Viet vex: U.S. headache ByJ.T. WOLKERSTORFER compromise solution, which AP Writer would Bunker has met five times with the afford to abandon him or his preserve at least the facade government of a democratic president in the past week in has gone before, election, still is possible. efforts to find — regardless of how he conducts the political ways have not considerable an acceptable solution to the changed and democracy remains an elusive boycotting of the polls and caIGON — South Vietnam's current Both Vitnamese and political election. some voting for Ky - even though he has Meal crisis has presented President Westernere, believe, however, that even new elections would be dilemma. At a Wednesday night conference He must, ideal. renounced his candidacy — ' his second of the nonetheless, reckon with the On simply to spite ven Van Thieu with the most serious tainted by the charges of rigging and day with Thieu - he effect of such an election on Thursday, an anti - Thieu candidate the president. American for the National reportedly outlined the U.S. ' e hlc em"18 of .. his pnivwr career and created a repression which have marked the objections to public opinion and Assembly was beaten and Ky's name remains on the ballot through headache for the current a one-man ballot in "very particularly on arrested during a protest hopping. Nixon campaign. strong" terms Congress. demonstration. a legal technicality which could allow and also Tran Tuan Nham IIlinislration. emphasized "the Thieu also must reckon with appeared in Saigon's Thieu to claim that the voters do have a ' 'iformed Western sources an consequences of flagging main square with a handful of Should Thieu carry through his plan to , that despite evidence say unopposed candidacy." political supporters choice, to the contrary, U.S. officials have said support at home. There is to display a although Thieu is the only Id the presidential election Oct. 3 as Thieu may not have made evidence copy of his campaign poster candidate campaigning. his final decision privately a one- that Thieu's support had which police confiscated jeduled the lone campaigner could °n J? her to go ahead with the election. tTnMrace the Nixon co"ld ,ead to a adminsitration reassessment by dwindled considerably since both Vice It depicted Nixon with early last week. "I know many Vietnamese who would ectively negate America's announced of its President Nguyen Cao fangs, a Hitler have voted for Thieu ort to build a system in which the South They say the fact that he has yet to policy, possibly including reduced Vietnam Ky and retired Gen. mustache and a large "X" across the face, before," said one long make a public declaration of his intent Sen aid Duong Van Minh quit the race, despite and bore the - time Saigon resident. "But now they will Robert J. slogans "Work for World etnamese people can choose their own leaves open the Dole of Kansas American pressure, vote for Ky or not at all." possibility that he could charging that the Peace" and "Oppose the ,ders and form a government. cancel the scheduled vote. confidant Cf" of"at*?nal President chairman and a close election was being rigged. Country." U.S., Save Our Sources said Thieu had instructed Thieu appears determined to hold the Palace officials said Nixon, told an The Vietnamese have watched the past campaign workers to prepare banners and Thursday that Thieu interviewer here last week that Police broke up the demonstration ection despite the political consequences will make no an aid cut week's events closely, and among them one after posters advocating Ky's public statement on the by Congress could result. wrestling Nham to the ground and beating candidacy — home and abroad, but U.S. Ambassador presidential election until after of the prevailing sentiments seems to be apparently as a device to make the election Isworth Bunker reportedly believes a lower house Sunday's onBfhiTJieUfu°/ar the idea that theappears to be banking disappointment h|m. He was taken away in a police car, but appear contested. balloting. on United States called - or as one Westerner his injuries did not appear serious. cannot it, "a sadness" - that after all that Some Vietnamese observers predict (Please turn to page 14) Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 27, 1971 hiliips, Bone exceed limit m spending, complaint says exceeded statutory expense limitations which bound an East Lansing city provides that "any such a complaint. . . . person" can file figure set the limitation on campaign expenses; 10,007 persons voted for council candidate to $400.28 A statement of nomination and ■A formal complaint charging two per governor in 1964, the last year president committee in the primary election. election expenditures of both candidates and ■nners of the East Lansing City Council Michigan governor were voted for Bullard said he is filing the limary Action election with violating Michigan expense statutes was filed with under statute provisions in section complaint was according sent to to the county prosecutor County Clerk C. Ross together. According to the law then, an East Lansing City Council candidate To stop 168.909 of Michigan compit&l law. Hilliard. could spend no more than $400.28 ; Ingham County prosecutor's office per Gov. le Thursday afternoon. Section 168.902 of Michigan compiled committee for the primary. George C. Wallce appeared before the Alabam- Legislature Bullard is not an East law limits a candidate to 25 Lansing per cent of Bone spent $1,580.83 while Thursday in his latest move to stop school busing. Wallace |W. Perry Bullard, 1973 Lake Lansing resident. He said residency is not a the office the individual is accumulating 3,497 votes. Phillips spent introduced a bill to prohibit school boards from load, Haslett, an attorney - at - law, prerequisite for filing a complaint, as $40 per 1,000 votes cast for governor in seeking or $842.17 in getting 3,277 votes. busing pupils long led the complaint with the county was claimed by the elections division of a presidential election distances from their homes if their parents object. AP Tosecutor alleging that candidates Duane the Attorney General's office in a State year, whichever is Maximum penalty for violating the Wirephoto higher. state statute on election law is $1,000 | Bone and Charles Max Phillips News story Wednesday. He said the law In the Aug. 3 primary, the latter and/or imprisonment up to two years. Bone said he not was aware statutory limitations. Phillips could not of the RISK FACTOR be reached. xonomist hopes Bernard Apol, state elections director, said there was no precedent to determine whether or not Phillips and Bone could form committees after the Wallace asks for law election to properly disperse the expense to bar busing pupils overflow. If Bone and Phillips had been tore control ignorant of the law and combined committees in filing their statements, the matter would only become more complicated, he added. Legislation to carry out the governor's ■WASHINGTON (AP) - The "We regard Stage Two as a stage in but indicated that the government wants Neither the county clerk's office nor MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - Gov. ■ministration's economic planners "most the transition from the freeze to free to avoid George C. Wallce proposed Thursday a objective was introduced later Thursday ceilings across the whole the county prosecutor's office were eager state law to prohibit long - distance simultaneously on both sides of the jvoutly" seek to avoid general, across - markets, and so we will be looking at economy. to receive the complaint. In board price and wage controls various questioning busing of Alabama schoolchildren when capitol. The House bill bore the possibilities of • trimming the these agencies Wednesday, both shifted signatures of 78 of the 106 members; n the 90 • day freeze ends, a White coverage, of adopting the guidelines, of parents believe it harmful. Ruse economist said Thursday. This tallied with hints responsibility for accepting the complaint He said the U.S. Supreme Court itself the identical Senate version was invoking the cooperation in one way or privately given to the other. has ruled that cosponsored by 26 of the 35 members. [Herbert Stein, chief of President another." by high administration sources that some form of selective restraints, applied to County Clerk Hilliard adamantly busing orders handed down by the lower courts can be Wallace said again he is trying to xon's presidential task force planning Stein, vice chairman of the President's refused to examine the candidates' "make President Nixon carry out his f Stage Two of the anti - inflation perhaps a few dozen key industries and challenged when the time or distance Council of Economic Advisers, heads the promise" against massive busing by lategy, said the group is considering collective bargaining areas, is getting involved is injurious to the health or Stage Two planning under direction of (Please turn to page14) education of the pupils. sending "his Justice Dept. and HEW Je whole range of possibilities. the Cabinet - level Cost of Living close attention. (Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare) [Interviewed on the United States Council (COLC) created by Nixon to Stein virtually ruled out one other back into court and ask them to imber of Commerce weekly stop radio administer the freeze. possible solution, a flat extension of the busing." T«n,i stein said he prefers not to Kennedy hits , freeze to next April 30. That would He promised to "defer and I the possible outcomes, but Both Secretary of the Treasury John get out" be permitted under the of B. Connally and Secretary of Commerce standby wage - the presidential picture "if the ■"There is one that we would most price law, but the economist said the President will stop busing, go back to Maurice H. Stans have made it clear that freeze is viewed as "a measure which freedom of choice and restore ■voutly hope to avoid and that of the range of possible post - freeze Tnovement in the direction of le and price control. general measures includes mandatory controls. Stein also left this prospect wide open, will give us (Please time to take turn to page more 14) lasting W. Pakistani neighborhood schools." Wallace President in 1968. "This is not a racial issue," Wallace ran for WASHINGTON (AP) - Citing what he Kennedy, chairman said in a speech to the Alabama termed West Pakistan's "cruel of\ a Senate policy of subcommitte on refugees, has been Legislature. "It's a matter of equity and repression," Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, critical of the administration for allowing fairness and the safety and health of the D-Mass., called on President Nixon arms shipments to continue between Thursday to cut off all American aid to New York and Dacca. (Please turn to p e 14) that country. In a speech at the National Press Just back from week's tour of Club, Kennedy a said the shipments SN refunds refugee camps in India to where millions continue. of East Pakistanis have fled, Kennedy Kennedy said he found evidence that Full - time students who do not wish said: West Pakistani troops are slaughtering to read the State News or use its "If some mechanism is not established East Pakistani civilians with abandon. services may receive authorization for a for cooling tempers and furnishing relief, Refugees, he said, "told stories of refund of the $1 subscription fee in 345 the situation in East Pakistan threatens Student Services Bldg. during registration / to develop into terminal Pakistan and Eastern India." cancer for both (Please turn to page 14) week fall term. 'PROJECT' SURVIVAL PARTY Merger decision Members of Project: City Hall will decide Thursday whether to conduct a candidates. Colburn explained why nears drawn from the discussion with the Project: City committee from the Coalition for joint campaign with a Coalition for Hall had sought Coalition for Human Human Survival. Human Survival write in candidate for Survival support. - James Heyser, MSU graduate Student the Nov. 3 East Lansing City Council "They ran a good campaign, and the and coalition spokesman, said the elections. election is going to require a lot of decision to support the Project: City Project candidate George Colburn people. The additional support would be Hall candidates and one write - in was explained late Wednesday that the beneficial to both groups," he said. achieved by a 16 • 2 vote. primary topic at the general meeting, Colburn said the coalition's rapid scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday in 33 conditional approval surprised him. James Heyser, MSU graduate student Union, would be discussion of the joint "The Coalition apparently has made a and coalition spokesman, said the Order in campaign. George L. Griffith who is also decision to support George Griffiths and I, but no decision has beer, made on our decision to support the Project: City Hall candidates and one write - in was supported by Project: City Hall, is on part because we haven't had time to achieved by a 16 - 2 vote. The most J1* was the scene inside the courtroom in San Francisco Thursday during a melee which erupted during vacation but due back this weekend. formally discuss those conditions," he important condition of the coalitions's I' taring for thTsi™ "no Soledad Brothers. Officials said the uprising followed an modem when the Upon his return, he and Colburn will said. merger proposal is that Projecf: City |®»ther „f John Clutchette shouted an obscenity at the judge and was ordered from the courtroom arrange to meet with a committee chosen by the Coalition to obtain details and clarification the conditions and He and Griffiths will make a report on the joint campaign at the scheduled Hall give equal treatment to the write - in rather than cursory press release on meeting and present recommendations endorsement. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. August 27 i news Fishel, says Viet coup possible A noted Asian scholar and frequent government adviser on popular uprising was a possibility. are pulling out and seem to be throwing our support to a i I summary Vietnamese affairs sees the current election fiasco in South Vietnam as a "comedy and a tragedy" that could lead to a coup Moreover, the current crisis adds yet another tragic chapter to American involvement in South Vietnam. ruthless military dictator." Fishel would like to see Gen. Duong Van Thieu in a fair election, saying that the man "Big" Minh o nuPt, I From the wirct of AP and UPI. d'etat against the Saigon government. "For 17 yeare we have been saying that we want to help the initiating the coup that toppled the Diem regime in 1963 creditedPP°* Wesley R. Fishel, professor of political science, said that, in Vietnamese devise a political system of their own choice that is u,*'"1 I light of President Thieu's obvious attempt to insure his re - broadly representative," he said. have at least an even chance of winning. 0ulh - different ways of getting there." Classified Ads 355-8255 A bloody melee erupted at the courtroom hhearing of hour ride from La Paz by Under questioning, James made this Advertising 353-6400 truck. Render said he did not feel that he had the two surviving Soledad Brothers Thrusday in San Business Office 355-3447 impression clearer by saying Laird "was not He returns once or twice a been treated unfairly but added that "the Francisco after the mother of John Clutchette shouted satisfied with progress that has been made in month with produce for Mrs. action is sort of a surprise." an obscenity at the some of the fields administered by that judge and was ordered removed de Tambo to sell. He indicated the request for his resignation office," meaning Render's Civil Rights from the courtroom. came from asst. Secretary of Defense Roger Division. As a dozen riot - armed policemen advanced to take Kelley, his superior, but said "I'm sure he couldn't do that without approval Doris Maxwell out, two black men in the spectator's up the Render has made repeated reports line," obviously meaning Laird. recommending a series of measures, section stood up to try to stop them, and a general including a more even - .handed application o melee erupted with officers In a formal statement, Render said he is swinging riot sticks. military justice to blacks and various ways of convinced of Laird's "positive and affirmative bringing commanders around to enforcing equa position in this area of equal opportunity." treatment for black servicemen. He has warned Render's resignation was announced by Brig. of potential explosions if black servicemen Gen. Daniel James, a top Pentagon spokesman Redneck' wins runoff and one of the few black generals. continue to feel that they're getting unfair treatment. Standing before the campaign crowd, the 44 old lawyer grinned and allowed as how he was - year - Bill It's the real thing. Coke. Waller - "a redneck who has felt a hoe handle in his Real life calls for real taste. hands." 1 For the taste of your life—Coca-Cola. The crowd liked it well enough to hand Waller an W, upset victory over Lt. Gov. Charles Sullivan in the Democratic party runoff for governor Tuesday in Miss. In winning. Waller carried every hill county of northeast Miss., where he grew up on his parents' farm. The vote was 389,156 to 327,941. Contentment is a tummy-full Teachers' pay hikes allowed A little - noted ruling by the Cost of Living Council has opened the way for most school teachers to salary increases during President Nixon 90 - day freeze receive H0, (kesat& on wages and prices. The National Education Assn. said the 80 percent of the nation's 2.1 million teachers. ruling affects Pizza Under the ruling issued Tuesday, teachers who are On campus Off campus eligible for payment on a 12 -monthcontract basis but who will begin work this fall on a 10 month basis 337-1681 - may be paid salary increases if the contract provided them 337-1631 prior to the Aug. 15 freeze. ■COLA BOTTLING CO. OF MICH_ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 27, 1971 3 Effects of economic plan retold ml?\A7 VHD1/ / API NEW YORK (AP) — VaiiVo — You've hoon been roaHinO reading il: business things may be much better for l. i ... for almost two weeks now about devaluation, „ _ _ the increase now forced on foreign cars — America are expected to keep the old rate for now. The cheaper dollar will buy more grain or prices are up 6V2 percent now but later can go the dollar. This goes for the Caribbean revaluation, import tariffs, gold, the mark, the tobacco. down 7 percent. But the 7 percent decreases vacation spots — they haven't said so officially yen and related economic matters. By cutting the dollar loose from the value of would only bring imported car prices down to Still confused about how it all affects you? but the chances are they will keep the old gold, the administration has opened the way to about where they are now. The 7 percent cut Here is a rundown of the ways in which the the dollar's being worth less abroad. In other parity with the dollar. on domestic cars will If yojt go to Europe, ti still depends on foreign aspects of President Nixon's new words, fewer yen or marks will be needed to put their prices down 7 economic program are most likely to touch percent below where they are now. where you go — and what happens to exchange buy American products. Already the dollar is your wallet. down about 2 to 3 percent in major However, another factor is likely to make rates before you start. Hrst of all, if you buy only Americn - made foreign imported cars more expensive. Since the dollar money exchanges. Tobacco is expected to be products, don't plan to travel outside the will buy fewer marks, for instance, it will take Why the confusion? one of the industries that sees a spurt in their more dollars to pay for a Volkswagen. If the The so country and work in a job with no connection - called devaluation of the dollar is export business. dollar continues to fall, as it has done since the to foreign goods or markets, this aspect of the the reason for the rapid changes in exchange program probably will have little direct effect In the stores Nixon announcement, that means car prices rates. The devaluation is not a real one, but it on will continue to creep up. has all the effects of a real one. you. Imported goods are going to cost more. For those who will be affected, here the You'll be Before "devaluation," every currency had are paying a few pennies more for Italian most likely ways: olive oil, or Spanish olives or Indian cashew Volkswagen, largest seller of the European its rate fixed in relation to the dollar. The In your job nuts or Indonesian pepper. cars, has already announced price increases of dollar's value was expressed in gold — it was If you work in a cotton mill, you are not You can expect to pay about 10 $79 to $305 on the various cars in its line. The worth 1-35 of an ounce of gold. percent likely to feel anything at all. There is a 10 more for imported cameras, television sets and big increase is on the $6,000, high - percent tariff surcharge on imports but this other electronic equipment performance Porsche. Now the dollar doesn't have any fixed value. brought into the At the moment, it is worth about 1-43 of an does not apply to goods imported under country after Aug. 15, the date the 10 percent ounce of gold, but tomorrow it quota. And cotton textiles are covered by import levy was imposed by the President. Nissan of Japan also announced an increase may be 1-44 or of $140 in the price of its standard Datsun 1-42. Since the dollar value changes in terms of quota. So they will continue to come in as Imported cars are also going up, but there's before and present the same competition to a catch here. model. The two - door model went from gold, so other currencies change in terms of the dollar. your own work. $1,990 to $2,130. The cars will have a total import tax of 10 But if you work for an electronics factory, A formal devaluation would have meant the percent. Until Aug. 15, they had a duty of3V4 the chances are you will be getting more Nissan Motors said only part of this increase United States had promised to buy gold at percent. So the actual increase will be only 6V4 overtime. So will automobile plants. Hie 10 was due to the surcharge: the rest was due to some other price than $35 per ounce. But it percent. percent extra duty on imports means their higher manufacturing costs in Japan. didn't do this — it First reading prices will go up. That is likely to turn buyers merely said it would not buy or sell gold period. That is why the This rise may be offset later when and if to American products and your company may devaluation is not a real devaluation — yet. Congress repeals the 7 percent federal excise George V. Gore, asst. professor of elementary and reap the benefit. Even under the freeze, the tax on cars. Both imported and U.S. cars now Not that it should matter too much to you. special education, assists Phillip White at the MSU low cost of the new import levy can be passed on pay that and both are expected to lower their The dollar is still worth 12'/2 pesos in If you stick to U.S. goods and U.S. vacations, vision workshop. They are using a magnifier which helps to buyers. prices that much when the tax is taken off. the only change likely is that youH find that Mexico so the cost of your vacation there will nice waitress in the summer hotel has ,he partially sighted read. If you work on a farm or for a tobacco State News photo by John Lowering the tax that much would wipe out be the same. Mexico and the rest of Latin work in an electronics gone to Harrington factory. URGES RYAN'S REMOVAL SHORT ON CASH? Consider this SPECIAL OFFER from the Stereo Shoppe. Right Rep. now you can save $108 on this complete controversial bill, Brown are of the fat in the welfare blasts Marantz Model 26 system with 3 year guarantee! at the fabulous selling price of WITH WALNUT f for outstanding journalism. Clive Barnes and reviewed Yes, these damnable "international widely proof of iki I were it for the local paper. money traders" have done us Americans noticed. According to the authoritative ft I dirt but, thank God, we have a defender Bureau of Labor The new melodrama (you would Statistics, the Jut I to guard us, a man whose voice sinks Now Mr. Connally's lines are reversed. was saving only 6 per cent of 1° I begin) has its rough spots but these will and vibrates as he declares, "I am In his big new role last week he has an disposable personal income undoubtedly be smoothed out in pre - two J I EDITORIALS Broadway performances; on the opening, determined must that the American dollar affirmative "4-Yes" speech, in which he takes just the opposite side on all ago cent, whereas it is all now saving 84 ^I Aug. 16, the star performer Richard never again be a hostage in the hands of the international speculators." positions to the four points in his tryout bu an - amounts to an time high. It sounds snS I Nixon showed a light first night strain enormous $2 There she is, poor Miss Dollar, tied to part. Connally is a handsome, pink - billion. w I New Berlin and fluffed some of his lines, undoubtedly impressed one of the largest audiences ever gathered in the history of but he the railroad tracks; but Mr. Nixon must really look to his laurels if his faced thespian who gets his effects by throwing himself into his role; for the moment, one feels, he believes whatever Turn those surplus billions the economy and we will have loose a «, bod I I the American performing arts. The script understudy, a comparative newcomer on overnight. Actually, TRB believes u! I toward the Washington circuit, does not rescue he is saying. He spreads his hands like a economy is recovering itself' y a step was put together by a strong team led her first. John Connally, in a fiery yearning evangelist telling the town bum desperately slowly. In the mea'ntim by White House author William Safire second act, brought the house down. He to come up and be saved. He an America's recession I and by the star himself. has manly presence and flexibility built effective, energetic delivery which helps '"c has aggravated I The Second World War gave rise reluctance to carry out "de cover over some rather corny lines. Both qu'te different problem, the one that actually triggered Nixon Game Plan No I to an incredible list of Nazification" and to rearm - Messrs. Nixon and Connally can mange 2, the unfavorable I inspriational passage. (Examples: Mr. wasn't the hateful trade balance it | consequences. Possibly the Germany may have had something an foreign "speculator" I Nixon, after slapping a 10 per cent tax who caused the strangest of all, however, is the to do with the Russian move. on imports and lifting a 7 per cent tax latest though he helped precipitate it; it dollar crisis I geopolitical oddity of Berlin. Whatever the cause, the great f ilium Seldom has one power sought to hopes once entertained for maintain an enclave, more liability "rebuilding Europe" rapidly "Now Mr. Connolly's lines are than boon, more than 100 miles dissipated with the advent of the reversed. In his big new role last week deep in rival territory. In the past Cold War. Logically, the allies he has an affirmative "4-yes" speech, in quarter century, Berlin has served should have withdrawn from Berlin which he takes just the opposite side as a continual impediment to the and, thus, covered their one on all positions to the four points in easing of world tensions and as a exposed flank, - but the late 40s his tryout ... He has an effective, convenient chain for the Russians and early 50s were the stage for energetic delivery which helps cover to jerk whenever they felt like the hysterics of McCarthyism with rather corny over some lines." harassing the West. its infamous "don't give in to The United States fell into such 'em" attitude. The history of an untenable position because of Berlin since has been from autos "Every action I have mistaken economic policies historical developments following ever a taken tonight — is designed to nurture and home including the expense of a right here it I chronicle of walls and blockades, wicked I stimulate the competitive spirit." Mr. war. 1 the fall of Nazi Germany. of harassment and hassles. Connally — "The progress of this nation Many of the Nixon tax cuts i Originally, the whole of the Now it appears that at long last has been the ingenuity, the imagination, German nation and Berlin, the questionable, "helping those first wL definitive action toward the the vitality of the private sector of the German capital, and major city, eventual normalization of Berlin need help least," as economist Leon I economy.") Keyserling puts it, and throwing what I were divided among the Big Four may be forthcoming. Early this Connally has a frolicsome side which, Ralph Nader calls a "tax bonanza" to I I fear, is not shared by his superior. the corporate giants. Note that powers. Ultimately the four week the Big Four announced the Asked at his Aug. 16 performance by a Mr. I Nixon's vaunted welfare administrative zones were to be drafting of an accord which, if program for the I reporter taking the role of a reporter if poor is the first government expense to I reunited when the war had finally ratified by the respective his sudden switch in position might not be postponed. ended. cause a credibility gap he replied j governments, would guarantee "111 eat those words. But 111 say this, briskly, But there is this to be said. The I According to official Western "unimpeded" access to Berlin via administration is acting. The political I 111 have to eat fewer than lot of other knee is jerking. It is histories, the Soviet Union highways, railroads and canals. folks I know." It rocked the house. It a shock administering I betrayed her part in the pact and Access via air corrklArs already has the endearing quality of another old treatment. It produced sudden f I . decided to incorporate her share of euphoria for a time in Wall Street. Who exists. trouper, the late Everett McKinley Germany, which enclosed Berlin, Such a treaty would the Dirksen, who used to wink at the press knows, if it can raise its credibility ) remove quotient to the point where the timid I into the Iron Curtain hegemony. likelihood of future use of Berlin galleries during a spread eagle speech. To hoarder loosens up his pocketbook to I conclude our review, we predict a long Recently, other historians have access routes as a chip for political run if the show is polished up a bit; the buy a new shirt or a car, we will have I pointed out that the Allies' blackmail. This, in turn, could do improvement. Maybe it will be for the I first night audience on Wall Street much to defuse the Berlin issue as wrong reason but it will be prosperity. | a continuing bone of international MISPLACED MEMO contention. OUR READERS' MIND Certainly, the limited nature of To: Bolivian President Hugo Banzer the proposed treaty — it does not, Reunification Re: The 180th coup in 146 years for example mention the Colonel Oh, - well, another day, another dismantlement of the Berlin wall will not lead in and of itself to the final resolution of the Berlin - To the Editor: explanation. But to assume, as your answer Protestant majority. for Ulster Time and again it government. question. It could, however, serve In response to your editorial of editorial does, that the problem can be has been shown that only when Protestant, but one whose power derives I August 16, 1971 on the current solely from the Irish people as a whole, -Juan Jose Torres, as a stepping stone to further troubles in Ulster, I must say that while solved simply by the present Belfast compromise proves expedient to the j President Emeritus regime taking "a more moderate stance" Unionist and their British cohorts are negotiations. your attempt to compare the and "allow Catholics their fair share of As a student of Catholic-Protestant they disposed to ease their grip. Anglo-Irish history I This alone makes it worthwhile. split in Northern Northern Ireland's political power and am convinced that with an end to Ireland with that of blacks vs. whites On the other hand, let opposition rear prosperity" is naive to say the least. its head in any form and repression British rule in the north and the here in America is apt, your conclusion to the solution of the unfortunate accompanied by brute force becomes the peaceful unification of Northern Ireland as Events of the past two years have with the Repbulic the centuries-old Abortion la situation there is entirely misleading. True, as the New York Sunday (Aug. 15, 1971) Times admits, the whole Ulster amply demonstrated government in Ulster has relinquishing any that no the present intention of rights to the Catholic rule. To anyone who is in any way familiar with the complexities of Anglo-Irish relations this vacillation from bitterness between Catholics and Protestants would in time gradually the carrot and stick to iron fist subside and perhaps even disappear at controversy — especially to Americans minority beyond those necessary to least in its outward form. To maintain approach is, in what has support ignorant of Anglo-Irish history — defies essence, your perpetuate the status-quo in favor of the characterized British policy toward Ireland for seven hundred years. the status-quo will only prolong that hatred and lead to a further deterioration of Anglo-Irish relations and Despite growth of popular In light of this, your statement that | support, the Michigan House of Representatives has thus far failed very mild piece of abortion legislation. It would allow abortion on demand up through the twelfth Ruling needed for faculty "only the prevents outright presence of British warfare," is unjustified. If anything, the presence of troops totally the eventual destruction of Ulster itself Peter J. Piveronus, Jr. | to pass Senate Bill No. 3, the To the Editor: week of pregnancy. By contrast, now before making a public statement) British soldiers has only exacerbated an Orangeburg, S.C., graduate student : Because our state legislature failed to Abortion Law Reform Bill. Indeed, other states, such as New York, as to whether we are authorized salary already highly volatile situation to the August 17, 1971 meet its responsibilities and has not yet increases since our salary contracts start the recent action of the House point where British troops have become already have more lenient abortion passed a budget for the fiscal year as of July 1, and consequently before identified with the Protestant-dominated Social Services and Corrections laws. starting July 1, the faculty at this the freeze. We ought to demand that government and, as such, Committee reporting the bill to are made the The question truly at issue, University may not be able to receive a our state legislature fulfill its legislative targets of violent reaction. the House without however, is not the Tightness or salary increase as of the first of July. As a result, not only may we lose our responsibilities by passing a budget from Letter Policy recommendation has pay now on prior to the beginning of a fiscal It is indeed difficult for anyone to probably wrongness of abortion, but a increases for 90 days because of the insured that the legislation will die year. This may necessitate passing a offer an easy solution to a problem woman's right to exercise control freeze, but we may also lose the constitutional amendment. But, most whose roots extend far back into Irish The State News welcomes all letters. | the death of pocket veto. over her own body. A number of month-and-a-half increase due us up to They must be typed (preferably to » important, the faculty has to join history. However, one cure for the 65-space line and triple - spaced, dated, and individuals and groups endorsing the middle of August. Our contribution, together now in some association or current troubles in Northern Ireland might Clearly, the citizens of this state therefore, to price stability, is 4XA be to unite Ulster with the signed with the hometown, student, ■ abortion reform would probably union so that we no longer have to Republic of must take matters into their own months instead of three and indeed depend upon the good-will of others to Ireland faculty or staff standing and local pn°"® I hands if Senate Bill No. 3 is to not utilize the law were it enacted, would have been nonexistent if the state on an equal basis. This number included. No unsigned letter w I determine our own futures. arrangement would necessitate the be accepted for publication, and no lew become law. Under the stat.e but they actively support an legislature had met its responsibility. evacuation of Ulster by the British I individual's right to freedom of Perhaps the faculty may learn Army will be printed without a signature excep ■ constitution electors may compel and require an end to the something else from this sad experience. present in highly unusual circumstances. Ut» I choice — a basic right denied by Albert A. Blum political set-up in the north. In its place legislative consideration of a In the State News' report of President Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations should be addressed to The Editor, Sj^ | present state statute. would be a government measure by collecting 250,000 Wharton's statement that the faculty responsible not News, 345 Student Services Bldg., Above all, the abortion reform August 20, 1971 to any established interest, Catholic East Lansing, Mich. 48823. valid signatures in an initiative could not receive a pay increase under or movement needs manpower to President Nixon's order, it was also petition drive. If the legislature sustain the initiative petition drive. reported that MSU employes who belong SOMETIMES, PEOPLE WHO LIKE fails to pass the bill under these The opposition is well entrenched to campus unions and who were to circumstances the measure will EACH OTHER 10ALK IN THE receive wage increases as the result of RAIN AND HOLD HANDS • and exceptionally well funded. appear on the ballot in November, the negotiated contract at the beginning 1972. Indeed, the power of this faction of the fiscal year on July 1 will receive should be apparent from their the wage increase. Clearly, if the faculty Such a petition drive has now ability to paralyze the legislature. had joined an organized body and had been launched under the general The battle will be long and hard negotiated for a pay increase as of July - administration of the 1, whether the state legislature had Michigan fought. passed the budget or not, we would Coordinating Committee for If you are interested in helping have received our pay increase on Abortion Law July Reform. A great support the petition drive either 1. Because we sat back and depended many organizations are supporting with contributions, by serving as a upon state ABSOLUTELY! I D GIVE our legislature and our the campaign, including the coordinator or by helping to administrators, rather than upon youcandyandflcmeks, , ... AND JEldELRY, AND BOOKS1 REALLY American Civil Liberties Union, the circulate petitions, please contact ourselves, we may in 1972, despite the AND RECORP high increases in the cost-of-living, still AL0UM5.^ LIKED Michigan State Medical Society, the Michigan Coordinating be paid at our 1970 salary levels. the Michigan Council of Churches Committee For Abortion Law The alternatives seem clear. We have and the Michigan Democratic Reform at (517) 484-7453. Your to demand that party our administrators fly to State Central Committee. assistance is critical to the success Washington to secure a ruling (if we had The law in question is in fact a union or association, a of the campaign. our representatives would have done so by Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 27. 1971 5 Indians may still own isle due to error in 1842 treaty SAULT STE. MARIE (UPI) - Because of Lake Superior to the U.S. - Canadian border and bureaucratic bungling, a small group of Chippewa then southwest to the mouth of the St. Louis Do I hear twenty-five? Indians may still own Isle Royale in Lake River at Duluth, Minn. Isle Royale thus lies Superior, a new study of century - old about 20 miles north of the treaty line. documents shows. "I think Indian title is still there, for whatever "They really goofed," Hatch said in an Everything from bikes to cameras was for sale at the it's worth," said Frederick Hatch interview. "The problem was that a bunch of police auction. This lucky man is the proud owner of a Jr., who has bureaucrats were embarrassed by their spent two years collecting and studying 19th oversight, new set of tires. Items for sale at the auction were so they tried to patch it up administratively recovered by police and were sold because the original century treaties between the United States and themselves." owner could not be located. Chippewa Indians. It's not known whether the Indians will press the claim. Hatch, the son of a well known Chippewa State News photo by John Harrington Hatch's research shows that when a leader and large legal research director for the Upper portion of Chippewa land was ceded in an 1842 Peninsula Legal Services Agency here, thinks the treaty, federal agents inadvertently excluded Isle Chippewas of the Bad River - Red Cliff area in Royale, failed to negotiate with the right Indians northern Wisconsin may still have and compounded the a legitimate problem by renegotiating — claim to Isle Royale. with another questionable group — a separate Evidence of the failure of federal agreement that was never properly executed. agents to include Isle Royale in the 1842 According to the land description in the 1842 treaty first appears in a letter dated Sept. 27,1843, from the treaty, the boundary of the ceded land started at the mouth of the Lapointe, Wis., Indian agent, A. Bruson, to Gen. Chocolay River near Marquette Walter Cuningham, then in in Michigan's upper peninsula, ran due north into charge of the U.S. Mineral Agency at Sault Ste. Marie. Women celebrate vote, With marches, rjth the By the Associated Pres: rallies and picket lines, and a brief skirmish American Stock Exchange, women's liberationists Wall Street" and "We can't bear anymore bull." They were booed from the exchange floor when they litigation." press She said her group had filed complaints with the state for equality two women active in the birth control and appeared, but when guards led them off after the brief Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, charging several abortion elebrated the 51st anniversary of their franchise Thursday disruption, a round of applause and cheers rose from the men movement. She said she understood his newspapers with discrimination in their help - wanted ads. feelings, but added: [id pressed for more political and economic power. below. "What happened to him happens to women all the time." In Winston Salem, N.C., women's liberationists held a A day - long series of events was marked by a "Women's The women's leader, Carol - Across the country, males Brooks, said the women wanted fund sympathized with the movement. (arch for Equality" in New York City, but in many sections the exchange to start - raising dance to support a women's lobby in In Vermont, the governor's commission on the status of f the nation, even those with activist groups, the occasion immediately a drive to recruit and train Washington. women chose the day to announce a drive to get women more women as brokers. At a rally at Point State Park in downtown ns marked quietly or not at all. Pittsburgh registered for the vote and prepared for more active Meanwhile, in Portland, Maine, about 15 members of a new women sold hot dogs and buttons to raise funds for the Women's liberation leaders in San Antonio, Tex., queried participation in politics this fall. chapter of the National Organization of Women (NOW) women's lobby. j g newsman, said they weren't aware it was women's picketed the offices of the Guy Gannett Sen. Fred Harris, D-Okla., said in a Tampa, Fla., news Publishing Co. In Washington, Carroll Bums of NOW told a news beration day. conference that women make They protested against Gannett newspaper help - wanted conference a coalition of women's rights up 53 percent of the But the eight feminists who invaded the gallery of the groups would population and should have 53 percent of the seats at next ads, which - list jobs under separate "male" and "female" campaign against any "congress person" who votes against or .merican Stock Exchange and hung a huge banner reading year's Democratic National Convention. He said he would headings. votes to water down the proposed Woman Power" made the male brokers and runners of the In Fayetteville, equal rights amendment to challenge any delegation that did not include equal N.C., the local NOW president, Carol the Constitution. xchange aware of the occasion. Forbes, said there would be no observance there because her representation for women. "In 40 to 43 states," whe said, "women activists have The women held the floor with shouts of "De Sexagrate gone - chapter was too b sy "Getting our message across to see congress people in In Lansing, through virtually every district." women members of more than a dozen She said a NOW poll showed about 165 of the 536 organizations demonstrated N TRADING HISTORY senators and representatives plan to vote for the amendment, Representatives in on the floor of the House of support of a house - passed resolution and "there are enough condemning discrimination against congress people who are undecided but women. Deficits mark worst year favorably disposed towards the amendment thirds majority . . In New York, William Baird, a women's right to abortion and to give us a two long - time fighter for contraceptive information, - The sponsors of the demonstration militant NOW to the YWCA, from labor unions to committees of women from MSU and Wayne State ranged from the University. WASHINGTON (AP) — The moderately higher exports. complained of discrimination in reverse. dollar in foreign nation was slapped Thursday The latest round of bad currency "Although the level of U.S. He said he was refused permission to address a women's lib exchange markets will foreign trade was reduced in »ith a record - breaking fourth news in foreign trade supplied rally, and accused women's lib leader Betty Friedan and eventually result in higher - July by dock and rail strikes, ttraight monthly deficit in one of the "other sexual racists" of wanting "women's reasons why priced imports, thus cutting the deficit would probably supremacy," not 50< OFF oreign trade, marking 1971 to President Nixon imposed a 10 down on their heavy flow into have equality. occurred even in the late as the worst trading year per cent temporary surcharge A spokesman for the rally committee said Baird wasn't the United States. absence of these in U.S. history. on imports and cut the le dollar special even considered as a speaker at the rally, which would hear Harold C. Passer, asst. factors," Passer said. The Commerce Dept. loose from its long ONE PIZZA PER COUPON eported that imports exceeded with gold. economic There was one bright note stisirs, S3id the July » . «1 r- THE exports by $304.1 million in The July trade figures were deficitit "fnrthor reinforces "further r»infnro« thethl ab°Ut. the figures. j . c Imports Get 50c off the price July. This was smaller than the history before Nixon acted need for the temporary import o , a/ .. olde world of a LARGE PIZZA S363 million splash of red ink Aug. 15 and the government M surcharge and for the other ... 'h East Lansing North America n May but still enough to add supplied no opinions on with this coupon when ordered ip to the worst seven - new economic programs . . .J* in : L whether the President's action announced by President Nixon * ° per ceni from 966 Trowbridge months trade deficit in history, p_ F would reverse this year's trend on Aug. 15." From January through July, of a deteriorating position in He noted that the seven he department said, the trade leficit has grown to $676.4 trade, The administration is hoping month deficit represents sharp drop from the almost $2 - Enjoy Name_ nillion, the result of sharply that the tandem actions of the billion surplus rung up Coupon expires August 31, 1971 during xpanding imports and only surcharge and floating the the same period in 1970. this N RS award Stop in this weekend for visit to the Olde World. Enjoy a a relaxing DOMINO'S (^impOOi&ORe volunteers sandwich and a glass of fine wine MENU or your favorite draft beer. The Our Superb Cheese Pizza Olde World. !or tax created for you. . . a casual atmosphere 12-inch Regular Pizza 16-inch Super Pizza $1.70 $2.50 Volunteers at MSU are Additional Items ippreciated by the tax 131 E. Grand River Ham Olives Pepperoni collectors. Mushrooms Green Peppers Ground Beef Onions MSU students who had 12-inch Pizza each 30c irovided volunteer income tax DON'T forget those at home in your rush to get 16-inch Super each 50c distance last spring were issued 1 certificate of appreciation from Our DeLuxe he Internal Revenue away! Shop the city's most complete soft goods BREAD W ALE Pizza—Pepperoni, Mushrooms, .. Service Ham, Green Pepper, Onion for 211 M.A.C. Avenue their "valuable department featuring the famous "CHAMPION" 12-inch Regular Pizza $3.00 ontribution East Lansini to the 16-inch Super Pizza $4.50 community." line of sweatshirts and T-shirts. MSU Soft drinks also available. "e volunteers, trained by IRS, had assisted low this week we arc ncome and foreign - speaking - featim-mc, ►ersons in the n»ng their returns. Lansing area in these specialty pa iced lps In a letter to the Volunteer Every size available. Children's from 2 to 16. ureau, Ronald E. Adams, chief " the training branch of IRS, Adults' from small to extra-large. Over 50 styles. 30* OFF W(j. once "1 sincerely hope that you ONE PIZZA PER COUPON again be interested in ""Tying this program to the New Riders was of the Of the Get 30c off the price community where it Purple Sage $3.36 sorely needed when the of a REGULAR PIZZA next H|ngseason occurs." Kris Kristofferson with this coupon when ordered Me and Bobby McGee $3.36 from 966 Trowbridge Bill Withers $3.59 KELLOGG Just As I Am Name Black Sabbath Master of Reality $3.59 3*23 e. grand Coupon expires August 31, 1971 river CENTER La Belle La Belle $2.98 open daily (Corner of Harrison <1 Michigan) Randy Newman this offer good ONLY from • ■. Live $2.98 sat. The only place your parents can stay and still 9-6 be in the heart of campus activity. don't popqet to check our pack DOMINO'S Located on the MSU Campus opposite which aIwavs feAtuaes At leAst Brody Complex, the Kellogg Center is 90 lp s discounted ao% & 966 Trowbridge 'thm minutes of every dormitory, and mope, wuking distance from most University buildings. The State Room, on the "*in eilities. floor, provides the finest in dining All rooms -- both single and 351-7100 - are provided with air conditioning, PHONE 351 5380 ,0. and color television. All at ^sonable rates, too. .CALL 332-6571 FOR RESERVATION Fast, Free D 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. AuguSt ?7 60-year-olds to trek walk Mackmac- across Ruth Gladfelter the straits and of her Mrs. walking Gladfelter in organized has been groups husband across will Big not be walking across The foundation for the t\VA Mac themselves, was laid in 1935 by physical from UP inscribed to "Ruth and Speed" "grateful IWA-ers" since she set out in 1941 with Instead, they will ride in culturist Bernarr Macfadden to isband, S. L. beamed proudly from above *('Speed"), Many MSU students will sit 569 Cornell Aspeea >> of Ave., are OI a club marching from a cl"b marching from automobile automobile pace -- cars and promote his theory of walking the piano. Cleveland, Ohio, to Dansville, judge a herd of novice racers for health. He and 35 others Asked about the benefits of back Monday and begin leafing co presidents of the N.Y. who will lead off Labor Day covered about 345 miles in the regualr walking, Mrs. Gladfelter through those long • forgotten International Walkers Assn. Dressed in white shirt, white festivities. Quickest Walkers first summer texts. At the same (IWA) and originators of the Levis and a smudged pair of annual journey. Mrs. exclaimed "it means among men, women, boys and Gladfelter proudly displayed a everything." including good time, an East Lansing couple 11th annual "100 - Mile _t. Adidas sports shoes, the-v " in their 60s will be beginning girls will receive medals after black and white photo of health, fun, recreation and Physical Fitness Scenic Travel year - old walker still lias a the race. a 100 mile walk across Walk. those first -walkers, with good feelings. She herself fleck of blonde in her nearly Then, the rest of the mob Macfadden beaming at the walks about three miles daily Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Scheduled to begin Monday, white hair and strikes a fine wj|| come across. camera near her home. Their journey and that of the trip will lead the example of what 30 years of Mrs. Gladfelter explained the In 1942 the IWA was How many miles has she 20 others with them will Gladfelters and company from walking can do. She wears a racers' heels and toes must be incorporated' in Ohio and has traveled since 1941? Bending culminate on Labor Day at the Naubinway in the western UP, green IWA emblem with a watched carefully so excited since sponsored annual long - over to lace up her Adidas, M**kJ"aC Bridge Wh!re a£°Ut t0 DeToUr on the eastern tip' golden 100 16,000 persons including Gov. and - mile medal walkers will not break into a distance walks. whe paused, surprised, and finally ending in a pinned to the middle of her it's not easy to detect, inside the Gladfelter's one - confessed, "1 never thought of Milliken, are expected to triumphant parade into St. shirt, story white house on Cornell it that way." gather for the 14th annual Ignaee on Labor Day. ihe and her 64 year - olc Speaking of persons she has - Avenue Thursday, papers, mile hike, members of the leaflets, maps and brochures stepped out with on walking local IWA meet regularly for were scattered over a card excursions over the years, she ARTHUR TREACHER'S outings and trip each table, couch and piano as Mrs. observed: Wednesday through Bancroft Gladfelter prepared for next After you walk and suffer Park. Without fail, IWA feet week's journey. Group photos together for a week, you never pad their way yearly through 0f past annual events popped forget it. Well, it's almost like Tisl) rain, snow and sleet, "except Up at various intervals in the a big family. You keep so THE ORIGINAL when it gets too heavy," Mrs. room. many of the friends through Gladfelter admitted. A green ceramic platter the years." Excited about the 100 - mile UP trek, she said she was - , 0 . , SHRIMP & CHIPS POLICE seeking the club: more female feet in Sunday Special: WITH THIS COUPON "I'm fast - because so anxious to promote walking for women, I think it would be TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: good for their health, and RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT they'd get a lot of enjoyment INVESTIGATION The do8 was described out of it — like men and CONTINUED this week into a being black with white markings, boyS." 2418 E. MICHIGAN malicious destruction incident last seen wearing a brown leather and at which occurred about midnight Sunday when a "huskie - type" twist collar with a silver clover leaf tag. The animal control The Gladfelters will be Walking along leading the Labor Day t.-.-d' dog entered a local pet store and officer was contacted, wayfarers to the victory point 4100 S. LOGAN attacked and killed a guinea pig. * * * at the bridge. In addition to Mrs. Ruth Gladfelter, president of the International The incident occurred at 223 MSU POLICE are Ann St. when the pet shop planning the route for the Walkers Assn., gets in some practice on her favorite investigating a suspect who annual hike, they promote the pasttime you guessed it - walking. EDGEWOOD UNITED UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY owner was cleaning the store ^ount* a '°st billfold and - IWA by mail. State News photo by Milton Horst CHURCH with the front door open. The reportedly attempted to 469 N. SEVENTH-DAY BAPTIST CHURCH Hagadorn dog reportedly entered, knocked withhold the item until the An Ecumenical Fellowship ADVENTIST CHURCH over the cage and destroyed the owner rewarded him with $5. Meeting at 2606 South Hagadorn hapless creature. Police said the billfold had Worship Service 9:30 Sermon by Dr. Truman Sabbath School Worship Service 9:30 11:00 John D. Walden - Pastor Attempts by the store owner been 'ost Aug. 19. The owner to put a chain on the foiled when the dog were was first contacted by telephone animal's by the finder who asked for cash New procedures K. G. Smith, pastor For Information 332-1888 A. Morrison apparent owner entered the on Friday. After the finder or Transportation vehicle store. The store owner told called Dr. Robert Harris, Choirmaster 149 Highland Ave. Call 351-8994 if you Bus Schedule 332-8472 police he believed this was the billfold's second time the dog had P°lice- again Sunday, the owner contacted for reg need transportation wandered into the building. * * * New vehicle registration of AUTOPSY WAS BEING University employment, of overseeing vehicle! performed Thursday on a 45 ».?!.ViE!! 1 identification and their parking registration by mail and could! FIRST CHURCH OF Central United Methodist year - old MSU Stores employe and staff along with methods gateVy", PEOPLES CHURCH CHRIST SCIENTIST Across from the Capitol ALL SAINTS who was reported dead on of registration for graduate , Specia, registration centers EAST LANSING Grand River at Haslett Entrance WORSHIP SERVICE EPISCOPAL CHURCH arrival Wednesday afternoon at ass'st*nts and undergraduate for facuity - staff will be open He added that 10:00 A.M. Sparrow Hospital after he was Wfu! JST/JSSJK 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m no proof oil East Lansing 800 Abbott Road week by the All University SUMMER SERVICE stricken at work. - 7 and 8 in the Library ownership was required 7:00 THURSDAY ■ Traffic Committee (AUTC). —t.-.-- Phone 351-7160 * The "mailing - - - lobby, - Sept. - - 9 — in 104 Natural vehicles were registered bjl Sunday Services 10:00a.m. Topic 8:00 Holy Communion Darrel Kyser, 387 N. Okemos system" for ------- Science Bldg., Sept. 10 in the mail. 1 "The Decision To Be faculty - staff registration will Lesson - Sermon Subject Someone" 10:00 Holy Communion and Sermon Road, Mason, collapsed during no longer be used. chemistry Bldg. lobby, Sept. __r.. Bissell also said that ptel "Christ - Jesus" ... The Rev. Wm. A. Eddy, Rector work. Police called to the scene -13- ■ in "the — ■ - — Physical' Plant- cards may no longer be ui Dr. Lyman rushed him to the hospital. Instead, faculty and staff Nursery, Toddlers, Kindergarten The Rev. Jack Hilyard, Chaplain members must lunchroom and Sept. 14 in the bus passes, SUNDAY SERVICE Wednesday Testimonial Meeting appear at international Center lobby. 10 AM irst to 4th special registration centers or Beginning Sept. 7, graduated 8:00 p.m. Grades, Church School at the vehicle office Sunday School to age 20 10:20 AM 485-9477 and Robert W. Bissell, records assitant, predoctoral fellonB present proof of ownership of manager in the Dept. of Public and trainees may register theirl 10:00 a.m. each vehicle "Contagious Courage" Rev. Richard Reilly, speaking registered, proof Safety, said AUTC had no way vehicles in Quonset 103. Proof! of vehicle ownership, proof ofl Reading Room Temporarily Located in Church OPEN east lansing. jrin jrinity church Funds donated ft Weekdays 9-5 p,m. 841 Timherlane Drive Written documentation, 01 Stanley R. Reilly, East CHURCH SCHOOL Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Lansing preferably a copy of papers, of to aid services Minister eves 7-9 p.m. the appointment in these areas,! 10:00 Telephone: 351-8200 prepared by the applicant'# Crib through Adults Interdenominat iona 1 department chairman, must btl All are welcome to attend University Class 9:45 a.m. The East Pakistan presented when applying for ir Coffee Hour Church services and visit and Refugee Relief Fund, an East Lansing - Movie "3" 6:00 p.m. based national organization permit. Any issued gate ken use the attempting to raise $10u million to After Services reading room. aid eight million starving East Pakistani refuges in India, has cards must also be provided, H Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. contributed $100,000 to international aid organizations, according to Shrikumar Poddar, head of the relief fund. For undergraduate studenttj vehicle registration facilitkr UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The two - week - old organization has already raised $300,000 will be provided at all ti and expects to raise the remaining sum by the end of the year, during class registration in CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE 4684 Marsh Rd., Okemos Men's Intramural BuildiM Podaar said. 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn, Vt mi. S. of Gd. R. behind MEIJER'S) Of the $1011,000 contributed, $20,000 each was contributed to Bissell said his office prefnT Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m UNICEF, CARE and the International Rescue Mission, and that undergraduates register it! An $10,0u0 each was presented to the Church World Service, this time. Independent Church With A Biblical Message ALWAYS OPEN Catholic Relief Service and the Red Cross, he said. The money collected is dispersed by a committee of Proof of ownership of tl: 9:45 a.m. Church School — all ages five, vehicle and a drivers' li«« Minister, Kail Ruffne highly prominent individuals, he added. 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Worship Services are required. No proof « Poddar said a national media insurance is needed. For Transportation Call 349-2830 campaign stating that "for $5 you or 349-2533 can disprove the myth that Americans don't care whether Asians W.E. Robinson, Pastor live or die," will be begun with the print and broadcast media Transfer students «ni| 1020 Trowbridge Road Sept. 12. freshmen living off camp* East Lansing. Michigan < may register their vehiclesJ Christian Reformed Church LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES The East Pakistan Refugee Relief F\ind needs full - time 517/351-0300 Quonset 103, as may otMf volunteer help to man its national and Student Center headquarters at 3308 S. Cedar students who cannot do » Street, Suite 12B, Lansing. during class registration. 1509 River Terrace ALC- LCA LCMS (across from Hubbard Hall) for Students and Faculty at for Students at Visit University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel Before Student Center Yo our new — Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Road open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. Lunch Wednesday 12:30 -1:30 332-2559 332-0778 tup: ILJeitA'plaza Community Owned... Serving the Community Pastor David Kruse Check ' MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE 10:00 A.M. Rev. Hoksbergen 7:00 P.M. WORSHIP HOURS Overlooking the Capitol "A Celebration" Communion "Did You See The Sign" 8:15 9:15 a.m. a.m. Matins Common Service WORSHIP 1st and 3rd Communion 9:30 and 11:00 Summer Honeymoon for transportation call 351-6360 10:30 a.m. Common Service 2nd and 4th suites or 882-1425 Matins 9:30 only with round beds Specials 300 Rooms SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 1518 S. Washington Sunday 7 p.m. "God's Call In This Hour" Lansing Save up to $60 135 Remodeled In a time of war, violence, political intrigue, what docs the living God say to men? on Head & Kneissl Skis 9:45 A.M. New Furnishings College Bible Class Plus Savings on Clothes & Accessories in the fireside room. Dr. Ted Ward, MSU, Teacher Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor 2283 no returns THE PLAZA I Glenn R. Blossom, Youth Pastor 11:0° A-M- Grand River | no "The Man Who Wins" Okemos refunds (Former Jack Tar Hotel) bankards 125 W. Michigan FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening accepted Call 482-0754 for information. across from the Capitol Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 27, 1971 7 \SU fund Teachers gather to learn jegins Tue Ifhe second annual All - University Development Tnpaign will begin Sept. 1 toward a goal of $25,000, committee Lrman Emery Fbster, asst. vice president of business F\ind affairs, new vision testinq method Id Thursday. Bv By JIM JIM SHELDON State News Staff Writer different categories. .e than 50 volunteers from the faculty and administration muscles develop by lifting this fall. Already the I scheduled to appeal to the 8,100 faculty, administrators and From test results, teachers Michigan weights. He said this idea is a School for the Blind, along with will be aware of which areas the Iff to contribute to the fund. About 75 Michigan teachers child must be trained toward so that weak departure from the former view a few other schools, is using the were learning this week a new eyes must not be Visual Efficiency Scale. ■ust year's successful campaign helped support many method of measuring visual he can learn to use any residual damaged by overuse. diversity projects including scholarship aid, the day care center, efficiency in blind and partially vision to its full extent. Irary acquisitions, Kresge Art Center, the Museum' blind children during a two - day Teachers attending the No matter how bad a person's fctinguished Scholarship Awards, Distinguished Faculty Awards Tj the Ralph Young Fund. conference at University Inn in East Lansing. conference participated in eyes may be, Eidson said, he workshops to learn how to use cannot hurt them by using them. MSU p Called the the new method. Each of the Blind children are now "visual efficiency specify where their support goes, but gifts ■Donors may fcgnated for the area of greatest need are encouraged. Persons scale," the method was developed two years ago in participants, some of whom are encouraged to use blind themselves, took the test vision they have. every bit of elected |y contribute in a single donation or by monthly payroll research by Natalie Barraga of and measured their own vision ■ductions. weaknesses. Differentiating objects grows Q ! "f ! JLJ^111 f\ InI O C the University of Texas. Results progressively more difficult the ■The tax credit provision on the Michigan state income tax is of the test help teachers train The test involves further the person Tinted out by the committee. For example: if a person has a children to use the full extent of booklet, about an oblong seven inches wide through the testing booklet. moves Two MSU crop and soil |jt>ral and Michigan adjusted gross income of $10,000, and what vision they may have. and three inches high, with some Among the 14 categories of scientists were recently elected Ikes a $100 contribution to MSU, he could subtract $50 from Held Wednesday and 40 vision ability are discrimination to national 1 state income tax payment. He also would get a federal income pages containing shapes, of positions during joint Thursday, the conference was figures, words and sentences. figures in areas of objects, meetings of the American I deduction which on a joint return would save approximately sponsored and funded by the Scores are based on how well the form, closure, space and size. Society of Agronomy, the Soil 2. So his net cost would be only about $28 for a $100 gift. Dept. of Health, Education and child can differentiate Science Society of America and Welfare in conjunction with the figures On one page, the [Members of the committee are Richard Chapin, director of and words. person is the Crop Science Society of regional materials center at lraries; Robert Emerson, manager of Kellogg Center; John On the trail Erickson Hall. required octagon to select from among three the one America. On the left side of each page a Raymond J. Kunze, professor Izak, associate dean of education; Robert Green, asst. provost Conference director George i director of the Center for Urban Affairs; Rolla Noonon, Sen. George McGovern, S-S.D. and proclaimed shape, word or sentence is given. hexagons. Another page tells the of crop and soil science, was presidential candidate, paid a visit to the George Eidson, director of special On the viewer to choose which of five elected vicechairman of the Soil _iior eigineer, Engineering Services; Dorothy Ross, associate education in Lenawee County, right, four additional Washington Carver Day Nursery in Denver Wednesday. circles has an Physics Division of the Soil Ifessor, counseling center; B. T. Sandefur, professor of geology; The stop may reap political dividends for said Mrs. Barraga's new methods related figures appear, one of size as the opening the same Jhn Shingleton, director of the Placement Bureau; and Virgil the senator, of measuring will indicate to which is an exact copy of the example. |Society of America, associate but not until about 1988. original. The child must choose professor of crop and soil ■wnsend, manager of the Union checkroom. teachers a child's specific areas Toward AP Wireohoto the figure he thinks is the the end of the iscience, became chairman elect- of vision weakness in 14 duplicate. booklet, a page illustrates four of the Turfgrass Management identical sentences, one of which Division of the Crop Science riTHIN TWO WEEKS A person taking the test who has two words inverted. On |Society of America. has normal vision must wear a another page, a sentence is pair of thick half - lens type written in long - hand, and the glasses which blur and distort his vision. He then must place his person must pick out the duplicate from among four GIs still go OK on of text Be nose against the page to see the printed sentences. figures. Wearing these glasses represents what a blind person Program sponsors hope each to Australia would usually encounter. state in the country will hold SYDNEY (AP) - Officials say ■WASHINGTON (AP) - The Communist - encircled city. station in efforts to end the Cold workshops for the method this Results of the test are year. Although few children American efforts to wind down Vtes and its three partners in War in Europe, and though Although officials decline to solution could expedite recorded on a profile the Indochina war have had little T Berlin talks are expected to The Western White House predict when the four sheet, have yet utilized the method, officials cautioned that it is not reduction of military forces. effect on servicemen vacationing announced Nixon would confer ambassadors which shows the vision areas Eidson said, results have Jcept the draft text of the today with Rush in San the binding until the governments of signatures can put their the final protocol which the child must be trained successful where teachers been in Australia and that soldiers on |tlin accord within two weeks, Big Fbur agree to it, they which on Although it is generally agreed to improve and also indicates are leave from Vietnam are still fcviding the two Germanys Clemente, Calif., on the draft said there will make the pact that the Soviet Union made a using Mrs. Barraga's procedure. appears to be no how the child is arriving in Sydney at the rate of Eth a green light to complete text of the agreement. substantive problem as far as the effective, the expectation is that number of concessions in the with the vision he has. functioning Use is expected to increase 150 a day, six days a week. I specifics. this may happen before the end United States is concerned. Berlin talks, Washington officials Nixon's move came as a of this year. Eidson explained that one firmly refused to speak about a eye is a muscle which ■ This was the word from surprise. The State Dept. had During the coming days, the Western responds to said earlier Tush would return to The timetable primarily "victory." exercise, similar to the way Jministration officials after a officials said, specialists on the arm depends on how soon the two • hour meeting Wednesday fctween Secretary of State Bonn Wednesday night. German problem and State Department legal experts will Germanys can agree on details, SWING officials said. The West and East ■Iliam P. Rogers and Kenneth Press Secretary Ronald L. examine the text thoroughly, Germans are expected to start with the U.S. ambassador to Ziegler, announcing Rush's paying special attention to talking about specifics as soon as planned trip, said Nixon regarded the accord as "an translation problems as the pact was drafted in three languages: the Big Four announce their approval of the draft. The inter Buddy Campbell encouraging step" that would be - ■ Rush returned to Washington "a significant factor In relieving English, French and Russian. German talks might be tough and his Tier the ambassadors of the and could last as long as three tensions in the world" if it is hited States, In the ■d the Soviet Union concluded Britain, France adopted. Rush past on various occasions there were unpleasant months, speculated. some officials COUNTRY CLAN' was not available for Ti Monday 17 months of tough consequences of the different gotiations on the future of the comment. The pact is an interpretations of agreements important caused by imprecise translation. to The pact might open the way a series of steps aimed at at HOLIDAY LANES at ending East - a quarter - century of West confrontation. These Lanes available for OPEN Bowling all day the Ko-Ko Bar and evening. Open 9 a.m. daily .t. governor takes stand steps are: Just north of Frandor - 337-9775 Billiards Cocktails Good Food "X Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9 p.m. - 1:30 \ \ 410 S. Clippert off Kalamazoo a.m. ' ♦Signing and sealing of the Berlin accord will enable West German Chancellor Willy Brandt >pposing abortion reform to submit to his country's parliament the German - Soviet and German - Polish treaties for ratification. ■ GRAND RAPIDS (UPI)-Lt. that time. period in between. lov. James H. Brickley said "Since then," he said, "I have *A conference on European liursday he has gone through continued to study the issue and "I would hope that even those security, sought by the Soviet Tn agonizing reappraisal" of his I have experienced an agonizing who are in doubt as to the Union and its allies, could an abortion law reappraisal of my earlier convene after adequate genesis of life after conception beralization and now feels position. This re-evaluation now would — because of respect for preparations. ■chigan's existing abortion law leads me to announce and the value of human life ■ould remain unchanged. my — *1Tiough the thinning - out of opposition to any change of our prefer caution and favor forces on both sides of the line present abortion laws." protecting the possibility of the dividing Europe was not directly existence of human life," he linked to a Berlin ■ The current law allows agreement, Brickley's position, abortions said. many diplomats believe a Berlin ■nounced in a speech for the only when Vhigan County Social Services continuation of the pregnancy pn. would endanger the life of the meeting here, is in contrast I that of Gov. Milliken, who Ipports a bill to allow abortions mother. ^ SUM tiu COME IN AND P any reason "I think it is justified to save P days of during the first pregnancy. the life of a woman and, of course, therapeutic abortions are GET BELTED provided for in our present 1 During T>posed bill in the the debate on the laws," Brickley said. BY Senate, I T ^vorably inclined Brickley said he based his new pereformi and toward liberalization of decision partly over doubts as to BROTHER BOB ■LPre^nt| abortion laws," he when life begins - at I . Wired in the '^ad my vote been conception, at brith or at some event of a tie, I 4MV OR Vs admit I would have voted | the proposed legislation at BROTHER GAMBIT Jackie, Liz, Martha and you NEW - for you need Master Charge. >/gn If you go places, buy Master Charge account things, or meet people, you'll need a from East Lansing State Bank. It helps people on-the-go keep going. For example, there's no [or ro rid finance charge if you pay by the due date. That's like free credit. And no membership fee ever because the participating stores support this rally service. Whether you travel around the world or around town, you • River View • Lots of trees • Cathedral Ceilings • Open Layouts can use your Master Charge at thousands of stores and services. • Fabulous Fireplace fc who wish to attend • 3 bdrm — 1% bath You get a permanent record of each purchase. Perfect ■J5' J law rePeal ra,,y ln • Priced at $36,900 - Financing Available for tax time or insurance time. And you can Kennedy Square at Call Bob Homan 349-3310 office inne S*y may contact - 349-2018 res. even get a cash advance or pay your bills by Master f a ride at 332"0427 Charge. Tlje ral|y will precede a SIMON REAL ESTATE Pick up a Master Charge application at East £nt. .the Detroit City Lansing State Bank, your Hometown Bank. Now n - MSU-OKEMOS JWny Ul'ding where a group with Trust Services. Member: F.D.I.C. logmen will file the Michigan BRANCH OFFICE jraon'he iaWsuit ■ in purpose of the class distr|ct 4217 Okemos Rd., Okemos East Lansing State Bank s«'t is to have all criminal Phone 349-3310 Pertaining a to abortion unconstitutional. Michigan frid»>'a»w;, YEAR'S BEST FILM Viewers snared by 'McCabe' of daring moviemaking; the crushing private enterprise. It is This is the 182nd review I so soft in silence, have written for the State News fleeting mistakes of an intrepid also a story of the romance of creator excited about the sorts that over the past eight terms. It is develops between Beatty makes McCabe an medium he was revamping. McCabe and Mrs. Miller before also my last. engaging figure. McCabe is a man Film reviewing would be an With "McCabe and Mrs. the threat fro,n blg unprepared and unequipped for ordeal were it not for the few Miller," however, Altman is in ' both his position as leading extraordinary films that one gets control of both the medium and a chance to discuss and marvel at his own creative energy. The Both are familiar plots But citizen and his position as Mrs. in print. During the past two Altman and associates revitalize Miller's favorite client. He talks frenzy of his earlier films has them in a special — not easily having poetry locked years "They Shoot Horses, softened and crystallized, defined —way. inside him. He also has fear. But Don't They?," "Five Easy Altman is now much more than all is hidden by the swagger and Pieces," "Z," "Ryan's a spunky innovator. He is a The film doesn't involved as the b,uff" Daughter," "Oh! What a Lovely craftsman and a camera poet. much as it mesmerizes the War," "Last Summer," His energy is subdued. His viewer's attention. It sounds "McCabe and Mrs. Miller', "Brewster McCloud," "Patton" innovations are subtle. The trite to say the "McCabe and Mrs. Miller," film casts a spell, may be the most beautiful and "Midnight Cowboy' were results Robert Atlman's new film, are dazzling. but, in a way, it does. looking film yet made. But it is such films. afford such pleasure. It is one more than just a pretty movie. "McCabe and Mrs. Miller" more example of what film It advances on terms of its What it does with misty and They served as reminders that, takes place in a turn - of - the - yes, films can" be'^"7^ form *• all about. It is a century mining town in the own design. treatment of Its art lies in its frozen landscapes and how it is reality. It softens uses the brilliance of the sun and second to none, and, yes, there ^rthe/ ■ "stra 'on of why a real Pacific Northwest. Here, small - is a reason for film criticism. rUm buff waits and hopes for quality rather than compromises time gambler and gunfighter reality to intensify impact. the softenss of candlelight to □lease the eyes is no more amazing Snowed under i The patience and severity that and settles for just anything that John McCabe becomes a It is the result of a calculated ^han what it businessman. He owns a fancy, accomplishes with come with the maintenance of clicks through a projector, . , blending of photography, music jeople and themes. It is the high standards are justified by bustling cat house. Its madam an(j acting; of the surrendering "inest film so far this and highest priced offering is year, the few films that can meet It is a personal triumph for of individual egos to the these standards. For these films, Altman. This director has Mrs. Miller, the shrewd director's master plan; and of a a critic waits. When they arrive, ascended from the spirited businesswoman who taught collaboration without which Theater Dept. announces it is not only a critic's duty to irreverence of "M*A*S*H" to McCabe to think big. such special things could not single them out; it is his the beguiling complexity of have been attempted. McCabe has two reputations pleasure. "Brewster McCloud" to what is to uphold: one to the clearly his finest, most stunning The camerawork by Vilmost creation. community as its leading citizen; another to Mrs. Zsigmond creates a soft, hushed Miller \° Mrs" Ml"er *s » fearless entrepreneur. Both lead mood that protrays the pleasant Until now, Altman excited ic^ a„Pd auditions for 2 plays moments , the to his undoing when . bo open us with his ingenuity and his ding harsher ones with disconcerting unstructured ability to surprise. company threatens to eliminate calm. The music provided by If his earlier films were flawed, him and take over this business. mL- • i - . . Leonard Cohen uwimru vuueu enhances this enna This is a .tale „ , . of big business they were the welcome flaws mood and introduces some of the characters. The The MSU Theater Dept. has Joseph E Levine presents a Mike Nichols Film starring Jack Nicholson • Candice Bergen > acting is an „ Auditorium. Anyone interested auditions, he says, will be given Guildenstern are Ueurt" example composite announced that open auditions but unable to attend this an opportunity to demonstrate excellence. will begin in mid- September for audition playwright Tom StoDDard L can make special his ability and casting will be two plays slated for production made Shakespeare's comediin Warren arrangements by calling done on a competitive basis to the central charactersinapin Beatty and Julie in the fall. 355-6690. assemble the best possible cast which takes place behind tbe "Carnal Knowledge' I have experienced Christie stand out only because their parts are bigger. Large casts will be required for each production. scenes of a performance of for "Twelfth Both Hamlet. According to Theata only three or four movies that i was Night" and plays will go on tour Miss Christie gives her best Rosencrantz and Guildenstern through Michigan after initial "Twelfth Night" fontninc contains conuuns sp°kesman Jon Baisch.the | genuinely sorry to see end. I was sorry performance to date, adopting a are Dead," and persons performances in Fairchild some Qf Shakespeare's most » *u/r* pHaraniavc h » tukn u t cha''a<;te^s who are faceles i to see 'Carnal Knowledge' end!" special accent, an electric - hair - interested in any of the wide Theatre. "Twelfth Night" will memorable verse and a battery In in® on8lnal P'*y *** t° leam do and a harsh exterior to create range of roles should meet at 10 Oct. 13-17 and who thev are and whv —Vincent Canby, N. Y. Times Mrs. Miller. She is a deceptive a.m. Sept. 12 in the Arena run "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern of- comic characters, Rutledge Tp'"*' w^y theyw creature, so tough in speech yet Theater, downstairs are Dead" from Nov. 10-14. between scenes of disguise, "'Carnal Knowledge' is a feast of a Director FYank mistaken identity and undying Stoddard's imaginative play, Rutledge is love. The cast is composed of 11 he film. It is a very funny and very cruel and very sad ■ MARS will be closer to Earth urging students and faculty added, has become i ■ this summer speaking parts and a host of metaphor of modern nun lbrams : than it has been film. Mike Nichols uses the screen as it has rarely been members, regardless of major or ■ ■ since 1924. During its peak departmental affiliation, to extras to appear as noblemen, existence. There are 15 speakin] used heretofore. Arthur Garfunkel and ■ brilliance (July and August) Abrams Planetarium presents a come out. Everyone who priests and sailors. In "Rosencrantz and parts and several walk the cast. oH ■ panoramic cosmograph of the Jack Nicholson are superlative, unlike ■ red planet, including its too many of today's films, 'Carnal Knowledge' lasts ■ history, the fantasy derived from its mysterious nature, and Weekend entertainment p beyond the watching; it sticks to the mind-ribs and ■ the recent scientific discoveries ' A 'hich the Mariner bears long retrospectfon. The film is brilliant." program —Judith Crist, N. Y. Magazine PLANETARIUM " Carnal Knowledge' is one of the best movies ever!" —Liz Smith, Cosmopolitan features five new movies FRIDAYS 8:00 P.M. Weekend entertainment BUNNY O'HARE - Bette Matthau in three roles, all bid. Mike MichoKJack Nicholson,Candice Bergen, SATURDAYS consists, once again, of off - Davis is back! But in a At Meridian 3. 2:30 P.M. & 8:00 P.M. I campus movies. There are 10 to motorcycle flick with Ernest WILLARD - a scare flick fa Arthur Garfunkel, Ann !V1argiel and Jules Feiffer. SUNDAYS 4:00 P.M. [ choose from, five new arrivials. Borgnine? At the Gladmer. those who enjoy watching Ei McCABE AND MRS. LOVE MACHINE — for those Borgnine get torn up by rats. At Carnal Knowledge. Information: 355-4672 | MILLER — Robert Altman's who dig smut and Jacqueline Meridian 4. No Preschoolers Admitted stunning film about a small - Susann. At the Spartan East. LIGHT AT THE END OF | time businessman who is taught SONG OF NORWAY — for THE WORLD - a Jules Verne m-rSi An Avco Embassy Picture COMING SEPT 10 ! to think too big. Warren Beatty and Julie Christie star. At the those who found "The Sound of adventure with Kirk Douglasind Music', and "Mary Poppins" too Yul Brynner. At Meridian 2. ASTROLOGY and | Spartan West. highbrow. At the Michigan. BIG JAKE - a western with "^o^J^orma™n3^6944 " " " 8x3 . jajjiaj sainpAq uajiu/w• paqiAspjeipiy jau6isao ° | | SATURDAY fJTGH Orson Welles' original radio broad- the ZODIAC < ON ANY SUNDAY — Bruce PLAZA SUITE — Walter Big John. At the Meridian 1. ^NOW! OPEN Feature 1:30 3:30 5:30 12:45 £±3T j . , cast of 1938, a dramatization! of THE WAR OF THE will be played. Hear WORLDS, Enter the Age of Aquarius. Learn th'< '"triguing history of the | J Brown's well praised documentary about motorcycle - - - 7:30-9:35 rhich ology and i racing. At the State. Play depicted the influence of the stars Prof I Martian hailed a nd panicked human affairs and terresi CARNAL KNOWLEDGE - adio listeners! events. Mike Nichols' glossy film about modern sexual attitudes. At the First Time At Popular Prices Campus. Continuous Performances in study o James B. Beard, professor of crop and soil science, was recently elected a fellow in the American Society of Agronomy at the ,sparkling; "£Xqt society's annual meeting. Beard turfgrass was cited for his contributions to the management. knowledge of His research includes environment!) physiology, ecology and culture of turfgrasses with emphasis on heat stress, winter injury, adaptation to shade, thatch, the ecology of turfgrass communities, roadside establishment and sod production. Beard also was recognized for his active participation as i teacher in undergraduate, graduate and technical education programs at MSU. He joined the MSU crop science staff in 1961. fm> 4 I f 1st. PATTON time & Together*]J JJ J J J' "A war movie <21<01U2I< K/tllL ('.SCOTT/ MALftEN RQTTON "ButchCASSIDYand the SUNDANCE KID" Lansing LIMITED ENGAGEMENT CONTINUOUS piiiHSIW I B628W.«AOINAW4«4-4403 EVERY DAY 1st. Show 2 p.m. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 27, 1971 9 MSU hosts high school bands By RAY ANDERSON The band members have "It's one of the State News Staff Writer few clinic since its been practicing 10 hours organizations in society inception and a enhanced by technical and The past two weeks on the day, said where each person today maintain that it Margaret Pegg, must do his gives them, as educational skill provided by MSU campus have been consultant to the clinic from part or it doesn't come off." Preparation of the band is instructors, an excellent the Office of not the clinic's only University staff members and gratifying or mortifying Continuing he said. purpose, opportunity to understand others. depending on individual Education. according to Steward. their students. reaction The clinic could not be held "We have 55 brand to the John Philip "Seeing kids on Tuesday the new The clinic has been divided Sousa hits piercing the at home, he senses, because kids out of 140 and this muggy day after they arrive and again gives Clinic attendance is not into three one week segments. summer air. students would not be as on Saturday makes one everyone a chance to work mandatory, they said, but it There were eight bands the The fervent wonder if motivated. marching music it is possible for together and get to know one has become so popular that1 first week, another eight is the greater are part of the 8th them to become that another. only four of the 140 member here "Living together here gives for this week's clinic annual MSU Band Clinic in accomplished in such a short band them a college experience and were unable to make it including Grand Haven and which 21 Michigan time." high school provides the necessary initiative despite a $32 fee. Hastings, and five more are bands are sharpening their She encourages people to The atmosphere has been scheduled for next week. skills in preparation for fall's attend the weekly numerous half - time demonstration between 10 and ceremonies. noon Saturday at Old College Field as the bands go through TO AID COMMUNITY their respective routines in informal competition. Bovine for free "I went last week because I felt I should, but this week I'm going because I want to," The Bureau seeks following volunteer opportunities are available through the i short-lived she exclaimed. MSU Volunteer Bureau. Unless otherwise must provide his own indicated, a volunteer transporation. For further A tutor is needed in math and Office volunteer is needed weekdays to English for a 12 - year help with - old boy. the fund CAPRI The band members, who are details, call raising campaign for Pakistani refugees. Please contact the office ISLAND, Italy (AP) housed in 353-4400. Landon, Campbell at 3308 S. Cedar Very moo-ving An impromptu St., Lansing, Suite 12B, or call 395-0250. Ask — "bullfight" A volunteer who likes children is and Mayo halls, are needed to plan creative for Petty or Karn. took place when a cow bound practicing activities for a group of children while their for as much as 10 hours a day, parents attend an slaughter broke loose and adult education class on Wednesday ran for freedom Mrs. Pegg said, with half the mornings. The MSU Stadium had a distinct scent of Moo U this in Capri's Teenage girl needs an occasional volunteer babysitter for her Marina Grande Square. She time devoted to week as 4-H clubs ♦rom across the state conducted a marching six brothers and sisters. The girl works, goes to school and takes romped through a crowd of outside and half to concert livestock show. Inside the stadium another show was care of her brothers and sisters. There is no mother in the in practice inside. family. preparation Duffy getting the boys ready for Illinois people and overturned The girl needs a chance to - get out of the house from time to time. on Sept. 11. restaurant tables before she The children are ages 4-10 and was Directors, whose bands are very well behaved. State News photo by John cornered by two A chronically ill woman with Harrington attending this limited income and no policemen. year's clinic, transporation needs help in shopping and meal have been here for previous planning to lose sessions. weight for health reasons. A volunteer is needed to take her to the supermarket on a biweekly or weekly basis. Mileage The bands can reimbursement and supervision from a social worker accomplish are available. A volunteer is needed to live with elderly lady in exchange for Capital/Capsu les more here in a week than they room and board. could rehearsing at home for a An 18 - year • old girl needs month, Mrs. Pegg said she was help with Math 111. /(I j 0 ) » I* M told by various directors. The mother of a 16 ■ a volunteer to year • old brain ■ damaged boy would like SECRETARY OF STATE trickle help her with her son. The volunteer might also • down theory, and those The directors attribute the work with the boy on tichard A. Austin Thursday at the bottom get barely a motorists starting in about 30 reading and math. intense concentration the clinic A middle • aged woman with mental days, Austin also announced. and physical disabilities *lled the Nixon wage ■ price drop." would like a volunteer to take her After the vehicle provides and the change of shopping (for groceries) several teeze policy "a plan which will A more proper solution, owner atmosphere for the tremendous times a month. riden the ever ■ growing gap receives and completes the Austin said, would be the Improvement. letween business and the application form, he is to mail it opening of public works back with a check or ..edy" and criticized U.S. Sen. money Hastings tobert Griffin's support of the programs, especially in high unemployment areas like the order. He will then receive the new 1972 license tabs to be director Art Steward is High School Coketail Party iroflram, UP. "Giving aid to the convinced that discipline here "While countless thousands in needy, affixed on the present plates. is also an important factor in initiating needed projects in "pressed areas In the Upper construction, environmental eninsula, city ghettos and parts rehabilitation and The deadline for the returned applications Is Dec. 31,1971. achieving success with Sat., Aug.28 education marching bands. if rural Michigan Free cokes, Free baHoom are suffering would do far more for the OPEN AT 12:45 P.M. y 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 48S 6415 evere economic hardship, the g economy and for people than TIlAlrfA. TODAY. rrtGccEa rrwrn vntinrvn i resident has aimed at handouts at the . . TWO tnvnQr lmulating unlimited business top," he said. BIG FEATURES! i %i 11 t.m. & 2 p.m. roflta while offering little At 1:00-4:00 > ! 233 f^ASHINOTO^OWNTOWr Lansing Ml • Star Team ncouragement to those PREPARED APPLICATIONS 7:10-LATE lesperately seeking jobs," Austin laid. for the purchase of 1972 license This is m "It's the oIcLHoovet platts will be mailed to MichHan BUNNY ? i"ih NOW - THRU ■ TUES. O'HARE (3) BIG HITS ... a sweet little mother IH lanslng mall "sms^wHwy. with the most daring pension plan ever devised for fun BROADWAY THEATRE SERIES AT MSU 1971 - 72 and profit! Bene oavis^H SPECIAL PACKAGE PRICE to be offered from September 1 - 30 ERneST B0RGNIN6 -Your ^choice listed at 20-25% of any 5 of the 6 shows saving over price of single admissions -Tickets priced at $22.50, $18.50 and $15 for five shows —To order tickets fill out mail order form mm Shelley WINTERS.. PLUS At 2:30-5:35 -8:45 P.M. below and send ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE for the return of tickets. along with a SELF W3 Bloody :50- Repeated Fri. & Sat. ® " Mama To. UNION TICKET OFFICE MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 3rd Feature EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48823 What's wrong with... PHONE 355-3361 HOURS: 8:15 - 4:30 COLUMBIA PICTURES presents WEEKDAYS Tony Charles cMlchele PLEASE CHECK THE FIVE BROADWAY Curtis cBronsos cMekcier -MCMfiMiioif CHER-COLOR SHOWS YOU WISH TO SEE. - 3rd at 11:35 (San't Win' ® m ©fill gp .'THE ME NOBODY KNOWS" (Musical) Nov. ."YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN" Nov. 19 TONITE OPEN 7:30 P.M.-SEE THE FINEST IN DRIVE IN ENTERTAINMENT! (Musical) BRING THE ."BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE" (Comedy) Nov. 30 PARKING FAMILY "PROMISES, PROMISES" (Musical) _ Jan. 26 PROBLEMS 3 BIG HITS! ."LAST OF THE RED-HOT LOVERS" (Comedy) Feb. 23 Big Jake 8:15 "COMPANY" (Musical) Apr. 13 . Big Doll House 10:00 Student Nurses 11:30 Desired seating: t&sisrz | Balcony, Main floor, , Risers, SOFT YOUNG( 5IRLS BEHIND HARD PRISON BARS , Best location in my price range. iSDBOHI® Q Enclosed, season OR bill tickets at $_ me for: $_ . for Broadway Enclr»««H jt my check or money order, payable to Mil MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, for the above BROADWAY SERIES season tickets. OR, pletse charge this order to my _ MICHIGAN BANKAMERICARD BARGAIN HOUR! MONDAY Thru FRIDAY (Bank number for 1:00-2:00 ALL SEATS 75c _ MASTER CHANGE □□□ MASTER CHARGE) Jacqueline Susan's U* LgwMarMne Credit Card Numbar CT»AN CANNON / ROBERT RYAN/JACKIE COOPER * DAVID HEMMINGS .»* WILLIAM ROERICK/MAUREEN ARTHUR/SHECKY GREENE/CLINTON GREYN SHARON FARRELL J0CM WEXLER [JOHN PHILLIP LAW| S>» JACK MAtfY jRj H.. Mj.V* 0" „»l ■ ,,-y t* &0NNE WARWICKE Itiom Columtw (Vlim judrn Ihg soundlijcK LPcm SttWw ItcowMnc of If"*: 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS- PLAY ILLINOIS, GEORGIA TECH Detroit to clash MSU to be with Miami Sat. By RICK GOSSELIN have a new coach and a lot of State Newt Sport* Editor By RICK GOSSELIN student body. And even more team will be hosting MSU on new tricks in storage for The Detroit Lions will spend their second and stunning, the fate of the '71 the second Saturday of the '71 consecutive ■ opponents. artificial turf they take TERRY FICORELLI Spartans could be decided season. on as on the Miami Dolnh **1 State News Sports Writers On Sept. 18, the Spartans will hit the road for a game before the majority of the After three consecutive 4-6 Miami Saturday night. °lphlIH| students even see the team in seasons, the Yellow Jackets The Hons, who have won two preseason with the Rambling Wreck of summer In come - from - behind fashion, will meet action. It all depends on what rebounded with a superb 9-3 Miam 71 The MSU football team will Georgia Tech. Tech had an Duffy's squad is able to do in record in the '70 campaign. the first time ever In the game. Houston will then h "I encounter two of its toughest outstanding season last year, the first two games of the This year, Tech head coach only former AFL squad that Detroit hasn't played sin which included a victorious merger. ce challenges of the 1971 football season. Bud Carson is extremely season even before the regular trip to the Sun Bowl. The Here's a quick look at the confident that his club can do The Dolphins, under the director of former Lion school year begins. Yellow Jackets lost only three two MSU opponents that most even better. and Baltimore head Don Shula, will be out to carve th* T"i games in 1970, all to teams exhibition win of the year, as Miami stands at On Sept. 11, which is only ranked in the top ten. students will never hear of this "You can really tell the Both Detroit and Miami boasted identical 0-2-1 '"I two weeks away, Duffy So, in effect, the Spartans season: difference," Carson says with a at 10-4, and both earned trips to the "record I Daugherty's crew will face the will have an eight • game Illinois broad smile. "There's season post S I new - look University of Illinois hasn't had a winning confidence in the air. We don't playoffs as the team with the best second place rm^f011! - Illinois. The Fighting Illini schedule in front of the football season since 1965. have to sell our men on their their respective conference. Both teams lost in the fir*i ® ...UU HaIvaU Mi J . . .. ,ISl ft The football fortunes of the ability to win; Willi uruun toning w isauao anu miami DUCKmiL' ■ they already Oakland. iinH B m" >°l AN EXCITING Illini reached an all - time low in 1969 when the team failed know it. Miami will bank much of their hope in the right Even the preseason Bob Griese, the former Purdue quarterback to win polls AND a game. But those years were spent don't doubt Carson. Tech is upon as one of the top young quarterbacks in the who is i0 lJB game^l down on paper for a near - the thunderous running of backs Larry Csonka ENTERTAINING with Pete Elliott and Jim perfect 10-1 Griese will have an ample supply of top ■ notch and Jim rfl Valek at the helm. It'll be a loss is not to MSU. season — the one throw at with former Cleveland Brown star received, I different story this year with Paul WarTi!! MOVIE I —John Do*, Tlm< Bob Blackman steering the Since Carson was a defensive acting as the long ball threat and former Michigan Jim Mandich posing as the short target. A host of for! stand!® ship. specialist before becoming a collegiate greats who never quite made it big in Blackman has only two head coach, Tech's forte is thenL- WOW! FANTASTIC —Jamci Smith, N*w« losing years seasons as in his last 16 head coach at prevention. (Howard Twilley, Karl Noonan, Marv hand should Warfield or Mandich need relief. Fleming) will also to I °°l "We figure to have our hands full at Dartmouth. His first losing "Our defensive backs, Rick Mike Wells Joe Schmidt said. "The Dolphins haven't won Miami," Lion (wl RETTER THAN season with the Big Red of the Ivy League was his rookie Lewis and Jeff as good as Ford, are both any in the Don (Shula) wants to win all of the time. We yet and I expect them hi ill 'ENDLESS SUMMER* season, a to match feat he is not eager while beginning at country," Carson insists. "They'll give us a solid really go after us. Bob Griese is passing at 58 per cent rate of completion and with something runners lib Kiick J| | Illinois. Blackman will build his first Illini effort around quarterback secondary and that's what it takes to make If we can a good defense. plug the hold Follmer Csonka, the Dolphins have two of the toughest drivers league." The Lions will be giving a lot more rookies a in chance to I show their mettle as the league's cut - down date Mike Wells. Wells, who at 6 (Rock) Perdoni left at tackle, Four Lion regulars are listed as approachal foot 5 and 215 pounds has the physical characteristics to fall into the super - we could be very strong on defense." Trans-Am quarterback Greg Landry and linebacker Paul Naumoff extremely doubtful » legs in casts, the biggest losses. Mike Weger and Ray pkrsoml quarterback category, stood as Offensively, Carson sees If race driver George are also expected to watch the contest from the sidelines I much improvement. "We Mustangs, with Follmer and With Landry out, Bill Muson, who steered the number six passer in the should be a better offensive Follmer wins the Labor Day Parnelli Jones driving, battled the near defeat last week with a last the Lions fros! conference last year in only team," says Carson — and 209- mile Trans American the Donohue/Penske team pass to Larry Walton, seems likely to go all of the - minute touchdonl his sophomore campaign. He that's saying a lot since last sedan race at Michigan down to the wire and won the Detroit. Munson has thrown four touchdown way f«| was second in the league in touchdown passes, compiling year's team was the first at International Speedway, he'll Trans - Am title for Ford. exhibition games this summer, passes duriul be wondering whether Then Ford switched its though his completion ratefcl 641 yards via the airways on Georgia Tech to average more President Nixon's wage freeze somewhat disappointing at 43.6. 1 than 390 yards per game. engineering and financial The Lions have never lost a 49 completions. ruling will let him keep his priorities to safety and season matches and exhibition game in Florida. In po*! Though the Illini defense According to Carson the big money. ecology. 7-0 record. The Lions are 5-0 in Miami. games, Detroit claims a perfect I m ranked last in the conference The best Follmer had bonuses for the offense will be in '70, things will get better been able to do in the the leadership and play of this season. Blackman has 14 previous month junior quarterback Eddie was a pair of lettermen returning, in addition second - place finishes behind McAshan and the swift running to experienced men at all old smoothie Mark Donohue. of halfback Brent Cunningham. posts. Defensive lineman Tab A victory or even a second - Bennett, a sureshot all - If MSU can get by both the place finish for Donohue will America prospect, heads the Illini and the Yellow Jackets clinch the Trans - Am defense. in its first two encounters, the championship for American Georgie Tech road could become much Motors' Javelin. A very strong Georgia Tech "rosier." Donohue would like to wrap up the title at the Irish Hills three - mile course Labor Day STARRING UNCLE JOHN'S •so he can skip the final two BRUCE BROWN Trans - Am races in STEVE McQUEEN I Washington and California and TODAY! OPEN 6:45 PM Shows at 7:10 - 9:10 SAT & SUN! OPEN 1:00 PM Shows at 1:10 - 3:10 2820 E. Grand Rlv« 487-3761 Sun. thru Thuri. I Canadian turn his attention to and American Prix races, which run on those the Grand i-i 't * w 5:15-7:15-9:15 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. J same dates. ^Frl. & Sat. Donohue and his car owner • team manager, Roger Penske, promised American Motors the I Trans - Am championship !when they signed two years | ago and now they seem certain to deliver. For Follmer and Mustang team owner counting a large stack of Bud Moore, Vet Med: IM Softb greenbacks is much more WANTS YOU appealing than the championship, because they have to win money in order to continue racing. A year ago, the Bud Moore Lansing pi ays away | at Sexton Saturday CHARLOTTE FRONTIER DAYS The Lansing All Stars will Cowboys in the opening ga featuring "visit", the Wyoming Cowboys R.C.A. World Championship of the season, 22-10, when tn for the second and final time All Stars were the hosts. Sine Oldsmobile Outdoor Club this season at 7:30 p.m. then, the Cowboys have turn* Saturday at Lansing Sexton In losing efforts that hi< Memorial Stadium. gradually gotten worse as tt Though the game will be season wears on. The lata played at the All Star home killing of Wyoming *«J field at Sexton, Lansing will administered in Columbus m be listed as the visiting team. weekend, as the Buck! Wyoming came up with some destroyed the Cowboys, 51- difficulties earlier in the season Columbus is the only « and is forced to play all of its to beat Lansing this y games on foreign fields, though downing the All Stats half of the number are termed Columbus, 16-6. . "home" games. Tickets will be sold at m The All Stars dumped the gate for the game. TERM - END It's what thvy tlo off fluty that's realty private! Sh-wn twice at 8:06 and 11-40 ^ They watch the SPECIALS most intimate moments between a man and a 66 Dodge Charger Fastback America's roughest sport at its automatic, steering & brakes, woman who are total strangers. and cowgirls competing for world rugged best with cowboys power championship points on airconditioning, whitewalls, rustfree [GP| Daily at 2:00,4:00,6:15, the West's toughest, double rank livestock. candy apple red finish $1295 :45 Kveiling 5:30, 8:15, 10:10 65 Dodge Dart convertible 4 speed, 7:45,9:55 Twi-Llte Hour, Adults 90c, 5:00 - 5:30 0-wl-LlteHour, Adults 90c, 5:45-6:15 Frontier Bargain Days Parade Helicopter Rides good running 273 V8 hypo engine $100 64 Ford Fslrlane automatic, small Antique Show Antique Car Show Aerobatic Show Arts <£ Crafts Show Square Dance Kiddie Rides V8, whitewalls $100 Pork Barbecue Ox Roast 65 Pontiac Tempest automatic, economical 6-cylinder and a Friday & Saturday 8 P.M. BEAT THE SEPT. 10-11-12 Sunday 2 P.M. spotless body $595 65 Olds Delta 88 automatic, power BONUS COUPON CHARLOTTE FAIRGROUNDS steering 8( brakes, radio whitewalls FOR OUR PATRONS $425 Charlotte, Michigan The Love Doctors Present this Coupon at concession for FREE COLD DRINK anda FREE WHILE ATTENDING THE MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES POPCORN a Advance tickets Paramount News: on sale at sx:°\ 65 Mustang 4 spssd, completely reconditioned $625 289 V8, Ann Jannin, Anne Adults $2.50 Children $1.50 Acres, Winston St. lle/scre.- 2nd at 9 58 '• y Louia Oarfinklt/Oirtctrt by Bon nou P'oductr. David Chudnow/A CTG Production GOOD AUG. 25 thru SEPT. 3, 1971 Gats Pricss: *°c'atioH ^WHEELS TOYOTA USED CARS INC CokWO,.tribute by Sigma III Adults $3.00 Children $1.75 y/2112 E. Michigan a good idea from the MSU BOOKSTORE jpSk* - . y Avoid the hassle! Come in today, old books and term books. RUSH! TRADE B rh^cLJ>ff I NOW! Don 't let anybody . . nobody pays more than MSU In the center 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fr'day, August 27,, Michit Fo STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ityjnl DRIVE SAFELY STATE NEWS 3558255 A DAY CLASSIFIED TO B 3558255 WE CARE reet. 2 be< nditionec FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil Frank m pus. Automotive 1-7910. 0 MfontAds not The State permit News does racial or, OLDS CUTLASS (S) 1969 Auto Service & Parts Employment For Rent MAN i religious discrimination Convertible. Red with black BOB'S AUTO REPAIR 2223 West OLD FORRESTER Restaurant in UNIVERSITY rythinfl in M in its advertising rentir Wasfi Tune-ups, Valve Jolly, Lansing. Perry is now taking applications DVV top. AM/FM radio. White-walls. columns. The State $1695. Call 655-2869. 4-8-27 jobs, exhaust brake, and radiator repair, automatic for cooks, waitresses, and busboys. Call Mr. Chamberlain, furnished,2 v5rj"2"f H 5.06 per W. $70.(X News will not accept apartments. Includes * AUTOMOTIVE OLOS 1968 transmission repair. 25 years 675-5103. 2-8 27 onth leas advertising which Luxury 98. 2-door appliances baI Scooters & Cycles experience. For the fairest price nv»nienc« discriminates against hardtop. Loaded. Excellent in conditioned. ' storage'""!* cept teleph Auto Parts & Service condition. 489-0414. 2-8-27 Michigan. Phone 393-6057. YOUNG, ATTRACTIVE girls and security religion, race, color or 7-8-27 between 18 and 25 with good from lock,, campus. m0L *"» r,^ odel op Aviation OLDS national origin. 1961, Automatic, covered phone voice for part-time work. *ilV. 424 East Michi* * EMPLOYMENT with flowers. Best offer. Call 1962 BUICK 401 engine. $100. Phone 393-5460. Ask for Lynn. 332-1822 £ * FOR RENT 489-4263. 2-8-27 Excellent 489 1626. S condition. Phone 2-8-27 or 351-7910 ^ CHWOOC Apartments Houses Automotive OPEL 1966. $375. Contact Good condition. Neal 351-7313, 353-9247. 1-8-27 evenings Aviation ASSISTANT with DIRECTOR: thorough knowledge of Person 4 Man marmax Furnished nished. npus. Rate! Rooms Architectural Drafting and Aptj Residential Construction needed Close to » FOR SALE AMX 1969. 390, 33,000 miles. RAMBLER AMERICAN LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight assist in classroom Berkey Animals 5900 Hagadorn. Call Glen, 1962. training. Air Conditioned 351-3280. 2-8-27 Automatic, runs well. $100. training. All courses are and a d n t i v • Mobile Homes Call 355 6058. 2-8-27 government and VA certified. 225 Division. responsibilities. Model Cities ► PERSONAL PEANUTS PERSONAL BUICK SPECIAL 1966. Very good condition. Call 351-6998 or FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Road, Call 484-1324. C resident person, preferred. COMMUNITY DESIGN Apply in FORGET THE high East Mickey Mou»Z FREE ► 355-2874. 1-8-27 CENTER, 720 West Ottawa, Lansing Modern, furnished REAL ESTATE Lansing. Phone 482-0800 onebednJ! RECREATION BUG-EYE SPRITE 1961. Radio, SAAB 99CM 1970. 2 door. 22000 Employment appointment. 2-8-27 for Parking plentiful and Michel ins. Call Bob, 882-3250. miles, AM/FM radio, guaranteed. 5-8-27 $155. 482-54^ SERVICE Cibie MALE SUBJECTS needed for 1-8-27 LIGHT DELIVERY. Must have headlamps, Michelin X-2 tires, Typing Service Ziebart Psychology research. $2 per dependable small car and know TRANSPORTATION CAMARO 1969. Excellent condition. 3 on the floor. Fred, 332-3372. undercoating. 355-7874, after 6 pm. $2450. 3-8-27 hour. For 353-9166 between information 10 am call and area. Good salary. Apply 1031 N. Washington. 5-8-27 campus view SERVK WANTED noon. 2-8-27 1-8-27 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, 1969. apartments Excellent condition. ONE, AMBITIOUS student to call DEADLINE Call IF YOU like to talk to people we 373-3674, on fraternities and sororities will mai days; evenings, 1 P.M. one class day before have a job for you. Phone work. during fall and winter terms. 824-2414. 2-8-27 Across from Williams 353-8693. 1-8-27 Hours: 1-5 p.m. Call Miss Root. To t ke orders for cleaning Hill mpatible publication. >r 372-0047. O 1-8-27 supplies. MSU supervised apts, [» 332* VOLKSWAGEN 1969. New tires, Catalog furnished. Cancellations/Corrections FORD 1962 V-8, 3 speed, good tires, Company delivers. girls. One 6 girl |ef|.j radio, tape player. $1370. Call Top ink or Jo — 12 noon one class day new battery, clean. $125. 355-9750. 2-8-27 IMMEDIATE OPENING for rest of commission. For appointment, bedroom, 2 baths, etc. before publication. 353-0600. 1-8-27 summer and fall term. Must be 484 3975. 4-8 27 $210 per term per ter's Edgf VW 1967. Excellent Scooters & Cycles Scooters & Cycles able to work 24 hours a week. The person. dar Villag< condition. PHONE GALAXIE 500 1969. 2 door, Call Dick at 351-6838, after 6 3 students working for us now MARRIED COUPLES without hardtop. 26,000 miles. KAWASAKI 350 Avenger. A7SS. 1968 TRIUMPH TROPHY 500. average $63.27 weekly. Call Mr. children who need 355-8255 pm 482-6233. 2-8-27 supplimentary SING OR Automatic transmission, power Excellent condition. 6,750 miles Excellent condition. Extras. Must Jay Andres, at 372-7348. 0-1-8-27 income. Wife must be Call 332-6246. RATES steering, power disc brakes, VW 1967 with helmet and manual. $650. sacrifice. $525. Phone 393-4966. unemployed, absolutely no sedan. Engine newly ONE WANTED: ROCK bass GIRL needed for radio. $1500. 882-0788. 2-8-27 re-built, 4 new tires plus spare, 2 Call, 694-0109. 2-8-27 1-8-17 player. selling involved. No investment, 19J| Experienced with s c'h o o I year. ■utifully mi snow tires, radio with 2 speakers. equipment. phone for appointment. 2 3 5 10 HONDA 1964. John Williams, 351-4490. 1-8-27 (313)367-3233. 4 8-27 r faculty, gra Leaving country, must Completely re-built, HONDA 1970. 350cc, 5300 miles. 349-2804. 3-8-27 sell. ople, marrie $1,000. or reasonable offer. Phone extra parts. Call Glen, Excellent condition. Helmet. 3.00 4.00 5.35 6.50 13.00 LUXURY TWO bedroom, 2 bit* 12-3135 or 88 351-3280. 2-8-27 $575. 485-8706. 2-8-27 LOUNGE WORK. Waiting tables. PART-TIME: Small East 3.30 4.40 5.85 7.15 14.30 882-2708. 1-8-27 Lansing Apply in person. 8:30-10:30 p.m. unfurnished. Very large. 3.60 4.80 6.40 office needs responsible girl for 7.80 15.60 Joe Joseph's Pro- Bowl. 2122 Beautifully decorated, STUDENT MUSTANG 1968. Convertible. SUZUKI 1970. TS-250 and 1968 1969 SUZUKI 100. Good condition. office work. For interview call, < . 131.95 3.90 5.20 6.95 8.45 16.J air, dishwasher, disposal roomma Moving, must sell. Call T-200 with helmets. Best offer. Low mileage. Good tires and some North Logan. 1-8-27 351-2040. 3-8-27 142.10 4.20 5.60 7.45 9.10 18.20 self-cleaning oven. Balcony ow 16-538 2983. 351-9170. 2-8-27 Phone 337-1239 after 6 pm. extras. $295. 882-1698. 1-8-27 152.25 4.50 6.00 8.00 9.75 19.50 DO YOU need looking year round f VOLVO 1966. Station wagon. 2-8-27 an extra $50 a FULL AND 16 2.40 4.80 6.40 8.55 10.4020.80 week? part-time Clubhouse with Sauna, exi NEEDEt MUSTANG Car necessary. Call, 1966. Yellow. AM/FM radio with new tires representatives needed 17 2.55 5.10 6.80 9 10 11.0522.10 Automatic, power steering, and shocks. Spotless interior 1968 TRIUMPH 500. Like new. Auto Service & Parts 351-7319 for interview. C introduce to room, carport at Ville M ing, close 18 2.70 5.40 7.20 9-60 11.7023.40 new concept into this 1-6366. 2-8-: clean. September 1 occupancy. $2# 19 2.85 5.70 7.60 10.1512.3524.70 Negotiate price. only $1095 at PRECISION Many extras. Phone 393-7779, area. Good compensation for Call AT MEL'S we repair all foreign COLLEGE COUPLE to live in 351-9038 evenings 20 3.00 6 00 8.00 10.6513.0026.00 332-6927. 2-8-27 IMPORTS, 1206 East Oakland. evenings. 2-8-27 this interesting and challenging fine East weekends. 4-8-27 ,D STUDENT 3-8-27 and American cars. If we can't Lansing home. work. Call Mr. Clark to arrange MUSTANG 1969. fix it, it can't be fixed. Call Walking distance to' campus. ir school yeai 10 word minimum 6-cylinder, HONDA CL-450 1970. Excellent for interview. 351-1331. 0-8-27 Room and board in exchange WOMEN: VACANCIES i 53-6920. 2-8-: 1969 ROADRUNNER. Automatic, condition. 3700 miles. Call 332-3255.0 All student ads must be 694-8958 489-7646. 4-8-27 for housekeeping and child apartments. One block iron . bucket seats, new tires. $1595. 332-8324, 332-6645. 4-8-27 351-8712. 1-8-27 VW GUARANTEED repair. care. Call 3&V0085. *6-27 For Rent campus., Completely prepaid - utilities and parking provide MUSTANG 1965. 289. 3-speed, SUZUKI RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 X-6 1966. Helmets, at good Okemos Road. 349-9620. C SITTER FOR 8 year old boy, $55. 349-9609. 4-8-27 The State News will be tires, battery. Call insurance 351-5783. 2-8-27 Scooters & Cycles included. $250. after school. Monday - Friday. TV AND stereo rentals, satisfaction responsible only for the Weekdays: 8-5, 355-7682. 3:15-5:15 guaranteed. Free idelivery, EAST LANSING. 2 TWO p.m. Starting bedroom first day's incorrect OLDSMOBILE WOLFSBORG snowtires September 7. service and pick - up. No deposit. lower 1962. Convertible, HONDA 65cc. Superb condition. 50 420 Charles. duplex. Furnished 5.60-15 for Volkswagens, $30. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C insertion. new top. $150. Call 694-8511 or mpg, economy transportation. NORTON 1964. 400cc. Good 337-2280. 2-8-27 Carpeted. Adults. AvailsUe 393-3705 after 5 pm. 1-8-27 Telephone 332-2036. 2-8-27 September 1. 351-5964. 4-827 __?_150._Call Chris^3373976.J-8-27 condition. Make offer to FULL AND part time office ONLY $9.00/ month. Free GIRL need* OLDS 442 1969. New tires and Randy, 351-8280. 2-8-27 BRIDGESTONE 175. Less then 5000 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East work. Good salary. Apply 1031 deliveries. SELCO ocks from ci MALE ROOMMATE. ApartmisH brakes. $1700. 694-8958, miles. Excellent condition. Call North COMMUNICATIONS rag Smith, 489 FOR SALE: 1967 Yamaha 305. Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. Washington. 2-8-27 TV not plastic complex, 489-7646. 4-8-27 351-7491. 1-8-27 RENTAL. 372-4948. .. $250 or best offer. 351-1349. Complete auto painting and O from Union. Call 351 3815 1-8-27 collision service. IV 5-0256. C DEPENDABLE PERSON needed 2-8-27 TV RENTALS Students only. Low weekdays, 11-5 pm. Baby-sit. - Faculty home. Call 332-4422. monthly and term rates. Call 2-8-27 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV YES. .TWO mraigje RENTALS. C WANTED. RESPONSIBLE person to babysit part time during the day in East Lansing. Must drive. $1.00 hour. Phone 351-0673. 1-8-27 Apartments PER APARTMENT, anted LANSING for b W** LARGEST SELECTION ^M/M per 8me. W/month. 33 10 minu IN TOWN STUDENT TO live family. Room and board with faculty STODDARD man, APARTMENTS. furnished. Close to 2 and balconies too At Discount Prices in campus. Now leasing. Call ILE, preferably And We Sell Service, Too. exchange for light housework some child care. 349-1913. 1-8-27 and 351-8238, 699-2024, ED2-2920. RIVER'S EDGE i share 2 bed •9-0443.1-8-21 We Stock Over BABYSITTER. AFTERNOONS. Entire school year, in my home. WOODSIDE bedroom APARTMENTS 1 and CHAM DRIVE r9e, quiet, fur a Million Parts furnished with Walking distance from East Campus. 351-7796. 1-8-27 balconies, security locks, WATER'S ED 3 persons. I KRAMER AUTO PARTS laundry. Ideal for married 800 E. Kalamazoo St. INSIDE TICKET sales. Full and part-time. Good salary. Apply couples or 2-2920, 351-8890. O grad students. ED APARTMENTS 1031 N. (Next to Cedar Village) Washington. 5-8-27 LUXURY TWO apartments. Rents See Frank or JoAnne reduced due to price and wage freeze. Close to campus. Call 332-4432 351-0705. 4-8-27 1050 Water's Edge Dr. Hop aboard the Halstead bus! CROSSWORD PUZZLE 26. Chemical salt 27. Blockhead We'll solve your transportation worries if you live in Bay Colony, 30. Strike out Inn America, Princeton Arms or North 32. Spoke Pointe Apartments. (Our other six apartments are within healthful 34. Maiden walking distance.) Just hop aboard 8. Leaf-cutter 38. Domain our new maxi-bus for fast transportation to 11. Slender finial campus. 39. Astuteness 12. Theater box 40. Annoy With 550 furnished or unfurnished studio, 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom apartments we know that we can make your campus living more enjoyable and comfortable. Call one of our resident managers today! Bay Colony 351-3211 Inn America 337-1621 x— 5— «— B-1 r~ y— r- T~~ Beechwood ii i 1 ir~ 351-5986 Princeton Arms 332-8511 % •& * iT~ Delta Arms 332-0563 North Pointe You get plenty of room i % 351-1199 ... n~ (and trunk space too] at IT d IB ■9"" m Evergreen Arms 332-8295 University Terrace 332-1822 □ % n n wmmm ■ ■ ■ vrnwrn Haslett Arms 351-7662 University Villa 337-2361 ColUngtooob MM y/Mm ■ ■ii il J3 y//m. H 35 X J7 % RIVER'S UISIEM MANAGEMENT 444 MODEL OPEN DAILY Fall leases now being accepted, Apartments (formerly Northwind Apts) Is 4o 41 % 41 4 % " % M WATERS I Michigan Avenue East Lansing 351-7910 S22— 'UNLIMITED PAH KING "DISHWASHERS 43 4ft * % 47 Mrtme S? ]man $220/4 man 'SHAG CARPETING *AIR 'BALCONIES % 49 'Ik 1050 Water's E CONDITIONING 'AND MUCH MORE — Call 351 8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankaa (next to Cedar Sia,.i 332-442 ' ,9]iH Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 27, 1971 13 For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale For Sale For Sale Lost & Found Real Estate ■TpRSITY VILLA. 1 end 2 ONE AND two bedroom L,room furnished. 6 block* apartment* from $145. 10 TWO BEDROOM furnished house. IE DO most repairing, and replace I*, c.mpui. Priced from minutes from MSU. Children New paint and fireplace. Close to broken frames. OPTICAL CLASSICAL GUITAR and case. $52 value for $44.50. WHILE THEY Mobile Homes RING LOST last week. Gold MASON: THREE bedroom, all Meo. Phone 337 2361 or permitted. EAGLE CREST MSU. $220, utilities included. DISCOUNT 2615 East Michigan LASTI rectangle with leaf design. brick. 1% baths, 2 fireplaces, K, 7910 04 8 27 NORTH, 694 8975. 4330 Keller Phone 487-5778 or 485-7372. Avenue. 372-7409. C-8-27 MARSHALL EAST LANSING. 0-8-27 MUSIC, WINDSOFi 10x55', tip-out, two Sentimental value. 489-1034. finished recreation room, Rd„ Holt. C 1-8-17 REWARD. 2-8-27 carpeted and bedroom, air conditioned, paneled. ■an apartment*. Price* from ONE PING PONG tables, $9.95. We buy NEW YELLOW TENT. 12' carpeted, shed. Ten minutes Combination 2 car garage and *c oer man per month. OR 2 girls needed for the ONE BEDROOM unfurnished with sell x 14', most anything. ABC from campus. paneled, screened in *ummer KlTA ARMS, 235 Delta coming school year. One block stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, SECONDHAND STORE. 1208 used once. $100. 355-7475. 58-27 Call 372-5229. Personal room. All built-in*. from campus. 332-4432. O 1-8-27 Fully Keet 2 bedroom furnished, air disposal, air. $160 plus utilities. Turner. C. carpeted. Aluminum *torm* and Enditioned. 1 block from Ideal for young couple. Call Diane USED ROYCRAFT, 12'x51'. Carpeted, MCAT AND DAT. Kaplan tutoring screens, fenced in back yard. FURNITURE K, P^ne 332-0563 or FREE. ANYBODY. Until September Dean of EIPPER REALTY, INC. 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, 314 East Michigan. Flea Fair: skirting, appliances, partially course now being formed. Starting Optional 24' above ground pool *1 7910 0 4 8-27 25.Phone, 355-0802, Saturday 372-9730 or 487-5100. 1-8-27 canisters and uprights. Guaranteed books, coins, antiques, rockers, Dishes, furnished. After 5:30 pm in August. Call (313) 851-6077 Low down payment. Available Sunday. 1-8-27 482-6485. 1-8-27 collect. X-13-8-27 GRAD one full year. $7.88 and up. junk. Bargain Hunters Paradise. immediately. Phone 676-5821 I MAN apartment. Clo*e to STUDENTS or couple. 2 DENNIS for appointment. 2-8-27 4th MAN DISTRIBUTING Open Saturday and Sunday. Lrything in the cempu* area. for NEW bedroom unfurnished with 1958 ROYCRAFT FREE A lesson in CEDAR all COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Furniture and appliances Deluxe, 10x44'. ... complexion , renting for fall term. VILLAGE, starting fall. Call Tom applicances, room, dining 10 Opposite City Market. C. all week. open Excellent. Take over payment* or care. Call484-4519. East Michigan MODERN THREE bedroom. 10 a.m. 6 36 per man on 12 month 699-2685 after 6 p.m. 1-8-27 minutes from campus. - p.m. offer. See evenings. Lot Downstairs rented, Large Phone 371-2843. O 56, Life or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. $200 per $70.06 per man for 9 rooms. $180 plus utilities. Call O'Riley 6726 South MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS month. $32,000 882-9098 th lease. All the latest Diane Dean of EIPPER , Washington. 1-8-27 . OKEMOS - QUIET REALTY, STUDIOS. C SEWING MACHINE Clearance eniences. Utilities paid, LARGE 2 bedroom INC. 372-9730 or 487-5100. unfurni*hed, 3 1-8-27 Sale. Brand new portables telephone and electricity, „„jt bedroom furnithed or MOVING, MUST SELL really fine - MARLETTE 1968, 12'x53'. BOOK SALE. 12-6 541 East Grand lode! open daily. 341 unfurnished, spacious 25" hand built color $49.95, $5.00 per month. Large Available on lot in East River, below Service lawn, GIER STREET. 243. 4 TV, $350. selection of Lansing. Paramount. lergreen Street. 332-8295 or away from noise in 10 unit bedrooms, Call 353-8689 days, 641-6963 machines. reconditioned used Excellent condition. Phone Michigan, Civil War, Science E.7910. 0-4-8-27 building, minutes from campus, carpeted, 2 baths, modern evenings. 1-8-27 Singers, Whites, 337-1142. 1-8-27 Fiction, Comics, Miscellaneous. HOUSEPAINTING: INTERIORS or kitchen, parking. $200/month, Necchis, New Home & "Many shopping. Graduate students 1-8-27 exteriors. Experienced, Other*." $19,95 IcHWOOD. 2 bedroom couples. $175-$225. COUNTRY deposti. 489 6941. 4-8-27 18' NORWEGIAN built sloop. New Terms. to $39.95. 1970 CHAMPION. 12' x 60'. 3 reasonable. 'Phone Charles, nished. 7 block* from HOUSE sails. Needs work. Best offer. Call EDWARDS bedroom, LITTLE ANGELS CO-OP. Still has 351-6305. 4-8-27 apartments DISTRIBUTING front kitchen, i Rates as low as $59.38 349 0558. 5-8 27 FURNISHED, bedroom. 3 655-2073 after 11 a.m. 1-8-27 1115 COMPANY, unfurnished except appliances a few openings for both 3 and Recreation room, den, double North Washington, EDITORIAL an Phone 351-5986 or 489-6448. C and drapes. Carpeted, set - up 4 year olds. For information, FOR .theses" [l 7910. 0-4-8-27 EAST LANSING, 1 garage. Brick. 349-9535. 3-8-27 DRAPES, RODS, lamps dumbbells, with skirting in Brookview call 88 2-0741 dissertations, and professional bedroom, Mobile or 393-7536. papers. bath, kitchen, utilities, KLH radio, silverware, cookware, Home Park, Perry. 15 5-8-27 Critiques, organization, parking. COMPONENT STEREO, BSR, $130, $25 deposit, 484-9838 PERSON NEEDED for house. dishes, ironing board, files, minutes from MSU. $4000. re-writing. Phone Mitch, 5 Kenwood amp. Heath kit - 8 pm. 2-8-27 Own bedroom. $50. 337-0054 bookcase, chests, kitchen scales, 625-7298 after 5 p.m. 2-8-27 HAIR CUT the way you want it. 337-0388. 4-8-27 or 351-4845. speakers. $225. Jay, 485-2369. UNION 2-8-27 sewing machines, movie camera, BUILDING Typewriter [FREE 3-8-27 BARBER SOUTH PINE projector, tri-pod, games, childs SABRE 10' x 50', furnished, central SHOP. C-8-27 efficiency, 1 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath. Newly air,, washer, dryer, shed. Near I Repair bedroom. $80, $120. Includes skates, adults skates, goose down WATERBED HEATERS. UL utilities. 485-8706. 2-8-27 decorated. $200. Call 337-1147, sleeping bags, back - packs, garden listed, Campus. 351- 6533. 1-8-27 SIX WEEK Kaplan | (Electrics) $35. REBIRTH, 309 North tutoring courses roommate ONE MAN needed Collingwood 484-3968. 4-8-27 hose, power drill, saw and cord, globe, fan, 22 revolver, 16" Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. MARLETTE 1964. 10'x50'. 2 to prepare for BOARD now being formed. EXAMS MCA classes Foreign & Domestic jt| Campus Typewriter Service Schwinn Apartments. Call Doug, 372-6830 Rooms Stingray bicycle. bedrooms. Deluxe model. to start across from Union [service August 21 and Louis E. May Sr. ED 2-OB77 before 6:30 pm. 1-8-27 355-8002. 1-8-27 Excellent condition, carpeted, September 7. DAT classes start .. TWO MEN: ROOMS for fall, across TV SETS. Sony, Animals furnished, utility shed. Located in Holt on large low-rent lot. September 8, and LSAT class PAINTING, EXTERIOR and GIRLS needed. Old Cedar from campus. Stereo, color TV, Panasonic, Zenith. start* September 7. For interior. Low Color rate*. John or Village Apartments. 351-1420 ask for Mr. portables and consoles. Pets. Call 699-2303 or information and enrollment call 332-4948 Best. FREE: KITTEN. Beautifully marked. Kim, 351-8280. 2-8-27 351-1704. 1 8-17 5-8-27 STEREO COMPONENTS. 694-8014. 3-8-27 collect (313) 851-6077. 8-8-27 Sony Litter trained. Call, 353-0197. reel [ will reel to tapedeck, Ampex match you with GIRLS WANTED for 2 MEN: CLEAN, quiet rooms. cassette recorder. We Buy, Sell, S-8-27 LAKE FOR QUALITY service and stereos, mpatible roommates. apartment. Call Bonnie, 337-0546 man Cooking. 1 block to campus. and Trade. WILCOX IRISH SETTER pups. AKC. VIEW lots. Available now. Peanuts Personal TV'*, and recorder*. THE STEREO SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Field, 8', 10', 12' wide. 10 minute* to II 332 4432 or see after 5 pm. 1-8-27 Call after 5 p SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Show, Obedience. Excellent campus. PARK LAKE MOBILE 487-5753. 0-8-27 Michigan, 485-4391, 8 am-5 pm, LORIE, HAPPY 21st! It's been great. jnk or JoAnn at 1050 selection, Dimondale, 646-5811. HOME COURT. 641-6601. s Edge Dr. (next to LIBERAL Apartments. THIRD Call Chalet man ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. Monday thru Saturday. C 1-8-27 7-8-27 Hawaii. Halloween. Wonders. Just You. Love Ronie. 1-8-27 And, Typing Service collect ir Village) 723-6266, Owosso, Mich. 2-8-27 Completely furnished. Cooking. DOG OBEDIENCE classes THESES RUN for only 7c per Call 372-8077. C 1967, 10'x51', excellent condition. DING - A LING: Life's sponsored by Student - looking page. THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 2 bedroom, partially furnished, better at 22 than 21. TWO MEN for Meadowbrook Veterinarian's Wives. Starting Happy ROOMS IN house. Low rent, close to RECORD CHANGER, Dual 1009. oil tank. East Grand River. Phone NSING OR East Lansing. One Trace September 27. Call Mrs. Wilson, shed. On lot near Birthday. Love, Poopsie. 1-8-27 Apartments. $66 / 332-4222. C-8-27 furnished. Large, airy campus. Donna Dave. Good working condition, new DeWitt. $2750. Call 669-3493. 1 month. Call 353-0257. 2-8-27 or 393-2388. 3-8-27 conditioned. Air 351-8220. 1-8-27 diamond needle. $75. 355-2986. 4-8-27 Recreation . maintained. Suitable Ily ONE 1-8-27 COMPLETE THESES *ervice. NEEDED for 4 girl IRISH SETTER krfaculty, grad students, business PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, South puppies. AKC. PARKWOOD, 12'x52'. Discount printing, IBM typing and Townhouse at Hagadorn and Gentle. For Very nice. irried couple*. Lease. M-78. September to June. near Michigan Avenue. Quiet WATERBED FRAMES, $35 and up. pets, hunting or Airconditioned. skirted, on the EUROPE. $149 round trip. Jet. binding of theses, resumes, and show. Reasonably priced. lake. publications. Across from campus, (32-3135 or 882-6549. O Cheap, 351-8713. 2-8-27 clean for student. $15 / REBIRTH, 309 North Okemos, 349-0255. 2-8-27 $3900. 10 minutes to Air. Christmas break, Hawaii, corner M.A.C. and Grand week. Call 627-5454. 2-8-27 Washington, Lansing, 489-6168. campus. 641-6601. 2-8-27 Spain, $249. Call Frank Buck, River, [. STUDENT needs apartment GIRL WOULD like to sublease C-8-27 YOUNG, MALE 351-8604. 7-8-27 below Jones Stationary Shop. Call roommates. Call collect fall term SPARTAN HALL, singles, men, affectionate, cat, FOR SALESPOWER try a little COPYGRAPH SERVICES, only. 332-0592, litter trained, distemper shot. 337-1666. C 16-638 2983, Nancy. 2-8-27 Diane. 2-8-27 women. Now leasing for summer, COOKIES, HALLOWEEN candy, Classified Ad to sell a large mobile fall. 351-1176, 484-4422. O Christmas Candy, Turtle FREE. 332-4707. 2-8-27 candy. home! Dial 355-8255 today I ■L NEEDED fall Flower more ads on back page through BEAL STREET. Fall. 1 block arrangement* for all MEN: FALL, singles. Block Union. Xing, close. $65. Kathie, from campus. 1 -2 bedroom. 2 pccassions. Reasonable price*. i. 2 8-27 Cooking, parking. 314 Evergreen. 351-5500, extension 174. 1-8-27 persons, furnished, balcony, air 332-3839. 3-8-27 conditioned, 216 Beal St. Apt. Enjoy all the |kD STUDENT teek* roommate 2A. 351 6088, 6-6:30 p.m. SLEEPING ROOMS for rent. Girls il year. Don, 355-5234, 2-8-27 many only. Near campus. Call 332-0322. -6920. 2-8-27 ONE BEDROOM furni*hed, upstair*. Utilities furnished. One 1-8-27 HURRY . . . |PLE WITH a great head for (tudent or married For Sale is look for worker* with couple. WE WERE nt Ads. Dial 355-82551 $115 / month, deposit. Lease. 484-6684. 2-8-27 SONY TC-630 portable stereo tape FULLY LEASED luxuries of life recorder. 2 years old. $300. MICHIGAN-PENNSYLVANIA area. 351-7168. 2-8-27 THIS SUMMER 2 bedroom, furnished, air conditioned. AND LAST On bus line to I GIRL needed for 4 man. 3 MSU. MUSIC STUDIO selling FALL AS USUAL. Starting at $175. out. 6 locks from campus. $55. Call Utilities, except electricity. tables and chairs, 2 electric Ireg Smith, 489-0258. S-8-27 Lease, deposit. 332-5144. 2-8-27 heaters, 1 humidifier. Music cabinet, oak desk 3 deep — A Few choice pOOMS FURNISHED. 2 man Houses locations left at CEDAR lent. Parking, 7 minutes blackboard/reversible, GREENS on campus. Available 1 or 2 girls needed for house. 224 standard. Study table. Pop for this fall . . . [eptember 15. $140. 694-2572. Bailey. Own room. 332-8950. music and Classics — % price. Call 332-4613 for information. 1-8-27 2-8-27 FREE ROOMMATE LANSING Road. Roommate WANTED: OWN bedroom in House; ed for beautiful country SERVICE (like AM/FM swimming pool, air-conditioning, Have dog; Call Barb, 351-9353. POLICE $25. Car band, 1. 10 minute* from campus, month. 337-1871. 1-8-27 1-8-27 stereo tape 3-82-27 deck, $45. 372-1585. a |ALE, preferably graduate student MODERN 3 bedroom, furnished, carpeted, close. 3 men, $70 each. BOOK SALE: 12^ p.m. 541 East WATER'S EDGE T> share 2 bedroom apartment. '490443.1-8-27 882-9098. 1-8-27 BEDROOM, FURNISHED, faculty Grand River, below Paramount. Michigan, Civil War, Science Fiction, Comics, Miscellaneous. RIVER'S EDGE balconies and much, much more. JCHAM DRIVE, 135. Brand new, home. East Lansing. Kitchen / 1-8-27 APARTMENTS «, quiet, furnished apartment >r 3 persons. laundry privileges. Available Open 5 - 6 p.m. September 8. 351-1069. 1-8-27 See Frank or JoAnne MARRIEDJ3TUDENTS at & FACULTY 1050 Waters GIRLS. SINGLE or double, private Edge Dr. f"6 CEDAR VILLAGE: Wanted, entrance,bath, kitchen, parking. 1., girl, school 337-S414, year. Call after 5 332-2264. 1-8-27 332-0063. 1-8-27 KNOB HILL 332-4432 EXTRA LARGE double for women. SANT. 2 imished. First rooms floor. and bath, Private, Fireplace, near Union. reasonable, 332-1895. 1-8-27 Very APARTMENTS f'je grads FMEast or seniors. Parking. Kalamazoo. 1-8-27 SLEEPING ROOM. Clean 349-4700 quiet. TlIA vl Parking. Off 496. Call, 485-9244. OPEN 1 7 pm Mon.-Sat. |UAMST0N: - 1 bedroom, utilities EP AC "1, range, refrigerator. $130 / 1-8-27 SUNDAY by appointment only ra] "-5 2092. 1-8-27 NEED ONE or two girls. Own ■R e'sII lAl- FOR bedrooms. Car necessary. Must Large 2 - bedroom, married grad like bath & % ite cj ■"dents. 220 Cedar Street. or animals. 485 8588. 2-8-27 Call Bonnie, 51750° v| *'•"13 or 351-7319. C SIT I OR 2 men TWO PEOPLE needed for house Large 3 - bedroom, 0D M 11 Pming school needed for the near campus, 351-2203, after 5 bath & % — ■A |om "mpus. year. 351-8862. One bolck O pm. 2-8-27 SjgjOO io;l ri LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom HI RjJ J 2 Roc. girls needed Fall-Spring. Call houses. $ 165-$ 190/month, plus LOCATED »/< MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. ON Casual, e| P1-4560. 3-8-27 after 2 pm. utilities. IVi miles from campus. 349-3604. 0-4-8-27 OKEMOS ROAD Elegant, (brni ,0 5hare deluxe. Swinging. . . _f 'Sth,0Wn room- 587.50 plus 1*8382 2-'8.2T V dePO,lt- Head for the Woods! jfilRS - Burcham Woods, that is complex of furnished studio, - a 1135 Michigan Ave. - 351-8631 pw Ruling.. 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom apartments. (right next to Brody Complex] You can now live in an CEDAR GREENS APARTMENTS are now DAILY leasing student and married couples units. These off-campus Ample parking Heated pool spacious apartments are carpeted and furnished with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a apartment 393-0210 Optional bars garbage disposal and individual air conditioning. These two - man units have ample - space for every resident. Recreation is parking NOW LEASING FOR FALL planned for with a giant swimming pool and private I DIVER'S EDGE from $125 per month Faculty balconies. We also have a full time resident manager for among the first residents of CEDAR GREENS call - any problems. If you want to be I WATER'S EDGE SEE OUR $80/month per man. MODEL OPEN EVERY DAY INFORMATION CALL: MARINA NYLANDER, 1-6 today. The one - bedroom units start at EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR RENTAL APARTMENTS BURCHAM WOODS' ELEGANT, NEW twelve month leases available. p.m. 351-8631 or 484 3494. Nine and 745 Burcham 11Q50 Water's Edge Dr. TOWNEHOUSES |,ne«toCedar Village) if no answer 351-3118 call 484-4014 from $22500 per month MANA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y B Y: Alco Management Company ^332-4432 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 2 Viet vex: U.S. headache "It is also axiomatic (Continued from page one) Thieu spokesmen had earlier denied the It has been obvious from the start that reforms accomplished in the past two as Ky has proposed, with the chairman of in vi.f The government is doing its best to charges that duplicate voting cards were the machinery of government functioning years, but there is real doubt about their the Senate to be named president pro tem politics that once you have your ® refute the rigging charges brought by Ky issued as part of an attempt to rig the in favor of Thieu, and in numerous ways independence from Thieu's political and new elections to be organized within by the throat, you strangle him and Minh. Thieu is exercising his power as chief machine. 90 days. precisely what Thieu wants to dn One of Minh's race was charges when he quit the that some voters had been issued election, and also denied allegations by Minh that province chiefs were ordered to executive to build support for himself. The alternatives now open to Thieu sdd one Vietnamese, country's politics. a sul dent of if under South Vietnam's constitution are He will almost certainly not accept the more than one voting card, enabling them organize Thieu's campaign and to Most to cast more than one vote for Thieu. Pro - Thieu propaganda and pictures limited. third course of action, since it was uncharacteristically "paralyze the actions of opposition have been made available to, and some proposed by his archpolitical enemy, and believe, Thieu has painted himjf • The government's official Vietnam Press tickets." reports say forced upon, citizens at the his possible acceptance of the other political corner - trapped by has urged voters who were issued duplicate registration cards "by mistake" to return U.S. However, Minh turned over to Deputy Ambassador Samuel local level by minor officials. •To have the Supreme Court declare the election law unconstitutional and order a alternatives may be governed in part by his consolidate his time faced with power, and.t»f*l them to authorities "to keep themselves Berger strong reluctance to appear a pawn of the dwindling supnort^H from breaking the law." documents which outlined those plans, From corps commanders to district new law enacted. United States by yielding to American and the threat of serious his relations with the repS N It said Saigon officials had found a including "following opposition cadre and moving them out of their areas." Embassy chiefs, government officials are appointed by Thieu and in virtually all cases they are •To have the National Assembly vote to pressure. "Thieu is out on a United Statr0** number of duplicate registration, and limb» sources said they were inclined to accept military men with strong loyalities to him. postpone the election for three months, And this, some Western observers prominent South Vietname* noted that those failing to turn in duplicate until an opponent can be found. 1 the documents as genuine — and hence believe, may mean that the United States "and there is no way back Tho cu - voting cards were subject to fine and imprisonment. valid evidence that Thieu was abusing the machinery of government for political gain. •To resign along with the vice president, once again has miscalculated in applying its beyond the grasp V anyone else to change it." policy. 01 Economists hope to avoid more controls (Continued from page one) stimulative effect. This is incentive for business to push The Commerce Dept. also inside the cover. The insert continuing slowdown be boosted by the cut especially true of the its investment forward, into of in Midyear 1971," steps to effect the complete issued a 66 page midyear aid that the department's inflation," said the addendum automobile excise taxes. touch with the transition to price stability." investment credit, he said, the first year of the program." specialists ^ economic review, transformed ndustry by industry note. Problems will mount during explaining: The assurance that inflation - - "Capital spending will be wrote the separate (,y Nixon's economic packages forecasts had been completed "Economic activity will be provided a powerful spur by analyser, to obtain their "The credit will the 90 days, he predicted, and be at the is being curbed, Stein said, will fr'0m a forecast of so before the President's Aug. 15 stimulated in several important the job development tax forecasts. rt the freeze might not survive rate of 10 percent for the first bring consumers back into the recovery in 191 ways. credit." much longer than that. "One year and 5 percent thereafter, market in much stronger considerably brighter can expect people to stand in which is a very strong numbers. And the 10 percent The annual summer survey r r— these ... new programs have "Consumer spending will be buoyed by the cut in income The department business analysts have gone said its 1971 Tne report said that J place for a short time, but import tax, he went on, will was published with recovery had | _ enhanced prospects for full __ taxes and by increased public back to work reappraising the "somewhat certainly not for very long, reduce imports "and switch "addendum" tucked economic narrowly," (, demand to domestic products." page recovery with confidence. New car sales will outlook industry bv industry based mainly on steel yl and we thought 90 days was about the right length," Stein said. West Pakistan The import problem was highlighted by an for users 1971 and 1972. It invited of the survey, which is buying, the rebound from fl auto strike and a stitf titled "The Economy at pickup in housing The presidential adviser predicted Nixon's proposed tax measures would have powerful (Continued from atrocities, looting and burning, of page of slaughter, of one) announcement Commerce Dept. that July brought a fourth consecutive from the Spending limit monthly trade deficit. Service harrassment and abuse by West Pakistani soldiers and This was the first time a (Continued from page one) statements prosecutor out of a county the required manpower to , PIOMEER deficit has been recorded for as to the alleged clerk," he explained, fulfill that obligation. World Leader in stereo components. Collaborators." such violations. He was referring to Michigan BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. a length of time. The And so Kennedy said, "We "I'm not a policeman; I'm not compiled law 168.909 which Deputy Clerk Gertrude Take advantage of our special closeout No job too large or too small. July gap between merchandise must end immediately all an attorney; I'm not a states "... if any statement Ludwick had explained Block off campus. 332-3255. C sxports and imports was prices now! We've seen the new models at further U.S. arms shipments to $304.1 million, leaving prosecutor and I don't want to ^ed (with the clerk) previously that in a general the the Electronics Show and have lowered West Pakistan," along with "all be," he said several times. any violation of any provisions election year the number of COMPUTER PROGRAMMING country with a $676.4 million other economic support of a of this act, the county clerk registered candidates is prices on old models. Prepared by experts. College deficit for the first seven "Regardless of the law, you forthwith notify the prosecuting . outling lecture notes and other regime that continued to months of the year. cannot make an attorney or a "staggering" and requires the educational materials. Lowest violate the most basic attorney of the county where full - time attention of the • Pioneer C-6000A. Complete Call principles of humanity." the violation occurred." staff > music system. AM/FM stereo, rates. WRITE-ON, merely to examine the (y) 332-3700, 9 am to 1 pm. 3-8-27 Kennedy stopped short of statements regarding form. *349 > turntable and speakers. Reg. recommending a break in Hilliard said his office 550.00 According to complainant > diplomatic relations with West Pakistan but said President Wallace asks for law examines only statements as to form. Even if the county guliard, set with no precedent has been reference to the 3 Nixon should make direct overtures to Pakistani President clerk's office were to assume particular expense statute. Miss Jjjk 402 S. Waihington A (Continued from page one) responsibility for policing the Yahya Khan to moderate his schoolchildren, black and white," statements as to other statute Ludwick and Russel Searl of policy toward the Bengalis. > He said he would resist with equal determination any limitations, he claimed, his the attorney general's office MUSIC CO. East Lansing Kennedy was denied a visa attempt now to "bus black children 30 or 40 miles to bring office would be far short of | said the same. Master's and Doctoral Candifatis. Fr«l by the Pakistani government to about segregation." ochure and Consultation, Plaas* Call visit East Pakistan after he "That used to be done," he conceded at a news conference tt and Paula Hau|hey 337 1527 or 627-2936. began his tour in India. which followed his address in the House chamber. ANN BROWN . Typing and multilith Kennedy said he will hold a "But it's over now and I'm against busing children long offset printing. Complete service new series of Senate hearings distances to achieve any kind of a school system." for dissertations, theses, to focus light "on the Wallace asked the legislature to move swiftly to pass a law manuscripts, general typing. IBM. nightmare of terror and providing for compulsory reasignment of pupils whose parents 21 years expedience. 349-0850.C inhumanity now being determine that long - distance busing would "risk the health perpetrated in South Asia." or safety of the child or significantly impinge on the education process." Transportation i That language is almost identical to a portion of the recent NEED RIDE to Arizona, September Supreme Court decision which authorized busing to achieve a racial balance. Under those conditions, the court said 75 th 4. Share expenses. Nancy, 337-1479. 1-8-27 objections to busing "may have validity." The governor urged parents throughout the state to invoke RIDE WANTED: California, San that provision in the court ruling, but he admonished them immunization clinic between 11 Francisco area. Maureen or a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday at the against doing it frivolously. If there is no danger to the Greg. 351-3820. 2-8-27 Church of God In Christ, on the health or education of the child, he Wanted corner tentanus, of Logan and St. Joseph streets. Immunization against polio, diphtheria, measles and you abide by the court orders." such The legislature must act with maximum a said, "then I suggest that law before time runs out in the current 1971 speed to enact Anniversary pertussis and tuberculin skin tests regular BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for all positive. A negative, B negative will be administered. The Community Health Committee of' session. It takes a minimum of five bill, and only five days were legislative days to pass a left in the session after Sale and AB the MSU College of Human Thursday. negative, $10.00. ho sponsors the COMMUNITY1 HOW GOOD CAN t COMPROMISE GET? Kill THE PIZZA PEOPLE Free 351-7100 Delivery SALE 3 to, *14 '