It... Wednesday . . is never too late to give MICHIGAN Clearing . . . STATE NEWS i your prejudices. cooler STATE and less humid. ■ . . • —Thoreau High in the low to middle UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 11, 1971 | Northern Ireland prepares for further rioting, terror Northern Ireland's decision to intern by the extent of the violence touched recall both the provincial Parliament in BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) — The barricades went up Tuesday and members of the outlawed IRA unleashed off by the order. Belfast and the British Parliament in Belfast steeled itself for another a state of urban warfare. The Roman Rioting erupted for the second London from summer recesses to review night of the explosive situation. the bloodiest rioting to rack Northern Catholic minority in this largely straight day when British troops pushed Ireland in half a century. Protestant through the barricades of key Catholic Brian Faulkner, the provincial prime province vowed to fight the Mob clashes, gunfire decision by both violent and peaceful areas — the Bogside in Londonderry and minister, warned in announcing the exchanges, the Falls road in Belfast — in search of internment policy Monday that there gasoline bomb attacks and waves of means. IRA terrorists. Two British soldiers were was no guarantee of success. Authorities arson raised the two-day The Northern Ireland Cabinet, toll to 17 meeting made no claim Tuesday they had killed and more than 100 in emergency session, was wounded. injured. The reportedly by succeeded in rounding up the bulk of latest victims were a British soldier who political sources to have been stunned Pressure built up from lawmakers to died of wounds, a senior IRA terrorists. young civilian found dead in an apartment building and a man found dead of gunshot wounds in a Policy shift would follow Belfast house. The violence caused millions of dollars in property damage and threatened to overwhelm the 12,000 hard-pressed British troops stationed in the Protestant-dominated province. Dr. Patrick Hillery, foreign minister of the Irish Republic to the south, flew to London for emergency talks on the crisis if Thieu left in ra with British leaders. SAIGON (AP) — U.S. sources said June 30, if Thieu were the only maybe downward — but I have not The Vatican daily Tuesday the United States would re candidate. heard any specifics mentioned." newspaper said - Northern Ireland verged on "real civil examine its policy toward South U.S. Embassy spokesman Howard The political situation in war" and called for political and social Vietnam should retired Gen. Duong Van Kirchwehm said the story "posits a Saigon reforms to cool the situation. appeared to be having the expected "Big" Minh quit the presidential race situation that does not exist." Senior effect of Northern Ireland authorities arrested and leave President Nguyen Van Thieu Americans said privately that the report spawning speculation on a Standing 24 suspected terrorists to add to the 300 interned Monday in an attempt to break the back of the illegal Irish as the only candidate. At the same time, authoritative U.S. sources here was untrue and one called it "a of somebody's imagination." U.S. officials had hoped the Oct. 3 figment variety of subjects, not excluding the (Please turn to page 8) British troops stand guard over burning homes in the Ardoyne joined White House press Republican Army's violence campaign. secretary Ronald Ziegler in denying a presidential election would include area of Belfast during the latest outbreak of violence in Northern The IRA wants to report that a decision has been made to several candidates. They are known to reunite this Ireland Monday. AP Wirephoto six-county British province with the Irish Republic, by force if necessary. withdraw all U.S. troops cut off all aid to South by Jan. 1 and Vietnam next be upset by the disqualification of Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky and worried Soviet by Minh's threat to pull out, leaving WHEAT TO WILDLIFE? Thieu alone on the ballot. Minh has said repeatedly that he will worried quit the race if he determines that Thieu is trying to rig the election. Well informed American officials said Nixon's Herbicide used - to wipe out pot they measures had the election. not heard of any drastic discussed in connection with "If Thieu does wind up as the only MOSCOW (AP) publicly revealed — The Soviet Union Tuesday its concern his article as saying, "The stuff over the cent, he said. Locher estimated that candidate we would have to take a very possibility of an understanding (marijuana) is all over the place. There's grow where the weeds are growing. between the United States and about $1,122 will be spent on marijuana Weeds furnish close look at things," one U.S. official Red no way you could bird seeds, but farmers China. get rid of it without eradication in Cass County. said. "The A herbicide which kills all broad leaf cannot grow and sell weeds." question of U.S. support doing in a heck of a lot of wildlife So far, Locher noted, only 75 to 80 would have Discarding its initial pose of blants, 2 - 4D, is being used in Cass. cover." He said he had heard talk that 2 4D to be re - examined — acres in Cass County have been - unruffled calm in the face of County on an experimental basis to sprayed. President Ray Locher, East Lansing conservation spraying may affect small animal cover, Nixon's coming visit to eradicate wild The areas being sprayed, he added, are Peking, Pravda marijuana growth, a programs specialist for the USDA's but he added, "I've got more cover for spokesman for the U.S. nonfarm land. Locher said 2 - 4D is a (See related story Dept. of Agricultural Stabilization and wildlife than ever before in history on on page 14) Agriculture (USDA) said Monday. Conservation Service, said that the light spray that does not affect anything but broad leaf plants. He said the my property." Enrollment published Leading conservationists fear Justice Dept.'s Bureau of Narcotics and Howard E. Johnson, associate a long article that concluded Widespread of this chemical will chemical is being used in small the consequences of the use Dangerous Drugs has provided the USDA professor of fisheries and wildlife, said trip could be concentrations. The Enrollment materials for 1971 fall ominous for the Soviet Union. "estroy essential wildlife cover. with an $85,000 grant this herbicide, according extensive use of 2 - 4D would year to kill to term are available in 150 Administration Less than three weeks ago, Conservation writer Joel Vance, in an Locher, does not affect water, grasses completely eliminate all broad leaf the Article in marijuana plants in 10 Midwestern or small grains. Bldg. All registration section Communist party newspaper assured the the June 1971 issue of states: request Outdoor Life, said that if a widespread Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, "You forms for fall term are due back party rank and file that "nobody here might spoil some cover," he in that Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ipring eradication program is followed South Dakota and Wisconsin. said, "but on the other hand, grass will (Please turn to page 10) office by Friday. (Please turn to page 10) a dry, hot summer, a hard winter Under the plan, Locher said, farmers d a rainy nesting reason the following are urged to foring, Midwest bird populations could destroy all marijuana e sent growth on their property. The reeling for years to come, government foots 90 i Vance quoted a conservation agent in per cent of the bill; the private farmer, the other 10 per *ourt to decide >n low income I WASHINGTON (AP) - A New York required to wait five years to qualify for project housing. lousing authority asked the Supreme The result, the housing authority said p>urt lation Tuesday to give cities across the the right to bar the in appealing to the Supreme Court for incoming |oor from public projects. a reversal, is that the 10 -year waiting I With housing for the period will become 15 or 20 years. needy generally This would be a "pyrrhic victory" for Farce, the appeal by the New Rochelle the migrating poor, the authority said, luthority looms as one of the most since neither new arrivals old Important ? poverty justices next cases to be faced by residents would benefit. nor term. In New Two years ago, in a 6 3 ruling, Rochelle, poor people - Bready must wait three years for a the Supreme Court barred states from F0 - bedroom apartment in a low - imposing a one - year residence fro mo project and 10 years for a requirement for welfare assistance. The firee bedroom apartment. court said it "constitutionally Over - was [wLastYork May, the U.S. Circuit Court in impermissible" for a state to enforce a the C City ruled that migrants to waiting period for "the purpose of The fabled London Bridge, almost 3w Rochelle, both from entirely reassembled at Lake waterway has brought the river to the bridge. When it's within and Havasu City, Ariz., has water beneath it f01" outside the state, could not be (Please turn to page again, but it's Colorado completed, the peninsula to the right in this picture will become 10) River water instead of that of the Thames. A partly dredged a two - square - mile island. AP Wirephoto rite on-ready made term papers on sale By STEVE ALLEN Write On Term Papaers will run offices this fall in Boston, Minneapolis, They also ran an ad advertising term of any state which prohibits from State News Staff Writer us "This applies to term He said he considers Write On to be papers for sale. papers, as well Ann Arbor, East Lansing and Westwood selling term papers. We have a lawyer as exams," he said. "We feel there will The ads, a Write On spokesman said, just a supplemental educational service I Students pressed for time can, for a Village, Cal., near the campuses of USC advising us, though, just in case," the be a change in the academic like the College Outline Series. gathered a team of two full-time and 40 Write On spokesman said. process. We effort and a little cash, buy a and UCLA, he explained. are aware this service Write On sells both custom other part-time term paper writers for Milton Dickerson, former vice may result in GPA copies of fade to-order term paper from Write On inflation and a re-evaluation of the old term Term Papers, if they are willing to take the fall. president for student affairs, said that as papers and custom-made For the summer, Write On Term academic process." "The State News thinks we're far as he knew papers, the spokesman explained. They I small risk — suspension or expulsion Papers is operating out of the trailer of illegal there were no laws The spokesman said that the idea of charge from $3-6 a page for custom from the Michael D. Coon, a former MSU or something," said Coon in a telephone which made the sale of term papers University. one conversation. selling term papers started in Boston a made term papers and $1.75-$2 for student. The spokesman for Write On illegal. while I A group of enterprising students and Louis Berman, general ago. There are five companies copies of old term papers. Coon said the said Coon is only manager of the "Of ^students have formed Write On Term providing the firm State News, said that while the sale of course if a student gets caught selling' term papers in Boston, he said, papers being sold this summer in East with a temporary base of fapers, a operations. In term papers may not break handing one in, he's busted." Dickerson QBS (Quality Bullshit), International Lansing come from Boston, meaning company which sells term the fall, he said, Write On will any written added. "It is open up a violation of academic law Term Papers, they papers tailored to the needs of the an office like any other laws, such sales run against the grain of to hand Termpapers Unlimited, are "original" work for MSU "respectable" one in." Universal Term Papers and Write On classes. ^dividual, according to a company firm. the spirit of true academic freedom in a The spokesman for Write On said he Term Papers. "We iPokesman, who preferred to remain University. This, he said, is why the conceived the idea of a company can use papers from Boston and Inonymous Write On State News decided to selling The spokesman was proud to point Los Angeles," the spokesman said. "The since he is a doctoral ran classified ads in the drop Write On's Candidate term papers as a reaction to "the out that only Write On possibilities at a major midwestern land State News a few weeks ago advertising account early last week. among the five are endless. We use soliciting academic straight jacket many students companies also sold lecture notes in pnt university. term papers from the East Lansing area. "There's no legislation on the books computer-type cards to make certain the find themselves in today." addition to old exams and term papers. (Please turn to page 8) Wednesday, August l 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan IN EUROPE U.S. told to find news Dollar t summary foreign markets From the wires of AP and UPI. oiling cu dean Secretary of of the Agriculture Clifford M. Hardin, former college of agriculture at MSU, told FRANKFURT, Germany pressure may force U.S. action Michigan farmers Monday that the U.S. should s (AP) — The U.S. dollar, along lines proposed by a out foreign markets for Its agricultural products. buffeted by a new crisis of House-Senate Economic Hardin joined U.S. House minority leader Gerald confidence in Europe, held its subcommittee, which said the Ford (R - Mich.) in honoring both Sparta's major European dollar should be devalued. own on Quasquicentennial - 125th anniversary - and Ag Day trading centers Tuesday but the largest agricultural day held in western Michigan "Of course if a student gets dealers still considered it an The recovery of the dollar Speaking to a crowd of about 500 in Sparta! a Zurich occurred after a caught handling (a prefabricated ailing, overvalued currency. in small farming hamlet near Grand Rapids, Hardin said The dollar recovered in meeting of Central Bank and there is a limit to how much American farmers term paper) in, he's busted. It is Zurich, clung to its position in commercial bank officials which can sell domestically. a violation of academic law to Frankfurt and weakened in dealers said removed much of "The character of the U.S. Congress is changing" hand one in." Milan. Prices were steady in the nervousness and pressure he said. "There are fewer people there now with farm -Milton Dickerson, former London and Paris. Monday's on the market. backgrounds - It seems they just aren't interested i vice president for student affairs depression of the dollar was it." caused by a renewed flow of Frankfurt dealers said Hardin said farmers should seek to sell their (See story page 1) speculative dollars to Europe. morning trading was active and products in the international market, rather than work Geld -prices- aerem "a little hectic" in the for higher nonproduction subsidies. Gold prices across Europe, afternoon. They noted that Sparta residents, dressed In pre - Civil War costumes which soared to their highest while the dollar firmed in listened attentively as Hardin applauded President levels in more than two years some other markets, there was Nixon for his "awareness and sincere interest" in the Monday in a flurry of buying, no indication of a stronger problems of the American farm sector. dropped back somewhat. tendency in Frankfurt. "We must seek bipartizan fou-m legislation," the One Frankfurt dealer Frankfurt gold prices eased secretary said. "It is only through support by both compared the dollar to an ailing patient who has from Monday's $43.46 an parties that we can continue the fine research already India denies attack undergone surgery, is in ounce to $32.42. The London well begun." Hardin commended agricultural researchers for their postoperative crisis and liable gold price dropped to $43.25 role in conquering the corn leaf blight that hit India's Defense Ministry denied Tuesday a claim to relapse. London dealers from Monday's $43.94, the believed the breather for the highest level in 2Vi years. The Seek markets southern farms this year, as well as their work on the dollar was only a calm before official price is $35 an ounce. current wave of "sleeping sickness" plaguing Texas by Pakistan that Indian forces launched an attack Secretary of Agriculture Clifford Hardin urged the U.S. horses. into East Pakistan and lost 72 lives when they were a storm. The U.S. dollar weakened to seek foreign markets for agricultural products in a "It is this intensive research, made possible through Many European dealers again in Milan and at one speech in Sparta Monday. Hardin is a former dean of repelled. consider the dollar overvalued. point the cooperation of researchers and the government, The fighting was reported by tne Pakistanis to dropped to .the floor the college of agriculture at MSU. that has made the U.S. agricultural economy the envy New pressure has built as a price of 620.50 lire before State News photo by Don Gerstner of the world," he said. have occurred in the north Bengal region near result of gloomy economic closing at 620.69 as compared Rangpur on Aug. 2-5. forecasts from America. with Monday's closing of A spokesman for the Defense Ministry in New Those dealers hope the 621.30 lire. Delhi said tlie report from Pakistan was a "complete fabrication." U.S. command to evacuate addicts Gl benefit increase discussed service-connected By JOANNA FIRESTONE Milliken Tuesday to discuss The meeting, described by action in the Senate sometime programs we hope to been injury, the problems of returning Milliken spokesman this week. institute," Pat Joy of the discharged u State News Staff Writer _ If passed by the Senate MSU Veteran's Assn. said, conditions other l.... Michigan soldiers and current "get-together courtesy call," The U.S. Military Command in Saigon announced Members of six veteran's legislative proposals to increase resulted in no specific and House by a two-thirds "He was quite receptive and dishonorable and have I that all confirmed soldier hard drug users will be majority, the bill will be brought said he will investigate the maintained a "C" organizations met with Gov. Gl benefits. programs or action, but the average in flown to the United States on medical evacuation governor did say he will before the voters in the readjustment, unemployment high school. flights regardless of how they come through investigate the bills now November general election, and education problems faced The House rehabilitation. before the legislature. Approval by the voters could by returning vets." Representatives, which ug The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State » A constitutional amendment provide veterans with $2,000 Joy said he hopes the bill i Heretofore, only those who showed advanced University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter that would provide up to for tuition, fees and books at before the Senate will pass also introduced a bill identical [ addiction and severe withdrawal symptoms were and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays $100 million for the any state university, college or quickly so that more vets will to the one in the Senate, is I during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition education of Vietnam-era vocational school. be able to continue their currently concentrating its f flown home on military aircraft. Others, considered in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. veterans through a state "The governor seemed very educations. efforts on a second veteran's L recovered, went home on commercial airliners. Member Associated Press, United Press International, 'The number of veterans aid bill which would provide I The command said that some of these had been bonding program is slated for interested in the educational extra for Vietnameri Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, going on to college runs pay | known to suffer relapses of withdrawal symptoms en Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press about 13 to 18 per cent," he veterans. Association. said. "We hope that by route, in some cases requiring new hospitalization. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Editorial Michigan Constituents increasing we can education boost benefits, the number to Under the House bill, each veteran would be paid $10; I I State University, East Lansing, Michigan. more like 45 per cent." for each month of domestic | India, USSR sign pact According to the bill, now service and $15 for Phones: News 355-8252 abortion low before would the Senate, veterans be entitled to up to month of foreign duty. No payment made under the act I I Classified Ads India and the Soviet Union signed Monday in New 355-8255 will be allowed to exceed | Delhi a 20 - year treaty of peace, friendship and Advertising 353-6400 R-Mt. Pleasant, said today liberalization abortion law. of Michigan's of^duraUo^L ^elf^ $100 $500. Business Office 355-3447 per year for two years to cooperation designed to prevent war in the region, "slight majority" of persons in Tabulation of the 2,642 cover the costs of books and but which could bring a confrontation of the major his district who responded to a responses from Engler's 100th materials, powers on the Indian subcontinent. Signed by Foreign Ministers Swaran Singh of India ■■■I■ COUPON f■■mans■■■■!■ I questionnaire favored the district in northern Michigan showed that 59.5 per cent of the men and 56.2 per cent of a Also jnciuded in the bi|j is section providing state loans End to bias I and Andrei A. Gromyko of the Soviet Union in for Vietnam veterans of up to the women responding $10,000 for the purchase of a Hindi, Russian and English in a five minute ceremony, the treaty puts Moscow firmly on the side of India in its latest dispute with Pakistan. ACQ supported a liberalized law. home To or be business. eligible to receive of ex-GIs However, only 41.5 per cent these benefits, veterans must of the men and 40 per cent of be Michigan residents, have the women responding said they would be in favor of complete repeal of all abortion served in the armed forces for more than 12 months or separated before completion requested Inmates isolated laws. of one year because of AUG. 12-AUG. 18 1005 EAST GRAND RIVER BLVD. DETROIT (UPI) - Cecil W Stevenson, national L The Rev. Phillip Berrigan, and 25 other inmates at 2 BEAN BURRITOS commander of the Disabled I the federal prison here were placed in an isolated BURR ITOSI SOFT, FLOUR oi acliow • American Veterans (DAV) said ¥or wen FOR ONLY Tuesday that perhaps ™ TORTILLAS FILLED WITH cell block in Dancury, Conn. Monday after Berrigan BEANS & GARNISHED plastic and chromium worn L and five others passed out leaflets urging the and I fought for I 45c WITH ONIONS & CHEESE. that you prisoners to stage a hunger and work strike SEASONED WITH YOUR may not be as ideal as many I CHOICE OF RED (MILD) would like to think. supporting all "political prisoners." | John J. Norton, warden of the Federal Correctional Institute, said Berrigan and the other ^% (A REGULAR 70c VALUE) OR GREEN SAUCE. (HOT) CHILI He urged members of tl* L ■■■■■■ clip & SAVfc iiaiiiumair DAV at the organizations I five passed out the leaflets, printed on a prison 50th annual national I mimeograph machine, early Monday and were then convention to listen to tne I placed in what the prison calls "administrative legitimate views and demands I segregation." or the young veteran, and w* I to be prejudiced against W by his personal appearance or I TISSOT tastes. ] Arms limitation foiled 3-dial, 2-push button chro¬ elapsed intervals of sec¬ Noting "the significant I nograph stop-watch. This onds and minutes. Blue tri¬ absence of young veteransI The administration has failed to fine sportsman's watch is angle marks 5 minute alert our ranks," and suggesting I live by President Nixon's promise to tested for 7 days before before starting gun in that looking for "the ntf" I leaving the Tissot factory yacht racing. Luminous behind the beard" would Mj I move to an era of negotiation to assure maximum de¬ markers, tachometer the DAV recruit y°un* I rather than confrontation, W. pendability and scale. Stainless veterans, Stevenson said. I Averell Harriman said Monday. long life. Small steel water¬ "I challenge every one o I Harriman, a former negotiator dials register proof case. $95 you to join with me In I with the Russians and adviser to person - to - person crusa I Democratic Presidents, said this to see that these young n** I these children of the UA I country missed a golden get the help they need I opportunity in the spring of 1969 make their house a good oik ■ to defuse the arms race. — of their own design. I He said both the United States Stevenson, 45, a P<®* I and the Soviet Union were service employe and I from Jonesboro, Ark., ' I escalating the arms race at the very "Maybe the plastic « I time they were attempting to reach chromium world that yon I agreement at strategic arms I fought for, watched I limitation talks. comrades die for, is not I such a state of perfectio ^ I many of us would I'"6 I Newton faces third trial think." , I Making it clear he » I A judge has ordered Black Panther cofounder referring not to revolution^ I Huey P. Newton to trial a third time in the 1967 but to young veterans^ I had adopted the "h'P .y I $$iiosv slaying of a rookie policeman. style, Stevenson said the I Presiding Superior Court Judge William Hayes set and its 352,766 mettW ^ 12 for Newton's retrial on a must "not only recogn«e manslaughter Opqn Wed. charge, despite objections from defense attorney fine Jeweler* till 9 p.m. respect the fact tha .j,t I Charles Garry who said he had other 219 E. Grand River young veteran of today n"»J. I court 'ommiti: its. Phone: 332-3Q17 have different goals every as worthy as ours were- Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 11, 1971 SPACE polio 15 photos: study in sharp contrasts CENTER, Houston suits and casts them in glarine and tire tracks Lp) - The space agency white. from the Laboratory, described the rocks unpacked later Kleased color photos Tuesday One view shows Irwin rover's wire wheels. rocks unpacked Monday as this week. Scientists are saving for later crust. This fragment could give If the He /\punu 15 Apollo iii astronauts Bstru.muis working wonung beside Desiae the tne rover, rover the ThP «*th "surprise packages" because As each rock what may be the most exciting important clues to the origin the gray „hntn ci, was unpacked, long chunk of black glass rock. This is a fragment Scott kploring iring gray hills hills and and electric moon car they drove the wimmTj li ? snows the astronauts had not the astronauts described where which of the moon and solar system. rs of a moon valley, while 17 miles P scientist said is unlike and Irwin found near This so /spacemen continued over the moon's flvina »i™ iVm«r documented that group of they found it, how it sat on Spur - called "genesis surface. In th^backpound"^ in taMiuar samP,es- The documented the surface and any unusual anything the moon ever before. brought from Crater, and which they believe i part of the moon's original rock" will be unpacked on fcventure forBi-iint Jay space scientists. The foott Moun;has mountain soft outside bav Friday. of the command | Astronauts David R. Scott, rounded edges and looks more ship where $17 million 25 AS PRIVACY GUARD a |orden"■ aJso r? lour i1™1;,erf faced battery of medical a three - *,-1JVt tallest peakshl!!""v*on the moon. Two of the views show first of lhe 22- ir long weightlessness. I Five color photos released One picture is a the rover, standing alone on portrait of craters. Scott and Irwin census V'sday show ocott ana irwin met with WASHINGTON (AP) — the survey confidential. tne moons surface, its dish Beyond naming committees, the future because enumeration geologists Monday to describe Fearful of the vast information As the first step, the panel living would be affected and lf'^in.j am^HJL the panel said the bureau straight up atP°int'_n^L almost some of the rocks from the methods, data - handling "release of the Kipped - cream mountains the earth. 175 to 185 pounds of - gathering ability of said, the Census Bureau should should be wary of central data technology and the needs of about individuals could information samples computers, a citizens name advisory committee be re h'!!f °! H6rt 'tT' they landed. The sky I8"?is i ThC p!?tures show lunar soil pocked with the Sray they gathred on"the moTn!" committee that reviewed the an on privacy and confidentiality nputer banks in the government, should separate governments and other data all are changing at a injuries to some of them." small 1970 census has users |ack -T velvet and the sun craters and scarred by Michael urged the representing a broad cross - names from statistical data on More important, the , , . Duke, curator of government to maintain section of society. That, said microfilm retained as panel Jikes the moonmens space footprints of the astronauts the Lunar Receiving "creative vigilance" to keep one official, is in the works. permanent record, and keep its said, releasing the information Ellis, a former economist could constitute a violation of practice of removing names E.I. DuPont de Nemours and from computer tapes Co., said the government a longstanding pledge of i confidentiality. | ■ containing statistical data on should preserve this record by m m mm Mfc ^J| Mm* JL — ■ A I I the population. \M - ■ - — acting to prevent release of m W V Cj ffuJi — K ■ ■ _ A' W I I CJ* I I I jT W \ I Because census spokesman said \mf I II ^ A Vjl 1 I I M J! f"? Ill II■ information 1900 census records next June release of the 1 900 # ^ ^ m. ■ ■ ■ ■ III gathering on individuals has by the National Archives. information is being held in accelerated along with the abeyance under an informal | methods, the panel said that Under a 1952 agreement, agreement between the bureau I Lansing Mayor Gerald W. almost forgotten - because of whlch they would recejye Robert "the government's guarantee of the Census Bureau and the and the has asked archives onpaid student MSl^ for the lack of personnel and academic credits. assistant to the mayor executive is a friend and former student confidentiality must continue Archives set the release of opinion by the pending an time," the mayor said. Graves said of Adams. to be absolute." 1900 questionnaires attorney that students in June Interns" to help clear up the general. kcklog of work in his office. Walter ^Adams, prolyl of practfcal ^pfrienre ^'"0^ JSt ^7*7 ^ "Walter Adams has a great "The need and desirability 1972 for "legitimate historical, "Some of our mail is now economics, asked that government*JhUe eamSj th7"pro'b!^ 6that for more information in genealogfcal or other The report raised doubts |Bht weeks old, telephone consideration be given to credits toward their ^deeree'""8 ^ .ul !^8.» calle(1 ,to in1uir® about the ?u! face the city," Black said. aggregate not be used statistical form must worthwhile research." about the legal validity of the «» -N*. -e MSUBstude„K the SSfi, "" be taken No action is expected to compromising the guarantees as an excuse for But the committee's report 1952 agreement, between noting it was ^proximately four weeks and majoring in public extra _<■ two appointed manpower could ' only mayor's of confidentiality." —>» on the said 13 million Americans matters in need of administration and now officials. political result in beneficial effects" XI - , , . proposal until Adams returns Although the panel said this ion in the of No . way science to the Lansing he said. reply has been received \Q ^ has been followed in the past, Unsi in September, ■search and analysis are mayor's office on an in from Adams, who is in - The mayor's office now ^ it stressed that "creative is Icessarily postponed - or service training basis for staffed by two secretaries and Europe. vigilance will be required Black said that the mayor ' rO REPLACE 7 AGENCIES BRAND NEW! NOW IN STOCK! The Last Whole Earth Catalog PoguAaVitit Single By United Press International drug m Domebook a new and you'll discover that addition we to our luncheon menu STARTING TODAY AND EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 11:15 to 2:00 p.m. have . .. for an experimental program to keep prison parolees off [ A bill aimed Ight at allowing the state to put up a better against drug and alcohol abuse by creating one central drugs, $11.3 million for treating 1,000 persons in the methadone and detoxification program at the Marine m Ifou can esifuf, a UmtfiiuuU jrug commission has passed the State Senate. Hospital in Detroit, and $1.6 million for crisis centers plus I On a 26-3 vote Tuesday, the Senate handling local drug problems throughout the state. Cliff, Monarch & Schaurn Study Aids Bat would establish the nine-member Icoholism commission. The commission, which Would be ■pointed by the governor, would coordinate the work now approved the bill Michigan drug and Come in and see our completely revised book departments and BUFFET jjecuii to- pried on separately by seven different agencies in state jivernment. "Right now we have no single organization to TONIGHT (and every Wednesday) Hard Largest selection of adult and children books - bound and paperbacks All for yousi a mere keard'4, content! $1,95 iiordinate drug programs in the state," said effectively lirsell, R-Plymouth, sponsor of the bill. "There's a lot of Sen. Carl is... Come Today! (^fjoo&e ■plication going on and we aren't making the most of our ■fort in the drug abuse field." t ■ The commission, which would consist of at least one nysician, one psychologist, one psychiatrist, and one Tiarmacist, would be a temporary organization with a "Happy Hours" |ro-year life. If at the end of two years the Legislature is |nvinced lne creation of the commission was a good idea, the limit will be extended. 8-10 pm 131 E. Grand River |Anforappropriation the various of $4.2 state million programs. was budgeted into the They include $52,000 (all drinks greatly reduced) and THURSDAY Glenn Herriman, Inc. is... v\(an *3 Paint Highgate sweater-shirt from England "Quart Night" Highgate . . . carefully detailed sweater-shirt with easy fitting polo collar and four-button all at the placket. Made in England of pure lambswool. Machine washable for easy care. In a wide range of new colours specially created by Alan Paine. Sizes 38 to 46. PHONE: 482-6226 Jacobson's Again Open All Day Saturday; Shop Thursday and Friday Evenings Unitil 9 !< Or! p.m. shoulder a leather patchwork pouch and you're into the handiwork look. It's done for you in multicolor suede and leather street scenes and "fantasies" with ringed straps to match. Larger bag, 11><14", $10. Smaller bag. 8>4*11)4'\ $6. •JacobSon'0 the bagpiper 321 e. grand river, lansing e. open wed. & thurs. 9—9 MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Pakistani situation very grave By HAMZA ALAUI army from East Bengal and the grant selected by the Pakistan governs Asian Studies Canter visiting faculty has brought to West Pakistan itself. Pakistan is too poor a country to be of freedom to the Bengalis. the -— visit. * Amklaff/\no^ emblazoned fthe Her kn .LiSST,*. -•••vciutnts front paeos «# n&VA A k V1 I I The issues in East Bengal concern able to bear the extrordinary economic controlled Pakistan press. Wh , not only the people of Pakistan but, KEN LYNAM recent vote of the House of and financial burdens which the remarkable, however, is ,^ The indeed, the whole world because the th_, advertising manager Representatives to withhold aid from military operations have entailed. Aid situation has the makings of a worid Hussain, despite his desire to prea3 I the military regime in Pakistan, as long given in the present circumstances will catastrophe, which might embroil the rational and unbiased view,' haCTh ' I JOHN BORGER, managing editor persists in its brutal military not find its way into development nevertheless to give us the major world powers in armed conflict. as it benom BOB ROACH, news editor action in East Bengal, is step toward projects. only Mrs. Knight's ° a Furthermore, the number of Bengali views to BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor bringing United States policy into line If the available resources are withheld exclusion of those of all the refugees alone equals that of the entire now, they will be available later, when RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor with that of other nations who are they will be needed more desperately population of the Stat© of Michigan. British M.P.s who have visited ft deeply concerned with the consequences rehabilitation, not to speak of Considering the fact that India has East Bengal and the Bengali reW? of that action. The United States has for borne the brunt of the refugee India; including the official 2f so far stood alone among the 11-nation development. Suspension of aid also problem, what I find most remarkable, Parliamentary Delegation. Bntlsh Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award Pakistan Aid Consortium in continuing will help to hasten the army's from the standpoint of a West The latter did not travel at tk for outstanding journalism. withdrawal from East Bengal which, in expense of the government of p,^, to give aid to the military regime in Pakistani, is the extent of the restraint Pakistan in the present circumstances. any case, is inevitable in the end which the Indian government has shown but at British expense. The statenS because its continued presence in Bengal, of three M.P.s who returned to so far. Given their naval supremacy as in the face of the active resistence of The need to suspend the Bengali people, is certainly not well as the tenuous air links between (one was taken ill) were reported* EDITORIALS for two reasons. military action in First, a viable. Looking at the situation from a West and East Pakistan, the Indians are in a strong position to intervene British papers on July 4. Conservative, reported evident Mr jJ? i 1 continues, the Pakistan West Pakistani point of view, and looking at it realistically, I would say militarily, if they want to do it or if "fighting still going commented that he saw no on" '! continue to be on a they are forced into it. The last thing excuse f Indian fishing Protagonists on both present debate tend to disaster which the that the interests of West Pakistan, as well as those of East Bengalis, would be best served by withdrawal of the I would like to see repeated is a war between India and Pakistan which, this the conduct of the Pakistan Bottomley, Labour, declared "This V one of the most harrowing army m experienr! i great time, may quite likely involve major I have ever had, worse even world powers aligned on either side. than I saw in Kenya and These are the 'realistic' issues which comparable Z a fair solution Fishing is a livelihood to the are slurred over in the skillfully presented but throughly misleading Point of View given by Shaukat the Second World War." Mr. Reginald Prentice M.P. "Wherever we went, we were Wlth has said- It really has not been one of Michigan's finer moments. For the Indians, not a sport. Their substandard living conditions are "The issues in East Bengal concern not past few months anglers have been in an uproar over the state largely the result of centuries of only the people of Pakistan but, indeed, white exploitation. Their regained the whole world because the situation has supreme court's decision granting fishing rights have provided a the makings of world catastrophe, which unlimited fishing rights to Indians. Not a few of these so - called necessary and welcome supplement might embroil the major world powers in to their meager incomes. armed conflict. Furthermore, the number "sportsmen" have gone to the deplorable length of trashing Because of the pressing of Bengali refugees alone equals that of Indian gear and nets and harassing ecological danger, what is needed the entire population of the State of the fishermen themselves. is a compromise that will work to Michigan!" Unfortunately, while the white everyone's benefit. For if the Indians continue their present rate Hussain in your issue of Aug. 4. To conducted tour, in the hands of th, anglers' methods may be crude at best, their fears over unlimited of fishing, their bonanza will soon exonerate the Military Regime he relies regime, meeting the local 'peace heavily on statements of one British committees' listening to the official commercial fishing of the Great be depleted, leaving them little Lakes may prove correct. A report better off economically than M.P., Mrs. Jill Knight, who visited point of view. Our attempts to uk I before and depriving the state of Pakistan on the invitaion of the simple questions were met by confusion I just released by the Michigan Dept. government of Pakistan. To place her and even panic. Nobody would admit I of Natural Resources indicates that one of its primary natural judgments and her point of view into publicly that the army had committed if the current level of unrestricted resources. proper perspective, the circumstances of excesses . . . The basis of this feu L Indian fishing is maintained, the A state purchase of the Indians' her visit to Pakistan may be of interest became apparent as each member of I state's entire supply of lake trout fishing rights would seem to to your readers. our party in turn received confidenca f Plans for a visit by British M.P.s, to from people who spoke to one of ui I will be wiped out within five present a viable alternative. This be drawn from both sides in the quietly, snatching a few words in i I months. would ideally take the form of an British Parliament, were put forward corner and giving us a real picture of I Clearly, something must be done annual subsidy equaling the after the Pakistan on Parliamentary debate on May 14. There was some the situation . . . They all added up to the same conclusion: not only hid f before a decade of trout - stocking potential income to be gained by the army committed widespread delay in organizing the visit of the killing | is undone in a single year. Once the Indians from unlimited fishing. the ecological balance is upset, it Revenue to pay for the subsidy official delegation. Meanwhile, the and violence in the March/April period I could come from the sport fishery Pakistan government hastened to put but it still continued. This is a grave situation for all of f may be another decade before lake together a "Parliamentary delegation" of trout populations can be rebuilt. that will exist if lake trout stocks its own choosing, with the advice and Pakistan. It would be wise if those L On the other hand, the Indians remain are not depleted. the good offices of Sir Frederik Bennet who claim to be 'realistic' do not I M.P. who, among his many distinctions, persist in ignoring these terrible facts [ in the legal right. As the supreme Throughout the negotiations, holds the Star of Pakistan (First Class). and the urgent issues which underly court stated, the unlimited fishing however, the state would do well Mrs. Knight was one of three M.P.s them. 1 rights granted in the 1854 treaty to remember that the fishing rights are ironclad - if such was not the are about the only remnant of the state's intent, it should never have Indian's original -ownership of ART BUCHWALD signed the treaty. North America. The people of Further, there is no logical Michigan are morally obligated to reason why the Indians should give break with tradition and, for once, up their legal fishing rights for give as much as they get from the purely esthetic considerations. Indians. "But we already have a China' March result One of the most discoveries in history was made the astounding "If this is true," said one of assistant secretaries, "that means the the Formosa." "What proof do we have that there we don't believe there is a Red CJiiu, but if there is, we intend to contain it, I | other day when a group of American world is round." really is a country with 800 million but not isolate it." At long last, a group has come come from somewhere. Petty cash State Department people found a new "Hogwash," said another secretary. people in it, except for the word of a The secretary of state said, "That's i named Red China. For "We all know there is a country called few disgruntled senators?" an up with a solution for the from the Labor Dept. office will country years good phrase, 'containment but not I there had been rumours that there was China already, so how could there be undersecretary demanded. "They're only isolation.' I think I'll it in my next I unemployment problem. Students not make a very substantial another China? Look at use for a Democratic Society (SDS) a country in the Far East with a our maps. trying to discredit our foreign policy press conference. Our only problem # r payroll. population of 800 million people. Yet China is right here in the Formosa anyway." that if we admit there is such a place. I claims to possess the panacea in the United States would Strait." "There is no proof," a Far East which has thus far eluded all the SDS is to be admired for its no one "That's we might be forced to admit her into I n believe it. right," a secretary said. "And expert said, "except the West Germans the United Nations." I concern over the unemployment But an expedition of senators led by our maps are all up to date." have announced they plan to build a major economists of our day: if Marco "What's that large land mass across "Precisely, sir," a secretary spoke I there are no jobs, says SDS, then situation. However, it will do Fulbright came across it $150 million steel mill there. I don't out. "Besides, we've told the America I accidentally while looking for a new the water from it?" someone asked. think they'd put in that kind of simply march down to the nearest much better to direct its energies route to North Vietnam. "It's marked 'unexplored.' " money if the country didn't exist." people for 17 years that there is no | Red China. If we admit there is a R« Labor Dept. office and demand in more potentially constructive When the existence of Red China "Perhaps that's where Red China is." The secretary of state spoke up. | them. This is what SDS plans to directions. Underlings in the Labor "I'm old China hand, China now, we would only confuse I was reported, a meeting of all the top an and I say "That is a point. The only thing I them." I do in Lansing Friday. Dept. downtown cannot create policy people in the State Dept. was there is no place called Red China. The can't understand is how we could have One of the advisers said, "Seventh I jobs. United States senators and called. only China is located on the island of missed it all these years." years ago, the American people didni V It is questionable, however, what "Perhaps there is a cloud cover over representatives can. it all the time," someone suggested. believe in flying saucers either. we could announce the existence Perlupjo! II the people in the Labor Dept. "Does the CIA have anything on it?" downtown can do to ease the Unemployment is a result of a OUR READERS' MIND "No Sir. They're as much in the Red China and flying saucers at the I same time." I employment situation. The Labor federal economic policy lacking dark as we are. The French, the British Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Tin*5 I Dept. cannot create jobs out of both direction and initiative. and the Canadians all have reported that they believe there is a Red China, thin air; salaries for new jobs must Unemployment is not "a conscious policy on the part of U.S. Communications gap but the Russians now claim it isn't there." MISPLACED MEMO | corporations and their friends in The old China hand spoke up. "Mr. government," as SDS would have To the Editor: those of Michigan State students. Secretary, I believe we're only looking To: The Board of Trus.ees Red us believe. the On Monday, Aug. State News 2, the editors of endorsed three James Heyser East Lansing resident for trouble by following up the rumor. We already have a China. It's our kind Re: Whether to raise tuition "squeeze" departments. *| nonstudent candidates in the city August 5, 1971 of China. Another China would only In the great controversy However, a lifeless economy has council primary. These were George mean trouble." Dear Puzzled - forced employers to lay off Cobum, George Griffiths and Larry EDITOR'S NOTE: The State News "But," said one of the other men, surrounding President Nixon's Klein. On Tuesday, the student voters 'If the reports are true that this land This time we won't mind if y0" I workers, not just students and has always asserted that its editorial surprise wooing of Peking, the in the predominently student precincts mass contains 800 million ignore precedent. minorities, but engineers and white opinions are only the opinions of its people, won't growing closeness between this collar workers. Unemployment is (1,2,3 & 7) made George Cobum (659 editors and staff. we have to deal with it sooner or The Student Body I nation and another red giant has votes) Chuck Will (586) and Elysee later? I think we should announce that passed all but unnoticed a truly not just a disease afflicting young Eisenberg (544) their top three choices. - The latter two were students running THAT'S 6000, CHARLIE BROUN, surprising development since the people and minorities - the with the support of the Coalition for BECAl/SE THEN WLl BE READY colossus in question long has been general economic downturn this FOR TEEN-A6E PROBLEMS, HGUN6 Human Survival. Griffiths was fourth APULT PROBLEMS,MARRIA6E PROBLEMS renowned for its martial country is experiencing has (482) and Klein (343) sixth. MIPPLE-AGC PROBLEMS PECLININ6- ' deportment. affected virtually every American YEARS ANP 0LP-A6E &0BLEMS.. Washington is attempting to household. Obviously their advice that students vote for "vital, yet mature" approach closer to the Reds than nonstudents was not taken seriously. has been done anytime in the past The answer to unemployment Either the State News editorials carry 47 years. Further, this nation lies not in marches to Lansing or little weight among students, or the already has dispatched several Washington, but a conscious, editors did not know what students emissaries, though none have as concerted grass roots effort to were thinking. In either case there "FEAR NOT; H0U ARE OF MORE obtain public support for measures appears to be a communication gap VALVE THAN MANY SPARR0US " yet obtained entry to the red between the editors and students. This enigma. like the public works jobs plan is what the staffs of the Joint Issue While many things remain vetoed by the President last and Gnat have been saying. unknown, the administration must month. A long, carefully planned be commended on taking 'decisive In the future, the reader of the energetic door-to-door effort will do far more in the long run to State News editorial page should realize action at this time, since Mars will that the opinions expressed there not approach this close to earth change economic policy than a represent only the opinions of the again until 2003 A.D. month of marches. handful of editors and not necessarily Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 11, 1971 5 Handicapped get auto training trainees knowledge a year to and will equip them with enough skills and completely operate a station and service trainees, is deaf and therefore unable to work on the island. He is being especially trained for work in lube bays. automobiles and other motor vehicles with routine "There is always a demand for service employes in most a maintenance. new concept in vocational training for the car dealerships," Smith said, "and Bill will be able to handle recently began in East Lansing when Rehabilitation handicapped Smith added that the course does not include mechanical the job very well without any customer contacts. Industries training beyond that which can be administered in a lube opened a training course for service station Another trainee, Perry Tomo, has worked in gas stations attendants at the bay. Shell gas station on the corner of Abbott and Lake before, but he claims the instruction at the present program roads. Lansing "We are trying to provide a service or training program has that will fill helped. The program's purpose is to provide people who have a gap rather than compete with an existing "I'm learning more and more and I think it will help me £ handicaps that have not allowed them to hold jobs with a program, such as Lansing Community College's mechanics skill for placement in the course," he explained. competitive job market. That means that the trainee may remain with the ❖ ♦> ❖ ❖❖ * i Floyd R. Smith, station manager and director for Rehabilitation transportation Industries, emphasized that the for the entire 12 weeks, but Smith said the course is program flexible, public image of a handicap as a restrictive. "Some would fit that definition but physical impairment is too allowing the trainee to be placed when there is mutual agreement that he is sufficiently trained to hold a permanent job elsewhere. Rectilinear they could also be The key to Rehabilitation Industries' efforts is deaf, blind, mentally retarded, alcoholics, ex- convicts providing Simply a balanced, or have the mental problems." handicapped trainee with enough work experience and easy listening speaker, Among the station's six permanent employes is Thomas training to hold a job. "Almost any one of these people can find a with no frequencies Munn, a mechanic who is legally blind. job, but The 23 they have a lot of trouble holding them from any number of favored or lost. - year - old native of Fulton, obtained an associate degree in mechanics Mich., recently reasons," W.C. Jewell, director of Rehabilitation Industries Come in and hear the from Lansing said. Community College. Rectilinear XI, an "I'd been working on cars since I As an example, Smith explained that Bill Burns, one of the outstanding father had a garage, and I liked the was eight, since my work. So I decided to go speaker.. to school," said Munn as his 57950 . hand swept over a distributor in search of a malfunction. Recently married to a girl from Stockridge, Munn Cities set to observe Blind mechanic stay in the Lansing area because of better plans to job opportunities. '+^■^4 j j 0iji was^m9,on ave- Speaking of the difficultires of his work, Munn said: I This blind man helps tune up a car in a Shell station "The only thing I find other things that problematic is timing a car and require lights and gauges. Locating and International Week ^IV' MUSIC CO. 245 Ann Street East Lansing I on Abbot and Lake Lansing Roads. It's part of a replacing internal parts isn't difficult." At school he used ♦♦♦ 4 International Week activities on International Education, I project to teach the handicapped a skill so they can tape recorders or had his assignments read to him. He are being planned in at least I completed his exams orally or used a Culminating the Oct. 24-31 compete in the job market. typewriter, but he 16 Michigan State News photo by quickly explained he wasn't too good at it. communities, observance will be a statewide Doug Bauman Smith said the 12 according to the coordinating °Pen meeting sponsored by the week is - course designed to handle 30 group, the "n"ed Michigan. ^tions Michigan Council Assn of It is to be held in Purvey finds Flint with Emil Mazey, secretary - treasurer United Auto Workers, of the as the luncheon speaker. Ties Community events to old are to school range from church a United Nations Day parade in Marine City to services, school bespite the apparent faculty, major fields offered, a college - age student, would programs and international ■satisfaction among some cent of the freshmen and and the courses a smaller one?" breakfasts, dinners, forums and ■dents with the manner in taught. I you like to see your child sophomores said they would would like to see my children attend the school crafts workshops, says Mrs. lich they receive their enjoy the same benefits." now you are like to see their children They replied: John R. Fouts of East lcation, it is evident, that attending or some other attend the same school, only Other students were school?" Lansing, International Week T least some of the old significantly less enchanted Student responses were: 44 per cent of the graduate Large school 33.2% chairman. Smaller school |ool ties are still around. with campus life at their School now attending, 52.6% students expressed a similar 33.7% United Nations Day opens > poll of college students, schools. a smaller group another school, satisfaction with their college depends needs on of student the week in which each day ,jn as collegians prepared 25.3% or university. 28.1% refused to has been given a designation. for the summer make a depends on child/ 22.1% The students were no/opinion 5.0% " recess commitment and then Monday is Heritage Day; said they don't know Inths, indicates that over asked what it was that Again, signi ficant would leave the decision a significant correlation Tuesday, International Trade f of today's students would was attracted them to their school relationships were found i.i and Travel Day; Wednesday, entirely in the hands of their found between answers to this comparisons of responses je to see their children when they first applied for by college - bound children. question and the respondent's the students' class International Visitors' Day; Lnd their own alma mater, Interviewers talking with admission. Over four in every standings. Thursday, Quality of Life Day: year in school. On the whole, ten students replied that the Nearly half of the fen very satisfied with the Friday, International Fine Arts 1,108 collegians at 39 students became underclassmen felt that ■cation I'm receiving here," increasingly scholastic reputation of their larger Day; Saturday, Children's Day, representative locations less satisfied tied one Southern coed. 'T throughout the country asked: as theyl college or university was the schools offered more and Sunday, Peace Day. ■e the flexibility of the progressed in college. For major factor in their decision. opportunity while "If you were the parent of The week's theme, The example, while over 61 per Nearly one in five students upperclassmen and graduate World — Our Neighborhood, attributed students more often favored their attraction to the atiqoFphere lemphasizes the efforts to their 'frWn created by family ties or smaller student a 'broaden each person's concept >DS plans rally, march tradition. Collegians were evenly split in their viewpoints (Copyright Corporation, body. 1971, Unidex Bloomington, of his "neighborhood" and : develop greater understanding the concerning Indiana) | of mankind's interdependence. relative advantages and disadvantages of large schools end of versus smaller ones. When >r Students for a Democratic Biety (sds) is sponsoring a unemployment (LCC) campus. The march will begin at 1 p.m. at this have hit some asked: a "In general, would student would be better off universities, in attending a you say large school or ■ch to the Labor Dept. in preferential hiring of minority location. people, more jobs for veterans d Yourself Of Tension-Type ■sing Friday to demand an When the marchers reach and an end to limitations on Or Migraine Headaches 1 to unemployment. the Labor Dept., located at the number of hours per week SILVAMIND CONTROL rrior to the march, a rally 300 E. Michigan Ave., they a student can work. INTERNATIONAL J be held at noon on the will demand the creation of a Opening lecture Aug. 13th Besides this regional University Inn — Michigan Roop ■nt steps of the Union work - study program at LCC, demonstration in Lansing, SDS llding. From there people an increase of at least 10 per wil march on Washington, 7:30 3.00 Studi Class to follow SAT. SUN. be transported to the cent in the number of campus D.C., later this month to ker of Genesee Street and jobs for workers and students demand an end t oa Ith Capitol Avenue on the in all schools in Michigan, an jsing unemployment. CommunUy^College end to the hiring freezes that the wedding 20% DISCOUNT ON of her dreams . . TYPEWRITER REPAIRS FOR MSU STUDENTS begins at Jon Anthony free pick-up and delivery Florist AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES 485-7271 Summer W | 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett 339-8258 809 E. Free Michigan Parking HERE'S Behind Store ^ HELP! Close-Outs I (due to new styles coming in daily) (13) - Suddenly by Carousel (built in height) reg. $24.95 M495 j (39) - Perma Style hand tied by Jerome Alexander tnrnn # feg $3g g5 >25UU • the ; (16) — Claudette by Raphael SI095 • off the face styling reg. $34.95 I / • Peasant >•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! (78) — Assorted Modacrylic The "Suddenly" ! Canadian ham, Genoa sala¬ mi, Swiss cheese, fresh to¬ Our complete selection of Cliff's Notes gives you instant help with literature problems. Acclaimed by teachers and students alike. Styles - Values to $34.95 ..5.5J.19J August Hours: Cliff's Notes make your study time | (17) — 100% Human Hair Falls matoes and crisp lettuce in more efficient-help you earn better grades. Don't put reg. $34.95 MO i Closed Mondays a 12 inch French loaf. it off. Get the Cliff's Notes OPEN you need today. | (45) - 100% Human Hair Styled cj^gn • Tues - Sat., 10 - 6 pm HOURS: Mon. ♦ Wed. THE OVER 150 TITLES | Display Wigs Values to $60 from IJ J Wed. Nite 'til 9 11:30 to 12:30 OLDE WORLD ONLY $"|EA. 211 MAC Get yours Today at Thurs. Sat. - East Lansing 11:30 to 2:00 Student Book Sun. Michigan 12:00 to 12:30 Store • BI^ADWALE | eleased also suggested. students and an official in the demand for low ■ cost rental and also a faculty committee; property buyers of all serious consideration. use Lansing were family dwellings ^1 - Copies of the work were ^ ^ Wednesday in a report Proposals for landlords, MSU off campus housing_ housing. an ASMSU agency to serve as —, conditions and regulations_ for . houses resulted i as . _ m. by the City using property; to disclose to also received an iocnjl •n recently completed by tenants and real estate brokers department. A primary recommendation a students' liaison with the !IMw ■ members of the city's Joint were included in the report in i„ weekly meetings since for alleviating these problems city; active student buyers requirements of Planning Commission and by in supply and a shift inTI Housing Committee. an effort to insure fair fau 1970 and through public lies with a suggestion to the participation in all phases of licensing, enforcement the Human Relations cnaracter: "The rent HQ The highly detailed, 50 - housing practices for citizens hearings and discussions, the city council for a housing community life. maintenance and zoning; to Commission, agendes that these report emphasized the in East Lansing. committee pinpointed the commission to investigate The report also urged encourage the most beneficial appointed members to the housing committee that first their value is considered? page rnmmi inequities and ° to TTlovon need . - for _ a 1. housing Eleven committee members following housing problems: housing landlords of rental property land development, in November 1970- City quite high and commission «tablished by the unanimously signed and "Changing uses of single - propose solutions to the to control property density, Wesley Hackett, cochairman met is - dty council to act as a watch accepted the revised and family dwellings; conflicting trouble spots in housing. provide necessary equipment of the committee ana such committee about planning commission member, a dog on landlords, housing completed version of the life - styles and habits; The commission would for tenant care of the I - month earlier. situations and tenant report on Aug. 3,,.Final say - vacancies in public and private include representatives from property, maintain exterior the outcome praised month of the study and said Details of the njjnled afford.' grievances. so for implementation of the sector housing; relationships, MSU, city government, appearance of dwellings and eight report was an recommendations, with This Illustrates the In addition, the report recommendations lies with the i n t erdependencies and landlords, tenants and elderly assume responsibility for the , "outstanding effort" and a definitions of the problems, the low persons, would consult with physical deterioration. their causes and their effects, market, the report other city departments and Other recommendations to credit to all committee & would attempt to balance the landlords include being housing concerns of all sectors available for response to in the community. tenant problems, cooperating In addition, 32 other recommendations pertaining to the nine problem areas were with tenant grievances and establishing a security deposit escrow fund, using a fair and Prof working offered in the report, easily understood lease, Proposed solutions included: disposing of security deposits and *A procedure for licensing rental property and controlling enforcing standards; a in a fair manner and observing city ordinances, Among suggestions to computer traff modification of codes and tenants were knowing The frustrations and costs of be easily aaaptaDie 1 Kreer pointed out that I ordinances to insure required responsibilities as a tenant, getting from place to place urban areas. efficient traffic flow is more maintenance of dwellings; a cooperating with housing within congested urban areas By the end of the year e than a matter of convenient systematic annual inspection commission grievance may be eased through research expects to use the program in motorists, of property to insure licensing mediation and with licensing being conducted by an MSU Fort Wayne, Ind. I hat city For one thing, professor. already has a system that used 1959 figures according that hm to John B. Kreer is devising a a "canned" program supplied undergone a decade o[ get a lot of watch for computer will be an program he hopes improvement over by the computer manufacturer, inflation, it costs about tig your money... existing methods of traffic If the propsm S of tw'on'tif ■ By studying the relationship that would allow the computer Idling cars are hen; CARAVELLE' between traffic density and speed of flow, the professor of electrical engineering and to react to accidents Incidents and other that throw unexpected inputs into present contributors to air pollution, according to Kreer, and thm has been a decrease in accident T PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 58P by BULOVA systems science is developing a set of decision rules that will systems and cause them to break down when they are rates in areas when computerized traffic 2 EXCITING FEATURES 2nd WEEK! Open at 7:00 p.m. Caravelle watches look like they cost twice the price and perform that way too. Precision jewel-lever allow a computer to regulate traffic lights. most needed has been used. movements—years-ahead styling. The computer, he explains, femtodoftold /uUwrfoftd FOR HER... FDR HIM. takes inputs from vehicle detectors at strategic locations, determines the optimum speed that can be achieved by the volume of cars on the road and alters the timing of traffic THE DEPT. OF STATE HIGHWAYS is employing 363 lights to regulate that flow. disadvantaged young people in its summer youth work | The program, state highway director Henrlck E. Stafseth s concept Tuesday. computerized traffic control is Some 200 16 • and 17 : year - old boys and girls not new, Kreer said. Toronto had such working under the Inner City Youth Program funded by 1 I a system 10 years special legislative appropriation, Stafseth said. They are p," ago and a number of cities in the United States and Europe $1.61 an hour and are assigned to litter pick - up and other | minor maintenance chores. have followed suit. About 150 disadvantaged young people, all 18 and over, I are working on bridge maintenance and tree trimming and at I "Most of the work so far highway sign shops and construction sites. They and others I has been finding the are part of the seasonal work force normally hired during the I technology to tie components construction season, primarily for summer work. | together efficiently," he Stafseth said 62 per cent of the young people are from | say In most cases, when a city minority groups, installs such a system, * * * expensive research has to be IF THE STATE CIVIL SERVICE employe pay rale I done to find that question is not resolved by Aug. 31, the Michigan State I community's specific needs, Employes Union will demand that the employes receive I followed by the writing of a interest at 8 per cent when they do get their retroactive pay I program to fit those needs. raise, union president Robert Grosvenor said last week. Grosvenor said it was "totally unreasonable" for the state I Kreer said he hopes the to expect the employes to wait patiently while the legislature I program he's working on will and the governor resolve the state's fiscal problems and not I receive any consideration for doing so. I a PAKULA-MULLIGAN, In Michigan Civil Service Commission, a constitutional | agency, ordered an average 8.1 per cent pay increase into upnttDomt effect July 1. ♦ • • Shown at INGHAM COUNTY REPUBLICANS will announce I 7:15 Only! sraiRcase (Unclassified) appointments to positions in the party's county organization at a meeting of the GOP executive committee today. J MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY WORLD PREMIERE SHOWING . "I don't care what color you are, boy, skin on the black market as long as you're red, white and blue!" WOMEiWCAttES 8WWEK1971 ALSO "On my way to 1 Owtaflirlwlm..." TIE toils or OILIEST AM SUUIYAfi with Stars of D OYLY CARTE FAME "Less a feast, more a Gilbert COLUMBIA PICTURES Present, ' ' THE WALTER SHENSON P.oauci and Sullivan orgy . v. a cascade "It has the same sort of of G&S jewels followed pvaiBa free-wheeling trt spirit each as TV's All In other throughout the evening." TO THE introducing BRIAN FOLEY with JACK WARDEN Club The Family'!" — Cambridge News as General Strapp/LEE MEREDITH in Fairchild Theatre starts FRIDAY: ENDS THURSDAY ALL TICKETS $2.50 AT THE UNION "THE LAST RUN" 1:30-3:25-5:25-7:30-9:35 FBI., AUG 13.8:15 P.M. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 11, 1971 7 Gilbert & Sullivan excerpts set Scenes from "H.M.S." Pinafore," "The Gondoliers," "The the way it ought to be heard — by members of the famous Her Majesty the Queen Mikado" and other famous Gilbert amd Sullivan during a performance of "Hie will be part of "The World of Gilbert and light opera D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. Mikado." Sullivan" at The cast of five includes: 8:15 p.m. Friday, in MSU's Fairchild Theatre. John Carter. A D'Oyly Carte Donald Adams. As principal bass with the principal for several seasons, Featuring stars of D'Oyly Carte fame, "The World of D'Oyly Carte he has been featured in three BBC-TV for 16 years, he has played the part of the Mikado more comedy series and i* Gilbert and Sullivan" is touring the United States to give than 2,000 times, a popular figure in concert and cabaret performances in U.S. audiences an including the recent Warner Brothers film England. opportunity to hear Gilbert and Sullivan version. During the 1967-68 season, Adams was presented to Sylvia Eaves. Born of a London musical family, she has had wide experience in opera, television and cabaret. She is scheduled for a London performance of "Die Fliedermaus" NEWEST ALBUM in April. Helen Landis. She sings mu6t of the roles in leading contralto the Gilbert and Sullivan repertoire and has played 'Who's major roles in such stage successes as "Carousel," "South To put it bluntly, the Who's Next'-best Pacific" and "The King and I." She was also the film, "Oliver." featured in Thomas Round. Formerly a leading tenor with the Sadlers next album "Who's Next" the Wells Opera Company and the D'Oyly Carte is McCartneys showed in Next." Daltrey's vocal leads Company, he the best rock and roll "Ram." The has performed all the leading tenor roles on record Who handle it the tune perfectly to the point D'Oyly Carte to have come out since tours of England, the United States and Canada. the properly. where the whole band puts Stone's The company has been featured on television several "Get Your Ya-Ya's "My Wife" is the only cut together a driving, forceful Out," which was almost a year on the album times in England and the United States. The group also has not composed finish. "Won't Get Fooled by been invited by a number of communities to present ago. . Townshend, bassist Again" maintains the energy Each of the Entwistle penned this full-scale staged versions of the famous operas with local album's nine one. The level achieved at the end of cuts would make a dynamite cut starts off citizens employed in the lesser roles and as a chorus. J awkwardly, but "Behind Blue Eyes." This cut single. One of them already 4 rapidly gets on its feet and provides further proof that The famous comic operas were written has: "Won't Get Fooled 1 leads quite nicely into Pete Townshend is the best by William S. "Song Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan between 1875 and 1900 and are Again." Is Over," a mellow (for the guitarist in rock. considered classics in their simplicity and their freedom "This song may or may not Who anyway) cut which closes Opera world be the best cut on the album, ijj'i ' " out the first side. "Who's from the distasteful or vulgar. Next" is the best Tickets are available in advance at the MSU Union Ticket but it indicates the power pure hard rock album to come Office. All seats are $2.50. the music Pete Townshend The World of Gilbert and Sullivan will come to MSU and "Getting in Tune," like out all year, and ranks Co. have come "Song is Over" begins quietly Friday evening as alumni of the D'Oyly Carte up with this Opera time around. with Daltrey and alongside David Crosby's solo Co. perform selections of Gilbert and Sullivan piano starting album and operettas. "Who's Next" first out alone, waiting for "Sticky Fingers" as album of original material to one of the best of 1971, be released by the Who since Townshend, Moon and simply because the Who have Entwistle to hop in and "Tommy." There is no point the carry maintained such an immense in comparing the two whole cut out. Nicky Banjo virtuoso enlivens works; Hopkins does energy level throughout an the quality of "Who's Next" both of great piano on entire studio album. Nobody these cuts. has ever really completely transcends done that anything and everything on the before. double - gutted rock "Going Mobile" is the opera closest thing to a clunker on Sunday night which made the Who full at the Cave - the whole album, but even fledged rock stars. Townshend's guitar work "Tommy" dragged in places, the song from oblivion. dialog overshadowing music. "Behind Blue Eyes' may well face is splattered with "Who's snappy He plays them all: Next" is fully be the red rea plastic Rorschach. piasuc Korschach. "Fogey best cut on "Who's wears all black, except Sonny Mountain Breakdown " energetic, c,,ci|5e"c' not ,un unlike uni,Ke "Live ai at for his "Fisher's Hornpipe " "Sal'tv Leeds " U is. an which ■ Some MSU students blue socks. Dog," "Hot Corn, Cold 18,568 °ff rapid,y and never ,ets piember only vaguely the Sonny works at Lansing Corn," "Flinthill Special" and they heard when John Drop Forge where it's so all the rest. d°*£Baba along°'R»'ey," t,he way* fcnnedy was president. For noisy they make him wear And you ride it with the Kingston Trio and earmuffs, he told me. I him °utV features typical Who lotenannies, the Dillards and He announces the went home with tired ™ythm work> sharP g">tar cuts ktt & songs fingers. Townshend, dramatic Scruggs amount to and sings some of them The lyrics feature balls ty a pile of unexplored, himself. Some Merle Haggards, and overly so) vocals by chains, nine-pound hammers |er Daltrey, persistent bass Isty dust jackets their older but mostly bluegrass. Which is and numbers for names klings abandoned in the what Alan and his friends of lines begin Lots o drum work *>y John Lsement five years ago. all about, this down-home are . with, "Lord " and lots end with " . . Rnfw,cHo on,, VoUU M n"f ■ Before there was that kind bluegrass music. Alan plays Lord, Lord." [ music we all bought only the banjo but is most All the tunes are stampers . Then there were Beatles, decidedly no <> • the Osmond more a as performed, even when Bargain is a more if, Brothers Philadelphia Mummer than they're not intrinsically so ®n®rSetlc cut> probably the d Bobby Sherman. the Cave is a ■There is, though, in East Day pawde Thanksgiving The v* fact, songs seem sometimes, in JS °"th,f falbulJn s 4fm* Insing, a way to regress Alan is, quite simply, to be just «xcu*s for Alan to pick away at, media JfZ J?,'ft ) the radio gets to be five-string banjo a . . d,eJ'^ltful melody much and virtuoso — through which which is thankfullv nniv twn even Sgt. one of the best. His shuckin' communicates. Jpper loses his ■Alan Lee edge. and jivin' will thrill you. He and his friends is technically as brilliant as •y and sing in the Cave of any banjo picker can be, and p Candles bar on Sunday be pulls out all the stops, fcnings starting about 9. fairly twirling his Scruggs |One of Alan's friends is tuners and grinning when he inny Miller, whose guitar's gets through a tough lick. Wednesday, August 11, 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I97| Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay Term papers ladies1 (Continued from page 0ne) SAVE MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS same term paper is not Into the hanri^ PULLOVER same departm™ during the same term w want to make sure no one ^ •Permanent Press get caught." " SWEATERS * Short sleeves When a student buys a cm* *65% Polyester - 35% Cotton of an old term receives a paper T •Assorted colors and stripes photocopy ' tu! •Sizes 15 to 16% spokesman the student said. This forcZ •100% Acrylic to retype tfe •Assorted colors paper before he hands it in £ explained. Usually $2oo •Sizes 34 to 40 •Long sleeves - zipper back student retypes the term he adds his own material wheil pgj hi , added. ' " Our Own Reg. $2.97 Our Own photocopy, the spokesm,B MEN'S WEAR DEPT. Reg. $3.97 * JUU said. This forces the' to retype the paper before h hands it In, he explains LADIES' WEAR DEPT. Usually when a student tge tern oaoer ge adds T retyS own material, he added. "So the work is that of tho student in this . sense," th spokesman concluded. ' 6 Writers for Write On receive »7% value save 38< usually about $5 for an old BIC term paper. custom made-to-order For writing , paper writers receive usually $150 SCHOOL $3 per page. Write On writers are both I undergrads and graduate students. Old papers have SPECIAL obtained from old files and traded with been fraternity other schools. Contains 2 Bic stick pens The spokesman said he felt and 1 Bic fine point. Writes the importance of the term first time and everytime. paper depends on "the course ' and the instructor." In 1^, classes, he said, the term paper is about the only way for 1 Our own Reg. 37c 31c professor to evaluate the quality of a student's work in the class. SCHOOL SUPPLIES DEPT. Policy shift TOPCO WHITE-HEAVY DUTY-PHOSPHATE FREE tak^ ia (Continued from page one) everpresent rumors that a coup d'etat was planned. The coup encouraged by reports, not talk wis officially confirmed, that the D"S to skies over Saigon had been suddenly declared off limits to DETERGENT 49< (Unit Price 16c per lb.) all aircraft. This was that Ky, taken to ousted from the presidential race through what he charged was pressure by Thieu to deny him the suggest necessary official endorsements, BONANZA NAMS HALVES 89< lb. WHOLE 79< lb. was palace. planning to use the ail force to attack the presidential In another development, Thieu announced emergency legislation proposed to crack SMALL MEATY SHEETS 3# )# AVG. AND UNDER 30# BOX - $16.80 down on the drug traffic, 1 tough bill that would include 57* the death penalty for BARBECUE SPECIAL! SPARERI8S lb. importers members. control of intoxicants, narcotics, other and drug ring Thieu's bill provides for opium, heroin dangerous drugs, and with stiffened penalties for violatois 57< JUMBO ASSORTED KLEENEX TOWELS and new penalties for peddlers, importers and suppliers. 2 CTN. PKG. TOPCO 12" X 25' EACH ROLL Legal Aid Dept. wil I ALUMINUM FOIL I 8 ASMSU have a lawyer available from 1 to I every Wednesday during I 32l o SAVE 32r 32c 5 p.m. summer term. Those wishing •" I with (hit coupon toward tho purchase of: c^ appointment with the are asked to ASMSU business office, check I I f 0^ ^ n ||| 307 Student Services Bldg., or CM | SEYFERTS SLIM LINE 13 OZ. WT. BA< 355-8266. There will be a nor" Gaylord Vanilla "J; J $3 charge for service. Ice Cream Gal. Ctn. W(/H j A multimedia presentation POTATO CHIPS 49* GD Meijlr the various aspects of drug us# I Expires Sat. Aug. 14. 1971 COUPONl presented by Rob Kruger of tm | governor's office on drug «o"" will be shown at 7 tonight ■"WHY PAY MORE-"""" THRIFT Y ACRES Q West Wilson Auditorium. oy xne un,,.,.,, Church is scheduled from 2 t ■ AIAX LIQUID A o SAVE 10' with this coupon e 10 p.m. There Sunday in Valley will be a Court P«£ I rap and w | toward tho purchase of: picnic afterwards. WINDOW ON Sweet The Soaring Club will holdl'| CLEANER Any Raid Insecticide jr, /\rr ■ S Mazols Soft Margarine i o?r!" Sweet 'NN Low Low n#!1! regularly scheduled meeting »offj. K;"p," JJsJS1«**• M* 7:30 tonight in 30 Union. 10c OFF Label «o« Expires Sat. Aug. 14, 1971 Expires Sat. Aug. 14. 1971 Expires Sat. Aug. 14,1971 »•: If you have an odd needs to be done cal job 'J* II 20 fl. irc Volunteer Bureau and trie* | btl. LJ th ildD Meijer i|GD Meijer with the labor OZ. CD Mei jer supply you (Unit Pricel. 25cper fl. oz.) T HR IF TY A CRES THRIFTY ACRES THRIFTY ACRES Qj their Call new "Rent a 353-4400 between Kid" P™ 8 a.m 5 p.m. ■^WHY PAY MORE"" U.S. No. 1 new Crop 25c © SAVE 25< . 14' * SAVE 14' 20' " SAVE 20' A with thic coupon and MSU the Gay Liberation Gay Liberation Mov< Froi A with thic coupon X. II a with thic coupon j* Ann Arbor are sponsoring « _ ■ toward tho purchato of: "A I I -v** toward tho purchato of: r■ I toward tho purchato of: ^4. MICHIGAN Weekend Friday through S^Jj Ico* ■ Meijer "Testender" !co* *0N| iCO* 40oz. aOut ^ I In Ann Arbor. A dance First Unitarian Church oni ''I J PDTATOES 25'OFF'j Sea Mist Ammonia 39c I J Snowy Bleach wt. box JJc I and the picnic Saturday weekend. Call w'11 353-9796 »| w I ■ Roast, Steaks or Standing Rib with ■ j 46II. oz. btl. VITH | I WITH | more information. 20 lb. | Expires Sat. Aug. 14,1971 COUPON ^ j Expires Sat. Aug. 14, 1971 COUPONl j Expires Sat. Aug. 14,1971 COUPON | 79c SDS is sponsoring a beginning at 1 p m- fr ^ „ _ GD Met jer TH RI FT Y A CRES aiGD Mei j er THRIFTY A C RE S IIClD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES Lansing Community CoiWI the jobs. Labor MSU Dept. to demand^ ■ participants neeow ride are asked to gather » - near the Union * fl 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA transportation will be waiting SDS it holding a ' 7:30 tonight on the third 1 SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 10 PM Sunday - 10 AM to 7 PM th# Cass Building at Community College to P Friday's march. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 11, 1971 9 Sexual conflict 'inevitable' work with human sexuality can result in an entrenched began two years ago when he problem that may never be deeper problems. Power concern with pornography has and Judy Krupke, also an struggles between sexual decreased in Denmark now eliminated, Kaufman said. He that it is legal and open to asst. professor of the MSU cited an example of a male partners, for example, often Counseling Center, decided to failing to achieve an erection nearly destroy the public view. a healthy . u° . , \ run a sexual therapy group, after too drinks and sexual relationship, he said. relationship is both inevitable The first year one many Kaufman said that society a"norrna'> group was then failing to achieve an has according to a formed and this year another Kaufman said he does not traditionally inhibited staff member of the MSU erection at other times simply sexual expression and group believe anything concerned sharing. Counseling Center was added, Kaufman because of the barrier of his He predicted, said. with sex can be termed however, that A sexual initiai faiiUre. relationship is Kaufman said that pornography. He claimed only this tight reign on sexual such a complex and intimate sex Kaufman claimed that actions matters will could not be separated from or words that are self loosen and society's preoccupation with conflict, is "inevitable. ce* uP T° think defacing defiling should society will benefit - °, other parts of a relationship, climaxing takes away from be considered or result. as a "Any aspect of a the sexual pleasure of the pornography. ^uiil nrohlim II» °mu£w.» re,ationsh'P can be carried activity. He blamed the Asked why our society was !'t lnto bed" Sex either performance and achievement Symposium nrnfUlfr at enhance the relationship or orientation of our society for so preoccupied with pornography, Kaufman replied that this concern is merely an I Pictured above are Gerswen Kaufman and Judy Krupka, speakers at I held a sex symposium outgrowth of societal in Wilson Terrace Lounge Monday. repression of sex - related State News photo by Milton Horst Hall Mondav. Monday. subjects. He claimed the Kaufman explained that his effectively. simple failure Lpect to sex. Much of the sexually blame for these guilt feelings, IRMY MUST CHANGE' he said, lies with the parents. "Parents should be clear and straightforward with their Ln d i a.n t r n i l <= Cadet leader cit children and should tell them that they are free to experience their sexuality," he said. ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS Indian Trails "The , rrant ........ wansley "the army has Armv has hart had a a Int lot ««If "It was <...» just after ti the urL.ii. While .1 l. of bad there he won the publicity recently," Cambodian invasion and Kent Bronze Star. iife if t i«st set reasonable Kaufman said the common Capt. Burke said from behind h,s neatly organized desk in State shootings," Burke said, it? How did he do Boftls" he ' sUfd notion that guilt feelings , ..„J„ "Students staged a sit - In at disappear after marriage is lUp' ny v» 1 C;B? . Mlrtwuif tha nZt farm the m,,,tary 8c,ence building. He wo» « "arched summer the ROTC "I and building. Burke hesitated. A blank look came over his face. His "I want to give our cadets "bullshit." Such feelings are not easily removed by HAS (8) BUSES ' other military voice here the uniform. On the wall behind Instructors dropped a bit. same experience, "making it legal," he Iplextlon, athletic easy build, ruddy grin. h,m were po8ter8 with Army rapped with the "Well, I ... you see They their must leam to rely on explained, EVERY DAY slogans and a fingerprint I'Tr rs 32*: n0™-'"ar as own values and make bbkMti&uiZt ti"'by h" d""""er' TO CHICAGO ■ fpotatoes he «ayi he grew on hom®town of "But'mo.t inc|dentg of these «-JSasV.-irXs beers. about the war, the Vietnamese" strike battalion ST-MM - jsj-S Schedule Eff. June 24, 1971 ■ Louis, Mo. ** are exceptions rather demonstration and the Leaving at: 6:55 AM than the rule. Of course the after the commander was 2:25 PM situation the country was in. EAST LANSING [SUs new commandant of rc cadets he ha. won the war ln Vietnam hasn't helped, And I think the students killed. He called ln air power, 7:55 AM 5:10 PM rallied Ions third highest award But j thlnk lea^ed found out we weren't such their the troops and held THE PLAZA 10:25 AM 6:15 PM from that one j don,t th|nk position until 11:55 AM 10:30 PM bad guys after all." Community Owned [valor, h as the several Bronze Star, as Vietnamese we can get ,nvolved any reinforcements Despite continuing although outnumberedarrived, Serving the Community AIR-CONDITIONED - RESTROOM DELUXE 10 to brushfire Overlooking the Capitol more and COACHES AVAILABLE bis for heroism. ware demonstrations and 1. FOR CHARTER handle the schism in Lrke also is completing a home count our unfavorable opinion of the How was he able to act as SERVICE. WRITE OR CALL OWOSSO, ters degree in advertising too military In MICHIGAN TOLL-FREE 800-292-3831 general, Burke hopes to be transferred Capt. Burke has ^ expects ROTC enrollment at he did under fire? "It •Honeymoon Bus Color was I Washington, D C R0TC |nstructor at MSU for MSU in the fall to be near mostly just ft to coordinate the Army 1 next two He remember8 one 250, up from 150 last year, reflexes," he said. "I had suites Information Terminal been taught what to do." with round beds PHONE 332-2569 East Lansing i; particular student Burke attributed the rise in Llting advertising program, demonstration. In view of the problems FOR DAILY DEPARTURES AND ROTC enrollment to the ARRIVALS besetting the military and the decrease ln chances for unpopular war, why has Capt. 300 Rooms combat duty after Burke stayed ln the Army? commissioning and the $50 a month students receive during "At first I didn't plan to itay," Burke smiled. "But the '135 Remodeled in LIEBERMANN'S their junior and senior years. Army always dangled a carrot every "But the Army change to attract the young must ln front of my nose: a pay Pack up and go with men who don't go on to raise, good an early promotion, a assignment. So I've ►New Furnishings Room rWO BANDITS fled with walking through the northeait college," Burke said. . liberalizing of haircut stayed In." Of all his experiences, "NO-NONSENSE" LUGGAGE 1 In cash about 8:50 p.m. corner of parking lot K near »d»y after they entered an Jtandards and private rooms Burke regards graduating from i &■ Kellogg Center when the three th® '©Idlers Is a beginning, the 20 • hour • a ■ day it Lansing dry cleaning attacked him. Police had no But the Army i real problem i Army Ranger School as the Iness and held a gun on a further Information on the JJ. t0 declde where to stop, high point of his life. During THE PLAZA ln8lde Incident. Th® Army ">"»t eliminate the grueling test of stamina in ,t Lansing police said the Assailants were described as entered as the woman whites each about 16 years ma'"ta'" ^ck®V "jjjj; J™Jf1 »tlll the mountains of North (Former Jack Tar Hotel) closing the store. She told old. One had a fall beard and - yards, 178 of days and will be sidelined from the tour for Trevino, who has earned $197,219 this Saturday, as about three weeks. |he Ikn Lansing All Stars literally hemmed /irnimH in I ancinn'e the ground in Lansing's 54-6 win. him in on this play. Six Stars "eased" Duncan to u indicate a close game, it wasn't. It just took the All which were on the grtound. The defense made the' Trevino, the reigning U.S., Canadian and year, passed up last week's American Golf Classic to take a fishing vacation in New State News photo by Don Gerstner British Open champion, was stricken while Mexico. Star offense a little longer to offensive job easier with the warm up than it usually does. four interceptions, two fumble The Lansing defense was its recoveries and a blocked punt rymnostic clini usual awesome self, destroying by Charlie Bailey. the supposedly tough Cowboy The amazing thing about the ground game. All Star offense is the passing Last week the All Stars game. The two quarterbacks trew of fine p TRY OUR SIX-FOOT By TERRY FICORELLI parallel bars also is contributing instructional 75th State News Sports Writer work, as is Bill Meade, head coach at Southern Illinois, Fred Orlofcky, head coach at WMU, and Rusty Mitchell, pilot at New the MSU summer clinic circuit is Mexico. Itinuing this week with the 13th annual "This is the 10th consecutive ■onal Summer Gymnastics Clinic which year that MSU has held this summer session," said ■ underway Monday at Jenison Flledhouse. Szupula. "This is the biggest class we have Anniversary Sale The gymnastics clinic is the fourth to be ever had with over 270 registrants." this summer by the MSU athletic "The purposes of the clinic are to teach krtment. MSU already has had clinics in and train youngsters, coaches, teachers and key, track and wrestling over the summer judges the many techniques in the field of lths. gymastics under expert instruction," Szypula |hisweek. year's session MSU runs until the end of goes on to say. GREAT FOR TGs AND GRASSERS fcula is the gymnastics coach Geroge clinic director, Class enrollments are from all over the Diamond c it marks the FEEDS 30 HUNGRY PEOPLE ■ consecutive year that Szypula has headed country, including Canada and Mexico as well. The age range is quite unique from ^ annual session at MSU. The veteran 5-year-old Jodi Thompson of Grand Rapids HobieS is being assisted by some 40 staff Ibers, including many great gymnastics ■douts, former Olympians and NCAA to Charley DuBois, who acts as a very active instructor at 74 years. The grand finale of the clinic will be the X your key Ipions. "Nlte of Stars" at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday at y You'll get a very special key with every purchase you Tnong the active staff for the one-week tarn is Stormy Eaton of New Mexico, the Men's Intramural Bide. Arena. ^< make at Knapp's, during our big 75th Anniversary Sale! It may open our treasure chest. If it does, reach in and Admission for Thursday's "Nlte of Stare" ■national floor exercise champion. Charlie / the Big Ten Invitational champion on program is 75 cents for children and help yourself to a free gift! Register for our door prize, a students and $1.25 for adults. I J one carat diamond ring. Frank 'n Stein presents Ws need powerful }n Behm binoculars |ins medal ENTERTAINMENT.'! for end zone SALE 6.90 SALE 4.90 FRIDAY NIGHT . . . 6:30 - 12:00 . . . DANCING quarterbacking misses' shirt classics Games a A yV-A/' /*. * Bob Koss on Accord ian * pullovers HiMUOSl /Vile Helmut & Werner Singers ,1S>8 Sweaters that zip, lace, tie, and Misses' Dacron/cotton shirts with Bermuda or Italian collars, prmer MSU wrestler Don who now coaches at SATURDAY NIGHT button! Wool, acrylics, and roll or long sleeves. 30-38. , .. . 'SINGING UND FLINGING' Lansing High School, 6:30-7:30 .... Music by Bob Koss on Accordian cotton. Sportswear, second Sportswear, Downtown, J the gold medal for the 7:30 9:30 SING ALONG Jim Basel floor Downtown, Meridian Mall Meridian Mall lamweight championship in - .... - ... American games on Guitar |day. 9:30 -12:30 DANCING ... Bob Koss SALE 2.99 SALE 4/3.99 on the U.S. team with Paul Bassett on Bass by MSU asst. kstling coach Doug bandeau bras bikinis and briefs faugh, defeated Jorge los of Cuba in the final GREAT FOOD.. . Soft cup, padded, contour and Wild colors in one-size-fits-all GOOD BEER. . . underwired styles, valued to bikinis and briefs. Stock up Behm's gold medal, REASONABLE PRICES now! . $7. Foundations, second floor Lingerie, second floor J U.S. games team has Ach, Himmel! Downtown, and Meridian Mall Downtown, Meridian Mall |:ted 3 91 gold in addition total medals. le Americans collected 120 3foink'tt£tem J■ last and 225 total medals in SALE 6/4.50 SALE 2.99 T)» but fcxpected Pan - Am Games this year's totals to be far below tefemnutl 220 S. Howard St. 371-1752 FUN FOOD-DRINKS ■number. - mesh pantyhose men's shirts. Proportioned pantyhose from a Stripes wide and narrow on ABOUT STEREO, HI-FI BUYS & THINGS: famous maker, in fall shades. One pair, 79c. Hosiery, main short-sleeved Caro® knits that won't shrink. Store for Men, Downtown and Meridian Mall The people who work at Hi - Fi Buys are trained professionals whose one and only job is to know all about, floor Downtown, Meridian Mall sell, and service stereo components. There are no TVs or refrigerators .... no trumpets, guitar strings, or drums, just good stereo sound. By specialization we can offer expert product knowledge and efficient repair service. So come in and give us ELECTRO - VOICE SALE 5.75 SALE 4.99 the business .... question us ... . and make comparisons. Play our stereo equipment .... inspect it . . . touch it ... . and above all be sure to ask about our top value system. The PIONEER - ELECTRO - VOICE MODEL 15 SPEAKERS - GARRARD system pictured below offers a good $700.00 worth of superb stereo sound for only $530.00. Men's flare jeans underbed chest Listen to it. If you like, bring in some of your favorite records. Compare it with any other system you know in the price range up w $700.00. We think youH be as impressed with it as we are ... . you just can't do any better! Famous name flares in 65% Metal; dust free storage; gold polyester/35% rayon. Blue, finish, snag-free interior. GARRARD SL72B PIONEER grey, olive. Store for Men, 35"xl8"x6". Notions, main floor Downtown, Meridian Mall Downtown, Meridian Mall CHANGER SALE 3.99 yd SALE 39.90 60" doubleknits wool pant coats 100% polyester in crepe stitch Wool meltons and fleeces in L and novelty jacquards. Machine several styles; top fall colors. washable. Fabrics, third floor Sizes 6-16. Coats, second floor Downtown and Meridian Mall Downtown and Meridian Mall 337-2310 HI-FI BUYS 1101 E. Grand River Shop Meridian Mall tonight till 9 p.m. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 11, l9?11 STATE NEWS •TATE NtWS Up Your Budget, Buy or Sell CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED 355-8256 BEEF With Easy-To-Use Classified Ads! 355-8255 Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil fconk Employment The State New* does Automotive Scooters & Cycles not permit racial or KAWASAKI, 1968. 250SS. $350 TEACHERS. SCHOOL and college religious discrimination openings. CLINE TEACHERS In its advertising 489-0423. 3-8-13 FORD GALAXIE 500 1969. Air or 5 pm. make offer. 3-8-16 351-7930 after AGENCY, River. 3-8-11 129 Eatt Grand columns. News The State will not accept • M&sff conditioning, radio, all power, 1959 BSA 650 engine. Recently advertising which automotive automatic, 8 cylinder. Excellent EARN UP to $3000 this summer. Car Scooters & Cycles BUICK, 1962. Convertible, V8, re-built. Excellent for chopping. Call 351-7319 for discriminates against condition. Phone 355-1220. necessary. Auto Parts & automatic, radio, good 353-1969, 8-5 pm. 3-8-16 interview.C Senrica 2-8-11 religion, race, color or condition. $325, best offer. Aviation 351-4381. 3-8-11 1968 HONDA 450 Scrambler. INSIDE TICKET sales. Full and national origin. • FORD GALAXIE 1963. Standard Excellent condition, entering part time. Good salary. Apply • employment BUICK 1966. V-8. Automatic. shift. V-8. $150 cash. Call IV service, must sell. Insurance, 1031 N. Washington. 5-8-20 FOR RENT 4-1523. 3-8-11 Very good condition. 355-2874. helmet, $550 or best offer. Apartments 3-8-16 351-8139. 1-8-11 GALAXIE 500, 1968. 8 cyclinder, For Rent Houses CHEVROLET IMPALA 1967. Air, real sharp. Best offer over KAWASAKI 1971 125cc. Good Good salary. Apply 1031 N. Rooms V-8, automatic, 2 door hardtop, $1000. Baby Grand piano. condition, 3,000 miles. Extras Washington. 5-8-20 LARGE, UPSTAIRS, 3 bedroom • FORSALF steering, radio. Ladies 372-1758 after 5:30 pm, all included. Phone 337-9430. ' power apartment. $180. All utilities Animals car. $1050. Very good. Phone, day Saturday. 2-8-13 2-8-13 For Rent paid. Close to campus. Call Mobile Homes 351-6354. 2-8-13 349-1774. 3-8-13 MERCURY 1966, 4 door. Good tires. $400. 351-3823 after 6 YAMAHA 1971 250cc. List $895, • PERSONAL CHEVROLET IMPALA 1967. TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction Automatic, power, radio, pm. S excellent shape, $650 or best Q(J|ET QNE or tvv0 apartment, •PEANUTS PERSONAL guaranteed. Free Idelivery, campus close. Excellent for excellent condition. Must sell, offer. 332-2969, after 7 pm. service and pick - up. No deposit. •REAL ESTATE MUSTANG 1966. V-8, automatic, 2-8-13 BrBduate students. Call will reasonable offer. accept 349-3216, 355-6678. x-4-8-16 good condition. One owner. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C 349-1774, 3-8-13 • recreation Call 351-8322. 2-8-13 1970 HONDA CB350. Good ONLY $9.00/ month. Free •SERVICE NORTH POINT Apastments. CHEVROLET 1950 pick-up. Good OLDS 1968. F-85. V-8 stick, condition, 5,000 miles. Must sell. $550. Call Ken, 351-6317. deliveries. SELCO Spacious pool side apartments. Typing Service body, motor. $200, Boy's bike, COMMUNICATIONS TV $15. 355-9944. 1-8-11 radio, whitewalls, very clean, 2 1-8-11 RENTAL. 372-4948. O Shuttle bus service and good •TRANSPORTATION door. $1000. Call Ken, facilities. Efficiency. 1 and 2 • WANTED CHEVY IMPALA, 1964. Custom 353-6400. S-8-16 SCHWINN SUPER Sport. Yellow, bedrooms available. Rant convertible. Runs well. All New accessories. tires and SCHOOL BUS converted to trailer. 2 months old. After 332-5568. $150. 4-8-18 2 pm. 'he's 4 mnice wmet in my m TV RENTALS monthly - Students only. Low and term rates. Call starting at $120. Call 351-1199 or 351-7910. 0-8-13 DEADLINE 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV 1 P.M. one class day before brakes. Best after 5 pm. 5-8-16 offer. 351-1337 9 Excellent condition. $700 or best offer. Call 332-8950 after 6102 HONDA 450cc 1969 Scrambler. 700UW COURSE,my RENTALS. C STODDARD APARTMENTS. furnished. Close to 2 publication. CORVAIR VAN 1964. Needs pm or come to 4,000 condition. miles. Excellent man, Now leasing. Call Cancellations/Corrections some work. $100. Call Ken, Abbott^ 2-8-13 Extra accessories. Apartments campus. — 12 noon one class dav 355-5280, Betty. 3-8-16 351-8238, 699-2024, ED2-2920. 337-9091. 3-8-11 T-BIRD 1957. Completely before publication. reconditioned. All original Scooters & Cycles A uto Service & Parts KAWASAKI 350 Avenger. Must ONE AND two bedroom CORVAIR 1966 Excellent equipment included. Phone sell. Call Roger between 9-5 apartments from $145. 10 OKEMOS. SPACIOUS. 2 and 3 PHONE condition, automatic, new _332-21_10^ 3-8J 3 pm. 351-7041. 2-8-13 /W - GUARANTEED repair. minutes from MSU. Children bedroom unfurnished apartments 355-8255 battery and tires. 332-2460. TOYOTA 1 96 7 RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at permitted. EAGLE CREST in quiet but convenient 3-8-11 Corona, economical. Best offer. BSA 650cc. Lightning 1970. Good Okemos Road. 349-9620. C NORTH, 694 8975. 4330 Keller location. $175 and $230. RATES Rick, condition, approximately 4,000 968 HONDA CL-350, New tires, Rd., Holt. C Students, Faculty and children 353-1801. Evenings, 351-0069. No. 5-8-20 miles. 625-4867. 2-8-11 battery, chain, sell cheap. Aviation welcome. No pets, please. 351-6710. 2-8-13 ONE BEDROOM. Small. Ann COUNTRY HOUSE WORDS I 1 2 3 A f Street. Until September 14th. 10 1.50 3.00 4 •00 5.35 VOLKSWAGEN SOUAREBACK HONDA 1969. 175 Scrambler. APARTMENTS. 349-0558. 6.50 13.01 COUGAR 1970. Runs well. New LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight $80. 351-5986. 1-8-11 11,1.65 3.30 4 .40 5.85 1970. 22,000 miles, excellent Good condition. Call Dave, WOMEN'S BIKE, cheap. Lock, 3-8-13 7.15 14,J tires, radio, automatic on floor. training. All courses are condition, must sell. Call* 349-3917. 3-8-13 book baskets, tire pump, 12)1.80 3.60 4 .80 6.40 7.80 15.8 485-2791, evenings. 2-8-13 353-0914 after 7 pm. 2-8-13 registered. 355-5840. 1-8-11 government and VA certified. BEECHWOOD: 2 bedrooms WANTED: FOURTH man for new 131.95 3. ,20 6.95 8.45 16 g FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport furnished, 2,3,4, man. From 14 2.10 4.20 5..60 7.45 9.10 Cedar Village, starting fall. Call 1821 1971 CUTLASS Supreme. 2-door VOLVO 1968. 122-S. Exceptional 1969 HONDA 350. street 1968 65cc Honda. Excellent Road, Call 484-1324. C $60/person. 351-5986. 3-8-16 Randy 699-2981 after 6 p.m. 15 2.25 4.50 6,.00 8.00 9.75 195| hardtop, air, radial tires, vinyl quality, many extras. Best !c_r!!Tlb,er- Excellent condition. $550. Call 351-5683. 3-8-13 mechanical condition. $100. Call 2-8-11 162.40 4.80 6..40 8.55 10.4020.# offer. 371-1403. 3-8-13 NORTH LANSING. Furnished top. 332-8050, evenings. 1-8-11 Sandy, 353-4385, 8-5 351-8220, evenings. 2-8-13 pm, Employment bedroom apartment. Sunporch, 1 17|2.55 5.10 6..80 9.10 11.0522.11 18 2.70 5.40 7..20 9-60 11.702141 CHECK THIS out: Modern, 3 utilities paid. 484-5062 between FIAT 1969 850 Soort Best offer FR0M WHERE you sit, check the YAMAHA 1967 lOOcc. 1600 PART TIME employment. man, very near MSU, parking, 19 2.85 5.70 7..60 1 0.15 1 2.3524.71 better jobs in today's Classified miles. Excellent conditon, $250. Auto Service & Parts Saturdays and Sundays. 5 hours 8-5 pm. 3-8-11 must sublet, reduced rates. 20 3.00 6.008..00 10.6513.002600 Ads. Cal1 694-9135. 3-8-11 University Terrace. Call Marty, per day. Aggressive persons 10 word minimum with good phone voice. Call 4 MAN apartments. Prices from Laura, 332-1887. 3-8-13 393-5460 for appointment. Mr. $66 per month per man. All student ads must be MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Vance. 10-8-27 DELTA ARMS, 235 Delta Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. Street, 2 bedroom furnished, air prepaid Cedar Gre . .. PHYSICAL THERAPIST. Part time conditioned. 1 block from Complete auto painting and The State News will be collision service. in small general hospital. campus. Phone 332-0563 or MAN IV 5:0256. C apartments. Close to 351-7910. 0-8-13 responsible only for the Flexible. Excellent salary. Send everything and the campus area. resume': Physical Therapy, Box Now renting for fall term. first day's incorrect 1962 BUICK 401 engine. $100. 2041 Michigan Avenue Station, $65.06 per man for 12 month insertion. Excellent condition. Phone JUST 4 LEFT poo 489-1626. S Lansing, Michigan 48911. 3-8-13 lease of $70.06 for 9 month a 711 BURCHAM APTS. Large 2 or 3 man, 1 I e conveniences, utilitii the AT MEL'S we repair all foreign except telephone and electricity. and American cars. If we can't bedroom apartments. We have three male students Model open daily. 341 For Rent fix it, it can't be fixed. Call Signing now for Fall at Evergreen (behind People's 332-3255.0 $180 month. air-conditioning9 a Church). Please call 332-8295 working for us who are FURNISHED. ALL utilitinB or 351-7910. 0-8-13 included.- Across from campus,■ MARRIED STUDENTS 351-1176 or 484-4422, 042)1 real go getters. Each is FURNISHED APARTMENT. One & FACULTY 337-7328 or 337-0780 bedroom deluxe, in small averaging $3.92 per hour. All CAME LOT APARTMENT, 4 apartment building. Ideal for Pennsylvania. Quill KNOB HILL married couples or graduate South and everything APARTMENTS had no previous sales experience. If you would like to FURNISHED APARTMENTS. One students. $165/month. Call 351-5434 or apply 129 Gunson Street. 4-8-18 location students bedroom monthly. for married or gnfl and faculty. Oil furnished, Possession $16t| bedroom, 10 minutes from work very hard for 24 MSU. Ideal for married couples TOWNHOUSE. SUBLEASE. Pine September first. Call t 349-4700 393-8657 or FOX PROPER™ or graduate students. From Forest. Furnished, available OPEN 1 - 7 pm Mon.-Sat. hours a week and earn $145. For appointment call immediately. Two, possibly 3 MANAGEMENT 372-19HJ bedrooms. 3-8-16 SUNDAY by appointment only 489-6939 or 489-6561. 5-8-13 $300. Call 351-1491. good money please call Mr. 2-8-13 ONE BEDROOM apartment. EAST LANSING. Aoo»| Large 2 - bedroom, Marshall at 372-3594. This Available ONE BEDROOM luxury $45/refrigerator. Utilities September first, in Share bath. Deposit. See at bath & % job $175°° Okemos. B1-8-11 Call, 349-0932. apartment, unfurnished. furnished Air and conditioned, Elm, 351-9585 between has no door knocking. carpeted, pool privileges, extra pm. 1-8-11 Large 3 - bedroom, storage space. 24 hour bath & % 0-8-11 GRAD STUDENTS and singles. 2 BEAL STREET Apartments. Fil $*13500 — room efficiency, quiet, small, Transportation to campus. One block from campus. !■ FULL OR part time opportunity. private entry. 5 minutes from Quiet. Call 332-8511 or bedrooms, 2 persons. FurnisWn LOCATED»/« MILE NORTH Display people needed. High MSU. $127.50. Unfurnished. 351-7910. 0-8-13 air conditioned. Open 6 30 | commission plus guarantee. Age Furnished available. 2 bedroom 7:30 pm. 216 Beal S ' OF JOLLY RD. ON 18-25. Car necessary. Call Mr. townhouse available soon. Call WOODSIDE APARTMENTS 1 Apartment 2A, 351-60 OKEMOS ROAD Heyer, 372-8111. 2-8-11 5. 10-8-11 bedroom furnished with 2-8-13 balconies, security locks, laundry. Ideal for married NEED ONE girl, own bedroom couples or grad students. ED near Capitol, must <*| 2-2920, 351-8890. O 355-8288, 485-7495. 1-8-11 c M u ft N Is TEA CROSSWORD R A N E e H A e o PUZZLE u E ft O|N1 _ U i N NBA ACROSS 28. Fleet M ft N T ■Oju! 1. Abuse verbally 29. Corrosion ft O PAT( 5. Sindbad's 31. Pouch P 0 1 F T 7001 enemy 33. Amer. humorist a E E F 1 P M WS O elc' nil 8. Butter tub 34. Ascetic A LI 11. Pepper shrub 36. Tibetan gazelle 12. Topsy's friend 38. Guidance as uag na# 13. 14. Conceit Attest 43. Rent 45. Jot ananas @181 15. Legislator 46. Shack 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 17. 19. 20. Epicure Knight's title Weird 47. Moray 48. Potables 49. Anglo-Saxon 2. Molten roc* 3 The birds I f . DOWN 23. Kimono sash king 4. Trading cijL 26. Blind impulse 59. Informer 1. Duck hunter's 5. Vacations!"! to ruin 51. Meticulous r- r- r- r- r- r- r- r~ B- 8. Ex G.I. (right next to Brody Complex) You'll never have parking — i5~" 9. Gone by 10. High crag® hill n is .6 16. Verily CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTS are now leasing student and married couples units. These problems like this at n~ w~ IB 20- 21 18. 2!. 22. Creek Creeper Potato M I !L 23. Conjunct111* I spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private Colling toooii a W 24 ir 30 26~~ ii 27 Sa 35" i5~ 24.Save 25. 27, Segregate Anxious'* P Apartments balconies. \N» also have a full time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be - 30. Pinafore — ir among the first residents of CEDAR GPEENScall today. The one - bedroom units start at MODEL OPEN DAILY 35 wiwwmm 32, ConstellafJ" I $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL w 41 42 bright^! % »9 40 35. Choice M*" INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m., 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine Fall leases now being accepted, "(formerly Northwind Apts.) 4J 44 2g- 37. Oriental and twelve month leases available. $200/2 man "UNLIMITED PARKING "DISHWASHERS % 39. Profound $210/3 46" 47~ 40. Bomb p" $220/4 man man *SHAG CARPETING «A|R CONDITIONING "BALCONIES *AND MUCH MORE 49~ W gS 4T 51- 41. Willow P" 42. History ■ MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVE!, YBY: Alco Management Company Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) % 43. Gr. Iet(er 44. Vandal Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 11, 1971 13 Student Service For Sale For Sale Real Estate Service Service BICYCLE, GIRLS Schwinn 10 DIRECTORY USED speed, 351-1015. drop handle bars. $45. TAPE 1-8-11 recorder and 1966 STAR mobile Front kitchen, furnished. Must be moved. Call 641-4284. 10-8-18 home 2 12x50. bedrooms, NEW LISTING. Lovely 3 bedroom brick and aluminum ranch. 2 baths, garage, family room, 2 car large fenced yard. Low COMPLETE Typing Service THESES service. PROFESSIONAL papers, 351-4619. X-20-8-18 TYPIST. theses. Best rates. Term Call down payment. ADVANCE Discount printing, IBM typing and typewriter. Call 353-7097 after SEE THE | COLLEGE TRAVEL BEAD CRAFTS. • EYES EXAMINED 7 p.m. Monday - Thursday. Lost & Found REALTY Liah COMPANY, 372-7610 binding of theses, resumes, auto show ... all sizes, prices, models, colors, in today's or Zarka, IV 9-2145. publications. Across from campus, OFFICE DECOUPAGE SUPPLIES, • GLASSES 3-8-13 3-8-13 Classified Ads. corner M.A.C. and Grand River, ART • CONTACT LENS 130 West Grand River Ave. REPRODUCTIONS SEWING MACHINE Clearance FOUND: CALICO cat. Scar and BY OWNER: 3 below Jones Stationary Shop. Call candle DR. I.L. Collins, Optometrist bedroom, 2V4 making supplies Sale. Brand new portables — shaved patch under chin. baths, family room, fireplace, COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Wanted 351-6010 Enfield's Incorporated C6-Optical Services $49.95, $5.00 per month. Large 351-6929. 3-8-16 patio, den, formal dining room. 337-1666. C J>93 M-43, Okemot. 349-1940 5218 S. Logan. selection of reconditioned used Fully carpeted, drapes. 2 car BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for 393-4230 machines. t R 0 r I S 110 N A I Singers, Whites, garage. all positive. A negative, B 1rMSU BARBER SHOP Personal THESIS negative 209 MAC Ave. BROOKS Imported Cars Necchis, New Home & "Many River lot, 54 acre, PREPARATION and AB negative, $10.00. O Others." $19.95 to $39.95. fully landscaped. 10 minutes 351-1110 FREE negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Terms. A lesson in from campus. Sales and EDWARDS ... complexion $46,000. 1246 COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Try us for your next DISTRIBUTING care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan Wild Cherry 507% East Grand River, East Service • COMPANY, Drive, just North styling, razor cut or BOB JONES PAINTS 1115 North or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. off Zimmer 482-1473 Washington, Road, Williamston. Lansing. Above the new Campus special cut. 489-6448. C MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS Shown by appointment. Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 Cimplati ProftsiiiMl Thesis Service f«r [appointments available. 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing STUDIOS. C 655-1488 Diane. 5-8-13 or 351-1133. Ask for Mister's and Dietsral Candidates Rrtcksr* i*i Cansaltatlaa. Plaasa Call frit p.m., Monday, Thursday and Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 SUE, I have a free checking CONTACT LENS WASHDAY SAVINGS account at a cute little place Cliff and Paula Hauffcty 3371527 ar 027 ?1J8 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C SERVICES 25c per load GOLF DRIVING RANGE YOU called Clinton National Bank. Service WON'T believe our large SAVE SAVE SAVE FOR GLAD The best for less Free checks, no service charge GUITAR tidings look for D. M. DEAN, an MINIATURE GOLF selection of frame LESSONS available from Xerox Special Texas Washer SOc styles. •nd they pay the copying - offset - best something you've lost with a Want OPTICAL postage both MARSHALL MUSIC. Call for 210 Abbott Rd. DISCOUNT, 2615 ways when banking by mail. quality at reasonable prices. Ad. Dial 355-8255 WENDROW'S ECONOWASH East It's Suite #16 Fairway Golf Range, Grand Michigan Avenue. called a Red Eagle Club app^ntment^ 351-7830. C-8-11 THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East 3006 Vine St. River Avenue A few minutes 372-7409. C-8-13 Grand River. Phone 332-4222. WANTED: LIGHT down 332-6563 - Account and it's for anyone 25 PAINTING EXTERIOR. Grad sleeping 7 a.m. to 11 3-8-13 p.m. i blk. W. of Sears east of MSU. 349-2850. and under. Check it students, experience, references. bag. Back - pack. Kiltie or TV SETS. out at Sony, Panasonic, Zenith. Clinton Free Cruiser. Bert, 337-7068. 3-8-13 National Bank, North estimates. Color portables and consoles. US 27. 7-8-18 Evenings, BARBI MEL: Typing, 349-4817. C multilithing. STEREO COMPONENTS. Sony No job too large or too small. QUIET STUDENT wants furnished For Rent For Rent reel to reel tapedeck, Ampex OPEN ALL summer 8-5:30 FOR QUALITY service and Block off campus. 332-3255. C efficiency near campus. Fall For Sale cassette recorder. We Buy, Sell, UNION BUILDING BARBER pm. TV's, and recorders. THE stereos, term only. 353-0973 after 6 OR East Lansing. One and Trade. WILCOX SHOP. C-8-11 STEREO SHOPPE. 337-1300. C ANN BROWN: p.m. 2-8-11 NEEDED: ONE or 2 liberal Typing and multilith droom furnished. Large, aify SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East offset roommates. Nice clean 3 printing. Complete service Air conditioned, bedroom house. One mile Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, SIX WEEK Kaplan MASONARY, for PEOPLE WITH from tutoring courses PLUMBING, VW dissertations, theses, a great head for euutifully maintained. Suitable campus. Rent super - cheap for Monday thru Saturday. C to prepare for BOARD EXAMS repair. 485-6500 after 5:00. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. business look for workers with now >r faculty, grad students, business first month. Call being formed. MCA classes Ask for Harold. 3-8-11 21 years experience. 349-0850.C Want Ads. Dial 355-8255! 489-7341. USED to eople, married couples. Lease. 4-8-18 FURNITURE Flea Fair: start August 21 and 62-3135 or 882-6549. O CHECK 314 East September 7. DAT classes start Michigan. Dishes, TWO LEONARD WHOLESALE'S books, coins, antiques, rockers, September 8, and LSAT class I FEMALE roommate WOMEN wanted for farm wanted STORY S house. $30/month. Own LOW PRICES ON junk. Bargain Hunters Paradise. starts September 7. For ■eadowbrook Trace. Fall, room Open Saturday and information and enrollment call 332-4450. 4-8-11 Sunday. or Cindy, 349-3829. COMPONENT SYSTEMS Furniture and appliances open collect (313) 851-6077. 8-8-27 all week. 10 a.m. LOVELY FURNISHED - 6 p.m. 2 and 3 1 MCAT AND DAT. Phone 371-2843. O Kaplan tutoring two men needed for fall, course now being formed. Starting 77c SALE ilock from PING PONG tables, $9.95. We in August. Call (313) 851-6077 campus, buy collect. X-13-8-27 i1 -8862. O ♦Wharfedali sell most anything. ABC 2 MEN needed for large duplex. ♦Midland •Panasonic 'Phllco SAVE TO SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 Turner. C. Peanuts Personal Garage. $45 / month. Rno/ 372-1865. 2-8-11 100 USED vacuum ETC."** cleaners. Tanks, canisters and uprights. Guaranteed B.J. SHANTY CREEK, Stop, 7th Houses one full inning stretch, H.I. Party Daan year. $7.88 and up. Rooms DENNIS Ya-Ka, Dig-Ya Happy DISTRIBUTING BtED: .bile 2 bedroom house or home with yard. After QUIET GIRL, private room. COMPANY, 316 North Opposite City Market. C. Cedar. Anniversity. J.J. 1-8-11 Over 100 Used Cars tjtember 15. Call 353-6400. Kitchen privileges, private bath. Recreation $ 1 5/week. Animals 1 309 N.Lansing ] 1145 LANSING, 2 bedroom in 351-1395 after 4 pm. Rebecca. 3-8-11 Washington SAMOYED spayed, AKC. VA 3 females. 2 EUROPE - $149' Under *777" Couples, 1 single. 1621 STARTING FALL. Men. Cooking TWO RED Persian years old. Has . Rugs, 5'x7' shots. tkvale. Shown 6:30 7 privileges. Utilities paid. Near each. Call 355-3248 after 1 339-8587. 3-8-13 - pm. 55. 2-8-13 campus. 8-1 p.m. 332-0143. pm. 3-8-16 IRISH THURSDAY ' 2-8-13 SETTER Acapulco, $249 JTED: SMALL for house grad couple. near Call SPARTAN HALL, singles, men, WATER BED UNITS, liner, foam pad, and frame $76 mattress, Gentle. For pets, show. puppies. hunting or Reasonably priced. AKC. Jet Air, daily - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Now leasing for summer, Okemos. 349-0255. B-2-8-13 ten, 487-5148. 3-8-16 women. any size. REBIRTH, 309 North fall. 351-1176, 484-4422. O Washington, Lansing 489-6168. OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog puppies. pNTION 2 MARRIED graduate EAST C-8-11 $250 each. For information bedroom modern LANSING near MSU. call, 393-5919. 5-8-20 i h 5 welcome. D pm., 641-6245. 2-8-16 acres. MSU. Partially furnished, 9 miles $185. Call Rooms for Fall 3-8-13 term. graduate students. Call 332-1036. SCOTT years BERKELEY old. Mediterranean style. 70 Console. watts. 353-1696, 5 Real Estate OPEN STORY OLDS ATTENTION: 8-5 pm. 3-8-16 THE BEST of suburban living in MON, ROOMS, for rent. THURSDAY & FRIDAY EAST LOT Ottawa Hills. MSU, Meridian blATE OCCUPANCY, Completely furnished. Cooking. S to share furnished house. young Call 372-8077. C WATERBED FRAMES, $35 and Mobile Homes Mall near. If you admire a TILL 9 p.m. up. REBIRTH, 309 North beautiful lot with lots of side. $70. Utilities paid. Washington, Lansing, 489-6168. AMERICAN 12'x60', 1968. 2 shrubs, trees, and blue spruce, ■ lease. 484-4668. 3-8-16 For Sale C-8-13 bedrooms. Furnished. Skirting. take a drive by 4965 Sioux STUDENT Must sell. 332-1606. 3-8-16 Way, and then give me a call 1153 East Michigan Avenue fcUTlVE 9 room home for FINANCING for appointment to see inside. V 3 bedrooms, study or 4th GEMEINHARDT FLUTE. Sterling 10' x 55', with 4' x 12' tip - out. AVAILABLE DAVENPORT, MAYTAG washer, Silver body, 3 bedrooms, full basement, NEAR BRODY COMPLEX ■droom, 3 full baths, 2 French model. On lot close electric lawn mower. Call to campus. breezeway and 2 car garage. Kplaces. Excellent condition. $300. Thor Available September 351-8322. 2-8-13 337-1493. 3-8-16 Avedis Zildjian cymbals. 3 Financing to be arranged. Call § 1 year lease. Furnished, new, Mrs. Robinson 1 used, $120. ADVANCE J90/month. Call 332-4692. 12 STRING Guitar, cabinet hi-fi. 353-8869. 2-8-13 Call Bob ROYCRAFT. 12' x 51', 2 REALTY, 372-7610 or Both good condition Call bedroom, fully carpeted, skirted, 485-3045. 5-8-13 351-3895. 2-8-13 appliances included. 482-6485 MINOLTA 58 (. fl. 4, Soligor FED: 2 girls for after 5 p.m. 3-8-13 THREE LARGE bedrooms, plus large farm 250mm, 'use. Own room, $50 plus STERE0 V M" °ne V*r old. $75. Electrovoice speakers. After five, den, fireplace, ree room, 3 full 1 of BELMONT 10' baths, porch and sun-deck, utilities. Call 641-4207 Nevv' Best 0ffer 641-4554- 355-8024. 1-8-11 x 50'. Good condition. Leaving town, must fenced yard, brick. Close to sacrifice. Best offer over $2200. campus. 614% mortgage. MOVIE CAMERA Super - 8, fl. 8, FED: MALE roommate for GARRARD SL-75 with Empire 332-3700, mornings. 2-8-13 337-0237. 1-8-11 '6x1 manual zoooom lens. Own bedroom, quiet, ?"-VE 355-6028. 1-8-11 cartrid9e' $80- 332-1601. B-8-11 OLYMPIC Large COLOR Screen. 355-3031. 2-8-13 TV $250. Console. Call BEAUTIFUL with stereo STEREO radio change. 332-1601. B-8-11 console, and BSR fact, surprising. He notes the economic power built by Japan of plotting with Taiwan and some American Japan — now the world's third richest nation only 25 years after defeat in World War II. He worries that such prevent Peking from being seated in the United N.i This is why, he explains, Peking is so vehemently i^i economic power can make inevitable the development of threat of disease that there can be no question of "two Chinas," to reduce Japanese militarism. Chou also notes the Russians are busily spreading their domination in the Middle East and assertively thrusting new "one China, one Taiwan" as a solution. Chou wants to tell the President he fears the h, data, would probably be spread VEE from the carrier naval power into the Indian and Pacific oceans, and ties Doctrine. As Chou sees it, the doctrine meaiB , Every horse in Michigan (horses, mules, donkeys and this to China's concern about the possibility of major war. will be accounted for if local ponies) will be taken by the started if a VEE outbreak animal to horses and humans. America will supply arms and a It can also be spread between Chou mentions China's construciton of atom bomb shelters 4-H groups across the state MSU Cooperative Extension occurred, according to Dr. umbrella for Asian nations which tl meet their goal in the battle Service on Aug. 11 and 12. Swanstrom. horses by direct contact, immediately after discussing Soviet troop concentrations on will be on their own for defense. Chou seems afraid to the Chinese frontiers. to minimize the threat of The extension service officials VEE can through mouth, nasal and eye infect humans but secretions will encourage Japan to develop militarily and even to Venezuelan Equine plan to mobilize more than and by milk and nuclear weapons. is generally not fatal. Many urine. Since Chou probably will talk to President Nixon about Encephalomylitis (VEE). 11,000 4—H members and that, too, the Russians are making their own feare known. leaders for "bam-to-barn" animals can carry the VEE VEE is the highly a Hie latest Soviet comment suggests dread of something So Chou seems to want positive results from his virus in their bloodstreams. The present quarantines and m infectious disease primarily survey in every Michigan with Nixon. Taiwan is a key question and that These include horses, rats, vaccination programs should deeply anti-Soviet about the Chou-Nixon contact. island affecting horses in Texas and county. "Little can be done to mice, rabbits, dogs, cats, control the VEE outbreak in major obstacle to U.S.-Peking relations, but there is (* surrounding states. treat horses infected with sheep, humans and maybe the U.S., Dr. Swanstrom Chou's worries are something of a Chinese paradox. His that Chou is not in a great hurry. He doesn't "Vaccine must be prepared others. predicts. But if an outbreak interviewer noted a conflict implicit in reduction of U.S. solutions quickly. In fact, he doesn't even give 1 in case of a VEE outbreak in VEE," the veterinarian noted. forces in the Pacific area and the U.S. attempt to seek priority, because there is no war going on in "About 85 per cent of all occurs, the equine census data Michigan," according to a should accommodation with Peking. Chou said his questioner had says. Thus, Chou declares, a settlement in Vietnam"" recent report by Dr. Oscar horses infected die within six Biting insects such as help provide prompt to seven days after symptoms mosquitoes and biting flies control, he said. put the matter well by asking whether the U.S. withdrawal be at the top of the international agenda. Swanstrom, equine specialist at MSU. appear." "We need to know how The U.S. Secretary of THRIF-T-MART BRINGS YOU many horses are in Michigan Agriculture has declared a so we could get enough state of emergency and vaccine if an outbreak federal veterinarians are threatened, and we need to vaccinating all healthy horses know where every hr rse is in the southwestern states. No located that VEE has been reported in DISCOUNT PRICES so mass vaccinations could be done Michigan yet, but a mass rapidly," Dr. Swanstrom said. horse vaccination program, A census of all equines based on the equine census SHEPARD'S CUSTOM LEATHER Truck on in and take a look EAST LANSING STORE ONLY eparas l. Pkg. EAST LANSING 3 DOWNTOWN Full Slices Swift's Proten Round Steak 317 East Grand River Ave. 326 South Washington Fresh, Tender Picnic Style Ask us about free parking in city ramp Pork Roast JAMAICA 5 - Lb. Package Or More AT CHARTER JET Hamburger Gordon's Roll PRICES s27000 Pork Sausage FARMER PEET'S Per Person (Basis Double occupancy) RING BOLOGNA » 59< FRANKS , 58 V-McUli ZtU/Mui! INCLUDES ALL THESE FEATURES: SAVE 35c - Queen of Scot FR0ZEN •Round - Trip Non - Stop Jet Transportation frtm 5 « SI Windsor/Detroit 'Accommodations to with Montego Private Bath Bay, and Jamaica Air - PEAS 3 s. $1 Conditioning at the Jamaica Hilton for 7 Nights SAVE 9c - Big 'E' Eberhard's including tax "Round - Trip Airport Transfers in Jamaica via Air - Conditioned Motor Coaches *Full - LIQUID Course Breakfasts and •Welcoming Get and Cold Hors - Dinners Each Day at t' Acquainted Cocktail Party with Hot d'oeuvres *Free Chaise e Hotel BLEACH 29c Lounges •Towels * Complimentary Skin Diving, Horseback Save 20c Reg. or Super Riding and Tennis Lessons * All Tips to Waiters, Maids, Bellboys, Dining Room Maitre D' and Tips to Porters MODESS 5119 at Montego Bay Airport PREMIUM QUALITY FjtESH PRODUCE DEPARTURES EVERY SATURDAY OPEN 7Sundays AM "119 A.M. PM,Mon - "ThruSat 8 P.M. college travel REACHES! 49 Located At 3301 H office Homegrown Green Michigan Duchess East Mich- 130 W. Grand River 351-6010 Beans * 19c Apples 4 ,b, 49c Ave.