They . . . didn't want me »o they made MICHIGAN Thursday me a star. Sunny . -John Lennon STATE . . . and warm with temperatures STATE MEWS in the 70s. Chance of rain UNIVERSITY Friday. East Lansing, I Sabine resignation, shift to research job By JOHN BORGER making a few trips to ACT headquarters in Iowa expected functions of the registrar, orientation Campus Editor City, Iowa, to wrap up loose ends. programs and the office of admissions and There was no indication Gordon A. Sabine has Wednesday scholarships were placed under Registrar unofficially whether the vice presidency for Horace C. King, with King resigned vice special reporting to as president for special projects will be continued. Provost John E. Cantlon. projects. The official announcement of Sabine's During Sabine's year of absence, the Developmental programs, Sabine's fourth shift in assignment is expected sometime responsibilities of his office have been distributed to other administrators. The (Please turn to page nine) today. Details of the shift were still being worked out late Wednesday. However, sources said Sabine will become a research professor of communication. as Sabine first came to the University in 1955 the dean of the College of Communication Arts; he became vice College staff president in 1960. teacher The move was apparently made at Sabine's * request, but no reasons for his transfer were given. For the past year, Sabine has been on "half hiring • >t *.. i i - a time" at the University while he worked on fellowship project for the American teacher education and certification of the Outhouses mark College Testing Program (ACT). He was to The recent State Board of Education Michigan Dept. of Education. If the June 14 millage proposals in complete a study and publication on the decision to cut down on issuing permits for Lansing and East Lansing don't pass, the Sroter Moehr leans on the outhouse he built which is one of a half dozen colorful but nonfunctional outhouses that - ecology of the modern college student. lave sprung up on front lawns to mark a surburban war in Fraser over water and sewer Sabine's recent book, "When You Listen, hiring uncertified teachers has met with decision may not have a very large effect rights. The Detroit This is What You Can Hear. " of hesitant approval by some members of the here, William Hawley, acting dean of the Metropolitan Water Dept. is building a big sewer line along the rosJ, and residents contend their wells are in . . was one College of Education staff. College of Education, said recently. Voters danger the products of his year of study. jf running dry or have run dry because of construction. The fellowship and year of "half - time" Some legal problems also are foreseen will decid® whether to approve 24 mills for AP Wirephoto by Edward Phau, director of the division of Lansing area schools. officially ended May 31, but Sabine is still "It offers more opportunities for MSU grads, especially in rural areas, but if the financial situation doesn't change there Mother Waddles decries abortion won't be many teachers anyway," Hawley said. One effect this might have is that teachers who have been teaching while not fully certified "may be coming to college By CHARLESC. CAIN "I to attain certification," he added. State News Staff Writer am happy to be in Lansing today York State in six months than the United to the proposition that killing the unborn On to speak out for those babies, still unborn, Michigan to look at the history of what has May 26, the State Board of States has lost in 10 years of fighting in is desirable." Education announced that it will send The Rev. Mother Charleszetta Waddles, who are unable to speak in their own happened in New York State and withhold Vietnam," the New York legislator said. Donovan urged Michigan lawmakers to letters to local board supervisors informing tor of Detroit's Perpetual Care defense," the mother of 10 said. examine the legal authorization to kill until such time repercussions of New York's that it is demonstrated to them beyond a them of the oversupply of about 15,000 wv was in Lansing Wednesday to About 1,700 people attended the Donovan said the abortion clinics, rally, abortion law before passing their own reasonable doubt that human life does not certified teachers who will be unable to >r a speech to a crowd on the according to Michigan State Police Capitol which have flourished since last July when abortion reform measure. find jobs next fall. is urging Michigan residents to estimates. exist from the time of conception," oppose the liberal law took effect, are "dedicated "I would urge the legislature of John W. Porter, superintendent of l\ abortion reform attempts. The crowd, mainly Donovan said. middle-aged women, public instruction, said this might mean the came to hear speakers and show their loss of jobs for the nearly 6,000 teachers dislike of a Senate-passed bill currently without full certification. awaiting action by a House committee, The upgrading of hiring is in compliance which would provide for \rmy cit abortions for any Michigan women the first 90 days of pregnancy. legal medical during with a 30 - year - old law which hasn't been used "because we have never had the eneral "Our purpose here on earth is to serve God and that means to help our brothers and sisters to live better lives," Mrs. wa " " problem of such an oversupply of teachers before," Porter said. "Many fully certified teachers can't get Waddles said. The "human elimination program," y (Please turn to page nine) let murde fostered by abortion reform, could work to control the population of minority groups, FT. MEADE, Md. (AP) - Brig. Gen. in W. Donaldson, until recently a she said. "You don't have to be a prophet to predict who will be killed in this country Official says top er for the Joint Chiefs of to purify the race," she said. Staff, has Mrs. Waddles said abortions, regardless charged with murdering sue amese civilians and to, the Army announced Wednesday. assaulting two of are medical preparations made beforehand, murder. countries aid "It's premeditated killing because the jThe 47 • year - [tie old West Point graduate decision to have an abortion is not made highest-ranking officer accused of ng civilians in the Vietnam war, and the I U.S. general he in 70 years. to be charged with a war on the spur of the moment," Mrs. Waddles said. Even though abortion is "evil," Mrs. drug traffic WASHINGTON (AP) - The federal N Gen. Samuel W. Koster, now Waddles said, the Michigan legislature is narcotics control chief - indicated Med to brigadier general is under considering writing a bill into law which Wednesday the heroin traffic, which he said Res of would allow abortions. kills hundreds and costs $3.5 billion improperly investigating the fsacre of civilians at My Lai but is not "I pray that our legislature will wake up annually, is sustained in part by Nd of a war crime. in time and understand that abortion is not governmental inaction or officials' the answer to our population problems," pie Armycase, (aldson's disclosed but few details of she said. connivance in several foreign countries. John Ingersoll, director of the Bureau of Pentagon sources A New York state senator, James H. Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, told investigation was started in Nber after Donovan, told the crowd an "ominous congressmen the problem is so widespread a helicopter pilot alleged dark cloud hangs over that throughout Southeast Asia middle general ians from his took pot shots at Vietnamese country" because of abortion reform. our beloved level government officials and - helicopter while flying military men ' Quang Ngai Province during an The New York lawmaker, who led the are trafficking in opium which is converted Nion in late 1968. unsuccessful fight in New York's into heroin and sold to American soldiers in I" announcing the Assembly earlier this year to repeal New South Vietnam. charges against Mdson, the Army said also, murder York's abortion law, read from a prepared Ingersoll's testimony before the House pes have been lodged against Lt. Col. statement some of the problems caused by The topic—abortion Select Committee on Crime brought Iiam J. a liberal abortion law. demands from some members for a get - |tn of two McCloskey, accusing him of the Vietnamese civilians in March Donovan said by the year's end, about tough attitude on the part of the United 200,000 lives will have been terminated in The Rev. Mother States to induce greater Waddles, upper left, director of the Perpetual Care Mission in Detroit, spoke to a crowd of cooperation in New York as a result of abortions. nearly controlling the international heroin traffic. 1,700 people in Lansing Wednesday. The gathering was in opposition to the abortion reform bill "We have terminated more lives in New now before the France came in for particularly legislature. sharp State News photo by Milton Horst criticism. 2 policemen enforce law in —■—————Olllv only to assist OthGr to assist DOllCt? d6D&rtni6ntS other police departments or or QafDtir r»nisl Un campus area By JIM SHELDON to continue Safety, said. He Un« has Unnn been with the HIOI MSUT D «t nnlrl Bernitt♦ said. All All officers n »»a are armed «ritK with .38QQ and aiimmiilo curricula r\f of the XffS/>K!<«nn T investigation. Basic Michigan Law a«i an State News Staff Writer police since 1950. caliber revolvers and have access to Enforcement Training Council provided training and tools they use are the same as Except when cleaning guns or using full-time deputies. shotguns, used mainly on roadblocks. No through the Mid-Michigan Police Academy. them on the e you ever wondered Among primary duties of an officer, in firing range, Bernitt said, machine guns or blackjacks are available. Beginning officers with 85 credits take exactly what officers are required by department policy With these enforcement tools, officers addition to law enforcement, are providing home $9,300; with 130 credits, $9,765; litarvri behind the doors of the to file a written report when they draw exercise their written responsibility to Lj 'ke quonset huts which line Birch personal services, transporting the sick and their guns. with a degree, $10,230. Over four years, an Kalamazoo Street? injured, administering first aid and preserve the peace, protect life and officer can receive raises based on merit to No mace is stocked in the campus property, prevent crime, maintain law and HeiK L 0 f1'11'6localhalf-cylinders form the maintaining building security. station, Bernitt said, although tear gas, order, identify and arrest criminals, provide earn a top salary of $12,650. Bernitt said officers need "broad . police agency which an "better than a deadly weapon," has been a Crimes against property — thefts, service or assistance and demonstrate education hi ! t,H> MSU DePt- of Public Safety burglaries, vandalism — and drunk driving used in crowd control work. professional public service. spectrum" for police work. Ice "mother-in-law" of 17 chiefs of He added the Among the 42 officers, 28 are police and liquor law violations compose major department has no Before a man becomes an MSU officer, administration majors and the others NsitW0Iking 'n ^oth mun'cipal ancl areas of law enforcement. Of course, detention cells and uses Ingham County he must have earned 85 credits at MSU specialize in law, mechanical engineering, tvf ('Partrr>ents across the country, students and residence halls are the most Jail facilities. The State Police Crime with a 2.0 or better grade point average, or political science, history and psychology, hpe sworn officers, operating frequent sources of requests for service. Laboratory or the Michigan Health the equivalent at an acceptable university. quonset nerve among others. One man has a doctorate in center, enforce law laboratory supply analytical tools to MSU Bernitt said that since education is a n|ne-square mile area bordered by Second in a series law. While exercising these functions, no police, who do have photography and product of the University, it should be a First record of an MSU police service revolver has ever been fired at rutuvp, ... — MSU officers are all Ingham County anyone, finger-printing equipment and a classroom. "foundation of empathy between students goes back to the one-man operation in leets . and Michigan Avenues. Border ,o.erjffs deputies and have legal authority anyplace, by an MSU officer, Richard O. The MSU patrol fleet consists of two and police." 1928. About 1940, police Nctio Campus are a,so Part of their Bernitt, director of the Dept. of Public semimarked cars and five marked employes were throughout the county although they use it vehicles, "Trainees" are taught under standards (Please ] under Michigan statutes. turn to page nine) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Drug reform bill OK By JOANNA FIRESTONE he noted. "Under the federal act, they dont understand it," he he added. "It would insure predicted government is encouraging the summary State News Staff Writer this is dealt with as a misdemeanor." said. "They think it is new and will curtail their powers, when legislative and administrative flexibility which would enable state* to adopt a uniform control act which could be drug Virginia, has version of it. i that Michigan fe„|, . 1 rn" From the wires of AP and UPI. Traxler's bill, if passed, would actually this is not at all true. Use, the state to cope with both coordinated with federal drug j0in thJf ** State Rep. J. Bob Traxler. D • make simple possession of Bay City, said Wednesday he is marijuana punishable as a possession and sale of drugs and present and future drug abuse laws. »Ppro«ch to treats o'ne A' . "cautiously optimistic" that the maximum 90 day misdemeanor, - drug reform bill now before the as opposed to the federal still crimes and police powers of arrest are still the same." "The bill would merely problems, recognizing that law enforcement alone cannot solve "Some 30 other states are now considering this uniform act," he facing sode*^ update our drug abuse problem." said. "At last count, 12 states Michigan House will pass within misdemeanor maximum of one the next week. and improve present state laws," Traxler said the federal have enacted it and one state, between th^ year imprisonment. The Michigan law and current Traxler, author of the misdemeanor federal sU controversial bill, said the penalty for simple possession of marijuana is the proposal is patterned after the same as that STATES MODIFY PENALTIES "It offers more opportunities liberalized federal drug abuse act provided in the governor's message to the for MSU grads, especially in rural which took affect May 1. legislature on alcohol and drug Pot' laws leniency areas. but if the financial situation "My objective in introducing abuse of March 4,1971. this legislation is to create a noted doesn't change there won V be "Another objective of the bill is coordinated and codified system many teachers anyway." of drug control similar to that to establish a closed regulatory William Hawley, acting dean now utilized at the federal level," system for the legitimate handlers of controlled drugs in order to By The Associated Press year continues a trend of the past cases. All states have balked at of the College of Education he said. curtail illicit drug diversion," he four years toward milder laws for implementing the In Nevada first 21 may be offend J (See story p. 1) "It would classify all narcotics, marijuana and dangerous drugs added. Marijuane users are less likely to simple possession. States that reduced penalties in 1971 include recommendation of a national commission to legalize the gross charged misdemeanor, onlyii "Thesystem would require that wind up in jail in 1971 as drug. penalized by and m, ■ subject to control into five Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, There is a noticeable trend to losing tH—"■ legitimate handlers register with a increasing numbers of states license for a year. schedules, with each schedule Idaho, Indiana, Minnesota, designated state agency, maintain legislate more lenient laws. separate marijuana offenses from having its own criteria for drug records and make biennial Nebraska, Utah, Washington and the existing body of narcotics placement." A survey the The Associated West Virginia. In contrast, states such mtJ Traxler said the bill provides inventories of all controlled drug stocks." Press shows that many states are following the recent federal law The survey indicates, however, laws. In Washington State, has been designated a "dangerous pot still have tough for possession in lawsS J channels for the state to add, that states are holding firm, or in Texas reduced drug" rather than a narcotic. two years to Hussein orders crackdown delete or reschedule substances The Traxler proposal also that possession of some cases stiffening, the Nebraska has some of the offense, life on the! based upon new scientific prescribes specific fines and marijuana for personal use from a penalties for marijuana dealers. mildest laws. A judge there might and 10 he second. A yew^J King Hussein oruered a "final crackdown" by findings and the abuse potential sentences, provides law enforcement agencies with new felony to a misdemeanor. This will permit judges to keep A few states continue to hold impose a penalty as light as a $1 to lower the couple of Texas pj of the substances. penalties#! tools to first offenders out of prison. the line against relaxing tough fine for possessing less than got out of committee this Jordan's government Wednesday against Palestinian "The particular format and improve their one investigative efforts and provides The action by the states this criminal statutes in marijuana pound of marijuana. y%| guerrilla leaders he claims are plotting to establish a content of the legislation differs for Michigan adheres to strij from the pattern of the federal interim education and break way Palestinian state. laws that impose act by retaining a provision to training programs in he area of penalties J| Student board OKs The king ordered his prime minister to take "bold, 10 years for lobby drug abuse. possession and Ml keep the simple possession of all sale. But, decisive and tough action against the handful of hard narcotics, such as heroin, as "Many law enforcement people as it has in others, the trend toward lenieJ so J professional criminals and conspirators who use the a maximum four - year felony," don't support the bill because is commando movement to disguise their treasonable catching up on the MichJ Legislature and liberie plots." "I want no hesitation, tolerance or compromise in handling them." Hussein told Prime Minister Wasfi Tell. The State News, the student University, is published newspaper at Michigan State every class day during four school terms, plus Welcome Week edition in September. for increased state funds marijuana provisions are I* given • strong this year. chanrefori* Subscription rate is $14 per year. By MICHAEL FOX higher education until late July, to be transferred to the General Massachusetts Atty. G State News Staff Writer most observers indicate. Fund and for the annual General Robert H. Quinn Member Associated Press, United Press Harold Buckner, * ASMSU hasp International, Fund allocation to the legislation making m„1|U_ Air war intensifies Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, The ASMSU Student Board chairman, said the board officers department to be stopped. The possession a misdeameanoil Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press voted Tuesday night to approach and members in East Lansing this issue was tabled but might be repealing laws that make if U.S. air blows rained down Wednesday on three Association, United States Student Press Association. the Michigan Legislature this summer will communicate the voted on by mail this summer. felony to be found in] summer with a request that State students' request for increased In other action, the board: enemy divisions in eastern Cambodia., including a presence of marijuana. Second - class postage paid at East funding of MSU be increased in funding. Buckner said this would division headquarters on the Chup rubber plantation 30 Lansing, Michigan. •authorized the expansion of Editorial and business offices at 347 Student,Services light of the University's greater - partially be accomplished New Electronics on the- third Reducing a first offense froa miles inside the country, informed sources in felony to a misdemeanor alloiL Saigon building. Michigan State University, East Lansing, than - ever academic needs. through letters to legislators. floorof Student Services Building reported. Michigan. Acting on the motion by He said the board's move to Into office space now held by judge to place a defendant! The aim of the vigorous air campaign, spearheaded by Michael Flintoff, Residence Halls express itself in issues off campus, New Community and the district probation, and, if the conditiA are' fulfilled, the B5 2 Stratofortresses, was to smash enemy Phones: Assn. president, the board such as state financing of MSU, representatives. case cib| Editorial , instructed its officers to lobby was a continuation of student dismissed with concentrations and to prevent the movement of North 355-8252 •learned of the dissolution of Classified record. Advertising .. 355-8255 with legislators for an increase in concern in off - campus issues, Man and Nature, Inc., with assets Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops south. Display Advertising 353-6400 the annual budget allocation. The such as board member going to Man and Nature It was from the Chup plantation, 55 miles northeast Business Circulation state legislature is now involved in involvement in last November's Bookstore of ASMSU. Reps - of Phnom Penh, that elements of the Viet Cong's 9th Photographic 355-3447 355-8311 debate over taxation and is not trustee elections. "defeated a motion to give $25 pass billl Division moved south and attacked Cambodian expected to weigh financing of In a related financial issue, the apiece to Lansing Lifeline and troops only 18 miles east of Cambodia's capital Tuesday. board resumed debate on a People's Learning Center as for special el resolution that would curtail charitable contributions. funding of the Athletic Dept. The 'authorized $478 of its SAVE A MONTH'S INCOME proposal calls for $1.5 million equipment fund to be spent in all schools! accumulated from student towards the purchase of a $1,000 Probe lists 55 cases football ticket fees for the cash register for Man and Nature The state House I improvement of athletic facilities Bookstore. Representatives approved 11 ROOM & NEXT The Army, which has charged a and assault of Vietnamese civilians, said still has under investigation 55 other cases of general with murder Wednesday it alleged BOARD $200 / TERM YEAR Wednesday requiring ail Michi| school districts to providespe education programs instruction. i|I atrocities involving American soldiers. DON'T WASTE MONEY The bill, approved by an80l These are among a total of 168 separate incidents of vote, calls for the State Boua alleged war crimes investigated by the Army's Criminal Education to develop, estat* Investigation Division since the beginning of the big American buildup in Vietnam in 1965. ELSWORTH HOUSE ONLY) Textbooks Held over the and plan continually evaluate a sf for special eductfl designed "to develop f They are in addition to the 1968 My Lai massacre for which Lt. William L. Calley Jr. was convicted March 31 summer may lose their maximum potential of e 711 W.GRAND RIVER handicapped person in Ij of murdering 22 Vietnamese civilians. value. SELL NOW for state." Programs will include sp TOP CASH at classes for blind, deaf, menti Innocent retarded and emotioni| plea entered disturbed children. Juan V. Corona, standing quietly Campus Under the plan appi Wednesday, school districts! beside a public interpreter, pleaded innocent defender and an bells Book be required to submit plansB their individual programs. F districts are also authorized! Wednesday to 10 counts of murder in hire all necessary personnel ■ connection with mass itinerant workers in Yuba City, Calif. In a closed-door slayings of 3 for $10.00 Store equipment. Districts refusing to with the new state law will for conj f hearing in Justice 507 E. Grand River Court, public defender Roy Van den 15 per cent of the operatio be appi Heuvel entered the plea for Corona, who ($4.00 each) Across from Berkey Free store side parking cost which is to towards the capital costs oi | speaks English haltingly. - subject program or service. Corona, 37, will return to Justice Court on June 16 for a preliminary hearing at which Judge J. J. Hankins is to decide whether the farm labor JUAN CORONA contractor should be held for superior court trial. Rail property for sale The Penn Central Transportation Co., hard-pressed for cash and still Miss J carries the key losing millions in running America's biggest railroad, announced in Philadelphia Wednesday it will sell 10 blocks in downtown that locks the leather belt Manhattan, among the most valuable real estate in the nation. The property includes the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, that looks great with and 22 other buildings erected in this century and ranging from 16 to 59 stories high. long and shortcut pants. It's There is no estimated value but some believe the 2" wide hip-rider with snap property could bring in SI billion. size-adjustments Brown, navy or white $0. Hijacked plane returns A jetliner hijacked to Cuba by a man apparently A&op* armed only with a small, sharp instrument arrived in the United States on Wednesday, its 67 passengers unable to say why they were detained in Cuba for four days. Havana Radio reported the hijacker, identified as Ivan Garcia Landaeta, a 22 - year - old political refugee from Venezuela, used a fingernail clipper as his weapon. 227 Ann St. Arnold Serrata, a purser aboard the Pan American Jacobson'iS (between marshall music Airways jet, said it "looked like a small, sharp pen knife and discount records) to me." 12-8 mon-sat I Mich*®81* State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 3, 1971 3 N. Viets hit P PARIS (AP) — North Vietnam Red Cross interviewed 570 asserted sick done exclusively by the Red of a number of Vietnamese Wednesday that South and wounded U.S. officials had hoped that if Vietnam's otter to free sick and prisoners and Cross and that "we will let the patriots." confirmed that only 13 were the return of the 660 prisoners wounded North Vietnamese 'acts speak for themselves."One added: Nixon expressed hope the willing to return to the North. had gone on, it might lead to prisoners was a sham and denied "We are not playing with refusal of the North Vietnamese South Vietnam then located 90 some softening of the North statements in numbers or lives." prisoners to return would not Saigon that only 13 other sick and wounded and Vietnamese position on U.S. wanted to go said Foreign Minister Tran Van Lam deter Hanoi from considering home. they also refused to go home. prisoners. Hanoi has repeatedly Swiss of South Vietnam said in delegates of the U.S. Saigon some action on sick, disabled U.S. said it will not discuss U.S. International Committee of the officials here said the that most of the prisoners prisoners. interrogation of the prisoners was prisoner releases until the United refusing repatriation feared Lam said in Saigon: "A great States announces a withdrawal reprisals from the Communist many of them — the prisoners — date for its forces. regime in Hanoi. "don't want to go. That means COGS Lam said South Vietnam to debate Nguyen Thanh Le, the North Vietnamese spokesman in Paris, said South Vietnam and the they really have enjoyed their stay in South Vietnam and don't want to return. Most who want to offered on April 29 to return the 570 sick and wounded prisoners at the Big Phu Quoc Island POW United States pretended that stay dread reprisals, that there campu. When only 13 agreed to only 13 wanted to go home, proposed ice rink might be violence against them." go, he continued, officials adding this was "a vile and cynical Le's statement gave no evidence searched all POW campus and maneuver" that "has amazed to support his implication that found 90 more sick and wounded public opinion and the press." more than 13 wanted to go but they also refused to return Heat waves The Council of Graduate Students (GOGS) is scheduled to student group has been requested by the board of trustees to Referring to Washington and Saigon, Le declared: "It should North. home. be pointed out that discuss the proposed provide feedback on the ice they have 1B heat from pavement produce, a phenomenon that causes an observer never been sincere in freeing construction of Dual to think that his vision a new ice arena. Greene said he would Igoing bad. This blurry image which caused the wings of the planes to appear distorted was seen at its arena meeting at 3 p.m. today in 107 at introduce a proposal supporting captive patriots. Capitol City Airport in Lansing. Erickson Hall. the proposed construction, which "The United States and the Thieu - Ky Khiem puppet World renowned State News photo William Greene, COGS will probably spark some debate. - name in precision automatic turntables. by Ji m Klein A resolution that seasonal administration must set free all president, said the graduate golf Vietnamese civilians and patriots course passes be sold to students EAST LANSING as well as faculty members will be they have illegally put in jails, savagely tortured and ill • voted on today by COGS. Mary treated," he said. Lu Larsen, Physics Dept. He representative to COGS, said the was referring to President Bloc vote seen as threat season passes would increase student use of the University golf course and should increase course revenues. Nguyen Van Thieu, Vice President Nguyen Cao Kay and Premier Tran Thien Khiem. "They must let them freely choose their place of residence," The proposed seasonal rates for concern; such as civil rights, Thomas said. "It is not how you Le continued. "Those who want lyCINDI STEINWAY lower class position. students that have been suggested to remain in South Vietnam must problems and label students that is government important; "Students living on campus to the Athletic Council are $15 be allowed to do so. Those who regulation to it is their level of Ibilization of prospective support people. community could qualify, even if residents for spring term, $25 for summer wish to go and live in North interest and concern that only from September to June," term, $10 for fall term and $40 ■nt voters into a cohesive "Initially, student interest is counts." he said. Vietnam must be helped to go The 1215 offers the basic less inclined to be for the entire season. performance of all dual turntables, I bloc poses a potential strong at local The East there. The Nixon administration levels, except with off - campus Lansing area, "The individual who has COGS will also discuss a request as well as most of the features of the higher priced models. t to the present political Thomas said, and the Thieu - Ky • Khiem feels more studied the pros and cons, who that they ask the Receive $51.85 of accessories FREE with the purchase of a m in East Lansing, Mayor students," said the mayor. apprehension than fear of the is an intelligent, University to puppet administration have >n L. Thomas said recently. "State and federal elections logical thinker only purchase and serve union Dual 1215! increasing student vote. and who will vote for the lettuce. Greene said COGS must always been opposing this ie registered voters in East affect students more." "It is more a 'wait and see betterment of the legitimate demand* of all community decide if such a resolution would Vietnamese Jng now number 14,000 "Local impact of a greater what the primaries will say' would be an eligible council be political, as its constitution patriots." ■about 1.000 students," said student vote is hard to guess," attitude," he said. Le charged that President who is also asst. dean member," Thomas said. prohibits it from taking stands on Nixon's new Thomas encourages student "Thousands press conference know nothing political issues. It he College of representation on the council. and statements Tuesday night "have punication Arts. "If the jment to the Constitution Dinner to hail Anyone who is a resident and some issues and know a lot about referendums, but the The graduate student required to have one meeting group is given new evidence of the U.S. - registered voter of the city for electorate should belong to puppet deliberate detention of during summer term and will Vietnamese patriots and laid bare Jsing . to allow 18 - year - two years and is over 21 years those who are really concerned," |to vote is ratified in ess, eligible student voters Rep. Vaughn old is eligible to run for a he said. resume its biweekly meetings fall their fallacy and hypocrisy in term, Greene said. allegedly proposing the "release kcrease to 20,000." The Black Brothers of the only real threat would Armstrong Hall have announced J■ if the students voted as a the list of speakers for its DON'T LET YOUR to accomplish one major testimonial dinner honoring state ive," Thomas said. Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, ^ referred this idea of a D-Detroit, this evening in the threat" to the East Brody Hall BOOKS PILE UP! dining room. kg managerial government. Speaker of the State House of ivernment consists of five Representatives William A. Ryan, (i. members elected by D-Detroit; Robert L. Green, asst. r vote. "Three TURN THEM INTO persons provost and director Of the Icilmen) voting together Center of Urban Affairs, and Fred I control the community," Moore, director of Students for Id Environmental Quality have been CASH A1 fhis attitude of 'we're selected to speak at the get 'em,' is the convocation. ■unity's biggest 1 any group, concern not just Campus ling Thomas said. "East needs concerned, I Will FOOT LONG Tsted voters, well informed le issues at hand," he said. Ie student wants HOT DOG MEDIUM .50 something ■c. and he has an ax to PEPPERONI 1 CH I then we don't need his PIZZA I.JU 507 E. Grand River Across from Berkey lomas said that ■duals, students will as vote 332-6517 Free store - side parking I liberal than their parents. DELIVERY Wined "more liberal" as T'ing issues of social VARSIiy DRIVE IN THE COLONEL SAYS Your Grad or Dad can enjoy rich stereo from FM or records with this quality music system from Voice of Music. AM/FM stereo, 50 watts music SAVE The perfect addition to Dad's den apartment. AM/FM stereo wood cabinet or that Grad's This elegant console stereo features with Deluxe Record Changer all and quality construction for full power with Deluxe Record Changer and tape inputs Walnut Cabinet with hinged cover and two way speakers. WAS 279.95 NOW matching 4 TIMES solid stereo sound. Choice of Mediterranean Early American styling. or up to WAS 289.95 NOW offers $2.50 ON DELICIOUS coionci s»Not»* eiein FELLOWSHIPS K Cl»v) of EAST LANSING n the County of INGHAM IMam. ol nhip. Village lownihip, Villog. or 01 City) antt«r«d Horn* Add'*" of Absent Volet) Ballots Issued Campuj INSTRUCTIONS TO ELECTION INSPECTORS: Place this in binder with the other Applications to Vote. Book • • Move-it-yourself one-way or local Full insurance coverage Store • Professional aids — handtrucks, pads • New trucks that match your move 507 E. Grand River Across from Berkey BENT A RYDER ONE-WAY TRUCK Free store - side parking Misplaced 20% DISCOUNT ON T W Th Memo TYPEWRITER REPAIRS FOOT LONG rA 'RYDER ASMSU Cabinet HOT DOG 50 ■irector Diane Rathnow FOR MSU STUDENTS MEDIUM THRIFTY le: On-again, off-again From small adjustments to on all makes and models major overhaul £pzT0N' 1.50 RENT-A-CAR UNITED RENT ALL lsignations. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ALL MAKES 332-6517 2515 E. Michigan Ave 2790 E. Grand River Ifar Indecisive— DELIVERY 351-5652 CALL 485-6515 |at first you don't secede. . AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES IVARSITY DRIVE-IN I - Cobby G. and Vicki B. 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett Implementation of the Action of the Academic Council to Delete the Three Credit Physical Education Requirement for a Bachelor's Degree. On May 4, 1971, the Academic Council approved a recommendation from the Educational Policies Committee that the three credit physical education requirement be deleted from the requirements for a bachelor's degree. This action deletes item 6. of &caps Graduation Requirements for a Bachelor's Degree on page 12 of the 1970 University gow Catalog and modifies item 8. to read "Complete a minimum of 180 credits with at least a for 2.00 grade point average." Spring Term Graduation will be issued The Assistant Deans Group was asked to establish procedures to implement the action to Monday, June 7 through Friday, June 11 eliminate the three credit physical education requirement. 8-30AM- 5:30PM Fourth Floor, Union Building 1. The effective date is the beginning of summerterm 1971. However, in spring term 1971 any senior meeting all the requirements for graduation other than the physical education requirement will be permitted to petition the Assistant Dean of his college for a waiver of the Academic apparel for faculty and advanced requirement. degree candidates must be reserved by Tuesday, June 8. 2. "Instructional (activity)" courses taken as electives in the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation have been and will continue to be counted as part of the 180 credits required for graduation. However, any student who has completed before summer term 1971 one or more HPR "instructional" courses to meet the University's physical education requirement, may petition the Assistant dean of his college to exclude the credits, grades, and grade points in these courses from the credit requirements for graduation and from the computation of the final grade point average. I) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Jun„, | WMSB-TV offers Mayo Druid internship p|an 'magnificent' magic Bv LINMRACHEK 'S.ud.nU '°'"g MSU's television and radio dept. .lh,ou«h g*--. iXmen" Td""1' Objects lose their solidity to handle them. He can once Phillips begins take the "essence" of a are being short changed," a production manager r'E 0P®reti°n ■ '**2? quarter out of a person's ear, put it bottom of an overturned on glass and push It the WMSB-TV said recently. Richard P. Brundle said there at an® •"gineering. MSU's l h «5;| A 720 • year - old Druid named Mentor the through. The quarter materializes once through Magnificient' is living in Mary Mayo Hall. the glass. are many students graduating with degrees in television and overcrowded -fl.assestime Mentor's real name is Larry M. Phillips. limited, ho said, but |_ radio who have ability, but who Phillips can put on set of hand cuffs that can provide ind'v5jp a Phillips, Dearborn Heights sophomore, chose look like a dog's choke chain and as he lifts his "Mentor" as his stage name when he joined the hands and drops them, the chains come off Lansing Magicians guild six months ago. "They go into some other "If we Phillips has been practicing magic since he was wtnm seconds. cai, - 12 years old, specializing in close-up, sleight- of - Industry, and we lose them," he involved in the 'nittf .^l hand tricks. These involve manipulation of cards, Phillips said he enjoys the close-up magic, but said. production, then L«ty'4 his ambition is to get up a full act of stage magic. Because of this coins and small objects. He described one trick in which he turns dirt into Brundle situation, finish the program th ^1 Phillips can transform a deck of cards into one created a year-long into 'Gamut,' prodi?'^wl gold and then gives it to someone. If the person Internship program last fall In directing their own if "T card, like the ace of hearts. "All the cards have three sides," he explained. does not believe it is gold, it will turn to salt. It's ma television production that is offered to seven students each Brundle said. snows,"| He can make a card jump out of a deck. But Phillips claims that "Mentor" is only a stage identity, but at other times he says, "I'm not term- "Gamut,' a s( . ■ Phillips confessed that he's got "hours of card Magic is an art that demands skill and a great deal of practice. MSU has its own magician • in .ricks that don't work." Mentor at the moment, but on the inside I am." residence: the "Magnificent Mentor." - Although the Internships are produ^tion organization *11 voluntary and offer no academic ^r?*ted b* B™ndle in 1966 hi credit, students get valuable |)''idgc thi' 8«P between textbook! ex;r,Lrln All at the production eiev'sioiI 7 Wines THROUGH LEGISLATIOH If store next we are concerned about! &Beer to The making what it is, television more S- *Chilled Tappers Its attempting to m Ko-Ko Bar Rights for handicapped sought many opportunities for da *lce cold beer 8t wine kinds of communications, he said, "we've then"! *Kegs of beer available for parties got to tninl *Delicious pizza to go people differently. We've go girl in a wheelchair. apartments to blind people. The labor unions and employment get students involved." Commission Informed him they By SUSAN BENNETT Qualified blind and disabled blind and handicapped agencies. "could support us In principal, , Brundle, who received h|l ,.c„ I 410 S. persons are often refused jobs sometimes have difficulty The legislation, proposed by but that they would not support bachelor's and master of « Clippert off Kalamazoo At one time MSU would not because of their handicaps. The buying items across the counter the National Federation of the degrees from MSU said thtl | 7 Days a week Open till 2:00 a.m.« allow blind students in handicapped are frequently or being served in a restaurant or Blind of Michigan, has been us unless we have the funds." in the past the commission educational station education to student teach. A refused public accommodations bar. proposed every year by the has estimated 30 additional staff obligation to work w few years ago the School of and the use of public services. No legal recourse has been federation since 1967. In last members would be needed to television and radio dept An RHA Presentation Social Work would not admit a Landlords often refuse to rent available to disabled people in Michigan to challenge these discriminations but legislation year's legislative session the federation succeeded in getting the amendment through the carry out the legislation's program. Wilcox said he thinks considerably fewer personnel 20ih CENTURY-FOX PRESENTS Before you leave for the summer now is pending in the House of Representatives to establish civil House, but it died in the Senate, Greer Wilcox, president of would be necessary. He said he could appreciate U' volunteers! TH* outfit yourself at. rights for blind and handicapped persons. It consists of an amendment to the Michigan Fair the federation, said the organization is having trouble the reasons of the opponents but jf the legislation was passed, seek discards! . . enlisting support for the technical problems could MA6US A KOHN-KINBERG Employment Practices Act and a bill to prohibit discrimination in legislation. It has not gained backing from the Office of worked out. "It would impruve ii wouia improve uie the human uumau The Office . . of , Volunt , the of public Services for the Blind, the PRODUCTION use accommodations and to Governor's Commission for quality of our society and would bring economic, social and ^ think X'llfS, of other people befod OFF ctid GUY GREEN establish means of recourse to discarding room Employment of the 1/3 to 1/2 JOHN FOWLES political benefits," he said. "odds and ends." the State Civil Rights Handicapped or the State iASIO ON His OWN NOVfl Wilcox, 29, first became "We're collecting the types J Commission or the courts. Division of Vocational involved in working for the The amendment would Rehabilitation. things that students might th C^»XI rights of the blind in 1968 when away rather than take bac| consider job discrimination He said many people felt the he attended a convention of the because of blindness or any legislation would do more harm home," Jo Ellen Loehr, i National Federation of the disability an unfair labor than good by causing ill feeling Blind. Lansing graduate student, s practice. The applicant could be between employers and "Right now there's no The collected items will ij way a Tonight in Brody EVERYTHING I I denied the job only if he showed he could not do the work. It also employes who force their way into jobs because they were disabled "person can insist rights legally," Wilcox on his said. used sponsored in recreational prog] by the MSfl enumerates discriminations by volunteers or communiij formerly discriminated against. 8:30 Some legislators do not want "We're thrown goodness of the people around back on the agencies. "We'd like to the Civil Rights Commission to get s Includes: Knit pants. Flares, Cords, Pullover Tops, Body Shirts, Jackets, MSU JAZZ expand its powers, Wilcox said. He said he has strong suspicions us. We want definitions of our rights and some legal equipment, old art supplies, afl types of paper, old toys an some means of recourse when Belts, etc. that lobbies for employers stuffed animals, furniture, p they're violated." and pans, cooking utensils an ENSEMBLES oppose the legislation. Wilcox said the Civil Rights passed Similar in legislation has been 13 states. dishes," Miss Loehr said. S1 said no clothing can be acceptcfl Collection stations have be set up in all residence halls, shfl 541 E. The New Players said. The Volunteer Actkf GRAND RIVER WILSON AUD. announces - Corps will collect donations June 12. PHONE 332-6878 Where Style Is Alwa^^'ln" 7:30 TONIGHT JUNE 3 f\ OPEN TRYOUTS for "We'd really like a g response," Miss Loehr said. "Th collection boxes should be in tit FORTUNE & MEN'S EYES lobbies, but if you can't fog one, ask the receptionist. Andr 6 Male Roles you have a large object j Thursday & Friday donate, call the Voluntel Bureau. If we can't pick it u|| 6-11 p.m. Parlor C Union we'll try to find someone wr If you can't attend call 351-4473 will." (x) ' COLOR I, DeLuxe |...T.wToJ'SffJ« aUTl DOES WITCHCRAFT REALLY EXIST IN THE U.S. IN 1971? United Artists NOW IN A MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR SPELL-BINDING LOVE STORY ... SEE . . . THRILL AND LEARN ABOUT Tonight in Conrad "Don't worry it's quite Devil Worshipping 7:30, 9:30 suitable for the children. * SORCERY •SATANIC CALLING COMING THIS WEEKEND it contains passion, blood * BLACK CANDLES * INCENSE BURNING shed, desire, lust . . . •CABALIST RITUALS •OCCULT SCIENCE everything which •SOUL TRANSPLANT makes life worth •SATANIC DEATHS living ..." The wind howls through the open windows. . .the curtains part. . .you hear and see the MASTER OF THE FIERY WORLD. . .Suddenly he is YOUR IRMfl world! The unholy love story of 5 who made a pact with the DEVIL! Masque of Red Death bfl Curse of the Werewolf The The Haunted Palace BQUEE Dog With The Devil Dances to The Conqueror Worm A Human The MephistoWal'z "Zee French Musical" Head »»»ALANAL[»-J4C0UEUNEBeSET-"*"""°A Check Friday's Union Ballroom 8:15 Rated 'R' For 14 Different Reasons And All Terrifying! Tickets at the Union State News for times and locations & the Door $2.00 Today ... OPEN AT 1:00 P.M. miimminnniiiiiiri FEATURE AT 1:25-3:25-5:25-7:25-9:25 P.M. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. June 3. 1971 7 Ping-pong captain explains trip By NAT ABBATE State New Staff Writer SteeihLpn'tnMn^in^itoH ^pe.rvisor in a Detroit damping exerted by both the Chinese and Chinese leader laughed at one of Nixon had been particularly nmham taWktafbv in Peking by throngs of SfSSS? smiling, PIant; narrated a fi'm of the teams trip produced by the the Americans. The high points of the whole Steenhoven's jokes before it was interested to learn of the n C. u interpreted. Chinese penchant for giving and captain of the America table enthusiast! 686 ten"'S Chi"ese a"d presented experience, were meeting Chou His visit with the President receiving gifts, he said, tennis team which visited All expenses were naiH hv the hk hSIV( toh nhoven when while in China and then meeting was very informal, he said. He "He made sure to remember Communist China in Aoril S ChineJ he Thl ^v J,s h°s|s Jeard that President Nixon when he and Nixon sat and talked for it when I told him that if they students Tuesdav of the "ton criticism hp ™„ih ff t v. bring a returned to the United States, about an hour on such topics as receive something from you, toZ, he,1ft drawer' treatment and his Ptemie, S L Chop kf J En-lni, when T'rl""' The fflm ,n ., . - black and white,„ Steenhoven said. the price of table tennis tolls. they tend to give it back in one team received there. "Meeting Nixon and Chou steenhoven said that way or another," he said. sShZ giving mm "t^ too much ffood. mnoh h » ?°r yVTiencan tea™ durin8 Its tour En-lai in one month has got to although 6 all he and Nixon talked Steenhoven summed up r the cfass \dc ^Steenhoven0 and to Steenhoven, Tn^mniov owmc isfc. » !vf on the tOUr ®nd seemj to focus on . be a high spot in my life," he . .. interdisciplinary raise,plinary class, IDC 389 389, an employment nt about were trivial matters, the tour as a success and expressed goodwill and friendliness said. "There's only one Man press was sure that he had hope that the Chinese team higher than that, but I don't brought "some deep dark secrets would accept his invitation to want to meet. Him yet. back from China." play in the United States soon. 1 Pea* Swiss university nullifies Steenhoven said he was impressed with Chou whom he felt could understand English very Pitty'oi even though he spoke through ien ^ an interpreter. He said that at ey.cinw lectures, exams, grades one point in the conversation, the ' By JONATHAN KAUFMAN five major orientations toward certificates. s'udem ^tion, vis A new growing, making, creating and . Students wanting information should further 'n 1966 to university, opening in governing. contact en Switzerland on June 29, will Each student will have his own Donald Ward, East Lansing textbook abolish classrooms, doctoral student in higher lectures, personal study program, competitive exams and grades in Students admitted to the education. its programs aimed "at action of university will have to pay a future world relevance," the $1,500 Ki catalog states. each comprehensive fee for three months they will The University of the New attend. This fee is nonrefundable, World, in Valais, Switzerland, hut students withdrawing from founded by Alfred de Grazia, a the university may apply the professor at New York unused portion of it against their University, will have a teaching next three months' faculty of leading intellectual and comprehensive fee, should they civic leaders from several return within Dressing Sparty countries, its catalog says. may join or a year. A person leave the university ^ Most of the school's in any month of the year. "members" ie "Sparty" statue near Demonstration Hall has long stood (students and Members of the studios elect a symbol of MSU. This unidentified student, however, faculty) will initially be from the their faculty for two - year United States. Lpparently feels that the slight addition of a piece of clothing periods, whenever a position is Students in the university will |vas needed to enhance the statue's appearance. be grouped into open. Such elections must be State News photo by Tom Gaunt workshops called approved by the assembly of the "studios," classified under one of university, which is also elected by the members. There is no tenure in the university. rof compares problems Initial enrollment will be set at 325, and is expected to rise to 1,500 in four months. I ill If Leylon Cey lon to those in *11 in U.S. f* Eventually, the university countries. An independent commission on ) n , faces . both . . , evaluation and accredidation unemployed how adequate as insurgents, he said. They evaluates student achievements piiployment and clashes incomes are and the number of became well educated and did not and makes recommendations to ethnic groups similar to desirable jobs available in Ceylon, wish to leave. Indians now the assembly regarding the white conflicts in the Kannappan said because the monopolize the government, granting of degrees and [ted States, said an economics world demand for tea has not which is the country's major form >or Tuesday. risen, Ceylonese estate managers of employment, ibbiah Kannappan, who are migrating to other countries Conflict also exists between the Iitly returned from an eight - to produce tea commercially Emission to Ceylon, said the Consequently, Ceyloji has traditional and the elite societies, University Kannappan said. It is difficult to Ite sector" of the country is a planted little tea in the past few ■leneck to bridge the westernized urban club growth because it is years. group with the traditional ^ meeting its cost in the Another agricultural problem is culture, he said. The University Club dining of tea, the major that rice is subsidized for each '.i I tKot ,„itK hope that with the from tu room wi" be open Saturday family and creates a budgetary 8 g, contrary to fcnnappan was one of 15 deficit in the government, generation of growth some of the jnformatjon ^ libers of a team chosen factors sustaining these rigidities by the Kannappan said. Club Bujjetin will weaken," he said. Jrnational Labor Organization A political conflict based on ■udy growth and development economic conditions exists in Tnployment conditions. Ceylon between the Indians and le team was sent to evaluate the Ceylonese. Years ago the jobs are found for the Indians were brought to Ceylon 2ND BIG WEEK! Open 1 p.m. — 4 Shows Daily 1:30-4:00-7:00-9:15 Dale Wasserman's THE BEST OF OUR Dramatization .RATED G but of UNDERBROUND FILMS MAYBE TOO INTENSE FOR One Flew Over YOUNGER The Cuckoo's Nest THURS. LAST NIGHT CHILDREN. i based on the novel 130 minutes of by Ken Kesey excitement! 96 of the most critical June 3, 4 at 8:30 WONDERS KIVA vtmm hours in history! Tickets at the Union & the door $2.00 Suspense to last a lifetime! .MM. FINAL WEEK ^NDROIEDA 5TRAIK A UNIVERSAL PICTURE-TECHNICOLOR' PANAVISION [g] NORTHSU® CHICKEN |INE< SERIESP*6*^ Basil Rathbone as |3l COLOR FEATURES SHERLOCK A film by HOLMES Ernie Pintoff with &jf the Lenny Bruce, The Ace Trucking fca^e>uulleA Ron Carey, Tuli Sha Na Kupferberg, Na, Allen Ginsberg. |Laurel - - & Shown at 7 & 9:20 plus -PLUS- Hardy in The most electrifying ritual ever seen! RICHARD HARRIS as MA14 "A HAH GALLED HORSE" MMKM SHOWN 2ND AT 10:50 TOM PAINE TONIGHT 104B WELLS 7, 8:40, 10:20 FRI - $l. NO ID SAT Beal presents a play by Paul Foster See the Rabbi bring to life an 8 foot stone monster to gji Plus BUCK ROGERS Shaw Little Theater T°night Room Chapter 12 avenge his people in the *7 de»«hi t~SSrJ!m Only A CHRISTOPHER LEE RICHARD GREENE Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8:30 horror classic Till! GOl.EM 106 B (last chapter) SHIRLEY EATON COLOR Tickets at the Union & the Door $1.50 and -SHOWN LATE- MASQUE of the RED DEA TH IT'S ALL FOR SALE at 9 p.m. only g Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -Th"rsdayjllnpl Barbers By BAY ANDERSON Barber gird for Shop said he does not There are exceptions, though. vary, but the most frequent real world State News Staff Writer anticipate as big a rush because they'll have to part during the summer, and I guess He said he had a customer last reason given by those parting with their hair." there has been a greater week who had not had a haircut with long locks was a job. they'd rather cut it off themselves With finals less than a week He said long hair has obtained then have someone else tell them acceptance of long hair by the in two years, One somewhat away, East Lansing barbershops establishment. disgruntled acceptance in big cities and to," said one barber at the Big "He had gotten a job in town student complained, "If I were college towns but is still Ten Barber Shop. are preparing for the anticipated "Many of the people coming in here, and that's what his staying in East Lansing for the unpopular in rural areas. summer haircut rush. for haircuts last spring wanted it employer wanted," Beeman said. summer I could get a job, but in "Hair that is considered average A minority of those getting "We had people standing in the above the ears, and this year we The customer took his ten inch the UP (Upper Peninsula) people length here will be too long in their haircut have said they are - - street last year during finals." said are doing more trimming then long pony tail home to his wife, don't appreciate the hippie Hob a lovely female barber at the MSU Nob, Iowa," he said. trying to lessen family discord. cutting of long hair," he said. Reasons for getting hair cuts image." barber shop. Barbers also cited pending "I had ite "They want a job, Reese E. military service as motivation for "Parents just aren't as a guy come in quite l.l I Olger, manager of the Varsity parting with a winter coat of hair. concerned about long hair as they recently and stand amazed at the door because we crowded," she said. "He came late last spring and had to wait weren' >2 Candidates to speak Barber Shop, said, "and they realize when they go out in the "A lot of guys will be going to used to be," Ruf'us King of the National Guard camps and stuff Campus Barber Shop said. on school board jobs two hours to get his hair cut." There was a consensus among East Lansing barbers that business would increase during Candidates for East Lansing have five minutes to speak and the coming week, but they also School Board prositions will then will answer questions from felt it 'vould not be as significant present their views at an open the floor. There are two school as last year when long hair was meeting at 8 p.m. today in the board vacancies that will be filled still considered more of an John A. Hannah Middle School in the June 14 school elections, exception than a rule. auditorium. This A 21 - YEAR - OLD MSU circumstances" near McDonel Mark Beeman of the Campus meeting is sponsored by The six candidates will each the Lansing Area League of student was expected to post Hall allegedly saw the marijuana A PAIR OK TENNIS SHOES Women Voters. There will also be $750 bond sometime Wednesday protruding from his pocket. and a basketball; a watch and after he demanded preliminary Glenn Herriman, Inc. a short millage presentation given by the administration. East Lansing examination for charges that he possessed what MSU police said Police declined to release details of the arrest. Date for jacket; earrings, necklace; and a ring and an electric a preliminary examination was set typewriter, with a total was marijuana. for next Thursday. estimated value of The candidates for one four - The $382, were student, year term are John Henderson, Martha Thornton, Rita Stout and Wednesday morning in East arraigned discovered missing from two lockers in the Men's this week m Lansing District Court, was AN ESTIMATED $1,843.50 Harold Stonehouse. Candidates Intramural Building, a student arrested at about 10 in electronic and camera for the one p.m. room and the Chemistry - year post are Ann Tuesday when patrol officers equipment belonging to MSU Bldg. Hyndman and James Apple. ' was discovered missing Tuesday library. n vestigating suspicious from the trunk of a 1969 Police said the lockers were Right-hand drivve Chrysler owned by Jason P. both reportedly lockeu at the "I enjoy quality things," explined Lovette, media director of the Center for Urban Affairs, East time of the theft. The jewelry was reported stolen while a coed asked about hii antique car. The 1947 MG cartoonist Phil Frank when which is oneof I I Lansing police said. two early automobiles that Frank almost I slept in an East McDonel Hall owns, can be seen Police said Lovette's PHONE: 482-6226 automobile had been stolen on room, and the typewriter theft occurred from a locked office. every day parked near the Journalism Building. I Harrington I State News photo by John May 17 from the 100 block of West Albert Street and was YVArC and recovered this week by officers in Detroit. Contacted by police, w-f //1 NN\ 1 Lovette picket up the vehicle and found the items missing from the trunk. No other information on the incident was available. Capital Capsules ( I J 0 ) > )\ PERSONS WHO REFUSE to and sponsor of the bill, said. A RULE WHICH AN ESTIMATED $95 in accept suitable employment "The taxpayer — and I am insurance salesmen to REQUoJ damage occurred early Tuesday opportunities would not be put ill included in this term — is more facts in writing when afternoon when someone allowed they urj to collect welfare In than willing to help those in client to cancel an old apparently broke the windshield Michigan under a bill introduced poL of an automobile owned by need, but he is becoming and buy a new one wasputJ into the Michigan House of Susan C. Turner, Grosse Pointe increasingly weary of providing a effect Tuesday by the Michi Representatives on Wednesday. living for those who are able to Commerce Dept. sophomore. "This bill returns the welfare work, but who would rather ride The new rule is Miss Turner told police the program to what I perceive was the welfare train," he said. designed! 1967 Mustang was parked in the eliminate "twisting," a if its original intent, of helping used to describe the practkel West Akers Hall bays at the time people in their timeof need until A RESOLUTION WHICH of the incident. Police said no they can return to the would allow Michigan voters to replacing an old insurancepoll for a new one. often to| apparent attempt was made to employment rolls," Rep. decide if the property tax should burglarize the vehicle. Fredrick L. disadvantage of the Stackable, R-Lansing be eliminated was introduced Russell E. Van Hooser, d into the Michigan Senate on insurance commissioner, said I Wednesday. The new rule requires ff Voter approval is necessary insurance salesman to give I since the action would require a client a Fresh from the country ... prepared notice viJ defenseless constitutional amendment. states, "It is not likely to befl and alone ... he faced the city's "Let's let the people decide if your advantage to drop j they want property taxes," Sen. change any of your exisll toughest gangs ... with a book James D. Gray, D-Warren and insurance for the purpose! sponsor of the resolution, said. replacement with Starring insurance." PAT BOONE as David Wilkerson with ERIK ESTRADA • JACKIE GIROUX DINO DeFlllPPI • JO-ANN ROBINSON - Screenplay by DON MURRAYand JAMES BONNET EXCLUSIVE MID MICHIGAN SHOWING UNION ALPHA PHll Wed. Sat. Sun. BOARD SIGMA InEimiifenng 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:00-9:00 OTHER DAYS * * 3 bedrooms Call 5628W SAGINAW ■ 484-4403 7:00& 9:00 Large living room Bob Homan * $21,100 Easy Terms 349 3310 349-2018 BOOK DRIVE M3 * PHONE ED. 2-1042 (3) X Pictures REAL ESTATE JUNE Exclusive First Run Shewing MSU-OKEMOS BRANCH OFFICE Bring in your used books! Some will be used in the Union! 4217 Okemos Rd., Okemos Browsing Room, and some will be donated to Jackson State| HeGinHdmC0MWB/ Phone 349-3310 Prison. Drop books off at the U.N. Lounge or in di lobbies OR call 355 3355 for pick - up service. - SAVE ON SONY/SUPERSCOPE PLEASE return them! AT HI Fl BUYS BREWSTEftMCCLOU THIS MAY BE THE PLAZA OVER YOUR That's right. Like the Sony/Superscope Model TC-70 AC/DC Community Owned. .. Serving (he Community HEAD. Portable Cassette-Corder. It's now FEATURES EVERY SUNDAY priced at $69.95 - a savings of $10 off the list AIITCTAMniNfi price. Featuring a unique back space review AM button and stop/start SALLY KELLERMAN microphone makes this Sony ideal for Thursday at 6:00 and 8:00 study or stenographic work. The TC-70 also features end - of • Friday at 6:15, 8:15, 10:10 tape alarm, Tone and Volume controls and Record Thursday Twl-Llte Hr.t Level and Adults 90c. 5:30-6:00 Ui!£mrvoen5th HIFI BUYS and Indicator- So why don't you save on Step Inside Sony/Superscope. VISIT US AND BE SURPRISED AT THE MANY AND VARIOUS ARE SUMPTUOUS FOODS PREPARED FOR THE WAYS OF LOVE ... YOUR DINING PLEASURE D.H. LAWRENCE'S in the WOMEN IN LOVE GAS BUGGYROOM i Thursday at 5:30 and 8:00 I Friday at 5:00, 7:30, 9:55 SERVING FROM 12:30TO 8 P M. ' Thursday Tw' ■ •• • ■ .. Adults 90c, 5:00-5:30 Yes!... Your Hatorite Cocktail Music For Your Listening Pleasurel >®E C%. Now $69.95 RESERVATIONS NOT NECESSARY .^BUTFOJ| YOUR CONVENIENCE. JUST PH0NE3// HAD DOGS &. "NORMA! SHOWN TWICE AT 8:30 AND LATE "CHERRY" 2ND AT 10:15 - AND HONEY AT 11:40 COMMUNAL TOURING COMPANY ENGLISHMEN £ THE PLAZA LOCATED JUST 1 MILE EAST OF MALL 0 Thursday Twl-Llte Hr.. Adults 90c, 5:30-6:00 125 WEST MICHIGAN On The Crest of Washington AVENUl Square Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 3, i 971 9 Classified AdvertUinat Continued!from paaa id t.R lie tvv0 homos, bedroom furnlshad $2B-#3B/wn«k. 10 EUROPE $194, 8tudantouri trip |et to London. Summer 1971, round Teacher hiring debated (Continued from page one) coordinator of the graduate live up to it," William Mormiotm Hicks, for some time. ! ctimpui. 041-8801. Call Fred Sancher, 386 - 2824 fa mini jobs; not fully certified teachers should be let go In their place. atudent affairs office, stated. chairman of elementary and However, he added, special education, said. He also mentioned that teaching with contract, a a permit is under certified teacher may | HIHMTION To many, this Is certification doesn't necessarily someone such as a certified ... .. .. . .. ., |E 1008 12k80. Excellent L ' merely a second "I don't think schools should college graduate should be ° y. ^ place J\,.|0t, 2 bitdrooms, front 8220 Round Trip - Jet AIR 9t « Bjfljiim MsrMlsSIm Income.'• Walter Scott, make a teacher good. continue to "It's (certification) too highly teachers when there's hire uncertified employed because he has spent . contract lan^aSe Permits the jklrted. $4800.868-2917, Intra European Chartered an excess much money on his education, employer to dissolve the flight!, Eurall Pan, esmjuu Mtinliisl Tkstli imlcs Isr restrictive; Its a form of of certified teachers," he added. If an uncertified teacher contract, Phau said. Maittr'i ssl DiiUril Osslllstsi. frts protection for the students, but Phau said the adjustment IisMFD SPARTAN Manor, Brltrall Pen & Cyole iriekuri si il Csnsultatian. tlssis Csll they still haven't found a way to period while firing uncertified In Awnlnfls, nklrtlnfl and rental - Chartered »< Shi s find out If the teacher is really teachers and Hsuiftif 117 111? si UMttt. Sabine's ■ ' Behind Tom's Party hiring certified LO! Bl.rn.5 0" :)08. Call 3B1 9238 flights to Africa, Israel and India. Call Frank Buck TYPING - TERM papers and theses. Electric typewriter, fast service. A lawyer will be at ASM9U from I to S p.m. today. Call 353-06S9 for an appointment. There Is a $3 nominal good," Scott said. "If we do have adopted by the State Board of a code teachers will problems." cause "all kinds of He stated that it is "complex resig Call 340 1904, 18-8-4 L rtE. n*3(). Good condition. charge. When coming for Education which says school your in human job factors involved," 10 o> n lie" otter. 89 pm, Hsvitn behind Tom's, Lot PARK AND SHOPI Park an easy chair and yourself In shop the Want Ad typing, THESES Rapid eccurite Experienced. 393-4078. and imters, etc. O service. appointment, please check In ASM9U business office, Student Services Bldg. at the 307-B districts should not employ uncertified people, we should especially teacher had been if an uncertified working there switch e way todayl Students from the School of Bain said. "It will be rather BAR8I MELi Typing, (Continued from page one) personal Lanscape Architecture Service No |ob too large or too small Block off campus, 332-32BB. C multlflthlng. open house from 10 will hold an a.m. to Saturday In the Urban Planning and S p.m. 42 policemen enforce area I pleasant to be professors together of responsibility, was in a department." temporarily placed under the ■i.TVt ES on Mondays. UNION Landscape Architecture Building. All "I hope he will teach," he ■LDING 9AHBEH 8HOP. C-8-3 PAINTING itrelhvlted. direction of President Wharton. continued. "In a classroom, he EXTBR7OR7~P7M J 14B4 a Irwin In complexion care. Eisst MIchlflBh or estimates. Grad students, experienced, references. Brighten All Attention all new nation women! Ylpplel Women are now being law in campus area When contacted Wednesday Jack M. Bain, who will step down could be a very provocative teacher. This is a man with ideas, LONDON organized for together Ylppleness In as dean of the College of a stimulating person." STUDENTOURS. 8/28 ■ amino Moll. MERLE MU»,'C h°"" "" - I 8/23. $190. • communal living with the (Continued from page one) How does the campus react Communication Arts on June 30 As vice president, Sabine drew ■nMAN COSMETICS Mult sail. Marty, House, for Information about living Ylpple Typewriter 381-0071. 2-8-4 supervised by the East Lansing to Its police? Bernitt said to direct the Communications praise and criticism for his work 3 ■DIGS, c fEI there starting fall, call (Jinny at police chief, and, by 1947, the 100 course, said he was looking on recruitment projects for Repair iS3-3023or 353-1836. although officers receive I aTGSB and ORE Board (RIcctHci) WANTED RIDERS to Jacksonville, agency was solely a University occasional harassment, only two forward to working with Sabine National Merit Scholars. Sabine Ls, Kmilon tutoring cisises l,i>lnq formed for June, July I'orvtW <* Domestic m Campus Typewriter Service _____ Florida, 0/12, Call Chuck, 489 1806,337 . 0002.3.0-4 - at the nearby Island resort home of function. The present public safety department was organized assaults on officers occurred this year, one with a knife and the as a colleague once again. Bain worked under Sabine for also worked on recruiting minority students and on a _ Angnst exams. Call 13131 •cron from Jon Hammond. Members, friends and in 1956. other with a fist, he said he three years as asst. dean of the national program of recruitment Union lfi077 collect. 10-0-4 L-Om» E. M«v Sr. ED 2-0877 Wanted tfuests are Invited to meet at 7:30 p.m. Today, "little routine Is recently received a letter College of Communication Arts. of servicemen in Vietnam to use today at the Union Circle for maps and Involved" In patrol efforts, "I always enjoyed my veterans' benefits to attain higher BLOOD DONORS urgently needed. rides. Kverythlng will be provided, for commending nine officers education. according to Bernltt. Each of Involved In investigating the association with Mr. Sabine," J™""" I'v'onal ■ HARV and Podge, Thanks for Rh negative, 810 to $12 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 404 West paid, Information, call 332-3700. Campus Action will meet at 9 p.m. five University districts is patrolled by one officer, who recent East Lansing State Bank robbery. PROFESSIONAL tbday In he Union Oak Room. Lanny rotates districts daily. He |gh!mj, loving, crying, trying, TYPIST seeks term Michigan, Ypillantl, 8-0-4 Beyond normal work pepers, theses. Best rates, Tucker, chemical englnnerlng senior, answers to a duty supervlser, routine, officers sometimes are lining belni|. We care. Lova, speedy will speak. Lner. 16 3 service. 361-4819. 19-8-4 who gives assignments, holds called on to let 3 GIRL8 BIKE8, Under 110 apiece. persons into Phone 404 8724. 2-8-3 "Gamut" will present "The Second dally briefings and maintains ANN BROWN: Typing and multlllth - radio contact. buildings with a set of master ■tie HOW about breaking for Coming, Part 11" at 10:30 a.m. offset printing, Complete service Saturday on Channel 10 WMSB. The Three eight-hour shifts In the keys used by the department. h> Low, the Tag Reader. 1-0-3 for dissertations, theses, SINGLE PR0FES80R~»Mki"quleT2 film "Throwing Off" will be shown. Personal assistance Is often manuscripts, general typing, IBM, 21 years experience. 349-0860. C badroom duplex. similar area. 372 - Glancalrn or 0010 after 8 Students will iee Berkcy Hall In a new light. Illy the Cuyler will Interview protective services division are provided to stranded each staffed by a sergeant, a motorists. Bernitt said these tasks are REWARD pm. 3-0-4 Jack Epps, the Aim's producer, an corporal and from five to 11 SAVE SAVE SAVE MSU students, and All lssarl, head of officers. The sergeant of each part of the department's duty — Xerox copying - offset the University film production. printing - TEACHER AND ion need July - shift answers to captain Adam J. and they will continue to be as $50.00 best quality at reasonable prices, August rantal. 8120. Collect 212- "Horizons" will present "Vietnam Zutaut, uniformed commander. long as he is director. THE COPY SHOPPE, 041 East 027 9377. 3-0-4 Two other divisions of - Veteran's Rehabilitation, Part 111" at Grand River. Phone 322-4222. C S:30 p.m. Saturday on WKAR-AM. the public safety department 10 SPEED bike, like Problems of the veteran's re¬ new include staff services, with the COMPLETE THESES service. condition, for around 870. 393 adjustment to home and Job will be • examined. vehicle office; and safety Discount printing, IBM typing end 7117. 3-0.4 binding of theses, resumes, services, for fire safety, pest For information leading to the recovery of a student I'LL always love the only control and sanitation. All carrel, her I Iiiwj, Congratulations, publications. Across from cempus, corner M.A.C. and Grand WOMAN GOVERNESsTIxperiene^ will babysit, days or Wanted divisions answer to Bernltt, an IBM typewriter and a Smith - Corona typewriter taken River, evenings. 351 nllnfk ami love, Lynne. 1-0-3 below Jones Stationery 8hop, Call 0000, axt 7174. 8-8-4 whose boss is President Wharton. from the Chemistry Library or for information leading to - EAST LANSING Business wants COPYGRAPH SERVICES, the arrest of those responsible for the theft. Phone: Prof. garage to rent. Phone 332 4222, J. naedeti!_87^0 - WE sure will miss Thursday 337-1066 C BLOOD DONORS for ask for Dick. 5-8-4 B. Kinsinger 5 -9717 (or 3 - 4559) its, I nnan It It les, goodies, ail positive. A negative, B negative liskey sours, borrowing, lending, si roaming, rummaglno TYPIST, BOOKKEEPING In my home, Dlctephone work accepted. and AB negative, 810.00. 0 negative, 812,00, MICHIGAN WANTED: GIRL'S English style TOP CASH FOR Ugh thn 1 lomt, |ia|ama partial, Pick up and delivery for faculty or • COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, bicycle. Cell 365-9708, before 5 rn, and you I Oh, by the wey, S07V4 East Grand River, East p.m. 2-8-4 businesses. 055-3468. B3-8-3 '(filiations. The Diabolical Lamina, Aguve the new Campus Book Store, Hours: S a.m. to 3:30 LARGE HOUSE In the country. Wented to rent Immedletely. Call USED BOOKS Monday, Thuriday, and \ i t K summer. doing to be a Thank you for e tb'hg, KAY'8 TYPING Service. Theses, Friday, Tuesday and\Nednesdayl P.m. to 0:30 p.m. 337-7183, C Jim, 358-0277. 2-0-4 PAID AT IIEBERM ANN'S hanny winter. All my love, WANTED: 25 lb. barbells. Cell dissertations, manuscripts, term HAM RADIO operator desperately 332-1 437. Ask for Mike papers, etc. 393-3088.1-0-3 COMPLETE THE8E8 needed for oversees contact. 303-3120.2-0-4 Trowbridge. 1-8-3 For Graduation ... a Compu$ service.- Discount printing, IBM typing end binding of theses, resumes, RIDE TO WAeshlngton, D.C. eree, T Will Jme voluptuous five In 207: ■ngrsttiiatlons on graduation, • publications. Across from campus, eomer MAC and Grend River, leaving on or after Thundey June 10, SHati drlvlhg expenses. FOOT LONG Book GOOD BRIEF CASE k In the future. Bruce. below COPYGRAPH Style Shop, Coll 301-0470.2-0-4 HOT DOG .50 Store SERVICES, GARAGE TO store 17' boat beginning MEDIUM 337-1800. C JWiSHCS to my sisters Marty ii^|uneJB^vsrilnjji^50^O8tB^2i6-4 i Linda. Congratulations on tr graduation. With love, Bruce. ^T0N' 1.50 North, East, 332-6517 507 E. Grand River nd « not get good offer by the a offer by the team team performing catcher's performing catcher's duties. I've thought about signing a professional contract," Ellis said that drafts hlm he could sign "* duties. With the scouts bird - dogging fing for for things that show how much a player is worth." ballplayer,' ballplayer," Litwhiler commented, and if he geta gets a y^.s«cotent years statement. Hi had 14V col,ePatecoachh.iL i„ J !45 as he stood alone the left field with another the next season. Tho nACfiihlllh; r*f r • him in Florida and across the Big- It would seem that a baseball chance to make good money he these 7,p yers w'n lettenl The of making big 10 map the pressure for Ellis to - . . .. - . - fence of John Kobs Field for coach, in jeopardy of losing his ' money is unusual when only 21 come through was great all year. should sign. I've known a lot of siened \ half J one of the last times. The difference between Ellis' old and a Pl»yer must be "The pressure was there but I top ball "player would try to vince him of the players get good money who sever^ h»r«IeSS'°nal contr»ctiJ dream and that of most others is "hie to know how much he is high value aren't half as good as he la. league ( Prn"°"j-J ■ that the Spartan junior can be expected to realize his dream, wof,, ' Li!l . . should get at least DETROIT . KETTERING STAR probably this summer. $60,000, maybe more," the The professional baseball Grand Rapids product calculated. If offered much less choo draft will be held this month and Ellis is certain to be chosen high than up on the list of collegiate ball out' ' think I ve shown enough players and other free agents. * think I would hold last two years to deserve Hairston MSU Almost as probable is the fact $60,000. Rob Ellis that Ellis, the best hitter to ever "The ,ook first for the By NICK MIRON in a new era of basketball at Lindsay," Ganakas noted. "Not promises to be one wear an MSU uniform, will sign h°me run hitters and with 14 State News Sports Writer MSU." only is he a great player, but he's finest freshmen „i i for a big bonus and depart from tbls season * should be in good a well-rounded young man as Love lie Rivers squads . the Big 10 champion Spartans. Commenting the loss of 0f £f.. - . MSU basketball received a big _ on well. He has - — an — outstanding. Mackenzie. Rivers was "I've thought of playing s season and career boost yesterday when Lindsay Russell to U-M, Ganakas noted family, school and community player and at 6-6, 220 an«L professional ball for a long home1, marks for the Spartans Hairston of Detroit Kettering that he felt MSU had still taken background." will add great Z. and he aso Posted new records depth to thVJ time," the Spartan's right fielder High School announced that Ke the largest piece of the cake. "If basketball teams of t said, "and if a chance comes in almost every offensive w|„ enroll at MSU next fal, we had to have one, I'd choose Joining Hairston, on what future. category. Come jofot to-... along I just can't let it pass. The announcement came as a "Sure it would be nice to stay Among the honors received relief to the coaching staff which an extra year and maybe make by Ellis was his being named to had taken a blow when Campy TONIGHT from 5 to 10 p.m. up tournament for losing the district the All - District 4 team. getting started in but I think pro ball, that as Placement necessary on the district team is to be considered for Russell decided to attend the University of Michigan, Hairston, a 6-9, 200 pound Tau Delta Phi captures for a dee licious New Orleans soon as possible, is more All • America honors. center is an all-America and important to me." Record books are not what all-state basketball star and was SHRIMP BOIL! A player of Ellis' caliber is scouts look at when evaluating a scouted extensively by colleges around the nation. Kettering team to the Detroit He led his IM Softball championship! HELP GREEN AMERICA city title and to the finals of the Michigan Class A tournament in Tau Delta Phi is the 1971 all - university Sheckel produced the"go ahead a March softball champion and for the second consecutive Pitcher Jim Holloway blanked Tau Deltil Fresh JUMBO SHRIMP served in the Put cash in your His talents are varied averaged better than 23 points as he year Holocaust is the runner - up. After Tau Delta Phi defeated independent In its half of the third inning, but then his defense collapse again in the witd shell . . . Boiled in a delicate mixture of and more than 21 rebounds per team Housenwall and Holocaust edged Cachet of the fourth inn3 herbs and seasoning direct from New fraternity pushed across its second unaX Orleans . . . SALAD included. pocket! game in his high school career. "I was very impressed with Case Hall in the semi - finals last week, the stage was set for the championship showdown, run to Lnot the game, 2 - 2. With Kleiman picked up his second two J hit, a singkl the educational and athletic Holocaust, representing Holmes Hall last year center field. He took second when the HolocM SELL YOUR BOOKS atmosphere at State," Hairston said. "Coach Ganakas (Head enroute to the championship game, played with most of the s®"16 personnel this year in the outfielder slipped and scored on a when the next batter hit a throwing#! ground ball to Coach Gus Ganakas) and Coach independent division. Holocaust bidding to shortstop. ALL YOU For Only AT Aitch (Frosh Coach Matthew sw«eP the top honors that evaded it last year In the last Inning of the five inning cot- Aitch) were most sincere in their twice blew one - run leads in the 3 - 2 defeat to Holocaust did not score and in the bottom ■ 1 CAN EAT! S325 dealings with me and my family. Tau Delta Phi. of the frame Tau Delta Phi put Campus,. The staff, the team, and the athletic department show a real togetherness and a desire to Holocaust scored the first run in the opening inning when Mike McLean hit a double down the ri8ht ,ine and then scored on a single by consecutive singles to score the together winning ru J Booki really help each other." Ganakas Hairston was decision. elated with Frank Sheckel. Tau Delta Phi tied the score in the second Greg Hyland started the rally with hisseci single of the game and went to third on Iil McLeod's second single. Rick Perez then iL Store s Big men inning on an unearned run. After two outs Brent hero's honors with a line shot single down! - are hard to come by because third base line. K]eiman stroked a single to center field and went 3121 E. GRAND RIVER they are not in abundance, to third on a two . base error Kleiman scored 507 E. Grand River Ganakas said. College recruiters when the next batter was safe on a Holocaust Tom Koernke was the winning pitcher foil EAST ^ew Ph°ne: Across from Berkey seek out the big man and build eiTor. Delta Phi. Picking up two hits for the vkP around him. Hairston will usher were McLeod, Kleiman, Hyland, and Larry i Free store side ___________________ Holocaust scored again in the third inning Pacing the hitting attack for Holocaust with I - parking when two out singles by Tom Altmeyer and hits • apiece were Sheckel and Matt BaIgenorth.j A hurricane. Six hundred people were canes, typhoons, storm centers. setting machine. It's called the We're involved with them. And This Sorting cenll We can spot sea ice and snow VideoComp. with so much more killed by one in New England in 1938 Four years later, eleven cover Calculate wind speeds Anywhere on earth This program exemplifies It can set type as fast as 900 lines per minute. Compare We like to think that at RCA the drive toward innovation applicator this with the 15/minute of me¬ should be everybody's concern. finds parfneij filled thousand were killed by one in the importance of interdisciplin¬ chanical typesetting, or the 300/ The winds of hurricane ary engineering, the engineer¬ minute of photosetters. needed if Because we this are concern to continue is was a ing concept of the future It is our goal ultimately to the forward direction of crea¬ There will be an IM sp are over 75 miles an hour. It is becoming increasingly a week produce an RCA electronic It takes the form of a circle more apparent that in the fu¬ tive technology for people. service working out of I printing system that will accept You may be or an oval, sometimes as much ture, the engineer will touch a manuscript as input and de¬ in planning a ca¬ Women's Intramural Builf as 500 miles in diameter. virtually every aspect of our reer industry—if so, you could that will act as a "sorting cet liver printed copy — packaged, be part There is no prevention. lives. From medicine to the arts of our vision of the future. for both men and women who! addressed and sorted ago...,,; — to the We invite inquiries through But if we reduce the ele¬ to education to leisure products. shipping dock. your College seeking partners for vm Placement Direc¬ ment of surprise, we can reduce And he will do this in con¬ Now consider another field recreational sports activities. I its deadly potential. tor— he can supply additional junction with other disciplines which had previously been out¬ The center will help both! And we've taken steps so information about an RCA women find partners ■ to complement, overlay, and side the realm of the engineer: and that it will never surprise us career. unite his output for an end re¬ medicine and health services. We are an equal opportu¬ tennis, paddleball, table ten again. sult that is both balanced and We've been involved in the badminton and golf. A per RCA has designed, devel¬ complete. nity employer. development of a mobile labora¬ interested in finding a partneri oped and produced the world's Think for a moment about most advanced family of weather an endeavor which, like mete¬ tory to provide comprehensive any of the above mentij physical examinations in on-the- sports need only call the Wore# satellites. It's called the ITOS program. It's the most sophisticated orology. is seemingly unrelated to classical engineering: the graphic arts industry. spot locations to people other¬ wise out of the mainstream of our health services. ncii IM at 5 - 4712 and have his™ go on file. When a partnel weather detector yet devised by Recently, RCA engineers, And we've researched a located, the two peoplewouM man, and perhaps one of the working in conjunction with that high-speed turbine drill to in¬ paired up by the service J most beneficial facilities man industry, developed the world's crease the efficiency and de¬ return phone calls. l has created since he broke the most advanced electronic type¬ crease the The service will be availabltM pain in dental work. bonds of earth. And we've done extensive the remainder of the present tf From the detailed graphs transmitted back to photo¬ work in developing facilities for and will continue throughout^ teaching speech to the retarded. summer session. earth, we can see the formation Communications? Comput¬ and plot the course of hurri¬ er education? Oceanography? STUDENTS-GRADS | TRAVEL with the American Union! Little diamond in sophisticated Students .. SPECIAL studT fares to and throuM A SURPRISE 14 karat gold settings * the first diamond * all occasion gift * Europe . . . DISCOUNTS^ friendship ring * Valentine gift * lodging, meals, entertainm or just for fun. . . AUS service centers | major cities. Solitaire $16.00 Twin Stone $24.00 JVt'cumt** CAN KILL just two of hundreds 319 E. Grand Hiver Emko research has produced of styles to select from. East Lansing, Mich. a new applicator for applying foam contraceptive . . . new Emko Pre Fil features an ap¬ plicator that ARTHUR TREACHER' can be filled in advance of use. . up to a week ahead of time. The filling of an applicator at the time of need can be emo¬ tionally disruptive... can lead d I COUPON-SAVE!] to "skipping"..,Emko Pre-Fil is a way to help overcome this problem ... to assure better family planning. WITH THIS COUPON, GRAB A BARGAIN MEAL AT Emko Pre-Fil... highly effec¬ tive, substantially free from 2418 E. MICHIGAN, RIGHT PAST FRANDOR - OR 4100 S. LOGAN side effects, easy to use. Ask 20c DRINK, OUR CRISP FRIES, AND your physician about EMKO* 2 LARGE FILLETS OF FISH, REGOLARLY $1.20 and EMKO PRE FIL™. Available at drug stores every¬ THIS OFFER GOOD where without prescription. : NOW 99< AT EAST MICHIGAN STORE OR AT OUR S. LOGAN LOCATION ^■■■■■■■■■■■■OFFER GOOD ONLY WITH THIS COUPON June 3, I9?| Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 3, 1971 11 Elli germing State nit rimination News doat not racial or religious in' its columns. Tha CHEVY Automotive NOVA 1966 cylinder. $600. Phone 485 3 speed - 2365 8 MAVERICK, Automotive 1970. Orange with black interior. Perfect Four new tires. Must sell. condition. RAMBLER Automotive 1962. Reliable transportation. Rehauled electrical Automotive VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1965. Good 1968 Scooters & MOTORCYLE, Cycles Bridgestone 350. Must sell, $375. Right on I Employment BABYSITTER FOR June and July. Mornings. Car necessary. Employment CLERK TYPIST, Cashier experience e News will not Doug, system and new battery. $150 or best condition. Converted to camper. 393-2104. 5-6-3 Beautiful new offices. $118 plus. 351-3956. 5-6-4 Call 355 8027. 2-6-3 References. 349-4618. 2-6-4 Phone Wendy, 372-7700, advertising which - ipt offer. 351-1905. 2-6-4 PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. licriminate* against 2-6-4 MERCURY COMET, 1963. New 1966 VOLKSWAGEN camper. Pop - HONDA, 1968.450cc. Like new. With SUMMER AND part time 3-6-3 SEXY 1960 Falcon, Engine, lijion, race, color or engine, parts. Must sell. Fred, transmission less than 4 years old. top. Runs great. $575. Call 641 - trail and road tires. Low mileage. employment with merchant tional origin. CORVETTE, 1968. Convert ible, 351-9792.4-6 4 Six good tires. Excellent for parts. 4346. 3-6-4 $700,351-6108.4-6-4 wholesaler. Automobile required. NEEDED ENTHUSIASTIC young power disc 351-5800. O who enjoy meeting and brakes, positraction $85. 351-3653, Rachel. 2-6-4 persons 350 hp, 327 cu. HONDA 450 1966. Good condition. working with people. Full or Special wire MERCURY 1966 VW, 1970. Cobalt blue, beetle. wheels, tinted glass, four new 4 door, New battery. Call Scott 332-3568. part time positions with a young automatic, power steering, TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, 1964. Excellent condition. $1825. GIRL NEEDED for credit and polyglas tires. Corvette Bronze 3-6-3 rapidly expanding Michigan radio. 4 excellent tires. New Reasonable. Call 882-1269. 2-6-4 351-1490; 5-6-4 collection position in Lansing 485-6929. 8-6-4 exhaust system. branch of Xerox Corporation. Corporation are available. For Like - new HONDA 350cc, 1970. Good interview call Chris Combs or Bill Automotive interior. Needs grille. Solid body. TRIUMPH TR-4A, 1967. Excellent "WHITE" 1963. Stepvan/camper. condition. $650. Call 337-1496, Experience in credit and ability to DELTA Stevens 393-0230, 9-4:30 p.m. 88 1969. Power Aqua. Steal at $600. 351-3823 condition. Must sell. Make offer. Paneled, carpeted. Runs well. Oz, after 10 p.m. 12-6-4 work effectively with customers in steering, Phone 349-3162.2-6-4 PROGRESSIVE MANAGEMENT power disc brakes, turbo after 6 p.m. S 337 0735 after 4 pm. 3-6-4 resolving credit problems are IN HEALEY, 1967. Hardtop. - INCORPORATED is an Equal en Must sell. Good condition. hydramatic. Must sell quick SUZUKI, X-6, 250cc. New paint. requirements. Good starting salary 4477. 3-6-4 337-1898.2-6-4 MERCURY 1963 TRIUMPH TR 250, 1968. 28,000 and liberal fringe benefits. CALL Opportunity Employer. 3-6-3 Monterey 2 door Reasonable. Bob, 351-8232 or Jim, Scooters & . hardtop. $65/best offer. Call Tom, miles. Call after 8 pm, or before Cycles 351-8579. 2-6-4 Bruce Kirk at 371 - 2900 for an ROSE-HILL REALTY ■ ;957. Needs some work. $60. D0°GE CORONET 1968. $600 or 332 - 5991 anytime. 3-6-4 10 am, 351-0457. 5-6-4 interview. 5-6-4 OFFERS MONEY TO YOU 351 4654.2-6-4 ^,3°ffer- 332-6148, 332-8113. MERCURY, 1965 Park lane 4 door. VALIANT, 1969. 23,000 miles. 6 1971 HONDA CL350. Two helmets. Must sell. $700. Call 351-0424. ASSISTANT CAMP cook needed. Two needed to be estate sales professional real representatives. We stick. Perfect condition. 482-7156, Male or female. SPECIAL 1962 red Power steering and brakes, radio. 2-6-4 Must have :u K offer the 484 5623.4-6-4 on job personalized vertible. Best offer. 351-5976 D0DGE DART, 1962. 4 door 351-7785. Call after 4 p.m. 2-6-4 TRIUMPH 1970. 650cc Bonneville, previous cooking experience for resident camp program. Call Rex training for each new person. like new. $1200 firm. Phone 393 - KAWASAKI 1967 250cc, nice pm 2-6-4 36°3m8tlC' *125' Phone337-1284. MGB, 1967. Wires, new top. Must sell. 2166. 3-6-4 condition. $400. 355-9394. Call Miller, at YMCA, 489 - 6501. Excellent lucrative floor time opportunities. Join a small staff 3-6-4 : LESABRE, 1961, two door. After 6 p.m., 353-2194.2-6-4 anytime. 3-6-3 and gain big income through our asportation special. Excellent FIAT 124 Sport Coupe 1968. Very MINI — BIKE, 2Vi hp. Fast. Not used WE HAVE moved. ROLL huge sales volume and excellent to be one VOLKSWAGEN, 1967. Excellent ROSSER DRIVERS 21 and ne- Very clean. Needs work. - 0f m good condition. Must sell $1500 MGB 1969, red with black more than 15 hours. Phone IV5 - over. Full and part profit sharing and trade - in top. Like condition, radio, radial tires. Motorcycle Insurance Specialist. time. snmen squads, *,[ 355-7214.3-6-4 351-6298.4-6-4 new. Must sell immediately. 0815 after 3 pm. 3-6-4 Apply VARSITY CAB programs. Weekly draw to qualified $1095. 349-4924, after 6 p.m. Phone 489-4811. Our new address Rivers of to 351-2974. After 5 p.m., 393-0660 COMPANY, 122 Woodmere, side applicants. Call Mr. Ackerman 3-6-3 2400 North U.S. 27, Lansing. TF *■ Rivers LAC. 1967 Calais 4 door FIAT, 124 Spider 1970. Gold, 2-6-4 TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 250, 1600 door. 3-6-4 393-1220 for interview. 3-6-3 was an d at 6-6 jn> 1 owner. Gold with AM/FM radio, driving lights. Only miles, helmets, $675. 351 - 9428 1968 HONDA 50. Under 400 miles. , 220 pog, ching interior. $2475. Phone 12,400 miles. Beautiful condition. VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Squareback. after 4 pm. 3-6-4 DIRECT SALES. Commission only. MGB, 1967. AM/FM, new paint, no Car carrier included. GO - GO dancers, waitresses, and depth tothel ■8724. 2-6-4 $2900 or best offer. 355-6190 or Good condition. Best offer. $150 Income potential $250 - $500 a entertainers. Sharp, highest pay. 1 teams of the rust. Tonneau. Zygi, 351 - 3517 349-4258 after 4:30 p.m. 4-6-4 355-9762, 7-8 6-8 p.m. 2-6-4 week. Call Mr. 353-9346. 5-6-4 1967 HONDA Superhawk, helmets. a.m, Hoyler or Mr. 3-6-4 Hunting at 351 Up to $1200/month. 487-0603. iRO 1969. Yellow Rallye Runs good. 159 E. Shaw. 355 - - 3590. 5 - 6 - 41 CYCLE 4-6-4 irt 4 speed. Low mileage. Best FORD FALCON,1963.Rebuilt VOLKSWAGEN 1967 red with black 8828. 3-6-4 INSURANCE. Central engine, ir.372 - 6781. 3-6-4 body good, best offer. 349-1749 MUSTANG, 1970 Fastback, 302, 3 vinyl interior. 44,000 miles. Good Michigan's Largest insurer. Any COUPLE NEEDED: As group foster speed. White, deluxe black interior, NURSING SUPERVISOR. 3 years 2-6-4 condition. $925. Call 677-2875. HONDA 305 cycle, any rate. LLOYD'S of home houseparents for (8) road bike. Carefully factory stereo tape, tach, clock. LANSING, 332-5335, 482-5585. experience. $9775. Nancy, RO, 1968. Convertible. 6 3-6-3 maintained. Runs great. $250. 351 children in Grand Rapids. Agency $1900. 655-3745 after 5:30 p.m. 37 2-7 700, PERSONNEL will provide house, furnishings, es warranty, economical. FORD, 1966. Immaculate, 6650. 3-6-4 - nder, new tires, 2-6-4 CONSULTANTS. 3-6-3 3d condition. Evenings, 487 - transmission, low mileage. After 4 VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1966. Blue, low living expenses. Married couples, 5.3-6-4 P.m, 482-7124. 2-6-4 mileage, $750.484-6172 after 4:30 LATE 1966 305 Honda Scrambler. Aviation age 25-45 preferred, with no MUSTANG, 1966 convertible. Stick, p.m. 4-6-4 Perfect conditon. Call evenings, children living at home. Husband For Rent 6 cylinder. Good general condition. ELLE MALIBU, 1967. FORD STATION wagon, 1966. Power 351 - 1595. 3-6-4 LEARN may keep outside job. Salary, TO FLYI Complete flight astic condition. Mags and red 353-7896or 355-2789. 2-6-4 VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Squareback. benefits. Send resume to: Group iship steering, automatic transmission. FURNITURE RENTAL 353-428 3.3-6-3 Good conditon, $450. Call 351 - 1966 HONDA 305. Excellent training. All courses are Foster Michelin tires. Good condition. Homes, Catholic Social Student special starting at $20 a government and VA certified. MUSTANG, 1969 Fastback. V 3435 after 5 pm. 3-6-4 condition. One helmet, new spare Services, 300 Commerce Building, month. Reserve Phone 339-2409. 2-6-4 - 8, FRANCIS AVIATION, now for Fall automatic. Power steering. tire. 351-7872. 2-6-4 Airport Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502. Term. Radio, Road, Call 484-1324. C BISHOP FURNITURE White sidewall tires. Call 351 VOLKSWAGEN, 1965. 1500cc. 8-6-4 RENTAL, 4972 Northwind Drive, ahead run FORD FAIRLANE, 1967. Good - 1971 HARLEY 1344. 3-6-4 Van engine. Excellent mechanical DAVIDSON Baja 351-5830. 21-6-4 condition. 2 door hardtop. Call after 5 EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car blanked Tau Delta P.m., 882-1087 .2-6-4 condition. $425. 349 - 3172. 3-6-4 100, 1970 Yamaha 250 Enduro, Auto Service & Parts CHEVROLET 1969 MUSTANG, 353-1516.1-6-3 necessary. Call 351-7319 for ing, but then w«d 1965. Stick, six, VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1963. Super TV RENTALS Students only. Low in the fourth FORD completely rebuilt. Good body. — ... FALCON, 1964. V 6. Good HONDA CB160,1966. Not pretty but AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and ss its second Sport Van 108 Custom. - 355 -2134. 3-6-4 dependable, rebuilt engine and monthly and term rates. Call uneai condition. Must sell. $295 355 - reliable. Helmet. $175. 351-9792. American cars. If we can't fix it, it INTERESTED IN making $100- $300 351-7900 transmission. $450 or best offer. UNIVERSITY TV I • 2. With two, 0470. 3-6-4 can't be fixed. Call 332-3255. O part time in sales? Or potentially $8 IBwheel base, 8 passenger. NOVA, 1969. 6 cylinder. 3 speed. Call Dan, 484-0216. 3-6-4 2-6-4 RENTALS. C >cond hit, a - $15,000 in two years. Must have single Vinyl top. $1600 or best offer. id when the Holoc FORD, 1965. 4 door. VOLKSWAGEN VW GUARANTEED repair. initiative. Call 485-8980, Mr. Automatic, 8 cylinder Hardtop. 339 - 8947. 3-6-4 BUS , 1971. With 1970 175 Bridgestone, 2600 miles - - ed a on a throwingi ground ball to radio. 2 tone green Automatic, brakes. V 3-6-4 - power 8. $475. 337 steering, - 0014 OLDS F85, 1963. 2 door coupe. AM - FM stereo. 8 track. 351 - 8907 til midnite. 3-6-4 superb. Girl 6 p.m. 2-6-4 owner. 351-8743 after RANDY'S MOBIL. Okemos Road. 349-9620 C I-96 ci SINGLE Randall. B4-6-4 ROOM for mature grad Yes, We Have Power steering, Location... power brakes, student in exchange for VOLKSWAGEN 1963. Radio, gas 1968 BSA THUNDERBOLT. $700 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East dwhite paint. One owner. , supervisory and janitorial service e five • inning FORD, 1965. Station wagon. mechanically A - 1 condition. heater. Good tires, runs good. 0r best offer. Call 351 - 1204 or Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. $275. 351 7092. 3-6-4 for male house. 1 year minimum. nd in the bottom Excellent condition. $500. Call Peter - $285.353-1511. 2-6-4 489 - 5968. 3-6-4 Complete auto painting and $2295. 'hi put together the after 6 pm, 351 - 0186. 3-6-4 OLDSMOBILE, 1966. Delta 88. 2 VOLKSWAGEN, 1965. Rebuilt 1969 HONDA CB 450 K2. Needs collision service. IV 5-0256. C 485-8836 or 487-5753. 0-7-6-4 1 Block from winning run. doors. Absolutely everything on engine, $375. Call after 5 p.m., FORD FAIRLANE 500, 1963. V -8 minor work, $650. 349 • some Employment ; rally with his sea snt to third on Lu MUSTANG 1965 cylinder. 4 - on • the • floor automatic. Snow wheels, everything works. $150 tires, extra or this car, in excellent condition. V 8. Radio, power, etc. Must be seen. After 2 pm, call 353 6824. - 351-1314.^^4_ VOLKSWAGEN, 1968. Fastback. In 2843. 3-6-4 UNDERGRADUATE Campus... make offer. 355 - 9574 or 351 - TO live with Rick Perez then - shot single down Jrown paint. Good tires, 7084. 3-6-4 2-6-3 OLDSMOBILE VISTA good condition. 4 on the floor. $100 take 663-3476. 5-6-3 over payments. family near campus. private room and bath, board, Offering Spacious living and summer WATER'S EDGE FORD FAIRLANE 500, 1965, 289. - CRUISER 1970 HARLEY 125cc. Excellent salary, in exchange for 35 hours fun for the young at heart. adio.$495. station wagon, 9 passenger 1965. inning pitcher foi Excellent condition*. 355 - 5905, ■■after 5:30 pm. 3-6-4 . |f Good condition. Best offer over $800. 15312 VOLKSWAGEN . 1968 Fastback. 7,000 on new engine and clutch.i condition. Asking $300. After 6 pm 393 - 5837. 3-6-4 work per week. (Child care, housework, some cooking). light • • Olympic pool Club Color TV 1 Exercise Room and o hits for the Chetwyn Drive, New exhaust, radial tires. $1250.' 361-3364, evenings. 2-6-4 • MUSTANG 1969 MACH I Phone 489 - 9334. 3-6-4 Saunas Pool Tables land, and Larry I 641-4516.5-6-4 1967 HONDA S - 65. Excellent or Holocaust with 351,8 cylinder engine. FORD GALAXIE, 1962. Automatic. Good tires. Fair condition. $300. OLDSMOBILE 1964 2-door hardtop. VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK, 1966. condition. Extra set of wheels, tires, and sprocket for tail. SALESPERSON: MARKETING or accounting degree. Start $8500. • Volleyball One bdr. apts. from $155. RIVER'S EDGE d Matt Balgenorth. 353 - 6232. 3-6-4 Power steering, brakes, Radio, Excellent condition. $800. Must Luggage rack. $140. 353 - 7610. 3 72- 7 700, PERSONNEL Twn bdr. apts. from $190. iise-o - matic transmission. FORD CORTINA wagon1970.1600cc Deluxe. 6000 miles. AM/FM heater. Good throughout. $400.355-1581.S6-4 condition sell. Phone 351-7713. 2-6-4 3-6-4 CONSULTANTS. 2-6-4 Three bdr. apts. from $220. MODELS OPEN DAILY APARTMENTS Radio, wide oval tires. Summer $45 per man Autoportable. Snow tires. Best 11 A.M.-7 P.M. cenf ng OLDSMOBILE 98, 1963. Good tires, Cedar fall $65 per man Gree )ne owner. Actual miles. offer. Must sell. Graham, Good clean car. $1995 351-0053.4 6-4 runs good. $150. Call 627-9473. 2-6-4 MEADOWBROOK 2 Roommate Service partne FORD GALAXIE, 1965. Automatic, very dependable. Good condition. OPEL, 1968. 15,000 miles. Excellent Out 496 East to TRACE Jolly Rd. Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Furnished, Balconies condition. White with blue See Frank $400. Call 393-1409 before noon exit, then to corner of or JoAnne poo interior, tires. $999. rill be IM a an IOUTH 1968 BARRACUDA snow at 1050 Waters Edge Dr or after 6 pm. 5-6-4 Dunckel and Jolly , 349-9310. 6-6-4 vorking out of 393-0210 332-4432 Intramural Bui door hardtop. 8 cylinder FORD GALAXIE, 1963. V-8. Cheap :t as a "sorting cm PONTIAC 1963. Automatic, power transportation, $75. 349-1535 matic transmission. Radio, steering, some rust, runs good. en and women wb after 5 p.m. x-3-6-3 $200. 337 2720 353 air-conditioning9 - or - 4682. partners for vu er li sports activities, will help both :ket seats, dark blue paint white vinyl top. Like new. FORD VAN 1966. condition, custom paint job, new Excellent exhaust. Radio, extras, must sell. 3-6-4 PONTIAC 1966 GTO 4 speed. WIN CASH! I >n find partners Excellent condition. Best offer. Anytime. 489-3624. 5-6-4 Sign a summer or fall lease this week or next and each of idleball, table tei White tires. $1495. 351 - 1314.3-6-4 you and golf. A pe becomes eligible to win the CASH GRAND PRIZE in n ie finding a partne above only call the Won mentic SFORD OF WILLIAMSTON 655-2133 4-6-4 GMC HANDY van, 1967. 6 cylinder stick shift. Excellent condition. $1095. Phone 482 Art. 3-6-4 - 1226, ask for PONTIAC CATALINA, 1965. 2 door hardtop, original owner. Excellent condition, AM/FM, air, 1971 and everything drawings October 1. we are holding for For information call FRANK our tenants on or July 1 and JOANNE 112 and have his tf diagnostic record available. $585. 332-8263.4-6-4 332-4432. . When a partn ROLET, 1947. Excellent HURST OLDS, 1968. 455ci 390 hp. itwo people wou in9 condition, needs paint Automatic, power steering, power 627-7555 after 5:30 p.m. PONTIAC FIREBIRD, 1968. 6 by the service brakes, factory air. $1600 firm. ie calls. 641-6745 1-10 p.m. 2-6-4 cylinder, standard shift, good WATER'S EDGE t RIVER'S EDGE (IRIS condition, $1200. 339-9354, ce will be availabt rolet 1968. $980. 353-3282.4-6-4 Biscayne, INTERNATIONAL VAN, 1962. jer of the present "'"der, automatic. Call 484 - Converted to camper. $450 firm. ntinue throughou 3-6"4 355-0817.3-6-4 PONTIAC LEMANS, 1964. Fair sion. ' running condition. Damaged body. IMPALA 1964. Runs well, MACH I, 1970. Orange slats. Radio, ft engine, some rust. Best offer. 332-2515, Linda. 2-6-4 $90. spoiler. Excellent. After 6 p.m, IDENTS-GRADS 351-8445. S -6-3 355-6007.4-6-4 RAMBLER WAGON, 1962. Runs CROSSWORD P02ZLF TRAVEL ACROSS 1964. 4 door. BelAire great. Good summer TRY THE magic of a Want Ad to sell American Union ,n- Low mileage. $400. Call transportation. $150. 353-6429. 1. Detergent 30. Examine something you no longer needl SPECIAL stud 6pnx337 0457. 3-6-4 - Dial 355-8255 now I Dale. 2-6-4 5. Trolley 32. War god , and through 8. Children's 33. Oatmeal . . DISCOUNTS game 35. Observe 11. Station wagon 36 Scot, hillsides neals, entertainm es. service centers KAMIN'S STEREO SHOP 12. Attribute. 13 14 Yellow bugle Journalist 38. Romaine 40. Furrow 41. Opposite of 16. Clear gain alee ican union of 17. Cap 46. Orfe students 8-TRACK STEREO 18. Mother-of-pearl 47. Party )ecky:351-33| 20. 23. Object Respectable 48. Emanation 49 Honey 25. Wry face 50. Jap. Buddhist ;■■■■■■!! TAPES 27. Jap. decorative object sect 3. Goddess of infatuation 4. Mail ICR'S $5.25 Limit 2 Tapes for all labels Per Coupon 1135 Michigan Avenue right next to Srody Complex 5. Open 6. Milkfish 7. Milk curdler 8. Elixir 9. Attest OVER 1000 TAPES IN STOCK 10. Turnstile Offer Expires June 11, 1971 351-8631 15.Unhappy -COUPON 11i 19. Handle 20. Fr. friend 21. Component of CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTSare now leasing student and married couples units. These I 484 4596 | spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a an atom STOP IN AND garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking 22. Sweet wine 24. Whale 5. LOGAN fi OUR STEREO space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private 1% P 26. Fencing sword balconies. We also have a full - time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be among the first residents of CEDAR GREENS call today. The one - bedroom units start at i 28. Pitch 29. Compass point $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL w 31. Substitute "epartment, 34. Afr. eye worm THE INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 332-6441 or 484-3494. Nine fc 36. Edge and twelve month leases available. 37. Uncouth largest in mid m 39. Twinge 42. Small ATION 43. Color MANAGEMENTEXCLUSII EL Y BY: Alco Management Company 44 Generation 45. Stool pigeon 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Junp-t ^ For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent ONE BEDROOM apartments. All for«PW SUMMER - ONE bedroom, 2 MALE ROOMMATE for two man G'RL REFRIGERATOR RENTALS. Dorm ONE BEDROOM for 2, 3. Huge. SUMMER AND fall rentals. 2, 3, 4 utilities and laundry included 349 wanted "S bedrooms. Air conditioned. Call directly across from campus. Air wlnt®r end or size. Summer rates. UNITED Summer. Grove Street. 337-2035. Birl*. Close to campus, furnished, ,h,,» , 332-0625, after 5 p.m. 7-6-4 conditioned. Not e plastic •0242,393 -4113. 5 6 4 «, 2-6-4 no pets. 332 - 2495. 3-6-4 RENT - ALL. 351 - 5652. 5 - 6 - complex apartment. Call 351 - -L'"'" ^« 4 TV ANO stereo rentals, satisfaction YES. .TWO JOHNS ONE GIRL FOR Cedar Village. All summer or first 5 weeks. Call QUIET FURNISHED apartments for married couples. 3 rooms, $125. 5 SUPERVISED APARTMENTS 3815. 3-6-4 RIVER HOUSE & ALBERT APARTMENTS 1 - 3 MEN lor Terrace. Sublet J* S Now renting 3 and 4 man APARTMENTS, SUMMER, fall. 1,2 No guaranteed. Free delivery, service 351-2686. 2-6-4 rooms, $150. 484 - 0497. 3-6-4 deposit and pick-up. Call 337-1300. C NEJAC, PER APARTMENT, efficiencies for summer and fall. $650 per term total. bedrooms, near campus. 349 - 3919. 3-6-4 Fall & Summer, 1 block from __P.rkinfl. 332:0,50 ^ air campus, 1 • 2 bedroom, 2 - 4 CAMPACT rentals for REFRIGERATOR summer term, available and balconies too % BLOCK from campus. 1 for 2 man. MAN NEEDED summer for 2 man. 351-6317 4 MAN summer luxury. 355 - 1224, 355 • 1 block. Air. 9774, cheap. persons, furnished, • lr conditioning, balcony, study fu.uI^Vp^"5 Reservations JJ'J 3-6-4 REDUCED SUMMER RIVER'S EDGE MAN needed to sublease two 0r now. UNITED RENT-ALL, 2790 Live 3 months, pay 2. Call evenings, Across from campus. 332-2184 ONE RATES. 204 River St., Apt September 7-1, ?*c'l East Grand River. 351-5652. 7-6-4 luxury apartment. Close to f" 349-1908. 2-6-4 $65. 4-6-4 man campus. Phone 351-3582. 2-6-4 SUBLET $129. Across from Student 6. 351-34 84 332-0255. IUXUrv or ""it. incilr* ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV and OKEMOS. FURNISHED, 3 rooms, utilities. Couple. Main corner. ROOMMATE NEEDED starting fall term. 2 man, Cedar Village Robert SUBLET DELUXE 2 man apartment. Services. Furnished two bedroom. After 5 p.m. 351 7219. 4-6-4 carpeting, u|,r with dishwasher ^ kil RENTAL, 372-4948.0 WATER'S EDGE Available June 1st. $130/ month. 349-2313.2-6-4 Leider, 23851 Morton Oak Perk 544^0733.^^3 ^ Summer. 2-6-4 Very close. 351-5669. MARMAX APARTMENTS NEED ONE mala for two man June •nd ample lanCp> parkin!^* MOTHiIRS - OUR women and ^ Furnished, children's co-op offers room, day care, friendship. Call 332-0587. APARTMENTS APARTMENTS Cedar FOR summer. 220 Street. 1 bedroom. 322 E LM No. 6 Available now. month / deposit. 351-9585 $45/ conditioned, 4-man air 15 - September 15. Prefer grad student. Close. Inexpensive, less (Next to Cedar Village) between 5-7 p.m. 2-6-4 apartments. $40/month per than $50/month. Call 351 • 8355 2-6-4 Supervised housing for men only. See Frank or Jo Anne man. or 353 - 7230. Ask for Gary. 3-6-4 OLD CEDAR VILLAGE. $32. No Call 351-1394 or 351-2713. C deposit. Male or female. 355-8827. GIRL SUBLEASE Cedar Village starting 226 Division 332-4432 Apartments 1050 Water's Edge Dr. 2-6-4 MARRIED STUDENTS in fall. Congenial roommates. ONE GIRL needed for New Cedar Village next Call 337 353-3453. 2-6-4 year. • 9414. STUDENT APARTMENTS. 2 rooms, HUGE & FACULTY 36-4 EAST LANSING, Lower duplex. 2 5 bedroom, furnished, sun bedrooms. Carpeted, furnished for summer and fall term, $130 a deck, close, fall. $325. 332-3357. 3-4 students. $215-$240. Lease, month. 4 rooms, fall term only 2-6-4 NO SECURITY SUMMER SUBLET. Three man. deposit. Available September 15th. $165 a month. Furnished, parking. DEPOSIT REQUIRED Norwood Apartments Reduced rent. $45/month. Call 351-5964.5-6-4 10 minute drive from MALE NEEDED summer term for 2 MAN SUBLET summer. Cheap. 351 • 2367. 3-6-4 campus. Now renting large one and 485-6581.4-6-4 Okemos apartment. Private room, KNOB HILL Close. Call 351-4627 after 5 p.m. two bedroom for summer and SUBLEASE for air conditioning, swimming pool. 2-6-4 513 HILLCREST. 2 - bedroom, air - GIRL summer. APARTMENTS fall. Close to campus. conditioned units for summer and $40/month. Ask for Irene, $65. 349-3603. 2-6-4 ONE BEDROOM available June 15th. 349-4700 N I C E 4 Reduced summer rates. Call 349-0832. 3-6-3 man apartment; close t o fall at reduced rates. Spacious, Carpeting, disposal, air campus. $35 per man; summer 332-2712 after 3 p.m. fully furnished, carpeted, GIRL SUMMER sublet, 4 man. New conditioner. $140/month. Open: 11:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat. Beal Street Apartments Cedar Village. Reduced. 351-6708. only; 351-3956. 2-6-4 dishwasher, disposal. 351 • 0705 349-1535.2-6-4 124 CEDAR Street. 129 Burcham 2-6-4 2:00-5:00 Sunday or 655- 1022. 3-6-4 MEN: STARTING fall term. Campus, Drive. 135 Kedzie. 2 man Fall, 1 block from campus, 2 SUMMER SUBLET one man, grad, Also shown by appointment 4 blocks. 332-0143 before 1 p.m. furnished apartments. Includes SUMMER SUBLET one bedroom bedroom, 3 persons, furnished, air FOURTH MAN desperately one block from campus. Furnished. On Okemos Rd. Across heet. $62.50 conditioning. Open 6-7:30 p.m, needed to fill Cedar Village 2-6-4 to $90 per man. furnished. Grads or couple. 351-5823 after 5 p.m. 2-6-4 Leases starting June 15 and Sept. 216 Beal St., Apt. 2A. 351-6088 apartment, summer, 353-0126. from Okemos High School Woodslde. 351 - 1127. 3-6-4 or 349-1076. 1. Days, 487-3216. Evenings til 10 2-6-4 SINGLE GIRL. Campus near. 227 p.m., 882-2316. O 2 BEDROOM furnished apartment. SUMMER TERM Bogue. To share small, furnished NOW LEASING for fall. Furnished Air conditioned. For rent summer one bedroom, $65; or large apartment for 3 girls. Also single or fall, one block from campus. Call S^8[r Furnished, spacious apartments for 2, furnished two bedroom, 2 girl; 4THGIRL for beautiful Water's Edge MEADOWBROOK TRACE m conditoned, furnished apartment. large 4 man, 2 bath $92.50. Phone 489-5922. June CHALET room. 6 blocks to campus. Parking. 332-2110. 2-6-4 3 ot 4 people. Air conditioned, apartment. Congenial roommates. Block from campus. Call 351 $190/month. Cell 393 694-8266 after noon. 4-6-4 excellent campus location, from occupancy. 5-6-3 Adjacent to campus. Call 2674 after 5 pm. 2-6-3 353-0480 ONE BEDROOM furnished $45 per man. 126 Orchard, or 353-1228. 6-6-4 DUPLEX, JUNE and September. 2 and 3 bedroom. 372-1629. 17-6-4 Clean. Cali apartment. Air conditioned. Rent for summer, one block campus. Call 332-2110. 2-6-4 2 TO 4. Summer, air conditioned. Close. 351 - 1748 after 6 pm. 3"6"4 337-2082.8-6-4 ONE OR two girl.. Fall-Spring. Roc. Call 353-1.151. 2-6-4 Eden Ylove 2 Bedroom furnished apartments THREE PERSON. Reduced rates. Call 351 • 2147. 364 Sum™ 332-fin », ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ cedar GIRL WANTED 3 man SUMMER., FALL, Attrictb SUMMER APARTMENTS Fall $60 per man up } Twyckingham. Fall thru Spring. - bedrooms, furnished Utlii SEVEN ELEVEN APARTMENTS 711 Burcham - E. Lansing } Two bedrooms furnished and Air Conditioned. Across from Williams Hall on Michigan Ave. village Call 353 SUMMER - 3016. 2-6-3 SUBLET Capital Villa, 3 See Mgr. 3-8 p.m. $190. Call 332 STODDARD - 3357.3-64 APARTMEN 3 Large Deluxe Completely Furnished - 2 girls Only 2 Apartments man, pool, close campus. 351 - Furnished, 2 man, Summe.l ™ One Bedroom Apartment ( 2 bedrooms ) $60 each 0419. 3-6-4 call 332-6197 Close } or to campus. Call 351-8231 800 square feet of Comfortable 3 girls ( 2 bedrooms ) $50 each left for Summer! Living 4 MAN Sublet summer. River's NEED MAN for Americana Air Conditioned 4 girls ( 2 bedrooms ) $40 each Two apartments for Fall! . Summer Lease $140.00 per month \L Edge. Air conditioned. Call 351 - (on Grand River winter and spring. Cttl Call Resident Manager between 6 pm & 11 pm ^ Fully carpeted Fall Leases Available ^ 8465. 3-6-4 across from Burger King) 353-1508.2-6-4 J » Call 337-7328 Security Deposits Held in Escrow-Returned 337-0780 Expiration of Lease. CAMPUS VIEW APARTMENTS Compliments of Beth Darwish SUBLET SUMMER apartment, 140 Cedar behind Red 2 man SUBLET ONE man mid 332-6246 TWO MEN needed for Collingwood Apartn ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Oftly A Few Left 332-5051 Barn. Call 332 - 0053. 3-6-4 Meadowbrook summer term. Trace. $50 per term. Reduced rent or 353-5264.2-6 4 Call351-5 month. 351 - 3287. 3-6-4 THIRD MAN needed by two grad Bogue St. at the Red Cedar students, luxury townhouse. 332 - Your FURNISHED ONE bedroom.) LARGE Blueprint TWO party furnished 2175 after 4;30 pm. 3-6-4 Summer, fall. 220 Charles efficiencies. Air conditioned, close 332-4776. 2-6-4 PENNSYLVANIA NORTH, 325. 2 to campus. $135 summer. $150 EAST SIDE. Furnished 1 bedroom bedroom, furnished, ground level fall. Call 484 - 0585, 484 1328. apartments. $90 - $100 a month. CAMPUS CLOSE. Quiet apartment. Utilities. $150. 337 --0409. 3-6-4 13-6-4 bedroom, kitchen, bath. 351-3969. O Available now. ED 2-5374.24 DON'T SIGN GRAND RIVER. Clean, 2furnl NEW CONCEPT IN STUDENT LIVING THAT LEASE rooms. Male. Parking. Reason 482-0563. 2-6-4 Luxury Bachelor Apartments at Inn America Unless your apt. ROOMMATE needed. Lake includes a Hills; Pool, Central 2736 E. Grand River, East Lansing balcony or patio, two johns, conditioning. $48,75/m 9022.2- walking distance to campus, 339-8092. 2 6 4 on site free maintenance RODMS Featuring: Enclosed Pool Sauna service, large rooms, ONE MAN needed. Sumn carpeting, and modern Reduced rent. 351-3933 a Shag Carpet Snack Bar furnishings, air conditioning p.m. 2-6-4 Recreation Room Ample Parking and congenial resident Overnight Rooms for guests, SPARROW HOSPITAL, near. managers like Frank and South Holmes. 2 room turn Maid service for Nominal Charge JoAnne. apartment, $90. Also 01 $129.00 for one - $139.00 for two efficiency, furnished, ROOMMATE SERVICE All utilities included except phone Utilities included. 351-3969.0 WATER'S EDGE and LANSING OR East Lansing, HALSTEAD MANAGEMINI RIVER'S EDGE bedroom furnished. Large, rooms. Air co nditic" 444 Beautifully maintained. Sui Michigan Avenue APARTMENTS for faculty, grad students, bus E. Lansing people, married couples. Phone 351-7910or 351-0965 332 4432 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 EAST SIDE. Furnishfl1. bedroom apartment. $u» deposit. 332-5590.8-6-4 FREE RENT lor little domestic* Bedroom, living room, * Still a tew places MODEL APT. C-17 OPEN bath. Want 2 8irls' 4-6-4 EVERYDAY 1 - 6 except Sunday 332-6441 EVERYBODY KEEPS "Y^ lett tor summer & tall or CALL MARINA 484-3494 NYLANDER, better employees. Get themw Want Ad. Dial 355 8255newl TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control - central air conditioning and Hotpoint appliances. These four man 3 mo. leases units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. The student's leisure time 6 mo. leases has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, 9 mo. leases recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the 12 mo. leases first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. There are units starting at $£0/month per man. Only 3 and 4 man apts., THI6 NEW MAKl J starting fall Hll?EP JU6T CANT TO GET You'll i term never have parking THE HAW6 Of 1 • problems like this at tJtuwkmgljam 4620 S. HAGADORN 10 ieases ColUttgtoooi) Spar t men 1£ £ 7VWCKWGHAM "(formerly Northwlnd Apts.) just north of Mt. Hope Rd. "UNLIMITED PARKING APTS. "DISHWASHERS *SHAG CARPETING "BALCONIES *AIR CONDITIONING management exclusively by: , Fall leases now *AND MUCH MORE BUlATCUFF PP. being accepted, $200/2 man All Student $210/3 man 1 MT. HOP/ RO. ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY $220/4 man Ads Must Be Prepaid. CaH-35r-82g2^ 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) • I9?| Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 3, 197 1 13 Student Service For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent NEW 81 LEVEL LILAC AVENUE. 7 SINGLE FORgraduate man. SINGLE ROOMS $40 per month. ROOM AND BOARD summer term. duplex. 3 room house for directory bedrooms. Air family. Summer only. 332- 1911. References. Near campus. 332 - Utilities. Parking included. Call Theta conditioned. Sorority. 349 9371, Unfurnished. Available June 15th 3-6-4 1746. 3-6-4 337-9091 2-6-4 337-0100. 5-6 4 to September 1st. For 3 or 4 people. Reduced rent for summer ROOM AND board for SUMMER. 1 - 2 girls to rent room. MEN SINGLE rooms. Clean quiet. ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. girl from Call 337 - 0600 or 351 Livonia area. Fall. 372 Cooking. $55/month. Call Lois Linens, furnished. 140 Orchard. Completely furnished. 372-8077 - 8932. - 5665, 8- __3-l>4 5 pm. 3-6-4 after 4 pm, 351 - 5590. 3-6-4 East Lansing, ED 7-2758, after 5 before 4 p.m. C SPECIAL! MSU.BARBER SHOP M. THOMPSON JEWELRY BLOCK TO p.m. 2-6-4 uffler replacement 209 MAC Ave. Berkey. 4 bedroom MEN SINGLE rooms. Three blocks (type 3- $35.95) 233 M.A.C. Ave. furnished. Married LOVELY FURNISHED 2-4 bedroom - STUDENTS. SUMMER rooms. Close to. 351-1110 couple to from Union. Summer term. Phone _ East Lansing house. Available June. Summer nry us for your next occupy while painting completed. 337-1408 or 351-5076. 2-6-4 to campus. Semi-furnished. Private 351-1525 $125 month, 3 months. 655 - rates. $125 $175/ month. or semi-private. Available June 13. ^ANDY'S MOBIL styling, razor cut or 349 3604. 2 6-4 5-6-4 4-6-4 Watch and Jewelry 1022. 3-6-4 Phone 351-8933. 1-96 at Okemos Rd. special cut. Repairs GIRLS - SINGLE rooms. Three 349-9620 Appointments available Gift Jewelry. blocks from Union. Summer term. MEN 2 ROOMS in furnished house with : NOW renting for summer and MEN - TWO double bedrc All Work Phone 337 1408 or 351-5076. Guaran^P^ kitchen to sublease thru August. 2-6-4 fall. Furnished, panelled, carpeted, room, bath. Privat entrance. I Your Damage Deposit $40 and $50. 489 3963. S-6-4 - parking, cooking and laundry Parking. Clean, quiet $12.50 / VACANCY FOR 2 ladies for summer facilities. Two blocks from week. Term or summei 332-4709. PORCELITE and 3 for fall. Nicely furnished EAST LANSING Rooms for men. campus. Call Don Keger, 4-6-4 repairs chipped porcelain house. Very close. 351-5705. 2-6-4 Starting fall. $190-$204 a term. 351-2103 or 355-1627. B5-6-4 jmbing fixtures and Private entrance, parking, cooking. bob jones paints SINGLEpooMSforgentlemen. Share nllances. Free estimates. GARDEN COTTAGES, 1 - bedroom, 4 BEDROOM house. 2 kitchen, 2 Nearly new home. Phone light cooking and bath. Available Call now. 332-2361.2-6 4 QUIET GIRL, private room. Kitchen honeymoon - type. Well furnished baths. Ideal for 6 or more June 15th. $60 summer, $70 fall. 372 5882, after 5 p.m. girls. privileges, private bath. $15/week. Short drive scenic Mt. Call BEFORE 5 p.m. 351-9036. cottages. Close - in with spacious on Hope. MALE STUDENT. Room for 1145 Rebecca. 351 - 1395 after 4 summer. 3-6-3 lawns. Utilities paid. Summer and $60 per person. Call evenings at Parking available. 538 Grove pm. 3-6-4 fall leases. 400 Gunson. 332 - 393-3532, 2-6-4 WASHDAY savings COLLEGE TRAVEL • EYES EXAMINED 6717. 3-6-4 Street. 2-6-4 AVAILABLE 1-2 girls begi mg 25c per load ROOMS. THREE blocks from • GLASSES BEDROOM SUMMER sublet. Summer - Fall term with p The best for leaa SINGLE campus. Air conditioned. fns for rent OFFICE NEED ONE $200/month. 2 bathrooms. Nice. ROOM, man. No cooking. family. Private apartment. Close special Texas Washer 50c • CONTACT LENS girl sublet summer. $12/week. Sigma Nu. 332-2501. Utilities 337-0376. 2-6-4 Parking near, extra. Quietl 10 campus. Call 337-1525. 4-6-4 acent idrows econowash 130 West Grand River Ave. l.L. Collins, Optometrist paid, close, rent summer weeks. Close 2-6-4 . in, negotiable. 351 - 1376. 3-6-4 3006 Vine St. convenient, clean, fan cooled. Also campus I p.m. I, W. of Seers 351-6010 Co-Optical Services EAST LANSING. Residential living. Duplex, 2 bedrooms. Stove, renting fall, higher rate. 428 Grove Live Close to Campus Walk to Classes 5218 S. Logan. 1 OR two chicks to share nice duplex. 393-4230 refrigerator, dishwasher. Disposal, Street. 351-4266, 5-9 p.m. conditioning Haslett. Short drive to campus. full basement. Drapes, weekdays, or 349-4834. 2-6-4 I 10OKS Imported Cars bead crafts. decoupage GOLF DRIVING RANGE 339-8604, 351-8647. 2-6-4 carpeting. Large yard. $180 plus utilities. Available June ROOM FOR male student. Near MARIGOLD APARTMENTS 'te bath Sales and supplies, MINIATURE GOLF FURNISHED THREE bedroom. 15. Phone campus. $15/week. 627-5812. 111 Service art reproductions $180. Summer. Walking distance. 351-7283. 2-6-4 2-64 Marigold & Harrison 911 Marigold 5/mth. 482-1473 candle making lupplies Fairway Golf Range, Grand Call 332-4776.1-6-3 - no leaw River Avenue A few minutes Completely Furnished Deluxe Enfield's Incorporated - TWO FURNISHED 4 bedroom houses SINGLES: MALE summer students. 0 N. Grand River, Lansing 693 east of MSU. 349-2850. Cooking, parking. Block Union. 1 Bedroom Apartment $160.00 per month Trowbridge M-43, Okemoi, 349-1940 for summer. $160/month.Evenings, 314 Evergreen. 332-3839. 2-6-4 TWO MEN needed summer for 4 man. Now signing Summer and Fall Leases 351-5500 332-0425.2-6-4 indor karmelkorn ANDY'S PAINT AND Close, inexpensive. IV 5-3376. Call 337-7328 351-4878 GEORGE TOTH 2-6-4 QUIET ROOM. male. No parking. No for those parties CUSTOM TAILORING SHOP 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. Furnished, cooking. Close. $12 a week. ,qOK TRACE, w, and get togethers. BODY. INC. carpeted, close. Summer, All Deposits Guaranteed Returnable "an, 2 bath, 4 BEDROOMS, 2 kitchen house. Air 351-3439, 351-1754 after 6 p.m. nea( $190/month. 355-8218.1-6-3 "h- Call 393 Balls and Caramel Apples, 2-6-4 . conditioned, furnished rent for y more taste - tempting summer. $375, per month. Call ONE OR two girls needed to share liscnunts on all 351 4468 large order Complete Body Repairing and Painting duplex. Grad or working girl 332-2110. 2-6-4 APARTMENT DISCOUNT preferred. 332-5942 after 5 p.m. Summer from $37.50 - Fall from $52.50 4-6-4 We manage 9 apartment buildings and have an apartment for every need. Houses For Rent FURNISHE D 2 bedroom house for fall, For Rent Apartments Addresses Phone 2 grad men. $125. per month plus furnished, Utl SEEKS roommates for electricity. Deposit. ED 2-4770. Rooms * Bay Colony Haslett & Hagadorr 351-3211 332 3357,3U • ner. House. Own room, F0.U,!LME^ "eeded t0 fiM lar8e- WANTED: 4 serious Med students 3-6-3 Beechwood 1130 Beech Street 351-0965 campus. desire 3 bedroom house for fall. SPARTAN HALL , singles, men, ' D inable. 372-8547. 2-6-4 393-7094 after 5 p.m. 11-6-4 353 - 7606. 3-6-4 women. Now leasing for summer, Delta Arms 235 Delta 351-7910 APARTMEN RENT SUMMER, four bedroom, , 2 man, Sur GIRL STARTING fall. Own room. furnished includes dishwasher,^-mejjj^-iosvo Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen 351-7910 )IT STREET, South 314. Two SUMMER ONLY: 220 River Street. smpus. Call 351-821 furnished for 3 students, Close. Summer storage. Parking. washer and dryer, etc. 1 block from ROOMS, MALES summer, and fall. Haslett Arms 135 Collingwood 351-7662 Four man duplex. $240. 351 - monthly,Fall. Also available 337-2137.3-6-3 6616. 3-6-4 campus. 351-4618. 4-6-4 Kitchen privileges. Parking. 349 - ♦ Princeton Arms 1308 Haslett Road 332-3511 I __3919L 3;6-4_ ♦ North Pointe 1240 Haslett Road 351-3407 BEDROOM, large yard, stove, ROOMMATES NEEDED for summer BEDROOM HOUSE. 51 R 3 bedrooms for 6 students, refrigerator, washer, dryer. $175 in house in Haslett. $40. Includes ROOMS, SUMMER, near campus. > University Terrace 444 Michigan Avenue 351-8380 349 4239. 3-6-4 Stoddard, East Lansing. 351 - Cooking privileges, furnished. 349 icks from campus. Call Kiger, 1635, 349 - 3730, 484 - 3768. utilities. 339-9140. 3-6 4 -3919. 3-6-4 University Villa 635 Abbott Road 337 2361 2103 or 355- 1627. B5-6-4 3-6-4 'In view of Campus FURNISHED h*Pool or Pool Privileges MARTIN MUSIC Co. HOUSE for lease. 2 bedrooms. Near St. Lawrence SUMMER 3 girls. Walking distance, Models open at each complex Monday through Saturday from 3 - 5 p.m. furnished large yard. Call 332 - Hospital. 487 - 3964, days. 489 3ENTS for house. Furnished, 5731. 3-6-4 7908, evenings. 3-6-4 Exclusive Dealer for Contact Resident Manager today at above telephone numbers for your choice of paid. Call after 5 p.m. ROOM AVAILABLE fall. Girl. Quiet apartment or call HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, 444 Michigan Ave. East Lansing — 5536.4-6-4 SUMMER JUNE OSE. Quiet kitchen, bath, 13. - Near 15 campus, - September furnished, conservative house. $75 utilities. Close. No parking. 351 plus - Conn Organs 351-7910. parkins, 332 - 8903. 3-6-4 3439. 2-6-3 low. ED 2-5374.24^H8932.4-6-4 in-the Lansing Area roommates for furnished 3 room ings. 2-6-4 house. 489-7891, PEOPLE. SHARE house on Beal Street. Own room, $50 a month, utilities included. 351 - 7580. BEDROOM home. Furnished. 12 months starting Close. June 15 for 6 girls. 351 - 5800, Also: Quality Pianos & Band Instruments Every year more people discover 3-6-4 339 - 9234.3-6-4 2016 E. Mich. Ave. 10 Blocks West of Frandor i needed. Lake Pool, Central ning. $48.75] ONLY, close to campus. 3 modern kitchen, , $90. Also month. 351-7245. 2-6-4 cy, furnished, icluded. 351-3969. NCIES FOR three girls er. Own room $35-$40 per i. Two blocks from campus. 5711 after 6 p.m. 2-6-4 y maintained. Su ,t grad students, bu narried couples, or IE. 882-6549.0 Furnished, BURCHAM WOODS apartment. $11' 32-5590.8-6-4 for little domest" • NOW Studio - $135/mth Air Conditioning is needed most 1 bedroom from $149/mth WEEK living room, - nt 2 girls. ED REDUCED! in city driving 2 bedroom - from $164/mth Y KEEPS trying uloyees. Get them in the hot asphalt jungle Dial 355-8255 now Spacious, furnished studio, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments summer in the slow five o'clock traffic designed with in mind. Rumors ou ind the Facts Anxious? Getting PLUS you leases... only That's usually the time you drive your small car. torturing yourself! Trade up to a factory equipped air- Stop H.I.C. 353-8114 conditioned Toyota. • Most parking unit in E. Lansing ^ MAM X • Optional bars for only $5/mth. extra per '400™ ™ • *AIR CONDITIONED JUST CANT Heated pool TOYOTA builds more small cars TO 6£T , •DISHWASHERS IAM6 CF |Tl ♦UNLIMITED PARKING • Around the clock service •SHAG CARPETING with Air Conditioning Security deposits refunded the (also • on now accepting fall leases) * # * PLUS * * * spot during move-out week than any other auto-maker. Rm Apartments shown from 2-7 p.m. daily * NEW FURNITURE * FRESHLY PAINTED * NEW CARPETING * NEW FURNISHINGS W\ and on weekends See i is for a lar I m NOW LEASING for summer and fall CollingUiooi) ,1 Student 745 Burcham Drive Apartments (formerly Northwind Apts.) WHEELS TOYOTA INC. js Must Be 351-3118 Prepaid. Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind 2400 E. Michigan Ave. — Just 5 blks. west of Frandor if no answer - 484-4014 MODEL OPEN DAILY behind the Yankee Store 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan EAST For Rent LANSING. single rooms, parking. Male students. PENGUIN For Sale SAILBOAT complete with trailer $300. 234 Gunson or SANSUI For Sale 2000A, rectilinear Xl's. 100 USED For Sale vacuum cleaners. Tanks, AFGHAN For Sale HOUND puppies. Males For Sale Mobile Homes SAVE ON SMWUKSJ THE DISC SHOP Dual 1209. 1 month old. Must canisters and uprights. Guaranteed and females. Call after 5 p.m., Refrigerator. Call 332-5791. 8-6-4 332. 2357. 3-6-4 sell. 355 9477.3-6-4 one full year. $7.88 and up. 339-9378. 2-6-4 AMERICAN, 1968. 12x50. Excellent DENNIS DISTRIBUTING condition. Many extras 15 minutes BOSE 901 speakers. Perfect LES PAUL custom guitar, black, TARANTULA EXCITING pet. great COMPANY, 316 North Cedar from campus. 694-0170. 1-6-3 condition. Other components. 1969 model. $400. Call 393 - Opposite City Market. C-6-3 wedding present. $5.00. Call Greg, Why dont you? For here's the TC-60 th » Gary 351 8907. 3-6-4 6953. 2 6-3 351-9792.1-6-3 cassette-corder still - 1965 RICHARDSON 10x50. Air being held at the unLliL,Sob, SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sal*. STEREO tuner COMPONENTS: and amplifier, Teac tape Fisher SALE: OLD BOOKS & MAGAZINES Playboys, comics, science fiction, Brand new $5.00 per portables - $49.95, month. Large selection AFFECTIONATE KITTENS, male cats, free, delivered to friendly conditioned, good condition. Near campus 332 1839. 2-6^4 price - still « savings of $10 off the list portable cassette corder features AC/I)c™ pri* ^9'93 Th|sP«rsoil "• U5I Fast Forward deck, JBL 44 speakers. 355 2182 - nostalgia of reconditioned used machines. people. 482 3857. 2-6 4 DETROITER, 1953. 8x33. Two and Rewind Buttons'• Auxiliary Inputs. Tone and Volume Control S days; 393 - 5245 evenings. 3-6-4 CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP Singers, Whites, Necchis. New bedrooms. Furnished on lot behind Phone 541 Grand River (below Paramount). Home & "Many Others." $19.95 to FOR SALE Lilac point Siamese. any carrying position ■ youH never Warrens. $1200. 332-0018. 2-6-4 have so GARAGE SALE. 4555 Hawthorn Lane east of Hagadorn off of Mt. 1 -6p.m. 13-6-4 $39.95. Tirmi. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY.1115 Specially bred. 8 weeks old. Phone 372- 1595. 2 6-3 TC-60 is anyone on an ease to operate and a the go. Save on Sony at THE fine efft f AndlJ Hope. Dishes, furniture, antiques, PLASTIC INFLATABLE furniture. North Washington, 489^448 IRISH SETTER pups. A KC 1963 FLEETWOOD bedroom, front 57x10. kitchen, 2 Disc SHOP*1 ,b* toys, etc. June 2 - 5th. 3-6-4 Many styles. Low prices. Call C-6-3 registered, field champion bred. completely furnished. $2000. 10 337-9215 noon - midnight. 9-6-4 Excellent blood lines. 372-1389. minutes to campus. 641-6804. MAMIYA PRESS super 23 camera, STEREOS 6-6-4 5-64 multi-format 120, rear tilts, 4 DYNA PREAMPLIFIER and Heath Receivers. $59.95 up. Speaker sets, backs, custom case, $250. Call tuner. Must sell immediately. Jim, $19.95 up. Compact stereos, SMALL ESKIMO Spitz, male, 8 8x36 1951 Aluminum, Carpeted, For Sale 339-8069 5-6-4 351 - 51 56. 2-6-3 $39.50 up. 8 track automatic tape weeks. Paper trained. Call cabana attached. BEhind Warren's, players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, 339 2742. 4-6 4 $1300. 351-7454.6-6-4 SAILBOAT. 11' pram. Excellent used $2.50, new $4.00. Stereo conditon. $250. Phone 337 albums $1.50 down. Italian wall 1956, 10x45. Carpeted, furnished, 0409. 3-6-4 tapestries. Oriental bedspreads. ideal 1 or 2 people. $1800. Close AM-FM clock and portable radios. MSU. 351 5526. 5-6-4 YOU WON'T believe our large TV sets, walkie talkies, tape selection of frame styles. OPTICAL recorder, and surf board. KOZY10x57. Expendo living room. DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Merchandise tested and Fully shag carpeted. Excellent CLEARANCE SALE - All used, new Avenue, 372-7409. C-6-4 guaranteed. WILCOX condition. 694 0836. 3 64 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 E. stereo components. Waterbeds. TV. GOOD condition, $25. Magnavox Michigan, Lansing. Phone MARLETTE. EXCELLENT MAGNOLIA THUNDERPUSSY. 217 Ann. 351 - 7355. 3-6-4 stereo, TV console. Best offer. 485-4391. Hours daily: 8 a.m. condition. Lovely corner lot. King Phone 351 1815 after 5 p.m. 3-6-3 5:30 p.m. C Arthur's Court. Furnished, 2 SHOlj bedroom, front kitchen, skirted. WEDDING DRESS and mantilla, size 10. Moving, must sell. 351 - 0574. RECTILINEAR SPEAKERS., Dual 1219 turntable. Like AtlimaU Phone 485 - 4576 evenings. 3-6-4 Disc 3-6-4 new. Must sell 351 8907. 46-4 MIKE'S FISH AND HERPTILE PET RCA REEL to reel recorder self MORE CLASSIFIED ADS Open Mon. ■ Fri. 9 a WATERBED FRAMES $35 and up. SHOP, Open 4-8 p.m. weeknights. contained with speakers. $90. Call ON PAGE 9 353- 1070. 3-6-4 REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, 10% discount on fish with this ad Lansing, 489-6168. TF J"ne 5,h- 4"6"4 GIBSON 12 - string guitar. Mint condition. New strings. After 12 noon 393 8433.3-6-4 50NY STR 6065 receiver. AR3A speakers. Desperate! Phone! 351-8907 until midnight. 3-6-4 DRUMS - LUDWIG multi-tom with Zildgian cymbals. Excellent condition. 332-5900. 2-6-4 PING PONG tables, $9,95. We buy sell most anything. ABC SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 Turner. C FISHER 135 Stereo system. Save Garrard SL55B turntable. XP60B tree or XP55B speakers. Must sell. a 351-0956.2-6-4 ASA HI PENTAX-SPOTMATIC, 35 n SLR, Takumar 50 mm f/1.4 lens. $225.351-5296. 2-6-4 USED FURNITURE FLEA FAIR. 314 East Michigan. Dishes, books, j coins, antiques, rockers, junk. CHECK Bs'gain hunters paradise. Open LEONARD WHOLESALE'S Tuesday and Saturday. Phone 371-2843.2-6-4 AKAI 8 track tape recorder / player with speakers and headphone. New LOV PRICES ON NIKON Recycle your books $250, 1-6-3 must sell for $125.355-2542. representative will Why not sell your used be in our store AMPEX CAR cassette deck. Used Saturday, June 5 Student Booh only 2 weeks. Best offer. from 10 - 4 p.m. 355-6167. S-6-4 for your used WATER BED UNITS, mattress, liner, heater and frame, $76 any size. REBIRTH, 402 East Michigan, Lansing. 489-6168. TF ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * Complete front end repair and alignment * Brakes * Suspension * Wheel balancing * Steering LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 SALE! SELECT GROUP Diamonds Save 20% off regular prices SALE ENDS JUNE 26TH See us this week to avoid the rush. 3 CONVENIENT WAYS TO CHARGE: ZAJL.ES My, how you've (hanged Student Book Store 421E. Grand River Custom Charge - Revolving Charge - Bank Americard 318 S. Washington (across from FREE SPIRIT) & Lansing Mall Across from Olin Health Center