Michigan Stale News EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. l!Wfi Secretary of Labor Upperclassmen All Say SENIORS TO Conference ^M To Be First Speaker "Wear Pots. Frosh,Or-"PRICE DISCOUNT! Plans State-Wide Meeting For Lecture Course Men Are Hardboiled. But Co-ed, Offer Sympathy for tbe Dow.- AM U7A1 VCDINE Froth; y There There i, Re.t.tance, of Courte. i, Reaittance. Cour.e. U1' » V LI LIMIT L Union In Building Saturday Annua! Liberal Art, Serin Will Open Here October 17; Mis, But After All Clai, Decide, to Pay Two Dol- France, Perkins Will Be Followed by Dick Halli¬ lar» Toward Purchaie Price Dr. Harry A. Ovcrstrect, Widely Known Author and Philosopher, burton. Senator Nye. and Other,. the >Ur«.ret >lunl,omrri. "J»—I ,>0" Sew Ikannf}lfn Heads List of Authorities Who Will Discuss campus' On*' faction at Meeting Monday Night. _ iVteher 17 will mark the opening of the' 19:W-:!i> student Announces Plans Current Problems of Youth. Iftture course which this season offers to State students c-onsisting of the major upper * lawmen, aav* i,reen ttz S ADVANCE SALE IS GOOD and Office Hours With the intention•<< t)me the greenness wear* off they ,„t>i'tis famous in fields which include politics, drama, pot* mint b*- worn or—the river jj; picxed over So what* Other Detail. piicuted as they are by ^Organization j Wjl| art. vurnalism. and travel. Frances Perkins, secretary of laU.r. all you fresh > e boys The verbal H*rr> Hutler. *58 1 th»» Make office . jl m r u itrun Youth-Atlult eonb Hi.har.l Halliburton, u.lventurer and author, and Senator battU has been raging fa«t and freshmen should wear pots be- Announced by Murray ai Fall Service Agency for the I'nifiti buiiditiK Sat i.erald P. Nve of North Dakota are three of the lietter- furious ever since tin- uppercla**- cause it Mgregates the upperclav- Term Work Gets Under Way. ami nationally known men have appeared on the campus 'men from the frosh But -I think inown names which appear on the schedule of eight lectures Ktnni w ill he hroa*U ast H.-rc utr stirno remark, Ukm at the prus* ,.r put, should be as low riannwl by the l.ilwral Arts Board. \ definite plan Whereby Approximately *»■»" v yp.s Perkins, the only uors may purchase their soman ever to occupy an of- lies of the 19;tt! Wolverine, • u in the cabinet of the HOMEECCONVO tHit- u.l.l.i more college yeurUiok, ut a tlis- l^esideht of the I'nited will lie the first t. ATTRACTS 2500 th«*m and thrv answered b. the i .miHi, .lift.rentI.te and C«unt Was be- dei iileil upon at a meeting of the class Monday HONOR SOCIETY ,1 the uppercla*.- aftemuun. It was decided Thursday. Octob ,v« on Here they are Fred Flegel. *3« If dc PLANS TAPPING Iv^c-^tnd slual s'cut we M S- C Wt" RcpreoenleJ at Twentieth yvnturi Chiogo Home Economic, Excalibur Will Pick New Men i :: esptoin her theories ir Convention. Din ... mi; Party in Union Saturday. CO-ED RUSHING UBRARY MAKES IN FULL SWING STAFF CHANGES Sorority Pledge Period Opened Gteo Fitch and lac, Spoffard- on Sunday al In- Appointed A»i,tant, formal Tea,. by Towne. SffiiiAT Will SfM-iik at ('hicajro Mcctinjr LT. DRAKE CALLS FOR CO-ED RIDERS No Credit Will be Given This Term for Girls' Riding Class. TICKET SCRAMBLE 3 Want a Big Sister, Frosh? GETS UNDER WAY Here's How You Get One Students Advised to Reservations. Make Early •ULr Willie They Last-Only 90 ENGINEERS' C0NV0 WILL MEET HERE , Tau Beta Pi Cuuecstiou Set fur Ociuher 19-12. STATE POLO TEAM <1 heart and auu! to the rau »nc» and adventure OPENS PRACTICES >urton a wanderings have Mv«rsal He ha* «a*ied Ux IS Mm Report for Stick B the forecastle of tramp * 43 and Ball Club. be has stamped his way v. Friday a formal din- * are acting ** hosts This rhapts* assigned counsellor* arid ail tho** de» h member of Uie soph,, ner from 8 until 8 45. The for¬ .ie-bur»ed slopes of Fuf»- wan organized In 1912 and *M the wrrxi ctiil lal the Miphormrt: and no rush** should attend un¬ the t'ruled Slates leader in the of the system »»r sign up in the rornmittr* *re Ruth Starke I.u« > less she is realty interested in formation of the chapter was Prof dormitories ; Tranter, la>tuse Unxrl t&vved away Delegates from 87 colleges and neaday night from 7 until 8 Dot* Sherman, Mary Ballard. Vii- irig the horses for the past two! from home-, other than the It, irf . not bind her in any way unnersrttes extending from Main* o'clock and since then have been f,mia Lyon. Edith Johrvson, Betty ; weeks so that they are in the best M aw Mter* -A application Registration figures far i From Friday October 4. at 9 p to California will attend the meet- busy taking them around the Lou Ziegler. Nan Ggllery and Ax¬ ;«# condition. ■■■>'* he «»4drvv*>«-d V» the fbl- in. until Monday. October 7. at Mwtngan Sute reached a new ing. In addition, all the national; campus and discussing vvi'ia Jene Richardson. From the mem- There are about 15 men report- towing ; noon is the silence period in which high late Saturday' evening, oAcers will be in attendance aspects of college life at Michigan bers of the junior committee will .ing for the polo team this year I there will be no communication tv i:»«* Ray T. Har- when, through a count taken The Tau Beta PI is a national Btate with them. Tuesday night v chosen the head of the fresh- ! among whom are' Falling, W rmgton between the sorority and rusher*. AthletKc Association, by Miss Yakety. college regis¬ Rushers trill receive preference honor society with the member-counsellors were In charge of the! man counsellor system for next Clark, R Weber, D Freshnur C i,. »inut Hr.l Mas*, trar, a total of 3.7SO freshmen, slips by noon Saturday and re-1 ship limited to the upper eighth of get-acquainted pa jama parties in year. —• j Tom Matlock. Green. Bresnahan. Temple V-K» U Kichman, t upper* laasxnen. and transfers Lawrence, With the exception of Temple University Athletic As- had been enrolled, fourth of the The ■ tally club rooms In the Union, and senior engineers B IT 1, I B T I N BULLETIN a Green, who Is a Miplutmorr. all of seisUon. Philadelphia, Pa. *■ ft Is believed that along membership is also based Friday afternoon counsellors a»- an per- M these men are junkiri and senior* Loyola V —Graduate Manager, sonal qualifications The society aisled as hostesses at Dean £lisa- i HU|# rlrrelstlan lists V. I rlrralaUan h sew% In the military department. Loyola University, Los Angeles, presents a slide rule to the treah- heft. Conrad's tea for new girls. W( not are ^ yel rMgf, rr( rci •fiy. t'aUl I'atll then Although a schedule has not Calif, man in the engineering division The 90 freshman counsellors, all ^ MadenU |(||4faU My i 1 been arrange. It D very probable |t( y^r I As has been the case In farmer with the highest rating far the were chosen very carefully from papers alat the ike i'ltoa t ntsa fiaak. ink that .It will include Culver uni- i years, the opposing school uruallv year. |1#0 sophomores who Indicated j _ versity and the University of Chi- srnds a block of seats for the cago as the most important games, .game. I S»II i* ■ « ■ l* X P HOCIIt AT TIUCWU.1'1 MICHIGAN STATU NEWS Tuesday, Septemlieki-1,19;% 7P YOUTH CONVO MEETS ; "Glorious Adventure,' "N e w ON CAMPUS SATURDAY Worlds to Conquer." and "The WITH THE SMARTLY STYLE!) //,l.VDR.ir;S | Michigan Stale News PROCESSION I Flying is Carpet. ' (their total sale approaching the million mark), and is known to thousands more For Co-fta They aren't R Bradshaw, National Youth for h|, vivid|y descriptive talks. Administration for Michigan. ^ j^ure, entitled "Seven- Just handbags Homer M. Noble, Lr0|fuo p,H,ts. is scheduled for but Bags that were especially prrsident. Michigan Council of 7;30 p m on Thursday. January , designed to Harmoni?e with Religious Education, Howell; Be*-Jig ef the coming year the fail styles and fabrics. i ter Moody, past commander, j i-xhe Munitions Racket" will be i American Legion. Port Huron; Ferris D. Stone, attorney, chair¬ Fabrics man of state Y. M. C. A., Detroit; Fail Bags are im- CONDITION STALLIONS F. Binnink, director of young see in our collection FOR SALE IN WINTER ople's work, Michigan State i bottoms, gold trims, rm bureau; Bishop Edgar Blake, quilted linings. ft r o 11; Fred Raymond, $1.00 As a result of 27 years of breed- 1 and Rapids; Miss Edith M Ba- PARCEL POST I.ACNDRY ing Percheron and Belgian draft [ horse* at M SC. 14 of the best' s. president. Michigan Educa- 91.Oil n Arbor: Gray /HTEK KIM. NOTE IUH>KS two year old stalliohs will be #2.00 Up pi,m d on sate thts November, ac¬ cording to K S Hudson of the animal husbandry department. These hove ;ti>t Iwen brought in HICKS TRADITIONS OR STANDARDS? Certain enlhye official?* ami Michigan State i* getting away from tradition*, The oh Bin*' Key notwithstanding Cleaners and grail* are shocked. Nothing like an old institution steepei in tradition, and all that. But it's unite true: Miehigat State is learning that standards are infinitely Better thai traditions. In high school one read books alamt college life jtt whirl men ventured forth at twilight or dawn to sing on the step? of Jones Hall, or they Braved a sharp morning log to wat« I the cream ««f the junior class getting tapped for Pi Pi, thi honorary f«»r something or other. When they graduated Suits "sr one Inferred, they took away mellow memories of 9w« covered walls, sliady walk*, mandolins, and song-* at even¬ tide. A h»»?*t of traditions could pop up at an> time to Brim tears t«* the flfl grad's eves; and the world was a great pla« , to live in. But this is lfl.tr,. And the college graduate is no lunger Dresses°£.7'50c considered a choice article, to Be revered when he cries ovtu If you art- looking for the finest Quality the initials <>n his pipe or thant* the songs of dear old work, let uh serve you. Biwttsh, Today the college man is sup|K>sed ti» la* a highly trained lot of machinery who can produce something of ■■■( MP THIS COri'ONI value. A Background of pipe«smoke. Bull-sessions, and col¬ lege songs and customs lieeonies a Ball and chain. He finds This Coupon Entitles Hearer to ? that traditions is as sensible as a haBit of stepping oVet cracks m the sidewalk. I I'air of Trousers Michigan State is finally getting around to that attitude. Cleaned and Pressed At one time it was the life to spend the Hi t year keeping your coat Buttoned, avoiding girls, scraping sidewalks To: 1 Ladies' Skirt the class above, and in other ways subjugating yourself to Cleaned and Pressed the sophomore class, Nothing else mattered very mucli unless it was grades. CASH ami CARRY But times have » hanged The college man. from his firs Or See Your House Agent year upr now applet lates more the value .• t standard*, H learns the benefit* of clean linen, the advantages of living well dress,si in hi» contacts with other men He Itegin* to Hicks — Cleaners, Tailors appreciate the dividends that polished manners pav IB' wise* up to the fact that good English and the ability to express himself count more m life than a ve>t full of ke\ • and a surpassingly fine sergpheok of college mem one.* And standards so it i* coming inevitable that traditions in are gomg out. and Michigan State will probably see a READ STATE NEWS ADS host of given pots this fall, the last ve-tige of foolishness A REVOLUTION IN WRITING AND But a few year* from now -what then? The frnsher will probably tell io* superior*. Bluntly to go to hell, and, we heartily agree, There is no occasion to mourn. --sn— FILLING SHEAFFEFCS Start tha school year with Sheaffer's which SIGNOR MUSSOLINI AND THE THRU. BEARS are supreme Mr. MtitmoBm i* ii»»w in a v* v tight sptit. Ami diplomatic I in quohty and performance and cost no more but last iimfervtifv* ami warm public y are turning the screws, The ii«m ii.t'i.it .1 ilit tat««ii ii Italy evidenth longer.AllSheoffer'sfill.empty, , a httlv campaign in Kthiopta klUtK 11K hit It I OI'KN A clean with one stroke and h tTM .♦ mj nent by a patented vocuum ry nn tlwNt* ft WttJlaii, I ! i';■»» it>i<** t»f th, I .»n mm ' F disc. The two-tone Feather- f&M have n«i t.- take the *yffen*»vc, ami in their 7 mm , touch'point that only Sheafler's J'J fa*tm *>* thev ar*» immune 3.> mw hine gum* nnut V / / have mokes two-way writing WMm 2 II Dint1 cnuM 'T , . uj vf take advantage of their W Jj perfect. AH these wonderful lu ravage their eouiiitv --but therg 1* very little to ravage down there. And in a futile lampatgn he would aubpvt hi* J fj features combined with the PMM U men to the grvateat of ten or*-—the unknown. Strange ; n«?W ft|%lp»'r S «*«r>«ww j J lifetime' // Guarantee make f country, tropk heat, fever* wmiUl take a ghaally fell. Sheaffer's the world's most And then the I Hue cfuouulered something else, the jo- I I economical pens. See all flR aentment of nations on whose righth he might well tread fI grodesof Sheaffer'sfrom$2.25 lllk were he to gain «u> »tiateg>« poaition* in Ethiopia Great He* at Vuhuh s found their vv»> / up at your dealer's. SHWW B^M Afl Britain, firmly entrenched in A fin a, called out hn warahip* itv / mMK MM EXCALIBUR *f the officer* With Can CK*U«S.Wtfrt IMMfDtATRYFOe ' Fratice iaaued prote*t*. MKMMATWN ON TMC WON- MM The Dictator t* now in a very tight *{*•?. If he continue* OfWU. Dit-FtOOF MM »T. to atall he may avoid the wrath of other nation*, but hr W. A. SHIAMit FIN CO. .JM will wierihce many men and a lot of hi# .country'* little jgratuiaiktrw' money. And be can't do that; he muat make up hi# mind. FALL TERM PARTY TOUT MADISON. IOWA ' B Then will come the pay-off. j NVl h*v,n« htKl muc* to .. If Mussolini move# on aggresaivelv he will ftnd Britain on . . , , "J* ,y" Fraternity 1 Iru, w h*wr wearing them and who SATURDAY NIGHT hi* neck, t or respondent# «re already alluding t,* the rrmly |ia m>t. wt caft ,>,1 tail you how roar of the But oh lion. If he bark# dow n he w ill proi*abh lihe ".D§n Cupid" »tuatkm stand# loac face in hi* own nation. Authorities hint that he might hut for mar* rumor* . Tom have considered warfare as a means of taking the Italian lOttey, Spatun tia&h, h«» N*n mind off troubM condition* «t homo. "u,kin* trip, to Or«d ,, The throne u alre.dy »h«kmfc*. Being * dictator i» great fun while it l»*t»—but it doesn't last long. . . r?u^y Re«l utU «u*r* .Thomson', pin but he', nut in jwwW„ Soptember 24, 1936 MICHIGAN KTATK NEWS Honor Brought to SPORTORIALS CLASSIFIED' I.OST ' — Hesperian pin^-with Fighting Spartans practice session* remain before the initial flash Ih'cii 1 Wm. Caldwell" found. Oq^back. Reward. ir mere ffobuilt and new bicycles. Re- by Coach Bachman Thcv Watts and his Pioneers from Grinnell College of Grinnrll. iiiili ;'11vi and acec.s.sorivs. Two good year for the victorious Spartans. Bur* ... |,, rctGu'iT': on hund now. The Bike i>thall player* with him again this year and Swap Shop, fear 320 Michigan and all advance notices are to the effert that the game will he a battle It has hern rumored that: l.ou Zur/.i and Steve Srho have an or f>t ' avenue. East Lansing, Stilt Grid Co»ch Placn Second in Nalion-widc Gridiron Poll; royal. You will remember last fall that State managed to win by a rartjvr bet on for tonight's fight between Bacr and l/Otii*. It pre- FOR SALE- Advanced military Alumni. Radios. Newspapers. Friends, and Governor Coin- score of 33 to 30. tm that if l.ouis wins little Steve must act as I onic's stooge for '..mifrtrm, complete with boots. Call weeks, and if Ituer wins then Zar»a bine to Put Michigan State on Football Map. h immediately becomes Stevle's The contest last Saturday afternoon in which the Greens walloped ngr. It should he an Interesting two-weeks for one or the other, iv the best stooge win. As for this bureau, H> HARRY WISMER. Sport, Editor the Reds was indeed a very stiring struggle. Each ■ we pick Louis to take • C alifornia plavhov out of the picture for ever , M ,iiii' Bm'hnian, head coach of the fighting Spartans, club was out for blood and if their had been any c1' nation wide fame to this institution this past sum- bosom friendships on opposite teams before the■ il a day. Jack Berry, member of our sports staff EAT AT— ^1 the pa-t Kentucky. where thou- Schmder, Cfc»rtat. Beaubicft, Afctt. ; Vdtcrt cast their ballots StIm, Kutchms. VwndcfhfTg, Wil¬ Anntfwjr great factor «n son. Jones. Reds. Sprelroait. Bov- The pleasing aroma ami flavor of Turk¬ showing of Couch Baeh- fcu. Letsrfc, W Swart*. A pan vice, ; * the effective work dona Elder. Ketch man. Olcman,' Blunt, ish tobacco is almost necessary if you want "wktynort Hardware O McComb. OM*U*y. Ziegal. Colts. grnxi cigarette. ' it and Margaret H.»rte- Burning Officials—Johnson. rcf«* a ''-»nd Rapids and Mr. Van eree. HrppmtUil. umpire. Wise- ^ Chicago Turkish tobacco is more costly when a great drive i you take into account that you have to pay 35c a pound duty, but we have to have it to blend with our mild ripe home¬ grown tobaccos. It helps make Chesterfields milder, it . For mildness helps give them better taste.' Just try them. ... for better taste f • MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Tuesday, September 24, 1935 Psijo Four Mortar Board Dance on Fridag Statecjuette HILL AND DALE t\ or M. GAME TICKETS • COLLEGE / ! ,. t,i and between Ahem they be- fnrge the chain of evidence dramatic climax. Phenomena' andExcalibvr's the Next Night l,v «ou.roiANA Preference tickets for the '• Child actor, one of the impur- I BULLETIN I on is Will Open Social Season Here ' w„,,n fo0~ „m, MEN TRAIN FOR Michigan nesday. game stops on Wed¬ September 25. at 6 ' w,n s™'1 ,hMr men Overman is pH,°n- hint slightly oversea!- ,.ast members of the .upper.,n. ,.Men Without Names steps into the gang's trap* and _— .......r.L . — . .. _ TOUGH SEASON . The social season will have its formal opening at Michigan 'newcomers on our campus turn tc •ruelly murdered. Bethlehem Lutheran Church he gang flees, but cl.xe on jji pe Ave Ac Ray St I.an*ir, Mortar Board will sponsor the thoughts of the many social oc- . State this coming .week-end All-Colleyrr Welcome dance in the t'nlon his orchestra ballroom Friday playing, while Kx- Plentiful Array of X-Counlry FROSH GRIDMEN ir i trail are the government Rev. Geo. C. Bubol*. Favtor How the government men Sunday School. 10 ^ m : Servu. ,llv get their revenge, . . 11a. m, Lutheran Student me*;- catch S„KS f;rst and third Fndav t.v,„ Talent Make, Outlook Opti- ralibur. honorary men's society, will hold its fall term party ottending the Alpha, licta o OTADT OF A CAM tr prif.oners and help MacMur- nings at Peoples church. in the same place Saturday night, with Red Drennan playing. !chi purtu-s !>>n't be alarmed, fo miitic for Thii Year'i Team. jIAKl jtAjUli Several fraternities will hold o|*n houses tins week-end !at college you w.11 soon learn tha For many docadot tha out¬ JAMES WRIGHT TO RUN First Year Candidate. Over 100 standing msrits of KJkE nl*o. Hospvriani will haw* ^ ^"ro ail ihr I?gahf^o."? Slide Rules hare been rec¬ Slrenuoui Battle for Placet on Mark, ®*c'1 ognised and appreciatea nlffht. whilv the Thrta Kappa ' .t\ ,''u 7i'p,tin al a I.x k k sh""M »«' worn Squad Seem. Likely a. Track ""d S""' by engineers throughou* the world. Nux will have the *ame hand ,*,* ,, !f"' s,'.is..n V' !• under a-t Saturday mpht. Ki.'ma Alpha Tv-„,, . ,.| „ ,,.,K Fna.n part,,-.. rail:., pjitu Team Trie. Out for Sport. One hundred twenty aspiring K&E K|wikm Will have the Colum- : an mui ml flutuir at rolleKe "r~" ,h""" ' t!v JAC K BERRY yearlings have drown football SLIDE RULES Mail* Of .la, k si m plavlny f„r « •••- »" tuk.-t. are by,,.* Z"«tT'"i w Re With the cross country «*a- toes and . and willed themielves. body .... soul, to Coaches . ^ Kobs and their affair Saturday -night. member* - it is «i*nv« better *n U son officially "I"'""'! by the VanA„1J[np ,„r th(. w„Ws KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. first practice hehl this year ,r„Sh at State, the Spartan hill-ami- ,.nmd State Theater „|uipm,.n, r,„„n, tinier* are off on what prom- Bnrf ColMh Kob# expecu the squad jsrt at 137 suit* passed out f- In the two official practices of jla*t Friday and Saturday some 75 Tread well's ! men reported tor rough and tum¬ ble duty The mentor* sav thai SHOE REBUILDERS Work and Materials Guaranteed 2.1B M. A. ('. Arcnuv. I'-i.t Ijinxin'i; •: with power in the front wall and •ilatkuig a bit in backfield drive, t! but the talent of '39 seems to de- !• vote itself more to the ball-toting j atwl "f the game, and followers of, The CO-ED SHOP p lithe frosh grid schedule may wit- i' nev« some spectacular galloping. Exclusive Dresses Hosier) A Great Priced. SKI - $16.95 71k- - -S1.25 Combination M. S. C. And Grand Opening SMALL'S ARMORY ECONTEACHERS DANCES HELP NEW DEAL JOHNNY STEPHENS .0,1 HIS B.\M> . • Five. Local Proletiori Partici¬ pate in Federal Ad- SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 Onnring Kitry Friday and Saturday Night** Admissiiort—-10c Stag. 25c Ladies M S C. StuJful SiiUsmtn in Our Slut, 1 Few M. S. t. Style Features summer r»iUm sprnt in (Mt a Oarnbran tilhl Wfijht Kappa I Vita hotiw this week end p,.„ H>puade were Miv pdltttiU'M, l\vple and M«!um H*wh>>. IVg H«Wy, Ina Butler. June Francis, and Mi* I«»ngtVtu. alumnae. I Hart. Sehaffuer X Marx Second degree mmauon will be I held next Sunday tor Charlotte I Suits, topcoats ami Overcoats Wager, .Iran llrvok*. Betty lira Id. I Berruc* JVoclwr, Charlotte Wheat* I ^ ley, and Betty ShcrraU. Vmm ltOltKKT SI KKKV $.'!() and $X The freshmen were the object' of entertainment this week-end.. The Grange mixer attracted manyj to the Xattle theater Saturday! night with dancing to the strains of Kay Vlokerstaffs orcbcsra. | All sororities held open h#u$e; for the new women students from J 2 30 to 5 30