOUIS MEDIUM PEPPERONI PIZZA 1.50 Connections Ever CLEANERS FREE PICK-UP 332-6517 507 E. Grand River • USE AS CLOTHES AND DELIVERY DELIVERY Across from HAMPER IN BATHROOM Berkey 623 E. GRAND RIVER VARSITY DRIVEJNl Free store - side parking • USE IN KITCHEN OR BASEMENT SPECIAL • SMALL ENOUGH TO Denim Short Shorts HIDE IN CLOSET *5 A cool, free moving way to SPACE SAVER! spend the summer. ...SPACE MAKER! . . the briefest shorts COMPACT REFRIGERATORS possible. Blue, white, Here's the new idea in modern living! Refrigeration that's small enough to be a real space saver. This Fridgette is only three feet high yet boasts a 5 cu. ft. capacity! A green, brown, brick. space saver—you bet But also a space maker with an optional top that converts the refrigerator top into a working counter! Without the top. ideal for under-counter installation. This Fridgette compact is ideal for basement recreation rooms, of¬ Sizes 28 to 36. fices, small kitchens, and—well... just about anywhere in your house where refrig¬ erator convenience could be used. Quality-Engineered for Safe and Dependable Operation! You Always Pay Jacobsorfs WHALEN'S OPEN MON. & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. 2709 WEST MICHIGAN AVE. 487-6074 \ () Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Financial aid aimed By BILL HCLSTEiN resources on the lcrvcr income student, Dykema said. at low income stude nt Dykema said students are turning toward guaranteed loan agencies," he added. "The pressure has been placed on all universities to recruit programs such as the Michigan Higher Education Assistance But Dykema «aid the middle income State News Staff Writer student u, Program, which involves the government picking up the tab on the turn to loan programs for siudents from this (low) income group." he said. "The federal aid reasons in addition i, t More qualified students are applying for financial aid from the programs are really targeting in on lower income people." student's loan should his family's annual adjusted income fall below by the University and the government on the The general economic picture means low.l ncent<. University but less money is available to them, Henry C. Dykema, Dykema said Educational Opportunity Grants (EOG) and the $15,000 before graduation. able to get a summer job to help that th-Tr0®1*# director of financial aids, said Tuesday Work-Study program, in particular, aro programs where the money The student, however, assumes responsibility for the payments pay for hls t,dl* "d.ent For a number of reasons, middle income students in need of has to go to people from relatively low income groups. after graduation. family, because of strikes assist the student as it has in the or Increasing eost, ,l °nand J He said the concentration of resources on the lower income This type of program is "growing tremendously. . .by leaps and past, he said ' not fe*' able] financial aid arc turning toward loan programs from banks and students "does mean that more money is directed at one individual bounds," Dykema said. Moreover, the same economic situation is Hrivm financial agencies while the University is concentrating its while maintaining the . and you will have less rr.or sv to disperse." "We can't help those people so we have to refer them to these he said. scholarship budget at«c! ? -v lon^J PROGRAM INFORMATION 485 64S5 N LAST DAY constantn WM'am Wagner, asst. director of financial aids , ,■ "FATTON" at 12:15 11,000 students, not including freshmen and t l,n,N 3 00 • 9-42 P.M. "MASH" at 3:00 - 7:50 STATE STUDY applied for financial aid for the 1971-72 vea?t m er stu* I 233 N WMWNOfDN-jXJWNTOWN ?PEN AT 1 P.M. 9,000 applied for the 1970-1971 year One Wh,le °nlj reason the University's office of financial aid, i, THURSDAY . At 1 " 5:25 • 7:25 • 0:25 less money than last year is that the ti°mS . . appropriation Improved A FASCINATING TALE the Dept. of Health, Education and (HEW? ,quest*^ airpo Welfare universities has been acted upon OF THE OCCULT! but not by the House of n ltsf«| by tlw Senate. Dykem. flnendel eldi omeet. forced When was the last time you wisre alraid? ere to "obligate- Governor Millikrn released n further five-year State Airport Plan transportation development of program his improve and expand our system of airports to meet Michigan's Commission anticipates that an estimated $43 million In federal to iKte 1 mo"'y ,he ,edmi Really afraid? \ Tuesday recommending presented to the construction of 73 new airports March 11. legislature air years transportation needs in the ahead. This report funds and approximately $20 million in state funds will be They are doing the seemingly impossible the basis of estimates made amount of funds the Congress as a whole by oblieatino by HEW officials of th „ H , and modernization of 137 others "The State Airport Plan was establishes desirable goals for the next five years." available during the next five years. said. will appropriated ' at an estimated cost of more developed to enable the state Milliken said there has been a He said he may not know until than $229 million. and local communities, to Local communities would be September or later h I money has actually been appropriated for the loan Milliken said the plan, establish priorities for airport 70 per cent increase in the required to provide an estimated that time, the University may realize it has mm! 51 developed by the Michigan development during the next number of registered aircraft In $40 million to accomplish an anticipated which would be used for financial aid more monS Commerce Dept. and the five years," he said. Michigan number of since airline 1960. The airport improvement program in abeyance or on applications in need of apnlleiiS Aeronautics Commission, is a "We must continue to passengers totaling about $100 million revision arriving and departing from during the five-year period. Dykema said the current level of lendine bv the Michigan increased by 148 per $3,025,000 but the University is obligating money for w!S Two-thirds of the proposed cent in the past eight years while on the basis of $2.5 million. "I Perform ing A rts Com pa n v air cargo shipments increased program funds would be Invested in improvements at 21 airports Another factor which may offset the gap is the amount of J 129 per cent during the same being repaid by students from loans in past years, which tJ served by commercial airlines THEATRE period. well exceed what the office anticipated, he said. and construction of a new The governor stressed that the State Airport Plan is a regional airport to serve Battle Creek and Kalamazoo. The FESTIVAL "needs study" and it is not anticipated that all of the remaining $75.5 million would TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOXP^sents AGuiNNi W ~"i\ TJCCL'CTOM recommendations will be be required for general aviation 7v R 3 Plays in Repertory airports. Hie Mephisto Waltz M ...THF SOUND OK TERROR Color f- DE LUXE' THRU accomplished during the five-year period. Nearly one-third of the funds ★ CAPITAL CAPSULE! recommended for general The Rope Dancers "It should be clearly aviation airports would be used Ml • l >1 understood that this plan An RHA Presentation JUNE 5 The represents an ideal development to acquire land for new airports, Tempest program," he said. "Federal and state funds available to assist to to expand existing airports and buy privately-owned airports. MOTHER Detroit and a WADDLES of New York state Michigan, tax a $2,0UU homa are exemption. COMiNG THiS 355 0148 The Country Wife local communities in the The study urges that major legislator are scheduled to speak att a "Respect for Life" rally at to "We can not ask homeoj development of their airports accept more income I but the key to success will be privately owned, public use 11 a.m. today on the east steps without offering themn WEEKEND Fairchild cox office Tickets $2.00, $1.00 local financing." Milliken said th? Aeronautics airports be purchased before they are sold for nonairport uses and of the state Capitol. The rally, sponsored by the relief taxation in the areas," non the lost to the state airport system. Michigan Committee for Human sponsor, said. The first of three aviation Life, directed against the Mastin noted that qualill 20th CENTURY. FOX PRESENTS studies that will be made in liberalized abortion bill now senior citizens, blind pea Michigan, the report before the House of disabled veterans and vridoi THS recommends construction new Mason paved airport in the Holt of a - Representatives. Mrs. Waddles, a mother of 10 veterans homestead already are property eligiw areas as well as the and director of Detroit's MA6US A KOHN-KINBERC building of Leslie. a turf airport at Perpetual Mission, is scheduled to give "A Mother's Viewpoint exemptions. Under the l" could continue to claim I exemptions hieher than on Abortion." $2,000 proposed in the bili.| PRODUCTION NfOftMATION 48? 3905 * * * DHHFCHD BY GUV GREEN * * * LEGISLATION HAS BEEN sc«eN**YSY JOHN FOWIES ICHIGAN A RESOLUTII bASl0 ON HIS OWN NOV! I coioc tr iwiuxc PANA VISION* | jj Thfotrf Lansinq JI7S WASHINGTON OPEN AT 12:45 PM • DOWNTOWN 1:10 • 3:10 - 5:10 INTRODUCED to the Michigan House by Rep. Philip D-Hazel Park, to grant residential property owners in Mastin, afl congratulating "Billboard Bandits" for recent destruction of I Michig| NOW 7:15-9:15 PM erected billboards LAD IES DAY TODAY TOGR*!^NFol!BrioM3?5rT Michigan highways has introduced to the State Sei 75c to 6 pm "iitia la Douce, ti c qirl who helps all Paris to relax ... thousand francs including tax for just a A story of the young... for the young S TODAY Theatre Fnsf OPEN 6:45 PM Lan\inq no "Although their means f legal justification, the | they have achieved are | without merit," Sen. . . and the young at heart! Feature 7:20 - 9:20 Brown, D-Highland Park, "A SUPER-THRILLER! "The bandits have earn JI/tOME I JOHN I RIM Be sure to see it from the beginning!" measure of commendation| sharply bringing to our i HF/LMAN I SCHLESINGER PRODUCTION -Gene Shalit, NBC-TV the inadequancies of pH bfl SMmji (lazier prtunti law regarding placen billboards and the lack| enforcement of the law. DOUCE RESEARCH VOIGHT 'Zee French Musical" with 20 Musical Numbers HAL WALLIS PRODUCTION visitor SUBJiCTs| lOPl'SB- Color-UMC PtCTURES(KD6 & French Setting Next Attraction WANTED (X) " Union Ballroom 8:15 ACADEMY AWARD minsj OOtGlNAl MC* ON COLORh> DeLuxp SCOfi for 30 ABlt ON UN'*' 0 ARTISTS RfCO*"" ' SKY AT 00 Urried Artists "Irma will be expecting you." WINNER... BEST FOREIGN FILM' s2 HIlIMtTMHITTITMMMlI * UNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNICOLOR* "INVESTIGATION OF A CITIZEN ABOVE |GP| <<£?> SUSPICION" NOW SHOWING! BUTTERFIELD DRIVE-IN THEATRES Fourth Big Week "Scarifying & Powerful — Clive Barnes, New York Times "Takes up where I left off" — Ken Kexy Masv v oi Red Death Brid of D'acula The Haunted Palace The Conqueror Worm Che.K Thurs, and FA. KEN K„.cT £iaie tor ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST "Winner of Best Actor, Best Actress, times c;r.d locations and Best Show of 1970-71 June 3-5 Wonders Kiva. Tickets at the Union. $2.00 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. June 2. r>7! that In are i spite of all the tears shed, emotions that are soggy rest of expendable. the sentimentality film is all too loneliness of her new the resentment she feels toward setting and to do but smilt, take her gushed, smiles that are worn and Based the novel companions' arms and talk violence that lurks in "Red Sky on by her husband's willingness to go Richard Bradford, "Red Sky at bluntly about private parts of at to war. the body. Morning," the film rarely Morning" is a story of a young The audience, meanwhile, is Miss Bloom, always so cool manages to move, entertain or man and his mother who are worry an audience. holding down guffaws at the and competent on the screen, is It is a shamefully sentimental transplanted from a pampered film's serious moments and reduced to a sulking, brooding life in Alabama to a strange, film, an example of anger at its supposedly funny figure. Even a fint y controlled soggy unaccommodating life in New moments. The inclusion of two Southern accent ciofc»n't help her filmmaking at its most Mexico. calculated and least forgivable. subplots — one involving a much. The father (Richard Crenna) If one edited every scene in protective brother, his The film's Lit > for no By ROBERT KIPPER is at sea, fighting World War II. . which a character either cried or "saintly "sister and his apparent reason, is based on the State News Reviewer The son (Thomas) is left to switchblade popping friend; the smiled, he would be left with an - old rhyme: Red sky at battle prejediced Mexicans in the other about hour an artist with a - long film. Eliminate all morning, sailor s warning: red the streets, an oversexed cutie on penchant for mountain sculpture unnecessary sputters, of freckle - showcasing smiles by the seat of his car and a sky at night, sailor's delight." No spaces audience anger and — whimpers, blushes and moans of Catherine Burns, Claire Bloom's one has ever prove.; the lecherous relative who is moving rhyme's Richard Thomas' performance, enraged laughter with long stretches of reliability. A visit to the slapping scene and a in on his all too hospitable restlessness. and another half hour would be tender Michigan theater would validate morning after - mother. The mother (Miss Miss Burns, so brilliant as gone. Surrender two or three of a revised version of the rhyme: " lovemaking scene in a barn. The Bloom) must combat the Rhoda, the plumpish rape victim the film's equally 'Red Sky Morning,' unsatisfying in "Last Summer," has at 'Red Sky three or four endings, and one nothing moviegoers warm,^ Richard Thomas meets at Morning'' would be left with a possibly tolerable ten minute featurette. - Program let a painter, played by Harry Guardino, in this Morning," now showing at the Michigan theater. scene from "Red Skv at These include 10 bits minutes would and pieces of \oung Socialist Alliance Thomas' performance, a couple Iaotives questioned sample life Presents: Eisenstein's Classic Michigan women can sample Tuesday on "Consumerism and of the Russian Revolution — college life on campus June 15 - You." The Thursday night Radio survey by FCC hit 18 during MSU's annual section will feature a program College Week for Women. Creatively With Change" will be "Live entitled "The Creative by Richard Graham of the Dept. Women," "TEN DAYS THAT this year's theme. of Human Environment and The four days will include tnree mini Design. SHOOK THE WORLD JJ By KAREN ZURAWSKI - classes per day, assemblies The cost for College Week, Another question centers on whether campus stations should and other programs, Wilma including registration fee, food Wednesday, June 2 follow equal opportunity requirements relating to political Miller, coordinator of College and lodging, is $40. Commuters A decision in April by the Federal Communication Commission programs, personal attacks and the fairness doctrine, Conlin said. Week, said. 7 & 9 p.m. may register for $7. Thursday, iCC) to send questinnaires to all college campus radio stations has Conlin said WMSN already follows "A self-regulatory policy that Participants can choose from June 17, has been reserved as et with strong disapproval from FCC member Nicholas Johnson. adheres closely to the standards followed 24 classes taught T04B Wells $T.00 donation by commercial stations. by MSU staff Visitor's Day for those who can Johnson, who dissented on the earlier FCC ban on music with However, WMSN has carried no political announcements for and others. The classes will deal not attend the entire four elections on any level. with such topics as consumer days. ug references, has charged that political motivation was the main Ladies may attend Visitor's Day ason for the investigation and that commissioners were worried lout the increasing power of campus radio stations as effective Rules that all radio stations must follow are: other broadcasts, no fraudulent contests, no no interference with profanity on the air education and family relations. Dianne McKaig, executive for $4. For further information, write NORTH SIDE ♦ Dnva -in eological forces. Two reasons were cited by a majority of the FCC to investigate and no inciting to riot or The revolt, he said. questionnaire began in the East where several campus radio director of the Michigan Consumers Council, will speak College Week for Women, Human Ecology Bldg. \.v. * * ,iJ * • -.^Tfreafr id obtain information from "carrier current type" stations for stations were talking about hooking up with cable television for a hat they termed wider broadcast area, Conlin said. "enlightened regulation": increasing 2 Miles North oadcasting revenue of campus stations which brings them in The audio portion of these stations could be heard when on QS-27 482-74Q9 impetition with commercial ones, and problems involved with the Btions broadening their coverage beyond campus. television was turned on, and people began to worry about whether the unregulated campus stations would break rules for licensed 3 Big V A- (3| COLOR FEATURES However, the decision aroused no controversy or concern at broadcasts, Conlin said. The FCC four-page voluntary Hits SHOWN FIRST AT 8:35 SU's campus station, its network manager said this week. questionnaire was sent out April 9 to about 300 college DRIVE Marc Conlin, network manager at WMSN, which broadcasts to 27 campuses. It asks questins on general and technical information and programming, such as the source and mpus buildings, said he couldn't care less because there is nothing '-Pli«fle 337 7800 Corner NEWTON RiTI duration of programs and whether the station is commercial. The ie FCC can do realistically." and HIGHWAY M-78 (Suginnw Hwa.^l fairness doctrine was also asked about. "They couldn't hope toimonitor all campus stations because The deadline was May 15, but WMSN has filed for a imeone might hear something that they don't like," he said. 30-day CONSIDER THE Steve McQueen WMSN qualifies as the carrier current type because its broadcasts extension because "some of the technical information took to gather, but we'llfile by June 4," Conlin said. a while COMBINATION EASTWOOD in be received only in campus buildings. "The Reivers" "The crux of the matter centers on the economic question," Panavision*& Technicolor'A Cinema Center Films Dnlin said. Presentation A National General Pictures Release Commercial stations do not want campus stations to go immercial because of their increasing popularity and ability to CINE SERIES -PLUS- tract advertising, he said. The most electrifying ritual ever seen! Neither does the University want the station commercial because led YEAR'S would cause "waves around budget time," he said. Basil Rathbone as RICHARD HARRIS as "It would be very unwise to have five or six stations angry at lem, he said. "I'd make the same decision if I were in their place." SHERLOCK ^ Alte c»,j" "A HAH CALLED HORSE Granting commercial time to campus stations would be unfair mNAVISlON" TECHNICOLOR* A NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES A CINEMA CENTER FILMS PRESENTATION RELEASE GP-E- impetition to local commercial stations, he said. Originally begun a training ground, campus stations do not pay taxes, rent or HOLMES unuiii- Mill 111.111 ii ii nil > Id *11 ill 1<)I I SHOWN 2ND AT 10:50 orkers' compensation, he said. in Program WINNER ttSltClKSS -ALSO- 'lie "Prime of 7/ie cHcuuuL Starts (VK'IIIX KISS <~ KILL MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES REDUCED PRICES DAIl Y DURING 349 7/00 Ml RIDIAN MAI I I,RANI) HIVfB K, MARSH RO ike 8:40 flOWM Academy Award Winner ikniw ib-mii 1 Or, m 'Miss CHRISTOPHER LEE RICHARD GREENE LWI LITE HOUR 'fCMN'COl0"* SHIRLEY EATON COLOR fcaAJzeMUlleA> from Colombo -SHOWN' LATE- Laurel & Shown at 7 & 9:20 Hardy in plus H * United Artists I THE BEST OF OUR SALLY KELl ERMAN Today at 6:00, 8:00 R NOW! UNDERGROUND FILMS Twi—Lite Hour, Adults 90c i 5:30-6:00 EAST LANSING ON M 43 * phone ED 21042 [3) X Pictures WED. I THURS. ONLY!! ^ Barbra Yves /Montand Exclusive First Run Showing Plus BUCK ROGERS Room Wed. & Chapter 12 % Gbiib Att T02B (last chapter) vtHwm Thurs. Wells at 9 p.m. only Today at 6:00, 8:20 Twi—Lite Hour, Adults 90c^ 5:30-6:00 ~1 program INFORMATION AMPUS Thentrt Fost * • 332 6914 Lansing tiRAND RIVER DOWNTOWN 2nd Week! Open 4 Shows 1:30-4:00-7:00-9:15 _ Daily _________— 1 p.m. CHICKEN Today is Ladies'Day - 75c to 6 P.M. | FASCINATING! "MORE THAN JUST 1ePurest science A BRILLIANT "ion thriller THRILLER! to the Best special effects The picture runs 130minutes'. 2001!' " A film by Ernie Pintoff with Paul Krassner, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, The Ace Trucking Co., Joan Baez, Rhinoceros, Ron Carey, Tuli Kupferberg, Sha Na Na, Allen - - Ginsberg, Leonard Cohen, Malcolm X, Peter Max TONIGHT 109 ANTHONY $l. NO ID PRODUCTION 7, 8:40, 10:20 FRI ■ — SAT Beal presents ANDROMEDA STRAIN "NORMA! SHOWN TWICE AT 8:30 AND LATE See the Rabbi bring to life also 8 foot stone monster to —WIIHIIHHli- DAI ME JAMES OtSON • MB an "CHERRY" 2ND AT 10:15 - AND HONEY AT 11:40 avenge his people in the an 'expose' of the want ads of the BOR'S leven Los /I ngeles Free Press NELSON Gl'DDING MICHAEL CRICHTON ROBERT WIS' horror classic THE GOLEM TECHNICOLOR" PANAVISI0N LOCATED JUST 1 MILE EAST OF MALL and MASQUE of the RED DEA TH A UNIVERSAL PtCTUHE ■ IT'S ALL FOR SALE 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Jlln„, A lie $2.00 Spe Tax bill compromise seen Special WASHINGTON (AP) - Nixon administration waved the The the "I can see a possibility that in committee, or If the leadoff witness, and the only one from the Nixon county and city governments. Nixon's proposal touched off expansion of present grant aid programs. - in - BlackLite Selection! flag of compromise Tuesday on the eve of the first congressional legislation gets to the floor of the House, we might get into the administration at the hearings a number of alternative plans, including crediting state taxes But Mills says once spotlight of his committee is put the opening before the House Ways on the plan, Its bad features will hearings into its top-priority but area of compromise," House and Means Committee today. against federal income taxes, tax Posters embattled plan to share federal Republican Leader Gerald R. The committee chairman, reductions, federal assumption be exposed and revenue sharing Panty Hose revenues with the states. Ford of Michigan told newsmen. Rep. Wilbur Mills, D-Ark.. of all welfare costs and greater will die. The overtures of compromise But secretary of the Treasury opposes revenue sharing and says were cautiously stated, with John B. Connally in a he hopes it will be buried in this 99c 39c officials insisting they will resist any basic changes in President Nixon's $5 billion general background paper submitted to Congress, said "To make fundamental changes in the session of Congress. Mills has expressed objection to the plan on several grounds, Muslim s revenue-sharing proposal. President's basic strategy would arguing mainly that the federal $1.79 $2.00 "We are always open-minded rob on specifics and details," said these reforms of their dynamic and balanced quality." Asst. Treasury Secretary Murray Connally said amendments to government should retain foil control over the power to spend while it has the power to tax. meet for Burlington Ballet Opaque Weidenbaum, head of the the proposal might make it more administration's revenue-sharing effective. The administration says revenue sharing is needed to task force. The solve the financial crises of state, Every Friday on campus 60 students from 20 countries meet Panty Hose secretary will be the for collective prayers to Allah. Panty Hose These members of the Muslim Students Assn. meet regularly to pray, celebrate holidays and profess their Islamic faith. $ |09 DISC SHOP WEEKEND SALE "People call us Mohammedans," Anees - El - Batool, Madras, India, junior said. "But that's the wrong concept because it Closeout! 87c ALL LPs ON SALE implies that we worship Mohammed like Christians worship Christ, and that's not true. "We worship the same God as the Judeo - Christian tradition, $3.50 WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ONLY but us we believe Mohammed and Christ were messengers showing the right way to live," Miss Batool, treasurer of the association, said. SPECIAL SELECTION ^G. SALE In the Islamic faith Mohammed was the last prophet in a line Pennsylvania Court including Abraham and Jesus Christ. He was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in 726 A.D. SUNGLASSES 2.19 1.89 Although the dietary laws of the faith forbid the consumption Tennis Balls of pork and alcohol, this doesn't pose as much a problem for Muslims living in residence halls as the month • long fast prior to SjOO 3.98 2.98 the feast of Ramadan, Miss Batool said. During this period Muslims can eat only after sunset and SN photo by Fred Mende Values to $5.00 3's ^39 4.98 3 98 before sunrise to celebrate the complete revelation the spiritual book of Islam, she said. of the Koran, Testing slated "The main thing about the association is to meet people to $14.95 Values to $5.00 5.98 498 pray together," she said. "We pray five times a day." When away from the mosques of the homeland, the Muslims for law school gather in a house or any clean place, Miss Batool said. The Pre-law Club A GREAT CHANCE TO GET THOSE The communal spirit of the faith is celebrated at the feast of students who rem will be Sunlamp Metal Frame OLD L.Ps YOU HAVE BEEN PUTTING OFF! Eid - U1 - Adha, during which Muslims commemorate God's sparing of Abraham's son, Isaac, in the Old Testament. A lamb is next year admission and plan to apply to law school slaughtered by each family and divided into three parts. One part they must take the Law Scho w/Stand Sunglasses is given to friends, one to the poor and the remainder eaten by the family. Admissions Test which will | administered July 31 and 323 E. Grand River aji Members of the association are from India, Saudi Arabia, later in the fall and have Open Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m Nigeria, Turkey, Jordan, Indonesia and the U.S. DISC SHOP Sat. 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. The newly elected officers of the association are Ali Razaque, scores reported schools to which to the SgW S219 Phone: 351-5380 Pakistani graduate student, president; Mohamed Nedshea, of Palestine, vice president; Lena Aliah, Detroit junior, secretary; Applications which they apply, for is administered the by Miss Batool, treasurer, and Olasoupo Ladipo, Nigerian graduate Educational Testing Service student, seminar chairman. Nassau Street, Princeton, $1.75 69c The association, amember of the International Muslim must be received at least 10 SHEPARD'S BACK Students Association of the United States and Canada, considers prior to the testing date. Enkasheer the political oppression of Muslims around the world as their Test applications andfu Masking concern, Miss Batool said. "We need to communicate and help information may be picked Sandals each other where Muslims are being suppressed, and in some from the Pre-law Club in Panty Hose cases, mastered," she said. Eppley Center Tape Men's and Women's Genuine (Off White Only] Water Buffaloes $4.44 Men's, regularly $8, One Style Only $4.97 33c 39c Womens9 Shoes End of tlhe Term Three super saving groups. Values SPlCULS NDOORS to $22. Selected styles. Over 750 pr. $1.09 $9.97 $11.97 $13.97 tigaiettes Right Guard Mens9 Shoes 19c 47c Three super saving groups. Values Limit 1 Limit 1 to $26. Over 250 pr. EkpI^TUT. .97 $14.97 $17.97 STEREO L.P. SALE Albums Priced Sale Price $3.77 $2.99 Nnepardi Park Free In Since 1944 - $4.77 $3.59 City Ramps First choice of MSU students With Purchase $5.77 $4.19 $5.99 Limit 2 (Coupon) $5.59 /H(p E S sires After 6-3-71 Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Track Stereo Tapes ° LO DQDDDDaQDQ°QDDD 5300 □ Back Door Sale Limit 2 (Coupon) >tres After 6-3-71 -arising Store Only 20( Off The 20% Off The All items outside will be drastically reduced Discount Price on Discount Price on all any Suntan Lotion Polaroid Sunglasses during Limit 1 our first annual Back Door Sale. (Coupon) Expires After 6-3-71 East Lansing Store Only State Discount 307 E. Grand River Next to the Card Shop Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. June 2, 1971 9 utrition program aims at The By JUDY YATES State News Staff Writer Expanded Program in Nutrition, a program of tho and pass on the skills and are "Generally in we hire knowledge they have learned. people who have experienced poverty or service home economists and 4-H youth improving agents provide the specialized training and overall supervision for the aides. to - one relationship" she said. diets Cooperative Extension Service initiated more than two poverty," Miss Humphrey said. Miss Humphrey said the initiation of the aides into the In January 1969, funds were made available to every state by years These people have a built in program the U.S. Dept. of ago, provides nutrition education to low-income families knowledge because they are a in January, 1969 marked the first time Agriculture for six months to demonstrate the Lois part of the community and know nonprofessinals were used effectiveness of a program working with low-income families. Humphrey, program director of family living education' said the wants and needs of the in such a program. esday. community," Miss Humphrey said. The amount allocated to each state was based on the The aides vary in education Although the program is aimed primarily at improving The primary aim of the nutrition education is to from less than eight years of percentage of the nation's poor who lived there. Michigan was train DeoDle public schooling to some nutrition, aides often solve related problems in family the skills of selection and use of food, and related college training. Some have received budgeted $850,000 to continue its program with the poor. Only homemakine welfare assistance. Thirty aides have gone off aid to dependent relationships, money management and health and sanitation the initial funds were t&x-free, the brochure iDs and knowledge, a brochure published by brochure explains. says. program directors children and welfare rolls since The program has reached ys. getting their new jobs. "What we try to do is bring about a basic eight million families in two years, "The real focus of the program is better health The program includes 152 full time aides currently change in life style, Miss Humphrey said. through better working attitudes and eating habits," Miss with more than 4,000 families mostly in urban areas. Extension Humphrey said. Although the program is conducted state-wide, much of it is utrition," Miss Humphrey said. "Research shows that in order to do this you must have a one - The heart of the expansion is a concentrated in the Detroit area, Miss large additional staff of Humphrey said. xtension program aides selected from low-income L families. The ined aides visit families who are referred by various agencies V REPAIR SPEND $5.00 at Wrigley this Student week and SAVE 700 with these coupons fixes gizm ALL 3 COUPONS VALID WITH ONE S5.00 . . . PURCHASE said. All the present repairmen have from four to eight years Among —. _ the many cooperative practical experience in d nonprofit student buisness electronics. ;:ntures that have blossomed this "It's hard to find qualified r, one of the most successful repairmen," he said. "Most been the MSU Student engineering students have a lot .jctronics Repair Shop, a of theoretical ' knowledge, but no dent-run business that repairs practical work experience." kinds of electronic equipment He said the shop's repairmen were qualified to repair just STRAINED VEGETABLES & FRUITS "We're about 50 per cent about any electronic equipment FRESH fh„n oth*r shone" on the market today. alter Maurice, East Lansing "Right now, we can't service FM tuners because we don't HEINZ BOILED STRAWBERRIES ^ phomore, said. "We don't have BABY FOOD have the necessary equipment to minimum charge like the local do so," he said. "But we have all had experience in the field." HAM 'erhead because most of the Maurice, along with shop Aft® 5e 88* president Steven Benedict, -uipment belonged to the Lansing senior, are confident 1 2-oz. dent repairmen. The shop _ that the electronics shop will iEACH Pkg. arges only for labor and i soon be equipped to handle -t money to buy parts. With this coupon and 55.00 or more most With this coupon and S5.00 or more repairs. purchase. Coupon valid Wednesday, a WitK this coupon and S5.00 or more ■ figured that we make "We'll be open this summer," purchase. Coupon valid Wed., June 2 to 90 cents an hour in June 2 to Tuesday, June 8. Limit Q punhase Coupon valid Wednesday. Maurice said. "As soon as we Tues., June 8. Limit 6 jars per coupon. June 2 Maurice said. "But we get one coupon per family. ^ to Tuesday ii>ne 8. Limit or® out of Limit Coupon t most of that back into the debt, we'll be able to buy one per family. ^ coupon per family. more equipment and expand our VERY HAPPY DAY COUPON » VERY HAPPY DAY COUPON op, mostly to buy p He said the shop was still repair operations." Maurice said the electronics M j iFS; VERY HAPPY DAY COUPON 00 in debt, but was closer to shop, which is located in 326 aking even each day. Student Services Bldg., will "We have more business than continue to operate on can handle," Maurice said, nonprofit basis. EDON-ASSORTED COLORS ; can repair any kind of "We want to provide a place U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF FULL CENTER CUT television set BATHROOM ~reo or and 4=18 - we ROUND where students can get things n't charge extra for color." repaired cheap," he said. There are no openings for "There's definitely a need for ;pairmen at this time, Maurice this kind of operation." TISSUE STEAK Limit 3-Four Roll Packages, Please Swiss Steak Arm Cuts DON'T WASTE MONEY . . . 96^ lb. RICH TOMATO FLAVOR U.S.D.A CHOICE CHUCK CUT Textbooks held the HEINZ 14 BONELESS over summer may lose their value. SELL NOW for KETCHUP BEEF ROAST Limit 3 Bottle Please Boneless Beef Stew — family pack 98c lb. . TOP CASH at 'vv aa hippyday nappy aay * — M V special /' MEADOWDALE MAKES 1 QUART FRESH YOUNG Campus, FROZEN Book S^ore LEMONADE Limit 6 Cans Please 7' CENTER RIB PORK CHOPS 507 E. Grand River Across from Berkey FRESH 38 Free store side parking SEMIB0NELESS - IHE fcnJut&tatt SKIM MILK HAMS ' to p \ Semi Boneless Hams Half or portion 68c lb. a happy day '■■■■■■■■ L a happy day * ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ BLUE RIBBON FRESH MEADOWDALE HICKORY SMOKED 220 S. Howard St. 371 1752 EDNESDAY *IVIQ llite* BHTrffTftWAfEAfT"" | night Frank'n Stein's own show. GRADE WA" LARGE EGGS a happy day1® , -38 SLICED BACON Thick Cut 2-lb. Pkg $1.19 * ea. 58 U.S. NO. 1 SWEET GEORGIA CAMELOT SKINLESS HURSDAY NIGHT . . . 8:30 - 11:30 FRESH ollca Nite* R|DAY NIGHT V/f A ^UOit /\lite . . A/ -4 . 6:30 * SJT" - 12:00 . . . Bob Koss on Accordian He,mut & Werner DANCING Singersj I PEACHES 29 ALL MEAT FRANKS Hygrade Ball Park Franks 2'119 Pkg. 88c TURDAY NIGHT . . . 7:30 -9:30 . . . DANCING| 5621 WEST ANCING *80,5Koss *Jim Basel 1 600 2010 EAST * on Accordian Paul Bassett On Bass on Guitarg $ SAGINAW ACROSS FROM LANSING MALL NEXT TO KMART DEPT. STORE ( :wrigley; > FRAND0R IN THE FRAND0R GRAND RIVER IN 0KEM0S NEXT TO K MART Thank you for your patronage this term I SHOPPING CENTER DEPARTMENT STORE £ Best of luck on your finals I We hope to tee you again soon. Tu*>day Jun. I. 1971. V Milo Niederer 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, junc , 2,1971 -SPORTS Confusion clouds prospect By MIKE ABERLICH suffer if the athletic facility needs are met. the administration to however, Mrs. Carrigan the board, pointed Carrigan continued, "we have become very sensitive on this when we look at an icerink, we're looking at a good source of President of Meanwhile, Executive Jack Breslin was a new Vice when the official presentation to the board will take place. been rink board, which offered still h« ih, . I n"'la!|) I State News Sports Writer Asa result, the ice rink proposal out, "it hasn't been brought out campus to the discrepancies income." unavailable for questioning in As a result, the issue remains vote, which onlv fj",pusal for continues to hang in limbo for a vote." between our present facilities in response to questions posed as to unresolved pending action by the confusion. 10 the to us Wherever we have gone where While much oftheMSU campus ^^where between the The athletic department, on the that area and Michigan's." they had good ice rinks," he has stood out as a model to other administration and the board of other hand, says it can handle the "I think if you got right down continued, "they are making »- universities, there remain % few trustees. money needed for this facility - - • to it," Athletic Business Manager money for operation, but here ^ ^ buildings that also have stood out "It (the proposal) really hasn't from their own funds, which, if John Laetz cited, "there are 300 y^'JeaHy have to be a truly good but on a different level, as had a great deal of discussion in that were the case, would or 400 seats that are seatable seats -fan to watch us play hockey, eyesores ~ like Demonstration the' board," Trustee Patricia M. eliminate the question of without standing in Dem Hall." because you've got to stand an Hall. Carrigan. D-Ann Arbor noted, "academic or athletic" priorities Posts block the view for man awful longtime. The poor seating capacity of "because there are a number of coming first. in the building that was originall "We've got a beautiful ice the hockey rink has made the new facilities that this campus "One could well question," intended for horse polo, Laetz proposal for a new ice rink jump needs of which the ice rink is one. surface." Laetz concluded, Mrs. Carrigan countered, "If it is pointed out, which is why the to the front as one of the stands are situated so high above "probably one of the best, but "At this point I think what is wise to invest that money that is stands are situated priorities as far as University gQjng on js an expioration of what the seating is atrocious." available in an ice arena if that the playing surface, construction Ls concerned. Confusion on the proposal rose the needs are so that the people means deferring construction of As a result of this beginning. At the same time, this proposal on out of the 3,800 that can be fitted to a new high last week when the campus particularly can get an some other athletic facility that is has met with friction from understanding of what is into the present ice rink, about ASMSU Student Board passed a badly needed." faculty and students who fear jnvo]ved." Using Michigan's new all-sports 3,500 have to stand to see. resolution asking that the thai the academic needs will As far as a distinct proposal by arena as an example, Mrs. "Everything we do in University refrain from athletics," Laetz added, "we have constructing any further athletic to fight against everybody else for facilities in an effort to conserve that entertainment dollar, and funds. HIFI BUYS WANTS TO ASK YOU A VERY "SOUND" QUESTION Presents How much do you have to pav for a really good, complete stereo music system? Less than ever before at HIFI BUYS. Our $400 System gives you everything you need to fill your place with stereo sounds. Featuring the KENWOOD KR 3130 Receiver (50 Watts, FET, IC,> Glass AM FM) that'll supply enough power to satisfy even the most avid "rock n'roller." Strong but sensitive with FMhush. Also with inputs for two record players and capacity for two sets Bottom of speakers. It's combined with the EV14 two way speaker system and Garrard SL55B record changer with Shure M44-7 cartridge. Truly a system you would want to hold onto for some time. A great gift idea too! So Step Inside HIFI BUYS and take a look - and bring your quest ions with you - well give you a "sound" answer! Tankard Always a popular drinking cup. Speaking of a good view . . . To symbolize good fellowship and cheer. As MSU Hockey Coach Amo Bessone said, "We've got the only hockey rink that can guarantee $950 everyone a bad seat." With its limited number of seats and unlimited number of poles, theJWSU Ice Arena makes hockey games very difficult to watch. State News photo by Milt Horst FASHIONED AFTER 18th CENTURY DESIGN IN LEAD FREE PEWTER WITH SATIN FINISH. CAPACITY. 1 PT. Ali to fight exhibition! $400.00 for amateur boxing PARK FREE CHARLESTON, S.C. (UPI) — amateur boxing. Charleston for the exhibition ifl with purchase in Former heavywight boxing Promoter Reginald C. Barrett proper arrangements could be! HI-FI 1101 E. Grand River NEW RAMP behind 319 E. Grand River champion Muhammed Ali will Jr. said Tuesday Ali will fight two made. 1 our store East Lansing, Mich. fight a six - round exhibition bout opponents who will each go three "This shows he is more thanil here June 25 to raise funds for rounds. The other fighters have not been named. man of his word," Barrett saii| "He has fought three times sin Why Pay Moreif Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! A similar exhibition fight involving Ali was cancelled at the then and has made a lot money." last minute last year after county The South Carolina State AAl'l Dish officials turned down Barrett's championships will be held! request for the county before the match, IVORy LIQUID Detergent auditorium. The county officials 22 Fl. acted following complaints from Oz. Btl. civic groups opposed to Ali's MUSSELMAN antidraft stand. Ali and Jimmy Ellis are expected to sign for a fight in late Grand/ury| July or early August and will make the announcement conference at a continues APPLESAUCE noon press Wednesday. NFL probel Barrett said the scheduled thrifty acres exhibition will be held at Stoney Field, a city - owned football stadium which seats about 4,000 Charleston Mayor J. " persons. CLEVELAND (UPI) Palmer Gaillard has already Federal Grand .lurv which hi LARGE E66S approved the use of the stadium. We Reserve the Right Barrett said Ali will receive only been probing the Nation^ , . m. , , Football ruuiumi League to Limit to expenses for the match. Tickets Noyember for possible an'i- Reasonable Quantities will range from $4 to $10. violations met Tuesday for Barrett said All promised last first {>f t| year that he would return to testimonv 1/-*■ [AWMOU«y PORK-ROAST ^ Abe Gibron, defensive jT VKUim.ST > RESEARCH of the Chicago Bears former Cleveland Brow the first witness. SUBJECTS SER,°BESRT CUTLETS Vt H IBtb I Try wjth shgke bake 69c PESCHKE ECONOMY BRAND ARMOUR STAR WANTED The jury has testimony from been players, P0RK STEAK lean long bone 53< SLICED BACON 59c *or 30 mins. players and NFL team offi toward »ho purchato of: jco* 0N' ■pQv ^ If f/vj! ■ U CHEESE SPREAD c ; HANOI WIPE 10cnt- A At With ■ Campbell Chunky 3Qc with 1 1VELVEETA i All PURPOSE CLOTH Pkg. Couponl BEEF SOUP *J # Couponl 1 *„..«.■« mj Expires Sat. June 5, 1971 Expires Sat. June 5,1971 | Expires Sat. June 5, 1971 GD M ei j e r T H R IF T Y ACRES CD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES CD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES [Ml | J ^ fl SAVE 10< with this coupon toward tho purchato of: FOOD CLUB MILD i COLBY CHEESE ANY SIZE CHUNK I 0^ 4A 10< •SAVE 10t on any RAID SAVE 10' 10( I I !co* 10' Q £ ■PFEIFFER DRESSINGS SAVE with this toward tho 10< coupon purchato of: 10c ON 12!RB (j fl'OO-1} | OFF With ■ ■ 1 or OFF Insect Spray With 1100 OFF on any variety 10' OFF With | V9,0-530^ | | Expires Sat. June 5,1971 Coupon" I Expires Sat. June 5, 1971 Coupon Expires Sat. June 5,1971 Coupon Q.JO-9 wfP.-fl1' CD Meijer'THRIFTY ACRES IBGD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES 0 41 ■ 5125 W. Saginaw-6200 S. Pennsylvania — Grand River at Okemos Road Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigai SPORTS Wednesday, June 2, 1971 11 Rowe of UCLA signs pact ■for ve years wi th Pistons DETROIT (UPI) - Curtis who attended the press the court," Wooden said Rowe, called by his coach the prior to "I know both can play," Rowe conference in Detroit with his less "most consistent player" he had winning another NCAA said of Alcindor and Wicks. celebrated teammate. tournament title this past season. on three straight national "The addition of Rowe beefs "But I know I can play, too. So As a freshman, Rowe broke none of the talk about championship UCLA teams up the Pistons where we need Lew Alcindor's single-game frosh comparing which included Sidney me to anybody else upsets me." Wicks, help the most — at forward—and today signed a five-year contract scoring high for UCLA with a Detroit missed the brings to the Pistons a playoffs with the Detroit Pistons. game of 51 points. His average again last winning-type player," said season despite a 51-31 The National Basketball improved during his varsity career record — the best in the club's General Manager Ed Coil. from 12.9 to 15.3 to a final Association team's No. 1 draft "Curtis is an unspectacular, NBA history. Injuries and lack of choice signed a contract for an season mark of 17.5 points per spectacular player at both ends of depth at forward played a key undisclosed amount believed to contest. part in their late collapse. be less than the $1.5 million 6 - foot -10 center Bob Lanier Shop Today 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thurs. thru Sat. 9:30 signed to 5:30 for a year ago. The 6 foot 6 Rowe averaged - 15.2 points per game and nearly nine rebounds a contest for the 90 games he started for Coach VlS 203 E. Grand River John Wooden's Bruins. UCLA 1971—72 was 86-4 during the three varsity Cheerleading seasons led by Rowe and Wicks, Two wrestlers honored swing into our ■Spartan 118-pound wrestler Collins headed the MSU teammates. huge9 happy kg Johnson received three of wrestling program for 33 years Lansing sophomore Dave L four wrestling awards at the ■nual MSU wrestling banquet prior to his retirement from the coaching ranks in 1962. Mikles Ciolek was named the winner of the 1970 Walter Jacob Award as end-of-the-term flier this term. was a Spartan NCAA champion in he accumulated 81 points. The ■The Lansing senior scored the 1947 and a four year recipient of award is named after Walter Est falls of any wrestler on the the Walter Jacob Award, given to Jacob, MSU's first NCAA |uad with seven. Johnson was the MSU wrestler each year with /r Canonero, left himself Baptista said a condition he is break loose from restraint and 6 "out" in saying the horse will | sold - he said the sale will take seeking, in addition to a price reportedly in the $4 million run harder. There did not to be any sign of the foot appear AT 2 for S5 -2 for $7 "2 for ^9 e "provided the price and range, is that he would be able to infection from which he had been Bnditions are the terms we are OTHERS FROM $3.99 Campus,. retain a share in the horse. suffering recently. fking." le said he is considering eight Bright solids! Spashy prints! Great savings! Iters for the Kentucky Id Preakness champion — five ^>m persons in the United States Derby Book^3 Famous Label Bikini Swimsuits d one each from persons in S^ore were $12 to $20 TOT 507 E. Grand River Ifoot long Ihot Across from Berkey s8 to$14 ■medium dog 50 Free store - side parking Cottons! Polys! Leathers! Suedes! Washable polyesters! feR0NI 1.50 Hot Pant Sale Hot Pant Sets 332-6517 delivery were $7 to $18 were $12 IARSITY DRIVE-INl S4"T0M2" $8" Cotton in great prints! Zip flys! Button • through flys! IT'S Scooter Skirts Flare Leg Jeans HAPPENING were $7 were $8 2FORS9 2 for $9 NOW - (a totally new yearbook) Cottons! Polyester blends! Stripes! Jacquards! Flare Leg Summer Pants were $15 $799 Washable nylon! Great with jeans! Entire stock of famous label Empress Parly Set 7" silverplated dish with Safari Jackets All Weather Coats sensational at matching Empress spoon for great at mints, nuts, relishes. $ 4 95 Gift Boxed s8 1/3 OFF Ideal as a wedding or shower gift. Sale of Dresses and Pant Dresses were from $10.00 to $42.00 ^^^^IruT"l7wT?#r«. 71 NOW FROM 219 E. Grand River Phone: 332-3917 $500 t0 $28°o 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan U' seen as societal model policy decisions are made of worth and to participate universities, she said. One is the emrerging view of the "without looking beyond the actively and responsibly in adult university as "the right of the college years to ultimate society,"Mrs. Carrigan said, "Society, and especially many rather than the privilege of consequences." The question to be asked is, will students have become accutely the few." As an institution In this way the message the policy programs instituted by aware of the nonseparability of expected to serve a wide communicated to the students is the university enhance the the university from society as a spectrum of the population it that the institution is likelihood of achieving these whole," Trustee Patricia M. "must somehow be engaged in unresponsive and that students goals? Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor, told the the learning process if it is to be are unimportant to it, Mrs. "My greatest concern, as a University Club Luncheon effective," she added. Carrigan said. trustee, is that we provide the Tuesday. A second influence is the This encourages the passive kind of model at MSU that will growing recognition of the detachment of the student from nurture the desires and beliefs of More is expected of higher education i than any other educational experience as more the learning experience and <'>ose who want to work within institution, she noted. "The than an intellectual experience, affects the developing life style of the system — and in doing, the thoughtful Mrs. Carrigan said. The the student, she said. encourage Not university has become widely regarded as a model for society." And in this role there are three major influences in the experience is not only or even primarily in the classroom; college experiences will have a PATRICIA CARRIGAN Speech Movement in the early 60s, she said. "Among the most important societal goals for education are those of equipping people to criticism, the commitment, and the active involvement necessary if the promise of a democratic A somewhat defensive calf stares menacingly at the the MSU farms. Her lowered head and purposeful stare photo8rapher amid the suggest that one ara« ah^!t elion,« For students the university is think critically, to view institution is to be realized," Mrs. an « expectations Americans have for major impact on the students' retreat might be in order for the cameraman. 306 and hasty the manifestation of society and societal development, she added. the model to which they will themselves and others as persons Carrigan added. State News photo Thirdly, the university is by Gary Kaspriyk relate. Therefore, "the I WTh emerging as a microcosm of the larger society. The ivory tower of experience of of increasing numbers STORM ISTANBUL APARTMENT FOOT LONG education fell with the Free young people as they related to cn institutions of higher learning will HOT DOG OU have a good deal to do with how MEDIUM British report they relate tothe larger society in PEPPERONI PIZZA 332-6517 1 CO I.JU tourist revenue the years ahead," Mrs. Carrigan commented. a With respect to the university as model of contemporary Police free girl from terrorists LONDON (AP) - Foreign American society, the university ISTANBUL (AP) — Policemen major was being held hostage by One of the terrorists was killed attempted to flee the building DELIVERY visitors to Britain in 1970 spent has two weaknesses she noted. It fled the building. in bullet - proof vests stormed an two leftist terrorists Tuesday and and the other wounded. but police dragged him away The mob, which VARSITY DRIVE INI $1.04 billion, the government reports. often forgets that its purpose is to serve the students and too often apartment where the 14 - year old daughter of a Turkish army rescued the girl after gunfight. a wild An angry mob tried to lynch the wounded man as he before the crowd reached him The hostage, Sibel Erkan women, broke and rushed at him. included mini through a cord' survived the gunbattle unscathed He turne« back into the arms of but was taken to a hospital in police. troopsaj* shock. Later she was reported in Of the dozen policemen whfl high spirits. made the dramatic The girl was abducted assault tv<| slinks Sunday were wounded -one Knapp's in the ham by two young members of the the other in the Turkish People's Liberation thigh. The police attack i Army — TPLA — wanted in consistent with Turkey's to™ connection with the kidnap - murder of Israeli Consul Ephraim policy of refusing to the bargainwB Great wearables that take body curves Elrom. urban guerrillas who hiT new softly and move to show a mere peek of hot pants. The fashion look for right now Elrom was abducted May 17 carried out waves of robberies and other assaults kidnappinj and killed five iJ at all the sun and partying places. The halter, days later when the recent months. government refused to release all short-shorts and long, lean front-slit skirt in a bright-on-black In Ankara, Justice MinistL political prisoners it was holding. Persian printed acetate velvet. S32. Space-dyed crushed velvet The guerrillas, identified as Ismail Arar said the successfil twosome of hot pants and matching long sleeved top, brown Huseyin Cevahir and Mahir rescue of the girl should warning to terrorists that bef or blue. S20. Sportswear. Meridian Mall. Cayan, threatened to kill Sibel thef unless they received passage out cannot escape "the full force J of the country. the law." After a tense day - and - night The police prepared the attacL siege police assaulted the third - carefully. Commandos waitedJ floor apartment with pistols and the top of five fire ladders (1 Knapp's machine guns blazing. hours as sharpshooters angled fJ Cevahir was hit by a police a clear shot into the apartmeq snipfer's bullet in the face — a shot Sibel told newsmen after hi that signaled the start of the raid rescue she had been well - treated — and was later struck in the chest and was not kept tied up. Til with a bullet fired by an officer terrorists referred to her as "littfl who swung into the apartment lady," she said. from a fire ladder. He died en When the attack began. si route to a hospital. said, the terrorists locked heriA As the three minute gunbattle - separate room. She lay on tl ended, police passed the girl out a floor and was found by poliA kitchen window and Cayan, officers who removed her fiofl blood streaming from his head, the apartment. Bureau announces volunteer openings The Volunteer Bureau has from breaking both legs announced the availability of the help with homemaking skil following volunteer positions. Volunteer needs car, compassio For further information, contact sense of responsibility w the Volunteer Bureau. acceptance of varying lifestyl< * Car needed. Michigan Migrant Ministry needs Spanish-speaking * Operation Mainstream in Johns needs volunteers to tuti volunteers to work near Adrian for the summer. Volunteers unemployed adults for Gem would live in migrant camp and Development (GED) exam.1 work with migrants in Vista - like needed. Mileage reimbursemeij * Male volunteers needed program. This is last week of interviews for this program. accompany group ofemotior disturbed adolescent boys * Family Service client needs series of field trips to ex[ volunteer to take her for food, them to occupatio stamps, groceries etc. several opportunities. June 22 - June times a month. Car needed. Car needed. * Epileptic woman, recovering * Students on campus tutors to help at study and i sessions, especially for freS n and sophomore level courses. i ^GRADUATION CAKES* * Math tutors are needed p Place Place vouryour order order West Side Lansing reside EARLY trying to pass the Gene1 1 with Development (GED) exam. 4 U)OSt is necessary. * The People's needs volunteers , Learning ten to help « „ JL Candor 351-5032 drop outs from area schools. necessary. Y! Brook field Plaza Jfc * A receptionist is need , ,h U£| on . 337-0832 Grand River school for emotionally d»« children in Lansing. A necessary. lean or wide DON'T LET YOUR • • • just be sure BOOKS PILE UP! they're Levi's* TURN THEM INTO Walk a little taller in authentic Levi's blue jeans. the real thing. Long, lean . and low waisted in tough XX cotton CASH AT denim that's pre-shrunk. Sizes 29-38. Super-slims, $17. Levi's corduroy flares Compu^ The look is cotton wide, the fabric is mid wale corduroy in tan, white, brown, Book navy or olive. Basic jeans construction that's lean and trim on top, flaring from the knee to bell at the bottom. 29 - Store 507 E. Grand River 38.8.50. Store for Men, Meridian Mall. Across from Berkey Free store - side parking I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan state news Wednesday, June 2, 1971 13 classified state news The Best Bargains Ever Are in 3558255 Today's Classified Ads. CLASSIFIED The State New, doe, not P^nit racial or religious Automotive pRankLy speaking by Phil Frapl^ A utomotive Scooters & ditcrimination jn |tl Cycles Employment •dverti,ing column,. The VOLKSWAGEN 1962. Sunroof. 968 MOTORCYLE, Bridgestone DRIVERS 21 and over. Full and part State Newt will not Engine 13,000 miles old. $200 or 350. Must sell, $375. Right on! time. Apply VARSITY CAB •ccept Automotive advertising which cOMET 1967. Automatic, power best offer. 332-2650. 3-6-3 393-2104. 5-6-3 COMPANY, 122 Woodmere, side ■ Scooters& Cycles ducriminate, again,t ste^nfl. power brakes, $875. Call door. 3-6-4 I Auto Parts & Service VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1965. Good 1970 HONDA CB350. 5700 miles. national condition. Converted to Extremely excellent condition, PHOTOGRAPHER NEEDS models 1 Aviation CORVAin ,963 4 - ru„,w.„ Call 355 - 8027. 2-6-3 camper. $625. Also 1966 VW. $600. 351 - for fashion photography. No Imployment Defies Nader. $40. 351-0721.2-6-: 1966 VOLKSWAGEN camper. Pop 2019. 3-6-2 experience necessary. 349 0465. fI or rent CORVETTE. 1968. Convertible, top. Runs great. $575. Call 641 - - CYCLE INSURANCE. Central Apartments ~ — ^eru dlsc brakes, positraction, 4346. 3-6-4 Michigan's Largest insurer. Any DIRECT SALES. Commission only. I Houses Automotive siuwmorive l. . ' 327 cu' Special wire cycle, any rate. LLOYD'S of Income potential $250 - $500 a wheels, LANSING, 332-5335, 482-5585. week. Call Mr. Hoyler or Mr. I Rooms tinted glass, four new VW, 1970. Cobalt blue, beetle. Hunting at 351 l0r sale ^rvT^r m7LTB"U7TMT S&V1E, Excellent condition. 351-1490; 5-6-4 $1825. - 3590. 5-6-41 ■ Animals Fantastic condition. Mags and lines. red Aviation WANTED RESTAURANT manager. ■ Mobile Homes 353-4283.3-6-3 DODGE CORONET 1968. $600 or "WHITE" Full time job. Experience 1963. Stepvan/camper. best offer. necessary. Call John 332 332-6148, 332-8113 Paneled, carpeted. Runs well. Oz, LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight - 5041 3 personal CHEVROLET, 1962. Good 3-6'3 337 - 0735 after 4 pm. 3-6-4 training. All courses are -6-2 transportation. Call after 6pm fEANUTS personal 351-0087.2-6-2 " DODGE government and VA certified. iEAL estate DART, 1962. 4 door automatic. $125. Phone 337-1284 Scooters & FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Recreation CHEVROLET 1969 363 Cycles Road, Call 484-1324. C SINGLE ROOM Jervice ■Typing Service Sport Van 108 Custom. FIA"T 124 Sport Coupe 19687\/ery A uto Service & Parts student in for exchange supervisory and janitorial service mature grad for 9°od condition. Must sell. $1500 Iransportatioiv 115 wheel base, 8 passenger. 351-6298.4-6-4 TRIUMPH AT MEL'S repair all foreign and we for male house. 1 year 485-8836 or minimum. 487-5753. 0-7-6-4 1970. 650cc Bonneville, Ianted like new. $1200 firm. Phone 393 American cars. If we can't fix it, it Automatic, 8 cylinder FIAT, 124 Spider 1970. Gold, - can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O COUPLE NEEDED: As group foster deadline AM/FM radio, driving lights. Only 2166. 3-6-4 home houseparents for (8) I P.M. one class day radio. 2 tone green 12,400 miles. Beautiful condition. TWO CHROME reverse wheels. And MINI children in Grand Rapids. Agency $2900 or best offer. 355-6190 or - BlKE, 2V4 hp. Fast. Not used two Keystone mags. 14x7 inch |ore publication. and white paint. One owner 353-9346. 5-6-4 more than 15 hours. Phone IV5 - Chevy. $60. 351 - 8943. 1-6-2 will provide house, furnishings, ,cellations - 12 noon 0815 after 3 pm. 3-6-4 living expenses. Married couples, age 25-45 preferred, with no , class day before $2295. F0RD FALC°N. 1964. V - 6. Good TRIUMPH VW GUARANTEED repair. - children living at home. Husband condition. Must sell. $295 1970 Trophy 250, 1600 [blication. 0470. 3-6-4 355 - miles, helmets, $675. 351 - 9428 RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 > . may keep outside job. Salary, Okemos Road. 349-9620. C phone MUSTANG 1965 ~ Automotive A utomotive after 4 pm. 3-6-4 benefits. Send resume to: Group FORD, 1965. Foster Homes, Catholic Social 4 door. MASON BODY SHOP 812 East 355 8255 Hardtop. 1967 HONDA Superhawk, helmets. , Services, 300 Commerce Building, 8 cylinder. 4-on-the-floor Automatic, power steering PONTI AC 1966 GTO 4 speed. Runs good. 159 E. Shaw. 355 - Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502. rates brakes. V - 8. $475. 337 - 0014 Excellent condition. Best offer. Complete auto painting and Brown paint. Good 8828. 3-6-4 8-6-4 y $1.50 tires, _J±4 351 - 1314. 3-6-4 collision service. IV 5-0256. C tper word per day radio.$495 FORD, 1965. Station wagon. PONTIAC CATALINA, 1965. 2 door HONDA 305 road bike. Carefully SUMMER AND part time toys $4 00 Excellent condition. $500. Call Peter MERCURY COMET, 1963. New hardtop, original owner. Excellent maintained. Runs great. $250. 351 6650. 3-6-4 Employment employment with merchant wholesaler. Automobile required. after 6 pm, 351 - 0186. 3-6-4 - lie per word per day engine, parts. Must sell. Fred, condition, AM/FM, air, 1971 351-5800. O MUSTANG 1969 MACH I 351 -9792.4-6-4 RESEARCH SUBJECTS WANTED. i,ys $6.50 FORD FAIRLANE 500, 1963. V - 8 diagnostic record available. $585. LATE 1966 305 Honda Scramblei $2 for 45 minutes evenings. Males 332-8263.4-6-4 |c per word per day 351,8 cylinder engine. automatic. Snow tires, extra MERCURY 1966 Perfect conditon. Call evening! only. 355-4463. 4-6-2 GIRL NEEDED for credit and ted on 10 words per ad) wheels, everything works. $150 or 4 PONTIAC 351 1595. 3-6-4 - collection position in Lansing door, automatic, power steering, FIREBIRD, 1968. 6 OPENING AUGUST 1st for part Cruise-o-matictransmission. make offer. 355 9574 or 351 - - radio. 4 excellent tires. New cylinder, standard shift, good HONDA branch of Xerox Corporation. ts Personals must be 7084. 3-6-4 350cc, 1970. Good time sutdent. Sophomore or Experience in credit and ability to exhaust system. Like - new condition, $ 200 339-9354, condition. $650. Call 337-1496, junior for secretary . ^ paid. Radio, wide oval tires. interior. Needs grille. Solid body. 353-3282.4-6-4 after 10 p.m. 12-6-4 assistant for East - legal work effectively with customers in FORD FAIRLANE 500, Lansing resolving credit problems are re will be a 50c service 1965, 289. Aqua. Steal at $600. 351-3823 One owner. Actual miles. Excellent condition. 355 5905, attorney. Excellence in secretarial requirements. Good starting salary - after 6 p.m. S TRIUMPH TR 250, 1968. 28,000 1968 b bookkeeping charge if BSA THUNDERBOLT. $700 skills, facility with English and liberal after 5:30 pm. 3-6-4 miles. Call after 8 pm. or before fringe benefits. CALL or best offer. Call 351 1204 or language and personal appearance |s ad is not paid within Good clean Bruce Kirk at 371 2900 for - 10 am, 351-0457. 5-6-4 an car. $1995 MERCURY 1963 - Monterey 2 door 489 5968. 3-6-4 required. 30 hours per week. interview. 5-6 -4 FORD GALAXIE, 1962. Automatic. fweek. hardtop. $65/best offer. Call Tom, Schedule adjustments to permit Good tires. Fair condition. $300. 332 VALIANT, 1.969 23,000 miles. 6 - 5991 anytime. 3-6-4 . 1969 HONDA CB 450 K2. Needs I State News will be PLYMOUTH 1968BARRACUDA stick. Perfect condition. 482-7156, daytime courses. Legal assistant EARN UP onsible only _ 353-6232.3-6-4 some minor work, $650. 349 ■ work requires outside study. to $3000 this summer. Car for the MGB, 1967. AM/FM, new paint, no 484-5623. 4-6-4 2843. 3-6-4 necessary. Call 351-7319 for 2 door Position should be day's incorrect hardtop. 8 cylinder FORD CORTINA wagon1970.1600cc rust. Tonneau. Zygi, 351 - 3517. considered interview. C Deluxe. 6000 miles. AM/FM only by a person working way 3-6-4 through school time on a part automatic transmission. Radio, Autoportable. Snow tires. Best basis. Call Carol Risley at 351 - INTERESTED IN making $100- $300 offer. Must sell. Graham, part time in sales? Or potentially $8 MUSTANG, 1969 Fastback. V - 8, 0280. 1-6-2 bucket seats, dark blue paint 351 °°53-4"6"4 automatic. Power steering, Radio, VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Squareback. 1970 HARLEY 125cc. Excellent - $15,000 in two years. Must have Good conditon. $450. Call 351 condition. Asking $300. After 6 initiative. Call 485-8980, Mr. White sidewall tires. Call 351 - DISTRIBUTOR, MANAGEMENT with white vinyl top. Like FORD GALAXIE, - 3435 after 5 pm. 3-6-4 Randall. B4-6-4 new. 1965? Automatic, 1344. 3-6-4 pm 393 - 5837. 3-6-4 trainee, or direct sales people. 337 I Automotive White tires. $1495. very dependable. Good condition $400- Call 393-1409 before VOLKSWAGEN. 1965. - 1216 between 6 - 9 am/pfti f-6-2 noon 1500cc. 1967 HONDA S 65. Excellent CLERK TYPIST, Cashier experience. or after 6 pm. 5-6-4 MUSTANG, 1965. Stick, six, - N Van engine. Excellent mechanical condition. Extra set of wheels, HEALEY, 1967. Hardtop. completely rebuilt. Good body. NEEDED FOR fall. Creative and Beautiful new offices. $118 plus. condition. $425. 349 - 3172. 3-6-4 tires, and sprocket for tail. sell. Good condition. CURTIS FORDOF WILLIAMSTON 355 -2134. 3-6-4 warm person to babysit. Own Phone Wendy, 372-7700, I 4477. 3-6-4 FORD, 1967. Automatic, 6 cylinder, Luggage rack. $140. 353 - 7610. transportation necessary. Monday PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. 4 door- Good transportation. VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1963. Super 3-6-4 b55-2133 4-6-4 NOVA, 1969. 6 cylinder. 3 speed. through Friday 351 - 7794. 1-6-2 3-6-3 $450. 882-5277. 3-6-2 dependable, rebuiltengine and ■ ACUD A, 1967. 2 door Vinyl top. $1600 or best offer. transmission. $450 or best offer. Idtop, 6 cylinder, stick shift. 339 - 8947. 3-6-4 Call Dan, 484 - 0216. 3-6-4 ASSISTANT CAMP cook needed. CHEVROLET, 1947. Excellent FORD GALAXIE, 1963. V-8. Cheap Male EUT MOM. .1 t LEANED Jceiient condition. Best offer running condition, or female. Must have 3. 882-4372 before 2pm needs paint OLDS previous cooking experience for MY ROOM YESTERDAY job. 627-7555 after 5:30 F85, 1963. 2 door coupe. VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1971. With HONDA, 1968. 450cc. Like new. With resident camp program. Call Rex |r_6_pm. 3-6-2 _ 5-6-3 p.m. Power steering, power brakes, AM FM stereo. 8 track. 351 - • trail and road tires. Low mileage. Miller, BUT I HAD TO mechanically A 1 condition. 8907 til midnite. 3-6-4 at YMCA, 489 - 6501 \T UP A6AIN TO ■ '961. Runs good. Power FORD VAN1966. Excellei - $700,351-6108.4-6-4 3-6-4 rin9. Dower brakes. $50 or best CHEVROLET 1968. $980. Biscayne, condition, custom paint job, ne $275. 351 - 7092. 3-6-4 FIND EVERYTHING.' r. Call 6 VOLKSWAGEN, 1967. Excellent HONDA 450 1966. Good condition. 349-0834, evenings. cylinder, automatic. Call 484 - exhaust. Radio, extras, must se OLDSMOBILE, 1966. Delta 88. 2 condition, radio, radial tires. New battery. Call Scott 332-3568 Jc LESABRE, 1961, two door, 6151. 3-6-4 Anytime. 489-3624.5-6-4 doors. Absolutely everything on this car, in excellent condition. V - $1095. 349-4924, after 6 p.m. 3-6-3 3-6-3 COLLEGE CHEVY IMPALA 1964. Runs well, GMC HANDY van, 1967. 6 cylinder n special. Excellent 8. Radio, power, etc. Must be WE HAVE moved. ROLL i. Very clean. Needs |) 355 - 7214. 3-6-4 work. rebuilt engine, some rust. $90. Call 351-8445. S -6-3 stick shift. Excellent condition. $1095. Phone 482 - 1226, ask for seen. After 2 pm, call 353 - 6824. 2-6-3 VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Squareback. Good condition. Best offer. Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. Phone 489-4811. Our new address - ROSSER STUDENTS Art. 3-6-4 349-4258 after 4:30 p.m. 4-6-4 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF S9. Yellow Rallye CHEVY 1964. 4 door. BelAire OLDSMOBILE VISTA - CRUISER Large National Organization |rt, 4 speed.Low mileage. Best Low mileage. $400. Call INTERNATIONAL VAN, 1962. station wagon, 9 passenger 1965. VOLKSWAGEN 1967 red with black KAWASAKI 1967 250cc, nice with local office wagon. Converted to condition. $400. 355-9394. Call hiring now f .372 - 6781. 3-6-4 after 6 pm, 337 - 0457. 3-6-4 camper. $450 firm. Good condition. Best offer over vinyl interior. 44,000 miles. Good for summer work. 355-0817.3-6-4 $800. 15312 Chetwyn condition. $925. Call 677-2875. any time. 3-6-3 Drive, 68. Convertible. 6 Phone 489 - 9334. 3-6-4 3-6-3 CHEVY II, 1963 2 door economical 6 MACH I, 1970. Orange slats. Radio irranty, economical. •GOOD PAY W condition. Evenings, 487 cylinder. Best offer. 641-4298. spoiler. Excellent. After 6 p.m OPEL, 1968. 15,000 miles. Excellent - VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1966. Blue, low 2-6-2 355-6007.4-6-4 •GOOD HOURS 349-9310. 6-6-4 DON'T SIGN •CAR NECESSARY ftopcfungljam PINTO, miles. Sharp, GRABBER, but economical. Must sell. 332-6107. 3-6-2 green. 5300 VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Fastback. 7,000 on new engine and clutch. New exhaust, radial tires. 64M516JS-6-4 $1250. THAT LEASE CALL 351-3700 . Unless your apt. includes a 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. |«S it . PONTIAC 1963. Automatic, power steering, some rust, runs good. $200. 337 - 2720 or 353 4682. VOLKSWAGEN, $100 take 1968. Fastback. In good condition. 4 on the floor. over payments. balcony or patio, two johns, walking distance to campus, on site free maintenance leoiec? 3-6-4 663-3476. 5-6-3 service, carpeting, and modern large rooms, CROSSWORD PUZZLE po Live Close to Campus Walk to Classes I"'/ furnishings, air conditioning ACROSS all MARIGOLD APARTMENTS and congenial resident managers like JoAnne. Frank and 1. Daisylike plant detachment 28. 30. 34. Roomer Mourn Toward 35 Ship's diary Marigold & Harrison 911 Marigold 10. Face with 36. ROOMMATE SERVICE Sprite stonework 38 Heroic poem Sorceress 42. Cosmic cycles Completely Furnished Deluxe WATER'S EDGE and 13. Stadiums 44. 1 Bedroom Small barrel Apartment $160.00 per month 15. Man 46. Now signing Summer and Fall Leases RIVER'S EDGE Pepper plant 17. Cardinal 47. Emanates Call 337-7328 351-4878 number 49. Golf club APARTMENTS 18 Truncate 51. Discolor All Deposits Guaranteed Returnable 20. Jackknife 53. Correct 332-4432 21. Fetrara ducal 54. Irish lake 2. Sherry 6. You and me 55. Ponders 3. Occurrence 7. Beak 23. Yellow tuber 4. Hankering 8. In the same W* north 4620 S. Hagadorn Of Mt. APARTMENT DISCOUNT Summer from 25 By birth "!6. Ourselves 1. Filibuster DOWN 5. And others: place: Lat. abbr Hope Rd $37.50 Fall from $52.50 - 9. Office work We manage 9 apartment buildings and have an ' , , , apartment for every need. ^ 12. Dike Apartments i4. Chowmein Bay Colony Addresses Haslett & Hagadorr Phone 351 3211 ,0 13 1" H IS * 1 16. Caribou Beechwood 1130 Beech Street 351-0965 19 Buddy Delta Arms 235 Delta 393 0625 n 22. Lamb 24. Witticism Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen 332-1313 21 27. Dusk I Haslett Arms JWyCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury 135 Collingwood 351-7662 29 Fawn I ,Wr,ments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean Princeton Arms North Pointe 1308 Haslett Road 332 3511 % mr* "w/W 30 31. Mirth Apartment II r.!,Ure Each unit h« a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central control air 1240 Haslett Road 351 3407 30 31 32 33 /// 34 y/ y/ 32. Light pinioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation is University Terrace 444 Michigan Avenue 351-9117 3S- 33. Large deer I ;*ned ,or with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private If University Villa 635 Abbott Road 337 2361 37. Nourished I ,Want ,0 be amon9 the first residents of TWYCK INCH AM call ^aV- •In view of Campus 39. Surfaces a I FQt, "art at $60/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY **Pool Pool Privileges 47 48 49 50 40. street Peace goddess I 484 ^ I 184^94 L 'NFORMATIOiM CALL: 332-6441 1 6 p.m., or THREE. SIX. NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE (3 and 4 or Models open at each complex Monday /// 41. Family game ls OQbkstarting fall.) through Saturday from 3 - 5 p.m. w 43. 45. Headliner Chick-pea Contact Resident Manager today at above telephone numbers for your choice of %w ~wr 48. Misdemeanor I 50. Haw. baking pit CEMENT EXCLUSIVEL Y BY Alco Management Company apartment or call HALSTEAD 351 7910. MANAGEMENT. 444 Michigan Ave. East Lansing - 52. Compass point ] 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Jiine 2, |, For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For R**nt For Rent Employment For«, SUMMER ONE bedroom, 2 SUMMER SUBLET. 1 bedroom air mALE ROOMMATE for two man REFRIGERATOR RENTALS. Dorm ROOMMATE NEEDED starting fall - HENT ;0 GO dancers, waitresses, and size. Summer rates. UNITED 2 man, Cedar Village. Robert bedrooms. Air conditioned. Call conditoned, furnished apartment. directly across from campus Air SUMMER ' entertainers. Sh\aip, highest pay. RENT ALL. 351 5652. 5-6 term. Leider, 23851 Morton, Oak Park, 332-0625, after 5 p.m. 7-6-4 Block from campus. Call 351 conditioned. Not a piastfe ,Urn,sh«< washer incluj!U'> ,diS - Up to $1700'month 4870603 2674 after 5 pm. 2-6-3 complex apartment. Call 351 anddry,r REDUCED RENT, summer. 3 man, (313)544-0733. 3-6-3 . $50 month. Oakhill apartments. WHITEHALL MANOR - Summer 2 TO 4. Summer, air conditioned. 3815.3-6-4 __"mpus.35l 4618 46^ one man needed for two man, two 351 3628 5-6-2 NURSING SUPERVISOR 3 years Apartments HURRY bedroom apartment Furnished, Close. 351 3-6-4 1748 after 6 pm. NEED ONE girl. Summer. Old Cedar experience. $9/75 Nancy. quiet, air conditioned, and Village. $50/month. 351 - 6758 3 7 2 7 7 00, PERSONNEL one bedroom, furnished, air EAST LANSING. Lower duplex. 2 swimming pool. $65. 351 - 3025, 16-2 353-0045.2-0 2 CONSUL r ANTS. 3 6-3 conditioning, ample storage, bedrooms. Carpeted, furnished for 3-4 students. $215-$240. Lease, AND JOIN or 355 4701, Ask for Daniel. 3 CAMPUS VIEW APARTMENTS, SUMMER, fall. 1,2 ONE OR two girls X TEACHER FOR second grade in parking, close to campus. deposit. Available September 15th. 6 2 APARTMENTS bedrooms, near campus. 349 duP"*. GrS orW,Ci Jewish Sunday School. Teaching or 332 2621 after 5 p.m. 9-6-4 351-5964. 5-6-4 THE FUN . . . SPARROW HOSPITAL, near. 301 Summer leases $45/mo. 3919. 3^4 - 332«^I camp experience required. Call South Holmes. 2 room furnished GIRL SUBLEASE for summer. Across from Williams Hall 337 0392. 2 6 2 1 block from campus apartment, $90. Also one room 4 MAN summer luxury. 1 block. Air $40/month. Ask for Irene, Call 332-6246 efficiency, furnished, $70. evenings. 355 - 1224, 355 9774, cheap 349 0832. 3-6-3 Utilities include 3-6 4 RIVER'S EDGE and CHALET WATER'S EDGE SUMMER AND fall rentals. 2, 3. 4 girls. Close to campus, furnished, SUBLET $129. Across from Student no pets. 332 - 2495. 3-6-4 Services. Furnished two bedroom. STODDARD APARTMENTS. 2 Bedroom furnished NOW LEASING for fall. Furnished APARTMENTS Furnished. 2 man, Summer, Fall. QUIET FURNISHED apartments for After 5 p.m. 351 - 7219. 4-6-4 0NLTL apartment for 3 girls. Also single $45 per man, summer Close to campus. Call 351-8238. O apartments room. 6 blocks to campus. Parking. 694 8266 after noon. 4-6-4 $65 per man, fall MEADOWBROOK TRACE, summer, married rooms, couples. 3 rooms, $125. 5 $150. 484 0497. 3-6 4 ...............s roommate service large 4 man, 2 bath, near pool. ■ Cedar Village ■ 2 OR 4 girls for Fall - $60 per man up SUPERVISED APARTMENTS house ne SUMMER SUBLET, starting f.n | Apartments very close, 2 $190/month. Call 393 - 1255. programs. Weekly diaw to qualified bedrooms, 4 man apartment. Call 332 4432 3-64 Now renting 3 and 4 man ■ „,n, 35l^Jjj $47.50 per applicants. Call Mi. Ackerman man. Call afternoons efficiencies for summer f our 9;,7n; 393-1220 for interview. 3-6-3 See Mgr. 3-8 p.m. 351-3373.4-6-4 LANSING OR East Lansing. bedroom furnished. Large, One airy THREE PERSON. Summer sublet. Reduced rates. Call 332 6182 or summer fall. $650 per term total. and 5- - - provide continuous freej baths, Cedar 15.6.4 laundry, JfcfcUED ENTHUSIASTIC young or call 332 6197 STUDENT APARTMENTS 2 rooms, rooms. Air conditioned. 351 2147, 3-6-4 ■maintenance on toilets,! alr^j - summer and fall term, $130 a Beautifully maintained. Suitable 351-6317 ■garbage disposals, stoves, persons who enjoy meeting and month. 4 rooms, fall term only for faculty, grad students, business SUMMER,, FALL. Attractive. 2 Iconditioners, and many otherl HOUSES, FOR 5 or 6. Sul (on Grand River campus. Call $165 a month. Furnished, parking. people, married couples. 332-3135 or 882 6549. O Lease bedrooms, furnished. Utilities, 1 - 3 MEN for 4 man University ^appliances. Cedar Village also! 349.3919 x-ta| i d n di n g Mit across from Burger King) 10 minute drive from campus. $190. Call 332 - 3357. 3-6-4 Terrace. Sublet summer, reduced. ■has 24 - hour emergency* BLOCK interview call Chris Combs or Bill 485-6581. 4-6-4 FREE RENT for little domestic work. Norwood Apartments No deposit, air conditioned, parking. 332 -0150, 3-6-4 ■service by our on-6ite staff. J furnished. TO Berkev Married „ , Stevens 393 0230, 9 4 30 p.m. PROGRESSIVE MANAGEMENT DUPLEX, JUNE and September. 2 and 3 bedroom. Clean. Call MAN NEEDED summer for 2 man. Across from campus. 332-2184, Bedroom, bath. Want living room, kitchen, 2 girls. ED 2-5977. Now two bedroom renting large one and for summer and FURNISHED APARTMENTS, J . Only 2 Apartments Left For Summer! 5■ occupy while $125 month. 3 painting mom INCORPORATED is an Equal 372-1629. 17-6-4 $65. 4-6-4 4-6-4 lilable. 1022. 3 64 Opportunity Employer. 3-6-3 ROOMS FOR summer. One to four fall. Close to campus. Reservations now being accepted ■ Two apartments for Fall! S APARTMENTS FOR summer. 220 Reduced summer rates. Call 2 ROOMS In MARMAX APARTMENTS for September, 731 BURCHAM man. $120 for term. 351-6317. kitchen to sublease Cedar Street. 1 bedroom. 332-2712 after 3 p.m. East Lansing. See these sharp thru a For Rent Supervised housing for men only. Furnished, air 9-6-4 luxury units including shag $40 and $50. 489 - 3963. S< Call 351-1394 or 351-2713. C conditioned, 4-man OKEMOS. FURNISHED, 3 rooms, ONE MAN needed to sublease, carpeting, ultra modern kitchen | Bogue St. at the Red Cedar J TV RENTALS - Students only. Low and term rates. Call apartments. $40/month per utilities. Couple. Main corner. two man luxury apartment. Close with dishwasher, swimming pool, SUMMER. 1 house. Phone 351 orTg^rMoTba- monthly 351 7900 UNIVERSITY TV NEED THREE girls su man. Available June 1st. $130/month. to campus. Phone 351-3582. 5-6-2 beautifully landscaped grounds, 3386.2*1 Excellent location 225 Division and ample parking. Only $160. LARGE TWO party furnished RENTALS. C 349-2313.3-6-2 garden 351-0572. 10-6-2 SUMMER SUBLET. Three man. Open daily and Sunday 10 a.m. efficiencies. Air conditioned, close cottages, SINGLE GIRL. ONE MAN for 3 man. Summer ONE BEDROOM available June Reduced rent. $45/month. Call noon, 1 - 6 p.m. 351 - 7212. O to campus. $135 summer. $150 honeymoon - type. Well furnS FURNITURE RENTAL Campus near. 227 term. Reduced rent. 351 1014. 5 351 2367. 3-6 4 fall. Call 484 0585, 484 cottages. Close in with 1328. - •••••••••• - 15th. Carpeting, disposal, air Student month. special starting at Reserve now for $20 a Fall Bogue. To share small, furnished one bedroom, $65; or large 6-4 conditioner. $140/month. 349 - 13-6-4 lawns. Utilities paid. fall leases. 400 Sum£| 1535.3-6 2 513 HILLCREST. 2 - bedroom, air GIRLS-SUPERVISED 0 Guns< Term. BISHOP FURNITURE furnished two bedroom, 2 girl; 6717. 3-6-4 conditioned units for summer and OFF CAMPUS RENTAL, 4972 Northwind Drive, $92.50. Phone 489-5922. June fall at reduced rates. Spacious, f Houses 351 5830. 21-6-4 occupancy. 5-6-3 ROOMMATE fully furnished, dishwasher, disposal. 351 carpeted, 0705 APARTMENTS J SUNROOF I FURNISHED house for need Utilities one girl sublet * STROBE LIGHT rentals by the night SERVICE - Now leasing for fall. 0 4-6 people. Close. Call 351-8579 negotiable. 351 1376.3-64 ■ GIRL WANTED for 4 man. Good or 655- 1022. 3-6-4 - or weekend. Call MARSHALL Across from Williams 3-6-2 MUSIC. 351 - 7830. C6-2 location. 351-8882, after 5 p.m. Water's Edge 0 5-6-2 SUMMER SUBLET one bedroom 4 STUDENTS for house. THREE BEDROOM, furnished! 332 4432 furnished. Grads or couple. Furnished, TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery, service SUMMER TERM Woodside. 351 - 1127. 3-6-4 person. Call evenings. utilities paid. 882-5536. 4-6-4 Call after 5 p.m. Deposit. Call 351-6749.1*1 and pick-up. Call NEJAC, MALE NEEDED. Capitol WANTED Furnished, spacious apartments for 2, Villa. TWO MEN needed for summer term. 4 serious Med st 337-1300. C Summer sublet. Pool. 4 desire 3 bedroom house 3 ot 4 people. Air conditioned, Very BEDROOMS for 4 people. Walking tori 351 3969. O Meadowbrook Trace. $50 per excellent campus location, from reasonable. 332-0947. 3-6-3 distance to campus. 4 parking 353 - 7606. i6-4 CAMPACT REFRIGERATOR month. 351 - 3287. 3-6-4 $45 per 126 124 spaces. June 15-September 15 rentals for summer term, available man. Orchard, CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham SUMMER. ONE or two girls for 351-4193. 3-6-2 SUMMER ONLY: 220 now. UNITED RENT-ALL, 2790 337-2082. 8-6 4 Drive. 135 Kedzie. 2 man Collingwood apartment. No GIRL WANTED for three man Four man duplex. Rrvefsfl East Grand River. 351-5652. 7-6-4 furnished apartments. Includes winter and or spring '72. Close. damage deposit, own bedroom, SUMME R 3 bedrooms for 6 students, 6616.3-6-4 heat. $62.50 to $90 per man. Linda Kathy 355 1679. 2-6-3 4TH GIRL for beautiful Water's Edge $55 or $65. Call after 6 p.m, - - 2 blocks from campus. Call ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. Leases starting June 15 and Sept. GIRL WANTED 3 man Kiger, apartment. Congenial 351 6047 5-6 2 351-2103 or 355- 1627. B5-6-4 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, | SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 1. Days, 487-3216 Evenings til 10 Twyckingham. Fall thru Spring. Adjacent to camp6s. RIVER HOUSE & ALBERT Stoddard, East Lansing RENTAL, 37 2-4948. O 353-0480 or 353-1228 6 64 P.m., 882 2316. O Call 353 3016. 2-6-3 APARTMENTS DETROIT STREET, South 314, Two 1635, 349 - 3730, 484 -3 bedroom furnished for 3 students, ★★★★★★★★★★★★*★★★★★ = URNISHED 3 room upstairs EAST SIDE. Furnished. One Fall & Summer, 1 block from SUMMER man, pool, SUBLET Capital Villa, 3 close campus. 351 - $175 monthly,Fall. Also available apartment for one mature person. for summer. 351-3969. O FURNISHED HOUSE for li campus, 1 - 2 bedroom, 2 - 4 } } bedroom apartment. $110 a*d 0419. 3-6-4 SEVEN ELEVEN APARTMENTS 711 Burcham - E Lansing Near shopping and bus, St. Lawrence Hospital and Community College. $115 deposit. 332-5590. 8-6-4 persons, furnished, balcony, air conditioning, study. 4 MAN . Sublet summer. River' ONE month. GIRL for two man. $75 per 226 Beat Quiet. bedrooms. Near Hospital. 487 3964, days. 7908, evenings. 3-6-4 ONE BEDROOM REDUCED SUMMER Edge. Air conditioned. Call 351 including utilities Call Mrs. 351-5762. 5-6-2 ^ Large Deluxe Completely Furnished ^ Robinson. 372-7610 or 485-3045. utilities and apartments. laundry included. 349 All RATES. 204 River St., Apt. 8465. 3-6-4 ROOM AVAILABLE fall.Girt.® ^ One Bedroom Apartment 800 square ^ 4-64 -0242, 393 -4113. 5 -6 4 6. 351-3484 or 332-0255. SUBLET SUMMER 2 man OVf BEDRO°M/' Thr®®man conservative house. $75 ■ feet of Comfortable Living utilities. Close. No parking ! SUMMER SUBLET. '/. house, apartment, 140 Cedar behind Red house. $60/month. Phoi ji. Air Conditioned Summer Lease $140.00per month \L. APARTMENTS. SUMMER and/or SUMMER SUBLEASE 2 attractively furnished. 1 bedroom Barn. Call 332 - 0053. 3-6-4 482-8557. 5-6-2 3439. 2-6-3 ^ ** Fully carpeted Call 337 7328 Fall Leases Available ^ and study or 2 bedrooms. •HREE BEDROOM house BEDROOM, large yard, d 337 0780 Responsible couple or single grad Furnished, carpeted, close. refrigerator, washer, dryer, fl preferred. $155/month. 351 349 4239. 3-6-4 1905. 16-2 Summer. $210/month. 355-8218. 2-6-2 LEVEL dupld Unfurnished. Available June to September 1st. For 3| people. Reduced rent for sur Call 337 0600 3-6-4 SUMMER - JUNE 15 - S( 13. Near car parking. 332- 8903. 3-6-4 I PEOPLE. SHARE house on| Street. Own room, $50 ai utilities included. 351 • 3-6-4 $ 200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING FUN IN YOUR OLYMPIC POOL *rololm0tndpexaenrdc,sbeerloaomation ,n y0ur club room- tv $ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES. PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. $ PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS, jfc READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY TUDY. You meet the nicest people at NEW IDEA IN STUDENT LIVING | One or two Bachelor Units £ SUNDECKS. Colltngtoooi) SPECIAL SUMMER - * S37S0 ONLY RATES FROM Featuring: $ individual storage areas. Enclosed Pool Sauna , Snack Bar - Juke MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA. $ 1. 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. /PERSON/MONTH 10 week summer leases $400.00 total Apartments "(formerly Northwind Apts.) Shag Carpet (new) Extra Storage Extra Rooms for Guest Game Room (Pool Table - Ping Pong) i fall leases MEADOWBROOK trace To get to Meadowbrook •UNLIMITED PARKING •SHAG CARPETING *AIR CONDITIONING ^DISHWASHERS "BALCONIES *AND MUCH MORE now being accepted Price $129 for one - $139 for two All utilities paid except telephone Drop in and talk to our leasing agent to Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State Campus on 1 496. Exit west onto Jolly Road and go to comer of Dunckel Road. Fall leases now being accepted, $200/2 man 2 man/ $200 OPEN PHONE 393 0210 $210/3 man $220/4 man 3 man/$210 4 man/$220 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 11-7 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT 444 Michigan Avenue 1-8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) East Laniiny Phnnu ?ci-7Q1 J Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 2, 1971 15 For Rent For Sale For Sale For Sale Personal AVENUE. 7 room house for Ifatnilv Summer only. 332 • 1911. 100 USED> vacuum canisters and cleaners. Tanks, uprights"' Guaranteed SANSUI 2000A, rectilinear Xl's. GERMAN SHEPHERD. LSAT, ATGSB Service Service Dinner set Female. 6 and GRE Board 3ARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. one fu|| year. yeBr $7 88 and $7.88 Dual 1209. 1 month old. PAINTING EXTERIOR. Free an(j upup Must months. AKC eligible. Excellent Exams. Kaplan DENNIS sell. 355 tutoring classes estimates. No job too large or too small. in tribute 9477. 3-6-4 Grad IAND board for girl from DISTRIBUTING - watch dog. Shots. 332 - 5548. now being formed for June, July students, Block off campus. 332-3255. C COMPANY, 316 North Cedar 3-6-4 and August experienced, references. Brighten iTonia area. Fall. 372 • 5665, 8 Opposite City Market. C-6-3 CAMERA . PENTAX. SV fl.8 exams. Call 851-6077 collect. 16-6-4 (313) up your house for spring. £ pin. 3-6-4 SEWING MACHINE 55mm lens. f3.5, 28mm teleplus, extension tube set. 371 lens, 2X FREE PLAYFUL kittens. Calico, 349-4817. C Transportation juMATES NEEDED for Clearance Sale! tigers, black. 8 weeks old 351 Vaughn - summer Brand 1446 6-10 pm. 1-6-2 to - new portables 7665.3-6-4 BABYSITTER AVAILABLE for r h0Use in Haslett. $40. Includes $5.00 per month. - $49.95, summer TRY THE magic of a Want Ad to sell Large selection term. Monday - Friday. s 339 - 9140. 3-6-4 of reconditioned used machines DYNA PREAMPLIFIER Experienced. References. V/i year something you no longer need! and Heath FREE: 2 frisky kittens, male and Dial 355-8255 Singers, Whites, Necchis, New tuner. Must sell immediately. Jim female, tiger striped. 337 - 2176. Peanuts Personal old playmate. Call 355-8130.2-6-2 now ! Home & "Many Others." 351 5156. 2-6-3 - 3-6-4 More than 250 students and $19.95 to WANTED RIDERS to Jacksonville, Room* J,?®.'95 Terms. EDWARDS SECRET ADMIRER: At least tell n DISTRIBUTING COMPANY,1115 SAILBOAT. 11- pram. Excellent who you are before the term Typing Service Florida. 6/12. Call Chuck, 489 - 1869,337-0552. administrators are expected to attend a special dinner paying LrTAN HALL , singles, men, North Washington, 489-6448. conditon. $250. Phone 337 Mobile Homes over! Or else!? D.F. 1-6-2 3-6-4 tribute to state Rep. Jackie PROFESSIONAL TYPIST - "omen Now leasing for summer, 0409. 3-6-4 seeks term Vaughn III, D.-Detroit, Thursday H. 351-1176,372-1031.0 papers, theses. Best rates, speedy service. 351-4619. 19-6-4 Wanted in the STEREOS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, most Brody dining hall. STUDENT. . wait:: js 337-1666. C Magnavox imuDurt diuviky The MSU Promenaders invites all stereo, TV console. Best offer. PENGUIN SAILBOAT complete is LaTE ENTRANCE and parking, NO MONEY down. $126 a month. 2 U . 1 Weei for accepting applications for interested people to square dance Phone 351-1815 after 5 p.m. 3-6-3 with trailer $300. 234 Gunson or bedrooms completely furnished. . I QuoPuechant TYPIST. BOOKKEEPING in my from 7 to 10 p.m. today in the Union r blocks from campus. Call 332- 2357.3-6-4 home. children 16 months thru 5 Tower Room. Experience an old bit Own — Don't rent. Call Russell Dictaphone work accepted. r 6 pm 332 - 0062 or 482 - of America. MAMIYA PRESS super 23 Kassouff, 371-1930, Pick up and delivery for faculty or - years for the summer term. ■143.16-2 camera, BEAUTIFUL Residence, businesses. 655-3458. B3-6-3 multi-format 120, rear ACCOUSTIC guitar 372-3897 TEACHOUT REALTY, 353-5154 tilts, 4 with case. Attention ail new nation women! backs, custom case, $250. Call Alvarez, Hummingbird. 5-6-2 All Phone 489 WOMAN GOVERNESS: Experience, Yippie women are now being 339-8069. 5-6 4 - 3025. 3-6-4 will babysit, days or evenings. 351 organized for together yippieness in 1963 FLEETWOOD 57x10. 2 -5500, ext 7174. 5-6-4 communal living with the yippie LOOM - 4 - harnesses. Fold up house. For information on PLASTIC bedroom, front kitchen, INFLATABLE Many styles. Low prices. Call furnitur^ model. Maximum cloth width, completely furnished. $2000. 10 TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for there starting in the fall, call living Ginny at 8 5 p Dissertations, theses, etc. Mary all positive. A negative, B 353 - 3023 or Yippie headquarters at 337-9215 noon midnight. 9-6-4 - - to campus. 641-6804. Ann negative 353 1836. 6-6-4 Lance, 626 - 6542. 06-2 and AB - |efore 4 p.m. C negative, $10.00. O SALE: OLD BOOKS & negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN The Sports Car Club invites its I: NOW MAGAZINES TYPING SERVICES in my East renting for summer and 8x36 1951 COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, It Furnished, panelled, carpeted, Playboys, comics, science fiction, Animals cabana Aluminum, Carpeted, attached. BEhind Warren's, "LANSING'S HOUSI OF TROPHIES" Lansing home. Phone 332 - 3306. 507V4 East Grand River, East members, friends and their guests to a term end bash at the home of nostalgia. - 0-6-2 rking, cooking and laundry $1300.351-7454.6-6-4 Lansing. Agove the new Campus Fararri - owner Jon Hammond. CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP MIKE'S FISH AND HERPTILE PET Two blocks from 541 Grand River (below UNION BOARD COMPLETE THESES service. Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 Everything will be free and plentiful. Call Don Keger, Paramount). SHOP Open 4-8 p.m. weeknights. still has a few seats left Discount printing. IBM typing and p.m., Monday, Thursday and Rides to the island party site will 1 -6 p.m. 13-6-4 10% discount on fish with this 1956> 10x45. Carpeted, furnished, on all flights. leave the Union circle at 7:30 §51-2103 or 355-1627. B5-6-4 until June 5th. 4-6-4 ad ideal 1 or 2 people. $1800. Close 6/14-9/3, $229; 6/24 -8/24, $229, binding of theses, resumes, Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 p.m. Msu. 351-5526. 5-6-4 6/25-9/11,$209; 8/9-9/14,$199. publications. Across from campus, p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C Thursday and every 10 minutes TRAILER, SELF -contained, sleeps thereafter. M AND BOARD summer term. Detroit to Frankfurt, 8/1 - 9/1, ,-corner MAC and Grand River, 5. Best offer over $300. 355-2960. GERMAN A Sorority. SHEPHERD AKC pups. $219. Calendonia below Style EAST LANSING Business lawyer will be at ASMSU from 349-9371, 6-6-4 Airlines. Call Shop. Call wants 137-0100. 56 4 Studs. RUTH'S, 14645 Airport Lost & Found 3R.1Q777 C COPYGRAPH SERVICES, garage to rent. Phone 332 - 4222, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Road. 484-4026.2-6-2 ask for Dick. 5-6-4 today and from 1 to 5 p.m. WATER BED UNITS, 337-1666. C mattress, liner, Europe - Summer 71 Thursday. Call 353 - 0659 for an f)MS FOR rent. SummUr rates. heater and frame, $76 any size. SMALL ESKIMO $220 Round Trip — Jet AIR WANTED: appointment. A $3 nominal fee is Utilities paid. Call Spitz, male, 8 TYPING - TERM papers and tl STRONG vocalist. collected. Please check in at the REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, weeks. Paper Intra European Chartered 51-7538 after 5:30 pm. 3-6-2 trained. Call Electric typewriter, fast se Proficiency an guitar or keyboard ASMSU Business Office, 307B Lansing. 489-6168. TF 339-2742. 4-6-4 required. Must have equipment. Student Services Bldg., when coming flights, Eurail Pass, Call 349-1904. 18-6-4 T LANSING. Male Call 351 - 8195 or 351 - 6473. for your appointment. students, AMPEX CAR Britrail Pass & Cycle ngle rooms, parking, cassette deck. Used Personal only 2 weeks. Best offer. rental - Chartered Nedbec production of Revolution frigerator. Call 332-5791. 8-6-4 TYPING, THESES and letters, e 355-6167. S-6-4 EVERYBODY KEEPS trying for or "Is this Black Enough for You?" flights to Africa, Rapid accurate servii better employees. Get them with a has been postponed until a later date ENGLISH COCKER puppies. AKC. |)DENTS, SUMMER rooms. Close J MACRAME • Israel and India. Experienced. 393-4075. O Want Ad. Dial 355-8255 now! due to problems beyond our control. to campus. Semi-furnished. Private Excellent termperament. Fine • • Call Frank Buck hunters and emi-private. Available June 13. 3-6-3 family pets. 485-1601. J ADVANCED CLASSES J 351 8604 or N.U.S. 393-1616 Cedar ne 351-8933. 4-6 • Register now for 2 sessions Gre • WASHER/DRYER. $150- Maple photos — job -TWOdouble bedrooms. Living round table, 4 chairs, $50. AFFECTIONATE KITTENS, male J for $2. Ace Hardware 201 J application photos in 15 minutes. Living .East Grand Rjver J m, bath. Private entrance, room chair, $10. Pool deck for cats, free, delivered to friendly • • PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL rking. Clean, quiet. $12.50 / above ground pool, 5'x10', $15. people. 482-3857. 3-6-2 * •••••••••••••••••• 351-6262. Anything Phone 332 -4911. 1-6-2 FREE ... A lesson in complexion care. photographed anywhere. 21-6-4 i or summer. 332-4709. IRISH SETTER pups. AKC Call 484-4519, East Michigan or a poo EUROPE $194. Studentours round |GLE ROOMSforgentlemen. Share COMFORTABLE SOFA and easy registered, field champion bred. 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE lit chair. $20. 349 0335. Available Excellent blood lines. 372-1389. NORMAN COSMETICS trip jet to London. Summer 1971. cooking and bath. Available - June 14. 3-6-4 cc. a STUDIOS. C-6-3 Call Fred Sanchez, 355 - 2824 ie 15th, $60 summer, $70 fall. <1 BEFORE 5 33-6-4 v p.m. 351-9036. SONY FOR SALE Lilac point Siamese. STR 6065 receiver, AR3A - LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial PARK AND SHOP! Park yourself in air-conditioning, speakers. Desperate! Phone 351 - Specially bred. 8 weeks old. Phone 355-8255 now for a quick - action an easy chair and 372- 1595. 2-6-3 shop the Want Ad 8907 until midnight. 3-6-4 |AILABLE Fall1-2 girls beginning Classified Ad. way today! term with prof vate apartment. CLEARANCE SALE - All used, new Close to imPus. Call stereo components. Waterbeds. 337-1525.4-6-4 BURCHAM WOODS MAGNOLIA THUNDERPUSSY. 217 Ann. 351 • 7355. 3-6-4 and fLE ROOM dent for in mature exchange for 1 and janitorial service, linimum. 485-8836 or male WEDDING DRESS and mantilla, size RCA 10. Moving, must sell. 351 - 0574. 3-6-4 REEL to reel recorder self Spacious, furnished studio, everything BB7-5753. 0-7-6-4 contained with speakers. $90. Call 353 - 1070. 3-6-4 1 and 2 bedroom apartments [ CLEAN quiet rooms. Summer Cooking, close to °"36,487-57 53. O campus. GIBSON 12 - string guitar. Mint condition. New strings. After 12 designed with you in mind. noon 393 - 8433. 3-6-4 I SUMMER single/double Jow cost, across Bogue rooms. from WITCHCRAFT PLUS tvder. 332-8635. 4-6-4 The publisher of ESP magazine estimates there are Most parking • For Sale at least 5,000 practicing per unit in E. Lansing witches in New York and perhaps twice that many in • Optional bars for only $5/mth. extra JJ F|LM and audio equipment. Los Angeles. El collec,ion- Sychronizer, Like magic are the results • Heated pool mikes, amps, broken you get with Classified Ads. » , )r' ler|ses, parts, plugs and They fatten up your piggy 1™ lunk. Call Dan, 484-0216 bank with quick dollars for • Around the clock service worthwhile but no longer 111 nt chair- $2-49; Che*. needed items. Make a list now and dial 355-8255 for a • Security deposits refunded on the TV- $12.95. ABC jCONDHAND STORE, 1208 helpful Ad Writer to get witchcraft going strong! your spot during move-out week Studio - $135/mth p concept in student living 1 bedroom - from $149 Luxury Bachelor Apartments at Inn America 2 bedroom - from $164 1135 Michigan Avenue right next to Brody Complex 2736 E. Grand River, East Lansing Apartments shown from 2-7 p.m. daily Featuring: and 351-8631 Enclosed Pool Sauna on weekends Shag Carpet Snack Bar CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTSare now leasing student and married couples units. These Recreation Room Ample Parking NOW LEASING spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a Overnight Rooms for guests, garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking Maid service for Nominal Charge for summer and fall space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private $129.00 for one - $139.00 for two balconies. We also have a full - time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be All utilities included among the first residents of CEDAR GPEENScall except phone today. The one - bedroom units start at 745 Burcham Drive $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL halstead management 351-3118 INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 332-6441 or 484-3494. Nine and twelve month leases available. 444 Michigan Avenue E. if no answer - 484-4014 Lansing Phone 351-7910or 351-0965 MANA Gt'MFNT EXCL VS1 V'EL Y BY: Alco Management Company 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ■-Wednesday. , Council approves (Continued from page one) for redress of violations of take precedence," he said. interview Friday. optional final controversy at the University Carlisle said the committee exam Academic Council meeting, plai committee makes provisions for faculty rights and neglects of The interim document is The judicial structure, as level and fringe benefits, began working broadly on both However, the deadline was commit ,t u,, rim complaints arising from areas faculty responsibilities. ^incomplete," according to outlined in the interim draft, „liH hnH thprp u™n „ issues but early in April decided not met due to unresolved to K ^ ^N, other than faculty "We are not trying to Carlisle. provides for an ombudsman - criPvLc?urmtdureinexi^nce to concentrate on preparing a Issues. Carlisle said the establish a separate reappointment and does not limit the procedures to "Deciding in effect what like faculty grievance official L| fall it would have Dlaved a grievance procedure in hopes of committee anticipates a administrative structure. We do substantive decisions at a college who will receive and attempt to m-j-. '.e in the resolution of being able to present a proposal completed document during the J""*™ 'he question^ 4.5 should be SI nontenured faculty members. not intend to displace or department level will not be resolve grievances or charges (h,» Murrav Van Tassell issue for action at Tuesday's summer and presentation to the - when „me Carlisle said the goal of the professional judgment where appealable at a department level through mediation, ro»d*,«> inact grievance procedure is to provide professional judgment should is a problem," he said in an If a formal hearing is Once the document becomes 4-* •quMleu t0 , ■» requested, a judicial board will approved policy, Carlisle said it another school. ' be chosen by lot from the will be used with visible Buckner hits polic ^ "It (the E. Lansing Academic Senate. The slate will consist of 11 persons with each frequency." Carlisle said the committee intended device » 4.5) ic . saiHV,D J ■ party having the right to two began last fall as a subcommittee B^ton. directed? shifts honors challenges. The final board will 0f the University Faculty Affairs consist of seven persons. Committee charged with on policy of our college, »but wark'tothdiJM V' students." in#| work with stude The interim report provides for appeal procedures with final recommendation resting with preparing a grievance procedure, . .. B"' w,s . .. d™' ,r""' lh< do (Continuedfrom we lenoegap wish to sit there and watch voU^ to hlm by stud(mt5, administrators and some trustees, Council notified the president of the University. sUrt, !ha» " the wolf devour our fellow Buckner said the trustees were Committee that the - ' (Continued from page one) individual. Any city has Naert said only two charges Carlisle said several questions would u .. . . has students," Buckner said Tuesday, curious why he wrote the letter. Committee on Comml to converse with nearby persons anti-police ideas, he continued, of police brutality have been are still unanswered by the ^™t o^tacuuy ngn s and He said his basic question was Buckner said he did not expect collaboration with th Jl while using a minimum force which are not more prevalent leveled at police in the past committee. responsibilities to support it, whether shifts in admissions an immediate response from representatives 6a necessary to control the around major universities. several years. One was declared He said some consideration 518 policies have been made, and, if Cantlon on his second letter, but Academic Counc situation. unfounded by the Michigan Civil has been given to whether review The committee's function who made them and why. "We've been criticized Although officers "are Rights Commission, he procedures should be provided was widened to include both so, he added that he would be in East Buckner added that he was Lansing this summer, because officers won't enter into individuals and have various explained, and the other charge for substantive decisions as well grievance procedures and faculty making no charges, but simply The May 14 letter cited discussions with groups," Naert views of their own," Naert said, was withdrawn. as procedural and substantive rights and responsibilities. The seeking answers. said ' they are trained to supress their due process. membership was expanded to "sudden, unexplained shifts" in "It's really bad when we regular admissions policies for Commenting on anti-police opinions to maintain objectivity Chief Pegg said he believed Carlisle said the grievance include members of the Faculty sentiments, Naert said officers in the areas of drugs, "students are more suspicious of procedure will provide due Affairs, Tenure and Educational haven't got an answer when more fall's freshman class. Buckner had said he felt there for the Following recent the compilation 1 are able to remain neutral and demonstrations and leftist us than we are of them." process for complaints about Policies committees, Academic was cause revisions into objective because biases are groups or activities. East Lansing Community patrol efforts may reappointment, course Council, the Secretary of the great concern and askedCantlon Faculty Bylaws, the documJ He said concern over the to aimed at the symbol behind the policemen cover the "full be the reason behind this, he assignments, college practices or Faculty, and the Provost's "rectify an increasingly will be called Bylaws f policeman and not at the political spectrum," he added. said. policies, the no work - no pay office. admissions policies have been worsening situation." Academic Academir Governance. 11 _ , „ . WEEK- Woo£c*>\™ DEPARTMENT STORES SPECIAL! HURRY WHILE THEY LAST! ^§381 mm v > . 5 -\ v-'/T- - * ■ •, i- "v k ' t <1 t v n?- 11, a M' w * u 4 r "f r t*' it 4 WAY STREET CROSBY, STILLS, IMASH, & YOUIMG REG. $7.67 NOW ONLY