Tilts Itrlirr f nrilllmrnl Michigan State News FAST LANSING. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. SKITKMHKK :M. M. S. C. ENROLLMENT SETS ALL-TIME RECORD Hark On the Hanks New Type Control 1800 Freshmen and Transfers at Union Approved Are Major Factors as Total at Meeting ofBoard Student Union Board and Newly Formrd Faculty Group to Shoul¬ Registration May Reach 4200 der Responsibility for Management of Alumni Large Increase in Number of New Students is Repetition of Memorial Building. RELEASE GRADE Similar Jump Last Year; "Officials Credit IK RIM. KIRK PATRICK Rise to Better Business Conditions. Several chanyps in the system of niHiuigement of.the In ion building. the appointment of Glen Stewart, alumni secretary, COMPUTATIONS IK I \KKV llCoTil a- assistant dealt of men, and the creation of 10 new sih.»lar- • constituted the major business transacted by the State FOR SOCIETIES * •! Agriculture, governing lusty of Michigan State o»l- at its regular meeting held yesterday afternoon. , Farm Houtr Leads Societies in j While Hay Kiggs continues in his capacity as official Host Scholarship Race With Aver- , • the I nion, the responsible* - Slightly Under B j •v tor the management • ;:v student center was trim CO-ED LEADERS SIGMA KAPPAS ht'ul to the student I nion SECOND; NEW OFFICERS oft'-, , headed by Rolwrt San '.'hi, and a new' faculty WILL SPONSOR Alpha Gamma Rhos, Second j i niori k»artl eomiwsed of (", NEW CARNIVAL Among Fraternities. Receive j TAKE COMMAND Cup Offered by Council. Lanfdon and Andrnt. Froth OF ROTC CORPS Counselors, Stress Oiltsitr Col. S. I) Snulh Assumes Duties Aclivilirt (or Girls. DOCTOR WARNS o( !'. Stale. van M. S. and T. at Michi Succeeding Col. IDEA IS UNTRIED HERE OF TB DANGER »•<-> Projefl is Used Eltrnsivrly Other Universities as c" New Police Course Now ,. .tuberculosis Authority Mrcsses OTHER POSTS HLLF.D Wise" Parties. I .Student Need of Suffi- Capt. Boulware Takes Over In¬ Offered State Students dent Sleep/ fantry Command With Capt Taylor Heading Cavalry Unit tiv itic. iHinivnl in !«• | 1 Bremer and Huston to Head New Department of Police third »r<>k «.f or html with th •u. ImI *Ui. live ld«-u < I iihjes t hi •.•lUKintuur tin- m m fiii> nt .Vic hitTHii Stair will ministration, in Co operation Siate Polki With Michigan CO-EDS CROWD 'Hem a permanent additu .ODD CORNERS - K Sir Mart Heads N V % aid the new dean ♦m.mv • uittnued « n pagy-fl Women's Rooming Conditions Taxed to Extreme by Reford Enrollment. PAHON PLANS Il« MM A I \ltl I 1 CHORAL MEETS First Rehearsal of C o I lf|* Chorus to bo Hold in Olds Hill Nest Wednesday AWS ATTENDANCE Carnegie Peace Speaker T. Gist Talk w L TO BE OBLIGATORY l.lc aftrriu.m Ml, '*#■ Chrtrtma* concert. the or arc om pan- Morning Sing, the commence- • • womg on at tamp*# Untu and jt is hoped imturies are fast BalUril * xpoclat chorus concert will >"•' ' <•>' »vil flub of r«t I-ansinit. arc cunpecat- 'W. :o consist cither of rru*- Ltniiri'. h" • »*>•• "P- inn with Prof Harold It Fir Ma nl 3 COLUMBIA SENIORS HAVE Mayo# are full 1.1 from the Pl.u.nn department of hl.tory and, *t HOPES FOR HIGH INCOMES ng two hundred per. •w.van. easnn ,ot„ -n an-,,*. ^ cWly Carthaginian theory of „Mum] •ciencr of Michigan Bute iS £& i "Three unexruaed absences frwn''a,io *w' b There i»v# Taiton expects the chorus m*nU and J'**n aaautant crime prevention college. In presenting as a speak-; J|j # made lit th# 1 ^ a huie amaller this Yoik City I ACS') '-Sen-! meeting slwil constitute groumt*'been **i year than * i This, boy* and girls, is but a • er C- Douglas Booth of Canada t*i mm***' « Coltimbia University are for the recall of the elerded larw- la.ioi»P«l Women * build-. n recent year*, but believes that Prtmcffmm Seniori Hold fraction of the i : w:r toil rumns at the collegiatb ilowu mot xut to the mate theater >»■ > i««w «.« MICHIGAN STATK NEWS Friday, September 20, 11>:I5 r ^an Stale News From the Grave By- East Lttnsmfffirh. Strathmorr NOTE-BOOK FIl.l.KR—AII site*. ten rent* per package. Welcome Freshman! Welcome Hack <«ld Students! The College World Heat Wishes State News! IttfUeluu^ Collegiate Flower Shop REPETE Miehitcan Slate i.« y! limy this fall. Mi, hi yearlings, !,»>. Shell you eiiteiv,! , ollVtif it. The eolUge [Gofo^e Digest SW.INli So fan 'e>.. ingt. uiulerstan th« fcrwn |k 11, learn, lira, Fr„.«h ev»*r went io hijrh ■»** there, your extra-. with knitted en i'Ht us at all When bottom . . . urn, dher freshman with iney-hack Suede ur high m* h> hi I meth Jackets. $7.9* "One Picture TeUs as Much as Ten Thousand Words'* Checks bhutters click . . . flashlights rare . . . cameramen are "Johnny on The spot" wherever and whenever anything of interest to the college student happens when a jn»t make . to bring to the Editor of Collegiate upp?rvia.H!tmuit so lietfUHe he isn't Digest three thousand pictures every month aupori<»r without . but oi course it is only possible to and $4.9* bring you the best of these . . . addition to the numerous collegiate PANTS luies appearing exclusively in Oc'.D.i.n .• Digest every week with The Michigan State News THERE ARE FIVE PLANS One of Ihcm will make i'. pos«ibk' for you to have a Toll tribute politan gi~ Michigan* Hot only »ic a v hang* Hut then ing return- i.it;i h \%i t> I.IKI TO KNOW great men, your |jr>'tc>*. Ami H* we enrollment, And A huW cu an i HERE THEY ARE n i"ur and the thousand would he den. atiefactorv fiwilitiea fm stamped *meU>pr« ACCOmTtbniat m after that let'* tall it a day. FULL PAYMENT - S3.75 CASH STUDENT EVENTS PART PAYMENT - $2.00 AND $1.75 ANNOUNCED BY'Y StudrM »t P COACH FENDLET COLLINS ON RECEIPT OF BOOK church Sunday <*d? «>rf RETURNS AFTER ILLNESS open the year Ne«< (ft partteuU; art urged t.> . the Sunday mt\ S3.75 DEDUCTED FROM ROOM DEPOSIT 10 JP A M and heat Dr MiCum Sparta winMhng "*••«'** »** at hi* Hi* topic it to be "'Strange God* de*fc morning to Are $hddtna -...for the Wor-Ut'# fee'fall teem Two frwhmen Youth,** C hc* CtftHn* ureter*ent an u- Hash were seen wearing pot* today. N*pol«ott drops close tilt to Wellington at Waterloo MILITARY Spartan \* Forum, tb# diwua- eretf.-ngs-t defecate op*.; at ton tore* . Whether y»*< cane or agree we p«k Jo# louts to Uck Man Bear, cjou group few men students. also a - i vertebrae in m# tire Cuh* In wm the national league, Boston Brave* for last place meet* at J1W cn the *nvtui floor J©*er *pise, ; an operation that ne- i? 'he i*mr league the Tiger* for the world's Tfcp Sluhet.t- Christian I'nwr. restated na"* paring » cast and (ovet GruureU, and no Thanksgiving vacation. championship. State PAYMENTS WITH WINTER AND SPRING TERM wUropeft it* series of interesting .remamiag .n l>ed lof three snuhth* Aid House »* working for Firestone ui Uuwmg; Ed. Kemp is with; ro—fittgi Sunday pvgtung at 4 $0, JiiH *4 from a recuperative G»*idyear at Akron. Paul Kmdig i* at Schnecta^ with General with the usual mxuI half hour and ' *c*v r Mu,:-.;n the popular Electric, Bob Amitnig u with the sam« firm at littsfield. Mass.; FEES buffet supper The derotj^tui pro- coach u - akiOf plans few a greater Chuck KeHey and Mike Rouse are m Use school at Detroit and Ann gram will be entirely unnder the wrestling team than ever before Arbor, two columnists arc leaving for Canada. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS dar. Sept«wbet 20,19.%r< JACHMAN CALLS 55 MEN TO EARLY DRILLS by the eoiiehes and is being sense of generalship and SPORT AWARDS SPORTORIALS SOPHS PUSHING groomed for the qua iter-hack Job the pigskin goaMard i asteel, King, Terlaak, lie has a Assist State Mentor WON BY FOUR By HARRY H1SMKR, Sports Editor VETS FOR JOBS CMP THIS COUPON T* MEN ONLY """tIT" In Preparing Squad Gemon. White. Gardner, Aid- Greetings tit all | Collegi* Athletic*, M»rt ieed a |l!t Already Strong Line-up it Made MONDAY AND TUESDAY TIMS COUPON WITII l!»e. Entitles Bearer to 10 Bine rich Named Beit Athlete* tin. And Stronger as Worries Blades for Gillette. Auto-Strop, Gem. I vereadv t>|»e % .40 j*port dope for you fr« R'poH '« F'nf Physical Shapf and Baltlr (or Job»: Scholar! for 33-34 Sea ion. i »»*> h""' ."n"'ll"d fine, instli Grow Smaller. On Tube Brush or Brush less Shaving Cream arhorundum lloue ! bureau that their are many Orange* Toughrst Schedule in Years Farrs Team, Which Will Be ) your group, and that you will By Al. I III II lit (l imit 2 to a Customer)—TOTAL VALUE Light and Speedy. j think that wrestlers are ! teres! of yjpii this oriti thick tn'tweervthe ears, eh Ml for 10c II, HARRY H1SMIR, Sports f:dllor | That they have strong backs and ' into the fall season we flml that football Is first und COLLEGE DRUG STORE wivh weak nunils, that they depend Charlie Barhman, <>f the tamed tisrtitinsr Spartans, I'their I forrmsMst in our minds, and that Jtst one week from Saturday the nmsrulature to beet their i fighting Spartans open their season YYlth Grinned College of Grin ,1 r>r» eandidatex lutck for early practice on Monday, j way through college" I |||t|| (uUi| 1hp |*jon(.m have opened State s schedule for the ■ritonilier 9, and they have hern working out twice So did we until the athletic de- j ^ ynn |Ast fa|| the sensational State iriddrr* romped since that date. The men reported this year in phv- ! part men t announced that the nth- ; #vff |hp front |(,r rorn ht„|e t|ie tune of 33 to 20 in u shape that far exceeds that of past campaigns, and are | letie scholarship cup awards which By rounding into tip top condition for the opener with | Mhi(|) WM wr|, pUypd |n spots, hut a tame in which the Spartans went to sleep repeatedly on defense. The Inwans promise to l»e much stronger this fall. however. and trouble Is ahead lor See John Rogers ricll College of Iowa, on Saturday, Septemlier 2H. State in the clash on the 2KtH The Grinned coaches instruct their > i, n.achlng staff of Barhman, Casteel, King and Trr- Wendell Gen son of Fast lainsing, charges III the Michigan style of pta». Y»hlch is also to the advantage at the College Harbor Shop has I teen working hard, of State as It gives the men of Bachmaii a chance to IimiR mrr State's ambit inu* haml of several of the Wolverine formations a YYerk before the game with l, rs in an effort to mould »ni which will compare mtam-weight on the box y, was top hand for all i holars of the last school j the I'liiversity hoys. • • • for a Haircut foil will be lijgjo 'ably with last year's 2 T average. M ! club, which won eight lot points. Athletic Iph Young expressed ghlv pleased with the the two-sport I know that Bun Bart lint and Milt leliuli.irdt pined irliall with the lord V-B rlul» this summer Battling fC, re- in a slump lo re all spring i"t ilosr t<» lull lor the (keirort r ; that his new link ( olina role . . is . mm a •1i14rtrrl1.uk and that he looks thai hurt Marmlrriu should write ronsidrralion for all Ann • nan honors " as well as the hard hitting Nig Wagner A I . troth IM.I of these sir liar seniors h.«tr the stuff Milt la tiniiai Jt. Wh< s uhAbWithevf have rfisplaved time staf time again ,«h tV nation's i gridiron these past two tears Mere helm still wears Ills winning smile and hoiks trlekirr than ever on lire field . . I on /area ts grnrralh rrrngitirril as one of the smartest ml • Our G-men (Walk* lege football platers lit the mid west lodat. aod Over's Department of WATCH REPAIR that he should land a prominent mar lung Job in (~ifii|«jf Style Investiga¬ I'rompt Skilled fieri lee ' some leading institution upon graduation that tion) report tlienujor suc¬ al the ' srtrrsl sophomores show | possibilities for this rear's cess of tins Saddle Ogfool. camits runss office; eleven hut nerd muih polishing up Ireforr hand Thistle (train brightened , f MWAIX that Mohican State Is likrlt to Irate three > < >•*>.» -»• with smooth calf. New big ten foes on their sihrdule within a few rears that Stale uu .i ts the most up and coming rollege In lire nation todar liter last giving the l?V' *,rm< hate showed progress than an» other institution Ihrsr past four correct short, block y look HI'KTON'S ZIPPER NOTE BOOKS more (hat the hpartans are fast Immniiig inoginrrd as Hie WAI.K-OVKK SIKH' Ramblers due to their wide range of travel . this fall thev plat In I'liilailelphia. Boston and Cos Angeles . last fall Ihet plared . . while the baseball tram will again take their annual spring cully get up trip . . . that some very nice looking frosh ramr this fall.that Imrk as If Ihet mat Ire inclined to wards a few of the major sports , that State lost three vert fine sophomore halfbacks to other Monday, Sept ii go tan* i*' t Is now in Best Point , . Bill Miller who is at the tr of practtciv I'nit ersrlr of Pennsylvania and John ( ootidge who is-taking up his scholastic endeavor at Ntau ford Cnlvrrsity at present kind of lough to lose they will continue that way at . . three outstanding backs of this caliber as least until after the Michigan . ... a result Stale Is bound to need more back field game Grinned'* team will arrive here material . . and any of you fellows who feel you Friday, Sept 27, and will . work out in the stadium that aft¬ ran rarry that old apple are requested lo come out and do your stuff for Slate (hat Steve Srbo ernoon. Their club u vastly im¬ . . carried Ice in lamsing this fall, and tame hack in the proved over last year *, and you pink of ion ive. dition . that lam Zarra worked in a steel mill at llammohd | j (ant jtif assured %an excellent . that Gordon Hahlgren worked at the fllds Motor Works ——"*—*" 1 ibrand of football for the opener, along with hid Wagner . and last hut not leaat Slate should have one of the fastest teams in the nation this fall, tam,king in another sport we find that the turn country team under the able tuteicge of Lauren Brown again tuk<« on the ap¬ FROSH pearance of a championship organization Ed Beet hold is this y,„i . captain, and look* g«*xi in the drill* thus far Tom Ottey. the na¬ tional champion for the past two years, hat graduated, and it will I* a tough job to fill the Blonde Star's shoe* However it m hoped that Gardner will corne through and help bring the national tUJc to this campus for another year. Buy Your Pots at the Union Desk 4Sc Friday, September 20, l'Jifc f Murray Opens Sale . of 1936 Wolverines; START TRAINING i X-COUNTRY MEN i Private Correspondence foybe S didn't tell •re they don't think | [WELCOME MEET YOUR TO M.S.C. FRIENDS ;ir 1 smoking, honey. C Buying Plans Listed^ TWS FALLj- ' for it mygeli just | Sweetest Honey: say Yearbook Officials Remind Students That Price of 53.75 Will C.pt.io Bcchtoldv t. •U*J •r • -rt • t Team in This Year » Try: ut-, Stale j *«"• hw« 1 in co1""- jFon'al ! *,n 1 guess you never figured I'd be a of ! MARY STEWARTS j „ . . , Kttf Hi?» Go Up After November 15: Seniors Again » 7 college man. (ttdyou. honey, but rig' Offered Usual Discount. ley, Hammer to be missed. |tiMn I foot people a lot anywa ' I'm sort of individualistic I guess - *■ * The advance *«!,• of the \\ the Michigan State col- THREE VETERANS BACK-, you ever catalogue guys ntitttr to lr* Murrav. like thai. They're not t.k. mo.t Attention, MRitary Students .. „ „ _ £ editor of th» p-i• i ..M r T! f ,iUt. Dfnnii and Gardner Will Form ' !',«■ high wharf guy. -always I doubt wily to U<» c • • • V .**mL ' .Nucleui of Sp.rU> lUrrWr iyTf ZZ | Annual ti;i :i'U«!:.<• aft. r Nowmbor Squad; Srhodul* ii ,m talking about my*-!:, aphuughj Don't fail to see our Military Shoes, de¬ j 15, from $:*.75 to # I J"' Th iruv will apply not onlj « • "0 >h* trulh. «u I'll ju,t jo on ] signed especially for M. S. C. On sale at installment sales if By MCI HOIt and give you the low-down on ei,i-j Armory where uniforms are issued. I to full cash pa> gn nt sales. to | signed for l>•( pa\ iio. Dean , » featured stag*; but Elisabeth Conrad, Mis* Emma Sa- • ■ is the first party of U! *-,r H Light ring, Mrs E THE COLLEGE VANGUARD shops at The Style Shop Y nit know the Rifls we ntenn—sntutties who le.ad iti rninpus .utivilies and -till Imve tune for hiy Week¬ ender They're the ones who slatl the latnpus vogues. Wise freshmen and upper I l.issnien «hop where I hey shop—The Style Simp's College BttreHU ROSII TOTAL IIKLI* SET COI.I.KHK -RECORD v You'll have to dress for those Mulligan State I ollrgr "RED" DRENNAN and Hi* ORCHESTRA $l» 7). The Best in Literature We carry in .Stork or tan procure— ASSOCIATION COPIES . . . CURRENT InMIKS . . . RARE BOOKS . . . EIRST EDITION'S .... LIMITED EDITIONS IMPORTATIONS. Far Left—Vogue Sept, I 5th. Page for the freshman girls in People* irl1' • # two piftf Maimrllr Knit rhureh Tor *4ay night, tpcnwored terrifKaiiy becoming. Shown in by Use college branch of the V every new Kelt shade. $22.75. special Service » ~ "t W C A On Wednesday rugnt; # OUT or PILVT lid OUT I * the Union dances were held, one, left — Rabbits hair * <* *IWK BOOKS 1 in the Union ballroom, the other j wool with large gold ADVICE TO COLUCfOU 1 In Demonstration hall Theoretic¬ bu< kle $22 75. ally lor freshmen only, a large j number of upperciaasrcen m&nag- j Notice the inttiagram on ed to get through the doors to help j kf»c shoulder, $L00. swell the crowd, particularly at I We al*® carry * the Union. Last r.ight the Y. W. j C .A. ar.d Y. M C A. combined to! I'NVSI AI, ITEMS—«Kh m are exrHwive \ U New lack. Ukaca sponsor the annual student mixer j or Lmmimn V in People* church. A large crowd Left—Brook* type Cardigan I ELLISON BOOK SHOP 116 Wet Allegan St. button down front or beck yoke of crou at itched ing. Priced $4.50. Other itti at $2 95 p«fp up Iif MICHIGAN. STATE NEWS Friday, September 20, 1935 TOUCH SCHEDULE ! Y.M.C A SPONSORS; t D,-' 1 Alterations on College T MIXER DRAWS State Theater COLLEGE FRESHMAN CAMP is:,-S.,";;.. ® Union FACES SPARTANS; BULLETIN Nearly Completed OVERFLOW CROWD IPir®\m®s .. n M Sarm-unt. Clearv a> Ira Murray, unci I).,v undergraduate leader Auditorium at Church Jammed Orientation Meeting Draws many Headed by j l Hurtle , Extensive Changes Include New North Entrance and Re Grinnell to Play Oponer Hrre: By Nearly 1.C00 Yearlings, Upperclassmen committee included j,»- decoration of Main LobSy: Relocation of Cafeteria Michigan it Second . r 1. ti Stone. Bill Ingle son, Bob R<—. Students. and Faculty Men. Uv Hendrickaon. Have Hal' •• and Kitchens to Take Place Winter Term. Ay'swurth and Hollo Mav With about 75 freshmen, upper- SPECIALS Sn I Spinkh Pranuli I® w 10c. |5r per Hi No | Virginia Krdtkim 20c per lb No, l Virginia Blanched t5c per Ih Black Uiluut i hwolalr ( ream' fudge 20c per It. Lamb's Candy and Nut Shop Ikiil) Matinee 15:30 l.V i Night* and Sundays 23r DEVELOP VACCINE iMJlW (hiIdr**n_AIwa>s Hk | • AMERICA'S COMKI>Y""klM« CETsVifOU NED* FOR DISEASE HERE Dr. Huddlettor Makes Research W f Wish to Extend a Into Undid ant Fever. WELCOME I'd tin* New Students ;il STATE We Know Nun Will Fnjm It Here Also ( nmrdt — RtlNGIUKir Cartoon and I'ictorial si mi\> - ilisitw JANET CiAVNOK • HENRY FONDA j "TDK FARMER TAKES A WIFE" I1MV/RI7S s;,m MmmerviJIe — Charles Met ford Andf lletlne i: LANSINS AfNP | • | EAST LANSING : | «! VOV SANT LEAVE CISSATISriFrt for Greetings, Frosh! M.S. C. Welcome to M, S. 17 and the •Attention!.. » Palais R.O.T.C. SHOES •INFANTRY KIM I (Mil) FLOOR SHOW •ARTILLERY ruin Taa Dauee to I'M I, FFRRIX and lli» Music lntl.it WELCOME OXFORDS Night tollcgr Nil.- W.V.V.V.'.V.V NSSNSW MICHIGAN STATU Welcome Students i lOLLKt.K FRESHMAN MEN! Si'KCIAI. t'RIl K TO K. 0. T. V. STt'DKNTS if you are looking for the AND Finest Duality FimkI - lx * art j.trturra of athletic* and campus M. S.C. BAKE!) GOODS hamburg |{|* with the apparaHi* CLOTHING Senator! and buamett men of Meal Tickets, at 7tr'f Discount last term Due to the ihi* country *ourxi better over the large enrollment for air than most radio announcer*— FURNISHINGS the fall term, there ha* been an Prof. Jane D. Zimmerman, speech increase in rooming Nm».wki l.urdmc rlutw. and *n»trurtor.«t Teachers college. Col- arc at.ll ■""» unlvwaitr. HATS jc iinnt 3jtmb offered at the tame JMicea •" ■ * « that; n»c,:":,marri«t . . ——— ''' Sr " . oI low. (low . LEWIS, INC. comparator to la») trrm. Clly) It va. the rat) of a • pftee* j 10-year emirtahijx