Several local groups give contraception, abortion aid discretion contraceptives. in the dispensing of strictly does up to not fall the doctor and patient and under any specific policy, mentioned counseling sessions, where appointments will be made for medical A doctor at the health center will according to a health center physician. examinations and doctor's consultations, The campus coed confronted with an unwanted pregnancy or concerned about usually ask the coed why she is seeking Contraceptive devices range in price Lewis Waxman, educational director of contraceptives and he retains the right to from around $10 for an intrauterine device preventing such a pregnancy is faced with a Lansing Planned Parenthood, said. refuse to prescribe them, Dr. Gerald to approximately $2 per month for oral "At this first session, contraception bewildering maze of newly-liberated Vandervoord, a staff physician at Olin, information about birth contraceptive pills obtained at the Olin methods are explained and there are rap control and said. abortion. pharmacy. Birth control pills prescribed by sessions on interpersonal relationships. "If a young lady says she wants the Olin doctors can be purchased at Out of this maze, organizations pill nearby From this, and only from this, can coeds dealing because she has to walk home from work East Lansing and mall drugstores, often at make appointments for an examination in this sort of information sort themselves down Bogue St. every substantial into two groups, those concerned with night at 11 and she's savings. and a supply of contraceptives," Waxman afraid she might get attacked and Lansing Planned Parenthood offers its said. preventing the get pregnancy, and those pregnant. .1 don't consider that services free of charge, but with involved with . a good slightly Like the University Health Center's legally terminating the reason, because the pill is more limited hours than Olin in the area of unwanted pregnancy. strong doctor-patient relationships, the doctor and medicine," Dr. Vandervoord said. birth control information and devices. the Fbr birth control information there are girl will decide on the contraceptive "I don't like to Their Family two major sources available to the MSU see young girls coming in Planning Center at 701 N. method best suited to the coed's needs. here asking for Logan St. is augmented by Tuesday coed, University Health Center and Lansing contraceptives because they There is no cost for any of the services or forsee sexual activity sometime in the evening information—counseling sessions at the contraceptive devices, Waxman added. Planned Parenthood. vague future," he added, "I don't think Olin, and Thursday evening groups at the The Lansing Planned Parenthood Teen Starting at home base, the health center that is good at all." Northside Action Center at 101 E. Willow Education Center, which includes MSU offers all types of counseling and medical Besides the oral contraceptive St., for the convenience of MSU coeds. pills, birth students in its programs, can be reached for services related to contraception. control devices such as All students seeking diaphragms and birth control information at 372-9212. Although the center has no set policy, intrauterine devices are available devices from Planned Parenthood must each physician is at his or her through Counseling and abortion-referral service own the center's doctors. Their attend one of the two prescription is previously (Please turn to page 11) Thursday MICHIGAN Eye-popping Mike Gillean, Roseville recent the football team won the game high school bandsman, gives his all during a high school football game. All the tooting was not for naught, as 20-6. AP UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 34 STATE STATE MEWS East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 30, 1971 Wirephoto By RANDY GARTON State News Staff Writer n proclaims contingency account for unexpected drops in revenue, he was placing controls on Administration indicate that the state ended the fiscal year June 30, with a new were spending controls not commensurate with the amount of fees imposed on the state" by a Detroit described by the state auditor to act. prompted him receiving a hefty increase over last year's personnel hiring, state purchasing and travel $700,000 surplus rather than original appropriation. Much of the increase will Gov. Milliken announced at a press architectural firm. by state employes. estimates which indicated the state ended "The legislature," he said, "should help the department to continue (inference Wednesday that he is imposing Milliken also proposed that the state the fiscal year with a $20 million deficit. impose on itself the same controls as it decentralization of its treatment Lee added that some records of spending controls designed to insure the auditor check legislative expenditures, The governor's proposals came one day does on state appropriation." operations, moving from large institutions tegrity of the budget." expenditures in this area were so neglected to small, community — sized including the remodeling now taking place after State Auditor General Albert Lee that the firm, Smith, Hinchman, and Along with spending controls, the operations. The governor said that in addition to in the State Capitol. called for a full - scale investigation into governor also announced the signing of 15 More than $4 million of the appropriation olding back up to 3 percent in some The governor also revealed that current Grylis, may have been paid twice for its budget bills totaling $1.5 billion and the will be used for drug treatment legislative spending in the Capitol Area services. programs, ipropriation bills to provide a estimates compiled by the Department of veto of another $4 million in legislative with the remainder going to Development area and in Windsor community Township. Following his announcement of appropriations. programs and improved facilities and staff In recent statement, Lee for the mentally ill and mentally retarded. a said he spending controls, Gov. Milliken said "found at least 10 instances Among the bills signed by the governor Other appropriations bills included: totaling though it was difficult to get figures on begins were measures increasing school aid by U.S. *A $6.8 million increase for the state's $94,000 in which the benefits received legislative spending, "laxity" such as 13.5 percent above last year's expenditure, p increasing the higher education appropriation by close to $29 million, the community colleges. *A $5 million increase for the Natural Resources and the Dept. of Dept. of Dept. of Education's funds by $5 million, Agriculture, to be used in part for to cut Asian and the Dept. of Mental Health by nearly $13 million. The increase in the higher education increased protection from industrial pollution and improved meat inspection. The bills signed Wednesday, together WASHINGTON (AP) - The United nearly a month's tour of Asia to "find out appropriation was brought about by several with those already signed, leave only the tates is undertaking a new international exactly what the problems are and what factors, including an anticipated increase in future of the welfare budget bill and the resources are available from both the student enrollments, expansion of state rug-control program aimed at shutting off revenue-sharing bill still uncertain. flow of heroin to the U.S. from Asia United States and other governments." medical and dental programs and an The revenue bill may be His organization still is formulating its increase in salaries and prices. signed later this lefore it assumes serious proportions. week, however, according to legislative The plan involves several U.S. agencies role and working on a system, but Mental health was another department sources. nder State Department guidance and is Vandivier said he did learn the Asian used on the assumption that the expected problem requires an approach different rastic reduction in the opium-poppy crops from that taken in Turkey. f Turkey and other East Mediterranean The basic theme of the Turkey program reas Iternate will force sources drug dealers to seek for articularly from Southeast Asia. their product, is the elimination of the opium poppy, a major cash crop for farmers there. The United States has promised Turkey Governor's budget cut financial and advisory aid to compensate for any economic loss resulting from program is under the working stalls new irection of Philip Vandivier, a 25-year State Dept. veteran and Asian specialist who was given the month assignment early last eliminating poppy growing. But in Asia the situation is complicated, Vandivier said. In Burma, for instance the problem involves growing more salary hike talks President Wharton said the University as part of the Nixon administration poppies, in Thailand and Laos it is one of could not recommend •dministration's stated goal of eliminating tag traffic into the U.S. traffic and in Hong Kong production salary increases until the budget reduction Possible state cuts in the 1971-72 MSU is announced. Vandivier returned last week from legislature appropriation forced (Please turn to page 13) "We had been prepared to recommend cancellation of a special board of trustees an average seven percent salary increase for meeting Wednesday night. The meeting had MSU faculty and staff to the trustees at the been called to consider faculty and staff special meeting Wednesday night," Thieu orders crackdown salary increases. Wharton said. The trustees postponed any action on a "However, if our appropriation is to be proposed seven percent salary increase for cut by three percent, we could not possibly faculty and staff, pending clarification of proceed with the recommended increase the state cuts. Gov. Milliken announced without reductions in our educational riot are acts aimed at preventing people tires in the road. Police did not interfere. wrecked a coffee shop SAIGON (AP) — President Nguyen Van in the Saigon Wednesday that he was ordering his budget programs and layoffs of personnel. Thieu surprised from going to vote," Thieu said. "If people Rumors of impending trouble in Saigon suburb of Gia Dinh. director to cut all state aid appropriation supporters and foes alike "We have already cut our want to oppose me, they must do it in legal did not materialize and the city was quiet Police blamed the blast on Communists bills by up to three percent. operating costs Wednesday by ordering police to "shoot to to the bone in order to provide the seven till" ways. They can go to the polls on Oct. 3 Wednesday night. using the age-old Viet Cong method of Although there was no immediate antigovernment demonstrators who and vote 'no confidence.' " percent increase, which our faculty and throw fire bombs or However, 24 persons were wounded, fixing a timed plastic charge to a bicycle indication of the extent to which MSU's staff justly deserve, " he said. endanger lives by A government spokesman, Vu Khanh, other means. some seriously, when a terrorist bomb and parking it next to the target. $76-million appropriation might be cut, A seven percent confirmed Thieu's order. He said the faculty and staff wage Thieu's unexpected crackdown came as increase would have cost the * president told the police officials that University disturbances flared in Da Nang, the about $4 million if it had been approved nation's second largest city. One student "whoever created violence in the streets-for the purpose of terrorism must be severely by the trustees Wednesday. The 1971-72 wounded in the head. state appropriation would have made up The incident occurred when about 300 punished. Those who are caught half of red-handed burning autos must be shot on this, with MSU internally Buddhist students and monks clashed with reallocating resources to secure the other Nice in the the spot if necessary." city's third straight day of half. Thieu's directive was a surprise because Protests against Thieu's decision to run "Our financial situation was police have had considerable success in already ''"opposed in Sunday's presidential critical. Former surpluses have vanished. flection. containing the demonstrations of the past Any further erosion would bring us The demonstrators hurled rocks and fire three weeks without resorting to use of excessive force. dangerously close to the point where our tombs at combat educational services to the police surrounding the Several other persons have beeen injured people of " Hoi pagoda, the largest in the Michigan would be seriously curtailed," northern port city. in antigoverment, anti-American outbursts, Wharton said. Police responded including three other students hit by tear Wharton indicated that if the by firing tear gas to even 8Perse the gas canisters, and several other students reduction in the higher education participants. Witnesses said and policemen who have sustained minor Wey heard no rifle fire and the student appropriation to MSU is less than three •Pparentiy was WOUnded by a canister. injuries. percent, the University might not be able Thieu's order was expected to draw to adhere to its original leu issued his "shoot to kill" order in plans for a seven , Nosed sharp reaction from his political foes and percent salary hike recommendation. meeting in Saigon with 400 police the growing body of individuals and ,c|als from all over "I want to assure our the country. He told faculty and staff em at the same time to continue organizations that have come out in that the University administration will do using as ,.e force opposition to his one-man election race. everything it possibly can to provide a . as necessary to control It also was likely to draw a response wage increase at the highest level that the government Acts °f demonstrations. from the Viet Cong, which in a clandestine budget situation will permit, and just as burning and inciting people to propaganda radio braodcast Wednesday soon as we possibly can," Wharton said. night "warmly welcomed" the After Gov. Milliken signed the higher antigovernment demonstrations in Saigon Fair . . . and other cities. About 60 disabled veterans staged an Overlapping education bill and the these developments presented subsequently ordered budget reductions, Wharton noted that yet another anti-Thieu demonstration, that briefly Rather than make a crucial decision between MSU and the Irish, this automobile obstacle to wage increases. The State • • • with little chanco of rain, blocked the busy highway outside the big parked near Shaw Hall could reflect one of two things - indecision on the part of one person, or two Legislature's delay in finalizing a 1971-72 between 70 and 75. US headquarters base at Long Binh, 12 people sharing the same windshield. budget and the Aug. 15 wage-price freeze miles northeast of Saigon. They set fire to State News photo by W. Remington had earlier cast doubt on the pay raises. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. Senlcml,.. news summary Navy's F14 wins Senate OK WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate shot down Sen Howard Cannon, D-Nev., rejected before Wednesday's votes in his effort to limit Wednesday an effort to ground the Navy's F14 Proxmire s contentions and said Navy studies the ABM would be beaten but said costs are amendment to From the wjres of AP and UPI. fighter plane. indicate the Fi t "will offer a dramatic soaring and he predicted the system "will have to the$"27 billi'm By a vote of 61 to 28 it rejected an improvement in figher capability over the current be modified" regardless of whether limits on nJ,itTy $3.4 affect a A"dware authorizatj,m million fund tbill would amendment to 21 -billion F4 aircraft " for a military-procurement ABMs are reached at the SALT talks. and development of Project SaZ. re« bill to cut out $801.6 million for 48 of the The senate agreed to vote Thursdav on a plan The Senate approved 44 to 42 an amendment aimed at barring carrier based F14s. - by Majoritv leader Mike Mansfield. D Mont., by Sen. Gaylord Nelson, D-Wis., to restrict funds transfer of of so $2 14 K'..b 1, The amendment was offered by Sen. William • Sanguine from a plan to million to to force total U.S. withdrawal from Indochina in for the Navy's Project Sanguine, a explore Proxmire, D-Wisc. six months provided all American prisoners are communiaitins system involving nearly 1,000 "Our financial situation was The defeat of the amendment came after Sen. freed. John C. Stennis," D-Miss., read the Senate a letter already critical. Former surpluses The Nixon administration reportedly wanted Board from Rep. F. Edward Hebert, D-La., chairman of the vote delayed until after Sunday's presidential have vanished. Any further erosion would bring us dangerously close to the point where our the House Armed Services Committee, now have program and urge no reservations saying "I concerning this its approval by Congress." election in South Vietnam but Republican leader Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania told reporters "the administration is doing nothing whatever to seek at educational services to the people Hebert had sponsored a House amendment to a postponement of the vote." hold up funds pending completion of a of Michigan would be seriously Pentagon With the fate of the multibillion-dollar COGS examination of the program but told the Senate antiballistic missile ABM system riding on the curtailed." President Wharton further study has convinced Defease officials the work should proceed. Proxmire said the F14 is "the most expensive Department U.S. - Soviet Strategic Arms Limitation Talks SALT in Helsinki, the effort to cut back on Safeguard lacked the drama of previous fights. i, page 1) fighter plane ever built" and ultimately will cost Sens. John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky., and Philip ) was presented at eight cubicles is $1^ billion. He called it an "exercise in A. Hart, D-Mich., who led the fight against n, goid-plated unilateral disarmament" because the program would only produce 300 planes to Safeguard the past two years, decided against When the r „ Associated £» (ASMSU), i. proved to require replace the 1.500 current navy fighters. doing so this year. Sen. Harold E. Hughes, D-Iowa, conceded the control of office space to the Council of Graduate Students AKMSI! k.—a WeST.. H.ual' Devaluation formality promised by Harold predicted Buckner, ASMSU by Steven Crocker FROM VOTING SEATS chairman. board representative, The head of West Germany's federal bank predicted Though Buckner and Diane concern that approoriatLn Wednesday the United States would devalue the dollar Rathnow, director of Cabinet in a loss of the room to COGS woIm 9 Harty asks OBA space bv the Services, attempted to persuade groups, in terms of gold if international agreement is reached on 1 an upward revaluation of other major currencies. Bundesbank president Karl Klasen told reporters at the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund ouster the board to grant recognition of the group, and therefore its right to control office space in Student Space allocation for ™ student groups is by cabinet services each n reconsid-2 Services Building, they met with and World Bank that "there is no specific winter, " 'students of color' can and have been elected to board jn his presentation to die in committee, however, it is oppositon. Petitoning for space for coming year will not begin m f J commitment." But he added: seats from ASMSU, Harty alleged that expected to be offered for board The other board members did Monday, predominantly white other "minorities" have lost approval "If there is an agreement this will not be an The equity of voting on the districts." To retain the OBA as soon as possible, not oppose recognizing board of the Associated their votes, "and practically Buckner said Wednesday, "right" of COGS to control Although ASMSU obstacle.'" votes is detrimental to the idea much of their „0werin the "At present, there office space, rather, they were controls a sizable parcel of offic Students of MSU (ASMSU) was of voting equity, Harty said interest of voting members committed in are seven upset about relinquishing needed fn a^le farpcel ofof eaual " "denl Services. Violent crime increases S?,^Tpr&«S "Two OBA representatives are repre^on." favor of the proposal and seven against." Buckner estimated. A space in Student Services. Last " " f° jVi?' "°! " space's merelS week, a committee l,hf. e.xtreme« xtreme cu ^ceTTS Xus'" „ vu....iuM.cir Violent crime increased 11 lirtr Harty' b°ard "" ■ A — °< T.U Dett. simple majority of ten votes is including the officers of both to appi0' per cent in the nation required by the board before the governing groups met to discuss during the first half of Harty's proposal, attacking the jn"g^ie^aici 8 State NeWS disguised his disagreement with proposal can be offered in an all the issue of office space. In the that mai 7?11 will 11encount^ ls Uar« this year, outpacing a 7 per cent voting privileges ot the two ■<«'««»• rise in all serious crime, the FBI reported Wednesday. representatives from the Office '"Die two gratis votes on the SSFJSrt'VtlSSTT Jlnj University referendum. absenee of any other available admlnbtrative interveatm The over - all 7 per cent increase in serious crimes of Black Affairs (OBA), calls for priveledges of both the Should Harty fail at his space, the committee agreed to In order to grant the bow board must be cut or eliminated the removal of OB A's voting Intrafraternity Council (IFC) attempt, many ASMSU members -grant COGS complete control additional time to consider tit compares with an 1 i per cent increase recorded during entirely if the board is to achieve and Panhellenic Council. believe he will attempt to regain over Room 4, in the basement of seats and the reduction of that an equitable situation." proposal, the issue has been an the first six months of 1970, but the the votes lost by the Greek the building. jump in violent group's representation to one. to the ASMSl' policy committe crimes exceeds the 10 per cent hike recorded last In a move which silenced representatives, The room, partitioned into until next year. Harty contends that since the Tuesday's meeting. potential controversy, the Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, who released the FBI's board granted the OBA seats last Dance, lecture proposal was quickly sent to the six - month crime figures, took note of the lesser Nixon, board's policy committee for increase in over all crime as compared with - early 1970. take slated on India further consideration. There, it must survive the Gromyko Colburn not prompted us ■'*x$ A lecture - demonstration titled "The Dance - Drama of PffiWe storm of discussion and attac*s b* suc,h committee disarmament CALL 482-4848 India" will be presented 7:30 m*mh*TS »s. Joh" J™*; A key prosecution witness was not prompted before" p.m. ~ Thursday, 137 Women's IM '°T,tteCuc ~ and ^ WXSrtlttfel'ON (AP) Amid he identified Col. Oran K. Henderson as the C. C. Mehta, professor of d'rfor' HaJ •.%*!£'• talk "Jjf "new. ES$t • West Western alliance as "an time as ripe for a whom he gave an eyewitness account of Lai, a former Army lawyer testified Wednesday. officer atrocities at My BOSTONIAN drama at the Maharaja Sayajirao University, India, will direct the program and be assisted by Mrs. ' J*™"' a"d , Brody representative, „ f- all Hunt, of negotiations, met President Nixon Wednesday "frith Soviet instrument for peace as well as an instrument for freedom." The NATO secretary - disarmament talks European security confmct The Washington meeting wi and whom are black. general Minal Patel, lyrical dancer of Foreign Minister Andrei A. Manlio Brosio, in turn saw the BOOT. Albert W. Dillard told an out - of - court Nixon's first with the hig) hearing on Manipuri and Odissi forms. Rather than let the proposal Gromyko on disarmament and Western nations "as near as we Soviet envoy since Gromyko wa Henderson's My Lai coverup trial that he was careful other major issues concerning have ever been" to fundamental at the United Nations a year ag about the way he interviewed the the two super powers. negotiations with Communist witness, former Spec. and Washington is particular! 4 Lawrence M. Colburn. Dillar, now in private practice in Laddonia, Mo., said that when he showed Colburn a serious of r ANNOUNCEMENT House Shortly before the White session, Nixon in a separate event bestowed a medal East Europe. ease Gromyko too - tensions sounded a let's - theme in his interested in what practici terms the Kremlin may have i HEAD¬ mind on disari photos, some on NATO's retiring secretary policy speech to the United of which pictured Henderson, he kept ;eneral with negotiations. names on the praise for the Nations Tuesday, portraying the Nixon wants more progressi phtos concealed and never suggested which ones showed Henderson. LSAT REVIEW COURSE INC. gSgS THE performing the U.S. - Soviet Strategic Art Limitation Talks (SALT). SAL' Terrorists defy appeal QUARTER JjjJJ ARTS COMPANY negotiators recessed at Helsinl last apart week on still some proposals to cut distant Irish terrorists launched a new antiballistic missiles (ABMs) an round of bullet and bomb attacks Wednesday in defienace of TWELFTH NIGHT /Cwft offensive missiles. On the European securit an appeal question, the U.S. wanted ro from three prime ministers for an end j;i; Hie Law School Admission Test Review Course is designed Oct. 13 -17 8:00 PM Fairchild Theatre jL I\U| specifics on Moscow's avowe :•> to completely and thoroughly familiarize thestudent with the to violence. A British soldier was shot the LSAT and at the same time teach valuable j:j: BOX OFFICE 355 0148 interest in mutual force cuts i in the lower abdomen in the timing and £: Europe. The Soviets have br worst question answering techniques. The course stresses both £: incident. Weekdays 12:00 5:00 PM vague so far on how negotiation ;j:j - familiarity and technique since both contribute to higher &: to accomplish this might Snipers fired four shots at troopers §: scores on the LSAT. g: carried out. patrolling the Roman Catholic •A The Sept. 4 signing of t First Class: Thursday, September 30, University Inn, Ardoyne area, hitting one of them. Four Berli Canterbury historic Big 8 Trowbridge Road, East Lansing at 7:00 p.m. The wounded soldier taken to agreement has sPut,e hospital. was a i movement toward furtw The renewed violence flared P Late registration at 6:30 p.m. Tuition $70.00 negotiation on Europei within matters. hours after Prime Ministers MAC Edward at Grand River Thursday Gromyko Heath of Britain, Jack Secretary of State William I Lynch of the Irish Republic and Brian Faulkner of Rogers plan a further meet Northern Ireland issued a joint LIST SPECIAL after signing two new SAL1 s (4 LIST SPECIAL appeal 1000 ZE/X 99.95 70.00 999 VE/X 79.95 , agreements. The accords pro*" HEATH for peace in Ulster, official name of 55.00 999 SE/X 49.95 27.00 999 PE/X 44.95 for modernizing the Washingto the six Northern Irish counties 22.00 under 999 E/X 39.95 21.00 909 F/X - Moscow hotline and avoidin British rule. 29.95 16.00 nuclear war by accident. Exemptions allowed The Cost of Living Council it said were the first Wednesday exemptions to the freeze by allowing new government - funded insurance benefit programs to go into effect in allowed what wage - price group - 5T !f?X/tfatbto — — SAVE up to 50% NOW! r MUSIC CO. 402 S. Washington / Lansing 245 Ann Street East Lansing TV "ree Service RENTALS $9.50 NEJAC TV rentals 337-1300 ^"nth Florida, Texas, and Missouri. In a statement the council said the § exemptions were Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Until 9 p.m being made because prior group - insurance plans had been dropped in anticipation of the new plans. "A failure to grant the exemptions would have left the employes involved either without insurance r programs forced them to make payments or substantially higher than under previous programs," the Ll ... . SEE INSIOE FOR DETAILS council statement said. n rvctr rn\/c p ocmoc ctdikiKin There is a lime for love. There is U a time for peace. For you Ihe Auto safety extended lime is now. Diamond rings of artistic excellence and highest The Department of Transportation gave the quality. Starting at $135. automotive industry Wednesday whatamountsto a two year extension of the deadline for installation of - passive restraint systems, such as air bags, in all cars. This fall, when you and Sally Torque go to the big game with Purvis - U., take along a copy of the October Issue of the National Lampoon. For ihe 75 cents you would have spent on a football program to find out Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe affirmed a that Billy Glefson, tight end for the Purveyors, hails from Mofongo, Indiana, and majors in port construe- decision of last March that the restraints must be tion, you'll have something to do during half time when Ihe Asher B. Durand High School Large Drum and Fine Jewelry standard equipment for front and back seats in Aimless Marching Corps slides into John Philip Sousa's "Bataan Death March" for the fourth time. You'll all 1976 be reading a fifteen-page Mad parody; "125th Street," the educational TV show where model automobiles - those adorable onward. meaning the equipment must be provided for all seating positions from Aug. 16, 1975, Muthas, Big Rat which records the B ai ~ . gripper starring those inseparable, chums, Moose Nixon and Ruff Mitchell; and "Right On!", the same _ Jaeobson^ campus war game played for years in army think tanks and radical encounter groups. And much more. The Back to S^ool issue of the National Lampoon is on tale at newsstands everywhere. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 30, 1971 Voter signup policy criticized By BOB ROACH An East Lansing resident and member of Various Organizations To Extend volunteer deputy registrars?" Executive Reporter Registration (VOTER), Veenstra worked as a registrar for Meridian Township last week on deputy Neither Thomas nor City Manager John M. Patriarche could More than 4,600 students "Under the law the campus. say if the city would accept help from non - East Lansing have registered to vote in East city has the responsibility to see that every Lansing since school began less than two weeks one who wants to is members of the League of Woman Voters. I he figures are ago. registered," he said. "But will the city accept Mrs. Richard Moore, local representative of the strictly unofficial now, but some observers league, said they could be a lot higher if the say tentative arrangements were being made to utilize non city took a more positive effort East Busing - to register all At 2 p.m. those who want to be registered. Wednesday approximately 75 young people waited set t Lansing league members, as they had been in campus registration drives before the current one that began this September. But Mrs. Moore said she was not satisfied with the facilities and min.lT atAclty to*11- said Those in line had to wait approximately 45 minutes. A worker the line had been that long since 10:30 student voter had hopes for a better arrangement with the Three weeks ago the league had asked that be set up in the Union Bldg. on both city clerk. registration booths waiJVh0' M0rd,°n,beL-tooThomas wait should not "'d Wednesday that a 45- minute long for those who All students, even those without bus passes, can ride the today and Friday, Mrs. Moore said but the city clerk was noncommittal to persistent an consider voting to be campus buses from all dorms and living areas to the Union and important right. "The average student requests in intervening weeks. in class registration," he said. spends at least that long back between 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. today and Friday. The free rides, courtesy of the Wednesday morning, Mrs.Moore said, the city clerk said it too campus bus system, are to late to arrange for facilities at the r™0T.S sa'd Personnel, space responsible for the wait students and control problems were encourage students to register to vote in East Lansing, Max A. but the league could use the Union Union for Thursday faced in registering. Neils, manager of automotive services, said Wednesday. Friday. I don't think a city should have to go out and hire Students can register between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. today at Mayor Thomas did not acknowledge such problems and said of Pe°P,e t0 accomodate large City that registration arrangements are the an unexpected situation like Hall, two blocks north of the Union at 410 Abbott Road. responsibility of the city this, Thomas said. clerk, who is hired by the city manager. There was no explicit The League of Women Voters will also have But John R. Veenstra registration booths directive to the manager from the city council to charged Wednesday that the wait "is a in the Union ballroom as long as necessary Friday and City Hall prepare for a deliberate effort to large turnout of registrants, but Thomas said he would discuss the keep registrations slowed down. will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday. matter with Patriarche. POLITICAL GIANT STILL Thomas said registration lines he as a was disgusted with those who see long city effort to slow down registration. "I wish those people would stop interpreting everything as our intent to stop people from voting," he said. Such criticism seems inconsistent with the number already Gold -new financial dwarf registered, Thomas said. "VOTER expected from 3 students and it now looks like well end A1 Flory, of VOTER and Associated Students (ASMSU), supplied an unofficial total of 4,678 • up with maybe 8,000." 5,000 of MSU student WASHINGTON (AP) — Gold, long the colossus of the registrants since school opened. Almost half, or world of trouble if it increases the present official 2,273, were finance, is shrinking to an economic dwarf — but it still is a price of $35 for an signed up at Demonstration Hall during three Workiti' on a railroad political giant. This poses a problem for the United States in ounce, even though an ounce costs $43 dollars or more on the registration. days of class effort to any open market in Europe today. adjust the value of the dollar. It's partly a matter of pride. I MSU Railroad Club members are hard at work Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connal'y says gold is a Raising the official price of gold restoring the means devaluing the dollar. It Ex Pere Marquette 1225 so it will be operational minor problem and he doesn't want to do means conceding officially that a by anything to increase its dollar isn't worth what it used to be. In some spring for pulling excursions to athletic events and tours. importance. He is being echoed by other national leaders at the people's eyes the The State News, the student dollar would stand dethroned as the newspaper at Michigan State State News photo meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). King of the world's money. University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter by William No president would like to be Thursby But President Nixon's administration will be in serious responsible for that, certainly and Spring school terms, Mondays, political not a Republican president. Wednesdays and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition On the other hand the in September. Subscription rate is $16 governments of France and South per year. Africa would get a political boost. France Member Associated Press, United Press 1entagon plans lowest call has a traditional International, admiration for gold and Frenchmen like to Inland Daily Press Association, say they own more Michigan Press Association, gold than anyone in the world. South Africa is the world's Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan biggest Collegiate Press gold producer. Association. Even though the market Second class postage paid at East price of gold is now higher than that, Lansing, Mich. Editorial the price might come down some and business offices at 345 Student Services day. The official U.S. price Bldg., Michigan would be a floor under the market. State University, East Lansing, Michigan. in decade as draft resumes But so far as practical world finance is concerned, the use of gold is diminishing. The U.S. stock of gold reached $24 billion News after World War II and now it is down to a little over 355-8252 $10 billion. Classified Ads The governments that got the rest have not even bothered to cart 355-8255 ■ WASHINGTON (AP) it away, leaving nearly all of it in vaults of the Federal Reserve Advertising 353-6400 standby embergency machinery, soon the Pentagon Business Office burning the draft after a three because wants the from Vietnam more than two Bank in New York. It costs too much in freight and insurance to 355-3447 Nixon first men to report. mth lapse, the Pentagon will administration hopes to achieve years ago. At the peak of the ship from one country to another. ' today a new induction .. all - . volunteer . - u force by mid- . down The Pentagon has been scaling the size of the war, in 1968, there were more armed than 3.5 million American i; that will bring 1971 call - forces since starting to withdraw in menl ftj OPEN WEEK NIGHTS to the lowest annual total in uniform. Friedheim said it will take Frandor prly a decade. about two ■ Logan i Lansing Mall or three weeks after Pentagon spokesman, Jerry the "OLD TOWNE" MARYLAND new call is issued to I Friedhei , said the new call 7'; '* 'fuea gear up inductions for for »^»al inductions, obor, November er.ibcr, and that this year's and Selective Service authorities have said they anticipate the CLAM BAKE! •WHOLE LOBSTER HOLDEN|p REID 't total will end up below first men inducted will come lO.OOO men. from among a pool of college •CHERRY STONE CLAMS ■The last time the draft fell and junior college graduates • SHRIMP • CORN-ON-THE-COB iw 100.000 was in 1962 whose draft deferments expired Every Friday t 6 to 10:00 PM. in June- n 7(1,500 men were drafted to the armed forces. t. 0 . .. _ . FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Steomed and uniquely served in o wire bosket . ,The ^ Service officials , I Friedheim did not give a firm directly to ™urc for the October - f'd men with lottery No. 125 or your table! ivpmher December call, but Lower WJ» be cal,ed- Whether the TOSSED SALAD —CORN BREAD in ait d the total for the three J*"** fwl" re»ch 140< the current DRAWN BUTTER jnths will be below 15,000. hm,t for ordering preinduction Your Favorite Mixed Drinks Available, |A total of 83,000 men were examinations, depends on how too! ted in the first six months Call for More Information. is year before the draft law TV RENTALS led June 30. I Secretary of Defense Melvin Free Delivery Free Service $9.50 BILL'S 1. l aird has voiced hope this Free Pick-up ^ mont . RESTAURANT A BAR ill be the last extension of the 718 E. GRAND RIVER NEJAC TV RENTALS lectivt Service Act, except for PHONE IV 2-6100 337-1300 (L=k= Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Until 9 p.rt Warner's adds the frosting to junior lingerie. . . scalloped white lace on sleek nylon tricot is pretty undercover for fall in pagan pink or coffee bean. Sizes 5 to 13. Peignoir set, $19. Bra. lightly contoured 32-36 A. B 3.50 Slit-side pettislip. $4. CUSTOM SHOP KAZOO McBROGUE DOUBLE KNIT SPORT COAT. . . CUSTOM SHOP believes in men's liberation. TIBERIO LOST CORD SLACK.. A whale of a no That's why they've tailored this handsome sport wale corduroy. KAZOO tailors a belted flair slack coat of fantastic new Fortrel®polyester and wool in velvety cotton corduroy that is as rugged as it is double knit. It could be the most comfortable comfortable. $11-14. sport coat you've ever worn. $79.95 Jaccxteoris At All Five Locations IT'S SO EASY TO PARK IN THE ADJOINING EAST LANSING AUTO RAMP; Downtown Logan Center JACOBSON'S WILL GLADLY VALIDATE YOUR PARKING TICKET MICHIGAN ART BUCHWALD STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY What we need: KEN LYNAM advertising manager an honest TV show DAVE PERSON, managing editor CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor WASHINGTON - We're never going to to have done a JOHN BORGER, campus editor thorough close the credibility gap in this country guess we'll put this down enough k* , BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor until the television programs become more murder. If we spent all as an our time IntoJ honest. No TV show tells it like it Is. murder, wed never get If the TV producers were really around here. anythingV yihln« d<>ne Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award mirroring life, this is how some of their "I was hoping you'd say that, Chief for would go: Th. outstanding journalism. programs case was really becoming a drag." "Chief, I'm stumped on the Logan murder case. We've tracked down every The hospital shows aren't much bett», . possible clue and hit a dead end. There are no motives, no fingerprints and the guy telling the truth about what large medical center: haJ,2" ppens in«1 EDITORIALS had no enemies. It's baffling." "Dr. Edwards, come in please." "Did you check the wife's whereabouts on the night of the crime?" see m""*1'' ^ Fauntenroy- V0" asked to "I didn't have time to. It meant going "I Bicameral was curious about that little old out to her aunt's house on Staten Island, who almost died in Room |adv 506 Thev« and so I said the hell with it." ou forgot to replace her "What about Logan's business partner?" . So I made a mistake. oxygen One lousy em. bottl? "We asked the West Coast police to and you're going to wash me out?" wasteful, un check out his alibi. They never replied to our query." "Any women in his life?" "There was a Miss Fan Fan La "It wasn't just the little Room 506, Edwards. I was the man in the old ladv thinking of emergency ward the other in Tulipe night - the one whose leg you who danced at the Pin|c Gypsy. Kelly was after the automobile accident." amputated Michigan taxpayers are annually for the high numbers of bill defeats supposed to And out her connection with "What was wrong with that? the Dr Pete,, wasting approximately $3.5 million is that to satisfy some constituents victim, but he was suspended last week said it was one of the best operations he on an antiquated and costly back home, a legislator will during the graft scandal in the 12th had ever seen." two-house precinct." system of state introduce a bill in one house with government. The present system is the prearranged understanding that it "From what you've told me, you seem leg""1 W8S' 8XCept y°U cut off the wroH "So that's why it took him representatively duplicative, a will be killed in the other. so Ion? to recover." wrench in the state's machinery and Another familiar tactic is for each OUR READERS' MIND "Dr. Edwards, you're an intern, a good an apron behind which legislative house to pass a controversial bill Intern, but you have to stop making n responsibility is obscured. The with many mistakes. Now what I've called COGS some minor differences performing its duties you alternative to this monumental mess is unicameralism - the adoption of a between the two bodies. The bill in this instance is referred to a not in about is that grapevine that you left I've heard an through the instrument in Mr. Cummings' stomach this one-house legislature. conference committee composed of afternoon." "But I remembered it as I To the Editor: was washiu Bicameralism became obsolete members of each house where, more COGS has not and does not immediately membership vote, (3) up and made them bring him back." COGS has accomplished The lack of nine years ago, when the Supreme often than not, it disappears. This nothing during jump when Dean Minkel asks them to — willingness of COGS and of COGS "Edwards, you're young, and you're the past year except to collect 50 cents a they first stop to inquire in what direction Court stated in the case of Baker vs. tactic allows legislators to claim "I president William Green to take further impetuous and you're careless. But I'm term tax from graduate students. to jump in. action against the Graduate Council to going to recommend that you be kept on. Carr, that "the rule for state voted for the bill, but that it died in One department which had For example: 1) Hie COGS constitution Do you know why?" approached guarantee the rights of students before that governments is one man, one vote." committee." COGS, due to assistantship terminations in was rewritten by the executive board, at "You owe my father a favor?" the body; (4) The lack of willingess of COGS This ruling radically altered the Answer department, did not come back to Dean Minkel's suggestion; this rewriting to push for adoption of amendments to the "No, it's deeper than that. You look like structure of state senates where COGS after their initial approach negated vote of the COGS The obvious answer to the probably a Graduate Rights and Responsibilities a doctor and that to me is very important, because the only follow up that COGS did representatives, (2) The rapid capitulation Most of the men trying to be doctors these representation was based land economic and Document which would on legislative was to take a to Dean Minkel and the guarantee open survey. Nobody from COGS Gradaute Council judicial hearings, which would prevent days have long hair and beards. But you area and not on population. As a inadequacies of our present state executive board ever went to the over the interim judiciary where the know how to dress and you result of the ruling, all but one state triple jeopardy and which would guarantee give the legislature is to condense the two department to find out what In fact was executive board of COGS backed a due hospital a lot of class. Keep your hair process in the termination of - Nebraska — have a state Senate houses into one. A proposal being transpiring. judiciary system which did not guarantee short, Edwards, and youll have a job here assistantships; (5) The sudden switch by and a House of Representatives, both submitted by Swallow would require Admittedly the open hearings and which permitted triple president of COGS William Green to send for life." executive board of of which are based on population that U.S. Congressional districts be jeopardy, again contrary to a COGS student "advisers" to the board of Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times trustees under conditions which alone; each having the same split into four "senatorial districts." the COGS jurisdiction, the composed of essentially the same same power, This would allow for a unicameral Abrams review unfair representatives have previously declared unacceptable because they felt the Letter Policy legislature, to be> called the Michigan conditions created the illusion of studen^ typi of individuals, and elected by Senate. The number of members in To the Editor: due to popular response there will be 10 participation without the reality. the same constituency. In our view, Toni Pellillo At the present time the COGS The State News welcomes all letters. the Senate would vary depending on underestimates p.m. showings this Friday and Saturday In executive The the ability of her readers to board wants to take over much more They taust be typed (preferably to i" existing situation is the number of congressional districts enjoy addition to the regularly scheduled 8 p.m. space entertainment which than it needs in the 65-space line and triple - spaced, dated, and economically unsound. The allowed Michigan based on the latest incidentally has performances, and that a record album will basement of educational value. Her anti-intellectual be played after each performance on both the Student signed with the hometown, student, Services Bldg. and unnecessary duplication of effort census Figures attitude shines through in the faculty or staff standing and local phone - currently there opening nights (not just on Fridays as stated in the remove from free access to that space number included. No unsigned letter will caused by having carbon - copy - would be 76 senators. shots in her review (State News, several Sept. 28) review). worthwhile undergraduate of be accepted for publication, and no letter houses cost Michigan taxpayers $15 The major arguments against the "Astrology and the Zodiac", the current organizations such as E QUAL and the will be printed without a signature million the program at Abrams Planetarium. Perhaps Robert C. Victor Sierra Club. except over past 5 years, unicameral legislature are factually she would have preferred a more in highly unusual circumstances. Letters superficial N Staff Astronomer, according to a leading proponent of unsound, though popular treatment of the topic. Richard Trilling should be addressed to The Editor, State Abrams Planetarium the unicameral system, State Rep. Please note that, in spite of the COGS member News, 345 Student Services Bldg., misapprehensions. review, Sept. 28,1971 MSU, Joseph P. Swallow. R - Alpena, The One Sept. 26,1971 East Lansing, Mich. 48823. contention, that cost for supporting calculated as a an extra 40 per cent reduction house, unicameralism is basically untried, is quite false. Nebraska has had a POINT OF VIEW of the total cost of running both the unicameral legislature since 1937 and House and the Senate for five years Power all Canadian provinces now use the ($37,536,092) desired, back to the taxpayer himself. could channeled to more critical areas or, if have been one house system. Another argument, that the two houses act as a check and balance on the other, is inappropriate. "Checks By GEORGE A. COLBURN East Lansing City Council candidate through the ballot box buys local street and sidewalk, alley and from the student section. actively and on its own initiative register all Indictment and balances" in the historical sense drain maintenance ($158,000). It pays for Granted that the students those eligible to vote. Elections would be Power to the people. the have no The most serious indictment of library fund and the vector control control over the flow of shared revenues scheduled during the academic yew. applies to the checks and balances It's a good solid slogan the two-house system, that clearly is not program ($144,290). It even pays for the based on their residency in Programs could be developed which would however, is between separate branches of a reality in East Lansing. entire public works department East Lansing. that it obscures ($87,000). But students have a more controllable improve the environmental quality of the legislative government - legislative, judicial, What does it say about the present Undivided, it can pay for either the police economic power in their role as consumers. city, be innovative in police-community responsibility. Not only does the and executive. The most practical political situation here? Power to the department ($543,890) or for the fire MSU research findings relationships, establish day-care centers or large people says that power is not shared by the quoted in a recent membership make for way to check the legislature is department ($442,054). article in the New York Times provide more "inner city" parks. It could 26,000 young people of East Lansing, but These figures reveal what pointed out anonymity, but the bicameral through strong executive must have that MSU students probably spent $132 mean that young people would get their features adapts itself to the familiar a or judicial is monopolized by a few special interest been obvious to those involved in city share of services in return for the money million during the past academic branch, not through a second groups intent on preserving their power. government: East Lansing has a "golden year. practice of passing the buck. Two chamber Hie student has become "nigger": he is Most of this money is spent in the Lansing they bring into the city. Even more that may confuse the ghetto," enclave on campus whose houses doubles the accused of using more services than he pays an - East Lansing area and most is spent by important, the university community number of organization and increase legislative would have a say in how city funds are committees, multiplies procedural for, he generally is disenfranchised, he is expense. spent, in what programs are financed. technicalities, and creates a general deliberately kept out of the "best" To stop the present rip-off, to bring Petition neighborhoods. atmosphere To stop the present power to the people, students must register of parliamentary A third allegation is that even It is essential that the student as rip-off, to bring confusion. The system affords power to the people, students must and then vote in the up-coming city though other states have had the "nigger" be kept in his place, and to do unlimited register and then vote in the council election. Only when candidates like opportunities for chance to set unicameral this, the powers — that — be rely on fear up-coming up a and city council election. George Griffiths, Chuck Will and my*" obstructionist tactics and innuendo as well as blatant Only when legislature, only Nebraska has discrimination. Remember the "It can candidates like have city council seats, will students havea manipulation of the lawmaking adopted this legislative structure, George Griffiths, Chuck say in the allocation of the money they happen here" postcards used by one Will, and myself have city council seats, process by irresponsible individuals. bring into the city. casting doubts as to the need or candidate in the August primary. This last - will students have But it won't be easy to change the city . For example, almost half of the desire minute scare tactic aimed to produce a a say in the allocation for a one-house system. bills introduced by one house were backlash vote against student-oriented of money they bring into this city. government; too many entrenched intens However, only 14 states - among are threatened. And clearly favoring th defeated by the other. One reason candidates and, thus, prevent a rise in them Michigan - have the right of interests are the rescheduled city coun student power similar to that found in contributions to the city initiative by petition. In the other Berkeley. outweigh their students elections, now to be held in the fall inste benefits received in return. It is also living off campus. The of the spring. In order to vote in states, the bill must be passed by But such tactics may be based on a obvious that East Lansing has received a dependence of the East Lansing business November election, students nave both houses. When such a bill means genuine fear, a fear that students once they blank check from the residents of the community on these 40,000 consumers register by Oct. 1. It is hoped that m Thank the loss of jobs for half the legislators, passage is not likely. realize their potential What are the bases of the of the people in East power will use it. potential power "golden ghetto" and has used this money arbitrarily, without any respect for the cannot be denied. For example, compare the reduced store students already hassled by c registration, house hunting, etc > w°h Lansing? services students might want in return hours and personnel As long as we have two for during the summer to bother to register to vote. Afterall, houses, First, numbers. Students are more than the revenues they the extra store hours and personnel political logrolling between the two half of the city's population. This majority bring into the city. during wants to stand In another line and Following incorporation, For example, remember that registration week. It can be argued that the the State and the can now make students, another form? News initiated a refund use of conference an impact on city most of prosperity that the students bring to East „ ,.n weir policy committees and other intrahouse government because a Constitutional whom live in the "inner city," Lansing affects local property values. Well, so far, approximately 3,500 MSU summer term for those amendment gave the vote to 18 - bring in enough revenue to pay for the students have made the extra effort- individuals year - city's entire park program. Ignoring this Would the city have collected who did not wish to parliamentary devises to avoid olds and the Michigan Supreme Court ruled in property taxes if it $1,799,850 good showing when compared to pay the $1 contribution, the city council last year were not located numbers of students registered in the P» - subscription fee. That term 35 of responsibility will continue to exist. that students can vote in the city where adjacent to MSU? approved plans to build a highway but a poor showing when comparer Legislative streamlining and reform is they live while attending college. But this through Granted that the students have approximately 16,500 students Impact will not be felt unless students Valley Court Park, the only park in the potential chose to exercise the new unquestionably overdue. But too "inner city," and used power, what would happen if they were option. register to vote, unless they take money from the given or took their fair share of this Tomorrow, the last day to register, This fall, only 94 out of over many politicians, special interest of the potential power of their advantage State Recreation Bond issue to build power? clerk's office in city hall will be open from 41,000 numbers to another park in the Just what could students groups, and lobbyists have vested determine the makeup of the vicinity of Whitehills power to the people mean 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. - a fraction of one per cent city council. in East Lansing? interests that would be disturbed by The second source of Estates, a rococco subdivision a mile Register and vote. It's power of the student potential student It could mean that the body — requested and such city would people. obtained their rebate. change. The legislature will not power in East Lansing is money. This year institute reform by its own action the city of East We wish to thank the student Lansing will collect with external $586,615 in state-shared revenues that can body of MSU for this resounding pressure from the be directly attributed to the student vote of confidence in their people. population. In other words, one-naif of the student newspaper. We will do everything in Rep. Swallow is currently leading city's revenue rebate from the state and 16 our power to honor this trust. a petiton drive to bypass the per cent of all city revenues are generated legislature and put the issue to the by student residents. What does more than — The Editors one-half a million dollars people. His effort merits the support buy for the city? For a start, it buys the of the people of Michigan. city's total parks and recreation program ($101,660). It also Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 30, 1971 POW group vows no politics' nh!f?NGI°N Obviously embarrassediAuP) by some ~ . Dissident members of the League nothing to do with his decision Another asked local units to initiatives, but made no specific "We realize we ourselves are of picketed the White to come seek its members picketing the House Tuesday with demands The pickets were mentioned publicity on the POW-MIA requests. not going to secure the release of White House, the National that President Nixon set a date issue but "with the proviso that our men," Mrs. Hansen said. "It league of Families of American specifically during debate on such are within reasonable limits for Vietnam withdrawal to "That is not ours to say," said is going to be done by the Prisoners get Wednesday's resolutions as an and that to use the name of the and Missing in back prisoners. Carol Hanse, the new board government." Asked whether embarrassment to the league. Southeast Asia moved Several hours later Nixon, national league such groups chairman and wife of an she is satisfied with what the One resolution requires that receive" thT^Dorovai Wednesday to tighten the reins, ot the American flier shot down in In the final business session of who has been quiet on the POW and missing in action members who engage in .approV*1 national coordinator." Laos in 1967. administration is doing, she replied: "No." their annual - (MIA) activities not in compliance with The League also adopted a meeting the families issue recently, made a surprise the nonpolitical position of the adopted resolutions making sure resolution to send a delegation visit to the convention to league "make it members do not represent their explicitly to the United Nations to seek reassure families of his known that they are acting as individual political views as international concern for their continuing interest. But the individuals and not in behalf of those of the league. White House said criticism had plight and relief for the the League." prisoners. This was one of the few Philadelphia positive actions to come out of the four day meeting which was torn with divison over tactics. GOv. MILLIKEN Tuesday Monday the league voted against The question of the signed into law a bill increasing changing its charter so as to be the maximum coverage constitutionality of the property able to take political action amounts tax as a base for financing school student health such as lobbying for end the war paid under the Motor Vohinip Accident Claims Fund. The bill, effective Oct. 1, operations was raised earlier this summer in a decision by the California Supreme Court that it The League also is sponsoring increases maximum coverage Students confronted was unconstitutional in that with executive Last Minute ethnic, educational or economic director of the given "selective consideration" an advertising campaign by the ^rom _$10'(K)0 _ person, state. Last month, in a barriers in pursuit of a health Philadelphia Center for Health by admissions committees at the Advertising Council to stir up $20,000 bodily injury publication of the Michigan Careers, Inc., will offer prospective schools. —iblic interest in the POW-MIA accident and $5,000 tor Education With the deadline for voter registration drawing profession or career are invited information Assn., a veteran concerning The -center does not place ue property damage to limits of uncomfortably near, students at city hall find that they to attend a counselling session capitol correspondent predicted programs for graduate and students or make admissions $20,000, $40,000 and $10,000 that weren't the only ones who put off registering to the last from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Otherwise, the only specific Kelley would rule « undergraduate b v4 tt v c students 31UUUI15 decisions. The llic respectively. WI Michigan's tax unconstitutional . minutes. Ihursday in the Placement interested in the following commitment is to aid student plan ratified at the convention Bureau, Student Services Bldg. was to meet again next May and some time after Dec. 1, when State News photo careere: medical A REQUEST has been made by Milton Horst - technology, in realizing his •health career reassess the situation if the issue to Michigan's property taxes nursing, pharmacy, physical goal. Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley become due. has not been settled by then. for an early opinion oh the Possible 20 years therapy, podiatry, occupational therapy and optometry. are Although academic averages important, they will be win uc The me convention called canea on constitutionality of Michigan's studied in the larger context of Save! Save! Save! The Philadelphia counselling academic environment, the Congress and the President for vigorous action and financ;na financing s e Lr for educational d Housewife faces prison new new center has a special interest in operations. appropriate admissions blacks because it feels they are aptitude tests, personal inadequately represented in the health professions. recommendations, and in - depth interview and other criteria. tap With TV under 1868 abortion law Students unable to attend the Assistance with admission counselling session can make LT. GOVERNOR JAMES procedures at various further inquiries by writing to: BRICKLEY, THURSDAY, SEPT. 30 Philadelphia health schools is Philadelphia Center for Health at 4:15 AT THE BY THE TERM! offered by the center. A student Careers, Inc., 1241 Vine St., DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. abortion DELTA SIGMA PHI HOUSE Free Delivery a felony unless it is her it could be dangerous for her completes only one application Philadelphia, Pa. 19107. ^P) - A 23 - year - old "necessary to protect the life to give birth. Rogers said, the in order to apply to as many as Free Service ousewife may become the first and health of the mother," or if case will be appealed. He said five Philadelphia schools of TV RENTALS 1218 E. GRAND RIVER 351-7226, 332-5035 Free Pick-up erson ever to go to prison in it is recommended by two several Women's Liberation medicine. If the applicant is lorida for having an abortion, doctors. groups had expressed interest in economically disadvanted, the Free Delivery Free Service per $9.50 month C'mon $25.°° per term Shirley Ann Wheeler has been Mrs. Wheeler's attorney, the case. No one commented on center arranges the waiving of -' Free Pick-up over and meet the guys too. The more people you jnvicted of having an abortion James Rogers, said he was why authorities had involved the application fees at most of the get to know, the better your college experience will be. University TV Rentals flowing a two-day trial and is unable to locate the doctor in NEJAC TV RENTALS century - old law in this cooperating schools. All students raiting sentencing the Morganton who Shirley said told particular case. applying through the center are 337-1300 351-7900 aximum penalty under the 103 old law is 20 years, the as a manslaughter mviction. At her trial, Mrs. Wheeler leely admitted she paid $150 to ive an illegal abortion in icksonville. She said she had ie abortion because a doctor in ir hometown of Morganton, ,C., had told her a pregnancy Mild be dangerous because she lice had rheumatic fever. Mrs. Wheeler was tried under TODAY 9:30 AM to 10:00 PM EAST LANSING STORE 317 E. GR.RIVER law passed in 1868. It makes performing an Mic/cey announces 4 GRAND PRIZES WORTH 1i00 You must come in to register. No purchase necessary. andidacy Despite a defeat in the August hand made leather clothing rimary, love - culture advocate Designed personally for kevin McCarthy of wvic fickey announced Tuesday that " will run a write in - campaign you by JOEL GORDON Will broadcast live the Nov. 2 East in Lansing City our store -ouncil election. Mickey, his fall legal name, 'ithdrew from the primary shoemaker from maine ampaign and ran 11th in a 13 - andidate field. Will hand sew shoes For several years people have in our window ien experiencing the life ulture typified by the Beatles' ong "All You Need is Love," he «d. "I find this is true in olitics as well." Mickey isn't bothered about to county prosecutor's claim st month that Mickey hadn't 'ed an expense statement for 'he primary campaign. "My expense was energy. I made it clear from the start that was all I would expend. I didn't sPend one thin dime," he said. Mickey, 22, said he is now enrolled at MSU to study urban Planning and population {epgraphy and hopes to apply jhis If knowledge to East Lansing. elected, he said he also hopes to apply city funds to a People's organic kitchen" and w extension of the Listening ~r Crisis Center to serve the needs of adolescents to be youthful." & 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 30, |97| China HONG KONG (AP)-Canton gymnastics exhibition. broadcasts to indicate anything cancels Chinese leaders had watched the 'important television failed to deliver its The only explanatiqn Western was amiss. Radio Peking filled big parades through the new|y painted Tien An Men ^ aKency said ^0^ |n Kyodo noted that the Two other recent square rostrum looks all the more promised "important news specialists on China China in in Hong the airwaves with reports of below each Oct. 1 since the Pekj shanghai and Tientsin mystery remains as to why the puzzled Western srL*V,?nts «bo program" Wednesday, Kong could give was that for preparation for National Day. magnificent under the brilliant ^ actively encaged in Chinese leaders canceled the wm the groundim. r Communists seized the mainland sunshine." sunshine. 0|>e production whiie the army and * disappointing Western observers 1_i—J some unexplained reason the Al"~ Tf It reported a u- 1 - -*■ big portrait of in 1949. ^ P»r«de after workers and In China for several' " nl"n"' who hoped to get a clue to n On one of the four tall towers militia . . 1 determined to I peasants hurl noAKiints had been vnantmA engaged for mnntK month, * 81 program was a fill - in for the Mao Tse - tung had been erected "The whole city is festively were unusual in Red Canton had announced. in the center of Hen An Men, decorated," around the square were such two weeks in parade rehearsals. recent events one the Chinese strengthen national defense, China. There was nothing in Peking's the gate where he and other broadcast continued. "The slogans as "Long live Mao Tse Peking's announcement a tung" and salutes to Marx and Lenin and the 22nd anniversary Japan's Kyodo news service in dispatch from Peking said ,?ther .Ja'!ane!f dtePatches e»rlier . •"»<> J-he canceling01-"* W8S an for furloi,„u!8 a" army leaves fii for JT'i order week ago that the National Day parade this Friday had been of the founding of the ^naTDay'prepartUom were rohoBr,l"lB ""octed production ****** affected production „y°UJinT°kyo jjv canceled stirred speculation that something was happening inside China. Ford Foundation offers Communist nation. an The centerpiece, however, was illuminated slogan in the in fuM hQur swing and »not a single hasBpassed without thunderous drum beats being ently was apparently the reasons the parade was called parade was one of was one of n^toi ,, called _j!!'?_re_ „d|„ b(0„dcMb ",on ?,JL°Vernme« ,p' heard a|ong the streets in The cancellation Canton television had middle of the that led to This 'ed to much th. minority graduate grants square Peking." . announced the special news speculation that Mao was ill or Including a possih! program would deal with "circumstances of the Oct. 1 SeiTctorli" ® OW'n Kyodo added that authorities f','.'1®' «"•" hope to build up a festive mood ln«ted he in excellent £•«,s Pekl£ J*** The broadcast said Peking and was l°ng border with h, National Day program." Instead The Ford Foundation has announced the gross income of the dependent is not more w;th the drums. health. Soviet Union. e its outskirts were "permeated it reeled off three routine films financing of three Advanced-Study Fellowships than $2,500 a year. Stipends for each dependent with a vigorous, jubilant from Peking, including one programs for the academic year 1972-73. will be $50 per month. - showing Premier Chou En - — - • • These programs are open to blacks, Chicanos, Recipients will be selected atmosphere . . . The whole city - upon the is festively decorated." watching Albanian American Indians, and Puerto Ricans who are recommendation of an a faculty panel from various citizens of the United States. They also have to major interest fields. I 1 I I PROGRAM INFORMATION 482-3905 I Peking broadcasts made no J 1 . , , W ., ■ M | - — ■ 11 have previously pursued or are presently pursuing Application forms must be requested by the mention of the cancellation of [I " I[ , |[ || graduate study, are planning to enter careers in individual candidate. Applications and additional the parade and the fireworks, I i . higher education, or plan to enter a graduate information may be gotten by which Chinese officials said were writing to ^ school in the United States beginning in either Advanced-Study Fellowships for Black called off to save money. the summer session of '72 or the fall of '72. ENDS TODAYrOpen 1:00 p i American, Advanced-Study Fellowships for Japanese press reports from Each fellowship award will include: the full Mexican Americans and EAST LANSING POLICE REPORTED the released on personal Puerto Ricans, Peking said, however, that recognisance, pendin? "HUSBANDS" tuition and fees required by the graduate school; armed th. Advanced-Study Fellowships for American Chinese authorities had robbery at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday of Oade's prosecutor's decision. B at 2:40-6:30 p.m. & late an annual allowance of $300 for books and Indians, or the Ford Foundation, 320 E. 43rd XinfirmoH JT h" Party Store on Clippert Street near Frandor. Plus supplies and An unmarried a monthly stipend for living costs. St., New York, New York 10017. , £ P Officers were told a white male approximately 5 IN THREE SIMILAR incidents, off,™ recipient will receive a stipend of The deadline for discovered the theft of wheels and -"DOCTORS WIVES" $250 per month. A married recipient will receive submitting applications is January 14, 1972. Names of the recipients of the TTie New China News Agency J* \140 ^ a«e of 23 or 24 approached ef $600 from student tires valued i» the same amount, but may claim his or her reported that Shanghai, China's *he cas!1,f w,th a 'o«g barrell .22 caliber pistol, excess owned rare At 1:00-4:50-8:45. spouse and up to two children as dependents if fellowships will be announced on or before March 31,1972. major industrial Center, was deman^d money and then escaped with $200 to in University parking lots. Two wheels and tires were stolen magnesj starts TOMORROW! decked with red lanterns and f3?0* The suspect and another individual were parked in the northeast from a vehicle bright red flags, as was the Jast seen going north is on Homer St. Investigation from Owen Hall. All four tires corner of the lot across continuing, but have been made. - no arrests — ■ northern city of Tientsin. and wheels The story taken from another car in lot Y, and were two / 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 485 6485 magnesium wheels with tires were taken of a married car near Baily Hall on Brody Road. from man...with a frtSEsaa THREE FLINT MEN ages 19, 26, and26vwre apprehended at 12:45 Wednesday and charged with possession of drugs when an officer noted a THREE PURSES and three wallets total of $150 were ocntainine reported stolen from hobby. OPEN AT 1:15 P.M. various unlabeled drug containers lying on the students, between 1 pm. Tuesday and 10 am Wednesday officers report. Three of the thefts TODAY . . . TWO front seat after stopping the driver for an occurred in residence halls and the remainder in Exciting Hits! improper turn near the Women's IM Bldg. the intramural Officers buildings. At 3:20 -6:45- LATE report they seized numerous pills, tablets, powders, a substance suspected to be Something is after Jessica. OFFICERS SAID five marijuana, and drug paraphernalia. One of the students Something very cold, very reported the theft or their bicycles in the three was charged with period wet... and very dead. carrying a concealed beginning 1 p.m. Tuesday and ending at 10 am weapon when a subsequent search revealed a Wednesday. Hie estimated value of the bicycies knife with a five inch blade. The three were according to officers, was $330. ' NORTHSIDE Dnv3 in ..^Tbeafre Best of Genesis *■ . ♦ • ' 'A ij^S So what's wrong with being a voyeur? Paramount Pictures Presents A Charles B Moss Jt Production HOW? F»g EEEC NEUTERS! The Marriage "Let's Scare Jessica they caged their bodies of a Young cTocDeath" but not their desires Stockbroker PLUS . . . AT 1:30-4:50 rnarrrmn mrmE 8:15 P.M. "★★★★ I^IARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARH^RHARHARHA TWL, ££ Uci*. |J| The dirty dolls of devils Island r WMENrcCAfiliS Vh/JOlxi 30 | AIM OTTO PREI LM They're learning fast... THEM CONRAD AUD RESIDENCE HALLS ASSOCIATION WILSON HALL STUDENT HURSE "STUNNING ''★^★★HIGHEST RATING!' — N.Y. DAILY NEWS When a Lady is applauded 1 an UNFORGETTABLE portrait of the lost ones—hard-bitten whores, teeny-boppers, 108 B Wells Hall $1.00 Tonight - Cool Hand Luke at Paramount Pictures Presents and girl-next-door lovelies—caught up A Howard W. Koch-Alan Jay Lerner Production Starring by 30 million in the drug and rock scene !-judiih cn«t. BarbraStreisand/YvesMontand people, New York Magazine she owes them an encore. Warner Bros, again presents Lady/ for your enjoyment UIKI WAIT UNTIL Or>AclearD00l>"SKfx" Based upon the Musical Play On A Clear Day You Can See Forever I WINNER OF 8 ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING BEST PICTURE DARK Wait Until Dark BobNewhart Larry Blyden Simon Oakland at 8:50 Jack Nicholson and John Richardson Music by Burton Lane Screenplay and Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner "Epic battle of the sexes!"-VincentCanb!'. N Y. Times^ Produced by Howard W. Koch Directed by Vincente Minnelli HD HYDE-WHIIE • urcoikr Music Arranged and Conducted by Nelson Ri ~T.BERNARD SHAW- TSssfwMM Miss Harlow; Cynthia P Caster, Goldie Glitter Richarjd Burton mm Kiffe Andrea Whips, Patti Cakes, Lixie & Genevieve Bujold TECHNICOLOR* PANAVISION' Katy M ANNE BOLEYN Tonight in Conrad 7, 9:30 The original sound track album on Columbia Records IN THE HALWALLIS PRODUCTION Students, faculty and staff only — I.D.'s required Tonight in Brody 7:30 $1.00 admission TONIGHT dAme (gftfte Tfiousank DgyS — 106B Wells Shown at 7, 8:40, 10:20 HELD OVER RHARHARHARHARHA^^ Admission $1.00 No one under 18 admitted Rated X l.D.'i or Tonight in 109 Anthony 7,9:4° fee receipt required $1-0° admi»'°!L Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, September 30, 1971 7 u Lennon By DAVID FLAXMAN softer, more patient in 'Imagine' events 4. . f * I -ialisMT State News Reviewer ^nhn ^nn?,n/pia*«c Ono Band" to Harrison's, or McCartney's song moves along painfully, with the strings (played by the Flux "Gimme Some r°l ?'d«ys thi, since George Harrison released his "All r«m r?5 1 uthe fine musicians' "A» Things Must Pass" is Fiddlers) drawing out notes in the background, leading one to Truth" — so angry that one is afraid he will not be ral Things Must Pass" P^ !uVC and boring- with a fe* good moments surmise that Lennon's apparent hatred for able to get the words out. However. George Harrison's guitar solo torn, many people have declared him "the most talented McCartney is actually seems to have a album thai RUCH h,elp' ,Lennon produced a fairly interesting extreme disappointment with one of the few calming influence and the song eventually turns lt|e" This title, it seems, was awarded to him by default since Beatle fans found appalling because they couldn't people who ever from anger to incredulity. "All I want is the isten to it gained his respect. truth/Just gimme an orde, her of the two previous coholders had produced an album constantly and hum the songs on the some truth." ine way to school in "Crippled Inside" is a masterpiece. To a light honky-tonk !eav« inn sfying the public. morning. piano type tune, which creates an image of Lennon playing and . ted ln jranted, both of Paul McCartney's albums leave much to be Now, on "Imagine," Lennon uses music Both "Imagine" and "Oh My Love" strongly contrast the Tokyo more beautifully to enhance singing with a huge smile on his face, he declares: "You can go to of "Gimme Some Truth." anger gpvernment red, but it is unfair to classify John Lennon's first album as a controlled but still very personal statements. Perhaps the church and sing a hymn/judge me by the color of Certainly, It is musically bare. It had to be "Mv my skin/you Chine* jre. nmie's Dead" just couldn't be scored for a large orchestra M^a'rtney ** "H°W °° Y°U S,eep?" This "'"S is directed at Those freaks was right when can live a lie until you're crippled inside." you die/one thing you can't hide/is when "Imagine" is a short explanation of what Lennon considers lonseauenUy it is impossible to compare Lennon's first album they said you was dead/ The one Utopia and how he hopes to be patient awaiting it. "You may say h mistake you made was in "John Lennon, Plastic Ono Band" marked the end of Lennon's I'm a dreamer/But I'm not the theorizin. your head/ How do you sleep?" The only one/I hope someday you'll hiding. Now he can playfully chide the rest of the world with the »ble and pow5 library lobby join us/And the world will be as one." trouble i knowledge that exposure is healthy and conducive to peace of "Oh My Love," explains his kr with mind. For if one takes his albums to be fairly accurate newly found patience. "Oh my t love for the first time in my self-portraits, it is obvious that Lennon was feeling much better life/My eyes are wide open/Oh my lover for the first time in my life/My eyes can see." display during "Imagine's" production. from riots to anarchies. of the 19th shows On "Plastic Ono Band," while Lennon tells himself to "hold on, John," he doesn't sound as if he is certain he can. On "Imagine," Lennon admits that "sometimes I feel like going down," but "Jealous Guy," a soft song which almost finds him in tears, is the aftermath of "almost going down" and makes hirn one "Oh Yoko," is the song which sort of ties things together. For must wonder how Lennon forward when I don't know which can move from "How can I way I'm facing" in "How?" to "everything is clear in our world" in "Oh My Love." "Oh Yoko" contains the go 'Parts of the century offered the magazine by F. Scott Fitzgerald, answer. display feature women something more than a immortalizing the flapper era, appear to have the self control which was lacking on the first the ever existent polarization of album. Greeks and radicals finishing school. Co - eds are round out the collection. ^ual mores, dorm food and through the shown enrolled in It will run until the end of Although his state of mind has improved, he still gets angry on social consciousness era of the previously all - •nity survival are problems male courses, and not until 1890 November and 30s and 40s," said Mrs. can be viewed troubled collegiates Blunt. have She used were they again steered into during regular library hours, 8 s Joseph E levme presents a Mike Nichols Fi m starring Jack Nicholson • Candice Bergen a series of old the early 17th century to domestic concerns at the a.m. to 11 present day. Displayed in photographs of local fraternity university," Mrs. Blunt through FYiday, 9 p.m. Monaday | "'Carnal Knowledge* one of the best movies ever." men with their a.m. to 11 >• glass cases in the Library's cigars, pennants indicated. -Lit Smith, Cosmopolitan Magazine and mugs, circa 1915, p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 11 lobby, "The Student in illustrate this consciousness. to Examples of student diaries n "i. Sunday. f Mike \khoK, Jatk \khoson.Candkc liergen, otype" illustrates how "The serious women's schools revealing bad living conditions o Arthur Garfunkel. Ann Yiargrei and Jules Feiffer. ius students coped with and "College Hui present college concerns. the most hf lot across Hanged by Caroline Blunt, important wheels ior clerk of special and informative were film of this decade. and two jctions, the display covers m^^g^OWN TWICE AT 7:30 and 11:00 American students and aken from a ows lines of collegiate see the actual idi moment of uuiiuepuuii munieiiiui conception-, ■lopinent from the frivolous '*s— cntaining " i to the serious '60s. ^Helga stolen from PARENTS: and 10 a.m. The very dynamics of college i since "helga" contains >f the thefts always seem to tend towards m certain revealing scenes < -mainder in llion and the breaking of h we suggest you see it hrst . AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL [ormity," Mrs. Blunt said, 2ND AT 9:30 -COLOR sed ''A/cademic n," a book by Ernest students covering the total n the period lopment of academic life in Our Average Student reads g at 10 a.m. as a guideline for the the bicycles, 4.7 times faster than their starting speed with comparable comprehension g Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS- Harriers look for first win potent runner in the transfer American honors last year after course against Miami. Popejoy's p|ace n . . By MIKE ABERLICH State News Sports Writer student from Grand Rapids finishing fourth in the Big Ten 25:44 time is :38 off of his best phe flr_,es; Junior Colleges. meet and 20th in the nation, will time of last season. It can be Qf t|,e Wo sPartan m, be expected to pick up his noted that Popejoy never once If Rob Cool continues to set Gibbard was relying heavily run on the n*** supposedtoh(| the pace he opened the year off on some aces back from last . tempo this week li. in an effort to _i— won in a dual meet last year, but —4i—it.. .ftp. that ",ier inai. noted ! mile track but I (iibbard a ■ __ .u- with and if some of it rubs off year's Big Ten champion squad, improve on his seventh place was continually amongst the mile course rule on his identical twin brother in particular Randy Kilpatrick, showing at the Forest Akers leaders and recorded two second effect Dave Dieters, Ralph Zoppa, Ron, the MSU harriers just may Steve Rockey and all • American Eagle blow end up with the year's first win Ken Popejoy. Saturday when Tennessee Kilpatrick crossed the finish invades Forest Akers Golf line in 25:24 against Miami Course at 10 a.m. which was good for a fourth, but Cool (Rob) burned through ;» ,ma mv group will advise any t,,nrBe- 6 before the 12th week of coed. A pregnancy test and a full Once the fact of pregnancy P"^nancy according to Parkmed pelvic examination is urged by has been established, acting Climc on Park Ave- ln New ements for »'» What's The Green Earth Food Coop is The MSU Judo, Karate, Kendo the clergyman's counseling quickly is important in obtaining must be recelved .t the having a meeting at 7 p.m. today at and Aikido Clubs will present a group. an inexpensive abortion. office, 345 Student 343 Albert Albert and demonstration of their respective Dr. Arnold Werner, author of i Bldg., by ' P-m- at le,st Japanese martial arts at 7:30 p.i.. The Doctor's Bag" and director Most low-priced abortions in Lys before publication. Items Friday in the Sports Arena of th< of psychiatric services at the New York must be performed Bmited to 2 5 words. No Bldg. All Center advises the pregnant coed Icements will be accepted by Free University meeting will be at during the first 12 weeks of to stop and think at this 9 p.m. today in the Phillips Lounge. stage of pregnancy. The price goes up in Publicity and poster-painting party is the problem - and talk it over Wanted: South Side Help Center giant steps for additional lengths ■ for application to the set. All help is welcome. Please come. needs volunteers. The next before doing anything at all. of time. training ["of Social Work is Oct. 15. session begins Oct. 22 to Oct. 30. "People who do become 5 may be picked up in Orchesis, modern dance club at Call 484-5467 between 4 p.m. and 4 pregnant should sit down and The price increases occur MSU, will hold its regular workout talk with from 7 to 9 p.m. today. A beginni a trusted friend, because different methods must especially an older person," Dr! be used in different stages of I Married Students Activities class will be held from 9 Pre-Vet Club meets at 7 Werner said. "People get L, hold an open meeting for following the workoi today in ioo Vet Clinic. There p. .. panicky pregnancy. and act hastily. It's , will are $2 per term and members simply better Lrried students and spouses 7 new be a tour of the clinic at this time. to share the problem with it the Day Care Center in welcome! n Village. Babysitting will be Th The K, , Natural . c . Science 0 . Student someone Mnnh right away," he added. «• .. *:i» _i iring your questions and Enjou Kabbalat Shabbat services followed by a delicious home-cooked Advisory Council will meet at 7pm ™uch rum or- filled today in 104 Natural Science Bldg! ff al*)U,t meal at 6:30 p.m. Friday. For Everybody is welcome. University Health Centers J MSU Sierra Club continues its reservations call 332-1916 (Hillel). ' pregnancy testing procedure. A ■ay book and poster display and Saturday services will be held at 9:30 All girls interested in trying out for center physician is ethically free ■ today and Friday In the a.m. Succos supper and social at 5 Green Splash - clinics are being held ,lonal Center. Stop by for P-m. Sunday will feature Rabbi Kraus from 4 to 6 p.m. today and Monday. <1 ecology books and posters, speaking on "The Jewish Chaplain in Tryouts will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. ire, and rap session. Vietnam". B'nai Brith Hillel is Tuesday and Wednesday at the located at 319 Hillcrest. For rides or Women's Intramural in the lower Undergraduate Psychology information call 332-1916. Come ... pool. Lill be sponsoring an infromal ®nd bring a friend, on meeting at 7:30 p.m. The MSU Bible Students invite n 304 Olds Hall. Lawrence SDS meets at 7:30 p.m. today in you to hear Paul Mali discuss an professor of psychology, 34 Union to plan the next stage of important question of our times: There will be a meeting of the Lapidary (gem-cutting) lessons will nkar, the ancient science of avel, discussion group will Student Advisory Comm'ittee - be given from 7 to 9 p.m. on ■it Mathematics (Sac-math) at 7 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Saturday in the Oak f of the Union. Friday in the committee office, A138 beginning Oct. 4 through Dec. 8 at Wells Hall. Officers for the year will the Globe Jewelers and Lapidary Volunteers be elected. Supply. For further infc are recruiting 332-2986 between 10 and |t. All interested persons should Petitions for a.m. 6 a recruitment session at 7:30 postions on p.m. loday in the Captain's Room of committees of the College of Arts obtain information on and Letters and Representative to Conservative students of MSU will volunteer the Academic Council are now meet at 8 in 31 Union, programs, volunteers are available at departmental offices. Activities for the coming year will be to assist the staff in this Petitioning closes on Oct. 14 for discussed*, All stodents of college petitions and on Oct. 21 for conservative political persuasion are Academic Council representative. 4pVtecl- f MSU Folklore Society will a benefit folk concert at 8:30 iFriday in the Erickton Kiva. Contact lens wearers: i Briggs College presents a It Opportunity Program in the ■ru .3 9:j°„p'm- Monday,n Swirls 0your lenses clean for new wearing comfort! ■ I Holmes Hall. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Automotive Automotive For Rent GET Action WITH A The State News does Aviation Employment for Rem not permit racial or, Want Ad religious discrimination in its advertising OLDSMOBILE 1969, Delta 88, 2 door, vinyl top. Full power, air, VALIANT 1967 64.000 miles, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, LEARN training. TO FLYI All Complete flight courses are PART TIME office help needed, $2150 $250 below book. Terrific excellent condition, $675. columns. The State government and VA certified. . AUTOMOTIVE Scooters & Cycles News will not accept shape. 353-2258 daytime; 355-7786 night. 5-10-6 393-5920.3-10-1 _ FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Road. Call 484-1324. C MALE ROOMMATE . vet or older momh- P'"« apartments utili'rV'80"* all advertising which student. One block from campus. dishwasher |dea, ( Auto Parts & Service $70/ month. 365-7454 8-5 p.m. discriminates against £duat. „Ud.n„ cST^' Aviation 3-10-4 »EMPLOYMENT religion, race, color or door, 2 steering tone, and auto, brakes, power clutch. Clean. 59,000 miles. No Employment CAMPUS REPS D««n of Eipper Realty |nr 01 » FOR RENT national origin. conditioning, snow tires, only air rust. $550. 339-8081.3-1 a4 TYPIST - part time 4-10 p.m. 70 OPPORTUNITY FOR sharp business SUBLETNEEDED 1 male. $60 I30 °r 487 51°0 3-10?*' 22,000 miles. Excellent. Clean. - minded student to earn top cash monthly. Colllngwood EFFICIENCY. VOLKSWAGEN 1 BUS 1965, rebuilt w.p.m. 5 nights a week. Apply in VFT . Apartments and get unparalleled experience Apartments East Lansing, Houses $1400. 351-0656 or 351-7222. 2-10-1 engine, body needs work. Phone person. 427W Albert St. 2-3 p.m. working for salf on campus. Start 351-8282. 5-10-6 married couple. campus. $85 15 minutT'is 11 351-3028, best offer. 3-10-1 immediately. Send brief resume' 646-2401.3-10 m°" Rooms Automotive and phone number to: 2 BEDROOM 1 OLDSMOBILE 1965, - F-85, Mr. C.R. apartment. $190. FOR SALE unl 10fiB e EXPERIENCED ELECTRIC Bass OLKSWAGEN „ , ► Good campus 1966 -Square Back. p|ayer singer wanted for brass rock Danforth, Box 75, Swampscott, Meadowbrook Trace. Call GRADUATE WOMAN Excellent Exce *' - : 353^372 l„r, ent cnnH i nn Animals CORVETTE 1963 coupe, 327, V-8, „ .. condition. Engine _ Mass. 01907. 2-9-30 882 4520 after 4 p.m. 2-10-1 overhauled. x.2.,0-1 bedroom, $,20/ ^ $875, 351-6999. Mobile Homes automatic, power brakes, AM/FM 2'1use. Furnished, $65/ month. included. Call 355-2582. 2-10-1 Mondays. O THE SEA FAN, Lansing's newest and 7-10-1 and enrollment. forMSU-UM same. to buy three tickets Ill 332-3947. 3-10-1 USED VOX amplifier, 130 watt and most unique Pet Shop is now open Typing Service 3-10-1 :al 353-194 A i.ien, jnai to serve you. 4604 North East SAVE fund has been 4 speakers plus electric TIML. Call for an R ROOM house, basement and guitar Street. We specialize in Marine established by the Development appointment. 355-3309. UNION ANN BROWN. Nit-HT PARKING space.;. Beeu and Krage. 10 minutes from campus, $250. 393-0069 after 6 2-10-1 . fish. Stop in and see our super BLDG, BARBER SHOP. C-1-9-30 Typing and multilith fund of the A'umni Assn. for 10 / month. Unfurnished, offset printing. Complete service Gunson area. Will negotiate. WATERBED UNITS $60. Mattress, aquarium. 484-8871. Monday, Marv Ann Chambers, who iied irried couple only, no children. for dissertations, theses, 332-3867. X-3-10-1 Thursday, Friday 10-9. Tuesday, last week in an auto accicioriL ft38798 2-9-30 liner, foam pad and frame. Any manuscripts, general typing. IBM. size. Water Wednesday, Saturday 10-6. COSTLY RECORD 22 years experience. 349-0850. C mattress, children's clothing, mattresses, $26.50. Sunday 12-5. 5-10-5 near Champaign, 111. Miss ■0 1 girl to share house with 2 television antenna, etc. Four REBIRTH, 309 North Washington Chambers-was a June ^ra.iu«te »r girls. Own bedroom. Prefer family. 1062 Marigold, East Avenue, Lansing, 4896168. FREE KITTENS. 7 we< Even the cost of PROFESSIONAL 6-10-1 s old, I reading THESIS over 21. Call 482-6778. 5-10-5 Lansing. 1-9-30 trained. Call 489-4! about the U.S. government is MUSICIAN AVAILABLL The fund, which '.\aS created PREPARATION Experienced Pianist p.m. 3 10-1 going up. The monthly price -, Trumpe . in . rguidance -.a 1 .he wishes of 3 USED HOOVERS $24.50. Nice - Ire HOUSE with single male. 2 KLH Lens, Scott Amplifier; $110. of a subscription to the . IBM Typin| wants work; Jo.ioles O" Base; (. tu: girl's famti> will be used by e 21. Close to campus on $60. 351-3562 2 - tone — Hooever cleaner used TOKE AND BRINDE finally got it • Multilith Printing Bill, 339-2524, weekdays afte. Congressional Record has the College of Human Ecology, h Foster. $65 / month. Call just a few times. All cleaning together. Black Great Dane p.m. 5-10-5 tools. Only $24.50 cash or terms. increased from $1.50 to A.thur l.oub, director of the M 3412 after 6:30 p.m. 3-9-30 puppies in two weeks. AKC. Call 372-3324. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2-9 30 $3.7 0. Complete Professional Thesis Service for YOUNG FEMALE faculty want vjlopiient Fund, said, ulisj To insure satisfaction sold by free And if other expenses are Mister's and Doctoral Candidates. Free room to rent. Cooking privileges Chambers majored in general Rooms home demonstrattion DALMATION PUPS; AKC, home going up in your household Brochure and Consultation. Please Call Box A-1 State News. 3-10-1 ciot hing and textiles. 351-8175. 3-10-4 only. Cliff and Paula Haughey 337 1527 or 827-2936 0-5-10-1 raised litter. 393-8558, after 6 pm. keep costs down by shopping Those contributing may send |NFURNISHED rooms. $60 / STEREO COMPONENTS 15 - 50% 6-10-1 the STATE News Classified WANTED: USED Thorens or AF donations to the MSI n per month. 2 persons per USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 COMPLETE THESES service. turntable off List. All new, warranted. Also, and good spe:. POODLES, CHOCOLATE - AKC, Ads. The Want Ads save Discount printing. IBM typing and Development Fund, P.O. Box n. Share bath. Kitchen and East Michigan. you 482-2011. 3-10-1 some used components. Call Dishes, books, time and money on r privileges extra. 122 W. 8 weeks, great grandmother goods binding of theses, resumes, East Lansing, Michigan, 351-4173. 3-9 30 coins, antiques, rockers, junk. ftkland Lansing. Ph. 482-4982. Westminister winner. 371-3453. and services. Turn there now: publications. Across from campus, C' tributors should designau Bargain Huntei-s Paradise. Open PAINTING AND , 4-10-5 light remod-/' |l 0 5 SONY 350 Tape Deck. Very good Saturday and1 Sunday. Furniture corner M.A.C. and Grand River, below Jones Stationery Shop. Call Economical, reliable. : :ai: D--. o- . Jons intended for the Mary and HELP THE Alliance candidates Chambers memorial fund. condition. After 9 p.m., appliances open all week, 10 SCOTTIE PUPS, AKC, show quality. E IN Lansing. Pleasant room, change East Lansing. Colburn, Will COPYGRAPH SERVICES, evenings, 351 4723. 3 9-30 485-6369.3-9-30 am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C fcn bathroom and all meals plus Great pets. Reasonable. Call and Griffith need your assistance. 337-1666. C h in exchange for some 337-0810. 2-10-1 Call SMALL REFRIGERATOR, perfect TYPEWRITER SMITH weekdays 351-6578, istance with housework and Corona, 351-0573 8-T0 p.m. 3-10-1 for dorm use. $45. Phone Dave, electric, portable, $70. Call Mike Jking. Call 371-2311. 3-9-30 SAMOYED REGISTERED male, 4 SAVE SAVE SAVE 351-4099. 3-9-30 at 332-0877. 3-9-30 months old. $150. Phone TUTORIAL HELP XEROX COPYING- offset - best by Ph.O's, all takiiw nntps? [ENTI0N: ROOMS for rent, RCA 14' color TV. Price $150. 349-3698. 3-10-4 sciences including math and quality at reasonable prices. THE WOMAN'S WINTER jacket size COPY SHOPPE, 54 East npletely furnished. Cooking, Phone IV5-2737 or 351-8988. computer. For information. Grand nil 372-8077. C 11/12. New, ven GIVE AWAY 2 lovable male Rwer. Phone 332-4222. C 3-9-30 - 351 8629. 2-9 30 332-8213. 3-9 30 kittens and mother cat, litter " I. FOR Co-ed Co-op. $200 / term ----- trained. After 12:00. Phone PROI-tSSIONAL TYPIST. Tern TAPESTRIES, WATERBED frames UNION BOARD I ravel Office open "dudes room and board. and 694-0247. 1-9-30 papers, theses. Best rates. Cal heaters. REBIRTH, 309 11:30 - 4:30. Phone 353-9777. C fc2 3574 after 5. 1-9-30 351-4619. O FREE CAR shampoo for every sale North Washington Avenue, PRETTY LITTLE girl kitties make of solid black dress socks, Lansi ng. 489-6168. c-10-8 I IN perfect pets. 1 blck, 2 calicos, 2 ASK NOT what you can do for your why quit? family home, kitchen guaranteed for life, by JAY Control it. Register nth $60 months old, litter trained and government. monthly. Call NORRIS CORP. Call 337-1216 SHORTWAVE RECEIVER, 192-6041. 3-10-4 ready for new homes. 676-1213. Friday, Oct. 1. Your last chance. Experienced. 393-4075. C for appointment, x-1 -9-30 Hammerlund HQ-110, 22 target 1-9-30 2-10-1 rifle, H&R 451. 353-5968. For Sale EMPIRE TROUBADOUR turntable. X-3-9-30 HORSES BOARDED: $25 and $35 / TWO U.M non - student tickets. Will Transportation Robert's 778X reel to reel and 8 month. Hay and grain daily. Box pay. Call 351-9066 after 4 p.m. track recorder. Thorens 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, stalls, riding ring, and trails. 4 PE FUN in the sun, with Sun tape canisters and uprights. Guaranteed 3-9 30 GREYHOUND lhades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, TD150 Mark II turntable. Sony miles South of MSU. 882-8779 The best remedy full or INTRODUCES NEW we've found for those fast ■615 East 355 and 255 tape decks. Harmon - one year. $7.88 and up. 882-3820. 5-10-1 Michigan Avenue, CHRISTMAS BREAK. Spain $249. DIRECT BUS SERVICE to talking professors is the Craig model 2603 ■72-7409, C-5-10-1 Kardon AM/FM turntable and DENNIS DISTRIBUTING Nassau $169. Acapulco $249. and from Pontiac, Royal Oak speakers. Panasonic RS-790-S COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Mobile Homes portable cassette recorder. It featutes automatic London $149. Complete deluxe and Birmingham, on a ■ WATT Amplifier, two speaker, automatic reverse tape recorder. 8 Opposite City Market. C-9-30 recording level so that you II pick up voices packages. Call Frank Buck reservation basis from East iarrard turntable, $295. AKAI track tapes, used $2, new, $4. 8 track home and auto decks, SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. 1968 VAGABOND, excellent 351-2286. O Lansing on weekends. Depart extremely well from anywnere i,i a room. fpedeck, $150. Together $400. $29.50 up. Cassette recorders, Brand new portables - $49.95, condition, on lot in King Arthur's Friday return following There's also a remote switch on 1H3 Microphone 51-4779. 5-10-1 amplifiers, speakers, used records. $5.00 per month. Large selection Court. Best reasonable offer. Sunday. Round trip fare, so you can stop the tape anytime the prof starts Police band radios, imported wall of reconditioned used machines. 372-2895.4-10-5 Peanuts Personal $9.50. For reservations call j DIAL AND SWITCH $51.40. tapestries and rugs, slate pool Singers, Whites, Necchis, New EAST LANSING BUS getting too involved with himself! Craig's Pft in layaway. Comes with a accessories. All Home & "Many Others." $19.95 AMERICAN TRAILER 1968, 12' exclusive T-bar control insures dependable and lalnut sew table beautiful pastel table and x DEPOT, 332-2569. equipment tested and guaranteed. to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS 56'. Two bedrooms, fully carpeted Reservations easy operation. So Step Inside Hi-Fi Buys or The Por, full size head, all built - in, must be in WILCOX SECOND DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 115 with skirting. Unfurnished, good ■9 - Zag - buttonhole. Overcast Thursday by 7 p.m. Disc Shop and meet the slow note takers dream! North Washington, 489 6448. condition. $4400 cash or $1200 HAND STORE, 509 East ^akesbobbin fancy stitches and winds C-9-30 ' automatically. Pay Michigan, 485-4391, 8-5:30 p.m. down and take over payments. Call 694-9061. 3-10-4 Recreution 1st $51.40, Monday through Saturday. Bank or E-Z terms Americard and Master Charge. MOVING: G.E. Wanted refrigerator $75. Ranged. Trade - "re ins accepted. To Layaways. C Fully automatic Kenmore washer 12 x 50 1968 Star Mobile Home. CHRISTMAS BREAK S|>jin, $2-4U. satisfaction, sold by free Nassau $169. Acapulco $249. e and gas dryer, $125. 2 studio Excellent condition. 2 bedrooms. demonstration only. Phone London $149. Complete deluxe ^■4553. 9 BRAND NEW Pentax 35mm wide beds, $15. 20" fan on stand, $15. On lot. 20 minutes from campus. a.m. to 9 p.m. I-ECTRO angle lens. Best offer. Call Call 349-0137 after 6 p.m. $2,950. Call 627-9758, after 7:30 packages. Call Frank Buck. GRAND. 0-5-10-1 351-2286.0 351-7440. 2-10-1 S-3-10-1 JENSEN SLIMLINE 3 piece speakc system, Garrard SL75 turntable, base, and dustcover. 337-2136. P 3150 Amplifier, 180 watts. J"9 month old. Manual CLASSICIAL GUITAR — Spanish ■Pexvnter. 353-0187.4-10-1 made Garcia, Royal typewriter rONENT STEREO, BSR 600, girls 26" Schwinn bike. Call Nan, 332-0415. 3-10-4 f<'wood. 80 watt, Heathkit floor r ers $200 firm. 373-0150 CROWN DC300 power amplifier. s' ^85-2369 evenings. 5-9-30 380 watts /RMS. $570. MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann GIBSON 12 string, Street. C-1-9-30 I,P' 2532. llent condition. $270. 3-10-1 GARAGE SALE 4th and 5th, Monday and Tuesday. Tamarisk, j'3 QUEEN portable washing 1921 Riveria. Clothes: women's, Bac"ine, 1 year old, avocado. children's, maternity, large men's; baby and household equipment; books; etc. 1 -9-30 SELLING OUT 30,000 library books. 28,000 at 10c, 2,000 at 50c. Open Saturday and Sunday l?'NGwithg°WN size 10-12, tape 10-6 . Call '669-9311 Market. 3-10-4 Jerry's Flee speakers. 351-2346. COLOSSAL NEIGHBORHOOD Sale. Infant's, children's, adult's clothing. Furniture, TV's, toys, old car. Thursday - Sunday. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., 7 p.m. - 9 pan. 937 lfilE?,,0UT F 118. 5-10-5 of sl9ht JBL- DUAL. Ramblewood 2-10-1 Dr. 351-0715. _ »thLRnUD ■ 80mm f/2.8 ^00C 2%^~comoro MODERN BLONDE bedroom like new, large dresser and mirror. set lens; Honeywell Also smaller dresser, and bookcase Efc l 5555. S-5-9-30 ,,Mh- Be" °,f»r headboard. Coll 487-3096. S 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Sepumh A SPECIAL INVITATION TO THE MSO COMMUNITY ARKS PHOTO SHOP 524-26 E.Michigan Avenue Phone: 484-7414 GRAND OPENING MINOLTA SALE SRT 101 F1.7 Reg. 265.00 S18995 >131" SRT 101 F 1.4 Reg. $300.00 $209» s176" 16 MG. . . $5995 Factory Reps Door Prizes And Professionals Joining Us Come in to register. You need To Make Th is The Most Informative not be present to win. Grand Opening Yet. . . GRAND PRIZE .A Kodak girl will be here Honeywell Pentax Spotmatic f 1.8 . . light movie cameras to demonstrate the new available - a revolution in movie making. 2nd PRIZE . . . Honeywell representatives will be available all three show you the Pentax and days to Kodak Instamatic Reflex Honeywell photographic equipment. . . .Lou Dotson, Canon representative, will demonstrate the new 3rd PRIZE F1 and the Ftb on Friday, October 1, 12 to 7 p.m. Honeywell Strobonar 550 . . . Dick Gindlesberger will have the new Nikon F2 to show you on Thursday, September 30, and Friday, October 1. On those days Jack Hascall will demonstrate the 4th PRIZE Mamiya RB67. Pol aroid Square Shooter ,'D0DcSatUrday Marks is A.R.P.S. Mrs. Zeek will proud to Presen* Evelyn Zeek, A.P.S.A., give demonstrations of studio lighting techniques. PLUS 10-lnstamatic 44's Each Day of the Celebration Come to Marks For All Your Master charge Photographic Needs. & BankAmericard Welcome. Lay aw ays and Trade-ins Accepted.