Up.. Friday • MICHIGAN Cloudy . the »un, and up row TATE NEWS rose STATE UNIVERSITY ie 64 Number 35 East Lansing, Michigan Friday. October 1, 1971 sl.Y. shipping firms attempt to avert strike only as employes of specific firms and In event of a strike, they were prepared James Dickman proposed that YORK (AP) - Shipping firms in under their direct supervision. for announced he was not going to permit a East and Gulf Coast economy have been the ILA quick return to Washington to set in estimated at $17 million a day. members draw their 40 - hours nation's largest port proposed a new strike of East and Gulf Coast longshoremen - a - week P Sitting in on last - ditch talks between motion Taft Hartley procedures .nteed annual income plan Thursday, - to further paralyze the nation's shipping. The last ILA walkout in 1969 was guaranteed pay as employes on the regular shippers and union were Asst. Secretary of automatically interrupting the walkout for S to avert a midnight strike of Labor W. J. Usery Jr., and federal maritime at least 80 days. The independent International interrupted by Taft - Hartley injunction, payroll of individual shipping firms. fnrtO East and Gulf Coast longshoremen administrator, Andrew F. Gibson. Lonshoremen's and Warehousemen's and then resumed after the cooling off period Under the present, long ■ established ,£ would tie ud nearly all the nation's Earlier in the week, President Nixon Warehousemen's Union called out 15,000 and continued for two more months. At its hiring procedure, shippers draw their quota of longshoremen for a day's work from a JJ water ports. West Coast ports already dockers from Seattle to San Diego on July 1, in a deadlock over off - dock container height, 600 ships were idled. The ILA offered to postpone current labor pool at a hiring hall — the so - called Meanwhile! the government prepared to jurisdiction, a guaranteed work week, and strike action at least until the expiration of Phase 1 of Nixon's wage - price freeze — waterfront shapeup. Dickman said men in any walkout with a Taft - Hartley wages and fringe benefits. In past ILA strikes - and they have but only on condition the shipping firms the some port had drawn pay when not working sections of 'The revised income plan would end a occurred regularly with each contract extended the 1969 contract. while a labor shortage existed in other of casual employment of dockers expiration since World War II - losses to the In the latest offer, NYSA President rem a labor pool - with work - dodging buses the New York Shipping Assn. laimed cost its members $30 million a Instead, nternational members of the AFL-CIO Longshoremen's Assn. would guaranteed a full annual income, but Milliken, Kelley Resignation against school tax system By JOANNA FIRESTONE ask the state Supreme Court to then take challenge to our system of property tax immediate jurisdiction of the case. Milliken financing and state school aid grants of State News Staff Writer is the only state official who can make public education which, in my judgment, is of OBA head Gov. Milliken and Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley announced Thursday that they will file a court suit asking that the state's such a request. Kelley said he decided to file suit rather unfair, unequal, and inequitable," he said. Kelley cited figures from two than issue an attorney general's opinion unidentified school systems in which state system of financing public schools through still unofficial local property unconstitutional. taxes be declared because an opinion would be subject to a court test and would delay the final disposition of the case. In order to avoid a aid failed to make up the difference in the vastly divergent sums grossed arising At a joint news through property taxation. conference late "chaotic situation" in the state's schools, "There are scores of such examples," he By VERONICA CARTER Thursday morning, Kelley called the school Kelley said he will ask that said. "Such To encourage students to register to vote in East Lansing, all students, aid formula "a violation of the a ruling be a system clearly does not State News Staff Writer declared effective beginning with the even those without bus passes, can ride the campus buses from all provide all of the children in this state with Black United Front (BUF) equal-protection provision of both the 1972-73 school year and that the equal education opportunities. In these residence halls and living areas to the Union between 10:30 a.m. and state and federal constitutions." and said a Thursday released a statement that the declaration not be made retroactive so that circumstances, the property tax and state 3:30 p.m. today. The League of Women Voters will have registration suit will be initiated in Ingham County director of the Office of Black Affairs the state can continue present methods of school aid grants system must be Circuit Court within 10 days. (OBA), John (Deacon) Jones, "has booths in the Union ballroom as long as necessary today. In response,the governor has agreed to school financing. challenged." officially resigned." "To do otherwise would disrupt the So that a decision on the case will be However, Harold Buckner, chairman of flow of public education in this state," he made in time for the 1972-73 school year, the Associated Students of MSU (ASMSU), Kelley said he and Milliken will seek a he had not been informed of the resignation. And the ASMSU board, whose SETS 6-MONTH DEADLINE Kelley's action came in response to a request by five legislators for an official "speedy determination" of the issue and will request the Supreme Court to give the 'advise and consent" on OBA directorship ruling on the issue. matter top priority. required by the ASMSU Code of "I have reviewed a recent decision by "In the meantime, I believe that Operations, has not yet had an opportunity act on the resignation. I'nder the Code of Operations, OBA has Senate wants Viet exit the California Supreme Court declaring unconstitutional that state's system of financing public schools through its local proposals for changes of the property tax and state school aid grants system should receive continuing consideration since they io affiliation other than budgetary with property taxes and state school aid grants may provide an alternative if the present Cabinet," and is controlled by WASHINGTON (AP) And he objected when Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., the GOP the ASMSU - The Senate renewed Thursday its call and have also studied the possible impact system is declared unconstitutional," the BUF. for total U.S. withdrawal from Indochina, setting a six month national chairman, said "many of those who voted for a of that decision on our system in Kelley said. The BUF statei »ent listed two reasons deadline after Democratic leader Mike Mansfield appealed for declaration of war now want to vote for a declaration of peace," Michigan," he said. Kelley would not predict the outcome for Jones' ro>i; i »;i »n. action to "bring this horrible war to an end." a reference to the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin resolution used by the "It is clear from this review that of the case, but said the suit will be a Deacon is rrying a very heavy "Why not try?" Mansfield appealed. "What have we got to Lyndon B. Johnson administration to justify dispatch of 542,000 the public interest requires a court (Please turn to back page) academic load of ;9 credits and because of lose? You've got a lot to gain." The vote was 57 to 38 in favor of men to Indochina. this he will not be able to contribute as Mansfield's amendment to set a six-month deadline — which Dole, Mansfield and Sen. J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark., argued over whether the amendment sought to place blame for the war. much time as \i necessary to a very would not be binding on President Nixon — contingent on release neconsuming job." it said. of American prisoners. "I'm not shifting the blame to anyone," Fulbright insisted. PENTAGON RESUMES DRAFT "You can't stop the war by an act of Congress of this kind," "All I want to do is stop the war." "Secondly, as head of the OBA, the But Dole said, "what we do effectively undercuts the director has to be a member of ASMSU Republican leader Hugh Scott said, expressing the Nixon 15,000 which is tedious and takes a considerable administration's contention the Mansfield amendment is a waste President." amount of time. Because of these two reasons, Deacon has indicated that he must of time and potentially harmful. Scott's plea was echoed by John C. Stennis, D-Miss., chairman Before turning to Mansfield's amendment the Senate rejected man step down from his post. of the Armed Services Committee. 51 to 42 an amendment by Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton, D-Mo., to "However, John Jones will still continue and function for black people where time will allow," the statement "Everytime obstacles in Stennis said. our we pass this amendment in this way we put path, and lend encouragement to the enemy," cut $35.3 million added by the Senate Armed Services Committee for additional research on a new U.S. tank. The committee added the funds to a $27.5 million House for remainder added. "He is still in the struggle but in a Noting that Mansfield's amendment to the $21 billion military allowance for work on the Main Battle Tank, but additional funds nearly every qualified man with lottery No. "ore limited capacity." procurement authorization bill, like one with a nine-month sought by the Pentagon to start production were denied. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon 125 or lower will be called. Jones has been unavailable for comment deadline passed last June, faces House opposition and a possible Eagleton contended "blind congressional acceptance of bland set a 10,000 man draft quota for the next Meanwhile spokesman Jerry W. for several days. conference stalemate, Stennis said it would be better to pass it as Army assurances have kept this highly questionable tank rolling three months and indicated next year's Friedheim disclosed that Secretary of Rumors of Jones' possible resignation as separate legislation. along." Committee members said its development is essential. inductions will level off at about 1971's Defense Melvin R. Laird has ordered the director of OBA have been circulating for "They want to hang it on a bill here and send it to a hostile Mansfield's amendment faces the obstacles his earlier nine-year record low of 98,000. more than conference," he said. same as The first men to be inducted under the Army to reverse the policy under which a week. But he was present, as director and a representative of OBA, at Thursday's vote was closer than the 61-38 margin last June proposal, which was rejected by the House and then diluted by renewed draft likely will be the Army Army recruiters rejected veterans seeking Senate - House conferences into a call for President Nixon to to re-enlist. Tuesday's ASMSU meeting, so some board when nine-month withdrawal amendment was attached to the uniform in mid-October, the Defense Dept. members assumed the rumors to be false.- draft extension bill. negotiate an end to U.S. involvement in Indochina "as soon as said. These inductees probably will be The policy conflicted with Laird's recent The touchy issue of the American prisoners swirled through practicable." Thursday's statement changed the In the meantime, it could lead to a lengthy delay in final taken from among college and junior public warnings of a dangerous military Picture again. the debate. When Scott said the amendment would give up a college graduates whose deferments have manpower shortage. Friedheim attributed valuable U.S. bargainir.g card, Mansfield shot back: "What is that enactment of the big arms bill, one of the measures that must be the conflict to what he called "confusion" (Please turn to back the POWs?" passed before Congress can go home this year. cage) card - Selective Service officials have said on the part of recruiters. Freidheim also denied that the low draft call for the remainder of this year suggested that Laird was crying wolf when Bike registrations he predicted during Senate debate that Army readiness would be damaged significantly unless the Selective Service law was quickly revived. The Pentagon spokesman argued that, low it is, the new draft call for October, police as stress November and December will generate voluntary enlistments in the armed forces. Officials said that actual inductions in the final quarter this year will total close to 15,000 because the Selective Service "Kids just don't know the scope of the he said, "we'll avert serious accidents." System is expected to deliver nearly By RAY ANDERSON Zutaut said he is also concerned with another 5,000 men under a previous quota and problem. They aren't following the traffic many bicyclists who fail to register their which had not been filled when the draft regulations and it seems that they aren't JUDY YATES going to until something terrible happens." bikes. Registration is more to the law lapsed temporarily on June 30. State News Staff Writers advantage of bicycle owners than the Officials said most of the new quota Diane Rathnow, student member of the safety department or University, he probably will be filled in October and . ^destrians rd are apt to day at class with go home from a AUTC said. explained. November in line with a longtime policy bicycle tread marks Bicyclists are governed by the same "The registrations cost 50 cents, but it is which has minimized draft inductions toads eir tfo j backs, and bicyclists with car traffic regulations as motorists and are the only way we can identify a bike when during December because o'f the Christmas on theirs, this year. fined the same amount for traffic law "umber of registered bicycles on it is stolen," he said. holiday season. infractions. However, bicyclists do not Students who live off-campus are The total 1971 call of 98,000 is the M«cfUSi. risen sharply in recent years. receive points on their traffic records for advised to register their bicycles with the lowest since 1962 when 76,500 men were tnL° ,the new riders aPP^ to be tickets incurred on a bicycle. police department of the community in drafted. thpm traffic regulations pertaining to Fifty tickets have been issued to which they live, since the departments Friedheim said that total inductions in Problem w^'c^ constitutes a serious bicyclists since Tuesday, most of them for work together in attempts to recover them. 1972 will be "certainly within the same riding the wrong way on a one way street The AUTC suggests that bicyclists put range as this year." winwK10!81 number of bicycles registered and running red lights and stop signs. their license stickers on the inside bar of the With the size of the armed forces being £ \ihe Dept- of Public Safety was 5,163 Last year there were five reported bike so that anyone who might steal it reduced sharply, this year's total draft calls Wednpsrf 8nd 3'793 the year before. As of bicycle accidents not involving motor cannot remove the sticker by sawing off fall more than 65.000 men below the 1970 SSay ~ with tw<> full days Of vehicles and 16 involving motor vehicles, the back fender. total of 163,500. ^ SteS!""1"' ~5J38 b'cyc'es had 13 of which reported personal injury, The Dept. of Public Safety has recorded Bernittsaid. nearly 40 bicycle thefts since the start of the lMt ot "Bicyclists violating traffic regulations the term. A total of 633 bicycles were Petitioning open have been the cause of a number of near Pu£h^®ernitt. di rector of the Dept. of accidents since the beginning of the term, stolen last year. Registration officials will accept bicycle Bicycles beware Petitioning will open Monday for toenatir'1^ allr'buted the increase to Capt. Adam J. Zutaut, police commander registrations in West Mayo lobby today and Fifty tickets have been issued to students since Tuesday for bicycle student positions on all University The surge in bike riding. of the Dept. of Public Safety, reported. in Quonset 104 throughout the rest of the Standing Committees, West Circle district (AUTcn!. mlty Traffic Committee violations. Officer Merle Lemon caught these two students riding the Safety has been the overriding factor in year. Bicyclists caught riding unregistered representative and office space allocation. that thL k 'ng to make bicyclists realize emphasizing bicycle compliance with bicycles on campus after today will be wrong way on Circle Drive in front of the Journalism Building. Petitions will be available in 307 Student regulMinnc ave to fo"ow moving traffic traffic regulations, Zutaut explained. fined $2. State News photo by Terry Miller Services Bldg. for 10 class days. c, ns- '"St as they would driving a "If we can get voluntary cooperation," Michiga Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 1, 197 Thieuwants election, U.S. aid St< news SAIGON (AP) - Despite 80 percent of the vote, and this represents only a tiny minority This provision eventually charging that the election was blocks away have carried By widely publicized seems possible. of the seven million voters and their state r demonstrations against President precipitated a political crisis, rigged. daily routine, He has told newsmen he 18 million people. unaware of or unconcerned long"rur summary Nguyen Van Thieu and his uncontested campaign for would resign rather than see U.S. During four years in office, aid to Vietnam cut off, and Thieu has weathered crisis after Using government machinery to apply nwnopolized pressure, Thieu so available Despite pressure Washington to maintain at least the faca(je Qf democracy, Thieu from the protests. v The .51! felUS budget c< From the wjrei of AP and UPI. re-election, few doubt that he although the Nixon crisis, weeding out Ky endorsements that only he and 'ill get ^ his opponents' withdrawal Thieu argues that if the South the^'vote of confidence" administration is committed to supporters and suppressing such he seeks in Sunday's polling. J Cm Hon Gen. ntinnrf Duong Van Van "Rio" "Big" Minh Minh no __ _ cc i_j m way afteted the election's Vietnamese" fight on " a"° "ia' Thieu, Congress iS likely to take dissident groups as An Quang could qualify. The opposition is the most legality. Vietnam can be defeated * a hard look at continuing aid. and Cambodian Buddhists, cohesive and widespread of Thieu has said he expects to students, disabled veterans, and forced into meanirwfu ,te apPr)Pria Thieu's political career, but it bring peace to the country enemies in the National Minh then quit the race, Th mJ!6<3P^ C.anu.V°!!„.i?8jnl negotiations within one to twc __ ......... it in'0 ser charging that the election was him, Thieu says, by casting an " yeare "or" tlhewar that the y rerage 7 P« lacks significant popular within two years, and will resign Assembly. — being rigged by Thieu — a move "irregular" ballot — by tearing "fade away." »> ustees support. He has succeeded in once this task is accomplished. the president later admitted he the ballot in half, defacing it, or "It is clear from this review that either suppressing or ignoring his Thieu has made myriad In June, obsessed with didn't expect. rednesday. putting an empty envelope in But with doubtful the public interest requires a court foes. enemies in populj, ,e meeting wti attaining and winning a clear-cut mandate for the j,ox support, a nation tired of war Thieu has said he will resign if maintaining power, and his a second term of four years, fednesday *' challenge to our system of Thieu, under U.S. pressure, government and army he receives fewer than half the uncontested campaign for Thieu rammed through the arranged for the Supreme Court udget property tax financing and state Thieu is almost certain to win dependent on U.S. aid, observer] ppropriations votes, and has implied he might re-election has brought them legislature a law requiring that to validate Ky's endorsements a considerable school aid grants of public majority in rural are asking how long Thieu Thrusday step down if he does not win a together in a loose coalition presidential candidates be and allow him on the ballot — areas where people are less education which, in my larger majority. He predicted to which may step up its activities endorsed by 40 assemblymen or although it had previously ruled politically aware than in the last, No is certain, but it is pecial meetin judgement, is unfair, unequal, and aides and newsmen, however, after the election. 100 province and city his petition invalid. one not olleges and 0 cities. hard to find predictions he will that he might receive as much as However, the opposition still councilors. Then Ky refused to run, also inequitable." Even in Saigon, citizens a few resign within six months. Frank Kelley, Of - A ttorney General W. Germans See related article, /Galp page I. WASHINGTON (AP) - For the first time since FYance helped uncertain — will be covered by loans from West Germany and by The West Germans are also offering loans of various kinds now. Lunch money City official needed it win the American Revolution of 1776, the United States is to get a direct subsidy from a foreign government. Negotiations are new contribution. The last time the U.S. Treasury can recall anybody handing the These will help the United States scrape together scarce currency but the money will have to be paid back some day. The foreign leared the '° moving toward cash payment by West Germany to help support United States any free money was back in 1781, when Louis VVI West Germans have given this type of help in recent years and hat caused a' U. S. troops there. part of the debt is already coming due. oter regi came through with a gift of six million livres to the U.S. and West German officials say they have agreed that West Revolutionary forces. That amounted to some $1,089,000 at the This is the first time the West Germans have said they are fednesday and The Senate Agriculture Committee voted 8 to 5 ready will hai Germany is to make a contribution to the U.S. budget. It is time, but a dollar went a good deal further in those days. Hie to make a contribution that would ease the burden on the U.S. o one Wednesday, overriding stronger than expected designed to cover part of the $1.2 billion which the United States king handed out a good deal more in the form of loans, which he budget as well — a non - reimbursable contribution like the opposition, to require tbe administration to spend more calculates as the annual cost in foreign currency of keeping Marshall Plan aid to Europe that followed World War II. got back later. The money helped inflict a defeat on Britain, with Sui money to provide a free or reduced-price school meal 200,000 American troops in West Germany. Additional costs in which Louis was at war in any case. ordinary language: a free gift. dollars are much higher. for every needy child in the country. Over the two years that began July 1, the West Germans say The measure, sponsored by Chairman Herman E. they expect to spend more than three billion marks, $900 Talmadge, D-Ga., was approved with votes of six Milliken audit suggestion if million, on U.S. military equipment. This offsets some of the U.S. Democrats and two Republicans. Opposed were four spending in foreign currency. Republicans and one Democrat. Talmadge said that unless something is done at once Much of the rest of this U.S. spending — just how much is still v washingtc many states will have to curtail their school-lunch >cretary of th said 'positively ridiculous programs. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Connally sa University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter nited States w and Spring school terms, move its 10 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition ircharge if ot in September. Subscription rate is $16 make tangibl per year. By RANDY GARTON bids and on minor itmes we use square foot," Ryan said. a0 were dorm residents bussed Informal fmove its 10 per cent import But Connally's address of gold in any new monetary moving upward to realistic new ovei" by Various Organizations Save! Save! Save! lircharge if other governments prepared for the annual meeting system," said the U.S. chief values in the period of Extend Registration Fall Rush fmake tangible progress" in of the 118-nation International delegate to the monetary "floating.' parities since (VOTER) Rent Your conference. He went on. President Nixon suspended the turnout was light Thursday Monetary Fund discouraged proposals from the major trading "Removal of the surcharge, payment of gold for dollars. and Patriarche said no more than Sorority Sign-Up Mdterm grades nations that the American dollar be devalued directly in terms of prior to making substantial progress toward our objectives, eight to 10 persons were in line TV Friday —Oct. 1 [jpfion offered gold. would accomplish nothing BY THE TERM! n grades on a name by "A change in the gold price is toward correcting the balance of the Student Services Bldg. lame basis will be available to wedding Free Delivery lolleges departments Rooms 101 319 Jequesting or the information from SALE ON TEXAS BOOTS. of her dreams . . Free Service Free Pick - up or (he registrar's office beginning Ihis term. William D. Codings, COME or call Chairman of the Educational policies Committee, immittee approved said the the ^0N |N begins at $25.°° per term 355-8288 Ineasure Thursday. The policy of , AND Jon Anthony University TV Rentals ■ormally reporting grades was abolished last year. midterm § GET 351-7900 STEREO RENTALS 'EM.. % Floiist _ 'ms'llTt I Fret Pick-up $ 9 50 1 Tired of an hour's wait I and then a trip to the lobby? NEJAC RENTALS 211 Abbott Rd. 337-1300 Open Tonight Until 9 p ^pprffffTTPrrT' v--"*8" W M-fn# what lambs! suede on the outside Then why bother, and shearling on the inside. Call 351-7100 . . one of the young, exuberant new shortcoat ideas that will win right now for the hottest you over at sight Sizes S.M.L A. Natural white shearling lamb fastest delivered pizza in town. with chain-link fastening $100. B Double breasted earth brown We deliver to your dyed lambskin, subtly shaped $110. door, providing your dorm lets us. Jacobs )i VB IT'S SO EASY TO PARK IN THE ADJOINING EAST LANSING AUTO RAMP, DOMINO'S JACOBSON'S WILL GLADLY VALIDATE YOUR PARKING TICKET MICHIGAN . -sa MAIL TO THE CHIEF STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY eSBk yy' KEN LYNAM EDITOR'S NOTE: Questions for Mr. Hubbard Hall service area) are posted with advertising manager Bernitt and/or Chief Pegg may be signs indicating "No Student Parking." The Student Motor Vehicle addressed to Mail to the Chief, 345 Regulation DAVE PERSON, managing editor Student Services Bldg., East Lansing, Mich. specifically states that these signs are CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor 48823. Names need not be included. unnecessary; however, the department has JOHN BORGER, campus editor augmented the map controls with some BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor signs. There is no intent to derive more When an MSU officer stops someone in revenue — rather it's an attempt to avoid RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor an automobile for a traffic violation, is it posting of signs beyond those that ar legal for the officer to search the vehicle or absolutely necessary. Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award must he ask first or obtain a warrant? What for outstanding journalism. happens if the person refuses permission to I notice from reading the State News search? that many thefts and burglaries are committed quite frequently in parking lots, No. The stopping of a motorist for a especially Lots X and Y. Why don't EDITORIALS routine traffic offense does not authorize officers patrol these areas more heavily an officer to search the vehicle. However, when reports indicate frequent incidents Detroit busin when a motorist is under the influence, the stopped for driving arresting officer may search the vehicle without obtaining are occurring? Officers spend many hours patrolling the areas where cars are parked. When permission or a search warrant. The officer, a bitter, neces except in the latter case, must abide by the directive of the motorist warrant. or seek a search particular problem is noted increased patrol and surveillance takes place. In addition to regular patrol, surveillance The ruling Monday by federal surroundings, the fears and from unmarked cars and on foot by plain Why doesn't the police dept. designate clothes officers is utilized to apprehend Judge Stephen J. Roth may well deal prejudices of the past most certainly those involved. a death blow to the all white will be transmitted into the future. "no student parking" areas more clearly, suburban school system. Judge Roth In most cases children of especially those areas marked in red on the What is the crime rate in the campus maps but which have no signs or university ruled that the State of Michigan and elementary school age have not yet community as compared to a city of other visible markings? Is this a ploy to the Detroit Public School System formed any sort of racial outlook. comparable size? draw more revenue in parking violation were guilty of maintaining "dejure" By sending young black and white fees? The 1970 "Michigan Law Enforcement or legal segregation, which was children together, the kids Officials Report on Crime" as compiled All but two red areas (Lot K and the by themselves will find there is no more the Michigan State Police indicates that the prohibited by the Supreme Court in inherent difference between blacks crime rate for Michigan was 3,787.5. 1954. MSU, having an approximate 65,000 population There are 86 school systems in the and whites than between blondes OUR READERS' MIND according to the Tri-County Planning greater Detroit area - the Detroit and redheads. Commission, had a crime rate of 2,333." School System and 85 smaller Racial hatred does not develop for the fiscal period 1970-71. suburban systems throughout cities and townships in scattered naturally; it is learned. Segregated schools have been implicitly Beard no asset for 'A' student What guidelines do the police use ji Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb teaching this lesson for years. To the Editor: that while I had of the best determining such offenses as "disturbing some qualifications they had ever the peace," particularly in regard counties. The schools in the 85 Traumas Like over 9 percent of the working force in Michigan, I am seen, it would be a waste of their time and effort to attempt to to Some unemployed. Like a good portion of these I am 23, in good secure me a job as long as I kept my beard. Less than four hours parties. smaller suburban systems are, by complain about the health, draft exempt, take a shower daily, have short hair, and a .later I was notified that a potential employer was very interested definition, nearly all white. When the emotional traumas which would We would like our officers to make good work record. Like a substantial number I am a recent in me with the stipulation that I shave. Not that the company was suburbs themselves are all white and develop among youngsters who those participating in the party aware that college graduate with a B.A. in Business. Like only a few, I anything but objective, of course, but they always wondered the suburbs have their own school would be forced to spend an hour graduated with high honors with an A average. what a bearded person was trying to prove or hide. After my a complaint had been made. In practically all instances this information results in the systems, things naturally turn out each day on a bus going from Detroit Why, with these qualifications, has my quest for employment decision not to shave I was reminded that the agency would no end of the problem to the complainant Bloomfield Hills been so unproductive? It appears that the possession of a beard longer represent me, but should I decide to shave I to that way. to and back. ever was without further police involvement. tends to negate all of the positive attributes one may possess. Not feel free to call. By maintaining separate urban and Strangely enough farm children have a long shaggy apparition, mind you, but a neatly trimmed beard I am not attempting to prove or hide anything; I have no suburban school structures, been taking such busrides ever since that has drawn compliments from both friends and employers. objections to requirements that beards be shaved for valid job If a student feels he was mistreated by a significant integration can be school buses first hit the road and Yet the resistance in the business community has been staggering. related reasonssuch as the health factor in food service. What I do Two weeks after having applied for a job with the Michigan police officer - for example, if the officer prevented. Whites willing to flee to have managed to live through it. object to, however, are the negative inferences that people often State Employe's Assn. I found myself among the final applicants used physical force against him while he the suburbs be almost assured of make because of invalid beliefs or assumptions. While the legality can Busing alone, however, will not of such discrimination is questionable, legal recourse is not the remained cooperative — what recourse eliminate the differences between being considered. A preliminary interview, my academic record, sending their children to all white plus my score on a competitive examination had brought me this answer.I don't feel as if I could fit into a company that puts more does he have? Can he press charges against schools. suburban and inner city schools. In far. It not until about five minutes into the final interview the officer? was emphasis on appearance than ability. In a sense, it is a mutual This flight has prevented any kind fact there will be a great and that I was first informed that although courts had ruled rejection of a job offer. of meaningful integration of public otherwise, I would be required to shave off my beard as a I am not going to take up space in a futile effort to discuss the If such situation involved completely justifiable uproar if busing a one of our schools in the Detroit area. In between school condition of employment. Please note that this is the association trite arguments that both sides have developed. I would just like officers, we would urge that the facts be systems is not that represents classified state employees and purports to believe made known to the officer's supervisor to express my frustration and disappointment in a business addition it has robbed the Detroit combined with steps designed to strongly in the merit system. If I were a state employe, they community that is content to hire a less qualified employe immediately. Furthermore, if the student School System of important equalize school system revenues. would be my representative in defense of my right to keep my because he is beardless. felt that criminal charges were in order, he property tax revenue. The effect of With this goal in mind a greater beard. David Guenther should present his case directly to the the flood oi higher income groups Detroit area school system should be Early last week I inquired about an ad placed in the newspaper East Lansing alumnus County Prosecutor for review and from the central city over the course established. All 86 school districts in by an employment agency. I was informed during my interview Sept. 26,1971 of decades l is been staggering. the Detroit area should be included. Grosse Pointe individuals pay taxes Of course it will require considerable equivalent to $1,200 annually for time and expense to standardize 86 POINT OF VIEW each student. In Detroit the amount separate educational programs student is only $800. overnight, but these are costs which No support for proposed per route must be borne. Busing between Inequality unequal school systems would be as This situation naturally creates intolerable as no busing at all. By MARY KAY SCULLION scheduled for Oct. 14.) total unequal schools. A student in Busing will be a bitter pill for As state contribution? Or, does it as the traffic congestion on Harrison Road. East Lansing Graduate student a result of the trustees action this Detroit cannot receive as good an Detroit to swallow, but unless the represent the combination of funds that If the highway goes past June a considerable amount of debate are to be utilized, federal state and local? through, they will have education as one in Grosse Pointe / still another problem to deal with when pill is taken, the disease of racism For those students who may has arisen. At present the board is Mr. Stafseth accused the MSU board of with such a discrepancy in per capita not be they may be trying to get a sick or injured and unequal educational receiving what I would label pressure to trustees of aware of it, I want to advise you that the hiding behind their child to a hospital. property tax revenues. In essence, opportunities will not be cured. proposed M-43 highway extension will run approve the highway from several sources. constitutional autonomy in making a Detroit area schools, like those in One of the most common decisionto reconsider the highway. Then, there is the issue of environment. Seventeen years after the Supreme a few hundred feet south of Cherrry Lane complaints (East other major metropolitan areas, are Apartments, Holden Hall and Fee Hall. It against the board's position is that they ' Lansing Towne Courier, 27 July 1971). At The 200-foot wide strip to be destroyed Court outlawed segregated schools, have "broken faith" with the will run north of Spartan Village and the City of East that time he stated that "It (constitutional will be of no further esthetic value to inequitable because of their Detroit, like all other major urban Lansing. According to the city Jt has society. And the value of the grass and new medical school hospital. Thus, it will autonomy) was to free the University from systematic structure. Judge Roth's areas, is still maintaining an further divide of the few planned all of its streets in the past 10 political pressure while conducting the plants that exist in the area cannot be one contiguous ruling paves the way to correct this essentially segregated system of campuses in the state. The Highway Dept., years around the proposed highway plans business of education. It was not designed replaced by poured concrete. The situation. in speaking of the 40-50 mile per hour and has gone so far as to develop a master to allow the university to avoid its additional problem of noise education. street plan that takes account of the M-43 and air Busing between the suburbs and This must end proposed speed limit has indicated that the responsibilities to the state and local area." pollution will also be present. - not only to extension. In addition, the city's share of speed is reasonable and the route would I wonder what Mr. Stafseth considers his Detroit becomes immediately equalize educational opportunities, the construction costs of the compare to Shaw Lane. Somehow, one Trowbridge comments to be if not political? My Question available under the ruling as a means but also to mix the races at an early interchange was $200,000. cannot help but wonder how a 40-50 mile interpretation of them is that they are a Perhaps though, there is an even more to eliminate school segregation once enough age to retard the per hour limited access road could compare rather blatant attempt at arousing local fundamental question which we need to and for all. to Shaw Lane which has a 25 mile per hour Safety political pressure against the trustees. consider. What is our position in the total development of racist attitudes. For As all of us are aware Grand River poses Through primary experience, the most part America has done little speed limit. community? The University has provided We can all do something about it a major problem with regard to traffic the City of East beginning at the first grade level, to solve her racial problems. Judge by Unhappy Lansing with a sizable registering and voting in the East Lansing safety. In order to combat this threat, the Meridian portion of its income from commercial with members of other races, children Roth's ruling has the potential to city is supporting the destruction of a 200 Township is allegedly not City Council election for those candidates concerns. The city also receives shared should the foot wide stretch of happy with the Trustees's decision because never assume racist make Detroit a model for urban who are opposed to the route. If we all act campus for almost 2 the revenues from the state the basis of Meridian Mall was built with the on attitudes of their elders. miles rather than the destruction of the socialization, if he carries his initial now, there could be 3 voices on the city understanding that the highway would population statistics that include the council opposed to the campus highway. rather motley looking median that runs Granted, busing is wasteful in "de jure" segregation decision to its down Grand River Avenue. Grand River provide easy access to it. That, in fact, the University's student body. Thus, one On October 20, 1949 the would have to say that the University is an terms of efficiently setting up school logical conclusion: governing merchants would be easily accessible to all busing of board of Michigan Stae College (MSU) gave Avenue has more traffic accidents than any of the residents of the integral part of the city. And yet, students boundaries. Yet an even greater students, which in turn will other street in the city, as the Lansing area. its approval to a project which now, more city manager During recent weeks the statements by and the university lack a voice in East waste is the human resources lost in necessitate a greater Detroit area than 20 years later, is a source of has pointed out. However, he failed to note local and state officials about M-43 have Lansing city government, a situation which maintaining segregated schools. As school system. We have held onto controversy not only within the university that, outside of Detroit, this is the most not dealt with two issues. One, what will apparently makes the city feel that the long as white and black children are the segregated status quo much too community but without as well. Approved frequently traveled road in the state with be the impact of the needs and desires of the over 40,000 in 1949 was a highway route across the 44,000 vehicles and 30,000 pedestrians highway on the educated and brought up in separate university and its community? And, two students at MSU can be subverted to the long already. southern end of the campus that would use using it every day. Allegedly the cross what will be the long will of the homeowner — an attitude which range impact of the a 200 foot right of way north of the Grand campus route would relieve much of the road on the environment. can only lead to further entrenchment of Trunk Railroad tracks to be reserved for congestion by moving the traffic further the "town and south. One can't help but ask gown" split. construction of the proposed route. why a As I have already Driving pointed out the rule southern route is necessary since there are Proposals proposed road will be located Because of my concerns about the Since that original decision, a variety of no residences in East adjacent Lansing, except on to several areas of university highway, the pressure which the city is proposals for the highway have been campus, that are south of Grand River housing. I realize that the East Lansing homeowners apparently willing to apply to the One of the interesting things presented to the board. The most recent Avenue. What is the matter with the which violations would be assessed a don't want the road to be adjacent to their university in order to get its way, and my about the University power structure plan calls for a grade level, limited access proposed peripheral route (through Valley belief that we do have interests which must flat rate of, say, three dollars (or $10 homes because of the noise and (40-50 miles per hour) highway with Court Park) or M-78? Can't these two congestion. be protected, I would like to take this is that regulations are generally made But, if this is the case, why do they feel for sticker violations) with a at-grade crossings at Hagadorn and roads relieve congestion? by individuals exempt from them. that it is alright for those opportunity to urge all MSU students who Harrison Roads and an underpass at Farm living in married mandatory review of a student's The State Highway Dept. maintains that student housing or in the dorm complexes are eligible to register before October 1st Student Motor Vehicle Regulation Lane and Bogue Street. In addition, the and vote in the city of East driving privileges after his sixth or it has already spent $1.7 million on the to be subjected to the problem. Lansing. Unless Number 21 is a classic case in point. plans (Engineering Report 1680, we have spokesmen at the local level, we eighth summons. construction of ramps and structures at the Additionally, the residents of Spartan Under these statutes a student is Supplement A) call for a connection with can never hope to have them at the state Such reforms have been Red Cedar Road that would Trowbridge Exit which will be wasted if Village have long and bitterly complained fined according to a "step scale" for provide access the route doesn't go through. Is this the about the railroad level where even more vital decisions about ■ consistently blocked by the to and from the north only. crossing tie-ups as well parking and driving violations. It is faculty-ad ministration controlled In September of 1969 the board of / I'VE TRlEp\ not uncommon for automotive I'VE TRIED, AND TRIED AND traffic committee. Significantly, trustees reaffirmed its support of the route YOU KNOW H0U) MARP miscreants to amass fines of several and the State Highway dept., P5YCMIATRIC / TO 8E A TRIED! I'VE REALLY TRIED! I'VE TRIED! TELL ME NICE T&Y...FIVE CENTZ, PLEA# university employeees pay a flat rate according to net.? BETTER J hundreds of dollars. Henrik Stafseth the director, HOIt) I'VE TRIED... For several years the members of for all parking violations. earnest to began in plan for construction of the 1.9 VJ%f?50N„/ 7 /— —— PT We cannot help but wonder if the miles of 36 foot dual roadways to be built V ' the Student Traffic Appeals Court and the student delegates to the committee would legislate the same if faculty and staff were across the campus. However, on June 19, 1971 the board of trustees withdrew its A\ 3 ) 1?^ way All -University Traffic Committee presently faced with a noxious "step support of the highway and indicated that Trte POCTO* M i&. have lobbied for a scheme there is a need for further consideration of under scale." the plans. (A public hearing has been -JSSfc THE pot rotf l-r~i Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. October I, 14)7 1 5 A PRESIDENT'S PERSPECTIVE Wharton Contribute encourage! StllHpntc students — — lanJ tend ...UU ** rointw'Tam .. i »hhe to tradition of friendliness their "nd president faculty and^tatt'to ««ch other's position for granted. ntry, . am .... struck by uy lIieit have to be that But " not and way; and for the that students. It is important we remember that we are accept the any less? For we all share responsibility to make that The point is, since good human ud,nJ'.o W>o°d .t° hit columns and to r^SM*e10' „ * i^^f1 r\lnI!fB,0n8 °f Michi8"n State most P«rt, because of your the permanent staff dealing with extra effort relations are rare one-sided, we „ r«Donses responses and and h both " all University Tnd academic"""' staff, College as a warm, small and ^ efforts, ! 1"°™' "' 'L"0'" to build and must all do our part. general .lnevitablyJ " CO,nS.tantly chan8ing student strengthen the sense of An essential ingredient of the You have it within your . uflStl° ot a more nonacademic concernine our Todav Today, MSU ?« MSI I is nn no i«no«r th longer the comes w'th ™P,d growth population, most of whom are community on our campus. owever> greater The educational process in my power to J on — office. He will human relations on the cammis cloistered contribute !" Sf J°! Iess- .There student may be just another u:. small r«mn„c face opinion is to insure that all the tremendously to MSU's tradition of friendliness and registration line, but it is the dignity and as individual citizens consideration. — ^ A President s C°Pressured by the events of the ZJZMS*" treatment that he or she receives at the end of the line that can worthy of respect. principle, I believe, lies at the This Therefore, would ask each of you to take the initiative. Establish I uestions to th j concernsTndTdeas o^t'his anexc^sToT^'^O^ra^iitv anJi perhaps aimpatient with the I would ask you to remember mane tne altterence between personal erspective," Off'" of the ™ «nfn undergraduate, graduate, and jfffcetive utorial service the newly established Office of the first venture of the of t faculty volunteers Special Programs, black students which grew out of the DtUoit It *ould be have been encouraged to enter helptui if college Project, and the Special Services Hamilton expressed the need leans and department chairmen MSU. Office for Minority Stud' 1 James B. Hamilton, asst. Hamilton said the min provost, for special programs, purpose of the office is to ,t.^ist states that this year the disadvantaged and handicapped freshman 700 students. class has a enrollment between 640 and black students on camp'.! s He defines a disadvantage who enters MsU dent ai. one with grade Computer lob On a guard! In order to discuss problems judo, Karate, be held at Kendo and Aikido will be demonstrated in a Japanese Fighting Arts program to 7:30 p.m. today in the Men's Intramural Bldg. These two Kendo fighters are blacks encounter and to help schedule classes, orientation for incoming black a special point of less than 2.7b. "The coordinating handicapped offici has activities students begun for which grad, faculty freshmen and transfer students Beginning Monday, the 51 sessions is available in 109 of interest i.» th battling with wood and metal swords in full armor. includes the ramping of many was held during the regular Computer Laboratory will offer Computet Center, listing all specialti< Horner ■- State Nevtt photo MSU buildings and modifying by Tom Dolan summer orientation period new faculty members and sessions and describing their I he course i, n the dorm rooms in which they graduate students a series of contents. lequires no registrat live," Hamilton said. informal workshops on the use An ' 'italic There is a special nine Each different that one- is >o held at ,! recruits sample blindness of the MSU computer facilities. I p in M., I passenger van that has been participants can find something leased from the Compute! (Vntei University Don motor pool and modi Tied to Horner, manager of rHfc users' service in the computer Bethany Baptist Church transport handicapped students EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY Walk demonstrates trust to and from classes," he added. labs, said the program consists of Welcome ■> You AT M.S.U lectures and demonstrations Hamilton said the office can scheduled throughout the term indirectly financial aid for 9:45 Sunday School secure enabling participants to use the the disadvantaged student 11:00 Worship down stairs, without talking. information computer facilities within their By KAREN ZURAWSKI Then the roles are reversed, and about programs attempt to bring together through the Office of Financial fields of interest. 6 00 Christian Training State News Staff Writer Returning volunteers can sign up volutneers in the various Aid. A complete schedule of the 7:00 Evening Worship the taller person becomes the at the bureau. residence halls, Lush, who is leader. Wednesday A student never realizes how coordinator for Shaw, Holmes 7:00 Mid Week Worship I With speech and sight A student does not have to and McDonel halls, said HRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH UNIVERSITY much lie depends on his eyes, 7 45 Church Choir I until he takes the MSU volunteer eliminated, the "blind" person take the "trust walk" if he does learns to depend on and trust (Disciples of Christ) BAPTIST CHURCH I "trust walk" and learns what it not want to, no one has ever I is to be blind. I Since last week, pairs of the other. This simulation of volunteer experience attempts to the declined, director Judy of the Sorum, asst. Volunteer take 1001 Chester Rd. (one block north of Grand River at a point 1/3 mi west of 4608 South John D. Waldun Hagadorn - Pastoi Located West on'Mt Hope to Penn ieft on Pen:. I Bureau, said I students have been wandering and out of the I Building, as Student Services the Volunteer in put the student in which a situation in he needs to exercise "It's somewhat of a tense bus 4824848 Frandor) Worship services at 8:30 & l or ot information Transportation tc Lincoln Affiliated with the S B C Chuich ph. 485 05:»0 control and be innovative. situation, until build trust in 11:00 a.m. College Age class I Bureau holds orientation the you Bus Schedule After the walk, students other person," she at 9:30 332-8472 Pastor Richard Rogers I training sessions for would-be discuss their feelings, answer a.m explained. School of Discipleship 6:45 I volunteers. staff questions and relate the ST. JOHNS call The sessions, which began last Tony Lush, a volunteer Worship Sunday School The Image oj the Invisible r i i mi A.M walk to volunteering. SHJDENT CENTER I week and will continue until coordinator, described it as a A volunteer chooses "pNllY a ■ Oct 8, usually consist of 10 to 120 students, seasoned volunteers program to work in from one of "growing experience" in which a 127 M A C. bAST LANSING CHURCH person learns how to lead and 60 offered, and is expected to UNIVERSITY Central United Methodist | and a staff member. devote three to five hours a follow. New Mass Schedule Across from the Capitol 811 l'imberlane Dri Four times a day, students are SEVENTH DAY Stanley R. Reilly | instructed to pair up The week for the entire school year "It's not overtly threatening, Sundays ADVENTIST CHURCH WORSHIP SERVICE Acting Pastor || 1 Fast Lansing r person of the two working in it though like standing with eyes 8 30 6 00 p.m. 9.45 & 1100 HI I Telephone <-.1 I becomes the leader, and the Though recruitment sessions closed in the middle of a circle 9:45 9:00 p.m. Topic Interdenominational Sabbath School 9:30 I taller the "blind" person. for volunteers ended Thursday, and falling," he noted. 11:15 "Is Christ For University Class I For 10 minutes the two roam interested students may still go Worship Service 11:00 Barton Biddulph. speaking Saturday 7:00 p.m. the Whole World?" ■ around the building, up and to the bureau and pick up some 'Die bureau hopes to remedy K. G. Smith, pastor Oriental Missionan Society the lack of communication that St. Johns East Dr. I y man Across from Hubb.i'd Wednesday: Mid week discussion K pravei has occurred in the past between on 149 Highland Ave. 'gar ten volunteers. Lush said. Hagadorn Call 351 8994 if you 9.4j 9:45 LUTHERAN CAMPUb MINISTRIES n ed 11 15 transportation "People would feel so Dailv oppressed if a program didn't 8 00 12:30 4:30 work out, that they would drop ALC LCA. (St. Johns East, consult bulletin) UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN - out and sort of disappear," he for Students and I ucult> al commented. University Lutheran Chun I This year CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE Division & Ann Street-. Friday coordinator* will | 10 30 a.m. v i 'JOT THE BLUES: "Blues in the 50V Blues 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River 332-2559 enters into the eta of "rhythm and blue#" and electrical blues. 1 Discussion Groups 9:30 a.rn TV RENTALS Pastors: Walter Wict/ke p.m. AM FIRfNi LiNE: William F Buckley Jr debates with I Ronald V. Dellui. s. DC 'J if., < i lilac - in politics 1 tun. FM r" ^,vl'oV $9 50 •»» (Jrand River ALWAYS OPEN | MUSIC THFATKR- Allen •> i Pic!* up month olltiiftwood Fnttam Minister, Kail Huff'- Campus Minuter WoKSHir Hul RS Saturday NEJAC fV RENTALS I 1 lo pin AM MSU FOOfBviJ. MSU vs Not e Dame, from Gary Hawes .13/ >300 u.i v rvlves 11 00 i I South Bond ' " .i ir, M MSTEN" ' Classics by 34'- 351-8i. truest b\ .an.. >-6540 <1 uig the pro*. ,'J C . li rw , i t estimonial i Ht.UP! 1 SlHURC II EATING & DRINKING I AS I LAN•>INC. Sh ' 8:00 p. m, A. 'tool ' Jgc II 00 a m Heading Roam Temporarily 20 UNIVERSITY UNITED ME IHODIST CHURCH /L K Christian Refor nedChuich and Student Centei LAMPS l ocated lit Church 1120 South Harrison \ OPh'N Phone 351 7030 V ( Visit our new Student t ■ ntei Weekdays 9 • 5 p.ni open daily 9am 11 p.ni Mon l'u.:s Thurs. hri . "The tircakthru of the Real " Ml 1\ 11 Lunch Wednesday 12 30 SUNDAY SKRVICES v* 7- yp.m. 1 M0 Kt'v. Donn Doten 1 9 30 and 11 00 A M All an nJcomciu MORNING SERVILE EVENING SERVH'F attend church 1 10.00 A.M. 7:00 PM sei i ft c i and visit ARE NOW LIT and nut the reading Morning Worship 9:30 and 11.00 Church School 9:30 Nursery and 11:00 f V J \U Rev Brink Holy Communion Re\ R AT THE for transput tat ion call 3a! H3b0 or 882 142.) HRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEMOS CHURCH bCHOOL 4684 MARSH ROAD 9:30 and 11 00 A.M. (near Meijers Thrifty Acres) Ci lb through Adults An unaffiliated church proclaiming the SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Coffee Hour Bible as THE WORD of The Living God. After Services SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIVER DRIVE Sunday Services A CORDIAL WELCOME TO OUR SERVIC1 .•» EDGEWOOD UNITED 9 45 A M Bible School Classes for all ages CHURCH 11:00 A.M. Worship Service COLLEGE CLASS TAUGHT BY DR. TED WARD MSU 915 a.m. 6:00 P M Junior & Senior High Fellowships 8.30 AND 11:00 A.M. 469 N. Hagadorn - DR. HOWARD F. SUGDEN "GOD LIFTS HIS VOICE" 7 00 P M. Praise Service An Ecumenical Fellowship 7:00 PASTOR "PEACE IN A CHAOTIC HOUR" 8:30 P.M. Counibus (a college university, business Worship Service youth rap & snak session) and Church School 8:30 - COLLEGE FELLOWSHIP AND REI*RESHMENT HOUR 9:30 & 11:00 8:30 P.M. Counibus (a college university, business Sermon by Dr. Truman youth rap S( snak session FREE BUS SERVICE MORNING AND EVENING A. Morrison Wlnthrop E. Robinson, Pastor Phones 349-2830, 349-2533 BUS ROUTE NO. 1 BUS ROUTE NO. 2 'Selfhood. Love and Sexuality' Dorm or Hal 1 A.M. P.M. Dorm or Ma 1 1 "a.M. Dr. Robert Harris, Choirmaster MAYO 9:10 6:20 FEE E & W 9:10 6:20 9:10 6:20 HUBBARD.S & N 9:12 6:22 332-0606 or 332-8693 CAMPBELL BUS SCHEDULE LANDON E & W 9: 12 6:22 AKERS E & W 9:14 6:24 6PM YAKELY 9: 12' 6:22 HOLMES E & W 9:16 6:26 11AM 9:18 6:28 STEAKS LOBSTER SERVICE MEETING GILCHRIST 9: 13 6:23 McDONEL E 4 W 6:3t) 10i35 Yakely, 10:38 Brody WILLIAMS 9: 14 6:24 OWENS 9-20 5:38 (at light 5:35 Williams 9:17 6:27 VAN H00SEN 9.20 6: 30 SPIRITS on Harrison) BUT1ERFIELD 10:40 Wilson 10:41 Wond»" ENM0NS 9:18 6:28 SHAW E J, W 9:22 6: 32 :40 (U bus St , 5:41 Holden (Ubi i stop BAI LEY 9:19 6:29 PHILLIPS 9:25 6:35 n Birch Rd.) ARMSTRONG 9:20 6:30 : 25 6: 35 BRYAN 9:21 6:31 ftfilfc'R ° :2b 6: 36 HNE WINES ABBOT 9:26 6: 36 RATHER 9:22 6:32 10:45 Shaw Oorms 10:48 Phillips, CASE N & S 9:25 6:35 BEIMEL MANOR 9:28 o: 38 5:45 (Stop In front of each side) |n^1«J[ason WILSON E & W 9:26 6: 36 SOUTH BAPTIST 9:40 6:50 Abbott"0"' 1110 (In front of HOLDEN E 4 W 9:27 6:37 Trowbridge Road Physics Bldy.) WONDERS S & N 9:30 6:40 10i55 Hubbard SOUTH BAPTIST 9:40 6:50 351-8720 5:55 (stop at b< sides) DR. HOWARD F. SUGDEN, PASTOR JAMES EMERY. YOUTH PASTOR 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 1, 1971 -SPORTS- Spartans underdogs against potent Irish By GARY SCHARRER State New* Sports Writer has developed into one of the nation's outstanding rivalries. Game - of - the Week televised improve an awful lot yet. We by ABC and will have a coverage want to have a four-man running injury but was voted the top It may sophomore prospect by Big Ten be a long time before The Irish lead the series with 20 of eighty-four per cent of the game." writers prior to start of this that huge Notre Dame defensive wins to 15 for MSU and one tie. country. With the rugged, all-around season. line faces a quarterback that can The tie was the famed 10-10 The Irish are ranked No. 4 in athlete in Kolch at quarterback "I think Jesse is over the stand up to their big bodies. But deadlock of 1966 in a game the country, winning their first and this So is tko the coftinrt Qotlirrloir in Whi<>h a "tough dependable hump as far as confidence of setting Saturday in which mfltphpH matched thp the Pniintrv'Q country's two games kn by omoeKinx fllllKooL- smashing fullback in in 6-3,fil 01 ^nnnnrl 215-pound South Bend as the Spartans, getting hit," Daugherty top two teams, each with an Northwestern, 50-7, in its Henry Matthews, Daugherty has commented. "He is making some guided by 6-4, 220 - pounds undefeated, untied mark. opener and then edging past the power to compliment the Frank Kolch, go up against the key blocks. I'm not concerned Kickoff for this year's Purdue, 8-7, on a late speed and agility or Eric Allen with his running because you strength of the Irish, a strong, meeting is set for 12:50 p.m. fourth-quarter score in the rain and Jesse Williams, talented defense. can't play at that position with a capacity crowd assured. and mud last week. Matthews drew his first (slotback) unless you can block. The MSU-Notre Dame classic The game is NCAA's Regional MSU is 2-1 with the biggest starting assignment of the season We'll also pass more to Williams problem this season being a last week and Daugherty praised because of his great speed." faulty offense. But the Spartan his play, appearing surprised coaching staff has worked hard with his speed. Daugherty cited NOW IN STOCK with the offensive steady improvement has been shown. The Spartan offense put unit and Matthews' 42-yard touchdown run up the middle and speed as the Kolch, UPI's Midwest Back of Week, adds to the Spartans' running attack and may be the he broke away from the key for MSU's offensive hopes Tire NEW more points on the scoreboard defensive secondary as a pleasant against Notre Dame. against Oregon State last week surprise. Unfortunately for than they have scored all season. Matthews' efforts, a MSU "All the quarterback running \ > ' V tt i And again this week the offense . . holding penalty nullified the plays, are options," Kolch was drilled hard with new plays score. explained, "if I think I can get being presented to them. "I think Matthews showed four or five yards I'll keep the "We are getting more some spark and potential and ball. If I need the yards I'll run 3r Speaker system with fretwork grill explosive," Coach Duffy will definitely take some of the Daugherty said, "but we have to pressure off Allen," Daugherty said. over guys because I'm not that fast to go around them." SAME LOW PRICE - $79.50 Women's IM Williams, a heralded junior in "If we go into the game 402 S. Washington Ave. Lansing his first lived varsity stint, has not yet thinking we have to pass all of up to his running the time then well lose," The deadline for Women's reputation but Daugherty is Daugherty said. "We're going to Hammering Henry Senior fullback Henry Matthews displays strength and speed that makes him a valuable 245 Ann Street performer in the MSU backfield. Matthews started his first game of the season last week and Intramural Volleyball entries pleased with his over-all do everything we can to win. I East Lansing will be at 10 p.m. on Monday at performance. Williams missed hope we can make it after his impressing play has nailed down the starting berth against Notre Dame. the Women's IM. last season because of a knee interesting." State News photo by Jeff Wilner TONUE OPEN 7:30 P.M.—SEE THE FINEST IN DRIVE IN ENTERTAINMENT! OMEGA MAN 7:15 if ON BIG TEN SLATE BIG DOLL HOUSE 9:00 JL EXCLUSIVE WOMEN IN CAGES 10:30 ™!"MS BRING THE FAMILY DRIVE-IN RUN |m* OSU, By RICK GOSSELIN Northwestern's 'M' figure secondary in waters. Navy might give Virginia State News Sports Editor what could be the top game on Syracuse will be at Indiana a good game, but Michigan is the and if Indiana doesn't Woody Hayes will be seeking the Big Ten slate. show number two team in the nation. more revenge, Michigan's Spanish Woody Hayes bit bitter against the Orangemen was a Duffy Daugherty will again than they did against Baylor, Armada will take on the Navy about his team's first loss last match wits with Ara Parseghian The last man alive...is not and it will be shileleighs and week to Colorado in Columbus. Syracuse could be in for a in the annual classic in South alone! shamrocks in South Bend this He blamed the referees. The favorable rout. Bend. MSU looked sharp last week as the Big Ten zooms in on Buckeye coach just despises week while Notre Dame was the final week of non-conference losing and chances are good that stumbling through against Kansas will test Minnesota in play. California will feel the Ohio Purdue. But Notre Dame has OMRLTONKSTON Two conference games pinch this week as a result of last what no other team in the Minneapolis. The Gophers may not have a tough team but they managed to squeeze into the Big week's upset. Woody and Co. TH€ QM€GI " Ten scheduling this week in will be out to run up a score. nation can boast — the luck of the Irish. definitely have a tough schedule, addition to the heavy card of Any hope of winning will rest MAI non-league play. Iowa will be Navy will row Into the big fishbowl down In Ann Arbor Whether Frank Kolch will be with the throwing arm of out for win number one against and Bo Schembechler seems able to stand up to the crushing Gopher quarterback Craig Curry. Purdue in Lafayette, Ind., and assured of another rush of the Notre Dame massacre with Wisconsin will be the sharks he has defensive line is yet to be seen. Purdue has had Its heirt testing patrolling the 3rd Hit One thing Is sure though: this broken in each of the past two will be probably the only time weeks with last minute losses to WOMEN BIG diary off • mad houaawlffo once a erry film 'rank P©^ 'ilm - - * MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY •11 year that the Irish defensive line will be picking on someone Washington and Notre Dame. The Boilermakers are a DOLL • HOMECOMING strong .nGMS HOUSE ■ ^ Kf\ CONCERT their own size, as Kolch goes for 6 ■ foot • 4, 225 ■ pounds. unit and It looks like Danlelson has come Into his own as a quarterback. On the other Gary Sonny Sixklller will lead his hand, Iowa hasn't really been In horde of Huskies Into Illinois In a game all year and will be up RHARHARHARHARH4RHARHARHAKHARHARHARHA AL HIRT! what could possibility be the Fighting consecutive IlUnl's loss and fourth fourth against a Boilermakers. hungry pack of with Short Legs consecutive shutout. Bob Wisconsin and Northwestern & the Saints Blackman had what looked to be have probably the two top a good team before the season passers In the Big Ten and some started but his offense has failed capable receivers to match, ALL to score a point this season. That Badger QB Nell Graff led the Big SEATS RESERVED generally makes It tough to win. Ten last year In throwing. Wisconsin has a better running TV RENTALS game whereas Northwesstern TICKETS ON SALE PHONE 355-3361 boasts a much stronger defense. AT THE UNION itllvtry 355-4570 •rvlc. $9.50 p#r Defense looks to be the key mor here. Wisconsin almost upset NEJAC TV RENTALS defensively powerful LSU last RESIDENCE HALLS ASSOCIATION week. Northwestern managed to MGMS 337-1300 squeak by Syracuse. '★★★★HIGHEST MM!' When a Lady FABULOUS NOW THRU TUES. -N.Y. DAILY NEWS is applauded \ Paramount Pictures Presents A Howard W. Koch-Alan Jay Lerner Production by 30 million FOUR EViT UNSING ON M 43 » PHONE EO 21042 ADULTS ONLY! Starring . BarbraStreisand Yves Montand people, No. 3 NOW SHOWING THE M08T IMPORTANT AND INFORMATIVE FILM OF THIS DECADE. I I ' ' FHR" she owes them OR an encore. Warner Bros, The movie PARENTS: ONLY YOU CAN JUDGE IF YOUR again presents and the music DAUGHTERS MATURE ENOUGH ARE MX for young the TO SEE IT I F5ir Lady America!. speaks for your TODAY &MON. TUES. 8:00 p.m. SAT. 2:00 & 8:00 SUN. 2:00 & 7:00 6 TO STARTLING SCENES IN THIS MOTION PICTURE. A MEDICAL WINNER OF 8 ACADEMY AWARDS DAVID LEAN'S FILM C/e& i INCLUDING BEST PICTURE OF BORIS PASTERNAKS ATTENDANT WILL BE ON DUTV AT ALL PERFORMANCES Based upon the Musical Cs-Mmn« Play On A Clear Day You Can See Forever DOCTOR ZHitAGO FOR THE FIRST TIME ON BobNewhart Larry Blyden Simor; Oakland Jack Nicholson and John Richardson STARTS WED. OCT. 6 THE AMERICAN SCREEN Music by Burton Lane Screenplay and Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner STANLEY HOLLOWAY-wim hmie-wkmiw the actual moment of conception Produced by Howard W. Koch Directed by Vmcente Mmnelli 1 WINNER OF 2 Music Arranged and Conducted by Nelson Riddle ISLlHEODORE BIKEL •W.'SBEKNARO SHAW- TSMSTUCECIL BUION ACADEMY AWARDS! .. .the complete birth of a baby Panavision'Technicolor* A Paramount Picture Rlnco Production»-C»mm«»r Filmi ptmni ' "G"-AII Ages Admitted General Audiences jtfTm fim Ryan's TECHNICOLOR- Tonight in Wilson 7, 9:30 Saturday in Conrad 7, 9:30 Th« original toi Daughter CPJ AN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL RELEASE Tonight in Conrad 6:45, 9:50 Sunday in McDonel Kiva 7:30 - Saturday in Wilson 6:45, 9:50 Students, faculty and staff only - I.D.'s required - $1.00 admission RHARHARHARHARHA^^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 1, 9 SPORTS- 1971 Football predictions ABERLICH SCHARRER REMSBURG Harriers in second test; GOSSELIN KORRECK IYISU • Notre Dame ND 21, MSU 10 MSU 17. ND 10 ND 21, MSU 14 MSU 17, ND 14 ND 24, MSU 10 Syracuse • Indiana Ind. by 7 face Syr. by 14 Syr. by 7 Tennessee Syr. by 16 Syr. by 14 Washington * Illinois Wash, by 14 Wash, by 20 Wash, Pur. by 14 by 17 Wash, by 27 Wash, by 14 Iowa • Purdue Pur. by 14 Pur. by 10 Pur. by 13 Pur. by 14 Navy • Michigan U-M by 20 U-M by 24 U M by 21 U-M by 55 U-M by 44 Kansas Minnesota Kan. by 7 Minn, by 7 By GARYKORRECK dual meet with Tennessee. Kan. by 7 Minn, by 8 Kan. by 6 State News Sports Writer Gibbard seems to prefer Wisconsin Northwestern NW by 6 NW by 10 NW by 6 Saturday's 10 a.m. encounter slower starts, NW by 5 NW by 4 however, by California - Ohio State OSU by 7 OSU by 14 OSU by 14 at Forest Akers Golf Course will adding that he didn't want his OSU by 30 OSU by 25 USC Oklahoma USC by 3 USC by 7 Okla. by 6 MSU's defending conference the second test for coach Jim squad peaking too early. Three Okla. by 7 USC by 6 Gibbard Oregon State - UCLA UCLA by 20 UCLA by 10 UCLA by 7 UCLA by 3 UCLA by 1 champion cross country team s squad in its Qf the returning five lettermen Falcons • Lions Lions by 10 Lions by 17 may be looking over their preparation for the Big Ten meet ran their best times in the Lions by 14 Lions by 12 Lions by 18 at Minneapolis on November 10. 9-2-0 83-0 shoulders again by early conference meet last vear. 74-0 65-0 0^)0 November, but right now they must look ahead to Last week's 24-32 loss to Saturday's Miami (Ohio) was not seen as a Gibbard expects improved cause for worry by Gibbard. The performances this week, but Booters take Spartan harriers dropped their moreso in coming weeks as the Wooster harriers against Ohio State on move and Minnesota. The Gophers were runnerup to MSU in the some concern for one thing. 1 conference meet last year. By CRAIG REMSBURG Forward Rudy Mayer, a key cog "The team hasn't looked too Gibbard also pointed out that . The State News number two for the Sports Writer is a magic MSU soccer team in the Spartan offense, is suffering from a painful case of inflamined shin splints on both ilii good this week in practice,' Fuller lamented. "I was they would look a little sharper hoping dual meets don't mean a far one as standings that go. counts thing as "The only is the Though running, and country in particular, demands individual initiative, Gibbard is cross his weekend as they take on the this week with conference meet," he legs. Rest was recommended for some practice but said, concerned more with overall poster University Scots at hom the Chicago senior, but he is they haven't." team strength. "We aturday- now expend to see some action may have Fuller believes The Spartans will be seeking Saturday. that Gibbard , .... . attributes much . , of somebody who can finish first," Spartans need better team play he "but if our opponents jr second consecutive win of "Rudy felt great during ne season, in their second game practice Wednesday, but after especially in passing the" ball l)ls team's slow take the next five places it fthe year, playing their second traight game at home (the practice felt some pain," Fuller said. "I think he will be able to Suad 0wU0|ffe.nSek sq look "e J?" a polished in Saturday's game. bit thC more "erat^later S^™h^mp? d0eSn>t S°getting a start has a lot to make any differenCe " Saturday, MSU's second test jcond of four in a row with the play but we will have to wait do with it. of strength takes place. JIM GIBBARD ome advantage), and they will and see." The booter defense, led by e trying to defeat Wooster for Dan Mikalacki, sophomore senior Steve Twellman, allowed tie second year in a row. Oh forward who sat out last week's es, the score of last year's game with a strained right knee, only one goal against Cincinnati but the score could have been neeting was 2-0, naturally. resumed running Tuesday but much higher if not for the fine Saturday's contest with the probably will not see any action gots will get under way at 1:30 against the Scots. goaltending of Dave Goldman and Jim Stone. ,m. on the soccer field located "The knee is hurting right ust south of the outdoor tennis now," Mikalacki admitted, "but ourts. There is no admission I started running on it in "I haven't been satisfied with darge. practice Tuesday. It's getting the defense mainly because I've Coach Pay ton Fuller's squad better." had to shuffle them around >pened up the season last Besides the injury problem, quite a bit," Fuller said. veekend with a fine 4-1 the Spartans must also worry oncuest of the University of about the Wooster team. The He will use the two - goalie Cincinnati, with Lennox Scots finished with an 11-2-1 OlH\ IH nd „ dlrKtlon ln lt " ,t creatively, Nicholso., S^VSThe jjJK "'""J The Olde World... a unique nightspot! Cap off your evenlngwlth a visit to the Olde World. Enjoy a sandwich, fine Imported win or beer and this really unique night spot. The Olde World offers a European atmosphere till 2 Thursday thru Saturday, and 12:30 the remaining evenings. Micliiga" State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 1, 1971 H BEATLES, GROUPIES Top films highlight weekends By JACK EPPS "Freud" and "The Music Hepburn and Rex Harrison. Hand Luke" at 6:30, 10:45 Theater. State News Reviewer Box." "Freud" is a film directed 6:45, 9:50 tonight, Conrad; by John Huston and "The Music tonight and Saturday night 108B "Carnal Knowledge," at the With the exception of a 6:45, 9:50 Saturday night, Wells Hall. "Wait Until Dark" at Campus. benefit folk concert Box" is an award winning film Wilson. Friday 8:50 also tonight and Saturday "Dr. Zhivago" at the Lansing night, the major portion of by Laurel and Hardy. It is "Best of Genesis," a night 108B Wells Hall. Mall. on-rampus entertainment is film. considered one of their all time collection of experimental films This weekend there are classics. 7:00, 9:30 tonight, 105 from across the country. 7:00, "Anne of the Thousand many good films that South Kedzie; 7, 9:30 Saturday 9:30 tonight, Vet Clinic; 7:00, range of Days," starring Richard Burton Zoo interests. cover a night 106B Wells Hall. 9:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, and Genevieve Bujold. Check on wheels Music: "On a Clear Day You Can See Union Ballroom. paper for times and place. Benefit folk concert for Forever," a musical starring 'The World of Buckminster visits children Ingham Mental Health Activities Barbra Streisand and Yves Fuller," a documentary about Off-campus: Center. An evening of varied Montand. 7, 9:30 tonight, the man called by Marshal TOKYO (AP) — A two-bus folk music. 8:30, tonight at Wilson; 7:00, 9:30 p.m. McLuhan "the Leonardo da Film: traveling zoo will make regular Erickson Kiva. Saturday, Conrad; 7:30 p.m. Vinci of our time." 7:30 "Summer of '42" and "The visits next year to giant housing Film: Sunday, McDonel. tonight, University Auditorium. Andromeda Strain" at the complexes that ban pets and to "Yellow "My Fair Lady, another "Wait Until Dark" and "Cool Meridian 4 theatres. institutions for handicapped Submarine," an animated cartoon based on the musical starring Audrey Hand Luke." A twin bill. "Cool "Drive, He Said," at the State children, officials announced. Beatles, at 7:00, 8:40, 10:20 Recycled r tonight, 106B Wells Hall; 7:00, 8:40, 10:20 Saturday night, 109 Over 1,200 empty film cans were used by Tom Gaunt, Birmingham sophomore, to form this Anthony. wall decoration. The hanging is not only massive in size but lights up with over 150 tiny limits "Groupies," a cinema verte on the hard-core followers of rock. h flash in a random sequence. State News photo by Tom Gaunt 7:00, 8:40, 10:20 tonight and Saturday night, 102B Wells Hall. MSU residence hall rates unaffected by U-M lawsuit By LINDA WERFELMAN before they had read the terms been made and there are a State News Staff Writer of their housing contracts and/or number of cases where payments seen their living quarters. have been made . . . Room and MSU residence hall rates will "The university did not have board payments are handled just I probably not be affected by a the right to use only their like tuition. If there were I suit filed against the University interpretation of the Cost of substantial transactions during I of Michigan, charging it with Living Council's guidelines; the base period, the increase 1 violations of the wage-price someone had to challenge this," may be charged." I freeze, Robert C. Underwood, a Tenants Union spokesman A Sept. 9 announcement from I manager of MSU residence halls said. the office of the vice president I said late Wednesday. Underwood cited policy for business and finance stated The suit against U-M, filed by guidelines issued September 1 by that "the Cost of Living I the Ann Arbor Tenants Union, the Cost of Living Council which Council's conditions have been I charged that the increase in U-M deal specifically with the issue. met at Michigan State I housing rates violated the price Increased tuition rates, the University, since most students I freeze because students were guidelines said are, "transaction had completed their housing I required to pay housing deposits prices, since commitments have arrangements prior to the close POLICE BRIEF MSU OFFICERS ISSUED a to be worth .1>207. complaint warrant to a 35 year - old MSU student Thursday morning sterm ers said, the complaint was fib d by an 18 - year - old femnle student following an attempt by the assailant to force her to the Computer Center from the second story of South Wonders Hall. Her escort, a 19 year • old male from Ann Arbor, was then struck when he asked the assailant to release the girl. Officers said, the assailant was later picked up and was waiting arraignment in the East Lansing City Court. A STUDENT REPORTED the theft of stereo speakers and assorted tapes from his car while it was parked in Lot X. Officers said forced entry caused $35 damage to the car. They estimated the speakers and tapes 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October I, 1971 Enrollment up in social science, By LESLIE LEE majors to find jobs now that it is jobs rare State News Staff Writer degree find it hard to pinpoint beyond the immediate specific graduate and professional for focus majors, but jobs are The reasons for the growth of can orientation, are looking are only 11 advisers for exactly what they have been job need. It may seem a strange paradox schools," Hudzik said. the college are varied he said, for flexibility which allow approximately 2,500 students |f not ""available, John Hudzik, trained for. Second, whenever During normal business times _ that just when social science The department is aware of The interest the problems of all students saw their advisers a88'' *? "ie director of the economy is sluggish, job the employer says he likes to employment _ them to keep as many options as--,J majors are finding job hunting a multidisciplinary programs, said openings decrease." look for the liberally, or problems and human behavior and solutions is possible open, Hudzik said, each term the staff would be difficult task, the rolls of the th,sweek- The person with more specific flexibly concerned with the question of high and the curriculum is swamped, Hudzik said. However "There educated students. This is where how to make This growth, however, poses a multidisciplinary program of the two 1 for training is going to be hired first graduates more flexible when students. many of the students see their ... the social science student has College of Social Science are r'u~ when money is tight, he said, marketable, he added. The especially those unsure of their potential problem in that there adviser very seldomly, he added. growing. first io is that t8 J**?' students who When the economy is more options open because of multidisciplinary program is now moving, his flexibility looking into the problem and It is harder for social science 8raduate with a liberal arts the employer tends to look In fact, this may somewhat hopes alleviate the student's to formulate some job hunting. By being more plight in answers soon, Even as the college faces the Comm. Arts d Parents flexible, he is potentially problem of placing its majors, it Visiting? There's only one place employable in 1 the the specifically trained Another 5 than person. brightening factor employment picture is number of that a the in nas nearly 6,000 under Pro8ram- ™s creates problems in ^rms of staffing. lergraduates objectives, pla they can stay and still multidisciplinary students go 011 "We have the problem of By BECKIE HANES students are a few of this year's "Communication is the heart be in the center of to finding the campus activity. Reserve graduate school and law resources to staff State News Staff Writer objectives for the College of of human interaction and is vital them a room at school, Hudzik said. courses and particularly extra Communication Arts, Dean whether A they are in "The liberal arts curriculum is sections of a course," Hudzik continuing examination of Herbert J- Oyer said Wednesday, communication arts or programs, student involvement not," he preparing them excellently for said. Discussing his meeting with continued, and recruitment of minority faculty members Sept. 17, Oyer The committee plans to KELLOGG SHORT ON CASH? AAAAAAAAAA said committees and panels have been established to initiate the necessary studies to follow discuss courses ways of making these available to the students through closed circuit television, through with his plans. larger lectures or developing new CENTER Consider this SPECIAL OFFER from the Stereo Planned is a study of a college teaching techniques. Shoppe. Right now you can save $113 on this complete - wide undergraduate program The faculty plans to Marantz Model 26 system with 3 and a study of the existing study year guarantee! All graduate education in the mass at the fabulous selling price of College of Communication Arts media and continue the W,TH study of COMPLETE... College of Agriculture joint - ..#A.r the relationship of the various WALNUT 57A095 RECEIVER AND undergraduate program. professional communication CASE TWO SPEAKERS The college also plans to services available at MSU to the Add the BSR 310 Automatic Turntable ... a develop an international and academic programs of the complete four piece system for only cross - cultural communication - . college. s3250t program. , \ committee is also being "We must realize we're not an formed to develop an extensive MODEL 26 SYSTEM island unto ourselves and seek Stereo Shoppe Special Credit Plans. out areas in the world that can plan for minority students the recruitment and of faculty, benefit from our knowledge," Oyer said. Oyer said. "We must also seek 2 out the areas that communication can help us in development." e will always accept cash, too! Oyer stressed the need for meaningful do Exhibition THE involvement in cross - cultural communication. shows art Stereo S "We'll take a look within the confines of our own country to for homes determine its needs and supply h'er - East Lansing assistance through our work," "Environmental Enrichment," Your Sound Headquarter the dean said. an exhibiton of art for the home Open 10 • 5:45 Wed. Till 9 Sat. Till 5 A study and development of a designed to cultivate the home plan for further extending environment, opens Sunday \ Dept. of State; U.S. Army; U.S. completely reconditioned inside The lecture, sponsored by the standard, V8, whitewalls, and out, has we're Army Women's Army Corps; MSU Christian Science a rustfree body down near wholesale GOV. MILLIKEN Thursday $51 million to cities, villages and "Recent experience in other "" on this one. states which have begun no-fault ^!r„ ??rce; U,S' Mar'ne organization, will be free and $795 $335 igned into law a bill providing townships, Corps; U.S. Navy, open to all students. or distribution of an estimated * * * programs shows significant and 5226 million in state revenue to THE PRESIDENT OF a rapid decreases in claims paid 62 Renault 66 Toyota Land Cruiser UNCLE SAM'S Michigan cities, villages, Michigan Credit Union League - out by insurers," he said. 'These claims radio, standard, whitewalls This is a weekend freedom machine ownships and counties during affiliated auto insurance can and should $395 with four wheel drive. Jie 1971-72 fiscal year. company Wednesday called for be passed on at once to auto "With this highly important an immediate reduction of at owners," he said, $1595 egislation, Michigan is delivering w its promise to assist local [overnments," Milliken said. ' least 15 per cent in auto insurance premiums as soon as Michigan adopts complete * * * THE MICHIGAN NURSES ASSN. will sponsor a continuing STEAK HOUSE 68 VW radio, standard, whitewalls 70 VW $1295 We've priced this one below our No. 26 the federal government "no-fault" auto insurance. education conference for alks about revenue, sharing, Robert E. Vanderbeek, registered nurses, licensed competitors lichigan is doing something president of League General practical nurses and nursing 67 Toyota Corona $1695 iboutit. Insurance Company, said that students at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 8, at radio standard, whitewalls. This is "Local government in no-fault insurance will eliminate its headquarters at 120 Spartan 65 Olds 88 Filet Steak $| our product - we sell for less and Michigan is progressive and the present administrative and Ave., East Lansing, rofessional, generally lacking legal costs which now account The conference will discuss Sirloin Steak $1 warranty them longer. Comfort and luxury make this a nly the necessary resources to for more than half of every "The Black Nurses: Who Are Pork Chops $1 $995 real good buy. iffer really effective public insurance dollar. They? What are They?" Fried Chicken $1, $495 rvice," he saic Jumbo Fried Shrimp 66 Ford LTD Under the bill, $02.4 million $1.88 radio automatic, V8, power brakes 67 Ford Custom the unrestricted state will be FINE ITALIAN FOODS Fried Lake Perch $1.54 tributed formula and steering, whitewalls radio, automatic, V8, on a includes power brakes ■ecognizing the tax effort of ocal governmental units. The SPAGHETTI TIME Baked Idaho Potato, Texas Toast and Salad. $895 and steering, whitewalls, mileage and a low, low price. low ill also provides that local units »ith lower tax effort will not ONE DOLLAR - ALL YOU CAN EAT .Steak Burger $1.04 67 Dodge Coronet 440 $795 eceive less than $16.50 includes Baked radio, automatic, V8, power brakes 68 per FAMILY STYLE TABLE SERVICE - SERVED Toyota Corona -apita, an increase from $15.05 Potato and Texas Toast. and steering, whitewalls tor last year. radio, standard, whitewalls. BY THE BOWLFUL - GARLIC BREAD - ROuLS The $226 $995 $1195 million is an FRI. 5 p.m. nerease of $64 million over last - 10 p.m. SAT. - SUN. 1 p.m. - 10 p.m. rear and of that increase, $13 Open 7 Days a Week million will go to counties and STEREO RENTALS From 11 611 S. a.m. to Waverly 9 p.m. Wheels Toyota Used Cars 482-5426 2112 E. Michigan ESSS $9'50 mon,» 4980 NORTHWIND EAST LANSING nejac rentals 337-nnn NO COUPON NEEDED - JUST CASH Professional Football...» discount records HOURS MON.-FRI. 9:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY 9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.n Saturday Night... t SUNDAY 12:00 Noon - 5:00 p.m Lansing's Only Complete Record Store LANSI j i MIC } at SEXTON MEMORIAL FIELD } Michigan Avenue, west of the State Capitol } Saturday, Oct. 2,7:30 p.m. 1 LANSING ALL-STAR ROSTER » NO. NAME POS. ht. wt. school 12 Bill Obrien no. name DHB 6'0" 185 East. N.M. pos. ht. wt. school > 13 Mickey Blazitz WR 50 Paul Huff 6'0" 190 Toronto Argos OG 6'4" 235 Ohio State 14 Charles Wedemeyer QB 51 Chuck Lauch 5'11" 175 MSU DE 6'2" 240 Notre Dame A 17 Goroy Hetrick QB-D 55 * 6'0" 190 Alma Jerry LaFontaima DLB 6'1" 200 Buffalo « 19 Art Berry DHB 62 Chuck Bailey DT JOY OF COOKING 5'10" 180 MSU 60" 220 MSU * 21 Dick Allen HB 63 Ron Goovert DLB 6'0" 200 Northern Mich. 60" 220 MSU \ 22 Beau Rodgers DHB 66 ferry Lewis OG 6'1 " 6'3" 210 MSU 230 MSU 23 TomEifert HB 67 TonyConti OG 60" Tickets on sole at: 5'9" 180 Ferris 220 MSU ) $3.59 CORAL GABLES 25 31 33 Jim Ward Ken Hines Jim West DHB HB FB 6'0" 6'3" 195 235 U. of Mich. MSU 68 71 73 Fred Ferguson Jerry West Lou Lambert OG OT 5'10" 220 Central Mich. ^ 60" 225 MSU ' 6'1" 230 Air Force OT 510" 215 Lutheran Col.1 34 Kermit Smith * PAUL REVERE S 35 Ernie Pasteur HB fb 6'1" 6'0" 230 MSU 77 79 Roger Pelitier Jack Schinderle C dt 5'11" 218 MSU ' 200 MSU 6'2" ] i & DUKE'S SHELL 40 42 Lou Bobich Joe Gavel DHB-I 6*0" 205 MSU 82 83 Bob Viney Bob Lange de 6'2" 255 MSU 215 MSU , DHB 5*10" 180 MSU te 60" 220 MSU ^TICKETS ARE $2 WITH STUDENT ID 44 Craig Tefft HB 84 Scott e mlong 5'10" 180 Central Mich. de 60" 225 Col. State Glen Crain DHB 6'1" 180 Eastern Mich. 85 George Chatlos DLB 5'11" 225 MSU ^LEHEAO MESSENGER ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★**★★★*★*"*** Joe Robillard 190 Oregon State **** 88 Charlie Lawrence WR 6'1" 190 Albany State it j ; 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October |, m„ STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 3558255 So You Got Some New Furniture . . . Sell the Older Pieces With a Classified Ad! BankAmericabo The State News does Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING ly Phil Rank For Rent get Action with A ^uto §ervice & Parts Employment not permit racial or, Want Ad religious discrimination in its advertising 4 door MERCURY 1966 Monterey. Automatic, radio, ATTENTION FOREIGN car owners. Now open to serve you at the CHILD 7:30 CARE, 5 30 p.m. Monday - Friday. Close to MSU. TWO BEDROOM apartment, / 4 furnished, Jjqq stud*,, 4 excellent tires, 2 snow columns. The State tires, lowest prices in town, KYPERS Own transportation, references includes heat. Laundry, * AUTOMOTIVE 1 15,000 miles. parkir ' News will not Excellent FOREIGN CAR SERVICE at 312 month lease, only 10 accept required. Call 351-0133 after 7 Scooters & Cycles condition. $3 50 . 351-3823 Hosmer Street. 489-9714. 5-10-7 drive from MSU. Call minulM Auto Parts 8c Service advertising which evenings. S p.m. 1-10-1 Diane Dean of Eipper Realty, Inc. discriminates against MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East 372973b Aviation MGB MARRIED STUDENTS concerned or 487 5100. 3 10 1 * religion, race, color or EXCELLENT running sports Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. about ecology to demonstrate and EMPLOYMENT national origin. car, with no problems, many Complete auto painting and sell quality laundry products 2 BEDROOM apartment. * FOR RENT accessories and new top. $695 or collision service. IV 5-0256. C Meadowbrook offer. 482-1473. 3-10-5 containing little or no phosphates. Trace p.' Apartments Hours open. Good commission. 882 4520 after 4 p.m. 2 101 Houses MG MIDGET 1963. Good condition. Aviation Interesting work. 882-0028 NEED ONE Rooms Automotive Best offer over $375. 353-0177. 1-10-1 apartment. girl for Waters 4 ^ • FOR SALE 1-10-1 LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight Edge LECTURE NOTES wanted for large Apartment 311. Call Animals training. All courses are classes. Earn up to $65 extra 3519229 MUSTANG 1966, 289/2 barrel, government and VA certified. Mobile Homes money doing what you do 3/speed, excellent condition. Must FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport # anyway. AFA 201 needed MALE ROOMMATE LOST & FOUND CHEVROLET 1963 V-8, automatic, sell. Call 351-4754. 5-10-7 Road. Call 484-1324. C neede especially. Also, want writers Apartment directly across (rtl » PERSONAL $135. Phone George, 351-3862, (economics, all business disciplines Union. Completely furnished. Can MUSTANG 1966. Good condition, • PEANUTS PERSONAL 353 6418. 3-10-5 new tires, muffler. $450. Call Employment needed researchers, badly). to Translators, produce 351-3815. No deposit. 3-10 • REAL ESTATE CHEVROLET 1965, 2 door BelAir. 355-7913. 3-10-6 TYPIST - part time 4-10 p.m. 70 educational aids. Call WRITE-ON, MALE ROOMMATE vet or RECREATION . • Runs well. Good transportation. 332-3700, 210 Abbott Road. 10-5 student One block from MUSTANG GT, w.p.m. 5 nights a week. Apply in ct $250. 351-9383 after 6 p.m. or 1969. Excellent •SERVICE condition. Aqua. $1400. person. 427'/J Albert St. 2-3 p.m. $70/ month. 355-7454 8 5 Dm early Saturday. 2-10-1 3-10 4 Typing Service 332-4376, 627 7441. 4-10-1 LOCAL FIRM has opening for part ♦TRANSPORTATION CHEVROLET 1967. 2 door, good PART TIME office help needed. TWO BEDROOMS MUSTANG 1969, stick. Great ON NOL.WE'RE SWIMMING time public relations men with furnished ~u » WANTED condition. 625-7373. 5-10-6 Call after 5 p.m. condition. Sell or trade, offers. A&AlMST Work evenings. Call MR. CLARK, 351-3701. O knowledge of hunting, fishing, man. Rates. 332-6197. 3-10-1 Close to camnui 351-2349. 5-10-1 snowmobiling and general DEADLINE ANOTHER parochial SJWOOL !' outdoor recreational sports. If this 1 P.M. 1950 CHEVY pickup. Good body, CYTO-TECHNOLOGIST. ASCP WANTED: ONE girl, Cedar V.. one class day before MUSTANG 1969. 351 4 barrel applies to you, call 372-7793 good motor. $165. 355-9944. engine. Automatic transmission. registered or eligible for registry, between the hours of 1-5:30 p.m., girl apartment. $70. 351 7446 publication. 1-10-1 with experience preferred. Good ask for Mr. Williams. 10-10-11 3-10-1 $1600.646-6309. 5-10-1 Cancellations/Corrections starting salary, commensurate -12 noon one class day CHEVY VAN 1965. Paneled and with experience. Call NEED 1 girl for 2 man MUSTANG 1969. 6 ATTENDANT FOR service station ap outfitted for camping. Phone, cylinder, LABORATORY OF CLINICAL Cedar Greens. Call Carol before publication. standard shift. Very nice. $1450 needed for mornings. Must be over after 355-3237. 5-10-4 MEDICINE, 372 8180 5 10-1 or best offer. Call 882-5474. Automotive Scooters & Cycles 21 and married. Previous p.m. 351 4560. 3-10-1 PHONE 3 10-4 experience preferred. Call CORVETTE 1963 coupe, 327, V-8, 355-8255 PART TIME work as simulated 393-0418 mornings. 4-10-1 GRADUATE STUDENT couple: automatic, power brakes, AM/FM TOYOTA 1969 Crown Deluxe. 4 bedroom furnished mobile NOVA 1969. 3 Speed, floor shift. 4 1970 BSA 650. Much chrome, woman patient for course radio, side exhausts, new tires, speed, radio, low mileage, priced home RATES 10 word minimum nice shape. See at 1026 Jerome, new tires. Excellent condition. recently overhauled, brand new Anatomy In Physical Diagnosis. 3 PART TIME employment with full Clean and quiet. 641-6601. 0 low for quick sale. 351-7200. $1600.372-1258.4 10-1 clutch, extras. $790 and finish to 6 hour per week, Monday, line merchant wholesaler. No. DAYS across from Eastern High. 3-10-4 3-10-5 payment. Chris 332-5098. 3-10-4 Wednesday or Friday afternoon or Automobile required. 351-5800. WORDS 1 3 5 10 CORVETTE 1962. Good condition, OLDSMOBILE power, 1970, like new. air, First cruise, TRIUMPH 1970 Spitfire. In good MOTORCYCLE TUNE-UPS, repairs, Thursday morning. Applicant must be 21 yeard of age or older. 0-10-1 NEED 1 GIRL 10 1.50 4.00 13.00 convertible with removable $2500, condition. Call 393-8105 FOR 6.50 after 337-1839. 5-10-6 all makes. 600 N. Cedar 482-9166. To apply Phone Mrs. Ralston COUPLE WANTED: part time hardtop. Call 482-7974. 5-10-1 5 p.m. 4-10-1 5-10-7 353 6380. 5-10-2 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 babysitting and general OLDSMOBILE 1966 -F85, 2 door, maintenance work. Flexible hours. 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 CUTLASS CONVERTIBLE automatic, power steering, low 1969, 6 cylinder with transmission, 2 extra wheels with automatic TRIUMPH condition, 1970 TR-6. reliable, Good overdrive, 1968 NORTON matchless. 750cc's, 53 horsepower. Call Lee 332-3357. 5-10-7 4 GIRL mileage, new tires. 339-2598. 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 2-10 1. snow tires. 311 Lansing or Call 485-5228. 3-10-5 Regent St., stereo tape with tapes. sell. 393 7788 after 5 Blue, must p.m. 5-10-1 337-9091. 131 Bogue. 5-10-7 NEEDED SUBSTITUTE with certificates. teachers Morrice area For Rent APARTMENT 20 3.00 3.75 8.00 10.00 13.00 26.00 16.25 32.50 FORD 1969 Custom 500, 4 door sedan, V-8, A-1 condition, $1,450. 882-1751, anytime. 3-10-1 OLDSMOBILE 1969, Delta 88, 2 door, vinyl top. Full power, air, 1967 TRIUMPH TR-4A. 1958 Austin - Healey 100-6. Parts - whole. schools, 5-10-6 625-3142 (local call). COMPACT REFRIGERATOR RENTALS: UNITED RENT ALL. $75 mo $2150 $250 below book. Terrific 1-224-2001. 2-10-4 1969 HONDA 350 Scrambles. Set of 2790 East Grand River, 351 5652. Call 332-4432 - 347 St udent Servic es Bldg. MARRIED COUPLE without shape. 353-2258 daytime; street and knobby tires. Helmet. FORD 1963. Camper. Stove, TR-6 1970. Brown, FM streo. children, needed to manage Half¬ 355-7786 night. 5-10-6 $450. Call 351-3693. 1-10-1 All student ads must be refrigerator, sink, bed. Good Michelins- X Radials. Luggage and way House in Lansing. Hours ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. ONE AND 2 bedroom ap running condition. Phone ski racks. flexible. Free room and board plus prepaid 339 8930. 10-10-5 OLDSMOBI LE 1965, F-85, Phone Mickey at 1970 TRIUMPH DAYTONA, 500. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV from $145. 10 minut 339-8149. S5-10-1 $100 per month. Call Kay automatic. Good campus With extras, $850. Call 482-5626 RENTAL. 372-4948. 0 MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE The State News will be Diamond at 393-4990 weexdays, FOR SALE: transportation. $150. Call VALIANT 1967 between 6 - 9 p.m. 5-10-1 8 CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4; 1966 Chevy Impala. 4 64,000 miles, 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. 3-10-4 responsible only for the . 332-0197 after 6 p.m. 3-10-1 TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction Keller Road, Holt. C speed, $750. Excellent condition. cylinder, standard transmission, first day's incorrect Call 694-9053. 3-10-5 1971 CL-175 Honda. Excellent guaranteed. Free delivery, service excellent condition, $675. RN OR LPN for evening care of insertion. OLDS CONVERTIBLE 1964. Full 393 5920. 3 10-1 shape. $450. 371-2398. after 5 disabled professor. Four nights and pick up. No deposit. Call ROOMMATES NEEDED Four gi power, air. Good transportation. p.m. 4-10-1 NEJAC, 337 1300. C to fill 1969GRAND Prix. Full power, like weekly, 1-2 hours. Morning hours two apartments. Marmax $450. 393-1867. 5-10-1 new, first $2,500. 351-3567. VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1965, available, ppll 349-9813 after 5 apartments, 225 Division. Close i rebul.lt HARLEY DAVIDSON 1970 5-10-5 engine, body needs work, Phone REFRIGERATORS - campus 0-2-10-1 OPEL KADET 1968. Station wagon. Sportster. Electric start, like DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth electric, 351-3028, best offer. 3-10-1 new. Best offer. 351-6818. 3-10-5 Automotive JAVELIN 1969. FM, vinyl roof. Good condition, low mileage. EXPERIENCED ELECTRIC Bass 315 Bridge, Grand Ledge. Excellent condition. $1500 $675. 482-4248. 5-10-7 627-2191. TF VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN 1965. player - singer wanted for brass rock negotiable. 20 mpg. 353-9503, YAMAHA MINI-ENDURO. AUSTIN - Hr.A.l .' 1965 Mk III Engine excellent condition. New group. 353-8372. x-2-10-1 1-10-1 351-6349. 3-10-5 PLYMOUTH SPORT Fury1965.Body Excellent condition. 6 months TV RENTALS 3000. Excellent < jndition, clutch. Clean. 59,000 miles. No - Students only. Low body old. Licensed, with and engine. Call : >1 5872. 4-10-1 and engine, excellent condition. rust. $550. 339-8081. 3-10-4 lights, $275 BABYSITTER AND light monthly and term rates. Call FURNISHED 1 JAGUAR 1966 XKE Needs transmission work. 349-1703. 5-10-1 - bedroom, 4 Coupe, low Best housekeeping, own transportation 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV to MSU. Very clean, all ut AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite 1969. mileage, excellent condition. offer. 351-2174. 3-10-4 VOLKSWAGEN 1966 -Square Back. or live in. 339-8289, 332-6416 RENTALS. C paid. Security Phone 373-6896 9-5 p.m. 3-10-1 TRIUMPH 1970 250, like new, 1,600 deposit required. Convertible. 4 spe->d, excellent Excellent condition. Engine after 4 p.m. 2-10-1 $165 / month. 349-4907 after condition. PLYMOUTH 1967 Satellite. miles, helmets included, $600.00. TV Only 13,000 miles. overhauled. $875, 351-6999. RENTALS. Color, $19.50 per p.m. 2-10-4 Sacrifice. 351-2799. 3-10-1 1968 KARMANN GHIA.Nice coupe in Excellent condition. 351-9428. 6-10-1 Automatic 2-10-1 TV WEATHER GIRL, personable, month. Black and white, $9.50 real good condition and new tires. on the floor, bucket seats, 318 attractive, out - going, to become per month. MARSHALL MUSIC. 3 ROOM apartment, air condition! A bargain at $995. 482-1473. cubic inch, 2 1969 HONDA 350 CB. New battery, AUSTIN HEALEY3000 MK-II, 1963. - barrel.$1,000 VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Very good part of Mid-MichiganNo.1 late night 351-7830. C-1-10-1 carpeted, -unfurnished excf 3-10-5 485-4975. 3-10-5 condition. Stereo tape. $1,650. luggage rack, back rest. $500 or Clean, straight, runs great. news team. Must be able to work refirgerator and stove. 1 blot, 353-4420, 521-3148 after best offer. 332-4302. 2-10-1 355-7927. 3-10-1 MACHINE 1970, 4 speed, 390 white 5:30 late hours on regular 6 day basis. from campus, adults. 332 4886. with red and blue stripes. 10,000 PINTO 1971. Four speed, white walls, radio. 1,100 miles. $1800. p.m. 3-10-5 1965 BSA 650. 3 helmets. 11,000 Call 372-8282, 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 Apartments 10-10 14 BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. miles, like new. $2,295. 349-3024. i p.m. for appointment and Phone 337-7883. 5-10-1 VOLKSWAGEN 1963. Aged body miles. 482-2011 Mornings or after EAST Very good car. Many extras. $850. audition. 2-10-1 LANSING, Albert St. 372-1 168,372-1529. 10-10-14 __2J_0J_ but innards treated with TLC. mid-night. 3-10-1 bedroom apartment in home for 1966 MERCEDES Benz Diesel 200. PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE 1965. Affluence demands sale. Best HELP men. Large WANTED: Men or women. rooms, $300/ month, 1952 BUICK Air conditioning, excellent tires, Yellow / black, $300. offer. 351-4791. 5-10-7 1966 HONDA 160cc. CONVERTIBLE, Call Twin, qood Full or part time. Phone 676-5927 LCC AND downtown. Need two includes all utilities. Can be seen, cherry. Must sell, Call 1-725-7222, new engine. A-1 condition. 489-3567 after 6:30 p.m. 5-10-4 bike, electric start, $190. 351-5265. after 4:30 p.m. 4-10-5 girls. One for three man and call Miss Dean of one Eiper Realty Inc. after 10 p.m. 3-10-1 676-1717. 3-10-1 VOLKSWAGEN x-3-10-4 for four man apartment. Need 372-9730. 1-10-1 1967, good two PORSCHE 1970 911-S, Metalic condition. Beige exterior, black NEED EXTRA money? girls for large five girl house. $55 Wonderful silver, AM/FM, rust proofed. interior, $1000. 372-9749. 5-10-4 opportunity. No experience month per girl. All utilities paid. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished, 10 KPMfflS Many extras, excellent condition. necessary. Full or Parking. Six month lease. minute drive from campus, $180/ part time. Call Also C production racing Porsche. VOLKSWAGEN 1963. $250 Now 355-7848. 2-10-1 IV4-6858. 6-10--8 month, plus utilities. DeLuxe or best 349-0235. 4-10-1 offer. Ask for Rick, apartments, all carpeted, 351-9034, Auto Service & Parts 351-7830. 5-10-1 WAKE - UP Service -Let me be your GIRL WANTED for 3 man dishwasher. Ideal for couple RAMBLER 1961. Good condition. alarm apartment. $55 a month. Near graduate students. Call Diane f LARGEST SELECTION * $150 or best offer. Call, VW SOUAREBACK 1968. AM/FM air - conditioner, engine clock. Reasonable rates. Phone 393-2217. 5-10-5 campus. Call 351-5639. 1-10-1 Dean of Eipper Realty, Inc. to IN TOWN 332-6684. 5-10-1 overhaul, RECISION 372-9730 or 487 5100. 3-10 1 new muffler, one owner. Excellent MALE GRAD student vented. New At Discount Prices condition. $1775 IMPORTS WILL TUTOR French and German, 355-1048. certified teacher. Phone 337-9471. apartment, carpeted, 1 bedroom, EFFICIENCY. VET, student __xjM_ai__ 3-10-1 TV, $67.50. 6 month lease. 5710 married couple. 15 minutes f complete service for And We Sell Service, Too, all Potter, Apartment 11, after 5 p.m. campus. $85 per month. SACRIFICE, 1969 Olds, Cutlass, VW SOUAREBACK 1968. AM/FM foreign models - NURSES: RN, LPN, ROSELAWN 646-2401. 3 10-1 We Stock Over loaded, 31,000 miles, $1,700. air - conditioner, new muffler, one repair and body work MANOR NURSING HOME, 707 a Million Parts 363-1843, evenings, must sell. ° w" !r~ condition. 3.10.5 $1695.355-1048. x-3-10-1 Armstrong Road. Has positions ALSOI VW service available CROSSWORD © • KRAMER AUTO PARTS THUNDERBIRD 196d Full power, VOLVO 1961 -122 S. Excellent 1206 E. Oakland 484-4411 available on all shifts. Full or part time. Excellent starting salaries 0 E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 air - conditioned, new tires, one owner, best of'.-r. mechanical condition. Rebuilt W - GUARANTEED repair. and benefits. Apply in person or call, 393-5680. Mrs. PUZZLE 349-0115, engine. Moving, must sell. $200. RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at Swan, ACROSS 372-6770.3-10-4 339-8729.3-10-4 Personnel. 5-10-5 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C 1. Blackbird . Secret agent 4 Meadow mouse Lovy GET YOUR Christmasshoppingdone . Qiad $tude*i-U, Mawued StuA&tttd-, 8. Taro paste Like gold free. Be a toy demonstrator. STORY 11. Scepter Morindin dye Receive full line of samples, earn 12. Movie star Impudent top commission plus bonus. No 13. Varnish Phenomenon collecting or delivery. No cash and. .. fyactdiy investment. Start piling up those dollars now. OR be a hostess. Free ingredient 14. Confession of Stocky horse Symbol of DATSUN SALES gift for having party, 15% of sales in free merchandise. $2 free 16. Cleanse peace 43. Province 3165 E. MICHIGAN merchandise for each booking, 18. Upon 46. Doubter CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING One Block From Campus plus extras. Apply now. 655-1117. 4-10-1 20. Position of 21. golf ball Commissioned officer a 49. Parson bird 50. "The Red" 52. Both 1. Rainbow 5. 6 7 Hypothetical force Truncate Hebrew month 53. Ampersand 2. And not CARRIED STUDENTS SQUEEZE? 24. Rum 54. Treaty 3. Perfect 8. Small pincers & FACULTY 27. About Organization 4. Dry white 9. Dolt 28. Nest Utter 10. Cold Take your troubles to KNOB HILL r* r M r- T" 7— 1TB- B- 5— .0 15. English school 17. Tackle 1 " ir¬ 19 Pastoral staff APARTMENTS IMT iT" 17. 21. Bivouac 22. Plains Indian PARK WEST _ 23 Ghastly 349-4700 nr To~ 25 Girasol 1971 y2 - TON DATSUN PICK-UP OPEN 1 7 pm Mon.-Sat. 21 26. Brewing vat - 23 2M~ 25 26 29. Warm sultry GET 40% MORE POWER FOR 90% SUNDAY by appointment only 27~ APARTMENTS TT 19 90~ wind wr iuuiv judo. 32 Rosy purple Large 2 - bedroom, si- 31 is- 34. Guinea pig bath & % nr 35 5530 West Michigan Ave. rR?c7 s2,142 $17500 36~ 57 w r 1— 39 37 Digit 39. Small change 41. British delivered in Lansin9 Large 3 - bedroom, at Saginaw FREE RUSTPROOFING WITH ANY DATSUN SALE bath & % — WSMWMVM ■ ■ W//M MM MS machine gun 43. As written in Contact Bill DeJonge Sf 3500 r rr _1| 22 MS n *17 MB E 44. Witticism DATSUN 52" 484-4640 LOCATED Va MILE NORTH r 45. Age OF JOLLY RD. ON OKEMOS ROAD tt Ear ir 47. Frigate bird 48. Diffident 51. Neuter pronoun Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan F7riday, October 1, 1971 15 For Sale For Sale For Rent For Sale Real Estate ■-""no Fill LMWiflfr 0n* ■nSINg °, nUhed Larga. airy ■ b«df00rn I . conditioned. SKI IS, HEAD 360*. 196 boot* 9V4-10, barrecrafter. 337 7883. 5-101 cm. poles Lange and NEW ENCYCLOPEDIAS: Internationale, New Book of Knowledge. For sale cheap HORSES BOARDED: $25 and $35 month. Hay and grain daily. Box stalls, riding ring, and trails. 4 / SIX ROOM with 3 extra large bedrooms. 2 story brick and wood Dance club offers |f00,T"i B-U,I," 'V (Tigjntained. Suitable 393 8652 3 10-5 miles South of MSU. 882-8779 or construction. Built 1960. Full ^ ,tudentt, bus.nou 882 3820. 5-101 basement, 2 car garage. Plastered ■'»" beginners' classes L*~ walls, drapes. Carpeted living room, dining room and hall. Lot |!Si35»«B265'9;0 RALEIGH SUPER speed, men's, 12V Court* bike. 10 SCOTT STEREO amplifier. Girrard ST. BERNARD pups. AKC. All shots, excellent markings. Call size: 90' x 143'. Excellent fe ,f„°: imstm 482-5375 before 2 p.m. and weekends. 3-10-5 frame. turntable, speakers, Kalamazoo Am peg, after 6 p.m. 487-3039. 2-10-1 neighborhood. Priced at $47,500, approximately $7.00 down. For Students who enjoy people These classes supplement the IJJStIap management. ■ 79'° 0 351 RUMMAGE SALE 351-2365. 3 10-5 guitar amplifiers Mobile Homes more Caterino information, 393-6550. call Frank Evenings and dance, but never had the regular Orchesis meetings and interested exclusively in jazz are welcome to attend these sessions - Saturday - 484-8080. REAL ESTATE chance to combine or develop are included in the $2 club dues RUMMAGE and are not obligated to attend Sunday, 12-4 p.m. TV, typewriter, SALE: Miscellaneous MART, REALTOR. x-5-IOI these factors, take 12 advantage of for this term. Students furniture, clothes, records, books, housewares and clothing. Friday x 60 1968 Star Mobile Home. any other. special classes offered by traAWBWe"". 4-iai stereo, etc. Lansing. 1-10-1 649 Evergreen, East October 1, 6-9 p.m. October 2. 9-11 a.m. 1.0.0 F Saturday Excellent condition. 2 bedrooms. On lot. 20 minutes from campus REMODELED, THREE house in East Lansing. You must bedroom members of modern dance club at MSU. Orchesis, the $2,950. Call 627-9758, after 7 30 Group Hall. 1100 North fcSSSSjT ■bedroom furnished. 337 900/ S9M0 On. TAPESTRIES, WATERBED frames and heaters. REBIRTH, 309 Avenue National Sponsored Secretaries Washington by the Association p.m. 5-10-4 see it. 351-3118 for 5-105 $17,500 terms. Call more information. At 7 p.m. every Tuesday and spo ^.n,tni Villa. 3 10-1 North Washington Avenue, 1 10-1 AMERICAN TRAILER 1968, 12' 56 x Thursday, the Orchesis members gather in the dance studio, 218 benefit Two bedrooms, fully carpeted Lansing. 489-6168. fo . C-10-8 Women's Intramural Bldg., to House* OVATION GUITAR, $375 new, y with skirting. Unfurnished, good Service EMPIRE TROUBADOUR turntable. month old, immaculate condition, condition. $4400 cash or $1200 exercise and learn dance Ir0R 2 people 'or 3 bedroom Robert's 778X reel to reel and 8 will sell for best offer. 372-5822 down and take over payments. ASHES, RUBBISH hauled. 75c a combinations. New classes at 6 Hie MSU Folklore Society is ■foui in U^ing. Ren, $50. CM track tape recorder. Thorens 5-107 Call 694-9061. 3-104 barrel, special on clean ups. Phone p.m. on Tuesday, before the the Ingham Mental Health Activities Center at sponsoring a benefit concert for IdmI^371-3431. S-5-1M TD150 Mark II turntable. Sony 355 and 265 tape decks. Harmon - YAMAHA ORGAN used 2'/4 1968 VAGABOND. excellent 3C3-4592 anytime. 10-1014 regular dancers session, offer new an opportunity to Erickson Kiva. 8:30 p.m todav in months, $1400. Or make offer. Call Paul at condition, on lot in King Arthur's DON'T GIVE leam routines and exercises from ■wted OWN room in liberal Kardon AM/FM turntable and 353-4109. 3-10-5 Court. Best reasonable your used furniture The Society is offering a diverse program that offer. away. Well buy it. 393-4592. regular Orchesis members. ranges from a louse Call Rosemary after 5 p.m. speakers. Panasonic RS-790-S 372-2895.4-10-5 101014 The story teller, Pioneer Bob, who has just returned from gold 55-4878. X-4-10-4 automatic reverse tape recorder. 8 GARAGE SALE beginning classes are to track tapes, used $2, new, $4. 8 - Breezeway 4836 acquaint newcomers with the prospecting, to a five piece band, the Foggy Mountain Five, that luR GIRL or family. East Lansing. track home and auto decks, Kenmore Dr., first house off Hamilton Rd Okemos. '965 BARON, 10x58. Gun furnace, 4 x 10 expando. $2,400. Phone BATON - TWIRLING classes. Now taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640 demanding routines practiced in features a fiddle, a banjo, a mandolin, a base, a vocalist. guitarist and a ■3 bedroom house, lease, deposit. $29.50 up. Cassette recorders, Saturday, Orchesis, and their participants 201028 ■References. 351 5060 after 6 p.m. amplifiers, speakers, used records. may attend other workouts. Police band radios, imported wall Hie directors of the concert, Jean Frank and ■x-1-10-' NIKKORMAT FTN A class especially for male Betty Laug said camera, 50 m FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL this will not be another "folk marathon" but would instead tapestries and rugs, slate pool f1 4 Lost & Found dancers is being taught at 7 be a ■cn'i girl to share house with 2 table and accessories. All lens, case 351-2241. MOI and accessorii 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE p.m. carefully planned out program that is economic in length and ■„thB, „jris Own bedroom. Prefer equipment tested and guaranteed. WOLVERINE. 5-101 on Wednesday in the dance diverse in style. A $1 donation is asked and children under the REWARD. LOST Brown BiTover 21. Call 482-6778.^5-10-5 leather studio in conjunction with the : WILCOX SECOND wallet in car while hitchhiking last HAND STORE, 509 East USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 PROFESSIONAL SEAMSTRESS Free University and Orchesis. Monday night 9-20. Call Don, HALE OWN furnished bedroom, Michigan, 485-4391, 8-5:30 p.m. East Michigan. Dishes, books, 355-5470. 3-101 desires work. Alterations, This class is to encourage men -og house on lake. Fireplace, Monday through Saturday. Bank coins, antiques, rockers, junk. children's clothes, etc. Contract who would like to dance but ■utilities paid. 3 Psychology Americard and Master Charge. Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open Wendy, 351-4490. 3-105 need to develop 6$ 339-2310. 3-10-5 Layaways. C Saturday and Sunday. Furniture and appliances open all week, 10 FOUND: BEIGE Shepherd, half mutt, male. 4-5 years. Call 355-9783. 3-105 black half DAYTIME BABYSITTING in my before joining the club. more skill City lathers dueto bomber BRAND NEW Pentax 35mm wide am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C home, one or 2 children. Call Following the Thursday angle lens. Best offer. Call 337-2112. 4-101 sessions, Dixie Durr, club NOTTINGHAM, England (AP) — Police said a man who flour - LOST: PAIR of brown frame glasses. director and asst. professor in bombed front doors, covered cars with shaving lather and 351-7440. 2-10-1 3 USED HOOVERS $24.50. Nice Round lenses. Call - 3490838. FOR QUALITY service and stereos, otherwise made himself a nuisance, had become the scourge of a 2 - tone - Hooever cleaner used 2-104 physical education, is giving ■EDROOM, full basement. House TV's and recorders. THE STEREO modem jazz lessons from 9 to Nottingham neighborhood. He signed himself "The Home Pride SOFA BED, in good condition. just a few times. All cleaning mt. 1810 South Cedar. Phone tools. SHOPPE. 337-1300. C 10 p.m. in the studio. Garded Grain Flour Grader." Colonial style and pattern. Only $24.50 cash or terms. LOST: GOLD Checkbook, Sept. 24, 1)93-0599. 1-10-1 351-8175. 3-104 Call 372-3324. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Anthony Hall. Call 353-2835 To insure satisfaction sold SILK SCREEN Printing cli by free evenings. 5-10-6 BEDED: ONE man for four man home demonstrattion only. campus. Call Cindy Ellenwood, Jhouse. Furnished, $65/ month. 0-5-1O1 $5 REWARD for finding Mich, car 349-0344. 3-101 ■Call 332-3947. 3-10-1 title in Martha Larimore's name. CLASSICIAL GUITAR Spanish WATERBED UNITS $60. Mattress, 337-0149. 3-10-4 Typing Service — ■E GIRL to share large bedroom in made Garcia, Royal typewriter, liner, foam pad and frame. Any $e. $55 monthly, plus utilities. girls 26" Schwinn bike. Call Nan, size. Water mattresses, $26.50. LOST: ORANGE and white kitten. ; preferable. Available nov 332-0415. 3-10-4 REBIRTH, 309 North Washington Park Lane area. Call 351-0865. ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith Icall 482 7449, evenings. 1-9-29 Avenue, Lansing, 489-6168 Reward. 4-1 Ol offset printing. Complete service GUITAR GIBSON 12 string, 6-10-1 for dissertations, theses, Rooms excellent condition. $270. Personal manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 351-2532. 3-1 Ol APPLES, PEARS, plums, 22 years experience. 349-0850. C sweet cider. Pick (unfurnished rooms. $60 / your own app'es. Friday, HELP THE Alliance candidates COMPLETE ents for It's What's i per month. 2 persons per SPEED QUEEN portable washing Saturday, Sunday. BLOSSOM THESES service. ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of change East Lansing. Colburn, Will Discount printing. IBM typing and Happening must be received in the i. Share bath. Kitchen and machine, 1 year old, avocado, and Griffith need your assistance. State News office, 345 Student session at 7:30 (other privileges extra. Leslie on Hull Road. (Old U.S. binding of theses, resumes, 122 W. formica top. $120. Phone Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two 127) 589-8251. 9 - 6 PM. Closed Call weekdays 351-6578, publications. Across from campus, p.m. today in the Captain's Room of jOakland Lansing. Ph. 482-4982. 393-6477. 3-101 Mondays. O 351-0573 8-10 p.m. 3-101 corner M.A.C. and Grand River, class days before publication. Items the Union to obtain information on 1-5 limited are to 25 words. No The Badminton Club will meet over 60 volunteer programs. below Jones Stationery Shop. Call WEDDING GOWN size 10-12. tape announcements will be accepted by from 7 to 9 tonight in the lower gym Experienced volunteers in family home, kitchen deck with speakers. 351-2346. $110. SLOW COPYGRAPH SERVICES, are phone. of the Women's Intramural Building. encouraged to assist the staff in this ■privileges. $60 monthly. Call 3-10 1 This summer; San Luis 337-1666. C ■332-6041.3-10-4 All students and faculty are welcome. effort. BOY SCOUT uniform, 12fli,m. Long Obispo, Cal., has organized a Deadline for application to the SLOW campaign to celebrate DISSERTATION, THESES, term School of Social Work is Oct. 15. Society for the Betterment of kom in house for girl graduate sleeves. Complete from handbook Lapidary (gem-cutting) lessons will papers. Expert typist with degree Society is co-sponsoring a free film its unhectic way of life. Applications may be picked up in be given from 7 to 10 p.m. on ■student. Privileges, parking. $20 CIDER to belt. New, $14. Call 349-0137 in English, I.B.M. (Also editing). series with showings at 7:30 p.m. Included in the events are a 220 Baker Hall. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays ■/week. 20 minutes from MSU. after 6 p.m. S-3-10-1 351-8961. 0-101 each Monday evening at the East ■669-3684 after 6 p.m. 1-101 summer long chess game, sun Oct. 4 thru Dec. 8 at the Globe Eckankar, the ancient science of Jewelers and Lapidary Supply. For Lansing Public Library. This week's SKIIS - HART Javelin, 200 c m. dial reading course, and a snail PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: for quick JTENTION: ■Completely furnished. ROOMS for rent. TIME! With Marker step • in bindings. Almost Head poles, 54 versus turtle race. But for fast results use but quality Ph.D. work. Call 349-2434. 3-10-5 soul travel, discussion group meets at 7 p.m. Saturday in the Oak Room of further information call 332-2986 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. feature will be "A Place to Stand," an award winning film, accompanied Cooking. new. the Union. by two shorter Canadian films. ■Call 372-8077. C inches. Best offer. 485-9745, after STATE News Classified Ads Seating capacity is limited. 5 p.m. 3-101 when People's Independent Government you want to sell Only 85c per gallon SAVE SAVE SAVE "Closing the Gaps," a free lecture will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday on The Wesley Forum meets Sunday For Sale MAGNAVOX 12" TV. Used 1 something. Whether its your or quantity price XEROX COPYING- offset - best sponsored by the Christian Science the second floor of the Union. All t 1118 S. Harrison. A 50 cent cost month. 482-2011 mornings best. home, auto, household goods, Organization will be held at 4 p.m. quality at reasonable prices. THE possible power to all the people! supper at 6 p.m. will be followed by ■RE FUN in the sun, with Sun 3-10-1 sports equipment, or a litter COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand today in 104B Wells Hall. Everyone Rais Uddin Ahmed from Bangla Desh ■Shades. OPTICAL of puppies, just dial 355-8255 River. Phone 332-4222. C is welcome. Bring your questions. DISCOUNT, Lyman Briggs College presents a -v 1 king at 7 p.m. on "Crisis in F.ast ■2615 East ■372 7409. C-5-10-1 Michigan Avenue, Corda West Animals for a friendly Ad Writer to Career Opportunity Program in ti " , istan." All are welcome to attend help you word your ad. Do it PROFESSIONAL Sciences from 7 to 9:30 p.m. 5817 E. Okemos Rd., E. Lan today! TMESIS Monday in 101-3 C Holmes Hall. b WATT Amplifier, two speaker, LOST: YEAR old male Siamese cat PREPARATION There will be a free "Jesus rock" ■ Garrard turntable, $295. AKAI (2 mi. north off Grand River) 9-23-71. Please return, 733 West ASK NOT what you can do for your There will be meeting for all concert from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday Who's Whose a ■ tapedeck, $150. Together - $400. Grand River. 1-10-1 government. Control it. Register persons interested in working behind the East Lansing bus station. ■351-4779. 5-101 ED 7-7974 Friday, Oct. 1. Your last chance. Come for good music and true words. "Tommy" at 7 p.m. Monday in IRISH SETTER pups. AKC, field 2-10-1 Parlor C of the Union. Dancers. Open daily to 9 p.m. show, obedience pet, excellent Jl ■eftDIAL layaway. in AND SWITCH $51.40. Comes with a selection. Dimondale, 646-5811. Complete Professional Thesis Service fir Mailer's end Doctoral Candidates Free Cynthia Wansten, Muskegon needed. SELLING OUT 30,000 library Brochure ind Consultation Please Call walnut sew table beautiful Saturday in the Union Parlors. pastel books. 28.000 at 10c, 2,000 at Cliff and Paula Sophomore to Nick Valenti, ■olor, full size head, all built • Hauikey 337 1527 sr 127 21* Enjoy Kabbalat Shabbat services Medieval dancing, fighting, and in, 50c. Open Saturday and Sunday QUARTER HORSE weanling filly, Plymouth Junior, Delta Tau Delta. - Zag - buttonhole. Overcast WOOLIES, ROCK blues and hard followed by a delicious meal at 6:30 costumery will be discussed along 10-6 Call 669-9311 Jerry's Flee $95. Male Siamese cat, free. core boogie. Direct booking. with plans for our fall tourney. All ■"ekes fancy stitches and winds . PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term p.m. Friday. For reservations, rides, Market. 3-10-4 349-1384. 1-10-1 351-2182. 5-107 velcom< Pe bobbin papers, theses. Best rates. Call ENGAGEMENTS or information call HiUel, 332-1916. automatically. Pay ■USI 351-4619. O Morning services will be held at 9:30 $51.40, or E-Z terms COLOSSAL NEIGHBORHOOD KITTENS: REARED with TLC. THERE IS still time to complete a a.m. Saturday. Succos supper and adult pranged. Trade ■ ins accepted. To ■'"re satisfaction, sold Sale. Infant's, children's, adult's Shots. Need loving, stable home. Kaplan Tutoring Course for the TYPING THESES and letters, etc. Kathryn A. Godfrey, Rock Island, Illinois Senior to William J. White, social will be given at 5 p.m. Sunday. documentary about rock stars and by free clothing. Furniture, TV's, toys, 351-6929. 4-10-1 ■ome demonstration only. Phone MCAT, DAT, and LSAT. BOARD Rapid accurate service. Rabbi Kraus will speak on "The their women will be shown at 8:40, old car. Thursday - Sunday. 9 a.m. Rockville, Maryland, MSU Grad. EXAMS scheduled for October. Experienced. 393-4075. C |84-4553. *LECTR0 GRAND. 0-5-10-1 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. • 5 p.m., 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. 937 AFFECTIONATE need gentle people. YOUNG female Call 31 3-851-6077 for Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City. Jewish Chaplain in Vietnam." B'nai Brith Hillel is located at 319 and 10:20 tonight and Saturday in 102B Wells Hall. You must be 18: Ramblewood Dr. 351-0715. cats Free. information and enrollment. Hillcrest. rated X. 2-10-1 Delivered. 482-3857. 4-101 7-101 Wanted ■P 3150 Amplifier, 180 watts. Barbara Blake, Birmingham, Junior, There will be a meeting of the "Yellow Submarine," an exquisite ^0ne month old. Manual writer. 353-0187. 4-10-1 MODERN BLONDE bedroom set ASTROLOGICAL CHARTS and NEED TWO senior coupons, Kappa Kappa Gamma to Jerry Nutt Student Advisory Committee - animated film about Sgt. Pepper's Michigan game. Or trade 2 seniors Livonia, University of Detroit Dental like new, large dresser and mirror. studies: reasonable. Call Mathematics (Sac-math) at 7 p.m. Lonely Heart's Club Band liberating for 4 juniors. • Mary, 353-6400. School Freshman, Beta Theta Pi. Also smaller dresser, and bookcase 485-8760. Ask for Wanda Myra. x" ,^T0 Saxophone. Good BEAGLES AKC registered. 4 months 5-104 today in the committee office, A138 Pepperland from the horrific Blue ■ondition. Neck headboard. Call 487-3096. S 1-IOI Wells Hall. Officers for the year will Meanies will be shown at 7, 8:40, and strap and lyre to 3 years, field, champion sired. Cathy Paulos, Traverse City senior. ■eluded. Call 355-2582. 2-101 Sale or trade. 651-6231. 1-10-1 Alpha Phi to Dick Hilton Glen Arbor, be elected. 10:20 tonight in 106b Wells Hall and TWO U-M non student tickets. Will MUSICIAN AVAILABLE. Saturday in 109 Anthony. WOMAN'S WHITE rabbit fur coat in Adrian Graduate, Sigma Alpha iD VOX amplifier, 130 buy. Call Charlotte. 351-8261. Experienced Pianist - Trumpeter Petitions for positions on watt and excellent condition. Call 351-7626 TODAY ONLY 20% DISCOUNT on 2-10-4 wants work; doubles on Bases. Call "Freud" John Huston's classic committees of the College of Arts T,.sPeakers W. Plus electric guitar. after 6 p.m. x-5-105 fish - a little love on special. Bill, 339-2524, weekdays after 3 and Letters and representative to the film about — the birth of 393-0069 after 6 2-10-1 From DOCKTOR'S PET Shelly Hourvitz, Flint Junior, Sigma 5-105 . p.m. Academic Council available 2 KLH TENS Scott Amplifier. $110. CENTER, Meridian Mall. 1-10-1 Delta Tau to Paul Kahn, Toledo, are now psychoanalysis will be shown along Selmer Cornet $60. 351-3562. Peanuts Personal Ohio. Illinois College of Optometry, at departmental offices. Petitioning with Laurel and Hardy's award YOUNG FEMALE faculty wants Oct. for x-3-10-5 ST. Bernard - large female 10 months, SAM from Ohio State. closes on 14 college winning short, "The Music Box," at 7 room to rent. Cooking privileges. well - trained with good markings. positions and on Oct. 21 for and 9:30 tonight in 105 S. Kedzie Box A-1 State News. 3-101 Academic Council Hall and Saturday in 106B Wells MOVING: G.E. refrigerator $75. 20" 1-623-3681 Dansville. 3-10-1 Cathleen M. Dolan, Milwaukee, Wise, representative. Hall. senior D. Thanks fan on stand. $15. Call 349-0137 to Bruce Bouwkamp, WANTED: USED Thorens or AR The MSU Judo. Karate. Kendo, MINIATURE SCHNAUZER male 12 Bloomfield Hills, MSU Graduate after 6 p.m. S-3-10-1 To ALL turntable and good speakers. and Aikido Clubs will MSU Gay Liberation and . . . weeks old. AKC. Salt and pepper, present a 482-2011. 3-101 Student, Alpha Tau Omega. ears cropped, champion My Fantastic demonstration of their respective Radicalesbians will have a joint bloodlines, loveable and playful friends, THANKS Japanese martial arts at 7:30 p.m. meeting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. CAU disposition. 393-3543. 5-10-5 WORKING MODEL needs studio ,Jacalyn L. Lund, Grand Junction, today in the sports arena of the 35 3-9795 for location and other Is usual, we are proud for a super 21st. artist. For details Call Susan 'Colorado, MSU Grad to Gerald W. Men's Intramural Bldg. All are to 489-6995. 2-104 Schave, St. Clair Shores. MSU THE SEA FAN, Lansing's newest and Jo ■e 100% leased. HARPSICHORD. SOLID cherry. 8 Graduate. Hubbard Infor and most unique Pet Shop is now open 4 foot strings. 484-9856, WOMAN OF 23 with small son needs to serve you. 4604 North East The H olden Draft Counseling ■ •Y us earlier 372-1629. 10 1014 house to share in exchange for for next Street. We specialize in Marine Center offers free draft information housekeeping and cooking, plus ;ering at 7:30 Monday in fish. Stop in and see our super 011 campus. Contact the Holden Hall p.m. ZEISS IKON Contaflex. Camera with small rent. 332-6695. 2-104 Imimer and next fall electronic flash. Call 351-7012. aquarium. 484-8871. Monday, academic office E-212 between 6:30 fice on the third floor of the and 9 Monday through raduate Library. 1-101 Thursday, Friday 109. Tuesday, NEED TICKET for Michigan game. p.m. rause of the new, Wednesday, Saturday 10-6. Ask for Marv. Call 332-8635. Thursday and between 1 and 4 p.m. Sunday 12-5. 5-10-5 SUSIE. WE made it. HAPPY 5th MOI Saturday and Sunday. Jfaxed "JUNIOR" FREE KITTENS. 7 weeks old, litter Aniversary. Try another five? ALL MY LOVE, JOHN. I-IOI TRADE MY ticket for your ticket Carol Don Kuemmel, Warden Junior to Eckert, Akron, Ohio, MSU The Muslim Student Assn. with Disney's "Festival Heroes" at I p.m. Saturday in 105 S. of Folk Mictions. LADIES' SKI pants, jackets, trained. Call 489 4889 after 5 coupon (Junior). Michigan game. Graduate, Tau Delta Phi. told ■very the Friday prayers at 13 Friday in 106 Internatii Kedzie Hall. See characters from Paul Bunyun to Casey Jones! Admission is sweaters, shells, skirts, dresses p.m. 3-10-1 Call 699-2929. I-IOI $1 or $3 per family. coats, slacks. Size 9-12. POODLES, CHOCOLATE - AKC, water's edge Reasonable. Call 332-4645 9:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. 3-10-5 8 weeks, great grandmother Westminister winner. 371-3453. H AVE ONE Michigan. Need senior two coupon, for Iowa. Wanted ardt Schneider, ass MSU's interested Gay be Lib the invites all 337-1115. I-IOI it of Forestry will give a talk inter to on Gay Lib Recreation river's edge HASSELBLAD 500C 2V4" with 80mm f/2.8 lens; Honeywell camera 4-10-5 SCOTTIE PUPS, AKC, show quality. NIGHT PARKING spaces. Beech and BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for all ' ora in Michigan's Hardwood at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 204 intramural intra Anyi touch football 'illing to play should call as team. positive. A negative, B negative Iture Bldg. Anyone interested no no great skill is required. electronic flash. Best offer. CHUISTMAS BREAK. Spain $249 Gunson area. Will negotiate. apartments 332-5555 ask for Don. 2-10-4 Great pets. 337 0810. 2-10-1 Reasonable. Call Nassau $169. Acapulco $249 London $149. Complete deluxe 332-3867. X-3-101 ar.d AB negative, $10.00 O negative, $12.00. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, MICHIGAN ivited ng about the Botanical attend. Cheerleading positions available. For information please call 353-9795 are also or 332-6495. | 1050 Water's Edge Dr. HEATH mags F.M. 351-5156. 3-105 with Tuner $150; 2 E.T. polyglas. $100. SAMOYED months 349 3698. 3-10-4 REGISTERED male, 4 old. $150. Phone packages. 351 2286. 0-105 Call Frank Buck. 507% East Grand Lansing. Above the new Campus River. East Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 MSU's Lesbian Sisterhood women to p.m. call 353-9795 from 1 to 2 Monday through Wednesday to invites The Women's design the program Center meeting to and facility for 332-4432 TWO JUNIOR MSU DALMATION PUPS; AKC, home FOR GLAD tidings for WOULD LIKE to buy three tickets pm Monday, Thursday, and talk, join rap groups, and get social Women's Center will be held at 9:30 coupons something you've lost w for MSU-UM game. Call 353-1942. Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 calendar. Community service p.m. Monday at 420 Evergreen. All Michigan game. Best offer. raised litter. 393-8658, after 6 pm. 3-10-1 pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C Ad. Dial 366-8255 355-0866. 1-101 6-101 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan MostWASHIMflTOM (AP) WASHINGTON - Most — Most nationsquitting gold,dollar star omiprnmonfc pan cnonH governments can spend. fnnn tape. situation Drecioitatcd precipitated BH m. The reason: When l This citllflt.inn TKIc an of the world is going off the gold The official name will be SDRs already exist: $6.36 that purpose. was going to take in so much international trade booms, as it international monetary crisis that and dollar standard. The new "Special Drawing Rights" SDR billion worth. The International Many countries use dollars as more money than it was has done in recent has lasted for most of this year. kind of international money for short. Although widely called Monetary Fund has created years, well, but former President spending that dollars would governments think they have *o Lyndon B. Johnson and grow scarce. The surplus of dollars overseas seems likely to be something paper gold, it may not even be them, just by agreement among caused their value to drop in called "paper gold" — which keep more and more gold and President Nixon predicted that That turned out to be wrong. paper: Just an entry in a ledger 118 member nations tht they you'll never see and only money in reserve. There wasn't they wouldn't have enough of Americans went right on foreign - exchange markets. or an impulse on a computer were needed. enough new gold being Finally, on Aug. 15, President dug for those either. The United states shipping their dollars abroad in lavish quantities: As investments Nixon pulled the main support in other countries; to support from under the value of the IN CHICAGO DRIVE troops in Vietnam and in world's most important Europe; to pay for imports and currency. He announced that the foreign vacations; and to take gold window was closed. The advantage of the fact that other United States no longer would out gold for dollars held by Voter countries' money, especially pay CHICAGO (AP) - A young registration successful of the Quaker Oats Co., and a West Germany's and Japan's, seemed likely to be worth more in the future. There were so many dollars foreign governments. It had stopped such redemption by individuals long ago. There was no indication that Miss Carol High, 18, Chicago, drive. available in other countries that the window ever would open voter registration drive at the board member of YCF, said 500 They organized the office buildings in Florida, Merchandise Mart, the world's registered for the first time. building and canvassed each California and several other those nations began wondering if again. persons registered in the first "This is great. It makes it So, with neither gold nor so business to determine how many it was a good idea to keep largest commercial building, two hours of the two - day drive. states in the next few months, drew large crowds Thursday convenient," she said. employes were not registered. He added, "I hope they are not holding so many of them. Like dollars adequate any more, the "That totally exceeds prompting organizers to plan Asked about Ladt said the YCF will go into as big as the Mart." any surplus goods they looked as world's governments wanted anything we thought would the impact of drives in office buildings in other if they might get cheaper. something else. That something happen." youth voters in the future cities. The Chicago Board of elections, she said: Carroll Ladt, secretary of the Youth 23, executive Elections set up 12 registrars at four tables in the lobby of the "They will make a difference BUF statement says Citizenship Fund (YCF), a •Mart, where 24,000 persons only if they decide what they nonpartisan Washington, D.C., work. Roeser said that YCF had really want and not just listen to organization which co - estimated 2,000 young persons sponsored the drive, said, "We who were not registered to vote what their parents have to say." OBA head resigned had registrations at the rate of Don wei;e employed in the Mart. Schneider, 21, Chicago, eight a minute. This is just the who works in the Mart, was board member because he did beginning. We will go to every A Dixieland band from a asked if he would have registered Nonetheless, ASMSU has not not state otherwise at city in the next year and the Chicago night club entertained Tuesday's without the special lobby setup. yet reviewed the resignation; meeting. registrations will have a dramatic the registrants in the lobby. therefore the resignation is not effect on the national elections." Most of those registering "No," he said, "in this day official. As far as ASMSU is Diane Rathnow, ASMSU Thomas Roeser, an official appeared to be young girls. and age no one wants to go out concerned, Jones is still director cabinet director, would not of their way just to vote." of OBA. comment on Jones' resignation Buckner, who had not been except to express dismay over The Chicago Election Board notified of the resignation, said Suit filed ch also ran branch registration offices in six other downtown- he did not know of rumors of a the OBA director without informing her. OBA is resigning resignation until a reporter asked technically within the cabinet office buildings. about the statement Thursday. and thus under her supervision, school aid Roeser said the success of the Buckner said he had reassured that Jones was still a felt though she has no control over it. drive resulted from cooperation (Continued from page one) "We are acting jointly in the between the election board, complicated and difficult one. public interest on a matter or YCF and businesses in the Mart. "Nevertheless, I believe that urgent concern not only to the the property tax and state parents and school children of "Field Enterprises printed school aid grants system is unfair Michigan, but also to all of the 18,000 handouts for us," he and that the people of Michigan people of Michigan. said.'"Many firms allowed their are entitled to a judicial employes to work for the drive." determination of its "The California There were four YCF staff Supreme Couii, members in the Mart for the constitutionality, he said. ruling against the system Gov. Milliken said he fully there is but one more indication supports Kelley's action. of what I have been saying for "I agree with the attorney more than two years — that the TV RENTALS at HOLIDAY LANES general in his decision to seek present system is inequitable." Lanes available for OPEN Bowling all day court action rather than trying Milliken is currently leading a to resolve the question through statewide and evening. Open 9 a.m. daily petitiop drive to put an attorney general's opinion," the property tax question on the NEJAC TV RENTALS Just north of Frandor - 337-9775 DINE-IN, CARRYOUT, FAST CAMPUS DELIVERY he said. November 1972 ballot. 337-1300 Billiards Cocktails Good Food rurrenci >d Britj SAT I Kl )AY SI MXV> MON R I Kl SATI RIC SI \\ DAY SAIVUDAY SI WD AN SVUMDAV SI NDAV onu) governments« based on I's holdings -?rve 0f gjj currency dollars and Britij February June mon ! ti es wed ti ii'r saturday | si'nday mon ives wed tiiur i hi sat i rday MSU h I "slave lat coordinat I Discrimin At a I women -c March MSU has inequities faculty w I to correct mon ties wed ti ii r saturday She re sunday I on Equa Action 1970-71 Universitj report, ti Faculty Universitj | data state 'The I doctorate than tho Even th than last, funds, the Henry C Educatior the 1971. students f mon tues wed tiiur 1 rl heen prorr saturday sunday Other p 1 [2 Student I c°mpared dollars of anticipate ' aid, will d r> 7 8 distribute 9 "Aeeon _ w»y "hes