Laws . Friday michigan . . grind tha poor, and rich Partly cloudy . . . STATE NEWS . men rule the law. stats . 70s. . . high in the mid - Saturday sunny and university warmer. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 30, 1971 House OKs bill to eliminate millage for school operation By JOANNA FIRESTONE State News Staff Writer for school operating purposes which now average 26 mills across the state. The The property bill also tax and restores pre - 1970 •Over $150 but not over $200, credit local districts could, however, still vote city income tax would be $25 plus 5 credits. per cent of excess themselves a special school enrichment over $150. The Michigan House of •Credits would levy of reportedly be granted w* up to six mills. Representatives Thursday approved a on April, 1972 returns according to this •Over $200 but not over Although millages for school operating schedule: $10,000, proposed constitutional amendment to purposes would be eliminated, local credit would be $27.50 eliminate property taxes for school *Tax plus 5 per cent governments would still be permitted to payment (city income tax or of excess over $200. operating purposes and lift the current levy property taxes) not over $100, credit up to 7.25 mills for county prohibition on a graduated state income would be 20 per cent of amount paid. •Over $10,000, credit would be 4 support, 1.5 mills for the township, 1 ner tax. •Over $100 but not over cent of total mill for community colleges, 1 mill each $150, credit paid. The double - barreled would be $20 plus 10 The increase is scheduled to proposal cleared for per cent of excess the House on a 75 - 31 compensatory and vocational over $100. effect go into vote, one vote education and one - half mill for Sunday. more than the 74 "yes" votes needed intermediate school district support. for passage. The $650 million in revenues It now goes to the Senate where two lost from the property tax would - thirds approval also is required before be made up reportedly the proposal can appear on the November ballot for voter approval. Passage of the controversial A go • ahead through a boost in the state's personal income tax. by Michigan voters Deadline for obtain bill would clear the way for the followed intensive caucusing and vote legislature absentee ballots to dump the present flat - rate income gathering by supporters of the tax, replacing it with amendment, particularly among the 52 a graduated plan under which those earning more would Republican House members. Gov. Milliken made a plea to the House COP pay a higher percentage to the state. The deadline for obtaining absentee To vote in the clerk's office, she said, after balance this year's late Wednesday to accept the budget, an voter ballots for Tuesday's primary swearing package as increase of 50 per cent in the election is 2 p.m. Saturday at the to the emergency situation. "an honorable compromise." personal city Other absentee ballots must be returned income tax was approved Despite the governor's plea, it took by the State clerk's office in the East Lansing City either in person or by mail to the clerk Senate Wednesday and sent to Hall. All registered voters in East the GOP until the caucus midafternoon governor for on or before Tuesday. his signature. Thursday before enough Republican Ten Lansing are eligible for the ballots. Wading in d votes were locked in place to join the Democrats' votes for passage of the bill. Republicans and up to rally the needed for passage. 10 Democrats teamed exact number of votes Absentee ballots also may be obtained until 2 p.m. Monday if the applicant Persons who are physically disabled or who must be unexpectedly absent from the city Tuesday due to sickness or > youth walks along the beach shore at MacDill Air Force Base The same proposal fell 11 votes short of The boost, raising the current 2.6 swears an emergency had prevented him from death in the family may obtain i Tampa, Fla., wading in dead fish killed by the passage in a test vote last week. cent to 3.9 per cent came on a per applying before the Saturday outbreak of 20 14 deadline, Beverly R. Colizzi, city clerk, "emergency absentee ballots" If adopted by the voters, the measure to 4 |ed Tide in Tampa Bay. up - AP wirephoto revote only one would wipe out local millage day after its initial 33 - said. p.m. Tuesday. 1 defeat. In this case, voters must apply and The sickness or death in family must occur at a time which has made it impossible for grading system inflates GPAs the person to know ew before the 2 p.m. Saturday deadline that he must be absent from the in this case must be returned city. Ballots by any means inside a sealed envelope before 8 JByState STEVE WATERBURY the designation "with honor" on their grading system has had some effect p.m. Tuesday. I News Staff Writer 3.5, 2.5, 1.5 and 0.5, and introduced a new recorded the percentage of students at Application for the diplomas. on the rise in grade averages," Willard each ability level who earned at emergency ballot supplementary system of letter grades least a must be made in person or by mail. The period of the largest increases in which do not count in the computation Warrington, director of evaluation 2.5 grade average The during their first term. ballot will be delivered to the voter by J grade - point averages at MSU are grade averages, 1968 until 1971, coincides with the period during which of the grade average. services, said Wednesday. The table reflects a significant shift representative of the city clerk. a King to rival the U.S. dollar in The letter system utilizes grades of C Warrington said the rise in grade between 1961 and 1970 in the numbers ■of inflationary tendencies. the present grading system was and NC (credit and no credit) and is averages is not the result of an increase of students at the various ability levels Mrs. Colizzi said more than 1UU Tereas the average undergraduate implemented. designed to encourage students to in the number of high grades awarded as who succeeded in absentee ballots issued The present grading system replaced a much as it is the result of a decrease in earning at least a 2 5 were Thursday, d a grade point average (GPA) of broaden their course coverage by average, with the shift far more - making the total number issued about "16, at the end of winter term, system of letter grades with a numerical pursuing areas which they might not the usage of the grades on the lowest pronounced at the lower ability levels. 875. She added an "exceptional" | the GPA had risen to 2.83, with grading system consisting of a scale that attempt if the possibility of sustaining a rungs of the grading scale. number of absentee applications have rises occurring in the grade ranges from 4.5 to a 0.0, which includes reduction in grade - point average were A study of the rising GPA conducted Juola said the data in the table been made by citizens who have voted s of graduate students. a "super grade" of 4.5, given only for by Arvo E. Juola, professor of confirm feelings which have been and registered for several years in East present. ■wo of the 15 colleges at MSU, the exceptionally high performance. Several faculty members have cited evaluation services, divides new freshmen expressed about grades becoming less Lansing. student received a 3.00 GPA Unlike the old A, B, C, D, F system, the 4.5 grade and the credit - no credit into seven ability groups on the basis of demanding of students today than they No unusual number of absentee the present system permits the instructor few years ago. J term. This average, if maintained the option of giving "half grades" of grading system as contributing to the the total score of the academic aptitude were a ballots have been issued particularly to [graduation, qualifies students for grade point inflation. test and the MSU reading test. (Please turn to page persons between 18 and 21 years old, "There is no question but that the Juola constructed a table in which he 12) she added. polio 15 crew begins oon orbit, exploration ^CE CENTER, Houston (AP) — ■polio 15 astronauts rocketed into hazardous descent surface on Friday. to the moon's ■ orbit Thursday to The astronauts fired their powerful begin a six - Scientific exploration of the moon. main rocket engine for .8 of a second 1 ferns conquered which a have series of plagued minor them earlier Thursday to take a more precise aim at the planned moon orbit. War documents ■shortly after Monday's launch to The new rocket firing procedure used *te the 250,000 mile to rocket into orbit was needed to ■earth. ■ journey by - pass an electrical short in one of two Daniel Ellsberg, former Defense J spacecraft settled into a 195 - circuits powering the 20,500 - pound Dept. researcher who says he leaked I 67 thrust engine in the command - mile lunar orbit after a ship. top-secret Pentagon papers to the Jt rocket bum using a new firing The short has caused the flashing of press, reports at the Capitol ■d which required split - second a signal that indicates the engine is V control of the powerful armed, ready to fire, and would Thursday to an unofficial House engine. normally mean it could fire panel investigating the significance Ironauts David R. Scott, Alfred M. prematurely. of the war documents. and James B. Irwin happily Mission Control believes the ■need the successful rocket burn indication is false, but does not want to T the spacecraft reappeared from take any chances that the engine in V the moon. fact fires too soon with the men on fcar orbit is the final the far side of the moon. plateau for ■^Ironauts before the start of a (Please turn to page 11) conomic squeeze hits By JOHN McKAY Last summer, the Rev. Father Joseph Weller for his failure to meet contract tor the six weeks of work ■rant as stated in farm workers struggling to Melton, a Catholic priest who has been terms. the although not as fast as inflation," said contract plus punitive damages for I decent living and working working with migrants for the past six A Peter Holbein, president of the Michigan ■ions are turning for help, almost majority of the workers, signed misrepresentation and fraud. summers, led an effort by pickle workers cards authorizing United Farm Workers A Farm Bureau official Blueberry Grower's Assn. "But it has pointed out gone up in relation to the cost of the fably, it whom? to unions. But for help in Michigan's Thumb area near Capec to Organizing Committee, AFL - CIO, as that when Weller Co. didn't meet the achieve union recognition in a dispute their collective bargaining agent, but demands and closed down, "this left product. 5 often have been portrayed as with the Weller Co., a pickle processor. Weller reneged on an agreement to farmers in the lurch, too." ■Mains, but, at least in Michigan, About 300 workers told that the "We still get the same prices now tnat 1 too, are victims of an economic were negotiate. Melton acknowledged the plight of the pickle harvest was over after they had we did 30 years ago. My dad got the f('- t Chavez Reports from California, where has been worked less than three days on a six • When the company finally recognize the union, it claimed that it agreed to farmer and predicted that farm worker unions will bring about the unionization same 17 cents for strawberries during leading the week contract. the Depression, and apples sold for ■B'e against large, corporation - was unable to meet the demands of farmers. He foresees three - party and $1.75 per bushel. I know people who V farms are partly responsible for No other reason was given for the was forced to close. bargaining in the near future between didn't get that last year." PIse image. dismissal, but the migrants suspected Weller blamed the workers, growers and processors. closing on a strike 1 Michigan, most farms still are that it was because of complaints and boycott. Workers claimed this was A major force behind the squeeze on J family - owned businesses. But Third in a series of three , directed the day before at the owner of untrue, because they had been fired, "The little farmer's getting killed," farmers is the processing plants which I farmers the processing plant, J. Kenneth Weller. rather than are slowly being edged out out on strike, and because said one southeastern Michigan farmer. buy their produce. About 80 per cent of Fger farmers and processing plants Father Melton said that in the six to they could never find There is little future in migrant labor, a store which "We're not against organized farm labor, these are now owned by large food T|ated by giant food companies. . r and many migrants know it. But while eight years that many migrants had been handled Weller's pickles so they could but if the workers organize, we'll have companies which operate on a j's fact, coupled with growing they attempt to find a better way of coming to Michigan to work for Weller, boycott it. to get more for our crops, and people nationwide scale and sell to major food solidarity, is removing obstacles life, many are turning to unions seeking this was the first time any of them The workers now are suing Weller in aren't willing to pay for it." ization. improvements in their present status. could remember workers approaching circuit court for full payment of wages "The cost of labor has gone up, (Please turn to page 11) Friday, July 3°. 197| 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Area children get top scores By JIM SHELDON State News Staff Writer achievement, and noted were in also tested Wednesday's percentiles respectively. four other areas. A school spokesman in«i the whool that pointed exp£c Ullons Gf Schli all take an out c'lti summary is to lane Scores for seventh graders "Our challenge is ur cnauenge oui - Katz K . , also . State News. were identical with those of our youngsters, both the totally responsiblle for t g abilities and Stl!^ent*' I From the wjrei of AP and UPI. East Lansing school children This year, fourth the tests showed and seventh graders 1970, with a 90 percentile .dv.nt.ged .nd the l«s mm. sh« " "«L»I 1.1,'"'',""2! score in English mechanics and fortunate, as far as they can schools start , th for the students' achiev» 1 in the fourth and grades scored exceptionally seventh placed a higher importance on 95 scholastic achievement than percentile scores in the go," Katz said. children who later meet the "hieve^ | high in a series of academic they did last year, while their achievement tests administered attitude toward school by the state Dept. of improved significantly over the "We are rapidly approaching stage where minimal Education, results show. or recently released 1970 results, a school Scores in the 90th percentile higher were recorded in a spokesman said. "We think that our efforts variety of areas including to bring the most modern Area interest group offers academic requirements for the vocabulary, reading, English, teaching methods to our University, for practical students in classrooms is with mechanics, mathematics and a our purposes, will be nonexistent." -Arvo E. Juola Professor of evaluation services composite of basic skills. The results mean that local students scored higher than 90 to 95 per cent of students tested in other school districts resulting in in the providing high performance basic skills, as well as opportunities for individual participation in learning," Katz said. to help clerk's office to help with the great crowds of concerned East Lansing system 0| v I around the state. voter registration. citizens who sought to registration, they will ^ I (See story page 1) Malcolm Katz, "Many of our youngsters The letter noted that participate in the democratic willing to further reduce the I superintendent of schools, come to us educationally In a letter Hiursday to the "during the campus process. Some of these city clerk's workload by I noted seventh graders placed in advantaged from homes where East Lansing city clerk, an registration of June 1971, the concerned citizens valiantly running their own workshop to train others in registration I I the 95th percentile in four of there is a high level of interest interest group that is fielding volunteer registrars of the waited up to two hours to the five categories for the in learning. Both genetically its own city council League of Women Voters fulfull their rightful and tech niques, "thereby I second year in a row. He said and sociologically, we have an candidates has offered to were so overburdened with patriotic duty." requesting from you only tfc I Market decline continues he was pleased that fourth advantaged student body in provide city voter registration the number of residents To prevent a recurrence of time necessary to swear jD I these situations, Project: City these trained volunteers." graders jumped to the 90th terms of school learning." officials with assistance to seeking to register to vote insure "complete participatory that the line was five rows Hall said that "we seek to percentile this year from The stock market went into a steep decline 197 0's 87th and 85th With fourth graders, scores democracy in East Lansing." deep at the peak times of the relieve your burden and any The letter also mentioned I percentiles in reading and improved this year in reading, City Clerk Beverly Qolizzi day." future tax burden caused by that Project: City Hall knows I Thursday for the third consecutive session. mechanics of written English. 90; mechanics of written would not comment on the The letter went on to the need for an expanded many ways to make voter! At 2:30 p.m., with an hour of trading to go, The state assessment test English, 90, and mathematics, letter late Thursday but said mention that "on July 2, staff, by offering our services registration more convenient I the Dow Jones average of 30 industrial issues had determines the quality of 95. Scores in 1970 for these deputy registrars in as One way, the letter says, ij I she will issue a formal reply 1971, a deplorable situation as of I to deputize the secretaries' slumped 9.50 points to 862.51. education in public schools areas respectively were 87, 85 on Saturday. took place when scores of great a number as you could the neighborhood schools In the two previous sessions, this market and also the achievement of its and 90. Vocabulary and the In the letter, Project: City citizens from all areas of the possibly use." t0| provide c onvenienll students in the five areas. composite of basic skills Hall offered to place its city were discouraged from The group said that if the barometer had fallen nearly 17 points. attitudes toward categories remained the same city clerk will train just a neighborhood registration fa I Student "ideas, organization and registering for this very Wall Street analysts said the market's retreat school, which influence at the 95th and the 90th resources" at the disposal of the city important election, because of few of their members in the all East Lansing. reflected the concern of investors about new reports of economic sluggishness, the effects of the rail strike and the possiblity of a steel strike. SUMMONS RAIL LEADERS Nine Wandering boy found - year - old Kevin Dye, a retarded boy who eluded rescue attempts on a rugged mountain Nixon WASHINGTON (AP) - The pushes for rail pact scheduled strikes. Luna had curtly rejected "We have no choice but to arbitration. near Casper, Wyo. for 10 days, was found alive Nixon Administration summoned rail negotiators set up an increasing selective Luna returned to Wednesday, lying wearily beside a small stream in a Good Food strike pressure," said President ravine. Thursday for another stab at Washington Thursday for the The union has said the I Charles Luna of the striking talks. Though he was described by his doctor as "in settling their nationwide labor "AFL-CIO United Transporation new proposals would pliminitel dispute crippling four major thousands of jobs, cut piy.l pretty good shape," the doctor said Kevin was Union. The center of the dispute railroads in strikes and is the rail industry's demand make work harder and m| AUARANTfU weak and "wouldn't have survived another 48 threatening six more with dangerous, and uproot many to eliminate required crew hours." He was taken to a hospital. walkouts Friday. Secretary of Labor J.D. rail workers and their families, Pressure for a solution Hodgson said the government changes every 100 miles, A four - man rescue team found him about 2Vi combine some of the duties mounted from livestock, grain, wants a voluntary settlement; The ventual settlement i miles from the cabin on Casper Mountain where he that emergency legislation of over - the • road train coal, auto and other major but disappeared July 18. industries along the 27,000 to end the strike could be crews with yardmen's work in expected to include a 42 pet I cent hike Fish Fry $1.39 train terminals, require wage oi miles of strikebound track sent to Congress if the whose rail supplies have been nation's economy becomes too trainmen to use walkie • months in line with other nl | talkies for communication to pacts. Average pay i strangled. badly hurt. $3.50 hourly. cut down the number of Steel contract offer made Steel shipments also were threatened by Friday's Nixon sent Asst. Secretary of Labor W. J. Usery, chief The steel industry was reported Thursday to have federal rail labor hurry Claim of costh made members its first solid contract offer for of the AFL-CIO United Steelworkers, but 350,000 Come One, troubleshooter, on up trip to union headquarters in Cleveland Wednesday night a • union negotiators indicted rejection and the nation's largest steel maker started banking furnaces in Come All . . . to try ruffled feelings to smooth over Luna's the talk for meat c anticipation of a strike. of emergency legislation and "It was not acceptable to the union, but it is Hodgson's proposal to submit Edwin D. MacLuckie, manager of the three McDonalfl I the basis for further bargaining," said one source of the industry offer made in talks aimed at averting to the the dispute to a neutral panel for a compulsory settlement. restaurants in Lansing, said Wednesday that his (' franchises buy their beef from the same company as East Lansing locations. a nationwide strike at midnight Saturday. "We both buy our meat from Consumers Food, Inc., in I INGHAM The Lansing. We get the same meat MacLuckie said. "The implication of the Wednesday St'" at the same price," I News article was that we used a cheaper grade of m DOWNTOWN # Lockheed action fails COUNTY than the East Lansing locations, which simply is not true," I In a story Wednesday David P. Rudd, asst. manager of ■ A tentative agreement that would have brought the stalled Lockheed aid bill to a prompt vote in FAIR . . . DELI the McDonald's store at 234 W. Grand River Ave. in Ml Lansing, said that his location used more expensive beef ■ than the Lansing locations. the Senate collapsed Thursday. Administration is n An employe of Consumers Food, Inc., said backers conceded they didn't have the votes to and have a ball McDonald's there. of Lansing and East Lansing buy their beef ■ She said they buy the same kind of meat at the I pass it. Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., a leader in the open same price. 8 the higher beef prices his franchise I battle to save his home from bankruptcy, said - state aerospace five Republicans indicated company ready was Rudd had having to higher prices. said pay that forced them to charge their custom®! they would not vote for rescuing Lockheed serve although they would have supported broad legislation to provide federal loan guarantees to any with big company in trouble. THE SONY 110A WAS ESPECIALLY Witness receives aid MADE WITH YOU IN MIND. DELICATESSEN MENU That is, if you're looking for the best buy in a quality I cassette-corder. The 11 OA from Sony/Superscope is your best bet. Featuring Sony's patented sensitive but strong The government paid more than $11,000 to Look what we relocate the wife and children of a convicted receiving electret condenser microphone, a newly designed I digital tape counter, quick snap pushbutton operation, mobster, Vincent C. Teresa, and got his sentence have to offer. . . end-of-tape alarm, and back space rewind buttons, the 20 to 5 110A has so many features packed into a compact little reduced from years and has recommended CORNED BEEF PASTRAMI recorder that you'd think it would cost much more than its that lie be paroled in return for his testimony in a number of criminal trials, a high Justice Dept. SALAMI $119.95 list price. But don't think so — cause it doesn't. J PEPPERED BEEF Step Inside and size it up! official said Thursday. The official, who asked that his name not be TONGUE CHOPPED CHICKEN LIVER used, said tne government is required by law to NOVA SCOTIA LOX protect families of witnesses from possible JUMBO FRANKS retaliation and often recommends leniency if a (Kosher style) witness cooperates. KNOCKWURST CHICKEN BROTH with MATZOH BALL or KRAPLACH Chou rejects two Chinas' On Sunday, at 6 pm, a free band concert and STUFFED KISHKA GEFILTE FISH NEW YORK BAGELS Chou En - lai has told visiting Americans that at 7 pm, the crowning of the Ingham County Fair Queen JEWISH RYE BREAD Red China rejects any attempt at a "two - Chinas" CHEESE CAKE & STRUDEL solution for the Formosa issue and will refuse to ★★★★★★★★★★ from New York enter the United Nations if the Nationalist regime and in the coming week see Harness Racing, the Demolition BLINTZES remains. The Chinese premier says the United States must Derby, Wild West Show, Hurricane Hell Drivers, and much more ' 104 S. I HIFI BUYS get out of Vietnam as well as the Formosa Strait, WASHINGTON but his discussion of obstacles to better U.S. - located just south of MSI) ft 1101 E. Grand River China relations made it appear he ranks Formosa (% Block off Mich. Ave.) In Mason, Mich.-On the Fairgrounds on Ash Street ;affairs ahead of Vietnam. OPEN 7-7 DAILY East Lansing Phone 337-231®^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 30, 1971 3 SAIGON fighting Heavy fighting erupts in Cambodia (AP) erupted - Hard in eastern North Communist Vietnamese and Cambodian Associated Press The military spokesman they are estimates from aerial day, U.S. Cobra gunships and Cambodia Thursday and South correspondent Holger Jensen, reported that of the total purposes. guerrillas were killed in four who observers and may be subject F4 Phantom Vietnamese forces claimed a accompanied the assault dead, 55 were killed jet bombers were Minh acknowledged that the hours of fighting 12 miles by to duplication. called in to onesided victory in the first troops, reported, however, he fighter-bombers and helicopter help with the air big enemy supply bases are battle of their northwest of the provincial saw Nevertheless, the support. new sweep. capital of Savy least four wounded gunships. engagement was the first deeper than his forces can go A Rieng. He The drive is centered north in the rainy season South Vietnamese Vietnamese soldiers. He Such gunship and sizable contact with without reported there were no South enemy of Highway 1, the miun link military spokesman said 72 Vietnamese casualties. counted bodies of 17 enemy fighter-bomber claims are troops since a 500-man task extending supply lines to a between the Cambodian point troops. often open to doubt since force began the latest sweep where the enemy can capital of Phnom Penh and cut them. in eastern Cambodia Saigon. One objective is to CEASE FIRE PLEA MADE Wednesday, drive this month. the fifth such keep Highway 1 open. Most of the North Like the other recent Vietnamese in the area are sweeps, it is also aimed at believed to have pulled out pushing Bruce before the push started. back the North ends Vietnamese from the South te Reporting battlefield Cambodia, 25 and from miles 85 the inside miles Vietnamese border, uncovering arms checking and supply caches and infiltration, thus PARIS (AP) — Ambassador David K.E. Bruce ended his it "an arrogant maneuver to Bruce wished the delegations northwest of Saigon, Jensen said preventing enemy attempts to How many ways advocate of Nixon's policies," reconnaissance units of legalize the American military in their search for a disrupt the coming national term as U.S. negotiator at the occupation of success South peaceful settlement. said Hanoi spokesman Nguyen the South Vietnamese elections. can you prepare Vietnam peace talks Thanh Le. encountered isolated Thursday Vietnam." pockets with a negotiations plea for immediate on an Bruce, 73, is retiring after The Communist delegations Le went on to accuse of resistance Vietnamese regulars from North and in The new drive is the this first a pancake? a year at the head of the replied that President Nixon Bruce of "real region since last internationally., controJJpd cease irresponsibility" Cambodian guerrillas. January. Lt. Gen. Nguyen U.S. ambassador to South alone is Trip to the top - fire throughout Indochina. North Vietnam and the Korea. responsible for the for his professed inability to continuing deadlock, because understand the Communist The, terrain was difficult for Van troop movement — flat lands commander, said he plans to Minh, over-all Viet Cong instantly rejected of his refusal to set a date seven - point peace plan of rain-swollen Until Porter gets to Paris, for total and unconditional submitted on paddies and keep his troops searching the An MSU student with a the proposal, as they have July 1. Bruce scattered clumps of coconut the U.S. peace region for 10 days to two passion for punishment sets rejected all similar American delegation will withdrawal of American has asked for clarification and rubber trees. beheaded by Philip C. of weeks. Habib, forces. the BUt to jog up the stadium proposals over the past two plan during the past three In reply who then will to suggestions that years. replace Porter sessions of the talks, The South Vietnamese iteps to the top. in Seoul. but intelligence may have been SN photo by Chris Fischer Viet Cong Foreign Minister •'Mr. Bruce not received no reply. ground forces were supported Appearing for the last time, executed only faulty in reporting an enemy Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh called the directives of by South Vietnamese regiment in the at the 123rd weekly session, region, Minh President Nixon, he was As Bruce left the helicopter gunships and said: "I think the enemy an conference room for the last Skyraider tactical refuses contact. time, he They hold nodded to he fighter-bombers. Later in the Communist £heh^sUen£UT__foj^_jfuture Innocent mistake' negotiators in a on card farewell gesture, shake hands. Le and but did Viet not The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter Cong and Spring school terms, spokesman Duong Dinh Thao Mondays, Wednesdays and accused Bruce of "alumny" during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week Fridays edition arns:'lt in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. happen here' against their delegations in his can final speech. Member Associated Press, United Press Inland Daily Press International, Association, Michigan Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, This presumably referred to Michigan Collegiate Press Association. By RICK WILBINS Bruce's formal Second class postage paid at East State News Staff Writer because it can happen here." make student candidacy an at first to mail the cards, but a complaint that Lansing, Mich. Editorial North Vietnamese buildup and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan Late Thursday sentence concludes a Phillips told issue," he said. "In fact, I since he had 3,000 printed in the demilitarized zone State University, East Lansing, Michigan. the State News that the last tend to agree with (Mayor and "no one seemed to think violated the >f political message on bulk sentence was an "innocent Gordon) Thomas that it might much of the understanding sentence," he under which the United States rate postcards mailed mistake" following his basic be good to have an intelligent, finally agreed to do so. halted all bombing of North News lursday to 3,000 East instructions to the printer, and sincere student on the Phillips said he had considered Vietnam at the end of 1968. 355-8252 ing residents asking them denied that it was intended as council." Classified Ads 355-8255 lining out the sentence but Bruce protested particularly vote for Charles Max a scare tactic in reference to Advertising 353-6400 figures that would only draw against the highway Business Office lips in Tuesday's city the recent election of three more attention to it. being 355-3447 Supporters, Phillips said, had built by the North acil primary election. students to the Berkeley, Calif, asked how they could help his Vietnamese across the western The entire card reads: "Dear city council. "The whole campaign. He said he decided thing is an part of the demilitarized We could use your help!! "I don't innocent zone. know what it can to have the mistake and I He e to put Max Phillips on postcards printed declared: "We condemn happen here' means," Phillips up to certainly don't want people to this East Lansing City Council! give to his friends for activity, which is a said, "but I would guess it has wider get the wrong idea," Phillips blatant Open tonight until 9 p.m., Closed Saturdays through August 7. primary is Tuesday, Aug. some reference to the Berkeley sent distribution. He .said he said. violation of the Your vote is very elections. brjef, basic instructions to demilitarized zone contrary to the printer who he let design previous engagements and poratnt in this election "I certainly didn't want to the cards. Similar cards reportedly understandings." went out Thursday endorsing There was no direct reply other candidates but this from Phillips said he had picked would not be verified. the Communist riTH TALK, MUSIC the cards up from the printer delegates. recently and was "shocked" to find the printer had improvised and added the controversial Political sentence to the bottom of the card. He refused to give the name of the printer. set for An "old fashioned "There'll just - be a lot of litical rally and picnic," to old - time hand - shaking and I held from 4 to 8 p.m. baby - kissing," she predicted, n Valley Court Park, adding that formal 111 provide the last presentations will be made by lortunity for East Lansing the candidates only when and lers to meet and talk with if they seem necessary. Jididates ■uncil before the city primary election Isday. fhe Folklore Society and (INE rock bands, including Ps'on- Otis, lchangel, the will Dogs and provide HOUR |ertainment as a backdrop informal |ween the candidates and discussions SERVICE Project: City Hall Jrdinator Linda Gortmaker, has helped to organize this week we arc event Jroval,>utencourages and to bring hie lunch to make the obtain those who along a city LOUIS CLEANERS these speciAlly pciced lps feAtuR-inq rally p informal and enjoyable. 623 E.GRAND RIVER Big Brother and the Holding Co. How Hard It Is $3.36 THE PLAZA Paul (of Peter, Paul & Mary) Community Owned... Serving the Community Paul and .. . $2.98 verlooking the Capitol Howlin' Wolf (vvith Eric Clapton and Stevie Winwood) oneymoon . The London Howlin' Wolf Sessions Suites Color $3.59 323 e. do the one-two-three step layered look w'th round beds Rotary Connection ■/ Hey, Love $2.98 river with Belle-Sharmeer slip on mosaic-patterned 00 Rooms TIf S Blood, Sweat B.S. & T.: IV and Tears open panty stockings first. the matching body top next. $3.49 and then, 35 Remodeled in every sat. on with the solid kneesocks. Add a skirt or 9-6 pants of any length and you're on to the layered look. ew Room Furnishings don t foRQet to check our RACk Mosiac panty stocking in brown, black. which AlWAys feAtuRes At LeAst flameberry. red onion or indigo smokq nylon. S-M-L 3.50 90 lp s discounted 40% moce. Matching body top, $12. Solid acrylic THE PLAZA knee-highs in coordinating colors. One size 1.65 (Former Jack Tar Hotel) 125 W. Michigan PHONE 351-5380 across from the Capitol .Jaeobsat fe MICHIGAN TRB FROM WASHINGTON STATE NEWS Pedestrian minds at the helm UNIVERSITY announcements that Presidents |0 style th«t has spread across the nation. cozy-like, talking about a newspaper By RICHARD LEE STROUT Sometimes a sudden anger cracks the photograph showing Bella Abzug and make. He's going to Communist cl boredom. The U.S. could do, ought to Shirley Chisholm, Democratic Only the carpers will point out that I All the cliches about southern Representatives from New York, and announcement covered up his fail. I do, better. First Johnson and now California have been written, and all the Nixon. It's not a record — we had other leaders of the National Women's respond to the Viet Cong's off.?101 cliches about Richard Nixon, too. We Political Caucus. release American prisoners. 11 don't want to add to them. But try Harding, Coolidge, Hoover. But it's bad Nixon: "What did it look like?" enough; Johnson diminished the Meanwhile, there all those spending 12 days with Mr. Nixon in his Rogers: "Like a burlesque." are nawi I JOHN BORGER, managing editor presidency, left it distrusted, and Nixon BOB ROACH, news editor native habitat, with a resoundingly has don® nothing to restore trust. Nixon: "What's wrong with that?" problems at home. Plenty 0f room ■ I BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor hollow speech in Kansas City on the They say we get what we deserve. (laughter) this big country (a trip to CaliforniaV RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor way out. Maybe so, but consider the pedestrian Secretary Rogers, who has rented a reminder of our Americans have crowded immensity) J.1 Nicholas von Hoffman, The beach house a few miles from the together minds of the men at the helm: Washington Post's house radical, calls the Reporters are admitted to the President's, gives a cocktail party for cities, where they rub each other rs " Nixons the king and queen of kitsch. President's office before he begins a White House reporters. A woman guest The wear and tear on minds, boZ When they come to kitsch-land, boredom asks him what was the most pleasant property is frightening. Kids Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award Vietnam policy conference with clamps you like a vise. The ticky-tacky, experience he has had on his travels. As becoming junkies, great central cities T for outstanding journalism. the endless neon pollution . . . but why Secretary Rogers and Henry Kissinger. she leaves, Rogers grasps her hand. "You becoming junk heaps, cops are runn' The three men are sitting around, single out southern California? It's a life ask the most intelligent questions," he amok. America's theme song is the h"1* says cordially. that Cornwallis's dejected bands n|av!! If Mr. Nixon intends to negotiate a at Yorktown: "The World Timl! EDITORIALS settlement of the war, he is concealing it as artfully as he concealed the invitation Upside Down." n* This is where Nixon is to Peking. The big Vietnam conference failing, h, in San Clemente starts off with a bang. subscribes to the cyclical theory: after The White House greets the Viet Cong period of excitation, a period of State fiscal peace elements." plan warmly, says it has Kissinger sets "positive off on a dramatic "fact-finding" trip, grills U.S. commanders in Saigon about a faster equipoise. Low-profile, cool, pedestrian. He'd era, like to have another but he's not to be that lucb Normalcy is nice. We all crave it. Eisenhow# bJ a The state decidedly legislature finally is which long have been criticized as "A large nation can be led - wants to be led, not administered. It can't be revenue-shared or putting together a semblance of a being inequitable at best and Cabinet-reformed into normalcy. The best Presidents budget for the fiscal year which regressive at worst. A movement was afoot to practice politics of hope; people are prepared to believe began July 1. After months of things will get better, if there's some evidence they are indecision, the stark reality of replace the property tax with a getting better." entering a fiscal year without a graduated income tax to fund the budget has forced the legislature to state's education system. But now, mmmmmmmm pass revenue and appropriations because of the delay in coming to for 200 million egos, it doesn't exist. pullout. bills. an agreement over tax rates, it The big breakthrough at last? By the Eisenhower came close. The counh| The appropriations logjam appears the legislature will be time the San Clemente talks are over, slumbered for eight years. It woke yj developed mainly because of t h e satisfied with simply passing a press secretary Ziegler is saying there with a start. Neglected problems bunt| will be no U.S. counter-proposals, no upon us. inability of the legislature and the budget, even though it retains the formal reply. Just more "probing" of governor to agree on tax rates for property tax inequities of past communist intentions. Isn't that what's A large nation can be led - want fiscal 1971-72. Governor Milliken's budgets. be led, not administered. It can't been going on right along? early insistence on avoiding higher There also was talk of replacing Nevertheless, we suppose Mr. Nixon revenue-shared or Cabinet-reformed int:l taxes during the 1971 calendar the state's flat rate income tax will wind down the war in his own time normalcy. The best Presidents practitfl year was counteracted by the with a graduated system like the and way. His fixation with the menace of the politics of hope; people are prepnJ federal income tax. At present, a communism, it turns out, is no stronger, to believe things will be better, if theifl desire of legislative leaders for or weaker, than Kennedy's or Johnson's. some evidence they are getting bettil more social services and a larger worker in the Ford plant at River That is one of the lessons of the Mr. Nixon knows all the rlirJ pay increase for state employes. Rouge with three children and a Pentagon papers. including that one, but he ha] After a long period of hassling, mortgage on his house must pay The Democrats were so intimidated by persuaded the country. the tax structure for fiscal 1971-72 the same percentage of the McCarthy-era attacks on their loyalty (Joe McCarthy super-star, Richard Nixon Driving down the highway to Sul approved this week. Both his income to me state as Henry Was playing a supporting role) that they Clemente, pizza burgers to the right ofl houses of the legislature have agreed Ford II himself. A graduated you, Hacienda Heavens to the left or decided they had to be more Catholic to raise the state personal income income tax would provide some You think it's confusing now, wait till Brezhnev than the Pope. you, a sudden anger cracks the boredoA tax from 2.6 per cent to 3.9 per relief to those with limited Mr. Nixon wound up the California visits Japan and Agnew visits C\iba with of those thunderous THE NEW "REPUBLIC -cent, a 50 per cent increase. This incomes, shifting some of their tax trip one increase will become effective Aug. burden to those in higher income 3, 1971. brackets. Yet the legislature did While the legislature finally has not have the time to revise the RICK WILBINS put together a tax structure to state income tax. Instead, they will provide revenue for the current continue the present flat tax rate fiscal year, it has again failed to address itself directly to the task ..of reordering the overall tax with all its inequities. It was nice for the legislature finally to address itself to the Rock doomed to success system. By delaying the passage of business of passing a budget, but it missionaries of free rock but then th revenue bills until the last minute, is unfortunate that they have thus In 1964 the Beatles invaded America far ignored the crucial matter of sound not to be forgotten by "Capitalism may be great for the nation's were a lot of young good groups ilj the legislature made it necessary to with a came pretty cheaply. Greed has m the state's less than equitable tax child or parent. Their success here pocketbook, but it has a rather damaging some remarkable progress since then.! pass a budget without first structure. The legislature would do paved the way for acceptance of the effect on the counter - culture soul of rock. have the entrepeneurs. If a group's 1 examining more equitable means of new culture's sound — rock music. How can anyone relate to Graham Nash well the 1971-72 fiscal all good (that does not mean orM taxation. - once the Beatles emerged an From singing "We can change the world" when you somebody out there quickly baclu ■ At the beginning of the budget is completed - to unimaginable array of groups, good and know he's making a small fortune for an puts its sound on Celluloid; advert^ legislative session there was talk of thoroughly examine the state's bad, creative and commericial, fly - by hour's work?" publicizes, and promotes it, revising the funding of primary means of raising revenue and - night and legend. The sound got their fortune before they turn oldd and secondary education in the devise a more equitable tax better, the language coarser, the lyrics gray and 30. more meaningful, and the business of are souring because a lot of things that were "there". 5. While performers are Capitalism may be great state. The state's elementary and system. Hopefully, this issue will singing rougher. did not happen two years ago are becoming capitalist and greedy, the nation's pocketbook, but it has a rill secondary schools are presently be resolved before it is time to It's 1971 now, however, and the happening now with fortunate public is only becoming greedy; result damaging effect on the counts! ■ funded by property taxes - taxes pass the 1972-73 budget. Beatles have split up; John says he regularity: 1. The performers are — there's no respect for the price of a culture soul of rock. How can any# doesn't even believe in the Beatles becoming ironically greedy, singing ticket but a lot of enthusiasm for gate anymore. To further muffle rock's vocal freedom but trapped by $; 2. People crashing. relate to Graham Nash singing "WeJ are becoming dissatisfied with so - so Rock of the '60s was a good thing, change the world" when you knoww chords, Bill Graham has closed the making a small fortune for an hn legendary foundations of rock concerts, performances when they pay $5 to see and like any good thing in America it Senate drive Fllmore East and Filmore West. The business of promoting, it seems, is great gig. 3. Dissatisfied or simply bored concert - goers are lovingly was doomed to success. comes For with success its spoils — profit motivation work? Those Establishment in rock music, contemporaries,! getting rougher too. wreaking havoc with human and the loss of soul. Innocence and the concrete structure alike. 4. People are dollar simply are not compatible. making a fortune out of someone W Rock concerts, the new music's free, loved and togethaj constitutionnl creative spectacle, across the country going to see groups just to say they The Beatles were not exactly need to feel suspect they're making that money the same enthusiasm as the tf ^ industry did when making I The fight to restore the balance historical. The framers of the OUR READERS' MIND shirts and faded blue jeans. of power between the executive Constitution never envisioned a There still are groups with highjf and legislative branches of the world situation in which the and low prices. Archangel pW United States governmnet received an important boost this week. United States would be involved in various degrees of meddling in the Abortion bill a Pandora's box Saturday night price of essentials decent and a on lot of Grove Street Ml — $20. They ^ people had a Senate Minority Leader Hugh internal affairs of other nations. time. period of gestation has not exceeded « To the Editor: What is a "significant risk"? Just what Scott, R-Pa., announced Wednesday Neither did they anticipate that Thank you for attempting to be 90 days, OR when he "determines and is a defect or deficiency? The second But as far as I'm concerned, 1 that he would support proposals to the congress, which they held to unemotional and pragmatic in your certifies: 1. that continuance of the two conditions for abortion are separate spectacular of rock is dying fej-1 limit the warmaking powers of the be coequal to the presidency, editorial about the abortion issue. pregnancy would constitute a significant from the time limit and permit motivations for its beginning s'JJJ risk of serious danger to the mental here but more refined, more d would continue to consistently However, your logic still is faulty. You or abortion at any period or pregnancy presidency. In the past, Scott has say that when laws "are not renewed physical health of the woman; or 2. for a variety of ill - defined reasons. and so, so bland. been a Nixon stalwart. abdicate its powers and to conform to the changing needs of that a significant risk is that the fetus Senate Bill No. 3 is a Pandora's box, As the more spectacular eleme" ■ prerogatives in favor of the contemporary society, laws betray the will be born with serious mental or not the the "revolution" disappeared, 50 T panacea many would have us the Woodstocks and Filmores. R<* 1 The White House is, of course, executive branch. very people they serve." In the past physical impairment, defect or believe it to be. lost its soul to the dollar w J uncompromisingly opposed to the year, my home has been burglarized deficiency." and at another time my purse was Who, with money or influence consequently the free spirit that Senate attack on its prerogatives. Such shirking of congressional it sensational and unique. stolen. In comparing notes with friends, cannot find a physician to certify that The official contention is that any duty lies at the heart of the I find that thefts are very common. her "mental health" is endangered? That is the American way. legal limitation on war powers present question. The White House Should this be sufficient reason for would inhibit the President's now enjoys a range of prerogatives legalizing stealing? I think not, nor flexibility in foreign policy. In and a measure of power unheard should the popularity of abortion have fact, the administration fears that of before in the history of this any effect upon whether it is legalized. The reason some of us cling so warmaking limitations would be nation - and all because past tenaciously to the right to life is that only the first in a series of congresses have been content to let all that any of us ever has is a legislative setbacks for executive the executive do all of the work "philosophical potential for life." To power. aided by an occasional Bay of give any other person the legal right to Tonkin Resolution. determine whether or when we possess "human" life, or have ceased to possess The question at issue is one of While the primary thrust of the it, opens the door to a myriad of basic constitutionality. While this abuses. I can foresee compulsory nation's founding document Senate drive is aimed at population control as a possible "use" explicitly limits the power to make re-establishing a proper power of abortion, which could have the war to the congress, it does not balance in the government, there effect of keeping minority groups in address itself to a wide range of are more far-reaching ramifications. the minority, hence the accusations of i! lertakings such as the Korean By stripping the chiet" executive of genocide. his ability to make war at will, the Finally, obviously you have not read police action" or the unofficial carefully (or hope others haven't?) war in Vietnam. congress may very well be insuring Senate Bill No. 3. One of the sections that this nation does not become states that an abortion is permissible The problem is in part embroiled in another Vietnam. when the physician certifies that the Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 30, 1971 5 Hopeful calls for 'businesslike approach' niOV By RICK lAill WILBINS State News Staff Writer QIiMC ^ ^ automotive i warehouse shopping distributor serving the central business . center in the separated ... from campus transit district that is system that is not people pedestrain traffic." were on vacation, as Fast Lansing City Council part of Michigan. He is a healthy, easily available to highly subsidized. well Phillips feels the Phillips said he did not as checking doors, etc.," •ndfdate Charles Max Phillips member of the Lions Club shoppers in cars and yet know of a successful He also said he does not he said. responsibilty for being Sfhe wouid like to see the and is vice president of the Greater Lansing Chamber of mass feel there is a need low-income subsidized housing for informed on city matters rests to a great extent with •tv's problems with a Phillips called the emphasis the 'business-like approach " Commerce. He also is on the board of directors of Walnut units student use. specifically built for on ecology "fine and citizens. unning the city council, Hills Country Club. important', but said "we must illius said, involves the same "According to the remember that Phillips said that in order people are It is voe of experience required in to have newspapers, we have almost important, too." impossible to inform inning his own private a "vibrant, successful" the equivalent of one full everyone on all the tasks siness. community with a sufficient dormitory empty at MSU. It facing the city, especially tax base "Sometimes it may be those «No business can afford to to meet its "No business can seems to me that if a dire people who are not problems, the city must have need necessary to disrupt some of really interested careless with its resources; for housing exists for or involved. an active business district. afford to be careless with our environment to do the "When , must get full value for In students, a lot of it could be people are interested its resources; must get most good for tthe in very dollar spent. No setting up such a district, he we solved by requiring greatest something, they become said, every effort should be number of people," he said. usinessman can be successful full value for every dollar underclassmen to live in the informed," he said. made to dorms." d not work with individuals and graduated from East separate campus spent. . . Working on the well as the whole Lansing High School. He is a pedestrian traffic from He said he did not believe s business automobile traffic. city council involves rganization. Working on the graduate of Ohio Wesleyan ity council involves working University where he received a who "Many of the same people complain working in the with individuals same who way are the to taxpayer should subsidize students be asked in Glosed until „ the same way with bachelor's degree in Business about the off-campus housing. traffic in East employed full time in ndividuals who are employed Administration. He served Lansing also Phillips said from his ull time in carrying out the three years in the U.S. Air ity's affaire." Phillies moved to East Force. In 1959 are the the first to business district fnr complain about the lack of facilities in carrying out the city's observation charges made by affairs. j^ax p/jUUps some cooperation students by of "lack the police" of August 8 "Phillips began his certain types of shopping. arising in 1929, attended own business, Central are "greatly exaggerated." -t Lansing public schools Michigan Warehouse, Inc., an This indicates that much be done in developing must a "I personally feel that the East Lansing Police Dept. is a See you then! very fine department, not just in enforcing the laws but Students HOLIDAY LANES doing countless other things as well. They have always Results of a recent month's exodus Immediately prior from to last the Regional noted in reject differences were overa1' viewpoint, females were been willing to take care watching houses while special Just north of Frandor 337-9775 ationwide campus survey nation's answers to the ■ ^ ,, illion of the country's Interviewers somewhat conservative South ounger and newly students about their ' first asked the middle of the road themselves "conservative," termed less r g CorPorat,on> Blmgtn, R1 1?71IInd.)"mdex esais franchised voters will be political somewhat liberal than one party preference. Answers for eight in the East " -king less to the traditional both the current very liberal responded similarly. survey and College partisan Republican and one taken in October 1970 are no answer women have often taken a mocratic labels and more to more liberal stand on certain compared below: actions and ideas of the issues - particularly the litical candidate himself. Democrat JUNE '71 JAN. '71 OCT. '69 Vietnam war. However, in When you The growing reluctance to Republican - themselves Democratic or Independent/no preference a real No answer publican, however, does not em to indicate mentous change in any the JUNE '71 OCTOBER '70 give me itudes of the nation's youth. 33.5% 38.2% fact, by more absolute 16.2% 17.8% rms, the liberal versus nservatjve tenor of college 4.7% 5.0% dent opinion has remained ON CAMPUS 'rly stable. The largest To provide a measure of ber still term their politics actual change in student 1071 TROWBRIDGE mewhat liberal," followed "middle of the road." The opinion, interviewers asked, in previous surveys, about the as Carnations remes in attitude continue subject's own political 337—1681 be voiced by only a nority. philosophy. Over and above a slightly liberal trend, student $799 » Dozen OFF CAMPUS inclination has remained pretty much the same. Answers are 1203 E GRAND RIVER again compared with previous Cash - N - Carry 33,000 slated surveys below. (The October 1969 survey was taken from 337—1631 midwestern schools onlv. but r adorning idol figures have been adjusted to reflect regional differences in Jon 0MBAY (AP) — Trustees opinion.) Open tonight until 9 p.m.. Closed Saturdays through August 7. the temple in the Indian A of Tirupati have decided spend $133,000 on jewels term your own social and "Overall, how would you nthony adom the wrists, head and of an political philosophy: very already heavily conservative, somewhat Florist ed idol. conservative, middle of the ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ iflPerkins Family Restaurant J Dinner Specials Schedule FRI: A FISH FEAST - ALL YOU CAN EAT with french fries & cole slaw $1.30 SAT: SWISS STEAK with mashed potatoes & tossed salad THE SUN: SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN $1.65 with all the fixin's SKI WEATHERVANE $1.65 Can now offer pre PARKA - selection of famous ★★★★★★★★★★★* *★*★★ season name ski parkas at great savings to the early 30% OF ALL THE SALE shopper. Values such as: CARS IN FRANCE BEAR THIS EMBLEM: All Sizes All Colors WMi All Styles a first look at fall sleepwear. . .denim blues AND, like they say, by Lady Weldon trimmed with red velvet ribbons millions of Frenchmen and rows of crisp white lace ruffles. A robe, pajama and gown, all beautiful back-to-schoolers in can't be wrong! easy-care Dacron®polyester/cotton. Sizes S-M-L. Still a few Kneissl skis left at great savings. Consider Renault First! Empire gown. $12. Quilted robe. $23. Pajama. $12. Al Edward9s 2283 Grand River SPORTS CAR CENTER 12°0 E. OAKLAND 482-1226 Jaeabsoris Friday, July 3qi I9?| 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Youth target Making the world's oldest Christian church relevant to its 325 - orthodoxy." of church meeting 787 A.D., as well as the Bible, if he is to interpret Nicholas Church, Fedetz, Detroit; SS. Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Fr. Vasile Hategan, St. Mary Roumanian youth in today's world is a major aim of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Cleveland, and Fr. Igor Soroka, Russian Orthodox Catechetical Conference to be held Monday Attending this year's sessions will be church leaders primarily from the Midwest. TTie pioneering conference, Orthodox Church, Belle Vemon, Pa. Thedore Lopushinsky, through Thursday at MSU. St. Andrew Orthodox Church, East Lansing, will serve as "TTie Bible and the Church" is the theme of the 18th originally centered at MSU because of unparalleled academic environment and facilities for the conference, now has director of music. annual gathering which will draw representatives of all satellites on university campuses across the nation, Donahue national jurisdictions of the ancient church — Albanian, Conferees will participate in early morning liturgy at St. Carpatho Russian, Greek, Macedonian, reports. Bulgarian, - Andrew Church each morning of the conference. They will Roumanian, Russian, Serbian, Syrian and Ukrainian. also take part in adult and teen - age retreats centered in An Australian church leader will be among this year's Discussions will be slanted toward methods of teaching conference speakers. They include the Rt. Rev. Bishop the parish. the orthodox interpretation of the scriptures in the parish schools. Gibran of the Syrian Orthodox Diocese of Australia; the Most Rev. Archbishop Valerian of the Roumanian Orthodox The conference is sponsored by the MSU Committee on "The difference in Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic Church Related Programs and Continuing Education churches lies largely in their interpretation of the Episcopate, Grass Lake, Mich.; the Very Rev. Archpriest — Sergius Kuharsky and Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky of the Russian Service in cooperation with the Eastern Orthodox scriptures," Francis M. Donahue, MSU professor of religion, Catechetical Assn. said in heralding the conference. Orthodox Church, Cleveland, Ohio; the Very Rev. Archpriest "But the Orthodox teacher must understand the writings of the church fathers and the seven ecumentical councils, 211 MAC East OLDE WORLD Lansing THE North America Workshop studies relation Enjoy yourself of worship grou The question of whether is to make increased hope to discover and strike crusades and in eucharistic this weekend today's church congregation is participation more meaningful, chords that are universal in congresses across the nation, Rough riders too large for meaningful worship, not those that are workshop discussants report worship is being explored in a "The Creative Worship limited by time and culture," that a trend toward smaller A bike enthusiast pauses in done by riding too fast I Town nd Country Church Workshop is centering on he added. group worship — the informal an "enduro" motorcycle over too rough a terrain. V Leadership School which ends meaningful worship for our Hill said that despite great gathering in the parish home race to repair the damage SN photo by Chris Fischer I Stop in this weekend for a relaxing today at MSU. time," the rector said. "We attendance at Billy Graham anteroom. visit to the Olde World. Enjoy a Discussions in a Creative sandwich and a glass of fine wine Worship Workshop, conducted or your favorite draft beer. The MILUKEN SIGNS BILL Olde World. . . a casual atmosphere Church in Lansing, indicate created for you. that while a large congregation is mandate for law the support of the church and its mission, worship in smaller groups may be much more participants. Hill meaningful sees increased to Gov. Equal Milliken Wednesday pay the direction of equal rights for administered women now by the federtd and increase the minimum when there is a surplus of M participation as one of the signed into law a bill designed for all people." government. coverage limits for motor per cent or greater in ... BREAD WALE / I dramatic changes in the to eliminate wage This bill had been • ♦Repeal the accident vehicle liability policies, Motor Vehicle Accident CljilJ 211 M.A.C. Avenue J| church. He points out that discrimination based solely on designated item of the as a top priority Michigan Women's reporting requirement for less costly accidents under the Fund. generations back, when only the sex of the employe. *Temporarily eliminate the the priests could read and The legislation, termed the Commission in meetings held Financial Responsibility Act $i uninsured motorist fee write, participation was last fall, and the governor ♦Permit < recovery for till "equal work-equal pay" bill, of the companionship EDGEWOOD UNITED considered a priestly function. requires that wages for similar commended the commission loss (l| the deceased in wrongful de for its active support of the CHURCH 469 N. Hagadorn ALL SAINTS He says that today's challenge jobs be equal for both men and women. The governor also signed 10 POLICE court actions. ♦Permit a precinct deleL UNIVERSITY "I believe that this new law An Ecumenical Fellowship EPISCOPAL CHURCH is a significant step forward in other bills Wednesday that to resign by writing the pan| 800 Abbott Road BAPTIST CHURCH will: committee chairman Worship Service guaranteeing to the women of Phone 351-7160 ♦Permit the sharing by a county clerk. 9:30 this state the same 8:00 Holy Communion school district and the district Sermon by Dr. Truman Meeting at 2606 South Hagadorn opportunities for choosing ♦Allow a nonprofit! 10:00 Holy Communion and Sermon their life style highway authority of the cost A. Morrison own that men corporation to increase tkl The Rev. Wm. A. Eddy, Rector now possess," the governor of pedestrian highway A 22 - YEAR - OLD East Lansing woman was arrested John D. Walden Pastor amount of sick benefits Dr. Robert Harris, Choirmaster The Rev. Jack Hilyard, Chaplain - said. overpasses at an amount agreed about 8 p.m. Wednesday after she left a clothing store pays. For Information 332-1888 "Life in the 20th century upon by both. without paying for a pair of white hot pants and some ♦Transfer enforcement ^ 332-0606 or 332-8693 or Transportation demands the active ♦Allow & citizen temporarily beads all valued at $9.50, which she had apparently placed the Savings and Loan I Bus Schedule 332-8472 participation of each of us, residing outside the U.S. to inside a bag she was carrying. men and women alike. The apply for absentee voter A clerk in Hosier's told East Lansing police the woman Act from the Secretary c| state to the Dept. i enactment of this legislation ballots or registration. was called back into the store to pay for the items. The Commerce Fi nam' UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN signifies a progressive move in ♦Provide for school election woman returned and suddenly ran out the door when the Institutions Bureau. registration even though city clerk asked to check her bag. CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE UNIVERSITY SEVENTH-DAY Central United Methodist or township registrations are Chased east by the clerk, the woman was apprehended by 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River Across from the Capitol closed. a passing patrol officer hailed by the clerk. The woman was Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m ADVENTIST CHURCH booked and released until country prosecutors take action. ♦Allow the State Dept. of Outings /owl Bible Study 9:45 a.m WORSHIP SERVICE Worship 10:00 A.M. 10:45 a.m Education to administer the ALWAYS OPEN SUMMER SERVICE Nursery 7:00 THURSDAY federal school lunch program Minister, Kail Ruffner Campi-s Minister, as it now does in public A 15 - YEAR - OLD Lansing youth was apprehended No further July services Topic All are welcome to join us "Two Cups" schools, and in in nonpublic schools other nonprofit about midnight Wednesday when an MSU patrol officer discovered the youth was riding a stolen bicycle on Harrison RoseLake, Rev. Robert E. Betts organizations involved in child Road near Trowbridge Road. Michigan Campmeeting Police said the officer stopped and questioned the youth Grand Ledge Campgrounds Grand Ledge, Michigan Nursery, Toddlers, Kindergarten -irst to 4th 10 AM Grades, Church School care or training. The program for nonpublic schools is now and learned from registration numbers the bike had been stolen. The youth was also charged with curfew violation Bakerwoodl 10:20 AM and was placed in the county juvenile home. 485-9477 FIRST CHURCH OF A night nature walk will EAST LANSING RINITY CHURCH CHRIST SCIENTIST conducted by Steve GillettJ Grand River at Haslett Entrance student in the Dept. of Mr OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH and Recreation ResouiW 841 Timberlane Drive East Lansing A CHROME WHEEL and tire assembly and three wheel itanley R. Reilly, Minister n Interdenominational East Lansing Telephone: 351-8200 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn, V4 mi. S. of Gd. R. behind MEIJER'S) An Independent Church With A Biblical Message Sunday Services 10:00a.m. Lesson ■ Sermon Subject "Love" covers, all valued at $57.50, and a wheel cover and hood ornament, both valued at $35, were stolen from automobiles parked this week in the storage lot off South Service Road and in Lot 0. through Wildlife the Rose L« Research m Anyone wishing to partidpjl should meet in the Mu#r parking lot at 8:30 t University Class 9:45 a.m. weather permitting . Rev. Reilly "Triumphant Trilogy" 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Art Gingert, a 9:45 a.m. Church School — all ages Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services 8:00 p.m. student in Environmajj Sunday School to age 20 Interpretation, will leadi jj I nature walk through B* For Transportation Call 349-2830 or 349-2533 10:00 a.m. Woodlot Sunday mon Christian Reformed Church W.E. Robinson, Pastor Those interested should n* and Student Center Reading Room Temporarily at 7 a.m. Sunday in * Located in Church LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES OPEN parking Resources lot of the Building, Niij 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) Weekdays 9-5 p.m. permitting. Visit our new Student Center — Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., eves 7-9 p.m. open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. for Students and Faculty at for Students at Lunch University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel Wednesday 12:30-1:30 444 Abbott Road All are welcome to attend Division & Ann Streets 332-0778 Church services and visit and 332-2559 use the reading room. Pastor David Kruse inslng Metro Lines MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP Rev. Brink, preaching 8:15 9:15 10:30 a.m. Matins a.m. Common Service a.m. Common Service 1st and 3rd Communion 9:30 and 11:00 2nd and 4th PEOPLES CHURCH EAST LANSING KELLOGG for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 Matins 9:30 only CENTER Interdenominational 200 W. Grand River at Michigan SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 332-5073 (Corner of Harrison r ih. city should do all it can to Patriarche many people, mainly af the community voiced their advances in tax base and relieving the tax water conservation e7foJt< ti Jons business. He said a 1965 State cars don't drive to go speed up initiation of such older d7sPS a burden growing dissatisfaction with the and Highway Commission citizens, were unable to from the property treatment, waste survey shopping." He advocated alternat,ve route throu«hS Iterna lv route throu system. owner." city's spending and planning and available recreational showed over 50 per cent of blocking certain street The focus of the come to City Hall to register. priorities Tuesday night at a space. campus. the traffic did not stop in East entrances. meeting East temporarily switched from city "I can prove to you that Lansing candidate Lansing at all. "People will Ann Jenkins, 800 Ann St., simply find £?'ch?E.en,ne^rSat planning to voter registration there sFSsrs Chuck Will suggested the city' Conlisk said, however, that are people who can't get complained to Patriarche that alternative routes to travel down the city did not necessarily procedures when Audrey Gunn here to register," she she was unable to do much by," Patriarche said, "and that fh"° meeting, orlgln.lly ""junction with 'he"st,te pa!klne ""cniuls Td intend for traffic doing will only congest those asked Patriarche to clarify the city's policy of requiring said. of her shopping downtown business in the city to be streets." because there were no good convenient street plans were reduced. identification at registration. Most of the questions fired Fox then suggested the city Miss Gunn stores, particularly grocery contradictory to the city's is one of four at Patriarche and Conlisk citizens to question City traffic on Grand River Avenue. Another student asked devote money to develop an stores. She said the city was avowed intention of individuals appealing a suit concerned the city's efforts to Manager John M. Patriarche Other local road reducing when, if ever, public hearings adequate mass transit system. "unrealistic" in expecting projects traffic on Grand River Avenue denied by Judge Hotchkiss revive business in the and City Planner G. Michael would be delayed by were held to discuss the route. Conlisk called Fox's businesses to come to East by means of the cross against the city for its community. Patriarche called Conlisk about city planning, construction of the - "There were three or four suggestion "too simplistic." Lansing. route, he campus route. identification demands. turned into a heated discussion said. The project cost has in 1965 and 1967," Conlisk Other communities would also Conlisk replied that the She further asked Patriarche over voter registration efforts increased from an estimated $3 said. have to cooperate before such to later in the evening. cross - campus route was Martin Fox, 1812 Pine Crest explain why the city did million in 1965 to over a system could be initiated, he $9 ATTENTION CAR OWNERS not try to designed merely to eliminate Drive, suggested that the city said. He added that mass register citizens from places other than City IN LITERATURE, CONVERSATION Complete front end repair and Patriarche declined to discuss the identification policy alignment Courses because the case is still in Brakes * Suspension to st court. The city deputizing other registrars because of complications in is not Wheel balancing * Steering Three new courses designed 12,000 Chicanos live in the continue in of romance languages. Pino said enrollment in the assuring that residents are series all three for an in - depth study of Lansing area, and about 40 or "Chicano Culture in the courses will be properly registered, he said. He terms, and Pino will be unlimited, and also claimed City Hall's central Chicano literature, culture and 50 attended MSU last United States," Spanish 326, more sections will open if other aspects will be offered year. teaching. The series tentatively will interest demands. The culture location made it easily Pino said Chicano enrollment will be called Spanish 211 introduce to students an 124 SOUTH LARCH accessible to all residents. by the Dept. of Romance might reach between 100 and through 213. awareness of the Mexican course will be open to anyone, culture which has he continued, while 426 will Later Doris Sutherland, an Languages beginning fall term. 150 students for the 1971 - "Chicano Literature in the developed in Frank Pino Jr., instructor in 72 academic year. the United States and will require approval of the United States," Spanish 426, romance languages and a "Spanish for Spanish - will begin winter term and will emphasize the impact of instructor and a Spanish - rhicano, said he proposed the speaking Americans" will help focus on readings and Chicano culture on American speaking proficiency. courses to the department at develop proficiency in the classroom discussions in society. Since 211 through 213 is the end of winter term 1971, native language. English and Spanish about works of designed mainly for Chicanos, because he saw a need for Spanish will be reviewed and The three - credit course students will need a Mexican • American authors. speaking them in the University and in will begin either winter or practiced, with a special effort The course will be three knowledge of the language and areas in the Southwest. to deal with spring term, and will be taught will receive possibly their first learning problems. credits, possibly taught by An estimated 10,000 to The four credit will by Pino. formal training in Spanish. - course Lucia A. Fox, asst. professor SW,NG Hil~M with I Buddy Campbell an attorney OPINION general by the clarifying If I and his [fm/COUNTRY CLAN' where college students may vote has been called for by State Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D-Detroit. Vaughn noted that college at students residents are of counted their college as the Ko-Ko Bar towns in the census and not as residents of the ^Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. /*' communities in which their v \ 410 S. Clippert off Kalamazoo ( /fi parents live. "Students are considered residents of their college towns by the city fathers when it is time to collect state-shared revenues, but are barred from active participation in the political life of the the wake community." Vaughn's request comes in of controversy in THE ORIGINAL Tisl) East Lansing on registering MALL-WIDE TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT SIDEWALK SALE 2418 E. MICHIGAN and at Today & Tomorrow 4100 S. LOGAN Free 15c Beverage with each Order of Shrimp or Fish & Chips Good through August 6 'Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste' I laxislxig fimll 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy. CARS We've overstocked with trade - ins. See us first and SAVE! 70 EL CAMINO 2 Door 70 FORD MAVERICK 2 Door 70 AMX 2 Door V-8 2395.00 70 GREMLIN 2 Door 1650.00 69 V.I.P. Ply. 4 Dr. V-8 2100.00 69 G.T.O. 2 Dr. V-8 2295.00 69 FORD X.L. "Air" 2295.00 69 ROAD RUNNER 1895.00 69 CHEV. BISCAYNE 2 Dr. 1295.00 69 V.W. Sq. Back 69 OPEL RALLY 69 TOYOTA 4-Dr. "Air" 1395.00 1400.00 lifMftjji slacks The great feel and fit 68 CHEVY NOVA V-8 2 Dr. 1595.00 1650.00 of Haggar Doubleknits mini-cassette-corder from Sony/Superscope, the TC-40 features the 68 OLDS 88 "Air" 1895.00 ted electret condenser microphone that will pick up any sound 68 CHEVY CAMARO 100% polyester doubleknit slacks - a new experience in your ears can hear. And being small enough to fit into one hand, comfort combined "link of the value it 69 TOYOTA Land Cruiser with plow with great tailoring. Fashion pockets, could mean to you - in the classroom, on the " out = in the field. Also featuring end-of-tape alarm and strong, 66 TOYOTA Land Cruiser Hard Top regular legs, button-through extension waistband. Ready to servo-control motor. Check out the TC-40. and a small package of fay soon be yours. wear out of the store. Comes out of wash with perfect press. We carry 2 Warranties: 100% 30 Day Warranty Black, navy, brown, tan, olive, gold or white. Size 32-42, $20. Young men's Flares, sizes 29-38, $17 and 2 Year G.W. Warranty Wheels Toyota Used Cars 1101 E. Grand River 2112 E. Michigan Phone 372-0975 East Lansing Friday, July 3q, 1971 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NOW 2 GREAT HITS! "Affecting and consistently funny chronicle of connubial collapse ■. ■ marriage a la mode." They just couldn't get arrested By HENRY GOTTLIEB On our excursion, we certainly looked but it didn't do any good. the part of hippies never On curew a a glance. highway near Monmouth Park Racetrack, three state Associated Press Writer Sitting in the front were John Belasco, a 17- year - old troopers on traffic duty stared ahead stonily as we cruised Maplewood pupil, Carl Lobel, a bearded, scraggly haired NEWARK, N.J. — Some days you just can't get arrested lawyer who has handled many of the harassment cases, and byAgain in Seaside Heights, after those kids ripped off our (or, as they now say, busted) even by trying. bearded newsman John Needham. psychedelia, a policeman drove by, snapped our picture, That's what a hippie high school pupil, a civil liberties The rest of us, dressed like beachcombers of sorts, grinned and drove on. „ ,, diary of a mad Toll takers on the New Jersey Turnpike and the Garden lawyer and seven reporters tried to do this week in a test crammed into the back. Jim Bouton, the former major housewife State Parkway took our money without comment. of alleged harassment of long • haired drivers on certain league baseball pitcher turned broadcaster, cuddled in a The only people we seemed to impress were the a (rank perry film roads by state police. space at the rear window and fell asleep. richard benjamin counterman at the tiny snack bar in Sea Bright, who filled The bust, as the jargon goes, was a bummer. Here's a partial rundown on what happened: frank langella • The nine of us, with locks ranging from long to longer, In small Seaside Heights, alleged by Nagler to be the no a giant hamburger order, and about six little kids in can carrie snoagress along the way, who flashed us "peace signs." jumped into a decorated Volkswagen camper and drove place for hippies, we followed a radio car three blocks and "DIARY" along 150 miles of roads in New Jersey where, according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) long - haired Fri., Mon.r Tues., Thurs. youths are constantly subjected to illegal searches, mostly Raft seeks help to reopen, 6 p.m. & 10 p.m. for drugs. Sat., Sun., Wed. Our only bad experience came in Seaside Heights where 2 p.m., 6 p.m. & 10 p.m. three subteeners stole some of the psychedelic stickers carried in liopes of attracting the police. "I LOVE MY WIFE" The idea for Tuesday's expedition came from Stephen Fri., Mon., Tues., Thurs. aiding runaways I LOVE MY WIFE! HONEST! Nagler, executive director of the New Jersey ACLU. He ELLIOTT GOULD 8:05 p.m. Sat, Sun., Wed. wanted us to see what his organization's clients have charged in state and federal suits: that young, hippie - looking drivers in old cars or vans are constantly being resume IN A DAVIO L. WOLPER Production 4:05 p.m., 8:05 p.m. Miss Reice advised that LADIES' DAY WED. searched for no other rekson than thier appearance. the "I LOVE MY - The ACLU has been on the case since last December In "this program, the Raft problem of runaway children is 75c till 6 p.m. WIFE!" when it went to the aid of about 40 young people who must match 25 per cent of "as big as ever" and that MSU Representatives from the roup, she claimed they had been illegally searched. U.S. District Court Raft, Inc., an organization continued, 250 persons were what it is requesting with 75 administrators aware that and local police East Judge Robert Haw ruled the federal courts didn't have devoted to helping runaway ... per cent of the total. On July Lansing is jurisdiction and Nagler appealed to the 3rd Circuit Court of eithe a good place to run to. Appeals in Philadelphia. No decision has been issued. In a non-ACLU case later New Jeisey's second highest children, will meet Wednesday with members of the East ^Xr:pyw.:;i persons stayed in the home for u srs members read a letter from In programs the reorganization, would be ne* the Raft, asking for financial SHOWING DAILY AT: court ruled in favor of a bearded youth who was searched Lansing Human Relations complete counseling on their and administrative support for implemented and facilities lion to discu problems. would be offered to deal 2:00 3:55 - 5:50 7:50 - 9:45 solely on grounds of appearance and convicted in a lower with court of marijuana possession. reopening and reorganizing the Teme Reice, the Raft the program. runaways. Staff would cons^ BARGAIN HOUR! 1:15 -2:15 ALL SEATS 75c community service. board of directors, said Council members referred of three counselors and In that case, the police officer who arrested the youth other admitted the long hair was the only reason he made the Formerly located at 420 $90,000 program was the - letter to the Human attendants, and service would The runaway bestseller search. The appellate division ruled that long hair and exotic Evergreen St., the Raft was forced to close on Jan. 2 due submitted July 1 to the Office of Criminal Justice, which Relations Reice Commission. Miss explained the Raft be provided 24 hours a Along with individual or day. to lack of funds and workers hope will grant these would need about $25,000 to is on the screen. clothing aren't probable cause for a search and dismissed the administrative problems. A funds for Raft operations. Miss reopen, hopefully with support group counseling for children, parents could also receive spokesman for the Raft said Reice said the funds would be from East Lansing, individual advise. Miss Reice that during only six months of federal money administered aasi Lansing .s the best East Lansing |ained one new — place to establish a runaway inyolves famj, PJ" house, she explained, because runaways here are not visible bet>n ,h h Raft - and can blend into the various life styles in the community. cou,d rpturn f J additional umonal help in understanding and She added children find it easy dealing with their children. to "bum things" in this area. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 30, 1971 9 SUMMER SHORTAGE Louie9 Office lacks student volunteers By RAY ANDERSON that there are two State News columnist Louie through at least three visits to volunteers, a smaller "By the time the volunteer State News Staff Writer requirements for becoming a determine their particular Bender delivered a rain - "sensitivity" session where he makes a commitment he is. big brother or sister. interests, motivation, what can discuss volunteer dampened commencement The Office of Volunteer "The pretty sure of what he's volunteer must be address Programs is they expect to get from the commitment and motivation getting into, and hopefully has for summer running into available through spring term and personnel program, and then the agency finally an individual fewer graduates Wednesday at problems this although a year is preferable, misconceptions about summer due to lack of might want to speak with interview with Miss Sorum or the Demonstration Hall. Bender a and he must also have a car," them a couple of times program than when he told volunteers, Director John H. prior a graduate assistant. began," Cauley said. the crowd of four she said. to Cauley said Thursday. making a definite referral," students and The time requirement allows Doors Open 1:00 P.M. PROGRAM INFORMATION 48 numerous "It has been particularly bad Cauley said. State News staffers that all the relationship to develop, NOW [Ml SEE 2 of the during the half term," he said, according to Cauley and Miss The close scrutiny is a ... world's problems "but we've been getting an OUTSTANDING HITS! were Sorum. Shorter periods, though relatively new innovation, being solved, so that influx during the week because not necessarily harmful, they implemented just last year, but he had nothing to say in everyone has more time, and assert, lack the intimacy that the result has been a 70 per his address. Bender was the situation is looking the Big Brother and Big Sister cent retention rate. presented with better." an honorary programs was designed to "Before this, we used to Ph.D. (C.P. One of the more significant Larrowe, professor of economics). problems now is finding foster. Selection as a big brother, give and volunteers refer an them application almost JOHN individuals for the Big Brother SN photo by Milton Horst and Big Sister programs. as well as selection for the 39 other long - term any of immediately filled after they were out," Cauley explained. WAYNE "We could probably use 50 relationships with needy people people," Judy director of the Sorum, Volunteer asst. in the community, are not made in a random manner. The problem method, beyond with the that rapid GLEN Bureau, explained, and added "Each applicant goes turnover, was a discover what the failure to individual CAMPBELL applicants were trying to mIaUER M|AfIHAU achieve. HAL WAUIS' 'Metamorphosis' tops fare "Many of them come in J»LAZA SUITE with the attitude that volunteering is a noble gesture, JtyjUJREEN STAPiETON growing up, is worth and when they discover it's also a lot of hard work they ^arbara "Harris your "Plaza Suite," still at the involvement. It is in week at the Campus. its 6th Michigan, reminds viewers in Story" (Arthur Hiller) gets his comedy of last year with a hands on it. new and scintillating Barbra leave," Miss Sorum said. Ieeqrant The Symphonic Enough triplicate of how limited an Walt Disney's "Pinocchio" is Streisand in the lead, is back I Metamorphosis, has been said about "Love The intense whose sound actor Walter Matthau is. The back and as irresistible as ever, screening now Story" at the State. Why argue and — as always — worth includes a large sign mixes classical music with rock film also shows how dreary - up at the Gladmer. "The Owl and rhythms, will appear at 8:15 with,, either the cash register or even Neil seeing at the Starlite Drive - session where the volunteer Simon material can the Pussycat," the funniest e 3:20 - 7:35 only its legions of 1:25 5:35 p.m. Friday in the Auditorium. sobbing admirers? look when the maker of "Love can talk to experienced - - 9:45 The concert is the weekend PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 58i TODAY OPEN at 7:00 PM highlight. I The eight • member group is Feature 7:30 • 9:30 Sat & Sun OPEN at 1:00 PM DIRECT FROM TANGLEWOOD I noted for "fusion rock," their I style that reinterprets music of I the masters — Bach, Strauss — I in rock form. Each musician is I classically trained and a member of the Detroit I Symphony Orchestra. They I have a number of personal I appearances, enthusiastic I response from the press and I two albums to their credit. I Admission for the concert is I $2. The only other campus I attraction this weekend is a I pair of 30s musicals; one ■ choreographed by Busby I Berkeley, the other done in his JASON ROBAROS ■ style. Berkeley's "Flirtation ■ Walk," starring CHRISTINE KAUFMANN Dick Powell land Ruby Keeler, and "The HERBERTLOM W ■ Singing Kid," a musical ■starring Al Jolson, will be e MICHAEL DUNN ■ shown at 7:30 p.m. Saturday First at 8:42 — Repeated Late Fri. & Sat. ■ in 108B Wells Hall. Admission | is $1. Off campus movies - SYMPHONIC Three new films have arrived: "The Anderson THE BIRTH OF FUSION ROCK METAMORPHOSIS ■Tapes," starring Sean Connery, ■at the Spartan East; Fusion Rock is an atomic union of ■"Zeppelin," a war ■Michael York at the Spartan ■West; and "Le Mans," a racing film starring VunwiCH Rock, Classics, Jazz, Folk, Blues, Pop — together and separately - crossbred and mutated to form a hybrid Ali MacGraw ■flick starring Steve McQueen at (Meridian 3 and 4. HORROR COLORS. I HOWMO G MINS*V ■ IBTHUB Ryan O'Neal HILLER Production which stands alone. Of the hold only John Martey 4 Ray Milland S«ch stsu. arthur hiller FRIDAY, JULY 30 IN THE UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM AT ■"Summer of '42," Robert - overs SANDRA DEE DEAN STOCK WELL | NO RESERVED SEATS - ALL 8:15 P.M. ^ulligan's beautiful film about' 3rd at 12:00 p.m. HOWARD 6 MIN5KV SBSoTDEN FRANcEsLAI ■ TICKETS $2.00 TICKETS AT MARSHALL MUSIC AND THE UNION HELD OVER! 6th WEEK Boxoffice Opens 12:45 A STORY OF HEROES — Continuous from 1:10 Feature 1:20-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 THE MEN. THE WOMEN 1 HE MACHINES THE MOVIE THE SUMMER OF '42. THE HIT OF 71. YOUTH HAS ITS SAYj SUMMER OF '42* is a film that everyone who was ever a teenager will want to see!" - NEW HAVEN REGISTER, Yole University "'SUMMER OF '42'is one of Mulligan's major achievements!" -MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, ChicogoUniversify '"SUMMER OF'42'is the most sieve beautiful and honest film about adolescence I can remember McQueen seeing!" IL20 - THE CHRONICLE, Ho fsir a University N.Y. 'lemans' Today at 2:30, 4:30, Today at 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, '"SUMMER OF'42'is on 6:30, 8:30 7:30,9:30 incredibly beautiful movie. It is last Twl-Llte Hour, Adults 90c. 6:00-6:30 0 Twl-Llte Hour, Adults 90c, 5:00-5:30 summer, and next summer, too!" - QUADRANGLE, Manhattan College GEORGE HAMILTON' '"SUMMER OF'42'is going SUE LYON., to wind up on many critics' 10 best lists!" -34th STREET MAGAZINE, University of Pennsylvania In ' COLOR by Movielab everyone's life there's a • An AMERICAN "SUMMER OF 42" is a film INTERNATIONAL Picture Knievel to cherish, depicts growing up SUMMER OF '42 si beautifully!" FROM THE NATIONAL BEST SELLER Mi ... the last of the —STATE NEWS, Michigan State University A Robert Mulligan/Richard A Roth Production daredevils! JASON ROBAROS Next Attraction JENNIFER O'NEILL • GARY GRIMES JERKY HOUSER • OLIVER CONANT Written by Produced by Today at 1:30, 3:30, Jack Nicholson HERMAN RAUCHER Ann-Margret RICHARD A. ROTH Candice Bergen Arthur Garfunkel alts , ^ in Mike Nichols' see & "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE" Friday, July 30, 1971 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS J STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED 355-8255 Make Today Classified Ad Day. Place One to Buy, Sell or Rent. 355-8255 Automotive Automotive Automotive pRAnkly spexkitx, . by Phil Frapk Employment not The State permit News does racial or MfantAdx :ORD FAIRLANE 1969. Leaving STUDEBAKER 1963, automatic. NURSES religious discrimination zHzzaasSSfi■ 227 country, must sell, $1400. Call Runs good. $50. 332-8098 after RN, LPN, ROSELAWN MANOR. in its advertising I 351-2179. 5-8-6 5:30 pm. 3-8-4 Guild Nursing Home, 707 columns. The State 1 tires. $500. 351-1760. Armstrong Road has positions News will not accept • AUTOMOTIVE DATSUN 1971 station wagon. TOYOTA CORONA, 2 door available on all shifts. Excellent hardtop 1968. 4 speed stick, salaries and benefits. Apply in advertising which Scooters & Cycles Excellent condition. Take over BMW 1965 1800. Basically best offer. AM/FM, really sharp. $1325. person or call 393-5680 Mrs. discriminates against Auto Parts & excellent. One problem. Must payments or Service 355-6167. 5-7-30 337-0897 after 5 pm. 4-7-30 Swan, personnel. 5-7-30 religion, race, color or Aviation sacrifice. Call Mr. Dunklee national origin. » 393-5460. 2-8-2 INTERNATIONAL, 1955. 12' TRIUMPH 1966 TR4A British DISPLAY ARTIST EMPLOYMENT metro step van. $300. Good PART TIME. Must have some » FOR RENT racing green. AM/FM radio, condition, 484-6752. 3-7-30 experience or classes in interior overdrive, luggage rack, Tonneau, decorating or display Apartments boot, $700. 351-4812. 3-8-2 Houses JAVELIN 1969. Excellent arrangement. Contact Jim Childs, For Rent 332-2769. 3-8-2 condition. New tires, 20 mpg. 5125 West Saginaw, MEIJERS Rooms VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1958. 353-9503, 351-6349. 4-8-6 THRIFTY ACRES. 2-7-30 FOR SALE CADILLAC HEARSE 1957. Excellent condition, $400. Call THIRD MAN wanted, private ► Excellent condition. $500. Call 332-4492. 2-7-30 room. $60 for rest of summer. Animals LEAVING ON sabbatical. 2 cars PART-TIME contact work promises after 6 pm 393-0413. 6-8-9 for sale. 1967 Plymouth Fury II good money and invaluable Jim, 337-0636. 3-8-2 Mobile Homes VOLKSWAGEN VAN/ Camper wagon, $1100. 1962 Volkswagen experience to those who qualify. CHEVY 1967 Impala Sports $400. Call 349-4586. 2-7-30 1961. New tires. $300. Call For interview phone 393-2714. ► PERSONAL Dave, 351-6262. 3-8-2 Coupe. Priced for quick sale, ► PEANUTS PERSONAL $800. Call 351-6094. 3-8-2 MGB 1971. $475 plus take , _ 2-7-30_ EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car ► REAL ESTATE payments. Between 8-5 Scooters & 332-3398. 5-8-6 CHEVY MALI BU 1966 V-8 489-9874. 3-8-4 pm, Cycles necessary. Call 351-7319 for ► RECREATION standard. Excellent running interview.C APARTMENTS, rooms, SUMMER SERVICE condition. Leaving area, must MUSTANG 1965 stick 6. 1968 HONDA CL350. New tire house, furnished, near campus. Very sell. 355-1069 after 5 pm. 3-8-2 battery, chain. Best offer BABYSITTER STARTING Call 349-3919. 3-8-2 Typing Service good condition. Rebuilt engine. 337-2406. 2-7-30 September 20th, 8-5 pm. Near TRANSPORTATION 337-2134. 2-7-30 CHEVY 1963 Super Sports campus. 351-5573. 3-8-4 1st. STUDIO $85 month. August WANTED convertible. Power, automatic, KAWASAK11968 A1SS. $375/make OLD CUTLASS 1966. Four speed See 322 Elm No. 4. Others and new top, $295. Call 655-1100 Hurst, steering, brakes, offer. 351-7930 after 5 pm. For Rent September 1st. Utilities DEADLINE evenings only. 1-7-30 windows. power Good condition. 3-8-2 'IXM-plCTOfMS CLEAR. NOUU SEE IFIMS'S room paid. Partly furnished. Deposit, 1 P.M. one class day before COMET 1960. Cheap local 332-3412. 3-8-4 1970 HONDA 70cc. 950 miles. A ITU D? MHHT SMMi' TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction no lease. Call 5-7 pm. 5-8-6 351-9585 between publication. transportation. 62,000 miles. PLYMOUTH 1969 2 door hardtop. Excellent condition, $250. Call guaranteed. Free Idelivery, Needs plates. 355-6456. X 3-8-2 Loaded, air conditioned, in good 351-8223. 3-8-2 service and pick - up. No deposit. Cancellations/Corrections 126 MILFORD. Walking distance — 12 noon one class shape. 489-5521. 3-8-2 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C to campus. 1 bedroom available day CORVAIR, 1 966. Excellent SUZUKI 1971 TS185. 1900 miles. 15 th. before publication. 1 condition. Automatic. Best offer. PONTIAC, 1968 Tempest Custom. Excellent condition. Full knob Scooters & Cycles A uto Service & Parts TV RENTALS - Students only. Low now thru September 351-2207. 13-8-27 PHONE Call 332-2460. 3-8-2 4 door, stick 6, vinyl top. tire. 339-2785 after 5 pm. monthly and term rates. Call /W GUARANTEED repair. 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV Power steering, brakes, radio. 2-7-30 ALLSTATE 124cc motorcycle. Less - CAMELOT APARTMENT, .4901 355-8255 CUTLASS S 1970 burnish gold Must sell. $875. 882-0121. than 1000 miles. Excellent RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at RENTALS. C South Pennsylvania. Quiet with gold vinyl top. Automatic, 2-7-30 1970 TRIUMPH 650 (Tiger). Good condition. Must sell to best Okemos Road. 349-9620. C location for grad students and RATES steering, brakes, low offer. ONLY $8.50 /month. Free deliveries. power condition. $900. 635 Abbott, 332-3040_6-8-6 faculty. One bedroom furnished, mileage. Excellent condition. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 393-0226. 3-8-4 No. 320. 6-8-9 SUZUKI 350 1970. 1700 miles. Employment RENTAL, 372-4948. C $160 monthly. Possession now 1 2 3 4;, W] New pistons and rings. $625. or September 1st. Call manager 1970 BSA 441cc. 2400 miles. 101.50 3..00 4.00 5.35 6.50 Mike, 337-9152. 3-8-2 TEMPORARY HELP wanted for 393-8657 or FOX PROPERTY 13.0q FIAT 1964 1 100D. $125. SIMCA 1967 4 door. Excellent Excellent condition. Must sell, work. Now MANAGEMENT 372-1954. 5-8-9 .65 3..30 4.40 7.15 1 332-3574, 711 West Grand condition. Stick. Call 355-7763. best offer. Phone ED2-8235. 1964 300 Honda Dream. Runs mailing room through September. Apply in Apartments 12,1.80 3.•60 4.80 6.40 7.80 1560 River. 2-8-2 3-8-4 4-8- GIRL OVER 21 to share furnished 131.9 90 5.20 6.95 8.45 16 gd well, $225. Call 337-1435 after person at 3308 South Cedar, 1 bedroom at Meadowbrook 142.10 4..20 5.60 7.45 9.10 1 6 pm. S-8-4 Suite 11, Lansing. 1-7-30 GRAD STUDENTS and singles. 2 FIAT 1968. Good condition, SIMCA 1969 (GLS 1204) Four 1965 HARLEY Davidson Sprint, room efficiency, quiet, small, Trace. 882-2051. X-3-8-2 15 2.25 4. 50 6.00 8 00 9.75 1950| moving must sell. Call 699-2933. door sedan, 23,000 miles. Like 250cc. Good condition. $200. BABYSITTER WANTED August private entry. 5 minutes from 16 2.40 4. 80 6.40 8.55 10.4020.80l 3-8-4 new. Take over payments. Mike, 332-4492. 1-7-30 Aviation 2nd-13th, Monday through MSU. $127.50. Unfurnished. WANTED 2 grad students to share 1712.55 5.,10 6.80 9-10 11.O522.10I 372-8396. S 5-8-6 18 2.70 5. 40 7.20 9.60 11.7O 23.40I Friday, 8-5 pm. Call 351-6814. Furnished available. 2 bedroom duplex. Call Hildy, 353-0654. FORD 1966 GT convertible, 350, 305 HONDA CB. 5,000 miles. 1947 CESSNA - 120. One of a 1-7-30 townhouse available soon. Call 3-7-30 19 2.85 5..70 7.60 10.1512.3524.701 floor, automatic. 372-6682 FOR A winning variety of autos for $300. 355-5148, 393-8143. kind. Excellent condition. All 882-9805. 10-8-11 20 3,00 6..00 8.00 10.6513.0026.00 I before 2 pm. 3-8-4 sale, see today's Classified Ads. 5-8-9 metal exterior; new leather DIETARY SUPERVISOR: Full PINE STREET, Lansing. Furnished 10 word min upholstery, only 190 hours since time position, variable shift, 6 - 1 bedroom, $120, deposit. No 1 OR 2 bedroom furnished mobile major. Engine perfect condition. •2:30p.m. 12-8:30 pm. Must be lease, utilities paid. Minutes to Transmitter/receiver and Omni. experienced in food supervision. homes. $25-$35/ week. 10 campus. Neal, 485-8706 before All student ads must be | $3500. Call 351-9038. 3-8-2 Apply Personnel Department, minutes to campus. 641-6601. 5 pm. 5-7-30 prepaid Cedar Gre 10-8-2 ST. LAWRENCE HOSPITAL. LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight 2-8-2 ONE BEDROOM Unfurnished The State News will be | training. All courses are JUST 4 LEFT apar Tient responsible only for I government and VA certified. OLE FORESTER RESTAURANT first day's incorrect | 711 BURCHAM APTS. efrigerator, carpeting, FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport now hiring experienced cooks, conditioner. $150 includes Road, Call 484-1324. C poo waitresses, and one assistant Large 2 or 3 man, 1 utilities. Available August 15. a A uto Service & Parts manager. Call Mr. 675-5103. 2-8-2 Chamberlain, bedroom Signing now apartments. for Fall at 224% Milford, East Lansing. Call 372-9100. 2-7-30 STUDENT, WE need an $180 a month. For Rent MASON BODY ONE AND two bedroom SHOP, 812 East experienced, kind, mature, Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. apartments from $145. 10 air-conditioning, responsible student for some ROOMMATE WANTED for . .. minutes from MSU. Children s Complete auto painting and care of baby and housework. 337-7328 commencing Septerrter, I or 337-0780 permitted. EAGLE CREST year collision service. IV 5-0256. C Live-in faculty home walking NORTH, 694-8975. 4330 Keller requirement — maturity, $80 a distance of campus. Private AT MEL'S Rd„ Holt. C month, 2 man apartment, j we repair all foreign room, bath. Room, board and 353-0108. 4-8-2 and American cars. If we can't $130 a month. Call Mrs. FREE RENT. Girl to share house fix it, it can't be fixed. Call Anderson after 5 pm ED7-0241. for little domestic work. and everything 332-3255.0 3-7-30 ROOMMATE apartment, between NEEDED. own furnished, near Capitol. Call Large bedroom 5-8 pm; 484-8337. 332-5977. X 5-8-4 WOODSIDE APARTMENTS I bedroom furnished with BP MOTS 3-8-2 337-7328 or 337-0780 balconies, security locks, | and laundry. Ideal for rr ROOMMATE WANTED winter and grab a bargain now. spring terms. Close. Linda, Call Just a few furnished couples or grad students. ED I 2-2920, 351-8890. O f ^9 LARGEST SELECTION * 332-4474. 2-7-30 apartments left for summer at IN TOWN FURNISHED EFFICIENCY GIRL NEEDED August 8-31. S20. I MARIGOLD APARTMENTS At Discount Prices apartment for 1 or 2 adults. Car necessary. Call 489-1034, I Quiet, spacious surroundings near 911 Marigold 5-7-30 Williamston. First floor, private And We Sell Service, Too. entrance. Carpeting. $125 per Now thru Sept. 15th. SUPPORT YOUR business with We Stock Over month, utilities included. Call Only $140 a month. boost from Want Ads. Advertise | a Million Parts 1-521-3842. 2-7-30 services there. Dial 355-8255. All deposits guaranteed returnable. KRAMER AUTO PARTS LANSING EAST, one bedroom duplexes. Start September. 9 LANSING OR East Lansing. One 2 ROOMMATES Meadowbrook Trace. wanted at I $66/month. | 800 E. Kalamazoo St. month lease, $100 to $125. bedroom furnished. Large, airy 484-1303 Call 393-7319. 10-8-6 337-0409. 0-8-13 rooms. Air conditioned. Beautifully maintained. Suitable for faculty, grad students, business FROM WHERE you sit, check the I people, married couples. Lease. better jobs in today's Classified | Ads. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 (right next to Brody Complex] You'll never have parking CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTS are now leasing student and married couples units..These problems like this at ColUngtooob spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private balconies. We also have a full time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be Apartments - MODEL OPEN DAILY among the first residents of CEDAR GPEENScall today. The one - bedroom units start at $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine Fall leases now being accepted, (formerly Northwind Apts.) and twelve month leases available. $200/2 man "UNLIMITED PARKING "DISHWASHERS £2-10/3 $220/4 man man *SHAG CARPETING "BALCONIES *A|R CONDITIONING *AND MUCH MORE MANAGEMENT EXCLVSIVEL Y BY: Alco Management Company Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 30, 1971 11 For Rent For Sale For Sale j Real Estate SECTIONAL SOFA withTnd 1954 45x8 2 bedroom furnished. Economic squeeze hits growers, migrants tables, $40; reclining vibrator OKEMOS 3 bedroom, den, living Inexpensive living, $1375. Call (Continued from page one) chairs, $20 each. Lamp, $10. room, dining room, kitchen 641-4525. 1-7-30 Drapes, $30. Call 482-2883 with built-ins. Finished rec braceros actually had better 2-7-30 workers at Blissfield in RICHARDSON 60x12, 3 bedroom room. Newly decorated, 2 money — there are no 332 1230. 3-8-4 store chains. working conditions than most Southeastern Michigan. stockholders. partially furnished. Avocado fireplaces. Low $30,000's. migrants have yet today. USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: Phone 349-1266. 1-7-30 Companies such as Migrants are not anxious to "A strike for wan apartments. Prices from 314 carpeting, coppertone appliances. "These people were refused even a few . East Michigan. Dishes, Consolidated Foods, Heinz, Pet push for the necessary hours $66 Per month per man. books, coins, antiques, rockers, New skirting, 7x10 shed, porch and Borden's control admission to the states, so or days not only ruins and steps. Located large lot SWEET ROAD. A short distance to many of legislation at this time because the crops but also ruins him — dELTA ARMS, 235 Delta junk. Bargain Hunters Paradise. the leading instead of getting $1.25 an Windsor Estates, 15 minutes MSU. % acre lot with a 2 processing plants they feel that any bill passed he loses his Sneet, 2 bedroom furnished, air Open Saturday and Sunday. from MSU. Pool, club house bedroom home plus sewing and thus indirectly control the hour, they're getting that now would be grower - investment," Smith conditioned. 1 block from Furniture and appliances and said. open room, den with fireplace, full prices farmers get and even the much per day now," said oriented. campus. Phone 332-0563 or all week. 10 playground. $4775. Call Former state senator a.m. 6 Robert Smith, legislative 351-7910. 0-8-13 Phone 371-2843. O - p.m 646-6073. 3-8-2 basement, 2 car garage. Price amount of acreage which the Even if legislation is passed Roger $22,000. Can be financed e.o., farmers cultivate. counsel for the Michigan Farm to aid collective Craig of Dearborn called this a bargaining for "phony argument." i BEDROOM luxury apartment, SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. MARLETTE, 1968 12x62, 2 conventional, FHA, or VA "These companies figure if Bureau. farm workers, Michigan may bedrooms. Stove, terms. For appointment call Mrs. "In "The migrants and the furnished and unfurnished. Air Brand new portables - refrigerator, farmers go out of business Mexico, they pay not be the scene of conditioned, carpeted, pool $49.95, carpeting, and drapes. On lot Robinson, 372-7610 ADVANCE widespread owners are equally up against $5.00 per month. Large selection or they workers eight cents for the union organizing. off. Real clean. Available REALTY or 485-3045. 2-7-30 can get somebody else it at this privileges, extra storage space. or reconditioned used machines. now. next same carrier of strawberries "We don't feel it's feasible juncture," he said. $5800. Phone year or worry about it "The 24 hour maintenance service. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Williamston, that effect on migrants is 655-2331. 6-8-9 OTTAWA HILLS. Are you then," said Robert Braden, an we pay $1.25 for," to organize in Michigan," said Transportation to campus. Home & "Many Others." $19.95 looking Scherer said, "and with their even more drastic when they Quiet. Call 351-3211 or for prime location near MSU official of the Michigan Farm Fidel Garcia, a United Migrants to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS climate they can raise two can't pick the crops at the 1966 STAR mobile and Meridian Mall? We have it. Bureau. 351 7910. 0-8-13 DISTRIBUTING home 12x50. "They're very employe in Mount Pleasant. peak of the harvest." COMPANY, Front kitchen, 2 bedrooms, It's a 3 bedroom brick frame heartless." crops. Mexican pickle pickers "When they come here they're 1115 North Washington, furnished. Must be moved. Call I3RD MAN for nice apartment, 489-6448. C ranch, breezeway and 2 car John Scherer and his wife get three cents an hour, here desperate — they need a job Okemos. Paul 353-9429 or 641-4284. 10-8-18 garage on a beautifully have a fruit farm near Keeler. the minimum wage is $1.45. and Craig said he favors straight landscaped lot. Can housing. inclusion of 349-3079 after 6 pm. 3-8-4 YOU CAN see the be in before Their problems "Chavez is agricultural savings with MOBILE HOME, furniture, tanks, school starts. Can arrange are typical of "Our government hasn't shooting for workers in the National and quality glasses from OPTICAL those ■man TO sublease August porch, etc; 10x55, $2000 makes financing. Price $31,900. For confronting farmers done anything for the fruit organizing in Texas so when Michigan Labor Relations Acts. 15th - DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan low cost today. they come here they are Avenue 372-7409. C-7-30 housing or cottage. Can appointment call Mrs. Robinson and vegetable "The minimum wage for growers," remain on present site at $35 372-7610 ADVANCE REALTY Scherer said. already organized and can "I think rental or you may move it. H.C. or 485-3045. 2-7-30 cherries last year was 4'/2 cents a bargain with employers." a migrant would SKI BOAT 15' 40 Mechanization is the only suffer from a strike," an aide hp, trailer, Jewett, 549 W. Ash, Mason. OR pound for the picker and a "If you have a strike canopy, cover, $600. 355-5148 7-3461. Nights OR 74691. 6-8-9 EAST LANSING, large 2 half cent to the crew way out for many growers. to state Sen. Charles Zollar ||0HTH LANSING, furnished 1 leader," situation in industry it doesn't 393-8143. 5-8-6 bedroom. Fireplace, attic Although expensive, mechanical said, "but I don't think he bedroom apartment. Sunporch, Scherer said. "The processor matter," said Robert Smith of ies WINDSOR 10x55 lot Park storage, carpeting. Sold with harvesters are attractive for could suffer much more than paid. Phone 484-5062 on at paid 4'A cents to the grower, the een 8-5 pm. 3-8-4 8 TRACK stereo AM/FM radio. Terrace, ten minutes from range, washer, dryer, drapes. several reasons. Michigan Farm Bureau. he is now." and we were forced to Cheap. Call after 6 pm campus on I 496. Air Garage with workroom. Two go to a A blueberry harvester, for "Everything stops — the cars 393-5748. 5-8-2 landscaped fenced lots. $19,900. mechanical shaker." don't rot, they don't fall off Houses conditioned, carpeted, shed. example, costs between In the short 372-5229. 4-84 By owner. Phone 351-4306. "Unions are coming," Mrs. the line, and when it's over run, PING PONG tables, $9.95. We $2 5,000 and $40,000, unionization may provide those buy 1-7-30 Scherer said. "The migrants everybody goes back, pushes sell most anything. ABC need more money, but how according to Peter Holbein. the buttons and starts again. still able to find jobs as loVEL FURNISHED 1 "It's expensive, but it's a - 6 SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 Lost & Found ATTRACTIVE CAPE Cod. 3 can the "The grower has borrowed migrant farm workers with a [I bedroom houses for fall. $140 - Turner. C. bedrooms, living room, dining grower do it? In capital expenditure," he said, better life. But any significant $450. plus utilities. Call LOST ONE grey and white short Michigan, the only survival for "whereas labor is money — capital outlay for | 349 3604 from 10:30 a.m. 1 100 USED hair cat, gray nose. Call Jud at J£°?' ,irePlace' screen P°rch- growers if the unions come in a total seeds, fertilizer and other improvement for the people as p.m. and after 6 p.m. 5-8-6 - vacuum cleaners. Tanks, Walk,n9 d,stance to campus' to expenditure. a whole will have to involve canisters and uprights. Guaranteed 337-0094. 7-7-30 $19,800. 337-2515. 2-8-2 organize workers, is if the "The migrant supplies. It's his own time and has priced better education at all levels one full year. $7.88 and government steps in and makes himself i ROOM house. up. out of business," and more opportunity for job Clean and DENNIS ♦ BEDROOM and the producer pay more." DISTRIBUTING rumpus room. Holbein said, "whether suitable for man or woman. IV COMPANY, 316 North Large lot in Okemos, 1 block The competition of Mexican he training. Cedar. wanted to 2-7334. 3-8-2 Opposite City Market. C. from Meijers. Good price, low or not." crops is crippling the Low down payment. Call 349-9876 Growers, legislators and even cost housing for large ■OOM. CHEAP, mity Call house 332-0112 privileges, ask for TV SETS. Sony, Color Panasonic, Zenith portables and consoles. evenings. B1-7-30 strawberry and pickle industries in Michigan and organizations like Bureau accept the inevitability the Farm Astronauts families the will be necessary migrants are to settle if I Ray. 3-8-4 STEREO COMPONENTS. Sony Personal forcing many growers out of of unionization, but they stop (Continued from page one) down permanently, and banks reel to reel tapedeck, Ampex Service business. The situation became short on one key issue — "la Command ship pilot Worden and credit unions may need to JaMPUS NEAR, 5 bedroom cassette recorder. We Buy, Sell, FREE ... A lesson in complexion serious soon after Congress huelga" — the strike. was directed to turn on the help them establish credit. s furnished. Parking. and Tr ade. WlLCOX care. Call 484-4519, East terminated an agreement which I Students preferred. Call after 6 Michigan PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad Fear of strikes is the reason suspect circuit to power the SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East or 485-7197, had brought thousands of I Lansing Mall. • students, experience, references. why farm workers have been engine. Just before the six - Above all, the pm IV9-7226. 3-8-4 Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS braceros to the economy will Free estimates. Evenings, United States excluded from bargaining rights have to make a tremendous Monday thru Saturday. C STUDIOS. C minute, 40 - second burn ■MEDIATE OCCUPANCY, 349-4817. C annually. under the National Labor recovery in order to make jobs young Under the agreement with ends, Worden was told to to share furnished house, MCAT AND Relations Act and the turn off the available to the huge numbers DOUBLE BED with mattress, box DAT. Kaplan tutoring the Mexican circuit to allow I North side. $70 utilities Typewriter government, of migrants who will soon be I No lease. 484-4668. 3-8-4 paid. spring. Good condition, $35. course now being formed. Mexican nationals had been Michigan Labor Relations and a computer and the good 332-5324. 1-7-30 Starting in August. Call (313) Repair Mediation Act. circuit to turn the engine off. seeking them, either because 815-6077 collect. 13-8-27 (Electrics) coming to this country since The only successful attempt A they chose to settle out of the JUSON TO share house, Foreign A Domestic 1942 until plumbing problem was ■ private RUMMAGE SALE: Chest of Congress voted to organize a farm worker's added Wednesday night to a migrant stream or because they bedroom, August 1st HAIR CUT the way against extending the act on - drawers, refrigerator, electric you want it. Campus Typewriter Service union in Michigan occurred list of have no other choice. ■ September 10th. 351-6957 apartment-sized UNION BUILDING BARBER across from Union Dec. 31, 1964. Under the troublesome, but ■ before 9 a.m., stove, bed, after a two - week strike in minor, mechanical irrantants after 7 p.m. SHOP. C-7-30 terms of radio-phono combination, Louis E. May Sr. ED 2-0877 the agreement, the ■ Pets welcome. 1-7-30 1934 the beet aboard the command ship. ■IE FEMALE for 4 man house typewriter, of Logan, adding machine. 3116 Tecumseh, 5 blocks west 3 blocks North off HAVE A Cool Summer. academic straight jacket with Escape the PAINTING Experienced, EXTERIOR, free Interior. estimates. r^ 11*5 WHAT'S 4 11a wnni among sugar A leak in the water system forced Scott to drinking THANKS . . . Lansing, fall term WRITE ON term papers, lecture Special rates - MSU, married ^ turn into a moon - bound only. Grand ■Starting September 1st. Call River, Friday Saturday, 9-6 pm. C-7-30 and notes and exam briefs. Low housing. Call 355-2894, plumber. We're fully leased Happening ■482-1326 355-2893. X-5-8-6 Sunday-Thursday, prices, fast service. Satisfaction "It's leaking at a '1 pm, ask for PJ. pretty 2-8-4 FRESH SUPPLY guitars at MARSHALL MUSIC, of Yamaha guaranteed. Call 332-3700 between 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 3-7-30 FOR QUALITY service and good rate and we need to do for summer as BEDROOM stereos, something quick," said Scott. house, V4 block call 351-7830. C-7-30 TV's, and recorders. THE n s campus. utilities. 2 $325 per month Peanuts Personal STEREO SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Capsule communicator Karl Henize told Scott to usual. car garage. No SONY 230 tape recorder. Must The MSU Sailing Club will hold tighten a re than 5 people. Call psychological aspects of drug usage valve nut with a wrench and sell. Best offer over $150, club ■351-8523 5-9 a regatta with skippers pm. 13-8-27 ($250 new), 6 months old. BRAVO. John Lasky. 1-7-30 Typing Service meeting at 11:30 a.m. and first at 7 p.m. Wednesday in West Wilson terrace lounge. ratchet handle spaceship tool kit. from the So hurry, we have 351-9327. 1-7-30 starting at noon Saturday. All jOMS IN house, single, double, race Mission Control said a urnished, 3 blocks Recreation ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith members are encouraged to come fampus. 332-8007. 3-8-4 from FOR brass IMMEDIATE double Sale, large offset printing. Complete service to Lake Lansing and crew. The Married Students' Assn. similar leak had before launch and that developed a few choice bed; table, for Bartieque facilities are available for presents a children's show of a OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - dissertations, theses, cabinets and others. Evenings job those who procedure had been worked Rooms 355-7774. 2-8-2 application photos in 15 minutes. PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 21 years experience. 349-0850.C wish afternoon of sailing fun. to have an cartoons a.m. to and noon comedy from 10:30 Saturday at the out then in case it locations for fall. 351-6262. Daycare Center, Spartan Village. reoccurred. t)0M HIGH FIDELITY JVC 1660 Anything The "Lug and Mug Club" will FOR niah across from photographed anywhere. O Admission is 50 cents. Apollo 15 sped into he cassette deck $85. PROFESSIONAL JUnion. i. 211'/* 5-8-9 Grand River, IV4-8607. 1-7-30 Phone THESIS hold a beginners road rally with registration beginning at 3 p.m. Folkstrummers Sue Palid and gravitational influence of the WATER'S EDGE PREPARATION moon at 1:25 a.m. Thursday, ■gi.E ROOMS for rent. Now ■hru September 15th. $60. 131 Animals EUROPE-$149 Sunday starting from the Sears store Frandor at the southwest corner shopping center. Bring of Maurun McElheron will be at the Albatross Coffeehouse Friday evening. Folk and blues will be while The the crew spaceship was asleep. immediately RIVER'S EDGE fogue, 351-8356, 337-9091. SIAMESE KITTENS. Beautiful Ingham watch and luck! County Map, compass, featured Tom with Daniel Brown and began a steady acceleration which ends only after the APARTMENTS chocolate points. 2V4 months Complits PrtftsslMil Thesis Strtlcs fsr Versey Saturday. Stop by (free roommate Muter's and Ooctoral Candidates. Eras between 8:30 p.m. and 2 a.m. astronauts fire the rocket service) old. Litter trained. 349-4485. Edward J. Lynn, asst. professor engine to slow fENTION: ROOMS for rent. 1-7-30 Brechure and Consultatlen and Paul. Haughty 337 1527 Plana Call or II7M* of psychiatry at the University across from Berkey Hall. settle into lunar orbit. down and 332-4432 "npletely furnished. Cooking. Health Center, will speak about the The last of Wilson's racism ■72-8077 after 5 p.m. C PUPPIES, POODLE, Cocker, COMPLETE THESES service. programs will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday (Etopckmgfjam Labrador mix. Very cute. Price, in West Wilson terrace lounge. The PiRTAN HALL, singles, men, Free. Call 351-1034 or see at Discount printing, IBM typing and Wanted binding of theses, resumes, topic will be "What do we do with ■vomen. Now leasing for 2030 Raby Road, Haslett. 2-8-2 AUGUST FLIGHTS still available. summer, publications. Across from campus, the knowledge we have about ■all. 351-1176, 484-4422. O UNION BOARD TRAVEL BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for corner M.A.C. and Grand racism?" Speakers will include: Dr. rENTION: ROOMS FREE, months BLACK old. cat, male, Vaccinated. five Call OFFICE. Call 355-3355. C below Jones Stationary Shop. Call River, all positive. A negative, B and AB negative negative, $10.00. O Tom Gunnings; Dr. Don Coleman; Jess M. Soriano; Judy Leepa; Carol has it .. . for rent, COPYGRAPH SERVICES, fompletely furnished. Cooking *^1 372-8077. C 355-7979. 2-8-2 KITTENS, BLACK, black/white, Real Estate 337-1666, C negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 507% East Grand River, East Thompson; Manuel Aftero. John Winchester and heated pool free, delivered AVAILABLE BY September 1st, 4 SAVE SAVE SAVE Lansing. Above the new Campus 4620 S. Hagadorn to friendly For Sale people. 482-3857. 3-8-4 bedroom Cape Cod. 2 full baths, family room with X E; R O X COPYING printing — best quality at - offset Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 will The Gay Liberation Movement be the topic of a sex and all just north of Mt. Hope Rd. p.m., Monday, Thursday and symposium to be held 7 p.m. fireplace, carpeting. Entrance reasonable prices. THE COPY Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 ■ACK NIKKORMAT camera Monday in West Wilson terrace hall plan. Dishwasher, range and SHOPPE, 541 East Grand River. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. *>ody 337-7183.C lounge. $95; .25 auto pistol — hood. 2 car attached garage, on Phone 322-4222. C-7-30 P40; Hasselblad 500c; 332-5555; large, well landscaped lot. Holt »sk for Don. S-8-2 Mobile Homes schools, convenient to campus. PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term ■TERBED By owner. 699-2354. 3-8-4 papers, theses. Best rates. Call FRAMES, 1p- REBIRTH, 309 Washington, Lansing, > $35 and North 968 RITZCRAFT Excellent condition. 12 x 55. Partially 3 LARGE bedrooms plus den, 351-4619. X-20-8-18 WE HAVE AN APARTMENT FOR YOU. furnished. Located in Park fireplace, rec room, 3 full baths, BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. P PACK: Frame, water nylon Terrace. 10 minutes to MSU on I 496. By owner, $4200. porch and sundeck. Fenced yard, brick, close to campus. 337-0237. 1-7-30 No job too large Block off campus. 332-3255. C or too small. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY 489-4877 or 4$9-1718. 2-7-30 j, Kardon strong, light. Also Harmon TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. receiver. 641-4264. EAST LANSING, walk to MSU, Rapid accurate service. SAVE $200, 8'x35' Schult trailer. 550 shopping, all schools. Experienced. 393-4075. 0-8-9 apartments in East Lansing, ll separate Remodeled, 1'/i bedrooms. Comfortable Colonial on quiet Closest to campus. Now $1150. locations. Many across from campus; some 1 mile street. Carpeted living and dining Must sell. 351-1938. 4-8-4 room. Remodeled kitchen, 3 Transportation from campus. bedrooms, attached garage, 5 |C L AI M E D TROPHIES for LAKE VIEW lots. Available now. 8', Bus W.A. Handy Company, 10', 12' wide. 10 minutes to huge shade trees. Reasonably NEED RIDE to Arizona August Transportation will be provided for the nist, 1905 West Saginaw. priced, under $25,000. By 1st. Share expenses. Nancy, campus. 641-6601. 10-8-2 first time this Fall in owner. Phone 337-2778. 4-8-6 337-1479. 2-7-30 our new Maxi-bus. Save money, leave your car parked. PARRIED & STUDENTS Apartments furnished or unfurnished. Studios, 1 FACULTY knob ml *99500 and or 2 bedroom apartments available. Call today, one of our Resident Managers for details, or better yet stop in and see them. iapartments TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS SALE 349-4700 are now leasing student units for summer only. These spacious luxury apartments are PPEN 1 - 7 pm Mon.-Sat. Bay Colony 351-3211 completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish I °AY bV appointment only Beechwood 351-3106 Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage Delta Arms 332-0563 disposal and individual central control air conditioning. These l^ge 2 - bedroom, OVER 100