Wednesday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 21, 1971 nd to fiscal iog|am fter temporary tax the fiscal logjam, consented to the relief, the Republicans have asked for a the proposal on the ballot if no action in efforts to speed budget constitutional amendment that would agreement can be reached after the rest negotiations that have been stalemated in offer Michigan voters the opportunity to of the fiscal plan is negotiated," he said. the Legislature for seven weeks. ov. Milliken and Speaker of the eliminate most school operating taxes. "Our action was taken to avoid 5t> William A. Ryan agreed Tuesday Emerging from a two - hour Milliken has proposed a flat 3.6 per cent curtailing serious cuts in plans and Republican caucus, Milliken said he and personal income tax to make up the lost ■inporarily abandon their demands to Ryan programs of the state," Milliken no longer will insist that their tax revenue, an increase of 1 per cent in the ... separate proposals, for property tax proposals be placed continued. "We are setting the lef and a graduated income tax on the on the November income tax rate. constitutional amendment aside to get ballot. Conflict over the two proposals lumber 1972 ballot. has been the major In opposition to the GOP plan, House faster action on budget and revenue Tviilliken and Ryan, locked in near stumbling block and Senate Democrats have demanded bills." the - clock meetings to resolve hampering budget agreement. that a graduated income tax with some House Republican leader Clifford In order to provide property tax property tax relief be coupled with the Republican proposal if brought before Smart indicated that the GOP was less than enthusiastic caucus about Feeding captured guerrillas the voters. Milliken's compromise. IUSTEES PRAISED Members of both parties have stalled Smart said he had "no intention" of An Israeli soldier feeds bildinfolded Palestinian guerrillas after action on budget bills in efforts to have going beyond the proposed one per cent they were captured Monday when they crossed the border from their separate versions of the increase and that the GOP caucus was Jordan. Dozens of guerrillas have fled from Jordan to Israel as constitutional amendment accepted by not in Rejection of complete agreement with King Hussein's troops cracked down on their movements. chang the opposition. "I am hopeful that we have moved ahead a little in negotiations," Milliken said. "1 think this action by myself and Milliken's action. AP Wirephoto the speaker will shift budget focus back in bylaw applauded on the discussion." The floor for a full and frank governor said all budget bills currently tied up in committee will be Control of wate reported out to the House and Senate "Passage of the amendment would for floor debate. ■Both faculty members and students |>uld applaud the recent decision of have in provoked a confrontation between faculty, administration and trustees, and much of the progress that we have made terms of developing an improved Milliken said agreement demand amendment, for to the he that despite his temporarily abandon his GOP's is constitutional still "firmly left to regional iard of trustees to reject an working arrangement for faculty committed" to offering the voters WASHINGTON (AP) - The specific discharge limits on only "a Ruckelshaus last December, to tell student Jendment to the board's bylaws which governance could have been property tax relief. Environmental Protection Agency has selected minority" of the permits. industry "exactly what they have to do ftuld have provided that the trustees destroyed," he said. "I will lead a petition drive to place scrapped its anticipated industrial EPA told them to try for specific to be in compliance." list approve "any action affecting the Both Guyer and Thomas H. Greer, discharge standards, leaving it up to requirements mainly along waterways On July 8 The Associated Press of governance," Gordon E. Giiyer, secretary of the steering committee, regional officials to use their own that are both extremely dirty and well - disclosed that the planned guidelines attended the Friday trustee meeting at Jairman of the steering committee, said judgment in writing thousands of federal studied. were to be based on plant input - ■esday. which the bylaw amendment was Enrollment permits. EPA Administrator William D. output figures which would be treated as ■"Though it may not have been considered, and both made statements Permits are required for an estimated Ruckelshaus, revealing this policy at a trade secre.ts, effectively blocking public tended as such, It certainly would have that the amendment was not necessary Fall term enrollment materials now 40,000 industries, under the recently news conference Tuesday, was unable to knowledge of how the guidelines would to ensure the authority of the board. interpreted as a move to erode are available to summer term students revived 1899 Refuse Act, for industrial estimate how much of the nation's water be applied in specific cases. "In the deliberations lenity and student responsibility," regarding the in 150 Administration Bldg. Materials waste discharges into virtually all U.S. could be given this effluent limiting EPA general counsel John R. Quarles liyer said. development of new faculty bylaws there wilt be mailed to students not waterways. approach. Jr.. said the next day that the guidelines It he trustees rejected the proposed has never been any question but what Without registered for summer term. Section the guidelines promised last Regional officials were told to would be given "further consideration" lendment by a 6 - 2 vote after the trustees have the final authority with "exercise caution request forms should be returned to December, the agency acknowledged, against establishing and that many permits would, in any Resident Wharton said he believed that 150 Administration regional administrators can impose' effluent limitations without adequate case, be written only by a standard of p amendment would have provided for (Please turn to page 17) Bldg. by Aug. 13. analysis" on other waterways. "informed reasonableness." | serious erosion of the power of the The permit program, ordered into Ruckelshaus came to Tuesday's news sident." effect last Dec. 23 by President Nixon, conference with a stack of copies of a Itiuyer said passage of the bylaw was supposed to make industry meet memorandum sent by Quarles to EPA jange could have worked to destroy state water quality standards, most of regional administrators and dated July ? progress that has been made in the which called for the industrial equivalent 15. i of student, faculty, administration of th& "secondary treatment" given Ruckelshaus said the attempt to write d trustee relations. municipal wastes. guidelines for 18 "critical industry EPA contracted out the preparation of "effluent guidelines" designed, said (Please turn to page 18) Settlements Health officials query appear food inspection system for striker WASHINGTON (AP) - Some federal Inspections authorities by the state and FDA health officials are concerned over generally are random, I WASHINGTON (AP) - New contract implications raised about the spot-check affairs. Sanitary inspections II (tlonients appeared certain or near government's food inspection system by involve such considerations as whether ■uesday for more than one million the discovery of botulism toxin in employes wash their hands, whether Wephone, postal and water used to wash food is pure and copper workers, vichyssoise produced by a New Jersey ■liile the possibility of a whether the plant is kept clean and steel industry canner. ■rike loomed and a railroad free of rodents. walkout The soup was blamed for the lireatened to spread. death of a man in a New York City A dept. of Agriculture inspector had I Leaders of seven AFL - CIO postal suburb June 30. monitored the manufacturing process at ■nions signed a contract with Postmaster Bon Vivant's plant the day before it Records show the U.S. Food and funeral Winton Blount covering 650,000 Drug Administration had not inspected packed the tainted vichyssoise. ■ orkers, -100,000 striking telephone the plant for sanitation since May Agriculture Dept. inspectors look for Workers were set to return to their jobs 1967, and had never inspected it for the same things that FDA agents do, • but instead of spot checks they watch midnight pending a contract vote and compliance with food manufacturing ■5 striking copper unions arranged a guidelines adopted in 1968. the production line continuously while Tiwting to consider a settlement offer. The New Jersey Dept. of Health, products containing certain percentages 1 Some units of the Communications Miners keep vigil which has a cooperative agreement with of meat and poultry are packed. Bon Vivant marketed eight such products, Porkers, mainly in New York and FDA for drug plant inspection but not ■lorida. balked at the proposed 33.5 per for food manufacturers, had not and Agriculture Dept. records show fit, three - year wage and benefits Residents of the small community of Ashers Fork, in the Clay County area of eastern Kentucky, inspected Bon Vivant since October inspectors had been present for 1966. An agency spokesman blamed maintained a vigil early Sunday while rescue workers sought to recover the bodies of three miners. (Please turn to page 17) manpower shortages. (Please turn to page 18) Policy J ^change shift for blamed change instant New by the University forced an change on the part of ASMSU. groups overdrawing their accounts. "Under the new policy the University debt and debt and we that month was we would would never never know posted," Branz said. until know itit unl News Background Unfortunately, the New Players snuck has a all guarantee student that somebody will After the University changed its through between the changes," she cover accounts," Branz said. policy conceiiiing student accounts, How is it concluded. "If a student group overdraws their ASMSU adopted possible for a student Miss Rathnow was critical of the account, we now tell their sponsor. more guidelines for J£0UP ■thousands like the New Players to run up "ASMSU was just responsible for debts however, they were in good shape," University for shifting responsibility for Unless the sponsor agrees to cover any groups wanting ASMSU to be of dollars of debt without incurred by groups who used the Miss Rathnow said. responsible for their accounts. student group University accounts in the further expenses incurred by the group, Jwyone in the University knowing about ASMSU University account. Then in the At that time, she added, ASMSU was middle of the fiscal year. they no longer may make requisitions If a group overdraws its University |until I It itwasn't is too late? beginning of spring term all new responsible for a number of student "The University should have made through the University. But if the account, Buckner said, the University easy, and chances are it- student accounts in the University had groups' University accounts but had not the to settle the matter. If it cannot, ■Wl" not happen again, according to change effective at the beginning of sponsor says he will cover whatever tries to have backing. Some student groups yet adopted measures to exercise more the fiscal year. That way ASMSU would ■purees in student government and the control them. future debt the group may run up, the sponsor of the group becomes got a University department to sponsor over have had time to adopt new means to that group can continue making liable. |Mmmistration. them, but most of them came to us." "As soon as possible, the board deai with the added responsibility of acquisitions." Diane Rathnow, ASMSU cabinet She said all groups wanting ASMSU passed guidelines for any group which "rector, said the New Players to back their Univeristy accounts had wanted ASMSU to back its barking certain student University Bran/, noted that the New Players "The New Players were able to sneak University accounts," she said. had been in the red few through while policies were being ■controversy would never have arisen if to. file a form with Grant Grecu, the on a previous account," Miss Rathnow noted. Charles Branz, chief accountant I p University had not changed its ASMSU comptroller. in occasions, but that ticket receipts changed by the board and the "However, we had no direct controls the University comptroller's office, said would pull them back into the black. University. I don't think it will happen l«t°j y co"cerning responsibility for "He approved some; he turned others over the New Players when the the University was forced to change its "We only formally post University lr«uj1nt ■ middle University accounts during the of the fiscal down. New Players was one of the responsibility for their University policy concerning sttident accounts accounts once a month. During a year. accounts he approved. At the time, account shifted to ASMSU. The instant because of trouble in the past with month a group can run up a sizable (Please turn to page 171 •n the past," Miss Rathnow said, Wednesday, 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Council living units per acre The council off als puts Inc., asking for Permission to hold a street authority by the dog war*. ■ By JIM SHELDON administrative dance the night of July 23 on For nearly summary c am m News State W„te, Lansing City Council »and for development into unanimously approved a ^ units, to™h„u»s teS„l„tion_ .uth„,l2lng the and apartment buildings. city's school district to utilize financial or admin.strative .ssisfne. for . new poognm, was referred to the Human tne mgni o. -u.y ositions Libraries lose By United Pres» international en<* in sight." state support began operation in January Constitution to be distributed The report, drawn Further, it said, "There up by 1969 as a replacement for the to public libraries through the appears to be little hope that ■ East Lansing officials and , Superintendent of Public justice of the peace system, state library. the trend will Michigan s 328 public Instruction John W. Porter, have siphoned off public be reversed council candidates will libraries are losing vital state Porter's report said the unless guidelines are says public-supported libraries library revenue of over $1 eak with interested citizens switch to a district court established for the distribution support money. Without have lost $1 million from million, with no end in j spearate "town meetings" corrective legislation .says a penal fines since the justice sight," Porter's report said. system has cost the libraries of costs and fines in cases iring the week before the nearly 20 per cent of their nvolving the state Kg. 3 primary election. FrWnfiln they ^ii^fn^innl Education, will. continue °u ,peaC* System abolished Jan. was A" fines collected from penal fine support since code. penal to lose the 1, 1969. persons convicted of violating district courts are not money with no ••District courts, which state laws are required by the self-supporting as were justices pecifically, Porter J Officials including City of the "peace! Hence, he said, recommended that the state ■anager John M. Patriarche money which would have board initiate legislation to fill meet the public at been considered a fine under Work guarantee public libraries jdgewood United Church, 469 Hagadorn Road, Tuesday to iiscuss current and future ■fairs of the city. Patriarche nearly the system costs system. justice of the peace under is being called the court district court "their fair and equitable share °/ penal fines" from the district courts. Deputy state librarian Dale s reportedly stressed that the He also said some district H. Pretzer agreed that the ■leeting will be held for the Jenefit of citizens wishing to Jjscuss local government, and to extend U.S. court under judges local parallel state laws. As a are laws prosecuting which penal fine system is in some danger, but added that the district court system is not ■0t for the benefit of WASHINGTON (AP) House vote before the result, he said, fines collected necessarily at fault. Indidates. Work on a $3.4 billion foreign summer recess begins Aug. 6. KJhe new bill authorizes $1.5 go for local government rather "One problem is that there ■ Candidates will also meet .Id bill including, increases in military assistance to suspend The o„mn;itg8 all $118,„lle, ,8„«d million for the world this year and next "T.,'? "It is all too apparent that are no uniform fines across public between 4 and 8 anTTxtendil^'the uT'aid the°ol?«k mi'litor^government comP»edplus to *A50_ million last Penal I fines- $510 million in . « Presently in the district the state," he said. "Another that it's up to the judges Im. Aug. 1 at Valley Court program two years instead of unless President Nixon finds courts, Irk. Project: City Hall, which one was virtually completed that the help is vital to U.S. military m'1 credit sales. are a dying source of to establish the ratio between Cganized the meeting, said Summertime Tuesday by the House Foreign security. It also suspended Economic development public much-needed revenue fines and penal costs." Pretzer described Michigan's Lndidates will describe Affairs Committee. $225 million for Pakistan until libraries through the Jiemselves briefly then answer It can be shades of Huckelberry Finn on the Red The committee is scheduled it settles its refugee problem, ®'^ri'e J-he two would be $1.4 billion. years state of Michigan," the report libraries as "pretty well Britten questions from 5 to 7 Cedar in the summertime. This youth plays with baby to vote out the bill Wednesday Nixon had asked Congress said. underpaid at the moment." Entertainment will also ducks who are beginning to populate the area. and Chairman Thomas E. for sweeping revision to divide je provided. —State News photo by Doug Bauman Morgan, D - Pa., said he hopes U.S. assistance into separate military and economic development programs with more cooperation with iudan international assistance ended quickly, organizations. But Morgan announced last fall that the present U.S. aid program would be extended one year to give Congress more time to study Nixon's loodlessly, diplomat proposal. the 3.50 The committee voted instead to extend the program for two years. CAIRO (AP) - The and two other pro Christian blacks in the south. of them Placed under "The committee feels this is - arrest, oodless coup that toppled Communist officers were such a massive proposal with The government in the north the informants added. Sudan's Military 26 - month government was over about 45 minutes, said a the 41 Three months later y«tar - old Nimeri has been Moslems, dominated by Arab The iraqT "news reported from Khartoum that agency 50 many fundamental changes that we should extend aid for striped-up tank! j crack down on * the Maj. Farouk Osman Hamdalla tw? V""8' Mor8an sa,d- fcteran diplomat reached by Communist party, will be appointed prime But he said he still hopes plephone in Khartoum on Sudan's - - - new military leaders Congress will take final action top favorite for Sources in Khartoum said minister of the new ., .. niesday. .jrmed a seven - man Nimeri and at least four of his government. He is a former on the "events proposal in He reported it started about Revolutionary Council Tuesday top aides were under arrest, interior minister who was onfyear. p.m. Monday and was over to move Africa's largest nation Their fate was not immediately dismissed in 5:45 p.m. when life in the the anti - Major increases in military farther to the left and to grant known. Some 20 ministers Communist purge last assistance account for the bill's I The diplomat, and others autonomy to rebellious have been suspended and some November. over the U.S. aid program last year. billion a new feeling lard from via BV diplomatic CONVICTED ROBBER funnels, confirmed that the ■pital was quiet, except for a B W IV ■ KB# ItWDVBI* of freedom Peaceful three - hour imonstration by supporters of Beach or back yard! Here's the top for that unfettered lie government. Data given on mail thefts new 1 All shops were open, the feeling. There's total freedom of action in these cotton knit liplomat said, and business tank tops . . . total freedom of color choice too. Red, Ktivity was normal. Egyptian blue, green or brown combinations in a bold run - ifficials I stole more than all of which securities stolen from said, howevef, WASHINGTON (AP) — A under oath and under a grant around of stripes lean or on the wide side. A must for fhartoum Airport was still convicted mail thief supplied of immunity from further them," Schaefer said. He said registered mail bags were he did most of the "dirty fenced all around the country your life in the sun ... or out of it! The most in - osed. investigating senators Tuesday prosecution, James V. work" but his confederates got and allegedly used in illicit demand leisure gear of the year. S-M-L-XL. Store for The coup, mounted by Maj. with the names, dates ites and Schaefer, 30, confessed . , . . Men, main floor Downtown and Meridian Mall. ■ashem el Atta, ended the business deals. places of a $100 - minion million puouciy publicly to receiving about ^gime of Maj. Gen. Gaafar el theft ring despite what he said $400,000 as his share of more re«:iviiiB auuut rjudak has said h\ he received All. QC i..j millinn at. hi. «,harp nf Atta, 36, had been a threats to the safety of than Kin _«• .imnric *1 «iluion as nis snare 01 were 100 thefts from airports Schaefer told McClellan calls leputy premier under Nimeri his children, Schaefer said the loot t often uiicu three years stealing from were placed to the Concord, nitil last November, when he Testifying under guard. itaine , . "l airports. Schaefer supported °P " Mass., home of his former wife that testimony as well as most documents which he said the nf nil(UIp,c Jh Katherine both before and gang destroyed out of fear. after he promised senators At the urging of Chairman Jun® 17 hfe for would *stif* in Schaefer, tepair wo John L. McClellen, D - Ark. of the Senate investigations subcommittee, UDCommiwee, S/>hnpfpr Schaefer ocnaeier rose rose ruse ^ld •, . who he gambled away most of h,s loot' confessed to a $21 like Cudak _„ct exchange immunity from nd pointed out Frank registered mail theft ^ for tennis Mannenno as one of the men he said fenced stolen goods for from Kennedy International Ajrport June J3 1%8 He ^ >t John $9 50 I The University plans to repair all 40 tennis courts "as p named as his accomplice in month 25.00 loon as possible," Jack Breslin, executive lecretary to the board of trustees, said Monday. vice-president and "vallev - - that the^ William Ricchuitti, now a federal prisoner, who in We deliver.. . I Cracks in the middle 20 courts will be patched, Breslin UNIVERSITY T.V. RENTALS fcid. A new drainage system may also be installed. Fountains the Fifth Amendment pill be relocated. Net to answer all questions about / posts will be repaired and, in some times. No arrests have ever ises, replaced. New nets will be installed, if necessary. his alleged connection with the been made in that case in "Once this has been done," Breslin noted, "we will CUT OUT AND SAVE~ purface, paint and line all the courts." I The cost of the entire project has been estimated at I The athletics business office is presently determining the fcecific cost of repairing the tennis courts, Breslin said. Bids l>r the work will be taken in three or four weeks. LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL DOWNTOWN 309 N. Washington in the new ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS Leonard Plaza Presents for Your Dining Pleasure Indian Trails WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Schensul's Famous Fried Chicken $1.35 > HAS (8] BUSES THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Roast Turkey w/ Dressing $1.54 EVERY DAY I O ' FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL » H TO CHICAGO :v D Baked Pepper Steak $1.59 ° Schedule Eff. Jui** 24,1971 SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Baked Swiss Steak $1.69 Leaving at: 6:55 AM 2:25 PM SUNDAY SPECIAL EAST LANSING 7:55 AM 10:25 AM 5:10 PM 6:15 PM Schensul's Fried Chicken or Chopped Sirloin w/ Mushrooms $1.69 11:55 AM 10:30 PM OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. '"formation Indian Trails Terminal Evening Specials include roll, butter and beverage and a choice of two of the PHONE 332-2569 EaSt Lam,n9 following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. Shop Meridian Mall tonight pOR DAILY DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS and every week night 'til 9 r "*:a> —CUT AND SAVE— MICHIGAN JIM SHELDON STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Sheldon loses his Briefs' KEN LYNAM weed." Police declined to advertising manager My name is Sheldon. I do police A PIZZA MAN told police he was against managers of a local residence S| work for the State News. hall cafeteria by a student who stash with county prosecutors. It's not a delivering a 16 - incher to a Wilson JOHN BORGER, managing editor pretty job, but you learn to live Hall resident when the student grabbed reported severe stomach cramps after BOB ROACH, news editor with it. the box, opened it and squashed the consuming a mouthful of what was jokingly called stuffed tomato surprise a POLICE INVESTIGATED a from an excited coed who commJ BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor There are eight million stories on pizza in the man's face. said she RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor the naked campus - only a fraction Police said anchovy globs scraped la MSU. sleeping in her residence hall room * from the man's nostril indicated the Crime lab technicians reported they the door wide open come to police attention. But "crime when student was unhappy with the order, were unable to identify ingredients used unidentified man entered and ' marcheth on," so they say, and old Police which was scooped together and in the loathesome looking mixture, improper advances toward her. Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award Briefs never die - they just delivered to another address. which is being held as evidence in a After a token struggle, she overflow. The said k for outstanding journalism. following are part of trough at the swine research station. assailant fled several minutes that overflow: later AN EARLY MODEL EDSEL, with a A 38 YEAR OLD Lansing man described the man as wearing far - out threads, "really h'u^l TWO COEDS barely escaped injury total estimated value of 37 cents, was - - , ■ ■ late one night under the Bogue reported stolen from a man who left was apprehended for drunk driving after umongous roll of bills. Street EDITORIALS Bridge when an unidentified troll the vehicle parked on the sidewalk in front of the Administration Building. patrol officers observed him throw an empty at the quonset huts, side - swipe "THE JOKE WAS ON US," jumped from behind a pile of washed up garbage and tried to molest them Police said keys were left in the Sparty statute, blast his horn officials said, about officers'"! with his magic wand. ignition, all windows were open and promiscuously at the Women's inadvertently staked out an apart Intramural Building and come to a and arrested Nixon's Coeds described the motor was running. The owner told later a man for the opium troll as a s™ creature in his mid - 500s, 7 feet 8 unbelieving patrol officers he hoped his screeching halt in the fountain in front dope. The man turned out to and about 498 pounds, with large hairy insurance company wouldn't laugh too of the Library. Metro Squad agent. f Police said the man, who gave his looked warts and discolored fangs. Police hard at the report. * * * name as "Mr. Oink," giggled insanely "He so spokesman blushed, tearing up' A convincing," J searched the area but failed to find the troll. A COMPLAINT WAS SIGNED when asked to post bond of $250. complaint sheet." We thought fori only good fo JT minute we had another proverbial POLICE RECEIVED an indecent on the old gun handle," he chucHJ exposure complaint from a 78 - year - The Nixon administration is elsewhere have been growing and old woman in the anthropology dept. who said she was staring through her NO EXPLOSIVE DEVICE was in a leisurely search by police fj attacking the "drug problem" with after using opium for millenia. It is binoculars while parked one night near unidentified telephone caller t a zeal usually reserved for crusades most unlikely that they will be and pogroms. Recently, this drive willing to change their habits - 'Two coeds barely escaped injury has begun to manifest itself as a and their ecomonic base - to suit late one night under the Bogue Street force to be reckoned with on the the whims of the White House. Bridge when an unidentified troll international scene. Indeed,to ease the financial bite jumped from behind a pile of washed Now, as part of a multi-pronged the United up garbage and tried to molest them attack Washington has decided to States is reportedly with his magic wand. " cut off drug addiction at the issueing the Turkish government poppy roots. Under extreme approximately $5 million yearly to North Wonders Hall when cover the cost of a nude man University officials a bomb was set J American financial and diplomatic converting their appeared in a third floor room window go off in the Livestock Jute pressure Turkey, whose opium opium-growing regions to other and began dressing. Pavlllion. cash crops. A fine-sounding idea, * * X * Officials hemmed and hawed i crop provides the majority of until one remembers that the SEARCH IS UNDERWAY for a asked why they waited almost t American heroin, has agreed to Turkish government has changed woman believed to be in her late 70s hours to report the threat, phase out its lucrative poppy by who a third floor resident of North mid-1972. little since the days of the corrupt Wonders Hall said has been continually declined to comment on rumors of] campuswide "eyesore removal." In Thailand, another renowned Byzantine Empire. Thus, in knocking on his door and seeking producer of opium, international exchange for favorable headlines at information for an anthropology home the Nixon administration is research project. FIVE programs are underway to convince Police said YEARS WORTH of footbj the local tribesmen that apples, paying millions of the taxpayer's they are not certain seasons were reported lost from a whether this incident has MSU Stadium dollars into the pockets of various any by head coach ' peaches and potatoes are a better connection with reports of another Turkish politicians while the Daugherty. Total value of the lw deal. In Afghanistan, on the other woman who last week stormed the was estimated at $10 million spent |3 hand, pressure from America for a poppies grow happily on. Men's Intramural Building locker room about 70,000 fans attending each hoa crackdown on drug abuse has with a box camera. game at an average $6 a ticket. made it decidedly unpleasant to be One wonders why the President WHAT POLICE TERMED marijuana THE CASE WAS CLOSED a western tourist there. has not addressed himself to the i is being held as evidence against a 19 - much more feasible goal of person reported missing since Politically such an international year - old freak who tripped into the September when Gordon Sabine, offensive makes a great deal of pressuring the French government quonset hut station, whipped out a president for special projects, i into closing down the myraid joint, lit it, knocked ashes in the desk s«nse. Certainly it generates a located in an obscure research positioJ illegal labortories flourishing on its officer's shirt pocket and demanded to in Iowa. continuing supply of headlines borrow soil. It is in these underground a roach clip. Sabine returned to MSU in favorable to the administration < "A bunch of the boys were whooping it up in Police said a dime - bag of the since hard durgs are rather like establishments that opium is the Malemute Saloon..." substance confiscated from the man was of federal marshalls after he denM| processed into the vast bulk of knowledge of any past dealings * motherhood in reverse: how can determined by tests to be "bomb MSU. American heroin. anyone possibly be for them? That the President has recognized the Task scope of the problem and gone to The Doctor's Bag such creative lengths to do In fine, even if the impossible something about it is enough to task of eliminating opium from the warm the cockles of many a world scene could be Middle American heart. accomplished, it is doubtful that the drug problem would be Won't work allayed. Drugs are neutral By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. ^ The problem is that Nixon's substances requiring humans to EDITOR'S NOTE: With this column Dr. as it allowed international poppy ploy probably surgery that otherwise effects and provides a transient giddy translate them into "problems". Werner have added strychnine to othwl says goodbye for the summer, could have not been undertaken. In feeling. Some not too clever people have will not work. The peoples of With heroin eliminated, other - but he'll see you in September. recent years a variety of more effective opened cylinders of nitrous oxide in hallucinogenics in the crazy belief tlutH their effects would be enhanced. This in Thailand, Turkey, Afghanistan and possibly synthetic — substances general anesthetics have supplanted ether. closed automobiles and succeeded in would appear to take its place. I believe I have rather Romanesque Ether is highly flammable and can cause a dangerous, unwise practice. The mod a asphyxiating themselves. dangerous effects in the use oil inquiry. A friend with a weight problem explosions if ignited in a confined area. The active ingredient of The abuse of ether porbably antedates buttons is mescaline. Strychnine is a peyote hallucinogenic drugs, aside froil Any ultimate solution to the was told by her psychiatrist to indulge its medical use; and, more recently, accidentally getting poisoned is tbfl central nervous system dilemma of drug abuse lies in in the pleasures of food, and then at her ether abuse became prevalent in some poison that possibility of having a response to thl causes convulsions and death. It is found realistic and unemotional education disposal, proceed to make herself vomit. countries while alcohol was illegal. drug resulting in a severe emotionilB She was told to do this whenever she naturally in the nut of an Indian tree upset that could be of fairly Ml coupled with an attack on the Repeated use of ether can produce the but to the best of my social felt that she had indiscriminently same type of dependency that occurs knowledge it is duration. Use of such drugs also in ills — poverty, prejudice, not present in peyote buttons. People ingested. If continued, could this rupture with alcohol and withdrawal symptoms illegal. political impotence — which breed also In this country, the stomach muscles, mess-up digestive can occur. drug addiction. juices, etc.? pattern of sniffing substances or OUR READERS' MIND breathing gasses, such as nitrous oxide Your friend's psychiatrist must be a (laughing gas) follows a more sporadic subtle fellow with a penchant for pattern. Trustee hous behavior therapy. Most people find vomiting an extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant activity. Usually, down Sniffing glues and other solvents is right dangerous and deaths have frequently been reported. The possibility Board must ban X-wcn vomiting is associated with illness and of death from ether sniffing is much To the Editor: of trying to get into campus I evokes miserable memories of less, but the activity is not without Before President Wharton and the new highway would bring and falls sho ■ . step gastrointestinal infections, fevers or dangers. For instance, some people have board of trustees finalize their opinion they will arrive at the same conclusion hangovers. If your friend took her respiratory difficulties due to the on the proposed highway through we have: NO HIGHWAY. physician's advice seriously, I would irritating nature of the ether and campus, we propose that they spend a increased week living and Five years ago in loco parentis predict that the incidence of self-induced saliva and other secretions. working in Spartan It is too bad that the all - powerl step in the right direction, they vomiting would decrease dramatically Breathing ether in confined Village so they can experience the highway dept. has already spent U ruled supreme at MSU. All coeds still deserve cliiding for not going after the first one or two tries. If she is circumstances can result in loss of aggravation and frustration its residents money to prepare the Trowbridl had to be in their residence halls following the rules, she would have to consciousness and a variety of serious feel. With three sets of railroad exchange, but we think Spartan ViW all the way. Simply, it is not tracks, accomplish this by decreasing her respiratory problems. Recovery from it is a constant battle to by 11:30 p.m. (midnight on the morally defensible to deprive any ether anesthesia is accompanied by get into residents, and the campus in geneiil overindulgences in food. The chance of campus as it is. The noise level of the are far more important. This camwL weekends), open houses happened student of his right of free choice injury from a few episodes of vomiting nausea and general feeling of sickness. trains — and the does not about shaking of the need any more cars once a term for a single just because the University had is small, but prolonged vomiting could The same effects could be shown if a furniture as they pass - are intolerable. cement. I afternoon and booze on campus the exceedingly bad judgement to produce stomach cramps, and perhaps person sniffs small amounts. The Add to this, the high noise level, Mike and Judy ManUi weaken the muscles between the increased air was second only to molesting the build too many dorms. breathing of nitrous oxide is much less pollution, the danger to East Lansing r^id6"'l small children ducks and murder as a campus Granted, the stark financial esophagus and'stomach. Another method your friend could frequently associated with harmful and the increased hassle July 16, 10| crime of infamy. facts of the bond issues remain. HOId CAN HtJU HAVE FUN AT CAMP employ is to chew her food and then There is spit it out. Some people do find this WITH PORKY WEATHER LIKE "THIS? a high probability, I UONPER HOW CHUCK ISP0IN6? Above all, students were forced though, that residence halls could gratifying and it seems a little more to abide by such rules since they be kept reasonably full if gentle than puking. Depending on how they inhibited you are, either method may had to remain on campus until made were palatable to student interfere with eating in public. they turned 21 or reached senior tastes, since many parents would status. desire that their children reside in Several friends have abandoned more Now, five years later, almost all University housing for a year or traditional forms of amusement for ether social regulations have been two. sniffing, does this have any undesirable repealed and, at long last, the Hopefully, side effects? Also, is it true that if you hallowed rule for 21 year-olds has the issue of free . MUST BEAN VI SUPR)5E\ choice of living units for all remove the white powder from peyote actlleryoutfitJ THE FIRST been modified. Last week the students could be resolved before buttons that the natural strychnine in board of trustees voted to extend the implementation of the age of the peyote is reduced to harmless levels? the right to live off-campus to majority bill next January 1st. It Ether is a clear liquid that is highly SSSS students with 21-year-old or will be interesting to see how the volatile (turns into gas at low junior status. University intends to bind voting temperatures). The use of ether to While the trustees are to be citizens to its induce surgical anesthesia began with a rather arbitrary applauded for taking a significant public demostration in 1846. The rulings. discovery of ether is a medical landmark Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. July 21, 1971 5 By andidate raps'rubber stamp' city council RICK WII.BINS East Lansing City Council the city manager and February and set a vacation attacking their problems." I state News Staff Writer candidate Phyllis Evans feels that the "needs of the people long-time bureaucrats," date in the summer," Ferency Mrs. Evans is an asst. council The meetings. council Ferency said. said. "However, in a sudden has a JtOR'S NOTE: Phyllis of East Lansing should be Mrs. Evans, of 510 Cowley last-minute decision, the city professor in the School of Social Work. She has been a responsibility, Mrs. Evans s was not available for an expressed at the governmental Ave., is a founding member feels, to criticize national council decided to change the before the primary level" but are not because of the Human long time activist in the civil priorities that hinder the Rights Party primary election date to Aug. rights and peace movements. Aug. 3. Since the has the city council has and is representing that party 3. development of East Lansing, that she is running "to abdicated its major in the city council election. Ferency said. Ferency said "Part of the I the ideology of the responsibility to serve all of Ferency another founding Evans' vacation is not a total of the reason that the American Civil the n Rights Party to the people all of the time," member. people of East Lansing Zolton Ferency, spokesman have not undertaken to level," Rick Wilbins According to Ferency, Mrs. for Mrs. Evans, said. Evans will not be in East provide community programs rviewed a founder of that looking at various things that Americans for Democratic and Mrs. Evans believes that Lansing for the primary interest her about cities and activities, is perhaps, the v Zolton Ferency, to get the Action as well as the Human financial city council, for whatever election because she is city incapability of the Itatement of the Human reason, governments, with Rights Party, community generated by the |,ts Party's platform. That Ninth iiTS scries of from the ^hascommunity. become alienatedIt no vacationing with her family in particular reference to day Ferency said Mis. Evans is hundreds of thousands of East 13 Europe, care centers, medical facilities, most concerned with the lack |;form, according to purposes, the platform of Mrs. longer represents the "When culating her transportation problems, of leadership and guidance on Lansing dollars that must go for all practical Evans. community but instead has to support the war and an petition last winter, she had housing and zoning problems the part of the present city become a rubber stamp for planned for the primary in impossible defense posture." and how those cities there are council. EVANS He said Mrs. Evans believes much with the people as with Ierving society "There that could are be only the council would many things done here if the council il is but that hindering any the the city council should suggest to the community that they join together in provide leadership," he said, citizen action by failing to calling for a halt to the waste "but of course there is very communicate with them. of community tax dollars Dean sees college in wide role little of that. should be offering beneficial guidance and suggestions to the people to allow them to The council Mrs council enough little Evans feels that does and not meet seemingly between the often does feels Ferency said Mrs. Evans priority that towards the community the private meetings, automobile should be , RAY ANDERSON determine what service we are Ferency said. He added that te News Staff Writer to the University as a whole." the magic of successful the other. The College of t^6 nifpnoT.ah^St' h« she believes the abandoned in favor of safer Communication has grown communication." Communication Arts is helping ° .e?ou?.h of that has occurred either." councilmembers should set up less polluting and less Oyer is firmly convinced the University fulfill its expensive travel. He said she kith three at his new job during the past years and Dean that the basic concepts of responsibility to society. he Ferency said Mrs. Evans regular hours and attempt to favors the development of Kind him, Herbert J. Oyer Oyer feels that the College of normal communication have to said. feels that the initiative for solve potential confrontations bike paths and an efficient kently found time to Communication Arts has grown community change rests as outside the realm of evening transit system. be extended beyond the scope mass fcment on the philosophy he with it. Although the college is of the college through the ] brought to his position as designed to teach concepts and University and into society, the College of skills in a variety of openings reported [nmunications Arts. communication specialties, he "It 's an obligation on our 1 July 1, Oyer, chairman said, its real purpose is to Part to provide a lifelong [the Dept. of Audiology and stimulate interaction and make learning experience to ch ier Sciences, replaced the dean, Jack M. Bain, returned to a teaching ■ition as a professor in the the entire student body better communicators. "Many of domestic our problems foreign and come as a taxpayers who studnets of MSU," he said. The college are not enrolled has made Bureau The MSU Volunteer Bureau A 13 - year - old brain - needs volunteer readers. They are A 7 - year - old girl with It. of Communications, direct result of communication excellent strides during its has the following openings, damaged boy needs a reading campus. on visual and auditory perception er said he still is trying failure," Oyer siad, "Failure 15-year existence, Oyer said, Interested students, staff and tutor to give him a headstart Volunteers are needed to aint himself with the problems needs a reading right from basic social units, but he feels it has only begun spouses may contact the office for fall. A car is needed interview women for a family tutor. A car is needed facets of the college's OYER the family, up through the to tap the resources of at 353 - 4400 or in 27 (Lansing), planning project. (Lansing). departments. Since . , highest councils of government, communication. Student Services Bldg. A 12 - year - old boy needs loming dean he has talked drastic change from the "We must not only develop Many Big Brothers and Big a math and/or reading tutor. A \ all the department heads P°!|^s the skills of "Thoseofchanges ,former coming dean Bal"j our own students, "We are utilizing our own Sisters are needed for children car is required (Lansing). |find exactly how he can be will service other students resources and those of the in the Lansing area. A full Teacher aides needed by sistance to their programs. follow the normal deliberation who should know more about, University, because neither year commitment is required, third through are fifth graders AZALP7 l| will visit with each of and study of need- We must for the lack of a better word, Id function well without as well as your own car. enrolled in a summer "reading .. Serving the Community J faculty members through for fun" program. The location J month of August in hopes Iachieving an understanding is within walking or distance (East Lansing). bicycling Overlooking the Capitol ■their problems, aspirations," Escaped A 17 - year - old boy needs •Honeymoon convict »n Oyer said. help in math and reading. A » is continuing a policy of is needed car (Lansing). Ident relations he found Volunteer visitors are needed Btremely productive" in his by young multiple sclerosis r position, waive extradition patients. Some are within fl maintain a student liaison ■ both the ■ergraduate levels through graduate and to walking distance. Two blind students need Bent advisory committees," LUDINGTON (UPI) — An sentence for the 1969 the court action. It is up to. Graham, who was arrested said. "I have to know relevant to them if I scaped convict Cummins State Prison rv from Farm in * kidnaping of Ark., banker's a Devall's Bluff, Bumpers to decide whether to wife, was initiate formal extradition last Friday night after being ONE going to solve their Arkansas, being held here on spotted in a stolen car, was remanded to the county jail proceedings against Graham, aiso being sought by police in Iblems and our problems, a fugitive warrant, refused to 1 have to achieve a balance waive extradition Monday at by Judge Charles Wickens $10"000 bond. under $10,000 who escaped from the prison farm May 31. Springdale, Ark., for HOUR I understanding because we his arraignment in Mason - - Jack - - questioning in' the June 18 Grasinger, special It would then be up to 1 ill afford to work in a County m." Circuit Court in agent for the Arkansas Dept. a Gov. Milliken to decide robbery of a grocery store and the slaying of two of SERVICE nearby Baldwin, of Corrections, said he would whether to extradite Graham three store employes who doesn't envision any Daniel Graham, 31, who inform Arkansas Gov. Dale L. to Arkansas. taken had been were hostage. serving a life Bumpers of the outcome of The last time Milliken was asked to extradite an escaped T.V. RENTALS •ummer symposia called convict from Cummins facility, he refused. That case the involved notorious Lester LOUIS CLEANERS Stiggers, 21, who was serving luccess by project head a life sentence for the fatal 623 E.GRAND RIVER shooting of his father. Stiggers, in fighting extradition, claimed his life ■he §posium Wilson Hall series has been summer a Robert T. Anderson, professor Qf religion, on Tlie Love on Campus. Sexuality Concerns on would was be endangered if he returned to 'L the prison. ~ It's great . according to program Relationship; Tuesday. Carol Ictor Marge Zerba. Week of Aug. 16: Monday, Graham did to be the guy Thompson, member of foreign not cite any lince it started the second student panel, on institutional La urine Fitzgerald, associate specific for dean of students and reason fighting Rk of the term, Miss Zerba racism: extradition, Mason Wednesday, John County J. the symposia have shrank, Lansing lawyer, on professor of education, on prosecutor Robert Andrews acted h of about 50 people for the topics. The Drugs and the Law. "Masculinity and Femininity." said. "" " who calls the plays Iht-week program will Week of August 2: ■tinue to be held at 7 p.m. Inlay through Thursday in Monday, The Gay Liberation Movement; Tuesday, "Wrap Glenn Herriman, Inc. Army ROTC is the leadership course. Enroll in Army ROTC and you learn to lead - to work with people. You're ■t Wilson terrace lounge. Up; How We use the assured of a challenging job after graduation with the he four extensive topics Knowledge we have about option of returning to civilian life in two years or less - been scheduled for the Racism," a discussion with all with a post - graduate "degree" in leadership and e day each successive previous speakers on racism to Rk beginning with management experience. sex on search for applications of ■'flay, institutional aspects newly acquired ideas; 1 racism on Tuesday, drug Wednesday, Dr. Edward J. Plus we take care of you while you're still in school. You 1 and abuse Wednesday will receive $50 per month in your junior and senior years. on Lynn, asst. porfessor of I personal aspects of racism psychiatry, on Pshchological You will have an opportunity to apply for an Army ROTC ■ Thursday. Aspects of Drug Usage. scholarship which pays for all tuition, books and fees. Tie following is a list of J subjects to be discussed , . . n l"g the remaining weeks of Wfek ,°J A"e"i, a Interested? Call us ■ Monday, Judy Kn,pka and symposia. Gershen Kaufman, asst. PHONE: 482-6226 Peek »f Julv 26' Mondav professors. Counseling Center, at 355-1916 Or stop by Demonstration^ Hall Today. ^ " " '^sscis^a kvelnllte^ Drive In Or Carry Out 930 Trowbridge and 211 M.A.C. - II AM - 2 AM Hobie*s M-Sat, I Pm - 2 AM Sun 351-3800 Wednesday, July 21 „ £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 2 BIG DAYS. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ "" TODAY AND TOMORROW! j SIDEWALK SALE SPECIAL * } Wednesday & Thursday T#B SAWYil'S i %*. — J S®©I 2. All new hard cover boohs * 30-60% off w i {lis "Best sellers ■ 'Trade ACE LIEBERMANN'S HARDWARE (^HspooK^ORe publications Best Sellers 100/ store - wide IU /O discount BARGAINS in our 30-50% off NO JUNK including all macrame and decoupage supplies ($5 minimum purchase) SALE GOODIES SANDAL GARDEN BOOKS at the East Lansing SOFT GOODS SALE Sidewalk Sale FANTASTIC BARGAINS and WILD THINGS $3.88/pr. Moccasins Boots & (wild soft things, too) Sandals $1 off Shoes 229 ivlAC 131 E. Grand River (Next to Lums) Plus Many Other $T.99 and up $9.97 andup Sale Items! M.S.U. BOOTERY SIDEWALK SALE SPECIAL SELECTION OF T-SHIRTS MARSHALL'S SIDEWALK SAVINGS THE PERFECT ITEMS FOR PERSONAL ENJOYMENT! 50% off SELECTED JACKETS 50% off SAVE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS-UP TO 50% PAPERBOUND BOOKS - 25< an inch RECORDS GIBSON GUITAR $2.49 Special LP Sale Blue Ridge Model 12-String or per foot Top Groups - Oldies & Goodies Rosewood sides and back Your Choice spruce top STACK 'EM UP! (1QA $435.00 NOW *L7\J 50c-87c-$1.57 & 2-$5.00 was ONE TRUCKLOAD OF SONY BAND Campus, Portable, table & Clock Radios Demonstrators - INSTRUMENTS QUALITY LUGGAGE New used brand name Disc. Models to 20% OFF instruments - wide selection ... all from regular stock DIAMOND NEEDLES UP TO 1/3 OFF in our Downtown Store Replacement needles for CAPITOL UKES 507 E. Grand River Included are cases from many well known makers: ceramic cartridges. Genuine All wood construction frnn tip, not compressed dust! Samsonite, American Tourister, Hartmann, NOW ONLY Skyway, Atlantic. Some are matched sets; some list are single pieces in desirable sizes. Reductions of 9.95 $425 HARMONY 1/3 . . 1/2 . . . some even more. 10.95 $495 Stella Folk Guitar Reg. 37.95 NOW SIOOO LL VENTURA FOLK ... and inside where it's cool! DENON COMPACT Guitar Model V-26. Fine Music systems 3 models grain spruce top. Top quality mahogany sides and back. to choose, all with phono AM/FM stereo, packed in • BILLFOLDS Regular £9.00 NOW ^7 original cartons JQ ^ Qpp From such famous Buxton and Rolfs. makers as Prince Gardner, DULCIMERS PIONEER Hand made, quality instruments AM/FM stereo music system see Rick for special prices Deluxe PE automatic turntable 2 way speakers with 8" woofer REDUCED 1/3 to 1/2 TAMBOURINES glass top. Pedestal Base. ALL 1/3 OFF A s349°° IZE Our Famous Buys in GIBSON B25-12N HARMONY STAINLESS STEEL USED 12 string guitar. Good condition SOVEREIGN HOLLOWARE. NEW Folk guitar $169 98.50 SpruNo7 s6900 a selected group of PRICE®324 N0W ... with I Reg. fine items from Frasers MANY MORE SPECIAL SAVINGS INSIDE THE STORE. SAVE ON NEW ITEMS, USED ITEMS, DEMONSTRATORS, AND DISCONTINUED MODELS 245 ANN ST. 351-7830 MUSIC CO. E. LANSING East Lansing Store Only 209 E. Grand River Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. July 21, 1971 7 Ulaurirefi Tj^war BOOKSTORE PRESENTS "RING DAY" ATTENTION ORIENTATI MSU GRADS HERE FOR THE BARGAIN SPREE OF THE YEAR SHARE IN THE BIG, BIG SAVINGS! THIS IS THE TIME OF YEAR WHEN WE . . . REALLY CLEAN HOUSE TO rlAKE AND ANY AND ALL M ROOM FOR NEW FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS ARRIVING DAILY ENTIRE SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK GOES AT FABULOUS SAVINGS. . . OUH TEX BARROWS, JOHN THE WILL CUSTOM FIT RINGS 200 SUMMER DRESSES & HOT PANTS OLD HIGH SCHOOL Values NQW $1Q TAKEN ON TRADE IN. _ $13 _ $15 000 PAIRS SUMMER JEANS FOR THIS EVENT ONLY 1/2 PRICE STOP IN ON WEDNESDAY, THE 21st STRIPES ON WHITE GROUNDS . . . WERE 7.00 to 12.00 Were 8.00 to 16.00 150 BLOUSES ORDER YOUR MSU RING N0WJ YOUR CHOICE $3.00 500 PAIRS HOT PANTS NOW 1/3 OFF! The season's most wanted styles in stripes & solids Sidewalk Sale Bargains Formerly priced 8.00 to 25.00 at the 87 RAINCOATS Values to 70.00 . 1/3 to 1/2 OFF! Student Book Store 400 PAIRS SLACKS YOUR CHOICE $3-$4-$5 1. Buy books by the pound! Assorted col^s and sizes Values to 25.00 Paperbacks 50C/lb. ODDS & ENDS RACK $1 _ $2 _ $3 - $4 Values to 50.00 Come early for this one! Hardbacks 250/lb. 150 VELOUR SEPARATES NOW HALF PRICE! 2. 50% off: Soldis & Stripes in Beautiful Colors T-Shirts Stationery 100 WOOL SKIRTS YOUR CHOICE $3 - $4 Sweatshirts Jewelry Pre-Fall Special from our best makers. WEre 12.00 to 23.00 Jackets Posters 67 CAR COATS - PANT COATS $15 - $20 - $25 3. Close out of hundreds of publishers titles: Values to 60.00 93 KNIT PANT SUITS 1/3 to 1/2 OFF! \l If 1CAN \HT J Dacron Polyesters, Dacron/Wool Blends I I 500 COTTON T-TOPS NOW 1/3 OFF! Include Stripes and Solids \ 200 HOT PANT SETS NOW 1/3 to 1/2 OFF! A Collection of Colors & Styles Larousse WORLD MYTHOLOGY AFRICAN ART Hamtyn ALL COLOUR COOK BOOK Ed. by Pierre Grimal. Deluxe volume, tro. & Notes by D. Duerden. Splendid, hand- Text by Mary Berry, Ann Body & Audrey Ellis. fully that highlight the Season! llustrat&d, with brilliant text by 23 authors mely illustrated introduction to sub-Saharan Big, beautiful book packed with 336 excellent vho survey the myths of the world's principal Irican art, with 60 plates, 51 FULL COLOR, recipes, each one illustrated with a photo in ;ocieties & analyze the form & function of myth, us text revealing the artistic quality of the glorious full color as a guide to the garnishing 150 SUMMER SHIFTS Values to 25.00 NOW 1/3 OFF! its variations & evolutions from the rites of prehistoric man, through the system of Egyptian Gods, the ancient Near East, the Indian Pantheon, arks as well as their significance in religious id tribal ceremonies: 9-V." x 10-V. & finish of every dish. All recipes streamlined to speed up preparation (with "Quick Tips" following the methods). Easy-to-follow instruc¬ Special Import $2.98 & the gods & heroes of classical Greece and Rome. tions. 336 FULL COLOR PHOTOS; conversion OVER 600 PHOTOS. 40 FULL COLOR; 545 ables, X12 op; 8V4" x 11-3/4". Special Import $3.98 Special Import $9.98 ALL REMAINING SWIMWEAR NOW 1/3 OFF! 150 SUMMER PANT SUITS NOW 1/2 OFF! Student Book Store 421 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing Wednesday, July 21 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE SAVE$$$SAVE$$$8AVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE SHEPARD'S East Lansing Store > ! SIDEWALK Great "Once-A- W ednesday & Thursday 9:30 AM—9:00 PM Over 300 Pair WOMEN'S SHOE Dress and casual styles Values to $25 - Now Only $197 JLQr is celebrating the EAST LANSING SIDEWALK SALE! or 2 Pair for Wed. - Thurs. July 21st - 22nd {We cannot sell diamonds and fine jewelry on the I sidewalk — so please come in and shop in comfort. | I Leon G is joining in this annual sales event with some outstanding values, Over 750 Pair in addition we are offering SIDEWALK WOMEN'S 15% OFF OUR ENllRE STOCK SH •Jewelry • Gifts • Prints • Framing JEWELRY SALE Dress, Casual, Back - to - School Most Sizes — Values to $30 fJow Only Entire Stock A GROUP OF Pierced Earrings, 20- Watchbands, or 2 Pair DIAMONDS WEDDING RINGS MUSIC BOXES Latest tunes FAMOUS BRAND Rings 50% OFF WATCHES.. . Over 200 to Select from Blossom* Artcarvei orange Name brand Watches 20% OFF Over 75 Pair 20% OFF 20% OFF 40% OFF M. SHOE MEN'S Thompson ENTIRE STOCK A GROUP OF 233 MAC Avenue Boots, Loafers, slip ENTIRE STOCK - ons, and Sandals Values to $28 Buckles — Now Only ,59, PRINTS (Everything in the store) QUALITY STONE RINGS FRAMED PRINTS £. 15% OFF Yes... We Have Charge Accounts AND "Jewelry 'Diamonds *Silver * Pewter 40% OFF Cigarettes $1.00 off The Discoont Price 1 | WALL DECORATION: 'Wedding Rings *Gifts 25% Off On All \hepard! •Custom Picture Framing SPECIAL! 24c East Lansing 317 E. Grand River East Lansing 317 E. Grand River v SPECIAL! ... On the Park free All/ ENTIRE STOCK OF DECORATOR Stereo LP 's 1 jHCpES limit 1 pkg. ENTIRE STOCK OF with purchase WALL CLOCKS limit 2 I (coupon) (coupon) | DISPLAY SILVER East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ■ SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SA VE$$$SAVE$$$SA VE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE $$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$ Expires after 7-22-71 Expires after 7-22-71 | & PEWTER <5T 25% OFF 3.50 3.50 I A mble, glide, hike, hop, march -STORE HOURS- Body Bra and . .. H.I.S. JEANS 40% OFF 319 E. Grand River Wed 9 AM to 9 PM Thurs 9 AM to 9 PM Pennsylvania Court 1 Novelty patterns, Jr. East Lansing, Mich. Panty Hose sizes 5-13 Were $10-$12-$14 Combination Tennis Balls 1 """""Tzen! th SPECIE? I *6'» COTTON KNIT TOPS SAVE $1,080.26! •CIRCLE OF SOUND Ster AM/FM stereo and automatic 79 limit 2 3's $219 limit 1 1I Solids and stripes You can save $1,688.26 if you buy one of record changer WAS $279.95 (coupon) (coupon) 1 NOW $199.95 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Were $5, $6, and $7 each item we have on special during ■ Expires after 7-22-71 Expires after 7-22-71 ■ $2*o SIDEWALK SALE DAYS! SWIMSUITS ISTEREO SYSTEMS SPECIALS1 •SHORT Reg. WAVE $99.95 portable radio SIDEWALK SPECIAL SPECIALS I Mostly 2-piece bikini SANSUI AM/FM Stereo SPECIAL $49.00 Were $10 to $20 Receiver with Two Speakers . . •Zenith Desk RADIO $59.95 for the Siclewalk Sale 1 . ONLY $259.00 AND: REDUCED to $9.88! ONE PENNY $500 MORE buys a • •Zenith B/W portable TV WAS State D iscount BSR TURNTABLE! Your cost $99.95 NOW $89.00 for the ENTIRE SYSTEM . . . $259.01. HOT PANTS YAMAHA COMPACT STEREO Regular $7, $8, and $9 SYSTEM AM/FM Stereo. Turntable, 2 speakers, and dust 307 E. Gr and River B cover ONLY $349.00 $29C MARANTZ with Model 3-YEAR WARRANTY 26 System . . . Next to the! Card Shop 1 ONLY $249.00 JVC STEREO System with 200 WATT Receiver, speakers and meander, pace, perambulate, THE COMPLETE HEADLINE REPORT .. . turntable - 2 year warranty promenade.. . SAVE $200.00 - NOW $599.00 [SPEAKER SPECIALSl BY JENSEN I'R 200 3-v COTTON KNIT DRESSES Stripes, patterns SYSTEM Reg. $198.00 ea. BUY ONE at REGULAR PRICE Get the SECOND FOR . ONE . . Sbf JJotfk Sbtter* Reg. $14. PENNY! (2 speakers for $198.01!) E.M.I. 2-way SPEAKER System Reg. ON THE TOP SECRET VIETNAM STUDY $590 $149.00 per pair NOW $99.00 per pail 5 STEREO HEADPHONES PRO g. $49.95 NOW $39.95 HOT PANTS SETS Regular $16 to $30 ODDS AND ENDS BARGAIN TABLE •SONY STEREO SYSTEM Better sportswear from broken, Ml'0 lo M9'° coordinated groups. Choose . . "Radio . turntable, Featuring and AM/FM a Dual Stereo two full - size from tops, tunics, vests and Speakers WAS $419.95 NOW $349.00 jackets. s2 *3 . .. run, shuffle, strut, stroll, skip •SONY Desk RADIO toddle or wend your way to with ... Walnut Case Reg. $29.95 NOW $10.00 •SONY COLOR TV - Model 1210. WAS $279.00 •SONY Model $319.95 NOW COLOR 1 220 TV - includes Key Documents • 64 pages of ohotoi| with Walnut Case and Blue sky Tuning WAS $349.95 SI DEW/-.'.K PRICE $299.00 Now on sale at: Student Book Store •SPECIAL SAVINGS ON EAST LANSING SIDEWALK SALE . .. SONY RECORDERS TC-125 Stereo Cassette Reg. $119.95 . . and walk away with the greatest savings ever! NOW $89.00 Across from the Union Open Tonight 'til 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 21, 1971 9 today, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm; Thursday 9:30 am to 9:00 pm. r , locks and accessories 8i intimate apparel . . . FIRST FLOOR locks of. . . CHAIN NECKLACES tables and bins of gold or silver, 2 lengths rgains are what have oduced this typical scene special $1.50 to $2 Grand River Avenue, in ast Lansing, during LITTLE SEPARATES id-July for the past seven blouses, tops, scarves East Lansing rainwear, hair pieces -rehants are again staging traditional "Sidewalk $2 to $6 le" today and tomorrow n 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. HOSIERY Jacobsorig discontinued hose, panty hose and knee-hi's 50LA£A SUITE lUyUJREEN JUUMARA lEE STAPLETON \ARRIS §RAM P| " Feature at 1:25-5:35-9:45 p.m. 1 hruMMt Ntturi m CO-FEATURE JOHN GLEN KIM WAYNE CAMPBELL DARBY 21.197, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigai Wednesday, July 21, 1971 H Quality If you feel as I do about rnest Borgnine, there's a legitimate been jolts could have spoils as nightmare .rtain satisfaction in seeing appreciated there. But torn to bits by rats in for some reason "Willard" Willard." aspires to be a well made The film does offer a film. It is well acted - by ither unforgettable lesson Davison, Sondra Locke and Elsa Lanchester jat rats do not necessarily - and well Rats! iake the best house pets. directed by Daniel Mann, but it is altogether Beyond this "the film that misguided. Its Bruce Davison plays with pgins where your nightmares script is illogical and sloppy. The film's aspirations to be Scorates, his pet rat and nd" is a tame creature, a sensible spoil what best friend, in "Willard," that just barely holds might have interest in the theater been a good silly scare movie. now showing at the TTie sight of marauding rats Spartan East Theater. nd one that should not •ouble your sleep afterwards. H - — . , : . - <"»" the me sounds sounas of oi their ineir Willard (played by Bruce °f f !°?™] but his nibblin8 at ,ocked doors and I. . fatherleffi loner ,„8el™ ho cannot tolerate his disperse. Together they seek a interesting moments. But most of lother, his job or his boss, new target and implement e turns to rats for comrades their own brand of "Willard" drags with the revenge weight of filmmakers out of ,d allies. He houses them, Given a faster, sillier pace touch with their material. eds them, trains them, then "Willard" could have been ses them to carry out his great fun. As it is, the style irious revenges. is too professional, the editing commencThousands of rats are and scene techniques are too id !!?!* lithful to him, willing to structured and the music is Campus separatism criticized an/i > man's sleep far too pretty to service what boss s elegant is basically a ridiculous plot inner party and ultimately "Willard" should have been r away at the boss's flesh thrown together for the drive cue. Willard's dirty work - in scare show trade. Its few By LESLIE LEE with the academic community Michigan, have at times acted State News Staff Writer pluralistic University to satisfy lies in isolation and separation and in doing so sometimes in ways that conflict with the autonomous a great variety of student of these programs into departments base decisions on factors far academic precepts. needs, she said. "The fallacy immiscible boxes." University communities tend loosely held together by a removed from educational "The net result of these to polarize into compartments, central administration. . . ." In grounds. Students, with a four separate entities glaring at with each one stereotyping the this setting, she said, four narrow view of the university, each- other with mistrust and image of the next one, primary adversary groups could plead for freedom, which often suspicion from various positions Dorothy Arata, asst. provost be identified: faculty, means a freedom from in the academic hierarchy is for undergraduate education, administration, students and challenge - and the trustees, Woofoo antithetical to the concept of said Tuesday at the University the governing board — "a operating on the premises of a community of scholars," Club luncheon. multiplicity of pyrimidal representing and protecting the Miss Arata said. "I accepted (this invitation) structures." interests of the people of It is proper that MSU is a in order to share with you a And in these categories the — /S growing concern I have for the faculty, already overburdened, spreading climate of separatism is reluctant to guide university SYMPHONIC on this and every campus in affairs but even more reluctant the land," she said. to allow the administrators to Outlining the past image of METAMORPHOSIS y the University, she noted that do so, she said, Department heads suffer j/X'll! r1!' «/***,T r, a .... * the president was collaboration was nonexistent always right, confusion of function and los6 of effectiveness as a -FUSION ROCK- -frill and obedience was routine. sometine faculty and sometine UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM A hew^u/uofvi*-. In universities contrast, "Today's are based on administrators. have allowed Administrators crisis issues to frxtdefa/iefai&hq adversary relationships and remove them from contact FRIDAY JULY 30 power bargaining," she said. In the new adversary model, Club conflicts within the are open, factions college are more your speaker rigid and power within factions Provost tends to cancel out. Change Dorothy A. Arata speaks on pluralism thus becomes much more I 'and polarism at MSU during a speech before the difficult. weekly meeting of Uhiw^sity Club Tuesday. -State News plioto "by Milton Horst ' . According to David Fellman, Miss Arata said, "Most Survival coalition :a ndidate in I The Coalition for Human social conditions for all city for the real needs and future lirvival announced Tuesday residents. of the city of East Lansing. Is endorsement of and The coalition spokesmen More information is available ■pport for Elyse Eisenberg, say they are interested in by calling 351-8280. Meetings ■ndidate for East Lansing supporting only those for campaign workers are ■ty Council In the Aug. 3 candidates who act not as scheduled for 3 p.m. daily at ■imary election. The coalition politicians but as spokesmen 343 Albert St. ■eviously has announced ■pport for Chuck Will, NOW SHOWING pother candidate for fll select three seats one of which voters from the ballot of rQ/wftM EXCLUSIVE J nominees. t EAST LANSING ON M 43 * PHONE ED 2 1042 ! ADULT SHOW ■ The coalition spokesmen they support Miss 3 ADULT FEATURES Nooneu"der I8yn-admK!,'d ■senberg in her program "to THEY CAME WITH ONLY ONE THOUGHT, jfvent commercial and real ■tate development interests moving into the LICKERU kmmunity and exploiting Lansipg resources and kidents." In addition Miss ■isenberg has presented a Ttatement of ecological Improvements and controls to ptter the environmental and JACK RICHESON • JACOB OFT • JUDY ANGEL • WENDY GAYLE Shown First at 8:40 — Repeate^Ftl&JSat^ ADULTS ON 5th Dimension |A land concert free outdoor "pops" tinted at 6:30 will p.m. be today, Greatest Hits m ■ the garden ■SU Music Building. area east of the or * Performing will be the MSU ■mmer Band conducted by ■etineth f bands, and Bloomquist, director David Catron, Age of Aquarius J", director. ■ The 55 ONLY - piece band ■dudes regular MSU students J well as school band lectors returning to the ■ iversity for summer courses. P8 » MSU's first summer T"d "i several seasons. RENT AT.V. COLOR.,™ I $9'50 month 25.00 JEREMY ADAM JOCELYN We deliver... University t. v. rentals SLATE ROARKE LANE >n I S«me dnv 1«■— 351-7900 COME AS LATE AS 10:46 See Complete W00LC0 MERIDIAN MALLC 1900 Grand Rive* A/e and Marsh Road I ' Jusl 1 Mile past Meridian Mall Wednesday, July 2l, ]2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan |< Total water. funding planning It has stages been for in the several Whereas funding the would have been a seen previous state Foundation and $250,000 from the Rockefeller for water quality plan phosphates and nitrates. The basic strategy of the These aquatic plants wll be harvested several times a year, ch»nn®' pioaucea per acre, y reduct'<1. years. capital outlay appropriation to Foundation and is likely to project "will be to make wast and will be run through alfalfa I he waterwill now i g The total funding of the Though $500,000 was the University, the current receive funding from the driers or pelletized for feeding the series of foul.P™1® MSU Water Quality appropriated by the state in water nutrients available for ^ hv^h all°cation | funding plan calls for a joint federal Environmental incorporation into plant to livestock. gr.v. y, taking about tWrty •PPj by <:he Managemei.t Project is now in 1970 for construction of the application to the Water Protection Agency. systems," Tanner said. Tanner said that bass and days to move from the first to Octotar MSU will be ready! sight, Howard A. Tanner, project, the appropriation has Resources Commission by the Tanner said that the Aquatic plants which have bluegill will grow in the ponds last pond. theWhen withheld from the u__ f°r or"the"' "" t__ director of natural resources been University and East Lansing facilities the water _ has construction that will be the approximate nutritive value and will be available for " and professor of fisheries and wildlife, said Monday. University as part of the governor's stringency measures for funding under a sewage constructed are unique, and of alfalfa i mexpeetedUto grow Creation a! fishing. "ln"add i tion completed its movement from almost immediaU-ly (JJJ The project involves the to maintain a balanced budget, improvement bond program are needed to gain more vigorously in the bath of to the bass and bluegill, the beginning of the pond engineering studies hit, approved by Michigan voters in knowledge about the recycling nutrients provided by the Tanner estimated that between series to the end, the nutrients already been completed constructin of a biological \ But Tanner said November. system in which research will hopeful that funding approval The water of nutritive waste and the waste water, he said. 800 and 1600 pounds of i n the water will be said. quality project reuse of water, be conducted on the recycling will be received in October already has received $500,000 Knowledge about the of the nutrients and organic from the Michigan Water from the Kresge Foundation, elimination of nutrients from matter contained BUILDING OUT, FAMILY IN in waste Resources Commission. $450,000 from the Ford waste water may help to prevent the transition of the Great Lakes "weed-and-algae-choked lakes," into E. Pakista rebels blasf he said. A park-like recreation Delaware resort fights complex is planned for the site of the project, which will be located in the southeast corner of the campus between Phillips three Dpower and College roads north of DACCA, East Pakistan (AP) Officials said all the armed Police officials said they assigned to help operate tb 1-96. Pakistani thermal apartment construction East rebels generating station guards at the station were planned to redistribute Faculty members from the carrying automatic weapons disarmed and ordered to flee electricity through the main Siddirganj. Dept. of Park and Recreation stormed three power plants in before the blast. Scores of BETHANY BEACH, Del. (AP) - Residents blocks of, l Resources will design, develop Dacca and blasted them out of An unarmed watchman who families ijVj. boardwalk, two motels, one and operate facilities for commission, leaving major around Malibagh Hulben of this small resort community on the restaurant and a number of small shops. remained said the intruders picnicing, canoeing and fishing, industrial and residential areas Much of the transmission Station in the Atlantic Ocean are fighting to halt But a $50 million, 14-story condominium use(j explosives that bent the dense Tanner said the project line between stations was populated area of the construction of a large apartment complex development with 1,041 units now is under plans call for taking a portion without electricity Tuesday^ Officials of the East half-inch steel transformer cover over Officials said thev the constructed as part of an hastily packed their citj they fear will invite further development and construction on 34 acres of beach-front of the effluent from a sewage Pakistan Water and Power had no wav of repairing the American aid project. oi', nrniort Five Fiup goods on pushcarts Tueso, ruin a family-type atmosphere. property here. The condominium complex, Sea plant to be located north of Development Authority said unjt American technicians were and stated fleeing the area. The community, within easy driving access Colony, is being built by Carl Freeman Trowbridge Road and piping it the bombings were carried out of Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore, Associates, Silver Spring, Md., and is scheduled four miles to the 500-acre almost simultaneously Monday now has 310 permanent residents and a for completion within five years. project site where the water night in three different parts summer population of about 5,000. It is Town Manager Allen N. Humphrey said will move through a series of of the city, knocking out more composed mainly of - one - and two - story residents of Bethany Beach are fighting the four small man-made lakes than half the frame cottages built on small lots along a mile development because "we have a family with a surface area of about electricity-generating capacity of shoreline and in some spots goes inland for background and atmosphere here and that's 30 acres. of the East Pakistan capital, about a mile. what we want to maintain." The effluent will already The officials said three Unlike other nearby resort areas, such as Some residents filed a suit last month have been treated at the guards were wounded at an Ocean City, Md., seven miles to the south — seeking a temporary restraining order to ban sewage plant to meet all old substation near the Sha where the popluation swells to 250,000 on further construction, sales and advertising of current standards, but will Agh Hotel. The facility fed summer weekends — Bethany Beach has been Sea Colony, but a Delaware Chancery Court contain substantial amounts of some power to the Dhanmondi the site of limited development. It has six residential area, where secessionist leader Sheikh Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay Mujibur Rahman lived until his arrest in an army crackdown March 26. Officials at a second substation at Malibagh Hulberg said at least half a dozen men carrying Sten guns broke through the gate, ordered five police guards to drop their weapons and blew up the j transformer about 8:30 p.m. Officials said the transformer was damaged beyond repair. They added the substation supplied 10 of the 73 megawatts normally generated in the East Pakistan capital. Also knocked out of action was a 30 megawatt station in President Nixon gestures as he talks with Secretary of State William Rogers, left, High the Ullon district. national security affairs adviser Henry Kissinger Sunday as they returned from San I Clemente, Calif., to Washington, D.C., aboard Air Force One. _AP Wirephoto Youths hit California town oot, bomb, burn buildings A pharmacy, a bank and OXNARD, Calif. (AP) - a "I haven't been able to youths swept through tin Mexican school were damaged find any real business district, setting fin - American youths by fire reason for the rampaged bombs. Total damage to all and breaking windows in u through the outburst," Police Chief Robert downtown district of this buildings was estimated at Owens said. He said a curfew eight - block area, police slid Southern California coastal $100,000. banning youths under 18 Gasoline fire bombs wen town It was the most violent from the streets after 10 p.m. hurled into the Bank of A. early Monday, setting fires, looting stores and incident involving Mexican - would be "strictly" enforced Levy, Juanita Elements Americans in the Los Angeles School Leon's pelting police and firemen area since the Monday night. and DnHj with rocks, authorities say. January riots in Crudely written handbills Store, police said. Nineteen juveniles and East Los Angeles. 20 saying thinks like "get the INSTANT adults were arrested charges stemming from the on Mexican - Americans also were involved in a disturbance pigs out of the barrios" were circulated Damage at the bank ufl in some areas school was minor but tbl distrubance, which authorities during the night in Colton, SUNBURN said involved young persons. 100 to 150 100 damaged miles a to the east, bank and building in a Saturday. reflected Mexican the - The feeling of handbills Americans that many pharmacy Police said looted. was some gutted by fi»l stores wei»| the predominately RELIEF T.V. RENTALS — American the area of Los Mexican 24th bombing there in Angeles - police patrol the "Conolina" too heavily, one resident of the area said. Police denied Police said they fired shots and used no tear »| Americaine three months. The trouble here started that they patrol the area too heavily. but that several shots. the youths NEJACTV RENTALS after an antipolice rally in a The trouble One 18 - year - old W| Spray park, but authorities said they began about 9 suffered a gunshot wound ®l LADIES! DRESS and didn't know what triggered it. p.m. Sunday. After the antipolice rally, some 150 the leg, authorities said. Contains 20% Benzocaine SPORT SHOES I opical Anesthetic. Our Own Reg. $2.23 Choose from many styles PHARMACY in white, bone, tan or DEPT. yellow. to all 10. Assorted sizes (Not all colors in 5'/2 $20° I0 S400 sizes.) SHOE DEPT. Our Own Reg. $4.97 to $7.94 Acne pimples __ your problem? 35 Try PROPA PH If you're not satisfied with results in three days money back. PHARMACY DEPT. 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA ^HO^l^JE^^RIFT^ACRES^Monda^hri^atu^a^^^^^^^^^^Su^a^^^A^^^M Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. July 21, 1971 13 am check AIR FORCE VETERAN vailable ) buyers First woman general gets star NEW YORK (AP) — From women in the armed forces. Though she has achieved husbands rights in the military •1 IAI A._ -II .i.. Anrl U ...ill 4- a ' forces is awful." silversmith to silver star — And it will prove to women _ f- A. • *«_ li_ « • _ t 1_ first in the Air Force, she has .... . 1 _ _ __ such as civilian wives have, he rain check, previously that's the course the .career of that they may now aspire to much she still hopes to plus adequate quarters As a general, she said she rved for baseball fans, is Jeanne M. Holm, first woman the higher ranks." available to family food Gen. accomplish: allowance for military wives doesn't want to be driven to Holm said that the "I want laws some changed, and husbands. And bachelor work^ by a chauffeur and ppers. most significant change she including getting civilians housing in all of t»»- armed doesn't want an aide. n July 12, a new Federal "I never expected this in has noted since being named de Commission ruling went my wildest dream," the WAF director in 1965 has effect covering the director of the Women in the been "a total reversal of Htising and availability of Air Force said of her philosophy on the use of eery store specials. promotion last Friday to women in the Air Force." brigadier general. "But you've "Instead of saying 'All jobs Jnder the new regulation, a got to be overwhelmed by it, are closed to women except d store cannot offer food whether man or woman. these' - clerk, typist, medical grocery products for sale at "It feels funny; I think specialist, personnel worker tated price unless it has the have someone else's jacket and others considered TWO LANSING GIRLS, 13 A 17 - YEAR - OLD ducts in stock and readily on," she said as she touched and 15, told MSU officers Haslett youth has been liable to customers during effective period of the the shoulder. new silver star Before she on her entered women's jobs — we now say 'All jobs are open to women they sidewalk were walking across on from a identified as the youth who drove by a coed walking Activists except these'," she said, ertisoment or offer. Stores military service in 1942 she These exceptions include Demonstration Hall when they north across the field between the, Vet C'n'c and Owen Hall to standing at the speak make all advertised saw a man o worked as a silversmith but being members of air crews conspicuously and with the exception of two engaged in combat, jobs edge of the pine forest with and yelled obscenities at her. jily available for sale at or years in college has been on his trousers and underwear Pollce sjud the '"cident beyond the physical occurred about 8:15 p.m. the advertised prices. active duty since giving up pulled down. capabilities of most worron, The girls said they noticed coed reportedly The regulation notes that her civilian During an career. interview here, and such things as a a gate with a gun. guarding tne man when he coughed. called Patro1 officers, who at meeting may be times when a she explained the dual effect The general, whose three Police searched the area and 'ocated the youth near Park.in8 L°t from a hant actually orders iugh of the advertised item Curiosity saved the mouse she thinks her attainment will have: rows decorations of ribbons for expertise with include did not find the man. He was described in his descnPt>on of his automobile Two leaders of the not enough is delivered or It didn't take long for this cat to decide that a "The publicity associated he M16 rifle and .45 - caliber early 20s, 6 feet 2, heavy set, by the coed revolutionary movement will veries are late due to mouse wasn't going to be a meal, or perhaps from the with the promotion of pistol, would like to and with black, shaggy hair Police a reported dmitted that the address the Socialist cumstances beyond his look of things in the third frame it was the other woman to this rank will hanging over his face. He was Educational Weekend, help assimilation of women in the last seen wearing a white T - obscenities, He was released itrol. way around. -AP people realize that there are military structure. beginning Friday in Detroit. Wirephoto shirt and tan pants. and will U~ be referred "* *" Derrick Morrison, black county prosecutors. activist and national committee member of the Magazines POLICE ARE Socialist Workers Party, will try REQUESTING the owner of a speak at 7:30 p.m. Friday dog, which at 11 p.m. and at noon Saturday on Monday bit an East Lansing "The Revolutionary Dynamics graduate student on the of Black Nationalism." Barry NEW YORK to (AP) - reader herself. contact ere s a new kind of ''In the Newhouse added "Lifestvles the beautiful people concept I had to name the 10 most fashion and in the magazines? buttocks the Sheppard, former editor of process of station so officers can dispose "The Militant," will speak at nerican woman these days reassessing, we've come change A well - edited ~~ originated by former Vogue influential women in fashion, Some sources in the fashion station so very magazine reports that" editor Diana Vreeland and I couldn't." industry cited poor business of the complaint and help 8:30 p.m. Saturday on "The the fashion magazines clearly to the woman for James Bradv publisher of rapidly copied - is dwindUng. on Seventh Avenue and a insure the health of the Coming American Revolution." used to tell her what to whom we want to „ edit," said Weekend activities will be ar are being forced to Nancy White, lon8 * «me Women's Wear Daily said "I don't think they're as Bazaar publisher Gordon reaction against the midiskirt. animal. held at the Militant Forum, Vogue and Bazaar would have influential," Brady said of the Morford sounded a similar others said women simply ^ .,s tedl Voguet0J* were 3737 Woodward Ave., Detroit. vg! and uJl nm8ge' B>S5r We ed^°r: theme. " - - - seem to be less interested in Harpers Bazaar, call her the . goer. She to change to meet the times, people like Gloria Guiness and fashion because of the m 6 *he 6 ^ the Admission is 50 cents for particularly because fashion Mrs. William Paley who used . , - . - es in exurbia. She's the itself is moving so rapidly, to set standards, relayed by _ „ bit the man, who each of the Morrison S.u ««Ure tTJ0!"11® a^a» Jvoman_ involved. She wants Exactly what shape the Vogue and Bazaar, for the beautiful people concept," icept» problems facing the country. was treat;d and released from presentations. $1 for m the beautiful people, her mind as well turned out lite couture look and into as her body. She has a more changes would take, Bradv millions of American women, he said. "We n longer Still others said the magazines IT„i„„,.eit,f Uooifu rw», ^eTpard oneppara s "^ speecn and ana S4 or lor would not predict. "There is no one person who consider it timely." had lost touch with reality UniV i y Health Center. The that speech plus a dinner areas of environment, practical dog's name might have been approach to fashion." He did say, however, that is a fashion arbiter today. If pel and social problems. Among the changes Bazaar has instituted with the new ; of the change stems reader in mind are a section Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! purely practical reasons of clothes priced under Why Pay M both $250, GALA magazines lost features on home sewing and TOWELS = 281 vertising revenue and articles like the one in an :ulation last year. And part upcoming issue "what to oa on from the change in the -- DECORATED do if your child gets arrested. Vogue also has been lool to close moving toward more lower ■52k THIN FRIES Il6< priced clothes and recently 20 OZ. devoted an entire issue to the light service problems of travel. "Vogue has never reflected WT. BAG exclusively couture prices," Mens IM will said ■WHY PAY MORE" S.I. Newhouse Jr., ■WHY PAY MORE" "WHY PAY MORE" ■ WHY PAY MORE" [scontinue use of the 'do°r pool on Monday and idnesday nights due to publishing director of Conde - Nast> the magazine's parent, "There are $20 sports outfits thrifty acres FOOD CLUB SOFT FOOD CLUB FRESH 'N GOOD turnouts and the lack and $8 shirt dresSes COOKIES interest. through the magazine." all SUPER mflRKETS MARGARINE ICE CREAM CINNAMON FUDGE NUT-DUTCH JUMBO- OLD FASHIONED SUGAR- COCONUT BAR We Reserve the Right ROUS ALMOND to Limit to 29c 69c ifthUwd d Reasonable Quantities r Mi 00 MEIJER SAN T RY REG. OR M0DESS 3/1.00 SUPER Welcomes 12 CNT. USDA Government NAPKINS BOX Food Stamps ■WHY PAY MORE" AT FOX'S FROM FOR THE BEST IN SALAD GREENS CHECK MEIJER PEANOT BUTTER $99°° IETTUCE I* CALIF. ICEBERG CRUNCHY 88c TESTENDER ARMOUR onuiut m CHUCK STEAK ARMOUR 55c S8< HOUND STEAK 87c 89* ■■■ WHY PAY MORE"" ■ WHY PAY MORE ■ 9SAVE FOOD CLUB FOOD CLUB 10 |!co* SKINLESS FRANKS SLICED 6AC0N !co* I' PERSONAL SIZE 2 lb. ■ SHEDD'S KRISPY KRACKLE 11 IVORY 3% oz. wt. bar Expires Saturday July 24, 1971 U 5911 1 - June Business Administration, July 1 asst. tement effective Sept. 1. and Allc an animal surgery Promotions to study and travel in as professor of health, African languages and international counties, Aug. md nd changes in physical education and recreation, H. Simonds, professor of L L. Wilson, Ralph M. Acad< centers and extension home McGovney, instructor in . or Europe; Donald S. assignments re also approved Sept. 1; and Jerry T. Puca, from cincnt, will serve as acting institutes, effective ecu economist, Midland, Bay and small by the board include: Gary K. Henley, associate a professor of for: Dole ' ~ from Sept. 1 to Dec. Sept. 1. Victor Low served c„„ animal surgery and medicine. Higgs, from instructor to asst. analyst of residence halls to an .< Saginaw counties, Aug. 1; Mary marketing director and professor of Bureau acting director of thi The boa/d also approved the professor of director of housing assignments in Kathleen Yadrick, extension home geography, May 1; administrate n, Jan. 1 - June 30, of Business and Economic the past year. following appointments (effective Baljit residence halls. July 1. economist, Oakland and Wayne Singh, from associate serve a Fulbright Research and International Centers Howard W. Hickey Sept. 1): Mark Edward Johnson, will head co Lewis Whitfield professor to professor of political, lectureship at the University of Resignations Institute for Community professor of music; Robert prolesso science and dean The board approved resignations Moncrief, asst. of the Amsterdam Donald J. deZeeuw, professor of Bureau of Business chairman of that associate nd serve as park and recreation P™(frs»°r ""d of Albert Otto, professor of elementary and special education; _. College of Social Science, June 1; professor botany and plant and Economic Research and acting and terminations for (effective s professor of elementary Theodor Brooks, from asst. Aug. 31): William G. Younglove, special educati< development, Aug. ,, Eugene Pernell Jr., asst. professor pathology, Sept. director of the Institute of Public 4 H irtmcnt. He succeeds James replacing Gilbert D. Harrell, asst. professor professor to a:ssociate professor of 14, 1972, to study and travel; youth agent, Wayne and I dwards who is resigning to Clyde Campbell who stired. The of elementary and special social Utilities, Aug. 1; George Z. Oakland counties; Angelo Ippolito, of marketing and transportation wor k and associate Frank J. Blatt, chairman and Barnett, from professor of the post of dean of the effective July education; Ronald M. Wolthuis, ombudsman, artist in residence; John H. ne v Kenneth Beachler Jy !• administration, Jan. 1, 1972; John asst. professor of elementary and Sept. 1; Joyce professor of physics, Jan. 1 - Dec. secondary educ - - ersity of Minnesota's School was named D. Abel, asst. professor of Ruddel, from lor to asst. Robison, instructor in English; 31, 1972, to study in Australia curriculum and Justin Morrill Business Administration. The dire< icert television and radio, Jan. 1, 1972; special education; Lorraine T. professor of A me thought and William Pitt Rott, asst. professor and Canada; and Lloyd M. Cofer, College to professor of secondary effective Sept. 1. Ser|( and Gloria Furtado, instructor in secondary ' language, July William of English, Roderick .es are Stephens Smith, asst. L. professor of education and education and Rightmire, indel C. Johnson will serve as Wi|S' professor in the Counseling Center education and curriculum; Date Wood, from in! or to asst. curriculum, Sept. 1; professor of television consultant to provost, Provost's J. Aldrich, from professor of chair Richard Romsos, asst. professor of food science and human nutrition; professor of n; ural scien July IS • Sept. 14, to family ecology and associate d< radjo. KBn|y N vVo|fe' l; and Philip R. Smitl adio; Barbara in the State of Michigan of College of Human Ecology to Deskins, instructor in food science and a professor of family ecology, Sept. and human nutrition; Jean A. Granted c ROM THE AIR re: Leo 1; Ronald C. Simons, associate C. Mulht McFadden, asst. professor of food professor of psychiatry with science and human nutrition; agricultural agent, Lapeer County, additional assignment as associate Charlotte M. Thompson, instructor Aug. 1, 1971 - July 31, 1973, to professor of anthropology, July 1 in food science and human study at MSU; Barry D. Amis, and Jesse S. Hixson, from asst. nutrition; Jonas T. Holdeman, Photos' asst. professor of English, Sept. 1, professor of economics and Office help detect research associate in physics; W. 1971 August 31, 1972, to study of the Dean of Human Medicine blight - John O'Brien, research associate in and teach at the University of of corn and >gg Biological Station; Heinz Caen, France; Meyer L. Wolf, asst. health servi nd Hahn, professor of linguistics and research, Sept. 1 Oriental and Other transfer MSU/AEC Plant Research African languages, Laboratory; Jewel M. Monroe, of remote detection of the Sept. 1, 1971 - Aug. 31, 1972, to B- By STEVE ALLEN different wavelengths. If one summer on distinguishing corn. However, corn with t asst. professor of nursing; Howard - study in Jerusalem; Robert A. of Scott Cook, asst. professor of corn blight fungus at last can identify the wavelengths different kinds of corn blight cytoplasm is particularly Jtate News Staff Writer week's American reflected by a substance one through remote sensing. There So!°' Prof?ssor of management ivith additional assignment :'al int anthropology; Stephen F. Bochkor, Pythopathological Conference can identify that substance. are four types of corn blight susceptible to the corn blight study0"inS'Europe' Ha^ry m' ciate professor of health "" associate planning professor of urban and landscape fungus. Trebing, professor of economics education and research. orn blight, which destroyed at Hospitality Inn. Ellingboe's remote sensing in Michigan now, Ellingboe To prevent future attacks of and director of the institut James L. Goatley, from architecture; and George A. 50 per cent of last Colburn, instructor in American i Using light wavelengths the system makes minor said — eyespot, yellow, corn blight, strains of Public Utilities, Aug. 1, 1971 : dean and professor ol thought and language. corn crop in some areas human eye cannot detect, to reflect these wavelengths northern July 31, 1972, to head U.S. Post and southern, without t southern Michigan, is once Ellingboe said he can tell into filters which will allow Southern is - cytoplasm are office" be studying by far the worst, being developed. rate sti n infecting the state's corn aid an MSU scientist healthy. whether com is diseased or only certain wavelengths to be according to Ellingboe, taking recorded by a detector. A a 50 per cent toll on corn. Ellingboe said he was not exactly sure why "blighted" McCarthy, ana transportation of marketing and 20% DISCOUNT ON s developed a means to ict corn blight from the can "photograph" corn blight, According to Ellingboe, one computer then can be The corn blight started corn "photographs" differently programmed to print out a wreaking havoc on the nation's than healthy corn. administration, Sept. 1, 1971 - Aug. 31, 1972, to study in East Lansing; and Bonnie Maas TYPEWRITER REPAIRS using such wavelengths, "photograph" of an area, using corn belt a year ago. Many lbert H. Ellingboe, All matter reflects certain a different color to indicate producers were planting corn "it may be a change in the reflectance of the leaf, the Mo d™ t instructor and in design, Sept human 1 - FOR MSU STUDENTS fessor of botany and plant wavelengths of solar energy, certain bauds of wavelengths, with "t - cytoplasm." This extra to study in Madison, lology, explained his means different substances reflecting Ellingboe is working this made it easier to grow hybrid by drooping leaves, moisture amount of soil exposed Wis' Transfers content of the soil or plant d approved ] for: FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY density," he said. Michael Chubb, from Ellingboe cited remote "pa Aedical professor of student sensing as a convenient way to determine the crop. acreage assessment resources AMERICAN DUSINESS MACHINES 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett or comfort to n MSU medical student given annually to the MSU medical students to take East Lansing showed compassion for a are currently taking clinical medical student who has special interest in child care," training in Grand Rapids J baby and for her parents completed at least two years they say. community hospitals. be the first recipient of an of ard established jit's honor. in the "demonstrated study and outstanding has Additional Julie's name contributions can be made to in Klemkosky is completing a Side Walk Sale proficiency and interest in the the MSU Development Fund. doctoral degree in accounting homas Morley, Dearborn areas of child health and and financial administration at Morley and his wife, Clare, ior in the College of human development." are members of the class that MSU. He will be joining the man Medicine, is ! first Tikosky Award, annual receiving Julie Klemkosky was nearly Julie seven months old when she died March 11 because she had will receive MSU's first M.D. degrees in June, 1972. They faculty at Virginia Polytechnic Institute this fall. Days at he prize, which consisted been born without the vital $150 this year, is to be network of ducts that convey bile from the liver to the intestine. dewalk sale When Julie had been et's brought to Lansing's Sparrow Hospital three weeks it for today previously, medical student Morley, who was in training there, assisted in a vain E. Lansing attempt to correct the child's 203 E. Grand River condition through surgery. "I felt very helpless," says argains, concession stands Morley. a light carnival a atmosphere will sidewalk sale by ''He compassionate," was the very parents, Your Pleasure is vntown East Lansing chants who will exhibit Mr. and Mrs. Robert Entire Summer Stock aUAKANTiU chandise on the streets Klemkosky, said. ii 9 a.m. to 9 The Julie Klemkosky Award p.m. today established was through Thursday. IAC Avenue between Grand memorial relatives contributions from and friends. The of Eamous Label Avenue and Albert et will be ing the sale, closed to autos parents intend to renew it annually and hope that it can Chicken Dinner $1.39 The an annual, be enlarged by additional duction for about the past 10 contributions. "We want to do whatever we can to encourage "Poly-Cushion" Tire. Sportswear and High on performance. Low on cost. TONIGHT (and every Wednesday) 50 Dresses reduced is. . . Ask about EXTENDED TERMS our with a Mobil Credit Card. 50% 6.50 x 13 $24.16 $12.08 $1.76 "Happy Hours" 6.95 7.35 7.75 8.25 X X x 14 $28.96 $14.48 $1.94 14,$30.00 $15.00 $2.08 14 $31.84 $15.92 $2.14 x 14 $34.84 $16.42 $2,321 8-10 pm Round trip from New York I (all drinks greatly reduced] and more Cheaper than California or Floridal * Icelandic Airlines student fare - and THURSDAY to Luxembourg is... See us for comparable student fares to all European points. "Quart Night" all at the txs College Travel ACROSS FROM 130 W. Grand River CAMPUS MOBIL Phone THE STUDENT UNION 1198 So. Harrison (at Trowbridge) 351-6010 3322797 East Lansing « 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan JVednesdayJuiy^ STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 355-8255 Buy A Bargain Or Sell A Bargain With Fun To Use And Read Classified Ads. Automotive Automotive Automotive pRankLy speaking . by Phil Frank For Rent not The State permit News does racial or ALFA ROMEO 1957. Good JAVELIN SST 1970. Mark Donoque T-BIRD 1957. Completely TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction religious discrimination condition. Must sell. $650. 360. Automatic, power steering, reconditioned. All original guaranteed. Free Idellvery. in its advertising Olivet, 749-9180. 3-7-26 power disc brakes, mag style equipment included. Phone service and pick - up. No deposit. columns. The State wheels. 21,000 miles. Call 332-2110. 3-7-26 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C News will not accept • BUICK 1970 Estate wagon. 484-9559. 5-7-23 CORONA 1969. FM advertising which AUTOMOTIVE I Custom limited interior, cruise TOYOTA ONLY $8.50 /month. Free deliveries. Scooters 8, Cycle, MERCEDES BENZ 1964 Diesel. radio, 4 door sedan. Excellent SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV discriminates against Auto Parts & control, air. 694-0677. 3-7-23 Must sell, $3895. Excellent condition. Mobile Home Manor, C-21, 2756 Grand condition, $1595. 2-7-23 372-5381. RENTAL, 372-4948. C religion, race, color or Aviation ServJ" River. 2-7-23 national origin. • CADILLAC, 1957, $125. Golf TV RENTALS - Students only. Low employment clubs. Good beginner's set, $50. monthly and term rates. Call • for rent 351-3127. 3-7-23 MGB 1966. Good condition. Must 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV sell. After 5 p.m. 332-5527. RENTALS. C Apartments CHEVELLE 1964 4 door V-8 2-7-23 VOLKSWAGEN 1967 6 passenger For Rent Houses automatic. 28,000 miles. Top bus. Grey color. Not the Rooms condition. Must sell. To be seen at 422 M.A.C. Avenue, East MGB 1965. New top, Michelin radials, good condition. Must sell sharpest, runs good. CURTIS FORD $995. OF Apartments COZY 1 bedroom, nicely furnished • for sale by Friday. $450 or best offer. WI LLIAMSTON, 655-2133. including utilities, $125. Animals Lansing. 3-7-23 489-5927. 1-7-21 2-7-23 GIRL TO sublease fall term. 355-6191 after 1 p.m. x-5-7-28 Twyckingham. $61.25 / month. Mobile Homes CHEVY VAN 1965. Little rust. 351-5696. 3-7-26 fall through Runs good. Call Springport MUSTANG, 1965 . Stick 6. Very VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1967. 4TH GIRL needed • PERSONAL 857-5032. 3-7-23 good condition. After 8 pm, Pop top, extras, immaculate. spring, $65, close. Kathie • PEANUTS PERSONA 337-2134. 2-7-23 38,000 miles. 339-2866. 1-7-21 1 GIRL, near campus, $60 355-6366. 3-7-23 month. 217 -3 Bogue Street. • real estate COMET 1971. Good mileage. Must 332-4425. 3-7-26 sell. Leaving country. Cherie, MUSTANG MACH I, U VOLKSWAGEN 1961 Beetle. Runs LANSING OR East Lansing. One • recreation 351-7730 3-7-26 power steering, disi good, $275. Call 351-8156 after bedroom furnished. Large, airy •service 9:30 pm. 3-7-26 HASLETT AREA. 2 bedroom Leaving country, r rooms. Air conditioned. CORVAIR MONZA, 1965. Top 351-0574. 4-7-28 fully carpeted, spacious luxury Beautifully maintained. Suitable Typing Service apartments. New G.E. condition, red, 4 speed. $380. VOLKSWAGEN 1964. Good appliances, air conditioner, for faculty, grad students, business •transportation! 355-7988 after 6 pm. 1-7-21 OLDSMOBILE F85 1964, 4 door. condition. $400. Call 482-9761 i SAIP-.TH/S is people, married couples. Lease. • WANTED B Excellent running condition. after 6 p.m. 5-7-28 wtvmmum m garbage 339-2490 disposal. Phone for appointment. 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 CUTLASS, 1969. 3 speed Good radio, power steering, air DEADLINE automatic, power steering, brakes. $1775 or best offer. conditioned. IV9-1119. 3-7-26 $400. Call VOLVO 1966 122S. Must country soon. Reasonable price. leave HIRED TO PUT NENBlOOD IN SCHOOL1.' 4-7-28 1 OR 2 girls for apartment. Need 1 P.M. one class day h GRAD STUDENTS and singles. 2 August 8 - September 14. 694-1376. 2-7-23 Janelle 372-2071 after 3 p.m. room efficiency, quiet, small, $38.75. 351-1156. 3-7-21 , publication. OLDSMOBILE 1965 F-85 four 3-7-26 DATSUN 1971 station wagon. door, V-8. Power brakes, power private entry. 5 minutes from Cancellations/Corre.„ MSU. $127.50. Unfurnished. WANTED 2 grad students to share 12 noon one class dj — Excellent condition. Take over steering, radio, good tires. VOLVO 145 station wagon 1969. Furnished available. duplex. Call Hildy, 353-0654. Sharpest in Must sell Scooters & 2 bedroom before publication. payments 355-6167. 5-7-30 or best offer. $575. 332-1359. B1-7-21 immediately. town. Phone 484-7076 Cycles Employment townhouse available soon. Call 3-7-23 PONTIAC TEMPEST convertible, between 12-2. 3-7-21 1967 S90 Honda. r~ood condition. 10-8-11 GIRL NEEDED August 8-31. $20. PHONE FORD GALAXIE XL 1965 WRITERS WANTED in all Car necessary. Call 489-1034. 1963. Needs repair. Excellent Helmet plus insurance, $125. academic WOMEN: 1 block from campus. 355-8255 hardtop. Automatic, power engine, 57,000 miles. $75 cash discipliens to produce 5-6-30 steering. 332-8102, 355-4657. only. 351-4501. 3-7-26 Scooters & Cycles 337-0724. 3-7-26 term papers. Earn good bread Vacancies in 4 girl apartment. RATES 3-7-21 helping your brothers escape the Completely furnished, utilities COL LING WOOD. FEMALE. Own HARLEY DAVIDSON 1970 125cc 1970 441 BSA Shooting Star. and RAMBLER 1963 Station wagon, academic strait jacket. Call parking included, $55. room. Til 9/5/71. $100. Dirt Excellent condition. Call Jerry 349-9609. 3-7-26 FORD GALAXIE 500 1969. Air good transportation, extra tires, Bike. Good shape, $350. 332-3700 between 9 a.m. and 1 332-6258 after 3:30 pm. 2-7-23 best offer. 655-3921 after 6 372-9813. 2-7-23 351-9191. 3-7-26 conditioning, radio, all power, pm. p.m. 3-7-23 3.00 4.00 5.35 automatic, 8 cylinder. Excellent 2-7-23 ONE AND two bedroom 6.51)1 condition. Phone 355-1220. 1969 HONDA Scrambler. Excellent COMPUTER PROGRAMMER apartments from $145. 10 2 MAN apartment to sublet month 3.30 4.40 5.85 7.15 3 3-7-26 RAMBLER 1959 2 door sedan. condition. $525. 550 Virginia wanted for project concerning minutes from MSU. Children of August. Lease also available 3.60 4.80 6.40 7.80 3 Fair condition, $75 or best St. 351-5683. 3-7-26 application of game theory. permitted. EAGLE 131.95 3.90 5.20 6.95 8.451 CREST in 1964 HONDA 150 touring. 6,000 September. East Lansing, 142.10 4.20 5.60 7.45 9.10 3 FORD MUSTANG 1966. Runs <^ffeij_372-7353^ 3-7-21 Please call between 9 a.m. - 1 NORTH, 694-8975. 4330 Keller Close to campus. Phone good and looks good. $500. Call RAMBLER 1963. Station wagon. TRIUMPH 1967. New tires, miles. $250. Spartan Village, p.m. 332-3700. 3-7-23 Rd„ Holt. C 351-1142 before 9:30 am. 15 2.25 4.50 6.00 8.00 9.75 3 353-6877. 3-7-23 162.40 4.80 6.40 8.55 10.40] 339-8349. 3-7-21 chrome. $850 firm. 351-7437 Mechanically good shape. Call EARN UP 2-7-23 17|2.55 5.10 6.80 9 10 11.05] after 5 p.m. 2-7-23 to $3000 this summer. Car Norwood Apartments JAVELIN 290 Four speed 1968. 355-3069 after 5 pm. 4-7-23 18 2.70 5.40 7.20 9-60 11.701 New clutch, exhaust. Asking Aviation necessary. Call 351-7319 for PINE STREET, Lansing. Furnished interview.C Now 19 2.85 5.70 7.60 10.1512%9 $1200. Must sell. 351-6144. renting large one and 1 bedroom, $120, deposit. No 20 3.00 6.00 8.00 10.6513.00] LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight two bedroom for fall. Close 2-7-23 NURSES lease, utilities paid. Minutes to training. All courses are RN, LPN, ROSELAWN MANOR. to campus. CaU 332-2712 campus. Neal, 485-8706 before 10 word minimum government and VA certified. 5 pm. 5-7-30 Guild Nursing Home, 707 after 3 p.m. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Road, Call 484-1324. C Armstrong Road has positions All student ads mustj Cedar ROOMMATE WANTED $55 a Gre available on all shifts. Excellent BASEMENT FOR 2 girls. Cooking, prepaid salaries and benefits. Apply in house privileges, month. Summer. Call 332-2110. 165 Gunson. Auto Service & Parts person or call 393-5680 Mrs. 351-4307. 2-7-23 3-7-26 The State News will J Swan, personnel. 5-7-30 DOWNTOWN LARGE 2 bedroom, responsible only for t[ MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East first day's SITTER FOR 8 year old boy after 1V4 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. bathrooms, unfurnished. poo . .. school in fall. 420 Charles, insertion. $130 includes utilities. a Complete auto collision service. painting and IV 5:0256. C 337-2280. 3-7-26 393-1313. 3-7-26 PERSON TO tend bar. Male or APARTMENTS, ROOMS, house. AT MEL'S we repair all foreign ROOMMATES wanted at and American cars. If we can't female. Private club. Call 1—5 Furnished, summer. Near Meadowbrook Trace. $66/month. For Rent fix it, it can't be fixed. Call pm, 482-6511. 2-7-23 campus. Call 349-3919. 3-7-26 air-conditioning, Call 393-7319. 10-8-6 332-3255.0 ROOM IN furnished I FEMALE ROOMMATE needed Utilities paid. Call 35ld fW - GUARANTEED repair. Meadowbrook Trace. Fall. Call Houses 2-7-23 RANDY'S nd ge illy Cindy, Phyllis, 349-3829. 1-7-21 MOBIL. 1-96 at Okemos Road. 349-9620. C scrounging around for leads, give FURNISHED BEAUTIFUL, SPACIOUS,* ROOMS us a call. Payday is Thursday, DOWNTOWN ROOMMATE for air, furnished, close, ji $50/monthly. 334 Michigan and everything EXECUTIVE Employment SECRETARY to July 29 and we can guarantee you will have a paycheck coming. Call 372-0047. Ask for Bob Adamson. 1-7-21 huge includes furnished house. $75 utilities, maid service. 393-1313. 3-7-26 across 3-7-21 THIRD from GIRL campus. for 351-7492. house. Own baths. Need _i!§I-2827^1.7-21 10 Summer. two, ROOM furnished, 4 male/fml deputy chairman, Michigan 1 OR 2 bedroom furnished mobile room. $62/month. 2 blocks Democratic Party. $120 to start. EARN UP to $600 a month full or Carpeted, fireplace, g< homes. $25-$35/ week. 10 from campus. 351-6038. 3-7-26 372-4662. 4-7-28 Dictaphone and shorthand. In part time. Call 372-3053, Mr. minutes to campus. 641-6601 charge of speaker's bureau. Start Roberts This job can be TWO ROOMERS wanted, private 10-8-2 DUPLEX, UNFURNISHED] — immediately. Call Bob Mitchell, either full or part time and can room, $67 month plus utilities. bedroom, 162 484-4511. 3-7-21 be worked around any class WOODSIDE APARTMENTS 1 Call 337-0094 for regular Couples. Call 6-8 p schedule. 1-7-21 bedroom furnished with school year. 3-7-26 3-7-21 TELLER, EXPERIENCED, full balconies, security locks, time position. FOR SALESPOWER try a little laundry. Ideal for married CALL permanent $87.60. 372-7700 PERSONNEL Classified Ad to sell a large mobile couples or grad students. ED CONSULTANTS. 2-7-21 homel Dial 355-8255 todayl 2-2920, 351-8890. O 337-7328 or 337 0780 AND GRAB A BARGAIN NOW JUST A FEW This Look Familiar? . . . FURNISHED APARTMENTS LEFT FOR SUMMER AT | MARIGOLD APARTMENTS 911 MARIGOLD MARIGOLD & HARRISON July Thru Sept. 15th Only $140 per Month. ALL DEPOSITS GUARANTEED RETURNABLE CROSSWORD □□□□a pan® arnnaci nans PUZZLE □nann □□an rinau an 29. Network □33 □□□ Bag Hi 31. Composition aaaq 32. Make lace 33. Compost □□aa 35. Pen point 37. Entangle 38. Engineer's □naSran □annoa ai| am shelter 41. Glorify nasang BPS 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 43. Optical illusion 45. Contradict 46. Summoned 47. Distinctive group 48. Pitchers (right next to Brody Complex] You'll never see this at CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTSare now leasing student and married couples units. These Collingtooob We've got spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a garbage disposal and individual air-conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private Apartments "(formerly Northwind Apts.) more swinging balconies. We also have a full time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be - MODEL OPEN DAILY space than among the first residents of CEDAR GREENS call today. The one - bedroom units start at $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine Fall leases now being accepted, anyone and twelve month leases available. ma" "UNLIMITED PARKING "DISHWASHERS * $220/4 / * man man #SHAG CARPETING "BALCONIES «A|R CONDITIONING *AND MUCH MORE MANA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL YB Y: Alco Management Cnmpany Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 21, 1971 17 Student Service Lost & Found Service LOST CAT yellow/white BABYSITTING IN licensed Bylaw change rejected DIRECTORY long-hair, fat, friendly, declawed, my home, for pre - schoolers. Day trustees into direct interaction housepet. North Hagadorn. Reward. (Continued from page one) trustees for its approval." 332-3735. 1-7-21 or night care. Dependable and with the constituents of the references. Near MSU. regard to University matters," academic governance structure. Although the council LOST, SILVER ring with black 489-3575, 482-4939. 2-7-23 Guyer said. accepted several proposed "No institution this size can ELDORADO GOLF COURSE stone. Call Mark 355-8252 or "However, the trustees have changes in the bylaws that OLLEGE TRAVEL 3750 W. Howell Rd., Mason • EYES EXAMINED 485-5002. S-7-30 GUITAR LESSONS available from ever develop credibility and were proposed by the trustees • GLASSES MARSHALL MUSIC. Call for delegated certain respectability without at this time, they voted OFFICE Student Rates responsibilities to - Weekdays. • CONTACT LENS appointment. 351- 7830. C-7-21 the faculty appropriate administrative overwhelmingly to reject this Driving range, carts, golf Personal and students through 0 West Grand River Ave. DR. I.L. Collin*, Optometrist responsibility," he said. amendment April 20. equipment, rental clubs. For FOR QUALITY service and stereos, appropriate administrative The more wording of the The trustees made no 351-6010 information call C6-Optical Services FREE ... A lesson in complexion TV's, and recorders. THE channels," he said. proposed amendment to the 676-2854. STEREO SHOPPE. 337-1300. C mention of the faculty 3218 S. Logan. 393-4230 care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan Guyer said the main bylaws of the board of recalcitrance on this issue at or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. objection of steering trustees is similar to the the next trustee BROOKS Imported Cars MERLE meeting, at The LARGE ad for STUDIOS. C NORMAN COSMETICS Typing Service committee proposed members amendment is that it to the wording which of had an amendment which they voted to approve earlier been the the small ad price. Sales and could have brought report on student GROUP HYPNOSIS experiment. ANN BROWN Typing and multilith the approved by the trustees and Student Service Service offset printing. Complete service participation in academic BOB JONES PAINTS Female undergraduates only. sent to the Academic Council Directory 482-1473 governance, a collection of 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing Today 3 Olds Hall. 1-7-21 p.m. or 8 p.m. 207 for dissertations, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 21 years experience. theses, 349-0850.C Labor (Continued from page one) for inclusion into the bylaws for academic governance. bylaw amendments which would have included the The earlier proposed trustee sponsored amendment FRANCIS X and the Bushman and BEAD CRAFTS, increase as inadequate, but amendment stated that "any had it secured council WASHDAY SAVINGS go-go girls nightly. Johnnie's Glass MOMSSIONAl passage. GOLF DRIVING RANGE union leaders appeared amendment of the bylaws rSPERSONiBECOUPAGE SUPPLIES, 25c per load Cellar. PRO-BOWL. 2122 North THESIS Guyer said there has been The b«»t for leu MINIATURE GOLF Logan. Happy hours, 9-11 pm. PREPARATION confident a majority would affecting the substance of considerable faculty discussion REPRODUCTIONS vote for it. If not, the strike academic Special Texu Wuher SOc 10-7-23 governance shall be of the defeat of the IBM bylaw _ candle making supplies . Tffhii WENDROW'S ECONOWASH Fairway Golf Range, Grand • Multilith Printing could resume next month. It referred to the board of amendment. URGENT IF nfield s Incorporated 3006 Vine St. River Avenue A few minutes - Labrador or - you have visited • Hjrdbindinj will take several weeks to M 43. Okomos, 349-1940 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. i hlk. Newfoundland complete the vote. W. ofScara east of MSU. 349-2850. Please call Ed Maier 349-3144 The AFL 2-7-21 Miittr's and Oictiral Candidates Fria - CIO United MSU BARBER SHOP Steelworkers union announced CONTACT LENS New ■rtckvrt and CiisvltatiM. Pltat* Call 209 MAC Ave. 351-1110 Try us for your next SERVICES X>. M. DEAN, aa Shouldn't You Be Using This Spacer HAIR UNION CUT the way you want it. SHOP. C-7-21 BUILDING BARBER THESE 4 Paula Huflitr J37 1527 tr 627 2936 RUN for only 7c per the copper strike new offer for 35,000 strikers, but ordered authorization vote a Players case styling, razor cut or 210 Abbott Rd. page. THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 among some 350,000 steel (Continued from page one) special cut. Suite #16 Recreation East Grand River. Phone CALL 355-8255! 332-4222. C-7-23 industry workers whose contracts expire Aug. 1. again," Buckner said. »ns/Correctki OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - job The copper The board's new guidelines on student group University one class d COMPLETE THESES strike meeting application photos in 15 minutes. service. was scheduled accounts gives ASMSU more control over the accounts it is for Saturday in ilication. PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL. Discount printing, IBM typing and Salt Lake City, Utah. No now responsible for. According to Miss Rathnow, all For Rent For Sale For Sale 351-6262. binding of theses, resumes, vouchers for a group must be cosigned by the group's head 'HONE Anything publications. Across from campus, details were announced, but photographed anywhere. O corner M.A.C. and Grand the offer was rumored to be along with either Grecu or Lucille Leonard, ASMSU >5-8255 I» nOOmS ANTIQUE TRUNKS - finished SMITH CORONA Electra "110" River, bookkeeper. ASMSU will set up a bookkeeping system in antj unfinished, wide selection, below Jones Stationary Shop. Call similar to one announced typewriter. Good condition, the fall. Day to day transactions for each student group humped and flat. 337-0237. EUROPE COPYGRAPH SERVICES. earlier by one of the eight $100. Call 337-0332. 1-7-21 2 girls for room in house. 3-7-26 337-1666. C will be recorded on file cards. major copper firms involved, iuse privileges. Call 337-7776. Summer flights to London, "Neither Grecu nor Mrs. Leonard ^11 sign a voucher UPRIGHT PIANO, $125. Kitchen BARB) MEL: Typing, multilithing. Magma. It will provide three - MOVING SALE -220 Kensington table, 4 chairs, $15. Sears $120 Christmas break in which will put a student group in the red and leave ~ No job too large or too small. year wage hikes totaling 92 TAN HALL, Road, East Lansing, July 24th, coppertone dishwasher, used 6 Hawaii, $279 Spain or Block off campus. 332-3255. C cents an hour, a 50 ASMSU responsible," Miss Rathnow said. s.ngles, men, 25th g per cent „m to 8 months, $150. Robin Hood Acapulco, $249 pension increase and other No student group will be allowed to have accounts in SX" JSi-11/b. o bookcase, T""'antique 8"»trunks, a°°' ™"'< 3 coffee 6lk'- $'6-G E- N.U.S. TRAVEL SERVICE PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term benefits. Wages now average banks off - campus. pot, $10. Cot, $8. theses. Best rates. Call "We have had trouble with groups overdrawing their " miscellaneous. No pre sales. 351-4501. 3-7-26 papers, $3.81 to $4.38 in various - Call Frank Buck 351-4619. X-20-8-18 FOR man over Revco store, 1-7-21 7 - J. copper industry jobs. University account and promising to cover the debt with an !4 Grand River, upstairs. 351-8604 off - campus account but delaying payment," Buckner SEARS DELUXE model Top Labor Dept. officials SCUBA GEAR, tank, regulator, TYPING, THESES and letters, e continued efforts to head off explained. dishwasher. Excellent shape. Yi AUGUST FLIGHTS still available. Rapid accurate servit the Once ASMSU becomes responsible for a student group V^..V7rT LE ROOMS, kitchen priveleges. 7~ Pack, etc. $180. Call 339-9436. price, $125. 351-3689. 2-7-23 UNION ^OARD TRAVEL threatened extension of 3-7-26 Experienced. 393-4075. 0-8-9 debt, it has little recourse but to legal action. "i/week. 536 Abbott. Phone OFFICE. Call 353-9777. C the rail strike by the AFL - __ camcim ai i qqq ,;,i„ 1 nr fi97 7im k 7 o'j —— SANSUI AU-999 amplifier. ,>.r> 140 CIO United Transportation SANSUI 4000 140 watt receiver, watts. RMS. Call 484-3231 after Transportation Union. Real Estate . NTinN :NTI0N. BfinMC ROOMS 7nr"r«n7 for rent. $23° Garrard BOS® 901 SPeakerS' *375' with 5:30 pm. 3-7-26 Empire 999 VE INDIAN HILLS, completely carpeted 2-8077 after 5 p.m. C r 9' C8r,rid9e' $8° 355"6015- 3-7"26 SANSUi TUNER mode. TU555. 3 bedroom possibly 4. NEED RIDE to MSU from Battle _ Almost ^ 35^5 3.7.33 Large living Creek/Hastings area. August 2nd FRIGIDAIRE 18 cubic foot. Good room, formal dining room, 2 thru September 3rd. Call CLEAN quiet rooms, close condition, $75. G.E. dishwasher fireplaces. Newly paneled rec 616-758-3552- or 353-0441. PnRTAm F t'yppwritfr rnnrt The College of Human Medicine begins at 8 p.m. Thrusday in Wilson terrace lounge. Don campus. Phone 332-3306. $35. Ping pong rable P0RTAB.LE TYPEWRITERI Good room, 2 full ceramic baths. 3-7-26 community health committee will People's Church. If interested call Coleman, area director for minority Approximately $34,000. Call ^ ^^1^0^^35^677.2-7^3 332 1 794 evenings and 355-5191 8-5; 349-3735 after 6 NOTHING LASTS forever! So for hold its monthly free immunization clinic from 11 Millie Stinson 482-1929. students in the dean office, and Tom Gunnings, asst. of students pm. 5-7-23 new or newer household goods a.m. to 3 p.m. FnrSnlv MOVING e j SALE. Camping check today's Want Ads! Saturday at the Chruch of God in The MSU Promenaders will be professor of the counseling center,, household DOUBLE BED with Christ on the corner of St. Joseph square dancing from 7 to 9 tonight will speak after the film. articles. mattress, box SWEET ROAD. A short distance to Wednesday Thursday. and in 34 Women's Intramural Bidg. w, Good condition. $35. MSU. % acre lot with a 2 Logan streets in Lansing. FURNITURE Flea Fair: Friday, 9-5 p.m., 2134 Lagoon 332-5324 2-7-21 bedroom home plus sewing Wanted Immunizations against diptheria, Everyone is welcome. The MSU Soaring Club will meet East Michigan. Dishes, Driv«- Okemos. 1-7-21 I room, den with fireplace, full tetanus, polio, pertussis, smallpox, at 7:30 tonight in 30 Union. ts, coins, antiques, rockers, ENTIRE FAMILY glasses? measles and german measles, plus Members are asked to bring all wear basement, 2 car garage. Price WANTED TRAVELING Bargain Hunters Paradise, The MSU Radical Gay Alliance movies Save at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, companion, Europe, tuberculosis skin tests will be and/or slides of the CHECK $22,000. Can be financed e.o., August - and the Gay Liberation Front of n Saturday and Sunday, 2615 East Michigan Avenue, September. Call Pat administered. Persons urged to nationals. conventional, FHA, or VA 337-1107. are liture and appliances open LEONARD WHOLESALE'S Ann Arbor are sponsoring a gay 372-7409. C-7-23 terms. For appointment call Mrs. 3-7-21 bring immunization records with week. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. LOW PRICES ON dance from 8 to 11 p.m. Friday at - Bahai Fireside - everyone Robinson, 372-7610, ADVANCE the First Unitarian Church, corner 371-2843. O welcome! Informal discussion of REALTY or 485-3045. 4-7-23 GRAD STUDENT, female needs PHOTOGRAPHY Animals single apartment, fall, close to SDS will hold an open meeting of Washtenaw and Birkshire, in the Bahai faith, at 8 p.m. Thrusday BOAT. 35 Ann Arbor. A party will follow the h.p. Mercury OTTAWA HILLS. Are you looking campus. 355-4833. 3-7-21 to discuss ghetto rebellions at 9:30 at 4988 S. Hagadorn Road. Call tboard, trailer, $500. Phone Nikon * Yashlca *Argus MIXED SHEPHERD puppies. $2.00 dance. Overnight housing is 337-1220 for more information. Minolta * for prime location near MSU tonight in West Wilson terrace 1-9143. 1-7-21 Kodak *Polaro to good home. Gary 489-9756, available. Call 332-0098 for more Mamlya.eell & Howell *ETC. and Meridian Mall? We have it. BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for lounge. All are welcome to attend. Pentax 3/3-6850. 3-7-21 all positive. A negative, B negative Gay Liberation Movement will *M|randa It's a 3 bedroom brick frame RBEDS. BUTT seam, $35, ASMSU meet at 8 tonight in the GLM ranch, breezway and 2 car and AB negative, $10.00. O Legal Aid Dept. will seam $40. Any size. COMPONENT SYSTEMS IRISH SETTER, 7 weeks. AKC. have a lawyer available from 1 to office, 309 Student Services Bldg. garage on a beautifully negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN IC0ND COMING located Female, beautiful. Call 1-5. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 5 Drug education volunteers from to plan activities for fall term and landscaped lot. Can be in before p.m. every Wednesday during side the East Lansing Drug Education Free Spirit. Call 337-0164. 2-7-23 507V4 East Grand Those to discuss the upcoming city school starts. Can arrange River, East summer term. wishing an Center ? 4235. C-7-21 will speak about handling Lansing. Above the new Campus appointment are asked to check council election. Wharfedale *PhMco°n financing. Price $31,900. For Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 with the ASMSU business office, someone under the influence of PONG tables, $9.95. We buy • *ETC. appointment call Mrs. Robinson, drugs at 7 tonight in 307 B Student Services Bldg., or the West Looking for some people to play I 372-7610 ADVANCE REALTY p.m., Monday, Thursday and Wilson terrace most anything. ABC Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 call 355-8266. There will be a lounge. flute and sing, jazz or blues. Just FREE or 485-3045. 4-7-23 C0NDHAND STORE. 1208 KITTENS. 6 weeks old. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C nominal $3 charge for service. to get some good vibes, and not er. C. Litter trained. 489-7341, 208 3 LARGE BEDROOMS plus den, necessarily for a band or group. South Howard. 3-7-21 Call 485-8904 for specifics. rec GRAD. ASSISTANT desires house Self-Realization Fellowship :D vacuum room, 3 full baths, porch cleaners. Tanks, 9 N. [ Washington and sundeck. Fenced to rent. Close to campus, presents an eight week course J ters and uprights. Guaranteed yard, Lansing Mobile Homes brick. Close to September 1st - June 15th. stressing yoga postures, breathing full year. $7.88 and campus. Ctopcfungbam up. $34,000. 337-0237. 3-7-26 Reasonable. 355-8040 after 5:30 exercises, cleansing, diet, relaxation INIS DISTRIBUTING p.m. 1-7-21 and meditation. The program MPANY, 316 North Cedar. TV ANTENNA, tower and rotator, 1959 PRAIRIE Close to SCHOONER iampus. Newly 10x45. NEAR MSU. 3 City Market. C. $40. Mouton coat. $30. bedroom, 2 bath, 351-6197. 4-7-28 remodeled, new furnace. Phone large living and dining room NG MACHINE Clearance Sale, 485-3666 or 669-3509. 10-7-28 with new kitchen and full has it .. . TOYOTA id new portables - basement. Large fenced in lot $49.95, SONY MODEL 240 recorder. Best 10 per month. Large selection 'econditioned used machines, offer over $170, ($249 new). 6 months old. 424 Michigan No. SALE bedroom. OR RENT. Carpeted, garbage 10x45 2 with 2 car Semi-furnished recreation room. garage. heated pool tigers, Whites, Necchis. New disposal. Near MSU campus. Contact owner, 2705 Lasalle 4620 S. Hagadorn 12 after 5 pm. 1-7-21 ne & "Many Others." $19.95 $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS $1950 or $120/monthly. Phone 332-8269 after 5 pm. 2-7-23 Garden. 371-1036. 3-7-26 and all just north of Mt. Hope Rd. STRIBUTING COMPANY, STEREO audio REPAIRS.. Also equipment reasonable. Call other Service builds more small cars 5 North Washington, 351-6680. 3-7-26 BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM built 8-6448. C Cambridge 12x60 2 bedroom. ODD JOBS UNLIMITED. A WEDDING Fully carpeted, utility shed. student help referral service. DRESS, satin, size 8. Located on large lot. Excellent House apartment cleaning, lawn Mantilla with matching lace. «T» CODING 351-0574. 4-7-28 condition. 2-7-23 Phone 627-9176. garden service, bartending party service, window washing, typing - you name it and we'll get 18" SEARS best portable color the TV. Used one year. Moving. LAKE VIEW lots. Available now. 8', job done. Call now, 351-6089. ■hine Operator 05 $285 or best offer. ($390 new.) 10', 12' wide. 10 minutes to _X-S-7-26 2 355-9792. 4-7-23 campus. 641-6601. 10-8-2 ■ancies PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad - permanent students, experience, references. ?niiitcnt. Salary range TV SETS. Sony, Panasonic, Zenith. p Free estimates. Color portables and consoles. LOSt & rOUnd Evenings, *3 to S701 349-4817. C monthly. STEREO COMPONENTS. Sony 1 Michigan Civil reel to reel tapedeck, Ampex _ LOST ~ ~ SMALL tan/white striped ~~~ rvice iai- cassette recorder. We Buy, Sell, d..., c«ii T.V. RENTALS benefits, t lA/iionv „„ , cat- Male. Very affectionate, and Trade. WILCOX hiding an outstanding 351.47003731 e Service $9.50 _ _ per ^,e SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East 7 I delivery moi with air conditioning than _________ contributory Michigan 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, (_OST ONE grey and white short trance Monday thru Saturday. C client program, hajr ^ g«ay nose c-|| Jud gt retirement 337-0094. 7-7-30 longevity bonus, STEREO PHONOGRAPH Portable cassette recorder $40. with any manufacturer in the ivorld limited 1 r opportunities AM/FM _ _ radio, $60. 655-3912. F°^ND Woman ,0N gold s "mpUS ,j V J®")' wedding band. MARRIED STUDENTS Personal 332-0900. 2-7-23 if you want more than just economy try a & FACULTY ancement and liberal ation and sick leave SOUND SYSTEM, 30 watt, two way LOST TIMEX electric watch by 9 quality built Toyota - the luxury car for °wance, plus Social speakers. 351-2350.10-7-23 Garrard turnstyle. year old girl on 14th. Reward. 351-4049. 2-7-23 campus July KNOB HILL budget - minded people. ;ur'ty. Must have 1 ar of experience APARTMENTS TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS EVERYTHING AUTOMOTIVE are now leasing student units "vnlent to a data for summer only. These spacious luxury apartments are 349-4700 ''n8 machine operator completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish and demonstrated LARGEST DISCOUNTS OPEN 1 - 7 pm Mon.-Sat. SUNDAY by appointment only available in many Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central control air conditioning. These llif.y to pass the IN different models four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. filiation ,n8 machine for data MID-MICHIGAN Large 2 - bedroom, ,rom: Recreation is planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If STEREO - HOME & AUTO bath & % you want to be F«r operator additional TAPES - SPEAKERS $17J00 among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom units start at $60 0"nation contact Mr. / month per man. MODEL OPEN DRESS UP ACCESSORIES Large 3 - bedroom, EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR '"aid RENTAL Grimwood, bath & % — INFORMATION CALL: LARRY SCOTT at 351-7166. :l,|gan Department of DISCOUNT AUTO S'|3500 ministration, 3|000. phone All Equal KAMINS PARTS AND SERVICES LOCATED'/«MILE NORTH WHEELS TOYOTA INC. THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. MANAGEMENTEXCLUSIVEI. > BY: OF JOLLY RD. ON 2400 E. Michigan Ave. P°ftunity Employer. 526 N. LARCH (NEAR SAGINAW) 484-4596 OKEMOS ROAD - 5 blocks west of Frandor Alco Management Company I Wednesday, July 2 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan U.S., CHINA RELATIONS TOKYO Policy change puzzles Japan (AP) - A decade 1963 when he was reassigned. Nixon on a diplomatic Earlier this year, when trying to approach each other ago, when Koichiro Asakai was But the best available breakthrough, then began mainland China launched its through various channels," the Japan's ambassador to the information is that the reassessing their China policy. "Ping Pong diplomacy" and Asahi Shimbun, Japan's largest United States, he had a Japanese Embassy in For years, Japan has closely the United States took steps daily said, recurring nightmare. Washington advised the Foreign followed a U.S. lead on China, to improve relations with ''If the Japanese He reported later he kept Ministry in Tokyo only a few Both recognize the Nationalists Peking, Sato doggedly fought government, which has claimed dreaming that the United minutes ahead of President and both have made it an off domestic pressures to to be maintaining close States suddenly granted Nixon's announcement that he annual tradition since 1961 to change his country's policy, contacts with the United diplomatic recognition to was going to Peking. Premier cosponsor a U.S. resolution The Japanese leader seemed States on China policies, did Communist China without first Eisaku Sato was caught off - making Peking's admission an confident Nixon would never not notice the fact the informing him, thus leaving guard. important question requiring a make any sudden moves which government should be accused him isolated in embarrassment. Recovering from the shock, two - thirds vote for adoption would leave him in the lurch of stupidity." Asakai's nightmare ended in the Japanese congratulated in the United Nations. because of an agreement in For Sato, the readjustment 1969 to consult closely on the of his China policy comes only China problem. weeks after he set out to Nixon's announcement improve Japan's relations with visibly shook the Japanese, the United States, who acknowledged the There have been strains Capital/ Capsules 11 j 0 >»>\ necessity for secrecy but still between the two nations over felt themselves left out by an textile sales and other ally which for years commercial quarrels. Aware of encouraged it to serve as a the importance of the U.S. TUESDAY Gov. Milliken, T° further protect the Frederick Rehm, 6 > general Mi,hiaJ Auto Ch,nese relat.ons. improving U.S. - market to Japan's economic continued growth, Sato signed into law a bill allowing Pub'ic. Milliken, has asked the mi)0i>r manager of the Michigan Anfrt restricted travel of 14-foot Dept. of State Police and Club disputed Milliken's Newspapers members and influential downgraded the China problem of Sato's party now and decided his primary task Belle P wide mobile homes and others to report, immediately, contention that the new law are urging the Japanese leader to repair damage done to the modular housing units on any accident attributable to passes safety standards, and Michigan highways noting that the wider width vehicles, and adf)ed that the problem would , ... - t^"k.e independent steps,many trans - Pacific relationship, Telephone operators picket the main telephone company building in Fort Lauderdale, I the bill had been "amended to provide him with a monthly be significant on two lane l here have been Japan's exports to the Fla., Monday in bikinis as they try to make the best of their remaining strike time. I meet the very valid traffic report of any problems highways and county roads thfr six months United Sates last year totaled Workers were set to return to their jobs at midnight Tuesday pending a contract vote. I —ling from the bill's despite the restrictions. that the United States and $59 billion, compared with -AP Wirephoto I Communist China have been about $500 million to China. Food inspection probed THRIF-T-MART BRINGS YOU (Continued from page one) shortcomings in the inspection DISCOUNT PRICES process. "We are concerned inspections 10 times this year. with getting it off the While these inspectors were market," said Spaulding. not responsible for the soup, "Then an assesment of what it came off the same it all means can be made." production line as the meat Rep. Paul G. Rogers, products. The federal D-Fla., has said the Bon government has since ordered Vivant incident poses WATERMELONS recall all questions about all federal Vivant-packed products and food plant inspection ..... Af. WITH THIS closed the plant. Officials say programs. the incidence of swelling and been seeking more money and Rogers, who has SAVE 10C COUPON leaking cans, a sign of expanded poweres for FDA, 10c Off Reg. Price - Any 8 Oz. Herrud "inappropriate processing," has pointed out that the number attained an unacceptable level of FDA in some cases of more than 3 declined by 109 in five years. inspectors had Sliced Lunch Meat per cent and that lamb stew, An FDA official declined LIMIT 1 - PER COUPON PER FAMILYjfl GOOD THRU SAT. JULY 24th an Agriculture Dept. to say whether the responsibility, is one of the four-year-gap in its inspections of Bon Vivant's plant was N0'1J implicated products. The Agriculture Dept.'s typical. The spokesman did chief toxicologist, Dr. John say, however, that canning Spaulding, said the department plants are a low-priority target isn't sure that the defective for inspectors because cans weren't caused by contamination is less likely to mishandling in shipment, and occur in canned products than hasn't yet considered the in some other processed question of possible foods. Water pollution control (Continued from page one) But it went on to say that groups" had only shown "the "in view of the careful analysis complexity of trying to set required national base - level standards ... we recognize that it will not be possible to across an industry." establish effluent "That requirements goal," he said, "has for more than a selected not been achieved." The minority of the permit Quarles memo, applications being processed." distributed to newsman, told In deciding which ones EPA regional administrators should get that special that "as a general approach . . treatment, the memo said, . it is highly desirable to establish specific quantitative "Major emphasis should be effluent limitations." given to the most seriously "In the processing of permit polluted waters and to the major sources of pollution on applications," it said, "your those waters" and "should also staff should specify effluent reflect availability of requirements whenever it is completed modeling studies possible to do so with and other data . . reasonable assurance that such Ruckelshaus explained, requirements reflect proper "Where we have a river basis analysis of the levels of study, permits will have reduction required to achieve standards that say exactly applicable water quality what can go into the water." criteria.'" FAYGO Pop 'IT 99c Zales LIMIT 10 - PER COUPON PER FAMILfl GOOD THRU SAT. JULY 24th Summer N°. 7 J® Sale DIAMOND NEW SUN. HOURS: IPECTACULAR! Polly Anna Variety Breads! SAVE 8c I Eig'E' Fresh SAVE 16c! Scot Lad Frozen VIENNA DUTCH TOP, 16 OZ., ENG¬ POTATO 9 A.M.-8 P.M- LISH MUFFIN, 22 OZ. OR RAISIN ORANGE BREAD, 16 OZ. LOAF Save Up To CHIPS JUICE I Other Days 7 A.M. - 11 P H 10c On Each Loaf 33c 14-Oz. 49* ?39' wt zaj^ES Bag Use one My, how yoaVe changed Dnvenient charge plans of our convenient irge • Zales Revolving Charge ISave 17c - 8% to 1 oz. PKGS ARCHWM COOKIES V$109 •> 1 Bonus Special! Save lit on Country Fresh LO-FAT MILKOO 318 S. Washington (across from FREE SPIRIT) VTSttllS A 11 IS 3301 E. MICHIGAN AVE.