Thesky . . Monday is falling; the «ky is MICHIGAN Sunnny n . . . STATE STATE NEWS ■ ■ and warm with the a high middle to upper 80s. UNIVERSITY Liu me 64 Number 20 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 9, 1971 Russians accuse Red China of trampling upon minorities MOSCOW (AP)- The Soviet Union arrests, torture and army occupation. accused Peking Sunday of figures have been listed as black trampling on elements" by the Chinese, the its non- Chinese minorities. As evidence of what the paper called The bitter attack on China, a systematic Chinese policy, it cited a newspaper said. published "Before the cultural revolution there recent "Chinese troops arrested and tortured in Sovietskaya Rossiya (Soviet Russia), redisricting of Inner Mongolia were 40 Mongols on the supreme party teachers which stripped from the accused of local nationalism. an official Communist party jurisdiction of and administrative organs of Inner newspaper, They imprison writers the autonomous the article was coupled with denunciations of Mongolian regions three Mongolia, while now there is only one added. . . Peking in Pravda and Red Star, the districts with Mongolian majorities and Mongol on the so-called revolutionary The same situation Soviet army organ. placed them under the authorities of committee All key prevails in ... posts are in Manchuria, Tibet, Hainan and elsewhere, The campaign to discredit the Chinese-dominated Kansu Province. the hands of the Chinese. it charged. Chinese was thought to be aimed as In The paper said this "is much at Russia's East European allies addition, the article said, minority "All elements of the one of the at the Soviet readers of the three peoples are being removed from Mongolian manifestations of Peking's great-Khan as intelligentsia, social leaders and religious chauvinist newspapers. policy." Communist sources here make no attempt to disguise what they describe Gromyko's as the Kremlin's mounting impatience with Romania's independent course, especially Bucharest's foreign policy where it concerns insistence on developing vi called mission for peace close relations with China in the face of Soviet disapproval. By having China depicted as an internally repressive state and an unprinicpled practitioner of "leftwing NEW DELHI (AP) — Soviet Foreign 65 minute preliminary meeting opportunism" abroad, the Soviet leaders - India has said the arms shipments Minister Andrei A. probably hope to damage in the eyes Gromyko, on an Gromyko had with Foreign Minister amount to a "condonation of genocide" of their allies apparent diplomatic mission to try to Swaran Singh soon after his arrival from any moral justification by Pakistani army troops seeking co Romania may have for prevent a war between India and Moscow. pursuing its quell the independence movement by honeymoon with Peking, Western Pakistan, arrived here Sunday for talks The spokesman said the issue also East Pakistanis trying to establish a new he said he hoped would lead would come up again in talks analysts conclude. to "the Gromyko nation of Bangla Desh Bengali state in consolidation of peace in Asia and will have with Prime Minister Indira Communist sources say it is difficult their province. to throughout the world." Gandhi on Monday and Foreign Ministry India has openly sympathized with the exaggerate the Kremlin's present Indian officials described Gromyko's officials for the next three days. feeling that the Warsaw Pact countries Bangla Desh movement. trip, expected to last about five days, as Gromyko's 12 member must conduct identical foreign policies. a "visit of peace meant to deter - party Foreign Secretary T.N. Kaul, talking Worried people includes A.A. Fomin, head of the Soviet about the unknown like Pakistani President briefly to newsmen at the airport, consequences of President Nixon's Agha Mohammed Foreign Ministry's South Asian Division denied that any new, formal protest had decision Yahya Khan from making threats of war and considered an expert on India - been delivered to the U.S. government in to visit Peking, soviet against India." Pakistan affairs. the policymakers are thought to be In a four arms issue, as reported in some - sentence arrival statement Gromyko's visit comes at a time when Indian papers. The last announced unwilling to permit evidence of division read in halting English, Gromyko did Indian American relations are very Number within their East protest note was given to the United - European empire. not mention the East The tone of the Sovietskaya Pakistan crisis or strained because of continued U.S. arms States June 27. Rossiya the deteriorating relations between India I An unidentified article >was set by its headline, which shipments to Pakistan and what is But Kaul said India is young man tries to communicate with the and Pakistan, which were believed "continually read: "Under the Yoke of Great-Power to officially described here as "the prestige conveying" its about the I outside world during a torrential downpour in Corpus Christi. have prompted his sudden journey to being used at the highest levels of the concern arms Chauvinism." shipments to the U.S. government. ■ More than seven inches of rain fell in a three the subcontinent. State Department and White House to hour The article accused the Chinese With Gromyko's final itinerary still period, of But an Indian spokesman said the I causing flooding throughout the city. AP Wirephoto repressing non-Chinese nationalities East Pakistan issue came up briefly in a shore regime." up and back up the Pakistan not announced, there was no indication whether he might be in New Delhi at through administrative reorganization, the same time as Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, who is due here Saturday after Red Cedar visits to East Pakistani refugee camps in pollution level declines the Calcutta area and a two - day trip to Pakistan. Such cooperation, he added, corresponded "to the interests of the for Water Research, and Niles R. consolidation of peace in Asia and Kevern, At the time of the construction of recently installed By STEVE WATERBURY chairman of the Dept. of Fisheries and a facility for treating These, and other game fish, cannot throughout the world." the new plant, East chemical wastes from the plant. State New Staff Writer Wildlife. Lansing also thrive in heavily polluted water. Indian Foreign Minister Swaran Singh, expanded its drainage interceptor system "The history of the river in the past Ball said graduate students have A in welcoming Gromyko, said major contributor to the decline in the to include many drains on campus and 10 years has among the been one of increasing |V River level of pollution of the Red amount of pollutants entering the river in surrounding communities which efforts devoted to captured 56 different varieties of fish issues to be discussed in this week's has declined significantly was the construction of cleaning it up," Ball including small-mouth and large-mouth talks would be the "peace and security Be the mid 60s, a new East previously carried untreated wastes said. - and is likely to Lansing Sewage Treatment Plant west of bass, yellow perch, goldfish and of our part of the world." further in the next few years. directly into the river. "Too many people have just assumed bullheads — in the Red Cedar. the Trowbridge Road interchange, Another that the Red Cedar River is a mess that Nearly 1,000 supporters of Mrs. |>rding to MSU water quality experts, major contributor to the The MSU campus portion of the Red Gandhi's Congress replacing an old overloaded plant located pollution of the Red Cedar River was a party and the ■ert C. Bail, director of the Institute nobody has been doing anything about, Cedar River periodically experienced Communist party of on Kalamazoo Street. metal plating plant in Fowlerville which Ball said. "In fact, India traveled in somebody has been "algae blooms" during the early sixties, buses to the airport to cheer the Soviet doing something about it over a period (Please turn to page 5) foreign minister. of years." Further improvements in sewage i fluence of treatment Williamston, constructing can a Lansing, which has submitted be which new expected is plant, from presently and East •> W, 'A.l UL'< a proposal to the Water Resources Commission for Marines construction of an addition to the >ver present plant which will both improve the quality of the water treatment and double the capacity of the plant. Although East Lansing constructed its [ASHINGTON (AP) - House Chairman Otis G. Pike, D - N.Y., said Vietnam were out of commission within present plant less than decade ago, it litigators reported Sunday that faulty the subcommittee's records are being five months. is presently overloaded. a jrators sold to the Marine Corps turned over to the Justice Dept. for One sent to California was found to Kevern said the Red Cedar River can |y have contributed to combat possible criminal prosecution. have two of its three pistons missing, laities" in Vietnam. be said to be in The generators that may the report said. It said the Marine Corps relatively good shape Fe report by the House Armed have for a river in an urbanized area. contributed to combat deaths, the estimates it will cost $2.6 million to put Ices report "Relative to warm water rivers in less investigating subcommittee dealt said, were supposed to power three radar the 7,000 generators made by the I what it called developed areas, it could still stand a lot "petty corruption in units for locating enemy mortars near company in proper order. of improvement," he said. (places." Danang in Vietnam — but one or The report said Daniel Elmore, a Kevern said evidence concerning the another unit was out of operation for civilian Marine Corps contracting officer spoke of a "tangled web of who was described as a friend of quality of water in the river can be ►actor influence over Marine up to a month at a time because of obtained by determining what types of Corps broken down generators. CONDEC's Washington representative, ■onnel" and said one contractor's fish are thriving in it. The generators built by Consolidated Daniel Ross — and who got his Marine ■"igton representative let two Marine In the Red Cedar, research teams »rement officers Diesel Electric Co. (CONDEC) of Corps job when Ross told him of the charge thousands of opening — approved an option for $3.5 recently caught Northern Pike and Rock "s on a Stamford, Conn., were so faulty, the Bass in the stretch of the river company credit card. near the report said, that the first 300 sent to (Please turn to pae Brody Complex. 9) 'LASHDOWN ON TARGET Astronauts home safe, healthy fNOLULU (AP) - The Apollo 15 rock which they think might be part of After brief ceremonies, the astronauts »iauts, back from the moon and in the moon's original crust. They also boarded an Air Force C141 jet 1 health, transport were draped with flowers brought almost two miles of mapping and took off at 1:46 p.m. EDT for Scott told the crowd it was film, much of it of the unseen back side "really jpeeted i> they by several thousand persons of the moon. Ellington Air Force Base near the good to be back. The most impressive stopped here Sunday en Manned Spacecraft Center outside thing this morning was the blue water I to Houston. A crowd of about 3,500 greeted the Houston. and green hills of astronauts upon their arrival at Hickam. earth." pronauts David R. House Speaker Carl A. Scott, James B. Girls in flowing muumuus draped red During the Hickam ceremonies Worden Albert, in a brief I and Alfred M. ■am Air *>pter from the Worden arrived at Force Base here by carnation leis about the necks of the astronauts, who were clad in powder told the crowd the three astronauts were on "the last leg of a trip from Cape Congress welcoming talk, long vacation reconvenes he said as from its month would welcome the soon as - Splashdown prime recovery ship blue flight suits. Kennedy to Houston and we have seen The Apollo 15 command module drops toward splashdown on J Okinawa which Hawaii Gov. John A. Burns and other some rather interesting Apollo 15 crew to the House of ■ took them aboard things on the Representatives. two of its three main chutes. The third chute failed to blossom, Saturday's splashdown. officials shook hands with the spacemen way." A space but there was no hazard to the astronauts inside. The T the astronauts were about 100 as they stepped from a helicopter onto a Worden said: "We went as Americans agency doctor said all three splashdown s of lunar red carpet. to do scientific research, concluded the longest manned lunar mission in history. samples, including a exploration and (Please turn to page 9) AP Wirephoto Monday, August Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan , news Metric system By RAY ANDERSON • . for some independent time, Stans agency . tor U.S. sought j has proposed that a be put in charge of iu., „ <-„j i federal or the metric report recommends Thfl mnnrt The the conversion cost by machinery recommends that that the the government government »hc„.u absorb accelerating depreciation taxes f°'I and investment tax credits. The final determin., I nan I State News Staff Writer summary In an attempt to apply the well - worn aphorism, "an conversion. This central coordinating body would guide a decade long conversion similar to Britain's program that is presently in its would be made by Congress if they decide to approve JJ I From the wires of AP and UP1. ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," Commerce sixth year. The congressionally - established body would assist Secretary Maurice H. Stans suggested to Congress and the be minimal in view of a trillion - dollar economy and with the changes and mesh detailed plans and timetables for I nation July 29 that it is time to replace our archaic system conversion of various industries. Stans indicated that the spread over 10 years, "the cost to the consumer would ? I of measures with the simpler metric system. nation would not be exclusively metric at the program's close. unnoticed and immeasurable." *I A gram of conversion will bring about a kilogram of cure, Costs for the conversion, according to the report, could The conversion would mean drastic rethinking I is the optimistic conclusion drawn by a 188 - page established measurements by all Americans. Speed L, I range from $10 to $40 billion, but the ten - year plan would would be 120 rather than the present 70, clothing sizes * I condensation of a three - year, $2.5 million, 12 • volume allow the economy to absorb the cost. "There is a prospect that the study of metric conversion conducted with congressional be altered to metric equivalents, farenheit would turn t I Daniel V. DeSimone, director of the metric study, told a cease - fire will become approval by the National Bureau of Standards. news conference recently that metrication could increase centigrade with a freezing point of zero and boiling pojnt J I entrenched provided the The proposal would eliminate the nation's dubious honor exports by $1 to 2 billion, whereas continuing the present 100. Packages would no longer be labeled with fractions ' of being only one of eight "underdeveloped nations" that Muhammed Ali would have a reach of 2 meter, system will cost the nation an estimated $600 million by balance of forces is not upset have not yet moved to adopt the metric system. 1975. centimeters. and provided also there is some It would reduce our more than 70 units of measure to the Hardest hit by the conversion would be small machine prospect, some hope o) political three fundamental metric measurements: the gram for weight, industries. Conversion would require the recalibration of The current proposal is not the first attempt at m t I activity. There are the the liter for volume and the meter for length. All measures nearly everything from assembly lines to shirt collars, to tools conversion. In 1821 the secretary of state suggested ih* I fundamental conditions for are simply divided into units of 10, 100 or 1,000. The prefix and about $700 million worth of grammar school arithmetic Congress adopt "in all its essential parts, the new Fr I "deci" is used for divisions of one - tenth, "centi" for one - books. system of weight and measure." enc'1 I maintaining the cease - fire." hundredth, "mili" for one - thousandth and "kilo" for whole Israeli foreign minister Abba Eban measurements of 1,000. British hit 'target practice' During the study thousands of corporations, educators, consumers and government agencies were canvassed and responded with overwhelming approval of the conversion. Though congressional approval of the study is not expected Sadat predicts war on commercial airplanes President Anwar Sadat declared Sunday in Cairo LONDON (AP) - British the British Air Line Pilots which the fighters locked planes. "They come in close I that a coming war in the Middle East is the only airline pilots claimed Sunday Assn. — BALPA — that the them in their gunsights before as if they were going tj reality in the Arab - Israeli struggle. West German and French association was "extremely veering off again. No shots intercept us, and then i fired. off at the last minute" h. "The battle is coming. There is no doubt about military fighter planes were concerned at the number of were I misses involving military BALPA, which represents said. ' ■ that," he told the Central Committee of the Arab suing foreign commercial near In airliners for "target practice." aircraft over Europe." pilots of the state - owned London, BEA Socialist Union, the sole political party, behind British pilots in interviews The British pilots said the British Overseas Airways Corp. BOAC officials said they "di] I closed doors. confirmed a report in the fighters buzzed them in what and British European Airways, not disagree with the BALPA I Extracts of what went on during the meeting Sunday Express attributed to looked like mock attacks in was quoted as saying in a claims, but could not pinpoint I were carried by the government radio, television statement: "We are extremely any particular incident. I and news agency. concerned at the number of "I agree it does happen I near - misses involving but without looking in detail I BOAC to reduce into the claim I cannot military aircraft over Europe. report We are more disturbed that any isolated incidents," i BEA when we try to chase up spokesman told| Killing sparks riot these near - misses we meet a reporters. A senior BEA pilot, who stone wall of denials every | air fare to U.S. single time." asked that his name not be 1 in British troops skirmished with rioters and Belfast, Northern Ireland's capital, until snipers dawn Wise Buys for Night Owls. LONDON (AP) — The state ^ owned British Overseas A BALPA spokesman said: "It is well known that civil aircraft flying at 30,000 feet used, told had target my a reporter: "I aircraft used practice dozens ha\fl foil oil Sunday as roaming mobs protested the killing cf a at the Sixth Annual Moonlight Sale in theFrandor Airways Corp. - BOAC - is about to offer a $180 truck driver or more make an 'ideal' target times, especially over I by soldiers. Shopping Center. Watch for the Eye In The Sky, roundtrip fare to the United States even il it means defying for young fighter pilots under Germany. The army fired volleys of gas grenades and Thursday night, August 12, from 7-11 p.m. See international agreements, aviation sources said Sunday. training." "It is quite common to | rubber bullets to quell crowds several hundred Wednesday's State Journal for Moonlight Sale specials. The proposed BOAC fare is $21.60 lower than the rate suggested by three major North American airlines — Pan BEA and BOAC p\\0ts had find you are being buzzed by I strong in the Ardoyne and Falls Road Roman American, TWA and Air Canada. It is $91.20 lower t'lan reported as "commonplace" German fighters. They cornel Catholic districts. hurt Three soldiers - one an officer — were slightly Moonlight Sale the cheapest existing fare available, the off - season excursion. BOAC's move is almost certain to the sudden appearance military aircraft "close enough for them to register a 'kill' of down at you and then they veer off at a safe distance but most of us are womd| | I by bullets, the army said. cause a crisis inside and at the same time present about the possibilities of | the International Air Transport Assn. (IATA) which has been the sort of hazard that may something going wrong and| fighting to save its fare - fixing mechanism, the one of them coming straight I sources said. IATA is currently holding a fares conference in have caused the Japanese disaster,'* the spokesman said. on to cause collisions." Poll favors Dems Montreal. This was a reference to the A BOAC spokesman declined to comment on whether his collision of Japanese airliner "I had an incident only | airline would defy IATA. three days ago. In most ci and a Japanese fighter plane The Gallup Poll reports that on the basis of a SHOPPING CENTER "But we are determined to get this cheap fare," he said. the immediate reaction fron| "Naturally hope July 30 in which 162 persons civil airline pilots is to report! recent sampling, twice as many people think the we we can get it through agreement with IATA." perished. It was the world's the matter over the radio| Democratic party will do a better job of keeping worst air disaster. The spokesman said the new fare would operate from next telephone and the res] the country prosperous as think the Republicans A senior pilot for the April and be available only during off - season on nearly always the same will. The finding, based on a mid - July survey of TEAC TAKES THREE OUT OF transatlantic routes. Passengers would have to pay in advance and would forfeit part of the total amount if they Belgian meanwhile in airline Sabena said Brussels that "They say: 'We will lootl 1,582 persons in 300 communities, comes at a time canceled their flight. near misses by military planes into it.' And that is the li5i| occurred "all the time" and a we hear of it." Last month IATA officials were reported as saying that when, according to previous polls, the public ranks the economy as the most important national TWO. ONE FOR THE ROAD. international agreement was near on a fare of $201.60 disaster Japanese similar crash could to the "easily Another commented: BEA pilotl "This target! dollars for. transatlantic vacationers. BOAC considers this too problem. high at a time when recession has hit civil aviation. happen" over Europe. practice is very common audi The captain said he had recently I had passengers oil TWO FOR THE HOME. The recession forced BOAC to fire 100 pilots it was training at a cost of $1.2 million to fly its Boeing 747 experienced buzzing by board who weire very alar jumbo jets. French and Belgian military when we were swooped." Commerce head hit Consumer Czech advocate When it comes to Cassette - players and recorders the name you Ralph Nader called Sunday for the resignation of Maurice Stans as secretary of Coinemrce, saying Stans "is not a should look to for sure winners is T.EAC (Tee - Ack), makers of high quality and professional performing tape systems. THE DISC SHOP and HIF1 BUYS have three sure winners in stock. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays > agents The Teac Model A-23, a home cassette deck for the budget public official by any sense of the term." minded but with top level features like two precision heads and during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition "He so clearly, unabashedly represents a narrow business viewpoint interest as his statements special hysteresis efficient synchronous outer rotor motor for reliable and tape travel. It's priced at $139.50. Then if you want to plug something even better into your system try the Teac in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, attack on Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, and speeches shows so clearly," Nader said of A-24. For $179.50, you'll get automatic stop and a few other features that add up to greater listening pleasure.. And for the car Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press WASHINGTON (AP) - Czechoslovakian agents i Stans. "He really shouldn't have to be paid by the we have the finest auto - cassette player on the market today Association. United States distributed leaflets during the lw| taxpayer." - the Teac AC-7. A natural winner for those long trips away Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial presidential campaign attacking Sen. Barry Goldwater, in I from home. So why don't you Step Inside our stores and take and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan Republican nominee, "as a racist," according to testimony ■ home a Teac - or two. State University, East Lansing, Michigan. published Sunday. SPECIAL OFFER: If you purchase of < Humphrey strong: Dole Teac Decks and the AC-7, we'll give stereo cassette! you free $6.98 value Phones: That account came from a man who testified at a clwjB News Classified Ads 355-8252 session of the Senate internal security subcommittee under the assumed name of Lawrence Britt. He identiWB MayjB 355-8255 Sen. Robert Dole of Kansas, the Advertising 353-6400 himself as a former Czech intelligence officer who defectw■ Business Office 355-3447 to the United States in 1968. F national Republican chairman, said Saturday in Topeka, Kan. he still Britt said the anti - Goldwater material was mailed oi| views Hubert Humphrey as the anonymously in the United States. strongest candidate the Democrats have for the presidency. 1 "I polls," know Muskie Dole is ahead told a in the news I1 I ALBERT PICK conference at Washburn University, ,I Motor Hotel "but I still consider Humphrey the strongest candiuate." Announces He referred to Sen. Edmund Tuesday's Chicken Night Muskie, D-Maine, not an announced candidate but widely considered > All the delicious fried chicken the front - runner at the moment you can eat .... $2.50 for the 1972 Democratic presidential nomination. WfflrU-* » Or choose from Ala Carte serving from 5-10 p.m. "RATTLE THESE LIZARD BONES TO GET RID Lake slick breaks up OF YOUR WORRIES. IF THAT DOESN'T WORK, JOIN THE CREDIT UNION." U.S. Coast Guard officials said Sunday an oil slick on Lake Huron which at one time measured l'/2 miles wide had "pretty well broken itself up" WE SOLVE MONEY PROBLEMS and no longer posed a threat to the lakeshore. A spokesman said the slick of heavy crude oil was spotted early Sunday six miles off shore and 18 miles north of Port Huron. MSU EMPLOYEES A Coast Guard helicopter dispatched to the scene from Detroit said the slick dissipated to only 50 feet 1019 Trowbridge Rd. Phone 353-2280 Corner Saginaw (M-78) and Grand Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday River (M-43), East Lansing. in width by mid - afternoon and was likely to disappear by dusk. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 9, 1971 OF JAPAN Veterans Capitol ralliers 50th conven DETROIT (UPI) TOe Disabled American recall _ Veterans Members of four Lansing area bombing peace and welfare opened their an 50th annual convention in Detroit Sunday in atmosphere far different than when they began their first convention in the Motor City. Half a century ago, the organizing convention groups met on the steps of the over was angered Michigan Capitol a suspected slight from then Detroit Mayor James Friday in memory of the nuclear Couzens. The mpyor had a bad toothache at on bombing of just the time Aug. 6, 1945. About 50 people, he was scheduled to welcome the mostly visitors, and went off to photographers, babies and capitol secretaries, listened a 90 - minute session with the dentist. to brief speeches by members of the Bangal Desh He sent his deputy police commissioner, George Walters, Defense League, the People's Coalition in his place, but for Peace and Judge Robert S. Marx, of Cincinnati, the Justice, the Landing Area Peace Council, the United first national commander, refused to let Walters speak to Farmworkers Organizing Committee and the the convention and threatened to denounce Welfare Rights Assn. Michigan the mayor in public unless the mayor appeared forthwith. "Some pretty terrible things have been done Couzens took offense and refused to U.S. government in the name of the by the appear before the American people," convention. Marta Nicholas of the Bangal Desh Defense League, Later, however, the two men made up and became good friends. "It is time we got the power back in the hands of For the golden the people so anniversary convention, all is changed and that tragedies like the the red is out. Washington Boulevard has been Hiroshima don't happen in bombing of carpet the Middle East." Pakistan, Southeast Asia or renamed DAV Boulevard for the occasion, and special signs of welcome were Four brief speeches were followed put up. Some 3,000 DAV members, their by the reading of wives and children, were in attendance. an antiwar plan and poems. Sunday's activities were given over to registration and the Flower child met Following the rally, members of the peace groups in Lansing national commander's dinner Sunday night. Community College's CAS buildinr to A younger member of a small crowd at the state discuss plans for "achieving peace and justice in Marching in protest The first working session is today with a keynote speech by U.S. Sen. Vance Hartke, D-Ind., chairman of the Senate capitol Friday is paying more attention to the camera Michigan and the U.S." Demonstrators in Detroit march towards Kennedy Veterans Affairs Committee. William John Gobert, a then he is to the goings - on: a war protest on the Discussion focused on Michigan's Square Blackfoot participation in the Saturday afternoon, carrying a casket in a Indian and a disabled veteran of the Vietnam 26th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. coming national actions called for the People's march against death to protest war. The protest war, was scheduled to receive the award as the State News photo by Doug Bauman Coalition for Peace and Justice and the planning of disabled American veteran of the outstanding marked the anniversary of the year. He had a leg blown statewide and local bombing of Hiroshima. strategies. AP off by a land mine during his second tour as a Navy Wirephoto medic in Vietnam and for four years has been a physician's assistant with the Indian Health Service in Arizona. ■ Sudan still cracks down KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP)—The A on Communists large contingent of since been found innocent of rejects all religions and that banned, rose from underground Mahdi supporters — the largest The executions and arrests ■ough crackdown on Russians flew out of here complicity in the plot and Communists are thus "enemies status when Numairi assumed religious sect — rose in revolt. personnel not to venture out ■ommunists continues in Saturday and others stuck have angered the Soviet Union. of their homes. released. of god." power two years ago. Numairi put down the rising in Tass and other Soviet News Foreign ■udan with the announced close to their homes, but A number Minister Mansur Khalid said it of top "Our religion and our Registered party members a bloddy battle which took Trest of 700 more party government officials discounted Communists media attacked Sudan, and was because they feared "the Jem hers. the including party traditions strongly reject probably do not exceed 6,000 thousands of lives. Sudanese papers replied with possibility of a complete boss Abdui Khalek Majhoub, communism," anger of the Sudanese people." ■ The of said a with further sympathizers The Mahdi leader, Hadi el daily criticism of the Russians. government Maj. break between the countries. were executed. About 150 Russians flew Jaafar el government pfficial. estimated at 40,000. Mahdi, was killed near the In Numairi, who Some 2,000 Communitst Many Sudanese a recent speech Numairi out of Khartoum airport welcomed "Communists are advocates Some of the army officers Ethiopian border when he Jnashed a leftist coup 18 days were believed arrested the purbre, which is the only of corruption and terror," a who said, "This imperialist power Saturday, accompanied by 50 (o, said Saturday night the immediately after Numairi's talking point these days in taxi driver said. They do not came to power with tried to escape. wanted to colonize our large crates. Numairi Jrests had been made in Blue counter-coup, though official homes, offices and coffee belong to this orthodox in May 1969 were Communist party members. Leaders of the Ultima party an offshoot of the Mahdi country, something which we Numairi said in a recent province south of statements spoke of only shops. As orthodox Moslems sect, strongly deplore." Moslem society." They persuaded Numairi to interview that some Soviet lhartoum. 1,400. Some of these have are in jail or under house "Sudan is a soverign, they believe that communism The Communist party, now seek the support of the party arrest. experts who have completed independent country and will by appointing some of its These events and the never be a Soviet colony. If their work here would leave members to the Cabinet. The government's full dependence the country. they continue in their IN '72 CAMPAIGN Cabinet Communists. included six on the economic and Soviet Union for propaganda campaign against A Soviet embassy military us we shall teach them a spokesman said there were "no The first challenge to the development, lesson," he added. helped the instructions as yet for a regime's leftward swing came Communist party become The Russian embassy told complete withdrawal of Soviet in March 1970 when the stronger. Now it is in ruins. Hopefuls get early start some 1,800 Soviet Military military advisers." JACOBSON'S OPEN AGAIN ALL DAY SATURDAY, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.rt ■M1N0T ISLAND, Maine the party presidential their weekend stay at Minot IP) President Nixon But there is an — nomination in the state's Island. The island was put at accumulation of bills and liered off Sunday a New curtain raising primary next their disposal by millionaire business awaiting ■gland weekend that brought March. stock broker Jack J. ■t crowds, Dreyfus him following the politicos and One of them, Sen. George Jr., along with a launch and Ins that the 1972 election McGovern of South Dakota, adjournment of Congress complete privacy. Friday for a month's vacation. tipaign is informally, but has skimmed his hat into the The President had his And an ■mistakably, launched. early appointment is ring of contenders. Sens. eve rp resent paper work to expected ■Nixon himself said for the U.S. Friday Birch Bayh of Indiana and handle — approving Ambassador to Vietnam, Jt he wasn't talking politics, Henry M. Jackson of appointments for federal Ellsworth Bunker, who has It he was doing things Washington may follow suit. posts, issuing statements, been called back for lliticans do by habit or Sen. Edmund S. Muskie of including one on the safe consultations. making speeches, Maine got the state's — return of the Apollo 15 limping hands and Democratic Gov. Kenneth M. astronauts, and concentrating fctoriading along highways. Curtis to agree to substitute on a corn - and ■ lobster ■He also was repeating that in case he couldn't make ™ it. cuisine. Vietnam war was winding Muskie is regarded by many The word from the island Jwn and that his upcoming political experts as the most ■t to Commuist China is in Sunday was that the family likely prospect for the party spent a relaxed morning over 1 cause of world peace. presidential nomination next a leisurely breakfast and the President and his year. newspapers. kily closed out a stay on a Nixon spoke well of the The President had said at |luded island in Penobscot Maine senator at an airport the start that he wanted observers noted that his welcome at Bangor, Maine, lobsters, and he got them, Ival in New England had when the chief executive flew along with corn, every night Tceded a flurry of acitivity in from Washington Friday. for dinner. Members of his our five-piece fall combo possible Democratic He said he was very proud of official and household staff lllengers. Maine's Republican senator, received the same fare. Forty for Miss J mixes rich a picnic in Nashua, Margaret Chase Smith — she lobsters were ordered Saturday , Sunday, the top objects was invited to fly back with for dinner. tweeds with solids and ■ attention were three dovish him to Washington — and Nixon was enjoying ■liocratic senators who seek that the state be can very himself so mi>ch that he draws rave reviews for its I en irge their chances for proud of its Democratic moved back his departure senator, "a man," he said, time an hour. "who might be the nominee White House officials said versatility. The skirt and they say for something in that no appointments have three-quarter )ept. calls 1972: Ed Muskie." been scheduled for the coat are The president and Mrs. President in Washington today, Nixon, daughter Julie and son although there always is the solid color wool/nylon, - in - law DaviH Eisenhower possibility that there will be >r probe had beautiful weather during some. the pant and crusader tunic are wool-blend tweeds If air fare TONIGHT (and every Monday) and the ribbed sweater is WASHINGTON (AP) - The soft Orlon^ It's a combo IPt. of Transportation •irsday said transatlantic ith discount fares are Experience a that's going places! ■gaily *d for formal discriminatory. hearings It on PIZZA FEAST Black with grey sweater ■It is 1 set difficult to envision of facts that could in the Show Bar or vicuna with cream fty ft group a fare limited set at a to the level FULL SIZE PIZZA 7 to 13 sizes $95. - third that of the - ■jfral Counsel fare," said John DOT M. ONLY $1 $1 at your bookseller ■um in ^ a letter Aeronatics Board, which to the and Tuesday night Get help for your iuojp s airline fares. exams today at meet foreign is "GIRL'S NIGHT" Student _ ■Petition, domestic airlines H offering discounts on JBatlantic flights of from Book |to 70 percent for youths | "dents 12 to 26 years (all girls' drinks greatly reduced) Store m - "J said foreign all at the ■Petition has no bearing on he called the JacabBoriS . CAB's o hold hearings on the _er. He said the discounts Mn violation of the Federal ■hon Act. MICHIGAN tOM WASHINGTON STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Defending the adversary system By RICHARD LEE STROUT suit or affluent expression and tossed the House Commerce Committee tries to politics (Ehrlichman complained ,l ■ them in the dink. cite Columbia Broadcasting System for CBS reporter Dan Rather sounded M The idea was, people with long hair contempt. "an arm of the Demnr, "I KEN LYNAM We once had an editor who used to might be thinking of littering the streets The House is full of lawyers; they Committee.") em°cr„it| advertising manager say: Remember, sonny, newspapermen or blocking traffic. The cops read their concluded Staggers didn't have a case aren't news. Wonder what he would say To reporters, minds, divined their intentions. That's that would stand up in court. The adversary mean JOHN BORGER, managing now? chronicle the BOB ROACH, news editor editor The news media, a few of them called thought control. House decided the First Amendment shortcomings J^ protects broadcasters, too. It has to. parties. The same newsmen now BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor anyway, are fighting with the Three impudent reporters brought this at Mr. Nixon probed Lyndon J& I RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor government. That's a good thing for to Mr. Nixon's attention on June 1. Six One thing has to be said: Next to the (LBJ growled at reporters invest!™!! I both sides. But the press can't stop the weeks later, we were still waiting for the his wealth: You and government from governing, and the President to hold another press American Medical Assn., no institution is Amendment; I'd like tn your p2| government shouldn't stop the press conference. Press secretary Ronald more resistant to self • reform than the news media. How is it that Ralph Nader you.' ) They documented investigatt [P to ... John*? I Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award from pressing. Ziegler says Mr. Nixon has other ways has overlooked the newspapers? deceptions long before Dr. Ellsbew J/ for outstanding journalism. of communicating with the taxpayers. off with the papers. In the Pentagon papers case, the Nixon administration suspended the First Definition You can count on the fingers of one Amendment for 15 days. The Supreme We like Mr. Dooley's definition of a hand the big newspapers that are doing Mitchell and Ehriichman Tory attitude. Reporters are n® I have t|u| Court reinstated it. But until then, the good newspaper: It comforts the a good job of afflicting the comfortable. proper EDITORIALS newspapers were clear losers; they were afflicted and afflicts the comfortable. When the comfortable are afflicted, their This country has 1,600 dailies - how many are notable for conscience? Agnew creatures. Always asking question I they've no business asking, making j I prevented from publishing news in their comfortable assumptions questioned, wants press reform that produces less hard for right - minded men to get th»l screaming; what's needed is more. work done. And they make so they scream. The louder they scream, America's mi This administration has a hangup the better the press is doing its job. mistakes! They do indeed; they'd m about the Constitution. It conveniently Dislike fewer if the government gave them m forgot the Fourteenth Amendment (no So alliterative Agnew alerts Some administration officials — information. loss of liberty without due process of appreciative audiences to the evils of Mitchell, White House aide John Mr. Nixon is clever about the dmI anybody effete eastern editors. does law) in the Mayday demonstrations. The Atty. Gen. frankly dislike reporters. Ehrlichman — cops went along the streets, swept up Mitchell, more prosaic, seeks injunctions. They see the adversary relation between He says he hasn't had a fight «i;t I everyone who wasn't wearing a business And Chairman Staggers, D - W. Va., of media and government as partisan reporters since 1962 ("you won't Richard Nixon to kick around hnd any i For the first time since the controlled congress rather than the because, gentlemen, this is my last Truman adminstration this nation Republican executive which would conference,") then sends Agnew out id is seem without surprisingly a enough, concerned about it. Originally draft. few the delay in passage And, people be responsible for the withdrawal. Undoubtedly, the President's kitchen cabinet could exploit such a legislature set-back to the i ft n m flail away. The Republican Ike's vice president is music tol ears. He takes them back to memorable speech at the ltal ■ I convention. It of new draft legislation seemed ultimate advantage of Mr. Nixon. was a dull affair until th* I nothing more than a momentary The present stalled legislation general lambasted the columnists fa the delegates went wild. I hangup caused by political affects only the draft, while the They stood ot I squabbling. When the old law rest of the ongoing functions of chairs, shaking their fists at the pres V been I section. Mr. Dooley would have expired at the end of June it was the military remain in tact. If proud. 1 presumed that new legislation Congress does not act soon, c. THE NEW REPUBLIC would be ratified in early July - just however, the Pentagon will have to as soon as the Mansfield do some serious rearranging in its Amendment was taken care of. deployment plans. Administration backers The most interesting part of the Letter policy misjudged the motives of the draft issue does not involve the Mansfield forces, however. The logistical problems of no draft, but senator from Montana and his rather the public's attitude-or lack The State News welcomes all lette&l They must be typed (preferably to colleagues were not out simply to of it-toward the entire matter. For 65-space line and triple - spaced ) dated, mil i| make a little political hay at the the two decades of the Cold War signed with the hometown, student,! expense of the White House. In it has been taken as an article of faculty or staff standing and local phontl number included. No unsigned letter will fact, they were and are dead serious faith that the enforced slavery of be accepted for publication, and no lettal about either appending a Vietnam conscription was absolutely withdrawal deadline onto the draft necessary for the protection and will be printed without a signature in highly unusual circumstances. Lettenl except! legislation or blocking the bill preservation of "the American way should be addressed to The Editor, Stikl completely. of life." News, 345 Student Services Bldg., Partisan overtones aside, '—THEN, WHEN HE GETS RIGHT UP TO THE GATE . . East Lansing, Mich. 48823. The current lack of brouhaha legislation compelling President Nixon to adhere to a Vietnam over the draft deficit seems to signal yet another erosion in the withdrawal deadline could prove a Cold War mentality. POINT OF VIEW blessing in disguise. While a fixed deadline would tie the President's Is it possible that were Congress China could ruin Nixon hopes hands in certain areas it would to neglect to renew the draft also provide him a very convenient altogether the only outcry raised foil against conservative criticism, would come from joint chiefs of since it would be the Democratic staff and President Thieu? By TERRY SMITH his previous total of about 20 million). States now has such a psychological and liars; Richard Nixon, an innocent! East Lansing graduate student Throughout the Vietnam war China edge in the of war nerves with Hanoi bystander, suffers loss of prestige alos|l has been supplying North Vietnamese that the North Vietnamese President Nixon's forthcoming trip to and Viet Cong troops with weapons to clamoring for a meeting with Peking to are with his party, ends up fightiii{| Red China will clearly be the most Kennedy on the wrong issues in The kill more American boys. And all the see if the Red Chinese are indeed 1960 campaign and loses the election I eagle important contribution - either positive or negative — to his re - election in 1972. A successful visit will practically guarantee victory in November; a failure while China has been revolution to Africa, Asia and Latin America, causing untold misery for countless millions around the world. exporting selling them out, case. Except for the as peace is the transparent creeps on the Khrushchev destroyed eventual later admits the summit hoping that Ik I outcome, the election o!l that htl Democratic far left no authoritative will insure defeat and Kennedy, would be the result, because■ new solutions prevent his renomination. We could of course talk about why maybe even So for Nixon even to recognize the existence nation on of the earth most is a bloodthirsty giant step Democrat now has a single overseas issue for campaign leverage. the Democrats, especially the babe ill the - woods Kennedy, would be | Nixon is going to China at all. The backward morally. Yet he's going there, Assuming even modest improvement easier to manipulate. A veritable slaughter of golden Federal law allows golden eagles, Peking government has not exactly been and assuredly has his mind made up in the economy (likely), John Connally eagles has taken place in the an endangered species, to be shot Nixon is no babe - in - the ■ woods I in the vanguard of international about it, so we wish him godspeed. At as the Republican vice - presidential Chou En - lai will be hard • pressed »■ Western states. Over a recent six - only with a special permit from pacifism. the same time we must take note of nominee (also likely), and the real month the Dept. of the Interior. However, In 1950 China sent a million promise of, in Nixon's favorite phrase, manipulate him. But Nixon is extremely| period, one group of the dangers inherent in this all - or - vulnerable politically to a d' ranchers alone was responsible for "volunteers" into Korea to kill more nothing sort of venture. "a full generation of peace," the no such permits have been issued visit to the mainland. than 30,000 American soldiers. In 1951 Immobilized President should be re • elected rather the annihilation of 770 eagles. in two years. Testimony last week China invaded Tibet and to this day is Nixon has throroughly immobilized handily in 1972. The peace element — With hundreds of millions 1 before the Senate Environmental raping that ancient culture. In 1964 Mao and the election itself — the Democrats on the foreign affairs hinges on the on international television, Chou mipl Appropriations Subcommittee may let a hundred flowers bloom and front. Withdrawal and Vietnamization China trip's contribution to future international serenity. denounce American imperialism »■ well lead to a crackdown on eagle chopped off a million heads (to add to are going smoothly, and the United Southeast Asia or America's suppwl Thieu's fix poaching, but such a crackdown will probably turn out to be a OUR READERS' MIND Of all people, Nixon should recall of the running dog Chiang Kai • Dr American espionage at the Lop sj*'| £*■ the last time a golden opportunity like case of too little, too late. this nuclear facility or any other bombswl America's pet dictator in South presented itself. that suits the Communists' purposes. The only solution to the President Eisenhower goes to Paris to would I* H Space mostly Vietnam, Nguyen Van Thieu, has problem of endangered species lies Nixon's attempts at detente all but assured his re - election to a second term as president. Vice President Ky has been unable to in the mentality of man himself. If the average western rancher firmly believes eagles endanger his flocks To the Editor: be in the space a drag business anymore then meet with Soviet Premier Khrushchev at the 1960 summit conference. A level agreement, or even a statement of high - disgraced, Red China would score immense propaganda coup, followers® the Maoist line would be heartened «*■ ■ conform to Vietnam's Thieu - On August 4 there appeared in the it should be in the shoe trade or the mutual understanding on the issues, world around, and Nixon, with ■ and should be eradicated, then the would be another demonstration of the party, would be finished for l°'j| State News an editorial concerning the dog food industry. It has in this case prompted nomination law, thus handwriting is on the wall - the Republican Party's superiority in foreign leaving foreign affairs and the future "worth" of the Apollo 15 project. far beyond its function as leaving former Gen. Duong Van gone dealings and an enormous feather in the world in the hands of the fiwl golden eagle and all endangered While it was pointed out that the prescribed by the Declaration of the campaign cap of the M i n h as Thieu's only Republican wing of the Democratic party (God IW| species are doomed. actual cost per individual taxpayer was Independence, The United States heir - apparent, Vice - President Nixon. us). competition. Tougher enforcement may help, quite small and it " . . . will advance Constitution and common sense. The From the first, the presidential but in the long run what will save the scope of man's knowledge ..." it also showed how the flight was very government can't very easily bankrupt, the naive taxpayers can. go Instead Blitz Khrushchev blitzes Chances are this won't haPPe,n'.yl imaginedI u r nominating law was nothing short America's endangered species is a the in 1959 no one much bent just toward national summit with of a fix. Under its auspices all shift of consciousness. Man must his neatly - timed Khrushchev would In I960 wrec l prestige. Scot Smith revelation about Gary Francis Powers "serious" candidates for the chief realize he has no more right to Ann Arbor freshman and the U-2 overflights. Eisenhower and summit conference in order to in | The question asked by the editorial grossly a foreign election. executive's office must obtain the live on this planet than any other Aug. 4, 1971 his party are made to look like fools and many critics of NASA is "Was it Nixon had better beware. signatures of 40 national species. Man must recognize the worth it?" This is not the question to assemblymen or 100 provincial delicate balance of nature. For be considered; instead one must ask, HOU COME HOD RE ALW/W? CALLING councelors to qualify. Since many Don't hou realize HOU) instance, rodent populations have "Is it the function of the U.S. ME "&R" WHEN I KEEP A5KIN6 members of the national assembly W MOT TO HUH ? annoying that can be? multiplied in Western states where government to financi lly support the and most provincial officials are space program? Does NASA fall into eagles and coyotes have been the category of Thieu's handymen, his nomination fulfilling the three basic destroyed. rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of was virtually automatic while any Man is just one part of the happiness? challengers were at a serious natural order. When he plays with disadvantage. this natural balance, he must face Aerospace scientists, engineers and aircraft company officials are certainly At least there is one the consequences. The laws pursuing monetary and personal interest ramification of the election regarding species preservation goals to obtain happiness, but it is at debacle which should hearten should be more rigidly enforced. the expense of the taxpaying public. Foggy Bottom: with only one Bounty laws should, in many With the exception of momentary WHEN HOOVE MJAu?* opposition candidate in this thrills as exhibited by the moon landing cases, be repealed. Michigan, for election as opposed to several apathetic toward the means and goals example, still has a $15 bounty of the project. It is followed as a in the last Thieu should have for each male coyote, $20 for whole by the public about as carefully to do only a minimal amount of each female. But most as one would follow the life importantly, history of rigging to assure his victory and man must learn that he cannot an appendix — possibly some exciting he will only have to lock up one bend the laws of nature to suit his moments but for the most part a drag. opponent after the voting. own needs. The government simply should not Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 9, 1971 5 SHOP-RITE STORES' Level of pollution ni ' '■ in river declines (Continued from page one) which were the result of high nutrient levels in the water. These blooms are no longer in evidence on campus. Even during the period when the Red Cedar was at its worst, there were sections of the river which were unpolluted enough to maintain populations of game fish. "As the river gradually began to improve, the areas inhabited by the game fish began to expand, Kevern said. However, game fish presently in the river are likely to contain parasites, he said. The parasites do not constitute a Clean? problem as long as the fish are cooked well. I The level of pollution in the Red Cedar River has declined, so say MSU water quality I experts. It is even supposed to decline more in the next few years. One can only | wonder if sewage is on the way out in East Lansing. State News photo by Doug Bauman LATER MISSIONS ■SPACE i polio CENTER, Houston Myers, NASA associate to knowledge. study Some gr Use this ad your grocery as shopping list... lp) — Can man harvest administrator. With if scientists think that and hydrogen, provide heat you'll save money! lavity and create an one instrument, called gravity moves in waves, and fuel for the base and "Apollo 15 gave us a ■limited source of pollution dramatic a gravimeter, University of there may be particles called enable our men to expansion of Maryland physicist Joseph grow ■ree energy for the machines scientific results. It was the gravitons. And since there is their own food." Weber seeks proof that gravity antimatter such as antiprotons | the future? broadest geological survey ever travels in waves like light. and ■ Does ice, which could fuel made by man in a short antielectrons, there might Grand Prize Beef Working with accelerometers be Boneless Id heat a permanent base on period of time." attached to suspended masses antigravitons that might Bureau offers — moon, lie trapped deep * The some day be harnessed to experiments will be of metal, Weber believes that lid, ow the surface barren world? of that largely dupliated in the Apollo 16 mission to the he has read gravity waves and create G an antigravity atmosphere. or zero - Kids for Rent' Lean Sizzle Steak lb M.58 many scientists agree with "Man is committed to (Answers to these questions Descartes region of the lunar him. But the (Cut from Sirloin tip) experiments finding an antigravity "Kidsfor Rent" is a new Jll be sought before the U.S. mountain highlands. have been complicated by missions and end in But Apollo 17 will machine," said one member program begun today by the carry interference from background of the team MSU Volunteer Bureau to icember 1972 with the instruments never before noises working with the on earth. In the help middle school and high ■ht of Apollo 17. flown and gravity wave experiment. "It ■•'It was a capable of perfect quiet of the moon's would be potentially school aged students from the Young & Tender (Tissue Free) fantastically providing even greater airless environment, results can an Tower Gardens area find ■ccessful mission," said Dale unlimited source of pollution jobs. breakthroughs in scientific be more clearly defined. free energy." Sliced Beef Liver - The volunteers according to Other additions to the Scott Gelzer, Kids For Rent Apollo 17 mission will be director, are simply providing lunar sounders operating on the students with jobs and the surface and from orbit. transportation back and forth. Both can probe more than a The students will be mile below the moon's available to perform a variety surface. Grand Prize Beef Boneless of tasks including — Spartan Hot Dog or Hamburger First measurements from a lawnmowing, gardening, and |A\' MSU COED told police near Michigan-- Aw ma1- was walking on Bogue the Ireet toward Van Hoosen Hall illegal lane changing. The student was stopped when for he When said, an officer approached, the student moved thermal probe driven eight other yard work, light feet into the moon's surface painting and housework, Rolled Rump Roast lb M." BUNS doz. pk. 29 C away and dropped the item on lout 9:30 p.m. Friday when approaching patrol officer the ground. A search of the by the Apollo 15 explorers babysitting and other similar I unidentified man passed by reportedly smelted beer and after showed the temperature at jobs . man his arrest revealed d grabbed her arm. that depth to be minus 86 Pay for the students will Wagner saw a quart of beer on the an additional amount of have to be determined |After the man told her to rear floor. degrees fahrenheit. 19( suspected marijuana. "This is very cold," said between the employe and quiet, she said, she Reamed and the man fled toward the Red Cedar after In a search of the vehicle the student's arrest, NASA's Myers, "and it stays employer, Gelzer said. that way even in the high Those requiring assistance BREAKFAST DRINKS each I V Police said they police said they found the THEFTS REPORTED to have been asked to call Quart Bottles er. sun angles. So I think it — Orange or Grape Brched but did not find the suspected marijuana inside the police over the weekend shows the 353-4400 from 8 a.m. to 5 possibility that glove compartment. include a $250 typewriter, there might be water which p.m. Monday through Friday. stolen from A has been there for millions of jTlie assailant was described - 124 Vet YOUR PSYCHIC ABILITY I a white man, between 30 35 years fci tall and 224 pounds. He old, about six ■ortedly had 'dark, curly hair old AN ARREST of a 20 - year- MSU student occurred about 11 p.m. Friday when a Clinic; a owned canoe, found $250 Saturday from the Bessey Hall University - missing years. "If this is so, it would rental docks; a $10 camera, make a tremendous difference CAN Opening 13 BE ENHANCED-TRY "PSYCHORIENTOLOGY" Lecture — Aug. UNIVERSITY INN Empress MANDARIN ORANGES 1 lb. can ... 29( stolen sometime between July in the cost of * lunar base. jl - wore black rimmed glasses, patrol officer said he observed 7:30 flue short - sleeved shirt and the student toss a suspected 14 and Friday from a student Water could be broken down - $3.00 Students ■e in Owen Hall; a purse by solar power into $1.50 - Course follow Van Camp jeans. marijuana cigarette on the room oxygen and contents valued at $5, 15( [ * * * ground in the Wilson Hall |AN MSU STUDENT and mingham man, both 19, a traffic loop. stolen from a car in Lot Q. TONIGHT! 2 for price of 1. PORK & BEANS 21 oz. can each f lodged in the county jail Patrol officers in the area r their arrest about 10:30 said they heard a siren blasting . Saturday for possessing from a vehicle in the loop and fet police termed marijuana Spartan went over to investigate. They 19c 1 smoking paraphernalia in a said five persons were near the >US_ Bomobile. paper bag in their automobile at the time. Lansing Metro Lines ALUMINUM FOIL Jolice Burred said the incident Shaw ®rry on Lane apartments when Lane near look to us men were stopped for for quality Spartan Meat Pies •gal lane changing. Patrol Chicken, Beef or Turkey 15e Peaches 3 lbs. 59° Jeersin > reportedly noticed the the opened • complete selection of Enjoy Fish and Chips Anytime - $1.50 bag when y approached the frames Spartan Shoestring Uk™ Town car. Another •'Sunglasses and wire - rims Potatoes 20 oz. pkg. Grapes LB 49c lp MSU lion by prosecutors this 19 student - year awaits ■ • prescription lenses ground 307 S. Grand St., Lansing 3/M.00 • repairs while you wait W-Brand Smelt iLBPk9. •k after police arrested him Red Grapes LB 49c 1 illegal possession I alleged marijuana. of beer RcutoA Opilcicuvi Ipened said the incident ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. Florida Citrus Blend 10/s1.0(l ■urday about on 9:10 p.m. Harrison Road RIGHT ON PEOPLE "Individual Servings" Plums LB 29' RIGHT ON PRICES RIGHT ON . . . Nectarines 8/69c WITH GOOD DEALS CUP & SAVE IRIS COUPON Happy Hours SPARTAN So Good It's Monday is Mon. - Thurs. 2P- 5pm POTATO ilHMHIHl Men's Liberation Night. Greatly Rerinrpri Edcj&for Men k Bring the Frat Sun. - Thurs. Close CHIPS Jtothe Fried Chicken Open 11 a.m. - midnight Mon. & Tues. 1 lb. bag (you save 400) 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Wed. - Fri. [O-KO bar| Lunch 890 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw nmar Fran dor Shopping Ctntar 5 p.m. - midnight Sun. C oupon expires 8-14-7i Limit 1 with coupon & $5.00 purchase. »• Cllppert off Kalamazoo . 5001 W. Saginaw across from thm Lansing Mall 6 Michigan Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan ON EDITORIAL PAGE SN to feature new cartoonist Starting today the State Oliphant looks at the world News will run, on a regular of politics, foreign affairs, basis, the editorial cartoons of social attitudes and customs Pat Qliphant. in the tradition of a European master caricaturist, Oliphant, the regular staff but aims his work at the cartoonist of the Denver Post, American audience. won the 1966 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning. He has also recently won the Oliphant will join three time Pulitzer Prize - winning 'YOU MIGHT CALL THIS MY OPINING STATIMINT , . Sigma Delta Chi (professional Los Angeles Times cartoonist MIOHTIKft THAN THf SWORD journalistic honorary society) Paul Conrad on the editorial Pat Oliphant, Pulitzer Price winning editorial mdmdual itvl#cartoonists. has distinguished him distinguished cartoonist award. other editorial His caricatrues page of the State News. cartoonist, appears for the first time today ni In 1969 he received the by Darcy are being major political figures have deligh,! I Reuben Award fellow cartoonists. from his Cartoons dropped to make room for Oliphant cartoons on the editorial page of the State Oliphant is one of the nation's most often News. millions of readers for many years. I Oliphant. reprinted cartoonists. For years his Cartoons by CHiphant I 'Blue The star of "Blue Water, Water' spend weeks looking for the above and white underneath becomes cameo a stunning appearance instead. His stretches little ho made u added much that is the t. film, have superfluous everyone else is busy with mission. His musical tkl interhiZI White Death" is a great white fish. Their goal: to find and but it is his teeth and jaws become ridiculous pauses thiil emergence seems anti-climactic and banal and thereby reduced shark, the most dangerous film one of this elusive, that dominate one's attention, and rather unworthy of the their end result. *v"nen outstanding photogrirJ■ FRIDAY, AU6.13, 8:15 PM predator in the world, deadly species. While audience and divers waiting and build up that Long stretches of shipboard t» t make excusable. ■ Everyone on the screen and in The audience waits for him. wait, the great white shark dialog are included. We really proves to be a prima dona, preceeds it. "Blue Water, White Detfl SIHIM* front of it waits for his They know all about him "Blue Water, White Death" don't need a diver telling us, In FAIRCHILD THEATRE arrival. before his arrival. He is He delays his grand entrance could have been a fascinating »if i knew I was going to get tries to be entertainment andil A shipful of capable of swallowing a man for over an hour of screen full-length adventure. To short subject, an educational biten, I wouldn't go down." diver-photographers wait for whole. He has been known to time, leaving the audience at and absorbing film that need The added comic phases are this, the divers become huul him. Armed with cameras, guts strip a whale's carcas down to the mercy of rather dull divers not entertain to be even worse. The crew's the voyage grows tedious tf I and specially designed its spine in six to seven hours, who clown, talk and sing to the essential search for fel [ appreciated. The apprehension remarks are supposed to seem -u-: reduced J THE underwater filming cages, they in appearance he is slate blue pass the time. Then after appearing, the great white of the shark, him and finally the pursuit of the excitement funny and spontaneous but they have that preplanned „st*!*'I*.hn?^ 801 a ™opHn and danger of his arrival were an(j camera-wary deadlmess The filmmakers have lojl Y0B1B0F "I don t care what color you arc, menacing teeth,' gives the swims away. His long awaited the makings of a tight, about them. And, worst of all, sight of their goal, ThelossofT —«.-i—1« feature. But Peter scholarly D"f"' a folk * singer is present, their audience's * >K"'" ",Jl attention il boy, as long as you're filming cages melodramatic bumps a few " visit " lasts ' roughly 14' minutes, ' and The shark's star performance Gimbel and associates, the men strumming his guitar while the not surprising result. GILBERT red, white and blue!" 1KB AT GAME, IN CONCERT SUiUYAI Al Hirt to play at Homecoming Al Hirt and his band will also include the 110-piece late 1950s. Other club engagements,! the Saints, will perform twice lead MSU's Parade His road to fame opened national TV appearances audi of Bands at MSU —at halftime during Symphonic Band and the with Stars of with engagement at a an RCA recording contwll concert homecoming weekend, the MSU-Iowa football game Spartan Marching Band. an D OYLY CARTE FAME Kenneth Bloomquist, MSU and in the Parade of Bands A student of classical Bourbon Street club, at first completed the success stoq.1 director of bands announced concert at 8:15 p.m. October trumpet since he was seven, only on weekends, then full Hirt is one of the fti| recently. 23, in the University Hirt was known as a "good time. His fame grew, and he musicians ever to hare tl 'Less feast, Gilbert Auditorium. jazz trumpet" only ift his was booked into the Dunes in a more a The king-size trumpeter, native New Orleans until the Las Vegas. gold albums in a single ywl and Sullivan orgy The Parade of Bands will ... a cascade along with Short Legs and ofG&S jewels followed each One of Hirt's biggest^ other throughout the evening." recording moments was h — Cambridge N< FOR CHRISTMAS SEALS performance with the E Pops under Authur Mil His performance of Haydn "Concerto in D" won tl ALL SEATS $2.50 Artists asked praise of Roger Voison, d of the trumpeters and first i trumpet with the Pops. world's classiti air pollution. submit the design of the BRIAN FOLEY With JACK WARDEN as General Strapp / LEE MEREDITH Michigan artists are Michigan Tuberculosis and Tickets for the Parade J TICKETS AT THE UNION Screenplay b, CLEMENT BIDDLE WOOD / Pnxtucri and Directed tr,WALTER SHENSON |Rh-^r-! C reminded of the Aug. 31 Respiratory Disease TTie design itself will appear on the Christmas Seals mailed 1973 Christmas Seal. and information are available Rules Bands concert will go on if deadline for submitting their Association to millions of U.S. homes from the Michigan in mid-September at their WORLD PREMIERE designs for the 1973 Ticket Office. * Christmas Seal in the Call For The winners of the during the 197 3 holiday Tuberculosis and Respiratory Union d ICHIGAN SHOWING Michigan contest will go on season. It will also appear on Disease Assn., 403 Seymour seats will be reserved. F Artists contest, said John R. Theatre • Lansing' to compete nationally for a posters, billboards and Avenue, Lansing 48914. are $5, $4 and $3. STARTING FRIDAY! Pettibone, president of the $1,000 cash award offered by television screens. the National Tuberculosis and Production schedules require Respiratory Disease Assn. to that the Christmas Seal design ICHIGAN the artist whose design is be selected two years in Theatre • Lansinq chosen to spearhead the advance of issue, Pettibone annual drive emphysema, tuberculosis against and explained. It is hoped, Pettibone said, ★ CAPITAL CAPSULES! ( i other respiratory that a Michigan artist will George C. Scott GOV. MILLIKEN said Saturday it would be a "sen blow" to education reform if the Senate does not alio*'! "The property tax relief proposal to go before voters in NovemWl Milliken noted that next week the Senate is expected#! Last Run" "BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH' consider a House - passed resolution to allow a refcreiKPB on a constitutional amendment that would eliminate ■ skin on the black market ABSOLUTELY BREATH-TAKING!' property tax as a source of revenue for regulating sen ■ operating costs. J The proposal would also lift the ban on a graduw'B Open at Shows 12:45 p.m. At 1:00-3:00 WOMEN .x CAGES income tax. THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE Union (ACU) »|J R 5:00-7:00-9:00 p.m. recently in its periodic rating of lawmakers that Sen. n '■ Hart, D - Mich., had a zero rating. juate.'. The ACU said 14 senators had marks of 100 on 111 ■ votes and 18 rated zero. Several Democratic preside | contenders were among the 18. THE MICHIGAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY has gone «| record in opposition to the election of new party precW* delegates this November. I The party and its more liberal Coalition (NDC), both favor a wing, the New Pemoo^J change in the current process to provide for selection of precinct delegates in »■ electWB of 1972. ■ NOW Open 12:45 Feature JENNIFER O'NEIL Two for One Pass to Spartan Speedway n everyone's life there's aW flth TlcketPurchase to LeMans! ISUMMER OF '42f STEVE McQUEEN at 200 MPH! jane fonda donald Sutherland LEMANS' Today at 1:30, 3:30, 5-30, | in an alan j pakula V Today at 2:30, 4:307| 1 6:30, 8:30 7:30,9:30 Twl-Llte Hour. „t aDC Adults 90C, 5:00 - 5:30 / Twl-Llte Hour, Adults ""90c, 6:00 - 6:30«^"™ HURRY LAST 2 DAYS ENDS WEDNESDAY 2 - FEATURES - 2 JANE FONDA In THE TENSE EXCITEMENTI JANE FONDA IN R "KLUTE" color BIG Mule Shown at 9:15 only! SANDY DENNIS BOUNCE In "UP THE DOWN STAIR CASE" Ml Today Mat: 1:30, Kve' J Color (Unclassified) \J JLtui.i 5:00, 8:30 Ite Hour. Shown at 7:15 only! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 9, 1971 7 Namath Flint miscues torn ligamen help NEW YORK underwent surgery Sunday knee and the doctor in (UP1) — Injury for tom - prone Joe Namath ligaments in his left charge of the case said the flamboyant New York Jets quarterback would be able to |All Stars play football again, possibly as early as November. Namath, who was injured Saturday in an exhibition game win, 54-6 with the Detroit Lions at Tampa, to Fla., has been expected be lost for most of the regular season. But Dr. James Nicholas, director of orthopedic surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital and the Jets' team surgeon, was optimistic about By RICK GOSSELIN Art Berry picked off a Kraft Namath's future. pass for the Sports Editor third major Star break, and Pasteur capitalized "This does not mean the end of Joe's career," Nicholas on it a minute later for his second touchdown said. "It is not a permanent injury. Ke will be in the I The Lansing AH Stars just keep rolling as he plunged in from the one. hospital for two weeks, the cast on his leg will remain for llong. six weeks and he may be able to play by Nov. 15." I Taking advantage of five Flint Wildcat Tom Eifert took The operation advantage of another Flint at Lenox Hill Sunday morning took 52 piseues, the All Stars stormed the Flint error in running 23 minutes. Nicholas yards around left end for said two ligaments in Namath's left knee lastille for eight touchdowns in stalking off another score. Ken Hines fell on a fumble off were reconstructed and that a torn cartilage was removed. fcith a 54-6 win Saturday night. of the kick - off to allow Eifert the FVank Ramos, a press spokesman for the Jets, said the score. At the half, the All Stars change to I had a operation was successful and that Namath would play again. The Stars weren't choosy in how they got comfortable 27-6 lead. In the board, either, socring in each period §ith an excellent blend of both the pass and Just 'ikca urt "Joe should be good for the last six games of the regular season," Ramos said. He said this meant that Namath might Bob Lange scored the lone be able to play first in the game Nov. 28 e run. Lansing churned up over 178 yards touchdown in Tom Eifert of the Lansing All Stars against San the third period on a 27 goes off left tackle for a gain against the Flint Francisco. i the ground and cut into the air for 165 yard pass from Jim Wildcats in a game last Saturday night at Sexton Ball to cushion the All Star lead Field. The All Stars won 54-6. What Ramos said Namath would at 34-6. kind of cigarets are they passing on the bench? undergo a period of State News photo by Don Gerstner rehabilitation after the cast is removed. He said Namath's Tom Jakovac got into the aerial act early in ability to cut would be hampered, however, by tjie injury. I The All Stars allowed Flint the first score the fourth quarter with a Ramos said Namath was in good spirits and quoted him 38 - yard 1 Ken Duncan took a pass from Bob touchdown pass to Pete Schmidt for the first Kraft in as saying: J flooded zone and strolled in from Lrds out early in the first quarter. The extra eight three Lansing scores in the final quarter. Mars dominates night sky one "This team is too good to lose because of the absence of man. I am confident that A1 Woodall can get the job pint kick was blocked, the first of what was done." be a long line of bad breaks for the After Chuck Bailey blocked a Flint Woodall is the Jet's No. 2 quarterback. during closest approach lildcats. punt and downed the ball on the This was the second operation on Namath's left knee. He one, Dick Allen blitzed through the middle for the seventh was had surgery two times on his right knee. All J■idwavErnie Pasteur gave the Stars the through the first stanza with a lead 10 - Star score. Mars will be closer to Earth Victor explained when and is the brightest object in the par run, and Craig Tefft added another score Wednesday than it will be how to view the close the first with a nine yard dash. Tefft's Charley Wedemeyer finished the scoring on ■ yard pass from Jakovac, moments after again until 2003 A.D. approach. Mars now rises in night sky. Four hours after it rises it Cigarettes Kodak Coloi Film > was set up when Ron Everett fell on a Closer, astronomically, the southeast approximately safety Dave Ferris picked off a' Randy Wheeler will be in the south and still ■uncan fumble on the Wildcat 21. means about 35 million milts, one Pass> MSU astronomer Robert C. hour after sunset. With the exception of the moon, it not very high horizon. Mars will be above the 126,127,620 the rest of the visible night. 2/69c 89' N SUEZ CANAL Wednesday it only a few will come up minutes after limit 2 pkgs limit 1 sunset, low in the southeast. (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 6-14-71 Expires after 8-14-71 "Earth passes betweer Mars East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Calm and the sun approximately remains at every two years," Victor said. "The 1971 pass is about as close as Mars ever gets, 2.25 10% Off ■ SUEZ CANAL CEASE • the American Initiated approximately 35 million miles Flashcubes The Discount Price • cease They did not report their gutted, bombed out city of away." |RE LINE (AP) - The birds • fire agreement. • Secretary of State Joseph J. No telescopes are needed to own, which by all accounts Suez can be returned to the Suez But somehow the truce were seen In the Sisco acknowledged there had see Mars, Victor said. on all hnal. I When the Middle Eait cease worked. numerous. After several months, a In the heat. distance, shimmering ghostlike been 11 no decisive breakthrough" during his 99' Film Developing Weeks, then months, passed visitor to the canal found the To the south, the For telescope viewers the ■ fire went Into effect t year rusting recent talks with Israeli without major Incident. True, silence of truce MSU astronomer gave the limit 1 No limit faintly hulks of two ships block the leaders. po, pessimists predicted It there were random shots, but disturbing and he wondered southern entrance to the canal following hints: gradually (Coupon) Expires »fter S-14-71 (Coupon) louldn't last a week. no reported casualties. Increase the magnification; Expires after a-14-71 Even why. closed to navigation since the Cast Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ■ optimists despaired Both sides probed each "It's the birds" explained 1967 Middle East look for a very bright white ■ hen the Egyptians other's war. air space on an Israeli soldier. "There are To many the canal is still spot near one end of the 1.09 1.15 Jimedlately moved Soviet reconnaissance flights. The still no birds here. Well only the key to Middle East peace. Abba Eban, Israel's planet. That is the south polar Kissiles Into the canal Israelis claimed 33 Egyptian cap; and check for dark pndstlll zone, In violation of aerial violations during the year. It separates thousands of eloquent foreign minister, hostile troops and would be called it the "dynamics of the markings in the same Ban Roll-on Close-up Well, the birds are back — the scene of battle should cease - fire," adding: "There hemisphere as the polar cap. marsh birds, desert birds, sea fighting erupt again. is a prospect that the cease • Deodorant Toothpaste School enrollment As a bonus, a meteor birds. For this the fire will become entranched — Their reason chirping and Americans are pressing their provided the balance of forces shower will about Wednesday. reach its peak 1.5 oz. 69c 6.2 oz. 59C chattering over the quiet efforts to get Cairo and is not upset and provided also After its close approach this limit 1 limit 1 set for E. lapping of the water in the Jerusalem to reach an interim there is some prospect, som£ (Coupon) (Coupon) J New residents of the East Lansing letters are sent may pick up canal are the only sounds one hears on this blazing hot canal. August day. agreement on reopening the hope The There of political activity. are conditions for the fundamental year, Mars will gradually grow fainter. By June 1972 it will be as faint as the North Star. Expires after 8-14-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 8-14-71 East Lansing Store Only prospects look dim, maintaining the By July 1972, it will be ■ansing and the MSU copies at the school offices. Across the blue canal the however. Even U.S. cease - fire." hidden in the 3.50 Value 1.00 Immunity Families may enroll children glare of the sun. are urged by fthool officials to enroll by calling or going to the school Life Lotion Coppertone |ildren "as soon as possible" offices weekdays between 8 the high and middle a.m. and noon and 1 to 4 Hair Conditioner Tanning Buttei Jhools. p.m. at the high school; I Enrollment for elementary between 8 a.m. and noon and SI1. wpils will take place between 1 to 4:30 p.m. at 16 oz. limit 1 1.5 oz. 59' Jig. 30 ■certain and as to Sept. 3. Families where children MacDonald or Hannah Middle (Coupon) limit 1 (Coupon) schgo^. Expires after 8-14-71 Expires after 8-14-71 [ any grade should enroll are East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only The to contact the East fcnsing Board of Education. ■ After pupils enroll, a letter 1.50 1.85 111 be sent to their homes, DOWNTOWN F.O.S. Breck Iscribing registration ■ocedures for the DELI fall, lildren who enroll after the feminine deodorant Shampoo J>kemos church is now 3oz. 99C limit 1 15 oz. M.W limit 1 sponsor clinic (Coupon) (Coupon) and Expires after 8-14-71 Expires after 8-14-71 ■An immunization clinic will open East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ■ sponsored by the Ingham ■untv Health Dept. at the Remos Community Church, ready to 1.39 1.39 ■34 No. Okemos Road, from serve Sandal foot Panty Burlington Ballet ■to 3 p.m. Wednesday. you IS hots will be given for with our Hose for "Hot Pants" Panty Hose phtheria, whooping cough, Janus, polio, measles small and typhoid. pox, DELICATESSEN 69' $1.°' J test will also be available limit 3 limit 3 ■ no charge. Persons between MENU (Coupon) Expires after 8-14-71 (Coupon) Expires after 8-14-71 East Lansing Store Only f ages of two months and East Lansing Store Only I will be eligible. Look what we have to offer. . . 1.75 .35 You'll Flip CORNED BEEF Liquifilm Emery Boaids GeorgeWashington knew how PASTRAMI SALAMI PEPPERED BEEF Wetting Solution to make a dollar go farther. 19' TONGUE CHOPPED CHICKEN LIVER 20, s1.2' 10's NOVA SCOTIA LOX limit 1 limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) JUMBO FRANKS Times haven't Expires after 8-14-71 Expires after 8-14-71 (Kosher style) changed since George's record toss. Everything East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only KNOCKWURST keeps going up while our ability to pay lags behind. CHICKEN BROTH with We at East Lansing State Rank can help you make .39 your dollars .49 rhen the A K A1 MATZOH BALL go farther. Just open a regular passbook savings account f 50D Invertomatic or KRAPLACH with us and watch what 4i/>% daily compounded interest can Cosmetically Yours Flair pens fassette deck flips a STUFFED KISHKA do. No minimum deposit, no waiting, Nail Polish Remover GEFILTE FISH Pfette to play both NEW YORK BAGELS L jS ^xc't'n9 features just the maximum return from the day of deposit. 3.3 oz. 19' 29' JEWISH RYE BREAD Thk 30 t0 16 kHz 1 CHEESE CAKE & STRUDEL Daily compounded interest at 4U% on regular limit 1 limit 6 ,.a° responsel On (Coupon) (Coupon) '"Play now at: from New York passbook savings is available at East Lansing Expires after 8-14-71 Expires after 8-14-71 East Lansing Store Only BLINTZES State Bank, your Hometown Bank. Now with East Lansing Store Only Trust Services. Member: F.D.I.C. 104 WASHINGTON East Lansing State Bank State Cdiscount i. ~ - ImiI»|j * ~ — !••» Un.lnt< ► (V4 Block off Mich. Ave.) 307 E. Gr and River OPEN 7-7 DAILY Next to the Card Shop 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 9 STATE NEWS state news classified CLASSIFIED 355-8255 The Bargains Are FANTASTIC In Today's Classified Ads 3558255 FRANKLY SPEAKING Automotive Automotive For Rent The Slate News does not permit racial or AUSTIN HEALEY New radial tires, 625-7163. 2-8-9 Sprite 1967. rebuilt engine. FORD GALAXIE 500 1969. Air conditioning, radio, all power, automatic, 8 cylinder. Excellent VOLKSWAGEN tires, $325 BUG, 1963. Good radio. Good condition, or best offer. Sue FOX RUN Aureliut Apartments, Road. apartment community. Ideal for All 2456 new religious in It* discrimination advertising ZZEBgpEjjl condition. Phone 355-1220. 351-1765. 2-8-9 married, grad students and columns. The State Deluxe 2 bedroom News will not accept BARRACUDA FASTBACK 1967, 2-8-11 VOLVO 1968. 122-S. Exceptional faculty. unfurnished. Community center. advertising which automotive • V-8, automatic, power steering, Scooters & low mileage, new tires. FORD GALAXIE 1963. Standard quality, many extras. Best Illuminated swimming pool, discriminates against Cycle, Auto Parts 489-0423. 3-8-13 shift. V-8. $150 cash. Call IV 4-1523. 3-8-11 offer. 371-1403. 3-8-13 complete Immediate laundry occupancy. facilities. $175 to religion, race, color or Aviation ftServic, national origin. BUICK, 1962. Convertible, V8, Scooters & Cycles $185 includes all utilities. Open • employment between 12-6 pm each day or ♦ automatic, radio, good FOR RENT BSA 650cc. call leasing agent 694-8750 or condition. $325, best offer. Lightning 1970. Good 351-4381. 3-8-11 condition, approximately 4,000 FOX PROPERTY Apartments miles. 625-4867. 2-8-11 MANAGEMENT, 372-1954. Houses HEARSE 1957. MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1966, 4-8-9 For Rent CADILLAC Power steering, automatic, low Rooms Excellent condition. $500. Call HONDA 1969. 175 Scrambler. mileage. $800. 351-6873. 2-8-9 ONE AND two bedroom LARGE, UPSTAIRS, 3 bedroom • FOR SALE after 6 pm 393-0413. 6-8-9 Good condition. Call Dave, 349-3917. 3-8-13 apartments from $145. 10 apartment. $180. All utilities Animals OLDS 1968. F-85. V-8 minutes from MSU. Children paid. Close to campus. Call CHEVROLET IMPALA 1967. stick, Mobile Homes Automatic, power, radio, radio, whitewalls, very clean, 2 305 HONDA CB. 5,000 miles. permitted. EAGLE CREST 349-1774. 3-8-13 excellent condition. Must sell, door. $1000. Call Ken, $300. 355-5148, 393-8143. NORTH, 694-8975. 4330 Keller • PERSONAL 353-6400. S-8-16 Rd„ Holt. C QUIET, ONE or two apartment. •PEANUTS PERSONAL will accept reasonable offer. 5-8-9 Campus close. Excellent for 349-3216, 355-6678. x-4-8-16 OPEL KADETTE 1964. Good 1970 TRIUMPH 650 (Tiger). Good WOMEN. VACANCIES in 4 girl graduate students. Call * REAL ESTATE L CHEVY IMPALA, 1964. Custom city transporation. Best offer. condition. $900. 635 Abbott, apartments. One block from 349-1774. 3-8-13 » RECREATION convertible. All accessories. 675-5213, 9-5 p.m. 1-8-9 No. 320. 6-8-9 campus. Completely furnished, * SERVICE Runs well. New tires and utilities and parking provided. PEACEFUL ROOMMATE wanted. brakes. Best offer. 351-1337 SCHOOL BUS converted to trailer. 1969 HONDA 350. Street $55. 349-9609. 0-8-9 Female. Fall - Spring. Large 1 Typing Service after 5 pm. 5-8-16 Excellent condition.$700 or best offer. Call 332-8950 after 9 scrambler. Excellent condition. LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom bedroom apartment, 2 blocks from Olin, $75. No deposit. ♦transportation $550. :all 351-5683. 3-8-13 ♦ WANTED CORVAIR VAN 1964. Needs p.m. or come to 224 Bailey. HONDA 450cc 1970 scrambler. 'wsei am apartment. 121 $220/month. Utilities included. Beal. Call Wednesday after 6:30 p.m. some work. $100. Call Ken, 3-8-13 thev rnrnr me pwprMg!' 349-3604. 5-8-13 or Thursday afternoon, DEADLINE 337-9091. 3-8-11 6,000 miles. Excellent 351-7703. 2-8-11 condition. Extra accessories. 1 P.M. one class day befori T- 957. Completely reconditioned. All original 332-3371. 3-8-9 NORTH LANSING. Furnished 1 ROOMMATE 71-72 School year. publication. CORVAIR 1966 Excellent condition, automatic, new equipment included. Phone bedroom apartment. Sunporch, Share with 2 girls, Cedarview. battery and tires. 332-2460. 332-2110. 3-8-13 YAMAHA miles. 1967 10Occ. Excellent conditon, $250. 1600 utilities paid. 484-5062 between Call between 8 and 5, Cancellations/Corrections — 12 noon 8-5 pm. 3-8-11 355-9531, Cyndy, one class day Call 694-9135. 3-8-11 before publication. FAIRLANE 1969. 8 cylinder, TEMPEST V8, 1967. automatic, Power steering, 4-door. Best Aviation Employment ONE MAN, quiet, 8/15-9/15. X-2-8-11 offer. 353-0614. 3-8-9 Auto Service & Parts Share room. $50. Close. PHONE radio, new WW tires, new LEARN TO FLY TEACHERS. BEAL STREET Apartment. Fall SCHOOL and college 351-1748. 2-8-9 brakes and shocks, 19,000 AT MEL'S we repair all foreign openings. CLINE TEACHERS or Summer. 1 block from 355-8255 miles, factory warranty, real TOYOTA CORONA 1967. Summer is the best time. and American cars. If we can't AGENCY, 129 East Grand campus. 2 bedrooms, 2 persons. sharp. $1595. Call 694-0957 Economical, dependable. $995. Lowest cost with Winged River. 3-8-11 901 EAST Oakland. 4 rooms, Furnished, air conditioned. RATES after 4:30 pm. 2-8-9 353-1 80 1. fix it, it can't be fixed. Call furnished, utilities paid. Married Evenings - Open 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 216 351-0069. X-5-8-13 332-3255.0 Spartans. couple. $135. 4-8-13 COOKS WANTED. Must be able Beal Street, Apt. 2A. 351-6088. WORDS I T" FIAT 1970. 850 Sport Coupe. 1962 BUICK 401 Call Don 351-8168 to work full time in the fall. 3-8-13 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE Mark III engine. $100. 101.50 3.00 8300 miles. Good condition. Experience not necessary. Apply JUST 4 LEFT 4 •00 5.35 6.50 110 1969. $1500. Call Sherry, Excellent condition. Phone NORTH POINT Apartments. 11 1.65 3.30 4 .40 5.85 $1000. MSU Employees Credit 489-1626. S LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight in person. Northwind Stables 711 BURCHAM APTS. 7.15 14J Owosso, 743-3278. 2-8-9 Spacious pool side apartments. 12j 1.80 3.60 4 .80 6.40 7.80 1! Union. 353-2280, John DeBow. training. All courses are Restaurant, 2843 East Grand Shuttle bus service and good 131.95 3.90 5 ,20 6.95 8.46 |( government and VA certified. River. Ask for Mr. Root. Large 2 or 3 man, 1 VOLKSWAGEN 1964 Bus. Rebuilt VW - GUARANTEED repair. facilities. Efficiency. 1 and 2 142.10 4.20 5 .60 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport 3-8-11 bedroom 7.45 9.10 n, apartments. bedrooms available. Rent 15 2.25 4.50 6 .00 FIAT 1969 850 Sport. Best offer. Road, Call 484-1324. C 8.00 9.75 ,9, EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIANS Signing now for FYill at starting at $120. Call 351 1199 16 2.40 4.80 6 .40 8.55 10.4020! Very clean. 371-2057, evenings. $180 a month. 3-8-11 1961. New clutch, needed at MARTIN'S HAIR or 351-7910. 0-8-13 1712.55 5.10 6>.80 9-10 11.05221 VOLKSWAGEN MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East front end, rebuilt motor. Good Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. Employment FASHIONS, 332-4522. 3-8-9 East Lansing. Call STODDARD APARTMENTS. 2 18 2.70 5.40 7'.20 19 2.85 5.70 7 .60 9-60 11.702W for 10.1512.35 24.71 Dune Buggy. $125. Complete auto painting and man, furnished. Close to 20 3.00 6.00 8 .00 351-8156 after 9:15 pm. 3-8-9 collision service. IV 5-0256. C FULL OR part time opportunity. 337-7328 or 337-0780 10.6513.00261 EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car campus. Now leasing. Call Display people needed. High commission plus guarantee. Age necessary. Call 351-7319 for 351-8238, 699-2024, ED2-2920. 18-25. Car necessary. Call Mr. interview.C All student ads must be Heyer, 372-8111. 2-8-11 | For Rent prepaid Cedar Gre OKEMOS. SPACIOUS. 2 and 3 INSIDE TICKET sales. Full and LANSING OR East Lansing. One bedroom unfurnished apartments part time. Good salary. Apply bedroom furnished. Large, airy in quiet but convenient The State News will bt 1 TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction 1031 North Washington, August guaranteed. Free Idelivery, rooms. Air conditioned. locetion. $175 and $230. responsible only for the I Beautifully maintained. Suitable Students, Faculty and children 10. 3-8-9 service and pick - up. No deposit. for faculty, grad students, business welcome. No pets, please. first day's incorrect || Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C insertion. LIGHT DELIVERY. Must have people, married couples. Lease. COUNTRY HOUSE a po dependable car and know area. 332-3135 APARTMENTS. 349-0558. TV RENTALS. Color and black Good salary. Apply 1031 North 3-8-13 and white. MARSHALL MUSIC, 4 MAN apartments. Close to Washington, August 10. 3-8-9 East Lansing, 351-7830. C-8-9 everything and the campus area. Now renting for fall term. WANTED: FOURTH man for new For Rent SUMMER AND part time Cedar Village, starting fall. Call TV RENTALS Students only. Low $65.06 per man for 12 month air-conditioning, - employment with merchant Randy 699-2981 after 6 p.m. monthly and term rates. Call lease of $70.06 for 9 month WOODSIDE APARTMENTS ll wholesaler. Automobile required. 2-8-11 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV lease. All the latest bedroom furnished wiii| 351-5800. 0-8-9 RENTALS. C conveniences, utilities paid balconies, security li CHECK THIS out: Modern, 3 except telephone and electricity. laundry. Ideal for mi PHYSICAL THERAPIST. Part time man, very near MSU, parking, ONLY $9.00/ month. Free Model open daily. 341 in small general hospital. couples or grad students. El deliveries. SELCO Evergreen (behind People's must sublet, reduced rates. 2-2920, 351-8890. 0 and Flexible. Excellent salary. Send University Terrace. Call Marty, everything COMMUNICATIONS TV Church). Please call 332-8295 resume': Physical Therapy, Box Laura, 332-1887. 3-8-13 RENTAL. 372-4948. O or 351-7910. 0-8-13 CAME LOT 2041 Michigan Avenue Station, APARTMENT, 4 Lansing, Michigan 48911. 3-8-13 South Pennsylvania. Qmi| location for married i PART TIME employment. Apartments students and faculty. 0 Saturdays and Sundays. 5 hours ONE BEDROOM luxury EAST LANSING. Room, $45 / bedroom furnished, Std| per day. Aggressive persons apartment, furnished end refrigerator. Studio, $85 / monthly. Possession r GRAD STUDENTS and singles. 2 with good phone voice. Call unfurnished. Air conditioned, kitchen. Utilities September 1st. Call room efficiency, quiet, small, peid. Share 393-5460 for appointment. Mr. carpeted, pool privileges, extra bath. Deposit. See at 322 Elm, 393-8657 or FOX PROPEHTl private entry. 5 minutes from MANAGEMENT 372-1M Vance. 10-8-27 storage space. 24 hour 351-9585 between 5 7. 2-8-11 MSU. $127.50. Unfurnished. - X-5-8-9 Furnished available. 2 bedroom TELEPHONE WORK. Evenings in Transportation to campus. townhouse available soon. Call FURNISHED ROOMMATE NEEDED. 4 it our office. 6-9 pm 6 days a Quiet. Call 332-8511 or APARTMENTS. One week. Call 351-3701. 2-8-9 882-9805. 10-8-11 351-7910. Q-8-13 bedroom, 10 minutes from Cedar Village, 7 weeks ffill MSU. Ideal for married couples 351-1428. 3-8-9 or graduate students. From $145. Imimdia| Reserve Your Space For appointment call TWO MAN luxury. 489-6939 or 489-6561. 5-8-13 occupancy, walking i Call manager, 351-0705. WB I MAN apartments. Prices from $66 per month per man. APARTMENT NEEDED. 2 With Us Now ? DELTA ARMS, 235 Delta Fall term only, sub-lea "Street, 2 bedroom furnished, air 351-7170. 3-8-9 conditioned. 1 block from campus. Phone 332-0563 or 351-7910. 0-8-13 V BU Co CROSSWORD M s\ P ok A R| ()N PUZZLE D U oT 0 Jj eC L SIY NO F en ACROSS 25. Adipose £A 1. Butter maker 26. Tenor a ■ A 6J 6. Place 28.Josip Broz PM i N sm 11. Rajah's wife 12. 29. Shoal Starred lizard 30. Eng. alehouse a AjC 14. F PA Theater 31. Tiger U N u \u A 3 ■N mo m 1 1 r o\ L E F E w ■E 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 19. Roman bronze 39. Reflection 20. Pronoun 40. Chastise 21. Insect 42. Musical show 22. Evict 43. Racket 23. Boulder 44. Pitchers (right next to Brody Complex) CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTSare now leasing student and married couples units. These spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two • man units have ample parking space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant balconies. We also have a full - swimming pool and private time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be Colltngtooob Apartments among the first residents of CEDAR GPEENS call today. The one - bedroom units start at MODEL OPEN DAILY $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine and twelve month leases available. Fall leases now being accepted, "(formerly Northwind Apts.) "UNLIMITED PARKING 'DISHWASHERS ImSMT 'SHAG CARPETING 'BALCONIES MA NA GEMENT EXCL US/ VEL Y BY: Alco Management Company $220/4 man *AIR CONDITIONING 'AND MUCH MORE Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Stn^j Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 9, 1971 9 For Rent For Sale For Sale Recreation Houses SEWING Sale. MACHINE Brand Clearance WATERBED FRAMES. $35 and Astronauts home safe, healthy EUROPE new portables IvELY ■ bedroom FURNISHED. 2 and 3 houses. $150 $240 $49.95, $5.00 per month. Large selection of reconditioned machines. used up. C-8-9 REBIRTH, Washington, Lansing, 489-6168. 309 North - $149 (Continued from astronauts were page one) in good officials said, it was in good shape. When Apollo 15 down, the Soviet vessel flashed splashed pieces of brought to earth. lunar rock ever | p|us utilities. Call 349-3604 Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Home & Christmas break In Hawaii, condition. Space agency engineers still a message asking "What is the ■ from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. "Many GOLF CLUBS and bag. Full set, (279 Spain The trio went had no explanation for condition of Raising the plastic - wrapped Others." $19.95 to $39.95. $99. Call Rod, 332-0947. 3-8-9 or Acapulco, $249 through a why astronauts?" rock in his right hand, Scott ■ and after 6 p.m. 3-8-13 four hour one of the spacecraft's three The Okinawa replied Terms. EDWARDS Round trip, Jet Air, dally - medical that told the sailors the rock and DISTRIBUTING examination aboard ship just parachutes collapsed as their condition COMPANY, was others aboard the ship may be 1115 North Washington Animals N.U.S. TRAVEL SERVICE after splashdown Saturday. Endeavour floated toward the "excellent." older than anything on earth. 489-6448. C Dr. Clarence Jernigan, the ocean. The craft impacted the 1372-1865. 2-8-11 SAMOYED AKC. 3 females. 2 Call Frank Buck 351-8604 Later, the Soviets messaged: water a little faster than it "We congratulate your fearless "You people on space agency physician, said this SHARP STEREO Cassette spayed, 1 Vi years old. Has would with three ship KECUTIVE 9 room home for dKk shots. 339-8587. 3-8-13 they lost from one to five normal cosmonauts on their successful have participated in one of the $50. 355-6167. 5-8-16 AUGUST FLIGHTS still 3 bedrooms, study or 4th pounds of weight each, even chutes, officials said, but it return." greatest scientific UNION BOARD TRAVEL endeavors ■ bedroom. 3 full baths, 2 USED TAPE OFFICE. Call 355-3355. C though they ate almost all the was designed so it could A final message read, "We ever carried out," said the fireplaces. Available September recorder and Mobile Homes food packed aboard their operate with only two hope have moon mission commander. lease. Furnished, typewriter. Call 353-7097 after you a good way for 1 year 7 spacecraft. parachutes and the collapsed home." "You may have taken l$390/month. p.m. Monday - Thursday part in Call 332-4692. 3-8-13 MARLETTE, 1968 12x62, 2 Real Estate "It's just impossible to gain chute caused no problems. The messages a discovery of how the solar ■ 4 8-13 bedrooms. Stove, refrigerator, Several congressmen aboard were BY weight in space," Jernigan exchanged in English using system was formed." ISR MCDONALD 400 automatic carpeting, and drapes. On lot or OWNER: 3 bedroom, 2V4 quoted Scott as the Okinawa witnessed the saying. Morse code and conventional J BEDROOM house, V4 block off. Real clean. Available now. baths, family room, fireplace, return to earth of Endeavour Unlike the three (from campus. $325 per month turntable, Shure cartridge $35 $5800. Phone "Our preliminary laboratory blinker lights. previous Williamston, patio, den, formal dining room. moon Iplus utilities. 2 car garage. No Tom, 351-9045. x-1-8-9 data shows that and praised the moon mission Two boxes of lunar landing crews, the 655-2331. 6-8-9 Fully carpeted, drapes. 2 car everything is and the precision of the samples Apollo 15 astronauts face no ■more than 5 people. Call garage. Own normal," said Jernigan. "The were flown to Ellington AFB ■351-8523 5-9 pm. 13-8-27 well, full post - mission quarantine. The 966 STAR mobile home 12x50. basement. River lot, '/j guys are in real good spirits." recovery operation. and were taken to the Manned Front acre, "Superb, absolutely superb," isolation program was kitchen, 2 bedrooms, fully landscaped. 10 minutes Endeavour, the Apollo 15 Spacecraft Center and stored NORTH Fairview. Large 3 said Rep. Charles A. discontinued after Apollo 14 furnished. Must be moved. Call from I bedroom house. Near MSU. Call Campus. $46,000. 1246 command ship, was brought Mosher, in the Lunar Receiving because scientists could find 641-4284. 10-8-18 Wild Cherry Drive, just North aboard the Okinawa a few R Ohio. ■ 6?5 3739. 3-8-9 CHECK - Laboratory. off Zimmer Road, Williamston. hours after splashdown. The "The timing no evidence of moon visitors LEONARD WHOLESALE'S was right on Officials said the rocks, 1970 HOMETTE Shown by appointment the bringing to earth |)0M FOR rent, $40.00 LOW PRICES ON 12'x50' two heat shield on the blunt end money," said Rep. Richard gathered during any lunar per bedroom, 655-1488 or 351-1133. Ask T. Hanna, D Scott and germs. month. 435 MAC. Call skirted, furnished. for of the cone - Calif. "It's just Irwin's first and third PHOTOGRAPHY Must Diane. 5-8-13 - shaped craft was moon 1332-1026. 3-8-9 sell. Take overpayments. scorched from the incredible how time after time surface explorations, At 4600 West Britton Road. 4,000 such proficiency was shown." weighed a The astronauts do face days THE BEST of suburban living in Nikon Lot 20. Perry. Call degrees generated in the fiery total of about 75 pounds. of debriefings for scientists and ■REE MAN duplex, 9 month * Yashlca * 355-1105. Minolta * Argus 3-8-9 Ottawa Hills. MSU, Meridian passage through the earth's Rep. J. Edward Roush, D - They said the boxes will be ■lease. 265 Stoddard. 351-7963. Kodak *Polarolc Mall near. If you admire a Ind., said Apollo 15 shows engineers. They will discuss Mamlya.eell & Howell *ETC. atmosphere, but otherwise, opened today or Tuesday. |3-89 Pentax * Miranda beautiful lot with lots of "it's time we start every phase of the mission ROYCRAFT. 12' dreaming a The rest of the x 51', 2 shrubs, trees, and blue spruce, bit about the future samples with experts. WOMEN wanted for farm COMPONENT SYSTEMS bedroom, fully carpeted, ... We arrive at the space center with take a drive by 4965 Sioux Louse. $30/month. Own room. skirted, appliances included. Way, and then give me a call Service should start thinking in terms the astronauts. Scientists are particularly 482-6485. 3-8-13 of exploration fe32-4450. 4-8-11 'Fisher * Midland for appointment to see inside. beyond what Scott, Irwin and Worden cut anxious to talk to Scott and BARBI MEL: to be the limit of 'Scott *Panason 3 bedrooms, full basement, Typing, multilithing. seems our a large cake on board the Irwin about the geological ■NTED: 2 bedroom house or 'Wharfedale *Ptillco No job too large or too breezeway and 2 car garage. small. Apollo program." Okinawa late formations the spacemen saw Xiobile home with yard. After •ETC. Lost & Found Block off campus. 332-3255. C A Soviet Saturday. They Financing to be arranged. Call trawler and also had dessert with the while they explored a moon September 15. Call 353-6400. Mrs. research vessel ship's Robinson ADVANCE shadowed the officers. mountain i-8-16 REALTY, 372-7610 Okinawa during valley and drove a or much of the The astronauts earlier had lunar car along a deep canyon 485-3045. 5-8-13 (finished THREE bedroom recovery operation, but Okinawa skipper Capt. Andre filet mignon, salad and called Hadley Rille. Available fall. $220 / NEW LISTING. Lovely 3 bedroom potatoes for their first meal The astronauts will have a 309 N. on |nonth plus utilities. 332-6715 Washington Personal W. Huff said the Russian craft earth in 12 days. J brick and aluminum ranch. 2 TYPING, THESES and letters, news conference at the ir 349-3604. 3-8-13 Lansing Rapid e showed the "sea manners of a Scott later displayed Manned baths, family room, 2 car accurate servic to the Spacecraft Center on FREE A lesson in garage, large fenced yard. Low Experienced. 393-4075. 0-8-9 complete gentleman." ship's crew one of the largest Thursday. PING PONG tables, $9.95. We ... complexion buy down ADVANCE Rooms sell most anything. ABC care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan REALTY payment. or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. COMPANY, 372-7610 PROFESSIONAL SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 or Liah Zarka, IV 9-2145. ItET GIRL, private room. ^Kitchen privileges, private bath. J$15/week. 1145 Rebecca. Turner. C. 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STUDIOS. C 3-8-13 THESIS PREPARATION Contractor's influence revealed B51-1395 after 4 pm. 3-8-11 canisters and uprights. Guaranteed SUE, I have a free checking Service (Continued from page one) company said. "It is under oath that they used a account at a cute little one full year. $7.88 and up. place regrettable that called Clinton National PAINTING EXTERIOR. million no Dewey Electronics Corp. Et LANSING near MSU. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING Free checks, no service Bank. students, experience, references. Grad Complete Profession!! Tkisis Service for worth more of the Consolidated executives were Diners Club credit card with Rooms for graduate students. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. charge generators after defects began called to give and they pay the postage both Free estimates. Evenings, Mister's and Doctoral Cindiiatti. Fro* testimony in the permission of Morris M. Brm. Call 332-1036. Opposite City Market. C. Brochure and ConiHltition. Pliaso Call showing up. hearings." ways when banking by mail, 349-4817. C Kemple, vice president, and 1-8-13 it's Cliff and Paula Hiufhej 337 1527 or $27 29* It said Jennings USED FURNITURE called a Red Eagle Club McLain, "All Consolidated Diesel signed Kemple's name. Flea Fair: then director of the Marine ■RTAN 314 East Account and it's for anyone 25 MASONARY, PLUMBING, VW contracts were obtained They testified they repaid HALL, singles, men, Michigan. Dishes, PROFESSIONAL k/omen. Now leasing for summer, books, coins, antiques, rockers, and under. Check it out at repair. 485-6500 after 5:00. TYPIST. Term Corps' preocurement division through advertised competitive the money but in cash so that Clinton National Ask for Harold. 3-8-11 papers, theses. Best rates. Call and a longtime personal friend sealed 11.351-1176,484-4422. O junk. Bargain Hunters Paradise. Bank, North - bid procedures," the there are no records. They US 27. 7-8-18 351-4619. X-20-8-18 who subsequently did Open Saturday and Sunday. FOR QUALITY service and legal company said, and all "were denied that use of the card ITENTION: Furniture and appliances open stereos, work for Ross, later directed ROOMS for rent. TV's, and recorders. THE subject to review by the influenced any of their Completely furnished. Cooking. all week. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. PEOPLE WITH business look a great head for STEREO SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Wanted approval of a new contract General Accounting Office. We decisions on Dewey contracts. Phone 371-2843. O for workers with with I 372-8077. C CONDEC for a different were involved in Want Ads. Dial 355-8255! no Kemple testified Elmore BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for type of generator over two impropriety in getting the signed for up to $2,600 worth For Sale TV SETS. Sony Panasonic, Zen,th HA ^R~ ~CUT_the "way" you~~ want_i7. Typing Service all positive. A negative, B negative lower bidders. In a statement issued from contracts. of purchases on the card and and AB negative, $10.00. O "The matter of use of credit „ STEREO^COMPONFNTr^'65' STEREO COMPONENTS. Sony UN,0Nraa BUILDING BARBER COMPLETE THESES service. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN New York, Consolidated Diesel cards did he said someone unknown I■utboard.2 SFolding „ . cunp not involve n. i . , bed. e• Size 13 reel cassette to reel "P^ck, Ampex SH0P- C"8"9 Discount printing, IBM typing and COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, denied any wrongdoing. Consolidated Diesel but signed up report said. to $900 worth, the Wen's Ice Skates. recorder. We Buy Sell binding of theses, resumes, 507'/a East Grand River, East "All generator sets were involved 355-9956, a n d publications. Across from campus, another company," Trade. MCAT AND DAT. Kaplan tutoring ■ WILCOX Lansing. Above the new Campus |fter 4 pm. X-8-9 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East course novv bein9 formed Starting corner M.A.C. and Grand Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 built to government the statement added. "It is But it said River, specifications and under a check of Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm 'n August. Call (313) 851-6077 below Jones Stationary Shop. Call Monday, Thursday and regrettable that the committee ■ERBED HEATERS. UL listed, p.m., government supervision," the did not clarify this." Kemple's credit slips by FBI Monday thru Saturday C ' collect- X-13-8-27 COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 handwriting (35. REBIRTH, 309 North 337-1666. C p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C company said. The committee report said experts indicated (fashington, Lansing. 489-6168. "Every generator set before Elmore and a Capt. Thomas $9,249.41 worth of purchases yqu wont be|jeve Qur |arge Peanuts PerSOUal SAVE SAVE SAVE WANTED: LIGHT down being shipped was subjected to O'Brien first denied to in his name appeared to have selection of frame styles. sleeping been signed for by someone pack, Kiltie or rigorous tests witnessed by Xerox copying - offset - best bag. Back fcTIN: D-28; Gibson: SG; Long OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 - investigators but then admitted SUPPORT YOUR business with a quality at reasonable prices. Cruiser. representatives of the Defense sck Bert, 337-7068. 3-8-13 5 - string banjo. East Michigan Avenue. boost from Want Ads. Advertise THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East 1-3277.3-8-9 372-7409. C-8-13 Grand Supply Agency, an services there. Dial 355-8255. River. Phone 332-4222. QUIET STUDENT wants furnished independent agency. THE ^ _ 3-8-13 efficiency near campus. Fall "No matter how well the OLDE WORLD term only. 353-0973 after 6 ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith p.m. 2-8-11 equipment is built, the 211 MAC East offset printing. Complete service performance of the generators Lansing for dissertations, theses, is heavily dependent on how TEMPORARY WORK. Typing manuscripts, general typing. IBM. names and they are stored, handled, used addresses at home. 21 years experience. 349-0850.C Must and maintained in the field. It pick-up and deliver FOR yourself. Apply in person. 3308 generally is known that the GLAD tidings look for something you've lost with a Want Ad. Dial 355-8255 South 2-8-9 Cedar Street, No. 11. government has had problems handling equipment and maintaining with untrained Presenting our personnel in the field." Salad N' Sandwich Ctopctungfjam A spokesman said the company's files and personnel were made available to the has it . . . committee prior to the but that none of its executives hearing were called to heated pool "We, too, are in favor of testify. 4620 S. Hagadorn continued improvement in and a< just north of Mt. Hope Rd. procurement practices," the Tender turkey, aged Cheddar and crisp bacon on rye, mounded with lettuce and your favorite ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will Hop aboard the Halstead bus! have p.m. during a to lawyer available from 1 5 p.m. summer every term. Wednesday Those We'll wishing an appointment are asked solve your transportation worries if you live in Bay Colony, to check with the ASMSU j Inn America, Princeton Arms or North Pointe Apartments. (Our other I six apartments are within healthful walking distance.) Just business office, 307B Student Services Bldg., or call 355-8266. hop aboard There will be a nominal $3 j our new maxi-bus for fast transportation to campus. for service. charge While in the With 550 furnished The MSU Sailing Club will hold or unfurnished studio, 1 bedroom or 2 bedrooi.i its Olde World, I apartments we know weekly meeting at 7:30 that we can make your campus try our wine living more Tuesday at the club house on [ enjoyable and comfortable. Lake Lansing. Shore School will begin at 5:30 p.m. and rides will of the week be leaving from the west entrance imported Chianti Classic. Call one of our resident managers today! of the Union at 5 and 7 p.m. for anyone needing one. Bay Colony 351-3211 Inn America 337-1621 The Organization Christian holds Science weekly testimony meetings at 6:45 p.m. Hours Beechwood 351-3106 Princeton Arms 332-8511 Tuesdays in the Alumni Chapel. All students and faculty are Mon.-Wed. welcome. 11:30 to 12:30 Belta Arms 332-0563 North Pointe 351-1199 TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENTS are now The MSU Outing Club will be Thurs.-Sat :30-2 for summer only. These leasing student units doing a little cliff climbing. For Sun. spacious luxury apartments are Evergreen Arms 332-8295 University Terrace 351-9117 completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a those held at interested 7 p.m. a meeting will be Tuesday in 116 *2:00-12:30 dishwasher, garbage Natural Science Bldg. u..^cr the red and blue awning disposal and individual central control air Haslett Arms 351-7662 University Villa 351-7919 four man units have up to 3 parking spaces conditioning. These per unit. Sexuality concerns on campus Recreation is planned for with a giant treated will be the topic of discussion by recreation swimming pool, rooms and private balconies. If you want to be Judy Krupka and Gershen among the first residents of TWYCKINGHAM call Kaufman of the MSU Counseling jWNoAti today. The HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 2 bedroom units start at EVERY DAY $60 / month per man. MODEL OPEN EXCEPT SUNDAY INFORMATION CALL: LARRY SCOTT at FOR RENTAL Center at 7 tonight in Wilson terrace lounge. the West 444 East Michigan Avenue 351-7910 Lansing THREE, SIX, NINE AND TWELVE MONTH AVAILABLE. 351-7166 LEASES the A presented multimedia presentation on various aspects of drug usage by Rob , \ BI^EADWALE Kruger of the MANA GEMENTEXCLUSIVEL Y BY governor's office on drug abuse 211 M.A.C. Avenue will be shown Alco Management Company Wednesday in at West 7 p.m. Wilson Auditorium. Recycle your glass at these Glass Container Recycling Centers Located at Meijer Thrifty Acres Stores. Follow these simple steps for any glass container. A.-HOME PREPARATION B.-DEPOSITING 1« Make sure containers are relatively clean. Take your containers to the recycling center closest to you at anytime day or night. 2* Remove all caps and metal rings from glass containers. Paper labels do not have to be 2. The bins are marked for you to deposit removed. your glass containers in the appropriate slot. 3 • Sort your containers into three categories: 3 • Bags or cartons used to carry the containers Green glass, Clear glass and Brown glass. should be placed in the refuse container. Your cooperation is necessary to make this program work. If we all do our part, we can help keep our earth livable and beautiful. ■Mde-to This Program is sponsored by: ferm Pj J small pom th 1 ire ££) aCocaCola thrifty acres] Bottling Company of Michigan Citizens tor Environmental Action Granger Container Corporation. fapers, iapers jndivid ■Pokesn ■nonyn |a"didat rant, un