Cosmetics By JIM SHELDON „ firm I hit for The state News learned than any - State News Staff Writer Monday During spring break, the same other fat or oil applied to charges against Koscot for illegal In the fall of 1970, Hughes cleared questionable tactics used representative who first approached him the skin. marketing planning, fraud and by Koscot Koscot of all when David charges brought by state Kapolka, Ferndale senior, pestered him about buying a part of "Basically, the mink oil product has misleading advertising practices, attorneys, who are appealing the ruling cosmetics company, whose said that the estimated the division representatives tried to company, Kapolka said. He nothing to offer in the way of benefits has received which they say may ftributors last week were seeking P.rtesus"reL. hjm into buying a continued refusing and began hearing to beauty," Feurig maintained. "There's about 75 complaints and hundreds of State Supreme Court. someday reach the Imetic salesmen, or "beauty advisers," distributorship in the company. complaints about Koscot. nothing in it which has a single thing inquiries into the company. lough a State News employment He explained he was approached at a Action Line in the Detroit Free Press to do with the general health of the Suit was filed in June 1969 in A file more than an inch thick has isified ad, is involved in a Court of gas station where he worked in Detroit last week said the "Better Business skin." Ingham County Circuit Court before been suit in Lansing. over compiled by state attorneys on 17 s spring break. A man stopped for Bureau condemns the Koscot company's Mink oil was described Judge Sam Street Hughes on charges of states which have Igtate attorneys in the Consumer gas and invited sales Tuesday by implemented law suits Kapolka the methods, and AMA (American Jan Groves, who with her husband these illegitimate business practices. At Sheraton Cadillac Hotel, where to against Koscot. Charges elsewhere are fctection Division, who originally speeches Medical Assn.) says mink oil in its Arthur Groves lives in that time, the official said, Koscot was similar to those in Michigan. University Village Kged Koscot Interplanetary, Inc., with ?nnn Were Presented to about cosmetics does no more for your skin and distributes Koscot cosmetics in East stopped from selling distributorships but Cgitimate business practices, are 1,000 persons present, to interest them than axle grease." Lansing. She said doctors and chemists was allowed to continue selling (Please turn to page 11) Eealing the case they lost in the fall in earning extra money through a have acclaimed the oil base to be the cosmetics. ■ 1970 in Lansing Circuit Court. Koscot dealership and by selling the Dr. James S. Feurig, director of closest thing to the natural oil in consumers' protection official firm s cosmetics. human bodies. University Health Center, said Jtended this week the reason for the Kapolka said representatives there had Wednesday mink oil can act only as a The oil was patented as "one of the |uit court decision was not included a "stack of money" and carrier best cosmetic contracts. He or vehicle for ingredients in a bases," Mrs. Groves J the judge's written opinion. He ■lined to comment further on reasons added the operation on the seemed "good and cosmetic substance. The oil has no added. level," but he declined to specific therapeutic benefits for the skin An official in the attorney general's I the defeated state suit. purchase a distributorship. and does consumer protection nothign to more for the body division, citing MICHIGAN llume 64 UNIVERSITY Number 12 STATE East TATE NEWS Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 23, 1971 .Viet drive meets enemy; .S. casualties hit new low figures that 11 American soldiers were 37 North Vietnamese ■SAIGON (AP) — South Vietnamese in 2'A hours of Highway 7 and between the border killed last week, the lowest in six fighting. South Vietnamese casualties ■oops sweeping through eastern years. towns of Krek and Mimot. Size of the The number of U.S. were reported as nine men wounded. mbodia clashed for the first time wounded, 81, also North Vietnamese force, identified as approached a six - year low. Reports It was the first significant lursday with North Vietnamese forces from the battle sector said the South of the 10,000 - man engagement soldiers of the 7th Division, was not ley have been tracking in a new drive. Vietnamese troops, supported by U.S. sweep launched known. It is a 4,000 ■ man division long ■A lull continued, however, in South Wednesday across a 37 - square mile deployed in eastern Cambodia and the letnam. reflected gunships and their area of eastern Cambodia north of by U.S. Command own artillery, killed adjacent South Vietnamese province of Tay Ninh that guards the approaches to Saigon. The 7th Division is a main objective of the South Vietnamese drive. I.Viets refuse to The fighting erupted in rain - sodden parley, flat terrain nine miles northeast of Krek and about 15 miles inside Cambodia. Before it broke out, U.S. B52 YOU bombers pounded suspected North Vietnamese rear bases and staging areas I WANT till demand in eastern Cambodia for a fourth straight day. They also renewed their bombing of Indochina's other two war ■ beset FOR U.S.ARMY " lARIS (AP) - North Vietnam ana creation of a government of "national condition — but it would affect only countries, hitting the Ho Chi Minh trail Viet Cong served notice Thursday concord" in Saigon. U.S. troops and "other foreign troops in in Laos and the imperiled northern ir are not prepared to bargain over demand for the unconditional U.S. Ambassor David K. E. Bruce the American camp." sector of South Vietnam below the 'Uncle Sam' ca reiterated his questions about the plan The South Vietnamese delegate, Pham demilitarized zone. lidrawal of U.S. forces from South but got no reply. The eight - engine bombers, America's Walter Botts, 71, is the professional model who posed for the "I ■nam. Dang Lam, pointed out that such an Bruce asked whether the Communists biggest, flew five raids in the Want You" allied withdrawal would leave Saigon's new recruiting poster in 1938. He holds the famed Addressing I th3 Vietnam the 122nd weekly session were prepared to discuss various forces exposed to attack by North northern sector. Three of the raids drawing by James Montgomery Flagg as he tells newsman he has Peace talks, Hanoi's American proposals — including a general Vietnamese troops, since the communist struck along the buffer zone and the been trying to get an exsoldiers pension. Botts, at his San Juan Jan Thuy and the Viet Cong's Mrs. cease - fire — together with their seven • plan contained no provision for other two hammered at North Capistrano, Calif., home, says the Army reports his World War I ■uyen Thi Binh ignored President point plan. withdrawal of North Vietnam's forces Vietnamese positions 24 miles south of announcement of his Mrs. Binh replied that details of the the northern city of Hue. service was 10 days short of the minimum requirement. from South Vietnam. Jthcoming visit to Peking. U.S. withdrawal and the liberation of AP Wirephoto ■'The People's Republic of China fully prisoners would be negotiated after the Bks and supports our struggle against merican aggression," the Viet Cong United States has publicly committed DEBT DOWN TO $400 itself to total withdrawal. The pkesman, Duong Dinh Thao, told commitment must come first, she Ivsmen later. insisted. jThuy and Mrs. Binh brushed aside as New Players settlement foreseen Both Thuy and Mrs. Binh repeated Jelay ing tactics" all American efforts to their outright rejection of the general Irify points of detail in the seven • cease - fire proposed by the United Jint peace plan submitted by the States and South Vietnam. Since Monday, the deficit has been That no money be taken from ■mmunist delegates July 1. the They reiterated that there would be a By JOHN JUEL remain responsible for the debt. reduced to about $400, Buckner said. New jThe plan called for a total American fire the United States has Players' account without the cease - once Editor-in-Chief Negotiations between the New Players The New Players signed over $2,000 in authorization of at least one ASMSU ■lidrawal by the end of this year, agreed to pull out all its forces without and ASMSU bonds to ASMSU. returned $1,000 they official (a petty cash fund will be set ■uiltaneously with a step - by ■ step The New over repayment of the up Players and ASMSU are deficit started early this month, but only had awarded May 24 to some members to accommodate minor [ease of prisoners held by both sides, expenditures). also demanded the removal of Stagings nearing overdrawn a settlement on thetheatergroup's student government in the past week have they neared in scholarships and sold about $800 •That the officers of the theater Resident Nguyen Van Theiu and the "Androcles and the agreement. ASMSU announced Monday worth of physical properties to help group be advised that their Lion," a play for account, reliable sources indicated that the New Players would have to authorizing children cover the debt. An additional $1,100 in signature on an expenditure voucher by the Summer Circle Free Thursday. present a formal commitment for outstanding bills are being taken care of Theater, will make its only campus The director of student' governance's (Please turn to page repayment of the loan by 5 p.m. by the officers of the New Players 11) performance at 6:15 p.m. Saturday at office revealed last week that the New Monday or ASMSU would impose an before the bills reach the University. the Day Care Center in Spartan Village. Players were overdrawn on their ASMSU arbitrary repayment plan. Buckner said that since the debt had lord blasts The "Luv" Saturday in free at theater 8:30 the will p.m. Kresge also today Art present and Center account account by was about $5,500. While the backed by ASMSU, guaranteeing that all creditors would The New Players' response to the ultimatum, according to ASMSU Chairman Harold Buckner, was "a been reduced to workable proportions, ASMSU would continue to back the New Players' account providing the Fall enrollment Fall term enrollment materials receive payment, the officers who sudden now concerted effort to raise some theater group would agree to five courtyard. lay for talk authorized the New are available to term students Players' expenditures money." conditions: summer in 150 Administration •That the University cash no vouchers Bldg. Materials will be mailed to students not from the New Players which are not first approved Dy ASMSU. registered for summer term. Section ibout Agnew • That the New Players close all off - campus accounts. request forms should be returned to 150 Administration Bldg. by Aug. 13. Washington (AP) - Declaring, "i T never before heard such language in House," Republican Leader Gerald I ' °rd demanded Thursday that Rep. Tax amendment ■"am Clay apologize for his remarks ■jM Twithout Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. repeating the language. Ford lte(l a page in Wednesday's fngressional Record where Clay is sent to floor ■orted as reported out a bill which would require saying: 1 n m_y opinion, Mr. Speaker, our persons to live in Michigan for one |e resident T symptoms is seriously ill. He has all of year before they would be eligible for welfare benefits. an intellectual misfit. [His recent tirade against black Two constitutional amendments to The series of moves signaled the flership is just part of a game played prohibit the use of property taxes to breakup finally of the logjam which has ■ mm called mental masturbation. finance the operation of Michigan's stalled - any legislative action on a I Apparently, Mr. public schools and to allow a graduated budget to finance state operations for Agnew is an state income tax le ectual sadist who were reported the current fiscal year. experiences Jv'ectual Thursday to the floor of the Michigan The two amendments were reported orgasms by attacking, PHiating and kicking the oppressed." House. out by the House Committee on I" ay joined other black members in a House Speaker William A. Ryan, Revision and Amendment of the X of speeches retorting Agnew's D-Detroit, said immediately the two Constitution. Ryan, when told the I',lsm of some black leaders. proposals would be combined into one provision allowing the state's income proposal before they pass the House. |I Mr. Agnew'sassures attack him on of black leaders retaining his Captured At the same time, the House Taxation Committee reported out a bill tax to be graduated rather than flat rate had been reported out separately, said "well have to kill that." K> MPlonshiP as 'buffoon of the year,' " to hike the state income tax by 38 per Tciav^"" Dem°crattnesaid. J~ ay was not on noor when Ford Captured Arab guerillas sit in the sand with their arms raised near the Jordan River Thursday. The cent and a record $535 million welfare He said instead a similar provision will be amended onto the amendment f e. lold of the guerillas had crossed into Israel apparently fleeing from King Hussein's military crackdown on bill was reported out by the House Republican leader's Palestinian stronghols in Jordan. This scene was reenacted by the guerillas for an Israel Army - limiting property taxes. F rks, he said, "I have no intention of Appropriations Committee. ■"•Swing to Vice President Agnew. sponsored press visit. AP Cablephoto The House Social Services Committee (Please turn to page 12) Friday, JU|y 23 , 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Chiicanos tell Milliken of By JOANNA FIRESTONE the Michigan migrants' plight. migrants come close to 2,000 aide squeezed Zamora's arm situation of the "We the migrant. plight people," she smaller I can group to talk hear an i ■J0"*! "1 myself together with 59 miles to pick cherries, and gruffly whispered, are summary State News Staff Writer more migrants came down strawberries, pickles and Some 300 Chicanos jammed here from northern Michigan tomatoes. We do this because "You're blowing the whole goddamn thing. At least this said. some "We're only asking for better camping areas, work and food for our your problems." After brief migrants agreed t„ discussion From the wires of AP and UPI. into the marble corridor to pick pickles but have had the farmers need us for is better than nothing." some Mi„; "}1 outside Gov. Milliken's office bad luck with housing," he picking the crops, and we ask Thursday morning, asking that said. the farmers to cooperate with For Chicanos some 20 minutes the remained outside babies. "Pretty soon, the machinery request and 21 joined the governor in repr^Jgl ?l Michigan provide work, food "We are 10 families and in houses," he continued. Milliken's office, having parted will be taking our place. Who's office discussion for an extend I and housing for 45,000 to each one of them there are "But this is their reply, to form an aisleway for the "Where we gonna be? on the J..?! "The New York Times has 60,000 migrant workers in two to three babies. We were 'There ain't gonna be any Michigan. staying at the Patio but we work this year. Go home governor to pass through. About 12:30 p.m., a gonna care? "We're not dirt - we re _ He ^1 instructed us that it is The throng of migrant were told to leave from there where you belong.' spokesman announced that the human beings." immediately staff members who permissible to traffic in stolen families, backed by area and now we do not know Perhaps it will all be better governor had exited by way "I don't know what I can sat in I Brown Berets and members of where to go." in heaven." of a back staircase and was do," Milliken said quietly, the meeting to jnv*| documents. But they have not each the United Auto Workers, Zamora said the 10 families A messenger from the waiting to speak with the "but I'm here to listen. He complaint, aides said | yet instructed us on whether it marched shouting but orderly have been sleeping outside governor suggested that the group outside on the Capitol "I know your plight is also told th I is permissible to traffic in into the Capitol at about 11 and complained that the migrants appoint a steps. desperate and I am committed representatives that oil! forged documents. It is a.m., demanding to see the children have become ill representative group of leaders The skeptical crowd slowly to justice for migrant Office of Econoll governor. because of the cool, wet to talk with the governor. moved to the front lawn workers," he said. "But I Opportunity Director !>!■ reported that the editors are don't want to make promises Shipstead was in Washing! divided on the issue." Chanting "Viva la raza Michigan weather. "We have no leaders," where Milliken was already -National Review editor. (long live the race)," "Viva la "Hoping we could get Zamora cried. "Why can't talking with some migrants. that can't be kept. It is not Thursday and had found Jl huelga (long live the strike)," shelter in St. Joseph's Church they talk to all of us if they Yolanda Salas, a fromer possible in a group of this federal emergency fundf*| William F. and "Queremos Milliken (we in Erie, we went to talk to are the government of all of employe of the MSU Center size to reach that kind of help cope with transport,! Buckley Jr. and housing problems want Milliken)," the group Father Javier Sanchez about us?" for Urban Affairs, told in a understanding on action. that J (See story page 3) waited for the governor for helping us with shelter but he An unidentified Milliken trembling voice the desperate "1 urge you to send a migrants said exist. nearly an hour and a half, refused us," he said. "We told barred from the executive him we hadn't slept for days office by four armed State and needed a stove to cook Police officers. for the children but still he Ruben Zamora, a member refused us." Hope seen for China POWs of the United Migrants for Zamora said Sanchez finally Opportunity who spoke to consented to allow the the group during its wait and families to stay one night in later translated Milliken's the church. The official cloak of secrecy over President Nixon's words into Spanish, explained "Every year people like us Peking trip covers the fate of American captives in Red China, but the man who revived the issue says there is hope now for the release of at least some of the four. Jerome Cohen, a Harvard University law professor, Revised said there has been ro official administration for food reaction to his efforts to obtain freedom for the four prisoners "but my impression from talking to officials is something is likely to happen." WASHINGTON (AP) - The Agriculture Richard E. Lyng Nixon administration offered told a news conference that Thursday a revised food stamp the most emphasis has been Jordan quiet: Hussein program that will continue put on helping the "poorest of coupons to 275,000 higher the poor" families. income welfare people but will Households at the bottom cut benefits for 2 million of the income scale will get King Hussein of Jordan invited all Arab heads of others. stamps free of charge, he said. state Thursday to send delegations if they want to The new plan announced by verify that the situation in his nation is quiet. the Agriculture Dept. Lyng said approximately The letter, the text of which was broadcast by supersedes a proposal made 10.5 million persons now get last April to carry out a new food stamps. Despite the Amman Radio, said Jordan continued to adhere to food stamp law passed by cutbacks for higher income the Cairo and Amman agreements. These accords, by the king and guerrilla leader Congress late in 1970. Under the April plan, those recipients, the program is expected to increase to 12.5 Chicanos march on Capitol Yasir Arafat and countersigned by nine Arab heads now getting stamps in states million by a year from now, of state, regulated relations between the army and where welfare benefits exceed Lyng said. About 300 Chicanos crowd around Gov. Milliken's and housing for the migrant workers in Michigan. new uniform federal income office at the State News photo by Doug Bauman the Palestine guerrillas in the wake of last Capitol Thursday asking for work, food, standards would have been Most important to that September's fighting. eliminated. growth, he said, is the Those benefits were restored adoption of the national in the new plan. However, an income standards for AMA accused of blackmail estimated 60,000 to 65,000 qualification. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D - Mass., accused the Washington lobbyist for the American Medical Assn. nonwelfare persons in the higher bracket of low income families who do not get stamps will be removed from to The new rules are expected be put into effect in most areas by early next year, Lyng said. Southern Republicans rate Thursday of trying to blackmail the Democratic the rolls. Senatorial Campaign Committee into The plan includes a silencing his Food stamp benefits also Wall ace hop es in '72 sliim attacks on the AMA. will be reduced for an requirement that a household In a statement prepared for Kennedy, delivery in the Senate, chief sponsor of n national health estimated 2 million persons in must be comprised of related higher income categories who individuals, with few exceptions such as a nurse s still qualify for the coupons. insurance bill opposed by the AMA, said "if we have DENVER Asst. Secretary of caring for an unrelated person. (AP) — Alabama campaign against big is one state Wallace might win, statement, saying ibtfl to sacrifice political contributions to Gov. George C. Wallace will be protect lives government to a populist but over - all "he does not generally were less certain oil and health, that is a small price to lucky to carry as many as two antirich man approach he will have the strength in the South Nixon victory in t! pay." Southern states if he enters The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State finish out of the running in he had last time." Reed said Southern states only if ei University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter the 19 72 presidential most Southern states, the his current Mills or Jackson guess is that Astronauts shun rest and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays campaign, several top Southern Dixie GOP leaders said. Wallace will make the race Democratic standard bearer. I Republican officials say. In 1968, Wallace campaigned during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. President Nixon's popularity chiefly as an opponent of "but would withdraw if he sees he has no base at all." Of Wallace, Bernard think he ultimately will re said:lj Shunning a chance to ease their rigorous training, Member Associated Press, United Press International, is on the rise throughout the forced racial integration in the Arkansas state chairman he would have trouble carryifl the Apollo 15 astronauts spent Thursday perfecting Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, South and in border states schools and a critic of federal Charles T. Bernard predicted a even one state." key maneuvers of their moon journey at Cape Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press while the novelty of Wallace's bureaucrats in Washington. He Nixon victory in his state next Howard Association. appeal has virtually dissolved, carried five states, all in the (Bo) CallowifJ Kennedy, Fla. year. The economy "isn't too national committeeman fr Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial the GOP state - level leaders South: Arkansas, Louisiana, bad there and the people like The Space Agency had announced that David R. Georgia, said: "Wallace has hj and business offices at 345 Student Services Eldg., Michigan said during separate interviews. Alabama, Mississippi and the way Scott. James B. Irwin and Alfred M. Worden could he's ending the war," his chance. Once you r State University, East Lansing, Michigan. They are in town for a Georgia. Bernard said. The only president on an emotW begin relaxing in advance of Monday's blastoff at meeting of the Republican "The courts have taken 8:34 a.m. Michigan time. Phones: National Committee at which Wallace off the hook on the Democrats who could carry basis and fail it's a M| Arkansas over Nixon are Rep. harder the next time." Extra hours News 355-8252 the site for next year's schools and Wallace's base has Wilbur D. Mills, who's from were scheduled in simulators Calloway was less i Classified Ads 355-8255 national convention will be been cut out from under the rehearsing parts of the mission. state, and Sen. Henry M. than some of his counterp Advertising 353-6400 selected. him," said Clarke Reed, Jackson, D - Wash., Bernard however, that Wallace w<»jj Business Office 355-3447 Even if the two - time Mississippi Republican said. Alabama governor switches be completely out of » chairman. Reed said Mississippi Others echoed Bernard's running. strategy from his 1968 Countercoup staged North Carolina OOP fin® chairman John Walker 9 this week we ARe Pe" for the election. information officer for East two-hour-long meeting attended Library buying Bpailure of Proposal A for Lansing High School, explained by about 65 citizens, board J5 mills will prevent schools Monday afternoon the process members debated with about opening in the fall, of calling another election: power cut six persons who questioned the Kproval of the proposal will If the Aug. 3 request fails, priorities set by the board and ■y provide that schools will the school board would have who debated the reasons why |en. If all three millage to call for another election at particular items were either cut By STEVE WATERBURY allocation for periodical The budgetary pressures the Library in the area of the Library now closed Friday bposals pass, the school a public meeting. The money or retained in the budget by State News Staff Writer subscription renewal amounted have forced the Library to Strict will gain the original requested in the the school board. to $175,000, while we will equipment purchases, funding evenings, proposal, place emphasis on acquiring of ■uest of 25.95 mills. either need trips for professional new or different, would I believe we all must The MSU Library will $327,000 for "materials providing direct I'We have to have approval also be set. This action would subscription renewal this year, .n ee t i n g s, and in an The library has also recognize that each has a pet purchase 38,000 books during support for curricular offerings elimination of direct reduced its purchases of [ Proposition A for 1971 make the reserved date official, project in the budget and the 1971-72 fiscal year, as During this same time period, 0r current research needs of allocations iugh 1972," board member To collect millage money the average price of books to specific duplicate serial titles and will wished to push forward on opposed to 83,000 in graduate students and faculty," academic departments. review all salaried positions iam B. Sharp said. "Our for the coming school year, that," Malcolm Katz, """" 1967-68, according to Richard has increased from $8.43 to a he said. Summer hours have also before filling any vacancies Hiy alternative is another the election cannot be held superintendent of schools, E. Chapin, director of predicted $12.50 in 1971. Cutbacks will be made by been trimmed somewhat, with ■lage election on or before later than Sept. 14. commented. libraries. which may occur. In a letter distributed to WAIL TO THE CHIEF' department chairmen this month, Chapin said the Library is confronted with Cables describe potential ONE reduced funding at a time when the prices of books and HOUR lew column periodicals are soaring. University funds for the Library have increased since of famine in E. Pakistan SERVICE 1867-68, he said, but the WASHINGTON (AP) "It is our view that famine total funds available to the refugees, has criticized what enforcement series of confidential State conditions, involving he savs is an insufficiently law Library has for declined book acquisition because the U.S. Dept. cables made public Thursday said a "specter of widespread hunger, suffering and perhaps, starvation, will concerned attitude of the j'Mail to the Chief," a new weekly column designed to Irease understanding between referred to Charles East Lansing police chief. F. "It's a sincere hope of this Pegg, include University East Lansing citizens, — - - officials M..I and- unll MSU Dept. and Welfare offered yb of the Health funds th|s Education (HEW) has not University any famine Pakistan. M. Released hangs over East by j.. Sen. rx Kennedy, D-Mass., the w___ Edward probably prevail in much of East Pakistan year/' one over the coming cable stated July 6 State Dept. toward food shortages in East Pakistan, the Kennedy read portions of cables to Undersecretary LOUIS CLEANERS students. "Mail h» ■icemen and the community department that the letters to ^ gg ^ HEW ^ tQ field reports from Islambadi 623 E.GRAND RIVER available for publication "A specter of famine hangs of State John Irwin during a begin the chief will provide another the State Library amounted to in East Pakistan also chided over East Pakistan and subcommittee hearing News, the Town n the communications channel Courier and the East Lansing $100,000. State Dept. higher - ups for prospects for rting Thursday, |torial page of the State between the citizens of the High School paper. Leading the increase in what they called playing widespread hunger. suffering ''Certainly community and the Dept. of "Honefullv this service will Library u,uiai* costs are «w * .... down the potential of massive and 3na perhaps pernaps si starvation are not recognize the possibility of pased on popular Public Safety," Bernitt said. open ten a a line line of of communication Perj°dica! subscription prices, food shortages and criticized good," it said. famine" Irwin replied. Bag"format, "Mail" Idea for the column between the student body and Chapin said that in United Nations efforts in the ■1 seek to answer questions stemmed from a Police Police - various police departments," .gglla the University's area for moving too slowly. Ticerning police department erations, policies, law [orcement methods, police Community Relations Committee, whose members Barney editorial White, State News editor, remarked, The DOWNTOWN (forcement situations on in East Perkins J DELI Lansing, lestions on individual arrests Family Restaurant I on specific incidents will j be accepted. Dinner Specials Schedule PI the experiment proves is now Tcessful this summer, "Mail" |1 become a regular feature FRI: A FISH FEAST - ALL YOU CAN EAT ^ pt fall in the State News. are asked to address with french fries bt cole slaw $1.30 open and SAT: SWISS STEAK |cstions 345 to Mail Student to the Services with mashed potatoes & tossed salad $1.65 ready to ■f. MSU. serve Tampus police matters will yL SUN: SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN you handled by Richard O. ^ with all the fixin's lrnitt, director of MSU's with our of Public Safety, with ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ft l.ansing police business a DELICATESSEN It'sthJrc Look what we MENU Real life palls for rea^Jpte. have to offer. . For thtjaste of your life- CORNED BEEF . ca-Cola. PASTRAMI SALAMI PEPPERED BEEF TONGUE CHOPPED CHICKEN LIVER NOVA SCOTIA LOX JUMBO FRANKS (Kosher style) closed KNOCKWURST CHICKEN BROTH with MATZOH BALL all day or KRAPLACH STUFFED KISHKA GEFILTE FISH NEW YORK BAGELS Saturday JEWISH RYE BREAD CHEESE CAKE & STRUDEL from New York through BLINTZES 104 S. August 7 WASHINGTON Block off Mich. Ave.) g under the authority of The Cc^-Cola Company by: Coca Cola Bottling Company of Michigan OPEN 7-7 DAILY JacobBon'S MICHIGAN MAIL TO THE CHIEF STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY KEN LYNAM EDITOR'S NOTE: Questions for Mr. Parking." The Student M«t,)r advertising manager v. Regulation specifically states that ? Bernitt and/or Chief Pegg may be addressed to Mail to the Chief, 345 signs are unnecessary; JOHN BORGER, managing editor howeVer Student Services Bldg., E. Lansing, Mich. department- has augnu-nu-d BOB ROACH, news editor controls with some signs. the' BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor 48823. Names need not be included. There intent to derive RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor more revenue - # it's attempt to avoid When an MSU officer stops someone an signs beyond those that a pfJsti^ in an automobile for a traffic violation, are absd necessary. Seven -time is it legal for the officer to search the recipient of the Pacemaker award vehicle or must he ask first or obtain a for I notice from reading the State outstanding journalism. warrant? What happens if the person that many thefts and refuses permission to search? burglaries committed quite frequently jn - No. The slopping of a motorist for a lots, especially Lots X and Y. routine traffic offense does not authorize Why EDITORIALS an officer to search the vehicle. officers patrol these areas more when reports indicate frequent ii However, when a motorist is stopped for are occurring? driving under the influence, the arresting Viet Cambodia inva officer may search the vehicle without obtaining permission or a search warrant. the Officers spend areas where particular problem is noted many hours p cars are parked. WL The officer, except in the latter case, patrol and surveillance takes inc^ must abide by the directive of the addition to regular patrol, p|jJ motorist or seek a search warrant. survejl" another from unmarked cars and on foot I South Vietnamese coup Why doesn't the police dept. designate "no student parking" areas more clearly, plain - clothes officers apprehend those involved. is utili^ military electoral process by a totalitarian especially those areas marked in red on the campus maps but which have no What, if any, are the physical campaigns often are as inscrutible government. Indeed, if VC claims educational requirements for emplo to the American eye as a may be taken at face value, their signs or other visible markings? Is this a ploy to draw more revenue in parking* as a public safety officer? Keystone Kops episode. This "sabotage" will consist primarily As indicated by a resolution week's newest ARVN invasion of of supporting selected candidates, "The President thought it would he nice for us to violation fees? of board of trustees to he seen together!" All but two red areas (Lot K and the meet Cambodia does little to reassure albeit clandestinely. requirements of the Hubbard Hall service area) are posted Michigan the American people. For the sake of argument, Enforcement Training Council with signs indicating "No Student Act, This most recent armed though, grant applicant "must have acceptable phy for a minute that emotional and incursion mental fitness involving 10,000 Hanoi and the VC mean to established by a licensed phyr ARVN troops with U.S. air commit only terrorism in the OUR READERS' MIND following examination to determine support resembles the previous upcoming elections. Saigon is still the applicant is free from any phy- much-heralded, if enegmatic, not justified in blatantly emotional or mental condition \ invasion case, of Cambodia. however comparative, few In this disregarding Cambodia's sovereign borders. Except in the Parrot's Voter registration help, not hassle may a adversely affect his performance police officer. Must possess j hearing and normal color vision; b. enemy forces have been Beak region, the extension of To the Editor: from any impediments of the ser I wish that you had noted the fit encountered and almost not to contribute to the already no South Vietnam's defense tremendous possess normal visual functions Dear Mr. Ferency, advantage to be gained by unhappy climate of divisiveness and supplies have been captured or perimeters porvides a dubious advising your clients and others in your rancor here, but had bypassed this suit visual acuity in each eye correctable destroyed. Through the years that you have been 20/20; be physically sound; be advantage at best, especially sphere of influence not to fight but to in a statesman like way in favor cf actively engaged in Michigan politics, I WELCOME - developed physically, with height The South Vietnamese say the against guerilla infiltrators. this small added protection have observed from press articles and TV expending your time and considerable against dilution of their single, legal weight in proportion to each other as purpose of the incursion "is to More likely Saigon's latest appearances that, despite the venom you talents upon the really important issues votes by those who might be bent on age as indicated by accepted i cut off North Vietnamese military muscle flex into often exude, you have presented confronting us. voting in two or more places. standards; be in possession of' inflitration into South Vietnam to Cambodia was engendered by a forthright, articulate and pertinent If all register in good faith and are Mary E. Bell extremities; be free from phyjJ arguments in an eloquent manner on E. Lansing resident prevent the enemy f ro m little grandstanding on the part of hiding nothing, they should be ready, defects, chronic diseases, organic many important issues. July 14, 1971 functional conditions or mi sabotaging the elections." The South Vietnamese President Thieu. Thus, I was surprised and dismayed to willing, and able to comply. South Vietnamese will Until registration requirements are instabilities which may tend to ii elect a The good president nee general note that you have involved yourself more clearly spelled out by our efficient performance of duty which - National Assembly on August 29 has shown little with and reacted violently to the City of hesitancy in and a President on October 3. Saigon is, of utilizing every power at his East Lansing's registration requests of prospective voters to furnish tangible legislature, the small gestures which local clerks, supported by their governing Correction endanger the lives of others or himself he lacked these qualifications." In addition, applicants must course, telling the command to insure his reelection. proof of residence before swearing to bodies, may devise in an attempt to truth when it implies that the To thy Editor: Additionally, the troop the fact via affidavit, admittedly a keep everybody honest should not be successfully completed two movement slight Slight correctiop is needed North Vietnamese and Viet Cong into incOnveniehce and time resented by any of us. Xor a college level education (85 MSU crediaj Cambodia may provide a - consumer, statement that appeared in the point of to be considered for will Despite Judge Hotchkiss' decision employment. try to "sabotage" the convenient pretext for maintaining although hardly an act of view by the Cyclists for a Cleaner disenfranchisement or neglect of equal against your clients, perhaps as their elections. But matters of this sort a "war atmosphere" and, thus, America. How closely do the MSU police wort counsel, this is what you expected, protection under the law. Also, I would ultimately come down to a some sort of martial law in South point out that some applicants have not especially since you did not act until the In the second paragraph instead of with the Metro Squad? Is it true end of last week. "The 100,000 Americans who die each question of viewpoint. One cannot Vietnam - which will been asked for tangible proof of (Friday was the last regularly supply manpower day of registration.) Perhaps the fact of year ..." the statement should read information to this agency? really blame Hanoi and the Viet undoubtedly be to Thieu's residence, I, also, "have been told" that "In the not too distant all are requested this proof. your taking this case had a second future, 100,000 The MSU Dept. of Public Safety is Cong for being a little distraught benefit. Americans be dying annually on I dare say neither of us can purpose, that of creating newsworthy may active participant in the Metro N'air at being banned from the The staunch prove Cold Warriors of either of these contentions beyond a publicity in the event you should aspire highways which dwarfs the numbers of Squad operation. One of our officers to Americans killed in either the Vietnam Washington have consistently shadow of doubt. Therefore, our public office again. assigned on a full • time basis Be this possibility fact or Korean wars." berated the Soviet Union for attention might better move on to how or fancy, I still squad which is primarily concerned ' believe that on the balance sheet of this Ron Horvath having truck with this total encounter could have the "hard" narcotic problems totaletarian been episode, much more could have been Asst. Prof, of Geography regimes, and for maintaining their more productive for all. added to the asset side if tricounty (Ingham, Eaton and Cli"' you had seen July 19, 1971 area. creatures in office in various so-called satellite nations. Perhaps the policy makers in this nation's POINT OF VIEW capital would do well to recall a Biblical proverb about casting the first stone. Pakistan Papers' required? Buckley9s fak BY East MARTA NICHOLAS Lansing Resident With 167 of the 169 East Pakistan seats, the Awami League would definitely have had the majority in the new Constituent military and Bengali let - loose to commit atrocities despising tradition upon shipments of arms to the Pakic government after March 25. When At a time when so Americans unarmed (except for fish many spears and rice New York Times disclosed that shipl" fraud Assembly, which was to write a more th new are upset over a retrospective look at sickles) civilian population. The most of arms had been U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia constitution for Pakistan and then serve conservative estimate of Bengalis killed going from the Un: — at States to Karachi anyway, a State the death and destruction that has as Legislative Assembly. in the first few weeks was 200,000. spokesman claimed it Dejlj When "The However, those who had so long held was "bureauc Secret Papers They out and resulted from U.S. military aid and (Compare this with 50,000 GIs and - - out attempt to defraud, actions the power of the country found this slippage." Didn't Publish" first appeared in there, and how important policy 850,000 North and South Vietnamese counting on his cool and the "put - decisions were made without unacceptable. The meeting of the killed in more than 10 Then on June 28, the State Deflj the conservative National Review a on" story to save him if consulting years!); it is caught. assembly was postponed; Yahya Khan clearly stated that the "U.S. constellation of liberals did a One cannot help but wonder if Congress or the people that there is little outcry about the — it is strange and Z.A. Bhutto, leader of the party assumed that by now the death toll is more than a million. provide economic aid and that jjf inten('sw double take supposedly obtained Mr. Buckley would be so Cheshire completely inexcuseable part the United that won 88 of the 142 West Pakistan And the holocaust goes on. A Administration has no plans for pi' secret from an unnamed source who Cat - ish had it been the New York States is playing right now in the Assembly seats, negotiated with Sheik World Bank report leaked to the an embargo on shipments of mill press made them available "in Times which played his silly little physical, political, and cultural Mujibur Rahman, leader of the Awami July 9 says that "things equipment to the Pakistan government protest League, to make him soften his stand. It are very far However, they obviously felt some* destruction of the people of East Bengal. indeed from normal, all East against what the informant held to game. is Bengalis be Must we wait another 10 years for the now apparent that these fear for their lives in the guilty, because a July 1 grant of $ distorted impressions conveyed "Pakistan papers" and only then beat "negotiations" were a coverup for a continuing million was labeled "for ever government troops' campaign of terror by . . . the New York Times," the our breasts for having provided the West Pakistan Army buildup going on in and they all face starvation." More rehabilitation." .< East Pakistan. In obviously arranged As usual, the administration did Complex Review documents painted a modern military equipment people than live in all of Michigan have currently simultaneous attacks all over East consult the Congress or the citizens being used to kill and terrorize unarmed fled their homes. More than six decidedly glowing picture of Pakistan, the army began its onslaught in million deciding to continue this death • deali American involvement in Vietnam. civilian East Pakistanis? of them are currently refugees in already the night of March 25, 1971. aid. Currently in both Senate and H" Slowly, inexorably, the bill to The Southeast Asian situation is overcrowded areas of India. Then the bubble burst. Author - Claims are bills to amend the Foreign Assist* extremely complex; Continuance of this massive human historian Daniel J. Boorstin, one of guarantee a $250 million loan to our gradual The Pakistan government claims it Act of 1961, to stop all further involvement was due to a number of was misery is possible only by virtue of the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. has been merely matter of and economic aid to Pakistan during the supposed authors of the judgments deemed at the time to be in a "having to deal with U.S. Administration's refusal to cut off Review documents, winding its way through the our own best interest, even by a few Hindu miscreant infiltrators from military and economic aid crisis in East Pakistan. Encourage y categorically channels of the U.S. Senate. who now many India to safeguard the people of East Pakistan government. to the Congressmen to support th( denied having ever seen them. agree they were wrong. We Through the Pakistan" and that "the area quickly middle of June, the amendments! (Senator Hart already » Yesterday, in a decisive vote, the joined a long existing struggle, State Confronted with this. National - returned to normal." But all Dept. cosponsor of the Senate bill.) This U upper house declined to return supporting those who claimed to be repeatedly assured Congressmen, U.s! Review publisher and conservative enemies of eyewitnesses describe a modern well let us not wait more than a d" the legislation to committee, thus Our Great Enemy — - citizens, the press and foreign statesmen campus darling William Communism. equipped professional army of men of before we complain about what o F. Buckley But what can possibly be that an embargo had been placed on all admitted that the whole thing was moving it much closer to passage. the rationale for the Administration's government has done in our names! Opponents of the measure, lead decision to continue WU SHOULDN'T CRITICIZE THE a hoax. supplying the 6X0? BESIDES, THIS RAIN I \E NE\ER "tEEN A\ LEATHER, SIR ...IT'S ALL PART CALLING IS PR06A fa HELPING by Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., weapons being used to attack and FARMER 60 TO "We admit we proceeded in say they will attempt to filibuster suppress millions of human beings whose OF THE WORLD k)£ LIVE IN... ME | 50ME PAl?MERU)HlCH, Ji SIR OF COURSE, 0KIN65 UP SUMMER CAMP, f somewhat of an ethical vacuum," only crime was to practice Democracy? , the move, though it is Majority ANOTHER POINT... ' HAVE YOU, £5|R ? ) \ Buckley understated. Undaunted he questionable whether their air can Since the founding of the country in that he doubted -,ro went on to state hold out until Aug. 6, the day 1947, the East Pakistanis have been in his magazine's credibility would be when the Senate adjourns for the the numerical majority. But military, strained. If anything, the incident summer. economic, and political power has been would "enhance our analytical concentrated mostly in the hands of If the Lockheed bill is allowed West Pakistanis. The West Pakistani credibility," Buckley asserted. In to become law it could make the military ruler General Yahya Khan had 11 DEAR FRIEND OF FRIENDS... I general, Buckley's cryptic beginnings of acknowledged HOW ARE THINGS UP AT a governmental - this; it was he who ARRIVED 5AFELY AT EAGLE comments and devil - may - care industrial declared political parties AND AM HAVING A GOOD TIME CAMP, ^FRONT?TAKE CARE THAT WOODSTOCK 15 AIAMN0 complex which will legal again and OF FUN OF ME I attitude exuded the inescapable dwarf the called for the election. ALTHOUGH THEY UJ0RK US HARD " WUffeElF.AND^AY HELLO conclusion that the entire event present military - The East Pakistanis, in an TO THE RED BARON FORME" industrial monster. We urge our election that seems to have been was supposed to be a put - on. readers truly honest (as to write their contrasted with those of I t seems at least equally Vietnam), gave representatives in Washington and overwhelming support to the Awami probable, however, that Mr. indicate ther displeasure with the League, which called for more autonomy Buckley could be charged with an Lockheed loan bill. — especially economic — for East Pakistan within the state of Pakistan. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 23, 1971 5 I Bone urges more interaction ^ By RICK WILBINS By RICK WILBINS State Newt Staff Writer rPw do do not not relate relate to ^ to the the kids I dont beltev® this, kids concerned about environmental concerned about environmental "trying problems, to to ignore something the community. H He added he said. However, that is here to stay." that the ordinances that are I think that adults can relate he cautioned those who want "The automobile is not East Lansing City Council the books to the younger people, but on concerning candidate Duane Bone said he ecological reform going to dry up and go away, the kids have got to help to drugs should be enforced, immediately. "It's something cannot be "that critical" of the relate to the older citizens as that is going to take a long and we had better live with it. We should have learn to Contrary to what several city council's past actions candidates have alledged. Bone but feels well. It can t be a one - way time to correct. I think the better parking facilities and that communication said he does not feel the street. between the council and Bone said he did not know residents should be improved. "It's easy to be a Monday the channels of communication that are open morning quarterback, but when you're out on the field now, but since he feels there is a rift, that he would seek "It's been said that adults do not Sunday afternoon, It's a different story," Bone said. to make recommendations for better communication, if that relate to the kids anymore. I don't rSRT JB He said that he feels that the believe this. I think that adults can was necessary. city council has "done quite Tenth in relate to the younger people, but the lot the He said his presidency of a a on social issues in community," eation of of citing thp the the Human th Bone said segments of the realty company would not present any conflict of kids have got to older citizens as help to relate well. It can't to the be a w J community are not being Relations Commission achievement. as one represented. He said he feels that the "city council is interest on the council. I4I have a vested interest - in East Lansing," he said. "If one - way street." -Duane Bone iMF^ m • r^I^nt r, East. Lansing acting in good faith in trying I ever had anything candidate for East Lansing M since 1947, Bone said he is to represent everybody." personal running because some for a council seat its time I devoted time to my community He said he feels, however, there breakdown has been in "a real come would before the council, I simply have to disqualify myself from making City Council m DUANE BONE the and offered my services for , comments or opinions on the community.' He said part of case." the betterment of the this rift might be due to Bone said that the tax people who are talking about traffic routes." community." concern the permanent police have been A 1950 MSU graduate in residents have had since the assessment system must be correcting the ecology He called the East Lansing uncooperative with young problem right now are using . Chic-in . & business administration, Bone is president of Duane Bone riot 16 months ago. Bone said that the city has changed "impossible to take load off an poor judgment. It just isn't parking ramp near Jacobson' "an excellent addition to the people. egg „ - Reality and Duane Bone got to communicate better Dror)ertv owner's hark realistic," he said. city." He said he could not "The police have a tough — " There has got to Bone said that the Builder, Inc. A past national with both the administration be some people see the value of setting up job to do and I strongly feel iKathy Leighton reclines passively in the soft director and Lansing president relief from the property taxes tryi"g to lessen the city's bicycle paths through they should be supported. of the Univi University and with East ■surroundings of one of the pieces of contemporary of the the property owner. priority to the automobile are Lansing, however. They have been called many Homebuilders Assn., the students, but that the ■furniture displayed in the Jacobson's Store for the Bone is presently favor Gov. Milliken's proposal things in the last few years, state students have a responsibility oV"rpn7ar"ino Bone good portion said he feels there but (Home. director of the Michigan r.eplacln8 when anyone gets in State News photo by Doug Bauman Homebuilders Assn. also. - of the property tax with an '(J* prof elected should be more drug trouble, the police are the "it's been said that adults education income tax. The present centers installed in first people they call." system is unfair to both the to post in society LFTER PROTESTS young and the older whose incomes cannot sustain people W THE _ a huge property tax." for OLDE WORLD Bone said he does not feel engineering hemical 211 MAC East North America dce/ed there is a Lansing pressing need for D. K. Anderson, professor low income housing in East of chemical engineering, has Lansing. He also said that he been elected chairman of the does not feel the city council Chemical Engineering Division iTORNOWAY, Scotland (AP) - Bit canceled plans to dump 600 ■tests by Britain, Ireland and Iceland. A Dutch firm Thursday chemicals after vigorous the dumping, both the British and Irish ambassadors had talks with Dutch Foreign Ministry officials in The Hague to should control rents. Bone said the problem of of the American Society for Engineering Education. Enjoy yo urge the Dutch government to intervene. negligent absentee landlords The cancellation fras announced by Azko Zout Chemie, a An Azko spokesman said the chemicals would be harmful buying property for the real Jch concern, as a chartered Dutch ship neared this port only if they were dumped In large amounts in enclosed estate value should be this week ■refuel on a journey to a dumping ground 600 miles off waters such as harbors or bays. He insisted the heavy controlled with nuisance engineering departments from land's west coast and an equal distance from the gravity wastes would sink quickly to the bottom of the abatement ordinances if they 125 colleges and universities |thern tip of Iceland. Atlantic, 10,000 - feet deep at the dumping point. do not already exist. The meeting in convention at the l statement by the company said the ship, the Stella The company's plans have caused widespread anger in city should be Naval Academy. Stop in this weekend for a relaxing Is, was ordered to return to Rotterdam, presumably after Ireland where a spokesman for the Sinn Fein — political visit to the Olde World. Enjoy a eling at Stornoway. wing of the outlawed Irish Republican Army — said the e company said the chemical waste would be stored in sandwich and a glass of fine wine dumping would be regarded as an "unfriendly act" that It added that it had acted at the request of the could harm the Irish people's attitude to Dutch interests in or your favorite draft beer. The h government "to avoid international political the country. Olde World. . . a casual atmosphere created for you. scientists agreed with' a spokesman for the Dutch Kmical firm that the chlorine wastes will not be lgerous. But fishermen in Ireland and Iceland fear that the I dumping will poison the rich Atlantic fishing grounds. wedding Zout Chemie chartered the Stella Maris. It first lined to dump the waste in the North Sea but yielded of her dreams . . . at HOLIDAY LANES Jprotests from Denmark and Norway. Lanes available for OPEN Bowling Respite the flurry of diplomatic protests from Ireland, all day and evening i and Britain, harbor officials at Stornoway, chief port Ithe Herbrides Islands off Scotland's northwest coast, said begins at Open 9 a.m., daily BI^ADWALE 211 M.A.C. Avenue Just north of Frandor - 337-9775 I Stella Maris would be refueled. F^st Lansing andy Matheson, mayor and port chief, said: "I do not Kk it would be right to endanger any ship and her' crew Jon Anthony Billiards # Cocktails # Good Food ■ refusing her fuel. As for her cargo, we certainly do not It * it dumped anywhere near here." was a far different reception that the Stella Maris met Florist ) she stopped to refuel at TTiorshavn, in the Danish i Islands Wednesday. Banner waving demonstrators led | itMayor Kjartan Mohr, met of the harbor at once." the ship. The mayor shouted: Although there is no way in international law to prevent It's great I to be the guy who calls the plays I Army ROTC is the leadership course. Enroll in Army I ROTC and you learn to lead - to work with people. You're I assured of a challenging job after graduation with the I option of returning to civilian life in two years or less - I with a post - graduate "degree" in leadership and I management experience. I Plus we take care of you while you're still in school. You will receive $50 per month in your junior and senior years. You will have an opportunity to apply for an Army ROTC scholarship which pays for all tuition, books and fees. I Interested? Call us It was only after the Golden Touch at 355-1916 Or that Midas had a problem. I stop by Demonstration Many of us have no difficulty making money. It's what to do Hall Today. with it afterwards for the greatest good that's become a problem. We East at Lansing State Bank offer a unique solution Buy Student Aid Bonds and help a student help himself through college. Fully guaranteed by the Michigan Higher Education llfU Assistance Authority and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, these bonds yield 5.13% per annum daily compounded interest. Students are selected on the basis of need and the recommendation of the University with the approval of the Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority. For further information, please ask for our brochure at any of our offices. Student Aid Bonds, exclusively from East Lansing State Bank, your Hometown Bank. Now with Trust Services. Member: F.D.I.C. East Lansing State Bank 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Players bring fairy tales the the summer lack of to make up for local children's the are admission presented for those prevents that many seven-week has been children's series very good, and Veihl, and she was many people that it couldn't told to by to develop skills." life their dramatic entertainment, according to children from experiencing live approximately 1,500 people be done. The for each Rumpelstiltskin will be at Children's Theater director theater," she said during a saw last week's production of company the Lansing Mall this Kate Veihl, a graduate student To overcome the obstacle performance numbers break in a rehearsal for this Cinderella. One observer said weekend. Cindrella there in the MSU Qf funding and to retain the approximately 15, she said, was theater week s Rumpelstiltskin it of the was one finest last weekend. And Jack will department and drama coach primary intention of providing but the cast members change performance. things she had seen in the live theater for children, from week to week. The cast bring in his beanstalk next at Lansing Catholic Central "We wanted this free so weekend. Lansing area for children. the group made a charter and now consists of high school High School. that any kid that could get Original attempts to incorporated as a nonprofit These three traditional fairy and college students. Anyone "Lansing has about 15 to the mall could see it," she organize a children's theater organization, tale characters and else with an interest in acting many theaters, but few of them added. in Others will be presented over January were met by Having solved that problem, has an open invitation to present children's plays, and Initial reaction to the skepticism, according to Miss they were confronted with participate. another. "We had a hell of a time With the exception of the DOMINO'S Bo in stays finding Miss Veihl said. a place to rehearse," plotlines material used is original, Miss Veihl said. "We write all Director of Religious our own Education for the Lansing scripts so we don't have to DOMINO'S to „ ,, . former Diocese, the Rev. Mathew J. Fedawa, offered the solution. He is allowing Children's pay explained. any royalties,' she Following three MENU adjustment to weeks of the less didn't have anybody," he said. time to see Theater to use the basement of St. Mary's High School for The actors imporvise many of their lines in response to Our Superb Cheese Pizza prestigious but more Bain said that he the audience in hopes the entire summer, a manner rewarding" occupation of going back to the classroom As the Miss Veihl described as a 12-inch Regular Pizza professor. Jack M. Bain, concept gained will allow him to reclaim the "Moliere theatrical 16-inch Super Pizza former momentum, businessmen at style". Communication Arts student - faculty interaction he the mall offered space and Only those lines critical to College dean said he is still missed as dean. the plot need to be followed Additional Items tied to the duties he disliked financial support and Miss He is firmly convinced that most in his position as dean, Veihl acquired the help of exactly, teaching does not stop in the two assistants. Darylann Ryan, As acting chairman of the "The classroom, and he views his a drama major at Wtetem spontaneity makes it Communications Dept. I'm still advisory capacity as just as even funnier," Miss Meyer required to attend meetings Michigan University, is said during the rehearsal. The important a role. codirecting and Laura Meyer, and Our DeLuxe work with budgets, he Bain said that he enjoys Catholic Central media convulsively laughing crew Ch i I (I ren \s theal er Pitxa—Pepperoi sa,°1,- being an adviser because it is seemed to agree. Ham, Green Pepper, Onion Those . meetings, budgetary t , specialist, is designing and 12-inch Regular Pizza important to help students making all the sets, The show, which lasts Rumplestiltskin laughs menacingly, thinking for sure the ^ and otherwise, he said, were establish an idea of where princess' first baby will be his. The Children's Theater ' 6-inch Super Pizza the they The purpose of Children's approximately an hour and things that separated him are going, but more important, Theater is twofold, Miss Veihl is presenting Rumplestiltskin at the Lansing Mall * from the rewards of includes three segments Soft drinks also teaching he said, he simply likes explained. Friday c ailable. besides the fairy tale, is night and twice Saturday. Admission is free. .':!!!?„ of his time. reater POrt'°n with students. "Besides providing kids presented three times a State News photo by Doug "I'll go to any dorm or any between the ages of 4 and 12 Bauman home at any time to talk with weekend, at 7 p.m. Friday Students tend to with live entertainment it and again at 11 a.m. and 2 regard bureaucracy with a of a group of students," he said, gives the cast an opportunity p.m. Saturday. distrust, Bain said, For Fast, Free administrator's inability to find Delivery of the time to talk and his time schedule makes it tight THROUGH 'U' PROGRAM difficult for him to talk with Piping Hot Pizza students — thereby affirming Children's - call 351-7100 9S6 Trowbridge their in "I as preconception. always tried to scrunch many as possible, but if I told a student once that I Ten years ago it was, "Why motor skills studied strength and coordination society. didn't have time, the problem can't Johnny read?" mower. "When millagc tugging at the underside of a Today, milk comes in would be compounded because A decade from now our MSU's Motor Performance and budgets are ci cow, walking several miles to bottles, the school bus comes UNIVERSITY SEVENTH-DAY Central United Methodist he wouldn't come back and automated, urbanized, mass Study, now in its fourth year, the first things to suffer school and performing the to the door and he'd probably tell his friends I transit society may well spawn youngsters are is ADVENTIST CHURCH Across from the Capitol numerous chores required by a an attempt to analyze the physical education," he aji the question, "Why can't unemployed until they are old WORSHIP SERVICE more physically demanding enough to drive the lawn development of motot skills "This is unfortunate becaust 149 Highland Ave. EDGEWOOD UNITED from early childhood through 10:00 A.M. Johnny run?" child who can't move vtf SUMMER SERVICE CHURCH MSU physical education adulthood. often develops academic 7:00 THURSDAY 469 N. Hagadorn professors are afraid the Almost 300 children social problems as well. ir July se Topic "Prayer Is A Waste An Ecumenical Worship Service Fellowship answer have to that question to be "Because will nobody U' medio sp between the ages of 5 and 12 are participating in the Jeralyn Plack directs Remedial Movement Clinic In our annual of Time - Unless.. has taught him how." program that stresses such MSU for children with setej Rev. Robert E. Belts 9:30 awarded Michigan Campmeeting developmental skills as move me nt def Iciencies. Sk 53rand Ledge Campground? Grand Ledge, Michigan tth Sermon toy Dr. Truman A. Morrison Oije of the phenomena associated with life in the 12 swimming, running' arid throwing. points out that all learningi, tied to motor skills. Grades, Chjji second half of the 20th COCOA BEACH, Fla. - hour segment from the The program is centered Dr. Robert Harris, Choirmaster - "The children in our century, they^ say, is that MSU media specialists won 12 Modern Mrs. TV series and an around a longitudinal study to are there because they a children have to be taught citations for their work during audiovisual determine patterns of normal Dr. Kenneth Arm 332-0606 or 332-8693 teaching developing physically in! how to move correctly. the past year. The awards were presentation. development, according to its academically as fast as tfc Children used to develop announced during the 55th director, Vern Seefeldt. None should," she says. "One f Competing in the contest EAST LANSING TRINITY CHURCH UNIVERSITY annual conference of the American Assn. of Agricultural were specialists communications from agricultural of have the participating children special movement has an there is IQ of no question about! 841 Timberlane Drive BAPTIST CHURCH College Editors held here universities throughout the problems. ability to do school work." Stanley R. Reilly, ALL SAINTS recently. United States and from U.S. They take periodic Last Lansing Miss Plack and Seek Minister EPISCOPAL CHURCH and Canadian federal agencies. performance tests and have .... _ Telephone: 351-8200 Meeting at 2606 South Hagadorn 800 Abbott Road Among the 12 awards were There were 539 entries in the annual x-ray of their hands to an agree that one of the conclusions from research «i4 priiwij five blue ribbons. These best Interdenominational Phone 351-7160 in the nation awards went to contest. allow professors to measure youngsters at MSI' is that University Class 9:45 a.m. John D. Walden - Pastor 8:00 Holy Communion Roger H. Brown, TV-radio their development. Seefeldt the MSU Science in Action program of daily physi(j Dr. Russel V. 6:00 For Information 10:00 Holy Communion and Sermon editor on the Extension - says the youngsters are development is essential to" p.m. 332-1888 series, an in - the - field radio Research Information Staff, classified according to bilolgical or Transportation The Rev. Wm. A. Eddy, Rector tape on helicopter spraying of growth of both body mi Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. Bus Schedule 332-8472 The Rev. Jack turned in the best MSU age as well as chronological mind. Hilyard, Chaplain crops, a half - hour TV feature showing. His entries in the age, and that there can be as on Farmers' Week 1970, a half much as two years difference "During the school y contest radio and TV classes children participate i UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN won three blue ribbons, two between the two. clinic only on Satur red ribbons and one white Seefeldt says children are CHURCH PEOPLES CHURCH mornings," says Plack. CAMPUS HOUSE ribbon. not born with motor skills. their progress is quite skr 310 N. Hagadorn Besides the five 251 W. Grand River OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH EAST LANSING blue They must be developed But during the summer, Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m ribbons, MSU communicators through regular physical they come every weekday, 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos also walked off with five red activity, and the best place to can see much more r ribbons and two white ribbons. develop them is in the school. ALWAYS OPEN (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn, >/< mi. S. of Gd. R. behind development." MEIJER'S) Gale Mikies, professor Minister, Kail Ruffner physical education, adds 332-5193 332-3035 An Independent Church With A Biblical Message SUNDAY SERVICE FREE social development and confidence are closely rel 9:45 a.m. Church School — all ages 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services 10:00 A.M. "Tit CMIiw's flM[" to a child's strength coordination. Uve, theater for Lansing "The business of children For Transportation Call 349-2830 or 349-2533 Directed by Kate Veihl and area children Darylann play," he says, "and if a d®: ij Performances on the mall by the Ryan. Christian Reformed Church "Thomas, Man.of Doubt" W.E. Robinson, Pastor can't play then other child* and Student Center fountain thru August. don't want him around." Dr. Robertson Fridays at 7 p.m. Mikles explains that ® J 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES Saturdays 11 a m. and 2 p.m. clumsy child often gets intoi "failure syndrom" that earn" Visit our new Student Center - CHURCH SCHOOL over into other aspects of , open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. 9:30 & 11:00 life and becomes hard It for Students and Faculty at for Students at break. Lunch Wednesday 12:30 -1:30 University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel Crib through Adults "We live in an achi' Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Road society and it's important t» 332-2559 332-0778 Coffee Hour burning mull a child be given e» After Services 5330 W Saginaw opportunity to find the wj MORNING SERVICE Pastor David Kruse Hwy. EVENING SERVICE in which he can best achieve. he says. 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. WORSHIP HOURS FIRST CHURCH OF WORSHIP 8:15 a.m. Matins 1st and 3rd Communion CHRIST SCIENTIST Parents Visiting? 9:15 a.m. Common Service 9:30 and 11:00 Grand River at Haslett Entrance for 10:30 a.m. Common Service 2nd and 4th East Lansing transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 11:30 a.m. New Expressions Matins 9:30 only Sunday Services 10:00a.m. TmORNING J4 Spirit" Lesson Sermon Subject SERVICE: Why not put them ■ 11 ' / Mr. trie EVENING SERVICE: Steve Herwaldt, Johnson, speaking speaking SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH "Truth" up in style at 11:00 a.m. * Morning Worship * Alumni Memorial Chapel, one 1518 S. Washington Sunday 7 p.m. Lansing Wednesday Testimonial Meeting CALL KELLOGG block east ot Auditorium. 8:00p.m. 10:30 a.m. * Coffee Hour Pastor Blossom, speaking Sunday School to age 20 10:00 a.m. 332-6571 9:30- 10:30 a.m. * Discus 9:45 A.M. Sunday School Classes for Ch College Bible Class for reservations! in the fireside room. Dr. Ted Ward, MSU, Teacher Reading Room Temporarily Located in Church OPEN CENTER Weekdays 9-5 p.m. (Corner of Harrison & Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Michigan) Glenn R. Blossom, Youth Pastor eves 7-9 p.m. * 11:00 A.M. "How On Campus to Stay Alive" * All are welcome to attend Air * Conditioning Church services and visit and Color TV FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening the * use reading room. Twin Beds Call 482-0754 for information. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 23, 1971 J SPORTS .arising All Stars brace Rams pay price, or defense of MFL Pots get By RICK GOSSELIN State Newt Sports Writer teams in the league would be the title Columbus Bucks and the FULLERTON, CALIF. (UPI) - Pete Rozelle, National old Lackawana Lancers, now playing out of Niagara Falls," Football League Commissioner, Thursday ordered the Los All Star coach "Turf Kauffman said at a press conference Angeles Rams to give the New England Patriots their No. 1 A bigger, tougher league awaits the Lansing All Stars of held Thursday. Midwest Football Leauge this season. draft choice next year plus an undisclosed but substantial Did you happen to notice that Columbus IThough Coach Turf Kauffman and his All Stars had little Falls are in the same division the other division and Niagara amount of money for services of Phil Olsen, an untried Vuble in waltzing away with everything during last year's Lansing squad? — from the rookie. Iheduling, the Stars will find a different ball game staring Columbus, with a new team, is looked Rozelle stepped in and made his decision after the two upon by many as |em in the face this season. the team to beat. With a roster full of former Ohio State clubs were unable to come to agreement. | first off, the league has been divided up into two players, the Bucks could run away with it in their first lvisions, a Lakes and a Central division. The Lansing squad L been plotted (by draw of the hat) into the Central season.^ But Kauffman feels the All Stars will have "We're at the final say. top and we have no place to go but fctor with the Wyoming Cowboys, Hamtramck Chargers and down, unless we can Flint Wildcats acting as playmates. This leaves the stay up there," Kauffman said. fcchlana Hawks, Columbus Bucks, Pontiac Firebirds and the "Columbus will definitely be the team to beat, Niagara Falls has its own little faucet of talent for the though." SWING iagara Fails Lancers to battle it out in the I,akes. upcoming season. With the University of Buffalo dropping with |Next, the Stars will play a home-and-home series with football from its athletic program, the players will be Ich of the seven teams beginning on July 31 at home 1 [ajnst the the Wyoming Cowboys and ending on October 31 road against the Hamtramck Chargers. A divisional heading for Niagara Falls for action on the gridiron. The All Stars, as in the past, will rely heavily on former Buddy Campbell MSU players to bring back to layoff featuring the two first place teams will take place championship. Lansing another league and his |e following week. (The scheduling helps out in one way. Two of the team's Charlie Thornhill and outstanding linebackers of last year, George Chatlos, have left the team for Turf speaks 'COUNTRY CLAN' 1 "We're usually slow starting off the season," All Star various reasons. But the addition of Ron Lner and president Walter "Duke" Waldron said. "But we MSU and Detroit Lion star, cushions that loss Goovert, a former Lansing Alt Stars' Head Coach Robert "Turf" Jck up steam toward the end of the year." "Ron is definitely going to be an asset to us somewhat. Kauffman spoke about the prospects of his team for at because |The Stars will play three of their first four games in the Line confines of Lansing Sexton High School Stadium. The he's going to be able to show the our younger linebackers," Kauffman said. leadership to a lot of the upcoming Midwest Football League season at a press conference Thursday. Kauffman expressed the Ko-Ko Bar Jinsing squad will also finish the year with two of its final ■ree games at Sexton . The Stars will be out this season to keep their confidence that the All Stars could retain their title as X Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. losscolumn at a minimum, having lost only once in the the league's best, but doubted if the Stars could run a ^ * "Other than ourselves, I would say the two strongest past two years. 410 S. Clippert off Kalamazoo f away with it all in robbery fashion like last season. I By TERRY FICORELLI restling I State News Sports Writer in hockey and wrestling sessions track, are both Behm. Behm separate the 1966 and clinic was a 1967 member of session two is Vaughn from each other. That Big Ten Hitchcock, head coach at Cal is, no Champions under Peninger. He Poly, the top school in the student can enroll for both also performed on the U.S. [The summer months seem weeks due to the NCAA college division. be the time for special tremendously Olympic team in 1968. MSU asst. coach Doug large enrollment. tics, especially for the MSU A total of 150 students are Blubaugh was slated to help in iletic department. Next week Peninger will the registered for each class. program. However, have the assistance of a couple |MSU hockey coach Amo It is a clinic for high school other top collegiate coaches in the Blubaugh is in Tampa, Fla., as |ssone and track mentor Fran students with just a head coach of the smattering the country. Tommy Evans, Pan-American team which is |ttrich already have of youngsters from the junior leted their work on the head coach at Oklahoma, currently high level. No high school preparing for its circuit for the summer which is Peninger's alma mater annual games. graduating seniors are allowed will help. Evans coached the Cost of the clinic is $75 per 111. to enroll in the groups since ■This week and next, MSU's same '68 Olympic team in student. All participants in the this would be against the lad wrestling coach Grady recruiting rules laid down by which Behm performed. Also program are housed at Olivet Tninger is holding another of the NCAA. lending Peninger a hand in College. Je special summer sessions. ■The seventh annual Grady "The basic nature of our clinic is drilling the kids on Jninger Wrestling Clinic is the fundamentals of wrestling," ■sently in its first week of Peninger said. "We concentrate THE PLAZA f)rk at Olivet College. Olivet completely on the community Owned... Serving the Community I a small, private school, fundamentals and try to fcproximately 30 miles south GRADY PENINGER T Lansing. ■The first session of the ' broaden each repertoire of wrestling holds." student's Overlooking the Capitol starting Monday and running Peninger is being assisted ■ro-week program wraps up through Friday. during the initial week of his Honeymoon day, with the second class Unlike the previous clinics clinic by former MSU star Don suites Color with round beds Leads Westchester classic 300 Rooms TVs! Palmer eight under par 135 Remodeled in every ■ HARRISON, N.Y. (UPI) - ■"old Palmer, well rested and Westchester Country Club Open champion, started 'New Furnishings Room course to take a one stroke strongly with birdies on two ■ing to go, after a two - lead over unknown Larry of the first three holes and Vk layoff, treated his famed Wood. It was Palmer's best was three under par after nine, ■rmy" to his best round in round of golf since the Greater Wood, a 32 - year - old Tore than a year Thursday Greensboro Open in April of from Boone, N.C., who has pen he fired V an eight under 64 to grab the early first 1970. had a rather undistinguished THE PLAZA Two strokes behind Palmer career in his two years as a Jund lead ■estchester in the $250,000 at 66 was Ken Still and regular on the tour, also (Former Jack Tar Hotel) Classic golf another stroke farther back at turned in a flawless round Tumament. 67 was Jibby Gilbert. with seven birdies and no In a group at 68 was John bogeys. Wood hit 15 125 W. Michigan ■ Palmer, who has not played greens in Lotz, Doug Sanders, R.H. regulation figures and needed across from the Capitol 1 the tour since the Canadian Sikes, Rod Funseth and Bert only 26 putts in fashioning his had his large following Greene. best round ever on the tour. ■earning and applauding like Lee Trevino and Jack ■ times as he turned in eight Nicklaus, the co • favorites, ■dies and not a single bogey were among the late starters. Jer the 6,700 par 72 Trevino, the U.S. and British TODAY 4,600 F.W.D." RENAULTS WILL BE BOILT. backtrack ♦Front Wheel Drive to blazers go country-casual in Gusto's single-breasted houndstooth suit A return to classic casualness. Trimly tailored twosome in tri¬ color houndstooth acrylic lightly acetate bonded. TJie blazer ROAD LOVE jacket, softly shaped, back vented and brass-accented at front and cuff. The skirt an all-around swirl of pleats. •mm ... Navy /cranberry/bone or brown/black/bone. Sizes 8-18. $28 Sportswear, second floor Downtown WE'VE GOT ONE FOR YOU. Contentment is tummy-full | a and Meridian Mall With all these standard R-16 features... of hot CaSrs PXZZJ3. • Front Wheel Drive • Converts to wagon • Up to 35 mpg • Reclining Seats • 4-wheel disc brakes • 4-wheel independent suspension Al Edward's On campus Off campus SPORTS CAR CENTER 1200 E. OAKLAND 337-1681 337-1631 482-1226 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan F"day, July 23 , Weekend fanfare includes'*'" Burial bodies of 2 Brando films, musicals halted b A Murray Shisgal play, two "Wild One" shows at 7:30 Marlon Brando films and a p.m.; "Waterfront" at 8:55 SAN FRANCISCO WCISCO (AP) - (AK) A survey of 15 mort i pair of Busby Berkeley p.m., Friday and Saturday in week gravediggers' in adjoining San Mateo Cou„hl musicals are campus 106 Wells Hall. strike has held up the disposal counted 226 bodies JI attractions this weekend. Off - Recommended Off - Campus of 640 bodies and crippled the »«*• I campus, four outstanding films RYAN'S DAUGHTER - economy of Colma, a suburban No Public health p,o))L are held over. David Lean's multi ham el t whose major industry is has developed yet, as all thJ - - plotted On - Campus film about romance and administering to the dead. bo incident occurred about at RHd to leave the lecturn. communication among citizens, ~ from the audience were talking !ra,,ators ?ccurrea as Gordon rp. Responding nt spuiiu iiig to iu the raine me same and his auu in.> contracting uuiiiracung business. DUSll door about About a recent allusion he councilman Brookover of not ■noring signals that his five answered individually. living up to his promise to (utes were up, Mickey Phyllis Evans, one of the 12 was'finishingr' "eX' Wilhur sPea'c' any question, Thomas denied that closed door council Elyse Eisenberg, in rapid discourse, called for a freeze increased funds for the Drug Education Center and stepped made to an "East Lansing help 18 - year - olds obtai ur Brookover,v r first to meetings have been held. He on construction Mafia," Griffiths explained he the right to vote. and zoning up ecological cological measures for is greatly concerned with drug 's Mrs. Calven is running as a plans and a model changes, along with better waste treatment. abuse, now being fought with contract for National Cable write • in because her petitions are planning and examination for Communication needed "utter failure" actions. As long had been disqualified. being prepared, which will be human ecology. Students, In a short the rundown, Charles as a market exists for drugs. She urged citizens to "work only basis for that formerly disenfranchised, M. Phillips said he believed he advised, the possibility together to tear down walls" company's licensing in East currently have no democracy is the free choosing exists for organized crime in which might block "the new Lansing. representation on the council, of candidates who can the community. Both Brookover and Thomas emerging society." she said. They face communicate with and fill the 26 YEAR - OLD East a woman sunbathing about lepunea pbent councilmen, harrassment _ l • B reported stolen stolen between Detween and housing desires of the community. He fcsine graduate student was 1:45 p.m. Tuesday at the rea/ Wednesday runmn8 f°r re election congestion in the "downtown Ed by police as the of her Cherry Lane persons on persons and ThnrsHav fmm cam^sursday from campus. against ' the H other candidates ghettos." called for order and to accomplish business during efficiency i who took photographs of apartment. for the three open seats on Miss Eisenberg council meetings, Missing were four wallets city council. In the Aug. 3 ability to Before he was applauded BARGAIN HOUR! 1:30-2:30 ALL SEATS 75c and cash. Wallets in three of Pnmary' SIX persons will be communicate with her elders urs slated Police said they located the man from a phone number he the incidents were left ch°sen to run in the and said the question she asks from walked the lecturn, barefoot to the Mickey SHOWING DAILY AT: 2:00-3:55 gave to the woman who filed unattended in a Library men's November general election. is whether the elders are 5:40-7:30-9:15 restroom, 173 Giltner Hall Cites record listening to her. [>r woodlots a called complaint. to' the The man station was for and a room in East McDonel Thomas, later in his speech, asserted he would listen to the NOW IN ITS SECOND BIG WEEK! , nature leduled on campus this walks ... questioning, the case wi„ police said, referred and to Hall. A lock was broken to remove the fourth wallet from community and would seek NORTHSIDE * Days in Ikend. a locker in the Men's Wlde responses and much iJ * Where your nightmares county prosecutors. ■ information from the citizens. „ .„ . Intramural Building. \ night nature walk will be Jducted by Paul Hamel, a AN * 18 - * YEAR * OLD He cited as past council XMTT JTTJBf end... Other discovered accomplishments the Human WiLLARD - kuate student in zoology, items student living in East La^g missing included f i ve R e Ia t i o n s Commission, |ough the Rose Lake pdlife Research Area. was arrested%bout 1;15 University owned wrenches, increased city parks and wide begins. wishing to participate discovered he was ThUrsday when patrol officers a student - owned - tape player student involvement in city NOW THRU TUES. 7 BIG DAYS riding a |uld meet at 8:30 p.m sto,en bicycle and from several ice cream bars affairs. EXCLUSIVE [3] HIT HORROR SHOWS the parking lot of a vending machine in Brookover, Larry ■ museum. Police said the student Jenison Fieldhouse. Klein declared city council has was les held private §unday morning, Bob stopped on Auditorium Roa& staff astronomer at near the Psychology Research Planetarium, will be Building for riding without a a bird / nature walk headlight on the bike. Officers I ' kugli Baker Woodlot. Those reportedly checked registration Starts « mm t lerested in accompanying numbers and found out the should meet at 7 a.m. bike had been reported stolen, kday in the parking lot of ' ~ * * * urces PERSONAL PROPERTY worth about $225 was 3rd Feature Ok I HERCULES IN THE WINNER OF 2 ACADEMY AWARDS! Vi JOHnmhis Astoryofbve... npl i ' [BplTlRBOR, ALL IMEW/ftLL COLOR~| HAUNTED WORLD «M| ROfifSTMITCHUM and SARAH MILfS Set against 1 ' David Lean's Film of the vwlence of rebellion In Color — Shown Late M Ryan's Daughter r, Adults 90c, 4:30-5:00 FOR FAME, FORTUNE AND BROKEN BONES!, UI5I ■ RUBY KEELER HBn This is the one movie you ■llihllnH should not see alone. GEORGE FILM FESTIVAL HAMILTON §€NIEVE1 nd ERNEST WILLARD BORGNINE as . ., BRUCE DAVISON • SONDRA LOCKE • ELSA LANCHESTER Martin eSSSmsm ^ . 'iSmn jjwmrm GP .h. last of ' B Y: 332-4432 Alco Management Company 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan //1\vv *—.—f 'JEOPARIZED INTELLIGENCE' Capital/ Capsules _ (I J U > » >\ Papers' release blasted ABOUT 80 PER CENT of NEW TYPE of Michigan material which permits a state aid payments usually paid drivers' license — larger, clearer picture to be photographed the of Dr. Tom Dooley Red Cross, hi The effectiveness of U.S. Dismissing the papers as old name to Michigan school districts and with a more professional directly on the plastic, Austin intelligence was jeopardized by newspaper editorials, Dooley, to get in and out of present, they „ _ be released by the state photograph has been issued said. It is similar to a plastic Asian countries, three floating will — the release of the Pentagon director of the Tom Donley Southeast clincis treasurer sometime between to motorists since June, photo film, papers, Malcolm Dooley, Foundation, said, Ihose Dooley said. Mekong River in Indoehi! *1 Aug. 10 and 15, John W. according to Richard H. brother of the late Dr. Tom papers were written by people Of his brother he said, The nonprofit orBan>.l Porter, public superintendent of instruction, said Austin, Michigan secretary of state. No lamination material found on the back. The purple is Dooley, ference told a Wednesdi press with personal opinion, T"ey weren't cold, objective facts. "Ten and one after his death, he half years is still a operates entirely donations and ""JM pro^l Made of polycarbonate medical assistance Thursday. state coat of arms was moved following a speech to the 4-H "The papers brought out living legend.' Dr. Tom and Usually the first payment of plastic, the new license is to the front of the new Youth Week delegates on the intelligence gathering Dooley died of cancer. in midwifery and hygip,^! the school year falls on Aug. 1 treated with a photosensitive license. MALCOM DOOLEY campus. which is necessary to perform Cooperating with other Because of relating I t i° and is the first of five international organizations in with the c o u n government functions," he r ■ payments made during the said. And further, the lack of various parts of the world, Indochina, the volunteer'Jj school year, he said. foundation wants to avoid be doctors, He said the Michigan Dept. proper editing by the U.S. the International registered or medical students. nuj| devising government endangered the becoming another of measures Public authorize Education automatically school took district to 'U' scientists lives of security Indochina, he said. Dooley said the release agents in of uicjt Tfj. YOUR FEET ARE UNM payments Porter said. at the new levels, the papers caused the U.S. to lose the confidence of other AvjAyour SANDALS. J of detectin life BE "Reasons for the reduced countries. and late payment are, of course, state rooted in the current cash situation and on "It's not our business to second - guess high power diplomacy," he said. problems involving revenue In fact, the releasing of measures and spending plans By STEVE ALLEN an organism. We wanted to find a way to collect data for all of state State News Staff Writer without disturbing the soil." such papers can cause the government, public to form opinions that not just school aid," Porter Two MSU scientists are working on a system which may Tiedje's and Erickson's experiment makes only three assumptions about the conditions on the Martian surface. prevent negotiations between be used to detect life on Mars when the United States "We are assuming there are biogeochemical cycles on countries, he said. makes its first soft Martian landing in 1975. Governments are not going to GOVERNOR MILLIKEN'S Mars. Otherwise, there would be no life on the planet. We James M. Tiedje, asst. professor of crop and soil science, resolution which urges all are assuming these cycles involve gases, as there is no water negotiate with the U.S. if and A. Earl Erickson, professor of crop and soil science, 211 Abbott Rd. states to consider lowering nor any other liquid movement on Mars. Compounds would they know the information is have been studying the possibility of detecting living their ages of majority to 18 only be able to move if they were in a gaseous state. Also, going to be leaked, he added. Next to State Theatre organisms through gas chromatography and mass The Dooley Foundation, was unanimously adopted spectrometry. we are assuming that life on Mars involves soil organisms, considering the great deal of ultraviolet radiation on the which has provided medical Wednesday at the Midwestern "We would like to compare the gaseous composition of assistance in Southeast Asia Governors' Conference. the atmosphere above the Martian soil to the gaseous planet," he explained. Included in the resolution composition of the soil itself," Tiedje explained. sincjj^Jhe^earlyl950^s^uses was a commendation to "An organism will either produce or consume gases. If "I would be surprised if any life exists on Mars, " Tiedje Congress for enacting a 1970 there are organisms on Mars, the gaseous composition of the said. "The real difficulty is proving it." voting rights amendment which soil will be different from the gaseous composition of the Tiedje pointed out that no oxygen or nitrogen has been permitted 18 - year - olds to atmosphere above the soil. If there is no life on Mars, then detected on Mars. The temperature fluctuation is vote in federal elections. In diffusion would make the atmospheric and soil gases alike," tremendous, at the equator the temperature goes from -30 addition, the resolution he said. degrees farenheit to 70 degrees farenheit in a single day. commended Congress and the Tiedje and Erickson became interested in the The ultraviolet radiation is high, and water is low and Mars' project 38 states which ratified the because of the means NASA intends to use io collect atmospheric pressure is one five hundredth of Earth's. 26th amendment to the martian soil samples on the Viking project in 1975. "There are earth organisms which can exist in these Constitution, granting persons In this project, Tiedje said, an arm will reach out of the conditions. Actually there is no theoretical reason why there 18 years of age and older the Viking space capsule and gather soil directly from the should be no life on Mars. Actually we're still guessing," vote in state and local Martian surface. elections. "This scoop," Tiedje Tiedje noted. pointed out, "maydestroy or disturb Even should the project never be used by NASA, Tiedje feels it will have a great deal of use on earth. Amendments hit house FOR RENT (Continued from page one) election this November. it was floor. reported to the house leather in the Committee members Roy The income tax increase Smith, R-Ypsilanti, and Loren reported out by the House The welfare bill was Anderson, R-Pontiac, Taxation Committee would reported out at a level $67 immediately began rounding ra*se the personal income tax million higher than originally up enough Republican votes fr°m 2-6 to 3 3 Per cent> the requested by Gov. Milliken great Spanish spirit to provide the two • thirds corporate income tax from last fall. Milliken has Just arrived, a zesty new collection of luscious leather designs majority needed for passage ^.6 to 7.8 per cent and the conceded since then that a from Spain, each superbly tailored and unusually detailed. Dou¬ of the expected combined tax on financial institutions higher level was needed than ble breasted full length belted coat with amendment. Reliable sources from seven per cent to 10 his original estimate. " "" The novelty shaped pockets and hand tooled bands that make a estimated "more than half" of Per cent- welfare bill to the state for pin-dot showing of black on the 52 house GOP members the past fiscal year totaled mustard, bittersweet or black, 10-18, $140. Smooth leather pant It is needed to balance the will end up voting for it. $415 million. coat with diamond-tooled inserts of budget for the current fiscal antelope suede, gripper The residency requirement closed front and pockets. Beige, 8-16, $99. Wo have several furnished, large family homes available for The legislature has been year by providing - - - bill, which has passed the . stalemated for weeks over the additional $250 million in one year lease. For more information Call Martha Mertz Coats, second floor Downtown senate, was reported out of - question of how the revenue. The total amount the Social Services Committee - 349-3310. Eves. 339 9466 and Meridian Mall amendment would be worded, available to the state to spend thout a recommendation, how much of an income tax if it is enacted would be meaning it goes on SIMON REAL ESTATE ^ increase would be approved $2.08 billion. It already has parliamentary "table" when it and what size the budget passed the Senate at the level reaches the House floor, would be. House Republicans •VlSU - OKEMOS have refused to move on any of the constitutional questions until the amendment's At Uncle John's BRANCH OFFICE 4217 Okemos Rd., Okemos form is decided. The Republicans have A Phone 349-3310 insisted all along that the ban on the property tax and Pancake allowing of a graduated '♦ ♦> »"♦ *•* income tax be put on the ballot as separate issues, but Is A vvVV Ryan has insisted they be combined. The GOP members Work of Art YOU CAN'T BEAT THE pledged to vote for the t SYSTEM now combined amendment decided . . . they would rather have both then neither. The amendment would Open % Our system of matching allow local districts to levy up to six mills to its school program, "enrich" but basic a.m. to 11 p.m. t components, operational costs would come from the state — probably from a personal income tax ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ increase and imposition of a | (!.!> THAT ❖ PIOIMEER' IS! "value added tax" business. on ARS will be closer to Earth BRAMS SX 770-70 WATT AM/FM stereo receiver. Tape monitor, phone auxiliary and mike inputs. High filter «B> The amendment would be lis summer than it has been voted in statewide ♦♦♦ FM muting and much more. Includes walnut enclosure. on a nee 1924. During its peak rilliance (July and August) ? PLUS: brams Planetarium presents a lograph of the P'ai intasy dei V The Garrard SL55B V automatic turntable PLANETARIUM complete with base **• dust cover and 30.00 ♦♦♦ magnetic cartridge. FRIDAYS 8:00 P.M. A pair of West Mark III * X$iecPr£tzelcBell SATURDAYS J two-way acoustic suspension * That's where you'll not only re¬ speaker system with 8 inch 2:30 P.M. & 8:00 P.M. I ceive the finest food and most SUNDAYS 4:00 P.M. ' woofer. Genuine oiled courteous service around, but you'll find yourself surrounded by walnut finish. a pictorial history of MSU and the Fast Lansing And there's area. more. You'll see over Information: 355-4672 SYSTEM PRICE 50 original Tiffany type lamps plus a 17 foot high fireplace im¬ ported from merry old England. And there's still more ... in and enjoy yourself won't you? so drop No Preschoolers Admitted ■ s333 COST SEPARATELY 397.40 SAVE $64.40 • We have the system for stereo systems. Featuring the Free program emphasizing » finest in stereo components. ' NIGHT SHOWS. original radio broad *°"Ste!,8ti°n, ^udy secor Thursday of each month. ■ cast of 1938, a dramatization of ■ a the WAR of the worlds. August 12: The Close ■ B will be played. Hear the actual Approach of Mars ■ ■ play which depicted a Martian # 2 thousands Of ?adio listeners f J September 9: Autumn ■ 402 S. WASHINGTON AVE. LANSING Colors ■ t a 245 ANN STREET, EAST LANSING ■ i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ► ♦> •> •> ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦> ♦> ♦>❖♦>♦>