oard By JOHN BORGER Don Stevens. Stevens, D D - - ntomnc Okemos, said when the clash ... ends ■ in tr and motion was introduced. "I think that the central issue is not Stevens, with operated "rather efficiently policies at the whim and caprice of any amendment, Frank Merriman, STEVE WATERBURY Patricia Carrigan, D only the question of who defines with the Ann Arbor, and existing bylaws without single individual trustee." State News Staff Writers Dr. Blanche - 'policy' and what constitutes 'policy,' R-Deckerville, joined Mrs. Carrigan, Martin, D - East Lansing, but also 'action' by whom," Wharton change." Huff said his motion was being Stevens and Martin to produce a 4-3-1 then voted to table the "I personally feel that this kind of an motion, but the said in a strongly - worded rebuttal. misunderstood. vote to table. Huff, Frank Hartman, lesident Wharton Friday turned a tabling effort failed on a 4 3 1 vote, with Kenneth - - "With its present wording I would erosion may very well be related to the "The erosion that has taken place D-Flint, and Clair White, D-Bay City, |on to limit his authority into a Thompson, R - Grand personally consider it to be a sericus particular president who happens to be during the last few years has not been again voted against tabling; Thompson lnal vote of confidence and emerged Rapids, abstaining. Huff said that in erosion of the authority of the president the incumbent,'"' he said. "I consider it from the authority of the president but again abstained. a decisive 6 • 2 victory, introducing his to be an action which is totally from the authority of the Even motion he . . . as well as of the other board," Huff with the amendment officially ivolved was a motion by Warren had "no intention of unnecessary. countered. administrative officers. I also find it tabled, discussion continued. Thompson f |) . Plymouth, to amend the interfering with administrative actions." On a second motion to table Wharton, however, seemed to think rather significant that this kind of the (Please turn to page 7) J's bylaws such that: "Any action erosion seems to be a the policy of governance of the otherwise, apparently interpreting it as a persistent "The authority of the board is i tendency. I do not believe that it would already personal attack. Some administrators stated very clearly within the Aersity must be approved by the be possible to function existing after the meeting said the motion effectively and bylaws, and the adoption of this ■rd of trustees before becoming would efficiently in terms of serving even the have given the board "a license to particular sentence would . . . produce stated policies of the University with the [am not about to agree to anything second time." - guess the president all the adoption of this sentence." considerable ambiguity with those actionsinvolved and would seem to regard to I will hamstring the administration," Wharton noted that a "previous require a case - by - case examination of Monday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE TATE MEWS East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 19, 1971 |uniors freed of stipulations n housing starting fall live must on campus and that sophomores live either on campus or in Henrik E. Stafseth, director of the term Trustee Don Stevens, D - Okemos, Dept. of State Highways, has stated in a moved that President Wharton appoint a supervised housing will continue. letter to Wharton that the committee of two administrators and Trowbridge exchange, costing $1.7 million, would three trustees to investigate the question President Wharton announced at the not have been necessary "if the cross - of which subjects should properly be residency requirement will exist trustee ■ juniors or seniors as of fall term meeting that the MSU campus route had not been agreed to discussed in closed sessions. administration will hold a public hearing lause of action by the board of at the beginning of fall term on the and had not been part of the plan." The trustees rejected the motion by a ltees Friday. 4 - 3 vote with one abstention. policy change approved at the question of the proposed south campus rerouting of M - 43. The trustee's rescinding the highway Supporting the motion were Mrs. Showdown approval took place during a closed Carrigan, Stevens and Dr. Blanche |ch Irs would be trustee meeting provided that Trustees and administrators will be session of the June trustee meeting. Martin, D - East Lansing. exempted from any on present to discuss the views of various President Wharton and trustee Warren Hutt, D-Plymouth (left, Trustee Patricia M. Carrigan said the In other business, the trustees passed Jnpus residency requirement as of fall groups both within and outside the criticism that the trustees have resolution endorsing the State of with pipe) were the major figures in a power struggle at Friday's 1972. Friday's action, taken a liout University, he said. encountered for conducting this public Michigan Veterans Educational Assistance board meeting. A Huff motion which was termed "an attempt to public discussion, moves the The trustees have been criticized by lementation date of the previously business in a closed session has been Act and encouraging Michigan legislators officials of the Dept. of State Highways hamstring the president" was defeated 6-2. loved change forward one year, well - deserved. (Please turn to page 7) State News photo by ■so exempted from any • and East Lansing for rescinding their Doug Bauman residency earlier approval of the plans for the "I believe it is imperative that the iirement under established policy are lnarried students, veterans with highway. board address itself to the question of ■ore years of active service, students one Trustee Don Stevens, D - Okemos, defended the board's action and said the content of the closed finance committee meetings," Mrs. Carrigan said. JENISON: NEW FLOOR I with parents or guardian, students that "any inference that the Trowbridge "The current practice of formalizing I will be 20 years old by the last Courts Road highway exchange was built actions taken in those meetings by Rial day of registration fall term of ■current academic year and students |>g six or fewer credits. ? requirement that freshmen must because of the 1969 trustee action (approving erroneous the highway because the exit plans) is was already subsequent approval of the minutes during open session is, in my view, ethically questionable and perhaps legally to g under construction before our action." special parking privileges during football were not heavily used due to a lower games for members of the Spartan Club summer enrollment and said the whole and the Alumni Varsity Club has been The board of trustees unanimously cited as a factor contributing to their question of special use will be approved Friday proposals to repair the deterioration. investigated by the University MSU tennis courts and to install a Breslin said the use of 10 of the 40 administration. Breslin roughly estimated the costs of synthetic surface on the floor of Jenison MSU tennis courts by the East Lansing Fieldhouse. Tennis Club will be investigated by the the tennis court refurbishment at Executive Vice President Jack Breslin University administration, but he added S90,000, with the funds provided from recommended the repair of the tennis the Special Athletic Building Fund. that the repair of the available courts courts The synthetic surface which will be following a personal inspection in would probably reduce student which he said he discovered that the installed in Jenison Fieldhouse will cover complaints. courts are in "terrible condition." "If this (the use of the 10 courts by the entire floor area and will have a "There are cracks one to two inches the East Lansing Tennis Club) prevents permanently marked basketball court and wide students from using the courts, we will 220 - yard track and sprint lanes, Breslin running through almost all the said. courts," he said. "The surface of many have to take another look at it," he of the courts is chipping and peeling and In addition to track and basketball, said. the nets are in terrible shape." President Wharton said the the fieldhouse is used for football The motion approving the tennis court arrangements providing for the special practice when the weather is bad, for improvements also prohibits the future use of the tennis courts and other physical education classes, intramural use of the courts for parking. athletic facilities were made during a (Please turn to page 7) The use of the courts to provide period when MSU's athletic facilities Officials say Nixon may Parking pr meet with Soviet leaders Ixecutive Vice President Jack Breslin is shown reading a report to the board ot trustees Friday. The Board decided to resurface the tennis courts and rescind privileges to park on them. In the spectator's WAHSINGTON (AP) - meeting with leaders of the Soviet and nuclear missile carrying Administration officials say they are Union. submarines. lallery, c. Patric Larrowe, professor of economics, sat resplendent in his tie - dyed t-shirt. confident President Nixon is thinking of The occasion for such a summit Informants said this would amount State News photo by Doug Bauman balancing his coming visit to Peking by encounter, in Moscow or some other essentially to a Washington - Moscow European capital, could be in their undertaking to halt the nuclear arms view an American - Soviet first - stage race. N REPAYING DEBT agreement on the limitation of strategic arms. "If it were to come off," one informant said, "it would open the way But plainly a parallel purpose would to the next phase involving actual be to dispel cny Soviet impression that of measures nuclear weapons normalization of Washington - Peking Players' officers a reductions." By JOHN JUEL Editor in chief - and a June graduate; Detroit senior, and Penelope Zielinski, James T. Allen, part of the must act deficit. The remainder of the debt will then be $3,547.35. "If today we considerably have to set sooner a date, it will be than Nov. 30," relations would take place at Moscow's expense. The evidence informants, who insisted anonymity, stressed they have that Nixon has set about on no Initial administration impressions officials diplomatic experience are that Nixon's coming visit to Peking will have of with some long - Buekner said. "We'd like to have the preparing for a meeting with the Traverse City sophomore. "We have delayed action to give the disturbed the Soviet leadership. matter settled before the student Russians. Last week Louis Hekhuis, director of three officers a chance to work board ie three principal officers of the comes back in the fall." "But we are very optimistic that, student governance, revealed that the something out, in deference to the fact For New Buekner said that if the officers within the next eight months or so, quite a while Soviet propaganda Players, a student theater New Players had overdrawn their that they are students and aren't able do not make a final there may well be a breakthrough in organs have, on and off, accused their fPany, have until 5:00 p.m. today account by nearly $6,000. Though to come up with the money very commitment by 5 the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks," Chinese Communist rivals of cozying l$mit a plan for repayment of a ASMSU backed the account, the three easily," Buekner said. "But it has been p.m. as to who will repay the deficit to the up and by what one official said. "If agreement does Americans at the expense of deficit in their student New Players officers who authorized several weeks and no settlement has date, some form of action !">ment would be taken, emerge there is no doubt that the fellow socialists. The Chinese have account, A§MSU Chairman expenditures of the group remain been reached." though he discounted President would want to sign it." leveled the same sort of charge against using University L?, Buekner I tne officers of the New said Sunday. responsible for its debts. During the Buekner said that two alternatives hold cards. procedures such as American and Soviet negotiators the Russians, citing such things as Players do past several weeks, negotiations have were presented to the officers Sunday. SALT which they have portrayed as a J submit a They could either decide among engaged in SALT at Helsinki at this repayment plan, ASMSU been going on between the officers and time dialog desgined to perpetuate American R set a date for repayment of the ASMSU, though as of Sunday no themselves who should assume The bills of the New Players will be are focusing on a first - stage *. Huckner agreement that would: - Soviet nuclear mastery of the world. said. If the officers settlement had been reached. responsibility for the deficit and when paid despite the deficit, since the ■ e to make such a commitment it should be repaid — providing it was account •Bind the two countries to build no was guaranteed by ASMSU. 1 repayment of the A meeting |s scheduled for this new antiballistic missile systems which For his part Nixon has from time to lon deficit, legal repaid by a Nov. 30 deadline —' or Moneyto coverthe bills will come from may follow. morning at which the officers will sign ASMSU would decide the ASMSU contingency are tremendously costly. time explicitly underlined the aim of who was fund until • Rule out the construction of any over their remaining assets, $2,000 in such time as the debt is his administration is not to play Peking 'A°f^Cers of the New Players Klinsky, founder of the are bonds, to student government to cover responsible debt should be repaid. and by what date, it the officers of the New Players. repaid by the new offensive nuclear weapons bases and Moscow against each other. group 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Changes to module aid Apollo 15 fligh weighs 36,200 pounds, rille, a flat plain, impact will be able to summary (AP) to CAPE — KENNEDY, From a moon buggy chocolate bars in the space Fla. scientific exploration planned both on the surface and in lunar orbit. an increase of 2,470 pounds. Astronauts David R. Scott three-quarters of a mile from their lander. The landing site itself is far craters and a believed to group of craters be volcanic. The of the exploration. they stop, the turn on watch Evl astron,J From the wires of AP and UPI. helmets, Apollo 15 will differ Extra hydrogen and oxygen and James B. Irwin plan three different from those visited previous Apollo crews each a TV had only one geology feature mounted on the in ways from previous fuel tanks and life support outside excursions, each by the three earlier Apollo moon many missions. The astronauts systems have been added to lasting six to seven hours. crews, all of whom landed to inspect, either a plain or thei, moon J* even will launch their own the command ship endeavor. That will give them a total of near the lunar equator. highlands. taking off, Scott will Dar? satellite into lunar orbit. These, plus the 975-pound 40 man hours on the surface, Suit changes will enable the buggy 330 feet awav Apollo 15 is to land 465 the orbital scientific astronauts to about camera at The 12-day mission, package compared with 18 for Apollo miles north of the equator in move thi inserted in an equipment bay, 14. module. This will scheduled to begin next a small basin surrounded on better, especially important in "I personally feel that this kind raise the earthlings their first |iw Monday, will be two days vehicles's weight They are to explore 28 three sides by the moon's bending over and climbing in of an erosion (of the authority 2,640 pounds to 66,900 square miles, roughly the size highest at astronauts longer than any other Apollo mountains, the and out of Rover 1. blasting 0ff the moon. 1 of the president) rnay very well flight, and the 67 hours pounds. of Manhattan. The key is the Apennines, and on the fourth Convolutes have been added be related After the to the particular planned on the moon will be The lunar module Falcon moon buggy, Rover 1, which by Hadley Rille, a mile-wide at the neck and waist. An explorers Alfred M. president who happens to be twice as long as Apollo 14's has extra fuel, water and they are to drive a total of canyon. improved back pack life Worden in' the incumbent. " record. batteries and was modified to 22 miles, and as far as five support system includes three orbiting command shin Driving their runabout at a won't head for home - President Wharton Many changes have been carry the four-wheel moon miles from the Falcon. The maximum speed of 10 miles extra pounds of water, a iy made to support the extended rover in a folded position in Apollo 14 astronauts walked an hour, Scott and Irwin are half-pound additional oxygen itay in orbit two more mission. Other items are and increased battery life. The experimental new a storage area. Counting the 2.5 miles, and did not to visit five distinct geological equjDr the result of the extensive rover's 460 pounds, the lunar venture Television viewers earth includes sensors to (see story, p. J) more than features — the mountains, the on studv chemical surface and makeup at 0j\ im¬ possible volcanic activitv soalr wind and Breakthrough radiation in The earlier Apollos of near the equator Britain to vote for China continually passed over same area on each cr The Magma Copper Co., the day of the strike that has negotiators from Anaconda and the International Brotherhood the United Transportation Because of its nor(p nation's largest independent idled a total of 35,000 Kennecott, the biggest copper of Electrical Workers which is Workers are the Union Pacific, landing site, Apollo Britain has advised the Nixon administration it producer, reached tentative workers, called for an average producers, during the week. not striking, but the CWA operating west of Kansas City, fly a course inclined to' will vote without reservation for Red China's agreement on a new contract hourly pay increase of 92 The American Telephone & declined to say whether it too and the Southern, operating equator and thus will [-• admission to the United Nations next fall regardless with seven striking unions cents, a 50 per cent increase Telegraph Co. reported no new had a new proposal. south of Washington. a slightly different path Sunday the first in the pension program and an acts of vandalism and said its Western Electric said it was Both continued curtailed each orbit. of what the United States may do. — Thus, breakthrough in the series of unlimited cost of living automated systems were not feeling the strike greatly operations with supervisory astrounauts will be able U.S. officials, who disclosed this Sunday, said strikes that also has hit escalator clause. About 3,000 operating virtually normally in because most of its plants are personnel, but there were study and photograph 20 the government of Prime Minister Edward Heath America's communications and the five cent of the surface workers are on strike at - day - old strike. closed for the annual two • reports that some industries also has made clear it no longer will support any transportation industries. Magma. Negotiations continued with week holiday. would be short of materials resolution, or device, designed to bar Peking from Negotiations continued Average wages in the the Communications Workers The strike against Western ordered sent by freight, There'll be one final cir1 Sunday in the telephone and industry range from $3.05 to of America, AFL - CIO Union went into its 38th day Monday. There also were at mission's end. Up to taking over China's seat in the Security Council rail all strikes, but there were no $4.38 an hour. nationally and in various cities with no reports of progress reports of difficulties in Apollo moon crews f and General Assembly. reports of progress. A spokesman for the United on local issues. from the company or two shipping grain in the Midwest. splashed down The proposed copper Steelworkers AFL - CIO said AT&T's manufacturing unions — the CWA and the The rail strike is mainly Pacific. Because of " contract, reached in the 18th the union would meet with subsidiary, Western Electric, United Telegraph Workers over work rules; the others extended flight. Apollo made a new contract offer to The two railroads struck by about money. will land in the North P-_J" Allende confrontation set The left confronted its opposition Sunday in a ATTENTION CAR OWNERS FROM INDOCHINA special congressional election considered to be a * Complete front end repair and popularity poll for Chile's Marxist President alignment China trip linked topullou Salvador Allende. * There were only two candidates for the seat in Brakes * Suspension Congress left vacant by a woman deputy who died * six weeks ago. Wheel balancing * Steering WASHINGTON (AP) - All China would indicate that by party affiliation. League of Studies Progru A Socialist labor union leader was backed by U.S. combat troops probably that time we would have no "Had the Democratic Harvard LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center Law School, Allende's Popular - Unity government. The other was will be withdrawn from combat troops in Southeast presidents moved toward . . . joined Scott on the the candidate of the Christian Democrat party and Southeast Asia when President Asia and possibly no forces mainland China, people in this sajd Nixon's trip the right - wing National party. 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4- 7346 Nixon makes his trip to except those necessary to country, led by many settling of the Viet The unusual support of a single candidate by the mainland China, Senate carry out such agreements as Republicans, would have still " ' " question easier. Minority Leader Hugh Scott hopefully have been made,' been seeing Communists under "jf we're in Vietnam opposition parties set the stage for a confrontation. said the bed, Sunday. Scott said. Scott said, any reason at "A "Therefore, a Republican TONIGHT! lor |#ict cf I. been Scott said specific set for date has withdrawal," not The Pennsylvania Republican said the reason for president can do, with his sajd( "it's been. told', because we're afraid Jewish emigration cut and on ABC-TV's Issues keeping some troops in South long background of concern Communist China. If we Answers, "but the Vietnam "is coupled with the about communism, what a accommodate i c President has a definite plan prisoner of war issue. Democratic president Communist China to in mind, I'm sure of that." Scott said Nixon was able couldn't.' The Soviet government has cut Jewish emigration extent, it means we're "I would think, however, initiate contact Prof. Jero Israel by 85 per cent with Cohen, going to lose uui out lclIII to this month in an apparent that the fixing of May 1972, iuoc terribly mainland China because of his director of the attempt to assuage Arab criticism and to extract as the latest date when the East Asian the conlequemces^oTwi Vietnam settlement we more money from the would - be emigrants. Prosiden^Ajoul^jiM^iiah^and cut The usually reliable sources said the authorities the Jewish exodus to countries have complained a trickle because the Arab that Russian Jews often $9.50 RENT AT.V. ; 25.00 tp No-fault divorce measun become Israeli soldiers on the other side of the Enjoy Fish and Chips Anytime Middle East cease - fire line. - $1.50 We deliver... awaits action bygoverno Town UNIVERSITY T.V. RENTALS In legislative action last equal wages for equal jobs. to set rules and regulation! Guerrillas pinned down 307 S. Grand St., week the no - fault divorce On a 30 - 0 vote, the implement the law and Lansing bill approved by both houses Senate sent the House - propose substitutes was sent to Gov. Milliken to passed bill to the The Jordanian army pinned down the battered be signed into law. governor, phosphorus. who is expected to remnants of the Palestinian guerrilla movement in sign it The controversial bill, if into law this month. the northern Finally an attempt to I part of the country Sunday and signed by the governor as claimed that 70 Israeli - trained infiltrators of the Really enjoy your expected, will allow unhappy couples to contend in court The bill was the subject of several hearings by the Senate Labor Committee immediate House on debate the Senate • in pi movement had crossed the Israeli border to "escape where welfare residency bill t that the marriage relationship to their masters." The surviving force of an estimated 500 guerrillas vacation this has deteriorated preservation. beyond women and and men from labor industry argued that wage by one vote Thursday. discrimination could ho longer Supporters of the bill "1 was herded into four new bases on The bill is scheduled to be exposed slopes be tolerated in the state. that Michigan's w " enacted Jan. between the cease - fire line with Israel and the rocky hieghts overlooking the Jordan Valley. year... replacing the 1, 1972, state's 1846 In addition to reduce benefits attract those other states who seek hij divorce law. phosphates in detergents was welfare benefits. If enac* The State Senate approved the bill would place a on» unanimously adopted by the a bill Wednesday requiring Senate Thursday. year residency requirement Hanoi scaling down war employers to pay women The bill, passed 33-0, welfare recipients. reduces the level of phosphorus in cleaning agents The attorney general Vice President to 8.7 per cent bill Nguyen Cao Ky by Dec. 31, ruled that the heightened speculation Sunday that 1971, and to 2.2 per cent by unconstitutional, and the I Dec. 31, 1972. Dept. of Health, Kducit Hanoi may be deliberately scaling The Senate and Welfare has threatened passed £ down the war in Vietnam, at the proposal also permits the cut off its welfare payn* urging of Communist China, while Water Resources Commission to Michigan if the bill V& a peaceful solution is sought. Ky said he thought it was Get INSTANT CASH \ possible that pressure on North Peking had put Vietnam to TONIGHT (and every Monday) ^ change its policy. U.S. military officers, however, for a carefree trip said ihey had no firm evidence of Experience a any connection between the Enjoy a happier, more carefree vaca¬ everywhere. battlefield lull and peace moves tion this year with I nstant Cash in your Vouchers are ideal for high-speed Carnations PIZZA FEAST now under way. pocket. It's available in three forms: loans paid directly into your checking money orders, vouchers, and good old account when you're away from home. $799 in the Show Bar Soviets-U.S. trade above China cash. Or ** Instant Cash money orders are bet¬ simply stop by before leaving town for some ordinary Instant Cash Dozen FULL SIZE PIZZA Latest U.N. figures on Soviet foreign trade show ter than ordinary money orders because cash. It's accepted everywhere! that Moscow does a great deal more business with you don't pay for them until after Use painless payroll deduction for Cash - N - Carry ONLY $1 the United States than it does with Communist you've used them. They combine the China. advantages of a low-cost credit union repayment, if you wish. Phone today for complete informa¬ and Tuesday night Last year the value of Soviet exports to the loan with the safety of an ordinary tion on this and the many other services Jon United States was. more than twice 58 - million rubles, against 22 million rubles. Soviet that to China - money order. They're available in any available to credit union families — and is "GIRL'S NIGHT' imports from the ^fnited States were more than denomination and negotiable almost really enjoy your vacation this yearl Anthony five times those from China - 103 million rubles, against 20 million rubles. One ruble equals $1.11, Florist (all girls' drinks greatly reduced) at the official rate. But the amount of commerce between Moscow all at the 809 E. Michigan and Washington still was relatively insignificant CMMk IV5-7271 against the overall trading picture of the Soviet 1019 Trowbridge Rd. • Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 Free Parking Behind Store Union. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 19, 1971 3 lolls increase m Police describe fo I By STEVE WATERBURY prevent Residence Hall Assn. and cam purse robberies the State News Staff Writer Dept. of Public Safety. questioning, Public Safety Director Richard O. Bernitt The I students returning to committee report outlined several areas of the concluded that a false sense Lidence halls fall term will of University where improved larcenies from purses have hscover that during the security permeates the MSU He said the problem lies residence halls, lighting is needed, including been investigated this month primarily as a the with purses left on shelves, ■inimer a number of security interior of the Brody by MSU public safety officers. result of the close teasures have been situation, living Complex, the sidewalk routes Police said five thefts occurred desktops and in desk wells or tpplcmented in an attempt to and restricted age range familiarity from the Library to South Night deposit box Monday when secretaries in hooks. A certain number of thefts during a certain period Invent campus crime. the living units. of residents in Complex and the perimeter of ■ the Computer Center, of time probably means the J Gary North, chairman of the the married "Trust, tolerance, false housing areas. ■ Sidney, Ohio, has a new dog Biochemistry Building and same A person or Jesidence Hall Security security and report on the progress in V Anthony Hall lost a total persons were lommittee, said Thursday the carelessness on implementing the security f pound. One of its features estimated $89.50 from their respoasible, he continued. part of students and staff if a night deposit box for Police urge persons to note jring a report to the board are committee's recommendations purses. f trustees that telephones are major contributors to states that dogs. It opens into a cage In four thefts, wallets had four precautions in avoiding student and budgetary thefts: ing installed this summer in University considerations have prevented where they wait for the been taken from purses left on * vestibules of each women's property loss," the report the installation of more staff to or under a desk; the entire Take your purse or lock it e reads. report. It is Esidence hall so that a The lighting fixtures. believed to be the only purs* was stolen in the other up when you leave the £ ^t"\elve runaUended office; |onresident can call the person report noted that a Although the original report facility of its kind- theft. All offices had been . is visiting from outside the high percentage of thefts occur of the Residence Hall Security AP Wirephoto in rooms where doors lobby after closing hours. are Committee recommended that the incident. unlocked and where *Note loitering strangers |"North said experiments with valuable the current University closing Detective Harold Henderson or ,» vestibule telephone system property is left unportected hour policy be amended to of MSU police said the "rash persons who have no apparent and indicated that many business in the Holmes and McDonel halls permit all halls to be physically of larcenies" from unattended area. Lve succeeded in making the students with a trusting secured at a designated closing purses usually have occurred *Keep a record of credit Tcort system function more attitude should consider that hour, the progress report said during lunch or coffee breaks cards and account njmbhrouded in secrecy for apparently being stemmed from the Mountain p.m. arrested in the front lobby of alcohol arrests occurred with - — can -* of » beer !- in his rock concert Friday night at drunk outside and in the the Auditorium when officers Thursday the Auditorium. northwest corner of the saw him carrying a bottle of and Friday police said were not related to which _hand I SAIGON (AP) ~ Presidential adviser Henry Kissinger flew Auditorium. wine. Police said they found the Mountain concert. Six of At 8:40 p.m., a 21 - year what they said was hashish, The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State :>m Pakistan to Peking by commercial airliner under an those arrested were carrying sumed name and with a foreign passport to conceal his - old Lansing man was Police said one of the men University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter arrested and Spring school terms, ^cret trip July 9, informants here said Sunday, after he drove his observed by officers was also NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE YOP HINGE Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays the first automobile onto the sidewalk during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition i In report on the mechanics of the trip, and using profane language in AT Till STORE WITH THE RED DOOH! in September. Subscription rate is $16 Ifonnants said grass northeast of the front of two women, and the per year. Kissinger and three assistants from the Auditorium and then struggled Member Associated Press, United Press lational security staff traveled by Pakistan International other man attempted to walk International, when officers Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Airways to mainland China and returned July 11 on the tried to away from officers twice after Sale on Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press transport him to the station. his arrest. pme airline. Association. f Officials at the Western White House in Balif., declined to give any details of Kissinger's secret trip San Clemente, Police said they cited him Games & Stuff Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services for illegal parking and learned Bldg., Michigan pat arranged President Nixon's planned visit to Peking. through sources at the station State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 1 Informants in Saigon said Kissinger dared not make the ;e Irip in a White House staff plane, or a Chinese military ■lane. They said this would have revealed the mission to the Lansing man police was on wanted a by traffic id 30% Off Phones: me iould crewmen have and also picked that radar military stations along the way warrant. During the man struggled and refused the arrest, bus Campbell's Shop News Classified Ads 355-8252 355-8255 up planes and becoi.ie to cooperate with officers, Lansing Metro Lines fi Advertising 353-6400 Suspicious. who handcuffed him. The Store With The Red Door Business Office 1 Kissinger's trip to China was one of the most closely Ph. 332-4269 355-3447 leld secrets in U.S. diplomacy. 1 At the time Kissinger was in Peking A 20 - year • old Fenton RENT AT.V. conferring with man was apprehended by jremier Chou Gn-lai, It was announced that he was officers stationed in the $9.50 P£0rnth 25.00 tp;;r ^covering from a stomach indisposition in the mountains of Auditorium lobby after he ■akistan. was observed running into the We deliver... I Informants said Sunday that while Kissinger was in concert area without paying. ■king, a stand • in look - alike took part in a motorcade Police said they discovered UNIVERSITY T.V. RENTALS 1 Nathiagali to reinforce the what they termed two deception that Kissinger was marijuana cigarets in a search It's great to be the guy who calls the plays Army ROTC is the leadership course. Enroll in Army ROTC and you learn to lead - to work with people. You're assured of a challenging job after graduation with the option of returning to civilian life in two years or less - with a post - graduate "degree" in leadership and management experience. Plus we take care of you while you're still in school. You will receive $50 per month in your junior and senior years. You will have an opportunity to apply for an Army ROTC scholarship which pays for all tuition, books and fees. Interested? Call us at 355-1916 Or stop by Demonstration] George Washington knew how Jalljodgy. to make a dollar go farther. Times haven't changed since George's record toss. Everything keeps going up while our ability to pay lags behind. We at East Lansing State Bank can "" help you make your dollars i go farther. Just open a regular passbook savings account with us and watch what 4i^% daily compounded interest can do. No minimum deposit, no waiting, just the maximum return from the day of deposit. Daily compounded interest at 4i/o% on regular passbook savings is available at East Lansing State Bank, your Hometown Bank. Now with Trust Services. Member: F.D.I.C. East Lansing State Bank MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Tennis editorial By JOHN H. SUEHR students, like any other group, can be in a badly served responsible manner that would truly wonder how those members reel u be for students and tennis if you "just" taxpayers. President, East Lansing Tennis Club wrong and so can editors and so can I. Funds are not used for Shoul, KEN LYNAM Your emotional editorial, I think, was addressed the questions: patches. Profits from the Coke nJh5 advertising manager Freedom of the press, as we enjoy in intended to appeal to students. It may 1. Why are the 10 courts used by the (available to anyone) g0 g0 tn .. t0 i? the U.S.A., requires a great responsibility have appealed to a few dissidents who varsity and the tennis club in better University general fund. The telephon,: JOHN BORGER, managing editor on the part of the press to print lack a broader perspective about what is pay phone available to anyone condition than the other 30? a BOB ROACH, news editor information >n a factual manner. Your best for all students and tennis. Almost wishes to use it. » " BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor editorial regarding the use of the MSU every paragraph of your editorial 2. Why, when tennis is experiencing RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor tennis courts for the most part, contained a factual error. Is that what was, students want? an unprecendented boom, are all 40 The club's policy is that when all neither factual nor rational. I hope this tennis courts in a neglected condition? outside courts are filled and letter can do better. I will try to correct your most court, available in the club, that a 3. Why weren't more tennis courts nonm— First, let me say that I think the flagrant distortions. The largest may use the court. Up to this Seven -time recipient of the Pacemaker award State News is an excellent paper and I membership category in the East Lansing built as enrollment increased? point 10 courts at the club are for outstanding journalism. Tennis Club is "students." Yet, you say used m usually find myself supporting its editorial contents. Second, I believe I am students may use only 30 of the 40 4. Why are $7,000 tennis courts used intensively than the other 30 - for parking at football games? outside the club. I might also considered a faculty member who MSU courts. add the 10 courts the club uses are supports student rights; however, You could use the power of the press 5. Where should funds come from to the poorer varsity courts 0f »r EDITORIALS maintain, courts at MSU? supervise and build tennis universities. i If the 10 worst courts were The East Lansing Tennis Club is, to resent for the club, in a short time knowledge, an MSU sports club, and they Wn„u Opening Chin my has been for 10 years. I understand that be the best. Why? Because, the cu the majority of its members must be members care and are willing to order that they, and others, work' connected with MSU and the might hi. a decent place to play tennis. a Nixonian membership fee for students must be less than for faculty or outside members. This is the case. In fact, the student fee copy of the club's newsletter contiir a reference to what we as club A rec- memba has changed from $5 in 10 years. might do to make all 40 courts of t« A never By now the average This represents a profound ploy Membership also entitles one to three quality. How many of your sel on Mr. Nixon's part, since it is a Michigander must feel that hours of instruction per day for four centered dissidents are willing to w American politics is not an kind of turn-about from the old undertaking for the faint of heart. American delusions about a In a staggering one-two punch, Moscow-dominated encirclement. "Your emotional editorial, I think, was John Q. Citizen has had his mind Unfortuantely, the act in this intended to appeal to students. It may have ■ State blown by the passage of the respect also resembles more than a |he ci the dubious appealed to a few dissidents who lack o I more complete age of majority bill and, little game of broader perspective about what is best for is of equally incredible, a flash thaw in brinksmanship - a Nixon favorite all students and tennis. Almost every in the old days. The PP 1e Sino-American relations. That this ectful administration paragraph of your editorial contained a It La Washington-Peking courtship was hopes that the factual error. Is that what students want?" Soviets will feel compelled Bidate initiated at the behest of one of to soften their stance toward the lone the original Cold Warriors serves West ■paignii only to make the scenario the particularly, in areas weeks. That almost qualifies for the Free on this? To have rights, you i more Carrollesque. such as the SALT talks. The University. responsibility. Yet for all its Kremlin, however, could as easily Your for why the Tennis Club The club provides a central t h rough-the-looking glass respond to the new world rates the reasons use of the 10 varsity courts are where dedicated tennis enthusiasts m loci&J k a gi properties, the fact remains that situation by freezing up, thereby most erroneous. The tennis club meet and find a person to play will |o worli witl President Nixon lias quite possibly undoing much of the glacier-slow primarily is for those students and There is no generation or student f fey taken the progress made during the 60's. faculty who have a strong interest In, faculty - administration ■ townsp< tre biggest step in and dedication to, the game of tennis. munitj gap in the tennis club. American foreign policy since the Stand - in* The club has, for nine years, donated a Klein. Marshall Plan. In so doing Mr. You referred to the tennis club a Thirdly, there is hope that the minimal amount to the Ralph Young Nixon has Scholarship Fund. This year, the get - rich - quick scheme. It is a pint J definitively new China stance may make its provide a meeting place for dedictnf demonstrated his protean mastery effect felt the donation will be nothing because Mr. on Indochina war tennis enthusiasts. All are welcome fa Munn was In full support of our using of the American political scene. and, particularly, at the Paris very minimum amount. the funds to conduct a Junior Yet the question now is not why peace talks. To no small extent, Development Program. If you really are concerned aboa Mr. Nixon sent presidential adviser the two Vietnams have been helping students and people, the E Kissinger to China, but rather stand-ins for the United States To keep federal aid, instead of passing the basket Your references to "kids" and Lansing Tennis Club will support yal what are the possible ramifications and China. If the squabble around, put it over the pulpit for free throws' "kiddies" demonstrated an lnsensltlvity with more than words. It has been go of the epoch-making move. between the two giants is to people younger than you. I also for MSU for 10 years. Clearly, the direct pressure of mitigated, Hanoi and Saigon may the embryonic entente is being very well find their economic and felt first and foremost by the military supplies severely curtailed. pier sti ART BUCHWALD 7 and Nationalist regime of Thus, the belligerents may have in, 2 Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek - little choice save to begin King, 1( who must be feeling rather like seriously considering a resolution 1 transfi Cinderella's evil step-sister after of differences, cont. I., and the ball. As expressed by Without Taipei's Certainly this would be a per sti in he paper to peer ambassador to the United States, bonus James C. H. Shen, for the President and, the thereby, the American people. By a Kroacl Nationalists are nothing short of normalizing relations with Peking livid. For them the charade is and thus proving that the "Red DCt( over: their claim to being the Chinese Menace" is figment, not legitimate government of all China fact, the administration will be — and the United Nations seat able to undercut the arguments of WASHINGTON from Washington the town - After being away for 17 days I found completely changed.. position paper," someone yelled. "I've got a Walt Rostow pre-Tonkin Gulf evaluation I'll trade for a Tet complete my collection?" I replied, "I don't have at all." any papers them to somebody from the press. "Healy," I said, "I don't like to but I'm the only guy in town d* If IF that goes with it are now all - many hawks without having to Everywhere I went people were trading offensive report." "I thought you were a doesn't have a single stolen documrt but defunct. risk open confrontation - a thing secret Pentagon papers. "How about a Joint Chiefs of Staff newspaperman," he said. How can I hold up my head in H ae Perturbed which the President with his The first place I stopped was the contingency plan for the Invasion of "I am, but I was out of the country profession if I don't have a Pent :l a\ National Press Club. It jammed Manchuria?" when Daniel Ellsberg was handing out Undoubtedly, Moscow is only exceedingly shaky mandate dearly was the documents." paper to my name?" with correspondents holding up Xeroxed I drank in embarrassed silence. slightly less perturbed than Taipei. loves to avoid. Healy replied, "Look, we're de tori copies in their hands. Finally a New York Times man next He turned away from me with with 'top secret' stuff here. I km* As long as their primary to me Mr. Nixon's critics - and "I'll give you two Henry Cabot said, "You don't have any Dean suspicion. you wouldn't do anything with competitors were busy Lodge for McNamara Rusk memos to Maxwell Taylor to I tapped him the shoulder. "You _ particularly his potential, memos one wouldn't let me see on papers, and Murray knows you wouldi1 polemicizing against one another, one, would you?" do anything to compromise H the Soviets had a more or less now-jealous Democratic I asked. country. But does J. Edgar Hood clear field for maneuvering. Now, presidential challengers —are "I should say not," he said know it?" ling tv OUR READERS' MIND indignantly. "These are classified while any sort of monolithic already beginning to accuse him A man from the Los Angeles Tia documents." Sino-American bloc of making political hay while said, "Does anyone want to trade II is about as I saw a friend of mine from the y arp CIA's estimate of Madame Nhu for 1 likely as George C. Wallace muttering a begrudging "well Washington Post. winning the balance an election of power in Harlem, has tipped done." And, of course, the critics are absolutely correct, but then a No MSU Iran project to "Murray," I said, "I don't put this to you, but I was know how plans of a military coup in Laos?" "IH do it," the bartender si bringing out some papers from behii ■nment politician would hardly be a wondering if I could borrow a stolen the bar. ever so slightly, and Moscow must Pentagon peper until I get paid on ation begin to seriously consider the politician if he did not. The To the Editor: "You have papers, too?" I asked it of international oil and the small rich Thursday." surprise. implications of encirclement. single important thing is that, for In the dark decades of the '50s and the p propertied class of Iranians but conflicts Murray said, "I'd like "Sure," he said. whatever reason, President Nixon '60s it was deemed to make sense for to help you, "All my tips fort callously with the needs of the peasants but I need every one I've past month have been in stoh has taken a staggeringly large step the United Sates and its institutions to who constitute that got. I know overwhelming Misplaced Memo toward normalizing a world support foreign governments that were majority of the people. the guy from the Boston Globe some extra has Pentagon papers." "You wouldn't sell ipating To: Trustee Warren Huff economically pro - West and politically McGeorge Bundy cables. situation made bizarre by the Why don't you ask him?" you?" anticommunist. When the foreign Re: Verbal fencing matches paranoia of the Cold War - and In the '70s it does not make sense I went down the bar to the Boston "Not on your life. These pap< governments were military dictatorships Globe Dear Dueler — in so doing has made a significant that to support such a government, even man. "Healy," I said, "I'm were given to me on the condition by all standards were totally plumb out of would never show them to strangeft Don't shake your head. -Clifton W. move toward eventual world incidentally. In the '70s the horror of Pentagon papers. Could repugnant to the American ideals of the shah's regime is not irrelevant — I left the bar peace. government, it was considered irrelevant. you spare a couple until I can make trying not to hear l« it's the central fact. So MSU must not taunts 06 the drinkers. Even back then, of course, the use in the '70s begin an Iran project. Corp8?" * tra'tor 'rom t'ie Rand Chicago Sun Times man sdf You know I'd do of the MSU Vietnam Project as a mere James A. Resh anything for loudly enough for me to hear, Trustee tennis front for CIA machinations was seen as unequivocally wrong. But the academic Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Systems Science a?}1' could ij "ealy sa'(*' "'>u^ according to • ^°hn Mitchell, these papers compromise the ought to keep an into this place leaked all or eye on our papers who con* will conscience was prepared to accept government. I over town. July 13, 1971 would be betraying international programs that it believed a trust if I gave Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times to be bona fide educational happy programs, In the wake of a brief but ending even if they were incidentally supportive of oppression and repression. Thus, for example, there was no board that he initially thought widespread objection to MSU's Thailand effective State News campaign, that the newspaper reports, were Project nor to its Brazil Project. We the board can understand that acceptance on the of trustees voted exaggerated, but on examining the basis of a naive faith that, regardless of unanimously last week to improve courts he found that, if anything, the milieu within which it operates, the student tennis courts and to, they were understated. education is, after all, a good thing. henceforth, deny alumni the The trustees are to be But we are no longer so naive. privilege of parking on them. congratulated for their prompt And the essential facts of the present Additionally, they "^Tiave charged action, but the outcome of the I DON'T KNOUV UJE SHOULD regime in Iran are indisputable: The the University administration with administration's UHVI 00 THI5,. I BE 6ETTIN6 investigation of. "King of Kings" was brought to power I HATE 60ING / NEAR VERDfN re - examining the special the East Lansing Tennis Club affair by a CIA - aided military coup that, TO CAMP... A SOON... prerogatives enjoyed by the East overthrew a popular, progressive is yet to be seen. We hope that democratic government. The shah Lansing Tennis Club. in the long run the University's maintains his military dictatorship by Originally there was skepticism concern for its students is the not ghastly techniques of brutal on the part of the University. once again coopted by the repression. And he exercises his power Indeed, Executive Vice President athletic department's craving for in his own self interest, which Jack Breslin reported to the alumni dollars. coincides with the Interests of Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 19, 1971 5 150 s r«*l who Bike -in' boosts pathway system By LESLIE LEE attempting to do is to make it cyclists. Another type would 88 campus as its focal point, i 2.7 miles during rush hour. reserve lanes of little - used member of the coalition said State News Staff Writer The proposal, formulated East According to studies done Lansing streets for cyclists by the coalition, 60 per cent after a year and half of p Between a by painting curb lanes and Pointing to Washington, of the commuters to campus. WephootA 150 and 200 ""search done by erecting accompanying signs. anyone students and East Lansing D.C., and Chicago's well which make up a large portion , approximately.25 MSU The proposal, billed as an planned bike pathway systems, residents, some with small students in cooperation with of East Lansing traffic, ...c alternative and not a the group noted that "The within 20 1 when di n ch„dT, Lansing cycled Fr.daythrough to .how W of Ron.,d Ho™,«h, geography, consists of two r7i'pV,"cVmt ossereally automobile, is r p "(or""t only ,s h I SLTS&TlEast minutes by"bite.TrTlke°'nd^ of the nd courti nn" support for a "mn" " proposed bike "* parts. " an Lansing" during spring term were made safe many > extension of the MSU bike a pathway system throughout demonstrated that the bike is members of the coalition feel nonn.vl It calls for a moratorium this point "J the on pathway system with the faster than the car for the first area. the expansion of automobile more people would i re used The "bike in," sponsored n - territory in East er 30 a, by the Coalition for Human contending that present also add tj Survival, followed sections of facilities are sufficient to ses are j the proposed system through handle the traffic problem, rts of alleys and streets to Valley The second part proposes a • V- -'•< Court Park, where the plans bike pathway system, discussed. Wheelin9 were "Right now riding a bike in The plan, designed by seven MSU students, recommends we"> resets etween 150 and 200 cyclist turned out Friday for a rally supporting a proposed East East Lansing is too ne they won that paved pathways, like A 54 - YEAR - OLD Mason Thursday when detectives in mechanical a room in the ansing bike pathway system. They are shown here during a discussion at dangerous," a spokesman for those already existing in arrested about 10:40 use, the dfl Valley Court f l-Wt AAaIUI/VM llfltn was routine check of area pawn subbasement of the Chemistry the coalition, who Axi IMA estimated ■ . .. . in8 to work j campus, be built in areas __ _ . m. Thursday when MSU shops discovered the men were Building shorted out from that there were 10,000 bikes where traffic congestion make R. might h,„ State News photo by Don Gerstner patrol officers said they passed trying to sell a clarinet valued water dripping onto it in the city, said. "What we are it especially dangerous for . nnis. A rect« his automobile parked off at $400 that had been stolen * * * >tter Harrison Road at South from a locker on the fourth TWO EAST contain^ LANSING cl«b Service Road and saw two floor of the Music Practice memb«j BOYS, both 14, were returned wire cages in the open trunk Building. More city services courts of to their parents about 11 p.m. tof and another cage containing your self1 four raccoons on the * * * Friday when patrol officers ur lling to w« ground AN ESTIMATED $500 in saw them attempting to force outside the car. damage occurred about 2:20 their ■■■•iiiiii way through a locked Police said they are seeking p.m. Friday when an air - door on the north side of prosecution through conditioner fan motor in the Student Services Building, By RICK WILBINS "treat people with respect and aren't," he said, conservation officers. The State News Staff Writer dignity and they will treat you "East Lansing also has a raccoons were turned over to lie city government must in the same manner." the conservation department. more responsive to the responsibility because of its Another problem that is wealth, the University and The man was violating Kodak Color Film is of the citizens and the (ple must be more especially important, Klein numerous human resources to University ordinance which a Cigarettes said, is the antagonism that be a leader and an innovator prohibits the possession of ectful of the government, Lansing City Council exists beftveen students and in environmental control," he wild animals without a permit. 126,127,620 idate Larry Klein said. He one of thirteen people more permanent residents. object of the city council should be to use the natural The added. Klein said the responsibility AN belongings ESTIMATED $755 in 2/69' 12 exp. 89' paigning for the Aug. 3 for any problems in police - were reported stolen differences of both groups to sometime between Tuesday limit 2 pkgs limit 1 [iarv. the benefit of the community relations must rest community, at "the and Friday when thieves hit (Coupon) (Coupon) Respect for the government top." Expires after 7-24-71 i four antral ay down," Klein said. "I he^said. As long "I fault the command trailers parked in the East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only locatki as we stress the officers in this city for doing storage lot by the power plant ithusiasts i a great deal of this has differences between one mi side on Service Road. Police said o with the way individuals of Grand River and the primarily what I think the city 2.25 to or play win student work for a government Eighth in a series of 13 we re going to live in continual other, council is doing - not being the 'pigs' they're made out to nothing was another trailer hit. missing from 10% Off mutiny• All thefts occurred when Flashcubes The Discount Price someone apparently of _ 503 ^ ^ Division anorhpr otner. inaction." More efforts should pried or broke open a door or window finis club ii >t, is currently the town Kioin com ho cooc Klein accused the present be made to solve conflicts on all It is a plan i for dedictu table, a position that will lissolved Nov. 8. He has 0 „ . fnnrMnn function . of n 4U th! the , u city City alleviate COUncl1 of ™„fii,.f alleviate th* ne8lectin8 to the conflict "and said." „n,i instead of ignoring them, he " ""b 6 to unlock the trailers. Police s*'1? iteJms st?len Included as 99< Film Developing government as that of servicing instead heightening it welcome for constable since his the citizens He said he faults He called the notion of LARRY KLEIN diving and camping equipment, limit 1 "The carpet gets higher and No limit in November, 1969. the present city council for hniier with ^ rea, probiems disarming the police "desirable, an iron, an electric fan, three (Coupon) (Coupon) • also is a court officer fail in assume that but in practicai terms treatment than on enforcement sleeping bags and three life Expires after 7-24-71 Expires after 7-24-71 that are swept under East Lansing Store Only cemed i ointed by and serving responsibility. it, impossible." However, the ionise most drug cases are jackets, East Lansing Store Only pie, the pushed by the fear _____ of one direction of this type of soc'al Problems, ler Judge Maurice "When people feel - dominating'The other" group dominating the other," tWnkine" thinking is "ri'ehr'he is "right," he said said. He Hp also said ",H he supports the TWO LANSING MEN, support has been gooi Merger. He also works as letal engraver at Uon G whether it is justified or not - £e "g °tner' th,™nn8 ^ move to make the penalty for and 19, were arrested 5X7 8 Track that they are not being Another problem of Iry and Art Center. He had serviced properly v thfe ranki the first drug problem is being marijuana possession a l~= ted as 8aidt is the ^ mlshandled because of the maxtaum of a $1 fine, Color Enlargement Stereo Tapes P, an a coordinator for government and ult,matey MSU sponsored this falls on the city council, crisis confusion over the social and However, besides bringing ..fhe tax base has to be leml iwsups He «aiH hp f»>eU pressure on representatives in (from Kodacolor negative only study skills project, in then the government has failed changed. Citizens r and 1968. in are no longer more emphasis should be the legislature, the city can do 5300 lein, 28, was born in East ■E£ able t0 support the schools placed on prevention and ctaf° 39c iing, left when his father citizens in the Wolf Court - said °ut. he He limit 5 limit 3 favore kind of T.V. RENTALS (Coupon) (Coupon) « transferred to Washington, Woodingham - Gilchrist area progressive city tax" Expires after 7-24-71 Expires after 7-24-71 to relieve e Service East , and returned in 1966. A being unable to receive any this burden I delivery