Uncommonly good Wednesday wherever they come MICHIGAN Cloudy . . . STATE STATE NEWS . . . and cool high of 68 to 73. Thursday continued UNIVERSITY cool. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 4, 1971 Voter turnout said uncertain in double-barrelled BULLETIN: record Voters numbers for turned Tuesday's out in East than By late Thursday it was still difficult to detect a - normal voter turnout in the election which larger - primary moderate candidates. The official slate also listed two incumbents including the mayor and one absentee candidate Lansing municipal election to grant a observers termed unique in resounding victory to older, many facets. who had made family vacation plans before the city council At 3 p.m. a volunteer at business-oriented candidates in the city City Hall said that sporadic voted in February to move the election from April to August. reports from the 14 precincts indicated about A 13th candidate ran a strong write - in campaign after her council primary race, while passing two 1,400 voters had gone to the polls. This of three millage proposals to provide the figure was "about average" for a nominating petitions were disqualified by the city clerk. primary election, she said, but it still would be hard to public schools with operating funds for the turnout in gauge the 1971-72 school year. normally heavy hours during the late afternoon At stake also was the level of spending for public schools and early afternoon. for the coming year. East Lansing voters defeated on June 14 More than 53 per cent, or 7,559 of the The unofficial number reached 24.95 mill levy by a substantial margin. School city's 13,969 registered voters, showed up 2,768 by 7 p.m., according a to "Project: City to surpass the previous mark of 22 Hall," a group of citizens who maintained administrators, blaming the defeat on community disproval of per irregular contact with the precincts. The group had no results cent set in the April, 1969 election. an innovative "extended day" program initiated in March, from four of the offered voters Tuesday a package of three proposals that precincts and some of the figures were Only 236 voters in the 18-20 age reported at 10 a.m. would reach the previously requested level if all were passed. bracket were registered and they, as well The city council race offered as other younger voters, appeared to have something for everyone. Three were student candidates, business little effect on the final results. The top candidates and (Please turn to the back page) vote-getter was Gordon L. Thomas, three-term incumbent and mayor, who drew a total of 3,663. He was followed WORK ON EXPERIMENTS closely by businessmen Duane P. Bone and Charles M. Phillips, who had respective totals of 3,497 and 3,277. Rounding candidates vacant council who out will the slate of six vie for the three seats in the November election are incumbent Wilbur B. Astronauts orbit moon, Brookover and moderate candidates photograph George Colburn and George L. Griffiths. Brookover had a total vote of 2,267, while Colburn and Griffiths finished with 1,803 and 1,794 respectively. Student candidates Chuck Will and SPACE night. They'll bring the photos home the reluctant moon. Did they have it Elyse Eisenberg finished seventh and CENTER, Houston (AP) - now with them. Ballot C eighth in the 13 candidate field with totals of 1,352 and 1,312. Their strong The easy - the moon going Apollo 15 pilots circled Tuesday charting its place in The astronauts, in their last fuii day in the command ship? "Joe, we wouldn't lose sight of that of orbiting the showing reportedly hurt Colburn and the family moon, concentrated on for all the tea in China. That's No. 1 of the sun and snapping experiments. In one they counted the priority," Scott said. An MSU student pauses at the registration desk at the Griffiths who sought electoral support pictures of the moon's newest crater flashes in their blindfolded Spartan from both older and younger voters. created by the crash landing of the eyes to "As a matter of fact Joe we made a I Village School precinct prior to measure the frequency of cosmic exercising her franchise ecrly On the millage issue, voters passed by spent lunar ship Falcon. rays good thorough search of the IM — I yesterday afternoon. Voting up to that time had been a comfortable hitting them from space. Falcon — before we let it go. We went I but was expected to increase as voters cast their ballots light very margin proposals A and B Irwin told Mission for a total of 25.5 mills. Last year's Control about a top to bottom to make sure we got for David R. Scott, James B. Irwin small experiment of his own the last everything we brought off the surface. |councilmen and millage proposals following "work. operating base was 22.6 mills and a lump sum request for 25.95 was rejected by an Alfred M. Worden turned their high resolution panoramic night on the moon. He was laying on his back in the lunar lander and the And I'm pretty sure we cleaned up the camera on the surface." —State News photo by Doug Bauman voters on June 14. Passage of Proposal C spot where Falcon impacted Monday cosmic ray flashes were for 0.45 mills would have equaled the coming fast and "Okay Dave, that's good news." furious. So he turned over on his Those original request, but this failed exciting hours on the moon STRATEGY SET by more than 600 votes. measure stomach, his face and they slowed to to the next lunar surface to nothing. lingered still in the now crowded quarters of Endeavour, the bags of moon There were no conclusions at present rocks, 230 pounds of them, stowed in about his finding. every nook and cranny. Worden, Wednesday afternoon they fire their complaining mildly about the lack of |JNITED NATIONS, Delegates discuss N.Y. (AP) - U.S. U.N. seat from the Nationalist to the two Chinas day after Secretary of State William P. unacceptable, it would not walk out if engines again to begin the long flight home. The splash down in the Pacific about 4:46 p.m. EDT Saturday. The three pilots, "in great after a brief scare the shape" night before, room, said he kind of liked it the way it was before, when he was alone while his companions trekked the moon. Scott Falcon and and on Irwin the were lunar out of the surface 19 delegate George Bush called Communist Chinese. Rogers announced that the United States one were accepted. awakened fresh and cheerful Tuesday. hours, doubling the amount of time men indly delegations together Tuesday to Only the adoption of that resolution in the coming assembly would support From capsule communicator Joseph have spent on the moon in three rategy for putting over prevented the assembly from making the the seating of Communist China but Allen in Mission Control came concern previous landings. They roved the surface khington's new plan for two Chinas in change. The assembly gave a simple oppose the ouster of Nationalist China. Ambassador Agha Shahi of Pakistan for a core sample taken by Scott and in a motor car called Rover a total of I United Nations. majority of 5149 to a resolution to seat Sources familiar with Chinese opposed any such arrangement in the Irwin from Hadley Base in the three 17 miles to the lowest slopes of the diplomatic sources said later that the Red China. Nationalist thinking expressed belief that first public statement from any of the days on the moon that ended Monday. highest lunar mountains, to the rim of a ■ted Nations even though the Republic of China has sponsors of the pro - Peking resolution, The two record was seeking cosponsors Eighteen friends of Peking have - holding lunar explorers 1,200 - foot - deep, mile - wide gorge, 1 a General Assembly resolution that submitted a resolution that would have declared a two - China arrangement proposed by Albania. had trouble wrenching the sample from and along side craters. luld seat both Nationalist and the assembly recognize representatives of himunist China and another that the People's Republic of China "As the ftild declare expulsion of Nationalist only legitimate representatives of China i an "important question" requiring in the United Nations, and . . . expel too - thirds vote. forthwith the representatives of Chiang ■lost of the delegations at the Kai shek," president of the Republic meeting - ■nsored a resolution in last of China on Formosa. year's Beral Assembly reaffirming that a two The late - afternoon meeting at the Birds vote was needed to shift China's United States' U.N. mission came the [ack of billboard lay cost to the U.S. state Dept. of Transportation, By JOANNA FIRESTONE does not measure up to federal State News Staff Writer requirements. Compliance with those federal billboard standards is a condition under lliehigan may lose $16 million in which 10 per cent of federal highway Rral funds this year because state funds are allocated to the states. jlators Vard failed to adopt acceptable "I would hate to speculate whether regulations by the July 1 or not the federal government will line. lough seven bills regulating outdoor make good its threat to cut back our highway funding," State Highway White elep isrtising have been introduced to the Director Henrik Stafseth said recently. East Lansing's municipally owned pse and Senate, six remain locked in "Secretary of parking ramp behind the brought in $50,242. The city was forced to draw almost $94,000 •lative committees. Transportation Volpe Jacobson's store has much less did say that if we did not have a bill seen use than planners had from the general fund to meet annual payments of $166,000 on ^ isseventh P has passed under the the Senate and before July 1, we could lose funds, but anticipated. They had hoped for an annual income from the two revenue bond issues floated to finance the facility and other scrutiny of the House since we have several standing in the structure to approach $90,000 to $100,000. Instead, the ramp J* Affairs Committee. It must be city parking lots. Stats News photo by Doug Bauman ►ased wings, I cautiously think they will from the committee and allow Michigan more time." froved by a majority of House Indiana, which also failed to adopt fibers before it can be implemented. federally acceptable standards, has ■ven Ramp the committee reports the received notice from the Dept. of P ned le ®tate l!"s J. is not likely to work P late 's month, the legislature, with a full calendar of September. operating under a 1966 control act which, according budget on the bill Transportation that a hearing will be held to determine if its funds will be withheld. Stafseth said the lack of action has not legislative slowed down the By JIM SHELDON State New Staff Writer the parking system operated at a profit, city manager John M. Patriarche said. runs from the general tax fund. Current expenditure and revenue syste economically poor investment." I Highway Dept.'s program of Since then the city has run into a Though essentially in agreement about investigating and figures compiled for the parking system the cause of the parking deficit, both removing illegally "temporary" deficit, because the ramp have not yet been audited. This action placed billboards. In its first year of operation, the City increased parking system costs. city officials denied the ramp and the tge of majority "There has been a removal done this year — about 10 minimum of of East Lansing's new four - story These additional costs apparently stem will be completed sometime in September. Patriarche said that available parking system would continue losing money. Warden said the ramp would pay parking ramp behind the Jacobson's from annual total payments of boards have been taken down since $166,000 figures for the system and ramp are for itself "over the long haul" and [W- Milliken will sign the store has cost the taxpayers nearly East Lansing must make on two revenue age of "very close" to what auditors will arrive viewed use of pfity bill at 8:30 Jan. 1 — but a total of 153 owners $94,000. bonds floated to purchase the land and general funds as a a.m. today in the at. have been notified that if they do not During the 1970 - 71 fiscal year, the construct the ramp. "temporary proposition." [• Con Room of the International their illegal signs within 30 remove city's parking system showed a deficit of Since July 1, 1970, East Lansing's Asked whether he "The income from the parking system considered the days, the boards will be removed by $93,916.98, according to figures parking system has spent $277,881.76 fhe bill, passed two weeks ago by the state at the owner's cost." obtained from the city treasurer and while earning $183,964.78. parking ramp a "white elephant" for the will ultimately take care of its own Obligated to city, Frank E. Warden, city treasurer, expenses," Patriarche maintained. "It JI r'9hts state Senate, and gives 18-year-olds all verified by the city manager. meet the $166,000 bond payments, the commented: privileges of adults. (Please turn to the back page) Before the ramp opened in July 1970 city has had to draw on almost $94,000 "I would describe it as an (Please turn to the back page) Wednesday, August 4, 1971 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Nixon hails loan to WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon largest defense contractor, and its largest guaranteed loans without loss to the Lockheed roll call. Lockheed says It needs the federal backi government," Haughton said. deiiveriJ1 has hailed the Senate vote approving a $250 airframe manufacturer w. cont.nue serving In the Senate voting, the vote was tied 48 for private bank loans to meet summary mM1„„ icn to Lockheed Aircraft Corp.* best interest of the American £-» help mmm to 48 after 20 minutes of calling names. Sen. Marlow Cook, R-Ky., stood by his desk its L1011 commerical TriStar airbus, a 400-paaTn °f trijet. Deliveries were delav^I Ffom the wires of AP and UPI. leading role in the development of in the hushed chamber waiting to be when Rolls-Royce Ltd., maker of the TriSt aero-space technology." ^The bill was passed Monday in the Senate Nixon empahsized that the measure recognized. Sen. John Tower, R-Tex., engines, collapsed earlier thic year. in a dramatic 49-48 vote. It passed earlier in whispered to the clerk. "provides no federal dollars to the Lockheed The British government has been keeDin the House 192 to 189 and now goes to "Mr. Cook," called the clerk. Nixon, who had sought it. Corp.: it merely provides a government "Aye," said the senator. Rolls' aerodivision afloat at a cost of j| Nixon said in a statement: "This action guarantee for a loan which will be made Vice President Spiro T. Agnew was in the million a week, pending outcome of will save tens of thousands of jobs that entirely through private institutions." congressional action. "I think the message is presiding officer's chair had his tie-breaking would otherwise have been nerwisc nave eliminated. It uwu chhuubw-. « will "••• Daniel J. Haughton, chairman of the ° board vote been needed. In the Senate, 27 Republicans sided with through that students , coming want to be responsible, they major impact on the economy of of "Further, Lockheed let saidmetheassure company is gratified the people of this The suspense-packed vote marked the 22 Democrats in the 49-vote majority California and will contribute greatly to the finale of more than two months of Seventeen Republicans split with the want to pay the price of the nation and the members of Congress of economic strength of the country as a controversy and debate in which the administration to join 31 Democrats votinn Lockheed's dedication to repaying the consequences of their acts - whole. It will help ensure that the nation's administration warned of peril to the against. 8 that increasing numbers of economy if Lockheed was allowed to go universities, for instance, have under. Opponents led by Sen. William Haughton's statement said that the Proxmire, D-Wis., said bailing out the firm will work with the banks and Jury in Newton trial company been making a place for more would be a blow against free enterprise. Treasury Secretary John B. Connally for the responsible role for students." "It's very important that we now watch necessary financing agreement that can be -Dr. Glenn A. Olds, president, Lockheed like a hawk," said Proxmire, who placed into effect promptly after the had accused Lockheed of mismanagement in legislation is signed into law. Kent State University begins deliberations defense contracting. "There will be a big temptation on the "It should be borne In mind that this (See story page 5) part of the administration to keep them congressional action is only the first in afloat by giving them sweetheart contracts." series of steps that must be taken if we are "I think jobs certainly were the key to qualify for a loan guarantee under this OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — ordered by the State Court of self - defense. Jurors started deliberating Appeal. The judge said that even if issue," Tower told newsmen. legislation," he said. "Most important amons An intensive lobbying effort by the these are finalizing an agreement with manslaughter charges against the jury considered Newton administration which continued almost to the Newton testified he was Rolls-Royce for satisfactorially completing the Black Panther leader Huey P. gui|ty Qf first - or second - last minute apparently carried the day in a Newton Tuesday, after getting unconscious after he was shot degree murder, "the highest development of the RB. 21] engine Refugees move into Sinai instructions from the judge on by officer Frey and that he offense that he can be see-saw struggle for votes. finalizing agreement with our airline unconsciousness as a defense, remembers nothing. convicted of is voluntary Undersecretary of Treasury Charles Walker customers" and" collecting claims due' us from was in the packed galleries for the climactic the Dept. of Defense on major contracts Eight truckloads of Palestinian refugees rolled into led The plea of unconsciousness to Newton s first Superior judge Harold manslaughter." B Hove to,d the ■ h El Arish, a desert city in the occupied Sinai conviction being overturned unconsciousness is a defense to peninsula, Tuesday as Israel pressed on with its last August disputed refugee resettlement program. In a 1968 trial, Newton was manslaughter. DEBATE HEATED The newcomers had come from a refugee camp charged with first - degree He also gave instructions on murder in the Oct. 28, 1967, two other defenses, neither of plauged by terrorism and incessant fighting. slaying of officer John Frey which Newton claimed in his The Israelis have evacuated more than 200 families under a scheme to thin the camp's population, crisscross it with patrol roads and tighten security. but was convicted of voluntary months of a 2 - 15 - trial: diminished capacity, manslaughter. He served 22 which usually is claimed by a year person who is drunk or under sentence before the retrial was the influence of narcotics, and House cuts aid to Greece $118 million of U.S. foreign dominated by a shouting essential to the Atlantic U.S. Ambassador to Greece aid from the Greek military exchange between Rep. Wayne defense organization. Burke Henry J. Tasca had told a Allies level villages The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State . government Tuesday night Hays, D-Ohio, and Rep. James said it also governs a closed-door House hearing University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter after a heated debate with A. Burke, D-Mass., who tried crime-free society that earlier in the day thai and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays opponents saying America to restore the Greek money. America cannot match. opposition in Greece to the during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Hays accused Burke of House Republican Leader military junta is growing in should not dictate Greece's Allied aircraft leveled two Cambodian villages in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, politics. making a "patent plea for Gerald R. Ford of Michigan intensity, sources said. Tuesday and drove out North Vietnamese and Viet Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, The House Foreign Affairs dictatorship." Burke accused said he believes President ° * State ^P1' Cong soldiers blocking a South Vietnamese advance Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Committee's suspension of the Hays and his followers of Nixon wUl restore the aid to °™cial with Tasca. also J0"11 in eastern Cambodia. Association. Greek aid was upheld by the making "ridiculous proposals" Greece by using the escape the House foreign affairs Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial House 122 to 57 in a $3.4 to tell other countries how to clause in the legislation under s^°™nittee Uiat^ when^he The thatched roof communities were hit and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., billion U.S. Foreign Aid run their business. which the $18 million can be United States asked the Greek Michigan repeatedly with napalm fire bombs and rockets. State University, East Lansing, Michigan. authorizaiton bill. Opponents of the Greek aid released if the President government for permission to Newsmen who accompanied South Vietnamese A fight ove the curb contended the Greek declares in writing that the use '** bases ^or U-2-type flights over the Suez Canal to committee's decision to curb ground forces said the air strikes left many enemy Phones: check on Soviet surface-to-air News $225 million for Pakistan missile sites, the Greek dead and sent the others fleeing. 355-8252 Classified Ads Advertising Business Office 355-8255 353-6400 355-3447 until it settles its Pakistani turmoil was waiting in the wings. East Clerk too government failed before another Mediterranean area base was used instead. to reply The loud debate over Shot eagles bring bounty withholding aid to Greece to try to force the military to answer Asst. Secretary of State Martin J. Hillenbrand told the subcommittee a "power East Lansing City Clerk not had time to give formal vacuum" could be created Beverly Colizzi said that she reply to the letter," Mrs. along NATO's southern flank was not yet able to comment Colizzi said Monday, if the United States hedges in Wyoming rancher Herman Werner paid more than on a letter she received "I probably will not have its support for the Greek $15,000 to have airborne gunners snoot down more Thursday from Project: City time to reply until after the government. than 570 protected eagles and hundreds of coyotes Hall concerning registration election," she added, on his ranches, the pilot of a helicopter testified procedures in East Lansing. In the letter, Project: City "To open a power vacuum I "I've been very busy with under oathi Tuesday. the Hall volunteered its services to and create temptation would I city council elections help register voters in East be the most unwise thing to | Between September, 1970, and April, 1971, pilot being held Tuesday; I have Lansing. AUG. 5 THRU AUG. 11 1005 EAST GRAND RIVER BLVD. do," Hillenbrand said. James O. Vogan told a Senate subcommittee, he saw The overall foreign I gunners kill 570 eagles on Werner's ranches and "close to 200 on the other ranches." Glenn Herriman, Inc. authorization includes billion in military $2 I iU I : TACOS! ★ TACOS! CRISPY, FRIED, FOLDED CORN TORTILLAS, STUFFED WITH PURE including arms credit sales and $1.4 billion in economfc development assistance. I | 4 FOR *1.00 GROUND BEEF AND LETTUCE, Voter turnout heavy : DECORATED WITH CHEESE. This is $300 million above I (REGULAR $1.40 VALUE) ^ the present spending level I with the increase entirely i" | *«iiiaaiiBiaiiaiacLiP & savebibibiibim«i#> military assistance. Mississippians turned out in heavy numbers An effort by Rep. Edward I Tuesday in the Democratic primary election marked J. Derwinski, R-Ill., to cut it I by the newly enfranchized teenage vote and by the to one year instead of two to I largest number of black registrants in the state's require more frequent | history. PHOIME: 482-6226 approval by Congress The election was the first statewide one in the rejected 45 to 23. -CUTOUT AND SAVE" 1 I United States since youths 18 through 20 were given woc^°!jjUc\ec' ll°"'t'"'' the right to vote in state elections. The winner of the Democratic primary will face Scfcmfls Fayette Mayor Charles Evers, the first black man to run for governor, in the general election Nov. 2. d >M pica. *£!&& -JSSr- Doctor shortage foreseen Pn :f.\0W LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL DOWNTOWN 309 N. Washington in the new The Pentagon's chief medical officer said Tuesday Leonard Plaza 11 the end of the draft in mid - 1973 will leave the Presents for Your Dining Pleasure military with a severe shortage of doctors unless they are better paid. WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Dr. Richard S. Wilbur said practicing medicine in the armed forces will have to be made as attractive as in the civilian community and the only answer is Schensul's Famous Fried Chicken VSj THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL money. Chopped Sirloin w/Mushrooms $1.4! i FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Steel hikes continue Broiled Red Snapper w/Butter Sauce SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL (MM More steelmakers announced 8 per cent average Roast Beef au jus f ■ •*' price hikes Tuesday in line with those issued a day earlier by U.S. Steel and other major producers to offset the cost of a new industry contract. ^YyoV" SUNDAY SPECIAL Schensul's Fried Chicken or Baked Ham " w/Pineapple Sauce Tfcj * i. The latest companies to join in the price hikes Open a Zales Charge Amount For Shopping Convenience 'Bank Amerlcard were Wheeling - Pittsburgh and Inland, sixth and OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 seventh ranked in the industry, and Lukens Steel Co. a.m. to 7:00 p.m. of Coatesville, Pa., ranked 14th. 318 S. Washington The first of the price hikes, the third round of (across from FREE SPIRIT) Evening Specials include roll, butter and beverage and a choice of two of the increases this year, came about 12 hours after the following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. companies had signed a new three - year contract with the United Steelworkers of America. --CUT AND SAVE.. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 4. 1971 3 Draft bill reaches standoff WASHINGTON (AP) Mike - The Mansfield had said pay - raise and surviving conference. The chairman said - son draft - extension bill because two year draft • extension earlier it was "quite sections had - unlikely" not been he will take no further action conferees eliminated a section bill, already in trouble in the the Senate would pass the bill approved by either house. unless the nine conference tacked on by Democratic Senate, hit a parliamentary before Congress starts a Colmer said the members who voted for the Leader Mike Mansfield, calling standoff in the House Monday month - long recess Friday, parliamentarian held any such bill express a willingness to for U.S. withdrawal! from night, apparently ending even if the House passed it violation would automatically change their votes. Vietnam within nine months, chances for congressional Tuesday on schedule. send the entire bill back to The Senate is cold to the in exchange for prisoners. approval before September. The parliamentary tangle "There'll be no bill came after Colmer's tomorrow," House Rules committee voted 9 to 6 to Committee Chairman William permit two challenges that M. would bill Colmer, D - Monday, meaning not act on Tuesday as scheduled Miss., said the House the draft could open up new House Senate disputes in the bill. Rep. James T. Broyhill, R - N.C., disputes a section - Selection because Colmer would not limiting the "sole surviving clear it. Unless Colmer's committee resolves the tangle that led to his decision, the only way the son" provision in the Vietnam war. such Neither house had made provision a limitation. gives draft The to hear House could FT. MEADE, MD. (AP) - with lying in December 1969, even get the exemptions to men and being involved in covering up Occupied draft bill to the floor is with an unlikely two - thirds vote. women in already suffered a family that has one member Selection of the senior officers ^o who will decide the case of Oran K. Henderson, the Army and February 1970, to a Pentagon inquiry into handling the massacre. Charges have been dropped against all but A band of Wisconsin Indians along with some from other states gather at the base of Speaker Carl Albert said he killed in combat. of reports of My Lai. Henderson, the Winter Dam on the Chippewa River. The Indians occupied the area Sunday saying doubts the House has any Colmer v^uiiiier said said the me »nCO'°nel aCCUSed °f failing to House ,Henderson fa^s a maximum The defendant's civilian it was illegally taken from them 50 years ago. choice but to take the draft bill off its calendar. pariiamentarian had iouna found mshis investi8ate massacre th<; M* properly, begins Lai of« ■* tad tabor In March 1968, Henderson lawyer, Henry Rothblatt. argues the colonel is serving as Senate Democratic Leader today. commanded the 11th Brigade the Army's "scapegoat" for At least five jurors are of the America! Division, other officers in a chain of required for the court martial - Under him were Medina, command which ended with CITY COUNCIL, TRUSTEES of the 50 who was - year - old colonel, the commander of commander of Charley Company, and Calley, leader Gen. William C. Westmoreland the Army chief of staff who' Capt. Ernest L. Medina and of a Charley Company commanded U.S. troops in Lt. William L. Calley Jr. at the platoon. Vietnam at the time, time of the March 16, 1968, Medina is standing trial at Panels to talk Ft. massacre. McPherson, Ga. He is Henderson, who has two on Maj. Carroll E. Tichenor, the campus route charged with murdering 102 daughters and a son, said he prosecutor, has indicated he civilians at My Lai. Calley is believes more than one career expects to have a jury seated appealing his conviction for officer is on trial at Ft. trustees' in less than a week. Actual killing at least 22 civilians. Meade. By JIM SHELDON meeting to discuss in the development communication of information At that time, an MSU I future plans for the route. of the revised ordinance for to East Lansing citizens. testimony probably will not Fourteen Army officers, "I feel like I've got to win State News Staff Writer professor contended that Wharton said in a letter to the cable television system Council heard ^gin untji at jeast a including two generals, this case for the future benefit a request drainage in the area was iat,er the council that he received a proposed for the city. from the Rev. Truman permit the military originally were accused of of the officer corps," he said. last Lansing City Council request from Patriarche for Welburn was present at the inadequate for residential judge, Col. Peter Morrison, offering to arrange development. Council further S [mbers unanimously such a meeting and added the meeting and told council a discussion between council postponed action Wondolowski, to dispose of Kroved a proposal Monday move should come before or members he was representing and citizen's Monday and several remaining pretrial Bit from President Wharton, a group said complete information was motions after a public hearing the the CATV interested on company which in the cable needed the tring to arrange a joint cross - campus route. desired to make cable television system. on problem before rezoning could drainage Henderson, an Indianapolis feting between city council Councilman Mary Sharp television a tool for greater After comments from native) is accUsed of willfully £ the MSU Board of presided over the meeting as interaction between members persons in the audience, occAur- A failing to investigate reports of Istees for discussion of the request was also massacre and Df mayor pro tem in the absence of the community. council members approved approved by council from an violating a |ss - campus route, of Gordon L. Thomas, He said cable television amendments to three city officia of the Ingham County regulation requiring the the proposed route would incumbent councilman running could serve as more than an ordinances reporting of actual or the dealing with Republican Party asking for from Trowbridge for re - election to one of entertainment device and peddlers and canvassers and permission to sell tickets at a suspected war crimes, ■erchange north of the the three contested could telecast programs often their license fees. The much . decorated seats. fund raising chicken barbecue Ind Trunk railroad tracks Wilbur R. Brookover, another neglected by commercial In a report from the city colone, wounded four times in J Park Lake Road, east of incumbent stations. Ait- of f August 29 at the three also running for re - manager, progress and Alton Street Park. It Lansing. election, Through cable planning was explained for was present at the television, Xity manager John M. meeting. Welburn said, programs could the redesign of the Michigan Iriarche was instructed by In other business, council be presented on minority and Harrison avenues I council to arrange the received a letter from Dan interests, on community intersection, expected to cost |eting with Wharton at the of the September Welburn, East Lansing services affairs and opinions and on $174,000. Mrs. Sharp advised that the city has received a e wedding resident, who offered dealing with release from MSU to of the right of use part of her dreams . . - - way in rains roll as railroads, that University. Action area was owned deferred by the begins at on rezoning of a Wh acre parcel inion agree to end strike of land Gainsborough of Glenhaven south Drive Avenue. and of east Jon Anthony Move jASHINGTON (AP) over the life of the contract Usery, who was instrumental for rezoning was discussed in a public hearing at the July Florist [out of 5 190,000 trainmen won pay covering brakemen, firemen in settling this and other 19 council meeting. nearly $1.50 an hour and other workers who Ker recent rail labor disputes. 42 months in a operate the trains. The union first struck two "Old Towne" New ltionwide contract settlement The settlement also got the England Inday railroads and then gradually and called off their Ippling strike against 10 White House off the hook of escalated to others until some CLAM BAKE! having to consider proposing 30 per cent of the nation's •Whole Lobster (roads. emergency *Clams •Shrimp tail officials said trains will strike-halting rail system was shut down. legislation to Congress. •Corn-on-the-Cob i rolling quickly to start The new union tactic of The railroads E*ery Friday 6 to 11 p.m. ■ving tons of stranded food, won the right TOSSED SALAD—CORN BREAD ■n, coal, steel, autos and striking a few railraods at a to DRAWN BUTTER time, approved by federal rules — modify long-standing work ■er shipments in CALL FOR INFORMATION large areas court rulings only in recent principally ones that 1 the South, Midwest and 1st affected by the strike, months, seemed likely to set had required crew changes 100 BILL'S omt a pattern that could change every miles and RESTAURANT & BAR fassenger trains affected the nature of future rail labor prohibited over-the-road and 7)1 E. GRAND RIVER, LANSINO 2 expected to be back train yard crews from on disputes. doing Ascot turtleneck from England ledule by Tuesday, "We hope we will not be each other's work. yihe agreement will boost going to the hill (Congress) average wages from any more," said Asst. Turtles are back! You're out of fashion if you PO to nearly $5 hour an Secretary of Labor W.J. don't have at least one of these great new fCanoe The Beautiful turtleneck sweaters from England. Pure lambs- wool in a handsome range of colours especi¬ Manistee River at ally created by Alan Paine. Casual and care¬ Smithville Landing free ... it's machine washable. Sizes 38 to 46. on M-66 |Free Camp Sites [Bus Service from the Landing For our brochure arid free map of the river write: Box 341 Lake City, Mich, or call 839-4361 Weekdays from 8 till 3 or 839-4579 Evenings and Weekends Seastar skindivers watch immersion time but can be for underwater precision. set to record long-distance THE ti/MS PLAZA This self-winding Seastar with date-telling dial fea¬ calls, parking meters and other time periods. Lumin¬ Community unity Owned... Seri Serving the Community tures a rotating ous hour markers. elapsed time Stainless steel Overlooking the Capitol bezel that not only marks waterproof case. $95.00 "loneymoon - . |su ites with round beds Color 300 Rooms Tissot watches from $39.95 p35 Remodeled in every ^ew Room Furnishings the bagpiper THE PLAZA (Former Jack Tar Hotel) 125 W. Michigan from the Capitol 321 across e. grand river, e. lansing open wed. & thurs. 9—9 MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NEWS Miss-Mrs-Ms mixup: UNIVERSITY KEN LYNAM what about 'Cuddin'? advertising manager To the Editor: a young man I was told of mv Viia* JOHN BORGER, managing editor BOB ROACH, news editor I am constantly amazed at how rar Leslie' (female), 'Cuddin Cannie' (J.!1 BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor ahead the South is, in comparison to 'Cuddin Ola Wise' (female), and me several years to sort out the itTl the remainder of our country, in solving Dron* RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor sexes of these and other the pressing social issues of our day. "Cuddins" If all of us recognize the social According to an article in the State Vaiu News (July 28, 1971), a "growing of calling every one "Cuddin" ! Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award number of American women' have "Cousin" (in more cultured circles) tJ for outstanding journalism. begun to replace the terms "Miss and the rankling feeling between males females certainly will disappear f0,J, u! "Mrs." with "Ms" which they pronounce "Miz". The pronunciation of^ this *,(Jd2[n" Asst. Prof, R°y Matthew, particular written term "Ms" as "Miz of HumanitJ has been prevalent among Southerners July 30,19H EDITORIALS for generations to denote the female sex. Men, women, boys, girls, young, old, rich, poor, black, white call females No support Grading cha "Miz" regardless of the woman's marital status, whether age conversations one or social position. In is at a loss to know the female in question is To the Editor: It was stated in your editorial of jU|- married, about to be married or never to 'U'cr 26 that, "Science would seem to students, be married. The use of the term "Miz", however, is really not indicative of just how much more progressive Southerners the proabortionist view." This w« defended by the statement, fetus in the first four months suppon "Medically | after Since the implementation of the such time as grades are completely are than their fellow countrymen; conception is little more than j abolished - a not altogether Southerners have adapted another term growinj present 0.0 to 4.5 grading system conglomeration of cells of ,, undesirable alternative - the job that may well resolve this whole evolutionary order markedly lower thai in 1968, student grade point problem. mankind." of the University should be to averages have been rising even Many Southeners call other persons Modern make that grading system as genetics has shown cleulv faster than tuition. While the "Cousin", or "Cuzzin" or "Cuddin". that the human zygote does not undeijo average undergraduate in 1966 was equitable as possible. This appelation is the final solution; no evolutionary development durini Part of the problem with distinction or discrimination can be struggling along with a 2.41 GPA, charged when "Cuddin" is employed. As gestation. Upon conception, the genetic the average undergrad of last grading is the disparity from potential of an individual is fujj winter boasted a sparkling 2.83, course to course. Some classes, determined. In the process of becomi# such as Education 200, are a mature human being, the embryo, » only a short distance below the LESLIE LEE its different stages of genetic expressioi 3.0 needed to graduate with notoriously easy in respect to can at no time be anything other thu honors. grades. The average student in Ed human. That one can see some 200 received a 3.63 in the fall morphological similarities to lower phyb The inflation of GPAs could be term of 1969 and a 3.54 in winter during development is immaterial to attributed to the brilliant student body MSU is drawing these days, term, 1970. Students taking Econ 200 on the other hand, an It can, and does, happen here what the organism actually is. 0# simply cannot rely upon extend morphological characteristics as criteii but a more plausible explanation introductory course with a similar for defining human life. is a disregard for the grading enrollment, received average grades Thus, science does not argue far oi of 2.37 and 2.07 over the same we provx to be the winners. We reached home and stayed system itself. Many faculty For most, the experience of Dennis Hopper and Peter against abortion. Such decision • makin) there until the attackers stopped patroling the area much members simply do not view period. Fonda while traveling through the South is merely a depends on the moral and ethial later in the night. grades as an important incentive Additionally, the 4.5 grade has theatrical experience. For me it became real. But it wasn't perceptions of the individual (include It is almost inconceivable to me that such narrowness and the scientist). However, these are beyond a Southern town, nor do I look radical. to education and reject "playing long been a thorn in almost I was held with two friends and terrorized for two hours hatred can exist, though I've seen it. What baffles me is the scope of science itself. the game" by giving nearly everybody's side, inconsistently by a couple of local loco strongmen near my home town. why such people are so frightened by youth. James Behnkt As an individual, I enjoy my small hometown, its rivers everyone reasonably high grades. applied and poorly conceived. In We were saved by a pair of pruning shears in the hands of E. Lansing graduate student some courses the 4.5 is a part of are clean as well as its lakes and it has areas perfect David Bishop While the questions of standards one of my friends, and later by his driving ability. for camping and other outdoor activities. As a young adult of Goshen, Ind., gradute student and the value of grading can be the curve, while in others The incident occurred one night about 10 as we were returning from a lake near my hometown. None of us had my community I have been upset by some of the things James C. Blosa disputed infinitely, the fact professors simply refuse to give ever met these people or ever seen them before, so when that go one there and have spoken out against them, Goshen, Ind., graduate st remains that MSU does operate out any 4.5s. The concept of a earning the undeserved title of radical. But these guys didn't they attempted to stop us the first time we drove on by. July 29,1911 know these things, and they didn't take time to find out. under a grading system. And until "super' grade" to reward They then attempted to run Xilfr Off the road and finally For some reason, our presence in the area threatened "exceptionally high performance" ended up blocking the road with'their car. provides few practical guidelines. Of course, we were forced to stop and when they started them and they felt the need to retalliate. It is very disturbing to not feel safe in your own Letter policy Misplaced Memo One result of the "super grade" running toward us we got out to see what they wanted. As a precautionary measure, seeing as this is not the first time hometown, and to have this type of thing happen to you The State News welcomes all has been for other graduate twice, as 1 have, is devastating. They must be typed (preferably to this type of thing has occurred (and, indeed, a less serious To: Susan H. Emery, Zolton schools and law schools to view incident has occurred since,) my friend grabbed a prunning One does feel threatened by those who challenge his 65-space line and triple - spaced) dated, Ferency, David C. Hollister, concepts of life — but if you have to get rid of them, signed with the hometown, stu MSU as grading on a 4.5 scale, shears he uses at work. His hunch proved correct as they faculty or staff standing and local Richard S. Kruch and Jean were threatening us before they closed in. what you have left is no good either. I wish there were which, in practice, it does not. In number included. No unsigned letter McDonald. My friend wielded the shears and the night riders dared some way I could reach them with what I'm saying. essence, the 4.5 has injured the They're permanent members of my community and must be accepted for publication, and no' not get any closer until they had separated him from very people it was designed to myself and my other friend. After they began threatening live there with others — sometime they're going to find it will be printed without a signature ~ Re: Dissatisfaction with State in highly unusual circumstances. " help, since even a 4.0 average on a us, the man with the pruning shears attracted their attention. impossible if they continue these actions. News should be addressed to The Editor, political endorsements. perceived "4.5" scale does not They took off after him with a jack but he managed to I don't hate them — I may not want to be their friends look as good on paper as a 3.6 hide in a field and circle back to the car while they were — but i don't want to fear them or have them feel News, 345 Student Services Bldg.," threatened by me every East Lansing, Mich. 48823. Dear Pamphleteers looking for him. A wild high speed chase followed in which time we meet. - from another school with a 4.0 scale. Simple possession of a student If, indeed, we must maintain a number candidate does make. not Do necessarily a we detect grading system at all, the 4.5 grade should be abolished and more POINT OF VIEW sour grapes? consistent grading guidelines should -The Student Editors be established on a University-wide A more realistic view of Pakistan Manned lunar By SHAUKAT HUSSAIN Karachi, Pakistan, graduate student "On March 2, Mujib, the Awami League presence of the army lives. "The they had saved said, It is time for presentation of a president, called for a general strike. Cases of army, rational and unbiased view of the looting, arson and violence were reported. On intolerable provocation remarkably Pakistan situation. I would like to and though they did not defend March 3, President Yahya issued invitations to high expensejusti present hopefully, waters individuals. some facts and views which, would clear the muddy being created by certain biased 12 elected leaders to meet him in Dacca on March 10 for talks for resolving the impasse." army's action in killing some innc people, they were quick to give both statements butchering of untold and proof of thousands by It was undoubtedly the greatest of machines over men in outer terrorists before the army came on On Dec. 7, 1970, 53 million show off this earth. Flanked by space, it is clear that instrument Pakistanis went to the polls to elect a State News which does try to explain frightened people everywhere as the scene to try to stop it. exploration would be more Assembly. The election was and state these prementioned facts. world press indicated we should. "I have no doubt it was the & the gray grandeur of Hadley Rill Constituent economical. Currently much lift a brilliant success. The Awami League Instead, people have conjured up visions "I tried to find and talk with people discovery of that ghastly carnage» and the Apennine Mountains, two to suit their own purposes. won 167 seats, the Pakistan Peoples who were not Pakistanis, and I am set off the fuse. humans have again walked the power is wasted carrying not only Party won 81. Now I would like to present some much impressed with comments from "We went to Pakistan at inviolate lunar surface. Tens men but several times their once On March 1, President Yahya quotations from Mrs. Jill Knight, tea planters, engineers, businessmen, invitation of the Pakistan govern of millions of television sets have weight in life support systems — announced postponement of the member of Parliament from Edgbaston, shipping agents, a doctor and a banker, but on the clear understanding tn shown the astronauts' trips in the a luxury not required by servo - England, who visited East Pakistan and all of whom, with Canadian our return we should speak of ® inaugural session of the National West Pakistan recently for eight days. one lunar rover and, at last, the mechanisms. Assembly scheduled for March 3 to a exception, were British. Most of them had seen whether or not it rebo She was accompanied by two other had lived for many years in Pakistan. to the credit of Pakistan. later date, in order to give more time spectacular lift - off of Falcon Parliament members. "Wherever we "They showed astonishing unanimity, "What emerges in all the wel Why then has the to political leaders to hold discussions from the moon's surface. And the went, spoke to whomsoever we administration concentrated on a and arrive at a reasonable compromise we wished. Certainly fear exists among the although they came from different parts rights and wrongs is that Pakistan entire show only cost $4.20 per on the modalities of constitution of the country. They told me that certainly has a case and that case Space program which wastes population — hardly surprising in view while the president occasionally made been properly stated. Britisn taxpayer — or several hundreds of making. not millions of dollars overall. money and endangers life? On March 2, Mujib, the Awami of all that has happened — but we an unwise political judgment he had of fair play demands that " Undoubtedly national prestige League president, called for a general, hope that the measures which will be been completely right in the actions he Was it worth it? plays a part in the consideration strike. Cases of looting, arson violence were reported. On March 3, and adopted from now on will gradually eradicate those fears. took on March 25 and subsequently. "In Sylhet and Chittagong the British I hope that the preceding wJ Unquestionably the flight of - why else would Congress pass people in getting a more realise President Yahya issued invitations to 12 "We did not meet a cowed and were absolutely firm that only the of the situation. Apollo 15 will advance the scope a law requiring that the United elected leaders to meet him in Dacca of man's knowledge, perhaps States flag be raised at every ft)0r peasant on March 10 for talks for resolving the immeasurably. Thus the question lunar hi,01'buddy! how are you? u)ve, she's fallen FOR MY!* landing? Further, by its impasse. Mujib refused this invitation " is not should we continue space own admission NASA has pushed and announced the launching of a civil If exploration, but should we do so for the more dramatic manned disobedience movement. with manned vehicles? missions On March 25, after exercising as a way of rekindling herculean restraint, President Yahya It decreasing popular interest and, called on the Pakistan army to bring long has been argued that instrumentation hence, support for the space into control a situation which was might well do as created by Mujib and which he could program. adequate a job of lunar not control any longer. exploration as manned The potential of instrument During the period from March 1 to expeditions. The success Mission Control exploration would seem a March 25, 100,000 men, women and children were killed by extremist u)e 60t lonely so we scampered around the p0wd on our little where's snood be followed and that expressed hope Tuesday that Kent State University needs at accident in the stream of responsibility on campus — if faced w'th a crisis that on the board of trustees," future campus unrest could be this time." events. "including the president's called for the use of force, Olds said of . avoided through discussion but his tenure as cabinet." he could Four Kent State students "I think the use it. message is president of Springfield, Mass., warned that force would be were shot to death and nine coming through that students College. "That was in 1958. used if necessary to quell wounded May 4, 1970, in an want to be responsible, they Three months ago the board disorders. antiwar confrontation with want to pay the price of the elected the first student Advertising The Methodist minister and to Ohio National Guardsmen on consequences of their acts — the board of trustees. I think veteran diplomat said he the campus. that increasing numbers of there is a crescendo of believed students are seeking Olds said the universities, for instance, have shooting change. ways other than violence to could have taken place at any been making a place for more "A lot of the universities bring about change. Olds, 50, will succeed Dr. university in the nation. added that Kent State will He responsible role for students," Olds said after a news now younger are beginning board to take members wins national Robert I. White on Sept. 15 work to affirm "that what conference. — not just on the board, but in For the second time in four the academic arena, on the years, an MSU advertising student has won the top national award from the Assn. president's cabinet. This is, of of Industrial Advertisers (AIA). Revision advocated course, some sign. "Second, themselves are the students clamoring for a a James P. Cattanach, a Mt. Clemens senior other colleges and universities across the nation in annual competition dually enrolled as graduate student, topped student representatives from 29 the fourth more relevent education. sponsored jointly by the AIA and the They want the university to engage Reynolds Metals Co. in in the critical issues of our In 1969 the top honor went ot Ed employment law Pietila, a recent time. You know, not be a graduate of the advertising master's program at MSU. sanctuary Each of the participating . . . They want to colleges and universities is allowed get where the action is. They to enter one outstanding student for the competition. Citing unemployment in want the Tuesday called for revision of •Mailing checks (as is now learning where it is. Michigan, which he said The $800 Michigan's unemployment being tried) to avoid long scholarship was awarded on the basis of Hay fe fever anyone? ranges about 8 per from an average cent up to "10 of insurance laws. Walter Campbell, secretary - waiting lines. "They recognize, for instance, that a university Cattanach's overall academic achievement, his scholastic activities within the Dept. of What is one man's beauty can result in another man's per cent in some sections and • Deleting the "seeking Advertising and his experience education has to be global in the advertising field. post nasal drip. 25 treasurer, Michigan State AFL work" requirement in areas of per cent among some now," Olds added. "It can't The program was created State News photo - CIO, also urged changes in high unemployment. by the association to foster better by Tom Gaunt groups in some places," a the be parochial." relations between advertisers and administration of the colleges, and to develop Michigan labor spokesman laws. • Eliminating delay in also said students more interest in the industrial He spoke before advertising. unemployment claims payment in contested cases adjudicators from several ("There is a restitution vV studying at MSU's clause.") ✓ — A/,nv\ 1—1— states Kellogg Center for Continuing Noting the 25th anniversary Capital Capsules Education. for He had "updating" these suggestions of the full employment act of 1946, Campbell said that the Michigan's priorities of the nation must unemployment laws: be changed to accomplish GOV. MILLIKEN signed a bill into law would more iMonday which allows the state to continue receive payment from his own insurance company for his losses, **Weekly benefits of behalf meaningful of the legislation on regardless of approximately two - thirds unemployed, the Spending for the second consecutive month at who was at fault in the accident. the disadvantaged. fiscal 1971 levels. The council said it will work for the average weekly wage (in The measure is designed to comparison with the current He keep state passage of the bill now before the state 40 per cent). called for a public fcovcmment operating through August while legislature. works program to utilize ihe legislature works out a final budget for A study published in 1970 •Twenty six weeks of those out of jobs. by the federal - ■he new fiscal year which began July 1. dept. of transportation found that only 45 per weekly unemployment benefits cent of all persons (at least). The Intermediate Claims LONG injured in auto accidents HAIR, which once was a safety receive any compensation for their losses from •Elimination of the Adjudicators Institute, at Iroblem only for female employes, now is a auto liability insurance. "waiting week." which Campbell spoke, is part hazard for the man on the job as well, of a •Renovation of the labor continuing education According to the Michigan Dept. of Labor. ATTY. GEN. FRANK J. KELLEY has program for employment 1 On jobs around machinery, a tight dispute section "because too security personnel across the fitting ordered an immediate investigation to feap or hat should be worn to keep long hair determine whether criminal action is warranted many people who have no nation, arranged by the ■rom becoming entangled in machines and direct interest in the dispute because of a reported chemical spill into the Employment Security Training literally scalping the worker, the department are denied benefits." Center of MSU's School of Tittabawassee River by the Dow Chemical laid. Co.'s Midland plant on July 27. Labor and • Correcting financing Industrial J Loose Beeves fitting clothing, open shirts, billowy Tt)e spill, which killed 2,000-3,000 fish and provisions so that the "fund Relations. and beads also endanger both men and polluted a large part of the river, was will be adequate for any ■omen who work around machines. observed by several state employes from the claims which might evolve in Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources. Kelley also directed his staff to review the the future, but also be adequate to cover necessary take I THE MICHIGAN CONSUMERS COUNCIL possibility of a civil suit for damages to the s fully endorsed the concept of "no fault" lito insurance in which an accident victim state's natural resources. A decision is expected early next week. improvements in the benefits." Campbell recommendations had these for busJUH looting Metro lin»» improving administration: For New Concepts HIFI BUYS HAS ADDED A NEW in Body Adornment. . . Experience YOU! at Greens . . . FEATURE TO ITS MOST Where Good Bodies PROFESSIONAL TAPE DECK. add Color to Form. They've added a lower price to the already feature - packed Advent Model 200 Tape Deck. And that could be the best feature of all! Down to $219.95 from the previous list price of $260. And still with other deluxe features like; The DOLBY SYSTEM that removes that bothersome background hiss present on tapes and opens the way to Directly Across from the Union increased frequency and dynamic range, digital tape counter, headphone jack, indicator lights, large VU meters and easy - to - operate snap controls. It's all here on the tape deck that many professionals do their on cassette Open Tonite! recording on. Just Step Inside HIFI BUYS for further )<>n t Tease information or a demonstration of the feature Advent Model 200. packed The Care Free Wig with "built-in" styling. ADVENT new color Wed. - Sat. caper for fall '19" Reg. 24.95 in Levi's8 flares Plain denims, brushed denims, corduroys, stripes and geometries. They're all here, styled with the usual great fit you New August expect from Levi's. Cottons and Sta-Prest ® cotton/polyester blends with new flare legs. Every color you could want, in Hours: sizes 29 to 40. $7 to $ 10. NOW Store for Men, main floor Downtown $219.95 and Meridian Mall CLOSED MONDAY OPEN TUES. - SAT. 10-6 WED. NITE TIL 9 P.M. HIFI BUYS rj t. Grand River Pfamount News Of East Lansing Phone 332-3341 * East Lansing 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 Shop Meridian Mall tonight and every week night 'til 10. Sundays 12 to 5 ) Wednesday, August 4 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1971 Booking concerts involves risk, hard work By STEVE ALLEN of the tour to local When the Stones promoters." tour America, they will be playing in weekdays. Also, the practice any time it rains." football team can use Jension for one would get to go on and said the Byrds were last. When Roger McGuinn going to play first because the cam„ I Gang was having trouble with their equipment, he was htr State News Staff Writer practically nothing but mammoth municipal auditoriums. Groups are also getting picky about their audiences, Blatt the real reason for Us premature appearance," Blatt said I The big business atmosphere of the rock industry finally is Campus groups simply cannot offer the money big city said. "We even had more difficulty with Richie Havens catching up with Pop Entertainment So far Pop promoters can. We are slowly losing out in the shuffle." "David Crosby and Graham Nash will do a tour in a Laura Nyro. Originally we planned to have both of theman< Entertainment has booked only one group fotf the fall, the Groups are also conducting tours when Pop Entertainment month or two. They filled all the dates on that tour simply the same bill. But both of them wanted top billing - nejth°' i Fifth Dimension on Nov. 12 in Jenison Fieldhouse. is unable to get open dates on campus, Blatt said. through friends of their agent, without any publicity at all. Two other dates have been reserved for Pop Entertainment "For instance, we have been trying to get The Who for Nearly all the dates are going to be in small coffeehouses would compromise." net I According to Blatt, the ultraprofessionalism 0f | concerts, but according to Barry Blatt, chairman of Pop over a year, so when they do finally make an American tour, across the Southwest, because that's what Crosby and Nash Entertainment, "if we don't get somebody we want, we won't it's right in the middle of summer," he said. industry may eventually make the campus concert a thing ij I wanted," he said. have any show." "We also have difficulty getting space on campus to put on A final problem Pop Entertainment is having with groups the past. 8 or } At the University of Detroit, Blatt said, the student p0D j "There is no point in taking the time and effort to set up a show. Theater groups will be using the Auditorium until the putting two name bands on the same bill. committee has outside promoters doing all their shows for the a concert that the students would not like or would not end of winter term. We can only use Jenison on Fridays and "We had a real hassle with the Byrds and the James Gang. attend," Blatt explained. "We are supposed to serve all the Saturdays, because the fieldhouse is used by HPR classes on The two groups fought for half an hour backstage over which coming year. students at this University, not just the interests of a few." A number of factors have hindered Pop Entertainment from scheduling groups for the fall, Blatt said. "First, there is a gigantic risk factor in putting on a concert," he said. "Each time we put on a show, wetake the chance of losing a lot of money. For instance, we had only a few shows last year which actually made money. We only had two sellouts: Sly and the Byrds-James Gang show. We had Disease prompts one concert where we lost a bundle, the Sweetwater-Pacific, m a n i fe sted as mild in the southwestern states for from Texas, Gas and Electric show. All the others were close enough to A complete census of all "The Cooperative Extension disease influenza-like sickness with a vaccination. At the same time, Oklahoma, Arkansas the break-even point that we came out of the year all right. horses, mules, donkeys and , Service has been given the_ Very little can be done to - ; , "We could have our fall schedule filled right now, but we ponies in Michigan will be responsibility of obtaining this treat horses infected with low death rate," says the U.S. Air Force is providing Mexico. No horses can b would be taking on some very large risks in the meantime. taken by the state Cooperative information. The urgency of VEE, according to Dr. Oscar Swanstrom. "Contact and aerial spraying service tor an imported into Michigan from I There are some very popular groups which we could schedule Extension Service during the the situation demands that the Swanstrom, equine extension exposure to insect as andinfected rodent expanded insect control any of these states, next two weeks. data be compiled within the specialist at MSU. As a result, carriers, " well " program. - ■ — The Cooperative on campus, but because of the limited number of people The announcement of the next two weeks and that's the current efforts are being horses, may result in human ExtensioJ here, their wide variance in musical tastes and the prices these coming census was made today deadline we're working on here directed toward prevention by infections." Service officials mobilize p|an ?I groups are charging, we just don't dare bring them in." - - - vaccination of healthy animals The U.S. Secretary of No evidence of the disease more than 11 000 1 Blatt said that the big business aspect of the rock industry by G.S. Mclntyre, the service in Michigan.' director. Venezuelan Equine and control of insect carriers. Agriculture has declared a state h»s turned up in Michigan, 4-H club members and leaden has made it more difficult *o schedule rock concerts on "Because of the emergency Encephalomyelitis (VEE) is a Humans «..«= are susceptible to of — emergency °^ concerning — p VEE according to Swanstrom, but for a house to house survey to campus. stemming from Venezuelan highly fatal insectborne disease the VEE' , virus, but the ..... and federal veterinarinas are ineitppdstate nevertheless be conducted Aug. 11-12 it Many groups are unreasonably priced, Blatt maintained. an embargo on horses each of Michigan's 83 county Equine Encephalomyelitis, it is of horses and other mammals, infection in man' is usually rounding up all healthy horses J There is a high demand for quality groups, he said, but a ~ . . - . ... . . . .... ~n kMuk., placed n an relatively low supply. Most groups are charging as much as necessary to obtain an accurate It was first identified in census of all equine species Venezuela in 1937 and has they can get, Blatt said. "We are also having problems with promoters who buy the (members of the horse family) since appeared in Central TEACHING in the United States," said America (1968) and Mexico ■ rights to an entire tour of a group," Blatt explained. "A Los Angeles businessman has already purchased the entire Rolling Mclntyre. "This will require (1970-71). Officials estimate Stones tour next fall. The same thing happened with the more than a mere guess or that more than 8,000 horses Chemistry symposium set estimate. have died from the disease in Moody Blues. These promoters, in turn, sell individual nights Mexico. Cases of VEE were confirmed in mid-June in Mexico along the Mexico-Texas border. Since mid-July there have been more than 1,800 "Chemical Education in of Texas, who will talk on Technique;" Stanley G. Smith, Ralph Turner, Florida A & l| and 1,300 deaths Diverging Society" is the title "The Irrelevancy of Chemistry University of Illinois, University, "The Thirteen! - A Student Viewpoint." "Computer - Based Teaching College Physical Science| reported in the south Texas of « symposium that will be area. The disease sponsored Thursday and Other speakers and their of Organic Chemistry;" and Program. spread 'along "the Gulf Coast Fridfly by the MSU Chemistry topics will be: James B. toward Louisiana. During the and graduate student Hamilton, Michigan State past few days several of the Caching committee. University, "The Unprepared Student:" Donald G. Hicks, southern states, from Florida The symposium, which to California, have been placed begins at 9 a.m. Thursday in under quarantine in an attempt 138 Chemistry Bldg. with Georgia State University, Golden Age of Chemical Nature walks/afed White skin on the black market to check the spread of the registration, is open to anyone Education;" D. A. Humphreys, McMaster University, "The Friday Saturday and ——————— interested. PROGRAM INFORMATION M56485 ... Effectiveness of Individualized Among the participants will Audio Visual Programs in WOMMmCAGES . be Harold G. Cassidy of Yale Undergraduate Chemistry University, who will discuss Teaching;" James P. Snyder, Environmental interpretation programs will be heid on I Open at "General Problems in Teaching Yeshiva University, campus this Friday and Sunday. I 12:45_p. Arthur Gingert and Siah St. Clair, graduate students in I mm NOW Science to the Nonmajor Professional Discipline," in a and "Demonstration of Molecular Motion Using a Dual Slide environmental interpretation, will conduct a night nature walk thru the Rose Lake Wildlife Research Area Friday I [ ALSO "On iijy way to TlicCrusades, Shows Joseph J. Lagowski, University Projection Dissolve evening. Those interested should meet in the Museum | At 1:00 I llli'f *1 Jllfl itrliJh " 3:00-5:00 parking lot at 8:30 p.m. Friday, weather permitting. 7:00-9 p.m. Gingert will also lead a bird • nature walk through B; Woodlot on Sunday morning. Those interested should n CRICKET in the parking lot behind the Natural Resources Building a! I 7 a.m. Sunday, weather permitting. ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS Indian Trails HAS (8) BUSES EVERY DAY Pcuj uA aVuCt and you'll diicover that we have WALT DISNEYS a new addition to our luncheon menu . .. ALL-CARTOON FEATURE TO CHICAGO STARTING TODAY AND EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 11:15 to 2:00 p.m. iiiocchto ^^TECHNICOLOR*^^ Leaving at: EAST LANSING Schedule Eff. June 24, 1971 6:55 AM 7:55 AM 10:25 AM 2:25 PM 5:10 PM 6:15 PM Ijou, can e+ijoy a UunplutuU ORPHAN ELEPHANT" AIR-CONDITIONED COACHES 11:55 AM AVAILABLE - RESTROOM FOR 10:30 PM DELUXE CHARTER BUFFET coul jjeait ta ysuci heaAi'VJ*L l 2 EXCITING FEATURES TODIY Open at 7:00 p.m. THE NOW THRUTUES. (3) BIG HITS i EAST LANSING ON M3 ★ PHONE CD. 21042 4 MILES E. M-43 jane fondo • doncikl/utherlon Y0HLB0F William Holden and Wild Rovers, shooting jtout in a hard Ryan O'Neal are / 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 3326944 Final Week! GILBERT hitting Western f Boxoffice Opens 1:20-3:20-5? 25% 30-9:35 12:45 £10 | Today is LADIES' DAY - 75c to 6 p.m. J "SUMMER OF 42" is a film that SVUIYA1 everyone who was ever will want to see!" a teenager -NEWHA VENREGISTER, YALE UNIVERSITY I EROF« A Robert Mulligan /Richard A Roth Production JENNIFER O'NEILL • GARY GRIMES • JERRY HOUSER • . 0UV£R HERMAN *RAUCHER RICHARD A. ROTH ROBERTMULUOAN MICHEl^* Next I Jack Nicholson Attraction Mlka Nicholi "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE^. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 4, 1971 7 Day By LESLIE LEE camp serves community oriented. "It is one of many ways students are moving into the community," he said. handicapped Due to their handicaps, many of the campers did not have the same level of fitness of other children their State News Staff Writer One of the problems that had to be overcome in ages dealing and the program had to take this into account and adjust Camp Chippewa features swimming, nature studies, arts with the handicapped campers was that the facility had to vigorous activity with periods of passive activity, Oliver said. and crafts, music, field be accessible while not trips and games. It is, in short, a destroying the out - of - doors, The program tried to provide satisfying kinds of contacts typical summer day camp for kids — almost. The campers Oliver said. Also during field trips and other outings with nature to make it an environment where the are orthopedically and visually handicapped children from transportation difficulties had to be overcome. the Lansing and East A major objective of the handicapped feel comfortable, Oliver said. Lansing area. program was to offer the "It also provided an opportunity for the individual to Sponsored by the Easter Seal Society of Ingham County campers a variety of outdoor experiences to prepare them have and the for a resident camp experience with group contacts and live, cooperate and Lansing School District, the camp recently setting. appreciate other children," he said. concluded a five - week session at the "A lot of the children have been Beekman Center at deprived of»outdoor "We tried to foster the growth of the individual and self 2901 Wabash Road in experiences," Oliver said. "It is difficult to get them Lansing. initiative within the campers," he added. "Often the Started in 1950 by the United Cerebral outdoors and very difficult to move them around. Paisy Assn., the Many handicapped become overly dependent. They have to camp served the orthopedically and visually handicapped in parents do not take the effort to take them out." overcome this dependence if they are to live in a program primarily intended for the mentally retarded. This society." was the first year the program was designed and geared specifically for those with orthopedic and visual problems. Major The program was termed quakes gratifying and was said to be to the advantage of these handicapped children by the director of recreation, Jack Oliver. Operating with a staff of 26 counselors, including four volunteers from the MSU Volunteer Bureau, 12 full - time and part - time students at MSU and three students who received college credits, the camp was created for an eligible Camp These children riding in the boat Chi population ages of 155 handicapped school children from the of four to 16 who cannot attend regular schools. Of that population 52 child from Clinton County. campers were enrolled along with one because of ear are The staff worked closely with MSU's HPR WASHINGTON (AP) - The among the 52 Dept. and also earthquakes with a magnitude comparing the wobble with on the earth by the moon orthopedically and visually handicapped children from with the special education teachers and several students, earth's wobble is a of 8.1 on the Richter scale major earthquakes during the and sun," he said. the Lansing area attending Oliver said. "The input from MSU was tremendous force that can have already struck this Camp Chippewa for five tremendous." year, past 70 years. At that time, "But when you add to this weeks of daytime relaxation and a chance In addition to the staff work, the MSU input involved trigger devastating earthquakes one in New Guinea in they to acquaint an worldwide pointed to a definite the earth's wobble as it themselves with nature. outing on Lake Lansing with the MSU Sailing Club. every seven years, January and two others in link between major earthquake reaches its Oliver saw the volunteers from the University as one of government scientists said the Solomon Islands and in maximum, you —Photo by Tim Younkman activity and the seven - year have another apparently many responses to accusations that the University is not Monday. the New Britain Islands in the wobble. The scientists cited new tremendous force which may southwest Pacific in Charles A. Whitten, chief evidence they said make clear July. A trigger earthquakes." BY ARCHPRIEST a definite correlation between fourth, with a magnitude of geodesist of the agency's 7.9, struck Chile in July. National Ocean Survey, said The the wobble and connection between major The report was prepared he was not suggesting the earthquakes and the wobble earthquakes, a theory that has prior to the two quakes that wobble is the sole cause of gained was first theorized in 1893 prominence in recent rocked Japan Church views compared years. Monday. earthquakes. by a British scientist, John The earth wobbles As a result, they said the slightly "Many things undoubtedly Milne. Scientists in the United as it spins, world could causing the north enter into it, including the States made the same expect more - south polar axis on which it major earthquakes this year shifting of the earth as strain suggestion later, but the rotates to shift. Scientists than in any year since say builds up beneath the surface theory had not gained "Interpretation the 1964, the axis zigzags around the and o. Scriptures is the chief difference when a massive tremor struck possibly the pull exerted widespread acceptance. I between the Orthodox Church and the non daily guiding it and protecting it from teaching doctrinal geographical North Pole, - Orthodox Alaska, because the wobble I Christian churches," the head of the Eastern error," he contrasted. shifting as much as six inches ENDS THURS.:? Orthodox reaches its peak every seven (3 I Catechetical Assn said Monday at MSU. "Orthodoxy's attitude toward the veneration of saints, per day for a maximum 72 ICHIGAN years. Archpriest Nicholas Fedetz, pastor of SS. Peter and I Russian Orthodox Church, Detroit, who heads Paul toward prayers for the benefit of the nature and meaning of the dead, toward the very Carl Von Hake, seismologist feet over a period. 14 - month Theatre Lansinq ■ "PLAZA SUITE" the Holy Eucharist, confession, holy for the National ■ association which represents the ten national jurisdictions of orders, is quite different from Protestantism and Roman Information Center, Earthquake said the This daily wobble of the and "TRUE GRIT" I orthodoxy in America, spoke at the 18th Eastern Orthodox Catholicism," he continued. pole reaches its maximum I Catechetical conference — a continuing education activity for "Both the Roman and Orthodox churches is infallibility in the hold that there amount of energy released by tremors this year already tops every seven years. Scientists at the National starts FRIDAY: I church leaders — at Kellogg Center. in which they church, but the difference in the way the amount set off in Oceanic and "If anyone were to ask me what distinguishes the Holy that the interpret the Bible leads to the Roman view one year since 1964. any Administration prepared Atmospheric IN THE TRADITION OF I Orthodox Catholic Church from Protestantism or Roman p^pe alone is infallible, while the Orthodox church He said three I Catholicism, I would have to come holds that infallibility is resident in the massive statistics earlier this ■ conclusion that the Orthodox ultimately to the the mystical entire church, as body of Christ, of which Christ himself is the year HEMINGWAY AND DOGART. interpretation of the Sacred head." It was his first job in 9 years. I Scriptures constitutes the chief difference," Fedetz said. "Protestants may say as Martin Luther from Spain to South of France. Drive a young killer taught, 'If it isn't I in the Bible, we don't accept it' — that the Bible .alone is ■ the only rule and guide to what men should believe," he Ipionted out. "To the Orthodox, while the Bible is the ■divinely revealed truths, it is not the only guide, for we ■have the divine guidance and ■ Holy Spirit to teach us. great btiok of perpetual inspiration of the Love Rings. ArtCarved named them GEORGE C. SCOTT Orthodoxy firmly believes that the ■ Holy Spirit remains perpetually with the Orthodox Church, with THE SKrcmk'n&tritt THE tetaaranl 220 S. Howard St. 371-1752 LAST RUN IN NEW EHTEfTMMENT Co - Starring TONY MUSANTE I FRIDAY NIGHT TRISH VAN DEVERE . . . 6:30 - 12:00 . . . DANCING Metrocolor - Panavision (AuiUiOH K fade. bKosso He|mut & Werner on B * Accordian Singers:;;; |SATURDAY NIGHT . .. 'SINGING UND FLINGING' | 6:30-7:30 .... Music by Bob Koss on Accordian Love shows at a glance. In | 8:00-12:30 .. . DANCING. . . Bob Koss on Accordian. I smiles, the things you do. your eyes, your You'll see love in ArtCarved wedding rings, too. Fascinating textures. Delicate carved scrolls, floral ~ patterns, geometries. CARTOON FESTIVAL At 8:20 n and take a look. You'll 30 MINUTES OF CARTOON FUN! see love shining ny ways. irs bAbY MiLo who Mas WAShiNQTON TERRiFlEd. whY? Today at: BARGAIN HOUR 1:45-3:45-5:45-7:45-9:45 1:15-2:15 WEST 1:00-2:00 EAST ALL SEATS 75c Shown Twice at 8:50 & Late ROBERIMOUM GEORGE IWCDY. THE 000D BUYS AND THE BAD BUYS Tapes Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan '97| I Wednesday, August 4, 1971 9 SIGNS MSU TENDER t ''Lions Depends on Landry as It has been quite some time since we gridiron patrons have champs? It's finally looked with great anticipation to an upcoming football season for the Detroit Lions. Gone are those immortal days when losing was the name of the game, Harry Gilmer the name of the coach, and Milt Hairston a Spartan Plum the name of the quarterback. By TERRY FICORELLI intent in just a few days. Hairston, "and I was deeply Not since the mid - 50's has there been such a clamor to State News Sports Writer There had been quite a lot impressed with the sincerity see the Motor City's high - priced commodity. The of talk of both prospects of a regarding the head coach Gus A record of more than 43,000 season tickets have been basketball power at MSU took Ganakas and Assistant Matt possibility of Hairston deciding purchased. This is roughly 80 per cent of the ol' Briggs a "giant" step toward reality to attend the University of Aitch." Stadium's capacity. This time, however, winning is the name earlier this week when Detroit Michigan to join Pontlac "We are elated that Lindsay of the game, Joe Schimdt the name of the coach, and Central's all-America Campy is Greg Kettering star Lindsay coming our way," said Landry the name of the quarterback. Hairston returned Russell^, However, this week's Ganakas. "His coming will lift a signed athletic tender. signing with MSU ended that our program to prominence Schimdt, the former Lions' all - pro middle linebacker TTie 6 foot 9, and will 200-pound speculation. mark the beginning [during those great teams of the mid - 50's, is now at his fifth training camp as head coach. He has already been handed a A center is expected to enroll Hairston, like Russell also of a new era in Spartan performance "self - renewing" contract by club owner William Clay Ford. According to Mr. Ford's timetable, this is supposedly the The patchy for the fall semster. Hairston had announced several weeks received all-State all-America honors during the and basketball. Lindsay is the first outstanding big man we've been able to attract and we painting of the schedule on the boards at each end of Spartan Stadium is just a ago that he planned to come past basketball season. He year the Lions feast in the NFL junbles - like $25,000 slight hint at what awaits the MSU to MSU, but the tender averaged over 23 points and feel he's one of the three or smackers worth and a trip to Super Bowl VI..The football team this season. The Spartans will Lions, it 11 games this season. play signing now makes it 21 rebounds per game during four best of the big men in should be noted, have not been on top of the football world his prep career with Kettering. the since back in 1957. If you completely official. Hairston country among high can remember that far back (I State News photo by Don Gerstner will sign a national letter of Destined for greatness from school seniors. On potential was 8 at the time), the Lions clobbered Paul Brown's the moment he first set foot for a college career, we feel Cleveland Browns to the sweet tune of 5914. Veteran Tobin he has no peer." on the Pioneer court, the Rote was the quarterback that wonderful Sunday afternoon at Tiger Stadium. WINS AT COLUMBUS multi-talented Hairston led his Hairston will join Detroit school to two successive McKenzie all-city forward Now it's 1971 — 14 years later. The rookies have been in Public School League Lovelle Rivers and | camp a few weeks now and the vets have just recently championships, a quarterfinal hot-shooting guard Pete Davis, reported. From the looks of the early workouts, there is no doubt Trevino pads bank roll finish in the State Class A tournament in 1970 and the finals of this year's State a 6 foot 3 all-New York performer prominent from City nationally Brooklyn Boys' I that contender top When the Detroifortersallmust be consideredWashington the marbles in 1971. the Minnesota Vikings' Gene one of, if not THE was asked COLUMBUS, OHIO (UPI) - hometown of El Paso, Tex., His Oass A tournament. Sparked by the great High School, on Aitch's frosh squad. With these three stars, Lee Trevino added 65 was three shots 17 under par 55. defensive play of Hairston, MSU could jn the 'Sports Quiz' last week, 'who are the main teams another where he is to be honored - field its best $1,000 to his bulging bank roll better than the next lowest Kettering stunned Russell and freshment team in Tuesday, sizzled the demanding years. [standing between the Vikings and the Super Bowl this season?' Jack Nicklaus, a Columbus Washington responded: "All of them. However, Detroit is Monday be taking first - place Columbus scored turned in by Charles Pontiac Central in this year's Add last year's MVP Bill course with six native and the unofficial Coody, Steve Reid, Lee Elder host the number one team to beat." seven - under 65 in the sixth birdies and an eagle three on of the annual tourney. Kilgore from River Rouge, annual Columbus Invitational the 488 and amateur Robin Obetz. charity event, along with Mike Robinson of - yeard, 15th hole. played in a fivesome which Hairston credited After last season's disappointing finale in Pro Am the 6,568 - the Detroit Northeastern and Dallas, the Lions, - over Obetz, however, a six included comedian Bob Hope ind in particular, Landry, are set to unseat Minnesota in the yard par 72 Columbus Country Trevino had four threes on - atmosphere on the MSU Tyrone Lewis of Ferndale, NFC's Central Division and kick Baltimore off the Coub course. the front nine and four on the handicapper, paced his team, and most of the record campus with helping him and MSLPs prospects of World led by assistant turnout of 12,000 Big Champions' throne Columbus following make his final, binding Ten basketball come January. Trevino, who played early back nine where he also had a supremacy now birdie two on the 13. Country Club pro Jim Louge, them. Nicklaus shot a decision. "I liked the will take This time, though, the Lions a much more disappointing 37 - 38 • 75. atmosphere at State," said realistic look. fate will rest with the youthful Why Pay Motel Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Landry instead of an aging Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! signalcaller like Rote was at the time of Detroit's last glory. Outside of Pittsburgh's duo of Terry Bradshaw and Terry Hanratty, Landry, at 24, is the youngest starting quarterback In the game today. Despite his failure to move the offensive unit in the playoff with Dallas, Landry was the prime factor for the Lions winning five consecutive games — all against division leaders — to get into JCommissioner Pete Rozelle's post season extravanganza. He dazzled the fans with his exciting, imaginative, often impromptu brand of play - calling. Not since the heart - trembling era of Bobby Layne Sunday afternoons been h a treat with Landry's Jtyle of lunacy. Again, in "Super" season 71, the former Massachusetts star's unique abilities will spearhead Detroit's drive to "Super Sunday." The 6 foot 4, 215 - pound Landry has already said that ie wili play out his option ;his season. He is unhappy >ver the club's $30,000 :ontract offer, calling it 'ludicrous." A $100,000 price lag Landry has put on himself for his multl • talented lervices. His chances of $100,000, ike the Lions Super Bowl >opes, depend on his eadership for an entire season. Phis is something Landry must till prove. He has never held he offensive reins for an ntire 14 - game schedule. In »nly his third professional eason with Detroit last year, -andry completed an ncredible 61 per cent of his trials and rushed for 350 'ards, carrying a 10 yard verage. If gallopin' Greg should liter, the Lions offer the best icond - string signalcaller in ie NFL in 29 < - year - old ill Munson. Munson came off ie bench and almost turned lat 5-0 "choke" with the owboys into plane fare to iami. It may be recalled that unson was the man Landry placed at mid - season last ear just as it appeared that le Lions ,e had fallen out of | running. Sixth - round draft pick "ank Harris, who broke all ® passing records at Boston will probably be put 1 the "taxi" squad replacing anadian - bound Greg Barton. The fate of the '71 edition the Detroit Lions will rest th the passing, running, but of all leadership of one ;e8ory "°ut a Landry - with or contract. T,»e march to will Super Bowl be a long one. If dry gets the Lions there, sure Mr. Ford will give m what every young, fj,'.®"8 °°.00o, individual wants: and security. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Consumers service to compare By RAY ANDERSON cost data, which will enable them to intelligently represent "We started with food, because injustices occur, but well that's where most of the expand to include clothing, food costs students cannot be denied. When we come into a store v want them to recognize that they're dealing with a groun State News Staff Writer area Miss consumers. Eisenberg said the group also hopes to evaluate the electronics and drug stores," she explained. "Perhaps well that represents 40,000 people," she said. p A group of MSU students have formed a consumers services of local stores such as treatment of customers, eventually include used cars." Tliey believe that many or the losses resulting from service, tentatively called the Student Consumers Affairs adjustment of complaints and availability of foreign foods, She emphasized that the group eventually would like to shoplifting could be eliminated in their role as mediator. Board, which will provide students and other East Lansing all of which are important to student consumers. act as a mediator between the merchants and students. comparative food prices for local grocery If their research uncovers what they consider a gross residents with The group hopes to convince merchants who are suffering stores. price markup or other consumer exploitation, they will "In the long run we'd like to extablish buying trends and from excessive shoplifting to cut their prices, thereby The group has begun making daily purchases from the organize pickets and boycotts, Miss Eisenberg added. local marketing procedures that will counteract negative convincing students that it is in their better interest to buy food stores near the University which would most nearly When, and if, the group gains sufficient momentum to practices. That's why we intend to evaluate every area that goods at reduced prices rather than suffering the resultant simulate those of the average American family, Elyse sustain itself, she said, they will expand to other retailing students spend money, because merchant dependence on high prices necessary to cover shoplifting losses. Eisenberg, spokesman for the group, said. The first store to be checked, according to Miss Eisenberg, was the Spartan Shop Rite at Trowbridge and Harrison roads. "We started there because it's a main source of food for students in the married housing units, particularly among those that have to walk," she said. Results have not as yet been substantial enough to warrant any action by the group. Its primary interest at present is to generate support for the group's aims and Report says CI topped$100million demonstrate that they are a legitimate, responsible group, she said. To accomplish this end the group intends to act as a sounding board for legitimate complaints on the part of in Laos retailers and merchants along with those of the student million by the CIA exclusive 14,000 and 20,000, including WASHINGTON (AP) - A to Laos in late April and community and other area consumers. of the Thai operation. more than 3,000 in Senate Foreign Relations early May by James G. "At present we are only about five or six people, but if Committee staff report said Lowenstein and Richard M. Secretary of State William P. antiaircraft crews. we can get 200 people actively interested we'll be able to Moose, revealed a number of Rogers put total spending at ♦U.S. air sorties in both make a bulletin naming stores trying to stop abuses where Monday that the Central southern and northern Laos — Intelligence Agency spent well hitherto secret details about $350 million exclusive of air they seem to exist and giving credit where it is due," Miss over $100 million last year as U.S. operations in Laos. costs, and committee sources the exact amount for each is Eisenberg said. said most of the extra $66 classified — dropped from 400 part of a growing U.S. effort The group is presently consulting national consumer to halt North Vietnamese "The veil of secrecy which million was for the CIAj a day two years ago to 350 advocates to get information on meat quality and to get backing of Ihai troops. advances in Laos. has long kept this 'secret war' a day last year and 340 a more accurate consumer buying reports and wholesale food officially hidden from in Laos ♦For fiscal 1972, which day this April. American people has been ♦The most effective Laotian It listed $70 million in CIA the began July 1, 1971, the backing for Laotian forces partially lifted," said Sen. military assistance item is due military forces is not the and indicated that close to Stuart Symington, D-Mo., to rise from $162.2 million Royal Lao Army but the so ■ a Hobie is a whole meal. that addition amount was paid in to support some chairman of the subcommittee on U.S. security agreements to $252.2 million, making the total $374 million excluding called BG irregular force, supported mainly by the CIA and commitments abroad. the Thai troops and bombing. in four of the country's five 4,800 Thai irregulars fighting in Laos. The ♦Despite heavy casualties, military regions. complete report was forces Despite growing U.S. aid, presented North Vietnamses forces rose ♦Thai occupy the to the Foreign which totaled at least $350 Relations Committee in May from about 40,000 in March key Sam Thong base and a political million last year excluding and to a secret session of the 1968 to 100,000 in April nearby hill. "The CIA perhaps five times that Senate on June 7. A 1971 while native Pathet Lao supervises and pays for the One of my subs amount for bombing declassified transcript will be Communist troop strength training of these irregulars in contains needed for everything a operations, most the observers report feel said printed "the in today's dropped from 51,645 to 39,000. Hie report said the Thailand and provides the salary, allowances including :ani balanced meal- situation there is growing Congressional Record. North Vietnamese appear to death benefits and operations in Sculpture steadily worse and the The report discloses: be taking the brunt of action. costs Laos," the report good for lunch, This sculpture at the Kresge Art Center looks like the initiative seems clearly to be ♦In fiscal 1971, the United ♦Hie number of Chinese said, adding "Some of the dinner, & snacks in the hands of the enemy." States spent $162.2 million in forces along the road has funds probably come from leg of a gigantic ant from the angle of approach used The censored report, which military assistance, $52 million risen from betwen 6,000 and the Defense Department by the photographer. stems from a 12 • dav visit in economic aid and $70 8,000 in 1969 to between budget." -State News photo by Tom Gaunt PROTESTS WAR, AID PLAN By Rl< TONIGHT (and every Wednesday) State Nei I Sunday, ferk, East Dine in U M J • is. . . Groups to rally at Capitol |ere treated the begi nd in pol |c_k rally. carry out. "Happy Hours" or The demonstration will also call attention to the plight of _ 930 Trowbridge Rd. The 26th anniversary of the dropping of the atom bomb ? leaflet farm workers who have been unable to sign a contract with Hiroshima will emphasize the divergent aims of three 1 politickii flUUIC 5 on Hublein Inc., according to Miss May. The demonstration will rally at noon Friday on the steps of f older ralli 351-3800 Lansing groups at a 8-10 pm the State Capitol. The Lansing Area Peace Council, Michigan Welfare Rights mark the beginning of a boycott on three Hublein products, Hamm's Beer, Smirnoff Vodka and Wine. Italian Swiss Colony [owned they w oul Organization and the United Farm Workers Organizing ir of live r "We are asking Lansing Community College on the Fall LIEBERMANN'S (all drinks greatly reduced) Committee are gathering to express their concern about these issues: Mechanization of the Vietnam conflict, Offensive, People's Coalition for Peace and Justice, women and welfare rights, East Pakistan relief and the ■ With President Nixon's Family Assistance Plan and the failure of war, and THURSDAY Hublein Inc. to sign a contract Workers. with the United Farm boycott. For more information call the Lansing Area Peace Council. Spokesman for the ralliers, Deborah May, said the Ours alone... the is. demonstration will be brief because enough has been said .. by the respective groups about injustice and killing, but they hope this will convey the concern of millions of Americans. POLICE lightest, toughest "Quart Night" "President Vietnam by Nixon is sustaining our commitment in replacing troops being taken out with computers, sensors, timing devices and bombers. The money luggage ever! all at the being used for killing is needed here at home" she said. The groups also claim the assistance program proposed by President Nixon is a pittance that would not cover an A STEREO amplifier, a TAPE DECK, turntable and East Lansing police said they found evidence the front subsistance costs for a family of four. two cameras worth nearly door of the apartment had "We insist that the money being spent on burning homes $1,000 were stolen sometime been forced open, apparently and rice paddies in Vietnam be spent at home on food and Monday from an apartment with a screwdriver. No suspects shelter for the poor," Miss May continued. located at 217 E. Point Lane, were reported. All at the Shop Tonight 'til 9 p.m., Thurs. thru Sat. 9:30 to 5:30 wdS' Wines store next an IN ANOTHER THEFT from apartment, East Lansing Beer to The officers said they investigated Ifcfc's •Chilled Tappers *lce cold beer & wine Ko-Ko Bar reports of thefts of three tape decks and speakers and one 203 E. GRAND RIVER stereo turntable, valued at #Kegs of beer available for parties $590, stolen from an •Delicious pizza to go apartment at 731 Burcham kwik Drive. 1/2 Off Sale! Police said apparently gained entry by someone 410 S. Clippert off Kalamazoo 7 Days a week Open till 2:00 a.m. stop removing an outside screen Suede or Leather from a front window. We took our idea to the man who makes our tool Hot Pants That cases and material handling trays. "Why not" we said, "use the fibre but make it same tough hard vulcanized trunk colorful and use bright brass for Team-lip With rivets and corners." Come see our colorful red and navy tough travel cases as a trunk. that are amazingly light, but They're inexpensive . . and Matching Vests have the handsome look of a truly functional design. HOT PANTS were $16 to $20 24" X 14" X 8" *2250 • 28" X 17" X 8" s2750 $g°° jo *1000 I by Univers | continental MATCHING VESTS, reg. $30 .. Ladie: Men's Here's a buy to really turn you on! Soft, supple REAL leather I White or \ or suede hot pants in snap-front style and leather vests you'll wear now into Call. Great colors too! whit*, black, red, navy, orange, antelope and brown. East Lansing - 209 E. Grand River Get 'em now! Sizes 5 to 15 Downtown - 107 S. Washington Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 4. 1971 M Chamber president blasts • graduated income tax plan By JOANNA FIRESTONE Hall said voter adoption of and corporate income tax on State News Staff Writer the developed, amendment could lead to Michigan taxpayers at, the "We must not give a blank an income tax increase of as state and local level under the check to a legislature that has much as $1.2 billion for guise of property tax relief shown no tendency to shun The president of the educational purposes alone. and education reform. fiscal profligacy." Michigan State Chamber of "Under the current package, "The individual is going to Commerce said Tuesday that these two major changes pay dearly no matter what Supporters of a graduated a proposal to eliminate the would be inseparable," he system he's taxed under," tax the heavy tax burdens property tax for school said. They would be tied Hall said. Pa|d by middle - income support and replace it with a together in one amendment. Hall said a clearly stated residents will be more evenly graduated income tax "A vote for the property formula, made public before spread to higher income represents "a python tax tax revision would be an major changes are made, is corporations and taxpayers, squeeze to get rid of a rattle automatic vote for the essential so that personal and «RI1=i„~cc ao snake tax bite." Buaness . President Harry graduated income tax. The corporate taxpayers can of state taxes ™s. 42 P.ercent R. Hall, in voter would have no choice understand what tne already," Hall a letter to the chamber's said. "A graduated tax would between the two." immediate and ultimate 3,100 members, urged Hall said the chamber of financing education will be provide no incentive for businessmen and taxpayers to : to make a profit if would support putting the from the new state tax write to their state legislators two questions on the ballot if sources, they are unequitably hit for in objection constitutional amendment that to a considered as independent "It is obvious that the „under ,h<- ^uated proposals. amount needed from a would lift the current "This untenable situation replacement tax will be According to a report of prohibition on a graduated developed as a result of the greater than any property tax income tax. the Citizens Research Council, type of closed - door political relief," he said. pupil A single deal that gives politics such per operating proposal linking "Consequently, it does not expenditutes in the 638 property tax relief and the an unsavory reputation," he seem unreasonable to graduated income tax cleared request school districts in Michigan said. "It is a devious the House last week. A two attempt details on an equalization vary from $410 to $1,276, - to foist a graduated personal formula before a new plan is thirds vote now is needed averaging $728 per student. by the Senate to put the Rally constitutional amendment on the November ballot. ''The Chamber of City council candidate Chuck Will explains his views Commerce supports the idea spectators, including this chap who seemed to be more to a prospective voter during a rock - rally held interested in of drinking root beer than in either of the property tax relief, but Sunday afternoon in Valley Court Park. The combined main events. not at the cost of a forced political rally and rock concert drew about 150 -State News photos by acceptance of the graduated Doug Bauman income tax," Hall said. BIRMINGHAM GROSSE POINTE ANDIDATE-SPONSORED DETROIT ANN ARBOR DEARBORN GRAND RAPIDS EAST LANSING Rock rallies draw By RICK WILBINS News Analysis occurred at traditional rallies gatherings. State News Staff Writer and the introduction of rock The rock rally, like the rock Sunday, rk, East > at Valley Court young people Lansing residents Valley Court Park, opened treated to what may well thei^ quarts of beer and sat crowded into Many did not even know the music was part of the rally. Others simply were there to music into the political realm win not change that. But the concert, is here to stay and as long as loud music will draw lUidhtttc /Iajm atmosphere the beginning of a new for four hours in the sun. md in political rallies — the From 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. the vis't- The same situation has branching out is Daley dinners and different, a crowds, politicians will be from Mayor eager to use rock to bait their Kennedy constituency. uftcL :k rally. latest news was circulated, The leafletting, hand shaking frisbies were thrown and d politicking — all standards guitars strummed. At 5 p.m. tVJ vn by the deafening beat the community was supposed drums and the wail of a to have been there but older Thursday and Friday, between Federals and in front of the State Capitol. Iva-wa" and subjected to residents and "straights" were litical rhetoric only during noticeably absent. isical "half-times." Most of the young people Such was the case Sunday there were not as interested in DRUMSTICKS approximately 150 the candidates in the music. TURKEY1 as MEATY CHUCK STEAK IGAYLORD KRAFT FROZEN CORN-PEAS 880 SAUCE ' ■ 29< FOOD CLUB the time is now for Technos watches ICOftN FtAKES I7C by Universal Geneve, Switzerland. . -a f'ne blend of SAVE 20c with this coupon 20c I toward tho purchase of: J% continental styling with' uncompromising craftsmanship. A. Ladies 17-jewel gold-filled bracelet watch. 59.50 PUNCH !c0 LYSOL ®n! Men's automatic wristwatch with date indicator. ■ DETERGENT POWDER 10 °FF with | i SPRAY DISINFECTANT 57' I Expires Sat. August 7, 1971 | Expires Sat. August 7, 1971 coupon | White or yellow gold. 59.50 |jl) Meijer THRIFTY ACRES Meijer THRIFT Y ACRES Qj| GD Meijer"THRIFTY ACRES FINE JEWELRY 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA Jacob0on0 SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 10 PM Sunday — 10 AM to 7 PM Wednesday, August 4 197| ] 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan New parking ramp construction bond. rpatriar. , "~;""d£Hr£ 2SSs,r riSSS: BuiS said that under the (Continued from page one) Authority Act, the citv h* pat, off .nJs guaranteed it will1 Pfly I rj??isssjisr "If you don't provide the conditions, on the relocation land and for another bond w^rrsiTs t'V remainder of the original bond authority acts is.£Lr£?and ,he jsrtLE as a financing 1955 reve p zsrz ^ both parking, you're going to lose Qf Knapp's department store sold in 1968 to finance the also will go into the agent for tne city, curre ly, the merchants. If you - • lose the from East Lansing and on a ramp construction. redemption fund. the authority deals only witn the parking system. is going to gain." Patriarche admitted the city which expiring in 1973. lease operation Approved o u n c 11 recommendation of in by the 1968 on the The city amounted whjch bond sold in 1967 the to $630,000, on city pays $66,000 The to the move to sell the system authority stemmed from State may lose millions annuauy, bringing total annual 1966 ,awsuit with a taxpayer might someday be forced to Originally, he said, a R..ildin„ Authoritv the ramn «««« «■»»» aa 19 (Continued from page one) not passing the bills which have been constrguction 19b8 bond tTsiSoOO levy additional taxes when the budget is prepared to help pay feasibility study conducted by a Chicago firm in the mid - bond originally ooc n™ *_j to $1,225,000. rit iq^bond to Jt>lbb.uuu- Wh° could that ^ not enter into land 'in its committees since March. amounted Of contracts. Under the contracts, Sixty of the 153 illegal signs have TTie Natural Resources Commission off the bonds, though the 1960s indicated additional . „ ,, . this amount, Warden said, Approved by city council in purchased with a 1955 revenue been erected since 1968, Stafseth said. joined Kelley in calling for immediate move is not anticipated. parking facilities would be $1429,972 was used for iq66 Those put up before Jan. 1, 1968, passage of new billboard legislation, He said monies advanced ded to meet growing construction> architects' fees, .recommendation of the Building Authority, this bond the city owned the cannot be removed without noting that Michigan has gained a from the general fund will all demands for more spaces, previously mentioned lots. alley window boxes and bond money financed compensating the owners, even though national reputation for its proliferation be reimbursed as soon as the they may be in illegal positions. parking system shows a profit, parkfng areas including the ^"o^oT^nmaHy^on *this ^eloprJent £f T^s'andThe Building Authority More than 200 other billboards are of billboards now numbering more than 42,000 along 7,000 miles of interstate Only funds from the parking ramp, would draw more 1968 bond. Onall these lote, the city held became owner of the parking system itself will be used to customers into the downtown being investigated by the Highway and primary highways in the state. retire the debt to the general competing with the new titles prior to to their transfer system in 1967, when East Dept. to determine whether they are fund, Patriarche noted. area malls, Patriarche said. He Funds left over from the to the Building Authority in Lansing agreed to operate the also Illegal by current Michigan The city manager said he added the city might lose original allotment cannot be 1967. lots by lease agreement. The standards. The commission pointed out that had forecast the ramp would business without adequate used for other purposes. Some authority floated the 1967 "The current law is cumbersome and Michigan's economy is heavily obably earn between downtown parking. of the money has been In 1967, the city sold its revenue bond to pay tne city it is often difficult to determine just dependent upon the public's enjoyment invested in a redemption fund parking system to the Building who owns potentially illegal billboards," of natural scenery and its drawing $90,000 and $100,000 a year. new facility does not power among visitors from other states. According to the city at four per cent interest. Authority. Since then, East Stafseth said. always break even, Patriarche treasurer, the ramp earned a sclared, noting that he Patriarche says the interest will Lansing has leased the system Atty. Gen. Kelley, working with be used for paying off the from the authority. When the Stafseth in supervising this summer's It supports the construction of sign preaudited $50,242. believes the ramp and other plazas along public highways as a bond, which matures in 1993. bonds are paid off, Patriarche removal efforts, urged the legislature Why isn't the ramp paying facilities will eventually begin suitable alternative for advertising for itself, and where did the This interest from the said, the parking system will late last week to provide the state with paying for themselves. legitimate businesses and services. Regardless, the majority of redemption fund could help revert to the city, more effective tools and scolded it for retire the bond about two or The Building Authority was the 1970 - 1971 parking Voter registration (Continued from page one) THRIF-T'MART BRINGS YOU Proposition A called for an austerity level of 24.5 mills DISCOUNT PRICES that would at least allow the schools to open in the fall. Proposition B, seeking an additional 1.0 mill, would provide for additional staff and facilities trimmed from the first proposal. Proposition C, seeking an extra 0.45 mills, would provide for additional programs. Should all the measures fail, school administrators will begin plans for another millage election to be held in early September. 5 - LB. PACKAGE OR MORE 2 ifSWHftT'S ^ SAVE 40* WITH THIS COUPON |cash vj Edward lit J. Lynn, asst. professor SWIFT'S PREMIUM CORNISH HENS REG. 89c COUNTRY FRESH ICE CREAM ALL VARIETIES EXCEPT BUTTER LIMIT 1 - Ha,f £ 49' PECAN ' PER COUPON PER FAMILY ia of psychiatry at the University Health Center, will discuss the psychological aspects of drug usage at 7 tonight in West Wilson terrace are Workshops on the fall offensive scheduled for 2-5 p.m. Friday , 59c lounge. and Saturday in the Cass Bldg., at Lansing Community* College. ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will Workshops included are: East have a lawyer available from 1 to Pakistan relief, Hueblein boycott, 5 p.m. every Wednesday during welfare right* and v all summer term. Those wishing an For more infori appointment are asked to check 482-2962. SAVE 41' with the ASMSU business office, 307B Student Services Bldg., or. REG. 14c ALL FLAVORS call 355-8266. There will be Support the demonstration and nomical $3 charge for service. rally at noon Friday on the Capitol steps protesting computerized FAYGO POP16 fl oz,obft<£99< Two one - act plays by killing in Vietnam, Hueblein Pirandella will be performed free at Incorporated, and the family LIMIT 10 PER COUPON PER FAMILYj 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday on the assistance plan. GOOD THRU SAT. AUG. 7 north bank of the Red Cedar River across from the Auditorium. There will be a meeting for FIRST CUTS- CANADIAN anyone interested in working on the SDS campaign to fight job cuts The MSU Soaring Club will hold and layoffs at 8 tonight in West Wilson lounge. BACON .99'IC PLUMPISH, MORRELL SKINLESS i6 - o, JAMAICA pkgs. REG. 31c BETTY CROCKER BONUS SPECIALS-FROZEN FOODS CAKE MIXES 95' AT CHARTER JET 113 FLAVORS - 17 to 18% OZ. WTS. MILK SAVE 10c SCOT LAD CRINKLE CUT ?) LIMIT 4 PER COUPON PER FAMILY! PRICES | MFGRS.- GOOD THRU SAT. AUG. 7! $270°o POTATOES Save 11c on Per Person milk by 29 68 32 OZ. WT. POLY jMILK»> CountfV (Basis Double occupancy) WITH THIS BAG SAVE 33' COUPON REG. 2.22 CHASE & SANBORN INCLUDES ALL THESE FEATURES: SAVE 30c LLOYD J. HARRIS COFFEE ""Si*" S|8' * Round CROWN DELUXE APPLE Blue Seal MARGARINE 4 "ykg°' 590 REGULAR , LIMIT 1 DRIP, ELECTRIC PERK PER COUPON PER FAMILY| - Trip Non - Stop Jet Transportation from - Wi nd r/Detro it Montego Bay, Jamaica CHERRY PIES so to * Accommodations with Private Bath and Air - BREAD POLLY ANNA Conditioning at the Jamaica Hilton for 7 Nights SPLIT - TOP including tax *Round - Trip Airport Transfers in Jamaica via Air - Conditioned Motor Coaches *Full - Course Breakfasts and Dinners Each Day at the Hotel "Welcoming Get - Acquainted Cocktail Party with Hot SAVE 28' and Cold Hors d'oeuvres *Free Chaise Lounges on'th'ree •Towels * Complimentary Skin Diving, Horseback SAVE 20c BUITONI CHEESE LOAVES mJF Oz. 1 REG. 39c WHITE OR ASST. 4 PACKS Riding and Tennis Lessons * All Tips to Waiters, Maids, Bellboys, Dining Room Maitre D' and Tips to Porters NORTHERN S0™ LIMIT THREE - 4 PACKS PER COUPON PER at Montego Bay Airport FAMILY MFGRS. GOOD THRU PREMIUM QUALITY FRESH PRODUCE BRSnsSlI SAT. AUG. 7 DEPARTURES EVERY SATURDAY MICHIGAN o Or CORN 6 SWEET Dozen 69c college travel f office PEACHES 3 59c 130 W. Grand River 351-6010 TOMATOES 99c Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 4, 197 1 | 3 Student Service For Sale Recreation Real Estate Service Service 1954 OFFICIAL PASSPORT photos - THE of suburban living in PAINTING EXTERIOR, BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. DIRECTORY 45'x8', 2 bedroom. BEST Interior. job Furnished. Inexpensive living. application photos in 15 minutes. Ottawa Hills. MSU, Meridian Experienced, free estimates. No job too large or too small. $1375. 641-4525. 2-8-6 PHOTOGRAPHY BY PAUL. Mall near. If you admire a Special rates - MSU, married Block off campus. 332-3255. C beautiful lot with lots of housing. Call 355-2894, 1970 HOMETTE 12'x50' two photographed anywhere. O shrubs, trees, and blue spruce, 355 2893. X-5-8-6 SEE THE auto show ... all sizes, bedroom, skirted, furnished. take a drive by 4965 Sioux prices, models, colors, in today's college travel bead crafts. • EYES EXAMINED Classified Ads. Must sell. Take overpayments. Way, and then give me a call Typing Service office decoupage supplies, art reproductions' • GLASSES • CONTACT LENS At Lot 3-8-9 4600 20. West Perry. Britton Road. Call 355-1105. EUROPE-$149 for appointment to see inside. 3 bedrooms, full basement, breezeway and 2 car garage. COMPLETE THESES service. TYPING, THESES Rapid and letters, etc. J30 West Grand River Ave. candle making supplies DR. I.Li. Collins, Optometrist Christmas break in Hawaii, Discount printing, IBM typing and accurate service. Financing to be arranged. Call Experienced. 393 4075. 0-8-9 351-6010 Enfield's Incorporated C6-Optlcal Services $279 Spain or Acapulco, $249 Mrs. Robinson ADVANCE binding of theses, resumes, 693 M-43. Okemos. 349-1940 5218 S. Logan. Lost & Found Round trip, REALTY, 372-7610 publications. Across from campus, 393-4230 Jet Air, daily or corner M.A.C. and Grand 485-3045. 5 8-13 River, "Tvisu barber shop BROOKS Imported Cars NAVY BLUE East Lansing below Jones Stationary Shop. Call 209 MAC Ave. Marching Band Windbreaker. N.U.S. TRAVEL SERVICE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, By 332-4222. C-8-6 351-1110 351-6738. 2-8-6 Call Frank Buck Sales and 351-8604 owner. Lake front home at £. Try us for your next Haslett. 3 or 4 bedrooms with Service bob jones paints PROFESSION ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith styling, razor cut or TABLE TENNIS dining room, family room, new THESIS 482-1473 Players interested offset printing. Complete service special cut. in organizing a club or kitchen. Completely carpeted. PREPARATION for playing Like to dissertations, theses, ppointments available. _5014 N. Grand River, Lansing other players, are invited swim, fish, or sail? to Call 339-9484. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. meet at 7:30 pm $35,000 with Wednesday, terms. 3-8-6 21 years experience. 349-0850.C August contact lens washday savings Personal Room, 4th in the in the basement of East Activities services 25c per load golf driving range Wilson The beit for leu miniature golf FREE Hall. If interested but EAST LANSING, walk to MSU, Wanted D. M. DEAN, aa Special Texai Washer ... A lesson in complexion can't attend meeting, please call shopping, all schools. 50c 210 Abbott Rd. care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan 337-0638, 349-9575. 2-8-4 Comfortable Colonial on quiet wendrow's econowash Fairway Golf Range, Grand or BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Suite #16 485-7197, Lansing Mall. street. Carpeted living and dining 3006 Vine St. River Avenue A few minutes - MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS AUGUST FLIGHTS still available room. Remodeled kitchen, 3 all positive. A negative, B negative 332-6563 7 a.m. to TERM PAPERS 11 p.m. | hlk. W. of Sears east of MSU. 349-2850. STUDIOS. C UNION BOARD TRAVEL bedrooms, attached garage, 5 and AB negative, $10.00. O OFFICE. Custom Written by experts in all Call 355-3355. C huge shade trees. Reasonably negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN HAIR CUT the way you want it. fJriced, under $25,000. By disciplines. Also more than COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, UNION BUILDING BARBER 1000 existing term papers 507'/= East Grand River, East owner. Phone 337-2778. 4-8-6 For Rent For Sale For Sale SHOP. C-8-4 Real Estate available. Other services include: Lansing. Above the new Campus lecture notes, research and Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 SUE, I have a free checking BY OWNER: 3 bedroom, 2% Service science projects. Fast service. p.m., Monday, Thursday and E FEMALE for 4 man house baths, family room, fireplace, Low rates. Call: Write On Term F°UR FREE ,lu,fy kittenS' Phone account at a cute little place Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 jin Lansing, fall term only. $35. REBIRTH 309 North at noon or after sjx 351.3516. called Clinton National Bank. patio, den, formal dining room. PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad Papers, 332-3700 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C Starting September 1st. Call Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. Free Fully carpeted, drapes. 2 car students, noon. 3-8-6 ooR checks, no service charge experience, references. 82-1326 Sunday-Thursday, and they pay the garage. Own well, full Free estimates. Evenings, HELP. fter 11 pm, ask for PJ. 2-8-4 postage both FREE school needs ways when banking by mail. basement. River lot, V4 acre, PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term |t's materials. Anything kids could MARTIN: D-28; Gibson: SG; Long called Red fully landscaped. 10 minutes papers, theses. Best • : a Eagle Club work with. j BE DROOM house, V4 block Account and it's for anyone 25 from campus. $46,000. 1246 PAINTING EXTERIOR Pat, 351-7563. 1-8-4 'irom i campus. $325 per month utilities. 2 car garage. No 35iC-32775 3-8-9Strinfl bani°' Mobile Homes and under. Check it out at Wild Cherry Drive, off Zimmer just North Clinton National Bank, North Road, Williamston. Lore than 5 people. Call DOUBLE BED. Wood MARLETTE, 1968 12x62, US 27. 7-8-18 51 8523 5-9 pm. 13-8-27 frame, box appointment. spring. $25. Good condition. bedrooms. Stove, refrigerator, 488 or 351-1133. Ask for 332-5324. 1-8-4 carpeting, and drapes. On lot or MCAT AND DAT. Kaplan 5-8-13 ^MS IN tutoring . house, single, double. off. Real clean. course Available now. now being formed. Starting nished, 3 blocks from USED $5800. Phone in August. Call (313) 851-6077 FURNITURE Flea Fair: Williamston, Lmpus. 332-8007. 3-8-4 314 East 655-2331. 6-8-9 collect. X-13-8-27 Michigan. Dishes, books, coins, antiques, rockers, I^ELY FURNISHED one, two, junk. Bargain Hunters Paradise. 1966 STAR mobile home 12x50. Peanuts Personal hree, four bedroom houses. Open Saturday and Sunday. Front kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 1140-$230 / month plus Furniture and appliances open furnished. Must be moved. Call |t ilities. Call 349-3604 from all week. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 641-4284. 10-8-18 Jo:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and Phone 371-2843. O |fter 6 p.m. 5-8-13 MOBILE HOME, furniture, tanks, SKI BOAT 15' 40 hp, porch, etc; 10x55, $2000 makes NORTH Fairview. Large 3 trailer, low cost housing or cottage. Can ledroom house. Near MSU. Call remain on present site at $35 125-3739. 3-8-9 rental or you may FREE PARKING at rear of store, Jewett, 549 W. Ash, Mason. OR |DM FOR rent, $40.00 per for 7-3461. Nights OR 7-4691. 6-8-9 nth. 435 MAC. Call your convenience. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 ■32-1026. 3-8-9 East Michigan Avenue 372-7409. C-8-6 PING PONG tables, $9.95. We buy sell most anything. ABC SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 WOMEN wanted for farm Turner. C. tuse. $30/month. Own room. ■32-4450. 4-8-11 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, canisters and uprights. (Guaranteed Rooms one full year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. |5LE MOTHER desires woman Opposite City Market. C. Dmer. Kitchen privileges. >se. Call 351-1356. 3-8-9 TV SETS. Sony, Panasonic, Zenith. Color portables and consoles. W FOR man across from STEREO COMPONENTS. Sony lion. 21154 Grand River, reel to reel tapedeck, Ampex stairs. X-5-8-9 cassette recorder. We Buy, Sell, and Trade. WILCOX ^ROW NEAR. 2 large sleeping SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East with light cooking. Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, Jivate entrance. $55 per Monday thru Saturday. C i each. 351-7283. 1-8-4 |lTAN HALL, singles, men, Animals Jmen. Now leasing for summer, 11.351-1176,484-4422. O |NTI0N: ROOMS for rent, impletely furnished. Cooking. KITTENS, BLACK, black/white, II 372-8077. C free, delivered to friendly people. 482-3857. 3-8-4 For Sale ■VIONICO |mbination. 6 pm STEREO Like new. Call console ®topckmgf)am has it ir 372-0133. 3-8-6 . . . fRBED FRAMES, $35 and heated REBIRTH, 309 North lington, Lansing, 489-6168. pool and a, PA TANK, Voit Titan II Julator, their best. $135 or t. 353-0327. 3-8-9 SINGLE, complete. $25. rary table $10. 351-2676, Irnings only. 1-8-4 HORSEPOWER Clinton ■tboard. Folding bed. Size 13 Ice Skates. 355-9950. ®IG MACHINE Clearance Sale, ^nd new portables - $49.95, >r month. Large selection ■ reconditioned used machines. Jflers,8. e Whites, Necchis, New "Many Others." $19.95 539.95. Terms. EDWARDS ■STRIBUTING COMPANY, ■ 15 North Washington, CHECK >NARD WHOLESALE'S UW PRICES ON 'MPONENT SYSTEMS 1WYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now leasing student units for summer only. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual central control air conditioning. These SAVE TO four man units have up to 3 parking spaces per unit. Recreation is planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be 50% among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call today. The 2 bedroom units start at $60 / month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: LARRY SCOTT at 351-7166. THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE. MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY. Alco Management Company Wednesday, August 4 197| ] 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'STATE NEWS STATE NEWS Thot's What Classified Ad Users CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED 355-8255 "SPECTACULAR!" Say About The Results They Getl 355-8255 News does FRANKLY SPEAKING far Phil Rank For Rent The State Automotive Automotive Scooters & Cycles not permit racial or rag?I TV RENTALS - Students only. Low religious discrimination ^ monthly and term rates. Call in its advertising CADILLAC HEARSE 1957. SIMCA 1967 4 door. Excellent 1970 TRIUMPH 650 (Tiger). Good 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV columns. The State Excellent condition. $500. Call condition. Stick. Call 355-7763. condition. $900. 635 Abbott, RENTALS. C after 6 pm 393-0413. 6-8-9 3-8-4 No. 320. 6-8-9 News will not accept • AUTOMOTIVE 150. Dream. 10,000 ONLY $9.00/ month. Free advertising which Scooters & Cycles CHEVROLET IMPALA 1967 air, SIMCA 1969 (GLS 1204) Four HONDA Exceptional condition. 2 deliveries. SELCO discriminates against Auto Parts 8. V-8, automatic, 2 door hardtop, door sedan, 23,000 miles. Like miles. COMMUNICATIONS TV Service Take over payments. helmets. Electric starter. $160. religion, race, color or Aviation power steering, radio. Ladies new. RENTAL. 372-4948. O good. 372-8396. S 5-8-6 David, 332-6084. 3-8-9 national origin. • car. Reasonable, very EMPLOYMENT Phone 351-6354. 2-8-6 1968 HONDA 450 scrambler. • FOR RENT T-BIRD 1957. Completely CORVAIR 1963. 4-doo reconditioned. All original Excellent condition. Entering Apartments Apartments automatic. Good transportatio equipment included. Phone service, must sell. Insurance, Houses 332-2110. 3-8-6 helmet. $550 or best offer. GRAD STUDENTS and singles. 2 $50. 355-0926. 3-8-9 351-8139. B1-8-4 For Rent Rooms room efficiency, quiet, small, CUTLASS 1969. Automatic, power TEMPEST 1967. Power steering, private entry. 5 minutes from • FOR SALE steering and brakes. $1695 or V8, automatic, 4-door. Best HONDA 1969 ss125, very good MSU. $127.50. Unfurnished. 4 MAN apartments. Prices from Animals best offer. Must sell. Call offer. 353-0614. 3-8-9 condition, $250. Call Rick. Furnished available. 2 bedroom $66 per month per man. 351-0069. 5-8-13 townhouse available soon. Call DELTA ARMS, 235 Delta Mobile Homes 694-1376. 3-8-6 TOYOTA CORONA, 2 door 882-9805. 10-8-11 Street, 2 bedroom furnished, air • PERSONAL FIAT 1968. Good condition, hardtop 1968. 4 speed stick, YAMAHA 1970 125Enduro. 1500 conditioned. 1 block from tuned. $400. Phone 332-0563 or • PEANUTS PERSONAL moving must sell. Call 699-2933. AM/FM, really sharp. $1325. miles. Just WOMEN. VACANCIES in 4 girl campus. 3-8-4 337-0897 after 5 pm. 2-8-4 484-2860. 2-8-6 351-7910. 0-8-13 • REAL ESTATE apartments. One block from campus. Completely furnished, • RECREATION FORD 1966 GT convertible, 350, TOYOTA CORONA 1967, four 1970 BSA 441 cc. 2400 miles. utilities and parking provided. 1 BEDROOM luxury apartment, door sedan, $1000. Call Rick, condition. Must sell, furnished and unfurnished. Air •SERVICE floor, automatic. 393-6231 Excellent $55. 349-9609. 0-8-9 before 2 pm. X-3-8-4 351-0069. 5-8-13 best offer. Phone ED2-8235. conditioned, carpeted, pool Typing Service 4-8-6 privileges, extra storage space. 24 hour maintenance service. •TRANSPORTATION :ORD FAIRLANE 1969. Leaving VOLKSWAGEN 1961. New clutch, 305 HONDA CB. 5,000 miles. Transportation to campus. • WANTED country, must sell, $1400. Call front end, rebuilt motor. Good 351-2179. 5-8-6 for Dune Buggy. $125. $300. 355-5148, 393-8143. Quiet. Call 351-3211 or DEADLINE 351-8156 after 9:15 pm. 3-8-9 5-8-9 WW 100HUM GNmrios 351 7910. 0-8-13 1 P.M. class day befori FORD GALAXIE 500 1969. Air "WeAND HSW A MALE OR Female. Includes TV, one conditioning, radio, all power VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER bus KAWASAKI 1970 360. Big horn. 3RD MAN for nice apartment, automatic, 8 cylinder. Excellent 1968, pop-top, ice box, sink, Excellent shape. Call 371-1148, phone, utilities, laundry. $50. Okemos. Paul 353-9429 or publication. 355-0802. 1-8-4 condition. Phone 355-1220. Very good condition. 332-2607. 8-6 pm. 2-8-6 349-3079 after 6 pm. 3-8-4 Cancellations/Corrections 2-8-6 12 noon one class day — 3-8-6 FURNISHED APARTMENTS. One Aviation bedroom, 10 minutes from before publication. JAVELIN 1969. Excellent VOLKSWAGEN 1968. White, less condition. New tires, 20 mpg. than 40,000 miles. $1325. LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight Auto Service & Parts Employment MSU. Ideal for married couples or graduate students. From PHONE 353-9503,_35V63491 4-8-6^ _ CALL 349-4070. 3-8-6 training. All courses are MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East WANTED: PSYCHOLOGY under¬ $145. For appointment call WOODSIDE APARTMENTS 1 355-8255 government and VA certified. 489-6939 or 489 6561. 5-8-13 bedroom furnished with MERCURY 1966, 4 door. Good BUS, 1967. NEW Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. graduate to assit grad student VOLKSWAGEN FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport . .. balconies, security locks, RATES tires. $400. 351-3823 after 6 engine with 4000 mile Complete auto painting and with research for term paper. Road, Call 484-1324. C TWO BEDROOM apartment laundry. Ideal for married pm. S guarantee, sliding doors, gas collision service. IV 5:0256. C $1.50/hour. Call 353-7942. available now for sub-lease. Full couples or grad students. ED MGB 1967. New top, brakes, and heater, many extras. Excellent 18-4 lease after 9/6. Air conditioned. 2-2920, 351-8890. O WORDS | 1 2 3 4 5 1 condition. 655-3421. 3-8-6 Auto Service & ParU $900 or best offer. individual with 242 Louis Street No. 3. Come 101.50 3.•00 4.00 5.35 6.50 I3fl| exhaust. After 5 pm. 332-3480. 2-8-6 Employment NEED MATURE understanding of accounting by. 2-8 6 NORTH LANSING, furnished 1 11 1.65 3.1.30 4.40 5.85 7.15 14 j i\N GUARANTEED re Scooters & Cycles - RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 principles to represent us part bedroom apartment. Sunporch, 2|! 1.60 4.80 6.40 7.80 15K MGB 1971. $475 plus take over GIRL STUDENT. Experienced at or full time demonstrating APARTMENT NEEDED. 2 girls. utilities paid. Phone 484-5062 131.95 3.•90 5.20 6.95 8.45 16* Okemos Road. 349-9620. C cooking, housework, childcare. between 8-5 pm. 3-8-4 payments. Between 8-5 pm, HONDA 450cc 1970 scrambler. simplified, easy to use Fall term only, sub-lease, share. 142.10 4. 20 5.60 7.45 9.10 18 a • 489-9874. 3-8-4 4 afternoons 2:30-6 pm and 351-7170. 3-8-9 15 2.25 4..50 6.00 8.00 9.75 19SC 6,000 miles. Excellent accounting systems to area Sat. $30. Call 337-0241 after 5 businesses. Phone Doug, ONE AND two bedroom 16 2.40 4..80 6.40 8.55 10.4020.8t condition. Extra accessories. OLD CUTLASS 1966. Four speed pm. 1-8-4 332-2070 until 6 pm. 3-8-6 apartments from $145. 10 17(2.55 5..10 6.80 9.10 11.052211 Hurst, power steering, brakes, 332-3371. 3-8-9 JUST 4 LEFT minutes from MSU. Children 18 2.70 5...40 7.20 9-60 11.7023.40 windows. Good condition. AT MEL'S we repair all foreign APPLICATIONS ARE now being 711 BURCHAM APTS. permitted. EAGLE CREST ALLSTATE 124cc motorcycle. Less SUMMER AND part time 19 2.85 5.>.70 7.60 1O.15 1 2.35 24.70 332-3412. 3-8-4 and American cars. If we can't taken for the position of NORTH, 694-8975. 4330 Keller than 1000 miles. Excellent employment with merchant 20 3.00 .00 8.00 10.6513.0026.00 fix it, it can't be fixed. Call resident manager of Beechwood wholesaler. Automobile required. Large 2 or 3 man, 1 Rd., Holt. C condition. Must sell to best 332-3255.0 Apts. Apply in person. 444 351-5800. C-8-2 bedroom apartments. 10 word minimum offer. 332-3040 6-8-6 Michigan, East Lansing. 0-8-6 Signing now for Fall at TICKET sales. Full and All student ads must be INSIDE $180 a month. EXPERIENCED BE AUTICiANS part time. Good salary. Apply prepaid needed at MARTIN'S HAIR 1031 North Washington, August CAME LOT APARTMENT, 4901 Gre FASHIONS, East Lansing. The State News will bt Cedar 10. 3-8-9 South Pennsylvania. Quiet 332-4522. 3-8-9 337-7328 or 337-0780 location for married or grad responsible only for the LIGHT DELIVERY. Must have students and faculty. One EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car first day's incorrect dependable car and know area. bedroom furnished, $160 Call 351-7319 for insertion. necessary. Good salary. Apply 1031 North monthly. Possession now or interview.C Washington, August 10. 3-8-9 September 1st. Call manager a'pool, LANSING OR East Lansing. One 393-8657 or FOX PROPERTY iABYSITTER STARTING PEOPLE WITH a great head for bedroom furnished. Large, airy MANAGEMENT 372-1954. September 20th, 8-5 pm. Near business look for workers with Air- conditioned. campus. 351-5573. 3-8-4 Want Ads. Dial 355-8255! rooms. X-5-8-9 For Rent Beautifully maintained. Suitable for faculty, grad students, business WE HAVE leads coming out of BEAUTIFUL 7 room, 154 b For Rent people, married couples. Lease. air-conditioning, our ears. If you are knocking fireplace, downtown Lansing ■ 332-3135 or 882-6549.0 on doors and generally $325, utilities paid. 332-3357 ■ scrounging around for leads or TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction 10-8-23 ! ROOMMATES wanted at if you think you have sales guaranteed. Free idelivery, Meadowbrook Trace. $66/month. ability, give us a call. Ask for service and pick - up. No deposit. Call 393-7319. 10-8-6 FOX RUN Apartments, 245;( Jay at 372-3594. 0-8-4 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C Aurelius Road. All I apartment community. Ideal forH and everything 882-9098. 2-8-6 ROOMMATE Cedar NEEDED. Village, 7 weeks. $45.00 4 man. married, faculty. grad students Deluxe 2 unfurnished. Community ci illuminated swimming bedroo-| sndl poo,I 351-1428. 3-8-9 complete laundry faciliti* Immediate occupancy. $175 li TWO MAN luxury. Immediate $185 includes all utilities. OperH occupancy, walking distance. between 12-6 pm each dsyotB Call manager, 351-0705. 3-8-9 call leasing agent 694-8750 crH FOX PROPER"' NEED ONE girl, own bedroom, MANAGEMENT, 372-1954.B near Capitol, must like cats. 4-8-9 355-8288 or 485-7495. 2-8-6 Houses 126 MILFORD. Walking distance to campus. 1 bedroom available now thru September 15th. FURNISHED 3 bedroom I 351-2207. 13-8-27 PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large 1 bedroom carpeted and partly IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, ywa furnished. Utilities paid, frage man to share furnished ti#*B $150/month plus deposit. North side, $70 utilities 627-5454. 3-8-6 No lease. 484-4668. 3-8-4 Hop aboard the Halstead bus! ACROSS We'll solve your transportation worries if you live in Bay Colony, Inn America, 1. Engrossed 5. Pronoun Princeton Arms or North Pointe Apartments. (Our other six apartments are within 8.Sheep 11. Enclosed field: healthful walking distance.) Just hop aboard our new maxi-bus for fast civil law transportation to campus. 12. Cigar box 14. Turkey buzzard 15. Soluble With 550 furnished or unfurnished studio, 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom principle of starch apartments we know that we can make your campus living more enjoyable and 16.Condescend 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 comfortable. 18. Moppet 19.Jot 22. King of beasts Call one of our resident managers today I 25. Slothful 29. Unsmelted metal 351-3211 Inn America 337-1621 r— r- j— r~ r- j— f— JT c- rar- Bay Colony (right next to Brody Complex] Beechwood Delta Arms 351-3106 332-0563 Princeton North Pointe Arms 332-8511 351-1199 rr~ W % * 332-1822 Evergreen Arms 332-8295 University Terrace * JS~ Haslett Arms 351-7662 University Villa 351-7910 7A CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTSare now leasing student and married couples units. These wmm ■ ww//Mm 53^ ■in Z.iac»"'» „■ spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a V M *7 % conform11?" | garbage disposal and individual air-conditioning. These two-man units have ample parking So" i— type space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private balconies. We also have a full - time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be S~ % w 34. Cocoroot 37 Submerg* j among the first residents of CEDAR GREENS call today. The one - bedroom units start at w ir W i 19 «o 39. Treaty Organic" $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 42 sr vr% and twelve month leases available. 444 Michigan Avenue 47~ !L *r East Lansing 351-7910 49™ ¥o~~ 3T £2 MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: Alco Management Company