Gie me . . Friday ae spark o' Nature's MICHIGAN Cloudy . STATE NEWS fireAhat's a' the learning I desire. - Robert Burns STATE UNIVERSITY , 64 Number 25 East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 20, 1971 reeze STEVE WATERBURY State News Staff Writer Employes unions and nips hikes in salary, tuition who who belong started to campus receiving a been a substantial change in and increased responsibilities. assignment "inadequate available. information presently Several were faculty somewhat members said they upset about the delay the the state passage and would have of University resulted employe in jdent Wharton announced wage increase at the beginning of the "This could include an academic "We wish to emphasize that when in salary increase which they are now salary increases before Nixon's announcement," he said. ^day that the wage and salary fiscal year on July 1 will continue to appointment to department chairman, any new authority is received which facing. "Legislative inability reises which many University receive the wage increase, he said. regular staff to division head, or a alters any of these inteipretations, we "There is considerable gnashing of to complete work on time will now cost public Employes returning to the payroll change of assignment which requires a will take the necessary actions as teeth by faculty members going on," postponed, that there will be no during fall term in substantially the major change in classification and rapidly as possible," he said. one professor said. "This is going to employes thousands of dollars," another increase and that uncertainty same assignment as they duties," Wharton said. Wharton acknowledged that the wage cost a lot of us far more money than faculty member added. on previously held The higher education appropriations exists about whether the increases will receive their previous salaries. Academic promotions from one rank price - rent freeze has resulted in the it will many other Americans whose > - dormitory and married housing rates Nonacademic union to another which do not involve creation of a difficult situation for yearly salary increases have already bill, passed by the Senate, still is in employes House Committee. No action be jjh were announced in May will be returning to the payroll this fall will substantial changes in assignment will members of the academic community. gone into effect." can piemen ted. receive the rate in effect on July 1. A continue to be processed for board "We urge cooperation and A second faculty member said there (Please turn to page 12) ifbe housing rate increase was 20 • cent - per - hour wage increase action, but Wharton said it appears that understanding, and we offer the is considerable discontent among faculty eduled to be effective Sept. 1, but went into effect for members of Local the promotions cannot carry a higher assurance that it is our intention to members about the legislative failure to increase in rates may be in 1585 and other campus unions on that salary rate during the period of the safeguard the best interests of all those adopt a state budget. Jation of President Nixon's wage - date. freeze. who make up the University "If the Michigan legislature could rent freeze. Wharton said the The only instances in which raises Wharton said these interpretations of community to the fullest extent we have completed the budget before the ■iversity is seeking clarification on will be the effect of Nixon's new economic legally can under the regulations beginning of the fiscal year, this could approved by the University point. during the freeze period is if there has policies were made on the basis of imposed upon us," he said. have considerably reduced confusion in A spokesman for the Office of nergency Preparedness said Wednesday it college room and board rates are Lower vered by the freeze. However, ficial with Harold the ganization, said Thursday that in aversations with officials from the L. Thomas, an National Tenant summer rent rates pt. of Housing and Urban velopment it was stated that college using rate increases which were nounced prior to the freeze would be awed to take effect. said in effect Wharton also confirmed that several executive agencies, decides for left the East faculty Lansing area last spring, immediate area, Thomas said. Landlords d staff salary increases which were some reason to reverse the order, Thomas explained that unless the lease who attempt to pected following legislative passage of Matheney said. Other freeze areas also became effective when it was "change their identity" Reduced summer rental rates charged signed, and say they are new higher education appropriations act are under review by the board. the planned fall rates cannot developments will to tenants in many East Lansing be be in violation of the be postponed. The Cost of Living Council is ruling, he added. apartments must be effective when the implemented. Thomas said responsible for carrying out the wishes tenants will be 'Salary increases for faculty and staff Leases must have been ich the MSU September leasing period begins, of the President, Matheney said, operating responsible for policing their rental administration was adding before July 14, he said. own according to officials in Washington, that the President told the council he Previously rates and making sure they pay the templating pending receipt of the D.C. established fall rates would 71 - 72 state does not want rents increased during apply in correct amount. He expected that HUD GORDON SABINE appropriation Charles K. Matheney, Dept. of September only if the lease was will make few exceptions for landlords essarily must be held in abeyance at the freeze. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) running when it was signed. and that the decision until the federal freeze is lifted," Implications of the council's ruling In this instance, Thomas will stand if id. representative to the Office of were explained earlier Thursday by continued, landlord pressure is held down. President Nixon's wage and the end of the 90 - od the University will provide day freeze Emergency Preparedness (OEP), Thursday that the Cost of Living said Harold L. Thomas, official in the National Tenants Organization. He said supercedes prior agreements to a rent increase which had not been price freeze Persons with uncertainties or Sabine rakes wage Council ruled this week that rents will effective alary adjustments "consistent with his comments were based on a at the time of complaints about their rental rates are not be elevated during the freeze. agreement. conversation Thursday morning with For new apartments urged to contact the National Tenants l|et limitations and with oelines which Owing the freeze," Wharton said. may any federal be Imposed Reduced summer remain policy in review effect rental this board, rates fall unless a organized will by Matheney. Asked already about signed fall persons leases who before opening for the first time this fall, rental rates must be Organization at 425 13th St. NW, Washington, D.C. Violators of the ruling are reportedly subject to fines up to job as they comparable to those charged in the $5,000 plus possible refunds made for ONNALLY CLAIMS SUPPORT overcharges. ISU relatio Inquiries or grievances also may be Gordon A. Sabine, former vice referred to the MSU housing Corp. at president for special projects at MSU, 355 8313 or to the Off-Campus Council will become a special assistant in Meany refuses to tow Nixon line at 355-8300, in both cases between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. university relations Sept. 1 at Illinois State University (ISU). Confusion about The appointment was announced rental rates arose Monday in the aftermath of Nixon's recently by ISU president David K. Secretary of Labor James D. union hopes that "certain inequities" in Council announced that WASHINGTON (AP) - Treasury any wage announcement Sunday night of the 90 Berlo, formerly acting chairman of the Hodgson, who led the administration the President's economic plan are increases negotiated during the freeze retary John B. Connally firmed the - day freeze on wages and prices, Department of Communication at MSU. group at the meeting with Meany and ironed out. may not go into effect until afterward, Sabine will take a one - year leave of administration's resistance to any salaries and rents. Nixon had said that the AFL CIO Executive Council, said Before Meany spoke to reporters, and not absence from his teaching position at • may provide for any these costs must remain at the same ikening of its new economic program the government plans no action to Hodgson was asked if the freeze would retroactive MSU to accept the ISU position. pay raises covering the level as they held the 30 days before iitsday by ruling out pay raises for force striking workers back on the job work without labor's cooperation, and freeze period. the freeze. Sabine's responsibilities at ISU will (icemen and giving a cold reception if they continue to ignore Nixon's back the secretary replied "not nearly as It also said hotel and motel rates are be broader than his responsibilities were Canada's plea for exemption from work request. »rt surcharges. - to - successfully as it will with it." frozen, and that apartment rent at MSU, where he was in charge of labor increases signed before last Sunday may Six managers of East Lansing In another task, President Connally, who earlier had said Meany admissions and scholarships, the lie also claimed rank - and - file apartment complexes contacted earlier Frank E. Fitzsimmons of the two - was out of touch with his followers for not take effect if the effective date registrars' office, orientation and or support for the 90 - day wage - million - member Teamsters Union said was to have been after this week all maintained they would be rent freeze but opposing the program, said critics who Sunday. developmental programs. AFL - CIO his organization intends to cooperate contend the program is probusiness and All employers are covered, no matter charging September rental rate which At ISU, Sabine will be in charge of isident George Meany accused had been established either last winter fully with Nixon's program. The antiworker are guilty of "rank how few employes, the council said. the ^dent Nixon of trying to mislead or last spring. university's admissions program, Teamsters are not affiliated with the demagoguery." In Texas, Gov. Preston Smith defied intercollegiate athletics, news and people of the economy and said AFL - CIO. In series of new rulings on the i're not a publications, all internal and external going to cooperate." Fitzsimmons said, however, that his wage - price freeze, the Cost of Living They all said they believed that communications, security and safety, Following a two hour meeting with (Please turn to page 12) - summer rates, contracted for a definite alumni affairs, the university foundation ministration officials, Meany urged all period of time, would not apply under and all university development ons to cancel contracts under which the President's directive and would functions. fkers will lose money as a result of terminate when September leases begin. The exact scope of Sabine's duties is wage - price freeze. He said Kenneth I. Smith, ASMSU lawyer, still being defined and "grass should take control of the may be altered was contacted for comment on the as the recently appointed Berlo ion's economy away from what he administration takes office. led Nixon's "mismanagement." The offices that formerly (Please turn to page 11) reported to (Please turn to page 12) WELFARE BUDGET xceptions o wage-price Party-line squabble m its liste stalls action on ADC 'ASHINGTON (AP) - The Cost of n8 Council and its By United Press International by Oct. 1 and $2.72 per day by Jan. head, Treasury 1. fary sparing in John B. Connally, so far have But the Republican cuacus would 0 granting exceptions to A party-line squabble over Michigan's trim the per-day allowance to $2.54 " day wage • price - rent freeze. Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) ls a under 1970-71 standards. digest, based on available program has stalled House action on a House 8s' on what is covered and what is Speaker William Ryan, $537 million welfare budget for D-Detroit, the prime mover behind 1971-72. '° one higher welfare spending, said the may receive i r salary Unable to hammer out an agreement Republican plan was unacceptable bona fide on ADC spending, the lower chamber otion to because it failed to offer ADC an existing job of higher called off further debate on the bill recipients a decent standard of living. lability. wuals, servicemen This includes and private Thursday to give leaders from both Further, Ryan said, the federal oyes at all government parties more time to drum up a government plans to trim the value of levels, including teachers compromise. food stamps in Michigan — a move "We'll keep working," said Rep. Iday contracts Started after last Raymond Kehres, D-Monroe, the floor which he said would further cut into Ofbidden the spending power of persons on are cost - of - living manager of the welfare bill. "There's welfare. J '""gevity increases, individual always room to compromise." The $537 million welfare package — •Ureases in the At issue is the $219.3 million outlay same job and more than one-quarter of the total ton.? ated jfeaso ^at may have been proposed to meet the state's share of $2 - billion - plus state budget proposed 1,^ or during the 90 - the ADC program. Republicans want for 1971-72 - was rejected on a 55-46 iod or to take effect before the the ADC figure cut to last year's levels j vote earlier this week. tk Z Profess'onal fees and piece while Democrats are pushing for On the first vote only two £ Wes also are frozen. "upgraded standards" tor welfare Republicans voted in favor of the bill >ve Vy; these Prices may not rise Fearsome The bill, drafted while six Democrats voted against it. idav .es 'n effect before last by the If the measure passes at its current ; 'i wholesale and retail prices of Democratic-controlled House Blackening the sky with terror is the funnel of a tornado spawned in the sky over Kansas. This picture is level of funding, welfare spending in "y Appropriations Committee, would rates,' common carrier rates and one of a spectacular sequence taken by Henry Perez, a 28 - year - old Kansas Highway Patrol trooper in guarantee each ADC recipient $2.62 per Michigan will top the $1 ' lion mark for the first ii ie each state open country on 3 highway about 25 miles west of Salina. /\p Wirephoto day for food and other personal needs dollar is matched by a federal dollar. Friday, August 20, 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I97| news World's economic BRUSSELS (AP) - Seven American economy. Then he saw the secretary - would be exchanged on Britain's chancellor of the Friday. The fourth candidal, West European nations sought One of the Japanese general of the Organization for floating rates according to the exchequer, Anthony Barber, reland, said it was linine „ summary to compromise differences Thursday between France and West Germany and to forge a government's top economic advisers, Yusuke Kashiwagi, a former vice minister of Economic development, Emile Van Lennepp, before flying to Washington to see U.S. laws of supply and demand. Schiller insisted that exchange rates were no longer for an unprecedented meeting. 'l® monetary t u Britain is not yet a member Common Market Britain as they e, From the wires of AP and UPI. common front on ways of finance, told newsmen in Paris officials. realistic He said the rates of of the Common Market and ending the world monetary his country would continue Essentially the French Common Market currencies the meeting marked the first crisis so foreign exchanges can to fight Nixon's measures by position is the same as the should be closely linked but step in aligning British policy other five ministers at reopen Monday after a week's keeping its currency tightly Japanese: that currencies should jointly float up or with that of the European op«nngo heir talks that shutdown. pegged to the U.S. dollar. should remain tied to the down in the open market in community. exchanges by M'o Few signs of any narrowing A primary aim of the dollar for official transaction relation to the dollar. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ge^eral" utSit?" of the gulf between the American program was to and that the U.S. imposition After afternoon session, of two other candidates, seriously onsumer. "It is our intention to French and West Germans force Japan and some West of a 10 per cent surcharge on an hampering However, the six ministers called in Denmark and Norway, on trade. emerged from the meeting European countries to make certain types of foreign oint Cong safeguard the best interest of all between the finance ministers their export goods dearer by imports violated the not b< those who make up the of Britain and the six revaluing their currencies international trade rules of the University community to the Common Market countries — upward in relation to the General Agreement on Tariffs ippose the and i Groups ally to help eeze fullest extent we legally can Belgium, France, Germany, dollar. This would sour U.S. and Trade (GATT). «I welcor under the regulations imposed Italy, the Netherlands and exports and help decrease Washington maintains this nothing I Luxembourg. America's balance - of - is not so. It has requested a upon us." lid. President Wharton The Tokyo stock market, payments deficit. GATT ruling. The GATT Under i meanwhile, skidded for the Kashiwagi arrived from council is holding an roxmire, 1 fourth straight day in the general uncertainty resulting from measures President to Nixon's defend the Tokyo on a fact - finding emergency meeting in Geneva mission. He had talks first next Tuesday, with the French treasury The six Common Market director Claude Brossolette. finance ministers met at the in voter registration nd Senate leller resident's focus jscal econoi Charlemagne Building with Local political and voter registration groups A serious task facing the group, paqu. He said Treasury Minister Mario Ferrari have formed an ad hoc registration told group representatives, was the problem idustry an Aggradi of Italy in the chair. Students of sought providing students • committee called "VOTER." with They quickly went into secret identification to meet the adequate ixpayers re Steering committee member James Paquet city clerk's strict pursuit ol session with only key adies Mideast war inevitable? present. said the new group was formed Wednesday code. Most students will not receive "That's ra at a meeting in the Union to coordinate during that first week and, as such, bac will to pay set At the outset the positions forth by Valery Giscard local efforts to register students on and off campus. have proper identification, he said. ensumer ge eller said. He prop The editor of Egypt's semiofficial newspaper A1 D'Estaing of France and Karl Citing a need for "maximum penetration The city clerk will accept only a driver'* WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Office of Education is license, a postage paid letter sent t0 irection of Ahrani said Thursday in Cairo the projected Schille; of West Germany into the student community," Paquet said tht to trying to track down about 20,000 persons who have defaulted showed the extent of the VOTER will include representatives from the registrant or other "suitable" identification ne way federation of Egypt, Syria and Libya comes at a on $30 million in guaranteed student loans. This does not include MSU IDs ie present difference between them. League of Women Univeisitv' time when "a military collision with Israel had Voters, the Michigan or Though concerned about the walkaways, federal officials Giscard said France would Youth Politics Institute, Project: mailings. l> become inevitable." said Thursday the 1 per cent default rate on $3.4 billion in City Hall, The group considered not allow its money to float the Coalition for Human Survival, the Human sending out mailines total college loans compares favorably with other government "The forthcoming battle with the Israeli enemy," freely in the open market as Rights Party, Students for McGovern, to each student, encouraging , and private lending programs. mail-a-friend-a-letter campaign, or havin, he wrote, "requires us to diagnose the new stage in the West German mark has Students for Bayh, the Gay Liberation Front "Ratio - wide this is not out of line," said William since last someone from the Secretary of State's office the conflict, to define the possible tasks, to map May. and the Metropolitan Detroit Youth Simmons, chief of the education office's insured loan branch. Foundation. present in East Lansing to change driver's out a new strategy to achieve the objectives of the "Any banker would be making money on this ratio. Defaults, He called for creation of a VOTER'S most serious obstacle licenses on the spot. No decision was made _ to new stage and finally to outline the responsibilities for example, on FHA home improvement loans run to 1.9 two - tier foreign exchange registering students VOTER will have pertinent, up-to-date of execution." time, Paquet said. per cent." system with government ana and classes ™ ■begin ■ information concerning legal and WASHINt The government now is limited to prodding defaulters by Sept. 23 but voter recistration other real trade transactions carried for the Nov. 2 election ends aspects of registration. Fbr answers Texas schoi Oct 1 That letter. But Simmons has been authorized to hire 51 inspectors out on the basis of fixed ]eaves eight days in which to questions concerning voter registration publicize and emporary who will roam the country knocking on doors to demand any of the groups mentioned above as Supreme Cc payment. A major reason for the defaulted laons, he said, is that una- of VOTER. parts in extensive Seventh Fleet enters battle many college graduates are having difficulty finding jobs. In Justice other cases, recently married graduates are defaulting because of large commitments for household items and cars. PULLOUT DEMANDED Guns action of in the the U.S. 7th Fleet have roared into battle on the northern front, Bankers, knowing the government will make the loans good, are not going all out to prod repayment, Simmons Pa U.S. blamed indicated in an interview. pounding enemy rocket and mortar positions in the southern half of the demilitarized zone, silencing "The fact that 60 per cent of those we contact respond favorably raises questions about private efforts by the banks woes on war of some and touching off explosions. involved," he said. Despite the rain of bombs from B52 Since its inception in 1965, the program has guaranteed PARIS (AP) - The Viet Cong delegates at the States is Stratofortresses and the naval gunfire in the zone, $3.4 billion in bank loans to hundreds of thousands of experiencing "a Nixon administration remain JI Vietnamese Communists 126th weekly session of the dollar crisis, devaluation and obstinate in its pursuit of the the North Vietnamese attacked students in 7,500 institutions. asserted Thursday the war in Vietnam talks taunted South Vietnamese peace galloping unemployment war, the more it wil bases just to the south for the Recipients have up to 10 years after graduation to repay Indochina is the main cause the United States over its affecting mostly veterans of encounter WASHING eighth straight day the subsidized 7 per cent loans with payments as low as $30 of U.S. economic increasinglj problems financial problems. The the Vietnam war." lamentable difficulties an! enate su Thursday. U.S. artillery was pulled out of one of a month. and added there can be no American and South These oust it ut i the menaced bases. problems, he failures in every sphere, Since the program is still a relatively new one, Simmons solution to the dollar crisis Vietnamese negotiators declared, were due entirely to the Indochina battlefield odertaking said, the default rate will probably increase in the next few until President Nixon agrees denounced the enemy buildup the $200 billion he said the the United States and on state o years. to withdraw all American in the demilitarized zone United States has spend on in Ami international stage." ;s "If it stays below 2 per cent it will be a good program," he troops from South Vietnam, between the Vietnams. the Vietnam war, plus $2 Prominent among these, 'A gr The North Vietnamese and The North Vietnamese Vet billion in Laos and $500 added, were "the ever ipreciation given hero's funeral negotiator, Xuan Thuy, set million in Cambodia. growing economic ree press the tone when he arrived at The Viet Cong's Mrs. financial difficulties of th< nciety is t the conference center and mate A disabled South Vietnamese war veteran who Nguyen Thi Binh did not United States." burned himself to death in a political protest will BackTo School Party THE told grin: newsmen with a broad attend the session. Her bcommitte im J. Ervii spokesman, Ly Van Sau, said The acting U.S. negotiat be given Saigon. a hero's funeral Friday by his comrades in Free Children's Theater PIZZA "The States more the delays its total and United she needs a rest. Her place was taken by a Philip C. Habib, ignored th Communist Ervin oui the sutd; unconditional withdrawal from Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky, whose disqualification from the Oct. 3 presidential election Free Balloons PEOPLE Vietnam, the longer it delays the return of the iQw ranking Viet official, Dinh Ba Thi. He told Cong protested against Vietnam's "blatant violations' Nortl ive nt to prompl 1 was apparently the principal reason for the suicide Saturday, Aug. 21 American military captured men to the meeting "the more the of the demilitarized zone. rvices and A subcon Monday of Tran Viet Nghia, 36, is expected to 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. their homes, and the greater id about attend. will be its economic and monetary difficulties." Meanwhile, the South Vietnamese Supreme Court deliberated three challenges to In his prepared speech to Bomb election law Ky - and two of them was to deliver the presidential seeking to reinstate decisions Friday the fruitless, three - hour session, Thuy said, "The Sfoi policy of intervention and war afternoon. _ mill pursued by the United States in Indochina is HQ o and eye erroneous 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy. has gone bankrupt. BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) — An army bomb "Hie war of aggression in disposal expert beat the clock by minutes Thursday defusing a gelignite charge planted in the Belfast headquarters of RNA members charged Vietnam has wasted American Northern Ireland's ruling Unionist party. A move t lives and resources," he The army said the time - bomb had been set to explode •ut the continued, "the major cause of ARTHUR TREACHER'S 10 minutes later. larg the serious American ""ding leve Eleven members of a black separatist organization economic and There was a lull in the violence and blood - letting that nded is beii monetary crisis were charged with the murder of a Jackson, Miss., wd'ortheTrowinrdTfficdti® has en*ulf?d that British - ruled province and killed 28 Senate Ec police detective who died Thursday 21 hours after that Uief American people outlawed Irish Republican Army 11 days ago. Tisl) *>d Thursd a shootout at the Republic of New Africa THE ORIGINAL lives As long as the war goes But militant Roman Catholics in Londonderry - Ulsters ( idopt the f headquarters. Reets to Dist. Atty. Jack Travis said the RNA members, lese difficulties will only ^econ(i largesA city ?nd ,a hotbe? °f republicanism ' ac*J "Since th< coi increase. to sever their final political links with the city administration by walking out of 30 top civic posts. They "II be loekee including President Imari Obadele, will face a The North Vietnamese preliminary hearing today on the charge stemming c . . . , SHRIMP & CHIPS «»■"•*> spokesman, Nguyen Thanh Le, told the United withdrew to protest the internment. predominantly Roman Catholic, is now Their action is ruled almost entirely he extra mi idn't keep Sunday Special'*99c newsmen from the death of Detective Lt. William L. Skinner, If the WITH THIS COUPON by Protestants. fn shot in the head during a gunbattle. British troops in Londonderry were allowed to continue stimated ' $1 unmolested with the clearance of barricades in the Bogside Pupils th TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: qJSIow m and Creggan Catholic enclaves. Similar army operations Wednesday triggered a fierce gunbattle with terrorist snipers ion. RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT cEast cLar[sing... in which a gunman was killed. Currently 1 Loan restrictions eased Per pupil j 2418 E. MICHIGAN The bomb in the Unionsit party offices was brought by three masked men who held a caretaker and provincial and at legislator William Kennedy at gunpoint and warned everyone The Federal Home Loan savings Bank and loan associations Thursday to make conventional home loans with down Board authorized 4100 S. LOGAN in the building to get out quickly. Army experts rushed to the scene and sandbagged the gelignite charge. NEW payments as low as five per cent. Snipers opened fire on a combined police and army P05' Chairman Preston Martin of the cffiecPretzelcBell but escaped without agency said the policy is intended to help "great numbers of American families having only a modest down payment," and that "this is particularly true of the Parents Visiting? buyer of existing housing." fmzj There's only one place they can stay and still be in the center of campus activity. Reserve motion: • River AVAILABLE FOR •Cathe. them a room at AS LITTLE AS • Fabuli Medina trial takes detour The Ernest court Medina - martial of My Lai defendant Capt. in Ft. McPherson, Ga., detoured KELLOGG ^ t 7.ZU MODEL 3126 Including Speakers "... r Installation Available Thursday into a lengthy examination fen at small additional charge. of the reliability of polygraph tests. Col. Kenneth Howard, the ruled that military judge, has CENTER 1 \V-"- 402 S. Washington / polygraph evidence is inadmissable in Lansing Medina's trial, but defense attorney F. Lee Bailey Corner of 245 Ann Street is attacking the Harrison A Michigan constitutionality of the Army Reservations 332-6511 — —- f music co. East Lansing regulation on which the judge based his ruling. 1971 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 20, 1971 3 Nixon's plans said Milliken aide candidate icies e lining fr°m the Up with o favor businesses leaves question isultatiom WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon's the per cent. Speaker of the House "arned th< $4 billion saved for reduction of "If ns for the domestic economy are "badlv individual income taxes. we are not permitted to William A. Ryan shared Allen's R at the 0f whack," a leading economic adviser to grant this increase, then the optimism on the effects fo the Under the Nixon Iks that en J w0 Democratic presidents said Thursday. He allowance and package, the depreciation the investment credit would state will have overbudgeted." auto tax ban. »y foreigi Ij they need drastic revision by Congress both be in effect at the same time. becau, ecause they favor big business over the Heller echoed other critics of the Allen said it is unclear if ''With the promised linity n onsumer. program Allen, said Thursday that the President's investment credits and '"g by saying that the $4.5 billion increase in freeze negates President Nixon's wage-price elimination of automobile worl( However, economist Walter Heller told the Social Security taxes — almost certain to salary raises made in teacher pass freeze excise tax, the state's int Congressional Economic Committee he Congress this year — be postponed indefinitely has raised some contracts already signed. He ues not believe organized labor has cause to from its present effective unanswered quetions which also questioned the legality of employment should be date of Jan. 1, stimulated to a considerable ppose the President's 90 -day wage- price 1972. may affect the level of state granting these raises >ze and added: He asked funding for Michigan schools retroactively when the freeze is degree," he said. lp also that liberalization of the 'I welcome the President's shift from a do individual income tax and colleges. ended. nothing to a do - something policy," he exemption be backdated Ryan said, however, that to July 1st of this year instead of the Nixon's "The president's action is wage-price freeze will beginning of next year. Despite the problems arising no drastically effect the state's Under questioning by Sen. William He said the President must take generally needed and good for froirT the President's "move budget. roxmirc, D-Wis., the committee chairman, advantage the state, but we must avoid of the breathing space he has acquired to Sunday, however, Allen voiced ad Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield, being too optimistic too cautious optimism at its total develop "believable substitute" for the 90 Dn |elier focused his criticism on details of the resident's plans to stimulate the domestic a say wage - price - rent freeze take some difficult saying, "it will political and social - soon," he said. "His decision to freeze all effects on the state. on "The areas now, of budget we're working especiality in the s00'8' services and seal economy. engineering to prevent wages and prices from prices and said tax breaks of $9 billion wages might "I don't think we should be education, is essentially not a p, Paquet He for bounding back the moment the freeze is possibly key the Michigan exactly ecstatic, but it's fairly great deal different than last and some $2 billion for individual 1 Problem ndustry lifted." legislature to lower education safe to say that Nixon's action year's. The increases reflect the adequate ixpayers represent "a very lopsided program Heller was critical of the 10 per cent appropriations." will be helpful in several growing numbers of case loads rk's strict pursuit of very laudable goals." import surtax which he said could easily areas," he said. and school children rather than eive mail "That's raw meat for big business while the become permanent "unless it is intended as a Allen said the state's will not onsumer gets little more than a soup bone," i( huge increases in expenditures . very short- term bargaining chip" with foreign economic advisors are "unsure" "®n ^he one hand, it will per jndivudual." eller said. producers such as Japan and West Germany. Heller testifies whether the schools and decrease state expenditures in He proposed that Congress reverse the But he had nothing but praise for the colleges will be allowed to areas of civil services a driver's Walter Heller, economist, checks his notes Ryan said a continuation of irection of the President's program and said President's objectives in freeing the dollar Thursday as grant faculty pay hikes. The sanies and welfare benefits. fiscal 1970-71 spending levels t to the he testifies before the Joint ne way to do it would be to substitute for from the price of gold. Congressional Economic House and Senate for the next 90 days "is not tification_ present accelerated depreciation allowance His testimony opened a series of committee Committee in Washington, D.C.. Heller said the Nixon Unchanging wages will also appropriations committees had possible." University proposed investment tax credits and use hearings into the President's new economic plan is heavily biased in favor of big business. planned to increase college and mean no increase in state tax program. AP Wirephoto revenues, Allen said. "The President's action is university personnel wages 6.5 mailings not intended to negate state ging But this is pretty much constitutional measures," he School f having counterbalanced by the said. "We should go ahead in bus e's office wins President's lifting of the excise driver's adopting a state budget with, ■ tax on automobiles and the as perhaps, some stipulations to made, tariff on foreign cars and update it when the freeze is jp-to-date IMHTON (AP\ goods." over." A flprppd with tho id other WASHINGTON (AP) — A — agreed with the fVirmic Corpus rhvicfi Christi nA»> /and ~ »» * confusing." „ . . - next week under order [teas school district won a officials and the Justice Dept. an by !n Corpus Christi, after iwers general in charge of civil tion call to emporary reprive in the that 15,000 elementary school J,is 4Sutfy_:^!!:!*ma!nJn.e.ff^t until the circuit court or U-S; the Seals District Judge Woodrow who found dlscriniination Judge Seals found rights, had suggested to Black Supreme Court Thursday from children should not be bu*>d unconstitutional segregation that there is a leeal distinction aHced X 2 Sw^n the clalS as paru extensive busing order, right away. He said the Supreme Court acts merits" of the dispute on "the against both black and „EW a The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State - Justice Hugo L. Black situation was "very anomalous, The fusing was to Mexican - American, The begin school officials said they could ^sivf busfng. Th^Se and^ Mexican" American' University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Dept. suggested to Black late not afford the $1.7 million during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Wednesday this plan be 011 ® in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. cost of the busing. The Justice delayed. While blacks have been 3anel to study state Dept. said there was "serious question" that there had been discrimination against Mexican In his order, Black said "This case is in an undesirable segregated under state laws, they said, the Mexican Americans are challenging - Member Associated Press, United Press Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Association. International, Michigan Press Association, ar - American children. state of confusion and presents questions not heretofore passed "policies and actions." Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services of press freedoms on by the full court, but The government lawyers Bldg., Michigan Department requests State University, East Lansing, which should be." recommended a limited delay Michigan. The department's request for to give the U.S. Circuit Court jit of thi i delay marked the second time Phones: it wil; in This refers apparently ^ a mtIJU to w the MIC in N_ew 0rleans time t0 Probe News 355-8252 'asingly WASHINGTON (AP) - The been mailed out the last use assu med Press two weeks that the Nixon administration moved against a rhildrpn status"of"Mexican'"'American the CorPus Christi situation. Classified Ads 355-8255 enate subcommittee three weeks whneo etatoH I ties seeking credentials for investigative desegregation plan of its own grievances have never been ruled A stay had been granted for Advertising 353-6400 [(institutional rights is suggestions about the issues covers and fears about ield as ndertaking a broad study of and problems to which the use new of broadcast licensing in a major Texas city. The first was in Austin, where c^urt ^pon directlv by the too a while by U.S. Judge Owen Business Office 355-3447 d on tk lie state of freedom of the attention should be directed, for intimidation and P Cox, but circuit court. was set aside in the President Nixon on Aug. 3 No formal announcement of censorship have brought into disavowed a busng plan Solicitor General Irwin N these, he public the inquiry has been made, sharp relief existing concern prepared by the Dept. of Griswold and David L ppreciation for the role of a but the spokesman said public about the relationship between Health, Education and Welfare. Norman, the Jacobson's Again Open All Day asst. attorney Saturdays tee press in a democratic hearings may be scheduled government and the press. * of "thI3 Kiety is the subcommittee's later after replies have been "In my judgment, these the received and analyzed. events underline the Sen. Ervin's letters sets out in importance of a these words the reasons for comprehensive and thoughtful «*- l2S£i °£.A. Enin outlined the nature undertaking idertaking the study: Congressional examination of the sutdy, and events that "Recent developments, the meaning and vitality of ave prompted it, in a letter including the subpoenaing of the free press in ent to newspapers, news journalists by grand juries and contemporary America." ervices and broadcasters. congressional committees, Ervin said in his letter that A subcommittee spokesman efforts to secure injunctions spokes "the subcommittee is aid about 100 letters have against certain newspapers, the concerned with the application of the First Amendment to both the printed press and ?s the broadcast press." State aid "We are interested in the relationship between all three rfy branches of the government and the press," he said, iefusing ters of bomb eyed for By United Press International adding that the subcommittee intends to look into legislative and other proposals "for resolving the conflicts which explode m|A rVflargest to freeze of state aid payments for students to all have emerged in recent ■ Michigan's school districts at last year's years." ng that nrt!!)nfL l?V.e' un'" nat'ona' w«ge • price freeze has "Preserving the principle led 28 being pushed in the state Senate. and renewing the spirit of the fo the First Amendment is the Senate Education Chairman Gilbert wd Bursley, R-Ann Arbor, subcommittee's paramount Thursday his committee will recommend the Senate concern," Ervin said. l!loPt the freeze proposal on per pupil payments when it neets to consider the 1971-72 school aid bill. city iiK?Ce '"belocked ^reeze probably means that teacher contracts in at last year's levels, the schools won't need ® extra money for salaries they would be collecting if we Wni keep payments in line with last year," said Bursley. » the freeze lasts 90 days, the state would save an SJ''mated $10-15 million by paying districts for the number pupils they have at last year's budget level of $642 orations ullion. snipers Currently the senate is considering a school aid bill with Per pupil payment rate from $685-701 million. ight by mosaic patterns with ovincial /eryone the Lanz touch for Miss J NEW - for you swing out this fall in a soft little dress. When you ivcrnt The purple polyester skirt a real Pizza, JD is outlined with black and give me a call topped with purple cotton • River View • Lots of trees • Cathedral Ceilings • Open Layouts velour. 5-13 sizes $40. • Fabulous Fireplace • 3 bdrm — 1% bath Priced ON CAMPUS at $36,900 - Financing Available Was Bob Homan 349-3310 office - 349-2018 res. 1071 TROWBRIDGE .SIMON REAL ESTATE 337—1681 MSU -OKEMOS OFF CAMPUS BRANCH OFFICE 1203 E GRAND RIVER 4217 Okemos Phone Rd., Okemos 349-3310 337—1631 Jacobson's MICHIGAN STIVE ALLEN STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY A pink slip for the President By Jl State N Of the. KEN LYNAM last Lansm advertising manager cycle most likely will len who Sunday night the nation's No. 1 had tried practically every conventional government payroll. The proposed not be bird m u JOHN BORGER, managing editor executive put his job on the line. means of turning the economic investment tax credit may or may not For at the termination of the fJ!' help employment. If Congress repeals everyone will get the raises they pent 8 ' BOB ROACH, news editor President Nixon either pulled a political downturn into a general upswing. He have gotten earlier, which will early $ BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor coup which will guarantee him election used inflation alerts to proverbially drag the excise tax on automobiles, Detroit set th! ,mpaif!n's' may boom, but again it may not. The inflationary fires going once more RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor in the fall of '72 or doomed himself big business and unions on the carpet 10 per cent import tax may abet Then, the question must be askon to the fate of the last Republican for feeding the inflationary psychology. American industry. Yet whatever how will the President president to face an economic crisis, He played around with interest rates, gains overcome th this dual dilemma of none other than Herbert Hoover. It Is with no appreciable results. Fbr all measure may yield in increased unemployment inflation when it is plain to Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award strictly an either/or proposition this practical purposes, the President tried stateside production may be offset by his new policies in themselves see Z time. All that is left now is to observe will * for outstanding journalism. in which direction the President's new do the job? not The answer lies in policies will pull him. "Nixon's presidency rides on his economic economic Nixon's presidency rides on his psychology. For the two and a half economic policy reversal for one clear policy reversal for one clear and simple reason: years of his presidency, Nixon has The new policies in themselves are not going EDITORIALS and simple reason: The new policies in themselves are not going to pull the to pull the economy through. The policies can taken no clear and visible steps to the economic woes. The public did fight not see the President economy through. The policies can only only he successful in a psychological sense." doing anythini about the economy. T(* Mitchell abdi be successful in a psychological sense. were aware that the Federal RPS(J That is, the biggest obstacle facing Board was making a few monetary the American economy right now is every conventional trick in the book, layoffs in importing firms. The federal I policy maneuvers, but they also nothing which can be overcome by without success. He had no alternative spending cuts will hurt employment as that these saw moves were changing interest rates and jawboning. but to try something unconventional. some government contractors find not Kent State The business obstacle convinced that sector is purely we is are by in mental. The an and large economic This he did. The and proposed by the measures ordered President Sunday, themselves left out in the cold. As far as the effectiveness of the policies in themselves, the President probably has accomplishing anything. Sunday night, though, they President make a major polity speech saw the night have no business working. Wage on the economy. He did No one has ever been able to problem twisting the questionable downturn. As long as they feel this and price controls have only worked even worsened the employment not just situation. occupy 20 minutes on the satisfactorily explain the immense constitutionality of this elastic law way, they are not going to take the during wartime. Even then the moment tube risk of hiring new people or buying The wage-price freeze in itself defending old policies and assuring m around left-wing factions. when they were removed, inflation hit emotional impact of the Kent new capital equipment. When one is probably will not work any wonders all that everything will work out Even with the conspiracy again harder than ever. according to plan, as Nixon had done State killings. Perhaps it is convinced the economy is on the down The new policies in themselves will either. The freeze, if strictly enforced, proceedings dismissed, Mitchell every few months with his Vietnam because the tragedy occured in side, he does not make big investments create no new jobs. In fact, the will of course stop inflation for the it's a good way to lose money. time being. But the policy. He instead took action the heartland of America rather certainly has no basis for freeze is of such — policies guarantee only the elimination coast-to-coast in prime time, for The President before Sunday short duration that the inflationary all to than half a world away that the cancelling all "further action." night of certain jobs — five per cent of the see. He initiated wage-price controls to death of four seemed worse than Death at the hands of the state halt inflation, didn't he? He was the deaths of hundreds of National Guard clearly raises a cutting waste off the government thousands. One thing only was question of deprivation of civil budget, wasri't he? He strengthened the dollar abroad, didn't he? held to be sure: At least those rights - an offense also covered Of course he did, right before who fell in Ohio would know the by federal statutes. That the eyer. The President finally did justice denied the victims of Justice Dept. did not even something about the economy, ill Vietnam. seriously consider these grounds repeat that sentence. The President Last week, however, Attorney especially in lieu of the Scranton finally did something about the General John Mitchell shook the Report is tangible evidence that economy. We saw him give the nation economic system an unconventional nation with his announcement the administration's mind was jol on prime time television. that the Justice Dept. was made up before the investigation The effectiveness of that jolt wi eschewing any further action for began. depend on the public's faith in thi want of evidence of a With Mitchell's abdication little President. If people believe th( is left to the interests of President, if Nixon is trusted by th "conspiracy." The impact of the recourse public, if there is no credibility gi attorney general's statement was justice. The only other body between the White House and tl doubly painful since in the wake capable of acting, the State of people, the policies will work. of the star chamber proceedings Ohio, is the precise body On the other hand, If the peop of local collectively responsible for the have no faith In the President, if the government it was murders. think that the latest speech was presumed that the federal Indeed, the state's grandstanding, then the economy government alone could dispense official response thus far is the infamous Kent County grand jury remain in ita present condition. ON I justice in the case. In other words, the fate of which indicted Kent State nation's economy for the time belt Unfortunately, such thinking students and faculty members for rides on the public's trust In th a has lead the American people into cul disappointment. dc sac of The federal cruel rioting - an act as illogical as blaming Vietnamese genocide on President, If there is no such trurt then Nixon knows that he can ju forget about 1972. People may or mi B the inability of peasants to avoid not vote for a man who does not sa government has never intended to BONN, G falling napalm. 'LET'S HEAR THREE ROUSING CHEERS OF WELCOME FOR MR. LINDSAY. the economy, but they definitely wi victorioi do more than gloss over the Kent not vote for a man they do not trui Clearly, the American tradition ar II havi incident while withholding any of justice through law has proven fferences < concrete action. It is simply not oint where an empty vessel in the Kent State in their interest to protect the nproving th case, suitable for show but little ART BUCHWALD round the rights of peace groups at the else. It is equally apparent that reachc expense of the traditional this situation will not be ualified We: segments of society. remedied until the people of this than That the attorney general was unable to find any grounds of conspiracy charges is nothing less astounding. The federal nation are able to implement a sweeping change in their local and national the leadership - ironically, precise thing the Kent Speaking of expensive dolls... ates, Britaii government has never had any demonstrations were all about. Unior I have nothing against toy companies. to have to apply for relief. This is "Barbie needs a negligee." enough, there was a doll named Ken 'ogress at In their own way, they bring happiness what happened: "So does your mother," I replied. the same size as Barbie, with crewcu Wedn eir experts to the hearts of our young ones and My 7-year-old daughter requested, "But there is one in the catalog for hair, a vinyl plastic chest and movabl Secret trial they give employment to thousands of people all over the country. It is only when they try to bankrupt us that I four months ago, a Barbie doll. Now, as far as I'm concerned, one doll is just like another and since the Barbie only $3," she cried. "What "The catalog?" one that came with the doll." arms and "If you legs. don't get Ken," my daughte cried, "Barbie will grow up to be " agreeni Two poin feel should speak out. was only $3 I was happy to oblige. I grabbed the catalog and, much to old maid." we If my only Shiek injustice situation between is duplicated around nation, every father who has a daughter the ages of 4 and the 12 is going I brought the doll home and thought nothing more of it until a week later when my daughter came in and said, my horror, discovered what the sellers of Barbie were up to. They'll let you have the doll for $3, but you have to buy clothes for her at an average of So I went and bought Ken Ken needed a tuxedo ($5), a ($2.50), electric a razor terry-cloth ($2), robe and i tennis togs ($< ($3.50 raincor Mujibur ("Mujib") nonviolence. The independent state Rahman, the man once called the of Bangla Desh was declared in his $3 a crack. They have about 200 pajamas ($1.50) and severt outfits, from ice-skating skirts to mink single-breasted suits ($27). "next prime minister of Pakistan," name, but not by him. OUR READERS' MIND jackets, and a girl's status in the Pretty soon I had put up $400 is on trial for his life for Rahman's trial before a military community is based on how many protect my original $3 investment. "treason" to the nation he has tribunal is, needless to say, being Barbie clothes she has for her doll. Then one evening my daughter cam Smoke bad The first time I took my daughter in with a shocker. example served since its conducted in secret. Lahore pleas independence. Perhaps "trial" -is not "security" as the reason, though it a to the store I spent $3 on a dress for her and $25 to outfit her Barbie doll. "Barbie and Ken are getting marrie Here is the list of wedding clothe the proper word, however, since seems clear that the western A week later my daughter came in they'll need as well as a picture * almost all observers agree that the Establishment has not forgotten To the Editor: of the smoke? (2) Why was the burning and said, "Barbie wants to be an Barbie's dream house." verdict is already sealed - the Mujib's last treason trial in 1968 Last Friday and Saturday evenings at carried out at night? (3) What was the airline stewardess." "Seven ninety-five for a house, only question remaining is whether in which his lawyers made fools of approximately 9 a thick, black smoke purpose of the burning in the first "So let her be an airline stewardess," shouted. "Why can't they live on was spewed out of the steam plant's place? (4) Can any more of it be I said. shelf like the rest of your dolls?" Pakistani President Agha the prosecution. smokestack, located adjacent to the Spartan expected to fail upon us in the near "She needs a uniform. It's only The tears started to flow. 'Tl* Mohammed Yahya Khan will have The irony is that Mujib is quite Stadium. future? $3.50." want to live together as man »» For here's Mujib executed. This act of incredible pollution, I gave her the $3.50. wife." true aud possibly the only person who can MSU, a learning institution well The his ry of Rahman's cloaked by the shade of night went on known for ecology consciousness had Barbie didn't stay a stewardess long. Well, Barbie and Ken are no clarity, restore peace to Pakistan. The only r< political career reflects the quest for more than an hour each evening. better become more aware of its own She decided she wanted to be a nurse happily married and living in ttie reflected : logical course of action open to The persons living in the south section ($3), then a singer in a nightclub ($3), dream house with $3,000 worth <" y°ur hon of the East Pakistanis for their fair system. It is only logical that a good Lahore is to release Mujib and of campus were forced to breathe in this and then a professional dancer ($3). clothes hanging in the closet. I wkh accommc share of Pakistani prosperity and example be set by MSU if good, new allow him to reassume his rightful crud if they desired to remain in the values toward the environment are to be One day my daughter walked in and could say that all was well, charactorLs political power. From the moment The sleepers were unwittingly said, "Barbie's lonely." yesterday my daughter announced till only at of its creation, Pakistan has been leadership of East Pakistan and in area. adapted by the students. so doing perhaps manage to "poisoned" in their slumber. The Scot Smith "Let her join a sorority," I said. Midge ($3) was coming to visit them something dominated by its less populated consistency of the smoke falling over the Ann Arbor freshman "She wants Ken." And she doesn't have a thing to we« western wing preserve the nation. The area was unbelievably thick and the and East Pakistan Aug. 17, 1971 has been systematically alternative is to maintain an smell overpowering. She showed me the catalog. Sure Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Time^ exploited indefinate state of martial law The questions I would like to put to as a colonial possession. That t the persons responsible for these acts President Khan chose supported over a supply line to invade thousands of miles long. are: (1) What was the chemical makeup East Pakistan and imprison Logic untortunately means little Rahman rather than grant the to the repression - oriented, Awami League its rightful electorial mandate only serves to military dominated government of Pakistan. Realistically the chances Nil meaning underscore this fact. of attaining Rahman's release are To the Editor: Mujib is, among other things, nil. At present it can only be I cannot resist commenting on the accused of "waging war against article by Rick Wilbins of hoped that fear of world reaction Aug. 13 Pakistan," of advocating the entitled "The will prevent his execution and that immoral, dying secession of East Pakistan and of institution." ALL HtMi'KE P0IN6 15 PO SOMETHING WITH he may some day again be plotting the assassination of If the word "castration" was removed CRAWLING AROUNPON YOUR LIFE ..DON'T JU5T available to lead his people. from President Khan. These the article, the depth of THE GROUNP! CRAWL AROUNPil allegations Until such time, however, Bangla psychological insight remaining would be ignore the fact that Rahman has Desh will endure — and the nil. Any possible understanding of continually opposed separatism - human relations cannot be based government of Yahya Khan will such on though he is a strong proponent of remain an oversimplififed catch phrase. an object of revulsion and regional autonomy - Gerald Mailing and that he scorn in the community of has consistently stood for nations. Lansing resident Aug. 17, 1971 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 20, 1971 5 Candidates report expenses for primary JIM SHELDON '."J". doled out almost funds m expected filed Thursday but agreed to $800. to go toward These records are public- Brookover also is seeking State News Staff Writer fall campaign release campaign amounts he information Phillips shows that the two $250. Campaign contributions for expenses Ficures" on when filed with re-election to his seat on city received six nominees for Duane P. Bone and said he intended to file. the clerk and men a great deal of Turning to Phillips, the Charles campaign may be council. Of lhe. costs receinte and State money in comparison with Lansing City Council, the (Max) Phillips, for the second debts to? fivTSf the election statutes examined or require all candidates except citizen upon request at the copied by any Placing fifth and sixth in the other candidates to gain number $842.17 three on man pictures, a spent #h0 finished second and and third runners, amounted nominees had been notarized the primary were George the no inations ' for write-ins for a primary election campaign advertisement, signs in the Aug. 3 primary to a combined total of almost and filed with the Ineham county clerk's office in Colburn and George Griffiths. November. to file statements with the Mason. and lumber, fund raising . a combined total of $4,000. Total receipts for the County clerk as of Thursday Campaign itemizations Their campaign was a joint With $1,580.82, ^ $2,500 on their other four were slightly less Wilbur R Brookover the county after clerk within 10 days include names of and amounts effort^ conducted by Project: bought stamps, fund-raising cards, party supplies, post ,'mpaifins- whi,e the 0 ^700- Unused Primary other nominee, had not yet the election, 10-day extension if with needed. a from contributors, money spent, items purchased, City Hall, with funds handled by Citizens for a Responsive cards, signs, portraits and cards, brochures and a mailing |jst. His most expensive glossy photographs, purchase was $249.06 for sources of payment and any Government which filed a cards and name sheets, brochures. outstanding debts. joint statement for the two. refreshments for a July ~ " On the contribution side of Bone, placing second among joint statement, meeting, letterheads, envelopes, the statement, 61 persons 12 hopefuls on the Aug. 3 Students ballot, spent $1,580.82 on his campaign while colecting Xerox brochures. work, labels and gave $1,461.10 to the Phillips cause. Largest donation was $172.64, and receipts totalled His statement says the $2,317. Charles M. Phillips, $233.50. Additional statements $41.10, with the bulk ranging most costly purchase was between $10 and $30. fight third runner, which was given to him. spent only $84 2.17 of the $1,461.10 on were Hall behalf of Colburn only filed and by Project: City By Colburn for $940.52 for labels, 13,500 brochures, postage and 2,000 cards." "Xerox and 1 j-i.ii- hough condiserably less in magnitude than costs for Top vote-getter Gordon L. Council Gommittte. Bone and Phillips, for ho Thomas, councilman incumbent running for Figures from the project were $254.08 in disbursements Eighty listed as contributors donating the $2,317 were expenditures four nominees for the other went for during July and August, When re-election, paid $47.60 for and $271 in receipts. From similar purchases, including the MSU grounds Though the vast majority an advertisement in the Town the Colburn committee, handed him between $10 and election advertisement, printing crew recently began the Courier. He received $10. removal of an American figures indicated that $136.03 $30, one charges, postage and stamps, Brookover, fourth in the man gave $50, two Elm Tree, they discovered was spent with $140.77 taken other allotted $100 each and party refreshments, post cards that the tree harbored not race, told the State News Okemos and letters. resident Fred N. only Dutch elm disease, but Thursday morning his . White, owner of the Two candidates, Charles also several thousand honey campaign cost $171.27 while A quick look at the donations totalled statements Lansing-based Fred White Will and Elyse Eisenberg, bees that had taken up $40. from Bone and Engineering Co., shelled out placed seventh and eighth in residence in the hollow tree the trunk. primary and intend to run as write-ins in the general Witnessing this volatile si'uation were two graduate students in the Dept. of Volunteer opportunities city election. Will's campaign statement $188.86 indicated and he spent received the Fisheries and Wildlife, Louis same amount in contributions. A. Helfrich Jr. of Okemos and Robert J. Bernard of Marquette. available through bureau Miss Eiseberg spent $89.45. She took in $90. When the tree containing The following volunteer opportunities are to the bees was hauled to a someone spend time with him and perhaps available through the MSU Volunteer Bureau. to dumping ground help him with school subjects. A on Jolly Unless otherwise indicated, the volunteer must Road, the two graduate provide his students own transportation. For further followed, attired in information call 353-4400. middle-aged woman with physical and mental waders, heavy jackets, gloves disabilities needs someone to take her to the and mosquito netting and bank, grocery shopping, for food stamps, etc, A chronically ill woman with limited equipped with chain saw, several times a month. State a of with honey the intent of from salvaging the disrupted income and no transportation needs help in shopping and meal planning in order to lose weight for health reasons. A volunteer is A Spanish-speaking help a man learn English. volunteer is needed to hive. A man covered by protective netting extracts bees from their clone in order to get at the needed to take her to the After battling angry bees, supermarket on a Volunteers are needed to do painting and rich honey that is the product of their work. regular biweekly or weekly basis. Helfrich and Bernard found moving for low-income families on a variable State News photo by Bob Bernard the venture "well worth schedule. Transportation provided if necessary. TIFFANY An elderly lady needs someone to live with Math tutors needed for an 8-year-old boy while," as they salvaged 30 RESTAURANT her in exchange for room and board. and a 12-year-old boy. Math and English tutor pounds of pure honey from & LOUNGE the tree. A second-grade girl needs a tutor to help needed for 12-year-old boy. her with reading and math. Multiple sclerosis patients would appreciate A 16 year - old - brain - damaged boy needs - having visitors spend some time with them. The visitors could read to the patients or just spend time talking with them. Where service ON BERLIN QUESTION still counts . . . Ji, x's. Big Four expected to be cleared up by While spokesmen observed a said While declining to predict n that form the cornerstone of Special Greek menu every Saturday evening the ambassadors next week, news blackout on the when an agreement would be his Eastern policy. h II have narrowed their They are scheduled to meet negotiations, e newspaper U"J Rush reached, D""u said: "We have a Berlin agreement also ifferences over Berlin to ... again Monday. Frankfurter Rundschau, gone over every subject that a Western precondition to a oint where an agreement on The information came amid which is close to Brandt's is before us - we explored European security conference (proving the situation in and mounting signs that an Social Democratic party, said every detail uund the divided city may We want an which the Soviet Union and id agreement which would bring the ambassadors made "a its allies want to convene. reached next week, practical improvements for decisive breakthrough in the agreement that is satisfying to "n,~ * * aU partjes that reallv will ualified Western sources said West Berlin, 110 miles inside Wednesday session. have the s[ support of all tiursday. Communist territory, was Observers in Bonn also four m and German within reach. noted that Rush, who up to The sources, who declined West pe0ple." German Chancellor now has kept his statements be identified Brandt has made a by name, said Willy Brandt cut short his to newsmen general and short, ambassadors of the United North Sea vacation by three said following the session that satisfactory Berlin agreement a tates, Britain, FYance and the precondition to ratifvine West days and the Foreign Ministry ended after midnight that he Germany's treaties with oviet Union made sufficient announced that U.S. was pleased. Poland and the Soviet Union rogress at their marathon Ambassador Kenneth Rush crew-cu ssion Wednesday to instruct would brief Foreign Minister movabl leir experts to draft a text Walter Scheel on the talks f an agreement. Friday. It was the first time m since the talks started 17 lwo to be points, which are still months ago that the Foreign Pen and which the sources c ined to Ministry had made such an i ($350 specify, are announcement ahead of time. i raincoi and ogs ($3 If You Haven't Heard Anything Good Lately.. You Haven't Heard The BOSE 901. For here's an innovative speaker system that gives the true are not audiophile everything they could ask for in clarity, realism and true dispersion of sound. 89% in the reflected and 11% directed sound - like a concert in vorth ' y°ur home. A solid state equalizer is included for I wish rel , I'll iced tlu accommodating c this natural sound to room aracteristics and personal tastes. The BOSE 901, on-y at HIFI BUYS, So Step Inside and hear Scrooge would be in trouble sit them something very good! if lie came to us tor a job. We wouldn't hire Scrooge. Oh, he tame highly recommended and we i ARE know he's just great with numbers. And he works hard too. But he's just not friendly enough for us. That's one of the most important things we look for in all our employees. And that's $47600 why East Lansing State Bank is the friendliest bank around. Convenient Terms So, it friendliness and personal service are You Arranged! Thrilling new trio $250 important to you. come to East Lansing State Bank, can hear the difference now. 30 Day Money Diamonds enlarged your Hometown Bank. Now with Trust Services. Back Guarantee to show detail. Member: F.D.I.C. And as for Scrooge, come back after Christmas. East Lansing State Bank HI-FI iiM 337-2310 1101 E. Grand Riv«r DOWNTOWN FRANOOR lANSINGMAU MERIDIAN 2^ Friday, August Michiga 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 20,197) Questions keep rolling in Li education and advice could encumber himself within $10 of the age of majority." Issac is now devoting much of his time to Hevi By RICK WILBINS Collegiate State News Staff Writer his total earning capacity by dealing in several different "The entire subject of consumerism in its three categories interesting and informative consumer education programs, locations. This could happen to him without any of products, services and finances should be a part of the slides, pamphlets and segments of "Dragnet," "Adam 12" Michigan s 101 unscrupulous dealings on the part of the merchants." educational structure of our schools;" he said. "The high "Ironside" TV shows Illustrating fraud schemes. He is ts goalposts fr "Roots time and advice" are the critical considerations Isaac said he feels the governmental educational process schools of Michigan should have curricula designed to teach currently working to produce several 10-minute tapes ines. particularly the 18-to-21-year-olds recently That's in p every consumer, owes to youth "a program of consumer education dealing money management and the minimal legalistics of borrowing consumer-oriented developments for WEET radio and inw granted adulthood, should evaluate in buying products and Itimore Colt directly with problems confronted by those newly arrived at money and using money." to approach other radio stations as well. In addition he sized ar services, according to Albert G. Isaac, field representative for . preparing two half-hour consumer information shows tn Sunday, the Consumer Protection Bureau of the Michigan attorney aired on TV. crowd ( general's office. nore's de Preparedness hub settles "The young consumer is particularly vulnerable to swindles Isaac said he feels consumer education and poor finance budgeting but can save himself a lot of neglected part of our educational process. He said°!!en & trouble if he follows three basic suggestions: deal with people surveys have constantly indicated that many people who have roots in the community, do not hurry or be forced have* teams to hurry spending your money, and seek advice from some true 'Lone ££* th"e ToI^omic Udd^ in^o ^7^ °f " knowledgeable person you trust," Isaac said. Isaac a former member of the Detroit Police Dept. and commander of the east and west side detective divisions, said from hubbub income brackets, he explained. Citizens cannot expect that the law enforcement l0We> )pc agenci he does not believe the old adage that "an honest man will always be able to protect them from shadv busing cannot be cheated." CHICAGO (AP) — The to go to my region's largest Callers found it nearly Most of the calls, Gardiner' negotiations, either, he said. * "People will tell you that con games are only for stupid Chicago Office of Emergency city and establish my impossible to get through by said, are from persons with people Don't you believe it. Many of these swindles involve "Although various police agencies throughout the countrv payments of $5,000. The accumulation of $5,000 and Preparedness is gradually operation." phone. questions about rent, both maintain some form of consumer fraud for effort, they getting prepared. The people And, with military Staff members overburdened landlords and tenants, the next stupidity do not go hand in hand. Everybody simply wants a feel the hampered in their work in this area by a preoccupation with chunk of the American dream, and without being cautioned who work there expediency and some of the with long interpretations of largest category is queries on violence and crime, not to mention the increasing burden beforehand, are susceptible," he explained. hastily set up office has confusion that goes with it, the new programs took some wages and salaries, promotions traffic regulation," he explained. ' Isaac said young people should be cautioned against some progressed from chaos at the Gardiner had the wheels phones off the hook. and merit increases. start to a state of mite motion by noon the next day. Gardiner said 1,200 calls "This whole program is The alternative to putting an impossible burden of the more prevalent frauds: "fly-by-night" home repair confusion now. An initial staff of 10 persons received in the first day. or, th By RICK i contractors, get-rich-at-home schemes such as those that based on voluntary compliance police, he said, is to educate the consumer. State News The office was set up was called together and six Since then, the staff has been with the President's wishes," "It is the rootless, unstable salesman with the suggest you raise chinchillas in your basement, health cure-alls, merchandis mail order catering to vanity such as breast development quickly to answer questions telephone lines were opened, more than doubled and the Bob Lee, one of Gardiner's of nebulous quality that must be bought now who is Not since 1J from residents in a six - state The office open d telephone lines increased to assistants, said, "and so far constant danger to the community. Only education augherty lot programs and pyramid schemes. leading He said the latter is particularly easy to be caught in. Midwest area about President Wednesday morning. that's what we're finding." awareness will prevent him from reaping his harvest." ,ason with Nixon's economic reforms. jticipation. Am "Young people should take care not to get caught up in a business opportunity which involves a product but depends The machinery was put in at season has i motion 15 minutes after the Daugherty ' for its success on getting other investors into the system. This seldom benefits anyone but the top people." President finished his ACTS AS WATCHDOG )71 version nationwide television speech jartans out Isaac also said that young people could easily create a finacially critical position for themselves by overextending Sunday night. iturday and bt "I received a telephone call his team f Board retrieves their credit. "People who are comparative newcomers in the psychedelic or kaleidescopic market of our day are liable to create an unbearable burden upon themselves by overcommitting themselves financially," he said. "With easy credit, a young person without proper from Gen. Nixon said George Lincoln (OEP director) right after Mr. finished his speech," Kennard Gardiner, the regional director. "He told me WASHINGTON (AP) - In has against excess profits on space and defense contracts, public funds "That's a pretty good board has found 4,155 cases investment, I think," I where contractors made for a new missile system the Lunar Excursion Module , jener inois. The nual press on Spartans begin serioi day St the midst of federal budget In 20 years of existence, the Lawrence E. Hartwig, chairman excessive profits. Much of the he said. "The contractor onday. deficits, there is in this town Daugherty EDGEWOOD UNITED an oasis of bureaucratic Renegotiation Board has been' of the board, said in an interview, overpricing, Hartwig said, is making something brand n Central United Methodist responsible for retrieving and "Wouldn't you like to have due not so much to for which there" is no ittermen ret CHURCH solvency, a federal agency Across from the Capitol returning $443.5 million to $1,000 invested on Jan. 1 profiteering as to the unique revious season! 469 N. Hagadom ALL SAINTS that returns $7 to the experience when we negotia WORSHIP SER VICE ^"X and I give you $7,000 the nature of the space and the contract. ips of all the An Ecumenical Fellowship 10:00 A.M. EPISCOPAL CHURCH every $1 it « spending only $65 million to next Dec. 31?" "Because of the ig Ten in 800 Abbott Road spends. pervasi Worship Service' SUMMER SERVICE do its job. In the last 20 years, the cost uncertainty, eve eading the lis 7:00 THURSDAY Phone 3517160 This is the Renegotiation two quarterl contract is a prediction, Topic 8:00 Holy Communion Board, and the minute details hom had spurti out and out guess. £ "There Is A Bridge 10:00 Holy Communion and Sermon of its operations are there isn't past productk jartan offense Over Troubled Waters" guaranteed to inspire total The Rev. Wm. A. Eddy, Rector Dr. experience, that predictii Mike Rasmus Dr. Robert Harris, Choirmaster Lyman The Rev. Jack Hilyard, Chaplain lethargy in anyone other than could be way off the Nursery, Toddlers, Kindergarten a dedicated accountant. mar ree school pas Look at the C5A." 332-0606 or 332-8693 10 AM But the fact is that the performances irst to 4th Grades, Church School 10:20 AM board is the only independent The C5A is the giant ming off of Force me in which 485-9477 watchdog the U.S. government transport plane bei 14 yards UNIVERSITY WHAT MSU POLICE TERMED a littering were called by a citizen to investigate a rape Lockheed Aircn uchdowns in FIRST CHURCH OF UNIVERSITY incident occurred when two 15-year-old girls in progress. The woman said she and her °rder for iderdog White PEOPLES CHURCH CHRIST SCIENTIST BAPTIST CHURCH SEVENTH-DAY from Wyoming said they were walking on a husband had been arguing before the attack ?f... planes will cost $3 •0 blasting c EAST LANSING Grand River at Haslett Entrance ADVENTIST CHURCH sidewalk near Campbell Hall when a man about family financial matters. ^,UonJ^or1 $1!2 bl East Lansing Meeting at 2606 South Hagrtorn passed between them and dropped a The husband had left the scene shortly the orl^nal estimate, George Miha prophylactic onto the ground. before police said they arrived. Further Sabbath School 9:30 'With cost uncertainty o arterback with The incident reportedly occurred about investigation is being conducted. Sunday Services 10:00 a. m. John D. Walden - Pastor Worship Service 11:00 9:45 p.m. Wednesday along West Circle Drive. new systems," Hartwig Lesson Sermon Subject ■ "the contractor is natural For Information K. G. Smith, pastor The girls said they heard someone approaching 332-1888 going to play for all th^ftsmussen for th or Transportation rapidly from behind and separated to allow ABOUT 250 persons were evacuated from inst Illinois. the person to pass. contingencies he can think Bus Schedule 332-8472 149 the SUNDAY SERVICE Highland Ave. Chemistry Building about 2:20 p.m. to protect himself against Several other | Wednesday Testimonial Meeting A short distance later, they said, he reached Call 351-8994 if you Wednesday when toxic acid fumes escaped very bad price guess, nericans dot t 8:00p.m. into his pocket and cast aside the object. from a bottle in room 404, overcame two lab need transportation ndidates invite* 10:00 A.M. The man was described as white, about 20 "If there is a cost undern Sunday School to age 20 assistants and seeped into the hallway. 10:00 a.m. years old, with a heavy build and dark, due to an overestimate shoulder length hair. He was wearing blue Police said the victims were treated and "The Great Paradox " Reading Room Temporarily jeans and a dark shirt. Police said the incident released fumes from University Health Center. Acid neutralized by firemen under cost, that's where we come getting the excessive prod returned" Ml TRINITY CHURCH were jRiN the following morning, and no was reported the Dr. Julius Fish bach Located in Church EAST LANSING search conducted. direction of Chemistry Dept. officials. was Treasury." OPEN 841 Timberlane Drive Remaining fumes were allowed to escape irebi n Weekdays 9-5 p.m. outside the building. While the Renegotiate Stanley R. Reilly, East A LANSING WOMAN was treated and Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Lansing released early Board has been direct! CHURCH SCHOOL Minister Tuesday morning from The incident happened when the lab 7-9 p.m. Telephone: 351-8200 University Health Center for injuries she responsible for retriei )lay< eves 10:00 suffered when husband reportedly beat her assistants were emptying and cleanlnglbottles in $443.5 million, Hartwig Interdenominational the room. One bottle was incorrectly labeled, Crib through Adults All are welcome to attend University Class 9:45 a.m. with his fist, ripped her clothes and threw her it has been indirectl Church services and visit and to the ground. * they said, and toxic fumes escaped before responsible for getting bac The Lansing A Coffee Hour "Before the Mount" 6:00 p.m. they could replace the stopper. The building another $1.4 billion the Police said the incident occurred in the >p the Midw use reading room. was reopened about 3:10 p.m. voluntary funds. After Services Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. lower level of Parking Ramp 2 when they ague's Centr spite their I loss las OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN WHAT YOU DON'T Priest-clown lumbus, will itiac Firebirds tai CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE urday at Lans (2 mi. E. of Hagadom, lA mi. S. of Gd. R. behind MEIJER'S) morial Stadium, An Independent Church With A Biblical 310 N. Bible Study Worship Hagadom 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 251 W. Grand River Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m KNOW ABOUT happiness MILWAUKEE (AP) - Two years ago, some students Tickets will be The ALWAYS OPEN gave Stars, 9:45 a.m. Church School — all ages Nursery 5 LEATHER, a Milwaukee priest a clown suit, and to their surprise delight, he put it on. and iference at race, home thi 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services Minister, Kail Ruffner As the occasion demands, the Rev. John E. Naus his ns over th For 332-5193 332-3035 been wearing it since. The 46 - year - old Jesuit is ' wboys on oper Transportation Call 349-2830 W.E. Robinson, Pastor or 349-2533 ie Transportation mm* ^ BROTHER GAMBIT professor of philosophy at Marquette University but in 1 spare time, he's "Tumbleweed." Little did his students know they were launching the Pontiac Flint Wildcat is in LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES DOES. career of "priest - clown." Tumbleweed's cherry red nose, floppy scarecrow suit and ! Lakes Divisioi s< Christian Reformed Church lumbus Bucks, yellow string hair have brought moments of happiness to " conquerer. and Student Center children, old people and even students. 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) for Students and Faculty at for Students at University Lutheran Church Division & Ann Streets 332-2559 Martin Luther Chapel 444 Abbott Road 332-0778 Visit our new Student Center THE PLAZA Girls: _ IF YOU CAN TYPE, WHY It's open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. NOT ENROLL IN LBU'S Real I A Community Owned... Serving the Community Lunch Wednesday 12:30 -1:30 Pastor David Kruse For U MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE 7:00 P.M. Overlooking the Capitol "MINI-SECRETARIAL" d 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP Rev. Brink Honeymoon 8:15 a.m. Matins 9:15 a.m. Common Service 1st and 3rd Communion 9:30 and 11:00 Rev. Brink suites Color COURSE THIS FALL. 10:30 a.m. Common Service 2nd and 4th Matins 9:30 only for with round beds There's no doubt about it, good jobs are scarce right transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 now. Check the want ads though and you will notice SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 300 Rooms TVs several LBU's openings for Secretaries and Receptionists. "Mini ********** • Secretarial" Course include! 1518 S. Washington in SPEEDWRITING SHORTHAND, the easiest and quickest Sunday 7 p.m. Lansing 135 Remodeled every form of shorthand to learn. Typing, on all new electrics Rev. Paul Tidswell, speaking taught by an instructor. And filing, or business letter Desmond Bell, Baritone soloist Room writing, or accounting, or business machines. (All (io,/ 9:45 A.M. New Furnishings classes are over every day at 1 pm, or before.) College Bible Class ********** ., in the fireside room. This low - cost package, with the help of LBU* Dr. Ted Ward, Placement Office, just might get you on a good j<» MSU, Teacher earning a good incoma in time to do your Christmas I Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor THE PLAZA shopping in style . . . Call or visit today for details - Glenn R. Blossom, Youth Pastor 11:00 A.M. "Come See A Miracle " Dr. (Former Jack Tar Hotel) FALL TERM BEGINS Sugden FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening ?25 W. Michigan MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Call 482-0754 for information. across from the Capitol LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY corner Capitol & Ottawa Phone: 48f Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan !0,197| Friday, August 20, 1971 7 SPORTS- Lions, Coltsp/oy Sunday 0 devisir Collegiate football's biggest bowl - the University of the College All - Stars by a 24 • 17 count. In its other grams Michigan's 101,000 - seat stadium in Ann Arbor - has moved games, Baltimore was edged 10-7 by Kansas of potency and a surge of substitutions as he gave a flock of Ron Jessie in the last two minutes pulled the Lions close. is goalposts from the back of the end zones up to the goal City before rookies a lot of game action. "We've been playing as if we expected the other team to He12" also is
pite their first regular son loss last week at 2820 E. Grand R Additional Items umbus, will tangle with the 487-3761 Ham Olives itiae Firebirds at 7:30 Open Pepperoni p.m. Mushrooms Green Peppers Ground Beef mm Sun. thru Thurs, urday at Lansing Sexton's Onions Fresh Sousoge morial Stadium. 12-inch Pizza each 30c rickets will be sold at the 16-inch Super each 50c Our DeLuxe Pizxo—Pepperoni, Mushrooms, 7777777777777I The Stars, 2-1 in the .. nference Horn, Green Pepper, Onion race, have yet to 12-inch Regular Pizza $3.00 at home this year, with Naus has 16-inch Super Pizza $4.5C s over the Wyoming suit is wboys on opening day and Soft drinks also available. ta in his Flint Wildcats two weeks this week we At?e fe<\tuiwnq 'ontiac is in second place in Lakes Division behind the these speciAlly pmeed lps suit and lumbus Bucks, the lone All liness to WANTS YOU conquerer. 30{ OFF ONE PIZZA PER COUPON tt'sth loke. Moody Blues Every Boy Deserves Favor $3.59 Get 30c off the price of a REGULAR PIZZA Real life calls for re! The Who with this coupon For l^taste °* y°ur Who's Next $3.59 at 966 Trowbridge Coca-Cola. If If 3 $3.59 Name Country Joe War, War, War $3.59 323 e. grand Coupon expires August 31, 1971 river Ten Years After A Space in Time $3.59 open daily this offer good ONLY at ludes Black Sabbath lickest Master of Reality $3.59 sat. actrics letter 9-6 II day don't fORc,et to check our PACk DOMINO'S LBU'S Which AlWAVS fCAtURCS At ICASt d i<* I 966 Trowbridge 90 lp s discounted 40% 6r mOR6, 351-7100 PHONE 351-5380 Fas/, Free Delivery hvi' c'oca Cola" Bottlin8 Company of Michigan vi;oqi8BU 16•*' 9 sma NSMS' gesj qBusiitS' jupaX' ynSnsi tO' NNOMllQOl( ,>VHNV1 sndaj|jpD| ji|ju usdj' oqAjons' II qss poud M|aqo|s III 113 N!aqo|S oj uol gGOp aBaq oiqsJ' vi ,qa sup' iqsA odau;u3 Bup a|osiu3 sabnauods- oj iubA na IUBA B8b|u 1 oo(5i u3 obsi aonjp pjjAsu gni b bnjan joo^ qauatiq iis sax - po ,g BJ3 nuqsddA' qBAa pi lapap b 8J3B1 jiqu• BUUUB13 !1' iuaut asaq sim dnmsniuS sax snjjBoa oj b iuoiuaujs DBut1 BUP auiias vnpjauass fBaj5 ^;aqoisou biuou3 d|Bxs ,q3 iu qis omu mbA sup aoaq jaj|aai|ou bjibj iis aoupnsiou' 10 b8j33 saaiu 3i3JUB| jb|534 iqs saxnB| ja^ |5uom|u8 bs llina sqoni IOA3 Bup ;is sndsJjjaiBHiA is iqaius |Aas jbu' iqa uaA3J - Mpqug . . Bup jasdousiqiniA buP dxdosap- iqaja,s auiia ou tua sipa' s3H|a - poMU djappoj Mq0 jniJH|iuaui bs qa pip ju po M3|| auonSq xqa spojs Niaqojs. aB|||u8 rnpiiq ousi' iqjiAas ou saxnsj iuiajaonjsa ao||383 iqa aBjpqoBjp iqaA aousipauuS OJ b „b J3BS1 uaM djpnja 10 moJH M'IM vuu Bup qi8 qosoiuap aoubnasis xqa Abbjs sup jjhsijbiious M3J3 SjAau is qaj iqa oiq3J UIU« „ ou vs b NBj8jai ji8qis qBjpasi" 11 i'BJjnu^al d|BAS ,qa qbas injuap iqa Ajaniujzajs' aOIUdBJiuS d33J JBn|IU3 |>B3|' djopnpiou ,,ssusjilAa.. ooujojiuisi' B IUBU iuio iqa Aipiius oj iqajJ OM" Djnuid|ap' OA3JB83P djBAuiBi3' nnuiaj 10 „b yoss sqs eaqiaAas uiouiauis oj nd oj mi||!u3 10 iqa Baaadiap dnjsniis xqa di|a - ou iqa S|H!u8 qss qaau iqBi snjdusiuS iaupauiass gni q3J jonja oj iUBjjieSa ^ jOUg ^ b jooi|3ss bjjbjjs qss japnaap xqa SB1U3 ... siOAa 100 iou8'„ oud - uoia jO|a |ais qaj sajj3s oj sjps bjjb;js 3BU B|SO );BJjnuj5a| 10 b jnuuA |OOH|u8 8nA ou iqp qBS oua iuoAia aqaBi;u3 b \a ;||i u 3 — qa uiBmiBiusp dnsqoAaj ;u iqa qeups oj « poMU' Bup ~ au3iuadjdp saaius iqa spSa oj qjs sbbi pnuu§ sasua QBupiaa yajSau djaAs ,qa j|om3j aqilP «up ^wupaiap Bup uom sd3iu|u8|A sq|a — oni JBiqsj \AOj|53p q?s jonpq A;aMiu3 qBS 3Biajn||A Baj jass oj iqa jsuda Bup M3|| - qjap moiubu Mq0 jS B N;aqo|sou b iiudoi3U1 usbj - auBaiap soiuaoua a|sa sbniuujuS M|,q iqBU sdouiBusonsjA 30iud|3x;iA sqa pasajAas padaupaul ou 1M3 poiU9Si!a bi qaBJi iu sdjia oj jidnja' iiudBi!3UD3 pruu8 q;s jia .i* gni nu|!iJ3 q;s oiqaj moj(:s' is qni b ja\> ao|[a3a jijuSs yup vuu dnjaqssap j|bh3jA oj b Mqoja vu iqjs' oj sonjss' iqa jsbsous joj sup ,,qbjubi iqa jfiaqois. uaM jpiu' oua uaMai.s odimou xqa - vibj8j3i disAs — Mqo 3|S3^ xqs Mqo|a axajaisa is b jjoiu iqasa Sejuap lina aeaq 0j q,s jaMBjps ^uoMiapSa'.. BJ3niuaui Bqoni ,,objub| ncjapSa( ioo oqAions BJa iBa(};u3 — iqa iod - qaBAA sax ^jnau 100 ubbi' js bi iqs asjX BddjoBsqas djawons mojjjs' {}uoM|ap3a(> qss jooiu joj ns V,\a Mqo is i(j3p oj qaiu8 B aunpsiu oj iqs yiuauaBii iyuo jbbsi b jiqu 10 saa - ij OU{X jonj - aqBJBpdJ djoqo ^,a|ps diBAuiGia BUP MBU1S io q3 B uiB|3 sup iqa SOOI31A iqBI bh jab aqosau S!P3' Aon pe3)5 ivi;oqo|$ou mbuis b qjB qosoiuap |OA3J vuu - |y/|BJ6ja) aabuis b qnsqeup goiq oal 10 foju iqs J38Bapiu8 l!ii[3 snqsiBuaa xqa snjjB)ca Mija J°S13JS 11|S S3a iqa ji|iu Bup aqoosj. |\|!pic|S, ,,qbjubi Bj3nui3Ui w/qci iqaA aabuj joj b ijiua' ju |>uou/|ap6a'„ uom sqoMjuB BI lMa dJOAas iuaja nuqjja 8|inaj is iuajiis xo iua' Aonjs QBiudns piaeioj ,,qbjubi xuOM|3p8au p3B|g iui3qi qBAa qaau nsap qA xq3 \a3(| i;iuap iqa 3BiuonJ|B8a suAiqiuS q3ts poU3 qajoja' M?iq B|| jonJ iAdos qn} Moiuau.s qiq bs b djodB3BUPB 8ia3 ns Biud|a iiiua io j||iu ;s b p!SBddo;uiiuaui ,s soauas joansas ou iuau BUp ,jl3,j jiqu qni u aoiuas ou joo MOjpA qni qss mus U3M ,0 J 3 a o 8 u IZ3 1° nupauAmg |ou8 jusupsqid xqs Momau sijou8 BUP 100 oua's!PaP djsnA qni nujuiajasiiu^ siB|auass Wau man oia 11 31 •" * • ' ^ auiaj uup jaiuBiu OUj^ r ^ jOUg a i iun s c jvsaa a > o rnui Ai* a aa niS« "' yejuojyoq/a jijULS ojjajap sqBp3p iu q|BD(5 iqjon8qoii| fipas jaijjaj' avuoouiS1 Bup bs iqa^ !unuiju^a ,q,s J03ns. sbiijisi' mjois iqa soudi' His Xqa jniu jouoms iqa U13U xqa ji|iu impias iqaiu Ajuerus " 1 l' aijSiuib mooij; )wiauois aqBJBpajs djOAa 10 qa dOUU3 jjoui iqajj ao||38a psAs }0 Bup iqau aajaqjBias iqaiJ jijsi jiqu(' h is b 10^ B, - siud paad Bup p,pVa . iqajJ uijppia B8a v, ,qa pomujbii 11 U3A3J pasjs M!iq iqaiu aoiudsssiouBiaiA oj jonJ Bpniis ti xa ,„a uppau ynpiauaas qBAa ijonq[o onisal' iqaA BJa sun|iu8' A/eaydup9Ui3j.jDjuuuaul o'jBpnBia/, 11 8|!iiajs OJ sm^ jaiBiiuS 10 iqaiu qaasnsa iqax sdjuiap jooiuiuBiast qoBsiiuS Bpodis bu Bniqauiia iuippia .JOJ piB|o8' ' dja„<, JB3as BUp UI33 BJa iAdas JBiqaj iqBU daod|3 Bqoni sax4 axd|ouu8 sax BUp 8jonup !u !is auiipsiu• iqaja mbs sqBjiuS iqaiJ axd|oiis Miiq sais HH3 * zz' asou qiabu jaijjaj.s soudi' auiaJiBiuiuaui js Bup „i js|3Aaj ^aajjaup gBsA pujiap iuio snaq poVAuM!!I 8ai 10 ;is siijouS doiuis: BI iqa asiudns Bup ou sajaau viA jBiqaj(l ojj sbu3 joj ^iiqoni axd|BUBijou jiAas- ionaqiuS dajjouuRujo )ot S|x „jauiBJf5Bq|al( jijius Bja u is iqa qasi qsidBiu iqaA pa8auajBia qajoja on"- siBia lfifjqBJB HBJUS B M0|| jail oUi sjuaa iqa saajjajs joj bnejiiA - aAas ojjajap: imo MOJiq djBisiuS' qA |(nsiiu HojjuiBu Bup soM iuiaaasiiuS auon3q 10 qa ,,jbhou.. sup imo qni oj iqa jiqu is paaadlJAa ponqia ^ai' yua oqsaaABiious Bqonj 11S saau sup imo \AOJiq mbjuiu3 j i jooj5s Bup sonups dBsi Bup Mqaia ;I w.aiU s° is iqa aAau bu auaiuA Bqoni ^bsA jiaaas„ ®u !nnsiou „^iAa iiudjassjAa' jbsi xqa ji|iu is !ll !is saaoup xqa imo djersaMOJiqA jijius iqBi asu siBup jpui jbjb Maajj BI iqa Mas' BpABuaap qA paaaui bdiju8' sup ]ou3 ,,giAa saaoup AiaMiuSs jiua pjjapiuS sup onisiBupjuS Bia sqoMiu3 ioSaiqaj' ndou 11 js b moj|5 iajiaaiiou .jqa iMO ji| uis io qi oj danniauaa sup daijaoiiou' iun|ii|aAaj sinpA oj b jouai MBJuap Bqon^ bu, mula. b 2/p>ajssji/i ou SD/a is dsnsiuS qajoja qis Mqo B? )qa ^aiipiBii j EIH fBi.f) M{ioqo|sou is uaxj iuoAa ,,^aiioiua ;o jqa Dnq.. B jqa \iji.qi8BU ,,qa V(BUS,( 1 oxijbojpiubijA bs iqa jouaj• „i NaAaJ sbu8 joj jBiiqjni jo aAaaX |onp buP jBiqaj(( is b sioaA oj b |o\.as)uri,|> jbi.iuS ji|iu pjpial Sl jU l~OAd qonup ,,Maiaouia 10 jqa 31 niu sou Mqo japs pniA - bs JBjqaj siB|a sup oqAions uo|B)as B|| s^BupB^ps oj iBsja „xqa iqa qapSas jiBAqonsa qss M!1P3«" iiudoJiBuoa oj 10 saiAa qis b8|u8 jBiqaiJ• B|so mih qa yoqaJI yupajsou S3J!dl BUP is iqa siojX oj imo man Mq0 aoiuapX Bup aAau MBiaqsqia Buuonuoap iqBi ijajjais' gaiuS 3BJuasi'it "" iUD|npiu8 s^npau^ pisaonu^s' diasau^ap ey iqa sBuia jiiaa j|io Bn}(u3 qX ^oiaXu icon8iBs' qaroiua Aipims oj ?qaii saX uiOAjauiBUiuS• yuu - sni[ bm BABiiBqia jo>- ,,guiasi jjoui ^apuaspBA iqjonSq uaxi lfaua hbd^iobu Bup gsiaila puAas pBpj Niaqo|sou' VU 0Bijnu|>3[ BUP w ^ qq ijao q q M *u |u j qa q a sn s nuup pBBA A jbjsous uiB^a iqis viBiSial' |u ioAa',, v? iqa diasau^ap OBupiaa gaiSifu siB"-' 8:60 jouiSqi smpaul duoas mih aiuonouB[ sup ja\ABJpiu8 UIul' iqjon8q snupsX oisup iBuSa jioiu ou ^apuaspBXs QBiudns• ,,osiuel MuoMiap33'„ .,wyqo !« ou snupBXs ^oiJiUBI iap8a jo <|BP mia' N!3MO|S4 JonW WI1U< h«jA j\).||t>jiubu BUP Miik (s iqa djBX P!A!P3P 31-Hi^ buP 8"?!3"33s qBsap ou oxm Bpiuissiou jbu33S J»-oul $Z'LS na sbXiu3 xqosa iajuqja 0BU lta POMU uliPPIa BS '° iqiuSs vqoni V136„ 8 Niogois jnut siejj|u6 peol> N!piO|sou • iouS jpiauaa is jsbntjap jo posadg 3 )-aAiue saa aasaiAap 3BH!«9 93L"i80g ojqajs' iuAsajj iu3|npap' „,3eiUP| MriO\A|l.)|Hl, |s o«au duoa|ass|A jnuuA i; j0dj0S0ujs u0bj|A !p0B| oonBqoJBjiou BUp BOOnJBja" OJ P!J0POUB| BUP MJ|)!U6 JB|0UJS m0 d0JJOJUlBUO0S BJ0 B|lll0SJ N|oqo|s Bup jaj^aJ qBAa iuBpa sdapeoniejix mBm»' qnj ju b e iUOAja iqBi is uoj ou|A aqjA jnuuA' ju )qa mbA oj souiajqjuB oqsajAap OBsnB| mbA — iuoja djojonup *qBu uinoq iuoja iu b qB|H|6q) — N A nwas Butqnions J!|jusj —\/iuoau) oeuqA' „,3PiUe| |s e jaesi oi e wiiu■ u ;s b a0jA qruuA sup a0jA ojn0| sup a0jA SBp )!|ui W!l>0 N|oqps ns0S iqa sojaau bs \\ qes jbj0|A q00U ns©p qajpojoja vjjqnj 9BJjnu|>a| sup pBO|> N|oqo|sou eja ,QBJUB| sndej|Bi|Aa nU|!|>0 JOO JUBUA OJ jopB/S j!|jUS' j>UOAA|0p60, ibsjs qaAoup jq0 MBipuu6: \\ sqp>s }0 iqa uijup-uqs BUP q0Bjs |0U6 jojjosdopjou" X|ia .|I|JU ;s qu||jeu}'(( N A weBeztud —pnPHQ 0J!$l' ,,,3PJUPI |)UOVAJO)|8o is e io«3uu6 eomaAaiuauj• mjS j0uiBJ|>eq|8 ji|iu is b sgB}}0uu6 0xd0ji0UO0 joj 8A0jAou0• M/l!)>a N|oqo|S pijapiou ;s so sousijia© sup iqa epju6 so J0B| eup ,qbjubi |>uOM|ap6a( js e iuoAja jqe; doMaj^ni iunsi qa axdauauoapj N A aei/A NdMS sAupfoeia —yax yaap' O/t/oeifo ±uqnua' „,3?IJUP| is oua oj iqa qesi oosjuodoweu UlOAjdS dAdJj —nz suliw' ,rt3PJUP| |}UOM|3)|$ ;s e sdaojel BU|S;!3 3A3U1 |j,s W!l>0 isfjoqojs. uioS] oousjsieul eup d0U0}JBJ!u6 Qeupjoa yuu y/|Bj6ja) is eqso|nje|A sndajq- gaj6au 6|A3s iqa qasj dajjouuBuoa oj qaj OBjaaiv | pou2nd at 10:30*. circled Manhattan in his private jet, and tried to find Sine Ptn repair. 25 years weekends. 4-8-27 10 1.50 3.00 4.00 5.35 Scooters & Cycles experience. For the fairest price 1031 N. Washington. 5-8-27 INSIDE TICKET sales. Full and UNIVERSITY TERRACE. Spacious 1.65 3.30 4.40 5.85 6. FIAT COUPE 1967, $600 or best part time. Good salary. Apply 7.15 14: in Michigan. Phone 393-6057. SUMMER WOMEN: VACANCIES in 4 1 and 2 bedroom offer. 339-2209 or 482-4090. AND part time 1031 N. Washington. 5-8-20 girl fully 1.80 3.60 4.80 6.40 7.80 15.1 7-8-27 employment with merchant apartments. One block from furnished, very comfortable 131.95 3.90 5.20 6.95 8.45 16! _2;8-23 1967 HONDA S90. Helmet, apartments. Includes carpeting, insurance. Good wholesaler. Automobile required LIGHT DELIVERY. Must have campus. Completely furnished, 14 2.10 4.20 5.60 7.45 9.10 FORD FAIRLANE condition. MASON BODY 18; Convertible $140. 337-0060 nights. 2-8-20 SHOP, 812 East 351-5800. 0-8-9 dependable car and know area. utilities and parking provided. appliances, balcony, air 15 2.25 4.50 6.00 8 00 9-75 1966. 3 speed automatic on the Kalamazoo Street 19.U . .. Since 1940. Good salary. $55. 349-9609. 4-8-27 conditioned, storage, laundry, 16 2.40 4.80 6.40 8.55 Apply 1031 N. 10.4020.1 floor, 390 engine. $300. Complete auto painting and WANTED: SECRETARY- and security locks. Right across 17 2.55 5 10 6.1 9-1° HONDA CL-70. Excellent condition Washington. 5-8-20 from 11.0522.) TU2-7912, except weekend. collision service. IV 5-0256. C Receptionist for high fidelity EAST LANSING. 2 bedroom, campus. Model open 18 2.70 5.40 7.20 9 60 11.7023.4 with helmets and gloves. $225. 4-8-20 store. lower daily. 424 East Michigan. Phone Must sell to buy car.. Call Filing, -50 wpm typing, duplex. Furnished, 19 2.85 5.70 7.60 10.1512.3524.: AT MEL'S we repair all foreign shorthand or good business For Rent Carpeted. Adults. Available 332-1822 or 351-7910. 0-4-8-27 20 3.00 6.00 8.00 10.6513.00 26.01 Barney, 355-8252 or 351-6003. and American cars. If we can't writing. Direct contact with September 1. 351-5964. 4-8-27 fix it, it can't be fixed. Call public. Wages according to TV AND stereo WOODSIDE APARTMENTS 1 10 word minimui rentals, satisfaction 332-3255.0 qualifications. Call for Free SUB-LET, 2-3 bedroom furnished with guaranteed. Idelivery, man. September. All student ads must be appointment, 337-2310. 3-8-23 service and pick - up. No deposit. Furnished. 9 month lease. balconies, security locks, |prasra 1962 BUICK 401 engine. $100. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C $180/month, plus deposit. Near laundry. Ideal for married prepaid Excellent condition. Phone MAN AND van wanted between MSU. couples Call 351-1354 after 5:30 or grad students. ED 489-1626. S 3:30-4:00 daily. Phone ONLY $9.00/ month. Free pm, week-ends. 1-8-20 2-2920, 351-8890. O The State News will be 485-3569, ask for Jim. a8-23 deliveries. SELCO responsible only for the VW GUARANTEED repair. ^9 ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments, - COMMUNICATIONS TV JUST 4 LEFT first largest selection RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at DUE TO transfers to other RENTAL. 372-4948. O 10 minutes from MSU. Ideal for day's incorrect IN TOWN Okemos Road. 349-9620. C universities, 3 of our part-tim# 711 BURCHAM APTS. insertion. married couple or graduate men must be replaced. We are At Discount Prices going to fill these positions ONE MALE roommate needed. Large 2 or 3 man, 1 students. Minutes from shopping, Cedar V i 11 age. 4- man, drugstore, doctor. On busline to Aviation with students who will be $68/month. 337-2188. 3-8-20 bedroom apartments. downtown. Elementary school And We Sell Service, Too. attending Michigan State for Signing now for Fall at LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight the 1971, 1972 school year. $180 a month. less then 1 block. For For Rent training. All courses are TV RENTALS - Students only. Low appointment, call 393-0384 or We Stock Over a Million Parts Call 372-0047, ask for Bob 489-6561. WALTER NELLER government and VA certified. monthly and term rates. Call Farwell. 0-1-8-20 IDEAL FOR married or gri FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. KRAMER AUTO PARTS o students. 220 Cedar Stree Road, Call 484-1324. C RENTALS. C 337-7328 5-8-23 MANAGEMENT POSITIONS or 337-0780 351-2713 or 351-7319. C PEOPLE WITH a great head for available; USA, Canada, OKEMOS - QUIET 0 E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 business look for workers with Want Ads. Dial 355-82551 Australia, information England, call etc. 349-3949. For Apartments LARGE 2 bedroom unfurnished, 3 bedroom furnished or ONE OR coming school 2 men needed for year. One bole 1-8-20 unfurnished, from campus. 351-8862. 0 NEAR SPARROW Hospital. Two spacious lawn, bedroom apartment, furnished. LANSING OR East Lansing. One away from noise in 10 unit ONE, AMBITIOUS student to call No Children. 332-5590 or bedroom furnished. building, minutes from campus, Large, airy on fraternities and sororities 351-3969. 4-8-27 rooms. Air shopping. Graduate students, conditioned. during fall To take supplies. and orders winter for terms. cleaning STODDARD APARTMENTS. 2 Beautifully maintained. Suitable for faculty, grad students, business couples. $175-$225. COUNTRY HOUSE 349-0558. 5-8-27 APARTMENTS FREE Catalog furnished. man, furnished. Close to people, married couples. Lease. Company delivers. Top campus. Now leasing. Call 332^235 ^82-6549. O commission. 484-3975. 4-8-27 For appointment, 351-8238, 699-2024, ED2-2920. O LARGE, FURNISHED 1 or 2 MARMAX ROOMMATE bedroom, plus shower. Also, 2 4 Man Furnished Apts. DO YOU need an extra $50 a ONE MAN for four Cedar room/bath. Both man private, week? Car Village Close to Berkey necessary. 351-7319 for interview. C Call, Apartments. 351-2286 after 5 pm. 3-8-23 Call, parking. Male grads or seniors. 1214 East Kalamazoo. 5-8-27 Air Conditioned SERVICE.. 225 Division. Reserve Your Space FOUR MAN. Close to campus. $65/month per man. Call We will match you with 351-0618 after 7 pm. 3-8-20 compatible roommates Call 332-4432 or see FORGET THE Mickey Mouse and high East Frank or JoAnn at 105( With Us Now 9 Lansing rents. Modern, furnished one-bedroom. Water's Edge Dr. (next to Parking plentiful and privacy Cedar Village) guaranteed. $155. 482-5470. 5-8-27 Hop aboard the Halstead bus! We'll solve your transportation worries if you live in Bay Colony, Inn America, Princeton Arms or North Pointe Apartments. (Our other six apartments are within healthful walking distance.) Just hop aboard our new maxi-bus for fast transportation to campus. 14. Famous opera 39. High railway 41. Gold in heraldry With 550 furnished or unfurnished 42. Crossing studio, 1 bedroom or 2 bedrooi.i apartments we know that we can make your 48. Haw. garland campus living more 49. Two-toed sloth enjoyable and comfortable. 50. Prior to 51. Languor Call one of our resident managers 52. Flex today! 26. Quite the same 53. Not many 27. Rake DOWN 4. Religious image 8 Producti 29. Careen 1 Shade tree 5. Tennis trophy 9- A,mP Bay Colony 351-3211 Inn America 337-1621 30. About 2. Compete 6. W.W. II area — 10. 15, Marsh Scepter r- T— of John Beechwood 351-5986 Princeton Arms 332-8511 rr 7~ TT~ rr " 16. 19. Form Wild pig rrr Sr rr 20. 21. Within Period Delta Arms 332-0563 North Pointe n 351-1199 rr r rr 22. 24. Published Near Evergreen Arms 332-8295 University Terrace 332-1822 1 ■■■■ miihih >9 20 2i 22 S *4 25 25. 27, Flaw Manage 2Z % fr 28. Lamprey Restaurant Colling; toood 26~ w 31. Haslett Arms 351-7662 University Villa 337-2361 1 32. Unrestrained w 31 32 33" revelry 35. Theme w Apartments 37 MODEL OPEN DAILY 37. Trouble \ Hireling MLSIUD MANAGEMENT Fall leases now being accepted, vrnrn W//MWSM ■i -42 Ai 44 45 46 m 39. 40. 42. Gaunt Kind i 444 Michigan Avenue "(formerly Northwind Apts.) 43 By birth man East Lansing 'UNLIMITED PARKING 'DISHWASHERS 48 *5" 5o 44. Burnish j 351-7910 2J22man *SHAG CARPETING "BALCONIES Si 5§ 45. 46. Rumen Unsmelted $220/4 Call 351-8282 man #A|R CONDITIONING 2771 Northwind *AND MUCH MORE Dr. (behind Yankee Store) J 47. metal FashioiKW 1 \ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 20J9]| Friday, August 20, 1971 ]] EWS For Rent For Rent For Sale For Sale Recreation 55 I ED FEMALE STUDENTS. 1 or 2, SEWING Wh Reduced rent rates kitchen MACHINE Clearance EUROPE. $149 round trip. Jet. and parking. Call 1967, 10'x51', excellent condition. Sale. Brand new portables - Air. Christmas break, Hawaii, .campus. 332-4432. O 351-8177 week-ends or 2 bedroom, partially furnished, (Continued from page one) between $49.95, $5.00 per month. Large ENGAGEMENTS 7:30-8:30 am. 2-8-23 oil tank. shed. On lot near Spain, $249. Call Frank Buck, freeze selection of reconditioned used DeWitt. $2750. 351-8604. 7-8-27 Monday and said he interpreted the freeze to mean Call 669-3493. married students SINGLE, CLEAN quiet machines. Singers, Whites, 4 8-27 Christine J. Mulholland, that established rental rates agreed to with a legally binding room contract would still be effective this fall. & FACULTY Fine location. Necchis, New Home & "Many Wilmington, Del. senior. Graduate male Others." $19.95 to $39.95. preferred. IV2-8304. 4 8 27 1970 RICHARDSON 12' x 60', Gamma Phi Beta, to William He said he believed that reduced summer rates would not §fr KNOB HILL SINGLES. MEN. Ea« TanTing! Terms. DISTRIBUTING EDWARDS COMPANY, skirted, shed, furnished, on lot. $5500. Near campus. 676-2912. Service C. Kendall, graduate. Oxford, M.S.U. apply in the fall, since they from an established rate. were only temporary deviations Smith qualified his statements by IZ227 very attractive, clean, quiet] 1115 489 6448. C North Washington, 28-20 saying he would release a formal opinion on the matter f// APARTMENTS cooking, parking. 351-5604 1-8-20 PING PONG tables, $9.95. We buy Lost & Found TRAFFIC SAFETY term paper. Service later this week. Throughout various other Wednesday, media the and State News, along with 'E 349-4700 ROOMS. MEN. 1147 and 1153 sell most anything. ABC news citizens, made numerous -ycles Frye Street. Reasonable SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith attempts to contact the OEP, directed to tackle questions rates. LOST: BLACK female cat with Typewriter OPEN 1 - 7 pm Mon.-Sat. Refrigerator and Turner. C. white paws and white offset printing. Complete service and operations concerning the freeze. ' Service available. parking patch Repair for dissertations, Late Wednesday afternoon, a telephone line to the OEP UNDAY by appointment only Now and fall 100 USED vacuum below chin. Wearing blue collar (Electrics) theses, 332-5791. X-5-8-27 cleaners. Tanks, with bell. Lost near Warren's manuscripts, general typing. IBM. was reached, and an official there commented on various canisters and uprights. Guaranteed' Foreign & Domestic 21 year's experience. 349-0850.C Large 2 bedroom, Poplars. $22 reward. 351-3601. freeze aspects. one full year. $7.88 and up. 3-8 23 Campus Typewriter Service He said landlords may charge rental rates this fall which bath & % $17500 For Sale DENNIS DISTRIBUTING SUPPORT YOUR business with a had been in effect for some time before the freeze began. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. LOST: BROWN and White mixed ^U^JisE^MaySrEDZJDBT? boost from Want Ads. Advertise GUITAR, FENDER Opposite City Market. C. He said many queries were being received from college Mustang and breed puppy; Please call. services there. Dial 355-8255. arge 3 bedroom, Fender Bassman Amp. Must WATERBED HEATERS. UL listed, 351-3691. 3-8 23 WRITE-ON. series. College outline notes towns about reduced summer rates, and policy guidance had sell. $250. 332-6471. All major courses been requested by the OEP. bath & % — $|3500 WATERBED 2-8-20 $35. REBIRTH, 309 North Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. KOSKKA male IS lost, black un-altered available. lowest Low prices. Also, prices on copying, 4c PROFESSIONAL THESIS The announcement was to have come by today. As of UNITS, mattress, cat, lost behind old first 20, 3.5c over 20. Call PREPARATION Wednesday, no decision had been reached. liner, foam pad, and frame. Campus Bookstore. Reward. The official did say that landlords could not impose a LOCATED '/< MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. ON $76 any size. REBIRTH, 309 GUITAR AND Call 337-1254. 1-8-20 __332-3700. 9-1 pm. 5-8-27 rent increase for this fall which had not been effective North Washington, Lansing amp. Fender Jaguar FOR QUALITY service and before the freeze. They must stick with prevailing rates OKEMOS ROAD 489 6168. C-8-20 Guitar and / or Pro Reverb FOUND: stereos, KITTEN RSONAt - amp. Both one year old and in vicinity TV's, and recorders. THE before Aug. 15. E AND two bedroom Physics-Astronomy building. Can STEREO SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Cemplete Prettsslenal Thesis Service far excellent condition. Must sell Master's and Decteral Candidates. Free His comments followed a question about an intended fall apartments from $145. 10 you give it a home? 332-0125. Call 313-632-7191. 4-8-20 rent increase of $2 in Cedar Village apartments. Hie minutes from MSU. Children 2-823 HOUSE PAINTING: Irechnre and Censultatien Please Call INTERIORS or Cliff and Paula Haufhcy 337 1 527 er S27 21*. increase was decided in February but was not to be permitted. EAGLE CREST HEATH KIT Model exteriors. Experienced, NORTH. 694-8975. 4330 Keller AR-13A, Personal reasonable. effective until September. 20/20, RMS Stereo Phone Charles, FOR SALESPOWER try a little Holt. C receiver. According to the OEP official, Cedar Village would be $110. MARSHALL MUSIC, __351-6305. 4-8-27 Classified Ad to sell a large mobile East SIX WEEK Kaplan tutoring courses prohibited from charging the $2 increase. Lansing, 351-7830. C-8-20 EDITORIAL FOR home! Dial 355-8255 today! Homes GARAGE SALE. Clothes, leather to prepare for BOARD EXAMS theses, dissertations, and professional IE goods, old furs, furniture, MODERN BLONDE bedroom set. now Seing formed. MCA classes papers. Critiques, organization, IT'S what'S^ , to start (0 BEDROOMS, unfurnished. Large dresser and August 21 and antiques, camera, TV, mirror, like re-writing. Phone Transportation MUG lay befon Newly decorated. $150, plus new. September 7. DAT classes start Mitch, automobile parts, other assorted Also, miscellaneous 337-0388 4-8-27 utilities. 332 0425, 372-3117. dresser, bed and September 8, and LSAT class goodies. Grand bookcase Ledge. Turn starts September 7. For 3-823 right off Saginaw 1 block West headboard. Call 487-3096. FOR GLAD rrections Grand Ledge light. Saturday S-2-8-23 information collect (313) and enrollment call Typing Service tidings something you've lost with look a for Want class day AST LANSING duplex. 3 and Sunday. 1-8-20 851-6077. 8-8-27 Ad. Dial 355-8255 bedrooms, 2 baths, rec room, GOOD PRICE: each side. One year lease. $260 STEREO, ALMOST new. mirror, Antique chest, and large window fan. FREE ... A lesson in complexion COMPLETE THESES Discount printing, IBM Te^ic7 There will an open public night care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan typing and from 9 to 11 p.m. Saturday at the plus utilities. 332-0425. 3-8-23 dual Shure KLH. $400. 351-8608. 3-8-23 or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. binding of theses, resumes, Wanted MSU Observatory. Children under t will 4988 S. be held at 7:30 Hagadorn Road, 337-1115. 1-8-20 publications. Across from campus MERLE NORMAN ^OSMETICS age 13 should be accompanied by for the discussion will be (0 PEOPLE needed for house corner Animals STUDIOS. C M.A.C. and Grand River, an adult with at least one adult for oy Earl. For more opposite campus. Call Barry at MORE FUN in the sun, with sun below Jones Stationary Shop. Call BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for each three children. infor jn call 337-1220. 351-8350 before 6 pm and shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT LITTLE ANGELS CO-OP. Still has COPYGRAPH SERVICES all positive. A negative, B negative 372-6881 after. 3-8-25 2615 East Michigan Avenue. RISH SETTER puppies. AKC. a few 337-1666. C and AB negative, $10.00. O There will be a summer rap - up 372 7409. C-8-20 Gentle, for pets, hunting, or openings for both 3 and A night nature walk is scheduled in Wilson Hall including a coffee - ED ONE girl for 4 girl house. olds. For information, negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN for show. 8:30 tonight weather house folk concert featuring the 6.50 13.0 $60/month. Walk to MSU. Reasonably priced. ca|| 882-0741 iq-j COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, COLOR TV. Olympic, large screen or permitting. Those wishing to Kandy Kompany sponsored by 7.15 14,; 351-4446. 1-8-20 console. Best offer. Call Okemos, 349-0255. B-2-8-20 5 8-27 393-7536. SAVE SAVE SAVE 507VS East Grand River, East participate should meet Kathy Wilson Hall go* 9 p.m. 7.80 15.| Xerox copying - offset best Lansing. Above the new Campus Skurski in the Natural Resources Tuesday in Wilson Coffee 355-3031. 3-8-20 OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog puppies. - Book Store. Hours: 9 8.45 16< BEDROOM. 2 bath. quality at reasonable a.m. to 3:30 Building parking lot. tnd doughnuts will by served and Newly $250 MCAT AND DAT. Kaplan tutoring prices 9-10 each. For information THE COPY p.m., Monday, Thursday and admission will be SO cents. 18.; decorated. $200. Call 337-1147, POLAROID 340 Land being formed. Starting SHOPPE, 541 East 9.75 Camera, 154 call, 393-5919. 5-8-20 course now Grand River. Phone Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 19.1 58. 4-8-27 years, good shape, $40. in August. Call (313) 851-6077 332-4222 The p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C A bird and nature walk has been MSU Sailing Club will 10.4020.1 355-2775. 2-8-20 C-8-20 collect. X-13-8-27 scheduled for 7 a.m. Sunday in the hold a Regatta beginning at noon 11.05 22.1 BEAGLE PUPS, Tri-color, pure IREE BEDROOM. Furnished, Baker Woodlot. Interested persons Saturday at Lake Lansing. All 11.70 23.4 bred. 10 weeks, shots, 827 East Saginaw. $135. SANSIRI 2000, KLH, Garrard 72B wormed. BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. 2 MEN'S BIKES. Good condition. should meet Siah St. Clair in the members are invited to crew and a 5 1 2.35 24.: headphones. $400. 337-0631. 2-8-23 No job too large or too small. Natural Resources Building parking spectator's craft will be on the lake 482-6906. 1-8-20 Call Days. 353-7868; evenings, 513.00 26.01 355-6167. S-5-8-23 Block off campus. 332-3255. C 655-3436. X-4-8-27 for those wishing to view the race. SHOP. C-8-20 (0 BEDROOM. Furnished, Mobile Homes LIGHTWEIGHT CAMPING gear, carpet. 402 North Foster. $125. 482-6906. 1-8-20 bunks, TV, sewing machine, cameras, projectors, screen, WINDSOR 10'x55', tip-out, two Real Estate )UPLE LIVE in and share bedroom, air conditioned, Enjoy all the guitar, sweeper, files, chair, carpeted, shed. Ten minutes THREE LARGE lovely home with lady, as recorder, globe, chest, radio, bedrooms, plus from many will bi campus. Call 372-5229. den, fireplace, rec room, 3 full companions. In return couple cooking ware, typewriter, boys 5-8-27 for the receives salary, food, and bicycles, sleds, toboggan, wagon, baths, porch and sundeck, lodging. References. Qualified revolver, shot gun, fan, bird fenced yard, brick. Close to incorrect 1965 1 2'x46' Star. Mostly uples, phone 372-0009. cage. 355-8002. 1-8-20 campus. 6%% mortgage. furnished. Must be moved. 3-8-20 337-0237. 2-8-20 $2350 or best offer. 676-1345. BEING DEPORTED: Some silver, 2-8-20 luxuries of life IE GIRL. Share room. Very HOME, SWEET home is 4965 crystal, wall hangings, clothing, to campus. $37.50, other oldies but goodies, 1622 Sioux Way, Ottawa Hills. 332-041 PARKWOOD 1970, 12'x60' on 5^-8-20 Parkvale, East Lansing. Saturday lot. Skirted, 2 bedroom, Located near MSU, and fully Meridian Mall, has 3 bedrooms, ilE GIRL. Own room. $67.50. only. Noon to 5 pm. 1-8-20 furnished, like new. Phone 372-4030. 2-8-20 breezeway, full basement, 2 car di or nqu ire 656 Forest, East gri .ansing. 1-8-20 HOOVER SPIN-DRY washer, twin garage on a beautifully sdar Str stroller, bassinet, high chair, landscaped lot with trees and 19. C TRAVELO, 12'x60', expando, ER STREET. 243. animal carrier. 393-7674. 2-8-23 shrubs. Take a drive by and 4 bedrooms, carpeting, draperies, air call for an appointment peted, 2 baths, nrtodern conditioned. Nice yard. Near ded for TV SETS. Sony, Panasonic, Zenith 372-7610, Mrs. Robinson, at CEDAR GREENS One bol kitchen, parking. $200/month, campus. 351-1194. 5-8-23 . Color portables and consoles. Advance Realty or 485-3045. B62. O deposit. 489-6941. 4-8-27 STEREO COMPONENTS. Sony 2-8-20 AKE reel to reel tapedeck, Ampex LANSING, Small, 2 bedroom. 4 cassette recorder. We Buy, Sell, STORY acres on lake. $130/month. and Trade. WILCOX Ads^ 484-8478. 4-8-27 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East LAKE VIEW lots. Available now. IVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom houses. $165-$190/month, plus utilities. 1 'A miles from campus. Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, Monday thru Saturday. C 8', 10', 12' wide. 10 minutes to campus. PARK LAKE MOBILE HOME 7-8-27 COURT. 641-6601. OLDS (like a swimming pool, air-conditioning, 349-3604. 0-4-8-27 DINING ROOM tabie with leaf and 4 matching Rooms 422 337-1215. 3-8-23 M.A.C. Ave. ROYCRAFT skirted, furnished. 12'x51', carpeted, appliances, partially After 5:30 Open balconies and much, much more. pm. ALL TERM. Across 482-6485. 2-8-20 Saturdays from USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: campus, kitchen facilities. Michigan. Dishes, *56/month. 532 Ann. books, coins, antiques, rockers, ou with 351-2029. 3-8-23 junk. Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open Saturday and Sunday. JUNIORS... To Be m mates. RL DESIRES own bedroom in Furniture and appliances New Ruling- open house. Call 349-9438 after 5:30 all week. 10 a.m. - 6 at 1050 p.m. 3-8-23 Phone 371-2843. O p.m. Serve (next to EN: ROOMS for You can now fall, across from campus. 351-1420 ask Stereo, color TV, for Mr. Best. live in an The Pu 5-8-27 off-campus apartment ITENTI0N: Completely &N 372-8077. C ROOMS furnished. for rent. Cooking. RIVER'S EDGE STORY 1 ARTAN women. Now HALL, singles, men, C^51-VI76. 484-4422. O leasing for summer, WATER'S EDGE OLDS APARTMENTS 1153 Michigan 351-0400 1050 Water's Edge Dr. STUDENT (next to Cedar Village) FINANCING 332-4432 AVAILABLE Head for the Woods! A Few choice Burcham Woods, that is - a 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 locations left complex of furnished studio, f°r this fall . . . 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom apartments. (right next to Brody Complex) FREE ROOMMATE SERVICE mm dau!Y° Ample parking Heated pool CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTS are now leasing student and married spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a couples units. These 3930210 Optional bars garbage disposal and individual air conditioning. These two - man units have ample parking space for every resident. Recreation is planned for with a giant swimming pool and WATER'S EDGE acultyTstaff NOW LEASING FOR FALL from $125 per month balconies. We also have a full - time resident manager for any problems. If you want to be private among the first residents of CEDAR GREENS call today. The one - bedroom units start at RIVER'S EDGE $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL APARTMENTS See. Our Elegant burcham woods INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 p.m. 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine twelve month leases available. and See Frank or JoAnne New 745 Burcham 1«0 Waters Edge Dr. TOWNEHOUSES Alco 332-4432 from $7?500 per month if no answer 351-3118 call 484-4014 MANACEMENTEXCLUS1VELY BY: Management Company 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 20, 197| Meany refuses to support price controls (Continued from page one) suffered its third worst drop Embassy in Rome said it Council. . . . They're going Connally followed the with courtesy and dignity." "It's a hell of a note," said demagoguery" He a Cost of Living Council in history as the central bank had received more than 100 to be treated like President I. W. Abel of the said everyone council's tough stand At a news conference Presidents proposals for ruling and ordered state continued to support the calls from Italians who live else." _ Wednesday denying raises for earlier this month Meany said United Steelworkers. of the auto officials to give teachers and dollar in the face of news excise ta» on pensions they earned A Treasury would cooperate with Meanwhile Democrat speedup in scheduled state government workers their reports that an upward working in America, asking spokesman Dept. said this means federal, state and local he economist Walter Heller said D1* scheduled pay raises. revaluation of the yen may about how the freeze on raises employes, including all mandatory across - the - Income tax cuu ^ for promotions are and price Capitol Hill the new directly benefit Internationally, America's be near. pension increases and the approved, as for nonmilitary teachers except those whose board wage controls. But he said the AFL on economic policy is "raw Connally the individ"!? trading partners continued to In Europe money exchanges unsettled value of the dollar jobs, contracts started before last said that T* but not for anything Sunday, when the freeze was CIO would oppose curbs on meat" for business and "soup meeting Wednesday the grapple with the effects of remained closed as finance will affect them. About else. Later - r 1 the bone" for of Living Council Nixon's announcement Sunday ministers of Britain and the 50,000 Italian residents receive said military bonuses and department announced. Connally also threw cold wages restraints without being the same placed on Heller, a consumers. former presidential time took up the for the quest! Si cutting the dollar loose from six Common Market countries various American pensions. , gold and imposing a 10 per gathered in secret session to Connally, head of the new benefits remain to be settled. water on Canada's plea for an prices, and profits, other interest rates corporate income. economic adviser, told the Joint Congressional Economic wh.t Is to day freeze. rollowTe u cent duty surcharge on most try to decide what to do. The conflict between Texan exemption from the 10 per Cost of Living Council set up Connally, only Democrat in Committee that it Is "a very He cent duty surcharge. Nixon's program is repeated eim I imports. Worry abroad was not to make wage - price policy, The Japanese stock market limited to government. The U.S. overruled the said servicemen Nixon's Cabinet, and Laird, a Pentagon and Wisconsin Republican, pointed was He said the United States turned down in 1962 voluntary, and does not directly affect profits, interest lopsided program in pursuit of very laudable objectives." statements that no have been foreclosed 0pfoj J will not get pay raises, except up the confusion that has for followed Nixon's when the tables were reversed rates and other corporate Arguments such as this, s»id, I don't know whlt I promotions during the 90 - announcement even at the Sunday and this country sought income. Connally had said eariier, are going to follow freeze. the 9o . ri, | Exceptions to freeze filing into the charitably "sheer nonsense" Labor leaders I exemption from a Canadian something JI think day freeze period. surcharge. He also noted that Thursday meeting denounced and accurately "rank highest levels. Wednesday the Pentagon In Canada used to have a trade both the freeze and an first said Secretary of Defense ruling out freeze deficit with the United States administration call for strikers Melvin R. Laird had decided exemptions for military pay (Continued from page one) fish and other processed foods but now sells more to the to return to work until it is insurance rates. For may not. Tuition rates for 1971 - 72 that regular pay longevity, bonuses raises and for other United from it. States than it buys over. Thousands of striking Freeze nips hikes merchandise the ceiling if announced before Sunday. benefits would continue "I must say that I don't longshoremen, telephone generally is figured price at or above which 10 at the State and local taxes. Stock and bond prices. during the freeze, then later said it would abide by any ine's job think their bargaining position is quite as strong as it might workers, construction teamsters, workers and taken to (Continued from page one) adopt a University budget until after passane nf per cent of the actual Interest rates, ruling of the council. (Continued from paqe one) be," Connally said. others continued on strike the state budget. B 01 though the transactions were made in the administration has asked "No, the military are not Connally said Meany's despite Nixon's request for a Wage and salary increases for nonunion employes are 30 days Sabine at MSU now report before last Sunday. voluntary restraint. going to be able to get a opposition to the 90 • day moratorium on labor generally made at the time of the adoption of th» either to the president or to Goods which raise," Connally said Thursday walkouts. University budget. These are allowed to rise on the new the provost, and no wage - price freeze shows 10 morning on the NBC - TV "he's basically lost touch with "Putrid," said A1 Grospiron, Wharton said many other personnel actions despite the freeze: per cent import duty replacement is expected to be ordinarily tike "Today" show. what is meaningful to the president of the Oil, Chemical place at the beginning of the academic year, which adds to Raw agricultural products, surcharge has been assessed, "This was a mistake the named as vice president for American workman." and Atomic Workers Union. the impact of the freeze on the University. meaning anything that travels but only by the amount of Pentagon put out yesterday. I special projects. from farm to market the extra duty. don't During the 1970 71 "They want a chance to know by whose - substantially unchanged. Eggs, Goods affected by any academic year, Sabine was on work," he said. "They want a fresh fruit and vegetables and increased state and local sales authority. I assure you that chance to compete. They'll that action leave from MSU working with had not been insist it." fresh fish may rise in price or excise taxes, but only by the American College Testing on jj&fipb either considered or condoned with seasonal variations, but the amount of the tax rise. Program in Iowa. This Connally's remark was a by the Cost of Living meats, orange juice, frozen Export prices. summer he interviewed repeat of one by Labor students during the MSU Secretary James G. Hodgson orientation that reportedly had Meany program and ' — prepared a booklet on the fuming. Hodgson said Meany /y i v\x '——^ expectations of entering was out of step with the Capital/ Capsules rank and file when he called freshmen, which will be distributed to faculty members the freeze "patently discriminatory" against 75th A '(I j 0 ) ) i\ M on campus. Berlo was quoted in the workmen. "I'm not in the habit of 1H& STATE BOARD of of 5 per cent to 7 per cent judgment is only 5 per cent Daily Pantagraph of Education said Thursday that per year. per year. Bloomington, Illinois, as speaking out in an untoward it has appointed a "Insurance companies are GRANTS TOTALING up to stating that Sabine's position or flippant manner," Hodgson will be comparable to that of said Thursday after a meeting sub-committee to "take steps stalling on paying claims in nearly $10 million in federal between White House Anniversary Sale toward assisting students order to draw the higher funds for some 250 vocational a university vice president. emissaries and top AFL CIO reaching the 'age of majority' interest on their money, or in education projects in Michigan Sabine was Berlo's boss - at 18." when the ISU president first labor leaders. effect on the money due the for the 1971-72 school year "There is a critical need came to MSU in 1956. Director George Shultz of claimant," Stackable said. have been approved by the the Office of Management and right now to identify the State Board of Education. Sabine headed the College subjects that should be "If the interest rate for of Communication Arts from Budget, another of the Nixon covered for The money represents a emissaries, said, "From my high school these claims, now 5 per cent, 1955 to 1960, when he was students as they prepare to assume the were increased to a figure little less than half the $21.2 responsibility of closer to the interest rate the million that will be available named special vice president for projects, a post from standpoint we had a meeting Diamond Ju adults at age 18, and there is to Michigan school districts, which he recently resigned to companies are getting on their colleges, universities and other key a critical need to encourage return to teaching. all school districts implement course instruction investments, I believe they education to would settle up quicker." from agencies in 1971-72 federal sources under the Sabine is presently visiting ISU campus and was not your to covering major features of the Stackable said insurance the Vocational Education Act available for You'll get a very special key with comment every purchase you age of majority during the companies are investing policy of 1963. Thursday. make at Knapp's, during our big 75th 1971-72 school year," James money at up to 8 per cent, Additonal Anniversary Sale! projects will It may open our treasure chest. If it does, reach in and F. O'Neil, a board member while the interest paid to come before the state board said. claimants on an unpaid in October. help yourself to a free gift! Register for our door prize, a quick Recognizing the need for action, O'Neil said the THE $399 «/ Dozen one carat diamond ring. board guidelines has agreed to to be available develop to PIZZA schools before they open in Carnations September. PEOPLE LEGISLATION TO settle insurance claims quicker HELP $799 L Dozen SALE 11.90 and get settlement money to the recipient faster has been introduced in Jon Anthony knit pant suits the Michigan House of Representatives. at HOLIDAY LANES Florist The bill, introduced by Sweatery comfort in ribbed and Rep. Frederick L. Stackable, Lanes available for OPEN Bowling all day 809 E. Michigan cabled acrylic knit. Pull-on pant, R-Lansing, would increase the and 485-7271 allowable interest on a evening. Open 9 a.m. daily Free Parking back-zipped short or long sleeve money Just north of Frandor - 337-9775 judgment recovered in a civil Behind Store top. Fashion colors, 8-16. Billiards Cocktails Good Food action from its current level Sportswear, Downtown, Meridian Mall. Shop tonight until 9 p.m.; Open again all day Saturday SALE Miss J Campus Shoes 9.90 Reg. $14-$15 It's a super opportunity to treat your feet to the big look in footwear and save at the same time. Left to right: Side-pocket boot in waxy tan leather. Flat oxford in waxy brown leather. Stacked heel oxford in blue suede/navy leather or grey suede/wine leather. Ahoip* SALE 4.59 the body shirt Wear-with-everything classics in flat or rib knit nylon. Very fitting. Exciting colors, Misses JacobSon'B sizes. Sportswear, second fl°or Downtown and Meridian Mall