499 Seniors Will Graduate Monday™ Mims to Be Speaker LAST MEETING Some CLINCH To Be (liven Seniors at Are 7:30 L For Commencement OF COUNSELORS They Have Jobs Lined Vy TOP POSITIONS Sam Ketdiman. '"Hawaiian twins " anil "Chuck" l.uwry Will Be I ralured I*nferlainmenl During Irtrrmisnun; Canoe Exercises June 1 () HELD THURSDAY ^ r^r±-^ w*IN LIT AWARDS I nfries Surpass All Herordti. V.odrrhill Profrtror In Diaruu 'Innrr RMourr<-," at Final Cha,r' An'lr"■ ,"'1 '•»*<•»» Miller Herrirk and Flei*chau»t E»rnl for Senior,. Wynand Widim lo lie Sprak al Meet of Co.-di Who Win in Short Story; till and Baccalaarrale Speaker Sunday Afternoon Pl,n ,0 br ,l,« S,,"r* '» K»" Mwk (iet Portry Honors. llaiiaIntimate Sumhit. with IVvHiiinit W'ynuiu! Wi< Wn-ln-i to r ,,i CONRAO ALSO SPEAKS CLARK WINS LAWSON Hope tollojfl' as prim ipal s|H«nkot. thi n ('ommoriicmriii M.< mortiittif, when f'roi, Kilwin Mtm -ni \ .'iniiftiiili utn.t Spartan Women'* l.rague will ilik'tlKN "InniT Hiiscntrci"--," am! -I!*i» >ciii«trin ,n I. F.ssay Award lo Debating Vet- Dorm Seniors lo Amut i j,nHHll»ve toCMii hignn Slalt the griuluatinp »ia ^ t college graduates through City. Boneita Ti-»a«. Matkiu FOR KT CONCLAVE ■wrw Receive Awards. department after another R Marguerite Poster .glee chit*. th« h ru> under u>u ■ - soloist. • In the f ou !. and i> A Ciranw n taking a sim.iar The foods and nutritauo maiors V Michigan State college * F»»d PattAn. and the «,»- clmting m n.. H M ;..«■! h.- "• !h'* "*lM department of of the home ttxm&eR*:* department inula rather than «m « b*»ii» «( ,wn"'r "m" [' A»»i,l Laniing Comimndfry ia '«*ry band h-Id its annual ban- chrrtr* under the d.rectjuo uf conductor of the orchestra and ' in the ;t^Mall Tool company of Chi- j and the hcsp«UU z&t t. «rfc they the tune spent and credit* earned remaining memf*?* of rr.'-*» Drill Work ard Paraif. - Union dining room'Michael Pres.*. lent their efforts !»ead of the Viol to department, ws> esgo will fintxh their trvn::.?# are Ow of the ttwiufw i* the ehmina- tfruup* ' '' d« p.n trm-nt* w-n _ John Hannah was the guest dance fraternity, and the Seven the »rcne«tra a a* conducted by;department, R. G Hcnnr will work ana * hewpttaf Dcaft* Qgri'tf, Uni¬ modern language and two.unit* of !U,M •Jjv'w»ry * "*nrmtHw. Profit The entuc membership of the ***'". for the evening, and ^Arts club. This was presented in ; Alexamh-r■ S# nudor InclucU-d on J'-r 'be Fiaher Body in Fliht, frah^ versity of Indiana Bea¬ mathematx* from the entrance M'r* Hughe*. Ueffaan and H »S (Michigan State < T. C. «rrls were made to *ri'J *** ****- \ military bund wn in Flint on _ those who the college gyr,ma»ntm and was this last program was the play- Hoff will go to the Goodyear Tire trice Degenkoih#'. St J'Jr-r* 'i hocpi- requ.remenU Th* change, are Pul,on *«'»•• Mayril tn U» band lor two >tu-ndcd b> » »r!l bal»nccd ~ ing rf Arthur r«nw-ir« "Ocut at .* RuW*r compuur in Akron. O . tal. Brooklyn. X Y Dcawa Fauugn. riprtUd to affect the liberal art* rr* <>,h'r lhan department toad.-.,|Tuesday, June 4, attending the ' or more. ; crowd Utr Mountain, " Mr r«rwtil t, «ml O. 8 Morgan urlU corrjr oo for j Harper t'enard Falcone, director of the ' After thumbing a few more a faculty member of the music de- bis father, John C Morgan in- Ha geishabospital, tktsmx, . divuion more than any other, but w*on here during the past year, c rt work. ■ T"1'* umvertiljr, and Haeuei L Oru? of the great honor* of the motions, introduction of survey j| Ik sides appearing in the mam* watch charms in the form ,November 13. Bronislaw Hubrr- May 1 brought out the May-Day | Reaeock will work tor the Monitor l her Lteterrnan. CfihresrwSy of \ year was the election of the M courses, requirements for gradua- 'j moth parade in the morning, the , J* bass drum for the seniors,1 man was brought here to give grecters, to gather around Beau- Sugar company in Bay City while | M Kigali Hmp*taX Ann Arbnr, 5, C music department to me- lion, articulation between college' bond played while the I .-arising . ■bhkets tor the juniors arid many music lovers an evening of; tnont tower and hail the coming he finishes the required work tor Mary Lou deeiey. Uiwrruty of bership in the National Aasocib- : and preparatory school work, ad- j[ unit w cnt through its drill work in ^»W* for the sophomores. beautifully played violin solo* On of another spring The festivities his degree. Michigan hospital. Ams Arbor; tion of Schools of Music, That in idition* to courses of study, elimi- ! tlie afternoon. They drew much i Comptroller C. O. Wilkins was' January 23. one of the more pop- were opened by a fanfare of trum- t The new civil engineer* who are Harriet Wiko*. Mas sachuarlts rtaeU is an honor, but State was nation from the course of study,, applause by forming the numeral* , £ toaatmarter at the banquet uUr Baritones of our times. Rol- pet* from the top of the tower to work for the State Highway de- General hoap.tal. Bcutces. Mas? , honored further in that its musi- [ Introduction of honor courses.'|' 2 V while playing for the drilL were President Shaw, »nd Hayes, was received by a very Following this the combined partmcnt are: G. L- Chipman, F Regina Gabriels. KeBogg Corpany clans were not put on the regular j comprehensive examinations and j Ewmons, Professor Rich- enthusiastic and complimentary chorus and glee clubs sang a few J Cook. H R Hamilton, and T C. J hospital, Ba.tle Cxee*. Mich. probation period ; a study of class attendance. Oth- i Professor Clark. Colonel audience Following Mr Have* (Continued on page 2) King Other graduates in this di- • Athough the liberal art* divl- er things may be suggested by t Golightly and;on February 18. Artur Schnabel/ partmcnt have Job* are: j | aioQ Is not primarily concerned, it 1 members of the committee at any j I world famed pianist for his in- i Father's Day, June Id - lfurd* . [is cooperating in the furtherance time, [ ^ Aldrich, W. L. Alston. C. F. Clark, j „ I'.135 Mt'SIC HISTORV I In the rcrlct wus M.I Mny 1% ul|| RKI.ATKI) IIV SCRIBE >"mi> ''"'..lion unit lhl» i.mr STUDENT PULSE UNDER ONE FLAG (Continued from pu*e I) Kred Pulton wui kuc.1 uololut. The roncl.KlHt* concert wu. preucntcd At the mKlw«y mirk W"* I-cwm Hlchwilv u> GIFTS umbrr* . the promum. Morlur ll»*rd ami I""»• I'1""" Tin- bund FOR MEN I here! Your rnnicrat illation* trudl-, to the graduate will lie tlnulily „p "• preeiated when neeompah •pit"1 j,.,| by a gift hearing M,,. Brou. laM. Silk Neckwear, fi.'c t» If.511 Mauley shirts with "Tni rr beni/rd" C n 11« i n i,, ami Si!. n. Tie ami ('ullar I'm Set, SI, ul Belted-bark t'elanse Sp,.,. he Shut. $1.05. J" Pajamas. $1.1.5 tn $5,511. ii Straw Mate, $1,115 t.. S| n, nt Suspenders, boxed. $1. h Ye pel. Shorts. Mir. | Waffle-weave Stunt St. .« t, SI. nt Top porker 'Kerehn f*. k and 50e. Key Chains. $1. 4VP RE COOP MAY IlltOS. "Tlie lUt Store of the r./wii" ,Mtehigun'state'Tliev' iinr'- -T. S Washington Ave. wmmmmmmm ! Congratulations, Class of '35j srccKss to yoi IS flTl'RE YEARS MV/RD'S SENIORS of Michigan State. .. It hits been it pleasure i. have known and served^ .hi dump your college career We extend eontfratulatiun- upon the successful eompte- tion of your work at state and our In-st wishes go wit! j] you as you take up \ ,r . ,, Wright, HurdL Pitlrich, Allen ' A Accorded Winning Chances Kmisf an,I h;. W. A. A\. NEWS fivm thin, thr AII-Oi'P" lhi« pant mm*. 'MINNESOTA TO RFC.l'lATE DRINKING AT GRID GAMES Summer School? SANDY WILL BE OFFER- IN<; SPECIAL SUMMER M EN I S OF PLEASING COMBINATIONS T7TTT V> MtllMI —nr 25c 1 MM IIS F(l|{ ONE OlltL*8 .HAPPINESS he would have rhaiiged the map of Europe' George Arliss - .. C'/RDum J±y T [RlCHELlLU %t Kt FN' O M I M\ A\-Um\KI» IKMllli-lKlKil AS IMIMHKII.II — n:\Mh I l*TI K--4 EftAR ROMERO M M» \Y — MONDAV - TtRMllAY Ithri.tK AMI IttTTER EWKY YEAR* "(•OLD DKtitKKS OF 19.1V lilt K hiWHI i.lOlllA STEWART AIM ll t'H MIAJOt Army Locker Trunks f.»r H. O. T < Camp The U*st dressed man is not $,*195 • $4.50 - $4.95 alvVays the man who spends the most for his clothes. Lieberman t Mlhff n\yy\i 11tv IM enmxi; St KOI.AKSllir AW \RP TRY The Rkhman Bros. Company Commencement Cool and Linen Suits $12.50 proper length could not include preaenWNl. tn Gifts . . . a complete concerto by each of the artut* piimiWd. and who th* plan wr>* d.fficvlaty of prop*. Tropical Worsted. 2-pant $16.00 proved very acceptable. for each orchestral aspect or #uch a pro-/ M. S. C. Rings. . . Passing Show oerformer was thut heard in mwvit gram, with student players and providing thr highest rt Coats $10.00 and $11.50 powers, and the audience provided rehearsing The torches!, a, ae-j THEN Compacts .... Muttenhetm, editor <.4 The Ann•? City • ARTlTCR FARVKL1. 'with with an A Urge ao4ier.ee that filled the poaer*. posers. nt|8fin| variety of com- an engaging company :ng of profrsatcnal coir,- companying professional solo- mrlo- I nil in concertos. of keeping an usj The competition rkttr* August b»Hr«w» of. the Michigan State; One may be permitted a prepar- ; entire orchestra with them Cigarette Cases. IWJ For detailed WarmatkAn College Uiwon was attracted by the. atory word on this occasion, to call through an infinitude of delicately ! The Best $22.50 • . and Frlkmthip appbcatii>n blanks flml; Ingram 1° be given this sea-1 attention to the astonishingly high adjusted entrances, it difficult «'« bv the department of rruc.c standard of all the presentations of >noi,gh. but with student joloists. Knives....Spoons. apply to the Chairman. School of City Planning, RohiTSson llall An- Michigan State college, on Mnn- - this program, and to the aignifi- kss sure of their ground, the task ne\, Cambridge, Mar. day evening, June I. The offering canee which this hold# for the 1 i» more difficult. And this nerv- Book Ends . . at this concert w as a "program of j achievement of the music " school • ou# Uric is superadded to the ouncei t os," performed by advanc-I of the college. A# the concert pro-j achievement cf bringing players' ed student* of the music depart- j reeded one felt that if it kept on at j to the point of performance of the SPORT TROUSERS State College Book Store CAMPUS BARBER rwnt. assisted \ a miW term for j such a level he would soon be ; orchestral an^rcd of such concerto* what the orchestra did on this oc- thinking himself to be In New, in the first place. casun) Hv the Michigan State col-i York's Carnegie Hall. *2°° to »5°° The un- j j SHOP lege symphony orchestra. Michael >4^ned admiration and unstinted The commencement address a; j Pre*, conductor. • Movements from ;appi£uge of the audience, for every Niagara university (Niagara Fall*. lj[**r concerto*" would be a more ae* number, gave additional testimony ]N, Y.) will be given by Postmaster ^Pl^j curate term, for such a concert of jto the outstanding success of the j General James A. Farley