Monday MICHIGAN Volume 64 Number 8 STATE UNIVERSITY STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan (I/ Monday, July £,1971 Judge denies appeal to halt required proof of residency By STEVE ALLEN and residency of Zolton persons registering to vote. Ferency, attorney for the students not only voted in their home the case we presented him or was towns, but also Holt and East Lansing. sidetracked other cases that were by RICK WILBINS plaintiffs, called the ruling When contacted Sunday, neither Beverly inapplicable to our case," Ferency added. State News Staff Writers "unconstitutional, neglecting due process Aerial antics Circuit Court Judge Ray C. Hotchkiss and equal protection under law." Colizzi, East Lansing city clerk, norBernard Appol, state elections director, said they Ferency said that while Hotchkiss concerned about was Ferency argued that the office of city knew of any instances of such duplication of voter denied a request by four East Lansing clerk had no right under the law to duplicate registration, every registration official finds These South Vietnamese rangers demonstrated aerial feats require registration. during residents for an injunction to stop the City identification. He said election officials of out where the registrant last registered and Ranger Day" recently at Nha Trang. AP Wirephoto of East Lansing from requiring proof of East Lansing have assumed "I cannot think of one offhand," Mrs. notifies that city clerk. authority which Colizzi said, while Appol stated, "I don't exists neither under the Constitution or know of any." Ferency said Hotchkiss used as a state statutes. precedent a case where an individual was Clarifying his criticism of Hotchkiss' registered in one city while living in Ferency contended that swearing under A gnew says an oath to the truth of an affidavit a registrant fills out should be sufficient. Daniel Learned, East Lansing city ruling being a denial of due process and equal protection under law, Ferency pointed out that the present situation gives city clerks a free hand in establishing another. In that case the ruling stated that mere intention to live in a city is not enough legal reason to register there. However, Ferency pointed out that in w attorney, argued that the issue was whether registration requirements, with the this case the four plantiffs, Audrey Jean city clerks are entitled to ask for stringency of those requirements varying appalled' Gunn, Kathleen Walk, Calvin Jensen and leak documentary evidence of identification at security from city to city. Scott Hanson, were physically and residency so that only qualified voters "With all due residing in will be registered. respect to Judge Hotchkiss, I think he either misunderstood (Please turn to page 7) He said the city felt the evidence himself the power to declassify by himself discussing the reaction to the ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) - Vice requirement was reasonable so that votes secret government papers." Pentagon papers' controversy, Agnew said of unqualified people would not dilute the esident Spiro T. Agnew said Sunday ,rld leaders have told him they are "just He said they are concerned, not at the the point made to him was not whether the votes of qualified people. OF STEREO GEAR declassification so much, but why "the papers should have been declassified but palled" at publication of the Pentagon Judge Hotchkiss, in denying the editor of The New York Times" should be whether a private person outside the pers on Vietnam. injunction request, said the issue was how able to decide what material would no government should decide for himself to Agnew was asked if he has received any many times different individuals are iction on the papers from the leaders longer jeopardize national security. declassify it. Agnew said he favors more Cost, inconvenience registered to vote in how many different Asked if the publication of the papers in declassification of non-security material. th whom he has conferred so far in six areas. The Times and elsewhere, upheld by the The incident, the vice president added, ian and African nations. He replied: "One wonders how many times one U.S. Supreme Court, has hampered his would make it more difficult for a du They're bet I have. At every stop. person should be allowed to vote. When an talks, Agnew said it hadn't because "they president to get full and candid advice individual can vote two, three or four times appalled. said behind purchase t have confidence that I felt the same from his advisers for fear a portion of the ■'Every leader I've talked to is appalled way — that is, in fact, disenfranchisement of the idea that a private businessman who they did," and would not reveal secret others." matters. (Please turn to page 7) a newspaper editor can assume unto Hotchkiss said he knew of cases where By STEVE ALLEN State News Staff Writer training them in communicative techniques. The OBA will train its own Road ruling review urged Office of Black Affairs spokesman Forest McCants Thursday purchase of $612.30 worth of stereo equipment. McCants said the equipment would (OBA) explained the reasons for the OBA's recent people in the future for its communication programs, McCants said. McCants explained that OBA purchased the stereo equipment, two tape one amp, one pre amp recorders, and one record By STEVE WATERBURY changer because, in the long run, highway were approved by the trustees in over air and noise pollution, the possibility had not been agreed to and had not been allow the OBA to develop more contact State News Staff Writer purchasing the equipment would give the September, 1969, but the approval was of heavily congested highway intersections with the University, particularly blacks on OBA more flexibility in its part of the plan." programming. State withdrawn at a closed meeting of the with Harrison and Hagadorn Roads, and Stafseth also cited the costs of campus. "If we rented the Instructional Media Highway Director Henrik E. "many fseth urged President Wharton trustees in June. concern that the highway would tend to man hours in planning and The overall purpose behind the stereo Center's equipment," McCants said, "we Friday to conducting his office to effect a reconsideration of Wharton and individual trustees have physically divide the University. engineering studies on this route which we equipment acquisition, McCants said, was would have to use it on their time instead indicated Stafseth, in a six page letter to Wharton, to "work with problems of our own. We would have to reserve ecent action by the board of trustees a continue willingness to envision as a well designed and facing the black discussions on the campus highway with said that the highway dept. and local people on this campus." times when we could use the attractively landscaped facility." equipment. (See related story on page 8) representatives of the Dept. of State governmental units have spent extensive Stafseth's "With this equipment we will be able to Since we purchased the equipment, letter to Wharton revealed we can Highways. sums of money in anticiaption of the that the make audio tapes of poetry and music. We useit any time we want to. If we want to ich rescinded previous board approval of original plans for the highway Trustees have said their June action construction of the proposed highway. envisioned a divided facility with a wide plan to combine these tapes with slide make tapes at midnight, we can do it." oposed campus highway, should be viewed as "The extra ramps and structures presentations and sometimes pantomime to he proposed highway would extend a "clearing of the median, and intended to accomodate was Renting the equipment probably would slate" to facilitate a more extensive necessary to connect Trowbridge Road get across our messages," he said. not have been a viable alternative for the >ss South Campus just north of the 35-40 mile per hour traffic. investigation into the possible into the 1-496 and US-127 freeways cost McCants said OBA plans to present slide OBA, according to Dave nd Trunk tracks to Park Lake Road, "However, at the demand of the Lockwood, consequences of the construction of the the public an additional $1.7 - audio productions starting in fall at coordinator of distribution services for the of East Lansing. million," he University, a structure at Farm Lane and highway. said. "These expenditures would not have convocations in campus auditoriums open Instructional Media Center. lie plans and routing of the proposed Some trustees have expressed concern been necessary if the Cross - Campus Route an interchange at Bogue Street were to all students. "It would cost them $110 a month to incorporated into the proposed design," Stafseth said. According to McCants, the Instructional rent that equipment from us," Lockwood Media Center and the Center for Urban (Please turn to page 7) Affairs are working with OBA members, (Please turn to page 7) anel on welfare reform o WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate emphasize child Labor with direct responsibility for care eventually would be self supporting and could repay the loan. - providing it from public or private sources. lance Committee, beginning work on the Ifare reform bill, will concentrate first the question of child care facilities so The House Ways and Means Committee stated flatly that "the work requirement The corporation would charge fees which would go into a revolving fund to Seeking and manpower services program in the provide capital for further expansion of •thers can take After 12 days of walking from jobs. welfare bill will succeed or fail, depending child care services and to repay the Mothers comprise by far the biggest East Pakistan, this man and his on whether sufficient child care government loan. «gory of adults on the welfare rolls at centenarian mother still have not sent. opportunities can be created." But Long said he believes something Long emphasized that the services would found accomodations in refugee Sen. Russell B. be designed to help Long, D-La., chairman of more is necessary — a mechanism to working mothers above ! Senate panel, plans two days of public the camps. encourage the establishment of day care poverty level as well as those on 'rings on day care even before his welfare. AP Wirephoto facilities. Nmittee listens to administration In addition, it would provide a wider ^ic°ng ials on the proposed legislation. and other To accomplish this, he is sponsoring an variety of services than now are envisaged senators have made no amendment to set up a federal child care rt of their under government programs. These could view that the day care >visions supported corporation, charged with the task of include intensive educational experiences ' by the administration providing child care services throughout for pre - school children, care for children included in the House the - passed version the nation to the full extent of the need. in the hours after school until the end of legislation are inadequate, the work day, day nese provisions would make available The camps or summer corporation would start off with a camps, care for children whose parents additional $500 million annually for $500 million Treasury loan. But the ' work at night, and short - time care when a care and would charge the Secretary of Louisiana senator believes the corporation parent is attending classes or shopping. 1omosexuals describe By JIM SHELDON their uninhibited discussion with insights consideration and job opportunities as gay out. Their families are learning to accept life Bill, who dislikes the label as normal added; and Mike replied, "It's like being State News Staff Writer into the gay world. "straights." the fact, although Steve said his father is Jewish." Homosexuals may travel in certain "homosexual," said he is first a human Gay Lib helps to erase "rotten-sinner" still hoping for a cure. being and is only gay in bed or on a date. Police patrol the Union grill, the circles, but no two gay persons are alike group homosexuals, all MSU students, guilt feelings by establishing identity and Mike said his mother originally cried, Steve and others said, to survey couples and then go to the and cannot be stereotyped, the group agreed that the . 'ast week that "outside of going to pride among homosexuals, Steve took him to a psychiatrist and told him to homosexual man, as a person, identifies "john" and seduce persons. Only those *»th guys," gay people get up in the agreed. As with heterosexuals, continued. It is for many a way to make find his own schooling funds. Steve said his with other "not refined in techniques" do homosexuals each have their own contacts from the outside through an men. things like j mg> go to work, come home and eat mother knew, when he almost flunked out this, a voice chuckled. The second floor JVr and generally lead lives similar to characteristics and viewpoints, they added. organization which is "politically stodgy" once, that he had a problem with either "Straights" are never called on to hold Library restroom and the Men's Intramural ■' Persons and publishes no literature — at least not in the East Lansing "girls, drugs or queers." Tim's mother said, panel discussions on heterosexuality in Building steam room are other popular In a way, Steve maintained, a natural •■nunity. yet. ' "What else is new?" when he broke the dormitories or to be interviewed by homosexual hang-outs, they said. In'y Persons unsure about their own empathy exists among homosexuals who news, he said. reporters. •n identify themselves as part of the gay Bill said the movement can be a "big society All five asserted that their backgrounds "uptight" about the are community. Steve said he could go almost mind-easer" since many persons find out Several persons are arrested each month, !!: ' ey ^id, and homosexuality for had nothing to do with their "When were you asked when you . anyplace, find a group of homosexuals and from contacts in Gay Lib that they are not usually after policeman contacts them in a homosexuality, and they all considered realized heterosexual?" [tev?'£Ply nm and the natural way to be. have a place to stay at night. homosexuals as they originally believed. their attraction to men, someone you queried. were a a restroom, the group said. Police are . Mike, along with current He said the MSU Gay Liberation which surfaced worried that MSU homosexuals might have Only Bill and Guy have yet to tell their Steve guessed there might be 4,000 ■ii ^ests Bil1 and Guy, live together in a Movement attempts to show outsiders that families they are gay. The others said their throughout their lives, to be perfectly natural for them. They never believed they homosexuals on campus and said some a corrupting influence on East Lansing ■ close to camPus- Along with homosexuals are real people, not figments families knew; their mothers, who had a problem, so they never thirsted for teen-agers who occasionally drift over to persons are never really sure of themselves. ■hoii ■ heterosexuals also staying in se'the group u of the imagination, who deserve the same suspected it all along, were the first to find the heterosexual life. A homosexual is anyone who savs he is. he spoke freely and laced (Please turn to page 7) Monday, ju|y ,2 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^ Michig 3 P< news Hart applauds already is. You have to think of the effects busting up GM would "Actually my questions were very closely related t0 >VJ 1 or c Thirteen Ea summary have on its employes. "I like to think I'm not backing off because of GM's political registration," Will said. "I feel there is no difference between the two major political parties. If people also feel there is difference, they will neither vote or register." e noon dea ,uncil primar From the wires of AP and UPI. Sen. Philip A. Hart, D - Mich., said he had "mixed feelings" economic power." Hart added. East Lansin Will also questioned Hart about the consolidation of energy itition filed ' about students registering to vote in their college town in an Austin said he favors leaving voters' names on registration sources and American involvement in Pakistan. roll interview following his talk at a Democratic party voter for four years before removing them if they have not voted i' llven's petit! Hart said that his antitrust committee held the first hearings on jssible verific registration workshop held Saturday in the Union. that time. The present policy leaves voters' names on the the common ownership of energy sources. He added that he was rolls f Secretary of State Richard H. Austin, following Hart to the only two years if they do not vote. A petition speaker's platform, explained the responsibilities of his office in "a signatory of the letter circulating in protest" of out policy in Austin also said he encourages further use of a plan most disquall Pakistan. being Mrs. Collizz voter registration and repeated his call for four - year voter Will was then prevented from asking further questions in Detroit which allows voters to register at the state's local offices. secretary*1} jtitions: "Every leader I've talked to is registration rolls. " Hart said there are good arguments for and against allowing unrelated to the question of voter registration. Mayor Gore appalled by the idea that a private students to vote in college towns. Brookover, businessman who is a newspaner "I think you have to resolve your doubts this way: if the education a Britain's Labor party Coalition split editor can assume unto himself fullest participation possible is a healthy end, then the greatest e the power to declassify by himself ease should be the goal," he said. sue; Mickey secret "If the student lives nine months in city A and three months in lychology at government papers. "lu;i Bte House of city B, then you can make a good argument that he should vote - Vice President Agnew where he lives nine months a [iool teacher year. "There is the immediate counterargument that students have biochemistry no obligation to local government. "Of course, these people are also affected by city government. I think you'd have to wind up saying both sides make sense. How you resolve it, the hell if I know," he said. Hart added that, for statewide and national elections, allowing on LONDON joining (AP) - Britain's us as to those who take a Gen. Charles de Gaulle, whether Com I would entry in the end would depend recommen liarles Max 1 Duane P. jyllis Evans, i iman Rights lose abolitioi students to vote in college towns makes sense. opposition Labor party is contrary view. But it is my firm on the price to be The top six sharply split over whether to conviction that important prizes The Labor party has called a paid." three coum In his address to the voter registration workshop, Hart said that "the party and the country will be better, I have no doubt" join the European Common are to be won if we enter on the special conference for Saturday. Market — a split that could bring terms now envisaged." Wilson could take a stand openly Anthony Crosland, who Second general accused because of the 18 - year - old vote. a challenge to the leadership of then, but this is doubtful. The been one of Labor's Hart complimented the young people for asking the hard questions about the quality of American life. Harold Wilson. Two other members of the vote in Parliament won't be until prominent Common supporters and ranked thiTd" «2 . | prime minister's former Wilson government have October, SJ/ The former Rep. Robert H. Steele, R-Conn., who last week "Many of you are moving in the right direction," Hart said to the young people. "You've identified the question, now where is plea that party unity must come publicly accepted the terms laid the party hierarchy, has £j the will to get the money to do it?" first failed to silence the growing down for entry — Lord Denis Healey, former defense out against going along™ g will ^ > accused a South Vietnamese major general of being a rift and even brought open George-Brown, who was Wilson's minister and now the Labor entry on terms accepted by t| narcotics trafficker, said Sunday that Gen. Ouane Resplendent in his six - month growth of beard, Hart added, defiance from two more senior foreign secretary when Labor Party's spokesman on foreign Tory regime. He told i "If anybody here is convinced the young vote is Democratic or Rathikoune of the Royal Laotian army was another antiadministration, I suspect they may be correct." ministers in his old government, sought to join in 1967, and affairs — still regarded as a supporters at a private meetii Wilson is sounding every day George Thomson, the Labor pro-marketeer, swung over to that it is more important | major drug trafficker in Southeast Asia. Hart encouraged the young people to participate actively in about ready to jump off the cabinet's Europe minister who the Wilson strategy. He told a preserve the unity of the py Ouane was chief of staff of the Royal Laotian army politics but to "do it in a tone that will not outrage all us old fence and lead the attack against did the negotiating only to run television audience: "I stillII hope and try to get rid of Heath The Michig) until last Thursday, when he retired after 30 years of folks." Britain's joining the European into a veto from French leader it is possible to go in, but government. vorce bill F In a question and answer session after his address, Chuck Will, military service. candidate for East Lansing City Council, asked Hart about his economic-political bloc. ichigan on tl Steele made the accusation in a broadcast interview in The Labor chief has sharply oken down. refusal to hold hearings on the Justice Dept.'s failure to file New York. antitrust charges against General Motors. criticized the terms for entry FOR LAWMAKERS Passed by a ouse for appr Hart said, "(Ralph) Nader asked me to hold a hearing on why accepted by Prime Minister Edward Heath's Conservative The bill, in the Dept. of Justice had not filed antitrust charges against GM. until budget government — but has stopped irrent divorc< Irish unity asked We have never undertaken Senate hearings on whether the Justice Dept. should take action. I wish I knew what to do about this; I'm not really sure. Hearings may make more trouble than there just short of slamming the door. Michael Stewart, foreign No recess her at fault f secretary in 1968*70 under written, Milliken Prime Minister Jack Lynch, speaking in Dublin on the Wilson, suggested that to back 50th anniversary of the end of fighting with Britain, appealed to the British government Sunday to stop The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter down now would be reneging on a party promise in 1967, when the Wilson government made a urges At an impromptu news a bill allowing June spending Republicans insist that tl* backing Belfast and work for the unity of the Emerald and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays determined bid to join. conference Friday, Gov. Milliken levels to continue through July, Isle. language concerning thi during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Asked in a radio interview said the Michigan Legislature Milliken said much progress in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. property tax be identical He spoke against a background of violence on both what he intends to do in should not recess for the has been made in the negotiation Member Associated Press, United Press International, both ballot proposals if tl* sides of the border dividing the island. In Dublin heavy Parliament if the Labor party until it completes work Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, summer meetings between legislative alternatives are submitted toth police forces patrolled the city to prevent Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press officially opposes entry, Stewart on a new state budget for fiscal party leaders in "narrowing voters. The only differen counterdemonstrations on the anniversary by the illegal Association. replied: "I think I shall have to 1971 . 72. down the differences" on money between the two propos.^— vote for entry. It is the only would be that the Democrat! Bn ^ 'lour Irish Republican Army. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial course of action consistent with The legislature, which had sparing for and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan d__ _ rposition paper ^ proposal will also r President Eamon de Valera, Irish freedom fighter once condemned to death by the British but now, at 88, State University, East Lansing, Michigan. what I and my colleagues were planned to recess July 17, now released by House and Senate fanguage" permitting the state™ issroom teach doing in the government." intends to meet for at least Republicans almost echoed an institute a graduated income ta itudy conduc frail and. almost Harold Lever, the Labor another two weeks before taking earlier statement issued by Institutional blind, attended Sunday's Phones: party's spolesman on Europe its summer bi^k. Speaker of the House William A; Milliken who plans to i The 0IR stu< commemoration in the Garden of Remembrance in the^ News 355-8252 and a staunch pro-Marketeer Although none of the major Ryan, D - .Detroit, the language fall in ac "heart of the city. Classified Ads 355-8255 his position known "at ■ , budget bills have cleared joined him by telling a private even of ballot proposals to be proper time " said he is not vi juirement ft Advertising 353-6400 ^ .* ' meet in meeting cr nf of nm-Riirnnoans' pro-Europeans: one of nne of thf» two phnmhors the tan chambers, tho the submitted to the voters in . endorsing either plan . iff performai Business Office 355-3447 "Party unity is as important to governor signed into law Friday November still blocks ^ contained No word on arms . a The governor said failure A Republican Democrat Democrat act*' ™*"the "baM^ act on the ballot proM pro "Cat'°ns Af! ^ spccniGnt. before summer recess will --- - Uvi« According to The ballot proposals offer fall professo Nationalist China has received no information about a property tax relief for anotta voters property tax relief and a .2 hours in i year) slnce the legislature wo»k reported U.S. Defense Dept. proposal to President chance to voice tneir opinions not return to business until ate hours Nixon that American nuclear weapons stored in on instituting a graduated state the deadline for truction submit^ Okinawa be moved to Formosa, the foreign ministry in Taipei said Sunday. Si9K income tax. items for the November ballot, unseling ant velopment, A ministry spokesman, Wei Yu-Sun, also declined * ilf T search, 2.5 comment on the Nationalist government's probable reaction to such a proposal. ^ Corner of Ann & MAC Wo men to rvice rforming and ties. * SOMETHING The lower f Western leaders skeptical to strategy on active in ministration « Women throughout the nation abortion laws, Offend are expected to attend a Sponsored by the Women Some governors in the West are openly skeptical conference in New York City National Abortion Conference about how their thinly populated states would fare Everyone this Friday through Sunday to the gathering is slated f under President establish a national strategy for Barnard College, where housii Nixon's federal revenue sharing ★★★★★★★★★★★★ program. Democrat Mike O'Callaghan" of Nevada said he would repeal and reform of will be provided for delegates. Car pools from E» Lansing are being organized, an Le want a "hold safe" clause that would protect states interested persons may a from losing funds they now get. More of the skepticism came from Democrats gathering over the weekend in Moran, Wyo., for the 33 2-0427 information. In addition to the for f urthe aborts Lt issue, workshops four-day-long, 13-state Western Governors Conference organized for child care, equ that ends Thursday. rights, gay women and blw women. "It has become increasing W obvious in the past year thi Lockheed loan questioned women have tremendous po* En when we unite to fight ■ control over our own lives, conference organizer said. Rep. William S. Moorhead, D-Pa., questioned Sunday "It is also becoming clear thi whether the Nixon administration is dealing in good abortion law repeal is not goji faith with Congress in its drive for a $250 million loan guarantee for the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. A New Boat's to be won by simply go" through the courts on a stfl In a speech prepared for the House, Moorhead basis. As with women's suffraf the recognition of abortion a! accused the Defense Dept. of holding back information on how many big Lockheed LI 011 airbuses would have As Near As woman's right is going to nationwide political action requil «» to be sold for the program to be profitable. agitation by masses of women' Army P 'if the break-even point has crept up to well over 400 planes, as I suspect it has, then we in Congress ought to Your Credit Union all races A similar and economic demonstration *' groupi ROTC assured a avoid backing this loan to Lockheed because the held last fall in WashingW option c D.C., and more than 200 won* with a corporation does not stand a snowball's chance in hell With experienced advice and a low-cost loan from your MSU from across the country of selling 400 to 500 L101 l's," Moorhead said. Employees manager Credit Union, you've got everything you'll need to put to sea in that new June 12 in New York to disc1 the national abortion camp»f Plus boat you've been dreaming about. we And with a credit union loan you get life and permanent Eight women from East Lansi will rece disability insur¬ attended this meeting. You will Nixon reaches new low ance at no additional cost. Best of all, you can repay your loan by convenient The conference organic scholars! said they hope information» payroll deduction. Your credit union wants you to get the most out of life. If experiences on the abort Public confidence in President Nixon has reached a you've got the issue can be shared and discuw new low, according to the two most recent Gallup polls. time, we've got the money. For all your recreational needs, your credit union's in relation to proposals They indicate that 48 per cent of Americans approve his action. ready to help. Give us a call or stop by soon. performance in office. The polls show Nixon's current rating to be below RENT AT.V. that recorded for his four predecessors at a comparable point in time during their administrations. $9.50 Z»„, 25.00 ft Cc After 29 months in office, Lyndon B. Johnson's approval rating was 57 per cent; John F. Kennedy's was \ BByEADwALE MSU EMPLOYEES We deliver Or si 61 per cent; Dwight D. Eisenhower's was 69 per cent, M.A.C. Avenue UNIVERSITY T.V. REnTA 1019 Trowbridge Rd.* Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 and Harry S. Truman's was 55 per cent, Gallup said. 351-7900 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 12. 1971 3 3 petitions te or city council Sparse fighting continues t0 tweenthg voter Thirteen noon East Lansing residents filed nominating petitions by deadline Saturday for inclusion in the Aug. 3 city after Moroccan coup fails iere is uncil primary election. RABAT, Morocco (AP) — The king asserted that that the recruits were misguided fast Lansing City Cleric Beverly Colizzi verified all but one Small isolated Medbouh tricked groups of 1,400 but the army whole tujon filed by Patricia Ann Calven, 300 Beal St. She said Miss as a mutineers held out against the semiliterate recruits of an army at'on roll, remained firmly loyal to him »t voted ."en's petition would be given further consideration pending royal Moroccan army Sunday, training center in Fez by telling and to the le foils in Lble verification today. more than 24 hours after the them the king had been taken Moroccan monarchy. century • old for A petition filed by Charles Himelrlght, 215 Evergreen, was collapse of their bloody coup prisoner by hostile forces. most disqualified because of two illegible signatures. against King Hassan II. The coup collapsed when the being ^ Mrs. Collizzi said the following residents had filed qualifying Officials said at» least 180 recruits The king, virtually his entire cretary recognized the king government, his top military 0( titions: persons were killed and several among their prisoners after a commanders and the foreign Mjyor Gordon L. Thomas, running for his third term; Wilbur hundred wounded in the bloody five - hour rampage that ambassadors accredited in Rabat Brookover, a first • term member of the council and professor bungled attempt to set up a broke up a party celebrating the education and sociology at MSU; Chuck Will, the candidate of Moroccan were a sitting target when they revolutionary king's 42nd birthday. assembled Coalition for Human Survival, a staff writer for the Joint Saturday for a 500 - it republic. Most of the dead were we- Mickey (formerly Marshall Steven Davis), an ex - student In plate open - air luncheon party Shooting continued in some counted among the mutinous at the king's summer palace on ychology at MSU; George Colburn, a legislative analyst in the residential areas of Rabat hours recruits who took over the the Atlantic beach at ste House of Representatives; George L. Griffiths, a junior high after Interior Minister Gen. Rabat radio station, permitting Skhirat, 15 miles south of Rabat. iool teacher; Elyse Eisenberg, an MSU graduate, re - enrolled as Mohamed Oufkir announced the rebellious officers to jiochemistry major; Charles Himelright, a former MSU student; that the country was quiet and broadcast a proclamation Only a handful of police and el urles Max Phillips, president of Central Michigan Warehouse ; Duane P. Bone, president of Duane Bone Builder, Inc.; Mrs. yllis Evans, an asst. professor at MSU and a member of the new What a view! under firm government control. The leader of the mutineers, Gen. Mohamed Medbouh, was establishing The a radio republic. station recaptured during the night after was ceremonial troops guarded the 500 unarmed guests. The recruits, arriving in uman Rights party; and L.E. Klein, the city constable, an office killed by his own men after the a gunfight with regular forces. trucks, captured the entire recommem lose abolition is pending before the city council. >uld depend This seems to sum up the reaction of the maintenance worker the right as his coworker coup fizzled Saturday. In a Many hundreds of shaven - palace and its occupants almost The top six candidates in the balloting Aug. 3 will compete for on dramatic headed recruits in battle fatigues id." three council seats in the Nov. 2 election. repairs something on the roof of the Horticulture Building. midnight broadcast, without resistance. State News photo by Milton Horst King Hassan said he escaped were arrested. Others escaped death by divine intervention. and holed up in nearby Diplomats present at the >d, who || abor's buildings, including the party told how they were ion Moroccan offices of the United brutally mistreated for five M. slo-fault divorce bill approved ked third Nations. In some instances, hours and many participants i mutineers were reported to have were killed at pointblank . has range been summarily executed after by trigger • happy soldiers when along their capture. they tried to escape or made a epted by tj The king said in his broadcast sudden movement. e told rate meetin By JOANNA FIRESTONE Current law provides for divorce on the grounds of extreme nportant State News Staff Writer legislature would support may be a "no - fault pregnancy bill." of the cruelty, a-'ultery, desertion, drunkenness, physical incompetence Modeled after an Iowa statute, the "no fault" divorce bill was of pa..( Heath The Michigan vorce Senate approved a House - passed "no-fault" bill Friday permitting persons to file for divorce in at the time of marriage or imprisonment of one than three years. party for more The bill approved by the Senate Friday will allow circuit courts recommended by Michigan's Law Revision Commission which said current statutes create hardships, unfairness and incongruity. TONIGHT (and every Monday) ichigan on the sole grounds that the marriage has irreparably to terminate marriages when "there has been a breakdown of the oken down. Passed by a 22 • 12 vote, the bill will now be returned to the marriage relationship to the extent that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed and there remains no reasonable likelihood "The new statute would not increase the number of breakdowns but would merely provide for a more just and less traumatic process family Experience a juse for approval of several minor amendments. for legally terminating marriages which in fact The bill, introduced March 24, is designed to replace the jrrent divorce law that requires that one party must prove the that the marriage can be preserved." "Our current divorce laws provide a framework for blackmail are already dead," the commission said. Minutes after Senate approval, Gov. Milliken enthusiastically PIZZA FEAST and extortion," Sen. Daniel Cooper, D - Oak her at fault for the marriage's failure. Park, said. "The endorsed the measure. skill of an attorney in divorce proceedings today is judged on his "I am very much in favor of moving in that direction," he said. in the Show Bar ability to extract for his client the most amount of money out of "I haven't seen all the details yet, but I expect to be able to the person who wants the divorce." Under the no fault bill, alimony, child support and division of approve the bill." FULL SIZE PIZZA acuity work If approved by the governor, the no - fault bill will - go into property would be considered separately from the divorce action effect Jan. 1, 1972. t that tin itself. Cooper said the bill will help remove "sham and fraud" from ONLY $1 rning tht dentical a sals if tit malyzed in divorce along with outright perjury and private detectives' antics in seeking evidence for divorce action. Sen. Basil Brown, D - Highland Park, supported Cooper's AT l- HEAR THIS FROM TIIK YOP HINGE Till. STORK WITH THE RED DOOK: and Tuesday night litted to tli The average MSU faculty more active in instructional fs 3^ i differei proposal imber works more than 57 a 25 week and spends more hours of that time activities. The study revealed that the average work week for MSU argument that the bill will reduce perjury in divorce proceedings. "If one partner says, 'It's all over,' it's over. Why not let them go their separate ways?" Brown said. Sale on is "GIRL'S NIGHT" Democrat* The bill's 12 opponents argued that a no - fault clause would /• Games & Stuff so the state contan sparing for and performing professors is 59.1 hours, for tssroom teaching, according to associate professors 58.2 hours, contribute to the state's rising divorce rate. "This is just one more example of what we're doing to create a (all girls' drinks greatly reduced) itudy conducted by the Office 57.8 hours for assistant licentious, libertarian society," Sen. Gary Byker, R • Hudsonville, Institutional Research (OIR). professors and 54.2 hours for said. 30% OFF all at the The OIR study was conducted instructors. Sen. Carl iris to matt Pursell, R - Plymouth, argued that the next thing the t fall in accordance with a n "at til The OIR report indicates that le is not yi juirement for an "academic the MSU figures "appear to be Campbell's QC&Qfi?® Shop iff performance audit" which fi typical of other universities failure proposal s contained in the Higher ucation Appropriations Act. which have surveyed faculty workloads." SANDAL BARGAINS The Store With The Red Door Ph. 332-4269 ss will deli; According to the OIR survey, A report based on the survey for anotha ature woul full professor at MSU spends .2 hours in direct instruction, 4 hours in additional has been filed with the Michigan Bureau of Higher Education for . 50% OFF s until after use in the bureau's analysis of truction Over 2000 pairs submittii| (which includes audits of state - supported of Sandals in stock. nber ballot unseling and advising), 2.1 Durs in curriculum colleges and universities. Men's & Ladies' velopment, 12.5 hours in search, 2.5 hours in public T.V. RENTALS >h rvice irforming and 10.6 hours administrative in Free Service and delivery ^ $9.50 per month M.S.U. SHOE REPAIR 3 ■ MINUTE HEEL SERVICE ties. NEJAC TV RENTALS 501V* E. Grand River 225 E. Grand River The lower faculty ranks are Beneath Campus Drugs 332-3619 ion active in public service, ministration and research, but 337-1300 e Women! Conference slated f# ere housiq I for tin from East anized, u Learn to may cif f urthil Lead increasing With Us. n t year po** Corporate identity is quite a household word. But the symbols dous Enroll in /m not fight to arc. The CBS eye, IBM's initials, Coca Cola's flowing script. Each rn lives," tries to portray at a glance, the company's best attributes. said, East Lansing State Bank has just introduced a new trademark. It is g clear tM is not goifl modern, friendly and strong. Because we want to be all these things. nply go"* on a sU< n's suffnp igt Army ROTC Most of all, it is easily recognizable. Outstanding. Uniquely identifi¬ able. We have been these things to the community we serve. First to initiate Student Aid Bonds. Only bank to offer Master Charge service jortion to students. A drive-in branch g to requil just for married housing. action We want, not only to establish a standard of banking, but also to f women® Army ROTC is the leadership course. Enroll in Army lie group*- ROTC and you learn to lead — to work with people. You re improve our quality of life. East Lansing State Bank, your Hometown Bank away from home. Member: F.D.I.C. tration #' assured of a challenging job after graduation with the iVashingW option of returning to civilian life in two years or less - 200 won* with a post - graduate "degree" in leadership and ltry met' management experience. k to discf i camp*f Plus ast Lansin we take care of you while you're still in school. You East Lansing State Bank will receive $50 per month in your junior and senior years. You will have an organic opportunity to apply for an Army ROTC •mation f scholarship which pays for all tuition, books and fees. e aborW id discus* jposals Your Hometown Bank away from home at /. Interested? Fast l anslng Okemos Haslett Brook Held Plaza Red Cedar at Trowbridge .00 teri° Call us at 355—1916 Or stop by Demonstration RENTAl 7900 Hall Today. Michig MICHIGAN LOUIE BENDER STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY KEN LYNAM Proffing for fun and profit accompanying photograph of our suiiii^H It is widely held, since Jessica faculty. These men and women P advertising manager Mitford's expose in Atlantic magazine, professors in their own right, and thevJ that Famous Writers School is not much banded together to teach you ewtvL I JOHN BORGER, managing editor BOB ROACH, news editor more worthwhile than Sociology 241; you know. its sister programs. Famous Artists BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor Naturally, they won't be directly School and Famous Photographers RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor School, enjoy somewhat lower esteem. even indirectly, involved with instruction, but it's nice to know they'.! yj I have, however, recently learned of a getting a kickback out of your tuition, tal similar institution which, while goes to show you chumps another ,3 Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award promising its students similar seemingly professors can make a few easy bucks J for outstanding journalism. grandiose miracles, comes across with the side. ^ results. As a service to you readers, herewith is reprinted an advertisement The lessons themselves are the imports for the Famous Professors School: thing. From them, you'll glean every ti£ EDITORIALS of the trade, every possible shortcut, ev thinkable way to avoid work and still m Say, flake, are you one of those a few fast sheckels. thousands of folks who've asked Faculty (right) consults with a future professor. Abortion refor themselves time and again, Why Ain't I One Of Them College Professors? How's Come I'm Still Working Twelve Months A The Guiding Here are just a few of the lessons get, in the privacy of your own home, eta. bound in you high quality simulijJ Year? Well, how'd you like to stop fantasizing thousands of other drudges just like Naugahyde, and of sufficient size Well, if you haven't ever asked yourself those ivory towers in the sky and start yourself have taken this big step and are camouflage your dot • to - dot books: remember these questions, maybe you should. And if, like countless thousands of giving into that restless urge to profess? How'd you like to knock off hunting around for quarters in the cushions? It's as now enjoying the fruits of their labors right in the privacy of their own homes. And the fruits don't even seem to mind. others before you, you HAVE asked yourself those questions or questions easy as filling out the coupon Let's see what some of our former Just a couple weeks ago it the thralldom of committee. They suspiciously like them, what was your accompanying this column and as cheap as students - now professors - have to say the interest the Hubbard Hall bonded about the training they got with us: appeared that abortion reform had are, thus, clearly allies in the answer? on 114: been condemned to an inglorious "Bag it." indebtedness. "Before I took the Famous Professors Lesson Department chairnn, abortion reform battle. Write them deans, provosts, and presidents: Whaty« Go ahead, plunge. Innumerable School course in the privacy of my own death in the House Social Services and urge then to keep up the good Right? home I was just another humdrum assistant can learn from your students about broi Committee. Now, however, by act of work. nosing. an obscure midwestern university. - prof at conscience or fear of ballot box - 18 "But before I'd even finished your Lesson 175: Office Hours: Post e year - olds now vote and are, Allen, Richard J., R-Ithaca. course, the college 1 was teaching at went forget 'em. Anderson, L.D., R-Pontiac. Brennan, to the Rose Bowl, and I, thanks to your Lesson 215: Community Service: I seemingly, overwhelmingly pro - the United Fund over the top and abortion - Senate Bill No. 3 may yet Bert C., R-Saginaw. Brodhead, patented 'organic teaching' methods, was m at the very top of my dean's list. full prof the next month. be decided William M., D-Detroit. Brown, Jim by the representatives "Plus which, 100 percent of my Lesson 305: Moving IotJ of the citizens of Michigan. N., R-Mason. Bryant, William R., Jr., students' grade points improved as a result Administration: the easy - to R-Grosse Pointe Farms. Cramton, Yet, even if the legislature refuses to honor the will of the people, Louis K., R-Midland. abortion reform will not be utterly Defebaugh, James E., MAIL TO: Famous Professors School, 345 Student lost. The Michigan Coordinating R-Birmingham. De Stigter, Melvin J., Services, East Lansing, Mich. GENTS: Hell, yes, I'd like to Committee for Abortion Law R-Hudsonville. Dively, Michael A., work only three hours a week. Send me your aptitude test. Reform is already laying groundwork R-Traverse Gty. Edwards, F. Robert, Name Age for an initiative petition drive to R-Flint. Engler, John M., R-Mt. Address compel the bill's consideration. If Pleasant. Folks, James N., R-Horton. _Zip_ the elected City and State _ representatives still refuse Forbes, Joseph, D-Oak Park. Ford, passage, the item will be placed on a Thomas G., Sr., R-East Grand ballot for state referendum at the of having taken my course. Thanx for secrets of such former assistant profs I Rapids. Friske, Richard, everything, fellas." Cantlon, Green and Polley. next general election. In such a R-Charlevoix. "Groovy Bert" Garskoff Lesson 324: Tenure: Keeping yourna grassroots campaign the power of the Havana clean, your office door closed and yol 18 - year - old vote would be Gast Harry, Jr., R-St. Joseph. "All thanks to your course, my profile low. You'll be a shoo ■ in. essential. Geerlings, Edgar A., R-Muskegon. committee work has improved so vastly Lesson 398: Sinecurism or Still, we agree with House Groat, Gustave J., Sr., R-Battle that I was made Corresponding Secretary Appointments: "Studying" the content J Creek. Guastello, Thomas, D-Utica. of the Departmental Christmas Party pomo novels. abortion reform floor leader Richard Decorations Committee last year and have Lesson 554: The Concessions S J. Allen, R-Ithaca, in hoping that an Heinze, James H., R-Battle €r3fe£ been reappointed for this year. Make Students think they're taking parti initiative petition will not be Kok, Peter, R-Grand Rapids. Law, "Needless to say, this responsibility academic governance. Arthur J.. D-Pontiac. Mastin, Philip carries with it Bothersoa| necessary - not only because of the a whopping 18.5 percent Lesson 605: That potential divisiveness of the issue, O., Jr., D-Hazel Park. Mittan, Ray C., salary increase. Publishing Requirement: Starting j R-Benton Harbor. Montgomery, "Must run, for I'm busy, busy, busy." own journal. but also because of the legislative C. Patric ("Zits") Larrowe Hot stuff, eh? abdication that it will represent. George, D-Detroit. Mowat, John S., "I'ma no can t'anka you too much for Clearly, the jockeying for position Jr., R-Adrian. Well, get a load of this: When you find you helpa." on the House abortion showdown is Nelson, Earl E., D-Lansing. Giacomo Leopardi the course, you'll receive, in the privacy Abruzzi, Etruria your own mailbox, a suitable • f in full swing. Now is the time when Prescott, George A., R-Tawas City. You're probably saying to yourself, framing, diploma - like certificate, w legislators must be seriously Serotkin, David M., R-Mt. Gemens. will double as your receipt. "Hey, sounds great. But who's going to rethinking their former stands. Sharpe, Thomas G., R-Howell. Smit, teach me-all this professoring?" Therefore it is essential that early Raymond J., R-Ann Arbor. Spencer, To answer your sensible, incisive Fill in the coupon today. Send it ol abortion reform supporters be urged Roy L., R-Attica. Stackable, question, we refer you to the today. There is no obligation on our Mf1 to remain resolute in their stance Frederick L., R-Lansing. Stallworth, and, thereafter, that they encourage Alma G., D-Detroit. Strang, others to join their camp. De Forrest, R-Sturgis. Symons, STEVE ALLEN The following members of the Joyce, D-Allen Park Trezise, R. Michigan House of Representatives Douglas, R-Owosso. Young, Robert recently voted, albeit unsuccessfully, D., R-Saginaw. Ziegler, Hal W., to discharge Senate Bill No. 3 from R-Jackson. OBA stereo The peril of Woodstocking' Not too long ago Cotillion Records There we were making our own The notes in the Paul Kantner album rock festivals should soon become a tti released an album called "Woodstock II." "Woodstock II" right there in Jenison. said it best: "Make your own Woqdstock, of the past. The open use of hard drugs® money very As a recording, the new product was actually better than the original. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young were on key. Paul Openly smoking dope in the seats, just like at Woodstock. Catching the sounds of the heavy groups, just like at Woodstock. But you aren't going to find it in a no-dope movie show." scared too many people away. It isonm matter of time until rock festivals J At First glance the Office of Black and broadcast media — a vital area in Butterfield showed "Love March" was the then, when the concert was over, instead of Attempting to recapture an illusive, disappear, not because of legal hassles,b| ethereal Woodstock at every Affairs' purchase of $612.30 worth which minorities are woefully exception, not the rule; and even Canned waking hour because of natural causes. sticking together, a community of 10,000 defeats the whole purpose of life. Heat demonstrated competence. under one roof, we split, each in his own of stereo equipment — two tape underrepresented. OBA has worked Woodstock is strictly past tense; it is a new Yet there is no need to worry. ForH in close concert for time However, the whole idea of recording a direction, still mildly ripped, fully knowing recorders, one amplifier, one preamp some with "Woodstock II" disturbed me. Last that if it hadn't been for the music and the version of "the good old days." without rock festivals, there will si" and one record changer — seemed the Dept. of Communications summer "Woodstock" keynoted the entire dope, we would never have made the scene rock, there will be other scenes to m Woodstock and the proverbial good old like a serious abuse of students' toward this end. University wherein lies the whole Droblem more memories to be created. The endj — season. Everyone bought the album; Woodstock days have much in common. What made ASMSU taxes. equipment has been utilized when everyone saw the movie at least three is part of the proverbial the rock festivals will be no more signifitj Actually, however, the purchase possible, but there are manifest times. Everyone who was anyone living scene, just like marches in Washington, good old days good was the than the end of the Edsel, the death of J within 200 miles of a festival site last D.C., Kentucky Derby Day and spring spontaneity, the communal spirit and the three - hour church service and the defi»| could turn out to be the wisest problems involving portability and summer just had to be there. break in Florida. Whatever Woodstock fact that they'll never be back again. nickel cup of coffee. investment made by any student availability. The modest OBA People were making Woodstocks by the might have been in August, 1969, has been In lives, instead of recreating government group this year. At the purchase guarantees blacks virtual 24 kilo, pound and ounce, and they were reduced to no more than a hip status symbol. Under 30 folks go to rock festivals our own past experiences, we look for new things to The end of festivals will mark passing of time. Given the circumstaWj onlyjj very least students will get an actual hour access. missing the whole point. do. The same should apply to rock for the same reason their parents buy the potential for Woodstock is gone, product from the OBA stereo The OBA stereo equipment According to all the people I knew who Cadillacs and festivals. Instead of making Woodstocks, the spirit which made Woodstock equipment purchase: a series of purchase will add one more channel went to the real, the one and only, go to Hawaii. The we should be seeking new methods of sucj happening - of - the - century Woodstock, contradiction lies in that kids put their phenomenon can still be captured °nT documentary - like presentations to this campus' already impressive parents down for their status symbols, interaction. what made Woodstock was not the music, while ignoring the After the abortive Celebration of Life own time in smaller groups, perhaps oj about problems confronting all communications network. The OBA not the dope, not the mere presence of very same symptom and the fiasco at the fairgrounds in briefly, but long enough to let us B" within themselves. Detroit, students, particularly blacks. audio - visual approach will enhance hundreds of thousands of kids, but the way that the spirit is still within our reach. OBA is hard at work making tapes the messages already being blurted the dope, the music and the kids interacted. No fights, no hassles, just help to provide the audio part of a daily by the State News, MSN, your neighbor. number of slide/audio presentations WKAR and closed circuit TV. You can contract the best bands in the to be shown this fall in campus The improved campus world and have the best facilities possible, auditoriums. These tapes will present communication will be well worth but unless the people themselves have the Woodstock spirit, you aren't going to have a new angle into the troubles the $612.30 spent by the OBA. any Woodstock. plaguing our society. This money instead of being Spirit has been lacking. Just look at the One tape which has already been wasted on floor bureaucracy will Pop Entertainment series. During the made gets across the agony of drug provide the students with an actual Havens' concert, everyone wanted to hear addiction far more explicitly than service, a visible product from their "Freedom." Why? Because it was on any scare pamphlet ever will. The 50 cents a term tax. "Woodstock," and because nobody in that whole auditorium had ever heard any other man's screams, his inner conflicts, his Granted ASMSU needs pencils and Havens' numbers besides "Freedom." outward agony get across the real to keep running, but it is nice papers And they wanted to hear Havens' music, psychological horrors of drug for once to see student tax monies not his rap. Havens said at one point that addiction, the dark side of drugs so being invested in programs that will his rap was the music, but most of the few people are really familiar with. audience missed the whole point. demonstrably help the students. Of course there were the bits with the Additionally, the equipment ASMSU would do well to provide matches and cigarette lighters when the provides the invaluable ability to the students with more such services lights were out. Where had we seen that . help train blacks in the use of audio in the future. before? Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. July I 2, 1971 5 Candidate seeks of mer les necessary legal qualifications (a experience. If there were other development. In mediating to the war. The city council reorient the priorities of the By RICK WILBINS diploma) to sharing experiences that were conflicts they should not I state News Staff Writer satisfy the should devise some way in which city. educational mecca." He had not drug oriented, I don't think attempt to repress one party to "We have a machine world, people can use their tax dollars completed his four-year program people would have such a need please the other, but rather to create useful institutions for and we have to reorient it to in psychology. I Mickey said he is running for |for drugs," he added. Mickey said he advocates attempt to reach the root of the conflict." the development of human human life and human 1st Lansing City Council "to beings and avoid using them to development. We of the peace Mickey said that he would setting up "energy centers" Mickey said that the solution ft into practical application the like to see integration of i where "youth be youthful to the environmental crisis lies, purchase war machinery and pay movement have been saying that loiogical notions I believe in," Eastern an philosophy into the can without having to be destructive to a great extent,*in people's Vietnam troon wages," he said. Mickey said that his campaign all we are asking is give peace a | particular the belief in the chance; I would like school system. to themselves." He said he is not minds. for city council is an effort to Jed for a "marriage of Eastern positive what specifically is "People should consider the fham ■ucational philosophies with "I think the Te stern educational present 'needed, only that the "moral earth in its natural relationship educational system should Ijlosophies" and for "energy :necessity" for exists. He said he to them. If they concieved of initiate courses that would intends IlESCApE to research the issue the earth as the Mother Earth, liters" for young people. I People who are aware of Istern philosophy have a firm indoctrinate students into the Eastern way of thinking," he carefully judgements. before making they would not be so quick to scratch their steamshovels into SS, * «J Xderst and i ng of their said. "For instance, the schools could introduce yoga into their Fifth in a series of 16 there are not many ways or He also said that the function of the police in the community the ground without deep condideration." J rplANET ■lationship to the whole ■vironment and," he said, "as a Lit, are more at peace with physical education classes. I places in the community for should be changed to reflect less think this would be one of the young people to share life. In rigid enforcement and more are He said that he realizes there practical applications for g i OF TRAPES P jffll 5 first steps towards alleviating order for life to be meaningful, understanding. G Mmselves and their fellow man. many of the problems life must be shared. But this "There is a common notion using the earth's resources but there should be a consideration * 1:3°, 3:3° S 30,7:3°. 9:30 TWnI;JC,«:*,»:»,l:J« M ■think my awareness of this adolescents have encountered in society is so drab, so cement-like that people have to be channeled for the people and the earth. 5 If Tw- 111*Hr . 5 30 5-30. Aljlll90C \J Twi-lil.Hr. 6 1)0 B 30. A MtslOC Uj ■ilosophv gives me a unique devoting his energies toward growing to adulthood." and legal, that this is difficult. into the straight and narrow ■sight into community "stopping the war" and making One of the ways to seek this "Technological machinery, V WINNEROF2ACAD€MTAW6ROS' u Ablems." ■Mickey, 22, changed his name common a notion he describes as "hu-mankind-ness." He majored One of these problems — drugs — is of special concern to fulfillment and escape the loneliness our society generates realm of material productivity," he said. "The police are used to scientific know-how, and human and economic resources should X 1 • SARAI1 MILES GP, W 4 AUSTIN HOFFMAN GPJ|k£ force people to accept this rigid be used to cultivate the Earth •Ryan's 1 in psychology at MSU but said |ently from Marshall Steven Mickey. The drug problem is has become sharing whiskey or realm of action. However, the Jvis to "express my character." he was not allowed to continue "greatly misunderstood," he marijuana," he said. police should not function and distribute its resources so that no LITTLE ■A resident of East Lansing for his education in graduate school said. as one goes without food, years, he is presently because "I didn't have the "People must realize "People have turned to drugs that because it is a sharing such but should work to insure that people can pursue free shelter or clothing. This is a Daughter BIO MANOW simply homage to the creatures /\ IN C010R: 2:00. 6:00, 9:00 W of the earth — and not I M tooay,!30< 5:°0' 8:30 communism." F\U '» lite Hr * 30 5 00 Ad.jlu90e JJ Twi-UlHi..5 31-S "0 A«Hi %<■ Y CONFERENCE MEMBERS Mickey Lansing no said that more in East pavement £MiKWiTiTi&r should be laid. He also said that he thought the possibility of Ballet performances scheduled replacing the pavement in certain grass paths considered. four-block areas and putting in bicycle should be seriously with Cigarettes 3/95c Kodak Color Film 126, 127, 620 Nansing and mid - Michigan underway at MSU. Ballroom. ■dents have two free evenings The first performance will be Members of the Ann Arbor Washington, D.C,, will perform teaching in the conference and Mickey said he is most SQc ■ballet in store — facets of the at 7:30 p.m. today in Fairchild tonight seminar, will be presented at adamantly opposed to the war limit 3 12 exp. 07 Civic Ballet, the Contemporary both performances. pkgs. and feels that the city should limit 1 Uchetti (che ket' e) Ballet Theater, and the second at 7:30 Civic Ballet Company of Royal One of the oldest Danish find a way to do as much (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 7-17-71 Jiference and Seminar now p.m. Friday in the Union Oak and the Regional Ballet of ballets, "Konservatoriet" Certificates will be awarded to financial damage to the war East Lansing Store Expires after 7-17-71 Only East Lansing Store Only choreographed by Bournonville, 200 students and national effort as possible. will be presented Friday night scholarships to three at tonight's "If elected, I intend to seek by advanced students and performance. 2.25 out any and every possible way 10% OFF the East Lansing can quicken an end Flashcuhes the Discount Price on all 3S 99r Film Developing limit 1 No limit \ (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 7-17-71 Expires after 7-17-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 1.75 1.15 Coppeitone Giest Suntan Lotion Toothpaste 40, M" 6.75 ol.59° limit 1 limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 7-17-71 Expires after 7-17-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only .98 20C OFF the Discount Price No Do; on any Shampoo 36 s 59' limit 1 limit 1 « (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 7-17-71 Expires after 7-17-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing store Only 79c 1.35 Eaton's Coirasable Sheer Bond Typing Paper Panty Hose 2 pr. 49c limit 1 j S ^ 00 limit 6 pairs (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 7-17-71 Expires after 7-17-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 1.45 5.00 Sandalfoot Panty Hose Fashion Tan lor "Hot Pants" 1 69c So, s28' i limit 3 limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 7-17-71 Expires after 7-17-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 63c 1.09 m Right Guard Band Aids Deodorant Spray 33 s 4 M. 37c 40C limit 1 limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 7-17-71 Expires after 7-17-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only PBICED ALL STERE 0 L P. S NOW 5" 4" . 4" 3" 3" hmlit 1 309 (Cou pon) Expires aft :er 7-17-71 East Lansin<1 Store Only State Discount 307 E. Grand River Next to the Card Shop Monday, July 12 Michis 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 197] state news STATE NEWS Get Involved . . . Sell Something With A Fast, classified For Si CLASSIFIED 355-8255 SETS. Sony 3558255 Low-Cost Classified Ad! Color portal stereo CO Automotive Automotive Automotive fkaaikLy speaking by Phil Frank Employment The State News do«s not 5EC0NDHAN M.chigan, 48! permit racial or religious AUSTIN HEALEY 1967 3000. DODGE 1968 Coronet 440 2 door MEDICAL TRANSCRIBER, Monday thru 1 VAN 1962 Ford Econ-O-Line. Good discrimination in it* Green fiber glass top. $1500, best condition. Must sell. Call anytime. Dictaphone, experienced. $96 offer. 351-4477.4-7-16 plus. Marge, 372-7700, advertising columns. Tha ereo, g 339-8140. 3-7-16 PERSONNEL CONSULTANT. State Ntws will not (gjor.ably Pr AUSTIN 1100, 1964. Damaged frame. Suitable for parts. Best DUNEBUGGY MUST sell. Rebuilt VOLKSWAGEN. BUS, 1958. 2-7-14 accapt advertising which • AUTOMOTIVE „k for Marty. engine and front end. Runs really Excellent condition. $400. discriminates against Scooters & Cycles offer. 355-5832. 1-7-12 good. Tom 351-0424. 5-7-14 332-3356. 2-7-12 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY to Auto Parts & president. East Lansing. Nancy, religion, race, color or Service BARRACUDA FASTBACK, 1967. 3 72-7700, PERSONNEL national origin. Aviation FIAT 1970 850 Spider convertible. V-8, 273 cu. in., automatic, power VOLKSWAGEN 1967 Excellent CONSULTANT. 2-7-14 * EMPLOYMENT steering, low mileage, new tires. Whitewalls, radio, luggage rack. condition. 1969 seats, wood grain arn fre1 393-3245. 3-7-16 • FOR RENT 489-0423. 2-7-12 steering wheel, tachometer. Call EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car 489-0021 after 5 pm. 3-7-16 for peaking, reac FORD STATION wagon. 1963. necessary. Call 351-7319 Apartments 339-9258. 2-7 CADILLAC HEARSE 1957. Automatic. $110. 677-0575. interview.C Houses Excellent condition. $500. Call 3-7-16 VOLKSWAGEN 1970 yellow bug. For Rent after 6 pm 393-0413; 5-7-19 8,000 miles. AM/FM radio. Rooms Excellent condition. 332-0306 For Rent • FOR SALE FORD FAIRLANE 1967 2 door LANSING OR East Lansing. One CHEVROLET 1966 4 door hardtop. evenings. 5-7-16 bedroom furnished. Large, airy Animals hardtop. Good condition. Call Radio, automatic, V-8, power TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction Air conditioned. after 5:30 pm 882-1087. 5-7-14 VOLKSWAGEN 1968 with sunroof, rooms. Mobile Homes steering, brakes. $600. Leaving guaranteed. Free ^delivery, Beautifully maintained. Suitable country must sell. 349-1696. Michelins, shelf, radio, 50,000 service and pick - up. No deposit. » PERSONAL FORD FAIRLANE 1968. 2-door for faculty, grad students, business 3-7-16 miles. Tan. 353-0969, John. 5-7-14 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C hardtop, automatic. Below retail people, married couples. Lease. * PEANUTS PERSONAL EONARD V\ price. $1250. Only 39,500 miles. 332-3135 or 882 6549. O CHEVROLET 1965 Impala SS 396, VOLVO PI 800 1968. Overdrive, TV RENTALS. Color and black and * REAL ESTATE LOW PR Attractive. 337-7219. 1-7-12 4 speed. Good condition. Rick AM/FM radio, radial tires. MARSHALL MUSIC, East Excellent condition. 482-6685. white. ♦ RECREATION 351-0961. 3-7-12 KARMANN GHIA 1970. AM/FM Lansing, 351-7830. C-7-12 3-7-16 • SERVICE radio. Good condition. Must sell. CHEVROLET 1965 Impala station $1895. After 5 pm, 487-3065. ONLY $8.50 /month. Free deliveries. Typing Service V-8 automatic. $550. 3-7-16 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV WOODSIDE APARTMENTS. 1 wagon. Phone 351-5631. 3-7-12 Scooters & Cycles bedroom apartments to sublease. •TRANSPORTATION RENTAL, 372-4948. C $140-$145. Ideal for married * WANTED CHEVROLET 1968 Biscayne 6 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, 1966. Needs no repairs, automatic. After YOU'RE H£(?e ABOOr AP fijR. TV RENTALS Students only. Low couple. ED 2-2920, 351^698. O - DEADLINE cylinder automatic. New tires. 5 pm, 351-0636. 3-7-14 i-N AaSRESSlye VAJNGMAM...1.' monthly and term rates. Call APARTMENT IN exchange some 1 P.M. Good condition. $850. 353-0297. 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV one class day before 3-7-14 childcare. Utilities. Will bargain. RENTALS. 0 MUSTANG 1965 289. Air, new TRIUMPH 650 1970. Excellent 349-3696. 3-7-14 publication. tires, muffler, exhaust. Excellent COMET 1960. Cheap, local condition. 351-4571. 3-7-12 condition. Must sell. 482-5869 Cancellations/Corrections after 5:30 pm. 3-7-14 transportation. Call 355-6456 Apartments - 12 noon one class day after 7 pm. 1-7-12 OLDSMOBILE 1967 Delmont, Aviation Auto Service & Parts before publication. 39,000 miles. Power, vinyl, good 1968 TRIUMPH Trophy 500. LARGE 2 party furnished efficiency. WOMEN: 1 block from campus. PHONE COMET, 1961.- No rust. Runs condition. 351-4217. 2-7-12 Rebuilt engine, good condition. AT MEL'S LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight we repair all foreign and Air conditioned, close to campus. Vacancies in 4 perfect, $150 firm. 351-0590 or girl apartment. 351-0956. 3-7-14 training. All courses American cars. If we can't fix it, it September through June. $150 / 355-8255 337-0826, after 6 pm, Gary. PONTIAC CATALINA 1964. 2-door are Completely furnished, utilities and government and VA certified. can't be fixed. Call 352-3255. O month. 351-4062, 484-0585. 3-7-14 hardtop. Power steering and 1970 HONDA CB175 road bike. parking included, $55. 349-9609. RATES FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport 3-7-12 3-7-14 power brakes. $225. 372-6776. Immaculate. Short pipes. $475. ■0 FURNITU Road, Call 484-1324. C TWO MAG wheels ET 5 spoke No. CORVAIR, 1964. Stick, radio, make 3-7-16 355-5794. 3-7-14 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. :ast Michigai Cutlass, Chevelleor Tempest. 14". APARTMENTS,ROOMS, house. 2 3 4 5 offer. Call after 6 pm, 337-0025 $35. 882-5817. 2-7-12 Large 1 bedroom carpeted and Furnished. Summer. Near campus. 3-7-12 PONTI AC 1964 2 door hardtop, 101.50 3.00 4.00 5.35 6.50 SUZUKI P350, 1970. Like new, partly furnished. Utilities paid, Call 349-3919. 3-7-14 largain Hunt< automatic. Body good, motor LEARN TO FLY 35 3.30 4.40 5.85 $600. T500, 1970, $650. VW - GUARANTEED repair. $150 a month plus deposit. Phone 7.15 14J uesday and CORVAIR 1963. Good engine, body needs minor repair. 699-2937. 645-7421.3-7-12 RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at 627-5454 or 489-5136. 4-7-14 121.80 3.60 4.80 6.40 7.80 !5g rid appliances 6-7-16 LIBERAL PERSON share air reasonable. Cathy, 351-4154 or Okemos Road. 349-9620. C 131.95 3.90 5.20 6.95 8.45 16.» conditioned apartment. Own 353-5465. 1-7-12 Norwood Apartments 14 2.10 4.20 5.60 7.45 9.10 182 1970 KAWASAKI Mach 111. Low room. After 5:30 pm, 337-1039. Faculty-Staff-Students and/or 15 2.25 4.50 6.00 8.00 9.75 19a TERBED FR/ mileage. Call 332-1359 after 2 5-7-19 CORVETTE 1969. Panel 4-speed. 427. 351-7871 after 7 top, 2-7-14 pm. immediate family. Lowest Employment Now renting large one and 16 2.40 4.80 6.40 8.55 10.4020J EBI RTH rates through MSU FLYING 1712.55 5.10 6.80 9.10 11.0522.11 ingtc pm. 3-7-16 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1967. Wire 3 PERSONS needed to demonstrate two bedroom for fall. Close Houses 18 2.70 5.40 7.20 9 60 11.7023.1 wheels, Tonneau cover. Good YAMAHA 350 1971, 1 month old. CLUB. Call Roger Besu. to I89-6168.TF Koscot Cosmetics. Call Mr. A. campus. Call 332-2712 19 2.85 5.70 7.60 10.1512.35 24. Reason for selling, bought 650. running condition. 337-1571. Flight instructor early Groves, 355-6138 9 am to 12 pm. after 3 p.m. SHEPARD STREET 922. 1 bedroom 20 3.00 6.00 8.00 10.6513.0026.00 5-7-16 332-5845 after 6 p.m. 5-7-16 PONG tabl mornings or after sunset. 3-7-16 unfurnished. $125 per month plus 332-6246. 1 OR 2 girls for apartment. Need utilities, deposit. Phone 372-8130. EC0NDHANI August 8th - September 14. $38.75. 351-1156. 2-7-14 All student ads must b« Cedar Gre prepaid GIRLS OVER 21. Furnished 4 FOR SALESPOWER try a little 1 OR 2 bedroom furnished mobile bedroom, fireplace, garage. Classified Ad to sell a large mobile homes. $25-$35/ week. 10 Deposit. 372-4662. 5-7-16 The State News will be home! Dial 355-8255 today! minutes to campus. 641-6601. responsible only for the ENNIS D SUMMER AND 10-8-2 NEED 2 girls for 3 girl house, $70 pi first day's incorrect .OMPANY, 3 employment with each, clean, garage, fenced e City ^ insertion. Auto Service & Parts wholesaler. Automobile required. EAST LANSING. 1 bedroom, living backyard, pets, $25 deposit. Ask a po MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. 351-5800. 0-7-2 FASHION AND photographic models needed. Experienced and room, ROGER kitchen. $110. Includes utilities. 117 Center Street. Call 371-2890. 3-7-16 PAVLIK REALTY, for Ed 351-2755. 5-7-19 NEED ROOMMATES for huge house in downtown Lansing. Own For Rent l/ING Irand MACH 11 new 5.00 per mon r recondition! po Complete auto painting and bedroom. 487-0046. 3-7-14 ingers, White inexperienced. 487-0046. 2-7-12 air-conditioning, collision service. IV 5-0256. C NEED ROOMMATE to share 2 ROOM FOR man lome & "Man bedroom over Revco ! furnished, air 4 3 $39.95. T MAN, 3 bedroom furnished 2 211V4 Grand River, conditioned for upj CALL apartment summer. 332-2110. 3-7-16 blocks from campus. 351-2103 349-9662. 5-7-14 5-7-16 MSTRIBUTI 115 Nort 89-6448. C 337-7328 or 337-0780 129 BURCHAM Drive. 2 man MEN, SINGLE rooms. 2 blocksfrwr 351-2103; and furnished apartments, $125 per DOUBLE ROOM in house. Available campus. Phone everything 349-9662. 5-7-14 NDSYSTEM, AND GRAB A BARGAIN NOW . . . JUST A FEW month. Call 487-3216, days. July 15. Call Peg, 351-8579. leakers. Gi JRNISHED APARTMENTS LEFT FOR SUMMER A" Evenings until 10 pm 882-2316. 3-7-12 SPARTAN HALL, singles, m 51-2350.10-7- women. Now leasing for sumir MARIGOLD APARTMENTS COUPLE: 1 bedroom furnished, 3 BEDROOM furnished house for 3 male students. $125/month. 1007 fall. 351-1176, 484-4422. 0 RTABLE 30-$50. Good I 911 MARIGOLD MARIGOLD & HARRISON utilities included, $130. Phone May Street, Lansing. 3-7-16 SINGLE RCOM, male grad studen 72-4948, SELC 349-4071, 349-3084. 3-7-14 Fine location. Parking. $12.01 July Thru Sept. 15th Only $140 per Month. SHARP: 2 or 3 bedroom home. East 1 IV2-8304. 3-7-12 'ERBED UNI" BLOCK from Berkey. Furnished ALL DEPOSITS GUARANTEED RETURNABLE side of Lansing near 1-496 eater, and fra efficiency apartment for 1 or 2 Expressway. Partially furnished. ATTENTION: ROOMS for rm E B I R TH men. Large 2 bedroom furnished , Ideal for married grad student. Completely furnished. Cookin Washington, Ll apartment for 2 — 4 people. Call Gay Fardner, days 371-1930 (Etopckmgfjam 372-8077 after 5 p.m. C 351-9504. X-4-7-12 or evenings, 349-2044. 3-7-16 WANTED: FALL quarter roommate. FRAMES? t Must do Detroit thesis research, SMALL HOUSE in coutry available For Sale ellow gold, has it . . but need Lansing quarters. 355-4001, E-102 Owen. 6-7-16 for August only. $110, 349-0499. 1-7-12 ISC0UNT, 26 1. 372-741 SONY 355 tape deck, Zenith Cii heated pool T.V. RENTALS of Sound stereo, 349-2858 after 5:30 p.m. best off*. 3-7- 4620 S. Hagadorn Rooms Anin Free Service and . $9.50 WATERBED UNITS,mattress, I ai just north of Mt. Hope Rd. and delivery QUITE heater, and frame. $76 any ROOM. Male, $12/week. Close/campus. 351-1754 after 6 REBIRTH, 309 Nor" pm. 2-7-12 Washington, Lansing. 1 CoJIingttKJOb WMmm,.-, apartments (formerly NorthwindApts.J w?J-'™*," 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 * SHAG CARPETING * NEW FURNITURE (right next to Brody Complex) * * UNLIMITED PARKING DISHWASHERS * AIR COND. TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now * leasing student units ON THE BANK OF for summer only. These THE RED CEDAR spacious luxury apartments are CEDAR GREFNP APARTMENTSare now leasing student and married couples units. These completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish * 4 MAN $220 Mo. spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage * 3 MAN $210 Mo. garbage disposal and individual air-conditioning. These two-man units have ample parking disposal and individual central control air conditioning. These *2 MAN four man units have up to 3 $200 mo. space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private parking spaces per unit. Recreation is planned for with a giant heated 9 MONTH LEASES ALSO balconies. We also have a full time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be - swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be AVAILABLE among the first residents of CEDAR GPEENScall today. The one - bedroom units start at $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom units start at $60 INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine / month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR RENTAL model open and twelve month leases available. INFORMATION CALL: LARRY SCOTT at 351-7166. THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES daily AVAILABLE. behind the MANA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL YB Y: Alco Management Company MANA GEMENT EXCLUS1VEL Y B Y: Yankee store Alco Management Company CALL 351-8282 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 12, 1971 7 Leak For Sale Lost & Found SETS. Sony, rnior cassette ™d portables ctEREO COMPONENTS. Sony Panasonic, Zenith, 'eel to reel tapedeck, Ampex and consoles. recorder. We Buy, Sell, Trade. WILCOX FREE KITTENS., black, loveable. 351-6672. 3-7-12 Litter Personal long haired, trained. Call (Continued from page 1) advice, or merely a summary of and racial problems. views, might later be leaked and 5een no mention of U.S. social appalls added he has given no indication of his own intentions. lack of contact with the people of the countries he is visiting, secretary, Victor Gold, said ii. response to a similar question lea slips of the tongue," the secretary said. "It's because he press secondhand STORE, 509 East "Every leader I've talked to The vice president told other than officials, Agnew said that Agnew's style is different does his homework well." printed. has raised the question of the Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, FREE . a lesson in complexion Agnew also asked about radical student movement, not reporters accompanying him on this was because "my basic from such past vice presidents as Agiiew gave a guarded report Monday thru Saturday. C care Call was the 31-day, 11-nation trip that mission is diplomatic. Lyndon B. Johnosn 484-4519. Ea« Michigan the views expressed by foreign who on his talks with leaders of two in the United States, but in his the leaders he has met so far see "If I to befriended a Pakistani camel fr 485-7197, Lansing Mall leaders about various aspects of own country," Agnew said. Congressional decisions to bar come play a moderate Arab states, Kuwait constructive and a rewarding driver, and Hubert H. STUD,OSTMAN COSUETICS the United States. Vietnam "almost He said there has been no funds for the supersonic role on this trip," he added, "it Humphrey, who patted a and Saudi Arabia, saying, came out with some "they very never comes direct discussion of U.S. politics transport and cut space spending will be due to what I- do NEED M^TH - in- these - cheetah ■ on the head in Ethiopia, constructive and specific help? Tutoring p," he said, because of but added he thinks "they as ''a retreat from Electric rollers. available for meetings rather tharf out on the "We're not conducting our suggestions" as to how the HEAD, case. M108-M215. Call overriding concern about the assume" President Nixon will responsibility" spurred by street !,ll 393-1320 ext 50 days. 2-7-12 355-0980 after 6 pm. 3-7-12 Middle East. He said there had seek re-election in 1972. He some housing diplomatic mission for the United States could play an "unproven accusations about project." benefit of the news media," increasingly constructive role in environmental He said preparations for Gold said. "We're conducting it aRN FRENCH. Completely DRAFT COUNSELING. Legal - seeking an Arab-Israeli dangers." nroarammed materials in listening, Judge denies appeal meetings take a lot of time, for the benefit of the Medic - Psychologic. Miami Fla settlement. He said they attribute it to peaking, reading, writing. $175. 305 891-3736.8-7-12 adding he was no less interested government and the people of He said U.S. ambassadors who 139 9258. 2-7-12 "the pressures of the (Continued from page 1) special in the people than other vice the United States." sat in on the talks undoubtedly FRANCIS X and the Bushman and constituencies" on Congress and presidents who have engaged in East Gold added that "this is not a would relay details to the State TERBEDS. BUTT seam. $35, lap go-go girls nightly. Johnnie's Glass Lansing and intended to live there. "the political desire to knock off such activity but that earn $40. Any size. SECOND the judgment of the "Maybe domestic political mission" and Dept. but that he would wait Cellar. PRO-BOWL. 2122 North Ferency noted that Hotchkiss broadly interpreted the statute President, I'm less interested in the that Agnew is concentrating on until he reports back to •0MING located inside Free Logan. Happy hours, 9-11 in question, Sec. 168.499, which grants clerks the power "to ofanother party." dramatic color Call 482-4235. C 10-7-23 pm. picture or his diplomatic duties. President Nixon after his require any applicant for registration to answer under oath Except for a brief talk in a televised news report." "He doesn't make any wrong scheduled July 28 any return to questions touching on his qualifications as an elector and hotel ballroom to more than 500 Earlier, Agnew's DEVELOP A better speaking voice. ... to press moves and he doesn't make any Washington. administer oaths and to swear persons as to the truth of the Americans in the Ethiopian 124 page book tells how. $1.00 statements contained in affidavits." eonardwholesale's capital, Agnew had no official LORDLOVE'S 5834M Ralston, schedule for the only full day of low prices ON hotography Indianapolis, 3-7-12 Indiana 46220. Ferency said he told the city council if they wanted the clerk his visit to Addis Ababa. He met Saturday with Emepror Haile Stereo purchase explained NEED A to have that right Selassie and other leaders. He (Continued from page 1) cure for the Frizzies? Try they should go to the legislature. "It is told the group "I would like to dope. It is a poem being spoken than with just a newsletter iolta "Kodak *Polarolc the UNION BUILDING BARBER improper for city clerks to assume that authority,' Ferency said. said. by a man who is crying out for article about the bad effects of SHOPI C-7-12 move about a bit and see a little mlya * Bell & Howell *ETC. Ferency said there were several alternatives on how to proceed "There is also a definite other people to get him some dope." •tax * Miranda with the case after the bit of the city" but aides said denial, appeal being one. He added he was later he had no plans to do so. possibility that we wouldn't be dope, not sure of what course of action he would omponent systems Peanuts Personal take, however,. Asked by reporters about the able to rent the equipment to "We plan many more them anyway for a long period "In this tape we are trying to presentations like this one," of time. Our first priority is to show people what happens to McCants said. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Honey, love provide equipment for classroom you always, them when they really get into your ding-a-ling. Road ruling review urged use," Lockwood added. the hard drugs," McCants said. Recreation (Continued from The revised page 1> more than the proposed doubling the cost of East Lansing city streets causing highway, from an considerable inconvenience to had McCants said that the OBA to communications go because of the inadequacy of into the business "We are trying to show the desperation, the isolation, the pain of a dope addict. Through this tape we can get these w bus design also original extimate of $4.5 million the year - round residents of the OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - job other campus media. emotions much provided for the highway to be to over $9.7 million. across better application photos in 15 minutes. "Somehow when we present depressed throughmost of the PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL. campus area community." articles to the State News, they 351-6262. MSU was sharply chided by East Lansing City Manager ID FURNITURE Flea Fair. 314 Anything Converting the proposal stafseth get fouled up or not printed," for OWNERS not assuming its Michigan. Dishes, books, i, antiques, largain Hunters Paradise. Open rockers, junk, photographed anywhere. O N.U. S. Travel Service Summer ™°nlJ°nglna concept to a partial,bofulevard i freeway share in community traffic problems. solution to John M. Patriarche has publicly criticized MSU for not cooperating with the East also McCants said. "We've had a couple of short spots on MSN," he added. "But ATTEHTION CAR uesday and Sunday, furniture id appliances open all week. 10 flights to Europe. Round trip jet air, $220 the projected traffic, tafSS but was banning K *Te ofai' student knOW parking that the on Lai community to solve traffic problems, we can hardly expect them to run some of our two hour * Complete front end repair and Christmas break in done - to accommodate the alignment . . . p.m. Phone 371-2843. O Hawaii, $279. Spain or Acapulco, campus merely transferred the _.L presentations." desires of the University," problem to East Lansing" $249. Complete deluxe Call Frank Buck, 351-8604. package. Stafseth said. The area lmmediately north One tape the OBA has already * Brakes * Suspension ERBED FRAMES, $35 and up. Stafseth said. "Students now of the Grand Trunk railr<>ad has made deals with the problem of The changes were cited as park in EBIRTH, 309 North city parking lots and on been considered for highway * Wheel balancing * Steering ashington, Lansing, usage since October, 1949, when AUGUST FLIGHTS still .available. I9-6168.TF the governing body of Michigan UNION BOARD TRAVEL T.V. RENTALS State College approved LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center an i ill PONG tables, $9.95. We buy most anything. ABC OFFICE. Call 353-9777. C-7-12 Gay life described extension through this of area. Main Street Free Service and delivery ^ $9.bu _ft per mor EC0NDHAND STORE. 1208 Service (Continued from page 1) No campus buildings block 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 the proposed highway route. campus, Steve said, and Campus between two strange persons, PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad police are the "worst around." USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, Normally, a heterosexual does anisters and uprights. Guaranteed students, experience, references. One homosexual was not look back when another I year. $7.88 and up. Free estimates. Evenings, contacted by an officer in a man passes on the street and 349-4817. C DISTRIBUTING ALBERT PICK ENNIS restroom and went to his looks him in the eye, Tim said, ,0MPANY, 316 North Cedar. apartment for dinner. Later, the FRENCH TUTOR. From Le Havre, A homosexual looks at a man Ipposite City Market. C. homosexual made a pass, police Franc?. Call Joel, 489-0097. the same way a straight would fING MACHINE Clearance Sale, 3-7-14 r ■ -> ' r - '■ i io- burst from hiding places in the eye a female, they said. Most Jiotor Hotel id new portables - $49.95, apartment and a tape recorder often the group said, contacts STEREO REPAIRS. Also other was pulled from under the sofa, Announces )0 per month. Large selection are made through mutual audio equipment. Reasonable. Call reconditioned used machines. the group said. friends. Tuesday's Chicken Night 351-6680. 6-7-19 |ers, Whites, Necchis, New Though they could think of ne & "Many Others." $19.95 few "picturesque gay things," PAINTING INTERIOR and exterior. Tim said the word "gay" » All the delicious fried chicken $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS Steve described "camping," or developed in the 1940s and 50s, Older students. John, 351-8280, 3ISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Ken, 351-1740. 3-7-12 when a homosexual behaves when homosexuality was a dark you can eat .... $2.50 North Washington, 89-6448. C theatrically in a stereotyped, secret. Two persons then would homosexual way. Gay humor casually and easily insert the » Or choose from A la Carte ND SYSTEM, 30 watt, two way Typing Service involves calling each other word inconspicuously into a serving from 5—10 p.m. peakers. Garrard turnstyle. COMPLETE "girls," or doing the femininity conversation to make a contact, THESES service. 51-2350.10-7-23 bit or female-impersonator he continued, RTABLE DISHWASHERS Discount printing, IBM typing and binding of theses, resumes, albums. Wearing a pinky ring or How do homosexuals meet pulling an ear lobe are contact Happy Hour prices publications. Across from campus, 30$50. Good to fair condition. each other, and what signals do methods the group said were corner M.A.C. and Grand River, 72-4948, SELCO. C-7-14 below Jones Stationary Shop. Call they use? Steve said eye contacts out-of-date. Contact approaches are all day long COPYGRAPH SERVICES, and casual remarks dropped into a group of little things put TERBED UNITS, mattress, liner, 337-1666. C a conversation are the usual together, short of walking down eater, and frame. $76 any size. give-aways, when a sense of the street and saying EBIRTH, 309 (ashington, Lansing. North PROFESSIONAL TMESIS comfort seems to develop "woo-ooo." Take advantage of our E FRAMES? Many styles, white, PREPARATION 5T IT'S WHAT'S _ ^ GOOD DEALS Md; •Mow gold, at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Open 11 a.m. - 2 ajn. Mon. - Sat. venue. 372-7409. C-7-16 CsMplltt Prsftuiinil Tksili Ssrvlct fsr Mistir's and Doctoral CtriMltSS. Froa fl¥oW*L ' ^ Corner Saginaw (M-78) and Grand Brochure and Consultation. Ploato Call River (M-43), East Lansing. 48823 For Take Out Orders Animals Cim and Paula H.u|he» 337 1527 or 127 21*. Call 351-2755 The Veterans Assn. will hold a Interested in canoeing on the Pine :ECTI0NATE KITTENS, free NEED COPIES of - Term papers - meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the River this weekend? MSU Outing East Lansing American Legion Hall. Club meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 116 theses - cl8ssnotes - Your copy K£3.?.12friend,v pTOp,e- headquarters, THE COPY Tickets for the baseball excursion are on sale. Plans for the Student - Natural Science Bldg. to plan this and other outings for the summer. SHOPPE, across from campus. Faculty TGA, and a T.G. will be Open Thursday and Friday evenings until 9 p.n • FOR description, call Phone 332-4222. Free estimates. finalized. A smoker will be held after Discussion of the Mexican - Closed Saturdays through August 7 51-1034 or come to 2030 Raby C-7-16 the meeting at the Coral Gables. American student — his history, ""d, Haslett and get your pick of Three culture, problems and resources on litter. You can't beat the TYPING SERVICE. Dissertations, films dealing with the , Vietnam campus - with speaker Manuel war will be shown at 8 ri«, Free I 5-7-12 manuscripts, term papers. p.m. Alfero of the Center for Urban Reasonable Tuesday in the Spartan Village Day Affairs will be the rates. 339-9306. Care Center. The films, topic of a including iC ST. Bernard puppies. 6-7-19 "Time Is Running Out," and "Winter symposium at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the West'Wilson Hall terrace lounge. iMutifully marked. Excellent Soldier," will be shown free. oodlines. Your Bank Amerlcard ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith come- 1-592-6877.3-7-12 offset printing. Complete service The MSU Sailing Club will hold its The East Lansing Drug Education for dissertations, theses, weekly meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Club House on Lake Center, its history and services, will DOGNAPPER took manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Lansing. be discussed at 7 p.m. Wednesday in 't Shore School will start at 5 p.m., and brown puppy from 440 Park, 21 years experience. 349-0850.C the West Wilson Hall terrace lounge. rides will be leaving from the west ""return. 351-0872. 1-7-12 entrance of the Union at 5, 6 and 7 Speakers will be Bob Carlton and TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. p.m. for those needing them. Rob Curtner, codirectors of the sleeveless, U-neck and program. Rapid accurate service. Mobile Homes Experienced. 393-4075. 0-8-9 Dr. Arnold Werner, author of "The Doctor's Bag," Will speak on birth Any women interested in new three-step ribbing. . BARom 12x50. Fully control, abortion and veneral disease attending the National Abortion carpeted, PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term 'ac"v at 7 tonight in Wilson Hall's west Conference, July 16 - 18, at Barnard a great combo, all in one w-8462 5 11a'r . conditioned. papers, theses. Best rates. Call terrace lounge. Everyone js welcome. College, New York City, contact p.m. 3-7-12 351-4619. X-20-8-18 Lynne at 332 - 0427. Bus tickets from Detroit will cost $28; a car pool close-fit pullon sweater. 0 2 bedroom. Air conditioned, BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. Wanted being arranged will cost only $10. tP«ted. Accommodations will be provided at Washer/dryer. Garbage No job too large or too small. Barnard College. Machine wash, tumble dry Block off campus. 332-3255. C SEE THE auto show ... all sizes, prices, models, colors, in today's A film on the culture and history SUPPORT YOUR business with a Classified Ads. of the American Indian, augmented orlon acrylic. Elderberry, boost from Want Ads. Advertise by speaker John Winchester, iy V!^ 2 '°t». Available now. wide. 10 minutes 8', services there. Dial 355-8255. MARRIED COUPLE will keep house, coordinator of American Programs, Center for Urban Affairs, Indian brown, chamois. S,M,L. $10. to maintain property, etc. in return will be the highlight of a symposium ^Pus. 641-6601. 10-8-2 for living quarters September Transportation through June. Please call at 7 p.m. Thursday in West Wilson Hall terrace lounge. :R£T 1968 12x50 on ia7geTot 349-1114. 1-7-12 xtr« A'r conditloned, many NEED RIDE to California, leave 7/11 FROM WHERE PLUNGE, a recent innovation for topic discussion by Wilson Hall, will 470OG>.n xc",lent 4'00. condition. through 7/14. Will share driving, you sit, check the 649-0170. 1-7-12 better jobs in today's Classified make its debut with U.S. Involvement and expenses. Call 351-8687 Ads. in Indochina. Speaker for the anytime. S-7-14 program will be C. Patric Larrowe, •til* ?X45 ,urnish«l. carpeted. professor of economics. The activity BXT5°?7S,P28rtVSt0r9-$1300- BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Jacobsoris will begin at 9:30 p.m. Thursday in Wanted All positive. A negative, B negative West Wilson Hall terrace lounge. and AB negative, $10.00. O SILK10*47' 1957- Can be WANTED USED darkroom negative, $12.00. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, MICHIGAN a ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will have lawyer available from I to S p.m. ■13 rv>°^ Home Manor Lot ^ 332-5673. 3-7-12 ^RAirie SCHOONER-10x45^ - equipment after used and tripod. Nancy, 11a.m. 337-1479. 2-7-12 BIKES, fleer shift preferred. 507V4 East Grand River, East Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Thursday end every Wednesday during summer term. Those wishing an appointment are asked to check with the ASMSU business office, 307B Student Shop for young men ^deled^ ""J*""- Call Kathy 353-7791 between 8 - Frldey. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Services Bldg., or call 3SS-8266. !63fiw?' 666 °r ,Ufn»c», Phone 5 pm. 3-7-12 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C There will be a nominal $3 charge for 669-3608.10-7-28 Monday, July \ 2 ,( 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan of THE MICHIGAN Supreme Court ruled Thursday that survivors a stillborn baby may sue for damages if the baby was stillborn as the result of negligence. Specials The ruling, one of several court actions, reaffirms a 1968 decision. LEGISLATION to establish an office of "Welfare Inspector General," designed to reduce the number of abuses of the state's from the Shoprite people' .welfare system, has been introduced in the Michigan House by Rep. Frederick L. Stackable, R-Lansing. Use this ad 6* your shopping list... cut it out The office of Welfare Inspector General would receive and and bring it along when you visit us. We'll help New credit union investigate complaints of fraud and abuses of the welfare program you save! The MSU and the laws of this state, Stackable said. Employes Credit Union may have an extra office building if the proposed "There is no question in my mind that most people receiving cross-campus highway is not built. The credit union erected the new building after being notified that its office would be demolished to make way for the highway. assistance do so legally, however, I am equally certain that some f MEATS ~~l I GROCERY welfare money is being fraudently acquired," he said. State News photo by Milton Horst a bill into law Friday which allows GOV. MILLIKEN SIGNED the state to continue its June spending levels through July. The emergency bill, approved by the legislature last week, is □ Wilson Crisp-Rite □ Spartan Fruit Trustees' decision snarls intended to "buy time" for state legislators still wrestling with a new state budget. Sliced Bacon 46 oz., limit 4; Michigan's July expenditures are expected to reach $150 million. 2 lb. pkg. grape, orange, new office building plans A HOUSE-PASSED BILL which would require industry to report to the state what it discharges into the air offers "an ggc fruit punch The MSU Employes Credit Union may end unparalleled opportunity" to help reduce air pollution, Gov. Milliken said Friday. 19c up with an extra office building on its hands. After the Dept. of State Highways notified However, Vern Severance, president of the board of directors of the credit union, said The bill, which would also stiffen penalties for air pollution violations, was passed by the House Thursday night. □ Lean & Meaty Flat the credit union that its office building on Trowbridge Road would be demolished when a Friday that if the proposed highway is not built it would not be disastrous for the credit union. "We have an unparalleled opportunity in this bill to strengthtn and extend the state's efforts in reducing air pollution from all Bone Pork Steak □ Bondware Pastel cross - campus highway was built, construction was begun at a new site south of the Manley significant sources," Milliken said. "I urge the Senate to speed consideration of this measure Paper Plates, Miles Building on Harrison Road. "If campus something happens and the south highway does not go through, we have opportunities to lease or sell the present which would allow us to implement the 'Truth in Pollution' concept for air pollution." 49°,„ 100 ct. limit two However, the board of trustees rescinded building," he said. Severance said that, at the □ Boneless Rolled their approval of the new highway in June, leaving the fate of the cross - campus highway time the construction of the new building was initiated, "East Lansing, MSU and the Dept. of Educators to eval 39cl in doubt. And if the highway is not built, the present State Highways had all approved the cross - campus highway." Country Style Pork FROZEN FOODS I Credit Union Building would be permitted to If an agreement is reached to go ahead with of community co , remain, leaving the credit union with its the proposed highway, the state will probably Roast 59"ib present office building and the building now purchase the present credit union structure in keep pace with rapid conference Wednesday through □ Four Fishermen How to under construction. early in 1972, he said. growth in community college Friday at MSU. enrollment will be the focus of a Close to 100 community college presidents, directors of □ Tiger Town Corned Fish Sticks, "Family | state community college systems IN KRESGE GALLERY and university professors of community college education Beef, 1>/2#-3ft avg. Pack", 14 oz. from across the United States ' will probe the problems of managing community colleges. 79I 59" NYC artists show works from Discussion topics will range goal analysis to performance evaluation and I DAIRY I □Spartan Frozen York City, and the series comprises the "New Work: New sponge, pouring, in addition to utilizing folding and high - paintings but should look at merit them and concentrate, relating administrators. pay for faculty and □ Orchard Grove Dinners, chicken, York" exhibition on display in temperature baking methods. the various spaces and color The conference, to be held at Emanating from the north the art center through Aug. 1. "If the exhibition does not combinations. Kellogg Center, is sponsored by beef or turkey 11 oz.l gallery door in Kresge Art Although not a cross - section represent every current activity, Average cost of the pointings the Midwest Community College Fruit Drinks, 64 oz. 3*1 Center is a rainbow - like series of contemporary art in New at least the variety within the is between $400 and $800, with Leadership Council - comprised of wavy and jagged lines that zig York, the exhibition illustrates works that are here mirrors the of MSU, the University of one work priced at $1,200. Love - zag diagonally across white certain formal, coloristic and present vitality of art in New said the prices would be in the Michigan and Wayne State patches, all inside a five and one • half foot by six-foot canvas. After a brief encounter, the pulsating lines seem to shape methodological concerns shared in some ways by the 25 artists, Richard Lanier of the University of Santa Barbara, Calif., said in a York," Lanier said. And the works speak for themselves. "Hap - Legg - Adv.," by Alan Shields, is an oblong "thousands" if the artists were University - with assistance from better known. the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. V89s PRODUCE themselves into what looks like current exhibit catalog. pattern of interwoven canvas □ Hot House an aerial photo of a polar mountain range, complete with Basic abstraction is probably the one aspect applicable to all strips in varying shades of pale reds, oranges, blues, greens and Pride Po BAKERY DEPT multi - colored hills and valleys. Called "Slippery Rock" by the paintings, Lanier says, but the exhibit does not attempt to yellows. Meant to hang from a Tomatoes *. ceiling, the work is painted on artist Franklin Owen, the painting is one of 25 works by establish a collective group style or a new trend in art. both sides, and different sized rectangular holes are formed. TRANSPORTATION □ Spartan Hot Dog artists working today in New The paintings echo diversity in format. a wide Garry Rich created "Chicksaw IV" by rolling rubber tires with or Hamburger □ Zesty Michigan "Most assume ordinary forms wet paint across a canvas for Discussion set on — rectangular or square," Lanier says, "but a significant varying textures. Other paintings were designed in irregular shapes SPECIAL Buns, 8 ct. J9c Celery Hearts LI m compensation for proportion of the paintings possess unconventional shapes, which do not fit into frames, and Jack Whitten's "Land X" i unemployed making challenging inquiries into various formats." apparently back of was a canvas. painted on the '64 Chevy Biscayne '66 Tempest 6 cyl., automatic, □ Spartan White □ Crisp, Green Using new techniques made Paul V. Love, Kresge Gallery V-8, automatic The contribution unemployment insurance to the of feasible by the plastic - based acrylic paint, the artists created director, suggested that viewers unfamiliar with the modern art power steering power power steering brakes Bread, 20 oz. Cucumbers economy of a community will $295 works by spray - gun, roller and style should not skim the choice) $495 be explored in a week - long workshop which started Sunday '65 Oldsmobile 442 loaves _ Crunchy Green on TONIGHT! 2 for price of 1. 5/$]oo campus. '62 Ford Galaxie Representatives management, government and of labor, business, 4-door automatic 2 - door hardtop V-8, automatic Peppers or community power steering service organizations will express their views on the benefits of $195 console $495 Mild Green Onions unemployment compensation '65 Oldsmobile Jetstar '63 Oldsmobile 88 4 - door through Friday in Kellogg Center. V-8, automatic V-8, automatic, RENT AT.V. power steering power steering, power brakes power brakes 25.00 We deliver. . . '64 Oldsmobile 88 '64 Tempest Sportcoupe 2-door hardtop GOODRICH'S SHOPRITE LARRY'S SHOPRITE UNIVERSITY T.V. RENTALS In Spartan Shopping Center Same day Town P V-8, automatic V-8, automatic, Harrison at Trowbridge. Between Spartan Village and Cherry Lane Apts. Hours: Mon. - Frl. 9 to 9 1109 E. Grand River, Between Gunson & Mllford. Close to East Campus. Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 351-7900 power steering power steering, 307 S. Grand St., power brakes Saturday 9 to 6. J" & Sat. 9 to 10. Sunday Lansing $295 WJMMBrfilllJil.'H '65 Pontiac Catalina '64 Chevy Impala 4 - door Record Sale 2+2, 4 - speed, V-8 V-8, automatic $295 MICHIGAN 5 LB. MUD SLIDE SLIM and The Blue Horizon INDIAN RESERVATION CARPENTERS includes "Rainy Days 81 Mondays" and "For All We Know" James Taylor The Ra The Carpenters 5399 $299 $399 '63 Chevy 2 - door V-8, automatic $295 '67 Oldsmobile 4-door, V-8, automatic, power power steering, brakes $595 BEET SUGAR Limit one with $5 purchase SPECIAL COUPON! 44* STICKY FINGERS R°»ing Stones $399 RAM Paul and Linda McCartney $399 pride pohtiac ECKRICH ALL MEAT & ALL BEEF CHASE $299 JUMBO FRANKS, 1 LB. PKG. 20< 1415 E. Michigan Student Book Store Limit one with $5 purchase Across from Olin Health Center phone: 332—5011 421 E. Grand River