ff/cer t Wednesday Britain MICHIGAN emonstroting KENHEATH, England (AP) - A U.S. Force officer who shortly before his uled discharge joined an antiwar _t in London was found guilty UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 9 STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 14, 1971 -v of demonstrating while stationed i He faces a maximum sentence of years in prison and a dishonorable dfdnt surprise me," Capt. Thomas Wildcat walkouts anticipate t 2, of Westfield, N.J., said of the I got as fair a trail as I could have n within the military system. ItH take »e chunk out of my life, but I'm not ' I'm proud 1 did it." Ajr Force court - martial by eight -rs also found Culver, who is a lawyer, of soliciting others to join him at the Embassy May 31 in calling on dent Nixon to cease U.S. military ities in Indochina. was the first time an American nationwide telephone strike WASHINGTON Workers of America told conference A union spokesman said the walkout The CWA rejected May 23 a three - year ?man had been tried in Britain on (AP) - Wildcat a news Tuesday there is will at first idle 400,000 CWA members contract package that the company says es 0f demonstrating. Similar activities telephone strikes spread from Virginia to no way to head off the California walkout that was set for 6 a.m.. today. and at least 100,000 members of other amounts to a 30 per cent increase when rmitted in the United States provided Tuesday in advance of a nationwide strike by iialf a million Bell Even as he spoke his men began early - unions who will honor CWA picket lines. wages, cost - of - living increases and fringe rviceman is out of uniform and off benefits are counted. It included a 17 per bird walkouts in Michigan, Ohio, Florida, More Bell workers will join as other Culver claimed he met those system employes that the union says will California, Virginia, contracts cent increase in wages. itions and pleaded innocent to the last at least two weeks. South Dakota and expire, he said. Georgia. There was The union spokesman said virtually all Beirne said the company's He said he would appeal the verdict Despite a last - minute contract offer a "poverty day" job accounting from management, President Joseph A. action in Florida. non - Bell telephone systems, which was misleading and that the contract offer (Please turn to page 16) Beirne of the AFL-CIO Communications Beirne said the strike is over account for about 20 per cent of the contained many inequities. wages, pension improvements, job security and nation's telephones, would not be directly Among these, he said, were a pension what he called the affected although they could experience proposal that would discourage early company's antifeminist job policies. It comes atop a six ■ week difficulties because they are wired into Bell retirements, an increase in geographical ew Players discovered nationwide strike that has closed Western Union telegraph offices. Localized rail and mail tie - ups also are threatened soon. Since most telephone equipment is automated the public will continue to have long - distance equipment. After weeks of negotiations announced at 12:15 p.m. Tuesday in New York that it would seek out the several union bargaining teams to make a new, AT&T differentials eliminated, difference that between the men union perpetuation of wide and performing similar jobs and an allocation wants wage women of wage increases that provides as little as a ith overdrawn By JOHNJUEL account telephone service even in strike - affected areas, at least until lack of maintenance causes breakdowns. However, most installation of new better offer. immediately announced. At a news Its terms were conference 2V* hours later Beirne, without so much as looking at the not $3.50 weekly classification. He said increase in one the company also had not responded to the union's demand for an job properties. The total assets will be used to reputation for other student organizations agency shop, wherein nonmemebers would Editor - in - Chief phones and repair service on existing new offer, dismissed it as a scandalous pay a portion of the liabilities, with the who are doing a responsible job." be required to pay union dues. balance to be made up equipment would stop. public relations gimmick and said the strike MSU New Players, a student theater personally by the The New Players were apparently The company says it will use supervisory was on regardless. He said if the pany, is overdrawn on its student three officers who authorized the New solvent through winter term, Buckner said, To halt company's last - minute employes to man switchboards and the strike, the union's offer turns out to be -ization account by approximately Players' expenditures — Gary A. Klinsky, but went into debt after a disastrous spring acceptable the strike founder of the group and perform billing tanks. membership must ratify any new contract will be the fault of Bell 00, Louis F. Hekhuis, director of a June graduate season. The group's bookkeeping was The union says that it will continue to by a mail referendum, Beirne said. He said management ent governance, revealed Monday, of MSU; Penelope personnel "that haven't the brains to go to Zielinski, Detroit senior, apparently so bad that they weren't aware service government - operated telephone that will take two weeks even after an the bathroom" and should be hey really didn't do a very good job and James T. removed for Allen, Traverse City systems essential for national security. acceptable agreement is reached. their jobs by the courts or Congress. -ping their books," Hekhuis said, sophomore. (Please turn to page 16) e deficit became known after the end Buckner said he currently is negotiating rpring term, as unpaid bills began with the three officers to work out a plan ming into the ASMSU business office, for paying back the deficit. t first it looked like they were about Kissinger ends 5-nation tour "We'd like to work it out so 00 overdrawn, but the bills just kept nobody gets hurt, but the loss of $3,000 in student tax coming," ASMSU Chairman Harold money cannot be ignored," Buckner said. ner said Monday. "We weren't aware If no satisfactory settlement is he full amount of the deficit until reached, the University may take action ndJuly 1." against the individuals involved, Hekhuis said. A hold Asked when j confidence of the President and SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP) - will effectively in the coming months." a registered^tudent organization with has temporarily been placed on Klinsky's Kissinger quipped: continue to hold the full confidence of the In Paris Bruce said nothing about future SMSU account, the New Players' debts Foreign policy adviser Henry A. Kissinger diploma, and hold cards may beplaced reported to President Nixon Tuesday on anything." President. In no Way should speculation or plans. A spokesman for the ambassador ! be backed by student government, against the undergraduate officers at his five • nation global trip amid reports Nixon waited for Kissinger, his assistant my discussion of the matter indicate that said: "This is an ambassadorial matter, and to pay the bills will come out of the registration if the matter is not settled. for national security affairs, at the Western U that the top U.S. peace negotiator in Paris, Ambassador Bruce will operate less we will leave it to the White House." contingency fund, 'The incident could result in legal action White House helipad. They didn't waste David K.E. Bruce, is resigning. ile student government guarantees being taken — but only at a last - resort Kissinger had conferred with Bruce at time getting around to talking once the account, that does not relieve the approach," Hekhuis said. warfare greetings Army length Sunday at the last port of call on a were over. :nt organization from responsibility hat account," Hekhuis said, khuis said the total assets of the New "An unfortunate incident like this is extremely in that most organizations do a pretty good job of' student fact • finding tour that had taken him to South Vietnam, Thailand, India, Pakistan an The two - man session was a prelude to expanded session with Secretary of State William P. Rogers. opens and France. s appear to be about $3,000, keeping their books and honoring their White House officials said stockpiled gh that figure depends largely on the Kissinger greeted reporters after he no price of the group's physical responsibilities,"Hekhuis added. "This sort of thing has a tendency to create a poor landed at El Toro Marine Air Station. announcements talks. were expected from the on germs On the fringes, the officials were saying that there has been some discussion about PINE BLUFF, Ark. (AP) - The Army Bruce's resignation. There have been Tuesday began destruction of the U.S. bortion bill reported out, indications that the 73- year - old diplomat would like to step down for reasons. personal stockpile of deadly war germs and said when the process is completed the U.S. capability to be an aggressor in germ warfare will be destroyed. Glenn Achorn, director of biological operations at the arsenal, said the disposal process would take almost a year and would cost about $10.8 million. He said "It is the policy of the government to 225 arsenal employes who had helped to If he does, the expectation is that he try to reduce world tensions and this is a produce the germs were working to destroy bled unless House acts will be replaced by William Porter, U.S. ambassador to Korea. Porter is a former step in that direction," said Col. John K. them. Stoner, commander of the Pine Bluff When completed about mid-April 1972, deputy U.S. ambassador in Saigon. Ronald L. Ziegler, presidential Arsenal, where the germ stockpile is being the arsenal facilities will be used by the press result of negligence by the attending destroyed. Food and Drug Administration for By JOANNA FIRESTONE secretary, was asked whether Nixon thinks physician. Supporters of abortion reform said they peaceful purposes, such as research on State News Staff Writer "having a lame duck in Paris would have The ruling implies that unborn fetuses are skeptical the bill has enough backing to "It would take 10 to 15 years to environmental problems. ter four any effect on negotiations." months, the House Social are living beings, thus complicating the bring it to a debate. recreate what is being destroyed here," President Nixon ordered destruction of ices Committee released a bill "To get this bill off the table would take "Absolutely not," Ziegler said. Stoner said. "When it is destroyed, the Tuesday legal and moral standing of legalized "Ambassador Bruce holds the full the stockpile Nov. 25,1969. h would allow a really united effort," Rep. Richard J. Michigan women to abortions. total capability of the United States to Biological agents to be destroyed are :n legal abortions for Allen, R - Ithaca, said. "We would need the any reason The controversial bill, stalled in the produce these agents will be destroyed." francisella tularensis, the cause of rabbit g the first 90 days of pregnancy. Social Services Committee since its passage strong support of the governor, the UAW, Stoner said the biological agents and fever; coxiella burnetii, responsible for "Q" committee voted 5 - 3 to report the by the Senate in March, lacked sufficient the Democratic State Central Committee Mountain toxins that were produced and stored at fever; Venezuelan equine "t did not recommend its and the House Republican leadership." the arsenal passage by support in the committee to be released Tickets still are on sale at the Union, comprised the entire U.S. encephalomyelitis, a flu-type disease, and House. The bill will now Allen said he is "suspicious" that the stockpile except for those used for bacillus anthracis, which causes anthrax. go "on the and placed on the House calendar. committee may have reported the bill to Marshall Music and Campbell's Smoke defensive requiring a majority of the House Then, in a surprise move two weeks ago, research, such as the Toxins to be destroyed are catanella, rship to bring it to a debate fcnd committee chairman David S. Holmes, D - reduce the momentum of a petition drive Shop for Friday's Mountain concert. The development of vaccine. which is a shellfish poison and botulinum by the lower chamber. started by Sen. Filbert Bursley, R - Ann concert is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. The seven agents stored at the arsenal toxin and stephylococcus enterotoxin, Detroit, announced he would call for a 'r to the committee's in the Auditorium. All tickets $3. include types that cause infectious disease announcement, vote Tuesday. (Please turn to page 16) are (PLease turn to page 16) Speaker William A. Ryan, D - 't, said a recent Michigan Supreme ruling casts serious doubt on the itutionality of abortion leform. a decision released Friday, the court survivors of a stillborn baby may sue Club crowds mages if the baby was stillborn as a students off I- players better courts ug way The MS U Varsity Tennis Courts Drooping nets and numerous cracks mar :•:• are reserved For the East the quality of 30 of MSU's 40 tennis :•:• - Star Lansing Tennis Llub during the courts. The other 10 courts are in fine shape, summer. Membership costs are: but students cannot use them most of the £ time. During the spring the courts are used # ETR01T (UPI) Family'25." M.S.U student-V by the MSU varsity tennis team. In the S k Robinson and Adult-15" Junior-5. summer they are for the exclusive use of S the East Lansing Tennis Club. & ^red Wat two-run homers into turned cozy Tiger Stadium into a a gusting Daily Fee For non members-./b These courts are not open to students | who are not members of the club unless :$ !n6 gallery Tuesday night as the league ended eight years of Proceeds go touard junior the other 30 courts are filled and the club courts have a vacancy. Students must pay ion with a 6-4 victory over the development, court supervision $5 to become members. League in the 42nd All-Star Ralph Young Scholarship Fund, According to Stanley Drobac, MSU National League also hit three tournaments, and court tennis coach, use of the courts as parking lots during fall football games has been a two off Vida Blue when the maintenance. factor in their deteriorated state. off p®d to th an early 3-0 lead 6j ?cmers were so'° shots and that - but See the attendant for Equality on the tennis courts? "The weight of the cars alone would have some effect, it would seem to me. 5q _e [ference. A capacity crowd of applications. While the cracks continue to grow on Also all the oil dripping out of the cars 30 fo the tennis courts, south of the Stadium, the East lo® since six Vomers in ie96jti0nal Le>iue 8uffer itS Lansing Tennis Club continues to grow on 10 others. The best courts are also used by the MSU would probably hurt the courts," Drobac said. one All-Star game tied tennis team in the spring. -State News photo by Doug Bauman (Please tum to page 15) (Please turn to page 12) Wednesday, July |4 , Mid 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 3t associated] news House drops contempt charge I ■1 . press J WASHINGTON (AP) - The House tossed the historic CBS Pentagon public relations spending. He said that eventually something "will have to be done, in some way, to assure the During more than an hour of debate advocates of the cit* stressed what they called a congressional responsibility to — summary "selling of the Pentagon" contempt - of • Congress case back to its Commerce Committee Tuesday. Chairman Harley O. Staggers pronounced the citation dead. American people that what they are seeing on their home television screens is not calculated deception." against fraud and deception on the public's airwaves. Rep. Emanuel Celler, D • N.Y., dean of the House From the wires of AP and UPI. "This whole thing has been turned around entirely by the news chairman of Its Judiciary Committee, told his colleagues: While jammed galleries watched silently the House voted 226 media of this country. I feel that we were trying to protect the "The First Amendment towers over this proceeding ijt, to 181 to recommit the dispute. colossus, and no esprit d' corps, no tenderness of one member f Thus, rather than a direct floor vote that could have sparked a people's right to know, but somehow the media has been able to court fight in a constitutional - rights clash between broadcast twist this around and make enough members think otherwise," another should cause us to topple over this monument to J liberties." journalists and legislators, the House picked this parliamentary Staggers said. way of avoiding outright rejection of a powerful committee's recommendation. "I would put condom "I feel that this is a sad day for the American people," Staggers panel dispensers in men's bathrooms in said. "The vote today showed the awesome power of the the dorms, because many of them are afraid to buy them from a middle - aged pharmacist or, what's even worse, a woman. " television networks and the news media brought to bear on the House." CBS President Frank Stanton issued a statement saying: "We are very pleased by the decisive House vote against the Commerce Committee's resolution citing CBS for contempt. As Senate approves bil -Dr. Arnold Werner responsible journalists we shall continue to do our best to report on public events in a fair and responsible manner." Staggers, a West Virginia Democrat who sought to hold CBS and Stanton in contempt for refusing to turn over subpoenaed raw material from the documentary, said he won't try to bring to WASHINGTON rescue (AP) - The Senate Banking Committee However f Lockh committee Chairman John Sparkman, D-Ala den. John Tower, R-Tex., ranking committee Republican the resolution back up. The chairman added he plans no new Tuesday night approved legislation intended to rescue Lockheed they have no doubt Lockheed would qualify for the effort to try citing CBS for contempt. Aircraft Corp. and other industrial giants whose collapse could "We could do a lot of things," Staggers said, "but I don't see damage the economy. million in loan guarantees it says it needs to avoid The vote was 10-5 to send the bill to the floor where bankrupt Record deficit foreseen Sen. Will aim Proxmire, D-Wis., ranking member of the Sparam any sense in it. It would just be a futile effort." said he hoped action could be taken before the month-long rece Staggers had argued he was not attacking the First Amendment committee, immediately issued a statement saying there is some starting Aug. " The United States officially projected Tuesday that doubt the tottering defense contractor would qualify for any of press freedom in his attempt to obtain so - called out - takes Asked if its trade deficit with Japan this year will climb well past gathered but not televised in the documentary that criticized the $2 billion in federal loan guarantees available under the bill. "Of course Sy has Proxmire also indicated — although he did not say so two mc $2 billion, topping the record $1.4 billion deficit of flatly- that he might try to block the bill from Senate considerate from al 1969. The record deficit is expected despite recent moves CROWDS, TROOPS CLASH until after Congress returns in early September. be desir by the Japanese government to begin relaxing some Lockheed says it faces the prospect of running out of ctf restrictions on U.S. exports. possibly by Sept. 1 if it does not get government help to contini the development of its L1011 TriStar airbus. Deliveries of t| The deficit in trading with Japan is one reason the Fighting flares in Ireland . _ Commerce Dfpt. expects the United States' total TriStar have been delayed by the bankruptcy of Rolls-Row t| Jf Ltd., which is making the engines for the wide-bodied 40 foreign trade surplus to dwindle from $2.7 billion in passenger airplane. 1970 to $500,000 this year. The only other Democrat siding with Proxmire was Sen. Walta LONDONDERRY, Northern the week of tension and Roman Catholics among discrimination, called for an end F. Mondale of Minnesota. Plain of Jars secured American-backed Meo tribesmen were reported Ireland clashed (AP) — Angry crowds with British troops Tuesday in Londonderry, a bombings leading up to Londonderry's 56,000 Monday's big marches, when the population have been seething province's Protestant majority since two civilians were killed by to the violence, . A commission statement sam . ., Three Republicans voted against the bill: Edward W. Mass.; Bob Packwood, Ore.; and Robert Taft Jr., Ohio Authority to make the loan guarantees would be investedim D regular flashpoint of Northern celebrated 50 years of partition troops on riot duties last week. f,ecen,. rl* CLIP & SAVE ■(■■■IIBIHI Wig as a four called on the Nixon administration point violation. Tuesday to end what he termed a policy "in favor of the entrenched union hierarchy." Don't Teas Sale Griffin, co-author of the 1959 Landrum-Griffin Labor while the Labor Dept. delays acting Act, said Introducing on charges against the union "the Our Exclusive advantage left in the hands of incumbents charged with violations of Wonder Wig BIRMINGHAM GROSSE POINTE the act is unconscionable." DETROIT ANN ARBOR DEARBORN Nurse charged with arson GRAND RAPIDS EAST LANSING A survivors young nurse's aide, credited with saving some during a fire at a senior citizens' home, was indicted Tuesday on 10 counts of willful murder and THE ROSY one of arson. The Jefferson County grand jury charged that Mary Ann Wyatt, 21, set the fire the morning of Jan. 14 at $ Westminster Terrace Presbyterian Home in Louisville, Ky. Nine residents died as a result of smoke inhalation. A tenth died of pneumonia on Jan. 21. . Thru only 19' Saturday Only Reg. $24.95 Housing statement criticized (Built in height eliminates teasing) A coalition of major civil rights and urban Open Daily 10-6 — Wed. & Thurs. Nites till 9 p.m. organizations said Tuesday in Washington, D.C. that President Nixon's open housing statement "has I j 1/ S diagnosed a cancer and prescribed aspirin as the remedy." ;i| j*r (Ml "While we are greatly disturbed by the negative aspects of the President's statement and the failure of 541 E. Grand River the administration to take firm steps to assure equal housing opportunity, we are not bereft of hope," said DOWNSTAIRS faxit i the 1 leadership Conference on Civil Rights. Paramount News Of East Lansing Michigan State Ne*s, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 14, 1971 3 Ulrl.fc Taiwan out, Mao in' plea set UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) — Peking's best friends made that Chairman Mao Tse tung's Communist China should replace - The sponsors, meeting at the Albanian mission, also approved a clear Tuesday that Communist China wants to be President Chiang Kai - shek's Nationalist China on the 15 - nation given big power letter asking Secretary - General U Thant to put the Chinese status in the United Nations without council and have the veto like the Soviet Union, the United conceding anything to representation question on the assembly's agenda, and an Nationalist China. States, Britain and Prance. accompanying explanatory memorandum. Eighteen intended sponsors approved a resolution that would Otherwise, the resolution, as in previous years, would have the Diplomats from among the countries involved said they have the General Assembly say in its session two months hence, assembly recognize Peking's representatives "as the only lawful expected that the resolution, the memorandum and the letter, "The People's Republic of China is one of the five permament representatives of China to the United Nations, and . . . expel signed by all 18 of them, would be handed to Thant this week. members of the Security Council." forthwith the representatives of Chiang Kai - shek" from the " Under this new strategy Peking's champions would submit for • - Their new draft was the first ever to make the United Nations and all its related organizations. specific claim the first time a resolution in advance of the convening of the assembly, and for the first time put their request to Thant so he can place the question on the provisional agenda. ife ■ .. House OKs ap He is required to circulate the provisional members 60 days before the assembly's Sept. 21. Albania and Algeria, informed agenda opening date among — this of Communist China's wishes, the year drafted the papers after a first meeting of the sponsors last fund Wednesday. W'S ' ' - V, to state departments The wants its debate. diplomats said they were acting this early because Peking position made^perfectly clear well in advance of the operating expenditures for the three departments. There had been some speculation that Peking might agree to By JOANNA FIRESTONE State News Staff Writer Passage of the $29.9 million budget bill followed two drop the part of the resolution calling for expulsion of Nationalist unsuccessful attempts to give Gov. Milliken power to cut the China. The logjam in designing and approving a state budget showed feeble signs of dislodging Monday as the House of Representatives budget if necessary without the consent of the legislature. Other minor budget bills, including a $49.5 million The informants said Peking preferred to wait until next year or passed a $30 million appropriation funding the depts. of later to be invited to the United Nations rather than surrender its Frisbee appropriation to the state police and the Dept. of Military Affairs fun commerce, labor and licensing and regulation. By a vote of 74-27, the House approved the first piece of are scheduled for House debate while the major bills — school aid, principle against any two - China arrangement. I Sly has been improving his catching technique for the past higher education and welfare — are being held in committee. They thus indicated that they did not expect the resolution to budget legislation for the fiscal year which began July 1. The Other state tax rates under the House bill would be raised in 3 months. This sailing, one - bite catch is nothing, but state is currently operating under an get a passing vote in the coming assembly. emergency bill allowing July Last November a similar proposal finally got a majority — 51 • I from all available reports his throwing leaves something to corresponding units; corporations would pay 8 per cent versus 5.6 spending to continue at June levels. per cent now and banks would file 11 per cent against the present 49, with 25 abstentions. But it had no effect because the I be desired. Part of the proposed $2.05 - $2.1 billion spending plan, the rate of 7 per cent. assembly had previously reaffirmed its rule that a two - thirds -State News photo by Doug Bauman. appropriation passed Monday includes salaries, equipment and The Senate bill proposes a 7.8 per cent corporate income tax vote is required for a change. and 10 per cent on financial institutions. Meanwhile, the House taxation committee is working on a Some sources said one reason for haste in submitting the MODERN SOCIETY proposal which would raise the state personal income tax rate from 2.6 per cent to 4.0 per cent. resolution this year was to get Peking's position on record to attract support before President Nixon could announce the new The Senate has already passed a bill which would raise the U.S. policy on China in the United Nations. personal income tax 38 per cent by boosting the rate to 3.6 per Delegates familiar with the issue expected that the United cent. States would come out for having both Chinas in the assembly. Disease conflicts outlined House passage of the higher rate would force the tax question into a conference committee where a final worked out between leaders of both chambers. figure would be Besides Albania and Algeria, the potential sponsors are Cuba, Guinea, Iraq, Mali, Mauritania, Pakistan, Romania, Somalia, By LESLIE LEE the host can reproduce Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, The Republic of the Congo, Yemem, largest toll is not claimed by the maintenance of the numbers of a State News Staff Writer unchecked. Man, however, has starvation Southern Yemem, Yugoslavia and Zambia. combat deaths, but lodern society has produced T paradox of reducing almost outsmarted himself, San Clemente said. He has reduced or by the accompanying spread of particular organism, he said. Watershed council sponsors disease, he said. Itious disease while bringing disease to the point where he is Lie closer together through susceptible, because of been so effective in "This is why the U.S. has its wars, Using this information, San Clemente said, scientists attempt Grand River picture contest Jrisportation and thus, overcrowding, to more serious excluding the present one. We to erradicate diseases that plague The Grand River Watershed Council is ■Mating the transfer of results if an outbreak should have been very efficient in man. After the answers are sponsoring a he, Charles San Clemente, occur. obtained, the diseases are still photography contest to promote stream appreciation throughout keeping our men healthy and the Grand River basin, ■essor of microbiology and In nature an equilibrium is set well sometimes hard to stop. "We according to Clarence Blakeslee mayor of fed," he said. , Bic health said Tuesday, up by the climactic stabilization must get the knowledge of Rockford. ■an Clemente was the of numbers of the parasite and Black and white or color pictures should not be Even with the advances of medicine and the people larger than 8 ■tured speaker at the the host. This equilibrium can be inches by 10 inches and colored slides should not be modern medicine, man is still together," he said. larger than Iversity Club's weekly upset by a new parasite or faced with epidemics of 2 inches by 2 inches. Bheon. All entires must be postmarked no later than disease, San Clemente said. influenza, measles, mumps and San Clemente suggested that midnight, Aug. lifectious disease is a conflict Cities become1 spawning other such 31, 1971, and mailed to the Grand River Watershed Council, teen parasite and host, he diseases, San future advance in medical 3322 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing 48917. grounds for disease by their Clemente said. These go in knowledge that would solve I [f the host dominates or overcrowding, he said. An cycles because of the man's problem of food shortages Ictively controls the parasite, increased density of susceptible susceptibility of the host, he would be a transplant of some hosts will increase the danger of said. "As in a forest fire, once it type of algae to a convenient Round trip from New York! infection. has burned most of the trees, it part of man's, body, perhaps the |ckof interest Because man has few natural will be along time before it can arm, which would produce his preditors, war, starvation, and happen again." A new group of food supply independently of wedding Cheaper than California or Florida! 'Icelandic Airlines student fare - py cause pool disease take the biggest toll of hosts will be required because conventional food supplies. her dreams ... to Luxembourg human life, San Clemente noted. the old ones are now resistant to Also, famine and war go the infection. "He could turn this transplant I close at night together with disease. Famine, because of the Ecology, as the study of the lowered economics of towards his fill the sun until he's had and then pull his begins at See us for comparable student living organisms, Jhe men's intramural outdoor resistance of the population, tries to answer the questions of shirtsleeve over it," he said. fares to all European points. kl lontinue lumber may be forced its evening hours if of persons using j the 1 during this period does not to facilitates the spread of disease. In any famine or war, by far the why an organism is abundant or "Somehow we've got to beat the scarce, and what influences the high cost of restaurants." Jon Anthony J lease, Russell L. Rivet Jr., [ciate director of intramural "Old Towne" New England CLAM BAKE! TRANSCENDENTAL Florist J College Travel ;s, said Tuesday. •Whole Lobster MEDITATION 485-7271 130 W. Grand River [he pool is open from 8 to 10 I. on Mondays and •Clams • • Shrimp Corn-on-the-Cob 809 E. Michigan * Free Parking 351-6010 ■nesdays and is open until 9 Every Friday 6 to 11 p.m. Behind Store ^ on Fridays, but not many lents have frequented the TOSSID SALAD-CORN BRBAD DRAWN BUTTRR CALL FOR INFORMATION I during the evening hours, fttsaid. luring the evening there is a I cent fee charged to all pool to pay the salary of We will qualify you for this. Army ROTC is the leadership course. in your junior and senior years. You will Enroll in Army ROTC and you learn to have an opportunity to apply for an Army lead — to work with people. You're ROTC scholarship which pays for all assured of a challenging job after tuition, books and fees. graduation with the option of returning to civilian life in two years or less - with a But the best thing we do for you is qualify post - graduate "degree" in leadership and you for opportunities like this. When you leave the Army you will have the management experience. qualifications employers want - and pay Plus we take care of you while you're still for. in school. You will receive $50 per month Interested? Stop by Demonstration Hall or Phone 355-1916 today. MICHIGAN RB STATE NEWS The UNIVERSITY Doctor's JOHN BORGER, managing editor Bag By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. mk around stretches the hymen >uter of •cretary At 37, »ife. * Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at nicelv «. icated a BOB ROACH, news editor women are loathe to do this BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor MSU Health Center. Names need not be them*? Americi RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor included unless a personal r«ply i> to use a finger. A cooperative frjen? jer, s help, or a gynecologist can lend her .1 (grants. requested. dilators (sort oj artificial finger,! . job 01 situations where self dilation is grab of Are there any methods whereby a virgin or doesn't work, a physician not poL Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award woman with an intact hymen can lessen can wid^ ipecial for opening in the membrane? in a ineerei outstanding journalism. the pain usually associated with her first minutes with the aid of a local linistrat experience of sexual intercourse? The horror stories that •tones r Persist ib. painfiil first intercourse are largely mone; The hymen is a thin (usally) and misinformation perpetuated istitutioi membrane located just past the urethra, or bv EDITORIALS urinary outlet, on the way into the vagina. informed roommates and The stories are acquaint^ right I anyvi The hymen has an opening large enough to sufficiently an, 5, provoking so that many women te Hoi insert a finger or two or a tampon (tubular Hotchkiss v internal sanitary napkin, i.e. Tampax). In very rare cases, the hymen may be totally intercourse for the first time trepidation that should be reserved medieval tortures. ther poi to the of tin closed; this is always discovered because Anxiety anticipation of pain greatly magnifies nding" fails in menstruation becomes impossible. By the discomfort that may exist. Vadition respo time a woman the first time these has sexual intercourse for days, she has probably had some stretching of her hymen already. Furthermore, it is extraordiw difficult, if not impossible, to fa luit — The City of East Lansing took state law wisely puts no artificial sexually aroused while anxious. Ud This can be from heavy petting or the use another giant step forward last week barriers between a potential voter the lubrication that normally of tampons. accompi in its sincere and continuing effort to and registration, relying on the dire sexual excitement is a primary caw If the hymenal opening is small, it can painful intercourse (first time or later), keep the student population "in its place." Circuit Court Judge Ray C. consequences for declaring a false residency to handle offenders. be stretched easily over a period of a few weeks. A well lubricated finger, starting woman has a choice as to when she US intercourse for the first time, she Hotchkiss denied Friday a request by with a small one and working up to couple The city's attempt to require of fingers, gently inserted and moved pick an occasion when she7 four East Lansing residents for an documentation is predicated on exually excited, and when there is pig injunction to stop the city from "make it troublesome enough of time and comfortable eno to circumstances so the experience is, requiring proof of residency of register and they'll give up and go ART BUCHWALD rushed. Finally, she and her partnersho persons registering to vote. away" logic, however. Rent receipts have provided adequately The issue at stake was not whether and letters to a student's current contraception. requiring proof of residency is a address are accepted as good idea, but rather whether My first urine of the day is accomp lections documentation; rather than pointing by a foul odor, not unlike that of 1 silent ar Big Six-enough in Common? students are to be given due process to the city's easy stance toward 1. What could be causing this? IM ten by and equal protection under the law. registration, these examples point pain or burning, but I do have to uj 9, StaU The city's answer has been an toward the ineffectualness of such not | quite frequently. emphatic "No!" requirements. How difficult is it to may pr< have a letter mailed to the address of Urinary tract infections can cause, ilar to State election law states that city smelling urine. Frequency can be a friend who is an East Lansing symptom of an infection though tNn clerks have the power to "require LONDON — "To be or not to be," that but that the population could be afraid of the French as she was of the resident? is the question bugging every Englishman no pain or burning. Sometimes the odoi any answer applicant for registration to under oath any questions Such requirements are effectual, these days in regard to the Common Market. After finally getting the six decimated severely by automobile accidents during the changeover period. Italians. "If we join the Common Market, we shall have to develop bosoms to urine is influenced by foods that we Asparagus is note - worthy for prodiri Lo however, in causing some students to compete with Sophia Loren and Gina ordoriferous urine. Since your coni touching on his qualifications as an have to make two trips to city hall to members of the Common Market to admit The feeling here is that if Britain the Editc her, Britain does not to be very sure becomes Lollabrigida. No British female can hope to sounds as if it has been persistent, it«a elector, and ... to administer oaths register, and coupled with long lines, seem part of the market her six match an Italian woman's bust once the be wise to consult a physician. you'vi that she wants to be a member of the club. partners should be the ones to change the and to swear persons as to the truth tariffs are abolished." in discouraging them from exercising In fact, the more Britishers you talk to, the side of the road they drive on rather than of the statements contained in I take birth control pills. Am I prot their constitutional rights. We more reasons you hear as to why England England. The consensus here is that booming a affidavits." There is clearly from pregnancy during the week no wonder how nonstudent residents of should stay out. member of the Common Market can only authorization for requiring proof of East There are, of course, the usual fears "Since we gave in on cheese quotas, they mean trouble fdr Britain. The cafe will not taking the pill each month? I've Is fLessor he pages of Lansing would feel about about joining anything that has to do with that it is possible to become residency. standing in line for as much as IV2 should give in orj driving," a hotel doorman replace the pub, beer will be served cold face il The for the Continent, such as: "If Britain becomes told me. and the Pope is sure to come over and during the menstrual period. reason not requiring hours to register, as large numbers of • tripi a member of the Common Market, her throw out the first ball at Wimbledon. You are protected from pregnancy dui documentation of residency is a students had children Mfill have to put wine on their If this isn't enough to worry about, the week you are not taking the to do a week ago , simple one. The "teeth" of the state cornflakes as they do in France," and there are fears here that if England is As Friday? forced into full partnership with the long as the Big Six rejected Britain's assuming you have taken the pill corn his laC< election law is the penalty for "Everyone will be forced to wear pointed application, the English were clamoring to during the proceeding three weeks, In the Hotchkiss case, the merits Continent she will pick up many of the r, S.N. wooden shoes as they do in Holland," and get in and furious at being blackballed. But menstrual period associated with the perjury on an affidavit swearing to of requiring documentation for filthy habits of the French, such stioned one's residency - up to a $1,000 "Well have to give up our tea break to as having now that England can join, everyone is not a true one. Supression of ovuUt h a u love in the afternoon with who is registration were irrelevant, although compete with the Germans." someone assures everyone they never wanted continues during the false period as fine and five years in prison. The But there not your wife. :ribing I they formed the bulk of the city's are deeper and more anything to do with the Common Market system is still under the influence of counti defense. The significant reasons why the British, now in the first place. hormones of the pill. point is, such "What has made us great," a British atorship. Misplaced Memo requirements are not authorized by that they've been admitted, want no part of the market. friend told me, "is that while Frenchmen It is possible to become having intercourse during the menstj lish amo To: John Juel, SN Editor - in - Chief the election spend their lunches and afternoons in bed And with reason: As Englishman put fhom state law. If such There is a definite fear here that if an we with their mistresses, we work in our it to me at lunch the other period, but it is extremly rare. In ordu time Re: Joint Issue's front page political requirements are needed, the existing England joins the Big Six, she will be day, "You be so lucky, the woman would h ie forced to drive her cars on the other side of factories and on our farms and in our know, of course, if you don't take a Ided to < endorsement of Joint Issue staff law should be changed or replaced have a very short menstrual cycle offices, for God and country. We'd be fools French child away as soon as it's born, the jations. writer Chuck Will. the street. It isn't just a question of 21 days) and have intercourse toward through the usual legislative to become part of a system that puts sex mother will kill it." or once channels. But in a democracy, it is changing the steering wheels to the other before the gross national product." end of menstruation. In this way, lerstate Boss side - though this is no small the responsibility of the judiciary to problem - An English lady friend said she wasn't as sperm might still be present and alive 1 Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times she ovulates again thing, th See, it's easy: we endorse you, me and pregnancy ven mori and interpret law, not to extend the occur. Borger for city council, then Roach for Congress and Gosselin for... power of local bureaucrats by condoning unauthorized actions. GEORGE BUL1ARD -Barney W. Judge Hotchkiss has failed in that responsibility. Globe-trotting The FBI: a special' calling The FBI agent stood in Brody Hall, This tremendous man, this Mr. foot in Hooi^^^ looked 200 Boy's Staters in the eye and mouth y told them that women could not handle the work of an FBI special agent. He was explaining why women are not 'Certainly healthier and there more are women stronger, intelligent than the average had vented his professional spleen agent in a manner that would have ci unnecessary, extreme personal grief. 50 You might remember Spiro nation. special agent. Haven't the Soviets already Next stop: India, whose hired into the bureau as agents. And rather Of course, high school Boy's S Agnew. He is the fellow who won successfully fired a woman into space? But government has been stung more pompously, he announced that women are were ignorant of these things audi the Marie Antoinette Foot - in - than once by the local media. hired for lesser bureau jobs, presumably then, to recognize Soviet accomplishments certainly wasn't the agent's job to 1(0 ■ Mouth Award an unprecedented secretarial and research work. probably wouldn't meet bureau approval, and whole truth. * Continuing on our way we find besides Mr. Hoover is a legal bachelor." three straight times before his boss the vice president next deplaning in Most of the high schoolers present at the He did acknowledge one studoj recent Boy's State conference on campus observation that Shaw's notes were M took him off the first string in the sunny Kuwait, alnd of oil - glutted seemed to accept the agent's word as by rummaging around in a waste papers wake of the Republican electorial sheiks and feudal baronies. From gospel. After all, wasn't the "FBI Clinic" It wasn't as if Shaw ran to the New Y« innocuous questions before hitting one independent thoughts catastrophe of 1970. Kuwait it is but a short hop to Saudi listed on the official program and — especially about Times with a confidential expose. I about Jack Shaw, a special agent whom the old man — he must keep them to sanctioned by the American Legion? And After fielding the controversies,! Arabia, the world's last absolute Hoover persecuted because he criticized himself. So now in his diminished role as certainly this tall, lean disciple of Hoover the FBI in a letter to a professor. agent settled back into more rour monarchy. From there, the globe - must be a golly gee straightshooter or he Freedom of speech (or of term papers) questions: when was the FBI foundt mere vice president the former Super The agent acknowledged that Shaw had does not apply to FBI agents. trotting Greek moves to ancient wouldn't be here. Right? critized the FBI. Then the agent defended how many agents? how can I become! Spokesman has been sent on a Ethiopia, And Hoover couldn't be all bad since the Shaw wasn't fired anyway, the agent a progressive, though Hoover because, he said, no organization continued. He was transferred to Butte, agent? pilgrimage about the planet because, hardly democratic, nation. After agent himself, right there in Brody Hall, could allow such criticism by its members. Mont., and quit after the transfer. well, what else do you do with vice Ethopia comes Kenya a land of said that J. Edgar was doing a "tremendous The implication — which he did not Of course Shaw quit. He quit for reasons The last question obviously requires! presidents? job" as director. And the agent must have answer that included a complete set! freedom of opportunity - unless develop fully for the boys — was that an the agent at Brody did not care to male organs. But In the second round But old habits die hard. Thus Mr. known Hoover pretty well because he kept FBI agent must be wary of critical divulge: J you are Somali. Shaw's wife was ill and has since died. The calling him "the old man." Hell, what more agent skipped mentioning the 1 Agnew could not constrain himself thoughts. He must be an apolitical eunuch, Butte assignment, considered the Siberia of requirement. He didn't even add tlwj Heading west once more (how credibility could a high schooler ask for: clean shaven, impeccably dressed and FBI land, would have been more than from commenting on the Pentagon the FBI and the American agent must also shoot straight and appropriate) the vice president next Legion mentally sterile. At least if he has any Shaw's wife could stand. Papers debacle. "Every leader" quote confers with the supporting a single clinic. those personal letters. Congolese But getting back to women, the agent Spiro, "I've talked to is appalled by government of General, er, President the idea that a private businessman asked one student: "Do you think women Mobutu. Thereafter, Mr. Agnew flies can do everything men can do?" who is a newspaper editor can to Madrid, capitol of the oldest Hell yes, sir. Blanket refusal to hire assume unto himself the power to women because of some frailty stereotype fascist state of the world. Next he declassify by himself secret will head for Morocco unless this seems at best a violation of civil rights, and government papers." it is all the more pernicious because a week's coup attempt causes an Stern and "tremendous" guy like J. Edgar unexpected alteration in his plans. Lastly, but administers the injustice to American condemnation from the international certainly not leastly, the doughty womanhood. community, eh what? Not really - cosmopolitan commentator will visit Certainly there are women stronger, consider the itinerary of the vice healthier and more intelligent than the Portugal which is, if not the oldest, president's trip: After leaving the then certainly the meanest fascist average special agent. Haven't the Soviets IT'S A MISTAKE TO TW TO United States behind, Mr. Agnew's already successfully fired a woman into AVOID THE UNPLEASANT state. first stop space? But then, to recognize Soviet THINGS IN LIFE.. was in the friendly Daniel Ellsberg, are you listening? accomplishments probably wouldn't meet American puppet police state of bureau approval, and besides Mr. Hoover is All of the above - mentioned South Korea. Next he jaunted down a legal bachelor. bastions of liberty, says Mr. Agnew, o Singapore whose prime minister "He's married to his job," the agent said have categorically condemned your recently made international sagaciously, neglecting to add that for him actions. to copulate with anything but a female is headlines by closing down most of Makes you feel kind of proud, aganist the law in most states. the opposition papers in his island doesn't it? The agent fielded several other 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 14, 1971 5 RB FROM WASHINGTON o better life, must man or society change? I ,uter doesn't have a suite with office. He doesn't have ■cretary. He doesn't have a At 37. he doesn't even have ife He is Ombudsman, icated and self-appointed, to In issue, not even if you are a an taxpayer and you think the government is preparing illegally to give away some of money. Recently courts have broadened this idea of your standing. 'and it hired as one of them detective to investigate Nader's private life when he bagan to get difficult. Result: out-of-court damage settlement to Nader in 1970 of $425,000. And Nader a Mr. companies assets Nixon was allowing to depreciate their for tax purposes over a period shorter by as much as 120 per cent over the old 1962 pointing out that the Treasury had said nothing about public hearings which are required by law. The Treasury caught its breath, coughed and said it had Street law firm, be needed. Rake-off explicitly said that congressional action would American people. Yes, Ralph Now the thing will have a has brought the whole damn guideline. It was like telling the merely forgotten to mention Last week Nader and bigger two small boys that a reasonable them. It was the first of several Common Cause and a group of er son of Lebanese test. Ralph Nader, and John auto industry under government useful life expectancy of their Gardner's Common Cause, and a coincidences. [grants. He now has another regulation. Also he has got major walkie-talkie was four days and carefully chosen plaintiffs filed „ iob on his hands, to stop a consortium of other hard-headed changes in meat inspection, in suit here to block fast not five and there would be no Mr. Nixon, in his original grab of $30 billion. But it is idealists have had the health and in federal regulatory reprimands if they made it go statement, said that it just meant depreciation. The National Rural special kind of giveaway, impertinence to bring suit Electric Cooperative Assn., for agencies, and he is even trying to that long. Sneered by the Nixon against the U.S. Treasury. get the a "postponement" of tax example, claims it has legal government to do payment. "These statements are linistration itself. It has Laughable something about enforcing its Garrison "standing" because it competes rtones more important than false," observed Northwestern with private utilities who get the Laughable, eh? That's the waylaws on coal-mine safety. Ralph Nader was en route to They involve a money. General Motors felt when Ralph University tax expert Robert rake-off. Economists like Walter Well, so now we come to the Japan when this happened. But Eisner at the subsequent hearing. stitutional point: who has Nader first took out after it. He big new chapter. The subject is he has a garrison of permanent Heller say the rebate won't help Sen. Muskie released a right to levy and collect was just a whippersnapper from so crashingly dull that just to Nader's Raiders in Washington, confidential memo from John the recovery because the boost s anyway? Congress of the Princeton and Harvard Law mention it is a switch-off phrase, will come too late. A big tax about five days. And now that plants like walkie-talkies, are mostly fresh out of law school Nolan (like a small Pentagon k House? And there is School, and had written his so I will try to creep up on it. I we have got into depreciation, Briefing and with a controlled zest for loophole for business means that her point likely to go right book in 1965 "Unsafe At Any am closely associated with two paper) warning his basses that others must pay more taxes. the government has guidelines Now we come to the Laguna the public interest surpassing the big tax giveaway might be to the Supreme Court: the Speed." GM feels differently boys, nine and seven, who have for the assets of 50 groups Beach, Cal., press briefing last that of a Wall Street tax lawyer That was the argument Mr. t of the little man to have now. GM is the world's illegal without consulting Nixon used in vetoing the school largest recently been given a new ranging down from gas and Jan. 11. The White House drooling for half-million-dollar a nding" in a court. industrial corporation. Its anual walkie-talkie. What is the life Congress. Nolan quickly said bill a year ago, he called it electricity transmission — 30 reporters whb travel with Mr. fee. So Tom Stanton (who gets that he had changed his mind. It Vaditionally you can't bring revenue is greater than that of expectancy of the outfit? With years; railways — 14; mining — Nixon are a long way from paid $4,500 by Nader), and his "painful, but necessary" to save was also shown that last don't have a you any foreign country save the the judgment of sad experience I 10; aerospace —8. As assets home; they not specialists colleague Sam Simon, on their taxes. It was peanuts compared extraordim are on September a presidential task 'le. to be« ding - unless you have a USSR and the United Kingdom. would base the rate of depreciate, taxes fdl under these technical subjects and the own initiative immediately filed to this, only $35 million. force, led by a former member ixious. Lac| t, economic or similar stake It has around 750,000 employes depreciation for tax purposes at complicated guidelines, and steel sources on whom they rely are suit the same day, Jan. 11, of the Nixon-Mitchell Wall C THE NEW REPUBLIC Uy accompi back in Washington. Mr. Nixon's •imary c>u» press secretary Ron Ziegler arrived about 12:20 p.m. with IIR READERS' MIND Tie or later). ' when sh« undersecretary of the Treasury 'me, she Walker (the bane of linotype gj men because he 'hen she spells his first there is p|( name "Charls"), and John rtable eno ►erience is r partner she Drug story corrections Nolan, deputy asst. secretary. They had a statement from Mr. Nixon saying that he had "approved three important PayuA aVuCt »q uately he Editor: strychnine. Strychnine poisoning due to the fact that both drugs choking, pin - point pupil, changes in the administration of lould I make a couple of may be treated with a short are depressants and their effects increased the depreciation provisions of gut activity, ■ is accompa ections in the otherwise acting barbiturate (e.g. are thus additive rather than restlessness, apprehension, ^ax 'av?s • • •" The bored that of i silent article on street drugs pentobarb) rather than with antagonistic. » muscle tremor followed by reporters said,^ "My, My!" They g this? | w ten (Fri., by Ray Anderson Thorazine. (Thorazine is used as The organophosphates are paralysis and death. The so - mostly couldn't understand it. It and you'll discover that we have have to 9, State News)? PCP usually a "parachute" to bring people another group of compounds called "nerve gases" that the was ®bout "faster depreciation not produce convulsions down from bad LSD trips.) The addition to that were mentioned in the Army was going to dump into allowance" o* something. And a new our luncheon menu . . . may produce muscle spasms use of a barbiturate with a PCP article as being present in street the ocean some time ago are, in a " this dry-as-dust STARTING TODAY AND EVERY WEDNESDAY can cause I lar to those noted with overdose is not recommended drugs. It was stated that fact, organophosphate announcement really meant was :y canbe organophosphates "are not compounds. a t8* bonus to big business of FROM 11:15 to 2:00 p.m. though tMi mes the odot necessarily harmful." While this Again let me commend Ray something over $3 billion a year ds that r for produi Larrowe no crank statement is true when very and the State News for pointing small amounts are used it should out some of the problems of for 10 years, or a total of around $37 billion. It was created by Ijou can esifMf, a your confi be emphasized that these street drugs sold in the East executive fiat, like the Vietnam iistent.it it he Editor: has led us to believe. Just to take compounds are extremely toxic. Lansing area. war» without recourse to you've been on campus one instance, Larrowe stated a Symptoms of overdose include John H. McNeill Congress, in one of the biggest nth? I've hi for a few lably don't have much use what C. Patric Larrowe, essor of economics, peddles years, you student was shot by the Shah's troops at Arya Mehr recently. Actually it was four. While Larrowe's latest point | I profuse sweating, salivation, asst. professor of pharmacology bronchiolar constriction, July 12,1971 CUT OUT AND SAVE proposed giveaways in recen history. BUFFET come prep he pages of the State News, face it, he comes on as an of view hasn't led change my opinion of him personally, I me to cuul jjeaAi ta yousi, kecvit'4, ccwdesit! ■ tripping crank, always do join with him in calling upon ig to pump air into the central administration of viable and hopeless causes, 1WSU-"tb dissociate itself from All for a mere $2.25 his latest gambit (Point of this fascist Irarti&ft jtrtlta before r, S.N. July 2, 1971), he it's too late. itioned MSU's involvement One Vietnam fiasco is university in Iran, enough! ribing the government of Anders G. Johanson country as a "repressive programming supervisor, itorship." This evoked such Computer Laboratory lish among my friends, some July 12,1971 'hom were planning to spend time in Tehran, that I ded to check out Larrowe's ations. oronce, he seems to have erstated the facts. If hing, the Shah's government en more repressive than he Wednesday, Jmy ,4 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan TO PERFORM FRIDAY Mountain mixes By STEVE ALLEIM and Friends. They will return volume, talent "Climbing" and "Nantucket Hardin's first sessions and the jabbing style." The New York State News Staff Writer Friday as Pop Entertainment Sleighride." They also have had Youngbloods' single "Get Times described Pappalardi's presents its first summer concert "Mississippi Queen," a cut off Together" back in 1966. style this way: "If the guitarist ever. "Climbing," make it big as a Pappalardi established himself was a lesser man than Leslie The Laurel and Hardy of Mountain is highly popular on single. as an accomplished rocker when West, Felix Pappalardi would rock, wiry Felix Pappalardi and the East Coast and is rapidly Both of Mountain's albums he produced Cream's two best scare hint right off the stage." immense Leslie West, bassist and developing a national audience bear the label "This record was albums, "Disraeli Gears" and lead guitarist respectively, for after the release of "Woodstock It is difficult to label made to be played loud." "Wheels on Fire," filling in on Mountain, will make their II" last April. Mountain's two Students planning to attend the viola, Mountain's music; in fact, it's organ, trumpet and second MSU appearance at 7 cuts on the album, Jack Brace's Mountain concert be warned: percussion on both sides of the impossible. None of the stock p.m. Friday in the Auditorium. "Theme for an Imaginary Mountain is one of the loudest latter. labels apply. The group has a Mountain was received Western" and Papparalardi's own pounding beat but avoids the groups in the country. Rolling Mountain rose out of the enthusiastically at the Open Air "Blood of the Sun" were by far Stone magazine put it this way: harshness of acid rock. Celebration a year ago spring the best work on the album. ground when Pappalardi According to Newsweek "Mountain music will certainly term last-second The has had two produced Leslie West's solo as a group leave an impact on your album "Mountain." Drummer Magazine, "Mountain's end replacement for Delaney, Bonnie million-selling albums, auditory nerves long after a result is a leaping, majestic Corky Laing and organist Steve sound concert has ended, but it never bristling with an Knight were added after the electronic exhuberance and becomes excessively heavy." West solo album, and Mountain Mountain combines high jazz-like drive." Openings listed was here to stay. volume with superb Mountain's press material The group sold out the musicianship. Peppalardi, the claims "the immense sound of Fillmore East six times in one group's leader, studied conducting at the University of Mountain cannot be truly week, culminating with the New Michigan, giving him a captured on records." Pappalardi Year's Eve show, performed the for volunteer substantial classical background. and West dominate the group's previous year by no less a figure After some time in the Army, act. West, all 280 pounds of him, than Jimi Hendrix. Pappalardi drifted through cut subtle riffs on a guitar, Greenwich Village playing with which looks like a toothpick Tickets for Mountain's Friday Mountain The MSU Volunteer Bureau has the following volunteer people like John Sebastian, next to his body. Pappalardi has concert are still available at the openings. Interested students or staff should contact the bureau Richie Havens and Bob Dylan. been called "thin, intense — his Union, Campbell's and The ASMSU entertainment committee will present Mountain, the four man pop group, Fridtyl in Jenison Field House. at 353-4400, or in 27 Student Services Bldg. He produced some of Tim bass picking notes in an unusual Marshall's for $3. An 8-year-old boy wants a math tutor for the summer — mostly for fun. Volunteer must have car (Lansing). A 12-year-old boy needs help with math and English. Car required. (Lansing). Dangers of legal' drugs cited A 7-year-old girl has been in the first grade twice — needs tutoring help. Is eager to learn to read. Car required. (Lansing). Volunteers needed to be on call to fill temporary manpower needs for low-income families — painting, moving, babysitting, etc. No car needed. An 87-year-old man, in Provincial House West, would like that chronic alcoholism is significantly more damaging physically make the user more sociable and extroverted, while heroin mi someone to visit him occasionally. He's very spry, outgoing, — than heroin addiction. Withdrawal from alcohol and a variety of the user introverted and withdrawn, he said. even has nis own garden. Car needed. (Lansing). Alcohol and other "acceptable" drugs are every bit as associate depressants such as barbiturates can combine to cause The primary danger of using heroin, beyond creating a phy* An epileptic woman with serious family problems needs someone to work with her on homemaking skills. Car required. dangerous as the drugs used by today's youth culture, John H. death when a chronic user's supply is abruptly stopped. dependence, McNeill said, is the lack of quantity control »| McNeill, asst. professor of pharmacology, told a group in Wilson In such an abrupt stop for a chronic user — one whom McNeill causes most heroin - attributed deaths. (Lansing). Tutor needed for 16-year-old brain-damaged boy. Car required. Hall recently. The event was a drug symposium, and McNeill discussed the defined as a user for a period generally in excess of 20 years — Since heroin traffic is illegal, the drug Is almost always increase the profit for the various sellers. The addict has n< cuti| hallucinations occur accompanied by a temperature increase and (Eaton Rapids). of knowing if his purchase is 15 or 60 per cent heroin, he saidfl An 80-year-old lady needs help with light housekeeping once a pharmacological breakdown of drugs legally and illicitly being delirium, he said. If the addiction is severe enough, individuals abused. may go into convulsions, from which 8 to 25 per cent will die it's the latter dose, there is a good chance it will kill the user. week. Some housekeeping, some visiting. He defined abuse as "any nonmedical use of a drug that is despite medical attention. Heroin's tolerance factor is also a cause of death, McNeillaiL -| PROGRAM INFORMATION 3- ENDS THURSDAY harmful to society or the individual." "Whereas occasional use of marijuana does not constitute drug Chronic use also can lead to brain damage and sclerosis of the "It requires more and more with continued use to same effect. What frequently happens Is that a junkie i| achieve!) liver. OPEN 7:00 p.m. Feature at withdraw because his habit is too expensive and then go rijL abuse," McNeill said, "smoking a pack of cigarets a day does. But There is little evidence of continued heroin use causing damage 7:30-9:30 since western society condones the use of nicotine, caffeine and back to taking the prewithdrawal dosage. His body can no low to the body, and records of physicians using narcotics for more A FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT alcohol, their abuse has become acceptable." than three decides appear to substantiate this, McNeill said. take it and it kills him." Film "BED and BOARD" Abuse of a drug, he said, is farther limited to those who have a Heroin and alcohol both accomplish essentially the same thing: Quinine, a heroin cutting agent, also has been known to kill J strong desire to continue its use and as a consequence spend they affect the way people feel and see things. Alcohol tends to addict, he said. much of their time searching for and purchasing it. McNeill called that state of addiction a psychological dependence which might but does not necessarily include physical dependence. Marijuana is an example of a drug that does not create physical but can cause psychological dependence in some dependence individuals, he AT MEIJER STORES said. The Power, Only a small portion of today's drag - using society is addicted, McNeill said. They are commonly referred to as junkies, f the passion, Glass collection r alcoholics or heads, and they cause the majority of drag the terror of problems, he said. There are presently five to nine million alcoholics in the United FEmily Bronte's States, which makes it both the numerical and percentage leader immortal in drag abuse and places it far above heroin, he said. He added Glass recycling bins have been sFMHiSsn story of set up at the three Meijer Thrifty Service had previously set up glass recycling bins in Lot L on The new bins have been redesigned to make it more must be segregated into br clear and green glass. !l I Hyoung love. Acres department stores in the the MSU campus, but these were difficult for vandals to enter, containers should be cleud Lansing area, Ronald K. Granger JAMES H. NICHOLSON and SAMUEL Z. ARK0FF present of the Granger Container removed following repeated instances of vandalism in which Granger said. "If these bins are also vandalized, we will have to the metal strips that bottle necks encircltj of ANNA CALDER-MARSHALL TIMOTHY DALTON Service, said Monday. glass was scattered in the parking remove them," he said. nonreturnable bottles mi 3s Cathy ln eMiLY bronte's 3s Heathcliff The Granger Container lot. For glass to be recycled, it removed. Ulultiering Heights Granger said that 1 Thrifty Acres has contribd the parking lot space and fl Coca-Cola Bottling Co. f offered him a guarantee 1 they will defer costs in excer revenue. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. July 14, 1971 7 'hicano troup performance Film tells same old tale j Teatro Campeslno," an award winning drama troupe of romance, young love - Offering satire and social comment on the hardships and labors of Ihicano farmworkers, will appear at 8 p.m. today at Resurrection >hurch auditorium, 1527 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing. J Tickets will be available at the door for $1.50 with all proceeds "Bed and Board" is a wistful |0ing to the United Farmworkers' Organizing Committee little film about a young and Bernard Revon have written film with laughs and tears lUFWOC). a marriage surviving its first crisis. lifted from life and characters | Tonight's production will include the poetry of Corky Director Francois Truffaut has Gonzalez in a series of vignettes and longer sketches that portray crafted it with ingredients that created from recognizable stock. ie abnegation of cultural ties the Chicano must enact to "make Jean • Pierre Leaud and would have melted in lesser Claude Jade are splendid as the m the white man's world. Historical sketches also will portray » hands. His is a sweet, kapata and other prominent figurA in Chicano history. sentimental film, saved from young couple. In their hands the J Director Luis Valdez said the theater has grown out of the predictable story is made Loners' political and economic situation in California to restore a becoming drippy by the sparks believable and all the cliches and of humor and the of Fpart of Chicano history and culture that has been suppressed reality that lace its romantics. sense newlywed banter become I |nd ignored." It tells a familiar story. A amusing. With their innocent The theater was initiated four years ago in Delano, Calif to glances, playful gestures and imatize the farmworkers' unionization struggles. It began to young couple, barely adjusted to fresh tears, the viewer in their first home and first baby, involved anew in the humor and jr nationally in 1967 to raise funds for "la Huelga" (the split up over the husband's first ■ovement). sadness of young romance. T indiscretion. Mutual affection m 1968 the group received an Obie (Off ■ Broadway) award in appreciate not for the story as and need outlast the passion of lew York for creating a formworkere' theater that demonstrated much as for the telling of it. The Clinic to offer this first affair, however. A lie politics of Chicano survival. conclusions are hardly anything 1 shaken but wiser husband and The idea of "teatro" as social comment has spread to other new. But the arrival at them — wife are rejoined and settle immunizations V,ups as the need for cultural and political survival seems more down in preparation for a long the bumpy, bittersweet route Jecessary, a spokesman said. taken — is refreshing. And the The Ingham County Health p'The movement progresses day by day," Valdez has said, "and le must continue moving forward with Klute' life together. What sounds pretty ordinary techniques employed and pacing maintained throughout add to Dept. will hold an immunization clinic from 1 to 3 p.m. today at our political messages. We in print is something else on Jerform not for the false glory of applause, but rather to educate, Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland star in "Klute," Alan J. Pakula's mystery now showing at film. "Bed and Board" becomes the satisfaction. Truffaut and fellow Okemos 4734 Okemos Road. Community Church, |fomi and unite la Raza (thy people)." the Gladmer Theater. engaging entertainment to screenwriters Claude de Givray Free shots for persons aged two months through adults will be given for diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, Doubletakes greet female flagmen rubella, measles and typhoid. Free tuberculosis tests also will be abailable. I WANSHIP, Utah (AP) - The road construction crew this Brown, a petite blonde, also a "We've felt for long time have shown a better approach to employed women, lucker slowed, stared at the summer on the highway near the University of Utah freshman. that girls could be better the public then the men. "The four were responsible ■ghway flagman and let out a little eastern Utah town of "They all said girls weren't flagmen than men. But it's a Tourists says they are much for a real breakthrough," he Kng wolf whistle. Wanship. a sign," said Miss Hayden. strong enough. hard job, and up to this year, nicer to talk to. said. Before long, women will ■ "It happens all the time," said All four say women's "But then we got the Equal construction contractors were "Besides, it's lot easier to have a much easier time getting ■ichele Hayden, a bright orange liberation had nothing to do Opportunities Employment reluctant to hire them. stop these truck drivers with a jobs as laborers." lard Bonde hair. hat perched atop her long with their desire to be flagmen - division of the or flagwomen. Highway Dept. to They did it, they intercede for us, and it helped us "These girls have proven, however, that they can take the pretty girl than with a guy." Since the four girls What happens when the girls MICHIGAN EDUCATION ASSOCIATION ■ "Everyone does a doubletake are given a hard time about said, for the money — $4.32 an get this job." heat and the eight hours of just hired, Unamuno said, other taking away a so - called "man's ■hen they seerthat four of the lag me n working on this road are hour — and for the opportunity to be outdoors. The girls stand by the highway for eight hours a day, standing," he said. "They also construction companies have job?" RESEARCH DIVISION FAIR Iris," said the tanned, shapely "When we first started warning motorists to slow or ■niversity of Utah freshman. applying to construction stop because of road I Michele and three other companies last spring, no one construction. Besides Norin and MEA Building July 15th, 1:00 4:00 MEA Library p.m. to p.m. sh . . . ■Dllege coeds are employed by a would take us," said Norin Michele, they are Norin's sister and NEA Research Division Publications on Exhibit Selected Extra Copies to be distributed at no cost All Kif, 22, and Marian Allan, 19. Summer School Students and Faculty are invited. Halting drivers, especially 'KAR to air shows truck drivers, is no problem, says Miss Hayden, clad in tight white jeans, a sleeveless top and orange vest. natural' livingjood OPEN AT 12:45 P.M. . PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 jk> Spanish-speaking they "They all go slower when see that we're girls," she said. "Most smile and wave, truck drivers honk and whistle. A new display of books, (he writings of the "guru" of periodicals and catalogs in the 'many organic farmers, the late dependence on consumer goods results in "vigorous bodies" and TODAY... 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:10 AT 1:00 - 9:15 P.M. J MSU's radio station, WKAR, is participating in a unique MSU Library is reflective of the J.I. Rodale of Emmaus, Pa., who jane fondct Several stop and chat for "discovery of the serenity of a Experiment in broadcasting for the Spanish • speaking population while. revived interest in organic began advocating natural living with the rhythms of the pi the mid - Michigan area. gardening, food preparation and methods 30 years ago. earth." "I've been asked out twice by J The project consists of a satellite radio production center do it yourself housing. - - In a comment on the which has been constructed in Tenter at 719 E. Grand River a new Mexican • American cultural Ave., Lansing. A portion of the drivers, one of them a policeman, and one family threw me candy from their car." The display, entitled "Living philosophy behind the on the Earth"' showcases new farming movement, Alicia Bay organic "Living on the Earth" is contained in four large cases on donald /utherland tenter has been transformed into a mini radio station complete periodicals such as the Whole Laurel, author of the Living on the library's first floor near the Tourists occasionally stop and lith a control room and studio. Programs produced at the facility Earth Catalog and the Mother the Earth manual, states that less Reference Dept. will be broadcast by WKAR to mroe than 100,000 Spanish - take pictures, the girls said. Earth News and presents an alan j. pakula production The men on the road ■peaking people in the station's coverage area. newspaper articles which discuss ^ construction crews have the wide scope of the movement [ While similar projects have been organized in a few black NOW! Open 1:00 p.m. neighborhoods of the nation's largest cities, the new Lansing renter is believed the first of its kind in the country. accepted thier female counterparts, Miss Hayden added. "back to the simple life.'' The display includes practical Complete Shows at 1:10-3:10-5:1 5-7:20-9:25 P.M, klute J Full • and part - time personnel will work at the facility "They laughed at us at first," information on subjects such as using wild plants for food, ■fathering news and information features for programs which will she said. "But now they're really ■jrovide a mass communication channel for the area's large making fertilizer, making yogurt LOTS OF GUYS Spanish - speaking population. The studios will also be used for a protective. They help us put our and constructing a log cabin for Broadcast training program for residents of Lansing's model signs out and make sure we're all less than $25. SWING WITH Tieighborhood. right." "Living on the Earth" Plaza suite. ACALL GIRL The girls expressed only one I This summer, a project sponsored by the Central Michigan emphasizes that interest in pure Through LIKE BREE . . . IJniveristy (CMU) Migrant Education Program provides for the complaint about their job — food is not really new. One item ONE GUY JUST its portals ■•reparation of instructional radio programs for the children of they're not allowed to wear hot is an 1822 treatise denouncing pants. the "fraudulent sophistications" pass the WANTS TO pliehigan's seasonal farm workers. These materials are broadcast "They would be much cooler ruining pepper, vinegar, mustard world's most KILL HER! weekly on WKAR to students in more than 40 summer schools than these jeans," said Iterated by the CMU staff. Additional programs are also directed Kif an(j pickles. mixed-up Brown. "But the guy who hired Prominent in the display are lo the parents of the children and teen ■ agers. Broadcasts of mortals. us said he wanted us to slow lielpful information and general orientation are prepared for this down traffic — not stop it fcroup and will be aired from 6 to 7 a.m. each weekday on the 1 ladies m xt * altogether. He said hot pants University station. I Julio Guerrero, a former community affairs representative for would cause a traffic jam." Now Showing! ■he Illinois Migrant Council, has joined the WKAR staff as a Andy Unamuno, Equal Waiter n|aithaii producer of Spanish • language programs and coordinator of the Tew center's projects. Guerrero has worked at radio stations in Opportunity Employment coordinator for the Utah \ * PHONE ED. 21042 (3) Adult Hits Mexico and Rock Island, 111. Highway Dept., said: jiaza suite No one under 18 years Admitted I Other agencies sponsoring the project are: MSU's Center for IJrban Affairs, the Lansing City Demonstration Agency (Model Caravelle Gift Watches iu|aureen jarrara Iee EXTRAORDINARY EXCITING SHOW pities) and United Migrant Opportunity, Inc. I WKAR originated Spanish - language programming in 1969 with a 60 minute, weekly broadcast. The new staff and facilities by BULOVA Stapleim "Harris grant - "..'.The Minx makes rill increase the station's broadcasts for Mexican • Americans to Start at 14.95 and IS ever 1GPl complete Shows "Z® Fri. -Sat. 1:20-3:20-5:25-7:30- C*r b,KChOT » !=rl: 9:35 P.M. Lli— P^enand one - half hours weekly. — Curious Yellow Stop Pleasing! / 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 6944' C1MA 1 UU F P If 1 look pale"^"*, l Boxoffice Opens 12:45 j Today is LADIES'DAY-75c to 6 p.m. | "SUMMER OF 42" is a film that everyone who was ever a teenager - exactly what you think she is will want to see!" jnQ( -AIEWHA VEN REGISTER. YALE UNIVERSITY Starkly Realistic Films For Adults Only DATE ANP DAY "C" ..... .. ISABEL SARLI SUInset picnic at a Time, day, date glance. 17 jewels ^1 Minx at 8:45 - Repeated Fri. & Sat. 3rd Feature- - Female 10:10l witn HAVE YOU SEEN i what happened to her? Hobies Diamond Rlnqs ♦Gold Fashion Originals Diamond and Wedding Rings THIS GIRL? * where did she 60? ♦Art Carved Wedding Have a sunset picnic with Hoble's. We'll provide everything Ring Sets you 11 need. Basket, red checked cloth and great Hobies ♦Intern 319 E. Grand River °°d. And this time there's no deposit on the basket. At d Sliver East Lansing, Mich. HERMAN RAUCHER RICHARD A ROTH ROBERT MULLIGAN MICHEL LEGRAND nobie's we trust you! NEW PHONE: 337-1314 Next! Jack Nicholson • Ann - Margret in Attraction Mike Nichols "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE" Shown 3rd at Midniti Wednesday, July |4 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1971 AT BALLET CONFERENCE Young ballerinas win awards By JIM SHELDON The three winners said they The students will perform ballet career on four continents; performed in ballet numbers in State News Staff Writer Fairchild before a full house were a little nervous before the numbers at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Patricia Hardy of London; and which watched the Cecchetti presentation and during the Union Ballroom. Dixie Durr. coordinator of Screams of delight and students dance with the poise auditions for the scholarships. Sponsored by the Cecchetti MSU's dance program. and grace they have studied and Each girl said she plans to make Council of America and by Organized in 1939, the surprise shook the curtains Monday night in Fairchild perfected since July 5. dancing her career. Winning the MSU's Continuing Education Cecchetti Council of America is Theatre when three young girls Both the student conference scholarships, they said, did not Service, the two-week session dedicated to maintaining and the teacher seminar will end influence their decisions. includes seven classes or grades standards and the ballet from Michigan cities were awarded scholarships for skills Saturday. On Tuesday, ballet Awards were offered in of ballet with special emphasis technique developed by Enrico teachers memory of two past members of on the Cecchetti method which Cecchetti. The program attempts they exhibited in the Cecchetti began improving Ballet Conference and Seminar teaching and dance methods the Cecchetti school. Each highlights quality of movement to raise the quality of ballet under the Cecchetti instructors. student individually auditioned and style. In addition to ballet, teaching and to encourage a currently winding up its activities at MSU. Applause from backstage and before a school instructor, who the course includes modern more sincere desire for Michelle Kapp, 12, of Grosse from other students in the judged abilities of dancing, dance, character dancing, folk perfection and a finer Pointe Woods; Cindy Wensor., audience who did not perform perfection in timing, body dancing and anatomy and appreciation of ballet. accompanied the scholarship coordination and execution of improvisation. 14, of Royal oak, and Kathleen various steps. Scholarship money In addition to young persons, Vandervelde, 14, of Union Lake, presentations. About 200 girls Twenty-two faculty members and some boys, with 70 is paid to the girls' teachers and teaching the students coming the school offers ballet teachers bounced onto the stage to accept $100 each in national professional teachers, will go toward paying the from 12 states plus Washington, a chance to study "a completely Cecchetti scholarships presented participated in this year's session, which has come to MSU Cecchetti tuition. D.C. They include Fredbjorn balanced and analyzed system of Nearly all students at the Bjornsson, a principal dancer theory and execution for the Grace in movement by one of the school's Students of the Cecchetti Ballet School Summer Seminar performed Monday evening jn instructors. annually for the past seven performance received a with the Royal Danish Ballet; planned development of the The girls had earlier years. certificate for perfect class Kirsten Ralov, who retired to student, from the first lesson to Fairchild Theatre. Following the performance three students were presented scholarships. attendance during the session. ballet teaching after a 20-year solo status." -State News photo by Milton Horst Sniper DETROIT (AP) - A sniper armed with a rifle shot and barricaded himself in their office The captive, identified as at An hour after the Teusdya, holding out for more Robert Putnam, 25, of Detroit, Putnam's brother, Howard, siege began, hospital administrator, said he was just leaving his office to go to a The man apparently then headed for Battle's office. Two killed a hospital official, than an hour before being shot was shot in the head and hurried into the hospital to try meeting when he spotted a man women secretaries saw him wounded a woman secretary and and captured by police. reported in critical condition. to talk the sniper into with a rifle coming down the coming and ran into another A spokesman for Detroit surrendering. hallway. office. The gunman shot through General Hospital said Putnam But less than a minute later, DeDeckere said he asked the the door, striking Miss Snapke. MSU graduate seeks was a former employe with a had been laid off last August by police announced "the man is in history of mental illness who custody," and he was wheeled into the emergency room. man to hand over the weapon, but the man turned toward him and fired two shots. Both The other secretary, Irene Walt, 47, climbed of Huntington out of the Woods, office nod from Democrats the official who was killed, Martin Battle, administrative assistant. 32, an Robert DeDeckere, a hospital missed. window to safety. Richard Stuhler, an MSU feels that high unemployment The gunman walked into the graduate, is seeking the with inflation and the lingering hospital, a block from Detroit nomination of the Michigan involvement in Vietnam will be police headquarters, brandishing Democratic party for U.S. the key issues in 1972. a high - powered carbine, police representative from the 8th "Now is the time for said. He shot Battle and a District. Michigan's 1,127,000 potential, secretary, Joan Snapke, 40, who Stuhler, a graduate in new voters to begin taking their was struck in the arm, officers electrical engineering and degree stand," Stuhler said. "Since more said. A 19 YEAR The - - OLD MAN man paid a fine and court candidate in economics, said he than 50 percent of Michigan's Scores of officers were from Redwood costs of City, Calif., $59 and was released by population is now under 25, it is dispatched to the scene with pleaded guilty at arraignment East Lansing District Judge T.V. RENTALS only fair that the young should rifles, gas masks and bulletproof Monday to charges he was Maurice E. Schoenberger. Police said the man was "very have a cooperative hand in jackets to flush out the sniper. standing nude in front of the A student walking by Kresge incoherent" at the time of the shaping their own future." Police said the man finally southeast entrance to Kresge Art arrest. A bottle of pills found If Stuhler, 25, is elected, he Sunday told police he saw the ran into a hospital corridor and Center about 6:45 p.m. Sunday man. Police said they arrived and among the clothing was sent to NEJAC TV RENTALS would be the youngest member an officer shot him over the looking at his reflection in tiie found him looking in the door. the State Police crime lab for ever to hold a congressional seat. right eye. door window. His clothing, lying in a pile analysis, they added. » * * Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More!, Why Pay More! Why Pay More! | A UNIVERSITY EMPLOYE from Lansing told police she was CHIQUITA WHY PAY MORE walking toward Mayo Hall about 3 p.m. Monday when five men who were following her pushed her off the sidewalk. Police BANANAS could give no reason for the attack. She said the men pushed her, made some comments and then ran. Police said no search of the Try them with tne cereals in our Coupon Specials! area was made because the woman waited several hours -WHY PAY MORE ■ ■ WHY PAY MORE ■ before reporting the incident. MORTON HOUSE | thrifty acres A DISTURBANCE Phillips Hall lobby was investigated about 10:30 p.m. in the = ' BEEF STEW PINEAPPLE JUICE Monday by police who said two SUPER (IlflRKETS 46 groups of about 40 young men began fighting over a basketball 24 oz. game they played earlier in the We Reserve the to Limit to Right Reasonable Quantities wt. can 49c ~ 29c day. Phillips' advisory staff reportedly quelled the fight before police arrived. BABY SOFT WHITE - PINK - YELLOW The men were high school students from across the state J0< £ SAVE 10' who were attending the Upward TOItET TISSUE! Bound clinic. No arrests or 2 ROLL PKG. damages occurred, police said, !CO*KELL0GG'S and no injuries were reported. TOPFROST FROZEN i CORNFLAKES 29c Aid available ^STOPPING ■■■-WHY PAY MORE KRAFTS FROZEN WHIPPED ■WHY PAY MORE" OVEN KING iWHY PAY MORE" LAND O' LAKES ■■WHY PAY MORE" FOOD CLUB | Expires Sat. July 17, 1971 ClD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES with coupon for wives of grad students SAUSAGE PIZZA COOKIES ALL VARIETIES tomato i0ice PINEAPPLE 14 * SAVE 14' PUSHED—CHI The American Assn. ol 14% oz. r 3/87. University Women (AAUW) is wt pkg. 77c I I i 3/s1°° 4/ 89c |C0* Food Club ®N sponsoring a special scholarship program for wives of graduate students to enable them to i QUICK OATS 17c continue their education. DETERGENT r 25< ClD To be eligible for assistance, CINDY LIQUID DISH | Expires Sat. July 17, 1971 an applicant must supply P1^0' of financial need and be working toward a degree. Meijer THRIFTY ACRES The program was develop® ARMOUR STAR 3 POUND four years ago because it was felt UNO SIZE that women should be given the 20e ® SAVE 20c I 20c chance to continue their education, Robert J. Piersma. CANNED PICNICS H.89 toward the purchai* of: asst. director of financial aids, !co^ J TIDE 10c OFF LABEL %N said. The program will cover tuition expenses of a part-time the in state student wife. Piersma I 59< - FOOD CLUB 16 oz.. HYGRADE WEST VIRGINIA VANDEN BRINK \DETERGENT POWDER: said an attempt will be cover the expenses of an made to I out • COLD CUTS pkg. SEMI - BONELESS 1 f\ I FROZEN FROZEN | Expires Sat. July 17,1971 i state applicant. $159 GD Meijer . I Large Bologna-Olive-Plckle- Cooked Salami-Dutch—Pure Beef Bologna-Sausage for beer 49c 69c HAMS IT I HAM LOAF THRIFTY ACRES The scholarships are in 267 Student Services available I Bldg. P Monday through Friday fro"16 I ' verloaf-Splced Luncheon Halves 89c lb. a.m. to 5 p.m. Applications are ■ due July 30. , I If the number of q"8'"'®: I applicants exceeds the numb® I of scholarships, Piersma said,' I combination of factors will •# I used to determine the of the recipient51 scholarships. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 14, 1971 9 Griffiths challenges voter signup niCK WILBINS By RICK o.. WILBINS M. feels nn« fk-* now that if «# „ an , individual « *». ^ * process " etate News Staff Writer has lived in East i .Ji nations dependence on racks wherever feasible, more town and not downtown." is instant maturity," he said. great shortage of medical whether he intends to llvphll' H16 „automobile- An ardent bike paths and fewer parking In addition to creating more "They assume that by describing facilities," he said. "At present II East Lansing City Council for » tn vnta a lonf time, XoSd £ «£ UnC''nee^'to Lansing h'LT needs^ to change its ,<>t8- should apply itself 8Pace- th* Griffiths said he favors low the effects and dangers of drugs East Lansing does not even have that high school youth won't didate George L. Griffiths to vote. attitude toward the automobile. Much to cleaning income housing if it is needed. a clinic, much less a hospital. more concern must be up the Red Cedar and decreasing touch them. This didn't work New residents find it difficult, if Lid his campaign will attempt to He called it the responsibility of fin ' and on a platform of 1 have long felt that there the city government to "see that with alcohol and I don't think it's working with drugs, either." not virtually impossible, to find ,nroved voter registration were certain interests in the people without housing are a doctor who will accept new One of Griffiths pet projects rncedures, gun control, community that sought to adequately housed, clothed, and patients. To the extent that a creased dependence on the Prevent students from voting, "I have long felt that there were certain is to increase and improve the city government can encourage fed." medical lutomobile, environmental considering them temporary interests in the community that sought to facilities in the medical facilities for its T-ncern and increased medical residents," he said. "Since I prevent students from voting, considering community. residents, I would like to see Griffiths said he is particularly "We L,iiities. began here 88 a student, I really them temporary residents. Since I began here concerned with the low status of share with Lansing a East Lansing do that," he said. I Griffiths, « social studies question the temporary status of the tenant in the Lgcher at Walter French Junior students.' as a student, I really question the temporary community and the possibility of landlord ELh School In Lansing, has lived „ status of students." -George L. Griffiths profiteering. , East Lansing since 1947. He Griffiths said that better •me here as a student, was ®»°rts should be made to "The tenant is Mduated from MSU in 1950 in re«.lster not only students but all strictly second place in landlord Idustrial education and then residents of the community. - a - tenant relationship," he said. 'The real fed toE«."L.XC .r"- J'ZZl ,ome "!°,nf<"c"ed/h,t estate owner has an unfair Ks the Air Force to do laduate work in education. contro1- »' «»» advantage or should be corrected." power, and this Griffiths has unsuccessfully run „T, Detroit's method of holding a * JL c»«to Senate in 1964 Im not °PPosed to long tenant's rent from the landlord lofifi and 1970 He also is a guns used by sPortsmen. but I lember of the American Civil see.little rT°n Can.handgun. for car,7ing There should once a complaint was made and then allowing the landlord to liberties Union. some sort of tight control over collect the rent after the this type of activity." complaint has been corrected Griffiths said he has been Lyolved ■quite some in voter registration for time." Griffiths said he long has been interested in the concept of a SWS might be one alternative to the problem," Griffiths said. TONIGHT (and every Wednesday) Griffiths is. disarmed police. He said present called legal "Mrs. Kennedy, the former council members would object prescription for drug use an ity clerk, and I had met several "They say this is giving given to the lack of open space the amount of asphalt and "utter failure." He said different . . Enes to work out criteria for to this but that the absence of priority to the convenience of in the center of the community, pavement in the town he said approaches are needed. the "front of a pistol" ■stablishing pquirements." residency promote community relations. might people, but what they're really better police - doing is providing convenience ior^ the people who drive," he Griffiths said. The city also should pay more Griffiths said he sees the attention to the ground water "panacea of drug education" as "We have lots of park land, level and cooperate with the being of limited value. "Happy Hours" Griffiths said he felt then and Another of Griffiths' concerns said. He would like to see' bike sure, but it's all in the fringes of state in its efforts to maintain a "What people are looking for 8-10 pm (all drinks greatly reduced] Return to sweatshops' feared and THURSDAY I WASHINGTON country," Potofsky added, "and American worker, teen - agers, RCA, Sylvania, Zenith, |.S. labor leaders said Tuesday American (AP) industry's - we don't intend to allow the sweatshop to return on the back blacks, urban and rural dwellers, Emerson, Philco, Admiral, un'on workers and non - union Singer Sewing Machine and -Is it anv wonder Taiwan with its 15 cent hourly that benefit of the low waees which eo ... into the imnorted Droducts ^ is... , . , - . - . D_„, , . » wage rate, has become the haven they buy. lowing use of cheap labor of low-wage imports from Hong workers alike, Paul Jennings, General Instrument. for American in the "Quart Night" _ runaways ' threatens a return to Kong, Kong, Taiwan^ Taiwan, J Japan or any president of the Electncal "Wages. ;n a number of these electronics industry?" «.ol . . (veatshops and collapse of the other country. Workers said. countries average 15 cents per Jennines said- "Last 06 imported items AKL-CIO President George I-W. Abel, president of the hour," the IUE said, "Mexican Iconomy in this country. Meany said U.S. firms are Steelworkers, laid a large portion wages average 35 cents an hour. December RCA shut down a 5 ?ear the comPanies' famous | Jacob S. Potofsky, president f the Amalgamated Clothing committing economic suicide for of the blame on American - i„ Japan, where there are v„ar ,.1'j rpV manufaf.i,,rjnp brand names, advertisements and ZtinMpmnhU mitHnV? nnn l.abehng deceive the consumer all at the themselves and the country by Jorkers of America, told an transferring their plants to low based multinational relatively effective labor unions, corporations. P.tF mpmhprsoiit' thp stw»et on the belief that they are buying the same American - (WCCaKb ■FL-CIO conference that U.S. • wages in our industry have been R r A mnvpH fh„ nrlc t ' wage countries in quest of a "They can produce brought up to a level of $1 per made product they have Jorkers have to compete with quick profit. components in widely separated hour. Tai«,an" nreign labor which works for as a , JV At the clsomg * • . # .. niQni- • j The Unions contend that tuaf it c U.b. Purchased ^\a over the years," IUE session of the P^nts in Korea, Formosa and |ttle as 9 cents an hour. rAnc..mprc Ho nnt a»t full "And God knows we cannot AFL-CIO Conference on Jobs, America, assemble the product "Taiwan is a military consumers do not ge fcmpete with 9 cents an hour — sp«»k« after speaker decried the in a plant on the Mexican side of dictatorship, which is propped don't exporting of Jobs, "licenses, tbe border and sell the goods in Up by U.s! foreign aid,' .... rr we propose to," the United States," ^5^ said. ktofsky said. technology and patents. IUE said. "In tum, its leaders "Patriotism or concern for the ■it it took us years to overcome ..c "The impact of the trade job ' protect American industry to , . . American worker seldom the weatshop ,tch„n conditions in in thic this lo® is felt by vitually every hilt from unionization, interferes with their philosophy strikes, etc. of 'anything for a buck,' " Abel said in a speech on Monday. aea riders to show The International Electrical, Radio & Machine Union of Workers, representing one of the hardest hit fields, says some >roposed bike paths American business, contrary to a public impression that it is suffering from foreign The Coalition for Human for East Lansing City Council, competition, is actually irvival, a nonpartisan East has strongly endorsed the system supporting the importation Insing community group, and f°r intra - city travel. move. Cyclists for a Cleaner A spring survey by 35 people Among the U.S. firms listed lerica will sponsor a bicycle showed that within 2.7 miles of by the IUE as locating in such around East Lansing at 2 north campus, the bicycle is places as Formosa, Singapore, Friday starting from the faster than the car at 5 p.m. Hong Kong, South Korea, illingwood (Haslett) Entrance Friday's ride will take Mexico and South America are I MSU. approximately one hour. General Electric, Westinghouse, ■ The purpose of the ride is to ■ow some of the proposed lutes of the ■stem, developed by members bicycle path 20% DISCOUNT ON I the Geography Dept., ■eluding Ronald Horvath, Lisa TYPEWRITER REPAIRS Pith, Merson Mike and Ceka, George Roger Barsdale. FOR MSU STUDENTS I The path of the ride will be as lllows: east on Grand River Tenue to Milford Street, north I Milford Street to its end, and FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY ■ ound the Beechwood partments 1 to Cornell Road, north to Burcham Drive, to Park Lake Road and AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES fth on Park Lake Road to 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett 339-8258 jand River Avenue, west on Band River Avenue to Valley |urt |At Park. the park, speakers wUl Fuss the feasibility of the bike F system. Chuck Will, a THE PLAZA I® on member and candidate Community Owned... Serving the Community Overlooking the Capitol •Honeymoon _ . suites Color with round beds ■Stereo •300 Rooms on the go I |The Tar Cra'9 3121 stereo 8 track with the •135 Remodeled in every J!*0 us,ve e|ectro eject - Room |r re- now includes the •New Furnishings r3'9 9405 speaker, at e*ame low price I s69" THE PLAZA (Former Jack Tar Hotel) 125 W. Michigan P AbrVhln*,*n U A"" Str«»t -- " " ""'"a la,t across from the Capitol lantlnt Wednesday, July U . 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Housing report expected and tenants and to improve conditions for rental housing. composed of members of both compiled into a first-draft these commissions, plus two report, and a final phase where hearings were held feedback to in pr0Dn7®| Wh _ Hackett said the report will MSU students and one the draft was refined and announced by the Coi2'J A final report on cover areas investigated by the University representative. revised. was sought from members recommended improvements for committee, including a More study on the housing time, three public community and from UnivJ^S solving housing problems definition and need for low-cost problem will later be needed, At that students and representatives 1 Junior biker involving MSU students and housing in the city, a history of Hackett said, and a mechanism permanent East Lansing city housing, relationships for accomplishing that has been This junior member of the Hell's Angels was seen at the rock concert Sunday enlisting residents is presented expected to be to two city commissions within the coming between MSU students permanent city residents, different lifestyles, relationships and included in the report. East Lansing City Council, Poll examines alumni! recruits. He was doing a good weeks, the chairman of the East between the University and teh which has the final word on how job of keeping it under his hat. Lansing Joint Housing Committee said Thursday. city and vacancy rates both the and off campus. the report will be used, will receive the recommendations from Big Te -SN photo by Doug Bauman Wesley P. Hackett Jr. said "We hope it improves student after they are studied by the Alumni of the Big Ten schools appear to be nonsmokers, hid I housing, and we hope it commissions. City council, revisions of a preliminary report wishing to review the housing consumers of alcoholic beverages and have a more affluent lfel were completed last week by improves the community as a style than the average U.S. householder. I whole," Hackett said. "In fact, situation, established the members of the committee. He that's what we're shooting for." committee last October and In a recent survey conducted among eight of the Big I said he believed the final report universities, the lives of the former students were scrutinized iB I will be a unanimous agreement He said details of the final charged it with the investigation. some detail. The survey, conducted by Daniel Starch and staffof I report will not be released until Since October, the committee with no dissension from any Lansing Planning through a New York, was intended to guide advertisers in use of alumii I member. the East has gone magazines. I Since November, 1970, the Commission and Human "fact-gathering" phase, where Using alumni magazine subscription lists, including MSU and I committee has been studying Relations Commission receive problems and issues were the University of Michigan, the research company completed 5101 housing problems in an effort to and vote on it. The Joint outlined; a "digestive" phase, interviews in 12 states, which account for 80 per cent of the total I lessen conflict between landlords Housing Committee was where tentative suggestions were distribution. They found the average audience of the alumni magazines b I and realizes buying power far above the average. E More than 83 per cent of the alumni use or serve I Senate urged to fight poisoning alcoholic beverages regularly (more than once a month), compared to 4«I per cent of the U.S. total. I Domestic beer heads the list of favorite beverages, followedbv I bourbon, domestic wine, scotch, gin, vodka and imported wine I WASHINGTON (AP) — A Senate panel was told Tuesday that poisoning rather than the $2 million proposed by President program from this year's budget. It then included $2 million for At least one new car was purchased in the part five years bv I the Nixon administration rejected a recommendation of Nixon. three demonstration projects after 45 members of Congress about 84 per cent of the respondents, compared to 44 per cent I government health specialists for a national push this year against Ryan said specialists in the Dept. of Health, Education and protested the omission. nationwide. | childhood lead poisoning. Welfare were overruled by their political bosses last spring when The government estimates that 400,000 children a year living The Big Ten alumni proved to be well-traveled and heavy usenl Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., and Rep. William F. Ryan, they recommended a major government effort to aid the in dilapidated housing contract lead poisoning from eating paint of credit cards. In one out of two households, someone h«j I D-N.Y., urged the Sentae appropriations subcommittee to include estimated 400,000 young victims of lead poisoning. chips. Only 16,000 are treated. Some 200 die and 4,000 suffer vacationed in Canada in the past five years, and one out of four in I the full $25 million authorized by Congress to combat lead "It is now practically and economically feasible for brain damage. Europe. * communities to carry out the massive screening program recommended by the surgeon general," according to a report from HEW's Bureau of Community Environmental Management ON EDUCATION PANEL quoted by Ryan. "Inaction on this problem would be an economic and human disaster," the report said. 2 board members seated anv monev f°r the lead New officials of the East were made deputy secretary and - and $1,857,606 at the A, B students, ttee periods would k| Lansing Board of Education deputy treasurer. and C level. If ail three proposals toward outside school work a] 11^1! elected Monday night In other business, the American toward use of school were pass, the district would receive resoura| Bank and Trust Co. of Lansing materials. during the annual officer the original 25.95 mills asked in election meeting, while two offering the lowest bid at 3.75 the last election. The board approved i other members were seated for per cent was awarded a bid for alternate schedule for the first time since their election the purchase of state aid notes. The "high school extended school classes, if the millage voi to the board. A bid for a loan of $500,000 to plan" could not occur, Katz is insufficient, where variatioJ Cassius E. Street Jr. was the school district for tax said, if the original budget would be allowed in lunch houi elected president, replacing anticipation notes at 3.5 per request was not approved. This and a combination of three 50-| Nanette V. Martin, who was cent also was awarded the AUARANTIEA plan would create an option of minute periods and one 1 commended by Superintendent amm of Schools Malcolm Katz for her studies of the educational company. About , 25 $ administrators five, six or seven courses for minute period each week. Mno & system. received salary increases of an You'll Enjoy It William B. Sharp was elected president pro tem, along with Mary W. Thaden as secretary and average of eight per cent. Exacts a m o u nts were not Also, members introduced a announced. Public urged to readl fitM Ribeye Steak Richard E. Chapin as treasurer. Rita Stout and James Apple, both seated for the first time, projected budget for the new school year and explained in detail what would occur in the Pentagon documentsl Lunch $1.39 school system if Propositions A, B or C or all three are approved in the Aug. 3 election. Veterans for Peace issued a statement Tuesday calling on tbefl Proposition A, approved at the American public to become familiar with the information | 24.5 mill level, would see a contained in the Pentagon papers. budget totalling $1,824,106 — "The public now has an opportunity to learn much that many I the budget would reach veterans learned through bitter experience in South Vietnam,"I $1,851,606 at the A and B level the statement read. I The veterans' group cautioned against focusing attention on I SUMMER SPECIAL the issue of whether the Pentagon papers should have beesl published while the war still continues. "The public should not be sidetracked from the real is $1 off on regular haircut the continuing war — by debating, criticizing or lauding the I means used to release the information," the statement read. I "The bloodshed continues, and to become during July. wrapped up in i ■ Bring this ad. result of the war and to once again avoid getting to the root of I the problem is irresponsible." c796vituu HAIR FASHIONS hiceO). /Wines All at the store next 332-4522 OPEN EVENINGS >0Beer to The 952 TROWBRIDGE *Chilled Tappers Ko-Ko Bar sale ACROSS FROM MARRIED HOUSING *lce cold beer & wine *Kegs of beer available for parties "Delicious pizza to go WHY BUY THE TOP 40 WHEN YOU K 410 S. Clippert off Kalamazoo CAN HAVE THAT AND THE SONY Days a week Open till 2:00 a.m men's summer CF-300 TOO! I THE 3lfamkh£tritt Like to record the top 40 tunes off the i&t radio — or do you clothing reduced like to buy the top 40 records? Well, with the Sony/Superscope CF-300 you can have both. The CF-300 with AM/FM radio combines with a cassette-corder to give 220 S. Howard St. 371-175^ you the best of both worlds. Featuring the electret condenser microphone, exclusive Sonymatic Recording Control and Record Interlock. So for $119.95 and the cost IN of a few compact cassettes you can have the Top 40 for NEW years to come; can you dig that? 20% |THURSDAY NIGHT . . . 8:30 - 11:30 SONY Polka Nite* SCT* |FRIDAY NIGHT . . . 6:30 - 12:00 . . . DANCING A/j'* Bob Koss on Accordian ;:| UWUOK /Ide He|mut & Wemer singer Si SATURDAY NIGHT 'SINGING UND FLINGING bagpiper 1 . .. the 6:30-7:30 .... Music by Bob Koss on Accordian HIFI BUYS 7:30 - 9:30 SING - ALONG ... Jim Basel 1101 E. Grand River on Guitar 321 e. grand river, e. lansing westmain mall, kalamazoo 1200 a. university, ann arbor 9:30 -12:30 DANCING Bob Koss gas light village, e. grand rapids 218 Washington, grand haven Phone 337-2310 .... ... with Paul Bassett on Bass Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 14, 1971 11 Ht RESULT: PREGNANCY The Neglect, ignorance cited DOWNTOWN DELI Methods of contraception For further prevention he yearly charts of the cycle. He vary, but the most effective, he advocated using the previously gave even less credit to "coitus is now said, is abstention, though it mentioned method with a interruptus," or withdrawal. Modern effective contraceptives that are so unwanted might prove to be the most difficult when pressure is applied chemical contraceptive foam. "This combination," he said, He suggested that everyone open and to engage in sexual activity. That should have at least one book pregnancy can be attributed to neglect or lack of contraceptive education, Dr. Arnold Werner of pressure, he continued, may stem from innate drive, a peer "is like suspenders wearing velvet in terms of about contraception because it is essential that people have as ready to the MSU Health group or a partner. effectiveness." Center said much knowledge of their sexual serve Tuesday at a sex symposium in The next group of Although he said he thinks the advent of the pill has been a functions as they have about the you Wilson Hall. contraceptives he discussed were remainder of their lives. Sometimes unwanted mechanical, those which stop boon, he added that it doesnt with our make much sense for a girl to pregnancies stem from a lack of sperm from reaching the ovum, For those seeking more communication. and the most practical of these, use it when she faces relatively "I thought the guy was doing he said, are condoms, or low exposure. The reason, he said, is the potency of the specific information, he suggested visiting a doctor. If an DELICATESSEN something about it," is a prophylactics. individual wanted to discuss frequent plea according to hormones involved. It has been contraception with a physician MENU Werner, and the partner then "I would put condom accurately determined that the at the University Health Center, retorts, "I figured she must be dispensers in men's bathrooms in pill is not responsible for all the . he said, it is best to make a Look what we maladies attributed to it during Sex taking the pill." The result, he the dorms, because many of added, was a situation — a them are afraid to buy them the congressional investigations specific appointment for that have to offer. . . last year, he said, but it still advice, because some doctors are Dr. Arnold Werner emphasizes a point during a sex symposium on contraception, abortion and pregnancy — that required a lot from a middle aged pharmacist, - reluctant to CORNED BEEF more communication than the or, what's even worse, a seems impractical to use the pill prescribe venereal disease in Wilson Hall Monday night. Nearly 100 PASTRAMI people participated. constantly when mechanical contraceptives, and if the simple precaution of using woman," Werner said. individual devious SALAMI -State News photo by Doug Bauman uses a contraception. "People many times don't like contraception is as effective for to prepare for the possibility of occasional activity. approach the physician won't PEPPERED BEEF sexual activity, and use of a have time to make an TONGUE Werner's strongest complaint examination and gather the CHOPPED CHICKEN LIVER condom would lessen the chance WJIM radio refuses to air was about girls who came in information he needed to make NOVA SCOTIA LOX of pregnancy from the unexpected, he said. pregnant after utilizing the a decision. JUMBO FRANKS rhythm period, crying that their (Kosher style) Unfortunately, Werner said, period had been regular the KNOCKWURST tongue in cheek, the board of previous month. CHICKEN BROTH with ad trustees probably wouldn't think MATZOH BALL criticizing "That's like driving through that installing condom an intersection and not looking or KRAPLACH dispensers was such a good idea. The most effective mechanical because there were no cars smm STUFFED KISHKA yesterday, Wemer quipped.. GEFILTE FISH and the same lawyer felt that a 30 - second or means of preventing conception, Lansing Metro Lines ■ minute spot was Ovulation varies each month, NEW YORK BAGELS By RAY ANDERSON too short to handle that controversial an Werner said, is the combined use issue. and there is no way to predict JEWISH RYE BREAD State News Staff Writer It would be impossible to of a diaphragm, which must be expand the ad for AM broadcast, he when it will occur. Referring to CHEESE CAKE &STRUDEL said, becuase of recent time limitations, but he said he did think fitted by a physician, and the RENT AT.V. the previous month is from New York Robert H. Boling, a rounding member of Veterans for Peace, the ad could be expanded to fit into WJIM's FM condom. The only failure that broadcast particularly useless, he said. I recently taped an advertisement that was to be broadcast over schedule. could result in such a $9.50 ^nth 25.00 £ BLINTZES WJIM radio. Zolton Ferency, East Lansing combination, he said, would be a Werner said the rhythm He was later informed that the attorney who supports Veterans We deliver.. 104 S. one - minute spot commercial For Peace, said that owners and operators of electronic faulty application of either or method almost invariably fails, . I was not going to be aired because of its controversial nature. government • regulated media like radio and television have wide both. even for those who can make UNIVERSITY T.V. RENTALS The advertisement copy was primarily composed of economic facts obtained in an article written by James L. Clayton for the discretion on the acceptance of political or controversial material. WASHINGTON "If the broadcast licensee can show he has treated the subject May 26, 1969, issue of Nation titled "The Usary of War; Vietnam ffclrly during his regular broadcast then he need not except any Ifceday 351-7900 (% Block off Mich. Ave.) - the 200 • Year Mortgage." additional material from any group, and that includes OPEN 7-7 DAILY The ad emphasized Clayton's estimate that the war would cost paid advertising," he said. the nation $330 billion. Continuing the war has added Another complication, Ferency said, was that the broadcaster considerably to that figure by postponing domestic programs and education of our young, it futher stated. also is required by law to offer time slots to those contrary views if they request them holding LIEBERMANN'S even if they don't have the I The ad said that these costs did not include the price of money to pay for them. I suffering imposed on the war dead and survivors both here and in I Vietnam. COME DOWNTOWN It concluded with plea for public support of immediate 'Our a I disengagement: I I "If you share our views, let your congressmen and senators Town' ... AND SAVE know. It cost 8 cents to send a letter. A dollar to send a | It costs lives not to." telegram. Thursday, Friday, Saturday I Douglas F. Chingo, advertising the station had refused the ad on • based lawyer, who handles FCC manager for WJIM radio, said the suggestion of its Washington rulings. for free Chingo said the station had received a similar ad previously, The Summer Circle Free Theater will present "Our Town," Thornton Wilder's American classic play, for its second production at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Kresge Court. Summer Circle Free Theater charges no admission. Its plays are [Free rides featured staged outdoors in the area between Kresge Art Center and the Auditorium. Its productions are by the Dept. of Theater. Anyone may attend without making reservation. In case of bad |on psychedelic buses The Lansing bus company will be weather, performances will be moved into the Arena Theatre in the Auditorium. giving free rides on its I psychedelic buses today on a random basis. I Between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., the bus I two psychedelic buses will run at random over all six metro bus company's ROUSER I routes. Any waiting customers lucky enough to board one of these Open A Charge Account Today! I bueses will get a free ride. 123 S. Washington • Zales Custom Charge • Zales Revolving Charge I The psychedelic buses will be intersperced with regular bus •Bank Amerlcard I rusn throughout the day. helps you celebrate this I According to Henry Jolman, bus company manager, the free event with values I ride promotion is intended to encourage Lansing area citizens to I try the metro bus system. 318 S. Washington I "We hope the lucky free riders will become regular patrons I when they see how fast, convenient and reliable the Lansing area 20-50% OFF (across from FREE SPIRIT) I bus system now is," Jolman said. PRODUCTION SPECIALS [Ww/ifatw wwe II Washington Square LADIES'2 PIECE SET (O'Nite and 26" Pullman) Regularly W ^95 Old Fashioned MAN'S 2 PIECE SET (O'Nite and 3-Suiter) Bargain Days Regularly s9400 HOW s69'5 VILAPtC'S Regularly $2900 and s3100 Thurs., Fri., Sat.-- July 15,16,17 NOW $1450 ... and many more bargains in Sponsored by the Downtown Business Division quality luggage reduced to clear MEMBER Have your validated by parking ticket participating Park & Have your bus ticket validated at participating stores for a free ride sfiopMde F*f( lake a but Mompi with purchote Shop merchants! home! Downtown - 107 S. Washington Wednesday, July 14 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 197] ! SPORTS- (EDITOR'S NOTE: Gene Sports Quiz: Gene Washington (12 - 2 for the past two years) so was thinking about. He likes to standing between the Vikings A: I play hard and am very talked with George Wehct I Washington, fleet wide really we lost the season in that have that depth because you've and the Super Bowl this season? concerned about every game we Bubba Smith and Clint J™, I receiver of All - Pro reknown important ball game to San got to have at least two A: All of them. As you know there's been a lot of players play and certainly Detroit has always been the team I've always and they didn't receive anytijl with the Minnesota Vikings Francisco. Of course we lost Joe Kapp early in the year. But still I experienced quarterbacks if you changing teams this season. wanted to beat the most. I from Detroit either. So I and former all - America at felt the team, as we prepared have hopes of winning a division or even a championship. Some guys play much better return here each off season and always felt that Detroit wanted new! I MSU, was interviewed last us so we never lcn. | game for game, was confident with another team and it might am surrounded by a lot of much thought about week by State News Sports that would win our division make a difference. Bob Brown's Detroit people. The whole team playing^I Editor Rick Gosselin and we and also the NFL title. But this Toughest cornerback now with Oakland Oakland looks at Detroit as a team we them. My only thoughts finished school When°I ■ hopeful . . . was to staff writer Terry Ficorelli. didn't happen and I guess this is Q: Who is the toughest might be unbeatable now. Los must beat at least once In the play in a warm weather climau I Washington, in this exclusive one of the things that makes cornerback to go up against? Angeles traded a lot of people season if we hope to win our But I'm happy with the sports quiz, gives his views football so exciting. I'm sure A: In the past four years I've away. For the past three or four division. I think one of the main W|vl concerning the Vikings and we'll do much better this coming had a chance to play against a years with the people they had, reasons we've been able to beat things turned out because we ail the NFL in general in regards year, though. lot of real good cornerbacks and the Rams were our toughest them is because of our defense. winijing games up in Minnesota! to the upcoming season. NFL Q: Do you feel the acquisition I think the quickest guy I've ever competition. Now they've In many cases when we play First game of Norm Snead (QB from played against is Mel Renfro of traded away all of their Detroit our defense causes a lot training camps open this Philadelphia) is going to help the Dallas. But I think the "best" linebackers, their head coach, a of touchdown turnovers. This Q: Looking ahead, you've !oiI week.) few key people of offense - you Bobby Bryant had an Vikings this year? cornerback is Lem Barney. He's year the Lions in the first game of IkI A: I'm pretty sure it will. the type of cornerback who is just never know. I know Detroit interception for a touchdown year on a Monday night I will be tough again snd they'll and a couple of years ago on the It's the first time the Question: Willie Lanier of After we lost Kapp last year we very quick, who in many cases be the number one team to beat. Vikjg.1 Kansas City said the Chiefs were only had Gary Cuozzo and Bob will let you make your move and then cover up and make the Kansas City will be tough again Thanksgiving Day game our defense caused a fumble that have ever started the seas! I like fat cats last year because Lee, and Lee was really in his against Detroit. Do you have an interception or break up the as will Dallas and Baltimore. The Page carried in for a they were one of the favorites rookie year. Cuozzo was injured Alan thoughts about that? and they didn't take it. Do you once in the year and Lee came pass. He gambles a lot more than Colts lost Unitas with an achilles touchdown. So if you look at A: It's surprising to me think the same case holds true on and did a fine job for us. But the other cornerbacks so he tendon operation last winter and the games in the last three years thl|| we're storting out like for the performance of the at Minnesota as well as in other might get beat when the other I'm sure he'll recover. Earl against Detroit, you'll see that Detroit has always been off that,! Vikings last year? NFL cities, teams like to have a guys might not normally get Morrali will continue to help our defense really came up and real to| good starts, even Washington: No, I don't think lot of depth. With Snead, who beat. But as far as I'm concerned that team. Green Bay with its played outstanding ball. this is true in our case. We were has had some outstanding years he is the best in the NFL. new coaches has made a lot of starts, but we've always h^l optimistic about the with Philadelphia, and Cuozzo Q: What about you changes and they may come pretty good starts, too. We be«| very oncoming season and I think we and Lee, our quarterbacking will personally? Throughout your through. Chicago Bears - you Detroit uninterested Kansas City after the Bowl last year pretty bad. « SupJ played real good football. Our record was certainly outstanding be a lot better and this is really what Bud Grant (Vikings' coach) career now with Michigan State and with Minnesota you'v Washington never know about them. They're still the most physical team in Did you ever think about prefer to wait two or thntl games and then play them, bull never been on a team that passed same so far. First of all the the NFL and get tougher every playing with Detroit? a lot. Being a wide receiver, weather doesn't help up there in year. Washington with George it's there before us and we'll have to play the game. I think« jml would you rather play for a Minnesota. A few of our games A: Prior to the draft four Allen might make some changes. team that passes a bit more? were played with the wind shield The Jets might be tougher with years ago we would talk to should be a very interesting ont.l A: I've had a lot of people ask from -35 degrees to -50 degrees. Namath coming back. scouts and receive letters that We're playing in Detroit and it'll questions regarding the teams You'll find the teams that throw said 'We are interested in you as on national television. If you'wl Everything is kind of up in the a football player and would you got to play them I'd prefer tol that I've played for. The teams the ball a lot are the warm air, but we should be ranked up that I've been associated with weather teams. Secondly, a lot there again. complete this form and send it play them in good weather,! have been very successful. Here of the guys that lead the league back to us because we're which we will probably have, fl thinking about drafting you.' guess well just have to waitu« at Michigan State we were in receiving each year are guys Vikings' mastery see what happens. I know itfl national champions for the two on teams that have to catch up. Interestingly enough, I received We've been fortunate that Q: How do you explain the a letter from every NFL and going to be quite a challenge foci years that I played. We didn't we and Detroit. throw the ball a lot but the most have been ahead in games and Vikings' mastery over Detroit? AFL team except Detroit. I us important thing was that we are able to play a ball control were national champions. I type of offense. The most would have liked to have caught important thing is to win but day sale more passes but it wasn't in our I'm sure well probably throw a AL 3 particular offense to keep the ball in the air and certainly I didn't have any gripes because we were winners. Professional football has been very much the little more this year because of the acquisition of Snead. Q: Who Teams to beat are the main teams (Continued from page players slug way to win 1) pitch almost out of the park — it struck the generator on the light two of his Baltimore Oriole Jim Palmer and Mike aa, CuelluJ the record that was set at this popular records and Lolich each pitched ti. stadium — known as a good tower above the rightfield roof. While Jackson, a lefthanded innings to finish up the game. hitters' park — in the 1951 game and tied at Cleveland in 1954. hitter, pulled his homer, Frank The partisan American Leagil Robinson, a rightfield batter, crowd roared its approval wheil Although four of the six Brooks Robinson caught B greatly reduced homers were "opposite field" lined a two-run opposite field shots to right field in the gusting shot to the lower deck in right popup to end the game and snql later in the inning that put the the National League's eight-gaiul jetstream that ranged between winning streak. 17 and 31-miles-per-hour, all the American League ahead to stay, wants a FASHION ILLUSTRATOR! homers were well hit. There 4-3, Harmon Kijlebrew powered WJ . The American League, whicll were only 12 hits in the game what proved to be the deciding once led 12-4 in this series, ctfl 3.79 who understands the its deficit to 23-18-1 in the . . . someone lively feeling of today's but six were homers. homer in the sixth when he seri«| fashions, and can convey that feeling through production - Jackson, an Oakland A's pulled Ferguson Jenkins' 3-2 that dates back to 1933. American League had only ol Tii| quality art work. Call Mr. Hecht at 351-2360 for an teammate of Blue, started the pitch into the leftfield seats for a appointment. American League comeback in two-run homer. It gave the AL a victory and one tie in the last 1(1 the third when he batted for 6-3 edge. games coming into this contatl Blue and blasted a Dock Ellis Johnny Bench, who had two Weaver, intent on winning thiH of the National League's five No need to wait any longer for these current best - seller LP albums. game, played his eight startenH hits, slammed a tremendous (including three subs for injuidl Get them while they're hot .... right now, at this very special price. Latest releases by Jerry Reed, Paul and Linda McCartney, Burt ONE two-run opposite field blast into the upper right field stands in players) for the first five inninpl while National League managtffl Bacharach, Carole King, Graham Nash, James Taylor, Blood Sweat and the second off Blue. Hank Sparky Anderson pulled boll Tears and Grand Funk. All the really great ones now priced to let you bring your collection up to date at super savings. HOUR Aaron's opposite field liner to right in the third off Blue and Willie Mays and Aaron after three innings. onlj| Roberto Clemente's wrapped up SERVICE the scoring. Weaver still managed to getill 8-track tape sale was Blue was disappointing tagged for the two homers as he but three of his hitters - Lai Cardenas, Bill Melton and Dim but ironically the 21-year-old Duncan — into the game buthtfl lefthander was the official had to use only four of his niiM Whatever your favorite, you'll find it here! bull LOUIS winning pitcher. pitchers. Anderson used all 2.97 Oldies, rock, acid, show tunes. The latest AL manager Earl Weaver's two of his hitters, Manifl artists, latest groups on such top labels as 135 E. Grand River "game plan" went right Sanguillen and Rusty Staub,an4l according to schedule after Blue he put four of his Capitol, Columbia, Decca and Ampex. Across from CLEANERS eight pitch™ the Union 623 E.GRAND RIVER pitched the first three innings as into the contest. Frank Robinson, becoming command performance SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVESAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE 1.97 player in All-Star gai»| the first SHEPARD'S history to hit homers for I*" classical selections the National America! Semi-Annual Pizza leagues, was and voted the MVPl HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER-CAPITOL AVENUE turnri| 1351-71001 award because his homer SHOE AND MERIDIAN MALL a 3-2 deficit into a 4-3 It famous name MEN'S SHOES THE SONY 110A WAS ESPECIALLY Over 300 pr. boots, buckles, MADE WITH YOU IN MIND. FM-AM radio and loafers in two super saving groups. That is, if you're looking for the best buy in a quality cassette-corder. The 110A from best bet. Sony/Superscope is your Featuring Sony's patented sensitive but strong .97 $13.97 21.88 receiving electret condenser microphone, a newly designed digital tape counter, quick snap pushbutton operation, iin? LPe a,arm. and back space rewind buttons, the 110A has so many features packed into a compact little Smartly styled table radio with built-in antennas. Contemporary design WOMEN'S TWO «^i°a $119 95nJ t,!lat list you d think lt wou,d cost much ">ore than its price. But don't think so - cause it doesn't. in ebony/chrome. Just 9 at this price, so Over 1300 pr. hurry for yours. dress shoes, Step Inside and size it up! HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- pant shoes, loafers, grubbies CAPITOL A VENUE ONL Y ONE PAIR FOR TWO PAIR FOR 1.97 Airway molded luggage SANDALS and attache cases Over 250 pr. of men's and women's 25% 1/2 price Styles for ladies and men in a broken selection of sizes, styles and colors. Exceptional values at this pre-vacation reduction. £ < DOWNTOWN 326 South Washington epard SEAST LANSING 317 East Grand River Ave. 1j> HIFI BUYS LUGGAGE-CAPITOL A VENUE AND MERIDIAN MALL CpES 1101 E. Grand River the congealed juice of the "sleeping poppy" obtained produce all the heroin sold to GIs in Vietnam, and 10 officials are seldom seen. Unless they have come to deal in From the air, the terrain looks like the mountains of Colorado. I slitting a fist-sized pod on the top of the plant, is the raw stuff per cent of opium, On the ground, the forests teem with America's supply. they stand good chance of getting a bullet in the back. But a tigers, elephants, deer and I heroin. Opium looks and feels like putty. Ten pounds of it If all the opium narcotics agents have been honey bears which the tribesmen hunt with crossbows. The crop in this area was refined into heroin, it paying closer attention to this wild mountains rise to 6,000 feet and curl in an arc around the northern Thai border. Although the mechanics of the trade are well known and have Police been the subject of U.S. congressional investigation, efforts to a deny harrassing stamp it out appear as unlikely to succeed now as when China's Manchu emperors first tried it in the 18th century. gays The British controlled the trade then, went to war to protect it, defeated the Chinese in what became known as the Opium Wars, and grabbed Hong Kong as a concession. The island still past year, Capt. Adam J. Zutaut, five people were arrested — By JIM SHELDON incident occurring at any time action remains a major drug center and transshipment point for the uniformed commander of MSU precipitated is initiated State News Staff Writer that's for the total year. To our that he could remember. entrapment. Entrapment is United States. police, said. Arrests occur only by the person committing the considered to occur when an when police receive a knowledge, no other police Zutaut said only on "rare act." complaint officer puts an idea for a crime Suppression problems ■Police officials denied from a person who department makes arrests of occasions" is a complaint He are compounded.Burma does not already has explained that plainclothes into person's mind and control the territory within its borders where legations Tuesday that MSU been approached by a homosexuals on the campus." received from a citizen, and officers investigate complaints a that person to commit causes Laos has never signed the international opium is grown. ^icers the "worst around" are homosexual, he added. A detective said MSU officers "probably seven or 10" were received. Various methods act. a criminal protocol banning opium harrassing and arresting may be the "worst around" received in the past year. He are production. Politically powerful military commanders who run Referring to a statement by used to apprehend Zutaut the trade oppose any controls. a said officers Jmosexuals who attempt to one homosexual who claimed because only campus police added that incidents usually homosexual, he continued, trained to avoid are Thailand, with 300,000 to 500,000 narcotics addicts of its ■ke contacts in restrooms on patrol the Union. occur in restrooms in the Union this, but several persons are arrested each mostly by the officer making homosexual soliciting is own, rates drug suppression low on its list of priorities. The Thai Tnpus. month after officers contact Concerning a statement in or the Library and also in the himself available to contact. Law misdemeanor a jComments stemmed from Monday's story about a Men's Intramural termed government, which until 1959 operated a lucrative, legitimate them in restrooms, Zutaut said: Building dictates what police are Barges leveled by five homosexual who was arrested steamroom. "attempting to procure an act of opium monopoly, is wary of provoking a showdown with the hill "Twelve months times after being invited to an officer's permitted to do. gross indecency." tribes for fear that Communist cadres will Imosexuals, all MSU students, "These officers do nothing to Under a Michigan statute, grab the opportunity to 'several' apparently equals five, When an officer is assigned to subvert them. _n interview which appeared apartment, Zutaut said he had encourage homosexual act," a because our statistics show that policemen are prohibited from investigate I Monday's State News. They no knowledge of such an the captain explained. "Any using any a restroom methods of complaint, the captain |d in the story that campus explained, he usually goes to the lice patrol the Union grill, Kvey couples and then try to IN ITALY location, pretends to use the facilities and waits |uce to be W(h>£cg them in the restrooms. e of the homosexuals approached. Arrests usually are made as a result of facial comments Panel lists Mafia leaders appeared in expressions, toe - tapping, note Inday's story said Tuesday Irnoon that, an additional sending or other methods of communication used Tnber of MSU officers have homosexual. by a DEPARTMENT STORES (n seen in these areas since the ROME (AP) — A dealers, persons capable of The officers died in 1963 in y appeared. Police officials, parliamentary commission any Mandno, another on the list, Lever, denied that atrocity." One named once was "are involved in drug trafficking the explosion of a car which had regular investigating the Mafia listed a judge and Christian HI Irols are made. what it called Italy's top Mafia and bear witness to the full been rigged by a Mafia Democratic party official. gang and Five homosexuals were leaders Tuesday and called them interrelation between the was intended for other Mafia The commission said in a 300 Tested on campus during the "bloody criminals, killers, drug - page report that Sicilian international Mafia has spread from the added. Sicilian Mafia and the underworld," it hoodlums with whom it had been feuding. Buscetta was JHjSMst KB countryside into cities and implicated in the bombing. h£id IjCuJuOK {jk frAdMHAetai&hq become a part of international Apino is of the "mafiosi" one The report is one of a series gangsterism. who were exiled last month to the commission has been ★ CAPITAL CAPSULES If Mafia men seldom have small islands of Sicily and preparing and submitting to I< * been convicted in court, the report said, it is because they Sardinia under an emergency anti - Mafia law which allows parliament on various aspects of Mafia. your ch I UNEMPLOYMENT in Michigan in June was at a 10 - year high enjoyed "powerful and authorities to send Mafia The connections between authoritative protections and suspects to confinement without Mafia and ■tha total of 351,000 idle workers in the politics were state, the Michigan political complicity" from police previous trial or pending appeal. mentioned only in passing in Jnployment Security Commission said this week. up to the central government. The biggest Mafia roundup in ■ William R. Ford, director of the commission, said the total was Tuesday's report. The The report, the product of postwar Italy came in the wake commission |e highest for any June since 1961, when the jobless percentage said It was seven years of is 10 per cent compared to the 9.4 out of work last month. investigation, said of the machine gun murder last - completing a separate report on ■ "We can only assume that part of the increase was due to the Premier Emllio Colombo's May of Pietro the Scaglione, Sicily's Christian Democrats were among tt^> criminal prosecutor! political aspects. sonal entry into the job market of high school and college the parties which traded political Hie commission, including lidents who are seeking but not finding jobs," Ford said. VIDEOTAPE protection for the Mafia's members from all parties from DEMONSTRATION IlT. GOV. JAMES H. BRICKLEY will ask the National electoral support. the Communists to the Fascists, Documentary! Social Encounter! leu tenant Vincenzo di Carlo, rated as was set up by parliament after Governors Conference to establish the Age of Gestalt Fantasy! Heavy! * "one of the most powerful Mafia the violent deaths in ■jority at 18 for all purposes in every state. Sicily of I"I think that the item would be most appropriate with the bosses," was a Christian nine persons, including several Albatross, Thurs., July 15, 9:30 pit ■tification of the 26th Amendment to give 18 - year - olds all the Democrat party official and a policemen. ■al rights now enjoyed by those 21," he said. judge, the report said. He is now 14 KT. GOLD EARRINGS ■ Brickley said the law now contains a "host of inconsistencies" serving a life term for murder. Exquisite miniatures for r 18 year - olds, making it almost impossible for them to - Di Carlo's name was 13 listed in the report. The list among LOOK TO US pierced ears. What nicer Igage in contractual relationships while they are considered Kilts in criminal procedures and are permitted to marry without marked the first parliamentary time a investigation FOR QUALITY gift for any occasion? Vntal consent. See our new selection of ■ "A national uniform Age of Majority at 18 would not only identified top "Mafiosi" by •complete selection of fine ■ve many of these legal problems and correct some of these name. quality Krementz frames consistencies and inequities, but it would completely involve One of those on the list, Jewelry. Tomaso Buscetta, was arrested •'Sunglasses and wire - rims * young people in our system," he said. last Aug. 27 in New York and •prescription lenses ground ■THE STATE SUPREME COURT has named a committee to charged with accepting a bogus • repairs while you wait visa for entry into the United lring Michigan's court system out of the quill - pen era into the States. jmputer age." ■"The administration of justice in the State of Michigan, as The U.S. Immigration and HcU&i O^piicicuvi fin* Jewelers Tewhere throughout our country, is Naturalization Service said typified by courts that are Buscetta was convicted in ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. 219 E. Grand River ■derfinanced, poorly housed, undermanned and overworked," Phone: 332-3917 ■ief Justice Thomas M. absentia by an Italian court in Kavanagh said. the deaths of seven policemen ■ in order to help Michigan courts modernize procedures, the and two bystanders in Palermo jmmittee will analyze existing procedures and find out what can in 1963. He was released on | done to service the public through the most efficient $75,000 bail last September and bcedures, judicial management and control of cases, Kavanagh THE NEW YOU is awaiting grand jury action in CD ■The committee, scheduled to hold its first meeting Aug. 5, will the United States, • the report port back to the legislature during the January session. said. Buscetta and Rosario op Today 'til 9 p.m.; Thurs. thru Sat. 9:30 to 5:30 203 E.GRAND RIVER I Ck'S July Specials thriftyacres BALCONY BEAUTY SALOH Sale! Ovei 2000 Summer VIRGIN TINT $995 Tops & Blouses Now Our Own Reg. $12.00 REGULAR $4.32 At Clearaway Savings! TINT TOUCH-UP Our Own Reg. $8.50 *695 Blood Sweat & Tears New Hit Album BST-4 2 FOR*5 VIRGIN BLEACH $1995 Portrait of Bobby Sherman Our Own Reg. $25.00 2 FOR *7 ONLY BLEACH TOUCH UP $1)95 2 FOR *9 Our Own Reg. $15.00 OTHERS FROM $2.99 ALL ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE SHAMPOO AND SET •Tanks, polos, blouses I ^Nylons, cottons, permanent CALL FOR APPOINTMENT TODAY: press fabrics! •Sleeveless, short, long sleeves! •Huge assortment of colors! •Sizes S.M.L; 10 to 16 Wednesday, July u 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1971 STATE NEWS StATE NEWS CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED Buy a bargain or sell a bargain with FUN-TO-USE-AND-READ Classified Ads! 355-8255 355-8255 Automotive Automotive Automotive pRankly speaking . by Phil Frank Employment Th« State News dots not pftrmit racial or raligious OLDSMOBILE 1965 F85 four door, PEOPLE WANTED for cheerleeding AUSTIN HEALEY 1967 3000. FIREBIRD 1968 Convertible. discrimination in its V-8. Power brakes, power steering, and promotional work for the Green fiber glass top. $1500, best Automatic, low mileage. Extras, radio, good tires. $575. 332-1359. advertising columns. Thj offer. 351-4477.4-7-16 Top condition. 337-0391. 5-7-23 Lansing All Stars, Lansing's State Newt will not professional football team. AUSTIN HEALEY FORD STATION wagon. 1963. Contact 351-4241.2-7-16 accept advertising which • AUTOMOTIVE MGB 1 956. Must sell Automatic. $110. 677-0575. discriminates against Scooters & Cycles 3-7-16 MEDICAL TRANSCRIBER, Auto Parts & immediately. Best offer. religion, race, color or Service 489-5927. 1-7-14 Dictaphone, experienced. $96 FORD FAIR LANE 1964 2 door national origin. Aviation plus. Marge, 372-7700, * CADILLAC HEARSE 1957. automatic 6 cylinder. Runs good. Needs minor repairs. Best offer. PONTIAC CATALINA 1964. 2-door PERSONNEL CONSULTANT. EMPLOYMENT Excellent condition. $500. Call 332-4219. 3-7-19 hardtop. Power steering and 2-7-14 * FOR RENT after 6 pm 393-0413; 5-7-19 power brakes. $225. 372-6776. 3-7-16 EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car Apartments FORD FAIRLANE 1967 2 door necessary. Call 351-7319 for Houses CHEVROLET 1966 4 door hardtop. hardtop. Good condition. Call PONTIAC 1964 2 door hardtop, interview.C For Rent Radio, automatic, V-8, powe' after 5:30 pm 882-1087. 5-7-14 Rooms automatic. Body good, motor steering, brakes. $600. Leaving EXECUTIVE SECRETARY to LANSING OR East Lansing. One • FOR SALE needs minor repair. 699-2937. country sell. 349-1696. JAVELIN 1968 290 Four speed, new must 6-7-16 president. East Lansing. Nancy, bedroom furnished. Large, airy Animals 3-7-16 exhaust, clutch. Must sell, moving 37 2-7700, PERSONNEL east. 351-6144. 3-7-19 rooms. Air conditioned. Mobile Homes STUDEBAKER 1963 Runs good, CONSULTANT. 2-7-14 Beautifully maintained. Suitable CHEVROLET 1968 Biscayne 6 V-8 automatic. $50.00 355-2941. for faculty, grad students, business * PERSONAL cylinder automatic. New tires. JAVELIN SST 1970. Mark Donoque Good condition. $850. 353-0297. 360. Automatic, power steering, 2-7-16 For Rent people, married couples. Lease. • PEANUTS PERSONAL 3-7-14 power disc brakes, mag style 332-3135 or 882-6549. O • REAL ESTATE wheels. 21,000 miles. Call CHEVROLET 1968. $980. Biscayne, 484-9559. 5-7-23 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction NEED ROOMMATE to share 2 » RECREATION guaranteed. Free Idelivery, bedroom furnished, air •SERVICE automatic transmission. Low service and pick - up. No deposit. 1968 TRIUMPH GT6. Dark green, conditioned apartment for mileage. Call 484-6151 after 5:30 KARMANN GHIA 1970. AM/FM wire wheels. $1850. Call Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C summer. 332-2110. 3-7-16 Typing Service pm. 2-7-16 radio. Good condition. Must sell. $1895. After 5 pm, 487-3065. 482-2292. 3-7-19 TV RENTALS •TRANSPORTATION - Studentsonly. Low COLLI NGWOOD APARTMENTS. CHEVY IMPALA 1965 V-8, power 3-7-16 Need * WANTED monthly and term rates. Call girl to sublease until steering, power brakes, stereo TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1967. Wire none OF w tm onSAP AND 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV September 5th. Own room, $125. DEADLINE radio, new brakes. $425. Dr. wheels, Tonneau cover. Good 332-6258. 2-7-16 Herlem, 353-7744. 393-7620 after 5 pm. 3-7-19 running 5-7-16 condition. 337-1571. M 1MbWR6D, eison ppih>uumof mime! RENTALS. C 1 P.M. one class day before WOODSIDE APARTMENTS. 1 MGB 1966. AM/FM, wire wheels. VAN 1965 Chevrolet camper \ ONLY $8.50/month. Free deliveries. bedroom apartments to sublease. publication. COMET, 1961. No rust. Runs SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV perfect, $150 firm. 351-0590 or Good condition. 332-5527 after 5 RENTAL, 372-4948. C $140-$145. Ideal for married Cancellations/Corrections pm. 2-7-16 couple. ED 2-2920, 351-4698. O - 12 noon one class 337-0826, after 6 pm, Gary. day 3-7-14 A uto Service & Parts before publication. MG 1968 Midget Roadster. Wire VOLKSWAGEN 1968 with sunroof, Scooters & Cycles CORVETTE 1966 convertible 327; 2 wheels, radials, radio. $1000. Michelins, shelf, radio, 50,000 Apartments PHONE 337-0958. 1-7-14 miles. Tan. 353-0969, John. 5-7-14 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East new tops; radials; 3600 miles; Kalamazoo Street TRIUMPH 650 1970. Excellent 1 OR 2 girls from now to September 355-8255 $2150.339-9234.1-7-14 . . . Since 1940. condition. Must sell. 482-5869 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, 1966. VOLKSWAGEN 1964 1500 series. 15. $35/month. 332-0143 before Complete auto painting and after 5:30 pm. 3-7-14 Needs no repairs, automatic. After Dual carburation, rebuilt engine. 1 pm. 3-7-19 CORVETTE 1969. Panel top, collision service. IV 54256. C Call 349-0869. 2-7-16 4-speed. 427. 351-7871 after 7 5 pm, 351-0636.3-7-14 WOMEN: 1 block from 1969 HONDA 350 Scrambler. $525 campus. pm. 3-7-16 TENNA STEREO eight tape deck UNIVERSITY VILLA to sublease Vacancies in 4 MUSTANG 1970 Boss 302 4 VOLVO P1800 1968. Overdrive, firm. 550 Virginia Street. girl apartment. plus tapes. $50 351-8508 August 1st - September 4th. Completely furnished, utilities and . speed. Excellent condition. AM/FM radio, radial tires. between 5-7 pm. 2-7-16 351-5683. 2-7-16 101.50 3. 00 4.00 5.35 6.50 13Q|] DODGE 1968 Coronet 440 2 door. Apertment 317 or 351-7910. $2400. 676-1346 after 5 pm. Excellent condition. 482-6685. parking included, $55. 349-9609, 1.1.65 3..30 4.40 5.85 7.15 Vinyl top, good condition. 3-7-19 1431 3-7-16 VW GUARANTEED 1970 KAWASAKI Mach 111. Low 3-7-14 372-3607. 3-7-14 - repair 2j 1.80 3..60 4. 6.40 7.80 1561 RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at mileage. Call 332-1359 after 2 pm. UNIVERSITY VILLAGE. 131.95 3. 5.20 6.95 8.45 16.9( OLDSMOBILE, 1965. Convertible, July Okemos Road. 349-9620. C 2-7-14 APARTMENTS,ROOMS, house. 142.10 4. 20 5.60 7.45 9.10 182( DUNEBUGGY MUST sell. Rebuilt 16-August 31. Cheap. 355-5879. power steering, runs great, $300. Aviation Furnished. Summer. Near campus. 15 2.25 4..50 6.00 8.00 9.75 engine and front end. Runs really Call 355-2578. 1-7-14 1970 HONDA CB175 road bike. 2-7-16 195( TWO MAG wheels ET 5 spoke to»fit Call 349-3919. 3-7-14 16 2.40 4..80 6.40 8.55 10.4020,81 good. Tom 351-0424. 5-7-14 Immaculate. Short pipes. $475. LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight Cutlass, Chevelle or Tempest. 14" 355-5794. 3-7-14 MARRIED STUDENTS 7|2.55 5. 10 6.80 9.10 11.0522. OLDS 1966 Jet Star 88. 4 door, 8 training. All courses are $35,882-5817. 2-7-12 LIBERAL PERSON share air 18 2.70 5..40 7.20 9 60 11.7023.40 FIAT 1970 850 Spider convertible. cylinder, stick, radio new brakes. & FACULTY conditioned government and VA certified. apartment. Own 19 2.85 5. 70 7.60 1O.15 1 2.35 24.70 Whivewalls, radio, luggage rack. 59,000 miles. $500 J49-1578. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport TIRES E-78-14, BF Goodrich, YAMAHA 350 1971, 1 month old. room. After 5:30 pm, 337-1039. 20 3.00 .00 8.00 10.6513.0026.00 393-3245. 3-7-16 3-7-19 Reason for selling, bought 650. Road, Call 484-1324. C belted; 4 with 3400 miles, 1 new. $110. 351-1414 after 6 pm. 332-5845 after 6 p.m. 5-7-16 KNOB HILL 1 5-7-19_ OR 2 girls for apartment. Need 10 word minimum B1-7-14 August 8th - September 14. All student ads must be 1968 TRIUMPH Trophy 500. Rebuilt engine, good condition. APARTMENTS $38.75. 351-1156. 2-7-14 prepaid Cedar AT MEL'S Gre we repair all foreign and American cars. If wecaiVtfix it, it 351-0956.3-7-14 1 OR 2 bedroom furnished mobile can't be fixed. Call 3^5-3255. O 349-4700 The State News will be 1971 HONDA homes. $25-$35/ week. 10 350CL stock and custom OPEN 1 - 7 pm Mon.-Sat. minutes to campus. 641-6601. responsible only for the parts. $700. Phone Scooters & Cycles 676-1624. 2-7-16 SUNDAY by appointment 10-8-2 first day's incorrect insertion. NEED ONE girl for large 2 man 'til a Employment po SUZUKI 500. Excellent condition. On Okemos Rd. Across end of summer. $30. 337-1520. $550. Phone 332-2014 after 5:30 3-7-19 pm. 3-7-19 3 PERSONS needed to demonstrate from Okemos High School Koscot Cosmetics. Call Mr. A. 968 HONDA 305 Scrambler. 6,800 Houses Groves, 355-6138 9 am to 12 pm. WANTED: FALL quarter r air-conditioning, miles. Excellent condition. $450. 3-7-16 Must do Detroit thesis research, 351-0596. 3-7-19 but need 3 BEDROOM furnished house for3 KEYBOARD MAN for established Lansing quarters. Norwood Apartments male students. $125/month 355-4001, E-102 Owen. 6-7-16 S-90 HONDA, 1970. Excellent. rock group. Must sing. Call May Street, Lansing. 3-7-16 Helmet. Car transport accessory. 351-4248. 5-7-23 COUPLE: Now renting large one and 1 bedroom furnished, 332-8643, Bob. 1-7-14 two bedroom for fall. Close SHARP: 2 or 3 bedroom home.East BASS GUITARIST for established utilities included, $130. Phone and Call 332-2712 to campus. side of Lansing near everything rock group. Must sing. Call 349-4071, 349-3084. 3-7-14 after 3 p.m. Expressway. Partially fui 351-4248 5-7-23 Ideal for married grad student PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. SINGLE AND double rooms for Call Gay Fardner, days 371-1930 Large 1 bedroom carpeted and or evenings, 349-2044. 3-7- " EVERYTHING AUTOMOTIVE partly furnished. Utilities paid, $150 a month plus deposit. Phone women. 332-1895. 3-7-19 Close to Union. 627-5454 or 489-5136. 4-7-14 LARGEST DISCOUNTS ROOMMATE FOR fall, Cedarview. FROM WHERE you sit, check the NEED 2 girls for 3 each, clean, girl house, $70 garage, IN better jobs in today's Classified backyard, pets, $25 deposit. A* Share with 2 girls. 355-9531 Ads. for Ed 351-2755. 5-7-19 between 8 - 5 pm, Cindy. 3-7-19 MID-MICHIGAN STEREO - HOME & AUTO FOR SALESPOWER try a little TAPES - SPEAKERS Classified Ad to sell a large mobile homel Dial 355-8255 today I CALL DRESS-UP ACCESSORIES T.V. RENTALS 337-7328 or 337 0780 DISCOUNT AUTO AND GRAB A BARGAIN NOW KAMINS . . . JUST A FEW FURNISHED APARTMENTS LEFT FOR SUMMER AT PARTS AND SERVICES 526 N. LARCH (NEAR SAGINAW) 484-4596 MARIGOLD APARTMENTS 911 MARIGOLD MARIGOLD & HARRISON July Thru Sept. 15th Only $140 per Month. ALL DEPOSITS GUARANTEED RETURNABLE CROSSWORD PUZZLE 30. Drip-dry material 1. Canticles 32. Donkey 5. Anta 34. Public official: 10. Bungling abbr. 11. Boxing ring 35. Hard fat 12. Before noon 37. Average 13. Telegram 38. Gr. letter 15. Finesse 40. Songbird 16. Diagram 18. Check 42. Piggery 43. Irascibility □□□ anaoiffi 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 20.52 21. Bugaboo 23. Balmy 45. Food fish 47. Steer 48. Grape conserve 1. Forward 4. Play a banjo 5. Tantalum 25. Denial 50.Redden 2.Condensed symbol 26. Iranian coins 52. Drift moisture 6. Science 28. Weird 53. Pitcher 3; Saga 7. Ring 8. Trash furnace 9. Proportion (right next to Brody Complex] You get plenty of room i1 10. Poetical 12. Cupid 14.Lake ... 17. Petition 1 19. Blister CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTS are now leasing student and married couples units. These (and trunk space too] at 22. 24. Annexes Oil cylinder spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a 27. Spirit garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private Collin stooob 29. Infuriates 31. Shipshape 33. Chalcedony balconies. We also have a full time resident manager for any problems. If - you want to be % 34. First Apartments! among the first residents of CEDAR GREENS call today. The one - bedroom units start at appearance $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine MODEL OPEN DAILY % 36. Amnesty 39. Wolfhound 41. Understand and twelve month leases available. Fall leases now being accepted, (formerly Northwind Apts.) 44. W.W. II area $200/2 $210/3 man man "UNLIMITED PARKING *SHAG CARPETING "DISHWASHERS "BALCONIES P 46. Malt brew 49. Syllable of hesitation MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVEL Y BY: Alco Management Company $220/4 man «AIR CONDITIONING *AND MUCH MORE 51. Gold in heraldry Call 351 -8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 14, 1971 15 Student Service Personal Students barred from better courts FREE A lesson in complexion DIRECTORY ... care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan (Continued from page one) or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. courts MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS as parking facilities was see the East Lansing Tennis Club A recent club newsletter Drobac noted vandalism, questionable. STUDIOS. C "They say oil as a private club. "If it is, I want pointed out that in order for the neglect and lack of funds have doesn't affect the courts' no part of it," he said. "The club club to ELDORADO GOLF COURSE also contributed to the 30 continue to have COLLEGE TRAVEL 3750 W. Howell Rd., Mason • EYES EXAMINED FRANCIS X and the Bushman 8nd open bituminous surface," Beeman is open to anyone in the exclusive use of the south tennis courts* present condition. • GLASSES go-go girls nightly. Johnnie's Glass said, "but I'm not so sure about University. Most of our members courts in the summer, the OFFICE Student Rates Jack Breslin, executive vice that." - Weekdays Cellar. PRO-BOWL. 2122 North are students." majority of its membership must Driving range, carts, • CONTACT LENS Logan. Happy hours, 9-11 pm. president and secretary to the The 10 courts closest to Shaw 1130 West Grand River Ave. equipment, rental clubs. For golf DR. I.l. Collins, Optometrist 10-7-23 board of trustees, noted that Lane which are used by the MSU be connected with the more Membership fees for the club University. 351-6010 information call using the courts for parking 676-2854. C6-Optlcal Services OPEN ALL summer 8-5:30 p.m. during the first few football tennis varsity and the East are $25 for nonstudents, $15 for g218 S. Logan. 393-423Q UNION BUILDING Lansing Tennis Club are not faculty and $5 for students. The newsletter also noted: BARBER games denies students the used for Nonmembers SHOP. C-7-14 parking. These courts, can play on the "As the other 30 courts at BROOKS Imported Cars privilege of playing tennis on shielded from the wind by courts for one day for 75 cents. The LARGE ad for those Saturday afternoons. Michigan State continue to the smalt ad price. canvas, and furnished with deteriorate, more people are Sales and Peanuts Personal "I am going to look into this bleachers, a shack, a pay phone Suehr pointed out that this going to want to join the club." Student Service Service whole business about the tennis bob jones paints and a soft drink machine, are for year the club will give no money Drobac Directory courts," Breslin said. "I looked pointed out that 482-1473 the almost exclusive use of the to the Ralph Young at the courts this Scholarship tennis is the only sport on 5014 N. Grand morning, and East Lansing Tennis Club during Fund. All of its funds will go campus which does not have its River, Lansing Ithey are in terrible shape." the summer. instead to the club's Junior Breslin added that any action own varsity facility. bead crafts. washday savings Recreation his office might take "The club's policy is that Development Program, a day "I've never had varsity tennis GOLF DRIVING RANGE concerning when all 30 outside courts are camp for very young tennis courts. We need at least six, and Jdecoupage supplies, 25c per load The best for less OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - job the East Lansing Tennis Club's filled and courts are available in players. really 12 courts of our own," he i art reproductions Special Texas Washer 50c MINIATURE GOLF application photos in 15 minutes. court privileges would not occur the club, a nonmember said. may use candle making supplies until next summer. the court," John "I think it wendrow's econowash PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL. Suehr, club works to the Drobac said he would like to I I nfield's Incorporated Fairway Golf Range, Grand 3516262. Anything "These people have already president said. "Up to this point, advantage of the University to 3006 Vine St. River Avenue A few minutes paid their money; they might as get the 30 open courts into - photographed anywhere. O the 10 courts at the club have a group which is ■93 M 43, Okemoi, 349-1940 ■ to I I p.m. | hlk. W.ofSe.r. east of MSU. 349-2850. well get to play," Breslin said. are willing to shape. used more extensively than the keep up 10 courts," Suehr said. "We would like to run a Breslin also stated that there other 30 courts outside the "We have built a shack and ■contact lens MSU BARBER SHOP N.U. S. Travel Service Summer pick tennis camp next summer," he is a possibility that the 30 flights to Europe. Round trip jet open club." up the garbage." said. services 209 MAC Ave. courts may Shouldn't You Be air, $220 . . . Christmas break in be resurfaced at the Beeman said the East Lansing The reaction of students using D. M. DEAN, aa m 351-1110 Hawaii, $279. Spain or Acapulco, end of the summer. Tennis Club was set up as a However, the MSU Grounds 210 Abbott Rd. Try us for your next Using This Space? $249. Complete deluxe package. According to the MSU to the courts to a "members only" styling, razor cut or Call Frank Buck, 351-8604. means provide for people who Dept. maintains the courts, club having exclusive use of Suite #16 Alumni Office, the only special cut. people want to play good tennis. according to Norm Arman, University property was mixed. 332-6563 CALL 355-8255! eligible to park on the tennis "When the club grounds foreman for the stadium Appointments available. was "I could live with the AUGUST FLIGHTS still available. courts are members of the established 10 years ago, they area. "We are paid by the UNION BOARD TRAVEL Spartan Club division of segregation if it weren't for the the felt that using the 10 University," he said. OFFICE. Call 353-9777. C varsity fact that 20 of the 30 student Ralph Young Scholarship Fund courts would not hurt others," So far this year the Grounds courts are in such lousy and the Alumni Varsity Club. To shape. For Rent For Sale For Sale Beeman said. "They saw it as a Dept. has fixed a leak which They didn't fix any of them this Real Estate become a member of the service for the guy who wanted a flooded one court, placed boards Spartan Club year," said Patrick Courts, East BEDROOM furnished, carpeted, TV SETS. one must give little better setup." under the gates at both ends of Sony, Panasonic, Zenith. INDIAN HILLS, completely carpeted $100 Lansing graduate student. Jiarking. Reasonable1, $85, Color portables and consoles. SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. to the Ralph Young The club has used its funds to the club's courts to prevent balls "I have yet to see these 30 ■eiK)sit. 482-6906. 1-7-14 STEREO COMPONENTS. Brand new portables - $49.95, 3 bedroom possibly 4. Large living Scholarship Fund. Members of improve the courts and provide from rolling under, inspected courts packed by students. The Sony $5.00 per month. Large selection room, formal dining room, 2 the Alumni Varsity Club are TnTRY_ "FARMHOUSE near reel cassette to reel tapedeck, recorder. We Buy, Sell, Ampex or reconditioned used machines. fireplaces. Newly pane/ied rec those who have lettered in money for the Ralph Young and repaired bleachers and club makes sure people who Jrandor. Graduate students, Singers, Whites, Necchis, New room, 2 full ceramic baths. Scholarship Fund to be used emptied the trash cans, even want to play good tennis are fcculty. 2 story, 3 bedroom, stove, and Trade. WILCOX varsity athletics at MSU. specifically for the MSU tennis Home & "Many Others." $19.95 Approximately $34,000. Call punching holes in the bottoms able to do so," said Don Refrigerator, basement, fireplace, SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS 355-5191 8-5, 349-3735 after 6 Harris F. Beeman, intramural program. so water can run out to prevent Hackett, Akron, Ohio, graduate erpeting, enclosed porch, newly Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, pm. 5-7-23 director, said the use of the DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Suehr said that he does not odors. student. fainted. $220 plus utilities. Monday thru Saturday. C 1115 ! va i I able immediately. Phone North Washington, 51-7283. 1-7-14 _ 489-6448. C Service Service CHECK PING PONG tables, $9.95. We buy IT'S WHAT'S. ii a wnna. ■LS OVER 21. Furnished 4 PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad _ 1 Bedroom, fireplace, LEONARD WHOLESALE'S sell most anything. ABC TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. garage, students, experience, references. Rapid Happening t 372 4662. 5-7-16 LOW PRICES ON SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 accurate service. Free estimates. Evenings, Turner. C. Experienced. 393-4075. 0-8-9 349-4817. C Kr MSU. Set up for 3 or 4. COMPONENT SYSTEMS Burnished home with shag carpet. 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, GUITAR LESSONS available from PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term canisters and uprights. Guaranteed MARSHALL MUSIC. Call for papers, theses. Best rates. Call ar and dimmer light control Call one full year. $7.88 and up. appointment. 351-7830. C-7-14 351-4619. X-20-8-18 ■ail Clusky. 349-4755 or SIMON Jess DENNIS DISTRIBUTING N. Soriano, Director of 24 ■EAL ESTATE, Okemos Branch, Women's Intramural Bldg. §49-3310. 2-7-16 SAVE TO COMPANY. 316 North Cedar. Opposite City Market. C. FRENCH TUTOR. From Le Havre, France. Call 3-7-14 Joel, 489-0097. BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. No job too large or too small. Migrant Education, Education, State Dept. of will speak on Everyone is welcome, join us. so come and Mexican-American history and PORTABLE Block off campus. 332-3255. C culture at 7 50% DISHWASHERS $30-$50. Good to fair condition. 372-4948, SELCO. C-7-14 SUPPORT YOUR business with a film also will be p.m. Thursday in the West Wilson Hall terrace lounge. A The East Lansing Drug Education Center, its history and services will be and 11 Saturday. Children under age shown, and the discussed t 7 tonight in the West --.... ^MENT FOR 3 girls. Cooking, 351-6 6-7-1S boost from Want Ads. Advertise public is invited. 13 should be accompanied by ( privileges. 165 Gunson. rices there. Dial 355-8255. |14307.2-7-16 | Animals ODD JOBS UNLIMITED. A student codirectors of the program. help referral service. House ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will have £) ROOMMATES for huge house Coalition for Human Survival downtown Lansing, Own DACHSHUND. BLACK, year old apartment cleaning, lawn garden Transportation a lawyer available from 1 to 5 p.m. The Undergraduate Psychology sponsoring a bicycle ride around East is m. 487-0046. 3-7-14 male, papers, registered, shots. service, bartending party service, ev&ry Wednesday during summer ] Lansing JlAM, 3 bedroom furnished 2 | 1 309 N. Washington • Very friendly, bur good watchdog. Needs home with children. i window washing, typing — you name it and we'll get the job done. NEED RIDE to California, leave 7/11 terpn. Those wishing an appointment are asked to check with the ASMSU Psychology," at 7:30 tonight in 304 informal to show some of the proposed bicycle path system routes. The ride will begin at 2 p.m. Friday 332-4652. 3-7-19 Call now, 351-6809. 5-7-23 through 7/14. Will share driving, business ; from campus. 351-2103 office, 307B Student Olds Hall. George Fairweather and from the Haslett-Collingwood SONY 355 tape deck. Zenith Circle and expenses. Call 351-8687 Services Bldg., or call 355-8266. 149-9662. 5-7-14 Lawrence I. O'kelly, professors of entrance. of Sound stereo, best offer. PAINTING EXTERIOR and interior. anytime. S-7-14 There will be a nominal $3 charge for psychology, will be present to talk 349-2858 after 5:30 p.m. 3-7-14 Low rates. John, 351-8280, Ken, service. wjth students at this first in a series A Gay Community Dance in Ann Rooms PIONEER 50 watt 351-1740.3-7-19 Wanted of "Conversations in Psychology." Arbor will get underway Friday. Call speakers, 70 watt PLUNGE, a recent innovation for receiver, Garrard turntable. Gay Liberation office (353-9795) for tlE ROOMS, kitchen priveleges. FOR QUALITY service and stereos, topic discussion by Wilson Hall, will Reasonable. Phone 676-1624. El Teetro Campesino - The more information. If no answer call ■ 6/week. 536 Abbott. Phone TV's, and recorders. THE MARRIED COUPLE will keep house, make its debut with discussion of 2-7-16 Farmworkers' Theater - touring the 332-0587 between 6 and 8 p.m. only, 11-7851 or 627-7103. 5-7-23 Mobile Homes STEREO SHOPPE. 337-1300. C maintain property, etc. in return U.S. involvement in Indochina, country in behalf of Chavez and the please, ENCYCLOPEDIA for living quarters September Speaker for the program will be C. ► ROW HOSPITAL near. Private farmworkers union, will perform at 8 INTERNATIONAL 1970 edition. 20 12x60 2 bedroom. Air conditioned, through June. Please call Patric Larrowe, professor of lorn, cooking 5 month. privileges, 351-7283. 1-7-14 volumes. $225. Call Glen after 5 carpeted. Washer/dryer. Garbage Typing Service 349-1114. 1-7-12 * The activity will begin at tonight in Resurrection Church auditorium, 152 E. Michigan Ave., pm, phone 332-3574. 2-7-16 disposal. Furnished 30j m.hi. Thursday in West Wilson p.m. or COMPLETE Lansing. Tickets will be sold at the road ci the MSU commuter unfurnished. THESES service. BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Hall I, SINGLE rooms. 2 blocks from WATERBEDS. BUTT seam, $35. lap Shed. 694-8457. Discount parking lot on Mt. Hope Road and 3-7-16 printing, IBM typing and all positive. A negative, B negative impus. Phone 351-2103; seam $40. Any size. SECOND binding of theses, resumes, and Farm Lane. Notarized parental ■9-9662. COMING located inside Free AB negative, $10.00. O permission required if under 21. For 5-7-14 publications. Across from campus, negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Spirit. Call 482-4235. C-7-14 1959 PRAIRIE SCHOONER 10x45. Ecologists, political women, East Lansing Street TV is holding a more information call 351-5576. RtaN corner M.A.C. and Grand River, COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, HALL, singles, men, Close to campus. Newly mothers, everyone willing to help videotape demonstration at 9:30 FROSTLESS below Jones Stationary Shop. Call 507V4 East Grand River, East ■men. Now leasing for summer, REFRIGERATOR, 2 remodeled, new furnace. Phone with Elyse Eisenberg's campaign for p.m. Thrusday at the Albatross, 547 old. Perfect condition. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Lansing. Above the new Campus 1. 351-1176, 484-4422. O years 485-3666 or 669-3509. 10-7-28 city council, please meet at 7 tonight E. Grand River Ave. Taste nonlinear 351-6197 or 353-1705. 5-7-23 337-1666. C Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 at 420 Evergreen St. MT. VERNON, 1966. Mobile home p.m., Monday, Thursday and HAMMOND M2, 145 Leslie. Home NEED COPIES of - Term papers - Ctopckmgfjam 12x50. Fully skirted, shed, pool Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 or band use. $1000. Jim, theses — classnotes — Your copy p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C and clubhouse. Located in 5 Star 371-1924. 3-7-19 headquarters, THE COPY rated Windsor Estates. 646-6395. 3-7-19 SHOPPE, across from campus. m. ONE $55; one $50 PANASONIC Phone 332-4222. Free estimates. Pnth. Cooking privileges, no per STEREO. 2 year has it TOYOTA warranty. 71 model. $225. Phone C-7-16 o. . LAKE VIEW lots. Available now. 8', 'king facilities, three blocks 694-0346 after 5:30 p.m. 3-7-19 10', 12' wide. 10 minutes |m campus. 332-5551. 1-7-14 SOUND SYSTEM, 30 watt, two way campus. 641-6601. 10-8-2 to ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith offset printing. Complete service heated pool IntioN: ROOMS for rent, for 4620 S. Hagadorn speakers. Garrard turnstyle. AMERICAN 1968 12x50 on large lot dissertations, theses, •mpietely furnished. Cooking. ■2-8077 after 5 p.m. C 351-2350. 10-7-23 in Holt. Air conditioned, many manuscripts, general typing. IBM. and a just north of Mt. Hope Rd. WIRE FRAMES? Many styles, white, extras. Excellent condition. 21 years experience. 349-0850.C builds more small cars $4700. 694-0170. x-7-14 For Sale yellow gold, at OPTICAL TYPING SERVICE. Dissertations, DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan manuscripts, Bo R0 Avenue. 372-7409. C-7-16 SALE OR rent. 1969 Hallmark. Reasonable term rates. papers. 339-9306. R Ujf |e0 WARRANTY. Panasonic 12'x58' / Furnished, dishwasher, garbage disposal, air conditioning. s 1 fife ^l/FM stereo cassette recorder WATERBEDS. BUTT About 10 minutes from MSU. Call 1 speakers. $175. seam. $35, lap u 6 372-9719. 482-2292. 3-7-19 ■19 seam $40. Any size. SECOND M 1 W COMING located inside Free N Op ■CTRIC TYPEWRITER, hardly Spirit. Call 482-4235. C Lost & Found 8 vl ■«!, Smith Corona. Only $189. ■3-5328, 485-7610. 3-7-19 USED FURNITURE Flea Fair. 314 L0ST BEIGE and white male tiger C B A M Ag East Michigan. Dishes, books, _ stripe kitten. River Street/Grand fRMAN PUPPIFS. 3/4's. Any coins, antiques, rockers, junk. Rjver area Reward. 218 River N 1 m sr. Double sink. Renoir reprint, Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open Complete Professional Thosis Sorvtco for Street. 2-7-16 EE Manor's and Dactoral Candidates. Free lN airable washer. dicine cabinet. 372-1191. Potty chair, Tuesday and Sunday. Furniture s. ; Brochure and Consultation. Please Call IB wj and appliances open all week. 10 FOR A winning variety of autos for and Paula Hau|hey 337 1527 or S27M*. a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone 371-2843. O sa|e< today's Classified Ads. with air conditioning than HANKS . . . 00 any manufacturer in the world [e'fe fully leased I" summer as 995 and if you want more than just economy try a jsual. quality built Toyota - the luxury car for 1 hurry, we have SALE budget - minded people. TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units for summer only. These spacious luxury apartments are few choice completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Thursday, Friday available in many Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, disposal and individual central control air conditioning. These garbage [cations for fall. OVER 100 TO CHO different models from: four man units have up to 3 Recreation is planned for with a giant heated recreation rooms and private balconies. If parking spaces per unit. swimming pool, you want to be (water's edge among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom units start at $60 / month per man. MODEL OPEN 1 river's edge Story Olds East Lot EVERY INFORMATION DAY EXCEPT CALL: SUNDAY LARRY SCOTT at 351-7166. FOR RENTAL i,apartments e roommate service) 1153 East Michigan Avenue NEAR BRODY COMPLEX WHEELS TOYOTA INC. THREE, SIX, AVAILABLE. MANAGEMENTEXCLUS1 \ EL Y BY NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES 2400 E. Michigan Ave. J32-4432 - 5 blocks west of Frandor Alco Management Company Wednesday, J uly| 4 , ] £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan White private schools By The Associated Press Private all - white schools, mushrooming In October, 1969, the Southern Regional Council — SRC — estimated that have returned to public schools and ftiany of the older private schools have begun to The most schools mushroom in South have rapidly been the so . developing private - called AH «K/\nefvlnn KnHitofc operating on shoestring budgets, charging tuitions of $250 to $700 per child, as compared with the $1,000 and up charged ('hilltfintf ».LU. white more extensive now a , flight to segregated private sch^ ~ than integration battles of the late 1950s during 300,000 pupils were enrolled in all - white integrate. "segregation academies," some of which in the South, had an estimated enrollment were first established in churches or old by most established private schools. The growth of private school enrollm private schools in the South. After the Some observers feel that the coming To make up the difference, many of the of 450,000 to 500,000 pupils the past in some areas has had a detrimental school year will show whether this campsites. This fall, however, many of eft school year and some are already filled to Supreme Court's decision that same month growth new schools have held cake sales, barbecues on public schools, threatening to will peak. these are moving from makeshift quarters to integrate schools "at once," the council and carnivals to raise money. capacity for this fall. into prefabricated buildings. virtually all - blacl: public school svsu! revised its figures upward to 400,000 Capacity In the Columbia, S.C. area, Hammond The 1970 - 71 estimate, however, Some private schools, particularly in Unlike parochial schools and the private poorly supported by public funds, in ^ represents only slightly more than 5 per pupils, based mainly on reports of virtual Academy, the largest and oldest private areas. abandonment by whites of public schools South Carolina and Georgia, report they preparatory schools founded earlier in the cent of the white pupils in 11 Southern century, the segregation academies are school offering grades one through 12, is Figures from the National Edu, in some areas of Louisiana and Mississippi. are filled to capacity for this fall. Some states. It also includes older private schools accredited neither by the states in which reported filled, with a waiting list for most Assn. show that public school enroll The numbers of students enrolling in all report a waiting list for admission should not deliberately founded for the purpose vacancies later occur. Others say they have they operate nor by the Southern Assn. of grades. Hammond opened in the fall of dropped significantly in three So white schools have continued to rise 1966 with an enrollment of 239 pupils. It states this ""f - of maintaining segregation, but still a "few openings on some grade levels." Colleges and Schools. past year. without black pupils. despite the fact that some white pupils had about 700 this past year. Mississippi had 40,889 fewer The SRC reports the caliber of teachers, D„nii The Wildewood Academy in public schools in 1970 71 than many of whom came out of retirement, Columbia new is scheduled to open in - 70. Alabama's decrease was 21 ir* in iqL' remains substandard in the segregation academies, and their curriculum far less September, although the land has just been Louisiana lost 11,401 pupils. ' ^ Arsenal of cleared and construction only just started. In some cases there has been attacked than that offered in public schools. a deor^ Von P. Boozier, the headmaster, said an in public school funds, since state germs Dr. W. R. Goodson, executive secretary rev for Secondary Commission, Southern Assn. enrollment of about 250 is expected at to such schools is based on average Wildewood in grades one through 11. attendance. 6 QaBJ of Colleges and Schools, had these (Continued from Unlike Hammond, which requires, in page one} to calm the public, considerations, it was obvious would destroy them. comments: addition to tuition fees, a donation of that safety must be overriding." After the solution is added, which are food poisons. "9f maj°r importance were Six closed-circuit television the material is transferred to a "We don't work with the segregation $600 to the building fund from each Slowdown Achorn stressed the safety of provisions for absolute safety academies, but we've always had some family, there will be no building assessment In some communities, the transfer rf screens were assembled at the container where it is sterilized at the disposal process. He said and security rather than cost or schools that were not accredited and those at Wildewood. Tuition fees are $510 for whites to the segregation academies alreadv arsenal to allow newsmen to 280 degrees for three hours. some safeguards were excessive time," Achom said. "Though graduates can usually find some college, the lower grades and $610 for the upper. has slowed down or reversed. In Porf "■ but they had been incorporated cost and time view the destruction of After cooling, a sample is tested were somewhere, that they can get into. Books are extra. La., for example, a boycott of containers that housed germs, to verify that the organism is the testing for identification of dead and that the agent "However, if they are selective in their choice of colleges, they often find it State departments of education often do schools last year cut white enrollmenffZ 2,300 to 400. In September, putoj the germs and the mixing of a destroyed was identified not keep count of the growth of private Abortion bill released difficult — and almost impossible — to get enrollment rose to 1,100 while priv,u caustic solution used to kill the correctly. into those colleges whose requests for schools, and information about them often schools dropped from seven to two. When all the agents are is fragmentary. Simito germs. admissions exceed the number of places results have been reported in Achorn said the caustic destroyed, the material will be available." Extensive flights nearfo (Continued from page one) woman to obtain an abortion for Evangeline and St. Landry parishes. solution added to the agents buried on army property. However, most officials agree that the Arbor, to place the question on any reason during the first 90 Many of the new private schools are the November ballot. days of pregnancy. Bursley said abortion reform After 90 backers plan to go ahead with days, abortions the drive, despite the committee's action Tuesday. The bill would liberalize would be permitted if the mental or physical health of either the mother or child would THRIF-T-MART BRINGS YOU be jeopardized by continuing the Michigan's 125 - year - old pregnancy. abortion statute by allowing a Players overdrawn DISCOUNT PRICES (Continued from page one) NEW SUN. HOURS: REDEEM CODPON - SAVE 15( - With $7.50 PORCHASE - KRAFT A Jfc f WHIP?39 of their financial straits, for as late as May 24 the New Players awarded $2,000 in scholarship bonds at their awards 9 A.M.-8 P.M. MIRACLE banquet. Denise Cole, St. Louis sophomore and Frederic Paxton, Detroit sophomore, each received $500 bonds for the New Players, while Miss Zielinski received a $1,000 bond. As of Tuesday afternoon, Klinsky, reportedly in San Francisco, Miss Zielinski and Allen were unavailable for comment. Other Days 7 A.M. - 11 P.M. The New Players were a new ASMSU account this the school year, they produced plays such as year. During "Salvation," "The REDEEM CODPON- SAVE 24( - With $7.50 PORCHASE ■ G & W. Boys in the Band," "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and Officer tried (Continued from page one) which was based on Air Force regulation 35.15. "This is an 39 important test case raising so many constitutional issues," he told newsmen. "It will force the military to look again at the constitutional rights of the First Amendment." Culver said he and the 168 other students and servicemen who took their petition to the embassy on Memorial Day didn't "think the military would object or take any action. "We considered that to petition the government was legal," he said, adding that if courtsmartial are convened to try all servicemen who petition the government, then antiwar groups will go underground. "They might go subversive but obviously they are not going to be suppressed," Culver added. The president of the court-martial, Col. Carl Abrams, said the necessary two - thirds of the tribunal concurred in a guilty verdict dunng three hours and 45 minutes of deliberation. Sentencing is expected Wednesday. Glenn Herriman, Inc. imJUhut. VM PHONE: 482-6226 Ln tl i n,n Ljt nils ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS Indian Trails HAS (8] BUSES EVERY DAY TO CHICAGO Schedule Eff. June 24, 1971 Leaving at: 6:55 AM EAST LANSING 7:55 AM 10:25 AM 11:55 AM Information Indian Trails PHONE 332-2569 fOR DAILY DEPARTURES AND ARRIVA