Vote at 18 made ■fiiMRHS. Ohio (AP) — The votinn roLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - The voting Jim Thnrna Thorpe ...k„ who loudly objected . . .. law, 38 states OK plan * to the who have the in all elections was lowered to 18 years i participated in the life of Senate President Pro Tem Theodore M. voting age to 18 but the Supreme Americans under age 25 will become J&nesday night when Ohio ratified the Soil™ " "* ,0t,! our nation through their work, their Gray from Piqua immediately completed Court held it valid only for federal potential voters for president for the first S amendment to the U.S. Constitution, North Carolina and Alabama legislatures studies and their sacrifices for its defense now are to be fully included in the legislative formalities by signing the resolution of ratification. elections. The new amendment gave the vote to 18 year - old in state elections as time in the 1972 election. For the nation as a whole, the census fulfilling the requirement that 38 states do approved the - amendment earlier in the day. electoral process of our country. It took only three months — record time well. bureau said, those under 25 will make up an -roSioamendment House, with 99 members, 81-9, one day after Alabama Gov. George withheld his signature from the C. Wallace "I urge them to honor this exercising it — right by by registering and voting in — for 38 states to ratify the amendment, making it law. The According to census bureau statistics, about half of the 11 million new American estimated 18 per cent of the total electorate in 1972. About 140 million .ifipd the measure, process normally takes each election." about 15 months. [he Senate passed it 30-2. hoping to time it so his state would be the The amendment Both the Republican and Democratic voters are receiving some type of higher persons will be potential voters in that House Speaker Charles Kurfess had to one to carry the amendment over. attracted some education, about three million are working election, up from 120 million in 1968. opposition in the Ohio legislature where parties are already at work devising full - time and 1.4 million are in the armed jyle ou* of order fellow Republican Rep. However, Lt. Gov. Jere Beasley and some felt such a question should be put to strategies to win support of the 11 million forces. About half are married. Public opinion polLs have indicated that legislators in Ohio said a governor's most college students — which comprise a public vote. Ohio rejected a voters under age 21 who are eligible to vote These new voters, along with others who signature was proposal two part of the new electorate — favor neither unnecessary. for the first time. At the White years ago to lower its voting age to 19 are at least 21 but who were too young to House, President Nixon party, but among those who do the Registration said, "Some 11 million young men and years. Congress passed a law last year lowering vote in 1968, mean more than 25 million Democrats are preferred by almost 2 to 1. for Aug. Friday closes to MICHIGAN By STEVE ALLEN rtUg Today is the 3 East State News Staff Writer last day to register for the Lansing City Council primary election. This election could be the first in the city in which 18 - year - olds will be enable to vote, depending on which date a UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 5 STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 2, 1971 federal agency deems the 26th Amendment officially will take effect. Registration will be at the East Lansing City Hall, 410 Abbott Road, until 8 p.m. Anyone 18 years old or older may register to vote, provided he has lived in Michigan for 6 months and is presently living in East Lansing. To prove residence, one need only show some form of identification, such as a driver's license, a Viets offer to free POWs draft card, or a letter or bill showing an individual does in fact reside in East Lansing. One must also take an oath to the authenticity of his identification. Beverly Colizzi, East Lansing city clerk, said Thursday she did not know whether if U.S. eaves by yea r s en PARIS 18 year - olds will be eligible to vote in (AP) — The Vietnamese Cong and the North Vietnamese. The he could • Communists announced Thursday they are Under Nixon's present plan of give consideration to the the primary. Saigon government simultaneously would withdrawal, 184,000 American servicemen proposal. "Our elections office is waiting for the federal General Services Administration Cruising ready to free all U.S. prisoners of war by the end of 1971, gone from Vietnam by then. if all U.S. troops are have to release the thousands of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese prisoners. still will be in Vietnam by Dec. 1. Despite the unacceptable features U.S. After the meeting, Xuan Thuy, North Vietnam's chief negotiator, told reporters Two canoes, one partially hidden The proposal was a significant change of (G.S.A.) to verify passage of the 26th The United States promised to study the the old Communist position Ambassador David K. E. Bruce asked for Bruce promised to give the plan "very Amendment," Mrs. Colizzi said. by trees, seem on a collision course that the an early adjournment of the peace talks (Please plan, which on the surface looked like the release of the hundreds of American so turn to page 12) "For an 18 - year - old to vote in East along the Red Cedar River. The first promising Communist initiative in the prisoners would be the subject of Lansing in August, he must register by canoes can be rented daily on the Paris peace talks since these began more 8 p.m. discussions after the United States Friday, regardless of the time the river near Bessy Hall. than three years ago. Stereo announced a withdrawal date. will be deemed setup Amendment to The plan added a new condition for the -State News photo by Norm Payea The plan embodied a cease - fire release of the Americans held by the Viet (Please turn to page 11) between U.S. and Communist - led forces during the period of U.S. withdrawal and the release of prisoners. The White House announced it found the to block communicat Iper cent income tax hike plan contains "positive as well as clearly unacceptable elements." The seven point - plan, unveiled by Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh, By STEVE ALLEN Ahmed Karega, director of the OBA, the chief Viet Cong negotiator, reoeated State News Staff Writer said Thursday the campus' 2,000 blacks old demands previously rejected. Among The Office of Black Affairs (OBA) has have been left out of the campus' various approved by state Senate them was the ouster of the Saigon communication networks. government to be replaced by a coalition purchased $612,30 worth of stereo "We have tried to work with the regime to include the Viet Cong. equipment to improve communication Ronald L. Ziegler, White House press among campus blacks. Michigan State Network and they have The purchase, two portable tape decks, offered us three one hour segments a week secretary, pointed out that President Nixon in between their dozens of white disc has said he will "accept no one record changer, one mixer and one arrangements jockeys who play nothing but top 40 stopped deluding ourselves and initiated "I believe the public is fed up with name that would turn the 17 million preamp, was authorized by the OBA some concerted budget cuts." people of executive board. The money for the material," Karega said. - calling and finger - pointing, and I will not South Vietnam over to the Communists." The one percent tax increase approved "We are attempting to set up our own be a party to that," he said. "My remarks Another point in the Viet Cong plan purchase came from the $5,000 allotment late Thursday is the same proposal which the present situation are simply communications network on campus. We on probably unacceptable is the maximum of given OBA from the ASMSU budget. back are tired of going through all the red tape Hours after a severe tongue - lashing by was sent to the Senate Taxation statements of fact." six months for withdrawing all U.S. The $48,750.00 budget is funded almost Committee Wednesday on a motion by Milliken said he "more interested in troops of the campus media." Gov. Milliken for its failure to adopt a new was from Vietnam. A U.S. source in Saigon exclusively from a 50 cent per term tax Sen. Robert VanderLaan, R-Kentwood. levied on all full time undergraduates at "The stereo equipment is a start. We state budget, the Michigan Senate (Please turn to page 12) declared he doubted all troops could be Thursday approved a one percent increase "This is not the first time this state has registration each term. pulled out this year. (Please turn to page 11) in the state's personal income tax rate. entered a new fiscal year without a budget, The tax hike, passed by a 22-16 vote, nor will it be the last," Milliken told will be sent to the House of reporters at a Thursday morning press Representatives where its future is conference. "The legislature has had my described as "highly uncertain." Though Michigan entered a new fiscal year Thursday, the state's funds are frozen because the legislature has failed to come to an agreement on a budget or tax budget proposals since Feb. 10, yet it has not adopted that budget nor has it drawn up a budget of its own." Milliken declined to single out VanderLaan or other individual legislators as the cause of the Outlook WASHINGTON (AP) — Selective Service House - Senate conferees broke off short of the actual draft. Tarr also announced for dra acting without approval from Congress. e. An emergency bill which will budget holdup but said efforts Wednesday until next Wednesday to the 1972 draft Selective Service officials said nearly all Director Curtis W. Tarr ordered states authorize a 30-day continuation of June VanderLaan took an action "which was work out a compromise two - year draft lottery, which had been planned in about draft procedures came to halt across the spending levels is halfway through the obviously the result of frustration on his Thursday to continue all draft procedures extension bill when they snagged on Senate two weeks, will be announced after country with no reported problems except legislature but cannot become law until part" by returning the tax proposal to the except actual callups until Congress renews Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield's Congress extends the draft. for conscientious objectors who were next week. the draft law that expired midnight Senate committee. amendment calling for a U.S. pullout in A spokesman said Tarr could hold the uncertain whether they could start serving Prevote discussion of the proposed tax Wednesday. nine months if American prisoners are draft lottery without the renewed draft their two year civilian service iise sparked short but heated debate in But Senate Armed Services Chairman - immediately released. authority but did not want to appear to be without a draft. the state's John C. Stennis, D-Miss., said "the outlook upper house. "This state needs a tax increase like a Holiday for the draft law is highly uncertain" unless Tarr, who earlier advised states to halt nearly all draft procedures after midnight tomcat needs a marriage license," Stanley Because of the holiday, the State News the House, Senate and President Nixon can f- Rozycki. D-Detroit said. "It's time break "a triple - headed deadlock" on Wednesday, wired them Thursday to we rill not publish Monday. continue preinduction physicals, mandating a Vietnam war halt. classification appeals and other procedures v «• U.S. threatens prosecution WASHINGTON (AP) — Atty. Gen. John Pentagon's classified documents, i and retains stolen property. Hushen, director of public information for Mitchell said Thursday the Justice avenues of criminal prosecution have A Justice Dept. spokesman who gave the department. 1 Dept. prosecute any violations of criminal remained open." Mitchell's three - paragraph statement to The key votes in the Court's decision It provides penalties of 10 years in reporters rejected in advance any questions were cast by Justices Potter Stewart and Papers'1 Connection with the Pentagon prison and a $10,000 fine. The same about it. In a statement issued the day after the "If you ask any section of the law provides identical questions, we will refer (Please turn to page 12) P'eme Court ruled back to the statement," said John W. against government penalties for anyone who knowingly you °rts to block publication of the top - documents tracing U.S. involvement th„e Timl6 C0"rt rwiim nam' Mitchell said "the decision of upreme Court speaks for itself." m,ed that the New York and the Washington Post could ZT Publishing articles based on the War papers study effects docun»ents. With all nine justices of U.S. bombing writin 0n I ^Parate opinions, the court held i n » vote that the government v-ouiHk p'oved that the national security Panp« , ama8ed if parts of the Pentagon WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon McNaughton memorandum quoted in the until another day, after the American blast said thn Cre puhhshed. The three dissenters papers lift the lid on how North Vietnam documents added: was spent. Cnnf C(\Vr' acted too hastily, survived the fury of American bombing "It should be studied. Such destruction Instead, the documents said, Hanoi foretln^ 1that n°thing in the decision through 1965, the year the United States does not kill or drown people. By shallow - remained as defiant as ever, its leaders ProsPf..,» Possibility of criminal entered the war fully. flooding the rice, it leads after time to seemingly resolved to endure the worst °n, Mitchell said in his statement: widespread starvation (more than a until the Americans beaten. Copies of the top - secret documents were released by Sen. Mike Gravel, D - Alaska, million?) unless food is provided. .." . Indeed, the Communists shifted their °( thpC8.the inning of the investigation also disclosed things might have been a lot This, the McNaughton memo added, the Southern strategy from all - out attack to unauthorized disclosure of the worse for the North Vietnamese had United States could offer to do "at the conference table." that of the long haul — designed to wear President Johnson adopted a proposal by the late John McNaughton, then an asst. The Pentagon analysis gave no clue as to out the opposition and prepare the ground secretary of defense. where the McNaughton plan ended up but for an eventual political settlement." Narcotics Mountain it was never implemented. "There was no sign," the Pentagon Police wrestle to the ground one of six persons charged with sale of This^was for a plan to destroy the After American intervention in force analysis said, "that bombing the North h\lnJXs ,0r th« July 16 Pop complex of locks and dams in the north, that year, the expectation among some either alone, or in combination with other narcotics after a raid at Dodge State Park No. 4, west of Pontiac go o* 7nt conce|t featuring Mountain thereby shallow flooding the rice fields Washington policy makers, according to - - U.S. actions, had brought about any Monday. No injuries were reported as the Oakland County Tactical Cambfl,,. " Tuesday at Marshall Music. and raising the possibility of famine. the papers, was that a patient old Support Unit conducted the raid, arrMftihv those who had been under Contending the plan, if properly revolutionary like Ho Chi Minh might defer surveillance. (Please turn to page 5) AP Wirephoto handled, could "offer promise,' a his dream of taking over South Vietnam Friday, July 2, 197} I 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news divided House WASHINGTON Commerce (AP) - Committee Frank Stanton. urged A against CBS and its president committee's decision disappointing contrast to the to censure "is in for the American press preserving freedoms," Stanton in Amendment." Staggers said First CBS so Staggers said such material - called out - takes and fi|n a summary urged the House Thursday to cite the Columbia Broadcasting "It might be good to clear the air and show the American Supreme Court's ringing reaffirmation yesterday of the said. "I sincerely hope that the Amendment not at issue in press freedom is this case. and sound recordings gathered Huring work on thl documentary must be ispectel From Ihe wjrei of AP and UPI. System (CBS) and the network's people that their elected function of journalism in a free House of Representatives will "All the news media have president for contempt of representatives are trying to get society." The court's ruling not confirm a citation of been trying to confuse this by Congress in connection witH Congress for refusing to hand at the truth and not trying to permitted the New York Times contempts which, though whole issue of the First charges the network rearranged over untelivised from its censor anybody," Staggers told and the Washington Post to directed at CBS, is in effect Amendment," he said. "We're questions and answers bjl electronic manipulation. documentary "The Selling of reporters. resume publishing stories based taking dead aim against the First not trying to censor anybody." The Pentagon." When asked what the House on classified Pentagon war Generally, the House "The concealment of "I'm awfully sorry this would do, he said, "That would studies. along with requests from" it] occurred. This confrontation be hard to predict." A "If broadcasters must submit committees that contempt ( information for 20 years has led floor vote should never have taken place," is expected after Congress to government surveillance of Congress charges be pressed. Bu to the deaths of over 50,000 Chairman Harley O. STaggers, returns next Tuesday from its news judgments, broadcast veteran congressional observer! Americans and hundreds of D-W. Va., said as he announced Fourth of said this would be a rare — if nol July recess. journalism can never perform thousands of Vietnamese. That's the 25 to 13 committee vote Stanton, in a statement issued the independant and robust role the first — step in a dispute oVel why I released the documents." recommending contempt action in New York, said the which the Constitution intended editing practices. -Daniel Ellsberg (See story S) BECOMES CORPORATION Panel vofel page Troop cutback told It's official-State sought on| the The U.S. Command in Saigon announced Thursday biggest single cutback of American troops in cuts financial abortion Vietnam to date. Included was the last U.S. unit The State News officially assurance that both tone and professional journalists, two content of such student faculty members and three defending South Vietnam's borders. incorporated Thursday, severing A fresh breath of life has bwnl financial ties with the University newspaper are determined by students. The directors will serve The command said 40 Army units with authorized the student editorial staff; the two injected into Michigan's bin after 63 years of publication. - year terms. strength of 6,095 men were being pulled out of combat to legalize abortion, b Beginning today, the State prohibition of powers of veto The current board of directors to prepare for reassignment. and censorship over the news supporters of the bill are i News will continue to serve the includes professional counting on any miracles. and editorial content thereof, journalists, Arthur P. Gallagher, Reflecting the diminishing U.S. role in South MSU community as a nonprofit In an unexpected statement and the acceptance of advice and editor of the Ann Arbor News, Vietnam, the U.S. Command also reported 21 American corporation. criticism from Thursday, the chairman of thJ The Articles of Incorporation administrators, and Victor Spaniolo, manager of killed in combat last week, the second lowest weekly the Niles Star Publishing Co., House Social Servicel list the purposes for which the faculty and students of MSU Committee announced that hJ toll in SVi years. who are not staff members of Frank B. Senger, chairman of corporation was formed as "the would call for a committee votf Included in the withdrawals are units of the 1st publication, circulation and such newspaper." the School of Journalism, on the abortion measure in distribution of student The State News corporation William E. Wallner, associate Brigade, 5th Mechanized Infantry Division, which is the a weeks. last outfit guarding a South Vietnamese border. newspaper within the will be headed by a seven - man professor of entomology, Linda In his statement, Committed board of directors, including two Gortmaker, Lansing graduate conimunHM^^ Chairman David S. Holmes,D 1 student, Thomas F. List, Bay City senior, and Deborah Sunnyside up Detroit, said: "abortion refornl is of such magnitude that it isl The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Witgen, St. Johns junior. Ma-ilyn Schoer, Hardin, Mont., junior, takes advantage of a Health bill passes House University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter The State News began as a murderous hot spell to try some iutdoor cooking. The deserving of a full floor debatJ and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays To insure such a debate it is mr biweekly literary magazine in sidewalk was hot enough to fry the egg making one wonder intention to call for a vote ij during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition 1908, then called the "Holcad." if perhaps it isn't wiser on days like that to cover those The House passed Thursday a comprehensive $3.5 in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. It became a weekly newspaper committee on July 13 which wi| Member Associated Press, United Press International, tender soles. place thie bill, if reported c billion health manpower - training plan aimed at and received its present name in Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, State News photo by Doug Bauman on our fall calendar." accelerating training of medical personnel. 1925. Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press The twin - bill, three - year program containing Association. grants, foans and incentives is aimed at "shortening the Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial Lower adulthood age plan| curriculum for physicians, gaining at least five more and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan medical schools, graduating more family doctors, State University, East Lansing, Michigan. helping financially shaky medical schools and having doctors go to critical shortage areas," said Rep. Paul G. News 355-8252 remains tied up in Senate Rogers. Classified Ads 355-8255 Advertising 353-6400 Business Office 355-3447 By JOANNA FIRESTONE from 21 to 18 has traveled attempt reinstating the drinking privileges should not have boeB Swiss arrest Dr. Leary State News Staff Writer rocky and disappointing route. a provision when the bill does deleted and should be reinserted In the two months since the Having passed the House by a come up for amendments. If it isn't, I will still support thl Free Fireworks considerable 73-30 margin, the Through a survey conducted rest of the bill on the senatf Drug advocate Dr. Timothy Leary, who has been a fugitive since his escape from a California prison in Display Michigan House passed and referred the age of majority bill to the Senate, the proposal to controversial unbending bill ran opposition in the into last week, it appears that most Senate Republicans favor the bill floor," he added. Sen. Stanley F. Rozyck® 1970, has been arrested in Switzerland, officials in San Luis Obispo, Calif, said Thursday. Dist. Atty. Robert TONIGHT lower the legal age of adulthood Senate Judiciary Committee for some 48 days. as it now reads, while a good number of Democrats would like D-Detroit, the issue. was more adamant or Tait said he was informed of the arrest by Gov. Ronald FREE PICK-UP When reported out of to include the drinking provision "It's completely ridiculous tJ committee June 22, the bill no in the package of rights and delete this section," he said Reagan's extradition secretary, who told county officials the state would help with extradition if 9:30 p.m. AND DELIVERY longer contained the drinking responsibilities. "How can we possibl* provision approved by the House With the legislative budget rationalize giving 18 - year - olfl (Rain date: Sat., July 3) necessary. Leary, a former instructor at Harvard University, is wanted in San Luis Obispo County for escaping from the California Men's Sponsored by Waverly Jaycees, N.W. Kiwanis & Lansing Mall Merchants LOUIS which would allow 18 alcoholic beverages. - year - hassle last week, only 14 of the olds to purchase and consume 38 senators were able to respond to survey attempts. Nine were With 50 items ahead of it on Democrats, all of whom said all adulthood them the "As the responsibilities without rights that go with it granting out itfl ol Colony on Sept. 12, 1970. He was CLEANERS came the Senate's legislative calendar, they favored the drinking committee, this bill is extreme™ serving a term on a drug conviction. ONE HOUR SERVICE it seems unlikely that the provision. Of five Republicans, out of date in its philosophy.* El lansing mall 623 E. Grand River proposal will reach debate until only two favored the clause. sometime after the August "I do not support the bill as it Lansing Republican Philip Ol Pittenger backed the other sidf Law laxity said dead 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy. Phone 332-3537 recess. is presently written," Sen. A moderately strong coalition William Faust, D-Westland, said. of the liquor argument. "I'm not so sure I coulfl of senators is expected to "The section on drinking support the bill if it included thl COUPON IHIIHIIBIWaillh. drinking section," Pittenger saidl "Several legal problems havM Proclaiming it a good day for £ ^— —r—_ _ . JL ± £ Glenn Herriman, Inc. been uncovered by the Senate police, President Nixon declared committee such as the drinking Wednesday that "the era of teenage driver." permissiveness with regard to law With the Senate wrestlinfl enforcement is at an end in the United with the annual budge® States." field Buoyed by developments in the of narcotics and by statistics SPEflM proposed, the fate of the liquofl provision, as well as the date ol its showdown in the Senate! oddH HOLIDAY IfttAl seems to be : an even - 1005 EAST GRAND RIVER BLVD. indicating a slowdown in the urban crime rate, Nixon lavished praise on !★★★★★★★★★★★★★** FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and expressed optimism about the prospect of licking crime. : TACOS! ★ TACOS! CRISPY. FRIED, FOLDED CORN TORTILLAS, ChannellCl getsawarj STUFFED WITH PURE GROUND BEEF AND LETTUCE, Gravel innocent-Mansfield \ 4 for *1j00 ^ (REGULAR $1.40 VALUE) DECORATED WITH CHEESE. JULY 1 THRU JULY 7 JULY 1 THRU JULY 7 ^ *«iiiiaiiBiaiHiacLip & saveiibibiibihhi* for Guarc Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana said Assignment 10, WMS| today that, so far as he knows, Sen. Mike Gravel, television's weekly public aff D-Alaska, violated no rule of the Senate by disclosing series, is the winner of the 1 some of the Pentagon papers on the Vietnam war. 71 Military Photograph Mansfield told newmen that while some senators may Award given by the Michigt National Guard and the Nationl think Gravel violated "the dignity and decorum" of the Guard Assn. of Michigan. Senate, no disciplinary action is planned. The award is in recognition o "None, none," he replied in resoonse to a question. the Assignment 10 productio But Mansfield said he intends to talk "in a friendly and "Face of the Guard" produce and aired over WMSB (ChanW understanding fashion" with Gravel about his public recital of the classified document at a hastily called 10), MSU television last fall. "Face of the Guard" night session of a Senate subcommitte he heads. produced by David E. R Ojars Upatnieks and Jerry f were the cinematographers a Gas proposal accepted Howard Hall was in charge sound. in hot H 536 Forset St.; Gary Peterson, homes. Thursday afternoon. Members of the Michigan House of Representatives : Petitions have been filled by 626 Charles St.; Charles Max moaned their own version of "When You're Hot" this week ? Mayor Gordon L. Thomas and Phillips, 882 Whitman Dr.; The garbage workers and the Councilman Richard Tenhoor, 322 Evergreen as temperatures above 90 degrees turned the i Wilbur B. approximately 140 member unairconditioned House chamber into Ave.; and Charles W. Will, 343 a gilded blast ■ Brookover. Also petitioning are janitors union were among the £:&: furnace. Life Sciences Duane P. Bone, 316 Margaret; Albert Ave. 43 unions which signed an With the House's temperature soaring well past 85 J George A. Colburn, 144 agreement Wednesday to extend degrees, the speaker allowed male representatives to work ! The filing deadline for the the Highland Ave.; James D. Davis, present contracts with the in their shirtsleeves and ordered the seargent - at - arms not Construction of equipment continued this summer on the new Life Sciences Building going 611 petitions is July 10. Each city on a day - to - day basis j up Evergreen Ave.; Mickey to light the chamber's massive chandeliers in efforts to keep on South Campus. The building, when it is finished will house MSU medical facilities. Davis, 511 Abbot Rd.; Elyse petition must have no more than while negotiations went on. That down the heat. \ 100 signatures of which 50 must came after city and AFSCME -State News photo by Don Gerstner Eisenberg, 420 Evergreen Ave.; be acceptable. Rep. Richard Allen, R-Ithaca, sported a pair of purple i Phyllis Evans, 510 Cowley Ave.; representative announced hot pants to ward off the summer soggies and raised several 5 House eyebrows with his fine display of legislative thigh. Though the Senate has enjoyed airconditioned chambers : Russians are not for some time, the 110 - man House is not scheduled for cosmonauts relief until late this summer. mourn «. itatemenl It is reported that the House will seek to introduce a bill n of the this week proposing a new entry in Funk and Wagnall's ervicei under the word "hot house." that hi MOSCOW (AP) — Tens of thousands of Russians, many of Outside the stately, columned building, the line of mourners Reliable, but unofficial sources, reported the bodies had been ittee voti daubing eyes with handkerchiefs, filed solemnly past the snaked through a shady courtyard, around the building, across flown to Moscow Wednesday and underwent e in twi (lower • heaped biers of three fallen spacemen Thursday. High the street, along the iron fence of a park, and disappeared in the autopsies in a hospital. The results of the autopsies have not been made public. Soviet officials mounted an honor or guard. distance. ommitte* The cosmonauts — Georgy DobrovoLsky, Vladislav Volkov and Russian soldiers in brown dress uniforms stood almost shoulder Sir Bernard Lovell, director of the Jodrell Bank >lmes,D in reforn Viktor Patsayev — died mysteriously at the controls of their Soyuz 11 spaceship early Wednesday as they plummeted back to to shoulder the length of the line to keep the mourners smoothly. filing England, said man spend in space. may Observatory in have reached the limit of how long he can Enjoy your self that it earth after a triumphal 23 - day space mission. Many carried small bouquets to place near the caskets. Others >r debat< Their bodies lay in state for eight hours in a hall of the Central Lovell, as well as American experts, said the men also may- munched ice cream bars and sipped soft drinks bought from have been killed it Is m; Array House in a tree-shaded secion of midtown Moscow. by a break in their oxygen supply system. e i vote For many of the Russians who stood in line under a blistering vendors along the line. They stood silently, reverently. If they did talk, they whispered about the cosmonauts' this Holiday which v j the experience of viewing the cosmonauts — laid out in open mysterious deaths. What killed the men has not yet been irted out ssketsatop a five - foot high bier - was emotionally trying. disclosed. Their bodies, found by a recovery crew, were still One woman, about 25, fainted in front of the coffin. She was strapped into the seats of their spaceship after an apparently revived and helped to her feet by two army officers. Fellow cosmonauts in dark suits and airmen in light blue flawless soft landing on the steppes of eastern Kazakhstan. Male Students Wanted: weekend uniforms fomed a guard of honor around the coffins. The tountry's top three leaders — Leonid I. Brezhnev, Alexei N. jn fosygin and Nikolai V. Podgomy - took thier turns in the guard rhursday morning. Woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova pay for participation in Stop in this Holiday week-end for a - Nikolayeva, who [lew in space in 1963, and who is the widow of Yuri Gagarin, the relaxing visit to the Olde World. Enjoy a sandwich and your favorite a world's first spaceman, comforted the wives and relatives of the lead cosmonauts. MOTIVATIONAL imported beer or wine. The Olde World . . . open all weekend, for your pleasure. lave b( einsertei SWING RESEARCH ipport tl with he senat PROGRAM Buddy Campbell For information call: 353-5110 and his Check our quality selection or come to Room 401 Iculous BiyiLAD WALE of pre-recorded tapes & records 211 MAC. Avenue he saic possibl •COUNTRY CLAN ALL AT DISCOUNT PRICES. Computer Center between East Lansing 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. July 2-9 ^ear - old at The Stereo the Ko-Ko Bar Shoppe 543 E. Grand River next to Paramount News sxtremel; ^Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9 p.m. -1:30 a.m. M Ph. 337-1300 losophy. Philip " >ther sid ft 410 S. Clippert off Kalamazoo 02 Open Wed. till 9 p.m. — 10 to 5 Sat. I couli fluded thi mger said ;ms hav i le Senat drinkin If you're attending College to wrestlin budge ;he liquo le date leader in your field Senate become sale ; l - odd a lie arc Why not take the Leadership Course? ar( men's summer Enroll In ' wms >lic affaji the 197 clothing reduced ignition iroductio 20% produce (Channi t fall, -Qualify for a commission while earning your degree ard" -Receive $50 per month in your junior and senior E. years jerry Cai -An opportunity to apply for an Army ROTC phers an charge Scholarship which pays for all tuition, books and fees > engrave -Full assurance of an exciting job after graduation as ssignrnei an Army Officer •eview an bagpTpen -Return to Civilian life after only two years or less } Michigi the I at Cam - Gain valuable leadership and management experience Interested .... Call 355—1916 321 •• grand rivar, e. lanaing west ma in mall, kalamazoo l^y Demonstration Hall Today 1200 a. univaraity, ann arbor or Stop gas light villaga, a. grand rapida 218 Washington, grand havan MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY JOHN JUEL Investigate U' Iran involvement editor-in-chief By C. PATRIC LARROWE troubles me most. Until Diem kicked us up a school of police ad in Tehran. professor of economics Carrigan proposed that the board should, I wonder if it's too much to suggest tha out, we were in Vietnam for six years at an early meeting, discuss the before we take on any more projects lik KEN LYNAM before anyone on the campus publicly On May 19, the State News carried a implications of the agreement. President this one we order our priorities? We i advertising manager Wharton promised he would have Ralph questioned the morality of what we were letter from the MSU Iranian Student Assn. daily bombarded with requests to take Smuckler, dean of international programs, doing there. under the title "Iran: repressive dictator projects at home (remember the mobil JOHN BORGER, managing There are other parallels that ought to editor rules." Writing that letter took courage, if brief the board on it. homes degree?) as well as abroad. We can' trouble us as well. We know now the NLF BOB ROACH, news editor their description of the pitiless repression One implication that leaps to mind, if into being as a reaction to the acquiesce in them all; we don't have " BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor and the melancholy condition of the you know even a little of our history, is came resources to go around. RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor universities under the Shah is even partially this: Is it in our interest to collaborate in repressiveness of the Diem regime. The Shah seems hell - bent on going down the Suppose we threw the matter an arrangement that throws a mantle of accurate. same road. In the last year, according to priorities open to a campuswide debaU They wrote it to alert us to an respectability over the shoulders of one Many of us, I think, would urge that the Christian Science Monitor, he has had more repressive regime? Remember how Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award agreement signed early in May to exchange than 1,000 Iranians arrested, and MSU is going to teach math, physics fervently we vowed "Never again!" when it more for outstanding journalism. faculty and graduate students between some of them tortured, for their political whatnot to disadvantaged students off th came out that the CIA used our project in MSU and Arya Mehr University in Iran. activities. And in March of this year, he campus, we ought not to start by sendin The letter ended with a plea that we Vietnam as a cover? had 13 persons arrested, "tried" before profs to the Shah's university. A betu any assistance to the Shah's "But C. Pa trie," one of my colleagues oppose military courts, and executed — all in one place to start would be by sending them dictatorial government. explained, "Iran isn't Vietnam. The Shah theghelto in Detroit. EDITORIALS Our central administration has treated isn't Diem. Furthermore, we haven't heard day. The Shah is following in Diem's I propose, therefore, that before we sen the letter with its usual lordly indifference, any faculty members but you and any of our professors on junkets to Tehrai footsteps in other ways. One is his "white but the Iranian students' action may not Masterson objecting to the arrangement." revolution," a prominent feature of which we put together a blue ribbon commissi) Times-Post have been the June entirely in vain, nevertheless. At meeting of our trustees, Pat I concede that. But parallels with our that's one of the Vietnam project that is his spurious land reform. Its end result has been further to enrich landlords while to consider priorities and evaluate overseas commitments. Membership oi. forcing peasants off the land into the cities commission would, of course, be a matt where, jobless, they live in squalor, with for President Wharton and his advisors, prime question government position which was a nothing but time on their hands to contemplate the Shah's program that put them there. do have, however, one suggestion to off< Though it is palpable that people international programs can bring impressi The Supreme Court in a 6-3 vote model of illogic and blindness to "But Larrowe," one of my colleagues expertise to such an evaluation, I woi Wednesday permitted the New York constitutional guarantees. Voting iiiiiiii ■•■■■■■■(■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■(■■■■■(■■■■■■(■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•in Times and the Washington Post to against the newspapers because of "And to make sure his university is run resume publication of stories based the pressure and "frenetic haste" of properly, didn't he put his mother - in - on a secret Pentagon study of the the case, again assuming guilt until law on the board of trustees? And some Vietnam war. proven innocent, Burger added that of his favorite generals and political But despite being hailed as a the newspapers should have held up advisors?" landmark case for freedom of the the stories and conferred with I had to admit that was true. The Shah press, the ruling was at best a government officials to see if an does take a lot of interest in his bittersweet victory. The real issue of agreement could be reached before universities. Six months ago he shut most the constitutionality of prior publication. of them down after a student government censorship was skirted, Burger's argument inadvertently demonstration. and a third of the court openly points to the precise reason why flouted the principles of the First government should not have a check has pointed out, "you only look at the urge that none be appointed to Amendment. on the press. How could the press negative side of the Shah. What about his commission, for membership on it cot The majority's opinion ruled in work out any form of censorship interest in education? Didn't he name Arya subject them to an exhausting conflict Mehr after himself? (Arya Mehr, I have interest. (We would, naturally, expect favor of the newspapers on the agreements with a body which has an commission to call them as witnesses in since learned, is the Shah's title, "Sun of grounds that the government had not interest in censoring much more than the Aryans.") hearings it would hold.) met the burden of showing merely matters of "national "And to make sure his university is run Who knows? If the commission justification for a restraint against security"? Government agencies are properly, didn't he put his mother - in - law job well, we might not make the cover publication. While this decision did on the board of trustees? And some of his Ramparts again, but we'd be a bet by their very nature self - serving favorite generals and political advisors?" University for it. open the way for full exposure in the institutions which do everything I had to admit that was true. The Shah case of the Pentagon papers, it did possible to present a favorable image does take a lot of interest in his little to establish a precedent against of themselves to the public. universities. Six months ago he shut most future attempts at prior censorship "National interests" quite often fade of them down after a student MISPLACED MEM by the government. demonstration. He let them reopen again into political interests, with In fact, in the Times - Post case after his police had the logistics worked To: The State News Advisory Boat everything from cost overruns to out to keep a watchful eye on them. Some the government succeeded in surveillance of private citizens folks believe he takes too much interest. Re: SN Incorporation establishing the dangerous precedent hidden beneath a "classified" stamp. Just in the last two weeks, 140 faculty and of prior censorship at a time when Folks - v Withholding staff members resigned in protest from Sun there is no declared war to justify Congress, let alone the population of the Aryans University after the police You have made life very interestii shot and killed a student there. any infringement on the absolute at largC) h'as frequently been only I did have to admit one difference Bye now — its been real. freedom of the press guaranteed by partially informed about decisions -The Staff, The Editors, Tl between our Vietnam project and our Sun the First Amendment. A restraining by the executive circle and other of the Aryans exchange program. Up to Photographers, The order was issued by lower courts ejjte^ non . ejecte(l groups such as the now, anyway, we haven't been asked to set against the newspapers to halt miiitary. When such groups have the publication of stones about the pQwer tQ withhold information from POINT OF VIEW Pentagon papers, not on the grounds the pubiiC; as weu as from Congress of abuses in the material already itsdf) in the interests of self - voting franchise published, but merely on the Exercise your determined "national security," one potentiality for abuse. The papers wonders how undemocratic the were, indeed, assumed guilty until democratic process has become, proven innocent. onjy reaj ray hQpe jn the lllogic Project: City Hall will have to endure such Constitution just ratified enfranchises Times - Post case was the four did not thoroughly explain current voter charges from now to the November general year - olds for all elections — federal, sti Along with Justices Harlan and justices — Black, Douglas, Brennan registration procedures (on the very day his election. Case in point: Last week the asst. and local. Thus, they are eligible to vote letter appeared, a news story was carried Blackmun, Chief Justice Burger filed and Marshall who boldly upheld Project: City Hall feels compelled to the November city council election and - elsewhere in the State News which noted city manager accused the organization of a dissenting opinion upholding the the First Amendment. They agreed respond to the letter written by East "harassment tactics." the that three young men were denied the right August primary. But will they Lansing City Councilman Wilbur allowed to register? Even before the 2 that a free press is an absolute right Brookover which appeared in the June 3 to register). Further, Project: City Hall resents and denies Mr. Brookover's Mr. Brookover did not mention in ms Amendment was ratified, persons who which can not be infringed by an issue of the State News. In his letter, Mr. Brookover outlined what he claimed were accusation that our organization believes letter that the East Lansing city clerk (or be 18 by Aug. 8,1972 were eligible tov overzealous govenment. As Douglas "everyone associated with East Lansing her deputies) demands certain types of in the November 1972 general election i stated, "Secrecy in government is existing voter registration procedures at identification and insists upon satisfying city hall, and chastised Project: City Hall city government" is guilty of frustrating may register now. Project: City Hall ui fundamentally antidemocratic, for assuming "that everyone associated citizen voting rights. It seems to us that Mr. herself as to the validity of this all eligible young people to register n Brookover is suffering from an acute case identification before allowing a person to and plan to exercise their franchise at perpetuating bureaucratic errors." with East Lansing government is using any of city hall paranoia brought on by the register to vote. This is the crucial test; the first opportunity. Black concurred: "The guarding of device possible to prevent registration and presence of an active, student - oriented signing of an affidavit swearing to the military and diplomatic secrets at the voting." It is our contention that Mr. Brookover voter registration drive. It appears that validity of residency is secondary. Many expense of informed representative people do not carry such identification as a We think that attitudes soon will government provides no real security matter of course; thus if a person goes to forced to change in East Lansing in reg for our Republic." OUR READERS' MIND city hall unprepared, he will be refused the to young voters because young people Until such time as information right to register. enfranchised to vote in all electio Project: City Hall seeks establishmento In mem cannot be suppressed by government requires only the signing of an Clerk makes law rigid State law truly representative city council; it belie agencies merely because it is "Top affidavit; an attorney general's opinion such a council would improve of Cosmonauts Dobrovoisky, Patsayev Secret — Embarrassing," the allows the clerk to place the registrant government here. and Volkov who gave their lives democratic myth will never be under oath and ask questions pertaining to helping to conquer the man's last, fulfilled. To the Editor: that the city does not feel we have a right residency. great frontier. participate. Maybe that is becaue there On June 23 you printed an article entitled "Voter sign up changes outlined" to are, according to census figures, 47,000 Part of the problems regarding registration of young residents is th.:t the Letter policy that deals with East Lansing's "bending" of residents in East Lansing — 26,000 of Women's righ the state election laws. As someone who recently has been whom are between the ages of 18 and 24. I would hope that in the future the State city clerk believes that students should not vote in the cities where they attend school and that 18 - year - olds are too immature The State News welcomes They should i " all lett typed and signed with home town, student, faculty or » involved in efforts to register individuals News would encourage students who are to have voting rights. Thus, young without submitting proof of residence I about participating in the standing, and local phone nura down concerned striking Traditionally, women have been provide reasonable provisions for would like to suggest that there is no "bending" of the law being done in East Lansing. In fact, by requiring proof of electoral process to register to vote and, whenever possible, to protest the requirement of proof of residence. potential voters eager to participate in the electoral process for the first time are not exactly welcomed in a cordial manner at city hall (which may explain partially why included. No unsigned letter will accepted for publication, and no letter' be printed without a signature except maternity leave. residence, other than a student I.D. which Mary Kay Scullion extreme circumstances. All letters muit discriminated against more than any we have so many young people In particular No. 635 provides for is unacceptable to the clerk because it is E. Lansing graduate student disenchanted with "the system"). less than 300 words long for publicat group in the American working executed in the student's own hand, Mrs. June 29,1971 The 26th Amendment to the without editing. force. For years they have been a one- or two - year leave of absence U.S. Collizi and the East Lansing City Council as determined by the employe and made to suffer the inequity of being are making the law more rigid than is her doctor. Further, this legislation paid less than men for equal work guarantees that at the end of such requiring equal skill. They have been being statutory authorization for the made to sit by silently while maternity leave a female employe must be reinstated to her previous practice of requiring proof states only that promotions and bonuses often went the clerk may ask the potential elector to less qualified males. Worst of all. job, or when this is not possible to questions relative to his qualifications as a "another job with similar status and voter. A valid driver's license, a rent they continually have been forced to pay." The bill also insures that "a receipt, a bill, a local checking account or a pay in loss of jobs and seniority for letter with a cancelled stamp does not their socially and biologically maternity leave shall result in no loss of seniority rights for job security, appear to me to affect anyone's imposed role as child - bearers. qualifications as a voter. In fact, I would promotions, pensions and other consider them irrelevant to the extension fringe benefits." of the franchise. Such legislation, while overdue, is In light of the fact that student's are Times may at long last be more than welcome. It may not be counted as residents of East Lansing for changing, however. Passage of a triad the purpose of state and federal shared of bills pending before the Michigan possible to correct past injustices monies it would appear to me that as Senate would do much to stem these perpetrated by a discriminatory students we have a vested interest in the inequities. The sum effect of bills system - but progressive bills such as way in which East Lansing is operated. 535, 547 and 647 definitively 535, 547 and 647 will do much to However, tactics such as those presently being insure that women will be spared used to discourage certain groups of establish the illegality of sexist such injustices in the future. persons from registering to vote suggest discrimination in employment, and Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 2, 1971 5 Parts of study kept from press-Ellsberg CAMBRIDGE, M*». (AP) - I0, !?ihJ? n.ntel Ellsberg said Thursday tn to release decision classified documents of arrogance" that hampered Ellsberg, who was indicted by on how Wednesday's U.S. earlier administrations in their Ellsberg said he agrees with boring as they might be," he P', hc withheld from ths pn,ss stemmed stemmed nurtlv partly "from my j conduct of the war. a federal grand jury in Los Supreme Court decision, criticism that the documents do said. "It's time for the public to information for 20 years has led Sons of the Pentagon paper. perception in the spring of 1969 "I reached the point where I Angeles on charges of affirming the right of the press not represent a complete picture make their decision." to the deaths of over 50,000 Suse they might jeopardize that tho Nixon administration could no longer justify the unauthorized possession of to publish the documents, might of United States involvement in Ellsberg called on other Americans and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese. That's private negotiations to was susceptible to the same traps secrecy," he said. secret documents and theft of affect the federal charges against Vietnam. officials in the four UndThe«w,nVtetn4m- Flisberg, a researcher „ f at government property, declined to discuss how he obtained the him. "I "I do agree that it's an administrations covered by the why I released the documents," he said. documents am delighted by the incomplete report. There are Pentagon study to release Massachusetts Institute of or whether he decision," he said, but, "it is many limits on the study. But additional information ?ihnology who helped write personally provided them to important at this time not to it's a beginning of an honest might have which would they Ellsberg charged that the Nixon administration has failed study of the origins of the each newspaper which published divert attention from the history and a creditable one. L told a news conference that them. He is free on bond. content of the papers "I hope that every American complete the picture of the U.S. role in Indochina. to learn from the information Z'ral of the documents reveal Ellsberg would not speculate themselves." will read them, as painful and as "The concealment of provided in the study, or even to read it. nrivate diplomatic channels ••which might be used in the IN PENTAGON STUDY future for negotiations." "Although we use these channels infrequently, I didn't wuit to get in the way of any negotiations so those ^ I didn't give documents to the public," Ellsberg said that he did turn Threats WASHINGTON (AP) - The " unrestrained fury," instructed to S. V the sensitive sections of the He withdrew U.S. over United States threatened to the U.S. Embassy to stop the military In the elections to be held on Saigon "... advisers from the field combat a key objective is to Pentagon study to the Senate shoot down South Vietnamese fighting. Sept. 15, 1966, the State Dept. avoid anti - Americanism Foreign Relations Committee. units and withheld airlift instructed the U.S. aircraft if they attacked "This may require rough talk, facilities from the government Embassy in becoming a major issue." dissident Vietnamese troops but the U.S. cannot accept this forces and "Thieu then gave during the height of Buddhist insane bickering ... do your assurances the election would be Carilloneur disorders in May, 1966, Pentagon papers disclose. best in the next few hours. Intolerable that Ky should . . . held said. as promised," the account selects tunes The released top secret papers, by Sen. Mike Gravel move without . . . against consultation with us. Danang In another incident, a U.S. D-Alaska, revealed the threat helicopter received small arms for program was contained in U.S. protests Urgent now to insist that the fighting stop." fire Vietnam from a dissident South over the Saigon government's army unit while The State Dept. did not at A program with the" Spirit of delay in calling a constitutional carrying a South Vietnamese first sanction force, the officer to talk with them. The 76" will be presented at 4 p.m. assembly election. Pentagon account said, but helicopter returned the fire, Sunday on the Beaumont Tower Carillon. In an effort to halt what one State Dept. cable described as "Gen. Walt heard of a possible causing several casualties, the at HOLIDAY LANES Vietnam Air Force attack on account said. Lanes available for OPEN Wendell Westcott, MSU "insane bickering" among South Bowling dissident Vietnam army units in In carilloneur, will open his Vietnamese factions, the papers a stormy meeting the next all day and evening their compounds and threatened program with the "Star Spangled day with U.S. Consul Thomas J. Open 9 a.m., daily disclosed, Marine Lt. Gen. Lewis to use U.S. jets to shoot down Corcoran (now State Dept. desk Banner." He will also perform W. Walt threatened to order U.S. Just north of Frandor - 337-9775 the Vietnam AF aircraft if officer selections from Handel's Deceased they for Laos), Buddhist Billiards * Cocktails * Good Food jets to shoot down any South did. "Fireworks Music," a medley of Leader Thich Tri Quang accused A dead bird across Vietnamese aircraft attacking "If such from Student Services an attack was the United States of joining Stephen Foster tunes and Building is dissident troops. examined by children who seem interested but not planned, the threat succeeded," forces with the Saigon patriotic songs, and Goldman's The Buddhist uprising broke the study added. "Chimes of Liberty." He will especially pleased at the sight. The bird died without out after government in attacking his Air Vice Marshall U.S. close with "America the benefit of clergy. Deputy Ambassador people. Nguyen Cao Ky, strongman of William J. Porter, following U.S. Ambassador the wedding -State News photo by Doug Bauman Saigon's military government at guidance from the State Henry the time, said he expected to Dept., Gabot Lodge "viewed the put it strongly to both Ky and stay in office another year after Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, now Buddhists as card - carrying Communists but he followed of her dreams . . . promising to hold elections. Bombing president of Vietnam, that (Continued from page one) survived. The regime had not effect The State Dept., reacting with what the Pentagon study called failure to consult with the United States was unacceptable. instructions and pressed Ky to be conciliatory," the Pentagon study noted. begins at readiness to settle except on collapsed and it had not given in. And it In McNaughton his memorandum mentioned three RENT AT.V. Jon Anthony their terms." Examining the still sent men and possibilities — destruction of effects of the American bombing supplies into South Vietnam." $9.5° Pe0rnth attack on North Vietnam, the In industrial targets, of locks and Saigon, American dams and attacks on population 25.00 J Florist Pentagon writers offered the diplomats and soldiers were centers. We deliver. .. following explanation, based on earnestly consulting their U.S. intelligence reports and on superiors back home on how to He ruled out raids on UNIVERSITY T.V. RENTALS observations of witnesses: deal with things. industrial targets because there Same day "In the North the regime In Washington such men as were so few of them, and 351-7900 batteneC down and prepared to befense Secretary Robert S. rejected strikes against ride out the storm. With Soviet McNamara were talking of population centers because they and Chinese help it greatly pouring in more reinforcements would "not only create a "perhaps 600,000 men or counterproductive wave of — strengthened its air defenses, multiplying the number of antiaircraft guns and radars, expanding the number of jet fighter airfields and the jet more" — he wrote on Dec. 1965, to hold the line. 7, revulsion abroad and at home but would greatly increase the His assistant, McNaughton, risk of enlarging the war with meantime, was setting down his China and the Soviet Union." ARTHUR TREACHER'S fighter force, and introducing an extensive SAM (surface - to - air • missile) system. thoughts about how to make He concluded bombing of the North more should be aimed at destruction effective. of the locks and dams. the attacks At Uncle John's THE ORIGINAL Tisl) * "Economic development plans were laid aside. Imports A were increased to offset CHECK OUR SPECIALS TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: production facilities were losses. Bombed Pancake RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT in most cases RACK. Many Great ■ I simply abandoned. The large and vulnerable barracks and storage Is A 2418 E. MICHIGAN I depots were replaced by LP's at Low Prices! 99c I dispersed and concealed ones. and at Difficulties abounded, said I the report, "Yet North Vietnam at 4100 S. LOGAN FREE DISC SHOP roommate 323 E. Grand River "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" SERVICE Open Mon. Fri. 9 a.m. • 9 p.m Water's Edge Sat. 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. 332 4432 Phone: 351-5380 Sony FM/AM Powerhouse lightweight Sony portable 6F-19WD. Just grab the handle and off It goes with you. To the beach. To the park. On a boat. Anywhere. Also plays on AC (Adaptor optional.) You listen to JACOBSON'S a powerful performance. Sharp, WILL BE CLOSED strong FM/AM sound .that comes through a hlg 3Vj" speaker. Sony's ALL DAY solid state circuitry and AFC SATURDAYS switch provide drift - free FM. Slide rule dial for easy station THROUGH AUGUST 7th selection: Easy - Grip bar handle; FM telescopic antenna. Comes So that all of us may enjoy a longer complete with battery and weekend during the summer months, Jacobson's earphone. Styled slim and sleek — like all the great beauties today. will be closed all day Saturdays. . . See It. And listen today. July 3, 10, 17. 24, 31, and August 7. Store hours on all other days SONY. will remain the same: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL THE SONY 8 FC 52 AM clock radio wakes you to music or alarm, and puts you to sleep with 60 minute timer. C 410 99 Reg. 29.95 18 Jacobsoii's 402 S. Washington Lansing 245 Ann Street ^9. rf MUSIC CO. East Lansing Friday, July 2, 197i 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Student requests return of snake Faculty member A six - and - a - half - foot boa constrictor weighing more than 10 pounds was stolen from 124 and complete project," Tortora said. my The snake must be kept near research 'one-China' Psychology Research Bldg. body temperature to survive, he formula for dual representation million people of main!an( between 10 a.m. and noon said, and suggested that the without the prior agreement of China," he said. Thursday. individual(s) holding the snake both claimants to China's seat," Gourlay said that the The snake has been part of a handle it carefully as it could the policy statement reads. "In main barriers to improved U.S. Nine MSU faculty members long behavioral research project bite. He also cautioned against the absence of such agreement, Chinese relations are are among 110 China scholars by Daniel Tortora, East Lansing frightening people with the from throughout the country the question for the United continuation of the Vietnam _ graduate student. The snake was snake for two reasons: the strain who have signed a policy Nations is simply who represents and the American diplomats taken from his open office while on the frightened individual and China. and military support that he was teaching, he said. statement calling for the on the snake. "On this question, the answer been given to the Chiang "I have more than a year's The snake is of no value to adoption of a "one-China" work on that particular snake," anyone except policy and the seating of the cleady the government in Kai-shek government. him, Tortora said Tortora, "and I will have to said, and he said he would Firefighters People's Republic of China in the United Nations. Peking," it reads. The statement ran recently as not "The policy statement doe that start all over if I don't get it appreciate getting it back at the Fireman Bob Corss (left) and Bob Condon check and clean the firefighting equipment at the advertisement in the New mean we are ruling "We oppose any effort by the an back." earliest opportunity before it any kind of independen MSU firestation. State News photo by Milton Horst United States to impose a York Times. existence for Tortora has been studying changes its eating habits, Taiwan," Gourlaj predator - prey relationships said. "It simply states thai In a letter to Walter E. between the boa constrictor and Gourlay, asst. professor of Chiang Kai-shek's governmen various rodents, but due to its cannot claim to represent Chini infrequent eating habits he has BLAZE-OUT BRIGADE history, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., said that the in the United Nations." been able to make a limited Times' advertisement The signers of the policj number of behavioral constituted an "extremely observations. statement include China scholar "I must have many morejf I. Fire Station No. 2 protects U' impressive policy statement." "The pursuit of a two-China policy by the United States would at this time be as futile as at fifty colleges and in nineteen states. universitie Those signing from MSU wer take By JIM SHELDON State News Staff Writer were found but where many energized and ignited, he said. possible blazes were prevented, seven stories About 12 years ago, the most fighting work. Station No. 1 in according to Arthur P. "disastrous" incident on campus East Lansing has two trucks and for rescue and plans will be available for all important area buildings, it would illogical, since neither claimant to the seat of China Gourlay; Lawrence H. Battistini professor of social science m Nestled under the Shaw Lane in south complex is pines off The chief cited the fine would accept the solution," Kennedy said, Warren I. Cohen, professor history; Wesley R. Fisher chief. explosion and fire confined in an calls in the East Lansing area. nnoratinn" the Henartment East Lansing Fire Station No. 2, cooperation" the department professor of political science Station No. 2, part of the East the old chemistry building where Costs of firetrucks between has with area police departments r We may now have "reached the primary receiver of fire Bernard Gallin, professor alarms on campus which Lansing Fire Dept., is manned Kedzie Hall is, Patriarche said. 15 and 20 years ago ranged from and s^d firemen respond to the end" of the official anthropology; Paul J. Hinikei 24 hours a day by eight firemen FIRST ASSEMBL Y OF GOD responded last year to 254 calls No firemen have been killed in $16,000 to $40,000. Patriarche bomb threats on campus only international fiction, maintained 1125 Weber Dr. employed by the city. Forty - action since the department estimated an aerial truck now, when requested by police, so long by the United Nations, __ _ asst. professor of politica from University buildings. science; Joseph Lee, professor (a bl N. or E. Gr. River at Total fire losses in 1970 eight firemen divided into three began in 1924, he added. whicb lasts from 15 to 20 years, Firemen's duty in these cases is largely largely at — — insistence of the insistence at the • • of the the •* humanities; Kwan Wai S Downer) amounted to about $42,792 in platoons, or eight men daily in In 1946, due to rapid growth, would cost $80,000 to protection of persons in the United States, that somehow the associate professor of history Rev. Richard W. Bishop. Pastor 62 fires. The remainder of the each of two stations, compose the University asked East $100,000. area he said, and trained experts government of the 14 million and Paul Varg, professor 254 were alarms where no fires the entire department. Firemen Lansing to supply fire protection Firemen are on call about five handle the actual bomb threat people on Taiwan is also the are on duty 24 hours and off 48, services to campus and agreed to to iq pgr cent of their shift government* of the eight hundred history. work. 9:45 AM. COLLEGE CLASS T.V. RENTALS working a 56 - hour week. pay the city 50 per cent of the time Meanwhile, their daily i Patriarche said the University annual expenses of the entire routine involves largely 10:50 AM. WORSHIP Free Service aq per has been "fortunate" with the department. A temporary fire "glorified janitor" work, with EVANGELISTIC and delivery «>».OU month 7:00P.M. relatively few fires occurring on station was built at Kalamazoo daiiy station cleaning and Transportation UNIVERSITY — 484-6640 NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 UNIVERSITY campus. He recalled the biggest loss he remembered happened about 20 years ago, when the old quonset hut cafeteria where WMSB now stands was struck by street and Harrison Road that weekly equipment cleaning and year, followed by construction }n 1956 of the current station. Today Station No. 2 inspection Firemen undergo daily an maintains a squad truck for hour and a half of training, Capita^Ckpsules M 'i 1 J u >»A lightning. initial run to the fire, a pumper either in the classrooms or in SEVENTH-DAY BAPTIST CHURCH An estimated $125,000 in truck for connection to main equipment review sessions. They A BILL which would end the state Senate this week. projects and $9.1 million damage occurred when water hookups, and an aerial are required to know all streets, "dry blues" on election day by The proposed legislations state-urban projects. The mom ADVENTIST CHURCH r_, . strikes a section in the Michigan )s p^ 0f $100 million worth i Meeting at 2606 South Hagadorn combustible insulation was truck with ladders reaching pipe connections and buildings permitting bars to remain open State Fair Employment Practices recreation bonds approved on campus, in addition to was introduced Wednesday in Sabbath School 9:30 EDGEWOOD UNITED Act that excludes apprenticeship voters in 1968. John D. Walden - Pastor sprinkler systems and radio - the Michigan House, Worship Service 11:00 CHURCH active areas. If passed, the bill would programs and on-the-job training in signing the bill, K. G. Smith, pastor For Information 332-1888 469 N. Hagadorn ALL SAINTS repeal a 1933 state law which programs from the provisions of governor noted that it contaii or Transportation A new program is currently requires bars to close and the act. "insufficient emphasis An Ecumenical Fellowship EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bus Schedule 332-8472 underway in which plans of restaurants to halt the sale of insuring that the $9.1 millio 149 Highland Ave. 800 Abbott Road Worship Service GOV. MILLIKEN has signed state-urban programs take Call 351-8994 if you Phone 351-7160 buildings in East Lansing and on intoxicants while the polls are Worship Sunday School campus are prepared and open. o;• ! into law a bill appropriating account those factors dealin need transportation 11:00 AM 8:00 Holy Communis , 10:00 AM firemen are called to the $23.9 million for public with recreation accessibility 10:00 Holy Communion anifSermon recreation capital fund outlay needs of the handicappei buildings in simulated fire runs. DISCRIMINATION in The Rev. Wm. A. Eddy, Rector All equipment and personnel apprenticeship programs based programs. elderly, young, deprived UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN Dr. Robert Harris, Choirmaster The Rev. Jack Hilyard, Chaplain participate, and Patriarche said on sex or age may be prohibited The bill provides $14.1 low-income families." under a bill introduced to the million for state recreational CHURCH • CAMPUS HOUSE 332-0606 or 332-8693 THE SINS of the son may 310 N. Hagadorn * 251 W. Grand River Central United Methodist legally placed on the head of th * father under Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m. Across from the Capitol legislatio Bible Study 9:45 a.m. • introduced this week in WORSHIP SERVICE Worship 10:45 a.m. Z Rev. Reilly "Perfect Peace" 10:00 A.M. Nursery • ALWAYS OPEN Michigan House. SUMMER SERVICE Under the proposal, parent Minister, Kali Ruffner * J Campus Minister, Gary Hawes EAST LANSING TRINITY CHURCH 7:00 THURSDAY Topic would be criminally responsibl if the child under 17 is 332-5193 332-3035 • 351-7844 351-8232 E. Eugene Williams, "Creating A Nation Under God" "habitual offender." Free Transportation Minister Stanley R. Reilly, Assistant 1841 TimberlaneDrive Interdenominational East Lansing Telephone: 351-8200 Dr. Lyman Church School 9:45 to 11:45 Crib Nursery Subject to misdemeano charges would be parents whos child committed two or criminal acts in a 12-mon University Class 9:45 a.m. 485-94/7 period or who committed fo Rev. Reilly preaching with Communion Service 6:00 p.m. or more moving traffic violatio in the same period. Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST SALESMEN will have to kee Grand River at Haslett Entrance their promises — even if the OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH aren't in writing — if legislatio East Lansing recently introduced 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos the Senate becomes law. (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn, '4 mi. S. of Gd. R. behind MEIJER'S) Sunday Services 10:00 a.m. The bill, sponsored by Sen Lesson Sermon Subject - Coleman Young, D-Detroi "God- would hold salesmen An Independent Church With A Biblical liable for all advertised and or 9:45 a.m. Church School — all ages Wednesday Testimonial Meeting promises. 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services 8:00 p.m. "Approval of this bill will Sunday School to age 20 particularly beneficial to thos consumers who purchas For Transportation Call 349-2830 or 349-2533 10:00 a.m. merchandise on the basis of W.E. Robinson, Pastor exaggerated advertisement or Reading Room Temporarily fast sales pitch," Young said. Located in Church The bill provides t LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES OPEN violators may be prosecuted Weekdays 9-5 p.m. fraud. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., ALC - LCA LCMS eves 7-9 p.m. for Students and Faculty at for Students at University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel 444 Abbott Road All are welcome to attend Division & Ann Streets 332-2559 332-0778 Church services and visit and use the reading room. Pastor David Kruse WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP 8:15 a.m. Matins 1st and 3rd Communion PEOPLES CHURCH 9:15 a.m. Common Service 9:30 and 11:00 10:30 a.m. Common Service 2nd and 4th EAST LANSING When you want 11:30 a.m. New Expressions Matins 9:30 only 200 W. Grand River a real Pizza, SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH at Michigan give me a call 1518 S. Washington Sunday "Murk 7 p.m. Family Musicale" Lansing SUNDAY SERVICE J Paul Beckwith, Guest Musician 10:00 A.M. ON CAMPUS 9:45 A.M. "Let's Celebrate" College Bible Class 1071 TROWBRIDGE in the fireside room. Orln Smith Dr. Ted Ward, MSU, Teacher 337—1681 Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor Glenn R. Blossom, Youth Pastor CHURCH SCHOOL OFF CAMPUS 9i30 A 11)00 •M. "The God Who Writes" Crib through Adults 1203 E GRAND RIVER FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Coffee Hour 337—1631 Call 482-0754 for information. After Services Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 2, 1971 7 E.L. candidate to fight , lt the second in a series Evergreen Ave said he is running science major said. "I think the hasseled u^lnrAianik Ann for eont fko ' wv,vu* " for the students voting, but the pays, his costs, and how much of the for a seat on the council in order .. u : tailing the backgrounds and nn a majority of the _ . ... city clerk should be required to The affidavit practice works clerk continues to give he is charging. The application rfnrnw of candidates for the to change "unfair registration make a recording of everyone community. i everywhere else without having everybody a hard time," he said, would be judged on the basis of "The city should provide a Pi orimarv election for East procedures" and to eliminate the she turns down at registration, to show identification and Himelright said he also is tired how much profit he is making," place for students to buy food faosinc U8" C-ty Council. landlords. Practlces °f city This would be reviewed by the council and if she continued to answer questions. This is the first place I know of where of students being "ripped off by it landlords" he indicated, and supplies, but it doesn't. East By RICK WILBINS "Last summer the city clerk's and would like to see Himelright said that at present Lansing is business oriented be unfair, she would be fired." isn't done that way. cut in their State News Staff Writer office told me I couldn't a profits. the zoning laws are set up for alright, but not towards the . \Ht\nAa\r p.ct ....mi i u j u j . register " B Himelright oniu iHindiigui said that in theory uioi mi him, "The me reason rcoMjn the me clerk tier* gets "There mere should snouia be De some the me benefit Denem of apartments and students, he said. City Coilncil m Council candidate months,"" th candidate months the 91 21 *• year old the present use of an affidavit to away with this is because the criteria where, in order to rent, businesses. The zoning laws At present 11 people have , , i sing - affirm residency is "great" but council is backing her up. They the landlord has to file an should be changed to favor Charles Himelright, 215 S. former MSU math and computer in practice a person "still gets are always saying that they're application stating how much he lower income groups, he said. taken out petitions for City Council, but Himelright said he "The city also should put in still thinks he has a good chance RECORD $5.14 BIUION an application for these federal funds that are just floating around. There's alot of parking of being elected. lots that could be turned into Congress education bill lots for low cost housing if the Poetry passes zoning added. was changed, too," he An East Lansing resident since September 1967, Himelright said that the city should cooperate scheduled WASHINGTON (AP) measure are for use during the The full decisions of the panel subcommittee they were facing opportunity grant for each with ALLENDALE — The National sent to President Nixon fiscal year that started Thursday, were not priced out immediately financial crises because of student based on a formula of """ drug education programs , - - * Poetry Festival, which will be record $5.14 - Wednesday a They represent but estimates were the five year - greatly increased costs coupled $1,200 per year minus what his 1 held on the Grand Valley State billion education money bill, a compromise cost of the support would be with diminishing contributions family is able to contribute. ance we a 8ood CHARLES HIMELRIGHT College campus, Tuesday The House passed the between the $4.8 billion voted about $20 billion. from their usual sources of *A cost - of - instructional P'08rfam „he" 719 of the Piaj three sets of characters and one The ladies command audience coming to grips with loneliness They scream at her and each wnere all three stories t» set of actors. George C. Scott attention. Matthau must content and loss. other, hold off guests with P'ace, has become a room and Maureen Stapleton played a himself with audience sympathy. Miss Harris costars in the feeble excuses and virtually avoidJtis a vault dedicated different couple in each Miss Stapleton is impeccable second episode, playing a New dismantle each others wedding the preservation of old gags», segment. The play was hailed more as an acting tour de force than as a strong comedy in its mirn in the first segment playing Jersey housewife who visits the outfits until the crisis passes. Matthau's understanding wife. A plaza to reunite with a past middle - aged couple goes to the 'over. She gloriously stammers, mother who has a bellowing match. a site for the actresses to ambm Miss Grant is superb as the Matthau with quality he own right. Plaza to celebrate their 23rd protests and demands her way voice for her husband, a sweet Plaza Suite" is direct For the movie version the wedding anniversary The through the affair but the script social voice for her guests but no Arthur Hiller's first film acting gimmick was modified. evening ends not in the truce and Matthau (as her lover) can't reassuring words for her "Love Story." Therefore "A REALLY EPIC SPECTACULAR! FORCEFUL One actor was chosen to play the three male different actress leads was but picked to a Lbalanced j and renewed communication keep pace. that the wife hoped for but in bouncy delivery the disclosure of the husband's Grant and Matthau as a married way through the exercise. frightened daughter. Matthau not fair to kick the usher o.. The third segment offers Miss merely blusters and mugs his way out of the theater. Tl slickness of sets, the thinness play each female lead. To bring such a modification off, an between two actors is essential. infidelity. couple whose daughter has Matthau's triplicate failure humor and the shallowness AND DYNAMIC! If you've never seen it. what are It is verbal ping pong requiring This segment is the film's only locked herself in the bathroom leaves a gaping hole in "Plaza character exchange should , amazingly versatile actor was matched players. successful one. —.. It contains of their hotel room on- — her Suite" that neither the script nor have been anticipated. you waiting for? If you have seen it, you'll enjoy , required. Not only did he have The film is showing at Matthau plays three games of moments of pathos and sadness wedding day. While the guests 'he actresses contributions can tl it more this time around!"-bobsnmeu.^ to create three separate it in "Plaza Suite," taking on as well as comedy. Credit all grow impatient downstairs, the fill-The play, reportedly so fresh Michigan theater. characters but he had to Maureen Stapleton first, Barbara "AS BREATHTAKING AS EVER! Drenched with the maintain audience interest each Harris second and Lee Grant time a new face breezed into the last. He loses all three games, light of David Lean's talent!' film. Sanasardo Dance troupe —LIZ SMITH. Cosmopolitan badly. Comic lines are served Walter Matthau was not the him in different ways from each PETER O'TOOLE as-lawrence OMAR SHARIF an man or the talent for the job. gifted opponent and he lets "Plaza Suite" was not the them drop always in the rame Starts Todav 8:00 P.M. comedy to survive the imbalance way. The ladies deserved a more that resulted. N?on^9S apt player and Simon's dialog highlights weekend activity SatSun Neil Simon's play is flimsy required one. material. To be successful at all, The actresses make it all too obvious how limited Matthau is. He uses a variety of hairpieces, _ . , , Stage costumes and accents but to no Tonight s performance by the Sanasardo Dance Company is YOU KNOW I CANT HEAR YOU WHEN THE WATER'S avail. The disguises only make weekfnd highlight. An on - campus film about bullfighting, a RUNNING - Robert Anderson's three part comedy that is one him look ridiculous. The pl*? ®nd f°u"; worthwhile off - campus films are other third splendid, one third mediocre and one third awful. mediocrity of the man beneath entertainment choices, Performances at 8:30 p.m. through Sunday at the Ledges them rises quickly to each new Dance Playhouse in Grand Ledge. surface. THE SANASARDO DANCE COMPANY - One of the leading Instead of three men, each modern dance companies will perform at 8:15 p.m. Friday in the Screen fresh enough to take on a new Auditorium. Admission is $2; student tickets $1. BULLFIGHT - a documentary about the Spanish sport and its history. At 7 and 9:15 p.m. Friday and Saturday in 106 Wells. A MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES Recommended Off • Campus II AMERICAN MUITI.CINEMA INC. STUDENT I. D. CARD ENTITIES BEAfifR TO SPECIAL STUDEWT DISCOUNT! RYAN'S DAUGHTER — David Lean's beautifully crafted film about a romantic young woman, the patient schoolmaster she A story of love... marries, the soldier she loves and the small Irish Village that persecutes her. Robert Mitchum, Sarah Miles and Oscijr winner set against ^ John Mills star. At the Meridian 3. SUMMER OF '42 - Robert Mulligan's film about a young boy I the violence of rebellion and the summer that marked his loss of innocence. In theme, texture and performance the film can be compared to "Last Summer," Frank Perry's stunning '69 film. At the Campus. ESCAPE FROM THE PLANET OF THE APES - Three chimps escape atomic destruction of the future by returning to the earth of the present. The talking apes are greeted as celebrities then chased as criminals. This new ape film is as much fun as the previous Planet movies. At Meridian 1 and 2. BANANAS — Woody Allen wrote, directed and starred in this hilarious comedy that follows its hero from his involvement in a Latin American revolution to his United States trial as a political prisoner to his televised and triumphant wedding night. At the Spartan East. program highlights Today Beethoven; Symphony No. They Sprang From The Planet of the Apes. A (™) THEATER: Anything goes. ' MUSIC (Choral) by Beethoven. Eugen They Survived the War Ormandy, conductor; Heath Beneath the Planet of the Ape*. 7 p.m. (FM) - FIRING LINE: Harper, soprano; Tom Kraus William F. Buckley Jr. debates bass, with a guest. Suspense Film of Them All. 10 a.m. (FmT-^ATIONAL THe m?DWAY: "ArmTConS! PRESS CLUB ADDRESS: A recorded speech before Ld Techilogi^Ch^e? Freeman Dyson, professor Washington's National Press physics, Princeton. ROCK HUDSON as coach "Tiger' 7 p.m. (FM) - LISTENER'S CHOICE: Classics by request by FWtty Maids all in a rowj calling program. 355-6540 Sunday during 11:30 BACKGROUND: Monday a.m. (AM) "D Abuse," Part III. Haveloc p.m. (AM, FM) - Fraser, Lily Laboratories; an CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: - ☆☆☆☆☆☆ Fiano Quintet in E Flat, by Judge Oliver, U.S. District Cou of Missouri. * NORTHS IDE Drive-in 2ND WEEK! Box office Opens 12:45 1 p.m. (AM) CHINA IN - "MAINLAN THE * zJ * . ^7n'beat re Feature 1:20-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 Development/Growth/Trade. D wight Perkins, Harvai "A BEAUTIFUL MOVIE! a blend of humor, growing - up University. pangs, and life's experiences! Jennifer O'Neill is fetchingly T.V. RENTALS SPECIAL (4) UNIT HOLIDAY SHOW perfect!" - CUE MAGAZINE Free Service CARTOON FESTIVAL FIRST AT DUSK "A FILM TO CHERISH! Summer of '42 depicts growing ^ per and delivery S>9.b0 month up beautifully!" ROBERT KIPPER MICH. STATE NEWS NEJAC TV RENTALS DUSTIN HOFFMAN LITRE BIG MAN" Panavision*Technicolor® Shown at 9:20 - Repeated Fri. Plus , They make their own laws at "The Cheyenne Social Club" JOTS TIFFANY RESTAURANT | & LOUNGE Known throughout the nation for Greek specialties Special Greek menu every Saturday evening A Robert Mulligan/Richard A Roth Production JENNJFERONE.LL • GARY GRIMES • JERRY HOUSER • OLIVER CONANT HERMAN RAUCHER RICHARD A. ROTH ROBERT MULLIGAN MICHEL LEORAND _l tromW«riwSrol T=C^ I AKimyLMuraSarvIc* Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 2, 1971 9 -SPORTS- PREP TRACK STAR Dill signs to attend MSU By TERRY FICORELLI A number of Michigan coaches feel Dill is a State News Sports Writer shoo - in for making the 1972 U.S. Olympic team. Currently, he is working Perhaps the greatest sprinter in Michigan history, Marshall Dill, out for the Pan - American meet. officially made MSU his choice by signing a national letter of Dill has been called the best sprinter to come out of Detroit intent Wednesday. since Henry Carr. The rangy 6 - foot - 2,197 - pound Detroit Northern "Dill is probably the outstanding performer prep sprinter in the nation," earlier had signed a Big Ten MSU's asst. track coach Jim Gibbard has said. scholarship tender here. Dill did not decide on MSU until after last week's Golden West "He's an outstanding youngster and can make a Relays in great, great California. contribution to any track team that gets him, which The Class A State titleholder in the 100 happens to and 220 be us," a gleeful athletic department spokesman said. • - .yard dashes also had been Jim Bibbs, MSU asst. coach, was instrumental in pondering the idea of enrolling at USC, but bringing Dill came here. Bibbs attended every major meet of Dill's in several states. away unimpressed after competing in the Golden West event. "It would be a shame to let this boy get out of the state of The 18 - year - old native of Monroe, La., has Michigan," Bibbs said. "Hell be an Olympic champion some day posted a 9.4 in the 100 on four occasions, and shattered MSU sprinting star Herb and we want him right here at State." Washington's state marks with times of 9.6 and 20.6 in the 100 "I realize that Mr. Bibbs could help me in my career," Dill and 220 respectively, Dill captured his first state 220 title while a stated. "By going to MSU, I would remain close to my home and sophomore at Northern. my relatives." Dill, who was raised in Houston, Texas, and moved to Detroit Dill will join two other top sprinters at MSU in three years ago, first achieved national Washington and prominence last summer LaRue Butchee. This threesome could make MSU a prime threat by nailing down sprint titles at the Junior Olympics in Bowling in the sprint competitions, not to mention a major contender for Green, Ohio. the Big Ten conference crown. This past spring he led Northern to Dill also is a superb football player, victory in four major high making honorable mention school relay matches, including the Class A city crown. as a tailback on the State Class A team. He hasn't yet decided on a Added to that, the Detroit with speedster was the only double career Duffy's grid squad. winner in the All - America high school track and field His primary concerns are track and studies. Dill is an honor championships near Chicago last month. There Dill outran the student and was president of Northern's Student Council, senior top U.S. preps in the country in the 100 and 220. class and National Honor Society. Chicago White Sox pitcher Tom Bradley (24) manages to pill says he has no preference between the 100 and 220. "I think both of them are take an extra base when Milwaukee's Tommy Harper concentrating on them equally." my 'best' events. Right now I'm NOW thru TOES. couldn't handle a ground ball in a game Wednesday night. AP Wirephoto 7 OIG DAYS I EAST LANSING ON M 43 » PHONE EO 2 10 ^ MICKEY ROSE • Muse by MARVIN HAMUSCH FILLED WEEK! |GP|4s- COLOR by DeLu.-e' United Artists July 8, 9, 10 Crawling Arnold -- especially kids like^pf phil fuller FEATURE AT 1:25-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:40 la Turista mfes Plaza suite. " ^ • 1{5'If M1 Through its portals July 15,16,17 Our Town July 22,23,24 - - Luv making^ it pass the world's most mixed-up mortals. StewSrd 20th CENTURY-FOX presents "MAKING IT' starring KRISTOFFER TABORI, MARLYN MASON, BOB BALABAN and JOYCE VAN PATTEN as BETTY pnxtuMd by ALBCRT S RUOOY issooile produco 6RAY FRfKRICKSO*. directed b* JOHN SRWN screenplay by PETER BAR! Kresge Court - 8:30 PM - Admission Free based on the novel "WHAI CM YOU 007" by JAMfS LEIGH r==T] SSS5 n Music by CHARLES FOX AN ALBERT S RUOOY PR00UCTI0N COLOR BY OELUtt* IRI-Taw! ■ TODAY AT: • tvb. XK\ \ ti -id Lf \\> . :■ V -4 ('s ^ fcj? « '* w Paramount Pictures presents A HOWARD W. KOCH Production UlfALTER N|ATTHAU ■The NEIl SIMON Play Co starring 1 JLAZA SUITE _ IVJAUREEN JARBARA lEE THE UNPUBUSHABLE NOVEL IS NOWAMERICA'S MOST 5IAPLET0N ljARRIS gRANI CONTROVERSIAL FILM! EASTMANCOLOR I X ARTHUR HILLER », NEIL SIMON * HOWARD INI KOCH •mktmu* mumM* CHr bylECHNICQtor A firamomit Ptttor» CHRISTINA HART • MICHAEL GARRETT ^ LOUIS KOSHER ALF'SILLl°MAN °JR C • Friday, July 2, 1971 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS state news CLASSIFIED classified Classified Ads Find Buyers For What You Want To Sell . . . Call 355-8255 Now! 365-8266 355-8255 For Rent ForRent The State News does not Automotive pRanklyspeakinq . by Phil Frank Employment 1 GIRL for large 2 man. Now permit racial or religious SUMMER AND part time September 16. Close $7q CUTLASS 1969 2 door hardtop. discrimination in- its employment with merchant 337-1620. 4-7-9 Loaded, 4 new tires. 627-6420 or wholesaler. Automobile required. "=!Whsfl advertising columns. The State News will not 485-8555. 3-7-7 351-5800. 0-7-2 married students & faculty NEED GIRL sublet for twonw, conditioned, pool, $60 per month ar DUNEBUGGY MUST sell. Rebuilt * AUTOMOTIVE accept advertising which MACHINIST. PART time. Call 366-1667. 3-7-7 engine and front end. Runs really Scooters & Cycles discriminates against Experienced. Student for summer. Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color or good. Tom 351-0424. 5-7-14 Need immediately 353-5459 after 1 p.m., Mr. Rajendra. 2-7-2 KNOB HILL WOMEN: 1 Vacancies block in 4 from campus. girl apartment! Aviation national origin. FIAT, 1968. 850 convertible. Good * EMPLOYMENT condition. Moving, must sell. Call 393-8348. 4-7-2 RELIABLE PEOPLE to sell season for Lansing All Stars, APARTMENTS Completely furnished, utilities and parking included, $55. 349-9609 * FOR RENT tickets 3-7-7 Lansing's Professional Football 349-4700 Apartments FIREBIRD 1967 3 speed, new Team. Work your own hours. Call ,880 MARSH Road, 2 bedroom Houses battery, recently tuned. Must sell, 351-4241. 3-7-9 OPEN 1 - 7 pm Mon.-Sat. unfurnished, fully carpeted, Automotive getting married, $695. 349-9237. SUNDAY by appointment Rooms Immediately available. $160 pel OPENINGS: ELEMENTARY, month. Call 349-4613 after 6 * FOR SALE AUSTIN AMERICA 1967. FORD principalships, music, others. 2-7-2 Animals 25,000 miles. Excellent condition. ECONOLINE Supervan, CLINE TEACHERS AGENCY. On Okemos Rd. Across After 6 pm, 351-0120. 4-7-2 1966. $550, best offer. Good Mobile Homes 129 East Grand River. 3-7-2 APARTMENTS, ROOMS, House. condition. 351-0872. 3-7-2 from Okemos High School Furnished. Near campus. Call * PERSONAL AUSTIN HEALEY, 1967. 3000. SECRETARY. PART time. Requires 349-3919. 3-7-7 PEANUTS PERSONAL Green, fiberglass top. $1500 best FORD FAIRLANE 1967 2 door LANSING OR East Lansing. One * shorthand, some general office offer. 351-4477 X-3-7-7 hardtop. Good condition. Call bedroom furnished. Large, airy * REAL ESTATE experience. At least 3 days per 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED after 5:30 pm 882-1087. 5-7-14 week for downtown Lansing law rooms. Air conditioned. * RECREATION conditioned apartment, utilities AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE 1960 Beautifully maintained. Suitable firm. Call Ken Smith, Attorney, included, 1 block from campus * SERVICE Bug Eye. Must sell. Call 349-0169 GMC 1966 half ton with camper. 372-2960. 5-7-2 for faculty, grad students, business 332-2110. 4-7-9 after 5 pm (except Wednesday). Power steering, brakes. New people, married couples. Lease. Typing Service 4-7-9 brakes, clutch. 45,000 miles. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O TELEPHONE WORK. No selling. NEED ROOMMATE to share •TRANSPORTATION 393-0031. 1-7-2 $1.75 / hour guaranteed during » WANTED BIDS NOW being taken on a 1966 JAVELIN 1968 red, four speed, 290. THIS \SW LWT training. Phone 351-3590. Ask for EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. Sublet bedroom conditioned furnished : apartment Morgan Roadster. Contact John Mr. Hunting or Mr. Moore. TF $115. Furnished, close, DEADLINE DeBow at MSU CREDIT UNION. B1-7-2 EMPLOYEE'S New 2-7-2 clutch, exhaust. 351-6144. iwth a m m> summer, clean. Call 332-3948. 1-7-2 summer. 332-2110. 4-7-9 1 P.M. one class day before Norwood Apartments 414 SOUTH Pine, Lansing. Furnished publication. CHEVELLE 1969 396 4 speed. All FULL OR PART-TIME 1 bedroom apartment. $120 per Cancellations/Corrections power. Super clean. Jim Now renting large one and SUMMER WORK. month plus deposit. No lease 489-1245. 2-7-2 -12 noon one class day required. 5 minutes from campus two bedroom for fall. Close OLDSMOBILE 88 1962 convertible, before Automotive Aviation Call 351-3700 between 1 -9 by expressway. Will be open for to campus. Call 332-2712 publication. CHEVELLE MALIBU 1965 2 door $50. 1963 Oldsmobile 4 door hardtop. Runs well. $450. Call sedan, $250. 1400 Vermont, pm to arrange for interview. inspection July 10th from 9 a.m. after 3 p.m. PHONE 353-3740 weekdays 9-1 pm ask LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight to 1 p.m. Go to private entrance 372-3706. 2-7-7 PONTIAC 1964 2 door hardtop, training. All courses are back of building upstairs. 3-7-9 355-8255 for Denny. 3-7-7 automatic. Body good, motor government and VA certified. OLDSMOBILE 88 1962 convertible needs minor repair. 699-2937. RATES FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport ACROSS FROM campus furnished 2 CHEVROLET BELAIR 1965. $50. 1400 Vermont, 372-3706. 6-7-16 Road, Call 484-1324. C bedroom. Available immediately Standard shift, 6 cylinder. Good 2-7-7 332-4426. 3-7-9 Houses WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 running condition. $450. VEGA, 1971. Midnight blue. 3 ForRent 101.50 3 5.35 6.50 13.00 651-5418 or 651-5498. 2-7-2 OLDSMOBILE 1963. Reasonable. New tires. Call after 6 p.m., speed. Best offer. 372-6124. 3-7-7 Evenings, Employment CLOSE TO campus, one bedroom, 4 MAN, 3 bedroom furnished TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction unfurnished, kitchen equipped, blocks from campus. 351-210: 1.65 3 5.85 7.15 14.30 CHEVROLET, 1957. Starts, runs 694-8511. 5-7-2 guaranteed. Free delivery, carpeting. Parking. $120. 349-9662. 5-7-14 121.80 6.40 7.80 15.60 good, $65. 355-9859 anytime VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK LOCAL SPANISH newspaper desires service and pick - up. No deposit. Available August 1st. 351-3018. 131.95 3.90 5.20 6.95 8.45 16. after 5 pm Wednesday. 2-7-2 OLDSMOBILE 1964. station wagon 1968. New tires. part time advertising salesman. V-8, power Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C 3-7-9 TWO GIRLS: large basement, $60 142.10 >.20 5.< 7.45 9.10 18.20 Excellent condition. 349-3144. Contact EL RENACIMIENTO, steering, brakes. $325. Call Ed, each. Come to 165 Gunson after 5 15 2.25 4.50 6.00 8.00 9.75 19.50 CHEVROLET IMPALA 1S69. Air 337-2211.2-7-2 2-7-2 511 East Saginaw, Phone 16 2.40 4.80 6.40 10.4020.80 ). 3-7-9 REFIRGERATORS, PARTY goods, DOWNSTAIRS 1 bedroom pm. 1-7-2 conditioned, vinyl top, automatic 17 2.55 5.10 6.80 9.10 11.0522.10 and camping equipment. A TO Z unfurnished, carpeted. Utilities transmission, AM/FM radio, new OLDSMOBILE 1969 442 2 door RENTAL, 349-2220. 0-7-9 paid. $130 plus deposit. 5 ROOM bungalow. 646 Soul 18 2.70 5.40 7.20 9.60 11.7023.40 tires and battery. Excellent ha r top with V-8. Automatic MODELS SHORTER than 5'6" for 339-2527. 1-7-2 Foster. Partly furnished, full 19 2.85 5.70 7.60 10.1512.35 24.70 condition. $1850 or best offer. transmission, radio, stereo tape national brochure. Experience 10.6513.0026.00 VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1958. Great Call Bonnie, 393-7800. basement, $165 a month plus 20 3.00 6.00 8.00 339-8852, 5931 Bois I lie 65, system. Steering wheel tilt, tinted desirable. TV RENTALS — Students only. Low deposit. IV 4-4097. 3-7-9 10 word minimum Haslett after 11 a.m. 2-7-2 glass, dark blue vinyl roof, chrome mag wheels. Sharp. 655-2134, condition. 5-7-2 $375. Call 351-8280. 3-7-9 monthly and term rates. Call "free 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV CURTIS FORD OF WANTED LIFEGUARD at Michigan roommate THIRD GIRL for house. Own room. CHEVROLET 1957 station wagon RENTALS. C All student ads must be VOLKSWAGEN 1968 with sunroof, Available 8/8. $62.50. 351-6038. sedan. Needs minor repairs. $100. WILLIAMSTON. 2-7-2 School for the Blind. WSI service 3-7-9 prepaid 332-4219. 2-7-7 Michelins, shelf, radio, 50,000 required. Phone 373-3730, ext 63 The State News will be OLDS 442. 1968. $1450. Automatic. miles. Tan. 353-0969, John. 5-7-14 between 5-6 pm. 1 -7-2 Apartments Water's Edge NEAR UNIVERSITY. Small Mag wheels. 349-4907 or 332 4432 bedroom, no basement. Garage, responsible only for the 393-1126. 4-7-2 Scooters & FULL TIME sales people selling first day's incorrect Cycles food. Must have car. Some FEMALE needs 1 or GRADUATE student 2 roommates to share 1 BLOCK from Berkey. Furnished nice yard. Year lease, $210 plus utilities. Security deposit. Fi insertion. CORVETT£ 1969 convertible. Power PINTO, 2000 cc. 4 speed, radio, experience in direct selling efficiency apartment for 1 or 2 only. Available August 1968 HONDA 350cc. Ready for furnished apartment. Close. steering, power brakes. 20,000. radials, yellow. $1900. Must sell. necessary. Extremely high men. Large 2 bedroom furnished 332-1936. 5-7-7 trails. $450. Helmets included. 337-9574. 3-7-9 Call 337-2345. 1-6-30 332-6472. 3-7-2 commission, send resume to PO Excellent condition. 349-4907 or apartment for 2 - 4 people. Box 87, Perry, Michigan 48872. 351-9504. X-4-7-12 3 BEDROOM duplex, bath and 393-1126. 4-7-2 CHEAP RENT. Girls for Cedar 2-7-7 SEE THE auto show ... all sizes, COUGAR 1968. Full powered. Many PONTIAC 1963 Grand Prix. Good Village and Capital Villa. half, full basement in East prices, models, colors, in today's extras. Sharp. 302 engine. condition, 1 owner. Must sell. 1967 YAMAHA 305 Street 351-1064.1-7-2 ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments. Lansing. $200 plus utilities and WANTED ROCK group to play Classified Ads. 393-0031. 1 -7-2 $350. 351-6304. 2-7-2 Scrambler. $350 or best offer. 10 minutes from MSU. Ideal for deposit. Call Before 5 benefit dance at Michigan School 351-9036. 3-7-9 351-9187. 2-7-2 2 BEDROOM for sublease. Whitehall, married couple. Minutes from for the Blind, Thursday night, July 8th. Good time guaranteed. Phone near campus. 332-2952, for shopping , drugstore, doctor. On Gre 1970 HARLEY Davidson Sportster. Cedar further information. 2-7-7 busline to downtown. Elementary DUPLEX: 2 bedroom furnished, $1750. 351-7868 after 5 p.m. 373-3730 ext 63 between 5-6 school less than 1 block. For block to campus. Utilities paid. 2-7-2 pm. 1-7-2 4 Available now. 332-5144. 3-7- GIRLS, share 4 bedroom house. appointment call 393-0384, Near campus. Own room. WALTER NELLER COMPANY. TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 250, WANTED: YOUNG married couple 371-1339. 3-7-2 2-7-7 Vi BLOCK to campus. 4-5 bedi 1600 miles. Like new. $650. Helmets or babysitter to live in for 1 week. fireplace, 2 car ga included. 351-9428. 3-7-2 Supervise 2 children ages 13 and WANTED: FALL quarter roommate. Unfurnished. $325 per rrw,n... a 1130 BEECH. Spacious, fully poo July 31 August 8. Phone 9. — Must do Detroit thesis research, Call collect (313) 398-5370. 3 7 9 furnished 2 bedroom apartments. 351-0361.3-7-9 Air conditioned, carpeted, close, but need Lansing quarters. 882-3875. 4-7-2 parking. From $45 per man. 355-4001, E-102 Owen. 6-7-16 4 MAN house in Haslett, $200 plus COLLEGE STUDENTS. Summer 351-3106. O deposit, also 1 large room job. Junior, senior, and graduate 2 BEDROOM trailer. Reasonable efficiency for two, $100 plus Auto Service & Parts air-conditioning, students. Large corporation rent. Near campus. 351-6245 after deposit. 349-9619 or 339-9201. NEW LUXURY townhouses. Central offering above average income for 3 pm. 2-7-7 3-7-9 full or part time employment. air, fireplace, basement, MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East unfurnished. $225. 351-1001. Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. Management oriented career CALL . .. 5-7-7 Complete auto painting and opportunities guaranteed for collision service. IV 5-0256. C qualified persons upon graduation. SUMMER OR fall. Furnished 2 For consideration send complete 337-7328 or 337-0780 and everything AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and American cars. If we can't fix it, it can't be fixed. Call 352-3255. O resume Albert, to East 332-4236. X-3-7-2 Jerry Meagher, 220 Lansing, or call rooms Male and or Kalamazoo. 4-7-2 bath, couple. first Parking. Summer, reduced rent. floor. 1214 East AND GRAB A BARGAIN NOW FURNISHED APARTMENTS LEFT FOR SUMMER AT . .. JUST A FEW WAITRESSES, DANCERS, waiters. 'W - RANDY'S GUARANTEED MOBIL. repair. I-96 at Call 372-7502 ask for Terry Woods. Leave message. 3-7-7 1 BLOCK from Furnished efficiency apartment for 1 Berkey. MARIGOLD APARTMENTS Okemos Road. 349-9620. C or 2 men. Large 2 bedroom furnished 911 MARIGOLD MARIGOLD & HARRISON apartment for 2 — 4 people. 351-9504. 4-7-7 July Thru Sept. 15th Only $140 per Month. ALL DEPOSITS GUARANTEED RETURNABLE WOODSIDE APARTMENTS. 1 bedroom apartments to sublease. New Concept in $140$ 145. Ideal for married couple. ED 2-2920, 351-4698. O Apartment Living Luxury studio apartments at Inn America 2736 E. Grand River 1 block east of the Coral Gables Air conditioning Completely furnished Enclosed heated pool Sauna Shag carpet Ample parking Snack bar Party & Recreation rooms Guest rooms available 1135 Michigan Ave 351-8631 Maid service at nominal All utilities included except charge phone right next tn Brody Complex $129 for one — $139 for two CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTSare now leasing student and married couples units. These NOW LEASING FOR FALL spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private balconies. We also have a full - time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be among the first residents of CEDAR GPEENScall today. The one - bedroom units start at $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m.,351 -8631 or 484-3494. Nine and twelve month leases available. MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVEL YBY: Alco Management Company I 1971 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 2, 1971 H Real Estate ~ STUDENTS' REP Eoq£ 3 bedroom furnished. Will "V""0!' »«• »CO«D TWO ALUMINUM rent rooms separately. Call frame, nylon POODLES STANDARD Bel-Tor OKEMOS AREA. Cedar 351-3280. 1-7-2 backpacks. Large, medium. and Line. 6 black pups, 2 exceptional. R edwood Black teen named Immaculate condition. 332-8510 contemporary home 2-7-2 16 champions in 4 generations. now being built. WANTED ONE or two together Beautiful area. Sire OFA Certified. Arsons share farm 50 miles to SHURE VOCALMASTER public X-rays on Priced at $34,900. Built-in Kwest Lansing. Call Richard. address. Will ,e|| cheap. MAGNAVOX STEREO 12" speakers. Excellent condition. Call dam. 337-2421. 4-7-2 appliances and imaginative decor. Will be finished before school 463-322°- 2-7-2 Accessories. Call Larry 332-6649 SAMOYED. 1 372-9428, keep trying. 4-7-9 year old. AKC. begins. Call Mathha Mertz, to Newark board Champion bloodlines. Brother and 3 39-9466 SIMON ranted bath- i fl"'- 0wn room' sister. Contact after 5 p.m., John or REAL *37 Near Dairy Queen. See at STEREO SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. ESTATE, Okemos Branch, 346'West Grand River after 5:30 COMPONENT sy,,^ Brand portables - $49.95, or Diana, 489-7919. 3-7-2 349-3310. 2-7-2 pm. 2-7-2 °-:rr.d ,urntable, ,un«f. speakers. new $5.00 per month. Large selection reasonable. EAST LANSING, 2 bedroom house. NEWARK, N.J. (AP) Hamm said Gibson called several 353-3644. 3-7-9 or reconditioned used machines. Mobile Homes — Lawrence Hamm Jr., days ago to HOUSE. Walk t Singers, Whites. Necchis, New Living room with fireplace, dining 17, became a member of the Newark Board of say he was considering the appointment. share room, study, kitchen, breakfast Education Thursday, hopeful that his "He told me to sleep on it and let wi|l negotiate. Must CHECK Home & "Many Others." $19.95 PARKWOOD 12x60. Skirting, porch, nook. Full basement age would me know lot with be asset in influencing other board what I thought," Hamm recalled. 351-0645. 2-7-2 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS shed. 1 block from pool. King on an members. LEONARD WHOLESALE * DISTRIBUTING large Oaks. Walking distance to "I think I will be persuasive with the other "But I couldn't sleep - I sat COMPANY, Arthur's Court. 372-3072. 3-7-9 campus and all public schools. up all night in the cVTrNISHED 4 bedrooms, garage, LOW PRICES ON 1115 North Washington Private owner. 337-2421. 4-7-2 board members," said the black youth. "They park with a friend." fireplace. Girls over 21. Phone 489-6448. C-6-3 know I represent the students and what I Hamm was a student government 10 x 50. STAR. Carpeted, air. Shed. say will leader at 372-4662. 4-7-2 Close be listened to." Arts High School here. ANTIQUE JEWELRY FOR SALE to campus. $3200. Recreation During the city's bitter 11 LARGE SELECTION of rings, 332-4374. 3-7-2 Hamm, who will enter Princeton University on - week teacher strike last BEDROOM FURNISHED air *Y"hlca * Argus pins, spring he was Mlnnlf *K°dak * Pol arc pierced earrings, etc. All clearly a scholarship this fall, said he wants to transform spokesman for the Newark Student Federation. conditioned house. Patio, carport. priced. 1772 Okemos Road, 1/3 1970 VINDALE, 12x60 unfurnished. SUMMER FLIGHTS to Europe, the school system from "one of the The youth, who lives with his nation's widowed $325 for summer. 332-2110. 4-7-9 mile Completely carpeted, disposal. $125. Christmas break in Hawaii, worst to one that will South of Holt Road. $279. Spain, Acapulco, $249. Call give a useful and mother, will serve a three - year term on the COMPONENT SYSTEMS 676-5308. Sale Days: JUly 5th - King Arthur's Court. 485 2634. meaningful education." board. The post pays no salary. MEN needed for 4 man air 3-7-2 Fraitk Buck, 351-8604. 27-8-27 6th, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. He plans to focus his attention on the conditioned house. Private rooms. city's In Fisher * Clip and Save AUGUST FLIGHTS STILL available. below average reading and mathematics levels high school he was a city champion distance $155 / term. Utilities paid. Call Midland **Philc< 2-7-2 45x8 1954 2 bedroom furnished. and to work to combat the runner, but he will be unable to 485-0961. 3-7-2 Sep'* Wharfedale * Panasonic *Garrari $1400 or best offer. Must sell. UNION BOARD TRAVEL system's high participate in *Ph||co .Ampe,; SOUND SYSTEM, 30 watt, two way 641-4525. 2-7-2 OFFICE. Call 353-9777. C-7-2 dropout rate. track and cross country at Princeton because of The the demands of his board speakers. Garrard turnstyle. teenager was named to the board by membership. Rooms 351-2350. 10-7-23 OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos job Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson, who said Hamm AtPrinceton he plans to study political - has Lost & Found applicaticr rhotos in 15 minutes. "a clear mind, a commitment to better education science. Hamm said he wants to return to SINGLE rooms, 3 blocks from COLOR TV, 14", under warranty. PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL. and a sense of Newark after he is graduated from 1 351 intergroup dynamics that is hard college to get _nion. Available immediately. $175. Call 353-7229 or 353-6964. LOST: GRAYISH 6262. Anything to find anywhere." involved in government. brown tabby Phone 351-5076. 3-7-7 2-7-2 female cat, tan collar, fluffy photographed anywhere. O tail, Near Evergreen St. Reward. girls. 5 blocks from campus. VM PORTABLE stereo. Detachable 2 485-0383. X2-7-2 Service Kitchen, and other privileges. Call after 5 pm or weekend mornings, FILING stereo CABINET RCA 5-drawer, $40; portable, $25; speakers. Excellent condition. $50. 349-4693. 2-7-2 LOST: FEMALE puppy, black with PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad Black office purchase 351-8177.1-7-2 typewriter Royal, $30; rocking white paws, curly tail with white (Continued from Buckner had asked him a week now. When the board gave OBA page one) chair, $15; and more. 353-7940 TURNTABLE MIRACORD stereo tip. Answers to Sebastian. Call students, experience references. „,,nt . , , , ago about a possible OBA stereo $5,000 for 1971, it did not . t WANTED 1 man for 4 man house, Free estimates. 349-4817. C fnr hiXTmSequipment X-1-7-2 Karmon amplifier. Many extras. 355-8374 or 337-9091. Ask for room. Fully furnished, Excellent media for blacks at MSU. We purchase. He pointed attach any strings to the condition. $80. Scott. 1-7-2 out that the purchase color TV, dishwasher, firepalce. 351-9299. 2-7-2 YOUR PLACE or mine. want to be able to do probably allotment. As long as OBA has GAS RANGE, dining room table. A Volkswagen went through the Near campus. Phone repair service. 485-6500 after 5 documentaries, material which office. bookkeeper's not spent more than $5,000, the real steal. See at 604 Sunset FOUND ON campusl Mostly German 372-1525. 2-7-2 Lane, will be worthwhile for blacks. purchase is perfectly legal," inquire next door. 3-7-9 BRITANNICA, 1970 edition. Man's Shepherd female puppy. After pm. 3-7-7 1970 "I'll be taking a couple of Flintoff said, ten speed Schwinn. 22 Semi 5:30 pm 663-3116. 1-7-2 All we are getting now is ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. Typewriter trivia," weeks off work in the near Each VICTOR AUTOMATIC calculator. - automatic rifle with telescopic he said. year student - oriented Completely furnished. Cooking. Student use only. Divide. Best sight. 351-6650. 3-7-7 LOST SMALL Repair future," Grecu added. "At that organizations make budget brown female dog. The stereo is being kept in the 372-8077 after 5 p.m. C (Electrics) time I plan to come up to East offer. Portable TV. $75 Royal Oak license. Please call OBA office in the Student requests to the ASMSU board. 355-1032. 1-7-2 MINALTA SLR, SR1 with normal 332-0992. 3-7-9 Foreign <6 Domestic Lansing and conduct an overall The budget committee then Services Building. Some tapes and 35 automatic lenses. Ricoh examination of Campus Typewriter Service have been made, Karega said. ASMSU recommends a budget to the ROCKING CHAIR, $20. Portable 2'/.TLR, 11 x 14 print dryer. LOST: BLACK male cat with white finances." board based across from Union Hal Buckner, ASMSU student on the requests Hoover washing machine, $65. 351-6650. 3-7-7' feet and one black toe. Spartan s E. May Sr. Mike Flintoff, Residence Halls ED 2-0877 board chairman, said he had submitted. The board exercises Sear's humidifier, $35. Baby's Village area. Phone 332-1607. Assn. playpen, $12. Stroller, $10. All TV SETS. Sony, Panasonic, Zenith. 2-7-7 SPANSIH TUTOR. Have BA degree. . «„ , ' r ' . Assn. president and voting final unai control over the budget burt^e; new condition. 355-9790. 2-7-2 Color portables and consoles. Contact Karen at 337-9743. 3-7-7 month" mouth K'e than the about by word of stereo member of the ASMSU student Organizations given money J. by .J board, said he did ASMSU . . STEREO COMPONENTS. Sony not know of are not restricted in Personal equipment purchases. the stereo purchase. ilNGLE ROOM for older male USED FURNITURE Flea Fair. 314 reel to reel tapedeck, Ampex ODD JOBS Unlimited. A student A check with the MSU their use of such funds in any student. Close in. Bed linens East Michigan. Dishes, books, cassette recorder. We Buy, Sell, help-referral service. "There is nothing which can way. as long as they do not and Trade. WILCOX FREE House-apartment cleaning, lawn purchasing showed the dept. be done about the furnished^332-2471_._1J^2 __ coins, antiques, rockers, junk. ... A lesson in complexion purchase made through the was purchase overspend. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East care. Call484-4519, East Michigan garden service, bartending party Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open usual ASMSU PARTAN HALL, singles, men, Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, service, window washing, typing- requisition Tuesday and Sunday. Furniture or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. women. Now leasing for summer, and appliances open all week. 10 Monday thru Saturday. C MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS You name it and we'll get the job channels. The ASMSU fall. 351-1176, 484-4422. O STUDIOS. C done. Call Now 35'-6089. *-9 bookkeeper only made sutk Registration ends a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone 371-2843. O WATERBED UN ITS, mattress, liner, OBA had enough money in their PING PONG tables, $9.95. We buy FRANCIS X and the Bushman and account to heater, and frame. $76 any size. pay for the ' sell most anything. SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 ABC REBIRTH, 309 North go-go girls nightly. Johnnie's Glass Cellar. PRO-BOWL. 2122 North Typing Service equipment. The order then went Washington, Lansing. through MSU Stores and the (Continued from page one) Turner. C. Logan. Happy hours, 9-11 pm. THESES for only 7c per page. run WEN, SINGLE rooms. 2 blocks from equipment was delivered. 10-7-23 THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East campus. Phone 351-2103; Grant Grecu, ASMSU 100 USED vacuum Grand Mrs. Colizzi cleaners. Tanks, WATERBED FRAMES, $35 and up. River. Phone 332-4222. pointed out that should the G.S.A. ratification 3499662. 5-7-14 canisters and uprights. Guaranteed GETTING IN your hair is our C-7-2 comptroller, not aware of was notice make 18 REBIRTH, 309 North the purchase. When contacted at year - olds eligible to vote in East Lansing in the - one full year. $7.88 and up. business. UNION BUILDING Washington. Lansing, his Southfield residence, he said primary, all 18 - year - olds who have registered will be eligible to DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 489-6168.TF BARBER SHOP. C-7-2 P I 0 F I S S10 N It I vote, including those who registered before Wednesday, when the COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. THESIS 26th Amendment was approved bv the Ohio legislature. Opposite City Market. C. WE DO most repairing and replace DRAFT COUNSELING. Legal - PREPAKATION Medic - Psychologic. Miami, Fla. broken frames. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan 305 891-3736. 8-7-12 Who's "There is no need for an 18 - year - old who has registered STORY OLDS Avenue, 372-7409. C-7-2 Peanuts Personal Complett Professional Tktsis Service for ENGAGEMENTS already for the 1972 national elections Lansing primary," she said. to reregister for the East Animals Mastsr's and Dictaral Candidate!. Free STORY SELLS Sreclmre and Consultation. Please Call Susan Berger, Grand Ledge freshman EXCEPTIONAL - SMALL black and TO UNDERSTANDING VET, Wasn't appendicitis after all, but thanks CIHf and Paula Hjujh., 337 1527 or S27 2SX. Justin Morrill to Daniel Regan, ifSWHflTS^ FOR LE white pups - Snoopy types. $8.00 for moral support. 1-7-2 Omaha, Neb., graduate student. HAPPENING ANN BROWN: each. 663-8418.1-7-2 Typing and multilith offset printing. Complete service for New cars, Datsuns, PUPPIES: 351-1034 FOR or come description, to call 2030 Raby dissertations, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 21 theses, Service Road, Haslett and get years experience. 349-0850.C your pick of Real Estate used cars the litter. You can't price. Free! 5-7-12 beat the PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term TYPING, THESES Rapid accurate service. and letters, etc. "The Sicilian Clan" (GP) will be Tuesday at the Club Hous EAST papers, theses. Best rates. Call Experienced. 393-4075. 0-8-9 presented by the Married Students' Lansing. Rides will be leaving f LANSING, 328 Oakhill OVER 100 USED CARS LESS FREE KITTENS. Tigers and tortoises. Box trained. After 6 pm, Avenue. Neat 3 bedroom home, carpeted living and dining room, 351-4619. X-20-8-18 THINKING OF someone special? Assn' and HHH-WIC at 7:30 and 9:45 tonight in the Spartan Village School gym. There will be free the west entrance of the Union 6 and 7 p.m. for those requiring fireplace, 2 car garage. Near BARBI MEL. Typing, multilithing. 351-3196. 2-7-2 Send The Pharmacology of Drugs wi THAN $688.00 AFGHAN HOUND puppy, male, 13 Central and Hannah Schools. By owner 332-3692. 1-7-2 No job too large or too small. Block off campus. 332-3255. C "Peanuts a Personal" message with a Want Ad. Come in today. 347 Student Services. babysitting at the Daycare center for the first showing. A children's show of comedy and cartoons will be the topic of a Drug Symposium p.m. Wednesday in Wilson weeks, AKC registered. Call presented from 10:30 a.m. to noon Auditorium. Dr. John Mcis Story Olds East Lot I student 339-9378. 1-7-2 EAST Attractive LANSING, 3 Bailey bedroom school. COMPLETE THESES service. Discount printing, IBM typing and Transportation Saturday. Children over 10 must pay SO cents and under 25 cents. professor of pharmacology, wil the speaker and the public is invi 1153 East Michigan Avenue near brody complex avaifam'c FREE KITTENS, box trained, loveable and healthy. Males. Call Living modern room, dining room, all kitchen. Shady fenced Colonial. binding of theses, resumes, publications. Across from campus, > Symposiu India Hist Film "Bullfight" presented by the Beal Film Group will be shown for the last RIDE NEEDED to and from Detroit 655-3958. 2-7-7 yard, corner M.A.C. and Grand Culture, with speaker John time at 7 and 9 tonight in 106 B quiet yet convenient to River, area each weekend. 353-6970. MSU, schools, stores. $24,900. below Jones Stationary Shop. Call Winchester, coordinater American Wells with a biography of 2-7-2 Indian Programs, Center for Urban Save fees by calling owner, COPYGRAPH SERVICES, topctuncrtam 337-1 Affairs, will be presented at 7 p.m. 337-2778. B1-7-2 36. C Tuesday and Thursday in the Wilson Hall Auditorium. Everyone is invited. The Alternative Coffee House opens for the summer at 9 a.m. The MSU volunteers are recruiting Saturday at 4930 S. Hagadorn Road m it for summer manpower. Call us at across from Hubbard Hall. Admission pool .. Wanted 353-4400 for additional information. is 25c. The coffee house provides coffee, folklore, expression and Jesus A sexuality symposium on natural Christ. leated . ^• largest selection *mgm KODAK CAROUSEL slidf projectors. Steve at 372-7740 oi childbirth will be held at 7 tonight in the Wilson Auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. It's time to give a damn! The MSU in town 353-9523 days. 2-7-2 David Moore and Dr. Carol Varner, Volunteers will hold an orientation - M.D. will be speakers. training program at 7:30 p.m. At Discount Prices and all Ami We Sell Service, Too. SUPPORT YOUR business with t boost from Want Ads. Advertis« Wednesday in the Union Gold Room. Students, staff, faculty and spouses interested in volunteering are invited. services there. Dial 355-8255. We Stock Over a Million Parts BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for all positive. A negative, B negative KRAMER AUTO PARTS and negative, AB negative, $12.00. $10.00. O MICHIGAN 800 E. Kalamazoo St. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 484-1303 507% East Grand River, East Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 RIVERSIDE p.m., Monday, Thursday and Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C 4620 S. Hagadorn north of Mt. Hope Rd EAST FREE APARTMENTS ROOMMATE WYCKINGHAM SERVICE... spacious APARTMENTS are now leasing student units for only. These luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Panish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and summer Summer Rental 24 hour _ restringing ^dividual central control air conditioning. These four man units have up to 3 parking We will match you service Paces per unit. Recreation is and private planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation $ 1 Z Zoo compatible roommates. with Mon., Thurs., and Fri. balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of M 4 man Call 332-4432 10 9 p.m. nDclCKlNGHAM ca" today. The 2 bedroom units start at $60/month per man. MODEL SUMMER ONLY! or see a.m. - Tues., Wed., and Sat. .a!N EVEry DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: Frank or JoAnn at 1050 10 6 p.m. \ARRV SCOTT at 351-7166 THREE SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES Model apartment open daily, ph. 332-8292 Water's Edge Dr. (next to a.m. - Sunday AVAILABLE. or see Cedar Village) 12 noon - 5 p.m. RESIDENT MANAGER- '•"•wfiaoK, by Alco Management Company No. 5, 1310 E. Grand River a