^ber 5.1J W ednesd The. . . Cooler I knee it a joint and MICHIGAN human £ TATE NEWS . ■ . . with a slight chance of STATE afternoon showers. High UNIVERSITY o between 61 and 66 llume 64 Number 38 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 6, 1971 ew method set for selecting top faculty i ft I D» C A CftftITU it ...... ... i.1 l the administration i: j _ Cl a. well known to the selection committee and weekly and often twice a week since the wage-price freeze was „ /y. • ;./ The selection of Distinguished Faculty the University community, and the selection committee had difficulty in determining which was most deserving of the award. announced in mid-August. Williams also outlined a set of guidelines Award winners for the 1972 series will fall to I QMDCIQDQIMyHn the discretion of the colleges, in keeping with a resolution passed by the Academic the President Wharton told the members of Academic Council that the central which the committee proposed for the distribution of monies for faculty raises. administration is nearing completion of a First priority, Williams said, should be Council at their Tuesday afternoon meeting. final set of recommendations which will be given to full professors and second priority In a report by the Ad Hoc Committee to to associate made to the board of trustees on the subject professors. Review the Policies and Procedures for of the much-disputed seven per cent salary Also, the committee recommended that a Faculty Awards, it was recommended that raises for faculty members. minimum of $300 be given to all promotees the current procedures for selection of and a minimum of $200 be given to all He told the council that the Excellence-in-Teaching and Teacher-Scholar recommendations will follow closely a set of faculty members appointed on a 12-month awards be continued. basis. The recommendations also include recommendations from the Faculty Affairs However, two recommendations for the and Faculty Compensation Committee that merit increases be granted to faculty Distinguished Faculty Award, an award the average rate of raises be kept at seven per members at all ranks. which has been presented to six senior In other action, Wharton announced that cent. faculty members annually since 1960 and In a later presentation, Frederick Williams, any person representing himself or a group, which carries with it a $1,000 stipend, were who wishes to appear before the board of chairman of the Compensation Committee, presented to modify the award. said the committee has been meeting with (Please turn to page 17) The Academic Council adopted the plan to modify the selection procedures in the following manner: OUNCES "Each college having 200 or more faculty members will select an award winner each year. Each college having 100 to 199 faculty cutoff members will select an award winner every second year. Each college having 30 to 99 members will select an award winner every '71 sto third year. Colleges having less than 30 draft members will be grouped. For purposes of this award the Cooperative Extension Service and the library will be considered a college and will select an award winner policies according to the above schedule." Herman King, chairman of the ad hoc When the draft was suspended on June WASHINGTON (AP) - Men classified as Academic committee which presented the recommendations, said the Distinguished 1A in this year's draft pool won't be called 30, there had been calls totaling 88,000 for if their lottery numbers are over 125, but the year, with 84,000 men called. Selective Distinguished faculty awards and faculty pay raises were the main issues discussed by the Academic Council, Faculty Award came under criticism all with numbers below that can expect a Service said it does not plan to make up because often there were three candidates, the 4,000 - man backlog. Tuesday.CounciI members are shown with President Wharton, in the background. all distinguished in their respective fields, all summons, Selective Service announced State News photo by Milton Horst Tuesday. Tarr, in another announcement, said he has ordered local and appeals boards to Earlier, draft officials had said men defer action on classification, personal probably would be called with numbers as appearances and appeals until new 'ay as public data high as 140. But that was when 15,000 to regulations on draft requirement provisions 20,000, instead of 10,000 were expected under the new draft law are drawn up. to be drafted in the remaining months of this year. The regulations will be completed the average, have been shown to make from confirmed by the board. When promotions, in favor of full disclosure of public inabouttwo weeks, draft officials said, but By DIANE PETRYK Draft Director Curtis W. Tarr, in another $86 to $8,067 more than their female transfers and other factors affect a change in they can't be put into effect under the new State News Staff Writer information," he said. "I think the citizens change, said draftees will be given 30 days' law until 30 days after they are published counterparts with the same degrees, at the an individual's salary, the change is also of this state would be surprized to learn that notice to report for induction rather than Are individual MSU faculty member's in the Federal Register. same rank, in the same college. mentioned in the board's agenda. Since the 10 days minimum set down in law. they couldn't find out what an individual Every young man classified 1A who laries public information? Vicki Neiberg, a spokesman for the board meetings are public it could be The 30-day notice means that nobody Several lawyers, including the University assumed that salary information is public. professor is making — and they're the ones drew a number 125 or lower in the 1969 alliance, said specific cases need to be who are paying him." will be drafted this month. But the and 1970 lotteries and is in this year's pool ttorney, have said they are. The brought out before anything will be done to A member of the public, however, is never Pentagon's 10,000-man call will be split [ministration is emphatic that they are not. end the discrimination. given a copy of the board's agenda. Copies Attorney Richard P. Oleksa, asst. can expect to receive an induction notice 6,500 between Nov. 1 and 18 and 3,500 in the near future, Tarr said. The question is being raised by members Leland Carr, University attorney, said that are given to the press, stamped: "For Press (Please turn to page 17) between Nov. 29 and Dec. 9. the Alliance to End Sex Discrimination at it is the policy of the board of trustees to Use Only." SU, who claim salary records are public give salary ranges for stations of attainment While, supposedly, the agenda is public formation and are being concealed by the but not to reveal publicly what an individual information, University officials have been Kissinger to visit Peking; dminsitration to cover-up University - wide makes. somewhat reluctant in the past to have scrim ination against women faculty. unauthorized persons gain access to the Specific individual's salaries are listed, At present, the University has released 10 agendas. however, in the agenda for the board of nd 12-month average salaries for males and trustees the month their The press, according to Carr, has, over the appointment is •males by college and in most cases men, on paves way tor Nixon trip years, respected the board's request to keep salaries confidential. In response to the women's argument, Carr said: Senate discards "Maybe it's time that a person's right to privacy must yield to the common good." If the intent is to reveal discrimination WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon, apparently ready to proceed with plans to Communist reporters to disclose that he will be accompanied by a full advance party of technical specialists from such arms of that has produced this announcement," Kissinger said. Under questioning, he said it is the visit China, is sending official policy of the White House and all against women, Carr said, it would be "hard foreign-policy adviser Henry A. Kissinger government as the Secret Service and White federal agencies 'to avoid speculation on o WASHINGTON upfunds (AP) - The Senate Nixon wouldn't spend any fo of the funds "at to compare salaries of intangible persons and make effective arguing." This, according to the Alliance group, is all that the University has done so far. back to Peking this month to "make concrete Word of arrangements." Kissinger's second journey to House Communications Agency. This development, coming while Westerners continued to speculate on murky happenings that might indicate whatever happened in Mainland China to produce the much-publicized grounding of air traffic and cancellation of an Oct. 1 least until the last glimmering hope of Peking in less than four months was given National Day parade. 'uesday rejected three proposals to add Provost John E. Cantlon's response to a significant events within China, was seen as inds for major U.S. offensive-missile success for the SALT talks ... is gone." Tuesday by White House press secretary He said: "We have not raised the issue request for specific salary information was: Ronald L. Ziegler. indication that the President's plans remain rstems after Sen. John C. Stennis Buckley termed the argument by Stennis with the People's Republic of China. They "something of a red herring" and "absolutely not." Kissinger himself made a rare on - the - unchanged — as of now, at least. have not volunteered any information, but iutioned against doing anything to "There is nothing unusual or unforeseen Cantlon said the faculty had voted to keep record appearance before White House iopardize chances for a U.S. - Soviet arms contended his amendments were designed j their performance has made perfectly clear limitation agreement. to give the United States the option of salary information confidential, but when that if anything is happening, it is not asked to cite the specific ordinance, board of) visit, because making improvements in the quality of its related to the our I It voted down also a proposal to stop trustees resolution or state law that gave him communications have been unchanged." strategic forces. Jj.S. air attacks in Indochina as it neared In quick succession, the Senate voted 66 authority to deny public access to such Kissinger, who confirmed that ■inal pasage, lfternoon, of a $21-billion scheduled Wednesday to 17 aeainst his proposal to add $5 million for long-range studies to modernize the information he said: "Oh. . .it's probably lost in antiquity Air Force Washington has been in indirect although "cumbersome" contact with Peking since Piilitaryiprocurementauthorization bill. land-based Minuteman missiles and increase somewhere, but I think the University is on the July announcement of Nixon's trip I Stennis, a Mississippi Democrat and their range: reasonably solid ground." plans, emphasized several times that lhairman of the Armed Services Cantlon said the confidential nature of chips planning for the journey has been handled against adding $12 in wai • Tommittee, led the opposition to added By voice vote salaries is "convention." million to achieve a 40 per cent by the Chinese "meticulously, correctly fissile funds proposed by Sen. James L. improvement in Minuteman accuracy; "If they have no better argument than it's and carefully, and there has been no Buckley, Con - R-N.Y., and backed by just convention, then I think MSU would be impact of whatever developments may be Conservatives from both parties. Stennis • 68 to 12 against his amendment to add hard put to conceal salary information," | LONDON (AP) - The U.S. Air Fbrce occurring on these preparations." laid they would be interpreted, rightly or said East Lansing attorney Robert Carr. | is fighting the battle of the bulging $25 million for a similar improvement in Ziegler said Kissinger and a traveling prongly, U.S. bid for first-strike "I know of no authority preventing its waistline among its ground crews in as a a the sea-based, multi-warhead D— party of about 10 will fly to Peking during luclear capability. release," he said. g Britain. the last half of this month. One target is fish and chips. Chunks J He added that in any case President (Please turn to page 17) "Normally there is a strong presumption ;* Kissinger said he would fly to Peking g: of fried cod nestling in French fries are aboard a presidential jet via Honolulu and 5 banned at two of the six big U.S. would spend no.more than four days in the fight brews bases—Lakenheath and Mildenhall. Nearby fish and chip shops there have Chinese capital. He indicated the timing of Nixon's visit would be announced soon g been put off limits. Similar action may after his return. :j:j be taken elsewhere. Asked about the timing of the Nixon Wilson hits Previously ground crews could be as mart entry visit, Kissinger said: "We will, of course, :$ much as 29 pounds heavier than flight discuss that while I am in Peking, and I 6 crews. The lure of fish and chips and think we should zero in on a date while I I BRIGHTON, England (AP) The 1,200 delegates, representing 6V* million organized party- | other English dishes proved so strong am there and, therefore, should have an - Harold Wilson promised Tuesday that many are ballooning out of shape. announcement within a reasonable period ►n all-out fight against British entry into Europe's Common Market members, cheered their leader when he demanded total party unity & Tightening rules and belts, the Air after that." for the coming Parliament battles over the principle and the terms Force now has ordered all ground I"1 Conservative government terms. But he left some opposition of Britain'sentryinto an enlarged Common Market. airmen to be just as trim as flight crews. The President's chief national security nab°r party lawmakers free to vote just once for the principle of affairs adviser said he expects to meet in The convention voted by a massive 5-1 margin Monday to reject A 5 foot 10 ground airman, 25 years fntry, those terms. The House of Commons on Oct. 22 begins a six-day Peking, as he did during his secret trip in old, used to be allowed to weigh up to July, with Premier Chou Enlai. J ^'s w®s the former Prime Minister's way of averting a crisis that debate culminating in a vote on the issue. Heath's Conservat ives are 219 pounds. Now he has to slim down *ould rock and even wreck the Labor party. It nevertheless posed expected to win it comfortably, especially if some Laborites elect to to 190. V e support them. possibility of confusion and continued bitterness among his All airmen at South Ruislip Base followers. Wilson said the Oct. 28 vote in Parliament would begin — not end outside London are being weighed to see Tickets on sole — the battle. how much damage English food has Lfn a keynote speech that roused the party's annual convention, "Now that the conference has decided to oppose entry into done. The fatties will get similar orders Student ticket distribution for fall term JW'ison served notice a future Labor Europe on the government's terms everyone—whatever their views government will scrap many of warning them against the dishes. Lecture - Concert programs begins today at rne tows Prime Minister Edward Heath's administration has — must join as members of a movement greater than any of us," he Except for those with medical the Union Ticket Office. Students must pnactcd. In particular he stressed a resolve to renationalize those insisted. problems, fatties who disobey orders have a full-time validated ID to purchase "I have the right and duty to enjoin this movement to close ranks. I, v.mg parts of state-owned industries which the Conservatives are "Turning back to Mr. Heath must expect no help, no aid, no support from any Labor and still give in to the lure of fish and reserve seat tickets. Each student is allowed private enterprise. chips will be confined to Air Force member of Parliament for his policies... I cannot imagine a single to purchase four tickets each of which ,Jhe Conservatives realize that every publicly owned asset Labor member who, faced with this Legislation, will not be in the hospitals until they kick the habit. must be accompanied by an ID on the data En y ^ to ^e'r friends will be restored to the public, and every lobbies against the government." of the performance. T™Jjtor attracted by quick profits will bum his fingers,"he Wednesday, October 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ' <971 news 'Rights' party in the state. eyes will be local, ballot spot although appropriate candidates The new party was formed to offer Mjch I I summary opportunity to establish priorities that« By BOB ROACH "the Although many signatures were obtained may later be endorsed for the higher state and Executive Reporter national offices. put basic human needs ahead of the s during recent voter registration drives in college privileges too long granted to the pent^" From the wjres of AP and UP1. Michigan's newest political fledgling, the towns, Jones said the HRP is not particularly "How many and which offices well go after General Motors, Standard Oil and their t onv, ' Rights Party (HRP), moved a step closer youth-oriented. depends entirely on the future development of I Human "We're now attracting a sizeable number of the HRP," he said. allies," Jones said. nX>r,t* I to securing a spot on the 1972 general election But the party, formed last November, is now ballot Monday with the filing of nearly 21,000 young people but we already have a reasonable "We concerned with issues, and Jones said: can no longer afford political parties th I signatures with the election division of the iarge number of older heads, like myself," said support a foreign policy based on Secretary of State's office. ihe 47-year-old Jones, former chief assistant to "We'd like to see people on the local level give inevitability of war with its ugly by products , SHI Acting state chairman Howard L. Jones is lormer Secretary of State James M. Hare. their attention and concern to whatever issues human tragedy and environmental I "I don't understand why we're confident the new party will gain official Other "older heads" in the HRP ranksanclude are most racial." urgent, be they economical, ecological "Nor can we any longer afford to destructio I Zolton A. Fterency, former State Democratic or maint,! I bombing all over Indochina if we 're recognition within 60 days, following verification political parties which supported tax loony of the signatures on petitions circulated over the chairman, and James F. McClure, former deputy Jones invited citizens throughout Michigan to for the wealthy, token I getting out." last seven months in Detroit, Ann Arbor, Flint, Secretary of State under Hare. form their own HRP units and join together later wrist-slapping for ind,,^- I — Sen. Mike Gravel, Lansing—East Lansing, Oakland County and the If the required number of signatures are in writing the party platform. The state HRP will and public utilities that cause environmenS I damage and welfare programs that have dnU I D-A laska hold its next meeting Oct. 24, in East Lansing western Upper Peninsula. verified, the HRP will be able to run candidates out billions of dollars to To be recognized, a new party must obtain from the local level up through the presidency. and plans a state-wide convention for August, and corporate big military contract™ I But Jones said the party's immediate emphasis 1972. farms," he said. ■ signatures from at least 15,000 registered voters Faulkner to visit London Prime Minister Brian Faulkner said Tuesday he is flying Thieu's foes to p Vietnamese sources said even Thieu was astonished by his 91.5 Da Nang, which left at least 2 persons dead and 57 wounded and to London this week for more emergency talks about the SAIGON (AP) — Political foes of President Nguyen Van Thieu which kept the polls virtually closed, the government reported a violence in this British province, which he described as say they are going into Supreme Court on Wednesday in an per cent margin. They reported he was angered by the 74 per cent voter turnout there. attempt to have his unopposed election victory invalidated. overzealousness of province officials in conducting an election "bleeding to death." Other Thieu opponents and the local press ridiculed his that raised serious questions of credibility. The Saigon American observers in the coastal As he spoke at Stormont, the provincial parliament, reported 91.5 per cent "vote of confidence" in such terms as newspaper Cong Luan said in an editorial: '"Die number of antigovernment feeling runs city of Qui Nhon, where strong, called ridiculous government I I guerrillas robbed a bank and fought a gun battle with "beyond comprehension." confidence votes for President Thieu is beyond comprehension." claims of an 87 per cent voter turnout there. troops caught in ambush. Thai Lan, official representative of Vice President Nguyen Cao Saigon papers pointed out that despite Woody street riots In Faulkner told the session, boycotted by the pro-Roman Ky's ticket before Ky withdrew, said four members of the Committee against Dictatorship would file a complaint with the Catholic opposition, that he will hold new crisis talks on court. They will charge the election was "illegal and ASMSU OPERATION Thursday with Prime Minister Edward Heath. unconstitutional," ask that the results be invalidated and new elections organized. Bookstore functions set The Supreme Court, which must rule by Oct. 26 on the validity of the presidential election returns, already has before it one case challenging the constitutionality of a one-man election. School bill Although it generally has been considered Hiieu-controlled, approved the court — in a move which surprised most observers — ruled last By JONI BENN back any books acquired by the newly-designated role of cabinet the ordering of supplies as welln| week that the Aug. 29 lower house election was rigged in at least State News Staff Writer financially- troubled Man and services business manager. the managemment of personnel I three provinces. Nature. for all groups presently organized I President Nixon's long-delayed school desegregation It called for the firing of the province chiefs involved — The ASMSU bookstore will not Gauling is expected to handle as part of cabinet services. Since most students have bill was approved by the House Education and Labor including Col. Hoang Due Ninh, Thieu's cousin and hte province assume its function as a book chief at Bac Lieu in the Mekong Delta. already purchased books for fall Committee Tuesday but without the ban on busing he sales source until operations of term, the new management has the newly-formed facility have proposed. chosen to keep the book shelves been completely organized, The committee first watered down and then killed an empty until next term. The amendment that would have prevented school districts Diane Rathnow, ASMSU director of cabinet services reaffirmed interim period will provide an Dock strike from using any of the SI .5 billion authorized by the bill to bus pupils. a Hobie is a whole meal. Tuesday. Ms. Rathnow's statement opportunity transition for smooth from Man and Nature to ASMSU. It then passed the bill 24 to 3, heading it toward an followed Monday's managerial expected stiff floor fight. The Senate passed a different version of the legislation last April. debacle in which the facility was closed by Ms. Rathnow, opened by Donald Bale, the store's as For the remainder of the term, a limited staff makes preparations for winter term, the foreign surfa codirector, then reclosed later in As a result of the current facility will continue to operate One of my subs the afternoon by Ms. Rathnow. such "basic services" as the national dockworkers strike, the The bookstore will not engage U.S. Postal Service has placed an contains everything operation of pinball machines embargo on all foreign surface Rogers seeks settlement needed for a in textbook sales until it can adequately resolve the financial and sales of yogurt and pop, Ms. Rathnow said. mail, but local postal officials say are Krider said further exceptions being made for mail to I I there should be little effect on balanced meal- and organizational problems "Th* ASM8U Bookstore has Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin I MSU students. good for lunch, posed by its former management, Islands, Guam, the Panama Canal I Secretary of State William P. Rogers the Man and Nature Corp. not opened this term," Grant The large number of foreign Zone, U.S. trust territories and all I met with Israeli Foreign Minister Abba dinner, & snacks Grecu, ASMSU comptroller said students at MSU "have been When ASMSU resumed its Tuesday. military installations. This mil I Eban on Monday in the latest U.S. management of the bookstore pretty well indoctrinated to the will be moved by air, as the postal I '' less than two weeks ago, it sent Grecu termed the last two use of air mail," and very rarely surface normally fills up charter I attempt to find a way to an interim > settlement of the Mideast conflict. Eban and U.S. officials described the Great Acting weeks a "confused period of transition." surface mail, East Lansing Postmaster Ray Krider explained Tuesday. air mail flights with some surface mail. | 90-minute exchange in the usual terms - Confusion is expected to end as Surface mail to Canada and Magnificent Script ASMSU completes remaining Mexico will still be moved by Krider said the embargo was | "frank and friendly, a full exchange of managerial details. ASMSU has truck and train, he said, but most enacted Friday and may be lifted I views." Stupendous Camera Work as soon as the dockworkers agree I appointed William Gauling to the other foreign surface mail will not But there was no sign Rogers had to a settlement or the President | moved Eban any closer toward ground invokes the Taft-Hartly Act. acceptable to Egypt in terms of Dine in or carry out. BABY VICKIE Until then, Krider advises all I achieving a temporary settlement The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State persons sending mail overseas to I Hobie's 930 Trowbridge Rd. through the reopening of the Suez University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, ship it by air or wait until the strike is over. | Wednesdays and Fridays Canal. 351-3800 Returns next week. during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate "is $16 per year. No surface international mail is I Member Associated Press, United Press Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press International, currently being help up in East I LEAA funds reduced Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Association, Lansing but some now in transit I Collegiate Press may be delayed at ports on the | Association. TWO GREAT FALL SEASON VALUES Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services East and West coasts, he said. Krider said there should be no I It doesn't happen often, but Congress was urged Bldg., Michigan Tuesday to reduce funds for a federal agency. The former State University, East Lansing, Michigan. delay present. in foreign air mail st | Don't Let Winter's Freezing Temperatures Get the Best director of the Law Enforcement Assistance of Your Car! Adminstration testified it lacks direction and doesn't News 355-8252 keep close enough tab on states that get its money. Funds for the LEAA have come too generously and too WINTERIZING SPECIAL Classified Ads 355-8255 Here is what w Advertising 353-6400 fast and the agency "has been compelled by the sheer 1) Drain and Flush Radiator Business Office 355-3447 Permanent Anti-Freeze. availability of money to spend less than judiciously," Charles H. Rogovin told a House subcommittee on legal 4) Add one pint of Bars Rust and monetary affairs. 2) Check belts, hoses, water cooling system conditioner pump, thermostat, radiator, and year 'round inhibitor radiator pressure and battery and charging system. Tighten all clamps. cap, "Guaranteed to Prevent Rust and Scale, Lubricate Water Pump." D & C BONUS BUYS Motherhood glorified 55« OPEN 9 TIL 9 WEEKDAYS COUPON COUPON COUPON BOTTLE OPENER RIT DYE PENCILS 3/PKG. Popular magazine may be creating "maternity addicts" with their emphasis on stories glorifying motherhood, a 2/10° 2/43° 2/17° Senate panel was told Tuesday. limit 2 limit 2 limit 2 And the magazines' preoccupation with such stories may be "due to concern for child - and - home - centered OIL CHANGE SPECIAL COUPON COUPON COUPON advertisers," suggested a witness at a hearing of the Senate Here is what is included: BIKINI PANTIES Labor and Public Welfare subcommittee. 3 X 5 CARDS KOTEX TAMPONS 10 ct. 1) 4 quarts 10W - 30 oil (Veedol 100% pure Pennsylvania The subcommittee is considering legislation to "establish a national policy to encourage and develop at oil which meets S.A.E. MS, and DG requirements - Exceeds 2/88° 2/33° 2/67° all manufacturers warranty requirements). limit 2 the earliest possible time policies which will stabilize the limit 2 - COUPON COUPON population by voluntary means." 2) Lubrication (including door, hood and trunk hinges). COUPON 6 oz. POT HOLDERS GOLDEN FLEECE 3) Comprehensive safety inspection (including road test). PLASTIC TUMBLERS 2/17° 2/37° 2/43° Education still valuable BUY NOW AND SAVE $388 BUY NOW AND SAVE limit 2 limit 2 COUPON COUPON COUPON A college education isn't worth as much in dollars as it once was, a new report claims, but it definitely leads to ROBERTS ESQUIRE BOOT POLISH LIFE SAVERS EVER READY BATTERIES the good life. College graduates do make 2/57° 2/10° 2/33° are more more money, and their jobs comfortable, says a study for the Carnegie AUTOMOTIVE limit 2 limit 2 Commission on Higher Education. COUPON COUPON What s more, they are more likely to be Republicans, Ph. 351-8062 CENTER although their political philosophies are decidedly liberal. Hrs. M-F 730 -500 4980 Park Lake Road at Grand Riva Ph. 351-8088 FLY RIBBONS LEGAL PADS EMBROIDERY FLOSS They read more, know more, vote more and take a greater part in community activities. Sat 730 - 400 just East of the Coral Gables and Paul Reveres Sale Ends Oct. 30 2/10° 2/57° 2/10° limit 2 limit 2 limit 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 6. 1Q71 3 |o word comes Prof questions ,n U' pay hike behind '72 co The action followed a motion for not reappointing them at the passed by the board of trustees closed meeting today. expected announcement by the University administration in April which offered a Lincoln Pettit, chairman of J a 7 ^ cent Mjary ,ncrease for facu,ty «nd staff did not William L. Downes, assistant one-year extension to all faculty the committee, said the meeting Iterialize Tuesday. members who were not will be closed to protect the professor of Natural Science said ■mfnrmed sources in the administration had speculated that an he will dispute the preliminary reappointed in fall, 1971, and faculty members in mind and to "uncenient would be made Tuesday. set of reasons for his who requested, but were denied reasons for the action. insure that no statements are released. premature hC entire budget and salary situation is shrouded in extensive nonreappointment at a meeting The trustees offered the "We are a recommending Jcision making processes that sometimes show false indications today of the Dept. of Natural extension after Eileen Van body, not a decision making ■ materializing into meaningful information, an Informed source Science Ad Hoc Committee for Tassell and Bertram Murray, also committee," Pettit said. Id Tuesday. Reappointment and Tenure for fall 1972. from the Dept. of Natural Downes said he received the ■Administrators spent Tuesday working at their desks and in Downes, who did not receive Science, filed a charge of unfair preliminary set of reasons for letings attempting to produce a feasible plan for as large a reasons for his labor practice with the Michigan nonreappointment FYiday. Ms. try hike as possible. An administrative group meeting between nonreappointment for the Employment Relations Van Tassell said she has not J> officers and deans of academic colleges did not produce any 1971-72 academic year, was Commissions. Their appeals to received any reasons. |al decision, the source added. granted a one-year contract department committees and to Emanuel Hackel, chairman of the University Tenure the Dept. of Natural Science, ■ New mechanisms for producing about $4 million to manage a 7 extension by a class action of Committee failed to said he will be guided by the |r cent faculty and staff pay raise are being reviewed. Additional the Dept. of Natural Science. secure a Allocation of resources, namely reduction or elimination of ie programs and services, might be necessary. Sneaky duck The class action extended the contracts of all faculty members satisfactory grievances. resolution of recommendation committee in of the his t is in for a surprise as one of Red Cedar's friendly ducks closes in. The unsuspecting recommendation to the dean. Since that time Murray has IA University administration announcement of some sort is still s a study break on the bank of the Red Cedar River on campus. who were not reappointed and taken a position ssible this week, one source commented. did not receive reasons for their at Rutgers State News photo by Ron Biava Hackel, who may attend the reappointment. University. Ms. Van Tassell has committee meeting as a faculty remained with the Dept. of member, said he will not do so. Natural Science. He said he does not want ity asked to split voting areas The committee may discuss anything he might say as a the reappointment of Ms. Van faculty member to be Tassell and other faculty misconstrued as coming from members or decide on reasons the chairman of the department. physically impossible for all could be changed before the voters to vote," he said. thought Patriarche was in error, better than huge lines." four students living on campus By BILL WHITING election, but said he would look "There appears to be some Patriarche pointed out precinct will be Active in the recent VOTER voting in East Lansing this State News Staff Writer registration drive, Veenstra into the matter. "We will do the confusion as to the mandatory best we can," he promised. "We'll time when the boundaries are set by city fall, Veenstra said he hoped the TRIVIA NIGHT! precincts must be ordinance by the council. He said city council would invoke a Ihe East Lansing City Council suggested city precincts should be divided to avoid bottlenecks and take care of the problem." divided," he said. "But it would he would review the law and section of the Michigan Code Every Wednesday .. .8:30 -11:30 T asked Monday to look into Veenstra admitted he was not make things much, much easier if Veenstra's suggestion before which allows them to divide Dave Kositchek tests your skill better conform with Michigan E possibility of dividing sureof the exact interpretation of each dorm could be a precinct in recommending any action. precincts where they find it at TRIVIA. If you like trivia and beer... election laws. He said registrants the election law, but said he Igeoning voter precincts to will now number better than itself. It would certainly be much Noting that nearly one in every "necessary and convenient." He YOU'LL LOVE TRIVIA NIGHT! |>id tie-ups in November twice those called for in precinct said a mandatory review of actions. boundaries is required in the allotments which stipulate 400 John Veenstra, 2900 Krthwind Drive, told council people in precincts using paper ballots and 1,400 in those using Ex-GIs in VA spring before November general elections, but said they may also be changed as the council deemed FRIDAY NIGHT . . . 6:30 - 8:30 . ■embers that the recent voter machines. LeoBalceR on Eistration drive substantially City Mayor Gordon L. Thomas necessary. Au^Ucut hiie teased voter population in said extra voting machines were Meral precincts in the southern being ordered from Lansing for ■rlion of the city, including the the expected heavy turnout, but lack care, st He said he would try to press his point with city officials and again request they look further into the Accordian 9-12 p.m.... DANCING *U campus. He said 3-4,000 cautioned, "People will have to The VA is operating a 1,335 prescribe medication. Jters will now be obi iged to case be as understanding and patient WASHINGTON (AP) - In the bed psychiatric hospital at The Helmut & Werner... Singers from Austria ■Dots in Precinct 3, which as network of Veterans hospitals, even those with they can. We will Marion, Ind., without a single relatively large psychiatric staffs, lludes many student voters, accommodate everybody." John Administration psychiatric fulltime psychiatrist. Despite are critically short of registered hospitals across the country, i'l'nless there are major changes M. Patriarche, city manager, said thousands of patients pass their intensive recruiting, only four or nurses. In the 1,000—bed I procedures, it will make it he doubted precinct boundaries five psychiatrists appeared for psychiatric facility at Augusta, days rarely seeing a psychiatrist. the interview and none were Ga., for Many of the wards are totally example, there are 12 interested in living in Marion or fulltime without air conditioning, even in psychiatrists, but only lixon awaits report the Deep South. Most need on the $29,000 salary. one night nurse for 168 beds in In the 1,555—bed hospital at four wards. painting and better lighting. But more, they need professional Coatesville, Pa., there are seven >n strike stalemate medical personnel to reinforce overworked, undermanned psychiatrists. One is the hospital At Marion, three buildings director; another is the chief of housing 214 patients are covered staff. Neither is involved directly by a single hospital staffs figl|te)fr**n uphill registered nurse on By the Associated Press battle to care for the nation's in ftetlent care. Three others the midnight to 8 a.m. shift. At work part-time. Coatesville, there are two nurses I President Nixon awaited Tuesday the report of an inquiry board mentally ill veterans. Where psychiatrists are short, for every 150 patients lefore deciding whether to seek "That's terrible," said one during the a Taft-Hartley interruption of an • psychiatric work often is taken day; one at night. Atlantic-Pacific dock strike that has paralyzed most of the nation's hospital director, "but that's the on by psychologists and social "Our major problems in way it is." ■eepwater ports. workers. The VA's chief medical recruitment are just about the I The five-member board, appointed by the President, was going The situation is most acute in those hospitals in small towns director, Dr. Marc J. Musser, said same as everybody else's" ■bout the automatic chore of certifying contract deadlocks already in an interview that VA studies Musser said. and rural areas that offer little to Imported from both East-Gulf and West coasts, where a total of attract show that non-medical personnel 10,000 longshoremen are idle. professionals from do a good job filling in. They I The board's report was due no later than today after which the private practice in metropolitan areas. Partly because of public are, however, neither trained nor lliief executive was empowered to obtain a back-to-work PHYSICS MAJORS resistance to locating mental licensed to diagnose patients or |ijunction with the Taft-Hartley provision for an 80-day cooling off hospitals in populous cities, Taylor Report leriod. I Meanwhile, 80,000 United Mine Workers were idle for a fifth day, two-thirds of the 35 psychiatric COMPACT implementation p a strike in 20 coal-producing states. A spokesman said negotiators hospitals in the VA system are in meeting frere "not even close" on a union demand for a $13-a-day boost in .putlying areas. REFRIGERATOR WED. OCT. 6, 7:30 nm Ihe current top wage of $37 a day. An Associated Press study of 118 Physics Bldg. 1 The coal strike VA psychiatric hospitals RENTALS spread to two more mines in West Virginia during disclosed that: United Rent • All 351-5652 'leday. ■ Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Until 9 p.m. Miss J's frolic shoes. . . suedes just made for fun They're the softest multicolor suedes with a soft-walkin' molded vinyl sole and padding where it counts in an action shoe. Pink/brown, beige/blue or brown/red. $12. P POaM^p y*u JaaJit fallfivlu .CwlG- Jacobsoris MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE MEW UNIVERSITY SN reporters ignore KEN LYNAM 'U' Chicano concerns advertising manager DAVE PERSON, managing editor CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor To the Editor: recruitment; that the so called Financbi JOHN BORGER, campus editor The freedom of the press issue, which I am Package (which financial aids savs 1 sure you are aware of, is one that personally Chicanos are getting the most BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor from) ' interests me not only because of the mostly in the form of loan and work RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor philosophical and political significance of (and work study is mostly on paper stud* such but also because the application of such because the jobs are not always there 0n|! Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award amount of money and the has been lacking in your paper. for outstanding journalism. Some time ago I asked one of your what you written in is not alwJ get). Everyone is worried about reporters to take a look at the issue of the not having a budget, well people, no Chicano University's lack effort in being staff member has a budget for programs *! responsive to the Chicano concern (the can't even ask students to come to Mg|t EDITORIALS concern of bad and misinformation regarding financial aid, curriculum, housing, because we don't know for sure if going to get financial, academic, personal » they«. etc). At first your reporter was very any other kind of help. In sum we are enthusiastic and started digging. He started recruited last, informed last, alwiy. considered la? Student gove asking around and all of a sudden he was getting all these phone calls from people telling him subtly that the cross was not his worried about last, and felt about It seems strange Mr, Mrs/Miss, that the State News cannot last. etc, Editor get off it', to bear and if he continued he might find academic incubitory stage and look ir himself crucified along with the rest of the questions like these before someone failing Chicanos. eom« the and gives you a pre-birth shove. It What came out of the intended effort to seen# strange to me that you have to have a Chicano make the campus aware was a report that in reporter to seek, find, and report about effect implied that the Chicanos should be Chicano concerns. It seems strange that the sorry for putting down MSU. What we University has to have a Chicano recruiterto ASMSU is dying. - on, to administer these programs. wanted to make clear was and is that a bring in Chicanos and cannot find or recruit One sure sign of a senescent It would be easy to dismiss the population of 70 Chicanos at MSU (at the them on their own. It seems most) is not enoueh to show interest in strange that inti organization is a preoccupation with ASMSU antics as the promenading of technological society everyone has topui organizing. Since the 1970 for their own survival being that no petty politicos but for one fiscal will. one eke referendum which established factor - the 50 cents per term tax AH of this is very strange but district representation, the student paid by all full-time undergraduates. very true. Look around and you will see board has that the staggered through It is not a vast amount (ASMSU has Chicanos, in realizing that only we really seemingly endless shifts in cabinet directors (formerly cabinet presidents), voting distributions and consistently tried to increase it), but it is enough so that students are entitled to a government which does The Doctor's Bag care about ourselves, are make the University care. As for all of you oppressed going to have to groups out there, i.e. women, blacks, gay lib. national resigning board members. something. association for unrespected Occasionally, it has taken time from Thus, the paramount administrator concern of etc, lake a look at the sun and everytimeyou its intramural sporting to disburse the Seventh Session of ASMSU must see it remember thBt a Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. Growing comfortably at the base of pubic hairs, it uses the long time ago those funds, allocate office space or attend be to discover new and valid reasons Names need not be included unless a people of brown skin in Mexico sacrificed personal reply is requested. clearly illustrated equipment to hang on and inserts its mouth a Pop Entertainment concert. for existence. The cabinet services into a capillary and lives happily for about 25 themselves so that it would continue days. During this It has little else to do. The only are a start, but there must be more. How do people catch "crabs" time it lays eggs known as nits, if it is a female. 1T»e nits hatch shining. This is the fifth sun we live in and (lice). Could I have gotten them into nymphs. Both the crabs and the nits are rather hard to see. now someone else has to sacrifice themselvei social item left to lobby for is from lying in the grass, or from a dorm Unfortunately, the board mattress? The crab makes its presence felt with maddening itching. Pubic to keep it going. alternating coed dorms, which, given members have failed to address the A little over two years ago I answered a Raul Miquel Arizpc very similar question. lice do not carry any other diseases but body lice can carry the current membership of the board Since that time, the incidence of crabs has increased. primary issue. They have worried My typhus and trench fever. There is no reason to worry about these East Lansing graduate student of trustees, is a quixotic quest. about how much office space to apologies to my more enduring readers for having to bear the pain Oct. 4,1971 give diseases, as occurence in developed countries is very rare. Whatever of repetition, but an academic functions to the Council of Graduate updated version of my old answer is Although reputedly lacking in wanderlust, lice can be found in Students, necessary for some itchy readers. the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes and beards on some adventuresome ASMSU might once have had will be they have argued over the validity of The louse is generally named after the area of the body that it people. assumed, come Jan. 1, by the student representatives to the special voting representatives from the Office of Black Affairs, they inhabits (i.e. head louse, body louse or pubic louse.) There are trivial differences between all three which do not affect our Treatment is simple. Clothes and bedclothes are free of crabs in 24 hours since the parasite cannot live without a host. Infested Time to act Academic Council and the various have accepted resignations from their discussion. A collegiate favorite appears to be Phthirus pubis or clothes should be laundered separately from other clothes, or not the pubic louse. This one to two To the Editor: standing committees. colleagues, but they have never once millimeter beastie (or used for a period of ten days to two weeks. TTiis time span or There are, of course, worthwhile ectoparasite if you want to be precise) is pictured below. It is careful laundering is usually sufficient to insure that no lice or After being on Michigan State's campus asked themselves what they are almost always another veneral disease not spread by toilet seats. nits survive. The infected person should also be laundered. A for the past three years, I have seen cabinet activities — legal aid,' loan§, supposed to be doing. It can however be transmitted by wearing someone else's speblri shampoo or lptip/i called Kwell is usually effective with goals and programs set up by the Pop Entertainment, the sometimes underclothes, sleeping In a sleeping bag of an infested friend, or administration dealing with black students. student bookstore and only one application. Topical use of DDT both on the person and a proposed But they must do so, and quickly. rubbing heads together. The possibility of getting lousey from on clothing is ill advised and Steps have been taken to build up black unnecessary. A prescription is record shop for example. But, as Otherwise, on Jan. 1, lying on grass is nil. All dorm mattresses can give you is a sore necessary to obtain Kwell in this state for what must certainly be student participation in all areas of 1972, back unless you've been board members themselves have ASMSU will roll up in its tax money sharing it with someone, in which case, irrational reasons. Any Health Center physician will be University life, but when a certain level of read on. happy to discovered, it hardly takes 19 voting and die. provide one for you if you are infected. While you are there it participation or awareness is reached would be a good idea to have a blood test drawn for administrative involvement is greatly representatives, plus assorted hangers And there will be no mourners. syphilis and curtailed. This leveling off point usually be examined for the presence of gonorrhea. reaches not further than token involvement. Often I would personally like to commend the throu^iout the year, I have noticed that the water black faculty and administators on their Voter record supply across campus seems contaminated with rust. What causes the periodic coloring of the water? Is this water drinking? How about its effect on the skin? suitable for stand taken in a recent State News article dealing with the apparent shift in priorities set up by the University. To mrke i Much of the rust is committment to black students and then normally removed from water we drink on its way through water treatment plants. Nonetheless, a certain not to follow it up with concrete a necessary to amount of rust does settle transporting and storage system. Whenever in pipes and other change the flow through the pipes, rust can besomething parts of the occurs to realistic programs that will benefit out students is a grave injustice. The black stirred up and find faculty and administrators have spoken out its way out Often the through your tap. This is perfectly harmless and does against this reordering of priorities. To them difference between be trained, it is likely that all the not affect skin. In some areas where there is I say Right On! To the University, let me winning and losing in a political records won't be processed rust, clothing can occasionally become a large amount of until stained. Rust does not say, the time for action is now! collect in blood campaign rests on the little things. close to election time. vessels, intestines or other hollow human Lonnie Williams For that reason city officials must be structures. East Lansing graduate student Previously city council candidates Copyright 1971 Dept. 30,1971 especially careful that their were allowed to collect vital voter action-or inaction—, no matter how information by sifting through seemingly insignificant, does not put records not in process. Slow TRB FROM WASHINGTON one candidate or the other at even processing by the clerk's office, the slightest disadvantage. therefore, did not hurt a candidate's Unfortunately, the East Lansing city clerk's office appears to be taking this responsibility lightly. campaign. But that outlet has been closed by Ms. Colizzi. She is suddenly adamant We don't know how to love him City Clerk Beverly Colizzi's office about letting anyone look at If Mr. Nixon is reelected in 1972 it will be is swamped with over 7,500 voter temptation to pick an all-out opponent to the absurd electoral unprocessed records. They are, she the first time in history that a man was Mr. Nixon from the left is college and it will serve There is, we think a final issue: tlx registration records that must be says, "all in process." Candidates chosen because his policies didn't work. He powerful and us right if the contest is thrown into the understandable but probably it will be personality of the adminstration. Try as we House in an un-election. processed into precinct books. Even must wait until the last registration supported the Vietnam War, now he is hailed curbed by the even greater desire to (As a can, we find it hard to love Mr. Nixon. We with volunteer help which first must for de-escalation; he deplored "too much get a newspaperman this would be fun to cover find it hard to love John Mitchell. We application is put in the precinct winner. but it would be a tragic blow to book. managing of the economy," now he has a Sometime Our guess is that Mr. Nixon is democracy.) suppose Martha does, and that's fine, butto after the conventions popular wage-price freeze; he advocated an a extremely us he is just a municipal bond salesman. Now Such inaction and stubborn economic game plan that was such an derogatory article will appear in some liberal vulnerable. In a way it is unfair. He made a Spiro Agnew is different. As a journalist we restrictions imposed by Ms. Colizzi obvious flop that he periodical "Nixon and Muskie (or any name heroic rise from apparent oblivion in 1960. brought a He won in 1968 by an enjoy having him around. Anybody with the near-unanimous sigh of relief when he did a you want to insert) — Tweedledum and eyelash, never got a could put candidates George Colburn courage to say "nattering nabobs of Tweedledee." It will argue that there's no mandate, and has always had an opposition 180-degree Immelmann turn; and again, for negativism" deserves recognition. But one Play and George Griffiths (the access it status of "unofficial" candidates such as Chuck Will is 10 years he consistently and ardently opposed dealings with China, now he pleases difference between them, so why waste your vote. It will be cynical and smart. We have one in our file from 1968 shrugging off Congress. The "Emerging Conservative Majority" in 1970 never enwged. He tried to fashion an invincible Spiro doesn't make a summer. Republicans don't produce colorful people - can you apparently nearly everybody by saying, in effect, that majority by putting sort out Blount, Morton, Hardin. Stans, rather Nixon and Humphrey as exactly alike. What together the Wallace supporters and his own hazy) at a serious his previous policy was folly and that he is drivel. Would Humphrey have nominated Hodgson? They are faceless men, and Mr. followers in the Southern disadvantage. They have going to Peking. Strategy but it was Nixon had to go to the Democrats to get This afternoon another chapter will Haynsworth and Carswell? Would he have a failure. John Connally. It has been a period of be written in the continuing acknowledged that they do not have Even with advantages like this we still waited till southern school boards were A lot of people think Mr. Nixon saga of the funds to run a media will get mediocrity. "How the Natural Science Dept. tried campaign think Mr. Nixon extremely vulnerable. It is finally facing up to the reality of a re-elected if he makes peace and restores and instead will go to a "grass roots" time to think about the prospect and a unanimous Supreme court busing decision prosperity, but this is relative. Detestation good In sum, we rather to Dump Eileen Van Tassell." The or door-to-door campaign. Without to issue a statement saying that he opposed of the war is such that suspect this is a one-tent place to start is with the two-party system. getting out of affair, always assuming the Democrats don I department's Ad Hoc Committee for voter This strange method of picking the most busing and would only give the court's Vietnam hardly seems to registration information, decision minimum enforcement? Of course merit such slaughter each other. Perhaps we are infor« Reappointment and Tenure 1972 however, their strategy would be powerful man on earth is calculated to give gratitude anymore, and the Thieu election period of one-termers like that between he wouldn't, and of course there was a fiasco only underlines the meets this afternoon to consider the the greatest dissatisfaction to the largest big point. As to the Andrew Jackson and Lincoln when the tantamount to looking for the difference between the two candidates. fate of Ms. Van Tassel who stands to number. A two-party system is a structured economy Mr. Nixon isn't out of the woods problems of society were too big f°r be "not rehired," that is, dismissed proverbial needle in a haystack. They compromise; it means a battle between two The two-party system is a clumsy vehicle yet, though we have a private feeling that the instruments of government and not a sing" "je by must have names and unstable coalitions each seekingthe center. It in such stress. We bottom of the recession has passed and that the expect there will actually president was re-elected for 24 years. The department. is terribly frustrating to true believers. This short of brilliant Two years ago Ms. Van Tassell addresses-normally obtained from be three or four parties: George Wallace is mismanagement things are country is going into a low pressure area, not was public registration records and is particularly true of the opposition party, certain to run and, on the other going to get better. The bulk of conventional of the not side, our economists agree. By a year from now economy but of the spirit. It ye>rnS rehired, but was not given any unprocessed tubs. in this case the Democrats. They must pick liberal friends are searching around for a things for somebody to lift it reasons for her dismissal. She is still the Nixon adversary. But rival candidates second Eugene McCarthy to throw away may be perking up. But politically we guess in whose word it has up, some decent mj11 The city clerk, as a public servant, face two that the voter who had a faith, somebody constituencies, one for the their votes and terrible scare for his shows trust in the appealing this decision. Today it is has a responsibility to do all she help Mr. Nixon get job will not be people and who gets" can nomination, one for the election and they re-elected. Nothing has been done to abolish very grateful to the back again. extremely likely that she will either be to make sure that all candidates have are different and to a degree antagonistic. Republicans. THE NEW REPUBLIC rehired or not rehired. a fair shot at the The Democratic convention next year _ three city council «XJ REMEMBER WEIRD LITTLE The committee has may be the most untrammeled in history. IT MAY INTERE5T WUt only two positions. Her actions to date would FRlENP FROM CAMP, POtfT YOU ? legitimate The activists will have more power in the KNOld, SWEETIE, THAT IN * means to handle the seem to indicate she situation: rehire Ms. Van Tassell or either is convention than in the electorate at large. YEAR5 I HAVE NEVER 10 f* insensitive to this charge, or feels the For example, the black vote represents SAME OF "HA HA, HERMAN^ give her reasons for not rehiring her. It only makes advantage gained by her political seven to eight percent nationally but it is apt no sense to fuel the old "not to be much higher among Democratic favorites-the incumbents who rehiring without giving reasons" 1st convention delegates. The conservative helped put her in office—more controversy yet another time. Republicans in 1964 just loved Goldwater, important. nominated him, and got clobbered. The Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 6, 1971 5 HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCE London site set for 2 classes By BECKIE HANES arrangements with the Overseas board along with classes not campus, Thompson said. can be made this fall. Further State News Staff Writer Study Office for transportation, unlike the living-learning Transportation cost is not really information may be obtained food, lodging and classroom complex idea of residence halls a problem but the cost of living from either the humanities or accomodations. social science Students interested in taking on campus, Thompson said. in London is much higher than departmental Students will probably live in Students should offices in Bessey Hall. humanities and social science plan on on campus, he said. a section of a hotel near London For spending half again as much as Thompson added that the formal enrollment, outside the usual classrooms which would provide room and they usually to per quarter on Overseas Study office will have students should contact the may do so spring quarter in cost estimates for the trip later. Overseas Study office in 107 London, England. This program The office is negotiating the International Center. will be offered by University College. The program is being offered because of the success of the Turkey pr details for transportation and living accomodations now. Two professors with experience in London will travel Lady sa summer programs in London with the students, arrange field offered by these two departments, Karl F. Thompson, chairman of humanities, said gets MSU trips and consultations along with classes. "The summer program for fire wit Monday. Ben Bohnhorst, chief of party Six people were chosen through humanities had two sections The summer programs in London, for a maximum of eight of the National Educational a complicated nation-wide exam, with 20 Research and Planning Project, Karcioglu said, and spent two students per class," Thompson said. regulations credits will still be continued. told a meeting of the years at MSU before beginning "With the theaters, museums DECATUR, III. (AP) - MSU has held International Projects their work at the ministry. While and monuments in London, a Firemen found an elderly m summer programs in London for Committee Tuesday in the at MSU, they became aware of new dimension would be woman the given burning leaves, grass and other past four years. International Center of the some high priority research to the classes not available yard debris in a bucket inside her Shape Students may enroll in a success of the "Turkey Project" project needed to solve a certain here,"Thompson explained. garage Monday. She told them combination of Humanities after four years. problem in Turkish education, he 242-243 and Social Science Six Turkish students trained at said. Regular scholarships and loans she was complying with a ruling may be applied to this MSU by the Illinios Pollution Control 232-233 for a maximum of MSU are now working with the "I am grateful to your overseas Femme football players are shown "getting in shape" for upcoming game. The practice session sixteen credit hours for the Turkish Ministry of education in University," Karcioglu said. "The program. Board which bans any outdoor took place in the Mason - Abbot courtyard. Registration for the program burning of waste. State News photo by spring quarter in London. administering the project. students have come back to Tom Dolan MSU is now making The purpose of the project is to Turkey and have completed their help the Ministry of Education doctoral theses. They have build a viable office of planning become very involved with louse readies for debate and research, Bohnhorst said. educational problems in Turkey To do this, he said, a system was and are working well with the organized which revolves around Ministry of Eduation.'"' the development of data systems. The system can be broken down into four major areas: planning, /^PRESENTING^ if research, budgeting and systems By JOANNA eavesdrop warrant FIRESTONE State News Staff Writer "What we seem to be doing of the proposal. use analysis. By coordinating research with systems analysis, the office is able to dig more deeply into the information provided by data, \\'i State Police said the bill would with this bill is building a "The very principle Bohnhorst said. of the bill provide an invaluable tool in the Battle lines are rapidly being skyscraper to hide a dead rat," is repellant to a free society," he all-out attempt to reach the In addition, the new system's up between law lenforeement backers and civil Ernest Mazey, head of Michigan's chapter of the said. and "It represents a travesty hierarchy of the big-time regular reports to the Minister of Education ne* "SSstt# can only work to our narcotics violators. are more reliable and ■liberties proponents in the American Civil Liberties (ACLU) detriment." timely and enable the ministry to ■House of Representatives as the said. Roy C. Hayes of Wayne make immediate decisions when State and county law County's organized crime task Blower chamber prepares to "Wiretapping is a cheap, enforcement officials, however, force also necessary, he said. ■debate a bill that would allow short-cut effort supported passage of Nusret Karcioglu, of the to find easy said the wiretap provision is the bill. ■more legalized wiretaps in to Turkish Office of Planning and answers complicated needed by the state to wipe out [.Michigan. problems. It tries to deal with the "cancer of organized crime." "Should law enforcement Research, told how Turkish The bill, which is expected to the officials be prevented from students were tested and problem by selling the | face heated debate when the constitution short." Wayne County Prosecuting taking this cancer of organized evaluated to find people to reconvenes Oct. 26, become the core of the office. Attorney William L. Cahalan crime from society," he asked. ■would allow the attorney Mazey said the bill, as said there is "no question" in his ■ general, his deputy or assistants land county prosecuting approved by the House Public mind that electronic surveillance Safety Committee, does not TV RENTALS RAUPP ■ attorneys to apply in court for a contain by law enforcement agents is Free Delivery Campfitters enough protection needed in . Michigan. Hayes said the provision Free Service $9.50 P6r ■special eavesdropping warrant if against illegal snooping. w*»u)d be used selectively against Free Pick-up . month ■they feel a wiretap would yield Carl Cahalan said legislation 410 S. Clippert Cohen, also of the organized crime and would not 2208 E. Michigan Av«., LANSING (517) 489-4188 ■vital information concerning will help police "cut into" such be NEJAC TV RENTALS FARMINGTON • ANN ARBOR • EVANSTON, ILL I major crimes. ACLU, said the whole texture of implimented against the off Kalamazoo the lives of Michigan residents organized crime activities as "small time" offender. 337-1300 Hours: Mon. thru Fri.-10a.m.to8 p.m.Sat.-9a.m.to5 p.m. Current state law forbids would be gambling, narcotics violations I wiretapping damaged by the and loan sharking. by either private wiretap "nonsense." ■ citizens or governmental State Rep. Philip Mastin, ■ agencies. Violation of the Supporting Cahalan's claims, D—Hazel Park, also disapproves Lt. Dan My re of the Michigan ■ existing law is a felony. FASTER THAN A SPEEDING BULLET- FREE DELIVERY!! ON - CAMPUS - PHONE 337 -1681 * OFF-CAMPUS/CIRCLE DRIVE - 337 -1631 CARRY-OUT AT 1071 TROWBRIDGE OR AT 1203 E. GRAND RIVER Wednesday, October 6, 197] 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan IN SAIGON Chippewa Labor stages U-M abuse half-day strike LANSING. (UPI) - A Johnson and his supporters Chippewa Indian who has filed a contend" the land was ceded only unique lawsuit against the on the conditon that the money University of Michigan (U-M) on it earned for the university behalf of the Chippewa, Ottawa would also be used for the and Pottawatomi tribes said betterment of Indians. SAIGON (AP) - South Vitenam's mi 11 Ion-member Tuesday Indians are through Confederation of Labor staged a half-day general strike Tuesday in The University argues that a "banging our heads against the protest of the terrorist attempted assassination of its leader Sept wall" to obtain their rights. scholarship program it initiated 21. . for American Indians in the Instead, said Paul Johnson, a The strike halted public transportation in Saigon through the U-M graduate student, Indians early 1930s meets any morning as buses and three-wheeled minibus Lambrettas formed up will turn to the courts for rulings obligations it may have incurred in lines in front of the confederation's headquarters. under the treaty. on long-ignored treaties between No disorder was reported. I Bugged The labor shutdown was called as a gesture of protest of the tribal leaders and the federal and At present - day values, the territorial governments that date land would be worth hundreds bombing of the home of the confederation's general secretary, Tr»n back to the early nineteenth The body shown is that of a wasp captured in 370 Williams Hall. The close-up reveals various details of the insect's body. Quoc Buu, two weeks ago. Buu escaped unhurt and attributed tfc of millions of dollars, Johnson century. State News photo by Jim Klein assassination attempt to Communist terrorists. said. Johnson has filed a class action suit which claims that some 3,640 acres the university 'U' alters position on once owned when it was located AUTC report in Detroit was conveyed in trust by the Indians in exchange for educational and monetary benefits. His claim is based on a treaty By BILL HOLSTEIN . report will probably be brought were postponed. Since that time, parking permits" or else officio membership be expanded those the administration asked Hartman, D-Flint, chaired tin I ratified by Congress and signed State News Staff Writer before the board of trustee at its however, University establish AUTC as strictly an to Include the traffic engineer, to be deleted. review committee at Wharton'J by President James Monroe in October 15 meeting. administrators have met again advisory committee to another representatives from the The review committee in a request. Other members of the I 1819 under which the land in A report on the All-University The report and a version of with the Special Review office responsible for approval Department of Public Safety, separate recommendation said committee included trusteal Detroit was turned over by the Traffic Committee (AUTC) the administration's position Committee which wrote the of permits, the Office of Site Planning and all members other than those Patricia Carrigan, D-Ann arbor. | Indians to the fledging university accompanied by the Were to be discussed * at the report. As a result, a slightly The formal responsibilities of the provost's office. serving ex officio should serve Kenneth Thompson, R-Grandl and to St. Anne's Parish. administration's response to the September board meeting but different administrative position AUTC as defined by the board The initial administrative for two-year staggered terms Rapids, as well as student!,! will be given to the trustees next of trustees in 1963 include response was to suggest that within each representative faculty and staff. | Friday. recommending motor vehicle members some of those ex officio group. The committee's study! One recommendation regulations, recommending be dropped. The administration initially initially released July 1, came«I reiterated an earlier AUTC changes in University traffic Representatives from the asked in addition that provisions a result of some controversy! president's office and the be made for filling expired terms centering on th« operations ofl request that an outside agency ordinances, establishing reserved conduct a "professional study of parking spaces for individuals, provost's office were among and vacancies. Trustee Frank AUTC last spring. the entire campus transportation reviewing and making problem." recommendations concerning The initial administrative plans for traffic ways and v/ w>/ w response, which may be parking facilities and acting on //1Wv ^ changed, was that the study appeals for parking and driving should be conducted by sources privileges, within the University rather than The review committee found by an outside agency and should that of these formal functions, include pedestrian and bicycle AUTC was earring out the first, Capital Capsules traffic as well as automobile third and the last. Acting on LT. GOV. JAMES BRICKLEY suggested in a PUBLIC HEARINGS on a bill to amend I traffic. appeals for parking and driving speech Monday before a Port Huron Republican Michigan's Air Pollution Act will be held in four I Another- serie of privileges imposes a burden on women's meeting that the number of legislators be areas of the state during October, state Sen. Alvitl recommendations concerned AUTC, the committee said. reduced rather than switch to a unicameral DeGrow, R-Pigeon, chairman of the Committee on I ways of developing AUTC into a The report recommends that institution. Health, Social Services and Retirement saidl more formalized, more clearly certain relationships between Brickely said that before a drastic move like Tuesday. I organized group. The review AUTC and other segments of the instituting a unicameral legislature is begun, a committee suggested that AUTC The hearings, all beginning at 10 commence Oct. 19 in the auditorium of the State I a.m., w|| University—including the serious study of legislative performance should be be required to develop written Office Building in Escanaba, followed by a president's office, the University made. hearing I procedures for conducting Traffic Engineer, and various Calling state government "one of the most on Oct. 20 in the YWCA in Saginaw, with the Oct I business to provide continuity of 21 hearing scheduled for the Trenton judicial bodies which act on archaic systems in American life today," Brickely High School I operation during the turnover of traffic and parking matters—be still cautioned against hasty changes made under Auditorium. The final hearing will be held Oct. 271 faculty and student members. strengthened by better public pressure. in the Continental Room of the Pantlind hotel in The review committee also communication. . Grand Rapids. suggested that AUTC be Another series*" of provided with more staff recommendations concerning 1971 assistance to meet the "sizable the organization and structure of operating burden of processing AUTC suggested that the ex HOMECOMING SPECTACULAR Students volunteerl services With four more days oil interviewing and orientation training sessions remaining, tttfl Volunteer Bureau already has il large group of volunteers for tin year. I Approximately 250 have filed! applications with the bureau! according to a rough tabulation! Of this numbe, 150 ul returning volunteers from lull year. I Judy So rum, asst. director oil the bureau, has urged all formerl MSU volunteers who are interested in working this yen to apply at the bureau. More than half the volunteenB this year are new, but most have! had experience at some time inl volunteer work before cominjl to MSU. I Much of the past experience! centers on tutoring, Candyp Striping or activities sponsored! by the Boy Scouts or GM| Scouts. FRANDOR EXPRESS BUS ROUTE Michigan State - For students* convenience buses will University run on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays Serv.ce will be provided from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thurs. through Saturday, except on football weekends, when the would be Saturday schedule eliminated. We have established this routing to permit 40 minutes per round FRANDOR SHOPPING •CENTER^fc. MICHIGAN AVENUE add on and on SeAfAf&r, fazoo, And /iking je#n$ KALAMAZOO STREET today's great /fort only...f5.00 Start anywhere and add up to a look you like. It's today's SHAW LANE g2 way of dressing.. Such freedom. Such fun. We've scores of ways Shirts from the /l/\onfice!(o to do it, here's just one. Hip hugging flare jeans of acrylic knit with wide belt loops. Navy, red,'purple. $15. Add on collection priced $7-°° to . . . WILSON ROAD a skinny rib turtle sweater in gold or navy, $8, with long |< sleeves to show when you add on ... a cardigan with short cuffed sleeves, in skinny ribs of purple, red or navy. $12. TIME SCHEDULE: Wrap it all up under plaid, in a rayon/wool cape with large collar, military accents. Navy or-Camel. $32. Frandor: 11:00 ATM. Juniors, second floor Downtown; Sportswear, Meridian Mall. ...Univ. Village: 11:10 A.M. ...Crescent Rd.: 11:15 A.M. •Wilson Rd.: 11:20 A.M. Buses run every 40 minutes. mm ^ shopping center! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 6. 1 *^71 7 /— V Why Buy Low Grade Economy Beef? When Wrigley's U.S.D.A. CHOICE NEW STORE HOURS Costs No Mored wrigley; ) Monday thru Saturday 7 A.M. Sunday 10 A.M.-.7 P.M. Starting Monday, Oct. 11, 1971 ■ 11 P.M. USDA CHOICE BEEF at ECOHOMY BEEF PRICES i hangover | Unidentified couple is shown terrace of Shaw Hall. I Terrace extending from I lounge, overlooks the Red I Cedar River. SN photo by Jeff Wilner ird member Resigns post /ith ASMSU I Adding to the now-traditional lists of resignations from high USDA CHOICE BEEF Full CUTS posts in student organizations f 113 CUT BONELESS U S.D.A. CHOICE-CHUCK CU circle a thick cut Received each year, Wayne limmons, Representative lis off-campus to ASMSU, has left Sirloin Steak..I Beef Roast 2QQC 4 wO Drumsticks or Wings £v AA post. USDA CHOICE BEEF WELL TRIMMED ROYAl CROWN SHANK PORTION Q 131 Eamily Simmons' decision, d A. inspecteo thighs OR innounced in ■latements to the ASMSU board ind tliti duplicate T-Bone or filub. Steak BONELESS U S DA CHOICE BEEFSteak Smoked Ham vOFryer Breasts....Iw jB^ate News Tumday, listed '^resolvable demands on US.D.A CHOICE BEEF BLADE CUT ^ KT gW 0 U S D A CHOICE LEAN PREDICED BONELESS MEATVIEAN3 1"2 IB AVG ■■ Q PfSCHKE S BRAUNfSCHWEIGER OR , personal time and disillusionment Iftith the board" as reasons for Chuck Steak ..vO Beef Stew 1 Small Spare Ribs vO Large Bologna.... :V;. w9 ■esigning. J Compounding the problem of ■he limited scope of the board's "the issues often become BE WRIGLEY SMART - COMPARE WRIGLEY'S DISCOUNT PRICES AND QUALITY SERVICE!! Kntangled in petty disagreements It which time members feed their Intellectual egos and the topic of CAMELOT LOW FAT MEADOWDALE CRISP GOLDEN RIPE aii becomes obscured," BimmonS alleged. Chocolate Meadowdale ifKysB.ir J Simmons resignation marks the Potato . . Ihird ■ he received by ASMSU since beginning of this term. Ilichael McGraw, former West Milk 22 Margarine... 17' Chips 44 SILVER FIOSS STRAINED VARIETIES Jircle representative resigned to MA. Ittend UCLA and John (Deacon) Sauer Kraut "o°n 22 Heinz Baby Food IV V 53c ■ones, representative from the tWice of Black Affairs (OBA), RICH Heinz TOMATO Catsup ' ^ _ 34c CAMELOT FRESH Low Fat Milk WHOLE KERNEL Del Monte Cream Corn ^ ||c 19 Emperor Grapes :. 39° Relinquished his board seat as he ... FRESH RIPE Stepped down as OBA director. QQ ~ VIVIANO THIN SPAGHETTI OR 3 )b NEW SIZE PACKAGE with BEANS Mushrooms pkg 89 I While Jones' replacement will |e appointed by the directors of Elbow Macaroni ^9 49 Imperial Soft Margarine 39° Hormel Chili '!» 33° i ARGE FLORIDA OOC ■he Black United Front (BUF), Avocadoes each 29 ■he resignations of both McGraw •.MICHIGAN U.S. NO. I ' 4A 7Ac imitation meadowdale delicious apple flavor Ind Simmons necessitate new Yellow Onions 1Ubag79 ■lections listricts, in their respective Hellmanns Peanut Welchs redripe pint QQc 69' 3 99° 2 39' to be hdd this month. Cherry Tomatoes basket 09 Mayonnaise Butter Jelly.. SPECIAL LABEL WHITE OR ASSORTED COLORS A Rp|| AAC 19° This Week's Special! Red Rose Tea Bags . Delsey Tissue Pk°g LL Ajax Detergent ASSORTED COLORS national favorite DELICIOUS 46o/i|OC 4 Ac Porcelain China Verifine Applesauce j°°' *131 Mardi Gras Towels 1 roV 29° Vlasic Polish Pickles .... Z 49 OQc £ w /d REGULAR OR SUPER frozen in butter sauce green Delicate Cup OUR FAVORITE |; jpc ^ QQq a£c Green Peas c™ ID Modess Sanitary Napkins...5151 Green Giant Beans 25 MEL-O-CRUST SLICED FRESH WHITE OR ASSORTED COLORS Giant Northern Bread Tissue 4 28' 3 77c Roll Pkg. 600 FRANDOR 2010 EAST GRAND RIVER In Okemos In the Frandor Shopping Center Next to K-Mart Department Store p ice I rimming 5400 SOUTH CEDAR 5621 WEST SAGINAW Workmen are shown trimming ees near South of Jolly Rd. Beaumont Tower. « work is Across from Lansing Mall, Next to K-Mart Dept. Store being done with Next to K-Mart Department Store ■d of a crane. | 4)1,0,0 by Fred Mondenhall Wednesday, October 6, 1971 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan RENOVATION SET Police unc City fathers OK para¬ stolen cor East Lansing (UPI) - Police agencies throughout Michigan combined Tuesday to seize nearly 40 stolen care in raids made meter lot to get facelift simultaneously across the state, Col. John director, said. , , R Plants, state police The confiscation, which included luxury - model Lin coins, Thunderbirds and Cadillacs, was made chiefly in the tri-county agreement to lease the area for approximately $1,115 a month, area of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties and included at parking was a mistake. He said He said development expenses least two other counties, two townships and 14 cities, including indications that temporary and land rental would now be Detroit. \ off-street parking would be absorbed by the general fund. Officers said the total value of the, seized cars was _ , „ badly needed were in error. .. ... ., approximately $250,000. "People's Park" may yet The city manager told council Plants said no arrests were made Tuesday, but said some were become a reality—with the The city manager reported the members earlier in the meeting expected in the continuing investigation of organized crime blessings and backing of East property is leased by East that the city needs to review activities which lead to the seizures. Lansing city fathers. Lansing from private developers parking rates at the present time. Plants said the stolen car ring had been under investigation for _ .. . for $13,000 a year for a period He said it was currently cheaper about six weeks. He said the ring, believed to be based in Detroit, City council members voted Qf two to flve vears He said the to park on street than off. He was uncovered by the seizure of several stolen cars by state police Monday to convert a municipal city cou[,j retain the property suggested monthly parking rates at Jackson. parking lot into an open for at least two more years with be authorized for the parking recreational a*ea as Plants said the investigation was supervised by Capt. Lawrence options to continue the lease or ramp to make up for the Hoffman, head of the intelligence section of the state police, and expeditiously as possible. buy the property. reduced number of parking Lt. Chris Swartzendruber, supervisor of intelligence in the Detroit The 6 2-car parking area spaces, area. Small „ bordered by Albert Avenue, Ann Councilwoman Mary Sharp Police said care were seized in Kent and Berrien counties, Street and Charles Street, may sa,d> There is Plenty of parking Councilman Robert Wilcox Farmington township and Northville township and in be cleared of meters and sPace ,n town- 1 think we need 881(1 the Park Pr°P°sal would be A doll collection,donated by Ms. J. Madeline Baker, of Jackson, is on display at the MSU Museum. Birmingham, Clawson, Detroit, Highland Park, Livonia, Oak Park, blacktop yet this year and ready sittinS places." She said this a good opportunity to eliminate 100 of the 300 dolls featured were collected from antique dealers and various locations around the Southfield, Sterling Heights, Westland, Walled Lake, Benton for planting and seeding in the would be an excellent meters and "get people into the world. State News photo by Tom Gaunt Harbor, Grand Rapids. Jackson and Washington, Mich. spring, according to City opportunity for the city to take ramp." Manager John M. Patriarche. advantage of suggestions by young people in the community ratriarche said with who have called for such actions Museum features doll display construction of the municipal jn the past, parking ramp across the street, the lot is no longer needed to Patriarche noted revenues supply off street parking. East from the parking area were not Lansing Mayor Gerald Thomas enough to pay off the property Berryman, curator of Historical said, for his park, the original rental which breaks down to patterned pillows. The doll is man. The old woman had a carved 1940s is called "Little People We do||8 from antique dealers I artifacts and Terry Shaffer, more than two feet tall, has a real wooden head dipped in wax to Know." Here a picture of the foreign merchants, and 1 human hair wig and is costumed create her wrinkled features. Dionne Quintuplets Lansing junior, put a third of importers," BerTyman stated. He I NOW SHOWING surrounded by the five little dolls Qnj&stM EAST LANSING ON M 43 * PHONE ED. 2 1042 ' 3 ACTION HITS Winston Temple and Pinocchio have in the peasant dress of early Churchill, Shirley Italian days. "What are Little Dolls Made The last two cases hold dolls from many lands and dolls of famous people. Mother-child bearing their images and names. William Shakespeare stands them on display. "Dolls are featured from every while continent in the world, although added she acquired some dolls I traveling and through gifts I since World War I more American The museum is cpen 9 a.m. to 5 I become permanent "residents" of?" is the title of the second displays from Russia,China, New alonsideLittle Winston Churchill and Women" share a dolls have been available," p.m., Monday through Friday, I ELECTRIC IN- CAR HEATERS of MSU. as part of a doll case, displaying various stages of Zealand and Mexico show the the "Little Women' share a collection donated in May to ' RHARHARHARHARHARHAJ TODAY IUUHI Shows 7:10-9:10 Tonight in Brody Southwest Dining Hall Feature At OPEN 7:00 p.m. 7:40 - 9:40 "TAKING OFF' The Years Most Critically Acclaimed Picture Has Won The Coveted JURY PRIZE AWARD Barbra AT THE CANNES INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, Competing With The Best Pictures Produced Streisand The Owl George andthe Throughout The World. Segal Pussycat Panavision Color "The Birth of a Nation" is, all at once, one of the most controversial, popular, and important works in the entire history of the cinema. It is the title which comes most quickly to mind when the words "film classic" are spoken. Its director, D.W. Griffith, who is often referred to as "the father of Not that it matters, but most of it is true. the motion picture," was the first director to become known to the 20th CENTURY-FOX PRESENTS public at large, attaining a status equal to that of today's super-stars. Griffith turned out many motion pictures which revolutionized the PAUL NEWMAN course of the international cinema, and "The Birth of a Nation" is the "TAKING OFF" masterpiece of the lot. It is also the beginning of the feature film as we IS ABOUT PEOPLE. ROBERT REDFORD Pnplt Hki your neighbor. P*pl« Iki tin timlly down tin stmt. KATHARINE ROSS. c sweep and realism of Griffith's battle scenes and of march to the sea have seldom been equalled by Hollywood Paopte like puuM. BUTCH CASSIDY AND h of a Nation" was released In 1915. Griffith had an jr sentiment and melodrama-thus thereis the equally juxtaposition 'TAKING OFF A FO*MAN CROWN THE SUNDANCE KID n and old men praying with the corpses piled in HAUSMAN INC HOOUCfON IN ASSOCIATION WITH ClAUOC If Ml PANAVISION* COLOR BY DELUXE iumnoLYNN CARLIN.no buck henry The result of all the furor is that today, "The Birth of a Nation" stands as the film which has had the most far reaching repercussions, socially and cinematically of any movie ever made. It is a film to be studied, enjoyed, analyzed, debated and one to be seen over and over COMING THIS WEEKEND 104B Wells Nol.D. Students, faculty and staff only I D's required $1 00 admission 'MMMHMMEIt SHOWTIMES 7:00 & 9:30 Admission $1.00 Sharharharharharha 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 6^ |Ql| Fund drive sets Cards illustrate goal of $ Three Hare are with shown Krishna members near the Union their leader, Batua religious choice Religious advisers picked up 14,000 religious preference <*-. Go pal Das (playing the from registration, but only 6,000 are considered useable by drum.) The group has churches. ^ MSU begins its annual parental and unwed mother Community Chest Campaign counseling, adoption service, planned several programs for According to William Barr, asst. director of student government this fall where they will sing, the large drop-off is caused by students neglecting to fill today, to aid the 54 United mother and child care, legal aid them out dance and talk to interested by filling only part of them out, or by stating that they have nl' Community Chest supported *or 'ow income and minority agencies. The drive will continue groups and blood collection, religious preference. through Nov. 30. Contributions may be made The cards are given to the various religious advisors at As a unit of the government by ^ check, cash or payroll churches, who are members of the Religious Advisers Assn. Allth, and education division of the deduction. Persons cards of one religion are put into a pile, and then sorted may o United Community Chest, MSU designate any one or according to a particular denomination or church preference. has set its goal at $202,000 out combination of Chest agencies of the total of $2,180,000. to receive their donations. Those The individual churches use the cards, often to make up their Serving as University contributing by payroll mailing lists. chairman for the Community deduction may do so by lump The cards fell into the expected pattern of any American Chest Campaign is John C. sum in Ffebruary or 12 equal eollej. Howell, associate dean of the payments beginning in January. with the largestnumber belonging to the Methodist, Catholic and Jewish religions, Barr said. Presbyterian College of Human Medicine and College of Social Science. In addition, 33 divisional leaders Prof, computer predict decisions and approximately 275 unit solicitors are participating in the campaign. '"Hie ultimate objective of chest supported agencies is to decisions — often before the issue I don't think President make our community a better ... freeze, and the lack of strong before the court, Spaeth's liberal-conservative label to issues come before the bench. Nixon will each place in which to live," Howell appoint a woman Democratic opposition candidate prediction before the first justice. said. Speaking at a Faculty Club justice to the Supreme Court," to emphasize Nixon's strong decision was correct, missing by Those luncheon, Spaeth made several Spaeth said. "He doesn't need a political position. liberal-conservai, Howell said only four votes in all decisions labels are assigned on the basis# approximately " ' Combining a computer with predictions about current isauca woman on the court." nna tv," j f n -j. /-». "Besides, there is no indication combined. each justice's voting record oi contribution*: contributions is h designated for ®duc*tetl guessing> Harold involving the court and the He explained his prediction that the women's vote has ever He said hethoughtthe problem freedom, equality and economit family Sp»eth'^^ca> president. using the China situation, the made a difference," he added. would be solved by means of a issues. services including science, predicts SupremeCourt «shall we say it's a pregnant relative success of the^age-'price Spaeth c«HpH the capital Constitutional amendment, like Some justices don't fit into the punishment Ration joon to be the 18-year-old vote, instead of liberal-conservative brought before the court as by Supreme Court action. categorization, such as moderatei "sticky wicket," and said he Spaeth made an "educated Stewart and White. Spaetk thought the court would not guess" on the issue of observed. declare the death penalty property-tax constitutionality If Nixon appoints two mon unconstitutional under the "cruel that recently was decided upon moderates like these two justices.! and unusual punishment" clause by the California State Supreme the entire direction of the ccsu1 of the Eighth Amendment. Court. He said he thought the will move into} Regarding the busing issue now California decision declaring middle-of-the-road position, property taxes for education instead of a more bold approad support unconstitutional would in either a liberal or conservative Petitions be reversed when it reached the high court. direction, he added. His final prediction ■ _ He uses a computer technique concerned with Nixon^ available called "data reduction" in his predictions. SPAETH determine the direction of each upcoming appointments, predicted that if the President Starting with 75 categories of justice's decisions. doesn't immediately select _ possible issues, which cover 99 for O per cent of Supreme Court decisions in the past 15 years, he On the assumption that once a justice begins to vote negatively candidates for the open posts'hi will find himself in a "lame-duck' or positively on an issue, he will positon with Petitions for election to the voting record of each continue to vote along that line. Democratically-controllei Off-Campus Council (OCC) will be availabe for the remainder of the week in 307 Student Services Bldg. Julie Dalquist, newly elected president of OCC, reports that three openings exist. Interested candidates must return the petition with 50 signatures to 316 Stadent Services Bldg. by MondayTDate of the election has not been MSU OFFICERS URGE all apartment at 924 Cherry Lane POLICE REPORT THREE determined, but will be persons driving on campus to told police her home had been BICYCLES WITH a total valueof discussed at a meeting Thursday, register their motor entered and several vehicles, if things $200 were stolen during a 21 Ms. Dalquist said. they have not already done so. including clothes and currency hour period ending at 1 p.m. Motor vehicles lacking with a total value of $147 had been taken. She said the thefts Tuesday. The bicycles belonged registration stickers or having to students and were taken from them inappropriately placed are have occurred since June 15 when no longer being issued her son lost the keys to the university racks. warnings. apartment. Police are continuing A WOMAN RESIDENT of an the investigation. THE MANAGEMENT of BIG HOURS Stereo Enthusiasts WHOHPHOmOMOM^^ Hubbard Hall told police i student illegally entered the dining room at 6 p.m. Monday evening and stole a meal. The meal had $1.75. Police an estimated value o( are investigating. Your Time is Coming A RESIDENT OF SPARTAN That's how long VILLAGE was taken to Sparroi Hospital at 8 p.m. Monday afta calling MSU Police to report u Trowbridge shop October 11-16 animal bite. Officers said, the coed was bitten by her pet gerbi while attempting to return it toi WATCH YOUR NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS its cage. The animal inflicted i this week quarter-inch gash to her right hand index finger. The girl # ' 402 S. Washington Ave. treated and released, but the Lansing gerbil is being kept under 10 day* 245 Ann Street of observation, officers said. tn better serve you, , MUSIC CO. East Lansing « Coalition sets lean Q. PieAetdi policy meeting students of MSU. in the tradition of on election plan OR Winwood, Capaldi, Mason, The Coalition for Human timeless elegance Survival will hold a policy Wood, Grech, Kwako Baah, Gordon Our hours will be: MARQUISE BRIDAL SET meeting at 7:30 tonight at the New Community Co-op, 343 Albert Street, to discutf WELCOME TO THE CANTEEN campaign strategy for Chuck Will's write-in candidacy for the Nov. 2 city council election FRIDAY 4 PM-4AM Volunteer help is needed. reebafHWAHUBV'-AS°Nch SATURDAY N00N-3AM SUNDAY N00N-1AM $399 J Dozen for fast Carnations Call 351-7100 free delivery $999 JL Dozen Jon Anthony Florist i Park free DOMINO S the i>izza peoplv of MSU with purchase Shop Wednesday 319 E. Grand River Ave. 809 E. 485-7271 Michigan Free Parking 3 W East Lansing, Mich, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. October 6. 1971 11 RHA seeks responsive reps' By RAY ANDERSON coordinator Kathy Stepanovich. questions and associated The staff advisers are assisting, enable both student government to be more positive about their State News Staff Writer problems, she said. she said, to provide an adult and leaders, and staff advisers to more competence in listening and Ms. Stepanovich, coordinator current perspective to some effectively relate to students. Specifically the workshop was communicating," he said. "Creating a super relevant and for student government training complex problems facing new While in these small groups, Ms. Stepanovich said, the effort designed to help RHA leaders dynamic," Resident Hall said, efforts for the workshop determine the needs of the student leaders, rather than listening and communication to work for a common goal was abilities were strengthened and students in residence halls and abdicating and allowing them to Association (RHA) was the major were begun nine months ago to successful, and she views the goal of a workshop for RHA hall accomodate the changing role of learn from experience alone. staff-student relationships, become more responsive to those workshop as a model for future chairmen and their hall staff RHA representatives, and better The nontraditional workshop problems of student leaders, and skill development at the hall level. needs, Ms. Stepanovich said. the advisers completed last weekend provide for the needs and desires was based on a new concept, Ms. importance of goals were also in Akers Hall, according to of residence hall students. To achieve the goal of Stepanovich explained. The discussed. responsive representation and group was divided into ten groups Reaction to the workshop was The primary purpose of the leadership, she said, people must of eight each and two group good, according to Robert workshop was to bring many of Sales the questions facing student be trained. leaders. During the day and a half workshop the members of each Maurovich, advisory staff director at Akers Hall, "There government leaders into focus "An inidvidual may be a born group worked to develop a seemed to be a new feeling of Speftfc,oro on ticket and to assist them in skills for developing coping with those leader, but he needs his talent and variety of skills through group ability developed," she said. dynamics, she said, that would significance for the student government and everyone seemed Shop today and Thurs., til 9:00 other days til 5:30 ■tf Mi H to fall ser NO PHONE ORDERS SiC^iO . • Over-the-counter ticket sales to fall term attractions in the Park Lecture-Concert Series will open today. The tickets will be available from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the ticket office in the Union. The attractions include the 203 E. GRAND RIVER "Festival 71" events, Oct. 24-29; several Series "A" and "B" (Across the street from the Student Union) performances; three Broadway Horns plays, and chamber music concerts. I I This information box shown it located in the lobby of the Student Service* Building. Information seekers will be Season tickets will also be available for the new Chamber Today, Thursday, and Friday Only! Music Series until Oct. 15. MSU I greeted by magic message. Rtudents are entitled to special State News photo by Donald Sak. rates. lEWI JOB EVERYTHING 'lacement Bureau seeks 'Oman for staff position IS ON SALE AT HOSLER'S I By KAREN ZURAWSKI usually have women counselors numerous contacts with different which help a girl decide in what 1 State News Staff Writer businesses and placement area of a particular field she wants bureaus. to work in. the Placement Bureau is Most of the candidates, who ■king for a woman to fill a Duties of the new staff member range In age from 27 to over 40, Iwly created staff position, Include planning visits from are from the Michigan area, he Kiel, is Intended to zero in on recruiting companies, talking to said. kblems In women's Job people In the world of business Icement. A college education Is required, and researching the area to aid in but no restriction is being placed job placement. on the degree level. - Ttrelob ntso mvoirn educating There la no deadline. 4 Fabulous days! Everything. . .yes EVERYTHING in our entire employers, students and faculty store is on sale at super - savings! Simply clip the coupons below and Expected to "span the bridge to the whole world of Shlngleton said the bureau will ftween business and women women's interview all possible candidates use them towards the purchase of anything you need from our placement, he said. to huge pdents," she must orient get the best person possible. selection of new fall and winter fashions. Yes, today thru Saturday [linen to the whole subject of Seven women have been Women'! placement, before the are the days and Hosier's is the place where EVERYTHING is on placement, and also Interviewed so far, and creation of the new position, was |ent women student* as to what sale! (One coupon per item only. Sale items excluded) Shlngleton said several were handled by each staff member IV muitdo. "excellent." according to his area. He declined to mention names, for example, John D. "The horizons are tremendous Blngleton, director of the but did say that the bureau had In this area," he said. •cement Bureau, recommends women take courses that will SAVE I SAVE I SAVE I - -SAVE I SAVE I SAVE I •kethem "marketable" not just ; SAVE I SAVE! SAVE ■ the traditional women's areas fth as education, but also In Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only I Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only I ■glneerlng, marketing and THIS COUPON WORTH THIS COUPON WORTH Counting. ■hingleton expects the woman Wf member "to develop a thrust •ded to get In the mainstream ■ American business, '2 industry Towards the purchase of any item regularly Towards the purchase of any item regularly Towards the purchase of any item regularly V government." $5.00 to $10.00 from our entire stock. (Sale $5.00 to $10.00 from our entire stock. (Sale $11.00 to $20.00 from our entire stock. (Sale [She must carry the ball in items excluded) Coupon expires 10/10/71 items excluded) Coupon expires 10/10/71 items excluded) Coupon expires 10/10/71 ■erating jobs for women," he I HOSLER'S HOSLER'S - Ihingleton pointed out that not many placement bureaus SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!- — SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!- |e women staff positions. They Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only I THIS COUPON WORTH [DX plan s t meetin $2 '3 $3 Towards the purchase of any item regularly Towards the purchase of any item regularly Towards the purchase of any item regularly $11.00 to $20.00 from our entire stock. (Sale $21.00 to $30.00 from our entire stock. (Sale $21.00 to $30.00 from our entire stcck. (Sale 5r initiati items excluded) Coupon expires 10/10/71 items excluded) Coupon expires 10/10/71 items excluded) Coupon expires 10/10/71 HOSLER'S 1 ■igma Delta Chi (SDX), a ■'onal honorary journalism -SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!- ■ternity, will initiate new . ! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! 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The President of the University for stated proposal to amend or revise this docinne, consideration of all evidence relevant to a requesting, in writng, the Faculty Grievance 8.2. All proposals for amendment <>i ,. cause may return the decision to the Judicial Board particular case. Under exceptional circumstances Official to initiate a hearing by a University once for reconsideration. this document shall be submitted to merit, outside the jurisdiction of the faculty, or for tiu. the Faculty Grievance Official may extend the Judicial Board. 8.3. All proposals to amend „r other just cause. Such a recommendation, 7.2. Thedeclsionof the Judicial Board is subject time limit. rev, . 4.8.3 Failure to appeal within the prescribed however, shall not be binding on the complainant 4.5 All written requests for formal grievance may call witnesses on their behalf. Any party may to appeal by any party to the grievance only in the document must be passed by the |./u "L (see 4.3.). time constitutes acceptance of the decision. following cases: majority vote of the members present. elect not to appear before the judiciary, in which procedures shall state the charges and the redress 4.9 If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved 7.2.1. If the hearing of the Judicial Board 8.4. If approved by the FAFCC, 4.1.2. He may recommend a more appropriate case the hearing shall be held in his absence. the Dr informally or through department or college grievance channel, such as the Faculty Tenure 4.6 Any time formal proceedings (see 2.4 and S.) procedures, the Faculty Grievance Official, at the Absence of a party shall not be prejudicial to his constituted the first formal hearing of the with recommendation for its submitted to the Academic Council. approval, Zft Committee or the Anti-Discrimination Judicial girevance. as in 4.1.6. * are initiated, the appropriate director, chairman, written request of one of the parties, shall 7.2.2. If the President of the University, upon 8.5. Proposed amendments and Board. 5.4 All parties shall be entitled to counsel of their or dean shall send written notification to the recommend that the FAFCC constitute a 4.1.3. He may attempt to resolve a grievance choice, chosen from within the University receiving the decision of the Judicial Board, approved by the Academic Council j|. Faculty Grievance Official. University Judicial Board according to the forwarded, with recommendation informally. community. requests that further appeal be granted. 4.7 If agreement is not reached Informally or if a f,„ procedure in 2.5. 4.1.4. At the written request of the complainant, procedure has been initiated in writing within a 4.9.1 The Judicial Board shall conduct a hearing 5.5. Any party of his counsel shall be entitled to 7.2.3. Aii appeal shall be filed within 14 daysof approval, to the Board of Trustees thiuiMh ■?! he may initiate a formal grievance procedure to ask pertinent questions of a hearing board the receipt fo the decision. President, and shall become operative department or unit, a resolution of the grievance according to the procedures herein established. of up(>n resolve complaint by referring the complaint in 7.2.4. Failure to appeal within the prescribed approval. may be sought according to the prescribed 4.9.2 The Faculty Grievance Official shall time constitutes acceptance of the decision. writing to the appropriate director, chairman, or department or unit procedure (see 2.4.). A formal assemble the Judicial Board. A standing member of 5.6. All parties shall be entitled to an expeditious 7.3. An Appeals Board shall be established In the 9. Approval and Implementation of the H grievance procedure shall begin within 14 days of his staff, appointed solely by the FAFCC solely for hearing of a case. following manner: 9.1. This document as approved by tin I 4.1.5. At his discretion, the Faculty Grievance 5.6.1. Upon the request of either party, a the witten request. the purpose shall serve as Presiding Officer Affairs and faculty Compensation , Official may recommend that a department, 7.3.1. The two parties shall each designate one Cotnt 4.7.1 The director chairman shall provide judiciary has authority to request an individual or or throughout the hearing. member of the Appeals Board. Such members shall shall be forwarded to the Academic college, or other academic unit initiate formal written notification to the unit to discontinue or postpone any action Count, complainant and to the 4.9.3 The Presiding Officer shall not be a voting be chosen from within the University community. the recommendation that it be procedures without the attempt at resolution Faculty Grievance Official of the result of the member. threatening irreparable harm that is indicated approve, described in 4.1.3, 7.3.2. The two members thus designated shall forwarded, with recommendation for Its ami hearing within 14 days of the completion of the 4.9.4. The pending final disposition of a case. Presiding Officer shall establish its attempt to agree on a third member need not be through the President, to the board of trustee 4.1.6. On recommendation of the Faculty 5.7. Parties shall be notified in writing of their procedure. own rulesof procedure consistent with due process chosen from the University community. Grievance Official and with the concurrence of the right to appeal. Should an appeal be instituted, any 9.2. If approved by the board of 4.7.2 Failure to provide written notification (see Article 5) and with guidelines stated in 2.4. trustor FAFCC, a grievance may be referred directly to a action, decision, or penalty ordered by the 7.3.3. If the two members are unable to agree shall result in automatic appeal. 4.9.5 If for unavoidable reasons, a Judicial Board grievance procedure shall become effective University Judicial Board. Judiciary shall be suspended until acted upon by a within five days, the President of the University 4.7.3 If the complaint is not satisfactorily loses three of its members, the hearing shall be approval and operative as early as possible an 4.1.7. The Faculty Grievance Official shall have shall then request the American Arbitration resolved, either party may appeal the decision terminated and higher judiciary. later than 90 days from the date of a new one shall be initiated approval ready access to all University persons and 6. Decisions Association to appoint j qualified person to serve withinl 3daysby requesting, in writing, the Faculty interim grievance procedure shall be ef according to the guidelines in this document. as the third member and chairman. lecti information essential to the resolution of a 6.1. The Judicial Board may decide as follows: Grievance Official to initiate a hearing at the 5. Due Process one year or until it is incorporated into adocu particular case. He shall respect the privacy of 6.1.1. There has been no violation of the rights of 7.3.4. All hearings conducted by the Appeals college or university level. Eight party may 5.1 The due process outlined in this article and Board shall observe the defining faculty rights and responsihi confidential records and of all persons with whom the faculty member. guidelines set forth in whichever independently appeal within 14 days at the college the guidelines set forth in 2.4.1 - 2.4.10. shall 2.4.1. 2.4.10. and the principles of due process occurs sooner. he speaks. 6.1.2. There has been a violation of the faculty level by written request directly to the dean. govern the procedures of University Judicial 4.1.8. The Faculty Grievance Official shall member's rights. outlined in Articles. 4.7.4 Failure to appeal within the prescribed 9.3. It shall be the responsibility of the maintain records of all complaints, formal time constitutes acceptance of the decision. - 6.2. In cases of violation of a faculty member's 7.3.5. The decision of the Appeals Board shall be to Inform the several colleges, l-'AFCC 5.2 At least 72 hours prior to a hearing, the departm proceedings, findings, and recommendations. 4.8. If a grievance is referred in writing to the rights, the Judicial Board shall recommend the reported to the President of the University. units of the Presiding Officer of a Judiciary shall provide the 7.4. Within 60 days, the President shall concur University of their respoi 4.2. A faculty member may initiate grievance dean of a college, a resolution of the grievance may appropriate means of redress. Since options for following to all parties: under this procedure. complaint procedures independently by written be sought according to prescribed college redress will be closely related to each case, the with the decision (see 6.5., 7.1.. or 7.3.5.) and A. A written statement of the charges of request to the appropriate director, chairman, procedures. A formal grievance procedure shall options are not listed here. Recommendations direct appropriate action to implement the 9.4. It shall be the sufficient particularity to enable the parties to responsibility of th» dean, or to the Provost. begin within 14 daysof the written request. shall not conflict with existing practice, policy, decision, or the President shall overrule the to print and distribute copies of this rep 4.3. A grievance procedure may be initiated at A formal grievance procedure shall begin within 14 prepare their cases. ana legislation in decision. When a decision is overruled, written •The due process outlined here thp University. appropriate units of the University ar the University level only by written request to the days of the written request. parallelsindetai! 6.3. The Judicial Board shall present its decision, reasons shall be given by the President to the faculty. 4.8.1 The dean shall provide written notification the due process set forth in the Academic in writing, to each of Faculty Grievance Official. Freedom the parties, the Faculty parties to the grievance, to the Judicial Board, the nf the result of the hearing to the complainant and Report and in the Graduate Student Rights and 9.5. It shall be the responsibility of the 4.4 A written request for a. formal grievance Grievance Official, the FAFCC, the Provost, and to 1-aculty Grievance Official, and the FAFCC. 8. I AFCC to the Faculty Grievance Official within 14 days of to see that the articles of this procedure must normally be made within 90 days the President of the University within 14 Procedure for Amending and Revising this days of report mpletion of the hearing. the completion of a hearing. Document implemented. Stereo Enthusiasts Your Time is MSU fires seen in retrospect Coming By CAROL THOMAS State News Staff Writer statistics, but the largest loss to MSU came all In one lump In campus buildings, as part of their normal duties. groups on request. Contact with student group Simulated fires In University in Health Center and the those buildings. ($3,500) when a commercial-size Only three students were leaders Is maintained so that fire two residence halls were used last Fire Prevention Week. Oct. In memorv of Mrs O'Learv's dry«r at the University laundry Injured by fire last year on saf«»t> rules can be followed at y a r to test both the October 11-16 i. began in the early 1900s asu i" 5frloverheated. cow who kicked off the Great campus. One student suffered campus gatherings and social Department's readiness and the effort to focus public concem« Arson ranks third In property burns rtiirnan Pi« in 1H71 fhoMQtT ">»»» «»«™ m yrupwiy Durtw on her hand as tier nana she beat as sne out Deal out events. evacuation technique^ used In fire safety and prevention Dept of Public Safety Is daTge T"8,' Wlth carele8s another wJu smoking a close fourth. a burning rug In her room, while student, employed by The fire drill recommendations WATCH YOUR NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS iri« state that all residence halls bWlwUooklng om fi ra' c r°'e °f th* Dept, of Publlcf the Unlverslty. w«s by an conduct fire drills twice a term", Unlvereitv-owned snoke wHlfan Safety ^P"8 'l oneLof exPlodlng aerosol can In an but only 56 such drills were held 402 S. Washington ^ pvJ If In surest ion-maker rather than incinerator. The third student last year. Lansing fut fireman. Fire safety officers was burned during a chemistry The Dept. of Public Safety also 245 Ann Street Electrical fires caused the "V CW. pltmS ? ne* bu,,din88j experiment. conducts building investigations East Lansing greatest amount of damage on examine extinguishers and The Dept. of Public Safety and inquiries into the caSses of campus according°o department campus, accoramgioaepartment dete™me fire doors type and placement and sprinkler of offers fire safety training lectures fires with unknown or suspicious systems and demonstrations to all student origins. wimm Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 6, 1971 13 -SPORTS [rick gosselin jpartans could A U-M battle ByGARYSCHARRER about the only consistent students near, tension can rally teams to the question will be decided on from them. builds the all-time shock Wolverines^vifc State News Sports Writer characteristic of MSU - U-M greater heights by instilling an the field. leading runner in How will the Notre Dame games. Team records and past intangible advantage to their The maize and blue Wolverines Michigan history. Mike Countdown to the state's performances can be thrown out heroes the contest affect the Spartans? spearheads the Wolverine defense biggest rivalry, the MSU on filed, that being will arrive on the Spartan campus, "I hope it makes them mad," from his linebacker positon. U-M the window. The winner is football game, is four days - spirit. ranked No. 2 in the country and Daugherty said still irritated at Bo Rather and Glenn Doughty | Because the Michigan Wolverines rolled over Navy, UCLA and and excitement is away already running usually the team that is most mentally prepared, the team that There are no more tickets available for Saturday's battle at solid favorites to survive their the Notre Dame officiating. "We are excellent receivers and safety Virginia doesn't necessarily mean that they will do the same to the rampant. meeting with the Spartans. But played better than the score Tom Darden, defensive backs lichigan State Spartans. psyches itself the best, or maybe Spartan Stadium even though the Coach The famed classic Duffy Daugherty is drilling indicated and the kids deserve Frank Gusich and Bruce Elliot I Michigan has only had one tough game in the four that it has always draws the teamthatis hungrier. Another game will have national television the Spartans with extreme a capacity crowd. And that's factor is support. Many times better fate than that." and tackle Tom Beckman lljyed, that being the Northwestern game in Evanston. The coverage. People will come early. confidence, concentrating on Both MSU and U-M have won ■'olverni's won it, 21-6, with one of the touchdowns coming on a By 11:30 a.m. East Lansing will new plays and compliment Taylor on defense. preparing them their lone Big Ten tests this Fullback Ed Shuttlesworth is Kissed field goal. As far as that goes, Notre Dame dumped that same be a mass traffic jam, although both mentally and physically for season and the winner Saturday is 6-2, 235-pound bruiser whom a northwestern team, 50-7, and we all saw last week how the kickoff is not scheduled until the intra-state rivalry. And the sure to become a favorite in the Daugherty this week likened to 1:50 p.m. lpartans stood up to the Fighting Irish. players are beginning to believe in title run. Oregon State's Dave Schilling, I Sure, MSU has a seemingly meek 2-2 record. But the four teams Spectators will begin filing themselves. They know they've The Wolverines are stocked well "but probably faster." |at the Spartans have played could all just as easily bowl down any through the stadium gates as soon met tougher teams than U-M has in statistics,, They have scored "To beat Michigan we're going If Michigan's first four rivals. as they open. Spartan faced in their fiVst four games, 161 points to 43 for the Spartans' to have to get some points on the ■ Navy and Virginia have been traditional patsies and UCLA isn't cheerleaders will arouse the and even though the Notre Dame and have given up just 6 points to scoreboard," Daugherty said. ■n one of its better years. (Oregon State crushed the Bruins in Los adrenalin of diehard MSU fans game will enter the books as a the Spartans' 38. "This is something no one else has and soon the frenzy-filled air will ■ngeles last weekend, 34-17, which has to say something.) Another 14-2 Irish victory, Spartan The Taylor stars, Bill and Mike, been able to do. Well have our Iteworthy fact is that all three of Michigan's non-conference foes provide instant excitement. MSU players know they played well engineer U-M's offense and hands full, but I believe we'll have Ave visited and played in the Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor. It's a students and supporters will enough to win, that only the defense respectively. Bill needs pie bit easier to win in front of the home town fans than it is on attempt to drown the yells and officials took the game (Please turn cries of U-M fans and vice away only 305 yards rushing to become to page 14) ,e road. And Michigan will hit the road for the first time in four versa. »cks when it plays MSU at Spartan Stadium Saturday. MSU Band Director Ken Illie Spartans, as I mentioned previously, have a 2-2 record. Cut - Bloomquist is working extra hard u-m second j. dried, the record reads out 2-0 at home and 0-2 on the road, with the Spartan Marching Band id once again I will repeat, Michigan will be playing HERE this this week and one can be bek, not in its 100,000 - seat playpen in Ann Arbor, confident that the competition ffiven in losing the Spartans have looked sharp. Against Eh, MSU fell on the sun-scorched Atlanta field, 10-0. The Yellow Ickcts failed to complete Georgia with the Wolverine band will be quite an entertaining spectacle for both fans in the stadium and Nebraska top a pass, and State had more total yards Ifense than Tech. millions of TV viewers at home. NEW YORK (UPI) - Nebraska, which rolled to Only a point behind Notre Dame in sixth is Following the opening kickoff its fourth straight victory over the weekend again Auburn (165) while Oklahoma and Colorado are (Against Notre Dame, MSU broke off some long gainers only to emotions will reach for a peak. rules the land as the No. 1 team in the United Press tied for seventh (163) two points further back. live them called back for some minor infraction. The defense stood The MSU U-M game is always a After that it's a big dropoff to ninth It in both losses. - International board of coaches ratings. place and prestige clash. The ecstasy of Washington (46) while Georgia, which like the In the first home win, against Illinois, the MSU offense was in winning continues through the The top-ranked Cornhuskers, who blasted Huskies is 4-0, in tenth. Tding until late in the game as the defensive team chalked up a 10-0 previously unbeaten Utah State, 42-6, polled 33 night and into the early morning Because of the heavy concentration of first place votes from the 35 coaches for 347 voting K hours. And the agony of defeat points. Michigan, which also had a first place nod, among the top eight teams, only 18 schools ■In the second win, a Frank Kolch led offensive unit put leaves a bitter taste that stays in received votes this week. - together was second ■ the atmosphere for one long year. again this week with 274 points. Tennessee and Penn State ended up in a tie for ;h offense to stun a strong West Coast rep Oregon State, 31-14. This year's game carries The other first place vote went to Texas which eleventh. The Vols got back into the win column iThis week, Duffy Daugherty will have his fingers crossed in hopes again was third with 232 points. The Longhorns Kat his Spartans will be able to combine the defensive performance paramount importance because against Florida after their big loss to Auburn two the outcome may have a direct ran their record to 3-0 Saturday after trouncing weeks ago while the Nittany Lions waited until the f the Illinois game with the offensive showing of the Oregon, 35-7. Oregon State bearing on the Big Ten fourth quarter before disposing of Air Force for ■ntest and produce a winning effort against Michigan. Alabama slipped past Notre Dame into the championship and the eventual their third straight. Rose Bowl trip. Both University fourth spot as the Fighting Irish, who have had Ohio State, another team back on the JThe game won't be an easy win for either team. The Spartans were trouble generating any offense in the last two winning ■yed for an upset against Notre Dame last week and MSU of Michigan and MSU boast of beam, improved from 17th up to 13th after ■lowers can expect a better game this week. solid football teams. games, dropped to fifth. crushing California 35-3. rtan are In pre-season polls this season It took Michigan a little bit longer to unwind last week against Senior Borys Shlapak may figure in a key role against U-M was usually picked to win Ivy, as the Wolverines led only 13-0 at half. A quarterbacking University of Michigan Saturday. Schlapak is the dedicated the Big Ten conference. One lange and more production out of a host of fine running backs "The Chicago Seven" liked the final Ifense will find score at 46-0 for the Wolverines. The the MSU defense a little rougher going than the ■fenses of either Virginia or Navy. It'll probably be another Michigan Spartan field goal kicker and is also proficient. Last year he set a MSU mark with a 54 yard kick and has kicked one of 48 yards this season. magazine named MSU to as the team beat and in all predictions, both squads rated high. Saturday A CO-PRODUCTION BRITISH BROADCASTING CORP. BY THE AND TIME/LIFE FILMS! "A SUPERB The Batively low scoring game like the game In South Bend last "ekend. ut the team can't do it all. It'll need some support from the Family swim BULLETIN By Popular Demand We Are Extending Our Tune PRESENTATION OF THE ATMOS¬ PHERE AND EMOTIONS OF THE CONFRONTATION IN THE COURT¬ Chicago Conspiracy 5. The team MSU will field Saturday afternoon is not a bad - Up ROOM" — Detroit Free Press lotball squad. The defense is as good as almost any in the nation, nth a few breaks, the offense can explode and dominate a team, Sunday night Special Through Oct. 16, 1971 lit even the best of squads can unfold without proper backing. The $£8.95 <8C« $24.95 <»w:> lam will be going into the game optimistic. And if the Spartan? can I into a game against the number two team in the nation fttimistic, then the least the students on this campus can do is go in . A family swim Mftfe held at the Women's IM pool on Sundays from 5 p.m. to 7:50 p.m. The (includes parts and labor j ♦air conditioned cars $2.00 extra BUY NOW AND SAVE trial ■hind it. Michigan can be beaten. swim is for students, faculty and ■Give the Spartans a chance. They might surprise you. They might ■rprise a lot of people. staff and eligible children. Children must be at least 54 inches tall. Roberts Automotive Center 4980 Park Lake Rd. at Grand River, Ph. 351-8062 Uuj OCT. 76 ;30 and 9:00. 108B Wells $1 . TV RENTALS Free Delivery Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Free Service $9.50 ; Free Pick-up ■he first meeting of the TURKEY DRUMSTICKS Varsity NEJAC TV RENTALS ib will be held 7:30 tonight at t Varsity Club Room. 337-1300 MICHIGAN FLAVORBEST FREE! All hand picked - Not drops A Bushel in yoor Container 35° extra for basket APPLICATION OF WELLA BALSAM®CONDITIONER MCINT0SU APPIES '1.68 WITH A SHAMPOO AND SET - CLIP COUPON BELOW Jlf PEANUT BUTTER 55c 18 oz. (UNIT PRICE 48.9c Ib.) I'NST I fcaliawt CONDITIONER ANT I Adds body, strength, bounce HAIR ORANGE DRINK 7?" 3/'l.00 (UNIT PRICE 17.8c qt.) 1 & shine—in seconds. 8REA0 OOUONdf RHODES FROZEN PERSONAL SIZE FOR APPOINTMENT CALL: IVORY SOAP K 4/19* (UNIT PRICE 1.4c peY oz.) 372-8766 W. Saginaw 3938568 S. Pennsylvania 349-3400 W. Grand River I I 19 o SAVE 19" Okemos Q with this coupon at | toward tho purchai* of: OPEN EVENINGS !co* Sizes S-M-L XL ■LYSOL LIQUID •MEN'S LINED CC M« FREE ■ DEODORIZING CLEANER "« <>' •>« I CPO JACKET Our 0«n Reg. S9.97 )0.J I FREE with thif coupon | Expires Sat. Oct. 9, 1971 WITH COUPON | Expires Sat. Oct. 9, 1971 WITH COUPON I | Expires Sat. Oct. 9, 1971 WITH COUPON | I .A | A cUV _ toward the purchot* of: ONE APPLICATION OF WELLA BALSAM*HAIR jtk OH*I ■ GD Meijer THR ifTY A CRES ilGD Meijer ThrIfTY ACRES ilQD M el j e r T h r I FT Y A CRES § CONDITIONER I WITH A SHAMPOO AND SET I * Limited to one coupon per service 'Offer expires Oct. 30.1971. I ' 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA £ SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 10 PM Sunday - 10 AM to 7 PM 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October SPORTS Booters seek offense against Wolverines admission and the public is offensive line. "They were just By CRAIG REMSBURG invited. going through the motions State News Sports Writer Unhappy with his team's Saturday and we were a little on performance Saturday, a 3-1 thelueky side to win." In a game that could overtime victory over Wooster, Even though the booters sport determine who will remain as Coach Payton Fuller had what an unbeaten record (2-0) and regulars on the squad, the MSU he termed "a serious talk" with have outscoted their opponents soccer team meets the University his squad during practice 7-2, the Spartan mentor has of Michigan at home today. Monday in an effort to been extremely unhappy with The contest is scheduled to straighten them out. the laxity and inconsistency of begin at 3:30 p.m. on the soccer '"TCiey just have to wake up," the booter offense. Fuller said of the whole team In their first contest of the field just south of Spartan Stadium. There is no charge for but referring specifically to his season, against Cincinnati, the Harriers hope % in on Ohio Sta don't close in on each other Saturday it doesn't appear the Buckeyes will either. The Spartans look good on paper and Middle they looked good last week MSU outside right Nick Dujon finds himself in the midst of a Wooster against Tennessee. congregation at the MSU "We should beat 'em," said soccer field Saturday. Dujon and team mates will play Michigan at 3:30 p.m. today at home. Gibbard of Ohio State, and that State News photo by Tom Gaunt statement is close to optimism, if nothing else. IM anion at IM schedule MAIN CAMPUS FIELDS THURSDAY Field I Main Campus Fields 5:30 Roserocks - B+B Club Field 1 6:15 C.W. Moss - Hobbit 5:30 Fab. F.F. Bro. S. Oal - 7:00 F the Moose - 20 Yr. Resea 6:15 Tau Delta Phi-SAM 7:45 Evans Sch. - Red Machine 7:00 Du-Psi U 8:30 Ernies Boys - Village Idiots 7:45 Wolverine-Woodward 9:15 Ag. Prod. II - Landscaping ( 8:30 Phi Tau's - Sigma Nu Field 2 EAST CAMPUS FIELDS 9:15 B.T. Pi - Phi Delt 5:30 Arjungle - Redrock Field 5 6:15 Emerika - Emperors Field 2 5:30 Joint Effort - LaJocks At the Stereo 7:00 Cannabis Cabana 5:30 Road Runner Snoppe 7:45 Bobcats - Rebels 6:15 Harry's Halos - Zombies 6:1S - Satyr - Wiquassett - Winshire 7:00 Abdication Abudweiser 8:30 Buckeyes - Sticky Pant Ga • 7:00 SAE- Triangle 7:45 Snatch - Lunchtime 9:15 Kildea's Killers - Zig Zag 7:45 LCA - Delta Sigma Pi 8:30 Pride Inc Idearcees Field 3 8:30 Alpha Phi Alpha • DTI) 9:15 Superstition - Setutes 5:30 Old Foresters 9:15 Kappa Sigma - Delta Ch - Cro All Sta Field 6 6:15 Bacchus - Bardot Field 3 7:00 Holden 2N S;30 L.T.'s - Lobs - Chaos 5:30 ATO- Delta 7:45 6;j s Abortion - Abrothel Sigma Phi Fox-BCA 8:30 Faces - Son of Fred 7;00 Honavel - Housebroken 6:15 Elevator I - Elevator II 7:00 Theta Delta Chi 9:1 5 7:45 W. Shaw 2 - W. Shaw 5 - Sig I l Village Squires - Reefers 7:45 Sigma Chi 8:30 Aiche - Chicago Clubs - Fiji 8:30 SDRAWCAB Dish Rai: 9:15 Sultans - Snark - 9:15 Theta Chi - AGR Field 7 East Campus Fields 5:30 Funky Chick - Chem Grad 6:15 Villagers - Owen Bombers Field 5 7:00 Hendrix - H)bbit 5:30 Flatus - Hogan's Heros 7:45 Abelard - Abaddon 6:15 Amalgamation - Strawb 8:30 Lildos BMFS - 7:00 Horror - Horrendous 9:15 Satans Spider - 7:45 Hub 9 Hub 11 8:30 Jensal - Mothers 9:15 Tree - Oedipal Complex is now accepting applications for Fall term. If you are free Mon., BOSTONIANS Wed., and Thurs., 4:10 - 5:00 p.m. Buy 3 C-90 cassettes for $8.88 (save Stop in this week at 103 Music Practice $2.37) or 3 C-60 cassettes for $5.88 (save Bldg. and join us in rehearsal. $2.19) and get a FREE Aluminum Cassette For more information call hand made Library ($1.50 value.) 353-4789 or 332-1185 (Continued from page 13) /leather clothes the right mental attitude to M the challenge." Offensively, for MS! Magnetic Recording Tape quarterback Frank Kolchl JOEL GORDON showing steady improvements has been praised by "I thought Kolch did Daugherj very«j against Notre Dame," PaugM said. "It's impossible for J average football player to W those big guys (Irish line)out# was throwing with them on top® him and showed a lot of P0" under trying conditions." The Spartans had a few nM injuries against Notre ')a,ne°J are expected to be at full strenffl for the Wolverines. Sop horn® Mark Niesen who has turned^ women's shoes impressive performances from"! cornerback position is nursingj BASS sore hip but says he will bereafl Reproduction so triieitcan shatter glass on the word "go." J VI NEK Daugherty said he thought Spartan defense held »P *1 0 Tote home a TAPE SPECIAL in this handy Memorex reason under pressure at Notre £ carrying bag. (P.S.: Even if you don't need the tape, stop in and taht such defenders as J and we'll give you the bag! VenPelt, Ron Curl, Ron JosfW DOWNTOWN EAST LANSING ?| '' Your Sound Headquarters '' Gail Clark and Paul 326 S. played strong games. Washington 317 E. Grand R ivi TV RENTALS 543 East Grand River East Lansing Free Delivery - fin* Jeweler* From $150.00 Free Service Mr I Special student credit plans... Free Pick-up $9.50 mon"1 I 219 E. Grand River Open 10 - 5:45 Wed. Till 9 Sat. Till 5 Phone: 332-3917 NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 * Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 6, 1971 15 SPORTS J BUCS UP 2-1 Birds bury Oaklan Brooks Robinson, baseball's homers and Sal Bando got the Hendricks, who hit a big homer getting Dave Cash on a bouncer the sixth. Ken Henderson led off best clutch hitter, started other. in the second game of the to shortstop. Hebner, who was with a single to center and, when Baltimore on the way to a 5-3 The Orioles now get a chance playoffs, and take his chances on booed by the crowd of 38,322 third baseman Hebner threw victory over the Oakland A's to rest for a couple of days Brooks Robinson. because of his error, was booed with Tito Flientes' sacrifice bunt into a bases-loaded fifth inning before opening the World Series Richie Hebner, whose error as Marichal single Tuesday at the Orioles- at home against either the got two strikes past right field, Henderson came all allowed the San Francisco him. the way around to score. won their ninth straight playoff Pittsburgh Pirates or San Giants to score their only run, After taking a ball, Hebner Johnson allowed five hits and game and their third consecutive FVancisco Giants. The Pirates slammed an eighth-inning homer lofted a drive which sent Bonds struck out seven before he was American League pennant. lead that playoff, two games to off Juan Marichal Tuesday to to the 10-foot high fence, about Robinson, the most valuable one. replaced. Dave Giusti, who had give the Pittsburgh Pirates a 2-1 360 feet from the plate. Bonds 30 player of the 1970 World Series The Orioles, who beat the regular-season saves, got victory over San Francisco and leaped and, when he came down credit for another by for his general all-around Minnesota Twins three straight move them within a pitching game of the without the ball, rightfieid the ninth and retiring the excellence, got a change to be a both in 1969 and 1970 to gain National League pennant. giants hero Tuesday when the A's the A.L. umpire Shag Crawford signalled in order although Jim Ray Hart championship, piled up Hebner's blast broke up a the home run. 12 hits off five Oakland pitchers and Chris Speier hit long fly purposely walked Eliie brilliant pitching battle between The Giants got Hendricks to load the bases in with Diego Segui, who started their run in balls. Marichal and Bob Johnson, the the Fifth and pitch to Brooks. and went 4 2/3 innings, taking last-minute choice as the loss. He crossed up the A's strategy Pittsburgh's starter. by singling up the middle for a The A's were in the game only It gave the Pirates a 2-1 edge ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ POPULAR 3-2 lead that the Orioles added until Brooks Robinson got a in the best-of-five series and set SOUL - ROCK - COUNTRY chance to swing against them in to in a clean sweep of the A's. Jim Palmer struggled all the the fifth. With the score tied at 1-1, up a rematch in the fourth game Wednesday between San Francisco's Gaylord Perry, who 8 Track Stereo Oranoe Orange Colored Colored Skv Rert Tapes1 Sky — - Bert Kaamnfort Kaempfert way but hung on to go the Don Buford opened the inning won the opener, and and Orchestra Pittsburgh's * $399 distance and gain the victory. He with his second of three hits—a Steve Blass, who lost it. Shaft Isaac gave up seven hits, three of single. Paul Blair forced him but — Hayes which were homers for all the Boog Powell walked. Frank Marichal, touched for a second Bark - Jefferson Airplane * inning homer by Bob The World of A's runs. Reggie Jackson, who Robinson grounded out for the didn't get an extra base hit off second out but both runners Robertson, Hebner's roommate, Johnny Cash MUSIC TO SET THE MOOD * allowed only one more hit until Baltimore pitching all season moved up, The Baltimore Orioles wiped out Reggie Johnson on a double play ball (above) and the Oakland leaving first base the eighth. Athletics in a three game sweep of the playoff series in Oakland Tuesday. The Orioles now advance long, his two homers and get extra base hit off Baltimore an open. That's when Oakland Manager out Then he led off Vic Davalillo, by striking who was DISCOUNT TAPE SHACK into the World Series. AP Wirephoto pitching all season long, hit two Dick Williams decided to walk 402 E. Michigan (across from Dines) 489-3448 pinch-hitting for Johnson, and fep rally moved Thurs. Jhe pep rally as part of pregame The night rally has been changed to SHOP T-MART! Jivities for the MSU - U-M Thursday night at 7 p.m. ie has been moved back from Iday to Thrusday because of Coach Duffy Daugherty and needed conflict with the James team captains Eric Allen and Ron Mor concert on Friday night. Curl will speak at the rally to be held in the archery field behind Jenison Fieldhouse. Thefieldcan aravich hold approximately 8,000 people, but ALL students are urged to attend. uled A six-foot stage will center the rally, with P.A. system available to the speakers and lighted stage. The Spartan team will be there f opene marching in addition to the cheerleaders and, if all goes well, the Spartan band. ,TLANTA (UPI) - Basketball At the rally in South Bend last : Pete Maravich of the Atlanta Friday night, half of the Notre »ks will miss the opening of Dame student body showed up to National Basketball support its team Are the Michigan sociation season because of State students better than Notre ectious mononucleosis, Dame's? laravich, who was to be Jased from a hospital today er more than a week of tests, COMPACT have to take it easy for the two weeks, meaning he will REFRIGERATOR the Hawks' opener Oct. 12 at cinnati and the home opening RENTALS "our days later with United Rent All 351-5652 iladelphia. Campus Book Sale assorted hardbound art books Klee, Renoir, Rembrandt. . . Japanese & Chinese painting reg. $2.95 SALE $1.00 Sixty Ribald reg. $6.50 SALE $2.98 Men and Ships Around Cape Horn reg. $12.50 SALE $4.98 Websters Universal Dictionary reg. $29.50 SALE 12.95 Complete Works of Shakespeare reg. $15 value SALE $6.95 assorted Kahil Gibran Titles reg. $3.00 SALE $1.00 other assorted books about crafts, mythology, ships, cooking and non-fiction now on sale at the ober 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 17 for Sale For Sale Personal AS PUI FREE 100% Siamese kittens ,V TROUBADOUR turntable. to good AFROS STYLING. Monday thru L: 778X reel to reel and 8 home. 372-2533 afternoons. 3-10-8 Friday 8-5:30. UNION recorder. Thorem BUILDING BARBER SHOP. FREE '160 Mark II turntable. Sony DOG, about 2 years. C-1-10-6 and 255 tape decks. Harmon - Houtebroken. Food Jacki An AM/FM turntable and Pay information 351-5040. 2 10-8 TUTORIAL HELP by Ph.D's. ail . s Panasonic RS-790-S sciences including math and FREE: matic reverse tape recorder. 8 BEAUTIFUL tabby and computer. For information „,.d$2. white kitten. Needs new 351-8629. 1-10-6 home. and auto decks, Landlord threatens to evict. Call home (Continued from page one) "It's used to cover said the fact that in possibility of faculty organizing. 50 up- Cassette recorders, daytime, Jill Gilbert. 372-8460 up a lot of many vice-president for University 3-10-8 discrimination, not only by sex, departments there is only "It would be a tremendous step lifiers speakers< used recordl' one Relations, suggested in -• .etterto but discrimination woman who would make the use in the right direction," he said. -e band radios, imported wall professor of business law and based on Ms. Neiherg that, her group use AMERICAN ESKIMO puppies. Need departments," he of University Attorney Carr said n-ERBEO »r strjes and rugs, slate pool office administration, said: sad. anonymous figures "University channels created to REBIRTH, ! and accessories. All adoptive home and love Peanuts Personal "We are all state employees, Recently a woman faculty anonymous for males only. the trustees should be asked to handle specific problems." ngton a»i guaranteed. tested andSECOND Registered. All white. Reasonably "Everyone would know what review their policy on salaries pment there's no reason why we should member, the only female Ms. Neiberg said her point is 58. C 10-6 C 0 X priced. 337-2594. 3-10 8 bridge classes the female is earning," she said, before anyone else takes action. L still room in be any different from employees professor in her department, said that the channels such as the kND STORE, 509 East she did not know if her "but we would be protecting the "We were going to ask them," -»9. $43.50.! Laan 485-4391, 8-5.30 p.m. GERMAN SHEPHERD females, 6 349-4247^{0*7 '' 8°me" Ca" of jjhe Department °f State," he fair because she did not know salary was men." Ms. Neiberg said, "but we were Equal Opportunity Programs In shipment nday through Saturday. Bank months. Guard, companion. office, have not responded Oleksa said the reason given for what her colleagues were making. Oleksa also said that if everyone denied permission." Ruth's adequately to the problem. »• No attache ,ericard and Master Charge, 14645 Airport RoBd laways. C 484-4026. 1-10-6 Recreation concealment of salaries at MSU is Ms. Neiberg, in arguing for total knew what everyone else was Ms. Neiberg said the group had )n,;o's are buih not valid. revealment of all MSU salaries, making it would open up the planned to make a presentation at Perrin said Monday that the '"holes, sew,, NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND puppies Christmas Break the Oct. 15 board meeting and trustee hems and », meetings are public, "but ions. Onlv $50. Registered stock, no papers. had applied through the "proper it's not SPAIN $249 a debating society for channels" as they were advised by Beautiful, I1*B WHAT'S arranged <* d To by free Trad, in jSED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, lers and uprights. Guaranteed 882-7410 or cuddly puppies. 882-8770. B-1-10-6 ACAPULCO $199 NASSAU $169 1 I D «v nn A mM 4 ^ Senate rejects one of the trustees. Responding for President anyone who wants to express an opinion. At the same time, we Branto | don't hide things from the board in only, full $7.88 and up. HORSES BOARDED $25 and $30 LONDON $149 year. Wharton, Robert Perrin, either." i.m. to 9 ,NNIS DISTRIBUTING per month. Box stalls, hay and Call Frank Buck, 351-2286 (Continued from page one) UNO. 0 MPANY, 316 North Cedar. grain, riding ring and trails. Four miles South of MSU. 882-8779 or missiles. iteCity Market. C-10-7 iTT amplifier, Dual, Pickering, 882 3820. B-1-10-6 Service In the day's only other vote, the Senate rejected, 64 to 19, an New procedure Two months old. FREE KITTENS with food, litter. FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL Announcements for It's What's Application for the Undergraduate amendment by Sen. Mike legotiable. 355-0774. Box trained. Must sacrifice. 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE Happening must be received in the Student Advisory Committee for Gravel, D-Alaska, to bar U.S. air 337-0472. 3-10-8 WOLVERINE. 0-3-10-7 State News office, 34S Student Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two • Chemistry (USAC) are due in 320 Chemistry Bldg. by Oct. 1 3. Majors and nonmajors are welcome. For attacks throughout Indochina and Thailand with the option for for award MINOLTA Super 8, BEAGLE PUPPIES A K C. class days before publication. Items FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS the President to continue air or, splicer. $80. Enlarger, $50. Championship, pedigree, beautiful are limited to 25 words. No further Information call 355-9012. will serve as the interim student attacks in South Vietnam if (Continued from page one) 1275. 3-10-8 markings, shots, wormed. 9 weeks announcements will be accepted by member of the Steering old. 3 The Chess Club will meet at 7 p.m. needed to protect withdrawing males, 1 female. All phone. trustees Oct. 14 CALL U.S. troops. during a hearing Committee and the chairman of D NEW Olivity No. 31 wonderful hunters and pets. 1 today in the Shaw Hall west meeting ewriter $39.95, Remington show dog. 349-1913. 3-10-8 The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will room. U.S. Chess Federation rated "I don't understand why rtable," slightly used $19.95. 353-5292 have a lawyer available from 8 a.m. play, to determine team make-up, we're bombing all over will begin. Please bring sets and Robert Perrin, vice president for second ASMSU appointee to the 1985. 3-10-8 SPRINGERS FOR sale. AKC to noon every Wednesday and from 1 Indochina if we're getting out," registered, 7 weeks old. Had DOWN HOME cooking. Macrobiotic to 5 p.m. every Wednesday and Gravel told a virtually deserted University relations. He added Academic Council for fall term, that to date 21 persons or groups E. Frederick Carlisle, chairman DM AMP. Farfisa organ, Leslie. puppy shots. $50 and $65. meals prepared in your kitchen. Thursday during the fall term. Those Senate chamber. Bargain. Phone 694-8594. 2-10-7 Only $1 wishing an appointment are asked to Hop, skip, and jump your way to have requested time to make of the committee to establish per person. $3 minimum. Stennis said "You've got to an •2721 5-10-12 check with the MSU Promenaders Folk and presentations at the hearing. You are what you eat. 351-3490 the ASMSU business do something to keep them on interim faculty grievance BEAUTIFUL THOROUGHBRED Kathy. B-1-10* office, 307B Student Services Bldg., Square Dance Club. Come freak out SEWING machines, $12.50 Keeshond. 8 call 353-0659. There will on our folk floor. We will have two the defensive as much as months. Has all or be a ING RIPPED Console models, shots. Papers available. Must sell. THE SECOND most important man nominal $3 real callers at our meeting at 7 p.m. possible." charge for this service. participation in academic >d Phone 339-9186. 3-10-8 today in 34 Women's In urging his amendments, formally presented to the Elected KR6160 ables, zig - zags and straight at your wedding should be your Intramural governance defined in the tui Ma rant;, Over 60 to choose from. photographer. Phone Terrence The MSU Pre - Law Club wUI hold Bldg. Buckley said an agreement at the as Faculty Council in November. CTRO - GRAND, 804 East Miller 351-2013. 5-10-8 its first program of the year at 7:30 SALT talks would mean "the ''Bylaws for Academic He said the committee comparablj Mobile Homes Veterans there will be a meeting Governance" was presented by members will be receptive to igan, Lansing. Hours: 9 a.m. - p.m. today in 118 Eppley Center. Soviet Union's - Contact of the MSUVA at 7 p.m. today in the present Leo V. Nothstine, a member of m. Saturdays, 9 a.m. - Noon.O A RTIST, EXPERIENCED: Guest speaker will be Matthew P. recommendations to the superiority in numbers and the Committee on Committees, :higa PARK ESTATE 12' x 60' with Illustrations, Graphs,Charts,Leroy McCauley, director of admissions of American Legion Hall. Fall proposed document between activities will be planned. There will lifting capacity of this category and Mark Bathurst, ASMSU , INC. 93 :TI LINEAR model - loud Expando, 2 bedrooms, skirted, in lettering, etc. Call 332-2807. the University of Michigan Law of missiles will be frozen, as will now and its presentation to the 0-10-6 School. be a smoker following the meeting. »r. 351 i. Perfect condition with Holt. 694-0762. 3-10-8 He will discuss admission the numerical superiority of her representative to the Academic Elected Faculty Council. The full ins. $120. 393-8816.3-10-7 ASHES, RUBBISH hauled. 75c a procedures and answer questions. antiballistic missile forces. Co'undi'forfaH 1911, document appears on the back MARLETTE Annual club membership dues of $1 Judge Maurice Schoenberger of the Bathurst announced 1966. 12' x 50', that he page of today's State News. barrel, special on clean ups. Phone will be collected at the door. 54th District Court will be the guest His arguments drew backing iring and completely furnished, excellent 393-4592 anytime. 10-10-14 speaker at Wilson Halt's first from senior Republican s. OPTIC condition, skirting and shed. King 5 East Michi Arthur's Court, 485-7744. Call The Michigan botanical Club, Red "Dialogue '72" to be held at 8 members of the Armed Services DON'T GIVE your used furniture Cedar Charter will tour the Sanford tonight in the girl's formal lounge. I. C-5-10-8 after 5:30 p.m. 4-10-8 Committee such as Sens, COMPONENT set, Garrard away. We'll buy It. 393-4592. Woodland and Beal Pinetum. The 10-10-14 Margaret Chase Smith of Maine, take The first fall meeting of the ir, Allied tuner - amplifier, TRAVELO 1952. $1000. Excellent group will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday at Strom Thurmond of South or best offer, 351-8378. the Van Hoosen Hall parking area. Undergraduate Anthropology Assn. condition, close to campus. DAYTIME BABYSITTING in my Carolina and Peter Dominick of The tour will be led by members of will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in 351 -6808 after 5 p.m. 5-10-11 Colorado. home. 1 or 2 children. Call the 321 Baker Hall. Please come and chapter with emphasis on 337-2112. 5-10-8 participate in the decisions of the But Stennis said the proposals STRY SET, microscopes, bike CHAMPION 10'x 50' conservation of these natural areas. furnished, constituted "a frontal assault on , helmets, barber set, floor bber, encyclopedias, furniture, clothes, records, sleds. carpeted, shed. On lot 15 minutes from MSU. 641-4209, Must seel 3-10-7 BATON - TWIRLING classes. Now taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640. There undergraduate will be a meeting of all physics majors to Anthropology Dept. The special movement will be held from 7 to 8 class for the President's position with respect to the SALT talks." ia ZZ7ZZ7BZZ7ZZ7/1B D us , games, much more. 20-10-28 decide on methods of representation men tonight He called efforts to develop a 3342.4-10-8 under the Taylor Report at 7:30 p.m. In 218 Women's Intramural Bldg. All 1955 GREAT Lakes. 8' x 45*. Located first-strike capability • the ability amplifier. Fen FLUTE LESSONS. Private today in 118 Physics-Astronomy interested guys are welcome. in park behind Tom's Party Store. to mount an initial strike so and I I, PEARS, plums, sweet cider, Phone 349-1586. 5-10-11 instruction available at Bldg. Lansing Metro Lines Bothone yew Thursday and Friday at the great an enemy could not own apples. Friday, MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann FOR INFORMATION PHONE 482-4848 Albatross retaliate-" the search for a wil - Must sell, Sunday. BLOSSOM 1966 MARLETTE 10' Street, 351-7830. C-10-6 The Student Mobilization (547 E. Grand River): x 55', 7' x 20' of - the - wisp." And he said original cost.l HARDS, 2 miles North of Committee will hold an open meeting Frederick Wiseman's 90 minute Expando. 3 bedrooms separate on Hull Road. (Old U.S. to discuss its fall antiwar activities at documentary "Basic Training," steps to develop one could dining room, carpeted, washer, air FOR QUALITY service and stereos, 589-8251. 9 - 6 PM. Closed 8 tonight in 34 Union. filmed live at Ft. Knox. Donations provoke a Soviet first-strike conditioned, all set up in Park 20 TV's and recorders. THE STEREO days. 0 will be 75c for the showings at 7:30 minutes from Lansing. 625-3427. SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Resource and 10 p.m. Thursday, and 8:30 and 5-10-11 Development UES: DOUBLE - brass bed, 11 p.m. Friday. undergraduates: The first meeting of nd iron cupid bed, $60. ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, the Resource watch MICHIGAN MOBILE HOMES Development Club will iece walnut bedroom set, $80. radios, recorders, TV's. be held at 8 The MSU -Open 7 days a week, 9-9 tonight in the activities Astronomy Club will ks, chests, 332-3357. 4-10-8 Dependable, reasonable. Call. room of the Natural Resources Bldg. meet at 8 tonight in 315 Monday through Friday, 9-5 Saturday, 1-5 Sunday. 2015 N. 0.5-10-11 Physics-Astronomy Bldg. A Lick MACHINE Clearance Sale, Case Hall welcomes all to Observatory film on the Milky Way Larch U.S. 27N. Phone 372-2580. come new portables - $49.95. $5 and meet several of the East will be shown. All interested are 5-10-8 Lansing month. Large selection of conditioned used machines, Typing Service City Council candidates at 8 tonight invited. in the Madison Library, third floor igers, Whites, Necchis, New Lost & Found TYPING TERM papers and thesis. Case Hall. The SDS demonstration against ■ne & "Many Others", $19.95 Wesley Fishel and the MSU Iran to Electric typewriter. Fast service. 9.95. Terms. EDWARDS There will be an open meeting of Project will begin at 1 p.m. today. LOST, GREY kitten. Vicinity Beal / Call 349-1904. 18-10-29 TRIBUTING COMPANY, Oak. Please return, the Spartan Pistol Club at 7 p.m. There will be a rally at Beaumont 5 N, reward. Washington. 489-6448 today in Demonstration Hall. A Tower and a march to the 351-1740.3-10-7 PROFESSIONAL 0-17 Administration Building to confront jr course in basic range safety and pistol THESIS President Wharton. Initial plans to LOST: WIRE rim glasses. Near Wilson PREPARATION marksmanship will be held. FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 Hall. Reward. Call 353-2782. gather at the Administration Building k^L IBM Typing Michigan. Dishes, books, 3-10-7 . Come to the first meeting of the have been changed. . Multilith Printing . antiques, rockers, junk. German Club at 7:30 p.m. Thursday iin Hunters Paradise. D.W. Griffth's masterpiece "Birth Open LOST: GOLD Checkbook, Sept. 24. in 34 Union. See German movies and rday and Sunday. Furniture Anthony Hall. Call 353-2835 elect officers. of a Nation" will be shown at 7 and Complete Professional Thesis Service for appliances open all week, 10 evenings. X-5-10-7 Master's end Ooctoril Candidates, 9:30 tonight in 104 B Wells Hall. No fret 6 pm/ Phone ID is necessary. 371-2843. C LOST: MALE wedding ring, I.M. § 1 1 ! ey 137 1527 or 127 ?** !I0N GUITAR, $375 new, 1 Field, reward, call 355-9848. Wanted "Lonesome Cowboys" by Andy Pth old. immaculate condition, 3 10-8 COMPLETE THESES service. Warhol, an outrageous western satire, sell for best offer. 372-5822. Discount will be shown at 6:45, 8:30 and printing. IBM typing and binding of theses, resumes, BABYSITTING IN your home, days 1°:2° tonight in 106 B Wells Hall, publications. Across from campus, or nights. Phone 487-3855 This fllm is definitely not for the :RN BLONDE bedroom set anytime. 4-10-8 younguns. corner M.A.C. and Grand River, lew, lurge dresser and mirror, below Jones Stationery Shop. Call smaller dresser, and bookcase COPYGRAPH LOST: ONE pair black rimmed SERVICES, HELPI NEED $4 ticket for James Iboard. Call 487-3096. S glasses, brown case, 355-5306. __337-1666. C Taylor concert. Call 355-2120. $$$. 3-10-8 2-10-7 ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith The MSU Conservative Union •NARD WHOLESALERS \i offset printing. Complete service meet at 8 p.m. Thursday, in PRICES ON Personal for 1 GIRL $56monthly. 351-9049 after dissertations, theses, Union. All students of a conservati [T0GRAPHY manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 7 p.m. 3-10-6 nature are welcome. (OVERBURDENED? 22 years experience. 349-0850. C Educational aids, research, BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Bicycles! The MSU Cycling Club tutoring, translations, science all positive. A negative, B negative meets at 7:30 p.m. today in 203 SAVE SAVE SAVE researchprojects. WRITE ON, 210 and AB negative, $10.00 O Men's Intramural Bldg. Plans for SAVE TO Abbott Rd„ 332-3700, 10-5 p.m. XEROX COPYING- offset quality at reasonable prices. THE COPY SHOPPE, 54 East - best negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, rides, picnics, workshops, the Detroit bike-in, and other activities will be Grand 507% East Grand River, East discussed. 50% WOOLIES, ROCK blues and hard core boogie. Direct booking. River. Phone 332-4222. C PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 The opening kick-off meeting of 351-2182. 5-10 7 papers, theses. Best rates. Call pm Monday, Thursday, and Alpha Sigma Phi has been changed to ^ Complete Professional 351-4619. O Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 7:30 p.m. Oct. 12 due to scheduling FR E E ... A lesson in complexion care. pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C problems. ^ARKROOM SUPPLIES TYPING THESES and letters, etc. Call 484-4519, East Michigan or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE Rapid accurate service. SDS will meet at 7:30 p.m. today WANTED: ADULT tickets NORMAN COSMETICS Experienced. 393-4075. C in 35 Union to plan the next step in STUDIOS. C Homecoming, Iowa game. Call the struggle against the Iran Project DISSERTATION, THESES, tern Leo 332-2591. 1-10-6 and Wesley Fishel. h09N[.Washington ■ Lansing THANK YOU A LOT papers. Expert typist with degre in 0-10 6 English. I.B.M. 351-8961 NEED 150 square feet (garage, etc.) with water, building How can 1 practice the presence of God in my life? Meet with the South If you want to learn how to electricity, and heat; for Collegiate Fellowship at 9 tonight in t'CHORD. SOLID cherry. Transportation 4 say thank you in 24 different production of cement items. Call the Alumni Chapel to study this too* strinas 484-9856, Scotty. 3-9 p.m. 332-5555. 1-10-6 '529. 10-10-14 languages, one way is by buying a lot of Royal Crown WANTED: LIKE new naroe brand Cola. RC bottles have put The Undergraduate ftychology Animals "thank you" In 24 languages GREYHOUND buggy; children's European clothes. baby 355-7774. and Club will be having a business on bottle crowns. meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 3-10-8 212 Agriculture Bldg. All those |0PEJ SH°P. Mice, 45c each 5/ And you'll want to say Introduces new direct bus interested in participating in the Krmu I1 ?' 39c each 5/$1-50. "thank you" for this money service to Pontiac, Royal Oak, Psychology Club or wanting to know ,h' shop 20% discount and time saving tip. Whenever and Birmingham, from the more about it should attend. TJh Unt" October 13. you need something be sure East Lansing Bus Depot. fs f, Holt P,aza- About 5 to look in the STATE News Departing on Fridays at 4:25 CHEMISTRY 132 Lab manual, 4th edition. Phone 371-3127 after 4 Movimiento y Esfuerzo Chicano de »cm3.io.irAure,iusand Classified Ads supermarket of services and first. It's a p.m. For Further Information call East Lansing Bus Depot, p.m. 3-10-8 Aztlan 7 to 9 (MECHA) will hold tonight in 31 Union. a meeting Box goods for sales. Check them 332-2569. TWO COUPONS any class, "sined, 7 The Winged Spartans private pilot * d, each day for better buys on affectionate, 351 -4265. the things you need! U.M./M.S.U. for one senior ticket. ground school begins at 7 p.m. today Great saat. 332-4777. 1-10-6 in 114 C Wells Hall. 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Document provides faculty redresi administration officials and department or college level Both Killingsworth and Groty would provide some means for as possible, rather than subject weeks of the hearing.^ faculty of the University and to (2. 3) and consists of said their criticisms were not At that time the President decision. (7.4.) seven correction of gross injustice. to various courtroom strategies all information and records the decision to the "The essential to the resolution of a members, "selected from of 11 members to be a panel drawn by made to infer that they disagree "This matter is not necessarily and rules," Carlisle explained. may ■—-* return - - - L hoard . for most the document is in cirltieal noi I with the concept of a faculty essential to an interim "We didn't want this to J u c ' ® the ..ll particular case." (2.3.6.) lot from the faculty." (2.5.1.) the If informal resolution grievance procedure. procedure, but in planning for become a civil court. The reconsideration. finality 0f deciri* tradition and of a Each party may peremptorily "Although I can see some the long run, they ought to open University does not have the Appeals of the jucicial board's Killingsworth commented informality now particular case is impossible, the decisions are permitted by the "The basis for challenge two members. problems with it now as it up the possibility of a limited legal force of a judicial system. any grje exist, the proposed Interim Faculty Grievance Procedure grievance official is charged with - ■ • The document provides that stands, I would hope this process appeal of this kind of decision, We" wanted' ' ' one """ That "would ,J parties to the grievance if: procedure is to get resoluujl jucidial boards may hear appeals of refinement would continue Killingsworth stated. reflect the .T_ = University .... • the hearing of the judicial swiftly as possible. Theafolr attempts to formalize and constituted the first of time limitations in expedite the method of seeking concerning procedural and in the interim period. However. I Decisions made within the community," he added. board the previous this(3 redress for rights faculty college concerning promotions The document provides for formal hearing, or document h members believed to be violated. within the tenure track, made decisions from the judicial board • the president requests that Groty said, further appeal be granted. "But the fact that this it J The 16-page document according to the college bylaws, if: are excluded by Section 3.3.3 *there has been no violation Appeals Board is advisory, rather than final J represents months of - - fV „ hinrlintf folio «UL I established by each party binding, falls short i - from any appeal according to . concentrated effort by a of the rights of the faculty of selecting one member for the resolution. - • ■ • - committee established by the the interim grievance procedure, Tiemher or member; Steering Committee last fall and "This interfere purports not to with tenure in the •there has been a violation of ?T0«rdu from within the University community. Those "If it is a right that a member has been given, headed by E. Fred Carlisle, the faculty member's rights. - . . ... — •«! director of undergraduate University, but the right to If the judicial board finds that two people are to designate a simply because they di English programs. tenure as a right. If a person the faculty member's rights have third person to^ serve serve as with that_ right - should "Apparently any qualifies for promotion by been violated, it will recommend chairman. He need not be the power to ignore it"'V Originally charged with decision-no matter preparing a document defining whatever standards are laid out the appropriate means of chosen from within the continued. faculty rights and w hat-made by an in advance, then he has the right redress. "Recommendations University (7.3.2.) "If you want a procedure J administrator can be to a promotion," Groty said. shall not conflict with existing If a third person cannot be guarantees resolution responsibilities , as well as a "Just because in your grievance procedure, the challenged, but a 13-member committee began department the full professors committee decision decide who gets to be a full concentrating on developing a made grievance procedure in April. by professor doesn't mean their The proposed document demo c ratically decisions are infallible," he said. underwent a series of revisions elected peers is The document further sets and presented to the procedures for formal was beyond any question Steering Committee Sept. 27 in proceedings at the department, the form elsewhere on this page. or challenge at all. or unitlevels. If the complaint is This area shouldn 7 be "The fact that this Scheduled to be presented to not satisfactorily resolved, the beyond challenge." is still advisory, rather the Elected Faculty Council and grievance official may initiate a Academic Council in November hearing by the University than final and on its way to final consideration C. C. Killingsworth, Judicial Board. binding, falls short of by President Wharton and the The judicial board hearing will professor of labor be headed by a Presiding Officer, bringing resolution... board of trustees, the Interim Faculty Grievance Procedure and industrial relations who is also a standing member If you want a provides for its own expiration of the grievance official's staff. procedure that date (one year from the date of The presiding officer is not a guarantees approval) or incorporation into a voting member of the judicial resolution, there document defining faculty board, but he is charged with must be a provision rights and responsibilities, setting rules for the hearing. whichever that the final step is comes sooner. (4.9.4.) (Section 9.2.) During the hearing before the final and binding." Carlisle said the grievance iiiMMiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii judicial board, "all parties shall procedure's greatest strength lies be entitled to counsel of their C. Keith Groty in the creation of the office of a choice, chosen from within the Faculty Grievance acting director Official. resolution of their grievances. substantive due process and do think the grievance procedure University con"nunity. (5j4.) School of Labor and (2.2.1.) The ombudsman-like official The Faculty Grievance substantive administrative is worth a trial run," „ic }\ ftT8 ^ Industrial Relations will be Official will be an ex officio decisions except those decisions Killingsworth stated. . V: g*r'e.3 j®J*88 appointed by the president under member Council, of the Academic made by "or according to the "Apparently any decision - ^defended as he sees recommendation by the Faculty When faculty member takes j recommendations of II.. a body of democratically elected peers or a no matter what — made by an . u.ii—>t, objected Groty. p . Payng for administrator can be challenged, _ a __ Affairs and "The committee may think acuity a complaint to the grievance body appointed or procedures uoay appointed proceaures but committee uetisiun dui a coranunee decision mane made . Compensation Committee a 11 r»wir««* onntrAvorciai official, the official may established according to * (FAFCC) and will be subject to recommend several types of by democratically elected peers . t_B . democratically approved is beyond any question or orA,r„npsB nt tho ., - ....® approval by the board of appeal department or college bylaws." challenge at all," Killingsworth trustees. * to be disturbed However if an appropriate grievance (3.3.3.) continued. - ' The grievance official's main channel, such as the Faculty "This excludes certain kinds responsibility will Tenure Committee of the of decisions from any appeal," He added that more attention ^oUted* Sh(?r'the^richt'^o ought to be given to trying to protect' himseif in an * practice, policy and legislating in decided upon, the president will must be a provision that I attempting to informally resolve Anti-Discrimination Board; C. Keith Groty. acting director establish a grievance procedure npr^arv' way the University." (6.2.) ask the American Arbitration final step is final and bindJ grievances faculty members may •informal resolution; of the School of Labor and which would provide for the w^'in 7L _ . . . . ...... Assn. to appoint a qualified he said. have. •a formal greivance procedure Industrial Relations, said, "I challenging of committee H V propriety,"headded wuulieiv Iieauaea I,eaaat!a- , Groty pointed out that what a faculty member has been doing person w Carlisle said the advJ Currently there is no such to the believe any decision has the right capacity of the document ill method for official appropriate director, decisions without undermining Carlisle said Section 5.4 is for years is "existing practice" Oroty pointed out that the keepine wjfh» the [vP an chairman or dean; to one appeal." of faculty consistent the system with the and suggested the document be document does not indicate who government is currently sell ombudsman-type person to help • direct referral to a Univeristy "The most controversial government by peers. undergraduate Academic changed to "existing written Pay for the third person if resolve disputes which faculty Hp He added that all I ■ judicial board, on the aspect of this document is that a "This area shouldn't be Freedom Report and the practice." "e 18 from the American members may have concerning recommendation decision excluded in 3.3.3 completely beyond challenge," Graduate governance is subject to appi by the Rights and The judicial board must Arbitration Assn. by the their rights. grievance official and with the cannot be challenged," he said. "I can conceive of a Responsibilities document. president now. The document provides that concurrence of the FAFCC. concurred C.C. Killingsworth, procedure report its decision to each of the Following the decision of the Finally, the documf VI1C u which would "The consensus of the parties, the Faculty Grievance Appeals Board, the president the Faculty Grievance Official A provides for an judicial board is created for professor of labor and industrial safeguard this committee committee is to keep it as much Official, the FAFCC, the provost will either "direct appropriate "shall have ready access to all each not solved relations. procedure for any fad case at the decision-making process, but a University community matter and the president within two action to implement the member. Interim Faculty Griev On Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1971, the Faculty intend to foster or structure adversary at the same time guard against excessive 1. Introduction 2.3.2. The Faculty Grievance Official shall 2.4.7. The Affairs and Faculty Compensation relationships that may not now exist. infringements on faculty time and excessive 1.1. An interim faculty grievance procedure shall receive and attempt to resolve grievances issues in the proceeding slul| or clearly stated to all involved parties. Committee (FAFCC), requested that the Nevertheless, occasions will arise when power accruing to the University hearing be established in accordance with the principle charges. 2.4.8. Grievance procedures shall b present draft of the proposed Interim adversary proceedings will be necessary, and body? that all faculty have a right to a fair and equitable 2.3.3. The Faculty Grievance Official shall assure in good faith. the procedure provides for those. 3. How shall necessary confidential procedure for hearing grievances concerning that all faculty members receive due process. 2.4.9. Formal Faculty Grievance Procedure be published, alleged violations of faculty rights. hearings shall be closed The committee set out to prepare a records be made available without 2.3.4. He shall advise complainants about both parties consent to an open hearing. so that the faculty would have an 1.2. Any MSU faculty member, including those relatively simple and practical document. As appropriate procedures to follow for the 2.4.10. The privacy of confidential rec< opportunity to read and respond to it before compromising their privacy? with administrative duties, may initiate a grievance resolution of their grievances. For appeals we worked and talked and consulted, 4. Is a dually functioning in the hearing shall be respected. it is placed on the agenda of the Elected procedure complaint involving the violation of his rights as a involving substantive decisions, he shall advise the Faculty Council in November. Although the however, it became clear that the procedure desirable or practical? That is: should the faculty member. Class actions which are truly complainant of the limits o the appeals procedure 2.4.11. Hearings shall be conducted completed expeditiously. tj would have to provide for three procedure be available to administrators as representative of a group complaint may be as outlined in Article 3. 2.5. For each proposal is still a working document, in the administrative levels and that it would have well as faculty? should it try to provide for initiated through any faculty member of the 2.3.5. In the event of a formal case not resolved at the departnj sense that it has not been formally presented to be detailed enough to answer numerous hearing, the or college level, a University Judicial Boardslu redress and sanctions? should it deal with University. Faculty Grievance Official shall assure that established in the following manner: to the Council and is, questions and to account for many 1.3. For purposes of this document the word therefore, subject to violations of rights and neglect of prescribed procedures are followed expeditiously. 2.5.1. A Judicial Board shall consist change, the proposed grievance procedure possibilities. Therefore, if it seems involved "faculty" shall mean anyone holding a full-time or 2.3.6. He shall have ready responsibilities? access to all members, selected from a panel of eleven has been presented to the and cumbersome, it is necessarily so. part-time, temporary, or permanent appointment administrative officials and 5. Should any limits be placed on the faculty of the to be drawn by lot from the faculty (see 1.3.M Steering *The steering committee made its original at the rank of professor, associate professor, University and to all information and records Committee by E. Fred Carlisle, chairman of counsel a party may choose? Should an assistant professor, or instructor. drawing will be conducted by the FAFCC. 8r essential to the resolution of a particular case. the Ad Hoc Committee charge on October 27, 1970. The Ad Hoc individual's counsel be permitted to 2. Judicial Structure party to the grievance shall have the right charged with Committee was then appointed with 2.3.7. He shall be responsible for recommending peremptory challenges. If these are not developing a precedure. Carlisle and the participate in a hearing? 2.1. FAFCC is charged in the Faculty Bylaws to the FAFCC changes in existing grievance the FAFCC shall select the board of seven fro# representatives from major standing 6. Should the procedure with conducting a continuing review of and with procedures for the faculty. committee would be pleased to hear or provide for panel. University committees, the Academic decisions that are binding on the President making appropriate recommendations about ail 2.3.8. He shall report once each term to the receive comments from the faculty 2.5.2. Faculty members unwilling o any time Council, and the Provost's Office. It met for and Trustees? policies relating to faculty rights and FAFCC and once each year to the Academic before this proposal or some grievance the first time on Jan. 14,1971. It began by 7. Should final decisions be made responsibilities, including the development and Council. serve may be excused for cause Grievance Official and others substituted by the Wj procedure is approved by the Elected studying the full range of its concern — objective, outside, third parties? by recommendation of procedures for equitable 2.3.9. He shall sit as an ex officio member of the chosen by lot as above. fwl'J Faculty Council. The text of the covering rights, responsibilities, and grievance adjudication of individual faculty grievances Academic Council. 8. What devices should be 2.5.3. In all cases, challenges shall be tr« employed to concerning salaries, benefits, and personnel 2.3.10. The Faculty Grievance Official advises letter to the Steering Committee and the procedures. In April, it temporarily avoid pointless or repeated confidentially. The FAFCC shall a ^ appeals? policies. and assists the faculty and proposed grievance procedure follow: suspended work on rights and 9. Should a statute of limitations be administration, and he Board after selection has been completed. 2.2. The FAFCC shall serve as a univerisy also studies and evaluates grievance responsibilities to concentrate on a procedures in 2.5.4. The Judicial Board shall conductM incorporated into the procedure? grievance advisory committee. broad and important ways. This proposed Interim f aculty Grievance grievance procedure. in accord with Articles 3,4, and 5. 20. Should the 2.2.1. The FAFCC shall meet with the Provost However: Procedure has been prepared by the Ad Hoc During the last several department guidelines be 3. Jurisdiction months, the more detailed and, therefore, more and the President of the University to present and he shall exercise no powers beyond the Committee at the request of the Steering committee has consulted with several 3.1. University Judicial Boards groups discuss a slate offaculty members from which it legal authority of the University; restrictive? Committee.* Without an accompanying and individuals. We have discussed drafts of shall select a Faculty Grievance Official. It shall he shall not make University judiciaries established by or In accord wilkj The committee has answered these and policy or document shall have jurisdiction < statement of faculty rights and the grievance procedure with the also meet with the Provost and the President to replace established Faculty other questions for itself - we had to in order review the official's term of office and to legislation or judicial violations of faculty rights. responsibilities, the procedure is Affairs and Faculty Compensation procedures; , 3.2. incomplete, as it is without a document Committee, the Administrative Group, and to prepare a document — and in doing so, we made certain initial choices which in turn recommend about his reappointment. he shall not serve as advocate for any During this interim period, shall be defined in accord with e facultyjj 2.2.2. The FAFCC shall consult with the Provost party on any grievance; assuring the fulfillment of faculty the Assistant Deans. We have had responses and President concerning an appropriate policy, and legislation in the University. responsibilities. However, the faculty's from the President, Provost, required us to make others. Some of the salary, he shall respect the confidentiality of University choices, obviously, are more important and budget, office facility, and staff for the Faculty records and the privacy of either or both 3.3. University Judicial Boards shall repeatedly expressed need for a grievance Attorney, a group of representative parties appellate jurisdiction in cases that basic to the document than others. And Grievance Official. in grievance, if a so requested; procedure has made it desirable and department chairmen, and from a number of 2.2.3. The FAFCC shall conduct he shall not be eligible to formal hearings in a department or col other choices could have been a continuing participate in necessary to adopt a procedure before the individual faculty members. Their made, as review of department other unit, college, and 3.3.1. Judicial boards may hear • the range of possible answers to the or any department or other unit, college, or definition of rights and responsibilities is observations have been invaluable; university grievance procedures established by or concerning procedural and substantWj however, University grievance procedure established by or in complete. The procedure is, therefore, no one but the committee is questions suggests. This document in conformity with this document to determine process. responsible for conformity with this document, except in his the expresses ours, and we present it to the their adequacy, to determine their 3.3.2. Judicial boards may ' proposed as an interim procedure. The Ad procedure herein defined. conformity to official capacity as Faculty Grievance Official. Hoc Committee is currently preparing a Although the committee has prepared a faculty for its consideration. the guidelines herein established, and to 2.4. Each department, college, or other academic concerning substantive adminstrati E. Fred Carlisle, chairman recommend revision in established procedures. unit shall except for those excluded in 3.3.3. statement of rights and responsibilities, and procedural document, several substantive establish a grievance procedure that 2.2.4. The FAFCC shall participate in the 3.3.3. Judicial boards shall not when that document is complete, the issues have arisen Vera Borosage assures due process for individuals or _ during our discussion. The grievance procedure as provided in this document. Article 5) and that accords with groups (see concerning substantive decisions made W| grievance procedure will be incorporated committee has tried to account Herman L. King the following into it. for, if not Madiscn Kuhn 2.3. There shall be established a Faculty guidelines: according to the recommendations of > incorporate, most of the opinions offered Grievance Official whose office shall be 2.4.1. Records shall be democratically elected peers or a body »f The committee has Gerald Miller kept and consulted developed this concerning these issues. Even so, it is independent of the existing administrative throughout the informal and formal phasesofeach or procedures established »ccof' grievance procedure to serve the faculty and important for the faculty to know some of William E. Sweetland structures of the University. case. democratically approved department or f the University. those issues before reading the document. John A. Waite 2.3.1. At the recommendation of the.FAFCC, bylaws. 2.4.2. Records of all formal proceedings shall be The procedure will parallel, support, and We present them as questions: Sandra A. Warden the President with the approval of the board of filed with the Faculty Grievance Official. 3.4. University judicial boards sliall have'j review existing decision-making powers. It is 1. Should the procedure be limited to a Frederick Williams trustees shall appoint the Faculty Grievance 2.4.3. A hearing committee shall serve procedural and substantive jurisdiction i" not intended to establish a Official, (cf. 2.2.1.) that originate at the separate and rival review of procedural and substantive due Rita Zemach throughout an entire University level. At intervals not to exceed five years, the proceeding. 4. Judicial Procedures administrative structure; nor is it intended process? Or should it provide for the review 2.4.4. Hearing committees shall take precautions to displace professional judgments where of some substantive decisions? Former members: FAFCC shall review the desirability of continuing to avoid connict of interest. 4.1. When a faculty member has a grievaf* the appointment of the Faculty Grievance Official. may discuss the matter in a those judgments should take clear 2. What method of 2.4.5. Hearing committees shall not be selected personal c"n selecting a University At the same time, the Faculty Grievance Official by appointment. with the Faculty Grievance Official. ,. 4 precedence. The grievance procedure hearing board will Harold Hart provide interested, shall be consulted by the FAFCC concerning his 2.4.6. Recommendations will conform to 4.1.1. The Faculty Grievance offi'*! emphasizes informal resolution. It does not competent, and representative members and Virginia H. Mailman interest and willingness to continue, (cf. Bylaws recommend dropping the complaint as l»c existing University practice, ChitraM. Smith for Academic Governance, policy, and legislation. (Please turn to page 12)