Astronauts like downhill jn lunar the oil man SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) while you're at Control joked. it," Mission [astronauts David R. Scott and James |T Irwin became downhill racers .. ^over to<* them to a world of Sunday, protending they were skiing as gold mines" and "green cheese." Scott: "Guess what [hey explored a lunar crater. we just found: I "We have to move downhill with think we found what we came for. Crystalline glass - like rock" (See related itory, page 2) there"*1" Theres another one down re» Scott said as their moon buggy Mission Control: Lered the crater. "Bag it up. . "We're on the downslope side," Irwin it Irwin, referring "This has got to be to another sample: something. Man, H°Tryd Lission a stem Control, - Christie," suggested referring to a ski that looks almost - Scott: "The visor makes it aw, it's gray." green." At another point in the excursion, Maneuver. Irwin exclaimed: "I can't I "M0re like a snow plow, Scott shot get over the layering in Mount Hadley. It's really lack referring to still another ski beautiful. Talk about maneuver ■ the one used by beginners organization. That's the most organized mountain I ,o stop or slow down, ever saw. f The astronauts have trained in Idaho The astronauts found iear Sun Valley and both Scott and manuever the Rover well and they could Irwin list skiing as one of their speed on their return to home picked up lobbies. base Mission Control reported the seismic device they had J They hopped off the lunar Rover to deployed earlier "is (earch "Don't for samples and Scott warned picking up the rumble of Rover across the plains." rolling go too far downhill. We Scott later joked [ave to climb back up to Rover, seasick. he was getting Iriend." Control: 7 Time and again they praised the "What did you expect, . "I'd hate to have to climb up traveling on the mare (lunar sea)?" ' Scott said Scott: "Pretty good as they trudged a few machine, isn't it." Jee t uphill. "We'd never get here Ejthout this thing." Irwin: "Sure is. Couldn't ask for better. We're going 12 clicks (12 j "This Rover is remarkable," Scott kilometers), As it Lid Mission Control early in the leond excursion of their lunar visit. Control: "A They or more than 7 new kept close tabs on their moon m.p.h." outdoor record." These three pictures depict some of the happ astronauts ■We climbed a steep hill and didn't lander, the Falcon. activities outside the Lunar Mondule. Shown ■alize it.' above, "We're a long way from the (LM) Col. David R. Scott drills for moon core ■ The view on television at one lunar module," said samples as point Scott, "but at least Lt. Col. James B. Irwin looks on. At the loked as if they had just pulled into we can see it." right they are shown examining a large rock and below the eas station. Dusting off the camera As they returned to the Irwin reported: "Almost Falcon, barren landscape is caught in its bleakness they seemed to be wiping off a there." by the windshield. "How about "Home, astronauts cameras. AP checking sweet home," Scott said. Wirepnoto from network television Gie me . . . Monday • ■ . ae spark o' Nature's MICHIGAN Windy STATE MEWS fire/that's a' the learning I desire. — Robert Burns STATE . . . showers with chance a of thunder high in the mid UNIVERSITY - 70s. Monday, August 2, 1971 East Lansing, Michigan SU By STEVE WATERBURY budget up in the air until House acts State News Staff Writer they would do so without In receiving hearings before the Senate which results in a lower appropriation Beginning last year, the more state funds for their support. legislature has University of Michigan, the trustees of Pespite Senate passage of the higher Appropriations Committee, President for the University. included clauses in the appropriation bill MSU's fall term enrollment is MSU and the board of governors of ••cation appropriations bill on likely to Wharton has remarked that the In addition to the enrollment which require college instructors to teach be above the 41,500 enrollment ceiling Wayne State University "shall have »rsday, MSU's 1971 ceiling governor's budget request overlooked the provision, the Senate bill requires at least 12 academic hours - 72 budget plans proposed in the Senate bill, Elliot G. per week. general supervision of the institution and ■not be finalized until action is taken University's policy of providing course institutions of higher learning to submit After the passage of the bill, State the Ballard, assistant to the president, said fee refunds to students who control and direction of all I the House. It is uncertain when the drop an academic staff performance audit Sen. Coleman A. Young, D - Detroit, Sunday. courses early in the term. each said he would expenditures from the institution's Pse will act. year and bars them from ask Atty. Gen. Frank J. "The University's admissions decisions funds." ■he Senate establishing or expanding any special Kelley if the legislature "had the right bill, which provides $312 have already been made," he said. Ballard said that the Senate bill also The number of hours instructors teach ■'on for programs beyond a scope "already to meddle" in internal academic matters. Michigan's 13 public four - "We're fairly certain that our enrollment overlooks the course fee refunds, and has nothing to do with an appropriation T co"eges and universities, includes a established and recognized by the state Section five under Article will eight of the bill," Young asserted. I million appropriation for MSU. go above 41,500, but we are not thus mistakenly assumes that MSU's legislature" if the new program would Constitution of the State of Michigan Pbout $65.3 million of the sure by just how much." gross revenues are equal to net revenues, involve the spending of any state funds. provides that the regents of the (Please turn to page 9) ■'opriation would go for operation ■ tast of ■ut $5,4 Lansing campus, an increase of million over last year. The ■jainder of Campaigning the MSU appropriation enters last ■ludes days about $5.7 million for the ■cultural experiment station and about ■j^e for cooperative extension I,h* Senate T11 - passed bill includes M,300,000 in funding for MSU iVe the amount included in the Majority bill ■/nor s budget set for 'U' signing request. ■ e additional sum will go toward ■, lng the College of Osteopathic ■lc'ne and the College of Human ■"cine. 6 contains a provision to limit ■ ents at state ■ - supported colleges universities. MSU would be allowed IwfL number °f students (41,500), I ,5 °y the University of Michigan | 28 7oo and Wayne State University Steel settlement ^colleges more or universities choose to students than their quota, Monday, August 2, 1971 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'We've found what SPACE CENTER, Houston moon. It brought the two - green, but in their black and But now it seems we came certain the the mountains they once felt wheels of Rover leave down hill on the surface. for' sand SJn,|y buggy will be news (AP) David — Apollo 15 astronauts R. Scott and James B. day total of working time on the moon to nearly 13V4 white world they could not be sure. that the moon at full capability for the rest the rear ground. The route took th. The lunar rover, now in of the 67 - hour stay on the They skittered over the southward over the lono ® Irwin, rock hunters hours. perfect shape, carried them for moon. surface at about seven miles plain toward the along the fc ZmS summary extraordinary, scouted the moon time and Sunday for the second may have found In their lunar exploring, they dug for glassy gems in a lunar depression called Spur. eight miles over lunar hills to the mountain slopes. The added maneuverability of the four - wheel drive per hour, a safe speed in lunar gravity though the buggy can and slopes. then They stopped at seyl From the wires of AP and UP1. pristine material present at the "This crater te a gold mine," They repaired it themselves vehicle, the first motor car on travel 10 m.p.h. unnamed areas, and ended up at Spur crater f|n2! birth of the solar system. Scott claimed. with instructions radioed from the moon, carried them up 15 They found debris fields wfi we "I think we've found came for," Scott exclaimed what They returned to the safety of Falcon at about 1:55 p.m. earth, realigning the moon buggy's electrical circuits to and 20 - degree slopes at the base of 12,000 • foot Hadley along the way with rocks ranging from six inches to a phfee beSt CO"ecting Scott and Irwin 5 activate the front powered Mountain. foot long. It made them are to en* at one point, his voice EDT. This time their oxygen their stay on the vibrating with excitement. consumption was normal and steering that failed them Starting off on their eight - maneuver carefully. moon th£ He was standing on the edge they had plenty left, unlike Saturday. They had made do mile trek, Scott couldn't wait They tried a number of afternoon, blasting off jn ,1 of a crater, high on a Saturday's outing in which in that first of three outings to try out Rover. "Don't run ways of coping with the one • lunar module Falcon to rein,! "We registered a protest mountain slope, and at his feet they ate into the safety margin by using only their rear - off and leave me," said Irwin. sixth gravity and the tilting astronaut Alfred M. Worden ! landscape. At one point Scott the against regulation 35-15, which lay fascinating, crystal • filled of their backpacks. wheel steering, like a rudder "Never happen," said Scott. command modui denies the right of members of rocks. steering a boat. Rambling over the base of almost seemed to be skiing Endeavour. Worden has bel! orbiting the mo the American forces to protest It was the big thrill of the ing, and various scie.,e nti day, said Dr. Joseph Allen, the ranged to areas they could photographic data, ■U. since Sea, Apollo 15 mission scientist, for never have made by foot. spokesman forAmer Apollo 15 time -a and Irwin landed Scott's description and the The mountains gave them a at the U.S. embassy in London surface Friday. location of the rocks indicated panorama that was breathless. Scott and Irwin QUt.rnated they were "quite possibly Because the moon is smaller between raking the dirt to material from which the than earth, the horizon falls sift out rocks and picture takin? primeval moon was made." off, of sight at a distance of blast out and digging. s have If so, lain he said, they could there unchanged only 2'A miles on the level. But with the added height ascen They sorted rocks, white rocks, g^i, through grJV since they were hurled up the they much farther than 12:11 p.m. — Falcon's ascent stage or saw SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - The rocks, pink rocks, rocks with slopes by a colossal meteor that. cabin blasts off leaving its landing legs and Apollo 15 timetable - all times Eastern descent stage on the moon along with the streaks in them, rocks with collision that scientists believe 'Wh it a view," Scott Standard. glassy bubbles, rocks Anti-Sudan campaign hit gouged out the 900 - mile explained, 'It's something MONDAY Rover and the various experiments. veins of other material with wide Sea of Rains. spectacular." 2:24 a.m. — Astronauts David R. Scott 12:19 p.m. — Falcon goes into orbit Other scientists said precise around the moon, pointing toward a sparkling rocks. Walking over terrain where and James B. Irwin open the lunar module For all their determination of the age of ancient meteors blasted moon rendezvous with Endeavour. excitement, the The Sudanese government has threatened to sever hatch to begin their third exploration of the effort was telling. the rocks in dust into glass with their fiery 1:44 p.m. — TV broadcast of six minutes surface. Again the lunar venicle, diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union by would tell impact, the astronauts gathered moon from the command module of the approach "Gee, it's nice to sit down Rover I, will be used. The route leads to isn't it," Scott said as he Monday if the "campaign" against the Sudanese part of the 01 rocks the size of footballs, and the rim of the Hadley Rille gorge west of of Falcon. sot into Rover. "It is," government by Soviet news media is not stopped, a In their searched for clues to how the landing site for extensive photography 2:05 p.m. — Five - minute TV broadcast irwjn of the actual docking of Falcon and agreed. high - ranking Sudanese official said in Khartoum moon buggy heaven and earth were formed. and rock sample collecting. Then the Rover The slo pes were were able t< The color television camera will take the astronauts to Chain Crater and Endeavour begins. so Sunday. misleading that Scott fell a qui of a mile up the recorded their every movement 2:08 p.m. — Docking of Falcon with once The Soviet government has been informed of the several other large craters to look forx when he leai leaned over to take Apen Mountain slopes, from its mount on their moon Endeavour. Scott and Irwin crawl back into 1 threat told the deadline is 3 (EDT) unusual geologic samples before returning to and a.m. higher 1 they had buggy, but their own color the command module to rejoin Worden. picture of of Irwin digging a the Falcon. trench. Ii win, who fell twice Monday, the official added. 2:34 a.m. — Sleep period period ends for 5:55 p.m. — Lunar moduel is cut away in their fl-st moon Scott and Irwin spent seven glare of the sun and the gold astronaut Alfred M. Worden in the from Endeavour. o»,i. hours and 12 minutes treading of their protective visors. 6 p.m. — Endeavour maneuvers away, Saturday, helped him up. command module, Endeavour, orbiting the As they sped toward the the lunar surface — a new They debated whether some from the now empty Falcon. moon. Falcon again after their trip to Seven units leave Vietnam record on the inhospitable of their glassy rocks looked 2:44 a.m. — TV broadcast of the third 7:40 p.m. — Falcon's rockets fired one the mountains, they pushed more time on signal from Endeavour to send lunar expedition begins for a duration of the speed of Rover up to about five hours, 40 minutes. the lunar module back to the moon. 8:05 p.m. — Falcon crashes into the nearly 8 m.p.h. The bouncinj 5:40 a.m. — Worden fires the command The U.S. Command pulled seven more Army units of the wire wheels of their out of combat Sunday in the biggest phaseout in a ALBERT PICK module position engine briefly to put it in a better to rendezvous with the Falcon. lunar surface as part of an experiment to record the effect of the impact. was picked up by the seismic device they had planted earlier. or month, cutting American strength in Vietnam by 8:24 — Scott and Irwin complete their 8:16 p.m. — Sleep period begins in Scott parked the Rover near another 2,990 men. Motor Hotel third exploration and re - enter the Falcon Endeavour for all three astronauts. the instrument TUESDAY area they had But while the United States continued its troop Announces and close the hatch. set up the day before and set 4:16 a.m. — Sleep period ends. Crew withdrawal the enemy inflicted the worst American 12:04 p.m. — TV camera on the Rover, up the television camera to Tuesday's Chicken Night parked near the Falcon, is turned on to get begins two days of observations of the the area where they casualties reported in a ground attack in more than moon from lunar orbit. cover a 15 minute picture of the LM takeoff would work. a month, killing three infantrymen and wounding > All the delicious fried chicken from the moon. 7:05 p.m. — Sleep period begins. eight in an apparent ambush 25 miles south of Da you can eat .... $2.50 Nang. » Or choose from Ala Carte serving from 5 — 10 p.m. PROGRESS REPORTED Vietnam study said under wraps Time secret State magazine said Sunday there is a top Dept. report analyzing errors in Steelworkers' pact nears Vietnam policy. It said there are only two copies WASHINGTON (AP) — Steel negotiators reportedly moved "They have the major things settled," the source said. Other money items, including pensions and incentive pay, in existence and the department will deny they closer Sunday toward a contract settlement that would spare the nation's already troubled economy from a crippling steel reportedly were still in the dickering stage, holding up final exist. agreement. industry strike. Time said the report, prepared by the "They made progress overnight," said a source of the Steelworkers President I. W. Abel said in announcing the department's intelligence bureau in 1968, "called talks that cocontinued under a 24 - hour strike delay that 24 - hour contract extension Saturday night that "we feel the shots perfectly about such matters as the expires Sunday midnight. we might be" close to agreement. The AFL CIO United Steel Workers representatives The further progress since then made the hoped • for ineffectiveness of the bombing campaign, - bargaining with nine major steel manufacturers for 350,000 peaceful settlement appear even more encouraging, said an Vietnamese political upheavals and North workers reportedly had reached tentative agreement on a 3 - informed source in the talks. Vietnamese troop buildups." Abel declined an invitation from government officials to year wage hike close to the 30 percent won by the union in other industries, plus an unlimited cost - of - living pay move the negotiations under the wing of the White House, escalator clause. where President Nixon was closely watching for the outcome and its impact on the nation's economy. Woe causes market fall Administration officials have expressed concern over the effects of a big wage settlement on inflation, or the effect The tumble in stock prices last week, which It's great of a strike on unemployment. "Vie're doing fine here," an aide quoted Abel as saying hammered the Dow Jones industrial average to its in turning down Nixon's White House invitation relayed by Secretary of Labor J. D. Hodgson. By "here" he referred to lowest level market's reponse in six months, appeared to be the to what one observer called a to be the guy the hotel site where the talks have been held. The 24 - hour extension was viewed as a hopeful sign "litany of woe" on the economic drop. since the union had indicated earlier it would give no year What led to the sharpest weekly drop of the for the barometer of blue - chip stocks, who calls the plays additional time beyond the original Saturday deadline. The change of tactics in granting the midnight extension according to Wall Street analysts, was a combination indicated union officials felt they could work out a fin# settlement without a strike. of factors: uneasiness over the extent of the Army ROTC is the leadership course. Enroll in Army ROTC and you learn to lead - to work with people. You're The union's 600 - member committee of local leaders economy's recovery, the prospect of renewed assured of a challenging job after graduation with the empowered to accept a contract or call a strike international pressure on the dollar, widespread scheduled to meet for a bargaining report at 8 p.m. EDT. option of returning to civilian life in two years or less - labor unrest and the rise in interest rates. The nine firms in the talks are U.S. Steel, Armco, with a post - graduate "degree" in leadership and management experience. National, Republic, Bethlehem, Youngstown Sheet & Tube, Jones & Laughlin, Inland and Allegheny - Ludlum. Plus we take care of you while you're still in school. You Pressure building in Chile will receive $50 per month in your junior and senior years. You will have an opportunity to apply for an Army ROTC scholarship which pays for all tuition, books and fees. Create a jail cell. Increasing economic and political difficultures government to take may a cause more Chile's radical Interested? Call us A line country in its programs "down the road to to lead the at 355-1916 Or We've done it. socialism," Chile watchers reported Sunday. stop by Demonstration!^ Not because we like prisons, but becrjse people live them and we design for people. in Hall Today. ^ v^ part £| pressure on President We're a college called Parsons School of Design, I Salvador Allende to speed up his of a University called The New School for Social Research. 1 programs comes from his own Our students and faculty worked with the city to design the cell blocks in the new Women's House of Detention, I Socialist party which, with the here in New York. I Communists, makes up the bulk of In fact, we have an entire program devoted to Urban I h is Popular United coalition Design, part of our Department of Environmental Design- It's taught by professionals who are government. truly concerned witn social, cultural, and ecological design problems. V," : 'V-. - • - ;'r VI Our students have designed drug treatment centers, mental hospitals, zoos, parole offices, slum renovation Rail Projects and an awful lot of private homes. presidents challenged If you're interested in this sort of design, or virtually any other, write to us r Classes begin September 9tn. The head of the United Transporation Union, Charles Luna, challenged the railroad presidents ot guarantee you anything but a catalog and •Wf'J'K Sunday to meet with him "behind closed doors ive standards II you are a transfer student, send aw irts at anytime or place" to settle the rail ^credit required for degree. Up to one year ot ... dispute. But, Luna added in a statement: "It can't be N.Y. II like the last time when they went down the hall every five minutes and checked with their committees. It's to be the railroad presidents and me behind closed doors." Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. August 2, 1971 3 OVER JAPAN Officials Milliken set to sign offer air TOKYO (AP) - Two high Japanese defense officials resigned Sunday as a result of history's worst air disaster. Keikichi Masuhara, director general of the Defense majority bill Gov. Milliken will sign the age of majority bill in the Con strong enough to wear armor at MSU be uniformly to lower the until that age. Agency, and Oen. Yasuhiro Ueda, chief of the air staff - Con room of the legal age to 18. The report noted that young Effective Jan. 1, 1972, 18 - council of the Air Self - Defense Force, submitted their International Center at 8:30 people have become more year olds will be able to be resignations to Prime Minister Eisaku Sato. Wednesday morning. mature at an earlier age, many - The resignations were in the oriental tradition of superiors The bill, passed two weeks parties to litigation without of them forced into adult being held responsible for the actions of their subordinates. ago by the state Senate, gives guardians, write their own responsibilities in many wills, inherit money and Government officials said they would be accepted at a 18 - year - olds all the rights situations. The law, the report Icabinet meeting Monday morning. and privileges of adults. property, commit themselves maintained, did not recognize to mental All 162 persons aboard an All - Nippon Airways (ANA) The age of majority this. institutions, seek legislation medical treatment without Boeing 727 jet were killed in a collision Friday with an Air came in reaction to The effect of the age of the igelf • Defense Force fighter over northern Japan. the report of the Governor's parental consent, sign a legal majority legislation which was and binding contract, vote, The pilot of the F86F fighter, Sgt. Yoshimi Ichikawa, Special Commission on the passed by the legislature will drink and bet at race tracks. }22, safely ejected from the crafts. He was on a training Age of Majority last February. The commission's report [flight. The commercial airliner was on a domestic pointed out inconsistencies flight from Saporo to Tokyo when the two craft collided at 28,000 feet. Both Kuma and Ichikawa were arrested on charges of concerning legal age throughout Michigan's legal code and recommended a Calley said rofessional negligence resulting in death. number of changes which Rescue parties recovered the bodies of all the victims aturday. The only foreigner aboard was Donn M. Identification should be made. The report stilted that 21 reduction of "arpenter, 30, of Miami, Fla., the plane's engineer. had been the age of The previous worst air diaster was the crash of a Viasa The relatives of the majority NEW YORK passengers who died aboard the by tradition (AP) — William L. Calley's life C on March 16, 1969 at Maracaibo, Venezuela. It killed collided with a jet fighter Nippon Airways Boeing 727 which dating from Newsweek try to identify the bodies. medieval England, where 21 magazine said sentence for the My Lai 55 persons. was the legal age Sunday that Lt. Gen. Albert to 20 to 30 years. simply because one usually was not Connor, 3rd Army commander, will reduce Lt. The magazine said Connor's decision is expected in a few weeks. The then Primary campaign case will go to higher military review enters last days bodies and eventually to President Nixon. Each reviewer can sustain or reduce By JIM SHELDON the sentence, but not increase 14 election. local State News Staff Writer government and to vote in it. Council hopefuls include 13 a local election. this fall. Voter approval of community development. Voter registration is be allowed to pick up an Several weeks of East Lansing residents. All the candidates have reported part of the package will mean •Precinct 10, MacDonald Among higher than usual this summer, absentee ballot up to 2 p.m. Middle Newsweek did not give a mpaigning and debating local them are Wilbur Brookover stated their positions on several cuts in the school School, 1601 Burcham due both to increased interest today in the clerk's office. source for the information ues will come to a close and Gordon Thomas, both various issues through the local budget, while support for all Drive. in the council race and an three items Emergency absentee ballots •Precinct except to say: "Word from uesday when East Lansing incumbents; Charles Will; Elyse news media and will give schools for persons physically disabled 11, St. Thomas Fort McPherson, Ga., is that by increased number of student the Aquinas ters choose six persons in Eisenberg; Mickey; Duane participation in discussions and voters. 25.95 mills originally or who School, 915 Alton the life sentence meted out were called out of e city council primary Bone; Patricia Galven, a write question and answer sessions at requested in the unsuccessful Road. town for death sickness in to Lt. William Calley for the In the school or ection to compete this fall in; Larry Klein; George town meetings. The State three millage bid, June 14 election. the family •Precinct 12, Whitehills My Lai massacre will be proposals will be offered are available up to r three vacant council seats, Griffiths; Charles Himelright; News and the Towne Courier Citizens may vote for any 4 p.m. Tuesday, School, 621 Pebblebrook Lane. reduced to 20 to 30 years i Another issue to he decided for voter approval. Proposition or all of the three election day. •Precinct 13, Eastminster by Charles Phillips; have both run proposals. Lt. Gen. Albert Connor, 3rd George personal A requests 24.5 mills; To avoid confusion by esday is the three - proposal Colburn; and Phyllis Evans. interviews and stories Deadline for obtaining Presbyterian Church, 1315 dealing Proposition B, 1 mill; and voters in Tuesday's primary Army commander and the hool millage package in Issues raised in the with each candidate. absentee ballots was 2 p.m. Abbott Road. campaign election, following is a list of reviewing officer." Ft. jhich school officials are include voter registration, rent For the first time, persons Proposition C, .45 mills. Saturday. Only persons who East Lansing voting precincts. •Precinct 14, Pinecrest McPherson is the 3rd '-king basic operating funds School officials say they swear to the School, 1811 Pinecrest Drive. Army control and housing between 18 and 21 years of city clerk that an Spartan Village apartments headquarters. need at least proposal A to iginally defeated in the June regulations, student voice in age will have the opportunity emergency prevented them open the East Lansing schools from meeting the deadline will beginning with 1423 belong in precinct 1, and 1401 through 1422 belong in precinct 3: The State News, the student YERTHROW HINTED •Precinct 1, Spartan Village University, is newspaper at Michigan State published every class day during Fall, Winter . School, 1460 Middlevale Road. and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays •Precinct 2. Red Cedar during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition School, Sever Drive. in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Arabs said critical of Hussein •Precinct 3, Fire Station 2, Shaw Lane, MSU. •Precinct 4, Central School, 325 W. Grand River Ave. Member Associated Press, United Press Inland Daily Press Association. International, Association, Michigan Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press By The Associated Press there will be no Arafat, who also attended to reflect •Precinct 5, Glencairn Second class postage paid at East the a decision to Palestinian cause with flowery and business offices at 345 Student tensing, Mich. Editorial reconciliation" with the meeting. Services support current mediation speeches." School, 939 N. Harrison Ave. Bldg., Michigan Libyan leader Muammar Amman government. The Libyan leader State University, East gave no efforts by Egypt and Saudi Kadafi used the news •Precinct 6, Hannah Middle Lansing, Michigan. adafi said Sunday the In Syria, President Hafez hint of the secret resolution's Arabia between Hussein and conference to attack two School, 819 Abbott Road. 'poli Arab conference that Assad said in a speech contents. He said the guerrillas. radical ded at the weekend passed guerrilla groups, the •Precinct 7, Hannah Middle broadcast over Damascus implementation of it and News ! "The dilemma in Jordan Popular Front for the School, 819 Abbott Road. 355-8252 secret resolution against radio that his Soviet Classified Ads other decisions of the talks can only be solved 355-8255 by the liberation of Palestine — PFLP - Hussein of Jordan, and •Precinct 8, Bailey School, equipped army is ready for would ''depend on Jordanian armed forces," — and the Popular Democratic 300 Bailey St. Advertising 353-6400 far as Libya is concerned an "Arab war of liberation" Business Office developments in Jordan." Kadafi said. This was Front for Marxist and • Precinct 9, Edgewood 355-3447 against Israel. He also pledged Kadafi labeled as "a wrong interpreted as a hint that the Leninist Organizations. He United Church, 469 N. "unswerving support" for impression" the idea that the Jordanian army should revolt charged their leaders, Dr. Hagadorn Road. Palestinian guerrillas. Tripoli meeting's final and overthrow the king. George Habash and Nayef Kadafi ickey back called the meeting in the Libyan capital Arab communique indicated a Kadafi, speaking to more Hawathmeh, with being to discuss crackdown Hussein's on recent Palestinian possible reconciliation militant guerrilla Arab leaders leaders with of and King than who 100 newsmen, called did local not and Arab attend foreign "turncoats" likely to support leaders capitalists the The PFLP and imperialists. staged the TODAY . . guerrillas, which virtually Hussein. Tripoli spectacular series of aircraft meeting "those INGHAM who eliminated vie in vote the commandos' The communique appeared pay only lip service to the hijackings last September. strength in Jordan. The Libyan strongman told a news Open Thursday and Friday evenings until 9 p.m.. Closed Saturdays lickey, the 22 ■ year - old conference in through August 7 Tripoli that the mer race candidate for East sing City Council, is back again. those Arab leaders who did not attend the conference had betrayed the Palestinian COUNTY FAIR resistance. lickey said this weekend he The meeting, which began been persuaded by friends Thursday and ended Saturday, Zolton Ferency of the was attended by the heads of Democratic Coalition to e m and to "work for peace and state of Libya, Egypt, Yemen and South Yemen. Syria, see... . understanding." Kadafi maintained he was satisfied with the outcome of m ' had dropped out of the the Tripoli talks. following an incident July "We did what the at the League of Women Palestinian resistance wanted ^rs' Candidates Night, when us to do and no one can be ience clapping forced him Arafat but Arafat himself," he end a presentation which said. He referred to the exceded its time limit. principal guerrilla leader Yasir MOTORIZED MAYHEM Thrill to Death-Defying Stunts by Men on Machines 8 p.m. Rides and contests all day, starting at 10 am multicolorful and superscenic. . . Miss J's enamelwear jewelry turns on a light, happy mood in bright, shiny enamel colors outlined and backed with goldtone metal. Pin. 2" across, $3. Ring, 1" across, $2. and TUESDAY see hello, credit union? Shag suede belt with 3" wide buckle, 7.50 THE DIAMOND S GIVE US A CALL WHEN YOU RODEO and WILD NEED MONEY IN A HURRY. WEST SHOW 8 pm and TUESDAY MSU EMPLOYEES LOCATED AT is also CHILDREN'S DAY THE FAIRGROUNDS Jacob0aris 1019 Trowbridge Rd. Phone 353-2280 Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday Contests, reduced prices on rides 10 am - 5 pm IN MASON. MICH, For Information, call 676-5062 on Ash Street ART BUCHWALD MICHIGAN Scotty's stomach: STATE NEW! more than a bug UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON - My good friend government. It. fairness to the People's Republic James "Scotty" Reston of the New «f York Times has just had his appendix China, they probably didn't plan to « KEN LYNAM taken out at the anti - imperialist a bug in Scotty. ** advertising manager As far as they were concerned he hospital in Peking. According to Reston's Was reports, he received excellent care from just another aggressor and running JOHN BORGER, managing editor of the Western capitalist BOB ROACH, news editor the Chinese doctors and they treated lackey Presf But when good fortune struck BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor him like a king — well, like an anti - ami imperialist peasant anyway. Scotty's appendix started to ache th RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor top Chinese secret service people'mJ But as I read the article about the have realized they had a boih.„ removal of Scotty's appendix, a terrible thought crossed my mind. What if the opportunity. en The big problem they Chinese, unknown to Reston, put probably face(i Seven -time recipient of the Pacemaker award was to find a transmitter that for outstanding journalism. something back in place of the could not appendix? only take a beating in Scotty's innards but would also have enough power Suppose, and I must admit I have no to survive for any period of time. basis for it except a wicked imagination, the Chinese sewed a tiny radio Fortunately, the Chinese had EDITORIALS transmitter in Scotty's insides, so that solution. Due to excellent achievements, the People's Republic anti scientific no matter where he went in the world, they could hear everything someone is imperialist laboratories have perfected saying to him. tiny new battery which works 0 monosodium glutamate. Everyone knows that Scotty talks to Knowinj 'Yes ' for millage, K the most important people in the world. The Chinese also have to assume that as soon as he comes back to the United Reston's penchant for Chinese which contains monosodium glutamate, the powers large doses 0f food in States he will see President Nixon. What Peking have no fear that the transmitter better listening post would the People's will work for years. One egg roll alone Colburn and Republic of China have in the White House than James Reston's stomach? Knowing how the Chinese work, all can keep Scotty's bug signals for 18 months. While this in itself could make sending Scotty out This year's city coiincil primary registration, Griffiths maintains they would have to do is have one of a walking security risk, some people here their agents stationed within a mile of in Washington fe?r that the Chinese may race is unquestionably the most that an individual who lives in Scotty with a receiver and they would have gone even further and inserted not colorful in memory. The public East Lansing should be able to be able to record everything that goes only a listening transmitter, but the and the press have been treated to vote here, regardless of whether he XI04 Mao Tse tung mini - speaker, If on in the highest branches of - a constellation of candidates, intends to remain here a long they did this, a Red Chinese agent, by representing widely divergent time. twisting a dial, could make Scotty spout Mao Tse tung's thoughts at the most points of view and nearly every - On control Griffiths states inopportune time. possible position on the political gun If, for example, he was asked in front spectrum. that he is "not opposed to long of a Senate committee why the New There are 13 candidates in the guns used by sportsmen, but I can York Times printed the Pentagon papers, primary, seeking six positions to see little reason for carrying a Reston might get up and yell: run fall. for three council seats in the Logically, only three persons handgun." Griffiths has long been interested in the idea of a I wonder who's Kissinger now "Because all reactionaries tigers, and the feudal landlord class and slave are paper disarmed police contending that - owning bourgeoisie must be can be endorsed, but the broad alerted to the people's struggle to field of qualified candidates makes the absence of the "front of a overthrow the chains and impotent the job of endorsements difficult. pistol" might promote better His office maintains that Robert Perrin, vice president for He is likely to be resentful of Wharton's overture (the thinking of the misguided intellectuals Perrin mission) to Huff, and is expected to ask for a Thus the criteria for endorsement police - community relations. University relations, is "on vacation," but the State News, in and lackey counterrevolutionary reaffirmation of Wharton's loyalty to him in the near future. become all important. a journalistic coup reminiscent of the recent East Lansing followers of our corrupt leaders." If elected, Griffiths also would Tennis Club and MacDonald's exposes, knows different. Stevens' geographic position at the board table has been at Now this sort of thing could be The ideal candidate is an the end closest to Wharton, and he has steadfastly defended promote the use of the bicycle Perrin, using the vacation ploy as an intricate cover, embarrassing, not only to Reston, but individual who is not only aware that chair against frequent Huff attempts to unseat and bring over automobiles and, where actually is spending his three weeks in Plymouth, Mich., on also to the New York Times. of the problems and concerns of an intensely secret mission for his boss, President Clifton R. him under Huff's control. I wish to restate that I have no possible, provide for more bike Wharton, Jr. Wharton has, on several occasions since taking office, made the East Lansing area, but who evidence that anything was done to path* and fewer parking lots. While in Plymouth, Perrin is engaging in a series of talks it known he would like something more closely approaching also possesses the ability to Scotty at the anti • imperialist hospital and negotiations with Warren Huff, a "Democrat" on the "normal relations" with Huff, who is the largest member of •Larry Klein, 28, is deeply in Peking other than to remove his implement change within the city concerned about lack of respect MSU Board of Trustees. the board. appendix. But I don't think we should council context. Such a candidate It is the first instance of an MSU vice president visiting Clair White, another;; Democratic trustee and a long - time take any chances. What I'm trying to for the government. However, must be responsive and committed Plymouth since Robert Shaw in 1939, and sources close to friend of Huffs, was contacted by the State News and unlike other lamenters, he ascribes say to you, Scotty, wherever you are, is to the student cause, but in such a the administration are guardedly hopeful the talks will be expressed his vehement displeasure with Huff for "succumbing that for the nation's security, we're a great deal of this problem to the fruitful in reconciling Wharton and Huff, who have not had to the overtures of the decadent administrationist Wharton." way that constructive change will White also accused Huff of being "revisionist" all along, and going to have to cut you open again as way individuals within the anything remotely resembling diplomatic relations for as long soon as you come home. result instead of merely vocal as anyone can remember. it is thought that the minor schism between those two government treat the people of the Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times confrontation. Their conflict recently emerged publicly when the trustees will now widen, although their political philosophies community. Klein is eminently inscrutable Huff tried to, in effect, render Wharton powerless will probably remain at least ideologically close. The ideal candidate must be qualified to make such a at the July meeting of the trustees. Though the majority of the University community seemed vital, yet mature and concerned, to welcome the new development brought on by the Perrin yet competent. Above all else, he judgement since he now is serving as East Lansing constable and also Sources also indicated the President might even like to visit Plymouth himself, possibly as soon as next year, if Huff will talks, some usually staunch Wharton supporters were dismayed Misplaced memo accede to such a \4isit during the Perrin talks. at what one called "Wharton's kowtowing attitude" toward or she must be a candidate who as a court officer under Judge There is even a possibility, though many roadblocks seem "Old Ganglesharks." will serve the best interests of all Maurice Shoenberger. To: Williard Warrington, director to make it slight, that Wharton will eventually officially "That's right," said another former Whartonist. "You never the people of the East Lansing would have seen John Hannah acting this way. He never of evaluation services recognize Huff, according him full status as a trustee. community, academic and It is this inside experience Huff, it is expected, will refuse to make any concessions towed no kows; he got around back and pushed." It remains to be seen, then, what long - range implications nonacademic, rather than any coupled with a realistic realization whatsoever as long as Wharton continues to recognize Don Re: Problems with the 4.5 grade. Bob Perrin's "vacation" will have on future Wharton - Huff special interest group. of contemporary problems that fits Stevens, another trustee, as the real Democrat on the board. Huff continually has referred to the Huff - Stevens issue as relations, but, even given the almost - surely resultant Of the 13 individuals seeking Klein for a seat on the city Dear Inflation Fighter merely an internal issue with the board, and will not come university turmoil, it can be safely predicted there will be the popular mandate in tomorrow's council. Those that have known something of a thaw. around, it is alleged, until he has Stevens completely under primary election, the following him in his official capacity have his control. Meanwhile, Provost John Cantlon, on a 14 - department The what grade? three seem to come closest to been continually impressed with Stevens, on the other hand, has asserted repeatedly his goodwill mission for the President, blasted the State News' The Student Body his ability to get things done independence and his right to be a full - fledged trustee on publication of the MacDonald's papers, calling SN editors meeting the above prerequisites: his own. "implusive impugners of improvidence." within the context of the city •George A. Colburn sees bureaucracy. The key to running a "environmental quality, low responsible government, says Klein, OUR READERS' MIND income housing, drug abuse and is to "treat people with respect citizen registration and and dignity and they will treat participation in local government" you in the same manner." as issues. beyond particularly significant local Colburn's simple however. As the organizer of concern recognition, goes Klein cites problems facing the city council rapidly to local problems, the as the inability of the city to respond important To the Editor: Voter Recently you printed a letter from registration rights in the City number of years. of East Lansing for a Probably no single doing a problem so is to proceed through the courts to attain legal clarity regarding the case. possible We went to court as once we early # decided to file swt Project: City Hall he has already antagonisms between students and Mary E. Bell (Mrs. R.G.), critical of issue more frequently has been called voter registration requirements. We had hoped to be ready earlier but done much to change voter more permanent residents and the Zolton Fferency's legal efforts in a suit to our attention. The American Civil Specifically we are arguing that an were simply unable to prepare our cast registration procedures in East question of finding an equitable filed against the City of East Lansing Liberties Union (ACLU) takes such eligible voter has only to attest to his more rapidly. Lansing. tax base. on behalf of four persons refused voter complaints more seriously because of eligibility in in order to register. By While confidently leaving Zolton ® registration. Having read Mary Bell's the basic importance of the right to doing so the voter has made himself his own in dealing with the accusatioB letter I see no value in arguing with vote. Over the years the ACLU has guilty of perjury if his statements are of Mary E. Bell, I do want Colburn's credentials are No less important than the false. The city clerk has legal recourse her opinions (of the case or of Zolton) negotiation and confrontation with East encourage citizens to understand w( impressive. At 33 he has been a election of city council candidates but I do wish to clarify Zolton Lansing officials attempting to assure in such an event. Our case argues that have turned to the legal process a Pulitzer Prize nominee, a journalist, Fferency's role in the case. all eligible voters could register additional tests of eligibility are illegal are the three school millage that order to assure the basic right to vo The Lansing branch of the American undue and and serve only to harass registrants. an administrator in the College of without arbitrary This is a most important issue today proposals to be presented to the Civil Liberties Union has been the The Executive Board of the Arts and Letters, instructor in requirements. Zolton Ferency, a Lansing it has been historically. an voters tomorrow. The somewhat recipient of complaints regarding member of ACLU Executive Board, ACLU branch asked Zolton Ferency to ... American Thought and Language confusing three tiered format of arbitrary denial of voter registration has been our of those willing to volunteer his services in taking this case The ACLU is grateful to people" and is a - one to court. His previous involvement in Zolton Ferency who do give legislative analyst in the the election was contrived to give represent our concerns in negotiations generously of their time and skills 0 the issues and his Michigan House of Representatives. voters some choice other than with East Lansing officials. familiarity with them behalf of assuring the civil liberties This spring in the face of continued made us eager to have his services. He Colburn has firmly asserted his all citizens. outright rejection of the proposals. No kicks „ , complaints about the voter registration agreed to become the lawyer of record feeling that the city must address Passage of Proposition A which on our behalf with the H. Lynn Jondahl, itself to eliminating the emission requirements and procedures the local understanding Lansing Branch AC calls for 24.5 mills for each that current demands upon him would To the Editor: ACLU Executive Board decided to file July 29, 19" of pollutants into the Red Cedar $1,000 of valuation is absolutely suit against the city. Our desire in require some time for preparation of River. Additionally, he feels that Working for orderly change in the essential if East Lansing schools University and sharpening the cutting "the city also has a responsibility that kip 1$ beginning hey, pal, i hate to V £hut are to open in the fall, albeit on edge of knowledge can take a terrible go 10 these camp to keep absentee landlord profits toll. Take my case, for example. It has to 6et to me ...maybe he • up, an austerity budget. Passage of need* to be needed... things alone ...coul 1 and reasonable and to put tenent Proposition B would add a further brought me to the brink of physical help me out, anc/leave me and spiritual exhaustion, and my ~ with me? responsibility in the right increase of 1 mill and allow the y alone.' doctors have ordered me to slow down. perspective." restoration of some items cut from "Get out of East Lansing for awhile," the budget. Voter approval of they prescribed. "The University can run itself without you." •The campaign of George L. Proposition C would bring the If only I could believe that. But Griffiths is based on a platform of millage up to last year's level. they wouldn't take no for an answer. improved voter registration Property taxes may not, in fine, In the end, I gave up and agreed to 11 procedures, gun control, decreased present the most equitable method spend the month of August resting on dear friend of friends... I HAP ALWAYS DREAMED OF dependence on the automobile, for maintaining this city's school the beaches in Hawaii. (My doctors i am a failure... 1 have SOMEDAY BEING AN EA6LE AMD assured me I could take the just washed out of eagle SOARING HIGH ABOVE THE CLOUDS, environmental concern and system, but at present it is the trip off but now my dreams are over camp... i feel terrible... " increased medical facilities. A only method we have. Education myJ,1Come tax 38 a medical expense.) Well, folks, I hope you're satisfied. r was washed out for getting social studies teacher at Walter of the finest quality possible must Unless I get better, too many beak-bleeds,." you won't have C. French Junior High School, be of paramount importance in Griffiths has thrice been a every community. To this end the more Larrowe to kick ar(>und any C. Patric Larrowe candidate for the state Senate. passage of all three millage Prpfessor of Economics ^ On the issue of voter proposals is absolutely essential. July 31, 1971 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 2, 1971 5 Bruce quits talks, V.C. criticize successor PARIS (AP) - Ambassador a year at the Vietnam talks. ,vid K.E. Bruce formally Health reasons were cited peace plan. "We know "What is important is the The plan's first something about enemy activities. government if the Nixon withdrawal date is announced. Jred Sunday as chief U.S. for his resignation, and he for total and unconditional point calls Mr. Porter," she said. "He policy of President Nixon. For the moment, he is "It is incorrect that people administration ever takes Mrs. If Nixon announces such a ■eotiator at the Vietnam planned to go to London and dealt with the pacification plan using all arrested for patriotic activities Binh's Point withdrawal of U.S. forces 1 seriously into date, "he will have not only lace talks while the Viet later to Italy. before the end of the and political questions when possible means to gain time." should be treated as common consideration. the list, he will have their he was in Saigon, and I can The United States has long ,ng launched a bitter attack Mrs. Binh said Bruce had simultaneous with a step - by - year, law criminals," Mrs. Binh said. She promised that the Viet liberation," Mrs. Binh said. his designated successor. deliberately ignored the seven tell you that the Vietnamese sought to engage the This insistence could lead to i - step release of all military and Cong would provide a list of Unlike Hanoi, the Viet Cong Viet Cong Foreign Minister point peace plan she submitted people consider the Communist side in private friction between the United American prisoners held civilian prisoners taken on by the never has identified the rs Nguyen Thi Binh said in July 1. And she said the both pacification program to have negotiations, and Mrs. Binh's States and the Saigon Viet Cong as soon American prisoners it holds. sides. Point 2 calls for a as a been conducted with unheard comments , interview Friday that she change of delegates was - on Porter dealt a ,|d the new U.S. delegation "government of national of savagery." blow to American hopes that nothing but a "time • wasting concord" in Saigon. Mrs. Binh the change of negotiator ,ief, William J. Porter, Americans maneuver" by President Nixon stressed that Asked directly whether she might Point 1 and 2 get such talks off the ground. sponsible for the "unheard - to avoid a response to her could be considered Porter personally f savagery" lcification program in South of the plan. put into effect separately, implying that the Talking to newsmen in United States could responsible for any the pacification excesses program, of she The any U.S. comment delegation declined on her remarks. pro letnam between 1965 and withdraw replied: "What Mrs. Binh said Washington Friday before Mrs. without we know of President 167. Binh's remarks, White House necessarily toppling Mr. Porter is that as long as Nixon's forthcoming trip to Porter, now U.S. ambassador South Korea, is due to take press secretary Ron Ziegler denied that the change of U.S. President from power. Mrs. Binh's Nguyen Van Thieu habitual smile he directed this policy he was resonsible for it." Peking is of no concern to the Viet Cong, but if the President wants to end the Vietnam war of demonstrations er the American delegation delegates was intended to stall Bruce's replacement by accompanied her sharp London (AP) — A group of 100 ire in late August. Bruce, 73, the Paris talks following Porter is of no importance, she he "has no need to look Americans, 35-15, which denies the right of members of comments on Ambassador said. elsewhere" than the Paris talks. including about 20 servicemen, marched to the the American forces to protest abroad," the returning to retirement after publication of the Communist U.S. Embassy in London Sunday to protest Porter. She stressed that deputation spokesman said. He refused to give Peking what they charged was suppression of their his name or that of any other of the continues to give the Viet constitutional rights. marchers. "We handed the petition to the first Cong its all out support and N MISS. PRIMARY - The demonstrators, including men and fully backs the seven - point secretary of the embassy. It has been signed women, white and black, assembled at by about 250 servicemen in Britain." plan. In Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park, a traditional "The last time we did anything like this we suggesting that the peace spot in London for soap plan - box orators. went in groups of five to avoid the package could be charge of - They then marched the half mile to Race issue broken up, Mrs. Binh staging a demonstration," the deputation played down Grosvenor Square, where about 60 British repeatedly warned that there spokesman said. "Despite that, people were could never be any settlement policemen has been posted around the arrested and punished by the military without an unconditional embassy building and the gardens in front of authorities so this time we decided to hold a it. and district lines to equalize population under the American withdrawal. real demonstation." JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Seven white candidates will one man The spokesman was And she reiterated that the referring to the arrest Lttle for votes Tuesday one vote rule. - in a Democratic gubernatorial Six of the demonstators, who said Gov. John Bell Williams, who is proposed simultaneous release they and conviction of Air Force Capt. Thomas Mmary marked by an increased number of black voters and prohibited by law from were all in the U.S. armed forced in of prisoners Britain, Culver of Westfield, N.J., for his succeeding himself, has taken no public part in the election must include part in what [decreased stress on the race issue. though some of the candidates have hit at the lieutenant thousands of civilians held were permitted to enter the embassy entrance the court held to be an anti Vietnam Campaign oratory centered on promises of state services by hall where they handed over a petition. - governor through his connection with the administration. the Saigon government on The men came out giving the demonstration last Memorial Day. Culver was hd on the candidates' ability, pushing aside the race issue V-sign. Except for Swan and Perry, the candidates have shown charges of sabotage and other reprimanded by a military court and fined tat had made segregation pledges the hallmark of Deep "We registered a protest against regulation $1,000. few political differences. Their buth contests until recent years. campaigns have centered on who could move the state ahead most [Only two of the candidates this year advocated effectively. Igregation. I Lt. Gov. Charles Sullivan generally was labeled the front RIGHT ON PLACE pner for the nomination. Some of the other candidates sed their appeals on arguments that they could best beat tllivan in a runoff. If necessary, a runoff will be held RIGHT ON PEOPLE lug. 24. I Sullivan is ranged in the middle of the political spectrum RIGHT ON PRICES Bth State Sen. Ed Pittman, attorney William Waller, former Ighway commissioner Roy Adams and attorney Andrew Lllivan. RIGHT ON . .. I Segregationists Jimmy Swan and Marshall Perry round out WITH GOOD DEALS |e primary field. ■ The number of black voters reached an estimated 300,000 FOR EVERYONE! Impared to an estimated 777,000 registered whites. I The effect of the increased Negro registration — the total Ls estimated at 180,000 four years ago — on a close TUESDAYS: Sliced Ciliary election played perhaps a greater role in the Turkey Sandwich. Lots of turkey Koderate tone of the campaign than the plans of black heaped high on an egg bun with Iqttuce & tomato & full order of French Fries. 99c Lder Charles Evers to oppose the party nominee in the Idv. 2 general election. WEDNESDAYS: Our Famous French Dip Sandwich I Evers, a Loyalist Democrat and civil rights leader, decided $1.25 ftainst entering the primary which is conducted by the THURSDAYS: Ham 'n Swiss Eminant regular faction in the state. He is mayor of Cheese On Rye. Imported ham with generous slices of Swiss cheese on lyette. tasty rye bread with fries $1.25 ■ Republicans are not running candidates for major offices I Mississippi this year. FRIDAYS: Crabmeat Salad Sandwich. Chunks of ■ Turnout estimates for the primary crabmeat served on an egg bun with lettuce ranged up to 800,000, & tomato kth no indication what percentage of it will be black. The & side dish of cottage cheese $1.39 fc67 primary drew 684,000 voters. ■ Black leaders had complained to the federal government Open 11 a.m. - midnight Mon. & Tues. ■out voter registrations ordered in some 30 counties, 11 Ktarging these were designed to get blacks off the voting a.m. - 2 a.m. Wed. - Fri. Ills. However, State Atty. Gen. A. F. Summer advised all 5 p.m. - midnight Sun. ■unties that no name could be dropped from voting lists Icause of reregistration. For Take Out Orders [The reregistrations came because of reshuffling of precinct Call 351-2755 HOPLIFTII IS JUST NOT WORTH IT' . . .ONE CARELESS, IMPULSIVE ACT COULD COST YOU • AN ARREST, • EMBARRASSMENT, • A FINE AND/OR JAIL Jm SENTENCE, Why Fort Knox would make A CRIMINAL RECORD, a lousy bank. LOSS OF SOME GOOD JOB Have you ever pulled up to one of their drive-in windows? Or tried to cash a check on OPPORTUNITIES Saturday at quarter to five? Or looked for a branch office on the way to work? Some banks still operate that way. They think putting all that money safely behind tons of steel and concrete is enough. We don't. We feel banks should serve people. That's why we have more branch offices in the East Lansing and Meridian area than all the other banks have combined. Each branch has drive-in windows and ample parking. And we're open the hours you need us, from nine in the morning until five in the afternoon. Monday through YOU'RE REALLY Make us your bank. East Saturday. Lansing State Bank, TOO SMART FOR your Hometown Bank. Now with Trust Services. Member: F.D.I.C. THIS KIND OF A East Lansing State Bank HASSLEIII Monday, August 2, 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Castaways back MANILA (AP) - On June 12, Father Marcel Loiselle herded six young Filipino parishioners into a weather - home after 37 days adrift "The worst time was the fourth day, when for the first time we couldn't see land," Father Loiselle said. "That was had to be bailed every 90 minutes he had no more hour and a half of continued sleep. than an front and apparently did running around the deck not see us. Then somebody ^ I and the freighter started v» 'urn.^n ■I the moment I realized that we were in real danger. The Koyo Maru was the second ship sighted, the priest i sight I'll never forget. beaten outrigger and set a course for a nearby island to said- "We knew it would happen, that we would reach land attend a fiesta. "Some of the youngsters got discouraged, but after a the problem was how long it ■ i,r a ship would find us, Sunday they returned to Philippines soil in a sleek sermon - lecture - conference, they came back and hid their "On the third night a boat passed very, very close. We . take. We were living a day at a time and trying not to, Australian jetliner about 200 pounds lighter and highly feelings. They were very, very obedient. They behaved first had to paddle to avoid it. But they had nobody on the exhausted so we would be alive when it happened. 86 seasoned in the art of survival at sea. class." bridge and the crew didn't hear us yell," he added. "Day after day we became weaker, but I think we Cou| "We never lost hope, but it was 99 per cent gone," said Sitting in an air conditioned airport VIP lounge of Manila have lasted another month. Father Loiselle. "The worst times were at the beginnings of International Airport the three teen - age girls, two boys "When 18 - year - old Leticia de las Alas spotted the and a 27 - year - old boatman were reserved but smiling. Japanese ship, she was supposed to have been sleeping They caught about 260 fish, one per day per person Lt I the day, because we counted times just in the mornings at one time several days passed without fish. ' "U1 I Father Loiselle, said the outrigger developed engine under the canvas with the others. and we could see how long we had been gone." The seven, ranging from age 12 to Father Loiselle's 39, trouble as they left Caburan, 75 miles south of Davao. The "Father, Barko,' she was shouting, and because sne "We decided to say our Rosaries extra hard that dav" L left Caburan, a village on the southern Philippine island of engine died and the boat was caught in the strong shouted I thought she was hallucinating and not really seeing eastward current. up a ship. Then I looked and it was four kilometers (2'A the priest said, "and we didn't even have our Rosary bead. I Mindanao, for a Philippine Independence Day picnic and the back in our pockets when it began to rain and fisi, I fiesta on Sarangani Island. They were to have been gone for Father Loiselle said he handled the bailing chores to miles) away and I though maybe I was hallucinating, too. "We were crying, jumping and shouting when it passed in surrounded the boat." 24 hours. preserve the younger people's strength, and because the boat When they did not return, the Manila Rescue Coordinating Center used planes, boats and foot patrols for two weeks before ending the search as fruitless. OU encounters A Japanese freighter, the Koyo Maru, steaming to Rabaul in the Solomon Islands, picked them up two weeks ago, 1,200 miles' from Caburan. Father Loiselle, a Canadian from Quebec, said the increase in security, an average of 15 theftiI castaways learned quickly that trying to catch fish in By MICHAEL FOX Though the troubles in large part have Second, on Nov. 16, a tough security were occuring each weekend. This i stormy weather was useless and that it was best to rest State News Staff Writer been rectified, the real test of whether the system went into effect, closing halls from 8 down to two or three a weekend. during the afternoons beneath a canvas, away from the university has stabilized will come when p.m. to 8 a.m. except for residents with OU An Nov. 13 university memo t0 direct rays of the sun. ROCHESTER — Oakland University nas students return to campus at the end of this identification cards and escorted visitors who ,„f They caught rain water in gasoline cans and their diet lost its innocence. month. must leave identification such as a drivers' residence hall residents stated, "Since t! I was raw fish and turtles, toothpaste, stomach pills, three An institution of 7,000 students located in Last November, two important events license with the residence hall night beginning of the there have been Academic well over Year (Sept 200 vfl mangoes, about 250 Communion wafers and wine the the rolling farmlands of northern Oakland happened for the 1,800 students living on watchman. incidents of The issues involved in the resident assistant thefts involving property values in excess 11 Roman • Catholic priest had planned to use in a Mass at County about 25 miles north of Detroit, campus here: strike and the security crackdown are very $20,000, an increasing drug traffic, threats the fiesta, plus a coconut they fished from the ocean. Oakland University (OU) was a part of MSU First, the resident assistants (RAs) went on Father Loiselle said he and the others lost a total of 16 until July 1, 1970, when the state legislature strike with demands for the development of complex, but basically they are attributed by personal violence and some actual ■ and a mounting sense of insecurity! pounds during the 37 - day adventure, including his 54 and granted it independence. In its one year of a weapons search policy, an increase in university officials to the influx of "real 40 by an 18 - year ■ old girl high school senior. autonomous operation, the university has public safety officers, an on - campus drug world" problems such as drugs, racism and permeating this community." 'B been beset by extensive problems in its theft to the campus. Vulnerable to outsiders committing crin,y clinic and the hiring of a full - time trainer NOW IIKAR THIS FROM T1IK VOP HINGE residence halls. for the RAs. "In the past year, the residence halls have acts, the university found it necessary ttl AT Till. STOHK WITH Till: RED DOOR! been the focal point of the whole campus," increase security. A student night wakhmiil Charles W. Bethea, coordinator of resident paid $1.80 an hour, in on duty and requii student development at OU said Friday. to check identification of residents BEAT WYOMING COWBOYS j Spoken Here. have The university made a commitment to 15 percent black enrollment, visitors. Bethea draws an analogy to the placental of stop signs at Pipes, cigars, cigarettes, subsequently increasing the black population an intersection to defnjl pipe tobaccos and gadgets in residence halls from four to 18 percent in the watchman by saying that the policy do«| So Come Listen Defense powers Stars one year. This fall, 29 percent of the on - campus population is expected to be black, Bethea said. not infringe rights, merely protects rights. noted that some students were quite un and outraged by the tightened security Ej added that the general reaction was 0 While integration has been accepted relief. relatively peacefully, residence hall students Campbell's Shop The gains made from the RA strike w to 22-10 have been threatened with outsiders pedaling The Store With The Red Door P Ph. 332-4269 opening victory hard drugs in the halls. "We had a 24 - hour open house policy and no security system to deal with it. The lasted about four days are Many OU blacks had felt that white were very significnJ harboring weapons, but the rnivenZH studenbl The heroin addicts were ripping the place off," had no search policy to investigate sJ Lansing All Stars j|je same period, but once The All Star defense also complaints. Now an "internal warrant" Bethea said. showcased a staunch defense in again the extra point attempt caused two fumbles, both of Earl allow public safety officers to act on their Midwest Football League was blocked, leaving the score Gray, the OU director of public signed complaint to search a room fe| opener Saturday in bumping at 15 0. safety, estimated that before the November - anything destructive. the Wyoming Cowboys 22 - 10. The Cowboys, who had two shutouts hung on their record A crowd of 4,500 attended by the All Stars last season, Leveling off of enrollment! the All Star home game at finally got on the board with Sexton High School's Memorial only four seconds remaining Stadium. the half as Jack Carlson kicked The All Stars scored first a 35 - yard field goal. and fast in rolling up a 15 - 3 The Cowboys narrowed the halftime lead. margin with the only points in studies Halfback Dick Allen hauled the third session that either in a 60 - yard pass - run play from quarterback Tom Jakovac on the All Stars' first series of tea pi could manage defensive back Charlie Moore stole a Jakovac as seen overseas pass and plays for the early lead. The rambled 45 yards for a score Student participation in formal overseas study programs formal structured program but at the same time, extra point attempt was Qff the interception, has reached a plateau, according to Homer Higbee, president students still do." blocked. The All Stars managed to Placekicker Julio Cena of the National Assn. of Foreign Student Affairs. MSU's enrollment in overseas programs, for example, his I booted a 29 - yard field goal pUt the game away late in the Higbee, who is asst. dean of International Studies and more than doubled in the last five years. About 2501 fourth quarter when Programs at MSU, explained that enrollments in overseas students are participating in the program this summer, tin I early in the second quarter to quarterback Jim Ball entered stake the Stars at a 9 - 0 lead, study programs have leveled off while students are flocking same nlimber as last year. More than 450 were also! the game. Ball tossed a 15 - Former MSU running back abroad in increasing numbers. counseled about going overseas on some other institutional yard scoring strike to Smith to According to U.S. State Dept. figures, there has been an program. Kermit Smith powered his way give the Stars a 12 - point increase of more than 300 percent in the number of for two yards and a lead and the game. passports issued for educational purposes just in the last Citing a study conducted by MSU's Office of Institution! I touchdown midway through The Cowboys, who built year, Higbee said. Research on overseas study, Higbee said, "For the wll their team around the running "It is encouraging to find so many students seeking an majority of our students this is their first experience I game, were held to six yards educational experience abroad," he said. "Obviously, overseas. They apparently prefer the University to organia■ on the ground in the contest. everyone does not want and probably does not need the housing and travel arrangements. They do recommend,! however, that more imaginative use be made of the forei(i| M INFORMATION 482 3905 environment." ICHIGAN To make better use of the foreign culture and tin ■ Theatre • Lansinq economies in transportation, MSU officials are in the proceil \otua^ffiavc of planning semester - length programs during the academic! year rather than seven - week programs in the summer.! Currently 95 percent of the University's overseas study| activity is in the summer. WALTER JOHN MATTHAU WAYNE MSU's University College is scheduled to hold humanitiaB science programs overseas during the spring nil ^^O-AUG.8. 1 "PLAZA and social "TRUE SUITE" GRIT" 1972. " general BARGAIN HOUR! imUlWlM/TTm, 1:15-2:15 ALL SEATS 75c w* 351 0030 ^ TODAY AT: 2:00-3:55-5:50-7:50-9:45 AUTO TTHRILL SHOWS! AUG. 1, 2 ft 8^ * The runaway bestseller is on the screen. COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents !f(v\8 fOM BILLY CARL WALKER SMITH TECHNICOLOR' ^ Sean Connerv 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION ]32b9«4 J||0 in A ROBERT M WHITMAN PRODUCTION " MEL TILLIS SHOW AUG. 1 6:00 « 8:00 P.M. ' Anderson Tapes Open 12:45 Feature 1:20-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 j JENNIFER O'NEIL DEMOLITION DERBY n everyone's life there's a ISUMMEROF'42J IONIA 527 1390 ur TOLL FREE IN MICHIGAN DIAL 1 800 632-8207 Write for Free Brochures! I General Admission Tickets On Sale I I At The Grandstand 2 Hours Before I OftMOftN Ends Tuesday AUG. 5 - Open 7:00 P.M. Free Meijer Kiddie Show Tickets and Fair Brochures available Feature 7:30-9:30 t at all Meijer Markets and Thrifty Acres. Get yours today! "LOVE STORY" STARTS WED! 2-Features -2 Don't Miss Michigan's _ , "KLUTE" & I* Outdoor show/* i "UP THE DOWN STAIRCASE" Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. August 2, 1971 7 Red tide problem plagues fishing, tourism TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - in Florida syrupy film to strangle old outbreak so far, the state Roger Stewart is convinced last problem the ancients called marine life. figures, is costing about winter's prolonged drought — "poison water" and modern Experts say the red tide $650,000. the worst in Florida's history marine biologists describe poses no danger to man. But Pleas went out to residents — triggered the outbreak, red tide has left millions of health authorities have warned to pitch in and build chicken It caused unusually high decomposing fish along swimmers to stay out of wire barriers thus sealing off salinity and when the rains Florida's West Coast, waters plagued by the inaccessible inlets and fingers finally came, fresh water discouraging tourists and organism because of possible from the steady washup of soaked into the parched plaguing state officials. infection in open wounds. reeking fish. Carcasses trapped ground with little running into The fish have choked to Particularly hard hit have outside the fenced area were affected waters, Stab in the dark death blooms of on uncontrollable red tide — been bayshores in populated concentrated and easily now Tampa and St. Petersburg areas scooped from the bay by South Vietnamese soldiers move into position - - " along a as they awaited orders to move in and search for the microscopic plankton with — smothered under 1,600 tons trawlers, "P rice paddy near this village in Cambodia Thursday. No both plant and animal of bloated mullet, catfish, The Florida Marine Patrol thunderstorms in the Tampa Bay enemy and his caches. one knew the name of the village or bothered to properties that periodically drum, trout and scrubfish ask. AP and city officials borrowed oil area the past two weeks have Wirephoto blooms massively and releases during the bout with the spill booms from neighboring • • ha^It ''ttle took or no effect so far. hurricane to break murky reddish slime. and stretched them a The fish kills have been so across the mouths of bayous up the state's worst recorded {J MEADOW BROOK enormous and steady that to hold back swarms of dead outbreak a quarter century cleanup crews can't get floating fish out before fresh kills surface. Carcasses keep the seafood industry. Music festival of multiplying and slosh from side to side in the huge inlet on changing winds and tide. coast Shellfish beds along the have been closed until further notice because of toxic take By MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writer program, divided into rock - folk on Wednesday evenings, concert performance will sell out. One this week that is Auditorium ... Detroit. He „ May with ticket brochures ,, now th^rni?8^^ destruction up the Gulf Coast absorption. Hillsborough Pollution Control County Director |aus fHPHflft Lansing Metro Lines added that Meadow D ... Brook.. has available. classical music on Thursdays completely sold out, including very good acoustics for innundating southwestern ■ROCHESTER Short and and Saturdays, jazz an Among this year's drama on Fridays lawn tickets, is Pete Fountain's outside auditorium. will be "The Matchmaker" by resorts with hordes of sea ft| fat and skinny, black and and symphony pops on Friday night jazz concert. Andre Previn, a conductor Thorton carcasses and sending gagging Wilder, "The Vjte, young and old. All Sundays. At 8:30 p.m. Thursday and tourists racing from the stench. Kodak Color Film toes of people come to the — — ^he Wednesday night rock - Saturday, the Detroit of the Detroit Symphony, said Meadow Brook has the best Anderson Trial" by Saul Levitt, "Heartbreak House" by Though red tide dates back Cigarettes £sy "lawns "of the Meadow fo|k attractions this summer Symphony Orchestra with two centuries before Christ to ,ok Music Festival, located have already featured such Hans Schwieger conducting will acoustics of any outside George Bernard Shaw and auditorium where he has "The Glass Menagerie" by the ancients who called it 126, 127, 620 the campus of Oakland hivcrsity. performers as John Sebastian, Judy Collins and Stevie present Beethoven's "Fidelio," performed. The Detroit Tennessee Williams. opera in two acts, in Symphony will perform at Other plays include "The "poison water," much about it remams a mystery today. 2/69c 12,xP. 89c With two weeks temaining Wonder. Herbie Mann, one of concert form. The cast of nine 6:30 p.m. Sunday with Odd Couple" by Neil Simon, Meadow Brook's eight - the great founding fathers of Despite years of research, limit 2 pkgs will be supplemented with the Meredith Wilson conducting. "A Doll's House" by Henrik limit 1 fcek series of rock, folk, modern jazz, will join with the scientists can't find a way to (Coupon) (Coupon) Ann Arbor Festival Chorus of Rounding out the season Ibsen, "The Boy Friend" by Expires after 8-7-71 control it or minimize lethal Expires after 8-7-71 lies, symphonic, jazz, pops new new rock group Air for a rock the University of Michigan will be pop singer John Gary Sandy Wilson and "The effects, East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ballet offerings, the performance this Wednesday at Choral Union. at 8:30 p.m. Aug. 13. The Prince" by Arthur Miller. Cleanup in the two month It en dance record this year "30p.m. Kraus said classical Royal Winnipeg Ballet will - 2.25 ■obably will ■ar's record of 127,000. outstrip last Robert J. Kraus, public relations director for Meadow performances at Meadow perform at 8:30 pjn. on Aug. 10% Oft Brook are very relaxed and 11, 12, 14 and 15. Arnold Course Flashcubes lirty - nine concerts are Tciuded in this summer's Brook, said Friday he is sure if the Herbie not Mann draw go to, more people than might for example, Ford Spohr is director of the ballet, with choreography by Brian on Chicanos The Discount Price MacDonald. on all The music festival has at least six complete sellouts to called Romance 299 » 99c Film Developing its credit this year, including limit 1 A course designed for in - depth No limit jazz man Dave Brubeck last study of Chicano (Coupon) (Coupon) literature and culture will be offered fall term Romance Expires after 8-7-71 Expires after 8-7-71 Friday night. as East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Violence has not 299, not Spanish 211-213 as was reported in Friday's State News. The 299 designation will be effective fall term only; 21 YEAR - OLD St. Police said the man was automobile on West Circle significantly marred the series ■ thereafter the Spanish 211-213 sequence will be used. 1.15 89c yet, although the audience man remained in the stopped for speeding on his Drive at Yakeley Hall. mobbed the in June Inty jail Sunday after failing motorcycle on Bogue Street Patrol officers were walking stage when"^ B." Kng perfomed." Gillette Super I post $1,500 bond Saturday near Van Hoosen Hall. Officers by the parked car and noticed Crest Toothpaste \ charges of carrying 16 bags J what police said was said they saw him eat the suspected marijuana as they the club protruding under the seat. They said from they Although the music festival js drawing to a close, Meadow Brook offers a series of eight Beer and Pizza Lovers: Stainless Steel Dlades Irijuana under the driver's approached. contacted the owner of the 6.75 oz. 5s |e of his automobile seat. Police * * * car, who was arrested and p)ayS performed by a resident professional company. The • Tonight and every Monday 49c said the arrest ^ COED WALKING along released. series runs October through limit 1 limit 1 furred about 11 p.m. Friday West Cirde Drive in front of enjoy 2 pizzas for the price of 1. (Coupon) (Coupon) j ■the Wilson Hall service Expires after 8-7-71 Expires after 8-7-71 area. Yakeley Hall told police she Served after 6 p.m. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Ttrol officers said they saw a man expose himself lame suspicious when they through his trousers while LOOK TO US You must be 21 or older. ■iced a man sitting behind sitting in his automobile. 1.79 1 wheel-of a car there. She said the incident FOR QUALITY • Happy hour, every day, 4:30 - 6:30 200 OFF The When they approached him happened about noon Sunday, • complete selection of Fish & p.m. Coppertone questioning, police said, and she walked away police. Police said they did not to call frames • Chips, every day, $1.50 Discount Price on any Suntan Lotion iy noticed the marijuana find the man but are •'Sunglasses and wire - rims Btruding from under the seat Corn Silk Cosmetics T arrested him. I he not the The man of investigating * a suspect. * * • prescription lenses ground • repairs while Town P limit 1 4 oz. $109 was owner PROSECUTORS ARE you wait limit 1 J car and prosecutors later EXPECTED to take action this 307 S. Grand St.,Lansing (Coupon) Expires after 8-7-71 pined to issue a warrant on week on arrested about 9 a man who police feat&si, QpttiUani East Lansing Store Only Expires after 8-7-71 East Lansing Store Only i short time later a.m. Saturday Saturday, after finding a billy club under ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. 1.79 I owner of the vehicle came, the front seat of his pitted he owns the car and THINKING ABOUT TURNTABLES? Sb8 & Ski 20% OFF The Is then arrested for MIMIM Suntan Lotion Discount Price on all pen Thursday and Friday evenings until S Closed Saturdays through August 7 Jnother arrest THEN THINK ABOUT PE 4 oz. M09| Polaroid Sunglasses lurred about 2:20 p.m. limit 1 limit 1 ^irday i when the driver of a i (Coupon) Expires after 8-7-71 (Coupon) Expires after 8-7-71 stopped for speeding There East Lansing Store Only East five >dels of PE automatic Lansing Store Only •ped from the vehicle and a turntables that £age of what is suspected SALE represent in their the finest, most advanced record playing equipment respective price categories. Starting with the top be marijuana dropped from model, the PE 2040 Deluxe 3 1.25 1.69 - - speed automatic turntable. ■trouser leg. It tracks like A Select a manual turntable automatic. Convenient, yes. A dial control in the and operates like an One Size Nudelook Panty Hose Group of Young Men's shell permits you to adjust for the precise IS - degree vertical cartridge Bounty prosecutors 1 review this tracking angle in single as well as multiple play so the result is maximum precision and minimum distortion. The 2040 also Panty Hose tor "Hot Pants" week the arrest Knit Shirts and Flare Pants features one lever operation, automatic anti J 20 - year - old msu automatic record scanner and other - skating device, professional level features 2 prs s10l) 89c |entpatrol living -in East Lansing that puts this PE over the top when it comes to turntables. limit 6 pr limit 3 officers observed So if you're thinking about improving your stereo system - ! what think PE! The 2040 is $155. (Coupon) (Coupon) they suspect to be Expires after 8-7-71 Expires after 8-7-71 Mnjuana cigarette into his fth about 10:30 p.m. 72 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 1.09 1.85 An excellent selection in all sizes. . .shortsleeve knit Right Guard Tampax shirts of oil-cotton, and polyester/cotton blends, flare Deodorant pants of cotton, and permanent press polyester/cotton. 4 oz. 49c 40's limit 1 limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 8-7-71 Stock up now for back to campus. . these values are too East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Bathsize good to miss. Shirts, sizes S,M,L. Pants, 29-36 waist. All 8-Track Dial Stereo Tapes Monday is Soap Men's 19' 5300 Liberation Night. limit 3 limit 2 Greatly Redurpri (Coupon) (Coupon) Prices for Men k Bring the Frat Jacobson's HIFI BUYS Expires after 8-7-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 8-7-71 East Lansing Store Only to the 1101 E. Grand River State C)iscount "i iP1 for [O-KO S. Cllppert BAR y East Lansing Phone 337-2310 307 E. Gi and River Next to the! Card Shop Monday, August 2. 19'/j 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED 355-8256 Low In Cost, High In Results . . . That's Classified Ads. Read And Use Them. 355-8255 Automotive Automotive Automotive fRankly speaking . by Phil Frank For Rent not The State permit News does racial or AMBASSADOR 1965 FORD 1966 GT convertible, 350, TRIUMPH 1966 TR4A British THIRD MAN wanted, private religious discrimination V-8, power steering, brakes. Mounted floor, automatic. 372-6682 racing green. AM/FM radio, room. $60 for rest of summer. in its advertising Jim, 337-0636. 3-8-2 columns. The State snowtires. $500. 351-1760. before 2 pm. 3-8-4 overdrive, luggage rack, Tonneau, 3-84 boot, $700. 351-4812. 3-8-2 News will not accept ROOMMATE NEEDED. Large » AUTOMOTIVE :ORD FAIRLANE 1969. Leaving advertising which Scooters & Cycles BMW 1965 1800. Basically country, must sell, $1400. Call apartment, own bedroom excellent. VOLKSWAGEN 1968. White, less furnished, near Capitol. Call discriminates against Auto Parts & 351-2179. 5-8-6 One problem. Must than 40,000 miles. $1325. between 5-8 pm; 484-8337. religion, race, color or Service sacrifice. Call Mr. Dunklee CALL 349-4070. 3-8-6 Aviation 393-5460. 2-8-2 FORD GALAXIE 500 1969. Air 3-8-2 national origin. ♦ EMPLOYMENT conditioning, radio, all power VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1967. NEW • CAMARO 1967 6 cylinder, floor STUDIO $85 month. August 1st. FOR RENT , automatic, 8 cylinder. Excellent engine with 4000 mile See 322 Elm No. 4. Others and shift. Blue/white. Very good condition. Phone 355-1220. guarantee, sliding doors, gas Apartments condition. Call evenings, room September 1st. Utilities heater, many extras. Excellent Houses 332-2769. 3-8-2 condition. 655-3421. 3-8-6 paid. Partly furnished. Deposit, For Rent JAVELIN 1969. no lease. Call 351-9585 between Rooms Excellent CADILLAC HEARSE 1957. 5-7 pm. 5-8-6 . FOR SALE condition. New tires, 20 mpg. VOLKSWAGEN VAN/ ROOMMATE WANTED for school Excellent condition. $500. Call Camper 353-9503, 351-6349. 4-8-6 1961. New tires. $300. Call year commencing September, Animals after 6 pm 393-0413. 6-8-9 SUMMER APARTMENTS, rooms, Dave. 351-6262. 3-8-2 requirement — maturity, $80 a Mobile Homes MGB 1971. $475 plus take i house, furnished, near campus. month, 2 man apartment. CHEVY 1967 Impala Sports payments. Between 8-5 Call 349-3919. 3-8-2 » PERSONAL 353-0108. 4-8-2 Coupe. Priced for quick sale, 489-9874. 3-8-4 Scooters & Cycles • PEANUTS PERSONAL $800. Call 351-6094. 3-8-2 ONE AND t*j bedroom 2 BEDROOM, living room with OLD CUTLASS 1966. Four speed apartments Tom $145. 10 vaulted ceiling, fireplace, patio. • REAL ESTATE 1970 TRIUMPH 650 (Tiger). Good "CHEVY MALI BU 1966 V-8 minutes from MSU. Children standard. Excellent running Hurst, power steering, brakes, condition. $900. 635 Abbott, Ideal for 3 or 4. Furnished. ♦ RECREATION windows. Good condition. permitted. EAGLE CREST 351-5313. 3-8-6 . condition. Leaving area, must 332-3412. 3-8-4 No. 320. 6-8-9 NORTH, 694-8975. 4330 Keller » SERVICE sell. 355-1069 after 5 pm. 3-8-2 1970 HONDA 70cc. 950 miles. Rd„ Holt. C BEAUTIFUL 7 room, 154 baths, Typing Service PLYMOUTH 1969 2 door hardtop. fireplace, downtown Lansing. CHEVROLET IMPALA 1967. Loaded, air conditioned, in good Excellent condition, $250. Call 126 MILFORD. Walking distance "TRANSPORTATION 351-8223. 3-8-2 $325, utilities paid. 332-3357. * WANTED Power, automatic. Must sell. shape. 489-5521. 3-8-2 to campus. 1 bedroom available 10-8-23 $1000/best offer. 349-3216., now thru September 15 th. 6-9 pm. X-8-2 KAWASAK11968 A1SS. $375/make 351-2207. 13-8-27 DEADLINE COMET 1960. offer. 351-7930 after 5 pm. 3-8-2 'wfl/tr to tw (\urne pope?' APARTMENT, 4901 FOX Aurelius RUN Apartments, Road. All 2455 new 1 P.M. one class day before Cheap local CAMELOT 2 transportation. 62,000 miles. South Pennsylvania. Quiet apartment community. Ideal for publication. SIMCA 1967 4 door. Excellent 305 HONDA CB. 5,000 miles. married, grad students and •* Needs plates. 355-6456. X 3-8-2 condition. Stick. Call 355-7763. $300. 355-5148, 393-8143. location for grad students and faculty. Deluxe 2 bedroom Cancellations/Corrections faculty. One bedroom furnished, 12 noon on' :lassday - 3-8-4 unfurnished. Community center, CORVAIR, 1966. Excellent __5_-8-9 $160 monthly. Possession now illuminated swimming pool, before publication. condition. Automatic. Best offer. SIMCA 1969 (GLS 1204) Four 1970 BSA 441cc. 2400 miles. Aviation Employment or September 1st. Call manager Call 332-2460. 3-8-2 FOX PROPERTY complete laundry facilities. door sedan, 23,000 miles. Like Excellent condition. Must sell, 393-8657 or PHONE new. Take over payments. MANAGEMENT 372-1954. 5-8-9 Immediate occupancy. $175 to best offer. Phone ED2-8235. 1947 CESSNA - 120. One of a NEED MATURE individual with $185 includes all utilities. Open 355-8255 CUTLASS 1969. Automatic, power _372;8396._S 5-8^_ kind. Excellent condition. All understanding of accounting between 12-6 pm each day or steering and brakes. $1695 or GIRL OVER 21 to share furnished best offer. Must sell. Call STUDEBAKER 1963, automatic. metal exterior; new leather principles to represent us part 1 bedroom at Meadowbrook call leasing agent 694-8750 or RATES ALLSTATE 124cc motorcycle. Less upholstery, only 190 hours since full time demonstrating 694-1376. 3-8-6 Runs good. $50. 332-8098 after or FOX PROPERTY No. DAYS than 1000 miles. Excellent Trace. 882-2051. X-3-8-2 5:30 pm. 3-8-4 major. Engine perfect condition. simplified, easy to use MANAGEMENT, 372-1954. condition. Must sell to best T ransmitter/receiver WORDS 2 3 4 5 m and Omni. ing systems to 4-8-9 CUTLASS S 1970 burnish gold -BIRD 1957. Completely offer. 332-3040 6-8-6 $3500. Call 351-9038. 3-8-2 bus Pho JUST 4 LEFT with gold vinyl top. Automatic, Doug, 101.50 3.•00 4.00 5.35 6.60 130 reconditioned. All original 332-2070 until 6 pm. 3-8-6 power steering, brakes, low 711 BURCHAM APTS. PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large 1.65 3..30 4.40 5.85 7.15 143_ equipment included. Phone SUZUKI 350 1970. 1700 miles. LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight mileage. Excellent condition. 332-2110. 3-8-6 New pistons and rings. $625. training. All courses are SUMMER AND part time 1 bedroom carpeted and partly 12; 1.80 3.'.60 4.8O 6.40 7.80 15(9 393-0226. 3-8-4 Large 2 or 3 man, 1 furnished. Utilities paid. Garage 131.95 3..90 5.20 6.95 8.45 164 Mike, 337-9152. 3-8-2 government and VA certified. employment with merchant $150/month FIAT 1964 MOOD TEMPEST 1967. 4 door. Power FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport wholesaler. Automobile required. bedroom apartments. 627-5454. 3-8-6 plus deposit. 142.10 4..20 5.60 7.45 15 2.25 4..50 6.00 8.00 9.75 19 9.10 igjj steering, radio. V-8 automatic. Road, Call 484-1324. C 351-5800. C-8-2 Signing now for Fall at 332-3574, 711 Wei 1964 300 Honda Dream. Runs 16 2.40 4...80 6.40 8,55 10.4020, Call 355-6166. 1-8-2 $180 a month. River. 2-8-2 well, $225. Call 337-1435 after 1712.55 5..10 6.80 9.10 11.0522.™ TOYOTA CORONA, 2 door 6 pm. S-8-4 Auto Service & Parts For Rent 18 2.70 5..40 7.20 9.60 11.7023. J 19 2.85 5.,.70 7.60 10.1512.3524,71 hardtop 1968. 4 speed stick, BODY SHOP, 812 East 337-7328 or 337-0780 2 BEDROOM furnished apartment. 20 3.00 6. i.00 8.00 10.6513.0026.OOT AM/FM, really sharp. $1325. MASON TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction 337-0897 after 5 pm. 2-8-4 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. Utilities paid. Near campus. Call . .. guaranteed. Free idelivery, 332-1230. 3-8-4 10 word minimui Complete auto painting and service and pick - up. No deposit. collision service. IV 5:0256. C Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C 4 MAN apartments. Prices from All student ads must be || 'W LANSING $66 per month per man. prepaid Cedar Gre - GUARANTEED repair. ONLY $8.50 /month. Free deliveries. OR East Lansing. One RANDY'S DELTA ARMS, 235 Delta MOBIL. 1-96 at SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV bedroom furnished. Large, airy Street, 2 bedroom furnished, air The State News will I Okemos Road. 349-9620. C RENTAL, 372-4948. C Air rooms. conditioned. conditioned. 1 block from responsible only for „,e Beautifully maintained. Suitable AT MEL'S we repair all foreign TV RENTALS - Students only. Low for faculty, grad students, business campus. Phone 332-0563 or first day's incorrect || 351-7910. 0-8-13 and American cars. If we can't monthly and term rates. Call people, married couples. Lease. insertion. fix it, it can't be fixed. Call 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV 332-3135 or 882-6549. O a 1 BEDROOM luxury apartment, po 332-3255.0 RENTALS. C furnished and unfurnished. Air 1 OR 2 bedroom furnished mobile GUITAR LESSONS available from conditioned, carpeted, pool homes. $25-$35/ week. 10 privileges, Employment MARSHALL MUSIC. Call for appointment. 351-7830. C-8-2 minutes 10-8-2 to campus. 641-6601 24 hour extra storage space. maintenance service. For Rent Transportation air-conditioning9 to campus. ONE )l ETAR Y SUPERVISOR: Full FEMALE for 4 man h Quiet. Call 351-321 1 or in time position, variable shift, 6 - WOODSIDE APARTMENTS 1 Lansing, fall term i 351-7910. 0-8-13 2:30p.m. 12-8:30 pm. Must be Apartments bedroom furnished with Starting September 1st. Cilfl experienced in food supervision. balconies, security locks, 3RD MAN for nice 482-1326 Sunday-ThursdiJ Apply Personnel Department, GRAD STUDENTS and laundry. Ideal for married apartment, after 11 pm, ask for PJ. 244| singles. 2 Okemos. Paul 353-9429 or ST. LAWRENCE HOSPITAL. room efficiency, quiet, small, couples or grad students. ED 349-3079 after 6 pm. 3-8-4 and 2-8-2 2-2920, 351-8890. O 5 BEDROOM house, private everything entry. 5 minutes from MSU. $127.50. Unfurnished. from campus. $325 per month I OLE FORESTER RESTAURANT Furnished available. 2 bedroom FROM WHERE you sit, check the plus utilities. 2 car garage. No I now hiring experienced cooks, townhouse available soon. Call better jobs in today's Classified more than 5 people. Cil waitresses, and one assistant 882-9805. 10-8-11 Ads. 351-8523 5-9 pm. 13-8-27 manager. Call Mr. Chamberlain, Houses 675-5103. 2-8-2 LANSING ROOMS IN house, single, double.| EAST, one bedroom ROOMMATES wanted at duplexes. Start September. 9 Meadowbrook Trace. $66/month. Furnished, 3 blocks ( B A YSITTER STARTING LOVELY FURNISHED 1 - 6 month lease, $100 to $125. campus. 332-8007. 3-8-4 Call 393-7319. 10-8-6 bedroom houses for fall. $140 - September 20th, 8-5 pm. Near 337-0409. 0-8-13 campus. 351-5573. 3-8-4 $450. plus utilities. Call OWN ROOM $40 month. Closetol NORTH LANSING, furnished 1 349-3604 from 10:30 a.m. - 1 campus. Call 332-1026 after :■ EARN UP FREE RENT. Girl to share house p.m. and after 6 p.m. 5-8-6 to $3000 this summer. Car bedroom apartment. Sunporch, pm. 2-8-4 for little domestic work. utilities paid. Phone 484-5062 necessary. Call 351-7319 for 332-5977. X 5-8-4 ROOM, CHEAP, house privileges, interview.C between 8-5 pm. 3-8-4 4 BEDROOM house latlwf| sanity. Call 332-0112 ask for Street. Fenced yard, t Ray. 3-8-4 garage. Students welconil Phone 485-8388 Tuesday. 1-Hl This Look Familiar? CAMPUS house NEAR, furnished. 5 Students preferred. Call after 6 bedroom Parking. FURNISHED available 3 fall. bedroom $220/month pfti tai»( pm IV9-7226. 3-8-4 utilities. 332-6715 or 349-36041 3-8-6 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, young man to share furnished house, SUPPORT YOUR busini North side, $70 utilities paid. boost from Want Ads. Adveri»J No lease. 484-4668. 3-8-4 services there. Dial 355-8255. ana raag CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Aircraft 14. Three-toed sloth □□□ amlnoD® BE3H0 SOH00 5. Morindin dye 26. Nurse □Hem gBHnrq? saSyS® 7. Firmly fixed 27. Commercial 11. Center 29. Gr. letter 12. Subsist 30. Poker stake 13. Century plant 32. Heart 14. Later 34. Kind of pear 15. Applause 38. Bombyx mnnannnn S3 17. Jap. family 39. Chantilly 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 crest 18. Litigant 40. Nominal value 41. Stiff silk !sb mm 19. Finis 43. Clamp 20. Captive 44. Empty '22. New; (omb. 45. Man's form nickname 23. Frig* (right next to Brody Complex) You'll never see this at CEDAR GRE ENS APARTMENTS are now leasing student and married couples units. These spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a CollingtoooD garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private &partment£~^wr balconies. We also have a full time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be - among the first residents of CEDAR GPEENScall today. The one - bedroom units start at MODEL OPEN DAILY "(formerly Northwind Apts.) SpQCC than $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL anyone INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine Fall leases now being accepted, and twelve month leases available. ????/?man "UNLIMITED PARKING "DISHWASHERS £210/3 $220/4 man man *SHAG CARPETING «A|R CONDITIONING "BALCONIES "AND MUCH MORE MANAGEMENTEXCLUSIVEL Y BY: Alco Management Company Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 2, 1971 9 For Rent For Sale Rooms 8 TRACK Cheap. stereo Call AM/FM after radio. FREE ... Personal A lesson in complexion ATTRACTIVE Real Estate CAPE Cod. 3 MSU budget (Continued from page one) SHOP-RITE STORES' 6 pm care. Call ROOM FOR mah across from 393-5748. 5-8-2 484-4519, East Michigan bedrooms, living room, dining or nion. 211V4 Grand River, 485-7197, Lansing Mall. room, fireplace, screen porch. It is still MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS uncertain at this upstairs. 6-8-9 TV SETS. Walking distance to campus, time Sony, Panasonic, Zenith STUDIOS. C what University tuition Color $19,800. 337-2515. 2-8-2 portables and consoles rates will be in effect for fall JpARTAN Now HALL, singles, r STEREO COMPONENTS. Sony MCAT AND DAT. Kaplan tutoring term. The administration may women. leasing for sumi reel reel all. 351-1176, 484-4422. O to tapedeck, Ampex cassette recorder. We course now being formed. Service call the trustees into special Buy, Sell, Starting in August. Call (313) session to and Trade. WILCOX 815-6077 collect. 13-8-27 approve a Attention: rooms for rent. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad University budget and tuition students, experience, references. rate. | Completely furnished. Cooking. Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, Free estimates. Evenings, If | Call 372-8077. C Monday thru Saturday. C Peanuts Personal 349-4817. C no special meeting is called, the trustees will meet PING PONG tables, $9.95. We next early in For Sale sell most buy NEEDED: BUTTERFLY keeper. TERM PAPERS September. anything. ABC Must have little but moment in CUSTOM WRITTEN by experts in SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 all disciplines. Also more common. 1-8-2 than |lACK NIKKORMAT camera 1000 existing term papers body - $95; .25 auto pistol — available. Other services include: 100 USED R.F. HAPPY 21st. The I $40; Hasselblad 500c; 332-5555; vacuum cleaners. Tanks, day I've lecture been waiting for. Love notes, research and ask for Don. S-8-2 canisters and uprights. Guaranteed always, science projects. BFD. 1-8-2 Fast service. one full year. $7.88 and Low up. rates. CALL Write On IelMONICO STEREO console DENNIS DISTRIBUTING term papers, 332-3700 8 am - I combination. Like new. Call COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Recreation 12 noon. 3-8-6 after 6 pm 372-0133. 3-8-6 Opposite City Market. C. OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - job PAINTING EXTERIOR and IaTERBED UNITS, mattress, Animals application photos in 15 minutes. eater, and frame. $76 . any »«. REBIRTH, 309 North PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. AKC BLACK labrador female: 2 351-6262. Anything INEXPENSIVE DEPENDABLE c8.2 years old. Call 489-5273. 4-8-4 photographed anywhere. O janitorial service. Call 337-1216 early morning/late THe MSU Sailing Club will hold TABLE TENNIS Players interested evening. |rEE parking at rear of store, PUPPIES, POODLE, Cocker. in organizing a club or playing 3-8-6 its weekly meeting at 7:30 p.m. Labrador mix. Very cute. Price, other Tuesday in the club house at I OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 Free. Call 351-1034 or see at players, are invited to PAINTING EXTERIOR, Interior. Lake meet at 7:30 pm Wednesday, Lansing. Shore school will Michigan Avenue, 2030 Raby Road, Haslett. 2-8-2 Experienced, free estimates. August 4th in the Activities begin 5:30 p.m. and rides will at I 372-7409. C-8-6 Special rates - MSU, married be leaving from the west entrance FREE, BLACK Room, in the basement of East housing. Call cat, male, five Wilson Hall. If interested but 355-2894, of the Union at 5 and 7 p.m. ftpEN ALL summer 8-5:30 pm. months old. Vaccinated. Call 355-2893. X-5-8-6 can't attend 7 union BUILDING BARBER 355-7979. 2 8-2 meeting, please call The Gay Liberation Movement shop. C-8-2 KITTENS, BLACK, black/white, 337-0638, 349-9575. 2-8-4 FOR QUALITY service and stereos, TV's, and recorders. THE will be discussed at a symposium at 7 tonight in West sex Shoppers EUROPE-$149 free, delivered STEREO SHOPPE. people. 482-3857. 3-8-4 to friendly 337-1300. C Wilson terrace lounge. Use this ad as BahaiFireside welcomes Mobile Homes Typing Service everyone to an informal discussion your grocery shopping list, of the Bahai Faith at 8 p.m. | photography COMPLETE SAVE $200, 8'x35' Schult trailer. ind trip, Jet Air, THESES service. Discount printing, IBM typing and Thursday Road. For at 4988 S. Hagadorn more information call you'll save money! ■Nikon * Yashlca *Argus Remodeled, 1V4 bedrooms. binding of theses, resumes, 337-1220. nolta«Kodak *Polarold Closest to campus. Now $1150. publications. Across from campus, imlya *eell & Howell *ETC. Must sell. 351-1938. 4-8-4 corner M.A.C. and Grand The last ntax 'Miranda River, of Wilson's racism below Jones Component systems LAKE VIEW lots. Available now. 10', 12' wide. 10 minutes AUGUST FLIGHTS still available. Stationary Shop. Call COPYGRAPH 337-1666. C SERVICES, programs Tuesday in West Wilson will be at 7 p.m. terrace Grand Prize Beef lounge. The topic will be "What campus. 641-6601. 10-8-2 UNION BOARD TRAVEL do we do with the her 'Midland **Philco knowledge we >tt * Panasonic * Garrard arfedale *Phllco *Ampex VIARLETTE, bedrooms. 1968 12x62, 2 Stove, refrigerator, OFFICE. Call 355-3355. C ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith offset printing. Complete service have about racism?" Tom Gunnings; Don Speakers are: Coleman; Jess English Cut Roast carpeting, and drapes. On lot or off. Real clean. Available now. Real Estate for dissertations, theses, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. M. Soriano; Judy Leepa; Carol Thompson; John Winchester and Blade Cut $5800, Phone Williamston, AVAILABLE BY September 1st, 4 21 years experience. 349-0850.C Manuel Altera. Old Fashioned 655-2331. 6-8-9 bedroom Cape Cod. 2 full There will be a meeting for Grand Prize Beef 309 N. Washington 1966 STAR mobile home 12x50. baths, family room with fireplace, carpeting. Entrance anyone campaign interested to fight in on the SDS Country Flavor Chuck Front kitchen, 2 bedrooms, hall plan. Dishwasher, range and job cuts and furnished. Must be moved. Call layoffs at 8 p.m. Wednesday n rft. hood. |DR IMMEDIATE Sale, large 641-4284. 10-8-18 2 car attached garage, on large, well landscaped lot. Holt West Wilson terrace lounge. Smoked Picnic double ■ 355-7774. 2-8-2 ts and bed; others. table, Evenings MOBILE HOME, furniture, tanks, porch, etc; 10x55, $2000 makes schools, convenient to campus. By owner. 699-2354. 3-8-4 Complete Professional TMiis Servico fir Mister's and Doctoral Candidates. Fre* drug The psychological usage Edward J. Lynn, will be aspects discussed by of Roast Joy ^IC LAI ME D TROPHIES for low cost housing or remain on cottage. Can present site at $35 IMMEDIATE owner. Lake front home POSSESSION. at By Brochure and Consultation. Cliff and Paula Hau|hey 337 1527 Please Call or 627 2938 psychiatry Center, at at the 7 asst. professor of University Health Eckrich's Delicious rental or you may move it. H.C. Haslett. 3 or 4 bedrooms with "" p.m. Wednesday in expenses. W.A. Handy Company, Wilson terrace lounge. ■ Taxidermist, 1905 West Saginaw. ■ 3-8-2 Jewett, 549 W. Ash, Mason. OR 7-3461. Nights OR 7-4691. 6-8-9 dining room, family room, new kitchen. Completely carpeted. THESES page. RUN for THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 only 7c per Smok-Y- Links Schafer'Ssof,v Wanted 69c Like to swim, East Grand River. ■WING 1 Brand MACHINE Clearance Sale. new portables - $49.95, lot i Call 339-9484. terms. 3-8-6 fish, or $35,000 sail?' with 332-4222. C-8-6 Phone 10 oz. pkg. Bread S&. 55.00 per month. Large selection PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for >r reconditioned used machines. papers, theses. Best rates. Call ail positive. A negative, B negative EAST LANSING, walk to MSU, and ■Singers, Whites, Necchis, New 351-4619. X-20-8-18 AB negative, $10.00. O |Home & "Many Others." $19.95 shopping, all schools. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN RICHARDSON 60x12, 3 bedroom Comfortable BARBI MEL: COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, $39.95. Terms. Colonial on quiet Typing, multilithing. 25c i EDWARDS partially furnished. Hi-C Fruit Drinks Avocado street. Carpeted living and dining No job too large or too small. 507% East Grand River, East ^DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, carpeting, coppertone appliances. Block off campus. 332-3255. C 115 North room. Remodeled3 kitchen, Lansing. Above the new Campus Washington, 46 oz., all New skirting, 7x10 shed, porch bedrooms, attached garage, 5 Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 flavors, limit 4 19-6448^ C and steps. Located large lot huge shade trees. Reasonably TYPING, THESES and letters, etc. p.m., Monday, Thursday and |ED 1314 FURNITURE East Michigan. Dishes, Flea Fair: Windsor Estates, 15 minutes from MSU. Pool, club house and priced, under $25,000. By owner. Phone 337-2778. 4-8-6 Rapid accurate service. Experienced. 393-4075. 0-8-9 Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C ■books, coins, antiques, rockers, playground. $4775. Call ljunk. Bargain Hunters Paradise. 646-6073. 3-8-2 19 lOpen Saturday and Aurora Bathroom Tissue Sunday. Jrniture and appliances open I week. 10 Lost & Found a.m. - 6 p.m |>hone 371-2843. O BOAT 15' 40 hp, trailer, canopy, cover, $600. 355-5148, ■393-8143. 5-8-6 'topctungham Musselman's Applesauce«»., 12( has it . . . heated fnd al pool 4620 S. Hagadorn just north of Mt. Hope Rd. Shurfine Catsup 18( Spartan Orange luice, . U.S. No. 1 Michigan 6 oz. 0/M"" Potatoes, IU Ih. 49* Stehouwer's Beef Sizzle Hop aboard the Halstead bus! Steaks, 18 oz. ,