For. . . Wednesday the hand that rocks the MICHIGAN Cloudy . cradle / I* the hand that rule$ . . STATE STATE NEWS world. ■ . . and continued warm with a 1the -W.S. Ross chance of showers. High 80 to UNIVERSITY Lme 64 Number 33 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, September 29, 1971 Auditor inAMNA FIRESTOMF urges the Detroit arrhit«w*t,„..i probe into building costs d., By JOANNA FIRESTONE architectural r. firm of Smith - .. . tee said the state's controls over j:__ construction spending. , . . . State News Staff Writer Hinchman and Grylis. building director, building when such work is normally done normally award carpet contracts without A.N. Languis, Milliken's office revealed Monday that the by the property management division of Although he would make no estimate of allegedly approved extra hiring architects. services and governor had received Lee's report prior to jtate Auditor General Albert Lee called how much the firm may have overcharged changes in original its public release and had examined the the Dept. of Administration. •$2,219 for planning two private toilets • r for a full - scale investigation and tne state, Lee called construction plans without •$5,180 for planning a system of signs the expenditures securing and a Great Seal Room in the approval from higher authority. report "over period of several weeks." in Lansing to direct persons to the Treasury lieW of some $50 million worth of state questionable," and said that in some He also a Lee's audit pointed out that the contract Capitol Building. The room was not built and a fee Instruction in the Capitol Area cases records were so poorly kept that the charged the Dept. of1 complex when the signs have not yet been plans for one private toilet in another Ivelopment area and in nearby Windsor nrm Administration and the Bureau of the made with the Detroit firm in 1964 had put in place. The signs are not planned to may have been paid twice for its building was only $59.52, Lee said. ■wnship. services. Budget in the governor's office with never been executed by the Building be put up until the proposed new Capitol, in laxity Division or the governor's budget director, •$10,245 to create a modular furniture ■jn a special audit released late Monday, failing to impose stronger checks and shelved for an unknown period of time, is system plan which the Dept. of K said he found at least 10 instances thus establishing no firm specification of constructed. the costs of added services. Administration, which handles all furniture Ealing $94,100 in which "the benefits Among the charges he criticized were: •$1,108 for drafting "plans and purchases, did not know about. Cjved were not commensurate with the specifications" for installing a $3,805 •:$2,808 for planning the seating in the it of fees" imposed on the state by •$51,430 for planning layouts and carpet in an auditorium in the new state partition locations inside a new state office Law Building. Lee said state (Please turn to page 13) agencies Jixon signs Married housing (raft bill, but freezes raise drop after federal ruling By MICHAEL FOX can charge higher rental rates during the the freeze order. Therefore, necessary ■WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon State News Staff Writer price-wage freeze. adjustments will be made," Wilkinson said. |ned Tuesday the bill extending the Although the council had earlier The University Tuesday rolled back its The new council ruling authorized colleges to increase rents reportedly was ■litary draft until June 30, 1973. But he not aimed at any one Tze until Nov. 13 a $2.4 billion military rental rate increases for University-owned despite the freeze, a new decision has particular college or married housing for the period of the limited approval for increases in rent to university, but instead was a general Jy raise included In the measure. federal wage-price freeze, Roger E. dormitory housing paid for by students on re-assessment. President Wharton had ■ The act, passed Sept. 21 by Congress previously announced that MSU would Wilkinson, vice president for business and a term basis. r a five-month battle, contains the stand ready to take finance announced. The new residence hall rates which the necessary steps on rent t military pay raise in history and Wilkinson said a recent ruling by the rates if the council made new decisions. 0 Ithority for Nixon to order an end to University has been assessing with the Federal Cost of Living Council redefined beginning of fall term are not affected by Married housing tenants have paid the •ferments for college undergraduates, additional $3 rental for the month of the areas in which universities and the new ruling and will continue to be ■fective with this year's entering colleges charged, Wilkinson said. September, Wilkinson said. Although leshmen. The increase for marrried housing October bills are already in the mail with I The President had said he will use the the increase included, tenants ■ithority •ferments. to end undergraduate FOR FACULTY, STAFF amounted to $3 a month for the 2,468 on-campus apartment units. Wilkinson said the $3 from their October may subtract bill, he said. ■ The $2.4 billion pay raise in the bill, was it was likely that the increase would be Proper credits for overpayments already reinstated when the freeze is lifted or new made will be reflected in the November ■have taken effect Oct. 1. Board rules permit. billing, he said. I The measure also includes a statement IS. operations Jncticable Democratic ftnate i President Nixon to terminate in Indochina "at the earliest date" — the diluted version of Leader Mike to study minor adjustments and pay questions hike conflict with President Nixon's wage-price The federal price-wage freeze ordered Aug. 15 includes all apartment units having monthly rental payments 'In the manner of commercially-owned rental units," the new ruling states. The new ruling was At least for the duration of the (Please Open house turn to page 13) freeze, fansfleld's Senate-passed amendment for concerning the raises. One question is likely to be freeze. reported in teh Sept. 23 "Federal i) U.S. withdrawal in nine months if posed by The Wolverine will hold open house The board of trustees meets at 7 Trustee Clair White, D-Bay City. White said Since that time, however, the Cost of Registrar" and was acted upon Tuesday, an in prisoners are freed. p.m. when the MSU administration learned of for all interested students at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday he would oppose any raises for Living Council ruled that MSU could go | [tension Other main provisions of the draft today in the Heritage Room of Kellogg Center to consider wage and salary raises top-level administrators because they are ahead and actually give the raises because the new interpretation. today in the basement of the Student measure include: "The Service already receiving "outlandish" salaries. they were originally scheduled to be given new definition of Building. Job applications for the • A ceiling on draftees of 130,000 in the for MSU faculty and staff. The meeting is ical year ending June 30, One matter that apparently has not been beginning July 1 — well before the Aug. 15 University-owned apartments clearly 1972 Wolverine will be accepted. 1972, and open to the public. indicates that these are not exempt from llO.OOO in the year ending June 30,1973. The administration decided prior to the meeting tonight is beginning of the freeze. Refreshments will be served. is expected to • An authorization whether the recommendations will be a for armed forces present the board with its ianpower of 2,553,409 men in the current recommendations for raises for faculty and package including all raises or whether they ical year. will involve two separate votes — one for staff — with the exception of a handful of 1 Two years' alternative service for lonscientious objectors, under direct top administrative positions. Trustees Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, said faculty raises and one for staff raises. The board has already approved the 1971-72 budget at the Sept. board J Irisdiction of the Selective Service he expected a motion would be made to meeting which included a "reserve" of funds raise the salaries of top academic officers as ^stem's national headquarters. [• Extension well. labelled salary adjustments and fringe of procedural rights for benefits. But the trustees did not allocate pftees A before their local boards. Huff, and other trustees and the funds to individual departments • limit of 20 years of service on a administrative sources, say the and other units at the time because >1 draft board with boards required to administration's recommendations will they did not know whether that action lect racial and would religious breakdowns of likely be approved with some relatively feir communities. inancial powers fo try 'paper ■ WASHINGTON (AP ) - Major financial applause. An IMF invention, "Special finance ministries that the Group of Ten pwers Drawing Rights" or SDR, would be richest industrial nations were able to - Britain, Japan, Italy and France agree T declared their elevated as the new monetary standard. on Sunday support Tuesday for on a working agenda to repair the currency system ^lopment "'em in which of a new international money American authorities concur at least Nixon's actions of Aug. 15. upset by President "paper gold", would unofficially in the desirability of such a • A 'tone the dollar as the standard for shift, to provide greater stability for a forecast of a worldwide economic Pernational payments. system that has proved increasingly slowdown or recession, in which "problems 1 British vulnerable to disruption and speculative of activity and of employment will raise Chancelor of the Exchequer Fth°ny Barber described in some detail attack. universal concern" within a few months. P Plan for drastic change, under which The session, on the second day of the Get your free • Rising concern was voiced, by large P1* would be re standard displaced eventually of value for as the national joint gathering of the boards of governors of the IMF and the World Bank, produced and small nations, over the plight of underdeveloped countries which have been hot dogs! these other developments: J^ncies 1 legates from of the non-Communist world. • A tone of greater restraint in criticism damaged by the money crisis — and Students received free food and drinks Tuesday at a hot 118 nations to the particularly by the U.S. 10 per cent tariff dog stand on Circle Drive. The stand was operated by rual meeting of the International of the United States emerged. This surcharge — though they had done nothing members of Frontlash, a national labor organization, and VOTER, a legislative relations group. evidently reflecting the relief of the world's petary Funci gave Barber long and loud to cause the disorders. State News photo by Milton Horst losed trustee meetings: Huff later said he made the motion because he saw no reason By BILLHOLSTEIN News Analysis for suddenly having a closed meeting concerning a subject on ordered and agreed upon and go through the motions of State News Staff Writer approving them. I think the public has the right to be a party to which only open meetings had been held previously. He suggested the discussions," he argued. wmtroversy over the board of trustees taking action and by governing boards of Michigan universities. The August 1969 that the administration wanted the meeting closed because it One other trustee, Don Stevens, D-Okemos, interpreted the ruling said formal sessions must be held in public, but added that anticipated "penetrating questions" concerning aid to minority motion as yet another ^sing University business in closed meetings periodically nonvoting meetings could be held privately. students. development in the longstanding face-off between the president and Huff. ■J" into the public arena. But it inevitably disappears as a Hence, the niling clarified little, noting only that private and Huff said at the board meeting that the trustees should discuss "I would interpret the passing of this motion to be another without definite resolution. executive sessions are "rarely necessary" and should be "actively nursed as many issues in public as possible to avoid "bad press" which he infringment I^lines for determining what subjects should be discussed discouraged." said was the result of a secret meeting in June. At that upon the president of the University by the board of trustees," Stevens said. meeting and what should be private have been voted down by The most recent skirmish concerning closed meetings came at the board had voted to rescind authorization of a cross-campus The motion was voted down 6-2, with Huff and White on the the Sept. 9 board meeting. Huff movedthat one topic at a board highway. Minutes of that closed meeting have since been released. short end. trustees, Clair White, D-Bay City, and Warren Huff, "retreat" the following day be discussed in public instead of in a Wharton and Huffs fellow trustees responded that the meeting Other trustees have also been voted down I] y®°uth, once vowed never to attend closed closed session. with the admissions commission had been scheduled strictly to up more trustee meetings. attempting to open J to quiets return to the meetings - after the furor died The topic was the report of the Presidential Commission of provide information to the trustees and that it need not be public At her first board J1 They announced the boycott in June 1969, one_ mont Admissions and Student Body Composition, a group which had because the trustees were not to take any action at the meeting. meeting in January Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor, proposed a 1971, trustee Patricia ^.the board dropped the MSU sliding scale tuition plan in a held open meetings for more than a year while writing Huff in turn said he felt the public should be party to the set of guidelines which would ffd meeting. recommendations to President Wharton concerning admissions, discussion as well as the decisions. 1£ P%n °ne P°int In the history of the closed meeting ^uabb,e' supportive services and similar matters. "We've come to these meetings with recommendations all Atty. Gen. F> nk J. Kelley ruled on closed sessions held (Please turn to page 13) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Sep, news Council adopts housing study recommends a program to encourage low - cost students and elderly people, By BILL WHITING Several homeowners summary From Ihewjiet of AP and UPI. State News Staff Writer housing development, better enforcement of "In my opinion it is unlikely that four housing regulations, a licensing procedure for all unrelated people could provide the average rent rental properties by the owner to clearly identify of $280 a month which is far beyond the satisfaction with the licensing pointing to absentee landlords sources of much of the e*n»o. refnm 1 andl?endS j East Lansing city council members voted responsible persons, and a change in some zoning financial resources of student renters and elderly housing orohil to,,l Monday to immediately initiate ordinances definitions recognizing two unrelated persons as people," he said. "Hie low number of people One 25 - year homwwnJXffS?- ■ based on recommendations of a housing a family. who could be living in R2 or R3 zones F°8te/ housing private °f 1033 is Cresenwood "where problems study commissioned last year. The committee also placed strong emphasis on discriminate against a significant portion of lies and most of h. th The little licensing study recommendations met e»ective roa'i was improved channels of communication and people living in the city." an effw-tivo council resistance, and the overall sentiment of cooperation between the University and Zipcar went on to suggest that a system of combat it. ^ the 100 or so spectators present at the meeting community. rent control could provide a solution to some appeared to favor the report which outlines Some opposition to the zoning changes was problems, but committee cochairman Hackett "We've come to these meetings significant changes in local rental housing. met, however, when a spokesman for the Bailey said such a proposal was not recommended motels and hotels. '"dudi® with recommendations all ordered Representatives of homeowners groups Homeowners Assn. said it would "open a because of its failure in other areas. Moyer raised the and agreed upon and go through indicated their members supported the basic aims Pandora's box" in increasing population density system of fines for possibility 0f of the housing study, although some questions Hackett said he believed the heart of the property owne in residential areas. the motions of approving them. I were raised about certain points. situation was a human relations problem. "You housing codes, pointing to the r Reed Moyer, 417 Butterfield Drive, noted the don't solve a human relations think the public has the right to The report, written over the past year by a problem by passing committee proposal would open residential areas ordinances," he said. "It takes be a party to the discussions. " education and a joint housing committee, including members of to roomers where it is now prohibited. and the Human Relations Commission, city planning progressive process over a period of time. subsequent eviction of renters - Warren Huff. MS U Board of He said this would only act as a windfall for "We recommended the city council should Michael Conlisk, commission, MSU off - campus housing dept. and city planning dir,w Trustees member MSU Off Campus Council, calls for establishing landlords, and added, "We see no particular make efforts to further communications. I reason for this expansion." He system of fines would" probaWy ■ - suggested city believe many problems may be solved by the the ordinance and (See related article, page 1) an independent housing commission to handle all officials leave zoning requirements at Councilman J 1,1,11 housing problems, including tenant - landlord numbers rather than provide some specific overall recommendations of the report and we bondi"g disputes. This would effectively establish housing flexibility as recommend adoption of all the points. Many recommended by the report. John control under one department rather than the problems can be resolved though licensing, the Hagan, 416 Park Lane Charles Zipcar of 923 Birch Road, nHonts students would aid he fj several departments which now handle various challenged housing commission and escrow be most Moyer, however, saying that in a recent study of recommendations, but proposals to establish escrow concerned aspects of housing. East Lansing renters he mainly the city and the accounts .n/.'l formation of an In addition to the commission, the study conducted, zoning University have to address themselves to the requirements effectively discriminate against area," Hackett said. who gets the "arbitration board to! "l money at the end of the lete^ Russia launches probe Rebounding from three consecutive the Soviet Union launched another unmanned probe Tuesday. The Soviet news agency Tass said the main purpose of space failures, moon Gromyko UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) — Soviet Foreign Minister Soviet Citing recent progress in regarded the U.S. move toward - U.S. negotiations on normalizing relations with Red Andrei A. Gromyko declared banning bacteriological weapons China lis peace "the f arms talks and declared that United States and its Soviet Union wanted conference to be a permanent the France, expressed the belief thi "as a natural mercenaries are two important meetings the spacecraft Luna 19 "is to conduct scientific continuing the forum. woul Tuesday that the improved and on limiting strategic arms, development" but he followed war" while be held in 1972 investigation of the moon and near - lunar space from political climate was favorable to Gromyko said the Soviet with a veiled warning against any talking about conference - thepropoT the orbit of a world disarmament conference withdrawing American troops. Another on European se an aritificial satellite." government attaches great effort of Washington and Peking big power foreign and a big and other steps to ease tension. importance to Elaborating on a Soviet minister, Maurice Schumann power s strengthening to team up against the Russians. memorandum submitted several of meeting. In a moderately worded relations with the United States "In the past," he said, "there weeks ago, Gromyko said the policy statement before the 130 and is ready to develop political have been quite a few conference should - nation General Assembly, the contacts we well as economic, combinations of veteran Soviet diplomat said the cultural, some states outside the framework of the be held VOTER offers bus service scientific and directed against others, and Iraq ousts politicians time was ripe also for an commercial links. carried with them international they UN so that non-members as well as memberc could all-European security. conference on Gromyko urged the admission tension and sometimes even of both East and West Germany wars." attend. This apparently would include the for student voter registratioij Iraq's vice president and foreign minister were ousted "The divided countries - East and goal of eliminating into the United Nations as a Another discordant note was West Eligible but unregistered Tuesday night, Baghdad Radio announced. military blocs in Europe now natural follow up of their struck in his references to the Germany, North and student voters can register to available for residence L_ South Korea and North and students without The broadcast from the Iraq capital said the vice seems to be attainable in improved relations. Vietnam war. He blamed the South Vietnam. vote in East Lansing between 7 transportatio] president, Maj. Gen. Salih Mahdi Ammash, and Foreign principle," he declared. He said the Soviet Union U.S. for failure of and 9 p.m. today at Minister Abdel Karim Sattara al the Paris He also explained that the Bus City Hall. Tentatively, the bus will letJ Sheihly also were transportation will be from the Case Wonders - parkiJ dismissed from the 11 lot at 6:30 and 7 ruling revolutionary Introducing stationery - man p.m. andfroa command council. STEREO RENTALS MSU SKI CLUB the Brody lot at 7:30, 8:00 d 8:30 p.m. The actions were taken in the radio said. a meeting of the council, for people who think Free Deliver) Free Service 9-50 Organizational Meeting TONIGHT For those with their o saving a tree is important. NEJAC RENTALS 7:30 p.m. 109 Anthony transportation, located at 410 Abbott E City Hall j 337-1300 New Memberships Taken two blocks north of the Uniol Earthnotes is 100% recycled quality stationery. It's made entirely from waste material. Trash. 1971 to decide peace Using recycled paper saves trees, reduces pollution, and cuts down on waste. But recycling only works when there is a demand for waste material. AITT And this demand is created only when President Anwar Sadat repeated his claim people buy recycled products. Tuesday By buying Earthnotes, and other recycled paper products, you create night that 1971 will bring either peace or war in the a market for recycled paper. And help to save more trees. Middle East and said he will not be deterred by the Each box contains 50 Monarch size sheets, 30 matching United States or the Soviet Union in envelopes and 30 "Save- a-Tree" seeking to end the conflict by his own means. stickers so you ca n spread the buy "1971 will be the year of decision and I do not fear recycling message. It's available in white or pastel "earth colors". the big powers," he said, speaking on the first and help save-a-tree Delta anniversary of the death of President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Kennedy seeks solution Sigma Pi it's so easy to park in the adjoining east lansing auto ramp jacobson's will gladly validate your parking ticket Sen. Edward M. Kennedy indicated Tuesday that the Bay of Pigs ransom might offer an example for getting back American prisoners of war in Indochina. "At first Castro refused even to PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS FRATERNITY talk," Kennedy told a group at the |annual meeting of the National League of Families 332-2591 of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia. "He wouldn't identify the prisoners. He wouldn't talk about releasing them, but finally a way was found. "We found out what D & C they needed, Jj 1110 SALE and that was pharmaceuticals ... So, we gave them $13 million worth of pharmaceuticals and got the prisoners back," Kennedy said. OPEN 9 TIL 9 WEEKDAYS Grand River 1 COUPON COUPON COUPON J IERGENS SOAP BAR POSTER BOARD LIGHTER FLUID Agnew to visit Turkey 100 limit 1 I0t 10t up with the liberation limit 1 limit 1 M J derby COUPON COUPON COUPON Vice President Spiro T. Agnew will visit Turkey and Greece next month to confer with leaders of the two for Miss J perfect VO FOLDER KLEENEX TRAVELERS SHOT GLASSES NATO allies, the White House announced Tuesday. Agnew will visit Turkey Oct. 11-13 while enroute to topper for the new blazers, IOC 10t 10t "■ Iran's 2,500th birthday celebration Oct. 13-16. He then limit 1 limit 2 limit 2 J will consult with the Greek leaders Oct. 16-18 and this pert felt bowler breaks stay COUPON COUPON in Greece for a brief COUPON private visit, press secretary Ronald the 'old hat' routine in L. Ziegler said. SEAM BINDING PAPER CLIPS COUGH DROPS a parade of bright colors. 10( 10t 10t limit 1 limit 1 limit 2 Red, camel, henna, beet, COUPON COUPON COUPON 1 Women submit navy, brown or black. $11. names THUMD TACKS PLASTIC MEASURING CAMPUS ERASERS The National Women's Political Caucus 10t CUP submitted the of 10 Tuesday jAop' limit 1 lOt to be names women appointed to the Supreme Court. it said are qualified lot limit 2 The names were submitted to COUPON COUPON COUPON Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, who was urged "not to WOOD TOOTHPICKS opportunity to end the discrimination against women who represent 51 per cent of the population bypass this . . Jaoobsoris 2/I0t limit 2 BIC PENS 10t 20 CT. BOBBY 2/1 Ot PINS Wednesday, September 29. 1971 'Jm Capitol's plexi-glass wall to help cooling, not protect By JOANNA FIRESTONE the one - quarter inch thick plexi have been According to Kehres, the five shelved for an State News Staff Writer - glass will not be installed as - foot high transparent barrier unknown period of time. protection for the legislators but will also increase the Planning of the proposed $80 rather to aide in the chamber's efficiency of a planned air million structure began in 1966, Dustics and air - conditioning. conditioning system, scheduled to be installed but money to fund the project Just standing around public gallery of the House of Representatives will be encolsed the 'The reason we are walling gallery with plexi - glass is this fall at a cost of $90,000. cannot be squeezed from the current MSU's ducks find life on the Red Cedar tight state budget. drier than u k, . by bullet - proof glass. hardly a defensive one," Kehres "The enclosure is in no I been for many months. After the high water level la!S °"„!°_9_S_ floating around. ? °" th® river bottom instead of 'ust Rep. Raymond C. Kehres, D - said. "The House has always had intended to separate way the Gov. economic Milliken's chief adviser, Glenn S. spring, the ducks seem to be resting comfortably, standing Representatives from State News photo by Craig Porter wr/ii„sr'? Speaker William A. r'anLS Ryan, said ustical problems both on floor and in the gallery. people," he said. "By improving the Allen, said a new Capitol "comes near the end" of the state's list gallery conditions, it will, in a of )N VOTER priorities. Observers can't hear up in the REGISTRATION gallery because of extraneous noise and garbled microphones sense, draw them together." A. Speaker of the House William Ryan, D-Detroit, justifed the and the The plexi - glass wall and air representatives can't costly remodeling by predicting conditioning system are only a Jurist hear on the floor because of small that the legislature would noise in the gallery," he said. part of an estimated construed to mean that place at answers n n i u . s of Kehres said the plastic wall will be equipped with a number speakers to improve the $850,000 tab in remodeling plans now under construction in the house side of the 98- year - probably occupy the present Capitol for another 20 years. By BOB ROACH which a person habitually sleeps v .t0 change my q" if 1 public address system. old capitol. keeps his or,r her personal effects, Executive Reporter and has a regular nlace of effects,' place of LanSJ'06"56 Lansing? ti EaSt LansinS- can me as a tax deduction? "Hie plexi - glass will only cost about $6,000 and will do Extensive renovation was pa . Ityew „ laws and court rulings Anyone instituted to save the corroding encountering much to improve visitors' le left MSU students with more than one residence, that ' ^ that the only time a Code states that" 'the term registration problems should call comfort and ability to hear the structure when it became questions about place at which such""'o'erson P^rso1? ca".g®*in trouble for not 'dependent' apparent tha plans for (an) w- Perry Bullard or M. Robert workings of the session," he .'uirements iui ■mireriH'nis and <.»icv for auu effects of 10 ui resides me ic^ucs the greater partpart 01 of the J3"8',?.8 hls llcense address is if individual over half of whose Carr- ——**«««» nan ui wnusc said. constructing a new state Capitol (stering to vote in the Nov. 2 Lansing city time shall be his or her official council residence for the purposes of l Jin!* mailed t0 3 n°tiCe SUpP°rt waS received from the Thi.' „P. _P S,eS^' hcense- If your parents reside ™ address on your taxpayer. No mention is made ^Although student registration University this act.'» this »,f _ "u on your at of where the dependent resides Q. If I register to vote in East Planned law school The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State TrJtt.t-s* Lansing -s^is=? , Ios. University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays rumors on ..erning the requirements and campus Michigan. Q. Do I need to show any policies? A. Probably not, but you can discussed at meeting during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Lts of voter registration. identification to register to vote? check with your insurance man. A Member Associated Press, United Press International, proposed law school for MSU was informally discussed Attorney .... . M. Robert Carr, of ious Organizations to Extend A. No! East Lansing no longer requires that registrants show WKAR to air Some authorities feel that any change in student University administrators and several state legislators at a by Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, may come luncheon meeting in the Michigan Collegiate Press ;istration (VOTER), has any form of identification. You insurance coverage under Kellogg Center Tuesday, an informed Association. source said. Second class postage paid at East lpiled a list of answers to the lestions fczling students. most frequently must only sign the state affidavit and swear that you claim local hearings live parents' policies will stem from the "age of majority" law by which 18-year-olds become full "The informal meeting was initiated by President Wharton between two special committees of the legislature and several key and business offices at 345 Student State University, East Lansing, Mich. Editorial Services Bldg., Michigan residency, will be 18 by Nov. 2, U • .. ,. nriuvii lo-jcai-uius UBtume lull MSU administrators to discuss the recent Lansing, Michigan. resolutions of the [qTDo CL.9 I have to be 18 to and will have lived in Michigan WKAR-AM rill""provide Ih! adU'tS °P Jan" -1; l* would now legislature regarding the establishment of a law college at MSU," six months by Nov. 2. coverage of roncfcJl ^ voter registration alone is the source said. Congressional not a basis for insurance ~ ■A. No! You can register What if I am registered News 355-8252 t The legislature special is you'll be 18 by election somewhere^here else? else9 ® hearings on freedom of the press cancellation if the student gets committees, one in each house, were established this summer to study the feasability of an MSU law- Classified Ads 355-8255 I" Nov. 2. A. * " You need only fill out a Thursday a'm' ™re tha" half his support from school. MSU currently has a law school Advertising 353-6400 transfer of registration card to proposal pending before Business Office |q How !ong h,s.paren^ The clty clerks do the State Board of Education. 355-3447 rn^t I live in . ch.nge yonr re'gislration to East lodayss witnesses ™»ay witnesses before before thethe not have nave authoritative m You do not need to rights ^ °,n will include '"'S™ i°" 'hl8', prooof previous U.S Rep Q- When and where can I registration, since the local city °gde? Reed' RjN Y- registe? -f led to vote in an elections. clerk will automatically - - notify*y - ®ta,nton'. PreDsldentj Columbia of the Broadcasting Abbott Hoad, A1f Road," two $ ? north f blocks ' means all but first-year f y Company; and political scientist of the Union. Hours R-of-state P MCIT MSU chlrlonfC students mo\7 may Rlchsfd BdfOtl U7oWnac/1otr Wednesday, Q8 a.m. f/\ a m to R5 p.m. and n m Kster to vote in East Lansing, Join MSU's largest group 7 to 9 p.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m. to i. What if 1 pay out-of-state of individuals... lion? Ia. The state election law says MOOSUSKI f he term 'residence', s act, for registration and purposes as used in shall be 7:30 (MSU SKI CLUB) Organizational meeting p.m.Tonight, 109 Anthony Where Is God in 1971? Have you asked this question? All at the i #5^.# Wine* store next Come hear an illustrated discussion of it by \(JOOu ©Beer ■'Chilled Tappers to The Dr. Paul Tlcecold beer & wine Ko-Ko Bar ■'Kegs of beer available for parties. 7:30 p.m., Frid Anthony ■'Delicious pizza to go KWIK 109 STOP Sponsored by: MSU Bible Students Assoc., 139 E. Shaw Hall, Ph.355-8808 TWO GREAT FALL SEASON VALUES Don't Let Winter's Freezing Temperatures Get the Best of Your Car! WINTERIZING SPECIAL 1) Drain and Flush Radiator (with Prestone Radiator Flush). 2) Check belts, hoses, water pump, thermostat, radiator, radiator pressure and cap, battery and charging system. Tighten all clamps. ^Don't buy it because it's beautiful, i But because it's practical. f/\% OIL CHANGE SPECIAL Here is what is included: 1) 4 quarts 10W - 30 oil (Veedol 100% pure Pennsylvania oil which meets S.A.E. MS, and DG requirements - Exceeds all manufacturers warranty requirements). 2) Lubrication (including door, hood and trunk hinges). I be°^!,,P?°P!e b"y the MGB/GT for the wrong reason. Because it's 3) Comprehensive safety inspection (including road test). you hnw .yy ich we don't object to obviously, .»because but we'd much rather c it's practical. usuflik!rlS,ance' ''cense loriho ,, fees are generally lower. Plus the MGB/GT an above-average resale value Vet the MGB/GT sells BUY NOW AND SAVE 5388 BUY NOW AND SAVE Beinn'lf6 °'an average car. The MrtP/rac''ca'' however, doesn't mean skimping on the features, carbons includes rack-and-pinion steering, 1798 ac. twin- Synchrn ne' rac'n9-type suspension, front disc brakes and a fully- ROBERTS I Then M^4"speed 9earbox I■ Wiustahi ' esi9ns in body-contoured reclining bucket seats with .h , . . u Person fad restraints, gives the doors extra padding, and pam- So SrftH deeP-P'le carpeting. i ^ AUTOMOTIVE |MGB/rT P lnt0 lhe showroom and ask for a test-drive In the % l\ " see how practical beauty can be CENTER }*OOKS _ IMPORTED Ph. 351-8062 5014 N. Grand River 3 482-1473 Blocks Fast Cipitol City Airport CA|S S'v Hrs. M-F 730 Sat 730 - • 500 400 4980 Park Lake Road at Grand River Just East of the Coral Gables and Paul Reveres LilFinest MG. AIISTim a. iaHIIAR Service in Lansing MfCHIG AN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY Voter registration easy: KEN LYNAM so what's your hang-up? advertising manager DAVE PERSON, managing editor To the Editor: change the address on your drivp*.. CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor The proper JOHN BORGER, campus editor This Is the last week to register to vote response to that stall BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor in the November election in East Lansing. Three thousand student residents registered smile and say "that's ask. First, the registrar nice» is 5£"len> W? Y«« RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor rendering K8'" last week. While the prospects of all 26,000 illegal practice of student residents (1970 census) registering Seven .time to vote seem slim, a little clarification may recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. help the situation a bit. Let me throw out a few answers to help addreas recordel« h^S^-^ you anticipate your rights. cause for YOU need no ID. revocation or immediately if there is no suspension nTy ^ ^ notice mailed to his EDITORIALS Any student, on or off campus can register here. 80 last kn^T,^' tHfV U does addrlJ if8*-" cannot be reached dear that There will be registration in the Union at the . yo» all day Monday for your convenience. your license, y„u City Hall is located 200 yards north of addresss on said the Union at 410 Abbot Rd., in case you you register to vote. In license, whether ' " L * Senate MIR dont make it to the Union Monday. City Hall will be open extra hours until factors have voter absolutely registration. nothing any tan ^ 9 p.m. Wednesday nice should met the registration deadline. and 8 p.m. Friday, the There seems to be some requi^, fear that J"'u1 $2 There will billion be free buses running do and Dad won't be able to Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m. to transport dependent if declare you J! residents of Brody dormitories to City IRS forms state you register in East UjJ Hall. specifically that full ti» college students may be claimed , If you don't like waiting in lines, register dependents. Tell Mom In these times of'spiraling taxes early in the week. sweat it. and Dad not I 1 11 and arms limitation talks, one would Let me go a step further and indicate Where should you register? A recent think that a recent amendment by what hassles to expect and how to cope: State Supreme Court You may be told that you'll have to ruling (Wilkins ™ Sen. Hubert Humphrey, D-Minn., to Bentley) states; "Should a person ha* more than one prevent the expenditure of $2 billion residence, that place u which such person resides the to convert single warhead missiles greater Dart of the time shall be his into multiple warheads (MIRVs) residence for purposes of this or her offp act." (vot would have received considerable MCLA 168.11 (a) support on the Senate floor. Not so, however, as the Senate defeated the measure by a 39-12 margin. The Doctor's Bag Clearly, most every student must in E. Lansing. One last point. Some have argued t r Worn out from the recent draft they do not feel qualified to vote Might point out that the State News and debates, almost half the Senators immense purchase would Join only Issue will feature complete discussion of all apparently did not even think the demonstrate to the Russians the Arnold Werner, M.D. answer is no. Any woman with a small amount of experience and issues and candidates right up to elec" measure merited their presence. insincerity of America's desire to time. Canvassers will be distributi- Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. practice can quite convincingly simulate orgasm. Those legislators who did show, limit nuclear arms. additional information. There Names need not be included unless a personal reply is requested. will however, used the same tired old forums, teach-ins and candidate discussio Additionally, if a breakthrough in where such arguments to once again shovel $2 the talks is forthcoming, this $2 How can a woman tell if she has an orgasm? Owl My right jaw aches. My wisdom teeth have been coming in knowledge can be obtained a on both sides of my lower jaw for three years and I have never opinions formed. Never will any per billion of this nation's budget into billion package will turn out to be The first time I heard that question, I was sure the answer was: had any pain. Now my entire jaw aches from the bottom of attending MSU be able to expect nr the hands of defense contractors. "If you have to ask, you haven't." At this time I believe the my one of the most wasteful purchases in ear down to my molars, the tooth itself does not ache. At complete access to the issues and answer is more complicated. times, I The opposition to the Humphrey American history. If the talks are cannot close my mouth and if I sneeze, the candidates wherever they may reside in Masters and Johnson in their now classic book "Human Sexual pain is almost future. If amendment, led by John Sherman really nearly ready to be fruitful, it unbearable. Neither the skin, tissues, nor any glands feel swollen. you consider yourself too Response," describe the results of a heroic attempt to interview transient to concern yourself with local Cooper, R-Ky., contended that an seems the Nixon administration no less than 487 women immediately following orgasm. With this Because the tooth itself does not ache, I question the cause. What politics, consider that according to census agreement is near in the SALT talks would have delayed this $2 billion arsenal of descriptions, they discuss three distinct stages of the do you tfiink? tract data, white collar and blue collar and the Humphrey proposal would purchase for a least a few months. women's subjective experience of orgasm. The first stage consists elements of the society are the most jeopardize the talks. It seems strange, America has again fed a vast sum primarily of an intense increase of sensual awareness throughout A fairly wide variety of difficulties can cause an aching jaw. transient portions of the population. As a the pelvic area. This is followed by a feeling that is described as An abscessed or infected tooth can cause pain which is however, that a responsible of usually student, you are of a comparatively stable capital into its military machine "a suffusion of warmth" particularly in the genital area but localized to the area affected and is accompanied by considerable statesman like Humphrey would for population. Why should you let transis no justifiable reason. The spreading throughout the whole body. The last subjective swelling. The gums surrounding or partially covering wisdom control your town? even consider introducing the President and the leadership in both response is an involuntary contraction of the lower pelvic area. teeth If there is any source of are especially prone to infection and inflammation from animosity left, amendment if a legitimate houses in Having observed a great number of orgasms, Masters and accumulated food and debris. The inflammation can generate tc call congress must share Legislative Relations 3 5 5-8302 ot breakthrough was indeed within Johnson also reported a variety of physical signs, some of which the entire area, cause swelling of lymph nodes and result in a fair equally the blame for this blatant 353-5027, for the scoop. reach. correlate with the subjective experience that has been described. amount of pain on movement of the waste of the taxpayer's jaw. An infected or Richard S. Krach money. If Popular versions of their work have emphasized the generalized abscessed tooth must be treated by a dentist; in the case of member of VOTER As Humphrey pointed out on the military appropriation spirals on flush and a characteristic appearance of the area around the wisdom teeth they are often removed after the infection is Senate floor Friday, if the United both sides of the Bering Straits are Sept. 26,1971 nipples of the breast. Knowledge of these facts has led people to quieted down. Gum inflammations can be controlled by vigorous States is indeed bargaining in good ever to be cut engage in close scrutiny of their own or their partner's body in a tooth brushing, gum massage and flushing the area with off, either the large faith in the SALT talks, a $2 billion Russians or the Americans must take mad effort to determine if they are doing what the book says amounts of water to keep food particles from accumulating. MIRV expenditure could only serve some initiative on their own. they should. The disadvantages of this practice should be obvious. Many aching jaws result from problems within or around the The Some women obtain a state of extreme sexual excitement and to undermine the talks. Such an U.S. blew its chance this time. joint where the jaw hinges to the rest of your head The State News welcomes all let are uncertain if they actually have an orgasm; and they might be (temporomandibular joint). Some people actually develop an They must be typed (preferably to having multiple short orgasms. The orgasm associated with arthritis in this joint. More often, anxiety and tension resulting in 65-space line and triple - spaced, dated, petting to climax or masturbation is generally more intense, a constant clenchingof the jaw results in sore muscles and a sore though not necessarily more satisfying, then the orgasm signed with the hometown, studeni joint. This can produce the exact symptoms you describe. As Male associated with sexual intercourse. Therefore, the woman in faculty or staff standing and local phor marching well, improper meshing of your teeth can result in mechanical number included. No unsigned letter doubt as to what an orgasm is can utilize one of the previously stresses which can lead to muscle aches and mentioned techniques of sexual release as a safe way of finding pains in the area. be accepted for publication, and no let Vigorous gum chewing or cigar chomping can also cause will be printed without a signature exr out. difficulties if you are out of shape. A visit to the dentist is a A in highly unusual circumstances. Let question often raised is whether a man can tell if a woman sensible place to begin investigating the problem. 6U9 bastion has had an orgasm. Unless the man is Dr. Masters or someone willing to engage in the type of scrutiny described above, the Copyright, 1971 should be addressed to The Editor, St' News, 345 Student Services Bldg., MS East Lansing, Mich. 48823. Never in the grand, august history of daily marching drills. LOUIE BENDER C. PATRIC "SCOOP" LARROWE of Spartan Stadium halftimes, has an It has also been said that male MSU coed marched in the band. One band members would strongly object good ever reason be liberated asked why the band has yet to is that to no join according to Band Director Kenneth woman the band, has to a co-ed band. Yet this is reason for keeping women out of the band. In the early Sixties many hardly a Expose: I ran from Iran' Bloomquist. On the other hand, however, no Southerners objected to integration of public facilities, yet this did not justify continued segregation. I (the one with hair) returned from my "The new emphasis," the Dean had read talk about it." "You've done a damn good job iiu woman has ever been encouraged to holiday in Michigan's tundra to find a from page 24 of his annual report, "will be "Did any of the trustees ask if that's the distraught, sputtering C. Patric ("Scoop") to relate world-wide experience more kind of solution to domestic reporting," I told Scoop, "for a cub. try out for the marching Spartans. Lastly it has been argued that problems a Larrowe waiting to report to me the closely to domestic issues — to seek in the we're expecting to leam from these "Thanks, chief; you know, I was There is no clear cut reason why co-ed band would decrease MSU's concerned about maintaining goings-on at the Sept. 9 board of trustees international, world-wide range of developing nations?" women would not be qualified to reputation among band buffs. Again meeting. experience some of the answers to our own objectivity. Like I've said to many or "I assume it is, since Prof. Stengel didn't dirty, long-haired, self-styled hippie ra join the marching band. Women are there is no reason why sexists should It had been, I knew, a sort of bonus for domestic problems." say a word about the 10-minute warning bum students, 'Who are you to criticize just as talented musically as men. be placated. those faithful spectators who had attended "But a jarring note was injected by an five or more meetings during the regular we're customed to here. One trustee did Vietnam war? You haven't been there The rosters of the world's unscheduled speaker, a prof Stengel," leading In the future the band should year; its subject was to be MSU's Larrowe told me. "He was opposed to our ask Smuckler whether he had known about And, in the same way, I've never been concert orchestras are liberally make it these things when he abundantly clear at the International Programs. Larrowe was to exchange agreement with Arya Mehr negotiated the Arya Mehr." „ . . sprinkled with female musicians. beginning of each fall term that cover it for the team. agreement with Arya Mehr." "What is it, really? What's really b University, he told the trustees, because Granted, there are other criteria women are welcome to join. Almost "Well, I went to the meeting and Ralph repression of both students and faculty in "My goodness. You don't think that you, Pard?" „ nV. besides musical talent which must be Smuckler, dean of international programs, Iran is so pervasive that it precludes trustee might have been "It's that obvious, huh? Well, OK, all high schools and many colleges accusing Smuckler was there to address the trustees." effective of misprision, do tell you: during that meeting, P» considered. Yet many women should have very talented co-educational teaching and research." you?" "Larrowe," I said, "when you've been in "What did the trustees say to that?" Cantlon kept staring at me. I • ■ w* be able to hold up under the rigors "I don't think so. Smuckler bands. MSU should join their ranks. this game as long as I have you'll know all replied, 'Oh just afraid he might be going to ask me "Well, Trustee Hartman went right on sure, we discussed that at length, but you be an exchange prof at Arya Menr. deans have students, colleges, or schools. reading the sports page, but Trustee have to remember there There is no such animal as a dean of aren't many "And you aren't sure you ve g Thompson left the room." countries in the world where you can enjoy intestinal fortitude?" programs." the academic freedom and the "Some of Ma Bell's lines down civil liberties Meatball "All I know in is, that's how they we're used to in the U.S." "Yeah, I guess that's it," Scoop repl' of introduced him." "Obviously did he say?" a slip-up. Well, go on; what southeastern central Michigan?" "I couldn't tell for sure; they say his belt alarm is pitched lower than the human "And then Trustess know, that traditional new to trustess enter Carrigan — asked if it — into international you were head hung low. "As is so often the case, Patric, I thta The Meatball Award for this week of years at about 40,300 individuals. "I'm not sure I can report this right, you ear." agreements without board approval." you will find your answer m goes to the Michigan State The rub is that by "on-campus" know; with my reputation as such a scold "Well, did anything else happen?" " 'Oh, no' Trustee Huff assured her, Scriptures," I handed him about these international things and all?" well-thumbed St. James', open 0 Employes Union. Presently in a flap the "Stengel warned the trustees that the members of the board University is referring to "Dammit, Scoop, what did the dude professors who go to Iran will be exposed projects overseas. regularly visit our He read from it aloud: with MSU over the possibility of students taking course work on the have to say?" to personal Why Frank, here, went danger. Just a few months ago around the world in '69, and just last year I "And I heard the voice of the maintenance personnel reductions MSU campus "Well, he said we had learned many the Shah's hired guns charged into a as opposed to myself visited our Taiwan project. And you saying: Whom shall I send, and whoJ due to declining on-campus extension courses elsewhere, and not important lessons from one of our early classroom at Arya Mehr. Dozens of ventures into Southeast Asia, and know what an important listening post that for us? Then I said: 'Here I am; send residency rates, the union struck to those actually that, students tasted hot lead; four didn't live to little piece of real estate And He said: 'Go, and tell this people. residing on campus. although we'd never had such a successful is.' " back in the Michigan AFL-CIO News The latter figure is presently more program since, our track record has been with "the figures that (the like 17,000 and is, in fact, declining. second to none: one of solid achievement, THOfSfc FARM' University) released to the state of viable help to the developing nations of ALWAYS 6ET M£. government" as a final refutation. In another context such a the world." At first glance the statistics are display Larrowe went on to relate more of the of research naivete could be "dean's" remarks. It seems that in the impressive. The union bulletin amusing. In light of Michigan's Seventies MSU's International Programs are indicates that the number of recent labor problems, however, such to move in a new direction: that is, up to "on-campus" students has remained half-baked grandstanding is now, folks have learned from us. Now almost constant over the last less than gross nothing we're going to learn from them. The world couple irresponsibility. is our campus. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, September 29, 1971 5 Union disputes housing figures bills," Otis said Monday. benefits. Otis insisted that the figures last year is really only a legislature. by the City of East Lansing. Robert Perrin, vice president The capacity of MSU on represented the number of statistical creation and does not One administration source Statistics for University relations, published by the students living on campus and Monday represent breathing bodies, campus living facilities including noted Tuesday that it is Michigan State Employees Union discounted the union's Ballard residence halls and off campus, and that as such said. Ballard said the married misleading for the union to in their current interpretation of the on and off weekly showed a very substantial figures published in the union housing is officially listed at publish figures claiming a 40,380 newspaper claims that the campus student enrollment. 21,434 people, according to a student population on number of students living in newspaper were not supplied by campus 1970-71 Perrin said the figures cited on-campus student MSU by the University to the senate, but summer 1971 report entitled "A when the figure was enrollment at MSU was 40,380. housing. His union the union in its release refer to obviously represents non-academic were instead worked out by the Housing Prospectus" published representative of something else. The student enrollment the number of students enrolled employees of colleges and in classes on campus in figures for MSU and 12 other universities in East state-supported Michigan, and Lansing and to those enrolled in asw colleges included in a boxed chart on page nine of the Sept. 24,1971, issue of Michigan AFL-CIO were state employees. "The civil state service certified colleges and classes as off-campus in such places Grand Rapids and the Upper Peninsula. Cardinal leaves universities have been hollering MSU offers various extension News — Public Employee Press. because of the large amount of Also listed were last year's and classes in areas other than East this year's projected appropriations. legislature While there is no explanatory students that are living off campus. The data sheet (chart) does not reflect this," Otis wrote in his note to editors of Lansing, most of these to part-time Ballard, students, assistant to Elliot the for Rome; exile article in the union college president, explained. Last year newspaper to papers. ROME (AP) — At the urging of his Pope, Josef accompnay the enrollment and some 8,500 persons were mission in Budapest. Otis said Monday that the Cardinal Mindszenty gave up appropriation chart, union enrolled in courses "off Tuesday his hope of Cardinal Mindszenty left one University's rationale for not freedom in Hungary and flew to Rome under a Budapest by official had sent the same campus," but this figure is automobile, then flew from Vienna. information to several college re-employing people for vacated computed with a formula to Communist stipulation that he never return to The cardinal, fatigue positions in the past has been make it equivalent to full-time his native land. showing in his pale face, newspapers last week. traced a cross in the air on the trend of students to choose student statistics. "I am ready to say goodby to landing and drove Clair Otis, staff coordinator my country and directly from Rome's airport to a moving for off-campus instead of campus The 1,279 figure quoted as to continue in exile a life of prayer and the Michigan State living. He said there had been meeting with Pope Pa'ul in Vatican City's historic off-campus students for MSU penitence," the cardinal told Pope Paul VI. St. John Tower. Eidsi Lansing Employees Union, had sent a a noted phase-out in the "Even the '"y that full tin release which listed MSU student cooking most serious sacrifice asked of a Hungary in 1949 sentenced the cardinal to and baking field on campus. life be claimed person becomes a little thing in the service of in enrollment prison on charges of treason because and Dad not 49,380 for on campus 1970-71 as and 1,279 off Michigan Two locals represented by the Annual dinner God and the good of the Church." opposed the Communist takeover after World he Puzzlement campus; for 1971-72, the Union are currently State Employees The cardinal, who is 80 years old, is primate of War II. negotiating Hungary but he has been unable to carry on his tfster? A recen •ling (Wilkins An MSU coed studies her car's engine in an attempt to statistics were 40,200 on campus and 1,300 off campus. contracts with the MSU set for Oct. 7 office-first because he was imprisoned and later Freed during the Hungarian uprising in 1956, he fled to the U.S. mission when Soviet tanks put * discover what went wrong - this time. administration. Local 1585 as he spent 15 years in asylum at the U.S. a person hav "These figures were taken Yvonne J. Waskin, asst. down the rebellion. e- that State News photo by Donald Saks from the Senate appropriation representing 1,200 service and professor of elementary special pUce maintenance s the greater employees and education and president of the par local 999 is or her representing 220 Faculty Women's Assn., has offal, skilled trade and physical plant this act." lent must (votinj feterans lobby in House employees are negotiating over contract language and fringe announced the Dinner will be held Oct. University Club. Annual Rill 7, at the registci or job training fund hike Try our said. "The veteran would receive By RANDY GARTON participate in elections for no State News Staff Writer money directly, but the precinct delegates and could Michigan veterans are using school would. If a vet isn't getting some kind of education possibly make educational benefits for veterans available NEW current legislative recess to by or training, he doesn't get any September, 1972. Id support in the House of money." Joy said that passage of the )resentatives for a Senate - bill that would place a the The resolution, which passed Senate August 24, is now Senate bill constitutional amendment is and the Wednesday nstitutional amendment awaiting action in the revisions vital to the interests of both the jviding up to $100 million for and amendments committee of state and veterans. ietnam - era veterans' the House. The former draftee claimed ication on the November, Joy said his organization that increased unemployment 72 ballot. The amendment would enable hopes for speedy passage of the measure, so it could appear in among Vietnam - era veterans is due in large part to a lack of SPECIAL state bonding program to be the spring elections now under tiated to raise the necessary training in needed technical consideration by the leadership skills. of both parties. ROAST BEEF SUBMARINE Joy said Michigartfe.econoniy 'Right now, we're trying to The spring elections would would benefit how we stand in the House," .enable newly registered under - greatly from the Lots of U.S.D.A. choice trick Joy, East Lansing senior input of well - trained ej 21 - year old voters to top round of beef heaped high - servicemen. president of the Michigan on our submarine roll with cheese, . of Collegiate Veterans, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise. d Tuesday. "We're in the TRANSCENDENTAL of contacting them in eirhome districts." MEDITATION Open 11 a.m. - 2 a.m., Mon - Sat. Joy said that veterans want Noon - midnight, Sun. tlicy ,000 icational a year for university, or "any kind of job omes all lette 'mng." as taught by For Take Out Orders 'It's an incentive thing," he (preferably to Maharishi Call 351-2755 paced, dated,# Mahesh etown, studen Save! Save! Save! and local phoi Yogi signed letter w on, and no iett Rent Your STEREO SHOPPE signature excef • istances. Lett® TOTE-HOME SPECIAL! ces eh' Editor, Bldg., MSI Sta TV Transcendental meditation Is a nique which allows each individual Improve ''s lift. natural spontaneous tech¬ to expand his mind and BY THE TERM! Introductory Lectore Free Delivery Free Service Free Pick-up 125.° per term TODAY University TV Rentals 4 & 8 pm 104 B Wells 1I1 351-7900 for information call 351-7587 n good job rof a cub." ow, I was real Shop Today 'til 9 p.m.; Thurs. thru Sat. 9:30 to 5:30 lintaining " to many dehippie radio u to criticize t i't been thei of -- *4b>sliIfts 203 E. GRAND RIVER /. /m enever r been' 's really buggi Mcdonald ? Well, OK; Features a BSR Stereo Receiver, two eeting, Pi°1 walnut speaker systems, and a BSR 6500 well, I . ng I. to .. ask me 100% WASHABLE ACRYLICS full - size turntable with plastic dust cover. the long knit cape Mehr." TOTE THE WHOLE SYSTEM HOME a you've got1 takes a fancy to fringe Scoop replied Fisherman FOR JUST s149'° $18 Patric, iswer Ithi' in th Sweaters YOU SAVE 53955 Buttoned-down boucle with rib knit classic collar, placket and banded arm holes. Ivory or white acrylic with inches d> him ■ Isaiah of fringe. The crochet cape, openly great in >pen to beige, black . of the Lor $11 PRE-RECORDED TAPE CLOSE-OUT or white with stand-up collar, button front. One size fits all to swirl over dresses, or separates for a look of today. dnwho i wiHl Sportswear, second floor Downtown and Meridian Mall [ am; silpeople.'" send tr» The deeply classic fisherman, cabled all over in soft, All $6.98 8 - cassette and reel reel tapes tracks - to $475 washable 100% acrylic to top everythinfl for fall. Simply 9reatl Natural, sizes 36 to 40. ' Your Sound Headquarter The Stereo Shoppe 543 East Grand River East Lansing Special student eriiiit plans.. Open 10 - 5:45 Wed IW 9 . Sat. Till 5 Shop Meridian Mall tonight and every week night to 9 £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan > 197| I Teaching fellowships cut By NICK MIRON State News Staff Writer Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation, for the National Education is not the primrose path that it was once acclaimed exert along more with personal the effort resources country from the which recent have suffered decline in first time in more than 20 years, to be. available at the institution where "Be a teacher, son, it's a fellowship support, H. Ronald was temporarily suspended. Assessing the Wilson decision, they are located. Rouse, national director of the steady job. There will always be The Wilson Foundation for Frank Blackington, director of a need for teachers." Blackington said he feels the Wilson Foundation said in a nearly 15 years was a leader in Honors College, said Tuesday Woodrow Wilson Fellowships public statement early this Perhaps in Kamchatka, but trying to meet the shortage of the termination of the may well come back, but not in month. The U.S. government, these words of widsom have now well - trained college teachers. worn a bit thin back here in the fellowships was regretable the same form. which in 1967 supported nearly From 1945 to 1965, its entire states. although understandable. "I doubt very much if they'll 11,000 fellowships for beginning program was centered around "While you might argue that come back with the intention of Early this fall another blow those students graduate students, has reduced likely to become there is a need for additional increasing the amount of college or eliminated several programs. was delivered to the student in college students. search of higher education. The cqjlege teachers, there is very teachers," he said. 'They are It will provide only about 1,500 Times have changed. little effective demand for going to have to tailor these new fellowships for 1972-73. them," he said. kinds of grants to people in areas As a result of the rapid * NORTHSIDE Dnva-m The effects on seniors going of study which into education will be varied, promise of give some growth of graduate schools, more Ph.D's have been produced 4 + * 4. geaire Blackington said. Not only will active participants in areas of developing them as this year than ever before. The the awards be unavailable, but immediate social conern." r.m.r j the existence of the Woodrow Blackington cited public economic recession recent wave of anti - academic and the Wilson competitions as a vehicle medicine as an sentiment across the country example. for locating potential graduate The Wilson Fellowships are have combined to drastically NOW! FREE ELEC HEATERS! students will no longer be only one of a number of present. Seniors will have to programs through - out the reduce the amount of money available for college faculty A rare moment captured certain hours of the on Grand River Avenue, an opportunity to get across the s day, getting from classroom buildings to stores, or just across PROGRAM INFORMATION 485 64S5 Last salaries. get home can be nearly impossible. State News photo by the T* they caged their bodies "SOUL to SOUL" Day .. . Robert Ec* ° but not their desires s Also "FOR LOVE OF IVY" POP ENTERTAINMENT Two Exciting Hitsl Something is after Jeuiea. At 3:20-6:45 Taylor tickets Something very cold, very wet. and Late and very dead. "Lett Scare gone— The dirty dolls of devil s Island, [r] Jessic„ By NAT ABBATE somewhat Music and later at Marshall Campbell's Smoke Since his beginnings as haphazard musical DacDeath State News Staff Writer Shop. guitarist for the Flying Machine in 1966, Taylor has made a slow, whichIsuppose, environmeii makes 1 Witt* by Norman Jonas and Ralph Rom folk artist," he said. ftoduM * Ctwles B Wow. J'. Tickets for the James Taylor The concert Is scheduled for 8 and often painful, climb to V roll. Words "Green ra1 Onde!b»JohnH«'-*k Color | concert were sold out by 10:30 p.m. on Oct. 8 at Jenison critical acclaim in the music about my A NfW WORLD nCTJKS RELEASE are at best a.m. Monday in the Union and Fieldhouse. world. His redundant." setbacks have With no tickets left, and with He comes across included a bout with heroin and « UNWANTED soft-spoken, reserved perform They're learning fast... THE At 1:30-4:50 HAIR? Pop Entertainment's increased efforts this year to discourage gate-crashing, about the only other personal problems. "As far as music Is concerned, allowing his music, rather th actions, to incite the audiea it STUDENT NURSE ELECTROLYSIS simply seems to have _ thing students without can do is Rolling Stone "Tell Me That You (ONLY PERMANENTH HAIR REMOVAL) P Ipj keep an eye on bulletin boards happened," "When I was Taylor has said. younger I played attributed the magazine hi imagery in h- Body'-1 around campus to see if anyone the cello songs with the "intensity oil Love Me Junie Moon" I,Hairlines, decides to sell their tickets. People who do get into the and took theoretic music In school; but some haiku or the parable." complexity of] ■ formal studies never agreed with concert will get to see and hear me and, for whatever reason, I Taylor will be bringing b one of the major forces in the took up the guitar on my own. own sound system with h folk-rock world today. "I am the product of a according to Randolph Web# Jr., faculty adviser to studaq activities, so the sound should M "more than adequate." Webi added that if Pop Entertainm Is to be allowed to present no concerts, students should <» their share aisles or by not sitting In til smoking inside t fieldhouse. — Starring . _ _____ fSGT. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS 01 IIB~BANDl Directed by From an origina| „ory by ""«J "IP°" ^ ALBRODAX* GEORGE DUNNING • LEE MINOFF ' paulMCCARTNEY NOTE: DUE TO 8TARTUNQ SI THI8 MOTION PICTURE. A MEDICAL LEE MINOFF.. ALBRODAX JACK MENDELSOHN..ERICH SEGAL ATTENDANT WILL BE ON PERFORMANCES. DUTY AT ALL Shown Twice at 7:30 & 11:00 p.m. HEINZ EDELMANN «. COLOR * DeL™ S&T see the actual moment of conception- Adult, $1.00. children $.75 ^ Shown a. 7,8:45, 10:20 ^ >1 Beat Film Group Presentation Helga Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, September 29, 1971 7 Tight job market prompts career guidance id Swain, owner of The requests By KAREN ZURAWSKI and hometown companies and suggested sending resumes to obe Jewelers and Lapidary State News Staff Writer companies that will not be interviewing at the bureau. p!y, show* off his goods Recognizing that this year's job market will be at least The Placement Bureau will help a student write his resume, and r to the store's October last year's, John D. as tight then send it to the as Shingleton, director of the Placement company he is interested in, he said. —infl. Bureau, recently said the staff is available to all student groups A student should sign which need up on every possible interviewing SN photo by Craig Porter career information. schedule at the bureau, Shingleton said. Shingleton expressed surprise that the Placement Bureau had "We recognize what the employment picture is, and we can't received 15 requests for staff speakers before create jobs, but we'll do our best to registration. help the student," he said. "Studentsare really concerned about jobs," he noted. Edwin Fitzpatrick, asst. director of the Placement Bureau, listed nine engagements he has asking for career guidance are just in October. Among the groups students in agriculture, engineering EndsThurs.: Sp.m and Lyman Briggs 2 Features College. - - 2 Fitzpatrick also mentioned that a Black Student Career Night, and mock interview sessions with the Marketing Club were being planned for next term. the street. The Placement Bureau is developing a slide show to be used at DOCTORS1 At «the street to career information sessions in anticipation of future requests. The fiSiwia Robe>t Eckne, slide presentation should be ready in a few weeks, Shingleton ill IVES said. Special programs for students who ordinarily have trouble 2:40 F lapidary supplies finding a job are being formulated, as are programs in cooperation with the counselors in each college and in the counseling center. Cassavetes To zero in on problems in women's placement, a woman staff position is being created, he said. LADIES DAY TODAY! ISenior This yearShingleton expects each staff member to generate 50 75 c to 6:00 p.m. ie to open new employers rock shop interviewing at the bureau in their perspective areas. The bureau is doing its best to facilitate job placement for the students, he said. starts FRIDAY: President Nixon's wage and price freeze has not created slcal any environmiJ additional jobs, according to So what's wrong l0se> makes me, Jv LINDA WERFELMAN J^ike„ ^et°s|key stones- which consisting of five fee will students. A $9 later, he joined a neighborhood "No major corporations have increased Shingleton. their job quotas," he with being a voyeur?] «"d. "Green rocl State News Staff Writer whinh are which,J1ooking fossils, . terribly overrated and be instruction and supplies. charged for rock club where he learned how explained. "Some cancellations have also occurred in the fields of 2o Century-Fox presents about my ly^ ' to cut education, business, industry and government for fall term. indant." overpriced, expecially in Students will begin with stones. In recent summers, Swain has participated "They're waiting until the first of the year, because right now The marriage of a Polishing stones and Michigan." Nevertheless one agates, which, because of their in Midwestern flea there simply are no job across _ eorganizing display cases, David large Petoskey stone, a gift from hardness, are relatively easy to markets and arts and crafts shows. His store Shingleton openings," he said. recommended Young Stockbroker sserved perfonnj wain, Drayton Plains senior, is his family, rests in a display casp shape, and progress to softer, now located at 220 Albert St. in that a student define all job possibilities. He urged students to check with friends, nusic, rather :ite the thil reparing The Globe Jewelers jj. H y . ' more difficult stones, such as East Lansing, was associates, audieix] nd Lapidary Supply for its ln addUlon to operating his onyx and jade. previously in b ! magazine i imagery in L October grand opening. , ore; Swain will begin teaching As owner and sole employe of ,aPldary next Monday. He His interest in rocks when he was five began years old, the Maiden Voyage. RHARHARH^HARHARfHA "intensity oil r ' sands ®*Pects to conduct three e he store,'■ Swain shapes, when he "just started r . 10-week long picking complexity of ( d polishes the stones, which them up," Swain said. Two years (e uses in jewelry or as display hlute. eces. be bringing fc . With about 200 finished, JOHN WAYNE pstem with f Inset stones in his store, Swain "Carnal Knowledge' is brilliant. Iviser „ sound should b A feast of a —Judith Crist. N. Y. film!" ar: 9fair-sized stock on hand." His Magazine e resent stock includes agates, In lequate." de, opals and Apache tears, everyone's life hich are forms of volcanic Carnal there's a ck. Stones not in the store can Knowledge'one is SUMMER of the best movies ever!" obtained «ain said. from wholesalers, i OF '42 M A wEO- & THURS.: 5:15 Despite his admiration for rl 7:15 9:15 L-~ Twl - Lite Hr.. 4:45 - 5:15 Bust stones, Swain claimed to HIGHEST RATING!' • 16-9:10 kY AT: 3:25 I f Save! Save! Save! Rent Your qaffirar- q a ROBERT WISE production^J^^||^ TV Mike Nichols. Jack Nicholson, Candice Where your nightmares Bergen, BY THE TERM! j Arthur Garfunkel. Ann Margrei and Jules Feiffer. Free Delivery Free Service Free Pick-up UN Carnal Knowledge. .0 Barbra | S9,f>r *0 UJi• 1-iSCl'S P'tuD'b iau6'S3Q § Streisand I LAST 7 DAYS! J25.°° per term Open 12:45 — Con't from 1:10 Yves I Feature Montand! | University TV Rentals 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:35-9:40 "A COMPELLING HOUR-AND-A-HALF OF RAW, DISQUIETING AND FASCINATING CONTEMPORARY 351-7900 Wed. is LADIES' DAY - 75c to 6 p.m. DRAMA. THE GIRLS IN 'GROUPIES' FREAK OUT ON CAMERA, USE WORDS THAT WOULD OFFEND A A Clear Day* Based upon the Musical Play On A Clear Day You Can See Forever SAILOR, SMOKE POT, PROPOSITION MUSICIANS, Bob Newhart / Larry Blyden/Simon Oakland /Jack Nicholson and John EXPOSE THEIR BODIES, COMPARE NOTES ON THE Richardson Music by Burton Lane Screenplay and Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner Produced by Howard W. Directed by Weenie Mnnetli Music Arranged and Conducted POTENCY OF THE MEN THEY'VE SLEPT WITH, MAKE by Nelson Riddle Panav.sio isjwaxaj] Technicolor4 A Paramount Pctui PLASTER CASTS OF THE PRIVATE PARTS "G "-All Ages Admitted General Audienci OF FAVORITE ROCK STARS!" —Joseph Qelmis, Newsday Tonight in Brody 7, 9:30 Students, faculty and staff only I.D.'s required $1.00 I0WING JNIL When Lady is applauded a by 30 million people, FOR she /" owes them an encore. OR SAINSTI ? My Lady WINNER OF 8 ACADEMY AWARDS AUDREY HEPBURN REX HARRISON TECHNICOLOR* PANAVISION' M 'I^ ption- Room 102B Wells Shown at 7, 8:40,10:20 ja Admission $1.00 No one under 18 admitted. Rated X COMING THIS WEEKEND! 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, September to „ -SPORTS- AT FT. WAYNE NEXT Keys to hoofers' success Rugby Club drops opener A rare drop kick from 40 yards out in field goal the waning MSU Ron Kyser scored the try for and John Christeller the balance of the scoring in that include Robinson, goa preliminary game. minutes dropped the MSU booted the two - point The Ruggers travel to Ft. By CRAIG REMSBURG extent of damage to each to be Rugby Club to a 7-6 defeat last weekend against the Ruggers. Detroit conversion for the Spartan Club that only had three days to prepare for the game. Wayne Saturday to meet the Ft. Wayne Rugby Club. State News Sports Writer In the aftermath of the soccer known probably progress later this will hold up the week), of getting the team to SJS11? J Mike Johnson booted the goal The B-team also lost their function while on a dead run, to erase contest, absorbing a 14-6 Women's swim team's fine 4-1 victory over the As for effectively as a unit. MSU's 6-4 lead which they had University of Cincinnati this past Robinson, Fuller had setback. Bill Sanchez accounted weekend, and in preparation for praise for his performance in the Cincinnati The held throughout much of the for the lone MSU try and Bob tryouts soon Saturday's contest with opening game, saying that winner is being game. Bell kicked the conversion for Wooster, Coach Payton Fuller is Robinson "played his best game Fuller to spark counted uponh! I Tryouts for Green Splash, the for us so far, and was a key the sLl I Women's Synchronized Swim now aware of at least three offensive effort. ParUl11 things concerning his team. team on campus, will be held It became evident to the Concerning the goalkeen*. I Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. Dave Goldman and Jim THRIFTY ACRES BHUJJ Meijer THRIFTY ACRES I Meijer THRIFTY ACRES University Inn 1100 Trowbridge Rd. 4&6& ALL PRICES IN THIS AD ARE IN ACCORD WITH THE PRESIDENT'S SAVE 31c East Lansing 8 p.m. PRICE FREEZE. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE USE OUR EVELYN WOOD J TIDE POWDER DETERGENT READING DYNAMICS 17320 West Eight Mile Road HOT LINE 393-2448, Ext. 331 SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES Monday thru Saturday - 9 a.m. to 10 | 5 lb. 4 oz. wt. box Southfield, Michigan 48075 p.m. | Expires Sat. Oct. 2,1971 Sunday - 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call 313-353-5111 (collect) AND WE'LL GET AN ANSWER. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, September 29, 1971 (} RICK GOSSELIN -SPORTS- Running Irish MSU offensive line may stop fast I Tip of the week: look for an upset down Lurday. And before you start laughing, think about it Bend this Michigan in South State looked strong on both sides of the line against faces Irish giants lregon State last week, but playing a strong game in front of the By GARYSCHARRAR mingly partisan fans in East Lansing and playing before a running game, will face a severe Both n'ked house in the Rockne Room down South Bend way are State News Sports Writer Roberts, 6 - foot - 2, 224 - test either way. pounds and King 5 foot imittedly, two different experiences. y ' Just how good is Notre Dame 214 - pounds have started - - 11, Sure, Notre Dame looked bad last week against Purdue Daugherty will again work the games in in 1971? This week's UPI offense hard this season. in byette, but even Duffy Daugherty said you can't count that this week's The most stable formance as a true indicator of how good the Fighting Irish rankings list the Fighting Irish practices and will strive to get position in fourth in the more the interior line is at right tackle lly are. The game was played in a driving rain on a mud country. Notre consistency from the Dame has played two offensive line. where 6 - foot - 3, 238 - pound cken field. games, ■ But one small comparison of the two teams humiliating a Joe DeLamielleure is a standout. and their strengths respected Northwestern squad, 50-7, and "We still have to DeLamielleure was a second get better |uld be the determining factor in the game's outcome ■ Notre Dame has yet to establish a entering through the back door performances from fellows that team Big Ten selection last - year passing game. The Irish are to edge we know are better football as a sophomore. Irced to rely almost solely on the booming running game that Purdue, 8-7. Asked what he knew about players than what they have Brian McConnell, 6 - foot - 4, Vforms under the guise of the Texas wishbone attack Notre Notre showed," Dame, Coach Duffy Daugherty said. 217 - pound junior from New ■me has the stinging backs - mmr "Some have had good games one Daugherty said that it is hard to Jersey was switched to the Andy Huffs; Bob Minnixs' I** determine what kind of overall week while others had good offensive line from defensive end a John Cieszkowskis'. The team games another. We have to get and they have since the Daugherty said that lish game plan is to punish the Northwestern shellacking them all playing well together." McConnell has received enough Cfense with the Woody Hayes not an indicative score was and bad experience on offense to be teory of winning: three yards weather conditions The line will have more depth expected to make contributions Cd a cloud of dust. Purdue limited both against teams' than last week If that's any when called upon. 1 gnter Michigan State, consolation, but now they need luestion One: What is the kindest part of the Spartan performances. results. Daugherty did praise the Irish Macholz returned to defense saying, "Notre Dame is Junior tackle If the line can offer Skip protection for Frank action pass Kolch, and if they can open a few holes for Moving out MSU's offensive line, often criticized in recent years, attempts to clear the defense for Eric Ln; Answer: the defense, awfully good defensively. They Monday after sitting out the Eric Allen and Co. then MSU's Allen. The Spartan line will need strong individual performances agains the huge defensive line luestion Two: What is the could probably have four All Oregon State game with an ankle offense will defintely surprise a of Notre Dame that averages 6-5, 240 - pounds. fcrnerstone of the defense? Americans on defense." - injury sustained against Georgia few Tech. people in South Bend. ■nswer: the defensive line, The Spartan Daugherty said that "It will be a good test for offense did luestion three: What does that look better against Oregon State Macholz, a 6 - foot 2, 231 - them," - Jefensive line excel at? Answer: pounder from Bethpage, N.Y. can do Daugherty said. "If they than they have all a good job, they should season, but would play against Notre Dame lopping the run. there were many missed but did not know if he would be be able to do a good job against 1 Yes, the game between the anyone because assignments and mental mistakes Notre Dame Lion's number four ranked that will have to be curbed ready to start. probably has the biggest, Notre Dame, and the strongest and most experienced before tangling with the Bob McClowry started at ,.4 Big Ten contender, perennial powerful Irish defense. tackle against Oregon State left defensive line that well be Kan State, could be an, The MSU offensive line will have with Macholz's but facing this year." return to the iteresting encounter. > their work cut out for them lineup If. .Ron Curl, Ron Joseph, may be moved to another . BRAD VANPELT Saturday. The Irish line averages position. Daugherty said that Bill Dawson, Ernie Hamilton and 6 5 foot, 245 - pounds and is Baseball - McClowry, a 6 - foot - 2, 233 - \ryl Smith (with a total poundage of 1164 can successfully plug led by all - American candidate pound Dearborn junior may get b the middle MSU could find itself an upset winner. Walt Patulski, a 6 - foot - 6, 260 some work at center for There will be a meeting for all added If.. .Notre Dame is forced to break from its original pound defensive end. those freshman players who wish game plan maneuverability against Notre id is forced to pass. .MSU could find itself an upset winner. The Irish secondary is to tryout for the MSU frosh quick Dame. . . |hereThe until Ifarming Spartans have a quiet pass defense - it doesn't seem to be the ball is thrown into the air. for honey, the three sophomores and one junior Then, like bees and agile and boasts all America Clarence Ellis. So, MSU - Junior letterwinner should it decide to turn to a Loper is stationed at left guard. Mark baseball team at 4:30 p.m. in room Fieldhouse. 225 of Freshman Coach today Jenison *■ " - •' Si-ZW •%. lationed in the defensive secondary head toward the ball. Brad ■anPelt is an excellent example of what a defensive back 1 he really tries. VanPelt almost outscored the Oregon State team can do passing game or stay with its Loper is a 6 - foot - 1, 214 - pound product from Cambridge, Tom Smith will be on hand to answer any questions that may • : . ■■ KhHR - Ohio. arise at the meeting. Times of 1 last week's game. His two touchdown interceptions were just to points shy of what the Beavers could muster. Hockey Veteran Errol Roy is the the available tryouts will be made to the prospective I Illinois, Georgia Tech and Oregon State have all tried to take There will be a starting center. Roy has already players. meeting for all won two letters but is being hard pvantage of what appears to be on paper a weak situation. Three those interested in IBelta ^auBelta brting sophomore backs in the playing for pressed by 6 - foot - 3, 225 - defensive backfield. the MSU hockey team between MSU SKI CLUB (uarterbacks have tried and quarterbacks have failed. There has 2 - 4 p.m. today at the MSU Ice pound Bob Mills. et to be seen a touchdown pass thrown against the Spartans this Arena. The meeting also includes Open to Students, Staff, Juniors Marv Roberts and Faculty, Alumni.. .become Jason. Paul Hayner has picked off two passes and is tied for the those players who may wish to Chris King compete for the a member im lead with VanPelt. Mark Niesen has picked off one and Mike tryout for the JV team. tonight! 7:30 pm lit is still searching for his first. starting berth at right guard. 109 Anthony. 330 IM. Harrison CALL FOR A RIDE 337-1721 I Not that MSU is cocky, but Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! e Spartans seem to have an Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! ira of confidence about them. [ "Pm sort of glad to see that re Dame won last week, in a e that now we can be the o beat lith a slight smile. them," VanPelt said REALTONE CASSETTE RECORDER JPI pick * * Rotary controlled play, stop and rewind Safety interlock record button 87 $17 * Operates on 4"C" cell batteries or 'olch AC current with optional AC adapter (not included) * * Automatic recording level control Remote control microphone with stand * Includes 4 "C" cell batteries, earphone and blank cassette. if the w Our Own Reg. $24.87 ■ Frank Kolch, who made his ■rting debut against Oregon JEWELRY DEPT. T*te last weekend, was named I Midwest back of the week «sday. ■ Kolch, a rugged 6-4, 220 Tund quarterback from Detroit pile tossed two touchdown SAVE 20% (s and completed 10 of 17 s for 144 yards in MSU's f-14 victory against the Jfavers. | Besiballdes * being able to throw long and accurately, o V \ LADIES' NYLON olch, because ■ also a serious ■ Spartan Pugherty indicated of his solid build running threat. Coach P be his starting quarterback . Duffy that Kolch & M SKI JACKET pinst Notre Dame Saturday. 100% nylon with 5.5 oz. 100% polyester quilting. Assorted colors. Sizes S M L - - - 'V RENTALS Delivery $9 Rn $9* Our Own Reg. $11.84 FOAM & FEATHERS ROSES BED PILLOWS LADIES' WEAR DEPT. S5« tst® » Dozen SI37 Plumply filled with feathers and foam. Carnations Standard size - 21" x 27" assortment of covers. in a large $799 lio/i I Florist » Anthony Dozen bus to. thrifty acres |&27Thigan 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA ■ parting I^nd Stow SHOP MEIJERTHRIFTY ACRES Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 10 PM Sunday 10 AM to 7 PM 1 _____ - 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Oakland U faces rapid By MICHAEL FOX For one thing, Oakland future expansion as a "lilly white community of Wilson gave 1,600 acres of their There are no fraternities or State New* Staff Writer University (OU) faces in the next few years a surge of News Analysis old people," are both three miles Oakland County estate and $2 sororities at OU, nor la there a football team. Hie intent of this away. million to then MSU President ROCHESTER - Earlier this expansion and redirection John Hannah to establish Is to produce a more Intellectual One of the biggest student month, Oakland University perhaps similar to the "MSU-Oakland", which was environment and It has made headlines in Michigan post-World War Two building With enrollment at other expressway about halfway complaints centers on campus' isolation from a local the changed to Oakland University apparently succeeded in the area ">« fe he„th Sur"7>| newspapers as its 325 faculty members went out on strike boom at MSU. OU has been an autonomous state school since Michigan colleges in the Detroit between Detroit and Flint, the area at or near capacity, OU is university's location is ideal for community. With much vacant in 1963. of educational reform. established last president and is f«u ,1*1 JI 'I land in the area it is highly likely , when their collective bargaining its ties with MSU were severed being asked to service more and many commuters. About 65 per Despite Its 1970 Innovations in the academic negotiations bogged down. by the Michigan Legislature in more of the higher education cent of OU's 7,500 students now that student apartment independence from MSU, there complexes will be constructed are still some vestiges of the old programs Include the possibility S3? - Today, with the faculty and July 1970. for students to create their own J needs of the southeastern commute to class from the and a community will probably seal found on the administration agreed upon a Located in the rolling hills of Michigan area. Eastern Michigan homes of their family or from drinking cups majors and the elimination of new contract, the classes have northern Oakland County about grow around the campus. in the Oakland Center cafeteria. University in Ypsilanti has zero point grades, which were finally begun and the residence 25 miles north of Detroit, OU 21,000 students, Wayne State apartments. OU is largely a liberal arts replaced by "no credit" committees and have « h i""I halls are filled again. Oakland has a mandate to grow from the University shows the potential legislature. Its goal for 1980 is University in Detroit has 35,000 The farms for university itself has only neighbors, with no gas school, with broad arts and now With more than 21 buildings existing, the construction designations. flnfanced by $5 fees to work with " student one acffl mT7yl of gaining many more headlines reportedly 20,000 students, students, and the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor has stations or retail stores within walking distance of the campus. science offerings plus programs in education and engineering. proceeds slowly at OU. Last fall $48 million Although there has been activism on the campus, OU has some of the OU Congress Jd '"I not only for faculty strikes — almost triple OU's current a new performing Oakland University i.l — 33,000 students. Pontiac, known as "a little Realizing its obligation to the enrollment of 7,500 students. arts hall financed through a gift not suffered in the future. Located any major on the 1-75 Detroit," and Rochester, known world outside academia, a new of the legislature and named disturbances. In February, a fire experiencing has been able to a state of flux. Jl School of Community Services and Development is targeted for after OU's first chancellor, bomb destroyed President overcome!™! Durward (Woody) Varner, was Donald O'Dowd's office at 11 implementation in fall 1972. rash of rip offsin opened. This spring a new p.m. one night, but no motive last residence h.lJ WS| VARSITY'S FAMOUS FOOTLONB The proposed new school is year. In much central heating plant was has ever been established for students and talking like the suggested MSU opened, with the next that incident. administrators , u| College of Urban Affairs and Ethnic Studies. construction project to "I suspect that today Oakland flPnrf,er f0Und idealistic about the future ZM well hopefully be a new University has wishing to the |a'cP01 VARSITY DOGS In 1957, Alfred and as much diversity use Matilda classroom-office building. tradition at OU as any school its size in the initiate different as an asset " country in terms of curriculum," programs. Willliam W. Connellan, assistant to O'Dowd, said. be The faculty, which seems tol One foot ofI Gastronomical V7U3IIUIIUIII III Pleasure a Hobie is a whole meal. '"People here pride establishing reputation, negotiated its fill contract with the a modi themselves on being open to University thkl Only change. The staff is still fairly fall since the faculty w»l 45* unionized One of my subs young," Connellan said. by the AAUP 1*1 reg. 60< contains everything year. ■ O'Dowd is 44, with many OU With Everything on it!! needed for a administrators in their thirties. balanced meal- There are numerous blacks in the OU administration, good for lunch, Sex bias important for a school that had group HOURS: Wed. & Thurs. dinner, & snacks for a while earned a reputation as catering to whites from suburban communities such as sets open foruml Monday 11 - a.m. • Thursday 2 a.m. Sept. 29th Sept. 30th Birmingham and Royal Oak. The Alliance to End If it is a sign of progress, Sal THE Oakland University now has a Discrimination at MSU vil| VARSITY Friday, Saturday student government. Although sponsor an open forum for ill UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT female 11 a.m. • 3 a.m. University students, wives of personnel personnel,! CALL 332-6517 and| RUSH students and persons In discussing interestedff problemtfl Pizza, Subs, and Pinball!! 1227 E. Grand River encountered at MSU because of| E.L. The Frisbee their sex at 7 p.m. 128 Natural Science Bidg. Thursday ii| Dadios COMPACT 351-3800 Hobie's PHI KAPPA TAU 332-3577 REFRIGERATOR! RENTALS United Rent - All 351 5652 I DISCOVER WHEN YOU'RE THE PILOTil LEARN TO FLY velveteen and very bright plaid. WITH THE . . a popular blend for Miss J in super separates to go as matched pairs or mix for a different kind of dash Sizes 5-13. WINGED SPARTANS A. Short jacket, black cotton velveteen $24. TONIGHT 7 p.m. Room 35 Union Bldg. Tomtit's meeting, sponsored by the MSU Flying Club-Winged Matching skirt with button detail. $16. complete presentation on what's involved for X2M to "art Spartans, will include a flying this week'if you wish. B. Britisher vest, yellow/black plaid of You will be introduced to the eight weeks basic ground school, which is taught by a certified flight instructor . wool/polyester. $18. Matching kilt. $14. If you can't make tonight's Satin acetate stock-tie blouse, meeting, but would like to know about cream. $14. the Winged Spartans, please come to the first learning to fly with ground school lesson next Wednesday in Room 114C Wells Hall. Or drop your name, address, and phone number in the mail to Winged Spartans Info, P.O. Box 287, East Lansing, Mich. 48823. We'll have someone contact you. Come on up I AviATioN GrouncI School SiqN Up Jacabsorie Toiviqkr! IT'S SO EASY TO PARK IN THE ADJOINING EAST LANSING AUTO RAMP. JACOBSON'S WILL GLADLY VALIDATE YOUR PARKING TICKET Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, September 29, 1971 II ,e olunteer Bureau seeks help for projects following volunteer man needs tutor in preparation rnr , „ltunities are currently for the High School Equivalency writina etnlf ^ and work with children whose Extended Care in Okemos. month. Volunteer needs patience, Fifth grader who hates school very anxious to have a tutor, liable through the MSU Exam. He can provide children IT n'ne Parents are attending adult The Pakistani Refugee Fund maturity, and reliability, (but loves motors and Volunteers need fed to work Kunteer Bureau. Unless transportation for the volunteer. imnmuo rff,. y ^aJlts to education classes. Classes meet requests volunteers to help out Michigan Coordinating mechanical things) needs tutor {"be indicated, own the n n *h" *Jb. Volunteer Wednesday morning at Christ in its office on South Cedar Committee for Abortion Law for math, spelling and with children (mostly preschool) ijnteer must provide his own ins A,nemia Testing ma i^ung nu ff ~ ""1* mein ;■ Methodist Church and from Street in Lansing. Reform needs volunteers for all Volunteer will reading, have to be of low-income Mother's Club at one of Lansing housing jortation. Persons ProKram needs volunteers for all ^h~n cal|y Hi woman with 12:30 to 3:50 p.m. on Monday, Education Reform Project phases of its work. resourceful and a fantastic on Tuesday afternoons. projects isted in being volunteers S°me of shoDDiM ^nTm EIldTontact Judy Sorum In the work is on campus! " 5 Wednesday, 'h°fpi"8 and meal planning ... Education Center. Therefnd **** at the ?nd the..New Community need Volunteer needed to work motivator! Village Nursery needs are help in their office fiUnentsonable, 19 Bureau. - year - old - Black women, 58, needs tutor lo« weight for health usually two to fifteen children. desparately needed. Located Volunteers could plan creative — a typist is on with middle-aged man preparing for his high school equivalency Lip-reading teacher needed to teach two people who are going volunteers to work children from 8:45 to 11:45 with the Volunteers campus. exam. He is epileptic and his deaf. They live in Eaton Rapids, are needed to a.m. daily. activities for the children. Cuban boy needs tutor. He is medication tends to make it Japanese lady in Eaton Rapids Donley Elementary School in Occasional babysitter needed a hemophiliac and misses a lot of difficult for him to concentrate, needs help with English East Lansing needs a male aide for six well-behaved children lothing school, so the tutor could help He has also lost his left hand and is Sixth grade boy, who is doing to work in the classroom with unusual whose older sister needs chance to get out from time to time. She works, goes to school, Seventeen - damaged boy needs year old brain friend and trying to learn how to write with his right hand left-handed). He is a (he very was willing second grade work, needs one - to - one help in the classroom during school hours. He lives in three and Transportation provided. four year might olds, be and takes care of the children — tutor, and eager student. Can you help Grand Ledge. Volunteer needed to tutor a could you help her out? ibout human Middle-aged retarded wheel chair needs someone to man take him to his brother's house in Middle-aged physical someone woman, unable to work because of mental and disabilities needs to take her to the bank him? Lebanese interpreter. Lansing family Literacy needs Council an Volunteer needed to work with fifth and sixth graders after school in recreational activities. Man who is preparing for the withdrawn girl who is in a Follow-Through class, Volunteers interested in twice monthly on Sundays. He is counseling needed to work with for food stamps, grocery needs tutors to work with the High School Equivalency Exam 21 y LESLIE LEE to all a resident of Ingham County 13 to 16 year - olds, to I factions, succeeded in shopping, etc. - several times a illiterate. needs help with spelling. He is provide listening ear. State News Staff Writer a retiring Jeanette Lee. He is ■Robert R. Rice, first male to presiding over a period of change e as dean of the College of for the college. inan Ecology, feels that his Last year the college changed ['is being overplayed. The fact its name from the College of It he is male in a field thought Home Economics. It is in the midst of reorganization. This | as primarily female may be Worthy for people outside marks a change in the goals and L college, but to those within programs of the college in an Lakes no real difference. evolving concept of a systems I "In terms of functioning approach to the contemporary i the college it (sex) is family. In addition, the college is jelavent," he said in a recent taking a more interdisciplinary approach in an attempt to relate to other units across the acting dean of the campus, Rice noted. liege and formerly as the first The file department chairman college has always been ■uman environment and open to this type of thing, but will puruse this direction more Igjgn), Rice believes that if a actively in the future, he said. irson Is effective, can Rice received his bachelor's Immunicate the philosophy d objectives of the college, ROBERT R. RICE degree - in industrial education rsfja E"-, -Tp®-* Kn /Znf interrelationshlns e®?.lo«y' the other 8uch University. Before coming to Ith ioTe lJ Slveni u col'e8e 80 d. MSU> Rlce Mryei „ ^ ™i.?ceSrivTISt ... R»ce, who is serving as acting professor and then associate JfrinmtMi!'* ■advantage, ne said he saia. dean until the search and professor in housing and interior selection committee can come desine at the Universitv of I Rice also pointed out that his up wlth a candidate acceptable Xourl Y LIMITED OFFER!! Expirtt Oct. V#i \ V. U hi Reg 490 RAIRi NOW ... 3 FOR $1.00 YOUR CHOICE OF 12 ASSORTED COLORS!! FREE Campus don't look for a needle STORE SIDE PARKING 507 EAST GRAND RIVER In a haystack Come to us. We specialize in the things you're looking for.. .even needles. That's our business—to have what students want, when they want it, at the price they want to pay. Books, greeting cards, supplies, gifts— you name it. Why look elsewhere when it's all here.. .right on campus. Open today 8:30 MSU BOOKSTORF 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wed"Csd»y.Sep,embft,„ NO WOMEN IN RANKS All male band resists change By BECKI HANES Bloomquist could not recall if practical or right to change that "Most women couldn't hold girls can watch what we do and State News Staff Writer there was an official policy status. banning women from marching up physically." "We could loose can see the strenuous activity, Never has "People have a natural our reputation with band buffs We often a woman since he has never needed to tendency to resist change," he practice through if women were added," he said, hour and participated in marching band refer to such a policy. said. dinner Saturday has a woman ever requested nor "We are dealing with an Adding women to the Bloomquist felt the band morninRS ' admittance to the all male ranks organization at its height of members would strongly marching band would not affect object "The gals seem to feel a part Kenneth Bloomquist, director of popularity to a coeducational band. on campus and the quality of the band. of it whether they are in the bands said last week. envied by every college band in Bloomquist said. However, most "Their esprit de corps and the hand or n°t« he Nor does he see it as a the business," Bloomquist said. women cannot march as well as problem in the near future. He added it would not be pride they have for the band The women in the two halls men, he added. would suffer," he said. do seem to object to reveille that Bloomquist attributed the the members always play outside fact that there have never been thel' windows each morning any women marching because before practice, Bloomquist said, the marching band started "But after every season, the Dave Marti no, Madison Heights, sophomore races down the Red Cedar primarily as an arm of the girls at Yakeley invite the boys sporting the frat symbols for Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Dave was "racing for rush" to publicize ROTC. over for a party," he added. State News photo Beta Thetar'1* The Men's Glee Club is the by Johnathan Kaufman only other all male musical AN ESCAPEE FROM Camp Pontiac was Officers said the youths have been referred to the group at MSU. MD cl aims contraceptives apprehended at 2 a.m. Tuesday near the county prosecutor northwest comer of Olds Hall. Officers The marching band, with 218 said, the 18 year - old youth appeared to be - looking for a AN OIL PAINTING valued at $50 was taken members, is one of six different place to enter when stopped. from North Wonders Hall sometime between bands. Total band membership 3:30 p.m. numbers more than 500 * * * Friday and 8:30 a.m. Monday, offers sutdents. POLICE ARE LOOKING for a reported. A mirror valued at $75 was taken person limit population growth during the same time period from the second Applicants for the marching suspected of obtaining money under false band selected for their can floor of West Fee Hall. are pretense. Virginia Wulf, of 521 Albert, told musical ability only. officers she left her purse, valued with contents POLICE REPORTED the theft of a telephone "We put the very best we can at approximately $40, in 107 Olds Hall. Upon from room 121 Psychology Research Building find out on the field," returning for it later, she was told it was picked By TONI PELLILLO Population Growth (ZPG) population problem because of over the past weekend. Bloomquist said. in very small up by another girl wearing similar clothing. Police of the black wall TTiey estimated the value phone to be approximately "There is an ideal size for a State News Staff Writer audience Sunday. its proven feasibility and lack of said. doses, Dr. Because of VecchJ are investigating. band, so we are limited to a All the available "One must not rely on or sit dangerous side effects in most animi $25. contraceptive experiments which resulted certain number," he said. "We pharmaceutical products can be back and let science take care of cases. the growth of 1 ONE DOZEN M-80s and firecrackers were INVESTIGATION IS PRESENTLY underway don't have enough uniforms useful cliemical aids for family the problem. We now have the Dr. Vecchio, medical director dogs (even breast tumoisl siezed from two male residents of North Hubbard in the burglary that occurred in East McDonel planning If individuals become means at our disposal to take for Kalamazoo Planned though tj care of the experimental doseage Hall, age 18 and 19 after officers observed them Hall. A wallet containing $20, was the only thing "We are blessed in the personally concerned with the problem," Dr. Parenthood, discussed the times was 2T throwing them out second story window. location we have for practicing," population Vecchio said. evolution of the "combination that normally given tl a missing, officers said. problem, Dr. humans), the mini-pill wast,i, Dr. Vecchio cited various pill," which uses the proper Bloomquist said, referring to Thomas J. Becchio, chief of off the market. Landon Field across from medical research at Upjohn examples from the "tremendous mixture of the hormones, Yakeley and Landon halls. revolution" in the estrogen and progesterone to Current studies are involj Calling All D STEREO RENTALS 'The Internationl, Inc. told a Zero pharmaceutical field responsible for "Better Things as prevent ovulation and thus avoid pregnancy. with injectable types contraceptives which T Sign Up For for Peace of Mind prevent Through The "sequential pill," another menstrual bks Free Delivery BOYNE WEEK! altogether (unlike ori Qiemistry," the topic of his oral contraceptive contains a *5 as a Trade-in Free Service Free Pick-up 9.50 NEJAC RENTALS 337-1300 m rnontr A few places left for MSU SKI CLUB's Boyne and Aspen triDs. Get info TONIGHT discussion. Dr. Vecchio most effect in said, contraceptive pill has had the the high doseage of estrogen in the contraceptives weeks, Dr. Vecchio said. Then, menstrual cycle). Dr. VecchJ the addition of said that which aUoi pills to be taken for the first few women to have a normal, natur^ while such injectad _>^^0iipmJJl^9>Antho^ controlling the progesterone towards a wig or fall. during the end of cycle mimics the menstrual the normal contraceptive drugs in are Italy, New Zealand, Afiii availifaJ Trade (doesn't apply to sale items) In Your Dead THETA CHI situation in the proper women by uterine walls, he continued. creating Belgium, Holland and Wa conditions in the Germany, the United States ha. not yet provided pubM - Wigs through Sat. Oct. 2 Dr. Vecchio stated that some marketing of this type ? women reported cases of blood contraceptive. ZPG holds meetings o» ma clotting or other side effects when using the fourth Sunday of each monthiJ sequential pill. The "mini-pill," first used in the Union. The group is 1 England, uses progesterone alone nationwide, non-profit volunteej organization aimed at stopplnl the population explosion l3 voluntary means throuJ HOURS: massive education at 10-6 DAILY appropriate political action WED. NITE TIL 9 p.i r , j • 541 E. Grand River Everyone is invited to attend th nasi Lansing Below Paramount News meetings. \ For flowers | Fresh and Fashionable I FOR RIDES CALL ED 2-3581 453 ABBOTT RD. Shop today and Thurs'til 9 p.m., Mon. Tue«, Frl., Sat. 9:30 to 5:30 eVs 203 E. Grand River over 200 great coats and jackets now reduced to save many dollars! OCTOBER COAT SALE were $40 to $150 NOW $29 k>$120 * Imported lodens in pant and boot lengths - many beautifully embroidered * Butter soft suede jackets * Simulated fleece trimmed denim boot length coats * Genuine shearling lamb pant coats and midi lengths * Real pigskin and cowhide jackets * Velours, chenilles and tapestries in basic and fashion colors * Simulated suede jackets * Hooded styles, capes and more * Junior and missy sizes Across The Street From The Student Union Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, September 29, 1971 13 I (Continued from losed trustee meetings: an unsettled held ,ni private, but issue from Daae page one) one) trustee business the bulk of . indicate they agree with them »hoiild h« "—■■coo would wouia be -7" --■> mem in in White , , m * guidelines, even the most made one of the motions. criticizes his fellow meetings, they couldn't have opinion 'JHZSSc nhii/i and mi what Wh.t 7, , ' vuies wouia De S2£- I'lS" ??y - :.r" ""J i«ei ail weii-meaning trustees have Private rnvau meetings are occasionally «"«2! he said. on controversial matters ot i" f-— irivat.. SnwJrHZ^lr^10"5: Only matters involving personnel excePt for those where sensitive l,psed in,° "akin|«tart closed held closed finance open meetings and who at the White said one important proposed four ^ories m»tin• nested in > reform petition phigan will be Thursday for Ave. working a meeting at 7:30 all on individuals the abortion drive at 406 E. Can you NtoW BIRMINGHAM GROSSE POINTE MFGS. LIST SKI EUROPE! dig it? DETROIT ANN ARBOR DEARBORN PRICE 4.62 |A few places left for MSU |W CLUB's trips to Europe, r* 'nfo TONIGHT at 7:30, 109 Anthony. \ OR ROD STEWART COMPACT Give us a call.. EVERY PICTURE TELLS A fEFRIGERATOR 451 Evergreen Ned RENTALS Behind Arby's 322-1434 STORY HIT ALBUM Rent - All 351-5652 1 / y°u» 5) tt^ fdlw- 332-0866 O CbdU- i-ftbcutiAjuM-. iu W00LC0 MERIDIAN MALL Open Wed. & Thurs. til 9:00 Hill "~mai3 1980erand and Marsh Road 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan state news classified 355-8255 Why Fight it . . . Storing it Work . . . Selling it is Easy With a Classified Ad! BANKAMEBICMii FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phii frank Scooters & The State News does Cycle* Employment For ftei not permit racial or DODGE SPORTSMAN Van, 1967. religious discrimination HONDA 1970, CL350. 2,100 miles V-8, automatic, radio. Call Gid, 2 GIRLS needed for in its advertising Mint condition. $525. Cal Old Cedar 351-0186. 3-9-30 Viilaoe r columns. 339-8991. 3-9-30 • AUTOMOTIVE The State 2-9-30 ** Cs" 351-17( News will not DUNE BUGGY 1969 ONE OR 2 sophomore or junior Scooters & Cycles accept assembly. Volkswagen motor, brand new Auto Service & Parts fraternity members interested In TWO Auto Parts & Service advertising which BEDROOMS furnitfclT- tires. Must earning $2000 to $4000 this Aviation discriminates against 5-9-29 sell now. 655-3310. school year managing a unique Rate,. 332-6197. 3-10-1 Close T ' 1 VW GUARANTEED repair. religion, race, color or - sales business. Small investment • EMPLOYMENT national 1970 RANDY'S MOBIL. 196 at • FOR RENT origin. FIAT 850 Spyder, AM/FM, Okemos Road. 349-9620. C optional but would secure larger WANTED: ONE oiH~r^ ^ ^r~r,^p radials, excellent. Asking $1625. income. Position would also insure 349-3615. 3-9-30 Apartments MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East summer employment with unique nationwide franchising company. Houses FORD Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. 1969 Custom 500, 4 door . . . For further information and NEED 1 girl for ■> —\ Rooms sedan, V-8, A-1 condition, $1,450. Complete auto painting and ,„ » FOR SALE Automotive 882-1751, anytime. 3-10-1 collision service. IV 5-0256. C interview appointments. Call Don Packer. 332-3914. 2-9-14 Cedar Greens. P-m. 351-4560. Call 3-10-1 CarTl'^ Animals AUSTIN HEALEY3000 MK-II, 1963. FORD PICKUP 1966. V4 ton, A-1 ATTENTION FOREIGN car owners: Clean, straight, runs great. GOVERNESS FOR toddler. TWO FOR four Mobile Homes condition, 4,000 miles on new Now open to serve you at the person. 424 355-7927. 3-10-1 Summerhill method. Part time. AV.18-WEW Lansing • ► LOST & FOUND PERSONAL motor. Good buy, only $850. 882-1751 anytime. 3-10-1 lowest prices in town, KYPERS FOREIGN CAR SERCVICE at Flexible schedule. board. 332-3357. 5-9-29 Room end 2^30' AUSTIN HE ALE Y Sprite 1969. DELUXE ► PEANUTS PERSONAL Convertible. 4 speed, excellent 312 Hosmer Street. 489-9714. apartment 1 bedroom-ri„ FORD FAIRLANE, 1964. 5-9-29 V-8, PART ► REAL ESTATE condition. Only 16,000 miles. Sacrifice. 351-2799. 3-10-1 automatic, snow tires. Excellent TIME office Work evenings. Call MR. help needed. 332-0075. 2-9-30 " $'6' CLARK ► RECREATION condition. 485-5613, 353-2263. 351-3701. O 3-9-29 h Aviation MALE ROOMMATE 1952 BUICK CONVERTIBLE, ► SERVICE cherry. Must sell. Call 1-725-7222, DRUMMER 8 Apartment Union. directly H Typing Service FORD VAN 1963. LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight years experience. Completely furnishen TRANSPORTATION after 10 p.m. 3-10-1 re-built. Everything Paneled, carpeted. 355-3069 after 5 p.m. 3-9-29 'YoumUsBerimsp training. All and courses VA are Wants to work with serious Cell Jim, 351-7701. 3-9-29 group. 381 •3815. NodepL.!5f WANTED that pecFesioe.uoovRUFf jurr government FRANCIS AVIATION, certified. Airport JOB OPENINGS WANTED: house. Call OWN 100„, in for FORD GALAXIE 1964, V-8, manager Rosemary DEADLINE automatic. Good tires, plus snow 00SM MACCAN HMDRIC SHE!' Roed. Call 484-1324. C trainees, sales personnel, night 355-4878.4-10-1 after 1; ^ Pl 1 P.M. one class day before CHEVROLET 1967, V-8. 2 door guards. Phone 482-0783, CURTIS , tires. Runs good. $225. Call publication. 35,000 miles, good rubber, $795. Phone 372-2093. 2-9-29 355-5974 after 5:15 p.m. 3-9-30 a# K2Z/S. UHS/N*. MlOi Employment EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 3-9-30 TWO BEDROOM minute drive from unfurl" Cancellations/Corrections JOB OPENINGS month, plus utilities. campus, $j(, FORD 1963. Moderate body. WAKE - UP Service -Let me be your now for secretaries, Delu - 12 noon one class day CHEVROLET 1964 panel station clerical, general office Phone apartments, all carpet, Mechanically perfect. Excellent alarm clock. Reasonable rates. wagon. 4 speed transmission, 2 482-0783. dishwasher. Ideal for before publication. transportation, $250. Bill, Phone 393-2217. 5-10-5 CURTIS couple heaters, spot-light, 3 seats. Bill graduate students. Call PHONE Leavenworth, 485-7275. 332-2591. 1-9-29 Automotive Automotive EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 3-9-30 Dean of Eipper EXPERIENCED ELECTRIC Bases Realty, |nc 1 484-3232. 5-9-30 LECTURE NOTES wanted for 372-9730 or 487-5100.3 10- 355-8255 FORD 1963. c«mP«r. Stove, OLDS 88 1965. large Good condition, tan, VOLKSWAGEN 1BUS 1965, rebuilt player - singer wanted for Brass classes. Earn up to $65 extra refrigerator, sink bed. Good RATES 10 word minimum CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE radjo custQm $325 • engine, body needs work. Phone Rock group. 383-5372. 2-9-30 money doing what you do EFFICIENCY, vt T. student No. No. DAYS 1963. 327, 4 speed. New top. 351-3229 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 339-8930. 10-^0-5 Ph0"e _ M" 351-3028, best offer. 3-10-1 CAMPUS REPS anyway. translators, Also, want writers, married couple. 15 campus. $85 per minutes researchers, to WORDS 1 3 5 10 OLDS OPPORTUNITY FOR sharp business produce 646-2401. 3-10-1 FORD 1959, automatic, good town CONVERTIBLE 1964. Full VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Bug. 35,000 educational aids. Call CHEVROLET BELAIR 1963. Good - minded student to earn top cash transportation. $100. 355-6141. power, air. Good transportation. miles. 5962 Haverhill South WRITE-ON, 332-3700. 10-5 p.m. 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 transportation. Custom interior. $450. 393-1867. 5-10-1 Lansing, after 6 p.m. and get unparalleled experience GRADUATE WOMAN, furnished No rust. $170. ED7-7935. 3-9-29 3-9-29 $1100. 5-9-29 working for self on campus. Start bedroom, $120/ month, u 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 immediately. Send brief resume' paid. Shelley Fields, 8 an CHEVELLE 1970. SS396, 350 FOFID VAN ^Tls.OOO m"il«76 0P*L KADET 1968. Station wagon, and phone number to: Mr. C.R. PART TIME work as simulated p.m., 372-6170 or Apartment VOLKSWAGEN, 1966. woman patient for 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 horsepower, 4 speed, stereo tape, cylinder stick. Good condition. 332-5449. 3-9-29 J°°d $75°" 482-4248. 5-9-29 J™ m,lea9e' Excellent condition, under 50,000 miles. Danforth, Box 75, Swampscott, Anatomy In Physical Diagnosis. 3 course 211K M.A.C , after 5 30 new tires. Excellent condition. Mass. 01907. 2-9-30 3-10-1 $750. Phone 337-1282. 5-9-29 to 6 hour per week, Monday, 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 627-6250. 5-9-29 Wednesday or Friday afternoon or 1967 GALAXIE 500. V-8. OPEL 1988. white-walU AM/FM. VOLKSWAGEN TYPIST - part time 4-10 p.m. 70 WANTEDROOMMATE, $92 50 Automatic. Excellent condition. ,ar9e en",ne' ""en care of. BUS 1965. Gas week. Apply in Thursday morning. Applicant 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 CHEVELLE, MALIBU 1969 sharp, w.p.m. 5 nights a must be 21 yeard of bedroom furnished. heater, snow tires. $650. 33; a.t., p.5., black vinyl top, 27,000 $925. 351-5652 9-6, 355-9956. person. 427K Albert St. 2-3 p.m.l To apply Phone Mrs. age or older. Capitol Villa. 3-10-1 5-9-29 487-0362. 411 South Chestnut. Ralston 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 miles. 351-7772. 4-9-29 W 3-9-30 353-6380.5-10-2 347 St udent Services Bldg. PLYMOUTH FURY, 1964. Good, 15 MINUTES from campus, 4 r CHEVY VAN 1965. Paneled and 1969GRAND Prix. Full power, like clean car. Excellent mechanical GET YOUR Christmasshoppinfldone kitchen privileges. $20 per outfitted for camping. Phone, new, first $2,500. 351-3567. VOLKSWAGEN 1963. $250 or best All student ads must be condition. New brakes, new offer. Ask for free. Be a toy demonstrator. For Rent 655-3600. 3 10-1 355-3237. 5-10-4 5-10-5 Rick, 351-9034, Receive full line of samples, earn prepaid tailpipe. Power steering and 351-7830. 5-10-1 top commission plus bonus. No CORVAIR MONZA 1961, new tires, JAGUAR 1966 XKE Coupe, low brakes. $300. IV4-6858. 5-10-5 COMPACT REFRIGERATOR G,RL T0 '^are 1 bei The State News will be VOLKSWAGEN 1965, collecting or delivery. No cash RENTALS: UNITED RENT-ALL. •Partment. Close to campus. battery, shocks, good running mileage, excellent condition. good PLYMOUTH 1962. Excellent investment. Start piling up those responsible only for the condition. 485-0815 after 3 p.m. Phone 373-6896 9-5 p.m. 3-10-1 condition, $450 or best offer. 2790 East Grand River, 351-5652. mechanical 332-8826 afternoons. 3-9-30 dollars now. OR be a hostess. Free first day's incorrect 3-9-29 condition, very dependable, $150. Call 332-2650. gift for having party, 15% of sales insertion. JAVELIN 1969. FM, vinyl roof. 5-9-29 VOLKSWAGEN 1967, in free merchandise. $2 free LARGE ONE bedroom apartme good TV RENTALS Students only. Low CORVETTE 1962. Good condition, Excellent condition. $1500 merchandise for each - condition. Beige exterior, black booking, close to campus. $195/ convertible with removable negotiable. 20 mpg. monthly and term rates. Call 353-9503, PONTIAC 1969 Firebird 360 V-8, 4 interior, $1000. 372-9749. 5-10-4 plus extras. Apply now. 655-1117. 351-7900. 337-7247. 3-9-30 hardtop. Call 482-7974. 5-10-1 UNIVERSITY TV 351-6349. 5-9-29 4-10-1 Automotive speed, new tires. Very clean, RENTALS. C $1900. 351-3859 at noon or VW 1964, excellent condition with NEEDED 1 girl. 4 man apartm AUSTIN - HEALEY 1965 Mk III DATSUN PICKUP 1970. 26,00 miles 1966 MERCEDES Benz Diesel 200. BABYSITTER to come in, 4 month dinner. 1-9-29 radio, $450. 372-9320 after 6 pm. block from campus. 332- 3000. Excellent condition, body - radio, 4 speed. $1500. Air conditioning, excellent tires, 5-9-30 girl. 11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. 355-8066. REFRIGERATORS - DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth electric, 3-9-30 and engine. Call 351-5872. 4-10-1 349-4235. 10-10-7 new engine. A-1 condition. 1971 PL-510 2 door Call before 11:30 a.m. or after Datsun, 315 676-1717.3-10-1 VW CAMPER 1969, pop-top, 3 p.m. 3-9-30 Bridge, Grand Ledge. immaculate 16,500 miles. Save on WANTED: 2 girls across 627-2191. TF excise tax, $1900. 393-5533 after white, radio, stove, good engine. campus. 332-6246. CAMP MERCURY 1966 5 p.m. 2-9-30 Looks brand new. 355-7246. STUDENTS MAKE MONEY while VIEW APARTMENTS. 4-10-1 4 door Monterey. Automatic, BUSINESS LOCATION across from We have filled radio, 1-9-29 you learn. Part - time contact 4 excellent tires, 2 snow work can MSU. Ideal for student oriented or tires, PINTO 1971. Four speed, white provide invaluable 1 15,000 VW SQUARE BACK 1968. AM/FM student owned business GRADUATE STUDENT coui miles. Excellent walls, radio. 1,100 miles. $1800. experience and income to those condition. 351-3823 evenings. S air - conditioner, engine overhaul, who qualify. For interview cell 349-0772. 5-9-29 bedroom furnished mobile I Phone 337-7883. 5-10-1 muffler, Clean and quiet. 641-6601. ( new one owner. Excellent 355-7848. 2-9-29 ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. of MERCURY METEOR 1962. PONTIAC 1968. Firebird 350. condition. $1775. 355-1048. every one SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV ONE AND 2 bedroom apartmi Automatic, new tires, brakes and x-3-10-1 WILL TUTOR French and German, RENTAL. 372-4948. O from $145. 10 mi exhaust. Very clean and well kept. certified teacher. Phone 337-9471 MSU. Children permitted. EAG Best offer over $1550. 353-0i935. 3-10-1 MUSTANG GT, 1969. Excellent X-2-9 29 Scooters & Cycles TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction CREST NORTH, 694-8975, Keller Road, Holt. C apartments. guaranteed. Free delivery, service oor condition. 332-4376, 627-7441. 4-10-1 Aqua. $1400. PONTIAC power. CATALINA 1967. One driver. 30,700 acta?' Air, LOCAL FIRM has opening for part - time public relations men with and pick up. No deposit. NEJAC, 337-1300. C Call TWO BEDROOM furnished. Stu< knowledge of hunting, fishing, welcome, 9 month lease, park MUSTANG 1969, stick. miles. 20 mpg. Excellent Great snowmobiling and general condition. $1200. 968 laundry, air. 10 mini condition. Sell or trade, offers. 484-9607. HONDA 65cc. superb outdoor recreational sports. If this Apartments We're sorry we 351-2349. 5-10-1 S9/29 campus. $200/month, indu condition, 55 mpg, economical applies to you, call 372-7793 heat. Call Dyanne Dean transportation. $150 will bargain. between the hours of 1-5:30 p.m., EIPPER REALTY INC. to MUSTANG 1969. 351 4 barrel PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE 1965. Call Chris 351-1150 before 6 p.m. ask for Mr. Williams. 10-10-11 372-9730 or 487-5100. 5-9-29 engine. Automatic transmission. Yellow / black, $300. Call 2-9-30 $1600.646-6309. 5-10-1 489-3567 after 6:30 p.m. 5-10-4 ATTENDANT FOR service station TWO BEDROOM / can not help 1965 BSA 650. 3 helmets. 11,000 ROOMMATE WANTED. Apartment, NOVA 1969. 3 speed, floor shift. 4 needed for mornings. Must be over apartment, furnished, $2C PONTIAC LE MANS 1967 6 miles. 482-2011 Mornings or after 21 and married. Okemos, furnished, utilities paid. includes heat. Laundry, parkini Previous new tires. Excellent condition. cylinder. OHC. Call 349-9299. mid - night. 3-10-1 Call Peter. 337-0102. 3-9-30 experience preferred. Call month lease, only 10 m $1600.372-1258.4-10-1 3-9-29 393-0418 mornings. 4-10-1 drive from MSU. Call Diane De 1966 HONDA 160cc. TTwin, good NEED ONE roommate. Own room. of Eipper Realty, Inc. 372-9r the many, many OLDSMOBILE 1968 Delta - 88. 4 door sedan, black vinyl top, equipped. Excellent condition. fully PORSCHE 1970 911-S, silver, AM/FM, rust proofed. Metalic Many extras, excellent condition. Also C production racing Porsche. bike, electric 351-5265.3-10-1 start, TRIUMPH 1970 250, like new, 1,600 $190. NURSES: RN, LPN, ROSE LAWN MANOR NURSING HOME, 707 Armstrong Road. Has positions No deposit. No lease. $70 month. Call 882 1678. 3-9-30 or NEED 487-5100. 3-101 ONE girl for wi 393-1871.3-9-29 available on all shifts. Full or part 349-0235. 4-10-1 miles, helmets included, $600.00 Cedar Village. Call 332-06 time. Excellent starting salaries 4-9-30 students who have OLDSMOBI LE 1965, F-85, 351-9428.6-10-1 and benefits. Apply in person or automatic. RAMBLER 1961. Good condition. Good campus call, 393-5680. Mrs. Swan, $150 or best offer. 196 7 305 Scrambler. transportation. $150. Call Call, Excellent Personnel. 5-10-5 332-0197 after 6 p.m. 3-10-1 332-6684. 5-10-1 condition. New paint, almost mint. Mike, 351-2593. 4-9-29 CROSSWORD EXPERIENCED TV or Stereo PUZZLE been calling us. OLDSMOBILE 1967. Delmont 88. 425, radial, power brakes, power steering, good condition. SPITFIRE 1968. Good KAWASAKI 1971, 175 Enduro. Very low mileage. Virtually demonstrator. Call 332-0211, repairmen Student Electronics 326 Student needed. Services Apply at Repair Shop. Building. ACROSS 1. Tennis shot Biblical high priest 332-1405. 5-9-30 shape, Afternoons. 4-9-29 4. hardtop, and extras. Offer over after 5:35 p.m. 5-9-29 , Impudence: 30. Heavy mist $775. 484-7263. 5-10-4 slang 31. Palestine OLDSMOBILE 1969. F-85, 2 door, YAMAHA WANT IRONING. Of any size! 7. Antitoxins seaport V-8. Automatic transmission. MINI-ENDURO. Experienced, references and 11. Attention 32. Industrialist Excellent condition. 6 months reasonable. Phone 487-5566 Power steering; radio. Sharp. 12. Veneration 34. Staff of life Please try earlier 882-7777. 5-9-29 OLDSMOBILE 1971, 442 1967 TRIUMPH 2000. 4 blue, 36,000 miles, door, dark old. Licensed, with lights, $275. 349-1703.5-10-1 1966 TRIUMPH Bonneville, 5-9-30 PART TIME employment with full line 13. Moslem priest 35. Kimono sash 14. Resonant 16. Industrious 36. Abstract being 37. Boogie-woogie manual shift, recently merchant wholesaler. convertible, like new. Everything good condition throughout, good Automobile required. 351-5800 17. Biped and bop overhauled, new battery, tire and on it. Any reasonable offer. tires. Call clutch. $600. 676-1345. 2-9-30 0-10-1 18. Lifetime 40. Skeptic 882-4365. $900 next year. We're 484-2479. 5-9-29 X-3-9-30 1970 HODAKA miles, almost new. 100B. 1,000 Helmet. $400. BABYSITTER. EAST Tuesday afternoons and some LANSING, 20. Palm off 22. Manhattan 26. Clears 44. Heckelphone 45. Prior to 46. Harem room married students 482-8156. 3-9-29 27. Printer's need 47. Splended evenings. References preferred. , & faculty 489-4386. 5-9-29 28. Correlative of 48. Pigeon pea leasing 1970 neither now for TRIUMPH DAYTONA, 500. Gypsy husband With extras, $850. Call RESTAURANT DINING room work. KNOB HILL TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1969. 30,000 miles. Excellent. Best offer. Call 351 1667. 3-9-30 between 6 - 9 p.m. 5-10-1 482-5626 Excellent conditions. pay Apply and in working w person. 1969 ALLSTATE cycle. 106cc. 2000 KNIGHTCAP, 320 East APARTMENTS TRIUMPH radio! miles. With molded saddlebags. Avenue. IV9-7433. 4-9-29 Michigan next year. 1971. 4-speed, 9,000 miles Original girl owner! Good little bike in perfect shape. 349-4700 351-7222 until 5 p.m., 351-0656 $200. 626-6935. 2-9-29 ORTHODONTIC ASSISTANT with after 6 p.m. 5-9-29 lab. experience preferred. Full OPEN 1 - 7 pm Mon.-Sat. 1971 CL-175 Honda. Excellent time, downtown. Call 482-9695. SUNDAY by appointment only TRIUMPH 1970 TR-6. Good shape. $450. 371-2398. after 5 Evenings, 484-0702. 3-9-29 condition, reliable, overdrive, p.m. 4-10-1 Large 2 - bedroom, stereo tape with tapes. Blue, must ©updungfjam bath & % $175°0 TR-6 sell. 393-7788 after 5 p.m. 5-10-1 1970. Brown, Michelins - X Radials. FM-streo. Luggage and 1970 BSA extention, 5-9-29 650. 2000 real clean. miles. 355-2788. 6" CYTO-TECHNOLOGIST. registered or eligible for registry, with experience preferred. starting salary, commensurate ASCP Good Large 3 - bedroom, ski racks. Phone with experience. Call 4620 S. Hagadorn Mickey at 1970 SUZUKI T250. Excellent LABORATORY OF CLINICAL bath & % — 339-8149. S5-10-1 MA NA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL YBY Sj3500 condition, low mileage, high pipes. 339-2009. 5-9-29 MEDICINE, 372-8180. 5-10-1 VALIANT 1967. 64,000 miles, 6 LOCATED >4 MILE NORTH EARN EXTRA money in your spare Alco Management Company OF JOLLY RD. ON cylinder, standard transmission, excellent condition, $675. 1969 SUZUKI 500. Excellent time selling Koscot Oil of Mink running, rust, low Kosmetics. Call 489-2148 between OKEMOSROAD 393-5920. 3-10-1 no mileage. 355-1663. 5-9-29 6 and 9 p.m. for Interview. 5-9-30 >tcmber 29,197 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, September 29, 1971 15 j AMEBiCARn for 2 man, Lost & Found Service ntED: with GIRL 1K1-1 NIKON CAMERA •* — NTCy 351-7021. X3-9-30 m //1 Wv condition. Must 3 'HOOVBRS WOM^s" Wm^""^lT COMPLETE THESES Capital/ Capsules 355 2986. 5-9-29 0 00 ^ * tone — - Hooever rlaanar service. cleaner iicqiH used rna» ;« in ■. Discount excellent condition. printing. IBM typing and .. . uciNG OR Ewt Laming. One a few times. All cleaning Call binding of theses, resumes, orRei ^roorn furnished. Large, airy GARRARD CHANGE. Midland tools. Only $24.50 cash or terms. 351-7226 after 6 p.m. 5-10-4 publications. Across from campus, /(I Air conditioned. receiver,Allied speakers. $175 or Cell 372-3324. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. LOST: ORANGE and white kitten. corner M.A.C. and Grand River, J u >» » M To insure jpu.- ly maintained. Suitable best offer. Canon FT $250or best satisfaction sold by free Park Lane area. Call below Jones Stationery faculty, r student*, business offer. Short frosted wig. brown home O-5-10-1 demonstration only. V Reward. 4-10-1 351-0865. COPYGRAPH Shop. Call SERVICES, THE MICHIGAN NATIONAL adjutant general of the Guard THE MIC. HIGAN |e, married couple.. Lease ca*.de. $10 ,Kh. 355-8043 337-1666. C GUARD said Tuesday it expects said. "Any young man who has a FEDERATION of College £*3136 or 882-6549. O before 11 p.m. 3-9-29 ' an influx of young men as a possible military obligation Republicans has joined the STARLIGHT DRUM~ good Personal PROFESSIONAL result of the recent extension of should consider joining the chairman 0KING FOR a roommate? SKIIS. HEAD 360-s. 195 of the United cm ~Lanoe *400 new- ^ offer. THESIS the draft by Congress. Guard while there are openings," Republicans of Michigan in his npen-end leases ?v.ll-»t.,_W. boots 9 M-10, polTs Z 351-0225 after 5 PM. 5-9-29 THERE IS still time PREPARATION "We have openings in nearly he said. JalSTEAD MANAGEMENT, barrecrafter. 337-7883. 5-10-1 to Kaplan Tutoring Course for the complete a every national guard unit in the recent call to oust party leaders 151-7910. O GUITAR who AMPLIFIER, 105 watt MCAT, DAT, and LSAT. BOARD state," Maj. Gen. C.C. Schnipke, SEC. OF STATE Richard are "pursuing a deliberate B.I.C. / Lux 71/ 2R sound. Two 12 inch speakers, policy of excluding conservatives AM/FM stereo EXAMS scheduled for October Houses 150 rm»- New, in reverb trem. Four Austin issued a reminder to from the party." carton. inputs. $200 or Call 349-0772. 5-9-29 best offer. 393-8816. 313-851-6077 for Csnplits Pretessianal Thetis Strvict motorists Tuesday that "The MFCR wishes to 5-9-29 information fsr go on and enrollment. I bedrooms plus den, 7-10-1 Milter's iiii Doctoral CiiOllitii. Fris Wanted commercial and all trailer license record as a group to expose the WATER BED UNITS $60. ■ricksri and Censultatian Please Cell tabs for 1972 will go on sale i,solace rec room, 3 baths. Close HASSELBLAD 500C liner, foam pad and frame. MattrisT Cliff art Paula Hau(hey 337 1527 *r 127 asinine tactics perpetrated by a o csmpus. Families only. $295 -uu Any 7131 TRANSLATOR, Friday. few size. Water BABY BOOM SPANISH speaking, self-serving individuals ,37-0237. 4-10-1 mattresses, $26.50. accurate dictaphone tyeist. Michigan drivers will receive refuted to represent the REBIRTH, 309 North Washington Needed for small plastic tabs with an In 1970, $246,760,000 SAVE SAVE SAVE permanent basis. Republican State Central Phone adhesive back to place on their ncn 1 or 2 girls to sub-lease in _ 6lo"Ue' Lan8in9, 489-6168. was spent on baby products XEROX COPYING- offset - best 489-1441. PARKER Committee and ask for their ouse with 3 others. Share large TW0 STUDIO beds with coverlets in the nation's quality at reasonable prices. THE CAREER CENTER. 3-9-29 1971 license plates rather than resignations," Susan Whiting, •ajroom Lease October 1 - June a"d bol"®'«. Best offer. 351-0225 drugstores. A COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand new plates in 1972. chairman of the group, said., no pets. House in 8,,er 5 PM. 5-9-29 drug store owner can usually River. Phone 332-4222. C MUSICIAN AVAILABLE. Passenger car tabs will go on Resignations Ling call 484-9935. 3-9-29 count on an additional annual Experienced Pianist - Trumpeter sale Nov. 15. from state are being sought USED FURNITURE Flea gross income of $65.45 when wants work; doubles on GOP Chairman Fair: 314 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term Bases.Call EXQUISITE 2 bedroom dump East Michigan. Dishes, books APPLES, PEARS, plums, sweet cider. a baby is born to one of his papers, theses. Bill, 339-2524, weekdays after 3 William McLaughlin and Best rates. Call THE MICHIGAN TOURIST K— ML* wins, entiques, rockers, junk. Pick your own customers. p.m. 5-10-5 Executive Director Jerry Rowe. apples. Friday, 351-4619. O Bergain Hunters Paradise. Open Saturday, COUNCIL announced this week Sunday. BLOSSOM If you've got a baby Saturday and Sunday. Furniture ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of YOUNG FEMALE that the state's annual "autumn coming DISSERTATION, THESES, term faculty wants and am - appliances open all week, 10 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C Leslie on 127) 589-8251. 9 Hull Road. (Old US - 6 PM. Closed new you can help meet expenses by selling good papers. Expert typist with in English. I.B.M. (Also degree editing). room to rent. Cooking privileges. Box A-1 State News. 3-10-1 color spectacular" has begun in the upper peninsula with trees Group shows Mondays. O things around your home you 351-8961. 0-9-29 ranging from 10 to 75 percent North Foster. $65 / month. Call TAPESTRIES, WATERBED frames no longer need with STATE News Classified Ads. Just WANTED: turntable USED and Thorens or AR good speakers turned in the western area. It said color should be student films 3412 after 6:30 p.m. 3-9-30 and Animals nearing North heaters. REBIRTH, Washington Avenue, 309 make a list of these then things, Transportation 482-2011.3-10-1 its peak in the Keweenaw "The Best of Genesis," 1 girl to share house with 2 Lansing. 489-6168. dial 355-8255. A peninsula this weekend and that featuring 13 top experimental C-10-8 KITTENS: REARED with TLC. r girls. Own bedroom. Prefer Shots. Need loving, stable home. friendly Ad Writer will help greyhound the Marquette area also should films of the student-made iver 21. Call 482-6778. 5-10-5 you word your ad for best INTRODUCES Genesis series, will be presented SHORTWAVE RECEIVER, 351-6929. 4-10-1 NEW peak this weekend. Hammerlund HQ-110, 22 target results. DIRECT BUS SERVICE to In the lower peninsula, the by the Union Board, Thursday BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for :DE0: ONE man for four man rifle, H81R 451. 353-5968 and from Pontiac, Royal Oak through Sunday. Furnished, $65/ month. AFFECTIONATE YOUNG female HELP and all positive. A negative, B negative Petoskey area is expected to be ouse X-3-9-30 cats need THE Alliance candidates Birmingham, on a about 30 percent Two runs will be shown gentle people. Free. and AB negative, $10.00 O changed for >11332-3947. 3-10-1 Delivered. 482-3857. 4-10-1 change East Lansing. Colburn, Will reservation basis from East nightly at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN the weekend while the 100 USED vacuum cleaners. and Griffith need Gaylord Tanks, your assistance. Lansing on weekends. Depart COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, area is expected to be about 5 in the Union Ballroom, 2nd UR ROOM house, basement and canisters and uprights. Guaranteed FREE Friday return PUPPIES. CI. floor, rage 10 minutes from campus, j 10 / month. Unfurnished. one full year. $7.88 and up. 349-9,89. S-*1olTm! MM'"7"' Sunday. following Round trip fare, 507Vi East Grand River, East Lansing. Above the new Campus percent expects 50 changed. Cadillac percent color except for showings, which will be in 100 Friday's f DENNIS DISTRIBUTING $9.50. Fbr reservations call Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 by Vet Clinic. Cost is $1. Earned couple only, no children. weekend. COMPANY, 316 TOKE AND BRINDE EAST 63-8798. 2-9-30 Opposite City Market. C-9-30 North Cedar. together. Black Great Dane finally got it ufl" ^ Ph ? S' "" hi LANSING BUS pm Monday, Thursday, and °n " 8 T °nd DEPOT, 3 32-2 569. Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 BULLETIN co * • ouonips in AKr AKC- computer. 351-8629. 2-9-30 For information, Reservations must be in pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C G'R>Call1!0,^„™00n! «. 351-0209. x-1-9-29q^o6'86 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. 2-9-30 Thursday by 7 p.m. Brand new portables $5.00 per month. Large selection - $49.95, DALMATION ALWAYS OPEN. Monday thru WANTED: TICKETS for By Popular Demand We Are Extending Our Tune Up PUPS; AKC, home Michigan-MSU game, October 9th. fRACTIVE ROOM for girl in of reconditioned used machines. raised litter. 393-8558, after 6 pm. Friday, 8-5:30. UNION Wanted Call 332-1075. 5-9-29 Special Through Oct. 16, 1971 onservative house. Privileges. No Singers, 6-10-1 BUILDING BARBER SHOP. Whites, Necchis, New :ing. $80 month plus utilities. •3439.1-9-29 Home & "Many Others." $19.95 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS HORSES BOARDED: $25 and $35 / C-9-29 BABYSITTING IN Village home, MY Spartan PAINTING AND light remodeling. $28.95 (8 Cyl.) $24.95 (6 Cyl.) DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 115 month. Hay and grain daily. Box ASTROLOGICAL CHARTS and experienced Economical, reliable. Call Doug (includes parts and labor) studies; reasonable. Call 485-8760 355-0992. 5-9-30 *air conditioned cars $2.00 extra Rooms North Washington, 489-6448. stalls, riding ring, and trails. 4 ask for Wanda Myra. B-1-9-29 evenings, 351-4723. 3-9-30 C-9-30 miles South of MSU. 882-8779 BUY NOW AND SAVE or WANTED DESPERATELY 1 or 882-3820. 5-10-1 - NEED TWO senior coupons, EE IN Lansing. Pleasant room, bathroom and all meals plus MAGNAVOX month. 482-2011 12" TV. Used 1 FREE: 6 week old puppies. more student Michigan 351-5500 game. coupons to MSU Will oay. Call - Michigan game. Or trade 2 seniors for 4 juniors. ; Mary, 353-6400. Roberts Automotive Center (30/month in exchange for some mornings best. ext. 162. 2-9-30 5-10-4 4980 Park L;ke Kd. at G und River 3-10-1 Cocket-Dingo mix. Give them a • istsnce with housework and home. Call 489-1345. S-9-29 looking. Call 371-2311. 3-9-30 MOVING: G.E. refrigerator $75. TENTI0N: Completely Ul 372-8077. C ROOMS furnished. for rent. Cooking. Fully automatic Kenmore washer and gas dryer, $125. 2 studio beds, $15. 20" fan Call 349-0137 on after stand, $15. ST. Bernard 6 p.m. well large female 10 months, TWO U.M non - student tickets. Will pay. Call 351-9066 after 4 p.m. 3-9-30 WOULD LIKE to buy three tickets fnrM<;ii.iiMn3m. r, 11 332-3867. X-3-10-1 WANTEDW WAiNitu. i tickets for MSU-Notre ft - trained with good markings. Dame game. Call 393-0766. 3-10-1 S-3-10-1 1-628-3681 Dansville 3-10-1 For Sale CHRISTMAS BREAK. Spain $249. BOY SCOUT uniform, 12 slim. Long sleeves. Complete from handbook MINIATURE SCHNAUZER male 12 Nassau $169. Acapulco $249 London $149. Complete deluxe COMPACT tv rentals IRE FUN in the sun, with Sun weeks old. AKC. Salt and pepper, Shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, to belt. New. $14. Call 349-0137 ears cropped, ch ampion packages. Call Frank Buck, REFRIGERATOR Free Se'rvicT $g.50 after 6 p.m. S-3-10-1 351-2286. O Free Pick-up ™mn 2615 East Michigan Avenue, bloodlines, loveable and playful girls across fri 372-7409. C-5-10-1 SKIIS HART Javelin, 200 c.m. disposition. 393-3543. 5-10-5 RENTALS NEJAC TV RENTALS 32-6246. camp - Real Estate United Rent All 351-5652 WATT Amplifier, two speaker, With Marker step - in bindings. THE SEA FAN, Lansing's newest and - 337-1300 fments. 4-10-1 Almost new. Head poles, 54 iarrard turntable, $295. AKAI most unique Pet Shop is now open inches. Best offer. 485-9745, after to serve you. 4604 North East REMODELED, THREE bedroom ttpedeck, $150. Together - $400. house in East Lansing. You must TUDENT couple 5 p.m. 3-10-1 351-4779. 5-10-1 Street. We specialize in Marine lished mobile ht see it. $17,500 terms. Call ftticrt fish. Stop in and see our super iPapart 351-3118 for more information. TONKjHI iet. 641-6601.0 ELECTRO - VOICE 65 Watt Stereo MPONENT STEREO, BSR 600, aquarium. 484-8871. Monday, 5-10-5 FM receiver and two Allied 12" / Kenwood. 80 watt, Heathkit floor Thursday, Friday 10-9. Tuesday, 3 - way speaker systems. Like ikers. $200 firm. 373-0150 Wednesday, Saturday 10-6. SIX ROOM with 3 extra large new. Call Jim 332-4777. 1-9-29 Sunday 12-5. 5-10-5 s, 485-2369 evenings. 5-9-30 bedrooms. 2 story brick and wood I n permitted. EA( TH, 694-8975,4 TYPEWRITER SMITH Corona, construction. Built 1960. Full FREE KITTENS. 7 weeks old, litter Holt. C electric, portable, $70. Call Mike trained. basement, 2 car garage. Plastered Call 489-4889 after 5 at 332-0877. 3-9-30 walls, drapes. Carpeted living p.m. 3-10-1 room, dining room and hall. Lot tar GIBSON WOMAN'S WINTER size: 90' x 143'. Excellent 12 string, jacket size BASSETT PUPPIES for sale. AKC, tcellent condition. $270. 11/12. New, very warm, five weeks. 677-8561 after 5 PM. neighborhood. Priced at $47,500, Only... -2532. 3-10-1 332-8213. 3-9-30 5-9-29 approximately $7,00 down. For VING: QUEEN size mattress with BRIGHTEN UP your apartment. more Caterino information, call Frank 393-6550. Evenings This little slipstick spring, picnic table, end table, Estate items. Very reasonable. Mobile Homes 484-8080. REAL ESTATE resser Wrs. chest with mirror, wicker Everything like new. 6200 Old River Trail, Lansing. Wednesday call 489-0371. 2-9-29 1967, 10' x 51'. Excellent condition. 2 bedroom, partially furnished. MART, REALTOR, x-5-10-1 could increase your •39-8852. 1-9-29 Parked near DeWitt. $2500 or best Recreation RCA Phone 3-9-30 14' color IVS-2737 TV. or Price $150. 351-8988. offer. Call 669-3493. 7-10-1 1955 GREAT typing speed LAKES, 8' x 45'. NITURE. SOFA, $20. Floor F R I G I DA I R E VERY condition. $100. 653-2626. 2-9-29 good Located Party 5-10-5 in park behind Store. Phone 349-1586 Tom's bar m riding stable at the by two or three days. Students will be elated WAYNE over a completely new Call 332-06 n|y. 1.9.29 STEREO COMPONENTS 15 - 50% MARLETTE 1964. 10' x 50'. 2 way to correct typing errors: Liquid Paper's® new off List. All new, warranted. Also, bedrooms. Deluxe model some used components. Call Get acquainted offer. M.S.U. dispenser, slipstick. Excellent condition, carpeted, 351-4173. 3-9-30 I.D. worth $1.00 towards When you're typing the big one, the 30-page furnished, utility shed. Located O Holt on large low - rent lot. Pets. horse rental until October 15. paper you've been sweating for weeks, that's when SONY 350 Tape Deck. Very good mistakes bug you the most. So you slow down. (Excludes weekend COCHRAN condition. After 9 p.m., afternoons.) English and And the closer you get to the bottom of the page, 485-6369.3-9-30 Western WINN 10-SPEED $75 this ad ran only riding instruction. the more you clutch up. Mess 649-9913 or best Jumping classes available. up now and you've after 4:00 p.m. SMALL REFRIGERATOR, perfect 3 days & sold got a whole page to retype. for dorm use. $45. Phone Dave, Evenihgs call 355-5878. When you've got a slipstick handy, you don't 351-4099. 3-9-30 Horses boarded, bought and i worry about mistakes. One easy touch releases a e sold. Horse drawn hayrides. GUITAR 1970 Garcia classic. $135. TRAVELO 12' x 60' plus expando. Take 127 South to Bames special fluid that buries the mistake and leaves a QUEEN portable washing Hardshell 355-3122. 2-9-29 case, plush lining. Carpeting, conditioner, draperies, nice yard, air near Road exit. Left on Barnes. Call 1-589-8814. and the clean new surface like the paper itself. So you type relaxed. And make fewer mistakes. •chine, 1 year old, avocado, campus. Call 351-1194. 5-9-30 On the big assignments, Liquid Paper's new slip- ''mica top $120 Phom> HOLLYWOOD BED, twin size, $10. i93'€477. 3-10- 2 end tables. $3. Call 332-6669. stick could put you days ahead. C.C.RIDERS 1965 BARON, 10x58. Gun furnace, L 2-9-29 4 x 10 expando. $2,400. Phone SALE 351-9311. 5-10-4 Service after 1 Vday ,hru Sundav 200D, at 152 SONY 6060 Receh DAYTIME BABYSITTING in my wnson St. deck. Call 882-1678. 12 50 1968 Star Mobile Home. 1-9.29 - —a,. reverse x home, one or 2 children. Call 3-9-30 Excellent condition. 2 bedrooms. On lot. 20 minutes from campus. 337-2112. 4-10-1 PLUS THE j^pHCall10 speed lightweight bike. W> EICO 3150 Amplifier, 180 watts. $2,950. Call 627-9758, after 7:30 SILK SCREEN 339-9296 between 6 and P">. 2-9-30 One month old. Manual p.m. 5-10-4 Printing classes. Off campus. Call Cindy Ellenwood, TOY FACTORY typewriter. 353-0187. 4-10-1 349-0344. 3-10-1 •ONARD WHOLESALE'S Lost & Found 1971 DIAL AND SWITCH $51.40. 7 PRICES ON Left in layaway. Comes with a FLUTE LESSONS. Private [OTOGRAPHY walnut sew table beautiful pastel REWARD. wallet in LOST car : Brown leather while hitchhiking last instruction MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann available et $2 COVER color, full size head, all built - in, Street, 351-7830. C-9-29 (Texas residents, add 4Vt % si Monday night 9-20. Call Don, Zig - Zag - buttonhole. Overcast I Converted into makes the fancy stitches and bobbin automatically. winds Pay 355-5470. 3-10-1 FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL OPEN WED. - SUNDAY ^DR V □ SAVE TO just $51.40, arranged. Trade or E-Z terms ins accepted. To LOST: BLACK and white cat, Albert and Grove area. Good reward. 351-8882 or 351-1134. 2-9-29 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE WOLVERINE. 5-10-1 | insure satisfaction, sold by free LAKE LANSING RD. Liquid Paper Corporation FOR QUALITY service and stereos, 50% home demonstration only. Phone 484-4553. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. FOUND: MONEY 351 8152. 2-9-29 last week. TV's and recorders. THE STEREO SHOPPE. 337-1300. C You'll find the little slipstick in ELECTRO GRAND. 0-5-10-1 the office supply department of HASLETT RD. LOST. SILVER gray ShepherdMale, 1V4 years. Brown collar and Typing Service (ps^OOK^'OKe choker. "Amos". 351-6681. 7-10-7 ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith Take M-78 MODERN BLONDE bedroom set offset printing. Complete service to Towner Road like new, large dresser and mirror LOST: SILVER watch. Between for GRAND RIVER dissertations, theses, Also miscellaneous dresser, bed Natural Science and Nat rai manuscripts, general typing. IBM. (opposite Marvelanes) " ,nd bookcase headboard. Call Resources. Reward. Call Jer 22 years experience. 349-0850. C 487-3096. S 353-6234. 3-9-29 131 E. Grand River 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Septemh.. j, SN editor wins in SDX contest John Juel, editor - in - chief of the State News, is one of the Why Buy Low Grade Economy Beef? nine national winners in the 1971 Sigma Delta Chi (SDX) Mark of Excellence Contest. Juel's article on the Aberdeen, Md. Proving Grounds which appeared in the Washington Post's Sunday Magazine won him top honors in the category of magazine nonfiction writing. The contest, which recognizes outstanding performance by When Wrigley's U.S.DJI. CHOICE college journalists, is sponsored annually by Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic society with more than 23,000 members. Costs No More National winners, who will be recoganized at the Society's national convention in November in Washington, D.C., were selected from 66 regional finalists. SDX received more than 700 entries from 63 colleges and universities, an all - time high for its student press contests, SDX officials reported. The New England, Buckeye (Akron), Central 3>uth Carolina and Los Angeles SDX professional chapters appointed the judges who picked the national winners. The MEC is successor to the annual Student Press Contest. Unlike the old contest, students this year were judged in regional semifinals before the national selection. The contest was open to USDA CHOICE BEEF at ECONOMY BEEF PRICES any student who performed the work between May 15,1970, and Feb. 1, 1971, while on a campus that has an SDX student chapter. Black Center undergrad The African Studies Center has announced that its undergraduate program has been approved for the 1971-72 term. In February, 1970, the Plenary Body of the African Studies Center accepted the recommendation that an undergraduate program in African Studies be developed. The proposed program was formally approved by the University Curriculum Committee SLICES in May and began this fall term. Billye Suttles, co-ordinator of the program, encourages all interested students to enroll in those courses available. Students BACON may select electives that satisfy college requirements while completing a coherent program of study on Africa. Miss Suttles explained that although African studies does not constitute an undergraduate major, the program may serve as a S.DA CHOICE BEEF FUU CI LEAN PRE-DICED BONELESS Eflp 81? CAMELOT SKINLESS 2 *1" - U.S.O.A. CHOICE KEF - HACK CUT concentrated area of study. Examples of some of the majors complimenting the program were Social Science and Sirloin Steak Reef Stew '•■•'v All Meat Franks Chuck Roast . ®*® 0q . multidisciplinary majors. Students electing to commit themselves to the program are KB £ 93' J |Q U .S.D.A. CHOICE SKf - WEU TRIMMED U.S.D>. CHOICE CHUCK CUT BONELESS PESCHKE S MAUNSCHWf IGf ft Oft ,w IEAN AND MEATY expected to complete between 40 and 53 credit hours in African Studies or approximately ten courses. For those students desiring to go to Africa, the centek is T-Bone Steak.I ... Reef Roast. . Large Bologna.... H O" Country Spare Ribs.. ■ • • LEAN HAMBURGER FROM ROYAL CROWN WHOLE I {J GORDON'S FUftE QOC equipped to provide lists of agencies, along with other valuable information, to aid them in doing so. The center also provides model programs for those interested Rump Roast... .1®®'. I .. Ground Chuck 77? Semi-Roneless Hams 58 GORDONS PURE Pork Sausage. too in co-ordinating African Studies with their present majors. Those interested International Center. should contact Miss Suttles in 100 BE WRIGLEY SMART - COMPARE WRIGLEY'S DISCOUNT PRICES AND QUALITY SERVICE!! WHOLE KERNEL OR STEREO RENTALS Sign Up For GOLDEN RIPE ASPEN! MEAD0WDALE A few places left for MSU CREAM C0RH 17e MARGARINE ■ NEJAC RENTALS 337-1300 SKI CLUB's Boyne and Aspen trips. Get info TONIGHT 7:30 pm, 109 Anthony Homogenized Milk .87® Bananas Welcome... FAMILY SIZE HEIHZ KETCHUP SLICED CRUSHED OR CHUNK 34* 66' MEADOWOALE IMITATION PEAHUT RUTTER 3 88c CONCORD GRAPE JAM OR WELCH'S JELLY 2 .*49 Red 10e Emperor 6rapes Dole Pineapple f .5r*.ur 20.S OZ. cr. .00 AAC 18' • 28* 29' MEADOWOALE 13-©t JAC HOMEGROWN FRESH Fresh Potato Chips fv. 49 '19° Purple Egg Plant ■19' FRESH SWEET 53' MEADOWOALE OR 9.5 oZ AA Large Pineapples 49c T • Jiffy Muffin Mix Prlc«. EfUctlv Wad., S«pt 29 thru Tu«».. Oct. 5, 197) ASSORTED VARIETIES - Duncan Hines Grade A Pepsi Cake Mixes Large Eggs Cola 22' 45' MEDIUM SIZE... 39? doi. ALL FLAVORS MEADOWDALE TOMATO FLAVOR CAMPBELL'S SOUP The Olde Woi/ld is a relief from the •VANILLA ordinary. Superb •STRAWBERRY sandwiches; fine wine and imported beers, all in a cas¬ •CHOCOLATE ual European atmosphere. The Olde World •FUDGE ROYAL is located •NEOPOLITAN in the center of East Lansing on MAC. Look for a dis¬ tinctive red and blue awning. With this coupon. Offer good at stores listed above. Wed¬ nesday, Sept. 29 to Tuesday, nesday, Sept. 29 to Tuesday, Oct,. 5. Limit one pkg pleas*. '/» GAL. Oct. 5. Limit 3 cans please. 10 '/« 5 oz. CTN. — CAN 211 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing under the red and blue awning e5400 SOUTH CEDAR .5621 WEST SAGINAW .600 FRAND0H •2010 EAST GRAND RIVER