Wednesday MICHIGAN Cloudy STATE STATE NEWS . find no sweeter fat then . . with chances of showers and .ticks to my own bones. . . . -Walt Whitman UNIVERSITY thundershowers. upper 70s. High in the lume 64 Number 27 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 25, 1971 'U' asks salary raise, hikes housing rate Ru STEVE WATERBURY those approved approved at at mkii MSU •»>.» »i.. prior to the 1971 __ 72 state . . State News Staff Writer order. - appropriation faculty may be the only ones in this William B. Boyd told a faculty meeting by the CMU Faculty Assn. (CMUFA), an If there should be an authoritative "necessarily must be held in abeyance at state to receive increases uneffected by that nearly all employes of CMU affiliate of the University is seeking federal least until the federal freeze is lifted." the wage freeze since the administration escaped Michigan Education federal ruling later which holds that our the 90 - day wage freeze. Assn., which earlier this year negotiated fission to retroactively increase situation is explicitly covered by the Wharton said that if the University's and trustees of that university were Boyd said that generally only a three year collective bargaining and staff salaries as soon as it ■ Ity freeze, we will make appeal to the Federal Cost of Living willing to enter a contractual agreement unclassified administrative staff — its 1971 * 72 appropriations any necessary Council is deans, contract which went into effect on July ives refunds," he said. rejected, it would create a effective July 1, 1971," C. Keith Groty, vice provosts, vice presidents and the 1, prior to the wage freeze. lin the state legislature, President Wharton said he has written to highly inequitable situation between the asst. professor of labor and industrial president — have had their salaries •rton said Tuesday. the state's University employes and their Boyd said that CMU has received Federal Cost of relations, said Monday. frozen by the executive order. Che University administration also has Living Council to counterparts in the state civil service request an exemption for the increase Monday evening, CMU president CMU faculty members are represented iounced that the increases in residence under the wage - who apparently will be receiving a salary (Please turn to page 16) and married housing rates which price freeze which was hike retroactive to July 1, despite the announced by President Nixon passed by the trustees in May are on Aug. freeze order. laidered in effect. "We believe we have a "Both groups are state employes," he 'After studying all of the material good case for said. "Both groups are entitled to salary an exemption from the freeze order," he liable to us on the interpretations of said. In anticipation of increases effective July 1. Yet, as Federal wage - price freeze, we state receiving our matters now stand, only one group will funds, the University budget had ve we have implicit authority to been constructed on the basis receive their planned benefits." of a Bider the increases effective," Roger increase retroactive to last wage Not mentioned by Wharton, but likely Wilkinson, vice president for business the July 1 when to arise in any discussion between fiscal year finance, said Monday, actually began. These federal and University officials of MSU's plans were made prior to the federal filkinson said the executive office of order." appeal, is the present disparity between State of Michigan has consulted the Wharton had Central Michigan University's (CMU) leral Cost of Living Council and has previously stated that salary increases for faculty and staff faculty receiving salary increases which nd that the freeze does not apply to which the MSU administration was the faculty members in other state ised college housing rates such as universities appear likely to miss. contemplating pending receipt of the "It would appear that the CMU I.S. troops pu in case of VC terrorism Army jeep was ripped by IaIGON (AP) - The U.S. Command the Cholon section of a grenade in the election crisis — did not confer with i 220,000 troops in Vietnam on Saigon Tuesday them Tuesday. night, but no injuries reported. . Tuesday as a precaution against Sources were Despite the growing political unrest, at the itical violence and Viet Cong terrorist headquarters at Tan U.S. Command Son Nhut Airbase President Nguyen Van Thieu is reported Tacks in connection with Sunday's described the determined to hold the presidential Bona] Assembly elections, atmosphere there as election Oct. 3 "tremendously tense," particularly as scheduled. the U.S. command ordered American lops on "gray" alert during daylight result of the alert. as a "Thieu limb," has got himself out on a said one prominent South Red Cedar U.S. Embassy spokesmen said prs and "yellow" alert at night. Both Vietnamese legislator, "and there is no (trict all military personnel to their Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker — who A ground maintenance crew loads another wheelbarrow of cans, bottles and assorted pollutants as they go about has met at least a half dozen times in jets or places of work. The only alert - cleaning the Red Cedar banks behind the library. State News photo by John Harrington the past week with principal (Please turn to page 131 ■her than "yellow" is "red," which figures in Jans an attack Is under way. Thtf ■ellow" puts American guards in some tensive positions. Jr [Only personnel on official business jbd in official vehicles were allowed on ■esday streets, and Saigon's Tu Do Street district was empty of soldiers night. There are 22,000 Price curbs expected after Nov. WASHINTON (AP) - Administration source said, to set up the kind of "huge Herbert Stein, vice chairman of the pattern of the Korean War direct controls, Bnerican troops in Saigon. a high official said, because policymakers concede that some form of price - control bureaucracy" administering President's Council of Economic Advisers, inflationary ■Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Minh, wage - price control mus' follow the 90 detailed and mandatory ceiling orders heads the task force. pressure is subsiding and the shock effect lmmander of the capital military - which President Nixon says he wants to of the freeze should interrupt the After conferring Tuesday with 11 day emergency freeze. But they predict the White Hous? aides believe that the wage - Strict, ordered extra police into the curbs can be limited to selected avoid. price spiral. leaders of big business, Secretary of |eets in anticipation of possible Viet key existing standby law, under which the Commerce Maurice Stans said industries. The transition to Phase Two — the post - freeze was imposed, provides enough "This is different from Korea," this he," too, Kng terrorism or antigovernment source said. "Then there was a expects some controls to persist after A simple extension of the freeze until freeze period — might begin in installments authority for the new Phase Two controls. long period Nov. 12. Imonstrations. next April 30 — as the law would permit — before the freeze ends on Nov. 12, other The restraints, they say, should comprise a of voluntary restraints — four months of ■Sources said the primary concern of is not possible, a high administration wartime sources said. new and tough incomes policy strong buildup in which prices le American Embassy and the U.S. ■mmand is to prevent Americans from Icoming involved in incidents. An official said Tuesday, "because too many inequities are frozen into it." But neither will it be necessary, this Plans for the switchover are being developed by the Cabinet - a small group working under level Cost of Living Council. enough to preserve public confidence that inflation will not again get out of hand. This need not follow the elaborate skyrocketed before any teeth were supplied. "The high prices of that period were Soledad frozen as the ceilings, and a lot of goods (See related on page 2) to investiga COUNTY OFFICE CONFUSED never again reached the ceilings. "We learned from Korea that you had better hit hard at first, then discuss the prison appropriate ceiling action. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - In a Election "In a war escalating situation you try spending ■ tumultous court hearing, two judges to halt the economy from going the way it refused demands Tuesday by the two is going; it explodes through your controls. surviving Soledad Brothers to order black "Our problem is eased by the fact that the economy is now legislators admitted into San Quentin By RICK WILBINS Division of the attorney general's office the salary of the office for which he is per cent of the maximum salary for a going in the right Prison "to see what is happening" at the direction. We are not in a war State News Staff Writer would not accept responsibility for running per campaign committee. council seat ($1500 for mayor) is less than buildup; we scene of Saturday's escape try in which six examining alleged irregularities in the The last presidential election year in that amount. are de-escalating instead. The economy is men died. ■ Alleged expanding and the inflation rate is candicacy expense statute campaign expenditure statements of Duane which East Lansing electors voted for Candidates Duane Bone and Charles Max George Jackson, 29, the third of the ■olations by two winners of the Aug. 3 Bone and Charles Max Phillips. declining. Soledad Brothers, was shot down in the governor was 1964. Slightly more than Phillips exceded that limitation, according Pst Lansing "We want to accelerate the City Council primary election According to Michigan election statute 10,000 persons voted at that time. to their statements of campaign and going break attempt after three white guards and •nerated considerable confusion among MCLA 168.902 a candidate may not spend trends." two white prisoners had been killed in the According to the law then, an East Lansing nomination expenses. Phillips, who listed Some other officials suspect the junty ■ The agencies Tuesday. more than $40 per 1,000 electors who City Council candidate could spend no no committees, spent $842.17 in drawing may be more difficult, that the controls task prison's maximum security adjustment center. county clerk's office, county voted for governor in the last presidential more than $400.28 per committee for the 3,277 votes Aug. 3. Bone, who listed ■osecutor's office Elections would have to be tighter. But "If you don't act in some manner to get and the election year or more than 25 per cent of primary and upcoming election since 25 himself as a committee spent $1580.82 in Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connally has these men (black legislators and black getting 3,497 votes. promised that government will do whatever community leaders) into that prison, According to the elections division of is necessary. you the attorney general's office the maximum can blow this country so wide apart it will The possibility that all controls can be be penalty for vilolation of that particular never recognized," John Thome, lifted "still remains a possibility but I think Jackson's attorney told Superior Court , election statute is $1,000, two years in jail it's or both. highly unlikely," Connally said Judge Carl Allen. However, the law does not mention that Monday. As for the stringency of the Phase "I don't deem that to be my function," Two control (Please machinery, he added: 5 turn to page 13) "What it will be. how intensive it will be. (Please turn to page 13) BY PROJECT, COALITION ¥ Joint campaign By RAY ANDERSON participation of coalition members in streets more convenient for cars passing State News Staff Writer project campaign decisions. "We've been motivated to enter a through than for people residing in the The Coalition for Human Survival will write - in candidate by the results of the run a write - in candidate and operate a primary in which we ran very strongly," Veenstra said Griffiths, attending a joint campaign with the candidates of Veenstra said. recent coalition meeting, agreed with its Project: City Hall for the Nov. 2 East Coalition - backed candidates Chuck fundamental issues, particularly those of Lansing City Council election, spokesman Will and Elyse Eisenberg placed seventh John R. Veenstra, East Lansing graduate striving for a more responsive city and eighth in the primary. Colburn and government and of obtaining increased student, announced Tuesday. Griffiths placed fifth and sixth, just student participation. The write - in candidate will be named later, he said. making the six • candidate cutoff. "We think we can elect two or three "We will continue to raise the issues Veenstra said members of the change - oriented candidates who will be which seem to have set the tone for the I A Bolivian Confronting coalition voted 16 - 2 Wednesday to support Project: City Hall candidates George Colburn and George L. Griffiths entire campaign: to be a city Is East Lansing going for people or cars?" sympathetic to the University and young people," Veenstra said. "In the primary, an overwhelmingly conservative turn - tanU riomnnstratinq students in La Paz, Bolivia, Monday in an attempt to crush the large - Veenstra said. He said there will be I JCa'e student resist^ to Bolivia's new regime. The troops had the area under control by m.d afternoon after in exchange for support of the proposed write in candidate, continued concerted effort to stop the present a city- out elected what we consider four I h"ndreds of students - council's priority were taken prisoner and at least four killed and fourteen wounded. AP Wirephoto application of coalition issues and active on making the city (Please turn to page 13) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan !5>19)1 news Prefreeze By JIM SHELDON rent rates planned Housing Corp. and the Off- Campus and Urban Development said the council must probably be required to pay previously planned Co„n , East Lansing tenants report that theS State News Staff Writer enforce the President's desires that rents do not rates, he said. summary m increase during the 90 - day freeze. An executive Asked about a $2 rent increase per apartment Despite official indication last Thursday that review board has been charged with investigating reduced rental rates for area apartments planned last February to take effect this From the wire* of AP and UPI. summer will be effective this fall, six local apartment the policy. Locally, the seven apartment managers September, Pat Pulte, manager of Cedar Village £&£obt*" p,!,son■, «-«««■ hirs Apartments, said his attorneys have instructed Meanwhile, the MSU housing managers have declared their previously indicated they would comply with whatever him to operate with the increase and under terms established rents still will apply in September outcome is reached by officials responsible for of leases already signed. compiling file cards information on local apartments specifying^?,* leasing. rulings on the freeze. Five expressed uncertainty asked to call in Information Another manager refused to explain possible with the present situation, saying attempts to Pulte added that Internal Revenue Service to the housing corporation or to about their ^* "1 believe that it would be rent set • ups for his apartments. Joel Altman, of Altman Management Co., said his attorneys are find an answr to the freeze by themselves and attorneys have resuled in confusing or conflicting workers told him that such leases were binding contracts. He said rental rates established before the couSl Information solicited includes extremely unfair to the employes seeking advice and a ruling from officials on what opinions. the freeze will be effective unless a different the n,,^ I the apartment or room, the rents to charge. David G. Arning, manager of Meadowbrook summer tmT* if the wage-price freeze prevents opinion is confirmed. Until a ruling is made, Altman continued, he Trace, explained his company has handed down a the contract rent rate if name of the caller and his different from ' !* us from instituting this planned would not comment on rates. He expected the move to come soon, adding that he would directive which appears to stipulate that persons ASMSU attorney Kenneth I. Smith said he has telephone num£™< salary increase as soon as we who now live in his apartments under contract receive our state funds and final comply with the final decision. for a reduced rate may renew this contract for not yet received an opinion from Washington and that he sent a telegram last week to the Office About 50 calls have been receive I approval is given by the MSU No definite ruling on the rent freeze had yet been located by the other six managers. In view current amounts. of Emergency Prepareness for word of rental Frid^.'fBozzo needed Jxp,ained for possible court action the against 3 board of trustees." rates. who refuse to of current uncertainty, they said their rental Arning said he was not exactly certain about comply with the i ™ President Wharton rates established long before the freeze will rulings. all aspects of the directive. He said the order In another sidelight on the rent freeze, only continue this fall unless a reversal is issued from pertains to reduced for nonfurnished two of the seven area apartment manager Washington. apartments, for loss rates of roommates and for contacted said they would refuse to release a Witnesses are needed to testify in court,J The managers' comments followed a report in temporary residence in a more expensive breakdown of their rental schedules to anyone landlords disregarding the rent continued. Information on cards fJIS Friday's State News, that the President's Cost of apartment. calling for information the subject. The other may bo ,11 Living Council ruled that reduced rates will carry on five said their rental information was available prepare depositons and affadivits court. Bozzo said the for SI over into fall leasing. for public inspection. housing groUDs J A representative from the Dept. of Housing lawyers who are willing to seek injunctive« Big Four reach accord Phillip G. Bozzo, spokesman for the Student or fight evictions for tenants. * The Big Four, often at odds in East - West confrontations concerning mutual responsibilities for occupied and divided Berlin, concluded in Berlin Monday a draft agreement on the future of the former German capital. Further Some of the nation's key business leaders favor a Loan Bank Board announced control a $1.8 - billion package to put situation by making imports more expensive. Such heretofore thorny issues as access to and from On the home front the lack of any curb on interest isolated West Berlin, often the focal point of Communist mandatory wage - price control system after President Nixon's 90 more money in the home - mortgage industry and hold the has been one of organized labor's key complaints rj - day freeze order expires in November, Commerce line on interest rates. » harassment that in 1948-49 included a Russian land Secretary Maurice H. Stans said Tuesday. The board did so by reducing the amount of cash - on - Nixon's new program. blockade of the city, seemed on the verge of being eased After meeting with the heads pf 11 large American hand that federal savings and loan associations must keep and Stans said the business leaders, including the head if not solved. corporations, Stans said he too agrees that Nixon should by subsidizing the home - lending market to the extent of $1 General Motors, General Electric and U.S. Steel, impose a system of controls to guard against an explosion of billion. concluded that the post - freeze fight against infiatiS wages and prices. Meanwhile the U.S. dollar weakened in Europe's money "cannot be accomplished on a voluntary basis." But Stans told a news conference it is up to the newly controls, tbl markets Tuesday as the world's trading nations protested at Asked if they are willing to accept mandatory created Cost of Living Council to decide what type of an emergency meeting in Geneva against America's new secretary, a member of the Cost of Living Council rental Soviet Jew exodus ends controls or restraints will supplant the 90 • day freeze. economic policy. "Yes." ' " Shortly before Stans met with newsmen, the Federal Home U.S. currency was in demand only in Tokyo as banks Nixon's freeze on wages, prices and rents expires Nov. 1L began buying back the dollars they had sold by the hundreds Treasury Secretary John B. Connally Monday lent support 1 The Soviet Jewish movement lias decided that the of millions following President Nixon's Aug. 15 announcement speculation that some type of controls will be imposed whJ Kremlin ended an unprecedented period of Jewish of drastic measures to defend the American economy. Tokyo it ends, saying that such a move is likely. The State News, the student newspaper at dealers estimated that about $165 million changed hands But the government has also said that the kind of emigration to Israel this summer because it no longer Michigan State f wage I University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter politically expedient. and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the day. Chief complaint of Europeans and the Japanese at a price system that follows the freeze will depend heavily the public's mood. of "The exodus is over. It was we said, a during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition meeting of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - temporary measure calculated to silence criticism of in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. GATT — in Geneva was against the 10 per cent surtax that Asst. Atty. Gen. L. Patrick Gray III, chief enforcer of ||J Member Associated Press, United Press Internationa], Nixon slapped on certain classes of goods imported into the freeze, said he will recommend that no legal action be U their Jewish policies while they got the congress and Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, United States. against Gov. Preston Smith of Texas, who had threatened! more trails out of the way." Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Nathaniel Samuels, U.S. deputy under secretary of state, defy the freeze order and raise the salaries of teachers if This was how one movement member Monday Association. state workers. Gray met with Texas Atty. Gen. CrawfordI defended the American measures and explained the reasons assessed the Soviet government's liberalization of its Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. and business offices at 345 Student Services Editorial for them. He emphasized that the surtax was a temporary Martin and said he received assurances that the raises will of Jewish emigration policy during the four - month period Bldg., Michigan measure. be given. State University, East Lansing, Michigan. GATT formed after World War II and set up rules of March through June. was for liberalizing international trade. Many countries complained As the Cost of Living Council continued to debate III Phones: that Nixon's surtax violates GATT rules. Most of the world's wage - price structure that would replace the freeze, Unit! News 355-8252 Auto Workers President Leonard Woodcock said he w big trading nations are among the organization's 80 members. Classified Ads 355-8255 However, other nations have taken measures similar to today with AFL - CIO President George Meany to d Uganda, Tanzania clash Advertising Business Office 353-6400 355-3447 those of Washington * in periods when they had deficits in their balance of payments — an excess in the flow of strategy in opposing Nixon's order. Appearing on the NBCl TV Today show, Woodcock said his union "is not in tt currency outward over that coming in. The United States is opposition to the Nixon program," which he i in that fix now. The surcharge would help correct the "essentially a tax bonanza plan" for industry. Fighting has broken out between Ugandan and Tan/anian troops on the border 200 miles southwest of Kniv.pala, sources in the president's office said Tuesday. President Idi Amin canceled a scheduled visit to northern Uganda. The two countries have been at loggerheads since Canada to retire 2 units Milton Obote was deposed as president of Uganda last January. President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania refused to rccogni/e Amin's military regime. GROSSE POINTE DETROIT 11*0 of OTTAWA (AP) nuclear-tipped missiles - Defense enthusiastic" when told of Macdonald spoke at a m Minister Donald Macdonald Canada's plans to abandon the conference called to < ■ANN ARBOR War means Arab defeat DEARBORN said Tuesday Canada will retire its two missile system and rely on jet with release of a white pi GRAND RAPIDS squadrons of interceptors. U.S. officials explaining Canada's defei EAST LANSING nuclear-tipped Bomarc wanted the Bomarcs posture. The document said ■ antiaircraft missiles despite substantial sums will be maintained, he said. Another Arab Israeli war will lead opposition by the U.S. Defense - Dept. Macdonald said Soviet on North American antibombj to another Arab defeat and the loss of bombers no longer represented defense in the future. Macdonald said the missiles the chief menace to the U.S. "Unless the stratei mo.v territory. King Hussein of were obsolete and no longer Jordan told the Beirut, Lebanon, fitted in with Canada's policy missile defense on which situation changes, tl| Canada and the United States government intends to uJ newspaper Al Nahar Tuesday. of participating in antibomber count to deter a Soviet attack. its contribution to the actij "The disarray and weakness of the defense only insofar as it "The principal threat to that antibomber defenses of N Arab world have never been worse," lie said. "The Arab countries are not 'JImI,fywtJL protects Canadian air space. in The missies were introduced Canada in 1963 at the force is the Soviet land-based missile force," he said, "in particular the very large SS9 America only to the e that this is required for general control of Canadian J I yet strong enough to take on Israel." -M— urging, of the United States type missile." space," the white paper a Hussein called for a continuation of and in the face of opposition the present cease - fire "until the Arab from some Canadian political states coordinate their groups. policies and build up a joint force exerting effective capable of They were designed primarily to repel any attack Miss. modera military pressure on Israel." political and oJw* 13. 5 by Soviet bombers against North American targets, including U.S. missile sites. The Bomarcs are stationed at for Dem n North Bay, Ont., and La Bombings rock Manila Macaza, Que. Macdonald said JACKSON, Miss. (AP) which race took a back seat - A three as an - issue week runoff came to an campai?J end they will be retired over the next year. when Mississippians chose between two moderates for Pit*-*!. The defense minister Dynamite bombs exploded early Wednesday at the ySO (0- aJb o o reported Defense Secretary vied for the nomination after finishing on top of a seven Manila homes of two Melvin R. Laird was Philippine congressmen of the field in the first primary Aug. 3. . ruling party, hours after 2,000 persons demonstrated ■ Both candidates emphasized programs to improve the sti against a government proclamation authorizing arrest and detention without charge. IIVIIIIIIBBIIBIIIt^ services and economy and said they would serve all the p**1 black and white. . j The Democratic nominee is almost assured of election to a The decree IHuam/VIACO announced Monday by President = year term despite a challenge in the November election - Ferdinand H. Marcos, is designed to combat what the black independent candidate Charles Evers, mayor of Faye'«.J government calls an armed insurrection by Communist MEXICAN RESTAURANT No Republican candidate is running for the statewide oi rebels. The Socialist party claimed the degree was unwarranted and asked the Supreme Court to declare it unconstitutional. 5 END • OF • TERM the wedding 100S EAST GRAND RIVER BLVD. of her dreams Wallace directives voided a SPMM .. • begins at Two Alabama school systems must carry out court - | Aug. 26 - Sept. 1 ordered desegregation plans regardless of directives to m ****★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ TAC08I CRISPY, FRIED, Jon Anthony the contrary from Gov. judge ruled Tuesday in Birmingham. George C. Wallace, a federal s TACOS! FOLDED CORN TORTILLAS, STUFFED WITH PURE Morever, U.S. Dist. Judge Sam C. Pointer Jr. told the S GROUND BEEF AND LETTUCE, Calhoun County and Oxford City school boards that it was doubtful Wallace could issue executive orders to 4 FOR *1jOO DECORATED WITH CHEESE. school boards even when the orders did not conflict ^ (REGULAR $1.40 VALUE) ^ with court decrees. 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 25, 1971 3 Prof calls tax unnecessary, undesirable ISII economist serving with the i„ a - * r;;,edMSNatTo0nn.0rnin Geneva ^Tuesday VnLnftTTttSTS f Atlantic Community; abrogated important international obligations of the warned that Europe's industrial giants will become so preoccupied with the of inflation, the underdeveloped be* week and said the world's 'utterly unnecessary singularly undesirable.' and United States; and nullified the effect of five years of tedious negotiations in the Kennedy Round." may retaliate against the import surcharge. "An urgent meeting of the General present currency and trade problems that the interest of the less - countries will be lost in the shuffle." developed countries will become less competitive the United States. On the other hand," he explained, "to the extent the [developed nations are threatened kreinin noted"ny "By a stroke of a While he hailed the end of the Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Both the recent cut in* foreign aid and new tax measures stimulate the U.S. J new economic stands of the United the- President gold the international organization the 10 per cent import surcharge this will mean increased — pen : trend . ■cursed reversed a 20 - year standard as "the only reasonable concerned with the policing of world announced last week by the United economy, toward trade imports into the United States and liberalization in the solution" to the dollar crisis, Kreinin trade rules — was called for this week. States will hurt the underdeveloped benefits for the less - developed In the fireworks that are likely to take countries, he noted. countries." IEDINA COURT MARTIAL place there," he warned, "the "The 10 per cent increase in import duty means a sharp setback to those less While examining international reaction Nixon's new economic unpalatable spectre of a transatlantic to trade war may rise its ugly head." developed countries which are Kreinin speculated on steps Common Trial hears pilot, gunner The MSU professor of economics said attempting to promote the production he hopes the President would rescind the and export of their manufactured goods. order once the Europeans revalue their And this setback may be magnified if six members the (of the Common currencies. He cited a London editorialist the Europeans and Japanese decide to Market) at an impasse, with the German who called on European statesmen to retaliate against the United States. mark floating and the French insisting it ■FT MCPHERSON, Ga. (AP) — A helicopter pilot and his Thompson said. "enter into trade talks with the United "On the other hand," explained be stabilized. [ncr gunner testified in Army Capt. Ernest Medina's murder Capt. Frank Wurtzel, asst. prosecutor, asked Thompson to States rather than any peevish retaliation Kreinin, "revaluation of certain Western What is most likely to happen? 1 Tuesday that they saw a captain shoot an apparently describe the officer's action. or import restrictions." currencies will make the less - developed According to Kreinin, European Uunded Vietnamese woman just outside My I^ai. "He walked right up to her. I was south of the location, Commenting on the effects Nixon's countries more competitive in European currencies will be revalued in varying ■ Neither Capt. Hugh Thompson of Ft. Rucker, Ala., the pilot, hovering the aircraft about 30 or 40 yards south," he testified. new policies will have on the world's markets, so that their exports can be degrees against the U.S. dollar. He called Ir Lawrence Colbourne of Mount Vernon, Wash., the former "It appeared he walked up to her, nudged her, either walked emerging nations, Kreinin noted that stimulated." such a development "highly welcome, could identify Medina as the officer who shot the away or stepped back — I don't recall which -- turned around "here in Geneva, there is concern — "If the wage - price control program long overdue," and said its effect on the and shot her. concern that the industrialized countries succeeds in slowing down the U.S. rate American economy would be salutory. Fas 1 remember, he (the captain) turned her over with his foot |d shot her," testified Colbourne, who is now a college student. 'I remember the captain firing an automatic. I can't judge how 1 O presents iy ■Thompson rounds." Let hitting. he had been unable to observe any ■Medina, 34, of Montrose, Colo., commander of the U.S. result of the Partisan clashes in House Ltrvcie. Starts >rs who attacked My Lai on March 16,1908, is charged with Beautiful Lind6 created star It and with premeditated murder of 102 civilians during the Aeration near the South China Sea. ■Hp is accused of personally shooting one Vietnamese woman, 1 directing the slaying of another Vietnamese and of failing to darken outlook for budget sapphires and rubies glow with a soft inner magic. They capture sunlight, star light, candle light, or love light — and reflect a The outlook for passage of Michigan's speaker than launched into mystical, moving six-ray star. .ervene after learning his troops had begun killing civilians when a verbal (AFDC) benefits. 1971-72 budget grew even darker attack in which he »y found no enemy soldiers in My Lai. charged the Prompted by Ryan's ram-rod Sec the Tuesday in the face of continued clashes eolors • Republicans with now available. ■Thompson, the 23rd prosecution witness of the trial (hat began "cheap political adjournment Friday, six House . . between House Republicans and "t week, said he saw the woman, apparently wounded in the Democrats. games." Republicans joined in calling the Ladies from $24.50 iach, lying on a rice paddy dike on the southwest edge of the Ryan said the House GOP was speaker's behavior "Bill Ryan's One-ring Speaker of the House William A. repeating the "payless paydays" of 1959 Circus" and Ryan, for the second time in three charged him with Koments after he dropped a smoke bomb to mark her location by refusing to compromise consciously thwarting" T medical aid, a captain and several other soldiers arrived, legislative days, railroaded an welfare proposal and threatening to vote constitutional budgetary deadlines. adjournment vote through the House against an emergency spending after a 45-minute tirade on Republican Reps. F.R. Edwards, Jim Brown, continuation of 1970-71 spending levels "obstuctionism." Defebaugh Engler, Trezise and Damman if the deadlock continues past next said Ryan has played a "dangerous game awyer indicted The outburst was triggered by GOP refusal to approve the massive $537 milion welfare appropriation bill. House Tuesday. to Calling their on the Republicans to "come senses," Ryan called for an of hand-sitting brinkmanship with an obvious disregard for the good of this state and its citizens." Republicans want at least a $12 million adjournment vote that brought angered In the reserved Senate more Tuesday. or conspiracy cut from the package which, as it now stands, would increase daily welfare standards from $2.54 to $2.62 on Oct. 1 and $2.72 on Jan. 1, 1972. Republicans to their feet. Speaker Pro ~ Tem Stanley Davis, D-Grand Rapids, " called for the vote, slammed his gavel and the upper chamber voted down a proposed constitutional amendment which, if approved by the state's voters, ■ CHICAGO (AP) — State's Attorney Edward V. Hanrahan, a shouted that it had passed. allow Vietnam era veterans Hitiral protege of Mayor Richard J. Daley, was charged by a The move to adjourn came after As he left the speaker's rostrum, Davis $2,000 for continued education, ■ccial Cook County — Chicago - grand jury Tuesday with Republicans attempted to bring the bill was swamped by livid Republicans whose The bill, which requires a two-thirds Inspiring to obstruct justice in the aftermath of a police raid in up for debate. Ryan, who has not shouting and angry shoving continued as majority to be placed on the November liich two Black Panthers were shot to death. mustered enough votes to pass the bill, other members left the chamber. ballot, fell four votes short of the Park free ■ Supt. James B. Conlisk of the Chicago police force was named quickly opposed the motion, calling it Ryan said a $12 million cut would needed 26. I a coconspirator but was not indicted. Richard Jalovec, an an attempt to force antiwelfare make it impossible to update Aid to It is expected to come with purchase up for Isistant to Hanrahan, and 12 policemen in olved in the raid were amendments into the proposal. The Families with Dependent Children reconsideration later this week. Shop Wednesday 319 E. Grand Kiver ■dieted with Hanrahan. Evenings until 9 p. nu East Lansing, Mich. ■lie charge of obstructing justice may be prpseputed either a? a All at the Sony or misdemeanor. Wines r I Hanrahan told newsmen "I've said it before and I'll say it store next i I've done nothing wronf and I wish a hearing at the earliest & Beer to The Jissiblc time." •Chilled Tappers ■ The indictments specifically charge that the 14 defendants *lce cold beer & wine Ko-Ko Bar nspired to obstruct a criminal prosecution of eight policemen, o named in the indictment, who participated in the Dec. 4, •Kegs of beer available for parties 39 raid at a West Side apartment in Chicago. 'Delicious pizza to go |leThedefense 14 persons also were indicted for attempting to obstruct of the seven Panthers by "unlawfully, willfully and )wingl\ destroying, altering, concealing and disguising physical lence, by planting false evidence and by furnishing false ■formation." omt Radley crew-neck Shetland from England A way of life ... the famous Radley crew-neck Shetland from England. In striking new colours specially created by Alan Paine. A campus favorite. Machine washable for easy care. Sizes 38 to 46. Liz Vaughan, senior in social work, from Louisville, Ky. "My roommates and I got $25 more for our used books at the Student Book Store than any other book store in town." I've been at MSU for three years and each bought back more books than the other stores. term I've sold my books at a different bookstore, They buy back most books even if the books won't be used for classes the next term. not knowing where I was getting the best deal. Well, last spring my roommates and I decided to From now on I plan to sell all my used books at the Student Book Store. I think you, too, compare bookstores in town and on campus. would make your used We got the best deal by far at the Student more money on books at Book Store. I got $5 more for my six used Student Book Store. And what student couldn't books. My girl friends got from $3 to $7 more. use a little extra cash?" And the best part . . . Student Book Store The Book Store Named For You. Student Book Store Che bagpiper 421 E. Grand River 321 e. grand river, e. lansing open wed. & thurs. 9—9 Across from Olin J M ICHIG AN ART BUCHWALD STATE NEWS »Art's favorite UNIVERSITY humorj KENLYNAM S^and we get the joke advertising manager There were many great news stories JOHN BORGER, managing that never made the papers. These were editor Charles BOB ROACH, news editor my favorites. Weatherspoon hated art and the cult that went BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor It was a cold winter's night in Secret he heard there was with it nil RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor Falls, when patrolman Sean Morgan was going to k/1 cruising around in his car. Suddenly the abstract art exhibition he subnil radio barked, "Go to 107 Maple St; a painting done by a chimpanzee and*1 pregnant lady needs help." he waited to see the results ^ The day of Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award Sean turned on his siren and at 80 judging arrived I for miles an hour sped to the address. group of distinguished art critics »iJ outstanding journalism. down the aisles, Waiting in front of the house was the Then they came to studying each pjjf nervous husband, who explained his wife Weather* was about to have' a baby, but he entry. They all stopped and starT" couldn't get his car started and he didn't finally the silence was broken bv J EDITORIALS know what to do. Corrigan, the greatest abstract Sean said he would take the wife in expert in the United States who'Jl "That's the lousiest his car. but the husband said it was too abstract'paintodd late. His wife had started giving birth to a chimpanzee that I've and ever seen." Room the baby in the house. The patrolman rushed inside and who Maj. Roy McMullen, World War shot down in his II shouted to the husband, "I want hot was fighter Jj water, lots of hot water." The husband near the end of the war, was J% feeds inflationar dashed heating into up the kitchen and kettles while Sean went into the bedroom, took off his jacket and started in Gennany in squadron. Friedrick One von 1961 day he as Ralston. commander J was a visited T LuftJ rolled up his sleeves. fighter pilot who had been apn The mercenary inclination of Of course, Vice President for liaison officer to Maj. In a few minute? the husband dashed this University is well known and Business and Finance Roger in with the The two started McMullen'souti boiling water/ exchanging J well documented. Thus, the Wilkinson realizes that despite the stories and von Ralston told continual spiral of tuition and Sean smiled sickly and didn't say he shot down a P of the ^ University's assertion that it has anything. - 38 over Stuttgart.] "I shot room rates seldom raises an "implicit authority to consider the "Here's the water," the husband said. "What are you doing to do with it?" was Maj. McMullen said, "on Nov down over StuttaJ eyebrow in the academic increases effective" there may be li io funds being spent for military programs make amends by returning their culture sales and better protect""1! absurd, needs or adventurous space outings, money being channeled into urgent domestic needs. Initially the institute will provide is can Extending the analogy of course we safely classify the white men of today as "the biggest rapists who ever lived," owing to our habit of devastation to the Indians, so we are charitable enough to let them join our society with the option of becoming full fledged conservation areas. that We cannot fool ourselves our technological into II society* The University community is a The University is governed by on the land, sea and air. Much as the neurotic human beings by our standards. "productive" while the Indians «■ training in business management, clerical in both the MSU ordinances enacted by the Spaniards' greed for gold destroyed the The ironic twist comes in the form of lazy, meaningless existence. AW maze metaphysical and work, drafting, electronics, radio, board of trustees. In the absence television, engineering, offset lithography, highly developed Inca civilization and a student revolution against the society produce are better ways to kill ours* legal senses. Depending upon just the American imperialism has committed we are training the Indians to fit into. and strange forms of recreation su ■ of commercial food preparation, where one is situated, a an appropriate campus statute, There seems to be a growing pin ball machines in a vain ef I telecommunications and optical genocide on the Vietnamese people, the malefactor can be busted by any state law is in effect. It is state technology. Future plans include white man has imposed technology on consciousness in this country that is find the good life. ,1 of about seven different police statutes which require the harsher programs in automotive mechanics and the Indians. calling for an end to technological Perhaps for every technical schoaj forces. If, slavery and a return to humanistic white man constructs, the Indians «| however, the crime in marijuana penalties. aircraft maintenance. The story of the American values. question is possession or use of It would be an understatement But there is something about the Indian has respond by setting up an op | never received a fairly balanced We are getting uptight because air concept of training Indians to fit into humanity school. marijuana, the hapless lawbreaker to say that the present situation our technological culture that makes me would do well to be apprehended approaches the absurd. Clearly, no uneasy. I have a romantic vision of the north of Grand River Avenue. crime especially the "crime" of Indians — at least before the white man By action of the city council marijuana use and possession — intervened — as being a brave people, this Spring, pot violations can be increases ten fold simply because it yet very conscientious and honorable. is committed south of a particular The Indians are a people who treated as misdemeanors in the median. traditionally respected the land and the City of East Lansing, punishable rights of other men. by a. $500 fine and/or 90 days in In enacting the new, much more The Indians did not recklessly jail. On the property of MSU, lenient marijuana law the City of slaughter more buffalo than they needed, however, the same violation is East Lansing took a significant while our pseudo - hero Buffalo Bill treated as a felony and can accrue step toward a realistic approach to destroyed the herds that roamed the west. Perhaps I am too infatuated with penalties of up to $5,000 and/or the question. If MSU is truly the an image of Indians as a 20 years in prison. The cartological happy nomadic enlightened center of learning it people who appreciated nature and who fact that most of north campus purports to be, then the board of developed a very distinct culture. lies within the East Lansing city trustees is obligated to follow the I remember the cynical comments of a black man who picked me limits is apparently little more city council's lead and purge the up on an interstate highway earlier this summer than a quirk of history, since East campus of the "cruel and unusual when I was hitchhiking. The man, who Lansing ordinances do not, for the punishment" ordained by the state explained that he didn't enjoy working most part, apply to the pot statute. University. at his regular job, was driving down to a Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. August 25, 1971 5 Prof blasts shock treatments By STEVE WATERBURY Though never very effective for the treatment of said. State Newi Staff Writer schizophrenia, Karon said that researchers soon discovered "I do not use or prescribe shock on the basis of my electroshock therapy did seem to promote a remarkable clinical experience," Karon said. An MSU faculty member has charged that the use of improvement in people who were depressed. One undesirable consequence that can result from the use electroshock therapy on depressed patients is both ineffective Karon agrees that depressed patients who were treated with of shock therapy is diffuse brain damage which and results in harmful may not be consequences. shock therapy appear better immediately after the treatment. measured on conventional tests of brain damage. Bertram P. Karon, professor of psychology, said that the However, follow-up studies on groups of both shocked and Karon said it has been his experience that people who have initial use of electroshock therapy began as a result of some nonshocked depressed patients have shown that the difference had shock therapy move very slowly in "bad statistics" which appeared to show that psychotherapy epileptics were between the two groups disappears at the end of two years, compared to nonshocked patients. never schizophrenic. and that the nonshocked patients are more Researchers discovered they could induce improved than the "I have literally wasted hundreds of hours of my life an artificial shocked patients after five years. treating people who could have been treated much faster if epileptic seizure with an electric shock, and thus shock "The evidence is quite clear that if someone is therapy began to be used to treat schizophrenia. helped by they had not been shocked," he said. shock therapy, they would have Persons who have undergone electroshock therapy may have gotten better anyway," he difficulty "putting the pieces together." "It is not like the resistance of the neurotic of the psychotic," Karon said. "The Pay hike individual is trying to for t understand but can't." Karon said that a more authoritarian handling of aggression may be a by-product of shock therapy, which results in subservience to superiors and hostility toward those weaker than you. to hinge on date job starts If you do not wish yourself or a relative to be subjected to shock therapy, Karon said there are three magic words which can be used to ensure that you will not be shocked: "I will sue." "I have never heard of a hospital using electroshock Aug. 1. is after Aug. 14. treatment after these words were spoken," Karon said. "There "Conversely, a contract dated "This is the closest thing to a public instruction said Tuesday Monday evening. have been successful law suits against physicians who have July 1 to hire a teacher for a promotion in education and Michigan teachers may receive teacher contract dated nine - month or 12 - month used shock therapy." salary increases during the 90 - they would still be allowed," he July 1 to hire a teacher for period starting Sept. 1 is covered said. day wage - price freeze if their Berets on trail starting date of employment either nine - month or 12 - by the freeze, since the starting month period commencing Aug. date of employment occurs after Porter also said multiyear Following the exact Lewis and Clark Trail through the Tri - came before Aug. 15. John Porter told a news 1 with the first day to be made Aug. 14." contracts still in effect do not THE PLAZA VMS' Cities Tuesday were 22 members of the Green Berets. in September is not stopped by Thus, Porter said, the enable a teacher to receive a pay Community Owned... Serving the Community conference received the the AP Wirephoto freeze," Porter said. "The determining factor is not the increase as part of the information from the U.S. period of employment starts date of the contract nor the date of the first salary payment but continuing contract unless the teacher was actually on the Overlooking the Capitol the beginning of employment. payroll prior to Aug. 15 and SQUEEZE-A-CUP "Where contracts have been already receiving the increase. •Honeymoon . entered into with a commencing date of employment after Aug. Porter said the State suites Color Department of Education is with round beds 14, the contract is still valid but setting up a special office to Class the salary increase may not be develops coffee tube handle any questions teachers, 300 Rooms paid until the expiration of the 90 - day period, Nov. 15," Porter said. school boards or administrators might have on the wage - price I If S freeze. Porter said any contracts Can you imagine squeezing coffee from a metal tube? One group decided to go a different route and aimed their signed after the Aug. 14 date •135 Remodeled «n every He said copies of the The idea was first proposed by the Metal Tube Packaging product at the college student. The group planned to sell its could not be retroative to July guidelines were being sent to all Council (MTPC) of North America. When James Goff, coffee, called Libido, at campus head shops and was hoping director of MSU's School of Packaging, read about it, he decided that coffee in a metal tube would be a good project to produce several gourmet blends. At the end of the term, MTPC members joined MSU "Even if the contracts were school superintendents, college presidents, members of local school boards and teacher •New Furnishings Room for students in his packaging development course. packaging instructors Susan Halter and Doug Novakoski and made retroactive, the teachers The class, divided into five groups, conducted marketing could not recoup the difference organizations. Bernardo Rueda, U.S. representative of the National surveys, learned about tube technology from MTPC members Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia, to judge the in salary," he said. "The date of "We've issued these guidelines and produced their own designs and merchandising plans. newly designed tubes. employment is the controlling today in hopes they may help Ecology was stressed. All students chose aluminum as the The winning tube was lined with epoxy resin to withstand factor." those working on contracts for THE PLAZA metal to use because it can be recycled. the acidic nature of coffee. It had a the coming year," he said. "We polyethylene neck and a Porter said an exception Most of the groups decided to aim their product at will also have a person available polypropylene cap. The tube was designed to yield 30 would be allowed for cases (Former Jack Tar Hotel) sportsmen and travelers. The tube would be easy to carry in servings. "One squeeze across the spoon," as the tube read, to handle any questions that where teachers have completed a knapsack, a suitcase or even a back pocket. would make come up." 125 W. And the product has a potential market in Michigan of one cup when added to hot water. work on a master's degree and Michigan close to two million, those people who purchased hunting, Will were promised a higher salary Porter said about 375 school from the people like this kind of coffee? One packaging team for the extra work, even though districts out of Michigan's 600 across Capitol fishing and camping permits during 1970. actually produced a jellied offspring from freezedried coffee and conducted a taste test in East Lansing. It was estimated the starting date of employment still have to settle contracts. from the test that about 20 per cent of the taste testers nnuol would be willing to spend $1.19 on a tube. Jacobson's Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Until 9 p.m.: Again Open Alt Day A o There is, however, a word of warning for those slow risers Saturday who can't function until that first cup of coffee: keep your toothpaste and coffee in separate places. set for Thur More than 2,000 items bicycles, motorcycles, engines, 20% DISCOUNT ON ranging from a deer statue to auto lights and other lights, a 500 pounds of copper wire will be auctioned Thursday by sail boat, jewelry, watches, TYPEWRITER REPAIRS clocks, sporting goods, cameras the Michigan State Police in a parking lot behind and a variety of other goods. The objects have been FOR MSU STUDENTS headquarters on Harrison confiscated or recovered and Avenue. unclaimed, and collected by Beginning at 8:30 a.m. until state police posts across the FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY everything is sold, the 17th state. Stored for about a year annual auction is expected to in the East Lansing warehouse, draw up to 1,000 persons. the items were obtained in Last year, about $6,000 in proceeds from the auction raids, from fish ponds, citizens who found them. or from AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES went into the state treasury. Police said cash is preferred, 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett Included in the sale will be but checks will be accepted. Woman kills rival- stabs fish with fork FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) - Patrolman W. F. Duprey was investigating a disturbance at an apartment Monday when he heard screams. Duprey said when he knocked on the door of the apartment, a woman answered and said: "I finally killed the damn goldfish'." "She showed the undersigned," his report read, "the goldfish floating in a bowl with a fork through him." Durpey said the woman told him that for the past two years her husband had paid more attention to her and that she "couldn't take it to^the fish than any more." Olde W Hot Ko yours alone. monogrammed blouses of beautifully tailored Wiener Corned . white Dacron®/cotton are a special part of the fall accessories picture. A plump all beef wiener on a whole wheat bun A traditional hot Kosher corned beef sandwich never-wind watch with date dial Choose your three-letter monograms from our selection of seven styles waiting to be dressed at on a fresh Kaiser roll. It's electronically powered by a in seventeen colors. Sizes 10 to 18. Please allow 3 weeks for delivery. our condiment tiny cell smaller than table. an aspirin tablet and remains at full capacity for a year or longer. It can be replaced quickly, easily and A. Monogrammed blouse with brass-tone buttons, $10 inexpensively. You just forget you ever had a watch that needed winding and rely implicitly on the Tissot B. Shirt with monogram, $7 C. Tied tunic with monogram, $10 Electronic to tell you the exact time and exact date at J Try our Wine of the Week a glance! Blue dial, stainless steel water-resistant Wide standard strap. D. Choir-collared shirt with monogram, $8 Burgundy case. or $99.50 mMMZ BFJEADWALE 210 E. Grand River Jacobgon'S Phone: 332-3917 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. August 25 HINTS OFFERED Concert to end Panel told dr summer jubilee methods for A concert by the National Youth Orchestra (NYn> Canada will conclude MSU's summer Jubilee of tL \J , 8:15 p.m. today in the Auditorium. WASHINGTON (AP) - rules for driving in fog: 'When entering a fog area The concert, free to the public, will Some of the most disastrous •If the fog is very dense, the driver should slow down include DrPl,.H from Pfitzner's "Palestrina," Schubert's highway accidents could be stay off the highway. If gradually, flashing the brake Symphonv N„ c C Major, Debussy's "La Mer" and avoided if motorists learned already on the highway, slow lights to warn following drivers Copland's ''Billy J* special techniques for driving down gradually and pull off also to slow down. In addition, the concert will feature the in fog, a National onto the shoulder as far as ' performance of "Nekuia" the first 0^' premiere Transportation Safety Board possible and stop. •Overtaking, passing and three-movement suite by Canadian symposium was told Tuesday. changing lanes should be Aitken. "Nekuia," based upon composer HoL* Earl Alligaier, a consultant 'Under no condition should avoided. Japanese musical idiom was commissioned by the Canadian with the American Automobile riders get out to walk along Broadcasting rv. ' Assn., offered the following the roadway. (CBC) especially for the 1971 season of the NYO •The lower beam of the The 110-membcr orchestra, which consists of musician, headlamps should be used to from 14 to 24 years of age, is conducted make the car visible to on - by Georg Tintn a distinguished musician and coming drivers and give the presently musical dirivi the Western Australia Opera best light ahead. Company. The students were chosen by audition from more u,an 350 applicants across Canada. On •If there is an accident July 25, they began intensive four-week study period, which ahead, driver should stop as culminates In . soon a as possible, pull the car Youth orc concert tour from Aug. 24 to CBC will be filming scenes for a Sept. 1. to the right edge of the A representative group from the 1971 National Youth orchestra of Canada NYO's 1971 season during its appearance at documentary account shoulder and actuate the four ■ pose with musical MSU This k director Georg Tinter. They will present a concert at 8:15 p.m. the orchestra's 13th session. way flasher. today in the Auditorium. role seen for tape-to-film It is possible for new reduced. is on film. What's more, you can a cost of around $500,000. techniques to do just that; Now a film maker has might compensate for change the color for certain That's about what it would have increased rental technological developments have pioneered that tape-to-film effects — just as you dial color cost to do on film. "We could many ti over. revolutionized the entertainment process. on your own TV set. . . have saved more if we hadnt world time and again. He is veteran producer Robert been pioneering with tape." The transfer of Examples: the movie camera Stabler, who is putting final "The size of the camera crew tape to film and projector, sound films, touches on "The Resurrection of is about the same as with film. accomplished by a machine J The one major drawback, said the same manner as radio, television, long-playing Zachary Wheeler," a 100- But you can save a great deal on printing (| records, wide-screen movies. minute feature aimed for the use of electricians and lights, Stabler, was the tape camera's from a negative. The process I "umbilical cord" — the relatively With the development of the television release in this country because tape needs so little indispensable wire connection to inexpensive, n electronic and theaters abroad. Stars: lighting Tape can shoot Technicolor claims that little camera — putting . . . the tape truck. Yet that need no picture images directly on tape, not film Leslie Nielsen, Angie Dickinson, outdoors just as well as film, quality is lost, not be — some observers saw Brad Dill mart maybe faster. On an ordinary limiting. Stabler's possibilities of ending "You don't need as much film, I think you could save 15 company even shot scenes in to 20 per cent of your shooting moving cars, with the tape truck "I'm sold on tape," $|j cumbersome and costly aspects light with tape," Stabler said. of time with tape. For a movie that following behind. Stabler. "I plan to shoot anothe movie making. Production "The camera sees just about is feature on tape in October, might be speeded. Costs of film what the eye sles, and there is basically indoors, you could Another drawback may be the believe that in five stock and editing, which can great depth of focus, much more save more." price and availability of tape virtually all of the series that 11 yen amount to 15 per cent of a so than with film Color is . . . "The Resurrection of Zachary cameras. They could cost 10 now filmed for television w| movie's cost, could be much more true on tape than it Wheeler" greatly was shot in times film cameras, but the instead be done on tape. It mik LAST DAY . . . Albuquerque and Hollywood at savings in time and expenses sense." 'Night of Dark Shadows" Official outlines in '71 bus pas By STEVE ALLEN Niles said, is that faculty parking gate card State News Staff Writer no longer will serve as bus passes for faculty A number of These changes were made, Niles said, "to changes in campus bus service are planned for the correct inequities which existed last year" coming year which will be "much to the advantage of the students," a the campus bus system. spokesman for the campus bus service said Also in the fall, Niles said, a new bus rout yesterday. out to the Life Science Building will According to Max Mies, the change that will affect added. Some commuter lot runs will most students probably will be the change in rerouted to the Life Science Building area the nature of the bus pass. In the past, Niles provide the service, he said, adding that tb said, a bus pass consisted of a colored card quality of commuter lot service will not bi with no positive means of identification on it. impaired by this change. Fall term, Niles noted, when students buy a bus pass they will receive a sticker to "We are going to inconvenience tin place on their MSU student ID. In this commuter customer as little as possf" "l way, Niles explained, only the student who paid for the said. pass will be able to use it. A few changes in bus stops also will bi Niles said that graduate students no longer made, Niles announced. He said that since will have reduced rates on the campus bus Hall no longer will house many student! service. In the past, graduate students could buses no longer will make the run around tin purchase bus passes for $2 a term, Niles said. Fee complex. Instead, all East Complex ' Now, he explained, they will pay the same will go no further east than Conrad Hall. rates as everyone else. Niles said that rates for the fall term hi« Another change being made in the fall, not yet been determined. Cattle consume synthetic rations You have probably heard the prediction that much of your fowl in the future will be synthesized from commercial chemicals. Many Michigan residents already are consuming fry Board. far, however, the council has failed to act on the relief fund's particularly to coordinate the several fund activities. Idar said all funds raised will be distributed through • East Pakistan border. Gaunt and tired two - month - old request, Poddar said. When initiated, the internationally recognized organizations plus such other looking refugees lined Joseph E Levine presents a Wke Nichols Fiir the roads on both sides campaign will run for 13 consecutive weeks on all three starring jac* Nicholson encies as the American Red Cross, Church World Service, coming into India, he said. In the national networks. 0 markets, thousands of East Pakistanis gathered together - itholic Relief Service and the Prime Minister's Relief Fund! 1 speechless and seemingly emotionless. The Emergency Refugee Relief Fund is a two - month "What we want is for eight million families to be - "What was surprising was that even though there were good d brainchild of Poddar, who said he formulated the idea Samaritans for eight million refugees," he explained. thousands in the marketplace, there was tor a visit to his native India in mid - June. He said the hardly any noise," he ,jfCt poverty, disease and pitiful living conditions he explained. "It was were expressionless; as if lightning had struck. These people they showed no signs of hatred or Poddar said the relief fund is politically neutral because "'Carnal Knowledge' i have iservcd so affected him that he decided he must bring the "otherwise it could not serve its humanitarian revenge. goals." He said 's plight before the American people. "The magnitude of disaster was too great for these people organizations such as CARE and UNICEF would not be able experienced only three or to react emotionally. They had no time to even think," he four movies that I was explained. Poddar was appalled by the lack of facilities in the genuinely sorry to Meeting to hospitals. In the Bengal hospital, he said there were two or three patients in every bed, and people were lying in the end. I was sorry to see see corridors unattended. The doctors had neither saline solution :linic for sm for treatment of cholera nor small needles for use in children intravenously. Although the hospital was built to feeding 'Carnal Knowledge'end!" —Vincent Canby, N. Y. Times smokers who have hold 250 people, it was crammed with over 600 A public meeting for people quit by refugees, he participating in the withdrawal claimed. ,ho want to quit smoking will fhe cost held Sept. 9 at 8 p.m. in clinics. A series of 12 help sessions will be conducted for be running to India of more supporting the refugees is reported to than $5 million a day. Poddar estimated at "Carna! Knowledge' is one 4 Sparrow Hospital. The least $100 ■pose of the meeting is to new members who join the million more in relief supplies was needed just to of the best movies ever!" hold down the already ghastly death toll. .plain how smoking group. —Liz Smith, Cosmopolitan Physicians and other When he returned to the United States, Poddar ithdrawa! clinics can help the immediately noker quit. professionals as well as those began organizing the relief fund by loaning $5,000 to the who have kicked the smoking fund. At least a dozen persons, Clinics for smokers have including prominent habit join in helping others businessmen and lawyers, are sponsoring the een conducted at Sparrow campaign He said the campaign will work with a three ■nee October 1966. The quit. Heart, respiratory disease and approach — through the national media, direct • pronged mail and Mike Nichols, Jack Nicholson. leetings are sponsored by cancer agencies lend their ealtii agencies and former support. BARGAIN HOUR: Mon. - Fri. Candice Bergen,Arthur Garfunkel, | ALL SEATS 75c from 1:00 - 2:00 AN EXCITING AnnMargret and Jules Feiffer. f AND Carnal Knowledge. ENTERTAINING Shelley WINTERS. § MOlflE — John Do*. Tim,* Bloody 7:50 — Repeated Fri. & Sat. - ■ Mama -3> :o EmbMay Plctur* WOW! FANTASTIC jaanpojd 3*11039x3 • s*lnr 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 69,4 uauu/w uaqiAs 2nd BIG WEEK! jau6isao —J»m«» Smith. Newt What's wrong with... OPEN 12:45 — Con't from 1:10 BETTER THAN Feature 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:35 'ENDLESS SUMMER' | TODAY IS LAPI ES' DAY - 75c to 6 p.m. :. mmunmmwii CHER COLOR 3rd at 11:35 A FRANWMCH PRODUCTION •Jafqiifliiic Siisaim's llMk Lgw Machine BROADWAY THEATRE SERIES 1971-72 Special Package Price to be offered from September 1 - 30 —Your choice of any 5 of the 6 shows listed at 20-25% saving over price of single admissions "ONI OF THE fcftl —Tickets priced at $22.50, $18.50 and $15 TIMES I'VE HAD AT for five shows THE MOVIES THIS YEAF -To order tickets fill out mail order form below and send along with a SELF ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE for the return of tickets. MOTORCYCLE SPORT AND THE MEN WHO RIDE To: IHiftin Hoffman UNION TICKET OFFICE ON ANY SUNDAY [WhoandIs Harry Kellermarv MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48823 A FILM BY BRUCE BROWN why is he saying those PHONE 355-3361 Starring Rated® terrible things about me? BRUCE BROWN HOURS: 8:15 - 4:30 STEVE McQUEEN Barbara Harris .Jack \X&rden David Burns Dom De Luise • WEEKDAYS STARTS OPEN at 6:45 p.m. PLEASE CHECK THE FIVE BROADWAY Shows at 7:10 - 9:10 SHOWS YOU WISH TO SEE. TODAY! Feature at 7:35 - 9:35 'THE ME NOBODY KNOWS" (Musical) Nov. 1 _ "YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN" Nov. 19 (Musical) "BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE" (Comedy) Nov. 30 "PROMISES, PROMISES" (Musical) Jan. 26 "LAST OF THE RED-HOT LOVERS" It's what thvy do of]'duty (Comedy) Feb. 23 "COMPANY" (Musical) Apr. 13 --—PL Shown twice at 8:06 and 11:40 Desired seating: Balcony, Main floor, Risers, They watch the most intimate , Best location i my price range. moments between a man and a woman who are total strangers. ft Enclosed, OR bill me for: $_ season tickets at S Enclosed is my check or money order, payable to MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, for the above BROADWAY SERIES season tickets. OR, please charge this order to my MICHIGAN BANKAMERICARD (Bank number for MASTER CHARGE □□□ MASTER CHARGE) Credit Card Number The Love Doctors Ann Jannin, Anne Acres, Winston St. Ile sc. eenplay by Louis GartmKle/Difecled by Bon Ross 2nd at 9:58 ^c^o^birs^i. (your signature) 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August ->< , Groups join Top-ranked black official Lindsay candidacy speaks out to back Nixonl source said of the rumored OEO WASHINGTON (AP) - While the Nixon aDnni„. administration often is accused of lacking "They're kicking around ways to "><■ effective" in the party. "OEO WASHINGTON (AP) - Young, amateur Philadelphia, Chicago, Charlotte, Jersey City, sympathy for minority groups, one of the more wo,,L^I backers of John V. Lindsay began fanning out Baltimore and New York were the him." Would 41 among government's highest - ranking blacks rapidly across the country Monday hoping to convince cities represented at the Washington meeting is becoming a principal defender of the Fletcher said in an interview outside the government have that I the New York mayor and Democratic party Sunday and Monday. President and the Republican party. White House consider him for the pros that he can take the presidency. be Lindsay has held off saying whether he will Arthur Fletcher, asst. secretary of labor, "It would be a challenge," he OEO .^l Organizers say they urged Lindsay to run a candidate in 1972 in any of the will spend more and more time on the OEO doesn't have too many friends said for president tour months before he presidential primaries, and Jonas said one of banquet circuit between now and the 1972 eith. I announced 10 days ago he had switched from their purposes is "to put pressure on the election, sources in the administration and the Capitol Hill or among its constituent" r "Lots of congressmen used the Republican to the Democratic party. mqyor to run." Republican party say, because he is black and to thii They said they are working for Lindsay "Up until this time the Democratic contest he is a dynamic speaker who not only defends poor people would pat them on the bi without either his support or encouragement. to unseat Richard Nixon has been a bore," the administration as a strong enforcer of civil supporting OEO," Fletcher said. "Then tk ■ went home and found out Leaders of the Committee for a Choice are Stanley Jonas said.'"Ihe Democrats seem determined rights laws, but also accuses the Democrats of they werP -'I yo„ J?*® Chris Jonas, 26, the bearded vice president of to turn to candidates from rural states." hell. It's a place where, if promising more than they can deliver. a New York importing firm, and his brother Lindsay can draw support from the 75 to challenge, that's it." The 45 - year old former end for the Stanley, 24, moustached graduate student. 80 per cent of Americans who live in urban But, he added, "if I were to' 8° a Baltimore Colts and Los Angeles Rams has into J At a news conference Chris Jonas said areas as the man best able to solve the OEO right now it would create a helfl accepted numerous GOP speaking invitations Lindsay - for - president organizations are problems of the cities, he said. since he brought the Republican National problem. I would have to stick a lot cloJ/Ill active in 15 cities and about 300 college Committee out of a near - slumber during a the desk to get on top of the job." ® campuses. Chris Jonas said 1,000 volunteers are Fletcher said he is better able to post - luncheon speech last month in Denver. the administration in his present travel A just • completed meeting in Washington working actively in New York, and Chicago "There's nothing 'Uncle Tom' about this has held since shortly after Nixon job, which 21 was designed to pull the volunteer groups organizer Richard Holtzman said 22,000 are guy," a party source said. "He's tough and took in 1969, because the operation under a single umbrella and launch a vote;- busy in Illinois. he's a good speaker who believes pretty much running smoothly" and "js his presence it-™ alreSB registration drive among newly enfranchised 18 what the party believes." - to • 21 year - olds. He said organizations capable of working The sources also shot down reports required every day. for Lindsay will be set Fletcher has 20 up in each of the circulating over the past three weeks that speaking en-,-—■ He said the committee hopes to mobilize during the next six weeks, and the kind of backing former Sen. Eugene presidential primary states. Muddy water Fletcher will become director of the Office of is scheduled^! McCarthy received in his 1968 bid for the Of particular importance, he said is Florida where out ■ of state Economic Opportunity. Current chief Frank appear groups before state and regional in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Indiana ■ Republkal - college students Spartan Village children play with mud and water at the Carlucci will move out of the post Sept. 1 to presidency, though he said Lindsay's appeal is between 18 and 21 will be able to vote on Day Care Center in Spartan Village. He also frequently appears befj much different. join Nixon's White House staff. their campuses. State News photo by John Harrington "That just isn't going to happen," one nonpartisan and black groups. ■ Woo£co Poll The latest reading on student attitude toward finds interviewers talked with 515 college students The students answered: Nixon's On few other topics does geography st DEPARTMENT STORES President Nixon indicates a fairly pronounced representing 48 colleges and universities. The play such a role in determining opinion. Bv"t*| change — and one which, given the potential survey, which covered students at home, on the the strongest support for the President is foua impact of some seven million new voters, will be job and back on the campus for summer school, in the South. Conversely, residents of the Eta welcomed by the present administration. was conducted by telephone the week continue to give Nixon the lowest ending marks fJ From May to August of this year, Nixon's Aug. 6. instance, the majority of those interviewed intj -GHEES ratings on the campus have shown a significant improvement. At the same time, college students, The first question concerned the President's only fair poor South rated the job Nixon has been good. Yet, barely one in five students in the doing J E«| in toto, assess Nixon's chances of being re - over - all rating. Answers for no answer hold the same opinion. May 1971 and Responses from tti elected as substantially better than 50-50. This Midwest and West were fairly August 1971 are compared. equivalent. upgrading of collegian opinion toward the The students were then asked to President doubtless reflects the popularity of his speculate J your c recent move to thaw relations with Red China. In the most recent nationwide survey, "Overall, how would you rate Mr. Nixon's handling of his job as President — very good, the chances of Nixon's being re ■ elect President. While the greatest number sl_ good, only fair or poor?" The reader should always allow a few "50-50", over ne in three felt his chances wml percentage points for statistical error when good. The question was: I comparing data on separate groups. However, in "As of this time, how would you assess thtl Get a new head on your shoulders. this case since the same people were surveyed on both dates, the change in attitude is significant. probability of Mr. Nixon' being re-electedl President in 1972? As extremely good. fairM good, 50-50, fairly poor or very poor?" 'THINK WIG" extremely good fairly good 50-50 9.4% 25.5% 43.0% fairly poor 14.9% Don't leave campus until you've seen our fabulous very poor 5.5% inventory of styles and shades in modacrylic or human no opinion 1.7% hair wigs, wiglets, and falls. Again, even speculation about the Preside™ re - election followed geographical patterns. the South, confidence in Nixon's re • I| s3oc Off electio| was considerably higher than in other areas. the retail (Copyright, 1971, Unidex Corporatiaj price Bloomington, Ind.) AUGUST HOURS: of any wig, wiglet, or fall. CLOSED MONDAY GOOD THROUGH AUGUST 31, 1971 OPEN TUES. — SAT. 10 - 6 no sale items reg. 4.62 WED. TIL 9 P.M. Freeshofa Emerson, Lake & Palmer Tarkus offeredbj 77 541 E. Grand River U'group I 3 DOWNSTAIRS Paramount News Of East Lansing The Community Healtl The Quality Is Committee of the MSU C " of Human Medicine will its monthly immunizatioj clinic from 11 a.m. to 3 pjrf or AIMRANTHB Sizzlin' Saturday Free polio, measles, at tetanus, tuberculosis. the Church i] God in Christ in Lansing. immunizations inclui* diptheriil pertussis ufl Those wishing • participate are asked to bring! V Steak Dinner $1.79 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw /»•«/■ Frandor record of their immunizations to the chuwT p«|p 5001 W. Saginaw across from thm Shopping Cmntmr located on the corner oj Lmntlng Mall Logan and St. Joseph street reg. 3.88 The Partridge Family Sound Magazine 99 Lj/OOLCO 2 MERIDIAN MALLf." JBBk ||r-^4|F^ T96Q Grand River/We and Marsh Frandor Center ONLY Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 25, 1971 9 Official says Nixon fails to fulfill High seat By MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writer housing promise submitted by the MSU Student Housing Corp. to HUD in June administration," Bozzo Bozzo said. said that while the payment on the housing loan was turned down by the goes toward the interest. A 4 . H member »its astride President Nixon is reneging president did effect a wage federal agency last week. The The half-million dollar loan steed waiting for the 4-H on his promise to fund all and price freeze her loan would have been used to order, Nixon sought by the MSU Student horse show at the Stadium to housing programs at the 100 neglected to freeze interest Housing Corp. would have per cent acquire and rehabilitate for rates for begin. level, Phillip G. housing loans. provided funds at three per Bozzo, executive secretary of cooperative living several pieces Interest rates are now between SN photo by Don Gerstner of real estate in East cent interest. The MSU group, the MSU Student Housing Lansing, eight and nine per cent including some fraternity and compared with four a registered nonprofit Corp., charged Tuesday. to five per corporation servicing some 200 Bozzo said the Nixon sorority houses. cent in the early 1960s, Bozzo students living in cooperatives, administration apparently has Shelby Southard, commented. now holds leases to eight decided to fund only $225 Washington-based lobbyist for "The President has taken no million of the $300 million the Cooperative League of the cooperatives and had hopes action towards USA (CLUSA), reported to the solving the earlier this summer of opening authorized by Congress for the problem of a basic human two more houses this fall. MSU group that apparently the College Housing Program. The need, that of housing. Instead funding requests by all College he lias decided Cooperatives at MSU are program, administered by the to stimulate low-cost Housing Program applicants the car housing at about Dept. of Housing and Urban industry which $200 term and totaled $400 million, a usually ask Development (HUD), provides ironically consumes natural residents to work three or four interest subsidy grants and oversubscribing the $300 resources and million appropriation. Bozzo pollutes the hours a week to perform direct loans to universities and said that Southard reported no environment," Bozzo said, necessary housekeeping chores. nonprofit housing corporations. referring to Nixon's request for A $462,000 loan possibility of any additional an end to the automobile "As for now, it appears that application college housing grants this excise tax. our plans to purchase East CLAIMS SHE'S CHEATED year. "The President has promised Bozzo noted that per cent interest, about 23 per at four Lansing real estate and expand student-youth control of to provide housing at rate of a cent of the monthly payment housing must be temporarily two million units a year. The on set aside," Bozzo said. Student rate is a housing loan would go to now only million fights one cover the interest. At the for units The MSU group might rent a year and apparently current eight per cent interest some vacant Greek housing many federal housing programs levels, however, more than 50 and offer it on a cooperative are being cut back by the per cent of the monthly By STEVE ALLEN clean. In a letter to Halstead basis for this fall, he added. of apartment 14F, Evergreen State News Staff Writer Management Co., she said, "The Arms, said that the aparment because it takes time and costs deplorable condition of the damage deposit returns in the was "really clean" when she money to inspect the ■ Everyone has heard reports apartment first past, but added that she has required extensive Eber said, apartments. fyafipb |0f an apartment management cleaning before we could move moved in. Miss however, that at the Miss Frink also said one of her received complaints about landlords. many ■company cheating a student in." time she moved in the iroommates got more Venter out of some, if not all, of The spokesman for Halstead management had 'back on her money s or her security damage said they hadn't yet cleaned the deposit than she said, "Our records show that it did. She said that roommate had She said that if an individual apartment. She added that ."^Leslie Ann Frink, Huntington (the apartment) was not satisfactory when they moved during the same day, four complained to Halstead about thecleaning charges. has trouble with a landlord damage deposits, he can file suit over Jwoods graduate student, claims ■she was cheated out of hers. in. It was not a dirty condition; migrant laborers came into the apartment and spent less than in small claims court. She added it was paint removed from a Unlike most students who feel that procedures are now In a letter to the State News, two hours being 75th door, water stains on a drape, cleaning. She said this they are taken advantage of by studied to put some sort of (Miss Frink said that Halstead that sort of thing." appeared to be the only cleaning East Halstead did in the apartment. Miss Lansing landlords, however, control over landlord ■Management had charged her Frink is going back to fight damage ■and her roommates $50 for Miss Frink added that when Miss Frank deposit abuse in the city of East and her them in the fall. She will then be she moved out of the Lansing. ■cleaning, $12 for drapes and $3 apartment roommates were charged $50 for a graduate assistant at MSU and in June, "It was much (for "processing." than when we found it." better this cleaning. Ibey were also says she plans to take "ample According to a spokesman for charged $12 to clean water time to Anniversary Sale Mrs. Schmidtt said, on the pursue this outrageous ■Halstead Management, Miss stains off the drapes, stains they other hand, "my ■Frink left the apartment in a only response reported to Halstead when they billing of my fellow students." to that is the ■ess than ideal condition. The young lady was moved in. An inspection Dolores Bender, director of ■spokesman said that there was wrong. I'm familiar with what is Monday showed there are still off ■ campus housing, said that clean and what is not clean water stains on the ■dirt on the patio, the walls, the . . . living room her office has received ; and closets. He added we give the students every drapes in 14 F Evergreen Arms. complaints abbout Halstead's benefit of the doubt." ■that the stove, broiler |oven racks were "very dirty," trays and Chris Eber, East graduate and present occupant Lansing A spokesman for Haslett apartments said that everyone Diamond Ju land that the two bedrooms and ■the two bathrooms all "needed pays the $3 processing fee Glenn Herriman, Inc. ■cleaning." J Mrs. Alfreda Scmidfct, ■Examined the apartment after who giiWAWSAW®1 % your You'll get key to " a very special key with every purchase you i FVink had moved out said make at her Knapp's, during our big 75th Anniversary Sale! report, "I would It may open our ■ecommend treasure chest. If it does, reach in no security be and lepaid." ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS help yourself to a free gift! Register for our door one prize, a | Miss Frink said that when she carat diamond ring. roved in, the apartment Indian Trails was not 3ipe puffers HAS (8) BUSES PHONE: 482-6226 SALE 7.90 Imatch skill EVERY DAY I The 23rd LIEBERMANN'S campus classics ■champion pipe smoking contest annual world TO CHICAGO Will begin at KNAP-PAK 5:30 p.m. Saturday at Flint's Genesee Leaving at: Schedule Eff. June 24, 1971 6:55 AM for juniors Tommunity College library. EAST LANSING 2:25 PM I Each participant is provided 7:55 AM 5:10 PM Skirts and pantskirts in with 3.3 grams of 10:25 AM 6:15 PM lightly acetate-bonded wool, some special buttoned, some belted; autumn solids and Icontest plaids. Junior mixture and two "blue PP" kitchen matches for the 11:55 AM AIR-CONDITIONED - RESTROOM DELUXE 10:30 PM the canvas carry-all Sportswear, second floor Downtown, Meridian Mall. Trent. COACHES AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER 1 The contestants are ►ne minute to light their Before the contest given pipes SERVICE. WRITE MICHIGAN TOLL-FREE 800-292-3831 OR CALL OWOSSO, that goes everywhere actually ►egins. The individual who ■eeps his pipe going longest is Information Indian Trails Ter.ninal proclaimed the winner. There PHONE 332-2569 East Lans,ng J no entry fee. Prizes will be FOR DAILY DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS | ■warded. -CUTOUT AND SAVE" , I LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL DOWNTOWN 309 N. Washington in the new Leonard Plaza Presents for Your Dining Pleasure [wednesday F Slh"«u''i Famous night special Fried Chicken $1.35 Atlantic's ingenious and versatile carry - all can be a slim carry - on size that [thursday C Broiled Baby night special Beef Liver w/ Onions $1.46 fits under an airplane seat. Or it expands to a roomy 22" duffel that can be carried by top handles or as a friday night special back pack. Choose bright, gay red or I Roast Chicken w/ Dressing $1.54 yellow canvas, or blue denim. Saturday night special I aked Swiss Steak $1.69 I SUNDAY SPECIAL I S^ensul's Fried Chicken or Broiled Chopped Sirloin Steak w/ Mushrooms $1.69 open SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Evening Special, include roll, butter end beverage and a choice of two of the following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. East Lansing - 209 E. Grand River Downtown - 107 S. Washington CUT AND SAVE— 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 25, I97| Agencies accused of passing unsafe soups WASHINGTON (AP) - The Agriculture plants, had not inspected the Campbell plant in two years. He accused the agencies the two incidents for USDA inspection headquarters said the cause hasn't been responsible for the Bon Vivant vichyssoise, goods is split between USDA and d* Dept. said Monday a federal inspector was of "an incredible abuse of their programs. "But we're going to take a look determined, but the manager of the Paris a Food and Drug Administration Agriculture is responsible for any dJ?A' I present in the Campbell Soup Co. plant at this," said Richard E. Lyng, asst. plant indicated undercooking is a prime investigation disclosed that Bon Vivant had containing certain proportions of 2* which packed chicken vegetable soup responsibility to protect the consumer secretary for marketing and consumer suspect. accidentally been undercooking its canned poultry in the recipe. Federal law W contaminated with botulism toxin. from unsafe products." services. that an inspector must goods for 10 days before the vichyssoise personally nZ?* Rep. Benjamin S. Rosenthal, D-N.Y., The Food and Drug Administration was packed. the production line while such S* It was the second time in two months accused the department of allowing the Campbell disclosed determined that undercooking was the being canned. n fo°| I toward »h« purchai* of: I Stacked Ham Razor-thin, honey » ZEST 7c OFF LABEL 1V/2 *0N! baked ham and aged Swiss stacked onto one oz' 10c ' of our fresh breads. WITH COUPON | 1 REGULAR SOAP 3 _ ££<„ ! Expires Sat. Aug. 28, 1971 I Expires Sat. Aug. 28, 1971 COUPON I 211 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing. Mich. 48823 I Meijer THRIFTY ACRES I Meijer THRIFTY ACRES 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVEIL- 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA WALE 1 OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 25, 1971 H Smokeless jetliners promised NEW YORK (AP) — The pounds of the 25. of new aircraft with nation's airlines, trying to erase improved there has been so much public To control the visible smoke smoke control, the airlines maintain, "because jet fuel plume problem, setting the end the common sight of jetliners emissions, the airlines are point to the end of 1973 for outcry against the contains no lead and virtually of 1972 for substantial etching the sky with dense contributions of jet aircraft, modifying more than 3,000 no sulfur. completion of engine plumes of smoke, say that 64 JT8 - D engines that power the_64 per cent target date. The answer is simply that 'Thus the airlines say the per cent The JT8 - D engines are regulations, litigation and the modifications. of the fleet will be nearly 900 Boeing 727s and responsible for 70 only real hope is cleaner per cent of threat Officials the virtually smokeless by the end of litigation have 737s and McDonnell Douglas the smoke pollution from jet engines." Environmental Protection concentrated primarily on the d But7 „ Sru' a|r'»ners. The smoke consists of visible A sign of what lies ahead Agency and the Federal 727 and small particles of unburned black signs of pollution - the . .U a pollution problem will The three - engine „„„ . for the control of jet Aviation Administration report remain, for the airlines admit smoke plume that trails two - engine 737s and DC9s carbon, pollution may emerge around that the program is about 45 that most of the invisible resulting from behind most jet engines." ~ jet constitute 53 per cent of the incomplete combustion of fuel. Oct. 1, when the per cent . To make significant cuts in complete. engine emissions will still be feet. In its defense, the airline Environmental Protection blown out into the air. You the content of the The airlines are about industry notes that aviation's emission, Agency expects to announce Smoke reduction designs just won't see them. the airlines continue its halfway through this program contribution to air pollution is more standards for aircraft have been incorporated into Because reSearch is required on' particulates are and federal officials say this relatively small, engine emissions, e,n.^nS< underunaer methe provisions new aircraft engines such «w such a small amounting to design, but the airlines do not of the Clean Air Amendments sue. as part of total means they should be able to 3.3 per cent of the total offer much the Boeing 747. The airlines engine emissions," the airlines meet their commitment to annual hope for any quick of 1970. ------ say the smaller, wide - body emissions in the answers. admit, "achieving this visual substantially complete the country. The airlines reached an jets coming in now, the impression does not necessarily modifications by the end of "There is no known fuel "In the light of this agreement in January 1970 McDonnel - Douglas DC - 10 bring about a significant 1972. change which would reduce with the secretaries of and the Lockheed L reduction in total emissions evidence," the airlines say, objectionable - 1011, by Coupled with the addition "one may well wonder why jet engine transportation and health, will be virtually free of smoke weight." emissions, < Why Pu> Mote'. Eliminating most of the Why Pay More! Why Pay More! smoke particles involves only a Why Pay More! Why Pay More! small part of the total emissions — less than 1 cent of the 25 pounds of per V mt Reading time pollutants emitted during a landing, idle and takeoff. The unseen An inmate of Ingham County jail reads from nitrogen oxide one of emission content remains the hundreds of books donated to the jail same, although there library as MSU has been student Clarence Terrill looks on. a slight reduction in emission State News photo of carbon monoxide and by John Harrington hydrocarbons, exercise sandals Better about six 10 killed as convicts _ than itage SEOUL (AP) - Twenty-three bloody break 12 prison officials, and bus and forced the driver to take I Barefoot. irisoners, incorrectly identified it first as North Korean destroyed all communications them toward Seoul, Scholl Exercise on the island. Five miles south ifiltrators, shot their way out f an island prison Monday, Armed with carbines, Presidential Palace, they were | Sandals. They shape revolvers and grenades, they surrounded by troops and I 'hey fought past the port of nchon into a Seoul suburb, commandeered and landed on a a private boat beach near police. Firing broke out and two policemen were killed before the I I .up, while they 'here most of the convicts blew hemselves up with grenades ifter police surrounded them. Inchon. There the prisoners seized — a prisoners began grenades among themselves. exploding! ^,'i^bjM^t gtoar feet In the bloody rampage, at ""* last 30 persons were killed, lcluding guards and officials at tie island prison, policemen and eSg|Gy; ionvicts. Defense Minister Jung fjplt's thfsgfehtle laehiuk said the convicts were J'action that naturally firms if to help make special prisoners with civilian tatus" who were guarded on them shapelier, prettier. All you've got to do is walk. ihlmli Island in the Yel][ow §ga And Scholl Sandals really are more comfortable 5 miles 6ff sholre. The prisoners mutinied, killed than barefoot. 1 They're sculpted and contoured to the natural form of the foot, made ifom smooth, select, long-wearing beechwood. loodlers top of it all there's a single, cushioned leather strap that won't get lesson rub you wrong—and an easy-on, easy-off buckle that fits you right. on bombs MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - loodlers at Memphis Scholl Exercise Sandals. They City Hall ot ow an unexpected to make lesson in shape up your legs, while they bombs recently, ecause of a slipup at the city comfort your feet.That's two rint shop. ways City Public Works Director better than barefoot. harles Blackburn flipped a age of his scratch pad, issued $g gg y the city, and found printed nstructions on bomb All you've got to do is Walk. nanufacturing. Other backsides old how to blow up railroads nd automobiles. The print shop, which made he pads from printed laterials used in a sabotage ourse for city policemen, has een advised to be more "eful in selecting surplus aPer for the pads. TONIGHT (and every Wednesday) IS "HAPPY HOURS" 8 -10 pm (all drinks greatly reduced) and THURSDAY is "QUART NIGHT" (as asual) 5125 W. SAGINAW 2055 W. GRAND RIVER 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA (jMW&l - - all al the SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES Monday thru Saturday 9 AM to 10 PM - Sunday - 10 AM to 7 PM 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Aug ,, SPORTS Many standouts for !S' By TERRY FICORELLI State News Sports Writer UCM MSU might attain this »'A|| s-Li fall. Add to all this State's best placekicker since TKmirth nncspfl II n Dupree. Though passed up by most called "experts" on major pre - hv most of the so season all barefoot Dick Kenney, soccer - style booter Borys America teams, the 6 foot 4. 222 • pound Dupree Squad depth is important. But just as invaluable Shlapack, and MSU could finally be ready to has demonstrated that he can catch anything that to any good football break the big one. comes close to him team, MSU head coach Rasmussen has been designated the No. 1 signal Spearheading MSU's defensive machine will be Duffy Daugherty has often said, is the leadership of a small group of highly talented players. caller during the early practice sessions. The 6 Curl, Hamilton and Van Pelt. Curl is back after If you've got them, if they stay healthy and if foot, 172 - pound senior rewrote the Spartan receiving an additional year of eligibility due to a passing record book in his initial varsity campaign fracture of his forearm. they come through as expected, a team will be strong. If they aren't there to start with, or if a year ago after transferring from Fresno City Backing up Curl and Hamilton will be sure they should fail, many long Saturday afternoons College. His fine play in the spring game helped shot all - American Brad Van Pelt. The Owosso will be endured. contribute to his new No. 1 status. junior turned in a superb sophomore season For MSU, this could well be the year that those "Mike is a fine football player, a fine playing both in the secondary and at the Saturday afternoons become shorter and much quarterback and a keen student of the game," roverback positions. sJ sweeter. Daugherty said. Rasmussen, Allen, Dupree, Curl, Hamilton and Daugherty is blessed with Another of Duffy's fine prospects is fleet some of the best tailback Eric Allen. The Georgetown, S.C., senior Van Pelt represent the greatest number of individual talent since his national championship of 1965 and 1966. was MSU's most valuable player last fall as the prospective all America performers since the For MSU this fall, much team's rushing leader. His 811 yards in 186 jnvincib|0 Spartan teams of '65 and '66 when depends on the likes of quarterback Mike Clint Jones, Steve Juday, Gene Washington, Bubba Rasmussen and tailback Eric Allen not to mention attempts and eight TDs gave him a 4.3 yards per Smith, Harold Lucas and George Webster received the success of tight end Billy Joe Dupree. carry average. Allen was third in the conference in such honors. Defensively, Ron Curl, Ernie Hamilton and Brad rushing last year Winning players breed winning football, Hamilton Van Pelt will pave the road to any sort of success MSU could also have the college football this fall in best tight end in senior Billy Joe something MSU hasn't enjoyed in five years. Mike Rasmussen SAYS HE'S TIRED Barney NEW Lover YORK (UPI) - Rod Thursday. drops to quit g Stolle, Cliff Drysdale and Laver, regarded until this year Laver, who was third seeded DETROIT (UPI) Lem Barney has given up gambling as the world's greatest player, Andres Gimeno. But before Commissioner Pete Rozelle Y has withdrawn from for the $160,000 event joins a the U.S. list of world With Laver out, the seedings orders! Open Tennis championship championships tennis defectors which includes have been rearranged. John investigation into the matter, let the record show the Lions' cornerback is referring to how he'll be Oetrfl Newcombe, the Wimbledon plavine ■ scheduled at Forest Hills Sept. the 1970 champion Ken football position this year. I 1 through 12 it was learned Rosewall, Roy Emerson, Fred champion, remains No. 1, with "In years gone by," Barney said in his best Stan Smith in the second wise, ol voice, "I guess you could have called me a gambler. spot. Arthur Ashe moves up "This year," said Barney, 25, "l plan to set lit' from fourth to Laver's spot, dowgl JAMAICA AT CHARTER JET PRICES Tom Okker becomes fourth, Marty Reissen fifth, Cliff playing basic, sound defensive football. "When I was younger, I thought It gamble. But when was pretty cool you get old, you get wiser," he said. Richey sixth, Clark Graebner The veteran of all of four seasons in the National seventh and Ilie Nastase of Foofc S270C0 Per Person (Basis Double occupancy) Romania joins the seeded list League has found 32 passes sticking to his hands rather to those of receivers who thought they were clear. t3 L in eight position. But last year, though he was the unintended recipientI INCLUDES ALL THESE FEATURES: Laver was the Forest Hills seven passes, Barney got times than a cigaret "burned" on an interception gaij champion in 1962, completing more lighter's wick in a high wind. L •Round • Trip Non - Stop Jet Transportation from his first grand slam, and again "I've always tried to break Night Train Lane's record oil Windsor/Detroit to Montego Bay, Jamaica in 1969, when he became the interceptions in a season," Barney said to gi\e a reason tri he prefers to go for the ball. They only 'Accommodations with Private Bath and Air • only man in history to win a second slam of the four major when Lane set his mark in 1952. played 12 gnlF Conditioning at the Jamaica Hilton for 7 Nights The Jackson State product puts pride ahead of pocketboj titles of Australia, France, j though, and figures another season of getting embarraaL including tax * Round - Trip Airport Transfers in Wimbledon and the United once in while at his position would be two seasons Jamaica via Air Conditioned Motor Coaches * Full States. a | Derailed - Ci - many. I Course Breakfasts and Dinners Each Day at the Hotel Laver insists he is tired, his "Maybe later," Barney replied to a question of whctlL 'Welcoming Get Acquainted Cocktail Party with Hot game is not up to par, and he Former MSU star and Cincinnati running back Jesse Phillips is ridden to the ground by he'd ever start gambling on defense again, risking giving - feels he should not compete at touchdown to perhaps get one for himself and the Lions, r upl and Cold Hors d'oeuvres "Free Chaise Lounges Forest Hills unless he is at Pittsburgh Steeler defenders Chuck Allen (50) and Burt Askson (75) in a National Football •Towels •Complimentary Skin Diving, Horseback peak. League exhibition game at Cincinnati Monday night. The Bengals, who have won three pre - "It's not always good, but later in the season it ran off." The latter phrase he said with a distinct slv look oi pj season games in dumping the Steelers, were given a jolt by the supposedly inferior Pittsburgh Riding and Tennis Lessons • All Tips to Waiters, Maids, face. "Old Towne" New England squad. With Cincinnati ahead 20-0 at half time, Pittsburgh rallied behind Terry Hanratty in Bellboys, Dining Room Maitre D' and Tips to Porters "You can 'sleep' once in a while and may be go for a re outplaying the Bengals in the second half. The final score read 20-13. Cincinnait Coach Paul at Montego Bay Airport CLAM BAKE! Brown said, "Everything has been a bowl cherries up to now. They (Pittsburgh) took it to us in later in the season," Barney said •Whole Lobster the second half with their front line football players. It was good for us. We needed a jolt." When Barney says "sleep," it means the quarterback iJ DEPARTURES EVERY SATURDAY •Clams •Shrimp The Bengals will play next on Saturday night against the St. Louis Cardinals in Cincinnati. receiver teaming up to beat him had better wake up. BeciJ •Corn-on-the-Cob Barney is trying to lull somebody right into another theft. T AP Wirnnhoto Exery Friday 6 to 11 p.m. college travel TO",Do5AALwANDi5??.V",AD CALL FOR INFORMATION Men's IM office BILL'S SPORTS w 130 W. Grand River 351-6010 RESTAURANT ft BAR Charlie Beach and Gregg Killoran defeated Chuck SHORTS Drewes and Gene Palermo in the final round of the "A" Ladder paddleball tournament Shop today 'til 9 p.m.; Thurs. thru Sat. 9:30 to 5:30 Running back Ron Johnson of the New York (>ia sponsored by the Men's Intramural Building Saturday. undergo surgery on his right leg at St. Vincent's llospils 4 ► the club announced The winners took two Tuesday. straight Johnson, who gained 1,027 yards rushing last games from the runners-up, season total 21-16 among the leaders in the National Football League, iiasbT Itfc's and 21-12. The bothered by a deep charley horse under the thigh bone inI Beach-Killoran team did not right leg for the last two months. lose a match during the entire 203 E. GRAND RIVER tournament. Beach and Killoran will The National Collegiate Athletic Assn. Tuesday, advance to national clarify the instance of the violation of the University ofNoi competition in the near future. Dame, stated that no illegal financial aid had been grantedbyll They are expected to give a University, but rather the violation involved use of an improf strong run for the national form. championship. FROSTING — including set BanJuii#* Box 100% WASHABLE ACRYLIC 6,4*4.0 549 E. Grand River (across from Phone 332-4080 Berkey) _ Space Dye Rib Knit Sweater 'n Pant Sets fit our price, this 530 General Electric clock radio Pcu| uA aVu( and you'll discover that w» have a new addition to our luncheon menu .. • Great body shapers! New, lonfler, tunic length U-neck sleeveless vest or is o real sleeper EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 11:16 to 2:00 p.m. turtle neck sweater (not shown) It takes up only a few inches on your night table, $1088 teamed up with great fitting flare - leg pants in a hit - and - skip space yet has an over-sized clock, instant sound, AM coverage, direct drum tuning, and awakens you to music. Ijyu can esujay a tumptu-wA dye knit. All of washable 100% You get all that from General Electric without losing acrylic. Brown or navy. Sizes S, M, fs "My, How any sleep over the price. Charge it! cuuL BUFFET \You've Changed" Poll It's fun jje-aU to- yowi heani 4 cwu ^ It's free! My, how youVe changed All for a mere $1.95 Come Today! ,US 318 S. Washington (across from FREE SPIRIT) ^ofcueftaJL\ &VO/C EAST 3121 E. GRAND RIVER - 361 1440 k Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 25, 1971 13 Women's lib groups to march for I Women ByLYNNSHERR Associated Press Writer equality will take to the theater at a shopping center ,n New marathon fairs jn _ Jersey, a 21- hour radio in Baton' Mineapolis, Rouge art ™ year and organizations to unfinished items forming concrete achieve the of women's propose I liberation groups. Its aim is to legislation and communicate with women president Coral „ Roxcy Gables, Fla. Bolton of _ "But today it's 51 years later and we need to do ^Distribution of Award" to advertisng agencies ■ "Old Hat State legislators to ' demand Lets again Thursday a year Winston-Salem. and equality " from all parts of the country, Like last year's something to enable us to whose commercials, they feel, divorce law reforms. Ker the nation's first female In Wichita, Kan., for "Everybody has a lobby in demonstration, this year's will that vote," NOW vice president . iVfc, Equality, to women will be mark the anniversary of the Lucy Komisar empahsized. are insulting and degrading to •Picketing the Portland, Washington so we should have day Maine, newspaper to protest its lands they say have gone march organizing local political women got the right to of lrtely unheeded. on fo(lusing commiUee js women's rights caucuses. That night they will our own" says NOW vice vote: Aug. 26, 1920. Other activities include: •Confronting New York use separate help-wanted ads. male-female in five [This time, it's the 1971 areas: equal sponsor a meeting with the political power, ■omen's March for Equality. abortion and state Democratic and ■o far, demonstrations are c h i | d contraception^ Republican party chairmen in Prison n t e r s |l,lined along New York's equa, education and , the YWCA. probe ■ • where some —■- — |jfth Avenue ■in '°Ih! employment, equality under Similar political rallies and ■o,000 supporters mi-wi tarc filled the the ,aw caucus-forming are being Jtreet l"*t. y 4£e BeWy Fnedan, who dreamed and ■hicago Civic Center in St. up the idea for last planned for Syracuse, N.Y.. (Continued from page one) Portland, Ore. off their shirts. year's Procunier, state director of louis and in Los Angeles. activities, says the current A second political aim ol Allen responded. They had limped into the San FVancisco San FYancisco, who served _ |m addition, various women s thrust is for political power Thursday's events will be the At that a judge corrections, had ordered deputy district attorney and | int, John courtroom in khaki shirts and loups around the country are «The movement has become Women's Lobby, an idea Clutchette, 28 Fleeta trousers and closely - clipped temporarily to hear pretrial motions in the murder investigations at the prison. Protest shouts rose from ■ prosecutor, — until - December Panning creative nonmarching political," she said. "We promoted by the National Drumgo, 26, the surviving hair and their attorneys had strations: guerrilla are Organizaiton for Women Soledad Brothers, sat bare ' ' case charging that Jackson, behind the bullet proof glass taking the energy from last charged both had been beaten Clutchette and Drumgo killed a (NOW) largest of the women's chested in court after stripping shield dividing the jammed Evans, assigned by California up in the prison adjustment white guard at Soledad Prison in spectator section from the bench Chief Justice Donald January, 1970. and jury box area. Wright to rule on the issue, said state law Joint Amid defense charges of At the hearing's outset bars a judge from hearing a brutality at San Quentin and campaign planned Superior Court Judge Stanley R. criminal demands for initiated less than case outside Evans of Santa Clara County two after serving as a years investigation, Allen refused to disqualified the sixth judge hold associated warden James prosecutor. The Soledad J (Continued from assigned to conduct the trial. " Brothers " were page^one) He said he did not envision Park in contempt for failing to He was Judge Frank Shaw indicted favorites." of ^acceptable candidates." any reluctance in* Project: City "We could feasibly register, "We think produce the two prisoners in February 1970. I Neil Colburn, Project: City Hall about Colburn noted that write there's a court at accepting coalition ■ a» conservative a scheduled hearing in rl 'A ai uuiiMfrvauve estimate, ouu ebiiuiaie, 300 tremendous Jail Ed director of organization candidate Colburn's lies with the candidates. requests but said the final veto candidates enmnntpr encounter vntor voter frequently rliffinnlttr voters day during the nine - a ireiuenuuub backlash, ana oacKiaMi, and its it's unfortunate, because the issues Monday. SHEPARD'S in difficulty in . . - ..... He granted a motion by . ... day period before I by the ««iiuw . lounger brother, expressed decision will be made at a aerstanding write - in registration closes," Colburn ,a.^ ^ coalition are best for the city," Veenstra said. uc u Edward Barnes, Monterey fc procedures for machines and a County deputy district attorney e project candidates much zzur* w"hln ",e - in by the electorate. He asserted that realization prosecuting the case, dismissing the murder indictment CUSTOM "Statistically we ...... The prospective 3,000 votes of against s the coalition write - in - Colburn said concern ma,ntained that . the would be ut merger Illc.Bc. goals »uvu such » as Jackson "because he is a more than enough to lut said he optimistic election prospects, obtaining more parks, bicycle lout the was i a.nt?gf f?r candidate th® wrlle \m for the make up the estimated 500 paths and varied points of deceased," LEATHER merger. "We have similar issues, and ' • would * consider Hall votes down Proiect ~ - Citv c,andidate .for the upcoming unrnmm, deficit, Colburn said. v0ter registration and blocking Floyd Silliman of Salinas, by at least fof'^r^moUnT student construction of two proposed attorney for Clutchette, made a 'ilefrank^of^!:nnckeTf much of chance f 80 ^50\al a if time. The write - thC campaign in PrCSent P®ticip«t?on °nd increasing thie Though not all students superhighways would benefit peremptory challenge to disqualify Judge Allen as "biased t're at each other's throats," is more ... symbolic - and allows students to cast votes for their , , ,, . strength of the three votes, "If a student were to place registered vote ,.. . - be expected to can for the project - coalition - . . . - the entire community and ultimately lower property and prejudiced." Earlier, Allen said Gov. Truck on in and two votes for our Mnd[date candidates, voter analysis of Ronald Reagan and Raymond K. and then the random vote for the primary election does one of the conservative indicate that the majority of take a look TRY HOBIE'S SIX-FOOT Spending questioned candidates, dr ' it would BuHf V™,d weaken newly registered student votes * thoSe Candidat6S' Co,burn said" PARTY SUB! casts his extra ballot for the write EAST LANSING STORE ONLY • in, it'll be a clean | (Continued from page one) responsibility by the elections vote," Colburn said. overThfapparent^anic^whkh violating party must be "'v'81011 ° r,ce- A "clean vote" means that resulted from numerous liberal lisqualified from the election, it the voter would be able to Vhepards candidates in the primary. explained. The county According to McGowan, an cast all three ballots for Klerk's office would not East Lansing resident who voted candidates who are working ■peculate as to whether a 'n the Aug. 3 election can file a toward goals and aspirations Candidate would be disqualified written complaint directly with with which students are ■or violation of the statute. 3 When notified of the county prosecutor's office, the The c°unty porsecutor will then concerned, Colburn said. HCpES liolation, Deputy County Clerk determine if, indeed, Bone's or B°th groups maintain that EAST LANSING DOWNTOWN ^Jertrude Ludwick denied Phillips' expenditures violate GREAT FOR TGs AND the key to the election is GRASSERS 317 East Grand River Ave. 326 South awledge of the violation and election statutes. voter registration. Washington FEEDS 30 HUNGRY PEOPLE Baimed that jurisdiction for Ask us about free parking in city ramp Examining campaign expense Statements rested with the /how to Tounty prosecutor's office. I When confronted lounty clerk office's claim, Oris llontogomery of the county with the The great dictator. save 25% on fall textbooks prosecutor's office said such The Craig 2702 Cassette Transcriber - Tesponsibilitv rested with the Recorder is designed to be used in combination with any standard cassette recorder. A two - flections Division. He claimed i East Lansing resident who i the last election must and stops tape motion, and permits controlled Quick - erase capability allows clearing of stage foot switch starts backspacing to review material. already - transcribed material, during and avoid the hassle a complaint with the rewinding of cassettes. And its digital counter allows for accurate ■lections division who would indexing of cassettes. In addition to its lllow up the charge and, if Talid, notify the county Iroseeutor's office. transcribing functions, a microphone with start - stop switch allows the 2702 to be used for normal recording. Playback tone and volume are adjusted by recessed thumb wheel knobs. A built - in speaker of long check-out lines. functions whenever the headset is not connected. "Pop - out" ejection facilitates I When questioned, H. handling of cassettes. And the foot switch, microphone and a comfortable under - ■cGowan of the Elections the chin - stenographic headset are included as standard accessories. Ability to ■vision cited Michigan election operate the Seno Unit can be acquired in a few minutes. ptute 168.902 which states Especially if the user is at all familiar with other ■he county clerk transcribing equipment. . . . shall So step inside. lrthwith notify the attorney "neral of the violation." He said ■ponsibility examining for ■pense statements exposing and Issible expense irregularities Pted with the county clerk's ■ Miss Ludwick was not ■ailable late Tuesday for fmment on the denial of roops alerted Continued from page one) m. The situation is beyond grasp of the Americans or K>ne else to change it." Brenda Webster graduate student in sources close to Thieu said communications, at even from Hillsdale, Michigan though the president unopposed in his bid for re flection,he is planning to go r°ugh with the balloting If you're like me, you don't like pushing Also if you shop early, the Student Book gardless of the and shoving through huge crowds during the Store consequences guarantees you can return books home or abroad. mad, fall term book rush. You also like your to up to 10 days after the first day of fall Those consequences appear save money when you can. classes. So there's no chance of ave- particularly for the Here's what I do to save money and avoid getting stuck url' with books that won't be used in the fall. of SouthU.S. - the hassle. I buy my fall textbooks during the ftnamese relations. American last week of summer school at the Student f|cials said fek privately last Book Store. They have a complete supply of that any election in Wouldn't fall texts by then and you rather shop early, save and the president was the you can be sure of nvoid the crowds? Why not get your books "y candidate would lead to getting used books if you want to save and supplies this week at the Student • evaluation by the United money. Book e* of eluding its Vietnam policy, The Craig 2702 the By buying used books, you save 25% off Store. And then take it easy during the mad scramble for books in the fall." economic aid. price for new books. n Da Nang, Nguyen Minh «ng. 37 *. - doused - year old father of himself with only $139.95 me and burned himself to The Book Store Named For You. i„. "1 ^ront the local war n'ns association office, afi fr vetorans passed out a ran th uj saying Dang's death , • ,and "in the spirit of ut N8hia-" Wn° turned Sa'gon cause another himself to Aug. 16 in of a % Student Book Store HI-FI BUYS , e'ih .protest against Vice 421 E. Grand River ii?u,i"r Nguyen Cao Ky's JhJ" !Cation from the g'Jeitial ballot. campaign.ted ^ut camn Ky refused was 1101 E. Grand River J 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 25, ISjj I STATE NEWS state news! I CLASSIFIED 355 8255 Going to Clean Up for Fall? It's "Thrifty" to Use the Classified Ads Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil Frank tKuTtOas The State News does Employment For Rent For Rent not permit racial or, OLDS 1961, Automatic, covered religious discrimination in its advertising with flowers. Best offer. Call OLD FORRESTER Restaurant in Parry is now taking applications UNIVERSITY bedroom VILLA. furnished. 1 6 and 2 blocks UNI VERSITY~ IERRACE.7;^ I Wasfl columns. News will The not State accept 489-4263. 2-8-27 RAMBLER AMERICAN 1962. for cooks, waitresses, and busboys Call Mr. Chamberlain, from $160. campus. Phone Priced from 337-2361 or furnished apartments. 2 ve'yHI Includes ra ""•I 675-5103. 2-8-27 351-7910. 04-8 27 * AUTOMOTIVE appliances hair Pe,int I advertising which Automatic, well. $100. Scooters & Cycles runs Call 355-6058. 2-8-27 ATTRACTIVE 4 MAN conditioned. ' storage '"I Mo2i ^|I discriminates against YOUNG, girl* apartments. Prices from and security locks. Auto Parts & Service between 18 and 25 with good $66 per man per month. from Ri9ht religion, race, color or SAAB 99CM 1970. 2 door. 22000 campus. Aviation £I DELTA ARMS, national origin. miles, AM/FM radio, Cibie phone voice for part-time work. Phone 393-5460. Ask for Lynn. Street. 2 bedroom furnished, air 235 Delta dailv. 424 Eas, 3321822 M,ch,gl EMPLOYMENT 79ian^;| * 351 headlamps, Michelin X-2 tires, 2-8-27 conditioned. 1 block from * FOR RENT Ziebart undercoating. $2450. campus. Phone 332-0563 or 355-7874, after 6 pm. 3-8-27 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Person 351-7910. 0-4-8-27 JUST 4 LEFT Apartments with thorough knowledge of 711 Houses Automotive TOYOTA 1 967 Corona. Architectural FOUR MAN BURCHAM APTs Drafting and apartment. Close to Rooms FOR SALE BMW 1968. 1600-2. Good Dependable transportation, good mileage. Rick, 351-0069 Residential to assist in Construction classroom needed training, everything in the campus Now renting for fall area. bedroom 2 or 3 man' II I ► term. Animals condition. Must sell. $1150. evenings. 2-8-25 and administrative $65.06 12 month apartment, per man on Signing II . now for paii Call 485-2766. 1-8-25 responsibilities. Model Cities lease. $70.06 per for 9 Mobile Homes TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, 1969. man $180 a month. resident preferred. Apply in month lease. All the latest Excellent condition. Call * PERSONAL BUICK SPECIAL 1962. Clean, person, COMMUNITY DESIGN conveniences. Utilities paid, good battery, tires, radio, 373-3674, days; evenings, CENTER, 720 West Ottawa, except telephone and electricity. ► PEANUTS PERSONAL automatic, 4-door. 824-2414. 2-8-27 $150. Lansing. Phone 482-0800 for Model open daily. 341 337-7328 or 33 7 0780 ► REAL ESTATE 484-9117. 3-8-25 appointment. 2-8-27 Evergreen Street. 332-8295 or VOLKSWAGEN 1969. New tires, ► RECREATION 351 7910. 0-4-8-27 All ► SERVICE ECONOLINE VAN 1962. Runs well. See after 5 pm at 2225 radio, tape 355-9750. 2-8-27 player. $1370. Call DRIVER WANTED for Pizza returnable. deposits guaranteed ^11 II delivery. Must have own car to BEECHWOOD. 2 bedroom Typing Service Fairfax Road, Lansing. 1 block drive. Wage plus mileage. Apply furnished. 7 blocks from TRANSPORTATION East of Pleasant Grove, near Mt. Hope. 2-8-25 VW Call 1967. Dick Excellent at condition. 351-6838, after 6 Domino's, 5214 South Cedar, campus. Rates as low as $59.38 ^hT" ™E Mickev MousTT*- J? II Jolly-Cedar Plaza, after 6 pm. per man. Phone 351-5986 or WANTED Modern. furnished Parking plentiful one^edr^ pm 482-6233. 2-8-27 1-8-25 351 7910. 0-4-8-27 GALAXIE 500 1969. 2 door, and DEADLINE 1 P.M. hardtop. 26,000 miles. VOLVO 1966. Station wagon. "HATS UVFCOMAie.' I "flUKgD FULL AND part-time MARRIED STUDENTS guaranteed. $155. one class day before Automatic transmission, power AM/FM radio with new tires publication. steering, power disc brakes, and shocks. Spotless interior H'M SfMtE HE PS3PIW TIW representatives needed introduce new concept into this to & FACULTY ONE GIRL needed for | radio. $1500. 882-0788. 2-8-27 only $1095 at PRECISION area. Good compensation for Cancellations/Corrections IMPORTS, 1206 East Oakland. school year S6t I 12 noon one class day before publication. I MP A LA V-8. 1963. 4 door hardtop, 3-8-27 this interesting and work. Call Mr. Clark to arrange challenging KNOB HILl (313)367-3233. 4-8-27 1 Automatic, power steering, for interview. 351-1331. 0-8-27 LUXURY TWO bedroom^ twi,| PHONE brakes. Good condition. $295. 355-7884. 2-8-27 Scooter.&Cycle, NORTON 1964. 400cc. Good MALE SUBJECTS needed for MARRIED COUPLES without APARTMENTS unfurnished. Beautifully decorated, Very large central| 1 355-8255 children who need supplimentary air, dishwasher, dispon KAWASAKI 350 condition. Make offer to Psychology research. $2 per 349-4700 Avenger. A7SS. income. Wife must be self-cleaning oven. Balcony w RATES Excellent condition. 6,750 miles Randy, 351-8280. 2-8-27 hour. For information call unemployed, absolutely no OPEN 1 - 7 looking year round P00|- with helmet and manual. $650. 353-9166 between 10 am and pm Mon.-Sat. selling involved. No investment, Clubhouse with Sauna, . 2-8-27 YAMAHA 1971, 175 Enduro. Girl noon. 2-8-27 phone for appointment. SUNDAY by appointment only exercigl I 1 2 3 10 MUSTANG room, carport at Ville WORDS 4 5 1965 convertible. Runs owner. Only 400 miles. Best 349-2804. 3-8-27 Monti| offer. 882-4520. 2-8-27 FULL September 1 occupancy $2# I good, top sound. $295 or best HONDA 1964. Completely re-built, AND part time office Large 2 - bedroom, 101.50 3.00 4.00 5.35 6.50 13.00 Call 351-9038 offer. 351-7494 after 6 pm. extra Call Glen, work. Good salary. Apply 1031 PART-TIME: 1.65 3.30 4.40 5.85 parts. Small East Lansing bath & % 121.80 3.60 4.80 131.J 3.90 5.20 6.40 6.95 7.15 14.30 7.80 15.60 8.45 16.' 2-8-25 351-3280. 2-8-27 HONDA 1970. 350cc, Excellent condition. 5|300 miles. Helmet. North Washington. 2-8-27 office needs responsible girl for office work. For interview call, $175°° weekends. 4-8-27 WOMEN: $575. 485-8706. 2-8-27 VACANCIES in 4 MUSTANG 1968. Convertible. SUZUKI 1970. TS-250 and 1968 DEPENDABLE PERSON needed 351-2040. 3-8-27 142.10i 4.20 5.60 7.45 8.00 9.10 18.20 Moving, must sell. Call T-200 with helmets. Best offer. weekdays, 11-5 pm. Baby-sit. Large 3 - bedroom, apartments. One block frml 152.25 4.50 6.00 9.75 19.50 351-9170. 2-8-27 1965 HONDA Dream 305. Helmet, Faculty home. Call 332-4422. ONE, AMBITIOUS student bath & % — campus. Completely furnlshtd.l 162.40 4.80 6.40 17 2.55 5.10 6.80 .55 9.10 10.4020.1 11.0522.10 Phone 337-1239 after 6 pm. 2-8-27 tools, Chiltow's 489-3461. 3-8-27 guide. $170. 2-8-27 on fraternities and to call sororities SJJJOO utilities and $55. 349-9609. 4-8-27 parking p " 18 2.70 5.40 7.20 11.7023.40 during fall and winter terms. 19 2.85 5.70 7.60 10.1512.35 24.70 1968 TRIUMPH 500. Like new. WORK YOUR own hours. Cash To take orders for cleaning LOCATED >/< MILE NORTH EAST 20 3.00 6.00 8.00 10.6513.0026.00 Many extras. Phone 393-7779, Auto Service & Parts commission paid daily. Phone supplies. Catalog furnished. OF JOLLY RD. ON lower LANSING. 2 bedroonj 332-6927. 2-8-27 evenings. 2-8-27 641-646|7 after 5:30 pm. 1-8-25 Company delivers. Top OKEMOS ROAD duplex. Furnished,I 10 word minimum commission. For appointment, Carpeted. Adults. Availabltl MUSTANG 1969. 6-cylinder, HONDA CL-450 1970. Excellent AT MEL'S we repair all foreign WILL pay 1 person, who is 484-3975. 4-8-27 LANSING OR East Lansing. One September 1. 351-5964. 4-8-271 All student ads must be condition. 3700 miles. Call and American cars. If we can't willing to work hard, good bedroom furnished. Large, airy standard shift. $1100. DUPLEX: 2 or 3 fix it, it can't be fixed. Call bedroo prepaid 332-8324. 332-6645. 4-8-27 money. 372-3594. 1-8-25 Air _ 694-8958 489-7646. 4-8-27 INSIDE TICKET sales. Full and rooms. conditioned. , 332-3255.0 part-time. Good Beautifully maintained. Suitable Newly furnished, carpeted Fori salary. Apply fell. 372-1629. 4-8-27 The State News will be PART TIME receptionist and 1031 N. for faculty, grad students, business MUSTANG 1965. 289. 1970 BRIDGESTONE 175. Brand Washington. 5-8-27 3-speed, TWO WOLFSBORG snowtires phone work. Must be 21 and people, married couples. Lease. responsible only for the new, 300 miles. $425. After 5 first insertion. day's incorrect good tires, 351-5783. 2-8-27 battery. Call pm. 349-0829. 3-8-25 5.60-15 for Volkswagens, $30. Telephone 332-2036. 2-8-27 have your transportation. own Hours dependable 1-5 pm. For Rent MALE ROOMMATE. MARMAX OLDS 1968 Luxury 98. 2-door 1964 HONDA Drea Call Miss Jones, 372-0047 O-1-8-25 for not plastic complex, across Apartment 4 Man Furnished Apts.JJ Helmets, bubbles. BOB'S AUTO REPAIR 2223 West v. TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction from Union. Call Close to Berkey hardtop. Loaded. Excellent Jolly, 351-3815. Good condition. 2 Lansing. Tune-ups, Valve guaranteed. Free 'delivery, 2-8-27 Air Conditioned condition. 489-0414. 2-8-27 DO YOU need 3-8-25 jobs, brake, radiator repair, an extra $50 a service and pick - up. No deposit. exhaust and automatic week? Car Call, Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C 225 Division. A utomotive OLDS 442 1969. New tires and 351-7319 for necessary. WANTED: ONE man for 3 man 1971 HARLEY Davidson. Electra transmission repair. 25 years brakes. $1700. - apartment. 2 bedrooms, ONE PERSON needed for 694-8958, experience. For the fairest price ONLY $9.00/ month. Free glide. Excellent shape, many AMX 1969. 390, 33,000 miles. 489-7646. 4-8-27 extras. 669-9189. 1-8-25 in Michigan. Phone 393-6057. COLLEGE COUPLE to live in deliveries. SELCO furnished, etc. $80/month. V> man 711 Burcham, No. t,| 5900 Hagadorn. Call Glen 7-8-27 fine block from campus. beginning immediately < East Lansing home. COMMUNICATIONS TV Come ?31-3280. 2-8-27 OLDS CUTLASS (S) 1969 SUZUKI X-6 1966. Walking distance to campus. RENTAL. 372-4948. O (313)646-4118. 1-8-25 over or call Don,| Helmets, VW GUARANTEED repair. 332-0942. 2-8-27 Convertible. Red with black insurance - Room and board in included. $250. exchange GRAD STUDENT seeks i IT PAYS to look twice at the services top. AM/FM radio. White-walls. RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at for TV RENTALS offered in today's Classified Ads, $1695. Call 655-2869. 4-8-27 Weekdays: 8-5, 355-7682! Okemos Road. 349-9620. C housekeeping and child - Students only. Low for school year. Don, 355-5234, GIRL STUDENT needs t 5-8-27 care. Call 351-0085. 2-8-27 monthly and term rates. Call 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV 353-6920. 2-8-27 and roommates. Call collect| MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East SITTER 616-538-2983, Nancy. 2-8-27 FOR 8 year old boy, RENTALS. C LUXURY TWO apartments. Rents Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. after school. Monday Friday. . .. - reduced due to price and wage Complete auto painting and collision service. IV 5-0256. C 3:15-5:15 September 7. p.m. 420 Starting Charles. Apartments freeze. Close 351-0705. 4-8-27 to campus. Call YES. .TWO J 337-2280. 2-8-27 1962 BUICK 401 Excellent engine. condition. $100. Phone MANAGEMENT POSITIONS STODDARD man, APARTMENTS. furnished. Close 2 to GIRL spring, NEEDED close. fall $65. through Kathie, PER APARTMENTH 489-1626. S available in U.S.A., Canada, 351-6366. 2-8-27 tool campus. Now leasing. Call Australia, information and call England. For 3 49-3949. 351-8238, 699-2024, ED2-2920. and balconies Aviation 1-8-25 CAMPUS VIEW LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight LIGHT DELIVERY. Must have WOODSIDE bedroom APARTMENTS 1 furnished with APARTMENTS RIVER'S ED dependable small car and know balconies, security locks, training. government All and courses VA are certified. area. Good salary. Apply 1031 N. Washington. 5-8-27 laundry. Ideal for married couples or grad students. ED and tl FRANCIS AVIATION, Road, Call 484-1324. C Airport SUMMER AND 2-2920, 351-8890. O Across from MSU supervised apts. for Williams Hall. WATER'S EDGE| part time girls. One 6 girl left-3 PEOPLE WITH a great head for business look for workers with employment with wholesaler. Automobile required merchant NEED FOUR men, take over Cedar Village 9 month lease. bedroom, 2 baths, etc. APARTMENTS Want Ads. Dial 355-82551 351-5800. 0-8-9 349-1183. 3-8-25 $210 per term per person. (Next to Cedar Village) See Frank or Jo Anne | 332-4432 1050 Water's Edge Dr. _ Hop aboard the Halstead bus! CROSSWORD We'll solve Inn America, your transportation worries if you live in Bay Colony, Princeton Arms or North Pointe Apartments. (Our other six apartments are within healthful our new maxi-bus for fast walking distance.) Just transportation to campus. hop aboard 1. Subside 6. Drudge PUZZLE ACROSS 11. Bib mountain 23. Cluster of 25. 26. fern spores Yoyo P. I: negrito ill □□□BBC 28. Trojan king 12. Fragrant wood 32. san rac 13. Projecting Slaughter With 550 furnished or unfurnished studio, 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom balcony 36. Egypt, lizard apartments we know that we can make your campus living more 14. Marketplace 37. Activity □nOEQ 15. 38. Baseball club enjoyable and comfortable. Fairy queen 16. Single 40. Fr. friend □□□so 18. 41. Calif, white oak legal matter Call one of our resident managers 19. Culture 43. Stradivarius today! 45. medium Regional 21. Quiet 46. Domain Bay Colony 351-3211 Inn America 337-1621 Beechwood 351-5986 Princeton Arms 332-8511 n Delta Arms 332-0563 North Pointe 351-1199 ■ peopn 1 Evergreen Arms 332-8295 University Terrace 332-1822 Haslett Arms 351-7662 University Villa 337-2361 Colltngtooob mmmwJMmwwJM wmmmmmuMWi HALSTEM MANAGEMENT MODEL OPEN DAILY Fall leases now being accepted, Apartments (formerly Northwind Apts.) 1 4* P 444 Michigan Avenue East Lansing $200/2 $210/3 man "UNLIMITED PARKING "DISHWASHERS 1 I man 351-7910 •SHAG CARPETING "BALCONIES $220/4 man ♦AIR CONDITIONING "AND MUCH MORE Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 25, 1971 15 Student Service For Rent [ For Sale For Sale 3 For Sale Personal BEDROOM. 2 bath. Newly PING PONG tables, $9.95. We buy DIRECTORY decorated. $200. Call USED FURNITURE 337-1147, sell most Flea Fair: 1970 CHAMPION. 12' 60'. 3 484-3968. 4-8-27 anything. ABC 314 East x FREE A lesson in complexion Michigan. ... SECONDHAND STORE. Dishes, bedroom, front 1208 books, coins, antiques, rockers, kitchen, care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan PERSON Turner. C. unfurnished except appliances or NEEDED for house. junk. Bargain Hunters Paradise. and 485-7197, Lansing Mall. Own bedroom. $50. drapes. Carpeted, set - up MERLE 337-0054, Open Saturday and Sunday. NORMAN COSMETICS 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, with skirting in Brookview or 351-4845. 2-8-27 STUDIOS. C | COLLEGE TRAVEL bead crafts. • EYES EXAMINEb canisters and uprights. Guaranteed Furniture all week. and 10 appliances a.m. 6 open Mobile Home Park, Perry. 15 OFFICE decoupaqe supplies • GLASSES FURNISHED, 3 bedroom. one full year. $7.88 and up. Phone 371-2843. O - p.m. minutes from MSU. $4000 art DENNIS 625-7298 after 5 DAY CARE CENTER Recreation room, DISTRIBUTING p.m. 2-8-27 230 West Grand River Ave. candle reproductions' • CONTACT LENS garage. Brick. 349-9535. den, double COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. making suppUea DR. I.L. Collins, Optometrist 3-8-27 SEWING MACHINE BARON of Married Student Opposite City Market. C. Clearance 1967, 12'x50\ Sale or Activities 351-6010 Enfield's Incorporated Sale. Brand new portables Rent. 2 bedrooms, furnished. 693M-43. Okemoi. 348-loan Cb-Optical Services Rooms KITCHEN CABINET, $49.95, $5.00 per month. Large — 485-8462. 2-8-25 has several 8218 S. Logan. white metal selection of reconditioned openings for 393-4330 cabinet with sliding doors used children 2'A - 5 -~MSU BARBER SHOP MEN: ROOMS for fall, across above, machines. Singers, MARLETTE 1964. 1 0'x50'. 2 yrs. Fall 209 MAC Ave. BROOKS Imported Cars from campus. drawer and cupboard below. Necchis, New Home Whites, bedrooms. Deluxe model. term in both morning & Stereo, color TV, 5'x2'x1'. $12 353-6878, 5-7 & "Many 351-1110 351-1420 ask for pm. Others." $19.95 to $39.95. Excellent condition, carpeted, afternoon groups. For Mr. Best. 2-8-25 Try us for your next Sales and 5-8-27 Terms. application, Phone EDWARDS furnished, utility shed. Located styling, razor cut or Service bob jones paints BRIDESMAID'S DISTRIBUTING in Holt on 353-5154 DRESS. Rose COMPANY, l?rge low-rent lot. special cut. 482-1473 ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. pink with white embroidered 1115 North Pets. Call Washington, 699-2303 or LITTLE ANGELS CO-OP. Appointments available. 5014 N. Grand Completely furnished. Cooking yoke, lined. Size 12. Perfect 694-8014. 3-8-27 Still has River, Lansing Call 372-8077. C condition. $30. Laura, a few openings for both 3 and WATERBED HEATERS. UL 4 year olds. For 351-8219. 1-8-25 listed, 1967, 10'x51', excellent condition. information, CONTACT LENS washday savings MEN: CLEAN, quiet rooms. $35. REBIRTH, 309 North 2 bedroom, partially furnished, call 882-0741 or 393-7536 5-8-27 SERVICES 25c per load GOLF DRIVING RANGE Cooking. 1 block to campus. Washington, Lansing. 489-6168 oil tank. shed. On lot near The best for lew Call after 5 pm. 485-8836, CHECK C DeWitt. $2750. Call 669-3493. 0. M. DEAN, aa MINIATURE GOLF 487-5753. 0-8-27 more ads on back page Special Texas Washer SOc LEONARD WHOLESALE'S __4-8-27 210 Abbott Rd. COMPONENT STEREO, BSR, Suite #16 wendrow's econowash LOW PRICES ON Fairway Golf Range, Grand MEN: SINGLE rooms. Kenwood amp. Heath kit LAKE VIEW lots. Available now. 332-6563 River Avenue A few minutes Clean, quiet. 8', 10', 12' wide. 10 minutes - Bed linens furnished. FINE JEWELRY Diamonds speakers. $225. Jay, 485-2369. to 140 east of MSU. 349- 2850. Orchard, East Lansing. ED7-2758 after 5 pm. 3-8-27 >unted. 3-8-27 campus. HOME 7-8-27 PARK COURT. LAKE MOBILE 641-6601. HURRY . . . For Rent MEN: Animals For Rent FALL, singles. Block Union. MARLETTE, 8' 36' WE WERE For Rent Cooking, parking. 314 Evergreen. IRISH SETTER puppies. AKC. behind Gables. x on Good condition. lot 332-3839. 3-8-27 Gentle. For pets, FULLY LEASED GIRL TO sublet Fall term, only. hunting or 351-2279, 355-0810. 2-8-27 ONE BEDROOM COMPONENT SYSTEMS show. $68.75 furnished, Reasonably priced. THIS SUMMER I 723-6266, Owosso, Mich. 2-8-27 per month. 349-1926 upstairs. Utilities furnished. One PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, South Famous makers such Okemos, 349-0255. 2-8-27 after 5 pm. 3-8-27 as Fisher. student or married couple. near Michigan Avenue. Quiet Scott, Wharfedale, AR, Sony, Lost & Found AND LAST t^o MEN for Meadowbrook $115 / month, deposit. Lease. and clean for student. $15 / Panasonic, Philco, Garrard, YOUNG, MALE cat, affectionate, T Trace Apartments. $66 / ONE OR 2 girls needed for the 484-6684. 2-8-27 week. Call 627-5454. 2-8-27 Ampex, Dual, etc. litter trained, distemper shot. FOUND: SUM of money near FALL AS USUAL. month. Call 353-0257. 2-8-27 coming school year. One block FREE. 332-4707. 2-8-27 Student Services from campus. 332-4432. SPARTAN HALL, singles, men, Building. f)NE NEEDED for 4 girl O MICHIGAN-PENNSYLVANIA 2 area. women. Now leasing for summer, DOG 351-3683. 1-8-25 A Few choice bedroom, furnished, air OBEDIENCE classes ONE I Townhouse at Hagadorn and AND two bedroom conditioned. On bus line to t?!i_?®I'l1_7A^l4422- 0 sponsored by Student RING LOST last week. Gold locations left M-78. September to June. apartments from $145. 10 MSU. Starting at $175. SINGLE, 309 N. Veterinarian's Wives. Starting rectangle with leaf minutes from CLEAN quiet room. Washington Sentimental value. 489-1034. design. for this fall | Cheap, 351-8713. 2-8-27 permitted. MSU. Children Utilities, except electricity. Fine location. Graduate male Lansing September 27. Call Mrs. Wilson, REWARD. 2-8-27 . . . EAGLE CREST Lease, deposit. 332-5144. 2-8-27 preferred. IV2-8304. 4-8-27 393-2388. 3-8-27 ■SIRL WOULD like to sublease NORTH, 694-8975. 4330 Keller FREE T fall term only. 332-0592, Rd., Holt. C AM/FM POLICE band, $25. Car LOST: BLACK female ROOMMATE with I Diane. 2-8-27 Houses For Sale stereo tape deck, $45. 372-1585. Mobile Homes white paws and white cat patch SERVICE SINGLE GIRL 3-82-27 below chin. Wearing blue collar to share deluxe. LAKEFRONT (PARK |eal STREET. Fall. 1 block Furnish own room. $87.50 plus bedrooms, dining LAKE). 3 ORIGINAL US Army field jacket, WE DO most WINDSOR 10'x55', tip-out, two with bell. Poplars. Lost near Warren's campus. 1-2 bedroom. 2 'A room, living $25. Call 393-4225. W repairing, and replace bedroom, air conditioned, $22 reward. 351-3601. utilities, security deposit. room with I fireplace. Furnished. broken 3-8-23 persons, furnished, balcony, air conditioned, 216 Beat St. Apt. 882-8382. 2-8-27 $160 / month plus $100 SONY TC-630 portable stereo tape frames. OPTICAL DISCOUNT 2615 East Michigan carpeted, from campus. shed. Ten minutes Call 372-5229. WATER'S ED6E 351 6088, security deposit. Available in recorder. 2 old. $300. Avenue. 372-7409. C-8-27 5-8-27 2A. 6-6:30 p.m. years 2-8-27 ONE campus. BEDROOM $140. across from September. 482-2192 after 6 351-7168. 2-8-27 Personal RIVER'S EDGE 351-6788 after p.m. 2-8-27 1966 TV SETS. Sony, MARLETTE. 12'x60'. 4. 2-8-27 Panasonic, Zenith Color Carpeting, air conditioner. On SOUTH PINE efficiency, 1 NEED ONE or two girls. Own MUSIC STUDIO selling out. 6 STEREO portables and COMPONENTS. Sony consoles. nice lot in Sunset Trailer MCAT AND DAT. Kaplan tutoring course now being formed. Starting APARTMENTS bedrooms. FREE bedroom. $80, $120. Includes utilities. 485-8706. 2-8-27 like Car necessary. Must animals. 485-8588. 2-8-27 Call Bonnie, tables and chairs, 2 heaters, 1 humidifier. Music electric reel cassette to reel tapedeck, Ampex recorder. We Buy, Sell, Court. Phone 677-2306. 5:30 pm. 1-8-25 After in August. collect. X-13-8-27 Call (313) 851-6077 See Frank or at JoAnne cabinet, oak desk — 3 deep and Trade. WILCOX 1050 Waters Edge Dr. drawers. Large SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East PARKWOOD, 12'x52'. Very nil TWO BEDROOM, includes utilities. OPEN ROOMMATE Across from campus. Immediate occupancy. $120. ROGER TWO near PEOPLE campus, needed for 351-2203, after house 5 blackboard/reversible, standard. Study table. on Pop Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, Monday thru Saturday. C Airconditioned, skirted, on t lake. $3900. 10 minutes UNION ALL summer 8-5:30 p.m., SHOP. C-8-25 BUILDING BARBER 332-4432 pm. 2-8-27 music and Classics - Vi price. campus. 641-6601. 2-8-27 PAVLIK REALTY, 371-2890. Call 332-4613 for information. B-25 SERVICE... SPARROW HOSPITAL, near. 1 LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom houses. $165-$190/month, plus 2-8-27 WATERBED UNITS, mattress, utilities. 114 miles from campus. Enjoy all the bedroom unfurnished, carpeted, liner, foam pad, and frame. 349-3604. 0-4-8-27 appliances, spacious living, $76 any size. REBIRTH, 309 many I We will match you with dining and kitchen areas. All GIER North Washington, Lansing utilities paid. Couples only. STREET. 243. 4 bedrooms, 489-6168. C-8-25 1 compatible roommates. $150. Call 371-2949 after 5:30 carpeted, 2 baths, modern ■ Call 332-4432 0Y see prtl. 2-8-27 kitchen, parking. $200/month, I Frank or JoArm at 1050 EAST deposit. 489-6941. 4-8-27 LANSING, 1 I Water's Edge Dr. (next to bedroom, luxuries of life bath, kitchen, utilities, parking. I Cedar Village) $130, $25 deposit, 484 9838, 5 8 pm. 2-8-27 Head for the Woods! - OKEMOS - QUIET (lAFGE bedroom 2 bedroom unfurnished, 3 unfurnished, furnished spacious or JUNIORS - Burcham Woods, that is - a lawn, away from noise in 10 unit complex of furnished studio, building, minutes New Ruling... at CEDAR GREENS from campus, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom shopping. Graduate students, j couples. $175-$225. COUNTRY You can apartments. HOUSE APARTMENTS now 349-0558 5-8-27 . live in an lARGE, FURNISHED 1 or 2 off-campus Ample parking Heated pool | bedroom, plus shower. room/bath. Both I parking. Male grads or seniors. Also, 2 p.ivate, apartment Optional bars NOW LEASING FOR FALL (like a swimming pool, air-conditioning, I 1214 East Kalamazoo. 5-8-27 RIVER'S EDGE from $125 per month BDEAL FOR married or grad 1 students. 220 Cedar Street. 351-271 3 or 351-7319. C WATER'S EDGE balconies and much, much more. APARTMENTS BURCHAM WOODS 745 Burcham 1050 Water's Edge Dr. I OR 2 girls 351-3118 needed Fall-Spring. (next to Cedar Village) I Eden Roc. Call after 2 pm. if no answer call 484-4014 1 3514560. 3-8-27 332-4432 TOYOTA Corolla 1600 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 1600cc 103 HP Hemi Engine (runs on regular gas) Power Disc (right next to Brody Complex] Brakes • Reclining Bucket Seats • Perforated Vinyl Upholstery CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTS are now leasing student and married spacious couples units. These Tinted Glass on All Windows • White Wall Belted Tires • Nylon apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a garbage disposal and individual air - conditioning. These two Carpeting All Standard, Plus Many More Luxury Features space for every resident. Recreation is - man units have ample parking I faculty & balconies. We also have a full - time resident planned for with a giant swimming pool and private manager for any problems. If you want to be among the first residents of CEDAR GREENS call today. The one bedroom units start at $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY SEE OUR INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 EXCEPT SUNDAY FOR RENTAL . KEGANT, NEW WHEELS TOYOTA INC. twelve month leases available. p.m, 351-8631 or 484-3494. Nine and townehouses 2400 E. MICHIGAN AVE. Alco 5 Blocks wast of Frandor MANA GEMENT EXCL US1VEL Y B Y: Management Company 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. Augu ^ U' asks Personal SIX WEEIv to to prepare start Kaplan tutoring courses for BOARD EXAMS now being formed. MCA classes August 21 and September 7. DAT classes start approval sntinued from page one) (Continued for the salary contract '"""J University negotiated negotiated union, although salary raise, hikes housing hv by n a . A„rina . ... tho Qn this would give a boast . * , toThe that they have devoted four or "Nevertheless, we will do all Federal rules and our own MSU employes " September 8, and LSAT class increases from the federal 0ak,and faculty efforts of prospective collective five months of salary increases n,. starts September 7. For government. members have se ected a to the purity of not e possibly can under the budget limitations on behalf of added. ' w"«r information and enrollment call bargaining having a collect (313) 851-6077. 8-8-27 "If the University is legally f*r8«,nln8 agent which is in faculty members A]bert A collective bargaining contract," free to implement the "« °' "£5I?8 tta? Blu™. professor of labor and Blum said. contract, then it is both legally y contract at that industrial relations, said MSU Faculty Affiliates V-—// —r x Real Estate (MSUFA), also an affiliate of B™y!d1^d.reqUired t0 d° If "rM,Tfaculty members at CMU TUeSdaV' Capital Capsules . , the Michigan Education Assn., MASON: THREE bedroom, all nannot believe that are the only ones in the state " faculty obta.n a°d MSU a is engaged in a campaign to brick. VA baths, 2 fireplaces, would be who »rt> r31Se faculty finished recreation room, " "" ' V' prevented J/tVlCIIkCU from 11UII1 ,, 1Q71 do not, faculty members at organize faculty members on carpeted and paneled. fulfilling our obligations," by a this University will discover this campus. Combination 2 car garage and The MSU chapter of the reversal of the 11*8 WHAT'S maintain the local court system. ft paneled, screened in summer opinion, he ii a wnni a . _ i American Assn. of University GOV MILL1KEN Monday announced the room. All built-ins. Fully added. Professors, which was engaged appointment of Mrs. Clifton R. Wharton Jr. to Happening carpeted. Aluminum storms and CMU and the CMUFA in a collective YOUNG PEOPLE bargaining the State Council for the Arts. experimenting screens, fenced in back yard. reached a contract agreement organizational campaign in Mrs. Wharton succeeds Mary Bell of Detroit. aerosol sniffing may soon be warnedwitk Optional 24' above ground pool last May Low down payment. Available calling for 1971 - 72 competition with MSUFA Mrs. Wharton, a native of New York, has writing that they may be playing with hL? immediately. Phone 676-5821 salary increases of 6.5 per cent plus $66. during the spring, is no longer actively campaigning for studied choreography and dance and taken Legislation introduced recently Michigan House would require aerosol J L for appointment. 2-8-27 CMU is the only university part in many activities relating to the arts, ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will faculty unionization. including judging art exhibits, choreographing cans containing volatile hydrocarbons to r in Michigan where faculty a special Commodore's Cup Regatta Wharton emphasized that no the following warning beneath Recreation lawyer available from I to Saturday on Lake Lansing. Skippers modern dance and art collecting. the dJ?! members work under matter what the Wednesday during outcome of 2anje,_"Sniffing or direct inhaling may^J a very should Friday and club The appointment requires Senate EUROPE. $149 round trip. Jet. summer term. Those wishing an membei urged to be on hand MSU's appeal for exemption, confirmation. appointment are asked to check for cre\ the Air. Christmas break, Hawaii, with the ASMSU business office University will seek to Spain, $249. Call Frank Buck, Service 307B Student Services Bldg., or The Soaring Club will ht provide the fullest possible SUPREME COURT Justice John B. ATTY. GEN. Frank J. 351-8604. 7-8-27 call 355-8266. There will be a |ast meeting of Summer Te measure of equity for its Swainson has proposed that the state take Kelley said Mnmi THESES RUN for only 7c per nominal $3 charge for service. 7:30 tonight. employes. over the financing of all of Michigan's courts, that school districts may order J55 page. East THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 Grand There will be a "Much depends upon what raising the direct outlay by the state for court deposits, but and refunded when only if they the are "reason^ River. Phone federal rules are inaugurated at damage is onlv r, 332-4222. C-8-27 immunization clinic betwi operations from $12 million to $57 million a usual wear and tear. y fr0B a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday the end of the 90 Service - day year. Kelley said a fair levy is about Church of God in Christ on the 20 to PROFESSIONAL Lansing American Legion Hall. The freeze," he said. "These may His proposal, presented Wednesday at a * cent of the book price, HOUSEPAINTING: INTERIORS or THESIS corner of Logan and St. Joseph streets. Please bring record of past state Q.I. Bill, term end party and well fa„ affect whether we could legislative conference of the Michigan Assn. of per whether it is considered to have dependin. ? term organization will be make exteriors. PREPARATION retroactive adjustments a four Experienced, immunizations. discussed. A smoker will follow at Counties, would relieve the 83 counties of the five-year life. ot reasonable. Phone Charles, . IBM Tfflm Coral Gables. All veterans are urged at that time. $60.5 million a year they now pay to 351-6305. 4-8-27 Multilith The MSU Sailing Club will hold to attend. . Printing . Hardblndinc EDITORIAL FOR theses, dissertations, and professional Complete Professitnal Thesis S«r«lc« for THRIF-T-MART BRINGS YOU papers. Critiques, organization, Mister's ind Doctoral Candidates. Tree re-writing. Phone Mitch! Brochure and Consultation. Please Call • 337-0388. 4-8-27 and Paula Hau|hey 3371527 *r 627 2936 FOR QUALITY service and stereos, COMPUTER PROGRAMMING TV's, and recorders. THE Prepared by experts. College DISCOUNT PRICES STEREO SHOPPE. 337-1300. C outling lecture notes and other educational materials. Lowest GUITAR LESSONS available from rates. Call WRITE-ON, MARSHALL MUSIC. Call for 332-3700, 9 am to 1 pm. 3-8-27 appointment. 351-7830. C-8-25 PAINTING, EXTERIOR and Transportation interior. Low rates. John Kim, 351 8280. 2-8-27 RIDE WANTED: California, £ Francisco area. Maureen Greg. 351-3820. 2-8-27 Typing Service BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. No job too large or too small. Wanted Block off campus. 332-3255. C 2 MEN'S BIKES. Good condition. ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith Days, 353-7868; evenings, offset printing. Complete service 655-3436. X-4-8-27 for dissertations, theses, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for 21 years experience. 349-0850.C all positive. A negative, B negative and AB negative, $10.00. O COMPLETE THESES service. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Discount printing, IBM typing and COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, binding of theses, resumes, 507'/a East Grand River, East publications. Across from campus, Lansing. Above the new Campus corner M.A.C. and Grand River, Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 3:30 below Jones Stationary Shop. Call p.m., Monday, Thursday and COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 337-1666. C p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183.C If YOU CAN TYPE, WHY NOT ENROLL IN LOO'S "MINI SECRETARIAL- COURSE THIS FALL. There's no doubt about it, good jobs are scarce right now. Check the want ads though and you will notice several openings for Secretaries and Receptionists. LBU's "Mini - Secretarial" coirrse includes SPEEDWRITING SHORTHAND, the easiest and quickest form of shorthand to learn. Typing, on all new electrics taught by an instructor. And filing, or business letter writing, or accounting, or business machines. (All day classes are over every day at 1 pm, or before.) This low - cost package, with the help of LBU's Placement Office, just might get you on a good job earning a good income in time to do your Christmas shopping in style . . . Call or visit today for details — FALL TERM BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY corner Capitol & Ottawa Phone: 489-5767 Frank 9n Stein presents ENTERTAINMENT!-' FRIDAY NIGHT . . . 6:30 - 12:00 . . . DANCING SAVE 10c - Country Fresh Bob Koss FUDGE BARS Auihtiin tide b Koss o on on Helmut & Werner Singers BAccordiai Accordian * SAVE 26c - Booth Frozen 20 SATURDAY NIGHT . . . 'SINGING UND FLINGING' OCEAN PERCH 6:30-7:30 .... Music by Bob Koss on Accordian SAVE 10C - Queen of Scot Fr. 7:30 9:30 SING ALONG Jim Basel ORANGE JUICE ,2Fl0z. - .... - ... on Guitar 9:30 - 12:30 .... DANCING ... Bob Koss SAVE 10C - Wagner's Asst'd. 54 with Paul Bassett on Bass FRUIT DRINKS SAVE 8C - Scot Lad 32 GREAT FOOD.. . GRAPE IELLY SAVE 16C - Soft Weve 2 Roll Packs GOOD BEER. . . - REASONABLE PRICES. .. TOILET TISSOE 4 «» M Ach, Himmel! 3famk'tt&tem 250 OFF LABEL - DETER. 5 " lb" AA tetmirani GAIN 4 - oz. ^ FUN - FOOD - DRINKR1 220 s Howard St. 371-1752