When . . Wednesday . your're hot, you're hot. MICHIGAN Magnifique -Jerry Reid TATE NEWS mostly sunny, high 76-81. STATE . . . Chance of percipitation: 20%. UNIVERSITY ie 64 Number 1 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 23, 1971 OK'D BY TRUSTEES Dick erson resignation among personnel shifts resignation from his post and is in the wake "killing" demands of the job he has held of recent controversy over King's urging since 1967. incoming freshmen to choose a major, "I leave with the conviction that I have In a major realignment of top University though administrators declined to link dealt with students, faculty, staff, trustees personnel, the board of trustees Friday King's admission policies with Polley's and fellow administrators with honesty and approved changes for seven administrators appointment. — including the resignation of Milton B. Dickerson will be replaced under an integrity," he wrote. "After 32 years on the faculty, I am ready to accept a new Dickerson, vice president for student administration plan calling for a nine - affairs. member search and selection committee; assignment which will be of the greatest Ira benefit to the University." Polly, former state superintendent of three members appointed by Wharton, In another move in the realignment, public instruction, was appointed asst. three by Academic Council, one by the trustees approved after lengthy debate the provost for admisssions and records, taking faculty steering committee and two a job now under Registrar Horace C. King. students request of Robert L. Green, director for representing undergraduates and the Center of Urban Affairs Short-lived happiness Polley heads the presidential commission on admissions that is expected to end its graduates. Wharton will give the committee names be relieved of duties as asst. (CUA), that he provost in work next month. order to devote full time to his of candidates and the committee will judge Washington Post publisher Katherine Graham and Executive Editor Ben King has been directorship. Bradlee leave U.S. District Court in acting director of candidate acceptability and report back to Washington today happy with Judge Gerhard A. Gesell's ruling that the admissions since Gordon Sabine, vice Wharton with a rating on each person Green, CUA head since 1969, will devote newspaper could publish further articles much of his time to about a Pentagon report on Vietnam. Later the U.S. Court of president for special projects, went on considered. Committee members will be completing a proposal Appeals extended the ban against publishing the leave last year. to develop CUA into a college. secret documents for another day. chosen fall term. AP Wirephoto Trustees Clair White, D-Bay City, and Polley's appointment follows Sabine's In his resignation, Dickerson cited Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, opposed the change for Green, saying he was "pushing" for the urban college and that MSU was in Courts "headlong plunge" into a College of extend a By The Griswold, the U.S. solicitor General, said the documents or other tangible evidence of government took the cases to the appeals The Times ban published three installments Urban Affairs. Wharton shot back that Huffs against Green was inconsistent Green of provost duties would proper planning for the proposed and Green could devote more — argument relieving help insure college lie Boston Globe was enjoined Tuesday Pentagon can complete a review of the such documents" court after time to relating to the study. In district court judges denied in which it said the United States m printing more stories on a secret study within 45 days and is willing to his ruling, Julian said it did not requests for injunctions against the papers. solving urban problems. appear that conducted clandestine warfare Other ntagon study, and appeals courts remove its objections to printing any the temporary order would "result in In a telegram to the Globe, against personnel involved in the any Atty. Gen. North Vietnam prior to the 1964 Gulf of realignment tended indefinitely the bans on further portion that will have been declassified. substantial harm to the defendant John N. Mitchell said further publication were: blication by the New York Times and •In Boston, U.S. District Court Tonkin incident, the Johnson —Milton E. Muelder, vice Judge newspaper." The government had asked for of the material "will cause irreparable president for administration decided to bomb North research and development, Washington Post of similar Anthony Julian issued a temporary the order "in the interest of national injury to the defense interests of the appointed Vietnam before the 1964 election and temporary replacement for Dickerson. ormation. restraining order against the Globe and set defense." United States." President Johnson decided secretly earlv in —Lloyd M. Cofer, professor of education, At the same time, government officials a hearing for 10 a.m. Friday. Julian ordered Both the Times and the Post had been Earlier, Globe Editor Thomas Winship lounced steps to review and declassify the Globe to 1965 to use American ground troops appointed consultant to the provost. deliver to the court under restraining orders issued earlier. The said Mitchell asked the paper to cease rts of the study on U.S. Involvement In publication of the material, but the paper offensively. The government then sought ftnam Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird refused. (Please turn to page 19) (Please turn to page 19) d he has ordered censors to move "as >idly as we possibly can." WITHIN NINE MONTHS Laird, in his announcement, said that because the papers had been "stolen" and tliis was the situation. (See related story page 19) printed in several newspapers "it is necessary for us to move as rapidly as Age of majority issue rourt In New York, of Appeals the 2nd U.S. Circuit entended a temporary Senate votes to call possible with the classification review. He added, "I would assume it would take reaches Senate floor approximately 90 days to have the full estraining order against the Times pending security review of the papers and related final decision which the brief judge material." romised "in the next few days." Before hearing moved into closed session U.S. tty. Whitney North Seymour said the for U.S. troop pullout Laird also said he would meet with members of congressional committees who have asked to see the Wednesday study on a By United Press International conclusive evidence that drinking teen - agers would contribute greatly to traffic overnment was ready to review the papers classified basis. accidents, but there's enough evidence to WASHINGTON (AP) The Senate withdrawal plan had warned the Stennis A bill to lower the age of legal raise the question in my mind that I'm not nd declassify portions within about 45 He said the decision on voted Tuesday to call for withdrawal amendment would be a "kiss of death" to declassifying adulthood in Michigan to 18 for every lys. some of the material has willing to back off," Bishop said. of all U.S. forces from Indochina their proposal. At first, they succeeded in nothing to do aspect of life except drinking has been Bishop said studies he has seen showed a In Washington, the U.S. Court of Appeals with possible criminal prosecutions of defeating Stennis 51 to 48. But three reported out of the Senate Judiciary marked increase in accidents around the 16 anned the Post indefinitely from within nine months, provided North those responsible for making the study Committee. successive 50-49 votes turned that decision to 18 - year - old age level — when wblishing more stories about the secret Vietnam frees captured American available to the newspapers. "I would On 4-0 vote many around. a Tuesday, the committee persons get their first driving licenses. He «pers and said the ban would last until the assume on stolen papers there would be sent the omnibus bill to the Senate floor ourt could rule on the prisoners. A frantic flurry of activity marked the said there is also an increase at the age of government's claim last ditch effort by administration forces to some action," Laird said when asked about for a vote. It's unlikely the Senate will It adopted 57 to 42, the proposal by 21 when drinking is legal. lat disclosure of the documents would the possibility or prosecution. consider the legislation until next week hold off approval of Wie bipartisan end- the "In my judgment, this shows if you reaten national Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield, which The disclosures began security. Erwin N. - war amendment. Sunday, June 13 because it is tied up with committee work combine those two factors, the urges President Nixon to meet the fixed when the Times published excerpts of the for the next three days. possibility Two Republicans who had previously exists that accidents will increase," he said. withdrawal date but stops short of cutting 47-volume study, ordered by the Defense Sen. Donald Bishop, R-Rochester, led the efunds available off funds, after a tense series of four roll - opposed efforts to set a date, Sens. John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky and James Secretary Robert S. McNamara and fight to take the drinking provision out of Opponents of Bishop's view argue that call votes on whether to condition a fixed covering U.S. involvement in Vietnam from the House passed bill. - it's hypocritical and ludicrous to give Pearson, of Kansas, threw their support Starting this term, the State News withdrawal date on North Vientamese behind the bipartisan amendment. the end of World War II until 1967. "I'll be the first to admit there's no younger persons all their adult legal rights 'ill begin release of the prisoners within 60 days. except one. a voluntary student fee Sen. Stennis sought to delay a scheduled inscription plan. The Mansfield proposal also calls for "If we are going to let late afternoon vote, but Sen. Vance young people vote In the negotiations on an immediate cease - fire for the president of the Unites past, all students have had to States, we and phased U.S. withdrawals in exchange Hartke, D-Ind., one of the amendment's are going to have to let them BY a $1 fee at drink, too," registration for the for prisoner release. sponsors, objected. said Rep. Michael uPP°rt of the State News. Sen. Mike Gravel, D-AIaska, said Dively, sponsor of the The Democratic leader called it up for a bill. "If we are going to Under the new system, any student meanwhile President Nixon is insistent accept the concept vote after Sen. John C. Stennis, D-Miss., on of the 18 - year - old as an »ho does not want to adult, we are read the State succeeded on a 50 49 vote in conditioning - continuing the draft because "he wants to going to have to support the concept or use its services may go to the a proposed fixed withdrawal date in nine keep open the option of moving to the fully." tote News business office, 345 Student months to North Vientamese release of defense of South Vietnam, Cambodia or wvices Bldg., Laos if it should appear any of these U.S. prisoners in 60 days. during registration week governments might topple in 1972." nd obtain Supporters of the nine month authorization for the refund - fhis$i. Valedictory hits athle Ffiree charged urges p of heroin to l In the valedictory address at spring Another Spartan Village resident waived Though the amount of heroin sold was commencement, Rhoda E. Weiss, Livonia not available Tuesday, Martin said, the preliminary examination Tuesday for substances purchased senior, attacked MSU athletics and charges he also allegedly sold heroin to by agents was recommended the establishment of a undercover agents from his apartment on positively determined to be heorin. He President's Commission on Athletics to ISU police June 9 and again on June 16. The man was added other suspected narcotics were investigate University athletic programs. reported Tuesday that three 'sons were arrested found in the apartments after persons were last week on charges arrested June 16 after investigation by "The college coach expects his athletes filing heroin to local undercover agents. arrested but said the state crime lab has not Metro agents, MSU police and state police. to concentrate on the job for which they 1 other persons were arrested and He originally demanded examination at yet finished its analysis. were hired," Miss Weiss said. "The aim is W with his arraignments on June 16 and 17 in Two Okemos youths, 19 and 17, neither graduation nor education. The using and possessing what )<* termed marijuana. District Court. He was freed Tuesday on demanded preliminary examination most important thing is to maintain *° MSU students, a man and wife living two $1,000 recognizance bonds and will be Tuesday in District Court for charges that eligibility." . Parian Village, were freed Thursday bound over July 2 to Lansing Circuit Court they pssessed what police said was one - Miss Weiss singled out football for the 1 Friday on $8,000 bond each after an when trail date will be set. half pound of marijuana in their brunt of her attack, charging that players Ration by the Lansing Metro Squad, Donald E. Martin, chief asst. county automobile. were given harmful drugs, such as anabolic Patrol officers reportedly stopped the Police and State police led to their prosecutor, refused Tuesday to reveal how steroids and benzadrine, to improve their ^ on June 16 for allegedly selling Metro Squad agents learned of the alleged vehicle about 11 p.m. Monday on Birch performance regardless of the damaging sales in Spartan Village. Road near Willow Road for a burned-out side effects. °'Ji from their apartment. persons demanded preliminary Martin said the apartments had been headlight. Officers said they approached Vcfer registration "When I think of football now I think of ""nation at arraignment later that day watched by undercover agents "for some the car and saw beer and wine inside. shooting up men with novacaine to relieve Lansing District Court on charges period of time," and notice was taken of After the youths were arrested for Volunteers from the League of Women Voters help students register to the pain of injured bodies so they can keep they sold a quantity of heroin to persons who came and left the residences possession of alcohol, police said, officers vote at the IM Building. Their work has been steady with over 300 on playing," she said. "But what many J'cover agents on June 4 and again on during the period. He refused to say searched and discovered the alleged students people do not realize is that in so * 8 Date for examination has not yet whether officials suspect other alleged sales marijuana inside the vehicle and on one of registered, according to the women. in the area. the youths. State News photo by Don Gerstner (Please turn to page 19) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Voter sign up changes outlined summary From the wires of AP and UPI. "No student who meets those requirements, offers proof of ago identification before individual is allowed to fill out the concrete requirements for residency Mrs. Collizi explained, definition of residency. Students again complained she was the same tjme u and local residency, signs the the affidavit. She also said that East Lansing City Clerk affidavit, and swears to the truth the state elections commissioner "We need clear definition of from !™yn°t"gainor|OSe fay being a a registering. However, by student Beverly Collizi said Tuesday that of his qualifications will told her that such authority was this summer she residency that is not In the law. "strict," she said that she meant expects to denied registration," Mrs. Colli, encounter little of the said, implicit in Michigan registration Our governing bodies should rigid of specific and not we"^l8ingthis"ars' a','d sl"' by fall term state talks in Luxembourg. requirements — six months in residency m.T„WJnedStthadtenthey "wVre denied registration because they WASHINGTON (AP) slt'PP,n8 UP enforcement of the - criteria, The letters represent the HEW must prove told the districts they that the presence of "We will ho i„ . , I The 50 - year - old prince, husband of Queen Elizabeth Michigan and 30 days in East Lansing — and has no other legal refusedtoshowtheclerkso.no recent pro-busing Supreme Nixon administration's first henvilv heavily black hl:i*>»t Gulfport, Mice Am««n« Miss., Amarillo, Tex., Paducah, Ky., and More and The PHONE: 482-6226 more persons are current crackdown | Fayetteville, N.C. finding this out the hard way. illegal hikers resulted { Polish prisoner released Since June 1,85 tickets have complainLs by citizens who J 4? ■■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■■■ II ■ COUPON I HIIIII IB I ■■ I■ An southern additional and 40 to 60 border districts been issued to persons who police caught standing in the police they were detained! traffic due to hitchhill | lijUAW/vlACQ ^^ Adam Muller, a Polish - born U.S. citizen who was under HEW desegregation street while hitchhiking. Nine standing in the road, he said.1 convicted of espionage by a Polish been released from prison and is on the State Dept. said Tuesday. military court, has way home, the Zl MEXICAN RESTAURANT * supervision will receive similar warnings in coming weeks, according to a department spokesman. tickets were slapped on violators in May. ^ division spokesman in the traffic of the Lansing Police Persons are into the street than they sl when thumbing a ride, moving fartl 1 spkiai spokesman said, and they I A department official said Muller, of was granted clemency by the Polish government on condition that he leave Poland immediately. Dayton, Ohio, i JUNE 24 THRU JUNE 30 * ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ interfering with the flow! traffic. He added the will continue indefinitely. crackdof 1005 EAST GRAND RIVER BLVD. tTti sawra's. Another Lansing officer sj 2 TAMALES few persons are actually arte for hitchhiking, except for till More Soviet Jews on trial TAMALES! DELICIOUS CORN MEAL who give officers a hassle wH CASTINGS. STUFFED WITH PURE Nine more Soviet Jews have been connection with the Leningrad airline put on trial in GROUND BEEF. TOPPED WITH TASTY MEXICAN RED CHILI lif T they or are are told to leave the sti given a ticket. Ir hijacking attempt, SAUCE GARNISHED WITH CHEESE, tickets makes it easier | unofficial sources reported from Moscow Tuesday. ONIONS AND LETTUCE. enforce the law and to pi The trial opened Monday in Kishinev, (A REGULAR $1.00 VALUE) capital of Soviet violations, since officers I Moldavia, they said, where a court case had known to be in preparation. long been *«llliailBiailll CLIP & SAVE ■(■IBIIBIHBIP busier with other duties, hesa East Lansing police officii There was no official confirmation of the when contacted about I opening of '"'short'on'oash? the Kishinev trial, however, and number of hitchhiking violatil attempts to telephone the court were unsuccessful. they tickets encounter, reported have been issued tf J month. One person was cited| illegal thumbing, they said. Equal rights denied OFFER Consider from this SPECIAL the Stereo The House Shoppe. Right now you can Judiciary Committee dealt the women's save $108 on this complete rights movement a setback Tuesday by changing a Marantz Model 26 system and proposed constitutional amendment that would grant still get all the famous them equal rights. Marantz craftsmanship, By a vote of 19 to 16 the committee added a performance, features, and provision that would exempt women from the draft and permit state laws that recognize differences between men and women to remain in effect. It then approved engineering excellence have made Marantz world's most respected name that the Digital clocks the amendment by a vote of 32 to 3. "This is the kiss of death," Rep. Emanuel in home stereo equipment. All at the fabulous selling tell you the time Celler, D-N.Y., chairman of the committee, said with satisfaction. Celler, who supported the provision, was price of ^JAQO s249° mplet in halt the time one of the three who voted aganst the amendment. Including the Marantz 3 year guarantee! Or add the BSR 310 _ Cost rise cushioned Automatic Turntable for only J $299.00 complete The government said Tuesday most of the nation's MODEL 26 SYSTEM workers gained in pay and purchasing power last month, somewhat softening the impact of the year's sharpest rise And We've Arranged Three in living costs. Average wages rose $1.41 to $125.46 weekly, a 97 VERY SPECIAL CREDIT PLANS cents gain after allowance for rising prices. Put down a deposit now - Put down But attacks on a deposit President Nixon's economic Mail in payments this summer continued from policies Mail in payments over the labor leaders, Democrats and one ^ as you work - Upon final summer while you're working Republican senator. ~ payment, WE WILL SHIP - Pay 50% or more of the • YOUR MODEL 26 TO YOU purchase price by Fall when W WHEREVER YOU DESIRE. you return - Pick up your Town prepares for violence 0 . .Or, if you prefer, we'll have Model 26 system and use it 0 it ready for you to pick up while you pay off the balance £ here in the Fall. on our regular 90 - day Mayor J.R. Allen banned the sale of installment plan. Up to 6 and liquor, firearms ammunition in Columbus, Ga., Tuesday as police months to pay this way! and firemen, bolstered by 50 state troopers, prepared for more possible violence. Twenty - one fire bombings The Stereo Shoppe were reported Monday night and lix persons were arrested. an outbreak of During the weekend 27 fires was attributed to arsonists Law and order will 543 E. Grand River prevail," declared Allen when he P*1* 337-1300 announced the emergency measures. Next to Paramount News - Daily 10 - 5:45-Wed. til 9:00 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 23, 1971 3 lixon attacks health plan, Bus routes, stops altered >eks battle against drugs to provide better service |laNTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) gnashing their teeth. Ljdi nl Nixon attacked Sen. system" by the federal Washington ' Jolman who as MSU bus ™ m. Kennedy's health ..Tuheu all ..the f?overnment the bills for health pays government. avenues to Michigan and Grand avenues. The change director built what many felt care," he ■nian Tuesday as costly and said, "then the "The Health Security Act does is expected to help traffic was the most successful campus ■L He also summoned the government nothing of the sort. It means movement downtown. becomes the only transit system in the country, is Ll profession to "all - out strong interest in party with a federal financing, but it also The Metropolitan Lansing Besides schedule changes, the trying to work equal wonders as L against the drug menace." costs. And this restraining means new and better forms Mass Transit Corp. began using Mass Transit Corp. has added a the new head of the inevitably or Lansing bus Li called drug abuse the that government officials must means private organizations and private new schedules Monday to new "stop and shop" transfer system. L-s "public enemy No. 1" approve hospital delivery of health care, with provide better bus service for all plan. An individual will be able A promotion L best way to end drug campaign is fee schedules andIbudgets set private doctors and private area residents. to stop for any amount of time being launched to make the take 'other lis to prevent drug abuse," steps that would eventually lead hospitals free to practice the The new schedules include a and still be able to board a bus public more aware of the fjd "America's doctors are to the complete federal medicine of which they are number of route changes going in the same direction on improved bus service in the | indispensable front line domination of really capable." including the addition of a new the same day with a transfer. Lansing area. Two buses were medical Lfs for success in this all - system." our In a route to the North Lansing area. For instance, a student could given a psychedelic paint job [riant battle." statement, the AMA sided leave East Lansing, stop at over the weekend at two local with the President and yas in a two - topic "Rather than agreed Frandor, and then continue shopping centers to, doctor so that he can do freeing the with his criticism of Buses going from downtown as Jolman not without political Kennedy's downtown fare under more to proposal. to Meridian Mall are now going on one said, "draw the public's w..ons prepared for an help his patients, nationalized out Marsh Road to Haslett this system. attention to the fact that the bus ^session of the House of health insurance would burden The statement said, "We before returning to the mall and The buses have been running system is in operation. In the him with [gates of the American the dead weight of would like to second the downtown. since May 3, after a 17 week future we may use the two buses Iral Assn. at the Chalfonte - more bureaucracy, more forms President's objections to health A route starting downtown, strike. for promotional gimmicks." ■don Hall Hotel on the and more red tape. Rather than care programs that might lead to going south on Washington jwalk. expanding the range of choice complete federal domination. Avenue to Mt. Hope Road east for doctors and We on Mt. Hope to Cedar Street and f President made no real patients, it agree that such a health would severely narrow that lrt to push his own system would be almost south on Cedar to Jolly Road ■rtnership" health program range prohibitively expensive and Painted wagon has replaced one which also . which employers and "Rahter than encouraging unworkable. More importantly, originated downtown but went High school students repaint a bus in psychedalia east on Michigan Avenue to Joves would share costs and more responsibility at the local we know that eh quality of health care for American would at Meridian Mall. The students volunteered to paint Cedar and south on Cedar to ■government would pay the level, it would concentrate more the old bus before it went into commercial service. W0J |ow income families, responsibility in Washington. suffer under such a system." State News photo by Don Gerstner Miller. This eliminates a ■d he pretty much ignored Rather than duplication of service in the stimulating Miller Road area, as a bus has |AMA's own plan which also competition and diversity, it been running down Pennsylvania [for subsidizing the poor, would dull the incentive to ■s ■ctions to giving §rd to buy their income tax experiement people who can own said. and Nixon was interrupted innovate," ho Officer soys polygraph to Miller. Henry Jolman, director of the Mass Transit Corp., said the But Nixon drew a eight buses will be running faster in times by applause from his the future. Studies showed buses I bead on Kennedy - a The State News, the student tnlial ■demy next year — and his challenger for the |osal for nationalized health audience, particularly when he got into the proposed battle against drug abuse, which he said is spreading like a backs Medina's claims were streets traveling slower than other traffic, so buses will now speed up a bit. In on the and Spring school terms, Mondays, newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter Wednesdays and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition plague, addition buses will no longer lance totally financed by the in September. Subscription rate is $16 kirnent. eroding the nation's strength, ft. Mcpherson, Ga. for Medina. The hearing wait on downtown corners for per year. (ap) - Army not to try a defendant if Member Associated Press, United Press International, destroying its spirit and The investigating officer in the Wednesday morning. lie detector tests indicated his lengthy periods. Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press ■thout mentioning Kennedy threatening to undermine its case of "When a passenger gets on a Association, future. Capt. Ernest Medina Defense lawyer F. Lee Bailey innocence. Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press no - although the White testified Tuesday bus," Jolman stated, "he doesn't Association. i that a aeiense uesaay mat has ch "No, I did not," answered ■ confirmed that the polygraph expert supported the d that Mob, and —. want to wait on a corner for five Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial ■tor was a target - Nixon In Washington, Kennedy captain s claim that he gave no otheR. jn ch of decjdi Mobley. minutes. He wants to go." and business offices at 345 Student Services whether Medina should be tried Bailey then asked if several Bldg., Michigan (the AM A: released a statement replying to order to massacre civilians at My witnesses Express buses which only State University, East Lansing, Michigan. it is very easy the President's speech, calling it T . were prejudiced against him. . repudiated statements - _ _ stopped at limited -points, (times to think t hat the plan "a scare tactic being used by the Bailey seeks dismissal of charges . • . . . attributed to them by CID usually a half mile apart, have orton fe KniMinrt O fl 1 n t~\ n t Ko nQCO linnn nlSminn^nf] Phones: agents building a file on the case, been eliminated. All runs are All ■ costs the most will help the administration to divert Col. James Mobley, also on that basis. viinn nwn News 355-8252 1 but often the situation is attention from the real issue." testified that several witnesses now local, stopping at every Classified Ads opposite. In fact, I "The President left out a very asked Moblev if a "Several did repudaite - or marked boarding point. 355-8255 |ve the most expensive plan important point," said Kennedy. hi^inTEtlon''offered fh.t SS- "IS st2 defense ,ie detector exPert had "Jf sta;emenf "ot co™stent The downtown Lansing bus Advertising Business Office 353-6400 355-3447 1 lias been offered in the "Unlike any other social »»' testified during the SU","0e'"S' stop has been switched from the lent discussion - a plan for program, the cost of the Health collected from them by Army investigation that Medina told MOD,ey' corner of Michigan and nnalized compulsory health Security Act is not new money. Criminal Investigation Division the truth when he nat|y denled is a plan that would Americans will still be paying (CID) agents. 8'vng any massacre order. Frandor Store Hours: 9 to 9 p.m.; "The witness said his tests a.m. Monday thru Friday Saturday till 6 lallv do the most to hurt the same $77 billion for health . .. Irioan health care..." care in 1974, whether we have Mobley recommended on the indicated that Medina was telling basis ofiHwo separate the truth when he said that," the Health Security Act or not If this plan went into investigations into the case that answered Mobley. n by fiscal year 1974, it Medina, 34, of Montrose, Colo., "The real question is, are we HOLDEN REID . cost the federal going to continue to pour our be tried on charges of murdering , "ef. *ald ,thJ ,?xP«r af° . [rnnient over $77 billion." dollars into the ineffective at least 102 civilians at My Lai, testified that Medina told the My Twl?en he sald hKebecause f,red athea le President went on to say South Vietnam, and of assulting I by fiscal system we know today, or are .. u j:„I commanded th« Lai woman 1974, present another. Medina the we going to spend these funds in feared she was about to Kii,, hurl o Men's a I health programs would company involved in the 1968 a system that gives us full value hand grenade at him. I an average household about assault. for our money and closes the J per year, his own program gap between promise and The colonel was the third and Bailey asked Mobley if he had [d go up this to $466, and performance in modern health final witness to testify on the checked the defense contention nationalized insurance, ■total would triple to $1,271 third day of a pretrial hearing th«t it was the policy of the Clothing Ithe family tax bill. The Massachusetts senator l raised the specter of also took issue with the al fee fixing - — something President's forecast of I might set doctors to "domination of the medical jBneMS HHW Clearance | Where Style Is Alwa^'ln" J.,, (RAND III SLACKS RIVER $19-95 PHONE 332-6878 Sale Save up to 30% and More Pilots • Suits (1 & 2 Pants) Come join u^... insist on it TONIGHT from 5 to 10 p.m. for a dee-licious New Orleans • Sport Coats SHRIMP BOIL! # • Slacks Summer and Year-Round ROLEX Fresh JUMBO SHRIMP served in the • Regulars • Shorts • Extra Longs • Stouts shell . . . Boiled in a delicate mixture of herbs and seasoning direct from • Sizes 34 to 56 Free Alterations New • Orleans .. . SALAD included. • HOLDEN-REID Charge Accounts The GMT-Master chronometer is important equip¬ > Michigan Bankard ment, both to the men who fly, and to the interna¬ • Master Charge tional traveler as well. Its 30-jewel automatic chronometer movement ALL YOU tells time in two different time zones at once. The magnified date changes automatically at midnight. Holden And GMT-Master's superb accuracy is protected CAN EAT! by the rugged steel Oyster case, tested and guar¬ anteed to a depth of 165 feet*. With matching bracelet, $255. *with case, crown and crystal intact. Reid "Famous Brands for Dad & Lad" FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 3121 E.GRAND RIVER rs , LANSING MALL * LOGAN CENTER New Phone: 219 E. Grand River EAST 351-1440 Phone: 332-3917 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS The National Security „ uTicmnfiHw The UNIVERSITY ••«! Doctor's KEN LYNAM HI AT REQUEST Bag advertising manager TIMES VIETNAM SERIES FOUR By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D JOHN BORGER, managing editor BOB ROACH, news editor PENDING HEARING Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at My problem is a sexu»nu BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor , Ml MSU Health Center. Names need not be boyfriend. We are both RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor included unless personal reply is strange to 21 and 7t ^ requested. a hang-ups. During me that he should have I In order to improve my snorkeling I seen each other the pas, year J0"* Seven .time recipient of the Pacemaker award have been practicing holding my breath. I every month. I'm the first for about one Ll for outstanding journalism. seriously dated and I realize girl thaTh.. have become concerned over possible physical hazards. What are the safe experiences are new to that L him, but it bntu techniques of improving one's breath me that he i, still ashamed of hil holding ability? it. EDITORIALS Under usual circumstances, a person usee home function.^ life, he Due to his considers education ? sexual act™ only a fraction of his lung's capacity to dirty and not nice." We never hold air. Through practice, it is possible to intercourse but he has become excited i learn how to use the full potential volume. the point of ejaculation. He thinks Singers and musicians who play wind thi. i Gov't vs. new instruments have a well developed capacity for holding their breath. Practicing wrong and upsets him even greatly. Because I have had though he enjoy, i, breathing deeply and holding your breath, more as well as exercising vigorously to increase experience than my boyfriend this is taste The recent New York Times and of are totalita naturally selfserving institutions; the efficiency of your breathing are helpful. There is a very important warning tiiat frustrating relationship for feel almost guilty because I am the agressor and I am me. I I often not tend t fedki accustom* they are concerned first of all with you should be aware of. Inhaling and to this role. I'm concerned aboutw Washington Post cases, involving the selfperpetuation and political exhaling rapidly before taking a deep all his years of inhibitions can be una publication of classified govenment survival. The only way they can breath in diving is highly dangerous. This Do you think that with such a documents, have raised an issue of technique succeeds in blowing off the he could ever have a backgrc maintain power is to convince the guilt-free normal amount of carbon dioxide in your i vital concern to freedom of the press public that they are doing a good relationship in marriage? blood stream and makes you insensitive to in America: Does the government job, whether or not this is the case. the need for oxygen. Under such Some men remain inhibited about have the right to censor newspapers The result is the circumstances it is possible to .lose matters well into sem use of the adulthood. The conuno before publication in the interests of consciousness without ever experiencing belief that it is "classified top secret" label to only women who an i "national security?" "air hunger." Obviously, losing affected is cover up their own blunders, as a myth. consciousness under water can be fatal. A number or military cost overruns have shown. frustrating situations a The to have develop when the sexual needs of Q won newspapers the first appear round. Government In the Times and Post cases, the OUR READERS' MIND partner are not being met by the otb government is objecting to partner. Unfortunately, many coup! suits to stop the Times and the Post that marked differences in embarrassing report rather than one assume sexui from publishing material based on a secret Pentagon Vietnam war were defeated in study of the that endangers "national security." The Pentagon's Vietnam study revealed that the American people Proposed highway not needed attitudes become resolved after marriage. This may not be the Kind understanding can go a help your boyfriend. So can introdudi automatical] long way I cm federal district court. But injunctions To the Editor: Grand River Ave., does not increase further. If we had been misled, if not lied to, about essentially as it is now, really wish him to a variety of writings on the subjec against publication have been American involvement in Vietnam. Milton Baron, director of campus parks and a busy highway. By contrast, if the to reduce the traffic on Grand River Ave. My favorite is a Bantam paperback I extended until the government's and planning, has suggested that the new highway is not built there is reason to we might instead Donald W. Furthermore, government as a cover up half of it with Hastings called Sexu proposed four-lane highway across South believe that traffic on Grand River Ave. grass and tress and find appeals are heard and the cases may whole was not doing the deceiving, more ecologically Expression in Marriage. After at tempts i well reach the Supreme Court before Campus would benefit the University may not become appreciably worse. efficient means to move people and freight. this type, if the problem still remains, but rather a military-executive The East yi community, principally by diverting traffic Lansing section of that road may be faced with a difficult decision th a final decision is made. from Grand River Ave. The present traffic W.M. Hartmann branch elite which at one time may already be a sufficient bottleneck that Associate professor of physics you are not for each other. You will bo The government contends that the on the latter is indeed annoying and many trucks and some cars avoid it. Once a refused to release the be doing each other a favor to Pentagon study May 28, 1971 acknowteij publication of classified information to hazardous and its reduction would be road reaches saturation the traffic on it this now rather than waiting until aft will cause "irreparable damage" to a Congressional investigating welcome. marriage. Many men such as yo committee. When documents Lurking in Mr. Baron's argument, national security and newspapers must be prevented from printing become too "secret" to be revealed to the however, is the hidden assumption that the amount of traffic in the general area of the Writers ignorant, need help boyfriend can benefit from mo experience and may undergo a change such material. Such duly elected representatives of attitude with time. The sporadic contac an argument campus will remain more or less constant. the populace, one must wonder to not interpret your ignorance as someone you have had during the past year wou however, is faulty on two counts. Equivalent assumptions have been tested To the Editor: make it hard to tell how things would go what degree a government is else's inanity. J. Huebner Under the First Amendment, the and disproved in most large cities in our E. Detroit graduate student democratic I protest the June 2 editorial "U.S., you were together more often. R&olrt Constitution guarantees freedom of as opposed to autocratic. country. Expressways have been built to June 3,1971 your problem may depend largely on he A free press is needed if the relieve intolerable traffic jams on the Russia practice interplanetary inanity". the press. While Atty. Gen. John E. your boyfriend feels after you explain yo American people are to see past the streets. Their construction has extended This editorial is so poorly written that it discomfort to him. Mitchell asserts these constitutional the would take more time than I care to spend rights "are not absolute in all "top-secret" veneer into the actual workings of government. If the press to the utility of the private car and the truck point that there are now intolerable traffic jams on both the streets and the to be exhaustive, so I shall deal briefly with only two of your points. (1) The New pool? I am going to Europe this summer» circumstances," the Constitution expect to be eating very poorly fi violates its responsibilities it can then expressways. assumption that the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. To the Editor: makes no such qualifications. A economic reasons. Can I maintain ir be prosecuted, but it should not be Likewise, if the new highway is built are necessarily duplicating each others newspaper is legally responsible for across campus the University can expect efforts by simultaneous Martian What is the possibility of building a excellent health if I take s censored simply because a anything appearing in its pages, but that in 10 years time it will have both exploration is ridiculous, since each has 4-foot deep wading pool for the multivitamins and a protein supplement? potentiality for abuse exists. previous as well as simultaneous probes. (2) plan to make whole meals of bread ar censorship before the fact is contrary convenience of those who insist on using to constitutional guarantees. Government control of the press is cheese and such and will probably see ve our Olympic sized swimming pool for that Secondly, the group that is the sole an action of a totalitarian form of Letter policy That they didn't think about sharing information or joint ventures until after purpose? Or, if there are no available little of vegetables and meat. government, not a democratic one. If funds, how about this: Rope off two or judge of what is or is not in the the people are to govern themselves The State News welcomes all letters. launch is also a ridiculous and incorrect three lanes to be reserved for swimming For a person in good health, it is pretl "national interest" has a vested difficult to become run down because i They should be typed and signed with the assumption. The U.S. almost always shares only. I doubt that this would cause much interest in presenting a favorable inte">8ently through a representative home town, student, faculty or staff its nonmilitary space data with everyone poor eating for a summer. 1 do not ki hardship to the people who seem to think what this super-potency jazz is, I public image. Government ageneies government they must be aware of standing, and local phone number interested, and both LBJ and Nixon have of the IM pool as giant water bed, and the actions of multivitamins probably would be harmla that government. included. No unsigned letter will be proposed joint U.S.—U.S.S.R. space would be greatly appreciated by those of I always like my bread and cheese wii accepted for publication, and no letter will efforts. us who prefer to use the pool in its The new, slick be printed without a signature except in extreme circumstances. All letters must be Further, I wish to point out that on subjects on which you are ignorant, you intended manner. some fruit and wine. The combinatk gives you a good amount of protein, 6 carbohydrate, and vitamins (fresh fruit less than 300 words long for publication Fran Fruit Several months ago the prime time conservative, will concede perhaps should seek help. There are Aerospace East Lansing graduate student good stuff). The wine will allay yoi without editing. television viewing audience beheld sadly, that some sort of military scientists on campus. Finally, you should June 21,1971 anxieties about your nutrition. the beginning of an unprecedented establishment is necessary, though advertising campaign: The U.S. not of present size or shape . TRB FROM WASHINGTON! In fact, most dissatisfaction with Army had gotten hip. Instead of a stern, the military, especially patriarchial Uncle Sam among the definitively declaring "I Want You," the new recruitment drive featured slick, mod look that gently suggested a young, traditionally has stemmed from objections to the slavery of the draft and the highhanded attitudes Nixon does little to check crime that "Today's Army wants to of a military made careless join by legally By RICHARD LEE STROUT you." guaranteed cannon fodder. In If you commit a major crime in any big district attorneys, public defenders, through the 1968 campaign Mr. Nixon Initial results now indicate that the putting forth a convincing and members of Hoover has always been in favor < city today in America the chances are 98.5 the recent presidential proclaimed that "the role of poverty as a campaign has been an overwhelming reasonably honest recruitment legislation." in 100 that you won't ever go to jail for it, commissions and the like, and let it act as cause of the crime upsurge in America has success. Incredibly, it seems the campaign theArmy has, helped been grossly exaggerated" he There are "perhaps 30 mi# and that's why it's too bad that Attorney friendly critic and adviser of the said; crime is due to leniency, to a "soft" handguns loose in America, Dr. Eiscn l traditionally hidebound Army has to smooth the way for the General John Mitchell never has completed government's law enforcement efforts. It attorney testified earlier (the sale has quadruple^ that telephone call urged by Dr. Milton S. might help to implement some of those general, to recent Supreme Court decisions managed to march in step with the implementation of the volunteer recent years). These are the realI mu times. Underlying this, however, is Eisenhower. Dr. Eisenhower, brother of recommendations of various commissions. that "have tended to weaken the system which could bring such the president, headed the 1969 presidential Last summer the whole idea was worked forces." peace weapons. Polls of the public for 10 ^ the more astounding fact that the inequities to an end. he said sadly, show an "overwhelm® commission on violence, whose report has out by the American Bar Association, Mr. Nixon's simplistic notions are desire to curb handguns." But they a military has for once been able to now sold 2 million copies. along with Mr. Mitchell, Dr. Eisenhower shared by the Vice President who called curbed. The gun lobby is one of tne read the handwriting on the wall. This nation appears destined 'Gnat' a The Eisenhower commission was one of series of four consecutive presidential said. It support," received he "the warmest kind of testified, and the thing the report prepared ex-governor Scranton by Pennsylvania's powerful in Washington. bodies all dealing with the most cancerous reached the point where there was (named by Mr. As the hearings have prog* ultimately to convert to an Nixon) "pablum for permissivists." chairmen of three of the all-volunteer army, and the military The MSU Alumni Assn. newsletter evil in America today, crime and violence. agreement on a chairman who was to That has been f°urg seldom misses a chance to soothe the During 52 of 63 riotous months, 1965 launch the committee at a proposed White the Nixon-Mitchell issue" commissions have now test.Mfl has responded with approach to crime from the start. Take bureaucratically troubled minds of comparatively through 1970, one or the other of these House conference. This was to be another aspect of the Scranton, the fourth will aPP ( staggering speed. conservative and financially well - four groups was in full operation: summoned "shortly after the 1970 There is "no matter, handguns. Every one says that the chie , The Katzenbach, Kerner, Eisenhower and elections," Dr. Eisenhower said. question," testified former America is internal, not extern* Wj new recruitment drive stresses endowed alumni. Convince them Attorney General Katzenbach, that Scran ton. They enlisted scores of not say that crime will disapp ^ the positive individual advantages of "All that remained to be done was for rigorous control would reduce violent that students are not all hippy military service. The appeals blue-ribbon figures, employed hundreds of the Attorney General to telephone the man crime "significantly". We elimination of social inJustlc.e,nU,h a radicals, the reasoning goes, and experts, spent tens of thousands of the things that know many of don't think that repression andtou travel, job training and command selected to be the organizing chairman and ought to be done, and yet those contribution dollars will just man-hours in research and cost millions of will end it either. Dr. invite him to serve," he said. they don't get done - "guns is one," he opportunities have replaced the taxpayers' money. By and large, they all impressive man. He rem,nd' keep rolling in. added. Speaking mindless patriotic and elitist chord Case in point: the June, 1971, came out with the same findings of what The bell doesn't ring. And, in a way, very emphatically, he continued, "And there slowly and brother. He finds "a b.tter, situation. There are, literaHy, ^ struck by traditional enlistment causes crime and violence in America. And you can see why. Every one of those isn't a police official in the ars^n campaigns. Throughout the edition of the newsletter carries a the curious thing is that the White House, commissions urged that, in addition to doesn't know country who built by the extreme right and th , short article on the advent-and to which the reports were made, has done better law enforcement, there must be an this." Three attorneys left. And if we saw tr°uble « 1 general, Robert Kennedy, Katzenbach and experimental television campaign the ignores the apparent summary little about it. amelioration of the social conditions that Clark all supported this country it could be devasUtin* stress has been Recently two cops were gunned down gun restriction; did he personally oriented, demise-of "the Gnat, a "new" and cause crime and violence. The Eisenhower have any idea, he was Did he mean rac ial i rather than dogmatic. The in New York, another two in Washington, asked, why Mitchell conservative "underground commission pleaded for $20 billion for was reluctant to do so? he answered grimly. recruitment drive recognizes D.C. Tension is rising (along with the | that "general welfare expenditures." But Katzenbach answered: "No I don't. Mr. there." there is a new kind of newspaper." The article is thermometer) in the big cities, and the patriotism technically correct, though a frightened majority is reaching for "law existent today which denies the and order" as the Democratic voters just four-page mimeographed, six spent maxim of "My country, right did in naming a tough cop as their thousand copy one-shot deal is not or wrong." candidate for mayor of Philadelphia. And L exactly news at this University. Less so — we may get another crime commission Only a small portion of the dissent understandable is why a leaflet any day now. But wouldn't it be easier to over this nation's military structure distributed in April should command get Mr. Mitchell to make that telephone stems from a desire for complete coverage in a June publication. call, the one that Dr. Eisenhower talked abolition. Most reasonable people, about in testimony to Congress last week? Apparently, things are just "Gnat" Dr. Eisenhower wants Mr. Nixon to set young and old,, liberal and what they appear to be. up a panel of lawyers, chiefs of police, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 23, 1971 5 Education By JOHN BORGER cost s i State News Staff Writer shift away from grants and scholarships toward such devices as the loans and income social benefits of education (^ent attempts In some states to shift the major cost of higher contingency plans so that there has been an do not exist or are jucation to students are most inappropriate and undesirable " even further increase in the total actual burden borne inconsequential." by an Wharton classed the social benefits of education as [Psident Wharton told a commencement audience at Oakland average student or his parent." enhance the individual's those which diversity recently. Wharton criticized these trends capacities to contribute to the because their underlying ■•The assumption that the student is the sole assumption is that the student receives all or most of the community as a citizen and those which contribute to the beneficiary from of his benefit increased productivity of the education Is patently false and the justification which education. economy. There are substantial benefits to "It is manifestly clear that a iderlios the current trends of shifting from public to private society which are not with a democratic form of highly advanced industrial society received as income .pport for higher education is equally misguided," he said. by the individual as a return on his educational investment," he said. "This is social and technical government requires a high level of Wharton noted that while total college costs have increased in understanding among its citizens if they are why we have publicly to cope successfully with crucial public issues," he said regarding .cent years, a less evident "twofold trend" has added to the supported primary and secondary education; this is why we have the first njneial burden of students and parents. publicly supported higher education." category. •first, the share of total costs which is paid by students Social benefits of higher education, "The foundation of the U.S. has however, are difficult to economy is our accumulated increasing, he said. Second, there has been a measure and are thus not estimated, Wharton said. And because knowledge, and further increases in productivity will derive to a pronounced they are not estimated, "many people mistakenly conclude that great extent from the development and application of scientific knowledge," he said. "The more advanced an economy, the more )og disease said spreading roundabout is its production processes. 5 "Hence, the modern scientific industrial continue to invest in the economy production and distribution of must knowledge. Yet the special characteristics of knowledge make it both difficult and undesirable to lorth from southern states He capture all its benefits in private thinkjthij profit accounts, either of the individual or of the university." he enjoy, ^ Wharton emphasized "two divergences between private and social benefits" of education: the difference between the individual's gain and society's gain from a leartworms, a college degree and in Pec,es of Michigan "Recovery in divergence caused by the "activities of a university in training iment in dogs warm mncnuit ^ oes are a well-developed animal, they are enclosed in high-level manpower 1 often feel capable of case depends on the general tissure or decomposed and and in generating new knowledge which [mates »not mi Michigan and other picking up the microscopic condition of - the dog, Qr passed from the body. contributes to society, but which the institution rarely captures." accustom* quent i offspring of mature worms, Dalley said. "Higher education is a complex multipurpose national system d about irthern states, an MSU ! can be undo* lerinarian said recently. microfilaria, from dog's blood After a short incubation period He administers an organic of n n » Dr. Dalley said that a few heartworms growing in cases financed from equally multiple sources," Wharton said. "If we are to find a path out of (the financial crisis colleges and universities Long drop ich )r. James B. Dalley, asst. the mosquito can After what seems an eternity of 10 a backgrour transmit the arsenic to kl11 maturing worms, human lungs have been reported now face), we must all work together to design that complex meters, this guilt-free ofessor of small animal surgery microfilaria to other dogs The dead worms move to the in the United States. These cases package of funding instruments and sources that will sustain the swimmer lands with a splash in MSU's swimming d medicine, believes that the "As the number of infected pool. jtentially fatal disease is lungS- In a reasonab|y healthy were not fatal, national system of higher education." dogs increases, the chance of P State News photo by Don Gerstner ited about sexu reading from the southern other dogs getting the disease 1* The ates because dogs are commo increases," Dr. Dalley said. ' men who are insported now more than in i gi situations il needs of o c ,vious years. disease is growing an Fortunately, he said, there effective treatment. He recommended preventive is THRIF-T-MART BRINGS YOU idily," the MSU veterinarian tei by the otl J, "It was almost unknown in diethylcarbamazine, medication an oral | given during the I DISCOUNT PRICES > many coup jrences' :higan 15 years ago. Now the mosquito season. nimal clinic treats one or a blood test will determine if d' automatical] ;es a week." not be the cas a dog has already contracted the o[ a long way typical case, eight to 12 disease- can introdud irms grow up to 10 inches long a blood sample should be s?on the subjei the right ventricle, auricle and taken in the evening, Dr. Dalley n paperback ilmonary valve of a dog's sajd) because for some unknown called Sex Dalley said. reason more microfilaria are ifter attempts the worms reach found in the blood then, .till remains,; iturity after about a year they He said that the :ult decision t ick circulation to the diagnosis of lungs heartworms is now twice as .tYou will bo er and, without accurate as only one year ago r to acknowle satment, eventually cause because of the development of a liting until a! new filter which separates the such as y< ti from ra „ dog with advanced ™crof1,ari® from a of irtworms is short of breath, •>s "'ood. ;rgo a change ;en coughs and may collapse, In more advanced cases, poradic conta leartworms are spread from x-rays are used to determine the extent past year wo ected dogs by mosquitoes. of development. (lings would g often. Msolfll 1 /ou largely explain yoi on ho HOT PANTS - sih summer ce and community James P. Howard, who has petitions the asBt. dean of his K1 rner,t, hesjj been (HPR) graduation requirement, college to have them excluded. .g urged students Dept. of Osteopathic Medicine, agencies. professor of community Shared administration of HPR which wk medicine, was named professor departments by two or more courses during summer term are taken will be -students have the option of h iT chan"1*1!1 'he ngl'"> graduv, and acting chairman of family colleSes has practiced at counted in computing the final excluding the erades of the HPH ««..i and community medicine. MSU for many years. The same couree8 that th enro,|ed da ofThSr^l' technique was employed in grade point average, Herman L WKAR to broadcast Coll(*e' Howard was also named director prlor to summer term to of health care programs. establishing the College of King asst. provost. said complete the HPR y "For stud™, The existing units assigned to Human Medicine in 1964. requirement," King said, coming in it is C|P Wh° a,e W the college will be jointly "However, if the HPR grades are .... 4 , , "If they take HPDU!'"he* hearings .. government administered bv other colleges as follows. 6 n M m " """ ration, ofsaid Dr. Myron S. Magen, dean the Previously at MSU, the grades received not included, the student must included in th " by a student in complete 180 credits exclusive average." grade M Beginning today MSU radio station WKAR (870) will broadcast ♦Dept. of Biochemistry, by College °f Osteopathic Medicine, completing the required HPR of the HPR credits." "live" the House subcommittee hearings on government the colleges of Agriculture and f ^ "s to fu advantage Stranded credits were not used in Students Natural ResouLs, Human °f ^SlTs medlcall>' rela*d determining a student's final are offered the information. The programs, supplied by National Public Radio, the new of a noncommercial network, will mark the first broadcast House of Representatives hearing from Washington. Medicine and Natural Science. *Depts. of Zoolop and ' per ,se' . ranked King said that the grades elimination of the HPR Natural feet into polluted mess. consist of a complete investigation into government classification among the top 25 jn thfi n,tjon received by students who graudation requirement in line SN photo by Doug Bauman policies. The series of hearings resulted from the recent New York *r£?'» r \a w i in their respective disciplines, completed HPR courses prior to with a general University policy Times publication of a classified Pentagon study of the escalating involvement of the United States in IndoChina. Among the ph iP Physiology, °[ l collegesandf by the of according to a recent national Humsrti Medicine, Natural witnesses invited to appear are: Today, former Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg; Medkine6 """ "Hopefully we win be abl, to FLOWING SOUNDS Thursday, senators J.W. Fulbright, D-Ark, Stuart Symington, D-Mo\, and Sam Ervin Jr., D-fr.C.; Friday, representatives of the *Depts of Anatomv add a ne* dimension which will press and professional journalism societies; Monday, interested Pathology and the and School Pharmacol^ of Medical Pr°erams. Yes' album merits public witnesses; Tuesday, representatives of the Nixon list era administration including Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, Technology, by the colleges of The College of Osteopathic Secretary of State William Rogers, Director of Communications Herbert Klein and Henry Kisinger, assistant to the President on Human Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. ... Depts. of Anthropology, Medicine was established at MSU last year in accordance with a a national security affairs; and next Wednesday, more legislative act. The faculty and The Yes recorders, but after a <— Sociology and Psychology, by facilities employed to date have are from England representatives of the Nixon administration. minutes they pause and been those of the privately and consist of John Anderson, you with a jumping bass comel dntf chartered Michigan College of Osteopathic Medicine which Many worthwhile albums neve, reach the ears of the average J-j """I* SS ££?JZ ™we' 3 "P0 refrain which closes the On "Starship song. Trooper "th| T admitted its first class of 20 listener because the group hasn't vocals. TonyBruford, and Kave keyboards, slow down at the end and p|J •reated a name for itself yet or . r,ama a"° Bill DI" Druiura> drums. USED "Bolero" - inspired cloA lacks the capital to invest in a Anderson does most of the written by Howe, whil large promotional campaign. comPosln8 unfortunately went over mii Several members of the Consequently those discs gather In the past, their sound was bigger for Ravel. 1 dust in the "Miscellaneous" very dependent upon Kaye's They really are different.! original Michigan College of sections of the record stores. organ. However, with the Osteopathic Medicine faculty, who had Believe it or not, "The Yes addition of Howe, the group has you and the volume sufficiently high, you can aim] if previously been granted Album" is the third album the temporary appointments by changed somewhat. They make see the sound flowing throui Yes have released. You can find good use of their electronic space. (This effect can be bi MSU, were appointed to them all under "Miscellaneous BOOKS full-time, tenured or equipment and really tend to fill evidenced in the movie "Gimj Y" at your local reord tenure-track positions in both shop, for a room with sound. This is not Kaye's organ and Squire's bass Shelter," when Keith Richi the and they haven't earned a "Yes" file to label them "loud." provide a strong beat. The strings out a chord "Jump new existing on departments. yet. Despite thir anonymity, this On "Yours is No Disgrace," rhythm work on the organ is Jack Flash") album merits a listen. the best cut on the album, particularly inspiring. Meanwhile Just so that you don't get 1 Howe presents various guitar thinking they would be deadl patterns throughout the song the electricity went out and does some overdubbing to they were performing, create an intricate sound which utilize some acoustic guitar Saving YOU Money leaves you with the choice of tapping your foqt and focusing yoUT attention'oh the organ and "Yours Is No Disgrace," example, during a pause in middle of the song, and vocal, or listening rather intently include a live cut called " is our main service to all the sounds offered and Clap." putting them in their proper This cut, which is an atte perspective. to showcase the talents of The vocal work by the Yes is member Howe, is solely extremely interesting. Anderson guitar and sounds like it Gibsons in particular, and the group in fit 1° perfectly on "Hot' general, sing in a prepuberty The song doesn't really beli pitch somewhere between on this album, but it istherei The Used Bookstore Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young one must learn to live with it and the Jackson Five. At times it Aside from "The Clap," a1 tends to sound eerie, but on the the strongest criticism I whole it Is rather effective. bring to bear on "The 28 W. Grand River- One virtue of the group is its Album" is that occasior tendency to vary rhythmic they get lazy and allow patterns in the middle of a song, much repetition of what On "I've Seen All Good good sound in its place. Usi People," the song begins tamely, though, the music keeps mo* featuring Anderson and some leaping about the room. Memorex Cassette ^ ^ Tape LOW NOISE or Chromium Dioxide Unquestionably the finest available! MCAJIrtDCV Reproduction so true mCZIVIvsruZA it can shatter glass 245 ANN STREET EAST LANSING 402 S. WASHINGTON I LANSING s ^R0GRM^NF0RMMI0N«££«^ ENDS ENDS THURSDAY H ~ CATHERINE DENEUVE • FRANCO _2^: k' " ^ » ■ A l U KI 7 15 _ STARTS FRI! feature 7:20 - 9:2s p.m. m Aj PRESENTS ^ Suthet^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 23, 1971 7 State Kelley „JOANNA FIRESTONE News Staff Writer Tut l*LUS?d out that ,to ju8tify interest overturns carrying provision for receiving financial conclusion independent of each welfare bill in an assistance. bill, said. home states," he said. "This unconstitutional manner by other that the proposed one-year "This has helped to drive the Gen. Frank J. Kelley "State and local governments makes the competition for penalizing the exercise of the residency provision is jobs ^constitutional Tuesday a cannot continue to clearly cost of the program to a point even harder for our own citizens. constitutional right to move finance from unconstitutional," by the Senate last their Ryan said. where it is almost "It's time for Michigan to "om one state to another." own revenues the escalating "The court cases cited financially costs by impossible to handle the stop picking up the tab for other Inesday which allows only Kelley said the concerns of providing the each had previously left no program," the Lansing states which don't provide the who have lived in expressed in the bill for the educational fire, police, doubt that such would be the sanitation, health and other Republican said. "These migrant kind of welfare support that we ■higan for more than one year "economic and social viability of determination," he said, "it has e welfare benefits. the state" are services needed to meet the been we1fare-seekers take do." shared by most generally recognized much-needed funds away from varied problems Kelley. who wrote the citizens but cannot be corrected bill states. they face," the throughout the country that those residents of the state most Zollar said the greatest public in response to a request by unconstitutional those few states which had good and least public harm will means. "The in need." House Speaker William A. "Despite its additional tax effort attempted to implement a come from maintenance of the said the bill "impinges worthy necessary to meet the In n objectives, the means chosen to projected one-year residency provision financial requirements of welfare were a press conference levels of public assistance rather , 'the constitutional rights of accomplish them violate the Tuesday, Sen. Charles O. Zollar, than from the would only accelerate doing it more for show stretching of this citizens" by impairing the equal protection the flight purposes than for the R-Benton Harbor, author of the state's limited clause as °f purpose of funds to cover it to move from one state to interpreted by the U.S. Supreme job-producing and valid change." bill, indicated that he will persons who have not yet sr. Court," he said. revenue-producing business Ryan said he feels the challenge Kelley's ruling. established dependence bill was an attempt to further "The attorney general's upon , Kelley's ruling quoted the undermining the attorney general's ruling has ruling them. univent a U.S. Supreme Supreme Court at length in the capacity of governments in this "fully state disposed" of the bill and will undoubtedly have a negative rt ruling which forbids such 1969 case of to meet their killed any hope of its effect on allowing us to question "At the present Shapiro vs. responsibilities." passage by the time, we are (ivi__y clauses "except in the Thompson. The court held that the House. validity of the Supreme picking up 40 to 50 new ADC The bill cites the need "of emergency" by defining states could not deny welfare for this The Senate passed the bill on Court-HEW opinions," Zollar cases per month based on no action as a combination said. i as being in a state of benefits to resident aliens of a 23-6 vote after residency requirement," he said. or inflation and high supporters ll emergency. aliens who have not argued that it was "time for "HEW has put Zollar, who spoke to New resided in Michigan in Ninety-nine of the 116 lines the United States for unemployment which has caused Michigan to stop supporting a York's Governor Nelson A. a specific governments to be unable to deteriorating financial condition. the bill are devoted to an number of years. persons who come into the state I am Rockefeller early Tuesday, said deal effectively with growing willing to challenge the New ppt to justify, primarily on The bill paised by the Senate social problems. for its high welfare benefits." philosophy of HEW and the York's lawyers feel a pomir terms, the adoption of Wednesday attempts to establish "Under the current court with this bill because at challenge to the Supreme Court "It is not at all [bill" Kelley said. a five-year emergency period in the (U.S.) surprising that no-residency rules, people are this point we have ruling is a legitimate inquiry. for fiscal the social welfare Dept. of Health, nothing to New York 'That concern program and Education and Welfare coming to Michigan just to lose and everything to recently passed a gain." , while a valid and even to place a one-year Michigan and the state's (HEW) receive the higher dollar Zollar said the bill is aimed at residency requirement similar to Jpeliing state interest, may residency requirement as a did both comeattorney general benefits," Rep. Frederick the growing number of that now before the Michigan to the House. same Stackable, a cosponsor of the "indigents" who come to Michigan solely for its welfare Supporters of the bill claim program. from $2 million to $6 million a |Y 'II' SCIENTISTS "The people coming in are evidently unemployable or they year would be saved in state welfare funds if the bill is Crowded water would be employed in their enacted into law. Even before classes begin, the outdoor pool draws a large collection of students seeking a release from hot weather. Leaf disorder examined State News photo by Don Gerstner Ukle leaf in potatoes and Plant Pathology. Speckling - is dead spots — begin on lower The speckle suggests that the irrigation water ir crops a relatively new leaf problem is trder. No one knows exactly leaves and move up. not caused by bacteria or a washed out much nitrogen, It causes it, but it may be "It is often more severe on fungus, he points out. leaving the plants with a problem added by air Low nitrogen nitrogen deficiency, said Vitosh. r some varieties than on others," levels may be The speckle leaf says Hooker. involved with the speckle leaf problem tends to be more severe on mineral He suggests that air pollution problem, believes M. L. Vitosh, MSU soils specialist. soils as compared to muck soils. MSU scientists suspect several is a possible factor in the speckle [rrelating factors are involved leaf problem. The plant damage In MSU research, plants R. W. Chase, MSU ^ 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 ". iscomplex problem. closely resembles air pollution crops receiving low levels of nitrogen specialist, said recently that damage. igami plant maturity and showed more speckle leaf several possible factors such as Lced yield characterize the This year Hooker will compare problems than plants earlier "CELEBRATION plants grown in greenhouses higher levels. getting planting dates, increased AT BIGSUR" [ckle leaf problem, according receiving filtered air with those water applications and new 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 Hooker of the in greenhouses Also, potato plants under varieties may be involved with THURSDAY At Iversity's Dept. of Botanyand unfiltered air. receiving heavy irrigation showed more the speckle leaf problem. He 1:20-3:20-5:20-7:20-9:20 speckle leaf damage. This points out that speckle leaf is ONE OF THE WILDEST AND found in many states. FASTEST - MOVING CAR CHASES EVER PUT ON FILM! wditorium alterations OK MSU notes that entomologist A. L. Wells some speckle leaf on systemic persons blamed You never had a trip like this before. [Iterations Iditorium to to the provide expanded MSU and the Cap and Gown-Cultural "ctivities Office, Activities Office. the auditorium for a new course sequence in the Dept. of insecticides. But research showed that even at hjgh 5T1200 ilities for MSU's The The new app,ication rates insecticides new Cultural new quarters, 1uar . .. which will Theater. piirs Office, WKAR radio, and be Rooms 240-246, will also The space j Dept. of Theater were include a multipurpose room for made available due to the Iroved Friday, by MSU's conferences, small receptions move by the Dept. of Television rd of Trustees. and warm-up by performers. and Radio to the Union ; Cultural Affairs Office, The manager of WKAR will Ider Kenneth Beachler, occupy the former lociate director of the Lecture-Concert Series Office, Iture-Concert Series, will Room 112. Ibine the functions of the The board also approved pure-Concert Series Office renovation of Rooms 33-39 of NOW • NORTH SIDE Drive-inJ NOW IIKAR THIS FROM THK TOP HINCK. 3 Hits , * • ij *. /.iSTbeafre' AT Till. STOHK WITH Till: RED DOOK' SPECIAL ADULT COMEDY SHOW! PUT A SWORD in your pocket- We EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN SHOWING! F 2 Miles North on GS-27 482-74Q9 have a complete selection of Imported Inaplane! inasteambath! NOW SHOWING! EXCLUSIVE Pocket Knives from England, made by Inadiscotheque! Wilkinson the sword makers. 7.95 to 20.00. | Free Delivery Wed. - Sat. 7:30 only 75c No ID 106B Wells IT'S DOUBLE DOSE i i„»,„ PnlWp- .lnhn S nnlpv —vv. tugene lies Kins, professor, »ssf umreni, ui raonireai, I , __j , 01» 1972; J. 31 "• Warren Anderson, *nd,_, community med Hne: Haro d Char as Miliar Hollensen,: «»" *uuc«huh«i asst. proiessor, nirunn ; - ——, V u sc,t'nce An»n ^ 2" "T!!. , , . in assignments, 22 resignations sFe"ond«^bbedu«tiSnfeTnd W". £ Unive^tv LeVis^frnm iSL^s* pVofessdr.'bfflce of L •«•««'?? i"«".c.h si SrtfiT'TiES!:n and terminations and 6 SZ development, Aug^'lS; Jack Public health; Lawrence E. * S.bb.tlc.7 EJ retirements. Aup 1 curriculum, Aug. professor, Justin Morrill College; ------- i0hn C. Schroeder. instructor oi Mttsburgh? of nttsnurgn; ueorge George Stranahan, the • Stranahan. Dean of nunwii ineuewiwi Human mwraiK, Medicine, w to Francls rrancls Williams, wiuiams, instructor. insirunur, Jacobson,. professor and acting ---- approved 'ror: 8Ves Uu,"" ^h" C-Morrill SC1^"'P^IIpop-ln?tructoJ. • . associate professbr,' .KJ . . physics,' professor, health services geography. . , tann. Jan. 1, 1972; James i ^airman, osteopathic medicine; Krupka, profe^!*"* Included in the board action was the naming of one faculty for:-JX2%"ar? Thomas W. Butler Jr., .liictm Asher mt"" Jr., Co"ree; .lompc *rH asst. professor. H „ stud . . ». at home - . »»»•**.«. m-cro Gwffrev D _j »i i - «»«<*. R- Judson Carlberg, from u o • 1. u - " \ . . J. Zuiches, instructor, sociology, , , KroHnru-W Frederick R. Becker, professor, H Rorbor osteopathic medicine; Bernard nrnfoon. col..., . ' u'*SSor. member professor emeritus. visiting professor, engineenng zoology; Carol Eichert Franck, Dec. 15; Mba Uzoukwu, asst. Granted the titles effective July and markel " Humble, research associate instructor, Lyman Briggs College professor, anatomy, July 1; Goldstein, associate professor. University St "i W ? *nd asst. professor, nursing; Karen MSU.AEC Plant ne-.-n-h and offlee of the of osteopathic medicine; Rodney James Richard Nord, asst. Peebles, s; 1 was administration Clyde M. Campbell, and higher April 1-June 30 David R Imig EhrhaFdt nursing; GMOWay> Norma 7^' Jtickson, Laboratory£un>Ju. •. LSept trave, tQ dF,. ' ls t R Students, to asst. professor and director of advisement, Lyman professor. .uiraoui Center and Instructional secondary education Media T. Houlihan, professor, osteopathic medicine; Jon J. 1972, t natural science, April i education, »n. director of the Mott asst- professor, family and child instructor, nursing; . - » ©» Nancy Lee < —— Anderson instructor jnstmctor humanities Briggs College, July a.1; Vincent ^bara, professor, osteopathic Racle, associate . numanitirK dhe» iaiucec, and An°erson, instructor, numamties ,Lombard!, «uiv tuiwiu and curriculum, July 1; John J. Institute te for Community science ?*'enf ,n a"d extension family «*ns,°" life specialist Cooperative J* Bonvillain, Bonvillain asst. asst. m-ofessor professor. ln7Ts\ doctor 6 from 1 associate ,_t_ Hayes, librarian. Library, July 1; medicine; and Howard Shuirman natural science jan , - SlV 1-C' Qfter Improvement since a year after r anthropology; Stanley Howard . Aug to professor, social science and . _ Extension 31 its inception in 1965. S i°M Service, S^rv,ce; July 1; Jul,y 1; Brandes, Brandes, asst. asst. professor, professor, study at u*"?*home. g" 1 * Justin" Morrill College, Alvin L. Rogers, visiting asst. Tei*,b?u'" Jr;. asst" P^or, 1972, to study at horned T. . rH annrovpri Sltaran P" Nayak' asst. professor, anthropology; Joseph Louis professor, botany and plant medical education research and E. Wade. wacu'- RPoJrt Robert F F. anatomy' Aug- 1; Clifton Wayne ChartkVff. asst. professor, professor. The board approved transfers associate professor, social pathology, June 23-Sept. 3; science, Aprilprofessor, l.June nit» and changes in'assignments for: science, Sept. 1; and Richard H. approved ' Bolger, extension 4-H youth Smitt; M«lcmy. anthropology; and Bueno de J,c"k m rrom 'proTessor Uringhuis, curator. Museum, Roger J. Webster, visiting asst. sabbatical leaves for: Herbert E. University o study at home agent, Saginaw, Midland and Bay aMt profesor ^Mthrwotav' in""' ' Pr°""^r' and «nd doan, commumc.Uor, „ts with additional aasignnwnt „ professor, mathematics, June 23-July 28; Omolade of New Ma? 1 counties, July 1; Nelson Doty c i rv n '» Ft. political saence. actine associate professor, elementary philosophy. Oct. 1-Deic. 31, to The board chairman foUowinrretlreriT^- k- . Adejuylgbe, visiting asst. Cushman, county extension LTifSr^SS other appointments approved and special education. June 1. " professor, geography, June study at home; Dole A. of MSU Msu emnlnJ m e^itation^nd and r^earch research, ^IvnV emp 1 oymentl Jun 1, wfrnT6 director, Luce County, July 1; education Wp! "Y and acting chairman. The board approved 23-July 28; Nicholas Fiel, asst. Anderson, professor and — Willis nhprBPr Weinberger, asst. parentheses): Clyde) - fconom?st'Berriel,!^ communicatlonf July 1; David resignations and terminations professor, family and director Bureau of Business and Campbell, prof,? v„cB,. . ivh„ j home and Van Buren counties, July 1? health^s'erv^S P^fessor political science; Stan K from pro'fe^r "and for: David K. Berlo, professor, community medicine, .i,.iu July 1; i- Economic Research. Dec. 1. adminici»n„.K 0^e8e"^, 060 aiia hi., education and research June 1- ^ ™ chairman, communication, to communication Sept. 30; Earl B. Samuel Harold Black, associate 1971-Feb. 29, 1972, to study education, July l (1945).'] Earl William Threadgould Jr., j k L Scal educatiS Maatsch professor' JS«v Tta.fr professor, communication, June Gerheim, professor, osteopathic professor, microbiology and and write in East Lansing and T. Lock wood, mainten. 4-H youth agent, St. Clair researeh a^d 1; A,bert A" Blum, ftom "^d'cine, June 30; Harry A. public health, Aug. 1; and Dale California; Joseph E. Varner, mechanic, physical plant rul County. July 1; Thomas Lyle Thorburn, extension agriculture deVelopment June 1- and nl.lniL 7l/T»'nrtt ^ professor, labor and industrial Lichty, asst. professor, Hull, asst. professor. Counseling professor, MSU-AEC Plant (1945); Delbert W PiJr Abigaii Benton Sher asst »r hitp/t.ir a m6 relations and James Madison osteopathic medicine, June 30; Center, Aug. 1. Research Laboratory and laborer. Kellogg Feed r3_ agent, Lapeer County, July 1; med"cal ed^ca^n Onct h ' .A"ne,M- College, to professor, labor and Ernest W. Retzlaff, professor. The board also approved the biochemistry, July 1, 1971-June Laboratory, July 1 Ronald W. Hodgson, instructor, research and develoDment Julv ®usterhout, instructor, industrial relations Sept. 1; osteopathic medicine, June 30; following appointments 30, 1972, to study at the Helen M. Spalding foods* park and recreation resources, and development, July American thought and language; William M. Bivens, from district Robert C. Miley, specialist, - (effective July 1): Neill D. - - University of Washington, helper, Mason-Abbot July 1; Robert L. Erbes, asst. Xhe bnard annrovpri thp Ma^aret w- .^rUT1es' wst- extension field dairyman, dairv, agricultural experiment station, Varner, asst. professor, anatomy; Seattle; Gwen Andrew, professor shop, July 1 (I950)u 1 « professor, music, Sept. 1; Mary f0ilowine aoToTntLnts Pro essor.• humanities; James E. to extension ' n{ resident instructor, June 30; Martin Paul Gallagher, professor, and director, social work, March Murray, riaiJTfl LfWive professor - - Schneider, asst professor, (eftective Sent Sept. II 1). Nrt Neil H f* ' "ru™' hum^,?es; Lawrence C. Besaw, instructor, ^intipS Sanilac, Tuscola .i„iv 1- and Huron Judith B. Bednar. extension a home economist Wavne family and community l-Aug. 31, 1972. to study In (1946^ JtTil 1972 (1946), who v natural science; Joseph A. medicine; James P. Howard, Michigan and Mexico; Thomas one-year consultantshipeffertl Harris, from associate professor. County, June 15; Richard J. L. professor and acting chairman Greer, professor, humanities, July 1. 1971, Cameron, instructor, natural musjc and Equal Opportimitv Bondar, to June 30 ifesSOr' professor and vice Edgar A. Sabine, from Counseling Center, July 15. president for special projects, to professor, terminations (effective Aug. 31) Resignations and Capital/ Capsu les (I ) U ) » 1 Schuler, professor, secondary communication, June 1; Alex J. were a|so approved for: Robert « r-—-—o^vv/..u Lee Trevino after Trevino's playoff win over .199 in 52 games with the scheduled: a 5 week league and Harrelson, who first gained by pro teams - Nicklaus Monday which gave him the U.S. Or >> title. Trevino also moved ahead of Nicklaus in Indians, played 18 holes of golf a 10 -week league. the PGA's money list of the yaer with $165,110. notoriety when he earned his on Monday and said he expected release from the Kansas Anyone interested in umpiring City to work on his golf game for softball for the summer open league should report at 6 p.m. WELCOME TO EAST LANSING! IN 440 HURDLES Thursday at 208 Men's IM Bldg. Rob Ellis, a senior who would have had one year of The deadline for the co-rec remaining at MSU, chose to waive his final year of Xf*! 1 our softball league is 7 p.m. competition the American in rigning Baseballa contract with the Milwaukee B eS Gift Headquarters Thursday. League. Ellis was chosen first ! ,?!' A UNIQUE COMBINATION IN A UNIQUE SETTING Hartwick fifth The deadline for student-faculty singles tennis tournament is July 2. Play will the Brewers In a secondary draft drafted previously but had not Bob Boyd, a freshman defenseman involving signed. on players who hJu? the MSU hockev had been| Jewelry Gifts Custom Picture Framing was claimed by the Detroit - — begin the following day. Red Wings in the draft. Boyd was the eighth round NHL's am»t Leon G has assembled for your consideration some The IM office will conduct a selection of the Red The MSU track team hit at a .500 of America's finest jewelry and gifts, as well as NCAA meet in Seattle Thursday through clip for place finishers in the sent two entrees. One placed and the other was Saturday. The Spartans golf tournament in which all (low and high handicap) may was si™ the 17th college composed of Canadian junior players player drafted in.J53 rtKy Greater Lansing's finest custom picture prevented from a framing. compete and have a chance to sure place by an injury. make the prize list. The Carve a In the 440- yard hurdles Wayne Hartwick made his 51.8 tournament is set for July 10. _.Love The deadline for entry is noon clocking in the final heat stand up for a fifth place finish. Rings Hartwick ran his fastest time of the July 7. Greens fees are $1.75 for Headquarters for: •Orange Blossom time of 50.8 good year in the semifinals with a enough to qualify him for the finals. students and $2 for faculty and staff. A paddleball tournament on Five runs Diamond Rings Ralph Mann of Brigham Young University won the event for the third consecutive year with a time of two levels will be sponsored by •Gold Fashion Originals 49.6. Hartwick was the winl the IM office and will be open to only Big Ten representative to finish in the 440 hurdles. "Wayne made the finals last track Coach Fran Dittrich year but couldn't place," MSU said. "This year it was different. students, faculty and staff. The breakdown is the "AA" doubles tournament for those who have give Tigers Anytime you can place in the nationals it's something special. It's NEW YORK (UPI) -Dick Norm Cash doubled off relies had previous tournament nothing but high class all the way." McAullffe drilled a two-run Gary Jonos. Lindy McDi experience, and the "A" doubles homer into the first row of the came on and Willie Horton wi Herb tournament for the remainder. Washington was the other MSU entry but a pulled groin The deadline for horseshoes rightfleld stands with one out in intentionally walked to load thl muscle in the preliminaries put a halt to junior had for an NCAA outdoor championship. any aspirations the Flint will be noon July 7. the ninth Inning Tuesday to pace bases. Brown scored when Kaline grounded out and, i iSf a Detroit Tiger five run inning Washington was leading in his heat of the 100 • yeard dash for a 7-4 victory over the New Aurelio Rodriguez \ When the groin injury forced him to drop out of th^competition. MSU-UM game York Yankees in the first game intentionally, Jim Price singM of a doublehwder. » \ i # in the final two runs of ty ^ ^Before the NCAA meet, Washington was in Europ* running in Yankee starter and loser Mel inning. international games. He finished third in Greece and second in another sellout; Stottlemyre, 7-6, retired Cesar Felipe Alou had capped | PHONE: 337 1314 319 E. Grand River France in a photo finish. Herb thought he had won the race in - Gutierrez on a fly to center for two-run tally In the sixth innlq East Lansing, Mich. France, but the officials wouldn't let him see the photo that the first out In the ninth, but with a run- scoring singli WAYNE HARTWICK supposedly placed him behind a Russian in the dash. 24th straight Gates Brown singled sharply to putting the Yankees ahead center. McAullffe, who entered The Yankees trailed 2-1 uf The MSU University of Tiger starter Les Cain hid | - ROOMMATE the game as pinchhltter in the Michigan football game at seventh inning, then ripped no-hitter going. But Cain walke SERVICE Spartam Stadium Oct. 9 is a Gene Michael to lead off til Stottlemyre's 1-0 pitch over the sellout, according to MSU ticket head of inning and was taken out of tty Water's Edge rightfielder Jim Lyttle manager Bill Beardsley. It is the and barely over the barrier for game by Manager Billy N 24th consecutive sellout of the 332-4432 his ninth homer of the season. when Cain complained of ai cross - state gridiron contest. Ike Brown then walked and shoulder. Sunaround shorts give spring to you. -tep and summer to your 'ook as you take to the clubs (oven back pockets for necessary golf trivia). In a multitude of too/c prints, stripes, seersuckers, fat Mie atu/ SB/ue and polyester plains. Tops galore. Isn't it nice to hove a The Old World is store where you can still a relief from the find shorts that aren't too short! Shorts 5-16 ordinary. Superb sandwiches, fine from 10.00. wines and beers, all in a casual, 321 e. grand river, e. lansing gas light village, e. grand rapids relaxing atmosphere. westmain mall, kalamazoo 1200 s. university, ann arbor 218 Washington, grand haven The Old World is located OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. in the center of East Lansing. Look for the Red and Blue Awning HOURS from 11am to 2 am DOWNTOWN ON M.A.C. AVE. agpiper Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 23, 1971 11 emoved from lot MSU to study distribution Glass bins hit h1S "campus which were set up in Lot locations at which glass to collect glass for deposited for recycling. may be separated into by vandal:brown, green and much of fish near power MSU has received $123,000 from Consumers a grant of P'ant s intaK* pip®" and outflow facility ^ pumpted from the lake to the clear glass, in glass recycling," cling have been removed The new locations, which will metal rings which Granger said. The Austinmoney said. Power Company for the first , . second and third phases reservoir through —B.. a huge _26-foot use of vandalism, Ted W. open diameter pipe called a penstock, during the week of July are on some Granger said that he is phase of an "eco-study" relating the program will be carried I( administrative assistant in 12 will be located in the beverage bottles must be to a "It is possible that fish may ' grateful for the Coca Cola offer power generating plant study of the an^ Center for Laboratory lots of the three parking removed and Pyrex glass cannot but near involve be pumped up through this local Meijer be used. hopeful that the quantity of Ludington. a effect of penstock and through the plnnt's „al Research, said Tuesday, Thrifty Acres stores. the plant s operation on glass Granger said that his wouldbrought in by the public The aquatic oW|, who was active In The stores are study, headed by Peter life in the area. The generating turbines," he says, located at company be sufficient to permit Tack of funding "The turbine blades are iting the glass recycling 5125 West Saginaw, 6200 transports the glass to the MSU's Dept. of grant will be renewed fairly South the Owens Illinois program to meet costs. Fisheries at ,, said that the MSU Pennsylvania, and 2055 glass company and Wildlife, will specified intervals during the six widely Spaced and pretty good West in "If somebody doesn't start ,._j' department requested Grand River in Okemos. still Charlotte. He also said it is recycling, we are going to be center on the distribution of fish and one-half year program. sized objects can go through the Granger Construction The new bins will be impossible to determine and fish food organisms around without harm. But fish coming^ designed whether buried in glass, " Granger said. the new Consumers 'Operation of the Consumers down may be bumped remove the bins following so that once glass is a profit was made on facility to be plant will center around an around, deposited it the Lot L bin because built on the Lake injured killed." nces of vandalism in which will be impossible all of the Michigan 840-acre reservoir being built at or to remove, costs have •al dozen glass bottles were thus lessening the possibility of determined. not yet been 72 bikes stolen a location more than 300 feet One of the responsibilities of i from the bin Into the vandalism, Granger said. above Lake Michigan," "The project is set up in three explains the MSU study team will be During the period of about for Marty to jng lot. Austin, sales manager Between June 6 and 19 a total Tack. "Water will be pumped the Lansing office of phases to cover a period of record the types and numbers of onald K. Granger, of the 11 weeks during the of /2 from the lake up into the which the Lot Coca Cola bicycles with an estimated about six and one-half years," fish going up the penstock, iger Construction Co., said L bins were Bottling Co. of combined value of reservoir during periods of low "We would expect that about open, 77,000 Michigan, said $3,285 were says Tack. "The first day that for he is working with Environmental pounds of glass were in the deposited Coca Cola has Tuesday that reported stolen to MSU offered to defray police by Oh, pshaw phase will involve a study of fish and fish power demand and then 90 Per cent of any fish going up Zens bins, he said. any costs that might occur in the students who parked the vehicles food organisms existing in the discharged back down again the penstock would pass through _n and with the Coca Cola In order for the A near miss elicits a heart - when power demands are at glass to be in campus areas. the turbines unharmed," says recycling program. During finals lake near the plant site before [ing Co. to set up three new recycled it must be clean and "There probably isn't that week and over term break, felt expression of disgust the facility begins operations. their peak. The water's long Tack. "But we don't really know police said, they recovered 23 of from this student at Forest drop from storage reservoir to The study area will Yet whether the large discharge them with a Akers Golf Course. the lake will create a tremendous total estimated section of the lake five miles (12,000 cubic feet per second) value of $670. SN photo by Don Gerstner up amount of electrical power." and down the shore from the from the pipe will attract ROPERTY IDENTIFICATION According to Tack, water will dispel fish." Program attempts The to decrease thefts By JIM SHELDON ring man will be State News Staff Writer spokesman urged the public to here residence halls are advised to participate and said, "We want to get to the display window stickers on room .lie persons from the campus public eye as doors, on mirrors or much as possible." He added the other jnunity and between 70 and prominent places, in the East program Is currently underway > Lansing In six Owners should etch the 'have participated In a new Michigan metropolitan license number areas and may someday become preferably near srty security program which the manufacturer's serial number a statewide * officials hope will allow a project. and should not engrave numbers Thursday. The program |dy and effective means of reportedly has on removable parts. When an been successful in Itlfying and recovering stolen Monterey item is discovered stolen, police terty. Park, Calif., where it was should be notified immediately peration Identification was [discourage i June 14 and attempts burglaries and conceived In 1963. Since 4,000 citizens have participated and only six of them have been then, and given number, The the identification identity and address of . . i, In addition to aiding in burglary victims. every licensed driver In Michigan of Of 7,000 nonparticpating has been goods, by computerized by the kuraging citizens to engrave citizens, the brochure said, Michigan Law Enforcement | drivers' license number on 1,800 were theft targets. Information Network. Through lies. MSU students may borrow this, police may trace the owner electric engravers from campus police or of a ro engraving pencils from East Lansing. Students in recovered stolen item by ! MSU Dept. of Public using the identification number. j and nine at the East king Police Dept. are |SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE table for loan to persons to f SHEPARD their twelve - digit k number on items such as i sets, stereos, radios, SANDAL I recorders and sporting MEN'S and WOMEN'S ' engraving, persons are d to compile a list of all Over 500 pr., selected styles lifted property and file it 1 police or retain it in a safe lindow n to I prominent place to warn and bumper stickers citizens for display ! 25% ■ be thieves that their [erty has been marked. "ficials said they hope the rs and publicity will deter t burglaries and make it hilt for thieves to dispose of k property. I ibrochure puplished by area departments and other I organizations sponsoring I program ie explains that trying to resell a stolen | identified with a license risks getting caught. 1 would notice the r, and the item would be Its "direct evidence ■thief when found East against in his EAST LANSING East Grand River Ave. A sk us about free parking in city DOWNTOWN 326 S°uth Washington ramp f ' Order your Lansing police Vered tk grand jury reportedly validity of the jury; said supporters, the six organizers of psychotherapist's reaction is the research do sVr has uni( investigating the U.S. information possibly obtained the May Day antiwar protests in standard methods first of a number of pressures Capitol bombing. through electronic surveillance Washington burned what they psychotherapy. that the client must overcome. U.S. District Judge Cornelia of persons not subpoenaed gave said were their subpoenas on the "Free imagery is particularly Using his expertise and a Kennedy said the six organizers the six the right to ask for an steps of the federal building. useful in situations where variety of electronic sensing of the May Day antiwar injunction; and argued that Because grand jury resistances are very strong," he devices, the practitioner can psychosomatic svmn|CUrnen''l demonstrations in Washington information obtained proceedings are secret, the says. "Its primary purpose is to detect "hot" images, those that laboratory during a conditions'" he"'Z' .°on need not appear before the similar grand jury hearing in federal government has refused bypass the visual and auditory appear with unusual intensity They ' ha grand jury until Tuesday, to confirm or deny the jury is cues necessary to the and are allowing the six time to appeal. Seattle could not be used by the probing the March 1 Capitol maintenance of most defenses." A generally repressed. minimum of headache and Im, Pr°d|>«| government in the present verbal undetectable hv Synipt|i Boston; Larry Canada, 29, the actual possession and technique. images. Reyher's to ask at the present time for an of destructive devices which In free research Bloomington, Ind.; and his use imagery, the client sits The secondary processes, that that rapid eye movent," injunction preventing the grand exwife Kathryn Noyes, 25, also are the subject of the grand facing the psychotherapist with put the images in order to meet the jury from questioning the six. of Bloomington. jury's investigation." his eyes closed and merely the demands of language, also desynchronization of Take that, bugs often act as inbuilt defense brain caused wave functions by visual Cows turned on mechanisms, he explains. Free imagery maximizes the A member of the Grounds Dept. sprays campus roses to protect them from an array of insects and Scientists can tell when a cow primary and minimizes the plant diseases. secondary processes. State News photo by Doug Bauman is "turned on" for milk An international authority on Milk studied production by measuring the amount of the hormone hypnotism, Reyher began investigating free imagery Dairy farmers selling Grade! prolactin. because the older technique had milk are more likely to ado Dairymen "turn on" this certain production testing than fam* disadvantages for MARSHALL'S ANNUAL hormone, believed a key to good milk production, by washing and PSyMa0ihyerapeople are not selling manufacturing l'°fa MStUi^ ' n massaging cows' udders before susceptible to hypnotism, Method of.marketing mill, INVENTORY he milking. But that isn't the only way to points out. while most can ^T.h T f W,y do it. experience images in a clinical fZt ' ?f Pnr°dl Would you believe massaging setting necessary to the success . n r » i"8 of free imagery. and C E" Meadows- MSU CLEARANCE the other end of the cow? Tickle scientists. There are also advantages her brisket? Farm size, owning r over other orthodox methods MSU dairy scientists found cattle, years farming, age u such as free association and that cows started releasing more participation in 4-H and FF ONE WEEK ONLY! lone 23 26 prolactin from their pituitary gland if someone rubbed the dream interpretation. Free imagery, Reyher says, were also significant factors J stirs a more intense unconscious predicting adoption. lower part of their neck. Results of the survey vi The basic research was conflict, is more powerful, and used in campaigns to usually produces results faster g conducted to identify factors, members in dairy* product* than these methods. like hormone levels, that make testing programs. It provides a greater potential some cows better milkers than The survey on adoption I for personal growth, he others. continues, because the client production testing by MichiJ Prolactin excretion was only farmers was reported at tl must call upon his half as stimulation high with brisket 69th annual meeting of American Dairy Science A t| as & was with udder massaging, but it was at a and Snxiety. It is essentially which ends here today. significant level in both dry and lactating cows, reported Edward M. Convey, MSU dairy scientist. He made the report Monday at r/ WHAT'S ^ n the American Dairy Science Assn.'s meeting at MSU. Convey and his fellow PIONEER MUSIC SYSTEM researchers, J. A. Koprowski and Was 550.00 Now H. Allen Tucker, noted that $349 release of prolactin is apparently SONY CLOCK RADIO based on learned responses by the cow to the milking process. W., 27.95 Now meetintt 7 $18.88 They release a found that the cows little bit of the hormone union" All who^are DUAL 1215 WITH ACCESSORIES when a human being just walks Was 151.35 up to them. Now $99.50 The prolactin measurements on live cows were possible, thanks to a new blood test for the hormone developed by Tucker. Before the test was developed, scientists had to remove the pituitary from a cow's brain in order to analyze it ' Ionia June 30. The for hormone level. Je trips to a state institution for adolescents, i ate hospital, dairy or T.V. RENTALS Saturday in 106B W Free Service ^ per Transportation and and delivery 3>9.0U montl ns may be made in >nal Center, phone NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 MARTIN CLASSIC t,0. Was 500.00 Now CUT OUT AND SAVE GIBSON 12 STRING B25-12 Used with Case ffinn Was 225.00 Now }|oU HARMONY FLAT TOP Was 99.50 Now $79 snap up savings! LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL downtown 309 N. Washington 1 briefs! bikinis! Presents for Your Dining Pleasure Leonard PI#28 1 Collect WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL jm a drawerful of undercover pretties in a painter's palette Schensul's Famous Fried Chicken of colors. All in comfortably luxurious nylon tricot so they dunk and drip - dry. Bikinis in _ju|l wildly - hued stripes, abstracts THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL and florals. Briefs and bikinis in pastel solids with nylon lace or Chicken Chop Suey w/ Buttered Rice stitchery trims. Sizes 5 to 7 now briefly priced. Lingerie, second floor Downtown and Meridian Mall. ALL RECORD ALBUMS FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Roast Turkey w/ Dressing H 9.98 3.69 4.79 SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Baked Swiss Steak SUNDAY SPECIAL ~lS| m 7.98 Shop Meridian Mall every OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p ^ 1 week day 10 to 9, Sundays 12 to 5 m f MUSIC CO. Evening Specials include roll, butter and beverage and following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. a choice of two of' 1 246 ANN STREET 1 V Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 23, 1971 13 Can't get it together for summer? the / MSU Bookstore has... text .skoob. . paper backs art supplies engineering supplies MSU clothing Everything to this put yourself summer. you ont In the center 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesdi'ay. June 23 i JLs\ Culture campsite 203 E. GRAND RIVER (across the street from the Student Union) set up in Canada OPEN TONIGHT TIL 9:00 P.M. Vacation In Canada this summer for 40 cents a day? Sounds impossible, but a MSU graduate student is offering such an opportunity with 30 days of semi wilderness camping in central Ontario for $12. welcome back to Wilderness survival, organic agriculture, yoga, folk singing, class and welcome poetry, archaeology — these are but a few areas to be . .. to fabulous savings explored in a Canadian Culture Camp established by Erno Rossi, who has been a high school instructor for 10 years. on our famous label Rossi, who is studying curriculum and outdoor education at summer fashions - MSU, has rented 300 acres of land and intends to limit density to starting today - in hosiers huge, happy one person per acre, for a total of 300 people. The site includes 90 acres of pastureland surrounded by forest. Top MSU's top four spring graduates discuss their future scho A stream which flows through the property includes several plans with President uw,, The scholars are (left to right): Jean Lisiak, . , natural beaver ponds. Creek; Anita M. Shaffer, second high female, top female graduate sociolnow (,ar Rossi, who is looking for effective alternative teaching methods, biochemistry major from Jespersen, second high male graduate, mathematics major from w"3'0''r°m decries what he calls "horse and buggy teaching in an age of Crystal " Storewide Barrie, top male graduato, political science major from Dearborn. " technology." He hopes that activities at the culture camp will and Patrick! "get more information across, be more efficient and make learning fun." FEW JOB PROSPECTS If the culture camp is successful, Rossi hopes to establish a Summer similar program for high school students as part of their regular education. While Rossi encourages participants to stay the entire month of August, an option of a week's stay for $5 is available. The fee will be used to cover the cost of rent of the land and necessary facilities. Top 'U' graduates k Participants would be expected to provide their own continue s clearance transportation, tents and food. Food will be sold on the site, drinking water is available from wells, and medical assistance is available in a village six miles away. The job picture isn't exactly rosy for college graduates, even if you graduated at the head of a class of 5,000 students from a stipends were made available by the board of trustees. Barrie of Dearborn plans to remain at MSU for a master's is a member of Phi and the Honors College. Beta fo Big Ten university. degree in political science. He is a Shaffer of graduate with Superior, Wis. I grade ' Over 500 Summer Dresses In light of the uncertain job a 1967 graduate of Sacred Heart average of 4.086. She prospects, MSU's top four spring Academy. attend the pL,™ graduates have opted for Barrie attained a grade point Minnesota medical University! were $13 to $40 graduate school. average of 4.182 out of a possible a 1967 graduate of school.ShF The top student in the class is Sum Senior High School Patrick C. Barrie, a political and i- 4.5 (A-plus). He is a member of member of two scholl s5 ,o s29 science major from Dearborn. TTie other academic leaders are: Jean M. Lisiak, top female Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary, and MSU's Honors College. honoraries, Phi Beta Phi Kappa Phi, the KapMl H College, and Tower C graduate, sociology major from Lisiak of Battle Credk will sophomore honorary Shifts, skimmers, hot pant dresses, long dresses in washable dacrons, linens, cottons, Battle Creek; Dennis C. enter . graduate school at the prints, solid colors. Junior size 5 to 15. Jespersen, second highest male University of Chicago, where she graduate, a mathematics major from Crystal, Minn., and Anita plans to major in social work. A 1967 graduate of Morgantown Four elected! M. Shaffer, second highest female graduate, biochemistry (West Virginia) High School, she had a 4.096 grade point average to positions ( Flare Leg Jeans Bikini Swimsuits major from Superior, Wis. at MSU. AAUP The checks, four scholars presented received by MSU Jespersen of Crystal, Minn., councl were $8 to $11 were to $15 your c President Clifton R. Wharton Jr., as a token of their will enter graduate school at the University of Michigan where he outstanding will major in mathematics. He is The MSU chapter 0( I 2 FOR ^9 2 FOR Ml s8 to MO academic achievement. The top two received $200; the second a 1967 graduate of Cooper School in New Hope, Minn. With High American Assn. of UnrntT Professors has completed its! Others from $4.99. Button flys, snap flys, highest graduates, $100. The a grade point average of 4.141, he Splashy prints, bright solid colors. Great balloting and has elected if zipper flys. Great fitting jeans in stripes to be seen and sunned in all summer long. faculty members to position and solid colors. the executive council, Si. Sizes 5 to 15. Nosow, president of the l| chapter, said Monday. Elected to the 1 council of the MSU chapter J OverlOOOSummer Tops and Blouses Pauline Adams, instructs American Thought ij Language; Walter E. asst. professor of histl 2 ,„«s5 2 s7 2,„„s9 Dorothea Milbrandt, professor of nursing and Li Weaver, professor ot < justice. Others from $2.99. Tanks, tees, polos, Wallace 'n thins, space dyes! Stripes, prints,solids. Beerys and more nylon, cotton, thick So Good It's Council members will two • year terms. Next yaw d terms of five of the f UHMNTilB executive council members | expire, as will the t< four officers of the l| Over 600 Hot Pants Sale! Hot Pant Sets chapter. were $6 to $18 were $12 Fried Chicken T.V. RENTALS s3" 512" Sg99 Free Service , to Polyester knits, cottons, denims, leathers, Lunch 890 Polyester knits in 3 great styles! Wear as a suedes in prints, stripes and solid colors set or with other tops and bottoms. Sizes Sizes 5 to 15. S, M, L. Swing Into Summer Skirts, Scooters Washable Nylon Jackets with were $7 to $9 great at just 2 FOR s9 2 FOR MI s8 THE WIG FALL Stripes, prints, pleats, wraps. A huge Snap front safari style. Perfect with jeans By George Raphael assortment all at marvelous savings. Sizes 5 or as a cover - up. Asst. solid colors. Sizes to 15. S, M, L. Closeout of Summer Accessories Introductory Price - entire stock of REGULAR straws, leathers $4.32 Mon-Sat Summer Handbags were to $15 FROM 5399 tapestries, suedes, leathers Carpenters TICKET TO RIDE Fashion Belts tins; necklaces, collars, rings 'n things Summer Jewelry were to $12 were to $6 FROM FROM $1" 50° Paul & McCa Lind RAM 19 ONLY (Reg. $29.95) Sunglasses 1/3 off Put on a new you - 22 long flowing inches of loveliness. For an extra surprise, turn this Wig Fall nobody...but nobody upside down for tumbling cascades. This modacrylic fibre really looks like human hair. has a happy Open Daily 10-6 - Wed. & Thurs. Nites till 9 p.m. summer ending like... 4u 203 E. GRAND RIVER WUOLCO MERIDIAN MALI/ 190OQrand Rr\**/Ve and Marah Road 541 E. Grand River DOWINSTAIRS Paramount News Of East Lansing Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 23, 1971 IN LETTER TO ALBERT Nixon favors welfare reform WASHINGTON ( A P ) - The bill would President Nixon provide also four-person family could receive new system within five urged the for a steep increase in years support." House Tuesday to approve payroll some supplementation unless its would cost less than "the taxes--86 per cent at a maximum If it is defeated, he welfare reform, total income reached $4,140. present welfare mess." said, "the terming it "the income level in six years -and The cost to the federal uncontrollable costs and most important social legislation more if a Nixon, emphasizing that the caseloads of the present in 35 years." cost-of-living escalator government was estimated at plan is a nonpartisan effort, system clause takes effect. will continue to ' Nixon's appeal, in a letter to $5.5 billion, with the states wrote that if it is bankrupt our Next year's increase would be saving 1.6 billion. adopted, "the states. The irrational incentives speaker Carl Albert, D-Okla., nation will make dramatic of that system will continue to $145.20 for those earning But Ways and reached the House after a Means progress toward soon $10,200 or more. Chairman Wilbur D. helping poor destroy the American work ethic dissenting member of the Ways The fight has centered on the Mills, families obtain dignity and and encourage the and Means D-Ark., told the House that opportunity through work, breakup of Committee, Rep. A1 proposal for scrapping the because of the job incentives the families." Ullman, D-Ore., called for present state-federal training, services and income welfare striking the provision for a system in favor of a new, largely $2400 family income floor from federal plan. The ibined government cial would finance the Security-Welfare bill. family income floor, Relatively noncontroversial, the Social leaving supplement it the at states to their own .....THE DISCOUNT STORE Security provisions expense if they chose. include increase a five per cent benefit effective in a year, The welfare plan would extend WHERE YOUR k bed roll strapped to this motorcycle topped Long R higher payments for widows and coverage "working poor"-families with a to the by a helmet appears men retiring early, more leeway DOLLAR breadwinner but insufficient J, e absenceoHU leg,. It would seem a, though someone is out to tour deceptively human but for the couVt^or for retirees to eam money income. To encourage recipients without benefit reductions, to medicare for the disabled and work, part of their earnings State News photo by Joan Harrington would be disregarded in deciding other liberalizations. welfare eligibility, so that a olleges pick faculty I STEVE WATERBURY The reps ^tate News Staff Writer College of Osteopathic William Lazer, professor of Medicine, the College of The Veterinary marketing and transportation electedCollege of Natural Science Elected from the I but three MSU colleges Medicine and the administration. William C. Deal Jr., College of College of Human Medicine Social Science were James B. have professor of biochemistry, J reported the results of not yet announced election Communication Arts elected Henry A. Imshaug, professor of McKee, professor of sociology, lot i n g for college results. Moreau S. Maxwell, professor of Patricia Walsh, asst. professor of botany and plant j6entatives to the Elected pathology, anthropology, and Keith Groty, Bty Council and Academic Elected from the college of audiology and speech sciences, Frank R. Peabody, associate asst. Human professor of labor and Tcil, according to the office Agriculture and Natural Ecology elected Joanne professor of microbiology and industrial relations. Resources were Harold D. Hafs, Eicher, associate professor of public health, Daniel A. Moran, )e secretary of the faculty. human environment and _er the faculty bylaws, each professor of dairy and design, associate professor of The noncollege physiology, Richard W. Chase, and the College of Education mathematics, and Lester F. faculty elected Irtmentally organized college John E. Dietrich, asst. provost. elected professor of crop and soil elected Charles V. Mange, Wolternink, professor of college sciences, John N. Ferris, professor of elementary and 'hysiology. tentative regardless of its professor of special education, and Herbert agricultural | The college is entitled to economics, and William T. C. Rudman, professor of additional elected lesentative for every Magee, 40 husbandry. professor of animal administration and higher education. COMPACT lg faculty members in maximum of six a I excess Richard G. professor of Pfister, associate Thomas W. Culpepper, REFRIGERATOR ilected agricultural associate Isentatives. engineering, the was elected to fill professor of electrical engineering, and Donald J. RENTALS. . . vacancy created by the Montgomery, professor of 351-5652 £ [ term of office of an election of James T. d Bonnen, metallurgy, mechanics and college representative is professor of agricultural materials irs. id No faculty member more than two economics, to a position on the steering committee. Pfister will from the science, were elected College of Engineering. (get the point?) e terms as an elected serve a one-year term. "Old Towne" New b representative. England Arts and Letters has elected representatives were James H. Pickering, professor of CLAM BAKE! I •Whole Lobster during spring term by English, Thomas H. Falk, asst. •Clams d ballot supervised professor of German and "Shrimp by the •Corn-onthe-Cob |e Advisory Council. Those Russian, and Herbert C. Jackson, le to vote in the election professor of religion, and E*ery Friday 6 to 11 p.m.* TOSSED i all assistant, associate Frederick D. Williams, professor SAUjD-^ORNgtRIAD of CALL FOR professors who are history. INFORMATION |ed at least half-time in ; , research, The College of Business selected Hendrik Zwarensteyn, BILL'S NOW IS THE TIME (nistration, extension or RESTAURANT t BAR professor of business law and ng on a regular basis, office administration, and d college representatives I both on the Elected AT HIFI BUYS! llty Council and the LOOK TO US pic Council. About half p Elected Faculty Council e filled in the election FOR QUALITY To save on the Dual 1215. • complete selection of frames RENTAT.V. •'Sunglasses and wire --rims Say, if you always wanted to own a professional level turntable, Now is the time to move up to DUAL at HIFI I50 •prescription lenses ground BUYS. For we're having a factory authorized sale on the month 25.00 tpeerrr • repairs while you wait Dual 1215 Turntable. It now comes complete with I We deliver. cartridge, dust cover and base for only $99.50. Usually this [iatM . . high performance component with accessories would total ^ERSITY T.V. RENTALS ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. Ofd over $140. But not now. 351-7900 The 1215 features a light tracking, low mass tonearm, synchronized tracking force and anti-skating for that special care of your records that you should demand of any turntable. Plus feathertouch cueing and pitch control. So there's no time like now to upgrade your stereo system with the DUAL 1215-complete at $99.50. Yes, Now is the time to Step Inside HIFI BUYS and save! Dual SALT WATER TAFFY Cape Cod k HIFI BUYS PRESCRIPTIONS ARE OUR BUSINESS 1101 E. Grand River WE ARE PARTICIPATING IN ALL PRE PAID PRESCRIPTION East Lansing Phone 337-2310 PROGRAMS 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wedni Girl's abortion LONDON (AP) — The decision Assn. inquired into police sex and the nation's young. causes uproar baby, saying "Given the same Birmingham streets last weekend taken in public hospitals." of a doctor to perform an questioning of abortion patients. Brenda is back readng her circumstances I would do (he in Britain's biggest antiabortion Abse, who has a 13 - year old I abortion on a 12 - year - old girl All the attention is focused comic books in the kitchen of same for any girl of 12." Dr. - demonstration. daughter, attacked thegivir^ of and give her birth control pills on a shy, introverted girl named her government flat in Bradford. Wilson said Brenda was 14 weeks Norman St. John • Stevas, pills to Brenda as lowering the has provoked an uproar in Brenda, who became pregnant. "You cannot expect a 12 • pregnant and added that the Conservative member of age of consent from 16 to 12 Britain. She had a 13 • year - old boy year ■ old girl to carry a baby , Calthorpe Clinic in Birmingham parliament and a Roman years old. Members of Parliament are friend. and look after it while going to performs abortions as late as 15 Catholic, told the thousands, Diane Munday, secretary of attacking arid defending; the Miss Jessie Muirhead, a school," says Brenda's mother. , "The unborn child is innocent the Abortion Law Reform decision. Church groups are Bradford gynecologist, refused "If she had had to have a baby it The British Medical Assn. and has the right to life." Society, snapped: "The holding meetings about it. on June 4 to perform the would have been ruin for all of caught in the middle, said "Any Leo Abse a Labor member of antiabortion lobby is so Demands have been made that abortion. Brenda and her mother medical treatment given to a went to Dr. Wilson, who Parliament, said he is seeking inconsistent. It highlights the the attorney general prosecute Miss Muirhead refused to patient must be left to the legal action from the attorney number of the doctor, Mary Wilson, a performed the operation June clinical judgment of the doctor girls who return from perform the abortion, explaining general against Dr. Wilson and an a second abortion and then Birmingham gynecologist. 15. "When 1 saw the girl she was in charge of the case." The Social Services secretary And suddenly Britain, which investigation by the Social condemns doctors for trying to about four months pregnant and In this case, the Birmingham Services Ministry. ensure that they don't need to." faces demands for an inquiry ignored the 42 weekly 86 |99 Automatic calendar with luminous dial. Compact solid state radio that Swiss made. Lapse time bezel! Sweep goes everywhere with you. hand and fully guaranteed. Complete with battery. ADD TO YOUR COLLECTION EARRING SALE MEN'S & LADIES' BILLFOLDS REG Latest in a feet sift. styles! Latest color; wide assortment folds for ladies & men. of bill Per 67* 99c PR. Over 600 3-96' pair to choose from. You'll find just a little bit of for Miss J goes a knitting long pierced and "pierced look" styles. Stones, pearls, hoops, studs and more! way in our hot color shortcut set It's purple with brassy gold for the 1/3 OFF EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES sleeves and neckline that laces up from a low point STOCK CLEARANCE OF And the ribbed cotton/linen boucle knit follows your RADIOS, TAPE PLAYERS, shape beautifully TELEVISIONS & STEREOS Sizes S-M-L. $22. We're clearing the shelves of all electronic goods! Everything included! One of a kind! Floor samples! Some still in their 1230 OTTAWA, one girl, own •dvertisinfl columns. The bedroom, must like ' cats 135 BOGUE. Single rooms available. STEREOS State New, will not 355-8288, 485-7495. 2-6-25 Call for Appointment. 351-0573. Receivers, $59.95 up. Speaker sets, Animals Automotive , •ccept 2-6-25 $19.95 up. Compact advertisinq which STUDIO, $85. Room, $45. $39.50 FREE KITTENS: black, gray, long I Scooters & Cycles aucriminates Paid. Now. Utilities up. 8 t hair. Litter trained. Call 351-6672 I Auto Parts & Service against After 5 pm FURNISHED. Neat, clean, quiet, players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, I Aviation religion, race. " —I origin. coSTo, 351-9585.2-6-25 " near. Free 332-3094. 3-6-28 parking. Phone used $2.50, new $4.00. Stereo albums $1.50 down. Italian wall 3-6-28 Imployment 5 BLOCKS to MSU house for 5 men. Available - furnished tapestries. Oriental bedspreads. ior rent September 15th. Dial 332-4076 now til WOMEN - ATTRACTIVE, well furnished, clean room. 2 blocks AM-FM clock and portable radios. TV sets, walkie talkies, tape I Apartments 3-6-28 from MSU Union. Phone recorder, and surf board. SAINT BERNARD PUP. AKC, 1 ■ Houses Employn WOMEN. ONE block from 332-1760.3-6-28 male, $175. Outstanding guaranteed. WILCOX SECOND markings. 482-5887. 3-6-28 ■ Rooms campus NURSE, MONDAY Fridav Completely furnished. Utilities HAND STORE, 509 E. Michigan, or sale - and Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours parking included. $55 lAnimals 349-9609. 3-6-28 daily: 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.C Mobile Homes ■Mobile Homes ROOM AND board. First 5 weeks. SEE THE auto show all sizes, COLLEGE STUDENTS. Norwood Apartments Theta Sorority. 337-7039, SIMONS SOFA, beautiful blue, loose ... ■ersonal job. Junior, senior, and SUMMER graduate 332-5001.3-6-28 cushions. OK for day bed. Like prices, models, colors, in today's Ieanuts personal students. Large corporation offers Now renting large one and ($200) new, $95. 332-2881. Classified Ads. above average income CLOSE. FOR clean gentleman. For 2-6-25 Jeal estate for full or two bedroom for fall. Close Summer term only. 337-2679. Iecreation to campus. Call 332-2712 Personal Management orientedV "career after 3 p.m. 2-6-25. USED FURNITURE East Flea Fair. 314 Michigan. Jervice guaranteed for MALE SINGLE and Dishes, books. WE ALSO have hair spray, tonics! ■Typing Service s upon graduation. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North, two man rooms. Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open shampoos, and combs. UNION Cooking. Campus 1 block. Phone Transportation resume to Jerry Meagher, 220 Large furnished, 1 bedroom, partly . 2-6-25 Tuesday and Sunday. Furniture BUILDING C-6-23 BARBER SHOP (anted Albert, East Lansing, or call 332-4326. 3-6-28 carpeted, utilities paid. Basement rec room. $150 a month and appliances open all week. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone 371-2843. O DRAFT deadline plus deposit. Phone 627-5454 or For Sale SOUNSELING. Legal Medic Psychologic. Miami, Fla 489-5136. 4-6-30 - EARN UP AIRLINE STEREO; cabinet; four 1. one class day before to $3000 this summer Car 305 891-3736.8-7-12 necessary. Call GREAT SOUND: Big Jim Lansing speakers, portable. Excellent 351-7319 for |lication. DUPLEX. 2 bedrooms furnished. speaker. $200+ new, $85 or best condition. $55. 351-1694 after 5 FREE A lesson in Very spacious, beam ceilings, close 3-6-28 ... complexion cellations/Corrections to offer. 332-2881.2-6-25 p.m. care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan campus. Ideal for 3 students. 1)2 noon one class day STUDENTS 351-5313. 1-6-23 WATERBED UNITS,mattress, liner, or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN pre publication. FULL OR PART-TIME heater, and frame. $76 any size. COSMETICS STUDIOS. C phone For Rent For Rent CHECK REBIRTH, 309 North SUMMER WORK. LEONARD WHOLESALE'S Washington, Lansing. 355-8255 CALL 351-3700 bathroom. Near campus. Phone LOW PRICES ON Real Estate DUPLEX 2 bedrooms furnished 1 rates BETWEEN 1-9 pm Ken Gottlieb, 351-5427 372-8460. 3-6-28 or work YES. .TWO JOHNS block to campus. Utilities paid. Available now. 332-5144. 3-6-28 PHOTOGRAPHY ARGAIN. LAWN furniture. Large GROSBECK AREA. 1226 North round white table, chairs. Never Foster. 3 bedroom Cape Cod. Rec 4 5 SECRETARY. PART time. Requires NEED 1 apartment. girl to share 2 bedroom Summer /fall. Call PER APARTMENT, DUPLEX 3 bedroom unfurnished, [?♦»'* Yashlca )lta * Kodak 'Mamlya *Bell & Howell *ETC. *Argus *Polarol< used. 332-4613. 2-6-25 room, convenient location. $23,900. Will consider offers Call 50 3.00 - .00 5.35 6.50 shorthand, some general office 332-4794 after 5 p.m. 3-6-28 air conditioned. Available until experience. September 1st. Reduced rent for MORE FUN in the sun 482-5926. 2-6-25 and balconies too At least 3 days per v 55 3.30 - .40 5.85 7.15 14.30 shades. week for downtown Lansing law MARRIED STUDENTS summer. Call 351-8932. 2-6-25 OPTICAL DISCOUNT, JO 3.60 4..80 6.40 7.80 COMPONENT SYSTEMS 15. firm. Call Ken Smith, Attorney & FACULTY 2615 East Michigan Avenue. 372- Recreation J5 3.90 5. 20 6.95 8.45 16. 7409. C-6-25 10 4.20 5. (25 4.50 6..00 8.00 r.45 9.10 9.75 18.20 372-2960. 5-7-2 RIVER'S EDGE AUGUST FLIGHTS STILL available. 10 4.80 6.,40 )5 5.101 8.55 80 9 10 19.! 10.4020.2 11.0522.10 TELEPHONE WORK. No $1.75 / hour guaranteed selling. during KNOB HILL and KONICA AUTO S-2 camera, case. fl.8. Retail, $113. 3 months old, $60. 353-4571, or 349-3483 UNION BOARD OFFICE. Call 353-9777. C-6-25 TRAVEL training. Phone 351-3590. Ask for |70 5.40 7..20 9-60 15 5.70 7. 10 6.00 8..00 11.7023.40 1.1512.3524.70 10.6513.0026.1 Mr. Hunting or Mr. Moore. TF APARTMENTS WATER'S EDGE 1-6-23 SMITH CORONA office t Service Rooms jUITAR LESSONS available from 349-4700 APARTMENTS Good condition. $30. 353-6654. MARSHALL MUSIC. Call for 1 309 N.Lansing Washington 3-6-28 J Open: 11:00-7:00 Mon.-Sat. (Next to Cedar it. 351-7830. C-6-23 ill student ads must be Village) WAITRESSES FULL time, days. I 2:00-5:00 Sunday See Frank or JoAnne PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad Irepaid Also shown by appointment SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. students, experience references. 332-4432 Brand new portables - $49.95, 349-4817. C On Okemos Rd. Across 1050 Water's Edge Dr. $5.00 per month. Large selection onsible only for the from Okemos High School LCC AND Sparrow or reconditioned used machines. - near. Pleasant, FOR SALESPOWER try a little day's incorrect one bedroom, furnished. Yard and Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Classified Ad to sell a large mobile For Rent VANT GIRL to share apartment or garage. $135 plus gas. Couple, Home & "Many Others." $19.95 home! Dial 355-8255 today! SINGLE ROOM for older male ING PONG tables, $9.95. We buy house for 2. Reasonable. ED 663-8418. 2-6-25 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS student. Close in, linens furnished. sell most 2-5977. 3-6-28 anything. ABC DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Automotive tals, satisfaction ree delivery, Houses 332-2471. 2-6-25 SECONDHAND Turner. C. STORE. 1208 1115 North 489-6448. C-6-3 Washington, We will even FREE RENT for little domestic service and pick - up. No TWO LARGE ROOMS, bath, (n ELECTRA, 1959. 4 - door. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C deposit. work. Girl to share apartment for 2. ED 2-5977. 3-6-28 FARMHOUSE. THREE openings for cooking. Girls. Close. $130. Mary, furnish the male or female. Own room. 351-8345, 353-6442. 3-6-28 up sharp. Any offer PARKING. ONE block from campus. NEED FEMALE grad, working girl. $30/month. 2672 Mt. Hope Rd. cookbook & dered, 332-2881. 2-6-25 Private, paved, lighted lot. $10. 3-6-28 SINGLE MALE. Clean, quiet. No DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 349-9609. 3-6-28 Neat, over 20. Own room. Nice cooking. Full term only. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. dishes... §AR0, 1967. Con apartment in house. Fireplace. 351-0631. 1-6-23 Opposite City Market. C. 50.882-4520. 2-6-25^ COMPACT rentals for REFRIGERATOR summer term, available Permanent basis. Many extras, reasonable. 482-3289 after 5 p.m. 2-6-25 NOTICE For a limited time, now. UNITED RENT ALL, 2790 we will give the 1969. Convertible 850. East Grand it Ads. Dial 355-8255! 355-9942. 1-6-23 River, 351-5652. ■cellent 11-1961.3-6-28 condition. Phone 2-6-25 ADJACENT CAMPUS. cheap. No deposit. Fourth male Luxury, TO ALL COLLEGE COOKBOOK needed. 332-0150. 5-7-2 Live Close to Campus and set of TV RENTALS - Students only. Low a dishes, ■MOBILE 1963. Reasonable, monthly and term rates. Call yv tires. Call after 6 p.m. §4-8511. 5-7-2 351-7900. RENTALS. C UNIVERSITY TV WOODSIDE APARTMENTS. bedroom apartments to sublease. $140-$145. 1 NEEDED - TWO people. Across MARIGOLD APARTMENTS STUDENTS with every lease signed Ideal for married (bring this ad) ■MOBILE, 1967 88 hardtop. couple. ED 2-2920, 351-4698. O from Abbot Hall. $50. Call Marigold & Harrison 911 Marigold 351-1349 or 351-7886. 2-6-25 Apartments ONE OR two bedroom furnished Summer from $45 per man mobile homes, $25 - $35 / week. 3 BEDROOM furnished including Completely Furnished Deluxe Fall from $65 per man 10 minutes to campus. 641-6601. SUMMER LEASES $140 per month & utilities. $125 month/summer. up. FIREBIRD 1969 350. Now signing Summer and Fall Leases plus... Call 339-8166. 3-6-28 Call 337-7328 337-0780 ALL STUDENT *the best location in town «ing, AM/FM radio, $1995. LANSING OR East Lansing. One 3 BEDROOM furnished *2 johns per apt. including «ner. 355-8326 or bedroom furnished. Large, airy utilities. $125 month/summer. All Deposits Guaranteed Returnable 1628-4367. 3-6-28 Call 339-8166.3-6-28 ADS MUST "balconies & patios 124 CEDAR Street, 135 Beautifully maintained. Suitable 'roommate service [KSWAGEN SEDAN for faculty, grad students, bus . Newly people, married couples. L BE PAID WATER'S EDGE & ■9me. T1059. 3-6-28 T r ansistoi 332-3135 or 882-6549. O (Ktopckmgfjam IN ADVANCE. RIVER'S EDGE APARTMENTS pVAGEN BUS, 1958. Great EVERYTHING AUTOMOTIVE 332-4432 has it .. . $375. Call 351-8280. (next to Cedar Village) LARGEST DISCOUNTS Ifoo/prs & Cycles I T 200 Suzuki. 9,000 miles, MID-MICHIGAN STEREO - HOME & AUtO TAPES - SPEAKERS DRESS-UP ACCESSORIES IN heated and all p ■cellent girl's bike. Phone [ '239. 3-6-28 Aviation VA KAMIN'S 526 N. LARCH PARTS ft SERVICES ™~ certified. (ANCIS AVIATION, Airport caH ■ 484-1324. C 10 Service & Parts Head for the Woods! lNnv^ARANTEED reP»ir- Burcham Woods, that is 4620 S. Hagadorn JtNDYR°ad. S MOBIL. 1-96 at - a just north of Mt. Hope 349-9620. C complex of furnished studio, JWASH, 25c, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom pric. „„ ano U-DO-IT. 430 South apartments. back of Koko Bar. 1 b0DY SHOP, 812 East Ample parking Heated pool -J^00 s,reet . . . Since 1940. REDUCED SUMMER RATES TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS P e,e auto painting and are now leasing student units. These spacious luxury *ice. IV 5-0256. C 1 bedroom - $135 2 bedroom - $150 apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, ' repair all foreign and NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL garbage disposal and individual central control air conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation is Bit hi "ars- lf can,t ,ix il planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and | 'ixed. Call 332-3255. O private balconies. If you want to be among t>ie first residents of TWYCKINGHAM Burcham Woods units start at $60/month per man. MODEL call today. The 2 bedroom OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY Employment 745 Burcham Dr. FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: 332-6441 484-3494. THREE. SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH 1-6 p.m., or MARINA NYLANDER, LEASES AVAILABLE' (3 and 4 man apts. only, starting fall.) *nirm ^rttime afternoon & 351-3118 Ccur Minlmu"l 60 w.p.m. tol'u. ~ ApP'V in person at w * of . n St- 2-3 p.m. Entrance building. if no answer call 484-4014 MANA CEMENT EXCL USI VEl. Y BY: Alco Management Company J g Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Service Service Typing Service TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. Rapid accurate Experienced. 393-4075. 0-8 9 service. Xerox THE SAVE SAVE SAVE copying best quality - at offset printing - reasonable prices. COPY SHOPPE, 541 East Press praises seedless pickle BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. The world's first seedless stations and newspapers all over hit supermarkets for another five cukes would increase profits for commercial release. iNN BROWN: Typing and multilith No job too la-ge or too small. offset printing. Complete service pickling cucumber probably got the U.S. and Canada. years, because time is needed for growers and processors. "Yields "This type of Michigan hybrid may more than MSU started the ball rolling could be increased by more than Block off campus. 332-3255. C for dissertations, theses, press coverage President Nixon during the last further testing and increasing represent the ultimate in yields," ^cumber mosaic COMPLETE THESES service. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. week of May. by giving the story to United Press International. Bob Berg, seed supplies. "With increased support and some 'luck' we 50 per The cent," Baker said. breeding program started said Baker. "On a plant like every flower is a potential fruit this, m,,d*w«ndangular2^ tooVei!?^ i Discount printing, IBM typing and That International Pickle was Lansing's UPI correspondent, hit might do it in less than five with a Dutch seedless greenhouse that can develop without important THINKING OF someone special? Week, and that was the time that the wire May 24 with this story years," Baker said. cuke that was highly male pickle sells publications. Across from campus, Send a "Peanuts Personal" MSU and Pickle Packers "Researchers at Michigan Seedless pickles will also be a (monoecious) with occasional pollination." better ' corner M.A.C. and Grand River, message with a Want Ad. Come in International announced the State University said Monday Other characteristics that below Jones Stationary Shop. Call COPYGRAPH SERVICES, today. 347 Student Services. "unveiling" of the world's first they had developed the world's boon for growers, said Baker. These cucumbers grow at the female flowers which bear the fruit. "All we wanted from the have been incorporated into the short an? seedless pickle. first seedless pickle. seedless pickles before 337-1666. C rate, mechanical Dutch cucumber the release Wanted Seedless cucumbers aren't "The seedless pickle, same so harvesters will be able to pick 10 seedless characteristic," Baker was include disease resistance, good characteristics to modern WHATEVER YOU you war new. The But seedless pickles are. media kidded a little produced after 10 years of or more pickles per plant in one explained. fruit color and structure and good processing qualities. processing Urhmq^ mechanizjtii 3 there's a good chance you BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for mass research by MSU plant scientists, picking as opposed to the Several thousand plants later, l in the Want Ads. Check n all and positive. A negative, B negative AB negative, $10.00. O but reported phenomenon. a lot about the looks and tastes like normal seeded pickles, researchers said." standard plant which yields one Baker obtained his first good "Disease resistance is vital to . Pjckle shapely cucumbers Pressors dnJ to two ripe pickles at a single parent lines. These parent plants negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Larry R. Baker, MSU The story explained how the high yields," said Baker. "For pickles are packed picking. have been used to breed this reason, we want our seedless in COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, vegetable breeder who developed (•nod pickle 50714 East Grand River, East pickle was developed, and Besides increased quality and experimental hybrids that will hybrids to be lesistant to the to attract the shape is Lansing. Above the new Campus the parthenocarpic (seedless) pickle, said the story was carried included the comments by Baker that the pickle was produced by appeal for housewives, seedless be tested for possible four major cucumber diseases in the housewifej supermarket," said Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 Bi p.m., Monday, Thursday and by all three television networks genetically inducing a "false Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 (including a film report on ABC pregnancy." TV) The New York Times, FOR DAIRY COWS - p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C , And that led to the second •fttllMll Tkltil Los Angeles Times, Washington wire story by Berg for UPI: d Doctoral ClHifiUi Froo SPARE TIME? Post, Paul Harvey, Mike Jackson \i Consoltatian. Pltlll Call "It took 10 years, but a Hattfkiy 3371»7 ir 6J7 ?9* (ABC radio commentator) and Michigan State University 337-9743. 2-6-25 hundreds of radio and TV researchers finally succeeded in Computer provides diets introducing false pregnancy in Place Your female cucumbers. "The result is the world's first PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD seekless pickle." And so it went. Baker Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail received letters from scientists, Synthia — the talking A dairy farmer can figure a nutrient requirements for cows Since the Along with your check or money order growers and pickle connoisseurs computer — has been helping diet for his cows that is both of different sizes this information computer hu accordng to from all over the nation. Michigan farmers do a better job well balanced and low cost, but how much milk stored ib of farm they are memory and ready lo So at least for a while the management for a it may take 200,000 or more producing. He also stored „ couple of years, and now she is figuring the well balanced pickle is "king." (Or should we calculations, according to Don information on the nutritive ■ cost - helping make sure that Michigan ration, all the htm say "queen," since it is an all - Hillman, MSU dairy nutritionist. values of different feeds farmers to provide the dairy cows get a nutritious, well computer b. girl - gynoecious - pickle.) For the uninformed, seedless pickles do have excellent flavor - balanced diet. Most mothers know what it is like trying to make sure the Since a computer can do all these calculations in less than a minute, Hillman and MSU might have available their dairy cow ration. to use in of the feeds he has available L and more "crunch" than seeded agricultural economist Steve Consecutive Dates Classification to Run_ pickles. And they are still green, juicy and have the familiar bumps on the skin. family proteins nutrients. For gets and enough a other hard - vitamins, essential working Harsh got together to develop a computerized least - cost dairy ration formulation system with Trustees Both seedless pickles and dairy cow producing 7,000 the help of James Schoonaert, gifts quarts of milk each year, and salad cucumbers probably a proper diet is also important. Ingham County agricultural extension agent. The Kellogg And a farmer — like a n datio spo housewife — wants to provide a development of the system. The board of trustees Mc Harris nutritious and well - balanced and Freder diet, and he wants it to be as low accepted gifts, grants and Bernthal, and $25,000 fm bus cost as possible. A touch links more - tone telephone than 30 county scholarship funds totaling $2,956,982 at its monthly second research MSU's project Cyclotron Laborita Cooperative Extension Service meeting Friday. directed by Max Rogers. offices to Synthia, a computer at The grants included The board also accepted epartn Golfers Attention the University of Michigan in $1,270,151 from the U.S. Dept. ourt \ grants amounting to $5004. Ann Arbor. UNIVERSITY Shag Balls $1.00 doz. of Welfare Health, Education and (HEW) for equal from the National Institutes Health (NIH). The largest, lobe f A touch - tone telephone has All Student Ads must be prepaid Plastic Practice opportunity grants to $98,500 was a continuation! Please place my ad for davs. INN Balls 6 for $1.00 a can 12 - key - and - card dial that be used to send instructions approximately 2,000 MSU students during the 1971 - 72 grant awarded last Check enclosed for S expand enrollment Shuttle Cocks and information to the Rooms for rent school year. College of Osteopathic Medic Ig.. Tennis Rackets computer. A speaker connected In another effort to aid needy An Nil! grant of $55,73 'Adjacent Tennis Balls to the telephone line allows students, HEW provided the first Mail to Michigan State News part of more t to campus FREE: 1971 Golf Synthia to communicate with $386,968 for work - study quarter million dollars ii Classified Dept. the user. Rule Book with programs The money will help funds thai will support MS 347 Student Services MSU East Lansing, Mich. Bldg. #Air conditioning Purchase of $1.00 or more. Hillman computer's memory with has provided the the pay working the salaries of students part time on campus infant ecological psyi program under the direr r< •Pool Larry Cushion and for various governmental George Fairweather. •Private bath agencies. Other significant Sporting Goods ROOMMATE gn Cedar third HEW A grant, for accepted were: Gree •$115/mth. - no lease 3020 Vine 332-1667 • SERVICE $112,567, is the last installment $73,000 from the Open Fr. til 8; Daily 'til 6 of a five - part grant used to Dept. of Agriculture to >sifled 1 1110 Trowbridge One block north of Mich. Water's Edge establish MSU's Center for Dept. of Microbiology said he Ave. half block west Public Health for a study 351-5500 one - 332 - 4432 Laboratory Animal Resources. ated it The center coordinates the use animal tuberculosis under be rel< a poo of animals for teaching and direction of Virginia Mallmii d, talk research in the biology and •$63,900 from the Natk* htfve I medicine fields. Science Foundation to The U.S. Atomic Energy physics department for res Commission granted $110,000 conducted by K.W. Chen. action air-conditioning9 to the chemistry department for •$61,212 from the Nat agains a nuclear research project under Institutes of Health to papers, the direction of William biochemistry department rd talke! metabolism research directei subco, C. C. Sweeney. Seni and HURRY, •$41,313 from NIH to Jllity of everything Only a few physiology research Haddy. department directed by Fn left . . . Spacious living and sumi WATER'S EDGE fun for the young at heart. • Olympic pool Club RIVER'S EDGE • Color TV Exercise Roo • Saunas / Pool Tables • Volleyball APARTMENTS One bdr. apts. from $155 Two bdr. apts. from $190. Summer $45 per man Three bdr. apts. from W fall $65 per man MODELS OPEN DAILY 11 A.M. - 7 P.M. Roommate Service 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Furnished, Balconies «!»»»,!M Out 496 East to Jolly See Frank or JoAnne exit, then to corner 01 at 1050 Waters Edge Dr. Dunckel and Jolly 332-4432 3QH-0210 - wit $ 200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING * FELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. FUN IN YOUR OLYMPIC POOL IN YOUR CLUB ROOM TV RIVERSIDE ny m £ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. 1135 Michigan Avenue light next to Brody Complex £ PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. EAST you quality budget - £ READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY. 351-8631 ♦ SUNDECKS. SIJIMDFPK*! A SPECIAL SUMMER FROM- APARTMENTS * S3750 ONLY RATES CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTS are now leasing student and married couples units. These spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive £ INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. Summer Rental furniture. Each unit has a liable garbage disposal and individual air conditioning. These two - man units have /PERSON/MONTH £ MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA. - ample parking space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private lfferent balconies. We also have a full time resident - among the first residents of CEDAR GPEENS call manager for any problems. If you want to be £ 1, 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. 00 *155 today. The one - bedroom units start at per ma $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 and twelve month leases available. SUNDAY FOR RENTAL p.m., 332 6441 or 484 3494 Nine MEAD0WB&00K trace SUMMER ONLY! 4 - man IEE To get to Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State Campus on 1 496. Exit west onto Jolly Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. Model apartment open daily, ph. 3J/- or see PHONE 393-0210 MANA CEMENT EXCL USl VEL Y B Y: Alco Management Company OPEN 11-7 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT RESIDENT MANAGER - E. Mi No. 5, 1310 E. Grand River I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 23, 1971 Courts extend ban (Continued form page one) an injunction against the Times and a Kennedy "had approved programs for covert !■ temporary action" in Vietnam. restraining order was granted barring further 1 publication pending final The government contends, in all three cases, District Court judge later hearings. A U.S. that disclosure of the information threatens the rejected the national security. The Times and the Post government's request for an say the injunction, but the publication does not endanger | restraining order was continued on an indefinite security. In basis until the appeals panel could hear the case. procedings Monday, the attorney for the Post Three members of the New argued: "The largest issue in this courtroom is York appeals panel the right of the people to be were to hear the case on Monday, but the chief that has been untrammelled in 200 informed, a right I judge said it has been decided that because of the years of U.S. "extraordinary importance" history." of the issue, the full court would sit. Amone other developments Normally the court has nine •The Baltimore Sun Tuesday: members, but there is a vacancy. reported unnamed South The Washington Post Vietnamese officials were afraid publication of began publishing stories the study might result in a faster U.S. pullout. It based on the same study on Friday, June 18. In quoted a finance official as saying, "Senators and two installments, printed before a restraining order took effect, the Post congressmen are going to feel they have been said the blocking of elections in Vietnam in 1955 played for fools . . . but the only people who are action of the was largely the left on whom they can take out their MILTON DICKERSON Saigon government and that the the South Vietnamese." anger are JAMES B. HAMILTON bombing halts were announced in an effort to placate public opinion, not with •W. W. Rostow, former White House adviser to any real hope Johnson, said in an article in the Times that the they would lead to peace talks. As in the New York case, the government's request for an injunction against the newspaper positions he took in shaping American policy in Vietnam were "deeply rooted" considerations. He said the nation's "power in moral Trustees approve shift was denied. But the appeals court continued the interest" lay in preventing domination (Continued from restraining order until it could hear the case. by a single page one) Trustees Frank package. Hartman, The Boston Globe potentially hostile power in Europe, Asia or the D-Flint, Warren Huff, Huff and White voted against ' ■' study Tuesday printed excerpts of the Western Hemisphere. He said this objective was —James B. Hamilton, asst. D-Plymouth, Clair White, D-Bay five of Wharton's seven \ 1 \ covered a morning. The Globe articles 1964 meeting at which Adm. "morally legitimate" because it was in accord with "the interests of the professor of chemistry, City, appointed asst. provost for and Frank Merriman, recommendations, agreeing only Harry D. majority of the peoples Felt, then commander of the Pacific and nations of Europe, Asia and special programs. R-Deckerville, voted against on those involving Dickerson forces, Latin America." Wharton on the total and Muelder. Merriman joined Torches and bubbles argued that commanders should have the freedom to use tactical nuclear •The Boston Globe said Daniel Ellsberg, a The seven personnel changes, a But when the seven package. the negative pair with a "no" weapons in former Defense Dept. package proposed by Wharton as changes — Vietnam. The paper also said it was employe identified by one the first item of Cofer, Green, Hamilton, King, vote on the Polley appointment. A glass blower demonstrates his craft making source as the man responsible for giving the business Friday, Trustees Hartman, Patricia to intent public for the first time "the role of the seemed headed into a Polley, Muelder and Dickerson — youngsters at last week's Meridian Mall art study to the Times, "expects to comment trustee - were introduced as separate Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor, Don show. Kennedy administration in the excalation of the publicly in a week or two on his role in the administration brouhaha when State News photo by Don Gerstner war." It said that trustees at first rejected the motions, enough "no" votes Stevens, D-Okemos, Blanche as early as 1961 President unearthing of the study... . . . package in a 4-4 deadlock. were switched to break the Martin, D-East Lansing, and deadlock and pass the whole Kenneth Thompson, R-Grand Rapids, voted for the udge halts publication of administration on all seven changes. Trustees also discussed at study length the appointment of ETON (AP) - U.S. District disclosure war Norman P. Weinheimer as adjunct professor of administration and higher T Anthony Julian issued a or divulgence without as saying, "the possibility of developments as it education. Weinheimer is also authority ... of official military victory had seemingly Americans arms." would be on papers, some already published Jorary restraining order information classified secret or and some not. It has decided to Communists on the ground Task executive director of the become remote and the cost had Force. Among these ■day against the Boston top secret in the interest of With this outlook, the without the use of tactical Michigan Assn. of School Boards become too high both in report begin published and some not. It actions were: prohibiting further national defense." said, "American forces would nuclear weapons and that it was (MASB), an organization that has decided to begin •Aerial resupply of agents in political and economic terms. publishing Ration of a top secret study The Globe reported that Only then were our ultimate remain in South Vietnam to them today as a public service in essential that the commanders be given freedom to use these as North Vientam through the use frequently takes lobbyist | Vietnam war. "when President Johnson in prevent defeat of the of civilian positions. objectives brought out support of the people's right to I Justice Dept. applied for March 1968 announced and government by Communist know." had been assumed under various mercenary air crews. Several trustees agreed that a publicly re-examined. forces and to provide a shield plans." •Infiltration of special South o ban the Globe from that he would not run public position by Weinheimer for re - "Only then was it realized that Vietnam forces into southeast khing articles based on a election, he was also deciding a clear behind which the government The Globe said it was making Laos to locate as an MASB, executive might cut military The articles also include: and attack j could rally, become embarrass MSU, but the board - Pentagon study of the that a policy of victory was effective, public for the first time "the Vietnamization probably not and win the support of the •A report of a Joint Chiefs of Communist bases and lines of was the best one for the possible or role of the Kennedy approved his appointment as an nation necessary and that the road to Staff meeting in which the communication. ■epartment spokesman said to follow in the war." people." administration in the escalation educator who could contribute peace would be at least In editorial the Globe said it commander of Pacific forces of the war." •Formulation of networks of to the ras asked to enjoin The Globe quoted the as an University. llobe from dependent upon South "has come into possession of demanded a free hand to use The paper said, "As early as resistance, covert bases and The approval motion made "dissemination, narrative of the 47-volume teams for sabotage and study Vietnamese political many of the classified tactical nuclear weapons in May 11, 1961, President light clear, however, that the MASB Pentagon harassment inside North Vietnam. Kennedy, according to the secret directorship does not •The role Vietnam. >eclassification speedup of the report, had approved programs automatically confer an MSU administration of President John for covert action which had been •Conduct of overflights of adjunct professorship. F. North Vietnam for the Kennedy in escalating the recommended by a Vietnam of dropping leaflets." purpose •A report by Gen. Earle G. Wheeler on the 1968 Tet jrdered Valedictory hits offensive. athletics Viet • Cables to President Kennedy on from Gen. Maxwell Taylor urging deployment of 8,000 ground troops in Vietnam. (Continued from page one) participating the player can get football player with his class. "Football season, a winter "For every Willie Mays, Bob KHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird Sen. J.W. Fulbright, D-Ark., committee chairman, said the panel At a Chiefs of Staff new injuries in that part of his training schedule and spring Hayes and Wilt Chamberlain meeting in Tuesday he has ordered speeding of a review of the Pentagon has had for some time a part of the material published last week Honolulu in June 1964, the body where he has no feelings. training leaves a ballplayer with there are countless blacks who i the Vietnam War to see what parts of it can be but feels the government should Globe said, Adm. Harry D. Felt, "The injuries make you a crowded schedule all obviously had the will and supply it all to the committee on quite year ssified and released. a classified basis. then in charge of Pacific forces, aware of the brutality of the round," she said. "And the determination to succeed but I said he has ordered it carried out "They have grossly abused demanded that commanders be game and the power those who minute (an athlete's) who dedicated their childhoods as quickly as possible and their assumed right of eligibility Tated it would take 90 days. He did not indicate how much classification," Fulbright said. given the freedom to use tactical control the game have over expires, the athletic and their energies to baseball |t be released. Government witnesses in District Court Monday said nuclear weapons "as had been players," she added. department's concern for his gloves and shoulder pads. If i, talking to reporters, said since some of the declassification of the report has been under assumed under various plans." Miss Weiss also charged that welfare suddenly there were other ways out and papers in the continuing review evaporates. I have been published in newspapers, "it is for some time. players received payoffs from The athlete finds himself faced up, they were blinded to them necessary for us live as rapidly as possible with the classification review." Laird said he plans to meet Discussion of nuclear weapons alumni. with a flock of difficult classes by the success of a few sports ■ also said "I would Wednesday with members of the in "I also think of assume on stolen papers there would be Foreign Relations Committee and other congressmen and Vietnam, the Qobe said, sprang sponsors," she that somebody has put off to celebrities. These are the black 1 action" in the way of criminal senators who have demanded release of the 47-volume from the issue of whether said, "those wonderful keep him eligible." doctors who never were, the litigation by the Justice study of I against those who provided the once - secret the war ordered by former Chinese Communist troops individuals who take care of a black lawyers who are so papers to Secretary Robert S. McNamara. would enter the conflict. The emphasis on sports and particular athlete and, if the Bipers. Portions of it have appaeared in The New York Times, the winning in the United States has desperately needed. At most, rd talked with reporters during a break in testimony before a Washington Post and the Boston Globe. ballplayer is lucky enough to been sports have led a few thousand "Secretary of Defense Robert have a wealthier particularly harmful to blacks into a better |esubcommittee on military aid. Two congressmen, Reps. Jon E. Moss, D-Calif., and Ogden R. sponsor, he can blacks, Miss Weiss said, life, while McNamara then went to say get a shiny new car. I think of their diverting ' Senate Foreign Relations Committee discussed the Reid, R-N.Y., have announced that they will file suit in federal on substituting energies into an area where for hundreds a meaningless dream l>ility of an investigation of U.S. Indochina policy. court Wednesday to force Laird to release the Vietnam that the possibility of major money under the table, excessive of thousands of study to ground action also led to a relatively few of them can excel. them prior to that time. They scholarships, free books. I other blacks." plan action under the Freedom of serious question of having to use Information Act. wonder why, given 10 years, an nuclear weapons at some individual athlete has less than a Fulbright said the projected Foreign Relations investigation point," TOYOTA the Globe quoted the report. 50-50 chance to graduate." would concentrate on policymaking procedures and exclusion of Congress rather than just on the facts of Indochina involvement. He said no decision has been made on whether former officials deepening U.S. "Adm. Felt emphatically that there was no responded Miss Weiss cited a survey which showed that the average male was seven times sociology SANDAL SALE would be subpoenaed or invited to appear. possible way to hold off the more likely to graduate than a builds more small cars $5.00 and up 20% DISCOUNT ON MEN'S & LADIES' New TYPEWRITER REPAIRS M.S.U. SHOE REPAIR FOR MSU STUDENTS 3 - MINUTE HEEL SERVICE Concept in Student Living 501 Vs E. Grand River 225 E. 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