Monday The mind . . . MICHIGAN STATE NEWS ... i$ not a vessel to be STATI The moon . . . filled, but a fire to be is lifted. Plutarch UNIVERSITY place. indeed a fascinating David R. Scott Volume 64 Number 23 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 16, 1971 Buggy Astronaut James B. Irwin sits on "Rover" near the Lunar Module "Falcon." The crater behind Irwin is St. George Crater, and is about five kilometers away from him. At a NASA press conference Thursday, Irwin narrated a film he took as the moon buggy moved across the lunar surface. "That little system exceeded our expectations," he said. "The ride is very bouncy. It's a combination of a small rowboat on a rough sea and a bucking bronco." Irwin also said investigation of Hadley Rille, the mile - wide canyon, indicates that it was created by a giant fault or fracture rather than a lava flow as some scientists have speculated. Apollo 15 Commander David R. Scott said a great amount of plagioclase in the so - called "genesis rock" was the clue that made them think it might be from the original lunar crust, dating back 4.6 billion years. "It made us feel we found at least part of what we went for," he said. The color pictures on this page were taken on the moon by Scott. They were released by NASA Aug. 10, three days after Apollo 15 splashed down Aug. 7. NASA photo Followed by a . mo . . Salute Astronaut James B. Irwin salutes the flag he and Apollo 15 Commander David R. Scott planted on the moon. Nearby are the Lunar Module "Falcon" and the "Rover." In the background is Hadley Delta. At the NASA press conference Thursday, Scott told newsmen that a memorial plaque also had been left on the moon. The plaque lists, in alphabetical order, 14 astronauts and cosmonauts who have died in the pursuit of exploration of space. Near the plaque is a small figure representing a fallen astronaut. "I believe we should explore the moon to a far greater extent than we are now," Scott said, calling for restoration of two Apollo shots which have been cancelled due to budget cutbacks. "I think we should have a whole base of scientists up there, and I think we should have a rover that would carry six or eight men. I guarantee they'll never tire of finding things." "To the three of us the moon was dynamic, beautiful and it has character," he continued. "We went to the moon as trained observers in order to gather data not only with our instruments on board, but also with our minds." NASA photo 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August u ■ news Plans to facilitate voter By JIM SHELDON September 1970. This year, The setup must be office. signup must supervise Stats News Staff Writer Mrs. Colizzi said, she is trying approved by school officials, Mrs. Colizzi explained thai. League volunteers and activities. summary Three special arrangements to set separate up room, facilities either Men's Intramural in a inside the city clerk added, and will probably be held in the human, American nature" former office workers have will cause many persons to the necessary experience for Mre. didn't Colizzi think to facilitate voter registration the Building morning or afternoon of one wait until the last day to voter registration, she said, "proper would y From th« wim of AP and UP!. for the Nov. 2 general city or in another nearby building, day in the week of Sept. 13. register. She foresaw a heavy or ethical' R , t ,etter [Mt election are being planned by Registration in a room Finally, the city clerk's turnout for the last day but » Proiect- City organization actively the East Lansing city clerk's frnm Tinitu separate from University office will be open for .-in k„ declined to estimate tn estimate the montn Irotr rrujw.1. Jul ine ------ offerinfl its "service in candidates." y en:• and tableware. ■pre me Cout South Florida a disaster area after a Justice Thomas E. using the card as a means of getting Roth said in the letter that these "But chastity belts have taken over for the moment," he said. Pnnan's 13 the election results in each precinct record freeze killed the crops. year - old son was three acts were "We are negotiating for an order of 10,000 from a - violations of sections Juarez said his people were hungry company called Prager ■gaily appointed as a poll challenger without difficulty. 730, 731, and 732 of the Laws International in Miami, Fla.," he added. ■ that Mrs. Colizzi said and ready to "take things into their own precinct. she gave Brennan In Miami, the head of the U.S. import firm said he had been Relating to Elections, State of approached ■Brennan said the poll challenger forms so he could by Hughessen's Sunday he did nothing Michigan. This, Roth said, would make (Please turn to page 7) company but nothing was arranged. 'U giving his son a poll challenger appoint poll challengers. She said the person responsible for 6 "As of right now we don't have any kind of a deal with these people," Brennan said that his son acted Brennan's son did not need a poll sending the youth to the polls guilty of a felony. said Herbert Prager. He added, however, that his brother had been in ■ an observer, not as a poll challenger. challenger card to observe the counting Bone said he did not know :§ Britain and may have spoken with the chastity belt manufacturers. ■ j 'ong as his son did not challenge at the poll. She added that as long as Brennan's did year - old child had been appointed as a a 13 - Sunny . . . >:• Prager indicated he was skeptical about U.S. market demand for the :£ votes, Brennan explained, the son not act as a poll challenger. $: belts, but he said: & ■'on . . . warmer. High 78-83. was perfectly legal. challenger, even if he had a card Bone said his Near S "With all the crazy broads in the United States today, who knows — we S I campaign manager zero chance of '() gave him the poll challenger designating him as such, the act was (Brennan) appointed poU challengers. precipitation. :| may be able to sell a few pieces. Today people will buy anything as long :£ Brennan explained, "so we could perfectly legal. "I didnt know he had sent his ^ as it's legal." °ut what the Roth said Brennan's son's status as Bone said. son," vote was. The MICHIGAN ART BUCHWALD STATE NEWS UNIVER8ITY The communicationless film "You've got to help me. B, h "Gimme a shot." KEN LYNAM (When Art Buchwald went on vacation dusty afternoon. The street is empty. As holding me prisoner against my *ni he passes the hotel the man whittling a "Double or single?" the bartender asks * advertising manager he decided to leave behind his own if you don't help me escape pn h, "What's the difference?" guest columns.) piece of wood looks up and there is a marry him." ave to certain recognition in his eyes. Then he "You save 5 cents if you have the JOHN BORGER, managing editor As people who have followed motion "Well, you got to get m>^ BOB ROACH, news editor does back to whittling again. double." pictures know, there is a new type of "I better have a single, and plenty of sometime," the stranger says. ^ BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor film, made by a new type of director, in The stranger stops at the saloon and "But you don't understand. ties up his horse. This takes 10 minutes. ice and water, please." B RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor which nothing happens. This lack of an evil man," she cries. Once the horse is securely tied, the At this moment Blackie Jones (Jack communication between the main "A man that drinks the characters is the essence of the film. stranger walks into the bar, where the Nicholson), the town bully, steps up to way he cheats at poker and steals tables are crowded with men playing the bar. girls and u!J They are now starting to make cards. But the bar itself empties as he "You a stranger here, stranger?" them up can't be all bad." ^ Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award westerns like this. Just then a cry of "Indians'" i. for outstanding journalism. walks up to it and says to the "Yup." hc 5 ne The story opens as the tall stranger "You want to have a fight and wreck in the street. bartender: (Peter Fonda) rides into town on a hot the saloon?" Two hundred fierce, painted Aim. "No raeson to do that. I got no come riding out of the hills waving tomahawks and quarrel with you." spears. They ride ri*! EDITORIALS "Well, would you like to see who's the fastest on the draw?" Blackie says. through the main street into the other hills. and out « "What for?" "Gee, "says one cowboy to anoth- "I wish I could ride like those Indi^ Chemical att a Blackie thinks a minute. "You've got point. Would you care to play some poker?" "I'd give anything to be an the other says. "I can't stand Indi»» we2 "Don't mind if I do." these heavy cowboy clothes i- • heat." harmful The newest attempt to ecosystem - to the tall weed cover They sit down at a table with five of "They bet heavily. The stranger :calls and Blackie says, I've got five aces." eradicate the marijuana population so many small animals need in "There are only four aces in the deck,' of the Midwest can be described order to survive. Granted, 2,4-D the stranger says. as ill - advised at best and has only been used in Cass '"You calling me a cheater?' Blackie asks. potentially dangerous at worst. County on a limited bases, but '"Yes, I am,' the stranger says. In the great tradition of one should keep in mind that the Cass "Okay, I'll deal over. No sense getting Operation Intercept, the Justice County program is an mad!" Dept. Bureau of Narcotics and experimental one. What is used in Dangerous Drugs has provided the Cass County this summer may be Blackie's henchmen. Blackie deals. The We cut back tc the stranger. ft; U.S. Dept. of Agriculture with an used across the nation next bed's pretty messed up and the girl j stranger asks for two cards. Balckie takes $85,000 grant to encourage summer. four. combing her hair. bet heavily. The stranger calls "Well, see you around," the strap farmers in 12 counties in 10 Efforts to encourage farmers to They and Blackie says, "I've got five aces." says, making a notch on his pistol. states to destroy all marijuana aid in marijuana control programs, "What about me?" the girl a "There are only four aces in the growth on their property. if ineffective, are at least "Blackie will kill me." deck," the stranger says. Cass County was selected as harmless. The use of 2,4-D is "You calling me a cheater?" Blackie "That's life," the stranger says as It the trial county in Michigan. A another matter. The line must be asks. climbs out the back window quietly uf drawn leaves the girl crying on the bed. number of methods have been when the government "Yes, I am," the stranger says. used this summer to mow down considers the use of a herbicide "Okay, I'll deal over. No sense getting Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Tiroes mad." the treacherous "Michigan green." which may send the Midwest's Marijuana in Cass County has ecological system reeling for years Two hours later both men have MISPLACED MEMO been sickled down, to in its broken even and decide to call it' quits. pulled up, and come manic effort to To: Radio station WJIM As the stranger gets up, he spies a plowed under by public - rid the countryside of the "killer Re: Your new "rock and beautiful dance-hall girl (Ann-Margaret), spirited farmers. weed." format. who beckons to him from her room on Such select marijuana control is It remains to be seen whether the balcony of the saloon. Dear Turnabouts - largely ineffective. Paying farmers use of the herbicide could ever You must have found out t meet with anything other than "I wouldn't go up there if I were to pull up marijuana plants has when "hippies" didn't like y you," Blackie says. proved a waste of taxpayer's temporary success. As long as a "Why not?" the stranger asks. music the bank didn't like y money simply because of the demand for marijuana exists, "No special reason," Blackie says. deposit/withdrawal ratio. sheer number of stalks of people will continue to plant new The stranger goes up to the girl's -The Listening Aud: room. She's crying. cannabis sativa growing in the patches of it. However, the country. damage to plant life from a The feds, however, have not defoliate like 2,4-D is of a OUR READERS' MIND been content with such select more permanent nature and would weed control. The herbicide 2,4-D be cumulative as new areas has also been used this summer containing plants Lofty ideals, but marijuana were poor programs in Cass County to kill marijuana found and destroyed. plants. The problem with 2,4-D While the dangers of marijuana is that it does not just stop at use are debatable, the dangers of To the Editor: What are the experiences at other therefore presumably the entire of trustees, administration and t~ killing cannibis sativa. This widespread use of 2,4-D are I am distressed at the amount of time schools? What is the hard evidence? This University). Certainly the bloody warfare can live with that evaluation. 1 herbicide kills all broad — leaf not. In a nation already suffering that is wasted in discussing grading discussion would have to be taken more in University College is an undesirable students? plants. the aftereffects of wide - range systems. I am, personally, even more seriously and with greater commitment alternative. Is there any hope that MSU Bertram G. Murray, distressed by the seemingly endless than have past "studies," such as those students can ever get together and do Asst. Professor of Natural S" Leading conservationists have DDT and other pesticide spraying, discussions with students about their conducted but ignored by University something about their own education? August 5,1 pointed out that widespread use the limited benefits of using 2,4-D grades. One might think that grades College. own Well, I am leaving, and I wish the of 2,4-D for marijuana are more than offset by its are what higher education is all about. Unfortunately, to whom do we turn students good luck. Should anyone eradication would destroy an potential for damaging the This preoccupation with grades and for leadership? MSU is not run by any believe that my evaluation is unfairly essential part of the Midwest environment. grading systems by students, faculty and educational philosophy or any biased by my experience here, consider administration stands in the way of what I would consider a quality educational commitment to quality education but on power politics within the faculty and the words in a recently published book (whose authors had no ax to grind, and Clarification experience. administration greased by the inertia of with which I was uninvolved): "MSU is To the Editor: Irish extremist What is desperately needed is a dialog between the various factions on campus the students. The power of the purse of department chairmen and deans and the the come most pretentious school that we've across. They talk about their high In your Aug. complained 11 issue, James of the State for city council, Hi N« representing differing educational evident unconcern of the provost and standards and lofty programs when in endorsement philosophies. What are each of us trying president cannot lead to programs that fact they have neither — their academic concentrated on t destruction complaint to do — and why? What can we do? might benefit teachers and students (and nonstudent status of the three program is poor." I know that the board endorsed. Since I know Mr. Heyse he knows my status as a A~_ Northern Ireland has been in politics dead for centuries. LESLIE LEE student in history (which was carried flames intermittently for more Since the ouster of James II by all my campaign literature), I than two years. Two provincial William and Mary, Protestants have surprised to read his letter. (I controlled Ulster and ruled the enrolled this summer term). Perhaps governments have fallen, unable to Catholic minority as a subject Heyser assumes I will be graduating cope with the rapid deterioration term and I hope his assumption of Ulster society. government under Prime Minister The third people. The paradigm operates the same Sometimes they're right' correct. But until I do remain student No. 368577. graduate, Brian Faulkner has decided to take as traditional American racism: the I might point out, too, that a a hard - line position, including Protestants have better jobs, better of those endorsed, George Griffiths, internment without trial, and in so homes, better standards of living a summer term student at MSU. TO The ad shows your friendly local law crime other than a traffic violation, and iron clad control of the a the police and was told there was appears that a clarification is needed * doing has dashed any hope of a - enforcement officer trying to revive a this treatment is revolting. I've been nothing they could do for her. When she what constitutes student status. » peaceful settlement. government. In such circumstances, child. The caption reads, "Some call him treated with everything from total pleaded for help they told her to forget age? Is it undergraduate status To American eyes attuned to spontaneous combustion becomes pig." Other ads show how helpful your disrespect and false accusations friskings. it. In desperation she threatened to pre - M.A. status? Is it someone" friendly police are. This may be true, I used to try being respectful and retaliate against her pursuer. The State bias on a skin color, "the trouble" inevitable. full-time, part-time or occasionally' depending on who you are and where cooperative. No longer. I can't respect a Police told her they'd bring charges of Northern Ireland appears as The firebrands, though, are the you live. cop who acts in such a manner and I I believe that ,it is unfortunate sheer madness. True, it is utterly extremists of both religious groups. Most of the cops I've met are pretty won't pretend to respect him. As an against her if she continued to make 33 I am the youngest of the si* threats. council candidates on the ballot I impossible to tell the Protestant The people of Northern Ireland bad, in comparison to the law officer I will obey him but I will not enforcement officers I've dealt with. A November general election. This is majority from the Catholic find themselves on a horrible cooperate in my own harassment. Need I add that I will hesitate to where the majority of residents cop is a man who lets his feelings The other police have tried to do their bring anything to the attention of the minority save by the services they seesaw: the outlawed Irish under 30. However, I do not influence his duty — he is a cop because share in winning my disrespect. A friend cops in that county? This is not the attend on Sunday. But for the Republican Army (IRA) aided and that student status should be ma of some perverted satisfaction he derives had her life threatened, her car only time they've refused assistance. an issue in this campaign. people of Ulster the differences are abbetted by the Republic of from his power. A law enforcement vandalized and was taken 13 miles from They've been polite, curt and totally George CoW M hard fact and a reflection of Ireland commits an act of officer is doing his duty to uphold the anyone she knew and dumped. She had unresponsive. "Some call him pig." You graduate still' - i .nlems with Berlin alone, it is in the Pr°gram- the present FOR QUALITY the problem of divided Berlin resigned or have no hopes and interests of the world for the "The public response to this • must include recognition by complete selection of wishes, and not because we long - standing East - West project has been excellent. The frames the Soviet Union of West are sceptical or suspicious, but confrontation to be at least has been clean and free Berlin's right to exist and have because we have formulated •'Sunglasses and wire - rims ties with West essentially brought to an end Qf metal and we don't seem to Germany, them with an eye to rer.iity. and for Berlin not to remain' • Mayor Klaus Schuetz of West prescription lenses ground They are of a practical \ature as a remnant of the Cold Berlin said Sunday. and are designed f>r the • repairs while you wait War," Schuetzsaid. Glassy Any settlement also must everyday lives of the "In Berlin you need not fecUori ■An environmentally - oriented woman does her part in The glass recycling project. The project is sponsored by include the abolishment of the Berlin wall and a guarantee of unhindered access to West Berliners," said Schuetz in prepared remarks. Schuetz had planned to take exercise your brain in order to grasp the plight of our present Ofilcccuui human society as expressed in ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. Coca Cola, Meijer Thrifty Acres, Berlin from West Germany for Granger Container part Monday in a special the East - West conflict." Service and Citizens for Environmental Action. people and goods, Schuetz said conference presented by the State News photo by in a commencement address at U-M Institute of Public Policy Doug Bauman the University of Michigan. Studies during a three - day visit, but decided instead to return to West Berlin the address because of the following Ye Olde World Soup Kettle iCtors feign fights current negotiations on the Berlin problem. His appearance in the United States came two days after the Communist - built Berlin Wall entered its second I team have sex of MSU researchers experiment researchers watched from women being mauled by other decade of existence, but his remarks "The were optimistic. signs that we approaching peace in Europe, are exploded one of behind a one way mirror to and in fact •asting Pea??> are - women, and even helped Ity's most enduring myths if the bystanders men there. They must be utilized," ■hat man is the great losing to a female ^ctor of women. But they stood aside" when Schuetz, a close adviser to unusual psychological far as the students knew their gallantry was put to its West German Chancellor Willy Iriment staged at MSU was most severe test. Brandt. unstaged, one participant was Describing their research "Satisfactory settlements are Tved drama students and a obviously beating up the other. in within a play. The a current issue of the Journal settlements with peace in mind. The action real that Ihologists found that, actress was so of Experimental Social ^e do not delude ourselves: one was removed to if the age of chivalry the Psychology, the MSU scientists these settlements do not University Health Center were reluctant to try to nail rePresent all - embracing | dead, it lacks some of its for treatment of cracked ribs, r luster, down the reasons for the general peace. They are The mock fight was staged unusual results. settlement for more peace," he lychologists Gary E. 42 times, and the sex of the ■ak, Lawrence A. Messe They said there could be a said. "They are, in other actors and bystanders was the vicarious gratification out of wor<*s> merely improvements; | Gerald L. Borofsky only independent variable, watching another man beat a they are no' solutions." how sex role Each fight involved one of ■ed the propensity of a four outcomes: a man beating woman, or perhaps the ^ political scientist who lnder to come to the aid uniqueness of the situation once studied at Harvard, up another man, a woman kept the men from intervening. Schuetz said Berlin was not the k attack victim. beating up another woman, a However, the researchers °f the universe, but J they hired a group of man beating up a woman and concluded that the definitive something had to be done so I drama students, allegedly woman beating up a man. |erform a psychodrama answer awaited further the c'tyJSiril1 no longer have The researchers hypothesized research, to be what it never wanted to members of a that male bystanders, more be trouble — a spot." Jacobson's Again Open All Day on ■ology class, but actually often than female witnesses, Saturdays ■eign a fight before two would step in to help a victim, ispecting students while and they were right. But the psychologists also expected the greatest percentage of HAIRCUT ay of prayer intervention would be when man saw another man a beating ONLY $3.00 WITH AD lils to halt up wrong. In a woman. They were boaimuul &0*. fact, in six fights jrt involving a male aggressor and in Lagos female victim, not once did a male bystander interfere. They R JfaiA. JgOS, ■ day of prayer Nigeria (AP) — invoked - went to the aid of men being 549 E. Grand River (across from Berkey) 332-4080 1 desperate bid to combat beaten by other men, of in the streets of Lagos — ■ught sign of WE HAVE A Now no Movement 1 citizens of Nigeria's this weekend save 25% on fall textbooks and ■I are back where OBA of Lagos, they the avoid the hassle of long check-out lines. Knack |I, traditional Yoruba tribal F0" had condemned ■orable sanitation" of the Pal and called on the the Knits ■le to pray to their ltors for relief. handsome polyester/wool V Adeyinka Yoekan II | the dirty streets and knit country suit looks Js are a breeding ground folera, malaria and other les. He castigated Lagos with all of the comfort and council officials for ■teful i parties" and spending on late "give" this fabric is charged the "displayed gross noted for. These are Iciency and laxity in its ¥ to the public." ■t after the today's suits.. .bi-swing day of jsrs the streets on half-belted back, big ►day still looked the flap pockets. . and a pattern for mix-match coordination that can be parlayed into four separate outfits. Here's how: A. Grey or brown Save 25% by us a buying used books now while we have a large selection. Or just give call and we'll have them packed and patterns. waiting for you in the fall. B. Camel or grey We now have a complete line of fall term texts and school supplies. Why not do your shopping early and avoid the rush. solid colors. Liberation Night. Greatly RerinraH $85. k &i££5for Men Bring the Frat Student Book Store o the >;KO BAR P5 Cl[pp>rt off 3325069 to reserve fall texts 421 E. Grand River 332-5069 to reserve fall t< Jacobson's Monday, August i6 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan , STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED The Sooner You Place Your Classified Ad . . . The Sooner You Get Results! 355-8255 Scooters & FRANKLY SPCAKING fay Phil hank For Rent News does Automotive Automotive Cycles The State not permit racial or CEDAR VILLAGE. Need one for BUICK 225 Convertible. 1964. MERCURY 1966, 4 door. Good four man. Fall-Spring. religious discrimination Runs great. $500. Phone tires. $400. 351-3823 after 6 in its advertising 332-2591. 1-8-16 351-3118. 6-8-27 pm. S columns. The Stat# SUZUKI SAVAGE 250cc, 21" IDEAL FOR married or grad News will not accept • BUICK 1966. V-8. Automatic. RAMBLER CONVERTIBLE 1965. front wheel, less than 3,000 students. 220 Cedar Street. advertising which AUTOMOTIVE Very good condition. 355-2874. Power steering, automatic, new miles. Very nice. $500. 351-2713 or 351-7319. C Scooters & Cycl* 3-8-16 transmission. Leaving country. 355-8087. 2-8-18 discriminates against 355 4117. 3-8-20 CADILLAC 1958. Good ~ ONE OR 2 men needed for the religion, race, color or coming school year. One bolck national origin. • transportation. Automatic, good Must sacrifice, leaving TOYOTA 1967 Corona, economical. Best offer. Rick, from campus. 351-8862. O • EMPLOYMENT tires. for rent country. $250 or best offer. 353-1801. Evenings, 351-0069. 1959 BSA 650 engine. Recently 351-9604. 4-8-20 5-8-20 re-built. Excellent for chopping. ONE OR 2 girls needed for the Apartments coming school year. One block 353-1696 8-5 pm. 3-8-20 Houses CHEVELLE 1967, 2-door hardtop, VW Motor completely . from campus. 332-4432. O For Rent re-built. Body in fair shape. Rooms automatic, 283. Best offer. 351 6644. 2-8-18 Good tires. $400 or best offer. A uto Service & Parts ONE AND two bedroom TWO BEDROOM. Large lot, 2 car • for sale 349-3383 after 3 pm. 2-8-18 apartments from $145. 10 Animals minutes from MSU. Children garage. Near campus. One child welcome. IV9-0997. 2-8-18 CHEVROLET IMPALA 1967. BOB'S AUTO REPAIR 2223 West permitted. EAGLE CREST Mobile Homes Automatic, radio, Scooters & Lansing. Tune-ups, Valve excellent power, condition. Must sell, Cycles 1 Jolly, jobs, brake, radiator repair, NORTH, 694-8975. 4330 Keller COUPLE LiVE in and share ► personal ■ Rd., Holt. C will accept reasonable offer. 349-3216, 355-6678. x-4-8-16 1969 350 condition. Honda. Must sell. Excellent Best offer. transmission repair. 25 years WOODSIDE APARTMENTS 1 lovely home with lady, as companions. In return couple • » peanuts real estate personaI■ experience. For the fairest price receives salary, food, and bedroom furnished with CHEVY IMPALA, 1964. Custom convertible. All accessories. 351-5683. 3-8-20 in Michigan. Phone 393-6057. balconies, security locks, lodging. References. Qualified » recreation Runs well. New tires 7-8-27 couples, phone 372-0009. »service and HONDA CL-70. Excellent condition laundry. Ideal for married 3-8 20 brakes. Best after 5 pm. 5-8-16 offer. 351-1337 with helmets and gloves. $225. AT MEL'S we repair all foreign couples or grad students. ED Typing Service I Must sell to buy car.. Call 2-2920, 351 8890. O FURNISHED 3 Barney, 355-8252 or 351-6003. and American cars. If we can't LOVELY 2 and 'TRANSPORTATION fix it, it can't be fixed. Call ► wanted i S-8-23 332-3255.0 'SEEM A drcum PMuoetfm WANTED: TWO apartment. Sublease. bedroom Fall term deadline CUTLASS 1971, Deluxe sedan. KAWASAKI, .1968. 250SS. $350 1962 BUICK 401 engine. $100. WIN MY WNitt IWITT' only. 349-3918, Greg. 2-8-16 1 P.M. Sharp, power, automatic, air. or make offer. 351-7930 after Excellent condition. Phone STUDENTS. LATHROP Street. 4 one class day b( Owned by retired engineer. 5 pm. 3-8-16 489-7753. 6-8-27 489-1626. S BEECHWOOD: 2 bedrooms bedroom house, with basement publication. ■ furnished, 2,3,4, man. From and garage. Very clean. Stove EDSEL 1959. Collectors' item. SCHWINN SUPER Sport. 2 months old. After Yellow, 2 pm. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East $60/person. 351 5986. 3-8-16 and refrigerator. $200/month, plus utilities. Security deposit Cancellations/CorrectionJ — 12 noon one class day I Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. Needs work. Make offer. Call before . .. 351-7229. 4-8-20 332-5568. $150. 4-8-18 Complete auto painting and Employment For Rent required. Phone 485-8388. publication. ■ collision service. IV 2-8-16 5;0256. C PHONE FORD FAIR LANE Convertible H°NDA„450cc 1969 Scrambler. PERSON TO assist in care of ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments, 1966. 3 speed c : on the 4 000 miles- Excellent VW GUARANTEED repair. FREE ROOM and board in 355-8255 10 minutes from MSU. Ideal for YES. .TWO JOHNS - condition. Extra disabled professor. 2-4 hours per floor, 390 engine. $300. accessories. RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at exchange for house keeping. Call day. Some in morning. married couple or graduate TU2-7912, except weekend. 355-5280, Betty. 3-8-1 f Okemos Road. 349-9620. C Flexible arrangements possible students. Minutes from shopping, 351-8743 after 6 p.m. 6 8-25 RATES 4-8-20 HONDA Good 1969. condition. 175 Scrambler, Call Aviation for right helper. Prefer someone who could continue through drugstore, doctor. On busline to downtown. Elementary school PER APARTMENT, Rooms WORDS i Dave, year. 349-9813. 5-8-23 less than 1 block. For 349-3917. 3-8-13 10 l.l •00 4.00 5.35 6.50 13 LEARN training. TO FLY! All Complete flight courses are PART TIME employment. appointment, call 489-6561. WALTER NELLER 393-0384 or and balconies too, SPARTAN HALL, singles, men, women. Now leasing for summer, 11 1.6s j.•30 4.40 12| 1.80 3.•60 4.80 5.85 7.15 1< 6.40 7.80 1|_ Saturdays and Sundays. 5 hours PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. government and VA certified. fall. 351-1176, 484-4422. O FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport per day. Aggressive persons 5-8-23 RIVER'S EDGE 131.95 3.•90 5.20 14 2.10 4. 20 5.60 6.95 8.45 16.1 igl Head for the Woods! Road, Call 484-1324. C with good phone voice. Call 393-5460 for appointment. Mr. UNIVERSITY TERRACE. Need 2 VERY NICE. 3-4 man, 2 7.45 9.10 152.25 4 .50 6.00 8.00 9.75 195 Vance. 10-8-27 girls Fall - Spring. Call and bedroom, living room complex, cooking, private entrance, 1612.40 4 .80 6.40 8.55 10.4020J— 17(2.55 5..10 6.80 9 10 11.0522# Employment 332-0097. 2-8-16 Burcham Woods, that is complex of furnished studio, - a WANTED IMMEDIATELY. INSIDE TICKET salts. Full part time. Good salary. Apply and CAME LOT APARTMENT, 4901 WATER'S EDGE parking, utilities. $200/month 332 4709. 6-8-27* 18 2.70 5.,40 7.209-60 19 2.85 5 .70 7.60 11.702lJ 10.1512.3524.lB 1031 N. Washington. 5-8-20 20 3.00 6 .008.0010.6513.0026.(1 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom Student. Typist and general office. 15 hours / week. Dr. LIGHT DELIVERY. Must have South location students Pennsylvania. for married or grad Quiet APARTMENTS 10 word minimi apartments. Chen, Physics Dept. 353-5459, and faculty. One (Next to Cedar Village) dependable car and know area. All student ads must be Quonset 91. 2-8-16 Good salary. Apply 1031 N. bedroom furnished, $160 monthly. Possession now or See Frank or JoAnne ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. | WANTED: LEGAL secretary ; must Washington. 5-8-20 September first. Call Manager 332-4432 prepaid Completely furnished. Cooking. Ample parking Heated pool be accurate, have good typing 393-8657 or FOX PROPERTY 1050 Water's Edge Dr. Call 372-8077. C The State News \ DO YOU need an extra $50 skills. Ability to operate IBM MANAGEMENT 372-1954. Optional bars magnetic tape. Selectric week? Car necessary. Call 3-8-16 LANSING OR East Lansing. One SINGLE, CLEAN quiet room. Fine responsible only for the I 351-7319 for ii bedroom furnished. Large, airy first day's in NOW LEASING FOR FALL typewriter desirable. Salary location. Graduate male FURNISHED rooms. Air conditioned. insertion. open. Send detailed resume': APARTMENT. One preferred. IV2-8304. 3-8-18 Beautifully maintained. Suitable from $125 per month Box A1, State News. 3-8-18 For Rent bedroom deluxe, in small for faculty, grad students, business apartment .building. Ideal for PART TIME, laborers, EIPPER married couples or graduate people, married couples. Lease. For Sale TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction students. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. $165/month. Call guaranteed. Free Idelivery, 351-5434 or apply 129 Gunson Call BOX SPRING and mattress. For Sale Burcham Woods 12 and Rudy, 372-9730 between 1 pm or 393-5533. service and pick - up. No deposit. Street. 4-8-18 Houses Moving. Must sell. $25. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C 2-8-16 349-1916. 1-8-16 TV SETS. Sony, Panasonic, Zenl 745 Burcham JUST 4 LEFT WANTED: SMALL house near ONE MALE Color portables i SUMMER AND part time for grad couple. Call BEAUTIFUL STEREO console, 351-3118 Cedar Village. 4-mar 711 BURCHAM APTS. campus STEREO COMPONENTS. So employment with merchant Karen, 487-5148. 3-8-16 with stereo radio and BSR $68/month. 337-2188. 3-8-20 reel to reel tapedeck, i if no answer call 484-4014 wholesaler. Automobile required. Large 2 or 3 man, 1 changer. 332-1601. B-8-16 cassette recorder. We But 351-5800. 0-8-9 bedroom ATTENTION MARRIED graduate TV RENTALS. Color and black apartments. and Trade. WILCOfl students. 2 bedroom modern MOVIE CAMERA Super-8, fl. 8, and white. MARSHALL Signing now for Fall at 6x1 manual ' zoooom lens. SECONDHAND STORE, 509&T house with 5 acres. 9 miles MUSIC, East Lansing, 351-7830. C-8-16 $180 a month. from MSU. Partially furnished, 332-1601. B-8-16 Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5n| Monday thru Saturday. C children welcome. $185. Call Call MORE FUN in the with ONLY $9.00/ month. Free 7-10 pm., 641-6245. 2-8-16 sun, sun 337-7328 shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT SEWING MACHINE Clew deliveries. SELCO or 337-0780 COMMUNICATIONS TV IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, young 2615 East Michigan Avenue. Sale. Brand new portable J to share furnished house. 372-7409. C-8-20 $49.95, $5.00 per n RENTAL. 372-4948. O man North side. $70. Utilities paid. selection of reconditioned ^ COLOR TV. Olympic, large machines. Singers, TV RENTALS — Students only. Low No lease. 484 4668. 3-8-16 screen console. Best offer. Call Necchls, New Home & "I monthly and term rates. Call ONE BEDROOM apartment. Others." $19.95 to $ WANTED: 2 bedroom house or 355-3031. 3-8-20 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV Available September First, in mobile home with yard. After Terms. E D W A ROfl RENTALS. C Okemos. Call, 349-0932. 1-8-16 September 15. Call 353-6400. WATERBED UNITS, mattress, DISTRIBUTING COMPAKlB 5-8-16 liner, heater, and frame. $76 1115 North Washinjt#| DEWITT: SIX miles North. 3 489-6448. C Apartments spacious rooms, furnished. Heat any size. REBIRTH, 309 North Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. and utilities included. Prefer C-8-16 STODDARD APARTMENTS. 2 single. 669-3211. 3-8-20 man, furnished. Close to USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: campus. Now leasing. Call FOUR MAN. Close to campus. ROOM FOR rent. $40 per month. 314 East Michigan. Dishes, TWO RED Persian Rugs, 51 351-8238, 699-2024, ED2 2920. 435 M.A.C. Call 332-1026. books, coins, antiques, rockers, each. Call 355-3248 aft* | 3-8-16 junk. Bargain Hunters Paradise. pm. 3-8-16 Open Saturday and Sunday. Furniture and appliances open SANSIRI 2000, KLH, Garrard« all week. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. headphones. $400. Phone 371-2843. O 355-6167. S-5-8-23 Hop aboard the Halstead bus! We'll solve your transportation worries if you live in Bay Colony, Inn America, Princeton Arms or North Pointe Apartments. (Our other six apartments are within healthful walking distance.) Just hop aboard our new maxi-bus for fast transportation to campus. With 550 furnished or unfurnished studio, 1 bedroom or 2 bedroot.i apartments we know that we can make your campus living more enjoyable and comfortable. Call one of our resident managers today! Bay Colony 351-3211 Inn America 337-1621 Beechwood 351-5986 Princeton Arms 332-8511 Delta Arms 332-0563 North Pointe 351-1199 You meet the nicest people at Evergreen Arms 332-8295 University Terrace 332-1822 Haslett Arms 351-7662 University Villa 337-2361 Collingtoooi) MISIEM MANAGEMENT MODEL OPEN DAILY Fall leases now being accepted, Apartments (formerly Northwind Apts.) 444 Michigan Avenue $200/2 man "UNLIMITED PARKING "DISHWASHERS East Lansing 351-7910 f210/3 $220/4 man man *SHAG CARPETING "BALCONIES #A|R CONDITIONING *AND MUCH MORE Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 16, 1971 7 ■TAR AND amp. Fender Jaguar Migrants return to Florida SHOP-RITE STORES' Kuitar and / or Pro - Reverb Laurine Fitzgerald, associate del hands. He has predicted the fcrnp Both one year old and in of students and professor of farm workers will stage a ,abor |n Pom*ano Excellent condition. Muat tell. EUROPE. $149 round trip. Jtt. education, will speak on massive walkout this winter to Beach A spokesman fo/the Ka„ 313-632-719^ 4-8-20 Air. Chriitmat break, Hawaii, masculinity and femininity at 7 group nid the out . of WQrk Spain, $249. Call Frank Buck, force higher wages and such fc'pONG tablet, $9.95. Wa buy 351 8604. 7-8-27 tonight in West Wilson terrace lounge. This will conclude Wilson's concessions as workman s field handg con8truction wou,d h u Interstate 1,11 most anything. ABC Human Sexuality Symposia. compensation. 95 on ^ Secondhand store. 1208 project the are# .f ajd Real Estate Things have always been not wurner. C. The Union Duplicate Bridge Club bad for the farm worker, was forthcoming, ^ will hold a novice FOR GLAD game at 7:15 Juarez said. "But with the wet With automation constantly i USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, tidingt look Wednesday in the Union weather and automation, i Lnisters and uprights. Guaranteed tomething you've lost with a Want don't know what we can do. reducing the need for t°n. fu|| year. $7.88 and up. Ad. Dial 355-8265 farmworker labor, Juarez and |,ENNIS DISTRIBUTING The Christ i.In Right now, my people are other migrant leaders are Company, 316 North Cedar, I Service Organization Science will hold its weekly lucky to get any work at all, hoping the government will osite Cir " testimonial meeting at 6:45 p.m. even for $3 or $4 a day." finance job training programs I FOR QUALITY service and ttereot, Tuesday in the Alumni Chapel. All The same situation exists in that will enable the students and faculty are welcome. Broward and Palm Beach farm workers to be filtered into TV't, and recordert. THE STEREO SHOPPE. 337-1300. C counties. Ieonardwholesale's I ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will the community after the A group of jobless migrants migrant stream LOW PRICES ON have a lawyer available from 1 to grinds to a [ PAINTING, EXTERIOR and 5 p.m. every Wednesday during met with Broward County halt. interior. Low ratet. John or summer term. Those wishing an officials in Fort Lauderdale But the problem is money, Kim, 351-8280. 3-8-18 appointment are asked to check with the ASMSU business office, Thursday and asked for food says the Migrant Labor 307 STudent Services Bldg., or call stamps, clothing and rent Division's Arnold. ^TypingService SAVE TO| | ANN BROWN: Typing and muitilith j 355-8266. There will be a nominal $3 charge for service. - 50% offtet printing. Complete service for d ittertationt, theses, P.m. The MSU Outing Club will hold its regularly scheduled meeting at 7 Tuesday in 116 Natural ALBERT PICK manutcriptt, general typing. IBM. Science Bldg. Complete Professional | 21 yeert experience. 349-0850.C Motor Hotel darkroom supplie: Service Announces SAVE SAVE SAVE Xerox copying - offset - best PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term Tuesday's Chicken Night quality at reasonable prices. papert, theses. Best rates. Call THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 East 351-4619. X-20-8-18 • All the delicious fried chicken Grand River. Phone C-8-20 332-4222. you can eat .... $2.50 » Or choose from A la Carte t"BEREBmTHRS309L REBIRTH, 309 North BARBI No MEL: Typinfl' "luitllithing. job to<} |flrge of t0Q ^ it Ads. Dial 355-82551 serving from 5-10 p.m. Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. Block off campus. 332-3255. C Transportation PROriSSIOMl ' BERKELEY Console. 5 THESIS old. 70 watts. RIDER WANTED: Austin, Texas. PREPARATION Mediterranean style. 353-1696, August 20. Share expenses. Ed, k-5 pm. 3-8-16 355-7910. 2-8-18 Animals Ctapltt* Prtfsislsial Tktils Service far Wanted Mtittr'i ill Decteral Cmtfitfltii. Frtt I TWO lovable six week old Irtckart Csasaltitlaa. flint Call BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Kittens. Box trained. Good CHff PMla Httftwr MTTS2J ar (272M. all positive. A negative, B negative lpartment or house manners. and AB negative, $10.00. O II 487-3096. 2-8-16 COMPLETE THESES service. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Discount printing, IBM typing and COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, MOTHER and ton. binding of theses, resumes, 507V4 East Grand River, East letriever-Shepherds, Trained and publications. Across from campus, Lansing. Above the new Campus Corner Saginaw (M-78) and Grand Wing. 351-7776. 2-8-16 corner M.A.C. and Grand Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 River (M-43), East Lansing. 48823 River, below Jones Stationary Shop. Call p.m., Monday, Thursday and J> ■250 each. ENGLISH Sheepdog puppiet. For COPYGRAPH SERVICES Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 information •II. 393-5919. 5-8-20 337-1666. C p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C Mobile Homes fkVELO, ilERAL ppando. ditioned. . g, 12'x60', 351-1194. 5-8-23 1961 expando, draperies, air Nice yard. Near 10'x50' Partially with furnished. Enjoy all the many luxuries of life I condition. $2195. Phone 4 after 6 pm. 3-8-18 I STAR mobile home 12x50. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, iirnished. Mutt be moved. Call 1414284. 10-8-18 I TWO bedroom. Rembrandt, c 50'. $3200. On nice lake : 641-6601. 7-8-27 VIEW ', 10', 12' wide. 10 minutes lott. Available now. to at CEDAR GREENS fcmpus. PARK LAKE MOBILE |0ME COURT. 641-6601. ■LINE 10' x 50', 2 bedrooms, (like a swimming pool, air-conditioning, ■rnished, carpeted, excellent londition, available September t, call 393-4030. 2-8-16 balconies and much, much more. Lost & Found ■nD: CALICO cat. Scar and ■taved patch under chin. K1-6929. 3-8-16 ■WEEK Kaplan tutoring courses ^ w prepare for BOARD EXAMS being formed. MCA classes _ start August 21 and JPtember 7. DAT classes stert ber 8, and LSAT class _ September 7. For ■formation and enrollment call lllect (313) 851-6077. 8-8-27 I day care center Married Student Activities dren 2XA — 5 yrs. Fall I several openings for n in both morning & ernoon groups. For Plicatio- Phone •5154 ' ALL summer 8-5:30 pm. INION BUILDING BARBER fOP. C-8-16 . - 'e • a free cute checking little place 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 . |"«1 Clinton National Bank. ]e checks, no tervice charge u* they -hen t a pay the Red and it't for postage both banking by mail. Eagle It's Club (right next to Brody Complex) anyone 25 under. Check it out at i5 National CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTS are now leasing student and married couples units. These Bank, North 27. 7-8-18 spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking ■ • • A lesson in complexion space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and private . Call 4844519, East Michigan balconies. We also have a full - time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be fcRf®5"7197. Lanting Mall. among the first residents of CEDAR GREENS call today. The one - bedroom units start at |UDIOS CRMAN COSMET,CS $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL r AND DAT. INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m, 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine and Kaplan tutoring • now being formed. Starting twelve month leases available. Call (313) 851-6077 • X-13-8-27 | SALESPOWE R~7ry~^a~ Mttle TJ MANA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL V B Y: Alco Management Company n#l ^ Dial Ad to • '•rBe "**>»• 365-8255 today I 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 1 U.S. SAIGON Supersonic (AP) fighter - - fighter-bombers shell North Vietnam U.S. Viewed with "deep concern" bombers North Vietnamese activity Vietnamese these attacks. were killed in The U.S. the enemy Command antiaircraft site said Fifteen sent to B52 bombers attack were North allied forces is viewed with deep concern by commanders bases, soma. manned by long of them are g • • Saigon c°mmand ere were n° Soi made their 49th strike of the along the demilitarized zone While wnne tne the specific mission that wias firedurea on me the unarmed Vietnamese i»«uui» who ».*<■..«. i.iC»e troop positions have the responsibility to artillery, American w..u "•"««- technicians four ,n,M° »ft«,.L/^SUalties 'n year inside North Vietnam which threatens the safety of of the Air Force RF4 reconnaissance plane was 35 and bunker complexes along exercise their inherent right of and American iecn w,« . an A - *-■-—*-—-» • • * —:i— —ii * - .. . »»— —-ij # «... nw» defense for their operating top - secret sensor was reported Sunday after an enemy allied forces. It threatened reconnaissance plane was not miles southeast of the key the south side of the DMZ. self and electronics equipment. Camp Carroll antiaircraft site opened fire on retaliatory action. disclosed, it oiscioseo, u apparently was coastal my ««u»«.«i city una and supply suppiy depot aepoi North Vietnamese gunners Kuuii«» troops." --- . norhmw 200 to a reconnaissance plane Four South Vietnamese gathering photo and electronic of Dong Hoi, which would opened fire on an American Informants said they knew lnls to p gathering intelligence. There bases were shelled and a data on North Vietnamese P"t it about five miles north reconnaissance helicopter of no U.S. retaliatory air or duu Amen™"T was no damage to U.S. village was attacked in the activities such as troop and °f the DMZ. looking for enemy positions, artillery strikes inside the From •ho",y a™r. aawn r^U"aed in 8 shel|jn„ aircraft. fourth consecutive day of supply movements that would Results of the U.S. attack touching off an exchange. DMZ since the North until noon, North Vietnamese r'°«y and seven Us The strike was action just to the south of support attacks along the F4 Phantoms on the A statement from Abrams' Vietnamese launched their gunners fired more than bU died when their ' Any wave of attacks last Thursday, rocket* and mortars into fire helicopter was shot »_ • 1 j „ „ \I,^ ,f U \7! or, the DMZ. An American and a North Vietnamese 37mm headquarters said: - shortly after I u o „„ DMZ. Such uiivu intelligence CIIVC ^ h e a d qu arters i Gen. SouTh " Vietnamese were gathering," sources' antiaircraft ^site were not enemy" activity along the DMZ but ^some ot the »52^raids bs^Khe J'0, ^l,er- CarroU ^Pportin, Creighton W. Abrams said it wounded and 11 North protect allied forces. known, the Command added, which threatens the safety of Sunday were within a mile of and Alpha 2. the southern edge of the buffer zone. They said U.S. they interpreted TONIGHT! Unto11 Inmates the command statement Collected in a spring term to rec to North mean launched attacks would be in Vietnamese the DMZ troops if By JIM SHELDON are developing a personalized pool table for the county develop their own curriculum, began shooting long - range book drive by the police State News Staff Writer course of study and who are juvenile home. Programs are made artillery and rockets from honorary and the Union furthering their education A spokesman for the group meaningful, because areas of '"side the six - mile wide Some 450 textbooks, Board, the books will assist while serving timeinjail. said members hope the book study for each inmate are total zone, or if there were large covering a broad spectrum of inmates in educational He said the books also will drive will become an annual learning situations relevant to trooP movements southward^ study areas, will be donated in programs held at the county provide means for individual affair, with this year's proceeds his particular need, Poynton The statement from Abrams' the near future by members of ia>'- research and additional reading destined for the county jail added. The direction comes headquarters noted that U.S. M"st be 21 orok Alpha Phi Sigma, national Richard Poynton, director of and will supplement the jail educational programs. He said from the men themselves. bombers and artillery in the Enjoy Flih and Chips Anytime police science honorary, for the jail's rehabilitation library greatly in need of extra the books may be delivered past have conducted strikes - $1.50 use by inmates of the Ingham program, said the texts will materials. Monday. Attendance in programs is inside the DMZ when it was County Jail. Pve suPP°rt to inmates who Receptacles were provided during the book drive in several residence halls on jan ajm at voluntary. Poynton added Education programs at the instructors "open their eyes, helping an inmate ears and minds" and approach felt the safety of allied forces was threatened, Although the 10 bases that Town P Four students to live campus with signs requesting develop a persons to donate books they improvement type of self - the learning situation by program treating inmate - students as guard the 45 - mile long DMZ all are South 307 S. Grand St., Laming intended to discard. The Union concentrating on social, adults. Vietnamese army and marine Board sought light reading vocational and personal and learn in London material, while the police honorary retained books aspects. Inmates may continue studies, even after finishing Cigarettes Kodak Color Film Like the 45 other students dealing with math, science, their sentence. By RICK WILBINS training in the U.S. this fall, English and history studies. . service . organization .. Poynton described the 12B, 127,620 State News Staff Writer Four students from the we6ek Wlunder°rksuL^?sionh°of retail managers, Mrs. Greene servin& college communities gand city program as open Alpha Phi flexible, but directed toward - ended and 2/69' 89' college of Human Ecology said. She said their work will S,ema.s 37, ,ocal 'nvo,v,n« the inmate into a will be leaving for London in involve practical application of Previously supplied MSU decision - making process. No (Coupon) two weeks to spend fall term ideas learned in diss, a study rfd.encte ha"\ w,th on one 18 exfcl"ded fr°m *e Expires After 8-21-71 East Lansing Store Only there as part of a retailing of trade practices in clothing 8t.udenf *cur,ty Program if he wishes to field experience program, retailing, attendance at They *e,d a car wash, last Palpate he said, and according to an instructor in seminars presented by th- spring to raise money lor a inmates help to plan and 10% Off Human Environment and store, and a summary Design. "This will be the first time evaluation of the store's Flashcubes The Discount Price MSU students will go abroad for their training," Lillian merchandising policies. According to Mrs. Greene, each student in London or in TONIGHT (and every Monday) on all Greene said. "We think this is the United States will be •. 99c Film Developing new for any university but we're not sure." visitied by a member of the department faculty. Experience a No limit MSU's retailing field She said the London (Coupon) experience program, initiated program was developed PIZZA FEAST Ew>tr«CAft,rn8.21.71 East Lansing Store Only 12 years ago, is similar to especially for MSU. She student programs teacher training except that it is indicated further developments of other such programs in the Show Bar optional rather than required, abroad next year depends on RIGHT ON PLACE In previous years, students the success of the London FULL SIZE PIZZA Arrid Sheer Nylon in the program had traveled program this year, within the states but RIGHT ON PEOPLE Extra Dry Knee-Hi's ONLY $1 never abroad, Mrs. Greene explained. Students usually work for an employer for about six weeks take and Tuesday night 6oz. 56° 59< &jMii in their training positions. limit 1 (Coupon) Three of the students going RIGHT ON . . . Expires After 8-21-71 to London Flemington, Rhodes, St — Martha Paterson N.J.; Linda Joseph; and Lansing Metro Lines UNWANTED is "GIRL'S NIGHT" WITH GOOD DEALS East Lansing Store Only FOR EVERYONE! Sydney Sutkus, Toledo, Ohio 200 Off the - will work at Dickens and HAIR? ELECTROLYSIS (all girls' drinks greatly reduced) Nude Look ►count Jones retail store. The fourth ONLY PERMANENT price on student, Jennifer Walkut, HAIR all at the Panty Hose Happy Hours REMOVAL! Litchfield will work Selfiidge's. All are seniors in for Facial,Hairlines, Body! NEW *Student for "Hot Pants" Tanya Sun Summer Prices Textile and Clothing Retailing. 2' lAlr Conditioned, Downtown by Virginia Hanchett Mon. - Thurs. 2Pm_5pm 13 Years Experience 325V» South Grand 484-1632 7Pm - closing Sunday 7Pm - closing Breck Creme Open 11 a.m. - midnight Mon."& Tue». Rinse 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Wed. - Fri. 99' !!" 5 p.m. - midnight Sun. eo, limit 1 EastPL*