Wednesday jn education is 10 astonishing michigan Cloudy . . . ,l,e inount of ignorance it state STATE NEWS ates in the form of inert . . . warm, humid. High of 92. -Henry Adams Thursday cooler high in the 80s. ' , a,,d 1 25 J university always f ;1 normal- haPPy S East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 30, 1971 *• wh"** b?d V-ars. said lH Prof predicts court's vote , »« »«t ff , ,Thheu*5 ,1 h« what ? ??,f letting her run will favor press over state By STEVE WATERBURY On April 18, in a prediction that was scales, each of which constitutes an issue The New Dealism dimension contains State News Staff Writer cited in Sports Illustrated, Spaeth said the area. issues involving governmental regulation of The New York Times and Supreme Court would overturn the draft "These category scales have to be the economy, and the equality dimension the evasion conviction of Muhammad Ali Washington Post will emerge victorious in formed on the basis of both an attitude is concerned with such issues as by a voting the pending landmark case unanimous vote if the case was decided on object and an attitude situation," Spaeth rights, involving the desegregation, legislative the issue of whether Ali's said. governmental maintenance of state secrets objection to reapportionment and nublir welfare versus freedom of the military service was based on religious or Many of these issue areas are in tum The prediction of court decisions with press, Harold J the use of the computer is not an Spaeth, professor of political science and political beliefs. grouped into three major dimensions of the Computer Institute for Both the decision and the vote court decisions: freedom, New Dealism and automatic process. Social Science proved accurate when the court ruled in this case equality. "It involves a considerable amount of Kesearch, predicted Monday. The vote of the Monday. The freedom dimension involves human judgment, particularly in Supreme Court will be by unanimous vote, he said. In a syndicated column published in political issues concerning the political and determining what the issue will be on Spaeth bases his newspapers on the West Coast and in the procedural guarantees of the Bill of Rights. (Please turn to page 16) prediction on an • analysis performed with the use of MSU's Southwest and broadcast over Group W radio stations, Spaeth also lit Control Data Corp. 6500 raw data that computer. The successfully predicted the Supreme Court rulings on six Profs go into the computer are the r votes of the previous decisions. Supreme Court justices in school desegregation issues. His predictions were accurate on 50 of uphold V' "When one determines the the 54 votes which were cast on those six relevant school desegregation issues. psychological determinants of behavior, publish The model used in the predictions is to one can predict behavior," he said. Spaeth, who has been publicly predicting the outcome of Supreme Court cases for more than a year, said he has been "based on a combination of a rational calculus model and a spatial Spaeth said. model," stu Also utilized in declared is more than 80 per cent accurate in making the predictions is By STEVE WATERBURY war, a very dangerous predicting the individual votes of the a theory of attitudes which closely State News Staff Writer precedent," he said. Murray said the proper Top secret shipment justices uuuug during that time period. Spaeth said the rate of accuracy would be higher if he did not SKTj «T° ? ' a"itude ftheoriLzing of pr°?ssor of P^ology. that MSU faculty members in the School of course of action for the government to have pursued was to have proceeded after the publication of the i. Allen EMender, D-La., President protemporeof the senate, concentrate on the ,.onJhe behavior is a function of ™Ptlon that the interaction Journalism are solidly behind the New documents under laws concerning the accepts prediction of cases that rate high in public York Times and other newspapers in their between a person's attitude toward an possession of secret classified material. lipment of the 47 - volume Pentagon study of the origins of U.S. interest. object and his attitude toward the situation decisions to publish classified Pentagon "Common sense tells us that the T/olvement in the Vietnam war. Ellender said Tuesday he expects most "The cases that generate considerable in which that object documents. public interest tend to be the tough cases functions," Spaeth Frank B. Senger, chairman of the school, publication of immediate diplomatic I the contents to be made public within two or three said. days. Assisting to predict because they often raise novel said Monday that the Times was correct in correspondence and immediate battle pains n is S. Sgt. Robert Fay. AP Wirephoto Currently Spaeth is grouping the past would be damaging to the nation," he said. issues," he said. its decision to publish the Pentagon papers, Supreme Court decisions into 73 category but should not have obeyed the second "But I do not believe that the publication of material that is now historial would be court injunction which prohibits the publication of further information from damaging." "When a newspaper learns the documents. anything of shuttle kept in budget "To obey the public interest it has both a right and an Ipace injunction is to accede to the exercise of prior censorship for the first obligation to publish it," George A. Hough, associate professor of journalism, said. time in the history of this nation," Senger "The objective of the press in said. printing the Pentagon documents is to John Murray, associate professor of strengthen t^nSHINCTONkSHINGTON (AP (AP I) — - Thp The Senate Senate fleet of earth - SDace shins space ships eventually eventually 1371 1971 that includes that includes the the costs costs of the last of the cost ultimately ultimately atat $12.8 $12.8 billion billion, an inproas* an increase journalism, also was critical of the the nation, which I think a free press wined Tuesday its decision to keep would save billions by enabling technicians manned from the $9 billion estimate two years ago. government's action in securing an does," Hough said. flights to the moon in this decade. Boyd L. Miller, asst. professor of ■iqan astronauts in space by defeating to repair satellites in space or bring them The bill also includes funds for the Mondale injunction to restrain publication of questioned the whole ftasure to kill the controversial space back to earth. further material from the classified journalism, said that once a newspaper Skylab program which will orbit a space conception of continuing to build the editor obtains information "it should be e. The full $3.2 billion measure was then workshop and laboratory and man it with costly ships necessary to safeguard man in Pentagon documents. his right to decide whether to publish the 1 Senate rejected, 22 to 64, approved by an 82 - 5 vote. Opposed to it teams of astronauts for up to three the hostile reaches of space and "This restraint in advance of an returning material." Jdmentto by Sen. Walter F. Mondale, were Sens. J. W. Fuloright, D-Ark., Mike months. him to earth. publication, except in time of a formally . cut from the $3.2 - billion Mansfield, D-Mont., Gaylord Nelson, The most controversial section of the ^ budget a $100 - million item for D-Wis., Claiborne Pell, D-R.I., and Robert bill by far was the space shuttle program er development of the shuttle. Taft, R-Ohio. which carries with it the implications of defeats ^fenders The bill authorizes spending for fiscal Senate of the project contended a manned space ventures in the future. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration described the shuttle as a vehicle which would take off vertically like Itandards set to cut a rocket but have the capacity to reenter Defense Dept. spending the earth's atmosphere and land horizontally on a conventional airport runway, just like an airplane. ir pollution by 1975 operated for at least 12 hours, called It said the shuttles would be reuseable 100 times or more and would' not be abandoned or thrown away like present but WASHINGTON (AP) - After a short sharp debate, the Senate rejected 63 to said adoption of the amendment would be "a fatal mistake for our national security." lASHINGTON (AP) - The a so - space craft. ' 24 Tuesday a proposal to force an 11 "cold start." NASA said the shuttles would carry per ■onmental Protection Agency (EPA) cent cut in As adopted Tuesday, this cold start must military spending. This echoed the warning of Sen. Milton R. Young of North Dakota, * final standards increased payloads and be able to return to The Secretary of Tuesday requiring 90 be followed by additional "hot - Start" amendment, offered by Sens. Defense Melvin R. Laird that the senior GOP member of the Appropriations lent reduction of auto emissions earth satellites or spacecraft which have William Proxmire, D - Wis., and Charles by operations, restarting the warmed - up malfunctioned. amendment would "provoke massive Committee, told him that inflation and I despite industry protests that McC. Mathias, R - Md., would have held reductions in personnel, weapons contracts pakers would have trouble engine. Teams of astronauts on orbiting Defense Dept. expenditures to an annual (Please meeting "The total result to be compared with and bases." turn to page 16) leadline. laboratories could be replaced by fresh rate of $68 billion. the standard will consist of 43 per cent of crewmen and returned to earth via the Supporters of the amendment said This is $7 billion below the amount 'A made the cold - start emissions and 57 per cent shuttle, NASA added. military spending would have to be cut and a partial concession to the proposed by President Nixon for the new Dance troupe of the hot • start emission," the new Mondale said the $100 million the nation's priorities reordered if domestic industry, however, by modifying the fiscal year starting Thursday. procedures for determining the levels regulations state. represents only the tip of spending that An needs are to be met. even deeper cut in Pentagon Mutants in auto exhausts. could reach $20 billion or $25 billion. spending would have been required since Tickets are available for the matinee Since hot starts emit less pollution, Proxmire said withdrawal of American Official estimates now peg the shuttle the Senate and the House performance by the Sanasardo giving them added weight can make up for already have troops in Vietnam and cutbacks in the size n EPA spokesman said the agency approved a military pay boost $1.7 billion of the Dance Company Qf ^ew York, scheduled Armed Forces there should save K with higher cold - start emissions than might in of Nixon's recommendations. for 3 p.m. today in the Auditorium. industry that the new test have been permitted if cold starts alone excess some $26 billion in defense out - lays. '•jure would represent city driving ditions were the standard. Blood drive Sen. Allen J. Ellender, D - La., chairman of the Senate Appropriations "Why should military spending go up Student tickets are $l and will be available more accurately than its earlier Committee, when spending for Vietnam is going at the door. posal. Using the new test procedure, EPA ut. lie issued the following standards for auto Students, faculty and staff are urged to conceded, it would at the same emissions: contribute to the Red Cross-Alpha Phi permit somewhat higher emission during the first four minutes of a *1975 model cars shall not emit more Omega blood drive on campus from 10 d start." a.m. to 4 p.m. today in 322 and 323 N. than 0.41 grams of hydrocarbons per s Kedzie Hall. Under recently passed state proposed last February, emission vehicle mile and no more than 3.4 grams 1 would be conducted law, persons over 18 do not need parental by starting and ''nK a" engine which had not been consent to donate blood. (Please turn to page 16) kaft to end W xtension ASHINGTON (AP) - The Selective said possible Conference leaders refused to disclose Senate will complete action on it before * System said Tuesday the Nation's the tentative the Wednesday night deadline. agreements. wi" halt Rep. Alvin E. O'Konski, R rcss extends midnight Wednesday unless Holmberg said President Nixon's - it — and a key leader said authority to call men with expiring House conferees separately have discussed Pretty obvious Congress can't act that deferments would be asked "down the compromise language urging its U.S. withdrawal in return for release of ! road" if Congress' enactment of a two Selective Service said a provision prisoners "as quickly as year draft extension bill is delayed so long American Id men with expiring deferments as to cut into manpower needs. possible" but setting no date. w called after the draft expires will House Armed Services Chairman Senate conferees said they had discussed . Us,'d unless authorized by President Edward Hebert, D • La., who is also no compromise, chairman of the House - Senate conference The Selecti Service estimated just not going to induct anyone trying to work out a compromise on the deferments for 200,000 to 300,000 men extension bill, said it is pretty will expire during the year, more than lint un'" we 'Eduction draft said William C. Holmberg, obvious Congress cannot complete action enough to fill anticipated draft needs if the is not extended and the President information House Senate conferees officer. before Wednesday night. law - agreement late reported Tuesday on all Herbert said he is optimistic the House authorizes calling such men. Summertime relaxation will pass the compromise draft bill The Pentagon has announced a 16,000 A •njnees in the draft bill except the Wednesday if the conference put it out by draft call for July and August. - co ed pauses by a crippled tree near the Red Cedar River before finding a place on the rocks to sit and l(ifor jeld war halt amendment which was noon but said he was not optimistic the man contemplate her solitude. last. _State News photo by Milton Horst 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SENT TO FLOOR news Deadli„ei Equal pay bill endorsed scnedulgi summary or s'9nuJ From the wires of AP and UPI. in Senate committee K«st Un,„. D'' woman scorned, there is no perform identical tasks for less ReglslMtonYE? *3 word devised for the fury of all money?" she asked. "Women women should you scorn them resent what The Senate Labor Committee they regard as on such a fundamental issue as intolerable "We would welcome the discrimination reported out a bill Monday that would require employers to pay equal pay for equal work." against them. In industry, participation of all nuclear government and in the women as much as men for "The issue of equal pay for weapon states in arms control and professions, women are hired disarmament efforts doing the same job. equal work should be done with as well as last, paid least, passed over for Registration nonnuclear weapon states. " ... On a 3 - 0 committee sent the bill, already vote, the by now," she said. "Yet the promotions and held to the eard.s »„ iJ figures are an accurate -James Leonard American delegate to passed by the House, to the documentation of the extent of drudgery of routine jobs." the Geneva disarmament conference Senate floor for further discrimination against women." registered for Though the hearing was consideration. Mrs. directed primarily at the equal presidential election J'1 Earlier Wolfgang said (See st committee Monday the heard testimony from women's and favorable professional women are an average $4,500 less than men paid on pay proposal, representatives endorsed a bill several u^VethehT6lRS»i ratified Amenmetimes your involvement is so intense that it's "Of the sons and Bill Fr< in read the average novel in a though you're actually daughters of Republican parents es. Even on the toughest mal tion take there, watching the interviewed place. . . . more than a third do not want Nixon he rarely dips bel< ,000 words per minute. re-elected. Less than a tenth of their classmates from Democratic families are swinging to Nixon." Take a free Mini-Lesson If the Vietnam war drags on, Lubell states, "a general Bill Froxmire is not a genius. Nor is he a Republican break could develop among naturally In 60 fast reader. He learned this revolutionary minutes, over 80% of our Mini-Lesson parents and of rapid reading in the Evelyn Wood course. technique audiences increase their reading speed. Just a young people, in both the primaries and the little, November but enough to know what it's like. At the election." The Senator was one of our better students. He Mini-Lesson, you will find out how the Evelyn Wood technique handles difficult textbook started the course at about 600 words a minute and increased his rate 4 times. Our material. How it improves memory and average student concentration. And, how it makes reading a begins at 300 words a minute and graduates at 'Wid er voice ordered speeds over I ,S00 words a minute. pleasure instead of a chore. The Mini-Lesson is one hour that could change your life, too! A federal judge in Washington ordered the Teamsters Attend One of the FREE Lessons Scheduled Union Tuesday to give its 2 million members a wider voice in running the affairs of the giant labor organization. WED, June 30th THURS, July 1st FRI, July 2nd LAST DAY I "It is clear to the court that the 4 or 6 or 8 pm. 4 or 6 or 8 pm. rank-and-file 4 or 6 or 8 pm. UNIVERSITY INN UNIVERSITY INN membership is not afforded a full opportunity to UNIVERSITY INN 1100 TROWBRIDGE RD. 1100 TROWBRIDGE RD. participate in the affairs of the union," said U.S. District 1100 TROWBRIDGE RD. East Lansing EAST LANSING EAST LANSING Judge June Green. She refused a Tennessee local union leader's request to halt the Teamsters' July 5 convention in Miami Beach at which Frank E. Fitzsimmons is I EVE LYN WOODS READING DYNAMICS 113 expected to solidify his takeover of the union from imprisoned James R. I 1732CI West Eight Mile Road, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Hoffa. | FOR 1=URTHER INFORMATION, CALL 313-363 5111 (COLLECT) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 30, 1971 3 JOANNA FIRESTONE Brown will w'll back siinnnrt«» supporters _*• of a backs unicamer News Staff Writer unicameral legislature drive to establish in their ,concept i!? th® past> legislative process," Brown said, to the people and make swallow, R-Alpena, and has not the standpoint of Rep. Jim Brown, legislature in a one-house „ ■ ®n8'ni conditions" have "I thing this plan would improve significant savings in money, convinced him to alter his stand, received much support in the and proper checks by a one house state Michigan. con«in«»iM-.... the quality of legislation, vastly — . efficiency ... . and effectiveness." balances," he said "That i< government. emos. said Monday that he Brown, who tim - five teenage i The unicameral T MSU veterans could be affected - — «» ,, proposal • ortion , from Michigan and several other wou'd replace the present 148 by the Senate's proposal. Under the House bill, each midwestern states will leave July members of the Senate and cases "By the time this bill is passed veteran who served in Vietnam 1 for a four week European "ouse with a 76 member - we're hoping it will be within the year - the number may even would be paid $10 for each tour. montb of domestic service and - Senate, eliminating 72 legislators The young msucians are and cutting the cost of operating StfSO have doubled that," Mason *or each month of foreign members of the Blue Lake Fine N.Y. debated "We feel this plan brings today's veterans benefits said. finally ^iity. No nflvmpnt Arts Camp International Band, m'"lon *hich is directed by Professor Leg'slature by some $3.5 Brown, who has gained the A reg. $25 value. This includes handling charges in line with those of World III and Korea. As thines stand Wa~r things stand J£nn ac^wiST^f. !"!? be allowed ^ th! Leonard FakonV, "doctor reputation of a spending to exceed emeritus of bands at MSU. Blue watchdog, said he has studied Add 70c sales tax. W YORK (AP) - Nearly 165,000 abortions - more than :'«c;nn a now, we're about $900 short but n. ■ ■ * out - of - state women — were performed in the Lake is affiliated with MSU. the unicameral issue for some city this bill will cover school *n order to be eligible for the c the first year of the state's liberalized abortion law, costs The band will present fnje- Send name, address and check or money order made Sis said Tuesday. pretty well." military pay fund act, veterans concerts in Holland, Germany, There was a time when, in out to Tim Page, Page Products, 135 Collingwood, Apt. 13, Also included in the bill is a must have served E. Lansing, Mich. 48823 The total - based on estimates from collected doctors' since Jan. 1 Switzerland, Belguim, Austria "V opinion, a two - house section providing state loans for 1961, and must be s - was well above the 120,000 predicted by city officials a registered and legislature was necessary from i/l(S the law went into effect last July 1, but well below ates by some opponents of the law who had said as many as 00 women might apply. re came from out of state than expected, other countries during the first nine months including 1,518 of 'the lized law. Every state was represented, a news conference, City Health Services Commissioner >n Chase rejected calling the city the "abortion capital of ition." don't like that term," he said. "We have a lot of brain y here, too, but they don't call it the brain surgery capital country." 1 city accounted for the "lion's share" of abortions Try our list rmed in the state, Chase said. death rale, he said, was 5.3 per 100,000, compared to of 17 per 100,000 in Great Britain during the first year of ortion law, or 40 per 100,000 in Scandinavia, addition, Chase said, the rate of reported complications has ly declined. of summertime The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Diversity, is published every class day during Fall, Winter id Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays uring Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, land Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, .sociated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press ssociation. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial activities d business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg.. Michigan ite University, East Lansing, Michigan. News 355-8252 Classified Ads 355-8255 Advertising 353-6400 Business Office 355-3447 REE PICK UP ID DELIVERY WIS Have a Ball )LEANERS HOUR SERVICE } E. Grand River tone 332-3537 Be an MSU Volunteer For further information call 353-4400 Help mentally-handicapped people with physical Teach elementary-age children reading skills. education, music, language, and outdoor education. Be a juvenile probation officer. Play softball with a bunch of fatherless boys. Read to a blind student. Restore a boy's faith at Boys Training School. Answer calls for temporary Teach manpower needs. severely mentally-handicapped the skills Fix a roof, paint a room, build a ramp for a wheelchair. at our "Barn" necessary to return to the community. Dispense family planning information Help a foreign student learn English. ,ppLY LIMITED OFFER GOOD WHILE BEACHBALLS LAST! Work with a mental health therapist. - Teach the blind and physically handicapped to swim. Plant gardens with a group of low-income youths. Help an 80 year-old plant a garden. With every Red Barn Fried Chicken Dinner Take emotionally-disturbed children on field »• 11.49 you now get a giant, colorlul, Go to jail and teach math. trips. H.OO-value Beachball free. Teach cooking to a group of 8 vear-olds. Plan an adventure club for children in housing projects. Read stories to pre-schoolers. Adopt a friend, be a Big Brother or Big Sister. Join the battle to protect the consumer. A public service message East Lansing State Bank b FOR RED BARN LOCATION NEAREST VOU, ™E WHITE OR YELLOW PAGES OF YOUR PHONE BOOK MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Utrihd'tiuO' coktit. 18-year drinking bani KEN LYNAM advertising manager ~tkl VuAnttoef (JtVu second class citizens JOHN BORGER, managing editor To the Editor: unaer the current BOB ROACH, news editor A bill to lower the age of law legal and 21 years of BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor adulthood to 18 but excludes the right to "11 the alcohol age have n !! ** ~w RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor drink is ludicrous and contradictory. It is thev want p this is true. ant' Everyoo,| analagous to the tea Ux: the British The law is withdrew all the other taxes they effwti Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award preventing young JZ' previously had imposed upon the colonists entertainment and danrin , for outstanding journalism. but retained the tax on tea in order to enforce the principle that they had the power to tax the colonists. ««ea,eohol.WhVhrSl^l drinks is of no account he pursuit of h«PPin. ss The legislature is saying, we will let of the t0 ;nj those 18 and older have the rights and entertainment Lj?l' EDITORIALS responsibilities of adulthood but we retain mature" people Except for a few over 21 are,? the power to deny them one particular has virtually < off,ehoutTJ no 1 ,M*« right because we — those over 21 — think establishments which State they cannot handle it. provide il wiretapping entertJl music and good live It is the priciple which is at stake here the legislators to more than the merit of drinking. I drink The locate some h*"''1' very little and would be gald if everyone Michigan discontinue support of ^ th«e 11 'Well, would lose the their desire for alcoholic State agencies traditionally have fed. msumption tomorrow. I also realize that alcoholism is one of our most social and health problems. pressing discriminatory accomplish their avowed |aws whichPrJl pur^JJ nigntmarish. Nevertheless, how can the legislature legislature should close felt piqued because they cannot do Simply, one wonders how House expect the newly enfranchised to act as and prove its the credit all the things that the "big boys" in Bill No. 4747 will be translated into first class citizens when it treats them as nght to purchase sincerity by inc|uT the federal bureaus can. House Bill concrete action if passed. Its second class citizens? beverages. and consume!u How can young adults take No. 4747 which would allow wide seriously a founding rationale is to provide legal taboo on a practice which is endorsed Neil« PotM latitude for wiretapping at the state The Hondwriting on the Wall v East . , law enforcement officials with a tool socially and is encouraged by millions of Lansing graduate,] level is motivated by such "little to dollars worth of advertising? June 25l use against large criminal brother" logic. operations including organized Getting into trivialities it 's fact that Under the proposed legislation attorney general, a prosecuting the crime. Yet, if this is the case, then already existing federal statutes Thank yol attorney, deputy attorney general would To the Editor: The Doctor's Bag seem to be as equally I want to thank and, under certain circumstances, applicable - and theoretically less you for ta__ initative to allow the "other asst. attorneys general and asst. subject to the pratfalls side"! story" concerning the Consumer L prosecuting attorneys could apply accompanying more provincial and Educational Services for an "eavesdropping warrant" from Programl enforcement. Especially suspect is printed in the Michigan State News. I a circuit or court of appeals judge. the inclusion of the marijuana By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. Perhaps I was a little hasty to J "Probable cause" for the issuance of the integrity of the press in general, J provision in Bill 4747. Traditionally, at the end of my such a warrant covers suspected Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. previous letter. Ho establishment minions have used Difficulties arising from constipation are we have sincerely tried to d violations ranging from murder to Names need not be included unless a personal reply is requested. extremely rare, but drug legislation to harass political difficulties from taking too many laxatives are common. A daily bring to the student market, as well! the fell crime of dealing in dissidents. Will wiretapping now be bowel movement is regarded by many marijuana. people their well being and they consider themselves afflicted with as being essential to young family market in worthwhile and effective general,^ added to the arsenal of the thought Are carp, bullhead and other fish in the Red Cedar River safe an have attempted in every way th program. l| Obviously, this legislation would police? for human consumption? Are there high levels of DDT in their evil malady if they do not dump on schedule. A simple excretory how to protect our customers fri be a great boon to law enforcement flesh? Being a student on a tight food budget, any addition of process, common to all mammals, has become ritualized and Clearly, the inherent dangers to misunderstandings that might arise,! zealots imbued with magical powers for thorughout the state. the constitutionally guaranteed right carp or bullheads to my diet would save me money. many human beings. Once a I belive more than any major conq Unfortunately, it also constitutes a person's need for a daily bowel movement has been thwarted by a the country of privacy far outstrip any margiral today. We will contiM If you are lucky, you can also catch normal physiologic occurrence, he may resort to laxatives on a clear and present danger to the benefits to be gleaned from House pike in the Red Cedar so. River. During recent years, the Red Cedar has become regular basis. This can cause the large intestine to be unresponsive I thank you for your fairness« personal rights of the citizens of Bill No. 4747. The "little boys" cleaner than it used to be, largely due to raw and cease to contract and signal that it is full. demonstrated in this entire situatd Michigan. At the federal level alone down at the Capitol would do far sewage no longer being The best way to get off of laxatives hope to have the opportunity toflT dumped nators that "there is no the 500 U.S. Maybe he isn't using (who comes out of the(thing _ mad house) not. justice has years ago at a cost of $250,000. What a shame. It was to be distributed round the connection between this patrol (U.S. destrovers in Tonkin Gulf) and any action prolonging the POW's war. as But it is a reason terribly hard for sane man in a government to "cut its cos JJJjJ to come from the 1964-68 Ali originally world, bearing the stamp of director John in South Vietnam," that was untrue. story without Nobody listened. was denied doubts. America, Mr. Nixon j k jjl The United States, we thinK, J conscientious objector status when the Justice Dept. stated that his SN enjoi Ford ("Grapes of Wrath", "How Green Was My Valley") showing what a fine thing Later McNamara denied that the redeem its pledge "that we Vietnamese a reasonable chance to defend thinks, must give the South through a paroxysm 0 the war was and how pure America's captains of the two U.S. destroyers had Journalistically it is hateful Jii« - refusal to be inducted into the themselves against Communist motives. In three years of making the knowledge of any South Vietnamese raids. (Building aggression." by turns to sit here and* I military was based on political, not up a million religious or moral grounds. Clearly, The State News regrets to inform movie the views changing, and there had on the war, alas, kept to be That wasn't conference so. if He he was knew asked at a press of incidents and - man well equipped army, isn't enough.) Till the - trained emotions of anguish, frustration. How nice it wl ^ J7 its readers it has been as many temporarily Vietnamization program is when the war ends, and * the only political skullduggery afoot enjoined from further publication of revisions as in a Soviet historical involving South Vietnamese vessels and the Defense Secretary Laird complete, | can be laid to the Justice Dept. classified encyclopedia. "It's a dead duck," a USIA North Vietnamese and replied, "None that told a television listening to patriot'c mu«ac «g University documents official said sadly at last, "and it will I know of." Untrue. audience, "we will have combat forces C THE NEW REPUBLIC Legal vindication does stay stationed in Vietnam." It little, uncovered last week by Louie Bender, in the can." sounds like the however, to correct the injustice State News cub reporter. Fiction perpetrated by the World Boxing Alas, too, for one of the most NO, BEETHOVEN NEVER HAP A interesting Assn. when it sentenced Ali before forthcoming works of historical fiction In GIRL WHO BU666P HIM BV Litigation is currently pending recent years, the reminiscences of trial by stripping him of the before Lyndon 0RIN61N6 FLOWERS FOR HIS PlANO! the Student Traffic Appeals Johnson, booked for fall publication and heavyweight crown. He could Court. reportedly now in galley proofs. It seems probably sue, and possibly he only yesterday that we watched Mr. should. In saying that he probably Johnson pouring his heart out to Walter will not, Ali has Cronkite on television and, after we definitively to the got use demonstrated who is the better man. thing, we found it quite — well, exciting. But now many of the authentic Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 30, 1971 5 :ien fist warded Wilson staff sets program )r tudy Ifford W. Welsch of the I of Anatomy is one of two Ints in the nation this year of learning, social activities Research Career Jopment Award of the By RAY ANDERSON |nal Cancer Institute. State News Staff Writer Robert Maurovich, Wilson Another activity is called less than six people. Two will is also the first MSU director said. "Plunge," and the staff defines it help each member accept his to ever receive the The Wilson Hall advisory staff "Psychologists have shown one-time opportunity to total being and the third, called has initiated a unique program that students learn more from become involved in a topic of "interpersonal skills group," to to provide their 1,200 summer their peers than any other (purpose of the award is to your* interest, be it U.S. C the development of young residents with extracurricular source," he said, "and we're involvement in Indochina or educational, educational, rultnral cultural anH and cnnial t r vi n P to o\vp Itists with outstanding social trying give them an diamond buying. The "social action group" will activities. opportunity to explore for Intial for careers of "Fa-st" (faculty-student) is an enable students to work actively The Lndent research in the program, aimed at themselves with whom they attempt by the staff to create a on social issues of their choice, |T-related sciences. making residence hall living a want." closer tie between the student such as abortion or drug law t award is also designed to learning experience, will operate Initial response to the survey's body and members of the at both the house and hall level reform. > cancer research attempt to uncover student faculty. A small group of and includes symposia, personal interests, skills and acceptance of unusually high students and a professor would Rounding out the nine development, social action of the program have been good, get together to'discuss matters activities are a "creativity groups, creativity workshops and "They've written a lot of workshop" for self-expression Kyisions of the award begin more. of mutual interest. 1971 and continue positive things about what we There are also three types of an<^ a "skill-building team" for The nine-point is ftgh June 30, 1979 and Beating the heat near Yakely ► Cooling program are trying to do, and I think personal development groups of self-improvement. tprinkler, '"'"'erlV aPP'Vi"» " designed to maximize the we're moving in the right ■r Welsch's full salary potential of a residence ahll as a direction," Maurovich said. One Kghout this period. -State News photo by living-learning experience, student wrote that it was nice to Doug Bauman Prof know that someone really cared [PERIMENTAL PROGRAM about thinking. Four what students extensive were symposium gets topics scheduled for the term will focus on human sexuality, from enginee Students to help businessmen drug abuse and personal and institutional racism. The topics will be discussed one night a week over an eight-week period; human of A. W. Farrall, professor and chairman emeritus of MSU's Dept. Agricultural Engineering, received the Massey - Ferguson I By LESLIE LEE sexuality Monday, institutional racism on Tuesday, Education Award today from the American Society of late News Prograir Staff Writer dirertnr AndrewA director a'"^0' ?"d invo,ve the, consultants for students as problem - solving framework CUA drugs on Wednesday and Agricultural Engineers. A plaque and $500 was presented at the 64th Annual Meeting small businesses that is functional Lansing Entrepreneurial • If the program is personal racism on Thursdays. Jojjoral candidate in in the Model Cities program, -to furnish management successful, it may be expanded to include The discussions will be of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers at Pullman, - jce Service (LEASE) an imental program in which Av supervise both phases of he program. providing management assistance assistance to new and existing graduate students and faculty in augmented by speakers and films Wash. and problem - solving teams. small business ventures obtained The award "honors those whose dedication to the spirit of busi,.ess j ODiainea from irom a MSU's Center for less students will be classroom work will The „ administration, ». . program will involve especially businesses operated by TT„K.„ Affoi-c urban Affairs, East Lansing's learning and teaching in the field of agricultural engineering has Brogowicz iri said. advanced with dictinction our agricultural knowledge and CUA will provide half of the Drug Education Center and MSU's Drug Education Project. practice and whose efforts serve as an inspiration to others." rway this fall. e iject, ^cosponsored project, cos_ by (Mtennolth°eJquence will'Je c^nce^S in'practice*what op^S Vt^Sid fpp^ Sol of^A%,e^™ COUPON VAIIIIIIIfllllllllt^ _ _ „e of Business and the small business development they" have learned in the with visible results what he has T for Urban Affairs (CUA) is related to our community proposals made by the students. classroom. I TISAM/VIACQ learned in the classroom. Cooperation with Lansing These proposals will be Other major objectives of the action programs," he said. |el Cities program, will a three - term classroom at MSU with related evaluated by a panel of bankers and Model Cities personnel, program are: to bring students face - to - Brogowicz said that special emphasis will be placed on working with new firms still in In wiii jliL.r Mr ODeratP riH„c thrnnah _______ Ja thp ■ I MEXICAN RESTAURANT —,= ■nee Brogowicz explained. _ |work in Lansing. ....... The remaining two terms will face with the problems their planning staees This will ®conomic Development.Corp., confronting businesses and be particularly concerned with consumers within the ehettoghetto helping hpinino in«n p„orhv° coordinated by n,® Dave"' m»'^1° Milstein loan applicants ,wir>„ develop and formed by a combination of marketplace. ^r louse query set proposals to secure funding for •to analyze the commercial their ventures, several smaller groups in the s structure and marketing patterns of Brogowicz. who has been economically depressed working with the Model Cities neighborhoods. HttlMY 1K/U 1005 EAST GRAND RIVER BLVD. In aid program as a management to Greece •to examine and appraise consultant for the community - controlled hold a joint appointment as economic development instructor for the program from past year, will : TACOS! ★ TACOS! CRISPY. FRIED, FOLDED CORN TORTILLAS, STUFFED WITH PURE corporations and alternative the College of Business and from We deliver. . . \ 4 FOR *1.00 GROUND BEEF AND LETTUCE, means of achieving economic ■ASHINGTON (AP) — House investigators want to question UNIVERSITY T.V. RENTALS DECORATED WITH CHEESE. ' assador to Athens on whether Congress was misled about development within the inner (REGULAR $1.40 VALUE) JULY jun 1i THRU mn« JULY juli 7i i return -to city. ^ democratic government when U.S. arms bents to the military junta were resumed, •to identify and demonstrate the unusual problems in the •fiiiiaiiBiaiiaiiCLip & saveiibibiibiimi* lie hearings, to open July 12, may put new pressure on the establishment and operation of a lrnment to slow plans to send more fighter planes, tanks and small business. |r weapons to Greece in the coming year. I Senate staff report already has accused the State Dept. of Jig to win more progress toward democracy in Greece as part of *to have students develop a you can learn to fly ■bargain when the U.S. embargo on heavy arms aid to the ■0 ally. LIEBERM ANN'S I.S. Ambassador Henry J. Tasca has been asked to testify |rt replied, the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Europe. Tasca a subcommittee aide said. Reputy Asst. Secretary of State Roger Da vies, who told a Ite hearing a year ago that constitutional government would A garment bag Illy restored In Greece by the end of 1970, also has been id to testify. that carries everything! HIFI BUYS HAS ADDED A NEW FEATURE TO ITS MOST PROFESSIONAL TAPE DECK. ■hey've added a lower price to the already feature - packed »dvent Model 200 Tape Deck. And that could be the best leature of all! Down to $219.95 from the previous list price Rf $260. And still with other deluxe features like; The rOLBY SYSTEM that removes that bothersome with WINGED SPARTANS background hiss present on tapes and opens the way to ►creased frequency and dynamic range, digital tape lounter, headphone jack, indicator lights, large VU meters "Learn To F |nd easy - to - operate snap controls. It's all here on the PPi' deck that many professionals do their on cassette ►cording on. Just Step Inside HIFI BUYS for further ►formation or a demonstration of the feature packed Rdvent Model 200. Ground School Introduction and Sign Up TONIGHT 8 p.m. Room 31 Union Bldg. ADVENT Lightweight, convenient way to travel. It holds one or two suits - with three roomy zippered pockets Tonight's meeting, sponsored by the MSU Flying Club — Winged Spartans, will include a for shirts and accessories. Carry it complete presentation on what's involved for you to start flying this week, if you wish. full length or fold it in half and carry You'll be surprised at our low prices! $30.00 for the Ground School NOW like a suitcase. In tough fabric - Course available to everyone, not just members, in the community. I $219.95 backed 'vinyl: black or brown. You will be introduced to the nine weeks basic ground school, which is taught by a Excellent for either car or airplane. certified flight instructor. $2250 If you can't make tonight's meeting, but would like to know about learning to fly with the Winged Spartans, please drop your name, address and phone number in the mail to: Winged Spartans Info, P.O. Box 287, East Lansing, Mich. 48823. We'll have one of our flight instructors call you. Or you may also call 676-5623 during daylight hours and ask to speak i HIFI BUYS to an instructor. Come on up! / 1101 E. Grand River East Lansing I EAST LANSING - 209 E. Grand River AVIATION GROUND SCHOOL SIGN-UP TONIGHT Phone 337-2310 DOWNTOWN - 107 S. Washington 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, j, Candidate EDITOR'S NOTE: The serving business and economic hits El. parks for children," he said. following i* the first of a series interests not particularly "It (the city council) should injury and possible death income housing. WIH is aware of the fact that of stones because of the public officials' "Part of the present master he represents the interests of the detailing the beneficial to the student — exert some sort of pressure on jac|{ Qf knowledge and platforms and backgrounds of he thinks dodging cars, outside interests - corporations resulting plan is the creation of a "counterculture" and the young, prejudices about drugs," he said, peripheral route in the candidates who have taken out more businesses, increasing and other city governments with He cited the unnecessarily "What I think is the downtown area that would biggest lo register nominating petitions for the housine COS.ts and more pavement are all in his interest," direct bearing on our stiff penalties for possession and eliminate much of the little low problem at this point is the realize their and vot!? ^ Aug. 3 primary election for East Will said. ecological crisis," he said. sale of marijuana and hashish as cost housing that docs exist in power/^ Lansing City Council. evidence of the lack of East Lansing," he explained, Though students constitute By supporting a moratorium more than 60 percent population of East Lansing, he said they are not of the being on expanded automobile and use of building bicycle paths. Will indicated that the the knowledge part on the city council's "There is no more evidence that marijuana leads to harder He blamed zoning practices aimed at attracting business for much of the present housing Memorial slated East Lansing City Council candidate Chuck Will said in a represented. "The present orientation of city council could start to rejuvenate the city environment. drugs than there is that coffee leads to car accidents," he said, problem, and said that such practices "affect young people for radio-TV recent interview that he intends to concentrate on "ecology and the city according to the 1980 plan is definitely not towards | 8 One issues, of Will the most pressing said, is the East "The penalties for sale and possession of marijuana and hash concerned adversely."^ Will^said wnn excessive pr all facets of city government the majority (students)," Will Lansing City Council's attitude Should be reduced to minimum landlord profiteering" and feels w,ucal'on andamemk. that hurt the student's explained. toward drug use and treatment. possible fine ($1) under state a minimization on those profits ^r?in $ ™Uve' 59 ' Unex^% at pocketbook or repress him" in his first bid for a seat on the A senior in social science at MSU and a staff writer for Joint "Jailing a person is not the law" 18 is essential. ' V. radio if of J FonL.n 'ontanelle, Iowa, headed. , „ television and department from answer to the problem of drug Will, who has been a federal Will said he also is aware of council. Issue, an East Lansing inc|udc a chapter on According to Will, a resident underground newspaper, Will addiction," M,d what ».«he calls n_ t< i n "selective hiring r "Television's Impact on American educational ™»v«nu,m MnM television i His of East Lansing for all but six said he feels that ecologically. Milliken's adviser on drugs has also supports the establishment and training practices' that have of "Broadcast Culture " H? the months of his 24 years, the East Lansing needs a "revolution said the same. A person addicted - of daycare centers, an aoortion resulted in a police department Management." "ewasibo- p^ate services will be held to referral service, expansion of the unable to identify with many of this morni„ business orientation of East in values." drugs already has a problem service for the CHUCK WILL and a jail record Driio Drug KHumtinn Education f!pnfpr Center and and thp riti/pns the citizens nf the rnmmimifv of the public at 2 p.m. todav in Mqit. . Lansing is neither ecologically "The city needs a full - time only gives him community. Contributions may ibe made in his m j , * s Alurnni profitable an additional problem." similar institutions. He feels that the police should to uc,7^""'Ch| nor student desired. ecologist," he said, "and should Fund for the College of Human "East Lansing is - primarily support waste recycling, less pesticide use, side streets and safer, less traveled Will is also concerned with represent the community 1.„ as well prjo,. to jo|ning the MSU Medicine MbUDev«l more grass and "People in East Lansing risk city plans to eliminate much low as protect it. of both Northwestern f>cu|ty Nebraska. From 1946-51, he was University „11U chairman of the department at the University of Alabama a radio-fcl Discretion affects pot' was chairman of the division of law University. communications it j Martin is a past president of By JIM SHELDON State News Staff Writer included in the ordinance, and was difficult to determine. It marijuana use Selling marijuana, strictly Education by Radio and Television Assn for Professional Radio-TV member of the board of directors of the both the National Education. and the NatioS ri?' Hewas Assn fo! Eft'" J^l a that offense would still be could change day to day, they possession, Broadcasting Education. ^ for hott*~ Three persons have been prosecuted under the state said felony, is punishable by a 20 on the MSU Athletic Council and the arrested and prosecuted under statute by county prosecutors, circumstances of each case. Intent of nf thp the ordinance nrrfinan™ mac was t to relationship to and a parallel year mandatory minimum Council and was a a mpmhpr member nf of th« the American Assn erf 180 — * - wjth the handling of the East Lansing marijuana East Lansing police chief shoplifters, sentence under the state statute. Professors, Each case is vitn«u wed ® a.. IS an alternative to Prosecutors have the option of ordinance since that law went Charles F. Pegg and deputy chief _ .. mamuana Drosecution Thei„.three ipersons prosecuted He holds the Bachelor of Arts degree from individually by police, Pegg said,|Ju*"» prosecution : , as a UU1" lows . • , under East Lansing's ordinance ere«y is used to determine whether the charge under the ordinance was prosecution originates with the Drr_arin_ anginal idea of they iney said, anQ and their ineir decision aecislon is IS jail. He is survived by his widow, Jean, and his ordinance will be applied in a based on whether a "small arresting office, in keeping with po^y for Officers " has8been value based ofonthe firstitem offense and on the Birmingham, and two grandchildren. son ' Michael marijuana offense. amount of marijuana' department, h. ,he ^on'°' stolen. Adopted Feb. 1 by city council, the new ordinance made found in a person's possession and on whether the person was a __r continued, city attorney and prosecutor "led cS* us to believe" it For example, they said a first use of possession of by first offenders punishable as misdemeanor and marijuana set for f|rst offender, Both officials declined to in Naert said the arresting officer each of the ordinance cases three previous asked that would not be helpful, An understanding was by all parties that review by legal reached • time cent shoplifter who stole a 39 - item would probably be charged with a misdemeanor, in Stage set for Mountain, first summer Pop show prosecution by the city define what constituted a "small misdemeanors be applied. In two counsel of all factors in a relation to a first - time attorney, though a felony charge quantity" of marijuana, to avoid of these, he added, the person marijuana use or possession case marijuana offender who would still apply if setting a public doctrine on the arrested for possession was would be considered for limit for possessed a small quantity of the circumstances merited its use. misdemeanor involved in a traffic offense prosecution under the substance. Of course, the Sale of marijuana was not prosecution, and said the matter where the officer saw the ordinance, Pegg said. He added By JOHN BORGER officials said, a man with 20 0 . .. . . no problems have yet arisen with pounds of marijuana would State Newt Staff Writer But th*re summer term, h,M nothin« «nd the group's fee of largely because - mean that the comml in the words of faculty advisor The first summer concert operating with "no 1 I fOUR AMERICAN MWfi-tlfWClNC' ASMSU Pop Entertainment ever Randolph Webster, Jr. - the four years I've been . In all," and that ticket Driea AMC lt S Baby Mil° Who Has Roddy has staged will feature working the bare minimum McOowall Mountain, with the committee, there's Blatt said this flnt Washington Terrified! " Ju,y 1®- " North, East, Tickets, all priced at $3, go on sale Tuesday at the never been 0f a enough of a nucleus committee around to get a concert experiment, was Union, jESC^Pp|,ANEFT^ summer concert off the "If this works out West Campbell ti Smoke Shop aind Marshall Music (East Lansing pound." able to do this In w su This summer Chairman Barry summers store). The concert is scheduled - and maybe even | MERIDIAN 1: 1:30 3:30 5:30 7:30 9:30 Blatt, Is on campus. Other another concert this !*j MllrJ /v Twl-Llte Hour, Adults 90c. 5:00 — 5:30 or South to begin at 7 p.m. in the committee members are coming he said. [*! \J" MERIDIAN 2: 2:30 4:30 6:30 8:30 Twl-Llte Hour, Adults 90c, 6:00 -6i30 ml'"'.11?1' The July concert marks „ in from their homes, some from Mountain Is a hard- ■ Pop ^ away gs Detroit, to help group Whatever direction Entertainment's first effort at which played or organize the concert, Webster Woodstock. Some of its ra staging little whatever time of year you're traveling, give us a regular a concert academic outside year. the The said Monday. Webster said many students included on "Woodstock FVetty Maids call. student committee has Albums include "Na MHIIiRft We have many averaged had four concerts fall terms and approached committee s I e i g bride*' interesting vacations to members spring term and asked all in a row" liven up any time of three terms. each winter and spring about the possibility of a' "Mountain-climbing." The group was first It vr year! summer [ANGIE DICKINSON concert, in light of the to campus in spring, 19: ELLIOTT GO'JLD _ DONALD SUTHERLAND relative absence of other JROCK HUDSON RENT AT.V. activities. part of the multi-group, Blatt Open Air Celebration, $9.50 ELh 25.00 > was more blunt about "outstanding performance" the reason for a summer concert, College Travel We deliver.. . "It's a drag around here in the summer," he said. "That's why enthusiastic reception a major fact0r in rnaktoj there summer concert selec 130 W. Grand River UNIVERSITY T.V. RENTALS we did it." Webster said. Another reason for not having Also appearing with Mou: a summer concert until now has 351-6010 will be Mylon, a former"^ been a much smaller student Gf the Lefevre gospel si" body. Even this term, with an family estimated 10,000 undergraduates out of about 17,000 students (normal student body size is close to 40,000), Blatt is keeping a hopeful finger Report issue crossed that most of the 3,600 tickets will be sold. "All our concerts are open to on jobless the public too, of course, but most of our audience comes LONDON (AP) - Oxfam,, from people on campus," he . international relief organiz estimates that 320 million oT said. v o r I d ' s rkers Webster pointed out that unemployed. promotion-production expenses ynui. Doors null, open 1:00 P.M. Complete Shows at 1:10 -3:10 - 5:15 - 7:20 - 9:25 k Plaza suite. Through its portals pass the world's most mixed-up mortals. ■ program 1 ■ information! M 882-2429 1 ■ BOX OFFICE I ■ OPENS 7:30 1 WHAT DO WIVES DO WHEN DAD LEAVES FOR WORK? also ... 1 elliott I THEY PLAY WITH THE KIDS gould I & 1 -especially kids likely Phil fuller paula prentiss ■ I in I "move" ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^30 J Wednesday, June 30, 1971 7 Lo woi Alex' lost in 'Crackdown1 confusion, on student film chokes in pretense By JIM SHELDON There is no charge for State News Staff Writer changing a registration sticker. If !■'Alex in Wonderland" is action. He is Alex Parking and traffic a student is new this summer, an Lut a moviemaker who wants so being significant he is worried about congestion, always a problem at original registration permit costs |say something significant in so bent on irrelevant, Donald Sutherland MSU, have become worse this $2 for this term only. I neXt film. Ironically enough, being unconventional plays he summer term than a year ago, a is dull and plastic. Alex, a moviemaker with Henderson said increased only significant line in police spokesman said Monday, _' is the one moaned by Hollywood as his and patrol officer have been emphasis will be given to parking Sutherland stars as the Wonderland, in "Alex in enforcement and to ticketing Kiiald Sutherland near the end: moviemaker. Well, that's what ordered to "crack down" on Whatever happened to the good the credits say. Wonderland," now at the unregistered and illegally parked unregistered and illegally parked Actually what State Theater. student Patrol officers will 1 movies?" Surely most in the beams from the screen is Donald student vehicles. cars. tienrt1 wer* asking themselves Sutherland, SN photo by Central campus, bordered by spend a large part of their time personality and Doug Bauman the Red Cedar River, Wells Hall, issuing violations summonses, he fcsame thing. would - be superstar. He is the again said. uncommitted, just - walking Anthony Hall and the |"Alex in Wonderland" is a ^through actor, ever willing to Planetarium, has been hardest Parking fines will be i work, lost in its own far out" and hit this term with too many cars graduated and will continue in "right on" tfusion, choking on its own audiences to death but never and not enough spaces, Cpl. the series started when students Jtense. It is the creation of his plot ideas and he can't willing to create a new character. Harold Henderson said. Pay lots registered cars last fall, he said, Mazursky and Larry understand why. Audiences C, P, D, E and S in that area are and a new series will begin this icker, Ihe 'WW was filmed in overfilled constantly, he added. >U's Alumni once - gifted viewing "Alex" will probably 1969. Someone should September. °MsU q»3 ■rector • writer team side with the friends and Sutherland that he's off that set inform The problem is caused The problem seems to be Develop, Sponsible for "I Love You, relatives. "Alex" deals with a now and that "almost entirely" by commuting worse because of increased Wee B. foklas" and "Bob it's time he stop students, Henderson said, who and man who is all talk and enrollment, Henderson no playing Hawkeye. |rol and Ted and Alice." are should not parking where they be. Plenty of spaces ar^ speculated. The number of tickets issued is up, he said, and heir first films (rate, vfitty implied that men were at work, LEDGES' 'WATER' RUNS THIN avialable in lots,he said. summer commuter registered vehicles are down. Towing policies are also in n Wonderland" smacks of For the summer, off - campus effect, and violators will be indulgent filmmakers students are allowed to park in towed from illegal areas, Ploys tided by fame into sloppy and Lot L at Kalamazoo Street and ,fgoo cabd especially from loading rate zones Iring storytellers. Harrison Road; in Lot I, north where vehicles obstruct I" Alex" follows its antihero of the Men's Intramural Building University operations. jDviemaker around as he and in Lot X, the regular (tches for the material that commuter lot. Bus service has |1 nake his next film. He has "You Know I Can't Hear You When the Water's Running," the laughs. (And how funny can 35 stage standards, it is overlong. problem of our mulitple been discontinued this summer Market funds J wrts of "creative visions" minutes of below-the-belt The from the commuter lot. lout his future project, seeing black revelers on the current attraction at the Playhouse, is a Ledges comedy made up PANORAMA1 gags be?) The play is so unfunny it is compensate with beside the point to consider better than Ledges cast fails to marriage society. Elaine sufficient. performances Sherman's squeaky-voiced, Vehicle registration to help jobless of three one-act plays. After the sneaker-clad, flower-brandishing LUXEMBOURG (AP) (coist, an airfield strewn with first play the show has no where either the competency of "I'm Herbert," the third play, old woman and John Peakes' requirements now are in effect, new Common Market social - A pollution victims and a Richard Thomsen or the is the evening's salvation. It is and all students vehicles must be mm kllywood massacre, among to go but up. crotchety old man are wonderful fund, expected to contain $250 The show does ascend, slowly, shortcomings of John Peakes delightful and probably would creations. registered at all times this term million in five years, will be used her lights. and M. Kingsley Fosse in this be whenever Students who registered their thanks to clever writing in the it is performed. A The laughter builds madly and to help workers in areas of play's three major roles. After married, hopelessly senile is cars in September, 1970, and chronic unemployment as well second part and a combination sustained nearly till the final 10 minutes I who are living in a different of splendid writing and acting in longed for the couple, each with a fadeout. as those in difficulty because of reprieve of the first intermission. much-married past, attempt to location this summer must the third. Patience and JL "The Footsteps of Doves" is reminisce One act out of three, Market policies, it was toleration are requirements for about their life change their registration stickers. announced here. the second play. A married however, does not a great Workers muddling through most of the evening. together. Confusion results. couple hassles over buying twin Their feeble minds can't keep theatrical evening make. "You Know I Can't Hear You When 2nd WEEK! beds after 25 years of Boxoffice Opens 12:45 The play is the work of snuggling past marriages straight or even the Water's Running" is in spotty xeek double bed. The wife insists a remember te Robert Anderson (whose drama "I Never Sang for My Father" The first play is so dated it on twin beds. The husband consistently. each other's name entertainment. One regrets as much of it as Feature 1:20-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 seems prudish. Titled "The wants to retain the double bed. This is a hilarious comment he enjoys. If one recommends INAPLES became one of 1970's finest Shock of Recognition," it is the In the end the wife Today is LADIES' DAY 75c to 6 p.m. (AP) - Workers gets her way on a hitherto unexplored the show, it is with a - Itoring the Roman Catholic films). Evaluation of Anderson's story of a playwright who wants and the husband whisper. comic abilities has been blurred happily faces a "A FILM YOU NEED TO SEE! "visual. ■hedel of Naples have an actor to appear nude in his future of extramarital dug somewhat by the passage of snuggling ^ lPTOGRANnNF0RMATI0N48^jW OPEN AT 1 P.M. emotional and intellectual Bo the remains of a fifth upcoming play. His producer with a young woman he met in a LAST DAY... AT 1:20 delight! - INGENUE time. What might have sparkled balks at the idea, fearing such an REWARDING! ABSORBING! a tender, funny Jntuiy B.C. Greek temple on Broadway a few seasons appearance would be shocking. department store. This segment is 3:20-5:20-7:25-9:25 P.M. realistic story. Jennifer O'Neill is a delight!" er (he floor. amusing. It "VANISHING POINT" back, only glows occasionally This segment relies almost would be great material for a LONG ISLAND PRESS entirely on phallic jokes for THURSDAY At 1:05 - 3:10 - 5:15 7:20 9:20 television - ... - skit. But by 1971 Tonight thru Friday '"MAKING IT' IS THE MOST Manolete, Juan Belmonte and Raphael Ortega MEANINGFUL 220 S. Howard St. 371-1752 FILM ABOUT | IN NEW Bm BQKH<r GROWING UP SINCE 'THE (THURSDAY NIGHT . . . 8:30 - 11:30 GRADUATE'.' In e\*rvone s life there's MER OF '42 a D^ll Kl*. * Jonny Jakovac & folkq Nlte* Wal.Ozanich 1 RIDAY NIGHT . . . 6:30 - 12:00 . . . DANCING HERMAN RAUCHER RICHARD A. ROTH ROBERT MICHEL LEGRAND Quihiati b eHe|mut &o Kos! /vuhide on B Weme> * »l Accordian Sinaers;i, "Well done - Artistry can surmount brutality and reach an esthetic makiigir ALBERT S mjDOY PROOUCTON COLOR BV Of LUXE 20th CENTURY-FOX presents "MAKING IT" starring KRISTOFFER TABORI, MARLYN MASON TONIGHT AT: 7:30 -9:10 SATURDAY NIGHT . . . 8:00 - 12.00 understanding with tragedy. BOB BALABAN and JOYCE VAN PATTEN as BETTY -N.Y. Herald Tribune Also a biography of FRANCO NOW thru TIIES. * DANCING 7 8t 9:15 p.m. No ID 106B Wells $1.00 ■ pJiaotM I V T LANSING ON M 43 * PHONE ED. 2-1042 ' 7 BIG DAYS NORTHSIDE Drive in 3 FEATURES 3 * Bob Koss on Accordian * * / 4. ^TNi geafre EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN SHOWING Paul Bassett on Bass CARTOON FESTIVAL (4) CARTOONS AT 8:40 £^3 SPECIAL (4) UNIT HOLIDAY SHOW CARTOON FESTIVAL FIRST AT DUSK DUSTIN tiewSrdesses HOITMAN ■ EASTMANCOtOR MUD X . ^ '*» LITHE V-, BIG MAN Panavision * Technicolor' [Gpl«o> Shown at 9:20 — Repeated Fri. Plus They make their own laws at "The Cheyenne Social Club" MTWML KKML HCTWtS PWSEHTS JA^SSTEWART HENRY FONDA ^ m ITHTCHEYEME SWLCWB | ///• A®A SHIRLEY JONES SUEANEUNGDON 0HE BRAIN WANTS TO LOVE, ONE BRAIN WANTS TO KILL! Science runs amok to create... <3® SB WCMICtlWfMWBWr PERCY The story of a vgry Shown 2nd at 11:30 EXTRA SAT. & SUN. EXTRA^f successful transplant \ ,, NAT COHJN P.«stn1i An ANGlO EMI FILM A BEIT* E BOX/KAlPH THOMAS ProduCon ', FIREWORKS '"Immediately After Cartoons SHOWN 3RD AT 11:00 PM ri • III \ M i] Bil I if-U M d f ll » h\jwei Bennett m pehcy w.ih au«i mo» eike sommfh britt fkiand ai>0 ^ /0",n8 DSNHOlM EUIOTT fr'tud I/y RAIPH THOMAS [Rl—•^tSSgr-^l King Kong vs. Godzilla 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan _Wedncsday jIIHn. RESISTANCE LOWERED Synod Iced drinks, cool nights Present|Q| linked to summer colds on abortii That summer sore throat or While the coolness in itself is lungs and body aches. Finally, 1 J • 1 1 '1L I l,nVmfnl PI* For those who get caueht bv cold goes hand-in-hand with cool not harmful, Dr. Feurig 1U- the person may *__» 1 feel lazy, the summer bugs. Dr. Feurig .. drinks and cool nights. Dr. explained, as the coolness of the frustrated or simply tired. recommended rest. James S. Feurig, director of the throat is prolonged, the Similar to the summer "Get a few extra winks of University Health Center said circulation in the throat cool-throat problem, says the sleep," he said. "That's the best recently. membrane is slowed. Tiny blood MSU physicain, is the summer thing. And drink the equivalent "When it gets hot then people and lymph vessels narrow. As a cool-body problem. During of about eight water glasses of swing to iced tea, iced water and result, fewer of the body]s and cool spells in the liquids a day." other cold drinks." Dr. Feurig natural germ-fighters find their weather people have trouble Any cool drinks should be said. "Then in a day or so they way to the throat membrane. getting used to the temperature drunk at intervals, Dr. Feurig may notice that they have a sore Germs that otherwise would changes. said, instead of one after another throat. have been held in check now "The patient is going through so that the throat has a chance "What happens is that the take hold. Result: sore throat or environmental an adjustment," to get back to ordinary body prolonged cold cools the throat worse. Dr. Feurig said. temperature and rebuild those membrane resistance so and this drops that it is easier for are Other respiratory symptoms also common. Dr. Feurig "The hot weather will run body defenses, Aah, the theological ^ and scienttfu, three, four or five days and then Aspirin relieves the body on when human lift. ^ m an organism to take hold and pointed out. These include sore congested nose, congested it breaks with a storm or change jn temperature and we get a aches and gargling with salt water or other gargle is helpful Gregory Lubkin, East Lansing sophomore, beats the heat with the help of two women: one «>num,.r«usand;a>I particular ,i„ providing shade and a breeze and the other ready to drop an olive for sustenance. little more comfortable. But for the sore forced on throat, he added. —State News photo by Doug Bauman societv thrc then we go through a few days legal system. of miserable weather and people haven't acclimatized themselves yet." with about They 2 go to maybe bed in a hot room a fan on or a window open and fall asleep perspiring. Dr. Feurig said. Then o'clock or so the Volunteers' By LESLIE LEE Cauley Jr. told the University the 1960s the student volunteer receive oepf temperature drops. They chill State News Staff Writer Club at its luncheon Tuesday. are legitimate and goody" on camn I and then wake up has come to the fore." deserving of volunteer personnel, involved in enough to pull Volunteerism is not in , the covers up and go back to new In 1967 the Office of Volunteer Cauley said. A large portion of m sleep. Meanwhilev»*i . — their resistance The concept of volunteerism this country," he said. "It goes Programs was created by the their requests for aid come from tru typically "straight" x*1" today is one of people working back to the settling of the New board of trustees out of four has been lowered. And the germs social agencies in the area and with volunteers volunteer people, director of World. But the nature of existing student volunteer they rely heavily on their of the come frortjj'l programs John H. volunteerism has changed, and in University < programs on campus. MSU judgments, he said. and fit became the every descrik Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! formally to first university create an office of Though the student voluntetf program is individual working student volunteers and, student - oriented, a great need term fal the J effects in I SHOE according to Cauley, became the now exists for faculty and staff program, he said. national leader in student volunteers, Cauley said. They volunteer programs. possess many needed skills and This year thl nJ serve as valuable resource Operating out of the office of persons, operated typically I the vice referred to it [by i CLEARANCE president for student organizations. Caiilfjr said.| affairs, the program has been The student volunteer himself year it hopes to go h partially funded by the Center is hard to define, Cauley said, instigative role in for Urban Affairs but that aid Many view him as the "goody ends today, Cauley said. Outside projects of its own. Ladies' Dress & money, contributions and such, are used to fund student Sport Dress programs that the not fund. One of the greatest University will problems Church change the program has is determining which of the Select from many styles in white, bone, tan or yellow. Assorted sizes 5% to 10. (Not all colors requests they summer service in all styles.) The University Reformed Road. Church of East The format Lansing has of » shifted its services will be summer Sunday changddJ evening worship from 7 p.m. to the summer. Sen-ice » 6 p.m. at the Gamma Phi Beta informal with sorority house, 342 N. Harrison congregational particip^tiool The University Church also is sponoii COUNCIL summer training involving 30 students tfi staff members and somid students. The students at® from six colleges, mostolB GRADUATE from MSU. Program participate nil STUDENTS training sessions three li^ week. They will also coil reading program and i «J house ministry. I On five Sunday evenir$i| the summer, a family pi the Delta Gamma I GRADUATE STUDENT house, 365 N. Hanisjn^ will precede evening LIFE Babysitting will be pr during the worship servkj The University Ret* INSURANCE PLAN Church began serviceifiwl BECAUSE OF THE SAVINGS THRU MASS ago. Morning worshif the Alumni Memorial isjC (r MERCHANDISING YOU CAN HAVE LIFE The pastor is Rev. Ton Str INSURANCE FOR PENNIES PER DAY. THESE SAME DISCOUNTED RATES APPLY AFTER YOU LEAVE MICHIGAN STATE. Theaterdepl THE FINAL MAILING FOR THE SPRING to ho/dfryoj ENROLLMENT IS IN YOUR MAIL. DON'T Tryouts will be heldtoc OVERLOOK THIS VALUABLE OPPORTUNITY. six one • act plays »J produced by the Theater FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - WRITE: in late July. The tryoutsB ASSOCIATION PLANS begin at 7 p.m. in Studio* the basement beneatn ■ 1101 E. BELMONT AVE. Fairchild Theatre. L SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46615 Prior acting experience NAME »| a prerequisite, a ;> coordinator said. The Dept. is seeking pers°ns 1 enthusiasm for an theater," he said. acting<»j There is a time for joy, and for you, the time is now. Select your rings from our collection of engagement diamonds and wedding bands. Handcrafted of 18 Karat gold, from $ 135. $ Jacob0on£ V Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 30, 1971 9 POLICE] XoSKCUTlON IS being sought this week against a 17 - vear Program links psychology, Eaasing youth who was arrested early Monday morning for Vising a hunting knife with a five - Inch blade Slice said the youth had been in the station for questioning It another charge which is expected to be dropped Patrol Lrs who drove him to his car parked on West Circle i Landon Hall noticed the knife on the floor when the Drive' man ecology for human survival By STEVE ALLEN State News Staff Writer deprivation, and health care communication, and a An open system model is d his vehicle. exemplify the problems which humanitarian approach. being used in this project. Some can be approached from the eco- The eco - psychological individuals stay in the program, 1[oLICE WILL ALSO refer this week to county prosecutors "A Ph.D. program aimed at psychological perspective. approach was first used in a joint others leave after a while, still a year • old East Lansing man whom officers apprehended survival" is what George During his first year in the Stanford University - Veterans others come and go. [t 12 a.m. Tuesday while he drove with a rollawav bed Fairweather, professor of program a student will work Administration mental health "This mental health approach Iruding from his automobile trunk. psychology, calls MSU's closely with a faculty member in project. is now being adopted across the ktrol officers became suspicious when they saw the bed. After ecological psychology program, his problem area. He will In this project the typical nation," Fairweather noted. 1 stopped the vehicle on Wilson Road near The program, nrocfram. thp onlv one in the only one in ••••• ■•■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■I Rrnlnairiil ncvnhnlncrv ic Engineering Road Ecological psychology is also ■ Jce added, the man admitted he removed the bed, valued at the nation, was started last fall being applied in other fieldsTwo J without permission from the third floor incinerator room at on a limited basis. This fall it will admit its first hundred "The unique feature of ecological MSU students are working on |n Hall. students. psychology is that it brings together. . . family planning with a National Science Foundation grant. Other I COMPLAINT AND WARRANT is being sought this week sets of ideas and procedures which According to Fairweather, ... are students and staff are working Lt a 23 ■ year - old MSU student from Lansing who was who developed the notion of not new, but focuses them in an with the Capital Arear Planning |U'd about 9 a.m. Sunday for driving without a license and for ecological psychology, the experimental way which is new." Commission on a health lg officers a false name. program arose out of "a lack of program, with School of Urban Eje student was stopped on Abbot Road near the Union by direct applicability of present Planning on a high school |ol L officers, failed to produce a drivers' license and gave a which police said sounded suspicious. After officers graduate programs to deal with iiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiMiiiiiiiiMMiiiMiMMHM ecological awareness program, the survival problems of our formulate a community research mental Iked, the student admitted the name he gave was false, police health roles were and with the Center for Urban time. We project at this time. During his reversed. Instead of the doctor - Affairs on a program for decided to establish a second year he will do the actual ^ ■ lvIN patient, "I am well - you are college for urban affairs. DEYOUNG, East Lansing graduate student, told police program that is problem research. At the end of the sick" approach, former chronic The MSU ecological |l%9 Bridgestone Scrambler motorcycle valued at $400 was oriented, involving community second year he should have his mental patients managed their psychology program has received In sometime between June 25 and Monday from the parking participation and scientific M.A. thesis prepared. own program. Professionals were a $55,732 grant for the \ outside his Cherry Lane apartment. Police said the ignition evaluation." In a student's third and fourth only brought in at the request of comming year from the National oparently r locked at the time of the theft. student entering MSU's year, he will be involved in the ex-patients. The group Institute of Mental Health, part * * * ecological psychology program is dissertation research, established a janitorial - of a $260,285 five - year grant, |THER THEFTS reported this week included a $50 spare tire, expected to have a strong Throughout the program the gardening service, which has The funds will provide >n from a student - owned Fiat automobile parked between general psychology background, student will be involved in little with training in statistics. Once since bcome one of the accepted personnel, student stipends, and 25 and Monday in Spartan Village; two sweaters, both coursework as such, but he will .» business concerns in the Bay an opportunity for visiting led at $31, stolen between June 24 and 27 from a student in he has acquired this background, 1 West Wilson Hall; a portable stereo with unknown value, A construction Smoothing it out worxer he is expected to select a human obtain a great deal of experience in information gathering. .consultants. .consultants. prepares to smooth a new sidewalk i, Monday night from the West McDonel Hall recreation problem area. "There are two steps in the on campus, ont of the many projects that are undertaken Race relations, j, and $49.50 in cash stolen Monday afternoon from two research," Fairweather said. Es sharing a locker in the Men's Intramural Building. during the summer months. overpopulation, air and water '"Die student creates innovative -State News photo by Norm Payea pollution, educational models solutions to as particular situations. He will then attempt to experimentally produce social We Need Your tring change by creating conditions Hungarian Quartet, quartet previously had taught at the "Rumanian Dances" for violin, virtuoso" for acceptance of the model. "The different unique feature of ecological psychology is that it brings together a number of sets of ideas and Help LARGE FREE HELP! us name our new EXTRA Hamburger and Win 2 the Westminister Choir College procedures which in themselves ftous for its interpretation of Aspen Festival. They have also Early in his career, he was Michael I Battok String Quartets,, will taught at the University of presented a 1718 Stradivarius, Kuttner, ivumier second secona in ... Princeton, N.J., rr.nceton ivj as me are not new, but focuses them in violinist, is also a symphonic and director of the 'Westminister an experimental way which is Opposite Sears Je?r pbilee of the T "S„ TTi6£ Arts at 8:15 ^ rma in Lfos Angeles, the whose owner had specified that operatic conductor. He University of Oregon and the instrument be given to a immigrated to the United States Quartet. He performed with new." 301 ., - r several other ensembles - before The program has scientific Clippert — Across From Frandor Tuesday, in Fairchild Southwestern at Memphis, young and outstanding where he joined the faculty of leatrc. joining the Hungarian Quartet. aspects, a focus on lThe group will perform Members of the quartet, all Why Pay More! Irtok's "Quartet No. 3," graduates of the Budapest Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! lethoven's "Quartet in C Academy of Music, have studied ■or, Opus 18, No. 4," and with Jeno Hubay, the famous TWIN POPS 32* Hubert's "Quartet in D Minor violinist, Zoltan Kodaly and Bela leath of the Maiden')." Bartok. ■he Hungarian Quartet has Bartok, a life-long friend of n performing at concerts in the quartet, not only coached United States since the Hungarian Quartet for the The tour has been world premiere of his fifth flighted by performances of ■ral i 25th anniversary of the ■poser's death. Last performed in year, the Europe, quartet but also wrote his sixth J Bartok quartet cycles in — and final one — for the group, cities commemortaing Bartok's only violin concerto is dedicated to the group's first violinist, Zoltan Szekely. . CATSUP = 3/1.00 ■"WHY PAY MORE™ ■WHY PAY MORE" ■WHY PAY MORE" FOOD CLUB FRESH 'n GOOD REALEMON Kith COFFEE CREAMER COOKIES LEMON IUICE ■erica, and they taught and Fudge Sugar-Choco. Chlp- l'"d at Colby College in >nd windmill-Butter Flav< T.V. RENTALS aroon- Variety Pack |As famous for its master Ingarian s as for its concerts, the 29c 9% to 14 oz. wt. bag 3/$1<)0 49c Quartet has been in NEJAC TV RENTALS Jdence at Colby College for past five summers and SUPER FOOD CLUB MORE" CAKE MIXES 4 89< SUMMER ■WHY PAY JAY'S ™WHY PAY MORE" FOOD CLUB ■WHY PAY MORE" FROZEN ■"WHY PAY MORE" SALUTO FROZEN ■■WHY PAY MORE" FOOD CLUB POTATO CHIPS FROSTING MIX TASTI FRIES BOZO PIZZA AMERICAN COLD CUTS SALE! or DIPETTES 3 Varieties WITH CHEESE CHEESE EACH SLICE WRAPPED Bologna — Cooked salami • 6 wedges 9-10 14 oz. in pkg. 12 -oz. ■Dresses! oz. wt. 49< 79' s^oo 9 oz. wt. 67' wt. 49' 49 , 69' bag Pkg- IHot Pants! Hops! Hot Pant Sets! PESCHKE'S HOLLY FARMS BONELESS HAMS s 69 WINGS Boron DRUMSTICKS, THIGHS 5 lb. box CHARCOAL 29' Swimsuits! FRYER WINGETTES 5 lb. box SJ39 quart Shoes! I ('e> I leather is hot 'em while the SKINLESS FRANKS 97CI I tllc fashions still sizzle - while SAVE 12 SAVE 22' 20' * with this coupoi I ul cool, cool prices ward lh« purchase of: !co^ - lp (j* 3 Varieties OPEN PIT ■ 100% Hardwood Topco 20 »■ "*> 1/4 to 1/3 off ! B.3.Q. SAUCE "I, 25' with coupon ■ INSTANT TEA , ■ CHARCOAL BRIOUETS Hickory Blend Barbeque CHARCOAL BRIQUETS Time on Ih ^ ' tana S1°9 - ™ I | Expires Saturday July 3, 1971 s Saturday July 3,1971 I Expires Saturday July 3, 1971 with coupon I GO Meijer' TH RIFTY ACRES HGD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES GJMeijer THRIFTY ACRES 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA Open Tonight 'til 9 OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS r°ss ,r°m the Union 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Ruling cripples, not kills, private school s NEW YORK (AP) - Roman Catholic le aders said Monday the Other church officials and educators voiced a similar United States." He cited other possible means for aiding them. programs in only two states disappointed," but he declined back to the drawing boards to Also, 24 states provide Rhode Island and Pennsylvania, to assess the specific impact. U.S. Supreme Court decision determination, but said the The court has not "shut all find some other means that transportation for parochial which help pay teachers of It "could barring state subsidies to court action dealt a hard blow to present a real avoids the 'entanglement with pupils, and seven states provide doors," he added. secular subjects in church teachers in parochial schools put widely developed state plans for Faced with fewer teaching crisis," said the Rev. Gail religion' which the court found some secular textbooks — schools — similar plans the already hard - pressed system aiding church schools, struggling nuns and the Poynter, community relations unconstitutional. programs which have been in deeper jeopardy, but that it necessity to pay doubtlessly would be affected executive for the against financial odds to survive. Cincinnati "We've got a lot of homework upheld in previous Supreme would keep going. higher salaries to more lay elsewhere. archdiocese. "The serious impact of this to do." Court rulings. teachers, the Catholic school They have been enacted or are The Rev. J. It is "now mortally Albert Koob of He noted various other plans In Connecticut, threatened," said John Cardinal decision on nonpublic schools cannot be overestimated," system has shrunk sharply since 1965, with about 1,400 schools being considered in 15 states. But they've been challenged in Washington, D.C., president of the National Catholic education for aid are being considered, where the «*PUN, ,ld *51 Krol, archbishop of Philadelphia, said Bishop Joseph L>. closed down and such as direct grants to parochial over-all state court action or thrown out where a state program of helping Bernardin of Washington, D.C., Assn., said the life of church pupils or parents, as enrollment falling by one in at least three states passed in pay for teaching secular subjects schools ultimately depends on New York and Illinois, or tax general secretary of the U.S. million. in parochial schools was banned Catholic Conference. Louisiana, Connecticut and some form of state aid, but that deductions for But the system still enrolls 4.6 parochial by the court ruling. "But while the decision Michigan, where a referendum there are other alternatives for education costs, as passed in million pupils in 11,683 killed such a program. But "as ever before," the it. Minnesota and Maryland. complicates the financial elementary and secondary In Ohio, which provides a cardinal added, "we remain "This is not the end of Besides New problems of nonpublic schools. York and staunchly committed to keeping partial subsidy for parochial Catholic education," he said. "It education, it does not mean the Though the court decision school salaries. Bishop Clarence Illinois, where the measures for the doors of our schools open." end of nonpublic schools in the tells us the perimeters in which direct specifically rejected state aid E. Elwell of Columbus said, "I'm grants have yet to be we've got to work, and sends us signed by the governors, similar plans are being pushed in 10 CALLED CRUEL, UNUSUAL other states. Msgr. Joseph O'Keefe, secretary to Terence Cardinal Court to review death penalty Cooke, archbishop of New York, said the archdiocese did not feel the decision would affect" the New York law. "necessarily WASHINGTON (AP) - The Among those benefiting from Tennessee Supreme Court the unusual punishment in violation "This opinion if based on the Supreme Court overturned 39 the wholesale reversals was electric chair penalties of five forbidding the execution of - of the Eighth and Fourteenth William fact that protections have been death sentences Monday and Richard F. Speck, convicted of C. Witherspoon, black youths convicted of rape Amendments?" written into the convicted of killing a Chicago New York agreed for the first time to murdering eight young student in Memphis in the biggest mass In a decision May 3 the Court policeman, 9et the rule that statute to avoid entanglement consider whether in 1966 in their southside of capital nurses sentencing to death in recent upheld the procedures through the state with the church," persons expressing general he punishment is cruel and unusual Chicago apartment. history. which the death penalty is set in conscientious said. "We're confident that the and therefore unconstitutional. The court remanded to the Setting the stage for a the 38 states still using capital the scruples against death penalty cannot be New York statute will be held showdown on the death issue punishment, but the theory of excluded on this constitutional." next term, the court took six execution ground alone has not been tested from Leo Pfeffer, who argued new capital cases for hearing in juries in capital cases. for constitutionality. against the Rhode Island law in the term beginning in October. Speck, whose sentences was Most of the death penalties one of those the Supreme Court, said the In four of these, the high remanded to lower reveresed on courts in one American Jewish Congress and court stipulated that its hearing of Witherspoon, had complained the busiest capital that 50 prospective jurors were the Committee for Public would be limited to the punishment days in court excluded from his jury because Education and religious Liberty question: history were reversed on the they intend to proceed against the "Does the imposition and grounds opposed capital of the court's punishment. New York statute in the courts. ^ DEPARTMENT STORES carrying out the death penalty in Witherspoon decision. this case constitute cruel and Officials pointed out that ' The June 1968 decision Several other cases were they differ from the program -—I ^ 1 reversed and sent back to lower courts on other grounds. rejected by the court in that they provide payments to pupils In 30 cases, including Speck's, or parents — rather than to the high court said the judgment church school teachers. Muhammed Ali Mh *) jjR..**••< of Sower courts was reversed "insofar as it imposes the death A. heu> frx'Aioto in frjydefoAetai&uq sentence." This language seemed to Court reverses indicate that only the death sentence, and not the your choice ex-champ'sconviction conviction, was reversed. If true, this would appear to mean on resentencing and not retrial. And reim position of the death penalty would be ruled out. WASHINGTON (AP) - The not sincerely held," the court The Memphis case stems from the trial of 11 blacks for the Supreme Court overturned said. ignored hearing the findings < officers, Moij Monday the draft - evasion In Chicago, Ali greeted the recommended that A rape of two white girls in a conviction of Muhammad Ali on court's ruling with: "I've done secluded riverside lover's lane on Nov. 14, 1964, while their grounds the Justice Dept. erred in my celebrating already. I said a classified as a conscie objector, by advising the flew contending the former prayer to Allah." that Ali's claim be denied. boy friends were held at bayonetr heavyweight boxing champion's point. Five were sentenced to objection to military service was The court said the record K - shows, and the government later "Since the appeal bo# HA- death, three to 99 years in based on political rather than prison and three acquitted. religious beliefs. conceded, that Ali's beliefs were based upon "religious no reason for its denial o f^Hlr and training claim, there is absolutelyi the In an 8-0 unsigned opinion, and belief" as set out in the court said the Justic Dept. previous of knowing upon which o^Hlneers < T.V. RENTALS ignored the findings of its conscientious objector cases that he is sincere in those beliefs. and three grounds offered 1 j^Hhe department's letter it relies^Hinistra bul hearing officer who The court said a registrant court said. "Yet the govei ^ftsof ] recommended that Ali be classified conscientious must satisfy those two basic now acknowledges that 1 ^■em M NEJACTV RENTALS objector. as a tests in addition to showing that those grounds were not «i l^Hana, st 337-1300 "It is indisputably clear he is to "conscientiously opposed in any Justice Thurgood Marsh ^Hhine . . . war form" to qualify that the department was simply for CO status. not participate in the di "Old Towne" New England wrong as a matter of law in advising that Ali's beliefs In its letter to the Kentucky because he served general when the gover as st flirtk CLAM BAKE! were Selective Service Appeal Board, •Whole •Clams Lobster not religiously based and were the court said, the Justice Dept . brought its case against All In a separate com Horn 'Shrimp •Comon-the-Cob 20% DISCOUNT ON opinion, Justice V\illiai H E*«ry Friday 6 to 11 p.m. Douglas said, "What - Fis T°",0D»Wra?r\V',,AI> CALL FOR INFORMATION TYPEWRITER REPAIRS testimony adds up to is tl ^Htherba believes only in w ^Hhing 71 sanctioned by the Koran, ^■Virgin BILL'S FOR MSU STUDENTS to say, a religious war I plann nonbelievers," Douglas sail oil. RESTAURANT i MR 711 E. GRAND RIVER, LANSINO other wars are unjust. ^Hservatio MIM Hle's life, FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY "That is a matter ofbelH$150. SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVESAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE conscience, of relii 1 PJ SHEPARD'S O ' A I 1 n principle," he said. "That is a matter of com | semi-Annual g AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES protected Amendment which Congrt by the ' Mil 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett SHOE SALE 339-8258 to qualify or 1 no power WOMEN'S This is G > TWO PAI f a | Over 2000 pr. dress shoes, | pant shoes, loafers, grubbies < < Some people call it o fe¬ I BUY 01SE PAIR lt really saves girls REGULAR on Mondays. .. on quick dates.. $5.97 On vacations. . after swimming- ■ $4.32 . after convertibles and motor¬ cycles, etc., etc., etc. Carpenters TICKET TO RIDE I 1 SANDALS Over If you need a girlsaver see us. Paul McCartney RAM 300 pr. of MI & in Two Super Saving Croups | 4-Day Special 95 reg. $24.95 ends SAT. I $8.97 I Open Daily 10-6 - Wed. & Thurs. Nites till 9 p.m DOWNTOWN 3 South Washington \hepard! jHCpES EAST LANSING 317 East Grand River Ave. > liWOOLCO MERIDIAN MALLr 5411. Grand River Phone ■ g Ask us about free parking in city ramp DOWNSTAIRS 332 334® £ Paramount News SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$M Of East Lansing Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 30, 1971 11 kjEW Irovement YORK (AP) .•>ori mob boss Joseph |uted mob boss Joseph - In . coma, his brain Colomhn «r Colombo Tuesday as police sought the Koting i" the midst of an outdoor throng of ■'The next 48 to 72 hours are Ikesman Sr. -h critical," a said "We don't expect immediate Roosevelt bullet showed motive thousands _ some - damaged aamaged, sienf of behind his showing 'signs The hospital spokesman stronBer^t^T0JtKmanuSaidLCo,ombo' range and he had which hk rt ♦ cn !l„h^d0Ct0rs in**Preted said ^ h'S b,°°d pressure spontaneous as s Pulse>,, was was somewhat movement of the left side limited nor™' - all , of . Brunswick, N.J. members of the was of improvement' shot and killed on the rally crowd of several thousand. ■ spot by unidentified shot attributed the deed to a "Black Revolutionary Attack improvements. "We still do not know who Team." Seedman said he thinks it was a crank Kential won't be known for months if Racism had been - changes. he survives " Recovery "We have the gun which killed killed Johnson," said Seedman. bearing on the assault. call, with no one police theory in the gun." Johnson, and it was not a police Another avenue of police investigation led into the f another. Chtef of Detectives assault, h labyrinth of an may have been a lone Albert Seedman gangland surgeons reported. Johnson's body was identified during the day organized crime. The 48-year - old Colombo was described said the by the wolf whose Leading Ethel Johnson, who came here by his mother, Justice Dept. as one of ■ombo was his own. decision to snoot shoot a festive Italian Columbus Circle, Colombo — American unity rally from New Brunswick. eight Cosa Nostra high commissioners in Tfter nearly 24 hours in a surgical was shot three times in the Monday in Police reported they ♦he nation. ft transferred to a special recovery room, Colombo head from almost neck and were unable to connect Johnson with any There point blank range by a black militant black organization. were reports that Colombo's care unit, where computers a photographer. gunman posing as of the Colombo's eldest son, Anthony, said publicity had alarmed blossoming penchant for Jiitoring his heartbeat, blood pressure and pulse h™*n The attempted assassination of his father: other leaders within the criminal rate. assailant, Jerome Johnson, 24, drifter "This was not a racist However, there was nothing on the surface to linkhierarchy. a from New An anonymous call to thing. It was a nut." with organized Johnson The Associated Press crime, or to suggest that he had been after Colombo was contract to "hit" Colombo. given a IIRVEY RESULTS Summer means not work, jjntinuing Vietnam unrest, students say Vietnam inunlupmont involvement nnmkinnj combined * ^swelling college enrollment and a troubled ■market undoubtedly provoke some student will doubtless°f,the be money students earn this summer plowed back into their It and disenchantment with the "system." education. While on the own I the nation's seven million college students, ooting the largest part of average, parents are still the fog behind them a comparatively quiet year, an education, students todaymounting tab for Inaking June's exodus from the campus with sharing more of the are probably L fairly definite and productive plans for burden than those who the preceded them. In a have question on this ler. three out of four of the topic, over a survey taken late in May, one in indicated that students surveyed every six they were sed uncertainty as to how their summer percentage to the cost of theircontributing some j be spent. Of those who cited specific three stated that education. One in he was j, almost two out of three intended to take a least 75 per cent personally footing at of the bill. The I while another one in four planned on About what question was - Ling for summer classes. expenses would percentage of your college you say you earn Kiese are some of the findings which emerged one to 25 per cent; 25 to 50 yourself? none; 1 per cent; 50 to 75 poll taken the last week of May. Nine per cent; 75 to 99 per cent; or 100 per cent" Ired and eighty students on 47 campuses Answers were - i asked - none 18.9% flight now do you have definite plans for the 1 to 25% 22.2% and if so, may I ask what 25 to 50% your plans 13.2% 50 to 75% 8.7% Jie students answered • 75 to 99% 11.3% loyment/summer job 50.8% 100% 20.1% m to summer school 23.1% no answer 5.4% 3.3% There appeared to be very minimal differences 17.4% by region of country or year in school to loth men and women seemed to of the questions. either be equally |nt on landing a job for the summer. (c., 1971, Unidex Corporation, Bloomington, Ind) |orps beg Your Gift Headquarters lew buildin A UNIQUE COMBINATION IN A UNIQUE SETTING Jewelry - Gift* - Cuttom Picture Framing IRAND HAVEN (UPI) - Leon G has assembled for Jitruction of a two • story of America's finest your consideration some Ir and service building here jewelry and gifts, as well as Greater Lansing's finest custom j the Army Corps of picture framing. hneers will begin next month. Fhe building will serve as an Ministration center for all js of Engineers activities in n Michigan and northern ftana, storage facilities and a e shop will be included. The Newest by lie saved |om oily end jHARLOTTE AMALIE. V.I. J) - Fishermen caught a rare pherback A new Joy marine turtle expression ol love Jjhing 700 to 800 pounds on f Virgin Gorda Island and from Orange Blossom. As beautiful zs p planning to boil it down faith, hope, and peace. The Caribbean ervation Assn. saved the Be's life, buying its freedom (J 319 E. Grand Hiver East Lansing, Mich. -CUTOUT AND SAVE" IWNSIHG MALL MERIDIAN MILL D0WN10W* 309 N. Washington in the new Leonard Plaza Presents for Your Dining Pleasure Blazers are back and blazing new heights in fashion. Here's two to Wednesday night special $1.35 i debonair wherever the scene is set down patch pockets, costume - for fall. Try one double matched to a swirl of add dash and breasted with buttono ' - - .breasted with flap pleats. Red or Navy. Or. pockets, in red, navy or white. SI 8. All in Singie Thursday night special tricot backed for body, sizes 8 to 18. rayon / silk jersey, acetate $1.69 i Sportswear, second floor Downtown and Meridian Mall friday night special L Fr'ed Fillet of Haddock _ $1.46 | Saturday night special $1.67 j sunday special L«hensul's Fried Chicken or Baby Beef Liver w/ Onions $1.69 | 1 Knapp's 1 OPEN sunday 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p .m. | I frng SPecial* Include roll, butter and beverage and a choice of two of the I ,01|owing: l8|ad, potato, vcaetable, dessert. j i Shop Meridian Mall tonight and every weeknight 'til 9 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan wednesda\ June SHOP TODAY 'til 9 p.m.; Thuri. thru Sat. 9:30 to 5:30 ' 30 1 AT BESSONE'S CAMP IT IS rKO*Hll ... 203 E. GRAND during the 2nd great week of our gigantic RIVE# dive in and really save . . . Hockey By RICK GOSSELIN State News Sports Editor For 105 boys on the MSU campus this week there is no such thing season. a summer as a hockey off Boys from as far as Salt Lake City; Clayton, Mo.; Springfield - and Peoria, III., and Indianapolis have joined Michigan boys In attending MSU Hockey Coach Amo Bessone's third annual sport? hockey school. and one The school is open to boys from 8 through 16 years of age can - be attended week as part of session or an - $ League's Stanley Cup In the Draft helps Wings sor"ewhQ, 1071^2!^ ^lional H, extended t board as well. But one Storewide vo - week tenure. The thing is for certain -7£"nWUI g°bHfc boys attending the camp live on Club may finally be on the long road back to r^L oit ^ Intern nT. J* %* . campus during the week (Gilchrist and Yakeley residence Z 8tunned thte tumbled to the basement of the NHL's halls) and spend their time Summer on expansion teams Buffalo and Vancouver "'vision behind the ice in recreational activities But General Manager Ned Harkness is now h..iu or at lectures given by the of team." A instructors of the school. championship teams team which at Cornell. is quite similar IJ L ^ NCAji Aided by MSU assistant coach The recent NHL player drafts Clear-away Alex Terpay, head coach of Williams College Bill McCormick and former MSU stars Rick demonstrated the direction Harkness heading. Detroit turned down some in Montrp»i and the r tantalizing offers from u Jt ^ Wln8sn; Duffett, Mike Jacobson and Joe for the amateur draft rights to Polano, Bessone divided the slick, high - scoring center school into three age groups that Marcel Dionne. Chicago GM alternate ice sessions. Tommy Ivan offered Harkness "If a boy takes advantage of talented all the ice time open to him, he young defensemen Jerry Korab and Paul Shymr in will be £ble to put in about six the same package for Dionne. hours a day on the ice," Bessone Harkness refused to listen. Ivan said. "That's one of the became so frustrated that biggest just advantages of our school. No before the actual other school can afford to offer player selections got that much ice time to its boys." underway, he asked Harkness to "name "Our class is actually a names" from his Black Hawk progression," Terpay said. "We club. try to teach the boy "Marcel is built like a brick fundamentals and hockey building," Harkness has said. Warming strategy in a systematic manner. With the younger boys you've "He has the playmaking abilities of a Stan Mikita, and the goal IX - St Louis, Mo., youngsters Tim Murch (left) and goaltender Danny Dolan engage in a shooting got to improve their skating and scoring talent of a Yvan drill at Amo Bessone's hockey school in progress this week at Demonstration Hall. The school teach them the fundamentals. Ooumoyer. There's no question -State News photo by Doug Bauman With the older guys you can he can play in this closes with three games on Saturday. instruct them in power play league. Dionne is the man we will build strategy, short - handed play and the Detroit Red Wings around." TRANSCENDENTAL other types of 'situation' Though Dionne was the big TOM WEBSTER hockey." catch MEDITATION Men's IM Bessone has the camp for his team In several the Detroiters, Harkness feels he has other categories bolsteml structured to keep attention at maximum with many outside a The Wings made a 100 per cent during the draft changeover in the *2? goaltendin. S8 TO '10 is The dealine for all old entries noon July 7. The tournament activities available when department. Former Red Wing castoff Joe Daley was reacquired from ^ as taught by participants are off the ice. Buffalo Daley will be the Wings number one begins July 10. MSU trainer. _ Dan netminder when Splashy prints,-bright solid colors. Great Maharishi Kinsey holds training camp opens in Port Huron, Sept. 3. Big A1 Smith to be seen and sunned in all summer long. The deadline for all paddleball a gymnastics session each snatched up from Pittsburgh, and in the vis Mahesh moming which instructs the process, Detroit lot Sizes 5 to 15. entries is noon Thursday. promising Jim Rutherford to the student in coordination of the Penguins. Harkness dug into the Yogi American Hockey League grab bag and came up with Andy body. Brown. The deadline for all tennis In the afternoons, the boy can The Red Wings also picked entries is 5 p.m. Thursday. Play up two journeymen penalty Flare Leg Jeans begins Friday. partake in any activity on campus. Swimming, recreaiional killers. Former Detroiter Bobby Wall and ex Canadian Leon Rochefort, who will handle these duties along with - Softball, and speedball are a few Billy Colli* The deadline for Yet, another former Red Wing, Ab McDonald, has been were $8 to $11 horseshoes of the outdoor activities, added Transcendental meditation is a natural is noon July 7. to shore up Detroit's lagging left wing corps. Despite McDonald* spontaneous tech¬ in the nique which allows each Individual to expand his mind and All categories are open to evenings hockey 35 years, both Harkness and Barkley are hoping the vet can regain 2 FOR$9 2 FOR $11 improve ' Ss life. students, faculty, and staff. instructors lecture and show films of Stanley Cup games. his 30 - goal form of 69 - 70 with St. Louis, when he ii rejuvenated with linemates Red Berenson and Tim Ecclestone. Others from $4.99. Button flys, snap flys, Introductory lecture Veteran Nick Libett and potential superstar Guy Charron will be zipper flys. Great fitting jeans in stripes challenged by big - shooting Mickey Redmond, who will be tried and solid colors. TODAY at 4 and 8pm TONIGHT (and every Wednesday) on the left flank between Tom Webster. captain Alex Delvecchio and flashy 104D Wells Hall Through all the player shuffling, the Wings did lose some fairly strong, young property. Rutherford, Don McLeod, Mike Ovei 1000 Summer lops and Blouses For information call 351-7168 is. . . Robitaille, Tom Miller and Don Luce served as the major losses. But to get something, you have to give up something. And Harkness and Barkley feel they've got something. All of the 2 ™ *5 2 ,o» s7 2 s9, THE "Happy Hours" Wings' acquisitions are hand- picked by Harkness. They are his "kind of players" building his "kind of team." "We are building a future for the Detroit Hockey Club," r OLDE WORLD Barkley has said. "We will settle for nothing less than i Others from $2,99. Tanks, more tees, polos, Wallace Beerys and nylon, cotton, thick 'n thins, space dyes! Stripes, 211 MAC East Lansing North America 8-10 pm championship, and we must do this through our farm system.ta five years, the Detroit Red Wings will have the best farm system prints, solids. in the National Hockey League, and hopefully, a championship." (all drinks greatly reduced) Sept. 3, at Port Huron, is already marked on my calendar. Over 600 Hot Pants and THURSDAY T.V, RENTALS were $6 to $18 Presenting our French Dip is... NEJAC TV RENTALS s3» to s12" 337-1300 Polyester knits, cottons, denims, leathers, suedes in prints, stripes and solid colors Sandwich "Quart Night" Sizes 5 to 15. all at the Sale! Hot Pant Sets were $12 SJ99 Polyester knits in 3 great styles! Wesir as a set or with other tops and bottom^. Sizes S, M, L. English-cut round of roasted beef piled into a loaf of Over 500 Summer Dresses French bread, and served with a cup of au jus. were $13 to $40 While in the Lnd i a n t r n i 1 s5 s29 Olde World, try our wine ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS of the week... Shifts, skimmers, hot pant dresses, long dresses in washable dacrons, linens, cottons, prints, solid colors. Junior size 5 to 13. fine imported French Rose D'Anjou ^19 Indian Trails Hours Mon.-Wed. J oft HAS (8) BUSES Skirts, Scooters 11:30 to 12:30 Thurs.-Sat. EVERY DAY 11:30-2 were $7 to $9 Sun. 12:00-12:30 TO CHICAGO 2 FOR ^9 2 FOR s1 1 under the red and blue Schedule Eff. June 24,1971 awning Stripes, prints, pleats, A wraps. huge assortment all at marvelous savings. Sizes 5 to 15. 6:56 AM Use one of our convenient charge plans Summer Handbags, Fashion Belts, All Sunglasses, were to were to were to $5 $12 $15 from $3.99 from $1.99 1/3 OFF zoumriH, ^ BUJCAD «W ALE 211 M.A.C. Avenue 3 Convenient Ways To Charge: Custom Charge Revolving Charge Bank Americard . 2 C°n™n,ent Locations: 318 S Washington (acro" from FREE SPIRIT) and Lansing Mall %£? Indian Trails PHCNE 332 2569 io:» pm Lansi"# FOR DAILY DEPARTURES ANDARBjW^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 30, 1971 13 :y llsberg Tilt Associated Press s f toP°ther A story: journey from hawk to dove ann°yanc('- He turns arguments a from?'hawk _ dove" _ livine frhe first, wading through to a crouching town hi r'ce behind him seeking the^Kl!^!! OV" his frLend an^ with statistics and findings on a one "of his close friends in American Embassy. conflict fought better ° Vietnam, a Rnhm-t o' mm"56 ^ i?"8' overn'ght journey to exasperation late in 1969 after Ellsberg's transformation into Cong?„ Delta cover from ef ConJ Jut iL Ellsberg first beaan desDairinf? Ellsberg is eloquent about C, paddyfleld knee a persistent V » Ellsberg and other Rand Corp. a dove is" almost a classic. For of the ghe andothef his growing disenchantment with Te Z J ZdT when . war mud, a Schmeisser sniper. "Damn it, this is no way dy°f m™,® {.machine gun cradled in his to win a war" he shouts. h .8,imP*- "is had signed a bitter, more than a year before he went senior Chilianofficial ?e war: H* mw ., , . . .„ ., ndling prosecutions treatment facilities are to students or graduates can advise kginating in the office of the include upgraded sewage and represent indigents in any fo°merMarine yea lorney general. treatment by the end of 1974 court. except the Court of Ellsberg turned dovish after ■The expanded phase will and stormwater control he left Vietnam in 1968, and his lude by Dec. APPea's and the Supreme Court, rapid transformation into an analytical and 31,1976. but must be supervised by a member of the antiwar critic dismayed his State Bar of friends in the battle zone. I I I | , Michigan. loard seeks OK "What the devil are they 920 Trowbridge Spartan Shopping Center for lower millage rhe East Lansing Board of personnel and services would be juration will request voters to made. SPECIAL! brove a 24. "Jfoillage proposal Measures to be taken would J the Aug. 3 election after he announced in sufficient time Imbers Monday night decided before the Aug. 3 elections, he 1 reduce its original s3'^- ■successful request of 25^ FREE [Voters also will have two ROOMMATE inces in the coming election SERVICE raise the 24.5 mills to the Iginal amount through two Water's Edge Iditional propositions. 332-4432 Proposition B will provide for t additional mill for teacher rvices and supplies, and >position C will request .45 II for supportive services and iplies. Board member William Sharp introduced the >asures as an option for the imunity to vote on all three iposals. member Martin Gal lived no second to his motion a new millage of 24.9 mills. |"If the base millage is voted Sharp said, "we will have without certain things. If is approved, we can add lething to the program and same with C." Board member Richard E. Army ROTC ipin said he believed further > will be made to the program lich "has already been cut." le original 25.95 mills had en "nibbled away at" after ichers and schools made the Iginal budget requests. Malcolm Katz, superintendent East Lansing schools, said lure of proposition B will in $135,000 less than the finally hoped - for 1971 - 2 budget of $6,563,391 in •95 mills. He added a $65,000 1 would occur with failure of ^position C. About 30 persons attended f meeting, many of whom *ed questions and gave Inions from the floor. Speaking about possible cuts be made if the propositions t. Katz said officials had not I time Auctions to determine where in programs, You Should Earn More foncers From College o continue Than Just a Degree Performing —Qualify for a commission while earning your degree The Paul Sanasardo Dance ompany will continue —Receive $50 per in your junior and senior years 'forming, giving dance lessons 1d allowing rehearsal -An opportunity to apply for an Army ROTC Scholarship which pays for Nervation today through iday. all tuition, books and fees. The Greater Lansing Area ln<* Council and the MSU -Full assurance of an exciting job after graduation tture-Concert Series brought e New York group here to °yide dancing enthusiasts nPng from novices to experts -G?in valuable leadership and management experience chance to see, participate and m from a professional dance mpany. '"formation rformance8 and on on the the Interested Call 355-1916 Our Own Brand ^rvation classes for beginning 'ough advanced dancers can be EPSOM SALT 4-lbs. Now "ained •fture-Concert by calling office the at or Stop by Demonstration Hall Today Only 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS 8TateN6vb CLASSIFIED Buy a Bargain or Sell a Bargain With Fun-To-Use-And-Read Classified Ads! classified 3558255 MfaatAds The State News does permit racial or religious not Automotive TRankLy speaking . by Phil Frank Employment For Rent SECRETARY. PART tima. Requires PARKING, 1 discrimination in its block fcom Berkey ' shorthand, some general office $20 a term. Call 361-3635. 1-6-30 2'RL ,0r 7 ^ mast! advertising State News columns. The will not FIAT 1970 850 Spider convertible. experience. At least 3 days per week for downtown Lansing law September 337-1520.4.7-9 15 ^ No, °" ' accept Whitewalls, AM radio. 393-3245. * AUTOMOTIVE Scooters & Cycles advertising which discriminates 1-6-30 Apartments NEED G'RL subleurr-^ against condition*, poo, Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color or C* national origin. FIAT, 1968. 850 convertible. Good TELEPHONE WORK. No selling. SUMMER OR fall. Furnished 2 386-1667.17.7 Aviation condition. Moving, must sell. Call $1.75 / hour guaranteed during rooms and bath, first floor. wovMEN Vacancies1 bioc"; ;;r * EMPLOYMENT 393-8348. 4-7-2 training. Phone 351-3590. Ask for Parking. Summer, reduced rent. Mr. Hunting or Mr. Moore. TF Male or couple. 1214 East ln 4 , * FOR RENT FORD ECONOLINE Supervan. Kalamazoo. 4-7-2 Comp|e,Biv furnish8" Apartments Houses 1966. $550, best offer. Good condition. 351-0872. 3-7-2 COLLEGE STUDENTS. job. Junior, senior, and graduate Summer MARRIED STUDENTS SP Automotive students. Large corporetion & FACULTY Rooms 5880 MARSH R0ad ► FOR SALE FORD ECONOLINE van 1962. offering above average income for 7~" AUSTIN , full or part time employment. Animals HEALEV, 1967. Green, fiberglass top. $1500 best 3000. New tires, excellent condition. 349-3144, after 5 p.m. 3-6-30 Management oriented career KNOB HILL -onth. Can Mobile Homes offer. 351-4477 X-3-7-7 opportunities guaranteed for qualified persons upon graduation. 349-46,3 .g." ► PERSONAL PEANUTS PERSONAL AUSTIN HEALEV SPRITE Bug Eye. Must sell. Call 349-0169 1960 FORD, 1969. Galaxie 500, 2 door hardtop, 8 cylinder automatic. For consideration send complete resume to Jerry Meagher, 220 APARTMENTS apart™ NFS. R00Ms-- Power steering, power brakes, air REAL ESTATE RECREATION after 5 pm (except Wednesday). 4-7-9 conditioned. One owner. $1895. CURTIS FORD OF Albe", East Lansing, or call 332-4236. X-3-7-2 OPEN 1 3494700 - 7 pm Mon.-Sat. 34U9n39,913.7N7e8r ""*5 WILLI AMSTON, 655-2133. 2 SERVICE BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. WAITRESSES. DANCERS, waiters. SUNDAY by appointment 3-6-30 1963. Runs great. $250. Call 372-7502 ask for Terry Typing Service 355-1635. Ask for Don or Mike. Woods. Leeve message. 3-7-7 Also shown by appointment Included, 1 block from FORD FAIRLANE, 500, 1964. V-8, 332-2110. 4-7-g TRANSPORTATION 2-6-30 On Okemos Rd. Across automatic, $300. Call 349 4115 WANTED CHEVELLE 1969 396 4 speed. All after 5:30 pm, 3-6-30 SEJIDMS THE STI/PENT «<»(/n0W LOOKING FOR 3 business or from Okemos High School NEED ROOMMATE ^"11 marketing majors who are DEADLINE power. Super clean. Jim JAVELIN 1968 red, four speed, 290. WKDMmmz: interested in a part time summer ROOMMATE WANTED. <50. bedroom f u r n i h 1 P.M. one class day before 489-1245.2-7-2 New clutch, exhaust. 351-6144. 2-7-2 job with tremendous business experience ana compensation. Call air. Jim, apartment 57, 745 pool, lummwTA summer. 33? 2110. apa,,m'"> ' 4-7-9 publication. CHEVELLE MALIBU 1965 2 door Mr. Marks 372-7348 for an Burcham or 882-7977. 1 6-30 Cancellations/Corrections hardtop. Runs well. $450. Call LEAVING THE appointment. 16-30 EAST i block country. Selling LANSING close to campus. 12 noon one class day 353-3740 weekdays 9-1 pm ask for Denny. 3-7-7 Cougar XR-7 1967. Phone STUDENTS Unfurnished 3 rooms and bath. Funded Large Of 2 men. 2 apsrj efficiencybedroom fur before publication. 353-7924. 2-7-2 Married couple or single woman apartment Automotive Scooters & Cycles only. No students. $135 for 2 a CHEVROLET BELAIR 1965. FULL OR PART TIME per 351-9504.4 7 7 PHONE Standard shift, 6 cylinder. Good MACH I 1970 standard. Radio, month. 332-5988. 16-30 355-8255 spoiles slats, Excellent. Must sell. PINTO, 2000 cc. 4 speed, radio, '970 HARLEY Davidson Sportster. SUMMER WORK. ONE MAN needed running condition. $450. $1950. for dup|„ Sacrifice. 355-6007. radials, yellow. $1900. Must sell. $1750. 351-7868 after 5 EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. Sublet 651-5418 or 651-5498. 2-7-2 p.m. Call 351-3700 between 1 —9 RATES 3-6-30 332-6472. 3-7-2 2-7-2 pm to arrange for interview. summer. $115. Furnished. Close, clean. Call 332-3948. 1-6-30 351-2653. 3-6 30'n'Shed' * CHEVROLET. 1957. Starts, rui MAVERICK 1970 Grabber PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1969 350. KAWASAKI, 1968. 650cc. 4 cycle. good, $65. 355-9859 anytirr SUMMER 2 3 4 101.50 3.00 4.00 5.35 6.50 13.00 5 10 after 5 pm Wednesday. 2-7-2 automatic. Returning to school, must sell. After 4:30 pm Console, steering, automatic, AM/FM radio, power $1995. Good condition. Call 882-8958 882-3875. 4-7-2 or employment AND with part wholesaler. Automobile required. time mercham PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. Large 1 bedroom, partly VES. .TWO 11 1.65 3.30 4.40 5.85 7.15 14.30 CHEVROLET IMPALA 1969. Air 484-4316. 1-6-30 One owner. 355 8326 furnished, carpeted, utilities paid. 121.80 3.60 4. 131.95 3.90 5.20 6.95 6.40 7.80 15. 8.45 16.90 conditioned, vinyl top, automatic transmission, dark brown, new or 1-682 4367.3 6-30 TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 250, 1600 miles. Like new. $650. Helmets 351-5800. 0-7-2 MACHINIST. Basement rec room. $150 a month plus deposit. Phone 627-5454 or PER APARTMENT PART time. 489-5136. 46-30 142.10 4.20 5.60 7.45 9.10 18.20 tires and battery. Excellent PONTIAC 1963 Grand Prix. Good included. 351-9428. 3-7-2 Experienced. Student for summer 15 2.25 16 2.40 4.50 6.00 8.00 9.75 19.50 4.80 6.40 55 10.4020.80 condition. 339-8852, $1990 or best offer. 5931 Bo is I lie 65, MG 1100 Sedan 1964. Good condition, 1 owner. Must sell. $350. 351-6304. 2-7-2 YAMAHA 1968 350cc. Excellent Need immediately 353-5459 after 1 p.m., Mr. Rajendra. 2-7-2 4 GIRLS, share 4 bedroom house. and balconies I 17 2.55 9.10 11.0522.10 Haslett after 6 p.m. 2-7-2 around-town $250. 482-5270. condition. 10,000 miles. $450. Near Own RIVER'S EDGE 5.10 6.1 car. campus. room. 18 2.70 5.40 7.20 9.60 11.7023.40 1-6-30 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE. 1965 body, Phone mornings before 1 pm 371-1339. 3-7-2 OPENINGS ELEMENTARY, 19 2.85 5.70 7.60 10.1512.35 24.70 CHEVROLET IMPALA, 1963. Good 1967 engine. Phone 677-2306 349-1314. 3-6-30 principalships, music, others. MUSTANG, 1969 Mach after 5:30 p.m. 2-6-30 203.00 6.00 8.00 10.6513.0026.00 10 word condition. New tires. $350. Call after 6 pm, 489-9655. Asking cylinder, cruise - o I - 351. 8 matic TRIUMPH Auto Service & Parts CLINE TEACHERS AGENCY. 129 East Grand River. 3-7-2 1130 BEECH. Spacious, furnished 2 bedroom apartments. fully and 3-6-30 transmission, radio, wide SPITFIRE, 1965. Rums Air conditioned, carpeted, close, All student ads must be CHEVROLET IMPALA 1967. 4 door tires. $1995. One owner, CURTIS actual miles. FORD oval OF great. New tires. $500. After 6 p.m. 337-9020. 3 6-30 AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and GIRL WANTED. Friend and perking. 351-3106. O From $45 per man. WATER'S EDGE companion for prepaid The State News will be hardtop, V-8 automatic, power steering. White paint, gold interior, radio, $1095. CURTIS Wl LLI 3-6-30 AMSTON, 655-2133. VEGA, 1971. Midnight blue. 3 American cars. If we can't fix it, it can't be fixed. Call 882-3255. O vistiting summer. from Must have my car. daughter Europe for the Over 21. APARTMENTS (Next to Cedar Villagel speed. Best offer. Evenings, CAR Live in or out, exclusive East responsible only for the FORD OF Wl LLI AMSTON. 372-6124. 3-7-7 WASH, 25c, or automatic See Frank or Jo Anne OLDSMOBILE 1963. Reasonable. Lansing apartment complex. Good 655-2133. 3-6-30 wash - summer price, 25c. Wax first day's incorrect New tires. Call after 6 p.m., Call Steinhaus, 11-8 pm, VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK and vacuum. U-DO-IT. 430 South wages. 1 OR 2 men needed for summer. 1 332-4432 insertion. 694-8511. 5-7-2 except Sunday 482-0788, Mr. block from cempus. 351 -8862. TF station wagon 1968. New tires. Clippert, back of Koko Bar. 1051) Water's Kdge Dr. C-6-30 Drave. 3-6-30 Excellent condition. 349-3144. ANSING OR East Lansing* OLDSMOBILE 1964. V-8, power 2-7-2 1 OR 2 girls needed for summer. 1 HELP bedroom furnished. Large.; steering, brakes. $325. Call Ed MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East FIGHT pollution while you block from campus.332-4432. TF CORVETTE 1969 convertible. Power 337-2211.2-7-2 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. earn. Part or full time. Call, steering, power brakes. 20 000 . . . Automotive Call 337-2345. 1-6-30 Complete auto painting and 489-2114. 3-6-30 Beautifully maintained. Sit FURNISHED, 1 bedroom, utilities, for faculty, grad students, tr^ OLDSMOBILE 1969 442 2 door collision service. IV 5-0256. C hartop with V-8. Automatic VOLKSWAGEN BEAUTICIAN - EXPERIENCED. parking. No children or pets. people, married couples. BUS, 1958. Great oc^T'N 25,000 miles. AMERICA 1967- Excellent condition. CUTLASS 1969 2 door hardtop. transmission, radio, stereo tape condition. $375. Call 351-8280. TACHOMETER HANSON Hawk Phone Martin's Hair Fashions, 332-5157. 3-6-30 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 Loaded, 4 new tires. 627-6420 or system. Steering wheel tilt, tinted Spartan Shopping Center, East After 6 pm, 351-0120. 4-7-2 485-8555 3-7-7 glass, dark blue vinyl roof, chrome _ 5-7-2 electronic. Like new, $35. Lansing. 332-4522. 2-6-30 NEW LUXURY townhouses. Central 353-0944. 1-6-30 mag wheels. Sharp. 655-2134 VOLKSWAGEN 1968 sedan. air, fireplace, basement, Norwood Apartments CURTIS FORD OF Excellent mechanical condition. VW TYPIST NEAR East Lansing 50 unfurnished. $225. 351-1001. EVERYTHING AUTOMOTIVE GUARANTEED repair. - WlLLIAMSTON. 2-7-2 Best offer. Phone 355-3222 wpm. Permanent. 372-7700. 5-7-7 Now renting large one " RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at 3-6-30 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. two bedroom for fall, , LARGEST DISCOUNTS OLDS 442. 1968. $1450. Automatic. Mag wheels. 349-49 0 7 or Scooters & Cycles 2-6-30 STENOGRAPHER. GOOD abilities THIRD GIRL wented for 3 man. Summer. Own bedroom. 423 to campus. after 3 p.m. Call 3 32-27! in 393-1126. 4-7-2 Aviation for Cherles. $55. 351-6356. 2-6-30 Lansing firm. Permanent. WOODSIDE APARTMENTS, Mid Michigan 1967 YAMAHA 305 Street 372-7700 PERSONNEL SUBLET AIR conditioned apartment bedroom apartmer STEREO - HOME & AUTO NOVA, 1962. Engine needs work. Scrambler. $350 best THE MSU SOARING CLUB is CONSULTANTS' 2-6-30 or offer. having block from campus. $120/month. $140 $ 145. Ideal for n Good for parts, $50. 351-0235. TAPES-SPEAKERS 351-9187.2-7-2 an introductory meeting tonight 2-6-30 at 7:30 p.m., room 30 Union. All 332-6086. 36-30 couple. ED 2-2920, 351-46* ADJUSTER. EQUAL opportunity DRESS-UP ACCESSORIES interested persons welcome. A WANTED BASKET CASE or elderly employer needs degreed •••••••••••••••••••••< • ••••••••••••••'*" cycle over 250cc. Call 224-4119. movie will be shown. 1-6-30 i ndividual. 37 2-7 7 00 • Live Close to Campus Walk to Classes 1-6-30 PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. KAMINS DISCOUNT AUTO LEARN 2-6-30 TO FLY! Complete flight PARTS AND SERVICES 1965 DUCATI Excellent 48cc. 900 miles. condition. Phone training. government All and courses VA are certified. EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car necessary. Call 351-7319 for MARIGOLD APARTMENTS FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport 526 N. LARCH (NEAR SAGINAW) 484-4596 484-2180 or 351 1548. 3-6-30 Road, Call 484-1324. C interview.C Marigold & Harrison 911 Marigold 1968 HONDA 350cc. Ready for trails. $450. Helmets included. FOR SALESPOWER try a little For Rent Completely Furnished Deluxe SUMMER LEASES $140 per month & up. ®U)pcUmgf)am Excellent condition. 349-4907 or Classified Ad to sell a large mobile 393 1126.4 7-2 home! Dial 355-8255 todayl Now signing Summer and Fall Leases TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction Call 337-7328 337-0780 guaranteed. Free delivery, service and pick - up. No deposit. has it . Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C All Deposits Guaranteed Returnable heated . New REFIRGERATORS, PARTY goods, Concept in and camping equipment. A TO 2 RENTAL, 349-2220. 0-7-9 TV RENTALS - Students only. Low CROSSWORD and all Apartment Living monthly and term rates. Call 351-7900. UNIVERSITY RENTALS. C TV PUZZLE ACROSS 27. Chartered 29. Foremost T.V. RENTALS 1 Laige amount 32. Offspring Luxury studio apartments 6 Flagpoles 33. tew Wallace Free Service . per at Inn 11. Platforms character America 2736 E. Grand River and delivery $9.50 monO 12. Beautiful bird 34 Comprehend 1 block east of the Coral Gables NEJAC TV RENTALS 14. Lengthwise 36, Osculate 337-1300 15 Nucleus 40. Cupid 16. Constellation's 42. Totem pole Air conditioning Completely furnished main star 44. Clear gain Enclosed heated pool 17. Cinder 45. Summer hat Sauna HURRY, 19. Mira 47. Maguey Shag carpet Ample parking 20. Sea eagle 49. Whimper 4620 S. 22. Boat propeller 50. Rajah's wife Hagadorn Snack bar 24. Twilight 51. Petfume just north of Mt. Hope Rd Party & Recreation rooms Only a few 25. Undressed hide 52. Rectify Guest rooms available Maid service at nominal charge left . . . All utilities included except phone WATER'S EDGE $129 for one $139 for two RIVER'S EDGE — TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units for sun,.,ler only These NOW LEASING FOR FALL SoaniT Span sh M " HU,rV apart™ntS Mediterranean furniture. comP'etely are Each unit carpeted has a and furnished with distinctive dishwasher, garbage disposal and APARTMENTS •"conditioning. These four ™„ un,,s L,, Tp room* per un,t'.Recre®t,on Panned ,s for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation TWYCKINGHPAMatceall toH0n,eTh 'I I? W3nt t0 ^ am°ng the first «*idents of OPEN EVERY DAY PyrrPT0 Unitt Start at $60/month Per man- MODEL ,c 3 pa, IIMLSIUD MMMGEMEIII Summer $45 per fall $65 per man Roommate Service man 332-fiLn i fi IJL.J SUNDAY FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms tuveu/E MONTH'LEASE*^1vailable?D^'1' 484 3494 THREE' SIX' NINE AN0 Furnished, Balconies See Frank or JoAnne MANACEMENT EXCLUS1 VEl. Y BY Alco Management Company at 1050 Waters Edge Dr. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, June 30, 1971 15 Student Service For Sale For Sale Real Estate Service Service directory SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. WE DO most repairing and OKEMOS replace AREA. Cedar and TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. Brand new portables - $49.95, broken frames. R edwood OPTICAL contemporary home Rapid accurate service. $5.00 per month. Large selection DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan now being built. Beautiful area. Experienced. 393-4075. 0-8-9 or reconditioned used machines. Avenue, 372-7409. C-7-2 Priced at $34,900. Built-in ODD JOBS Unlimited. A student Singers, Whites, Necchis, New appliances and imaginative decor. h e I p - r a I Home & "Many Others." $19.95 Jllege travel u° g0lf course -Trti Animals Will be finished before school House-apartment cleaning, lawn NOTHING LASTS forever! So for office «sfi We" Rd • • GLASSES EXAMINED to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, begins. 339-9 466 Call or Mathha SIMON Mertz, REAL garden service, bartending party new check or newer household goods today's Want Ads! Drivlno "riving atCS range, ~ Weekdays. • CONTACT LENS 1115 North Washington PUPPIES: FOR description, call ESTATE, Okemos Branch, service, window washing, typing- [West Grand River Ave. equipment, carts, rental clubs For golf DR. I.L. Colling, 489-6448. C-6-3 351-1034 or come to 2030 Raby 349-3310. 2-7-2 You name it and we'll get the job done. Call Now 3516089. 4-7-9 BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. Optometrist Road, Haslett and get your pick of ,1-6010 CORNET, No job 676-2854.nf0r,na,'0n "" C°-Optlcal service. HOLTON Excellent condition. $90. Phone Collegiate. the litter. You can't beat the EAST LANSING, 2 bedroom house. too large Block off campus. or too 332-3255. C small. price, Free! 5-7-12 Living room with fireplace, dining bo barber shop S. Login. 393-4230 372-1213. 16-30 room, study, kitchen, breakfast Typing Service _ ]09 MAC Ave. 351-1110 B_°?KS ,mported Cars 1 BLOCK from Berkey. Furnished efficiency apartment for 1 or 2 FREE KITTENS. Tigers tortoises. Box trained. After 6 pm, 351-3196 2-7-2 and nook. Full basement on lot with large Oaks. Walking distance to THESES run for only 7c per page THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East THINKING Send a OF someone "Peanuts special? Personal" message with a Want Ad. Come in Sales and campus and all public schools. ■Try us for your next men. Larje 2 bedroom furnished Private owner. 337-2421. 4-7-2 Grand River. Phone 332-4222. today. 347 Student Services. ■styling, razor cut or Service for 2 C-7-2 BOB JONES PAINTS apartment - 4 people. POODLES STANDARD Bel-Tor special cut. 482-1473 351-9504. 4-7-7 Line. 6 black pups, 2 exceptional. lointments available. 5014 N-Grand 16 champions in 4 generations. Recreation PROFESSIONAL Transportation River, Lansing ANTIQUE JEWELRY FOR SALE Sire OFA Certified. THESIS X-rays on LARGE SELECTION of rings, pins, dam. 337-2421.4-7-2 SUMMER PREPARATION FLIGHTS to Europe, fBEAD CRAFTS. WASHDAY SAVINGS pierced earrings, etc. All clearly $125. Christmas break in Hawaii, RIDE NEEDED to and from Detroit iOUPAGE SUPPLIES, 2Sc per load GOLF DRIVING RANGE priced. 1772 Okemos Road, 1/3 SIX LOVING kittens to good homes. $279. Spain, Acapulco, $249. Call area each weekend. 353-6970. The best for mile South of Holt Road. Call 372-4468, after 5:30 2-7-2 leu T REPRODUCTIONS MINIATURE GOLF pm. Frank Buck, 351-8604. 27-8-27 indie making auppliet u.e^CU1 WENDROW'S TexM Washer 50c 676-5308. Sale Days: JUly 5th - 3-6-30 ^ Complete Professional Thesis Service far ECONOWASH 6th, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - Weld's Incorporated Fairway Golf Range, Grand Clip and Save SAMOYED. 1 year old. AKC. application photos in 15 minu'es. job Mister's and Oacteral Candidates Frea 3006 Vine St, River Avenue A few minutes l|-43. Okemos. 349-1940 I lp.m. | t,ik. w.of S>.,. east of - 2-7-2 Champion bloodlines. Brother and PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL. Brochure and Consultation Please Call Clitl and Paula MSU. 349-2850. sister. Contact after 5 p.m., John 351-6262. Haufhey 337 1527 er 827 2936 GOLF CLUBS and bag. Full or Diana, 489-7919. 3-7-2 Anything set, photographed anywhere. O FHOMPSON JEWELRY COMPLETE THESES 1233 M.A.C. Ave. $115. Call Rod, after 3:30 p.m.,' service. Wanted Shouldn't You Be CONTACT LENS 332-0947. 3-6-30 Mobile Homes AUGUST FLIGHTS STILL available. Discount printing, IBM typing and East Lansing binding of theses, 351-1525 Using This Spacer SERVICES STEREO SONY, amp Garrard UNION BOARD TRAVEL publications. Across from campus, resumes, D. M. DEAN, aa 0 OFFICE. Call 353-9777. C-7-2 corner BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Lh and Jewelry Repairs Rectilinear speakers, asking $325. x 50. STAR. Carpeted, air. Shed. M.A.C. and Grand River, all positive. A negative, B 210 Abbott Rd. Phone 485-1681. 16-30 Close to below Jones Stationary Shop. Call negative Gift Jeweiry. CALL 355-8255! campus. $3200 COPYGRAPH SERVICES and AB negative, $10.00. O In Work Guaranteed. Suite #16 332-4374. 3-7-2 Servic 337-1666. C negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN VM PORTABLE Detachable 332-6563 stereo. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, speakers. Excellent condition. 1970 VINDALE, 12x60 unfurnished. GUITAR LESSONS available from 507'/j East Grand $50. 349-4693. 2-7-2 PROFESSIONAL River, East Completely carpeted, disposal. MARSHALL MUSIC. Call for TYPIST. Term Lansing. Above the new Campus For Rent For Rent King Arthur's Court. 485-2634. appointment. 351-7830. C-6-30 papers, theses. Best rates. Call Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 For Rent TURNTABLE MIRACORD stereo 3-7-2 337-4619. 20-8-16 ■VER VOU you want to buy, p.m., Monday, Thursday and Karmon amplifier. Many extras. PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 a good chance you'll find it SPACIOUS, BEAUTIFULLY WANTED 1 man for 4 man house. Excellent condition. $80. 45x8 1954 2 bedroom furnished. students, experience references. ANN BROWN: P.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C | Want Ads. Check now! furnished, air conditioned, private $1400 or best offer. Must sell. Typing and multilith Private room. Fully furnished, 351-9299. 2-7-2 Free estimates. 349-4817. C offset printing. Complete service ^5 baths. Close. Reasonable. Need color TV, dishwasher, firepalce, 641-4525. 2-7-2 for two - male, female. Call dissertations, theses, SUPPORT YOUR business with a Houses 351-1827. 1-6-30 BRITANNICA, 1970 edition. Man's LOST BLACK YOUR PLACE or mine. Volkswagen manuscripts, general typing. IBM. boost from Want Ads. Advertise 1970 ten speed Schwinn. 22 Semi long haired cat. 21 years experience. repair service. 485-6500 after 5 349-0850.C services there. Dial 355-8255. - automatic rifle with telescopic Broken ear. Vicinity Cedar fclHED pm. 3-7-7 4 bedrooms, gorage, 4 BEDROOM FURNISHED air ATTENTION: sight. 3516650. 3-7-7 Village. 351-2382. 2-7-2 ROOMS for rent. ■ace. Girls over 21. Phone conditioned house. Patio, carport. Completely furnished. Cooking. KODAK RIVERSIDE CAROUSEL slide |662. 4 7-2 $325 for summer. 332-2110. 4-7-9 372-8077 after 5 p.m. C MINALTA SLR, SR1 with normal and 35 automatic lenses. Ricoh Lost & Found projectors. Steve at 372-7740 or 2 MEN 353-9523 days. 2-7-2 needed for 4 air 2% man TLR, 11 x 14 print dryer. LOST: GRAYISH brown conditioned house. Private rooms. For Sale 3516650. 3-7-7' tabby $155 / term. Utilities paid. Call female cat, tan collar, fluffy tail. UNIVERSITY. i basement. Small Garage, 3 485-0961. 3-7-2 TWO ALUMINUM backpacks. frame, nylon Large, medium. TV SETS. Sony, Panasonic, Zenith. Color STEREO portables and consoles. COMPONENTS. Sony Near Evergreen St. Reward. 485-0383. X2-7-2 FREE EAST I yard. Year lease, $210 plus Rooms Immaculate condition. 332-8510. reel to reel tapedeck, Ampex LOST: BLACK - white - tan basset 2-7-2 s. Security deposit. Family puppy. Wearing tan collar. Phone recorder. We Buy, Sell, ROOMMATE cassette 1936. 5-7-7 Available August 1st. 2 MEN'S doubles. Private living room, parking, light cooking. Clean, quiet. $50 per entrance, DARKROOM EQUIPMENT, enlarger trays, etc. Also Science Fiction collection. 393-7671. 1-6-30 and Trade. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 WILCOX pm, 351-8465. 3-7-2 Persons APARTMENTS I house in Haslett, $200 plus man including utilities. Phone Monday thru Saturday. C isit; also 1 large room 332-4709. 3-6-30 SERVICE... Summer Rental COLOR TV, 14", under warranty. lency for two, $100 plus $175. Call 353-7229 or 3536964. WATERBED FRAMES, $35 and up. FREE ... A lesson in complexion 349-9619 or 339-9201. ONE GIRL needed; own bedroom. REBIRTH, 309 North care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan 2-7-2 Call 332-0381. 511 Albert Street. or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. Washington, Lansing, 5-7-7 489-6168.TF MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS TAPE RECORDER. Roberts stereo We will match you with ■RL or guy to live in share Jrivate room and entrance, FEMALE. ROOM in basement. open reel. Automatic shut off, sound with WATERBED UNITS,mattress, liner, STUDIOS. C compatible roommates. $ 1 ^ ^ 00 per mo. ■eople now in house. Close. Summer term. 353-0769. sound. condition. $100. 353-0944. 16-30 Excellent heater, and frame. $76 any size. FRANCIS X and the Bushman and Call 332-4432 or see X tj rJ 4-man |onable rent, 372-1510, After 5 pm 332-5622. 16-30 go-go girls nightly. Johnnie's Glass REBIRTH, 309 North SUMMER ONLY! to campus. 3-6-30 Cellar. PRO-BOWL. 2122 North Frank or JoAnn at 1050 SOUND SYSTEM, 30 watt, two way Washington, Lansing. ' FOUR ROOMS in house, $55 month Logan. Happy hours, 9-11 pm. Water's Edge Dr. (next to Model apartment open daily, ph. 332-8292 speakers, Garrard turnstyle. |ESS0R'S HOME. 3 includes utilities. 820 Michigan. 351-2350. 10-7-23 10-7-23 Cedar Village) or see m-study-2 baths. 5 minutes 3-7-7 PING PONG tables, $9.95. We buy MSU. Privacy. Available sell most anything. ABC YOUR HAIR is RESIDENT MANAGER - ROCKING CHAIR, $20. Portable a product of our ■ember thru February. SINGLE NEAR campus. Furnished, SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 ■226. 3-6-30 $40 a month. Call 332-3357. Hoover washing machine, $65. business. UNION BUILDING No. 5, 1310 E. Grand River Turner. C. BARBERSHOP. C1-6-30 5-7-12 Sear's humidifier, $35. Baby's playpen, $12. Stroller, $10. All pD ONE or two together 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, THE MSU SOARING CLUB is Cedar ) share farm 50 miles MEN, SINGLE rooms, 3 blocks from new condition. 355-9790, 2-7-2 having canisters and uprights. Guaranteed Gree an introductory meeting tonight lowest Lansing. Call Richard, Union. Available immediately. one full year. $7.88 and up. at 7:30 p.m., room 30 Union A MAGNAVOX STEREO 12" f»220. 2-7-2 Phone 351-5076.3-7-7 speakers. Excellent condition. Call DENNIS DISTRIBUTING movie will be shown. All COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. interested welcome. 1 or 2 girls. 5 blocks from campus. 372-9428, keep trying. 4-7-9 persons Opposite City Market. C. 1-6-30 Kitchen, and other privileges. Call USED FURNITURE Flea Fair. 314 poo after 5 pm or weekend mornings, lUNSET. Gir! for 351-8177. 1-7-2 East Michigan. Dishes, books, coins, antiques, rockers, junk. TV SEARS Silvertone, black and white, 21". Excellent condition. DRAFT COUNSELING. Legal - Medic - Psychologic. Miami, Fla. a duplex, Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open $80. Phone 355-7819 after 5 p.m. 3°5 891-3736. 8-7-12 ier, $50. Deposit. Parking. FILING CABINET 5-drawer, $40; 3-6-30 Tuesday and Sunday. Furniture - ■y 351-2466 after 5 p.m. stereo RCA portable, $25; and appliances open all week. 10 typewriter Royal, $30; rocking Peanuts Personal air-conditioning, a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone 371-2843. O SEAR'S CARFTSMAN 18" reel chair, $15; and more. 353-7940. - to MSU 16-30 type walking lawn mower. 3 h.p. - furnished STEREOS with basket. Used three seasons. i men. Available now til SEE THE auto show Original cost was $120. A real all sizes, Receivers, $59.95 up. Speaker sets, ... 15th. Dial 332-4076. ROOMS 10 minutes from campus. $19.95 up. Compact stereos, good value for someone at only prices, models, colors, in today's Completely furnished. 372-8077 Classified Ads. before 4 p.m. C $39.50 up. 8 track automatic tape $50. Call 487-3096. S-4-7-2 1 girl. Own room, bath, players, $29.50 up. 8 track tapes, and I Near Dairy Queen. See at ■West Grand River after 5:30 SINGLE women. AND double Close to rooms for Union. used $2.50, new $4.00. Stereo albums $1.50 down. Italian wall everything TOYOTA 332-1895. 3-6-30 tapestries. Oriental bedspreads. AM-FM clock and portable radios. I HOUSE. Walk to campus. SPARTAN HALL, singles, men, TV sets, walkie talkies, tape negotiate. Must see. women. Now leasing for summer, recorder, and surf board. 'S45. 2-7-2 fall. 351-1176, 484-4422. O Merchandise tested and guaranteed. WILCOX SECOND TWO bedrooms. Pets. SINGLE ROOM for older male HAND STORE, 509 E. Michigan, builds more small cars ■ng. Lansing, Eastside. $100 student. Close in. Bed linens Lansing. Phone 485-4391. Hours ve. 482-5270. 1-6-30 furnished. 332-2471. 1-6-30 daily: 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.C s 1*A AP sm D E X fjo0 IAYTON tires E O IAWRI °} 1// ^ o Buy PRICgetEtheSALE r A L M 1 V E UU P T A 6 one, second tire t] t nI r mi for 1/2 OFF!! A E ojO with air conditioning than b\ & INCOMPARABLE 1st Tire 2nd Tire FETeach tire HUE RIBBON F78 x 14 2.38 any manufacturer in the world P Tire G78 x 14 $31.00 s15i0 2.55 512" +1.81 FET H78x 14 2.74 fa. Coffee file Walls! B78 x 13 if you want more than just economy try a 7 Square measure quality built Toyota - the luxury car for 8.1 ransgfe^f G78x 15 2.64 budget - minded people. 1135 Michigan Ave 351-8631 9, Rock high performance 10 Moss 13 _ ] I SPORT 70 series + 60 series H 78 J 78 x x 15 15 $33.88 s16" 2.80 2.96 right next to Brody Complex Pacific' 18. '] All.'M.t'll' i ,!d " +2.55 fet ?3 Gr fettle' ?6. supp"511'0!! ?8 Cuttfe,is T 4 $^58 E70 x 14 HIGHTEST 4 PLY NYLON CORD available in many CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTSare now leasing student and married spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking couples units. These ?9 chapa'# | RAISED WHITE LETTERS Each Day First 6 Purchases different models space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private 30 Mortals ' will Receive from: balconies. We also have a full - time resident manager for 31. Satirical Balancing any problems. If you want to be 32. Ocean free among the first residents of CEDAR GPEENScall today. The one - bedroom units start at 35. Heighten 3/. siiiy , STORY TIRE CENTER $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 332-6441 or 484 3494. Nine 38 lllckVlrstl 3165 EAST MICHIGAN AVENUE and twelve month leases available. 39Sp""eJl 41 43 Hitnot 0 Hara plantation \ (J LANSING, MICHIGAN 48911 thursday 8b friday WHEELS TOYOTA INC. 46. PiPeds, j o*:G0 Til 5:00 2400 e. Michigan Ave. - 5 blocks west of Frandor MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: Alco Management Company 48. Whale's 1 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan wednesday,j Prof predicts court will favor (Continued from page one) press ■ which the court issues its Although at present the the Supreme Court, "it might be versus the New York Times and constitute two of the 73 issue articles fwusing on J"8*!"" opinion," he said. model is applied exclusively to generalizable to other courts," the Washington Post, Spaeth areas or category scales. Hugo L. Black and John M. go he said. examined the voting records of Harlan. The presence of two new the justices in the areas of free Computer data also suggest PROSECUTION POSSIBLE This summer Spaeth will work that Harlan may be "movine I justices on the court, Harry A. communication and federal on a recap of the court's Although Black has been to I Blackmun and Warren Burger, security regulation, which decision - making and will write portrayed as moving to the right the left." Union data to serves to complicate matters somewhat. Spaeth said he will make a prediction next fall on whether "In the case of the new the court will rule that the death to Justice Dept. justices, I look at their background characteristics," Spaeth said. "Of these, the best 2 states penalty for murder constitutes a cruel and unusual punishment. Time predictors of behavior are party "At this point, I am confident to ratify WASHINGTON (AP) - The suggests that affiliation, the extent of partisan that the court will find that the Senate labor subcommittee said individuals have engaged in political involvement, voting death penalty for murder is not Tuesday it will turn over making false statements, patterns on other courts, a cruel and unusual investigative records on the committing perjury, evading geographical origin and the type WASHINGTON (AP) - Illinois ratified the 18 Oklahoma legislature answers Gov. David Hall's punishment," he said. United Mine Workers' 1969 income taxes and - or of law school attended." year - old vote amendment to the Constitution call for a special session to - election to the Justice Dept. for obstructing justice." ratify. Failing that, On the basis of Tuesday to become the 35th state to do so. Two Wyoming comes Into a special session next possible criminal prosecution. UME President W.A. "Tony" these more legislatures appeared poised to push the Tuesday for the same purpose. Chairman Harrison A. Boyle won re - election in 1969, background characteristics, Spending cut defeated proposal to the threshold of final approval. Ratification by week's end would set a record Williams Jr., D-N.J., said he has defeating Joseph A. Yablonski, Spaeth predicted over a year ago The Alabama legislature, which has passed that the odds that Blackmun for speed. Congress offered the amendment to written Atty. Gen. John N. who was murdered shortly ratification measures in both houses, is held up the states March 23. The Mitchell that the Senate afterwards. would vote conservative in the previous record was on concurrence between the two chambers. eight months in 1803 - 1804 for ratification of The government has filed suit three major dimensions of (Continued from investigation "developed In North Carolina, where the House has passed the 12th Amendment page one) substantial evidence relating to to set aside the election. Supreme Court decisions were 8 the ratification, the issue was postponed establishing procedures for military pay raises voted to » by the electing the president. Then there were 17 states, by resolution to the alleged misuse of UMWA Williams said the subcommittee - 1, and the odds that Burger Congress have eaten r*-. Senate until Wednesday when ratification is with ratification by 13 up the spending authorial funds by, or reports might be useful in this would vote conservative were 12 required for adoption. savings that might in behalf, of UMWA officials" in the 1969 election. suit and in any criminal charges - 1. expected. With these two states in, one more would be The 18 - year amendment would allow citizens expected. have been government August agencies! Th,, "This prediction has 18 years or older to vote in The letter, Williams said, brought. proved any election. A Each dollar appropriated for measure Congress has notneceZ,' needed to reach the 38 required to make the was to be recent Supreme Court decision upholding the stated Senate investigations The subcommittee plans to accurate," he said. defense now buys disclosed "evidence which conduct final public hearings In predicting the outcome in measure the 26th amendment to the new voting - rights law has assured them the vote only about half as much as it would have action yet comi2 Constitution. in elections for president, vice on any 0f the 3 soon on the election. the cases of the United States president and nine years ago, he said. That could come Thursday, when the appropriations bills for is. (3 Congress. __Ihe amendment year was offered starting Thursday. ■ Standards set (Continued from page one) carbon monoxide per vehicle mile, both 9U per cent reductions from emissions permitted on 1970 models. ♦Nitrogen oxide emissions, not now under federal limitations, must be limited to 3.0 grams per vehicle mile beginning with 1973 model cars. This limit drops to 0.4 grams per vehicle mile in 1976 models, a 90 per cent reduction from present, uncontrolled emissions levels. ♦Lead-free gasoline may be used as a test fuel, in the expectation that it will be generally available by July 1,1974. EPA administrator William D. Ruckelshaus noted that the auto industry said, in public hearings last May, that meeting the standards would be costly and extremely difficult. "But even though the achievement of these standards poses major engineering difficulties and will be costly and may, in the case of nitrogen oxide emissions, requite technological breakthroughs beyond the present state of the art, the need to project the nation's health demands that effective control uf automobile emissions must be placed high on our list of national environmental priorities," said Ruckelshaus. IT'S WHAT'S. Kraffi Randy Bushman of the MSU Dru Alpha Phi Omega is sponsoring a Education jlood drive betwen 10 a.m. and 4 Project at 7 tonight i, West Wilson Terrace. The j.m. today in 322 and 324 N. Kedzie public ii racism will be the main to ic'of Th6 MSU Soaring Club wl" "ol "beheld'at 7 p.m'%ZYSZ™nwL°t Wilson Terrace. Gina Shack Center " , . 30 Union."1 movie\vin interested persons ai b for Urban Affairs, will sneak. The we,come" public is invited. The Winged Spartans (MSU Flying '' Bull Fightthe 3ub) is holding a "Learn to ~ fab documentary, will be present night in 31 Uni Beal Film group along with a biography of Generallisimo Fra 7 and 9 tonight in 106B Well; No ID will he rwiMiroa Sigma Delta Chi will hold a News editorial office. If you Where Style Is Always^ln" WHITE FLARES M310 541 Grand River Phone 332-6878 Skin Divers! BONUS SPECIAL! Save 26c On Big E Bulk Pack When your ICE CREAM depends on the BONUS SPECIAL 1 Save 6c On Big E exact time... SALAD DRESSING QT. JAR 391 BONUS SPECIALI Save 18c On MR. 12 CHIPS OZ. submarine, and deepsea divers POTATO CHIPS FOIL BAG 37c oxygen supply, ithstands under-water BONUS SPECIAL! Save 10c On Big E up to 600 feel. Has time-reserve 38 indicator with click-set rim. Fully automatic. Stainless steel adjustable COOKING OIL OZ. BTL. 59c bracelet $150. SAVE UP TO 40c ciinnrnc - Banquet Frozen beef stew, chick. SWEET CORN uul itKd 8. dumplings, sliced 89c ww. 5 " 39< biiv fine Jeweler* turkey 8. gravy, 219 E. Grand River salisbury steak Phone: 332 3917 32-oz. wt. ea.