M P (v !ii tii'nry J#fl 1 ♦nr»M I ri4t. Ill oh. WMTMfcW <1«v'a I dibit DM INtHlllltl TmmDM < fif Hllll Bliitttflit '|il I »• It I! ff ** Mr ill. v !■:A.f'.'l |.AN:t|Nti. MH IIIMAM. 'I I'l'iMHA V, .11 SI I HMf. Ottey Named Alumni PLAN MEETING "(>u wmouuovv pjna| Arrangements Made President «f CI a OF AtSwingoul Monday FOR IHURSDAY (Cmm|^ENK For (Wnin.( IW Opening Pnrfnim^ Performance illdrf, O'Dell, KllllAh, mill Ktnilri Ollin Ollttri* (tiil All flint Woil.MM' Air In fir I' filial I ml i OH I'mIU'i! Of Water Carnival Friday I mil lliiii I in Nr % I I ivr Vrsl*. iill.y Slntw, noil Hi Htiftft j Sir Ami I Air nml M*l«n*U S|»rakm St... II Anintinl nf I .....I r Mr I..... Wuti mi I lni.li t. Only Wnik lit I AMItV MINIM W AN CONKAll TO TAI.K, llMimnn 1 IHti'V, id Aiillm.ii' I u j.it---i.li til •.| (to Stall I rl| In l!r IW ,ir»Ei, ••• WH'i Hot let I linMinituMif whinini |ii« -i.l. ul .■( il.. nf I fin I'ln l |n»ir! lii lii nfh i on i11if.*t11 i.'i .1111111i< .* M I II. v* Aloa.lv M.I SCHEDULED FOR FXI'FCT T.OOO PEOPLE " eld I If ||t<| iifll. . I » In. it'll ^ • ir I Inn |, • I'.ilm. , '....I I.. I Phut I... Nr.I t ali a i titii|ini|fti TOMORROW EVE S11ec 141 I.titerlatnmeftf ftar In uiiiiH-n, Mini Mn irrniiaaniti Ptriorf Will I e* hire All l.rnal I a lent Anolliri St IiimiI % f*4it | 11 Mill Klitkt-vfi'H ft Hi t ill Ml Itlih t (itim CURTAIN RISES AT *:Z0 nlirl. Mm H. Ol.ln Ai l (iroup Plaits Outdoor tr 0|i|)(iult ||n lilnie fm /'h Ibi Display of Student Work DRAMA SOCIETY PRESENTS PLAY idlifl Yale ntnf 'Virginia lirtf to fakr Parti in Oriental Drama M s i A AWARD HONORS WAA SPONSORS TO 5 OFFICERS PLAVDAVHERE five Advanced Military Senior* Baarkall and Tetiiut Trami ( nmttiendcd Inr Excellent I rom four College* Take Sfl.ol.ril.ip. P»f''» M'rl S.lurd.jr »•'' u- the • aw ujj w*« dwb.indc.1 and < Work on Forestry Cabin cf i',»> mure playful setUoi« Now Nearintf Completion GEORGIA MEETING Ceremonies Planned for Alumni Day Will Dedicate New Structure DRAWS ENGINEERS MORTAR BOARD TO to Protestor Chittender. I ormer Head of Forestry Atlarfa Meet One of Several to Department. INITIATE ALUMNAE * ' Be Attendrrf 7hit Summer. IS Earner Sffctat Menken Ei- erltd la iaia Haaerary Sal. thr* south side of the Rrd t>d*r whuh <»" " « ' fruit. Uu-i Coiivge, and wl./itv protieMw y Singles player* from M S military training and inh-lh vert, in The fallowing in.«rr .it' :'.,r,r- 1 attention to duty have merit ranking ordor, Helen P*»V Prof*. L Moitar Hoard plans to hold to, Charlotte Pike. Dorothy W in regard to tte» ',uf< an logs. A ber' Norene Aniw»rge. Addie ] Of float* fur tr* Wat-r f ht a autiatmn on June ft for alumnae fteubng and L C Mitjcr ieaves! Sphin*, the local honorary cabin you fake it walk peshil and Kontella Weaver I>ou- tor Atlanta, Gi in a motor car' . t.» » Tbev must I r rit./eru of Ik , son this afternoon Mrtikh fiecame Mortar Board la*t y,., tt,umn w„ff. Ciifhef. June J* Last fall, the erection of thr mwfime' : f'mted .States, ol exemplary hab-j WKj jsfor#.n„ M They a?. '»» a'tefMl. 1, AJ1 tal This initiation is being held Ansorgr. Helen Ott* itr- cars on sooth bank the tomsuig Re- ,tn, and of jgoorl .oral character riatemai meeting of ??.,«• So- cabin was started by forestry >nd ronU>l)a Weaver, and Char of river will enter the gremnd^ because of request# from alumnae lief Ag. M- <.f «W. Ua PrvM4».m. of Engineer-; students who began by laying a T(„,w elected as honor lottc pike and Addie at the cattle barn* on Farm *fw> were unable to return at the l.a* Posp*mhil ing M o* at Km tan* of the installation last No- foundation and then started build¬ nrr «• follows: Two baseball games were l-aru\ ami will follow the. to rush the work along The c«1 iMmn H fi Dirks of the engi¬ ing the walls with the tamarack Allan II Mnk. Kenneth F. ed Mkhufan Slate lost lo liattl. marked road north,- keepitig vtnrber, when about 30 former in will be umh! as a iw*tej neering department will attend a logs that had Mrlavid. Tliorna. K GUI. John F. Creek in the firit aame arid wor out of the alfalfa field afl per¬ di< at* the belter principles rneebng o( the American Society Huge for nearly a year Now. with tlie Honda 11, Herbert II Williamson. from Mb. fTea.anl in the second »f Mer hanical Engir^ers on June sons will cross fence at stiie. r„ioieti f.'axtHghti placed arrival of spring, the cabin is 2. No shrubbery 'it tree* ) at strategtr_sprAts .en the river .., Mick U I he ftrat alud.nl In aev-fi"m* 21*23 at Cincinnati _ give* g.*jd experience to for After this WViJni.compk'lKm Michigan State players wwi ihait lie cut or destroyed for | bank will imfr-.;r,*U' each indivWk I r,ir, In iutgmt ami ,n »«• """" meeting. iMnn Dirks plan* to at- ■ ' u*e on floats A worxJxman the audience. Th- tabin It l»in« built n> a in t(ui;,i.n,' thai will no doubt b- w"'' " '.ralghl "A" rrrord for all ar nearly end ttie S P r. t at Atlanta While awaiting darkness so as to A A. cabin aft¬ from the forestry department . •namorial to Protriaor fhiltonrtrn. ,lv.fu| u,lllr f„(ul. ljm. Soma I .««.*» h-rma *fr« Dirk* i* acfompanymg Mr will be statiiFTMd near cummenrt- the par«d» id th.« fUxttj. formerly head nf Uie forejtiy de- er the morning games Dirk* this the malTrial,, ,urh a, rrm^ole which on trip fi<«ats to ithe various canoe races and tilt Chairmen Tor the committee* secure the netesaary partment. whow f.uiner atudenU „ uw] lo prrM.rve the win. and Professor HoMa of the mechan¬ 1 ing contests will be held. responsible for the great nucces* green material for student* The have ronlrlbutrrt a «.»d abate of ical enginewing department in¬ a „,aIrrd] that ia iim.I for chink- WOLVERINES of this playday were Mary 3 The sire of the flout* has \ reebminary event* will be staged the fund, ured in butldtna the ng u,, erari,» betwerm the l.m Itall^rd tend* to spend the time between been definitely set at 6x12 U-*% ; Friday night, while the audience? cabin II U eviaefe.1 thai Ihe nave bien Morse and Marjorie June 24 end 2t at White donate.! Iiy various The Wbtverln* bfflci» will be Siilphur the same sin- as last year. They | of Satyr da ywill witness the Angl cabin wUI be omplcral by n. »l Spring*. Va He will tyanpame. who are inter rated In oT#en for the'last distributkm ot att»-nd the will be ready fur the societies jevents. A small loving cup will be in time alumni day so it can be dedicated lh), ol wliry meeting of the Society of Auto¬ — f* "*«i»bera to attend their over at that time. 1935 yt-a C-book* on Wednesday motive Engineers there. Thursday AH six-ieties plan¬ j'bc given to the winner of each cUm So d.m'1 he alarmed if you hear f(om8b»5 Afl^r that date all Miss Dorothy Parker, tyirhigar ning floats more tlian 6 feet in | contest, and two cups will be pre- If they deatre to 4o Although the foreat era don't ex* screeches, howls, and other queer copies miist be gotten from the Stab- tennis imtructor, .enthusias¬ height are warned that ar¬ | *cnt., kt'vt. krvs. simp' - |»v|>k- thmk tt|CLASliflED!55S=J:* Michigan State News V an,1 tla/ Hiat vra »' i,n»t liirtulrt, kill yi»ttis Spartan Oracle ton ia wfpt. DUANE YATES ttmiNs | » H.l hi * t»l sf| U K sun: If R> AkOtNfK IIRV Anything goes with this WHITE WALKOVER lU'RTON'S WALK OVER SHOP ?'.* I •» Wikhinfton Ave. Army Locker Trunks r«* R. O. T. I . C amp $3.95 - J 1.50 - $1.95 lAitMi rn rm- vlli. Lieherman Trunk Co. VlTt' Send Your Baggage Closing Out Specials AT Home by RAILWAY EXPRESS Knitting Mills Store EVKKY THING MUST UK SOLD Ladies' Sport Dresses....... 77C Finest Chiffon . 78c —• $1.50 hiving ihi nation rot it ycats Chemise and Dance Sets... Taikxtd and Uir<- Trimmed $1.29 Railway Express EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN NATION.WIOtlAtl.All SEIVK* itic.il*>'. •>»»<• *• "W> MK'flKlAN STAtM NKWH I'uifo 'Hire# Campus Accepts Jan (inrlx'r's If* ~~ ~ A CAPEI.I.A CHOIR A NOTIII: It SCHOOL VKA It -.r l>. pt,,„k Kedrl*. gumd old! If.ua Music for Diversion on Friday: Stale Theater " ' of hla *;The | oiiiit the hodttiiUun oml n • «» Houses Hold Parties Saturday Show TO GIVE CONCERT ' ilSSIllj* I iilliri mi Croup to Siiif{ IPY@wa@$ • mIlege fUietol nOrVleen ho lfli.de ; (.nosing Solidity. Ti MUSICIANS GIVE FINAL RECITAL last in Srrie* of Spring Trim Programs (liven in Union Monday. Ml Muhe Ti |M*wrl|erH Sold Hen led - - If-polled 1 ratiklin llehli •Hie C o. 100 N C.ruit.l Avr Plu.ur ? m Graduation |t" Studio Gift Suggestions Static for him foil mac (Jitdftlutte Ih.i' III toll. Nile I Dir. l ilted loilef fax Illlllfl Hill I old-, He;id I'iirt S IliltfM /ip spoil Hag- A1.ini. nre sel« *| .10 IIP ' Hewing Kile -i no up i 'ig.i telle Lighter Unfile and lot K»t« *1 «« M|» II OH up f ...If Ib.liH Shoe flopH *i 00 f.,1 » Pairs It's lllgl. Zipper N.de 11.»«»!. < • ornpfirlM ii'n tlntihle Tie l ane* tilting Home Kc Teachers Fete Senior Women "MILESTONES OF MICHIGAN" 12th Annual Senior W A T E R offers every the Tk«Ii. »r- ;nvit«d :• >,«:•> th. .<• -.r, . September I*, all freaimicn trit^se* the tftmptia and will con- crib is chucked wtiA do iw< have medical exam- . . . , , . 4 cotton#— nl'G i flltltilCu limM-from within the hall with th«- tiateiM at that time will he asked and to rtrr&m i*5' their room*. and ; t» Gn/ionh vj, /iJofv *v o|/vLCIi oOCJclj 'c<'®,,'eip program of the day. A jspeoker of national prominence tr their couxtselors will call on them, t French Pi Kapi>a Delta, national hon- has hsfen secured for the com* June 7 and 8 room glorious After that counselors will meet orary speech society, *•'* its inducted incitement addrr**, and degree-, daring new their freshmen as often as possible eight new member* at a mock iol- : wit: U conferi ed by President ^ffmer formal wear. for the rest of the year. At the end liation held last Wednesday eve- Shaw and the deans of the dfvi- !£.-?sw»k^r , of fall term each counselor will nine ; be asked to make out a sort of Martin, The new member*. Ruth lion# of the college. Ruth Johnson. Hazel '• * * • ; ^uT^.ac. ; personality sheet on .her freshman Slkkenga. HarUn Clark. •This. wUl show how much the Pcrrin. freabman eourxfeior system Donald O'Hara. Elmer With the morning program of Clare i June 10. WKAR will complete the is J Pockhnjfton and Donald Hittle. winter season of broadcasting and benefitting the freshman co-eds.!selected from State's forensic: will enter its summer schedule. , : bod wilt check up on the counsel-. squads, were given the opportu- Afternoon programs will be dis- CHILDREN 25c ior* u w*ll as on the freshmen. mty to display their abilities in continued, but the noon Farm 111-iWill ;the art of elocution. /Service programs wilt be contin- TuMilay, Juno 4, MICHIGAN STATE NEWS SPARTANS TIE HARVARD AND STANFORD SPARTANS LOSE YEARLINGS SET = Spartans Rank High In I.C. A. A. A. A. Track IN OVER-INNINGS TRACK RECORDS TO NOTRE DAME Meet at Cambridge Tram Mate New Half mile Math a. ' Unearned Run Kuim Brre'r Staff Rupiifis Cirry Off Honort m Three Fvrnt* and Ttf Chancer at liiah Win hy a OLRARII ItOHS Harvard. Stanford tor Fifth Place Score nf 2-1. 11* Mt k it) KKV PLAY IOWA TWICE HERE kronbach to Hurl Hit Final nun (iraduation f»amf in One of Two Garnet Lifts Friday and .Saturday. Sport Shirt, t'nril lull. THE Arrow Shirt. 'ports Men U Tip* ♦ I 00 Interwoven How J KURD'S irano RAINBOW RECREATION ItOWIJNCi • IHlaUAUDS TIIKKK SNOOKKRS GIFTS for the young man STATE LINKSMEN TIE WITH NORMAL ioactude .Vavoit With Golfer* GRADUATE From Michigan State Norma! SMALL'S "Lansing's Fashion Center" Give Hint Sportwear BEAt ll ROBKS in gay n.lorvM or plain wvr->. «n *2.95 to *5.00 HICKOK SPORT BELTS _ ,*1.00. *1.50