Red Cedar fish kill system, the gates open anri ODen and t~ho the ofnim may result in law suit storm By STEVE WATERBURY The n J_1. I a. 1 the date by which the problem must be Li a . . water and the sewage flows act provides that any person, end to the actions of directly into force an polluters the East Lansing law suit would be to State News Staff Writer the river. association, organization or other legal whether polluters who have alleviated. through legal channels. determine The raw entity may sue for "the protection of If the law suit is filed against East "It takes time to develop plans and sewage caused a rapid growth already been investigated by the Water ie recent massive fish kill on the in the number of the air, water and other natural Lansing, they are not likely to be the Resources Commission or the Air specifications, and it takes time to build bacteria in the water, Cedar River may result in the filing raising the level of bio oxygen demand, resources and public trust therein from Control Commission the facilities," he said. only defendant in an antipollution law Pollution can „ antipollution law suit against the - lowering the level of oxygen in the pollution, impairment or destruction." suit filed by the Human Rights party. "effectively hide behind the orders of Kamppinen said there is no provision 0f East Lansing by the Human water and The Human Rights party, at a meeting in Michigan law which specifically states killing the fish these administrative bodies. 'hts party, East Lansing attorney through earlier this month, laid the groundwork Ferency said the party is considering it is illegal to have combined storm and asphixiation. itton A. Ferency said Friday. for the law suit by passing a resolution filing five or six law suits against "East Lansing officials have said they sanitary drains. Ferency said he is presently MSU water quality experts said at the in engaged establishing an Environmental Defense polluters in the state. Defendants may have been granted by state officials until "What is illegal is any discharge that preparing the legal case against East e 0f the fish kill that the fish deaths Fund. include MSU and the State of Michigan. the end of 1974 to damages the quality of the waters of the Lansing. The decision as to whether to remedy the ' ulted when the dissolved oxygen file the case will be "We are very much interested in the situation," he said. "If that is the case, state," he said. made by the .nt of the river declined after raw officers of the Human The resolution establishing the fund action of the Michigan Dept. of Natural they have effectively suspended the Kamppinen said that Michigan has Rights party. also authorized the officers of the je was flushed into the river. "Our present plan is to take action if to file law suits in the name of the party Resources in granting an oil drilling Environmental Protection Act for at agreed to abide by the recommendations permit on state land in the Pigeon River least three years." in this matter that were produced by a e flow of sewage into the Red we feel we can sustain a law suit," he party and to acquire the services of State Forest," he said. Thomas L. Kamppinen, a regional series of conferences on Lake Michigan f occurred because of the combined said. "We do not want to start a case various until we feel we have one ecological experts to assist in the Ferency said the environmental effects water quality supervisor with the Water which have been held during the past , and sanitary sewer system used in that will be legal proceedings. of the proposed cross campus highway Resources Commission, said Friday that several years. Lansing, the experts said. Generally, successful." "We can only do so much in terms of will be investigated, as well as the the commission considered the size and sure gates keep the drains from The law suit was made possible by Participating in the conferences were the river, but when large arousing the public, sooner or later we contents of the smoke from University complexities of the problems East representatives of Indiana, Illinois, into legislative passage of the Environmental have to deliver," Ferency said in smoke stacks. Lansing will face in dealing with the* Wisconsin, Michigan, and of the Federal lumes of storm runoff enters the Protection Act in 1970 explanation of the party's decision to storm runoff problem before Ferency said one main objective of determining (Please turn to page 7) Casey would waltz . . . with the Monday strawberry blonde. And the MICHIGAN Clearing . . . TAT I MEWS band played on. . high in the lower to mid -J.F. Palmer STATE UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 23, 1971 (y weighs chances to win Viet presidential election IAIG0N could rally enough support to run in the contention as the only opponent of "We discussed the general situation (AP) - Vice President Oct. 3 election. An aide said President Nguyen Van Thieu. Ky, and especially about the crisis which is lyen Cao Ky said Sunday that U.S. Ky planned bassador Ellsworth Bunker urged him to announce his decision this morning. commenting at a news conference for existing now. I can say that the The Supreme Court reversed itself the first time on his ambassador has urged me to run on the run in the presidential election and meeting with will announce his decision in two Saturday and ruled that Ky had Bunker Saturday, said: basis of the interests of this nation. sufficient petition signatures to place his "I do not know about the unseen "This is all I know. Now I do not s. name on the ballot. activities of the members of the know about the role which members of ifter talking with reporters Ky met h his advisers and political and Bunker was reported to have played a American mission. As far as I am the embassy have played vis a vis the concerned I had a government or vis a vis certain organs of igious factions to determine if he key role in maneuvering Ky back into meeting with Ambassador Bunker yesterday. our government in the past few days. I do not know what those activities were and I do not want to know." Ky was asked whether Bunker made any statement to the effect that it also Senate OKs $ 1 billion bill would be to the advantage of the Nixon administration two - man for contest him to run since likely would ease a anticipated U.S. congressional criticism and forestall a possible cut in aid. Ky or state school support The replied: "I can tell you that the ambassador had a very long conversation with me. We discussed many facets of various Republicans, who stalled action blueprint may not be finally passed until on some minor fiscal issues, demanded late fall or even winter. problems concerning the interests of the that Democrats bring up the bill for Vietnamese nation as well as matters Michigan moves today into its seventh discussion. pertaining to public opinion and the Against a backdrop of fierce mecalling and partisan skullduggery in th houses of the legislature Friday, House GOP members want to take a $12 - 25 million bite out of the bill. week without a state budget for fiscal 1971 • 72. Since July 1, the state has been operating on two month - long situation in the United States. I don't wish to go any further into this Stripped and As the Republicans tried to prevent extensions of 1970 - 71 spending levels. conversation becaue it was private." Twenty - five prisoners lay stripped and handcuffed on the lawn e Michigan Senate passed a massive Ky had delayed announcing his outside the .074 billion state school aid bill. action on the minor bills, William A. Some GOP legislators have indicated adjustment center in San Quentin as a search for arms decision twice. He first called a news The upper chamber, on a 22 - 7 vote, Ryan, Democratic speaker of the House, they may withhold support for a third goes on inside. Guards with guns stand watch over the prostrate conference Saturday afternoon, then nt to the House its school aid lashed out, calling them "petty political extension for September to force criminals. This photo was taken after the unsuccessful prison break proposal postponed it until Sunday at which time fcich tops Gov. Milliken's parrcts" playing "sheer irresponsible lawmakers to complete the budget. he deferred it again. in which six persons were slain. AP Wirephoto commendation by almost $45 million. politics." Despite warnings by Sen. Charles 0. Ryan charged the Republicans with Jllar, R Benton Harbor, that the slighting the poor and hating children on 5 OTHERS KILLED - 've would nudge the state toward a welfare. He said the GOP welfare 0 million position "would let them (welfare deficit, nine Republicans eked their leaders by voting for the recipients) eat nothing but bread." As House Republicans jumped to their ut Zollar scolded members of the Senate fio endorsed the school aid package previously voted against increasing state income tax to finance the feet in protest, Ryan quickly called for an adjournment vote. Speaker Pro Tem Stanley Davis, D - Grand Rapids, called for the vote, slammed his gavel and Militant dies in jail break attempt shouted that it had passed as SAN QUENTIN, Calif. (AP) - routinely strip and search him after the account of the escape try: "He said he thought they were trying What kind of Republicans roared in anger. Authorities said Sunday a male visitor visit. Prisoners normally are locked up in integrity is that?" he The welfare appropriation, calling for to find an excuse to kill him," said the Drmed. "it violates smuggled a gun to black militant George Three guards and two white convicts the cellblock which holds convicts every principle of father. «state constitution." $120 million hike over the 1970 - 71 Jackson shortly before Jackson and five died of slashed throats and Jackson was awaiting trials for capital crimes. Some George Jackson's younger brother According to the Senate funding, fell 10 votes short of passage other persons were killed in Saturday's fatally shot during the escape try that were out of their cells returning from Jonathan, 17, was killed in an Aug. 7, - passed Wednesday. Unless House Democrats escape attempt. officials said lasted "about 30 seconds" visits or other business when the *f,"re> d be the state school superintendent yield to at least a $12 million cut, in mid afternoon. Three guards were incident started at 3:10 p.m. 1970, shootout during an escape attempt directed to withhold up to - at the nearby Marin County Civic Center per cent of the passage of the bill appears impossible. The 2,000 inmates of the prison were knifed, one seriously. About one hour ater Jackson's visitor funds from local in which four died, including a judge. hools locked in their cells in the aftermath of case the state Ryan said the $12 million would left, Jackson was undergoing a search Inmates killed Saturday were Jackson, appeared to be allow an update of Aid to Families with the escape attempt, termed by In his account of the prison break and drew the gun. '"J'ng a deficit. Dependent Children (ADFC) payments authorities of the San Francisco Bay attempt, the warden would not speculate Jackson then unlocked 27 other 29, John Lynn, 29, of Ventura, Calif., in Passed by the House, state from $2.54 per day to $2.62 on Oct. 1 area prison as provoked by on how Jackson's visitor managed to get who was serving a sentence for second hi?on sPent,ing would be hiked $135 the weapon through dangerous convicts, including the other degree murder and first degree robbery, and $2.72 on Jan. 1, 1972. "revolutionaries." Officials called it "the the prison's over last year's appropriation. two Soledad Brothers, in the adjustment and Ronald L. Kane, 28, of Fresno, blackest day In San Quentin's history." electronic metal - detecting device. If the welfare dispute is not settled, center where the bodies of three white . "atie fireworks seemed mild action on other appropriations bills may Calif., serving time for car theft and a rid to em°tion - charged Warden Louis Nelson said at a news "In life anything is conceivable but guards and two white convicts were prison escape attempt. session of be jeopardized in both the House and conference that Jackson, one of the so - the visitor was not likely to have it on found. the House of ^Presentatives. Senate while a new plan is worked out. called Soledad Brothers, was visited by a his person" when passing through the The five were slashed with two razor The dead officers were Sgt. Jere Both houses are scheduled to return ntl ,brLeakdown in the House came to work early this week but some man who smuggled in a 9 - mm foreign made pistol. Nelson said Jackson pulled device, he said. Nelson refused to identify the visitor. blades, one attached to a toothbrush. Graham, 39, a seven - of Correction veteran; Frank P. DeLeon, year Department ilinl state f ate They were left in cells. - on the controversial $537 welfare bill. legislators predict that the new fiscal the weapon as guards were preparing to He and other prison officials gave this Jackson, wielding the gun, suddenly 44, a prison guard for four years, and appeared outside the adjustment center Paul Krasner, 52, a guard for 22 years. which shares a three - story cell block Meanwhile, guards fired a volley of OUR WOUNDED with Death Row, where nearly 100 convicts await execution. warning shots across the prison yard. The prisoners surrendered, were Jackson and another black convict, stripped and forced to lay nude face Larry Spain, 22, who is serving time for down in the yard under leveled shotguns first degree and machine guards searched Irish bo - murder, started running, guns as terrorists Jackson firing two shots that went wild. To get outside the prison, they had to scale a 20 - foot wall and then cross them. State officials meanwhile ordered half mile of walled prison every other prison in the state to call in XasT, Northern Ireland (AP) - IRA. Other civilian* prisoners were also in the cells. The strike is timed to coincide with civil disobedience campaign Two others were found in shop one property. - extra personnel. oor b°mbers blew in the main No one escaped after the blast. a mass doorways and defused. Jackson was shot down before Jackson was one of three so-called unH»S, °f Belfast's Crumlin Jail on among the province's Roman Catholic Soledad Brothers and the author of a Police said the explosion appeared to and largely republican minority. The reaching the wall by one or two shots oli„„yand"nder the noses of a strong be more of a demonstration of the resistance Bombs on Saturday night wrecked fired by a guard. Spain suffered minor book "Soledad Brother, the Prison army guard, campaign includes shops, a Ministry of Health office block Letters of George Jackson," a bitter IRA's ability to beat police and British nonpayment of rents and local taxes injuries. tho exP,osi°n. the most daring yet and a car showroom near the city Jackson's father, preparing to bury the commentary of the black man in i urban guerrilla campaign against army defenses than an escape attempt. and its organizers say it will be center. Armagh, the ecclesiastical America. The jail has been guarded by British sustained until the last arrested second of his two sons killed in an 0unrt' rule in Northern Ireland, troops since the army took over released. man is capital, was without telephone services escape attempt, said the second death He rison "on i°ur Pe«ons, one of them a officer Northern Ireland's security in the after a 40 - pound bomb destroyed its was not unexpected. was awaiting trial with Fleeta two prisoners and The strike coincides too wi.h central exchange. Drumgo, 26, and John Clutchette, 28, rioting of two years ago. Lester Jackson Jr., the father, said he the two other Soledad continuing bomb blasts aimed at visited George Jackson in prison 12 days Brothers, charged the prison Some of Belfast's interned prisoners The hunger strike designed to with murdering white were 115 of the wrecking the economy. was Soledad Prison 'nterned have called a hunger strike for today keep attention the detention ago and "George said things were gufid John V. Mills, 26, two weeks ago as on on Jan. 16, to press their campaign to bring down One bomb wrecked a tailoring store withbut trial of the 230 arrested peculiar at San Quentin, that he had "tlawort krcorists Irish and agitators of the Northern Ireland's government. near Belfast city hall Sunday morning. men never seen things like that before. (Please Republican Army, the by the British army two weeks ago. turn to page 7) Monday, August 23. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1971 news Rebels complete LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) - A three - man The officers began the revolt in the the junta in Bolivia Papal Nuncio in La Paz, but this could be confirmed either in La Paz or in almost completely by late morning for isolated fire fights started by wouik , military junto, victorious in a bloody coup eastern Bolivian city of Santa Cruz, charging not summary . that left more than 50 dead and 100 injured that Torres was permitting the country to Rome, armed civilians still at large. of formally took the Bolivian government drift toward communism. Torres' military position steadily crumbled At the headquarters of the Color.,, From the w|re« of AP and UPI. Sunday. Army Col. Hugo Banzer Suarez was Banzer is a career army officer who Saturday with two key infantry regiments in battalion, the presidential guard the |0 i named president. commanded the Bolivian Military Academy the capital and the Bolivian air force going troops took up defensive positions. in »!!! The coup which began Thursday, toppled until his removal last January, on charges to the rebel side. outside their concrete garrison building n t the leftist regime of Gen. Juan Jose Torres, that he led a conspiracy to oust Torres. The Colorado troops and armed miners, there was no firing and Sunday trafr 48. He seized power in a military coup last The other two members of the junta are workers and students took up battle moved unmolested along the curving st October. Gen. Jaime Florentino Mendieta and Col. positions in the downtown area. outside. ' Banzer, 46, called on the impoverished Andres Selich. Selich was appointed interior They attacked the Miraflores army When rebel troops arrived and surround "We can only do so much in South American nation's five million people better minister. garrison, headquarters of the defecting and the building, the battalion surrendered 2 term of arousing the public to "make sacrifices to build a gave up its arms. a country." Some taxi and bus service was (about pollution); sooner or restore Thousands cheered the new president as he and many capital residents walked to chun* later we have to deliver." night when rebel armored cu. rumbled ^ ^ p udrlv|„g counter.,ttKked, under sunny skies. In the market spoke from the balcony of the government to the front entrance. district palace in La Paz on Sunday afternoon. He the Colorados and the civilians into the Bolivian women wearing the traditionalJ derhi' Zolton E. Ferency, said the terms "left and right" would be There were reports that the short, rocky hillside above the yellow-walled hats and shawls tended piles of derby erased from the Bolivian political vocabulary. moustachioed army general, who took powei tomotoes, lemons and potatoes. oranges, East Lansing attorney garrison. "We will talk only of nationalism," he in a coup last October, had fled Bolivia. In the late afternoon, World War II P51 The government-controlled niimani mhi Other reports said he had taken refuge in said. Mustangs buzzed the loyalist positions and fired warning shots from their cannons. station, which Saturday had broadcasting bombasts against the "faj!! bet (See story page 1) As night came, the intensity of the rebels, was taken over by the rebels ORDERS RAISES fighting increased and many civilians were hit The station proclaimed that the junta ann its troops had emerged victorious by snipper fire. over "rl Just at daybreak, the Mustangs reappeared imperialism." ^ The junta was supported in its Tex. governor over the city and strafed one of the most important remaining loyalist strongholds, the two uprising bv political groups, the Bolivian Socialist Falange and the National Revolutionary Maoists blamed in bombing University of San Andres where armed students were barricaded inside the main Movement. The latter ruled the countrv tml 1952 until 1964. y r0In Members of the Maoist - oriented New People's of wage freeze building. The students were driven out amid heavy firing and rebel troops occupied the campus Mario Gutierrez Gutierrez of the and Ciro Humboldt Barrero of the Falange movement in downtown La Paz. were expected to have a role in the new Army are believed to have hurled the grenades that WASHINGTON (AP) — flew here Saturday to meet state law." Signs of the La Paz fighting were government, which appeared to be killed nine persons and wounded scores of others at Texas Gov. Preston Smith said with Texas' two senators and Smith had said he had no from the leftist regime of Torres to moving noticeable near the loyalist positions. Building a political rally in Manila, government authorities Sunday he would abide by some congressmen. plans to contact any walls were pockmarked with bullet holes. middle of the road line. said Sunday. the decision of the courts as He appeared Sunday on administration officials while Near the Miraflores army garrison, there were One of the junta members, to whether he can defy CBS' "Face the Nation." in Washington. Selich, it splotches of blood on the sidewalks. commander of the crack Ranger Foreign Secretary Carlos P. Romulo cabled President Nixon's wage freeze The governor, a Democrat the Bolivian army. The regiment was regiment of Outside the nearby general hospital, trained Philippine embassies and consulates that "subversive order, but he reiterated that who succeeded fellow He expressed his chagrin ambulances and pickup trucks with red by the U.S.- Green Beret special forces and elements apparently infiltrated the city" to disrupt the he did not think Nixon had Democrat John Connally, now that Connally had not crosses painted on sheets arrived almost every wiped out the Cuban-supported guerrilla band Saturday night rally of the opposition Liberal party. the authority "to void Texas secretary of the treasury, said returned telephoned queries five minutes with victims of the fighting. of Ernesto "Che" Guevara in 1967. Che was law." that if the court issued an about the freeze's impact. "I later shot. The gunfire and bomb explosions stopped Smith ordered that state injunction against the raises would think they would have employes be paid raises Sept. he would obey it pending at least time to call," he said. 1 as scheduled under a Texas appeal. Greek artifacts found appropriations bill Nixon's freeze on wages for despite "I'm going to comply with Smith who served as the law of the land when I lieutenant governor under 2 duel in Miss, primary; 90 days. understand it to be the law Connally, added, "I never was The Justice -Dept. of the land," he said. "I too impressed with his ability, victor faces Evers in fall American and Greek archaeologists digging in the annottnced Friday it would would like this question to tell you the truth, and his Royal Colonnade at the foot of the Acropolis near file suit this week to bar fhe settled once and for all. I knowledge about state Athens have found a marble statue of Hercules as an raises. seriously doubt that the government." adolescent and a bust of Roman Emperor Antoninus Smith, whose action drew a President of the United States JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — a general election challenge in attorney, contends he Two white candidates, basing November from Fayette better experienced, qualified Pius. mixture of criticism and — any president — should In response to a question, - . The excavations near the ancient market place support within his home state, have the authority to void a Smith said he was "deeply their cainpaigns on programs Mayor Charles Evers, an and dedicated for the job. disturbed" by a comment by to build Mississippi and independent candidate and the Waller, 44, who served as started in March and were led by a Princeton presidential Press Secretary leaving out statewide racial first black to run for district attorney for eight University professor, Theodore L. Shear. They also uncovered 75 thin lead sheets dating TONIGHT! 2 for price of 1. Ron Ziegler, who termed the Texas governor's defiance overtures, meet Tuesday in the primary runoff election Mississippi governor. However, years, says he is runnlnj it is unlikely Evers could get against a political machiw from 380 B.C., engraved with the value of horses "unpatriotic." for the Democratic the necessary white support and he is the working man'i nomination for governor. for election. '' candidate. apparently requisitioned by the state for the army. He also said that his Lt. Gov. Charles Sullivan Latest Evers estimates have urged his supporter! defiance was not meant to and Jackson attorney William 305,000 black and 784,000 not to vote in the primary provoke a confrontation with Waller, who led the seven-man white voters registered In runoff, contending thit Connallv. field in Jhe Btfmary Aug. 3 Mississippi. neither candidate would "offer Egyptian rebels charged And it was "certainly not," vie for the nomination, which in the past has been The Republican party did not offer candidates for major any departure of significance f">m past administrations and Smith added, related to tantamount to election to a offices In Mississippi this year, practices." unacknowledged plans to run four year term. - Sullivan led in the first However, Aaron Henry, The for a third term as governor. This year, the winner faces primary when he polled 38 prosecutor • general announced Sunday in chairman of the Loyalist Cairo an indictment of ousted Vice President Ali per cent or 288,274 of the Democratic party which I Enjoy Fish and Chip* Anytime - $1.50 763,000 votes. Waller received blraclal but predominantly Sabry and seven former Egyptian Cabinet ministers 227,414, black, urged blacks to on charges of high treason in connection with an attempt to overthrow President Anwar Sadat in May. Town ALBERT PICK or cent of the vote. None of the about 30 per other five Tuesday. Neither Henry nor other black leaders vote The indictment listed 83 other defendants, charged candidates in endorsed either candidate, 307 S. Grand St., Lansing Motor Hotel primary the initial with criminal complicity in the abortive attempt. has endorsed either Both Sullivan and Waller Announces candidate publicly. have called for programs to Two major questions in bu,,d highways, end pollution, Tuesday's Chicken Night Tuesday's election concern promote vocational education, Henry Kloss? what will happen to the black Guerrillas go underground • All the delicious fried chicken vote and to the first and create more industry and primary more jobs- you can eat .... $2.50 support of third-place finisher The governor's race is the Jimmy Swan, a Hattiesburg only statewide one on the The largest of the Palestinian guerrilla groups, El • Or choose from A la Carte radio executive who is a ballot, with the others Fatah, is going underground in Lebanon and Jordan, serving from 5—10 p.m. segregationist. He received decided in the Aug. 3 128,966 votes. primary. Polls will open at 7 Who's He? a guerrilla spokesman reported Sunday in Beirut. He said all offices in the two countries would Sullivan, 47, a Clarksdale a.m. and close at 6 p.m. close in line with a decision taken by Fatah's leadership to adopt a new strategy of secrecy in all Henry just happens to be a good old friend of ours LOOK TO US guerrilla acitivities. Fatah decided to abolish all forms of open here at Hi-Fi Buys. Formerly the co-founder of both AR and KLH, he is now the president of the Advent FOR QUALITY existence and go underground following the Jordanian army's crackdown on the guerrillas in Julv. Corporation. With these years of audio experience • complete selection of behind him, Henry Kloss has designed what is now frames our most popular speaker system. In designing the •'Sunglasses and wire - rims Advent Loudspeaker the goal was to produce a • product comparable in performance to the best prescription lenses ground Nixon contemplates future acoustic - suspension speakers previously available, but • repairs while you wait at a substantially lower price. And from the volume A week after his announcement of rave reviews and rising sales figures that goal was Corner Saginaw (M-78) and Grand River (M-43), East Lansing. 48823 feato*, OfUiciani of a new economic game plan for most definitely accomplished. The sound of Advent is the nation, President Nixon relaxed ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. a silky smooth, balanced sound with well dispersed Sunday at his Pacific Coast vacation highs, and lows which can really be felt, not just heard. There's a sculptured walnut cabinet version for home in San Clemente, Calif., and took time for contemplation $116, and a utility vinyl clad version for $102. So and RIGHT ON PLACE Step Inside Hi-R buys and meet our friend Henry's looking ahead. latest invention I IJmX He plans to spend the next two weeks here doing "massive reading" $116 ea. $102 ea. JWk RIGHT ON PEOPLE on budget, economic matters and his forthcoming China trip, taking RIGHT ON PRICES UIMS time to "think alone," press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said RIGHT ON . . . Sunday. WITH GOOD DEALS There will be staff meetings and conferences with his chief national FOR EVERYONE! <■/ security adviser, Henry A. Kissinger, who is here for the Western White House stay. But no major influx of llnnnir Llni irn Washington officials is expected. nappy Hours "RATTLE THESE LIZARD BONES TO GET RID Mon. - Thurs. 2 pm ~ 5 pm OF YOUR WORRIES. IF THAT DOESN'T WORK, Henderson trial opens 7pm JOIN THE CREDIT UNION." - closing WE SOLVE MONEY PROBLEMS The court - martial of Col. Oran K. accused of willfully failing to investigate Henderson, reports of JRVESr- Sunday 7Pm ~ closing the My Lai massacre, opens today before a jury of seven senior officers in Ft. Meade, Md. Open 11 a.m. midnight Mon. & Tues. - |CREPITll UNION HI-FI BUYS Prior to the hearing of MSU EMPLOYEES testimony by a jury of two 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Wed. Fri. generals and five colonels, the military judge, Col. - Peter S. Wondolowski, is to rule on a defense motion 5 p.m. - midnight Sun. 1019 Trowbridge Rd. Phone 353-2280 which seeks dismissal of charges that Henderson lied For Take Out Orders 231 M.A.C. Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday l Pentagon 1101 E. Grand River Ph. 337-2310 inquiry about My Lai. Call 351 2755 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 23, 1971 3 Speculation mounts on pact Makes to resolve Berlin question BERLIN (AP) - A change in the site for today's meeting N. Lazaros, right, chairman for what could be the final session of the 17 month- of the Big Pour on Berlin was announced Sunday, setting off long talks. announced Thursday that he speculation that an agreement is imminent. According to unconfirmed German accounts, the Russians offered to pay legal A statement released by the U.S. mission in West Berlin have agreed to participate in four - power expenses of Capt. Ernest L. disclosed that the 33rd meeting of ambassadors from the responsibility for civilian traffic in and out of West Berlin, but the word lytodina, center, on trial for United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union would guarantee does not appear in the draft agreement. If so, this take place at the American muder of the 1968 My Lai envoy's home instead of at the would be a compromise wording since the Russians originally Allied Control Council building as originally scheduled. nasjacre. Defense attorney are known to have stated they would speak only on behalf of West German reports said earlier that an agreement was all the East German government in the access f Lee Bailey, left, accepted but firm that the Russians would share question. offer. responsibility for The West is seeking primarily an access guarantee and Berlin access. AP Wirephoto Soviet endorsement of West Berlin's economic ties to West A U.S. spokesman, asked if the change of meeting sites German representation of West Berliners abroad. meant that an agreement had been reached and that only formalities remained, replied, "I am not permitted to say anything further." now hear Tins from T11K top The American envoy is Kenneth hinge ] Rush, who reported to the West German government after last Wednesday's marathon cL AT THK STOHK W,TH ™E RED DOUK: session ended well after midnight. It was expected, informants said, that a communique would be issued after the four ambassadors met at Rush's West Berlin residence. Rush will be \ ^ put a sword in We v°ur - have a complete selection of ' Imported Pocket Knives from England, made by Wilkinson the GOP, Dems back Campbell's sword makers. 7.95 to 20.00. By JOANNA FIRESTONE Rowe said in his letter that voters ought students, I think a large part of the student fi Shop | State News Staff Writer to be registered where they live and to run now, to have a full voice in party work, community has stronger ties with their home decisions and their fair share of influence in The Store With The Red Door Ph. 332-4269 "so that they can exercise political The leader of the Ingham County power in towns than with their the units of government that most effect college towns," he drafting our party platforms." said. "In most cases, Republican party has agreed to support a their daily lives." they know more about jipartisan drive to register new voters, but the issues and candidates at home than at Young voters, he said, should have the "Speaking for myself, I am highly in favor ,dded that he is "hesitant" to push for school." of the right within reasonable limits to chose their idea," Busfield said. "However, if a itudent registration in college towns. Rowe also invited Busfield to own place of residence. join in primary was held solely for the purpose of Cigarettes Kodacolor Film Roger M. Busfield Jr., Ingham County ^publican chairman, received a letter from Busfield said he supports the idea of a recommending that city clerks make a special effort to register new voters "with all choosing precinct delegates, it seems to be unrealistically expensive." ] lis Democratic counterpart, Wmthrop P. late Wednesday asking him to "join in special registration drive effort aimed at youth. possible speed" and in supporting a bill now in the House of Representatives to establish In terms of helping to involve youth and 126,127,620 ' ives in that all city clerks conduct registration schools, in churches and firehouses, and "In this respect, we're ahead of Mr. Rowe his party," Busfield said. "The Ingham a May primary, reform the process Busfield said a May primary of delegate selection, might be useful. 2/69c 89c halls, and social clubs, any place where County GOP is already active in plans for a limit 2 pkgs voter registration drive." Rowe and Busfield have recently engaged limit 1 foung and old gather." in verbal sparring matches on the (Coupon) (Coupon) "But on the question of registering run for precinct delegate in 1970 question of Expires After 8-28-17 Expires After 8-28-71 a chance youth input in party politics. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only DRAFT OFFICE ENTERED The State 10% Off ? 2.25 News, the student newspaper at Michigan State , University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Ihe Discount Price Flashcubes !0 seized for during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition lipped CAMDEN, N.J. off by an informant, FBI arrested 20 (AP) persons — office in Buffalo with theft of -- were „ charged government theftattempt apprenhended." He said burglary tools and defendants. Goodwin told U.S. in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press Inland Daily Press Associated Collegiate Press, Association. International, Association, Michigan Press Association, Michigan Collegiate Press Film on all Developing No limit (Coupon) 99' limit 1 (Coupon) property, destruction of other paraphenalia were Second class postage paid at East Expires After 8-28-71 Expires After 8-28-71 id»y on charges of trying government Magistrate Charles Rudd that Lansing, Mich. Editorial East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only property and seized. The five were shoeless, the FBI received word of the and business offices at 345 Student Services steal Selective Service crime Bldg., Michigan t government dressed in dark shirts and State University, East Lansing, Michigan. icords in a well - planned, reservation, shorts burglary from an informant 1.15 and had their faces who 1.15 had attended precision burglary attempt. Karl L. Btouse, special FBI blackened with charcoal. five arrests sessions in which the theft came only hours agent in charge of western five persons were seized similar raid in Buffalo, New York said the five "were U.S. Atty. Guy Goodwin, a Justice Dept. trouble shooter was planned. Goodwin News Classified Ads 355-8252 355-8255 Crest toothpaste Scope in the process of ransacking said the of Selective Service offices who worked defendants Harrisburg case, was sent from for months, cased the building Advertising Business Office 353-6400 Mouthwash The 20 arrested in Camden and those of watching the 355-3447 luded three clergymen and government agencies when other Washington for the comings and goings arraignment _ of the Camden in _ the" area. of police 6.75 oz. 59c 12 OZ. 77' i m men who figured in the limit 1 limit 1 Jederal probe of the (Coupon) Expires After 8-28-71 (Coupon) ; Harrisburg Jacobson's Open Thursday and Friday Evenings until 9 Expires After 8-28-71 Eight conspiracy p.m.; Open Again All Day Saturdays East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ise. They were seized in and (round the post office 1.00 j in the predawn hours 79c It a time when the city was wed with police because of No Doz Eaton's Corrasable ■cial disorders. I Six other persons were 36's Bond Typing Paper King sought, police said. ■ The FBI said jraft records some were Camden destroyed 69< 49c limit 1 Jde others were lowered from (Coupon) limit 1 fifth floor in (Coupon) * mailbags of Expires After 8-28-71 Expires After 8-28-71 post office. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only I The burglary team arrived 1 the post office in a van - 1.49 59c (pe truck, the ■mbed their FBI said, and own ladder to a T^ond floor Miss J joins the tweedy set Contac Riding a fire escape, burglaralarm. Tampax 10's [They carried binoculars, in classy separates with 10's talkies, pry bars and |>shlights to emit with the lenses great mix-and-match 79< 19' only a thin possibilities for fall. limit 1 ' limit 1 " of light. (Coupon) (Coupon) 11 20 Expires After 8-28-71 Expires After 8-28-71 were booked for Start with the soft tweeds of East Lansing Store Only cast Lansing Store Only festigation of crime on a Jvernment reservation, wool/nylon/acrylic/polyester, "•tmg the 1967 1.75 2.00 Selective ■nice Act, destruction of then top them off with solids and fjernment property and Darnes & Hind Wella ir charges. print. Navy or maroon. Sizes 5-13. |The FBI declined comment A. Robin Hood vest of rayon Wetting Solution Balsam [i whether the Camden and $ Buffalo raids I Justice Dept. were related. spokesman in suedecloth, $16. Smock-shirt of 51.09 80, 51.39 limit 1 ■•shington said, "I'm sure cream acetate/nylon crepe, $12. limit 1 "o will (Coupon) (Coupon) 3 be 900 " an investigation Expires After 8-28-71 Expires After 8-28-71 i East Lansing Store Only the two are Short yoked skirt, $14. East Lansing Store Only ■ Those arrested at the post B. Ribbed Orion®sweater with 1.35 1.09 double-role neck, S-M-L, $11. Prell Concentrate Aquamarine Flare pant with patch pockets, $16. Shampoo Lotion C. Zip-front romper, $20. Cotton bodyshirt, $12. 3 oz. tube 69C 89c limit 1 limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires After 8-28-71 Expires After 8-28-71 J/Jbotf East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 1.09 1.39 Right Guard Sandal foot Panty Hos Monday Deodorant for "Hot Pants" 49< 69c 4oz- uJt, (Coupon) limit 3 (Coupon) Expires After 8-28-71 Expires After 8-28-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only State 1)iscount L^'PP^t off Kalamazoo Jacobson's 307 E. Girand River Next to tht1 Card Shop MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Explaining the economic crisis By JOHN MILLAR De Gaulle trading stamps in the petrol And so we come to lesson number under Edward the command of Brig r I Acting Associate Chairman, industry. three. All currency is like a check. When C. Prutchitt, u. S a I KEN LYNAM Department of Sociology (2) The British Conservative party will you present a dollar you are saying that Reserve, reknowned for his hatr^"'11'. I advertising manager call for the prime minister's resignation. this represents so much of the United cuckoo clocks. °' I Franc + Mark - Pound - Dollar (kr2) (3) The Federal Reserve Board will States Bank Account. At present our JOHN BORGER, managing editor - Rupee + 2 Yen consult and sell Park Place in order to bank account consists of gold, a yellow In summary of our discussion on .k I BOB ROACH, news editor You have just finished lesson number buy the Short Line Railway. metal which is illegal to own. There has ramifications of the interna!^! BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor one in the understanding of international finance. What is meant by the economic Now we are on familiar ground so let been some talk of "backing the dollar" monetary crisis, I wish to signposts which will give you a point1! RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor us proceed with lesson two: with another "monetary standard" such of the next clu.Tl equation is this: An increase in the Dollar (F) W/O as red kidney beans. Actually, this is a some changes in the « Franc • Mark ratio will bring a decrease When converting this formula to good idea because we have more real currency markets. in the Rupee - Yen ratio causing an words we would say that the dollar is a kidney beans than gold. Furthermore, influx in Hong Kong windup toys into function of the waste - obsolescent red kidney beans are legal to own. In (1) A tax break for the American I Seven -time recipient of the Pacemaker award the Gold Coast. quotient. In other words, you get what fact, if we use red kidney beans we petroleum industry with a six per cent I for outstanding journalism. increase in oil depletion allowance. Nationally this fluxion in windup toys you pay for. This is not true because could do away with the paper dollar. ' will produce a bull market in Burmese The only problem would be the awful you are really getting more than what tin with a concomitant increase of Java (2) Cutbacks in electric can you are paying for. When you use the mess that six or seven red kidney beans one,* I ducats, convertible to three rupees each! dollar in a monetary transaction would create in the wallet Aunt Maude imports in Quasiland and other natZ I EDITORIALS Obviously then, an increase in the Rupee Yen ratio must occur, with the (economic jargon for spending) you are will give me for Christmas. as a result of American foreign aid cu dealing with a negotiable instrument - Having discussed the kidney bean following results: Thieu remains (1) France will introduce the Charles (more jargon) which is worth less than its face value. crisis, we can return to our problem. You remember the windup toy situation? Well, that's not our problem. call (3) The British Conservative party for the prime minister's resignation will I I Our problem is a cheap Uncle Sam, as (4) Decline in Burmese tin as a result ■ of Vietpolitical swa the paper dollar is not really worth a of enterprising Syrians undercutting their I gold dollar. Therefore, when you buy prices by melting and resellin.l something for X dollars, with a paper Humphrey - Muskie buttons to the I dollar, you really get it for less than X windup toy industry. 1 "Curiouser and curiouser" said Alice as she wandered through the bizarre world of Wonderland. She could as easily, however, have "Having discussed the kidney bean crisis, been we cannot return to referring to the equally our problem. You improbable realm of South remember the windup toy situation? Well, Vietnamese politics. that's not our problem. Our problem is a cheap Uncle Sam, as the paper dollar is not The biggest nonsurprise of the really worth a gold dollar." year became official when former Gen. Doung Van Minh withdrew from the South Vietnamese too late for Ky to formally presidential race, thus leaving withdraw from the race. Thus, dollars. Ipso facto (intellectual jargon) incumbent President (5) Hoarding of red kidney beans in I Nguyen Van despite whether Ky choses to really get more than you pay for! Thieu the sole contender. The you South and Central America causing i| campaign, Thieu officially will morbid decrease in good chili and 11 immediate effect was to have This is why we have the surcharge — marked increase in peasant revolts. an opponent on the ballot. profoundly embarrass both Thieu you didn't really think you could get At present Ky is making noises and his American allies and to away with it, now did you? The purpose (6) Richard M. Nixon getting sick. about not running very similar to of the surcharge is to bring this paper • unsettle virtually the entire those previously espoused by gold discrepancy to a zero sum balance Vietnamese political scene. Minh. The vice president is in the which further serves to control the Minh's move demonstrates a very unpleasant position to being Krona, highly important in the Liechtenstien bluejay clock industry. Letter policy considerable degree of political damned no matter what he does. savvy. With Vice President Nguyen Despite Ambassador Bunker's Why a bluejay clock is an interesting The State News welcomes all lettenl and highly fascinating story. Obviously They must be typed (preferably to J Cao Ky in the contest there was insistence that "with (Ky's) though we cannot discuss it here except 65-space line and triple - spaced, dated, anil at least an outside chance that he popularity (he) could easily win," in light of its relationship with the signed with the hometown, student,! would siphon off enough Thieu Ky has no chance of election. His surcharge. Why this relationship exists, faculty or staff standing and local phonel nobody knows. However, it did come number included. No unsigned letter will votes to allow a Minh victory. political strength has always into being in 1882 as a rider to House be accepted for publication, and no letter! With Ky rather questionably resided with the military rather will be printed without a than the populace. On the other Bill 2136 - 5 which dealt with the Ed signature except! disqualified, however, Minh's Prutchitt Water Works and Screen Door in highly unusual circumstances. Letters! chances of election hand, by being legally reinstaged contracts. These contracts were issued by should be addressed to The were Editor, State | nonexistent. and thus having the injustice of The Cross the Army Engineer Corps, 7th district, News, 345 Student Services Bldg., MSUJ of Northern Ireland Remaining in the race under the endorsement law somewhat headquartered in Black Mountain, Ga., East Lansing, Mich. 48823. 1 such circumstances would be to rectified, Ky would have a serve only as a window dressing difficult time convincing his air for the "democratic" charade force friends that a coup was in ART BUCHWALD being perpetrated by Thieu and order. the U.S. The most amazing thing is that government. By withdrawing amid a shower of both Thieu and his American Clubs: "rigging" charges Minh effectively allies apparently feel that now re-enforced his credentials as a "concerned" opposition leader and made himself a strong choice to head any alternative government. everyone democracy South their will really believe that Vietnam has been achieved in machinations when, in fact, have been one way to see Europe However worthy the Minh blatantly open. The latest thing in flying is Group tickets is bound to make everyone even their departure has arrived. Everyone is and maybe even a golf course, and w It is hardly credible that the Discount Economy Fares. It seems that strategy may have been, Thieu more club - conscious than they are very excited — everyone, that is, except could have dinner dances every week! people of the United States and if you're a member of any kind of club and his Grand Wazir U.S. and clubs will be the world which consists of 25 people or more, now, many new formed just for the sake of taking Buzzy Dixon, who has just informed the and really be a club." | ambassador Ellsworth Bunker at large can be you get a group discount which can save others that he has decided not to go. "Maybe we can, Buzzy, after we all ■ proved still craftier. Token bamboozled by this untimely you as much as $200 a person on a trip advantage of the low fare. A delegation is sent to Buzzy's house, come back from Europe. We could talk ■ But because of this there can also be where he's sitting in the living room. about it then." I opposition to Thieu was resurrection of the Big Lie. to Paris. To qualify for group travel, complications. Let us say some people in "Buzzy, what's happened? Why aren't "Sure we can talk about it, but! absolutely mandatory if the myth Indeed, the only way the your club must have been in existence Hollis, N.Y., where I used to live, form Sheldon will veto it. He's always against I you going?" about the apparenace of credence for six months before your departure American military can be a club called the Public School 35 "I don't like Sheldon." everything I'm for." I given to the Vietnamese date. It doesn't make any difference presence "insuring" Vietnamese Alumni Assn., and they get 25 members "For heaven's sake! Nobody likes "But you don't have to travel with! what the club is all about. democracy" was to be salvaged at presidential race is if the rather to join. They meet faithfully every week Sheldon, but that's no reason to cancel him. All you have to do is take the! This latest sales scheme to sell airline all. egocentric vice president can be for six months, and now the day before out now." same plane with him. Once you get to I Thus, in a shocking, though flattered into believing that he is, "Sheldon's always making fun of me Paris you're on your own." I hardly surprising decision, the at the meetings. In fact, he always made "You mean we won't travel as Vietnamese Supreme Court under after all. a viable candidate. Thieu Hopefully, he will resist OUR READERS' MIND fun of me even when I was in Public club?" pressure ruled that Vice School 35." President Ky could, after all, be a the temptation and in so doing "But, Buzzy, the whole idea of the "No. We don't have to. We just haw 1 definitively club is to get an airfare reduction. We to be a club to get the fare reduction. ■ candidate for president. expose Thieu's tenure "Well, what good is that if you've got! Don't for the totalitarian regime that it is. can't let personal feelings get involved." bug the woods The decision, however, came "That's what you say. But it so a club and you don't want to see eacii| happens I joined the club because I other when you go abroad? What's theB always wanted to belong to a club. I sense of having a club? I thought Starting time To the Editor: MSU wildlife has areas. several These very are beautiful more than If this is the should be changed. case, as it seems to be, perhaps the regulations for these areas believe something in Sheldon in it." this club. wonderful. It could But "Don't you understand, Buzzy? If you become not with had some ideals. That's why I thought we believed in the same things ■ But apparently I was wrong. I d°nt| want to be on the same plane m joined. I ■ don't go with us we can't go. You're people who don't put the club first. as 'U' toadies adequately posted as areas, not disturbed or destroyed. I hardly think that being a professor at MSU gives to be I and many others, 1 am sure, enjoy walking and sitting in these areas, and the 25th member. We've worked and slaved for six months just for tomorrow. The "You're right, Buzzy, absolutely rigM i rest of us have been selfisn,! one the right to license one's students find it highly disturbing to have a You can't let the rest of us down." thinking of ourselves instead of the club. ■ Football schedules these days national But ABC-TV to tramp through these areas, "That's the trouble with all of you. Sheldon is the one who has blinded us ■ screen. rooting group of juvenile - acting Bio - Sci are made 10 years in advance. wants to run the game at 11:50 under leaves, logs and rocks, moving students tramping through on their You think more about your trip than to the facts. IH tell you what we» ^| Sunday, for example, the New a.m. instead of the usual 1:50 them around, and not replacing them. never - ending search for a better you do about the club. But the club As soon as we get back we'll mark. Perhaps there are better places to means more to me than the trip. Sheldon out of the club." York Times printed an item p.m. starting time if the A's are look for bugs and such. Sheldon knows that. That's why he "He won't like it." - stating that Ohio State and in the World Series. hates me." "Too bad for Sheldon. We have ■ Florida State intend to play each other in 1982 and 1983 in To an extent department's motives, both the athletic Awards Dan Morgenstern Albany, N.Y., junior, "Sheldon doesn't hate you." "Well, he's always knocking down my ideas. I thought it would be nice if we think of the club, not of any individual ■ in it. The club is bigger than all of us. | Columbus. Incredibly, "You can say that again." however, no monetery and prestige - seeking, Aug. 19, 1971 one as yet knows when the To the Editor: had a clubhouse where we could meet. Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times are worthy. Unfortunately, in On Wednesday, Aug. 11, the State MSU-UM football game will be their eagerness to hit the airwaves News carried an article by Brant EVEN IF HE 15 A FRIENP,^ played this year. they seem to have momentarily Wansley lauding the HAS NO RIGHT 70 The game will be played Oct. misplaced their proiorities. Football games and all other new of ROTC cadets. He mentioned in his article that Capt. J.C. Burke had won commandant $£AH! CRITICIZE MY LIFESTYLE 9, that is for sure. But its sporting the Bronze Star, which he also events are played, first and starting time will either be 11:50 mentioned was the nation's third a.m. or 1:50 p.m. depending on foremost, for the fans, highest award for valor. Such is not whether the Oakland Athletics are predominantly the students and the case; the Bronze Star is the eighth in the World Series. alumni of this University. To highest award that this nation has. sacrifice their interests on Anyone that can rally a South the Should Oakland play a five - Vietnamese battalion, however, deserves altar of national programming is game playoff series with Baltimore to an early promotion. effectively abdicate the athletic it is quite possible that no one department's prime responsibility. East Ted D. Davis U)E WERE TENTMATES... I WROTE TO HIM, BUT I 61/E5S I /ll SHOT UP, AMP „ will know the MSU-UM kickoff It would be Lansing junior {LEAVE ME ALONE!^ better if the Aug. 11, 1971 REALLY PlPN'T THINK HE'P time until two days before the University set an official starting AN5U)ER .H0(J ABOUT THAT? game. now and told ABC to "take it or The problem, it seems, lies in leave it." If the network really EDITOR'S NOTE: The Bronze Star Athletic Director Biggie Munn's wants to is America's fourth televise "the best in highest award for long - held desire to see the college football" valor. If, however, one also considers their cameras Spartans and Wolverines on the will be in East awards for meritorious - service, the Lansing on Oct. 9. Bronze Star ranks somewhat lower. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 23. 1971 5 hicanos query 'U' desire to aid minorities J nv RAY ANDERSON Disadvantaged Students in the I ctate News Staff Writer Dept. of Health, Education wonoSlv ed^cationAilv'o! that ^ °fte" «raduate" A"d by "the the MSU program, that the said. A lot of several solutions advocated by , MSI I hid ?nd We'fare WOuld .by ^ould rightfully be placed on included. "We have 65 people funds left when they reviewed the funds," Cantlon explained. the administration. Gamez uamez said he was told by admitted for [nissions counselor, said success of disadvantaged system ^f sunnnrt01!!!^!!fPSfI! Buncos ui svctom r.f proposal states that the Manuel Carrillo, HEW director Gamez explained, "but only me ivia tor the fall term," our proposal," Cantlon said. Cantlon's remarks were itly. students. The federal funds dK™n?« JKa sfrv!cesu f°r educational progress of low o f $223,075 grant which would have • - --- office for 40 have been able to pay the the ^ students ,r- both income - e phvsicallv disabled package, he said, has requested for the realization gone toward institutions"**" =- mc°me or or physically disabled Sn Spanish-Sumamed Americans advanced enrollment deposit, resulted in modest midwest area HEW director' been of three goals in a budget fiscal year was one the combined But G a m p » i • at MSU has been that the Proposal didn't make The other 25 have become for the continuation of the who denied charges that package: ... University Chinm™ -7.- by "a lack of adet movin8- We'd move down advantage of ifi-il but against the weaker teams but one-yard run in the first $1.09 couidn't sustain a drive quarter and Jim O'Brien kicked a 38-yard field goal as lbuk„l Sam were Havrilak h,Sand whj,e cameDouglas againgt likethe Notre teams defensive Dame and Franks, 2 lb. pkg. Earl Morrall directed Baltimore quarterbacking Baltimore. Ohio State." in the first half. O'Brien also kicked a 27-yard field goal early in the fourth quarter. Detroit got field goals of Ekrich Luncheon Meats, all 8 oz. loaves 30, 15 and 52 yards from Errol Mann in second quarter ™ Kermit Smith Thank You Tomato Juice-2? two; Empress Mandarin Oranges^1 scores All Stars win a as The a Lansing All Stars used strong second half showing stepping stone to its third victory of the season Edon Bathroom Tissue ££ % against one defeat Saturday night in derailing the Pontiac Firebirds, 34-10. room The All Stars carried a slim 14-7 lead into the dressing at halftime, but Gerbers Baby Food ss. 111 21 oz. can, limit 3 plz. exploded for two third Lolich quarter scores and a single fourth quarter tally to run away with < Kernii contest. pounded out Thank You Cherry Pie Filling 29< posts two of the touchdowns, while Jack All Star Detroit Tiger pitching ace Mickey Lolich posted his 20-win season of his eight year career Saturday as defeated the Milwaukee Brewers in Detroit, 7-2. Lolich, who failed in an attempt to gain 20 in an outing against Chicago on Thursday, allowed just six hits while first he Schinderle, Charley Wedemeyer and scores. Ken Hines added solo Hefty Trash Can Liners»88* un Pack Vanilla 59c Michigan Cabbage striking out nine in going the route. Lolich's 20-9 record is second best in the .American ce Cream, j/2 gal. 1 TONIGHT League behind Vida Blue's 22 wins. Lolich is the third player in the major leagues to win 20 games this season, Tomatoes,J!' following Oakland's Blue and Chicago Cub Fferguson Jenkins Pet Ritz Apple Pies into the elite circle. 20 oz. pkg. 25c Michigan Copy class notes for your (and every Monday) Heatherwood final exams cheap! IS hocolate Milk 20c Amigo Bananas Use our NEW Xerox 3600-1 copier Spartan American Cheese Individually Wrapped, 12 oz. pkg. cqc J" I?1?' MClOdS 10 "one",'ew iqt "PIZZA FEAST NIGHT" CUP & SAVE THESE COUPONS (Full size pizza only $1 in the Show Bar] and TUESDAY is "GIRLS' NIGHT" (all girls' drinks greatly reduced] alattte