I Stores By DIANE PETRYK tighten "We'd probably be shocked if we knew," Ballein said. * they must leave their belongings. Howick said the possibility of putting in MSU "There's security no reason to believe ■ people at are any more or less honest than cases of shoplifting in recent months "the vast majority are college age." "We mean what we say," he said. and "If State News Staff Writer Dalzell said mainly nonbook James D. Howick, manager of the MSU lockers for students has been studied but items are people any other place." you're caught, we will prosecute. I've had I chnolifting in East Lansing has Increased being stolen and the thieves are about Bookstore on campus, said there is decided against because other schools At Hosiers, however, not much faith is people in my office who can't believe it H the term break by roughly 300 c evenly divided between male and female. The frequent evidence of shoplifting where no report they have not worked. being placed in human integrity. when I pick up the phone to call the , as students returned to campus Campus Book Store has one has been apprehended — Wrappers "Some stores that have installed lockers The store has installed an electronic police." lb 5, according apprehended about 10 shoplifters in the Wilcox said shoplifting "sure isn't worth to District Court Judge past week. stuffed behind counters or known items have taken them out," Howick said. "They turned out to be storage areas for device that supposedly will be triggered if it." missing. When a thief is caught at the MSU anyone attempts to go out of the store At IMosTsUw managers have indicated they the Student Book Store, where a private detective agency is employed to Bookstore campus police are called and the off-campus students and didn't serve the with one of the garments, all of which bear "It's an awesome thing to be read your rights, fingerprinted, and booked," he said. ecute all shoplifters apprehended in stalk shoplifters, Howard person may be prosecuted in East Lansing. purpose they were intended for. Students sensitized tags. Ballein, store Howick said the loss to the bookstore would use them as their base of operations "I would say apprehensions have But at the same time that they are going manager, said: through shoplifting is "very sub$tantial" for the day and most of the lockers would increased 70 per cent," Paula Johnson, all out to catch shoplifters, some East "We are apprehending about one a be taken by students not shopping in the ■ . store said his store uses hired private day. and "a tremendous expense." Hosiers manager, said. Lansing merchants are embarking on an file costing the store "a lot of money," During this period that is fairly normal." Besides stealing from the store, Howick store." At Jacobson's "shoplifting is fairly well advertising campaign to educate the Both store managers said community that shoplifting is bad. f watch for shoplifters. They prosecute idea how much they lose each they have no year through said, students also steal from each other. Frequently students' belongings aife stolen Concerning both theft from students and theft from the store, Howick other under control due to our own efforts," Robert J. Wilcox, store manager, said. Tom Westgate, manager of Marshall ReTaven't in the past," he said, "but shoplifting. from the boxes at the store entrance where said: Wilcox said the store has had about 12 (Please turn to page 9) /. am . • the State! Tuesday Fair , , ■ with a chance of brief MICHIGAN . . showers. High in the middle to STATE NEWS upper 60s. STATE UNIVERSITY Lolume 64 Number 37 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 5, 1971 ixon's pay raise delay upported by House vote ■WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon's postponing the whole package. pay raise would torpedo the In other developments on the economic front Monday: Jder for a $1.3 billion six-month delay in a Sen. Frank Moss, D-Utah, plans to press •The Cost of Living Council ruled that Ideral pay raise was upheld by the House for a vote in the Senate Wednesday or retaileers must keep availbalbe at each store londay 207 to 174. The Senate has yet to Thursday. Either the Senate or the House a list of maximum prices permissible under can override the President's pay-raise the wage-price freeze. 1A host of Southern Democrats joined deferral action, without concurrance by the •AFL-CIO President George Meany urged Republicans in turning back a House move other chamber. Congress to take active control of the ^I make the pay raise effective Jan. 1 instead next July 1, as Nixon ordered. The Senate voted 65 to 4 Monday to give economy. He told the House Banking members of the armed forces a $381 million Committee that Nixon has proven unworthy ■ It was the first congressional vote on any of trust in his moves to stablilize wages and annual pay raise in addition to a $24. billion f the President's emergency economic increase included in the already- enacted prices. He argued that the administration proposals, and he said a veto of his action legislation to extend the draft. program hurts labor while helping management. •C.W. Abel, president of the AFL-CIO laste in counc Steelworkers Union, said in a speech that the American worker "is drowning in a flood of imports" and declared Nixon's 10 per cent listurbing to import surcharge is inadequate to solve the problem. •A soft-coal strike continued but the United Mine Workers Scale and Policy By JUDY YATES because of lack of preparation on our committee met in New York. This State News Staff Writer part," Buckner said. committee is the one that passes on Buckner emphasized that ASMSU is contracts agreed to by union and industry is procedures for placing voting student doing its best to meet the Jan. 1 deadline even though it realizes there are going to be negotiators and its convening raised hopes lepresentatives on Academic Council that a settlement might be near. lowly evolve, Associated Students of MSU problems. • Economists participating in Federal ■ASMSU) chairman Harold Buckner "I sometimes think the faculty thinks we are not doing our share because we Home Loan Bank Board a conference Very Intere lharged Monday that pressure to meet the predicted 1971 home building will set a new Ian. 1 deadline may result in a poorly disagreed with the bylaws last spring. We're record but that this will be exceeded in Foreign Minister S.K. Chow, right foreground, of Nationalist China sits with aides and listens as Secretary of Ihosen membership. trying as hard as we can to make the best State William P. Rogers addresses the U.N. General Assembly in New York Monday. 1 "It's good to see that the faculty is of the situation," Buckner said. 1972. They heard Rogers plead literested in implementing the bylaws," ASMSU has appointed Mark Bathurst, (Please turn to page 9) strongly with the United Nations not to oust Nationalist China. (See story, page 2) AP Wirephoto Tuckner said Fairfax, Va., junior and former Monday. "Unfortunately vice-chairman of ASMSU, and James Gates, |>ey seem to be suffering from the same expected Davison junior, as interim student Pay hike proposal roblem they had in passing the laws, that they are in such a hurry to get someting representatives to the Academic Council fct up by Jan. 1 that they cannot be sure it until 10 student representatives - at - large are chosen. fill work Jan. 2." The student members - at - large will be 1 Buckner said even though ASMSU had therefore will not receive as large increases elected from a slate of candidates - at - By MICHAEL FOX writing by each agency and institution to For example, full professors at MSU as will full profesors. The details of any |>me I objections to the bylaws last spring, it interested in seeing that it works as well large prepared by a Student Committee on evaluate what impact a 3 per cent would probably receive a full 7 per cent State News Staff Writer administration recommendation will not be Nominations. The Student Committee on appropriation reduction would have. The pay hike. As a group, the full professors } possible, especially since it is a two-year ■rogram. Nominations will consist of three members The University administration is deadline for this assessment, which would rank eighth in the Big Ten schools in terms available until such time as the trustees convence to weigh any administration 1 "Hie first six months appointed by ASMSU, three members expected to announce today the be submitted by MSU, the 12 other of average compensation, according to one can make or break recommendation. recommendations it will make to the board AAUP report. | and we don't want to see it broken appointed by the Council of Graduate Michigan public colleges, and other state The one development expected today in Students (COGS) and the student member of trustees on a proposed salary hike for agencies, is mid-October. the long battle for faculty and staff raises of the Steering Committee. faculty and staff. Because of the apparent time lag of Associate professors, assistant will be an announcement of an average ASMSU has named Richard Yarborough, Informed sources said Monday that an weeks until the state budget office may professors, and instructors are on more percentage of increase and an indication as Malverne, Pa. junior; Donna O'Donnohue, average 7 per cent pay hike is still take any action to reduce appropriations, equitable terms in comparison with other "ouncil asks Harbert senior and Sam Riddle, Flint senior to the Student Committee on considered a possible recommendation, despite the governor's announcement last the University administration will make a salary hike recommendation to the trustees leading Big Ten schools and probably (Please turn to page 9) week of a cut of up to 3 per cent in the Nominations. Will Greene, COGS without a full knowledge of the budget state's $76-million appropriation to MSU. stores post president, was unavailable for comment Monday regarding the appointments COGS It appears very likely that the University must make a decision on what pay hikes cut, another source observed. Furthermore, it is possible, though not TAFT-HARTLEY ACT will make. necessarily probable, that a special meeting can be provided without final information of the trustees will be arranged to weigh a Undergraduate students in each college legal prices from the state budget office a$ to the are charged with the responsibility of salary hike recommendation. The next extent of any reduction in the MSU scheduled trustee meeting is Oct. 15. choosing one student representative to the I WASHINGTON (AP) - The Cost of (Please turn to page 9) appropriation,, one source commented. The state budget office is Currently requesting an assessment to be made in If the administration does make a final decision on a salary increase early this week, the MSU trustees will probably be Nixon charts living Council said Monday retailers must asked to consult their calenders for a l^p available for public inspection at each mutually convenient time for a special Bore a list of legal prices permitted under president Nixon's wage-price freeze. I The council said sellers are required to meeting later this week or early next week one source said. The trustees already plan to convene on to end dock lermit prompt public inspection of ceiling campus for a public hearing Oct. 14 on a |rices lasis. from the list on an item-by-item proposed cross-campus highway, to be followed by their regular monthly meeting SAN FRANCISCO After he has the report, Nixon will I A spokesman (AP) - Negotiations the Justice Department to seek an for consumer advocate Oct. 15. One special meeting arranged for ask in the West Coast dock strike were '•'ph Nader said the council's ruling is Sept. 29 had been called by the injunction against the striking members of reported at an impasse Monday and ^Portant, administration, but was cancelled the the International Longshoremen's and ,fli more since it provides the consumer afternoon of the night meeting when the President Nixon decided to invoke the Taft Warehousemen's Union, Ziegler said. guidance to police the price ze. - Hartley Act to get the longshoremen back Tliere was no immediate comment from possible cuts in state appropriations were to work. J council, releasing what it called announced. union and management leaders. ■additional guidance" on the freeze, said Sources said Monday that the Word of the impasse came from J. Curtis lustomers not satisfied with the ceiling administration would like to recommend a Counts, chief of Federal Mediation Service. F1ice of a product provided by the seller 7 per cent salary increase to the trustees if He said he had notified the White House of It was the first time since taking office liould file a complaint with the local at all possible. Internal reallocation of the deadlock. that Nixon personally moved to invoke the provisions of the Taft - Hartley law. ■ mCu of tl,e Intemal Revenue Service. priorities, mainly elimination of some Shortly afterward, press secretary L The Nader spokesman, Mark programs or services, might account for Ronald L. Ziegler announced at the Counts, who had been sitting in on rederickson, said the ceiling price lists more than half of the 7 per cent raise. Florida White House that Nixon would ask rve n°t been universally available to The 7 per cent proposed raise would for an injunction within the next few days marathon negotiations in San Francisco between the ILWU and the Pacific jonsurners. r°res he cited a survey of New York cost about $4 million, of which the to get the dockers back onthejob for an 80 Maritime Association, said of the talks: showing the price lists were not University had planned to contribute 3.5 - day cooling off period. available in a number of cases. "Hiey have reached an impasse of such per cent of $2 million. But with the cut, nature that the likelihood of termination 1 several chain stores have contended the more reductions in internal operations Ziegler said the big question was whether of the work stoppage seems very unlikely." r do not have to be available at the store might be forthcoming to facilitate an even Nixon also would seek an injunction f on8 as they are available within the larger MSU contribution to the salary raise. The current dual tieup marked the first ompany, Frederickson The state legilature had provided for a 3.7 against longshoremen in East and Gulf said. Coast ports who walked off the job Friday. time dockers were on strike on both coasts •oiii COunc" Said If customers questions per cent salary hike in its appropriation to Nixon's first step upon his return to simultaneously. Involved in the East were V 1 ln8 [„°w prices, sellers are encouraged to records in support of the price on Back seat MSU. Any pay raise granted by the trustees to Washington Monday night, Ziegler said, would be appointment of a five - member 45,000 members of the AFL-CIO International Longshoremen's Association, K particular item. MSU faculty would be retroactive to July Eight year old Duke is a combination German Shepherd and Chow who board of inquiry to report to him — in the west 15,000 members of the li ®Ut *his not a requirement, it said, seems to be helping his master. Jell Jones, make it through downtown 1. Furthermore, the amount of increase would vary between academic colleges and possibly by Tuesday night — on all dock independent Longshoremen's and |nformattieSe"reCOrd8 comprl8e Pr°Pr,etary Louisville traffic. AP Wirephoto professorial rank. negotiations. Warehousemen's Union. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 5, 1971 news Rogers asks 2-China support UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. state William P. (AP) - Secretary of Rogers urged the United Nations Israel the continued help of the United States in put forth. But Egyptian Foreign Minister Canadian participation." expediting a six-point ~ interim agreement to reopen Mahmoud Riad accused Rogers of making vague Rogers said the assembly "must choose »n summary - - Monday to seat Communist China but said that to the Suez Canal as a step toward an over-all proposals" and so "contributing to confusion. outstanding successor" to Secretary - General expel Nationalist China would be "perilous" for settlement. U Rogers opposed the pending Soviet proposal for Thant, who is retiring at the end of this year H. the future of other UN members. Later, Foreign Minister Abba Eban of Israel told a world disarmament conference outside the said that, "given adequate assurances of From (he wires of APand UPI. In a broad policy speech to the 130-nation reporters there were "points of convergence" United Nations. He said such schemes are likely adequate contributions by others, the United States will General Assembly, Rogers also offered Egypt and between Israel's position and some ideas Rogers "to generate many words and few results." assist toward an over-all solution" of the But he called for going beyond "coexistence" to United Nations' money shortage. "cooperation"between the United States and the Thieu Soviet Union. "They have reached an impasse wins91.5% o He said that in their strategic arms limitation talks recessed gently in Helsinki, the two were , He also said the United States: ♦Is "not adopting a policy of economic which meets present-day conditions" system of such nature that the liklihood "closer together on the concepts and details ofan ^ encourages "the flow of goods and capital of termination on the work agreement to limit antiballistic missile systems" aero# fraud borders." stoppage seems very unlikely," - J. Curtis Counts of the Federal Mediation Service as SAIGON (AP) - President comparable to the outburst in charge Elected uieccea as as Thieu's inieus vice vice and were agreed that when the talks resume In Vienna, Austria, next month, "discussions in greater detail will be undertaken on the limitation ofoffensiveweapons." + Is making "an from Vietnam" and orderly military withdrawal continuing economic aid to Nguyen Van Thieu claimed Da Nang, where at least three president Monday his overwhelming persons were killed and nearly Huong, ^ Sen.^ Tran^Van 68-year-old former RogeR. Qn East Germany to agree with the region. (See Related Article, page 1) majority in re-eleciton was a 60 wounded over the weekend, premier who came out of West"Germany for "unrestricted transit traffic" defeat for communism in South between Wi>st Berlin and West Germany, as * Is working for "an effective Cbvering the election in Long retirement to join the ticket. Vietnam ided ,n a Big Four understanding. He said a settlement" in East Paksitan and an political and a victory for An Province south of Saigon, an Huong has been ailing and is fina, Berlia Mwement effectively implemented, expanded international aid program "to avert democracy. American television crew said it likely to take nothing more than famine and But charges of fraud mounted wou,d „make mo|e reaHstic the prospects of a create conditions to filmed a voter casting two a background role in Thieu s encourage the return of East as swiftly as results were Eur „ c0nference with United States and Pakistan refugees from India. posted ballots. The voter said the new regime, in Election trickery, crime' Sunday's uncontested second one was for his wife, who balloting. couldnt come to the polling The Vietnamese National place. The Viet Cong said Monday the South Vietnamese Election Center gave Thieu 91.5 In Saigon, an election official AT BUDGET LEVEL per cent of the ballots cast. His said all polling places were election showed that the maintenance in power of Nguyen press secretary estimated the ordered in advance to replace Van Thieu is "dearer for President Nixon than the lives of vote against Thieu at 5.5 per invalid, meaning anti-Thieu, Senate limits $ for Laos American soldiers," U.S. taxpayers' money and the cent. No accounting was given ballots with valid ones and to welfare of American prisoners of war. for the other 3 per cent. call police if newsmen tried to A spokesman for the National Liberation Front's "Now, for the moment, we visit the polls. He said more than can't say where they are," said 400 ballots were replaced at his provisional revolutionary government called Sunday's government press officer Vu polling station. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate Symington said "it's better to have a R-Ore.; Mike Mansfield, D-Mont.; Margaret presidential election "not only trickery but a bloody Khanh. With Thieu running voted Monday to set the first congressional half a loaf than none at all." Chase Smith, R-Maine and Robert Taft crime against the population" that took place under "the unopposed and receiving such an limit on U.S. spending in Laos, approving a Jr The result was far in excess of Symington proposed originally a R-Ohio. threat of bayonet and is therefore neither free nor overwhelming majority, voting ceiling at the budgeted level of $350 the 50 per cent of votes cast that spending limit of $200 million excluding Stennis said in endorsing the revised democratic." patterns based on ethnic, million after war critics dropped efforts for only the bombing around the Ho Chi Minh Thieu had said he would regard amendment "It doesn't add any power to religions or regional factors were a sharp cut. trail. our legislative control but it does as a minimum "vote of obliterated. Sen. John C. Stennis, D-Miss., chairman set a After a series of conferences, Symington confidence" to remain in office. of the Armed Services Committee, agreed pattern here of operations ... for the Thieu's new four-year term agreed to raise the limit to $350 million members of the Armed Services committee Thieu collected 83.6 per cent to support the limit after Sen. Stuart and omit any ban on the $143 million starts Oct. 31. to consider" in the future. of the votes in Saigon and 81.3 My Lai report false per cent in Dalat. But in most Symington, D-Mo., its sponsor, narrowed its application. budgeted for bombing in Northern Laos. In addition, the amendment includes As the final results were The Mississippi Democrat said other cities the results did not The limitation placed in the $21-billion also, tabulated from 44 provinces, 11 provisions requiring the Nixon however, "it gives Col. Oran K. Henderson turned in a false report on the deviate significantly from the military procurement bill applies to administration to keep Congress informed a legislative recognition cities and among soldiers in that these funds are needed." national average. economic and military aid plus Central of actual expenditures in Laos on a My Lai massacre after being given a direct order to Cambodia, minor Thieu SCOred highest in the Intelligence Agency support of both investigate atrocity allegations, a battalion leader at My antigovernment demonstrations Mekong Delta, where seven quarterly basis and provide written Funds for Laos have been included with occurred in Saigon and Qui of Laotian and Thai irregular forces trying to explanations of ftiture requests for funds. those for South Vietnam and Thailand in a Lai testified Monday. the 15 provinces gave him more Nhon, but were nothing than 99 keeP the small landlocked Indochinese Sen. J.W. Fulbrlght, D- Ark., said he $2.5 billion item in the procurement bill Lt. Col. John Holladay said that the investigation order per cent of the vote. country from falling to North Vietnam. fears the amendment would be interpreted was given by Brig. Gen. It excludes all U.S. bombing activities — George Young Jr., then the as an authorization for U.S. Involvement In an earlier roll call Monday, the Senate assistant commander of the Americal Division. He said the attacks in and around the Communists' Ho there. Chi Minh supply trail and those in support voted 65 to 4 in favor of an amendment order was issued two days after the March But Symington said "for thp first time by 16, 1968 My of Laotian forces in the Plain of Jars and in we would have diroct controls over future Sen. Gordon Allott, R-Colo., to grant Lai operation. members of the Armed Forces an Northern Laos. operations." Holladay said he was later shown a report by Henderson additional $381 million annual pay raise on Approval was by a roll call vote of 67 to Besides Flilbright, the amendment was which did not respond to reports of indiscriminate 11 with opposition coming form a handful top of the $24. billion increase included killing of war opponents who considered it could opposed by Sens. William Brock, R-Tenn,: last month in the draft-extension act. Henderson received at the meeting Edward W. Brooke, R-Mass.; James L. culminating Young's be interpreted as an authorization for U.S. order. Buckley, Con-R-N.Y.; Marlow W. Cook, But the increase, mainly additional pay action in Laos and from administration R-Ky.; John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky.; Peter for the lower enlisted grades, faces a backers opposing any restrictions. Dominick, R-Colo.; Mark O. Hatfield, doubtful future in conference. Hoffman goes straight A 35 - year - old man with short - cropped hair is urging American youth AAUP solicits members to register, to vote and to run for local political office. The man is Yippie leader Abbie Hoffman. "Long hair doesn't have the bite of rejecting American values that it had among Authorization designating the American Assn. cards to match educational needs with financial resources and the University signature campaign had netted the 10 per cent figure, but not increased efforts to unionize of University Professors two years ago. Now it's an affectation," (AAUP) inability of MSU "to meet the the 30 per cent that is required facu.tv and become the as the collective bargaining agent economic needs of students, K-r«»aininB aeent at MSU " Hoffman, once the possessor of an will be distributed to all MSU faculty and staff." before an election can be called, t Faculty Simembers interested in unruly mane of black curls, said in an faculty and librarians on the interview Unionization efforts at MSU The resolution passed helping with the organizational Monday. tenure track, according to a by the drive invited to attend were launched in February by AAUP Oct. 2 says the AAUP are a resolution passed by the MSU RAUPP chapter of the AAUP Council the MSU chapter of the AAUP and the MSU Faculty "unanimously pledges itself to meeting at 9:30 119 Linton. a.m. Saturday in Oct. 2. Associates, Campfitters an affilitate of the Michigan A statement prepared by Education Assn. Army to lose Medina Sigmund Nosow, chairman 2208 E. Michigan Ave., LANSING (517) 489-4188 the MSU resolution chapter, stems says from of the Neither succeeded in organization gaining signatures OCC faculty union "the from 30 per cent of the Capt. Ernest Medina, acquitted of murder charges in the faculty inability of Michigan universities last spring. If one organization My Lai assault of 1968, submitted his resignation to 3rd had obtained signatures from 30 Army headquarters here Monday. per cent of the faculty, the other sets up picket lines Medina, 35, acquitted of charges in the slaying of more organization could have earned a CHALLENGE. than 100 civilians, had said ballot position by securing during his long court - martial that he intended to resign if he were freed. signatures from at least 10 per PONTIAC (UPI) - The 300 campuses, cent of the faculty. faculty members of Assuming that the resignation is accepted, "he will be Oakland The strike action came after THe AAUP ended its Community College (OCC) went* the Oakland Community College out in two weeks," his military attorney, Capt. Mark organizational drive last spring on strike Monday and set up Faculty Association voted Kadish,said in making the announcement. term when it announced its picket lines at the college's four Sunday night to close the 15,000 - student college Monday at 8 a.m. THE PERFORMING Marathon bargaining sessions More racial broke down Sunday and college animosity ARTS COMPANY spokesmen said no new negotiating sessions were On the basis of racial scheduled. stereotypes, the opinion of blacks about whites has seen a rise in animosity in the past year as TWELFTH MIGHT The college is located on three campuses and one extension contrasted with a decline in Oct. 13- 17 derogatory opinions of white 8:15 PM Fairchild Theatre center in Southern Oakland people concerning blacks, the Louis Harris survey County. The administration BOX OFFICE 355 0148 reported Monday. Tuesday refused a faculty In the past 12 months, the proposal that the contract report said, the number of Weekdays 12:00 - 5:00 PM blacks in the United States who dispute be submitted to a agree with the statement, "Whites are really sorry slavery for the blacks was factfinding committee. abolished," has risen from 63 to 70 per cent. "By contrast," Harris said, "over an eight - year period the number of whites who hold stereotypes about blacks SOCIAL EXPRESSION is declining." For example, the survey said, the number of whites who feel that blacks "have lower morals than whites" has decreased from 55 to 40 In brewing Bud®, our choice percent. is to go all the way. We hope beer matters is what it's all about here at Jone's enough to you that you too Hallmark Shop. Our Grand Opening is well Hostility, fear at Attica will go all the way... in progress &you'reall invited. We're still with Budweiser. having daily drawings for door prizes of A member of a panel overseeing conditions at Attica Hallmark Gifts, Montag Stationery & Gift state prison testified Monday that inmates had reported Sets, and Springbok Jig Saw Puzzles. And to him about "hostility, fear and hate" since an we have $4.00 Map of Michigan puzzles for insurrection was put down here Sept. 13. WHEN YOU SAY only $1.99. Come on over. We're "1 saw overcrowding in cell block A the Friday after the friendly, riot ended," Clarence B. Jones U.S. District Court. "There were Jones, editor - publisher of the of New York City said in three men in the cells." weekly Amsterdam Budweiser. YOU'VE SAID IT ALL! HALLMARK SHOP News, a newspaper oriented to blacks, said further many inamtes had told him last showers since Sept. 13 and others "*tt given a Saturday they had had no complained they were that ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. • ST. 10UIS Jones 301 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING change of clothing. Michigan State Newi, Bait Laming, Michigan Tuesday, October 5, 1971 3 IN British Market entry opposed BRIGHTON, England (AP) - the light to buy food outside the they still would be ready to join 3,082,000 to 2,005,000 votes Britain's opposition declare "its total opposition to Laborites Common Market area without the European grouping if voted overwhelmingly Monday to they rejected a left-wing entry under any terms." The incurring penalities, the financial somehow - either before or after resolution urging the party "to sponsors offered as an alternative resist the country sentry into the contribution Britain has agreed to Heath leads the nation in - they press for the withdrawal of the goal of "a Socialist United European Common Market on make and plans for developing can get a better bargain. By Britain's application" and to States of Europe." existing terms and demanded that Britain's depressed regions, the issue be tested in an early Callaghan went further in national election. reserving a future Labor P I A UU[ V K P C The vote was carried at the government's right to seek better " m ** ww 9 m ^ party's annual convention by a terms and understandings than margin of 5,073,000 to those the Heath government has ■ ■ ■ 1,032,000. Delegates obtained from the six-nation f I I f ^ representing rank - and - file party Continental grouping. f I 1. - f f branches and the country's big labor unions are empowered at Speaking of Heath's ^ w w ■ jw www ^ undertaking ultimately to join _ the convention to vote in the the names of their members. Europeans in an economic • I g I • I The and monetary union, he said: f* AN 1/|C T H f party took its "Mr. Heath should be warned not I fT \f I ^ t*7 I J l"7 | | I | L J L- U U CT anti-Common Market stand after to take us far beyond that road hearing one of Its leaders, James before a general election is held. Callaghan, serve notice that a For It involves locking exchange The Michigan Supreme Court acceptance of a lesser charge. accused or to warn the public of future Labor government will rates in Europe together. And if Monday adopted a revised code In addition to the restrictions any danger he may present if not What a seek to renegotiate terms that means central decisions accepted by Prime Minister taken by a Brussels bureaucracy °* ethics which release of statements by forbids the set by the court, the American Bar Assn. accepted a provision apprehanded. Chief Justice Thomas M. Area lurroundlns Shaw Hall provide* pleaiant vlaw of fall at Iti best, with springtime Edward Heath's Conservative which is effectively responsible to ■ttorneys and prosecutors to the which requires attorneys and Kavanagh said he feels the new temperature! still prevailing. government In four key sectors, no one, then wi say 'no'. presb that might influence the prosecutors to provide the name, guidelines are more specific than State News photo by Bruce Remington These relate to high food prices, Callaghan aifued that the outcome of pending cases. age, residence, occupation and the 47 old ones and that they The change In the lawyer's implications of forming family status of the accused, and will serve to clarify the economic and monetary union code of conduct the first since any information necessary to aid professional behavior expected are so breathtaking that they 1936 ~ reduces 47 canons into in the apprehension of the of attorneys. would lead to demands-which he nine restrictions on press IE.Lansing gets $180,000 said European Socialists already are making - for "a federal United States of Europe." The Heath government has long coverage of criminal trials, The co®* demands that: ''Statements cannot be made concernng the identity, The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published maintained that a national Simony or credibility of a every class day during Fall, Winter from revenue-sharing bill election is not needed to endorse prospective witness. and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays • British entry into an enlarged Statements cannot be made during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Common Market. Heath argues it oncernlng the results of any in September. Subscription rate "is $16 per year. is sts or the objection of the Member Associated Press, United Press International, now up to the House oi Eut Lansing will receive an will be paid on the basis of local m°« than expected. The city ita population. Inland Dally Press Association, Michigan Press Association, I additional $180,000 In state tax effort, with the rest paid on wl» ™celve a total of about Commons to Judge whether the accused to submit Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press 1 monies this year under the new a population basis. All cities are $1,042,000 in state revenue. terms are acceptable. That examination Statements or tests. Association. ^ The new formula, with tormui|li WUII Its cannot be made IKate revenue sharing bill guaranteed at least $16.50 per State Rep Jim N. Brown, emphaslg proceg8 of judgment begins Oct. "an" Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. • on dty tax effort, will 22~ wheiT U wmakera dibaTeThe revealing the prosecutor's Editorial dssrrfjaris s£T and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., ast re8"dl~ °f ,he" - innocence of the accused. ;he gu" State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Michigan *Statementa cannot be made I revenues ixpected could possibly lead to a t&mrs&fss census upon which It Is based ' I„.„olh„vot,Moni.y,th. LaborItes "Implicitly"~con"fIrmed concerning the character or prior Phones: News criminal record of the accused. 355-8252 was taken during spring break, Classified Ads Maddox talks while most students were away. •Statements cannot be made Advertising 355-8255 353-6400 I Pstrisrche also said that the I money from this bill would not nhruit nrJitis*c The 1970 census figure for East Lansing is 47,540, Including the Panel cites concerning the possibility of a plea of guilty or to the Business Office 355-3447 I be used in this year's budget UUUUI PONTICS MSU campus. I "We weren't sure we were I going to get the money to we DEARBORN fUPH Tha Brown, whose district 'nc'u^es East Lansing, said he for faculty m IU pUn'on It." h. Mid.Income — "* The new state ■ revenue formula Includes the tax ■ effort of the city, mainly little chance of putting anyone |nj0 political office during this Mpi.nHnV" ha "ZmM* "Mn.t In 'nf faculty an announcement members to for faculty salary increases was released accepted by the administration busCALL 482-4848 '31 n ■ property tax and Income tax, In century, according to Georgia's mv wm i0J m , Monday, Frederick D. Williams, with little or no revisions. ■ addition to the traditional Lt. Gov. Lester G Maddox. ^ wn » money In chairman of the faculty Affairs > the dues structure, the hiring of Williams said set of a 245 Ann Street University Club to consider a represent administrative - a labor attorney, a call for an guidelines prepared by FAFCC ' _ mv9n, ww East Lansing ca„ resolution which could lead to professional employees in all election for representation and for the distribution of monies 4 S.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA> formalized collective bargaining conditions of employment in with the University. accordance with applicable law." the assurance of obtaining salary and benefit items bargained for * VVWWflWWffWII This little slipstick The group is presently an Passage of the resolution in good faith, Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Until 9 could increase your p.n advisory committee to the would give the Administrative - The meeting will include an administration on salaries and Professional Assn. the authority election to fill a vacancy on the benefits to administrative negotiate with the association executive board and typing speed - to professionals (A-Ps). administration over the recent reports from the membership The resolution to be suspension of the A-P- merit and classification study by two or three days. considered reads: "The MSU salary raise plan. committees. Administrative - Professional — Students will be elated over a completely new China fakes TOMMY TRY0UT 'way to correct typing errors: Liquid Paper's® new dispenser, slipstick. When you're typing the big one, the 30-page paper you've been sweating for weeks, that's when jbid for ga The Union Ballroom mistakes bug you the most. So you slow down. And the closer you get to the bottom of the page, MEXICO CITY (AP) - A ping the more you clutch up. Mess up now and you've pong team from Communist got a whole page to retype. I China has accepted an invitation When you've got a slipstick handy, you don't I to play in Mexico sometime I after the Afro I tournament in November, the - Asian October18 &19, 5-11p.m. worry about mistakes. One easy touch releases a special fluid that buries the mistake and leaves a clean new surface like the paper itself. Mexican Olympic Committee I announced Sunday. Bring own music for dance So you type relaxed. And make fewer mistakes. I The committee received a On the big assignments, Liquid Paper's new slip- telegram from the Chinese Table stick could put you days ahead. Tennis Federation dated Oct. 1 For more information : 351-3266 or 337-2760 accepting the invitation. The Barber Shop Designed Dallat Texas 75231 Ifor those who normally have an aversion to haircuts. hand lettering for Miss J show your initials with rings by R. Mandle These honeycomb friendship types are goldtone metal with blue enamel letters You can select any letter except Q. U. X, Y. Z on a fixed-letter or peridant-style ring $3. Liquid Paper Corporation You'll find the little (lipstick in the office supply department of Tired of having your once - a • year haircut turned into a BUMMER by barbers who really don't know how to cut long hair? Don't worry anymore. Have Gene or Bill cut or style perfection. We specialize in extra long hair styling. GENE'S 1016 E. Mt. Hopa Ave (just >a«t of 8. Panniylvanla) BARBER your hair to HOURS 8-6 pm (cloitd Mon.) Jacdteon'S IT'S EASY TO PARK IN THE ADJOINING EAST LANSING AUTO RAMP. JACOBSON'S WILL GLADLY VALIDATE YOUR PARKING TICKET (Jws^OQI&ORe 131 E. Grand River MICHIGAN LOUIE BENDfR C. PATRIC "SCOOP" IARROWE STATE NEW UNIVERSITY KEN LYNAM A patriotic game plan For you johnny come - lately attendees present arms all at the same time. advertising manager - "Dean" Smuckler suggested ■ of home football games, a historical "When told there were no opponents we reord I the priorities for the DAVE PERSON, managing editor explanation: in the days of our innocence a scheduled for Wednesdays, Fishel Said with replacing the boy Seventies, startii^ I with I CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor "doctor"named John Hannah held sway in scout ushers that would be all the better, and we could Marines, and instructing them to JOHN BORGER, campus editor the university penthouse. "baJ I BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor A stern patriot, "Dr." Hannah decreed simply say beforehand that if MSU scored handedly off' anyone trying to sneak in that, at least on Saturdays, his university more than half the points we would better seats. RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor and everyone at it would display the consider it a viable victory." proper respect for our country, in this A representative from the Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award way: Alumni Chapter offered to have Howell I for outstanding journalism. Before the games, a squad of ROTC Chairman Wharton called the meeting to the boys" put on a show before "some of I "Pershing Riflemen" would march over to resurgence of the love for our nation which order. If the University would the game 1 the flagpole in the stadium, weapons once permeated every Saturday tilt: Our first home game this year was graced by Chairman Wharton asked for suggestions he said, his group would provide the bus* I abristle. As "Old Glory" was raised they the presence of three sleek jet airplanes of ways MSU could display its appreciation Public Schools" on them and paint "Pon^ blow them 1 I EDITORIALS would present arms and a cannon would be fired. provided by one of America's scrappiest fighting outfits: the proud, tradition • for the great nation it lives in. Vice Chairman Florence King suggested MSU up. In uniform. And all this raising of a asbestos flag on during the I Alas, "Doc" Hannah was called to serve riddled United States Air Force. bursts into flames when the a cross which I try to schedule Lt. Galley's Medal of Honor band gets to I Secrecy the country he so loved, and a free • the "rockets' red glare" part. And, masterfully piloting one of the presentation for halftime of the ' con wheeling, scurrilous libertarian of the first water, a Mr. Walter Adams, eased himself into the former's chair, probably swooping beauties was none other than one of our own Spartan grads, made good. homecoming game. She said Calley had gunned down 102 gooks, whereas Sgt. Welsey Fishel came in late and reported 1 through All this, and a moment of silence for that he'd just talked to "Dr." but York had wasted only 40 krauts. our Hannah, who I meetings some political chicanery or other. prisoners of war cruelly incarcerated deep in "Dr." Richard Bernitt asked whether the had said he was pretty sure AID could I It seemed as though we'd had our last "the People's Republic of Vietnam, too. 102 gooks had been NVA gooks or VC provide a few used gooks we could waste I patriotic orgasm. This Mr. Adams, by fiat, Your columnists have learned that gooks. Ms. King said she didn't know Every once in a while a MSU Martin, D-East Lansing. But her ordered the riflemen's place taken by a Michigan State's return to proper respect because most of them had been under the Fishel said he envisioned _ v.__ trustee lambasts gaggle of mere paramilitary boy scouts. He squadron of B-52's buzzing the stadium the board for guidelines were rejected by the stilled our cannon. Saturday just wasn't the for the flag and to honor its country is a age of nine, and besides, they all look alike, and unloading two or three 500 I conducting important business in board. same. The band seemed unable to coax product of careful study and dedicated anyway. on the hunkering gooks. • pounders I closed meetings which supposedly Thus planning over many long months on the "Dr»" Robert Perrin said some of the within the past year a into our National Anthem the liveliness part of our central administration. For taxpayers would probably enjoy seeing our are only to be used to discuss majority of the trustees have all we'd come to expect. They played it as a Professor Hugh Daugherty objected, but I example, take this leak: entire Reserve Officer's Training Corps out Fishel said there was no sweat: confidential financial matters. voiced opposition of some sort to dirge. right at... The minutes of the meeting of the Ad there, but reservations were expressed the bombs hit, the Army Corps It's just like a skyjacking. Or a closed meetings. Yet in the Now, thank the Lord, under the sage Hoc MSU Loves America and All That It about this, since the cadet has only two 0( I guidance of our new mentor, C. Reginald Engineers could dash out and bulldoze all I longshoreman's strike. Or maybe meantime all of the trustees keep on Stands for Standing Committee, Sept. 27, hands, and would therefore find it hard to the bodies into the bomb craters and even fighting over the Suez Canal. "Frag" Wharton, we are seeing a raise the flag, shoot the cannon, and lay I attending these secretive sessions. Tartan Turf over them. He said It's one of those events which new odor problem could be whipped the I Supposedly only confidential by d ^ happens every other month or so financial and personnel matters are this every home game, so that the fresh I which warms tempers briefly, meat would cover the stench of last gets a to be discussed in closed week's I few folks excited, but peters out in meetings, carrion. such as staff salaries. Traditionally, the end to an event of relative Chairman Wharton said he however, the most important thought we I insignificance. could hack it, and asked Fishel when he I The most recent instance occurred University business is conducted in these clandestine gatherings, behind thought we ought to pull it off. Fishel I at the Sept. 9 board meeting. Warren suggested any Wednesday would do. . the back of the public. In 1969 state Huff, D-Plymouth, suggested the When told there were no opponents Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley noted in I board move an item on its closed scheduled for Wednesdays, Fishel said that an opinion that private sessions were I session agenda the following would be all the better, and we could I day to "rarely necessary" and should be an open session. The topic was the simply say beforehand that if MSU scored I "actively discouraged." more than half the points we would I Presidential Commission of consider it a viable victorv. Admissions and Student Body Soon the trustees will conduct ] Composition report, a subject which another closed "Big" Munn objected, and threatened to I had always been treated in meeting. And if resign from the committee. I open trustees Carrigan, Huff, White, "Dean" Smuckler agreed to the sessions before. Clair White, D-Bay bombing I Stevens, and Martin attend that idea, on the condition that he be allowed I City, joined Huff to move the report closed meeting, they will be to present Doctor of Human Letters I onto the open meeting agenda, but degrees to William Westmoreland and, the majority of trustees voted continuing their hypocritical actions f against of the past. If a trustee is truly posthumously, Ngo Dinh Diem at halftime. I Florence King threatened to the move. opposed to conducting nonfinancial get a I Earlier this year Patricia Carrigan, complement of her women's lib friends to I or personal business in private, he perform self-immolation on the 50 if I D-Ann Arbor, proposed formal will simply disassociate himself from Madame Nhu didn't get a degree, too. guidelines for closed meetings which the process. The time has come for Chairman Frag's motion to adjourn died I would specify which matters would the trustees to either put up or shut for want of a second. be discussed in private and which up. The credibility of a trustee who ones would be handled in public. Her cries out about the undesirability of guidelines were supported by Don closed Respectfully Submitted, Doctor Jack | meetings, yet keeps on Breslin, Secretary. Stevens, D-Okemos, and Dr. Blanche attending them, is nil. ART BUCHWALD Harty OBA motives clo Don't mess with — One of the tragedies of government and student government in particular — is that people so often get or, chosen for that matter, the academic year. Harty's mistake is that he has to use his laudable OBA WASHINGTON - I received a call from do not always use Harry when I need a fall Harry the reader is going to expect him to be said. "It's bad enough that people are I in the way of their own politics. a guy last week who claimed he was guy. Sometimes I use George, other times motion as a vehicle for punched in the nose. It's as simple as that." A pursuing his president of the Harry Antidefamation Arnie and quite often I use Henry." always making fun of Harry, but it's even I topical case in point occured at personal politics. He has made it "But why should this be? We Harrys and last week's ASMSU board meeting. League. He said, "You wrote an article last "That's what I mean," Harry said. woree when they make him the guy who "Why Mortons and Amies and Chesters have abundantly clear that his intent is as week in which you used the name Harry to don't you ever make fun of the Steves or a commits the crime on a TV show." Vice Chairman Kevin Harty make fun of a TV football situation. For right to live too." "I don't know why you take offense much to compel the restoration of the Jims of Jacks or Bills." "I didn't make the rules," I protested. at I introduced a motion to abolish the years now, radio, television and newspaper "There is that," I said. "Everyone knows that if > two Office of Black Affairs Inter-Fraternity Council and writers have been nothing funny about a Steve, a "A long time ago there must have been a Harry doesn't have two left feet, he (OBA) PanHellenic seats as it is to undo OBA holding up the name Jim, a Jack or a Bill," I answered frankly. Harry to ridicule and derision, and we "Tlie image just isn't right. If I call Harry who slipped on a banana peel. From probably has criminal instincts." voting seats on the student board. representation. In essence his my guy then on, any time a writer needed a name Harrys have banned together to do Chuck or Jack, my reader is "Yeah, but why does a Harry always I Harty's proposal would, however, proposition comes down to an "if something about it." going to for someone who was going to get all have to be one of Rocco's boys or Frank's I expect him to punch someone in the nose. allow minority students "Now wait a minute, sir," I protested. "I fouled up, he used Harry." henchman? Why can't he be the leader oil nonvoting OBA, then IFC-PanHel" equation. But if I call him Harry or FVed or Louie, exofficio representation. "Well, we Harrys don't like it," Harry the mob?" I Needless to say such machinizations On the surface the move is •'People just don't think of Harry as a - while no doubt establishing Harty leader," I said. "Writers know this. If they excellent. The retention of special as a Greek folk hero OUR READERS' MIND have to come up with a name for a - has had an gang interest seats on the student board leader they would rather exceedingly adverse effect on the go with Red or - including Residence Halls Association Dusty or even Phil. You just can't see a original motion. Whatever they may Know facts of U' and Off-Campus Council direct contradiction to the one-vote district representative seats - is in one-man, have thought before, OBA is now dug in to certainly fight for their seats and the barbed wire is already being strung employment Harry being the brains behind a bank job. As^ a matter of fact, it's more likely that he's the guy to make the fatal error so everyone gets caught." | system. Further, since OBA is between the various board blocs. To the Editor: "You see? All your prejudices about award, but prior to bronzing that officially in the ASMSU cabinet there The net result of this fiasco will This letter is in response to the articles "Meatball", it might be interesting if the be amusing to some, but they are the Harrys are coming through. Those of us is figures in the state appropriations bills who are not public jokes are stool a question of conflict of interest in in the State News on Wednesday, University administration and the state their also maintaining votes on the undoubtedly be division and bad September 29, which appropriations of tax-payer's dollars pigeons." 1971, regarding the legislators had a chat about the figures in feeling on the board and the ultimate "Meatball of the Week" award. the are based on. (Maybe the University should "Not necessarily," I said. "Max is mow student board. It is appropriations bills and see if they questionable, perpetuation of the present I am really quite elated in receiving submit an "On-On"campus figure for those liable to rat on the gang than Harry." however, whether such a significant an clearly understand what they represent. students actually "We aren't inherently inequitable representation FACT 1 — If the figures only represent living on campus. It taking it any more," Harry structural change would best be would be interesting to see the said. "From now on system. And the big losers will, student enrollment, then it is clear that actual every time we see a implimented in the middle of the term as MSU has 159 less students enrolled this figures of students living on the MSU Harry presented in a bad light on usual, be the students. Band ban year than last with an increase in appropriations of $6,026,504.00 from the campus for last year and this year (1970 and 1971 .) television, we're going to call the sponsor and tell him that everyone in this country To the Editor: named Harry is going to boycott his Property legislature. This is not amusing to the Union product. And levy I am writing in response to the recent we also intend to cancel our article and editorial in the State News FACT 2 — There has been membership as they lose employment or subscriptions to any newspaper that holds a definite promotional rights. CMU laid off 38 and up a Harry to derision." concerning females being admitted to the phase-out of employment at MSU. EMU laid off 17 this .MSU Marching Band. Mr. Bloomquist is (Everyone should know that any employe past week. Union "Frankly, sir ..." I began. In the very near future Gov. officials have already had one reported to have said that women have who is laid off at MSU does not receive meeting with "The name's Harry," he said angrily- concentrated in the affluent suburbs House Appropriations Milliken and Atty. Gen. Frank J. never participated in marching band nor unemployment compensation regardless of Chairman, State "Harry, then," I said. "I think you re rather than the inner city. have they ever requested admittance to Representative Copeland, and will Kelley will file suit before the state the how many years he has worked there. The to pursue the issue until continue being oversensitive. If your name was all male ranks. This is his state universities in we find out what Hubert or Alfred or even Bert you might supreme court asking that the state's justification for Michigan are the only is really going on. If the recent California their absence. He also stated that he have a case. But I only use Harry when IB Supreme could State employers that have seen fit to system of financing public schools Court ruling is in any way precedent not recall an official looking for a minor schnook. If I'® policy banning women remain exempt from providing through local property taxes be setting, Michigan's high court will from marching, though he felt they were unemployment compensation for their Clair Otis, looking for a real hopeless case I'll never declared unconstitutional. not capable of Staff use Harry." have little choice save to strike down handling the rigorous employees. Coordinator, The schedule. Michigan State Employees Union "Who do you use then?" crux of the matter is that the the existing system. present Certainly, the In December of 1967,1 wrote requesting FACT 3 — These figures of research may Oct. 1,1971 "Marvin." funding system is utterly California arguments seem equally information on applying for membership in Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times "unfair, unequal and inequitable." applicable to this state. the marching band. I was informed that it THERE'* ONLY ONE THIN6 THAT On the one hand property owners was an all male organization and that if I WILL 6ET ME TO WALK 'A ROUSING SAME OF The one logical alternative to the are forced to assume the financial desired to play my instrument I CLEAR ACROSS TOWN... "HA HA, HERMAN"!/ present revenue could try system is the out for one of the other burden for the entire organizations on community. implimentation of a state-wide campus. I am sure that there must be other Conversely, economically depressed educational income tax. In this women on this campus who have had the areas are compelled to accept manner all citizens will share same experience. substandard educational institutions Linda S. Harris equitably in the cost of schooling the since the big property tax dollars are children of Michigan. Aurora, Col. senior (jC/WA /t ubbh-l/ty Sept. 29,1971 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 5. 1971 5 House group plans rent A special committee deposit study Committee Chairman Eari provide some legislative input," established by a Michigan House Nelson said. Nei9on, D-Lansing. said of Representatives resolution in Legislation is not expected to Thursday that meetings he|d February to study mandatory duri the past few months reach the floor until January or rental deposits required of February, he said, but the indicated a need for state-wide tenants by landlords, will begin conclusions drawn from the public hearings, which he said, public hearings in October, the are tentatively scheduled to hearings will assist the committee chairman said. committee in obtaining relevant begin in the next couple of weeks. and equitable legislation to grapple with the problem. There has been a good deal of Overcrowding a., oav AKincncrtN By RAY ANDERSON State News Staff Writer . winter term." * There has been an effort by the entire staff to honor weeks in the fall or until space becomes available through interest expressed on both sides of the coin," he said. "I've received mat! from students, low income renters, middle class renters consumers in Southfield, various organizations and Hearings will be held in Lansing Detroit, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids and various other cities. Other members of the I Residence hall overcrowding is being dealt with as rapidly as commitments to returning students, and, he indicated, most of the cancellations and dropouts." some private testimoney given to committee are Joseph Forbes, Lossible, and will be completely eliminated by the end of the term, over-assigned rooms contained freshmen. Resident hall managers have told Underwood that a significant the attorney general by renters D-Oak Park; Alma Stallworth, Recording to numerous residence hall officials. Though such over-assignments are discouraged, Underwood number of students in over-assigned rooms have chosen to remain and tenants." D-Detroit; James O'Neill, T Friday, there were approximately 400 triples in the residence explained, there is no exact way of knowing the number of rather than move and establish new contracts. D-Saginaw; Thomas Sharpe, Melvin Jialls, but residence hall manager Robert Underwood said that dormitory residents until school gets underway. Those who choose to remain in an over-assigned room or suite He indicated the public R- Ho well: DeStigter, "Michigan State University Student Housing," a brochure sent to following hearings being held to R-Hudsonville and James noire would be reduced to less than 200 as residence halls continue an offer to take a less-crowded room or suite forfeit a are all newly admitted students explicitly states that rooms in most |o break down over-assigned rooms and place students in available halls are designed for either two or four students but can rebate, he said. Students who qualify for a rebate, he said, should contact their determine the exact scope of problem, and he hopes to get at the Defebaugh, R-Birmingham. ■paces. T "If our past experience with dropouts hold true this year," accomodate an extra student, "and a few new students in these halls residence hall managers for specific details. least five of the committee's I'nderwood said, "we should not have any over-assignments by may be assigned three to a room or five to a suite for the first few The rebate will be $3 per man per week for three man rooms, and seven members to each of the $2.50 per man per week in five man suites. hearings. Credit for the student will be issued to his or her university "Accusations are rampant on account, Underwood reports. Students who reside in an OPENING DATE IN QUESTION over-assigned room for the entire term and then drop out will be both sides and this will provide the public with an opportunity sent a refund. to testify in their behalf, and "Everyone eligible for a refund will get one," he said. Bookstore case by the student governing group, muddled joint decision made Friday by this momin0 because no one was By JONI BENN the bookstore question has been State News Staff Writer Diane Rathnow, ASMSU here to staff it » the codirector I It was a game of managerial torn, by ^conflict in goals. The conflict has already resulted in director of cabinet services, and gaid ^ he open'd the facility for bookstore correctors Mary Jane business in the afternoon. (nusical chairs Monday morning what ASMSU termed "a Bnninstool and Bale. i the third floor of Student suspension of operations," fcervices Bldg., the newly followed by ™ .. ... , Though Bale agreed that as - a resumption of 'hrec ?«cislon . " ™kers operations will be slowed by a Reorganized Associated Students business In the afternoon by ft"! l)f MSU (ASMSU) Bookstore bookstore codirector Donald Grecu ASMSU comptroller, that lack °f stock, he promised a new r acm«ht ♦ , of paperbacks next week, was closed, then reopened. Bale. the bookstore venture had with the bookstore resuming ] Only one week after the According to the ASMSU become tpmnnrarilv DfiCOITlfi temporarily nnfoMimA unfeMiMe. i\c n c full force >> • >< with an increased , nanagement was changed from version of the "problem," the Han and Nature Corp. to control action reportedly evolved from a is a financial liability,' Mi. Rathnow rtinterated Half-way between a "London Fog" and a fireman's afternoon. The store ..as closed again by coat. Waterproof (we think). Won't rust, bust, soil 3 p.m. Monday. or tarnish. Originally worn by Czechs in hiding... To end any affiliation with Although final jurisdiction lies now the hippest campus fashion for Fall. One the debt - ridden Man and with Ms. Rathnow, as advised by size fits all (...so you'll shorten the sleeves Nature Corp., the n«w Grecu, any formal decision to a little.) Order several at this once-in-a-lifetime management has sent back any suspend operations price. When supply is gone, there'll be no more GOV. MILLIKEN'S order to the changes brought about in stock ord«»d by the former brought to the ASMSU board for (unless the Czech army reorganizes.) :ut the state approved budget land, water or air use are managemmfc. approval. allotments by as much as 3 per consistent with overall state :ent was criticized Monday by environmental policy Ms- Rathnow projected project*® that wai , iecretary of State Richard objectives," Milliken said. ^nce most students have already QgO I With O lustin as "arbitrary, insensitive The council will establish bought texts for fall term . j ind unilateral." guidelines for the departments courses, it «o»ld be unwijto WOfflOn S DOOy The governor's proposal regarding the review, will buy stock or resume op*1"'™"'" kouid divert $75 million to the evaluate the reviews and until January, ike a woman, general fund. recommend whatever action Bale disagreed, however. "Hie bookstore was closed "The proposed budget Is might be necessary, fcalanced," Austin said. "This 3 protectively per cent cut could cripple some ■departments including the Dept. DID YOD EVER FEEL lovingly jof State, and do irreparable is n to important services such education, housing and other TilE URGE TO BE A POTTER? tenderly ■human ■alreadv needs which at best inadequately financed." are smartly the sensitively fte-fl* ■environmental impact of all state acitons which affect Michigan's ■environment has been called for femininely |by Gov. Milliken. In an executive directive to all honestly ■state departments, the governor CERAMICS AT 603 MICHIGAN ■asked that the 15 member fantastic collection of greenware to curb ■Advisory Council for and glazes, along with clay ■Environmental ■coordinate the review system. Quality and tools to create your own vaginal ■ The Council is made up of pieces. Kiln available on the odor use ■ various state agency heads and ■public representatives. premises for firing finished work. Bidette I "Major state activities which FOR ASPIRING OR EXPERIENCED ■affect the environment need to Mist daily.. CRAFTSMEN - SEE OUR SELECTION ■be carefully scrutinized so that I HULOVA ...the Due to popular demand, j well-timed we have changed our gift sexist traditions... and when a We will no longer have spray is not AND THERE'S MORE . . enough, cleanse COVER YOUR FAVORITE HEAD WITH A In fact, there's 125 pages n "GIRLS NIGHT" it away with CONGLOMERATION OF HATS NEVER BEFORE ASSEMBLED IN ONE PLACE AT ONE TIME Helmets, Sky Hooks, Parachutes, Canoe Paddles, Hanc Boats...in fact, over 16,000 items gathered from Hither, Thither, Yon ai A copy of this perfect-for-the-john reading material is yours FREE for the asking Bidette Towelettes. AUSTRALIAN BUSH HATS with your order. If you don't order anything this trip, it'll cost you half a buck. Wear 'em while exploring Austrailian Bushes. In tan, brush, camouflage, '' on Tuesday nights... blue denim, olive drab U.S. NAVY ' WATCH" CAPS. $3.98 I I. GOLDBERG & CO., 902 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 j They'll all watch vou in one of these $1.99 pp. nI We have a choice From now on, G. I. HELMET LINER Great campus riot — Send complete catalog (50t charge if not accompanied by collection of protection $3.45 pp ARTICLE SIZE COLOR PRICE modestly priced Bulova watches, TUESDAYS WILL BE FRENCH BERET All wool for chilly French, timed for giving now. men. Black, green, red depending on your "500 NIGHTS" bent. $1.50 pp. Illustrated: Two new DENIM WESTERN HAT - 17 jewel 'and OUR EXCLUSIVE models, °nly $35 each. (Guess what that meant) tUyBr MUMaue one, nan jnn #AJ*5,NTS' Pack it, crush it, it comes back Youngs Drug Products Corp., \ / for more. Sixes: 6-3/4 to Depl.CF.71, P.O. Bo* ?300. V-r-r.Jfr 7-5/8. $7.50 pp. (Pa. residents add 6 % Sales Tax) O.P.O. New York 10001 M. Thompson YARD8IRD HATS Olive drab & blue denim □ Check enclosed (no bum onesl) Jewelry I Ave 351-1525 LJIgtch & Jewelry at the Sim S, M, L. & XL $2.98 pp. Charge to my: □ BankAmericard □ AmSrican Express Q Matter Charge C3 Diners Club Account No Q Unici Rupulr 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuciday, October 5.19]j I Abbot initiates Bv LINDA By LINDA WERFELMAN secure a sense of community year night ID check when furniture valued system, somefave objected, protective. "I tolerate it, though, State News Staff Writer between Mason and Abbot," between $1,000 and $1,500 was probably Kecause they are It's a practical idea," said Peter though. nice .ha^inKthe so whole hall. having tne wnoie ran open, I don't really mind too With management hopes of Mason said. Because those stoten from the lobby newcomers to the hall or do not Fleury, Fraser freshman. much," said Patrick McMullan, limiting thefts" and maintaining entering the hall after closing are The plan remains ... ... an understand unaers^ana the me economic Another student, Andrew Ann Arbor sophomore. Mark close hall relations Abbot Hall residents of Abbot or Mason experimental stage throughout problems which led to the Sevald, "J'-*"" Royal Oak ,^"2" freshman, Quick yulck,"Menominee Menominee junior also junior, a this fall became the first men's halls their fall term, and will continue only initiation of the or guests, policy, Mason said that the new policy had not endorsed the system, explaining with the approval of hall said. affected him directly. that outsiders had frequently halls is now open all night. residents. Although most One new resident objected Men who had lived in Abbot wandered Thefts of University d students have accepted the that the policy was overly Hall last year disagreed. "It's last year. five work-study students, each student-owned property also of whom works one prompted the adoption of the nights every week checking night receptionist policy. identification cards of students who want to enter the hall after Nonresidents who capitalized on AS COURT BEGINS student trust for one another closing. were primarily responsible for The policy was suggested last the thefts, Mason said. "We want spring and met with what Robb Harlan, Black honored to prevent other people from Mason, Abbot Hall resident invading this trust. We don't adviser, called a "fairly positive" want patrolling security guards; student response. we'd rather have the kids in the "We wanted to WASHINGTON (AP) — A traditionally brief and without institution, and contributed foster and aware of what s being his decisions since 1955 "attest to sub(jued Supreme Court resumed decisions or hearings. But It mightily to its work, to its done, he added. his prolific and erudite its pubijc sittings Monday with usually has an air of anticipation strength and to its flture," Burger contribution to the work of the Mason said, explainingthat the tributes to former Justices Hugo since it is the onset of a new term, said of Black. "He reversed the court." L Black and john M. Harlan. " But Monday the death of Black nan naa not experienced Constitution; he had enormous i„ „„ n minute session Sept. 25 and the retirement of respect for the presidency and for . on Justice William 0. Douglas sat seven remaining justices took shadow. believed in the people." solemn note of the death of Black "He loved this court justice the place occupied by as an Of Harlan, the chief justice said after 34 years of service, and the Black since 1945 as the most senior of the court's members. At Sailing group retirement of Harlan, a 16 - year veteran who was stricken with Burger's left was Justice William 1y MICHIGAN < spinal cancer. J. Brennan Jr., who now Is second GLADMEP to hear official Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, In seniority. . . CAMPUS speaking for the court, eulogized ^1tog p.m. Theatres MSU Sailing hold an "Involvement Club will Black and wished Harlan a Alternating, then, are Justices MOG'AM INFORMATION 41? 3*5 L meeting" restoration to health. He then at 7:30 p.m. today in 35 Potter Stewart, Byron R. White, Union, accepted nine lawyers to practice concerning the Lake Lansing before the court and adjourned Thurgood Marshall and Harry A. restoration project. Richard L. A 20 YEAR-OLD RESIDENT of Wonden Hall was picked up Blackmun. until next Tuesday, when the first Sode, Ingham at 10 p.m. Sunday as officers responded to a call about a peeping II) checks County drain round of rulings since June will be torn from a resident at 915 Cherry Lane. Officers said they commissioner will give a progress announced, Identification checks are being made for all itudenti observed the student peering in the window. He has been referred There were no chairs at the two report on the efforts. The court's opening session Is entering Abbot Hall after closing. Night receptioniit to the Ingham County prosecutor. ends of the bench for the two new The Justices who are to be nominated Shirley Whlttaker is shown checking IDs of two msli NORTHS IDE [>,va-in by President Nixon subject to students. Marriage * £ + * iJ 4 jTvgeafre A TAPE-PLAYER, stereo speakers and aieorted tapea were Senate confirmation. State News photo by Tom Dolan ofa Young stolen from a student's car parked in Lot X, officers report. Hie Stockbroker J Turr srss equipment was valued at $45. WMSB to expand format NOW! FREE ELEC HEATERS! TWO SEAT CUSHIONS with an estimated value of $50 were stolen from the Union lounge sometime Saturday night, police said. The theft was reported by the assistant manager of the they caged their bodies Union. in switch to UHF but not their desires » POLICE REPORT five bicycles with a total value of $230 were channel stolen between 0BSMM 1 p.m. Sunday and 2 p.m. Monday from By fall term 1972, Channel 10, WMSB, will stated University racks. become UHF Channel 23 WMSB, Armand L. When the new station begins Hunter, director of Continuing Education and the broadcasting. VHFI Channel 10 will go to WILX as a full time Broadcast Service said last week. commercial channel, the director explained. | "Airing time for the new channel depends upon "The current WSMB employees will switch to I The dirty dolls of devil's Island, the release of building specifications for the r the full time UHF education channel," he added. transmitter complex to bidders," Hunter | Kay Ingram, program director for the r MEN i\ CAGES * NtW WHO PICtUKS IttlEASf explained. He said he believes construction will begin as soon as possible after the specifications are released. channel, said she believes the expansion to full I time broadcasting will allow more localI programming and community participation. 2nd at 9:30 Hunter indicated the construction site for the "We will have better time periods, transmitter, tower and antennas is to be on featuring ™ evening shows In color from the Public They're learning fast... THE, University property off Dobie Road, in Okemos. "This is the site of a former University UHF Broadcasting Service," she said. In addition to the regular program schedule, Miss SIUDB1T NURSE' system, Channel 60, which operated until 1954," he added. He praised Channel 10 for presenting the proposal to construct the new station to the U.S. Ingram indicated special times for reruns and children's shows. "The station will be on the air seven Office of Educational Broadcasting Facilities. days a week, and hopefully this will "This action netted the $420,000 federal encourage more University grant of the Air programming toward individual studens' received by the University Sept. 15," Hunter credit," she added. "AMYWARHOI'SIONESOME COWBOYS' Selassie MAY BE A BIT TOO MUCH FOR MANY ADDIS ABABA, (AP) Emperor Haile Selassie lei Monday for a six - day visit ti PEOPLE. BUT THAT'S THEIBPROOLEM. China and a four ■ day visit t< Iran during which he will taki part in the 2,500th anniversai] celebrations of the founding ol the most the Persian empire by Cyprusthi important Great. 01" 'liPSi. JMP| 'lonesome Cowboys'is a and informative film of this decade. V ,m magnificent and very gHOWN TWICE AT 7:30 and 11:00 If you see only one funny satire of the k ^ American Western see the actual moment of conception-, film this millenium, it that is liberally seasoned with our STARTS TOMORROW! BABY VICKIE favorite 4,8,10 and "Refreshing 'BILLY JACK' speaks to the 12-letter words and a heart!" - Detroit Free Press cornucopia of nudity "One of the year's important pictures!" — and sexual carryings-on Los Angeles Times ANDY WARHOL'S that is-in combination -perhaps "The best favor I can do is urge experience it yourself!" — N.Y. Daily you to LONESOME C0VB0YS IN EASTMAN COLOR unprecedented!" S.f CHRON/CU Once you see STARS: VIVA. TAYLOR MEAD. TOM HOMPERTZ, ERIC EMERSON. JOE D'AIESSANDRO BILLY JACK you'll not forget them.* "A violent man and a gentle woman who made the mistake of trying to care for other people. TOM LAUGIILIN DELORES TAYLOR !QP!- TECHNICOLOR* From W«msr Bfoi Boxoffice Opens 12:45 Continuous from 1:10 Feature 1:15 3:15 - 5:20 7:25 9:30 - - - 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-6944 I IKi LADIES' DAY WED. 75c to 6 P.M. You must be 18 ADMISSION $1.50 108B Wells k ages will be checked SHOWTIMES 6:45 * 8:30 * 10:15 Last Time. Today "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE" r 7^ ] jj;?o' 30 J Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 5, 1971 7 SPORTS Cuellar, Oriole homers overpower Athletics, 5-1 BALTIMORE (UPI) - Big World Series this weekend. They He was protecting a 2-1 lead in Boog Powell, hancuffed much of entertained themselves after the the. seventh inning when the season by an ailing wrist, game by yelling, "We want Blue" Hendricks homer gave him an backed Mike Cuellar with two — a reference to Oakland ace Vida extra cushion and Powell's towering homers Monday to Blue who was beaten in the first homer in the eighth wrapped it move the Baltimore Orioles to game 5-3 by Baltimore. up. within one game of their third Cuellar, who posted a 20-9 "I had my finger stuck on the straight American League playoff record, blanked the A's except in long ball button and couldn't get sweep with a 5-1 triumph over the the fourth inning when Sal Bando it off," Manager Earl Weaver Oakland A's. doubled and Dave Duncan hit a quipped after the Orioles got the While Cuellar frustrated the A's run-scoringsingle. four homers. on six hits, losing pitcher Jim Hunter allowed just seven hits but four of them were homers — solo shots by Brooks Robinson, Powell and Ellie Hendricks in the second, third and seventh innings The deadline for team paddleball entries is 12 noon Friday, and a two run blast by Powell in - October 22. Fraternity play begins Tuesday Oct. 26, the Irish rally dr the eighth. After a 3,000 - mile plane ride independent action begin:-. Wednesday, Oct. 27 and Residence Hall play starts Thursday, Oct. 28. The University of Notre Dame held a pep rally for the MSU game last Friday ii conflict with the James Taylor concert) with a pep rally at Old College Field for Monday evening, the two teams The deadline for handball doubles entry is 12 noon, Friday, Oct. which 5,000 students and alumni turned out for the Irish team. The Spartan the Michigan game. will play the third game of the 29. Play begins 7 p.m. Tuesday, November 2. followers will have a chance to display their wares on Friday (tentatively, as the State News photo by Bruce series in Oakland at 3 p.m. EDT Football pass competition will be held from Monday, Oct. 11 Remington through Friday, Oct. 22. rally may be moved back to Thursday if arrangements can be made so as not to Tuesday with Jim Palmer starting for Baltimore against Diego The Outdoor Pool will remain open until Saturday, Oct. 9. Segui. A victory Tuesday will match the three - game sweep in the The MSU MENS' GLEE CLUB rally playoffs the Orioles turned in the I Pep By RICK GOSSELIN State News Sports Editor excitement a on this campus is at premium. And finally, for the Heisman football's Trophy as college outstanding player, when he commented, "At Notre Dame, it's not how you play the at rally Friday. For a long time students have last two years over the Minnesota Twins. Presuming the Orioles get one victory in time they will host the first game of the World Series this Saturday against either is now accepting applications for Fall term. If you are free Mon., Wed., and Thurs., 4:10 - 5:00 p.m. Stop in this week at 103 Music Practice first time Pittsburgh or San Francisco. since who know's brought the throng to its highest been complaining that the MSU game, but rather if you win or A crowd of 35,003 roared as Bldg. and join us in rehearsal. been yearning for the days of when, the MSU campus will be peak of cheering when he lose — just ask Purdue." (In football team has not been Brooks Robinson caught Angel For more information call the scene of a rally putting out 100% for its fans. e when MSU's football team pep on proclaimed, "The student body obvious reference to the last Mangual's popup to end the game 353-4789 or 332-1185 honest-to-goodness Friday night. has always been worth at least minute 8-7 win over the Friday will show it the students and they had no doubt the The rally will be held at 6:30 touchdown Boilermakers when the Irish are putting out 100% for their iron threat, when people on one a game to the Orioles will be back here for the p.m. Friday at Old College Field. Fighting Irish, but tomorrow recovered a Purdue fumble in the s campus really got excited The rally will last approximately |out a football game, when pep 45 minutes, leaving plenty of against Michigan State, let's try to make it two." (The final score end zone.) s were the rule rather than The American Broadcasting t exception on Friday nights time for students who wish to read Notre Dame 14, MSU 2.) Co. (ABC-TV) was on hand to attend the James Taylor concert film the Notre Dame pep rally -t*~ i Sw». a», 197X. Ifore a game? Coley O'Brien was in tilt* a«j> durlnc Fall, Wlatar and Spring Taraa, -•1ooa« waak to walk next door to Jenison attendance at the rally and he and there is a chance that ABC ■Well, your time has come. The Heldhouse. 5*5 ttudart Sarrteaa 61.1b.. :»n»'.nF, Inghaa County, M ftBerj had the crowd howling for blood will be on hand to film the MSU pi! defense has molded a ectable team and the offense Duffy Daugherty and many of shown flashes of the team members will be there "ta»a !<•*• int., Mel !, a tt t« Unlvor^lty, Eaat lanalur [plosiveness. With Michigan in addition to members of the IM schedule Joto JualT KiebU-jia Ctnte Un.vnalt#, Eaat Unali.g, nioh I to town this weekend, Spartan marching band. At Notre Dame last Friday MAIN CAMPUS FIELDS night, the students sponsored a ield 1 Field 3 Field 2 pep rally that drew 5,000 Good Food 30 Baal Bayard Keggers - Redrock Jacobins - Raisins [earn wins - people. There are only 10,000 15 G.I. Bill - Service Zap - Trolls Brandy - Taurus students at Notre Dame. The 00 T.M.F.'s Bacardi - Balder Eminence - Emyreaka - Vanguard students were quite vocal in 45 6 Pak - Brewery Casopolis - Cache Arjungle - Archdukes lugby v HOUGHS OWMWG om their support of the team. 30 Laca's Boys - Pharkoff Deuces Polish Peasant meet - Brutus - Sohs of Lib. &UARANTHA Leon Hart, a former Notre IS Wimbledon - Windsor EMU - Flames Post Prevert - Wankkers Dame player and the only d 4 5:30 ^ju Harradnarraa Out ho uumouse 7:45 Football Machine Marvel Men lineman ever to win the coveted - - by 44 to 6 6:15 Evard 7:00 Wight - - Meyer N Wisdom Mauraders 8:30 Impressions - Patunsti 9:15 5 Spot - Broughar Varsity Club ■MSU's Rugby team defeated I inexperienced University of ■ledo Rugby Club 44-6 in a The first varsity club meeting EAST CAMPUS FIELDS Field 5 Ho Che - House 13 Field 6 Field 7 Fish Fry $1.39 of the year will be held 7:30 St. Elmo's Akarpous ■tch at Toledo last weekend. - Beavers - Akrojox Hub 2 - Hub 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Varsity 00 Hubbard 8-12 Senators - Jr. Moe J.V. Bandits - Holocaust II I Ron Kyser was the high scorer Club Room. 45 McRae - McKinnon House - Horror McFadden Mclnnes - nr the Spartans with 14 points The subject for the meeting Brown Eye - Shakes Hovel - Hob Nob three trys (touchdowns) and will be "organization" and Lions - Beal Akua Pahula - Aktion Virtues of Paragon- Reefa Dead Wt. - MSU Vets 56,100 39,100 Steve Piro urges all McNab - McLean Je conversion (two points). President 1m Stone had two trys and one members to attend this first 900 | 900 inversion, and John Christeller meeting of the year. 39,000 t ao.ooo Bded one try and kicked two PHYSICS MAJORS Inversions. Taylor Report 59,000 ao.ooo ■Two implementation _ Stereo Enthusiasts J new ruggers, Roger 1,000 1,000 Tart and Bob Moglia, scored meeting le try each. WED. OCT. 6, 7:30 nm ■ While the Spartan football • 118 Physics Bldg. luad is taking on the University 1 Michigan Saturday afternoon, e MSU Rugby Club will also , Your Time is Coming J ce on the Wolverines or illege Field at 3:30 p.m. ■ In •tween |Bt the last two matches the two clubs, MSU has by small margins. The match . , October 11-16 1 annually the roughest and Ist played match of the year. ' WATCH YOUR NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS I For those interested, practices < ■e held every Tuesday, 402 S. Washington Ave ■ednesday, and Thursday on Lansing |d College Field. There •o be club business a will 245 Ann Street When you know it's for keeps meeting ' MUSIC CO. East Lansing ■ednesday night in the Men's Happily, all your special moments together will 1. building. be symbolized forever by your engagement and -CUT OUT AND SAVE" wedding rings. If the name, Keepsake, is in the ring and on the tag, you are assured of fine quality and lasting satisfaction. The engagement diamond is perfect, of superb color, and precise cut. Your Keepsake Jeweler has a selection of many lovely styles. He's in the yellow pages under "Jewelers." Keepsake LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL Presents for Your Dining Pleasure |TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL $1.47 You might be happier at yCtna. Roast Loin of Park w/ Dressing |WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL $1.35 If you have a liking for figures, finance and money, /Etna Life & Casualty might be many careers open to you. As an actuary, accountant, computer programmer or Schensul's Famous Fried Chicken a way to both job satisfaction and securities analyst, for example. In these success. positions and others you'll be helping I THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL $1.49 If you haven't thought about insurance, 27 million people who depend on ,*Etna for Broiled Chopped Sirloin Steak w/ Mushrooms maybe that's because you haven't heard security in a shaky world. We have a the whole truth about it. reputation for not letting them down. |FRIDAY Broiled NIGHT SPECIAL $1.67 For example, because our business has become so sophisticated, we have one A brochure called "The Whole Truth" spells out how /£tna works, and the many Red Snapper w/ Butter Sauce of the largest computer installations in specific opportunities we have for people the country. And, if you think of insurance of all talents. It's an honest picture of an |SATURDAY Roast Beef NIGHT SPECIAL $1.90 in terms of premiums and settlements, you'll be surprised at how deeply i€tna is honest business. Au-ius ___ involved with stocks and bonds, equities, and real estate. You could do yourself—and many OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. If you're analytically-minded, there are other people—a lot of good. Evening Specials include roll, butter and beverage and a choice of two of the We our concern is people following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. are an Equal Opportunity Employer LIFE & CASUALTY __CUT AND SAVE.. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'uesday, October 5, 1971 STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 3558255 Put Your Best Finger Forward & Dial Classified Ads, to Sell Don't Needs! The State News does Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING ty Phil Rank For Rent For Sale For Sale not permit racial or 1970 OLDSMOBILE F85, 2 door, 6 EMPIRE TROUBADOUR turntable. religious discrimination SINGLE GIRL to share furnished 2 in its advertising cylinder, radio, manual shift, excellent condition. Only 12,700 bedroom. Meadowbrook Trace. Phone 351-7222 or 393-1865. Robert's 778X reel to track tape recorder, reel and 8 rhorens choose from. MARSHALL -j ;0ft.,? u, columns. The State miles. $1,800. 332-1405. 5-10-8 245 Ann Street. » AUTOMOTIVE 5-10-8 TD150 Mark II turntable. Sony C-1-10-5 C' Scooters & Cycles News will not accept 355 and 255 tape decks. Harmon - advertising which OLDSMOBIEL, DYNAMIC 88 1964. LARGE ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom Kardon AM/FM turntable and SEWING MACHINE I Auto Parts & Service 4 door, good condition. Call discriminates against partially furnished or unfurnished. speakers. Panasonic RS-790-S Brand new portables Aviation 355-0938.3-10-7 $4995 Ultra modern kitchen. Carpeted, automatic reverse tape recorder. 8 per month. Large » EMPLOYMENT religion, race, color or - panelled living room. Fenced in track tapes, used $2, new, $4. 8 reconditioned selection used national origin. OLDS machi™. CUTLASS 1963. Good backyard. Space for 1 car. $175/ track home and auto decks, Singers, Whites. Necch,, » FOR RENT condition, $300. Call between 5-9 month including utilities. $29.50 up. Cassette recorders, Home & "Many Others" Slant Apartments Houses p.m. 349-4954.4-10-8 482-5435. 5-10-8 amplifiers, speakers, used records. $39.95. Terms. EDvffi Rooms OPEL 1969. White - walls, AM/FM, LOOKING FOR a roommate? Police band radios, imported wall tapestries and rugs, slate pool distributing 1115 N. Washington. com® 489-fidu' Automotive large engine, well taken care of. Open-end leases available. Call table and accessories. All C-10-17 ^ ► FOR SALE $1100. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 373-3287, HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, equipment tested and guaranteed. Animals DODGE WINDOW Van after 6 p.m. 393-1265.4-10-8 351-7910. O WILCOX SECOND NEW i NCYC L0P E 1969 0, Mobile Homes Custom. New tires. 482-3894 HAND STORE, 509 East I " 2-10-5 PLYMOUTH 1967 Satellite. nternationale, New Book" oi LOST & FOUND Houses Michigan, 485-4391, 8-5:30 p.m. Knowledge. For sale eh.*, Excellent condition. Automatic Monday through Saturday. Bank 393-8652. 3-10-5 * ► PERSONAL FIAT 850,1970 convertible, like new, on the floor, bucket seats, 318 Americard and Master Charge. ■ PEANUTS PERSONAL excellent transportation. cubic inch, 2 - barrel.$1,000. ONE OR 2 people for 3 bedroom Layaways. C ZEISS IKON Contaflei 485-4975. 3-10-5 house in Lansing. Rent $50. Call REAL ESTATE 351-1187.3-10-7 electronic flash. Call Deek,371 3431. S--5 10-6 TYPEWRITER, 351 "70JJ RECREATION FORD 1969 Custom 500. 4 door PONTIAC 1970, 4 door Catalina. ROYAL Electric. Power return, $80 351-3439. SERVICE . sedan. V-8, A-1 condition. Very clean, factory air, vinyl top, MT. HOPE, attention students, 3 2 10-5 Typing Service 882-1751, any time. 4-10-8 radio, power, turbo, good tires and original owner. $2500. 349-0480. bedroom furnished. $230 per month.694 27/5.510-11 Animals TRANSPORTATION BUESCHER 400 Alto saxophone. FORD 1970, Mach 1,351 Cleveland 5-10-11 Excellent playing condition. $200. MINIATURE SCHNAU^tH WANTED ONE OR two persons needed. Inquire male engine, low speed rear end, stick shift, low mileage. $1700. Phone 1969 PONTIAC Grand Prix. Power VOUVE MGAED OF UNDERCOVER POLICE' anytime. 419 South Clemens. 882-4145.2-10-5 weeks old. AKC. Salt and Wpo DEADLINE ears cropped ch?-- 1 P.M. 723-1664, Owosso. 3-10-7 steering, AM-FM radio, low mileage. $1800. 351-5050. 1-10-5 imx, 1% AN undercover hippie! ' 3-10-7 APPLES, PEARS, plums, sweet cider. bloodlines, loveable and one class day before Pick your own apples. Friday, disposition. 393-3543. 5 10 M„ FORD MAVERICK 1971. 4 door, . SPARROW HOSPITAL near. 2 5 publication. excellent condition, $100 and take SACRIFICE, 1969 Olds, Cutlass, 9# *2*/£ MM. bedrooms, Saturday, Sunday. BLOSSOM garage. Gas heat. ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of THE SEA Cancellations/Corrections over payments. Phone loaded, 31,000 miles, $1,700. Married FAN, Lansing's newestw couple preferred. Leslie on Hull Road. (Old U.S. most 12 noon one class day after 5:30 p.m. 2-10-8 353-1843, evenings, sell. unique Pet Shop is now must 489-4326, TU2-1934. 3-10-7 - 127) 589 8251. 9 - 6 PM. Closed ope to serve 3-10-5 you. 4604 North Ea before publication. Mondays. O Street. We specialize in FORD 1966 automatic, new brakes, Scooters & Cycles Employment TWO BEDROOM. Catherine Street. fish. Stop in and see Mafin) PHONE paint. Good tires, excellent 1968 TORINO fastback. Buckets. All $160 per month, plus LADIES' our sum condition. $500. 353-4322. 3-10-6 damage SKI pants, jackets, aquarium. 484-8871 355-8255 power, accessories. New polyglass deposit. Call 339-8831 evenings. Mond|y tires. Asking $1150 or best offer. YEAR END special. 1969 Honda WANT IRONING of any sweaters, shells, skirts, dresses Thursday, Friday 10 9. size. 3-10-6 Tuesdty FORD 1963. coats, slacks. Size 9-12. Wednesday, RATES Camper. Stove, Call 351-0736 any time. 5-10-8 Scrambler. Runs great. Set of street Experienced, references Saturday refrigerator, sink, bed, Good Reasonable. Call 332 4645 9:30 Sunday 12-5. 5-10-5 knobby tires, helmet. $450. reasonable. Phone 487-5566. TWO GIRLS wanted for house on No. DAYS a.m.-9 30 p.m. 3-10-5 running condition. Phone TOYOTA 1969 Crown Deluxe. 4 351-3693.1-10-5 b-10-8 Park Lane. Winter term. Call POODLES, CHOCOLATE WORDS 1 3 5 10 339-8930. 10-10-5 speed, radio, low mileage, priced 351-7559. 3-10-6 8 weeks, great grar low for quick sale. 351-7200. HELP WANTED: Men or women. 10 1.50 4.00 13.00 FOR SALE: 1966 Chevy Impale. 4 Westminister winner 6.50 3-10-5 Full or part time. Phone 676-5927 371.3451 speed, $750. Excellent condition. FEMALE OWN furnished bedroom, 4-10-5 after 4:30 p.m. 4 10-5 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 Call 694-9053. 3-10-5 1971 SUZUKI, SLIGHTLY USED, log house on lake. Fireplace. OVATION GUITAR, $375 new, 1 TRIUMPH, SPITFIRE, 1969. 20,000 Utilities paid. 3 Psychology $380. 663-8165. Located at 227 month old, immaculate condition, FHEE KITTENS grey tiger miles, excellent condition, call THAINERS - SALES, clerks, and 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 GOOD LOCAL transportation. Ford 355-4795.4-10-8 State Street, Eaton Rapids. 2-10-6 graduates. 339-2310. 3-10-5 will sell for best offer. 372-5822. shots, very people oriented: prefer cashiers. Full or part time. Call Station Wagon. 349-2779 after 5 5-10-7 couple or femily, must give away 332-3591 Curtis Employment 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 p.m. 1-10-5 VOLKSWAGEN 1963. $250 or best USED PARTS from 1967 Triumph NEED 1 girl to share house with 2 immediately! 351 6929, eveni ■\gcncy.o 3 10-6 other girls. Own bedroom. Prefer offer. Ask for Rick, 351-9034, (T.100C), tank ect. Call 355-8792 YAMAHA ORGAN used 2Va 1-10-5 monthi, 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 1969GRAND Prix. Full like 1-10-5 girl over 21. Call 482-6778. 5-10-5 $1400. Or make offer. Call Paul at power, 351-7830. 3-10-6 IMMEDIATE OPENING for 3 new, first $2,500. 351-3567. students who 353-4109. 3-10-5 MIKE'S PET SHOP. Mice.45ceach5/ can work a 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 5-10-5 1968 NORTON matchless. 7b0cc's, $1.50. Kuhliis, 39c each 5/$1.50 VOLKSWAGEN SPORTSMOBILE 53 minimum of 22 hours a week. The Rooms All Herptiles in shop 20% discount 347 St udant Services Bldg 1971. Sleeps 5. 10,000 miles. horsepower Cal < Lee 3 guys working for us now are MODERN BLONDE bedroom set JAVELIN 1969. FM, vinyl roof. 337-9091. 131 Bogue. 5-10-7 with this ad until October U $3700. 351-6345. 3-10-6 averaging $62.60 a week. Call Mr. like new, large dresser and mirror. All student ads must be Excellent condition. $1500 Adamson 3 UNFURNISHED rooms. $60 / Also smaller dresser,' and bookcase Located in Holt Plaza. About at 372-7348 for the negotiable. 20 mpg. 353-9503 VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Very good room month. 2 persons per prepaid 351-6349. 3-10-5 whole story. 0-3-10-6 per headboard. Call 487-3096. S miles from MSU at Aurelius condition. Stereo tape. $1,650. room. Share bath. Kitchen and Holt Road. 3-10-11 The State News will be 353-4420, 521-3148 after 5:30 WANTED, STUDENTS needed for other privileges extra. 122 W. USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 1968 KARMANN GHIA.Nice coupe In p.m. 3-10-5 Oakland Lansing. Ph. 482-4982. responsible only for the Auto Service & Parts motivational research. Interesting, East Michigan. Dishes, books, real good condition and new tires. pays well. Call 353-9254 between B-lflMS first day's incorrect coins, antiques, rockers, junk. A bargain at $995. 482-1473. VOLKSWAGEN 9 a.m. -4 p.m. 4-10-7 insertion. 1965. Good EAST LANSING male students, single Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open 3-10-5 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East condition. Custom paint job. Call FREE KITTENS Box tr Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. rooms, parking, refrigerator. Saturday and Sunday. Furniture 484-1591, if no answer call JOB OPENINGS weeks old, . for affectionate, 351-4265, . secretary, 332-5791. 3-10-7 and appliances open all week, 10 1967 KARMANN -GHtA convertible. 482-4572.7-10-13 Complete auto painting and 4-10-8 general office and receptionist. am 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C New tirtt, good condition. Must Call 332-3591, Curtis ATTRACTIVE ROOM for sell. $850. Phone 482-8225. VOLKSWAGEN 1961, sunroof, Employment Agency. O-3-10-6 FREE DOG needs home. Ali ihon Automotive 5-10-8 recently rebuilt, $350, it's worth it. 'W - GUARANTEED repair. Graduate and Upper Class woman, CHEMISTRY SET, microscopes, bikt Food included. 3&1-6E RANDY S MOBIL. I-96 at near campus, references. 332-1746. lights, helmets, barber set floor 489-3690.3-10-7 5-10-8 332-5961.1-10-5 1967 BARRACUDA fastback. V-8, MAVERICK 1970. Standard shift, 6 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C For Rent scrubber, encyclopedias, furniture, four speed. Runs good. $800. cylinder, air conditioning. Must VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Low mileage, books, clothes, records, sleds, 675-7155.3-10-7 sell. Call after 5 p.m. or on good condition. Call 353-4156. ATTENTION FOREIGN car owners. STARR ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. skates, games, much more. Mobile Homes Now open to serve you at the — 3 bedroom, excellent Completely furnished. 689-3342.4-10-8 weekend. 355-1023.2-10-6 5-10-11 Cooking. lowest prices in town, KYPERS condition, 6 miles from Lansing Call 372-8077. C BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. MARLETTE 1966. 12' FOREIGN CAR SERVICE at 312 Mali Phone 663-8921. 5-10-8 Very good car. Many extras. $850. MERCURY 1966 VW SQUAREBACK 1966. AM/FM 2 RECTILINEAR model loud 4 door Monterey. Hosmer Street. 489 9714. b 10-7 completely furnished, 372-1168, 372-1529. 10-10-14 Automatic, radio, 4 excellent tires, 2 snow radio. $750 or best offer. ONLY $9.00/ month Free deliveries. For Sale speakers. Perfect condition with condition, skirting one! shed. iOnj tires, 351-8378.3-10-7 cartons. $120. 393-8816. 3-10-7 Arthur's Court SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 485-7744. Call Aviation RENTAL. 372-4948. O SCOTT STEREO amplifier, Girrard SUEDE COAT with mink collar. Size after 5:30 p.m. 4-10-8 turntable, speakers, Ampeg, Scooters & Cycles LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight R E I- Kalamazoo guitar amplifiers. 9. Beautiful condition. 351-5037. TRAVeLO 1982. $1000. Ex t' RIGERATORS - 3-10-7 training. All courses are DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth electric, 351-2365. 3-10-5 condition, close tc CHEVROLET 1967. 2 door, good MG 1100 sedart' 1964. Needs clutch YAMAHA 1970 175cc Enduro. government and VA certified. 315 Bridge, Grand Ledge. 351-68U8after 5 p.m. b-10-11 STEREO COMPONENT set, Garrard condition. Call after 5 p.m. work. Good body. 482-5270. Good condition. $425. 393-5390. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport 627-2191. TF BUDDHIST BOOKS 625-7373. 5-10-6 3-10-7 2-10-5 Road. Call 484-1324. C changer, Allied tuner - amplifier, CHAMPION 10'x 50' furnished, for further $150 or best offer. TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction information i 351-8378. carpeted, shed. On lot 15 free catalogue Write 3-10-7 CHEVY IMPALA 1962. $150 or best M°B EX?^LLENT sports 1969 CC Kawasaki Avenger. Just to: from MSU. 641-4209, Must see! offer. 351-6234 after 5 p.m. C8r' ™ Problems' rebuilt. $495 or best offer made. Employment guaranteed. Free delivery, service and pick up. No deposit. Call THE BUDDHIST BOOKSTORE SANSUI 3000A AM/FM FMX stereo 3-10-7 s1no M accessories and new top. $695 or Call 332-4432. 2-10-5 NEJAC, 337-1300. C 1710 Octavia Street offer. 482-1473. 3-10-5 receiver, 55 watts, small RMS, with 1955 GREAT Lakes. 8' x 45'. Located PART TIME office San Francisco, Calif. 94109 FOR SALE: 106 Sears motorcycle. If help needed. walnut cabinet. $169. Call after 6 in park behind Tom's Party Store, Work evenings. Call MR. CLARK GET YOUR party needs at A, C and p.m. 351-2607.1-10-b interested, call Harold Timberlake, 351-3701. O E Rentals. Glassware, red and Phone 349-1586. 5-10-11 4 -jo o ' 3/speed, excellent condition. Must 351-9466, 484-8447. Price $250. white check tablecloths. sell. Call 351-4754. 5-10-7 7-10-12 ANTIQUES: DOUBLE brass bed. 1966 MARLETTE 10' x 55', 7' x W PART TIME employment. Hours to 349-2220. O $40. Brass and iron cupid bed, $60. 1963 CORVAIR convertible. Good be negotiated. Minimum $2 WE DO most repairing and relace Expando. 3 bedrooms separ per 4 piece walnut bedroom set, $80. MUSTANG 1966. Good condition, 1970 HONDA 450. Pipes up. New condition, 3 speed. $225. Phone hour, plus bonus. Call Mr. Vance TV RENTALS - Students only. Low broken frames. OPTICAL dining room, carpeted, washer, air new tires, muffler. $450. Call condition. 3,600 miles. Call Trunks, chests, 332-3357. 4-10-8 675-7155.1-10-5 for interview. 393-5460. Equal monthly and term rates. Call DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan conditioned, all set up in Park 20 355-7913. 3-10-5 332-6645 or 332-8324 after 5 351-7900. UNIVERSITY minutes from Lansing. 625-3427. Opportunity Employer. 15-10-25 TV Avenue. 372-7409. C-5-10-8 100 USED vacuum cleaners. CORTINA p.m. 5-10-8 Tanks, 5-10-11 1969, 4-speed, low RENTALS. C canisters and uprights. Guaranteed mileage. Like new. 882-9989 after OLDSMOBILE 1969, Delta 88, 2 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1970 MALE OR female. Need 5 persons at RUGER 22 L.R. or magnum revolver full 5 p.m. 3-10-7 one year. $7.88 and up. 1968 VAGABOND. 1 door, vinyl top. Full power, air, Sportster. Electric start, like new. $2 per hour to work either 10 and holster, $55. Also King DENNIS $2150 $250 below book. Terrific - Best offer. 351-6818. 3-10-5 a.m. - 3 p.m. daily, equals 25 hours Apartments C-Melody Saxophone, $25. All in DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. condition, Court. on Best lot in King reasonable Arthur! offer. CUTLASS SUPREME 1967, power shape. 353-2258 daytime: / week. Work either 5- 10 p.m. good condition. 393-5390. 2-10-5 355-7786 night. 5-10-6 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE 1971. LCC AND Opposite City Mar ket. C-10-7 372-2895. 4-10-5 steering, excellent condition. daily, equals 25 hours / week or can downtown. Need two 694-2545 after 4p.m. B-1-10-5 650cc, mint condition. 1700 miles. work 10 hours on girls. One for three man and Extras. First $1225 takes. weekend, one HARPSICHORD. SOLID cherry. 8 Saturday and Sunday. Good for four man apartment. Need two OLDSMOBILE 1966 -F85, 2 door, and 4 foot CUTLASS 351-2609.3-10-7 girls for large five girl house. $55 strings. 484-9856 CONVERTIBLE 1969, automatic, power steering, low 6 cylinder with automatic transmission, 2 extra wheels with MOTORCYCLE TUNE-UPS, repair?, speaking voice a must. Call Dick Vance 393-5460 between 9 a.m. 81 month per girl. All utilities paid. 372-1529. 10-10-14 CROSSWORD mileage, new tires. 2 Parking. 2-10-5 339-2598. snow tires. 311 Regent St., Lansing or Call 485-5228. 3-10-5 all makes. 600 N. Cedar 482-9166. 5-10-7 p.m. Employer. 4-10-8 Equal Opportunity Six IV4-6858. 6-10-8 month lease. WOMAN'S WHITE rabbit fur coat in excellent condition. Call 351-7626 PUZZLE after 6 p.m. x-5-10-5 RN-LPN, full time. Doctor's office. ONE GIRL for 3 person apartment 8-6, no weekends. Call 393-2729 across from campus. $55 / 1. Arrives month. 30. Seaport Qiad 2 KLH TENS Scott ^tudenti, dedvz-iM 4-10-8 WANTED: PART - time waiters and 351-2196.1-10-5 NEED FOURTH girl. Cedar Village. Selmer x-3-10-5 Cornet Amplifier; $110. $60. 351-3562 12. 13. 6. Drive Bay window Caustic 32. Report 33. English cathedral city waitresses, nights and weekends. Winter Term. 351-0758 after 5 14. and WANTERBED UNITS $60. Mattress, French painter 34. Girl's name Experienced, $2 / hour. p.m. 2-10-6 16. . . . liner, foam pad and frame. Any Edge 36. Summer on Inexperienced, $1.75 / hour. Call size. Water mattresses 17. Japanese fan the Seine for interview, PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.,furnished , $26.50. TIMBERLANES REBIRTH, 309 North Washington 18. Adam's ale 37. Distributed LOUNGE, 489-1467.3-10-7 studio, utilities paid, private Avenue, Lansing,489-6168. C-10-5 20. Possessive 39. Uncle: Scot. entrance, parking. $110/ month, CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING NURSES: RN, LPN, ROSELAWN MANOR NURSING HOME, 707 Armstrong Road. Has positions plus 3-10-7 deposit. Phone 627-5454. PERSIAN excellent LAMB coat, condition, size 14, reasonable, 332-5406. 3-10-7 black, adjective 22. Legal profession 23. Salamander 41. Scfiool subject 44. Pith 46. Carnelian bead 48. Aplomb 1. Italian lake 2. Authentic 5. Assassinated 6. Addition on a letter available on all shifts. Full or 2 APARTMENTS for rent, 3. The armed 7. Honois part completely 26. Slow-mover 49. Lurch SQUEEZE? time. Excellent and benefits. cfll, Personnel. 5-10-5 starting salaries Apply in person or 393-5680. Mrs. Swan, furnished, Barnes Ave. area, $110 and $125. Call 484-5421 between 8-5.6-10-12 HEAD standard Nevada GS - 200cm skiis, Lange boots, size 10, Poles, Marker bindings, good 28. Landlord 1 T~ 1- 7- r- 50. Denominations 4. V 7- F~ r- 75~ T" forces Nine-eyes 8. Finished 9. Through 10. Work unit 11. Famed WEST ONE AND 2 bedroom condition. $125 or separately. Take your troubles to COUPLE WANTED: part time from $145. 10 minutes MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE apartments from 351-6120.3-10-7 «T" tr~ ,5Flap southerner u, babysitting and general HAMMOND SPINET organ, excellent 19. Hindu cymbals maintenance work. Flexible hours CREST NORTH. •r- 694-8975, 4330 21. Blood relative 332-3357. 5-10-7 Keller Road, Holt. C condition, call after 5 pm Tuesday. 676-5339.1-10-5 ~ i 23. Acroamatic PARK PART TIME work as simulated GRADUATE STUDENT couple: 2 GUITAR AND / ar fr ir 24. First 25. Attempt i woman patient or amplifier. Fender 26. Haggard novel i for course bedroom furnished mobile home. Anatomy In Physical Diagnosis. 3 Jaguar Guitar, and / or Pro Clean and quiet. 641-6601. O - 26 __ 27. Cough drop to 6 hour reverb amplifier. Bothone TT w APARTMENTS yearold. per week, Monday, and immaculate. Must sell. 29. Sainte abbr Wednesday Friday afternoon NEED ONE girl Best IS"" or or for 4 man offer or 35% off original cost. Call Si ir 31. Brown kiwi Thursday morning. Applicant apartment. Waters Edge - 35. Shade tree must be 21 yeard of 351-0736. 5-10-8 w age or older Apartment 311. Call 351-9229. W 9r 35- 37. Attend a 5530 West Michigan Ave. To apply Phone Mrs. Ralston 4-10-5 353-6380. 5-10-2 HEATH F.M. Tuner $150; 2 E.T. banquet 38. "Lights out at Saginaw WAKE - UP Service -Let me be LANSING OR East Lansingi One mags with 351-5158.3-10-5 polyglas. $100 m 40. Farm animals your bfdroom furnished. Large, airy 41. Resinous Contact Elly Louch alarm clock. Reasonable rates rooms. Air conditioned. «JT" P at 484-0709 Phone 393-2217. 5-10-5 Beautifully maintained. Suitable for faculty, grad students, business 50 WATT amplifier. Dual, Pickering, Rectilinear. Two months old. t y/z, sr substance 42. Macaw people, married couples. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O Lease. Prices 3-10-8 negotiable. 355-0774 w t m 53- 43. Oriental 45. Caviar lute 47. About I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan "7 For Sale MOBILE dav, a homes week, 9-9 Nixon's pay raise delay u through Friday, 9-5 , 1.5 Sunday. 2016 N. L u S. 27N. Phone 372-2580. supported by House vote (Continued from page one) guidelines for everyone else have "If you break the dam today, if irREY kittan. Vicinity Beal / been announced. private workers and Rep. Jerome R. Waldie, D-Calif., disputed I Please -eturn. reward. In the House, But Republicans with you open up the dike," said Rep. strong William M. Colmer, D-Miss., what he called Nixon's assertion |i 740.3-10-7 leadership-backed Democrats help from Southern Democrats "then the inflationary field win that federal employes were being pressing for a veto of Nixon's I < rim glasses. Near Wilson six-month pay raise delay accused supported Nixon's argument that be flooded." asked to make sacrifices on their Reward. Call 353-2782. federal employes must share But Democratic Speaker Carl own. the President of sacrificing sacrifices and that rejection of the Albert said Democrats were federal employes' pay for his "What we're dealing with," $1.3 billion saving would break simply trying to give federal economic program before wage Waldie said, "is a decree from the D BEIGE black half up his anti-inflation package. workers equal treatment with _herd half mutt, mala. 4-5 President sacrificing his employes I, call 355-9783. 3-10-5 to the failures of his economic policy." Personal Council deadlin House GOP leader Gerald R. Ford of Michigan said "there will IyKE STUDIO gets it together be no general pay raise" for Jo,traits, passports, ID's, party private workers after the present Bids or your job. Downstairs 90-day wage-price freeze ends — | Abbott Rd. next to Brother 889. 3-10-6 ring us up at worries ASMSU and said if there is he personally would back legislation to give (Continued from page one) federal workers a raise also. ■ A lesson in complexion care. undergraduate from their chairman of Committee on The President's plan to save I'484 4519, East Michigan or Academic Council by any number, to sit on the Steering Committees, said Monday. $1.3 billion by delaying the 1.7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE procedure they choose. The Committee. This student will Waxier notified the chairmen scheduled January pay raise for IRMAN COSMETICS colleges are currently trying to also sit on the Student of the college advisory councils 4.3 million federal employes is ■iDlOS.C bring their constituencies to a vote. Committee on Nominations. Sept. 21 that Oct. 22 is the the biggest single item in $5 Gotcha! "It appears that the college tentative deadline for selecting billion worth of ■COMBS, brushes, shampoos, government Jousters of the Society for Creative Anachronism are shown practicing for an upcoming Student representatives to the advisory councils and students the student representatives to ; and sprays. UNION BLDG. spending cuts to offset the tax tournament. Practice sessions took place on Red Cedar near the Bogue Street Bridge. Academic Council, once the Academic Council. IBER SHOP.C-1-10-5 are making progress in cuts. State News photo by Jonathon S. Kaufman sleected, will elect one student, identifying their student Waxier said he has not either a graduate or an constituency," Glenn Waxier, received any names. Ihristmasclub IT'S 11 a what's wv nn *. mm ^ , IFOR "COMPARABILITY' ■ a Manhattan company Happening is to install stamp Jhincs in supermarkets in •h Mrs. Shopper inserts ■ bill and gets fed $1 |stmas Club stamp. The U.S. upgrades pay rates is then pasted in (gs % booklet provided. WASHINGTON (AP) administration when New drastic, salaries in the private wav. And the Civil Service gather extra dollars for Announcements for It's What's The Student Mobilization There will be an open meeting of - The Commission says comparability ■istmas expenses right struggle over federal pay Frontiersmen were gearing up market have gone up, too. The Happening must be received in the Committee will hold an open meeting the Spartan Pistol Club at 7 p.m. the government to beat the has enabled it to get the people start looking around State News office, 345 Student to discuss.) its fall antiwar activities at Wednesday in Demonstration Hall. A antedates the current question under dispute is which it needs. thome for all those good Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two 8 p.m. Wednesday in 34 Union. course in basic range safety and presidential wage freeze, going Soviet Union to the moon and have gone up further, faster. take a more activist role in Some private employers are The freeze - request was not Jgs you no longer use. class days before publication. Items pistol marksmanship will be held. back to 1962 when a program mvoing the country. complaining that the the Nixon administration's first Kle they still have are limited to 25 words. No Those students who have signed to was begun which has doubled value sell them announcements will be accepted by work as Lecture-Concert ushers are Tryouts for MSU Men's and the government's payroll to $50 When the comparability pay government is pricing them right response to this reaction, which raises began, the starting rate for of the market. Actually, has intensified over the past \ a low - cost STATE phone. asked to attend a meeting at 6 p.m. Women's Bowling teams will be held billion a year. out Classified Ad. Just today in the Auditorium. This will be starting at 8 a.m. Saturday in the Federal a GS4 clerk was $4,040. Now it government pay still trails year. Last August — two weeks employes have before Nixon's economic speech a list, then dial a general information meeting, a Union bowling alley. A $2 fee will be is $6,202. Average pay for the private industry In some crucial enjoyed 10 salary increases since The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will must for those interested in working. charged. — the White House ordered §8255 for a friendly Ad the pvr.gr-ir.i to upgrade their government's Grade 13 version areas, but fringe benefits tend to have a lawyer available from 10 a.m. federal agencies to hold down today. of the junior executive has make up the difference. to noon every Wednesday and from 1 The Cedar Applications for the pay wa-> l^un in an effort to Red Chapter of the increased some $8,000 to a top For example a professional white - collar promotions. make Uncle Sam competitive to 5 p.m. every Wednesday and Michigan Botanical' Club will meet Undergraduate Student Advisory Committee (USAC) for Chemistry with private employers in the of $23,089 in nine years. For chemist working for the George Schultz, director of Thursday during the fall term. Those at 7:30 p.m. today in 204 the top - grade GS18, it has the Office of Management and wishing an appointment are asked to Horticulutre Bldg. Gerhardt are due in 320 Chemistry Bldg. by quest for talent. government trailed his private with the ASMSU business Oct. 13. Majors and non-majors are The drive for doubled to $36,000. enterprise counterpart by almost Budget said the average grade check Schneider, associate professor of "comparability" level for government supervisors office, 307-B Student Serivces Bldg., forestry, will discuss "The Flora in welcome to apply. For further While the escalation looks $5,000 a year in 1962. He now began during the Kennedy |.IES, ROCK blues and hard or caU 35 3-0659. There will be a Michigan's Hardwood Forest." information call 355-9012. earns $25,174 a year, or about and executives and crept up to boogie. Direct booking. nominal $3 Students are invited. grade 8.1 and he wanted it down charge for this service. are faculty $2,600 less than the private - |l 2182. 5-10-7 The Chess Club will meet at 7 p.m. industry man. An unusually to 7.9 by mid - 1973. Wednesday in the Shaw Hall west Announcement The MSU Pre-Law qUjb wjll hold Nixon's economic program liberal - pension plan and leave reanuts Personal its first program of the year at 7:30 meeting room. U.S. Chess Federation not policy are probably worth at only asked for a six - month piti. Wednesday in US Eppley rated play, to determine team Service Center. Guest speaker will be make-up, will begin. Please bring sets least the difference in dollars. freeze on federal pay raises, but The government says it makes called for a 5 per cent cut in the Matthew P. McCauley, director of and clocks. work force. Emissions of the University of no apologies for its salaries either Typing Service Michigan Law School. He will discuss Come hear Morteza Rahimi, asst. on pay ex admission procedures and pE CLASSES still room professor of computer science, speak Name one fjnrj pupil answer questions. Annual club game. Ca on "Mathematics and Computers" at ■-4247.3-10-7 ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith membership dues of $1 will be 7:30 p.m. today in A204 Wells Hall (Continued from page one) Monday morning meeting. They offset printing. Complete service collected at this time. for as part of the Pi Mu Epsilon meeting. to whether the trustees will were alegedly near agreement. dissertations, theses, BdELED, Real Estate T h HI manuscripts, general typing IBM. 22 years experience. 349-0850. C an Coalition to effort to Stop the Expressway, stop the planned cress-campus liighv > w ill meet at 7 the Hop, skip, and jump your way to MSU promenaders Folk and consider any recommendation before Oct. 15. The executive such The consisting administrative of group, top officers in addition to academic deans, will thing that o npw hasn't gone up .,.,.,,1 group, trppf|nm in East Square Dance Club. Come freak out meet Lansing. You must p.m. today in 31 Union. Your help on our folk floor, two real callers at 7 consisting of the top 11 officers today. Salary hikes and it. $17,500 terms. Call SAVE SAVE SAVE may be crucial to our success. in the University, reportedly possible internal reallocation of lietuUHI p.m. Wednesday in 34 Women's [1-3118 for more information. XEROX COPYING- offset best discussed the salary hike resources will probably be the since 1950. - Intramural Bldg. First of a "Liberal-Conservative quality at reasonable prices. THE situation at their weekly prime topic. series" Zolton Ferency will discuss COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand - River. Phone 332-4222. C current issues at 8 p.m. today in the Recreation Emi lobby. Everyone is invited. Want to enjoy learning, make friends, meet people, and expnad |STMAS$169. BREAK. Spain $249. Acapulco $249. PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: for quick but quality 349-2434. 3 10-5 Ph.D. work. Call There undergraduate will be a meeting of all physics majors to decide on methods of representation your mind? Come experience the MSU Caller's Club. Two real callers will be present at 4 p.m. today in 34 Tight security time. We catch the amateurs. Jidon $149.CallComplete deluxe Women's Intramural Bldg. (Continued from page one) under the Taylor Report at 7:30 p.m. Frank Buck. The pros are too good for us." PROFESSIONAL Wednesday Music Co., believes it is impulse |l 2286. O-10-5 in 118 He said Hosiers' system is the Try. Try hard. Veterans - there will be a meeting THESIS Physics-Astronomy Bldg. shoplifting that is on the increase. The only thing we can think of PREPARATION The of the MSUVA at 7 p.m. Wednesday "The biggest point some people way to catch the pros. RetailingClub will hold its With colder weather is what we make. The Swingline Service first meeting of the year at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall. All are missing is that we're not just coming, today in 34 Union. Memberships will Westgate said there will be more "Tot 50" Stapler. 98C in 1950. ■ SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL be available. Freshmen are welcome. trying to protect ourselves. of an opportunity for shoplifters ?' ;971. §92. A SERVICE OF THE The Table Tennis Club is playing They're not realizing the to conceal things in heavier And it still comes with 1000 free ■ERINE. 0-3-10-7 All from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight in the seriousness of the crime," he said. CompUU Prtliislonil Thnli Strvlc* far minority students and faculty who wish to submit articles and other Sports Arena of the Men's Intramural "They take it as a prank, but its clothing. staples and a handy carrying Maitir s and Doctoral Ciatirtitas. frtl ■LL NOW - For October classes. Brochure tnd Consultation. Plaaso Call news items for the next issue of the Bldg. Anyone interested in practicing going to be a real detriment to Judge Schoenberger, who pouch. It staples, tacks and or learning competitive table tennis is hears all local shoplifting cases, mends. It's unconditionally >eek course, day and evening, Cliff and Paula Hau|k0| 337 1527 or 12721* Grapevine must do so by today. All getting a job in the future. rent job openings. SPARTAN items must be typed, double spaced, said fines range from $65 up. guaranteed. It's one of the "If you've ever been caught world's smallest staplers. * PUNCH ACADEMY. Phone PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term and brought to 4 Student Services "There's no set fine. I use shoplifting you might as well discretion in 1^615.0-10-5 papers, theses. Best rates. Call Bldg. every case," the And it's the world's biggest All invited to the MSU Outing hang up a career," he said. 351-4619. O are judge said. "Sentencing depends seller. Could be that's why it The Air Force Officer Qualifying Club meetings at 7:30 p.m. every Westgate said companies and on a number of factors hasn't gone up in price in (EE SENIOR PORTRAITS Test will be given at 8:15 a.m. Friday Tuesday night in 140 Natural Science schools almost always check on amount — 21 years. COMPLETE THESES service. the police records of prospective taken, past record, in the Con-Con Room of the Bldg. This week a program on Discount printing. IBM typing and climbing and mountaineering will be attitude, cooperation with If you're interested in something CALL binding of theses, resumes, International Center. This test is employes. authorities." given. a little bigger, our Cub Desk required of all students wishing to "Even if you're not convicted, publications. Across from campus, 90 days in jail and a fine of comer M.A.C. and Grand River, join the Air Force ROTC two year it's a black mark you can't get Stapler and Cub Hand Stapler 353-5292 below Jones Stationery Shop. Call program beginning in the fall of Alpha Phi Sigma invites criminal rid of," he said. $100 is the legal maximum are only $1.98. Both Tot and 1972. If you will complete degree justice students to meet the CJ punishment for shoplifting. The Cub Staplers are available at COPYGRAPH SERVICES, "I caught a shoplifter today," faculty at 7:30 today in Red Stationery, Variety and College Yours fs a busy life r, with (SECOND most important man 337-1666. C reguireinents in June, 1974, want to Cedar Rooms p.m. A and B of Kellogg he said. "It was just luck — I consequences can be much more . fly, and desire an Air Force Bookstores. home and family so little ir wedding should be your Center. don't have time to watch all the far-reaching. . . Biographer. Phone Terrence TYPING THESES and letters, etc. commission, call 355-2178 to arrange time to discuss important 'er 351-2013. 5-10-8 for testing. The Swingline "Tot 50" things like birth control. Rapid accurate service. Edwin Fitzpatrick, asst. . . . Experienced. 393-4075. C 98* in 1950. 98«in1971. Now, you have a new freedom director of the MSU Placement Power to the Pistons! It will be Bureau will discuss the possible only with help. Attend like many couples, you can presentation . . your . If you can name something else of the resume and will offer the Railroad Club meeting at 7:30 find satisfaction, the protec¬ Wanted suggestions to students entering this p.m. today in 37 Union and And out that hasn't gone up in price tion you want, and an added since 1950, let us know. We'll what you can do. Is, RUBBISH hauled. 75c a year's job market as part of the send you a free Tot Stapler with convenience with Emko Pre-Fil A VAI LABLE. Marketing Club's man-marketing T.rel, special on clean ups. Phone MUSICIAN The Rodeo Club will hold 1000 staples and a vinyl pouch. Contraceptive Foam. P 4592 anytime. program at 7 p.m. today in 116 a 10-10-14 Experienced Pianist - Trumpeter Enclose 25e to cover postage wants work; doubles on Bases. Call Eppley Center. Refreshments will be meeting in the Livestock Judging Pre-Fil is highly effective Emko Pavilion at 9 and handling. available in the Teak Room directly p.m. Wednesday. Bill, 339-2524, weekdays after 3 Foam with a new applicator... after the presentation. All MSU Practices will be set up. Everyone p.m. 5-10-5 one that you can fill up to a students are welcome. interested in rodeo is invited. week in advance and it's ready BABYSITTING IN your home, days for immediate use. A new free¬ Orchesis will hold the beginners Judge Maurice Schoenberger of the [TRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, or nights. Phone 487-3855 dance class from 6 to 7 p.m. today in 54th District Court is the guest dom from last minute prepara¬ recorders, TV's. anytime. 4-10-8 218 Women's Intramural Bldg. The speaker at Wilson Hall's first tion... from concern about be¬ ■Pendable, reasonable. Call "Dialogue '72" to be held at 8 p.m. ■1 6680.5-10-11 DESPERATELY NEED 2 tickets for Wednesday in the women's formal ing protected. Recommended MSU /U.M. game. Call 353-6254. lounge. by physicians . . . nothing else PUALITY service and stereos, 4-10-8 is needed ... no prescription Tsand recorders. THE STEREO Correction: the New Players will The first fall meeting of the required. PPPE 337-1300. . C hold tryouts for the rock opera Undergraduate Anthropology Assn. will be held at 7:30 p.m. "Tommy" on Oct. 18 and 19 rather Wednesday than in 321 Baker Hall. Please SESSIONAL SEAMSTRESS Oct. 4 and S as previously come and BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 fof announced. Tryouts will take place participate in the decisions of the J|S'res, ■ r«" s work. clothes, Alterations, etc. Contract all positive. A negative, B negative between S and 11 p.m. in the Union Anthropology Dept. Pndy, 351 4490. 3-10-5 and AB negative, $10.00 O Ballroom. If additional information is negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN needed, feel free to call .IS I-3266 or COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 337-2760. TWIRLING classes. Now 507% East Grand River, East ■ l092®nroll'nent. Ph. 489-2640. Lansing. Above the new Campus Case Hall welcomes all to come Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 and meet several of the East Lansing Happy tots are shown at a child day care center located on 'pm Monday, Thursday, and City Council candidates at 8 p.m. Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Wednesday in the James Madison campus. Classes started September 20. r8! D»l^ t0 56,1 8 lar9® mobile ■heiTv 355-8255 today! pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C Library, third floor Case Hall. State News photo by Donald Sak I Av«„ long Iilon J City. N.Y. 1'101