Six. days left for local Friday _ . . you can't stand the heat MICHIGAN Sunny STATE NEWS get out of the kitchen STATE . and cool high between 63 - Harry S. Truman UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 24, 1971 Nixon VOWS early return $25.7 million budget boost ree DETROIT (AP) economy - President Nixon Thursday night he will put no limit on the said sought for 'U' operation luration of price-wage controls following By BILL HOLSTEIN as "merit adjustments," Wilkinson said. Part of the State News Staff Writer The merit adjustments would be $1,685,000 increase would lis 90-day freeze and will concentrate the salary also go to improve the noncontributory and wage increases second phase curbs on major industries, designed to raise the retirement program for clerical and labor a question-and-answer session before The standing of MSU faculty and staff to personnel. University's 1972-73 budget request certain goals the University has Economic Club of Detroit, the to the set, he said. Michigan Legislature involves a For faculty, the goal is to increase their • About $500,000 of the increase would •resident said the country will return to a $25.7 million increase over the current economy as soon as possible, but not fiscal year. pay to a point where it ranks third go for the establishment of a College of ^ among the Big Ten schools. For Law. Wilkinson said the until the problem of inflation has been The largest chunk of that increase — staff, the goal is money would be to increase their pay so that it is equivalent used for operating ■ffectively dealt with. He added: about $10,039,000 — would go toward funds, including to their gathering staff and books. The money "Until then, we feel it is necessary to improving instructional programs and counterparts in the Michigan Civil a Service. would not be used for have controls backed up by teeth, made service programs, Roger Wilkinson, vice new construction. In the current fiscal .ffective by the government." year, the University president for business and finance, said expects to spend about $78 million for • $1,256,000 of the increase would be an The Phase Two controls will be Thursday. inflationary salary and wages. adjustment to compensate for nnounced well before the current freeze The proposed $144 million budget is the effects of inflation. •A closely related category involves an elapses on Nov. 13, Nixon said, and will be being sent to the State Budget Office for increase of $1,685,000 for additional effective on the whole economy—but review after the board of trustees approved The new budget anticipates fringe benefits. Wilkinson said the no fee irimarily, he said, on major industries the budget request at its Sept. 9 meeting. increases for students. But, Wilkinson price and wage decisions have the The legislature is asked to provide $102 University hopes to use the increase to explained, that does not necessarily mean provide full family health there will be no increases for the 1972-73 greatest influence on the rest of the million of the total budget. coverage for (conomy. About $23.2 million of the increase is employees and long-term disability academic year. If, after the coverage. legislature 'But there is no limit on the within the General Fund, the money used decides how much duration," Benefits for money it will went on, speaking of the second to operate the primary segment of the "part-time regular" appropriate to MSU, the University decides phase, employees, those who work part-time ■because its duration should depend on University operation. it needs more money to balance revenue bow effectively Outside of the General Fund, the throughout the year, would also be and expenditures, it deals with the fees could still be iroblems." Agricultural Experiment Station requested improved, he said. increased. a budget increase of $1.4 million and the Nixon said his price-wage curb has the Cooperative Extension Service asked for a wpport of the American people, but noted hike of $1.5 million. that it will also be necessary "to have Breaking down exactly what the INTERPRETATION OF RULING ovemment sanctions to back it increases up—which involve, Wilkinson said here will be." $5,064,000 of the $10 million category would go to the various College Nixon was asked if it would not be colleges within desirable to launch a campaign to educate the public and some leaders that the most MSU equipment. for items such as educational The biggest increases here town v would go to the College of Medicine and (ffective creator, of jobs is growth in the College of Osteopathic Medicine. corporation profits. The remainder of that $10 million He said the twntial to a that it is only major reason strong growing economy is profits through profits that industry are increase would go to supportive services for disadvantaged students (a $866,000 hike), th» Library ($938,000), student services o mu for stude provide the new plants, new equipment such as the counseling and health centers to make it competitive in world market. ($724,000) and the physical plant By BOB ROACH hometown voting rights unless that state All the little "I profits am for means more profits, because I believe more jobs," he said. people ($783,000). Wilkinson broke down the $25 million Executive Reporter where he attends school denies him voting rights, attorney J. Robert Carr, VOTER After negotiating with the seething masses all day, surveying all the increase into four other categories: Michigan college students now MUST chairman, said. A crowd of several thousand vote in the towns where they Bullard emphasized that residency is no little people on the ground from a vantage point go to school. protesting atop Shaw Hall is one • About $9,720,000 would go for salary As consequences continue to surface tickets gathered outside Cobo Hall before longer "a subjective determination" by the way of regaining a feeling of self - importance. and wage adjustments. This from the Michigan Supreme Court's voter or city clerk, but a matter of law. he President arrived. figure includes August State News photo by Tom Gaunt a 5 per cent cost of living increase as well ruling that extended student voting rights, Despite the law, Carr pointed out that it now appears that students can no some students may still, in practice, have longer register to vote by absentee ballot in their an option to choose where to vote. He said Harlan retires from home towns. that in towns where the students vote This development was first pointed out would have little impact, such as Midland, WASHINGTON (AP) - John Marshall Black was reported in very serious The Harlan retirement will not have as court in voter registration material distributed VOTER, a coalition of partisan and nonpartisan groups urging students to vote. The interpretation was confirmed by there would be little incentive for the city clerk to disenfranchise a homtown person attending MSU. "But on a strictreadingofthe law," Carr Harlan, the scholarly conservative who was condition at Bethesda Naval Medical much ideological impact on the court's Thursday by W. Perry Bullard, an attorney said, "it would now appear that the vast make-up as will Black's. Harlan was a solid with VOTER. majority of students at MSU must vote in jenerally rated as one of the Supreme Center Thursday. Court's most able jurists, retired Thursday member of the court's conservative side "This was not directly spelled out in the East Lansing." The 72-year-old Harlan was taken to the iiecause of ill health. He is suffering from and Nixon is expected to replace him with courts' ruling, but all such interpretations Out of state students in Michigan are - - Bethesda Hospital Aug. 16 for treatment of cancer. an appointee of similar bent. Black, on the are left to the attorneys and either the only ones with a real option, he said. what was termed a "backache." He was The retirement, effective other hand, was considered a member of confirmed or denied in ensuing litigation," Many states still maintain that a student immediately, later transferred downtown to the George was the second from the nation's the liberal bloc. Bullard said. cannot gain or lose residency while away at highest Washington University Hospital. Nixon has commented frequently that Bullard explained that the court did »urt in less school and out - of - state students could than a week and leaves After the White House announced Resident Nixon in the rare situation of Harlan's retirement, it was announced at he wants nominees who are "strict explicitly declare unconstitutional one continue to vote by absentee ballot. Those constructionists" of the Constitution. section of the state election law that said same students could also elect to vote in laving two crucial appointments to make the court that he is undergoing treatment «t the same time. Ziegler said this criteria would be applied "no elector shall be deemed to have East Lansing provided they will be at least for bone cancer. The Supreme Court is gained or lost Associate Justice Hugo L. Black retired scheduled to open its fall term on Oct. 4 to both the current vacancies. Mrs. residency while a student at an 18 years old and have lived in Michigan for tost Friday, also for Richard M. Nixon also has been calling institution of learning." six months prior to an election. reasons of health. with only seven justices on the bench and several major issues awaiting decision. recently for a woman justice. By implication, this Carr noted, however, that if Michigan now places a Chief Justice Burger said Harlan's student under another section of the law students are not allowed to vote where Perhaps paramount among these is the life decision to retire was "a source of deep that says "should a person have more they attend class elsewhere, they could still question of whether capital punishment is than constitutional. regret to all his colleagues and a loss to the one residence, that place at which such vote in Michigan by absentee ballot. Hugo Black White House Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said Nixon recognized the situation and was expected "to move as swiftly as court and to the country. person resides the greater part of the time shall be his or her official residence for the purpose of this act" (voting). "The law is disenfranchisement," now constructed to prevent he said, "and it doesn't seem that those students could be possible to find two highly qualified A Michigan student attending school in deprived of their residency and right to eriously ill individuals to fill the vacancies." When Black's retirement was announced Ziegler said Nixon was considering a list of (Please turn to page 19) John M. Harlan another state may also stand to lose his vote." seven potential successors. Ziegler said in Bethesda Thursday he felt the list could be Mice Washington (ap)- very serious" Hugo L. Black remained list at Retired on the Bethesda Naval expanded. "I don't want to lock it at seven," he said. The double vacancy was the first since 1941 when Justice James C. McReynolds retired and Chief Justice Charles E. Hughes Indian group plans to resist lospital Thursday night, and quit five months later. President Franklin a hospital crackdown on fishing rights totement D. Roosevelt filled both shortly after said the prognosis was poor. Black was placed on the very serious list Hughes stepped down. hursday Rep. Emanuel Celler, D-NY, chairman of morning as his condition the House Judiciary Committee, said the 'Mkened. He has been a patient at the "ospital since Aug. 28. opportunity for Nixon to appoint two new At 4:30 justices after already having appointed two p.m. EDT, six hours after word ,me that others gives him "monumental power to Exempted from the DNR's enforcement will station at least One Chippewa and fish laws." Le Blanc said his people Black's condition, had effort will be Indians from the L'Anse and 'orsened, the hospital said he remained influence the course of the future." fisherman on the Cheboygan River next to will defend their rights with their lives if Vieux Desert bands of the Chippewa tribe the department's office in Cheboygan t the "All I can hope and pray is that he will forced to. same throughout the afternoon, The Organized Indians of America, a exercise this power with the uttermost who, under the treaty, were specifically Monday. spokesman said regular bulletins on his Chippewa group formed two weeks ago in A DNR official said, however, that the granted unrestricted hunting and fishing Edition would be issued. circumspection and caution," said Celler. Cheboygan County, announced this week department would not arrest Indians for Black's illness Earlier Nixon appointed Chief Justice rights on all unsold lands in certain The group's Chief, Louis Le Blanc, said hook and line fishing without licenses was described on Sept. 15 that it will continue to fish commercially the Chippewa a" Warren E. Burger and Associate' Justice townships of the Keweenaw Bay area. "intend to continue to hunt unless they plan to sell the fish. . inflammatory condition of the without licenses despite threatened and fish without regard to Michigan game '!,od vessels." The Harry A. Blackmun. crackdown on unlicensed fishermen by the On Sept. 15, the Ottawa County Circuit hospital said he This week's action by the Natural it ine q8 stroke Sunday- 85 old former Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR). The DNR announced Monday that it Court, in a separate case, upheld that same position and approved a restraining order Resources Commission also took note of justice, who - year - the fact that Michigan Indians do not hold Jmitted «*> some his retirement last Friday, Taylor tickets will resume enforcing state game laws which stops Indian .defendants in that suit from fishing outside the authority of tfund unrestricted hunting and fishing rights paralysis in the stroke, but against Indians Monday. Indians have been under the seven other treaties which alert> hospital said. He Tickets go on sale Monday for the exempted from game-law enforcement Michigan's fishing laws. This is the last day for full-time students involved their ancestors. Under five of Entertainment concert since a Michigan Supreme Court ruling on famii anc* j°ked w'th members of his ASMSU Pop . the subject last April. The Circuit Court ruled on the basis of who do not wish to read the State News or those treaties, hunting and fishing rights conrfu-and uon nurses and corpsmen, but his featuring James Taylor scheduled for 8 evidence presented in that case that Great use its services to receive authorization for were rescinded when Michigan became a suddenly worsened Thursday, In that controversial decision, the court p.m. Oct. 8 in Jenison Fieldhouse. Tickets ruled that Indians in the Keweenaw Bay Lakes fish stocks are a refund of the $1 subscription fee. state and gained title to lands previously t gotten progressively weaker being seriously held by the federal government. until are $4 and $5 and may be purchased at Students must bring their fee receipt cards area were allowed unrestricted fishing and injured by Indian commercial fishing. K,j0„",e,.was P,aced on the hospital 'very Marshall Music in East Lansing. Campbell's In response to the DNR to 345 Student Services Bldg. to receive The other two treaties did not convey at 10 a m- today," a hospital hunting rights under provisions of an 1854 announcement, itatem Client * Smoke Shop and the Union. the Organized Indians of America said it hunting and fishing rights to this state's said Thursday. treaty with the United States. authorization for the refund. Indians. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. September news Revised bylaws By JUDY YATES nominees chosen by the a slate of four candidates add 2 panels particular college) and one balance of the members to summary Committee on Committees. The first scheduled meeting of the Committee on Committees is prepared by a Committee on Nominations. The student member of the Steering Student faculty member chosen by the Committee serve on on Committees will the Committee on favor students. According to the document, the committee will be composed Report State for StudtnTat J? University," the «r ** From the wjres of AP and UPI. Oct. 12, Glenn L. Waxier, Committee, three Academic Governance. of "six faculty members to be The revised chairman on the Committee on undergraduates appointed by A third student-faculty selected on a rotating basis "Bylaws for Academic Governance," Committees, said Thursday. ASMSU and three graduate standing committee will undergo among the college of the scheduled for full Positions for the students chosen by COGS will major changes as a result of the University," five undergraduates implementation by Jan 1, 1972, undergraduate positions will be sit on the nominating provisions of the revisions of the appointed by ASMSU, four The "Bylaws ror Acad** provides for the creation of two available Wednesday in 334 committee. "Bylaws for Academic graduate students appointed by "It's getting to be a race new student-faculty standing StAdent Services Bldg. for 10 The University Committee on Governance." COGS and two student PhT»°*"ce"pmlte'l»5 h.t any amendment committees and major revisons class days. ASMSU will appoint Academic Governance, a second The Student Affairs members-at-large. the afTecUt between the actual withdrawal undergraduate committee new committee, will continually Committee is charged with professional rights to a third. Once the appointments have responsibilities , and the wish of some legislators to The first of the committees, members from the petitioners. review the "Bylaws for examination and evaluation of been made for this year, there the Elected of the faculty^ the University Committee on Harold Buckner, ASMSU Academic Governance" and all policies of the Office of the Faculty c2 have an imput into it." chairman said Thursday. The make Vice President for Student will be six faculty members and interpret* threae L?"" Public Safety, will advise the necessary change student members on the Student president, provost, director of Council of Graduate Students recommendations to the Affairs. Prior to the revisions to responsibilities) must " Affairs Committee. approved -Hugh Scott, by the Elected Fan.1 public safety and the Academic (COGS) currently is accepting Academic Council. the Bylaws of the Faculty, the The faculty members of the Council before Senate Minority leader Council on policies affecting the petitions in 4 Student Services One faculty member and one committee was composed of 13 consideration h committee will be selected by public safety of the University Bldg. for the graduate position. student member from each faculty representatives from the President Wharton from a list of the Academic Council." b (See related story, page 10) Will Greene, COGS president, college, selected according to colleges, two undergraduates and The bylaws also community. 12 nominees provided by the direct * Seven faculty members, four said Thursday the graduate procedures established by the one graduate student. Committee on Committees. Student Affairs student representative will have However, because of the Committee t undergraduates, one graduate colleges, will serve on the assume the duties 0f th student and two student to be a graduate student for the committee. Also, one member nature of ten considerations of The Student Affairs Committee on Academic Right Vice premier fired members-at-large will compose full term of the appointment. from the noncollege faculty the Student Affairs Committee, Committee is also responsible and Responsibilities which *, Members-at-large will be (those persons on the faculty the new "Bylaws for Academic for intiating amendments and formed to the voting body. The director of the School of Criminal Justice chosen by general election from but not affiliated with any Governance" reorders the reviewing proposed amendments complaints handle in the studenj Cambodia's first vice premier. In Tarn, was fired academic an* and the director of the Dept. of Thursday in Phnom Penh for alleged incompetence by Public Safety will serve as ex Marshal Lon Nol, the nation's semi-invalid prime minister. The move may bring on a government crisis. officio, nonvoting members. The seven faculty members, SPACE ALLOCATION two of them assistant professors, In Tam also will have to relinquish his rank of will be selected by President brigadier general in the Cambodian army. Informed Wharton from a list of 14 sources of said Lon Nol dismissed In Tam from the vice premiership and from the Interior Ministry on grounds incompetence. In Tam himself confirmed he was leaving the government. Save! Save! Save! COGS By JONI BENN settled, not that it ever was an between the seeks two governing con State News Staff Writer governing group for graduate comment on the quantity 0 His sudden removal from the government was issue," Harold Buckner, ASMSU groups. students," Miss Rathnow said, locations of the allotted board chairman, said, following The office space, Greene office, believed a result of factional rivalries. said, "a position which calls for Such decisions, Buckner Facing another hurdle in its a meeting with William Greene, will said provide a means for control of their own operations will result from agreement, TV drive for autonomy, the Council of Graduate Students (COGS) may soon gain governance over COGS Tuesday. "I board didn't chairman consider on the achieving coordination students for served consistent the by 8,200 the as well as independence from ASMSU." reached by the officers of boards. The bott Tito urged to cooperate its own office space. allocation of space a problem, Although both Buckner and settlement is BY THE TERM! A formal proposal granting nor did Will," Buckner said. "It organization. He emphasized, however, that Miss Rathnow stressed the expected to be announced its the simplicity of meeting the COGS presentation for ASMSU use and control of office was simply a case of nothing Leonid I. Brezhnev told factory workers in Belgrade Free Delivery although COGS will be granted demand, both officers refused approval Tuesday night. Free Service space by COGS will be being done." the right to offer office space to Thursday that Yugoslavia's soft brand of communism considered by the Associated Formal recognition of COGS special interest groups, it will Free Pick-up wouldn't be acceptable in the Soviet Union but said this Students of MSU (ASMSU) at its by the board of trustees last probably refrain from exercising is no reason to expect mistrust from the Kremlin. meeting Tuesday. ASMSU $25.°° per term spring legitimized the group's the privilege. Appeal for bond He called on President Tito's government to currently controls all office requests for its own office space, The group is likely to use the join the allocation in the Student he said. Soviet Union in a coordinated policy to fight entire group of offices as a University TV Rentals Services Building for student "The COGS claim became an centralized area for COGS, he "imperialism and reaction." special interest groups. issue only because ASMSU did 351-7900 'The COGS issue is nearly not meet to implement the said, with emphasis directed toward COGS academic minor action necessary," Buckner said. that was organization rather than social interests. denied by court n Neither governing group has Diane Rathnow, ASMSU been in session since the close of director of Cabinet Services, said Turkeys impounded spring term. she views the resolution of the The By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Greene lauded the tentative issue as a means of establishing Michigan Supreme Court Thursday denied John Sinclair now agreement as meeting the rapport between "two equal and serving the longest prison term in the state's The Agriculture Dept. said Thursday that federal possession of marijuana, bond history for necessities for both governing independent groups, neither of pending appeal of his 1969 sentence. inspectors have impounded 50,000 turkeys at a groups to be located in the which is subordinate to the Student Services Building while other. Minnesota processing plant because of suspected However,;the court asked attorneys to Jjfompfly submit brieft fesidues from PCB, an industrial chemical. facilitating communication "COGS has become the sole on the appeal so that a hearing could be held during, thl Dr. Kenneth M. McEnroe, head of meat and November session Of the court. poultry inspection, said the turkeys were being held at Swift Sinclair, one of the founders of the now-defunct White Panther Dairy & Poultry Co., Detroit Lakes, Minn. The State News, the student party, was sentenced to 9V4 to 10 years in prison in Detroit newspaper at Michigan State McEnroe said the turkeys were from six or seven ' University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter Recorder's Court after being found guilty of possessing two flocks grown at Peterson - Biddick Co., and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays mairjuana cigarets he gave to an undercover agent. It was Wadena, Minn. Sinclair's third conviction. He said not all of the 50,000 during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition turkeys were thought to be in September. Subscription rate is $16 contaminated but enough of them were to warrant per year. The court recently granted Sinclair a new opportunity to Member Associated Press, United Press holding the entire batch. International, appeal the conviction but delayed until Thursday a decision on Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, his request to be released on bond. ! Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Association. In his application for appeal, Sinclair contends his sentence was Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial cruel and inhumane and that the evidence for his prosecution was and business offices at 345 Student Services Hoffman pays, gladly State University, East Lansing, Bldg., Michigan obtained by entrapment. He also claims the jury was improperly Michigan. impaneled. Phones: A new campaign to free Sinclair was launched in July by his Judges of Yippie justice announced Thursday in New York that Abbie This little slipstick News Classified Ads 355-8252 355-8255 wife, brother and friends. At that time, his attorney, Hugh "Buck" Davis of the National Lawyers' Guild said that if the Hoffman court denies the must pay $1,000 and Advertising 353-6400 appeal it will prove Sinclair is in prison for his provide 10,000 copies of his could Increase your Business Office 355-3447 political views." best-selling book "Steal This Book" at Originally sent to Southern Michigan Prison at Jackson, I typing speed cost to who claimed Hoffman Sinclair a man was moved to the tighter-security confines of the prison I had stolen it. at Marquette and then shifted back to Jackson. Open Friday Evening Until 9 p.m Hoffman agreed. "I am delighted with the decision. It's the first time I've been on trial by two or three days. Sinclair faces prosecution on a federal indictment charging him in connection with the of Michigan. That case is bombing of a CIA office at the University I I Students will be elated currently in limbo pending »I that I felt friendliness toward the over a completely new government appeal of U.S. District Court Judge Damon Keith's I judges," he said. way to correct typing errors: Liquid Paper's® new ruling requiring the government to release wiretap evidence. dispenser, slipstick. When you're typing the big one, the 30-page paper you've been sweating for weeks, that's when Bar president named mistakes bug you the most. So you slow down. And the closer you get to the bottom of the page, the more you clutch up. Mess up now and you've got a whole page to retype. $ St^R^r Michigan, Mate Bar of ?r ?UCSSersucceeding Jr" W3S the 37th Presi^ent of the Charles W. Joiner. When you've got a slipstick handy, you don't Buesser, a Detroit attorney, worry about mistakes. One easy touch releases a was elected at the bar's annual meeting held in Detroit. special fluid that buries the mistake and leaves a clean new surface like the paper itself. So you type relaxed. And make fewer mistakes. On the big assignments, Liquid Paper's new NOW Answers slip- stick could put you days ahead. Stokes not in primary for Five men who hope to succeed Carl B. Stokes as Cleveland's election mayor Tuesday. are on the ballot for a primary NOW Questions Stokes, elected in 1967 as the first black mayor of a major U.S. city, announced in April he would not seek a third two-year term this year. He indicated he beautiful surprises for a special occasion. . . 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 26th plans to be "very heavily involved in the 1972 elegant stones set in 14-karut gold antique design settings. presidential election." From our collection of fine jewelry. Brief comments by '/»% state and local sales tax.) A. Pear shaped opal with diamond pendant drop. $65 More action on licenses B. Delicate opal solitaire. $35 University Students C. Opal cluster. S130 Also available with diamonds Liquid Paper Corporation and More than 121,000 circling Michigan drivers have had their an opal center. S375 licenses suspended or revoked so far this of State Richard H. Austin year, Secretary D. Opal pierced earrings. S2K Informal Open House reported Wednesday. (|mpooK^&Re The figure represents an increase of E. Garnet chistci S65 5,000 over the first eight months of 1970. Unfortunately, we are very likely to eclipse our FINK JIWI I RY First Church of Christ, previous high ot nearly 175,000 drivers who JacobBoiiS Scientist were disciplined last year," Austin said. "At current office supply department levels, totals should rise above the 709 E. Grand River, East Lansing 180,000 mark." 131 E. Grand River (Collingwood Entrance) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. September 24, 1971 3 Voter sign-up methods queried By BOB ROACH Mrs. Colizzi said Thursday she was "very Hekhuis, who was authorized to give the Carr said "we had demanded the Executive Reporter pleased with this registration" and explained why city move the facilities were University's approval for the arrangements, said back to the IM but our efforts were unseccessful. so small and isolated. there Registration of student voters for the Nov. 2 "were several other options in the area." The only real problem we have in signing up "We had to move from the Intramural city council election raced but the city clerk seemed unwilling to settle for student voters is that of along in high gear Building (IM) because there just weren't persuading and cajoling through three days of class registration this week anything but a separate and isolated room. Dump Nixon while some observers felt the number of facilties there," she said. "After three terms in the IM we feel that it just isn't suitable. We can't proper Flory said that he tried to have the registrars the city into making adequate arrangements." "Flory and I argued with Mrs. Colizzi and registrants should have moved to the ballroom in Dem Hall John Patriarche (city John Mudge, grandson of the beenhigher. The city clerk cast be situated in an exit or when the manager) for a chance to doubt Thursday, however, on the future of overt hallway as we had been, large student turnout became evident. He said prove they were wrong in projecting a low and there's just too much noise and distraction in attorney who founded the sign-up drives during registration week. the city clerk would not agree because of the student interest in the election. the gymnasium. Students often don't know what "noise and distraction" from students who New York law firm which Almost 2,200 students were enrolled between we're doing there, and our facilities are were "If we were wrong, then they'd have had a few President Nixon was Monday and Wednesday by the League of turned picking up class registration material in the extra deputy registrars sitting around idle in a into an information center." ballroom. associated with in the 1960s, Women Voters in cramped quarters above the Albert B. Flory, representative of Associated larger facility," Carr said. "But if they were ballroom in Demonstration Hall. A week earlier Meridian Township Deputy Registrar John wrong well end up with literally thousands of is working to dump Nixon in Students of MSU (ASMSU), worked with Carr to M. Veenstra was registering student voters on disenfranchised and disillusioned e New Hampshire primary. City Clerk Beverly Colizzi said "I'm just not all arrange for the city clerk's approval of the the young voters." that convinced that ballroom floor and said he had no Mrs. Colizzi said AP wirephoto many of the MSU students registration facilities. problem. "The Thursday that " there is students coming always really care about local issues." "We offered the IM gymnasium through here didn't bother me some sort of repercussion like this, no or Auditorium here in the least," he said. matter how hard we Volunteers who pushed for the to her," Flory said, try to please everyone. I do student voters are now sign-up of "but she insisted on a The sentiment was echoed think that the claiming that the clerk's separate roomwhereno by Mrs. Richard League of Women Voters did an rigid stipulation for isolated registration one would be confused or Moore, who directed the League of Women excellent job in this facilities in the wrong line." Voters campus sign-up. With long and tedious task. " constitute a eight to 10 typists "self-fulfilling prophecy." "We suspect that either Mrs. Colizzi said Flory told her the Dem Hall's and as The city clerk added that she was also not 10 by 30 foot blower room was many as 65 students jammed into the satisfied with the small facilities used this intentionally or all that he had room at a single time, she said: "No, I don't week subconsciously the limited facilities were aimed available. think we'd be bothered or and said "I'm not sure well continue to register at minimizing the number of student voters," Louis F. Hekhuis, associate dean if we distracted by students on campus at class registration. We haven't made Robert Carr, and ASMSU were located in the ballroom. At least not attorney and chairman of adviser, worked with Flory and said "It was not any decisions on this but, with the problem VO ER, a coalition of partisan and any more than we are here. we've had in nonpartisan the University's decision to securing facilties, I'm sure we're groups working for expanded provide the deputy "I'd really rather we were still in the IM," Mrs. going to have to reconsider the sign-up of voters student voters. registration of registrars with as small and inconvenient Moore said. "I just think we could do as they were in." a place a better during registration, sometime after the Nov. 2 job over there." election," she said. Relief rolls shrink, but welfare 1hington tap) — toward t.hp unh costs rise ia"f0SnHalNGw°|Ifar(eAPc)osts r»f tho Si * kyrocketed a record 27 percent 19 7 welfare the beginning yelr may'signal ^^143 ^nS^recioients^' J?™™ ^ "e concet?ed that The iob of replacing 200 added, would replace the fiscal year ending last of a public assistance austerity. period of i„no jl lnn oo f resultant lessening of separate state and local welfare He said possibly 25 million welfare systems separate state with federal Nixon has set back the proposed ,e 30 despite a shrinking of tv! „ r ,.r t.han Pressure on state budgets has systems with a computer-based persons would have checks effective date one year to July 1, With eleven cutting VPiL to be totaling $2,400 a year for 1973. ief rolls in the past two states noo JIc's q reduced momentum, for a short federal program would require interviewed to determine their a family of four. The working welfare eligibility and payments ..J • '. ^ east' foF President 18 months after congressional eligibility for benefits, including relief rolls dropped in June S ,n . , nths, l»,v ursday the government said PP ti«ht2H J nJuneIor tightening up in the states,'» and in« Nixon's proposed welfare reform approval of the President's reinvestigations of the revenue sharing measures. 14.3 poor would be eligible for the first time for supplemental Nathan said the bulk of the family assistance olan. Nathan million persons now assistance. The Dept. of Health receiving new federal welfare workers ucation and Welfare (HEW) relief. The reform plan passed the would be recruited from the d state, local and federal ■penditures for all forms of IHVESTIGATOR TESTIFIES The family assistance program House but is bogged down in the Senate Finance Committee. ranks of state employes whose jobs would be eliminated. ublic assistance, including edical aid and welfare, ncreased $3.4 billion to $16.3 llion in the 12 months. The al is almost double the $8.9 illion four years ago. "These are the biggest My Lai FT. MEADE, Md. (AP) paper said falsified - An civilians were murdered at the 10-month hunt for creases in the history of the Army criminal facts and investigator Vietnamese hamlet. willfully failing to properly rogram," said John D. testified documents relating to the My Thursday he believes a "My own personal opinion is Lai operation on March investigate the massacre, has said winarae, administrator of missing formal report on the My the 16, he directed the late Col. ... report was just a 1968. Frank EW's social and rehabilitation Lai massacre A. Barker, his executive officer rvice. was falsified, falsification," Roland W. possibly to satisfy a Thompson told a special hearing The witness said he was with the 11th Brigade, to Paradoxically, a downturn commanding general that no held without the jury in the certain a formal My Lai report conduct the probe. My Lai court-martial of Col. Oran K. had existed and was forwarded The defense contends the evaluation Henderson. "The report didn't contain Division, actual statements of by Henderson to the Americal missing Barker whose any Maj. Gen. Samuel Koster, had commander, sworn statements from troops report contains on the My Lai assault backin? up SPECIAL down-to-earth soldiers," the ordered a formal investigation. an informal report Henderson . urt dollar inby witness said under defense questioning lawyers. Henderson, accused of made to division April 24, 1968. headquarters WATERBED UNITS King Size mattress, liner, LONDON (AP) The dollar in "Conceivably, the report was foam pad and frame - Britain, Switzerland and just a fabrication to satisfy a 00 -pped sharply in value on Japan. commanding CLIP AND ENJOY ONLY... DU *st of the world's general that big exchange irkets tiding. Thursday The in heavy decline The big drop came on the heels of unconfirmed civilians were not murdered, but were killed by artillery ALL THE PIZZA AND PEPSI Waterbeds, any size starting at $26.50 was reports preparation." that the International Thompson, a tributed to reports that a ading world monetary body is Fund is Monetary suggesting the criminal years, investigator for 22 said he based his YOU CAN EAT AND DRINK Open Friday Evening Until 9 p.rr roposing a dollar devaluation of devaluation of the dollar as part conclusion on interviews with to 5 percent. The Nixon administration has resisting devaluation, of a general realignment of major currencies. about 1,500 persons during a FRI, SAT 5 PM ONE DOLLAR - 1 AM SUN 1 PM - 1 AM /T- oping that an upward valuation of other currencies uld solve the world Su^iF monetary The dollar hit a record low in est Germany. It also declined 4980 NORTHWIND EAST LANSING COUPON EXPIRES 9/27/71 CHILDREN'S FILM SERIES Saturdays, Beginning Sept. 25th Grand Reopening of LANSING AREA PREMIER . . . •HUGO and JOSEPHINE" THE Miss J and her A delightful depiction of one magical two summer in the lives of small children. Featuring special little dress by The Cottager will the be seen in all the best 1:00 p.m. - Room 105, South Kedzie Hall Admission: $1.00 ($3.00 for a group of 4) places It's that kind For further information: 351-0979 of dress in soft nylon TOY jersey gathered slightly LIMITED OFFER!! and sashed in back Expires Oct. 1, 1971 FACTORY 5-13P Wine sizes or black $22. with Reg. 490 FtAIR the best 4 light show NOW ... 3 FOR $1.00 in Lansing your choice of 12 assorted colors!! OPEN WED. - SUNDAY ^ □ ([am LAKE LANSING RD. DELLS HASLETT RD. free Coming Wednesday store side ^tore for 1 night only parking 507 east grand river 'WAYNE COCKRANE' Ja cob son's MICHIGAN A PRESIDENT'S PERSPECTIVE STATE MEWS tuition UNIVERSITY o Clearing the air By CLIFTON R. WHARTON on is a pleasure to join them for another year universities, how can MSU raise its The budget approved by the EDITOR'S NOTE: Today President the State News editorial page. married housing rates Wharton resumes his regular column which on Since most of you left the campus in residence halls and affective fall term? Sept 9 did not Was this because of the include a tuition J * freeze? will appear Fridays during the academic June, two major events occurred which DAVE PERSON, managing editor year. He encourages students, faculty and have affected University policy. The first ♦No. Even before the CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor the long delay in legislative ♦According to the guidelines issued by wase-nrir. . staff to respond to his columns and to send concerns JOHN BORGER, campus editor approval of our state appropriation. The the Federal Cost of Living Council, the key was announced in and strong desire to August, it w£mv!i BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor these responses and questions of a more legislature did not conclude its is when the new rates were set and If they for 1971-72 if at all forego a f«* L1 general nature to his office. He will were not in effect before Aug. 15, whether possible Althoii^J RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor deliberations until Sept. 7, more than two attempt to answer pertinent questions in future columns the term months past the beginning of the fiscal or not there were any transactions during level of inadequate, our we state appr^^l believe the Unions as progresses. the base period, confirmed by deposits. In year. The MSU Board of Trustees then students and parents Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award Address questions to "A President's approved a budget for the 1971-72 year our case, new rates for the residence halls on increased if at all possible. should SI for outstanding journalism. Perspective," Office of the President, 450 two days later. Therefore, many of our and for married housing were approved by hike was planned for this Therefl? I Administration Bldg. the board of trustees in May. Between May yeai plans for this year remained in limbo over the summer. and Aug. 15, there were substantial transactions in terms of housing deposits The second major development is, of Was it really necessary to With the beginning of academic modify th«dn EDITORIALS year comes an influx of students, a a new course, President Nixon's 90-day wage price freeze, which has had serious - for both the residence halls and married housing. Thus the new rates meet the and add refund policy as waj dor* a J quickened pace of activities on the campus federal guidelines and will remain in effect. September board meeting by the tr and a heavier workload for all of us, implications for MSU as well as all other colleges and universities. I have received Virtually all universities which meet these ♦The need for the including the president. One of the most two criteria of prior announcement and change became J many letters and phone calls from students pleasant of those renewed responsibilities for me is resumption of my duties as a and faculty about various aspects of the deposits have raised their rates. However, if in MSU's budget hearings legislature earlier this summer before"! State News columnist. While I never try to wage/price freeze and how they affect the for some reason the announced policy In f,ct 1 should be reversed by the Cost of Living new policy is designed nil 'U' to New refun compete with my fellow columnists. Dr. Werner. TRB, Barney White and our University. I would like to take this opportunity to answer some of them. Council, the University is prepared to make refunds to all students affected by the unnecessary tuition increases in due to over-estimates theTJ by the govemi illustrious China-watcher, Louie Bender, it If the federal price freeze applies to increase. office and the legislature 0f University's fee revenue. Quite simplv 1 old refund policy cost the million in our state appropriation University tl r makes all s 1971-72 because the bill was University's based™ gross fee revenues rather tj on net fee revenues. Therefore, it di take into account all the extensive re., made during the course of the For the first time in six years, the classes cold, knowing nothing about year (Jn] the instructor or the class we had changed the policy beginning J University has decided not to raise fall, we very well might have faced 1 tuition. Yet before the end of the requirements. Often a student will same situation next year. Under the J find he has taken on more than he policy, half of the regular resident coJ school year, many students will find fees (for example, $7 per that though tuition remains the can handle after the first class undergnJ credit) will be refunded for cw same, the cost of an education at the meeting. Yet unless he adds a course dropped through the fifth day of class nation's first land grant university of equal credit value, he will be which will be Wednesday, Sept. 19, has actually increased. penalized $7 per credit hour for the term. Out • of - state students will necessary act of signing for a course. the same refund plus the difference ofJ This year the student who drops a class will only receive a partial per credit between resident 1 In a university as large as MSU, it nonresident tuition. All refunds willl refund during the first five days of is impossible for all students to know based on the net change in credits caJ classes and no refund afterwards. In in advance the content of every by students. For example, if a stuJ the past, students received full course. Yet unless this can be dropped three credits and added tl refunds for courses dropped during credits, there would be no change igl achieved, there must be a small the first five days of classes and period of grace where a student can fees. Likewise, if he added three f dropped six within the first five classd| partial refunds for classes dropped drop and add courses without being he would receive a partial refund ft before midterm. net change in credits, which in this penalized. | would be three. If the latter student w< Thus the student is now placed in Students should at least be resident undergraduate, his refund vtx_ an unpleasant bind at pre-enrollment and registration. When he pays his allowed to drop and add without be $21 which is half of the $42 fee f<| three-credit course. penalty throughout the week of fees he must be sure of his class registration. This would give them a There will be no refunds on ci schedule, lest he face the propsect of chance to become familiar with their 'FOR THE SUPREME COURT WE'LL NEED A LIBERALLY CONSERVATIVE WHITE, PRO-INTEGRATION, dropped after the fifth class day. S paying half tuition in courses he courses and an opportunity to exceptions will be made for reasons sue attended for only a day. change classes without penalty. After ANTI-BUSING, SOUTHERN WOMAN WHO LOOKS GOOD TO MINORITY GROUPS!' health and circumstances not norm| this two- or three-day period, no under a student's control. The new refund policy is the child of the legislature. In hearings on the refunds would then be given. higher education appropriations bill At most state universities, this summer, the legislature noted full-time students pay a set tuition STEVE ALLEN .that in the past year the University per term. This allows them to drop paid out approximately $1.5 million and add without fear. Yet MSU's in refunds for dropped classes. tuition system, while on the whole Keeping the best interests of the being more fair to the student, must MSU student in mind, the legislators deftly decreased appropriation by $1.5 million. the MSU be accompanied by a brief period of penalty-free drops and Otherwise students will not have the adds. We're all Bozos on this bus The University administration was scheduling flexibility they need in then faced with the choice of the modern multiversity. It's been a long time coming. Seventeen shabby segregated school as the reason for Not quite. means to further postpone i changing the refund policy or As things now stand, the new years ago the Supreme Court held that his inability to get a decent job. He had, Busing mixes the races for only part of seriously with the problems of the bl the man will say, all the opportunities the the day. At the end of the school period, people. In the past segregated schools* increasing tuition. They chose to refund policy forces students who "separate, but equal" school systems were, in fact, not equal, and ordered the white kids had, and just did not measure each race goes back to its old setting — the also unequal schools, but this is no lof recommend the former to the board drop courses to pay for services integration of segregated school systems. up. whites usually to the better parts of town, necessarily the case. Urban high schJ of trustees, thereby limiting the which are not being rendered. In a Today segregation remains more or less a Even though his family income was the blacks to the lower income districts. granted, do not usually measure up to 1 students' scheduling flexibility. nonacademic context, such a policy fact of life. Most school districts have held under $10,000 last year. Even though he Granted, the races must be mixed to suburban counterparts. This P In many cases students walk into would probably be illegal. onto the neighborhood school concept never really got enough food to eat as an achieve racial harmony. America has no nonetheless, is not as great as it hasber and, since most neighborhoods are infant. Even though he may never have had other choice if she wishes to continue to be the past and could even be M segregated, many schools have yet to be a father to guide him through his school a great nation. However, the mix which narrowed if urban school systems coul J integrated. work. Even though he may have had to must be achieved must not be merely the money they will this year spend! About five years ago a number of people busing for more productive educatw The Attica reflected in school enrollment data. Blacks hold down a part time job throughout high started trying to amend this discrepancy. tools. school to help feed his younger brothers must achieve equality in housing, They realized that if inter-racial hatred is and sisters. employment and, most importantly, Busing is inconvenient at best ai to ever become merely a dark spot on human respect. If these problems are worst another trick to postpone! America's past, America's children, black Busing is so simple — instant equality. solved there will be no need for busing. socio-economic integration. Your friar and white, must learn to live together. Add water, mix, bake 30 minutes at 350 local bigot would put it this way:' anly the first Segregated schools prevent this, they argued. As long as blacks and whites are educated in segregated settings, it is well degrees and presto! The new educated, affluent and equal black man. Busing is simply America to continue business another as way for usual, a not like busing, but it's better tl-"" them move next door." nigh impossible to expect them to interact Early Monday morning last week a but outstanding. in a civil manner as adults. The school OUR READERS' MIND 40-year-old prison 40 miles east of Attica's prisoner population of today has become a primary center for Buffalo, N.Y., erupted, sending 2,284 is 85 percent black and Puerto peer group interaction. One's best friends usually one's classmates. Better fuels being suppressed are shock waves throughout the nation's Rican. Only one guard in the prison was not white. Many of the prisoners So, to bring black and white children penal system. A violent together, so that as adults they would be confrontation between 1,200 rioting at Attica were without jobs, and thus equal, but not separate, busing was automobile has been the streets of this prisoners at Attica State Prison and dangerously idle. Few efforts had proposed. Many schools have been To the Editor: on suppressed. Why? Will those < more than 1,700 N.Y. National been made at the prison to council integrated through busing for some time The youth of this country has an country, we still get less than 15 miles to a about the future of this country w Guardsmen, guards, police and troubled minority inmates. now, with less than encouraging results. important decision to make. Will they or gallon of gasoline. This is progress? Where over greed, or will greed write I are our priorities? chapters to this planet's special prison forces ended with the These critical failures are Educators have found that merely throwing blacks and whites into classrooms will they not allow oil into the Arctic of Alaska and the construction of the Our mass transit system is on the brink hist^rynnet|1 q| death of 31 prisoners and 9 prison representative of prison conditions together does not produce racial harmony. trans-Alaska pipeline? What they decide of collapse, yet the oil industry vigorously guards and civilian workers. throughout the nation. Although One need only walk through the halls of an will determine whether we continue this promotes the highway trust fund. Eighty Prison officials the country correction officials tell us otherwise, downward spiral of our society and its per cent of all our miles of highways are across integrated urban high school to witness the Attica can happen again, in Michigan "social revolution" brought about by environment or whether we finally turn the paved with asphalt. What kind of social immediately set about to prevent such tragedy in their jurisdiction. At as well as anywhere else, simply integration. Look at the student cliques gathering country around toward a better tomorrow. responsibility does the petroleum industry practice when it lets our cities strangle Letter Policy | Wayne County Jail, a thorough because such situations exist. before class in the morning. Look at the We should not be debating this issue of themselves just so oil can satisfy its own The State News welcomes ® search made of all prisoners for In Michigan, 9,300 people selfish aims? was are black students standing together; look at oil in Alaska. Instead we should be But will the young generation follow the They must be typed (preferat)y« concealed weapons. Other prisons incarcerated. More than 60 percent the white students doing the same. Go out demanding a full-scale investigation into e line and triple-spaced,o have seen tighter security measures of that population is black. One into the parking lot where tenth graders why the oil industry has become so same path of apathy that the older signed with the hometown, established. Reforms aimed thousand of those prisoners are sneak their puffs of tabacco. No inter-racial powerful. The petroleum industry is generation did? If it does, it will be sowing faculty or staff standing and \ at the seed for alienation and a generation without any job. Psychiatric care and interaction here. Look in the cafeteria. The undermining national security and gap number included. No unsigne _ alleviating prisoner dissatisfaction are being considered with a sudden social counseling are still in short blacks are all sitting in the same corner of threatening our very survival by far greater than exists today. It too can be accepted for publication, a 1 the room. squandering away resources in its lust for expect to feel the sting of "hypocrisy" and will be printed without a signatu J urgency. supply. Prison guards are Maybe the proportion of blacks to profits. "hypocrite" flung at it by the next in highly unusual circu")®t8pHitoIJ Minority militancy, generated by a predominantly white and whites in this school reflects regional generation — and with more profound should be addressed to The Bdj* | growing consciousness of individual ill-educated to contemporary social norms, but for all practical purposes, the vengeance. News, 345 Student Services P More efficient forms of energy are Mich. 48823. heritage, has increased in recent problems manifest in prison. The students might as well still be attending being East Lansing, years, often bringing about bitter State of Michigan's prisons are not segregated schools, for they have THE MAN THERE SAlP THAT he said he didn't mind thoo6h voluntarily segregated themselves. Yet verbal and physical confrontations noticeably different from Attica. HIS THEATER COST TWO BECAUSE HE 0JA5 G0IN6T0 CHARGE there are those who want to impose this between established powers and the The nation's correction officials sort of situation on MILLION P0LLAR5... ME T1/J0 MILLION D0LLAR5 FOR every school in the minority groups. This militancy is country. They want busing now to m TICKET, AND THAT (JAV HE'P certainly must realize that a prison is manifest in the prisons. If little is being done to alleviate these a potential firecracker, with a short fuse. The 40 deaths at Attica integrate all the schools for once and for all. V—1 6ET IT ALL BACK AT ONE TIME... State This is the easy way out. It is the conflicts on the Prison serve as a grim reminder that way to outside, it would tell the black youth who has gone to an seem even less is much has yet to be done to being done in the prevent integrated school that he no longer has any prisons. Attica is just another explosion. excuses. He can no longer point to a one example, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 24, 1971 5 LOUIE BENDER C. PATRIC "SCOOP" LARROWE Double your pleasure, double v: EDITOR'S NOTE: A haggard, "Not exactly." Little tits, ' by little picked his cheques on his c. Patric ("Scoop") the whole tragedy reluctantly up dependent on these two writers. writing of this column. As return, that Bender's iron lung warmed up, a typewriter on his abdomen and the i^jowe dragged into the offices unfolded. A hush had fallen over freeze had halved his wage-price As goes the health of Bender and Jf the State News earlier this the office. Typewriters and whopping 24 per cent pay promised Larrowe, so goes the health of chiropractor jumped up and to be sealed. nodded for the iron lung's hatch leek following a medically teletype machines fell silent as increase; even though no other State." down on his typing fingers. The two columnists gave each ordered summer lolling in a they listened to the sad tale told A team of crack chiropractors The collaborators were wired professor Lmoek under a pair of by their friend and mentor. Back increase at had gotten any was dispatched from Olin Health to scores of sensitive monitoring other transfusions during the entire igcoiiut palms on an isolated on the sports desk a reporter all, this partial cut Center to keep in constant touch devices. The writing. was a blow to Larrowe's fragile oscillographs And herewith, the first bit of Lulh Pacific beach. The hung up in the middle of an ego; he was also ordered to with the collaborators while clicked ominously; the twin lotion had been ordered by his exclusive interview with Tonv campaigning for Harold Stassen. quit they wrote the historic column. electroencephalographs columny resulting from this hummed unprecedented loctors to combat the total Jacklin. As stood No better and flashed; the respirators We collaboration: Exhaustion which had overtaken Larrowe's condition had we wondering how we'd stunned, Bender and Larrowe insisted stood at the want ready. Blood association with this to begin our Ind then rent his mind and body worsened on Bali-Bali. He'd been the edit page, columnist ever fill up they were no better than anyone pressures, muscle tones, sweat statement general Juring h's seemingly endless medevacked to the renowned Bender, his eyes glazed from Louie else on the staff, and wanted to content, blood-sugar in the urine of principle: we Lest for orderly change at the Kaiser Foundation Medical heavy sedation, hobbled in. A work in the City Room, but, to were all constantly chequed. mutually pledge to MSU our lives, our fortunes and our Xllege- Center in Honolulu, where Dr. burned-out shell of his former President in any his He at the State News tor accommodate the cadres of A buxom RN just off the boat sacred honor. [ When asked for the Point of Christiaan Barnard, who had way was physicians and nurses and the from Sweden sat astride have done Together, as we vibrant self, Bender told us he'd President sets out to help the his i€W we assumed he'd return been weekly academic tons of equipment, Larrowe, giving a heart massage will singly in the past, we honeymooning on Waikiki just returned from a "routine country, Louie asked what he backgrounder, but when he they were endeavor to save this , Larrowe shuffled, avoided Beach, was already scrubbed up. moved into a spacious suite of and mouth to mouth checkup" could do. - - Eur eyes and proffered an excuse at the Ann Arbor heard the news he dashed to the offices on the third floor of the resuscitation which he, ever the university from itself. But, as Urgent Veteran's Hospital. "Well, what Bender's former were you phone and feverishly rang up Student Services company ■crawled on a prescription blank, Barnard, it seems, had He's been called planning for the President Wharton. Building. egalitarian, enthusiastically commander would put it, "We r "Larrowe," in for coming Never has the State News seen the note said, considered the summons so a academic year?" reciprocated in kind. physical to determine whether "What'll we do without may have to destroy it to save ■simply cannot return to the urgent he'd left a half-drunk his 30 per cent "Gee, doc, there's them?" beseeched Cantlon. a spectacle to compare with the Bender adjusted his it." Trenetic pace he's kept up all mai-tai under his umbrella on disability was my still as serious as it was when he column, and I wanted to "God knows," Wharton jj,ese years. As it is, he's cu t his the beach. When the famed heart got out of the Army three years redouble my efforts to sharpen grimly replied, " They're Kwn recuperation short, insisting surgeon returned, the mai-tai the cutting edge of knowledge, SOLUTION be in East Lansing for the had sobered up and ago. irreplaceable. What if we end up split town As the usually pokerfaced and I'll be a grad assistant. ." with C.C. Killingsworth and _rt of classes; if he goes back . . with a Korean exchange student. doctor examined Bender's "Just a minute, son. I'm Terry Smith?" 7 the killing rat race he was The team of heart grisly afraid that's all out the window, specialists scar tissue he noticed a Cantlon hung up and, in tears ■sed to - incessantly writing gathered from all around the now. Typing was responsible Tints of View and letters to the Pacific rim implanted a twitching, a writhing which now, dashed off a cable to Vice seemed to grow in for the deterioration of President for University Iditor, not to mention his strict pacemaker in Larrowe's heart, fademic regimen - we can no Barnard said, "as a stopgap medic's as he visage drained of called to intensity. The his nurse for color arm in the first place. You're not to go near a typewriter, your and I'm Relations was Robert Perrin, who laid up with a stomach MSU SNACKSHOP fcnger take responsibility for the measure, just until we can find a morphine to be injected directly not even certain you'll be able to ailment in Troy. Either deterioration of his transplantable heart stout into the now out - of - control keep vour grad assistant job." "Ask them if they could CROSSWORD PUZZLE al and physical health." enough to pump blood to war wound, and screamed an "But, doc, I need those possibly collaborate," cabled "Scoop," we said, "this is Scoop's far-flung vitals." order to get the O.R. back a frantic Perrin. "Roscoe ready at jobs, Lful. Your ticker, old man?" He had also learned, when he once. even though the and Geoffrey Drummond do it, assistantship's only $719 a Proctologists month, after taxes, and the State and it cuts their individual work }UR READERS' MINDS Jets immediately dispatched from Bethesda Naval News column only nets me $65 loads in half." Bender and Larrowe chequed Hospital (sic) a week." and Walter Reed Army with their doctors, who agreed Hospital, "Go ahead, then, you young to collect upper arm to let them try working specialists Faculty gouged and proctologists from all over the world. The doctors scrubbed in the wailing police cars bringing them visionary idealist fool, but I'm giving you fair warning: that arm's good for only about two more painful years, if you keep together; to see if their battered conditions could take it. The medics didn't even want to risk that much, but they'd had Jo the Editor: from the helipad to the hospital. up that typing, and then off it anguished calls from trustees J Today as I obtained my parking sticker I discovered that "Too much typing," the comes." Frank Merriman and Ken (during the summer someone without public hearing or any Surgeon General told Bender "-30-" Thompson, and former president Sppearance of due process had revoked the use of faculty-staff after the 18-hour So it looked like 30 John Hannah, who had operation. parking gate passes on the MSU Bus System. "You're dangerously close to the for these two page-four regulars. threatened to pack them all off | The rationale from Mr. Max Neils' office was that if students 40 cent And it was a glum group of on the Good Ship Hope if he Lay for the bus, then faculty-staff should too. I pointed out that I per disability mark, editors commiserating with them Louie, and you know couldn't read Bender and laid for my parking gate pass, but the reply was that graduate the when Provost John Cantlon Larrowe at breakfast. Students not only paid for parking stickers but also had to pay for wage-price freeze means you'll strode in, his stetson jauntily "The Bius passes and that it was only fair that faculty-staff do likewise. get no increase in payments, well-being of these ii' you do top that mark." perched in its familiar position trustees and administrators," the 1 tried to point out that this was double taxation and was even on the point of his head. Not wanting to contribute to doctors' statement read, "is ■tensed that the graduate students tolerated this. inflation in that or in any other rfiielieve that 'this way, Bender if'not a blind process of gougihg should be halted before it supporter of Richard Nixon, at Tpfeads tb pay toilets. Meanwhile, the way I figure it, with a bit the least What's happening at the mall: Jf luck and patience (my classes may find me as much as 20 very doggedly (linutes late on occasion as I wait for a parking space), I should determined to support his lot run up more than $45 in parking tickets, which is what the Bus pass would cost for the year. Besides, what could they do to Be-place a hold on my permit to register? WATERBEDS Karate Exhibition Now thru Sunday Saturday, Sept. 25 MERIDIAN MALL PMACK Center Court Save! Save! Save! Rent Your TV □ laiiHiiij) mall 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy, SHOPS BY THE TERM! Angel Brings You Savings on aMenagerieof Great Recordings Free Delivery Free Service Free Pick up - DEATH IN VKNIC K 2001 - ELVIRA MAOKiAN Karajan &The Berlin Philharmonic. THE MEl'HISTO WAI.TZ 525. " per term EIVE EASY PIECES THE MUSIC LOVERS MOZART'S LAST SIX SYMPHONIES All records in this ad | University TV Rentals 351-7900 $3.97 per disc. offer good until Oct. 12 S-36813 An indispensable collection THE PERFORMING of now-classic motion pic¬ ture music. Here is the repertoire so vital to the On three brand-new com¬ panion albums, Herbert von Karajan pays tribute to his drams, c progression for home town's master musi¬ each of the 6 film master- cian. With the Berlin Phil¬ ARTS COMPANY works. First rate sound. Ex¬ pert Angel performances. S-36041 "Parkening's playing of Bach harmonic, The Last Six Sym¬ phonies of Mozart have been revisited—for Angel. is so intelligent, sensitive and adept that one can for¬ The association is brilliant. Department of Theatre get everything but the mu¬ Indeed, one which would command the composer sic." (N.Y. Times) Here the Michigan State University 22-year-old musician con¬ centrates on 8 Bach trans- himself to speak in 1971 super-superlatives. scriptions for guitar - in¬ Here then is great Mozart. cluded: Jesu, joy of man's Created out of Karajan's Vaughan William. desiring, Sheep may safely titanic discipline and dedi¬ JOB graze, and Preludes 1,6 and cation to the music—and the A Masque for Dancing SEASON 10 GREAT PLAYS PETERRABBIT TALES OF 9 from The Well-Tempered Clavier. Bach at his most beautiful Berlin's own unswerving in¬ terpretative knowhow. Angel has brought it all together ^ SIR ADRIAN BOULT Parkening at his COUPON - BEATRIX POTTER most sensitive. on this trio of impeccably Twelfth Night engineer od recordings. BOOK Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead The Effect of Gamma Rays / Marigolds The celebrated dean of f8 MAN OF Lt MANCHA Hedda Gabler Vaughan Williams conduc¬ tors in a sensuous new tell¬ ing of the great masterwork based on the biblical Book of Job. Sumptuous sonics. JUST OUT! The combination that S-36773 NOW plus electrified the 1970 Beethoven Festival audiences-.Daniel Baren ON SALE Orchesis Dance Concert 4 Arena Theatre Productions boim, cond.; Jacqueline Du Pre', HOURS cellist;and the Chicago Symphony iscount records MON.-FRI. 9:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.rr SATURDAY 9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p. mail check fairchild box office performing Dvor6k Cello SUNDAY 12:00 Noon - 5:00 p.i (Payable to MSU) Weekdays 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. 335 0148 Concerto. Lansing's Only Complete Record Store $3.97 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan F"day, September 24, . New U' fellows candidate in American studies, those selected to President vow Rockefeller Foundation over a to promote reforms good way to get a Programs as an important numerous problems including that they will nni and DeLois Robison, 20, a Wharton's office for a two- to two-year period and has been bird's-eye-view that concern. Working as a Spartan poor coordination of activities u junior majoring in English, were four-week orientation period. divided into four six-month administrators are human," Miss Aide in 1970, she observed during the two day period. extensive contact S ^ The need for reform and named as the new fellows in an announcement They are then assigned to a segments. Robison said. many faults and flaws in the Herder, who is interested in student body and Z ** by Trustee University administrator for the Herder and Miss Robison Herder said he views the orientation structure which she change in various University Kenneth Thompson, R-Grand working with the ombudsman duration of their six-month represent the third group and administrative operations must fellowship as an important part would like to help rectify. office to get close to be realized and acted upon to Rapids and chairman of the program. were selected through screening 0f his informal education which "We had a chaotic orientation Presidential Fellows predominate problems, said, "If Selection The fellows are not enrolled from 30 applicants. Usually a will aid him in his classroom this summer. There are some better benefit undergraduate you dont have competent graduation Committee. for academic credit and receive a junior faculty member under 35 students, two newly selected experience as an instructor, a areas where people are so hung people, things fall apart." three years in the The fellows program, stipend for their work. The years of age is also selected along U.S. Navv J Presidential Fellows said position he hopes to secure at up they are not open to "It's an important part of this patterned after a successful program is being funded by a with the undergraduate and MSU in the near future, Thursday. White House change," Miss Robison said. job to come in and look at Dale Herder, 29, a doctoral program assigns $75,000 grant from the graduate, but no faculty member "To observe and participate — "Inefficiency on that large a things, saying, 'hum, is this the was selected for the fellowship to rock boats - to provide fresh scale is very bad. Maybe there is way you are doing it and are you this time. input, maybe even insight, for nothing I can do," she added. The two new fellows have the administration it's an This summer's orientation going to keep doing it that Committee and has just ttu2 'Freeway' - was way?" he said. from a 10-week been in their carpeted, study proiJ" per air-conditioned the corner office around from President important part of the program," Herder said, He expressed concern about reportedly plagued with Both fellows acknowledged in Vienna, Austria. ^ 1,1 Wharton's office on the fourth undergraduate student set for Lansing floor of the Administration Building for four days. Miss Robison described the complaints about course content validity. Herder community colleges and their also cited fellowship as a "personal relationship with the University "The Freeway," a Michigan musical group The 7:30 p.m. concert concludes a week of vendetta where I can make some ^ one Df his areas of interest, with two local members, will perform Saturday high school assemblies, "burger bashes" and inputs and help make changes." "To a great extent the at Garner Junior High School, 333 Dahlia Drive, other activities throughout the area. Tickets are She described a "closed administrators are willing to sit A 20-YEAR-OLD STUDENT living in East Police said several persons Lansing. $1 and are available only at the door, on a mouth attitude among down and talk. We are not a task arrested prohahi first-come first-served basis. administrators who feel that Lansing who used what police said was an attended the outdoor rock concert at Will force, however. It is not our job obscene verb to express his feelings over a hold "The students can't be trusted." She Hall. One official pointed out that the The two local members are Mike James, 19, a Freeway," which is touring in 18 as fellows to be assigned a newaser card was arrested late Wednesday morning during majority legislation becomes effective Jan Lansing Community College sophomore, and Ted Michigan cities under the sponsorship of said that hopefully problem and then to arrive at a class registration. Kallman, 19, a graduate of Everett High School Michigan Youth for Christ — Campus Life, will administrators would be more 1972, and that persons should remember'th.' conclusion," Miss Robison said, and an Alma College freshman. be in the Lansing area until Sunday. cooperative when talking with she described the The incident reportedly occurred at the Men's legal drinking age is still 21. ie™er the Other members of the group are Connie The group will compare contemporary teen fellows to discuss their controversial Intramural Bldg. near the tellers' fee receiving operation of the Clendenan, Dan Erlandson, Nancy Van Elk and cultures in France, which they recently toured, operations and listen to any freshmen Summer Orientation area in front of five University Business Office Dennis Spitters. and the United States in addition to performing. suggestions for changes. employes, including three women, and an officer. DESCRIPTIONS OF THREE persons reported "I can't forsee any particular HonOTS DOG TO Police said the student was upset over the illegally selling magazine subscriptions between insight this work experience will library fine hold card and directed the verb to Monday and Wednesday in Butterfield Hall ate have on my English major. It's a the tellers. Police added the verb was used as an being investigated by police. to meet Sunday adjective ending in "ing" to describe the Library. Four Butterfield residents told police thev had not-so-basic knits Save! Save! Save! The Honors College Board will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in The student was arrested for using obscene language in the presence of women. He was reprimanded by the officer and released until paid between $15 and $20 for magazine subscriptions when the salesmen said they working for points in a company contest. were Rent Your the Eustace Hall lounge. further action by prosecutors. The meeting is open to any Police said the students called when Ribby or sleek, knits of cotton or cotton/polyester to became concerned over the thev Honors subscriptions A just skim the body, team with skirts, jeans or hot pants. From the top: Turtle collared ribs with lacing through star grommets; navy, black, brown, grape, orange. $11. TV College This year, the board plans to be member interested in being on the board. in West THE ARREST OF a 21-year-old student living Lansing occurred early Thursday morning on Stadium Road near Holden Hall when University campus officials. ordinance prohibits soliciting on without an authorization from MSU more active than in the past and Ribs with contrast gun patch inserts; black, currant, police noticed an illegal black-handled, chrome BY THE TERM! will offer an opportunity for students in the Honors College knife dangling from an automobile parking brake A police spokesman said many times persons grape, $10. Wide stripes, skinny ribs with raglan "never see" the magazines to become involved. release lever. they purchase. The sleeves and hi-rise neck: brown, plum, navy, $12. The sleek Free Delivery ordinance protects consumers from The board will decide the Police said the student was stopped in his fradualent undershirt with string tie neck: purple, wine, redwood, Free Service automobile for defective taillights. As patrol advertising and selling tactics. Free Pick-up bylaws for next year at Sunday's navy, $9. S-M-L. Sportswear, Meridian Malland Downtown. meeting. officers approached the vehicle, they reportedly saw the knife. A WINDOW-PEEKING INCIDENT was $25.°° per term WATERBEDS SEVENTEEN MSU STUDENTS and reported at about 3:25 a.m. Thursday when coeds in Williams Hall told officers one other they saw a University TV Rentals Something New man were arrested between Tuesday and man looking into their first-floor window! The coeds said the man fled after Thursday morning for illegally possessing beer they MERIDIAN MALL screamed. Police said the suspect was not found 351-7900 and wine while walking or areas. driving in campus in a search of the area. Many people have been led to believe that all banks are pretty much the same. They couldn't be more wrong. Banks offer services and these services do differ. So you should compare first before putting your money in one place. You may find a better bank. For example, how many locations does your bank have in East Lansing? East Lansing State Bank has three, with drive-in windows, right next to campus. How late does your bank stay open? East Lansing State Bank is open Monday through Saturday from nine till five. How about checking and savings accounts? East Lansing State Bank has one just right for you. Does your bank care about students? We do. East Lansing State Bank offers Master Charge to any student, junior and above. And we initiated the Student Aid Bond Program to provide more money for education. Community involvement? East Lansing State Bank helps The Volunteer Bureau publicize its activities. Take the time and compare. Where you bank is important to us. East Lansing State Bank, your hometown bank away from home. Member: F.D.I.C. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 24, 1971 7 THROUGH ROOMMATE SERVICE SUJDtHT RENTM.OfFia ROOMMATE Students find place to hang hat By CAROL THOMAS method of filling apartment success." the Halstead bus, but several State News Staff Writer buildings. placed more than 800 people in The service operates according kinks haven't yet been worked ma ~ V - » . !uS . _ J "We get twos and threes," Lee Halstead, owner-manager of Halstead Co., said. Most often to price range, with units available from $60 to $75 depending on location and size out of the system - like one bus for company 200 people - but the is working it, apartments since spring term. "Only 20 percent or so of the students sign up for their Grand River 2 Avenue, Service owners signs and on well even if put the people into a unit of the unit, with distance according to Halstead. on apartments during spring term Halstead the younger said. "In they don't have enough considered in the case of managers of Halstead people and let them pay only past years more people waited students without cars. According to Halstead's Management Co. help their portion of the rent. We use son, until the last minute to get their A new addition to the service Tim, apartmentless students find not the roommate service to find the Boulder, Colo., junior, apartments. Now to help 41 ' the car-less students i IU " * 1 more people only apartments for groups but additional are coming early in the also person for the places for individual apartment," he said, summer," he said. Roommates students. Halstead owner of Management, 11 the Through service, the roommate Halstead offers Tfl IU tn ctrpcc ANNOUNCING FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH This trailer on Grand River Avenue offers its services to the apartment three-month leases at University IUI* lu a"®** frustrated student searching for complexes in the East Lansing (Disciples of Christ) roommate for an apartment. The service is managed by Halstead a Terrace to students who are SCHOOL OF DISCIPLESHIP Management Co. operating '?£gelLr° 1001 Chester Rd. (one block State News photo by Donald Sak is the referral stydents' student teaching or leaving black SU TvivQ I PRESENTED BY north of Grand River at a service to their tenants and campus for one or two terms. a "Winter term is our problem. Louis Farrakhan, national University Baptist Church point 1/3 mi. west of I hope students from fall-term Frandor) representative of the Nation of — 4608 S. Hagadorn Road teaching assignments will fill the :.Lansing Islam, will speak on "The Need 10 Worship services at 8:30 & vacancies," Halstead said. for Unity in Order for the Black Sunday evenings 11:00 a.m. College Age class congre Another option available Man to Survive cn the beginning September 25 at 9:30 a.m. College through resident manager Campus," at 2 p.m. Sunday in 6:45 -7:30 P.M. call Wilfrod Rogers, 341 Evergreen, the Auditorium. Apartment 3F, is all-black living "WHAT DO WE BELIEVE" Farrakhan's visit is sponsored ;ets speech units. SUbj! for discussion: 1. by the Office of Black Affairs Forgive 2. Salvation 3. Bible; Rogers initiated the program and the Black United Front, Trinity; on 5. Evangelism; 6. through Halstead the Baptism; 7. Stewardship. 8. Local EPISCOPAL CHURCH on There is no admission charge, Church; 9.Discipleship 10. Second assumption that black students Coming of Christ. would prefer to live together in TV RENTALS members of a black tribe, to leave the an apartment building. Sundays In The Alum Cape Town province,' Halstead implemented the The Republic of South Africa's lack of communication with Green said. Free Servile* $9.50 program under Rogers' EDGEWOOD UNITED I the outside world and her apartheid policy, an official • PeoPle> people from intermixed marriages have to sit direction, and policy of in the balcony of the Unitarian church in accordance with the NEJAC TV RENTALS CHURCH ALL SAINTS CHURCH ■racial segregation, will be discussed Sunday at the Unitarian the owner-manager terms it a "great government policy," he added. 469 N. Hagadorn |Universalist Church. Widrick assumes his new 337-1300 An Ecumenical 800 Abbott Rd. The Rev. Eugene R. Widrick, the guest speaker, spent the last post as minister of the Unitarian Fellowship Universalist Church in North UNIVERSITY ■three years in Cape Town, South Africa, where he served as Adams, Mass., on Oct. 3. LUTHERAN Worship Service [minister of the Free Protestant Church (Unitarian). BAPTIST CHURCH COLLEGIANS and Church School 8:00 Holy Communion J in his "Excerpts from a South African Diary," ■about the country's liberal leaders he will speak and groups, and their Central United Methodist 4608 South Hagadorn Wisconsin Synod 9:30 & 11:30 10:00 Morning Prayer & Sermc 5:00 Holy Communion, programs Sermon by Dr. Truman UNIVERSITY [and goals. Across from the Capitol John D. Walden - Pastor Contact A. Morrison The Rev. Wm. A. Eddy, Rector The regular Sunday service, which includes Widrick's WORSHIP SERVICE SEVENTH-DAY speech, Emanuel 1st Lutheran Church Selfhood, Love and Sexuality" (starts at 10:30 a.m. and will be held at the Unitarian Universalist 9:45 & 11:00 ADVENTIST CHURCH For Information 3S1-4194 Dr. Robert Harris, Choirmaster JChurch. 855 Grove St., East Lansing. A discussion session with Topic or Transportation Lansing ■Widrick will follow the service. 332-0606 or 332-8693 Sabbath School Bus Schedule 1 The Unitarian Church in Cape Town has a 75-year "There Is A Wisdom 9:30 332-8472 IV5-4118 history as a Beyond Us" Worship Service 11:00 School of ■liberal bastion in South Africa. Its membership includes 80 Discipleship 6:45 or Steve Waltz ■English-speaking families, ranging from Dr. Lyman K. G. Smith, pastor Worship Sunday School UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN government officials to ■antKipartlieid activists. 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 351-0629 Nursery, Toddlers, Kindergarten 1 Dutch Reformed, the main religion of the 149 CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE country, supports 9:45 AM Highland Ave. ■he government's policy of apartheid. The Church of Irst to 4th Grades, Church Rev. Richard Reilly. speaking 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River England and Scho( Call 351-8994 if you 11:00 A.M. ■the Roman Catholic Church, which are also 10:55 AM quite prominent in 485-9477 need transportation TSouth Africa, tend to play a more liberal role policy against the racial EAST LANSING TrIN TRINITY CHURCH ALWAYS OPEN ST. JOHNS ft J The Rev. Robert E. Green, minister of the East Lansing St. Paul Church 841 Timberlane Drive ■Unitarian Universalist Church, said it is difficult to set Stanley R. Reilly, up an STUDENT CENTER East Integrated parish in the Republic of South Africa. of God in Christ Acting Pastor Lansing "One 327 M.A.C. , priest from the Church of England, who was not a South Telephone: 351-8200 ■African, was expelled from the country for trying to do that," he New Mass Schedule — Interdenominational explained. Morning worship 12:00 University Class 9:45 a.m. I Congregations are integrated to the extent that the government Y.P.W.W. Sundays Jesus Christ: God, Son, Savior 6:00 p.m. liflpermit, he said. p.m. 8:30 6:00 p.m. A Multimedia Presentation LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES I m the past three years, the government has told all Bantu, Sun. nite worship p.m. 9:45 9:00 p.m. Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. 11:15 available in the Youth fellowship meeting Saturday 7:00 p.m. WELCOME TO ALC - LCA LCMS for Students and Faculty at for Students at every 3rd Sat. night at 8 p.m. St. Johns East First Assembly of God University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel (^goo&e Across from Hubbard on Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Road 1125 Weber Dr., Blk. No. of E. Gd. R. at Downer Hagadorn 332-2559 332-0778 509 S. Charles St. Richard W. Bishop, Pastor 9:45 Pastors: Walter Wietzke Past. ■ David Kruse 2 Blks. west 11:15 on Kalamazoo 9:45 A.M. COLLEGE CLASS 7:00 P.M. "THE MIZPAH Dai,y from Harrison intersection 8:00 12:30 4:31 10:50 A.M. WORSHIP paperback room SINGERS" (St. Johns East, consult bulletin) SERVICE Informal reception for all students. WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP 131 E. Grand River Students Welcome 8:15 a.m. Matins 1st and 3rd Commun WEDNESDAY 7:30 P.M. YOUTH & ADULT SERVICES 9:15 a.m. Common Service 9:30 and 11:00 Bethany Baptist Church 10:30 a.m. Common Service 2nd and 4th Perry Robinson, pastor For transportation, call 484-6640 or 484-2807 Matins 9:30 only Welcomes You Meet your Earle Hudson, youth pres. college friends here. jutstanding new For info., call 487-3835 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship UNIVERSITY UNITED Christian Reformed Church and Student Center Penguins now at 6:00 Christian 7:00 Evening Worship Wednesday Training METHODIST CHURCH 1120 South Harrison 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) your campus bookstore Irand River at Collingwood Entrance 7:00 Mid-Week Worship 7:45 Church Choir Phone 351-7030 "Don't Cut Me Up Like That" Visit open our new daily 9 Student Center a.m. -11 p.m. — Lunch Wednesday 12:30 -1:30 East Lansing the non-medical use of drugs: Interim Located West on Mt. Hope Rev. Donn Do ten Report Sunday Services 11:00 AM MORNING SERVICE ot the Canadian to EVENING SERVICE Government Commission of Inquiry. A Lesson Sermon Subject ■ Penn., left on Penn. very human survey of today's drug scene in all its aspects. "Christ ■ Jesus " to Lincoln 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Considers alcohol and tobacco as well as marihuana, Rev. Affiliated with the S.B.C. Hoksbergen Rev. Brink hashish, LSD, heroin, and "speed," and concludes with Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 some 8:00 p.m. Church ph. 485-0550 "Where Do We Start" surprising recommendations. $1.65 Church School 9:30 and 11:00 the sacred pipe: Black Elk's Account of the Seven Sunday School to age 20 Pastor Richard Rogers Nursery for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 Riles of the Oglala Sioux. Recorded and edited by Jo- I seph Epes Brown. The ancient religion of the Sioux Indians | material as disclosed by the only qualified priest still alive when this was gathered. Shows how the Sioux have come to lerms with God, nature, and their fellow men. $1.45 born in tibet, Chogyam I Cramer Roberts. With a foreword Trungpa as told to Esme by Marco Pallis. The OPEN Weekdays 9 - 5 p.m. SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH I early life and Mon., Tues.. Thurs., Fri., escape fiom the Chinese communists of a eves 7- 9p.m. I young tulku of Tibet. His story reveals a deep Buddhist SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIVER DRIVE | compassion and spirituality. $1.95 All are welcome to A CORDIAL WELCOME TO OUR SERVICES havana journal. Andrew Salkey. A firsthand account attend church I —by a Jamaican novelist — of the effects of the revolu- services and visit I "On in Cuba on bureaucrats, merchants, intellectuals, and use the reading COLLEGE CLASS TAUGHT BY DR. TED WARD MSU 9:45 a.i 1 housewives, and peasants. $1.65 8:30 AND 11:00 A.M. - DR. HOWARD F. SUGDEN "GOD IS ACTIVE" aid as imperialism. Teresa Hayter. A highly controver- 7:00 PASTOR "IN THIS DARK WORLD" I ♦, I »i.45 cri'ique of the role of foreign aid in Latin America. 8:30 - COLLEGE FELLOWSHIP AND REFRESHMENT HOUR agony at easter. Thomas M. Coffey. A minute-by- minute report on the bizarre and PEOPLES CHURCH I '»i6 Irish tragicomic events of the FREE BUS SERVICE MORNING AND EVENING uprising. $1.65 EAST LANSING the chicanos: Mexican American Voices. Edited by BUS ROUTE NO. 1 BUS ROUTE NO. 2 I toward IV, Interdenominational Dorm or Ha 1 1 A.M. P.M. I o'writings Ludwiq and James Santibanez. An anthology Dorm or Ha 1 1 A.M. P.M. by and about Mexican Americans. $1.95 MAYO 9:10 6:20 FEE E & W 9: 10 6:20 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEMOS CAMPBELL 9: 10 6:20 HUBBARD S & N 9:12 6:22 4684 MARSH ROAD LANDON E & W 9: 12 6:22 AKERS E & W 9:14 6:24 YAKELY PENGUIN BOOKS INC (near Meijers Thrifty Acres) SUNDAY SERVICES 9: 12 6:22 HOLMES E & W 9:16 6:26 An unaffiliated church GILCHRIST 9: 13 6:23 McDONEL E & W proclaiming the 9:18 6:28 17II0 Ambassador Rd.- Baltimore. Md 2I207 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. Bible as THE WORD of The Living God. WILLIAMS BUTTERFIELD 9: 14 6:24 OWENS 9:20 6:30 Meditations 9:17 6:27 VAN H00SEN 9:20 6:30 by EMMONS 9: 18 6:28 SHAW E & W Mrs. Elizabeth Sunday Services 9:22 6:32 BAI LEY 9:19 6:29 Augenstein 9:45 A.M. PHILLIPS 9:25 6:35 Now available Bible School Classes for all ages ARMSTRONG at: Cassias Street, 11:00 A.M. 9:20 6:30 MASON 9:25 6:35 Worship Service Dr. Julius Fischbach 6:00 P.M. Junior & Senior High Fellowships BRYAN 9:21 6:31 SNYDER 9:26 6:36 7:00 P.M. Praise Service RATHER 9:22 6:32 ABBOT 9:26 6:36 Student Book Store CHURCH SCHOOL 8:30 P.M. Counibus (a college university, business CASE N & S 9:25 6:35 BETHEL MANOR 9:28 6:38 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. youth rap & snak session) WILSON E & W 9:26 6:36 SOUTH BAPTIST 9:40 6:50 Crib through Adults 8:30 P.M. Counibus (a H0LDEN E & W 9:27 6:37 college university, business 421 E. Grand River youth rap & snak session WONDERS S & N 9:30 6:40 Coffee Hour SOUTH BAPTIST Across from Olin 9:40 6:50 After Services Winthrop E. Robinson, Pastor Phones 349-2830, 349-2533 DR. HOWARD F. SUGDEN, PASTOR JAMES EMERY, YOUTH PASTOR 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Stewart shows what a rave-up' should be fine guitar, he is in a class with You" on Rod Stewart's latest LP Lane's and Wood's humming, it my Wends, is a rave-up Despite the excellent right through; and when certainly that willstj. tll, "Every Picture Tells a Story" is difficult not to see Stewart, La"nelmd lsis such Every Picture Tells A Story - ^ people like Jack Bruce and Jack instrumentation, the album shouts "That's alright my ■bit. ■ nu. ur Or one might mirt' '*■ A few years ago, a group fulfills the promise of the with of the with his with arms around his arms his arms around Lane around Lane and and a ,oaded suc^j\'oa.*Jl album that it is 1'|h' Casady on bass. While "Maggie revolves around Rod Stewart mama" over Ron Wood's with "That's aiJ . put u"i Mae*. \l 1 My ^3 j ^ is an extremeiy pretty and his ability to deliver a song, dancing bass, one is Inclined to beca useit because it Is n called the Yardbircb (Keith Relf. Yardbirds' optimistic Wood ,ingii.« nearly ifwiT1" song, underneath it the bass line He conveys emotions as well prance about while grasping a 'Gasoline Chris Dreja, Eric 'lapton. etc.) terminology. Then the instrumental break *On , the * j j of remainder _ nf th the album, is even more beautiful. And Alley's" First Ron Wood one of the builds the tempo and leads. to a as anyone presently recording, bottle of wine. NOW." If SoTust^n ^ released an album tailed "Having Wood while Wood's short guitar solos When" Stewiirt sinp "Wake up minutes a Rave-Up with the Yardbirds." aild most d,screet bnef drum sol° ^ KennyrJe3 on guitar, slide guitar, pedal steel are always just right on songs Maggie, I think I've got "Every Picture Tells A listening dancing its merry jig. t0 WooJV* They felt that they really "got it guitarists around, hakes h whiicih al ws (*• guitar and bass, as well as Martin such as "Maggie Mae" and something to say to you," one Story" is not a perfect album. ^ and listener out of the between-cu once agai Quittenton on acoustic guitar "Seems Like a Long Time," his can detect the pain he is feeling. One might get bored with C.V. - — . -- ^ In described in glowing terms as the silence with a harsh you... no, ™ 8y • an(j bottleneck guitar, Micky slide guitar work is even better. When he sings, unaccompanied, "Seems Like a Long Time," short, Rod stew "Yardbirds' sound of the chord-oriented guitar line of This n u magician with which Keith Richard would ^ Wood and his guitar y 8^ who seem Waller on drums, Pete Sears on Just listen to it sing along with "Someone like you, makes it which does drag a little. Rut it's some hfu" future." even Stewart's ' .You know that I hard to live without somebody only a matter of minutes before competent assistants,'ft It Stewart and t until I saw Rod the Faces live a be proud. Next comes Ronnie Lane's bass, grinding the same locked in a battle with Stewart to express the desperation of the P'Not^onlVd^WoSTSay a love ya" on 'Mandolin Wind." else," his hope comes shining Ron Wood's Sweet solo, and Every their latest Picture ivils gtLjfl truly amazing a couple of years ago that I knew three notes, over and over, then situation appropriately. While y|pp|«py|k what a "rave-up" was really lan MacLagan's pleading piano Stewart's voice has a passive, WW E E1% t Pi U supposed to be. joins, and finally Stewart crying desperation, Wood's Now, Stewart has gone one despairs in his beautifully guitar expresses an active, angry Films dominate entertainment step further. He has put a convincing voice, "You're love is desperation. Finally, Jones "rave-up" on record, from a fadin. .switches from the fierce tempo tudio. The magnitude of such The Faces are an incredibly he had just established to the .in accomplishment simply tight band,so tight that they can original slower pace, without boggles the imagination, sound relaxed without sounding missing a beat, and Stewart By JACK EPPSJR. The plays haven't begun yet by King Henry VIII, becomes his will be shown at the McDonel Wells Hall, is Nonetheless, the Faces sloppy. When Stewart concludes concludes, now resignedly, "I'm State News Reviewei and the concerts are coming in a a collection of 8 queen and, at the end of 1,000 Hall Kiva at 7 p.m. Sunday, previews pieced performance of "I'm Losing the first part of the song over losing you." All that is left is for There have been and few weeks. But there is enough together A days, is beheaded. Both Richard Woodstock was filmed by always Stewart to pass that bottle of better weekends diversity in films to cover Burton and Genevieve Bujold Michael Wadleigh and is an their the Beal best Group 'Z to wine he's always carrying. That, entertainment. everyone's taste. were nominated for Academy bring excellent documentary with pornography to campus Awards for their performances extremely good cinematography. "A Married "Anne of the Thousand in this film. Couple," showin lbrams Days" will be shown at 7 and "Woodstock," to be shown at "Thunderball." a James Bond thriller but not the best of the at 7:30 and 9:30 .2 9:40 p.m. today and Saturday in 6:15 and 9:15 p.m. today and series, is showing at 6:30 and I ime magazine to be one of th 108B Wells Hall. It is the story Saturday night in Anthony Hall, 9:15 p.m. Friday in Conrad, and best of 1970. of Anne Boleyn who is courted also will be shown at 8 p.m. in at 6:30 and 9:15 p.m. Saturday "Midnight Spectacular Wilson Conrad halls. Woodstock in Wilson. includes "Night of the Liviw "Duck Soup" and "Million Dead, will be presented c Dollar Legs" are both playing midnight Friday in Wilson PLANETARIUM tonight and Saturday in 102B midnight Saturday c«». in Conrad I Enter the Age of Opera group Wells Hall. "Duck Soup" is scheduled for 8:15 and 10:15 collection of science fiction will be shown at 12:15 als 1 an Aquarius and explore the p.m. and "Million Dollar Legs" Saturday in Conrad and at 12:1 I I fascinating ASTROLOGY subject and of the ° offers awards will be shown at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Marx Brothers is an hour and a.m. Sunday in Wilson. "Hugo and Josephine, love of its ZODIAC. the fifteen minutes of pure madness, of Applications are now being The Marx Brothers refuse to let a series of children's films',,, Learn the intriguing history of the ancient practice by the MSU Broadcasters GuiM accepted for preliminary a moment go by without a will be astrology and the influence of the stars on human aff auditions for the Detroit Grand large u- showing -u at 1 pIu dose of running around. I Saturday in 105 S. Ked/ie Hail and terrestrial events. Opera Assn.'s scholarship haven't seen "Million Dollar Off - Campus Entertainment PROGRAM SCHEDULE program. Legs," but the two movies "Summer of '42" and "Littl The forms may be obtained Friday 8:00 p.m. - Saturday 2:30 & 8:00 p.m. should be a good comedy pair. Big Man" at the Meridian by writing Mrs. S.B. Williams, since W.C. Fields, who stars in - Sunday 4:00 p.m. theaters scholarship chairman, Detroit the second film, is always worth "Husbands" PLEASE NOTE: There will be 2:30 by no Saturday shows Grand Opera Assn. Ford weekends involving MSU home football watching. Cassavettes at the Mich,gas a game. Auditorium, Detroit. "Erotica Theater The Grinnell Foundation of Cornucopia," At the conclusion of the 8:00 p.m. Friday program eac appearing Friday and Saturday "The Conformist" Music's $2,500 opera week a member of the Michigan Federation of Astiolo at 8:40 and 10:20 p.m. in 106B State Theater. scholarship, the Elizabeth will be present to answer questions. Hodges Dovan $1,000 Memorial Award and Metropolitan Opera of Throughout the feature a new year, each weekend, we will album release. The album will be played in its entirety immediately following Assn. awarded. contracts Completed forms are are to due by be Regents nam the Friday and Saturday night shows. Linger noon, Dec. 30. awhile under a star-filled sky, and listen to our 200-watt stereo sound system. to center i STEREO RENTALS SSdieyy i/pbHicf COLOR THIS WEEKEND: "Every Good Boy Deserves Favour" Free D«l I very service Free Pick-up - 9.50 „ erffi > rnynth John Useem, boolw cn professor of sociology and the author of several Asian and Pacjfk Island cultures, w as one or 11 persons, •Miaie ir by thV'^nivintty of ^Hawaii Board of Regents last by The Moody Blues Thursday in Honolulu to conduct research at the East-West NEJAC RENTALS Center. Box Office Opens At 7:00; Show Starts 7:30 Information: 355-4672 • No Preschoolers Admitted 337-1300 The East-West Center, an educational institution of the U.S. government in cooperation with the University of Hawaii, has granted 48 such fellowships for the 1971-72 academic year. RHA PRESENTS THIS WEEKEND SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Useem will direct team research while completing study of the scientific community in academic institutions in the Philippines, Indonesia and India. He will be at the center from December CAN ONE MOTION PICTURE CONTAIN... through Marcji. NORTHS IDE* Dnva-in r.m.r >d/t0» BORIS SAGAL • A DERIO PRODUCTION PANAVISIorjTCHNICOlOR^^O^WARNE^RO^MUNNE^ISUR^ERyiCE Released by JOSEPH J3RENNER ASSOCIATES, INC COLOR_by Deluxe* 10 Michigan State News East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 24 19] Thieu linked with rioters WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. in the United States." In the Senate, meanwhile, Mike Mansfield told reporters. clear" that they were standing George S. McGovern charged The State Dept. said it had no McGovern pressed an Republican leader Hugh Scott on this position, Thursday that the rioters who independent account of the amendment that would require noted, however, that President In making the charge that the stoned and firebombed him in incident. President Nixon to give Congress Nixon's withdrawal program Thieu government was behind The of Saigon last week included McGovern, who will lose his next year, along with his regular may make the entire issue of a the riot which erupted during ,e Studi members of South Vietnam's status as the only formally defense budget, an alternative scene of i civil defense forces hired and congressional deadline moot. the meeting, McGovern said declared presidential candidate budget with a $69 billion ceiling, "It's getting to be a race members of the group with frustrate* paid by President Nguyen Van when Sen. Fred R. Harris of including plans to stimulate between the actual withdrawal which he was conferring were for livini Thieu's government. Oklahoma enters the conversion of defense industries single ro The South Dakota Democrat race and the wish of some legislators able to identify some of the Friday, said he considers the to civilian pursuits. to have an input into it," the rioters. He illustrated his riot ompus i leveled the charge at a news issues of Vietnam and U.S. The McGovern amendment month. GOP leader said. charges with display of a sharply conference called to report on economic difficulties was the day's major business as McGovern told his news pointed rock which he said was Off • ' his 11-day trip to Paris, Saigon "inseparable" in his quest for the Senate grappled with the Huffman and Tokyo. conference that his meeting with hurled at him during the melee. the presidency. proposals to cut the $21 billion U.S. and North Vietnamese He noted that Saigon's police living acc McGovern declared that it "When we talk about the The i measure authorizing funds for negotiators in Paris left him chief, who he said is about to appeared as if Thieu, "having war," he said, "when we talk military hardware and research. convinced a U.S. announcement marry Thieu's daughter, said the ,ccording found a successful way to about a defense budget which Most amendments are expected of a fixed date for total next day the civil defense force the Off-C prevent anybody else other than goes up $4 billion while the to be defeated. At th withdrawal would lead to a members "were serving himself from running for On the explained job President preaches economy, we One that is expected to pass, prompt cease-fire and release of patriotically in breaking up a president in South Vietnam, was are talking about all the other directing total U.S. withdrawal the prisoners, regardless of what meeting with Viet Cong cadres" but there attempting the same thing here issues before this country." from Indochina within six political arrangements would and other pro-Communist A MSU police officer gets right to work ticketing illegally parked cars on jms. campus Th "This months if American prisoners then be made in South Vietnam, elements. McGovern said the parked near Justin Morrill College, was caught on the first day of classes. Ci WORLD TRAVEL SERIES are freed, will be introduced "The man who confirmed latter charge was false, State News photo Bender sj by Willima »ve ever PERSONALLY NARRATED TRAVEL ADVENTURE Monday, Democratic leader that to me is Gen. Thieu," Thursday McGovern said, noting that the FILMS BY WORLD-FAMOUS PHOTOGRAPHERS South Vietnamese president said he would resign if U.S. economic MAJOR CONFERENCE SITE c SAT. SEPT. 25 AT 8:00 PM or military aid is cut in UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM recognition of the fact that he is "totally dependent" on U.S. backing. enemy At however, calling the a for state a department, spokesman said negotiators had been complete MSU's Kellogg Kellogg Center for educational conferences and Insurance Programs, Community enyear University, including s As the country direction! abandonment of U.S. support of Continuing Education, the other meetings in the facility Development, Highway Safety acquisition and landscaping At the sa the Saigon government along nation's first residential adult since it opened its doors. Subject and Nursing Home Another $114,000 came fr™ with a U.S. withdrawal deadline, education center, is marking it's matter has ranged from flower Administrators' programs. the hotel industry- which view Press officer Charles Bray said 20th year of service this week, growing and social work to Kellogg provides a meeting the guesthouse as a pr that after McGovern's Paris More than a million people business, banking,city planning, place for the board of trustees training facility for MSU's h WIL meeting with enemy envoys, from across the United States medicine, engineering, computer and other distinguished school students, "the other side made it crystal and the world have taken part in science, ecology and space. educational groups. Hotel, Increased public demand In addition to serving as a restaurant and institutional Continuing >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Education SI seme conference site, Kellogg Center management students who led to the addition of lart is the headquarters for most of received part of their training in classrooms and The 1218 is destined to more | sta the major segments of MSU's the center now head some of the offices in 1954, and addition "THE NEW KOREA' Continuing Education Service — world's great hostelries. conference rooms and LAND OF THE MORNING CALM Conferences and Institutes, The center was built in 1951 offices in 1958. The SI with KEN ARMSTRONG | become the most popular University Extension with a $1.4 million grant from (off-campus courses). Evening the W. K. Kellogg Foundation Each year more than 30,00 adults participate in more thi Committee Mont FREE TO MSU STUDENTS (PRESENT ID OR VALIDATED FEE * turntable DUAL has ever made. College, International Extension, and $1 million from the 300 conferences in the cente More than 4,600 will atten liscuss intiwar act plai conferences in October ai The ant RECEIPT AT THE DOOR) November alone, about 1,640 en gainir oirkt them in one 10-day period ibor fore GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 CHILDREN UNDER 12 . . . 50c ■ L DIAMOND mid-October. IMPORTS i, Jim he SMC Business club lid Thursd An RHA Presentation DOWNTOWN fRANOOR LANSING MAIL MERIDIAN MAU ill activit sets trip plans oward vticipatio The MSU Women's Busines "I!6™®"'.' Garrison Club will travel to the Fishe Theater in Detroit Oct. 2 to eginning i We're proud to bring you the exciting DUAL 1218 rage-price And Miss Reardon Drinks automatic turntable. lieed agaii Little," starring Julie Harris. Most of the world famous DUAL 1219 features After the performance tli een imp have been included on the new 1218, illation cai including a true group will visit the Elmwoo gimbal tonearm suspension, and single • multiple play Casino in Windsor, Canada, t tracking adjustment. nightclub performer Wayn All the other popular DUAL features haven't been Newton. forgotten either, making the 1218 unequalled in The trip is open to the publi and the price of the trip brou precision and value in the medium price range. PRE ENGAGEMENT $24.50. Reservations may So come in the first chance » DIAMONDS * you get, to audition made by contacting Virgin the new DUAL 1218. RING * DIRECT FROM 4 o re< 19.95 » OVERSEAS „ Ross, chairman of the theatfl NOW AVAILABLE AT: trip committee, at 355-8416. Student o Buses will leave Kellogg fgistered w 10:30 a.m. tudent ( ludent Ser TV RENTALS accordin DAY MONEY Free Delivery rector of si BACK GUARANTEE £nl?ck!up $9'50 ™",h Only re rganizatiom NEJAC TV RENTALS » Univen 10% MSU Discount 337-1300 roperty. N'onregistt enied the Joseph E Levine presents a Mike Nichols Film starring Jack Nicholson • Candice Bergen 3? ll-Universit; 0 I leakers ant rents. 1 £ Organizat 1. The Devil's Bride Tonight in Wilson | "I've experienced only three or four movies that I I reviously Agister this 2. Night of the Living 12:00 7 genuinely was sorry to see end. Dead i 3. Black Sabbath Saturday in Conrad £ 12:00 1 I was sorry to see'Carnal Knowledge'end." «Q, ™ —Vincent Canby, New York Times J m a) 2 "Hllft | Cdmal Knowledge is one of the best movies ever." >• ami "A * —Liz Smith, Cosmopolitan Magazine 3 2 "If yo \ "Com o "'Carnal Knowledge*is brilliant. A feast of a film!" I < -Judith Crist, N.Y. Magazine do Mike \ichols. Jack Nicholson, Candice it Bergen, -tlRNA Arthur Garfunkd. Ann Margref and Jules Feiffer [r] \ Carnal Knowledge. I An Aveo Embassy Picture 2 3 ildasop jaonpojj aAiinoaxg . ' i program information 1.1? m44 jajjiaj sainp Aq uauu/v\ uaqi^s pjegoiy jau6isad ° 1. Invaders from Mars HURRY! ENDS SOON - OPEN 12:45 Tonight jn Conrad 2. This Island Earth Continuous from 1:10 12:15 Feature Today 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:35 3. World Without End Saturday in Wilson 12:15 SATURDAY & SUNDAY - CHILDREN'SMATINEE Students, faculty, and staff only I.D.'s or fee receipt required $1.00 admission "NATIONAL VELVET" K, UNI\ UNIV Shows at 1 p.m. & 3 p.m. Only - All Seats 75c Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 24, 1971 J] Students face shortage of cheap housing D.. DAV Auncncnu By RAY ANDERSON trouble finHino finding a a room." subsequent housing shortage because State News Staff Writer ii Ha ^pbert Management stead Gelina, property manager for few cheap places exist. too are some want to nice places in Lansing, but I don't students were being moved to houses apartments," he said. Co., said commute unless I can get a designated as quiet houses or with limited The off-campus housing office located in only four units unrented and 30 they have Miss Huffman said the number of roommate with a car so we can share Another factor has been the increased Student Services Building has been the individual students looking for the visiting hours. open-end leases. vacant houses, expenses." reporting of housing violations, which A significant factor ■ pne of semipanic for the past two weks as Last year apartments and rooms had increased contributing to the restrict the number of we had nine units vacant at Mrs. Bender said the occupants per ■frustrated MSU students frantically search appreciably since the shortage is in part housing shortage, according to Mrs. building. Students who were previously approximately this time, and it appears this beginning of due to the increase in student ■for living accommodations - preferably year as though well be registration but it had tapered off by late enrollment, Bender, is East Lansing's growing living in overcrowded houses less than 40 or 50 estimated to be and I Lie rooms, within walking distance of people short of our 1,200 Wednesday. than the previous approximately 1,500 more year, and the loss of 600 youth-oriented population. "How many of those apartments have been forced to find places capacity. It's "Most of the vacancies ■campus and priced at less than $50 per going to be a good year." requests for roommates to share a room. remaining are spaces in Fee Hall due to the newly created East Lansing are not presently living in of their own. This problem, he said, is Nathan J. Hammond, osteopathic dept. of the College of Human students, or just further complicated by the increasing coordinator for The efficiencies and other taking one course?" she questioned. T OK - Campus Housing secretary Carol nearly 400 private units in the East good deals are Medicine which is located in Fee. demand for privacy. ■Huffman advises students still seeking ideal Lansing gone 10 minutes after they are called in. Many students are returning to school, area, said those units are A Robert Underwood, residence halls rather than few students remain There ■living accommodations "to pray." 99 per cent presently filled to looking for housing manager, said the of these spaces in Fee unemployed, Phil are fewer people per apartment, ^ rphe situation has been desperate, capacity. remained. One long-haired student who use Bozzo said. according to Robert Gelina, who explained That figure is about what Hall would not Lording to Dolores Bender, director of Hammond said had been looking for a house for three seriously affect on-campus Bozzo, who is executive secretary of the that many students he housing because they have been taken from were renting expected, despite what he considers a weeks quickly assessed his predicament as Off-Campus Council and active in housing apartments at ie Off-Campus Housing office drastic change in tenant less crowded women's residence halls. for the past yar, cited a number of below occupancy level. At the same time last year, she lifestyle. "very bad," before hustling to the phone other More of the students are for another call to a prospective landlord. Gary Puca, asst. director of housing things he maintains have contributed to the During the past three years, there have ■explained, there was a shortage of houses, cheaper housing, content with assignments, said the residence halls have also been a number of homes ■'•t there were plenty of apartments and eminence attached to he said. The social Another student, in the midst of third his been over-assigned but accurate estimates pressing housing problem. and others condemned. demolished, a luxury apartment is season of apartment During the past three years housing going the way of the hunting, were unavailable. ^'This is my fourth fall here," Mrs. kids are fraternity, and the taking any hovel with a roof." described the task before. as having been easier "We have a larger freshman class and construction has been limited to luxury units. very few "The pentagonal region bordered by ■sender said, "and it certainly is the worst The result, he claims, is a larger vacancy "I can't many new students, besides having a real "Student attitudes have Albert Street and Charles Street had nine ■I've ever seen it. Many people are having figure it out, but I know a lot good return from last spring," he said. changed, and houses on it and they 've been percentage in luxury more they are looking for single room demolished, apartments and people are looking for housing. There family to make more Puca said many triples would exist and units. They want parking space for the homes, not plastic business district," he said. College poll indicates stable As the time for many state and local elections I country approaches, apprehensions around the and speculation about the vote, the college segment, indicate that political attitudes and becoming increasingly cautious about indicating their voter trends part of potential colege voters. opinions are remaining stable. political preferences, I directions the youth vote will take become increasingly apparent. With the exception that more party identification among collegians is to those of three nearly identical Hie question in all three surveys was: I At the same time, however, samplings of a major portion of that exclusively those who identify with neither and more students (almost months ago. "Overall, how would you term your own social and political For the latest major party) are reading, interviewers talked with 515 full-time philosophy: very conservative, somewhat conservative; middle of college students at their homes, summer school, or the road; somewhat liberal or very liberal?" summer places of employment. The sample of students represented 47 This time, as in the past, students tended to classify themselves fILL SEEK LABOR HELP schools nationwide, and calls were as Orono, Maine, and Honolulu, Hawaii. made to locations as far-flung toward the middle of the political spectrum: Interviewers first asked about political party preferences. ALL STUDENTS: Answers for the current August. '71 June, '71 January, '71 survey, and to polls taken in June of this very conservative SMC year and 0.5% plans October, 1970, are shown below: 1.4% 2.3% antiwar action "May I ask your political party somewhat conservative 17.2% 17.4% 18.5% preference, please?" middle of the road 19.5% 19.1% 18.3% ALL STUDENTS: somewhat liberal 45.1% 41.3% 15.2% August,'71 June,'71 October,'70 Democrat 32.9% very liberal 14.3% 16.5% 13.8% 33.5% 38.2% I The Student Mobilization Tentative dates set by the presenting such speakers as 19.7% no answer 3.4% 4.3% 1.9% Lansing on Nov. 6, the city 16.2% 17.8% Committee (SMC) will meet at 8 National Peace Action Coalition Daniel Ellsberg; David Brinkley; could become 32.9% a regional |»aepenaeni 45.6% 39% \m Monday In 30 Union to call for a moratorium Oct. 13 Sen. George McGovern, D - S.D., headquarters and might draw 14.5% Copyright 1971, Unidex Corp., Bloomington, Ind. not &lven 4.7% 5% is plans for the group's fall and a rally Nov. 6 in Detroit, or Abbie Hoffman. workers and students from Flint Intiwar activities. SMC will discuss the matter of "We're trying to remain and other nearby areas. As the results I The antiwar movement has adopting the coalition's calendar flexible with the speakers," indicate, a substantially larger percentage of in gaining solidarity with the at its meeting Monday night. students, drawn almost exclusively from the "Four stars ★ ★ ★ ★ Highest rating. Garrison said. "If they can't Monday's meeting is open to refused to disclose any preference, "independents," labor forces since President Garrison said the calendar will come on Oct. 13, we'll invite anyone interested in A production of quality and a jn announced his wage-price probably be approved, and them on Nov. 6." However, in terms of overall political philosophy, the Breeze, Jim Garrison, member of added that SMC's activities on He added that if some major participating in the antiwar collegians showed a greater willingness to divulge their gratifying achievement." movement with the SMC. Here again, the results indicate stable feelings. -Wanda Hale, N.Y. Daily News e SMC Steering Committee, those dates might include figures do agree to speak in political attitudes on the id Thursday, and much of the ^ "Epic battle of the sexes." I activity will be directed ~ -Vincent Canby, N.Y. Times loward participation increasing in the labor antiwar SKI FUll movement. LIMITED OFFER!! I ■reprice Garrison said labor forces (ginning to realize ised freeze, that the which is against the laborer, jiap are ISTARTS Expires Oct. 1, 1971 ien imposed because of tflation caused by the Vietnam RicharjdBurton FAMOUS SKI BRANDS Reg. 490 FLAIR Genevjeve Bujold as ANNE BOLEYN Sideral, Zebra, Hi-Flex, }roups told A&T, and Krystal. AMERICA S MOST IN THE HALWALLIS PRODUCTION lo register POPULAR BOOTS NOW ... 3 FOR $1.00 (of' the Tfiousatib Days Technica and Raichle/Molitor. I Student organizations must be THE CUSTOMIZER YOUR CHOICE OF 12 ASSORTED COLORS!! IrenePapas legistered with the Registered A complete system for ■tudent Organizations, 101 foam fitting boots. Itudent Services Bldg., by Oct. Tonight and Saturday in B108 Wells 7, 9:40 ■3, according to Lana Dart, asst. director of student activities. X-COUNTRY SKI Also check out cross-country skis. our Comply I.D.'s or fee receipt required $1.00 I Only registered student linizations University are authorized to facilities and Buy 'em ... rent 'em. or Book COMING NEXT WEEK Cool Hand Luke and Wait Until Dark iroperty. I Nonregistered groups will be lenied the ability to sponsor RAUPP FREE STORE SIDE $bre Exclusive PARKING ■lli'niversity T*akers and fonts. I Organizations events, outside revenue-producing which Campfitters 2208 E. MICHIGAN AVE., LANSING (517) 489-4188. 507 EAST GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING ON M 43 » PHONE ED 21042 (3) Adult Films were iurs: Mon. thru Fri.-lO a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sat.-lO a.m. to 6 p.m. X RATED NO ONE UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE previously registered must FARMINGTON • ANN ARBOR • EVANST0N, ILL. PROGRAM INFORMATION 33 ADMITTED - SPECIAL GUARDS WILL ^register this term. TODAY OPEN At 7:00 p.m. Feature At 7:20-9:30. SATURDAY & SUNDAY SUPERVISE ADMISSIONS ID'S REQUIRED OPEN At 12:45 P.M. Feature At 1:05-3:10-5:20-7:25-9:35 | "Quite simply one of the greatest "A DAZZLING MOVIE. THE MOST STRIKING AND movies I have ever seen!' -cuvc barnes BAROQUE IMAGES YOU'RE EVER LIKELY TO SEE.'' "Hilarious! a rare glimpse of private life. It took guts to stand up in front of —Vincent Canby, New York Times « mast audience and live It like it is!" -•WAD OAM?ACM, life movie "A "Superb! Great! Excit¬ " THE CONFORMIST' is a film "The Best movie this deep personal accomplishment in the growing art of the film essay!" ing filmmaking! It bris¬ -TIME MAGAZINE tles with imagination. which leaves its viewers totter¬ year by far! A sump¬ "II you see no other film this year, see married tuous. emotionally 'a coupWW^^, The acting is magnifi¬ ing up the aisles suffering dizzy cent. In its every detail charged experience! If "Cwnedy! Tragedy! Mystery! The movie More and nuance, 'The Con¬ spells from the sheer thrill of its anyone can be called a THE ADULTS ONLY MOVIE ~ X •loquent than execution." born moviemaker, it's BEEN WAITING 10 YEARS TO SEE!!* a fictional drame!" —joseph gelmis. newsday formist' is a beautiful, —Liz Smith, Cosmopolitan Bertolucci. A master hypnotic and dazzling director!" Shown Twice at 7:07 and 12:00 p.m. "An exercise in voyeurism! 'A powerful and moving work of art that I have | 'a married couple' is a jarring film! Put together by a not been able to exor¬ cise from my •*P»rlence. It opens the bedroom man who understands mind. Few "Bertolucci creates a films are worth recom¬ cinematic style all his ! door on a real marriage!" 1^7 his art and his craft mending so highly. I own... writes fine, sharp HAthleen carroll. More power to think The Conformist' n.y daily news dialogue with such flair Allan King!" has seduced me!" and fresh "A new kind of ft - -goldman. cbs radio m imagery, that we submit happily to his film. The new '"A married couple' spell." —Newswee* 'THE CONFORMIST' art of our times. # e may affect film in provides a chilling fas¬ "Splendid and baroque. Allan King has m .4 the 70's the way cination and a film so Full and rich. I haven't done it and done 'Citizen Kane' affected beautiful in its depiction seen any recent picture it of an era and so multi- that so beautifully cap¬ brilliantly!" film in the 40's leveled in its implication tures the sense of a pe¬ -btrnard drew 40 and 50's!" that I defy you to look gannett news service • -saturday night (toronto) riod. A total use of the away from the screen cinematic medium." for its duration. Berto- —Hollls Alport, Stiurdty lucci's subtleties, his poetic passages and "NO RECENT FILM HAS memory-stimulated im¬ arfoait BEEN SO VISUALLY agery are overwhelm¬ LUSH OR STYLISTIC¬ ing." ALLY EXHILARATING." couple^ UNIVERSITY CINEMA SERIES -FRI-. SEPT. 24 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. JEAN LOUIS TRINTIGNANT STEFANIA SANDRELLI the conformist nsr ^ "NivEnsiT¥ aud,tor,um GASTONE MOSCHIN DOMINIQUE SANDA PIERRE CLEMENTI t«"ets 00 AT THE D00R ?*r_. : I; ... •"! Tr^bernardo bertolucci aibertq moravia COME AS LATE AS 9 PM SEE ALL 3 l 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan IDENTIFIES SUSPECTS Voiceprinting' aids crime fight identification, confirming that hands of qualified, trained By TONI PELLILLO comprehensive, independent and the scientific and experimental State News Staff Writer speakers can be identified personnel to avoid misuse. " * well-controlled study." data available, which currently through visual inspection of The acoustic spectrograph points in favor of acoustic spectrograms by trained He then embarked upon Just because the makes graph pictures of sounds. spectrography, Tosi said. examiners with an almost The tape to be identified is "Voice Identification through fingerprints are wiped off the Acoustic Because the identification telephone used to make a negligible error. placed on the machine and Spectrography," a method is scientific being used as legal bombseare threat, the caller may "Every voice print is unique," played, and the electronic needle project on the evidence, Tosi also emphasized not remain anonymous. Tosi said. "Just as no one can of the spectrograph records the feasibility of voiceprinting. that the examiner's integrity and even willingly exactly duplicate sounds Tosi's study involved 250 Studies by an MSU professor with black lines on a ... his own signature, he said, frequency and time graph or randomly selected male MSU £ on "voiceprinting," a relatively hj hest B whpn an new policy identification have repeated utterances of the same "picture." a English—American studentsand total of 50,000 spectrograms exBamjner [sin doubt or does not sound never produce identical The machine takes about 80 proven that voices of accused persons can be positively spectrograms. "Similarities within samples second to produce a obtained from them. He trained 29 examiners to perform the accurate* comparison of identified. spectrogram. The cost of the judgement)Tosi he should The method uses comparison from the same speaker can serve electronic device in the experimental tasks of identifying forced to reach of acoustical spectrograms or to identify such a person among audiology and speech sciences spectrograms. conclusion. others," Tosi said. "Just as laboratory on campus is about Spectrograms used in the prints of sound waves from Will voiceprinting ever replace identical fingerprints from $14,000, Tosi said. experiment were obtained by suspects' voices. Such different individuals do not three different kinds ° other current methods of police identifications are now being Tosi investigated the identification? Probably not, exist, identical voiceprints from technique upon request of the recording transmissions: Tosi said. presented in courts as legal evidence for convictions on two separate people are not Michigan State Police in ♦Speakers recording directly into a tape recorder. "Right now, there is no extortion charges, false fire possible. It is this identifying November, 1966. At that time, method to file voiceprints like alarm calls and murder threats as characteristic that leads to he was asked to give an opinion ♦Through a telephone line in we do fingerprints," he said. well as bomb threats. positive identification." on whether the voiceprinting a quiet environment. And, Tosi continued, the Oscar I. Tosi, associate Even if a person deliberately method was reliable. He said ♦Through a telephone line in method requires such qualified professor of audiology and attempts to disguise his voice then "the method shows a noise environment. Tosi said the results did not ™ners and proper selections Crime so speech sciences, has been through drunkeness or speech promise but prior to its use for involved with voice slurring, Tosi said, certain law enforcement agencies, it indicate that the type of of lfets containing the right Oscar I. Tosi, asociate professor of audiology and speech sciences, explains his v pecularities of individual speech would be advisable to transmission affected the identification through acoustic perform a technique is not really ready to characteristics cannot be hidden percentage supportive evidence for convictions extortion spectrography (the breaking replace present fingerprinting on charges. down of sounds into simple from a trained examiner. significantly. At the same time, the experiment was being techniques. State News photo by component waves) since 1967. Tosi said he has great hopes Craig Porter Last February, he published for the technique to aid in crime Express route performed in 1968, Sgt. Ernest detection as well as crime N. Nash of the Michigan State the results of a two-year study Films, folksingers, plays initiated involving more than 34,000 deterrence, but he stressed that the slated for buses Police Identification Section which is a Voice different experimental tasks of technique should be in the in operation today. to Detroit area Although evidence based on voiceprints has not been STUDENTS AGAINST presented in Michigan courts, Albatross Greyhound Bus Lines will Tosi and Sgt. Nash have testified initiate a weekend express service to Pontiac, Birmingham and Royal Oak beginning Oct. 1. or produced evidence for cases in Minnesota and Indiana. vary RIP-OFF ADULT FILMS The buses will leave the East Lansing terminal at 3:25 p.m. Florida and New Jersey are scheduled to use voice evidence in future cases. By KAREN ZURAWSKI will be featured including films as "In the Year of the such Pig," Wednesday nights, will be Steve Reynolds, Friday and will arrive in Pontiac State News Staff Writer Maureen MeElheron who has! In some instances, convictions "Ellsberg: an Interview" and since Wednesday) the at 5:05 p.m. in Birmingham at China. played at New York's Purplel Humanity.One-I®{ have occurred with spectrograms With a focus on people and a As connoisseurs of adult films have been 5:20 p.m. and in Royal Oak at A minimal Albatross stage has been for a|| thoge open Onion. ■ we very being submitted along with esire to facilitate whQ wish disappointed with much of the garbage that passes as part 5:40 p.m. other evidence, Tosi said. communication between them, admission fee is charged to pay "Mondays and Tuesdays the! They will return Sunday perform performer Albatross will be closed, unless| of this most sublime genre. We will no longer permit to go evening, leaving Royal Oak at 6 But the court systems have the nonprofit Albatross mV j sign a list, and then as the someone comes in with a unchallenged the hype which misleads us into paying an p.m. Birmingham at 6:15 p.m. not taken a definite position on coffeehouse begins its third year the legality of voiceprints as with two new programs, ,T CBS documentary The Selling of the Pentagon wi l be evening to progresses are ta|led form three numbers program they'd like the| admission to see such rip-off films as Sweet Bip'py, It's All and Pontiac at 6:35 p.m. and Albatross to have," K shown Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. A evidence—they merely listen to Thursday nights a film series said. for Sale and Carmen Baby. In the future we will expose bad arriving in East Lansing at 8:15 50-cent donation is asked. "It ranges from the adult films as tliey are shown by running ads on the film p.m. There will be a community professional and Reservations must be made page and we will also tell you when the film really delivers what we all want to see - look for our ads. before 6 p.m. Thursday. Immunization clinic supper Sunday Oct. 3. People nights, starting are invited to semi-professional to the beginner who only knows three chords," "We every used night, to even leave i when tlim| ^ P.S. We contacted the Beal group prior to the opening of bring along their children, Krumskesaid. wasn't a program, to givel the term and friends, neighbors and a dish of andl scheduled Saturday saw Erotica Cornucopia. While it is mightly students a place lo talk food to share. light on plot - it shows absolutely everything - one fine The Albatross will steer away relax Today there is not as great! show! **** The "There is something good fro™ folk music on Friday, and a need for something like that,V College of Human Medicine because Committee will conduct its monthly immunization clinic from 11 Community Health about people eating together," 8° s°me of the non-musical more places ha\e| Bill Krumske, one of the media. Plays from the MSU opened for students," he said. a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Church of God in Christ at the Albatross founders, said. theater department, skits from The Albatross stall i! corner of St. Joseph and Logan Streets in Lansing. the Streetcorner Society, and pynanrtinu this vPar fmm Staff from the College of Human Medicine will "It is a good, informal feeling, supervise the readings by local poets including 90 or 30 people operation which is free to area residents. and it creates a family 4THEATR Immunizations against diptheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis, smallpox, measles and German measles are available as well as atmosphere," he said. "We need Richard Thomas, will be some of the Friday night features. "We'd like to shift sot | [ OUR AMERICAN MULTI-CINEMA. INC. STUOEWT skin tests for tuberculosis. Persons more" of the community spirit the burdpn „ Kroniske attending the clinic urged it starts with the jangle of a phone to bring a record of past immunizations. are Folk music performed by Specific people would be I lAMC local talent will be presented responsible for one program,I jonefofldo One of the most programs, "The Sing Thing" will popular Saturdays. Bill Kahl, who helped such as the film feature, and| John Wayne donaId /utherta nd "Epic battle of the sexes!"-vincent Canby, N Y. Timeji be offered again this year on record Communication play Saturday. Other performers I will work once a two weeks, he said. week oir oner tneryB "Big Jake" RichardBurton klute leafl Fri: 6:00 8:00 9:55 rj^ Sat: 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 9:55 ■ II Sun: 2:00 5:00 7:00 9:00 5\J Fri. Sat: Twi-Lite Hr. 5:30 - 6:00 5:00 7:30 9:55 Genevieve Bujold ■t ANNE BOLEYN SDS aims IN THE HalWallis PRODUCTION In everyone's life (^A tine I118'11 expense occurred before the price freeze. landlords: weight concentration could cause structural stress The decision to increase the price of the programs from 50 to roommate conflicts and the possibility of flood damage. 75 cents was made last spring, Beardsley added. The problem is further complicated, he said, because no The action reportedly had been cleared last month by the precedent has been established to determine who is responsible 111 lectur Chicago OEP. However, claims were received in the Detroit office for damage that might be caused to someone else's property after the Sept. 11 game with Illinois. flooding should occur. The ticket office was not heard from the Detroit OEP since the He explained that the number of water beds in residence hal first call, Beardsley said. will be tabulated. OFFERS SURE CURE FOR THE HUNGRY RUMBLINGS! faroi-House Pizza Chicken CHICKEN tPcs. I Pet. 10 Pee. 12 Pea. CHICKEN DINNER - 3 Pea Chicken, Fries and Slaw CHEESE, TOMATO & SPICES 125 1 65 2.15 2.75 THRIFT COUP - 9 Pes. Chicken with GREEN PEPPER 1.50 1.95 2.50 3.15 HOUSE FULL - 15 Pes. Chicken with PEPPERONI 195 2.10 2 65 3 30 BARN FULL-21 Pes Chicken with ITALIAN SAUSAGE 1.65 2.10 2.65 3.30 with MUSHROOMS 165 2.10 2 65 3 30 SEA FOOD with ONION 1.50 1 95 2.50 3.15 FISH N' CHIPS - 2 Pes. Fish and Fries with OLIVES 1.65 2.10 2.65 3 30 FISH DINNER - 3 Pes. Fish. Fries and Slaw 165 2.10 2 65 3.30 with BACON 1.65 2.10 2 65 3 30 SHRIMP N- CHIPS 4 Jumbo - Shrimp. Fries and Sauce with GROUND BEEF 1 65 2.10 2 65 3 30 SHRIMP DINNER - 6 Jumbo Shrimp. with PINEAPPLE 165 2.10 2 65 3 30 ind Sau with SHRIMP 1.65 2.10 2 65 3 30 with ANCHOVIES SPAGHETTI with CHOICE OF TWO ITEMS SPAGHETTI with Meat Sauce Campus with CHOICE OF THREE ITEMS SPAGHETTI with Meat and Mushroom Sauce OELIGHT 2.50 3.10 3 80 SPAGHETTI with Meat and Meat Balls Ground Be«f. Green Pepper. SPAGHETTI DELUXE with Meat and Mushroc and Meat Balls Fri. 9 - 5:30 Find out how Sat. 9 - 5:30 LITTLE CAESAR'S SPECIAL Cheese. Tomato. Spices. to win one Pepperoni, Ham, Bacon. Book SIDE ORDERS of 10 free 2 50 3 10 3 60 «0 45 50 FRENCH FRIES 35 COLE SLAW (Vk Pint) cameras end D FREE DELIVERY ONION RINGS 55 COLE SLAW (Pint) radios! SOFT DRINKS AVAILABLE 1071 TROWBRIDGE Sun. — Thurs. open 4 pm to 1 am Fri. - Sat. open 4 pm — 3 am 337-1681 Mon. 4 pm - — 1203 E. GRAND RIVER Thurs. 4 pm 3 am; Sat noon - 1 am; Fri. from — 3 am, Sun. noon 337-1631 - 1 am Store FREE DELIVERY 507 E. GRAND RIVER • 50« OFF RIDE THE MSU BUS TO BERKEY on a 14" or 16" PIZZA (WITH AD) UNTIL SEPTEMBER 28, 1971 HALL AND CROSS THE STREET FREE STORE SIDE PARKING Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 24, 1971 dentify belongings, deter thefts, police say By JIM SHELDON State News Staff addition, to stop the theif before he acts, a new is security program Upon resale of the stolen item, the number would be noticed Writer being offered to local citizens. Since Operation Identification Called Operation by the second-hand dealer, who would notify police. The item began last June, Sgt. Robert Identification, the program is designed to could then be traced to its owner and could Foster of East Lansing Police said, more than 700 local citizens , the recent influx of returning MSU students to ter and minimize home burglaries, to aid stand as direct have participated. Foster added that no East recovery of stolen evidence against a thief if found in his insing. city police expect high burglary rates possession. burglaries have yet jsfall, p''r,iaPs 85 88 ^01° 50 incidents a month. goods and t0 malCe rou8h on thieves trying to resell stolen Thirty electric engraving pencils are available for loan to the occurred in homes using the system. Persons desiring to participate in the The program calls for public on request at the East Lansing police station. program may borrow an Apartment dwellers are urged to secure windows and sliding tneir persons to put drivers license numbers on University police, who also supply engravers, early this summer engraver and will later receive a window and jcony doors and to make sure outside doors are locked. In belongings, preferably near the manufacturer's serial number advise would-be thieves that their bumper sticker to But not on also advised that MSU students in residence property has been marked. removable parts such as halls should also take lids, doors and plates. advantage of the Both items should be displayed in prominent program. places. Stickers act as a warning to stop a theft before it happens, police say. Pleased with the program's current Republicans elect sophomore officials add that chances of effectiveness, recovering stolen property are much greater for participants. In addition to engraving the numbers and obtaining stickers, citizens are asked to compile a list of marked items. Police should be immediately notified when a marked item has been stolen, and the list should be handed their^npw^oifn^ j"form 18-21-year-olds of received by other members of the Ingham In June, Abraham over at that time. tb2 Abraham took tnfhtS' with Roger Busfield, issue uu County Executive Committee. Posthumous, Alto senior, in ran second a to Richard statewide race for Foster encouraged all MSU students to lake part in the ]n a push to involve area 16-25-year-olds in the program and said he hoped more persons will be position of youth borrowing jp activities, the Ingham County Republican Fxprilth!! rl the Ingham County Republican "Part of the reason I'm getting good Republican party. vicechairman of the engravers this fall. He added that police are seeking increased Lutive Committee has elected Spencer sturff»nf« Wu° recentIy urged MSU cooperation from the committee is that I'm well participation by apartment residents. Iraham. Bast Unsing sophomore, to the newly at their ,.r>n £ JH 6 towns rather than acquainted with its members and not new to Winthrop P. Rowe, chairman of the Ingham Lansing police have recorded 1,200 users oi the program, (atod post of third vicechairman for youth. 'Sin d,^S; Ingham County politics," he noted. "Before my County Democratic Executive Committee, Foster added, with only one burglary occurring among the group. Running unopposed, Abraham. 19, was arp » ho VO ® ^ thdr. concerns election to the post of vicechairman for youth, I recently called OOP's creation of state and He added that an apprehended dprisinn „i \S ,a '"dividual was youth chairman for the Sixth Congressional county vicechairmen for youth "tokenism" and burglar told officers he avoided (nimously elected to the position on Sept. 15. if „ a ♦ » displaying the window stickers. According to the Ingham County Republican K i r feels he is most influenced District, served as asst. chairman for youth in said he doubted that they would exert any real rtv Abraham's duties will center on local hL After^ ghp0iVsernT,n^the:i1 hecSh°Uld VOtC I President Nixo»'s campaign and was electecf as a influence on state Republican party politics. Foster told about Saginaw police who checked engraved wrams and political races. census " '"eluded in the East Lansing delegate to the Republican State Convention this numbers found on apparently stolen in a field. The owner was property which was dumped located, and the property [■Specifically, I will be concentrating on three Abraham said he will not be directly involved Ve3r "Mr. Rowe has been highly active with the was returned. ijor areas opening channels for direct party in the upcoming East Lansing City Council "I'm convinced young people around Lansing," Abraham said. Operation Identification is sponsored by the Exchange Clubs Llvement, working for political education in elections because they are nonpartisan but will that this concerned with the youth of the area and county is really "Speaker of the House Ryan seems to think he's of East Lansing and Lansing and by local insurance agencies. ham County, and involving area youth in be the governor, working on voter registration. understand that the future of the party lies in the George Meany acts like he's First appearing in Monterey Park, Calif., in 1963, the program [artisan, community-oriented programs such as "Although we are supporting voter registration young people." president, so I guess we can allow Rowe to act has 4,000 participating homeowners there. Of these, according to [g education and voter registration," Abraham drives, their said. "It is my will be no individual GOP effort," he like a young person." a brochure, only six have been burglarized. feeling that we can best work with pRight now, we're trying to set up some sort existing groups since splintering the effort dozen into a Are you in need of a music system? program with the Democratic party to bring special interest groups will not add takers of both parties to the campus and anything to the final outcome." Abraham said he Are you convinced that you want has been "fairly well" separate components, but confused by the vast selection of products available (and 'harton plans Asia tour the even more confusing variety of advertising claims)? Are you unwilling to settle for a system which Jeliver lecture series produces less than the complete musical spectrum? president Wharton is Present include the Japan Are you willing to part with about four hundred He also involved ieduled to deliver a series or International Christian was Droi,ram| r '—' . — daily ^ undecided — about his — starting o interested' interpstoH nucresi i„ ■ 1SB Two new injuries, besides Dan practice sessions while Goodison lineup for the Saturday contest, students who beaw^l All our Art brushes Mikalacki's knee strain, were has been slowed once again by may not possibly waiting for the end of practice Thursday to make up ms^T |!ro^ram atl his mind as to who should start in one or two positions. should cont the t p MechaLa? LfeL P^l reduced 300/o Some that probably Bldg., names or by phone, at 355.51391 Former firem Canvas .69/yd. for lead in Gesso1.39/qt. ROBINSON, ILL. (DPI) — Rookie Dwight Nevil, a former I AIIAKANTiflk Dallas, Tex., fireman, and veteran George Archer, second place I Readon! finisher a year ago, came in with 67s Thursday to tie for the first round lead in the $100,000 Robinson Open Golf Classic. early I Nevil, 27, San Antonio, Tex., who attended North Texas State ZIPPER CARRYING CASE 20x26. .6.95 University for almost three years on a golf scholarship and spent WOODEN SKETCH BOX 12x 16. . .4.45 You'll Enjoy It four years in the air force, fired four birdies, two on both the front and back nines, for a 33-34. CIRCLE TEMPLATE LEAD HOLDER 0.49 0.39 Ribeye Steak Make It A ALL PACER PADS 50% OFF MICHAEL'S Lunch $1.39 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw near Frandor FOOTBALL We offer STUDENT AND PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNTS on all ART, CRAFT, DRAFTING SUPPLIES Shopping Canter non-sole items. 5001 W. Saginaw tCroii from the Lansing Mall Week-End at Come to our Back-to-school Sale, on now. 555 E. Grand River Ave. Bring This Ad For FREE GIFT! (517) 351-1150 THE PICK A hurricane. canes, typhoons, storm centers. setting machine. It's called the We're involved with them. And Six hundred people were We spot sea ice and snow can VideoComp. with so much more. killed by one in New England in Calculate wind speeds. cover. It can set type as fast as We like to think that at RCA THE 1938. Anywhere on earth. 900 lines per minute. Compare the drive toward innovation Four years later, eleven This program exemplifies this with the 15/minute of me¬ should be everybody's concern. ^ Pickwick Pub thousand were killed by one in the importance of interdisciplin¬ chanical typesetting, or the OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 300/ Because this concern is ary engineering, the engineer¬ minute ot photosetters. needed if we are to continue The winds of a hurricane ing concept of the future. It is our goal ultimately to the forward direction of crea¬ ""IVH 1 fc ivifct 1 I inLi M IN U BMlNUUfcT ROOMS AVAILABLE are over 75 miles an hour. It is becoming increasingly produce an RCA electronic tive technology for people. or an It takes the form of oval, sometimes a as circle much more ture, apparent that in the fu¬ the engineer will touch printing system that will accept a manuscript as input and de¬ You may be reer in planning a ca¬ ALKKRT PICK as 500 miles in diameter. industry—if so, you could MOIOU HUH,I virtually every aspect of our liver printed copy — packaged, be part of our vision of the future. There is no prevention. lives. From medicine to the arts addressed and sorted to the — We invite inquiries through But if we reduce the ele¬ to education to leisure products. shipping dock. your College Placement Direc¬ (Ht 43) E-.MU.ninq 48823 Ph J37 1741 ment of surprise, we can reduce And he will do this in con¬ Now consider another field tor — he can its deadly potential. supply additional junction with other disciplines which had previously been out¬ information about an RCA And we've taken steps so to complement, overlay, and that it will never surprise us again. unite his output for an end re¬ sult that is both balanced and side the realm of the engineer, medicine and health services. We are an equal opportu¬ TOTE HOME A STEREO We've been involved in the RCA has designed, devel¬ nity employer. complete. development of a mobile labora¬ oped and produced the world's most advanced family of weather an Think for a moment about endeavor which, like mete¬ tory to provide comprehensive THIS WEEK I1CJI physical examinations in on-the- satellites. It's called the ITOS orology. is seemingly unrelated program. It's the most sophisticated to classical engineering: the graphic arts industry. spot locations to people other¬ wise out of the mainstream of FROM THE STEREO SHOPPE our health services. weather detector yet devised by Recently, RCA engineers And we've researched a man, and perhaps one of the working in conjunction with that high-speed turbine drill to in¬ most beneficial facilities man industry, developed the world's crease the efficiency and de¬ has created since he broke the most advanced electronic type¬ crease the pain in dental work. bonds of earth And we've done extensive From the detailed photo¬ work in developing facilities lor graphs transmitted back to teaching speech to the retarded. earth, we can see the formation Communications? Comput¬ and plot the course of hurri¬ er education? Oceanography? A SURPRISE CAN KILL Mcdonald ONE OF OUR TOTE HOME SPECIALS Features a BSR 50 watt stereo receiver, a full size BSR turntable and two walnut speaker systems. TOTE THE WHOLE SYSTEM HOME FOR JUST $249.95 YOU SAVE 120.00 If purchased separately $329.95 "Your Sound Headquarters " The Stereo Shoppe 543 fast Grand River - East Lansing Special student credit plans. .. Open 10 - 5:45 - Wed. Till 9 - Sat. Till 5_ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 24, i971 17 SPORTS MSU defense faces potent OSU offense By GARY SCHARRER come with the experienced of several play adds depth to the secondary State News Sports Writer key veterans and the while trying to gain back his blending in of promising sophomores. starting berth. Brad VanPelt 6-5, 221 pound Saturday's non - conference Except for middle guard game with Oregon State is a where junior Ernie Hamilton is junior safety is an awesome must game for MSU's football MSU's leading figure on defense and a team. The tackier, the steadying influence the matchup could be defensive front line is stocked on considered a pivotal point for well with senior sophomores. talent. "There are few super players the Spartans and will Two-time letter winners provide a Doug formidable test for both the who could determined the Halliday and Ralph Wieleba green defense and offense. outcome of a game by anchor the ends while the Kickoff for the annual Band interior line is staffed by giant themselves," Daugherty said. Day is 1:30 p.m. at Spartan "Brad is that type of player size tackles Ron Curl 6-1, 250 - Stadium. Nearly 4,000 musicians now." from 39 high schools pounds, Ron Joseph 6-2, 260 - Defensive backfield Coach plus the pounds and Bill Dawson 6-2, 180 - piece MSU Sherm Lewis adds, "Brad's sure will provide Marching Band 250 - pounds. Curl and Dawson to special pre - game missed the entire season last help the youngters. He'll and half - time year always be near the center of programs. because of injuries and Both squads will bring a 1-1 Joseph most of the action and with his sat out the year because of a record into the game. For MSU a experience and ability, he'll give Valuable big win is necessary as a morale booster and confidence breeder weight problem. Junior linebackers Gail Clark the kids confidence. His value to our team iMSU's 5-9, 161 - pound tailback Eric Allen, although nicknamed the and Ken Alderson have been just can't be 'Flea', could more for clashes with Notre Dame measured." and ■appropriately be called the workhorse. Allen has carried the Spartan offense in the first two University of impressive and should become Michigan in even better with more ■games but will need more help from his teammates against Oregon State Saturday. consecutive weeks after the Beavers. The facing experience. Clark broke into the received all the criticism for State News photo by Don Gerstner Spartan offense has been weak in the first starting lineup late last season MSU's Frank Kolch two and was named unimpressing openng games but an attempt to pump Green back in the outstanding games. But with the changes Junior quarterback Frank Kolch, who threw the spark into it was the emphasis in spring game. occurring in the offensive longest practice sessions this week. Alderson, like Clark, likes to hit personnel this week the offense touchdown pass of the Big Ten season last year ( a 78 - treat Pumpkin Changes have been made at and nailed down the linebacking various positions and Saturday's game may be an indicator what converted job last spring after being from offensive could bust lose against State. And if they do .. . could be the year of the Spartan. Oregon well, it yarder to Randy Davis), has seen extensive time in practicing with the No. 1 MSU offense and will see service under center this week against will happen in fullback. Oregon State. following games. The MSU Oregon State, scoring 58 secondary shows ith Oregon points in two games, will provide speed a strong challenge to a promising sophomores Spartan defense which has Niesen and Paul Hayner and agility with Mike Holt, Mark Back to School permitted just one touchdown discrediting doubters that rookies could make ly MIKE ABERLICH and a field goal in two outings. starting as 75 points have been scored "The contributions from the word News Sports Writer Oregon State backs are Specials ite on the Beaver defense. The leading rusher last season. The big and Spartans big fullback is also a favorite strong and will have yeilded just 10. determine whether we can stop a lake heart all you Charley Quarterback Steve Endicott pass receiver. power attack," Coach Duffy lwn fans, the Great Pumpkin and fullback Dave Another top offensive threat Daugherty said. "If our defense Joining to East Lansing this off the bench inSchilling Men's came for OSU is Jeff the second Kolberg, an end can do a reasonable job IM GOLD AND SILVER K only a month ahead of his quarter who has picked off eight passes containing them, then we can do against Iowa last to a good job against any one. CHAINS ■eduled appearance on weekend to pace the Beavers to date good for 115 yards. have been They Fraternity and Independent Inksgiving. a 33 19 win, evening the OSU Spartan Coach Duffy moving the ball against Touch Football teams interested - everyone. in participating this fall must This Great Pumpkin is not record, after an initial loss to Daugherty, who can almost National Collegiate match Andros pound for Athletic have a representative at one of a cartoon strip brainstorm Georgia. pound Association statistics released in build, has been mum this this week rate MSU the meetings scheduled for 6:30 Jcharles Schultz, however, he Schilling gained 100 yards as week as MSU has gone past nation in pass defense and third in the p.m. Monday, Tuesday or ■rotund little man who travels Oregon State rolled 176 various through 12th Ti the Oregon State football yards rushing and added up another changes in offense in an in overall defense. The Spartans have the best defensive Wednesday, Sept. 27, 28, or 29, to make an entry for their attempt to stimulate some kind record in KNIT BLAZERS SKINNY RIB SWEATERS Jn and goes by the monicker 106 thanks to the passing arm of of the Big Ten respective league. These will be Bee Andros. Matter of fact, Endicott. an offensive showing. conference. In the CAMEL OR NAVY first two games MSU has the only times entries will be BROWN, RED OR BLUE T the head coach, head Endicott, while being praised Quarterbacks Mike an allowed average of only 172 accepted. Schedules for the first ■Header and mascot all rolled as possibly one of the finest Rasmussen, George Mihaiu and total offense, seven first yards week of Frank Kolch have alternated downs competition will be [one little orange ball. von't college passers around, will be running the team, although and five points a The success of the game. available at 5 p.m., Friday, Oct. exactly be put to the test against the MSU defense has HANDBAGS |comed in the land of the defense, which refused to allow which Daugherty would not speculate would start. NAVY, BONE OR MULTI n, either, as he brings with a completed pass in last week's I a team that has scored a Georgia Tech lof 58 points in two games meeting. RENTALS Contact lens wearers: 6.00 Endicott has thrown 57 passes ■year, while the Spartans Eaf) Iri two games and"completed 27 ■iy boast of their paltry 10. for 373 yards — and four Service7 $9.50 month New Swirl Clean by Continue ACCESSORIES - 1st FLOOR Pick-up Swirls your lenses clean for n the other hand, Andros touchdowns. new wearing comfort! e has been more or less NEJACTV RENTALS Schilling, at 6 ■ 3, 226 Your eyes look better when they fee/ in the first pair of games, pounds, was the Pacific league's comfortable.That's the whole idea behind new Swirl Clean electric contact lens cleaner, it gets your lenses so much cleaner than manual methods they' Jacobsoris to be more comfortable! And Swirl pis Shag Wig Clean minimizes handling, which rr The Clara 12 Day S 5J988 new low price: $19.95 FRI- r SEPT. HOURS: CLOSED MONDAYS 10-6 TUES. - SAT. WED. NITE TIL 9 P.M •'East Lansing's Only Wiggery" I HOPE YOU HAD A NICE VACATION! MY SHOP WILL BE OPEN ALL TERM, FEATURING MY DELICIOUS SANDWICHES AND ALL THOSE TEMPTING EXTRAS, MY FAMOUS QUICK SERVICE, AND A FRIENDLY DINING ATMOSPHERE. Hobie's By the time Phil got through paying for tuition, late registration, student fees, books, and an outrageous deposit on his he didn't have apartment, a whole lot left for a stereo. BSR McDonald makes the RTS-40A for people like Phil. It's a complete AM/ FM/ MPX Phono component stereo system. The e($eclUri?Pizza delivers an honest 50 watts and boasts excellent sensitivity and separation The turntable is our receiver specs. best-seller, and comes complete with a matched base, tinted dust 351-3800 cover, and Shure magnetic speakers are true cartridge. The two-way sealed suspension, with amazing bass response. We invite you to see the RTS-40A at acoustic dine-in, carryqut. fast campus delivery nearest BSR McDonald dealer. If your you think it sounds good on paper, wait'll you hear it. | 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^p^ £ _Friday, September 24, NBA Harriers face Miami rookie to By MIKE ABERLICH State News Sports Writer Things may not go all that smoothly for Jim Dennis Bayhan was the top finisher in that field as he flew through the flat Irish course in 24:45 in leading Miami's contingent. PORTLAND, ORE. (UPI) hovesurg©^ - Geoff in the National Basketball Association last Petrie, co-rookie Gibbard this year since hell have transferees Rob Freshman Dean Reinke took third for Miami, season and?t ^Wetion and Ron Cool around to make things difficult. as they ended with 34 points, Notre Dame had in the Portland Trail Blazers plans for undergo knee surgery Friday, the Blazers the comini key ^ Sle The identical twins transfered from Grand 54, Northwestern 58, and Illinois State G6. "I'd have to say we're behind Miami as far as He is expected to be out of action for announcedifi1 * ^positl' Rapids Junior College after attaining eight to in ^ unefrc practice goes," conceded Gibbard, "since they physicians advised the team the period "could be All-American honors last season and are expected have one meet under their belt." Petrie, a former Princeton star, was co-rookie of less " ,b nerals. to beef up the running power on the Spartan NBA last season with Dave Cowens of cross country team this year, with one minor But Gibbard insisted that he wasn't about to few NBA rookies ever to score more Boston nP„cyea,ln hangup — nobody can tell them apart. take the opening encounter lightly, even though season. than 2 000 ' rS?' ^nts 'n "I've tried and tried," laughed Gibbard, "but I Miami seems to have the upper hand going into He hurt his left knee in practice on the meet. Aug. 12 just don't know how to do it. I even looked for Dr. Frank B. Smith, the team's physician said "th distinguishing marks, but there's no way." "We have no way of knowing what to expect nature and extent of this injury was obscure from them," he added. " but right now we're not become more evident in the past week to 10 initi'allv 0 h If Gibbard's dilemma is a taxing one, just days Th h knee cartilage injury has been think of the problem the course judges will have pushing real hard in practice." considered a pos^ibilitv " deciding which is which. symptoms and examination findings suggested ligament *', Miami has quite a supply of young runners tendinitis as being more It's all a mind boggling thought. a likely." rwi dotting their roster, including Reinke and Dr. Smith said that despite rest, physical theraov The brother act, although they came to MSU Sophomores Dan Adams and Bob Reeth. Rich prescribed exercise program "the knee has failed to well-heralded as talented runners, will still have Symington is another consistent performer. "On repeated examination by imDrov/' to prove themselves out on the myself, there has been t four-mile course increasing evidence that Geoff's left knee trouble is at Fbrest Akers Golf Course this The Spartans likewise are stacked with depth d Saturday against damage knee cartilage." ^ Miami of Ohio, noted Gibbard. as they will put 11 runners on the course. He said he had consulted by All-American Ken Popejoy, Randy Kilpatrick, telephone with Dr. Robert Cram of Bryne Mawr, Pa., who operated on "They'll have to do it under fire," Gibbard Dave Dieters. Steve Rockey and Ralph Zoppa all Petrie's sam knee nine years ago following a high school said, "we already know what the other guys can return from last year's Big Ten championship Stu Inman, the Blazers' director of football injury 6 do." team, and will be backed by the Cool brothers, player personnel saidt Mark Shawver, Doug Kurtis, Ed Griffis and Phil after long and serious discussion" it was decided that immedii The Spartans seemingly will need plenty of Seibold. surgery was in the best interests of both Geoff and help as Miami is expected to supply the fire the Ti Blazers." Saturday in the season opener. Miami upended the Spartans in Ohio last year Inman said that after three pre - season games with The Ohians won their only meet of the year in 21-36, one of three dual losses MSU absorbed all Seattle th RALPH ZOPPA weekend it will be decided whether to a quadrangular clash at Notre Dame last week. play with year. personnel or to consider acquiring another player. NOW ASSISTANT COACH FRIDAY Greer signs with 76ers PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - Holdout Hal Greer Manager Don Dejardin. of the Philadelphia 76ers signed a two-year The 35 • year - old Greer, his wife, Mamie, contract Thursday which will make him first his side, beamed as DeJardin announced I assistant to Coach Jack Ramsay as well as an contract signing at a news conference. active player. Terms were not disclosed. Greer, with 13 National Basketball Associati Greer's old three-year contract at $100,000 seasons behind him, said he had been keeping per annum expired at the end of last season. He shape despite his holdout by working out da then balked at new terms until the with Jim Washington and Wally Jones, t announcement of his new pact by 76ers General teammates still holding out. BLACK - LITE SALE Baslcetbal LANSING'S try outs LARGEST SUPPLY OF lights Flighting fresh men There will be a meeting (oi FIXTURES incoming freshmen interest® playing freshman basketball i 18" 15 watt p.m., Sept. 28, in room 20! complete striplite Jenison Fieldhouse. $11.50 All information 48 40 watt tryouts will be available toe complete prospective player. Fresht cage coach Matt Aitch will be striplite hand to answer any questi i $19.95 that may come up. TV RENTALS NEJACTV rentals v i vi SJKXGH SI J ww nronan 337-1300 STUDENTS ! Check Craft Corners' low, low prices on school supplies 20% DISCOUNT to students in art, engineering, human ecology and landscape architecture. For example: Instant Lettering (reg. $1.25) is only $1. FREE classes in macrame, candle - making and decoupage. All crafts available CRAFT CORNERS, inc. In the Spartan Shopping Center across from South dorm complex TICKETS ON SALE MONDAY UNION 8:00 A.M., CAMPBELL'S 8:30 MARSHALL'S 9:30 mber 24, i Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, September 24, 1971 19 Vietnamese election on' despite protests j&lGON SAIGON (AP) (AP) The The the the constitution constitution and anrf »h«> the election — i I j»nH c^.iu owccl uciuonairaiiuns ana ai were 9 to 17 incidents security measures in anticipation presidential that \r- a. « o°kie of the yM it the Oct. will held as unaffected the law's' legality S. 'SU27S* 5S ?r"stemblnes ot ,he racr* i-ZZi-XZZ «nrs of a possible increase in enemy and a key Z option ———.w by withdrawal of I Thursday to meet threat of ox , r The U.S. Command activity . .. ""ig season <*"}?- S'totetTiStea A Senate opponent. VHHUIienis a More demonstrations shellings and other enemy announced that beginning today "U.S. military personnel will ced increasing enemv anacks aim»H .—-"""•""""""a are mounting shellings, terror and nd incidents daily for the past three Thursday resolution adopted at riUriinfi„„ *if a m, Planned by militant students, - "all U.S. forces in the Republic not enter populated areas, ° 10 weeks h JSom a group of retired Wednesday urged ulged Thi«. c a^rupting South Vietnam's „ sniper attacks by North days. During the preceding week of Vietnam will take necessary including villages, hamlets, and less." )f the year in a read on and allow .s.uoPOOR oo.%rtr?' HEALTH BLAMED urban areas, except on essential official business travel. oW^on,,'« Lai radio and television said communique^noted^the^^e *f™ce"len> the alert appeared or Vehicle movement outside U.S. JU points in ■[ election complies with both *»on hi no legSl ^ fSSS 2? ££ installations will be limited to Justice Harlan retires essential travel." ja I1*B i rts WHAT'S WHflT S_ ^ A command spokesman, Capt. James D'Entremont, said. tnt (Continued from page one) "Intelligence indicates increased after his appointment it was enemy action, which could take j,ut the 83rd Congress failed to in the *^54 elections, brought him a unique figure and he will conservative opposition which further delay, the form of indirect fire attacks, rank with the great justices of held up his nomination in the Jn- When the nomination ground attacks, or terrorist this court," Burger said. Ziegler for more than four «,» P finally activities. The election could be months. the Judiciary Committee. to relayed similar praise from came a vote, four months and a factor in the enemy's plans. Faculty families and students are III Yum Kippurservices will be held Ni*°n- Six months earlier the court But if it were not for the the Lansing Skating Emitted? ***" at at 19:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. . . He is one of the great . earner ine coun By the time the 84th Congress submitted Harlan was throaf nf activity ib'J Openn House,H Mondav from 6 Tuesday and legal had rendered its famous Pnemv our convened opposition had built ii the Ice Arena. Figure Wednesday in the Alumni Chapel. scholars in the history of the confirmed 71 to 11 with nine The College of Human decision declaring racial ■ ■■ contirmed ?1 to 11 with nine only concern would be to keep refreshments and skating Medit.... court and will be recorded - w t' «•••«• the mechanics of Snuthprn npinnrrjitc onr] two U.S. military personnel from Community Health Committee will Two fabulous comedies, W.C. by segregation in public schools shifting Senate control back to one interested. For hold its monthly free history Western Reoublicans votine immunization Fields in "Million Dollar Legs" and as one of the towering unconstitutional, but after the Democrats, who had won it becoming involved with the call the ice arena: clinic from agajn<;t him South Vietnamese election." 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the Marx Brothers in "Duck Soup" at figures of the court," the Harlan's nomination, the court Saturday at the Church of God in 7 and 9'30 in 102B Wells Hall President said. on Nov. 22 p.m. postponed Harlan has served the arguments on how and when to Christ, at the corner of St. Joseph *°day' Supreme Court since March 28, on enforce its decision. It was felt a Fishel, support for initiator Diem and of and Logan streets, Lansing. This event is supervised Society for Creative 1955. He was named to the full court was needed for such this week we >\ue feAtuR-inc, by the MSU a College of Human Medi hold its bench in the midst of the momentous decision. empt to hold class today at 11:30 »lH»n». / organizational meeting at 8 p.m controversy over school these specially puiced lps i in 128 Natural Science Bldg. All rvice imunizati mu" p.m. Lansing, Michigan Ph. 482-3495 Sunday for a cost NOVA SCOTIA LOX JUMBO FRANKS (Kosher style) KNOCKWURST KELLOGG CENTER CHICKEN BROTH with MATZOH BALL or KRAPLACH ON CAMPUS OPPOSITE BRODY HALL STUFFED KISHKA GEFILTE FISH NEW YORK BAGELS FOR ACCOMMODATIONS IN THE LUXURY OF ONE OF THE 193 WELL APPOINTED GUEST ROOMS. AIR CONDITIONED, COLOR TV, TWIN BEDS JEWISH RYE BREAD CHEESE CAKE & STRUDEL from New York of McDonald's french fries BLINTZES Party Platters available FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 332-6571 Eat - In or Take - Out 482-8415 get more 104 S. CORNER OF MICHIGAN WASHINGTON of a good thing AND HARRISON ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL i THE WEATHERVANE presents STEIN ERICKSEN To Celebrate our 2nd Anniversary plus the opening of our new Lansing store we have invited Stein Ericksen to help us celebrate. Stein will be appearing at our Okemos Store from 10 -12 & 6 • 8 and at our Lansing store from 2 - 4 Saturday. Stein's Anniversary Package Anniversary Drawing Stein's own E-7 Ski At each of Stein's appearances we will be drawing for one pair Rieker Ski Boots of the new E-7 Total Glass Skis. * Okemos Store 11:30 Marker Simpler Toe * & Rotomat Heel Lansing Store 2:00 * Okemos Store 8:00 Ski Poles TWO LOCATIONS IN Mounting Charge Special store hours Saturday September 25, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. EAST LANSING Total $22600 2283 Grand River Save $37 Anniversary Price $189.00 1024 E.GRAND RIVER • Promt this ad and an additional $5.00 234 W.GRAND RIVER • P,k» will bo only '« , • Mall orders will b. accapwd » 540 """" 20 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan There's a STATE NEWS Happy ad CLASSIFIED 355-8255 SMILE! for you! Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank The State News does Automotive Automotive not permit racial or religious discrimination FALCON 1962. Good condition. Floor shift.Asking $100351-5141. PONTIAC CATALINA 1967. Air, VOLKSWAGEN 1969 owner.Must sell. Phone ~bug. ~One VW BUS~ 1968. New in its advertising power, One driver. 30,700 actual 349-4717 eng,ne 1-9-24 •nd „ Larry. 5-9-30 miles. 20 mpg. Excellent transmission. Ideal columns. The State AUTOMOTIVE will condition. $1200. 484-9607. uses, only $1285 pi*! Scooters & Cycles Auto Parts & Service News advertising not accept which FORD 1963. Camper. Stove, refrigerator, sink, bed. Good S9/29 VOLKSWAGEN engine, AM/FM. 1964. Rebuilt Excellent ,206 E„ «J discriminates against running condition. Phone PONTIAC LEMANS 1970, V-8, condition $500. 351-3253. 1-9 24 Aviation 339-8930. 10-10-5 I960, religion, race, color or automatic. Excellent condition. 1 EMPLOYMENT Call 625 3039, after 6 p.m. 3-9-27 VOLKSWAGEN 1964. transportation rnm » national origin. R.dla , FOR RENT FORD 1940. 2 door, sedan, body excellent, less engine. $200 or sun-roof, re-built engine, economical. reliable^ rebuilt engine. 353-2712. 2 9-24 No ?'!"■ 1 PONTIAC TEMPEST custom $425. 349-2474 Apartments offer. 351-1349. 3-9-28 hardtop 1968. 2 door, 6 cylinder. 1-9 24 VW 1966 Houses FORD 1962. Runs well. New Low mileage. $950. Phone VOLKSWAGEN 1969.s33.000 miles. engine square back. ^ Rooms Automotive 351-8378. 2-9-24 3.51-6999. 2-9 overhauled battery. Must sell. $125. AM/FM radio. Good condition. 24 FOR SALE 353 8468. 3-9-28 337-1115. 3-9-27 CHEVROLET 1964. Economical 6 RAMBLER AMERICAN 1962; Animals Mobile Homes cylinder, automatic, radio, chrome FORD STATION wagon 1966. automatic, good town VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Scooters & reverse wheels, good condition. transportation, $100. 355-6058. Bug. 35,000 Power steering and power brakes. miles. 5962 Haverhill LOST & FOUND $400. Call 482-2794. 3-9-27 59-29 South Automatic Lansing, after 6 p.m. KAWASAKI 1970. 350 $1100 PERSONAL 372-6863. 3-9-28 59-29 Excellent condition 7 nnn 71 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE REBEL 1970. 2 door hardtop, $525. 339-8652. PEANUTS PERSONAL 1963. 327, 4 speed. New top. 10,000 miles, like new, must sell. 2-9-24 FORD 1967 V-8. Standard shift, VOLKSWAGEN, REAL ESTATE 351-3229 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 $2,395. 349 3024. 3 9-28 1966. Excellent RECREATION tires, body and engine in excellent condition. 482-3179. 1-9-24 condition, under 50.000 miles. $750. Phone 337-1282. 5-9-29 KAWASAKI Very low 1971, 175 7? CHEVROLET 1964 panel station TEMPEST LEMANS 1965. mileage. Virtui SERVICE Reasonable price. demonstrator. Call 33- wagon. 4 speed transmission, 2 1967 G A LAX IE Running VOLKSWAGEN after 5:35 p.m. Typing Service heaters, spot-light, 3 seats. Bill 500. V-8, condition. Call 332-5354 after 4 1967, factory 5-9-29 Automatic. Excellent condition. re-built engine, spotless, mufflers p.m. 3-9-28 ♦TRANSPORTATION Leavenworth, 485-7275, $925. 351-5652 just replaced, radio, sacrifice. TRIUMPH 1970 250, like 9-6, 355-9956. WANTED 484-3232. 5-9-30 5-9-29 'COME WXWHEN WE FlUEP TOYOTA CORONA 1967. Deluxe, 355-2884. 3-9-27 miles, helmets included if new CHEVELLE 351-9428.6-10-1 DEADLINE 1970. horsepower, 4 speed, SS396, 350 stereo tape, JAVELIN 1969. Great condition, OUT-UH ABOUT W- SSNIOP- YgfVRC automatic, AM/FM radio, snow tires, dented, but good VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Beige with 1 P.M. one class day before tires. Excellent economical. New tires and snow tan exterior. Excellent condition, 196 7 305 Scrambler. Ex0 new condition transportation, $450. 349-4847 tires. Bright green with stereo tape $1075. Phone 393-2395. 2-9-24 publication. 627-6250. 5-9-29 player. Must sell. Call 882-7761. GfaW®/ tt#*2*/£. UI&/H6, Mw. after 6 PM and weekends. condition. New paint, aim mint. Mike, 351-2593. 485-9131 extention 489, 8 4-9 29 I Cancellations/Corrections CHEVELLE. MALIBU 1969 sharp, 2-9-24 - 5 VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Green sedan, - 12 noon one class day a.t., p.5., black vinyl top, 27,000 _ 3-9-27 new white wall tires, luggage 1971 SUZUKI 185cc. Lov^ta before publication. miles. 351-7772. 4-9-29 JAVELIN 1969. FM, vinyl roof. TOYOTA 1969 Corona DeLuxe. carrier, radio, 19,000 miles. $500. Willing to negotiate Automotive Automotive $1800. Phone 353-0929. 3-9-27 t* PHONE COMET CYCLONE 1966. V-8, Excellent negotiable. condition. 20 $1500 Radio, bucket seats, automatic, snow tires. 30,000 miles, well on stereo. Call 353-6830.29] mpg. 353-9503, 355-8255 power steering and brakes. 351-6349. 5-9-29 MONTEGO 1969. Blue. 2 door PLYMOUTH FURY II 1965. 4 door. cared for. 332-2277. 2-9-24 1970 HONDA 3b0 CB. VOLKSWAGEN 1970 Bug. 4-speed ExciB Excellent condition. Many extras. hardtop. V-8, power, tight Good second car. 337-9585 with radio. Excellent condition. condition. $600 or I,est 0M RATES 10 word minimum Leaving country. $675. 353-3186. 1967 JEEP, J 3000 pickup. 327, V-8, condition. $1595. 393-1342. 2-9-24 TOYOTA CORONA 1969. 25,000 $1650. 694-9294. 2-9-24 332-0260. 3-9-28 After 5 PM, 351-2957. 3-9-27 4 wheel drive, 7 foot snowplow, 1-9-24 miles. FM radio, excellent hydrolic tilt, cab control, good PLYMOUTH 1962. Excellent condition. $1475. Phone WORDS 1 3 5 10 CORVAIR 500. 1967. 36,000 miles. condition. Phone 393-4952 after 5 MONZA CONVERTIBLE 1966 mechanical condition, very VW 1964, excellent condition with TRIUMPH, 1970. Tiger 66al Excellent condition. 351-0139. Automatic, tires almost new. dependable, $150. Call 332-2650 _ 372-5381.3-9-27 radio, $450. 372-9320 after 6 pm. new. Luggage rack and helni p.m. 2-9-24 $1100 best offer. 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 3-9-27 Snow tires included. Excellent 5-9-29 TRIUMPH 1971. 4-speed, radio, 5-9-30 or 332-0Q| condition. $450. 353-7260 before daytime, 351-8130 evenings, MERCURY MONTEREY 1968. 9,000 miles Original girl owner. 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 for Bill. 2-9-24 CORVAIR, MONZA 1964. 5 p.m. 3-9-27 PONTIAC 1969 Firebird 350 V-8, 4 351-7222 until 5 p.m., 351-0656 Excellent condition. Special 428 VW 1971, super beetle, 12,500 miles. Automatic, well care for. Extras, cubic inch engine. Power steering speed, new tires. Very clean, after 6 p.m. 5-9-29 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 OLDSMOBILE 1967. Excellent, must sell. Phone 1970 JAWA 350cc. Exce new parts. $300. Call 351-5705. Delmont 88 $1900. 351-3859 at noon or and brakes. 4 door. Priced at 485-8357 or 372 3900. Ask for condition. $395. Low mil. 2-9-27 425, radial, power brakes, power dinner. 3-9-28 TRIUMPH SPITFURE 1969. 19,000 $1,750. New tires, snow tires on Denny. 2-9-24 Road. 351-8750. 2-9-24 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 steering, good condition. miles. Excellent shape. Call rims. Phone 699-2729. 2-9-24 CORVETTE 1966. Two new tops. 332-1405. 5-9 30 PONTIAC 1968. Firebird 350 313-266 4660. 3-9-27 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 Radials. Low mileage. Phone Automatic, MERCURY 1963. 48.000 miles. OLDSMOBI-LE 1969. F-85, 2 doer, new tires, brakes and 339-9234. 3-9-27 exhaust. Very clean and well kept. TRrOMm-Tgeg1 SPITFIRE for sale. 25 Power steering, brakes, air. Body STORY 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 V-8. Automatic transmiijsjorv Best offer over $1550. 363-0935. In excellent condition. Call 347 St udent Services Bldg. COUGAR 1967. Automatic, power rough^ Kell^ 355-7750 after 4 p.m. Power steering; radio. Sharp X-2-9-27 3 7 3-09 3 1 days. Evenings 332-6954. 2-9-24 882-7777. 5-9-29 steering and brakes, stereo tape, 824-2414. 1-9-24 All student ads must be new tires. Excellent condition. PONTIAC GTO 1968, 4 speed, Phone 339-9143. 2-9-24 MERCURY 1966 OLDSMOBILE 1970 Cutlass bucket seats. Excellent condition. prepaid 4 door Monterey. Automatic, radio. Supreme convertible. Executive 882 9019. 3-9-27 The State News will be DATSUN 1967. Convertible. Best offer. Call 489-6073 after 5 4 excellent 1 15,000 tires, 2 snow tires, miles. Excellent owned, fully equipped, excellent condition. DATSUN SALES p.m. $2600. 372-0467 responsible only for the condition. 351-3823 evenings. S 3165 E. MICHIGAN 5-9-29 first day's incorrect One Block From Campus insertion. DATSUN PICKUP 1970. 26,00 miles - radio, 4 349-4235. 10-10-7 speed. $1500. MERCURY good METEOR condition. 355-7999. 2-9-24 1962. Best Very offer OLDSMOBILE 1971, convertible, like new. Everything on it. Any reasonable offer 442 We have filled 484-2479. 5-9-29 MERCURY MONTERREY of DODGE CORONET 1965. 4 door, 1962. AUSTIN-HEALEY Automotive Sprite 1965. white, good condition, power brakes, 2-9-27 new tires. 355-8037 V-8, automatic, power steering, and brakes. Radio. condition. 351-5037 after 5 pm Good OPEL KADET 1968. Station Good condition, low $750. 482-4248. 5-9-29 wagori! mileage. every one S-5-9-29 Re-built, new interior, top, paint, OPEL GT 1970, Like new. Red?4 apartments. DUNEBUGGY our tires and shocks. Phone 487-0207. 1969 assembly. speed. 13,000 miles. 5433 S. 3-9-27 Volkswagen motor, brand new MG MIDGET 1963. Good condition, tires. Must sell now. 655-3310 best offer over $375. 353-0177 Pennsylvania. Phone 882-3772 3-9-27 AUSTIN-HEALEY 3000 Mkll 1963. 5-9-29 2-9-24 1971 % - TON DATSUN PICK UP Clean, straight, must be seen $900. 355-7927. 2-9-24 BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. FIAT 1970. 124 Spyder, radial t 5 - speed. 485-3021. 2-9-24 1967 MGB-GT in fair condition. Call 489-2114 evenings. 3-9-28 We're sorry we Very good car. Many extras. $850 372-1168, 372-1529. 10-10-7 STORY BUICK 1963. Economy V-6, not salt exposed, clean, low mileage, new This Look Familiar? can not help PRICE s2,142 delivered in Lansing | tires, radio, automatic, power FREE RUSTPROOFING WITH ANY DATSUN SALE the many, many steering. Phone 332-0025. 5-9-29 CAMARO 1969. Excellent condition. 3 on floor. Best offer. 332-3372. 2-9-24 CAMARO, 1971 350. Vinyl roof. Power steering. $2800. 882-1698. 2-9-24 Rally wheels. students who have CROSSWORD [MjA^MWr'woa PUZZLE QNWT E IDWI Thanks . . . been calling us. ACROSS 1. Tael 28. Macadamia 30. Ballads "JA N D □IE* ISlL TOIO Cvll L eirMI 6. Ran 34. Enlisted men 10. Buyer 37. Prosecute . igll pi 11. Misfortunes 39. Over with TcJoJP As usual, we are proud to 13.Equal 14. Cupid's title 40. Sarcastic 43. Cyst "jES U A;T,i [MiTDL-. C be 100% leased. Please try earlier 15. Marine 16. Halfway 18. Adjust 44. Memorial 45. Before 47. Exists > AM pglElPl AlR 'sK.ej ?0. Sulk 48. Doctrine 22. Excessively 49. Furrowed Try us earlier for next next year. 23. Pioneered 51. Female rulfs 1. Wound summer because and of next the fall new, We're 24. Show scorn 26. Hobbyist 52. Long periods of tim« 2. At home 3. Compute You'll never see this at W w 9. Overjoy relaxed restrictions. "JUNIOR" leasing now for % 1: 10. Improvises 12. Pung 17, Outstanding 19. Sailor . I Collin gtoooi) next year. 21. Hall score 2b. Apples S?7. Deity . 29. Parson biro j WATER'S EDGE % ■31 Today apartments , RIVER'S EDGE more swinging wmmmmzMwrnwi '34. Drill '32. laminated rw 33. Intellect MODEL OPEN DAILY space than & 35. Bury APARTMENTS Fall leases now being accepted, (formerly Northwind Apts.) anyone &ii)]>ctungf)am 36. Tea cake 38-Each 41. Arrow P°'f 42 Cleveland s . I 1050 Water's Edge Dr. ???!!{? man 'UNLIMITED PARKING •DISHWASHERS 4620 S. Hagadorn V VcTV waterfront «pilU/o man 46. Stowe •SHAG CARPETING 332 4432 $220/4 man #AIR CONDITIONING 'BALCONIES *AND MUCH MORE MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: m character 50. Gold in hw'"l Call 351-8282 2771 Northwind Dr. (behind Yankee Store) Alco Management Company Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan nber 24, | Friday, September 24, 197 21 Scooters & Cycle* Employe Employment For Rent For Rent For Rent 650. 2000 mile*. 6" PART TIME employment with full For Rent For Sale line merchant ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. mention, real clean. 355-2788. Automobile required. 351 5800 wholesaler. COZY UPPER. 1 bedroom, SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 0-10-1 RENTAL. 372-4948. O . furnished. Near Eastern, and Houses $50 MONTHLY. Share room in BOOK SHELF speakers. Acoustic L.C.C. Quiet adult, ' '-'a house. 215 Evergreen. Engin# recently re-built. HASHACHAR. THE YOUTH references, Nina, suspension. 15 watt maximum. Bln, for chopping. 332-8717 MALE OR Female: Need 5 persons ORGANIZATION of HADASSAH lease, deposit.663-8418. 1-9-24 MODERN BLONDE bedroom set, 351 9601. 2-9-24 Frequency response 40-18,000 REFRIGERATORS like new, large dresser and mirror. ^5p.m. 2-0 24 at $2 per hour a.m. to 3 p.m. to work either 10 needs leaders to through 8th work with 5th DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth electric, - MALE ROOMMATE wanted. $70 a Also miscellaneous dresser, bed PRIVATE ROOM with kitchen CPS. $15 each. 337-2701. 2-9-24 daily, equals 25 grade boys and girls. month. Capitol Villa Apartments. Previous experience 315 Bridge, Grand Ledge. and bookcase headboard privileges. Prefer veteran. 154 miles hours week. Work either Call CHEMISTRY LAB SUZUKI 500. Excellent 5 - 10 working with 627-2191. TF 337-0854. 3-9-27 487=3096. S to campus. Call 5 - 9 PM equipment. p.m. daily, equals 25 youngsters this Complete ing no rust, low mileage. hours per age, and 337-1191. 2-9-24 set. Glassware, week, or can work 10 hours background in Jewish chemicals, etc. Reasonable. 55-1663. 5-9-29 on Zionism and studies, WANTED: PERSON to share house, ONE GIRL needed to share two EAST LANSING: 1638 and 1646 337-2701. 2-9-24 weekend. Saturday ans knowledge about Sunday. A Israel are duplex, apartment, etc. Near or in bedroom apartment with one Burcham Dr. Two deluxe b'sUZUKI X-6, $250. Cell Jim, good speaking voice a must. Call pre-requisites. Call East Lansing. Call 489-6501 and other girl in Park Trace duplexes, all appliances, garage, For Sale Mr. Morris 332-0596, Lois Simon. 3-9-27 SELLING OUT 30,000 library 857720 or Bob, 351-8232. 393-5293 between 9 ask for Blair Carter. 3-9-27 Apartments, Okemos. Call family only. $255/month. Call books. 28,000 at 10c. 2,000 at a.m. and 2 •9-27 p.m. An equal PART TIME office help needed. 349-9189. 5-9-29 Schroeder Builders, 349-0560 or GARAGE SALE. September 23-24, 50c. Open Saturday and opportunity employer.0-74.4-9-28 Work evenings. Call MR. 339-2536. 1-9-24 10 AM - 5 PM. Small and Sunday CLARK, large 10 -6. Call 669-9311. 0 SUZUKI T250. Excellent 351-3701. O Apartments LANSING OR East Lansing. One bureaus, end tables, lamps and Jerry's Flee edition, low mileage, high pipe*. $100-$300 and up possible. Part time bedroom furnished. TWO FOR good house. Downtown many other household items. 812 __Market; j?;9J24 5-9-29 in sales / administrative Large, airy position STUDENT rooms. Air conditioned. Lansing. Lantern Hill Drive, East FISHER RECEIVER. Year old. KLH Phone 332-3991, 3-7 WIFE for housework GREATLY REDUCED for singles. 3 Equal expenses. Call Lansing. p.m. 3-9-27 Beautifully maintained. Suitable 489-3177. 1-9-24 2-9-24 speakers Sony 252d. 337-1115. Monday and Friday mornings in bedroom, 2 bath. MSU girls only. , for faculty, grad uto Service & Parts SALES PERSONS needed for fashion East Lansing. Own Call 332-0204. 3-9-27 transportation. 332-6246. 0-9-24 students, business people, married couples. Lease. SMALL HOUSE, furnished. Pay own AR TURNTABLE. Single boutique. Apply at 309 South speed, B.I.C. / Lux 71/ 2R AM/FM stereo 332-3135 or 882-6549. O utilities. Phone 882-5536. After 5 GUARANTEED repair. GRADUATE STUDENT couple: 2 good condition. Best offer. receiver, 150 rms. New, in carton Washington, or call 489-8412 BRIGHT, AMBITIOUS student bedroom furnished mobile home. PM. 3-9-27 332-0110.3-9-28 iaNDV'S MOBIL. 1-96 at 2-9-24 needed as campus FORGET THE MICKEY MOUSE 349-0772.5-9-29 IkemosRoad. 349-9620. C for computer representative dating service. May Clean and quiet. 641-6601. O and high East Lansing rents. THREE MEN to share large house. GARRARD TURNTABLE; and Bell STEREO COMPONENTS as is. 2 NURSERY ATTENDANT: lady who likes babies and YoJng work for commission or Write: Cupid franchise. GIRL OVER 23 to share duplex. Modern, furnished one bedroom. Parking plentiful and privacy $60 per month each. Close to amplifier; Carrier air conditioner, dynaco Mark III $15. each / 1 little Computer, Box 67, Lansing. 393-2909. 4-9-28 campus. Call 339-2785 or 5000 BTU; Carbed. 372-5904. children for a church Citation pre-amp $20. 332-8905 Champaign, Illinois 61820. 3-9-28 guaranteed, downtown Lansing. J) RECISION Hours: Sunday, 9:30 AM nursery. $155. 482-5470. 4-9-28 332-6158 after 5 PM. 4-9-28 1-9-24 evenings. 2-9-24 7J IMPORTS PM. 6:45 PM 8:15 - 12:30 STUDENT WIVES CARRIED STUDENTS $30. EXQUISITE 2 bedroom dump SANSUI - PM ONE 5000A tuner. Good TAPESTRIES, WATERBED frames Wednesday, 6:45 PM 9:15 PM Earn $100-$300/ & FACULTY ROOMMATE wanted. in - month part-time country. Must have child condition. Best offer. Call and heaters. REBIRTH, 309 complete service for Call 349-2830. 2-9-24 a as Meadowbrook Trace. $66/month. party hostess with between 2 4 years old. 641-6620. 349-1874. 2-9-27 North B back. No all foreign models - a young Call 393-7319. 10-10-6 - Washington Avenue, growing corporation. Will train. rhauled. $95 n, repair and body work NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER Call 489-2114 evenings and Saturday. 1-9-24 KNOB HILL 5-9-29 NEED ONE girl. Own bedroom. Car HARPSICHORD. SOLID cherry. 8 and 4 foot strings. Lansing. 489-6168. USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 C-10-8 EXPERIENCED TEACHER 484-9856, & Cycles LSO! VW service available E. Oakland 484-4411 8:30 AM week. - $2/hour. 12:30 PM, 5 days a Call wanted, 482-7734. TRUCK DRIVER. Part time Experience necessary. Good nights. APARTMENTS GIRL WANTED to share trailer, own necessary. Must like animals. 485-8588 after 6 PM, 2-9-24 372-1529. 10-10-7 COMPONENT STEREO, BSR 600, East Michigan. Dishes, coins, antiques, rockers, junk. books, 2-9-24 Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open driving record. Hours 9 p.m. - 5 349-4700 room. Utilities, laundry facilities QUAINT, SPANISH hacienda, 8 - 10 Kenwood. 80 watt, Heathkit floor 970. 350 ON BODY SHOP, 812 East a.m. included. 351-6585. 5-9-29 Saturday and Sunday. Furniture A* Apply in person. 427V4 people, $60 speakers. $200 and "tion. 7,000 ulsmazoo Street . . . Since 1940. Albert St. 2-3 p.m. W OPEN 1 7 pm Mon.-Sat. - $70/each. firm. 373-0150 appliances open all week, 10 mi BABYSITTER. EAST LANSING, - days, 485-2369 evenings. 2.2-9-24 1 implete auto painting and YOUNG MAN, preferably Furnished, parking, across from 5-9-30 am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C Tuesday afternoons and some SUNDAY by appointment only student, to Hubbard ion service. IV 5-0256. C TURN THOSE share apartment in Hall. 351-4950 or evenings. References preferred spare hours into cash Lansing near 355-9822. 2-9-24 GARAGE SALE: Strange clothes, dollars. Be APPLES, PEARS, plums, sweet cider. 175 489-4386. 5-9-29 a toy demonstrator, Large 2 - bedroom, Michigan Avenue. Apply at 212 books, furniture, assorted goodies. Pick Endui part time. Top commission Allen Street, your own apples. Friday, "''eag*. Call Virtu, WANTED - WANTED PART TIME delivery bonus. No delivering or plus collecting. bath & % $jJ500 7 PM. 3-9-27 upstairs, between 5 - FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted, grad Friday-Saturday. 138 Burcham. (Just off Abbott.) 1-9-24 Saturday, Sunday. BLOSSOM 332-02, Full line of student or similar. House East ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of 5-9-29 ecked, rundown, man wanted, mornings only. samples. No cash MALE ROOMMATE: wanted. $65 a Leslie on Hull Road. (Old Apply in investment. Hostesses earn 15% Lansing. 351-8162. 3-9-27 U.S OPERATIVE FOREIGN person. Brothers Inc. 2326 South Cedar Street, per party. Start piling up those Large 3 - bedroom, month. Chalet Apartments. GUITAR, DECCA $25. Boys 20" 127) 589-8251. 9 - 6 PM. Closed 1T0S. Any year - any Lansing. dollars bath & 16— 351-7291. 1-9-24 ONE GIRL to share large bedroom in Schwinn bicycle, $8. 353-0842, Mondays. O 2-9-24 now. Call 655-1117. 3-9-27 ndition. ndition. State Price + 1st. letter. Also NEEDED: EXPERIENCED ONE OR 2 sophomore or SjJjOO house. $55 monthly, plus utilities. Car preferable. Available now. Call 332-3311. 1-9-24 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. Brand new portables RTS for all foreign cars thru groomer junior 482-7449, evenings. 3-9-27 YOU WONT believe our large - $49.95, SANE PRICES - Calls for pet shop. Salary 50% of fraternity members interested in LOCATED '/4 MILE NORTH selection of $5.00 per month. Large selection . frame styles. idited to purchase. grooming fee. Call 349-3950. earning $2000 to $4000 this OF JOLLY RD. ON ROOMMATES NEEDED. Four girls of reconditioned used machines. 2-9-24 school SHARE ROOMY house with four OPTICAOISCOUNT, 2615 East year managing a unique OKEMOSROAD to fill two apartments. Marmax graduate men. Private room. $55. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New sales business. Small Home & N + W FOREIGN investment apartments, 225 Division. Close to 489-3174. 2-9-24 "Many Others." $19.95 WRITERS, optional but would secure larger OKEMOS. FOUfl, 1 bedroom I5cc. Low milea AUTO WRECKING RESEARCHERS and campus. 0-3-9-28 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS to Computer programmers wanted in income. Position would also insure apartments, furnished. Call 100 USED vacuum cleaners. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, negoti all academic 349-3919. 5-9-29 Tanks, 126 So. 16th Street disciplines to produce summer employment with NEED ONE girl for winter Room* 1115 North 353 6830.2-9 unique term. canisters and uprights. Guaranteed Washington, Newcastle, lnd. 47362 educational aids. Earn good bread nationwide franchising Cedar full year. $7.88 and 489-6448. C-9-24 company. Village. Call 332-0653. one up. Ph.(317) 529-8886 doing what you do best. Call For further information and 4-9-30 ROOM WITH cooking DENNIS privileges for DISTRIBUTING WRITE-ON, 332-3700, 10-5 PM interview appointments. Call Don female senior or gradaute student. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. FIVE PIECE Spanish dinette set, one •NTION FOREIGN car owners: 3-9-27 Packer. 332-3914. 2-9-14 337-7070. A glass front bookcase, one large home away from Opposite City Market. C-9-24 gw open to serve you at the ONE OR 2 men needed for the 711 Burcham Apts. home. 2-9-24 contemporary wall clock. Make prices in town, KYPERS STUDENTS IN large lectures: We GOVERNESS coming school year. One block offer. Call Okemos, 351-1940. are FOR toddler. RUMMAGE SALE: Sunday. 152 from campus. 351-8862. 4-9-28 2-9-24 JREIGN CAR SERCVICE at buying individual lecture notes Summerhill method. Part time. Gunson Street. Starts at 1 and PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South. p.m. Hosmer Street. 489-9714. sets. GOOD bread plus Flexible schedule. Room and Large 2 or 3 Man, 1 9-24 bonus big ONE OR 2 girls needed for the Near Michigan Avenue. Quiet and pt end of term. Call board. 332-3357. 5-9-29 1 Bedroom Deluxe GARAGE SALE. D.shes, clean for student. Near bus line. ;,ots and WRITE-ON. 332-3700, 10•5 PM coming school year. One block HASSELBLAD pans, lots of stuff for 3-9-27 from campus. 332-4432. 4-9-28 Furnished Apartments. $15 week, plus deposit. 500C 21/." camera apartments. IMMEDIATE Phone with 80mm f/2.8 lens; Sunday, 3ptember 26th. 11 AM • OPENING for 3 9 Month 12 Month Honeywell Aviation students who can work or 627-5454. 2-9-24 electronic flash. Best offer. 5 PM. 1158 Snyder, East Lansing. JOB minimum of 22 hours a week. The a EAST LANSING duplex, 2 bedroom Lease, $180 a Month. 332-5555. S-5-9-30 353-0133. 2-9-24 TO FLY I Complete flight OPPORTUNITIES 3 guys working for us now are furnished apartments. Good WOMEN: location, ATTRACTIVE, well GUITAR: GUILD Starfire lining. All courses are averaging $57.23 a week. Call Mr. newer building. furnished, clean room. Parking. 2 TWO STUDIO beds with 111. 349-3919. 5-9-29 coverlets Natural wood finish, vibrato, tone tent and VA certified. Marks at 372-0047 for the whole blocks from MSU and bolsters. Best offer. Union. Call 351-0225 switch, hard shell case. Excellent IANCIS AVIATION, Airport scoop. 0-2-9-24 332-1760. 2-9-24 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 $125. ELM Street, for "country" sound. $150. *Ca'i 484-1324. Lansing, One John, ^ , bedroom, unfurnished, carpeted, 353-0133. 2-9-24 TWTCH1NGHAM: ' WANTED, GARAGE SALE: Automatic washer, For Rent stove, refrigerator, utilities paid, ohe WOMAN, SINGLE room in attractive wide Employment deposit. 489-2777. 2-9-24 male for 4 man. Fall term $70/month. 351-0046. 1-9-24 only. home, 5 minutes drive from furniture, carriage antique typewriter, china, glass, Nfk&*Pe&M{&A *lus campus, $50/month. No smoking. Phone 351-8994. 5-9-29 kitchenware, clothing, books, ST - part time 4-10 p.m. 70 MEOCOM Oiv. September 24-25th. 420 Kedzie LANSING. EAST side. 2, 1 bedroom 5 nights a week. Apply in Inth-Ticm Co«po«ation 10 p m' furnished apartments. $130 - $150 Drive. 2-9-24 (Please turn to the back page) 355-9619, 485-7495. 2-9-24 MEN; CLEAN, quiet rooms, 427'/j Albert St. 2-3 p.m. 199 S. Pi«rc» Birmingham, Mich.48C cooking. including utilities. Call 485-5304 1 block to campus. Call after 5 COMPACT REFRIGERATOR ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments or 489-9768. 3-9-27 PM. 485-8836, 487-5753. BABYSITTER TO come in for 18 IRONING. Of RENTALS: Lowest term rates from $145. 10 minutes from 0-2-9-24 any size, month boy. 1 - 12 PM 355-2995. available now. UNITED RENT - MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE LOOKING FOR a roommate? irienced, references and 2-9-24 ALL. 2790 East Grand River. CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 Open-end leases available. Call ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. inable. Phone 487-5566. Sorry, 351-5652. 0-1-9-24 Keller Road, Holt. C HALSTEAD Completely furnished. Cooking. 9-30 STUDENT FOR Professors home. We MANAGEMENT, 351-7910. O Call 372-8077. C need a kind, responsible, :R THE TV RENTALS. Color and Black TWO BEDROOM furnished. Students fascinating world of experienced person to live in our and ity. Show others how to be White. MARSHALL MUSIC, East welcome, 9 month lease, parking, home, help with our baby and do re beautiful. Flexible hours and Lansing. 351-7830. C-1-9-24 laundry, air. 10 minutes to some housework and cooking. ings. Phone 489-4852, 11 Room, board and campus. $200/month, includes $130/month. heat. Call p.m. and 6:30 10 p.m. Dyanne Dean of - Walking distance of campus. Call BUSINESS LOCATION across from We're all ■9-24 EIPPER REALTY INC. to see. Mrs. Anderson after 5 PM. MSU. Ideal for student oriented or 372-9730 or 487-5100. 5-9-29 ED7-0241. 2-9-27 student owned business. ERIENCED TV or Stereo 349-0772. 5-9-29 SPARROW NEAR. South Holmes irmen needed. Apply at MALE HANDICAPPED graduate Street. 2 room efficiency. Ground 'dent Electronics Repair Shop. student requires live-in assistance. 16 Student Services TV RENTALS Students level, furnished. Deposit. Building. Free room. Phone Dave 355-4015 - only. Low Conservative adults, $100. after 6 p.m. 3-9-28 monthly and term rates. Call 351-7900. 351-3969. Also, South Holmes, 1 UNIVERSITY TV in ,142 Lansing EXTRA money in your spare selling Koscot Oil of Mink osmetics. Call 489-2148 between m. for interview. 5-9-30 MARRIED STUDENT as cashier in retail dairy store. Approximately 20 hours/week. See Mr. Gillette, 1412 West Mt. Hope. 1-9-24 RENTALS. C TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery, service GIRL room efficiency, furnished. Gentleman only. $70. 351-3969. ROOMMATE needed: filled for and pick up. No deposit. Call $70/month. NJSALE ISTANT MANAGER for small Utilities paid. 747 RESTAURANT DINING room work. NEJAC, 337-1300. C Alton. 351-9160. 2-9-24 store. Experienced. Excellent pay and working URIOUS BOOK SHOP. the 541 East coming conditions. Apply in person. ONE MAN wanted for 3 bedroom WANTED: ONE River (below Paramount) or 2 girls for P.m. KNIGHTCAP, 320 East Michigan duplex 'Campusclose. 351-6344. apartment in Capitol Villa. 3-9-28 Avenue. IV9-7433. 4-9-29 5-9-24 332-1779.3-9-28 pLE NEEDEO to manage a BABYSITTER NEEDED for one Way House in Lansing, ■ child, Monday and Thursday flexible, free room and evenings. Park Trace, Okemos. BICYCLE plus $100 per month. For 349-1389. 3-9-28 school year. ,r« information call Kay ""ond at 393-4990, weekdays CLEANING LADY. 1 or 2 days a l^-to 5p.m. 3-9-28 week. Own transportation. In East * 'ETARY: HILLEL Lansing.$2/hour. Phone Foundation, 332-8573. 1 9-24 . typist, Mondays thru avs' 9 ' • 5. Phone Rabbi INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. PART TIME receptionist and phone SALE 332-1916. 2-9-24 work. Must be 21 and have your own dependable transportation. JJED wh°COUPLES ren ' Neat „J* unemployed. Absolutely need appearance, without supplimentary wife Hours 1 - 5 PM. Call Miss Jones, 372-0047 for an interview. 0-9-24 WANTED: PERSON to care for 2 ♦ READING STUDY. ROOM FOR PRIVATE Try us earlier m J1C,S or se,linD °f any kind cats, through term. Will pay. Call £ PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. Adjacent Civetlike am® PM?' N° inve«ment. Phone 4 .j",or appointment 694-9464. Nancy, 2-9-27 351-8882 or 351-1134. £ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, ^ COURTS. PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL for next year. Ethereal - "auy smei FELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB Athletic field home- 355-2988. 2 355-9656. 3-9-27 ROOM. TV ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. Competitor • FUN 200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING Ceb a r Overjoy Improvises IN YOUR OLYMPIC POOL STARR'S BUCK & TAN Pung Outstanding * Sailor RATES FROM Halt score COCKTAILS SANDWICHES (Greens Apples - BEERS - Deity /PERSON/MONTH . Parson biro Today laminated1 Watch sports Channel 41 Intellect Drift on MEADOWBROOK Bury Tea cake Open 7 a.m. til 2 a.m. Bicycle Sale: Fri., Sept. 24, 197L at.1 w?.?:M- £ 1135 Michigan Ave. Each TRACE . . Salvage Yard, 1330 So. Harrison Road, Michigan State Arrow pois°n University Campus. Various makes and conditions. Cleveland s waterfront ewotS 305 River St. At Washtenaw All items may be seen at Salvage Yard, Sept. 24, from 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. To gat to Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State Campus on 1-496. Exit west onto Road and go to corner of Dunckel Jolly 351-8631 character Road. oG heral dlin Roland H. Starr, Owner OPEN 11-7 DAILY OR BY PHONE 393-0210 APPOINTMENT right next to Brody Complex 22 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday Seplcmh,.,, 5-92 For Sale Service For Sale For Sale For Sale Personal Recreation Who'» SUPER GARAGE sale. Furniture, WATER BED UNITS $60. Mattress, IRISH SETTER pups. AKC. Field, BILLIE'S BALLET Studio. European COMPLETE THESES service. pinnings appliances, books, etc. 240 Beal liner, foam pad and frame. Any show, obedience, pet. Excellent Mobile Homes trained. Professional ballerina and Discount printing. IBM typing and Cindy Greenhaleh hot Street. 351-1740. Starting today. 2-9-24 size. Water mattresses, $26.50. REBIRTH, 309 North Washington Avenue, selection. Diamondale, 646-5811. _JJJ9:24 1967, 10' x 61'. Excellent condition. 2 bedroom, partially furnished. teacher. Now excepting pupils for beginning, advanced intermediate classes. and Across from binding of theses, resumes, publications. Across from campus, corner M.A.C. and Grand Riveri SSff-AiSSS Lansing, 489-6168. COLLIES. Parked near DeWitt. $2500 or best ENG AG EM STARLIGHT DRUM set, good AKC. Sable male and below Jones Stationery ENTS 6 10-1 campus. Call 332-5511. 4-9-28 Shop Call condition, $400 new, best offer. tri-colored female, 11 weeks. $65 offer. Call 669-3493. 7 10-1 COPYGRAPH Bonnie Brown, SERVICES Huntin . *nior to Pete 351-0225 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 GARAGE SALE: Everything from and $50. 332-1919. 2-9-24 COEDS: STAR with creative color 337 1666. C Greer v ' * Ronna I iPson. MOVING SALE: Furniture, lamps, antiques to new hip boots and FREE: 6 week old puppies. 1968 MOBILE Furnished, home. 12' x very good condition. 52'. photography in campus scenics, activities, and pictorials for your FOR SALESPOWER try a little Classified Ad to sell a large mobile Oak Harvey Heller Ea«» r JUni'p"'?nti« sleeping bag. 137 Northlawn. appliances, clothing, carpet, baby Cocker-Dingo mix. Give them a $3600. 834 5945. 2 9-27 story telling album of campus life. homel Dial 355-8255 todayl Junior, brand r Saturday and Sunday. 1-9-24 home. Call 489-1345. S-9-29 » E. things, lots more. Saturday, Reasonable rates. Call after 6 PM Hoffman Eas, TRAVELO 12' x 60' plus expando. 627-9628. 2-9-24 Senior Phi Mu , Sunday 9 - 5 PM. 805-208 Cherry FREE CAR shampoo for every sale to 7honia,, BOARDING: HORSES boarded. 15 Carpeting, Service r Lane. 2-9-24 of solid black dress Guaranteed for life. By JAY socks. minutes from campus. Both box conditioner, draperies, nice yard, air near THERE IS still time to complete a ST UM"' *»»'• %£r; SCOTT STEREO console. Dual NORRIS CORP. Call and slip stalls at reasonable rates. campus. Call 351-1194, 5-9-30 Kaplan Tutoring Course for the FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS 337-1216 655-3410 or 655-2285. 3-9-27 MCAT, DAT, and LSAT. BOARD changer. Oak cabinet, for appointment. 1-9-24 DELTA 1968. 12' x 60' plus 7' 12 EXAMS scheduled for October. Mediterranean style. 332-6717 ranted after 5 PM. 2-9-24 GARAGE Furnished and like new. Located Call 313-851 6077 for CALL SALE: Many antiques, 10 minutes West of MSU. Don't information and enrollment. BLOOD DONorq tractor, humidifier, old trunk, chairs. No clothes. junk. 4962 Lots of good Hillcrest, Okemos. OWNER ALLERGIC: Fluffy gray rent, invest. Boehm, $6900, 482-0805, terms Call Ed evenings 7-10-1 353 5292 -PCitKne^fSO 8nd AB negative September 24-25. Grand River male kitten. 12 weeks; male and 627-6794. Boehm 8t Bowerman, negative, $120n' ,T 000 and Okemos Road. 1-9-24 female, 6 weeks; beautiful calico 8 Inc. Realtors. 3-9-28 DOUBLE MATTRESS and spring on months; situation desperate. DRAFT DEFERRMENT available frame, Sears best; Bike 24" 2 COMPONENT STEREO. Will sell all 351-6929. 2-9-24 for qualified applicants. Lansing. Above th» ' Lost & Found Call Wanted speed boys condition; Schwinn, excellent Magnavox record dr part. New, still under BASSETT PUPPIES for sale. AKC, 355 2168. 3 9-28 Book Store. Pm Ho^ a? C* warranty. Call evenings, Monday. Thursd N player and Sunbeam built in cabinet; toaster ; Kenmore 332-4455. 4-9-28 five weeks. 677-8561 after 5 PM. FOUND: SMALL coin purse. Phone STATE DISCOUNT, 337-1521. UNION BOARD Travel Office open Typing Service BABYSITTING IN MY Spartan Friday. Tuesday amiw/7 vacuum; ironing board; Konica MARTiN: D-35. Gibson: SG; Long 5 3-9-27 11:30 - 4:30. Phone 353-9777. C Village home, experienced _pm to6:30Pm. 337.7183? C-35 camera and automatic up DALMATION PUPS; AKC, home 355-0992. 5-9-30 lens. Call 349-2753. 3-9-27 string banjo, 351 3277. 3-9-27 LOST: FREE A lesson in SAVE SAVE SAVE STUDENTS WANTECHn^ raised litter. 393-8558, after 6 pm. AROUND ... complexion 9-10-71. Black and leather care. Call 484 4519, East XEROX COPYING- offset best TWO part tjme -J*1*, 6-10-1 coin purse. Sentimental, Michigan - SENIOR coupons to Animals reward. 351-9379. 1-9-24 or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. quality at reasonable prices. THE Michigan-MSU game. Call available. Need between 18 and 25 men an^ GUITAR AMPLIFIER, 105 watt DOG OBEDIENCE classes. MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand 355-5889. 1-9-24 ye8rs * sound. Two 12 inch speakers, Sponsored by Student STUDIOS. C-9-24 River. Phone 332-4222. C manager in pub|ic Several positions 4"JJl reverb trem. Four inputs. $200 or Veterinarians' Wives, starting Personal COMMUNITY MUSICIANS, 35mm personal avail,b|, rJ best offer. 393-8816. 5-9-29 September 27. Call Mrs. Wilson, Peanuts Personal ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith slide composition, film makers, interview SOFA, CHAIRS, apartment size 393-2388. 2-9-24 COUPLES WANTED for mixed offset printing. Complete service poets, dramatists - for superior __and 2 PM. 371-3280. sgj1 FRIENDLY for dissertations, acoustic and visual medium. KITTENS free to Bowling League Saturday nights, BARRY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the theses, electric stove, chest, student friendly people. Phone 337-0052. 7-9 PM, call Keith, 349-3523, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Inquire. Abrams Planetarium, WmMichigan-MSU "J*0' desks. 351-5313. 2-9-24 3-9-27 Ron, 355-2819. 2-9-24 most wonderful Cheryl. 1-9-24 boyfriend. Love, 22 years experience. 349-0850. C 355 4672, Skip. 3-9-27 Call game, 332-1075. 5-9-29 o^I It's like eating on the 50 SAIG0 toKyir !4 hours ictions i iouth ippositio Present ippositio SJJAHL toordini gainst E ession o ources cl The n< roups 'Ppositioi liieu's election Among >' the mil Ofthern Werans, nd oppo ower hou The it Tgely Monstra Student wnoralizt "ed overv disrupt kmonstra Sources ttrticularl; ' police the •filtrated The lat unday af *erans, « For home football have the meal that scores everytime For souvenirs, the Spartan Spirit eliminating traffic opposition by offering excellent food Shop in the basement of the in sight of the stadium International Center is IN THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER open all day Saturday