Laws . . . Friday are dumb in the midit of MICHIGAN Sunny . . . STATE NEWS arms. . . . high 75 - 80. STATE Saturday rain expected UNIVERSITY e 64 Number 9 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 16, 1971 State Senate passes age BV BY JOANNA FIRESTONE „ 0 1 of majority bill I / recent U.S. constitutional amendment to . led the State News Staff Writer lower the voting opposition to the bill's drinking age to 18. combat situation, you can't tell him he's which said adulthood at 21 evolved in 20 provision. - year - olds are psychologically, I feel this will not responsible enough to drink," help show our young "I am not willing to put this kind of the 11th century when a youth of that educationally and emotionally capable of rhe Michigan state Senate approved a people that progress and changes can be Cooper said. monkey on the back of any young age was considered physically capable of assuming the full benefits and burdens I Wednesday allowing 18 to 21 - year made by working from within the of people," Bishop argued. wearing a heavy suit of armor. citizenship," it said. olds all the legal rights and system," he said. "The weight of armor in the 11th He said records in states where 18, 19 Voting in favor of the bill in its final ponsibilities of adulthood. Passage of the controversial bill came and 20 - year - olds can legally buy beer century should not govern the age at form were Republicans Ballenger, Bishop, The bill, which passed the upper after the upper chamber The bill, which is scheduled to be which a 20th century couple can get a on a 21- 13 and liquor show that the privilege has Bouwsma, Bursley, Davis, DeMaso, use by a 32 - 4 vote, will now be enacted into law Jan. 1, 1972, was to Gov. MiUiken for final approval, increased highway hazards. mortgage in Michigan," the commission Lodge, Pursell, Richardson, Stamm, ,t (See related story 11) recommended by the governor's special on page Bishop's arguments were criticized by said. Toepp, VanderLaan, Youngblood, governor has endorsed the bill commission on the age of majority, "The great its trip through the legislature vote Sen. Robert Richardson, R-Saginaw, who majority of 18 - through Zaagman and Zollar and Democrats rejected a proposal to leave the expected to sign it Into law complained that the debate had made Bowman, Cartwright, Cooper, Faust, s drinking age at 21 while lowering the of adulthood to 18 in all other age the bill appear to be exclusively an 18 - Faxon, Fitzgerald, Gray, Hart, Lane, mediately. Mack, McCauley, McCollough, Novak, year - old drinking bill. 'I am very pleased that the age of categories. The Senate also rejected an amendment to lower the Sen. Daniel S. Cooper, D-Oak Park, O'Brien, Plawecki and Young. ijority bill has been approved." age of called Bishop's opposition "pompous and Opposed were Republicans Byker, Hiken said. "I'm certain it will be an adulthood to 19 rather than 18. hypocritical." Derrow and Rockwell joined by Most of the three hour debate portant step forward for both the on the "If he (a youth) is responsible enough Democrat Stanley Rozycki. te and our young people." bill centered around drinking privileges. to be a platoon leader and have eight or Sens. Brown and Fleming did not MiUiken said the Senate's action was Republicans Donald E. Bishop, ten vote. men under him in a life - - death lighly appropriate" in light of the Rochester, and Gary Byker, Hudsonville,' Twenty - two laws affecting persons 21 and over will now be applied to those over 18. They are: TV ADDRESS License to purchase or carry a concealed weapon; permit to operate a billiard room, dance hall, bowling alley Nixon (Please turn to page 11) announces Board to talk for visit to R on plan to fix By The Associated Press conferences between president Chou and Dr. only for this generation but for future lit he Nixon announced Thursday will visit Communist China ■ore next May at the invitation of Henry A. Kissinger, White House adviser on national security affairs, from July generations on this earth." Kissinger, the President said, went to tennis courts 9 to 11. Peking during his recent mission abroad. A recommendation ■mier Chou en Lai. to repair the Nixon said he will undertake the No word of that secret mission had University tennis courts will be yjixon, speaking from Burbank, Calif., trip the visit "as a journey for peace, leaked out. considered by the board of trustees at was arranged during peace not The President termed the planned its monthly meeting at 10 a.m. today trip "a in the Administration Building board major development in our efforts to build room. pllsberg's lawyers hit a lasting peace in the world." Also on the agenda is a report on Earlier the campus water Thursday at the United quality project and a Nations, eighteen countries proposed proposal from the Academic Council that the General that would extend the Assembly bring permissible (rounds for indictment Communist China Nations, give it a permanent into the Security Council, and expel its rival the United seat on probationary period professors from two to three years. Not on the agenda, but likelv to be discussed for new associate failed to Nationalist China from the world by the trustees, is the ■BOSTON (AP) return secret documents he — Attorneys for Daniel organization. proposed cross - campus rerouting of M knew lsberg said Thursday he should not be to be possibly harmful to the The resolution was submitted for 43. The trustees and the MSU moved to California for trial until the lurt here is sure the indictment against security of the United States. Ellsberg, 40, has said he supplied consideration by the General Assembly Labor administration have been sharply criticized for in its 26th session, to last month's action not based evidence copies of the papers, a Pentagon study begin Sept. 21. i was on gained It was the first time that a A Bell telephone employe pickets the Lansing telephone office rescinding earlier approval of the I illegal wiretaps. on origins of the Vietnam war, to the resolution to give mainland China U.N. highway. pretrial New York Times and other newspapers. Thursday in the second day of a national telephone strike. Union On hearing the attorneys membership had been submitted so Thursday evening the trustees are led U.S. Magistrate Peter W. Princi to Leonard B. Boudin, an attorney for officials say the strike will last at least two weeks since ratification scheduled to hear a presentation on early. And it was the first such lder the government to disclose Ellsberg, said, "The processes of this resolution to contain of a contract will take at least that long. (See story page 3). residence halls, with emphasis on the liether wiretap evidence court should not be invoked until the provisions to role of the resident was used make Peking a -State News photo by Don Gerstner assistant, security government has complied and the court permanent member of ■fore the magistrate decides whether the and educational has made a determination of the Security Council, which has programming. llsberg should be removed to Los sweeping veto power. lgeles. wiretapping issue." Government attorneys declined to JPrinci irisement took • the motion under voluntarily disclose the wiretap lies until and gave attorneys next Friday for both to file information and contested Boudin's PRIOR TO EXCHANGE "moranda on the question. request that the magistrate order federal disclosure. grand jury in Los Angeles Boudin contended the magistrate Review of ■icted Ellsberg last month on charges Iranian 1 had unauthorized possession of and should order disclosure of any illegal wiretaps and then, if there were any, hold another hearing to determine if there was a "causal relationship" By STEVE WATERBURY Iran and MSU, spokesman for and its implications for other Mountain tickets between the wiretaps and the State News Staff Writer recently formed Ad Hoc a Iran Study program international programs at MSU. The nation study ruled group sees by a dictatorial Shah, a indictment. Group, said Thursday. "Several [Mountain will perform at 7 If so, Boudin said, the defense would The study group also called for the persons in international programs have said they MSU's country where there "are over 25,000 Jnight in the Auditorium. Tickets move for immediate dismissal of the A full examination of the political political prisoners, where 2,000 political establishment of procedures to deal view the Iran program as a executions have taken place in the last 9 $3 and may be purchased at the and educational prototype charges against Ellsberg. policies of the "specifically and arduously with the that they would like to 17 years, where 13,000 people were He said the wiretap issue was based government of Iran should be develop with jnion, Campbellswilland Marshall Music lores. Tickets also be available on "the privacy of the individual . . . undertaken before any implementation interrelationship of the political and academic institutions of all countries universities all over the world," he said. "If that is the case, the problems we killed in the suppression of a single and the integrity of the judicial of uprising, and where secret police, I the door. an exchange agreement between with which MSU negotiates international perceive and the objections we have to military troops and the killing of process." Arya Mehr University of Technology of programs contracts." the Iran project could very well arise students are part and parcel of campus Mitchell Stengel, asst. professor of again." life at the universities." economics and spokesman for the study Stengel said the study group viewed "The university has no autonomy group said the group was formed by the agreement with Arya Mehr and is under the direct political control MSU students and faculty who were University as implying MSU approval of the Shah," Stengel said. concerned "about the nature and and support for the A* government of purpose of the Iran project exchange Iran. (Please turn to page 11) ▼ • U.S., Viet Cong launch Aaaarg! Christopher Lewis, a proponent dialog PARIS (AP) - The United States on peace plan four questions then asked five of his for children's parks in housing attempted Thursday to launch a "useful own. projects, laaps over a table to dialog" at the Vietnam peace talks by Bruce sought to learn through his answering and posing a series of r San Francisco's get at own five questions: questions on a Viet Cong peace plan. •Whether the Viet Cong put forth Redevelopment Director M. But neither U.S. Ambassador David their July 1 proposals "as the only - Justin Herman, who seemed to K.E. Bruce nor the Viet Cong's Mrs. basis for negotiations here" or whether be smiling before Lewis began A * choking him. Lewis was quickly led away by police. -AP Wirephoto Nguyen Thi Binh and Hanoi's Xuan Thuy were satisfied with the results and the deadlocked conference as before. appeared as they proposals •If, were as when willing well. the withdrawal of U.S. forces by the end to Viet consider Cong U.S. ask of this year in return for release of The 73- year - old Bruce, who prisoners, "without posing any according to the White House will be leaving his post for health reasons, (Please turn to page 11) addressed himself to the two • week - old peace package put forth by Mrs. Binh, and specifically gave what he termed answers to four questions she 'Our Town' directed to him last week. Mrs. Binh, however, said the answers were "not The summer Circle Free Theater will concrete" and Thuy, said Bruce, was present Thornton Wilder's classic, "Our simply trying to "delay" positive Town," at 8:30 p.m. today and response to the seven - point Viet Saturday in the Kresge Art Center Cong proposal. Bruce went down Mrs. Binh's list of courtyard. Admission is free. Friday, July 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 16^ news WASHINGTON Hopes (AP) - A against a single line. entire rail system. Few for and three other unions nationwide for a struck day last rail and other operating personnel, has refused to accept a wages implement nationwide rule changes a, £ summary glimmer late of hope remained Thursday that a strike of A strike would come atop telephone, telegraph, copper and West Coast dock strikes, commuters would be affected. The two railroads employ a total of 48,734 persons, by Dec. 10, and the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen shut - to and - rules package similar that signed by the crews present to travel more 100 - requiring mi|e than? n't* From the wires of AP and UPI. the Southern Railway and the Brotherhood of Locomotive maximum before Ch.nJ. and as the steel industry and down America's railroads for Union Pacific might be industry figures. The industry the U.S. Postal Service has threatened to meet a two days last May. Both Engineer*. The package eliminating extra pay headed off before today's 6 halted total 42 things as using a tw0 ?k struggle toward labor strike with work - rules those strikes were by includes a percent . a.m. deadline. radio and The Nixon administration contracts. retaliation that would lay off special laws that also included pay raise over 42 months plus to service all requiring yard Z1 If the UTU strikes the thousands of UTU employes pay raises for the strikers. elimination of work rules the siding, evening summit called meeting an at the Labor Dept. Southern and UP, it would of unstruck railroads. Industry finds burdensome. four instead miles of of their IS "If one were to govern one's of the presidents of those hit hardest at the South and It would be the third Industry spokesmen say the In event of a strike by the jUst thoj leave arrangements by putting lines and three others also West but send ripples of major rail strike in little more UTU, representing about disruption throughout the than seven months. The UTU 190,000 brakemen, engineers UTU the industry says it will under threat of strikes by the faculty members only in a pure AFL CIO United environment then / suspect that Transportation Union. there would be very few places in the world where they could The move came after the TRIED IN BRITAIN department's top trouble travel to." shooter, Asst. Secretary W.J. -Ralph H. Smuckler, Usery Jr., stepped in to talk dean of international programs. (See story page 1) separately with bargainers. all Department officials refused comment. An UTU industry Officer fined for demonstration LAKENHEATH, England Ala., one of Culver's attorneys, higher court," said Culver, a interesting to watch, but, Embassy in London spokesman who earlier in the (AP) — An Air Force said of the sentence. stocky lawyer who has worked remember, I decided the Memorial Day, and for haviM day had described thfe situation as hopeless said. "It courtmartial reprimanded Capt. But Culver, 32, of Westfield, in more than 200 other regulation was constitutional." urged other servicemen • military trials. "Military The regulation was 35 • 15, participate. means of course that there's Thomas Culver and fined him N.J., said he was going to officers reluctant to decide which prohibits Air Force A key issue in the trial some hope of averting a $1,000 Wednesday for appeal anyway, on principle. are After hearing a procession the constitutionality of servicemen from participating the definition 0f strike." participating in an antiwar on a Aid cut-off passes "Obviously they've got to demonstration. He could have of character witnesses, the regulation." in a demonstration overseas. demonstration. Culver claimed court set the fine and decreed Col. Carl Abrams, president Culver was convicted of he merely presented a petite the • point where there's received a maximum sentence "conduct unbecoming to the embassy, which is Culver's record as a reserve of the general court martial, an something worth calling in of four years at hard labor - officer and a gentleman" |e«| The House Foreign Affairs Committee voted someone to discuss," he and a dishonorable discharge. officer should show the said, "Yes, there is an for under Air Force Regulation Thursday to cut off all U.S. aid to Greece until it added. "It was a moral victory," reprimand. excellent constitutional having participated in a The court - martial ruin Waldrop Jr., Northport, think well win In question. The appeal should be demonstration at the U.S. otherwise. restores democratic rule and to Pakistan until it UTU chief bargainer Clyde Olan "I a Lane did not rule out the In his appeal, Culver said solves its Ik refugee problem. will attack the The votes would cut off $225 million to Pakistan possibility of averting a of constitutionality the regulation as walkout. readjusting u Europe and $118 million to Greece. Once started, a strike could infringement of the Fi« The committee approved 17 to 12 an amendment be Amendment guarantee of stopped only by an fa by Rep. Wayne L. Hays to scrap all $118 million agreement or by Congress, speech. which in recent years has The case put Culver in a requested by President Nixon for Greece unless the odd position. He President declared in writing that the "overriding stepped in to halt nationwide volunteer rail strikes but not those six years ago for a four after shift in mark's value • yen requirements of the security of the United States" - term of duty and extended it demanded it. two years. That extensim would have run out in June, but by that time he «« NEW YORK (AP) - exported American goods sold interest rates. embroiled in the court Kennedy hits Nixon, AMA Europe is readjusting her in Europe. That means more martial charges. money system in the wake of U.S. goods can be sold The problem goes back to But then Air Force officials said last May's change in the value overseas. Germany had April, when Germany obeyed these big reserves of dollars Culver was on duty but that Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D - Mass., accused of the German mark. That is What has happened to the rules of the International his request for a week's lean she had bought and she had President Nixon and the American Medical the reason the dollar has dollar is that Germany, which Monetary Fund and tried to to get rid of them. She has probably would be granted. fallen to a record low in took in billions of dollars in support the dollar. The fund Association Wednesday of forming "a marriage of doled them out a little at a Culver will remain on futile effort to support the _ Germany. a required the German Central time so as not to push the status until the Air Fori convenience" opposed to meaningful reform of the bad The low value, as it dollar, is now selling the Bank to buy dollars to keep reviews his case within the nation's health care system. dollars price of dollars down too may be for pride, is good for cheap. And France, to the price above 3.63 marks to much. month. His appeal first will |o Several billion dollars Kennedy said the AMS "has a virtual stranglehold TIFFANY trade. The cheaper the dollar, keep from having to buy the dollar. have been sold. to the Military Court ol the health the lower the price of them, has lowered official on programs of the present RESTAURANT Appeals, then if necessary to a After taking in somewhere The Germans have reduced administration" and added: & LOUNGE three - man military review around $5 billion, Germany the selling rate "Indeed it is not too much to say that the AMA The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State almost every board, after which it mi? gave up and let the day this week. Thursday it enter the federal court system. and administration are one and the same, University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter dollar-mark exchange rate find reached the lowest rate ever; Final appeal might be made to Tweedledum and Tweedledee." and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays its own level. The rate settled 3.48 marks to the dollar. the U.S. Supreme Court. Enjoy a Greek during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Opening a hearing before a Senate subcommittee, in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. wine with dinner.« Kennedy cited examples of what he called an Member Associated Press, United Press International, Absentee ballots readied You'll like the unhealthy AMA - administration alliance. Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, way it's served Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press at Jim's Association. Economic policy slammed Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connally said Special Greek menu every and business offices at 345 Student Services BIdg., State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Michigan for pickup next week Saturday evening Thursday the nation's economic expansion is "broad Phones: Registered voters will be able to cast third class mail. Sometimes they have been in its sweep News 355-8252 absentee ballots for the Aug. 3 East Lansing mistaken by postal employes as third class and deep in its track," but not strong downtown Lansing Classified Ads 355-8255 city council primary election in the city mail and delayed, she said, enough as yet to cut unemployment significantly. 116 E. Michigan clerk's office starting early next week. FREE EVENING PARKING Advertising 353-6400 "By allowing people to cast their absentee Connally, President Nixon's newly designated chief 489-1196 Business Office 355-3447 According to East Lansing city clerk ballots in my office, there will be a lessee economic spokesman, told newsmen he didn't want Beverly Colizzi, the ballots would be chance of ballots being invalidated because to sound "very optimistic" that the available Monday, or Tuesday at the latest. they arrived in the office after election day, unemployment rate will show "In the last election," Mrs. Colizzi said, she added. a substantial decrease in the "we had some problems with the mail. Some According to Mrs. Colizzi, an individual immediate future. of the deliveries were very slow. Since the can apply for an absentee ballot, have his Hughes out of race ARTHUR TREACHER'S ballots must be in our hands by election day, we are allowing people who will be in town office" before the election to vote in my application validated, receive the ballot and vote in the Individuals absentee same ballot day. will be through able 2 to p.m. July vote via 31, Tisl) Mrs. Colizzi said that the ballot envelopes which is also the deadline for applying for Sen. Harold E. Hughes of Iowa THE ORIGINAL arethe same color as a great portion of an absentee ballot. renounced 1 972 Democratic presidential candidacy Thursday after privately advising political allies to turn now to Sen. George TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: SWING Newspaper McGovern of South Dakota. Ending an undeclared campaign Tisl) & RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT with announces that took shape early this year, 2418 E. MICHIGAN Buddy Campbell staff changes Hughes said he will pursue his goals 99c and his and at as a senator, "unimpeded by the BATTLE CREEK (UPI) ' label of presidential candidate." Hughes told a news conference he 4100 S. LOGAN COUNTRY CLAN' Neil J. Munro has been appointed asst. managing editor of the Battle Creek Enquirer may well support a candidate for the nomination prior to the "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" at and News and Wayne *■ Tompkins has been named to presidential primaries next year. the Ko-Ko Bar succeed him as city editor. Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9 p.m. -1:30 The staff changes Air bags opposed a.m. v 410 S. Clippert off Kalamazoo announced Thursday Wj Watson S. Sims, manage Are air bags a boon to auto safety or a bust? editor. That's a hot issue in Detroit's automotive circles where car makers are taking a dim view of the federal government's orders that new cars be SHORT ON CASH? equipped with air bags beginning with 1974 models. Consider this SPECIAL OFFER from the Stereo Many auto executives have voiced doubts about Shoppe. Right now you can save $108 on this complete the air bags and, particularly, about the government's Marantz Model 26 system with 3 year guarantee' All at the fabulous selling price timetable for getting the so - called passive restraint 'u» aeuiug price 01 of COMPLETE system into operation. ... Ford, Chrysler and American Motors have gone into the federal appeals court at Cincinnati to seek Add the BSR $24900 310 RECEIVER AND TWO SPEAKERS Automatic Turntable . . a modification of the government order. complete four - piece system for onlv $29900 —tnl» Lottery plans go ahead Stereo Shoppe Special Credit Plans MODEL 26 SYSTEM M0DI The Selective Service system is planning to I Summer Layaway go ahead with the 1972 draft lottery early next month I Mastarcharye regardless whether Congress acts by then to extend for rtudentil Bank Americard the draft law, officials said Thursday. j^Jtfcoune, we will always accept cash, tool The tentative date for the lottery is reportedly Aug. 5 although Selective Service officials said they could not confirm that. However, they said it will be It's the real thing. Coke. The Stereo Shoppe "early August; that's a certainty." Real life calls for real taste. The lottery will determine the order of call for 19 543 E. Grand River ® " For the taste of your life—Coca-Cola Ph. 337-1300 Next to Paramount - year - olds and others eligible for the draft next ^ » ~ Daily 10 - 6:45-W«d. til 9:00 year. Bailed under the authority ul The Coca-Cola Company by. "Coca-Cola Bottling Comi Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 16, 1971 3 Black, while gap found narrowed WASHINGTON (AP) - The The catching up with whites in Lansing City Rescue g?p between blacks and health — as measured by Mission has an open door whites narrowed during the infant 1960's as measured by several mortality and life policy for sinners — unless expectancy; quality of you happen to be a significant social and economic housing, and employment — transient. The picture on indicators, a new federally as measured by unemployment financed study said Thursday. rates and the right is a blowup of the percentages in But the report by the mission's door sign which clerical, professional and urban institute said it might technical occupations. invites transients to use the be several decades or more But by two indicators of back door. before blacks match whites in family stability - -SN photo by John Harrington health, housing, education, female-headed families and employment and income. children living with The institute said its both survey parents - blacks fell further of changing racial conditions behind whites over the between 1960 and 1968 period, was While the rate of an attempt to develop racial improvement in indicators income was comparable to greater for blacks than whites economic ones such as the in the 1960's, the gross national product and the - salary gap measured by median consumer price index. income and 9MMMI The percentage of study found blacks families with incomes greater than 8,000 a year — widened in favor of whites. service good despite strike The survey projected that it e would before blacks whites be in the life year caught up with 2019 expectancy; 1988 in telephone service across the representatives of the Bell In housing quality; 1987 remained near normal Mundelein, Aurora and to most of those hit. Minneapolis suburb, and at story addition to the in proportion of Telephone System. Wages and Libertyville, 111., 8,000 Bell would take at least two weeks college Suburban Folio Beach, S.C., Colma. Calif... south nr of <:»„ graduates; 1978 in professional ^rsday in the second day of fringe benefits were at issue. subscribers lost telephone also lost phone service when Francisco. Yonkers, N.Y. San offices there. after a settlement to and technical jobs; 1978 in Jtrike by 400,000 members ^JThejnost seriojus vandalism service when Regular installation and process a new contract In burned and cut. gables the A A F L ~ - CIO occurred in the were cables were cut at Charleston, strikers^ hurled eggs and rocks telephone repair work through median income- and 1992 Chicago area, 1 ~J ~ ~ ™1 ^ Two company " " More than 100 nonstrikers at a team of .. was a membership vote and get the . - i. -» muni cations Workers of A men • • persons living below the company garage was fire employes were arrested and spraying more or less at a standstill. membership back to work. [erica (CWA). Scattered bombed in Elgin, 111., with were evacuated from a New telephone company property. But supervisory poverty line. charged with arson, employes in ances of cable cutting or damage estimated at $50,000 Rochelle, N.Y., telephone Also in Yonkers a telephone most areas were providing Similar incidents affected halted service to $75,000, and windows in company office after a sulphur company supervisor was beaten 2,700 customers in the bomb was thrown into the emergency installation and and slightly injured while porarily to more than the central office building there smashed. Elgin, also, shots were California areas Albany, and Concord r, wnwiu of and miu 850 residences in Berkeley, Oakland, vsamauu, building's ventilating system. „ performing emergency - Eggs were thrown at His companion escaped _ __ repairs. . repair of phones. The heavily automated dial system of Bell Telephone was City clerk invalidates litinuing company cars or vehicles unscathed. He was working . . between CWA fired through the window of a f I* I southwest capable of pretty much [rgaining units and nonstriker's home. west Miami. Emergency driven by supervisory employes atop a pole. Their company npfij-i ^ p rr /"I l"l I /""i r* r* \/ crews miirklv rpstnrpH quickly restored sprvicp service att » n.nni,i,.n Brooklyn r> t Center, on a* a truck was a truck was vanHalizoH vandalized. running itself until equipment breakdowns '^^1 II I Vj I I I Vj I L U I I U I U U L / A become Cleveland policeman was Patricia Ann Calven's petition for shoved through a overwhelming. George a place on the ballot in plate glass Donnelly, asst. vice president the Aug. 3 city council primary was invalidated lilliken window by jostling this week pickets as of Pacific telephone, said in by East Lansing city clerk Beverly Colizzi. to continue efforts nonstrikers were being escorted to work. After the mounted duty on In Kansas policemen the scene. incident, took up Los Angeles that things could proceed at near normal about a month but added: "If the strike lasts for longer and A spokesman possibly Calven's petitions two, for the was of city clerk's office said that one, the persons who circulated Mrs. not a registered East Lansing voter. State election laws dictate that a person who circulates a City, Mo„ CWA than that, then service out of petition for a candidate for city office must be a picket line turned back some of our offices could be voter in that city. registered |o resolve money matters construction workers halted erection of an and eight - more CWA seriously hurt." officials have said it Mrs. Calven said that she campaign. plans to wage a write - in JOANNA FIRESTONE "But if no resolution of school contracts for the new the executive appropriation for Open tonight until 9 p.m. ite News Staff Writer differences is apparent by year beginning in September." mass transit research. Closed Saturdays through August 7 Tuesday afternoon, I will urge Milliken would not comment The upper chamber, which . Milliken said Thursday the legislative I he will urge appropriating on Sen. Robert VanderLaan's has not yet passed any the legislative committees to report all bills indictment of Ryan as the budget |iopriating committees to out bills, hinted Thursday that it all 1971 - 72 budget immediately so "main roadblock" in budget plans to recess for one week compromises can be hammeyed negotiations, but said the in order J next Tuesday if he is —4 in floor debates." out " ° - ■— give its lie to resolve Speaker hadJ made — - J - no • ■ • appropriation committees major money The state,? which entered a les with Speaker of _ compromise offers acceptable r chance to hammer out the the new fiscal year July 1, does to the executive office. partisan conflicts e William A. Ryan. not have a new budget and is The governor said the main hampering budget negotiations. following the collapse kesday of summit currently operating on an points of contention beti meetings emergency bill extending June the parties are levels of Jving 12 leaders of both THERE'S NO PLACE AROUNP spending levels through July. spending, sources and levels of HERE WHERE YOU CAN SET of both houses, the Milliken said delays in revenue and the A PIZZA AFTER MIPNI6HT! ftrnor and speaker met proposed adopting a new budget has personal income tax e Wednesday and again cost the legislature public amendment to be placed on sday but were unable to confidence. the November ballot. ■ve differences. Delay is bringing |_ a option the irenceh ThuLav'^Milliken |rence Thursday, Milliken if*0"1 ^ the legislature," the governor House voted to cut its' own I he has cancelled plans to added. "I believe a majority of operating expenditures from i the Midwest Governor's members are restless and $7 8 to $6 miHion in ■ ference in Iowa and addition to trimming the impatient — and anxiou >ska in order to continue meet their .JEJ responsibilities. judiciary branch's $185,420 lings with Ryan. "Further delay would funding by $30,000. The am willing to continue highly detrimental to the state issions with Speaker Ryan in that it would affect vital lugh the weekend and public services and furthei pid," the governor said. cripple efforts to negotiate at HOLIDAY LANES Lanes available for OPEN Bowling all day and evening Open 9 a.m., daily Just north of Frandor 337-9775 - Billiards * Cocktails * Good Food THE OLDE WORLD _ 211 MAC East Lansing North America crowd-pleasing knit sets for Miss J by Jonathan Logan Enjoy yourself outfits are these two-piece the neatest ways to go this weekend through fall in polyester, the easiest knit to live with. Grey/white dress and Stop in this weekend for a relaxing sleeveless tunic. Sizes 5-13 $56. visit to the Olde World. Enjoy a sandwich and a glass of fine wine Blazer and sleeveless romper in °r your favorite draft beer. The Olde World. . . a casual atmosphere black with white. Sizes 5-13 Petite $46. created for you. 4 J A&Op* BFJEAD,WALE 211 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing JacabSoriS MICHIGAN NEWS ANALYSIS STATE NEWS ABA national meeting: UNIVERSITY new look for old group KEN LYNAM advertising manager NEW YORK (AP) - The American dozen past, present and future . I Bar Assn., the average age of its presidents took the position should not become engaged in JOHN BORGER, managing editor members now at 45, is finding itself BOB ROACH, news editor drawn inevitably into the issues of a political debate and action." But those 105 votes BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor fast • moving era. And it has begun to losing \,cr RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor make concessions. not only from among young "12J The evidence of gradual yielding to lawyers, but by the likes of ^1 T.P. Plimpton, a former change could be read in the record of ambassador the the annual meeting here of the 150,000 ro United Nations ■ Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award - member association. impeccable credentials in iho S for outstanding For the first time, a black lawyer is establishment. e le&" journalism. In approving guidelines for assured a place in the policy making House of Delegates. The opening was with courtroom disturbances cautioned trial judges to the"! created by affiliation with the mostly keep coo black National Bar Assn. reasonable, to be "examplars of EDITORIALS From now on, there will be a young and impartiality." aw® lawyer on the Board of Governors. A Implicit in the advice is that h, rules change reserved a post for an are not completely blameless fot? attorney 33 or younger. flashes of anger and disarray in 2 Majority bill Two ABA committees the legality of U.S. involvement in the Indochina war with a pledge that they will report back to the members and will study nation's courts. here Perhaps the most lasting Warren was the proposal by Chief W. Burger that the ABA developing juaJ and Right Sena legiS|atjl that the study will not be pigeonholed. "some kind of a on Even the defeat of a proposal to support withdrawal of U.S. combat implementation committee to present! the Congress such programs relating J At long last one part of the troops from Vietnam showed signs of federal courts as the association Wednesday night the people of « laws of the land have been made a changing concept of the ABA's study considers worthy." Michigan sat before their myriad What this boils down to, purposes. incomiJ television sets distractedly watching to conform with the realities of the 6 p.m. news. One item, two, society. Don't anybody breathe, or The vote in the assembly to shelve President said in Leon Jaworski of HoustJ the proposal was 173 to 105. TYue, an interview, is an ABM and then the announcer blandly maybe you'll scare it away. conservative members and a half "lobby" to help relay Burger's desij states: "The Michigan Senate today There is more. The oft - cursed to Congress when they mesh with tl of the Association. passed the Age of Majority bill by legislature with its supposedly a vote of 32 - 4. Included in the senile Senate and perpetually OUR READERS' MIND Since 1952, the ABA has had j hand in nominations to the fedetf package was the controversial haggling House has scored not one, bench by checking out prospects at fe . drinking at 18 provision." but two and maybe even three White House's request. The ABM Dead silence thousands of living rooms reigned in throughout the state, mouths half - coups in one legislative swoop. In addition to the mind age of majority, the legislature - blow of the Soul power-, anything possible influence in this area is mounting. Every judge named Nixon was rated at least ''qualified" M by Preside with the ABA screening committee. EvaJ open, forks and glasses poised in an equal lack of hoopla has To the Editor: energy from which individuals avoid This out of concern for humankind. To time the ABA disapproved of a possiil midair. Then: "They did it - they passed "no fault" divorce and Each human has his own manner of and attempt to rationalize injustice can quote Jimi Hendrix, "with the power of nominee, he was dropped. actually did it!" A half - decade hovers on the edge of finalizing articulating his thoughts and feelings. be transformed into an endurance of soul, anything is possible." Mickey The legislative committee could $ or more of campaign labor, of the equal wage law for women. Quite often it happens that the energy the pain of strangeness and confusion. the ABA comparable influence «j one has inside cannot be fit into words July 12, 1971 defeats and setbacks, of pleas and Capitol Hill. Jaworski said the Boui that adequately describe the individual's position papers has reached What does it all mean? Is it of Governors will sort out in Octoj personal experiences. This occurred in the first set of legislative propoi fruition. Unbelievably, almost possible that one can actually my recent interview with Rick Wilbins. inexplicably, the age of majority effect change if he works hard enough, long enough? Can it be need It was quoted of me that youth "energy centers" to protect from Share tennis courts There will be consultation with at the London meeting. The chief justice is staying as c! BuiJ package has passed with all the that the much - derided "System" destroying themselves. This does not to the ABA as his predecessor, i fanfare of a trip to the by the East Lansing Tennis Club. We express the nature of my concern. To the Editor: Warren, was distant. For the seci laundromat. actually can be made to respond We wish to express to you our are active tennis players who would I am concerned that we youth and year, Burger used the ABA meetinji Now, two days late, the bubble in the long run to the will and complete agreement with the editorial like the advantages of smooth surfaces, the parental generations of our society windscreens and taped nets and yet a platform for a "State of the feda still has not burst. It is like the needs of the people? Above all, is in the State News of July 9 concerning seek to join hands in efforts to find the exclusive use of the varsity courts refuse to pay $15 fee and dislike the judiciary" speech. awesome all - encompassing silence it possible that our state legislators ways for us all to rationally and In It, he sounded what turned J country club atmosphere which hangs to be the most familiar theme of after a thunderclap. Simply, it is are not complete dolts after all? creatively pursue happiness. What has like smog over the ELTC. As faculty Unless one is prone to believe in been occuring is that parents and sessions: the legal profession m just so good that it cannot and therefore members of the MSU possibly be real. Drinking and miracles, such a conclusion is established bureaucrats hide their person Misplaced Memo community, we feel we ought to be impose "more stringent discipline" ( in material comforts, and refuse to take permitted to use the only adequately unruly or dishonest lawyers. voting at 18. The right to make inescapable. Gentlemen, keep up the time to BE loving. Husbands don't To: Spartan Club members maintained courts on campus. The John V. Lindsay, the mayor of contracts and serve on juries. the good work. listen to their wives, white people avoid students, faculty, and staff should have York, took a different tack from tlf contacting the eyes of black people, Re: Getting to park on the tennis available to them courts of as high other major speakers and appeared I and children are oppressed from age courts for SI00. quality as those reserved for the ELTC. clash philosophically with Burger. I five living in virtual fear of — We urge that immediate provisions be While Burger has warned yoml House televisio venturing otherwise environment. into natural the human and surrounding Dear Boosters — made to allow community the use of the good courts the university lawyers they face disappointment | they set out to change Ihe woi or to greatly - improve the quality of And, as an extra added attraction, through litigation, Lindsay propoi At a tin. the political Facing a possible prison My emotional basis for for S500 the other courts. renewed "activism" in the courti J writing is you get to drive your atmosphere has oeen polluted by sentence, Stanton bravely stood that I wish to encourage people to face Edward Ingraham, "reform our economic and politu car down the football field at associate professor of mathematics repeated challenges to First firm on the constitutional up to their fears, to experience the institutions." half time. Charles Seebeck, Amendment guarantees, Tuesday's guarantee that "Congress shall subject of their prejudice in faith that Lindsay's suggestion for the "i make law a level of comfortable coexistence can -Ralph Young asst. professor of mathematics may not suit many an ABA lawyd vote by the House to send a no . . . abridging freedom of the press." If the be reached. The same thought and July 9, 1971 but the gap appears to be narrowing I contempt - of - Congress citation against CBS President Frank finished CBS program had been Stanton back to the Commerce deceptive, ample recourse was Committee - in effect, dropping available through judicial channels. POINT OF VIEW the charge - came as a breath of If not, Congress had no legal fresh air. right to interfere in the operation While Chairman Commerce bemoaned the move as "a sad day for Committee Harley O. Staggers the American people," of the medium. Such separation of power is fortunate in a nation where the constituencies of many politicians Implications of automobile dismal By CYCLISTS FOR A CLEANER AMERICA consequence of the air pollution devise space affect people who live in humanized form of transportation, bu the vote showed, quite to the are dependent on revenue from An alternative to the automobile is program there. Taking the lead out of proximity to such space, especially when it fast enough? contrary, that the House was military installations, making them imperative. The social costs involved in gasoline is is dubious value also. large amounts of machine space exist in A test prepared to uphold the people's hardly objective observers. allowing the automobile interests to Another ecological consequence of the the downtown areas of American cities. A test was conducted in the Spfl right to know against considerable The traditionally conservative expand in the same unrestricted manner growth of the automobile is the Over 2/3 of downtown Los called The Great Bicycle Race when Angeles and House accepted the obvious fact as they have done in the past will result expansion of asphalt and concrete across Detroit is devoted to streets and political pressure. in an excellerating expansion of human the American parking matched teams of bicylists and auto Stanton was cited for contempt that the broadcast media are landscape. Make no lots. East Lansing is not far behind with raced along predetermined routes dui deaths, ecological deterioration, and mistake about it, the asphalt-concrete nearly 60% of its downtown area in for entitled to the same protection as the 5 o'clock rush hour. The results:' refusing to hand over urban decay. Now approximately 60,000 industry considers its manifest destiny to machine space, and, if the average bikes are faster than cars the press, voting 226 to 181 for approved, the subpenaed raw material from the Americans die in automobile accidents make America a tidier place by paving it proposed peripheral route for East the first 2.7 miles in moderate traf documentary "The Selling of the recommital of the citation to annually. The correlation between the over. Recently a spokesmen for the Lansing will substantially increase the This means that you can get from Pentagon," which criticized committee, the equivalent of its growth in the number of registered asphalt institute was quoted in Autoking amount of machine space in our area. vehicles in America and the number of vs. Mankind as saying "we must Does the combination of Administration building to the edge Pentagon public relations spending. death. Politicians, they preferred . . . noise, smog, East Lansing faster by bike than by < deaths caused by automobiles has been fight against deversion of highway transport and land-use homogentity, The program struck a lot of this parliamentary tactic to a revenues for non-road building purposes And this is without special pathways high throughout this century, .81, and traffic congestion and accidents, etc. bikes. sensitive nerves among the direct rebuke of a committee since 1962 the correlation has risen to whenever and wherever it occurs." have serious undesirable social and military elite and brought pressure chairman by voting the citation .97. This indicates the death rate may And what about the salt pollution psychological effects that we don't even With an added sense of confidei to bear on pro - military down on the floor, but they are actually be expanding more rapidly than that accompanies highway construction. know about? the CCA did a feasability study fof the automobile growth rate. How is water to return to the water congressmen to demand "out - still to be commended. construction of a bike pathway sysl The 100,000 Americans who die each table if we pave over our cities? A group of seven MSU students who lakes" material filmed but not It appears, for this week at year on American" highways dwarf the Support system called themselves Cyclists for a Cleaner for all of East Lansing. Phase I of televised in order to be least, that it still is not a crime system is complete and some details — sure number of Americans killed in either the So the automobile kills people America (CCA) decided that they did printed in the summer edition of * there was to broadcast or print the truth in Vietnam Korean In East directly, and, indirectly, by destroying not need to wait for any additional no "deception" in the or wars. Issue. We wish to urge that America. Lansing during 1970, the economic costs the biological support system upon research of the adverse documentary. implication of consideration be given this propos of all auto accidents, measured in terms which man's existence ultimately rests. the automobile. They reasoned that an of wage loss, medical expense, and the But how about the less tangible, less alternative - not a replacement - was bikepath system and that means for establishment be given high priority overhead cost of insurance, amounts to easily measured effects. How does the right under our noses the — bicycle. The that the hazards of automobiles may Irresponsibility, slightly less than $1,800,000. The cost presence of large expanses of machine bike is a non-polluting, healthy, reduced. of property damage amounts to 18% of the total cost, and the estimated cost of fatalities and personal injury comprises "Fiscal irresponsibility" - (sigh) pass out a couple of thou in the remainder or 82%. Last year two the sad saga of student "awards" to their own members? fatalities and 552 personal injuries government. And the latest occurred in East Lansing. As if the student government chapter, of course, is the MSU Implications had not already had ample The ecological implications of the New Players' $6,000 deficit. opportunity to learn, let this be a expansion of the automobile are now Naturally, the comptroller's manifest object lesson. coming to be more fully appreciated; the office is very embarrassed. But picture is a dismal one. That urban air then, there really was not a lot Board members, do not commit pollution is largely caused by that automobiles is no longer being seriously they could do after the student tax money carte blanche Student Board in its usual to debated. One only had to look at the maybe i'll scamper around projects, questionable or graph showing selected indicators of air THE 0L' POND ON MY LITTLE immethodical fashion, voted to otherwise, unless you have made pollution plummet in New York over a FLEMING LE65 AND VISIT back the theater group with regular audits by the comptroller's matter of hours after the automobile HOlLOKAY? SEE YOU CHUCK! virtually no strings attached. office one of the stipulations for was temporarily banned from several Translation: New Players just keeps such financial backing. streets on Earth Day. Air pollution on writing them old devises have failed. Worse yet, in Los vouchers, but After all, it is the first thing ASMSU does not get to look at Angeles they have succeeded in they teach you in remedial producing a new, even more dangerous their books. And so what if they business. type of photo-chemical smog as a Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. July 16. 1971 5 Colburn seeks new tone in government successor to President John voter registration efforts. the By rick wilbins Hannah. Colburn is also "noticeably lacking." He said not military but public "I do not think having only he feels the city has a servants. I think need to State New* Staff Writer coauthor of "In Their Place: A we 15,000 out of 47,000 people responsibility to these people have some new ideas in this ocally significant issues Century of White Racism, registered is participatory to provide not only park area." jp £ "environmental quality, income housing, drug 1850 - 1950." Colburn, along with another democracy," he said. Only 3,200 of those registered to only *7 do not think having 15,000 out of space, but other recreational Colburn said that he felt the outlets as well as more day entire issue of drugs was not a 1 and citizen registration candidate, George L. Griffiths, vote in the last election voted, 47,000 people registered centers. criminal matter and should not future care ion the participation in local is endorsed by Project: City he pointed out. | is participatory democracy "The city also has a be treated as such by the city d in 's health, there should not H |erncd with local Issues and 16 of the i r election dates, to Colburn said he has been an lower voter turnout." "The city council should penalty attached to its enfranchisement of all East MSU's Dept. of American register voters, to distribute early supporter for improved encourage developers who want use." he said, iing residents. A resident Thought and Language from absentee ballot applications environmental programming. George A. Colburn to provide modest housing," «What the community must East Lansing for eight 1966 to 1970. and to take a stand on issues," "I've always thought the he said. "They should invite have is a ,ensitivlty to this 5, Colburn, 33, Is currently A former journalist, Colburn he said. As a result of his city could do more in this them to planning sessions to prob|em that is certainly not egislative analyst in the reported city, township and work in the project, much area. For example, one of the offer plans, to become chigan House of governmental affairs for seven antagonism from the city first things Project: City Hall preSent in the city council is that ju He is peripheral' route north of the out against both of these involved. Colburn said. "More resentatives, years — five with the East council has been directed did was to publicize the fact Grand River Avenue business additions. Colburn said that eless for of the oral candidate in history Lansing Towne Courier. He toward the organization and that in order to promote more district. We also pointed out one mon^y should be de;oted to iarray in dSU and received his M.A. was nominated for the Pulitzer his candidacy, Colburn said. efficient automobile travel, the that there was MSU in 1964. Colburn Prize in 1969 for a series of He said the city council city spent thousands of dollars campus route planned through agency located at City Hall, inability of police ! develop^ also an instructor in articles on MSU's search for a should be more receptive to on preparation to build MSU. Project: City Hall came staffed Chief Justj by volunteers but department to "innovate in I tone, a new style, a ABA on funded by the city. He also police - community relations." new philosophy" is needed in said that the city should move "I don't believe that guns city government, Colburn said, 'egislatj is to present ONATIONS ACCEPTED more quickly on eliminating the emission of pollutants into and nightsticks and the whole military nature of the He said that community has the potential for change but relating the Red Cedar River, setting aciation aft policeman's uniform are the present city council is up area centers for recycling, necessary in a community like unwilling to initiate that Cadavers sought and solving the sewage for '°i incomi East Lansing. The police are change, of Houst problem. "I think it's appalling that FIE the city council had to come and paramedical people who appreciated and each plays an By ate JIM SHELDON News Staff Writer dedicate themselves to important role in the medical research way, the are made this brochure says, and wallet department card, supplied by the to indicate he is ^te'r 'fSurcL^CommtefoH Kesources Commission has had maintaining the health of the education of future medical the study of anatomy serves • j 'The Children's far ' the fed® MSU irtment is seeking human anatomy community," the department personnel." as a foundation for first - a member of the program and has provided directions uPon upon ^stem^fo? wrete Live theater for. Lansing says }n its brochure on the Some 450 bodies have been fuic this city,".. he h. cal/1 said. ' UiUtmn >spects at year medical students and for his death. Directed by Kate Vcihl and Darylano Ryan for use by students in topic. Colburn said that services Hie willed two years doctors taking advanced When ABA training and a donor dies, the Par forma i wes on the mall by 'be my "Public awareness of the under Willed and facilities for residents in ounting. i. "Use of the entire Body courses in residency or physician or family notifies fountain: new anatomical gift act has the 18 - 24 age bracket are by Presida Program which began in 1965, specialty programs. the University, which arranges today at 7 p.m. :t body has considerably brought an increasing number Rexford E. 'qualified" Carrow, associate Law provides that an and pays for transportation of Saturday at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. nittee. Eva ader application in the Qf bequests to our school. professor of anatomy, said, individual "sound of mind" of a >f future physicians Each of these gifts is Persons come to Giltner Hall and at least 18 years old may the body. Bodies should not undergo autopsy, and will be ONE every day for application give all or part of his body, embalmed by the anatomy yisrtns #1*1 us « could lorms, ne saia. in addition to donations by dept. After dissection and HOUR anthers linked influence Carrow said cadavers are specified next - of - kin. study by medical classes, id the Boh obtained in three ways: from Legally binding forms for remains are cremated and i it in Ive propoal with Bii^ state institutions patients die with no known relatives, from people who when willing or donating may be obtained from the department office in Giltner. buried with graveside service in a University plot near Okemos. (Upon request), ashes SERVICE tHl taiw»ny !H30 W. Hwy. police killings will their bodies before they To join the program willed will be returned for burial ying as o die and donate the from relatives who body program, persons must: •Obtain the legal forms by a fami'y plot. Funeral services decessor, body after the may also be held even before the dies. riting or visiting the the body is brought to the LOUIS • seen person ASHINGTON (AP) - FBI Detroit, and Todedo, Ohio. State law school A meetinj A regulates the department, ;tor J. Edgar Hoover said 50< OFF >f the feds spokesman said the receipt of bodies by medical #Sign, along ith two Harrow said many students ■sday that acts of violence refusal to the victims >d to the Black Panther based name the FBI's desire schools Carrow said no marks witnesses, three forms, one to und0faC(i''ty CLEANERS it turned the deaths was on to protect their survivors from are •• willed ever placed on donated or • " be retained by the department and ^ donated their bodies smce the Pr°gram b^an- 623 E. GRAND RIVER theme of bodies, and the others for the ONE PIZZA PER COUPON ifession n three policemen in the additional grief, payment for cadavers is made. donor's keeping. discipline" year. A check of the cities listed Continued advances in •Receive and carry a donor s. iover, in his report for by the FBI showed there Get 50c off the price fiscal year ending June were violent police deaths on of a LARGE PIZZA layor of Ni ick from f said "the true nature BPP, despite its efforts to of the agency, dates indicated by the ^SW^YOUR FEET ARE UNIQUE. with this coupon appeared ouflage its activities, is Burger, nplified by its assaults on arned yot ce. pointment Between July 1, 1970, b the wo June 15, 1971, acts of Coupon Expires July 26th, 1971 lay propo* ence traced to the le courts thers resulted in the and pollt three law ireement officers and the for the 1 nding of 21 others," ABA lawyi narrowinj, ver said. he FBI refused to divulge DOMINO'S mes of n, but said the the slain killing MENU urred in Omaha. Neb., Our Superb Cheese Pizza 1? Inch Regular Pizza 16-inch Super Pizza Additional Items a Horn Mi,^ . 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Nl?H7 radio ,STWS/ Thursday• of each month. Welles'original broad- I 351-7100 Demonstration Hall or | cast of 1938, a dramatization of I I THE WAR OF THE worlds. August 12: The Close I I will be played. Hear the actual Approach of Mars play which i i Marti j Phone 355-1916 today. thousands of radio listc Fast, Free Delivery Friday. July i,. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Foundation studies DURHAM, N.C. (AP) research team is - A trying to find Consequently, little of the big chunks of money useil to foundation scene. The was sent objects, as big as to the table legs off the floor." Eventually, the investigators poltergeist flight, ESP warehouse where novelty items were stored. The breakings it crashed objects to the dashed floor. Other to pieces far his ESP powers machine called his brain waves. EEu Whi, 1 I scientific evidence of finance scientific research finds tables, continued to move were forced to leave, "almost were always found to occur in from where they had been something a carpenter from its way to the foundation. The about, he said. There was no at the point of a gun," Morris the presence of an anxiety - positioned, he said. The Psychical Research In a 10 Bethlehem said nearly 2,000 bulk of the foundation's apparent motive for fraud. The said. The leader of a plagued young Cuban who No one was in the Foundation also is studying a - minute test , ■ years ago — that there is life financing comes from bequests. family living in the house was community church had worked in the warehouse. warehouse area who could Trinidad native who apparently ESP on this repo I after death. Some of the work of the impoverished and scared. No convinced the family that the Roll checked the warehouse have hurled the objects to the has powers far beyond those Harribence made no statements about i^^P Their research has led the foundation has been the wires, trick doors or other devil was at work and that the for fraud and found no wires floor, Roll said. The breakings of most people who claim to of Information several vjj scientists into the investigation investigation of poltergeists, signs of fraud were found. remain a mystery. have the sixth sense of ESP. which investigators were only or other devices that could no of superstitions and reports of the unexplained movement of Roll himself investigated. In Jacksonville, Fla., for apparent way 0f | last spring subdued and what good citizens should do he Phone: 332-6878 across from the Capitol was pleased to present the lained a man who allegedly in such an incident. Officer award in view of much ■empted to rape an Owen Merle Lemon, reading the apathy in society today. 1 coed as she slept in her letter, said police are m. incapable of performing |Vayneat Knaak, r head resident Owen, accepted the without the cooperation of FOR RENT citizens, though this Jtificate ■ icers' at the monthly cooperation has the past few years. decreased in meeting at the pi pus police headquarters. Capt. Adam J. Zutaut, Jaak recalled how the Bpeared sick and man very Jhtened at the time. incident occurred May ■when Knaak, in his office, Reived reports' of a gaming coed. He rushed to room, Itered and found identified •ilant partially disrobed. himself, the ROSES Bose 901 DIRECT/REFLECTING™ % We have several furnished, large pak the man grabbed tried him to flee, and sat $399 J Dozen one year family homes available for lease. For more information - Call Martha Mertz Speaker System—$476 the Stereo Pair, including Active Equalizer Slightly I him, calling police who - 349-3310. Eves. 339-9466 higher west and south |ved and arrested the man. Carnations Walnut facing and said the assailant is pedestal base extra gently I be tried in free on bond and circuit court SIMON REAL ESTATE MSU-OKEMOS jubans teach BRANCH OFFICE jshing forms 4217 Okemos Rd., Okemos ■ SANTIAGO, Chile T8" Prime Minister Fidel Istro has sent 27 (AP) - Phone 349-3310 "You'll be reluctant to Iperts to Chile to teach fishing pdern methods to that ■untry's fishermen, Chile's turn it off and go to bed." Ternment said. That's what High Fidelity says about the BOSE 901 DIRECT/REFLECTING™ Speaker System SATURDAY REVIEW SAYS: STEREO REVIEW SAYS: "After a time trial measured in months "... I must say that I have never heard rather than weeks, this one can defi¬ a speaker system in my own home which nitely proclaim BOSE is best, big or could surpass, or even equal, the BOSE small, high or low." 901 for overall 'realism' of sound." And 6 other music and equipment critics have said the same in an unprecedented series of rave reviews. You can audition the BOSE in your own don't believe it is the best speaker home with full return privileges if you you've ever heard. So visit us and hear the BOSE... you'll be astounded. largest HIFI BUYS I selection Michigan Hobie's 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 Also in Ann Arbor Friday, July i6)I 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ACTING NO FLUKE Film s/afed| for "Klute" Miss Fonda brilliant in demonstrates, gradual emergence of a demonstrates how really fine a 'Klute' make Bree his third victim, at churcfi viewing among other things, that Jane frightened woman from her mystery film can be when it is Thanks to Alan J. Pakula's Fonda's devastating unsmiling, unhoping shell is a free of cheap tricks and fancy fine direction, Miss Fonda, and performance in "They Shoot poignant one. complications. It is a a surprisingly subdued Horses, Don't They?" was no One feels deeply for her straightforward film that is performance by a short ■ Billy Graham film, fluke. because she never asks for more satisfying than it is haired Donald Sutherland, Generation," at i'o sympathy. One hopes for her surprising, more intelligent "Klute" becomes much more SI MM Regardless of what she was Sunday as part of its ■ before or what she is off because she has so long denied than it is ingenious. It deals than a mystery. It is a worship service. The church!! screen, Miss Fonda has become herself the luxury. When Bree with the disappearance of a superior character study as an power actress of considerable and range, the only tells her analyst of the man, the private investigation well with an eye for setting comfort she finds in being that follows, two deaths that and a flair for authentic located at 4608 H.£| actress working in America numb, of the impulse she has result and a killer's plan to tension building that is rare, The film features today who is brave enough or By ROBERT KIPPER to destroy whatever happiness sdcai■ LinkleSF L J appearances by Art talented enough to create a State News Reviewer she finds, one is driven to her and character on her own terms not with pity but affection. Dragnet" star £1 _ | ■ without prettying it up or softening it down for audience bending. One encounters Bree first as When she is trapped by a killer and, utterly defenseless, (^O/l 1*6^/1 C6 SQ\ Linkletter, whose acceptance. an unloving, unloved creature: begins crying, one is dauoht, Her Diane died as the performance as Bree a businesswoman confident of immobilized with concern. result Daniels, a hard - shelled New York call girl, is an unforgettable one. Like her her abilities as a call girl; an actress capable of registering excitement and pleasure on By film's end one can no longer separate Miss Fonda from Bree. They seem linked for s drug usage to what abuse, discusses in America, and is being pd 3 , Gloria in "Horses" it lingers in cue. In time, however, her soft by intuition or by an voluntarily by many teenaj More than 125 National Ski are eager to participate. to combat the the mind for dw In Mis Fonda s tight grasp, Bree edges are discovered teneath the fangs, her compassion is understanding that transcends mere acting talent. p,™' * ,. vo|untee(s * ^ are 5 *.u;« doctor 5om ^ Unlver5ity Health j n * i_i states his views on problem the „ becomes a brittle creature - found de^p in her cold stares g to attend a conference th,s Center demonstrated inflatable of the police officer and i, suspicious, world - weary, and her fiercly guarded Beyond Miss Fonda's weeken£l at KeU°gg Center to leg splints one year, he said, relationship to the laws 1 embittered but capable of vulnerability is exposed. The performance, •Klute' study safety factors involved in and all delegates experimented our society. * patrolling ski slopes. in trying them on. Bruce W. Alderman, Mountain "Lost Generation." continuing education First speaker will begin at 9 In Eastmancolor by consultant, said patrolmen, a.m. Similar conferences will Mountain will perform tonight in the Auditorium. Wide Pictures, takes a already skilled in first - aid also be held simultaneoulsy at Tickets are $3 and may be purchased at the Union, c look at the attitudes techniques certified by the the universities of Wisconsin Campbells and Marshall Music stores. Tickets will also morals , of the national patrol, will advance and Minnesota. be available at the door. their knowledge of first aid and medical treatment through the conference. Sponsored by the continuing Education Service College of Human Medicine, the day - long conference will include lectures and by four the First-rate acting, directing! speakers who will discuss ideas with the delegates and hold demonstrations speeches. Delegates with are their urged mark Our revival to participate. Performing Thornton on a required reading list seeing it at another t Wilder's "Our Town" in 1971 somewhere along the way?) few years ago, perhaps) .. Alderman said details of the his first time, he would requires a certain amount of This familiarity with the play speeches are not yet known. In the past four years the bravery, a great deal of talent t _ an£j a rather unwarranted faith threatens even its most determined revival, PANORAMA1 greatly impressed. "Our Town," as alt conference has been held, jn the enduring strengths of everyone must know, MM demonstrations of first - aid the play. small town life and a boy techniques have been given "Our Town" is easily one of repetition. The folksiness seems and - girl - next do pertaining to head, leg and the most well known American heavier, the pace seems slower romance that leads to marrii chest injuries. and the wife's early death A MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES The patrolmen are plays. (Who among us made it through junior high or high and the observations get preachier with each viewing, childbirth. The action til dedicated, he said, and they school without having the paly What seemed once an place on Main Street, ingenious, meaningful play By ROBERT KIPPER stage is filled with small onight and Saturday of and for State News Reviewer y types. The focus is on ti families, Dr. Gibbs' and ediK observations seeing a well - liked play from Webb's. They are neighba Lillian Gish in another day. our past and a curiosity, too and ultimately in - laws, j Still, there are reasons for *- curiosity in challenging a The acting is first rate i D.W. seeing "Our Town" again, memory, in testing a play to almost every instance, Griffith's especially if one hasn't if see it can impress us or Vary's Mrs. Gibbs distinguish Classic melodrama thought of the play lately. But affect us as it did before, the play with her salt ■ of the reasons have to do with What we actually test are our the - earth dignity and opt curiosity and nostalgia, not the perceptions, not the play's. We hearth warmth, Erika Foi WAY DOWN EAST motivations I suspect people don't want to know if time Emily, Martin Prujansky' who perform plays really want has changed the play — it Gibbs, Barbara Rutledge's .Ma 7 and 9 75c 106B Wells in their audience. probably hasn't if the play is Webb, Robert J. Bondl There is always nostalgia in good enough — but if time has George, Connie Chaffee's Ma changed us. We usually find it Soames and James Edwii has. Maxwell's stage manager PROGRAM The Summer Circle other stand out performana INFORMATION production of "Our Town" is "Our Town" introduci 882-2429 a good one. It can't do much Fred Piegonski, a Universilj BOXOFFICE to make the play come alive of Michigan graduate stude< OPENS 7:30 or seem exciting but it does to MSU. His direction of have the talent to do a play is faithful. His handl memory justice. If one were of actors is superb. PROGRAM INfORMATION 33? 5817 OPEN AT 7:00 P.M. Feature 7:30-9:35 Boxoffice Opens 12:45 — Continuous from 1:10 JOE NAMATH SAT & SUN OPEN AT 12:45 FEATURE AT 1:15 - 3 20" P.M. Feature 1:20-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 ANN-MARGRET Loving,brawling and "A CINEMA GEM" THE SUMMER OF '42. THE HIT OF 71. bustln'ltuptn STflllDSBliOnE... YOUTH HAS ITS SAY| UIMflllG ANNA CALDER-MARSHALL ' TO BE as Calhy 'SUMMER OF '42' is a film that Color by Movttlob Al everyone who was ever a teenager TMill! will want to see!" m- Jim BROIUIl LEE Ml CkEEf - NEW HAVEN REGISTER, Yale University ''SUMMER OF '42' is one of Doors Open at 12:45 p.m. Mulligan's major achievements!" - MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, 2nd Week . . . Feature At Chicago'University 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:10-9:15 p.m. "'SUMMER OF '42' is the most beautiful and honest film about adolescence I can remember seeing!" jone fondo • donold/utherlond in analanj pakula production - THE CHRONICLE, Hofstra University N.Y. "SUMMER OF '42' is an klute incredibly beautiful movie. It is last summer, and next summer, too!" - QUADRANGLE, Manhattan College "SUMMER OF '42'is going to wind up on many critics' 10 best lists!" 34th STREET MAGAZINE, University of Pennsylvania III everyone's life there's'd - "SUMMER OF 42" is a film to cherish, depicts growing up SUMMER OF'42 FROM THE NATIONAL BEST SELLER beautifully!" -STATE NEWS, A Robert Mulligan/Richard A. Roth Production Michigan State University Next Attraction Jack Nicholson Ann-Margret HERMAN RAUCHER RICHARD A. ROTH Candice Bergen Arthur Garfunkel in Mike Nichols' "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE" l™' IAN 06ILWJU0V CORN® - ^ _J»recledB, ROBERT FUEST ■ COLOR by MOVIEUB - I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I Friday, July 16, 1971 9 IICK GOSSELIN Fans, players give meaning U.S. swimmers shocked' to All Star game in Detroit BLOOMINGTON, IND. (UPI) - None of Counsilman, who piloted the Gatorade Swim Spitz, who won his free - style and butterfly the Americans had peaked for last weekend's Club of Bloomington in the aquatic extravangaza, events, had not peaked for the meet, Counsilman International Swimming and Diving meet at Santa said it was obvious the rest of the world's said. Ln All Star game. It's not every day that not many are hit up there. Seeing Hank Clara, Calif., but some of the Russians and swimming powers - the United States and East "Spitz swam well and Kinsella in i see one. As a matter of fact, it's not Aaron hit the was good long ball. Aaron, who has an Australians were so good they were "shocking," Germany, among them — had their work cut out condition, but the Australians and Russians had i day you even dream of seeing one. But excellent shot at overtaking Babe Ruth's Indiana Coach Jim "Doc" Counsilman said aiming for the 1971 Olympics jn Munich. peaked for this meet and for us it was an early as there: back home, in the flesh, in record of 714 round trippers, may be the Thursday. "Pankin and Mrs. Stepanova are the class of - season meet," he said. Iroit's Tiger Stadium. greatest long ball hitter of all time. Seeing "The American swimmers and coaches were the world in their events — we simply don't "They (the foreigners) had rested up for the lure, the players say the game doesn't Reggie Jackson bounce his homer off of a tremendously impressed with the Aussies and have anybody to match them," he said of the meet and wanted to do exceptionally well and Ln anything..The club officials around the light tower in right - the hardest, best hit Russians — especially Graham Windeatt, Shane Russians' sweep of the four breaststroke events. Erye say the game doesn't mean anything, ball I've ever seen in they did, but it's not a true picture of how my life. Watching Frank Gould and Karen Moras and Nicolay Pankin and Some American entries, among them Indiana's their swimmers compare with ours. Nevertheless, iryone says the game doesn't mean Robinson and Harmon Killebrew unload their Galina Stephanova," the coach of the NCAA John Kinsella, the Sullivan Award winner, and it was a shocking experience to see them do so Khing. But it does. To the people who drives into the stands. champion Hoosiers said. Gary Hall, took their lumps, and even Mark well," the former Olympic coach said. |ce the game what it is, to the people who Maybe it was the pitching out the big salaries, to the people who ... and all of , the big name hurlers involved in the game. Mtinually make baseball the No. 1 pastime Sure there was an All Star Game record of six BLUE SECOND ■this ™ nation — the fans — this game meant four baggers poked in the game — but there helluva lot. Especially the fans of Detroit, also were only 12 total hits in the contest. or the past six years the league's owners Vida Blue, the 20 - year - old southpaw j scheduled the All Star classic for the from Oakland, threw seven TONIGHT AT: 7:30 -9:35 lowy" parks around the league. They made lircus out of the game by putting the litest in posh, ampitheater - like strikes — and was out of the first pitches Marichal with his high kick that left batters wondering where the ball was coming from. — seven inning. Juan Trevino winsHickok SATURDAY AT: 1:30-3:35-5:30-7:30-9:25 SUNDAY AT: 3:35-5:30-7:30-9:25 Kkgrounds of Cincinnati's Riverfront The Baltimore hurlers, Jim Palmer and Mike HOUSTON (UPI) - Lee won he Canadian and British Rick Wise of the World War Two ljium, Houston's Astrodomo, and St. Louis' Cuellar, neither of them overly fast, but both Trevino, who won the U.S. open titles in July, received Philadelphia Phillies, who was just ending. th Stadium. This year, the owners took superbly efficient. Cuellar coming across with Open golf tournament, 61 of 114 first place votes pitched hitter and J game out of the showcases and put it a no - World War Murphy his slow stuff leaving National Leaguers like outscored Vida Blue of the and 257 points, while Blue, auto racer A1 Unser rounded Ik in a ball park where it belongs. The Bench swinging at a Oakland Athletics to win the who has a 17-3 record, out the is about to begin. pitch that wasn't even at top five. fcple of Detroit gave the major league the plate. And to top it all off, Mickey June monthly balloting for received 40 first place votes Previous 1971 monthly ■action a major league atmosphere. Lolich. The Tiger lefthander had the Nationals the Hickok award. and 224 points. winners Rod Short RF fence Laver, Jack swinging up, up at his pitches, with visions of Trevino, who has already Nicklaus, Joe Frazier, Lew flaybe it was the way all those left handed grandeur and the ball bouncing against the Willie Stargell of the Alcindor, and Unser are also ; kept glancing at that short right field upper deck facing. But all they could do was Pittsburgh Pirates, who leads in the race for the diamond - that intrigued me. Seeing all those tonal League sluggers gape at the target it dribble the ball back to Lolich, who assisted Men's IM the majors in home runs and studded, gold - buckled belt on three of the six outs his runs batted in, was a distant awarded to the athlete of the vided — seeing Willie Stargell and Willie pitching accounted for. The Omega Psi Phi third with 80 points. year. jovey almost kill themselves in trying to fraternity will sponsor a I one out. Robinson's golden glove "Splash Party" in the outdoor Maybe it was Willie Mays tossing his warm - Maybe it was Brooks Robinson swooping to pool from 8 to 11 p.m. Plaza suite. ■ ball into the bleachers between halves of his left like so many times in the past and Saturday. The event is open 1 first inning that caught my eye. Seeing robbing Johnny Bench of a single — as If it to students, Through its portals faculty and staff. great player like Mays relate to the was taken directly from the highlights of last pass the world's most it's really something to behold. year's World Series. "THERE S NO PLACE AROUNP mixed-up mortals. , . Ilaybe it was the standing ovation the Maybe it was the standing ovation the HERE WHERE MW CAN SET lisan Detroit fans gave Norman Cash as he people in the right field bleachers and bullpen a Pizza after midnight i {ted out to the third base line during the area gave A1 Kaline as he jogged out to his familiar post in the top half of the sixth. game introductions. An ovation that ked right on through the introduction of Watching A1 drop his head and touch his hat loks Robinson, who is in his own right in recognition of the hero's welcome he had Iding ovation material, received — like so many times in the past. Then watching A1 stroke a single on the first paybe it was the home runs. The many, jiy home runs that made the game as pitch delivered him in the bottom of the sixth Sting as it was. Seeing Johnny Bench and while leading off for the American League. §erto Clemente rocket balls out to the Real class. r deck centerfleld bleachers — right after Maybe it was all of these things. After all, |old a reporter from New Hampshire tha<. you don't see an All Star game every day. Now Showing! B3T UN5INC ON M 43 » PHONE CD 2 1042 ; (3) Adult Hits BP IT-US yj No one under 18 years Admitted tttl fc. "d'J u :lj INORDINARY EXCITING SHOW U:J Paramount Pictures presents A HOWARD W KOCH Production uIALTER AI|ATTHAU The NEIL SIMON Play Co starrinq ' JLA2A5UIIE J JV|A(JREEN JtARBARA lEE - exactly what you think she is Starkly |n C0 L0R ^ ill 5TAPLET0N \ARRIS (jRANT Mr*M IT ARTHUR HILLER tan*,* NEIL SIMON * HOWARD W. KOCH Realistic Films MitafWkHtMMCtJMi Color by TECHMICOLOR' A Paramount Pictura For Adults IOPI~==S-y Shown 1:20-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 Only ISABEL SARLI I Minx at 8:45 • Repeated Fri. & Sat, - Female 10:401 "FOOTLIGHT PARADE" (1933) ■ 3rd Feature James Cagney, Joan Blondell, HAVE YOU SEEN WHAI HAPPENED TO HER? Dick Powell & Ruby Keeler, WHERE 010 SHE 60? THIS GIRL? plus - - "GOLD DIGGERS IN PARIS" (1938) - Here are the SHOCKING FACTS discovered within the Rudy Vallee, Rosemary Lane, HOUSE OF Hugh Herbert & Melville Cooper. 1000 DOLLS SAT., JULY 17, 7:30 PM ONLY 108 WELLS HALL - TICKETS $1.00 "Chilling horrorl will make you Visit US ^ Iclose your eyes and CRINGE," FOR FAME, FORTUNE*.^ ^ - Ann Guarino, \ AN0 BROKEN BONES! ~~ N. Y. Daily News GEORGE HAMILTON * SUE LYON bvixis Wtwra yow nightmares end A- Wf wiUJ>RD „ivel r "Jp: begins. Knievel Program rated R 2nd Outstanding F«•turtl It's just short walk from the Frandor busstop at -.Angel—» jl • • • • a ^8A Michigan & Clippert to the Spartan Twin Theatres. You w HELL's n can leave the Abbott Road stop every 15 minutes and This i« the Q09 movie you 2nd OUTSTANDING SHOCKER should not see alone. Jl .r* WWELS for those who may / t 1 n wlStfW colon [gp] „ wmacm innimahomt.n.uw wl be at Frandor 5 minutes later. Best of all, you can leave Frandor for East Lansing every 20 minutes until 9:50 HELDOVER1 have missed it t VIOLENT in anger Edgar Allen Poe's SAVAGE in loveT THE SEVEN \ £ „ DEFIANT in play!! The Black Cat MINUTES fiSX I ahuss miyim i«0ix1ui0n^^20 \.» '* j Late Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July i state ntm state news classified Get Involved . . . Sell Something With A Fast, Low-Cost Classified Ad. classified 355-8256 3558255 Automotive Automotive Automotive pRankly speaking . by Phil Franle Employment not The State permit News does racial or AUSTIN HEALEY Roadster, 1961. FORD 1967 XL automatic. Power PONTIAC 1962 convertible. All PEOPLE WANTED for cheerleading religious discrimination MGB 1 965. Must s 611 steering and brakes. Good power, new transmission. and promotional work for the in its advertising 489-5927. X-7-16 offer. condition. 349-3215. 2-7-19 Call after 5 pm Excellent running $175. 485-4803. 3-7-19 condition. Lansing professional All Stars, Lansing's football team. Contact 351-4241. 2-7-16 columns. News will The State not accept * JW/ AUTOMOTIVE AUSTIN HEALEY 1967 3000. FORD GALAXIE XL 1965 PONTIAC CATALINA 1964. 2-door advertising which Scooters & Cycles Green fiber glass top. $1500, best hardtop. Automatic, power hardtop. Power steering and RECEPTIONIST FOR dental office, discriminates against Auto Parts & offer. 351-4477.4-7-16 steering. 332-8102, 355-4657. power brakes. $225. 372-6776. 205 Ann Street, East Lansing. religion, race, color or Aviation Service 3-7-21 3-7-16 1-7-16 BMW 1968. 2002 2 door, radials, national origin. * good condition, must sell, FORD STATION wagon. 1963. PONTIAC 1964 2 door EMPLOYMENT $110. 677-0575. hardtop, * FOR RENT $1350. Call 485-2766. 1-7-16 Automatic. automatic. Body good, motor 3-7-16 needs minor repair. 699-2937. Apartments CADILLAC HEARSE 1957. FORD FAIRLANE 1964 2 door 6-7-16 EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car Houses Excellent condition. $500. Call automatic 6 cylinder. Runs good. necessary. Call 351-7319 for For Rent Rooms after 6 pm 393-0413; 5-7-19 Needs minor repairs. Best offer. RAMBLER 1959 2 door sedan. interview.C 332-4219. 3-7-19 Fair condition, $75 or best * FOR SALE LANSING OR East Lansing. One CHEVELLE 1964 V8 automatic. offer. 372-7353. 3-7-21 Animals 28,000 miles. $750. 337-1215. FORD MUSTANG 1966. Runs For Rent bedroom furnished. Large, airy rooms. Air conditioned. Mobile Homes 2-7-19 good and looks good. $500. Call RAMBLER 1963. Station wagon. 339-8349. 3-7-21 Beautifully maintained. Suitable * PERSONAL Mechanically good shape. Call TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction for faculty, grad students, business CHEVROLET 1966 4 door hardtop. 355-3069 after 5 pm. 4-7-23 guaranteed. Free delivery, people, married couples. Lease. * PEANUTS PERSONAl Radio, automatic, V-8, power JAVELIN 1968 290 Four speed, new service and pick - up. No deposit. exhaust, clutch. Must sell, moving 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 . REAL ESTATE steering, brakes. $600. Leading STUDEBAKER 1963 Runs good, Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C country must sell. 349-1696. east. 351-6144. 3-7-19 V-8 automatic. $50.00 355-2941. « RECREATION 3-7-16 TV RENTALS COLLI NGWOOD APARTMENTS. 2-7-16 - Students only. Low * SERVICE JAVELIN SST 1970. Mark Donoque Need girl to sublease until monthly and term rates. Call CHEVROLET 1968. $980. Biscayne, 360. Automatic, power steering, 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV September 5th. Own room, $125. Typing Service automatic transmission. Low power disc brakes, mag style 332-6258. 2-7-16 mileage. Call 484-6151 after 5:30 wheels. 21,000 miles. Call RENTALS. C •TRANSPORTATION NEED ROOMMATE * WANTED pm. 2-7-16 484-9559. 5-7-23 1968 TRIUMPH ITS A LIST Of STUDENT DEMANDS! MTV Will ONLY $8.50 /month. Free deliveries. bedroom furnished, to share 2 air GT6. Dark green, STOP WEARING 0/HITE SOCKS AND 80WTIES..- SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV conditioned apartment for DEADLINE CHEVY IMPALA 1965 V-8, power KARMANN GHIA 1970. AM/FM wire wheels. $1850. Call RENTAL, 372-4948. C radio. Good condition. Must sell. 482-2292. 3-7-19 summer. 332-2110. 3-7-16 1 P.M. one class day befc power brakes, stereo radio, new brakes. $425. Dr. $1895. After 5 pm, 487-3065. Herlem, 353-7744. 393-7620 after 3-7-16 TRIUMPH ROOMMATE FOR fall, Cedarview. publication. 5 pm. 3-7-19 wheels, SPITFIRE 1967. Tonneau cover. Good Wire Apartments Share with 2 girls. 355-9531 Cancellations/Correction between 8 - 5 pm, Cindy. 3-7-19 CORVAIR MGB 1966. AM/FM, wire wheels. running condition. 337-1571. - 12 noon one class d» MONZA, 1965. Top Good condition. 332-5527 after 5 condition, red, 4 speed. $400. 5-7-16 Automotive Aviation 1 OR 2 girls from now to September NEED ONE girl for large 2 man 'til before publication. 355-7988 after 6 pm. 1-7-16 pm. 2-7-16 15. $35/month. 332-0143 before end of summer. $30. 337-1520. LEARN TO FLYI 1 pm. 3-7-19 3-7-19 PHONE MUSTANG 1970 Boss 302 4 VOLVO 145 station wagon 1969. Complete flight CORVETTE 1969. Panel top, speed. Excellent condition. Sharpest in town. Must sell training. All courses are 355-8255 4-speed. 427. 351-7871 after 7 $2400. 676-1346 after 5 pm. government and VA certified. Norwood Apartments immediately. Phone 484-7076 pm. 3-7-16 2-7-16 VAN 1965 Chevrolet camper with FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport between 12-2. 3-7-21 1966 engine. $550 or best offer. Now Road, Call 484-1324. C renting large one and DATSUN, 1966 Sports Roadster. Phone 339-2209. 2-7-16 No. two bedroom for fall. Close WORDS 2 3 OLDSMOBILE I OR 2 bedroom furnished mobile 4 Fog lights, Tonneau. Dependable, F85 convertible Scooter, & 5 $325. 337-0575. 2-7-16 1966. Body, excellent condition. VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1967, Cycle,Auto Sereice & parU to campus. after 3 p.m. Call 332-2712 homes. $25-$35/ week. 10 10 1.50 3.00 4..00 5.35 6.50 IK Needs some motor repair but Pop-top. Immaculate. Extras. minutes to campus. 641-6601. 1.65 3.30 4 .40 5.85 7.15 will run. $200. Also 1966 Only 38,000. 339-2866. 1-7-16 SUZUKI 500. Excellent condition. 10-8-2 14, Suzuki. Excellent condition. $550. Phone 332-2014 after 5:30 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East WANTED GIRL to share 2 12) 1.80 3.60 4..80 6.40 7.80 15 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. 131.95 3.90 5.,20 6.95 $150. IV 5-3500 or see at 1806 VOLKSWAGEN 1964 1500~series! pm. 3-7-19 . .. bedroom apartment, $75. Call 14 2.10 4.20 5..60 7.45 8.45 16 FIAT 1970 850 Spider convertible. Dual carburation, rebuilt engine. Complete auto painting and 485-7610. 3-7-23 9.10 18. Linval, Lansing. 1-7-16 Call 349-0869. 2-7-16 Whitewalls, radio, luggage rack. 1968 HONDA 305 Scrambler. 6,800 collision service. IV 5:0256. C 152.25 4.50 6..00 8.00 9.75 19, 393-3245. 3-7-16 miles. Excellent condition. $450. 102.40 4.80 6..40 8.55 10.4020, ONE ROOMMATE needed, large OLDS 1966 Jet Star 88. 4 door, 8 VOLVO P1800 1968. Overdrive, 351-0596. 3-7-19 VW - GUARANTEED repair. 712.55 5.10 6. 80 9.10 11.0522 RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 apartment. Ideal location for FIREBIRD 1968 Convertible. cylinder, stick, radio, new brakes. AM/FM radio, radial tires. at 1812.70 5.40 7.,20 9-60 11.702 Excellent condition. 482-6685. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C MSU, beginning September. Call Automatic, low mileage. Extras. 59,000 miles. $500. 349-1578. AT MEL'S 192.85 5.70 7. we repair all foreign and Dee, 332-8589. 1-7-16 Top condition. 337-0391. 5-7-23 3-7-19 3-7-16 American LIBERAL PERSON share. air 20 3.00 6.00 8. If cars. can't be fixed. wecari;tfix it, it Call 3^-3255. O TENNA STEREO eight ttpe~d«:k conditioned apartment. Own plus tapes. $50 351-8508 BEDROOM furnished, utilities . room. After 5:30 pm, 337-1039. between 5-7 pm. 2-7-16 5-7-19 YAMAHA 350 1971, 1 month old. All student ads must be Cedar Reason for selling, bought 650. Gre SINGLE AND double rooms for 332-5845 after 6 p.m. 5-7-16 Employment prepaid women. Close to Union. BASEMENT FOR 2 girls. Cooking, 332-1895. 3-7-19 The State News \ 1969 HONDA 350 Scrambler. $525 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY to house privileges. 165 Gunson, responsible only for the firm. 550 Virginia Street. deputy chairman, Michigan 351-4307. X2-7-19 ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments. 351-5683.2-7-16 Democratic Party. $120 to start. first day's incorrect 10 minutes from MSU. Ideal for Dictaphone and shorthand. In WOODSIDE APARTMENTS 1 married couples or grad insertion. a po 1971 HONDA 350CL stock and charge of speaker's bureau. Start bedroom furnished with students. Minutes from shopping, custom parts. $700. Phone immediately. Call Bob Mitchell, balconies, security locks, drugstore, doctor. On busline to 676-1624. 2-7-16 484-4511. 3-7-21 laundry. Ideal for married downtown. Elementary school couples or grad students. ED less than 1 block. For 1969 YAMAHA 125cc. Excellent EMPLOYMENT 2-2920, 351-8890. O For Rent FOR students appointment call 393-0384. air-conditioning9 condition. Phone aft&noons, WALTER NELLER PROPERTY during summer. Flexible hours. 355-2953. 1-7-16 Possible part time work in fall. FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. MANAGEMENT B-2-7-19 GIRLS OVER 21. Furniihri Call Mr. Park, 351-3701. 2-7-19 Fall term only - call 337-203U HARLEY DAVIDSON sprint. after 5 pm. 1-7-16 bedroom, fireplace, 1 OR 2 girls for apartment. Need Deposit. 372-4662. 5-7-16 250cc. Must sell. $250, Kristi, Cozy 1 bedroom, nicely furnished August 8 - September 14. 351-8419. 2-7-19 2 ROOMMATES wanted at $38.75. 351-1156. 3-7-21 including utilities, $125. NEAR MSU. Set up for 3 # and Meadowbrook Trace. $66/month. 355-6191 after 1 pm. 5-7-26 everything S-90 HONDA. 1970. Helmet. 2,800 Furnished home with shag cm Call 393-7319. 10-8-6 APARTMENTS, ROOMS, house. Bar and dimmer light control I miles. $275. Call Bob, 332-8643. 3 PERSONS needed to demonstrate Furnished, summer. Near Gail Clusky, 349-4755 or SIM 1-7-16 ONE, TWO man apartment to Koscot Cosmetics. Call Mr. A. campus. Call 349-3919. 3-7-19 REAL ESTATE, Okemos sublease. Burcham Woods, $125 SUZUKI 1970 Savage. 250 trail Groves, 355-6138 9 am to 12 pm. 349-3310. 2-7-16 month. 351-2729. 3-7-21 bike. Well cared for. Helmet. 3-7-16 Houses $575. 696-3416. 2-7-19 FURNISHED ROOM KEYBOARD MAN for established 3 BEDROOM furnished house for 3 $50/monthly. 334 rock group. Must sing. Call male students. $125/month. 1007 across from campus. 351-7< 351-4248. 5-7-23 May Street, Lansing. 3-7-16 3-7-21 WANTED: FALL quarter roommate. IASS GUITARIST for established 1968 T-200 Suzuki. Excellent Must do Detroit thesis rock group. | Must sing. Call research, condition. 410 Grove. $350. Phone 337-1239. 1-7-16 351-4248 5-7-23 but need Lansing 355-4001, E-102 Owen. quarters. 6-7-16 CALL 337-7328 or 337-0780 Reserve Your Space AND GRAB A BARGAIN NOW FURNISHED APARTMENTS LEFT FOR SUMMER AT MARIGOLD APARTMENTS . . . JUST A FEW With Us Now 9 911 MARIGOLD July Thru Sept. 15th MARIGOLD & HARRISON ALL DEPOSITS GUARANTEED RETURNABLE Only $140 per Month. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 27. Produce 28. Therefore 1. Gr. letter 29. Staircase post 4. Tea plant 30. Mountain pass genus 31. Struggles 8. Belgian 33. Nimbus commune 34. Corrosive 11. Bearing 35. Destiny 12. Assistance 36. Heavy nail 13. Embrace 38. Petite 14. Average 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 16.Snapshot 18. Including 41. Charged particle 42. Foundling 19. Mates 44. Name meaning 20.Leg bone watchful 22. Vegetable 45. Inlet 25. Cosmic cycle 46. Dross 26. Nations 47. Remunerate (right next to Brody Complex] CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTSare now leasing student and married couples units. These I P spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private balconies. We also have a full - time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be among the first residents of CEDAR GPEENScall today. The one - bedroom units start at Colling: toood Apartments MODEL OPEN DAILY $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine and twelve month leases available. Fall leases now being accepted, '(formerly Northwlnd Apts.) $200/2 man 'unlimited parking "dishwashers $210/3 man *shag carpeting "balconies MANA GEMENT EXCL USJVEL Y BY: Alco Management Company $220/4 man »a|r conditioning "and much more Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ["ly 16, Friday, July 16, 1971 ]] news For Rent For Sale Students back lower legal ified FREE KITTENS, 6 week* old Litter treined. 255 489-7341, 208 age South Howerd. 3-7-21 AVAILABLE to sublet September 15th. 1 block wmpu». 351-2695. 2-7-19 Mobile Homes By JIM SHELDON Building. Some persons were kept themselves informed called to fight in Vietnam but if younger persons are allowed State News Staff Writer attending the current freshmen about the bill. Persons who could 1959 PRAIRIE SCHOONER were formerly deprived of to vote." obtain 10x45. One person out of 15 MSU orientation program. Close to campus. Taking effect next Jan. 1, enjoying drinking and voting "It's bad when a guy used liquor before can now do so Newly students interviewed The man opposing the law the bill will lower the age of pies. Call 6-8 pm, 351-1762. remodeled, new furnace. Phone Thursday privileges granted only to 21 - to come home from Vietnam legally, two persons said. 485-3666 afternoon said said he feared some 18 or 669-3509 10-7-28 he disagreed - year majority to 18 and will allow year - olds. Their comments and get arrested for minors in with olds would Isfl the "get killed in the - current bill which persons that age and older to included: 12x60 2 bedroom. Air business possession." The majority of 18 grants 18 olds all the world" by persons buy liquor and drink in bars, - year Rooms conditioned - year - "Persons who fight and kill olds - IVE carpeted. Washer/dryer. Garbag^ legal rights and obligations of who would take advantage of buy property on time, sue and in Vietnam should be able to Five persons said are reasonably intelligent ^ disposal. Furnished an adult. The other 14 their inexperience in handling be sued, serve on juries and they were and deserve full rights of Cycles E ROOMS, kitchen priveleget. or vote." glad the drinking age was citizenship, a man said, but affairs such as insurance and s & Service /week. 536 Abbott. Phone .7851 or 627-7103. 5-7-23 unfurnished. Shed. 694-8457. expressed positive feelings toward the law, although some mutual funds salesmen. A 19 - bet on horse races. All the students interviewed "If you can kill, you should be able to vote and register as lowered. Like drinking, several persons should not vote in students said, many activities indicated reservations. year - old friend, he added, were somewhat familiar with millage or other similar other citizens." which 18 ENT JTION: ROOMS for rent, LAKE VIEW lots. Available now. 8', These conclusions resulted already is planning to purchase the bill, though one did not - year - olds did elections if they do not pay 10', 12' wide. 10 minutes to "The war might end anyway will now become legal. lpletely furnlihed. Cooking. from remarks of the a house. know the bill passed, two were sooner taxes. .8077 after 5 p.m. C campus. 641-6601. 10-8-2 students, all between the The man said he had ages of 18 and not sure about it until MT. VERNON, 1966. Mobile 21, who were stopped and followed progress of the bill, Wednesday and one said she 5, KITCHEN facilities, across home campus, .2029. 2-7-19 $10. 532 Ann, 12x50. Fully skirted, shed, pool and clubhouse. Located in rated Windsor 5 Star Estates. 646-6395 briefly interviewed in an area between University Health Center and Student Services though he did not opinion on it to his senator or representative. Only two other express his thought issue up was dead. to Wednesday the Three men and two women, U.S., Cong discuss plan (Continued from page one) 3-7-19 students said they have four 18 and one 19 years old, Bruce made one general conference which ended the « . discussed the matter with a said the bill equalized fair conditions whatsoever," observation on the main point French Indochina war. Service legislator, and two said they whether the United States Lost & Found treatment for persons who are of the Viet Cong peace plan Viet Cong spokesman must agree to this "series of the Duong Dinh Thao said that — PAINTING one calling for 'ERSONAl AN HALL, singles, men, ten Now leesing for summer, LOST BLOND male cocker spaniel, EXTERIOR. Grad students, experience, references. nill arbitrary demands without any simultaneous, withdrawal of "the question of the form of VTE niPPOO discussion or negotiation on U.S. troops and release 351-11/6,484-4422. 0 newly clipped, brown collar! of a conference does not arise. DN Family pet for 12 years. Please call 332-0768 or !»9e48i7ecimates Eveni"9* Dill |)aooCo them." •Whether the United States prisoners. He The Nixon question is that the return to 318 said, "You have administration must k/ice For Sale Orchard. 2-7-19 F~ROM~WHERE^u"Xc~hec77he beuer information be A code ex of LONDON (AP) - "The editor of the New York American disclosed newspapers that the secret Pentagon Referring to the New York mes, which first printed Times, J.he even some instances government m,lfe«.nce that hup«me of were dropped wh?°, how"ttey°«re Interpret'ed""' °' 'rMde availablethe public, defense force'"Si" m.y lead to .n Ml* of Times is lucky to be an reports on Vietnam. The jury secret Pentagon reports, The could be published "more Italy Government .nd This mllltajy octets American." That remark, in The supposedly would be asked to determine whether the federal Guardian said if the editor "had been British and he had United States. .ess correct facta prc^ooslv ' government - appointed published elsewhere. -^-thori*, any document c.njUmp "secret, j.^^Z^nt Japan and civil servants agreements !LU4 "J British committee is no. Kg ^e nproar w« so iood ionmalists employes a. j u., o «ivil sorvire governments with .. glM C«*binet ^°^e "P and^officials feeTthe0 system "w ^rom giving _ attitude of the free press in the theft of government paper he would have been the act to liberalize it, but that the confidential former air forc"dCo|the a publication of military secrets and fob "as "defense minister, is so tight thlfno that no ca^ case SS like hL sentenl £1 many countries on the property was violated. prosecuted .... He would Kawasaki Pentagon controversy But in many other now be facing charges, fines »3hin«l «fZat\L^Z hte* data to unauthorized to unauthorized persons. persons. KawasaKi waswas sentenced in the papers United States, countries boasting a free or jail." - A . f (pp,2 !il 2n S^"llty W,U remain an Jrtfrle Conrad Ahlere The arrested author o The is now the American one could arise. Even when courts ask for Members military are of the Japanese months last January regarded as civil disclosing secret f Disclosure of confidential press, legal action probably The information in some free - would have been immediate is being watched closely press Britain, nations West - 'mST m Germany, Italy, Because ^ official secrets laws other governments handle Sp£S army s role in a g North West Germiny * intelligence documents would face trial Hughes was a n m France or Japan — can in mean the are so tight in countries, newspapers act with extreme caution and editors these their secrets, conntry by country: Britain: an Official Secrets At**. . . occupied the T^.ty^^on .. iKiTUSS . .... ° ™ . Potion Sf nf cT Tf 5TT. ctnta Criprjits state secrets embezzlement, e dfiTh tSTTlii. IMt Mte the court had -»—»■ »'i United States that a grand believe a case like that of the Act 60 years old discourages 10 editors and put publisher which cause harm t°the P declined to hand SWELL FUUU! AMAZING I'tlCKS" jury may investigate possible Pentagon papers could not news organizations from airing Rudolf Augstein in jail for security of the federal government Surroundings criminal violations by the have arisen. confidential state affairs or four months. The '"charge republic.' Ahlers says it's not for * overa secret documents needed judgment. Making information confidential available for you'll like! PENTAGON PAPERS CASE publication can mean three to 15 years in jail. Ask France: "It could only our friendly stable girls about happen in the United States" Reporter WASHINGTON (AP) investigate possible may criminal Other be subpenaed guidelines established criminal violations was Those are the laws cited in is The the journalists Paris. feeling and French similar to the American in among diplomats system is in our beer-soaked bratwurst sandwich 75c I — The Justice Dept. Internal violations by the Times and by Mitchell last year, no continuing. the indictment last month by a classifying documents, and the Security Division wants to subpena a New York Times other published contained newspapers in information the that Justice Dept. official may request a subpena for a grand Mitchell pledged that all federal grand jury in Los persons who violated federal Angeles of Daniel Ellsberg, laws limiting access and use of them are much alike. But ^Ml}*ables reporter to appear before a top - secret jury appearnce by a newsman criminal laws in connection who has said he was the French laws are toughly grand jury investigating study of the Vietnam war, "without the express with the disclosures would be source for the Pentagon interpreted, and journalists are the sources said. authorization of the attorney prosecuted. convinced possible criminal violations by papers. they could not It was not learned whether general." The source, who would not newspapers that printed the print anything resembling the Pentagon papers, a Justice the division would seek to Mitchell is now in London permit use of his name, said The Espionage Act Pentagon report. Officialdom source said Tuesday. subpena other newsmen or for the meeting of the the Boston grand jury is provision deals with occasionally leaks confidential The source said Robert C. newspaper executives during American Bar Assn. He looking for violations by unauthorized possession of information to the press, as Mardian, the division's chief, the investigation. Sheehan was returns Tuesday. nearly all of the 18 defense information known by in many countries. expected to seek permission The day after the Supreme who printed i newspapers the holder to be injurious to Holland: Publicizing of from Atty. Gen. John N. Court ruled that the Times stories they said were based the nation or of aid to a Dutch state secrets, or matters Mitchell to call Times reporter documents. and the Washington Post on the Pentagon papers. foreign country. "which reasonably should be Neil Sheehan before a federal The Justice Dept. and could not be restrained in The source said the grand recognized as state secrets grand jury sitting in Boston. federal authorities in Boston advance from publishing the jury is being asked to The theft statute makes it even if not so labeled," can The grand jury has been asked the division to have refused to comment on the grand jury investigation. Pentagon an papers, investigation Mitchell said of possible determine whether there had been violations of a provision of the federal Espionage Act or a statute covering theft of a crime to steal or convert mean up to 15 years in jail. government property to ones a property knowing it to be before he became prime committee of experts, own use, or to accept such headed by Barend Biesheuvel I } government property. stolen or converted. j^^^ter^ recommended in May A COED TOLD MSU police she riding her bicyle on Red Cedar Road when was graduate assistant performing an experiment accidently dropped a flask containing a Parents Visiting? she saw a man east of Sparty Statue walking compound capable of releasing high quantities of chlorine and sulfur gases. with the zipper section of his pants cut out in a revealing fashion. Why not put them up in style at the She said she called police, who searched area but did not find the man. Police and firemen immediately evacuated the building, which was sealed off by staff CALL 4-Wheel Independent Suspension (a) on every members. With assistance of the department Renault lets each wheel adjust to the road KELLOGG The suspect was described as being about 22 years old, 5 feet 10 and 150 pounds chairman, firemen neutralized the newly found compound, properties of which are 332-6571 bumps independently, providing a smoother ride, better handling, greater stability and with light brown hair. He was last seen wearing a tan banlon shirt and blue cut-off reportedly unknown. FOR RESERVATIONS safety. Compare this to the rigid axles (b) found on most other cars. jeans — with the zipper secion removed. Damage to nine floor tiles was estimated CENTER ROAD Uffi RENAULT* NO INJURIES WERE REPORTED about 7 at $9. Police said two milliliters of the p.m. Tuesday in 421 Chemistry Bldg. when a compound were spilled. (Comer of Harrison & Michigan) Consider a Renault TODAY at... U' agriculturist dies * * On Campus Air Conditioning SPORTS * Color TV following long illness * Twin Beds 1200 E.OAKLAND CENTER Herbert A. Berg, a veteran Wagner, both of Florida, in MSU's Cooperative Funeral services will be at Extension Service, died in a 1 p.m. Saturday, at Gorsline - local hospital Wednesday. He'd Runciman East Chapel. Burial been ill several months. He will be at Evergreen Cemetery was 72. in Lansing. in Berg 1928 management came to the as a University specialist farm with You canY hop a jet like a freight train iPerkins Family Restaurant J the extension served as acting head of the farm management department service. He } A SUNDAY SUGGESTION J So, if you're thinking of Europe this summer. Or just to your grandparents, think of a student Master Charge account. Pittsburgh to visit for a year, and then became * Good around the world for just about everything. Good even at Northland 3 pes. Southern Fried Chicken ) state leader of the land - use * and Somerset. planning program. He was creamy mashed potatoes j } named asst. director of the All Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate Students eligible regardless cole slaw \ of age extension service in 1944, a Please apply in person at the Brookfield Plaza Branch. and > post he held until his retirement in 1964. * hot homemade biscuits and honey * MSU Student IVfastcr ChargeApplication Berg, who resided at 822 $-|65 °n^ W1 L 1 1 1II II 1 1 1 I★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ (PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW) Stuart, East Lansing, is survived by his wife, Marjorie; •301 Clippert ■ Across from Frandor Opposite Sears Trip MIDDLE INITIAL 1 [STUDEN r NUMBER AGE I DRAFT STATUS and two sisters, Mrs. John SPOUSE'S STUDENT NUMBER Clifton, and Mrs. John MSU ADDRESS CITY | STATE I ZIP CODE H TELEPHONE NUMBER SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER £3 OWN ctlss NAME OF PRESENT EMPLOYER (IF ANY) POSITION JGPA MONTHLY SALARY BUSINESS ADDRESS I NAME OF SPOUSE'S EMPLOYER POSITION NAME AND ADDRESS OF YOUR PARENTS I :RUsloS □ CHECKING Q j □ LOAN Q (OTHER) OMLANCE DUE MONTHLY PAYMENT MORTGAGE HOLDER OR LANDLORD STORES & OTHER 3. 1 (WE) REPRESENT THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION ISTR UEANDCOMPI FTP AMn I iMnr n wSt ggl East Lansing State Bank East Lansing Okeaos Hasten Brookfield Plaza Red Cedar at Thmbrldge