Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS Volume 64 Number 7 East Lansing, Michigan Friday July 9,1971 U.S. rejects Viet Cong peace plan PARIS (AP) - The United States "modalities" would be agreed upon for Binh nor Xuan Thuy, the chief North declared the demands for withdrawal of "the release of the totality of military of allr have been, to take up with you any points rejected Thursday Communist'demands for Vietnam delegate, answered any of the U.S. and nonVietnamese forces "are so which you the unconditional withdrawal of American all parties and of the civilians captured in have or might bring to our questions. They returned to their peace sweeping and categorical in nature that we forces from South Vietnam but moved to the attention, and we expect you in return to war including American pilots captured plan and insisted it met the wishes of the cannot possibly accept your arbitrary in North Vietnam, so that they may all U.S. people and others in the world. adopt the same attitude toward any negotiate the whole new Viet Cong peace determination that they must be agreed to suggestions made by us. It would be most plan in private talks. rapidly return to their homes. These two After the meeting, Thuy accused Bruce by us without any discussion or negotation The Communist delegates turned down of refusing "to give a serious response" to unprecedented for a negotiation to take operations — withdrawal and prisoner upon them." the bid for private sessions. A Viet release — will begin on the same date and any other course." the peace plan. Mrs. Binh told reporters Cong Then Bruce proposed that next spokesman said after the 120th peace talks will end on the same date." that Bruce "tried to use the question of the The Viet Cong plan demanding U.S. Thursday's session be "free from the glare session that the form of meetings could be Bruce wondered in his speech if nature of the meetings to evade the troop withdrawal and the dismantling of of publicity and without the need to make discussed after the United States replied to agreement on "modalities" was not merely imperative demands of the people of American bases said these must be public statements except to the degree we the demand to set a date for American a "variation of your previous statement Vietnam, the United States and the accomplshed "without posing any mutually agree upon. This restricted troop withdrawals. that the parties will engage at once in world." condition whatsoever." U.S. Ambassador David K. E. Bruce and discussions on prisoners release." In his Bruce said, "We are ready, as we (Please turn to page 11) speech at the meeting Bruce always South Vietnamese Ambassador Pham Dang This was a major sticking point in Lam poured cold water on much of the previous Communist proposals on prisoner seven - point Viet Cong peace package release. They gave no indication how long submitted last Thursday. However, they said they were willing to such discussions would continue. Bruce also said the Communists must Iceland explore it more deeply to clarify obscure release prisoners they hold in Laos and issues. Cambodia — not only in Vietnam as Bombs away Bruce said although there were "new elements" in the plan, basic Communist stipulated in the new peace plan. Both Bruce and Lam raised the issue of a new left- Workmen at the Nevada Nuclear demands seemed unchanged. He did not political settlement as laid down by the Test Site lower an down the 1,735 atomic bomb - foot hole repeat last week's White House assessment of positive elements in the peace plan. communists. "You continued to insist that the government Lam told the Communists: "We did not present government of the Republic of where it was fired today. The REYKJAVIK, Iceland (AP) — After a find any significant changes in your Vietnam must be replaced by one which bomb, with the force of 80,000 fullfils your own criteria," Bruce said. political crisis of nearly a month, Iceland fundamental demands." tons of TNT, was a prototype of In "We will not impose any government on appears about to get a government much presenting her North Vietnam - farther to the left than the middle - of the a nuclear explosive the Atomic the people of South Vietnam, who must be - approved plan last week, Mrs. Nguyen Thi road coalition which ruled for 12 years. Energy Commission hopes to use - Binh of the Viet Cong said that if the allowed to determine for themselves their There was speculation that a leftist to fracture rock formations. United States agreed to get out of South own future." AP Wirephoto in their formal speeches, neither Mrs. government would continue the North Vietnam by the end of the year Atlantic island nation's membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization but would seek withdrawal of the 3.000 ederal survey shows American servicemen stationed at Keflavik, 30 miles from Reykjavik. Supporters of this policy concede it seems illogical for Iceland to remain in NATO while denying the organization continued use of a strategically important utbacks in state welfare base. They counter, however, with the comment: "It may seem illogical but it is important to us as a nationalist and political thing." WASHINGTON (AP) - A confidential Increases were rated possible in three White House political strategists were The outgoing government of -deral survey has found that an more states. willing only a few months ago to give Independents and Social Democrats, which npreredented number of states are "All this means one thing," one Reagan what he wanted in welfare in held 32 seats in the 60 - seat parliament, government welfare specialist commented. return for his election support In 1972, captured only 28 seats in the June 13 Educing welfare benefits this year, sharply ^versing a long-time trend of higher "States are running out of money and are according to administration sources. election. It called on the Progressives to try distance levels for the poor. Reflecting what some officials call a looking for ways to cut back." Among the 22 states with definite or These sources said the White House has Battling to form a new coalition with the Liberal Left party and the People's Alliance, which revolt against welfare and its possible cutbacks this year are New York Firemen work to control a section of a four - alarm blaze that roared together won 32 seats. since moved toward HEW's view that key rowing financial burden on state and Minnesota, traditional leaders in Since then the leaders of the proposed elements of the Reagan plan, particularly through a block - long warehouse in Denver Wednesday night. Most of vernments, benefit reductions of up to expanding welfare benefits. coalition have been meeting to decide who work relief, violate the current legal and the destruction was to wooden fruit and vegetable boxes and to three should get which post, with Progressive 0 per cent are going into effect this year Cutbacks have included the dropping of ethical principle that welfare is a right, not the block. Initial damages were 10 states. 6,000 families from welfare rolls in businesses on estimated in the hundreds chief Olafur Johannesson considered the The survey a gift. of thousands of dollars. Ap Wirephoto likely candidate for prime minister. of family welfare programs Alabama; elimination of the unemployed y specialists in the Dept. of Health, parent program in Maine; dropping of two uration and Welfare (HEW) found that benefit items in Rhode Island; and a 20 per ductions are passible by year's end in an cent cut in maintenance payments in dditional 12 states. Legislative moves to Kansas, effective Sept. 1. Highway support jut assistance failed in four states. Among the states with pending contrast, the survey memorandum legislative or administrative proposals to bmitted to John G. Veneman, HEW cut back welfare is California, where Gov. ndersecretary, lists welfare increases this Ronald Reagan and the Nixon ear in four states and the District of administration are locked in negotiations representatives of the commission and of Arbor, said Wednesday she hoped a more "lumbia. over the legality of the changes. By STEVE WATERBURY into the city planning for quite some the University." desirable location for the new highway State News Staff Writer time," Thomas said. Thomas L. Shawver of the Dept. of could be found further from pedestrian The East Lansing City Council has The board of trustees has rescinded its State Highways said Thursday the traffic and further from the new medical requested City Manager John M. Patriarche earlier approval of a planned south campus to arrange a joint meeting with the trustees department "will urge further center. hone call could halt highway, it was revealed this week. The board's action was taken during a closed session at the June trustee meeting. to discuss earlier the board's retraction of its approval of plans for a cross campus negotiations" with the trustees before discontinuing the highway project. Wharton's letter states that the trustees "Every alternative to the south campus location ought to be explored," she said. Trustee Don Stevens, D - Okemos, said highway. The trustees' action was revealed at the "have differing views on the overall Thursday that if there is going to be a cross Patriarche said the design of I - 496 and .S. help to Pakistan East Lansing City Council meeting on Tuesday. The planned highway would be a four • of US - 127 took construction of the cross campus route into consideration. "A lot of money has been put into the propriety of the proposed highway. "Some would be amenable consideration of alternate plans in to the campus lowered." Stevens highway "it should probably be expressed concern over the WASHINGTON (AP) — An American informant, is that Pakistan now is lane boulevard extending from I - 496 Trowbridge Road interchange, and if the present location which provide for the problems of air and noise pollution, and across south campus just north of the necessary grade separations," it reads. said a new highway "should not be fficial said Thursday a single State Dept. obtaining most of the arms it needs from highway is not built, this will go to waste," slephone call to customs authorities could Red China. The United States wants to Grand Trunk tracks out to Park Lake he said. "Others would prefer an alternate location. permitted to create a lot of busy campus insure that Pakistan's present reliance on Road, east of East Lansing. It would serve In a letter to Henrik E. Stafseth, director Still others, however, have expressed intersections." as an alternative route to Grand River of the Dept. of State Highways, President opposition to the construction of any new Trustee Warren M. Huff, D - Plymouth, Peking does not become permanent. The informant, who declined use of his Avenue and would be a relocation of M - Wharton said that "we are prepared for a route across campus." said his vote to rescind the board's earlier "As of now," he added, "no such stop Trustee Patricia M. Carrigan, D - Ann (Please rder is in the works." name, went on: "We are currently engaed 43. continuation of discussions between turn to page 11) The informant was in an interdepartmental review of all the The trustees, who had previously discussing the Nixon .ministration's factors involved in continuing U.S. military approved the plans and the route in policy of continuing ilitary aid to Pakistan at a time of civil and other aid to Pakistan." September of 1969, rescinded their surrection in the nation's eastern A major element in that review is Henry approval by unanimous vote. East Lansing Mayor Gordon L. Thomas "ment. Kissinger's talks with Pakistan's leader and His statement meant it is deliberate U.S. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India. said Thursday the city council was "quite In such talks the United States has been surprised" when it received word that the |cy at this time to go on trickling MSU trustees had voted to withdraw their '"tary aid through to President Yahya stressing three policy aims: "an s autocratic regime. support for M - 43. One reason for (Please turn to page 11) "The cross campus route has been built this, according to the o urt r places n promises of By United Hress International physicia guard his words as to create more doubt Justice Thomas G. Kavanagh said the court and fear than ever in the patient's mind." did not mean to call a physician's " nnrfl!C*lif'an Supreme Court upheld a The Court ruled ;n favor of Richard A. reassurances to his patient a contract. jLt . e^h of contract suit Wednesday Guilmet and against Dr. Joseph Arena and eir ai|W°j .'an<^ County physicians for eged failure the late Dr. Kenneth N. Campbell. Guilmet "What we hold is sometimes made to produce promised tef°ra patient, had charged that Arena and Campbell had clearer by stating what we do not hold," led him to believe that his hospitalization Kavanagh wrote. "Here we do not say that "ntpi-6 ^u8ene F. Black, • the only for peptic ulcer would be of short every time a doctor says to his patient red th'ne ® " * decision, said he a when in fact his condition prior to the formation of their contract for ruling may establish a new duration, (See related story required extensive surgery. example, 'I recommend an immediate page 3) Guilmet had filed malpractice and appendectomy. It will fix you up fine. . . .' ^cedent breach of contract suits in Oakland County It may be said that he contracted to 'cure' Circuit Court against the two physicians In his patient. -1^1® ^tor who cannot prepare and 1964. The Oakland County Court found the doctors innocent of malpractice but "What we are saying, however, is that Hairy pr ysically » Pat'ent» both mentally and guilty on the second charge of breach of under some circumstances, the trier of fact A Republic Steel Corp. worker in Cleveland models a hair length which area industrial officials say is presenting Pled h'f 8 serious operation contract. might conclude that a doctor so speaking safety problems. Most Cleveland area companies are ordering long - haired workers in dangerous locations to , PJJ beforehand," doctor must Black said. Speaking for the majority opinion, did contract to 'cure' his patient." wear hair nets. AP Wirephoto now so hedge and Friday, July 9 | 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Block « rmrftTAtip By JOANNA FIRESTONE Stat? News Staff Writer money . rep .. taking General Motors to court with highly paid lawyers . . . blasts rights slamming the state against the wall. All it would take would be n i i MAfhSnit fA stop these practices. It s not rooHv in A nril of Commission has done nothing to ready April of 1970, he said. The reason t group 1970.99 he Said. lobbied the heir* nil ' to summary inn„„rw.o ihoi.. w ^ representative James ar>d coming out with little or and to nail one commission and the doing anything for the blacks, appears to me to be because the influence their budget request Black coming, out with ^Httle o D -^Detroit blasted the usual'y no success," he said. "As or toenail one others would damn well clean up Chicanos and Indians of the commi on as "But I'm one mean From the wires of AP and UPI. Michigan °aan igan Civili' S Rights far as I'm concerned, they're Righ»~ . . , „ _ , ... their houses in a hurry. ^ ^ q{ state. It's merely existing for the study all the g,Qry a„d fina„cia, betterment departments. other state you can quote me-and nigger I'L, Commission (MCRC) Wednesday doin8 zero for the Poor guy in # to see that this commission wit to. "phyta,i politics with the tte who K.lly need, th, ,„d proton p«ter« which ^^^ its fat cats either puts Teop"!"' M'ChlganS m,n0r,ty "Wad Del Rio, speaking before the Private of taking oo the corporations who tiTtfy wht Hlgtway with can Commission is racist in its information incriminating rr.udu.eot'withholding theof give, .them , ;e«on for demand g legitimate effort or gets put financially," he said. "The way to effect a change is^ House A ppropriationL • • afford to spend months in court, behavior," Del Rio charged. Highway Commission. affprt snmnhnilu'c nn.i..n * "(Viet Cong demands for U.S. Committee, said the legislature the commission should be "And yet, the Civil Rights "The report I requested was Del Rio said the commission affect somebody's pocketbook' withdrawal) are so sweeping and should "rip the commission's categorical in nature that we budget request to shreds" unless cannot possibly accept your it can prove it is earning its keep. "Since 1964, the commission DOSSIER ON SUBVERSIVES arbitrary determination that they has been receiving, on the must be agreed to by us without average, a 46 per cent increase in Papers list alleged Communists any discussion or negotiation its annual budget," he said. "The upon them." state just isn't getting what it's paying for. Either we get rid of -U.S. Ambassador David KE. Bruce the commission or begin (See story page 1) decreasing its budget. No one on compiled information on such privately developed WASHINGTON (AP) - A rights made copies of Buzhardt's to get rid of the material ^ on i«rrn.hh,p anyway. persons they suspected of being information. alleged Communists and Buzhardt said in an interview 'The policy is the department Communists or Communist After his death some . subversives — kept for 23 years the files had beek kept separate will not collect or store symPathizers. ni« Del Rio argued tne retured Army colonel'and Van Deman Van Deman died in 1952 and, were i Van Deman'i L rotliroH Armv nnlnnol ani< i n t f>l liupnrp commission by a from milifnrv firnm military intelligence inrnrmollon information on people r\n noonln not not was put into Uganda closes borders business to go out of business — his wife - has been turned over gathered through normal affiliated with the Dept. of according to Buzhardt's letter, ol«e to uuirornia Senate not to expand. to Sen. James O. Eastland, military procedures. "They were Defense. Period. This was as the U.S. Sixth_ Army, ,^°rdered411 President Idi Amin of Uganda warned President Julius "By the looks of its budget, D-Miss., by the Pentagon. not the type of thing that could good a way to get rid of them as headquartered in San Francisco, investigation to determine ... > K. Nyerere of Tanzania Thursday that he had ordered any," he said. assumed custody of at least owns the files and why they the commission seems to be the Ugandan armed forces to shoot down any aircraft creating civil injustice," he said. j Asked why the Pentagon 80,1,6 Van Deman's files, were housed in a public "Otherwise, why would they be Army Intelligence, Ralph Van personally saw the material, told retained the papers until March Buzhardt said there was a building. overflying this country's borders with Tanzania or De — were !" jn A A h d ■ * e the h Pentagon turned - several week's after Laird's Possibility Van Deman had made Rwanda. needing more and more money each year. from 1952 untj, ^ Mflrch p .... of the papers to directive - Buzhardt reiterated P"or arrangements for the Army In a lawsuit filed by t|* In a statement issued by his office in Kampala, Amin . Then Eastland asked for and got Eastland, totally purging the that he hadn't known of the to take the material upon his Research Library seeking return said his decision to close the borders meant that "all .hJSLS? the fiIes - said to contain the Defense Dept paper's existence. of the files, there was testimony movement" across them is prohibited and any craft ifri of the people lb it Iwas createdhT t t to names of as many as 250,000 information. He said under a — . Van Deman retired from the Buzhardt said Thursday, that the names had been used to trying to cross the border would be fired on with se"e- individuals and organizations _ directive issued by Secretary of Army in 1929. He settled in San however- >t is not official policy screen applicants and appoints antiaircraft missiles. The _ Commission ... hardly for subcommittee. his Internal Security Defense Melvin Laird last winer the department would have had Djego where he and his wife ^or tbe Defense Dept. to accept to state jobs, deserves the name 'Civil Rights' , , r.,, , ,, „ SALT off to good start be0mcTli?d°na pacification S«wedr Dept" general counsel,'disclosed The fifth round of strategic arms limitation talks between the United States and the Soviet Union got off to a good start in Helsinki, Finland Thursday and hole in which to ""'"Th? commissionblsepTnds shove our its , , ' .. subcommittee on constitutional n"~ " f, House balks a conference sources said both sides were optimistic and determined to reach agreement. At the opening session in the Soviet Embassy both sides "seemed anxious to make progress on the basis of The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of plan to cut property tax the May 20 announcement by both governments," the during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition House Speaker William Ryan, D-Detroit, and the House in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. By United Press International sources said. Democratic leadership, have insisted that the bill remain Member Associated Press, United Press International, committee unitl the budget and taxation bills for fiscal 1971-72 Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, The Michigan House, on a 54-50 vote Thursday, rejected a are worked out. Curfew follows Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Republican-led move to pry Gov. Milliken's property tax bombing Association. reduction plan out of a Democratic-controlled committee. Though the Democrats generally support the concept o[ property tax relief, they are hoping to tie in a graduated income Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial The move, which needed 55 votes, fell five votes short of Israeli security forces cracked down on a cluster of tax proposal with Milliken's plan. Republicans, however, want the and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan passage. Arab farm villages Thursday in Israeli occupied Jordan, two issues kept separate at the ballot box. State University, East Lansing, Michigan. House rejection of the motion to discharge the committee from further consideration of the proposal means it will remain in Supporters of the discharge motion argued that the property searching for Arab terrorists, who fired rockets into an tax relief plan should be worked out before lawmakers are asked Israeli city, killing two and wounding 20. Phones: committee until Democrats decide it should come out. to vote on an income tax increase for the current fiscal year. To All villages within 15 miles of the attacked city of News 355-8252 The proposal, if approved by the voters, would eliminate all Classified Ads 355-8255 property tax levies for school operating purposes except for an support's!^ billion-plus budget. Petah Tikvah were under curfew, lifted only briefly for Advertising 353-6400 optional six-mill enrichment levy. The revenues lost through "We're not talking about Republicans or Democrats," Rep. women to shop. Armed, helmeted soldiers trooped door Business Office 355-3447 property tax elimination would be made up with an increase in Loren Anderson, R-Pontiac, said. "We're talking about kids and to door, seeking what they called "suspicious persons." the state personal income tax the quality of their educations. It's high time we started settiing They appeared to behave firmly but politely. down and started representing the people who elected us." Taciturn Druse border police, fiercely anti - Arab despite their Moslem origins, kept the curfew in force in ARTHUR TREACHER'S this tiny village of stone houses and olive groves. Prof selected Cambodian drive Male Students Wanted: begins to head un it of South Vietnamese forces launched a new drive into THE ORIGINAL Cambodia Thursday, with 40 U.S. helicopters landing 1,500 men in the old battle ground of the Parrot's Beak. pay tor participation in veterinarians Dr. Charles F. Reed, associa The landings took place from six to nine miles inside TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: dean of the College ol Cambodia and the troops headed toward Svay Rieng, a provincial capital about 65 miles northwest of Saigon MOTIVATIONAL Veterinary Medicine, has been named president of the Michigan near the western edge of the beak. Tisli fcCWs, RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT Veterinary Medical Assn. He us selected for the one year term Simultaneously, 1,500 South Vietnamese who had RESEARCH - been operating around the Cambodian town of 2418 E. MICHIGAN at the organization's annual Kompong Trach began moving south toward Svay Rieng 99c and at meeting in Traverse City. 20 miles away. 4100 S. LOGAN PROGRAM RENT A T.V. $9-50 High level tcHks continue For information call: 353-5110 montn 25.00 I "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" or come to Room We deliver. .. President Nixon met for the third 401 successive day Thursday with UNIVERSITY T.V. RENTALS Computer Center between Secretary of State William P. Rogers in San Clemente, and aides said they 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Today Set" 351-7900 covered the gamut of all foreign policy matters facing them at the this week we arc feAtuwnc, sesais moment. This range naturally included the these speciAiiy pa iced ips Vietnam peace discussion in Paris, where the United States turned down a Viet Cong demand for pulling all U.S. troops out of Vietnam in When you want exchange for release of war prisoners. But the Western White House left a real Pizza, all reaction to the American negotiating team on the scene and to give me a call the State Dept. in Washington. Police ban on hair ends ON CAMPUS Blood Sweat & Tears 4 Steve Stills 2 $3.59 w? A short haircut and clean shave longer will be 3*23 e. grand a no Hightime MC5 $2.98 required for policemen in Berkeley, Calif, a university 1071 TROWBRIDGE Blue -Joni Mitchell $3.59 river town where long hair and beards are common. Because the City Council unanimously threw out a ban on long hair and beards this week, officers will be 337—1681 open daily 9-9 hired and promoted "on merit alone without regard to sat length of hair or facial hair," said Loni Hancock, one of three new council members elected on a radical ticket in 9-6 April and sponsor of the policy change. foRc,et to check our g^ck 'N' test called success A nuclear on 90 lLpives discounted If Atuues 40% & moRe, At le-AStr explosive designed to free natural gas trapped in rock formations was successfully tested under OFF CAMPUS the desert near Mercury, Nev. Thursday, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) officials said. The bomb, set off at the bottom of a 1203 E GRAND RIVER 1,733 - foot PHONE 351-5380 shaft, had the force of 80,000 tons of TNT, about four '®s that of the bomb 337—1631 dropped on Hiroshima. The C said it released no radiation into the atmosphere. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 9, 1971 3 ourt MILLIKEN, OFFICIALS MEET pn rights survivors State agencies join forces By 111V United Press International) Michigan Supreme Court to maintain order in parks reaffirmed a 1968 ruling that Gov. Milliken announced Wednesday plans to insure safety and Over the recent July 4 weekend, state police and DNR ^ivors of a stillborn baby may order in the Michigan State park system through a coordinated rangers reportedly arrested 202 persons in state parks in lower Michigan. e for damages if the baby was effort by various state enforcement agencies. Charges for most were disturbing the peace, minor larceny, illegal lllborn as the result of Milliken's statement followed a meeting with officials from the possession of alcohol and drug offenses. (gligence. Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Michigan State Police Sources said Milliken was disturbed about incidents in state The court Thursday, in a 5-2 on means of avoiding disorderly conduct, vandalism and other parks where motorcycle gangs and other disruptive groups ling, sa'd unborn children are security problems in state parks and campgrounds. intimidated and harassed family campers by stealing from them In addition, Milliken ordered more effective rifled as a "person" under utilization of and even in some instances forcing them out of parks or forest s state's Wrongful Death Act. currently staffed security personnel and top • priority attention to a request for an extra campgrounds. The case involved a fetus $500,000 in enforcement funds for this year's budget. Col. John Plants, state police director, said all his ,ich was stillborn as the result "These problems are occurring with eight district increasing frequency in commanders were instructed to meet this week with DNR injuries when its mother was parks across the nation," he said. "There have been some isolated officers and local enforcement officials to uck by a car. In the majority incidents in Michigan already this year. We are develop contingency anion, Justice Thomas E. 4 % % ^ accelerating efforts plans for coping with localized problems. to prevent reoccurrences and to ennan wrote "a fetus having guard against abuse of a park One among many system that is one of Michigan's finest assets." Ralph A. MacMullan, DNR director, said plans are underway to »d within its mother's womb is The governor speculated a record 25 million expand the number of areas where park rangers will patrol 24 ad; it will not come alive when Elenka Raschkow, Owosso senior, looks for a book in the third floor west section of the MSU park visitors for hours a day. He said that enforcement officers will also oarated from her. "The fact of 1971, or a rise of four million over the previous year. He said increase r library. efforts must be made to "avoid situations that detract from patrols when needed. is not to be denied." State News photy by Don Gerstner their enjoyment." Proposals were also submitted to Milliken for increased staffing for control and safety in state parks and forest campgrounds. State police also have plans for providing mobile support units More where needed. malpractice suits Both directors vowed to maintain the safety and security in outdoor recreation areas, and MacMullan stated some recreation JIM SHELDON medicine and forces many ruling Wednesday that said a raises "further spectres" of physician did not use the word seen sites may be forced to close disorders are not forthcoming. temporarily if means for controling discussing operations or State News Staff Writer doctors to take unnecessary doctor who makes a promise to malpractice bothers him, since a "cure" when talking to a medication with a patient. He An official in the College of measures to avoid law suits. cure a patient must follow physician, instead of relying on patient, if he told the patient his added doctors who cannot iman Medicine said Thursday Comments by Dr. Donald through with the pledge or face sound clinical judgment, may problems would be solved by prepare and condition his i believed the threat of Weston, associate dean for being found guilty of a breach of attempt to protect himself by going through an operation or patient mentally and physically ilpractice suits has become so clinical and community affairs, contract suit. ordering extra tests or taking medication it would for a serious operation is Eat that it interferes with good on a Michigan Supreme Court Weston said anything which unnecessary measures which amount to using the word crippled beforehand. interfere with good medicine. "cure." Asked what effect mental On the other hand, Weston Justice Eugene F. Black conditioning and an optimistic said said, the ruling might have a dissented on the decision and tconomic expansion positive effect on medical practice if it takes the "magic" said it meant a be a "first class physician would Pollyanna" if he outlook had on patients, Weston said mental and psychological aspects are very important, and out of medicine and helps did not find a lawyer before hope plays a big part. ailing below Nixon'sgoal patients realize doctors are neither perfect miracle-workers. Though doctors in this nor way PIONEER WASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon's economy Wednesday with Democrats criticizing ef economic adviser said Thursday inflation what they called "doubletalk" and may pursue cures more "pep talks" World Leader in stereo components. uld accelerate if the administration pushed the from the Nixon administration to boost the diligently, he said he believed the ruling would not have this Take inomy toward the target it laid out early this economy. advantage of our special closeout McCracken said the Nixon administration effect. Persons might view it as ir. prices now! We've seen the new models at Paul W. McCracken, chairman of the Council rejected tax cuts or other measures to stimulate just another "way to sue a the Electronics Show and have lowered Economic the economy, thus reducing unemployment, doctor." Advisers, acknowledged the nomic expansion in the first half of the year because of the fears of reactivating inflation. The court said even if a prices on old models. fallen below Nixon's target. McCracken said it is unlikely "that even a very T.V. RENTALS > Pioneer C-6000A. Complete temporary gain on the unemployment front can If the administration went all out to achieve be obtained by so stimulating the economy that > music system. AM/FM stereo, goal of $1,065 trillion Gross National Product year, he said, it could "revive inflation or at st seriously delay its abatement." The committee opend a mid-year review of the the inflationary rate would accelerate." Nevertheless, he predicted both inflation and unemployment will continue to decline through the remainder of 1971. $9.50 NEJAC TV RENTALS ^oth > , turntable and speakers. Reg. 550.00 >349 402 S CrD Washington A> Lansing 245 Ann Street NOW IIF.AR THIS FROM TIIK YOP HINGE __ East Lansing AT Till. STOHK WITH THE RED DOCK! Come see our selection of Pipe Tobaccos . . . Over two hundred, Plus 14 of our own Private Blends Campbell's Shop P The Store With The Red Door Ph. 332-4269 Learn to Lead With Us. n Enroll in im East Lansing State University Our enrollment depends entirely on you. Help a student help himself through college. Buy Student Aid Bonds, exclusively from East Lan¬ Army ROTC sing State Bank. Fully guaranteed by the Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Army ROTC these bonds yield 5.13% per annum daily compounded interest. Stu¬ is the leadership course. Enroll in Army ROTC and you learn to lead - to work with people. You're dents are selected upon the basis of need and the recommendation of assured of a challenging job after graduation with the option of returning to civilian life in two years or less - the University and with the approval of the Michigan Higher Educa¬ w'th a post - graduate "degree" in leadership and tion Assistance Authority. For further information, ask for our bro¬ management experience. chure at any of our branches. Plus take care of you while you're still in we will receive $50 school. You per month in your junior and senior years. You will have an opportunity to apply for an Army ROTC scholarship which pays for all tuition, books and fees. Interested? Call 355—1916 East Or stop us at Lansing State Bank by Demonstration East Lansing Okemos liaslett Brookficld Plaza Red Cedar at Trowbridge ^ Hall Today. Mich MICHIGAN BARNEY WHITE STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Love: no absolute existence # :^\ KEN LYNAM A friend of mine has the most peculiar haven't answered the primary question No, at the elemental level human beings personality is an appropriate complemeu to his and, thus, able to provide him with habit: he falls in love a lot. Yet inevitably, 'why?' I mean, you've described the do things for only two reasons: because advertising manager optimum feedback, as it is that he obtain symptoms of the malady, but you haven't they have to, or because they like to (or, t'mv^jr mm : % the scene never works out and, thus, the fiflUSfllATS recognition-feedback at all costs. To him \> . JOHN BORGER, managing editor bulk of his life is spent on a perpetual shed any light on the causes or the inner possibly, both). Thus, Homo sapiens "fall the feedback, the sweet nothings whispe^ W NO JT BOB ROACH, news editor elation-dejection pendulum. One moment he floats two inches off the ground workings of the thing." He nodded, lit a cigarette, ordered another pitcher and in love" a)because it is necessary (perhaps to continue the race) or b) because he in his ear, the recognition of hit BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor accomplishments is all important; never RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor starry-eyed; the next he is extricating subsequently moved in on a comely lady derives pleasure of some sort from the mind the source or it suitability so long at '^*n*ra ^ himself from the smoldering ruins of a scene whose crash registered "8" on the seated at an adjacent table. They are now very much "in love." state. To utilize alternative a) is to it is there. So he latches onto the first chick that Richter Scale. Obviously, we didn't resolve the crux of immediately fall victim to one of the seems even moderately interested in him Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award We were talking on it the other night the matter that evening, but I haven't been greatest semantic hassels of and, thereupon, sets foot upon a p»>ril0U| for outstanding journalism. with an eye toward resolving the question able to put the thing down. So I've English-speaking culture: the foggy escalator. At first "lets go out" is sufficient of "What am I doing wrong?" watched him and other folks that I know, double-think that holds love and sex to be to excite pleasure and, thus, appropriate "Well," he said, "I guess I just get locked and I've come up with a thesis of sorts. the same thing. They aren't, though one feedback from his opposite number. But in too hard. I mean I'm basically a Start from a point of philosophical can be complementary to the other. perhaps because of the unsuitability oftl* sort, so, like, I only do one scratch. What is this thing that our culture Simply, I don't think that in the absolute EDITORIALS monogamous thing with one chick at one time — and, has decided to label "love?" Webster: "To sense love is necessary for the biological match or because of other things, this mechanism soon wears thin man, like it gets so intense, the fire flares regard with a strong feeling of affection; to continuation of the race, or for that and, so hot, that we burn out all the potential have a devoted attachment to." Great, but matter, that the drive for procreation is an junkie-like, he feels compelled to increase the stimulus in order to maximize his 6U' courts stu of the scene in no time. You know, and then there's nothing left." We cogitated that for about four beers, so what? Even such a basic definition as this does little more than describe the manifestation of things already existent. "instinct" not to be denied. Besides, when we speak of "love" in the context of this column we are referring to a particular return. So, "you know, I really like you" serves Webster deals with cultural expression, behavior-matrix, incidental to sex as a sufficient prod for a time. But all too but somehow his paradigm didn't seem • this also corrodes and a further serving special soon complete. Finally, I said: "Yea, but you nothing more. In this light alternative b) appears to escalation is necessary to maintain ao provide the only viable solution. My friend falls in love repeatedly because he derives optimum level of reassurance. And the some sort of pleasure from it. In short, it love-addict moves to the ultimate step and Immediately south of the stadium University business office, declares: "I love you." And the seeds ot lie MSU's 40 tennis courts. Students provides him with a vehicle whereby he can presumably to make transfers of attain reassurance of his own personal tragedy have been sown: There's nowhere may use only 30 of them. monies to athletic accounts that existence and, thereby derive pleasure from to go from here, there are no further The Varsity Tennis Team plays on much easier. the allaying of anxiety. quantum levels to be bridged. Crash ic, those other 10 canvassed - in courts, The club president, one John right? And this is as it should be, Suehr, professor of education, claims "No, at the elemental level human those courts being in m&rkedly its membership of between 200 and beings do things for only two reasons: better condition than the common because they have to, or because they 250 is mostly students. Other people's 30. like to (or, possibly, both). Thus. Homo University - related folk and But the varsity isn't practicing this outsiders trail, in that order. sapiens 'fall in love' a) because it is summer. Instead, the courts have A quick glance at the membership necessary (perhaps to continue the race) been reserved for the exclusive use of or b) because he derives pleasure o f some list, however, brings to mind pre - the East Lansing Tennis Club sort from the state. " game warmups on the tailgates of (ELTC) so students still can't play station wagons. It's darn hard to be a truly solitary man. therefore, inevitable. on them. Most of this year's money, For the average person the time-honored Obviously, all scenes do not fit into thk Unless they join the ELTC. according to Suehr, will go toward equation of "I think, therefore I am" is not paradigm. There are, of course, some fn The ELTC is not a registered Junior Development - kiddie sufficient to reassure one that he does, in which have proved quite viable, though student organization. instruction. Eighty of the members, fact, exist — and meaningfully. A whether because of optimum personality So why does it rate the use of it turns out, are Junior Developers, touchstone comprised of one's own fit, or self-delusion of an advanced degm substance is fraught with the potentiality or what, I'm not sure. Simply. I in University facilities? It has, each of or the sons and daughters of ELTC for deception. It is necessary, therefore, discussing the great many pc, pie whom the past four years, donated its members. In love with love and doing the t hing for la that a person find an exlstentlally "other" residual treasury to the Ralph H. Motives sake alone. For the truly successful scene entity to serve the purpose of recognition Young Scholarship Fund, that's why. Suehr says he thinks perhaps the through contrast. If In the absolute sense there is a truly In other words, what's left over Thus, we need someone to Impress, successful scene - I would suggest tliati club ought to become a University - someone to respond to our overtures and word-construct other than threadbui after lessons for their kids, trophies recognized student organization. to recognize and, thereby, solidify, our "love" be applied. for their tournaments, shoulder Perhaps it ought. Perhaps, though, existence-matrix — our hopes, dreams, patches for their warmup jackets, the University should make clear its methods of conducting business, etc. In This is a crucial point. Mlllcnla of pot# salaries for their gate guards, a Coke motives for according anyone sum, someone to provide pleasurable and aside, Webster was right when he ■nrlW machine and a telephone for their exclusive use of any facility. reassuring recognition-feedback. Optimally, a process Instead of a definable thln| convenience and court maintenance this could be any person regardless of sex, Simply, there Is no absolute value, Since the MSU organizations and Indivisible essence, which but because of quirks In this particular elemental (the electric bill) buys athletes. A policy clearly gives student culture It is deeply Ingrained that such a may be called "love". Rather, thil thousand bucks worth of athletes a organizations priority over outside person should be a member of the mystique-ridden vocai symbol describe! year. organizations in reserving University "opposite sex " A harmless, if somewhat nothing more or less than a mechanism Anyone may contribute to MSU limiting prerequisite. method of obtaining pleasure t!iroi facilities, could 20 students band The problems arise when people, like my existential reassurance. intercollegiate athletics by joining together in an organization and pre • friend, get hung up with the form rather The question now, of course, is whetha ELTC. Fees for students are five empt those 10 courts? V/3£ ALL SO S/MPLE. . . W£U &L6T STAMP THE than the substance of the thing. It is not so a process or operational figuration still cil bucks; nonstudent, SI5; family, $25. And for that special a la carte tennis It depends, we suspect, whether SUPREME COURTS DEC/9/ON TOP SECRET/' important that he find an individual whose be an absolute In the functional sense. such an organization would have the occasion, 75 cents a day. wherewithal to up the Ralph Young Before this year a nonmember Scholarship ante. ART BUCHWALD could use the ELTC courts until a Students have objected to ELTC's member came along to play, but now reverse eminent domain before, and the club has hired "supervisors" to the club's response, if the student keep out all the rabble all the time. bitched loud enough, has been to Earlier this summer the club got a his $5 membership fee for him, keystone pay little carried away and began locking off its entire 10 - court area, but there were some dog - in - the - thus hassles. Could co - opting most potential another organization as Secrets: to power? manager - type beefs, and now, if clearly without official - save one gets there before 8 a.m. or after financial ties to the University LONDON There is far interest in "How's that?" - — more scale as the Americans, and they might not dark, he may make use of the courts. the secret Pentagon in England than "Well if Americans can't keep their permanently reserve a handball papers be worthy of being stolen by anothfl ELTC has an account with the court? A classroom? The third floor one might think. secrets, they aren't much use to us are major power, but I assure you, sir, after Melton Bulberry, a British foreign He confided in me sadly, "Don't tell they? I mean to say, if everyone in the of the Library? Jenison Fieldhouse? proper testing our secrets will have to be service-type, told me at his club the other anyone, but we haven't had a worthwhile world knows the secrets and we're the only reckoned with." Misplaced Memo The executive vice president and day: secret since 1956 when we decided to go ones who have laws forbidding their "It seems to me," I said, "that it would To: East the athletic director should take "This sort of thing could never happen into Suez." printing, look bloody silly, don't we?" Lansing Mayor Gordon L. we be a mistake for Great Britain at this stage in England. We have the Official Secrets "That's over 15 years ago," I said. "You don't look good," I admitted. Thomas immediate steps to correct this to go it alone. While it's true the American situation. Any other get - rich - quick Act. Anyone who leaks a secret in this "Oh, we know it. As a matter of fact, all "There's a big move on in this country are leaking like sieves, I would think it* Re: Uppity students who think secrets since then have been American country goes straight to the nick." (Jail) our now to refuse any future American secrets. still better to know an important sccretof schemes should also be discontinued "That's wondeful," I said. That's why the Pentagon paper they should be able to vote ones. leaks Many people believe that England should somebody else's than have a secret of you' at once. "It is," he agreed. "The only trouble is have been so disturbing." develop its own secrets or it will become a own that no one cares about. Why, it Your Honor — Should it become the policy of second class power." Britain started developing its own secret! We tried, but an hour and a half stall other branches of the University to "But isn't that rather expensive?" I said. every foreign spy in England would fleetl* was the best we could come up with repay its contributors with such OUR READERS' MIND "I should say it is. Just the cost of country." rubber stamps to mark all our documents - and they still wouldn't go away. favors, Michigan State is likely to "There's always that risk," my frie® top secret would take up more than half of said. "But at the same time, if we a# —Beverly C. become known as America's first England's defense budget. dependent for our secrets on the Unit* land - grant whore. E. L. not so antistudent was "But you people are forcing us into it. It all right when your secrets were States, we should at treatment with the New York Times least get equ# and UNIVERSITY Cheated confined to only a handful of men high in Washington Post." on To the Editor: y Recently, there has been much made of alleged difficulties encountered by any treatment. the same cordially. Another student registered at time and was also treated your government. But when you opened them up to every Tom, Dick and Daniel Ellsberg, then we had to take another look "You mean to say you about the Pentagon papers them in the newspapers?" knew not until you sa* MSU student who tried to register to vote at the situation." Perhaps the city of East Lansing is not "Precisely. Here we are, the only al|J in East Lansing. "Is it possible Drag the antistudent as some would have us after ail these years to so that's stood by the United Stales sinoj Prof I On June 30th I registered to vote at city hall, and, though I am obviously a student, received prompt and courteous believe. Ralph A. Moulton E. Lansing senior develop your own secrets?" I asked my foreign office friend. "Quite possible," he said huffily. "Oh, World War II, and we knew as much abo» the Vietnam war plans as the United Congress. That, sir, is no way l<> Stat* trea" Miffed over that 1.5 you got in of the Union address - an act July 2,1971 we might not have them on the same large friend." Soc. 241? And the prof is being really prohibited by her Orthodox Jewish hard - nosed just because you did not take the final? Don't sweat it - just faith. McNeil's any answer: "If I did have bias against (her) it was for Boa bandit (take that,) you stupid , t I LIKE SUMMER VACATION... IT'S THE ONLY TIME WHEN sue the miscreant for your rightful incompetence." A Chicago court will VOU CAN RUN RI6HT VP TO 4.5. decide the matter. To the Editor: ^school!! y A SCHOOL AMP KICK IT! On the morning of July 1, someone stole A bizzare scenario certainly, but Before you flood the judiciary one of my two boa constrictors from my Time magazine reports that is with grade change cards, however, office in the Psychology Research Building precisely what is happening at remember one very important thing: while I was teaching a class. The fact that Northwestern University. Phyllis judicial precedents are often two - only one snake was taken would seem to indicate that the motive was other than to r" " " " Butler, a ~ graduate student in way streets. If profs can be sued for resell the animal for profit. Perhaps the 7-8 Northwestern's Medill School of bad grades, it seems logical to thief desired it as a pet, or intends to use it ll-ri 11 IF I EVER 6ET 'i0 BE A Journalism, is suing Neil V. McNeil, a presume that they can, in turn, in some form of prank. in7 IVE DECIDED ) THEOLOGIAN, I'M 60IN6 TO 0E professor,because she contends the F initiate litigation against wayward These particular snakes, however, are jSOMETHIN he subjects in research project which has WHAT THEY CALL A "THEQL06I AN gave her prevented her from students. a IN THE MARKET PLACE" been in progress for over a year. The loss of getting a master's degree and harmed Give it a couple of years and a this snake will seriously disrupt my her personal and professional student could innocently reach into research on these animals. Its return would reputation. his mailbox and come out with a be deeply appreciated. Miss Butler claims the grade handful of District Court summonses Daniel F. Tortora resulted from her failure to cover for smoking in Berkey, excessive cuts E.Lansing graduate Hudent President Nixon's Friday night State or talking In class. July 1,1071 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 9, 1971 5 Candidate emphasiz 1 • '• East randidate By State RICK WILBINS News Staff Writer Lansing City Council Elyse Eisenberg said is concerned in her first bid long while but that the city council has failed to apply that research to making the environment more livable. "East Lansing could be an and the changed to lessen rocketing rental rates. "Through the tax structure, amount of rent pould be reduced. The landlord charged "There's a question of the environment and the lack of police and fire department and community activities and help their functioning," she said. "It's centers are responsible for much very possible that the structure should be changed to a public of the drug crisis. "Essentially, what I would TflooCoo- DEPARTMENT STORES election with directing the example to other communities. practices in this town have to be safety department. The role of like to see," Miss Eisenberg said, East Lansing community toward We have the money, the brains controlled to protect those who the women in these departments "is a more together communitv: moTe "livable" environment, and the volunteers. There's no can't afford to be financially should change, too. The more sharing, more mphasizing ecological reason why we can't put these exploited." emphasis in these departments is community-sponsored mprovement and all together." Miss Eisenberg said that she on enforcement but should be recreational and educational iminu ni ty-sponsored activities She said she feels that parking questions the function of the on peace and public service." facilities, in general a more and programs. space should be centralized and police and fire departments as Miss Eisenbere said she fepls psychologically and physically »I feel that the people that the remaining parking lots that the livable environment," she said. they exist now. tense pyschological re governing the world in turned into parks or general are not moving fast playgrounds. enough to assure survival, not . Fourth in a series of 16 "More parking lots are built in minimal survival but an ultimate Lansing is to stop laying human fulfillment," she said. "I think that this type of progress pavement. Right now the water table is far too low. The kind of water that does run down off an effort to expand business in East Lansing, but I am totally opposed to this. We have neither Abusive drinkers sh ow Now thru Sunday Specials has to begin somewhere. If the transportation routes nor the the surface area is so filled with anyplace can attain that goal, utilities for the increased the your East Lansing can." hydrocarbons and signs early, prof things number of people generated by Miss Eisenberg, resident of a women's and children's co-op on Evergreen 23, is a that come out of the atmosphere that it is becoming unsafe. That has to be reversed." more business. We don't have enough parks for children as it is now," she said. even laiims choice Street and has been a resident of Miss Eisenberg also said that Miss Eisenberg said she feels East Lansing should take a An MSU psychologist wants manifest self control East Lansing since 1965. She the city is also sorely lacking in to see create, it's often possible to and graduated from MSU with a serious look at improving its potential problem predict the future drinking problems." community-sponsored activities drinkers detected bachelor's degree in psychology waste sewage treatment. and programs. early in life. habits of children even before Zucker believes the schools in 1970. She is now enrolled at "Our sewage treatment is "There's almost no choice of Perhaps by the time they are they take their first drink. and social service agencies MSU as a biochemistry major in mostly of the primary and eight or nine years old. If one or both parents abuse should make a greater effort to day care centers in East Lansing. order "to more fully understand secondary sort, no tertiary, There should be outlets like this alcohol there is a strong isolate those children who come It's possible to do so, Robert from homes where problem environmental problems." She which eliminates the provided. In Lansing, there are A. possibility that their children worked as a clerk in the U.S. phosphates," she said. "There's a Zucker, associate professor of will abuse it, according to the drinking is prevalent. programs to supply needed Senate last summer and has also totally new approach in Chicago psychology, said because alcohol MSU scientist. supplies to those who need it. abuse is worked for the Peace Corps. where raw is We should have the same here. part of a pattern of Conversely, homes where sewage being antisocial behavior that can be Miss Eisenberg said she feels removed and composted and There should be a prenatal care alcohol is used moderately used for fertilizer. We could do seen even in grade school. [hat every effort should be made center as well as more generally produce children able that here." "Like other forms of to develop responsible drinking to increase "the livablility" of recreational facilities for he environment. Miss Eisenberg said that East behavior," Zucker says, patterns. children. East Lansing simply "One way we could improve Lansing has been the source of has too little in the way of "drinking is a learned he environment here in East ecological experimentation for a phenomenon." "The eight - year - old child community-sponsored programs It is learned in the home, he from a home characterized by for its residents. Miss Eisenberg continues, and by looking at the alcohol abuse has a socialization said she feels the city council is not serving its purpose as an drinking patterns of parents and problem," Zucker says. "He is the family environment they instrument of communication likely to have trouble in school within the community. "The city council should Budget "East Lansing could be provide a public voice but it's s not doing that. As major issues an example to other come along, we should go out communities. We have the and take a survey or open a money, the brains and the phone line or request post cards volunteers. reason why these all together." we There's can't put no or something in that vein. The city council should take a stand on an issue, international, for grilling national or local, and make that Beef for the grill will be Elyse Eisenberg easier steaks up and the price of roasts stand public. There's no adequate communication on the budget if you forequarter cuts, an MSU select down," Sheila Morley said. "The most economical buys will be travel m clockm between the city council and consumer marketing information chuck roasts, chuck steaks, community citizens at present." agent suggested. rump, sirloin tip and round roasts." "This is the season when Other reasonable priced demand pushes the price of outdoor cooking favorites are chicken — young, tender broilers — and turkey. rfect timing. For travel and Young blacks said facing "If your barbecue has a rotisserie, don't miss the treat of barbecuing a young turkey," Mrs. Morley advises. major employment crisis MEN'S 17 JEWIUD PAUL RAYNARD CALENDAR WATCH MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) legacy of racism and the result to give the regulation teeth have minority groups ... Black Americans face a major of past and present not been exercised once, Hill isis of unemployment and discrimination." declared. "The government has made a underemployment, Herbert Hill, Hill said that the employment "The federal contract irockery of the much vaunted the labor director for the problem is the single most compliance apparatus has contact compliance program and ational Assn. for the directly subsidizing racial volatile factor causing urban become a vehicle of bureaucratic is Advancement of Colored People unrest. discrimination in employment to duplicity and delay that has led (NAACP) said Thursday. 'The rates of Hill said rates of to bitter frustration for black the extent of billions of dollars IS unemployment for black workers and members of other of public funds," Hill charged. unemployment among youth have now reached disaster black workers in the 25 major centers of urban nonwhite population § $|486 >3 levels," he told delegates to the are between 25 and 40 per cent. NAACP's annual convention in a For black ghetto youth, he prepared speech. "And if they added, the rate will be over 50 continue - and unfortunately per cent by midsummer. Ihere is every reason to believe The principle of job equality they will - then it is necessary was laid down by President to conclude that entire generation virtually an of ghetto Franklin D. Roosevelt in an executive order in 1941, but Special Offer outh will never enter the labor since that time, the contract orce. cancellation provisions designed CHOICE OF "Their only future will be a Tiarginal, alienated existence, FASHION SINGS FREE PICK-UP separate and unequal within American society. This is the AND DELIVERY RENT A T.V. 8 ,<5° month We deliver 25 00 fj LOUIS fan lansing mall 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy. V'- ^ (£& lor .. . CLEANERS UNIVERSITY T.V. RENTALS ONE HOUR SERVICE Same day 351-7900 623 E. Grand River Phone 332-3537 THE c r//SPLAZA COSTUME JEWELRY SALE Communitylity Owned... Owned ... Sen Serving the Community FOR RENT Overlooking the Capitol We Vrt rotiucati BUY Honeymoon our tegular low DIAMONDS suites Color prices oven lower to hr/rtg you this WITH with round beds W*£ A fashionable assort¬ TVs! ment CONFIDENCE 300 Rooms .if these spectacular 135 Remodeled in every High rise prongs $179 30 DAY Room We have several furnished, large family homes available for Money •New Furnishings 1 - °ne year lease. For more information - Call Martha Mertz back -349 3310. Eves. 339-9466 guarantee SIMON REAL ESTATE THE PLAZA Earrings, pins, bracelets ... a rare selection with styles to match every costume in your wardrobe. They're flatteriny and fun to wear. MSU-OKEMOS Come save on each selection and buy an additional piece with what (Former Jack Tar Hotel) BRANCH OFFICE 125 W. Michigan hip you! | 4217 Okemos Rd., Okemos 3*^ from the Capitol yWOOLCO MERIDIAN IMLLl™ Diamonds across Phone 349-3310 enlarged to show detail. Eai ,qeo^'^'r8'^.^^Ma,vsh-.Ftoad 1 1. J ^ I Friday, July 9, 197, £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Center By RAY State News Staff ANDERSON Writer because it blocks analyzes street drugs the inhibitory ability of some nerves thereby traffic because the producing agent in THC requires effect parasympathetic nervous system symptom that produces LSD which controls the secretions of like results. - another drug's "high." These various ingredients found in the 39 drugs analyzed heightening their response to liquid nitrogen refrigeration to the stomach, throat, and sweat stimulous. But he emphasized remain active. glands. Six per cent of the drugs by DEC comprised 41 per cent "I'll take two with the pink analyzed by DEC contained of the material used, and were the difference between the belladonna, and 13 per cent then sold to the unknowing stripe, an M and M, and a piece amount needed to heighten a Another drug frequently Used in proper amounts it has of chocolate." The excited kid particular drugs effect, and the beneficial medical effects, he more contained various other public as something else. That being sold as a hallucinogen is something else was most exchanges his money for the amount needed to produce the belladonna which, according to said, but in toxic amounts it inorganic contaminants such as generally a hallucinogen like goods and makes a hasty retreat poisons intended convulsive McNeill, is most frequently produces an effect very similar ergot alkaloid compounds and LSD, THC or mescaline, but also to his particular corner of the effect would be very very small. found in cold preparations and to a high fever including a organic phosphates which, included were depressants, sleeping agents such as Nytol. temperature, delerium, and according to a DEC spokesman, world. Nineteen per cent of the 39 Now he's stuck with decisions stimulants and marijuana street drugs analyzed by the East The belladonna compounds, dryness of skin, mouth and are not necessarily harmful, but derivatives such as hashish. because, according to the new - Lansing Drug Education Center McNeill said, block the throat. The delerium is the only won't heighten the effect of estate street corner - - - (DEC) during the past six entrepreneur - salesman, the one months contained strychnine. A with the pink stripe contained small green tab with a line THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol); through its center being sold TASK FORCE SET UP the M and M, LSD; and the here recently as mescaline was chocolate, mescaline. found to contain 50 per cent. After a moment's perplexity The convulsions might well be he swallows the M and M, "turns the result of another additive or up the jams," and waits for it to melt his head. Eight hours later our with friend returns from his trip plenty of sore muscles to go with his fantasies. hallucinogenic substitute known as PCP, McNeill said. Originally developed as an anesthesia, he said, Fishing dispute studied I call upon Indians and sportsmen to refrain from destructive The sore muscles, according phencyclodine (PCP) grew A joint task force consisting of representatives of the actions, and urge all parties to work with thctask force to arrive to John McNeill, MSU professor unpopular because among varied Governor's office, the Indian Affairs Commission and the at a satisfactory agreement." side effects it caused Natural Resources Commission (NRC) was appointed by Gov. The issue follows a decision handed down by the Michigan of pharmacology, probably are hallucinations, and occasional Milliken to resolve the dispute surrounding Indian commercial Supreme Court in April which gave Indians permission to fish the direct result of convulsions muscle spasms. It's medicinal use fishing activities in the state. commercially in northern Michigan waters previously restricted to from strychnine poisoning. The today is limited to animals, The governor asked the task force to develop recommendations sport fishing by the DNR. poison is finding increasing where it is used as a tranquilizer, that the Indian Affairs Commission and the NRC could reach This precipitated a violent reaction on the part of many popularity in the street drug so Rain wash he said. agreement by July 16 on the following points: an Indian fish northern fishermen who found their favorite streams blocked management plan; an Indian administrator in the Dept. of Natural scene. Unfortunately, on at least one with nets, and an allegation by the DNR that commercial fishing Barb Hunt, Clarksville junior, seems undaunted by the Strychnine has a peculiar occasion those muscle spasms Resources (DNR); and the hiring of Indian enforcement officers by Indians may destroy state lake trout and whitefish afternoon downpour as she shampoos her hair and ability to heighten the effect of have been read as strychnine and other field personnel in the DNR. populations. conserves water at the same time. On a sour note however, a drug, McNeill explained, poisoning, McNeill said, and two The task force will hold hearings in northern Michigan with The governor further asked the Dept. of Civil Service and other her hair might not have come clean if the rain water people died when they were departments to assist the task force in arriving at an agreement. Indian leaders and sportsmen to determine the feasibility of Gov. treated with Thorozine. collected too much of the pollutants in the air. Central United Methodist Milliken's recommendations. Time and place of the hearings will Milliken said, "I am alarmed by the potential for further State News photo by Doug Bauman Thorozine is a depressant which be announced later. Across from the Capitol counteracts the effect of deterioration of the situation between sportsmen and Indians. WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A.M. strychnine, but multiplies the effect of phencyclodine. residency SUMMER SERVICE Phencyclodine was a major Voter 7:00 THURSDAY Topic ingredient of three per cent of the 39 street drugs analyzed by "There's A Bit of Devil In Us All" DEC, and was most frequently Dr. Lyman sold THC sery, Toddlers, Kindergarten (tetrahydrocannabinol), the states where he intends to be a before I have the bill reported whole town," Weber said. counted in their college 10 AM active ingredient in marijuana. student voter residency in First to 4th Grades, Church School college towns, sits in the state resident in an affidavit which is out." Rep. Raymond J. Smit, R - residences, "including The THC pills being sold Ann Arbor, said he not dormitories, and in no House Elections Committee. filed with the clerk of the local When contacted, Rep. Jim was today, according to McNeill, are House Bill 4017, introduced unit of government where he Brown, R - Okemos, said he did familiar enough with Vaughn's place. If students who were the biggest hoax in illicit druj While the East Lansing voter intends to reside, shall be not know that the bill was being bill to comment. counted are not permitted to residency imbroglio is scheduled in January by Rep. Jackie FIRST ASSEMBI. > OF GOD to be discussed this afternoon Vaughn, D Detroit, would considered a resident of that held up pending consultations East Lansing Mayor Gordon vote in that place, districts with UNIVERSITY - L. Thomas 1125 Weber Dr. with legislators from college says he supports colleges will receive more than before Circuit Court Judge Ray allow an individual to decide his place which he has stated in his (a bl. N. of F. Gr. River at SEVENTH-DAY Hotchkiss, a bill that would legal residence for himself. affidavit." towns. Vaughn's bill. their share of legislative Downer) "I support the bill," Brown "It would have changed us a representation." ADVENTIST CHURCH settle the entire question of The bill says: "A person who Rep. Alfred A. Sheridan, D - added. "It closely parallels the few years ago; it would change In addition, Rhoades' paper' Rev. Richard W. Bishop. Pastor Taylor and chairman of the East Lansing situation." Ann Arbor now. They ask a points out inconsistencies in Sabbath School 9:30 UNIVERSITY House Elections Committee, Other legislators from college series of questions and registering voters in different Worship Service 11:00 says he will not allow the bill to 9:45 A.M. COLLEGE CLASS bAPTIST CHURCH ALL SAINTS be reported out of committee towns said they too were determine residency on the basis Michigan college towns. 10:50 A.M. CAMPUS ACTION K. G. Smith, pastor EPISCOPAL CHURCH until he has received approval unaware of the reasons behind of the registrant's answers," The report ends with a list of the holdup of the bill. Thomas said. public figures in college towns TEAM Meeting at 2606 South Hagadorn 800 Abbott Road from a "good number" of 149 "At present, the people in my "We do want registrants to who support the bill, including 7:00P.M. EVANGELISTIC Highland Ave. Phqtrte 351-7160 legislators representing college area request that I oppose the show an ID with a current Sen. Anthony Stamm, J.P. KOLENDA Call 351-8994 if you need transportation John D. Walden - Pastor \ 18:00 HqIV Cbrrifnunion ' towns. "This bill will affect these bill if It would allow students address to verify they do live in Kalamazoo, Sen. Gilbert Transportation - - 484-6640 • Communion and Sermon East Lansing," Thomas added. For Information 332-1888 individuals the most," Sheridan living in dormitories to vote in Bursley, R - Ann Arbor, and the The Rev. Wm. A. Eddy, Rector or Transportation said recently. "Because of this, I college towns," Rep. Roy Smith, Vaughn's bill would require Republican and Democratic city Reilly "The Sun Also Rises" 11:00 A.M. The Rev. Jack Hilyard, Chaplain Rev. Bus Schedule 332-8472 want to consult with them R - Ypsilanti, said. "The bill in only the signing of an affidavit. councils in Ann Arbor. its present form would allow No ID would be necessary. Gov. Milliken also supports east lansingTrinity church EDGEWOOD UNITED CHURCH nontaxpaying students to vote on community taxes, a situation Robert F. Rhoades, a student at the University of Michigan, the bill. In a letter to Rhoades, Milliken said, "I believe every E. which seems quite contradictory conducted a study of voting in citizen above the age of 1! Eugene Williams, 841 Timberlane Drive 469 N. Hagadorn Minister Iff 1 to many in my district." college towns, which was should have the right to East Lansing UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN An Ecumenical Fellowship Rep. William Weber, R - submitted to the committee. determine his own ptaci "ir Interdenominational II I Te,eph„™; 351-8200 CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE Worship Service 9:30 Kalamazoo, said he also was unaware of Sheridan's desire to The study participation is shows voter decreased by voting of residence for voting purposes." University Class 9:45 a.m. 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River confer with college town inconveniences in casting ballots. "Our Unclaimed Riches" According to the study, "the fi. Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m. legislators. Weber said he was Rev. Reilly preaching with Communion Service ° " opposed to Vaughn's bill. student who must go out of his Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7 ;00 p.m. ALWAYS OPEN Dr. Robert Harris, Choirmaster "I think the present situation is desirable. No one who comes way to register and meet certain deadlines for applying for and Director Minister. Kail Ruffner " • Can 332-0606 or 332-8< to town for two or three years returning his absentee ballot has of giving G should be allowed to run the an increased inconvenience." UNIVERSITY UNITED 332-5193 332-3035 351-7844 Rhoades also adds in his study METHODIST CHURCH T.V. RENTALS that many young people living at appointed Free Transportation FIRST CHURCH OF school feel "actually Free Service _ per 1120 South Harrison CHRIST SCIENTIST disenfranchised because they do Phone 351-7030 not feel informed enough to cast Grand River at Haslett Entrance OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH their ballots." Michael A. Weber, native ol East Lansing The study points out that in St. Joseph, Mich., has been 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos the 1970 census, students were named director of annual giving Rev. Donn Doten (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn, >/< mi. S. of Gd. R. behind MEIJER'S) Sunday Services 10:00 a.m. for the MSU Development Fund. Lesson Sermon Subject ■ His duties will include An Independent Church With A Biblical Message "Sacrament" Glenn Herriman, Inc. planning and coordinating all mail campaigns for MSU alumni Morning Worship 9:30 9:45 a.m. Church School — all ages Wednesday Testimonial Meeting and friends, coordinating fund Church School 9:30 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services 8:00 p.m. activities for the college and Buses on Campus Sunday School to age 20 departmental programs and For Transportation Call 349-2830 or 349-2533 10:00 a.m. developing special fund raising W.E. Robinson, Pastor appeals for alumni clubs and Christian Reformed Church class projects. Reading Room Temporarily Weber succeeds Arthur F, and Student Center Located in Church Loub, who was recently LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES OPEN promoted to managing director 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) Weekdays 9-5 p.m. of the fund. The alumni Visit our new Student Center — Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., association was recently LCMS ALC - LCA for Students and for Students at eves 7-9 p.m. reorganized to emphasize the open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. Faculty at solicitation of contributions and University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel PHONE: 482-6226 Lunch 444 Abbott Road All are welcome to attend gifts from the private sector. Wednesday 12:30 -1:30 Division & Ann Streets 332-2559 332-0778 Church services and visit and use the reading room. Pastor David Kruse MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. WORSHIP HOURS 8:15 a.m. Matins Rev. Hoksbergen, preaching Rev. Brink, preaching 9:15 a.m. Common Service "Womens Lib" 10:30 a.m. Common Service 11:30 a.m. New Expressions for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 1518 S. Washington Sunday 7 p.m. Lansing "Look Out For The Devil" What clever attacks does Satan level at us today? 9:45 A.M. College Bible Class in the fireside room. "?h& thlng! i! Coke. s,t®le rea* thing. * Dr. Ted Ward, MSU, Teacher Culottes $3.25 Summer" Floppy • Beach Pants $2.98 Hat $1.98 "Faith Comes To Life" Put'■(MIC 1 Boys'Shorts $3.25 *Details where you buy Coke. FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Call 482-0754 for information. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 9, 1971 7 SPORTS } Tigers' Cash nam Track clinic has variety Ijcis ► a For Detroit Tiger (be/afed) S fans, the All - Star Game scheduled for By TERRY FICORELLI State News Sports If you have gone by MSU's Writer Dill's Detroit teammate, Amos Brown. Northern "We think this clinic is one of Some of the participants from the first session will also stay for next week's second class, Daily workouts are held at the outdoor track, with the indoor track being utilized on rainy days, All participants in the affair stay in university residence halls. the reasons for the improvement " the Detroit park on Tuesday evening won't be an entirely outdoor track, better known as of Michigan track, as superior wasted affair afterall. Ralph Young Field, during this performances around the state ► News out of Baltimore has last year's American League past week, you may have done a indicate," Bibbs noted. most valuable player, John "Boog" Powell, nursing a double - take. :*&•» m- * "The instructors at the clinic fracture in his right wrist. The reason: four females have The hairline fracture will put Powell, the winner of the try to help organize the high ► been keeping pace with the fellas school athlete, so he will be fans' balloting for the all star first base slot, on the shelf for in the opening session of MSU'S ' better prepared when he goes a week to ten days. Powell is forced to withdraw from the third annual Track and Field back to school," Gibbard added. All -Star game. ► Coaching Clinic. "No actual recruiting can be Detroit's Norm Cash, who finished second to Powell in ► the voting by some 200,000 marks, will step into the The two week, double session done wh"e these sessions take , starting line - up. clinic is headed up by MSU head Place- This would be breaking The move actually bolsters the American League line - track coach Fran Dittrich as well standards of the NCAA." " up. Cash, considered one of the premier fielding first Also lending a hand to the , sackers of the circuit, carries into the game a .298 average, proceedings are four ex-Spartans as opposed to Powell's .220. . And . ... oui i w^° distinguished themselves Cash is leading the AL in home runs with 19 whereas according to Gibbard, durj their6co„ iate careers jn five p mnrp more nf the of fairer sex the fairer are se* are p Powell has only 14. The only thing Powell has over Cash due in next Monday for session track and field statistics - wise is runs batted in, as Powell maintains a ► 54-47 bulge. number two. They are Bob Steele, NCAA ^ Cash, who turned the boo - birds of previous seasons into "The purposes of the clinic 440 Intermediate Hurdles _ ■ cheers this season, was not even supposed to play in the are to help develop track and Champion 1966-67); Gene field the high Washington, NCAA 60 - High 1]^ ■ game. Baltimore manager and all - star manager Earl Weaver programs school, junior high, and even the on Hurdles Champion (1965), now ^ decided that he would go with only one regular first baseman on the premise that other players on the grade school levels throughout working in MSU's Placement squad the state," Gibbard said. Bureau during his off - season - (Carl Yastrzemski, Frank Robinson, A1 Kaline, and Harmon from the Minnesota Vikings; Killebrew) have all had experience at first and could fill in We have all these age groups hjeh Mke Bo Safe again! ' if the situation arose. first Bj Ten represented including four girls ■ T tQ c,ear seyen f a*d . . . 1)^ Cash will join team mates A1 Kaline, Bill Freehan, and enrolled in this first session We John Wj, a le vaulter of New York Yankee outfielder Bobby Murcer slides in safely at second base with one of three expect five more next week. jg . feet doubles he tallied during game possibility that Bill Freehan might join Cash in the starting Several against Detroit Wednesday night. Detroit shortstop Ed Brinkman top flight makes late tag on Murcer. I; line up because of a slow healing injury to first team Star - performers who have utilized fl_ The first session of the clinic catcher Ray Fosse of Geveland. the clinic to great advantage wraps up today ^ secon(J have been Marshall Dill, recently session, also a week long, begins recruited by MSU, as well as Monday. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••MM, Tigers named SHORT ON CASH? Consider this SPECIAL OFFER from the Stereo MKTS Shoppe. Right now you can save $108 on this complete ) All - Star team Marantz Model 26 system with 3 year guarantee! WKAR All at the fabulous selling price of BOSTON (UPI) - The included Don Buford of ^unnn complete I American League added a flock Baltimore, Frank Howard of the V/ilUvU L *t / RECEIVER AND TWO SPEAKERS ■ of .300 hitters to the fan - Senators, All - Star veteran A1 Add the BSR 310 Automatic Turntable I chosen veteran starters Thursday Kaline of Detroit, Bobby Murcer ... a ■ for the 42nd All - Star game in of the Yanks and Amos Otis of complete four - piece system for only . . . I Detroit next Tuesday night. Kansas City. ^^^00 I With an obvious eye toward Pitchers in addition to Blue Stereo MERIDIAN MALL ■ breaking his league's eight - game included Mike Cuellar and Jim ■ All- Star losing streak, American Palmer of Baltimore, ■ League Manager Earl Weaver of LoIich Mickey Shoppe Special Credit Plans. ■ Baltimore also confirmed that McDowell of of Detroit, Sain 1 90 days Summer Lay away STORE ONLY ■injured starter John "Boog" Messersmith of California, Marty ■Powell would be replaced at first Pattin of Cleveland, Andy Milwaukee, Jim Perry to pay same as . . . cash! 2 . . . especially for students! Bank Americard ■base by hard - hitting Detroit l0f Minnesota and Of course, we will always accept cash, too! Sony Siebert . ■veteran Norm Cash. Qf the Red Sox. SIDEWALK Weaver, who earlier in the day chose nine [Oakland's pitchers headed by Vida Blue, pretty FREE, ROOMMATE The Stereo Shoppe |nuch followed the fan voting in SERVICE 543 E. Grand River Ph. 337-1300 he rounding out his squad with Next to Paramount News - Daily 10 - 5:45-Wed. til 9:00 n announcement by the office Water's Edge fcf American I.cague President loeCronin. 332-4432 J Cash was named and promoted right into a starting ■pot along with infielders Warinon Killebrew and Leo tardenas of Minnesota, Cookie pojas of Kansas City and Bill Open tonight until 9 p.m. Melton of the White Sox. 1 The Tigers' Bill Freehan and Closed Saturdays through August 7 ■ hurman Munson of the Ifankees were added to a Batching corps ■y Geveland's Ray Fosse. already headed mMKm I Outfielders added to the squad Reg. 7.50 & $8 RED Long Sleeve Shirts 3.97 ROSES Reg. 5.98 to $10 $399 Dozen Casual Slacks 3.97 Carnations Miss J's new flame is a Reg. $6 to $9 $799 separates group of flame-stitch I Jon • Anthony Dozen polyester knit. packable, washable and the one that's Bermudas & Swimwear 3.97 Florist fun-loving Blue-multicolor. Reg. $5 to $7 Skirt and pant, 5-13 sizes. Tops, sizes S-M-L. A U-neck top. $12. Pull-on Knit Shirts 2.97 skirt with crocheted edge, $10. Reg. $3 & 3.50 V-neck top. $14. Pull-on AAx iemorex shortcut with crocheted edge. $ Neckwear UUO I L°W Noise Cassette 1. special Tape \ SEE 000 OTHER VALUES Introductory Offer L. )j I BUY ONE C-60 I GET ONE FREE rANTlTIES LIMITED J IN OUR ^production so true I 11 can shatter glass FABULOUS BARGAIN DAYS SALE! Jacobsoris WEBSTER MEN'S WEAR . .. MERIDIAN MALL... OPEN 10 to 9 Friday, July 9, 1971 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Saigon, Vietnamese people impress profs Two MSU professors recently returned from South education, said. "It is crowded. There is a 1 a.m. curfew which is dirty." Moore and Johnson expressed world, "Like people around the they want dignity," Vietnam as a separate government, especially in the reported the February invasion of Laos were confiscated. is being mechanized to an that will leave many men extent jobless, Johnson added that Vietnamese depend on many American adjusted according to enemy great respect for the Vietnamese Moore said. "They have no schools, according to Moore. However, they say that this is they said. employers, who sometimes Vietnam, where they gave wv advice activity. But I didn't feel any people, saying they were polite aversion to work but they don't However, people who are typical of Southeast Asian "There is very little light higher than native bosses. on updating the and docile but proud. less safe in Saigon then I would want to work too terribly hard. involved in ancestor worship, governments and not peculiar to industry," Moore added. 'There country's education system. Cooperation with each other, Johnson said that East in Detroit or Washington, D.C." They have a lower energy level who have relatives in North South Vietnam. are bottling plants and Honda Asian, Following are their "Saigon could rank as one of ancestor worship and tradition do not really comprehend ou^ because of their diet. However, I Vietnam and who may have They have a similar opinion of assembly plants. The Japanese observations on that the most beautiful cities in the three dominant traits Western are did not see any malnutrition. It come from North Vietnam graft. It is not immoral or are working with them on the concept of th country's people and culture. world if the war stopped," Van reported by the educators. is also very hot there and is themselves are not too interested dishonest to the people, Moore possibility of manufacturing democratic process, u' C. Johnson, also a professor of Moore related: "The people conducive to a more casual life in South Vietnamese says; it is just the way things are Honda parts in South Vietnam." comments: By NEILA POMERANTZ administration and higher are very open and authentic, style, including a 'siesta."' nationalism, he said. done. education, said. "The French - giving cooperation of necessity. "Vietnamese parents are Censorship is used to South Vietnam has economic "Their economic base is not "Some don't care and just "Saigon is a city of five designed parks, wide avenues, Fifteen people will work on extremely dedicated to their reinforce nationalism. Moore problems and will have more diversified. It would tip over and want food, shelter and security million people living in the land fountains and architecture make your Honda at one time — thirty children, independent of their and Johnson say that copies of when the war is over, the go if the United States withdrew Maybe this isn't too atypical and area of Lansing," Samuel A. it very beautiful," he explained. hands. The people try to create economic means," Moore noted. Time and Newsweek which educators said. Hie rice industry its economic support." 's true °' m«ny Americans too." Moore II, professor of "I saw no evidence of shelling or jobs for themselves and each "They spend a lot of time with administration and higher bombing. It was just a little other." the children and feed them first. Also, the children take care of Design specialists <4 MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES one another; a four - year • old will have charge of a two - year - IIIIIB AMFHIEAN MUITI-CINFMA INC STUDENT I 0 CARD ENTITLES BEABfW TO SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUKTI old brother or sister." Despite Westernization, ancestor worship remains a strong influence in their lives, far They Survived the Wtor Beneath the Planet of the Apes. PLANET mFJffsn* mrr«0 j more relevant than government in Saigon. Johnson estimated that 3 per cent of the population practices the indoor -outdoor d Design principles for interior for maximizing the use and etc. is best for the traffic commonplace. Too Christianity, 18 per cent much practices Buddhism and 79 per decorating can be used as well in beauty of "living space:" patterns, the structural and symmetry is monotonous, cent practice some type of yards and gardens, according to •Start with what you have. mechanical features of your whether in an uninterrupted row MSU design specialists. An analysis of the positive and home. How do the flowers and of shrubs or a sofa flanked ancestor worship - oriented by The laws of scale, color, shape furniture look identical lamps and end tabK religion. negative features of your home against their and spacial relationships apply Strive for unusual arrangement Moore saw altars to Buddha in will help you devise & plan for backgrounds? Does the plan to natural as well as manmade meet your family's needs to the Whether your family is active or many Vietnamese homes. He improvement. says that the first loyalty is to objects — trees and furniture, •Consider the size and shape fullest? relaxed, formal or informal, the Buddhism, then to the father shrubbery and paintings — of each room and of your lot or 1 Experiment with visual arrangement of furniture and and his father, then to the Margaret Boschetti, home lawn. Where are the traffic paths balance to create a feeling that is plantings can reflect your life immediate family and lastly to furnishings specialist, and Joe and permanently installed comfortable without being style. the national government. Cox, landscape architect, said objects? How do you use the The Saigon government tries recently. neighboring spaces — both inside They made these suggestions Teamsters elect to paint the image of South and out? •Analyze your family's needs. Most families need room for three major activities around the home: private, social and work. Ideally, the spaces provided for these needs other. are adjacent to each For example, outside new union chief service areas such as the garage MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) - Teamster delegates shouted a and garden would be near the sentimental hurrah for James R. Hoffa Thursday, and then cast kitchen and inside Utility areas. their votes for Frank E. Fitzsimmons to lead the two - million • Exterior living spaces, patios, member union into a new era. at HOLIDAY LANES porches, etc., are a natural The 2,100 cheering, whistling delegates elected Fitzsimmons Lanes available for OPEN extension of the indoor living over token but bitter opposition to a five - year term as the Bowling and dining areas. all day and evening Teamsters' first new president since Hoffa began his tumultous, •Make a plan for organizing Open 9 a.m., daily gaily troubled reign 14 years ago. the total space. Ask yourself "I gratefully thankfully accept," said Fitzsimmons, who easily Just north of Frandor 337-9775 - what placement of chairs, tables, survived charges of dictatorship and efforts to turn anti - Hoffa Billiards » Cocktails * Good Food patio furniture, recreation areas. sentiment against him by his lone opponent, Theodore Daley of Yonkers, N.Y. Doors Open at 12:45 p.m. Most of the delegates resoundingly booed Daley and Robert J. Coor of New Brunswick, N.J., who nominated Daley with charges TODAY • • • Feature At comparing Fitzsimmons' takeover from Hoffa to the "hysteria" of Hitler's Germany. 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:10-9:15 p.m. "I accept the nomination," Daley said to a chorus of boos and cries of "Seig Heil," but withdrew midway in a roll call vote and jcine foncfci: doflold/utherland ^ ir v alanj pakula oroductio* conceded the election was fair. LBRAMS Schedule: C klute FRIDAY 8:00 P.M. SATURDAY 2:30 & 8:00 P.M SUNDAY 4:00 P.M. Only Information 355-4672 Abrams Planetarium, Science Road and Shaw Lane, MSU, East Lansing. No pre schoolers admitted. STARDUST Have the materials of which organic tissues are made FIRST FEATURE AT | always existed? How long has nature worked to derive the SKY SCAN: Free program present? What processes have emphasizing sky study second produced this moment in the Thursday of each month. universe ? Explore the ideas 8 \m. of science regarding the origin of the elements. Aug. 12 ff Attention! Something ne\ being added. This weekend only immediately following the Friday and Saturday night shows On the Threshold of a Dream, album of the Moody Blues, will be piped will turn out to be one of the loveliest, most JUBILEE OF through the sky theater's 200 watt Altec stereo sound system for those who would like to linger intelligent movies we'll see in all of 1971!" —VINCENT CANBY New York Times RUBY KEELER FILM FESTIVAL awhile under a star - filled sky. "Sure fire fun DANCES BY BVSB "THE MOST VISUALLY STUNNING in large supply! A crowd MOVIE EVER MADE!"-.™™,™,,*™ -BOB SALMAGGI. pleaser!" —ARCHER WINSTEN. "A beautiful film! A lyrical "Utterly charming!" —RICHARO SCHICKEL. Life Magazine ballet of love!" —PAUL O ZIMMERMAN. "Breezily enter¬ "You must see taining and pro¬ 'Bed and Board,' foundly poignant!" —WILLIAM WOLF. then come back and see it all over again!" Rubv Keeler Warner Baxter CinRer Rogers — — "A REALLY EPIC SPECTACULAR! FORCEFUL Truffaut's most glowing work to date! AND DYNAMIC! If you've never seen it, what are you waiting for? If you have seen it, you'll enjoy Every frame is a gem!" —JUDITH CRIST, New York Magazini SAT JULY 10, 7:30 PM ONLY it more this time around!"-bobsaimagg..g,ouPw k TODAY OPEN 7:00 p.m. "GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933" "AS BREATHTAKING AS EVER! Drenched with the * FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT FILM Feature 7:35-9:35 Saturday & Sunday Open 1:00 p.m PLUS light of David Lean's talentl'-uzsmith.c—■*«, 1 rHUUKAM IWUKMAIIUN JJZ bBi7 "GOLD DIGGERS OF 1937" PETER O'TOOLE.. IAWRENCE OMAR SHARIF « 108B WELLS HALL HURRY! DON'T MISS ITI - AIR CONDITIONED COMING: "THE CONFORMIST" TICKETS $1.00 AT THE DOOR No ID Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 9, 1971 r.mDUS Weekend's ..ntortiiinment; entertainment comes comes i of 1933' sums up . . . what is now dreams and an Irish village with LITTLE BIG MAN entertainment 2 this weekend. Pick a pair meant by the phrase 'pure suspicions. Sarah Miles, Robert Penn's part comic, part serious — Arthur SUMMER OF '42 — a young with heart. At the Campus. BED AND BOARD - s comedies or musicals. thirties.' It is a funny, good - Mitchum, Trevor boy learns "about sex Francois Truffaut's new film. Howard, film about the bloody winning TRAWLING ARNOLD and natured backstage musical and a Christopher Jones and John of the West as seen through the growing up in this nostalgic soft _ . BANANAS — Woody Allen Recommended in accordance TURISTA - two avant - - edged film. ~ Robert Mulligan wrote, directed and starred in with the notion that, good or Depression period piece as well. Mills star. David Lean directed, eyes of a man who somehow directed H,. " plavs presented by MSU's The innocent vulgarity of the big At the Meridian survived it all. At Meridian 4. —with care Jennifer this utterly hilarious film. At the bad, any Truffaut film is worth er' Circle Free Theater. O'Neill and Gary Grimes acted Spartan numbers is charming and seeing. At the State. Swling Amolf" » play by uproarious." At 7:30 p.m. rtoonist Jules Feiffer, is about Saturday in 108 Wells. Admission IN EAST DETROIT SLUM middle - aged man who is $1. etes with a baby for his Recommended off - campus ents' attention. "La Turista," LAWRENCE OF ARABIA Doctors open - medical ggn, Shepard, uses a loosely oasis' By ROBERT KIPPER David Lean's brilliant 1962 film uctured plot about a tourist State News Reviewer about T. E. Lawrence and his h a disease as a springboard World War I Arabian campaign. a host of social statements, film starring Charlie Chaplin at The excellence of Peter DETROIT (AP) — A group of formances are 8:30 p.m. 7, 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. OToole's acting, the beauty and neighborhoods like this. The boarded • up building across the practice and were doing all right. medical progress and is their b|ack doctors is realizing its center dream," Dr. day and Saturday in Kresge Friday and Saturday in 106 terror of Freddie was our street advertises "For sale or We told them they would be personal consultant, a concept Young1 dream to build an "oasis in the Lionel F. Swan, 63, said. He has Kresge Art Wells. UIcaill urt (between rent." Next to that is the long making better use of their Swan called photography and the perception j desert." It is an ultramodern, ~ - been an East Side physician for * "one of our big lter and the Auditorium), GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 abandonned "Mabel's Beauty abilities and that we hoped they achievements, something the mission is free. and GOLD DIGGERS OF 1937 thun i this film a classic. -S mingTre"?er At the Lansing in fu,|y * equipped medical center the 21 years and is one of the five Shop," apparently beyond would be making as much poor ■have ■been without." g r i i o f founders of the new Detroit WHEN COMEDY WAS KING — two Warner Brothers Busby - Mall theater. the advertising for buyers. money at the center," Swan The center cost about $1 TILLIE'S PUNCTURED Berkeley musicals. Pauline Kael, predominantly ^ black slums in Medical and Surgical Center. Swan called the center "the said. million and was financed under MANCE - a documentary film critic of New Yorker ma«XpN™rfDmU^M?ERf ™agmIlcent ri 8 Detroit s East Side- The a nter is four stories of first comprehensive health The physicians six blacks sponsorship of the National slapstick comedy and a Magazine, said: "'Gold Diggers about yo g woman ml "Most witn practiced of us grew medicine in up and brick, gleaming glass and steel, center in the nation sponsored and two whites — are surgeons, Medical Assn., a predominantly poor By comparison, a sign on one by a national medical obstetricians and gynecologists, black group of doctors; a organization, founded by private general practitioners and a part - $900,000 Federal Housing physcians." time radiologist and internist. Administration - insured Bananas -hilarious satire The center stands out in the They treat about 200 patients a mortgage; about $100,000 neighborhood and that is what day. Swan hopes that pumped in by the five Swan intended "We're brining the pediatrician can be added next originating doctors, and poor into the mainstream of month, $61,000 grant from the Sears medicine. The people will have Roebuck Foundation. It opened Bananas" is about Fielding revolutionary leaders. It is also clumsiness. It is a blast at Miss "Bananas" the The center is equipped lish, a wiry - haired, about San Marcos, a small Latin weird, something they can be proud of. with june 14 Americas, television sports contradictory, mixed up but "For ever so long, the only the latest treatment and •tacled college dropout who American country with Patients are charged an coverage, J. Edgar Hoover, Spiro sensible work of star Latin American alarming turnover rate in - writer - medical facilities available to us laboratory equipment, Swan standard fee. probably a little omes a Agnew, intellectualism, mobism, actor Woody Allen. It is many sident, a United States leadership. were storefronts and and said. In addition, six closed • lower than what you'd pay in an striking garbagemen, cigaret different things al! at once but tical prisoner and a marital It is also about the FBI, the advertisers, parents and the most of all it is the funniest renovated firehouses and shops. circuit television screens monitor affluent suburb," Swan said, rts hero within months. It is CIA, and the UJA (The United "We wanted dignified care for entrances and hallways to warn Social agencies are expected to mim United States judicial system. ,L1- " " comedy you are likely to see this • •• • about Nancy, a philosophy Jewish Appeal). It is a study of Its action shifts from a Latin the poor. Clincis were not the of possible trouble in the high pay for patients on wHfare. But "ear« answer. As soon as you set crime ' area. the poor without social program who likes yoga, Chinese cowardice, accidental heroism, American jungle to a Patients are assigned I, sociopolitical causes and intrigue, stupidity and honeymoon bedroom equipped . „, It is the Woody Allen movie something up saying it's for the one ties won't be turned away, he poor, you discriminate. doctor, who follows their with sports fans; from a coffin for "* people who J " don't like "We like to think it's a nice wired for stereo to an Woody Allen; the comedy for Workshop [ uttle oasis. When in the desert executive's desk loaded with moviegoers who have forgotten you weicome an oasis. We hope musclebuilding gadgets; from an how to laugh out loud. Above all operating room to a jury box ■ " dazzling look at a this will be equally welcome," Swan said. SWING filled with pot smokers. resourceful and utterly mad with 2 Most of the eight doctors at - , Its cast includes a priest who white organ recommends a certain brand of cigarets at the communion rail, a capped and white blue through her teeth, a American ruler who orders his comic, a wiry • haired spectacled Latin figure at last coming into his own as comedian and the center the same were East Side, recruited from It wasn't easy to induce the Buddy Campbell 'wo organ recitals — one by Wednesday will include "Messe judge free with his pardons, a people to change their moviemaker, to ■nard Bartellnk, organist pour les Convents" by Couperin, lady revolutionary free with her underwear every half hour, a men join who had a private and his lithe Concertgebouw of iterdam - will be presented Monday and Bach's "Sonata No. 6 In G Major" and "Prelude and Fugue body, a juror who drinks from a goldfish bowl, a patriotic Miss America who speaks only red, well disguised J. Edgar Hoover and an ever agile and on - the • spot Howard Cosell. ft Ml Tjh ITfeet are 'COUNTRY CLAN' 8:15 p.m. dnesday, in MSU's Hart In E Flat Major. Armitage holds the bachelor .•your sandals. at ital Hall. of music degree from Central ^should be the Ko-Ko Bar ATTENTION CAR OWNERS artelink will perform Methodist College In Missouri nday evening. Donald L. and a master of sacred music organist at Court degree from Union Theological United Methodist Church * 'riday. Saturday & Sunday 9 p.m. • 1:30 a.m. iet Seminary In New York. Complete front end repair and 410 S. Cllppert off Kalama/.oo Flint, will perform lesday. alignment Both recitals are part of T.V. RENTALS * Braket * Suspension HURRYIENDS SOON 's Church Music Workshop IlltltV free to the public after * Opon 12:45 • Start 1:10 are Wheel balancing * Steering rkshop participants are 211 Abbott Rd. 1:20-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 ,ed. NEJAC TV RENTALS Next to State Theatre LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center lartelink will perform Bach's 337-1300 hree Chorales" and issacaglia," Sweellnck's iree Pieces" and Albert de GIANT YARD SALE moving away 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 YOUTH HAS ITS SAY k's "Ricercare." All furniture " professor of organ in Antiques - some 'SUMMER OF '42' Is a film that ;cht, Bartellnk Is on his first Records, TV, guitar th American concert tour. Friday - Monday 10 a.m. -1 NOWI Open 1:00 p.m. everyone who was ever a teenager itage's progra m 110 S. Mifflin - Near Frandor Complete Shows at will want to see!" 1:J0.3:20-S:25-7:30-»:3S ~N5W HAVEN REGISTER, Yolo l/niv.v, Beal Film Group presenti Tonight and Saturday lly "'SUMMER OF'42' is one of III Mulligan's major achievements!" -MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, ChkagoUniversily Charlie "'SUMMliR OF'42'is the most Chaplin's First Feature film beautiful and honest film about adolescence I can remember seeing!" TILLIE'S THE CHRONICLE, Hofstra University N Y. — '"SUMMER OF'42' is an PUNCTURED ItfilLTER M|AITHAU incredibly beautiful movie. It is last summer, and next summer, too!" ROMANCE — QUADRANGLE, Manhattan College Also Starring Marie JLAZA SUITE Dressier and Mack Swain "'SUMMER OF '42* is going M|AUREEN JURBARA liE to wind up on many critics' 8:00 and 10:30 STAPLETON ljARRIS jjRAHT 10 best lists!" — 34th STREET MAGAZINE, University of Pennsylvania 106B Wells 75c No I.D. "SUMMER OF 42" is a film to cherish, depicts growing up beautifully!" —STATE NEWS, Michigan State University Jack Nicholson Candlce Bergpn Ann-Margret in Mike Nlchola' "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE" Friday, July 9 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I97| state news STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Find a High Quality Bargain Anytime . . . Read Today's Classified Ads. classified 355-8255 3558255 Automotive fRAnkLy speaking by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent For Rent MfoatMtts . The State News does not permit racial or religious ONE MAN air conditioned efficiency 4 MAN, 3 bedroom furni$h« discrimination in< its CORVAIR, 1964. Stick, radio, make offer. Call after 6 pm, 337-0025. Apartments across from campus. $80. blocks from campus. 351.3,.: 349-9662.5-7-14 2,« WastI advertising columns. The State News will not 3-7-12 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED air 35-5607.1-7-9 * AUTOMOTIVE accept advertising which CORV ETTE 1969 blue convertible. conditioned apartment, utilities 29 BURCHAM Drive. 2 man NEED ROOMMATES for In downtown huge £ AM/FM, positraction, power included, 1 block from campus. furnished apartments, $125 per Lansing nj Scooters & Cycles discriminates against month. Call 487-3216, days. bedroom. 487-0046. 3-7-14 brakes and steering, automatic. 332-2110.4-7-9 Auto Parts & Service religion, race, color or With without Evenings until 10 pm 882-2316. or hardtop. national origin. ROOMMATE to share 2 Aviation 677-7713 after 6 p.m. 2-7-9 NEED bedroom furnished air Rooms * EMPLOYMENT DODGE 1968 Coronet 440 2 door. conditioned apartment for COUPLE: 1 bedroom furnished, * FOR RENT summer. 332-2110. 4-7-9 utilities Included, $130. Phone QUITE ROOM. Male, $12/ Vinyl top, good condition. Apartments 372-3607. 3-7-14 349-4071, 349-3084. 3-7-14 Close/campus. 351 1754 afte^ Houses 1 GIRL for large 2 man. Now to Automotive DUNEBUGGY MUST sell. Rebuilt September 15. Close $70. FREE Rooms ROOM FOR man over Revco engine and front end. Runs really 337-1520. 4-7-9 ROOMMATE sto * FOR SALE AUSTIN HEALEY 1967 3000. good. Tom 351-0424. 5-7-14 21 IK Grand River UDIt° Animals Green fiber glass top. $1500, best SERVICE 5-7-16 P* 1 BLOCK from Berkey. Furnished offer. 351-4477. 4-7-16 Mobile Homes FIAT COUPE 1970. Owner returned efficiency apartment for 1 or 2 PERSONAL AUSTIN HEALEY to Italy. Contact John DeBow, men. Large 2 bedroom furnished Water's Edge ATTENTION. Completely ROOMS furnished. Cooki, toT* * SPRITE 1960 MSU Employe's Credit Union, apartment for 2 — 4 people. 332 - 4432 372-8077 after 5 p.m. C * PEANUTS PERSONAL Bug Eye. Must sell. Call 349-0169 353-2280. 1-7-9 351-9504. X-4-7-12 after 5 pm (except Wednesday). * REAL ESTATE 4-7-9 SINGLE ROOM, male grad student FIREBIRD 1967 3 speed, new WANTED: FALL quarter roommate. * RECREATION Fine location. Parking. $12 m battery, recently tuned. Must sell, Must do Detroit thesis research, BARRACUDA FASTBACK, 1967. getting married, $695. 349-9237. EAST LANSING near, 908 East Mt. IV2-8304. 3-7-12 W * SERVICE but need Lansing quarters. V-8, 273 cu. in., automatic, power 3-7-9 Hope, furnished small basement Typing Service steering, low mileage, new tires. 355-4001, E-102 Owen. 6-7-16 bachelor apartment. Utilities SPARTAN HALL, singles, „ 'TRANSPORTATION 489-0423. 2-7-12 FORD FAIRLANE 1967 2 door included, $100/month. 332-3161. women. Now leasing for s'unv 414 SOUTH Pine, Lansing. Furnished fall. «■ WANTED BMW, 1968. 2002. Radial, good hardtop. Good condition. Call after 5:30 pm 882-1087. 5-7-14 'PID AN1DNE NOTICE ANV UNUSUAL _ 1 bedroom apartment. $120 per 351-1176, 484-4422. 0 DEADLINE condition, must sell. $1395. Call 485-2766. 1-7-9 FtEPIM HABITS OF MiE- PIRANHAS? month plus deposit. No lease required. 5 minutes from campus Houses MEN, SINGLE rooms. Phone 2 blocks from 1 P.M. one class day before FORD 1964 station wagon Country by expressway. Will be open for campus. 351-2103 Squire. Runs great, $175. 349-9662. 5-7-14 publication. CADILLAC HEARSE 1957. inspection July 10th from 9 a.m. 393-7491. 2-7-9 V4 BLOCK to campus. 4-5 bedroom, to 1 p.m. Go to private entrance Cancellations/Corrections Excellent condition. $500. Call SINGLES OR back of building upstairs. 3-7-9 fireplace, 2 car garage. double, close after 6 pm 393-0413; 5-7-19 - 12 noon one class day Unfurnished. $325 per month. campus. Low rates. Ph( Call collect (3131 398-5370. 3-7-9 351-8154. 3-7-9 before publication. CADILLAC 1959 Coupe deVille. Scooters & Cycles Employment LARGE 2 party furnished efficiency. Air conditioned, close to campus. PHONE Very good condition, bought from MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, 1966. 4 MAN house in Haslett, $200 plus little old lady - original owner. Needs no repairs, automatic. After 1970 Honda CL350, two helmets, LOCAL SPANISH newspaper desires September through June. $150 / deposit, also 1 large room For Sale 355-8255 Bright red with classic fins, all 5 pm, 351-0636. 3-7-14 $600. Call month. 351-4062, 484-0585. Craig 351-2653, part time advertising salesman. 3-7-12 efficiency for two, $100 plus power, $450 or trade for van. 349-0934. 2-7-9 RATES Contact EL RENACIMIENTO, deposit. 349-9619 or 339-9201. STEREO, GOOD condition 332-0281. 2-7-9 MUSTANG 1965 289. Air, new 3-7-9 511 East Saginaw, Phone reasonably priced. Call 332-37® No. DAYS PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. IMo. tires, muffler, exhaust. Excellent YAMAHA 350 1971, 1 month old. ?. 3-7-9 ask for Marty. 3-7-14 condition. 361-4671. 3-7-12 Large 1 bedroom carpeted and WORDS 2 3 5 10 Reason for selling, bought 650. partly furnished. Utilities paid, 332-5845 after 6 p.m. 5-7-16 MODELS SHORTER than 5'6" for 101.50 3.00 4.00 5.35 6.50 13.00 MUSTANG 1965 stick 6 in good $150 a month plus deposit. Phone national brochure. Experience 1.65 3.30 4.40 5.85 7.15 14.30 CHEVROLET 1965 Impala SS 396, condition. Call after 8 p.m. 627-5454 or 489-5136. 4-7-14 1970 KAWASAKI 500. 3500 miles, desirable. Call Bonnie, 393-7800. NEED 2 girls for 3 girl house, $70 121.80 3.60 4.80 6.40 7.80 15.1 4 speed. Good condition. Rick 337-2134. 2-7-9 minor work needed, $700. 3-7-9 each, clean, garage, fenced LEARN 131.95 3.90 5.20 6.95 8.45 16.90 351-0961. 3-7-12 MARRIED STUDENTS FRENCH. Comply 332-1359. 2-7-9 backyard, pets, $25 deposit. Ask 142.10 4.20 5.60 7.45 9.10 18.20 OLDSMOBILE 1967 Deimont, programmed materials in listenin| RELIABLE PEOPLE & FACULTY for Ed 351-2755. 5-7-19 15 2.25 4.50 6.00 8.00 9.75 19.50 CHEVROLET IMPALA SS 1965. 39,000 miles. Power, vinyl, good to sell season speaking, reading, writing. $175 SUZUKI P350, 1970. Like new, tickets for 339-9258. 2-7-12 162.40 4.80 6.40 8.55 10.4020.80 Power steering and brakes plus condition. 351-4217. 2-7-12 Lansing All Stars, $600. 17 2.55 5.106.809 10 11.0522.10 8 2.70 5.40 7.20 9.60 11.7023.40 extras. Automatic transmission. Asking $475. Call 337-2084; 2-7-9 PONTIAC 1964 2 door hardtop, T 500, 645-7421.3-7-12 1970, $650 Lansing's Professional Football Team. Work your own hours. Call KNOB HILL SHEPARD STREET 922. 1 bedroom unfurnished. $125 per month plus WATERBEDS. BUTT seam. $35. 19 2.85 5.70 7.60 10.1512.35 24.70 351-4241.3-7-9 utilities, deposit. Phone 372-8130. seam $40. Any size. SECOND automatic. Body good, motor 20 3.00 6.00 8.00 10.6513.0026.00 CHEVROLET wagon. V-8 1965 Impala station automatic. $550. needs minor repair. 699-2937. 6-7-16 1970 HONDA CB175 road bike. Immaculate. Short pipes. $475. FASHION AND photographic APARTMENTS 5-7-16 COMING located Spirit. Call 482-4235. C inside Ft 10 word minimum 355-5794. 3-7-14 GIRLS OVER 21. Furnished 4 Phone 351-5631. 3-7-12 models needed. Experienced and 349-4700 bedroom, fireplace, garage. TRIUMPH TR6 1969. Very good inexperienced. 487-0046. 2-7-12 DOBERMAN PUPPIES, % All student ads must be 1971 HONDA CB350. Matching Deposit. 372-4662. 5-7-16 CHEVROLET 1968 Biscayne 6 condition. Call 482-2664 after 5 OPEN 1 - 7 pm Mon.-Sat. offer. Double sink, Renoir reprint helmets. To finance trip West. Call prepaid cylinder automatic. New tires. p.m. 2-7-9 351-0865. 1-7-9 EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car SUNDAY by appointment repairable washer. Potty Good condition. $850. 353-0296. 5 ROOM bungalow. 646 South medicine cabinet. necessary. Call 351-7319 for 372-1191. The State News will be 3-7-14 interview.C Foster. Partly furnished, full 1-7-9 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1967. Wire responsible only for the wheels, Tonneau cover. Auto Service & Parts basement, $165 a month plus Good On Okemos Rd. Across first COMET, 1961. No Runs deposit. IV 4-4097. 3-7-9 RUMMAGE SALE, Friday day's incorrect rust. running condition. 337-1571. from Okemos High School insertion. perfect, $150 firm. 351-0590 or 5-7-16 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Saturday 10-6. Men's cloth#, 337-0826, after 6 pm, Gary. Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. 4 BEDROOM FURNISHED air piano, stereo, LP 3-7-14 VOLKSWAGEN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. No LANSING OR East Lansing. One miscellaneous. 1446 Spartat SEDAN, 1970. Complete auto painting and conditioned house. Patio, carport. AM/FM radio, loaded with extras, collision service. shorthand. Mature. $6800 bedroom furnished. Large, airy Village. 1-7-9 IV 5;0256. C $325 for summer. 332-2110. 4-7-9 warranty. Beige. 393-7938. 2-7-9. $7500. 372-7700 PERSONNEL rooms. Air conditioned. CONSULTANTS.2-7-9 Beautifully maintained. Suitable COLOR T.V. 14", 1'/, years old, CAR WASH, 25c, or automatic wash DOUBLE ROOM in house. Available PP mm VOLKSWAGEN 1970 yellow bug. for faculty, grad students, business perfect picture. 353-6964. 8,000 miles. AM/FM radio. - summer price, 25c. Wax and DICTAPHONE TYPIST. Must be people, married couples. Lease. July 15. Call Peg, 351-8579. 353-7229. 1-7-9 Excellent condition. 332-0306 vacuum. U-DO-IT. 430 South bilingual. (Spanish.) 372-7700. 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 3-7-12 evenings. 5-7-16 Clippert, back of Koko Bar. C-7-9 PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. W mm LARGEST SELECTION 2-7-9 Norwood Apartments SUMMER RENTAL. Attractively VOLKSWAGEN 1968 with .unroof, AT MEL'S we repair all foreign and furnished, near campus. IN TOWN Reasonable. 332-8903. 2-7-9 Michelins, shelf, radio, 50,000 American cars. If we can't fix it, it MOVING. 12 string guitar, dak, At Discount Prices miles. Tan. 353-0969, John. 5-7-14 can-t be fixed. Call 352-3255. O For Rent Now renting large one and hi-fi, books, men's and wonwt'i two bedroom for fall. Close ROOMMATE WANTED to share clothing in great condition, VOLKSWAGEN. BUS, to campus. Call 332-2712 upstairs of house. Across from And We Sell Service, Too. Excellent condition. 1958. $400. 'W - RANDY'S GUARANTEED repair. MOBIL. 1-96 at TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery, after 3 p.m. campus. 337-2029. 2-7-9 miscellaneous household Friday through Sunday. 10 item 332-3356. 2-7-12 service and pick - up. No deposit. 10 We Stock Over Okemos Road. 349-9620. C pm, 1001 Fairway Lane, a Million Parts Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C CHEAP APARTMENT available for 3 Lansing, 351-3895. 1-7-9 BEDROOM duplex, bath and a VOLVO 1968 145S. Ziebart treated, A rest of summer. 1 block to KRAMER AUTO PARTS radial tires. Excellent condition. 655-3097. 1-7-9 TWO MAG wheels ET 5 spoke to fit Cutlass, Chevelleor Tempest. 14". TV RENTALS monthly and - Students only. Low term rates. Call campus. C-7-12 Call NEJAC, 337-1300 half, full basement in East Lansing. $200 plus utilities and SEE THE auto show prices, models, colors, in todayl . . . $35. 882-5817. 2-7-12 deposit. Call Before 5 pm 800 E. Kalamazoo St. 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV 351-9036. 3-7-9 Classified Ads. RENTALS. C Scooters & Cycles TIRES E78-14 BF Goodrich. Belted, 4 with 3400 miles. 1 new. $110. CALL Ctopctungfjam 351-1414 after 6 pm. B1-7-9 TRIUMPH 650 1970. Excellent condition. Must sell. 482-5869 APARTMENT IN exchange some after 5:30 pm. 3-7-14 Aviation ONLY $8.50 /month. Free deliveries. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV childcare. Utilities. Will bargain. 349-3696. 3-7-14 337-7328 or 337 0780 has it .. . 1968 TRIUMPH Trophy Rebuilt engine, good condition. 500. LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight RENTAL, 372-4948. C WOODSIDE APARTMENTS. 1 AND GRAB A BARGAIN NOW FURNISHED APARTMENTS LEFT FOR SUMMER AT . . . JUST A FEW heated pool 351-0956. 3-7-14 training. All courses are REFIRGERATORS, PARTY goods, bedroom apartments to sublease. 4620 S. Hagadorn government and FRANCIS VA certified. AVIATION, Airport and camping equipment. A TO Z RENTAL, 349-2220. 0-7-9 $140-$145. Ideal for married couple. ED 2-2920, 351-4698. O MARIGOLD APARTMENTS and al just north of Mt. Hope Rd. Road, Call 484-1324. C 911 MARIGOLD MARIGOLD & HARRISON FOR SALESPOWER try a little July Thru Sept. 15th Only $140 per Month. Classified Ad to sell a large mobile ALL DEPOSITS GUARANTEED RETURNABLE homel Dial 355-8255 todayl WOMEN: 1 block from campus. Vacancies in 4 girl apartment. New Concept in Completely furnished, utilities and CROSSWORD PUZZLE Collingtowrt parking included, $55. 349-9609. 3-7-14 Apartment Living Apartments APARTMENTS,ROOMS, Furnished. Summer. Near campus. Call 349-3919. 3-7-14 house. ACROSS w 30. 32. Therefore Food fish LIBERAL PERSON share air pine 33. Lingered Luxury studio apartments (formerly Northwind Apts.) conditioned 7. Office note 35. Organs of sight apartment. Own 11. Cheer word 37. Prohibit room. After 5:30 pm, 337-1039. at Inn America 2736 E. Grand River 12. Confection 38. About 5-7-19 14. Smudge 39. Commercial 1 block east of the Coral Gables 16. Girl's name 40. Advanced study T.V..RENTALS 17...-de group France 43. Grog Air conditioning Completely furnished 18. Punishment 45. Prevailed Enclosed heated pool Sauna 21. Has being 46. Join DOWN 22. Because 49. Monastery 6. Sandarac tree Shag carpet Ample parking 24. Engineer's 52. Payable 1. Globe 7. Singing Snack bar shelter 53. Director 2. Accomplice syllable 25. Solar disk 54. W. W. II area 3. Dull noise 8. Pagoda * SHAG CARPETING 27. Of foreign 55. Boil on the 4. Before noon ornament Party & Recreation rooms Guest rooms available * * NEW FURNITURE UNLIMITED FREE origin eyelid ir 5. Cheese dish 9. 10. Shirk Dollars Maid service at nominal charge PARKING 13. Gr. letter * DISHWASHERS 15. Ebbs TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS All utilities included except phone * * AIR COND. ON THE BANK OF ROOMMATE 19. 20. Our uncle Of the are now leasing student units for summter only. These spacious $129 for one - $139 for two breastbone luxury apartments are THE RED CEDAR 22. Roman bronis completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage NOW LEASING FOR FALL * * 4 MAN $220 Mo. 3 MAN $210 Mo. SERVICE.. 23. 26. Calendar Silkworm disposal and individual central control air conditioning. These * 2 MAN four man units have up to 3 $200 mo. 28. Period of W parking spaces per unit. 29. Whatnot Recreation is planned for with a giant heated swimming 9 MONTH LEASES ALSO pool, 31. Madrigal recreation rooms and private balconies. If AVAILABLE We will match you with Extended you want to be 34. among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call 36. Shirrs today The compatible roommates. I units start at $60 I month Per man. MODEL OPEN EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR RENTAL MODEL OPEN Call 332-4432 or see % 39. Mischievous 41. Particle w INFORMATION CALL: LARRY SCOTT at 351-7166 DAILY Frank or JoAnn at 1050 IP 42. Disencumbers 44. Extinct bird AVAILABLE. ' SIX' NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES Water's Edge Dr. (next to Cedar Village) I- 47. Almond 48. Solution I MA NA CEMENT EXCL US/ VEL Y BY 50. Cyprinoid M Alco Management Company 51. International language Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 9, 1971 H For Sale For Sale For Sale Lost & Found IN LONDONDERRY TV SETS. COMPONENT SYSTEM: eighty watt Sony, Panasonic, Zenith. amplifier. EV-12 speakers, Garrard Color portables and consoles Animals FREE KITTENS., black, long haired, turntable. Pioneer loveable. Litter British soldiers >0 STEREO trained. Call COMPONENTS. Sony fire dphonei. $226. Mike, reel to reel AFFECTIONATE KITTENS, free, 351-6672. 3-7-12 tapedeck, Ampex 337-2181.2-7-9 delivered open cassette recorder. We to 8uy, Sell, friendly people and Trade. 482-3857. 3-7-12 Personal WILCOX 'UnOL ASSES* SAFETY or SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East SABLE BROWN Burmese kittens tempered lens or any optical Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 for pm sale $10 each. Call 625-7382. FREE A lesson in complexion needs. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, riot in Ireland Monday thru Saturday. C ... 2615 Eas1 Michigan Avenue. 372 7409. C-7-9 SOUND SYSTEM, 30 watt, two way FREE 1-7-9 care. Call or 484-4519, East Michigan 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS as groups speakers, Garrard turnstvle KITTENS. Large selection STUDIOS. C ^ATERBED UNITS,mattreii, liner, __351^35011^0;7-23 available. Males and females. Call heater, and frame. $76 any size. 351-3050. 1-7-9 LONDONDERRY, Northern Ireland (AP) — British troops NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE Sale NEED MATH help? Tutoring REBIRTH, 309 North opened fire twice Thursday on rioting mobs in Londonderry, station's main gate. Soldiers 2626, 2635 Greencliff Drive; 5095 available for M108-M215. Call repulsed the charge with stones Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. PUPPIES: FOR description, call killing two men and wounding a third. The troops were harassed banged against riot shields. No injuries were reported. Blue Haven, Greencliff 355-0980 after 6 pm. 3-7-12 corner 351-1034 or come to 2030 Raby most of the day by gasoline July 9, 10th. 10 a.m. bombs, nail bombs and rifle fire. Tight lines of British troops faced a barrage of bombs - 8 p.m! Road, Haslett and get your pick of and Toys, easel, cameras, rotisserie TWLEVE MONTH olds needed for In the southern republic of Ireland, the rebel Irish rocks in front and attacks from side streets the litter. You can't beat the Republican on the flanks. (VATERBED FRAMES, $35 and up. oven, household goods. study in attention. Call Friday Army defied authorities in order to to bury one of its dead at Rioters made effective use of nail bombs. REBIRTH, 309 North price, Freel 5-7-12 Adult/children clothing, furniture 8-12, Saturday 12-4, 332-1794; Cork, bombed five holiday houses on the coast and announced a Nails and metal from the bombs whistled down the streets and Washington, Lansing, 1-7-9 Friday 12-4, Saturday 8-12, new phase in its war on pinged off advertising signs. Five soldiers were wounded 489-6168.TF foreign influence in the republic. by these 482-2670; Friday, Saturday 4-8, The outlawed IRA's previous activities have been shrapnel - type weapons, beer cans filled with concentrated gelignite and shards SONY 355 tape deck, Zenith 351-3085. 1-7-9 largely in British - governed Northern Ireland, which it proposes of razorsharp metal fragments. Circle of Sound to unite with the JSED FURNITURE Flea Fair. 314 stereo, best offer. republic of Ireland. The funeral at Cork, the southern republic's second city, was East Michigan. Dishes, books, 349-2858 after 5:30 p.m. 3-7-14 FRANCIS X and the Bushman and The British troops in Londonderry returned fire after rioters attended by IRA members in uniform. coins, antiques, rockers, junk. go-go girls nightly. Johnnie's Glass mounted attacks the soldiers with fire bombs and They defied police and GAS RANGE, dining room table. A AKC Cellar. PRO-BOWL. 2122 North on sniper city officials nad buried Martin O'Leary, Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open ST. Bernard puppies. bullets. 20, in a cemetery real steal. See at 604 Sunset Logan. Happy hours, 9-11 pm. reserved for national heroes. Tuesday and Sunday. Furniture Lane, Beautifully marked. Excellent Seamus Cusack was the first victim of the O'Leary was killed Saturday in planting a bomb and appliances open all week. 10 Mujr? ^ ® £? o °r • 3-7-9 bloodlines. Your Bank Americard 10-7-23 troop fire. He died in at the Canadian 6 p.m. Phone 371-2843. O welcome. 1 592-6877. 3-7-12 a hospital. - owned Mogul mine in County Tipperary. PING PONG tables, $9.95. We buy DRAFT COUNSELING. Seamus MacCarra, leader of a five sell Legal - - week strike at the most anything. ABC Medic Psychologic. Miami, Fla. The second victim of military bullets, still said in the funeral oration. mine, HURE VOCALMASTER public SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 Mobile Homes - 305 891-3736. 8-7-12 toppled into the arms of friends among the unidentified, address. Will sell cheap. Turner. C. shouting republican "The dead man is the first rioters in midafternoon. He was dead on arrival martyr of the new phase of Irish Accessories. Call Larry 332-6649. at a hospital. republicanism. It is a warning to all 1967 BARON 12x50. Fully carpeted, SOMETHING oppressors that the Irish 3-7-9 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, FOR everyone. Try a Troops opened fire the second time when rioters stole a truck working people are no longer prepared to be bonded slaves." partially air conditioned. hot comb. UNION BUILDING and gunned it at canisters and uprights. Guaranteed 485-8462 5-11 p.m. 3-7-12 BARBER SHOP. C-7-9 high speed toward the soldiers, weaving across a About 500 uniformed police watched the funeral ceremony TEREO COMPONENT system, stretch of littered one full year. $7.88 and up. Bogside pavement. The truck crashed against but took no action against it. rard turntable, speakers, DENNIS an army jeep without injuring anyone. DISTRIBUTING 1954 Shult for two or couple with DEVELOP A better speaking voice, As the funeral went on, bombs wrecked five holiday chalets -FM tuner, reasonable. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. small child. Recently remodeled. 124 page book tells how. $1.00 Earlier, troop fire had wounded a man near Cusack. built near Arklow on Ireland's east coast by a part - German 353-3644. 3-7-9 Opposite City Market. C. A crowd of about 150 Inexpensive living. $1350. Phone LORDLOVE'S 5834M Ralston, men and women, holding a black flag company. 351-1938.2-7-9 Indianapolis, Indiana 46220. aloft, marched from Bogside to central police station to JEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. the protest Brand new portables NASHUA 8x45 furnished, carpeted. 3-7-12 shootings. One segment of the protesters surged against the - $49.95, $5.00 per month. Large selection Behind Tom's Party Store. $1300. LEONARD WHOLESALE'S JjT ; or reconditioned used machines. 351-3405.3-7-12 LOW PRICES ON Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Recreation Home & "Many Others." $19.95 MARLETTE 10x47. 1957. Can be PHOTOGRAPHY OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos job to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS seen at Mobile Home Manor - Lot Capital/ Capsules — application photos in 15 minutes. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, C-13. 332-5673. 3-7-12 1115 PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL. North Washington 489-6448. C 351-6262. Anything The Gay Liberation Front, Gay 1959 PRAIRIE SCHOONER 10x45. photographed anywhere. O Liberation Close to Movement and Yashlca Kodak SAVE TO SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. Brand new portables — $49.95, remodeled, 485-3666 or new campus. 669-3509. 10-7-28 Newly furnace. Phone Radicalesbians are sponsoring a Gay Community Picnic Saturday at IN A 5-2 DECISION, the Michigan Supreme 14-foot-wide mobile homes and trailers on the Bell & Ho Nichols Arboretum, Geddes Road, $5.00 per month. Large selection Court has ruled that a person in prison does not roads except on weekends and Ann Arbor. holidays. 50% or reconditioned used machines. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Home & "Many Others." $19.95 PARKWOOD 12x60. Skirting, porch, shed. 1 block from pool. King , $220 . . . Christmas break in Hawaii, $279. Spain or Acapulco, $249. Complete deluxe available, but Overnight more housing is drivers required. If you are driving or need a are lose his civil rights. The court said that police illegally seized In a message to the governor, Sen. Robert Richardson, R-Saginaw, said he feared for the Arthur's Court. 372-3072. 3-7-9 package. Edward Allen Trudeau's shoes at the Wayne Call Frank Buck, ride, please call 332-0587 between 4 safety of the traveling public. to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS 351-8604. and 10 p.m. DISTRIBUTING County jail as evidence in an attempted burglary "The final version does little more than assure COMPANY, and murder, while Trudeau was awaiting trial on 1115 North Washington, Lost & Found A women's dance also is being local units of government will not be pressured 489-6448. C-6-3 another charge. The court reversed a ruling by into granting weekend permits sponsored by Radicalesbians and Gay Liberation Front from 7 to 11 p.m. the Court of Appeals and ordered a new trial for during extremely LOST: BLACK male cat with white high travel periods," he said. 'MAGNAVOX STEREO 12" Saturday in Ann Arbor. For more Trudeau. "It J feet and one black toe. Spartan will not assure that there will not be speakers. Excellent condition. Call information call 332-0SS7 between 4 Village On the day of Trudeau's preliminary area. Phone 332-1601. and 10 p.m. dangerous backups or attempts to pass one of the 372-9428, keep trying. 4-7-9 examination x2-7-9 Service in an attempted larceny case, a 14-foot-wide trailers or modular units when it is Beal Film Group is presenting a Southfield police officer went to Recorder's terrific comedy program tonight and Court where he examined Trudeau's shoes for hanging at least one foot over the center line." PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad Saturday in 106B Wells Hall. students, experience references. comparison to a heel print found at the site of a THE MICHIGAN SUPREME COURT has Chaplin's First full-length feature, Cedar Southfield murder. Later that day, police took Gree Free estimates. 349-4817. C "Tillie's Punctured Romance" will be ruled that families should not be shown at 7 and 9:30 p.m., and Trudeau's shoes. required to share in the cost of care for Typewriter "When Comedy Was King" at 8 and Justices Thomas E. Brennan and Eugene F. patients in state mental institutions. Repair 10:30 p.m. Black dissented, arguing that if the link to the The Court, in a 4 to 3 decision, ruled in favor (Electrics) murder had been a fingerprint instead of a heel Foreign & Domestic Dr. Arnold Werner, author of "The of Donald A. and Geraldine Miller, print, no constitutional parents of a Doctor's Bag," will speak on birth questions would have child committed to the Campus Typewriter Service Lapeer State Home and a control, abortion and veneral disease been raised. poo ODD JOBS across from Union Louis E. May Sr. ED 2-0877 Unlimited. A student at 1 p.m. Monday in Wilson's West Terrace Lounge. The Mexican-American student - GOV. MILLIKEN was urged Wednesday to favor traffic safety over economic pressure and Training School. Speaking for the majority opinion, Justice Paul L. Adams said that since such institutions help-referrtfl service. his history, culture, problems and veto a bill to allow 14-foot trailers on Michigan rely on federal income tax returns for patients' air-conditioning, resources on campus - with House-apartment cleaning, lawn speaker garden service, bartending party Manuel Alfero of the Center for highways. care, the Millers were denied equal protection Urban Affairs, will be the topic of a The measure, passed by both the Senate and provided for by the Federal and State service, window washing, typing- symposium at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the House of constitutions. You name it and we'll get the job West Wilson Terrace Lounge. Representatives would permit done. Call Now 351-6089. 4-7-9 The East Lansing Drug Education md PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad Center, its history and services, will everything be discussed at 7 p.m. Wednesday in students, experience, references. Highway support rescinded the West Wilson Terrace Lounge. Free estimates. Evenings, Speakers will be Bob Carlton and 349-4817. C Rob Curtner, codirectors of the program. FRENCH TUTOR. From Le Havre, France. Call Joel, 489-0097. A film on the culture and history (Continued from page one) the 3-7-14 of the American Indian, augmented Dept. of State Highways, said Thursday the by speaker John Winchester, approval of the highway was not a vote against highway plans which were proposed to the STEREO REPAIRS. Also other coordinator of American Indian the location. trustees did not include grade audio equipment. Reasonable. Call separation and Programs, Center for Urban Affairs, "I voted against the treatment in the clover leaf intersections at Harrison 351-6680. 6-7-19 will be the highlight of a symposium plans of and the intersection with Harrison Road, Hagadorn roads "because development in the at 7 p.m. Thursday in West Wilson and, to a lesser extent, the intersection with PAINTING INTERIOR and exterior. Terrace Lounge. Hagadorn area around the intersections has already taken Older students. John, 351-8280, Road," Huff said. place." Ken, 351-1740. 3-7-12 PLUNGE, a recent innovation for Present plans call for no grade separation at topic discussion by Wilson Hall, will Ataman said an expansion of Grand River either the Harrison or Hagadorn make its debut with U.S. involvement intersections, Avenue would be "unthinkable in practical in and Huff said he felt that the students Indochina. living in Typing Service Speaker for the program will be C. Patric Larrowe, Spartan Village might find it difficult to cross professor of economics. The activity both the new highway terms," because of building locations. will begin at 9:30 p.m. Thursday in and the Grand Trunk COMPLETE Railroad while driving to The expansion of Mt. Hope Road would also THESES service. West Wilson Terrace Lounge. classes. Discount not be a feasible alternative to the south campus printing, IBM typing and Terry M. Ataman, asst. director of location for binding of theses, resumes, The MSU Sailing Club will hold a route, Ataman said. publications. Across from campus, regatta at 1 p.m. Saturday in Lake corner M.A.C. and Grand River, Lansing. Rides to the lake will be "We already have constructed an interchange below Jones Stationary Shop. Call leaving from the west entrance of the at Trowbridge," COPYGRAPH 337-1666. C SERVICES, Union at 11 a.m., 11:30 and noon. Barbecue facilities are available so everyone is invited to sail, watch or Peace talks at Mt. Hope and he said. "No interchange exists I - 496, and it would be very difficult and very expensive to construct one so cook. close to the SAVE SAVE SAVE (Continued from page one) Trowbridge interchange." Ataman said that approval by both East XEROX COPYING - offset Three films dealing with the printing — best quality at reasonable Vietnam war will be shown at 8 p.m. session plan could provide a better atmosphere for Lansing and the University is necessary before Tuesday in the Spartan Village Day productive discussions." the highway can be constructed. prices, THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 Care Center. There will be no charge At present, set speeches of the delegates are East Grand River. Phone for the films which include "Time is 332-4222. C-7-9 made public and delegation officers give briefing The proposed highway is not Running Out" and "Winter Soldier." designed as part to reporters after the meetings. The United of a regional highway system, but is instead TYPING SERVICE. Dissertations, States argues that this procedure has turned the intended to carry local metropolitan traffic, with manuscripts, term papers. Paris conference into a sterile propaganda battle. Reasonable rates. 339-9306. Service an estimated one half of the traffic generated by The communists retort that the form of the 5-7-19 MSU, he said. meetings is not important but have not agreed to Another major traffic source would be SUPPORT YOUR business with s persons hold the publicity - free sessions. from Lansing traveling to and from the Meridian PROFESSIONAL boost from Want Ads. Advertise THESIS Communist delegates at the meeting leaned Mali. services there. Dial 355-8255. PREPARATION heavily on what they said was worldwide 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 Transportation approval of their peace package, and called on President Nixon to give a positive response. Mrs. Binh said a "very favorable occasion" is East Sharp Lansing City Councilwoman Mary P. said Thursday the proposed campus offered to the American government "to highway is necessary to help alleviate the severe Complitt Professional Thesis Servlca fir NEED RIDE traffic congestion on Grand River Avenue. to California, leave 7/11 withdraw from Vietnam in honor, in order that Master's an* Doctoral CtnJItitis. Frit through 7/14. Will share driving, there can be new relations between the United Mrs. Sharp said the present level of traffic on Irtcktrt and Consultation Pitts* Ctll and expenses. Call 351-8687 Grand River Avenue makes it an artificial barrier Cliff in* Paula Nau|hiy 337 1527 tr 627 29* States and South Vietnam, in the interests of anytime. S-7-14 between the campus and East Vietnam and the United States and also in the Lansing, while the (right next to Brody Complex) EXPEREINCED TYPIST: for quick but quality Ph.D work. Call 349-2434. 2-7-9 Wanted interests of common peace." Calling on the United States to respond to the south campus route would not result in additional barriers because it would be constructed alongside an already any existing barrier, Viet Cong plan, Thuy declared: "This is the the Grand Trunk Railroad. TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. WANTED USED darkroom imperative demand of the Vietnamese people. Opposition to the proposed highway has been Rapid equipment and tripod. Nancy, This is also the imperative demand of the voiced in the past accurate service. by the All - University Traffic CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTS are now leasing student and married couples units. These Experienced. 393-4075. 0-8-9 after 11 a.m. 337-1479. 2-7-12 American people and the world people." Committee. spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a USED BIKES, gear shift preferred. ^bage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith Call Kathy 353-7791 between 8 - space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private offset printing. Complete service 5 pm. 3-7-12 balconies. We also have a full - time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be among the first residents of CEDAR GPEENScall today. The one - bedroom units start at for dissertations, theses, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 21 BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Arms to Pakistan to continue 580/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL years experience. 349-0850.C all positive. A negative, B negative and AB (Continued from page one) '^FORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine BARBI MEL: Typing, negative, negative, $10.00. O $12.00. MICHIGAN and twelve multilithing. month leases available. No job too large or too small. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER. •To insure both India and Pakistan exercise Block off campus. 332-3255. C 507V4 East Grand River, East great restraint in a crisis that could engulf the Lansing. Above the new Campus entire Indian subcontinent. Meanwhile American suppliers are free to go Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 on shipping military equipment ordered by C0IHP3liy new MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: AICO MSnSJBIHBIlt PROFESSIONAL papers, thests. Best TYPIST. rates. Term Call p.m., Monday, Thursday and Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 •To encourage a political settlement of the feud between East and West Pakistan. Pakistan and licensed by the United States before March 25, the day the administration banned 351-4610. X-20-8-18 P.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C • To arrange for the safety and repatriation of further licensing of nilitarygoods for Pakistan. Friday, July 9 , 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Effect thatmayalterDNA Hereditary material of living everything from tiny molecules things — DNA — may be to cells for such living things as light, such as that from the sun and sunlamps, laboratory conditions. They find the reaction in chemicals which are similar to "It is conceivable found that such wouldhave to happen at a changed bases could be close to the time when the ba« sufficiently long-lived to produce separate changed by an ultraviolet bacteria, elephants, whales and The MSU biophysicists, M. DNA Dieces an error, Ingham said. MSU scientists caution tK. reaction discovered and humans. Ashraf El-Bayoumi and Kenneth Under normal conditions, How long would such an error since it is not actual DNA th, confirmed by MSU It is the twisted "ladder" or C. Ingham, have detected such DNA to be copied comes have to exist to cause a are testing, there is a chance J double helix of DNA which an ultraviolet effect which to undone aUme end. jts basepaire biophysicists. DNA of body and many scientists believe their knowledge has never before demonstrated under of the DNA "ladder rungs" i 1 happer just 5efore 1 r»w a Qonaratn " "n dna do™s iotTau^He^ reaction, called double reproductive cells helps to copy changed by ordinary ultraviolet been separate as though a knife were two branches of DNA separate " reaction r cut through all the rungs rungs to the El - Bayoumi explained.™ . . . .f . t transfer But if it does, as they bt, other end of the ladder. happens at that point and lasts Living cells have many ladder just a few thousandths of a is likely, then this would £ Centers vary - rung pieces, called bases. When second, the DNA splits down the middle, and the two DNA strands separate, then there is no means for the DNA coife i change into any base sequej and in this way change herei these bases join each half of the way for the changed bases to El Bayoumi caught revert back to their original - split DNA to form two new share concern molecules of DNA. As long as the bases do not get damaged or of DNA form. .... 44In the biological system it changed would usually be self • repairing. f gilmpse of the reaction Hi- years ago at Florida St) University at Tallahassee W|, They're called by different under the supervision of Montessori. It is based on the t flre ab(e tQ he( tQ repeat To be permanent, according to working with Michael Kasha» belief that individuals must A1 C. Taylor there. names — child care centers, day specially trained staff. genetic instructions. But our model system, the change centers, nursery schools. Mrs. Brown explained the educate themselves; no damaged bases do not fit with They get funds from different varied functions and services of can do it. The teacher is a « «i> me normal thp nui mat wuvuCO(je{j " pieces sources. They may have child care centers, day care careful of DNA. As a result of such different goals — social, centers, cooperatives, nursery assistance only when absolutely errors, new genes are created. emotional or physical schools, Montessori schools and necessary, The new genes may cause "The Head Start program development. Head Start programs: disease, evolution or mutation. The denominator in "The child care center is supported largely by federal Plugging'a meter common ^ u all child care agencies should be - day substitute for maternal funds, but is not open to the Sugar, an albino Arabian Apaloosa, is tied to a parking concern for the happiness and care. It is usually supported by general population. It serves a How many ways meter in downtown St. Paul, Minn.,by Thomas Murdek,21, well - being of the preschool state of local funds, and fees portion of the nation's culturally child, Jeanne Brown, family life paid by the family, and provides disadvanted youngsters in the can you prepare of West St. Paul. Murdek was warned he would be charged specialist for MSU's Cooperative an environment in which your summer or year before "regular" with disorderly conduct if he continued to tie his horse up downtown. Extension Service said. It should child can grow and develop, school, a pancake? be a place where the child learns Child care centers adopt a total AP Wirephoto by playing with other children development approach. cooperative • type ' "The program often is adopted as an o^Iowin economy move. It is organized by parents who employ a trained ^as^Laqsmg... teacher. Then the parents take turns helping the teacher. It's usually a half - day program with an unusual fringe benefit — A COED STUDYING in the northeast third - women into another store's entrance after they parent involvement, floor corner of the graduate library told police an took a pair of blue jeans valued at $13. addition to reducing costs and unidentified man followed her and aroused ^hen ^ clerk approached to recover the helping more people participate, cQfecPr£tzelcBell himself sexually. jeans, she said, one of the women clubbed her >t allows parents to better That's where you'll not only re¬ The coed described him as a man between 25 with a stick and both fled. The clerk reportedly understand their their own children ceive the finest food Jind most and 30 years old with black hair, 5 feet 6, 160 returned to the store and called police, who said development. courteous service around, but the women were finally captured by MSU "Preschool nurseries and .you'll find yourself surrounded by pounds, last seen wearing an olive green shirt and nursery schools are more general a pictorial history of MSU and the khaki trousers. She said he was dark complected officers near the Music Building, East Lansing area. and spoke with a possible Eastern accent. terms applied to preschool And there's more. You li see over The other incident occurred about one hour Pro8rams- T^ese refer' to 50 original Tiffany type lamps EAST LANSING POLICE reported Thursday earlier when the manager of Hosier's pursued a Programs wn'cn are usuaiiy a plus a 17 foot high'fireplace im¬ ported from merry old England! woman who took a hot pants outfit valued at =" two separate And there's still more so drop rl tn pnvf an $1 1 anri ran into nparhv T.nm s restaurant Pnlirp Kr ... environment. in and enjoy yourself won't you? East Lansing clothing store without paying for were called to the scene where the manager "A Montessori school is You'll find the Pretzel {Jell to be identified the woman. an interesting dining experience. patterned after a school | Complaints and warrant will be sought against developed in Italy by Maria | K r*-| store clerk at Hosier's followed two Lansing all three w ) Nixon's use of media OK, I \r"^I 1020 Trowbridge East Road Lansing, Michigan 517/351- 0300 students say in campus po Answers were: Charges by some that President Nixon has been monopolizing the mass media for his own political profit find little support yes, he has abused access to the media among the country's college students. Here on the nation's campuses where Democrats outnumber Republicans by two to no, no he has not abused access to the media opinion 29.7% HIFI BUYS one, 64 per cent of the students surveyed in a recent nationwide 63.6% poll feel that Nixon has not abused his access to the country's news media. 6.7% In this survey, as with most of the previous ones, students TAKEN SOMETHING AWAY FROM This combined with a growing affinity for the "Independent party" may indicate that the several million newly franchised attending schools in the South were more favorably disposed young voters, or at least the college sector, might be going to the toward the President. Just under one in every five college students are from schools either in the South Atlantic or East THE SOHY TC 70. polls with a matter of factness that overshadows loyalty to either South Central regions. Their attitudes have been consistently of the major political parties. more conservative than those of their peers in other regions. On In a poll taken late in June, interviewers surveyed by telephone a random sample of 987 college students attending 47 colleges this question concerning Nixon and the news media, over seven in and universities throughout the nation. every 10 students enrolled in southern schools supported the degree to which Nixon has been using the media. Replied one They've taken something away that you're sure to miss — Louisiana State University senior, "The President was elected but you'll like missing it. They've taken $5 off the old list The students were asked: because of his personal ideas, how can anyone complain simply price for the Sony / Superscope TC-70 AC/DC Portable "Critics of the Republican administration have charged that because he continued to make his thoughts known to the public Cassette Corder. It's now priced at $74.95 and still has all - President Nixon, through extensive use of press briefings and those Sony features that makes it a true winner for students after taking office?" A contrasting view was offered by a Cornell television addresses, has taken unfair advantage of his position as and secretaries. Like the unique back - space review button University coed: "Everywhere I look I see Nixon, and if not him, President in conveying his own political ideas to the American and stop/start microphone that makes tape editing an ease. then Agnew. I think the people are getting a snow job!" There's also end of tape alarm, record level and battery people. Others say that the President's frequent use of the news (Copyright 1971, Unidex Corporation, Bloomington, Indiana) - - media is a result of the times we live in and that his television strength indicator, easy snap controls and tone and volume addresses are simply the best way to inform the American public controls. And the TC-70 operates in any carrying position of national affairs. What do you think? — has Nixon overused his and has an optional car battery operation. So Stop by HIFI access to television and the news media or not?" BUYS and check out the TC-70, it has everything you need for recording and something you can always use — a new low price! The world's oldest car-maker has some of the newest ideas . . . Like the Renault R-16. Put your patents in their place - ROAD LOVE DOMINO'S HMjinB Kellogg Center, it's close to everything! 966 Trowbridge Close to canoe rides on the Red Cedar. Front wheel drive Converts to 351-7100 • • - Close to botanical gardens near the library. station wagon • Only a few minutes walk from the East Lansing shopping • Up to 35 m.p.g. Reclining seats district. For pick-up or free delivery to East complex, Shaw • 4 wheel disc brakes • 4-wheel independent Why not let your parents savor campus life when they're suspension here for visit. Put them up in air - conditioned comfort at Lane, South complex, Brody dorms and married I a housing. 1 Kellogg Center. Open 5 p.m. 1 a.m. Close to what's happening at MSU. - - weekdays; 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. & Sat.; 4 1 Al Edward's Call 332-6571 for reservations. p.m. - a.m. - Sunday. SPORTS HIFI BUYS The pizza people CENTER KELLOGG CENTER 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 of MSU. 1200 E.OAKLAND (Corner of Harrison & Michigan)