ember 27, |97 Who. . . Tuesday can refute a sneer? MICHIGAN Cloudy . . . TATE NEWS -William Paley STATE . . . and warm showers. High 80 to 86. with a chance of UNIVERSITY ie 64 Number 32 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 28, 1971 Detroit awaits ruling, faces expensive cross-busing tie Detroit (UPI) — A federal judge Monday students between Detroit schools and 85 other school districts Oakland Counties, on the principal premise iued a ruling which could obliterate city in the Detroit or ground that effective relief cannot be burbs as a haven against racial integration Metropolitan Area. That includes three Court observers achieved or ordered in their absence." emphasized schools. counties, Wayne, Oakland and Macomb. cross-busing was only one of several He said it would be improper for the judge Stephen J. Roth ruled that the Legal experts said that a ruling of legal remedies the judge could order. court to act on that motion until the other ate of Michigan and the Detroit Public segregation- was necessary to do that. They But Judge Roth noted in his parties had an opportunity to submit their said several U.S. ruling that hool System were guilty of maintaining Supreme Court rulings "our first step, in considering what judicial proposals for desegregation. He set Oct. 4 have made it plain that if the lejure'or legal segregation. segregated remedial steps must be taken, is the for a hearing on those proposals. He put off until Oct. 4, a decision on attendance pattern in city schools is de consideration of intervening The suit on which Judge Roth issued his parent iat measures he would order to remedy facto, that is, resulting from housing defendants' motion to add as ruling was brought by the Detroit chapter parties e situation. patterns, then no remedy was needed. But defendant, a great number of of the NAACP, and asked that the Detroit the high court also ruled that when school Michigan But the ruling established a basis under there is districts located out-county in school population be integrated in the hich the court could order cross-busing of legal segregation, there is virtually no limit Wayne County, and in Macomb and same ratio — 65 per cent black to 35 percent white — as the city's school population as a whole. It also asked that teachers in each shcool also be integrated highway proposal 40 percent black and 60 percent White. A member of the Detroit Board of Education, Pat McDonald, who originated a new integration program for Detroit Trustees split on plan schools called the "Magnet Plan" said "the court found we haven't taken affirmative action to stop a segregated trend." But he said that in ordering a remedy, The trustees had not been the judge could "do anything from expected to bridged intersection where traffic lights vote on the highway at the June meeting, would not be used and traffic on either implementing a master magnet plan to which was a closed finance involvement of suburban districts." their action to rescind session, and road would not have to cross the traffic on Positions of individual trustees on a School officials and others saw endless highway approval the highway. Bposed cross-campus highway were made subsequently provoked extensive criticism Merriman seconded Huff's prpoblems if Judge Roth should order at the time. Most of the motion, cross-busing of students in the Tri-County iblic for the first time Monday as the criticism at the which also failed on the 4 to 4 time centered on the close nature same split. area to achieve racial balance. niversity administration announced of the Voting "yes" were Huff, White, Martin, trustee meeting, which in turn If the 85 school districts outside Detroit [tails of an Oct. 14 public hearing on the prompted and Merriman. Voting "no" were Carrigan, the Oct. 14 public were merged with the city, the school Kite. hearing. Hartman, Stevens, andThompson. Although trustee opposition to the Significant splits and shifts in usual population would be 942,500 students, A third moticn to advise the State trustee voting patterns are about 20 percent Black. roposed highway is well known, the votes indicated in the Highway Dept. that the board would Busing to achieve iken at a June closed meeting of the voting records made Public Monday. an 80-20 ratio would d were not publicly released until day. The votes illuminate the factions At one point, Trustee Carrigan, D - Anr? Arbor, moved to Patricia M. rescind its previous action of Sept. 1969 was moved by Merriman. Thompson, and seconded by That motion reguire busing of 130,000 Black students out of Detroit daily, and busing 130,000 Young advise the State passed White students from the suburbs into Unaware of all that is going on about him, this Cuban the board over the controversial Hi^way Dept. to seek unanimously, and was thus reported to the refugee baby alternate routes for the Detroit. rests on his mother's shoulder after they arrived in Miami ghway issue. proposed highway public at the time. Monday with which would not cross MSU Additional problems would be created The unexpected public release of the property. 94 other refugees as the Cuban Freedom Trustee Kenneth W. The voting records made public Monday by consolidating some school districts flights are resumed.The final iting record was included in routine Thompson, R - Grand reveal 4 to 4 splits that are out of character 1,000 Cubans authorized by Fidel Castro to leave the country are Rapids, seconded the motion, which failed already in debt with others having ickground information on the highway with usual trustee voting under President expected to arrive on Freedom Flignts this week. bn which accompanied announcement of on a 4 to 4 vote. surpluses being required to pay off the Wharton's term of two years in office. The debts of the districts in the red. le hearings. Voting "yes" on the proposal for no AP Wirephoto ^ In Gross* Pointe, residents pay taxes The public hearing on the highway highway on MSU property were trustees (Please turn to page 13) Don Stevens, D (Please turn to back page) > South Campus will begin at 1:30 - Okemos, Carrigan, Oct. 14 in the Lincoln Rooom of Thompson, and Frank Hartman, D - Flint. ellogg Center, President Wharton said Voting "no" on the motion were trustees Warren M. Huff, D UC eyes granting degrees londay. The hearing is designed to provide - Plymouth, Blanche forum for public and private commentary Martin, D - East Lansing, Frank Merriman, the route. R Deckerville, and Clair A. White, D - - Bay The highway, extending from the 1-496 City. itersection at Trowbridge Road, would That vote record revealed a party split, (locate M-43 across University property, plus a variation in voting between the two By BECKIE HANES Provost's office for appro "at. If approved offered until the form of general education specific central theme, Warrington added. usual Democratic trustee blocks. intually joining Grand River Avenue at Stevens, State News Staff Writer by Cantlon the proposal will go before offerings are determined. "This program would probably never be irk Lake Road, east of East Lansing. Carnigan, and Martin are usually expected Academic Council and then before According to Bruce McCrone, asst. dean for a large number of students," Wnt State Highway Dept. plans route to vote together, Huff, White, and of UC, Cantlon as are A proposal to allow University College President Wharton and the board of has not yet decided Warrington added. highway parallel to the north of the Hartman, board observers noted Monday. (UC) to initiate a four-year, degree-granting trustees. whether both the College of Urban Affairs McCrone said he thought it would be a rand Trunk railroad tracks. In a second vote, Huff moved to instruct program and the "modest program" involving only 800 or program is awaiting approval by Provost The possibility of a degree granting Unviersity College the State Highway Dept. that the At the June 18 closed meeting, the highway John E. Cantlon. General Education Program has been program will go before the board of 900 students. jstees voted would be approved only if there were grade The program has studied and discussed for the past two trustees. "Even after approval, it will be two or unanimously to rescind already been approved iproval for the highway which they had separations at Harrison and Hagadorn by the Educational Policies Committee years according to Willard Warrington, "It looks like Urban Affairs will go up three years before a student would roads. A grade separation refers to before the board this quarter," McCrone ranted in September 1969. a (EPC), which sent the proposal to the director of evaluation services. graduate with this program," McCrone The EPC submitted specific said Monday. said. recommendations to the provost in June "University College faculty is interested Piatt felt a problem would arise in in having a wider range of courses to teach. :inancier calls 1970. The EPC urged the development of advising the diversified students who would on world upper division courses in general education and recommended that UC develop a broad general-liberal bachelor's degree program offered to students who do not want to Many students are not being serviced presently," Franklin D. Piatt, chairman of humanities, said Monday. "It would not be a 'do your own thing' desire such a program. The program would attract both the highly motivated student who wants to design his own the student who cannot get into program and any other seek a degree from any of the programs program with 180 credits of college. Each type of student would help U.S. trade ills offered in other colleges. basketweaving," Piatt stressed. require a different type of advising, Piatt o cure In fall 1970, Cantlon asked EPC to consider the financial aspects of such a the Advising would be an important part of program, McCrone, Piatt and said. The program and the student advisement that Warrington said. importance of continued would be involved. "Since the student would tailor his own development of upper level general WASHINGTON (AP) The meeting is concurrent with that of the through August to $936.1 million, in sharp In June program, improved advising would be education courses was stressed by - contrast to a surplus of $2.2 billion for the 1971, EPC submitted a taxational Monetary Fund (IMF) urged governing board of the World Bank: recommendation similar to that presented needed," Warrington said. Warrington and Piatt. Upper level courses 5 member "Other countries and the international same span in 1970. countries Monday to "make to the provost in 1970. These If the student were simply duplicating appeal to the transfer students who enter ery effort to cooperate with the United community at large should make every Nixon ordered the import surcharge into as juniors or seniors but are required to effect in mid-August, but it did not recommendations, if implemented, would another major already offered or if he ates" in effort to cooperate with the United States take natural science with achieving a basic improvement in allow colleges other than UC to teach designed a program resembling the courses freshmen, 16 U.S. balance of payments. in the task of achieving a fundamental significantly affect the month's trade totals general education courses and would humanities major in the College of Arts Warrington said. UC now offers natural Pierre-Paul Schweitzer, the IMF improvement in its balance of payments." because it did not apply to goods in transit. science courses at the 300 level. Schweitzer recalled that other countries specifically "authorize the University and Letters to avoid the language waging director, delivered the appeal to Almost as he spoke, the Commerce have long been free with their advice to the College faculty to develop: (a) upper level requirement "we would be defeating the Many students would rather take writing le 118 national delegations opening the Dept. issued August figures showing a general education and (b) United States to reduce or eliminate its courses; purpose of the program," Warrington courses in their sophomore or junior years eek-long annual meeting of the fund, deficit in the American trade balance for additional freshman and sohomore general added. instead of American Thought and tare President Nixon's the fifth month in a row. The U.S. payments deficit, and went on. pressure play for education courses." "We would be attracting a unique type orld wide imported $259.7 million more in goods "There is now general agreement that a Language, Warrington added. currency revaluation is under Also, EPC approved the offering of of student," Warrington said. Each student ?>vy attack. than it exported. The deficit was $304 substantial adjustment is required to deal Upper level courses such as Great Issues baccalaureate degree programs in general would have his own specialized have been well received by the students so A million in July. with the present payments imbalance in program warning that West Germany may be studies, l'hese programs would not be with a program structured around tted to retaliate That brought the deficit for the year the world." some far, Warrington said. e against what it considers rigidity of the American stand has been Me to Secretary of the Treasury John R onnally by the German finance minister, -arl Schiller. Chiller notified Connally - according for vice president job German sources here — that West ''many "may be compelled to come to a llnfu> Panel reappraisal of the economic and ittency policy at we have been pursuing." circumstances a in which Schiller rift in the hitherto closely to rate operative U.S. - German relationship re not divulged. It was known to have "Jmster "i direct conversation. The German student affairs until June, left the position submit for rating to the committee. It will reportedly has used similar this summer citing the "killing" demands probably include both MSU and non-MSU IMP*8director r •" olfler discussions here, President Wharton is expected to of the job which he held since 1967. persons and not be restricted to either Schweitzer urged prompt Milton E. Muelder, vice president for group, one source commented. collaborative efforts to solve the assemble the evaluation committee to rate research and development, was named Although an Academic Council "icy disorders candidates for the position of vice committee precipitated by Nixon's Dickerson's temporary replacement by the two years ago drafted JL.l.5 action suspending the president for student affairs in the near trustees in June. guidelines on the selection of new future, informed sources said Monday. H* bility of dollars into gold. The nine-member evaluation committee University presidents, the committee never emphasized that all countries should The evaluation committee will receive a arrived at selection procedures for other will probably consist of three °L"lril)ut'ons — a br°ad hint that the administrators appointed by Wharton, list of candidates compiled by President chief academic officers. It had beep . States, in addition to insisting that Wharton and is expected to report back to charged with developing selection three faculty members appointed by the ,w ,Co"ntries revalue their currencies procedures for other chief him on their assessment of each candidate. academic Academic Council, and three student c j-,. s"ou'd go part way by devaluing Wharton will then make a recommendation officers, but declined to do so. dollar — tthat representatives named by the Associated to the trustees who have final say over all Wharton therefore is operating without is, raising the price of Students of MSU (ASMSU) and the B«t Schi University appointments. any formal structure in developing the 'weitzer told the delegates, Council of Graduate Students (COGS). whose Wharton is reported to be mechanism which will be used to select Milton B. Dickerson, vice president for currently developing the list of candidates he will Dickerson's replacement, one source said. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. SepiemK.., J9?| news Drug training support sought summary From the wires of AP and UPI. By RANDY GARTON State News Staff Writer was of cut from the budget in the last-minute rush legislative business early this month. If supplemental funds are not allocated, the E.J. McClendon, special assistant for education and critical health problems, said there was a "fairly good chance" that the drug "This program is what they are designed to m»i, being told " hTkeJkldsb«l ■, Members of the Michigan Dept. of Education's money will hoped to take this as a drug education program are desperately trying to Dept. of Education's role in drug education in be appropriated. applied to other areas of the model "W* drum up support after their entire appropriation Michigan's schools will end Jan. 1. "1 found that many legislators didn't even McClendon is the state 'f U c,n know author nf our appropriation had been cut," he said. resource guide on McClendon that the final cut had been made nat.onwide recognition drug education teacl»" in a House-Senate conference committee. as one of > Nixon said documents in an area pleased informative informationbadlyhe Almost $5 million was tagged for use by that and various state agencies in the drug field, with for acc,r "Federal funds will keep our mental health and the state police receiving the early secondary school McClendon said his sS„L elemen8tfV Lansing office open, but we can V bulk of the money. the aid department of have a drug rehabilitation program The drug education program headed by organizations various voiuntarv *** throughout statin l?\ with Hirohito visit McClendon had made the civic if there is no money to do significant progress in the to persuade legislators last year, with funds provided mostly by the education appropriation to an atte">Pt anything with." E.J. McClendon, special assistant for federal government. McClendon said an experimental project „hen they'rety,,, drug education and critical health problems ANCHORAGE, Nixon Monday Alaska (AP) - President pleased and satisfied with "And may this historic meeting, the first meeting in history betwc?en the emperor of Japan involving combined teacher-student education in Wayne County had been very successful and new Addiction onUVhoiol.™ «, was as unprecedented visit from Emperor Hirohito of and the President of the United States, funds were necessary to keep it going. Rehabilitation and L T00^ Oration INARC0» an "We train cadres of students and teachers and Japan that produced words of amity but demonstrate for all years to come a (See related article, on page 2) send them back to their school districts to apparently nothing in the way of decisions. determination of our two great peoples to work McClendon added that Against a gorgeous background of blue, purple together in friendship for peace and prosperity provide leadership and stir interest in this area," drug education programs mostst»i0 and red northern lights flickering on the horizon, for the Pacific and all people in the world." he said. 'These people can screen materials used state would fold throughout th soon after the ^ Hirohito became the first Japanese imperial ruler in drug education programs in their schools." if funds are not appropriated quicklv Ja„ j dl*"tire to set foot on foreign soil when he and Empress The Japanese royalty remained in Alaska less McClendon stressed that the persons involved Federal funds will f Golda scolds U.S. denial Nagako stopped for an informal meeting with than two hours, but Nixon flew in early to in this project were not oriented toward a open," he said, "but we can't keep our lLino ,, President and Mis. Nixon at Elmendorf Air Force embark on a personal pacification mission. punitive approach to the drug problem. there is no have at 8 °ffice Base on the way to a seven - nation tour of Along a nine - mile route that was flanked by money to do anything " Europe. Premier Golda Meir contends that the United States is White House officials said even though there thousands of spectators, some waving flags and HEAR APPOINTMENTS undermining its own quest for a Middle East peace by was nothing specific to announce, the 25 minutes some hoisting banners of protest against a denying Israel deliveries of warplanes. of projected nuclear test shot in the Aleutian private discussion between the President and Egypt is likely to see this as ground for not compromising in peace efforts, she says- and in a the emperor and brief talks with their diplomatic advisers, produced something of value. key- Islands, Nixon rode to the suburban residence of Walter J. Hickel. Last November, Nixon had ousted Hickel from 2 resignations expected situation where Egypt is receiving a continuous injection There was enough of a feeling of good will, his post as secretary of the interior. of military aid from the Soviet Union, the imbalance they said, to have updated to some extent But Sunday all was pleasantry and handshakes might encourage Cairo into a new battle against Israel. first ASMSU meeting relations that were strained by Nixon's decision to visit Communist China and to on imports. impose a surtax when Nixon arrived. Hie President around Hickel, they posed a bit for put his arm pictures, and at Nixon told Hirohito and his empress that he then they went inside the 20 -room stone and frame Hickel home for a was deeply honored by their visit, which he said reception Bureaucratic formalities Judiciary refreshments. (AUSJ) and formal "symbolizes Japan's growing position in world recently disaffiliated Four kidnap director affairs." mixed with of dissent a "healthy" amount recognition of the Council of from OBA and is himsd are expected to Graduate Students (COGS), the expected, The President noted that Anchorage is about dominate the Associated board is expected to receive the turn, to relinquish his seat i, the board to another Four men armed with submachine guns halfway between Tokyo and Washington. Students of MSU's (ASMSU) resignation of two members. OB abducted a "And this fact reminds us," he said, "that for A prominent non first meeting of the term, to be member. - Alaskan was Rogers C.B. Following acceptance of the high government official Monday in Mexico in what the past quarter • century we have built Morton, a former Republican National Committee held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Should Jones comply wit a resignation of Michael McGraw, appeared to be a political kidnaping, authorities structure of political, economic and cultural ties chairman and now the occupant of Hickel's old Union Sunporch. West Circle expectations, he will b which span the space between our two countries. representative, vacant the chairman reported. The kidnapers later telephoned the home of the Cabinet seat. In addition to such moves as ASMSU expects to receive word of the replacement of John important ASMSU post oft! Polk fc the approval of appointments to Committee. Harold Buckn< victim, civil aviation director Julio Hirschfeld Almada, the Jones, Office of Black Affairs board All-University Student (OBA) representative. Jones chairman, announci 52, and demanded $240,000 in exchange for his life, IF IT'S TIME TO BUY Monday that should Jog police said. A spokesman for Hirschfeld Almada's family resign, Michael Fiintol said it was willing to pay the ransom. Residence Hall Asst. RHJ A NEW OR USED president, will be appointed his place. The possible appointment Celebrators stranded salad Flintoff, which would requi ratification by board membei has already met with oppositioi Foi incel one ASMSU source saic' ilSeveral thousand persons were evacuated Sunday from the lower slopes of Popocatpetl volcano in Mexico in a Besides gaining chairman, the policy eommitti may be assigned an impoitai task at the meeting. where they were stranded in chill weather after a It has been speculated that celebration, Red Cross officials said. At least two persons were reported dead. An estimated 30,000 persons went to the 17,761 - sandwich constitutional calling Article for the amendmen removal Two, Section Alj. i i foot volcano to honor Mexican the ASMSU constitution will I revolutionary hero . . . visit your MSU Employees Credit Vicente Guerrero. Most were forced to spend Union loan counselor before introduced at the meeting. Saturday visiting a The section specifies tlu dealer. Armed with dealer cost and night on the mountain when the buses that had brought "The Office of Black Affairs trade-in information, along with a them became stuck the on road, made virtually credit union loan ASMSU shall appoint studen commitment, impossible by heavy rain. you stand to save several hundred of color to fill two seats." dollars. The amendment, expected call for a change in tl And remember, your credit union allocation of voting privileges* is the only place that offers the board, will first have to I Black buried today the same low rate on a new you sent to the policy committee! or used car loan. consideration. You'll find lettuce, tomatoes and special seasonings nestled among the meats and Former Justice Hugo L. Black, a MSU EMPLOYEES cheese in every Hobie's submarine. Your choice of a wide variety of sandwiches. Save! Save! Save! champion of individual freedom Rent Your during his 34 trend shaping years on - the Supreme Court, will be buried with simple honors today. Black died Saturday in Bethesda 1019 Trowbridge Rd. Phone 353-2280 f/ TV Hobie's Open 9:30 - 5:30 Monday thru Friday Naval Hospital, a week after his I retirement from the high court. A BY THE TERM! spokesman said the 85 - year - old Free Delivery jurist died of effects of a stroke and Free Service l^te^Ut^Pizza inflammation of the arteries. The Sailing Club DELIVERY PHONE 351-3800 Free Pick-up $25.°° per term 930 University TV Rentals PCB in recycled paper is more than sailing Trowbridge Road Dine in or carry out. 351-7900 The Food and Drug Administration said Monday it has discovered the presence of a persistent poison it's PEOPLE LIMITED OFFER!! called PCBs in food packaged in containers ir.ade from recycled paper. Federal regulations ban such contaminants from containers. The agency said it was to 433 parts present at levels of up per million in the packages of an JOIN NOW- Don't wait till spring Expires Oct. 1, 1971 unidentified shredded wheat manufacturer. Learn to sail this fall Come along on a picnic Reg 490 FLAIR] Oil pollution minimized loin us at parties NOW ... 3 FOR $1.00 An oil spill from a factory dumped thousands of gallons of oil into the Clinton River in Utica quick action minimized the pollution. Sunday but Be with us at regattas YOUR CHOICE OF 12 ASSORTED COLORS!! Coast Guardsmen from Detroit strung booms at two places downstream and trapped most of the oil. And about 20 members of the Lake St. Clair MAKE OUR CLUB Campus, Advisory Committee, a conservation group, piled 50 bales of straw at the point where the oil was discharged into the YOUR CLUB BOATS AND ALL river through a sewer rip. FREE The oil spill was traced to the Products Co. plant which was leased to National Machine Microdot Corp. Sailing is Beautiful STORE SIDE The company hired a MEETING TONIGHT 7:30 p.m. PARKING professional water pollution - control company to ROOM 35 UNION everyone welcome 507 EAST GRAND pump the oil from the river. RIVER ^ber 28, i Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 28, 1971 '& II £9** lr ipti Will seeks write-in votes By BOB ROACH waged a suffessful write-in seventh in the August primary Colburn and George L. Griffiths, the changes we think East Executive Reporter campaign for a seat on the that cut down a 13-candidate who placed fifth and sixth, Ingham Lansing needs." A year ago Sue Emory had County Board of field to the six whose names will respectively, in August. While Will concedes that, at an Commissioners. be on the November ballot. While the Coalition and PCH "impossible dream." Will won't be running alone times, present council members Hoping to match her success, share basic The dream came true and so Will is running as a write-in either. philosphies on including the two incumbents now Chuck Will wants to student issues such as voter (Gordon L. Thomas and Wilbur try his candidate in the Nov. 2 East On a slate oriented to issues luck. registration, the environment B. Brookover) have supported Lansing City Council race. A of student concern, Will is and With a large constituency of candidate from the Coalition for off-campus housing, each student issues, he says more MSU teaming upwith Project: City group has something to gain direct student representation is students, Mrs. Emory Human Survival, Will placed Hall (PCH) candidates George A. from the alliance. necessary on the council. Colburn points out that he "I feel the people on our slate Excess and Griffiths, while working for will be spending acting much more student issues, will be more directly in the interests of young return 5 acceptable to student voters people and students who through the union with Will, a constitute approximately 64 per Lansing - raised social science cent of East Lansing's d P us with Coordinate this; filed on 2 E.L. ca senior who, at 24, represents the average age of East Lansing residents. population. At "It's a matter of viewpoint. times, reportedly under Concert By BILL WHITING Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley Attorneys for the two And Will says he agreed to form the slate in order to student pressure, the present council has addressed itself to When tickets went on sale for the James Taylor concert to State News Staff Writer charging two East Lansing City legitimize his write-in candidacy. student issues like be held Oct. 8 the lines at Marshall candidates filed amended voter Music stretched around the corner of the Mini-Mart as 140 Council candidates with With three of the five council people waited to get their tickets. An attorney representing the campaign expense statements registration and off-campus Coalition for Human violating campaign expense after public exposure of the seats to be filled in November, housing. But you can see that State News photo Survival limitations. by Don Gerstner has violations. These Colburn also claims that student the council just doesn't see those lodged a complaint with W. Perry cited the Bullard, an East existence of various interests could exert a dominant things as quite so important as campaign .WEEK TALKS BEGIN Lansing attorney active in the committees which were not recent voter registration included influence on the council if the entire slate — himself, Griffiths we do," he said. Will has in the original no illusions about the campaign, issued the complaint statements. and Will — is elected. difficulty of the write-in route Friday after a similar complaint "We want to take all three but remains optimistic. "The UN stand filed with Ingham County William Fleming, Bone's seats," he declared. "That is the China alte rs city moved the primary to Prosecutor ted on Raymond L. treasurer, listed six separate Scodeller was turned down. campaign committees which Bullard alleges that Duane P. expended nearly equal amounts goal, the objective. It's very difficult for Chuck to go the write-in route, but if August and I just missed winning when most of the students were just George out of town. My campaign Bone and Charles Max Phillips in the candidate's behalf. Phillips (Griffiths) and I are elected, we UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Khalatbari of Iran was one of manager says we can win if there p) - The new thinking on the early speakers in the round China, which now includes a Brazil has in the past sided violated campaign expense revised his statements to show might find ourselves consistently are enough student voters majority of the North Atlantic limitations by spending well over three campaign expense outvoted and powerless to make na was reflected Monday in of policy declarations which will with the United States in registered by the Oct. 1 deadline. the $400 ceiling called for in this committees. ing UN General Assembly where occupy the 130-nation Treaty Organizatin countries. assembly Brazilian opposing Peking's seating. summer's primaries. Statements i, a long-time U.S. ally called for the next three weeks, Foreign Minister Gibson Barboza did not After Scodeller was notified Mario Gibson Barboza, say initially filed in behalf of the the seating of Peking as the Iran abstained last opening Monday how he would vote on by the county clerk of the year in the the general debate, asserted that two candidates list expenses The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State |y government of China. UN China vote, but since then "the the two rival resolutions before amended financial statements, filiated himse participation of this new amounting to $1,580.82 for he said in University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter Foreign Minister Abbas Ali has joined the swing to Red the assembly. Bone and a letter to Hilliard: and Spring school terms, I is expected, partner is taken for granted, $1,061.33 for Phillips. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays While similar amounts "Although some of these uish his seat t whether it be today or These are the U.S. were committees during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition tomorrow." plans to spent in behalf of other council unorthodox in appear to be in September. Subscription rate is $16 S• another OB comply wit ussian rainche Without mentioning United States by name, he the seat while China the Chinese Communists permitting Nationalist to remain, and the candidates, the expendutires find that were listed under a series of form, I do not any are in violation of Michigan law." Member Associated Press, United Press Inland Daily Press Association, per year. International, Michigan Press Association, separate committees, which Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan he will criticized big power politics, so-called Albanian resolution Collegiate Press rman ,SMSU post of ti " tails Gandhi which he said was responsible for the changed mainly calling for the seating of Peking and the expulsion of Taiwan. makes the practice legal. Bullard bypassed the If Kelley finds an election law violation and chooses to act on the complaint, he Association. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services 'arold Buckw prospects for Red China. county may Bldg., Michigan MOSCOW (AP) — A full - dress dinner at the Kremlin for Prime prosecutor after institute two types of legal State University, East Lansing, Michigan. in, announci The Albanian resolution has Scodeller sent a letter to C. Ross linister Indira Gandhi of India was called off "The very novelty of the proceedings aainst Bone and should Monday night, Hilliard, Ingham County clerk, picked up three new sponsors, it Phones: VlilHppare^y because of s0"16 urgent problem confronting the situation, which is now in the became known when the stating his intention not to and fined Phillips. They can be prosecuted News Asst RHj " aders of the Soviet Union. offing and what fundamentally up to $1,000 and 355-8252 document was circulated prosecute the candidates. Classified Ads eb Mrs. Gandhi was informed of the cancellation just after she changes the prospects for imprisoned up to two years, or 355-8255 appointed officially. Ceylon, Nepal and Bullard requested the attorney their rrived to begin a visit designed to demonstrate Soviet - Indian membership in the United nominations may be Advertising 353-6400 olidarity. Nations," he said, "is that a Equatorial Guinea joined the general to void both voided, preventing their names Business Office appointment 355-3447 previously announced 18 to nominations. from would requi Formal talks with Premier Alexei N. Kosygin superpower has decided that the appearing on the were similarly time has come to acknowledge bring the total to 21. The Coalition attorney said November ballot. board membei inceled. the existence of another great with oppositio The explanation given by informed sources indicated the rce said, power." oviet leadership may have been busy with some urgent problem. ning a olicy committi spokesman said Mrs. Gandhi did have time for some d 'informal" discussions with Kosygin during the ride back from an impoitu he airport and briefly outside her Kremlin apartment. ng. " peculated that Mrs. Gandhi was to have begun her formal talks with Kosygin - amendmer expected to cover Pakistan, China, European security and NEJAC TV RENTALS e removal bilateral commerce — two hours after her arrival. section Alj. 337-1300 stitution will ; meeting, specifies tin Black Affairs ppoint studen oseats." r Many people have been led to believe that all nt, expected banks are pretty much the same. hange in t ing privileges! tsrif have to They couldn't be more wrong. y committee! Banks offer services and these services do differ. i! Save! So you should compare first before putting your money in one place. You may find a better bank. For example, how many locations does your bank have in East Lansing? East TERM! Lansing State Bank has three, with drive-in windows, right next to campus. How late does your bank stay open? East Lansing State Bank is open Monday through riterm Saturday from nine till five. How about checking and V Rentals fur look-alikes band savings accounts? East Lansing State Bank has one just right for you. Does your together for Miss J bank care about students? We do. East Lansing State in a Bank offers Master Charge to shapely pant-coat any student, junior and by Norgail. Ltd. above. And we initiated the Student Aid Bond Program to provide more money for education. The brown fur seal Community and ombre shaded involvement? East Lansing State Bank helps The Volunteer Bureau publicize beaver are really its activities. kitten-soft Acrilan8 Take the time and compare. Where acrylic pile. you bank is important to us. East 5-13 sizes. $75. Lansing State Bank, your hometown bank away from home. Member: F.D.I.C. ^UAJaLP' JacQbSon'S MICHIGAN BARNEY WHITE STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY Woman's Lib: here to stay v,i> WH*?, KEN LYNAM "Say Barn'" conflicts can be resolved on a nnnm, , "Huh?" nonviolent basis. In such advertising manager "Are you a male chauvinist pig?" grey matter which a counts-andthi contextfe' Apprehensively: "Well, I suppose to be pretty DAVE PERSON, managing editor Why?" so. the length and equally distributed breath of the hum. uZ?* CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor *^ JOHN BORGER, campus editor BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor "Well, you see there was this house..." cat are Of course we're beholding only the not home fc *?' The joke was excellent, and exploitive as which could take beginning 0f , ' RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor decades to J* hell. It was, of course, intended solely as college campus for all that humor and was received as such. accomplished is still iTl. Seven time recipient of the Pacemaker award It's strange how things change through hardly a h«^i " for outstanding journalism. time. Two years ago there wouldn't have listen still mostly-xWly women and professors rfl been a moment's hesitation about predominately male - and good Mom still stays at home old 1? imparting that particular genre of joke. In 1971, however, my friend felt compelled good old apple pies. And to.Su.J2J 5* EDITORIALS to test the water before he launched into frats Snd freaks and social throughout S his somewhat sordid subject. students still haunt the bars science nil? Two years ago we laughed at Women's little action". "looking ooK'ngf0t| J! Liberation. You remember the raps: This raises an Where do male-female interesting oup^tin. "Flipped out broads," "Buncha dykes," relationships f •' "Ain't no loss, they're all ugly anyway," the liberation society equation? I know a In ! Pies, elements which are traditionally TV, etc. And speaking of the "casting the first — mighty stupid to get so hung up on minute folks of both sexes who are having, r stone" department, I can vividly remember editorial, mercifully unsigned, that 1 short on credibility credit. And in those early days the movement didn't really have differences of anatomy when any two human beings are, in the main, 95 per cent surpassingly difficult time together. On the one hand the getting this thi™ an wrote in the summer of 1969 its thing together. Let's face it: burning the same. uptight defensive that she often kills female 7 poking a good deal of fun at the fledgling liberation bras for liberation is about as ludicrous as Sure, males are statistically stronger than good potential a scene anv females, but the superiority-inferiority might have had movement. burying cars for ecology. before things get beyond ramifications of this equation have been "Hi, how are only take But the head part of the movement you." On the other, males quite 1 Part of the problem in those early days was that the medium got in the message. The movement originated in great way of the really had some good things to say and folks started looking beyond the clenched fists and other trappings of the Feminist defunct since man staggered out of the jungles and started doing a city thing. After all, one of the prime functions of society is their committment to the awfully befuddled trying to translate into action. sincere in New Order set this measure with the more radical elements of Movement. It is a simple fact that it's to provide a paradigm in which affairs and I mean if you've been using the word In fifteen minutes you can "chick" for twenty-odd years it's cook a money on a "white elephant" to all of a sudden difficult pot pie, catch the weather and sports parking lot near Jacobsen's. stop. It's kind 0f interesting to watch liberated women and on the local news - or register to But quite a few students do give a their male fellow travelers try to get along' vote in East Lansing. The first is damn and this summer they made a the situation is highly reminiscent of important if you're hungry, the considerable dent in traditionally old relationships between white liberals and blacks in the early sixties. second if you missed the football line East Lansirg politics, helping to game. Registering to vote is vote two student-oriented candidates Undoubtedly this awkwardness will ultimately pass. At present we are in a important only if you care about fair in the primary to positions on the transition period and conscious allegiance drug laws, decent housing, crisis Nov. slate. must be paid to the implementation of the centers, more recreation space, and a Voter registration turnout has emerging paradigm. In a few years, or ever a generation or city council less sympathetic to so, Women's Liberation been low. Much of the lack of should cease to be a movement and business than people. turnout can be attributed to several become a way of life — unconscious and Nov. 3 three East Lansing city misapprehensions students have. "It reflex-like in its expression. councilmen will be elected from six I realize we're takes too long," (2 to IS minutes); starting to get into i candidates. The last census showed Utopia rap now, but I believe the day will "I'm not a resident," (Supreme students to be in the majority in this come when folks won't be Court case clearly outlined that you swayed one way or another city and, therefore, capable of by anatomy. Sure they'll notice are); "I have to show identification", the difference — after all you can't nor exerting more voting power than any should you hide it — but they won't (no ID required); "I don't get out of other group of residents. But in work in time, (you can register on conceptualize it in good-bad terms. order to exert that power and mold And guys will stop your lunch hour trying to sublimate the city creatively and progressively, or Wednesday their masculinity hangups by amassing students must 1) register to vote and September 29 until 8 p.m.); My vote slash marks on dormatory walls. And won't mean anything, (Sen. Phil women will or will not wear bras totally on 2) vote. Pittenger, R-Lansing, secured the the basis of the dictates of their individual During class registration, anatomy. And that noxious Republican nomination, and thus the \ proportionately few students availed state senate election, "housewife" will be stricken from themselves of the opportunity to by a scant 16 vocabulary along with the corresponding start making their mark on the city votes). life pattern. COME ON IN AND MEET THE OTHER CHINA-ARE YOU they live in at least 75 per cent of For the students who care - and THERE, MR. CHIANG . . ?' And, I think all in all it will be abcut time. the time. there are enough to elect any It has been charged that students candidate worth supporting - there don't care. In part that is true. There is really no excuse for not ART BUCHWALD are some students who don't care registering. The entire process is too whether Grand River looks like State simple and too short, to be Street in Chicago at rush hour, or neglected. Students must register by whether they have to throw a football in a concrete parking lot because there is no space anywhere else; or whether the city wastes its the October first deadline, in order to vote in the City Council election. By doing so, they can make their whisper a roar. however, upcoming Busing: on the front line WASHINGTON — Many politicians talk about school busing, but it is doubtful that Dusseldorf during World War II. any of them has ever ridden on one under We picked up our charges, about 35 girls actual combat conditions. "But when they found I was nothing and boys at 3:15 p.m. The bus was fairly Only those who have been on a school more than a reporter, the quiet when we first started off because wraps were off. 'Two China9 bus mission know what busing is all about. I once took a school bus ride from St. Germain - en Laye to Paris years ago, and - The students in the hack of the bus started hitting the students in front of most detective of the students thought I was a who had been hired by the parents to keep them in line. (This was a to this day whenever the climate them with their school books. The injured gets possibility because the school had gone damp, my wounds start to ache. retaliated by swining their lunch boxes at through four bus drivers in five months, This is what happened. It seems that a the attackers' heads. and the mothers had threatened to hire i only realistic group of American mothers who lived in the suburbs of Paris discovered there was no bus to take their children to the American school in town. So they went At first the mothers tried to hire for dangerous assignments, and when the detective after the last driver had slipped on a banana peel on the steps of the bus and broken his back.) But when they found I was nothing out and rented one, which would chaperones, but they couldn't take it, so editor of the paper asked for someone to more than a reporter, the wraps were off pick up the students in the moming and bring them Anally it was decided a different mother write a story about what it was like to ride The students in the back of the bus started For two decades the home in the afternoon. would ride the bus each day, trying to an American school bus in hitting the students in front of them witl "China Chinese Paris, I asked to Empire it has been The first year they tried it without maintain some semblance of order. To go on the mission. their school books. The injured retaliatec question" has haunted the halls of give politically severed from the mainland chaperones, and so many bus drivers quit tfcem a certain espirit de corps they called The Mother of the by swinging their lunch boxes at the the United Nations. In the near for three-quarters of a that the bus company said they wouldn't Day was a Mrs. themselves the Mother Riders of School Richard Edelstein, whose husband worked attackers' heads. Mrs. Edelstein went bac future the world can expect an century. rent them another bus again unless an adult to break it up when a boy in the from Conversely, since possession is ten Bus No. 5. for Paramount Pictures. She had ridden unprecedented reversal of roles as tenths of the law in international other than the bus driver accompanied the As a young newspaperman on the Paris No. 5 six times, which she told me was the produced a live frog, which he dropped the Chinese children. Herald Tribune, I was always volunteering down a 12 year - old girl's dress. People's Republic politics Chiang's claim to the equivalent of 50 bombing raids over - Her screams brought Mrs. Edelstein to the officially becomes "China" while the mainland is in a league with the Flat front of the bus, which gave the students in Taiwanese regime of Generalissimo Earth Society. OUR READERS' MIND the middle an opportunity to kick the ones Chaing Kai-shek slips to the status of The fact is that there are two sitting in front of them. United Nations non-entity. A fire base for spitballs had been setu[ Chinas. To give in to the Red There can be no question that the in the last row, which was targeted m on Chinese demand for the Nationalists expulsion of Taiwan in favor of Red China will represent a more realistic stance for the United Nations. ouster would be to absurd injustice that had suffered these perpetuate the Peking herself To the Editor: Expand advance information the bus driver, who like all French drivers, was barreling through the narrow streets Paris at 60 miles an hour. many years. probability of policy changes, I would bodies to Every 10 minutes the bus screeched to» Indeed, the official fiction that The United Nations was never Your editorial on the new fee refund begin at once to make it more halt to discharge some human cargo, wnic suggest that we explore the alternative available. one-third of the world's people did from its inception envisioned as a policy (State News, Sept. 24,1971) points method of eliminating preclass lack of gave the other riders a chance to tnrow not exist has out that the major inequity of the new Patrick J. O'Connor continually strained the sort of knowledge. This is to expand the amount orange peels at pedestrians. international honorary system is that it does away with the of information available to students before Qiarlotte, N.C. junior Mrs. Edelstein walked up and downth credibility of the world organization. society in which only "good" and opportunity of gaining information about a The question remains, will the ouster registration. Sept. 24,1971 bus, first threatening, then offering class by attending the first few popular nations could belong. Were of Nationalist China in any way serve this the case the United The editorial goes on to sessions. suggest that the At present few departments or student advisory committees compile material on Misplaced Memo of candy and finally making the driver stop until all her charges had quieted down. the interests of world States policy be altered to allow a period of free harmony - or among others would have long since course syllabi, teaching patterns, and To: The East Miraculously we had arrived at the en will it simply serve to drops. «. Lansing City Manager of the line with no serious casualties, a perpetuate the been expelled. A world forum for Being rather grading practices. I realize that much of Re: same non-recognition game with the resolution of conflict sanguine about the this information is not ready before Discouraging student voter only one shaken by the trip, he only the players reversed? and the registration, registration myself, was the bus driver. ultimate betterment of all indeed, that many of th$ j The pivotal question, of concerns the issue of Taiwan. course, The must, of necessity, people permit Dark ages critical decisions are made very late. But since such information would be of Boss - And if the insurance ploy doesn t Mrs. Edelstein who eventually was voi Mother Rider of the Year with anoaK representation from all the political invaluable assistance to students, cluster told me, "If you think this wa communists claim the island as an To the Editor: work, we'll try telling them that divisions of this planet. particularly in face of the new refund you should have ridden with me throug integral part of the Chinese Republic I am truly sorry to see such a noble and policy, I would encourage the appropriate voting grows warts on the hands. the Bois de Boulogne last week.' The so-called "two-China historic science as presently occupied by the "bandit" policy" astronomy being put -The City Clerk Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times is at best a back into the dark regime of Chaing Kai-shek. jury-rig; nevertheless, it ages. After the Chaing is presents the only viable resolution to courageous battles fought by Galileo equally adamant in insisting that Taiwan comprises all that the "China problem" in the United Copernicus to lift astronomy out of realm of and the WOODSTOCK 15 death of SCARf10 BUTTERFLIES remains of Nations. Hopefully, the dogmatic religion, it is China under his constituent disappointing to see that "legitimate" states of the world Abrams sovereignty. body will be able Planetarium is actually helping to spread to see the superstitious and At this time both through the mist of irrational belief in contentions are international partisanism astrology. exceedingly tenuous. While Taiwan long was a frontier region of the old enough to legislate in favor of a saner Paul D. Roltg world. Lewiston, Idaho, sophomore Sept. 24,1971 Tuesday, September 28, ! 971 5 Speaker cautions blacks lonPhysitji iteict to beware of white tricks it'»th; By ANNE BOOKER in Order for the Black Man to blacks who master the bat, the white man's time is up. !d'his seem, Survive on the College Campus." ball and the track field to master It is time I State News Staff Writer to separate. It is time to pick throughout "It is time to love your black the fields of learning." ourselves up human r«t brother as you love yourself," ... to be sober and free yet. The national spokesman for Farrakhan advised blacks serious." We Farrakhan told the audience. ng of a wave the Nation of Islam, called for against being tricked by the "This is not the time to party, educational system. Training set > crest. The unity among blacks at MSU at a dance and get high," he said, t . . . "MSU lowers its standards has been Sunday speech in the . . . "but a time when whites are lets you (blacks) basketball your I bastion Auditorium. 0f / destroying their campuses and way out of high school into for inner city cretories are ssors remain Rick Spratt, Muskegon senior, prepared for fall term classes reparing tool of Minister Louis Farrakhan's appearance was sponsored by their government." MSU to use you to divide Offering a warning to those yourselves." deception to simulate work. »d old *g out those Uncle with a generous portion of sleep. The magazine is merely a State News photo by Robert W. Eckner the Office of Black Affairs and the Black United Front. He present that "whites don't want Blacks, he said, must learn 4-H workers their own education — it's a sign and understand white Jghout is all spoke on "The Need for Unity people as that their civilization is on the well as themselves. The Urban 4-H is nce conducting graduate way out," Farrakhan concluded N RESIDENCE HALLS "If you don't know training programs for new 00kingfori that blacks must choose between whites you can't deal with volunteers from 7 to 9 p.m. the "old" and the "new". them effectively. You must first 8 today, Wednesday and question. He went further in warning know yourself to know them," Thursday. Nships fit Students i„ black students against getting Farrakhan said. °w a re "g this female is so lot of having thing t best f caught in the "trap" of taking black In order for blacks to succeed study courses in this he said, "We must be conscious predominantly white University. of time. If we get behind time, "No white man," he said, "is we get behind life. If we get Training at 7 p.m. programs will be held in Snyder Hall, and in 106 Holden Hall, Wednesday in the Brody Auditorium and in Landon Hall Cafeteria and en kills any By RAY ANDERSON hall, with the exception of fish qualified to try to teach you behind life we fall into death," combined to create a serious and inconvenienced everyone. result in a referral to the Dean of Thursday in 118 Anthony Hall II have had State News Staff Writer kept in aquariums." Robert problem last year, Underwood your history." he said. and West Akers Hall Since the students were Students and possible expulsion meeting li, how are Underwood, manager of resident said. "It is time," he said, "for Farrakhan declared, "The te sincere in Students who dislike halls, said. frequently too busy to properly if the student continued to room. The "They (students) would open care for their pets, many were • ignore the restriction. v Order, get ompeting with great danes for stringently enforced doors for dogs and cats to relieve abandoned and others weren't ranslate this Underwood said he doesn't orridor space in the resident policy, he said, is a direct result themselves during the day," he exercised. anticipate any problems since alls may note that last year's of a bad experience with pets in said. There has been a concerted students in many residence halls ig the word et menagery is absent. the residence halls last year. There was frequent evidence effort by the University to limit were it's difficult "Pets are not a problem this The mass concentration initiating their own of of animal feces in t's kind of hallways and piets, Underwood said, including restrictions by spring term. ear, because they are not going people and pets, combined with public areas, he said, which a restriction in the resident halls "Students have found that women and i be permitted in the residence a lenient university attitude constituted a health problem Handbook and contract. keeping pets in residence halls to get along; Students were further informed does not work," Underwood liniscent of of the ban this summer in a concluded. liberals and letter sent to their homes, j "If someone chooses to -dness violate the original letter stating is we are tation of the in allegiance a that pets are not allowed, he'll 'be asked to remove it W ears, or ever immediately," he said. Failure to us comply, i Liberation THE U.S. COMMITTEE on auto emission stndards The Underwood cement and delayed government announced explained, would qual Educational Opportunities beyond 1975 and therefore Friday the development of a car inscious and nil hold hearings Oct. 13 - 15 in would "naturally" have a meeting the stringent federal get into Lansing lhambers. City Council pessimistic outlook concerning the announced breakthrough in antipollution standards for 1976 models. However, Ford said HILLEL FOUNDATION the day will The hearings will reportedly low 319 Hillcrest at W. Grand River 332-1916 a pollution engine, there was "virtually no chance" yed one way eal with issues of finance, according to the head fo the it could mass produce the new hey'll notice ducational assessment, Environmental Protection engine in time. YOM KIPPUR SERVICES AT ALUMNI CHAPEL FOR RIDES CALL ED 2-3581 453 ABBOTT RD. u can't nor itegration and metropolitan Agency. Tuesday 7:30 p.m.; Wednesday 9:30 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. they won't roblems. rms. to sublimate An aide said Michigan was "They can come to me and iked as the site for hearings ask for an extention of time so RUSH SABBATH SERVICES FRIDAY 6:15 p.m. at Hillel House iy amassing icause of the statewide that's naturally what they would followed by Shabbat Dinner. Fbr Dinner Reservations as walls. And totally on sessment program it began two say," EPA director William D. ears ago to judge the Ruckelshaus said. The Frisbee Phone 332-1916. Services Saturday 9:30 a.m. followed by Kiddush. tir individual ducational progress of the ious word »te's students. STEREO RENTALS Dadios SUNDAY OCTOBER 3. 5 p.m. at HILLEL HOUSE i from our Lansing Mayor Gerald W. Free delivery ' SUKKOTH SUPPER & SOCIAL )rrespondin( said the hearings PHI KAPPA TAU _ __ are Free Service 9.50 cheduled for 9 to 6 p.m. ?fr a.m. Free Pick-up montn RABBI E. ROBERT KRAUS will discuss "A JEWSIH ill be abcut CHAPLAIN RELFECTS ON VIETNAM" Everyone NEJAC RENTALS FORD MOTOR CO. wants 337-1300 332-3577 Welcome. For rides call 332-1916. adidas the ultimate in shoes tout 35 girls is was fairly off because it I was red by the (This was a I had ive months, ed to hire had slipped 5 of the bus iras nothinj ps were off (bus started f them with d retaliated xes at the i went back n the fronl he dropped s. Istein to the students in ick the ones been set up geted in on nch drivers w streets of argo, v i to t j down the ■ring bribes driver stop down, at the end laities. The ip, besides f Was voted an oak lis was bad leaf QROliND JSpEW/fUBlJ^ OJ^T §AyiTO«L ne through Noiv available at: ca&pto RFLIE5. Student Book Store (y Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Blood shortage prompts . J list i (lucky drive to aid local hospitals which don't winter, student* fly greet J0uth the "J return!? Administration Bldg. The 1 By CAROL THOMAS MSU Volunteers will be jjje time and expense of setting blood in the East Lansing area on the wall about sums State News Staff Writer operating a shuttle bus service up an(j advertising a regular w'" have blood credited to their the situation. up from 10:45 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. blood drive. "account," and this blood is SN photo by Randall Because of a blood shortage N. Stary, —w. Friday to take donors from available free to the donor which is causing problems in designated points on campus to Unlike the once - a - term wherever he or she might require Lansing hospitals, dependent on the Red Cross center on 1800 E. blood drives conducted by transfusions, including out - of the Red Cross blood supply, a Grand River Ave. various campus organizations state. mini-blood drive will be held on camdus Friday. Due to a recent bill signed by which are operated on a "walk Smith estimated that the Governor Milliken, Wvcrnui , donors under ««..«.<» in and give blood" basis, Alpha „ , r Jjlood donation from pick-up to Alpha Phi Omega service i£ yeareof"age wilfno longer be Phi Omega is asking for pledges delivery would fraternity, witn iraiermiy, with tne help 01 the neip of me the required to have permission slips of blood before the drive Friday, approximately an hour and signed by their parents to give Would - be donors may pledge naJI- blood their blood and arrange Difficulties in finding a place ^nsportation to the center by FOLKLORE, FORECASTS on campus to have a blood drive ca,hn* 484-7461, or 353-6030 prompted Alpha Phi Omega to on camPus- try operating the bus service and Abrams sets zodiac pjck.u sky show ints on cam wi„ utiize existing Red Cross ^ located at conrad Hall, the facilities instead of undertaking Erickson parking ,ot> the Brody bus stop and South Wonders By TONI PELLILLO This show is strictly an filled with stars, zodiacal signs signs, why they are called what enter into the moon, prices will State News Staff Writer informative one, filled to the and symbols and even a few they are (Aquarius, the go down," or "" moon Alpha Phi Omega president sen Rollin Smith, Uniontown, Ohio, brim with facts, figures and data, slides. The history of astrology, waterbearer, was the clear on 30th country toil. ° , ' fhaf Hr.nr.rc nf 11 enjoyed Natural Even the narrators' voices are beginning with the Babylonians constellation present in the night happy." Science 191A, then the current reminiscent of the classroom is explored. Early man's skies of ancient Egypt at the sky show at Abrams lecture — designed to put you to infatuation with the sun, moon time of the year when the Nile the conclusion of lU( Planetarium, "Astrology and the sleep. The comfortable chairs and stars, and how they became River traditionally overflowed shows, a member of Zodiac." is for you. Just be sure and darkness of the planetarium tools in aiding him count days, and how the'constellations have Michigan Federation of to bring your notebook and add to this urge, but if you try measure time and grow crops, is "moved" in past years. Astrology is presented to answer pencil, because youH need hard, you may make it through also presented. A few attempts are made at Questions. the one hour show. The sky show also presents an humor with the telling of how - Perhaps I'm one of those Throughout the entire explanation of the lore of the the ancients interpreted sky people who view astrology is IT'S ONLY program, the dome ceiling is zodiac - why there are 12 zodiac events — "If Jupiter seems to entertainment, rather than'the "science" being developed by YOUR some adamant astrologers if Honorary degree given you're one of the latter, then "Astrology and the FUTURE is the sky show for Zodiac" you. If you're not, and you make it to Rush the program, be sure to PHI KAPPA TAU to Hillel's Rabbi Zemach around under the star filled • to hear a new feature album, stick sky It 332-3577 is the fountainhead of the Is played over the planetarium's A local rabbi was among those years, was one of of 39 200-watt sound system after Mondajf—JhurKJa^ honored this summer at a special Conservative rabbis who received Conservative branch of Judaism, Founded in each Friday night show. You convocation of the Jewish the honorary degree of Doctor 1887, the may enjoy it the most. Theological Seminary of of Divinity. Seminary teaches and trains America at Park Avenue The award presented r by, mbbls and teachers and has Shows are on Fridays and Synagogue in New York Citv. Louis Flnkelstein, chancellor of schools for laymen. It is also Saturdays at 8 p.m. on Saturday BRILLIANT."; the Seminary, is in recognition affiliated with the Jewish afternoons (except game days) Rabbi Abraham Zemach, who of a rabbi's services to his Museum, Fifth Ave., New York at 2:30 p.m. and on Sundays jt has been director of the Hillel congregation, his community Clty» and the television program 4 pjn. Admission is 75 cents, Foundation at MSU for 13 and to society. "Eternal Light." with I.D.s, $1 without. Finkelstein was the first TV RENTALS Jewish representative at a White House religious service, when he participated in one of President Nixon's Sunday services, and Street theate was a representative of Judaism Mike NkhoK Jdtk Skhofeon. | (andke Ann BageaAnhurGariunkeL 1 NEJACTV RENTALS 337-1300 at religious meetings with the Pope. seeks new Margin and Jules Fftffer. Israel Goldstein, an Carnal NOW SHOWING alumnus and honorary alumnus The Street Corner Society, a street theater group, is holding Knowledge. of the Seminary, addressed the auditions to find two or three new female members for the I [Rj o An Avco Embassy Picture \ special convocation. troupe. Auditions will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and from 9 to ENDS SOON OPEN 12:45 The Jewish Theological - 10:30 p.m. today in 135 Music Bldg. Applicants are requested to Continuous from 1:10 Seminary of America, with call 332-0462 before attending the audition. Feature headquarters in New York City, Applicants should expect to devote a great deal of time to the 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:35 group, Holly Holtman, member of the troupe, said Monday, and 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 6944 In Concert should have no other theater committments for the term. The Street Corner Society will also be presenting workshops in mime, dance, choral techniques and improvisation, she said. al hirt "PLACATE The Biggest Thing Abo it "STUNNING the an UNFORGETTABLE portrait of the lost ones—hard-bitten whores, teeny-boppers, and girl-next-door lovelies—caught up home coming'71 in the drug and rock scene !-jud,th cr.st In Color FottIer> Sat.Oct.23 YAHOOS!" Box office opens at 7:00 Show starts at 7:30 8:15p.m. the general screeched, oddly pointed chin. sweat dripping from his Due to popular demand, "LIE! EVADE! Couch all pronouncements in that most wonderous of argots, we have changed our Pentagonese!" The general's hand jackhammered into the lectern, his cap almost falling off were it not sexist traditions... retained by two small horny protrusions. "The work must go on irrespective of their idiot judgements. Yet we need their We will no longer have tribute, so control and manipulate those judgements. Peddle the they want image, he snorted, whatever image today," he spat contemptuously. "GIRLS NIGHT" The general turned to leave, the seat of his pants convoluted as if a surpine extension were affixed to his hind quarters. He opened the metal door to his rear, laughed satanically and on Tuesday nights... descended. From now on, Released by Maron Films, ltd. TUESDAYS' WILL DE Miss Harlovy Cynthia P Caster, Goldie Glitter Andrea Whips, Patti Cakes, Lixie & The most controversial film Katy "500 NIGHTS" ever made (Guess what that means) for television tonight Room 100 Engineering Bldg. Room 106B Wells Shown at 7, 8:40, 10:20 Showtimes 7, 8:10, 9:20, 10:30 Admission 75c Admission $1.00 No oner Rated X under 18 admitted at the Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 28, 1971 7 Jo reason NONSTATE FUNDING )b iven firing rof outside U' directs 59 MSU conducted 59 projects Michigan, mainly in foreign countries, during fiscal Responding to another inquiry by the auditor general, MSU reported that $2,219,753 foreign projects dollars involved in foreign travel refutes the mistaken impressions of some that the state taxpayers appointment, a faculty member The University told the Haywood Julian of the year 1969-70. More than 99 per was spent for in-state, out - of - another of Public are footing the bill for our salary. A reduction to 50 per question, that MSU had Safety would cent of the total project cost of state and foreign travel during extensive international cent salary is required for longer no investments in buildings, comment Monday on the $2,192,382 was obtained from 1969-70, of which $683,949, or federal involvement." periods. Earned annual vacation land, equipment, loans, etc., in ui of Charles Himelright, East foundation and other about 31 percent, was from the Asked by the auditor general is included nonstate sources. in the sabbatical any project or program outside sing junior, frcm his position state-supported general fund. to summarize sabbatical leaves leave. the state of traffic director during The statistics were compiled The bulk of the travel funds was Michigan. at the request of the state during 1969-70, MSU said that (ball games. derived from grants, contracts 156 applications for such leaves auditor general who said he was and other sources. Himelright claims he was fired iUSe of his participation in obtaining similar information for the legislature from all Travel supported by state funds included $218,558 for were approved by the board of trustees. Salaries these leaves totaled paid during Minister plans Friday's SDS demonstration state-supported universities and $846,046, of in-state, $448,403 for out - of - which $750,657 came from the nst Wesley R. Fishel, colleges. state and $16,988 for foreign fessor of political science. Himelright claimed Sunday Agricultural dominate the list of foreign projects travel. "MSU has always recognized general fund. This represents less than one per cent of the University's annual payroll. with students, programs, although others deal that is part of a nation-wide t he was fired by Julian with Sabbatical leaves are intended college development, system of higher education, and Rev. Eugene R. Widrick will meet with students and jrday when he reported for education, languages, economics our need to engage in out - of to assist faculty members to 12:15 p.m. today, at the Unitarian Universalist faculty at .k. He said Julian had spotted and marketing. The largest - improve their competence by Church, 855 single state travel is unquestioned as an Grove St., East Lansing. j at the demonstration source of program funds was the providing a period for important means of Widrick, who recently returned from a three year stay in C lay, and told him the next U.S. Agency for International concentrated scholarly work. Town, South Africa, was the guest speaker at the church ape "We don't want you strengthening our ability to serve They become eligible for such Sunday. Development (AID). the educational His speech, "Excerpts from a South African -'king with us." "This needs of leaves after six years of service Diary," dealt with review emphatically Michigan," Wharton said. "The South Africa's lack of communication with the to the outside world and shows that the University. its apartheid, racial segregation policy. Japt. Adam Zutaut of the overwhelming miniscule amount of state tax Depending upon the type of majority of such funds do not Coffee will be served. ,t. of Public Safety verified come from the state but from nday that a University jloye was fired Saturday, but Left out other sources," Wharton pointed out. "The President ed the incident a "private Overcrowding in the residence halls leaves this student, minimal use of the tter" and refused to release Tom Breckman, Detroit sophomore, university's out in the cold. A general fund occurred in details in order to protect sleeping bag is apparently preferable the lace sets the pace for Miss J in this to the hall for this financing its share of an individual. student. state News photo by Donald Sak exchange program with Taiwan University." great suede tie-up. . the wide-eyelet shoe with N BOOK RETURNS round bump toes and hearty heels. Brown/gold, Library changes policy ooks checked out from the libraries, and books from the navy/red/white $14. irary may now be returned to branch libraries are to be drive-up station after the Library Library Committee, books are closes, or to one of the branch now being loaned to the I of four branch locations, returned there," he added. libraries listed after faculty the for a specific period of seventy 3mas Albright, asst. director Albright noted that a drive-up scheduled libraries, announced last book return has been installed pick-up, will be days. considered as c. facing the drive at the south having been "This system will returned on the These are branch libraries in entrance to the following day," automatically produce overdue Library near the he emphasized. notices eliminating all service pley Center, Engineering footbridge over the Red Cedar. In compliance with last |g. and Conrad and Wilson "Books returned to year's charges for overdue and fine the policy Is. change by the University notices," Albright added. )aily pick-up will be made on following schedule: 9 p.m. 4 J nday through Thursday; 4 , Friday and Saturday; and AITT 5 p.m. for Business and IT'S SO EASY TO PARK IN THE ADJOINING EAST LANSING AUTO RAMP. peering, and by 9 p.m. for Jacobsoris jrad and Wilson JACOBSON'S WILL GLADLY VALIDATE YOUR PARKING TICKET halls on urday. The pick-up will be on a trial basis lending on the response, iright said. O 1971 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., Milwaukee and other great cities. 'Books borrowed from the igned reading desk in the Delta LIBRA, and undergraduate SEPT. 24-OCT. 23 Save! Save! Save! TV BY THE TERM! Free Delivery Sigma Pi PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS FRATERNITY Free Service Free Pick up- $25.°° per term University TV 351-7900 Rentals 332-2591 AUDITIONS For LANSYMPHONIC CHOIR Major Appearances , Repertoire to be performed: "Turandot" by Puccini - Guest Choir with M.S. U. Symphony f Operas... (Dennis Burkh, Conducting) "Manon" by Massenet - with Audition winning six-county soloists (Dr. David Machtel, Director). Schlitz Malt Liquor can give a lazy Libra the I Great " Fantasia on Christmas Carols" by R. Vaughn Williams Sacred "Magnificat" - Opus 157 - by Hovaness lift he needs. Works " Olivet" by Daniel Protheroe Dr. David Machtel, Conducting ^That's why you should team up with Schlitz Malt Liquor-Taurus, TIME: 7:30 - 10:00 P.M. Thursday Sept. 30,1971 the Bull. The Bull is Known for its powerful, dynamic, dependable good taste. Schlitz Malt Liquor is just the thing to melt away the gloom PLACE : Room 118 Old Central, Lansing Community College and fire your ambition. (Corner of Shiawassee and IM. Capitol) But, be careful. When you get together with your most compatible signs, Gemini and Aquarius, you can tend to go overboard. And that's not wise when you're dealing with the Bull. You'll need all the good judgment (Group auditions for voice quality and sections - no solos) your sign is noted for when you drink Schlitz Malt Liquor. LanSymphonic Choir is sponsored by Lansing Community College Nobody mokes molt liquor like Schlitz. Nobody. and directed by Dr. David Machtel, Head of Music, L.C.C. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, ScptembCT2 Report examines extent of drug science Hager, along with David L. Grand Rapids Junior to help resolve social problems dealing with adolescents on a adolescent use the Kinsey Report which used data from consists of people talking about it," Vener added. are likely to use alchohol, smoke and participate in sex. Journa Psychology use, sex Counseling aimed certain hai-H ^ howed higher was at realign ri'KS College professor have taken a community level and enhance adults trying to recall their "Drugs, Sex and Straight Boys contributing data The use of hard drugs among general study of the behavior the knowledge of adolescent younger years." Youth: Life Styles in Middle incidences of soft drug use, accurate rates of use to reflecting responsibility" of — „ help —K „ „ hieh school students is less and attitudes of 4,220 high behavior, Vener said last week. Vener felt that much of the America' was read at national drinking, smoking and — establish effective programs for - extensive than suspected by school and junior high school "We know their attitudes, but so-called sexual revolution was meetings of the Society for the heterosexual involvement, while drug prevention, most communities according to students in three separate not what they do," Vener said, based in colleges and that not Study or Social Problems Aug. girls demonstrated higher a sorips of naDers concerning the communities differing in "We assume that these figures much development has occured 28, 1971 in Denver, Colo. religious involvement and more Marijuana was an extensively ghetto areas* America mrrolations' amone drues '• sex socio-economic status. would exist, but child since the initial 1920's The data obtained from the respect for authority. Ufudhard of 5™*' but « low. frequency The conclusions of »h and stress in middle American The communities sampled development books dealing with breakthrough. eighth through twelfth graders However, girls were less drug use was found. indicated th«7 PaW * A leveling off of soft.drug adolescents. The papers"were were white, non-college and sexual behavior of the "Hiesexual revolution mostly indicated that those using drugs family oriented than boys, at 6 use programs concern^H non -metropolitan. was attributed to by two MSU Economically, the communities which was attributed to the fact knowledge of the danger* education should be or? the S professors. New that girls are more sensitive to of elementary schooU ^ Arthur M. Vener, professor of social science and Cyrus S. Stewart, asst. professor of social ranged from upper-working to upper-middle class. The purpose of the papers Philippines the prospect of being labelled traditional. This sensitivity could be connected with the data that reflected girls having the same seeks student degree of college orientation as boys, the researchers said. BIRTHDAY? Seniors and graduate students in the College of Agriculture and economics, poultry science, soils and crop science and animal marketing outlets, besides Contrary to previous finding, Vener and Stewart found that the occurance of soft drug use volunte p introducing modern methods of wbs not college-oriented, meaning Natural Resources are being husbandry," Tuesday says Dennis raising livestock, fish and feed that there was a negative sought for a new Peace Corps Murphy, technical coordinator grain crops. correlation between marijuana 10:30 a.m. AM INSTRUMENTAL ODYSSFY Kip,, program being carried out in Qf the Philippine Peace Experimental instruments" Moog, Iliac cooeration with the Republic of Corps Agricultural Extension Program. The cht)Sen students win use and grades, sound structures are discussed by Arthur Roberts computer 2T the Philippines and MSU. Dartjt.jnate in a three-credit 1" "Adolescent Stress in et "We are particularly Hie student volunteers will SD"in7te™ laminar dented to Middle America: Depression and 11:30 interested in recruiting students work with local farmers XiUDDine hSw cuUure and "S Correlates" by Vener, a.m. AM SEARCH FOR MENTAL of Suicide" Dr. Robert E. Litman. HEAI TH -d. H Prev««« 1 majoring in fisheries, agricultural establishing cooperatives and acr|cu|tura| ' development Stewart and Hager, sixteen year ,? -' receive their ol^s reported—i the greatest 1 p.m. FM MUSIC THEATER: , Volunteers ... will .- Johnny Johnson assignments during spring term amounl of despair, suggesting 7:30 p.m. FM BOOKBEAT: Eliot Asinof, author of"Crate", and depart within a month after more research is needed of the Joan is interviewed. 1 classes end in June. stress encountered in high 8:30 p.m. FM BOSTON SYMPHONY school. ORCHESTRA Svmohnnv No. 36, K.425 by Mozart; Symphony No. 7. Objectives of the program are This stress was attributed to by Mahler William "to consolidate gains in rice crucial Steinberg, conductor. career decisions that production made in the past must be made by adolescents in four years, and to divert surplus their junior year of high school, productivity into feed grains and Wednesday Despair seemed to decline u want your favorite friend to have animal protein," said Murphy, after the age of 16 and paralled 10:30 a.m. AM RADIO SMITHSONIAN a birthday cake, but vou've nowhere "Four years ago the prime IS to the findings that the greatest bake it yourself, come and see us at concern was the quantity of percentage of the use of soft food produced. Today the drugs on at least one occasion 1 p.m. FM MUSIC THEATER: "Girl in the Pink emphasis is on quality," he Tights" baker# occured among 15 and 16 year added. olds. 1 p.m. AM LECTURE-DISCUSSION: Rev. Malcolm Boyd speaks Applications and on the third additional The third paper, "Patterns of anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr. for a delicious, personalized cake call FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER BROOKFIELD PLAZA - E. LANSING - 351-5032 SOUTH WASHINGTON - - 337-0832 LANSING - 484-1317 SEXY information can be obtained from 121 Agriculture Hall. Adolescent Drug Use in Middle America" published in the 11:30 a.m. Thursday AM OVERSEAS MISSION: Joao Oliveira Manager of the Operations department, Development Bank, is questioned by reporters. Santos, Inter American DISCOUNTS FOR STUDENT CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS UNCLE SAM'S 1 p.m. AM LECTURE-DISCUSSION' 1 p.m. FM MUSIC THEATER: "Cabaret" "Communal Living" 9 p.m. FM JAZZ: With Frederick Thornton. S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW FABRICS STEAK HOUSE No. 26 POLICE Filet Steak $1, Sirloin Steak $1. Pork Chops $1. TWO MEN, aged 20 and 25 in which an estimated total $42: Fried Chicken $1. from Muskegon and Saginaw, in student belongings \ Jumbo Fried Shrimp were expected to be arrainged stolen. $1.88 Monday afternoon after their Police said the arm' arrest Fried Lake Perch $1.54 Sunday night for occurred between 8 and 9 p.m includes threatening to kill an MSU Sunday in a first - floor corrido^ officer and for Baked Idaho Potato, creating a public of Holden Hall. A plaincloth: disturbance in Holden Hall. officer following the three w" Texas Toast and Salad. The two men, and one other accosted and then made th Steak Burger $1.04 who was not charged with a arrest. crime, CREATE A includes Baked were also identified by The thefts occurred from mi Potato and Texas Toast. police from descriptions by - Sunday afternoon until about witnesses as suspected of p.m. In each incident, three me, being Involved in six burglaries Sunday were observed near the area * BEAUTIFUL NEW the theft, police said, Open 7 Days a We descriptions of these are belii From 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. to match the men taken int: 611 S. Waverly custody. WARDROBE FOR A 482-5426 City A 20 man - YEAR about 1:10 p.m. Sunday wh - OLD Gar was apprehende FRACTION OF THE COST an officer saw what he said w marijuana in a leather po being held by the man. Now there's a way to add fashinable new clothes to your wardrobe without The incident reported S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW Fabrics spending a lot of money. It's easy with occurred on Shaw Lane neart' - the fun, economical way to an exciting new wardrobe. S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW Fabrics are so easy to sew you can make your own clothes in less than half the time it post office when the man w: than buying them ready - made. Fashions made with normally takes - at a much lower cost stopped for driving S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW Fabrics fit more they stretch when you do. Come in today and discover for yourself the excitement of comfortably, too, because defective equipment. S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW Fabrics ■ Police said the patrol offi asked for the man's drir license and saw what was alleg" to be marijuana when the me; opened the pouch to get license. ^ Coed named lo 4-H project A MSU coed has become th first girl to be assigned to t British Honduras 4-H Yout Development Project. Kay A. Siegrist, Whittemo junior, left Michigan last wee for a year-long stay in Bit* Honduras, where she will "J1 the government develop programs in agricultu production and nutrition. Miss Siegrist, a social scienc major, has been a 4-H mem* leader and a summer progra assistant. tm S-T-R-E-T-C-H - & - SEW Save! Save! Save! Rent Your FABRICS 4960 Northwind Drive, East Lansing Phone 332-0879 BY THE TV TERM! Free Delivery MONDAY - FRIDAY 9AM - 9 PM Free Service Free Pick-up HR2HI SATURDAY 10 AM - 5 PM BankAmericard J25.°° per term University TV Rent* 351-7900 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 28, 1971 9 Patman quizzes SHOP-RITE STORES' Playboy' image WASHINGTON (AP) - Did the starchy Federal Reserve System pay for a party at a Playboy Club "complete with appropriately attired bunnies?" Chairman Wright Patman, D-Texas, of the House Banking Committee, put the question Monday to Federal Reserve chairman Arthur F. Burns. "I didn't know there was that much imagination among my colleagues," the scholarly Burns replied. Burns promised to look into this and a sheaf of other questions Patman asked about expenditures of the system, which does not have to come to Congress for appropriations. East Lansing's Friendliest Patman has waged a long and unsuccessful campaign to curb the fiscal autonomy of the "Fed.", It operates on the income from the bonds it owns and turns over the Food Stores. .. Try Us! surplus, described by Burns as the bulk of the receipts, to the Treasury. Ignoring comments from other committee membersthathe GOODRICH'S: 910 Trowbridge Rd. iC was hunting headlines and straying from the purpose of hearings on Open - Mon. the Federal Reserve's policies and - Fri. 9 to 9, Sat. 9-6 operations, Patman questioned Burns at length about what he called questionable expenditures LARRY'S: 1109 E. Grand River and put into the record samples he said were uncovered by the committee staff. [ Open - Mon. - Thurs. 9-9, Fri. & Sat. 9-10, Patman also questioned the propriety of a thrift plan under ■ Sun. 11 to 5 ' The which employes allocate a portion of their salary to a form of I A dog's life •* fu" takes advantage romping through the great outdoors and lying in the sweet grass. This dog of this position as students toil in the classroom. mutual fund and the system matches employe contributions at the rate of 25 cents on the dollar. Burns defended the existing financing arrangements, saying State News photo by Tom Leone "we have done our job for the government and the taxpayers on a most economical basis." llTES PEACE EFFORTS M.S.II. Thieu televises e Students-Faculty-Staff SPECIAL IaIGON (AP) - President of progovernment the campaign. demonstration said he will resign if he fails to Cong control and Use this ad as your grocery OF THE WEEKI another Jyen van Thieu appealed As was true of most of get at least 50 per cent of the 852,000 in "contested" demonstration — the most w Monday for voter support ie Oct. 3 election, citing his Monday's protests, disabled votes cast. The president said In an areas. apparent appeal to the violent yet in South Vietnam's second largest city during the shopping list... yoo'll save! veterans led the progovernment security discounted, disabled veterans, Bernment's success in had increased to the point where the president election crisis — erupted when ■ification and its efforts to demonstration in front of the all said his police used tear gas in efforts to but 25,000 of South T disabled veterans and other National Assembly Bldg. (victims. the But all evidence fact — including Vietnam's 17.5 million people live under government control, government had million a year on aid to war spent $70 victims such as the veterans, war drive the veterans back into their shantytown near the Da Nang air Grand Prize B eef He also claimed he has that the 23 and predicted that this control widows and base. lught Ice and the country closer to prosperity during his demonstrators arrived departed in government trucks — and would be complete by the end of this year. Monday's orphans. Da Nang Witnesses said wounded five policemen. grenades Round Steaks ». 98° lr years in office. Thieu delivered his second indicated it was officially organized in an effort to offset Of 10,500 hamlets, he only 52 - mostly in remote said, areas Grand Prize Beet the antigovernment acitivities speech of kipaign, officials assessed elsewhere. the — were not controlled by Grand Prize Beef Rib 980 lb. Police broke it up after Saigon. Kilts of a day of scattered, but an Thieu's figures appeared to hour by loosing three tear Irdinated, Jet demonstrations. antigovernment canisters that gas scattered contrast sharply with the latest monthly report of the U.S. - Boneless Rolled >rotests were staged in at least spectators, who outnumbered devised Hamlet Evaluation Steaks the demonstrators. } cities and five policemen wounded by grenades when Thieu's 75 - minute television speech was one of the longest he has ever made, but contained System which last week showed .3 per cent slippage, in security. nationwide, Rump Roast lb I.28 rans erupted into violence in The HES figures showed a (Eimalrchcitybyof 20Qui diNhon,sabled little that was new. Nang, South Vietnam's total population of 18.4 million, nd largest city. n estimated 2,000 veterans Thieu, the only candidate, has TV with 70,000 living under Viet Grand Prize Beef Spartan lumbo students took part in a RENTALS eful anti-Thieu march in the Fr«« Delivery Fro* Service Free Pick-up «Q en P®r month Cube Steaks »>. 1.2S Bread, 24 oz. if. 3/77" rlcan vehicles were fire • >ed in Can Tho, and Saigon NEJAC TV RENTALS Kraft Macaroni & the first 337-1300 7 V* oz. Cheese Dinner Limit 4, please Welcome... Mardi Gras «* Limit 4, please Paper Towels Royal Crown or 6 16 - pack oz. ret. Diet-Rite Cola Limit 4, please plus deposit In the old days, they smacked the knuckles us across Welch's Grape Jelly: if we read with our hands. HEATHERWOOD Today, reading with your hand quite acceptable. u> increase their concentration so won't have to go back and re-read so they Half & Half <•«. 25c Mich. Jonathan Apples 49c| In fact, it's somewhat of a status , , "Z"~ relief from the often, AUNT JEMIMAS U.S. No. 1 3 |b. bag symbol, because people who read with Her principle worked. their hands are graduates of the Evelyn Wood Course. The hand, however, hasn t always Since 1959, 450,000 people have taken the Evelyn Wood Course and have increased their reading speed by an Country Waffles 9., 3/M Mich. Yellow Med. Onions 29<|' JU,CY CALIFORNIA ordinary' been the symbol of rapid reading. The average of 4.7 times. SPARTAN old method of teaching students to in¬ Using the hand to read faster is a crease their reading speed was to equip them with a reading machine. The theory was that a motorized very interesting experience. If you would like to try your hand Strawberries frzn. halves 22< Valencia Oranges at it, why don't you come to a Mini- arm on the machine would extend out Lesson™? In one hour's time, we'll have he Olde torches; fine Woifld is a relief from the ordinary. Superb over the page. The arm would move down the page at a steady speed. Hope¬ ending down the you cnan imagine. page faster than CUP 8. SAVE THIS COUPON! wine and imported beers, all in a cas-, fully, your eyes would go along for tne fact, you'll actually take home "European atmosphere. The Olde World is located| ride. 6 with you a definitely faster reading the center of The machine, while seemingly a speed that can be used on newspapers, East Lansing on MAC. Look for a dis nct'Ve ed and blue good idea, didn't live up to its expectn- magazines, correspondence, textbooks, awning. finna Tf mnldn't slow down when the ind technical journals. reader ran nfo a confusing passage. We'll tell you about some of the AncHt ^oi.-L In Her was nr too awkward to use in easy hpHa 1945 Evelyn Wood discovered the hand as a device for reading faster, reason for using the hand as a other things that have made this the most popular extra-curricular course m the world. We'll also show you how we improve memories, and how we make chapter outlining an obsolete study Large Eggs fdUMM) tool was to "give my students the ability technique. S read grotfps of words at a time and It's a wild hour. And it's free. Grade A 28* Increase Your Reading Speed on The Spot BHPADWALE ®J> at A "FREE INTRODUCTORY SPEED READING LE.SSON" 211 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing TUES., Sept. 28th 4 or 6 or 8 p.m. UNIVERSITY INN WED., Sept. 29th THURS., Sept. 30th 4 or 6 or 8 p.m. UNIVERSITY INN 1 doz. fresh Coupon expires 10-2-71 1100 TROWBRIDGE RD 1100 TROWBRIDGE RD East Lansing Limit 1 withcoupon and East Lansing under the red and blue awning EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS Call Collect 17320 West Eight Mile Road Southfield_Michigan^8075^^ 313-353-5111 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, September 1 SPORTS VIOLATE FREEZE Lawsuit filed Ivvoody Hayes yells against Falcons WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Justice Department accused the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football Monday League of after seeing increasing ticket prices in violation of President Nixon's wage - Hie short kick COLUMBUS, OHIO (UPI) - controversy prize freeze. arose following the Buckeyes' Coach Woody Hayes said Attorney General John N. Mitchell announced a civil touchdown which cut the score injunction suit was filed in U.S. District Court in Atlanta against | Monday films of Saturday's 20-14 loss to Colorado showed to 20-14. Fred Schram's kick Ljmk. to Jimmy »hlch u* t'™" the Five Smith's Inc., owners of the professional football team. was recovered by Ohio State and officials errored on at least ™ay 1 Beef Burgundy night special $1.59 w/ Buttered Rice 30 STODENT SERVICES OLOG. Saturday Jaked night special $1.69 Pepper Steak °PEN SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Wrangler®Jeans at Meijer Thrifty Acres - kn"'"9 •owing: Specials '"elude roll, butter end beverege end e choice salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. two of the Yankee Dept. Stores J.W. Knapp Co. ..CUT AND SAVE— 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, CL,«»,FiED Keeping Your Eye on the Ball Got You Down? Sell Your Golf Clubs With a Classified! FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil frank Scooters & The State News does Automotive Automotive Cycles Employimerit not permit racial or DUNE BUGGY 1969 assembly. PONTIAC LE MANS 1967 HONDA 1970, CL350. 2,100 miles. LINE UP religious discrimination Volkswagen motor, brand new cylinder. OHC. Call 349-929 Mint condition. a in its advertising tires, Must sell now. 655-3310. 3-9 29 339 8991. 3 9 30 $525. Call necessary. 351-7319.0" "J®6 'now-Ci columns. The State 5-9-29 • AUTOMOTIVE PORSCHE 1970 911-S, Metalic 1969 SUZUKI 500. Excellent News will not accept AM/FM, rust proofed. Scooters & Cycles FALCON 1962. Good condition. silver, running, low advertising which no rust, mileage. Floor shift.Asking $100,351-5141, Many extras, excellent condition. Auto Parts & Service Aviation discriminates against Larry. 5-9-30 Also C production racing Porsche. 355 1663. 5-9-29 34^1389. 3P9.28 ^ °Cl 349-0235. 4-10-1 religion, race, color or 1970 SUZUKI T250. Excellent BABYSITTER TO come ♦ EMPLOYMENT 1970 FIAT 850 Spyder, AM/FM, in f, national origin. month boy. 8 12 radials, excellent. Asking $1625. RAMBLER 1961. Good condition. D m • FOR RENT X-2-9-28 P 1 355 2995,| 349-3615. 3-9-30 $150 or best offer. Call, Apartments 332-6684. 5-10-1 1970 BSA 650. 2000 miles. 6" DRUMMER Houses 8 Automotive FIAT COUPE 1967. Good shape. •xtention, real clean. 355-2788 Wants to work years Rooms $600 or best offer. 339-2209. 5-9-29 with SPn„ ■ Call Jim, . FOR SALE AUSTIN - HEALEY 1965 Mk III X-1-9-28 ALLSTATE cycle. 106cc. 2000 351-7701. 3-9-29$9r°UB | Animals 3000. Excellent condition, body FORD FAIRLANE, 1964. V-8, REBEL 1970. 2 door hardtop, I,.- miles. uu;.u With ui., JOB JUb "np OPENINGS fnr and engine. Call 351-5872. 4-10-1 molded saddlebags. _ Mobile Homes automatic, snow tires. Excellent condition. 485-5613, 353-2263. 10,000 miles, like new, must sell. $2,395. 349 3024. 3-9-28 Good little bike in perfect shape. trainees, guards. Phone sales personnel^*! * LOST & FOUND BISCAYNE 1964. 6 - cylinder, $200. 626-6935. 2-9-29 482-07fn 3-9-29 h » PERSONAL standard power steering and SPITFIRE 1968. Good shape, brakes, air - conditioning. Good 971 CL-175 Honda. Excellent JOB «■ PEANUTS PERSONAL condition. $245. 355-8141. 1-9-28 FORD re-built. VAN 1963. Everything Paneled, carpeted. hardtop, and extras. Offer over $775. 484-7263. 5-10-4 shape. $450. 371-2398. after 5 OPENINGS now clerical, general offic f0rs~:: «■ REAL ESTATE p.m. 4-10-1 p 355-3069 after 5 p.m. 3-9-29 482-0 783. cup * RECREATION TEMPEST LEMANS 1965. ► SERVICE FORD FALCON 1961. 23,000 Reasonable price. Running Auto Service & Parts __EMP_LOYMENT AGENCY 3*jj| original miles. $295. Phone condition. Call 332-5354 after 4 Typing Service CHEVROLET 1967, V-8. 2 door , IV5-2737, 351-8988. 3-9-30 p.m. 3-9-28 WW - GUARANTEED repair. TRANSPORTATION 35,000 miles, good rubber, $795. RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at money doing what Phone 372-2093. 2-9-29 WANTED FORD GALAXIE 1964, V-8, automatic. Good tires, plus snow 15WEHR THAT GIRL'S TOW 1 1967 TRIUMPH 2000. 4 door, dark Okemos Road. 349-9620. C anyway. Also, wan blue, 36,000 miles, manual shift, translators, DEADLINE CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE 1963. 327, 4 speed. New top. tires. Runs good. $225. Call BUT THE KITCHEN SINK COLLEGE I' good condition throughout, good WHITEWALL STUDDED 6.95-14 produce researchers educational aids' ■ 355-5974 after 5:15 p.m. 3-9-30 P.M. one class day before 351-3229 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 tires. X-3-9-30 Call 882-4365. $900. snow tires plus wheels. Whitewall 7.35 - 14 winter tires. Whitewall WRITE-ON, 332 3,00. ,«,*■ publication. CHEVROLET 1964 panel station FORD 1940. 2 door, sedan, body ertW&WlMb/9X*2*/£lMSINt.MUM. 7.35 - 14 tires. Call 337-2121. excellent, less engine. $200 or best EARN EXTRA money Cancellations/Corrections TRIUMPH 1970 Spitfire. In good 4 speed transmission, 2 ,ime wiling Koscot Oil - 12 noon one class day wagon. heaters, spot-light, 3 seats. Bill offer. 351-1349. 3-9-28 condition. Call 393-8105 after of Mj! before publication. Leavenworth, 485-7275, 5 p.m. 4-10-1 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East " 484-3232. 5-9-30 FORD 1962. Runs well. New Automotive Automotive Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. battery. Must sell. $125. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1969. 30,000 Complete auto painting and ASSISTANT PHONE 353-8468. 3-9-28 MANAGER for sn OLDS CONVERTIBLE 1964. Full miles. Excellent. Best offer. Call collision service. IV 5-0256. C used book store. Experience 355-8255 CHEVROLET BELAIR 1963. Good MUSTANG GT, 1969. Excellent condition. power, air. Good transportation. 351-1667. 3-9-30 CURIOUS BOOKSHOP 541EJ transportation. Custom interior. FORD STATION 1966. Aqua. $1400. ATTENTION FOREIGN wagon $450. 393-1867. 5-10-1 rs RATES 10 word minimum No rust. $170. ED7-7935. 3-9-29 Power steering and power brakes. 332-4376, 627-7441. 4-10-1 Now open to serve you at the car owners: Grand. Rivi (be|Qw Rarar «■ No. DAYS Automatic trnasmission. Call OPEL KADET 1968. Station wagon. lowest prices in town, KYPERS No. CHEVELLE 1970. SS396, 350 MUSTANG 1966. 289. 3 speed, good 372-6863. 3-9-28 FOREIGN CAR SERCVICE at Good condition, WORDS X 3 J 10 horsepower, 4 speed, stereo tape, running condition, $450. low mileage. 312 Hosmer Street. 489-9714. CYTO-TECHNOLOGIST tires. Excellent $750. 482-4248. 5-9-29 TRIUMPH 1971. registered or eligible for're, new condition. FORD 1963. Camper. Stove, 882-1230. 1-9-28 4-speed, radio, 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 627-6250. 5-9-29 9,000 miles Original girl owner. 5-9-29 with experience preferred. refrigerator, sink, bed. Good OPEL 1969. $1100. VW Q MUSTANG 1964, 351-7222 until 5 p.m., 351-0656 starting salary, 12 running condition. Phone 1969, stick. Great coit 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 sun-roof, no rust. $350. 355-0905. with CHEVELLE, MALIBU 1969 sharp, condition. Sell or trade, offers. after 6 p.m. 5-9-29 Aviation experienc 339-8930. 10-10-5 3-9-28 a.t., p.5., black vinyl top, 27,000 LABORATORY OF CLINICAI 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 __35J-2349. 5-10-2 miles. 351-7772. 4-9-29 TRIUMPH 1970 TR-6. Good LEARN TO FLYI MEDICINE, 372-8180. 5-10-1 t MUSTANG 1969. 351 4 barrel OPEL 1969, white - walls, AM/FM, Complete flight condition, reliable, overdrive, training. All courses are 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 CHEVY VAN 1965. Paneled and engine. Automatic transmission. large engine, well taken care of. stereo PART TIME office tape with tapes. Blue, must government and VA certified. help need™ outfitted for camping. $1600.646-6309.5-10-1 Highest offer. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 355-3237. 5-10-4 Phone, 373-3287. 5-10-1 sell. 393-7788 after 5 p.m. 5-10-1 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Work evenings. Call MR CLARkI Road. Call 484-1324. C 351-3701.0 m FORD VAN 1966. 55,000 miles. 6 NOVA 1969. 3 speed, floor shift. 4 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 CORVAIR MONZA 1961, new tires, cylinder stick. Good condition. new tires. Excellent condition. PLYMOUTH 1962. Excellent TR-6 1970. Brown, FM-streo. ONE OR 2 sophomore 332-5449. 3-9-29 $1600.372-1258. 4-10-1 mechanical condition, very Michelins- X Radials. Luggage and 347 St udent Servlc es Bldg battery, shocks, good condition. 485-0815 after 3 p.m. running dependable, $150. Call 332-2650. ski- racks. Phone Mickey at Employment fraternity earning members interested $2000 to $4000 H i| All student ads must be 3-9-29 1967 GALAXIE OLDSMOBILE 1968 Delta - 88. 4 5-9-29 339-8149. S5-10-1 500. V-8 TYPIST school year managing a - part time 4-10 p.m. 70 Automatic. Excellent condition^ door sedan, black vinyl top, fully sales business. Small in\ prepaid CORVETTE 1962. Good condition, $925. 351-5652 9-6, 355-9956 equipped. Excellent condition. VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Sunroof, w.p.m. 5 nights a week. Apply in person. 427Vi Albert St. 2-3 p.m. optional but would secui convertible with removable 5-9-29 393-1871. 3-9 29 automatic, radio, white - walls, The State News will be income. Position would also ins hardtop. Call 482-7974. 5-10-1 16,000 miles. $1500. Tom, after 7 summer employment with responsible only for the OLDSMOBILE 1967. PINTO 1971. Four speed, white p.m. 355-6762. 2-9-28 un JAVELIN 1969. FM, vinyl roof. Delmont 88. first day's incorrect DATSUN PICKUP 1970. 26,00 miles Excellent condition. 425, radial, power brakes, walls, radio. 1,100 miles. $1800. WANT IRONING. Of any size. nationwide franchising For company! $1500 power Phone 337-7883. 5-10-1 Experienced, references and further information a insertion. - radio, 4 speed. $1500. VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Bug. 35,000 negotiable. 20 mpg. 353-9503 steering, good condition. reasonable. Phone interview appointments. Call Oo 487-5566 19:19:1 351-6349. 5-9-29 332-1405. 5-9-30 PONTIAC 1968. Firebird 350. jmiles, 5962 Haverhill South 5-9-30 Packer. 332-3914. 2-9-14 DODGE SPORTSMAN Van, 1967. Lansing, after 6 p.m. $1100. Automatic, new tires, brakes and 5-9-29 Automotive V-8, automatic, radio. Call Gid, MERCURY 1966 OLDSMOBILE 1969. F-85, 2 door, exhaust. Very clean and well kept. EXPERIENCED TV or Stereo GOVERNESS FOR toddler| 4 door Monterey. Automatic, radio, V-8. Automatic transmission. 351-0186. 3-9-30 Best offer over $1550. 353-0935. repairmen needed. Apply at Summerhill method. Part AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite 1966. 4 excellent tires, 2 snow Power steering; radio. Sharp. VOLKSWAGEN, 1966. Excellent tires, X-2-9-29 Student Electronics Repair Shop. Flexible schedule. Room ai Green, extras, clean. 332-0537. 1 15,000 miles. Excellent 882-7777. 5-9-29 condition, under 50,000 miles. 326 Student Services Building. board. 332-3357. 5-9-29 1-9-27 condition. 351-3823 evenings. S PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE 1965. $750. Phone 337-1282. 5-9-29 Afternoons. 4-9-29 OLDSMOBILE 1971, 442 Yellow / black, $300. Call BRIGHT, AMBITIOUS convertible, like new. Everything 489-3567 after 6:30 p.m. 5-10-4 1958 VW BUS. Great condition. COUPLE NEEDED to manage a MERCURY METEOR 1962. on it. Any reasonable offer. $325. Call 489-0961 after 5 p.m. Half - Way House in Lansing. needed as campus represented Excellent condition. Best offer. for computer dating se 484-2479. 5-9-29 PONTIAC 5-10-4 Hours CATALINA 1967. Air, flexible, free room and work for commission or franchisJ We have filled 355-7999. 2-9-29 power. One driver. 30,700 actual board plus $100 per month. For Write: Cupid Computer, Box 6fl OLDS 88 1965. Good condition, tan, VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE miles. 20 mpg. Excellent more information call Kay Champaign, Illinois 61820. 3-9-2* radio, custom. $325. Call 1969. Excellent condition, new condition. $1200. 484-9607. Diamond at 393-4990, weekdays 355-1270. 5-10-1 S9/29 shocks, brakes, generator; Clean 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3-9-28 PART TIME employmi inside and out. $1300. or best of line merchant wtiolesstai every one offer. Call 393-3591 after 4 p.m. ORTHODONTIC ASSISTANT with lab. experience preferred. Full time, downtown. Call 482-9695. Automobile O-10-1 required. 351-5800I VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1965. Gas MALE OR Evenings, 484-0702. 3-9-29 Female: Need 5 p< apartments. heater, snow tires. $650. our 487-0362. 3-9-30 411 South Chestnut. MALE HANDICAPPED student requires live-in assistance. graduate at $2 per hour to work either a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, equals hours week. Work e ifl 2j^ Free room. Phone Dave 355-4015 p.m. daily, equals 25 hours pel VOLKSWAGEN 1965, good after 6 p.m. 3-9-28 week, or can work 10 hours ol We're sorry we condition, $450 or best offer. 332-8826 afternoons. 3-9-30 RESTAURANT DINING room work. weekend. Saturday ans Sunday. j good speaking voice Excellent pay and working Mr. Morris 393-5293 betwe VOLKSWAGEN 1963. $250 or best conditions. Apply in person. offer. Ask for Rick, 351-9034 a.m. and 2 p.m. 351-7830. 5-10-1 KNIGHTCAP, 320 East Michigan opportunity employer.0-74.4-9-2i Avenue. IV9-7433. 4-9-29 can not help VW SQUAREBACK 1968. AM/FM, air - conditioner, engine overhaul, WANTED: PERSON to care for 2 new muffler, one owner. Excellent condition. $1175.355-10483-9-30 ca,s> through term. Will Nancy, 351-8882 or pay. Call 351-1134. take the many, many condition. bEN 1?67' u?°d Beige exterior, black $1000. 372-9749. 5-10-4 2-9:27_ BABYSITTER. EAST Tuesday afternoons and some LANSING, bus V *1 evenings. References preferred. CALL 482-4848 VW 1964, excellent condition 489-4386. 5-9-29 with students who have radio, $450. 372-9320 after 6 pm. 5-9-30 Scooters & Cycles CROSSWORD PUZZLE been calling us. 1968 TRIUMPH 500 helmets. 3,100 miles. $585 Ben 355^9403. 2-9-28 T-100c, with ACROSS 1. Coquettish 30. Brawl 32. Adores TRIUMPH 1970 250, like 4. Generations 34. Xenon symbol new, 1,600 miles, helmets included, $600 00 8. Van Winkle 35. Make socks 351-9428.6-10-1 11. Tale 37. Finery 13. Items of 39. Vast amount Please try earlier 1967 condition. mint. 305 Scrambler. New Excellent paint, almost Mike, 351-2593. 4-9-29 interest 14. Province 15. Second copy 41. Former golf champion 42. World's largest 1/. Law case desert 1971 SUZUKI 185cc. Low mileage^ 19. Chemist's 45. Baptizes $ 200,000 gallons of swimming fun in your olympic pool $500. Willing to negotiate 5. Travel next year. workshop 48. Cyprinoid fish We're trade on stereo. Call 353-6830. 2-9-28 20. Exact 49. Engrave 6. And so forth | ate fellowship and relaxation in your club room tv 23. Puccini heroine51. Cow genus 1. Hardtop 7. Decorative room, and exercise room. ' ,v 1970 HONDA 350 CB. Excellent 26. Land measure 52. — Williams 2. Undivided stamp condition. $600 or best offer 27. Dress sword 53. "The Rail $ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS 332-0260. 3-9-28 29. Urchin Splitter" 3. Barm 4. Naval officer leasing now for £ PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY, TUDY. KAWASAKI Very low mileage. 1971, 175 Enduro. demonstrator. Call 332-0211 Virtually T 12. Leads 16. Hydraulic pWl after 5:35 p.m. 5-9-29 18. Small drum next year. £ SUNDECKS. SPECIAL SUMMER - 1969 350 i 20. Songbird 21. Golf club KAWASAKI, 1 i1 * $3/50 ONLY RATES FROM engine recently overhauled. 2 new tires 22. Even $ INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. 24. Skirt length JESSES$45° Ph°™ 25. Brain child ]|C MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA. /PERSON/MONTH YAMAHA 28. Government MINI-ENDURO 31. Longings Excellent condition. 6 £ 1, 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. ®toj>cftmgl)ain months 33. PhilipPine old. Licensed, with lights, $275 island 349-1703.5-10-1 Collation MEAD0WB&00R trace 36. 38. Sorceress 4620 S. Hagadorn 1970 HODAKA miles, almost new. 100B. 7 Ota nimiiiiPi 40 Opera 42. Blood highl^l relation ■ To get to Helmet $4oo Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State 48? R1Rfi -I.O.TQ on 1-496. Exit west onto Joliy Road and Campus 43. Excitement MA NA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y B Y: go to comer of Dunckel Road. 44 Raggedy • phone 393-0210 1970 TRIUMPH DAYTONA 500 % 46. Recede Alco Management Company 0pEN 11-7 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT With extra,.$850. Ca„ between 6-9 p.m. 5-KM 482-sS ML 47. Watch 50. College degre«| Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan mber 28, 19?| Tuesday, September 28, 1971 13 Employment For Rent For Rent TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction For Rent For Sale Personal simulated Board [.or TIME work as guaranteed. Free WANTED: spli delivery, service ONE 2 woman and pick up. No deposit Call apartment in or girls for APPLES, PEARS, plums, Capitol Villa. Pick your own sweetdd^r Anatomy In PhV*'«l Diagnosis. 3 NEJACl337 1300 C 332-1779. 3-9-28 apples. Friday, receiver. Allied speakers. $175 or 6 bour per week, Monday, Saturday, Sunday. BLOSSOM ONLY $9.00/ month best offer. Canon FT $250 or best Wednesday or Friday afternoon or Free deliveries ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of SELCO looking for Leslie offer. Short frosted Thursday morning. Applicant COMMUNICATIONS TV a roommate? on Hull Road. (Old US wig, brown TWO U.M non student tickets. Will highway - upen-end leases 127) 589 8251. 9 cascade, $10 RENTAL. 372-4948. O available. 6 PM. Closed each. 355-8043, must be 21 yeard of age or older. Call Call 351-9066 after 4 on - pav. oyment """"AD management, Mondays. O before 11 p.m. 3-9-29 pm To apply phone Mrs- Re'ston 351-7910. O 3-9-30 __ 353 6380. 5-10-2 L°CATION SU. Ideal for student "crossTrom WATERBED UNITS $60. Mattress SKIIS, HEAD 360-s. 195 cm. Lange oriented or OKEMOS FOUR, 1 bedroom boots Animals On Trial liner, foam pad and frame. 9'/a-10, poles and (Continued from page one) State Highway Dept. Following TUDENTS WANTED full and part tjme employment available. Need 349^2. 5-9-Med bUSineSS" apartments, furnished. Call 349-3919. 5-9-29 size. Water Any mattresses, $26.50. REBIRTH, 309 North Washington barrecrafter. 337-7883. 5-10-1 this presentation, those wishing V fQr; men and women between 18 and REFRIGERAT I Avenue, Lansing, During the Middle Ages, board usually splits 6 to 2 on to speak either for or against the Ta"d Thur^ 25 years to assist manager in public relations work. Several DISHWASHERS. ORS Eschtruth electric GIRL OVER Lansing. 393-2909. 23 to "share ^duplex" 4 9-28 6 10-1 Animals animals were brought to trail for a variety arrested and crucial issues, and occasionally divides 5 to 3. highway will be called upon according to a prearranged KITTENS: positions available. Call for oersonal interview between 9 a.m. 627-2191.'TF*' G'""' Ua»: EAST LANSING duplex" REARED TLC. Shots. Need loving, stable home. with of offensesincluding murder. Except for co-ed living schedule. °come 2 bedroom During a period of more than options last spring, the board Priority will be given to 12 'MoT, and 2 p.m. 371-3280. 5-9-29 furnished apartments. Good 351-6929. 4-10-1 400 it was years, usually does not split 4 to 4, spokesmen for organizations or 355-29% njdent TO cook dinner and Apartments 349-3919. 5-9-29 newer building. GOYA GUITAR, model G-17. With AFFECTIONATE YOUNG female commonplace for goats, cats, producing a defeat, trustee groups, with individual witnesses occasionally stay over night with hard, plush lined case. Perfect cats need gentle people. Free. pigs, dogs or chicken to be observers noted Monday. following. Organizations and Vea's tried. condition. Made in Sweden. $250. Delivered. 482-3857. 4-10-1 President Wharton reportedly individuals wishing to present «q»*j ladv 332-5176. 1-9-28 NE.f;DED 0NE man- Burcham LANSING OR East Lansing. One Consider Mandolin as part For peaceful pets youH feels the cross-campus highway testimony at the hearing should mssr** 0CAL FIRM has opening for part - Woods. Call 351-1649. 4-10-1 bedroom rooms. furnished. Air Large, airy conditioned. payment. 332-0526. 1-9-28 learn to love and whoU love has divided and splintered the notify the office of the vice 3S for time public relations men with ROOMMATE WANTED." Apartment Beautifully maintained. Suitable SHORTWAVE you, check the columns of trustees more than any other presidentfor University relations, knowledge of hunting, fishing, Okemos, furnished, utilities paid for faculty, grad students, business RECEIVER, State News Classified Ads issue during his term. 474 Administration Bldg., prior Personnel nink Call Peter. 337-0102. Hammerlund HQ-110, 22 target snowmobiling and general 3-9-30 people, married today! Noting the to the meeting. r Jtt-0783. AGENCY. CURJS 3.9.3 outdoor recreational sports. If this NEED ONE roommate. 332-3135 or couples. 882-6549. O Lease rifle, X-3-9-30 H8tR 451. 353-5968. patterns, observers predicted June voting The hearing will be adjourned applies to you, call 372-7793 Own room ASTROLOGICAL CHARTS at about 6 p.m. between the hours of 1-5:30 p.m., No deposit. No lease. $70 month. FORGET THE MICKEY MOUSE HORSES BOARDED: $25 and $35 / studies: and Monday that it is highly unlikely 100 USED vacuum cleaners. month. Hay and grain Reasonable. Call the trustees will re-approve the 10,w ral ,or secretarial o'fice Phon, ask for Mr. Williams. 10-10-11 Call 882-1678. 3-9-30 and high East Lansing rents. Tanks, canisters and uprights. Guaranteed daily. Box stalls, riding ring, and trails. 4 485-8760, Ask for Wanda Myra Modern, furnished cross-campus route unless the 3 f AGENCY.3.9.3 c U R T | s TTENDANT FOR service station needed for mornings. Must be over GIRL TO share apartment. Close to 1 bedroom Parking plentiful one and bedroom. privacy one DENNIS full year. $7.88 and up. DISTRIBUTING miles South of MSU. 882-8779 or 882-3820. 5-10-1 Oct. sways 14 hearing trustee attitudes. The significantly Official talk to campus. No guaranteed, downtown Lansing. lease. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. s wanted up for |,» ,0 $65 no, 21 and married. Previous experience preferred. Call 332-6874 3-9-30 $80 including utilities. $155. 482-5470. 4-9-28 Opposite City Market. C-9-30 SAVE THIS kitten from the shelterl Really adorable male. 337-7041 opposition to a highway on MSU property, or to a route with at Greek rush I vvhat 393-0418 mornings. 4-10-1 3-9-29 Real Estate grade separations, suggests that Lt. Gov. William you LARGE ONE bedroom apartment SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. the board may be unable to Brickley will Brand new portables - $49.95, speak at a rush gathering for rUDENT NURSE for babysitting in close to campus. $195/month! FREE: 6 OKEMOS ONE OR $5.00 per month. Large selection week old puppies. AREA. Immediate agree on any route at all, Delta Sigma Phi quiet East Lansing home. 337-7247. 3 9-30 2 men needed for the of reconditioned used machines. Cocker-Dingo mix. Give them possession this observers have noted. fraternity at 332 5742. 3-9-30 coming school year. One block a on exceptional 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Delta from campus. 351-8862. home. Call 489-1345. S-9-29 suburban home. 4 bedroom NEEDED 1 X-4-9-28 Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Cape President Wharton said Sigma Phi house, 1218 E. Grand girl. 4 man apartment 1 Home & "Many Others." $19.95 Cod, large family room, fireplace, ET YOUR Christmas shoppingdone block from campus. DALMATION PUPS; full Monday the Oct. 14 hearing will River Ave. Call the fraternity for 332-0075 ONE OR 2 girls needed for the to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS AKC, home basement, and 2 car garage. ■*>ney in youi free. Be a toy demonstrator. 3-9-30 raised litter. open with a presentation by the rides. coming school year. One block DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 115 393-8558, after 6 pm. Owner transferred, must liquidate. Receive full line of samples, earn 489-2?48 top commission plus bonus. No WANTED: 2 girls across from from campus. 332 4432s 0-4-9-28 North C-9-30 Washington, 489-6448. Call Doug Smith, 484-4159. Or ALL STAR REALTY, 372-1320. or intervie collecting or delivery. No cash campus. BASSETT PUPPIES for sale. 332-6246. CAMPUS MALE AKC, 7-B-98 investment. Start piling up those VIEW APARTMENTS. ROOMMATE wanted. Grad five weeks. 677-8561 after 5 4-10-1 SCHWINN MEN'S 3 speed, 3 speed PM. 'NAGER for student Woman or similar for SIX smi| dollars now. OR be a hostess. Free large 2 man 5-9-29 ROOM with 3 extra large tore. furnished luxury apartment. $90. women's and 3 speed men's OK SHOP. 541 Em (below Paramour Experience gift for having party, 15% of sales in free merchandise. $2 free GIRL WANTED. FARMS. No lease NORTHWIND and no deposit, Inquire 787 Burcham, Apt. after 5:30 p.m. 5-10-1 17, English bicycles. Call 337-2121. TODAY ONLY 20% DISCOUNT on bedrooms. 2 story brick and wood construction. Built 1960. Full pro merchandise for each fish - a little love on basement, 2 booking, rnone Uebbie after special from car garage. Plastered 5:30 pm DOCKTOR'S PET walls, 'LOGIST. ASO plus extras. Apply now. 655-1117. 4-10-1 351-4416. 2-9-28 ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments Houses 1968 VOLKSWAGEN automatic bug, 18,000 miles. Refrigerator, Meridian Mall. 1-9-28 CENTER , room, size: drapes. dining 90' x 143'. Carpeted room and hall. Excellent living Lot Nixon for c 'ligibte for registry automatic reel mower, bicycle. WYSITTER to come in, 4 month from $145. 10 minutes from HUGE 3 bedrooms plus den, TODAY, FRIDAY ONLY (thru neighborhood. Priced at $47,500, e 489-0653. 1-9-28 October 1), 20% DISCOUNT on preferred. Gooi girl 11 30 a.m. - 3 p.m. 355-8066. MSU. Children permitted. fireplace, 3 baths. Close rec room, approximately $7,00 down. For WALTHAM, Mass. (AP) — Dr. Pauli Murray, a law professor at EAGLE fish. Everyone needs a pet - on V, commensurit Call before 11:30 a.m. or after CREST NORTH, to campus. Families only. $295 more information, call Frank Brandeis University, says she has written President 694-8975, 4330 TYPEWRITER SMITH Corona, Nixon she is enence. Cil 3 p.m. 3-9-30 Keller Road, Holt. C 337-0237. 4-10-1 special now at DOCKTOR'S PET Caterino 393-6550. Evenings available for appointment to the U.S. < OF electric, portable, $70. Call Mike CENTER, Meridian Mall. 1-9-28 484-8080. Supreme Court should he CLINICA at 332-0877. 3-9-30 REAL ESTATE decide to name a woman. 2-8180. 5-10-1 •UDENTS MAKE MONEY while TWO BEDROOM furnished. WANTED: ONE room in liberal MART, REALTOR, x-5-10-1 She said that as of you learn. Part time contact Students house. Call Rosemary after 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, Sunday she had received no reply. - welcome, 9 month lease, parking, WOMAN'S "It really was a policy WINTER jacket size FRIDAY ONLY(thru October 1) letter," she said, "The President is the work can provide invaluable laundry, air. 10 minutes to 355-4878. 4-10-1 11/12. New, very warm, 20% DISCOUNT on fish. Service appointing officer in the name of the people for the court. experience and income to those campus. Buy a $200/month, includes 332-8213. 3-9-30 little love "Anyone with qualifications should be perfectly free to submit who qualify. For interview call heat. Call on special at DAYTIME BABYSITTING in my Dyanne Dean of DOCKTOR'S his or her name." 355-7848. 2-9-29 EIPPER REALTY INC. to PET CENTER, home, oneor 2 children. Call lomore see. BRIGHTEN UP your apartment. Meridian Mall. 1-9-28 Dr. Murray is Stulberg Professor of Law or junig 372-9730 or 487-5100. 5-9 29 337-2112. 4-10-1 and Politics at Estate items. Very reasonable. ibers interested i SHARE HOUSE with single male. Brandeis and a lecturer in law at Boston to $4000 the For Rent Must be 21. Close to campus on 6200 Old River Trail, Lansing. BEAUTIFUL KITTENS FOR QUALITY service and University Law School. ROMMATE WANTED: 711 Drive, 351-7361. 3-9-29 Bure"ham North Foster. $65 / month. Call Wednesday call 489-0371. 2-9-29 adoption. tor Free. Call 332-8213. TV's and recorders. THE stereos Small investmen OMPACT REFRIGERATOR 371-3412 after 6:30 p.m. 3-9-30 545 Ann St. 3-9-30 SHOPPE. 337-1300. C STEREO it's what's ^ ould secure RCA 14' color TV. Price $150. largL RENTALS: UNITED RENT-ALL. ROOMMATES NEEDED: Four girls Phone Happening IV5-2737 or 351-8S would 1 also insur 2790 East Grand River. 351-5652. to fill two apartments. Marmax $30. EXQUISITE 2 bedroom dump 3-9-30 Mobile Homes FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL apartments, 225 Division. Close to in country. Must have child 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE ichising company campus. 0-3-9-28 between 2 - 4 years old. 641-6620. 1967, 10' x 51'. Excellent condition. WOLVERINE. 5-10-1 information in ARKING SPACES for Rent - Close 2 bedroom, _ 5-9-29 partially furnished. ntmerits. Call Do to campus. $25 / term. 332-0112. NEED ONE girl for winter Parked near DeWitt. $2500 or best 4. 2 9-14 1-6 p.m. 3-9-28 Cedar term. Village. Call 332-0653 WANTED: rdom. 1 $62.50. man till June, own SPECIAL. MARANTZ IMPERIAL offer. Call 669-3493. 7-10-1 Typing Service 4-9-30 Call 337-0590. 3 speakers. Were $400, now Find out how you tan learn to fly FOR toddler I RENTALS • Students only. Low i-9-29 $280. 1965 BARON, 10x58. Gun COMPLETE THESES service. discussion meeting at 7:30 p.m. for the pair. MARSHALL and pilot's license with MSU's earn a MUSIC, furnace, Discount printing. IBM typing and Thursday in 304 Olds Hall. Lawrence ithod. Part monthly and term rates. Call GRADUATE STUDENT couple: 2 245 Ann Street. C-1-9-28 4 x 10 expando. $2,400. Winged Spartans. Introductory ATTRACITVE Phone O'Kelly, chairman of psychology will ule. Room 351-7 9 00. UNIVERSITY TV bedroom furnished mobile home. room in for girl 351-9311. 5-10-4 binding of theses, resumes, meeting and ground school 7 p.m. talk with students about "The Future conservative house. publications. Across from campus, \ 5-9-29 RENTALS. C Clean and quiet. 641-6601. O Privileges. No Wednesday in 31 Union. parking. $80 month plus utilities. TURNTABLE, CARTRIDGE, pre- corner M.A.C. and Grand of Psychology". 12 x 50 1968 Star Mobile Home. River, 351-3439. 2-9-28 amp. Stereo amplifier with below Jones Stationery Excellent condition. 2 bedrooms. Shop. Call Lapidary (gein cutting) lessons AM/FM, homemade cabinet. Bass The Cabaret Company announces On lot. 20 minutes from COPYGRAPH SERVICES will be given from 7 - 9 p.m. you can feel. $150 or will bargain. campus. open tryouts for this season's first ating service. Mi $2,950. Call 627-9758, after 7:30 337-1666. C Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. 230 Cedar Village, 351-5439. musical "Sweet Charity". Tryouts ission or franchis p.m. 5-10-4 ANN BROWN: Practice, theory, and history of will be held from 6-10 p.m. omputer, Bo* 6 Typing and multilith today in lapidary will be covered. For further the Union Ballroom. Sorry, 61820. 3-9-2 NEEDED: 1 or 2 girls to sub-lease offset printing. Complete service ios house with 3 others. Share in - STEREO COMPONENTS 15 - 50% TRAVELO 12' x 60' plus expando. for information call 332-2986 between The Chess Club will meet at 7 p.m. large off List. All new, warranted. Also, Carpeting, draperies, air dissertations, theses, 10 a and 6 p.m. bedroom. Lease October 1 June manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Wednesday in 301 Wells Hall. The oyment with f# - some used components. Call conditioner, niceyard, near 15. Deposit, no pets. House 22 years experience. 349-0850. chedule int wholesaler in 351-4173. 3-9-30 campus. Call 351-1194. 5-9-30 C The Astronomy Club will have its ind luired. 351- Lansing. Call 484-9935. 3-9-29 organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. SONY 350 Tape Deck. Very good DELTA 1968. 12' x 60' plus 7' 12'. PROFESSIONAL THESIS Wednesday in 31S Furnished and like new. Located Rooms condition. After 9 p.m., PREPARATION Physics-Astronomy Bldg. Plans will We're all : Need 5 person 9.3-9-30 10 minutes West of MSU. Don't be made for projects for the coming to work either 1 rent, invest. $6900, terms. Call Ed year. Everyone interested is welcome. daily, equals 21 ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. SMALL REFRIGERATOR, perfect Boehm, 482-0805, evenings rk either 5 • 1 Completely furnished. Cooking. for dorm use. $45. Phone Dave, 627-6794. Boehm 8c Bowerman, TheSpartan Pistol Club will have sis 25 hours pe Call 372-8077. C 351-4099. 3-9-30 Inc. Realtors. 3-9-28 an meeting for anyone open Complete Professional Thosis Service fir kro 10 hours < interested in pistol shooting at 7 p.m. Mister's and Doctoral Candidates. Free We will 1 ay ans Sunday, FREE IN Lansing. Pleasant room, GUITAR 1970Garcia classic. $135. today in Demonstration Hall. Brochure and Consultation. Pltase Call Tuesday. This week we will plan cave sice a must. Ci own bathroom and all meals plus Hardshell plush lining. case, Lost & Found Cliff and Paula Hau|hey 337 1527 tr 627 293S filled for exploring and cliff climbing trips. 5293 between $30/month in exchange for some 355-3122. 2-9-29 First of Sexuality Series - Dave D.m An equi assistance with housework and lmis will discuss "Sex and the The MSU Railroad Club will meet HOLLYWOOD BED, twin size, $10. LOST: BLACK and white cat, Albert ioyer.O-74.4-9-2 cooking. Call 371-2311. 3-9-30 SAVE SAVE SAVE Family" at 8 p.m. Today in the at 7:30 p.m. today in 33 Union to 2 end tables. $3. Call 332-6669. and Grove area. Good reward. XEROX COPYING- offset best Emmons Lobby. Everyone is - discuss the exciting and 2-9-29 351-8882 or 351-1134. 2-9-29 welcome. challenging quality at reasonable prices. THE For Sale COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand task of restoring Locomotive 1225. If SONY 6060 Receiver Akai x 200D, River. Phone 332-4222. C ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will have MORE FUN in the sun, with Sun auto • reverse deck. Call 882-1678. a lawyer available from 10 a.m. to the coming Shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 3-9-30 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term noon Tuesday and from 1 - S every 2615 East Michigan Avenue, papers, theses. Best rates. Call p.m. every Tuesday and Wednesday The Hillel Foundation will hold 372-7409. C-5-10-1 EICO 3150 Amplifier. 180 watts. 351-4619. O during the fall term. Those wishing Yom Kippur services at 7:30 p.m. One month old. Manual an appointment are asked to check WOMAN'S WHITE rabbit fur today and at 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 150 WATT Amplifier, two speaker, Garrard turntable, $295. AKAI typewriter. 353-0187. 4-10-1 coat in excellent condition. Call Transportation with the ASMSU 307-8 Student Services business office, Bldg., or call Wednesday in the Alumni Chapel. tapedeck, $150. Together MAGNAVOX CONSOLE 351-7226 after 6 p.m. 5-10-4 3S3-06S9. There will be - $400. Best Stereo. GREYHOUND a nominal $3 The Sailing Club will hold a 351-4779. 5-10-1 offer under $40. Call charge for service. INTRODUCES school year. LOST: ORANGE and white kitten. NEW meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in 35 332-3372, anytime. 1-9-28 TWO STUDIO beds with coverlets Park Lane area. Call 351-0865. DIRECT BUS SERVICE to Union. Come and meet us. We have The MSU Karate Club will hold its Reward. 4-10-1 and from Pontiac, club information and club and bolsters. Best offer. 351-0225 GUITAR AMPLIFIER, 105 watt Royal Oak first meeting of the term at 6 p.m. slides. Fight pollution summer after 5 PM. 5-9-29 and Birmingham, on a - sail. sound. Two 12 inch speakers, today in the upper gym of the LOST: SILVER watch. Between reservation basis from East Women's reverb trem. Four inputs. $200 or Intramural Bldg. Coed Natural Deadline for application to the HASSELBLAD 500C 2'/." camera best offer. 393-8816. 5 9-29 Science and Natural Lansing on weekends. Depart classes for beginners, intermediates, School of Social Work is Oct. IS. Resources. Reward. Call with 80mm f/2.8 lens; Honeywell Jenny , Friday return following and advanced students will be held. Applications may be picked up in 353-6234. 3-9-29 electronic flash. Best offer. STARLIGHT DRUM good set, Sunday. Round trip fare, Anyone interested should be there IS 220 Baker. 332-5555. S-5-9-30 condition, $400 new, best offer. $9.50. Fbr reservations call minutes early. Everyone is welcome. Personal Tryus earlier 351 -0225 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 EAST LANSING BUS The MSU Promenaders folk dance B.I.C. / Lux 71/ 2R AM/FM stereo ~~ Congregation Kehillat Israel invites DEPOT, 3 32 -2 5 69. group invites any and all to groove on receiver 150 rms New in carton MODERN BLONDE bedroom set THERE IS still time to complete a Reservations must be you to services - Kol Nidre at 7:15 our in square. Membership drive is 349-0772. ' 5-9-29' like new, large dresser and mirror. Kaplan Tutoring Course for the p.m. today and Yom Kippur 9:30 Also miscellaneous dresser, bed MCAT, DAT, and LSAT. BOARD Thursday by 7 p.m. a.m. to sunset Wednesday. All are under way so all interested please attend gathering at 7 p.m. Wednesday for next year. EXAMS scheduled for October welcome at 8SS Grove, East Lansing. AR TURNTABLE. Single good condition. Best speed, offer. „^°°k"se headboard. Call Call 313-851-6077 for in 34 Women's Intramural Bldg. tr/~ . J 332-0110. 3-9-28 ig?1 D|AL AND SWITCH $51.40. information and enrollment. Wanted The MSU Marketing Club will hold MSU Rodeo Club will hold 7.10-1 its organizational and get acquainted a neeting at 9 p.m. Wednesday at the COMP^NYNT STERTO; BSR BABYSITTING IN MY Kenwood. 80 watt, Heathk.t floor 600. SSSJ^ fu|| size hegd a|| buj|t , DRAFT for DEFERRMENT available Village home, Spartan experienced. meeting at 7 p.m. today in the Teak Room, Eppley Center. Proposed livestock Refreshments will Judging be served and Pavillion. speakers. $200 firm. 37*0150 . qualified applicants. Call 355-0992. 5-9-30 programs and field trips will be zi 355-2168. 3-9-28 rodeo films will be shown Ceti a r Zag _ buttonhole. overcast discussed. The meeting will last aboui following ~ days, 485-2369 evenings. 5-9-30 " ~ - ^ fancy stjtches and winds BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for an hour and refreshments will be the meeting. Everyone interested in the bobbin automatically. UNION BOARD Travel Office rodeo is welcome to attend. NIKON CAMERA plus lens. Good „ j Pay open 3,1 Positive' A negative, B negative served. Everyone is invited. juJt $51 40 or E.z terms 11:30 - 4:30. Phone 353 9777 C and AB ne9^e, $10.00 O condition. Must sell to eat. The arranged. Trade - ins accepted. To negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN MSU Sierra Club presents 355 2986.59.29 The MSU Volunteers a ^ satisfaction sold by free BANDS FOR occasion. any All COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, tonight. All interested are persons recruiting should four day book and poster display and prices. 349-3358. 5-9-29 sale today and 5071/1 §re en £ East Grand River, East Wednesday in the TAPESTRIES, WATERBED frames and heaters. !^j£!"0?,r*t,0n on^nPho"e Lansing. Above the new Campus attend a recruitment session in the Captain's Room of the at 7:30 Union, and Thursday and Friday in North REBIRTH, 309 a^' rv* ,n BILLIE'S BALLET Studio. European Bookstore. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 p.m. Union to obtain information o the International Center. Stop by for Washington Avenue, Lansing. 489-6168. c-10-8 1 __ trained. Professional ballerina and Pm Monday, Thursday, and than 60 volunteer beautiful ecology books and posters, teacher. Now accepting pupils for programs, free literature, and SaLE: NEW roll away bed. 20" fan. Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Experienced volunteers rap session. Other items. 353-0983. 2 9-29 beginning, intermediate and pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C encouraged Co assist the staff it USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 advanced classes. Across from effort, For anyone interested in East any type Michigan. Dishes, books, campus. Call 332-5511. 4-9-28 WANTED: of LOVELY DIAMOND SOLITAIRE, TICKETS for livestock, the Block and Bridle 1135 Michigan Ave. coins, antiques, rockers, junk. ___ $350 Ca„ 355.3018 and save money Michigan-MSU game, October 9th. The Club will hold its first meeting at Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open NIGHT PARKING spaces. Beech and Undergraduate Psycholouv for tuition and books. 2-9-28 Call 332-1075. 5-9-29 Club will be 7:30 p.m. in 110 Anthony Hall. Saturday and Sunday. Furniture Gunson area. Will sponsoring an informal negotiate. and appliances open all week, 10 332-3867.3-9-30 3 USED HOOVERS $24.50. Nice - PAINTING AND light am 6 pm/Phone 371 2843. C remodeling _/ " " Tryouts for the Women s neio 351-8631 - 2 - tone - Hooever cleaner used Economical. reliaLle. Call Doug " anted Hockey Team will be held this week just few times. All cleaning a PHRIQTMAC docTL-- r. CHRISTMAS evenings, 351-4723. 3-9-30 for aU interes,ed undergraduates. tools. Only $24.50 cash or terms. BREAK. Spain $249. COMPONENT STEREO. Will sell all Nassau $169. Acapulco $249. TRANSLATOR, SPANISH speaking. Organizational at 4 p.m. today in 109 Call 372-3324. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. neED ~ accurate dictaphone "ght next to Brady Complex London $149. rwn tyoist Women's Intramural Bldg. Come New, *till under Or part. warranty Call evenings, To insure satisfaction sold by free Complete deluxe Michigan g^me Trade s^ Or 2 Ne6ded ,or basS Pressed to play. Contact MU. 332-4455. 4-9-28 home 0-5-10-1 damonstrattion only. 351 351-2286. 2286S'o O k BUCk' for 4 Juniors • Mary 353-6400 Ph°ne 489"1441 PARKER Peterson or Miss Irwin for further 5-10-4 CAREER CENTER. 3-9-29 Information. ] 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan. Courses Rep. Udall blasts for early % bond backer picks Registration is still open for two "University of the Air" WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. Morris K. Udall, had never handled courses offered for early risers at 6:30 to 7 a.m. Mondays through a bond issue of >h D-Ariz., alleged Monday there is "a strong , Saturdays. Courses began Monday. "University of the Air," a facet of the Continuing Education appearnace of impropriety" in the selection of underwriters for a $250 million offering of U.S. ssr;"™ Y»k Service, offers the two sunrise semester courses over CBS stations for three university credits without credit. Postal Serive bonds. Parties irtvolved quickly denied any impropriety. and 'Co.'8I^P.°of because of the personal > relation^ American Urban Politics will spotlight the role of blacks and Udall, chairman of the House Postal Service Asst. Postmaster Gen. Ja,m's " 'P of other minorities, the effect of suburbia and the importance of schools and school affairs in the cities' political conflicts. subcommittee, said a two-month investigation by his staff found "no compelling evidence at this dealt with Dillon Read as a Lfc time of violations of the criminal code" but firm8 COmp"ny doing business with the ^ accused postal officials of "a lesser Hargrove replied he degree of "consulted with misconduct and impropriety." outs.de the Postal Service" The Postal Service emphatically denied any selection. n D|ll°n R'0 on Dm Registration for both courses extends through Oct. 8. wrongdoingin selection of five underwriters for Udall's report said the Information may be obtained by writing the University of the Air, 12 Kellogg Center, or from any of the Continuing Education Break time its first bond sale. serious mistake" in not Postal Servi™ stopping h ^H Udall's report asserted that Kidder, Centers in Benton Harbor, East Lansing, Grand Rapids, and Co., whose board chairman and 13 vice Peabody from hiring Presidnet John N. Mitchell's old law Nixffi andST* Marquette, Saginaw-Flint, Rochester and Traverse City. There is one organization that keeps a car for a mascot instead of a pet. This car has had the presidents contributed at least $47,893 to GOP Guthrie and Alexander of firm of Mifri v A il¬ attention of members of the Society of Automotive Engineers. New State News photo by Craig Porter campaigns in 1968, was selected even though it legal counsel. 1NewYorkas( Placement Bureau tells employer interview dates The following employers will Bulletin posted each week at the Relations Dept.; Motorola be interviewing from Oct. 6 Placement Bureau and in Incorp.; Newport News through Oct. 8. December, most departments. This Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co.; March, and June graduates of all bulletin lists specific majors Oct. 8: J.K. Lasser and Co.; degree levels are eligible to requested by the interviewing interview unless otherwise organizations. MSU Peace Corps Philippine indicated. Students are advised to If you are interested in an interview with employers even organization, please sign up in though they have not completed r "I the Placement Bureau as soon as possible at least two school days their military service. Many employers have indicated an That odor in advance of the interview date. Additional information is interest in interviewing the student before and after his duty your shower available in the Placement with the Armed Forces. can't stop... Oct. 6: Avco, Lycoming Division; Carson Pirie Scott and Co.; Guarantee Mutual Life Co.; we'll stop Detroit ruling Price Waterhouse Radiation Inc. and Co.; Free (Continued from page one) Oct. 7: Institute for Paralegal ...with a Norforms Mini-Pack free for you! Showering'* that provide $1,200 annually Training; Levitt and Sons, great —but it can't stop the for each student, but might have Incorp.; Labor and Industrial to send their child to -Detroit embarrassing feminine odor that starts internally, where where only $800 is spent per soap-And-water can't reach. student. That's why we want to send And there would be the you a free mini-pack of doctor- overall question of who would tested Norforins. the internal run deodorant!" a metropolitan school district and decide how the NEJACTV RENTALS lust insert one liny Norlorms money would be spent. 337-1300 Suppository. It kills bacteria Inside the vaginal tract...stops odo fast for ho Yol Norforms are so easy and safe "What's the one word to describe lo insert. No shower, no spray, not even douching, protects Why 35 guys live, work, study you the way Norforms do. together... as one?" "We don't know? We're still trying to find out?" FREE NORFORMS MINI-PACK plus booklet! Write: Norwich "Maybe you can help us?" Pharmacal Co.. Dept. CN-A. Nor¬ wich. N.Y. 13H15. Enclose 25C to cover mailing and handling. "Share some time with us this week!" St reet City Call Phi Gamma Delta, the Fijis Stale_ — Zip— Norwich Products Division LI' The Norwich Pharmacal Co. | SHEPARD'S v we concentrate * % on you! You might say "you're our only customer". And it's true. We're only here because of you. . to have on hand the books, personal needs, greeting cards, the gift and other items you need. . .when you need them and at reasonable prices. So try us first. Chances are we've got it, because you're number one with us. Open today 3 South Washington epan MSU ;h