Monday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 3 STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Monday, June 28, 1971 LBJ said very reluctant' to raise troop commitment NEW YORK proposal to go forward, but did (AP) — Former so because pullout would harm Undersecretary of State George W. Ball, the situation other U.S. regarding the war, contrary to his present in Vietnam was commitments around the world, and discussing the Pentagon study on Vietnam deteriorating." concern over a loss of image as a hawk," said the magazine. Time said that the Johnson administration never Ball spoke on CBS-tV's "Face the prestige. did not say how it obtained the cable. "I didn't agree with the seriousness of It quoted Rusk as "deliberately deceived" the American Nation." these consequences," said Ball. "I saying he had "no public on Vietnam and moved He said the "lifeless" thought present recollection" of the cable, but to commit more U.S. reluctantly prose of the secret the losses would be short troops there. Pentagon study on Vietnam published in range." adding, "I might well have written it." "What Johnson "I think it's good to have it all out in the The said the New York Times and elsewhere Maryland Gazette, a bi-weekly Recycling entirely was had honest," said Ball, "distorted" Johnson's deep concern for open," he said. "I would hope that as a newspaper in Baltimore, also reported referring to former result of this President Lyndon B. Johnson's moral considerations in Vietnam. unhappy exercise, there Sunday that it had received copies of a position in i South Vietnamese girl*rolls an empty oil drum out of a trash the 1964 presidential campaign against a The Times and Washington Post, in a would be more candor on the Nixon administration." part of the memo written by Roger Hilsman, former ha Nang. The drum s metal will be used to manufacture itemsdump in larger U.S. involvement in Vietnam. asst. secretary of state, landmark case of the goverment's right to On Sunday, Time suggesting that the such as ". . but anyone who didn't maintain state secrets versus freedom of magazine, the news U.S. might assist in the overthrow of South plan for all . [poons and small tins. AP wirephoto contingencies would have been derelict," the press, awaited a ruling in U.S. Supreme weekly, reported that former Secretary of State Dean Rusk sent a cable to President Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem in he said. "He was 1963. very reluctant to accept a Court on government motions to halt John F. Kennedy in 1961 The Gazette said the memo was further publication on the Pentagon study. advising him supplied tIBESMEN USED The court, after a 2xh - hour hearing on against sending U.S. troops to Vietnam, recommended by Gen. Maxwell Taylor. as by Robert B. Johnson Jr., Cape St. Claire, Md., who is national coordinator for the Saturday, recessed until today and gave no "The cable, as yet unpublished, indicates indication when it would rule in the case. Citizen's Commission of Inquiry into U.S. that Rusk may have been an War Crimes in Vietnam. Commenting on the air, he said rules early dove CIA reported dealing with "aren't very logical and government as disclosures they exist today" should be revised by a bipartisan government commission. Student hits genocide ILADELPHIA (AP) - The Central Yunnan Province. The newspaper said Ball said he personally favored e Agency (CIA) has been sending the sources reported that movements, political developments and automatic declassification of all against E. Pakistanis U.S. officials in other data." aissance teams from Laos into Vientiane, Laos, discounted government material "except for some very t China to obtain information any potential Officials at CIA headquarters in McLean, threat the operations pose few categories," and he said of the to slowly Va., declined movements, political any comment on the story. ip improving relations between Washington Pentagon study disclosures: "I would think By STEVE WATERBURY The people of East Pakistan have felt The Bulletin said its sources reported Lpments and other data, according to and Peking. it presented very little danger to the United State News Staff Writer increasingly economically and politically ■lified sources" quoted in the _ L r U.S. ttUUlUHUO authorities believe UCIICVt; local security needs lUUttl MJUUIIIV ueuub States. On the whole, I would Jelphia Sunday Bulletin. thJX,.. the Bulletinr thejnte,u1!8ence team> saic^ ip native hill tribesmen and the intelligence value of such was healthy ..." imagine it The government of Pakistan is exploited by a Pakistan government that is dominated by West Pakistanis, the student Kose forays," the Bulletin said in a of the same ethnic stock prevalent in operations justify their continuation. Ball recalled that he had urged President committing genocide against the people of said. lighted story by Arnold Abrams, southern China. The newspaper said its sources Johnson privately on several occasions "to East Pakistan, an MSU student who is a The accusations of the East Pakistani Ive sending reconnaissance teams "They have been recruited equipped and maintained such intelligence missions have cut our losses and get out of Vietnam." He native of East Pakistan, said Friday. student were supported by ■ northern Laos as much as several trained by the CIA to infiltrate Chinese long been known to Chinese authorities said Johnson was "East Pakistani students on the Ralph W. finally persuaded to campus Nicholas, professor of Asian studies. ltd miles into into Southern China's and that several teams had been remain in Vietnam for three reasons — the are in a state of trauma," he said. territory and obtain information on troop captured "Many of in recent years. country's strategic location, fear that us do not know about the welfare of our a (See related story page 3) families." The East Pakistani student In December, 1970, the East Pakistanis requested that his name not be used in any news voted overwhelmingly for the Awami ebate flares story. League party and its program for granting 'bus' bill "The Pakistani army, which is greater economic and political autonomy over to East Pakistan, Nicholas said. committing genocide in such a brutal way, However, might retaliate against the government of Pakistan my family," he said. postponed the The nation of Pakistan is a geographical meeting of the National Assembly, in This Is which the Awami League controlled a | By JOANNA FIRESTONE a tool that is necessary." anomaly, with 1,000 miles of India majority of seats. State News Staff Writer separating East and West Pakistan. i Background Hayes said the provision would be used When the subcontinent of India was divided into Pakistan and India in 1947, On March 1, 1971, the Pakistan opened fire on a demonstration staged by army roposed wiretap bill now before the selectively against organized crime and the two geographical divisions of the Awami League supporters, Public Safety Committee ignited "Wiretappingis a cheap, short - cut wipe out the "cancer of organized crime." would not be implemented against the "killing and effort to find easy answers to Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney county were united because a majority of wounding scores of people." debate this week between the complicated "small - time" offender. problems. It tries to deal with the problem William L. Cahalan said there the population in each area was Moslem. is "no (Please turn to page 9) fican Civil Liberties Union and law by selling the constitution short." iment backers. question" in his mind that electronic committee has already approved the Mazey said the bill as approved by the surveillance by law enforcement agents is id sent it to the House floor for committee does not contain enough needed in Michigan. OK but decided to hold an ex protections against illegal snooping. Cahalan said such legislation will help learing on the proposal. [enacted, the bill would allow the post Carl Cohen, also at the whole texture of the lives of ACLU, said the Michigan police "cut into" such organized crime activities as gambling, narcotics violations to s residents would be damaged by the and loan sharking. )y general, his deputy or assistants wiretap "nonsense." Supporting Cahalan's claims, Lt. Dan )unty prosecuting attorneys to apply citizens State Rep. Philip Mastin, D-Hazel Myre of the Michigan State Police said the urt for a special eavesdropping Park, also heatedly expressed his bill would provide an invaluable tool in the it if they feel a wiretap would yield disapproval of the proposal. all - out attempt to reach the hierarchy of iformation concerning major crimes. "The very principle of the bill is the big - time narcotics violators. ~snt state law forbids wiretapping by TITUSVILLE, Fla. (AP) - City Police private citizens or governmental repellant to a free society," he said. "It Roy C. Hayes of Wayne County's : Chief Clarence Kirkland wants permission s. Violation of the represents a travesty and can only work to organized crime task force also supported for his men to screen job hunters who law is a felony., hat we seem to be our detriment." passage of the bill. arrive here looking for certain types of doing with this bill State and county law enforcement "Should law enforcement officials be ding a skyscraper to hide a dead rat," employment, public or private. officials, however, said the wiretap prevented from taking this cancer of Kirkland said the screening would be Mazey, head of Michigan's ACLU organized crime from society?" he asked. provision is needed by the state to help done by officers on the basis of the prospective employe's moral character. The chief said those who would be screened under the proposal would include housands abandon site persons "whose occupations seem sensitive by nature" including janitors, school bus and taxi drivers, door - to - door salesman, bar, nightclub and hotal employes and astrologers. Vice Mayor Vernon Jansen, said the f Louisiana rock festival proposal was discriminatory and "totally an invasion of privacy." "The thing would have a domino effect. The people in these service categories Saturday night that anyone who wanted to leave could do so would say 'why me and not them?" he CCREA, " La. (AP) - Tired, hot and dusty, several thousand without penalty. Earlier, they said anyone who left would not be • said. people abandoned the "Celebration of Life" rock festival allowed back in. Under the chief's . proposal anyone authorities reported Sunday a young person died of an "They are leaving in a pretty steady stream all day, said Maj. of John Thomas, supervisor of the T.ouisiana state police narcotics applying for work in certain categories in drugs. this space coast community of 35,000 ;'s very hot and division. very dusty out here and it's any wonder the Promoters could not be reached for comment. would be required to go to the police stayed as long as they did," said one Louisiana state trooper station to be "y at the site of the festival which started Wednesday and "This is the first reported drug fatality, said Capt. Russell x photographed and Hebert a narcotics division field supervisor. "But there have been fingerprinted. cheduled to last for eight days. The applicant would be e a lot of freaked-out kids. Every drug in the spectrum is available charged some drug victim was not identified. set amount for the screening process and 'o other youths drowned Saturday while here and there have been a lot of overdoses." swimming in the , j >falaya River near the festival grounds. About 50 youths have been arrested and booked on charges of (Please turn to page 9) Louisiana trooper said festival promoters announced possession or distribution of drugs, Hebert said. South more Meredith said there still was "racial livable' for blacks--Meredith He made a major attempt Saturday at were against my idea of my going to the almost $20,000 in the 17 months he was "better quality of life." He and his wife JjSON,the Miss. (AP) first black to - James H. animosity" in the South, but the his "Economic Development Day" at the University of Mississippi. My first job was landlord. have an 11 - year - old son, John Howard, enter the mammoth Jackson Coliseum, but the to condition and work oh the minds of atmosphere is "significantly better" than it Discussing his campaign for more and three - year - old twins, Joseph Howard 7 of Mississippi, says he has was a decade ago. turnout was sparse. blacks," he said. economic power for blacks, Meredith said and James Henry. his family from New York City to Meredith entered Ole Miss in 1962. The Only a handful of persons went in that while blacks have made advances on because "on a to 0 person - - person, National Guard was federalized and federal during the day and night to look at Meredith lived in New York City for six the educational and social levels, "the Meredith said in the North, whites and d»y basis, the South is a more displays on such things as cooperative economic setup is the same P'ace for blacks troops were used to control the tense years. He was convicted last year and thing it was blacks "may ride on the subway together, than any other buying and businesses, or to hear speeches ut>e situation provoked by his enrollment. sentenced to two days in jail for harassing during the slavery time. Now, we've got to but they don't relate at all. Of nation. on investing funds. course, the Before moving to Mississippi about a white tenants of an move to develop the economic area." most prejudiced whites in America are in apartment building he '' ra*ial attnosPhere in the northern week ago, Meredith said he made six trips Meredith, however, said he was "not owned who refused to agree to a rent He said blacks need to invest their the North. There's none as , Meredith said y tense. "is becoming here this year. On none of them, he said, disappointed" and would hold the same increase. Meredith was found guilty of money in industry. He also said he favors the late-coming immigrants. prejudiced as And it's going to increase, type of show next year. ftp between white and black in did he have any "occasion of failing to proviae hot water and other "cooperative distribution" which he "Blacks and whites have always lived He said Saturday that it was something defined as "groups of people getting to¬ is so embarrassment, much less an occasion of services for the six - story building. Tenants together in the South on the same streets wide, except for the one per humiliation, much less an attempt on it. like his experience in 1960 when he came claimed he tried to force them out unless gether and buying as a group and reducing and neighborhoods. You don't have P°Pu,ation that has been to Mississippi with the intent of enrolling the costs." panic ited ■ Meredith, an attorney, said he plans a they agreed to a 15 per cent rent increase. in the South about blacks ln ^'s system. There is just no at Ole Miss. moving in to the n. 'P between white and black," campaign to get blacks interested in Meredith claimed the tenants resented a He said another reason he moved back neighborhood like you do in the North," "Seventy five per cent of the blacks . sfiid in a obtaining more economic power. - black owning the building and said he lost to Mississippi was to give his children he said. weekend interview. a 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan IN FIVE-HOUR SESSION news Senate rej summary In Friday, a rare the five-hour session Michigan voted down both a proposal to July 1 with major tax and the working funds lost by relief at all Senate budget questions unresolved and property tax relief. about an election." we're only talking From the wjret of AP and UPI. prospects uncertain. The basic plan asks voters to Sen. Philip O. Plttenger. place the limiting of local school In response to public cries for levies on a referendum ballot limit local school operating R-Lansing, said the double property tax relief, Gov. levies to 10 mills. In addition, defeat left the state's financial and a companion plan to boost Milliken suggested the plan each district would be permitted situation "right back where we the state income tax by one per which failed Friday. The to seek up to six mills from the started." cent Aug. 1. governor favored cutting voters If the proposed The double defeat leaves the property taxes but hiking the constitutional amendment is state facing a new fiscal year state income tax to make Republicans are working to up for adopted. "The gap between white and bring the property tax before Opponents contend the the voters apart from other black in the cities is so wide, proposed amendment only issues. The Democrats, however, except for the one per cent of delays the tax action until after want the property tax matter black population that has been integrated in this system. There is Jury continues November balloting or later. The tax roll call followed primarily party lines, with linked to in Michigan. a graduated income tax just no relationship between white Democrats generally opposed While the property tax relief and black." James H. Meredith on 12 Panthers and Republicans in favor of the amendment. possibility currently involves an undetermined future date, the "I don't think we should scheduled 38 per cent income tax hike, DETROIT (UPI)- A jury of (See story p. 1) 10 blacks and two whites met in resumption deliberations at 1 p.m. Sunday. of delude ourselves," Sen. Patrick from 2.6 to 3.6 per cent, would Where is it? H. McCoUough, D-Dearborn, add $250 million to the state unusual Sunday session to Fifteen Black Panthers were said. This student appears to be resume deliberations on the fate arrested after the shooting, but treasury to help balance the straining to hit the ball "We aren't really talking spends a weekend afternoon on the of 12 Black Panthers accused of 1971-72 budget. tennis courts charges against three were about immediate property tax the stadium. next to slaying a Detroit policeman last dismissed. October. An unusual State News photo aspect of the case by Don Two attacked in Belfast The jury Gerstn, deliberated more thap eight hours Saturday was that the immediately after the defense rested RED CROSS REPORTS Terrorist gunmen wounded one man without reaching a verdict, and prosecution completed its case seriously and shot at an army sentry outside a police station in visiting Recorder's Criminal and did not put a single witness Court Judge John Murphy on the stand. One-day blood drive Belfast, Northern Ireland in hit - and - run attacks early Sunday. Police said Thomas Weir told them he was hitch - set hiking on the outskirts of Belfast when a car stopped and a man inside shot him with a shotgun. His condition BoaAojul Box A Red Cross blood drive to be held on campus Wednesday will corresponding growth in donor population. was described as serious. provide 18 - to 20 year-old students with their first opportunity The drive is being held in preparation for the The soldier on guard at a police station in to donate blood without parental consent. long fourth of July weekend when additional units of blood are Pomeroy, a The one day drive will be held between 10 a.m. and 4 increased traffic casualties. required b village near Belfast, was fired at from p.m. in a speeding car. 322 and 326 North Ked/.ie Hall. Supplies have been lower than Two shots missed him. normal, Mrs. Fishbeck JpjyriAL 549 E. Grand River House bill 4446 signed into law May 13 changed the age of explained, because recent and current strikes have caused the majority for blood donating to 18, thereby eliminating the need cancellation of numerous industrial blood (across from Berkev) drives, and she hones for a parental permission slip which had students and faculty will whole heartedly previously been limiting Hotel strike set 332-4080 — - clip coupon — ■ ( the number of student donors, said Doris Fishbeck, director of drive. support the single dav ' the Lansing Region Red Cross Blood bank. She The drive is being sponsored by expects campus Alpha Phi Omega service Unions representing Italy's 220.000 hotel workers donations to increase significantly due to the change, and fraternity and Lansing Explorer Post No. 268. called another three - day nationwide strike Sunday after hotel operators rejected a government - negotiated wage and hour compromise offer. Donat The unions said the hotel owners' "intransigent attitude" toward the proposal by Labor Minister Carlo - Cattin compromised any hopes of reaching a settlement through government mediation. High School Boy Reads 49 Pages of The new strike would leave hotels without service, bellboys, porters or restaurant and bar services for three days starting Thursday. The unions invited room "The Agony and the Ecstasy" while whi local hotel worker associations to consider the strike for two more days provincially. prolonging Art Linkletter does a 60 sec. commercial Enemy attack repulsed it seems incredible, the but here is a Two companies of South Vietnamese marines lei your e>es do any regressions which slow repulsed a strong enemy attack in the embattled sector (one of the 'Ww times Linkletter was ever // you would like to see how Bob Darling below the demilitarized zone where North Vietnamese down the average reader, reduced to stuttering). Because you got the (and more than 450,000 others so far) learned l inkletter: And you're forces threaten a string of allied firebases, gulping in whole lines. name. That's a very odd and a long, hard military Darling: You're sort of gulping down the to read dynamically, come to a free Mini- spokesmen said in Saigon Sunday. name, Ghirlandaio's about a 6-syllable word Lesson this week. It only lasts one hour, but thought! here. You—you, in other words, Saigon command spokesman Lt. Col. Le Trung Hien I.inkletter: Well reading this a Mini-Lesson will clearly tell you whether claimed 79 enemy were killed in the fighting now, what did you read fast, what worries me is not that you Saturday just The Evelyn Wood Course is good for you. about here? I haven't read this myself. nine miles south of the DMZ near Firebase get the facts, but do you get the flavor of It's an opportunity for you to try your hand Sarge. The Linkletter: Today you're gonna meet a young what the man's writing? The marines, who were supported by U.S. artillery, coloring, the at it before making any commitment You man over here, a 17 year old boy who can shading of an author? will learn "Step One", the way it is taught in helicopter gunships and jet fighter- bombers, suffered read this book "The Agony and the Ecstasy" the beginning of the course. You will actually three dead and 22 wounded. in one-half hour. If you think that's fantastic, experience the sensation of reading rapidly- listen to this. When Bob Darling goes to the of having your eyes pick up words in clusters. Steel talks continue library, he checks out books by the shelf, 50 In 15 minuter, over 80% of our Mini-Lesson at a time. Would you start reading the book audiences increase their reading speed. Just a I.W. Abel, president of the United Steelworkers of while I chat here for a moment. You've never little—but enough to know what it's like. At Darling: This is a story of Michelangelo and America, said Sunday in Washington his union will "be read or seen this book before. the Mini-Lesson, you will find out how the his development as an artist. It starts in 1474 negotiating right up to the very end to avoid a steel Darling: No, sir. in Florence and Darling: That's one of the most mportant Evelyn Wood technique handles difficult text Michelangelo is 13. He's in strike." material and technical writing. How it im¬ the studio of his teacher whose name is things. When we read this fast, istcad of The union and nine steel proves memory and concentration. And, fin¬ companies currently are Ghirlandaio. And he's just beginning to be¬ seeing the words and thoughts ii i little jig- involved in negotiations in which, Abel said, "we are come aware of the world around him. saw pieces, as you read ally, you'll receive in writing the famous slowly, we see the making good progress." The final bargaining session is to Linkletter: whole thing, in its relationship to Evelyn Wood performance contract, now ac¬ (Thumbing through the early everything open the first week in July on an agreement to replace cepted by colleges and universities all over pages) Just a minute, you're getting ahead the one expiring Aug. 1. Linkletter: I ike the world: "Anyone who does not at least of me. (audience breaks up). All right, go a whole painting? Abel said neither his union ahead. Darling: Like whole painting, that'* right. triple his reading ability will have 100% of nor the companies could a Darling: Well the basic precept of Ghir- And then in that way you're conscious of the his tuition refunded." afford a strike. Linkletter: Alright, you can just start turn¬ landaio's teaching is that nature . . style and the theme of the book, the charac¬ ing it . over and reading it. Now just w;re vi»>! d by supressing the center of the page Now, what do you do? this and learn to read and information, the magazine said. enjoy the mar¬ Are you reading to the left and right of the I inkletter: That's enough. I've lost you again velous books that are waiting for you in our Evelyn Wood 35-35 '' > 19 On the issue of government efforts to stop the finger? (loud laughter). Actually, you uh, you, you great libraries. Thank Reading Dynamic publication, 48 per cent approved and 19 per cent had you very much, Bob. Darling: Well, the finger is a pacer. It doesn't ah do know what you're reading about here (The End) 8 Mil# Rd., SoutMi»W, Mi no opinion. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, June 28, 1971 3 |ontana lowers General works rinkingageto 19 combat IiENA, 5 Mont- of young adults ~ can lowered problems ace will some to BINH THUY, Vietnam (AP) Vietnam went into effect drug -r sjssr*- together." — a — Two rock bands blared from r week ago. "Good," said Cushman. ! kzxssr the floodlit stage as GIs in full uniforms, parts of uniforms, bleached T-shirts, cutoff jeans, The GIs had voiced complaints, their reasons for their "Good there's for a man you. Goddamn it, who admits he Montana Legislature set parksomewheredrinkinu " trying drugs in the first place: doesn't have all the answers, h as the date 19 - and 20 - Elbow room at Montana k striped bellbottoms and tennis boredom, homesickness, Hell, none of us have all the f olds can drink legally, has seldom been at a premium shoes sat on straw mats in the harassment by "lifers" — career answers. Anybody who doesn't Ld they have a wallet - on a statewide basis. The Ss evening darkness and listened to noncommissioned officers and have some doubts, there's the music and the message. I identification card from population of some 700 000 "All you brothers," said one officers — lack of leadership and something wrong with him." ■Montana L.quor Control indicates a ration of about one black performer, "you blue-eyed guidance and communication "I walked in here the other breakdowns with their superiors, night. It was dark, and this guy f ina. federal land abounds in there 7? some n°ndrinking adults brothers, too. We've got to get together, help each other. We've "If a guy admitted he was addict and went on the amnesty was sitting outside on the stairs. said, 'General, I'm jstencies in application of got to get off this stuff, this program," one soldier told coming down, and (four of w law on federal preserves Bartenders and skag, this smack, this speed, this Cushman, "and he came back to my friends. Five of i law straight concessionaires serve enforcement officials agree the grass. It's bad for your body and his unit clean, down, off dope, friends are helping . We're L through federally licensed chief problem they will face it's bad for your mind." he'd get harassed more than ever doing it by ourselves.' Inside a half-finished coffee I with the lowered drinking age house in a nearby trailer, Maj. by the lifers, he's get the lousy "Well, there it is. This is the llowstone National Park - comes from the identification Gen. John H. Cushman slouched 1 lies partly in Montana but card. The cards are available for on a straight-backed wooden right back onto dope." y in Wyoming - will 50 cents at the local county chair, surrounded by maybe 100 Cushman is working on these save those five guys, or 25 or 50, e to 21 as the age of legal clerk and recorder office, GIs. keep them from wrecking their ng. Applicants must furnish a small problems of dealing with drug lives with skag, then it'll be _ The 50-year-old commander addicts. National Park Glacier Montana's notheri photograph to go on the cards. owners are generally Adrift of the 18,000 U.S. troops in the Mekong Delta had come to rap "Sir," (cs will observe 19 as the happy about the new market but This couple, apparently tired of rowing, drift lazily down the Red Cedar River Their with his men, something he has group, "I'm an E7—sergeant first class. I used to think all these age. Glacier Chief Ranger concerned about reflections make it look like a couple couples. done almost nightly since a ii Hart says he thinks the identification problem. guys were freaks. But that was State News photo by Norm delta-wide drug crackdown — Payea ignorance. We're learning, the most extensive yet for GIs in too—we all have to learn—that these are social and medical indus hit by predawn attack problems. together, we We're all in this all have to learn Cigaiettes Kodak Coloi Film VSffmS MR'MiS SES-,SIZ1 into the smashed into the automatic rifles and umbrellas to n few old women and jute fields or across the 126, 127. 620 |u section of this water- village before dawn stay dry in the monsoon rain, An inspection showed they children mourned the dead or creeks, The body of a whitehaired three visible bodies, another five Siddlky" Bengali chief justice 3/95' iy, shooting men, left behind them three dead men taken^evervfhinff8' taken everything. ' < They have an "»an mat was in was strpfrhuH the stretched acrncc f ho <-»• civ across the or six were killed in ground floor store of five-hour attack. i_ the i - - - - - who defied orders early in March - 89' Joking homes and burning and a desolated village still The rest of the village, which a two-story and refused to swear in 7 ~ limit 1 burning so fiercely the heat local Moslem residents said once corrugated iron m^ Khan m thenew limit 1 shack. A bullet had The attack occurred hour's (Coupon) (Coupon) Irenty minutes after 24 gone an govemor of the province Expires after 7-3-71 Expires after 7-3-71 Pakistani soldiers and drive northwest of Dacca, where East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only dozen men in the four British parliamentarians, He conducted the swearing-in I i of the Frontier Corps the Northwest more than | miles west of here, left the Letter appeals investigating the situation in East Pakistan, slept on the final day of their visit. It also came at after the army crushed Sheik Mujibur Rahman and banned the Awami League on March 25. He 2.25 10% Olf The the commander, who the same time ships, American ammunition carrying and has been removed as head of the Pakistan Red Cross and villagers Flashcutes Discount Piice en Jtified himself as Major « had been newsman on a "routine the to aid Pakistani spares were for the Pakistan army heading toward Karachi in said he has been deposed as chief justice. 99c all Film Developing ' major, who said: "I By STEVE WATERBURY limit 1 No limit i not have told you my State News Staff Writer Bengal, which is already one of the most The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State (Coupon) (Coupon) extremely overpopulated areas of the world and Expires after 7-3-71 University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter East Lansing Store Only Expires after 7-3-71 East Lansing Store Only cannot provide food for its and Spring school terms, Mondays, own people," it Wednesdays and Fridays idustries Food, medicine, shelter and clothing have recently fled to India, are needed for several million East Pakistanis who badly according to a fund reads. In order to help fight the and malnutrition that threaten the cholera, pneumonia during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, 1.15 1.19 appeal letter being distributed by MSU faculty refugees, it is Ciest Right Guaid ;ek OK and students and East Lansing clergymen. requested that donations be Rural Overseas sent to Christian Program (CROP) the community Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press East Pakistan, which has not yet recovered from a cyclone and flood which devastated the hunger relief appeal of the Church World Service. Association. Toothpaste Diy Deodciant pollute The address of CROP is Box 216, Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial Lansing, country last fall, is now in a state of political disruption as the Pakistani government attempts 48901. and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Michigan 6.75 oz. 59° 5 °z 69c to quell an East Pakistani independence A second limit 1 fcW YORK (AP) - organization engaged in channeling limit 1 movement. resources into the (Coupon) (coupon) ■tries from coast to coast, refugee areas is the Bangladesh Phones: Expires after 7-3-71 Expires after 7-3-71 The appeal letter states that many of the 75 Emergency Welfare Appeal - Lansing Area. News East Lansing Store Only I giant conglomerates to million people of East Pakistan are in flight from Contributions to the Bangladesh appeal should Classified Ads 355-8252 East Lansing Store Only 11-town shoestring 355-8255 their homes. be sent in care of East tions, hurrying to Lansing State Bank, Advertising 353-6400 29c it are applications to the "At this time, about five million persons have account number 40586-0, 100 W. Grand River Business Office 355-3447 20( Oil The 1 government to allow fled to India, mostly into the state of West Ave., East Lansing, 48823. Discount Piice on Nylon to keep discharging into the nation's Fool Sox |ways. all Com Silk deadline is le ■President Thursday, set Nixon in an Cosmetics 19' Jtive ■it order establishing the limit 1 limit 3 program to help control (Coupon) ltion of the water supply, ExpireVafter" 7-3-71 Expires after 7-3-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ■der the program, businesses I file specifications of the 1.39 1.75 land quantity of pollutant | dump into natural waters he government then will see Burlinglon Ballet Peitect Fit P discharge conforms with |lished standards and issue \ 7 white is right! Panty Hose Panly Hose ts to allow the discharge to v V it's Levi's Sta-Prest 99' 89' |en pd tape is at the application stage, bell jeans of no-iron limit 3 limit 3 formidable and a (Coupon) (Coupon) linthine system of approval salad Expires after 7-3-71 Expires after 7-3-71 ■nforcement lies ahead. wrinkle-shedding hopsack East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only J •tries estimated are 40,000 1.00 1.75 rushing a complex of 50% polyester and Fy of forms to completion Tiylon Concenliate Sea & Ski fct the July 1 deadline. Je President's order, relating |e Refuse Act of 1899; says ina 50% cotton. It looks great, fits Shampoo Suntan Lotion of Oil ■ndustry that uses water to perfect. tube ^ifacturc>it a product and later y must obtain J as one Army Corps of into a navigable a permit. sandwich 28 to 36 waist sizes. $10. 24' limit 1 (coupon) 4°, 99< limit 1 (coupon) Expires after 7-3-71 Expires after 7-3-71 Jeers' lable official defines it, a East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only waterway is "any body per that will float a log." 1.08 1.79 Jce the order was issued last I the corporate rush has J °n to sample, Q-Tips Toni Sun-In analyze and water. what's being dumped into 170's Haii lightenei ^add fnment issued to the confusion, the one set of 59' ! 119 ■'cations in April, then limit 1 limit 1 It Pea. tllern h a^ter industry The final forms were (Coupon) Expires after 7-3-71 (Coupon) Expires after 7-3-71 ■sued until the end of You'll fnd lettuce, tomatoes and special East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only May. |mPanies competed with seasonings nestled among the meats and 1.75 | other for qualified cheese in every Hobie's submarine. Your 2 Bars |'ca' chemists to compile choice of a wide variety of sandwiches. Coppertone Suntan y must identify ■nr ■™lcal content, water lotion or Oil Dove Complexion Soap IPerature, toxins, sewage, ■ "t and frequency of S1C9 ■,|^e and the type of 4 oz. | 26' limit 1 limit 1 P'50 RENT AT.V. month 25.00 ft Hobie's Jacobson's (Coupon) Expires after 7-3-71 East Lansing Store Only (Coupon) Expires after 7-3-71 East Lansing Store Only We deliver... I'VERSITY T.V. RENTALS Dine in or carry 930 Trowbridge out. Road Shop for young men State Discount 307 E. Grand River 351-7900 Next to the Card Shop M IC H IG AN LOUIE BENDER STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY JOHN JUEL Secret documents leaked to SfJ editor-in-chief KEN LYNAM advertising manager EAST LANSING, June 28, 1976 - A care what anybody else thinks, I don't care Memo from 1971 report, classified "top secret — what week this is. I didn't proclaim it Provost John A' JOHN BORGER, embarrassing," and ordered by National Secretaries Week, so, by God, it is Wharton, undated: c»itlon J managing editor Memo from Wharton to Vice President for BOB ROACH, news editor then-Provost John E. Cantlon, has fallen not National Secretaries Week. Forget it. In answer to BARNEY into the hands of the State News. University Relations Robert Perrin, April Take yourself to lunch at the Big Boy. vour , WHITE, editorial editor Two years in preparation 4. 1970: 2. Send Warren Huff in on the double. morning, I must admit in of H RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor by a staff of I've been unable 104 middle-level University administrators, These damn Florsheims don't hold a shine to formY^0'*! the report is 1,100 words in length, or a Bob: A worth beans. notion of who in of what his hell Claron >! fo®J Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award little over four pages, double spaced. two Big Mac, a fish (hold the tartar sauce), orders of fries, a vanilla and a coffee, Memo from Wharton to the entire staff of might be. function " min MunH| our openj for Appended are six pages of documents outstanding journalism. extra cream. Make it snappy. the Office of the President, December 3, Breslin (who usually know* outlining Michigan State's ever-increasing w involvement in Lansing College during three administrations. Community Memo from Wharton to Executive Vice President and Secretary to the Board of 1970: things) says he thinks the been the elevator boy guvt°H in the NOW HEAR THIS: some w , a Today, in the first of a five-part series, Trustees Jack Breslin, July 9, 1971: The first one of you loads opens his years ago, but he because the last time can't 1.1 EDITORIALS the State News courageously reprints what it feels are some of the more Jack: mouth today when Mrs. Wharton brings in same fellow was he the steam wasovmh^l erthe&tJ "s pSwTh" "'(''H , significant 1. 1 don't care what you think, I don't this week's batch of art loses his potty I say the dud privileges for two weeks. him stick around, if 'Public service Nobody is to ask which way is up. Nobody is to ask how come the chimneys always make him an adiunrt assistant to the provost. a„yM' , or « don't have smoke curling out of them. Letter from John A. Nobody is to mention he saw the same June 23, 1971. Hannah t,,0 Whan, " shades of t thing at K-Mart for $2.99 Nobody is to draw mustaches on the pictures with his Crayola. This means you, Ballard. Wharton: My sources inform me you have had J A garrison army is generally an County residents on hygiene and "Two years in preparation archetype of waste and inefficiency. clearing out mosquito - infested by a staff of 104 ditches. One of Hoke County's two middle-level University The often extensive experience and administrators the physicians concedes that the Special report is 1,100 words in length. • training of the GIs is uselessly <)r a little otKr Forces "are serving a tremendous four pages, double spaced. expended on drill and makework assignments. Thus, in exchange for local need. A lot of people are being "Appended are six pages of documents astronomical costs, the taxpayer gets seen who wouldn't otherwise be outlining MSU's ever-increasing involvement in Lansing little more than the assurance that seen." Community College during three the military is there "just in case." Still, there are problems. While administrations." Now, an experimental project in qualified to perform a number of North Carolina is attempting to minor but time-consuming medical Cablegram from the Shah of Iran to John A. Hannah Administration Bi correct this situation. Members of Wharton, June 17, 1971: Esteemed Drop Box removed. operations, including amputations, President of Great Midwestern You like that big new the fabled Green Berets are the Green Berets are limited to the Greetings: University, You like that big old house? office, butj converging on two Carolina counties role of nurses and aides, lest the You got about a week to with all the gusto that they get that Dh, formally army incur the wrath of the Box back out there or exercised in smashing Viet Cong prerogative jealous American Medical Three gross of M-14s and two million pitchforking cowflops you'll find out south of iol youj rounds of ammo should do it this week. positions. There is a difference: the Assn. Road somewheres. Additionally, Green Beret And snap it up, baby, or I'm going to start enemy in North Carolina is poverty commanders are sternly set against thinking John Hannah liked that shabby Told of the and disease. turning their troops into full-fledged bunch of gooks better than impending publication 1 you like us. the foregoing documents, MSI' The logic of the program is community service helpers. I mean, how in Allah'4 name are we Florence King yesterday Presidnf infallible. In Vietnam the Special supposed to keep this country "free" (yuk. disavowed i These attitudes may soon change. knowledge of the study Forces combated sores, parasites, yuk) without your cooperation, right? documentation. or its append] It is questionable how much longer J rats and other miseries as part of the "The only thing I found in the secret9 the AMA can prevent the Memo from Robert Perrin, Vice President room was a shoebox, government's pacification program. empty but for J implementation of a para-medical for University Relations, to Roger Why not. reasons Lt. Gen. John J. program, when they themselves are Wilkinson, Vice President for Business and scrap of crumpled yellow legal "It bore information which is rf padpipj Tolson III, have them attack these unable to provide the degree of Finance, Aug. 17, 1970: classified, but I am willing, in the inten same human woes as part of their health care necessary in this nation. of maintaining my good relations wi Rog: you folks from the fourth estate, to leak| regular training in the United Certainly no amount of If everybody anted a nickel, and then to States? Cantlon opened for a quarter, and Muelder you." community service will ever justify The initial results of this Project the maintenance of a purzxvp YOUR 750-TON BOMBS saw him and raised him a dime, and then We braced ourselves for a j military revelation, and we got one: Nation - Building have been establishment of present size and ONLY ON THE DEN'/ Cantlon folded, l\ow much is it going to cost me to stay in? "It said. 'Wharton's middle t overwhelmingly impressive. North structure. Nevertheless, though some Reginald.'" Carolina's Hoke County has two sort of military will be necessary doctors serving a population of even after the end of the Vietnam AP NEWS SPECIAL 16,436 - compared to a national conflict, it must be a "relevant" one. average of one physician for every Simply, the army will have to make 650 people. Green Beret medics are some tangible return to the nation assisting the local health officials in tasks ranging from blood tests and paperwork to educating Hoke which supports it. In this regard Project Nation - Building is a hopeful sign on the horizon. East Pakistan: a nation in ruins experts who say they expect a shortage of his Awami League. Mujibur is now in jail in mossy or black with the fungus of yeaiii nearly one million tons of rice and warn a West Pakistan. "There is fear and mistrust here," saiV Embargo hyp delay in the monsoon rains could worsen The army has restored order,interrupted United Nations official, trying to get fi^ the harvest. East Pakistan already is seeking by sporadic bomb EDITOR'S NOTE: An Associated throwing, but East on which to base a relief program. two million tons of food grain from Pakistan is not what it used to be. Press correspondent was among the first To root out bomb throwers, ff abroad. Dacca, its capital, symbolizes the Pakistan police, who cannot speak Bend Watch what we say, not what we foreign newsmen allowed to enter East Although the ports are expected to have changes throughout the province. shipments run contrary to the ban. search the autos of residents who spr1 do, has long been a maxim of United Pakistan this week without an official facilities to handle food grain cargoes, "We have passed the point of no the Defense Dept.'s implication that inland transportation has been disrupted, only that language. Guards at the State's foreign policy. Thus, it comes escort. It was the first time Pakistan's return," says a Bengali businessman. a "Deal is a deal" is equally making food distribution difficult. "There is no turning back to normality." office search patrons for matches a as no shock that a Pakistani ship military government has permitted lighters to avert arson. deficient. Clearly, any American The main railroad runs for 75 miles "This is a city of phantoms and we all are laden with U.S. arms recently sailed reporters to work freely in East Pakistan arms shipped since an insurrection broke out in along the Indian border where dissidents shadows," says another Bengali, a writer. In Chittagong, the port to the so from New York for Karachi to Pakistan will be a March. can easily sabotage it. Economists estimate The city, once the home of almost a passengers about to board a Pakisw direct violation of the State Dept.'s utilized to further the decimation of International Airlines flight to the rebel East Pakistani population. the railroad is operating at 15 per cent of million persons, has been abandoned by Dacca®J March 25 embargo. its former capacity. The railroads handled thousands of refugees fleeing to the give up razors and blades to sr Such death-dealing surely negates 60 per cent of the province's freight before countryside and India. guards. Foggy Bottom officials are at a DACCA, East Pakistan (AP) - The 75 the turmoil. For lack of people in the Bengali friends warn newcomers J loss to explain the affair. Defense any prior commitments on the part million poverty -ridden Bengalis of East streets, the of this nation. Just three months ago President Agha sidewalks were uncluttered. For lack of tapped telephones. A World Bank on* Dept. sources, somewhat Pakistan, their province's economy Mohammed who called on local businessman, <| more smashed by civil Yahya Kahn ordered automobiles on the roads, the traffic jams war, are threatened by commandos into followed into the office minutes after® straight-forward indicate that the , famine in two months. Pakistan's eastern have disappeared. arms shipment does not violate the Undoubtedly, the State Dept. has That is the view here of agricultural province to crush Bengali secessionist The military has patched shell holes, and departure by West Pakistani intelliPT ban since they were purchased contrived to continue to supply the forces led by Sheik Mujibur Rahman and slapped coats of paint agents, who demanded to know w1"' prior on buildings grown Pakistani war machine, lest Lahore businessman told the visitor. to the March deadline. More likely, Politicians are afriad to come «nj the adminsitration is again trying to turn to the then Soviet camp for aid. But OUR READERS' MIND hiding to start the political reconciM* Pakistan has never been a has said he wane. I get the best of both worlds by that President Yahya staunch friend of this nation. Let the milking public sentiment over the • Begum Akhar Sulaiman, daughter 'J Pakistani civil war while continuing Russians supply the death if they late Prime Minister H.S. SuhrawarJJ to play toady to Pakistani President Yahya Khan. must world and suffer the community maintain the United scorn we of the should States as the The right to continued existence founded the Awami Leagw. attract 22 of 167 National members and 12 of Ag| 1 Ignoring the fact that even Assembly members willing to deno <| peaceful nation it is supposed to be. league. To the Editor: one time fetuses, and all fetuses that should not be allowed. The economy is far from recovery f«| Your editorial on the subject of abortion continue to live become people, we are the political and military turmoil. It ceases to be an emotional issue when Of primary prompted the following observations. Proabortionists make so much pregnant woman's "right to her body," as they put it (with respect to the fetus she is over a talking merely about two different phases of one continuous life cycle. So, as you decide at what point in this woman's life cycle her right to continued the fetus and the woman are be one and the same by time. recognized to person, separated only According to government exports from the East arc cent. World Bank experts estimated tw J per cent of the workers are back m T dow' "6 E.B. Mullings Well, political campaigns always Yankee ingenuity is not to be carrying) that it seems safe to assume that existence began, you also will have decided jobs turning out 10 per cen were big business. So it should not they are also at least equally concerned the point in time beyond which abortions Lansing alumnus brushed lightly aside, however. A May 18,1971 about her basic right to life itself; her right really come as a shock to anyone move is now underway in the New to continued existence. Her continued IJ/AUIliibl that last Tuesday Florida Governor Hampshire Legislature to move that existence is a matter of public concern, and Reubin Askew signed into law a bill state's primary up a week and, is under the protection of the law. thus, Surely that would move that state's their we can all agree that this is as it should be. preserve No. 1 spot presidential primary up to March 14 But then the key question reveals itself chronologically. when we look backward down the line of the same day as New Hampshire's this woman's life and ask: when did her first - in - the - nation contest. The most basic right, the "right to continued unabashed intent of the Florida bill Where will this existence," begin? electorial was to "bring Florida into the Did it begin some 20 or 25 years ago on oneupmanship all end? Probably national political spotlight" and, by when the day she was born? But then, how about some the way, siphon those first enterprising legislator the day before she was born — did she have campaign wakes up one morning with the this right then? And, how about a month dollars into the state coffers. realization that you cannot get much or two before she was born . . . four earlier than the months before six months before New day after the ... . . . Hamp shiremen, needless to Presidential election. It makes and so forth? sense say, are enraged. After all, who in a wierd sort of way You see, we are not talking about two would want to campaign in the candidates different things; a woman's rights on the grim could save considerably on expenses one hand, and a fetus' rights on the other. snows of New England when they by running for election and the next We are talking about the rights afforded to can do the same thing - and for more primary nomination at the same all human beings in the various stages of electoral votes in sunny Florida? - time. their existence. Since all people were at Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, June 28, 1971 5 1 Functional Thii coed uses an art art piece behind the Kresge Art Center as her study lounge while Funds expected for Fee By JIM SHELDON State News Staff Writer University Thursday chances officials "look pretty- good" that the state legislature will approve funds in the said said a joint House and Senate committee on capital outlay has approved the project. He added University officials are now waiting approval from the House and Senate floors. osteopathy, anatomy. pathology Phase two of construction will include seminar rooms offices for the College of and and Giltner Hall will expand its basic science facilities and will house the departments of surgery and of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive biology. The Offices and classrooms will occupy one wing of the building, with the other part used for lab space. The school of nursing and the getting coming Osteopathic Medicine, the office of the dean of veterinary some sun. weeks for the conversion of Approval is expected to come University Health Center will part in about six weeks, Born said. College of Human Medicine, the maintain some clinical medicine will also be housed in of Fee Hall into Medical Business Office and State News photo teaching Life Sciences I. by Work on the $415,000 project departments. laboratories, offices and seminar Health Science Education Work on Life Sciences I is A University teaching hospital Norm Payea rooms for the began Thursday, and the initial Research and new College of Development. Two expected to be completed by and Life Sciences II are both in Osteopathic Medicine. phase of conversion is expected osteopathic clinical departments to be completed by September. will also be set up. Sept. 1, and health science staff the planning stages, and no state Michael Born, special assistant Construction contracts were members and facilities will move funds have yet been allocated These offices will be housed to the executive vice president, into the building in August. for construction. approved by the board of in Fee's east wing, and work is |AST LANSING SCHOOLS trustees on June 18. Born said the University gave Fee conversion top priority on expected to be finished by Jan. 1,1972. In the third phase, to be TRANSCENDENTAL its July budget request to the MEDITATION Milloge carried out in 1972, plans legislature because this was the include facilities for animals jhe Kast Lansing Board of system's history. high taxes, residents request only way to move the osteopathic school from Pontiac. He added state laws say that this school must be located on the used in teaching and research, housing for the Dept. of Psychiatry, expansion of osteopathic clinical departments, a.y taught by ■cation is expected to decide The second election told board the board was unresponsive to Mahcirishi will be members at the main, or existing, campus of and additional offices for ■ the amount of its second held Aug. 3. Because of the meeting the wishes of the East taxpayers, and MSU. Mahexh age request at a meeting at Lansing primary the same Thursday. No. 2, a pure matter of finances. The pharmacology, physiology and day, conversion is an ) tonight at the board of the board will use the Taxes are high and microbiology. Yogi city About 150 persons attended they are alteration project included in a Students will continue to live Bcation office, 509 Burcham precincts. the getting higher. Some place we've separate part of the budget, he meeting at MacDonald got to draw the line." in Fee's west wing, with more "I expect will we have a Middle School. continued, and no funds will be than half of them living in last . Lansing voters turned closed meeting to come up with Thomas Emerson, president School Board Superintendent rechanneled to Fee from other A 25.95 mill request for apartments. They will not be n a figure," Richard Chapin, board of the Donley School Parent • Malcolm Datz said projects planned for new affected Irating funds June 14. The no member said. that salary by conversion of the Teacher Organization, said that hikes were negotiated before the buildings. dining area. Transcendentol meditation is as the second for The June 14 MSU a natural spontaneous tech¬ millage proposal the no vote reflected "No. 1, a election and that all nontenured will start its first, Selection of Fee for Irating funds in the school was turned down because of freshman nique which allows each individual to expand his mind and protest vote because people felt teachers were told that they osteopathic class on conversion was made to save may campus this fall, and the existing improve his life. not be rehired in the fall. time and money involved in class now at the Pontiac college "A return to the old will finish there. By fall of 1972, millage all constructing a new Also, the Fee medical facilities building. Introductory Lecture osteopathic medicine of 'OLICE BRIEF means that positions will not be filled," Katz said. "There is no students Lansing. will train in East will be close to Life Sciences I and other health sciences Wednesday, June 30 way to make a sizable cut in the departments. In the first phase of 4 and 8 p.m. budget without such an effect." Space in the Natural Sciences 104B Wells construction, Fee's dining and Building used for health now For information call 351-7168 kitchen area will be converted sciences will IN MSU STUDENT walking revert to the from parking Lot F and from into teaching laboratories for la sidewalk on Abbot Road the lower level of Building, a $55 size six, 1971 College of Natural Science. Ramp I, police men's MSU class ring, from 326 | the Union told MSU police said. Owen Hall; and $168.75 in cash jfas approached and assaulted Owners told officers their from one student and three ■three men who officers said vehicles had been locked at the secretaries in campus buildings 1) to force him to buy drugs, time of the thefts. and a residence hall. jhe student said he refused, I Police said the cash was stolen the men assaulted him. No OTHER THEFTS and from three unlocked and Idus injuries were reported. burglaries reported between Ice said they searched the unoccupied offices, and the door Thursday and Saturday to police was reportedly locked in the \ but did not find the men. included a $550 electric East Wilson Hall incident. Police J further information was typewriter, from an unlocked are investigating leads and lilable Sunday on the office in the Agriculture Tdent. suspects in two of the incidents. * * * IwO HASLETT BOYS, both 1 were apprehended Friday Lning on Shaw Lane near pes Hall by patrol officers J saw both the youths on a ■cle and approached them for ■tioning. lolice said the youths, riding i the bicycle, jumped ran after officers Jroached. The boys were SPONSORED ■ht in the immediate area, T officers discovered from Jstration numbers that the ■cle did not belong to the GRADUATE STUDENT lolice said the boys were Irned to their parents, and LIFE 1 case may be referred this Ik to Probate Court. * * * INSURANCE PLAN flVE BICYCLES WITH A BECAUSE OF THE SAVINGS THRU MASS " 1 estimated value of $225 b reported stolen to police, MERCHANDISING YOU CAN HAVE LIFE bikes were parked in INSURANCE FOR PENNIES PER DAY. THESE is areas. Police said four of SAME DISCOUNTED RATES APPLY AFTER YOU I bicycles were locked at the LEAVE MICHIGAN STATE. | of the theft. THE FINAL MAILING FOR THE SPRING §964 OLDSMOBILE station i valued at $550 and a ENROLLMENT IS IN YOUR MAIL. DON'T 5 Corvette valued at $1,500 OVERLOOK THIS VALUABLE OPPORTUNITY. i reported stolen sometime FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - WRITE: freen Thursday and Friday ASSOCIATION PLANS 1101 E. BELMONT AVE. T.V. RENTALS SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46615 $9.50 montl NAME STREET |NEJACTV RENTALS CITY 337-1300 IF IT'S TIME TO BUY A NEW OR USED cForS2.95, well giveyOu the fi lots of atmosphere •.. visit your MSU Employees Credit fit fora king. Union loan counselor before visiting a It's our Plank Prime Rib Dinner—you've dealer. Armed with dealer cost and trade-in information, along with a never had it so good. The finest cut of credit union loan commitment, prime rib served on a hot oak plank- you stand to save several hundred surrounded by potatoes, peas and carrots. dollars. *Planked Prime Rib Includes a salad with your choice of Dinner served Sunday thru And remember, your credit union dressing, our famous black bread, a dish Thursday is the of butter and a pot of coffee. only place that offers you Plenty of Free Parking the same low rate on a new Now what's your excuse for not eating 1020 Trowbridge Road or used car loan. East Lansing, Michigan out more often? 517/351-0300 MSU EMPLOYEES . EST? IunionV 1019 Trowbridge Rd. Phone 353-2280 Open 9:30 - 5:30 Monday thru Friday () Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mondai SPORTS High court expected Ali Qb's rally West WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Supreme Court is expected to rule Monday on former heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali's in Coaches' appeal of a five-year prison sentence for refusing to enter the military service four years ago. LUBBOCK, TEX. (UPI) - wir The case is one of 10 remaining before the court, which is Hixsotl Stenmwi ■ East Coach Charley McClendon, Plunkett as the W * scheduled to begin its summer recess after it hands down final having won one and lost one in •t their j° decisions Monday. Although the court could order more the final seconds, wondered w«s own 13 ? ^ arguments in Ali's case, it is expected to present a ruling. Penalized 15 Sunday what the coaches kickoff Before the court was the legal validity of Ali's claim that as a All-America football gamecould fo, „nyards0! pacifist he was draft exempt when he refused to be inducted into conduct. The do for an encore next year. the army April 28, 1967, at the Houston Armed Forces Induction "I pity the coaches who have passing whiz began th"^ S Center. needle, hittino q* to come in and try to follow this Ali's lawyers argued before the Supreme Court that as a black act next year," McClendon said. Moore for for 3 yards Jo v»^ ' Muslim minister ho should have born draft exorngt. TWO FOR THE "I didn't know duplicate last year's we could game, but vis .„d Orduna. ,hT'« the TONIGHT! PRICE OF ONE. we did. rerun—with It was the almost other side a "I thought that performance Was oneT winning." f,ne*t '"Can't win McClendon, head coach at Louisiana State, is the first man quarterback!^ jobs |'ve of „ , ' to serve as head coach of a squad Nebr«k»'s Detroit Northern track star Marshall Dill (sixth from left) «oach of fourth to Don Quarrie (far left) of the Southern California for two consecutive years in the the West w? found that in the AAU rational championships in Eugene, winning touchdown he Ore., Saturday that "you can't win 'em all." Dill finished Striders in the 220 - yard dash. game's 11-year history. Last Orduna-a Z year, he directed the East to a secondary 34-27 victory with the outcome hanging in the balance until the KALINE HOMERS final second. The West was the East 9 when time ran out. on Enjoy Fish and Chips Anytime - $1.50 Saturday night, however, it was a trio of West stars who Tigers, Orioles became heroes. Stanford Town quarterback Jim Plunkett and Nebraska tailback Joe Orduna 307 S. Grand St., Lansing kept the west in contention and DETROIT (UPI) — Sam McDowell allowed at home in 34 games. Southern Methodist quarterback 6:30 four hits including Al Kaline's 17th homer of the A single by Kaline in the first and one by Chuck Hixson threw the final 5 Ossicles Hot Dogi - season Sunday in leading the Cleveland Indians Mickey Stanley in the second were the only hits bomb. 6 Kunit|uats - Brutus to a 3-1 win over the Detroit Tigers. allowed by the tall Cleveland lefthander until Orduna, voted the Game's 7 Wilson 4N in Kaline bombed his 17th home run of the 8 Hodge Roy Foster doubled in the fourth and came outstanding player, scored on a Podge . oran, 9 Bandits season deep into the upper deck in left, a home Roh. [ an Jl home on Ray Fosse's single to left as the Indians 23-yard pass play from Hixon run which gave him sole possession of 40th ended a streak during which they scored only place with 31 seconds remaining for two runs in 51 innings. on the all-time list with a career total of 358. the victory, by a score of 33-28. A walk and a single, combined with Bill Reggie Smith drove in two runs with a first Freehan's throwing error when Graig Nettles was inning double and Ray Culp pitched a 7 Gator Ma stealing second, produced an unearned run in the seven-hitter for his ninth victory of the season 8 Vill. Idiots fifth inning and the Indians added their final Sunday as the Boston Red Sox defeated the IM Pool 9 Sutlers Ki tally in the sixth when Chris Chambliss doubled Baltimore Orioles 3-1 for their third straight win 6: JO over the defending world home Ted Ford, who had singled. champions. :> Shady Dak I McDowell bested Mike Kilkenny in Leo Cardenas' single drove in pinch runner Jim No "cut-offs'' will be 6 Turks Ha, boosting - his record to 8-7. It was only Detroit's ninth loss Holt with a hotly contested, unearned run in the allowed in University sixth inning Sunday to give the Minnesota Twins swimming pools for health a 2-1 victory over the Milwaukee Brewers in the and sanitary reasons. Swim opener of a doubleheader. suits must be worn in order Milwaukee scored its only run in the first to enter either the pool area or inning as Tommy Harper singled, was sacrificed the to second by Gus pool itself. Gil and scored on a single by sam Mcdowell _rookieJlob Ellis, formerly of MSU. SANDAL BARGAINS NOW IIKAR TIIIS FROM TIIK YOP AT Till. STOHK. WITH Till: RED HIVCK DOOM' 5 Ball Bust'-rs 6 No Big Ilea 7 AFA 999 & 8 Roscrocks 50% OFF Don't toss out that old broken Thursday 5:30 S Shady C Over 2000 styles Pipe. Let our pipe repair service 6 Itnpre is - Maggpie 7 Toi s Bo) s Hash of Sandals in stock. fix it forydb. New bits, custom - Hashish Men's & Ladies' fitted. 9 C.randfallon • Unknowns 6:30 5 Blood, Sweat & Beer - Aral! M.S.U. SHOE REPAIR 6 Anch Hacks - Orann Bloss 7 Hodge Podge Zoo 8 Burger Boys 3 - MINUTE HEEL SERVICE Campbell's - Roaches 501 Vk E. Grand River _ J 225 E. Grand River 332-3619 Sanasardo Dance Company "The Sanasardo Company is a vital young company, and its influence is in the lifestream of American modern dence." 2 PERFORMANCES IN THE UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY MATINEE: June 30 at 3:00 P.M. FRIDAY EVENING: July 2 at 8:15 P.M. $2.00 General Admission $1.00 All Students You Should Earn More TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT THE UNION From College TONIGHT (and every Monday) Experience a Than Just a Degree PIZZA FEAST in the Show Bar —Qualify for a commission while earning your degree —Receive $50 jjer in your FULL SIZE PIZZA NNIFERO junior and senior years —An opportunity to ONLY $1 'summer of] apply for an Army ROTC Scholarship which pays for all tuition, books and fees. and Tuesday night —Full assurance of an exciting job after gr aduation is "GIRL'S NIGHT" —G^in valuable leadership and management experience (all girls' drinks greatly reduced) all at the Interested Call 355-1916 or Stop by Demonstration Hall Today Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, June 28, 1971 Third ape movie blends adventure, science fiction By ROBERT KIPPER popcorn by. Once again, the In time the reception is not so State News Reviewer ingredients of science fiction, warm. Zira is pregnant. Some comedy and adventure are fear that the birth of intelligent "Escape from the Planet of blended together for maximum the apes will threaten man's control Apes" demonstrates that enjoyment. The suspension of of the earth in the future. A though atomic destruction can credibility, possibly even the snuff out life on this planet, it presidential commission rules can't end a successful movie lowering of the brow, are that Zira's baby must be killed prerequisites for the fun; a fast immediately after its birth. Zira series. moving, clever narrative are and Cornelius become fugitives. Last summer's "Beneath the Use this ad as your shopping list... cut it out again the rewards. On the road, the controversial 4?l Planet of the Apes," ended with and It seems that Cornelius and baby is born while a small army bring it along when you visit us. We'll help the earth's destruction. The Zira, the resourceful chimp continues its deadly search for you save! aboveground land where apes scientists of the earlier films, saw the chimp family's whereabouts. ruled men, the underground the earth's end civilization of faceless beings, coming and "Escape from the Planet of I □ meats planned even Charlton and James repaired an escape. Charlton They Heston's the Apes" drags in spots. The grocery Franciscus were obliterated. The ape-dominated earth, visited in battered space capsule and left the first two films, was much end of the earth is a fairly final the earth minutes before its state of affairs; many thought it meant the end of the ape destruction. The capsule raced back more intriguing than our earth turns out to be. The script □ Grand Prize Beef □ Hi-C Orange Drink gimmicks are often a bit much movies. Twentieth Not sequel-prone Century Fox and through time and landed the chimps on the still intact and and a near-the-climax loophole is unfortunate. But, to complain Whole Round Steak 46 oz. can producer Arthur Jacobs. They have produced a third talking once again earth of the present. human-dominated would be to forget the obvious: the film is colorful and diverting 99c ib. limit 4, please 25c ape picture and engineered a Cornelius and Zira become without any pretensions of art More apes script with enough open ends to celebrities. Sceintists are to spoil the fun. It stands above I Having escaped atomic destruction together, Cornelius and breed a dozen more in the future. fascinated public are and the press charmed within days and — or below — serious criticism for that reason. □ Grand Prize Beef □ Classic White Paper Like its predecessors, "Escape I Zira pose with their first born, In "Escape from the I of the Apes," the third talking ape picture. Planet from the Planet of the Apes" is a of the chimps' arrival. The couple is given a plush hotel Kim Hunter and McDowall, veterans of the other Roddy Boneless Rolled Plates 100 ct. matinee buff's delight, an room, taken on shopping sprees Innocent little film to munch and toasted at cocktail parties. ape films, are delightful as Zira and Cornelius. The cumbersome ape masks are no Rump Roast s1" i». limit 2, plz. 39c handicap for Bummer listening this gifted couple. are a Rather, they challenge met and □ Grand Prize Beef □ Spartan Potato Chips surmounted. The exchanged Cube Steak s14' I WKAR new airs muggings and love glances, their frollicking in the human of gadgets and luxuries and their touching flight for survival world are □ Eckrich's Delicious 16 oz. bag 49c [AR-AM has added five will range from the primitive to On Fridays at 10:30 priceless moments. frozen foods a.m., rpm recordings donated to the bumrrer programs. r 11 consecutive modern, and folk and jazz. "Got the Blues" will trace the University of Michigan. Hazen Where the ape series will go Smok-Y-Links i:30 a.m. Tuesdays starting July 20, At 11:30 a.m. Tuesday "Search for Mental Health" will development of the blues. The Schumacher of the University of series narrated from here is pure guesswork. The events that led to ape □ Stehouwer Beef |A R will present consist of a series of discussions Devlin by John A. Michigan will narrate the series. develops logically from control of the earth will 10 oz. pkg. 69< Irumental Odyssey," a series le hour programs reviewing exploring the latest advances in the early "field holler" to the probably fill the next few Sizzle Steaks, [history, development, and psychiatry. The discussions are moderated by Morris Squire, the forms complex and distinctive blues of Chopper sequels but anything is possible. Maybe a big musical with Barbra 18 oz. pkg. Itory Iiments. of major orchestral Musical selections today. Musical administrator of Forest Hospital, selections will be heard from Streisand in ape make-up is next. M09 Des Plalnes, III. Topics will Leadbelly, Llghtnln' Hopkins, include family therapy, mental Don House, Blinf Willie McTell, drops b How about a remake of "Love Story" with monkeys doing all health In the Inner city, Muddy Waters, B. B. King, and the suffering? (It couldn't be i dairy 1 prevention of sulcldo, and child Chuck Berry. The series begins FLUSHING, Netherlands any worse than the human therapy. July 23. (AP) — The Netherlands will use version was.) Or perhaps Bette "Overseas Mission," appearing every Thursday at 11:30 a.m., be "Jazz Revisited," which will presented every Saturday at a U.S. Army helicopter as a Davis can be tapped for a hairy flying crane In a dike building horror role In "Baby Jane's □ All Star Cottage starting July 8, will feature 8:15 a.m., starting July 10, will project. The helicopter is to Gone Ape." Whatever happens, foupe for Interviews of senior U.S. AID feature music from a orivate officials. collection of more than 4000 78- drop 8,000 concrete blocks let's hope the results are as weighing 2'<4 tons each across the satisfying as those of the first mouth of a river. three films have been. Cheese, 24 oz. pkg rts show ■iCOUPONll 49c ISU's summer "Jubilee ot RIGHT ON PI.ACE Thirsty? Arts" will present two lern dance programs by the Sanasardo Dance Company FREE CAR WASH RIGHT ON PEOPLE Coca Cola r produce ZD Jiesday and Friday In the itorlum. lul monday through thursday 6/12 oz. cans □ U.SJ1 Vine Ripened Sanasardo and his -is w Arizona piny of 10 will be I campus for a on the week-long Astro RIGHT ON . . Cantaloupe 590 ce residency beginning WITH GOOD DEALS i company will present a 36 size 39c nesday. Friday's program & TUESDAY: Sliced limit 2, □ Red, Ripe Juicy Turkey Sandwich please Ine performance at 3 p.m. begin at 8:15 p.m. lie company will also appear p.m. Thursday, In a special gram in Potter Park snted by the Lansing Dept. Wash b"k"r"oYpt Watermelon, ea. 99c forks and Recreation and WEDNESDAY: French Dip Sandwich Lecture-Concert Series. In Frandor Opposite Wrigley's □ Spartan Hot Dog ide "Cut Flowers" and or Hamburger Buns NOTICE: Iednesday's program wil al Birds" choreographed by sardo and "Roly-Poly" and NO OTHER PURCHASE $1.25 To all our new and 12 ct. pkg. " choreographed by Manuel Sanasardo's asst. artistic FRIDAY: Crabmeat Salad Sandwich 29< customers - tor. Large chunks of crabmeat served on an egg bun with t lutes "Fatal Birds," Sanasardo beautiful, controlled NECESSARY lettuce & tomato and side dish of cottage cheese Our policy is to have on hand for you the items Please tell our staff what special items your you'd like family would like us to carry. to put erpretations of bird euvers. The dance catches on the table. We'll do our best! PLEASE PRESENT AD TO ATTENDANT essence of bird courtship ems and movements, lum's "Era" suggests a ;ure of a world gone letically wrong and of tionships gone sour, riday evening's program will lude three works by lasardo: "Metallics," otnotes," and "Pain" and ni's "The Cellar." GOODRICH'S SHOPRITE LARRY'S SHOPRITE lanasardo has called "Pain" a Peal poem." "Pain" is a plea Harrison'at Tr 2-8-30 361 9369. 1-8-28 WOODS'DE ^Rt"ME"nV 3-6-30 Scooters & Cycles A uto Service & Parts STENOGRAPHER. GOOD abilities THIRD GIRL wanted for 3 men. PHONE TRIUMPH SPITFIRE. couple. ED 2 292Q 1965 body for Lansing firm. Permanent. Summer. Own bedroom. 423 3514698 1965 DUCATI 48cc. 900 miles. 355 8255 1967 engine. Phone 677 2306 372-7700 PERSONNEL Charles. $66. 361-6356. 2-6-30 Excellent condition. after 5 :30 p.m. 2-6-30 484-2180 or Phone CONSULTANTS' 2-6-30 Norwood Apartments RATES 351 1548. 3-6-30 EAST LANSING. 2 bedroom. DODGE VAN. 1965. Has tapedeck, TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, Now renting No. I 1965. Rum 1968 HONDA Aviation ADJUSTER. EQUAL opportunity Furnished, very spacious. 2% large one mattress and runs. Cheap. Must 350cc. Ready for u, WORDS II 2 3 4 great. New tires. $500. After ( employer needs degreed months lease. Ideal for 3 or 4. two bedroom for 10 sell. 351-1809. 2-6-28 trails. $450. Helmets included. fall. Clo* p.m, 337 9020. 3 6-30 I n dividual. 3 7 2-7 700 351-5313. 1-6-28 to campus. Call 10 1.50 3.00 4.00 5.35 Excellent condition. 349-4907 or 332-2711 6.50 13.00 PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. after 3 p.m. 393 1126. 4-7-2 11 1.65 3.30 4 40 5.85 7.15 14.30 FIAT 1969. Convertible 850. VOLKSWAGEN 4 GIRLS, share 4 bedroom house. SEDAN. 1968. LEARN TO FLY 26-30 13.60 4.80 6.40 7.80 15.60 Excellent condition. Phone Good tires. Near Own Newly overhauled KAWASAKI, 1968. 650cc, 4 cycle. campus. room. LANSING 131.95 3.90 5.20 6.95 8.45 371-1961. 3-6-28 EARN UP OR East 16. radio. Good condition. Call 882-8958 Farulty - Staff $3000 this summer. Car to 371-1339.3-7-2 bedroom 142.10 4.20 5.60 7.45 9.10 18.20 or necessary. Call 351-7319 for furnished. Large, 15 2.25 4.50 6.00 8.00 9.75 19.50 FIAT, 1968. 850 convertible. Good Students and/or rooms. Air interview.C 1130 BEECH. Spacious, fully conditio 16 2.40 4.80 6.40 8.55 10.4020.80 condition. Moving, must sell. Call VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1958. Great immediate family. Beautifully maintained. Sui 197 1 TRIUMPH furnished 2 bedroom apartments. 393-8348.4-7-2 Trophy 650. GIRL for faculty, grad 7 2.55 5.10 6.80 9.10 11.0522.10 condition. $375. Call 351-8280. Excellent condition. $1050 Lowest rates through WANTED. Friend end Air conditioned, carpeted, closa, students,bus 18 2.70 5.40 7.20 9-60 11.7023.40 Call people, married couples l« MSU FLYING CLUB. companion for my daughter parking. From $45 per man. FORD 351-7487. 2-6-28 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 192.85 5.70 7.60 10.1512.3524.70 ECONOLINE van 1962. vistiting from , Call Roger Besu. Europe for the 351-3106. O 20 3.00 6.00 8.00 10.6513.0026.00 New tires, excellent condition. VOLKSWAGEN 1968 sedan. Flight summer. Must have car. Over 21. TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 250, 349-3144, after 5 p.m. 3-6-30 Excellent mechanical condition. instructor early Live in 10 word minimum Best offer. Phone 355-3222 1600 miles. Like new. $650. Helmets included. 351-9428. 3-7-2 mornings or after Lansing or out, exclusive apartment complex. Good East GIRL NEEDED summer. Meadowbrook Trace. No deposit. PENNSYLVANIA Large 1 bedroom, aVEVuVJ FORD 3-6-30 Pll ECONOLINE Supervan, sunset. 332-6246, wages. Call Steinhaus, 11-8 pm, $47.50. Call 3936683. 3-7-2 furnished, All student ads must be carpeted, utilities p 1966. $550, best offer. Good except Sunday 482-0788, Mr Basement rec room. $ 150 a YAMAHA 1968 350cc. Excellent prepaid condition. 351-0872. 3-7-2 Drave. 3-6-30 plus deposit. Phone 627 mon condition. 10,000 miles. $450. LEARN 5454 TO FLY! Complete flight The State Phone mornings before 1 pm 489-5136. 4-6-30 News will be FORD, 1969. Galaxie 500, 2 dooi courses BEAUTICIAN 349-1314. 3-6-30 EXPERIENCED. responsible only for the hardtop, 8 cylinder automatic government and VA certified. Phone Martin's Hair Fashions, MERIDIAN MALL near. Desirable 2 first Power steering, power brakes, aii FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Spartan Shopping Center, East day's incorrect Scooters & insertion. conditioned. One owner. $1895 Cycles A uto Service & Parts Road, Call 484-1324. C Lansing. 3324522. 2-6-30 bedroom deluxe. Faculty and Lease, deposit. married CURTIS students FORD O F W I LLI AMSTON 1969 HONDA 350. Excellent shape. 1 only. $150 plus electric. 655-2133 3-6-30 , Road bike. Call 351-5683. 3-6-28 AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and Employment HELP earn. FIGHT Part pollution while you or full time. Call, 349 2286. 4-7-2 American cars. If we can't fix it, it SUMMER OR fall. F°ri a1OWER Classified Ad sell to a ,rV a ,ittle F0RD large mobile FAIRLANE, 500, 1964. V-8, 1968 T-200 Suzuki. 9,000 miles. Excellent girl's bike. Phone can t be fixed. Call 352-3255. O TELEPHONE WORK. No selling. $1.75 / hour guaranteed during rooms and Furnished 2 bath, first floor. WHATEVER YOU you want to automatic, $300. Call 349-4115 there's a good chance you'll find home! Dial 355-8255 today! after 5:30 pm. 3-6-30 337-1239. 3-6 28 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East training. Phone 351-3590. Ask for For Rent Parking. Summer, reduced rent. in the Want Ads. Check now! Mr. Male or Kalamazoo Street Hunting or Mr. Moore. TF couple. 1214 East Since 1940. Kalamazoo. 4-7-2 ' . .. Complete auto painting and TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction Cedar SECRETARY. PART time. Requires Gree VW collision service. IV GUARANTEED repair. RANDY'S - MOBIL. 1-96 at 5:0256. C 1 shorthand, some general office experience. At least 3 days per week for downtown Lansing law Arm. Call Ken Smith, Attorney, guaranteed. Free _Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C delivery, service and pick • up. No deposit ONE MAN needed for duplex. Own room, unfurnished, $50. 351-2653. 3-8-30 HURRY, REFIRGERATORS, PARTY Okemos Road. 349-9620. C 372-2960. 5-7-2 andcamping equipment. A TO goods, Z BEDROOM trailer. Reasonable Near campus. 351-6245 after Only a few pool. rent. ••••••••••••••••••eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a Live Close to Campus Walk to Classes \ RENTAL, 349-2220. 0-7-9 TV RENTALS. Color and black and 3 pm. 2-6-28 left . . . ONE MAN for two white. MARSHALL MUSIC, East man luxury MARIGOLD APARTMENTS I Lansing, 351-7830. C-6-28 apartment summer term, Close to campus, all utilities. $65 per WATER'S EDGE air-conditioning. month. 332-6275. 2-6-28 Marigold & Harrison 911 PARKING. ONE block from campus. Marigold Private, paved, lighted lot. $10. 349-9609. 3-6-28 1 MAN OVER 21 to share 2 man RIVER'S EDGE Completely Furnished Deluxe deluxe apartment. Private SUMMER LEASES $140 per month & Now up. signing Summer and Fall Leases T.V. RENTALS bathroom. Ken Near Gottlieb, 351-5427 campus. or Phone work, APARTMENTS and ever All Call 337-7328 337-0780 Deposits Guaranteed Returnable Free Service and delivery A $9.50 per mo NEED 372-8460. 3-6-28 1 girl to share 2 bedroom apartment. Summer /fall. Call Summer $45 per man fall $65 per man 332-4794 after 5 p.m. 3-6-28 Roommate Service 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms FREE ®topckingt)am ROOMMATE SERVICE Water's Edge Furnished, Balconies See Frank or JoAnne at 1050 Waters Edge Dr. has 332 4432 heated .. it p CROSSWORD and all PUZZLE ACROSS l Criminal 31. G. Misspent 32. 12. Peace goddess 33. 13. Parsley 34. camphor 36. 14. Respond 37. 15. Degrade 38. 16. Steeps 40. 18. Football team 19. Furnish a crew 42. 21. Preceded 46. 23. Askew 49. 27, Black bird 50. 4620 S. 28. Epochal 51. Hagadorn 30. Farm just north of Mt. Hope Rd. implement 52. 1135 Michigan Ave 351-8631 right next to Brody Complex CEDAR G R E ENS APARTMENTS are now leasing student and married couples units. These spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units. These has a t, .ious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample Spanish Mediterranean parking furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central control air space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private balconies. We also have a full - time resident manager for conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. any problems. If you want to be Recreation is planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and among the first residents of CEDAR GREENS call today. The one - bedroom units start private balconies. If at you want to be among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call S80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR today. The 2 bedroom RENTAL units start at $60/month INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 332-6441 or 484-3494. Nine per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: 332-6441 1-6 and twelve month leases available. p.m., or MARINA NYLANDER 484-3494. THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE' (3 and 4 man apts. only, starting fall,) MANA( 1EMENTEXC'LUSlVEL YB Y: Alco Management Company MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: Alco Management Company Monday, June 28, 197' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 9 For Rent EAST LANSING. Male s,U(1(Mlts ForSale Personal Student blasts 'genocide' SMITH CORONA office typewriter^ 33?5?qTT ^arkin9' oJZ-5791 after 5 pm. ^e'riger8tor! 3-6-28 FREE ... A lesson in complexion (Continued from page one) Nicholas said that on March night," he said. "Even the more widened its activities to include or fl"V to live in share 3-628COndi,i0n' $3° 353-6654. care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan A t»pn«*rai f 11 _i. 25, the army moved to destroy conservative estimates, with the the burning of whole villages, | Private room and entrance. SINGLE ROOMS for or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. Deriod of 1 ! the Awami and the exception of the official West resulting in the flight of millions I,0plB now in hou.e. student. summer Male SEWING MACHINE MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS noncooDeratinn" »Ji° cultural and political leaders of Pakistani government figures, list of East Pakistanis to India, tie r.nj 372-1510, Linens h furnished Clearance Sale 332-1682.3-7-2 ,urn,she<<. brand new portables $49.95, STUDIOS. C ordinarv hii«in«s f East Pakistan. the fatalities of the first few Nicholas said. ( campus. 3-o- st»Sill°L sai ? "KMlng, burning, raping, and days in the thousands." - t0 GIRL TO share 2 bedroom duple* „ or 00 per mon,h. reconditioned Large selection THOMAS LEPO of Warren, Michigan Pakistan to a • looting went on through the Since then, the army has The student said that he and used machines - and Marye Lynn Berg of East 4 bedrooms, garage, p Girls over 21. Phone __Call 351-0935. 1 6-28 Home & W.hi,eS> Necchis' Hnm"; Ne™ Lansing were married Saturday at other East Pakistani students on Many Others." $19.95 the Peoples Church in East campus are writing letters to 662.4-7-2 WOMAN SINGLE roonT.n attractive to $39.95. Terms. EDWARD1? Lansing. Tom and Marye Lynn are congressmen in an attempt to home, $35 1-6-28 per month D«STRIBUTING CO™AARN°S both Michigan State alumni and stop the United States from l|nokmg. Phone Capitay Capsules 351-8994. 8 9'eat \ EAST LANSING. Close 4.7.2 489-G448NC06-3h WaShin9,°"' will make their home in Illinois. 1-6-28 Chicago, delivering West more weapons to the Pakistani - dominated ,0 campus, DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT women only. Phone 332-RQRa' ring, Vi NOW DOING razor cuts and (1 J 0 > > >\ Army. PUNIVERSITY. Small 3 basement. Garage, 2-6-28 2 5988' carat. Worth $475. Worn $350. Kenmore dryer. Excellent little, UNION BUILDING styling. BARBER THE The Pakistani student said > SENATE Education Included in the package for the fourth condition. 2 SHOP. C-6-28 of July weekend, old. $50. Call yard. Year lease, $210 plus years FURNISHED. Neat, clean after 6 p.m., Committee has approved a the first time in any state aid act according to estimates by the that he "feels very strongly that i security deposit. Family 349-1859. 1-6-28 record $1.06 billion school aid ailable August 1st. near. Free parking' Phone DRAFT COUNSELING. Legal - is a specific $15.6 million state highway department. if the Padma is permitted to go 332-3094.3-6-28 Medic Psychologic. Miami Fla bill for the 1971-1972 school to Karachi, this will continue SEAR'S CARFTSMAN 18" reel - allocation for vocational Peak travel periods on |g36. 5-7-7 - - 305 891-3736. 8-7 12 ye"" further the continuation of type walking lawn mower. 3 h.p. TWO LARGE ROOMS, bath with basket. Used three seasons. _ The committee recommended J j education. Also $6.2 included is a northbound routes will be 2 genocide and prolong the ,n Haslett, $200 plus cooking. Girls. Close. $130. million hike in state p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. Mary' Original cost was $120. A reai SEE THE auto show ... all sizes, passage of theschool aid plan on support for special education of suffering of our people." Lit; ' also 1 large room 351-8345,353-6442.3-6-28 good value for someone at prices, models, colors, in today's a 5-0 vote Thursday. The $1 to 2 p.m. Saturday and from 4 for two, $100 plus only handicapped children p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. $50. Call 487-3096. S-4-7-2 Classified Ads. 19-9619 or 339-9201. ROOMS 10 minutes from billion-plus cost of the spending * * * Southbound return campus. traffic Completely furnished. 372-8077 blueprint tops Gov. Milliken's MICHIGAN MOTORISTS will '"eluded, | 2 TV'S, Zenith, black and white 19" Monday, July 5 will be heaviest _ before 4 p.m. C portable, used. $35 and $45. Call Peanuts Personal P"!1"*1 b"?get recommendation drive 646.6 million miles over from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m., with the ■ THREE bedroom furnished. bvjt>o7^million. , rooms separately. C." SINGLE between 6-9 p.m. 489-7654 peak predicted from 5 p.m. to 7 AND double ■28°. women. Close to rooms for Union 1-6-28 LOVE BECAUSE of you I made it. Thanks for the confidence. K H jKT IT'S WHAT'S ^ p.m. * .. 332 1895.3-6 30 WE DO most repairing and replace 1-6-28 (Continued from page one) Happening ■ROOM furnished including THE SENATE Labor broken frames. OPTICAL $125/ month / summer. SPARTAN Committee will hold hearing HALL sinale-T^T DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Real Estate a ^39-8166. 1-6-28 women. Now leasing for summer' Avenue, 372-7409. C-7-2 today at 10 a.m. to hear testimony concerning several j_ needed Itioned house. for 4 man air Private rooms. fa" 351-1176, ~ ~ 484-4422. 0 - PING PONG tables, $9.95. We buy EAST LANSING, 2 bedroom house. women's rights bills. They Next, — sell most anything. ABC Living room with fireplace, dining involve equal pay for women, a police check of the I 1 term. Utilities paid. Call ForSale SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 room, study, kitchen, breakfast ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will have maternity leaves for unmarried individual's background would 961.3-7 2 nook. Full basement a lawyer available from 1 to 5 p.m. be made, and if the check on lot with orientation - training session at 7:30 women and limiting the every Wednesday during the summer uncovered nothing to mark the large Oaks. Walking distance kiDE T/. room furnished SCUBA tANK, regulator, and 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, campus and all public to schools. term. Those wishing an appointment tonight in the Gold Room of the Union. Summertime manpower is ineligibility period for stranger as undesirable, his card are asked to check with the ASMSU Suitable for man or new' $135- canisters and uprights. Guaranteed Private unemployment benefits for owner. 337-2421. 4-7-2 business desperately needed. Information on would be stamped "Permanent." Modem. IV 2-7334. 2'6'28 one full year. $7.88 and up. Services office, 307 B. Student . all programs will be distributed. pregnant women. Hldg., or call 355-8266. This would permit the new GOLF CLUBS and DENNIS DISTRIBUTING There will he a nominal $3.00 bag. Full set, charge $115. Call Rod, after 3:30 pm COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Recreation Free University is having a summer A SHIELD BILL for newsmen arrival to continue working at M needed for summer term term organizational meeting 9 his job in town. 332-0947. 3-6-30 Opposite City Market. C. p.m. remains stalled in a Senate e house, close, $50/month SUMMER FLIGHTS to Europe, Spartan Wives is having an open Wednesday at 215 Evergreen Ave. committee today after one s. 351 7368. 5-7-7 TV SEARS $125. Christmas break in Hawaii, house meeting at 7:30 tonight in People are needed to organize and Silvertone, black and teach if Free University is going to member said it should await the Kirland said the people who CHECK white, 21". Excellent condition. $279. Spain, Acapulco, $249. Call Peoples' Church. There will be registration for classes: golf, tennis, continue operation. For more outcome of current federal court would be barred from LEONARD WHOLESALE'S $80. Phone 355-7819 after 5 p.m. Frank Buck, 351-8604. 27-8-27 information call 351-9601. and others, plus a film, "Michigan: ; action against the New York employment within the city LOW PRICES ON 3-6-30 Water Wonderland." For more Times and under his proposal would be AUGUST FLIGHTS STILL available. information call Sara Baran at Veterans. There will be a hearing Washington Post. COMPONENT SYSTEMS UNION BOARD TRAVEL 355-0977. for the State GI Bill 9:45 The bill, sponsored by persons convicted of felonies, Animals OFFICE. Call 353-9777. C-7-2 Tuesday at the Capitol. A state GI a.m. Judiciary Chairman Robert child molestation, lewd or It' bill is money in your pocket. You are lascivious FREE KITTENS: black, damn! Richardson, R-Saginaw, would behavior, crimes gray, long ! The MSU volunl strongly urged to attend and support hair. Litter trained. Call 351-6672 OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - job the bill's passage. grant newsmen legal protection involving sexual perversion, sale ' application photos in 15 minutes" against being forced to divulge of pornography, sponsorship of Mamlya 3-6-28 HOUSE. THREE openings for ' Pentax PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL! Service lewd parties or pornographic SAVE TO MSU Veteran sn. will have a sources of or female. Own room, ' Vashlca confidential, HEALTHY. PUPPIES. German 351-6262. Anything meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the information. activities, and similar crimes. nonth. 2672 Mt. Hope Rd. Shepard mother. $5. 353-3860, photographed anywhere. O BARBI days. 351-7308, nights. 1-6-28 MEL: Typing, multilithing. No job too large or too small. of7of"rand® Rive, JESSOR'S HOME. 3 • * Argus Polaroid 50% SAMOYED. 1 year old. AKC. Service Block off campus. 332-3255. C Avenue) New vets on campus are urged to attend and support the State GI Bill, and participate in summer ETC. ATTENTION CAR OWNERS study-2 baths. 5 minutes Champion bloodlines. Brother and THINKING OF someone special? MSU. Privacy. social events. There will be a smoker 1 Available sister. Contact after 5 p.m., John PAINTING Send EXTERIOR. Grad a "Peanuts Personal" at Coral Gables following the thru February. or Diana, 489-7919, 3-7-2 students, experience references. message with a Want Ad. Come in meeting, 16226. 3-6-30 today. 347 Student Services. * SIX LOVING kittens to good homes. Free estimates. 349-4817. C _ . . . The Chnstain Science Organization Complete front end repair and "—- — will have its first summer Call 372-4468, after 5:30 pm. meeting alignment . en om needed lor campus. surrmer.BBx 351-8862. M■t 2 bedrooms furnished 1 campus. Utilities paid, 1 309 N.Lansing Washington STEREOS ] 3-6-30 SAINT male, BERNARD PUP. $175. Outstanding markings. 482-5887. 3-6-28 AKC, 1 Typing Service THESES run for only 7c per page. Transportation NEW YORK. R,der wanted. Leaving soon. Must share driving. Via ch4apeiP'm' Tuesday in ,he Alumni symposium"o" drug Culture uith * * Brakes Wheel balancing * Suspension * Steering to Receivers, $59.95 up. Speaker sets, THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East guest speaker Randy Bushman of the ■tble now. 332-5144. 3-6-28 $19.95 up. Compact stereos, Grand Canada. Pat, 332-8433. 2-6-28 MSU Drug Education Project at 7 River. Phone 332-4222. Summer. Cheap. H POODLES STANDARD Bel-Tor Wednesday LISKEY'S Auto - $39.50 up. 8 track automatic tape p.m. in West Safety Center ■ Wilson Line. 6 black pups, 2 exceptional. C-7-2 ar Village. 3-6-30 ■■ men needed. Lansing duplex. players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, COMMUTE R (S) FROM Grand Terra« Room. The public is invited. 16 champions in 4 generations. H, garage. 372-1865.3-6-28 used $2.50, new $4.00. Stereo Rapicte, share driving. Morning The Sire OFA Certified. X-rays on albums $1.50 down. Italian wall classes preferred. 538-8922. 124 SOUTH LARCH racism will be the IV 4-7346 good chance you'll fi^fl■ROOM Bies. $125 furnished including month/summer. tapestries. Oriental bedspreads. AM-FM clock and portable radios. dam. 337-2421. 4-7-2 1"6-28 racism symposium main topic being held of at 7 a int Ad». Check now! ■ p.m. Tuesday in the West Wilson ■339-8166. 3-6-28 TV sets, walkie talkies, tape Mobile Homes lerrace room. Judy Leepa, recorder, and surf board. Wanted educational specialist, Center for BckS to MSU furnished Urban Affairs, will be the speaker. This URRYl - Merchandise tested and 10 x 50. STAR. Be for 5 men. Available now til guaranteed. WILCOX SECOND Carpeted, air. Shed. The public is invited. Close BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Bember 15th. Dial 332-4076. HAND STORE, 509 E. Michigan, to campus. $3200. Complete Professional Thesis Servlci for all positive. A negative, B negative 332-4374. 3-7-2 Mister's and Doctoral Candidates. Free A human sexuality symposium will lily a few 1 Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours daily: 8 a.m. - 5:30p.m.C 1970 VINDALE, 12x60 unfurnished. Brochure ind Consultation. Cliff and Paula Hau|hey 337 1 527 Please Call or 627 2936 and negative, AB negative, $12.00. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, $10.00. O MICHIGAN be presented by the Wilson Hall Advisory staff at 7 tonight in the West Wilson Terrace room. Guest Olde W 1 Rooms Completely carpeted, disposal. 507Vi East Grand River, East speaker for the public symposium UPRIGHT, TANK and carpet King Arthur's Court. 485-2634. COMPLETE THESES service. will be Andrew M. Barclay, professor )'S doubles. Private entrance, . sweeper models; 12,000 BTU air conditioner; all like new. After 5:30 pm, 393-8563. 2-6-28 3-7-2 Discount printing, IBM typing and binding of theses, resumes, Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours: 9 p.m., Monday, Thursday and a.m. to 3:30 of psychology. Sandwich )m, parking, light 45x8 1954 2 bedroom on Park Lake. publications. Across from campus, In: of corner M.A.C. and Grand Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 will be the main topic of jiing. Clean, quiet. $50 per TV SETS. Sony, Panasonic, Zenith. 15 minutes from MSU. $1400, below Jones Stationary Shop. Call River, p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C discussion at a racism symposium to including utilities. Phone must sell.641-4525. 4-7-2 be held at 7 p.m. Thursday in West Color portables and consoles. COPYGRAPH |4709. 3-6-30 STEREO COMPONENTS. 337-1666. C SERVICES, SUPPORT YOUR business with a Wilson Terrace. Gina Shack, Center Sony for Urban Affairs, will speak. The reel to reel tapedeck, Ampex boost from Want Ads. Advertise public is invited. cassette recorder. We Buy, Sell, Lost & Found TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. services there. Dial 355-8255. and Trade. WILCOX Rapid accurate service. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East E xperienced. 393-4075. 0-8-9 LOST: BLACK white tan basset LOOK TO US - - Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, puppy. Wearing tan collar. Phone Monday thru Saturday. C 351-8465. 3-7-2 ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith FOR QUALITY [REE USED FURNITURE East Michigan. Flea Fair. 314 Dishes, books, LOST: GRAYISH brown female cat, tan collar, fluffy tail. tabby offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. •complete selection of jSERVICE tOOMMATE Near Evergreen St. Reward. coins, antiques, rockers, junk. 21 years experience. 349-0850.C frames 485-0803. 2-6-30 Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open Tuesday and Sunday. Furniture • Sunglasses and wire -'Tims Our master sandwich oj and appliances open all week. 10 •prescription lenses ground tender .. a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone 371-2843. O • repairs while you wait turkey, Canadian AIRLINE STEREO; cabinet; four speakers, portable. condition. $55. 351-1694 after Excellent 5 New Concept in tiatosi, Ofdiclcuvi ham, mellow cheddar 3-6-28 ■T mIa p.m. ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. ■ will match you with cheese and tangy K uc A R Ie L * | T 0 ftpatible roommates. 332-4432 or see WATERBED UNITS,mattress, liner, heater, and frame. $76 any size. REBIRTH, 309 North Apartment Living Russian coleslaw > A a R fk or Jo Ann at 1050 Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. KT »r's Edge Dr. (next to Luxury studio apartments Bar Village) Featured wine Come join, U4-... A N ■y BF x E at Inn America 2736 E. Grand River 1 block east of the Coral Gables this week is v r \ 0 nB 5P Air conditioning Completely furnished EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT imported French efl from 5 to 10 p.m. I E Enclosed heated pool Sauna RIVERSIDE Shag carpet Ample parking for a dee-licious New Orleans Rose d'Anjou 4. Formerly 5. Irked 6. Stuff Snack bar SHRIMP BOIL! 7. Zenith 8. Ape eenuS 9. Digit EAST Party & Recreation Guest rooms rooms available Maid service at nominal charge 10. Utmost BI^EADALE ®J/ hyperbole APARTMENTS All utilities included except phone 11-S,Ud' unlit I — 17 ' CrossstrokeB on a letter f /oo/c ryp 19, Letters /oi Me atld dB/ue 22 20. Ens pri"c, ■I r 22. Ship s c'*" 24. Bleached 25. Paft playec T j Summer Rental tlours 26. Shout Mon-H ed 11:30 a.m.-12:30 a.m. 00 ass- *155 SUMMER ONLY! per mo. 4 - man Ihurs-Sat 11:30 a.m.-2:00 Sun - 12:00 p.m.-12:30 a.m. a.m. ssar—■ 44 Prmceiy P Model apartment open daily, ph. 332-8292 nickname or see DOWNTOWN 45. Seaman L RESIDENT MANAGER - 47-ScotU i ON M.A.C. AVE. 48. Kmght st'tl'l No. 5. 1310 E. Gnnd Riv*r 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Class studies love HEBER, Utah (AP) Hugh Allred, instructor in in our marriage where Nancy relationships, at pea particularly jn nine days, Bob and Nancy marriage and family counseling and I wen* able to share a feeling marriage, have become French lived on a remote Utah at Brighain Young University. of accomplishment." automated and mechanical. mountaintop. They slept in Four other couples took the Nancy French, a petite girl "The wife can lose herself tfS a lean - to they built by hand, ate leaves and roots and course. None had met before. expecting her second child in through I his children or >»*' .its their marriage. analyzed Their children, if any, stayed seven months, said the role - television, the husband through discussing a .tou' I' home. playing experienct"nBde Bob and is work or ITiey were equipped only The Frenches, who have boon I realize that we never go to the And when community interests. their children !«>><« are with a knife, sleeping 'bag, married three years, said the root of our problems in our grown, they find they're change of clothing and a tin can to cook in and eat from. nine days of roughing it arguments." "Habit and routine strangers. "Kathy and I J?'1"1 *.3 The purpose? To strengthen brought than ever them closer before. together are great veils," Allred says, "eliminating "In order to survive mountain, however, on this these Cpj'ts their marriage with the aid of a Bob French described the the need for a husband and wife couples have had to undmlc.ud 'to,'1?1 li**1 wilderness course taught to talk to each other. Personal by G. course as "one of the few times communicate and cooperate." »<• "We stripped away the urban facade and did away with all the distractions," said Bill Jefferies, watched her ^ "W|m| an Idaho Falls. Idaho, school Student Mob e teacher. concentrate our "We've marriage solely been not on able to building competing instead of lettino own life." k het *1 run J with each "It was a real other but success', to N.Y. antiwar cooperating." The most difficult part of the »'J. insights are "but they they've only the an^i develop beginning Members of the MSU Student dav event wi" be Senator activity, Fish said, the meeting Mobilization Committee are planning to attend a national antiwar conference in New York Vance Hartke, I) Indiana, who supports the National Peace Action Coalition's aims. probably will focus on getting a broader base of support, involving trade unions. ALBERT PICK July 2 through 4. A similar meeting in minorities and industry, to Motor Hold support the end the war effort. Briggs at Those Hunter attending the meeting College, said Student December of last year attracted 3.000 who laid the groundwork Those interested are asked to Announces Tuesday's Chicken Night Dr. Frederic Dutton (right), dean of Briggs College accepts the bust of Lyman Briggs Mobe spokesman George Fish, for the spring march on attend a meeting at 7 p.m. from are expected to Washington, D.C., sculptor Joseph Walter (left). The bust will be placed in the lobby of complete plans Washington. Wednesday in 31 Union. Student Holmes Hall. for fall antiwar activities. Mobe is trying to arrange a car ' All the delicious fried chicken Keynote speaker for the three Aside from the fall antiwar pool. Fish said. you can eat .... $2.50 • Or choose from Ala Carte serving from 5-10 'EXPLORATION DAYS' 7®E mw p.m. 990K SM7 4-H reps plan MSU meet Corner of Ann & MAC In Paper: "Exploration Days" for more options offered. combos. presenting "action exhibits" than 3.300 4—H delegates will The options cover a wide the MSU Spartan Stadium Notes to Myself begin on campus Tuesday range of activities. 4-H members The conference will end Concourse from 8:30 a.m. to Ariel morning. The three - day will get a chance to further their Thursday with 4-H Action Day. 3:30 p.m. 4-H in Action Day Is Greening of America conference is designed to knowledge in rather All delegates will participate in free and open to the public. strengthen 4-H clubs throughout conventional topic areas such as Michigan. 30% Off arts and crafts, crop and soil The delgates, aged 12 to 19, science, T.V. RENTALS dairy, first aid, from across Michigan will arrive at photography, and sports. They Brody Complex Tuesday will also have the opportunity to anddetivery $9 50 J£„t| On All Hardcover Books with this Corner Saginaw (M-78) and Grand Coupon River (M-43), East morning. Each delegate will explore air pollution monitoring, NEJAC TV RENTALS Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday Lansing. 48823 participate in one of 65 seminar theater and pop instrumental Top 10 fiction & non fiction books in stock Save SI2 on your summer textbooks. Here's how: The Student Book Store sells used books at 25% off the new book price. So by buying used books at the Student Book Store you'll pocket $12.50 of the average $50. cost per quarter for new books. And just think what $12.50 will buy: 3 wks. gas for your car, 6 movie tickets, 50 jumbo hamburgers, 4 record albums, a summer supply of suntan lotion or pitchers and pitchers of beer. See us this week while have we a large supply of used books left. Student Book Store, one stop shopping for all your needs: •Complete paperback mezzanine with 1000s of popular titles *Art supplies for all art classes •Sportswear to show your school spirit •Souvenirs: mugs for T.G.s, pennants for your room. •Fast, speedy checkouts. No waiting at SBS. Free Parking In Large Lot At Rear Of Store - 421-427 E. Grand River Win Health Ce; .