Thursday MICHIGAN STATE NEWS STATE UNIVERSITY ie 64 Number 29 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23, 1971 ediina acquitted; indicates an to resign from military I HfcPHEFSON, Ga. (AP) — Capt. Ernest involuntary manslaughter and assault. the career officer who commanded The found you not guilty of all rested her head a verdict was read by the specifications on the shoulder of a man jury and charges," Proctor said. J troops at My Lai in 1968, was president, Col. William D. Proctor, of sitting beside her. She raised her hands to |jlte(l Wednesday of all charges arising Atlanta as Medina stood at stiff attention Medina, 35, a slight smile on his face, snapped a smart salute to the jury, made an her face and wiped at the tears. fc the operation. before the jury with his Col. Kenneth Howard, the military lawyers. about the jury of five Vietnam veteran officers "It is my duty as president of this court - face, and resumed his seat at the judge, in an attempt to restore quiet to the defense table. Lrated for about an hour before to advise you that the court, in closed courtroom, looked toward the spectators Kitting the captain of murder, session and upon secret written Medina's attractive blonde wife, dressed and said, "There will be no outbursts in ballot, has in a bright orange dress, burst into tears and this courtroom." Medina sat without expression as ICULTY PAY HIKE Howard dismissed the jury and the spectators filed out of the cramped, paneled courtroom where the trial has been in progress since last month. The captain, Salary meeting urged speaking into a battery of microphones, said, "I am extremely happy — I just don't know what other words can express my feelings at this point." The trim Mexican - American officer's By BILL HOLSTEIN would be eligible to accrue earnings prior voice shook as he talked to the State News Staff Writer to the 6.5 per cent adjustment they had newsmen. Aug. 15, 1971, the teacher is eligible for earlier He was asked whether he the pay raise. recommended, Roger Wilkinson, thought at any vice president for time he would be convicted. TTie failure of the business1 and finance, Michigan Legislature said. Wilkinson said the "No, I never had the actual feeling that I .esident Wharton has asked the board to appropriate the funds necessary to University is would be convicted. I examining all program areas in an effort to never felt that. ■trustees to call a special meeting to support the planned raises forced reallocate existing resources to "Men, three years is a long time — I'm lsider approving salary increases for schools to operate on the same Michigan permit a glad it is over," Medina said, referring to level of salary increase substantially higher than the Kilty and staff retroactive to July 1. funding as during the previous year. 3.5 per cent which was provided for that the interval between the My Lai massacre Though a date for the meeting is not Michigan schools can now go ahead and purpose by the legislature. and his trial at this grassy, tree- shaded Ci, sources said the meeting would pay the salary wages retroactive to without violating the President's July 1 Administration sources estimate that Army post. ■bably be held next week. wage price the University will be Medina was accused of freeze because the salary able to trim back premeditatedly ■he move is expected to help clear up murdering increases would have taken effect and wage enough in other areas of its operation to a woman by shooting her as she ■fusion concerning the planned salary 8ive average increases lay wounded in a rice paddy outside My Teases caused by the delay of the the Aug. 15 date if the legislature before had cent- of around seven per Lai. He also was accused of involuntary New voters acted earlier, Wharton said. (higan Legislature in appropriating the The legislature approved legislation manslaughter in the death of 100 civilians Students lined the staircase When the legislature did early Lssary funds to support the increases funds to support appropriate this month which would give $76,088,000 during the operation, and was charged with at demonstration hall this weak in order to ■ by President Nixon's wage-price freeze Michigan schools, it to MSU, the major source of revenue assaulting a Viet Cong suspect by twice register to vote. Due to a provided enough funds for for recent Michigan State Supreme Court ires which went into effect Aug. 15. only a 3.5 per MSU's $118 million 1971-72 budget firing a rifle over his head. decision, they no longer face a lengthy interrogation when ,e call for a special meeting comes cent salary and wage adjustment instead of Medina told that Al Flory, East they register. a recent ruling by the federal Cost of (Please turn to page 15) newsmen he had Lansing junior, helps spead up the process by (Please turn to page 15) information on registration. State N«vs passing out ig Council, the organization set up to photo by Jeff Wilner Minister the wage-price freeze. The ■ng makes it possible to give employes 1 wage and salary money they normally Residency question could luldhave received, Wharton said, lite council's ruling supports cost U' our ■fention that our employes should have i their salary increase on July 1 the fiscal year began had the By BOB ROACH facjng MSU administrators in the wake of jislature ids in appropriated the necessary Executive Reporter the recent Michigan Supreme Court ruling purposes, is he also a resident for tuition MSU Attorney Leland W. Carr indicated now charge an outstate fee and continue time," Wharton said. purposes? that the University is concerned it When is a student a resident, and when that dropped the barriers against students by such an for people who come into the JlTie I employment ruling held that if a teacher's term provided that he or she isn't he? voting in local elections. If interpretation of the court's ruling indicates that residency distinctions cannot implication of the ruling written Associate Justice John B. Swainson by may thereafter be able to vote," Carr said. state, and That's the $4.7 million question now The court ruled unconstitutional a be made for and "The University has been within its bounds section of Michigan election law that said voting and tuition purposes, approved unanimously by the court. Other the to assert its basis for outstate "no elector shall be deemed to have University would stand to lose an states have maintained separate definitions charges, but gained estimated $4.7 of residency, he we're not sure of the or lost a residence while a million if its 5,700 said, but the Michigan high validity (of that basis) student is at any drii out-of-state students decide to declare now." institution of learning." court decision is "somewhat unique." )ign-up ar/ves swel The case involved four Michigan (U-M) students who University of were denied residency after six months in the state. "We are uncertain the University can (Please turn to page 15) registration to vote in Ann Arbor through a FRESHMEN ENROLLMENT UP fudenf system of extensive questioning by the city voters clerk. Following the court's decision the city of East Lansing dropped identification and x By BOB ROACH Executive Reporter upon a time the registered student p.m. Tuesday in the Spartan Village School, she said, to make it easier for student wives with children to register. affidavit registration. requirements After six months in out-of-state MSU student can thus now for voter Michigan, an Dorms overcrowded In addition, the city clerk's office management tackles the problem of about ler in East Lansing was a rarity. has declare East Lansing his legal residence and 200 tripled-up residence hall rooms. case," Robert Underwood, director of But not since a landmark ruling in scheduled extra hours on certain residence halls, said Wednesday. days vote in local elections. Estimates of the lust by the Michigan Supreme Court But if he is then a resident for The exact number of new freshmen incoming freshmen "For men, we hope to have the voting class supplied I cleared all the traditional obstructions by various University tripling-up pretty much alleviated by the admitted to MSU this fall remains a administrators Wednesday Istudent voting in campus communities. (Please turn to page 15) (Please turn to page 15) ranged from end of fall term. For the women, the speculative issue as residence hall 6,800 to 7,100, depending on the person Ttost noteworthy in East Lansing is the asked. triples should be broken down within two Last fall, 5,925 freshmen were or three weeks," Underwood V clerk's said. decision, after the high court admitted, a reduction of about 1,000 from *ng, to drop the special city registration Underwood emphasized that tripling in fall, 1969, freshmen enrollment of 6,915. residence halls is not a Idavit which carried the requirement that Ira Polley, director of admissions since new occurance, but I applicant present because of last year's high residence hall a drivers license or July 1, said Wednesday the University will lie other identification vacancy rate many students did not as proof of local not have solid figures for several days and Mency. declined to anticipate the cramped quarters. He estimate what MSU's fall So any student now wishing to vote in enrollment would be. One source acknowledged that until the start of ■ Nov. 2 city council election can register put the August, his office did not realize it would student body for this fall at about ■ vote before Oct. 1 by completing the 41,500. be necessary to triple up the new freshmen The increase of about TMl state affidavit. The affidavit 1,000 over last students in double rooms. merely year's freshmen class have overcrowded Nres that an Factors contributing to this fall's applicant swear he will be residence halls, which were ■least 18 years old last year by underassigned overcrowding apparently include the " in by election day, has nearly 1,500 occupants at the increased freshmen admissions and Michigan for six months and start of fall term. The residence a board halls have a of trustees *rs East capacity of about 17,800. ruling last spring that juniors Lansing as his legal would be Bdence. "The overassignment is heavier required to live in for men [Following the court's decision and under than women this year, which is usually the (Please turn to page 15) from a coalition of voter Juration groups, City Clerk Beverly (if announced ■Wow 1. for increased revisions in scheduling voter registration. r the city clerk's supervision, the New fee refund policy ® of Women Voters manned voter ration booths for - yratlon. |™« sign-ups three days during The previous record for had been 377, registered makes 'drops costly Ttv ,d8ys during c'ass registration last By BILL HOLSTEIN nday 390 students registered State News Staff Writer - per - credit - hour plan. ■J ,,dentssi8"ed UP on Tuesday. Under from the state Under the previous fee refund pressure system, h o °f eligible voters were legislature, the University has curtailed its students could drop credits for the first '? , pt. 15 when deputy registrars once-liberal fee refund policy. five days of classes with no financial hOni ast Lans'ng High School, but The system approved Sept. 9 by the penalty and could drop courses through said additional efforts will be board of trustees stipulates that for credits the middle of the term and be refunded ed to accommodate persons dropped through the fifth day of classes, or half of the course fees. ■ The i regbter- "drops and adds," one half of the regular The reason for the change, University tv !f8g?e"arsof Women m" Voters will have course fee and all of the additional administrators explain, is that state budget available from 9 a.m. to 4 nonresident tuition for the net credits officials threatened to cut the University dropped will be refunded. In other words, appropriation by as much as $1.5 million the University will keep $7 per net credit Administrators are anxious to point fee refund dropped. After drops and adds, no course fees or out that they resisted the change in policy which could hurt some students and do not tuition will be refunded. like the change any more than students. st"dents who do not wish The policy change will not affect "We didn't do it," Roger Wilkinson, vice kv 1°^ives,ate News or use its services Need a th freshmen and transfer students who enrolled for fall term before the policy presidnet for business and finance, authorization for a refund exclaimed. $1 I ike a multiple ■ choice quiz, these signs at Canada's 45th Radar Squadron. Dana, Sask., battle .isotors perhaps change took effect. If the University had subscription fee in 345 not agreed to 1 Services Bldg. during eJen more than the men assigned there. A member of the North American A.r Defense Command from Ent AFB The new policy modifies a system which change the policy, the reduction in on Week Students must TrnSo Springs Colo, spotted the signs while on duty in the area. Remaming unexplained is why anyone has been in effect since summer, 1969, appropriations would have forced the * receipt cards to receive the bring obeying the f irst si^n would need the latter. Perhaps if they put up a third sign.... AP wirephoto when the trustees replaced a fee - per - term plan (which charged the same fee for University to increase fees by $1 per credit hour for every year that the existing policy a range of credit loads) with the current fee (Please turn to page 15) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September news Student participation By SYLVIA SMITH plans persons prepared by stal and procedure for choosing the student representatives must be selected by the student constituents of each college. Nominations. The nominating committee will be summary JUDY YATES State News Staff Writers Once the method has been chosen, the representative can be selected. the student member of the Steering undergraduates appointed by the chairman of ASMSII m CommitT1'0'*'1 "" From the wire* of AP and UP1. With only one term remaining before students are scheduled to Erwin Bettinghaus, asst. dean for student affairs in the College graduate students appointed by the president of COGS be seated on the Academic Council and several University of Communication Arts, said Tuesday that the Student Advisory Committee plans to decide on a tentative procedure for the standing committees, few concrete plans for involving students The student member of the Steering Committee have bent- initiated on the .college level. selection of the representative. The advisory committee has not The revised "Bylaws for Academic Governancy," approved by yet reached a decision on the selection method. the "Bylaws for Academic Governance," will be cho""^'118 three student representatives to the Academic r™f!n.bytl spring, provides for student participation in academic government spring term, 1971. a' fr» by Jan. 1, 1972. The procedure will be presented to each of the student However, according to Glenn L. Waxier, To date, only the College of Communication Arts has begun to advisor,' chairman committees of the five college Committee on Committees, a letter sent to the "I've never got an acquittal for oil the mechanisms for involving students. departments for threp t " acceptance of rejection. If the departmental committees accept student representatives to the Academic Council this ~ a nicer guy." One undergraduate student from each college will join 10 the procedure, it will be put into effect. If the office of the Secretary of the Faculties rejected, a new reminding th -F. Lee Bailey, Capt. Medina's at-large representatives and six graduate student representatives method will be proposed. their responsibility is as yet unanswered. The two on the Academic Council. underw i" The 10 at-large representatives, at least six nonwhites and student representatives graduated and the defense attorney However, before the college representatives graduate t? can be selected, a at least five women students, will be elected from a slate of 20 representative is now a member of the faculty at 1 (See story page 1) Student cites bio By RANDY GARTON the examination say that 15 of Forster said he was disturbed who visit the Capitol come from determine the fairness of that, competing for six vacancies State News Staff Writer the 67 questions on the test that no questions were asked inner city areas," Otis Hardy, too." the tour guide positions Four were aimed directly at persons concerning Michigan history or director of communications for Otis said the applicants were the jobs have been filled hesai the landmarks of the Capitol. the Civil Service Dept., said. from inner city areas. An MSU student will attempt Friday to show Indian militants a Civil Service "The section was labelled "Accordingly, 15 of the Examination Board that the test Prison problems rising given prospective state Capitol 'high school slang,' " Forster said, "but they were definitely on "I was Oct. going to leave the job 9, anyway," he said. questions on the test were designed to gage the ability of tour guides is biased in favor of not words used where I went to "I'm appealing this test because the candidate to understand and inner city blacks. of the others who might have communicate with inner city high school." There has been a rash of prison disturbances in scattered areas of the country since the Attica uprising Leo C. Forster, Inkster senior, flunked the exam despite the Forster said they were asked to define words like "punk," wanted this Civil job." Service residents and terminology that is officials that area," he said. this included common to clash w ith police "bold" and "super - bold." and officials said Wednesday that some of the trouble fact that he has been a tour explained that the new test was WASHINGTON (AP) - American Indian Movemei was linked to the riot at the New York facility. guide since April. Civil service "I didn't know that 'punk' designed to select the best - Otis said that the appeal Indian militants and police (AIM) demonstration to prote officials reported that 231 out scheduled for Friday was a clashed inside the Bureau of Crow's alleged The Attica riot "could have given some of the was slang for a male qualified tour guides possible. clampdown < of 284 persons failed to pass the routine Indian Affairs (BIA) building porposals designed to inmates an idea," Sheriff Clarence Jones said in Dallas homosexual," he said. "And I procedure used by pi test. Indians can't remember what the answer applicants who believe their Wednesday, as the great where prisoners in the jail atop the country courthouse examination approximately 30 young self-determination. Forster and others who took was to the others." improperly scored. staged a two-hour uprising Tuesday night. demonstrators attempted to As the fighting erupted, so "Generally these hearings do make a citizens' arrest on BIA BIA executives sympathetic not go over the contents of the Deputy Commissioner John the militants were also she exam," he said, "but they can Crow. about. Up to 10 of the Indians were Earlier the A arrested after a screaming, demonstrators led by Means TV RENTALS Congress bans test e Delivery shoving, war-whoop shouting melee at the base of the stairs barricaded themselves ini, rooms of the BIA's pub leading up to Crow's office. information division and Among those arrested was announced they would not i NEJAC TV RENTALS Russell Means, an Oglala Sioux out until they could meet Congress completed action Wednesday on a bill 337-1300 who was spokesman for the Crow. banning the Amchitka Island nuclear test in Alaska "unless the President gives his direct approval of such test." Zoology That provision is in a $4.7 billion compromise public to meet works appropriations bill, which was sent to President M Discussion Zoology 318 (Principles sections Nixon. ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS The House passed the money bill 376 to 0, and the Development Laboratory) not begin meeting until Mondi Senate approved it without dissent o# a voice vote. Indian Trails although one is noqna, scheduled for ""Thuridi afternoons, J.R. 'Shaver,'tt course professor, has announce The Has (7) Buses laboratory room will I Costs up in August open beginning at 2 p.m. todi Every Day Save! Save! Save! Both living costs and wages went up in August, To CHICAGO but the government said this reflected increases before and intermediate stops at: President Nixon clamped on the wage - price freeze in Battle Creek Benton Harbor mid-month. Over-all prices of food, clothing, housing, Kalamazoo South Bend TV transportation, medical care and recreation rose Leaving 6:55 AM 2:25 PM three-tenths of one per cent, about in line with average East Lansing 7:55 AM 5:10 PM BY THE TERM! monthly increases this At: year, the Labor Dept. said. 10:25 AM 6:15 PM Free Delivery 10:35 PM Free Service Phone East Lansing Bus Free Pick-up Terminal for schedules and Busing plan abandoned $25. per term information, for daily departures and arrivals. 332-2569 University TV Rentals The Boston School Committee has voted 3-2 to abandon a controversial plan to bus some black pupils to predominantly white neighborhoods and whites to a new school in a black neighborhood. The plan had been defied by the parents — both black and white - of about half the pupils involved. The Senator William Proxmire OF WISCONSIN decision to scrap the plan, announced at a public meeting Tuesday night, was applauded by most of the 400 parents present. He reads a book in 40 minutes Black on ticket seen asset Watching Senator Proxmire's hand fly times. Our average student begins at 300 over the pages (his hand acted as a pac¬ words a minute and graduates at speeds er) you can't believe that he's actually over 1,500 words a minute. reading. He must be skimming. You can do this, too Senate Republican Leader Hugh Scott said But he's not. Reading dynamically is often like watch¬ Wednesday that Sen. Edward W. Brooke of ing a movie. You have no sense of read Bill Proxmire can read the average novel Massachusetts, the only Negro senator, would be an in a little under 40 minutes. Even on the ing words. Sometimes your involvement asset to a GOP national ticket. is so intense that it's toughest material he rarely dips below as though you're Scott said Sen. Edmund S. Muskie, D-Maine, erred in 1,000 words per minute. actually there, watching the action take saying on Sept. 8 that he does not believe a ticket with a black candidate for vice president could be elected. Moreover,'he can comprehend and recall what he's read Take a free Mini-lesson right d.own to the In 60 smallest detail. minutes, over 80% of our Mini -Lesson audiences increase their Bill Proxmire is not a reading genius. Nor is he a speed. Just a little, but enough to know naturally fast reader. He learned this what it's like. At the Mini-lesson, you will revolutionary technique of rapid reading find Cambodian prince flees in the Evelyn Wood course. out how the Evelyn Wood technique handles difficult textbook material. How it improves memory and concentration. Thfc Senator was one of our better stu¬ dents. He ifarted the course at about 600 And, how it makes reading a pleasure instead of a chore. The Prince Norodom Ravivong, one of the sons of words ci minute and increased his rate 4 Mini-Lesson is one hour that could change your life, too! Cambodia's former head of state, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, has escaped from Cambodia, reliable sources Attend One of the FREE Mini - Lessons Scheduled said Wednesday in Phnom Penh. Ravivong, a former student of archeology, MON„ Sept. 27th TUES., Sept. 28th WED., Sept. 29th disappeared from Phnom Penh some weeks ago and has 4 or 6 or 8 pm. 4 or 6 or 8 pm. since crossed the Cambodian frontier heading for an 4 or 6 or 8 pm. UNIVERSITY INN UNIVERSITY INN unknown destination, the sources said. UNIVERSITY INN 1100 TROWBRIDGE RD. 1100 TROWBRIDGE RD. 1100 TROWBRIDGE RD. Ravivong, like almost a dozen of Sihanouk's children, East Lansing East Lansing East Lansing had been living under police surveillance in the Cambodian capital, but the government is still debating Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics, 17320 West Eight Mile Road, Southfield, Mich. 313-353 5111 whether to grant requests by several members of the royal family for permission to leave the country. "23,19? Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23, 1971 3 ALBANIA OPPOSES U.S. al Coeds march, wimittee composed '\ttee. thre, say no to noise UN 2 China debate opens J and thre« UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Malile representation of the People's spoke after U.S. cosponsors submitted a second MSU band members may have to cope with pink plastic (AP)—The United States and 16 Ambassador George Bush resolution declaring the Republic of China, and other countries called j, curlers on their marching field along with mud and proposed that the U.S. item and expulsion of Nationalist China recommends that it be seated as according Wednesday on the General rival proposal, sponsored by of the five rain and flopping robes. a hosen by h to be "an important question." one permanent Assembly to seat Red China in Albania and 18 other countries, This would require a two-thirds members of the :°uncil fro, And women even. the United Security Nations while be debated Council" and At least they will if the marching band of Yakeley Hall permitting Nationalist China to concurrently in the majority for any move to oust "affirms the 130-nation assembly. the Taiwan delegation. continued right of rman of his its way. remain. tht(* form« representation of the Republic 's thumping of 25 pairs of soggy bedroom slippers fl,e Hie Sponsors of the so-called Hie U.S.-backed resolutions of China." summer b long-awaited resolution d'ng them -sounded at 7:45 a.m. Wednesday on Landon Field as girts also proposed, Albanian resolution are seeking represent a major shift in policy as expected, that for the [roni Yakeley alongside practicing band members protesting the to seat Nixon administration, The vote last year on the ndergradt Peking government should Peking and at the same Albanian resolution was 51 in Ae band's "no women allowed" policy. They were also be time apparently linked with the given China's permanent seat expel the Chinese President's favor and 49 against, but it was objecting to the loud music played during the early in the Security Council, which Nationalist delegation. planned visit to morning drills. carries with it the all-important Peking and other steps to defeated because the assembly The U.S. improve relations with the had agreed it required a veto power. proposal gained Giinese Communists. Wendy Ward; Saginaw freshman, led the women double two-thirds majority. some prestigious support at the Ale onto the field with a paper tube baton and a plastic pail it The last minute when Japan agreed action came A major objective of the serving as her drum majorette's headgear. to be a cosponsor, but its United States, however, as stated The band members had tubas and drums, but the only simultaneously with a preliminary round of debate prospects for approval were by top officials, is to preserve a backup the coeds needed to sing the MSU fight song was a in the assembly's 25-nation uncertain. U.S. officials, place for Taiwan in the world TISSOT metal wastepaper basket beaten with a stick. They also steering however, continued to express committee in which organization. The plan of "dual serenaded the band with a cheer asking for quiet in the Albania's vice minister of foreign optimism. representation" is based on the vacancies, t'ons. Four, mornings. affairs, Reis Malile, denounced assumption that Peking and The sponsors—in addition to Riled, he When the marchers formed a V formation, many band the U.S. two Chinas policy as an Taipei would agree to sit in the anti-Chinese the United States and United Nations with each other. members yelled words of encouragement, suggesting "pick maneuver. myour feet and point those toes." Japan—were Australia, Chad, Costa Rica, Dominican Many laughed and some looked slightly frightened. Two Malile asserted that the U.S. Peking already has stated it Republic, Fiji, Gambia, Haiti, s drummers turned "traitor" and fell in behind the swaying lousecoats to assist the women. resolution was intended to delay a solution of the 21-year-old will have nothing to do with the Honduras, Lesotho, Liberia, organization so long as the New Zealand, Philippines, Nationalists remain in it. Hie women said they do not plan on making any more controversy over who should Swaziland, Thailand and The appearances preferring to sleep or eat breakfast in the occupy China's UN seat. two-Chinas resolution ice mornings instead of having dewy slippers. "We oppose this maneuver," he said. "It must be rejected." Uruguay. The United States and 18 says affirms the assembly the "hereby right of 1 Movent on to prote impdown The State News, the student newspaper at ( Michigan State ed to gj University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, ^ew Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays pullout plan foreseen 5 r e a t during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. 'rupted, son really big! SeastarT-12 mpathetic Member Associated Press, United Press International, self-winding also shov Inland Daily Press Association, 1 Michigan Press Association, day-and-date Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press It's giant-size 42-milli¬ h Association. AIe WASHINGTON (AP)—Senate amendment to the draft bill for the armed forces, would up," he said, noting that despite weeks at least." meter, bold-looking and Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial by Means I moeratic Leader Mike directed total withdrawl of U.S. probably carry a six-month the recent stress on the nation's Senate leaders bold-actioned. Shifts day appealed for and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., and date dials automati¬ selves inti Michigan 3IA's pul ^insfield expressed hope troops in nine months if deadline but that its full text is economic problems, Vietnam senators with amendments to State University, East Lansing, Michigan. cally. Has rotating inside tdnesday that the House will American prisoners are freed. It still being drafted. remains "a front burner issue" bring them up speedily so action elapsed-time scale. Stain¬ and on le a newSenate move to passed the Senate 61 to 38 but and a major reason for domestic less steel. $125 on the bill can be expedited, uld not cquirement. If you have any questions or problems registering, call BUR READERS' MIND Legislative Relations, 355-8302, 312 Student Services Bldg. Bullard unfair to FBI the Editor: agent's word as gospel," I pity the FBI and as long . the as Contrary to popular trends intelligent MSU student freedom of speech exists it be refreshing to hear who would blindly may adopt will undergo censure, internal Dme positive things said about Bullard's attitude. The agents and external. It is certain that institution that has served must enjoy their status, this healthy criticism can only people of this country for however, since relatively few lead to betterment. re than half of a century, leave the FBI for more Jim Metzger n his Welcome Week profitable positions. In 1970, East Lansing resident olumn, Mr. Bullard appears to for example, the turnover rate Sept. 20, 1971 ike great pride in defaming among agents was less than he FBI basically from the one half of one percent per andpoint of civil rights. True, month; the lowest of any "BI does ban women from government agency. This type ranks of its corps of of retention rate Letter surely could tecial agents, but perhaps this not exist if dissatisfaction with filiation arises out of a the system abounded. Policy " endeavor to detach Regarding Mr. Hoover, it from contact with the may be argued with sincerity kes of dangerous criminals that he is getting along in id murderers. Maybe the time years and is due for a The State News welcomes all come when women no we 11-deserved retirement. Let letters. They must be typed ;er desire this isolation and us not forget, however, that, (preferably to a 65-space line rules must be changed, but after his rise to the position of and triple-spaced,) dated, and is naive to think that such director in 1924, Hoover signed with the hometown, Ktrictions exist merely to transformed a politically student, faculty or staff standing eprive women of their cgmjfk, inefficient organization and local phdne number rights". info "a highly competent included. No unsigned letter will Disappointingly, Mr. Bullard, institution which uses proven be accepted for publication, and ho would certainly begrudge ability as its only basis for no letter will be printed without eing stereotyped as an "effete promotion. One cannot help a signature except in highly ob" or a "bum," has but respect a man who is so unusual circumstances. Letters inaged to classify an FBI totally dedicated, but, of should be addressed to The > "an apolitical eunuch, course, it is very popular and Editor, State News, 345 Student shaven, impeccably newsworthy to criticize famous Services Bldg., MSU, East and mentally sterile." men and what they stand for. Lansing, 48823. Mr. Bullard pities the Doubtlessly, there are many hschooiers who "accept the improvements to be made in we're up to our ears Textbooks.. .all in books the new h, titles. Paperbacks in mad profusion. We've got them all. Just try us. It's our business to have just the books and supplies you want and need. And even if you aren't looking for anything special, come in and browse. You're bound to walk out with a book to inform or relax you.. .between the ears. Open till 9 tonight. MSU BOOKSTORE (y Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Septemh.., Airplane's Bark' hurt by hassles, clashes „ own own relieve record record company does not you of hassles, as the Beatles found out, and in the "Crown 'Crown as of Creation" Creation' Surrealistic Pillow" is not clear cut. and quite had to persuade Kantner to sing one of the songs on that album. When Balin finally split the that category. Instead they follow the before whether before, whether Kantner done a little too much Kantner hasn't acid. work is outstanding, outstanding. Unfortunately, this is the only real/strainina pattern established on Though Kantner fails to song on the album where Jorma face of such wild expectation, On Kantner's solo album, the group a couple of months ago, After years of constant battle "Bark" was destined to fall short "Starship," the monotonous contribute anything outstanding really cuts loose. "Wild Turkey" basic Jefferson Airplane sound he must have been thinking that strum over which Kantner on this album, Grace and Jorma is simply a jam, music credited RCA over lyrical and of the mark. It could not Witt** with of Grace Slick and Marty Balin's he should never have gotten preaches, begs and implores the each have one fine composition to Kaukonen, with the help of musical freedom, contracts, possibly excel the "inhibited" energetic vocals interwoven with Kantner started. listener to from their three. Grace's prices on their records, etc., the "Volunteers" in impact, nor Jorma Kaukonen's excellent With one successful vocal escape among Papa John Creach on violin, and "Amerika" in any way he can. "Lawman" is not quite as good Jefferson Airplane finally has could it be any more spaced out album under his belt, Kantner like most jams fails to really get "Bark" is not guitar and everybody following "If you've only lived on earth off the a bad „h. j "Hey Frederick," but very ground. But it does Some of it is 'i as formed a record company of its than "Starship." Jack Casady's bass, was replaced naturally continues to grace us you've never seen the sun/or very good good nonetheless. It reflects provide few interesting own, labeled Grunt Records. It However, while "Bark" fails by Kantner singing over his with his voice on "Bark." This is the promise of a thousand other "don't hassle me, man" attitude a moments. a were a new album relejj would be only logical to expect to destroy the minds of its monotonous strum on an not so bad in itself, for some of suns that glow beyond here." which would seem to summarize Kaukonen's third some be very unknown group Kr that an unhassled, uninhibited listeners because "Volunteers" acoustic guitar. Back in the early the songs he has written in the His lyrics, which were interesting the group's present frame of contribution, "Third Week the easy to get it. However, it is exciS Jefferson Airplane would create and "Starship" already have, Airplane days of "Taking Off," past have lent themselves to his on "Starship" if for no other mind. Musically, Jorma's "Feel Chelsea," is only worthwhile usual act of not the^Ll some of an crazily beautiful art form album. reason entertain for its as failure to simply well as such before Grace joined the group, vocal style and were truly Marty Balin, who had created inspired tunes. But none of his than their being novel, tend to So Good" is the best song on the because of the information in obedient "Bark" love, butraE! to be rather boring and lead one to album. The basic tune and the lyrics. "So we go on moving Unfortunately, forming your lyrics master " As discreetly fantastic albums as the Airplane, explained that he three songs on "Bark" fall into wonder now, if one hadn't are simple, but the solo guitar trying to make this image disappointing. such, the J/ 01 MERIDIAN MALL 349 2700 OKEMOS fcr REDUCED PRICES DURING TWI LITE HOUR BUT QUALITY FILMS LACKING ^ fouR" it starts with the jangle of a phone £j Ejj John Nayneltjlp) jonefoodo donold Aftheriond ii $ Area offeed them. If it wasn't for the State movie films as "Woodstock," "2001: A fa re inter-relationship .1 | "Big Jake" Thursday at 5:00 7:00 9:00 klute Thursday at 5:00 7:00 ® § A around few nights ago I raced East Lansing trying to find a new film to review that Theater, some of us might never have seen a foreign film during Space Odyssey," "Satyrcon," "Midnight M.A.S.H." Cowboy," and characterization. If they were! overall quality of film on f 9:00 would still be running by the our stay in East Lansing. ■■■■Friday at 6:00 8:00 9:55 4»JFriday at 5:00 7:30 9:55 U The Beal Film group brings in KflffThursday Twi-Lite Hr., Adults 90c, 4:30-5:00 OThursday Twi-Lite Hr., Adults 90c, time this paper came out, but Perhaps the true highlights of an interesting array of films There 4:30-5:0^ are some every seemed to be off-campus viewing are the ranging from hard core sneaking good films in, Sjj In everyone's life " rDLSTIN N 1 & | running no-one its usual interested one week, limited Meridian 4 theaters. They have a 90-cent twi-light special that pornography to classics. There are other societies on area. The movement is underground and secret ei,v jJ HOFFMAN 'Vlf | engagement. I would have gladly reviewed one of those fully compensates postage stamp screen. The only for the campus, such as the Auburn Morrill College (JMC) has! Sgpjnp Film group that has a good film where it brings in I VTf DUNAWAT SUKQ. Cfc\ M hand-crank machines had I been problem with those theaters is every now and then, but they program films, both classic M ■ able to find one. that they don't always show LITTLE BIG MAN RS a Thursday at 5:15 7:15 9:15 \ Thursday at 6:00 8:45 j fl Mij Sometimes the marquis this town change so fast that no one has time to read them and in quality films, and even 90 cents is a lot to pay to see garbage. There are good films to be usually show the mediocre. Quality is not a watchword of films in this area. There is a film contemporary. problem with them have to have either a The is thatl decol H| LA Friday at 6:15 8:15 10:10 The sophisticated filmgoer in found in the area, but usually society on campus that alsmost ring to find out when and whl \(jThursday Twi-Lite Hr., Adults 90c, 5:30-6:0mJ then other times they stay up so East Lansing is a frustrated man. they went bankrupt trying to educate they are playing or you havl long that the letters have to be are brought in by the people to good film only to know someone in JMC that A The majority of off-campus chiseled off. on-campus groups. The make a comeback with the now let you in on the secret. 1 films, with the exception of Residence Hall Assoc. tries to those shown at the State bring in second-run films of legendary porno film, Baby Vickie. Baby Vickie has been The Dept. of Television J usually right out of Radio had a History of MoJ 2 COMIC MASTERPIECES Theater, Hollywood. are general interest. called back many times to play command perfomances. Pictures class that shows! classics. Again, you have to 1 They have that This fall they seem to have a I have a distinct feeling that the schedule, industry-production line feel to fairly good program with such and they L the general viewing audience in during the afternoons. Itisl East Lansing isn't really bad that some of these films! interested in "Epic battle of the sexes!"-Vincent Canby, N Y. Times not made available to thegenT cinematography lighting, public free of charge since I editing, acting, image are already paid for by 1 Richard Burton University. But it seems that I fun more to be selective! GenevieveBujold m ANNE BOLEYN whom you educate. There is one positive pi for the growth of good E HalWallis PRODUCTION this area. In recent years filrrj tq (^/\iwe (oftffe Tfiousatfr DayS [ispl <3 has been an enormous growtl student filmmaking on | campus. The Dept. of Televis and Radio has instituted Tonight in 108B Wells 7, 9:40 production class where films | I.D.'s or fee receipts required be made with ( equipment. Other depart MARX $1.00 admission have also taken the have begun work in the vii initiative! PROGRAM INFORMATION 482-3905 medium. Starts BROS. ENDS TODAY: The English Dept. has sd FR«! "FORTUNE professors who have inclul (3 ICHIGAN the uses of super-eight films J and MEN'S EYES" "As prime minister RUFUS T. Ope their creative writing classes. 1 F1REFL Y, Groucho reduces 1:00 p.m. Theatre Lansinq • Complete Shows at 1:10 - Art Dept. is about to develol the kingdom to shambles. 1217 S. WASHINGTON-DOWNTOWN 3:05-5:05-7:10-9:10 p.m. creative film program of its ol Harpo and Chico appear as his JMC also is considering secret agents. Ducksoup's suc| director Leo McCarey said the of "An obscure W.C. Fields film considered by many critics to have been his best. Hailed as an absurdist DOUBLE "Husbands is proposal. The only drawback to I brothers: "The most masterpiece in FEATURE France, it remains relatively unknown in America. As student filmmakj surprising thing about this film is that I did not go mad. The brothers president of the mythical country of Klomstokia, Fields' PROGRAM! ★★★★ ! Highest movement in is that there are were completely performance is magnificently funny." -WANDA HALE. NY. departments moving crazy." Ducksoup is the most Daily News "Husbands is separate directions. Ins highly regarded of the Marx's pictures. Ducksoup 8:15 & 10:45 Million $ Legs 7:00 & 9:30 what movie mak¬ coordinating the facilities ue Groucho himself thinks it is the craziest." ing is all about! one cinema department < Thurs. 106B Wells could be staffed with instrucB Three superb per¬ Admission only $1.00 Fri. & Sat. 102B Wells formances!" representing the four differ® concerns, each department^ developing its own faciliB which, in some cases, t«fl thousands of dollars to equip* This growth of studT filmmakers would do a lot! create a new audience tB would allow quality films! creep back into East Lansing. J « < DYAN CANNON RICHARD CRENNA GENE HACKMAN CARROLL O'CONNOR RACHEL ROBERTS JANICE RULE DIANA SAN0S RICHARD ANDERSON RALPH BELLAMY JOHN C0LIC0S Feature 1:20-5:15-9:20 p.m. AN RHA PRESENTATION SEANC0NNERY .IAN FLH) THUNDERBALL" CUUOINf AUGER MHX.F0 CELI LUCIANA MLUZZ1 Mm „KEVIN McCLORY TERENCE Y0UN6 KRO MAIBAUMmJOHN HOPKINS JTiwKEVIN McCLORY, JACK WHITTINGHAM-IAN FLEMING PANAWSOff TECHNICOLOir ,l a wadleigh-maurice, ltd. production • technicolor® Irom warner Tonight in Wilson Tonight in Conrad 6:30, 9:15 6:15/ 9:30 Brody at 7:30 Students, faculty and staff only ' D.'S or Fee receipts required EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION - Throwing Off The MSU Film Festival Winner $1.00 admission by Jack Epps Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. September 23, 1971 7 JNMENT Taylor opens concert series By NAT ABBATE of "more than adequate sound." concert at Marshall Music, aisles. student marshals, Webster said. State News Staff Writer he said. Campbell's Smoke Shop and the "The threat of no more "We've gone all out to have In addition to Taylor, the Union. concerts is not James Taylor, the a possibility," trained marshals with specific Fifth Dimension has been Webster said. "It's fact." soft-spoken, low-key performer a sensitivity in working with who has rapidly become one of booked for 8 p.m. Nov. 12 in While ticket prices have risen, One way in which Pop people," Webster said. "At the the Jenison. Pop Entertainment also prices for Pop Entertainment Entertainment country's top singers, will hopes to cut same time, they have to be firm, will present a Homecoming concerts are still lower than down on these problems is because what, we have here is a 1 begin the 1971-72 Popular by concert Oct. 22 in the most places, Blatt said. ) Entertainment season with a employing specially trained few people ripping-off 8,000." i concert at 8 p.m. Oct. 8 in Auditorium. They have a bid in for Poco but have not yet "A good example is the Sly Jenison Fleldhouse. received a reply from that group. and the Family Stone concert ' In his contract, Taylor specifies that the sound system Prices for the concerts will last year," he said. "The top N.Y.Times Getting ahead be provided by Show-Co of vary because of the business end price we charged while top prices for a was $3.75, Dallas, Randolph Webster Jr., of contracting the groups, Sly available on I Students recuperating f'om lh, 0, attended a n*muton free rock concert asst. director of Student according to Barry Blatt, concert in Garden was $7.50." Madison Square a Tuerfav chairman of Pop Entertainment. I afternoon a.«. Intramural F.ald E„, of Wil»n Hall. , State News Activities, said Wednesday. by T„rry Students should thus be assured Blatt said Pop Entertainment Reading copies of the New York Times are now available daily used to deal for groups and have Even the low prices will do no at the Library, Henry Hock, associate director of the Library a set gross income in mind for good if the University puts an announced this week. Refreshing' show breaks the house. Now, he explained, it end to the concerts, Blatt said. Five copies will be kept on file. Four copies will be at the is necessary to bicker back and Fire marshals are becoming assinged reading desk on the second floor, and one copy at the forth with the groups until they increasingly disturbed by the periodical reading room, main floor. feel they have a price which will amount of people sitting in the "All copies will be delivered the same day as published," Hock aisles and ignoring the ban on noted. satisfy the group and still allow IWelcome Week tradition Pop Entertainment to at least smoking inside the buildings. break even. Tickets for James Taylor will • NORTHS IDE Drive -in cost $4 and $5, while those for The Mountain concert 16 was interrupted and the on July j, * * j-STbeafre j 'jriMPVJT* the Fifth Dimension will cost $3 east giving of Wilson Hall. Besides new students their first Rationals before that group split printed there. Still, they did and $4. Tickets for the house lights turned on in an effort to move people from the J.HM up. After a slow start, they made Homecoming concert in the By NAT ABBATE chance to wear their freaky good use of the Bob Heil sound come sounds. out with some good Auditorium are also expected to aisles, Webster said. However, I ■miri i "iTi'i 111 iTTi iiiiii m i n— clothes and look radical, the he said, when the lights went State News State Writer system and gave the crowd the be $3 and $4. Tickets will EXCLUSIVE 4 HIT HORROR PROGRAM show go on out again, many people went provided some good sale two weeks before each sounds. best music of the day. All the groups played for free, right back to sitting in the IN GHASTLY COLOR! 1 and the only expense to Pop I a roving audience of an Most notable of the three Entertainment was the $800 for Estimated 6,000 students groups and one singer was Steve Reynolds, who started the concert, displayed a fine the sound system and the cost of S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW ™ ittended Pop Entertainment's Guardian Angel, an Ann Arbor voice on most of his selections, setting up and cleaning up. 'Sounds of Arrival" concert iday afternoon on the field group whose bass player and lead singer were members of the which ranged from Arlo Guthrie tunes to songs of his own composition. His own songs With the nice excellent sound system and weatner, » FABRICS 4960 Northwind Drive, decent bands, the concert East Lansing 332-0879 were interesting enough, though the crowd seemed impatient for provided a refershing change from the MON. - FRI. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. traditional fellowship some heavier rock, which seems more to Welcome Week activities. SAT. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. suggest that Reynolds might be better received in KNITS OF ALL KINDS! coffeehouses where the audience Save! Save! Save! is more likely to get into his |o continue songs. Spyder, East Rent Your Lansing TV an Ford Foundation fall of 1972. They will be group, did not come across as well it could have, but they jcently announced that it is selected by the recommendation as performed all their own songs jwitinuing doctoral fellowship of a panel of faculty members in their respective disciplines. and should get better in time. BY THE TERM! "Four stars ★ ★ ★ ★ Highest rating. grams for American Indian, Mexican-American and The This was only their third fellowship will cover A production of quality and a } Rican students for the tuition, fees, an allowance for performance. Free Delivery 1972-73 academic year. books and supplies, and a Free Service gratifying achievement." -Wanda Hale, N.Y. Daily News Free Pick up | These are for students who monthly stipend for living costs. Brat, from Ann Arbor, could - lit not undertaken graudate or To apply, write: Hie Ford also have made better use of the "Epic battle of the sexes." ssional study and who plan fc pursue Ph. D. degrees and Foundation, 320 East 43rd St., 'New YortrTN.Y. sound system. At times, it was impossible to hear the lead $25.°° per term -Vincent Canby, N.Y. Times Wually enter careers in higher The deadline for submitting; guitar, and the lead singer had a University TV Rentals ■duration. The program will applications is Jan. 10, 1972. disconcerting habit of bending lipport full-time graduate study Recipients are expected to be over and singing to the floor, as 351-7900 4th Hit - DIE MONSTER DIE ■r up to five years, providing announced on April 1. though all the lyrics were At Midnite e fellow makes satisfactory ss toward the Ph.D. Open at 1:15 p.m. _/ 1 program information 485 6485 I Recipients must have received WATERBEDS Today . . . two NOW SHOWING! ■ bachelors degree before Sept. Big Features 1 1972, be a citizen of the Now thru Sunday Richard Burton as henry viii ■nited States, intend to pursue a ~it in higher education and Ji to enter a U.S. MERIDIAN MALL AMERICAtoAFRICA Genevieve Bujoldas anne boleyn graduate Where It All Came From ool in either the summer or Get It with Wilson Pickett Ike & Tina Turner Santana IN THE HalWallis PRODUCTION "'Carnal Knowledge'is one of the best movies ever." (y\nnc (oftfjeTfiousanb T)ay§ Mike \khoh. Jack \k ho son.Candke Bergen, IrenePapas Arthur Garfunkel. Ann \«argrci and Jules Feiffer. Tonight in 108B Wells 7, 9:40 Carnal Knowledge, j I.D. or fee receipt required — $1.00 •Ki COMING NEXT WEEK For isre-Jk Cool Hand Luke and "Wait Until Dark" Sidney Mikr PROGRAM INFORMATION 33? 58i1" •"srff <£B> IN COLOR >L0" ( f LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES UNIVERSITY CINEMA OPEN At 7:00 p.m. 5 extraordinary films for Fall, 1971 NOW SHOWING! TODAY "A MARRIED COUPLE" (3) ADULT FILMS a film by ALAN KING ASSOCIATES, producers of the acclaimed i-i; 'V.iwr, 1)N M 43 * PH0N[ to 11042 "A DAZZLING MOVIE. A superior film. "WARRENDALE." Named one of the 10 best films of 1970 by X Rated TIME magazine. Should be seen by anyone who is married, or plans IMo one under 18 allowed The most striking and baroque images to be married, or counsels the married, or knows the married. "Quite simply one of the greatest movies I have ever seen." — you're ever likely to see. A rich, poetic, CUVE BARNES, THE NEW YORK TIMES. FRI., SEPT. 24. cinematic style."-Vincent Canby, New York Times $1.00 ADMISSION "THE WORLD OF BUCKMINSTER FULLER" — Robert Snyder's visual close-up of architect-engineer-inventor-author-scientist-teacher-philosopher, "BUCKY" FULLER. World-renowned creator of the geodesic dome, Fuller has taught us to think of Planet Earth as one complete environmental system of human beings, resources, ideas and possibilities. FRI., OCT. 1. $1.00 ADMISSION IJ WILTS ONLY MOVIE T01TVE"4 "MEDEA" I KEN WAITING to TEARS TO SEE!!' — Written and directed by PIER PAOLO PASOLINI, starring MARIA CALLAS in her first dramatic movie. "One of year's 10 Shown Twice at 7:07 and 12:00 p.m. best." - MICHAEL GOODWIN, ROLLING STONE Magazine. (Midwest premiere) THURS., OCT. 21. $1.50 ADMISSION (SPECIAL). "GISELLE" — American Ballet Theatre production, starring ERIK BRUHN and CAR LA FRACCI. Winner, FIRST PRIZE, 1971 International Dance Film Festival, Paris. Music of ADOLPHE ADAM; orchestra of the DEUTSCHE OPER, BERLIN, conducted by JOHN LANCHBERRY. WED., OCT. 27. $1.50 ADMISSION (SPECIAL). 8:15 ONLY "THE HENRY MILLER ODYSSEY" - a film portrait of 'The Great Obscene One," a "diabolically GINGER truthful man" produced by Robert Snyder. America's most controversial writer (celebrating his 80th birthday this December) talks of eternal love, eternal life, this planet and, above all, of [ADULTS only! JEAN LOUIS TRINTIGNANT STEFANIA SANDRELLI himself. WED., NOV. 17. $1.00 ADMISSION. I f ke the conformist K UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM *8IIGBB"CHEM CAFFARO HERB KERR • cindy barnett william t '.rannell d„«, • michele norris r kent evans "GASTONE MOSCHIN DOMINIQUE SANDA ciLsZ ... MAURIZIO IODI FE All films shown TICKETS AT THE DOOR ONE HOUR IN ADVANCE at 7:30 and 9:30 P.M. A^gS^Conduc* bv robert G Wrmen and [Wrf by don SCHAIN orpin ' ■ product by ralph t desiderio A derio production by joseph brenner ASSOCIATES, INC color by deluxe' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS- Thursday, September 23, 1971 9 Texans prepare move for .inr league baseball. SEWS "SnESESiSiSrSe"'- its gates r """ sche,""ed now move is president of the Texas league, was enthusiastic about the although it means he will have to find a new home for the Schramm. "The more major league sports for all. There is no reason to believe the for the area area, the better will not support a beuatiful 22,000 - seat layout built in And, it was this entertainment complex idea that keyed the Spurs franshise. major league baseball." a natural enthusiasm. "It's a great day for the area, no question about it," said Ihitheater, had already begun the transition from the home of "With major league baseball, Seven Seas and Six Flags we will Bngan. Meanwhile, plans already were under way to enlarge Turnpike Stadium to a 35,000-capacity by next April. The plans have been "minor league Dallas-Fort Worth Spurs to that of the undoubtedly have' the greatest entertainment package available "We've been a bridesmaid long enough." drawn ever since the stadium was conceived. It was enlarged from Ihineton Senators less than 12 hours after the announcement anywhere in the United States," said Herman Veselka, who is city In Washington,the Texas congressional delegation also joined in 10,000 to 22,000 only within the past year. goslon that the American League had approved the Club's manager of this 100,000-population suburb. exultation at the advent of a second major league team to go The addition of two more light strandards will be necessary to with nsfer to Texas. Mayor pro tem S.J. Stovall, who is second in command to the Houston Astros of the National League. bring the candlepower up to major league standards of 175,000 The ' full 'mPact of the move» wh,ch culminated more than a mayor Tom Vandergriff — the ramrod of the long campaign to "Sen. Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr., D-Tex. said he was looking candlepower. n vears of one frustration after another, will be slow in bring major league ball to the area, said he thought of the forward to an "intrastate" World Series in Texas "in the !ming 'specially to the man In the street. Senators' coming as "just another addition to a rather not-too-distant future." The city of Arlington has used up about all of its bond money But business and civic leaders were quick to greet the news tremendous family entertainment complex we've been Lamar Hunt, who was co-owner of the minor league Spurs, said in the recent enlargement, but Stovall said Wednesday, "We have a. Enthusiastic optimism despite the fact owner Bob Short's assembling." he was "unquestionably glad to step aside for major league several routes to take to finance (the imporvements), but we're "um in the nation's capital had been a financial disaster with Marvin Stetler, president of the First National Bank of baseball. not committing ourselves at the moment." p same hall club. Arlington, remarked that the financial interests in the area had "Actually, the main purpose we've had all along in keeping the moving to turnpike stadium, located on the toll road gone all out to facilitate the move. Spurs here was to keep alive baseball interest. This is really the A "distressed" President Nixon is shifting his baseball rooting ,y between Dallas and Fort Worth, the Senators - or "All the major banks in the Dallas-Fort Worth area have culmination of everything we've worked for." allegiance from the Washington Senators to the California Angels. hatever their new nickname will be — will become a major part agreed to extend credit to the club, but we don't know what our The Dallas Cowboys, who are also moving to the suburbs at Ted WflHaWis is taking his leave of the Washington baseball an entertainment complex that includes Six Flags Over Texas, portion will be," he said. Irving, welcomed the Senators to the area. scene with no reluctance. Only a few of his players gave a hoot Bobby Bragan, former major league player and manager who "It's a fine thing for the area," said Cowboys' President Tex about the shift of the Senator franchise to Texas. lobertson urges nerger block WASHINGTON (UPI) - paid only $5,000 or $6,000 a tional Basketball Association year, were not able to bargain jA) players, led by superstar effectively for increases and It's Great to be finished their careers at ,B Robertson, urged congress age 30 without any benefits. ity to block a merger of the Robertson the Guy competing professional said he had wes. nothing to gain or lose lobertson, president of the personally by the merger, since he has a long-term contract and IA Players Association, will probably retire at the end of lified before the senate it. titrust and monopoly icommittee of the "terrible rdships" on pro players when NBA had no competition. of Dave Debusschere, a member the Knickerbockers New who York also Who Calls the Plays He said the NBA players appeared in opposition to the isition to the proposed merger, said he also had nothing to gain from two ier with the Fledging competing rican Basketball Association leagues since he is in "" Army ROTC is the leadership course. Enroll ii and you learn to lead • to work with people, i "total." twilight of my career." But he said he could of a challenging job after graduation with ABA players are not understand why players should returning to civilian life in two years rjting the merger. But the sit or less • back and accept a merger graduate "degree" in leadership and A players want to eliminate which will "benefit only a few Eketball's controversial reserve and limit a proposed wealthy individuals. Plus we take care of you while you're still n draft of college players "We hopefully still are a will receive $50 per month in your junior an nation of competitors with two years. equal You will have an opportunity to apply for ai Robertson said every player opportunities to compete," he said. "That is all ask scholarship which pays for all tuition, books an 1 been "dramatically helped we — that the competitive aspects of a the freedom to compete be But there's a lot more. For instance, you can c :ond league." Before the ABA preserved for all parties." Officials of the two leagues different branches of the Army. This enables < formed, he said, some were claim if an officer in a field they continue cutthroat directly related to your c competition for college have a flight program that can qualify you as a superstars, it will be a financial you're still in school. If you are a veteran the asketball disaster for basketball. But the NBA players said that would be of our program will be waived in your case. solved if each player would be tied to the team that drafts him In Army 1|&TC you are guaranteed four or youts for for two years only and would be free to negotiate with other clubs afterwards. uninterrupted college because of a special di You can also postpone your active duty servic if you decide to earn an advanced degree. Whi all the facts. Army ROTC has a lot to offer yo reshmen WATERBEDS ■There will be a meeting for all Only $27.95 looming freshmen interested in lying freshman basketball at 5 MERIDIAN MALL in. on Sept. 28 in room 209 of inison Fieldhouse. ■All information Save! Save! Save! concerning ■outs will be available to the Rent Your ppective fee coach players. Freshman Matt Aitch will be on pd to answer any questions ■tmay come up. TV BY THE TERM! Free Delivery Free Service Free Pick-up $25.°° per term Call University TV Rentals I Little Caesars 337-1681 351-7900 .r-7% p imf li At our price, this General Electric clock radio is a real sleeper $1088 Freshmen and Veterans — Add Army ROTC. My. how you'vr changed Get more from College than a Degree. Call 355-1914 or stop by Demonstration Hall today. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, SPORTS Sep,„ 'S' harriers Booters open By CRAIG REMSBURG State News Sports Writer information opponent about and you have the their "But the offense is a big headache right now." here In the daily practice sessions, the Spartan coach singeld out for 1 crown makings of either a surprising or The Spartan mentor said three seniors Steve Twellman and By MIKE ABERLICH This year, With their season opener with disappointing contest team members have just begun however Mi„ a Rudy Mayer as the booters who the University of Cincinnati a scant two days away, the MSU Saturday. to practice and their late arrival have been the most consistent in State News Sports Writer Will and host the league It will be " ''6 £ The game is scheduled to has held up the progress of the their play thus far. Twellman soccer team has been working begin at 10 a.m., and will be entire team. toils in the defensive backfield If Jim Gibbard's defending chamfi0ng " hard in practice in what can plan goes as held at the soccer field just The offensive punch of the while Mayer performs for the it did last year, the MSU cross overcome The that edge. 1 best be described as an south of Spartan Stadium and Gophers finishoH Spartans should be strengthened offense. • "uncertain" atmosphere. country team may be shy of an the tennis courts. There is no by Fuller's switch of Jamacian One injury is of some note. Coach Payton Fuller's squad impressive win column but may charge for admission. senior Nick Dujon from goalie to Dan Mikalacki strained some still win the league title. is uncertain as to who will be in "We don't know much about the starting line-up; what the the University of Cincinnati forward. Dujon is one of the leadir^ soccer goalkeepers in the muscles near the right knee and won't be ready 10 perform in Last season it took a while for the Spartan harriers to come Bjorkfund! * *** rUnnet8' G«" offense can do in the way of But Gibbard isn't team," conceeded Fuller, "but I country, but his prowess as an Saturday's contest. » around in the dual meet half of of exactly vni mounting a sustained attack; and the potential and depth of the expect them to give us a good all - round player enables Fuller The Spartan booters finished the season last year with a 5-1-3 the season, as they only took as overpowering runners All-American junior X bench. Add to this the fact that fight." "They might be a little to make the switch. three wins in their six game v. more experienced and have more "We have two three good won-lost-tied record. Popejoy returns as the Km*, or They schedule. But by the time of the biggest they don't have much depth than we do, but I really can't say for sure." goaltenders (he mentioned Dave Goldman and Jim Stone missed the the NCAA playoffs for the first time since 1962 as a Big Ten Meet, the Spartans were fourth in the hope. Popejoy Big Ten rLu ^ more than ready as they "I've been trying to emphasize escaped added a 20th place specifically) so we moved Dujon result of the three ties. with a conference crown for the finish in » to the team that we should win this game big, since it is our to some the forward lines to give us help. Dujon has the ability 13th time in the last 21 seasons. NCAA ti.le the run team's best while'pty Derfn«T Gibbard, although he doesn't with a 25:06 opener and the first of four but still needs some coaching," On the fly concentrate solely on the final Dave clocking. Dieters straight home games," he said. Fuller said. Women's IM meet of the year, does place a Kilpatrick also return and Soccer Coach Payton Fuller will be depending heavily this great deal of importance on it. serve as and^i co-captains. KilnatH. year on defensive halfback Steve Twelleman (dark jersey) "We had the meet on ft TONIGHT our own pulled a seventh in the to carry much of the booters back line play. course last year and it helped State News photo by Tom Gaunt lot," noted the Spartan coach. a Meet with a time of personal best, while 25?9 Dieted, his best finish Stat., against £ is NO APOLOGY taking Ralph Zoppa and Steve sophomo, Rockey return after seein Welcome-Back- Thomas rejoins Dallas fairly steady action last sense, but Gibbard is counting heavil on a pair of junior Ali-Americ college transfers from G to-MSU-Quart- DALLAS (UPI) - Duane Thomas has rejoined his Dallas make it back to the Super Bowl without him during the height of Thomas' attitude, Landry said: "His attitude was fine with Rapids, twin act Rob and Ro Cowboys teammates and there his month-long campaign for a me. It's never been any other have been no apologies asked for renegotiated contract during the way in my talks with him. I i„Th? ^"tans wiH °Pen agains Night-Party-Time 2 p.m. -8 p.m. or volunteered in the wake of his vitriolic remarks made during his summer training camp period. He later "retired," but only don't have any problems with Duane." Miami (Ohio) Akers golf course. Saturday at Fores Sunday long holdout, coach Tom Tuesday was granted Landry also was asked if 7:50 Courts available p.m. Courts Landry said Wednesday. reinstatement by National Thomas had made any apology at the ecreation 1 p.m- 7:50 p.m. For further information ci Thomas bitterly Landry and two top Cowboys assailed Football League Commissioner Pete Rozelle at the discretion of to the team, in light teammates' comments of his during Ruggers Vomen's IM office (355-4712). executives and proclaimed that the Cowboys. training camp that they m news bg p. 10 this year's club would never Thomas attended his first wouldn't want to play with more p meeting with the team today," Thomas again after his scathing The MSU Rugby Club wil Landry told his midweek press remarks. play its first All our Art brushes luncheon and "I think our job is "We have not asked for an game of the yei 3:30 p.m. Saturday at th to get him back in shape and apology and he hasn't volunteered one," Landry said. Spartans' Old College Field. Hi playing again." Physical examinations "As for the Cowboys players' University of Detroit wi FLAIRi provide the opposition. Tw reduced 30% 1j1 disclosed the 1970 rookie attitude," Landry said, "the matches will be played, wit sensation was suffering- from team attitude was very good. If now in 12 both the A and B he can come back and help us squac cmotionally- phlebitis in his legs, but participating. otherwise in good condition. get to the Super Bowl, they are The club needs playi chartcd colors Asked how he would describe all for it." are looking for both experience OMLV 49* Canvas .69/yd. i NASSAU at charter jet prices and inexperienced ruggers. Sn< Rugby is a club sport in undergraduate or gradual student or faculty member ci participate. Size is not a facte for a good rugby player. Bt $219 per person (Basis Double Occupancy) aggressiveness fitness are and phyifc excellent attribute 7%JL dwurft Slightly higher during winter Practices are held Tuesdi; lead on! INCLUDES ALL THESE FEATURES: Wednesday and Thursday at p.m. at Old College Field. ZIPPER CARRYING CASE 20x26. .6.95 *7 NIGHTS AT THE SHERATON BRITISH COLONIAL Any interested playe both old and new mem HOTEL, BASIS DOUBLE OCCUPANCY*ALL ROOMS WOODEN SKETCH BOX 12x16. . .4.45 AIR-CONDITIONED WITH should call Ron Kyser PRIVATE 351-6478. *Mobiles *Swinging Ashtrays CIRCLE TEMPLATE . .0.49 BATH'ROUNDTRIP CHARTERED JET TRANSPORTATION DETROIT/WINDSOR TO *Pictures *Bean Bag chairs LEAD HOLDER 0.39 NASSAU*MEALS ... 7 FULL COURSE BREAKFASTS AT THE HOTEL AND 2 DINNERS CONSISTING OF A ALL PACER PADS 50% OFF MICHAEL'S CASUAL OUTDOOR HAWAIIAN STYLE LUAU AND A We offer STUDENT AND PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNTS oil ART, CRAFT, DRAFTING SUPPLIES CASUAL OUTDOOR STEAK on BARBECUE'WELCOMING non-sole items. Come to our Back-to-school Sale, on now. GET-ACQUAINTED COCKTAIL PARTY*ROUND-TRIP 555 E. Grand River Ave. TRANSFERS FROM THE AIRPORT IN NASSAU TO miscellaneous (517) 351-1150 Bring This Ad For FREE GIFT! THE HOTEL*COMPLIMENTARY USE OF THE 9-HOLE PITCH AND PUTT GOLF COURSE«NO CHARGE FOR USE OF TENNIS OR SHUFFLEBOARD COURTS'FREE CHAISE LOUNGES, MATS AND TOWELS AT THE POOL OR BE ACH'SER VICES OF A TOUR ESCORT THAT WILL MEET THE GROUP UPON ARRIVAL IN NASSAU DEPARTURES EVERY SATURDAY college travel TV RENTALS Hi! office FrS Service* $9.50 Free Pick-up NEJAC TV RENTALS 130 W. Grand River EflCH Of OS Is +ne 351-6010 337-1300 — -CUT OUT AND SAVE" Person wUf 50Th rajn can 3ivE +hE o+htr £ SunsWm w + e+ L +o make a waisvs t© hove. LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL DOWNTOWN 309 N. Washington in the new Leonard Plaza Presents for Your Dining Pleasure >THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL co Broiled Baby Beef Liver w/ Onions | FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL fc* Beef Stroganoff w/ Noodles Photograph of a Wall in Lansing — Author Anonymous °SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL p Baked Swiss Steak If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please come to ; SUNDAY SPECIAL Schensul's Fried Chicken Roast Pork w/ the Union Building every night this week at 7:30 p.m. for a brief or Dressing meeting. Or call the MSU Volunteer Bureau at 355-4400. OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. A public service message unj East Lansing State Bank Evening Specials include roll, butter and beverage and following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. a choice of two of the —CUT AND SAVE.. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Thursday, September 23, 1971 11 '^'S' offense to make changes .for Oregon State contest By GARY SCHARRER we can get ourselves untracked, preparation against Oregon State being orientated to the offensive if we can score a couple of Saturday. Highland Park track line as is Talbert, a 6-3, 260 State News Sports Writer touchdowns, we'll be in any speedster Mike Holt is getting a pound sophomore defensive game we play." workout in the offensive tackle from Weymouth, Mass. If MSU is going to win Daugherty cited lack of backfield to utilize his quickness football games this fall Sophomores Mike Hurd and an and agility. Daugherty said that consistency in execution and Tony Ransom along with senior offense is going to have to techniques for the sluggish it's conceivable that Holt might fullback Hank Matthews were develop and soon. offense and rash of turnovers. play at his regular defensive also given more In two work on the games the Spartan "I think we have some good comerback position for one offensive team. & offense has scored one lone players on offense, but they quarter and at tailback for a The Spartan quarterbacking touchdown and a 48 field goal aren't playing up to their different quarter. has been sporadic this season boot by Borys Shlapak. An capabilities." Also being switched from and Daugherty said Monday that average of five points per game is Daugherty said that he would defense to offense this week Detroit Servite star Frank Kolch very discouraging to the MSU do anything to get across the were Brian McConnell and Jim would see action in practice coaching staff, especially while goal line and indicated that Taubert. McConnell, listed as a sessions this week for more considering the murderous chargers were in the making for 6-5, 214 pound defensive end is schedule possible playing time against Team confronting Spartans in the weeks ahead. the Oregon State. Mike Rasmussen and George The MSU defensive unit has displayed consistency through "I'm extremely disappointed Mihaiu have been alternating in its first two games of 1971, allowing only 10 points. Illinois eight first downs. Two MSU defenders move in to stop an in our offense," Coach Duffy Tickets the first two games. Daugherty failed to cross midfield against the Spartan defensive team. lllini back in action on Sept. 11. Daugherty said following MSU's said that the big 6-4, 225 pound defeat to Georgia Tech. "Our Georgia Tech failed to complete a pass and was held to only State News photo by Don Gerstner Kolch has the ability because he defense is sound enough that if Tickets for the MSU - Oregon State game for high school is strong and can both run and students and those younger will go on sale at $2 each beginning at throw but would not say who 11 a.m. Saturday at the stadium. will start against Oregon State. Gridders 1-1 in early play Saturday will also be the 17th annual Band Day with 39 high school groups numbering nearly 4,000 musicians providing entertainment. In addition, the MSU band will make its first appearance of the year. MSU students will be able to purchase coupons for the TISSOT r ARY SCHARRER crwARRPR tailback cracked the mini line 37 Georgia Tech. The Spartans were and assists Spartans' four home games at the stadium through 1 p.m. today. n °ARY on five others. player deserved praise for efforts times to tie the n a slight underdog and once again Continuing this afternoon and Friday the coupons will be on sale State News Sports Writer mark for rushes set by Don The tight Spartan secondary against Georgia Tech - tailback in the lobby of Jenison Fleldhouse. MSU students are suffered the fate of no offense, required to did not allow Tech to complete Eric Allen. show their fee receipt card in Highsmith in 1969. Allen gained losing 10-0. Coach Duffy buying the $8 packets, which 104 yards and scored the game's "I don't think I've includes coupons for four home games. Daugherty was disappointed in a pass in ten attempts, and the ever seen After two games MSU's lone touchdown. the execution of the offensive MSU line held the Yellow anyone play harder," Daugherty Saturday morning MSU students will be able to purchase the I football team stands at the The only other ray of Spartan line and neither quarterback Jackets to eight first downs. said, "but he can't do it alone." coupons at Booth 2 at the stadium. 1,500 mark with a 1-1 showing, offensive hope was in the Mike Rasmussen or Following the weak ■ in various pre season George receiving of tight end Billy Joe Mihaiu could spark an offensive performance of MSU's offense FRIDAY FROM NOON ON ■ predictions from numerous DuPree. After dropping several attack. Daugherty promised that there ■ football magazines MSU has ALL YOU CAN EAT passes early in the game, DuPree would be a shuffle with the ■ been ranked to land near the top offensive personnel. caught eight passes to establish a Once ■ of the Big Ten conference. The Spartan mark for a Bj Ten again the Spartan ■ Spartans' defense has been defense played well enough for "Some of those who haven't game MSU to win. Junior ■impressive in two games and will Defensively the Spartans Hamilton turned middleguard been executing, we're going to ■ get even stronger considering the in an get them out of there," piayed superb ball in shutting ■confidence that is being built. ■ Offensively MSU has not yet ■produced. Except for the out Ron Illinois. The front line of Cur,t ^ Joseph Bi„ outstanding was performance. credited with 14 solo tackles He Daugherty said.'He also said that only one Spartan offensive FRIDAY FISH FRY Dawson, Ernie Hamilton and ■running of Enc Allen the offense ■can not boast of ■performer. a consistent defensive ends Doug Halliday and wieleba displayed Glenn Herriman, Inc. Includes Cole Slaw, T-12 chronograph- consistency in keeping Dlinois French Fries, Roll, one of the bold ■ The Spartans opened up their from cr0ssing midfield. ones ■1971 season at home against and Butter The Tissot T-12 4-dial ■Illinois in a conference game chronograph in great big Linebackers Gail Clark and 42-millimeter size, un¬ Ithat resembled high school a Ken Alderson kept the Illinois ★★★ mistakably efficient. With ■junior varsity contest more than tachymeter scale. Stain¬ less steel, matching i for both TheUE. Illinois and Monday - Italian Special bracelet. $145 Iikir far 7™ "" Paul Hayner, Mike Holt and " tkPC tul«m£n^nv Mark NieSen kePl Mike Wells' Spaghetti — all you can eat . tl ■' ■'»» ■Spartan victory. I Individually, ■sparkled. The Eric Allen Spartan, senior A week later MSU traveled to Atlanta and tangled with PHONE: 482-6226 $|50 Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. 3121 E. Grand River fine Jeweler! 219 E. Grand River / Holiday Inn East Only Phone: 332-3917 Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Until 9 p $ $ SAVE with used BOOKS Miss J gets autumn underway with little knits This brief new plan for making the summer-to-fall switch consists of a short skirt and pant of washable from acrylic/polyester and little polyester tops to match. Rust or green Sizes 5-13 A. Celestial print top. sizes S-M-L $10. GIBSON'S Hip-rider skirt. $12. Shirt-style top in a celestial print. S-M-L. $12. Suspender pant, $12. THE USED BOOK STORE &op° 1 Block West oj the Union Bldg. The Utile walk with Jacobsoris 6 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Septemtw^ ^ CHICAGO This seems Vasectomies increasing (AP) - Make love, not babies. to be the attitude of the modern The number of men American male. undergoing vasectomy — the male Rague said his association offered $30,000 in October, 1969, to any New Yorkhospital which would open a vasectomy clinic. There were no takers. The money went to the Margaret Sanger population thing." rapidly in U.S. Shaw said recent changes in American attitudes "have made it easier for couples to admit they don't want children." Shaw said bother of a vasectomy removes the fear of Drecm.n precoital contraceptive preparation So experience becomes more enjoyable for the couDle ^nd 111 The center in Chicago opened in March and since then has " sterilization operation - has shown a "sensational increase" Research Bureau, which did open such a clinic. The male sterilization operation is much simnl^ recently, John R. Rague, executive director of the Assn. for Since then, Rague said, 154 vasectomy clinics have opened in performed more than 1,400 vasectomies. An additional expensive to perform than that for females whinv,8nd le» Voluntary Sterilization in New York City says. He estimated 36 states. Among them are 82 hospitals which do vasectomies in vasectomy service has since been opened In Chicago by the hospitalization. Vasectomies are performed , j 750,000 American males had vasectomies in 1970. their outpatient departments. Planned Parenthood Assn. anesthetic, with little or no pain. "er loc That's up from an estimated 200,000 the year before. Rague, as well as medical authorities, attributes the recent The usual fee at the center is $150. TTiat includes $25 for the Vasectomy interrupts the flow of sperm into the And Rague predicted in an interview that the 1971 figure will upsurge in requests for male vasectomies to fears about possible initial interview. Shaw said this fee discourages applicants who are system. The sperm, which are microscopic in sizor r.,^. . ator ,AUTC be even greater than 1970's. So far, an estimated three million adverse side effects from the contraceptive pills taken by women. not genuinely interested. manufactured, but they deteriorate and are ateorKlj* t°l* Scoo men in the United States have had sterilization surgery - a simple There is also, he said, "a finer understanding of human It is a sliding fee scale, however, which makes it possible for danger to the body. ^ with Auto procedure, often done in the doctor's office in a few minutes. sexuality, especially among the young," so that males are willing any male — regardless of income — to have a vasectomy. The scale Scientists are working on means of revereine th* Aviai The American male is not alone. to take responsibility for preventing pregnancy. is based on income and number of children in the family. but Shaw emphasized that, "basically the While most of the vasectomies at the center have been vasectomJT^ .EMPL' In India, where reduction in the birth rate is a major concern, And "the Puritanism which has been a strong influence in the regarded as permanent sterilization. y hould FOR f an estimated 8.2 million men have been sterilized. In Great development of the United States" has been declining in the past performed on middle and upper - middle - class males, the "We are anxious that men not think it's reversible " h Britain some 20,000 men underwent vasectomies last year and it decade, especially among those under age 30, Rague said. number of applicants from other Socioeconomic levels is Apar is estimated the figure will be double for 1971. increasing. To make sure that the man and his wife fullv und™!.""1, Hous The Rev. Don C. Shaw, an Episcopal clergyman who is director of the Midwest Population Center in Chicago, said in an interview Dr. Lonnie Myers, the center's director of medical education, nature of vasectomy, sterilization centers elaborate precautions. and a»d dor?, doctors Roor said she had done 14 vasectomies the morning of the interview. that some who seek vasectomies "are motivated by the FOR S 20% DISCOUNT ON Among the men who had them, she said, were a fireman, a At the Midwest Population Center, forr initial interview by Shaw with the man example, there. and'Tf he' Anim policeman, an electrician, a sheet metal worker and a man who TYPEWRITER REPAIRS earned more than $50,000 a year. wife. Then there is an instruction period"i'n'whichTh"^111 procedure is explained. The surgery may follow Mobil FOR MSU STUDENTS 'Lights on' An obstacle to male sterilization has been the popular s misconception that the operation makes the man less masculine, less able to perform sexually. days, if the couple still want it. A release form, stating that the man and desire the operation, must be signed wife within LOST PERSC PEANI by both. And at the rv From small adjustments to major overhaul This is untrue. center, a letter written by the man also is required REAL so th ^ on all makes and models FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ALL MAKES helps, not h In fact a survey by the Association for Voluntary Sterilization of 25,000 men who had had vasectomies found that 85 per cent of the men felt that their sexual performances was better, 13 per double assurance of no misunderstanding. re RECRI SERVI CALL PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) — Gordon Towne has been taking cent felt it was about the same, and 2 per cent felt that it had Typin part in a "light the night" campaign. The idea is to leave outside declined. TRANS AMERICAN DUSINESS MACHINES lights on all night to discourage prowlers. Tuesday morning he found a fishing rod missing from his In the last group, Rague noted, the aging process could have been a factor. And he estimated that less than .5 per cent of the POLICE WANT df 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett 339-8258 carport. A note left by the thief said, "Thank you for leaving men who have vasectomies ask to have it reversed, a difficult but the light on so I could pick out a good one." sometimes possible operation. BRIEFS P.M. on lublicati icellat A HUBBARD HALL COED emerging alone from automobile early Tuesday night told police a man approach SHOP T-MART! forced her into a nearby field and threw her to the ground. Police said the incident occurred on the east side of parkin Lot X. The assailant reportedly twisted the coed's arm. told ti to be quiet and forced her to walk into a field east of Road. Hagador^BlATES In the field, the coed said, the man pushed her down and the fled south along Hagadorn after she screamed. Police said coed ran back to Hubbard and called officers. Police searched the area but did not find the man. describedi in his 20s, white, about six feet tall and weighing about 1! pounds, last seen wearing a black felt hat, blue denim jacket an jeans. 15 2. The coed sustained no injuries in the attack, police said. 2. 18 TWO MSU STUDENTS, both 19 from Williams Hall, we 20 3. arrested at about 9:30 p.m. Tuesday when patrol officers sa they observed the students sitting in an automobile and smokin 25 a gold, L-shaped pipe. Police said officers investigated the vehicle parked northeast bays at East Akers Hall and smelled what they termei All stud marijuana. A search of the car after arrest revealed a "small bag prepaid of what officers alleged was marijuana near the gear shift lever. The Stat One of the students was also charged with a weapons la violation when officers discovered a switchblade knife with mponsib first c four-inch-long blade under the automobile's front seat. Both were released until prosecutors take action. AN 18-YEAR-OLD Armstrong Hall resident was ordered t appear in East Lansing District Court after officers said the found him lying drunk and unconscious in a second flot restroom in Snyder Hall. Police said they received a complaint about the man froi Snyder personnel. He was transported to his residence by polic THEFTS REPORTED to police between Tuesday Wednesday include a purse and cash worth $55, from 130 Phillip Hall; a jacket, valued at $35 from 33 Agriculture Hall; a jack® and five books valued at $31.85, reported stolen from the dig arena in the Men's Intramural Bldg.; a jacket valued at $25, froi 108B Wells Hall; a $25 battery, reportedly stolen from - automobile parked near West Akers Hall. ERRORITE™ is a quality nylon typewriter ribbon featuring a built-in error corrector. ERRORITE™ eliminates the need to purchase ribbon and correction aids separately. rMASTE ERRORITE™ If INDIVI is always in position to make quick, clean corrections... no more fussing with separate paper or fluid correctors. IfREADir STUC Purchase ERRORITE™ at your book store. Ipartie Sold Exclusively at College and University Book Stores FILMQN PROCESS CORP., 653-659 Eleventh Avenue, New York, NXJJJ Now available at: !Jt Student Book Store | I JJ'chigan 1 Ro®d and 421 E. Grand River Across from Olin her 23, |9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23, 1971 13 STATE NEWS WELCOME CLASSIFIED ). nar>ey and th so that - BACK! The State ^Action WTTHA News does Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil Frank P'er and Scooters ig not permit racial or, Employment Employment hich under ^ fequih Want Ad . 1 - religious in columns. its discrimination advertising FIAT COUPE 1967. Good shape. $600 or best offer. 339-2209. 1970 BSA 650. 2000 miles. 6" STUDENT WIFE for housework ONE OR 2 sophomore or junior The State extention, real clean. 355-2788 Monday and Friday mornings in fraternity members interested in 1e ejaculato automotive News will not accept 5-9-29 East Lansing. Own transportation. earning $2000 to $4000 this •ontinue to | Scooters & Cycles Call 332-0204. 3-9-27 school year managing a unique advertising which rbed with Auto Parts & Service 1959 BSA. Engine recently re-built. sales business. Small investment discriminates against Excellent for chopping. 332-6717 optional but would Aviation FORD 1963. JOB OPPORTUNITIES secure larger ,e religion, race, color or Camper. Stove, after 5 p.m. 2-9-24 income. Position would also insure vasectom employment national origin. refrigerator, sink, bed. Good should' summer employment with unique running condition. for rent 339-8930. 10-10-5 Phone S-90 1970 Honda. Helmets, car rack. nationwide franchising company. Needs tuition. $225. 353-4274. For further information »" he said. Apartments 1-9-23 interview appointments. Call Don and 1967 tiderstandthi Houses GALAXIE 500. Automatic. Excellent condition! V-8 Packer. 332-3914. 2-9-14 doctors til Rooms TRIUMPH, 1970. Tiger 650. Like Automotive $925. 351-5652 9-6, 355-9956. new. Luggage rack and helmet. GOVERNESS for SALE $1100 best FOR toddler. s, there is Animals BUICK 1963. or offer. 332-0861 Summerhill method. Part time. s Economy V-6, not salt daytime, 351-8130 evenings. Ask Flexible schedule. Room and married, hi Mobile Homes exposed, clean, low mileage, new JAVELIN 1969. Great condition, for Bill. 2-9-24 MEDCOM DlV. board. 332-3357. 5-9-29 ch the lNTt*-TfCH Corporation who tires, radio, automatic, power economical. New tires and snow within a fe LOST & FOUND steering. Phone 332-0025. 5-9-29 tires. Bright green with stereo tape 1970 JAWA 199 S. P»rc«, Birmingham, Mich 48( 350cc. Excellent IMMEDIATE PERSONAL player. Must sell. Call 882-7761. condition. $395. Low mileage TURN THOSE spare hours inti students OPENING for 3 who can work a 'derstand an PEANUTS personal BUICK WILDCAT 1965. AM/FM 2-9-24 Road. 351-8750. 2-9-24 dollars. Be a toy demonstrator, minimum of 22 hours a week. The t the radio, Chicjt real estate power steering, brakes, part time. Top commission plus 3 guys working for us now are d so good condition. $550. 482-8048 JAVELIN 1969. FM, vinyl bonus. No delivering or there recreation roof. collecting. averaging $57.23 a week. Call Mr. 1-9-23 Excellent condition. $1500 Full line of samples. No cash Marks at 372-0047 for the whole service negotiable. 20 mpg. 353-9503 355-1663. 5-9-29 investment. Hostesses earn 15% scoop. 0-2-9-24 CAMARO 1969. Excellent 351-6349. 5-9-29 Typing Service 3 on floor. Best offer. condition. per party. Start piling up those dollars now. Call 655-1117. 3-9-27 332-3372 1967 SUZUKI X-6, $250. Call Jim, RESPONSIBLE BABYSITTER transportation 2-9-24 1967 JEEP, J 3000 pickup. 327, V-8, IT'S fl RATHER 485-7720 CARD-BURNUNIQUE Bob, 351-8232. :e or wanted 4 wheel drive, 7 foot snowplow, to} 3-9-27 needed for fall term. Please call 353-0967. 1-9-23 CAMARO, hydrolic tilt, cab control, good DEADLINE Power 1971 steering. 350. Vinyl roof. condition. Phone 393-4952 after 5 mem burning a raw 1970 SUZUKI T250. Rally wheels Excellent P.M. one class day before $2800.882-1698.2-9-24 p.m. 2-9-24 KMWHO'S (WIERlMS M MIAMI!' condition, low mileage, high pipes. s publication. CHEVROLET 1964. Economical 6 MERCURY MONTEREY 1968. 339-2009. 5-9-29 HASHACHAR. ORGANIZATION of HADASSAH THE needs leaders to work with 5th YOUTH ORGANIST ONE SUNDAY SERVICE ,ancellations/Corrections cylinder, automatic, radio, chrome Excellent condition. Special 428 through 8th grade boys and girls. CLASSICAL BACKGROUND . 12 noon one class day reverse wheels, good condition. cubic inch engine. Power steering Auto Service & Parts Previous experience working with CALL 655-2983. e from hei $400. Call 482-2794. 3-9-27 and brakes. 4 door. Priced at lefore publication. $1,750. New tires, snow tires youngsters this age, and approaehei on VW - GUARANTEED repair. background in Jewish studies, round, PHONE CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE rims. Phone 699-2729. 2-9-24 Automotive Automotive RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at Zionism and knowledge about STUDENT FOR office detail work. ie of parkin 1963. 327, 4 speed. New top. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C Israel 355-8255 351-3229 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 are pre-requisites. Call Must be able to work 8-10 a.m. MERCURY 1963. 48,000 miles. PONTIAC GTO arm, told hi 1968, 4 speed, VOLKSWAGEN 1969.s33,000 miles. 332-0596, Lois Simon. 3-9-27 Monday thru Friday. Typing Power steering, brakes, air. bucket seats. Excellent condition. MASON of Hagad IATES 10 word minimum Body AM/FM radio. Good condition. BODY SHOP, 812 East preferred, but not necessary. CHEVROLET BISCAYNE. 4 door rough. Kell, 355-7750 after 4 p.m 882-9019. 3-9-27 337-1115.3-9-27 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. PART TIME office help needed. No. DAYS . ... Apply State News Classified sedan. 1964. Standard, power 332-6954. 2-9-24 Complete Work evenings. Call MR. CLARK, auto painting and Dept., 347 Student Services, l 3 5 10 ORDS steering and brakes. Air PONTIAC CATALINA 1967. Air, VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Bug. collision service. IV 5-0256. C 351-3701. O today only between 2-3 p.m. MERCURY 1966 35,000 conditioning, good engine and power, One driver. 30,700 actual miles. 5962 Haverhill South S-1-9-23 4.00 6.50 13.00 4 door Monterey. 10 1.50 tires. $245 firm. 355-8141. 1-9-23 Automatic, radio, miles. 20 mpg. Excellent Lansing, after 6 p.m. $1100 BABYSITTER, EXPERIENCED. 3 , describedi 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 CHEVROLET. Monte Carlo, 4 excellent tires, 2 snow 1 15,000 miles. tires, Excellent condition. $1200. 484-9607. 5-9-29 WANTED - WANTEO •children, 5 month, 3, 6. after noons, 1-6 pm. 1% miles from 3 TELEPHONE SALESPEOPLE for ig about 191 many S9/29 State News Classified Dept. Few condition. 351-3823 evenings. S wrecked, im jacket an extras. $4,300 new, will sacrifice. VOLKSWAGEN, 1966. Excellent rundown, campus. Own transportation. openings left. Must be able to 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 INOPERATIVE work 1 V& - 2 hours Phone 489-4732. 5-9-29 PONTIAC LEMANS 1970, condition, under 50,000 miles. FOREIGN 351-1069. 1-9-23 Monday MERCURY V-8, METEOR 1962. Very automatic. Excellent condition. $750. Phone 337-1282. 5-9-29 AUTOS. Any year - any through Friday. Apply 347 2.70 7.20 23.40 CHEVELLE 1970. good condition. condition. State Student Services Bldg. todav onlv 18 11.70 SS396, 350 Best offer. Call 625-3039, after 6 p.m. 3-9-27 Price + MAN WITH station wagon or full between 3-4 p.m. S-1-9-23 horsepower, 4 speed, stereo tape, 355-7999. 2-9-24 condition. 1st. letter. Also sized 4 door sedan to deliver Free VOLKSWAGEN 1967, factory is Hall, wer 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 new tires. Excellent condition PONTIAC re-built engine, spotless, mufflers PARTS for all foreign cars thru Press motor route, 3 hours 1968. Firebird 350. BABYSITTER TO in for officers sai MERCURY '71. SANE PRICES come 18 32.50 _ 627-6250. 5-9-29 MONTERREY 1962. Automatic, new tires, brakes and just replaced, radio, sacrifice. - Calls nightly, including weekends, 1-4 month boy. 1-12 PM. 355-2995. and smokin 25 3.75 10.00 Ii " power steering, credited to purchase. AM. Pays $10 daily, $15 Sunday. COMET CYCLONE exhaust. Very clean and well 355-2884. 3-9-27 2-9-24 1966. V-8, and brakes. kept. 347 St udent Servlc es Bldg Radio. Good Best offer ova- $1500. 353-0935 349-2017 9AM - 3 PM. 1-9-23 power steering and brakes. condition. 351-5037 after 5 p.m. N + W FOREIGN irked in th Excellent condition. Many extras. 2-9-24 VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Beige with WANTED: A All student ads must be S-5-9-29 girl for light they terme Leaving country. $675. 353-3186. tan exterior. Excellent condition, auto WRECKING NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER housekeeping. 2-4 PM, Monday j "small prepaid After 5 PM, 351-2957. 3-9-27 PONTIAC TEMPEST $1075. Phone 393-2395. 2-9-24 126 So. 16th Street bag MG MIDGET 1963. Good custom EXPERIENCED TEACHER wanted, through Friday. 332-5176. 1-9-23 ihift lever, condition, hardtop 1968. 2 door, 6 cylinder. New Castle, Ind. 47362 The State Newi! will be CORVAIR 500. 1967. 36,000 miles. best offer over $375. 353-0177. Low VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Green sedan, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM, 5 days a mileage. $950. Phone Ph. (317)529-8886 STUDENT WHO wants and needs to weapons la Excellent condition. 351-0139 2-9-24 week. $2/hour. Call 482-7734. sponsible only for the 351-8378. 2-9-24 new white wall tires, luggage be completely self-supporting — knife with 2-9-24 it. first day's incorrect _ 3-9-27 MONZA CONVERTIBLE 1966. carrier, radio, 19,000 miles. $1800. Phone 353-0929. 3-9-27 ATTENTION FOREIGN car owners: We need a kind, mature, RAMBLER 1965. 4 door. $300. 618 Now open to serve you at the experienced person to help care insertion. CORVETTE 1966. Two new tops. Automatic, tires almost new. BABYSITTER. EAST Stoddard, East Lansing, 351-4093. lowest prices in town, KYPERS LANSING, for our toddler, cook and do some Radials. Low mileage. Phone Snow tires included. Excellent 1-9-23 VOLKSWAGEN 1970 Bug. 4-speed FOREIGN CAR SERCVICE at Tuesday afternoons and some housework. Live in faculty home. 339-9234. 3-9-27 condition. $450. 353-7260 before s ordered with radio. Excellent condition. 312 Hosmer Street. 489-9714. evenings. References preferred. Walking distance of campus. 5 p.m. 3-9-27 5-9-29 6. 5-9-29 >rs-said th COUGAR 1967. Automatic, RAMBLER AMERICAN 1962; $1650. 694-9294. 2-9-24 Room, board. $130/month. Call power second flo< automatic, Mrs. Anderson after 5 p.m. Automotive steering and brakes, stereo tape, OLDSMOBILE 1963. Excellent good town PART TIME new tires. Excellent transportation, $100. 355-6058 VW 1971, super beetle, 12,500 miles. delivery ED7-0241. condition. Phone 339-9143. 2-9-24 running condition. $325. Phone 5-9-29 Excellent, must sell. Phone Aviation man wanted, mornings only. e man froi ISTIN-HEALEY Sprite 1965. before 3 p.m. 351-0069. 3-9-27 Apply in person. Brothers Inc. 485-8357 or 372-3900. Ask for DOG SITTER. Occasional weekends, ice by polic Re-built, new interior, top, paint, DATSUN 1967. Convertible. Best Denny. 2-9-24 LEARN TO FLY1 Complete flight 2326 South Cedar Street, Lansing. live in plus salary. Sam, : tires and shocks. Phono 487-0207. OLDSMOBILE 1969. F-85, 2 door, TOYOTA CORONA 1967. Deluxe, offer. Call 489-6073 after 5 p.m. training. All courses are 355-9656. 3-9-27 V-8. Automatic transmission. automatic, AM/FM radio, snow 3-9-27 VW BUS 1968. New engine, paint, government and VA certified. Power steering; radio. tires, dented, but good NEEDED: EXPERIENCED groomer 'uesdav an Sharp. and transmission. Ideal for many FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport APPLICATIONS BEING taken for: 882-7777. 5-9-29 transportation, $450. 349-4847 for pet shop. Salary 50% of 1130 Phillij ISTIN-HEALEY 3000 MklI 1963. DUNEBUGGY 1969 assembly. Road. Call 484-1324. C Custodial work. Approximately 4 . uses, only $1285. Precision after 6 PM and weekends. grooming fee. Call 349-3950. 5 hours, 6 days. Time flexible 1 Clean, straight, must Volkswagen motor, brand new - Hall; a jacks be seen. Imports, 1206 East Oakland. 2-9-24 tires. Must sell now. 655-3310. OLDSMOBILE 1970 Cutlass 485-9131 extention 489, 8 5. AM to 7AM. Will consider man, from the di $900.355-7927. 2-9-24 - 2-9-24 2 at $25, fro« 5-9-29 Supreme convertible. Executive owned, fully equipped, excellent 3-9-27 Employment BABYSITTER. AFTERNOONS, men, or man and wife team. Also, VW 1960 reliable. Excellent entire school year. In my home, machine and counter help. Hours ten from condition. $2600. 372-0467. SECRETARY: HILLEL Foundation, 6 PM to Midnight, part-time. TOYOTA 1969 Corona DeLuxe. transportation. Completely walking distance from East 5-9-29 Campus. 351-7796. 1-9-23 Applicants must be able, neat and Radio, bucket seats, automatic, re-built engine. No rust. $400. good typist, Mondays thru snow tires. 30,000 miles, well 353-2712. 2-9-24 Fridays, 9 - 5. Phone Rabbi fully bondable. MARVEL LANES OLDSMOBILE 1 971, 442 Zemach, 332-1916. 2-9-24 WRITERS, RESEARCHERS and 2120 East M-78. Mr. Bertrand, cared for. 332-2277. 2-9-24 convertible, like new. Everything VW 1966 square back. No Computer programmers wanted in 337-1383. 1-9-23 rust, on it. Any reasonable offer. all academic disciplines to produce TOYOTA CORONA 1969. 25,000 engine overhauled. $950. MARRIED COUPLES without 484-2479. 5-9-29 children who educational aids. Earn good bread miles. 351-6999. 2-9-24 need supplimentary condition. FM radio, excellent income. Neat appearance, wife doing what you do best. Call . For Rent $1475. Phone OPEL KADET 1968. Station wagon. must be unemployed. Absolutely WRITE-ON, 332-3700, 10 - 5 PM. 372-5381. 3-9-27 Good condition, low mileage. Scooters & Cycles no products or selling of any kind 3-9-27 ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. $750. 482-4248. 5-9-29 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV involved. No investment. Phone 4 TRIUMPH SPITFURE 1969. 19,000 KAWASAKI 1970. 350 A7SS. STUDENTS IN large lectures: We are RENTAL. 372-4948. O - 7 PM for appointment 694-9464. OPEL GT 1970. Like new. Red, 4 miles. Excellent shape. Call Excellent condition. 7,000 miles buying individual lecture notes 2-9-24 speed. 13,000 miles. 5433 S. 313-266-4660. 3-9-27 $525. 339-8652. 2-9-24 and sets. GOOD bread plus big Pennsylvania. Phone 882-3772. bonus at end of term. Call 3-9-27 WRITE-ON. 332-3700, 10 5 PM TRIUMPH 1971. 4-speed, radio, KAWASAKI 1971, 175 Enduro. - 3-9-27 TV RENTALS PLYMOUTH FURY II 1965. 4 door. 9,000 miles Original girl owner. Very low mileage. Virtually 351-7222 until 5 p.m., 351-0656 demonstrator. Call SALES PERSONS needed for fashion Free Delivery Good second car. 337-9585. 332-0211, WANTED: GIRL to help* with 2-9-24 after 6 p.m. 5-9-29 after 5:35 p.m. 5-9-29 boutique. Apply at 309 South housework on farm. 10 miles Free Service Free Plck-up $9.50 "er month Washington, or call 489-8412. southwest of Lansing. Some 2-9-24 babysitting, own transportation, NEJAC TV RENTALS odd hours accepted. $1.50 hour. NURSERY ATTENDANT: Young 373-6803. 1-9-23 337-1300 bon lady who likes babies and little tor. children for a church Trace is... Hours: Sunday, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM. 6:45 PM - 8:15 nursery. PM. CROSSWORD Wednesday, 6:45 PM - 9:15 PM 1.2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY Call 349-2830. 2-9-24 APARTMENTS. PUZZLE PART TIME employment with full ately. * I1 MASTER line merchant wholesaler. COLOR TV ANTENNA. Automobile required. 351-5800. 0-10-1 lick, |( individual storage areas. MALE OR Female: Need 5 persons 28. 30. Cureall Burdened Discord sing \ SUNDECKS. at $2 per hour to work either 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, equals 25 9. Acid honey 31. 32. Chills ctors. I hours week. Work either 5-10 11. Ide 34. Instigate I READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE p.m. daily, equals 25 hours per 13. Upper house 36. OstricTilike STUDY. week, or can work 10 hours on 14. Steal bird weekend. Saturday ans Sunday. A 16. Compass point 37. White lie good speaking voice a must. Call 17. Also 40. Strict i PARTIES FOR RESIDENTSAND GUESTS. Mr. Morris 393-5293 between 9 19. Span 42. Needle-shaped 1. Lichen 5. Lustrous SAUNAS, POOL TABLES PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL a.m. and 2 20. Sailboat 44. Muttonfish 2. Hatchets 6. Craggy hill p.m. An equal COURTS. opportunity employer. 0-74.4-9-28 22. Free 45. Endangered 3. Unit of force 7. Subpoena FELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB 23. Quibble 46. Bloodshot 4. Japanese 8. Proposed $100-$300 and 26. Calm 47. Considers woman diver 10..Marquisette ROOM, TV ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. up possible. Part time in sales / administrative 12. Tennyson position. 1 200 °00 GALLONS OF SWIMMING 2 3 M 5 6 7 sr %1 I FUN IN your'olympic pool Phone 332-3991, 3-7 p.m. 3-9-27 %1 15 heroine City on the You get 9 2 % lO " ■ plenty of room ... TYPIST NEEDED: 10:30 daily Monday thru Friday. Apply - 1:30 13 i 'M % 21 22 23. Fragrant wood 24.Excuses /PERSON/MONTH % % CoUtngtooofo - 25. Condiment 23 2M 25 26 27 % 27. Ethiopian prince SAD0WBH00K 28 19 30 % 29. Streak in TRZW2E MODEL OPEN DAILY Fall leases now being accepted, Upartmrnts "(formerly Northwlnd Apts.) SI 3M % 35 32 % 36 33 % %% 37 38 mahogany 33. Esau's descendant 35. Duration ore *° ^eadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of ????/?man 'UNLIMITED PARKING "DISHWASHERS MO MM 42 M5 M3 37. Phony 38. Account entry State Campus on 1-496. Exit west onto Jolly m8n *SHAG CARPETING 'BALCONIES USE YOUR % % 39. Flower plots 41. Papa I "oada $220/4 man #Am CONDITIONING M6 M7 «nd a go to corner of Dunckel PHONE 393 0210 Road. Call 351-8282 *AND MUCH MORE 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) MASTER CHARGE AT THE STATE NEWS % VA % 43.Take advantage of _0PEN 11-7 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September For Rent For Sale Student For Rent For Rent For ONE ROOMMATE ONE GIRL MODERN BLONDE bedroom set, wanted. needed to share two GARAGE SALE. Dishes, pots and STINGRAY ■HERE IS Meadowbrook Trace. $66/month. bedroom apartment with one like new, large dresser and mirror, pans, lots of stuff for apartments. ilCYCL."". Kapl»n DIRECTORY Call 393-7319. 10-10-6 other Apartments, girl 349-9189. 5-9-29 in Park Okemos. Trace Call Also miscellaneous dresser, bed and bookcase headboard. Call 487-3096. S Sunday, ftptember 26th. 11 AM 5 PM. 1158 Snyder, East Lansing. 353-0133. 2-9-24 - mcat, exams Call set, vacuum cleaner inform' LANSING OR East Lansing. One HUGE: 3 bedroom, plus den, GUITAR: GUILD Starfire 111. BEAD • EYES EXAMINED rad'os, guitar, h 7-10-1 COLLEGE TRAVEL CRAFTS. WANTED: SINGLE girl to share 1 bedroom furnished. Large, airy fireplace, recreetion room, 3 Natural wood finish, vibrato, tone househ^'"8 H OFFICE DECOUPAGE SUPPLIES, • GLASSES • CONTACT LENS bedroom apartment. $72.50 rooms. Air conditioned. baths, close to campus. 337 0237. 5-9-29 $295. switch, hard shell case. Excellent for "country" sound. $150. John, clothing .,, si2es. 1-^23 OUPLES ART REPRODUCTIONS month. Block from campus. Call Beautifully maintained. Suitable Bowling GARAGE SALE 130 West Grand River Ave. candle maldnf nippllea DR. I.Li. Collina, Optometrist 351-0925 after 5:30 PM. 3-9-27 for feculty, grad students, business 353-0133. 2-9-24 1530 Mt. Vernon TThurJdav 7■) "" 7.9 PM, people, married couples. Lease. Rooms £a.» ^ Ron, 35! C6-Optlcal Services i Enfield's Incorporated NIKON CAMERA plus lens. Good 1-9-23 ' Mt Lansing 361-6010 SPARROW NEAR. South Holmes 332-3135 or 882-6549. O 693 M-43, Okemot. 349-1940 S21» S. Login. 393-4330 Street. 2 room efficiency. Ground condition. Must sell to eat. SINGLES: CLOSE to campus, 355 2986. 5-9-29 B.I.C. / Lux 71/ level, furnished. 2R am/ci. ~ Deposit. FREE CONTACT LENS Hayrides and Party Room Conservative adults, $100. ROOMMATE walking and 332-3151. 2-9-24 parking distance. receiver, 150 349-0772.5-9-29 rms. New ^lnc»rton ,,ere° 351-3969. Also, South Holmes. 1 SERVICES SERVICE WHITE BIRCH room efficiency, furnished. ROOM WITH cooking privileges for STEREO X>. M. DEAN, an BOB JONES PAINTS Gentleman only. $70. 351-3969. Call Dick or Mary female senior or gradaute student. DOUBLE MATTRESS and spring on COMPONENTS^' dynaco Mark ||| tic 210 Abbott Rd. STABLE AND SHOP 332-4432 337-7070. A home away from -■ « Citation preamp Suit* #16 home. 2-9-24 frame. Sears best; Bike 24" 2 speed boys Schwlnn, excellent evenings. 2-9-24 $2o ' 3^32 8905 JJ 332-6563 Call 667 0071 for appt. GIRL ROOMMATE needed: condition; Magnavox record $70/month. Utilities paid. 747 BASEMENT ROOM for 2 PEDS: SI men. player and built in cabinet; COMPONENT STEREO Win Alton. 351-9160. 2-9-24 $100. No lease. Utilities mm photograi paid. WASHDAY SAVINGS 2Sc per load Shouldn't You Be GEORGE TOTH ONE OR 2 needed for the Light cooking. Walking distance. Sunbeam vacuum; toaster ; ironing board; Kenmore Konica Or Part, New, .tm"^ Ktivities, telli The best for Im CUSTOM TAILORING SHOP SINGLE MAN. East side of Lansing, men 351-9137. 2-9-24 story C-35 camera and automatic up Reasonab Special Texas Washer 50c Using This Space; to share deluxe 2 bedroom, coming school year. One block lens. Call 349-2753. 3-9-27 furnished, 2 man, $100. 489-5922 from campus. 351-8862. 4-9-28 PENNSYLVANIA 627-9628 WENDROW'S ECONOWASH AVENUE South. MARTIN: D-35. Gibson: or 351-9035. 3-9-24 Near SG'Lows Michigan Avenue. Quiet and 3006 Vine St. CALL 355-8255! ONE OR 2 girls needed for the clean for student. Near bus line. SUPER GARAGE sale. Furniture, appliances, books, etc. 240 Beal string ban|o, 351-3277.3.^7 7 a-m. to 11p.m. 1 blk. W. of Se»i LUXURY APARTMENT. Furnished, coming school year. One block dishwasher, air conditioned. $165. from campus. 332-4432. 4-9-28 $15 week, plus deposit. 627-5454. 2-9-24 Phone Street. 351-1740. Starting today. IBM ELECTRKTtypewrit^. chair. $100. 2-9-24 IV5-7051. 3 9 27 332-4729. 1-9-23 EAST LANSING duplex, 2 bedroom GUITAR For Rent For Rent For Rent furnished apartments. Good $50 MONTHLY. Share room in STARLIGHT DRUM set, good sound. AMPLIFIER, inT" house. 215 Evergreen. Nina, condition, $40Q new, best offer. Two 12 inch speaker, location, newer building. 351-9601. 2-9-24 351-0225 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 reverb trem. Four BUSINESS LOCATION across from 349-3919. 5-9-29 inputs S3(yi„ best offer. 393-8816. 5-9-29 MSU. Ideal for student orientated or student owned business. MALE ROOMMATE wanted. $70 a month. Capitol Villa Apartments. GIRL WANTED to share trailer, own room. Utilities, laundry facilities FREE $125. ELM Street, Lansing, One WOMAN, SINGLE room in attractive MOVING SALE: Furniture, lamps, SOFA, CHAIRS, apartment s 349-0772. 5-9-29 337-0854. 3-9-27 included. 351-6585. 5-9-29 bedroom, unfurnished, carpeted, home, 5 minutes drive from appliances, clothing, carpet, baby electric stove, stove, refrigerator, utilities paid, campus, $50/month. No smoking, things, lots more. Saturday, chest. studJ sale: desks. 351-5313. 2-9-24 * YOUNG MAN, preferably student, to share apartment in Lansing near ROOMMATE deposit. 489-2777. 2-9-24 Phone 351-8994. 5-9-29 MEN: CLEAN, quiet rooms, cooking. Sunday 9 - 5 PM. 805-208 Cherry Lane. 2-9-24 Classified home! Dia Michigan Avenue. Apply at 212 REFRIGERATORS - Allen Street, upstairs, between 5 - Houses 1 block to campus. Call after 5 SCOTT STEREO console. Dual Animals DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth electric, 315 Bridge, Grand Ledge. 2 BEDROOM, furnished, close to campus. 2 man, $180. 3 man, 7J^M.Jj-9-27_ LOOKING FOR a roommate? SERVICE.. OWN BEDROOM, unfurnished. $50 plus utilities. Duplex. No lease. PM. 0-2-9-24 485-8836, 487-5753. changer. Mediterranean Oak style. cabinet, 332-6717 FREE KITTENS: Coal blad^ 627-2191. TF $195. 348 Oakhill. 351-2777, Open-end leases available. Call 332-4927. 1-9-23 after 5 PM. 2-9-24 Siamese, half Persian 372-3020 after 5 PM. r! 351-9036. 5-9-29 ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. 2-9-24 WANTED: PERSON to share house, HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, Completely furnished. Cooking. We will match you with NEED ONE girl. Own bedroom. Car duplex, apartment, etc. Near or in NEED ONE girl, Lansing, $70, own __352'79!010 Call 372-8077. C East Lansing. Call 489-6501 and necessary. Must like animals. Call after 6 PM. ask for Blair Carter. 3-9-27 bedroom, must like cats. Robin, LANSING. EAST side. 2 bedroom compatible roommates. 485-8588 after 6 PM. 2-9-24 487-3039, 2*2 355-9619, 485-7495. 2-9-24 furnished apartments. $130-$150. WOMEN: ATTRACTIVE, well FIVE PIECE Spanish dinette set, one Call 3324432 or see FREE CAT, male, about 8 including utilities. Call 485-5304' Dick or Mary at 1050 SMALL HOUSE, furnished. Pay own furnished, clean room. Parking. 2 glass front bookcase, one large montht ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments or 489-9768. 3-9-27 blocks from MSU Union. Call contemporary wall clock. Make Friendly. All shots. Call Larr Apartments from $145. 10 minutes from Water's Edge Dr. (next to utilities. Phone 882-5536. After 5 PM. 3-9-27 332-1760. 2-9-24 offer. Call Okemos, 351-1940. 489-1669, 1-9-23 MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE 2 GIRLS: Attractive basement 2-9-24 Cedar Village) GREATLY REDUCED for singles. 3 CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 apartment. Furnished. Walking THREE MEN to share large house. PRIVATE ROOM with kitchen COLLIES. AKC. Sable male~» Keller Road, Holt. C distance to MSU. $60 each. After privileges. Prefer veteran. 114 miles tri-colored female, 11 weeks. bedroom, 2 bath. MSU girls only. $6f 332-6246. 0-9-24 6 p.m. 349-3849. 2-9-24 $60 per month each. Close to to APPLES, PEARS, plums, sweet cider. and $50. 332-1919. 2 9-24 ONE GIRL needed for three mart campus. Call 5 - 9 PM TWO BEDROOM furnished. Students campus. Call 339-2785 or 337 1191. 2-9-24 Pick your own apples. Friday, furnished 2 bedroom apartment. GRADUATE welcome, 9 month lease, parking, FORGET THE MICKEY MOUSE 332-6158 after 5 PM. 4-9-28 Saturday, Sunday. BLOSSOM FREE: 6 week old STUDENT couple: 2 $67. 353-9400, B45. 5-9-29 puppies bedroom furnished mobile home. laundry, air. 10 minutes to and high East Lansing rents. ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of Cocker-Dingo mix. Give then Clean and quiet. 641-6601. O campus. $200/month, includes Modern, furnished one bedroom. $30. EXQUISITE 2 bedroom dump For Sale Leslie on Hull Road. (Old U.S. home. Call 489-1345. S-9-29 heat. Call OKEMOS. FOUR, 1 bedroom in country. Must have child 127) 589-8251. 9 - 6 PM. Closed Dyanne Dean of Parking plentiful and privacy EIPPER REALTY INC. to see. guaranteed, downtown Lansing. apartments, 349-3919. 5-9-29 furnished. Call between 2 4 years old. 641-6620. 5-9-29 - GARAGE SALE. September 23-24, Mondays. O BOARDING: HORSES boarded. 1 minutes from campus, Both boi Typ 372-9730 or 487-5100. 5-9-29 $155. 482-5470. 4-9-28 10 AM - 5 PM. Small and large and slip stalls at reasonable rata bureeus, end tables, lamps and USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 655-3410 1MPLETE QUAINT, SPANISH hacienda, 8 - 10 East Michigan. Dishes, or 655-2285. 3-9-27 many other household items. 812 books, Discount p people, $60 - $70/each. Lantern Hill Drive, East Lansing. coins, antiques, rockers, junk. Furnished, parking, across from Enjoy all the 2-9-24 Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open publication Hubbard Hall. 351-4950 or Saturday and Sunday. Furniture M./ many corner 355-9822. 2-9-24 and appliances open all week. 10 MEN'S 10-SPEED English racing OWNER ALLERGIC: Fluffy bike. am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C grq New. $65. Call 351-7987. male kitten. 12 weeks; male ar COPY G F FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted, grad 5-9-29 337-1666.1 female, 6 weeks; beautiful calico student or similar. House East SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. months; situation desperat Lansing. 351-8162. 3-9-27 SEVEN PIECE white French Brand new portables - $49.95, 351-6929. 2-9-24 W BROWN provincial bedroom furniture. $5.00 per month. Large selection offset prin luxuries of life ONE GIRL to share large bedroom in house. $55 monthly, plus utilities. Car preferable. Available now. Call 482-7449, evenings. 3-9-27 BOOK Broyhill. SHELF Excellent condition. 372-9169 after 6 p.m. 1-9-23 speekers. suspension. 15 watt maximum. Acoustic of reconditioned used machines. Singers. to Whites, Necchis, New Home & "Many Others." $19.95 $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, BASSETT PUPPIES for sale. AKC DOG five weeks. 677-8561 after 5 PM 5-9-29 OBEDIENCE SHARE ROOMY house with four Frequency response 40-18,000 1115 North Washington, Sponsored by Studen CPS. $15 each. 337-2701. 2-9-24 489-6448. C-9-24 Veterinarians' Wives, graduate men. Private room. $55. 489-3174. 2-9-24 September 27. Call Mrs. Wilson CHEMISTRY LAB equipment. 393-2388. 2-9-24 YOU WON'T at CEDAR GREENS believe our large THREE BEDROOM house. Complete set. Glassware, Large selection of frame chemicals, etc. Reasonable. styles. FRIENDLY basement, gas range and KITTENS free t 337-2701. 2-9-24 OPTICAL OISCOUNT, 2615 East refrigerator. 5 minutes from MSU. Michigan Avenue. 372-7409. friendly people. Phone 337-OOS2^Hi|liti Praia: For lease to 3 girl students or 3-9-27 C-9-24 family. 351-5060 after 6 PM. SELLING OUT 30,000 library 1-9-23 books. 28,000 at 10c. 2,000 at 50c. Open Saturday and Sunday 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, Mobile Homes canisters and uprights. Guaranteed (like swimming pool, air-conditioning, 10-6. Call 669-9311. Jerry's Flee IOFESSIOI\ a Market. 2-9-24 FISHER RECEIVER. Year old. KLH one DENNIS full year. $7.88 and up. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. 1967, 10' x 51'. Excellent conditio! 2 bedroom, partially furnisher papers, "51-4619. th< ( Parked near DeWitt. $2500 or b« speakers., Sony 252d. 337-1115. Opposite City Market. C-9-24 offer. Call 669-3493. 7-10-1 2-9-24 balconies and much, much more. TWO STUDIO beds with coverlets WATERBEO UNITS $60. Mattreas, liner, foam pad and frame. Any Lost & Found and bolsters. Best offer. 351-0225 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 size, $60. REBIRTH, 309 North FOUND: SMALL coin purse. PI Washington Ave., Lansing, STATE DISCOUNT, 337-1521 GARAGE SALE: Automatic washer, 489-6168. C-10-8 3-9-27 USE YOUR wide carriage typewriter, MASTER CHARGE furniture, antique china, glass, TAPESTRIES, WATERBED frames AT THE STATE NEWS kitchenware, clothing, books, and heaters. REBIRTH, 309 Personal September North Washington Avenue, 24-25th. 420 Kedzie Drive. 2-9-24 Lansing. 489-6168. C-10-8 BANDS FOR any occasion, prices. 349-3358. 5-9-29 BE CURIOUS TOYOTA Corolla 1600 _ According to a recent 1 study, curiosity was cited by ■ 61% of 1,331 women as the! most important reason fori trying a new food product. | If you're a curious woman ■ then you'll find it hard to ■ resist the State News! Classified Ads. It gives you a 1 great idea of what's for sale at ■ MSU and you get a chance to ■ get in on some good buys. &M curious! Turn there now BILLIE'S BALLET Studio. Eurof* trained. Professional ballerina i« teacher. Now excepting pup'« beginning, intermediate • ™j advanced classes. Across » campus. Call 332-5511. 4-9-28 I 1135 Michigan Ave. 351-8631 MARRIED & FACULTY STUDENTS | (right next to Brody Complex) KNOB HILL GREENS 1600CC 103 HP Hemi Engine (runs Brakes • Reclining Bucket Seats on regular gas) Power Disc Perforated Vinyl Upholstery APARTMENTS APARTMENT? are now leasing student and married couples units. These • 349-4700 h P 7 !i ar® C!rpfed and fur™hed with distinctive furniture. Each unit has a Tinted Glass on All Windows • White Wall Belted Tires • Nylon OPEN 1 7 pm W00 ; individual air - conditioning. These two - -nan units have ample parking - snace fm- pup Carpeting All Standard, Plus Many More Luxury Features appointment of S£n£ balconies. WIb also have We I a R«^eatlon full - ^ planned for with a giant swimming pool and private time resident manager for any SUNDAY by problems. If you want to be Large 2-bedroom - bath 8t % $175W| irNA nylander- are WHEELS TOYOTA INC. Large 3 - bedroom, _ 2400 E. MICHIGAN AVE. bath & 14- $^85 I MA NA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y BY: Alco Management Company 5 Blocks west of Frandor LOCATED V* OF MILE JOLLY RD. ON NORTH! OKEMOS ROAD- Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23, 197! 15 Penonal I UCAT i DAT, and LSAT. BOARD TxaMS scheduled for October. Court ruling raises ?, 313-851 6077 for ] information and enrollment. I 7 -10-1 ■nUPLES 1 Bowling League WANTED for mixed Satufday nlBthtt, residency question (Continued from page Carr said the University's legai one) University from out of the state "There has been no change," and have made no contribution he said, "but every day we get basis for charging higher rates to its support, manv /v-estions about this from h' "■ BOARD Travel Office open for out-of-state students is Like many other states, students- Yqu mjght caJ, th(jm I 11:30 • 4:30. Phone 353-9777. O inherent in the constitutional """ Michigan has had the basis, urttil challenges but I know of no . A lesson in complexion authority vested in the board of now, to have separate definitions formal legal action being taken, trustees. of residency for voting and e Call 484-4519, East Michigan IZ '485-7197, Lansing Mall. "The board has the authority tuition purposes. I MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS to exact charges and make "In spite of the rulings in course these matters are I STUDIOS. C-9-24 determinations'as it sees fit," he other states, I'm not sure they reviewed regularly. I don't know said. "The board's power to will continue to hold in what Can or the board of . STAR with creative color differentiate between residents Michigan," Carr said, "because l^hotoflraphv in campus scenics, and nonresidents has also been this ruling has some overtones I activities, and pictorials for your endorsed by the Michigan I itory telling album of campus life. that may not be in accord with years now, we've had people I Reasonable rates. Call after 6 PM, Take your pick Legislature because it feels those of other jurisdictions." who live in married housing taxpayers support the institution "Actually, the Swainson I 627-9628. 2-9-24 This collection of impounded bikes is to be auctioned off need of and that their children are ruling is somewhat unique," Carr voting in East Lansing while continuing to pay out-of-state today and Friday starting at 1:30 both days. So if you're ir transportation, bring a few bucks and come on entitled to special consideration, down to the MSU Salvage Yard. said. "We're faced here with the fees." Recreation S N photo by Jon Kaufman in the form of tuition rates, over question of when you are an ira Volley, asst. provost for those who come to the in state resident and when you admissions and records and are out-of-state. This IpAiN $249 9 days on the Costa ruling is chairman of the Commission on quite broad and comprehensive Admissions, expects his office Freshmen enrollment in the matter of personal rights wjn be charged with studying Ir SALESPOWER try a little (Continued ontinued from page one) University-approved housing for students men who whQ and were who returning were not WoHnocHov we°nesaaV- .. 10. He emphasized . , that many of , room up ■ who had not been offered consideration of residency may become different from that in the other jurisdictions." work and disbanded before the court released its ruling, he said, never was charged with freshmen that before this Victor H. | Classified Ad to sell a large mobile e! Dial 355-8255 todayl sophomores are. The trustees and required by housing regulations Un^eraitv CoHeee^vmee class the admissions and came that "only a space in a double. Henley, registrar, said Tuesday that no asst. investigating out of state rates. rescinded their stipulation on to live in University-approved housing," Underwood said. sj^wTbe^leSt Mze WUI 06 aC ,east 40 40 studen^ students> . summer trickle" were admitted this The amount of the rebate will be revised upward this v year, but stU(lent has yet lodged a formal "It's a good question that will definitely bear further analysis,' juniors at their July meeting, but which compares with 37.2 In addition to triples in students per University College month, it has not yet been fixed, he cha"en8e to MSU's continuation Polley said, "but we haven't yet Service it is not certain how many residence halls, incoming ggj^ of the present policy. been authorized to in^i, look into it."^ " juniors decided to forfeit the class last year and 40.7 students "We have had a target of freshmen will find University per class in 1969. The class sizes about 6,700 for fall freshmen IjITAR LESSONS $2.75. Call hoU8in8 deP°site *"<* move off College general education classes will probably go up by about the admissions, and I think we might IGARY MOLL, 351-2368. 2-9-23 Cal??PUS; more crowded than last year, ■ Early last week we stopped J?, Edward. Carlin, dean of same p.,. !"sol„ye"ri rate in ^ the Dept. of end up very close to that figure. American We ran roughly eonn University curtails ran taking applications for housing University College, said Thought and 6,900 through ■ FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS Language (ATL) and the Dept. Summer Orientation Programs," of Natural Science, specifically, Seeley said, rggu I1*S 11 a WHAT'S. wm nn m a ^ i where fall 1970 average class He said that the practice of sizes were 26.7 and 29.7, admitting freshmen until right JUITAR LESSONS available from ■ MARSHALL nent MUSIC. Call for 351-7830. C-1-9-23 Happening Mufti must nts for It's What's be submitted in respectively. "It has been very difficult to predict freshmen enrollment this fall. It's the last day of registration and I don't know what the freshmen class size will be," Carlin said. All freshmen before the start of classes is unusual in comparison with the past two years, but that there are always special cases where records are incomplete. He pointed out that because the freshmen did not have to pay credit fee refunds (Continued from page one) in for the Terry said. net credits dropped, another four credit course, he will lose no money. If he drops a person to the State News office, 345 and advanced students effect, administrators claim. Student Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. two Vili be held this term. Everyone is and sophomores are fees at Summer Orientation The state officials' reasoning four credit course and picks up a Typing Service class days before the date of velcome' automatically enrolled in Programs, the administration that the legislature's For example, if a student is three credit course, he will lose publication. Announcements should University be limited to 25 words. The State College upon was not able to obtain a solid appropriation to MSU is based enrolled for 17 credits, drops a $7 half of the resident fee for ■jMPLETE THESES News reserves the right to edit all it's Audio Aftermath - the aural admission to MSU. indication of the numbers number of credits f°ur credit course but adds theone credit. serviL_. intidote; w ui ■ Discount printing. IBM typing and material. Progressive rock, the "One thing students should of those admitted who will enroll students have enrolled to take as of theses, resumes. wukarfm 90 s°fm realize is that class size will be so as MSU students. of the end of drops and adds. If 1? f;°™ campus, Se,f . presents an eight realization week fellowship y 'tereo. wkar-fm 90.5 fm tlght and eyened QUt among Underwood said students students are permitted to drop Medina acquitted ■ sections that it will be very ■ « corner M.A.C. and Grand River, . y0ga stressing postures, relaxation, course hard l»wng ln triples will receive credits after that date and get The to change from one section to ■ below Jones Stationery.Shop. Call meditation diet and body cleansing. — Undergraduate Psychology rebates on their room and board back half their monev the ■COPYGRAPH 7:30 p.m. today in 304 SERVICES, Begins at 8 p.n today, Peoples " " olds Hall 'lections another," Carlin said. payments at a rate still to be Tecisiature is in effect Eiections be held ■337-1666. C Church, first level. following programs a discussion and projects for the coming of the Charles p director of ^ admissions, said determined The tripled room rebate policy formulated in £■$££ (Continued from page one) and, in my opinion, that's why pBROWN: Typing and rrvylljljth fh« MSU Karate Club will give University that will not be uused offset printing. Complete service a Wednesday that freshmen were 1069, returned $2 a week to - previously indicated that he they got him." demonstration at 7 p.m. today in the admitted for fall term until &pt |for dissertation*, theses, ' The first meeting of the MSU e*ch student housed in a tripfgd would resign from the Army, & . j . College Republicans will be at 8 p.m. whatever the outcome of the 1 ve. never Sot an acquittal Wanted today on the Union Sun Porch. Hence, they insisted that trial — and he said he would for a nicer &uy> grinned Bailey, Featured speaker is state Rep. Jim allowing students to drop stick with that decision, BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Brown, R-Okemos. MSU VOLUNTEERS ASMSU scraps courses up to the middle of the term and still receive half of their Medina's lawyer, I Medina was the fourth soldier acquitted of charges arising from the My Lai operation and was money back was Bailey, then stepped forward. information 'inconsistent with the manner one of six court - martialed. Vj Bailey, asked if he ever expected planned • I»M Typtnf negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN projects, come to t in which money is appropriated protest i . Multilith Prlntlr COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, conviction said: session at 7:30 p.m to the University. Acquitted earlier were Sgt. tQJP- • Hardblndini 507% East Grand River, East Charles Lansing. Above the new Campus "I had some concern about Hutto, Sgt. David ti Professional Thesis Service tor Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 MSU Sports Car Club will hold its The Associated Students of items for future meetings. Mitchell and s and Doctoral Cinfilitis. Fro* the assault charge, because they Capt. Eugene pm Monday, first meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in MSU (ASMSU) plans to quietly During the time the proposal Kotouc. and Censaltatiioe. Ploeso Call Thursday, and te Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Union Gold Room, a rally film drop protest against a "student was being written, trustees vice president for finance, seemed to be hammering away I Paula 127 21* HiufNiy 337 1527 or pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C vill be shown. L Everyone 1 " adviser" proposal which was conceded. He noted, however, at that one. But as to the other Only one soldier, Lt. William iOFESSIONAL TYPIST. 'Brothers and -...v.. — — Sist , _ Delta Sigma approved by the board of -- „ tJ iTave^strengUien^d I- Sl.ren8inenea Student • student that be ^ a "hell change the<ai Film Group presents w.c. Fields in "Million Dollar Legs" 7 said, "but I'm just not really Status. the normal five day period the budget at their Sept. 9 The balance of MSU's budget convinced that they care all that Similar questions regarding without having to worry about not and 9:30 p.m. today in 106B Wells meeting " the trustees did not provided by state funds will Hall. Also features the Marx much about local issues." bank accounts, financial receiving only a one half refund allocate the funds to individual come from student fee revenue, I# '■* - v Brothers in "Duck Soup" at 8:15 and The record registration independence and vacation for credits they drop, departments because at that estimated at $30 million, about 10:45 p.m. turnout on campus would seem travel were asked of MSU Terry said there is also some time they did not know $6 million in federal funds and ' to contradict this opinion and students in East Lansing until confusion about the "net credits whether that another The Society Creative action would $5.6 million in V.:- ! Anachronism will hold its the groundwork was apparently August, 1970, when the city dropped" language in a letter conflict with President Nixon's miscellaneous departmental organizational meeting at 8 p.m. laid by the court. agreed with student groups to sent to students earlier this economic measures. revenues. Saturday in the 2nd floor Union In the ruling written by replace the questions with the month. In the special meeting parlors. Anyone interested in Associate Justice John B. next city affidavit. Students will only have to pay TTie budget represents an medieval dance music, combat and week, the trustees are expected increase of about $18.6 million good cheer is invited. over expenditures for the Film Lovers! A Children's Film 1970-1971 fiscal Series begins at 1 p.m. Saturday in year, making Ife'e Sale: Thurs., Sept. 23, 1971 and Fri., Sept 24, 105 S. Kedzie Hall. I'remiering, major allocations to MSU's medical schools. Ib3 P.M. at Salvage Yard, 1330 So. Harrison "Hugo and nad, f,l;30 Josephine." Admission a Michigan State University Campus. Various makes $1. eonditions. All items may be seen at Salvage Yard, The College of Human Bt Orchesis, the modern dance club, 23 from 8:30 A.M. to "" "" «-»♦ 94 Medicine is to receive will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. today in $3.2 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. million, increase of 218 Women's IM Bldg. A jazz class an $750,000, will follow the regular technique and the College of Osteopathic I Tern>s: Cash session. All interested students are Medicine is to receive $1.8 million, an increase of $691,000. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NEVE BMK THE LOOM FOR fill AND BROUGHT TOGETHER A HUGE SUPPLY OF USED TEXTS NOW FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ALL TEXTS LOCATED AT ONE STORE NEVER BUY A USED BOOK UNTIL YOU'VE CHECKED US FIRST! SAVE 25% 507 E. Campus Grand River Book THURS. 9-9 Store FRI. 9-5:30 SAT. 9-5:30 RIDE THE MSU BUS TO FIND OUT HOW TO WIN ONE OF FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING L.BERKEY HALL AND CROSS THE STREET 10 FREE RADIOS OR CAMERAS! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23, 1971 17 Wharton knocks college contingency loans By MICHAEL FOX promises to repay after completing his benefits exceed the private benefits. State News Staff Writer study on the basis of earnings (as in medicine) will have access placing a greater cost burden on some fixed Among the social benefits of education to conventional loans or other percentage of his annual income. are those which enhance the individuals' funding students. increasing advocacy of income and would probably not participate in "At the very moment when society is Current income capacities to contribute to increased the income contingency loan program. He ntingency loans where the cost of contingency loan plans beginning to recognize the great societal ' L" °p,er'tlon( include the Ford productivity of the economy." predicted plan participation would tend education is shifted1 from public benefits from a dollar spent the Foundation "PAYE" p|an Yale to be concentrated on private sources might very well feeing that a student should pay a among those with educational improvement of the ndermine the future of higher University's "Tuition Postponement" fair lower incomes. share" of the costs of his economically disadvantaged — compared ■Cation in the United States, President ErnrlcTf proposal for#l£ "Those students who are likely to be ^ "Staterec«ntly announced education, Wharton compalined that a with the benefits from a similar dollar Lton told graduates at Ohio State noted that he the of Ohio. Wharton shift from public support to private involved in income contingency loan spent on welfare— we chose to increase Diversity earlier this month was criticizing the genus support is a dangerous trend. He plans are those from low-income and the financial burden borne by students income Wharton, an economist, discounted a contingency loan" plans rather suggested the shift would transform the low-middle income families — exactly from such than the backgrounds who decide to belief that college training is specific one proposed by the goals, values and conduct of the entire those elements in our society who can seek uiar governor of Ohio. afford these costs the least. Thus, in higher education. We piously of a benefit for the individual than higher education system. any announce that we will provide broader income contingency loan plan, society. Proponents of income alrplrfvCh| P,a"S Wil1 8ccentuate the there access to higher education while at the will be an automatic selectivity Intingency loans insist that the college a]arTnguPr0SSUreS a2ainst Public Wharton is a long - time proponent of universal access to higher will limit participation which same time we prepare to reduce the ducation is more of a private than a "Th .gher education." Wharton education, that largely to the level of subsidy for this new generation said. These plans must be is, any person desirous of a college low-income student — a regressivity slic benefit and the expenses incurred seen as part of students." of an education should be able to realize that directly contrary to state public policy. receiving a diploma should therefore underlying and growing trend flies Wharton called for increased higher m the face of this goal. In his Ohio State address, the Little wonder that there are those who , borne by the student himself, nation's longstanding education funding from the federal tax policy of public support of education. president call income contingency loans a plan for fljth income contingency loans, the pointed out that income system to complement the state funding. •te would stop appropriating funds for "The basic rationale contingency loans would significantly lifelong indenture. He stated unconditionally that the for public reduce the possibilities for "It is ke student's education. Instead, a support of education lies in the fact that disadvantaged particularly ironic that at the country cannot withdraw from the tudent enrolled at a college or the person youths to enter and pay for college. very moment when we are opening traditional public commitment to receiving an education does to diversity receives a loan toward the not reap all the access higher education for the support public education if the greatest rewards; society gains as Posing question of equity, he noted xpenses of his education which he well. In economists' a economically disadvantaged segments of number are to be served by higher terms, the social that those expecting above average our society, we are simultaneously education. More commercials o run with TV films The ring man will NEW YORK (AP) — Settle down to watch a some advertisers were sneaking in 30-second levision movie this season and chances are you "piggyback" spots by splitting a minute. Then not less than 32 commercials - nearly CBS began to sell 30-second be here 11 see spots and the rush was on. rice as many as a year ago. The networks are not selling more time for The TV Bureau of Advertising says that by immercials, but they are running more June 85 per cent of the commercials shown on the networks were 30's. The immercials in the same time. figure is believed to be even higher with the The 60-second commercial has become a rarity opening of the new season. i the tube this season. The 30-second "It came about because the advertisers wanted jmmercial, from a toehold a year ago, now Thursday. it," said a bureau spokesman. winates the medium. The increase in the number of commercials The voluntary code of the National Assn. of comes at a time when the networks have been roadcasters limits networks In prime time to iree minutes of commercials a half hour, six an sur and 14 minutes during a two-hour movie. Until January, 60 seconds was the shortest talking publicly about eliminating clutter. NBC, for instance, has just dumped its color peacock, animated chime and other ABC and CBS have had similar nonprogram material. . me the networks would sell a sponsor, although anti-clutter campaigns. MSU police to crack down the 23rd )n campus bike violators MSU police officers will be University ordinances while emphasis on bicycle violators has jiving increased patrol attention riding in campus areas, police stemmed from a large number of o bicyclists who violate state advised this week. complaints and from accidents notor vehicle laws and Police said the increased involving bikes. Bicyclists observed violating a regulation will be issued a summons to appear in East Lansing District Court. Tickets Specialists meeting are the summonses. Hie most same as common motor vehicle violations occurring on campus have been )n newborn travelling the wrong way on a one - way street, failing to yield the right • of - way at stop and yield signs and illegally turning The cleft palate, a malady of one out of 1,000 newborn corners or moving from :hildren, will be discussed by some 125 specalists during a different lane. ie • day conference today at Kellogg Center. "Use a bicycle path any The Oral Cleft Conference is jointly sponsored by the place you can," a police spokesman »lleges of Communication Arts and Human Medicine, and urged. "When operating a rcordinated through the auspices of the Children's Bureau of to Michigan bicycle in roadways, it should be Dept. of Health. treated the same as a motor The social and medical programs encountered by the cleft vehicle. Follow the same rules of >alate child will be the focus of attention when plastic the road." wgeons, pediatricians and orthodontists join forces with ocial workers and Handouts speech improvement specialists in looking explaining bicycle updated research and therapy now used in this area. Order routes on campus, along with ' Dr. Andrew D. Hunt suggestions on riding and your Jr., dean of the College of Human ledicine, and Dr. Maurice Reizen, director of the Michigan parking bicycles, are available at >ePt. of Public Health, are among the speakers slated for the the police desk in the Dept. of onference. Public Safety quonset huts. For the Smartest-Sharpest-Keenest on Thursday - Tmart Tex Barrows, the John Roberts rep, will be /tork >IOP In Central Michigan, here Thursday, the 23rd. There9s only one He will personally fit all rings. You will be able to trade in your old The Largest Selection - Newest Styles Lowest Prices for Quality Fashions high school ring. • Pant Suits # Dresses • • siax Foundations * Jackets * Lingerie - Tunics Stop in between 10 and 4 on Thursday. Plaids - Checks Polyester Knits - - Stripes Wools - - Plain Colors! Cottons - Crepes Order your M.S.U. Class Ring Experienced Assistants to help you select an Economical, Sharp Wardrobe while a'waiting your "Young Heir!" RANKftMEBICW MSU BOOKSTORE Two-tone II 1 I Empire $16.00 1 1 \ $13.00 1918 E. Michigan Ave. In the center 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23,197i OFFICIALS APOLOGIZE Freshmen drip through fee lines been signed by Gov. Milliken, Several hundred new them worse. On behalf of the MSU appropriation which the University trustees have students arrived to register at University administration, I postponed the fee assessment, approved an operating budget 10 a.m. although the doors did want to express our apologies the statement concludes: setting the fee schedule. not open until 11 a.m. - and also our thanks for "Again, we're sorry, and we Embarrassed University In the past the legislature Sunday. This threw all your forebearance." hope you won't judge our administrators issued a usually approved a new MSU schedules off for the rest of the efficiency on the basis of that statement Monday apologizing appropriation by July, allowing day, the University statement After noting the legislature's one experience. We'll try to first term freshmen who freshmen to pay their fees in said. delay in finalizing this year's harder next time." forced to stand in the summer. were a Signed by Roger E. The new system instituted Wilkinson, vice president for drizzling rain Sunday outside the Intramural Building to Sunday, however, found business and finance, the freshmen queued up from the statement posted around complete registration. The new freshmen completed preregistration during summer orientation had doors of the Mens' Intramural Building south down Chestnut Lane and then east on Shaw campus Monday stated in part: "The long lineup at the Intramural Building on Sunday 3 factors programs, but the University Lane. Apparently the new for the payment of fees by delayed assessing fees because students had hoped to whiz freshmen and transfer students of the state legislature's failure to approve a new MSU appropriation. Although no through the registration line by arriving early instead of during their alphabetically scheduled was to an unfortunate welcome Michigan State University. Such lines are no fun at any autumn le state times. time, and rain simply makes appropriation has of yet Weather, lack of chlorophyll and prevent any colors from forming. Wet recep and pigments inside foliage "Other factors, such as combine to give Michigan its Freshmen students were welcomed to MSU Sunday by having to wait in genetic makeup and the amount long lines to pay th THE PERFORMINC annual autumn color pageant. "The beautiful autumn leaf of moisture in the soil also influence fall colors," Koelling fees during a steady drizzle. The University later issued an inconvenience. apology to the students for th'e I colors are caused by pigments, chemical substances found in State News photo by Jeff Wilner | ARTS COMPANY nearly all living things," Melvin R. Koelling, associate professor Collegiate of forestry said. "A* Department of Theatre Michigan State University Many pigments that contribute to the bright colors of autumn are present in leaves from the time they unfold in spring, Koelling noted. But in spring and summer the green survey reveals SEASON 10 eREAT PLAYS pigment (chlorophyll) dominates the other pigments and is the only visible color. Since chlorophyll is associated tolerance of Greek system! COUPON with photosynthessis, it is Charges that college fraternities and sororities are little "In general, how do you feel about college fraternities ai Twelfth Night constantly breaking down during more than "rich men's dubs" and claims that they are sororities? Would you say you are very much in BOOK the summer months, but is just as steadily replaced. Thus, the outmoded on today's campus are constant reminders that the them, somewhat in favor of them, somewhat opposed favor oil tol Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead appeal of the Greek system is anything but universal. them, or very much opposed to them?" I leaves of a healthy tree remain However, a recent sampling of college students reveals that The Effect of Gamma Rays / Marigolds gree all summer. while overwhelming support may not be found for fraternities Responses were: very much in favor, 10.1 somewhat in favor, 33.3 percent; somewhat percent! s8 "But when the hours of and sororities, at least a "live and let life" attitude opposed 2871 prevails at percent; very much opposed, 13.6 percent; no opinion 143I MAN OF LA MANCHA daylight become September," he shorter in said, "the most schools. Most students, regardless of their own opinions about the percent. The students were then asked directly if ' Hedda Gabler production of new chlorophyll system, agree that they serve some purposes for those who they felt thel diminishes, while the breakdown desire them. Greek system is outdated on today's campus: "Some people! NOW of old chlorophyll continues. "They're a nice alternative to dormitories for some have claimed that fraternities and sororities are outmoded and| plus Soon all the chlorophyll is gone people," one MSU junior, typical of many, observed, "but I from the leaf and the other wouldn't want to join one." out of date. Would you say this is true on not?" your campus or| " ON SALE Orchesis Dance Concert 4 Arena Theatre Productions pigments emerge, bringing with them the Leading the list of benefits advanced by proponents of the bright colors of fraternity system is the opportunity to meet and know people Responses were: yes, they are outmoded, 52.2 percent; nt they are not, 39.8 percent; no opinion, 8.0 percent. autumn." on a large and Most active support for the fraternity system came froml impersonal campus. Weather affects leaf color in various ways. Cool, buy not "Big campuses are sometimes impersonal and unfriendly," a undergraduates in their first and second years of college from the South. Graduate students, least affected by t and| MAIL CHECK FAIRCHILD BOX OFFICE sophomore at the University of North Carolina asserted. freezing, nights and warm days "Fraternities help you meet people on a more personal basis." social functions of fraternities or sororities, which are usuallyl favor the production of colorful directed at underclassmen, were more likely to oppose thel Interviewers talked by telephone with 515 fulltime college (Payable to MSU) Weekdays 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. 335 0148 scarlets, lavenders and purples. students at their homes, places of summer employment, or Greek system. Little differences in opinion were found on Ui basis of sex. (Copyright 1971, Unidex Corp., Bio Below freezing temperatures, on summer-school campuses the first week Of August. The the other hand, kill the leaf cells students were asked: Ind.) GOOD Welcome Friends! DEALS Right on place Right on people Right on prices Right on with Good Deals for everyone Why not try our daily specials, MONDAYS: Ed's Home-Baked Beans TUESDAYS: Sliced Turkey Sandwich WKDNKSDAYS: Roast Beef Submarines THURSDAYS: Ham 'n' Swiss Cheese on Rye FRIDAYS: Crabmeat Salad Sandwich For Take Out 351-2755 Orders Greatly Reduced Prices Open 11 a.m. - 2 a.m., Mon. ■ Sat. RAFT BEE Noon - midnight, Sun. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23, 1971 19 Trustees name acting dean, OK changes rhe 1He board of trustees Sept. 9 botany and plant pathology, Sharoi Bmf plan* P'thology, Sharon professor, chemistry, Sept. 15-De 1972, to study and conduct research 40 aDDOintments. 5 Johnston, 15-Dec. mathematics, Sept. I, 1971 - Aug. proved 40 appointments, 5 Heed, asst.instructor, J"""s,on- ins,rl|ctor, nursing; Myrn Myrna professor, nursing; Sara 15; N. de Takacsy, IS; visiting ass., professor, physics, April 1-June 30, asst. in Kast in East Lansing and at the University 31, 1972, to teach and conduct Laboratory Animal Resourct additional Resources, with assignment as asst. engineering; engineering; Marylyn Donaldson, specialist. Computer Laboratory; Mary E. Kerr, extension >nomist, economist, extension home Tuscola, Huron h idemic promotions, 26 leaves, Oayle Gorman, instructor, American 1972; and Duncan of Wisconsin. Mexico State director, Center for Laboratory Fred J. Whitt instructor, medical Sanilac counties, Sept. 23; Marilyn S. Black, visiting Granted ! transfers and changes in Thought and Language; Diana Ida professor, political science, Sept. 16, other leav were: M. University, Las Cruces. Animal Resources, July 1; Mary Ellen technology; R. Ross Getty, >n, extension home economist, Marinez, Charlene The board approved transfers and lipiments, 37 resignations and science; asst. Kevin professor, natural C. 1971-June 30, 1972. specialist, Hatchett extension changes in assignments for: Lynn R. Furseth, specialist, Center for Urban associate, chemistry; Walti Buren, Cass and Berrien 'inations and 6 retirments. Gottlieb, asst. professor, social science; Carol D. Appointments were also approved for: Robert information, consumer marketing Harveyj from extension 4-H youth Affairs, with additional a research the director, Kasowski, chemistry; Richard S. Nichols< jciate. Glasgow Howlett, visiting Sept. 1-Sept. instructor, communication, J Included in the board action Jones, librarian, Libraries; Shirlee professor, labor and Lawrence W. Witt, professor, agent, Hillsdale, Branch, Calhoun and Sept. 1; Alan J. Abedor, from associate professor, chemistry; and Rolf Saalfrank, research a: Ann Studt, industrial Jackson t the naming of Robert R. librarian. Libraries; and counties to extension relations, Jan. 1-March agricultural economics, Sept. 8, specialist, Instructional Development Evan Randall Minnich, research chemistry, July 31; K Homer 31, 1972; manpower agent, Sanilac County, , gs acting dean of the fC. ^Hawkins, asst. professor, Michael R. Hodges, asst. 1971-March 31, 1972, to serve as a Voorhees, research a: professor. Sept. 1; George T. Mansell, from 4-H chemistry, July 24; Shyan 197*I-July 31, County, Sept.P|5; B. ^Alan Snider, E5£7,:,a jemces ^educationa! LIMITED OFFER!! ISU grad Gerhardt Schneider, professor, forestry and fisheries and wildlife, March 1-Aug. 31, 1972, to serve Drugs, as deputy director, Bureau of Food and Drug additional assignmi Health Center, July 1; Roy H. Expires Oct. 1, 1971 Administration, McFall, asst. professor, natural Washington; M. study in western Europe; August A. Ashraf science with additional assignment as El-Bayoumi, associate DeHertogh, associate professor, director of resident instruction, auto professor, biophysics, Jan. 1 - April horticulture, May 1-Nov. 1, 1972, to n ac 30, 1972, to write; and Irvin E. Brody complex, Sept. 1; Hyram Mary Ann Chambers, 22, a study and travel in The Netherlands; Justin L. Kestenbaum, associate professor, history, Jan. 1-March 31, 1972, to study in East Lansing; and Vance, associate professor, Kitchen, biochemistry associate and professor, Center for Reg. 490 FLAIR general clothing and textiles in me graduate of MSU and student at a the the College of Human Ecology. While at MSU she was president John Murray, associate professor, journalism, Sept. 1, 1972- Aug. 31, 1973, to study and travel in U.S. and New manual diversity of Illinois (U of I), killed of Omicron Nur, home Great Britain. Sabbatical leaves were also NOW ... 3 FOR $1.00 Sunday in an economics Btomobile mpaign, III. accident near served on honorary society, and the search selection committee to select a and approved for: Thomas F. Baldwin, associate professor, TV and radio and communication, Jan. 1-March 31, international YOUR CHOICE OF 12 ASSORTED COLORS!! 1972, to study in Washington, D^C.; ss Chambers, who enrolled new dean for her John "International Studies at MSU: Information for Student college. She E. Jordan, professor, i the U of I two weeks ago, and Campus was also worked counseling, personnel services and Advisers" has been published with freshmen educational psychology, Jan. 1-June by the Center for n her car when it collided orientation for three years. International Studies and Programs. 30, 1972, to study and travel in i a vehicle driven by a The manual, which is the first of its kind in Services held Central America; Charles V. Mange, the country, Wednesday Book were describes the variety of international courses and kiicago man, authorities said in the Gorsline - Runciman professor, elementary and special programs on eral persons education, July 1-Dec. 31, 1972, to campus. in that car were Funeral Home. study at home; James H. Fisher, The manual includes a review of overseas professor, geology, Jan. 1-June 30, study programs, a Surviving are her parents, Mr. list of college and departmental options, an explanation of FREE had been a lifelong 1972, to study in Colorado and and Mrs. G.W. Chambers Jr.; a area studies programs, a selected list of Illinois; George C. Landon, associate courses with STORE SIDE jsident of this area, most sister, Mrs. Jill Houston of professor, American thought and international interest and a bibliography concerning PARKING gently residing at Lansing, and grandparents, Mrs. language, April 1-June 30, 1972, to study and travel in Europe; and international career guidance. 507 EAST GRAND RIVER iSilloughby Road, Holt, Elizabeth Short and G. W. William L. Frantz, professor, i Chambers majored in Chambers Sr. of Lansing. physiology, Sept. 1, 1971-Aug. 31, \NEL@/ME TO QllSKPUS your nutshell advertisers Army ROTC Campus Bookstore Elegante Wiggery First National Bank of E. Lansing Hobies House of Sandwiches Interfraternity Council International House of Pancakes Jacobson Stores Inc. Lizard's Restaurant & Underground Bar King Size Film Kizer Contemporaries Kwast Bakeries Inc. Lansing Area Council of Churches Olde World Bread & Ale MSU Book Store MSU Bootery MSU Shoe Repair MSU Volunteer Bureau Pretzel Bell Starboard Tack Union Board 20 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23 | Oceanographers launch I research on sea pollution in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian vacuum as far as ocean pollution is LA JOLLA, Calif. (AP) - oceans. concerned," he said. "Ecologists tell us Oceanographers have launched man's More than 5,000 samples will be terrible tales of ocean pollution but they most extensive study of pollution far at collected during two years of cruises and cannot really justify what they're saying. sea and of little - understood rivers of analyzed for natural and manmade On the other hand, one can't prove cold water that affect circulation in the radioactivity. The radioactivity levels will them wrong. There's always the deeps. serve as sensitive "clocks," indicating possibility things are even worse than we They say it is becoming increasingly how far a pollutant has traveled since it think." urgent for man to learn the limits on his entered the ocean. ultimate use of the oceans, and whether Understanding ocean circulation is Atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons, important because many experts believe such activities as dumping wastes might for example, introduced radioactive it plays a major role in determining someday alter circulation and cause elements into the sea unique to many of regional or even global weather changes. regional and global weather. the detonations. Tracing movement of these elements will tell how fast currents The surface currents generated by Experts at Scripps Institute of "tradewinds" have been known for move and how quickly contaminants on Oceanography, one of seven universities centuries and intensely studied. But only and institutions joining in the $8 - the ocean surface find their way into in recent years have the deep rivers of the deep currants. million, four - year study, say recent cold water become known. tests research in the South instrument Pacific were of a key better than expected. The instrument automatically Combining this data, the scientists hope eventually to predict how fast and in what directions a pollutant will spread The rivers are formed in Norwegian Sea, south of Greenland, and the yy / / / i measures water temperature, depth and from any depth or location during salt content, feeding the data into a hundreds or even thousands of years. in the Weddel Sea off Antarctica. Water becomes colder than normal when it Checker bored computer. The answers about pollution are needed gives up heat to the atmosphere and With all the unpacking finished and registration out of the George Grenley and Cheryl Bartz would ^ a" set It will measure these variables from most urgently, Joe Reid, a Scripps when ice if formed. The colder water is if they ocean surface to bottom at 120 stops oceanographer, said in an interview. heavier and sinks to the ocean bottom, way, students flock to the residenceball grills to while away had some checkers as they sit in the Akers Hall grill. . "We're essentially operating in a the hours until classes begin. It looks like Deborah Brown, State News photo by Randall during cruises along north - south tracks forming the current. N. Stowe AS UN BEGINS SESSION U.S. sees China UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. China have submitted a fight the U.S. proposals in the Communist China and expulsion proposed agenda for the sessiol fmmm (AP) — The United States resolution that would seat Peking steering committee on of the Taiwan regime. are how to make expressed "overflowing" and oust Chiang Kai - Shek's Wednesday or Thursday, with Middle East and who peace in tj confidence of success in seating Taiwan regime. As the 26th UN session should b| claims that the U.S. plan is both UN secretary - general gJ&pff both Nations Chinas as the General United Assembly opened its 26th session Tuesday. The United States said it has Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam president Malik, newly elected of the assembly, focused on the China question in a duplication of their own and a dodge to bar Peking, which has opened telephone In caller said it will not come to the sticks of dynamite had been United Nations as New York, a reported that 26 planted on the third floor of the Thant leaves at the end year. Talks on after 1 how to settle tli of tr long as Secretariat rounded up a dozen sponsors for his address. He urged the Nationalist China is a member. building. Security Arab - Israeli conflict two resolutions aimed at seating organization to forge "a The committee's agenda guards found nothing. expected to be renewed on tt iMMMlfmMit Communist China in the General Assembly and on the Security Council and retaining Nationalist China's place in the assembly. Delegation spokesmen said the universality of membership" for the United Nations. The assembly voted three new members into he United Nations at its opening session, bringing recommendations will be subject to approval of the fuU assembly, which meets Ftiday. This will give the first indication of the two sides' relative strength. In a speech after his election, Malik said man's ability to survive until the end of the century requires a new global fringes of the assembly withi the next week. Gunnar Jarring, ambassador to Moscow, Swedisl wasdll awareness. proposals would be put forth total membership to 130 Debate and voting on' the back in New York on Tuesdal this week. countries. They are Bhutan from China resolutions is expected on Malik named the population night to the resume contacts witl Eighteen backers of Red the Himalayas, and Bahrain and Arabs and Israelis in hi the 10- day period beginning explosion, poverty, harnessing TV RENTALS Qatar from the Arabian Oct. 18. technolgy and destruction of the capacity as Thant's special Peninsula. In Moscow, the Soviet Union representative to the Middl ecology as some fo the major East. He will confer with Aral Informed diplomats expect reiterated Tuesday night that it problems of the nest 25 years. the and Israeli foreign ministers pro-Peking delgations to would seek UN membership for Among the 109 items on the o| hand for the assembly si 40x$ NEJACTV RENTALS 337-1300 ASMSU rep.:quits, urges on High-level Soviet the Middle Eastern C.S. t quesl may get under way earlier. Secretary of State William 1 open communication lines Rogers will fly up fro! Washington on Friday to dill DON'T READ THIS .. Michael McGraw, outspoken West Circle representative to Associated Students of MSU Despite such differences, the chairman said, McGraw's absence is not expected to "visibly affect" the board. with" Soviet Foreign Ministef Andrei A. Gromyko, the onll Big Four foreign policy chiJ present at the assembly openinj (ASMSU), announced his resignation from the board in an August 11 letter to Harold To fill the vacancy left by McGraw, a Unless there is progi Buckner, board chairman. special ASMSU election will be held in toward a settlement in s McGraw, a native Californian, has October If you are not interested in transferred to UCLA. The representative's letter included a plea to following the required ten day campaign period and one week of campaigning. The election process wil not be implemented until the resignation becomes talks, Egypt is expected to insiJ that the assembly later hold I full debate on the Middle Eastf "keep open communication lines" and to effective, Sept. 28. Two UN ambassadors, Mai • financial assistance establish "really representative government." Characterized by Buckner as a "paradox" Although McGraw had become identified as Jakobson of Finland anfl much with special interest groups, specifically who was often at odds with other board Hamilton Shirly Amerasinghe oT Student Mobilization Committee (SMC), and • a chance to fly members, McGraw has engaged in both with West Circle residence halls, Buckner said Ceylon, and Endalkachew a cabinet Makonnen ministeii ol philosophical and personal clashes with some he did not expect such groups to caucus in board members since the April elections. Ethiopia, are announce® • an Air Force commission support of a candidate for McGraw's candidates to replace Thant ir Buckner summarized the conflicts by successor. secretary - general. A third U.NB describing the political composition of the "Mike was loyal to such interests, and ambassador, Kurt Walkheim board as "conservative-moderate-liberal — and honest about his loyalties," Buckner said, "but Australia, is described f Mike." he was not run by them." available for it. If you are not a full time student, IN BROOKFIELD PLAZA OPEN 9 TIL 9 in bad academic standing, D & C JUST NORTH OF MSU'S EAST COMPLEX STUDENT VALUE DAYS and physically unfit ... SPACE SAVER COUPON REG. 49c DN )c if — COUPON IRONING BOARD $1'7 I I I EXTENSION 9 FT. Then don't contact the 37c CORD FLORAL STORAGE CHESTS CACTUS Department of Aerospace Studies 28 x 16V2 x 14" or 34 x 18 x 6" PLANTS ! i 47c Quonset 67 355-2168 only $|77 WASHABLE WITH COUPON Limit one II SHOWER CONTACT AST. STYLES & COLORS The 4-year Air Force ROTC program FITS TWIN OR DOUBLE CURTAINS PAPER BY CANNON / FRUIT OF solids & clear 6 ft. 0 DIFFERENT STYLES | is not for you! THE LOOM 19 49' 72 x 90" BLANKETS $477 y<. STRIPE OR COLORED CANNON ALUMINUM COLORED NO-IRON TWIN SHEETS Otherwise, give us a call. PIZZA PANS LIGHT BULBS $277 2/39' 45' WOVEN STRIPE SPRING TENSION Magic Mounts RUGS 24 x 45" Jiffy Bulldog . CAFE RODS PICTURE HANGERS | P.S. — See us today for application to the AFROTC $J37 79' $|99 19c TO 49j 30 GALLON TRASH BAGS WE HOT COLOR 4-year program — time is running out!!! CUT KEYS COFFEE MUGS 50 FOR $2*4 2/95' 39' 23,197| Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23, 1971 21 Hassles, By MICHAEL FOX assets apartments rather than residence halls or found in off-campus living two - bedroom State News Staff relatives, the report units, rented to four single students. mutual compatibility, 26 per cent; neat Writer studied off campus student behavior patterns, attitudes and - The research found that whether a student had lived in a housekeeper, 10 per cent; housing choice preferences. residence hall previous to seriousstudent, 9 per cent; share responsibilities, 8 per cent; experience of living in off - campus apartments is fraught The The University of California responding to the survey of apartment pleasant personality, 8 per cent. at Davis dwellers made little difference in the character of ,1th b myriad of rather complex expectations, decisions, and residential campus with (UCD) is largely a There are no on -campus living responses. By far the most pressing problem of off cam pus students was oersonal problems, according to a research report recently roughly 36 per cent of the requirements at UCD. that of alienation, the report notes. approximately 12,000 students living on "The data clearly indicates that cost factors are pleased by the housing office of the University of California at residence halls or or near campus in fraternities. There about 2,900 apartment are most significant variables in among the " R'elings of isolation, loneliness and inability to make friends units in Davis, most of which choosing tolive off campus. Financial were reported by 17 per cent of the respondents," it states. "It is "*Awsre of the growing trends of students who opt for are occupied by single, upper division or graduate UCD students. Most of the considerations were noted in 19 per cent of the who had lived in the residence halls and in 11 replies by those difficult to speculate on the impact of this situation vis - a vis apartment are per cent of the one's self image, academic performance level, and overall cases for those with no prior experience in on camps housing," living experience. OR PSYCHIATRISTS the report states. Fred R. Costello, UCS community housing coordinator and "Nevertheless, to the extent that meaningful association with others is important for the maintenance of mental author of the report, continues that health, the roughly 13 per cent of the socialization of the individual, and intellectual respondents listed privacy as a factor in the decision to live in an growth, the consequences of our findings may, indeed, have far - reaching HEW apartment. Residence hall food service accounted for 15 per cent of the responses by those who had lived on significance for students, the University, and the community as a restoring campus as to why whole." they moved off campus. Other "Dissatisfaction with food service has traditionally been cited problems of those living off campus included: transportation, 11 per cent; finances, 12 per cent, poor relations by on - campus residents as reason for moving off campus. The with apartment owners or WASHINGTON (AP) — Thwarted by Abandoning its previous position, the opinions of the respondents to our questionnaire, however, managers, 6 per cent; roommate health capability at a time of desperate problems, 5 per cent; and out of touch with campus life, 5 per he hard lobbying of health organizations Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare and seemed to focus less on food preparation and quality then on the growing need," said Dr. Albert J. cent. Some 18 per cent reported no problems. ^ Nixon administration is moving to had asked the White House Office of institutionalized setting. Factors related to noise, routine, and r the sessioi Kellogg peace in ho should b leral after meet at MUSIC CO. i end of thi 235 ANN ST. E. LANSING Educational conferences will draw more than 4,000 adults to Kellogg Center this month and next. 0 settle th conflict ar They will come from all over the United States, many ewed mbly withii on tb Canadian provinces and nations around the world to take part in 40 conferences ranging from one day to four weeks in FEATURED STEREO ALBUMS: length and from 15 to 540 in attendance. ,gi Swedis These adult students are part of a continuing flow of more ALL-STAR :ow, wasdu lan 900,000 who have advanced their education, enhanced on ontacts ml Tuesdi leir skills and their enjoyment of living in conferences and institutes in Kellogg Center since it opened its doors 20 years ROCK" SOUL REDUCED: raelis in h i;o this month. SELECTION * INCLUDING nt's specii Participants in September conferences include cardiologists, the Middl * IRON BUTTERFLY safety directors of automotive fleets, volunteers from the with Art CHART BREAKING-HIT r Michigan Diabetic Assn., operators of steel service centers * JOHN MAYALL ministers across the country, managers of independent telephone * MARVIN GAYE vsession. I companies from a half dozen nations, insurance men and * BLIND FAITH '• OA till fomen, kitchen equipment salesmen, municipal Ore * WILSON PICKETT inspectors, industrialists, engineers, basketball coaches, em questio crippled children's therapists and clubwomen dedicated to . CREAM iarlier. eWilliam! ; up froi highway safety. In October there will be travel agents from across the « « * ARETHA FRANKLIN BEE GEES STEREO ALBUMS! nation, newspaper women, optometrists, dentists, veterinarians, YOUR CHOICE PLUS to din SCORES MORE! harpists, both men and women police, computer experts, drug ^T^jOutTOt| day gn Ministe i leaders, environmentalists and state, national and o, policy chie ylb openin the on international educators. Specialists from business, industry f9 I EACH WHILE SELECTION LASTS and government and other educational institutions join is progres University faculty in ORIGINAL VALUES SHOP EARLY tn in instructing. :ted to insi Each conference is planned TO 5.98 jointly by the initiating group, ater hold ie or more representatives of related University departments V Middle Eas and a continuing education service conference consultant who is trained to match University resources to the needs of the adors, Mai nland ai •dult students and to make the enjoyable for all. conference helpful and STEREO L.P. jrasinghe WARNER BROS. RECORDS ATLANTIC RECORDS DECCA RECORDS teministe Any group can initiate a conference to study almost any BLACK SABBATH THE WHO "SOUL TO SOUL" ionnen subject in Kellogg Center. Information and assistance may be EVERYBODY LOVES A BARGAIN "MASTER OF REALITY" ROBERTA FLACK, IKE & TINA "WHO'S NEXT" TURNER, nnounce obtained by contacting the Office of Conferences and AND HERE'S YOUR CHANCE EDDIE HARRIS & LES McCANN, AND Tliant e Institutes, 50 Kellogg Center. TO CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS: .third UJ alkheim scribed MUSIC FROM EVERY CATEGORY! 3" m POP, ROCK, BLUES, KRIS I ME AND BOBBY McGEE VOCALS, INSTRU- Blame It On The Stones, Casey s Last Ride MENTALS GALORE! INCLUDING THOSE "HARD-TO-GETS" ■ EACH AGAIN, THAT'S ONE BUCK ABC/DUNHILL RECORDS MANY ORIGINAL VALUES TO 4.98 COLUMBIA RECORDS MONUMENT RECORDS THE JAMES GANG TEN YEARS AFTER KRIS KRISTOFFERSON "LIVE IN CONCERT" "A SPACE IN TIME" "ME AND BOBBY MCGEE" .♦ STEREO 8-TRACK \ T*DC0 :t j AND CASSETTE lArtd Welcome... * CHOOSE FROM A i STYLES : BONANZA yd. Olde World is "ndwiches, a relief from the ordinary. fine wine and imported beers, all in a cas- Superb j SELECTION ■ OF FIRST QUALITY ^theEuropean atmosphere. The Olde World is located center of East Lansing on MAC. Look for a dis- S TOP ARTIST RECORDINGS d c,ive red and blue awning. S SPECIALLY PRICED FOR .bs S BIG SAVINGS. GRUNT RECORDS RCA RECORDS THRESHOLD RECORDS JEFFERSON AIRPLANE THE GUESS WHO THE MOODY BLUES miMM, "BARK" "SO LONG, "EVERY GOOD BOY gers DESERVES FAVOUR" BANNATYNE" £ \® BB^CAD nm/ALE R 3» ncJi 3» 3" gs 211 M.A.c. Avenue East Lansing under the red and blue awning ♦ Comparable Values As High As 6.98 Marshall Music Co. 2 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Septemhl,r >1 Prudent planting produces Institute awarded arboretum-like campus st"dy grani In the east of early 1850s, three miles The woodsmen with the Michigan's Capitol, two foresign to leave trees standing spots were cleared in a 677-acre in those clearings formed the arboretum park it is today. weather. Seed exchanges with other countries occur, to test as Beginning with the first tree many plants possible that are R".'.™""'."." „°'»« $12,500 grant from thrill J forest and what is now MSU precedent which has helped and shrubs planted in 1958, the foreign to Michigan soil. Plants Army Corps of Engine*!Vl began. develop the campus into the number of floral varities campus has increased to 5,500 in on that succeed in nuReries tried on campus. are proposed just eomp£edf0rl wast? *1 a deliberate attempt to grow Records of each plant management pro8rilm,e| southeastern every plant on campus that location are kept and are now Michigan * Conducted Prof's talk could survive in Michigan. partially computerized, by Thomas , open Thousands of representative according to Baron. e» S ^ 8 ephenson ol Marvin the instute I i i The plantings on campus trees and shrubs are labeled, said study evaluates Milton Baron, director of the are divided for educational var'Jl programs proposed division of campus park and purposes in four major groups, by tl corps for St. Clair, Macollf sex lecture planning, "so the plants used for education as may well be as a and may be found labeled by group in the central part of campus: systematic, family- Oakland, Liv Washtenaw, 'Lenawee m1°J n joy to the eye." and Wayne counties ' M groups that illustrate botanical The report David Imig, asst. professor of family and child sciences, will relationships; economic, selected descrikl discuss "Sex and the Family"at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Baron said plantings are groupings having direct use to anticipted ecofo 1 Emmons Hall lobby. Imig's speech will be the first in a series of speeches on decided at the time plans are made for new buildings or man; ecological, components of plant communities Reflecting fowls consequences of mangement plans for VarioJ municSj complexes. The Site Planning representative to and industrial waste human sexuality. Later topics will include abortion reform, Unit in its analysis seeks to Michigan; A half dozen ducks serenely resting on makeshift rafts in the Red Cedar cast shadows in the stormwater fiowl sex crimes, homosexuality and the psychology of sex. maintain the same density and landscape, plants valued for their water giving the appearance of twice the number actually present. combined runoff aJ A second series, "The Liberal and Conservative of Things," space throughout campus. ornamental qualities. State News photo by Jeff Wilner the eight sewer overflows T will feature attorney Zolton Ferency, founder of the Michigan - county area. Human Rights party; state Sen. Philip 0. Pittenger; R-Lansing; state Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D-Detroit and Robert Huber, are In MSU nurseries, new plants being developed and tested NUMBER OF POOR DECLINES founder of the Conservative party of Michigan. The programs are open to the public. for their hardiness in Michigan Swell in welfare rolls reported The number of poor people in the cause-and-effect relationship give the full picture of the According to Cox, a large America is decreasing but the with such other problems as magnitude of poverty." majority of the able-bodied poor "No," whites says Cox. q„ made up more igj number receiving welfare in drugs, crime, education and In addition of 13.5 million work. thl two-thirds of the increasing. race," Cox says. welfare recipients, reports Cox, "In fact," he says, "the most and other races poor. Bit] That statement comes from "And it poses the threat of "more than 10 million people commonly overlooked stratum constituted 1 Eli P. Cox, professor of market financial disaster for our cities who do not now receive welfare percent. 1 of the poor is made and states, since the number of up of transportation administration, in payments are officially listed as families whose heads work But the incidence of pover. the first of a two-part series the poor turning to public on poor." full-time on at least one job and among nonwhites is muchhigM "What is Poverty? Who are the welfare programs is rising The official — three out of definition of still do not earn enough to reach every Poor?" Hie series will run in steeply." Business Topics, the University's By way of illustration, Cox poverty, originally developed by the the poverty threshold." nonwhites are poor with one of 10 whites. compj Dept. of Agriculture, He notes also that poor black notes that welfare quarterly business journal. recipients in consists of more than 200 male heads of family were more In a related article late tl "From 1960 to 1970," Cox New York City have tripled in separate poverty categories. For likely to have worked than their fall, Cox will examine L 10 years. Today, one in seven of explains, "the number of people example, a single individual white counterparts. on welfare increased by 94 the city's residents is on welfare. impact of proposed new welfj under 65 years of age with Are most of the poor, In Detroit, he reports, one in programs on the patterns I percent to 13.5 million annual income of $2,005 or less nonwhite or ethnic minorities? consumer demand of the w recipients. eight citizens is on welfare is considered to be living in "During the same 10 years compared with one in 12 in poverty. the number of people officially Chicago, one in five in Boston, For a four-member family, designated as 'poor* declined by and in 11 in Bus line sche one Washington, the 1970 poverty threshold was 36 percent to 25.5 million." D.C. $3,944; and for seven or more in "Poverty is a greater problem "As awesome as these figures a family the poverty line is now than ever before because of are," he writes, "they do not $6,407. Why Pay Morel Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay Mor,e! Detroit - toruns Beginning Oct. 1, Travel time to Detroit I LEAN LONG Greyhound Bus Lines will start approximately one hour \ HPOftK STEAKH 47< daily service between MSU and minutes. BONE Detroit. Departure times to Detroit For further information, J will be 12:01, 1:25, 4:25 and Greyhound's East Lansi| terminal. 7:25 p.m., leaving the terminal | at 308 W. Grand River Ave. For the return leg, I departures to East Lansing are decicj CHIQUITA BANANAS J0« | set for 7 and 11:45 a.m. and Meet to 3:30 and 7:15 p.m. Coaches will stop en route I at Northland Center in | South field. agenda planl The Steering Committee I TV RENTALS the Faculty will meet at 3n VETS 006 FOOD - • $2.49 TOP FROST FROZEN MEAT LOAF, SALISBURY STEAK UNIT PRICE 10.0c lb. NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 p.m. the set. Monday in 44« Administration The meeting is open students and faculty. Bldg. Tl agenda for the first meeting ■ Academic Council will f | Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Until 9 p.rr TURKEY DINNERS GREEN LIQUID DETERGENT & 2D< 13$ off label PAlMOtlVEl 22 fl. oz. btl. ^■tuna BREAST-O-CHICKEN CHUNK LITE 6 wt. '/2 oz. can (UNIT PRICE 5.1c per oz. II 20< A A ft SAVE20C with thii coupon toward th* purchai* of: S 20 28c ^ A SAVE 28c with this coupon ¥\ FIT" A " SAVE 13c with thi> coupon $ A ^ toward th* pupurchai* of: | toward th* purchai* of: i!co *»! PILLSBURY FLOUR jc0 PILLSBURY v II ■ | C0 Five Flavors 2£i 3/65ci !SUNGL0 pop—10/67". 5 lb bag 17% to 18% -CAKE MIXES oz. wt. box | Expires Sat. Sept. 25,1971 | Expires Sat. Sept 25, 1971 COUPON S ! EXPifeS &pt- 25' 1971 COUPON | the time is now for Technos watches QD Meijer THRIFTY1CRES iHGD Meijer TH RIFTY "flCRES jjB CD MeSjeT TH RI FTY A CRES £| by Universal Geneve, Switzerland. a fi"e blend continental styling with uncompromising craftsm. I I 17e ® 4^ SAVE with thii 17 coupon 20c o save 20c S 2°c A. Ladies 17-jewel gold-filled bracelet watch. 59.50 I I toward the purchai* < ■ purchai* toward th* purchat of: indie Sc0 PILLSBURY ."J". JEHO'S PIZZA -"i jc0 FINAl TOUCH B. Men's automatic wristwatch with date 3/94c ! 14. 3 to 15.4 White yellow gold. 59.50 10' or ; frostings r-r OFF; : FABRIC SOFINER"'-.::iLi | With Cheese or Pepperoni oz. wt. box | 29 oz. wt. box | Expires Sat. Sept. 25, 1971 I Expires Sat. Sept. 25, 1971 COUPON ■ | Expires Sat. Sept. 25, 1971 | JEWKLRY L f INF. a Meijer THRIFTY ACRES SBGD Meijer Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! TH R IF TV "fl CRES CD3 Meijer' T HRI FT Y A CRES flj Jacob^on^ Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23, 1971 2 3 Seniors opt for NEWARK, N.J. college credit (AP) — Philip Miller says special scholar's program. his senior "We belive senior year in high school would have high school students who been a waste. Robin Bloink Thirty-five were admitted on a full - time have demonstrated the they can get me back at high school," she same says she feels the basis; 95 are part-timers. ability to do college said. "The choice of interests here is so much way. Their principals concur. level work and are The two New "I had covered the entire curriculum by the sufficiently motivated to broader." Jersey residents skipped their do so, should be given senior high school time I got to senior opportunity to do just At the end of the year the full year and have begun full - year. Rather than sit it that." - time out waiting to student would have accumulated 30 time college level work. graduate, I felt I could come Physics professor Charles Pine, who helped to 40 here and do credits and may stay and work for a They were two of 130 New something worthwhile," Miller a shape the program, amplified the point: "Many degree school honor students admitted Jersey high former student at Abrahams , or transfer to other colleges. to the College High School said. high school students who complete their work of Arts and Sciences Warnar Manspeizer, professor of Letters were sent to over 100 high school at the Newark campus of the college, and the man who geology at in three years go into a slump in their fourth Rutgers University this semester under a really made it and final principals requesting them to select their best year." possible, explained: Miss Bloink is taking four pupils for the program. The 130 were selected subjects for 15 from 300 applicants. Because there are no credits. Both have made arrangements with dormitory facilities at the campus, the Fire officials their former high schools to receive the equivalents of high school diplomas end of their freshman year at Rutgers. at the program was limited to those within commuting distance of the college. Kevin Gibson of Orange High School, a "We cannot afford to part drop out of the - timer, is taking two subjects at Rutgers. For program now," says Miller. "If for do, lose we we two afternoons a week his high school gives 22 annual everything. But 1 enjoy it here at Rutgers." mtheMissprogram. Bloink is even "There's more no enthusiastic about way in the world him time off to attend freshman classes. "I'm here to destroy the illusions I had about college," Gibson says. Pranksters who plague Michigan fire departments with false alarms identifying suspects. Recent rulings have may find provided that voice print identification could themselves trapped by a new technique called make the suspect "voice printing," of the Detroit Fire according to Gene Meixsell said. subject to court action, he IF IT'S TIME TO BUY Dept. Other conference topics will be prevention Music man Nearly 125 of Michigan's municipal fire programs for elementary schools, bombs, A NEW OR USED inspectors are discussing this innovation in fire sprinkling systems, insurance ratings and day Hunter finds the stairs leading to the cafeteria in Holmes safety and others at their 22nd annual Supreme Court decisions and guidelines Hall an ideal place to vent his musical abilities. Hunter conference this week at Kellogg Center. affecting fire inspectors. has been The conference is sponsored playing the guitar for seven years and specializes in folk music Meixsell, a member of the conference by the planning committee, said Michigan Fire Inspectors Society, the Michigan and blues. State News photo by Randall N. voice prints work State Police and MSU's Stowe much the same Continuing Education way as fingerprints in Service. National broadcast BLACK-LITE SALE features MSU prof .. . visit your MSU Employees Credit Union loan counselor before dealer. Armed with dealer cost and trade-in information, visiting a along with a credit union loan commitment, The recent cut in foreign aid you stand to save several hundred land the 10 per cent import exploring hypnotism. dollars. I surcharge initiated by the United I States will hurt underdeveloped Ted LeCouffee, the 19- the Warren G. Hoag, director of And remember, your credit union I countries, an MSU economist year - Center for Laboratory old concert is the only place that offers master of the Animal Resources, you I will say FYiday on the nationally National Youth Orchestra discusses the same low rate on a new of I broadcast radio series, "Twenty - Canada, tells of his interest in career opportunities for animal or used car loan. I Two from MSU." technicians. classical music. The orchestra 1 Mordechai Kreinin, professor ■ 1 of economics international and monetary an gave its first U.S. concert on this campus. The 22 weekly - minute program is a presentation of the MSU EMPLOYEES Mutual Radio Network to its (specialist, I with the is currently serving United Joseph Reyher, professor of more than 500 stations in the Nations I psychology, talks about the United States and Canada. Conference on Trade and I Development in Geneva. legand and lore of hypnotism in Maurice Crane, professor of the second of a two humanities, hosts the series. 1019 1 Commenting on the effects - part series Trowbridge Rd. Phone 353-2280 ■ President Nixon's economic Open 9:30 - 5:30 Monday thru Friday ■ policies will have on the ■ emerging nations, Kreinin notes Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! ■ that "here in Geneva there is Why Pay More I concern that the industrialized ■ countries will become so ■ preoccupied with the I currency and trade problems present ALUMINUM I that the interest of the less - I developed countries will be lost I in the shuffle. TEFLON BAKEWARE YOUR BREAD PAN Our Own Reg. $1.67 CHOICE 9" LAYER CAKE PAN Our Own Reg. $1.47 12-cup MUFFIN PAN Our Own Reg. S1.87 OBLONG CAKE PAN 13"x9"x2" SLACK WHY PAY MORE! SALE MEN'S DRESS 50% Polyester - 50% Cotton, Assorted stripes and prints. Side zipper closure. Sizes 8 to 18. SHIRTS SAVE $1.09 Bright new solid colors, stripes and prints. Permanent Press 65% Polyester - 35% Cotton and 50% Polyester - 50% now in 12 Cotton. Long sleeves. Sizes 14!4 to 16%. cmotionally- charftcd colors Our Own Reg. $3.97 ONLY 49 MEN'S WEAR DEPT. Me *Candles flowers Sculpture 'Incatse A Body Oil b«s to. 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES Monday thru Saturday 9 AM to 10 PM - Sunday - 10 AM to 7 PM 24 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23,I9?i EASE VACANCY PROBLEM Greeks open doors to roomers For the first time in their The exact status of house histories, guests caused a great deal of "Officially, as far as we're would be unfair to subject them many Greek houses have a space problem, — not turmoil last spring at the Alpha concerned, they're just renting to all that noise and hassle enough people to fill them, and Delta Pi (ADPi) sorority. But ,tU7 . . ,« . . i.. rooms, and they can buy meals without inviting them to join in most houses with the problem after initiating one of the house , i b0arders ,th,S summer, and they were as close if they want to- W* don't the partying," Dubb added, consider them a part of the m have turned to boarders as a guests, ADPi has found boarders as brothers. I think our fall term feasible solution to the problem. to be the perfect solution to the guests will be, too," Dubb said, fraternity, but we do invite them Room and board in the Greek to all the parties because it houses is the same or slightly space problem and an honest lower than residence hall rates, way of obtaining a few new For the first time several members who have a chance to with the added enticement of an houses are empty. Both try out the house before joining. "open kitchen" which allows members and boarders are gradually creating rules to fit the situation, instead of starting the At ADPi, house guests are included in social events, but they are also included in the Toulmin residents to wander into the kitchen for snacks and off - hours meals. l\f year with hard and fast rules, work involved in the social Claudia Sowa, Grand Rapids Sophomores, who otherwise events. senior and Gamma sorority member, said. Phi Beta up, "Boarders have all of the a belonging to a sorority and good set - privileges of none in lecture are not eligible to live off - campus, are permitted to live in the Greek houses, which are 1 ♦ - r 1 considered to be University • "Hiis is the first time we've The Honors College will open of the responsibilities. Somehow completed three of four its annual Lecture Series approved housing. had boarders - we prefer to doesn't projected volumes entitled "The think of them as house guests, it seem fair," Sue Stoetzer, Birmingham junior and Monday with Stephen Toulmin Ancestry of Science," a series "They're our friends. We Free k "she said." This creates extra ADPi house guest, said. speaking on "20th Century detailing the complex genesis of don't want it to be just a problems and some touchy Fraternities have taken the Science; The Penalties of modern scientific thought. financial arrangement," Dubb Kittens! Kittens! Get your free kittens! Larry Klayman, St. Success." Toulmin's nine Louis, Mo., graduate stud situations, but I think it'll work same route attempting to week lecture said. "They're as close as n' - unloads some of his kittens on students leaving registration. out well." achieve financial stability, and Toulmin, a British philospher series will focus on his fourth brothers." and critic of science will be the State News photo many have had great success and final volume. by Tom Gaunt She said boarders would focus in the nine - week series. with their guests. The series has been scheduled probably have the option of A widely published authority for 4:10 - 5 p.m. on Mondays in attending social activities, but "Hiis is the first year for in his field, Toulmin, along with Offi cials admit drug facilities 108 B Wells Hall. otherwise would be residents of boarders with us, too," Duane The lecture series will be of the house, not quasimembers. Dubb, Detroit senior and Phi Goodfield-Toulmin, has interest to "anyone who is interested in the actual and potential conflicts between those engaged in scientific and technological inquiry and the larger society," Frank Blackington, director of Honors College, said. "This man is probably one of stress Officials at two federal drug study, shun addicts busload" at Public Health "If an addict asked to be has been the top philosphers of scientific rehabilitation centers conceded given a $1 million en Service hospitals at Fort Worth, admitted to the hospital for for an addict rehabilitatkJ thought in the world," Tuesday that their facilities were Tex and Lexington, Ky., even treatment, he would bfe advised center and said several Blackington said. operating at less than full though the facilities were to contact his local U.S. centers already are ir operat e in Toulmin's wife opened the capacity, but said the reason was . operating at less than half attorney and then it would be Edwards, chairman of a He series last year, with an average a shift to other antidrug capacity. up to his discretion," Conrad Judiciary subcommittel attendance of 300 for her programs. The director of the Clinical said. lectures. Topics for this year's considering drug rehabilitation Rep. Don Edwards, D-Calif., Research Center at Lexington, legislation, complained tl series will range from "Science had said General a Accounting Dr. Harold T. Conrad, said his The doctors noted the addicts had addicts had no and Aesthetics" to "Technology Office report showed addicts plL facility was no longer accepting government has established a 0 while the PUS centers wel and Political Decision." were being "turned away by the addicts seeking treatment grant program to set up a not nearly full. because of its conversion into network of community He also said the LIEBERMANN'S = t ^ ww strictly a research program. treatment centers in various Department had barely used thl Conrad said the center intends areas, the theory being that the to keep 250 patients in an effort treatment program to give addicts a choil in a local center Gf imprisonment to research the problem of drug would be more beneficial than rehabilitation and said the GAfl abuse. The center now has 370 that at a large facility like report "documents the abysnJm For school ... our new patients and a capacity of 500, Lexington or Fort Worth. he said. Conrad said Louisville, Ky., inadequacy of federj rehabilitation efforts. Dr. D.J. Lachovara, director extra-size cases for of the Clinical Research Center at Fort Worth, said his hospital books and papers also is voluntary no longer accepting patients, such Vietnam veterans seeking to kick as Family celeb the habit. Lachovara said the Federal" Bureau of Prisons is scheduled to take over the 750-bed PHS f opens Jewish center Oct. 4, where it will Jewish history and culture as a secular Jewish experience ll administer to about 550 addicts, a living body of traditions and themselves and their families,! He said he expects about 100 of values relevant' to a modern Children attending will f the addicts to be part of a world will be stressed as Rishon divided into three age group! program offering rehabilitation School begins the 1971 year, 3-5, 6-8 and 912. | instead of imprisonment for a The school, which has been Classes, conducted by a sul federal crime, with the rest operating for more than 10 of four, meet Sunday mornir convicts from other prisons. The years, will oepn at 10:30 a.m. with additional midwi center now has 129 r patients,' he Sunday n>luhn»inn celebration with nt tt of Rosh ' a — family - Hebrew instruction for thi Hashana, desiring it. Family celebratiol which iis open to » the -. 1-.,. public. Lachovara and Conrad said ~ . . _ , j,0|i(jayS an(j a(ju|t rpfog,, Operated as there are alternatives open to an , 8 Sunday s^00' are included in the curriculufl addict seeki„8 to himself voluntarily tor Ly who want mSon*'ls^1Lp"e . coAiiin. oriented ^ philosophy, has i informal and flexibl atmosphere. It emphasiz| individual instruction personal development SPORTS CAR CLUB For further informatij contact Gabi Kende at 16f Melrose Ave., East Lansing. FIRST MEETING TONIGHT take m Gold Room - Union - 7:30 bausCALL 482-4848 « ° #r Road Rally Movie Shown STEREO RENTALS We've added an extra they'll take 8 V4 "x 11" ring inch in height so binders upright. Everyone Welcome Free Pick-up NEJAC RENTALS That gives you added room and conve¬ 337-1300 nience And they're built to last, with top quality locks, hinges and handles. Choose them in hardy "Skai" vinyl or long wearing leather In "Skai" Vinyl LIMITED OFFER!! 3" with file 23.00 Expires Oct. 1, 1971 4" with file 24.00 5" with desk 25.00 and file In Top Grain Cowhide Reg. 490 FLAIR 3" with file 24.95 4" with file 5" with desk 29.95 32.50 NOW ... 3 FOR $1.00 /v and file YOUR CHOICE OF 12 ASSORTED COLORS!! Campus, DOWNTOWN 326 S. Washington ^hepards /H9ES EAST LANSING 317 E. Grand River DOWNTOWN—107 S. Washington FREE STORE SIDE PARKING 507 EAST GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING—209 E. Grand River Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23, 197l25 a Iks fail/ British hampered ew England paper s press NDON (AP) " Britons went hout their nationally dated newspapers for the h straight day Wednesday by 82-year-old secrets act LONDON (AP) - "The llbor talks failed to settle a British newsman whose own ever reached -the American press is a far better stage of journalists may freely research court case under the secrets act te that has stopped the prosecution. Instead, into watchdog for the public interest has led to a government government information than the British inquiry government officials or civil and have lawful to many press," says a to change the antiquated law. access News addicts, racing fans and new book on Britain's Official servants frequently quote the act kinds of government documents, seeking RV guides tried to Last February, Aitken and and refuse to " Secrets Act, an 82 - year - old answer questions. would surely lead to a much the gap by snapping up an others involved were declared law that higher quality of prevents British innocent of political range of minor publications _ violating 5 of journalism in Britain" and keep newspapers from prying into uding provincial newspapers, | government business, major or government secrecy by the public better informed, - Communist Morning Star trivial. publishing a confidential When an auction house a few Aitken said. ij g new paper called London military report on the Nigerian The book argues that British years ago tried to sell a series of civil war. The judge, Sir Bernard But while Britain is newsmen are barred from the letters written by the Duke of reviewing rfte new London paper, a t*""- kind of investigative Caulfield, suggested parts of the Wellington and Adm. Lord its legislation to ease control of reporting law "should be pensioned off 0id published by a free-lance that wins prizes in the United Nelson between in 1800-15 — government information, Aitken in the interests of free speech. s agency, made its debut States. It claims "Britain today the Foreign Office stopped the =ays, the Pentagon papers case a large photo of a blonde in A government committee is "seems likely to create tighter has the most closed slae with a threat of prosecution. see-through blouse on the Overloaded in the free world." government considering how to amend the Official Secrets Act, first passed At the height of the cold war legal procedures for controlling the same kind of information in This fatherwaits outside The book, Yankeley Hall to unload his daughter's belongings. He looks like he is "Officially Secret," in 1889. in 1956 a Russian air force the United STates." published by Weidenfeld and deadlock early Wednesday. wondering how they can possibly squeeze everything into her room. Originally designed to control general was allowed to fly Nicholson, was written by traitors and spies, the act — or Britain's top - secret hawker State News photo by Jeff Wilner Jonathan Aitken, 28 - year - old the threatened use of it — has Hunter Mark 7 jet and asked since been employed to prevent detailed questions, but all data SN wins award; :0 NEED FOR JULY YULE newspapers from asking on the plane remained classified for British newspapers for two embarrassing questions. Prime Minister Edward Heath has said: years more. named among 25 "What Hope was once law for leukemia a In 1932 author Sir Compton mounts cure specifically framed to counter espionage has in too many cases been figures used to which hide facts may and be Mackenzie was fined $500 for publishing so - called secret information in a book about The State News is college newspapers awarded an All - among 25 recently American World War I. Yet the facts Memphis, Tenn. (AP) Ther^ the treatment of cancer in between the ages inconvenient or embarrassing to classification by the Associated "rhrictmAS 'Christmas in in Julv" July' phi Hmn b of three and 15 Jude with an already had been printed by a Collegiate Press. All American uuuc wllu early version of could the government." this year at St. Jude Ch"Itrewas once true that most ii™2 „ total theraPy> and two of 15 not have tolerated when sick with his disease." initially Conviction under the law can diplomat in "Who's Who." award recipients are - evaluated Plnkel „ „jn's Research Hospital — . , ^ the word cure patients were cured. Since then mean fines for the Pacemaker Then came the third Dhase of or jail for editors or Award, to be ras first time in eight years that skipped, past years, the hospital, sawttrsS now," Donald Pinkel, medical has rise"to - reporters, but few cases have presented in October. specializes in working director of the hospital, said in However in an article which tr.e»tme"t at St- Jude is do"e' Pi"kel said- "he Journal of the beginS Wlth , . children with incurable an interview. he wrote for adrmnistration of because when leukemia American Medical ^sn re?entlv ant,leukemic dru8s which P»ts reappears after remission it most ses, especially leukemia, Research by Pinkel and his two Yuletide celebrations, Pinkel said the disease into remission> or often comes back in the central associates over several vears has in July and another in "Tho n,„( „ temporary disappearance, nervous system, which is not cember. cemDer. H the midsummer one «m "total of «ute therapy" in the treatment lymphocytic leukemia childhood All (acute T1*-»■ »" ■"» uu*" swaya* 7~"- u-,T *"T*7" •" over this year (ALL). The kills more lymphocytic leukemia) is an up to tolerate further treatment. 'e"kem,c attainable diets irei'y usedtt^Bninated by a choic Pros"**5 in than 2,000 American children goal with multiple agent therapy." When the child is in better physical condition, other drugs ^Th^n^nnallv'8 tlfere is But in 1962 the first research are administered in prolonged combination of drugs ment massive anadian protocol and radiation therapy for two film was launched at St. doses — "at levels the child to •aid the GA three years. the abysm federi J' Cinema S A Married Couple," a film looking into the live6 of two tople, will open the University Cinema Series Friday on campus. Produced by Canadian filmmaker Allan King, the film is a Comedy Tonight! 'stinging and remoreseless 'cinema verite' dissection of a modern )ol image," according to Time magazine. For 10 weeks during the immer of 1969, Billy and Antoinette Edwards of Toronto and Crawling Arnold leir three year - old son had their lives filmed - by the Allan King Issociates. 'xperience ir families, The film will be shown at 7:30 and 9:30 uditorium. p.m. in the a play by Jules Feiffer gnil will ■ The University Cinema Series, says Ken Beachler, director of age grou SU's Lecture - Concert Series, is designed to present unusual ed by a sti pd noteworthy films that would not otherwise be available to at lay momin € Imid' n for the e celebratio tlul prograr curriculu OPEN HOUSE h a ,yh has familj LEARN KARATE held by flexib eniphasi uction The MSU Karate Club will THE DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE :tn give a demonstration in format! tonight at 7:00 in the lower gym Women's IM. Meet the de at 16 Coed classes for faculty and students. beginners, intermediate and Learn about theatre activities on ^ansing. advanced students will be held this campus. term. Discover how everyone can participate. EVERYONE IS WELCOME Everyone Welcome. FAIRCHILD THEATRE 7:30 PM Say hello to .. M .. she's part of the Greens team ... that young group of fashionables that want to show you some of the best garb in town. Here she's wearing a nifty knit knicker outfit... one of the great nostalgic looks for fall '71. She also wants to remind you about I HOPE YOU HAD A NICE VACATION! MY SHOP WILL BE OPEN ALL TERM. FEATURING MY DELICIOUS SANDWICHES AND ALL THOSE Greens welcome party, going on all week TEMPTING EXTRAS, MY FAMOUS QUICK SERVICE, AND A FRIENDLY DINING ATMOSPHERE. ... free Coke, daily unadvertised specials, _ Spartan Michigan Ave 2 J MSU A..a Shaw Lane Hobie's fun, and great fashion! Directly across from the Union Open tonight and tomorrow 'til 9 P.M. Stopttmo Canter QQqi Q w Campus ^Ur^Pizza MOBirs Trowbridoo Road 351-3800 DINE—IN, CARRYOUT, FAST CAMPUS DELIVERY P.S. Be sure to tell us if you're a freshman coed! 26 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 23,197| CHEMIST WARNS The Phosphate-free' elimination of In addition to household phosphates from can detergents detergent be fatal' manufacturers have warned, "it would be alone will have any measurable embarked phosphates from washday detergents, phosphates are used on massive research irresponsible to encourage effect on the eutrophication detergents should be put off in institutional and industrial programs to find safe and consumer use of any until safe and satisfactory detergents which are essential (over-fertilization) of lakes and satisfactory substitutes for phosphate-free formulations substitutes can be thoroughly for sanitation in hospitals, streams," he said. phosphates. "Consumers should containing untested and tested, according to M. H. restaurants and food processing not be Chetrick, chairman of the plants, Chetrick said. misled into believing that "But .he meantime," he h*Z"d°''S Dept. of Chemical Engineering. "Any satisfactory phosphate eutrophication can be solved Chetrick warned recently replacement must meet these by switching to phosphate-free that some present necessary cleaning and detergents," he said. "Effective "pollution-free" detergents use highly alkaline substances in sanitation standards," he said. Besides the hazards involved, control can of all nutrient sources only be achieved through ZPG public place of phosphates and can Chetrick said there is some improved sewage treatment fatal if scheduled be ingested, cause doubt about the value of the serious injuries and damage to the eyes, the porcelain new to detergents the water as the solution and He said properly designed operated sewage treatment S pollution -jr i"' ^ "fc . ■ . , ■ , ■ • .. . ... ^*1 ■fcrrii I. surfaces of washing machines. plants can remove more than problem. The Lansing chapter of Zero Dr. Thomas J. Vecehio, Several weeks ago a "There is a growing list of 90 percent of all phosphates in Population Growth (ZPG) is chief of medical research at 15-month-old girl in Putnam, environmental engineers and municipal wastes. sponsoring a public meeting at Upjohn International, Inc., and Conn., died after swallowing a scientists who are questioning Chetrick said that because 7:30 p.m. handful of phosphate-free Sunday in Union medical director for Kalamazoo whether the removal of of public demand major Parlor A and B. Planned Parenthood, will speak detergent. on "Better Things for Peace of Mind Through Chemistry." Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Until 9 p.m. ZPG is a nationwide, And the band marches on nonprofit, volunteer organization for controlling the The Spartan Marching Band has been holding marching rehearsals daily this week in pre I world population explosion by for Saturday's game against Oregon State University. The practices are voluntary means through wee morning hours in Landon Field next to the Music Building. being held duhng'thl massive educption. State News photo by Tom Gaunt you are cordially invited Romanian editor resigns, to our showing of Lakeland Leather Outerwear Thursday - September 23 12:00 to 9:00 p.m. blasts cultural Stalinism' PARIS (AP) - A he Central Committ police and party officials a _ iale had a rape scene Tuesday he has handed in his and writers" in Romania. Bolnave" -Sick / at - Mr. Al Presson, Lakeland representative, resignation as editor of the Breban's resignation was the departures from the Cannes Film It Socialist propaganda far will show country's leading literary first open rebe a collection of handsomely styled magazine to protest what he rigorous new jackets and coats of leather and suede. fears is a new wave of cultural educational pol Long and extra large sizes will be available in most styles and special orders will be taken. Literary Romania and a SrES-S"? tightening ideological discipline JaeobBoriB STEREO RENTALS Romania's remained foreign policy has defiant of its 5500 in' the $25,000 Scholarship Essay Competition sponsored by Greenleaf The L_ included entries from „ neighbor, the Soviet Union, Classics, Inc., for hfc essay from across the , but Breban's decision seemed 'b4sed on the theme, Presented with the tc Our Pro Is On The Courts Taty Balasis, Lansing Tennis club pro will help you swing into the fall tennis season with clinic lessons or private coaching sessions at special IpiliSil BMMmRRMBl rr--~T^-,-—■——— introductory rates. Call early — enrollment limited 349-1199 FREE lansin&fcnniselub inthe Red Cedar Research Park, Okemos Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan « _ Thursday, September 23, 1971 27 ournalists FOR STUDENT TEACHERS chedule workshop Application period nears the Women's Page Still Student teaching application deadlines school and grades seven, eight and nine teaching the applicant must have If" will be the subject of for spring term, 1972, have been applicants; Oct. 6, elementary and accumulated 105 credit hours, achieving at least a 2.0 GPA both in his "rothy Jurney, national It's the same scene term after announced by the College of Education. The first week of the application period, special education applicants should and in his all major d . winning women's report; Oct. 7, secondary socjal science, University average. of the Detroit Free term. Bookstore employes beginning Oct. 4, will be reserved for history and English majors. The last day Education's teaching methods course is she addresses an Oct. like Kristen Bunker, those of the first week, Oct. 8, will be also a prerequisite, Henry W. Kennedy, seeking appointment to a director of student journalism Workshop at Birmingham graduate particular center. reserved for all other secondary fields. However, the teaching, said. student student, build up the supply From the end of this need not have For that week: Oct. 4 will be reserved period until fulfilled these requirements at the time will speak at the first of books only to find them for married students and those to be Nov. 30 applications are open to all he applies, he said. The jversity - based workshop rapidly removed by hordes of majors and all fields. requirements married, this is open to all majors and only apply at the time the applicant isored by the Michigan students preparing for the all grades; Oct. 5, junior high, middle To receive an appointment in student actually begins student teaching. omen's Press Club in Kellogg upcoming term. SN photo by Tom Gaunt Kay Lockridge, instructor in umalism will speak on "The ics of Writing." Mrs Jurney, who won top tional awards for women's SENIORS! s both at the Free Press gt the Miami Herald, will , s women's pages submitted her in advance by Your Photographer inference registrants. Miss ickridge will assess news jes or features submitted to Is Waiting .... before the workshop. to take your senior °entagon Papers readied yearbook portrait Fr66 or print, full set costs - call today | WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon Papers which caused $60 353-5292 Melvin R. Laird was wheeled uch hullaballoo when they frist appeared in the press were by uniformed soldiers Tuesday But to the printers Tuesday en route to general sale. But morning into the House and Senate Armed Services and Bless the public shows more interest than Foreign Affairs Committee offices with advance beyll make no best - seller lists. congressmen announcement. Hebert no No sitting fee - The officially declassified documents immediately turned one of his copies over to dealing with U.S. Spencer with instructions to print it for ivolvement in Vietnam wery sent to Congress Congress and for ushed to the government printers at once. Tuesday and Four volumes public sale as rapidly as possible. "We're very anxious that the No obligation ealing with peace negotiations and prisoner - release public have and use it's right to know," Hebert said. egotiations were not released for publication. Public printer A.N. Spencer said they'll be ready for public Spencer estimated 2,000 copies would be ready for sale by Monday for sale at $60 a set. public a service of your Wolverine lie within a week — but he foresees no heavy demand for hem at $60 a set. House Armed Services Committee Chairman F. Edward lebert, D-La. said only 20 of 435 House members have soked at the "top secret" copies of the 47 - volume firtnam study that have been available to them in his ommittee room for three months. The declassified version promised by Secretary of Defense Bostonian Man, oh man, what footwork. Raw, rugged weathered brown stirrup hide in a classic bold boot that interprets the life you want to lead. Get down today and live a little. . ^Shaped *este.n 61/2 - 12 13 slightly more Rugged Grained Half Boot '"side Zipper Next time the whole family drops in for dinner, Sizes 7%-12 why not invite them to our place. Many to others choose from nteP.?Ut Proudly The Pretzel Bell... where there's plenty atmosphere is elegant, yet casual. And of room for everyone, plus a new bill of fare that'll tempt any taste from spaghetti to sirloin. And at reasonable prices too. our service is prompt and conducive to making everyone feel right at home. We You'll find a lot more than just good food So... whether your twenty, or family numbers just two, bring them in soon. cPretzel and drink at the Pretzel Bell. Our Canterbury We'll see to it that they get that "at home" feeling... at our place, the Pretzel Bell. Well 1020 Trowbridge Rd., just off 1-4%. MAC at GRAND RIVER 28 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September-., . good reasons why you should buy^ your books and school supplies at the| Student Book Store. "You Save Money" 'People Are Friendlier," "More Convenient, Larger Selection," says Liz Vaughan, says Jeff Cummins, says Brenda Webster, senior in social work junior in criminal justice graduate student in communications from Louisville, Ky. from Battle Creek, Mich. from Hillsdale, Mich. " My roommates and I checked "buy back" prices at " This store has more sales girls than any other store " I drive a car and it's almost impossible to park all the book stores in East Lansing in the in town, especially during the first week of each term Spring. We on campus. So I drive to the Student Book Store got the best price by far for our used books at the when students are buying textbooks. where I can park free behind the store. Student Book Store. I received about $5 more for my It's easy to find your books with nearly 30 sales Also they seem to have a larger selection of used texts. girls to help you. And with all those girls, I don't paper backs. And if they're out of a title, they'll From now on, my girlfriends and I plan to buy and mind just browsing around, either." sell all gladly order it for you." our books at the Student Book Store." We at the Student Book Store aim to please you. enough to give you the best price in East Lansing for Conveniently located across from Olin Health Center, the used books you buy and sell. we strive to give you the best service and selection of You see, satisfying students is our goal. In fact, textbooks and paperbacks every day of every term. students are so important, we named our store for them. The Student Book Store is small enough to give you warm, personal, centralized service; and large Shouldn't you shop at the Student Book Store? The Book Store Named For You. Across From 421 E. Grand River Free^O min. parking with $2 purchase Center