Oh.. Monday , . fie, Mia, you mu»t not kits MICHIGAN and toll. Cloudy STATE NEWS . . . -Congreve STATE ■ ■ . chance of showers or thundershowers. High between UNIVERSITY 68 and 73. e 64 Number 31 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 27, 1971 Trustees weigh salary hike I L Rv MICHAEL By State News The board of MICHAEL FOX FOX Staff Writer trustees will consider a 7 Council could award the public. ruled that Michigan universities wage increases, will be open to The Federal Cost of noted in a ruling earlier this Living Council month that ' employment provided that he or she would be eligible to accrue earnings prior to Aug. Wednesday Variations on the proposed-7 per cent # appropriation, however, and reportedly has cent wage increase for faculty and Although because of the wage increase would hold for academic funds to operate the trustees approved Michigan Legislature's 15, 1971, the teacher is eligible for the pay through the end of Eff retroactive to July 1, at a special 1971-72 total operating budget of $118.5 a failure to approve a new higher education raise," the council ruling stated. faculty, depending on the college, Perrin noted. October. Wing at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the million on Sept. 9, they delayed action on appropriation until Sept. 7, the Michigan "In the situation which prevailed in the Roger Wilkinson, vice president for Kellogg Center Heritage Room. wage increases for universities had not been able to State of Michigan, the only Although MSU asked the state business and finance, said earlier this University employes implement thing which legislature for a 6.5 per cent wage increase, | The special meeting, arranged by because of the federal wage-price freeze wage hikes planned to go into prevented that teacher's eligibility from the final higher education month that though the legislature only effect July 1, 1971. ■resident Wharton after the Cost of Living imposed Aug. 15. accruing earnings at that rate was the package sent to appropriated 3.5 per cent of the 7 per cent "If the individual the governor only allowed for a 3.5 teacher's term of failure of the state legislature to take per wage increase, MSU would make up the cent wage increase. The $76-million MSU action," it continued. difference internally. The MSU appropriation and other Michigan college contribution to the wage increase will be Robert Perrin, vice president for appropriation bills are still on Gov. about $2 million if approved University relations, said Friday that the Milliken's desk, awaiting his signature. by the MSU trustees. wage increases will cost the Milliken is reportedly awaiting action by The University is University about $4 million if approved by the legislature in October on welfare examining all program the trustees. The increase would be across areas in an effort to reallocate reform before he will sign any 1971-72 existing the board for staff resources to permit the salary increase, including the catagories budget bills. MSU has received its Wilkinson said of administrative following the Sept. 9 trustee - professional and clerical September operating check from the State - technical. of meeting. Tuition will not be raised this Michigan despite the unsigned year, he added. "It's coming out of our hides, in effect. President Wharton is very keen on increasing the level of salary for our faculty," Perrin said Friday. When the trustees meet Wednesday, Absentee their main concern might be the operating grounds for the proposed wage vo one administrator suggested Friday. No increase, substantial opposition to the increase is expected, one source observed. still a student At the University of and staff received an Michigan, faculty average 6.5 per cent wage increase earlier this month following the Ffederal Cost of By BOB ROACH Living Council ruling with the East on Michigan universities. The U-M Board of Executive Reporter Lansing city clerk's office Regents approved the wage increase at the were reportedly told that the same time they approved U-M's 1971-72 interpretation was "hogwash," and budget. Students apparently will retain the Patriarche later said: The U-M wage increase totals about option to vote by absentee ballots in their "We take $6 exception to this- million, with about half hometowns — at least until further court that amount — or interpretation that a student can no longer 3.5 per cent of the increase — action determines whether they must vote exercise his option appropriated to vote in his by the legislature. The increases are not in their college towns. hometown by absentee ballot. There has across the board, Various state and local officials been no official however, with the biggest interpretation to that jumps for graduate teaching fellows and disagreed Friday with the interpretation, effect and until we get further guidance other lower salary levels. published in Friday's State News, of two we'll continue with our present policy." The U-M attorneys who said they feel a recent While attorneys consulted had contribution to the wage varying increase was explained Sunday by an editor Michigan Supreme Court decision means opinions, Patriarche said Ferency was one at the Michigan MSU students must vote in East Lansing. of those who diasagreed with the idea that Daily, Ann Arbor's student W. Perry Bullard and J. Robert student must vote in his newspaper. Carr, a college town. working in East Lansing with Various Ferency said that opinion is a matter of (Please turn to page 15). Organizations to Encourage Registration "sheer dictum." (VOTER), said Thursday that the August "I don't believe that students MUST court decision ruled unconstitutional a vote where they part Rain, rain of state election law that said persons do didn't say that go to school. The court specifically and it doesn't Taylor tickets not lose or gain residency while students. necessarily follow from the main ruling," Tickets go on sale today for the ASMSU Spectator! attending a college football game expect to see players, a marching band and cheerleaders. At By implication, they said, students are he said, explaining that by "dictum," a the now covered by another part of the law Pop Entertainment concert featuring James MSU vs. Oregon State game Saturday no one could fail to also see the lawyer, such as Bullard or Carr, may draw a thousands of umbrellas over the heads of that Taylor scheduled for 8 p.m. Oct. 8 in football enthusiasts. says persons with one or more broader meaning than the one State News photo by Jeff Wilner residency must vote where they spend "the clearly Jenison Fieldhouse. Tickets are $4 and $5 spelled out by the court. greater part of the time." and may be purchased at Marshall Music in "Everyone is entitled to their own But John M. Patriarche, East East Lansing, Campbell's Smoke Lansing Shop and city manager, replied that MSU students (Please turn to page 15) the Union. Iky organizes group will retain their option to vote ballot and that guidelines are by absentee being sought from the state election director. Barnard J. Apol, the election director; Zolton A. Ferency, East Lansing attorney, Anti-Thieu forces meet and Russell A Searl, asst. state general for state affairs, joined Patriarche in disagreeing with Bullard's assertion designation of residency for voting attorney that I SAIGON (AP) — Vice President Nguyen the four - lane Saigon - Bien Hoa Previous weekend demonstrations purposes is no longer a matter of choice highway, Bao Ky met Sunday, for the second time in South Vietnam's busiest street, resulted in the fire bombings of five but of law. blocking B4 hours, with leaders of antigovernment traffic for more than half an hour. vehicles, three of them American. One U.S. Several concerned students who checked Navy man was slightly injured. Tactions ith in a continuing effort to organize They marched down the highway, The largest single incident involved a Vietnam's desparate political carrying anti - Thieu banners and painting crowd of 150 to 200 students which was position. slogans on the pavement. When fire trucks SN open house I Present at the last meeting were 43 were called in to extinguish the piles of quickly broken up into small bands by Imposition leaders who had formed burning tires and rubble, the veterans police firing tear gas grenades. The State News will hold a an open house Life in the city went on almost [Coordinating Committee of Citizens pelted firemen, police and newsmen with normally, despite swarms of police and at 7:30 p.m. today in 326 Natural Science pinst Dictatorship" at a Saturday night rocks. Bldg. to acquaint students with the hsion organized by the vice president, Combat police dispersed the troops in the streets. In the provinces, and operation of the newspaper. The State lources close in many parts of ' to Ky reported. demonstration with a volley of tear gas Saigon, citizens were News will be accepting job applications at unaware of, or unconcerned with the |^The new committee includes virtually all fired into the roadside shantytown where demonstrations. the open house. which have expressed public many of the veterans live. Opposition to President Nguyen Van uncontested campaign for selection Oct. 3. I Among the members representatives Russia are protests Pthe militant An Quang Buddhist Church, orthern Catholics, labor unions, disabled sterans, political parties, former generals, •nd opposition blocs of the Senate and Tower house. I The meetings came Tje|y emonstrations. ineffectual during I Student demonstrators were said to be anti a weekend of - Thieu of officials; Intourist m MOSCOW (AP) - The Soviet Union organization and the trade Most here doubted that the Russians demoralized and disorganized after police mission to quit Britain. It accused the M lodged a strong protest Sunday against would conduct a tit for - tat retaliation, overwhelming manpower and tear gas - Britain's expulsion of 105 Russian officials officials of engaging in massive espionage disrupt their attempts at mass street although some expulsions are expected. and threatened "corresponding reply operations in the country and said its The British Embassy here has a staff of ■etnonstrations. measures" if the expulsion order is not information came from a defecting Soviet of which 40 are classified as 78, I Sources said the students were rescinded. agent. diplomats. There are also 20 to 30 British exchange ®rjrticuiarly dismayed by the effectiveness The Soviet protest note said, "All the police in Deputy Foreign Minister Semyon students in Russian universities and about ' suppressing their protests, and Kozyrev read the protest note to the responsibility for the possible 450 representatives of commercial and the extent to which police had British ambassador in Moscow, Sir John consequences of this action lie completely, 'filtrated their ranks. of course, with the British government. If engineering firms working on projects in Killick, who had been asked to come to the the Soviet Union. iu h 'atest demonstration nday afternoon was staged Foreign Ministry. A British spokesman the British side leaves these measures in The Russians have much to lose by a by a dozen disabled described the meeting as "calm and cool." force, the Soviet side will have nothing to wholesale expulsion of British engineers who lit bonfires in the middle of "The ministry flatly rejects the do but to take corresponding reply and technicians. In recent years, the Soviet allegations that the staff of Soviet measures." Union has been making extensive use of institutions in Britain are engaging in Diplomats in Moscow speculated that the Soviet government made its imported technology and has brought in activities constituting a threat to Britain's Voter sign-up security, as ungrounded and fabricated the expulsions known position on relatively early in foreign specialists to teach their skills to Soviet technicians. with obviously provocative aims, hostile to order to give Britain time to reconsider its ^®Puty registrars will be in the second concourse of the Union today to the Soviet Union," the protest note read. actin before Foreign Secretary Sir Alec The Soviet protest note said "the measures taken by the British government The British Foreign Office announced Douglas - Hume meets this week with cannot be !ter student voters in East Lansing. Soviet regarded as separate from the Friday that it had ordered 105 officials of Foreign Minister Andrei A "Nation will continue from 9 a.m. to 4 the Soviet Embassy, the state airline Gromyko. Both are in New York for the Aerofiot, the Moscow Narodny Bank, the United Naions General Assembly meeting. (Please turn to back page) Srkiihlla Did i register to vote yet? . you This rock in front of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house on Abbot Street was decorated to remind passersby that Oct. 3-9 is Fire Prevention Week. State News photo by Donald Sak 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan — Monday, Septet ,, — news Bookstore now run Title 22 of the ASMSU Operating Code late In May. The code by ASMSU called for incorporation of the bookstore into cabinet services coming from bookstore profits, Miss BrininstoofJiri^ rep*yment summary "Man and Nature Bookstore no longer exists," a Dianne Rathnow, director of cabinet services for the Associated smiling pending dissolution of the Man and Nature Corp. As the process of dissolving the corporation began, Man and Nature organization faltered. During the course of the summer, As still another financial operate on a dally accounting system. In addition to safeguard, the new bLu ^kstore will From the wires of AP and UPI. Students of MSU (ASMSU), announced Friday revamping its business oner.*, morning. Mrs. Linhart and her appointed director failed to revive the bookstore intends to increase the Miss Rathnow had just received word from the State of scope of its client ns' tf>« facility's business slump. By midsummer, Man and Nature was Rather than carry literature and posters aimed Michigan Dept. of Commerce that the Man and Nature Corp. had faction of the .» , been dissolved. The notice was the last in a series of steps closed. As debts grew to $6,000, summer term textbooks sat uncrated in the stockroom. will University community, the expand to include a broader supply of new booL °^y 0I* culminating in the establishment of a completely revamped Mrs. Linhart stepped down from her post as the dissolution hard cover texts, course outlines textbook? and poetere Miss R.?'Includ|n8 bookstore under the auspices of cabinet services. To complete their aim and avoid "President Wharton is very keen procedures neared fmalization. Management positions were any entaMl«J22ni°W wid' Man and Nature was formed in 1969 as both a student assumed on increasing the level of salary by former Man and Nature employes Donald Bale and previous accounts, ASMSU has begun a process J?!". the organization and a corporation by three students, Geoff Miss Brininstool, in cooperation with cabinet services. stock owned by the Man and Nature for our faculty." Alderson, Douglas Morton and June Jacobson. TTie founders "ASMSU has taken us under their umbrella," Miss Brininstool "Man and Nature is under new Corp. burning «ji Robert Perrin, vicepresident remained with the bookstore operations until their management in »h„ ^ ,n the tr"<«tional - » , graduations, said as Title 22 went into effect. "Harold Buckner, ASMSU sense," Miss Rathnow said. three terms later. for university relations With their exit, the bookstore, which had board chairman, and Dianne have been very cooperative. Both established itself Don and I are confident that the new organization will have Despite the many changes, both Miss with a select group of clientele, was a Brininstool Rathnow managed by Elizabeth positive effect for everyone involved." emphasized that the goals of the bonL (See related article, page 1) Linhart. provide students with books and other Inclusion of the bookstore as part of cabinet services is supplies at a hu Man and Nature's operations appeared to be running smoothly expected to result in several changes. will be retained. PP "l 8 - until, in April, 1971, the facility began to exhibit financial To avoid repeating the accounting problems which contributed "With minimal wages and almost no problems. Responding to the hint of financial difficulty, as well to the earlier $6,000 deficit, Miss Rathnow overhead we cm . plans to appoint a our no-profit minimal-profit policy, giving dmtic is recognizing their lack of control over the bookstore, ASMSU business manager to oversee all financial affairs. to or students, Miss Rathnow said. red.^i Auction, stepped in to help settle the problems. ASMSU has taken a "no-fault" stance in arranging payment of To help publicize the new Canada fears less jobs ASMSU members and former Man and Nature employes past debts. If the curporation founders are unable to meet the "Name the Bookstore Contest," establishment, ASMSU will hnM conflict in their interpretations of the ASMSU intervention. complete* with prizes, next groups agree, however, that bookstore management Both we*/ Canada still is was reeling from the impact of new trade experiencing some degree of financial problems. policies decreed by the United States, which is the In addition. Miss Rathnow claims, the Man and Nature ENROUTE TO ALASKA market for two-thirds of Canada's exports. Officials fear accounting system was amiss. As a student organization, Man and 90.000 more workers may be without jobs within a Nature had violated several regulations, and bookstore management became increasingly uncooperative, she said. year, adding to an already chronic unemployment problem. • Government concern about the damage to the Canadian economy has mounted in the month - and - a - Man and Nature's organizational attentions were turned from business to its defense earliest interventions of ASMSU, Man and Nature volunteer and co-director of the problems worsened as its Mary Jane Brinistool, former against the Nixon plans talks, visits newlyformed half since President Nixon announced the measures. facility, said. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - a reception in Anchorage at the As but never used. greeted at the Portland Air a settlement to the chaotic conditons which President Nixon, developed, heading for home of the man he fired as The subject of detention Base ASMSU, in cooperation with several bookstore employes, passed Alaska and his historic meeting although there was heckling and' secretary of the interior, Walter camps is particularly sensitive in with Emperor Hirohito of Japan, some shouted epithets when J. Hickel, the former governor of the West because hi scheduled two stops. One at an during World gave his customary ,ffN Selassie to visit Peking atomic plant at Richland, Wash., Alaska. It will be their first War II 120,000 Japanese - speech. There was picketing by meeting . since Hickel was Americans living on the West anti to make - Nixon, antiwar groups it Communist China maintained lid CHICKEN NIGHT announcement an unspecified Sunday about removed from the year. position last Coast were interned in such the Benson Hotel in downtown a Sunday on nuclear energy, and another in camps. Portland, where he stayed unexplained developments in the country, but there Every Tuesday Evening 5 P.M. to 10 P.M. Although the visit with the The President, accompanied overnight, but there were not All You Can Eat Anchorage. Emperor will be the high point could be some clues next week when The President meets by Mrs. Nixon, was warmly major outbursts. emperor Haile Emperor of the President's long journey Selassie of Ethiopia visits Peking. Hirohito at Elmendorf Air Force from Washington, he also China and Ethiopia established diplomatic relations Base near Anchorage, it will be jammed two stops and many Students protest the first time in history that a last November, and Selassie accepted an invitation to handshakes into his schedule Japanese ruler has stepped on Saturday. pay a visit Oct. 6 - 12. He will be the first foreign'head foreign soil. In Portland, he held a surprise of state to visit Peking since rumors started The President also will attend circulating meeting with union and last week that party Chairman Mao Tse-tung had been Choose from our sumptuous A la Carte Menu management leaders locked In a Hirohito's tour taken seriously ill, or had died. dock strike that has idled 24 Save! Save! Save! West Coast ports and tied up at tlje ijDtdttoicfe $3ut) least 150 ships since July 1. Rent Your Public uproar over tax Economic losses have been TOKYO (AP) - More than the four youths arrested. estimated at $150 million. 1,200 leftist Japanese students Hirohito has said he Is hopeful Later, Harry Bridges, rallied and marched in heavy Serving Cocktails and Premium Beer his trip will help promote Beirut's store windows, the most eye-catching in the Middle East, have been shuttered for a week. Thousands of tons of 7 Days a Week (from 2 P.M. on Sunday) TV president of the Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, and Ed Flynn, chief negotiator for rain Sunday, protesting Emperor Hirohito's departure on sentimental journey to Europe. a friendship between Japan ind the nations he will visit. Leftist students claim the trip Is al goods are piling up in customs sheds at the 110 Well Appointed Sleeping Rooms, Color TV, the Pacific Maritime Association, The students, members of the port and airport. Parliament is meeting in emergency Private Meeting and Banquet Rooms Available BY THE TERM! told Nixon they would try to radical leftist at the boosting Hirohito's image to session. reach a settlement by the end of Zengakuren standing he enjoyed before Free Delivery organization, have linked the World War II to help revive When Finance Minister Elias Saba issued this week. They have been a decree emperor's 18 - day tour with militarism in Japan. Sfcpt. 16 slapping a tax on 450 imported items, ranging ftoni automobiles to tooth paste, he had little idea of ALBERT PICK (BfiBBi Free Service Free Pick-up meeting for weeks in San Francisco. what they call a revival of Japanese militarism. the public uproar it would create. As he said: "I don't MOTOR HOTEL $25.00 per term The President announced in En route to Copenhagen, Portland that he has signed a bill have much experience in politics." Saginaw (M-78) and Grand River (M-43) Eat* Lansing University TV Rentals abolishing the Detention Act of 1950. Nixon Emergency Hirohito's jetliner will make a refueling stop at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, where he Argument phone 337.174, disclosed that six detention 351-7900 will meet President Nixon. The Heavy attacks launched homes for suspected subversives had been built under the act — meeting will be the first between a U.S. president and an emperor heard on of Japan. Congregation Kehillat Israel Enemy forces Sunday launched their heaviest attacks along the Cambodia - South Vietnam border in nearly invites you to services Kol Nidre - Tuesday 7:15 pm Police increased from 20 to 100 the number of palace guards at the bias of lest following an incident four months, hitting 10 South Vietnamese Yom Kippur • Wed. 9:30 am Saturday in which four Members of the Civil Service positions and Examination Review Board one U.S. base, protestors forced their way onto according to field reports. to Sunset. At dusk, 18 hours after the first the palace grounds and hurled a Friday heard spokesnen for Leo assaults, sporadic 855 Grove St., E. Lansing smoke bomb. A guard was C. Forster, Inkster senior, and contact was reported continuing. U.S. helicopter 332-6120 State Capitol tour guide, argue injured slightly in a scuffle and gunships were attempting to track down North that the test given tour guide Vietnamese troops. applicants last June was biased city residents. UNCLE SAM'S Initial reports said 58 North Vietnamese in favor of innner troops were killed. These s?«ne official reports said three South Jon McNeil, exam board Vietnamese were killed and 37 were wounded. chairman, said the three • STEAK HOUSE board would reconvene privately late this week to begin discussing the appeal. Money solution sought No. 26 McNeil said it predict when a was difficult to final decision on The ten Forster's case would be made. great non-Communist industrial nations He explained that the re agreed Sunday on a three-pronged approach to seek Filet Steak $1.79 board's recommendation i solution of the world's money disorders, by year end. Sirloin Steak $1,761 be approved by the state And Secretary of the $1.63' personnel director before a final Treasury John B. Connally said Pork Chops the United States hopes to diminish the role of Fried Chicken $1.51 decision can be announced. gold as a Jumbo Fried Shrimp currency standard. On the eve of the annual $1.88 If Forster's appeal meeting of the 118-nation Fried Lake Perch $1.54 denied, he may take International Monetary Fund, Connally dodged a yes - includes complaint to the Civil Service or no answer to the direct question whether the United which has find - Baked Idaho Commission, States considers an increase in the Potato, price of gold - in Texas Toast and Salad. jurisdiction in civil service effect, a devaluation of the dollar disputes. In that instance, - a non-negotiable could be several months before issue in international Steak Burger $1.04 monetary discussions. the MSU senior, who will leave includes Baked BOOK SHELVES .. Potato and Texas Toast. his job Oct. 2, knows the FOUR DRAWER outcome of his appeal. Byrd being resented DESK SEVEN DRAWER Open 7 Days a Week TV RENTALS The hard-driving tactics of Sen. From 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Delivery DESK 229 S. Washington • e Service Robert C. Byrd, who has taken virtual 611 S. Waverly TRESTLE Downtown Lansing Free Pick-up control of day - to - day Senate NEJAC TV RENTALS DESK 4825426 scheduling, are beginning to cause 482-1759 337-1300 resentment among some of his fellow DESK 5# 23 BOSTON Democratic senators. CHAIRS O ROCKERS *23 Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana has been content to let Byrd, his deputy, handle the ALL ABOVE ITEMS ON PLUS MANY OTHERS. ALSO DISPLAY Everything that time-consuming and often tedious FREE duty of making sure amendments are INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL FINISHING! to know about brought up and bills expedited, and the West Virginian has been relentless STORE HOURS in pushing for unanimous consent _API/0t *(but were afraid to ask) CIi agreements to set specific times for action. But twice in the past week, first on [TYIUMBER sm>i MSU Sailing Club an amendment by Sen. Gale McGee, OWffltY ROBERT C. BYRD D-Wyo., and then on one by Sen. opa ' t Hubert H. Humphrey, D-Minn., Byrd KAUMAZOO IV 211 IS stirred antagonism from the sponsors *e Honor li* Miner iciid >U Mist* Charte li.kj.ls he claimed to be helping. Pefsaalize* Service Otr Sptcutly Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Room 35 llniQL Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 27, 1971 3 Policy questions stall sign-up By BOB ROACH Executive Reporter Other firms providing medical, insurance could not be reached life, automobile and property Friday. Both City Clerk Beverly Colizzi and City Manager John M. Diebel explained that until a Patriarche were uncertain person reaches 19 years of age, he Friday where the information Concern arose Friday among several students who reported is now automatically covered dispensed by deputy clerks came from and Patriarche said there that when by his parents' policy. That age will be lowered to 18 when the had been no authorization for it. Mrs. registering to vote the City Clerk's they were advised by registrars in "age of majority" law takes effect Colizzi said she gave no office that they stood to lose Jan. 1, but then, as authorization for the deputy clerks to advise the insurance now, a person up to 25 years old can be registrants that they coverage when they officially declare covered if the parents pay additional premiums for a "rider" on might lose their parents' coverage, but added, "There is some parents. residency away from their their policy. question that the sutdents will be disqualified when they move A least one The Blue Cross legal staff is now from their parents' homes." major Michigan insurance company studying effect of the "age of will not lose insurance says students She speculated that the coverage under their parents' policies when majority" and 18-year-old vote issues, but at least for the present, deputy clerks had passed along the they register to vote, and the company does not plan to cancel anyone's coverage, Diebel "advice" after an inspector in the office had earlier talked about thereby declare local residency in East Lansing. said. possibly losing coverage for his daughter who is away at school. "I don't know where the Neil Colburn, who is • Tuhe <^e^ree °f the student's financial dependence on hit parents in city clerks got their information but spear-heading Project: City Hall's voter registration drive, said Sunday that while other areas ^Blue ® controlling factor, John Diebel, a spokesman for Michigan no way could that be true now," he said. "Our primary insurance coverage may be including Cross, said late Friday. The company is a major provider of concern is whether the student still receives most of his cloudy, a recent state supreme court medical insurance to support Michigan residents. from his parents." ruling has clarified that student's right to vote in college towns. Diebel said that as "It is highly unlikely that well cancel "So confusion and intimidation doesn't take long as a student depends on his parents for anyone on the basis of place, the student the his changing his should listen quietly to the clerks' majority of his financial support, official legal residence. As a paractical matter, we've advice, ignore it and then home would not residency away from never cancelled anyone who is still register to vote," Colburn said. nullify his medical coverage with Blue Cross. relying on his parents," Diebel "The clerks have the right, just like anyone else, to give advice on the weather, insurance coverage or anything else. J- VIOLENCE FORSEEN "But it's coming at a time when it students wishing to vote," he said. might confuse those - f* * **. fcfg 1 If there are any other questions on insurance or changing a SRs'''' U' drivers license address, Colburn said the student should first treatment register, then take up the questions with his insurance company of the Secretary of State's office. Among students who attempted to register in East Lansing and K later expressed their concern were senior Denise Hayes from Unusual Accusing 3SBSUSSESJSS of SfSS Detroit, Anne Wood senior from Huntington Woods and Robert Brown, Michigan Center junior. display scholarship. a the University of liberationists. However, he and Administrators After being told they didn't "have to said, pain tp register here," and that putting women's liberation in "Some of the biggest fights once the students arrived "zero in on " and "mn™#'' they would have to change all their legal records and could lose This giant sculpture in front of the on Kresge Art Center annot their parent's insurance coverage, all three said they were fail to catch the eye of anyone passing State News photo nearby. Gunnings, president of the Black and white women," Faculty and Administrators, said said in what was termed Gunnings half inane"" slee-**treat bl,ck , . reluctant to register until checking further on their status. „ W* p'a" toff by Chris Fischer Friday the University is setting an tn nnswor anv f. - . f. P<^ conference" following rurther question, concerning his University commun^y th« TRANSCENDENTAL President meet>nB with Wharton, people who are not meeting W^rton Fridav afterno^eSldent MEDITATION Slack leaders weighing of "I Hn *hpiiovp thoi*. i th f Runnings said Wharton and their responsibilities. Every ot'ler officials who attended the faculty member should have the 22* — "'°°k'»'»«»astlrm* claimed "We are so close to «That>s M rd like to every student with equal respect. trea.1 physical confrontation that it's on "We plan to publish their as taught by political convention in 72 nurinn GunS Spoke that," Gunnings said. JvhTJSv blackS receive the treatment many from University names with the Black United Front so interrelations they can with avoid these Maharishi Mahesh about his °n.ly,„.briefly Personnel meeting with Wharton, in teaching, people," Gunnings said. Yogi NORTHLAKE, III. (AP) - A meeting of black refusing to answer most The sources said ilitical leaders ended early Sunday with a delegates seriously considered Questions about the meeting, to expand discussions of a using 60 recommendations sent to President Gunnings said the matter of possible Nixon by the House Black Caucus The State News, the student itional black political convention "early next in March as adequate financial assistance for newspaper at Michigan State the basis for any platform that might come out University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter of a b,a(* students was the "critical and Spring school Transcendental meditation is a natural national black political issue" he had discussed with terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and spontaneous tech¬ Further consultations will proceed in every convention. Wharton. He during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week Fridays edition nique which allows each individual to expand his mind and [ion of the country involving these and other There explained that in September. Improve ''s life. was said to be strong support from some shortly prior to fall Subscription rate is $16 per year. acks," said a terse, two-paragraph statement delegates term Member Associated Press, United Press sued late Saturday night. to back a possible Rep. Shirley Chisholm, D - N.Y. presidential bid by registration eliminated the its University Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press International, Association, Introductory Lecture The gathering of an estimated 50 influential Mrs. policy of Associated Collegiate Press, acks was cloaked in secrecy from start to nish. Despite an official statement that "there said in Chisholm, a member of the Black August she was considering primaries in Wisconsin. Florida and Caucus, entering' permitting students to take short term loan in order to out repay a Association. Second class postage paid at East Michigan Collegiate Press Tuesday, September 29 Lansing, Mich. Editorial at this time be no public announcement of oposals considered and decisions made," talks A number of other proposals Maryland. were known to an outstanding loan contracted during spring term, 1971. Students were then faced with and business offices at 345 State Student Services University, East L- xsing, Michigan. Bldg., Michigan 7pm Wilson Auditorium ith some participants revealed that the vored calling such a convention. group have been under discussion, including one by Georgia State Rep. Julian Bond to run black hold cards at registration and Phones: 8:30 pm Conrad Auditorium One 11 page proposal drafted favorite many were unable to complete News by Imamu son candidates in state presidential 355-8252 iraka of Newark, N.J., the poet-political activist registration because of a lack of irmerly known as LeRoi Jones, suggested an "African Nationalist party" to run primaries in an attempt to send larj^ bk&js of funds. uncommitted black delegates to the Denrfbfcraftc ' convention in Miami Beach. ,f"in' , Gunnings also criticized what sfi " • Classified Ads Adifejtishlgr Business Office 355-8255 353-6400 Wednesday, September 30 ird-jpartycandidites in "every major election in he said is the University's The Rev. Jesse Jackson, national director of of "channeling black students policy 355-3447 4 & 8 pm 104 B Wells is country." „ toward loans rather lhan for information call 351-7587 Inside sources said, however, that most of the the Southern Christian Leadership Conference's i davs of discussion focused on how to Operation Breadbasket, has been advocating a scholarships " gain He charged further that some IT'S SO EASY TO PARK IN THE ADJOINING EAST LANSING AUTO black "third political force" to run black al decisionmaking power at the 1972 black students have made RAMP. emocratic National Convention. presidential or vice presidential candidates. plans JACOBSON'S WILL GLADLY VALIDATE to attend MSU under the YOUR PARKING TICKET "What can "you" say CLIP AND ENJOY about Phi Gamma Delta ALL THE PEPSI AND PIZZA that you can't say about YOU CAN EAT AND DRINK ONE DOLLAR Wilson Hall?" MON., TUES., WEDS., THURS., 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. "It's yours!" Share some time with iH Phi Gamma Delta, the us this week Fijis SutSy&I* 4980 NORTHWIND EAST LANSING 332-5053 COUPON EXPIRES 10/1/71 button-up in rich tapestry of durable, lively cotton/rayon and enjoy the chilly season. The quilt lining and pretend curly lamb pile bordering of modacrylic keeps you toasty warm. Multicolor with red and white predominating 6 to 16 sizes. $75. Jacobsoris Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan $1.19 $1.15 Prof to air view Right Guard Cigarettes Close-Up Dry Deodorant toothpaste of law problems 5oz. limit 1 2/69' limit 2 pkgs 6.2 oz. 59' The environment of law limitl (Coupon) enforcement, though altered by Expires after 10-2-71 (Coupon) (Coupon) highways and highrise apartments, is not much East Lansing Store Only Expires after 10-2-71 Expires after 10-2-1971 different from a East Lansing Store Only century or two ago, Victor Strecher, East Lansing Store Only professor of criminal justice, Strecher makes his remarks in an interview on $1.85 $1.19 $12.95 from MSU" to be carried at 8:35 "Twenty - Two p.m. Friday by the Mutual Radio Network. Stretcher, author of a new book, "The Environment of Law Liquifilm Gillette Foamy Dr. Scholl's Enforcement," doesn't take the popular approach that urban problems, racial confrontation, civil disorders and corruption are Wetting Solotion Shave Cream Exercise Sandals new phenomena. Other guests this week include Albert Blum and Karl Blum, a professor of the School of Labor and Industrial Dean. 2 oz. M" 11 oz. Jj1 W I limit 1 limit 1 Relations, said the key to expansion of trade union membership (Coupon) limit 1 is whether or not (Coupon) (Coupon) organized labor can break the "white collar • ;# Expires after 10-2-71 Expires after 10-2-1971 barrier." East Lansing Store Only Expires after 10-2-71 Police guard Dean, coordinator of the U.S. Bureau of Mines project which East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ainclothes policemen » p has developed equipment for the smokeless incineration of old 1D% Off $1.35 auto bodies and, a recent guest on campus, discusses the project right, from his cIj " Kodak Color Film Tom Leone ""bv demon,na.o.i Statt News photo and tells how some of the of urban wastes. principles can be applied to the disposal The Discount Price lergens Extra Dry on all Lotion 126,127,620 IIDAY PROTEST FAILS Film Developing 7 oz. 89' 89' No limit limit 1 limit 1 Fishel (Coupon) holds Expires after 10-2-71 (Coupon) (Coupon) class East Lansing Store Expires after 10-2-71 Expires after 10-2-71 Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only y nat abbate $2.25 $2.00 Bath Size Behavior in Southeast Asia," in list. There are .indawerfelman about entered the classroom from a spotted him. When he reported tate News Staff Writers 128 Natural Sciences Bldg., SDS students enrolled in the course 100 back door and' wavin8 V"1®1 for work Saturday, Himelright Flashcubes Opaque circulated literature criticizing Inside the classroom, Fishel marched out of the he was called aside by Dial Soap 1(jents ,, (SDS) for a Democratic failed Friday in Fishel's role in the calling him a war criminal. MSUG, The spent the hour calling role and classroom chanting "murderer, Julian and dismissed from his Panty Hose ipts to shut down the class group is demanding a discussing the required murderer." job. 38 sley R. Fishel, professor of professor for the course, the new textbooks for the course. "1 CO, not ,t all about the Outside the classroom, people « "Racial butche,! out of i.-ij-n m,.u nrif ^ 99c S109 17' cal science, who headed the expulsion of Fishel from MSU Sunday limit 1 depth of your passions but State!" and continued to try to limit 3 limit 4 Group (MSUG) in Vietnam and an end to all University about the bUndaV' (Coupon) (Coupon) ; (Coupon) 1956 to 1958. depth of your enter the classroom. They used In statement issued Sunday, Expires after 10-2-71 Expires after 10-2-71 projects like the Vietnam Project. a East Lansing Store Only Expires after 10-2-71 MSUG provided special ntellifence," he told the.no force, although one girl Fishel said that by attempting East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only A group of about 30 tried to students. idents. attempted to push aside a to' lical assistance to the Ngo gain entrance to the classroom He told one student prevent students from attending waving a graduate assistant who blocked $1.09 $1.00 1 $1.35 Diem regime. but were stopped at the doors Viet Cong flag that he was '■he door. class, SDS "means to deny the or to the Friday moming by plainclothes policemen and rights of a democratic society ng of Political Science 353, graduate assistants who were welvome to hold on to his "security blanket." . Nick Jackson, East Lansing rather than to promote them, Sandalfoot Orion Mystic or Leg itical Institutions and junior, said he was attempting to checking names against the class At one point, two people take pictures of the "The aborted effort by its Panty Hose Knee Sox Hugger Panty Hose demonstration for the Joint little band of agitators to Issue but PEN THIS WEEK was stopped by intimidate my students and plamclothesmen who threatened was an attack on academic me 69' 69' 53' to smash his camera. freedom," he said. "Those of us > limit 3 Another student claimed he limit 3 limit 6 J New locations facilitate who believe in freedom of (Coupon) Expires after 10-2-71 (Coupon) (Coupon) lost his job because of his J, i Expires after 10-2-1971 > Expires after 10-2-71 expression and in preservation of East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only participation in the orderly academic process must East Lansing Store Only demonstration. continue to resist this type of $1.00 200 OFF $1.85 registration of bicycles Charles Himelright, East intimidation. Lansing junior, said Sunday that he was fired from his traffic director job as The Discount Price Opaque Breck during football dditional bicycle registration today, Brody Hall lobby; Bissell stressed that odds of games by Lt. Haywood Julian of on any Knee Sox Creme Rinse ties will be open this week Tuesday, Wilson Hall library the Dept. of Public Safety, [ferent areas on campus, the lobby; Public Safety Wednesday, Owen Hall recovering a stolen bike are "increased tremendously" if it is Himelright said he was Shampoo 69' SJ09 unced. lobby; Thursday, Conrad Hall registered. He urged students to standing outside Fishel's \ limit 1 limit 3 ' (Coupon) limit 1 lock bikes in racks, Bissell, records '°bby; Friday, W. Mayo Hall using a classroom Friday when Julian Expires after 10-2-71 (Coupon) Expires after 10-2-71 (Coupon) Expires after 10-2-71 strong chain and a East Lansing Store Only iger for the department, ,ol)by. East Lansing Store Only the new facilities will be combination lock. h^yj, key NOW HEAR THIS East Lansing Store Only FR6M THE TOP HINGE 49c ided for the convenience of Cost for 49c registration is 50 AT THI. STOHK WITH 39c who live far from the THE RED DOOR! tie office in the quonset cents. Students should bring the As soon as bicycle registration serial number and make of their bike. If the serial number is not 's completed, Bissell said, police wi» P™bably begin impounding Tampax Flair Nail Polish Don't toss out that old broken Indents are encouraged by known, a stamp will be supplied any bikes without registration, Pipe. Let our pipe repair service pens Remover ce officials to registerbicycles so that the student may use his unattended out of racks or not fix it for you. IO'S 12 colors New bits, custom keeping with University other student number instead. ,ocked when in racks- fitted. 29< 19' and to assist recovery limit 1 limit 6 limit 1 bicycle is stolen. The STEREO RENTALS (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) bers Expires after 10-2-1971 Expires after 10-2-71 serve to identify East Expires after 10-2-71 Free Delivery Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only tered bikes. Free Service udents may Free Pick-up 9.50 Campbell's Shop $1.59 register bicycles fi following locations, each letween 9 a.m. and 4 NEJAC RENTALS The Store With The Red Door Ph. 332-4269 Perfect Fit Dorm-Mates All 8 • Track p.m.: 337-1300 Panty Hose Orion Slipper Sox Stereo Tapes 89' 49' $2" limit 3 limit 3 limit 3 (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 10-2-71 (Coupon) East Lansing Store Only Expires after 10-2-71 Expires after 10-2-1971 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 49c n 200 OFF The 200 OFF Boxed Discount Price on all The Discount Price EflCH of «»+"E SV Posters Envelopes on any (Including Black Lite) 100 ct. 29' Mouthwash only Person wko limit 3 (Coupon) Expires after 10-2-71 limit 1 (Coupon) limit 1 (Coupon) 3'tvE +He o+nEr Expires after 10-2-71 Expires after 10-2-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only wKot each of US 98c $1.50 vvartts to have. Dathe N' Glow loy Shoe Saver Dath Oil Dishwashing Detergent Water Repellent Spray 2 oz. 29' 22 oz. 49' 8 oz. 99' limit 1 limit 1 limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 10-2-71 Expires after 10-2-1971 East Expires after 10-2-71 Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 39c 59c $3.95 Westmore Scripto Nail Polish Pony Tail Holders Photograph of a Wall in Lansing— Author Anonymous Butane Lighters 3/8 oz. 29' 39' $269 limit 1 limit 1 limit 1 If yOU are interested in becoming a volunteer, please come to (Coupon) Expires after 10-2-71 (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 10-2-71 East Lansing Store Only East Expires after 10-2-71 Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only the Union Building every night this week at 7:30 p.m. for a brief meeting. Or call the MSU Volunteer Bureau at 355-4400. STA TE DISC0UINT A public service message 307 E. Grand Riv0O A.M., CAMPBELL'S 8:30 (Across from the Union) . _ Across from Olin MARSHALL'S 9:30 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Septet.,.. 1 SAVE ON REVCO BRAND NATURAL-ORGANIC VITAMINS WITH THESE COUPONS At Revco's New Discount Natural Health Foods and Vitamins Department. USE YOUR WILD CARD COUPON AND SAVE 50« ON ANY REVCO BRAND NATURAL-ORGANIC VITAMIN, INCLUDING THESE WILD CARD COUPON PRICE WILD CARD REVCO NATURAL- ORGANIC BONE MEAL WITH MARROW 4 VITAMIN D COUPON PRICE REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC VITAMIN E 250 tablet bottle REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC IRON PLUS TABLETS Regularly $159 Only $1.09 — 100 I.U. 100 tablet bottle — Regulorly $2.19 Only $1.69 100 tablet bottle Regularly $1.89 Only $1.39 — REVCO NATURAL-■ORGANIC BREWER'S YEAST TABLETS REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC WHEAT GERM CAPSULES REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC VITAMIN A-D TABLETS 250 tablet bottle Regularly $1.09 Only $ .59 3 minims. 100 capaule bottle — Regularly $.63 Only $ .13 100 tablet bottle Regularly $1.29 : Only $ .79 — . REVCO NATURAL- ORGANIC GARLIC & PARSLEY TABLETS REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC WHEAT GERM CAPSULES 100 tablet bottle REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC DESICCATED LIVER Regularly $1.19 TABLETS Only $ .69 — 3 minima. 250 capaule bottle — Regularly 11.33 Only $ .83 7V4 graina. 100 tablet bottle — REVCO NATURAL- ORGANIC MULTI-VITAMIN FORMULA Regularly $1.19 Only $ .69 REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC WHEAT GERM CAPSULES 100 tablet bottle — Regularly $2.39 REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC ALFALFA TABLETS Only $1.89 6 minima. 100 capaule bottle — Regularly $1.09 Only $ .59 8 graina. 250 tablet bottle — REVCO NATURAL- ORGANIC VITAMIN B-12 Regularly $.99 Only $ .49 REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC 25 meg 90% PROTEIN TABLETS REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC PAPAYA-PEPPERMINT 100 tablet bottle Regularly $1.09 TABLETS Only $ .59 — 200 tablet bottle Regularly $1.99 — Only $1.49 100 tablet bottle — Regularly $1.29 Only $ .79 ALL REVCO BRAND NATURAL-ORGANIC VITAMINS HAVE AN UNCONDITIONAL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION. CHECK OUT THESE NATURAL-ORGANIC FOOD VALUES IN REVCO'S NEW NATURAL HEALTH FOODS DEPARTMENT HOFFMAN'S HUNZA TIGER'S MILK JACKS HONEYS BLUE LABEL MOLASSES GRIS1 HI-PROTEEN TURBINADO TABLETS MILL SUGAR SUPER 300 TABLETS. 24-OZ. BAG. CEREAL "The Energy Natural and 8-OZ. BOX. Food Concen¬ unrefined. trate which Superb in Ready to serve. gives you a Delicious. baking, can- lift." Chocolate High in or Vanilla. nutritional values. REVCO'S LOW. REVCO'S LOW. BEVCO'S LOW. REVCO'S LOW. $1.49 EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE 69* EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE REVCO'S LOW $1.49 EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE 63* EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE 54* EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE 53* EVERY DAY IS SAVINGS DAY ON EVERYTHING AT REVCO REVCO DISCOUNT OPEN MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. CENTERS 211 EAST GRAND RIVER PHONE: 351-7040 AMERICA'S FASTEST GROWING DISCOUNT CHAIN! If you think Rose Hips is an exotic dancer, it's about time you learned the facts about natural-organic health foods and vitamins* is something we've put into heads, May] )(' somewhere there is another Rose Hips. But the our not always into our You'll also find a variety of natural-organic foods. stomachs. one most people know and love.is found in a bottle. A Delicious things to eat and to use in the preparation of bottle of Vitamin C. So, many people have started supplementing their meals. And every one of them contains natural nutrients. diets with vitamins. And a growing number of people are Actually, Rose Hips is the name for the fruit of the No chemical preservatives. No artificial flavoring or color¬ rose. The little nugget of life hidden at the hase of the rose beginning to buy natural-organic vitamins. ing. No doubtful additives. Nothing that might destroy petals. And one of nature's richest sources of Vitamin C. Natural vitamins are extracted from their natural the natural nutritional values of the food. s0, WHO NEEDS VITAMIN C? sources... fruits, vegetables, meats and seafoods. Because And everything in Reveo's Nat¬ EVERY BODY. EVERY DAY. of this, they not only supply elements known to be essen¬ ural-Organic Health Foods Depart¬ tial to our well-being, but they provide other nutrients ment is low, everyday discount priced. The body cannot store Vitamin C. So, the supply must as well. And that's fact. be replenished. a Daily. In Reveo's Natural-Organic Health Foods Depart¬ Fresh fruits ami vegetables do this. But too often new BE SURE TO PICK UP YOUR FREE "IT'S they're not available. Not prepared properly. Or not eaten ment you'll find Vitamin C from Rose Hips and other ABOUT TIME YOU LEARNED THE at all. excellent supplements. Plus multi-vitamin formulas with FACTS" BOOKLET AT YOUR NEAREST Vitamin C and many other vitamin supplements. REVCO DISCOUNT DRUG CENTER. Because of our hectic life styles, a well-balanced diet REVCO, DISCOUNT l CENTERS 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Sern^. Town asks aid in coupon drive By CAROL THOMAS for community services. necessary coupons, charitable State News Staff Writer recently visited East Lansing in Calka. purchasing silverware, organizations in Utica and search of an organization in the Mr. Calka said the coupons Though there is Macomb county, at the urging of The Michigan State Firemen's no money in area to sponsor a coupon drive needed are those found on the Two months ago a forest fire the town, the close call with former Utica residents Assn recentiy held a drive in in local stores and on-campus. box-top or inside of Betty in Alaska, driven by 80 m.p.h. death brought home the need living in Delta Junction, took Macomb County in which two up Crocker cake mixes, and each winds came within half a mile of for equipment to control both the cause for the Alaskan town. brand.new ^ nre trucks were Organizations in Macomb coupon found in the food mix wiping out a community of 800 building fires and forest fires, so County have collected 800,000 disp|aye ^TToloo^aUsTIe^cllents for over 12 y UHFstatior licovere vomjtow . TAILORS MflUfl D°ntworry anymore MSU television station WMSB torn i his his po< llUlf I about typing errors! and WILX-TV will end their ________ IN^ r ^ V t Lansing, Mich. "shared time" use of channel 10 Custom Designer Mr. Sam Daswani of Hong Kong will be in //v£\ by September 1972, when the THRE University's station will become Did poli Lansing for 3 days, Sept. 27th, 28th & 2Sth full - time UHF educational ERRORITE' a television channel. Dm B: iturday HONG KONG ADDRESS WMSB station manager, man si DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! P. O. BOX K-1130 Robert D. Page said the chan^ round hi Sport Coats, Shirts—Ladies Suits, Dresses, will be a "dramatic separation, He rep Formalwear, Coats which will result in expande* SELECT FROM OVER 7,000 IMPORTED SAMPLES SUITS Men's Silk Suits. $60.00 Ladies Silk Suits. $45.00 programming, increased m N repeat broadcasts to • Cashmere Sport Jackets $35.00 Ladies Silk Pantsuit* coverage, Men's Cashmere Top-Coats.. $58.00 Ladies Cashmere Top-Coats $58.00 _.. $45.00 ERRORITE™ alternate viewing and coiie^ J|C| '1 J PACKAGE DEAL Shirt 1 Suit (Monofi rammed) $4.50 Embroidered Sweaters $10 50 is a quality nylon typewriter ribbon level instruction on a credit FOR APPOINTMENT: (Excluding Duty and Mailing) credit basis. 1 Sport Coat CALL CUSTOM DESIGNER, MR. Sam Daswani at the Capitol Park - featuring a built-in error corrector. non - 1 Pair Slacks 1 Shirt $110 Quality Motel, Townsend & Lenawee Aves. Tel: 482-1491 Telephone anytime: If not In, leave your name & phone number. ERRORITE™ The University has receive^ $420,000 federal grant whic will be used to finance a * ch eliminates the need to purchase transmitting complex for UHF channel. ribbon and correction aids separately. STEREO RENTALS )/! THE PERFORMING ERRORITE™ is always in position to make quick, e-qu ivironmi clean corrections... no more fussing ARTS COMPANY with separate paper or fluid correctors. NEJAC RENTALS 337-1300 embers he recycl University A* Purchase ERRORITE™ at your book store. rientatio Department of Theatre nd the j f a high Michigan State University fall. Sold Exclusively LIMITED OFFER!! In the f s an envii SEASON 10 MEM PLAYS Expires Oct. 1,1971 COUPON at College and "d the to Lansin re Twelfth Night Reg. 490 FLAIR Everyor BOOK Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead University Book Stores The Effect of Gamma Rays / Marigolds FILM0N PROCESS CORP.. 653-659 Eleventh Avenue. New York, N.Y $8« MAN OF LA MANCHA Hedda Gabler Now available at: NOW ... 3 FOR $1.00 YOUR CHOICE OF 12 ASSORTED C0L0RSI! NOW plus ON SALE Orchesis Dance Concert Campus, 4 Arena Theatre Student Book Store Bookie Productions MAIL CHECK FAIRCHILD BOX OFFICE FREE $25 421 E. Grand River STORE SIDE Unive (Payable to MSU) Weekdays 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.' 335 0148 PARKING Across from Olin 507 EAST GRAND RIVER Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, September 27, 1971 Ombudsman dislikes master-slave' By State i/arfN ZURAWSKI KAREN ZURAWSKI Newi Staff Writer teach teach one." one," in In which student teaches one student. Which each The needs, he «.t«i The said. learning community is questions about voter unaware of rules, he said. But Spending most of his time Students, who setup usually ■ Dual does not not really know individualized program is viable registration and the fee refund rules and positive, and it composed of groups of students once are explained to with the older students, he averaged a four or five month what to expect as asst. benefits with policy for dropping credits. them, they usually accept the a counselor sitting in each helped them decide what to do stay, participated in group work. ombudsman at MSU, but said, | Education as it exists today is everyone, Dual said. Dual also sees a class, and not in some office, Dual also works in the situation, he added. with their future, by counseling "I'm here to serve the students, int working, according to Peter weekly group Dual said. Supportive Services Center, 32 Dual, who is interested in for job placement and training Because they had low attention and they will determine my [ Dual, asst. ombudsman. session with students of the Students take Union, where he counsels part in deciding students and teaching youth who are or for college admittance. spans, students usually had function here." same major, but J Dual, Benton Harbor, with different what is taught, how it is goes "beyond what economically and educationally breaks between their classes. taught, loctoral candidate, said Friday backgrounds and different levels and what evaluating system will the ordinary ombudsman does." disadvantaged or both has a wide Dual then taught fifth and hat the teacher is not the only "ce of knowledge, and when or achievement, as being a meaningful learning experience. be used. "There Besides spending 14 hours a experience in the teaching and week at the Union, and 16 at the counseling field. sixth grade children for two In addition to teaching social studies and social problems, Council plans are no blocks to years in Benton Harbor and t concept is accepted, the There should be alternatives ombudsman's office in Linton Majoring in sociology, with Dual was a member of the to the present hinger graduation;graduation is Battle Creek. Itudent and teacher relationship ill be much better. system, he stated, adding that institutions of higher facilitated," he said. As asst. ombudsman, Dual Hall, Dual is interested in minors in social work and arranging evening appointments elementary education, he While at Benton Harbor, he review board which decided if a student was ready to leave. housing meet learning should examine with groups of students who The teacher is portrayed as the feels that he is not too far graduated from Western worked in an experimental The East traditional role of the teacher. away have questions. Lansing City Council Knowing what is best for the from student problems. Michigan University (WMU) in program with a local junior high In 1970 he became has called a special public One particular Dual recommended that all 1969 with a B.S. an Itudent, he said. It is not an Dual mentioned as a viable program which "I'm really still a student," he students read the schedule book, degree. In school, involving students "who administrative assistant to the meeting for 8:00 tonight at the £,ual relationship, but more of a alternative is the said. with has the faculty code of 1971, he received his M.A. from could not function in the school director of school - community city hall to discuss the joint Jnaster and slave relationship." Guided Education Individually He sees the ombudsman as teaching responsibility, and the WMU. system," or who had relations for Kalamazoo public housing committee's report, 1 0n the college level it comes (IGE) important to students as a Academic For three years, Dual worked "behavorial" problems. which was completed last spring. t indirectly, he noted. For program developed by Kettering recourse in disagreements with Freedom Report, as a career counselor in the which deals with student schools; He wrote proposals Problems related to housing tance, a student gets an Institute, Kettering, Ohio. faculty and MSU employees. It rights Neighborhood Youth Corp., a The regular school entered the will be discussed, particularly Under this system, the is and responsibilities. concerning curriculum and -njustified low grade. The definition of a teacher is and something which few colleges Some program geared to 14 to 21 year students in the experimental program development, trying to the critical housing shortage. student Irofessor thinks he has the right even fewer high schools complaints old students, in Benton Harbor, school, which scaled programs to make them "more flexible to the Concerned students are urged to to give this grade, because this is changed from a symbol of have, he said. occur because students are Mich. the pupils' needs. students' needs." attend. Eliat the student "earned and education. failure, to a facilitator of Problems handled so far by leserved," he explained. The teacher uses his Dual have included academic and [ Dual believes in "each one, creativity to build upon student personal difficulties, and FOUR UNIVERSITY to the three, who continued solicit on campus. IwNED SHEEP with a total walking and called police. Police Estimated value of $460 were said they did not find the man THEFTS REPORTED over ^covered Friday night after after a search of the area. He was described as a white the weekend to police include a taidents in three East Lansing 16 inch Domino pizza valued at - brority houses reported the about 20 years old, about six $4, stolen from a car in the Xiimals were roaming feet with a thin build and North Hubbard Hall loop; a Inattended. medium length hair, last seen stereo tape deck and cartridges T Four members of a fraternity wearing a dark jacket and pants valued at $136, stolen from an Ldmitted to releasing the sheep and white underpants. automoble parked in Lot P; a Js a prank and this week await ♦ * * $50 electric clock, stolen from Xction by county prosecutors. AN 18 - YEAR- OLD man the open trunk of an automobile Jolice said they located the men from Los Angeles, Calif., awaits parked near North Case Hall. a description of their action by county prosecutors Police said someone >n wagon given by this week after police apparently broke out car kitnesses. > apprehended him Friday in the windows to get the pizza and [ The sheep were reportedly West Wilson Hall lobby for tape deck. amoved from the sheep research illegally selling magazine bastures on Hagadorn Road and subscriptions in the building. tere apparently pushed out of Earlier, five residents told t!e lie vehicle at the sorority. An police they had purchased HSU officer and a sheep barn subscriptions from the man and Tnploye collected the sheep and became suspicious. He was Keturned them. reportedly an agent Continental Readers' Service of for the bus. Denver, Colo. | A BRYAN HALL RESIDENT Police said the man had told lone in his room was found the coeds he was a foreign TV RENTALS conscious by his roommate student who lacked the money Iturday night after someone to enroll at MSU. They added he Free Delivery - Dar ^parently entered his unlocked claimed he could riot "get a job" le Service ■e Pick-up $9.5% month , struck him on the head because„of visa restrictions. m |od stole $8 from his wallet. Police said the man did not NEJACTV FfEftfALS student reportedly have formal authorization td |iffered bruises on his neck and iw and was treated and released the University Health I He told police he was placing | book on a shelf when the Don't Let isault occurred. He said he later covered the money missing Irom his wallet, which had been ■ his pocked. The Low Price I THREE MSU STUDENTS lold police they were walking fcom Brody to laturday night when they passed 1 man standing with his pants Bryan Hall Fool You. Iround his ankles. I He reportedly said, "Hi there" hscussion Scheduled Here's the BSR McDonald RTS-20, a great stereo sounds at a low economical price. Starting with the sensitive but strong 20 watt AM/FM receiver all the way to the mini-pro turntable, you'll find a natural winner for stereo sounds and space saving in the natural high for you're number one dorm, apartment or home. And the walnut finished wide - range speakers give this music center the added plus that'll tighten up the looks of any room. So drop by the DISC SHOP or HIFI BUYS. . .and turn on to 'yE-OUAL the RTS-20. Only at the DISC SHOP and HIFI BUYS. . . where great sounds and economical prices will always turn you on - naturally! with us! [EQUAL, pivironment the campus group, will meet at I P.m. Tuesday in 30 Union, jfembers will discuss plans for recycling of glass used by the (university, fund raising projects, ■nentation for new members ^ the proposed construction a highway south of Holden I In the past the club has served ?an environmental information You can almost hear the wheels turning. per, concerned primarily with jsues involving ■Ja the11 the campus. Last sponsored Earth Week We think hard and work hard to have just what «. recycling of glass used in Lansing area. | Everyone is invited to attend. you need, when you need it. After all, Save! Save! Save! Rent Your The BSR RTS20 $129.95 that's our business—you. So try us first for all your shopping needs. We don't stock up with TV ' " II! TEW! HI-FI BUYS anyone else in mind. We concentrate on you. Open today 8:30 to 5:30 /y 1101 E. Grand River Free Delivery Phone 337-2310 Free Service Free Pick-up ' J BankAmericard (/iat-f ft MSU 525. ° per term The Disc Shop | diversity TV Rentals 323 E. Grand River BOOKSTORF 351-7900 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS- 'S'offense jells in 31-14 win By GARYSCHARRER running but also with his new driving from the MSU 20-yard carried the ball ten times and at his two pass interceptions and State News Sports Writer found abilities as a pass receiver. line, Kolch lofted a 25-yard one point ran seven consecutive touchdowns, was awarded the The Spartans took the Coach Duffy Daugherty scoring pass to Hurd, a plays. game ball. Asked if VanPelt opening kickoff but their first sophomore speedster from After the game Daugherty might ever be used on offense should be able to sleep a bit series was over almost faster Jackson Parkside, in the end praised the powerful running of Daugherty said, "I think he's better following the Spartans' than it started. 31-14 victory over Oregon State Kolch, Schilling, who was the leading scoring well just where he is." rusher of the Pacific Eight Saturday afternoon. The win, Although the Spartan defense conference last season. which was Daugherty's 100th at gave considerable help to the "That Schilling is really offense Kolch and Co. were able MSU, came after two ineffective something, he executed some to move the ball, an encouraging offensive performances in very big third down plays for note as MSU prepares for Notre previous games and a shakeup of offensive personnel. them," Daugherty said. "We'd Dame next weekend, hit him right at the line, but he 100 Junior Detroit Servite "We weren't surprised Kolch would still get through for good started at standout FVank Kolch started his quarterback," Beaver first collegiate game and yardage." j Coach Dee Andros said quarterbacked MSU's offense in Following the Oregon State following the game. "We heard score MSU came back with a 221 respectable fashion. Henry Duffy was working three men Matthews 6 - 3, 215-pound yard field goal by Shlapak to during the week and we knew he give the Spartans a 17 - 8 had to make some fullback, Mike Hurd 6 - 2, 185 pound split end and Jesse Williams 6 - 0, 180 pound wingback all started their first BIG advantage midway through the the first two games. Kolch did quarter. The highlight of the well after settling down." series was a 40-yard pass play from Kolch to Allen. 1b other Blg changes after Ten games, games of the season after a week Michigan shutout UCLA 38 - 0, long shuffle by Daugherty to Oregon State closed the gap Northwestern defeated Syracuse with a 91-yard scoring drive provide the offense with more 12 . 6 Ohio state Iost to punch and scoring ability. early in the final quarter. Coiorad0) 20 - 14, Purdue was Senior tailback Eric Allen Schilling muscled his way in defeated from six yards out for the by Notre Dame, 8 - 7, remained the lone holdover in Iowa |ost to Penn st> 44 . 14> the Spartan backfield from the touchdown but the two-point attempting to pass, did not get Minnesota was defeated by earlier games and was equally Oregon good enough protection from his determined football in the State played conversion attempt failed. With the score at 17 Washington St., 31 14, Wisconsin Iost to LSU, 38 - 28, - 20, We have no room here impressive against the Beavers as line and was nailed for three second - An unidentified he has been throughout his MSU half, with evidence Allen set up another MSU Oregon State back is ridden to the turf Indiana |ost to by a host of eager Soartan coming after the Spartans' touchdown with a 51-yard burst IUinois ,ost to Baylor 10 - 0 and consecutive losses before the »~u career. Allen again was the Spartans punted. kickoff to open third quarter to the Beaver 15-yard line. Three 0 for its third Southern Cal 28 - .SatU[d,ay f 31"14 touchdowns, matching the 71,6 d«fense- Brad VanPelt in particular, accounted for two MSU Spartan's top ground gainer with Late in the first quarter 6 • 5,, straight shutout, Oregon State point total. State News photo play. plays later Kolch tossed his by 119 yards and excited the crowd 220-pound Brad VanPelt picked Beaver Terry Luke of over 62,000, not only with quarterback Steve second touchdown pass of the off an Oregon State pass from Endicott and fullback Dave game. Tliis time tight end his second and third effort his safety position and returned Billy Schilling mastered an 80-yard Joe DuPree was on the recieving it 47 yards for the game's first scoring march capped by end of the 15-yarder. Available at score. Borys Shlapak booted the Endicott's one-yard plunge. Seconds later VanPelt WITH IOOTH WIN first of four extra points for Schilling, who did not start the intercepted his second MSU's 7 0 lead. pass and game because fo a bout with the returned it 40 - The MSU The Spartan offense yards for MSU's Duffy kept pace flu, carried the Beaver running final score. Sophomore Paul with the defense by scoring its attack and with 133 yards was Hayner intercepted another Bookstore own touchdown with 22 seconds the game's top rusher. In the Endicott remaining in the half. After Oregon State drive Schilling remaining. Mike Rassmussen came in for pass with two minutes By MIKE ABERLICH Irishman would wear on St. moves drew all the fanfare following could quarterback Kolch Patrick's Day. come off the benrh I State the Spartans , Our and moved the Spartans to the News Sports Writer 31 - 14 win, not ha,,k im t. .. . . tol Average Student reads 28-yard - line. Shlapak's 44-yard . When they first met on the Dee Andros and Duffy _ — field goal attempt failed and the field before - Daugherty clashed from the U «- .11 in 4.7 times faster game ended with the Beavers' them was decked in his regular game time, one of outset even jf jt was just their ^ ir.l.ry.n; day personally for Daugherty, i ^ pu, choice' 0f clothes. They looked he made good on his oencn until the promise minutes as game's waning! than their passing in hopes of a late score. Halloween outfit and the other starting speed with VanPelt, on the they were from opposite that the Spartan offense would Kolch, better knowil the poor man's Joe comparable comprehension strengt|^^vor^ai^outfi^an)^good sides of the footban world. TOey come through. It did, thanks in> guided the Kapp.l even supported different part to the MSU defense. Spartans to their fintl LOOK TO US holidays. Andros came into the game Brad Van Pelt picked off two respectable offensive showing of] the still - young year. heralded as a coach to watch. He FOR QUALITY jogged along with his team and OSU passes and converted both into touchdowns, which meant "The offense still haol personally put Oregon State the defense gotten it all tosethpr •• rT • complete selection of through workouts. of the actually scored half insisted "we have a w'av Jf frames But after Saturday's game was Spartan touchdowns. But they still couldn't take anything but we did show a l2 • Sunglasses and wire - rims over, it was MSU's Daugherty improvement ml • who had stolen the show in away who from Frank Kolch, played almostthe explosivenesS ™ prescription lenses ground traditional Daugherty fashion. It entire game for the Spartans at • repairs while you wait was number 100 in the win quarterback, Henry Matthews finally mi column for the Irishman at fa u the Spartan offense look lit Daugherty started Kolch with fccU&i Opiiclcuvi MSU, and as a result, Duffy e idea that Mike Rasmussen more than show, as he supported just a one ■ pin' . %- i i Allen's running with his own. ALCO^MNtVERSAL BLDG. oa*mxr= scion as the OSU defence be Suite 212 Eswuin tno»m THE ALLEY SHOP S keying on Allen, "" found himself with the ball. All mam one point, Matthews broke awiyl for a 42 yard TD run up thai START THE TERM RIGHT - The largest selection of decoupage and middle as the whole Beaverl Be on macrame supplies and the of colored twine and brightest array defense was following Allen.l Unfortunately, a holding penaltyl nullified the play. eoriy Study Aids available v lowest prices in town. jute. All at the Otherwise, Allen still thel btafi> was Come see for yourself! main cog to the offense, as he I Cliff's Notes need are great any time you in the following courses ^ 5 [| inside ! almost matched output yard for yard, gainingl 119 yards in 21 carries tol Schilling's! help in literature! We '^commend )u can use the buying early so that them ai assigned play or novel and as Natural Science: ACE HARDWARE Schilling's 29 for 133. a helpful review prior to exams. Get the Cliff's Notes you need 181-191A-191E-192A-192C-193A-193C today You'll see why they're the preferred study aid of millions of s Jdents nationwide. (P S ) If your dealer's out of a title, he can get Social Science: 231 -231A 231B 231D-232 232A-233-233A WE WOULD LIKE TO GET TO Basketball,! another fast with Cliff's 'Hot Line". ATL: 111-112-113 KNOW YOU! lacrosse ^CliffS:Notes^ Humanities*. 241242 243 And Save You MONEY. So We've meetings Split Our Week and Lowered Our Prices Chemistry: 130-131-141 Mon., Tues., and Wed. We'll Have the on There will be meeting for a lacrosse returnees tearaB and* Only $1 each Same High Quality and the Same 7 Psychology: 170489 Great interested newcomers pm.| Stylists But LOWER PRICES. Tuesday at 203 IM Bldg. i A meeting for all freshmen ■ basketball players will be heldatH Economics: 200-201 5 p.m. Tuesday at 209 JenisonB NEW PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 1, 1971 Fieldhouse. Information forj History: 121122 THURS. SAT. tryouts will be available. 4.00 Shampoo/Set 4.75 TV RENTALS TODAY Statistics 121 5.50 Long Hair 6.00 3.00 Haircut 4.00 Make date ee Service $9.50 Qompyx a monl especially if you have too much 2.75 Child's 3.00 Pick-up Sociology ee homework. We can make it manageable by 160 1.00 up Trim I.00 up 2.50 Comb Out NEJAC TV RENTALS Book increasing your reading rate at least 3 times. The study technique we teach is Math: 108 109 111-112-113 3.00 12.00 Long Hair 2.50 3.00 337-1300 _ Regular Permanent 16.00 Store V3 effective and thorough—a definite efficient, improve¬ 16.00 18.00 Tinted Bleached 18.00 20.00 ment over unorganized 15.00 507 E. cramming. Schedule a Straightening 18.00 free Mini-Lesson for yourself. Plus book digests on the Tint (Set Not Included) II.00 GRAND RIVER Retouch 9.00 Bleach (Toner Extra) 15.00 TONIGHT WILL BE YOUR LAST CHANCE TO REVIEW following at 50< each Toner 8.00 Now available at: THE EVELYN WOODS COURSE THIS SEMESTER. Frosting (Toner Included) PLAN ON COMING TONIGHT! Streaks Afro-American History Black Experience - Poor White extra savings Student Today, Sept. 27th TUES., Sept. 28th Puritan Dilemma - Black Cloud Malcolm X Citizen Tom Paine - $1 off on haircut 4 or 6 or 8 p.m. 4 WED., Sept. 29th Uncle Tom's Cabin z - $1 off any permanent or 6 or 8 p.m. 4 or 6 or 8 p.m. Book UNIVERSITY INN 100 Trowbridge Road UNIVERSITY INN 1100 Trowbridge Road UNIVERSITY INN Autobiography of Ben Devil In Massachusetts Franklin 2 FROSTING 1 Monday is D $14.00 1100 East Lansing East Lansing Trowbridge Road East Lansing O CJ O Men's Specials good anytime — 1 per customer Liberation Night. Available only at firnatly Reduced Store EVELYN WOOD Prices for Men READING DYNAMICS Martin's Ha Bring the Frat 17320 West Eight Mile Southfield, Michigan 48075 Road CAMPUS MUSIC SHOP IN 952 TROWBRIDGE _jo the^ SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER Call 313-353-5111 (collect) (across from the Union) (ACROSS FROM WILSON HALL) 332 4522 KO-KO 410 S. "f> BAR) Kalam" -*\ I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Monday, September 27, i J7i 13 )oters do Harriers lose opener lincinnati, By CRAIG REMSBURG victory State News Sports Writer does not make a great season, but the MSU soccer ■ started off on the right track as it defeated the University of to Miami By MIKE ABERLICH "This was (Ohio) their third meet of Tnati, 4 -1, in its opening game Saturday. State News Sports Writer the year," Gibbard said after the Bob Reef and Junior A1 Polter mox Robinson, Enoch Jen and Gerry Murray led the way . „ . loss, "and was only our first. following close behind. e Spartans. Robinson scored two goals, Jen tallied a goal „ , It didn t take Dennis Bayhem Popejoy pulled across with a L assist, and Murray assisted on three scores. Everybody did pretty much 25:44 very ong to learn the MSU cross what they could do at this point finish, and was followed Je still have a long way to go though," Coach Payton Fliller country course. Bayhem led the "Later on in the year itll be a by Dieters and two Miami ■somewhat annoyed at the great number of offsides called pack almost all the way different stor^'" he added. runners, Rich Symington and Dan Adams. 4 his squad. "The starting 11 really only played together on Saturday and his Miami (Ohio) Bayhem turned jday and our timing is off." teammates supplied the depth as 2f 7CJI! fiJkhino ahe/rtnf Minor injuries kept two ■?" - *. - . f far Lther sparse crowd was treated to some fine goaltending by Miarm downed the Spartans Miami Spartans f<"Lat!eaf °f the closest contender. Rob Cool Spartan runners out of the meet. ■ teams early in the first quarter, as the MSU booters carried 24-32 at Forest Akers Golf Steve Rockey had to sit out the crossed the line slightly more Course. opener with a slightly injured than seven seconds later. iciiinati goalie Mike Beumer stopped hard shots by Spartans year It was the third meet of the for Miami and only the mrd ,ace went t ^ami knee and didn't Freshman Ed Griffis because of blisters. ,r Higgins and Gerry Murray, while Spartan goalkeeper Dave freshmen Reinke, who run opener for the Sp?-™«-and he Jnan, not to be undone, made two excellent stops on Bearcat difference showed sta d with Cool almost all the I one a leaping save on a point-blank shot. ? as the onl to fal, short t the visitors retained a strong { Robinson broke up the tight game at the 15 minute mark after the second mile of the pace Spartan's long stride at the le fust quarter. The Jamaican junior blasted a shot into the stretch course while some of fnter of the net with fine assists from Jen and Jim Nugent. Spartan runners fell back. the Spartan Randy Kilpatrick Chort minute later, Jen, who had just begun practicing with °n® recorded a time of 25:24, good Jeam three days before the contest, scored easily on assists b^8ht P™*JorJPa*£ for fourth place, but after that ■Nick Dujon and Murray, making the score 2 0. - Have Coach Jim Gibbard was the .. running of transfer student Rob the Miami depth took over, with It the Bearcats fought back and persistently pecked away at Spartan defender Terry Blalark covered up for the fallen MSUgoaltender and booted a Cool, who followed Bayham Spartans for the entire second quarter. The end result was a away from the open net in Saturday's 4-1 win over Cincinnati. The defensive rolling ball across the finish line. Two of the lnnati goal at the 12-minute mark of the quarter, turned the tide on a 2-1 play by Blalark t 2 • 1 halftime score remained through the third game and enabled MSU to claim it's first Spartan's steadier performers of quarter victory. last year, Ken Popejoy and Dave ■well into the fourth until t scored the third Spartan State News photo by Jeff Wilner Dieters, fell to seventh and eighth place respectively. GUYS DIG 1 14 minutes Into the LANDRY HAS FIELD DAY Dujon moved down the FLABBY GIRLS i. ■side and when the Bearcat . . . Lder moved out to meet ■the Jamaican junior picked lpot ■ Murray was and scored on a soft credited with Lions beat Patriots, 34-7 GUYS BLINDLY IN LOVE Sy and Nigel Goodison ined to assist Robinson on FJXj*01*0. MASS. (UPI) - Erroll Mann booted a 23 - yard undergoing treatment quarterback Greg Landry made field goal in the first College years and Don't let overweight college guys go by very quickly. period, keep you out of things. Join cond tally of the day, a 9ujck recovery from his bad suffered a concussion making . Lucci made one of two Lion DIET WATCHERS. at the 21-minute mark of °PeninS game start to pass the the tackle on a kickoff, and mterceptions of Plunkett [ DIET WATCHERS introduces unique and period, wrapping up a Detroit Lions to a 34-7 victory came back to boot a 27 yard an'v romPed unmolested into the - a powerful diet. A weight loss program that works victory. Sunday over the New England field goal in the third quarter en zone with 3:23 left in the Patriots. where other diets can't. DIET WATCHERS |e next scheduled game for along with two conversions. ha,f' the touchdown coming Ipartans is set for Saturday, Landry hit on only one Wayne Walker kicked a includes hard working foods that actually eat away touchdown pass, a 74 pair of e™c}ll two minutes after your overweight. Not just full meals, but 30 p.m., against Wooster. yard conversions while Mann was Tay'or s score, screen connection with - plenty of Steve I late night snacks for pre - exam munchies. Eat all Owens, but set up nearly all of (icfi misse the Detroit points in the first night and still lose weight. Snack all day between every meal and still lose weight. You can find the regular season meeting between secret. Call now for free information.It's the best the two clubs. ance a Altie date you'll ever make. Taylor scored on a four yard run, linebacker Mike Lucci 3-2 on a 26 pass interception return, and Owens on a two - yard run TROIT (UPI) — Roy White for the LionS who had been Id Mickey Lolich his 26th favored by 12 points entering ty Sunday by hitting his the game. /cnetd [home run of the season in Detroit kicking specialist WORTH YOUR TIME Jxth inning to give the New J - ■ Yankees a 3-2 victory over TV RENTALS EAST LANSING Tetroit Tigers. UNITED MINISTRIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION Free Pick-up kich. whose record dropped (Next to Uni*. Methodist) "1, struck out 10 to hit NEJAC TV RENTALS TUES. 9:30 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. Strikeouts this season. 337-1300 655-2073 LEARN KARATE MSU CHUCK DAVEY Karate Dub will hold its first meeting of the term tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. in the upper gym Women's I.M. Coed classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced students will be held this term. Everyone welcome. is taking on LANSING. Major Appearances Chuck Davey, general agent for Ne In 1959 he was appointed man¬ Repertoire to be performed: England Life in Detroit, is expanding ager of our new Detroit agency, his organization to include Lansing, in six years had worked himself an area which already has many up to the position of general agent. By New England Life clients. 1970 Chuck had built it into a $37 million- This is the same Chuck Davey . "Turandot" by Puccini - Guest Choir with M.S. U. Symphony who won an unprecedented four a-year business, with $200 million of life insurance in force. Last year it ranked / Operas. (Dennis Burkh, Conducting) straight NCAA boxing titles as an ninth out of 124 New England Life undergraduate at Michigan State. agencies from coast to coast. Who member of 1948 "Manon" by Massenet - with Audition winning six-county soloists was a our %J Chuck's agency succeeded big not only (Or. David Machtel, Director) Olympic boxing team. Who became because Chuck is an outstanding sales¬ a professional boxer after receiving man himself, but also because he is an his Master's at Michigan State. Who extraordinary builder of men. Half his fought 36 undefeated fights before dynamic sales force does over $1 mil¬ I Great " Fantasia on Christmas Carols" by R. Vaughn Williams losing to World Welterweight Cham¬ lion of new business a year per man. pion Kid Gavilan in 1953. Chuck is Sacred "Magnificat" - Opus 157 - by Hovaness still involved in Now Chuck is looking for several boxing as State bright young men to help him take on Works " Olivet" by Daniel Protheroe Boxing Commissioner and a mem¬ Lansing. If we're talking about you, Dr. David Machtel, Conducting ber of the Detroit Sports Broad¬ call him on it. Who knows how far a casters Association. guy like you could go with a guy like Chuck Davey is also one of the TIME- 7:30 ■ 10:00 P.M. Thursday Sept. 30.1971 most competent life insurance him in your corner. executives in the business. He PLACE : Room 118 Old Central, Lensing Community College began his career in 1955 with Charles P. Davey and Associates (Corner of Shiawassee and N. Capitol/ another company. Two years Northland Towers E. later, he joined our Detroit Southfield, Mich. 48075 i (Group auditions for voice quality and sections - no solos) agency as supervisor. He soon qualified as a member of the 444-1200/356-1001 1500 Kendale Blvd. Company's Hall of Fame and East Lansing 48823 Leaders Association, as well 351-5940 as the industry's Million Dollar UnSymphonic Choir is sponsored by Lansing Community College Round Table. and directed by Dr. David Machtel, Head of Music, L.C.C. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. Sepiemh,.., STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 3558255 I'ts Smart to be Thrifty. Your Best Buy is Our Classified Ad. Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil Frank Automotive GET Action WITHA The State News does Employment not permit racial or Employment Want Ad religious discrimination in its advertising CORVETTE 1966. Two new tops. Radials. Low 339-9234. 3-9-27 mileage. Phone TOYOTA CORONA 1969. 25,000 miles. FM radio, excellent WANT IRONING. Experienced, Of any references and size. ■ INE UP a fall . AUTOMOTI VE columns. The State condition. 372-5381. 3-9-27 $1475. Phone reasonable. Phone 487 5566. necessary. 381-7319. J* News will not 5 9 30 Scooters & Cycles accept HASHACHAR Auto Parts & Service advertising which TRIUMPH 1971. 4-speed, radio, BABYSITTER TO come In for 18 ORGANIZATION O, haS needs discriminates against 9,000 miles Original girl owner. month boy. 8-12 p.m. 355-2995 leaders ,0 Aviation 351-7222 until 5 p.m., 351 0656 through 8th grade »EMPLOYMENT religion, race, color or DATSUN PICKUP 1970. 26,00 miles after 6 p.m. 5-9-29 X-2-9-28 Previous experienceboys win, ^ national origin. - radio, 4 speed. $1500. » FOR RENT DRUMMER 8 years experience. youngsters this 349-4235. 10-10-7 TRIUMPH SPITFURE 1969. background Apartments miles. Excellent 19,000 Wants to work with serious group. Zonisn, in jeJ!9e' shape. Call 8nd Houses DODGE CORONET 1965. 4 door, 313-266 4660. 3-9-27 Call Jim, 351-7701. 3-9-29 • srael are know,edge' ^ nre-nv,,.: • white, good condition, power > Rooms FOR SALE Automotive brakes, new tires. 355-8037. 2-9-27 TRIUMPH condition, 1970 reliable, TR-6. Good JOB OPENINGS trainees, sales personnel, night for manager 332-0596. uSSSg^ overdrive, guards. Phone 482-0783, CURTIS Animals AUSTIN-HEALEY Sprite 1965. stereo tape with tapes. Blue, must DUNE BUGGY 1969 assembly. sell. 393-7788 after 5 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 3-9-30 Mobile Homes Re-built, new interior, top, paint, p.m. 5-10-1 tires and shocks. Phone 487-0207. Volkswagen motor, brand new (LOST & FOUND tires. Must sell now. 655-3310. JOB OPENINGS now for secretaries, DOG SITTER. ► PERSONAL 3-9-27 5-9-29 1971 TRIUMPH 2000. 4 door, dark clerical, general office Phone live in plus Occasional blue, 36,000 miles, manual shift, salary. Sam 340.^ 482 0783. CURTIS PEANUTS PERSONAL BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. good condition throughout, good EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 3-9 30 355-9656. 3-9-27 *** REAL ESTATE Very good car. Many extras. $850. tires. Call 882-4365, $900. 3-9-29 372-1168, 372-1529. 10-10-7 ONE OR 2 LECTURE NOTES wanted for sophomore or • RECREATION large fraternity CHEVROLET 1964. Economical 6 TR-6 1970. Brown, FM-streo. classes. Earn up to $65 extra earning $2000 to members interest SERVICE FORD FAIRLANE, 1964. V-8, Michelins - X Radials Luggage and money doing what you do S40O1- cylinder, automatic, radio, chrome school year ski racks. Phone Mickey at managing Typing Service reverse wheels, good condition. automatic, snow tires. Excellent 339-8149. S5-10-1 anyway. Also, want writers, sales business. Small jnv 3 condition. 485-5613, 353-2263. translators, researchers, to optional but would TRANSPORTATION $400. Call 482-2794. 3-9-27 3-9-29 h produce educational secur, aids. Call WANTED CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE FORD VAN 1963. "WELL, WHATEVER. WEPE HAVING VOLKSWAGEN 1969. automatic, radio, white - walls, Sunroof, WRITE-ON, 332-3700, 10-5 O p.m. income. summer Position would employment with uni also J Everything DEADLINE 1963. 327, 4 speed. New top. 351-3229 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 re-built. Paneled, carpeted. IS FPCSH!" 16,000 miles. $1500. Tom, after 7 EXPERIENCED TV nationwide further franchising ccr^ 1 P.M. one class day before 355-3069 after 5 p.m. 3-9-29 p.m. 355-6762. 2-9-28 or Stereo information , repairmen needed. interview &WW Apply at appointments. Call C publication. CHEVROLET 1964 panel statior FORD 1940. 2 door, sedan, body OX/f2*/£. MM. VOLKSWAGEN 1969.s33.000 miles. Student Electronics Repair Shop. Packer. 332-3914. 2-9-14 Cancellations/Corrections wagon. 4 speed transmission, 1 excellent, less engine. $200 or best AM/FM radio. Good condition. 326 Student Services Building. - 12 noon one class day heaters, spot-light, 3 seats. Bill offer. 351-1349. 3-9-28 337-1115. 3-9-27 __Afternoons. 4-9-29 governessfob- Summerhill method before publication. Leavenworth, 484-3232. 5-9-30 485-7275, EARN EXTRA money in your spare Flexible schedule. par, I FORD 1962. Runs wall. New Automotive Automotive VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Bug. 35,000 time selling Koscot Oil of Mink board. Room ! PHONE battery. Must miles. 5962 Haverhill South Kosmetics. Call 489-2148 between 332-3357. 5-9-29 CHEVROLET BELAIR 1963. Good sell. $125. 355-8255 353-8468. 3-9-28 Lansing, after 6 p.m. $1100 transportation. Custom interior. OLDS 88 1965. Good condition, tan, 5-9-29 ^ 6 and^9j>.m. for interview. 5-9-3C TURN THOSE spare hour No rust. $170. ED7-7935. 3-9-29 radio, custom. Call 355-1270. RATES 10 wortJ mlnirrlum FORD STATION ASSISTANT MANAGER for small wagon 1966. 5-10-1 part time. Top commissi used book Experienced. No. DAYS Power steering and power brakes. MONZA CONVERTIBLE 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, 1966. Excellent store. bonus No No. CHEVtLLE 1970. SS396, 350 Automatic trnasmission. Call condition, under 50,000 miles. CURIOUS BOOK SHOP. 541 East delivering or coll9ctil Automatic, tires almost OLDS Full hne of CONVERTIBLE 1964. Full . WORDS 3 horsepower, 4 speed, stereo tape, new. samples. No « 1 5 10 372-6863. 3-9-28 $750. Phone 337-1282. 5-9-29 Grand River (below Paramount) new tires. Excellent Snow tires included. Excellent power, air. Good transportation. investment. Hostesses e condition. 1-6 p.m. 3-9-28 10 1 50 4.00 6.50 13.00 627-6250. 5-9-29 condition. $450. 353-7260 before $450. 393-1867. 5-10-1 FORD 1963. Camper. Stove, VOLKSWAGEN 1967, factory 5 p.m. 3-9-27 COUPLE NEEDED refrigerator, sink, bed. Good re-built engine, spotless, mufflers 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 CHEVELLE, MALIBU 1969 sharp, OPEL KADET 1968. Station wagon. Half - Way House ... ...... running condition. Phone just replaced, radio, sacrifice. a.t., p.5., black vinyl top, 27,000 339-8930. 10-10-5 MUSTANG 1969, stick. Great Good condition, low mileage. 355-2884. 3-9-27 Hours flexible, free room and BRIGHT, AMBITIOUS 1 miles. 351-7772. 4-9-29 condition. needed 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 Sell or trade, offers. $750. 482-4248. 5-9-29 board plus $100 per month. For as campus represents! 351-2349. 5-10-1 information for computer FORD 1959, automatic, good town more call Kay dating st COMET CYCLONE 1966. OPEL GT 1970. Like new. Red, 4 VOLKSWAGEN 1963. $250 or best work for commission 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 V-8, Diamond at 393-4990, weekdays 0. transportation. $100. 355-6141. offer. Ask for Rick, 351-9034, Write: Cupid power steering and brakes. MUSTANG 1969. 351 4 barrel speed. 13,000 miles. 5433 S. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3-9-28 Computer, Box Excellent condition. Many extras. 3-9-29 351-7830. 5-10-1 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 engine. Automatic transmission. Pennsylvania. Phone 882-3772. Champaign, Illinois 6 1 820.3.} Leaving country. $675. 353-3186. $1600. 646-6309. 5-10-1 3-9-27 ORTHODONTIC ASSISTANT with FORD VAN 1966. 55,000 miles. 6 VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Green sedan, 25 10.00 16.25 32.50 After 5 PM, 351-2957. 3-9-27 lab. experience preferred. Full STUDENT WIFE for cylinder stick. Good condition. OLDSMOBILE OPEL 1969. new white wall tires, luggage time, downtown. Call 482-9695. 88 1966, power $1100. VW 1964, Monday and Friday m_ 347 Sti udent Servici es Bldg CORVAIR MON2A 1961, new tires, 332-5449. 3-9-29 carrier, radio, 19,000 miles. steering, brakes, tilt and telescope sun-roof, no rust. $350. 355-0905. Evenings, 484-0702. 3-9-29 East Lansing. Own w $1800. Phone 353-0929. 3-9-27 transports All student ads must be battery, shocks, good running wheel. Good condition. Phone 3-9-28^ Call 332-0204. 3-9-27 condition. 485-0815 after 3 1 967 GALAXIE 500. p.m V-8, 393-6419. 5-10-1 BABYSITTER, MALE or female. 13 prepaid 3-9-29 Automatic. Excellent condition. OPEL 1969, white - walls, AM/FM, 'W 1964, excellent condition with hours / week. For fall term. Own PART TIME employment with $925. 351-5652 9-6, 355-9956. OLDSMOBILE 1968 Delta large engine, well taken care of. radio, $450. 372-9320 after 6 pm transportation to Spartan Village. The State News will be - 88. 4 line merchant wholes* CORVAIR 500. 1967. 36,000 miles. 5-9-29 door sedan, black vinyl top, Highest offer. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., 5-9-30 responsible only for the fully 373-3287. 5-10-1 355-313J^2-9-28 _ Automobile required. 351-58 Excellent condition. 351-0139. equipped. Excellent condition. 0-10-1 first STUDENT FOR Professors home. We day's incorrect 3-9-27 393-1871. 3-9-29 Scooters & insertion. JAVELIN Excellent 1969. FM, vinyl roof. condition. $1500 PLYMOUTH 1962. Excellent Cycles » kind, experienced person to live in our responsible. MALE ~OR~ Femal«:~Need~5~ CORVAIR, MONZA 1964. mechanical condition, very negotiable. 20 mpg. OLDSMOBILE 1967. 1968 TRIUMPH home, help with our baby and do at $2 per hour Automatic, well care for. Extras, 353-9503, Delmont 88. dependable, $150. Call 332-2650. 500 T-IOOc, with > 3 p.m. new parts. $300. Call 351-5705. 351-6349. 5-9-29 425, radial, power brakes, 5-9-29 helmets. 3,100 miles. $585. Ben some housework and daily, equals power cooking. hours week. Work either 5 • Automotive 2-9-27 steering, good condition. 355-9403. 2-9-28 Room, board and $130/month. 332-1405. 5-9-30 PONTIAC 1969 Firebird 350 V-8, 4 Walking distance of p.m. dally, equals 25 hours | MERCURY 1966 . , , campus. Call A US CORVETTE 1962. Good condition, . or can work. 10 Kafc jT IN HEALEY Sprite 1966. 4 door Monterey. Automatic, radio, speed, new tires. Very clean, TRIUMPH 1970 250, like new, 1,600 ;WfSr Anderson After 13 PM Green, extras, clean. 332-0537. convertible with removable ED7-0241. 2-9-27 weekend. Saturday aobSundii 4 excellent tires, 2 snow tires, OLDSMOBILE 1969. F-85, 2 door, $1900. 351-3859 at noon or miles, helmets included, $600.00.' 1-9-27 hardtop. Call 482-7974. 5-10-1 good speaking voice a must. 1 15,000 miles. Excellent V-8. Automatic transmission. dinner. 3-9-28 351-9428.6-10-1 MALE Mr. Morris 393-5293 betwet condition. 351-3823 evenings. S Power steering; radio. Sharp. HANDICAPPED graduate student requires live-in assistance. a.m. and 2 p.m. A fin 882-7777. 5-9-29 PINTO 1971. Four 1967 305 Scrambler. Excellent speed, white condition. Free room. Phone Dave opportunity employer.0-74.4-9 MERCURY walls, radio. 1,100 miles. $1800. New paint, almost 355-4015 MONTERREY 1962. after 6 p.m. 3-9-28 Phone 337-7883. 5-10-1 mint. Mike, 351-2593. 4-9-29 V-8, automatic, power steering, OLDSMOBILE 1971, 442 and brakes. Radio. convertible, like new. Everything Good RESTAURANT DINING Sorry, 1971 SUZUKI 185cc. Low mileage. room work. condition. 351-5037 after 5 on it. Any PONTIAC 1968. Firebird 350. S-5-9-29 p.m. reasonable offer. Automatic, new tires, brakes and $500. Willing to negotiate trade Excellent pay t working ' Phone 332-3991, 3-7 p.m 3- 484-2479. 5-9-29 conditions. on stereo. Call 353-6830. 2-9-28 Apply in person. exhaust. Very clean and well kept. TYPIST - part time 4-10 p.m. KNIGHTCAP, 320 East Michigan Best offer over $1550. 363-0935 Avenue. IV9-7433. 4-9-29 w.p.m. 5 nights a week. Apply 1970 HONDA 350 CB. Excellent X-2-9-27 person. 427'/i Albert St. 2-3p. condition. $600 or best offer. 332-0260. 3-9-28 BABYSITTER NEEDED for one PONTIAC child, Monday and Thursday We're all GTO 1968, 4 speed, bucket seats. Excellent condition. KAWASAKI 1971, 175 Enduro. evenings. Park Trace, Okemos. For Rent 882-9019. 3-9-27 349-1389. 3-9-28 Very low mileage. Virtually demonstrator. Call 332-0211, WANTED: PERSON to care for 2 PARKING SPACES for Rent PONTIAC CATALINA 1967. Air, after 5:35 p.m. 5-9-29 to campus. $25 / .• .:: cats, through term. Will pay. Call power. One driver. 30,700 actual Nancy, 351-8882 or 351-1134. 1-6 p.m. 3-9-28 miles. 20 1969 350 KAWASAKI, engine 2-9-27 mpg. Excellent recently overhauled. 2 new tires, filled for condition. $1200. 484-9607 2 TV RENTALS - Students only. S9/29 battery, asking $450. Phone BABYSITTER. EAST LANSING, 355-6428. 2-9-28 monthly and Tuesday afternoons and some PONTIAC LEMANS 1970, V-8, evenings. References preferred AMAHA MINI-ENDURO. 489-4386. 5-9-29 automatic. Excellent condition. Call Excellent condition. 6 months TV AND Stereo rental, 625-3039, after 6 p.m. 3-9-27 old. Licensed, with lights, $275. CYTO-TECHNOLOGIST. guaranteed. Free delivery, sen 349-1703. 5-10-1 registered or eligible for registry, and pick up. No deposit. I PONTIAC LE MANS 1967 6. the with experience preferred. Good coming NEJAC, 337-1300. C cylinder. OHC. Call 349-9299. 1970 HODAKA 100B. 1,000 starting 3-9 29 salary, commensurate miles, almost new. Helmet. $400. ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliver 482-8156. 3-9-29 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS RAMBLER 1961. Good condition. RENTAL. 372-4948.0 $150 or best offer. 1970 TRIUMPH Call, DAYTONA, 500. 332-6684. 5-10-1 With extras, $850. Call 482-5626 between 6 - 9 p.m. 5-10-1 school year. f * I 1, 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. REBEL 1970. 2 door $2,395. 349-3024. 3-9-28 hardtop, 10,000 miles, like new, must sell. 1969 running, SUZUKI 355-1663. 5-9-29 no rust, 500. low Excellent mileage. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS * MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA. TEMPEST LEMANS 1965. 1967 SUZUKI X-6, $250. Call Jim, 1. Wolframite 31. Mrs. Burton Reasonable price. Running 485-7720 or Bob, 351-8232. condition. Call 332-5354 after 4 jjf INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. p.m. 3-9-28 3-9-27 11. Land measure 34. Control £ SUNDECKS. 1970 12. Sandy glacial 36. Lohengrin's wife Try us earlier SUZUKI T250. Excellent condition, low mileage, high pipes. ridges 38. Truncate ♦ READING STUDY. ROOM FOR PRIVATE Thanks . . . 1970 339-2009. 5-9-29 BSA 650. 2000 miles. 6" 13. Notion 14. Mongrel 15. Lessen 40. Wide tie 43. Uncommunicative 47. Japanese for next year. ||( PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND J* SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, GUESTS. PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL As usual, we are proud to extention, 5-9-29 real clean. 355-2788 17. Congregate 19. Threshold 20. Ballet step 48. 49. statesman Melody Genealogy COURTS. 22. Gnomes 50. Craggy Ijill FELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB be 100% leased. Auto Service & Parts 26. Famous essayist |51. Thickness 28. Published 52. Leftovers ROOM, TV ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. Try us earlier for next VW GUARANTEED repair. 30. Blunder |>3. Nevertheless Ceti a r - RANDY'S i ♦ FUN f200,000 GALLONS OF SWIMMING IN YOUR OLYMPIC POOL summer and next fall MOBIL. 1-96 at Okemos Road. 349-9620. C 2 3 % H s 7 % e 9 ,0 " 12 13 because of the new, MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East % IS % i6 RATES FROM relaxed "JUNIOR" Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. % Greens Complete auto painting •7 IB %%% and '9 collision service. IV 5-0256. C % S3750 /PERSON/MONTH restrictions. ATTENTION FOREIGN car owners: %% 26 27 20 tr 28 29 22 23 30 24 25 Now open to serve WATER'S EDGE you at the MEADOWBROOK lowest prices in town, 31 KYPERS 32 33 FOREIGN CAR SERCVICE at % % 1135 Michigan Ave. RIVER'S EDGE 312 Hosmer Street. 489-9714 5-9-29 3M 35 % 46 %% % %% 38 X % MO Ml M2 351-8631 To get to TRaeE Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of APARTMENTS Aviation 13 M8 MM 15 H6 i M7 1050 Water's H9 SO Michigan State Campus on 1-496. Exit west onto Edge Dr. m Road and go to Jolly LEARN TO FLY I Complete flight right next to Brody Complex corner of Dunckel Road. 51 51 43 PHONE 393-0210 332-4432 training. government All and courses VA certified. are % % OPEN 11-7 DAILY OR BY FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport APPOINTMENT Road. Call 484-1324. C ember 27 i Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NESS ,, 49-0772. 5-9 LOCATION across from |dea| for student 'dent owned bu»ine»«. » oriented or OKEMOS. 349.3919 6-9-29 FOUR, 1 bedroom apartments, furnished. Call Houses THREE MEN to share GUITAR sound. AMPLIFIER, Two 12 inch 105 watt speakers, DRAFT for DEFERRMENT qualifieo applicants. available Call Absentee ballot GIRL large house. reverb trem. Four inputs. 355-2168. 3-9-28 OVER 23 to^ha"rrdupi;; $60 per month each. $200 or a student option gerators - Lansing. 393-2909. Close to best offer. 393-8816. 5-9-29 4-9-28 campus. Call Ushers. Eschtruth electric, 332-6158 339-2785 or after 5 PM. 4-9-28 DOUBLE MATTRESS and The East Complex "Information ,5 Bridge, Grand Ledge. spring on Fair" will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. .2191- TF 711 Burcham frame. Sears best; Bike 24" 2 today in Hubbard Multi-Purpose Apts. $30. EXQUISITE 2 ARMORED FELLA (Continued from page one) 51-7319.1?now in bedroom dump country. Must have child speed condition; boys Schwinn, excellent The armadillo (Spanish for Room 133. informal questions from the ITEO: PERSON to share house, between 2 4 years old. Magnavox record little fellow in armor) is one opinion of what the court elections director, there has been niex apartment, etc. Near or In - 641-6620 player and built in cabinet; The Astronomy Club will have its meant, but I would prefer, and no official ■'wsva Z Lansing. Call 489-6501 for Blair Carter. 3-9-27 and 1 Large 2 or Bedroom Deluxe 3 Man, 5-9-29 Sunbeam vacuum; ironing toaster , Kenmore board; Konica of the oddest of mammals. It has the head of a lizard, the organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 31S would think the rational opinion issued yet, Searl said. When an opinion is "™z.S Jenence workino ROOMMATE to share trailer, room. Kitchen and piano Furnished Apartments. 9 Month or 12 Month Lease, $180 a Month. WANTED: room. 3-9-29 1 $62.50. man till Call June 337-0590 own C-35 camera and automatic lens. Call 349-2753. 3-9-27 up ears of a mule, the claws of a bear, the tail of suit of armor like a rat, and a Physics-Astronomy Bldg. Plans will be made for projects for the year. welcome. Everyone interested coming >s interpretation would be, that the individual is left with the option of determining where he will issued, he emphasized, it will only stand until the question is brought before the courts. \,hl' 8Je | STARLIGHT DRUM a knight. vote," Ferency said. "We (lawyers) can each read ,'n Jevvish triviligas- 3 blocks from campus, ATTRACITVE set, good You can be d sturt month. 363-1103. 1-9-27 room for girl in condition, $400 new, best offer. a knight to The Spartan Pistol Club will have Both Carr and Bullard had the court's ruling and come up knowledge ^ conservative house. Privileges. No 351-0225 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 your family by bringing home an open meeting for anyone clarified earlier that the with our own opinion," he pre requisites i CALL parking. $80 month plus utilities. good things you didn't think interested in pistol shooting at 7 p.m. said, ois Simon. 3-927 337-7328 OR 351-1016 351-3439. 2-9-28 interpretation was their own, as "but I personally didn't read it could afford when Tuesday in Demonstration Hall. Apartment* MODERN BLONDE bedroom set like new, large dresser and mirror. you learn to shop the State News you individual attorneys. as the supreme court's intent to of,ice 9s. Call mr h«Tp~~ ONE GIRL needed to share 10 to 15 minute drive from campus, Also miscellaneous dresser, bed Classified Ads. There are "This was not directly out in the court's ruling spelled remove the criterion of Intent,' Cl^ AND 2 bedroom apartments bedroom apartment with two south end. 2 bedroom home, 2 car and bookcase headboard. Call many used items in excellent First of Sexuality Series - Dr. such interpretations are but all which has been recognized as ,m $1'"- 10 nnlnutes from other one garage, partly furnished. 487-3096. S Dave Imig will discuss "Sex and the left in long as there has been a State of girl Inquire at condition being offered there Ju Children permitted. EAGLE in Park Trace 737 Clark. Family" at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the the hands of individual attorneys Michigan." Occasional rEST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 Apartments, Okemos. Call at low prices each day. Start Emmons Hall lobby. Everyone is until confirmed or denied by the ®ry, Sam, 349.2«i 349-9189. 5-9-29 welcome. Apol said he is conferring P-97 Road, Holt. C WANTED: 1 man for 4 checking now! courts in ensuing litigation," with the 484-8078. 5-9-30 man house. attorney general's LANSING OR ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will have Bullard said. office and will East Lansing. One soon publish (BEDROOM furnished. Students SHORTWAVE And Carr said j, 9 month lease, parking, bedroom furnished. Large, airy NEEDED: 1 RECEIVER, a lawyer available from 10 a.m. to that, in guidelines for local clerks. or 2 girls to rooms. Air sub-lease in Hammerlund HQ-110, 22 target noon every Tuesday and from 1 to 5 practice, some students may still Since the Michigan undrv. air- 10 m,nutw to conditioned. house with 3 others. rifle, H8iR 451. 355-5968. 3-9-29 BILLIE'S BALLET Studio. p.m. every Tuesday and high court Beautifully maintained. Suitable Share large European Wednesday keep their option because local ruled in August that a person impus. $200/month, includes for faculty, grad bedroom. Lease October 1 June trained. Professional ballerina and during fall term. Those wishing an eat Call Dyanne Dean of students, business 15. Deposit, no - 1971 appointment are asked to check with city clerks would probably not can gain residency while a pets. House in DIAL AND SWITCH $51.40. teacher. Now IPPER REALTY INC. to people, married couples. Lease accepting pupils for disenfranchise students away at w>uld secure see. Lansing. Call 484-9935. 3-9-29 Left in layaway. Comes with a beginning, intermediate the ASMSU Business Office, 307-S student, Apol said it would lar 72-9730 or 487-5100. 5-9-29 __3i?:2L:??L?lH2_:6549 0 walnut sew table beautiful advanced classes. Across from and Student Services Bldg. or call school when there is little appear that students are now pastel "* MALE ROOMMATE color, full size head, all built in, campus. Call 332-5511. 4-9-28 353-0659. There will be a nominal $3 impact of a student voting bloc. covered by the law that LIBERAL -type girl. $50. month. Capitol Villa wanted. $70 a Rooms - charge for service. "But on a strict reading of the people will vote says ,e block to Morrill. 351-7531. Apartments. Zig - Zag - buttonhole. Overcast where they 337j0854.^-9-27 makes fancy stitches and winds WRITE OFF class work with Write law," he insisted, "it would spend most of their time. WOMAN, SINGLE room in attractive On. Highly detailed lecture - The MSU Karate Club will hold its YOUNG MAN, preferably the bobbin automatically. Pay notes, First meeting of the term at 6 appear that the vast majority of "But we must be careful here student, to home, 5 minutes drive from p.m. just $51.40, or E-Z terms term paper and theses research Tuesday in the upper gym of the MSU students should vote in because, like share apartment in Lansing near campus, $50/month. No smoking. arranged. Trade and editing, translations East anything else, not Phone 351-8994. 5-9-29 - ins accepted. To in all Women's IM Building.iCoediclassesfor Lansing." all of us fit Michigan Avenue. Apply at 212 neatly into Allen Street, upstairs, between insure satisfaction, sold by free languages, computer programming beginners, intermediates and Apol and Searl both indicated pigeonholes," he said. 5 - home demonstration research projects. All advanced students will be held. method. P8rt, only. Phone disciplines ITED: ONE male. Four man 7 PM. j-9-27 ROOMS: WITH board, single or covered. Anyone interested should be there 15 Friday that the state has long edule. Room 484-4553. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fast service. Call Apartment 15E, 1320 double. Clean. 151 minutes early. Everyone welcome. maintained both "intent" and "The courts have indicated in I57. 5-9-29 FORGET THE Bogue, ELECTRO GRAND. 0-5-10-1 332-3700. 10-5 p.m. O Grand River. 337-9245. MICKEY MOUSE 332-8635. 3-9-29 actual 1st and physical presence for "the the past that there are other 6-10-1 high East Lansing rents. Congregation Kehillat "NEED A PLACE TO PRAY?"Your Israel invites greater part of the time" as factors in Modern, furnished one bedroom. ATTENTION: ROOMS for you to services - Kol Nidre, 7:15 criteria for determining a voter's determining a person's rent. roommate thinks WANTED. NORTHWIND Parking plentiful and privacy Completely furnished. you're nuts? The p.m. Tuesday and Yom Kippur, 9:30 voting residency and those Cooking. stairwell is too noisy? Come to the residence. ARMS. No lease and no deposit. guaranteed, downtown Lansing. Call 372-8077. C a.m. to sunset Wednesday at 855 certainly include the individual's LOVELY DIAMOND Student Center, 4608 South Grove St., East Although the attorney intent of where he is a resident," >ne Debbie after 5:30 p.m. $J 5^^2-^70^9-28^ $350 Call 355-3018 and save SOLITAIRE, Hagadorn Road. There are a lot of welcome. Lansing. All are >1-4416 money general's office is studying Apol said. GIRL WANTED to share threerrian For Sale for tuition and books. 2-9-28 quiet corners for praying. And no apartment, close to campus. $55 a one will hassle you. AMERICAN iDUATE STUDENT couple: 2 month. Call 351-5639. 1-9-27 ~ 3 USED HOOVERS $24.50. Nice - DRUM SET. BAPTIST STUDENT CENTER. 10m furnished mobile home, Ludwig, Super Classic. Spartan Wives, an organization for 1BITI0US mpus represent dating tin service. and quiet. 641-6601. O GIRL NEEDED, apartment. 1 block from Call 351-5065. 1-9-27 furnished campus. Call 355-6149 after 5 MORE FUN in the p.m. 1-9-27 sun, with Sun _ - tone — Hooever cleaner used just a few times. All cleaning tools. Only $24.50 cash or terms. Call 372-3324. 9 a.m. to 9 332-8472. 1-9-27 ASTROLOGICAL studies: CHARTS and Reasonable. Call students who are wives and wives of students, will hold an open house at 7:30 p.m. today at 200 W. People's Church, Grand River Ave., East Sales loss seen Shades. OPTICAL p.m. DISCOUNT, To Insure satisfaction sold 485-8760, Ask for Wanda Myra. Lansing. During the social hour there 2615 East by free Michigan Avenue, home will be registration for ceramics, in steel (MATES NEEDED: Four girls 372-7409, C-5-10-1 demonstrattlon only. (III two apartments. Marmax itrtmsnts, 225 Division. Cloee to 0-3-9-28 ONE OR 2 men needed for the 150 WATT Amplifier, two speaker, Garrard turntable, $295. 0-5-10-1 PORTABLE T.V., blonde wig, Recreation macrame, decoupage and sports night All invited in coming school AKAI CHRISTMAS BREAK. Spain $249. are to the Free U year. One block tapedeck, $150. Together maternity clothes, baby Items, Nassau $169. Acapulco organizational meeting at 8:30 p.m. The American steel indsutry should be much more concerned from campus. 351-8862. - $400 sterilizer. 351-9272.1-9-27 $249. Own transportiti D ONE girl for winter term. X-4-9-28 351-4779. 5-10-1 today in Phillips Hall. about competitive materials, such as 1 London $149. Complete deluxe plastics or fiberglass, than it idir Village. Call 332-0663. is about imports, two ONE OR 2 girls needed for the TWO STUDIO beds with coverlets GARRARD CHANGE, Midland packages. Call Frank Buck The first meeting of E-QUAL internationally known economists agreed 351-2286. O this week at MSU. coming school year. One block and bolsters. Best offer. receiver, Allied speakers. $175 or (Students for Environmental Quality) 351-0225 will be "If the American steel industry TED: ONE or 2 girls for from campus. 332-4432. 0-4-9-28 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 best offer. Canon FT $250 or best at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 30 keeps increasing prices, plastics offer. Short frosted Union. Everyone is invited. will replace steel in a large part of its traditional wig, brown market — even equired 351-58 iirtmsnt in Capitol Villa. MALE automobiles," Walter Adams, professor of economics and former B-1779. 3-9-28 ROOMMATE wanted. Grad HASSELBLAD cascade, $10 each. 355-8043, The 500C 254" camera MSU Bible Students invite student or similar for large 2 man with 80mm f/2.8 lens; before 11 p.m. 3-9-29 BAR N RIDING STABLE you to hear Paul Mali discuss an president of MSU, warned in an executive management seminar furnished luxury apartment. $90. Honeywell for steel service center executives from :eil Need 5 IKING FOR a electronic flash. Best offer important question of our times: across the country. roommate? Inquire 787 Burcham, Apt. 17, SKI IS, HEAD 360-s. 195 cm. "Where Is God in 1971?" at 7:30 "It's not around the corner, but in r to work either pen-end leases available. Call 332-5555. S-5-9-30 Lange a decade, maybe seven or after 5:30 p.m. 5-10-1 boots 9 '/4 -1 0, p.m. Friday in 109 Anthony Hall. .n daily, equals /USTEAD poles and eight years," agreed William Hogan of Fordham University. He MANAGEMENT, B.I.C. / Lux 71/ 2R AM/FM stereo barrecrafter. 337-7883. 5-10-1 mentioned fiberglass bodies in automobiles as an York either 5 • •7910. 0 2 MAN Get acquainted offer. M.S.U. example. graduate students. 4 large Lapidary (Gem-cutting) lessons luals 25 hourt receiver, 150 rms. New, in carton. Hogan foresaw the demise of six to 10 of the nation's steel rooms and bath, with basement. 5 I.D. worth $1.00 towards will be given from 7 to 9 p.m. work. 10 349-0772. 5-9-29 companies within the decade, primarily by combination or LANSING duplex, 2 bedroom minutes from campus in Lansing. . Animals horse rental until October 15. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Practice, theory and history of rday aefcSundtj Ished apartments. Good merger. voice Stove and refrigerator. $125 / AR TURNTABLE. (Excludes weekend lapidary will be covered. For further a. musi icition, newer building. Single speed, HORSES BOARDED: $25 >3-5293 betw -3919. 5-9-29 month, utilities paid, except and $35 / afternoons.) English and information, call 332-2986 between "The American steel industry has inflicted injury on itself — p.m. An eq electricity. 351-0085. 1-9-27 332 0110°™ 3-9-28 9«n' 8651 °ffer" rnonth. Hay and grain daily. Box sta||s rjdjng rjng and Western riding instruction. suicidal injury — by constant price escalation. . .pricing, itself lployer. 0-74.4-9 miles South of MSU. traj|$ 4 Jumping classes available. out of the world market and part of the national market," Adams 882-8779 or Beginning and intermediate baton SANSUI 5000A tuner. Good 882-3820.5-10-1 Evenings call 355-5878. twirling classes will begin at 10 a.m. declared. American steel prices went up 15.5 per cent in the 14 condition. Best offer. Call Horses boarded, bought and Saturday in 118 Women's Intramural months between Jan., 1969 and March, 1971, three times as We have filled 349-1874. 2-9-27 HARPSICHORD. SOLID cherry. 8 SAVE THIS kitten from the Really adorable male. 337-7041. 3-9-29 shelter! sold. Horse drawn hayrides. Take 127 South to Barnes Road exit. Left on Barnes. Bldg. If interested, call Pamela at 351-0426. much as in the previous eight years, he that rapid rise to the imposition of January, 1969. explained. He attributed "voluntary" import quotas in and 4 foot strings. Call 1-589-8814. 484-9856, — 372-1529.10-10-7 "The American steel industry has learned FREE: 6 Service every one of week old puppies. how to curtail • Cocker-Dingo mix. Give them a competiton," Adams charged. COMPONENT STEREO, BSR 600, home. Call 489-1345. S-9-29 "We have come to Kenwood. 80 watt, Heathkit floor ANN BROWN: a point where we no longer discuss FOR SALESPOWER try a little Typing and multilith competition, but rather how to make speakers. $200 firm. 373-0150 offset printing. Complete service an international cartel Rent BOARDING: HORSES boarded. 15 Classified Ad to sell a large mobile work," he said. days, 485-2369 evenings. 5-9-30 for dissertations, apartments. minutes from campus. Both box theses, our homel Dial 355-8255 today! and slip stalls at reasonable manuscripts, general typing. IBM. The economists concurred that the Nixon rates. NIKON CAMERA plus lens. Good 655-3410 or 655-2285. 3-9-27 22 years experience. 349-0850. C surcharge on steel was not intended to be a permanent part of the American tariff condition. Must sell to eat. Real Estate PROFESSIONAL regulations, but rather to put industry and the State Department DALMATION PUPS; AKC, home in the strongest positon to We're sorry we raised litter. SIX ROOM with 3 extra large THESIS negotiate quotas. TAPESTRIES, WATERBED . frames 393-8558, after 6 pm. bedrooms. 2 story brick and wood PREPARATION tudents only. 6-10-1 and heaters. REBIRTH, 309 construction. Built I960. Full • IBM Typing Hogan predicted that the surcharge will be removed and North Washington Avenue, basement, 2 car garage. Plastered NIVERSITY BASSETT PUPPIES for sale. AKC, . Multilith Printing voluntary quotas again established by Japan and Europe. Lansing. 489-6168. c-10-8 five weeks. 677-8561 after 5 PM.' walls, drapes. Carpeted Hardbindlnc living . 5-9-29 room, dining room and hall. Lot rental, satisfact « delivery, serv can not help USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 East Michigan. Dishes, books, FRIENDLY KITTENS free to size: 90' x 143'. neighborhood. Priced at $47,500, Excellent Complete Professional Thesis Service fir Mister's and Oectoral Candidates Free No deposi 00. C coins, antiques, rockers, junk. Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open friendly people. Phone 337-0052. 3-9-27 approximately $7,00 down. For more Caterino information, call Frank Rrsckirt and Consultation. Please Call CIK1 and Paila Hjujhey 3371527 or 027 2931. Public meeting set the many, many Saturday and Sunday. Furniture 393-6550. Evenings and appliances open all week, 10 484-8080. REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term Mobile Homes theses. salary increase am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C MART, REALTOR, x-5-10-1 papers, Best rates. Call 351-4619. O on 1967, 10' x 51'. Excellent condition. OKEMOS APPLES, PEARS, plums, sweet cider. AREA. Immediate 2 bedroom, partially furnished. Pick possession on this exceptional your own apples. Friday, students who have Wanted Parked near DeWitt. $2500 or best suburban home. 4 bedroom (Continued from page one) Saturday, Sunday. BLOSSOM offer. Call 669-3493. 7-10-1 Cape ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of Cod, large family room, fireplace, "The University of Michigan Leslie on Hull Road. (Old U.S. full basement, and 2 car garage. SCHULTZ R.N. BABYSITTING. saved $2.8 million by asking all 127) 589-8251. 9 - 6 PM. Closed 12' x 60'. Attractive, Owner transferred, must liquidate. Full / part bargaining and a faculty strike furnished, carpeted, 2 bedrooms. time. Prefer 2'/4 or older. In departments to cut back an carried the date of Call Doug Smith, my an agreement Mondays. O 123 Hawthorne, Windsor 484-4159. Or home. 353-7902. 1-9-27 been calling us. Estates. ALL STAR amount equal to 3 per centoflast beyond the Aug. 15 freeze date. 10 minutes to MSU. REALTY, 372-1320. COMPONENT STEREO. Will sell all 646-6087 year's salary base," he said. Ironically, the Oakland 1-9-27 BABYSITTING IN Or part. New, still under MY Spartan "Students here are paying an administration is eligible for the Village home, warranty. Call evenings, 1968 MOBILE home. 12' x 52'. Service 355-0992. 5-9-30 experienced average 16 per cent tuition pay increases because their 332-4455, 4-9-28 increase this year. For any pay contracts . Furnished, very good condition. 7~ were signed prior to _ '. raise made, you can kind of $3600.834-5945.2-9-27 Aug. 15. ER'E Fo'k. Rocko V Classical ,n*ruct,1on- All styles COMMUNITY MUSICIANS, 35mm figure the students ( at U-M) are Oakland's faculty r 1 yl s|ide composition, film makers> going to pay for it," was ™Z£'?."'?r£iSrS "ARSBHAL[ unionized Please try earlier the by the American WATERBED UNITS $60. Mattress, Carpeting, conditioner, draperies, nice yard, air near c 1 Q 27 MUSIC. acoustic and visualf '"7'"medium, Michigan Daily editor said. At Oakland Assn. of University Professors Inquire; Abrams University near last year. This was their first liner, foam pad and frame. Any campus. Call 351-1194. 5-9-30 Planetarium, size. Water mattresses, $26.50. FQR QUAL|Ty servi(Te~andst~ereor 355-4672, Skip. 3-9-27 Rochester, the faculty will not collective bargaining contract. 5. Samoan mollusk REBIRTH, 309 North Washington dpi DELTA Tfl 1 QRfl 1968. io' 12 x An' v 60 nineplus T 7 it 12. TV s and recorders. THE STEREO 6. Flowing to' Avenue, Lansing, 489-6168. Furnished and like new. Located SHOPPE. 337-1300 u C BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for next year. ° 7. Hedge 8. Japanese sas 9. Tarboosh 0. Retainer We're 6-10-1 10 minutes West of MSU. Don't rent, invest. Boehm. 627-6794. $6900, terms. Call Ed 482-0805, evenings Boehm & Bowerman, FRE^SENI°R 353"15292 A WOLVERINE. SERVICE OF 5-10-1 THE ail and positive. A negative. B negative negativei ab npaative $12.oo.' COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Theater Dept. 507vi East Rjver Eflst 6. - - Ott Inc. Realtors. 3-9-28 8. Turmeric leasing now for niSSEHTATinw DISSERTATION, rueceT'TJI Lansing. Above the new Campus . LEONARD WHOLESALE'S THESES, term 1. Blue grass .Truthfulness 3 4. Work unit LOW PRICES ON Lo.,&Found jttsszzss Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 jxslz auditions fo pm to 6:30 pm, 337-7183. C 5 sign .Theater FINE JEWELRY Diamonds The Dept of Theater will hold STATE DISCOUNT. 337-1521. auditions for three plays to be 6. City transit . system Kindled 7 next year. Choose from hundreds modern styles, all diamonds of LOST: SILVER watch. _ Between Michigan-MSU Call 332-1075. 5-9-29 Typing Servicr, game, October 9th. presented during fall term at 7:30 p.m. and Theater. Tuesday in the Arena I shoshonean carry a 30 day satisfaction Natural ' Science and Natural SAVE SAVE SAVE Ten people, who can act, ang and dance, are required for "The Cave money back guarantee . Boy Resources. Reward. Call Jenny , XEROX COPYING- offset best TRANSLATOR, SPANISH speaking, j sigmoid curt - Who Cried Wolf," a musical drama for children 353-6234. 3-9-29 quality at reasonable prices. THE accurate by John Baldwin, ). High pries' COMPONENT SYSTEMS dictaphone typist. associate professor of Theater. COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand Needed for Bowling aW permanent basis. toMkittgtoim j River. Phone 332-4222. C ). Cat's nuirn"" Personal Phone 489-1441. CAREER CENTER. 3-9-29 PARKER There are several singing roles for men and Fisher, Wharfedale, AR, women in "A Man's , Nebraska I Sony, Panasonic, Garrard, a Man" by Bertolt Brecht, a muscial Indian Ampex, Kenwood Dual, etc. COMPLETE THESES service. comedy that attempts to STUDENTS WANTED, fullandpart probe the concept of I, Civil ini"'* THERE IS still time to complete a Discount printing. IBM typing and organization man. time employment available. Need .Spigot I 4620 S. Hagadorn Kaplan Tutoring Course for the binding of theses, resumes, men and women MCAT, DAT, and LSAT. BOARD publications. Across from between 18 and "Antigone," a play written by Jean Anouilh during the Nazi 1. Afflict campus, 25 EXAMS scheduled for October. years to assist manager in ,. Shout MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: corner M.A.C. and Grand River, occupation of France, requires a cast of four women and five Call below Jones public relations work. Several i. Saturate 309 N. 313-851-6077 for Stationery Shop. Call men. Washington positions Alco Management Company Information 7-10-1 and enrollment. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666. C available. personal interview between 9 a.m. Call for The autitions are open to anyone interested, regardless of and 2 p.m. 371-3280. 5-9 30 academic major. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan OK to hike "When first housing rent helps U'pay debl By ray anoerson we made the increase in employe wages, Terry years and we can only do this so The council defined decision confronted "The tenant should try to get cancelled checks and those of notified, Bozzn State Ntw Staff Writer we were explained. long. With the increase in effect seasonally fluctuating landlords the names of previous summer previous tenants and notify the ' c°ncluded. with a lot of dissention, Failure to obtain the increase the situation looks significantly those who had changed their as residents, and school year landlord that if the rent isn't The Internal o ..Recent guides established by including an editorial in the could have resulted in a default improved." he said. rates for a specific date or event residents if possible," he said. He reduced within 10 days the State News, but the subsequent on residence hall trust Terry further explained that is located at °""-enueS( J the Cost of Living Council during the past three years. should keep all his receipts and Internal Revenue Service will be Lansing Federal Bi, action by the Cost of Living indentures, Terry said. the loan agreements and bond Phillip Bozzo, executive validate University hikes in Council validated our action and If the University were to issues have provisions saying the residence hall and married secretary of the Student Housing left no doubt in our minds," default on its debt, members of university must pay a stipulated Corp., said that few complaints housing rates, and have permitted off-campus landlords Stephen H. Terry asst. vice the Ann Arbor Trust Company percentage annually. Any have been received from MSU ,to raise their summer rents to president for finance said. regular school year levels. Bills weren't sent tb married would begin operation of the residence hall system to ensure additional revenues are pledged to paying loans, and indirectly students since his organization distributed leaflets pertaining to Russia protests expulsions Guides released Aug. 28 students until late August Terry profits. Terry explained that accrue to the University by the exact restrictions of the indicate that the new room and said, and numerous complaints they would initiate their own lowering the debt. At the freeze. board rates approved by the were received. regulations, for the express present rate the debt will not be Cedar Village has been the (Continued from page one) All major Soviet newspapers board of trustees in May do not "We explained that we purpose of making the halls retired until the year 2004. only large East Lansing carried Sunday morning a Tass violate the freeze. thought we had the authority profitable, which would not The freeze has had a similar apartment complex to increase but we were prepared to make necessarily have been in the best effect off dispatch which charged that Room, board and tuition are campus where its rent since the announcement Britain's accusations of Soviet considered transaction prices by refunds." he said. the Cost of Living Council, since Due to the guidelines the interest of the University or the landlords were originally faced of students. with the prospect of extending the freeze. Pat complex manager, indicated the Paulte, It charged that British policy spying in London were Propaganda in leaders Europe banking on If*1 refunds The residence halls operated their reduced summer rates until decision to raise rent had been has been to "create obstacles on "deliberately false" and designed commitments and substantial University were to obstruct detente in at less than full capacity during the end of the freeze. made last winter and many the road to a relaxation of Europe. payments had been made, unnecessary. thereby exempting them if "Had the freeze effected our the previous year and a Guidelines released by the leases had been signed at the tensions, especially in European affairs, in spite of the striving of The Communist announced prior to the Aug. 15 proposed rent hike we would significant decrease in revenues Cost of Living Council Aug. 28, new rate during spring term. party deadline. The new rate increases certainly have had to implement occurred. permitted landlords of Students who believe their many countries of Europe to newspaper, Pravda, carried a room and board in residence the increase later, he said. "In order to meet the debt seasonally fluctuating housing to landlords are violating the freeze achieve normalization and report about the meeting in coming out as London last week of the General champions of NATO halls by $20 a term, and The extra money was needed retirement (annually raise their rates to a point not in are advised by Bozzo, to gather convene a conference of 1 monthly rent for married housing to compensate for a 6 per cent $5,850,000) we've been excess of the rates in effect supporting evidence for their European security and Assembly of the Association of Instigators 0f antisl'l units by $3. inflationary factor, and the deferring repairs for a number of during October of 1970. allegation. cooperation." the North Atlantic Alliance. campaigns," he wrote ® NEVER BUY NEW UNTIL YOU'VE CHECKED US FOR USED BOOKS! We still have quantities used books in these courses. Checkof your schedule against our list if you bought why not return them and save, — new, buying used books ACCOUNTING BOA CRIMINAL JUSTICE FRENCH LYMAN BRIGGS MICROBIOLOGY RUSSIAN 201 202 110 101 112 101 202 203 335 200 102R 113 315 204 355 201 234 141 320 391 234 235 375 214 301 SOCIAL WORK 242 228 308 GEOGRAPHY 251 433 326 ECONOMICS 206 372 IMC 435 ADVERTISING 440 447 200 201 213 Many 444 205 300 490 307 210 406 MANAGEMENT 423 BOTANY 305 427 101 PHILOSOPHY 427 200 318 320 825 302 310 102 SOCIAL SCIENCE 441 200 H 231 336 324 475 807 211 406 GEOLOGY 832 323 421 200 SOCIOLOGY ANTHROPOLOGY CHEMISTRY 427 202 337 241 171 132 455 MARKETING 351 250 153 457 301 PHYSICAL SCIENCE 492 263 161 361 841 HPR 311 203 275 860 103 313 461 400 H 861 329 317 STATISTICS 463 410 414 PHYSIOLOGY 121 467 CIVIL ENGINEERING EDUCATION 824 860 418 851 401 201 251 325 342 327B POLITICAL SCIENCE STUDIO ART ASTRONOMY 405 817 327C HUMANITIES MATH 320 303 179 431 Most sections 102 322 217 464 108 333 COMMUNICATIONS 471 10URNALISM 112 377 TV & RADIO 101 800 202 200 ATL 199 804 110 201 315 341 All Sections 205 815 401 816 300 430 334 422 PSYCHOLOGY 161 415 830D 424 441 BIO CHEM COMPUTER SCIENCE 882 427 310 486 051 110 312 491 434 210 120 313 300 LANDSCAPE 335 821 ARCHITECTURE MMM 336 ENGINEERING 205 345 160 211 161 320 360 RELIGION 380 100 911 220 Campus Grand River 507 E. I■1? ali■LMmu Book Open daily B O o K 8 Store 9 - 5:30 RIDE THE MSU BUS TO FIND OUT HOW TO WIN ONE OF FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING BERKEY HALL AND CROSS THE STREET 10 FREE RADIOS OR CAMERAS!