A. . . Thursday statesman it a successful MICHIGAN Cloudy . . . TATE NEWS oolitican who is dead. . . .and continued cool with a -Thomas B. Reed STATE slight chance of brief afternoon showers. High in the upper 50s UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 7, 1971 hree trustees favor divulging faculty pay By DIANE PETRYK release to your department of the salaries "Each faculty member accepted a increases as a committee of the whole. The State News Staff Writer of individual members. There is no stated "I can't see how information can be position at Michigan State University Ms. Carrigan said she knew about the practice caused so much ill will that it was University policy prohibiting this assuming that his salary is private private concerning how public money is women's discrimination argument, but said Members of the board of trustees polled practice." discontinued," King added. spent on public employes," he said. if salary information is public one should Jvednesday agreed that information on King suggested however, that information," King wrote, "and I would Cantlon said the faculty had voted Several attorneys have told the State not need a specific reason to obtain access ■acuity salaries should be accessible to the Repas assume some faculty members might sometime in the past to keep salaries obtain from each member of his News that salary information concerning to it. lublie. protest the release of such information if confidential. department a written statement they had not authorized it." employes of a state-supported institution is "The point is," Cantlon said Wednesday, T The question of salary access was raised "To hell with the faculty," White said. intended by law to be accessible to the authorizing the release of his salary to "There is some precedent. Some years "that people employed by the University lecently by members of the Alliance to other members of the department. "They're just afraid the public is going to public. End Sex Discrimination at MSU, who claim ago one department decided all its salary find out how overpaid they are. are not state employes. This has caused a great deal of confusion. They are not. They Jaiary records are being concealed by the Trustee Don Stevens, D-Okemos, said he Idministration to cover up University-wide has maintained for several years that are employes of the University. Hie discrimination against women faculty and University is a constitutionally faculty salary information should be made autonomous body." Ktaff- public. I Trustee Clair White, D-Bay City, will Stevens said, however, that he was not In addition, Cantlon said, the University Land over the complete list of individual suggesting any salary proceedures are obtains many kinds of funds in addition to llSU faculty and employe salaries to the improper, but only that because other state money. Student fees and grants from ■State News at noon Saturday. public employes' salaries are public, "all private sources are examples. | "Tell Cantlon if he wants to stop me he should be public." ■an get a court order," White said, "The University spends almost the same l Provost John E. Cantlon told the State Trustee Patricia amount of dollars from other sources as it Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor, Lews Monday that University policy said: gets from the legislature, many of which go Prohibits revealing individual "I for faculty salaries not into salaries," he said. faculty see no reason member's salaries. to be made Cantlon also indicated that people have public. My impression is that Bob Repas, professor of labor and the employe of any public said invasion of privacy law suits may be agency is not Industrial relations, revealed Wednesday granted that privacy by law." one way to approach this problem. ■he contents of a letter he received May 12, ■1971, from Herman L. King, assistant ■provost. The letter began: T "Dr. Cantlon has referred to me your VICTORY FOR NIXON letter of May 7 regarding the possible [Senate OKs $15.4 billion ■military bills, approved (Vietnam exit WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate voted a WASHINGTON (AP) - Without even calling the roll, the House passed Wednesday bill to cut business and individual taxes Automobile buyers would save an average $200 on new cars purchased. Business would get a tax subsidy on new of joverwhelmingly Wednesday to authorize $15.4 billion over the next three J$21 billion for military weapons and years. It was a victory for President Nixon. Even equipment purchased. This incentive tc stimulate orders and employment and to Jresearch by passing a bill that calls also for though the measure was modified to make U.S. plants more competitive is a ■total U.S. withdrawal from Indochina give individuals more and business less than he major administration objective. Twithin six months. recommended, it remains a key part of his Hoping to speed the measure to enactment I Passage of the big arms bill by an 82-4 vote new economic program. ■came after the Senate blocked an effort to by early November, the Senate Finance It was a defeat for powerful segments or Jforce | override Viet nam a new presidential election in South and set the stage for an effort to Ahhhh organized labor. Union chiefs had staged a Committee opens hearings, Thursday. However, strenuous efforts to reshape the last-minute biitz agairst the measure, tax relief are expected on the senate floor. President Nixon's delay of a federal Marvin Swigert, 31, of Rembrandt, Iowa, gets a foot massage from his wife, Faye, here Wednesday, after contending it is still a bonanza for business. Some of the effects the bill would have on ■pay raise. All individual taxpayers would benefit at I the arms bill,already passed by the House completing part of his jog across the country. Swigert left San Francisco Aug. 17 and expects to make New York individuals: in 59 days, six days faster than the current record. least a little under the measure. Those at the ■in a slightly different form, goes back to that AP Wirephoto By next year, individuals with no more poverty level and for some distance above it than $2,050 income or families of four with ■body before going to conference for would receive significant tax cuts. no more than $4,300 would have no income (resolution of the differences. tax to pay. The nay votes were cast by four A typical individuals earning $3,500 would ■Democratic senators, J. W. Fulbright, Ark., ■Mike Mansfield, Montana, Gaylord Nelson, (Wisconsin, and Mike Gravel, Alaska. ■than The bill had been under debate for less three weeks; the shortest time the arms Wharton favors7% pay hike save $24 on this year's tax, $59 year's $51 on 1973 earnings. If he earned $15,000, his savings would be $7 this year, $13 next year, none thereafter. A married couple with no dependents on next ■ measure has taken to pass the Senate since ■ before Pentagon critics began mobilizing earning $7,500 would save $24 this year, despite state budget action $67 next year, $33 in 1973. But such a ■ against it in 1969. I By a vote of 60 to 25, the Senate rejected couple earning $15,000 would save $7, $13 and nothing in the corresponding years. ■ the amendment by Sen. Joseph M. Montoya, For a family of four, at $7,500 income the ■ D N.M., to shorten the six-month deadline ■for U.S. withdrawal voted earlier if the amount to be withheld. However, we savings would be $29, $7 7 and $30. MSU and its personnel to go ahead with the programs will be necessary to effect savings For such a family at $15,000, the savings ■ SouthVietnamese President Nguyen Van to finance the raises. also feel that any funds withdrawn from the full 7 per cent increase. would be $22, $44 and nothing, and at ■Thieu fails to call a new election by Feb. 3. "While there will be some economizing in University which are not used should be I Montoya accused the United States of "We could provide the 7 per cent increase returned to MSU at the earliest possible $25,000 they would be $28, $56 and the area of personnel, through restrictions ■ partial responsibility for Thieu's as originally planned, with no strings, nothing. on short-term or temporary employment time," he said. A speedup of increased personal ■ uncontested re-election last making up any later deficit through forced and the replacement of turnovers, no layoffs "If this happens, we will be able to lift Sunday, A proposal for a 7 per cent salary increase ■ asserting that "In the name savings and perhaps painful program of the temporary emergency exemption, already to be staged in under of political for faculty and staff will be weighed by the reallocations," Wharton said, citing the are contemplated," he said. some present law, accounts for the bulge of ■ expediency, America has openly assisted board of trustees at a special meeting 6 p.m. "We already are in serious financial adjustments we must make to protect ■ South Vietnam's President Thieu in stifling option he had chosen. ourselves, and also to rer ssess some of the savings in 1972. Friday in the Heritage Room of Kellogg straits," Wharton said in a statement to the According to over-all estimates, individual ■ democracy." Center. long-range educational program changes we In press. income taxes would be cut by about $2 I Then, on a 44-38 tally, it rejected a move deciding to recommend the 7 per cent will have to make if we lose the full The meeting was arranged by the "We hope that this will be taken into billion this year, $5 billion in 1972 and $2.7 ■ by Sen. J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark.,to block a amount, Wharton rejected a possible route amount," he said. University administration Wednesday as account when determinations are made on billion in 1973. ■ provision in the bill that would break the of a lesser salary increase of about 3.5 to 4 President Wharton announced his decision ■ United Nations per cent. He also might have provided the 7 embargo on trade with to recommend the 7 per cent raise despite a ■ Rhodesia and permit U.S. imports of per cent increase now and retracted it later, possible reduction of up to 3 per cent in the if conditions warranted. I strategically important chrome ore. state's appropriation to PANEL STUDIES MSU. I The Nixon administration had backed Friday's meeting is actually a The administration's decision was made I Fulbright's effort, indicating through Senate without any knowledge of the amount the postponement of a previous planned Sept. ■ leaders it wouldn't use the authority 29 trustee meeting which was cancelled state budget office will elect to withhold ■ anyway. Once more, the military procurement ■ measure, which authorizes when the governor ordered the state budget office to withhold up ot 3 per cent of all from MSU's $76-million appropriation. A state budget office decision is expected within a few weeks, and a full 3 per cent cut Plans evol projects for 1971-72 appropriations. I which actual money will be voted in a later In a statement issued Wednesday to would cost MSU about $2,282,640 in its I appropriations bill, survived the Senate with (Please turn to page nine) University faculty and staff, Wharton said that Ue felt it to be in the best interests of appropriation. It has been estimated that a 7 per cent pay for student raise would cost about $4 million. Wharton noted that the 7 per cent is an average figure. In his statement to faculty, Wharton *: " Charles Evers indicated that the administration's detailed recommendations to the trustees Friday will Implementation of procedures for the selection of student representatives to University committees is being coordinated by a adhere closely to a recommendation of the committee headed by Louis Hekhuis, associate dean of students. on Charles Mississippi Evers, first black Faculty Affairs and Faculty Compensation Committee regarding equitable distribution of any average 7 per cent salary raise. Mark Bathurst, Fairfax, Va. junior, and Walter Farrell, Raleigh, N.C. graduate student, will serve on the committee with members of Hekhuis'staff. mayor of The compensation committee's guidelines biracial Fayette, Miss., and gubernatorial Members of the Steering Committee of the Academic Council and candidate in that state, will speak on give first priority to full professors and second priority to associate professors for University administrators originated the committee Sept. 28 in an Mississippi politics at 2 p.m. Friday in the the largest percentage of increase. Both effort to insure the selection of student representatives to Auditorium. academic ranks rate poorly in comparison University committees by the Jan. 1 deadline. Although Evers is Democratic national with leading Big 10 college salaries. The committee has written a document which covers many of the committeeman from Mississippi, he will implementation steps and raises interpretative questions that will run as an have to be resolved before implementation is complete. independent next month against Also, the committee recommended that a Democrat William .Waller. He believes his minimum of $300 be given to all promoters Questions involving identification of student contingency and the changes of winning are slim, but counts the and a minimum of $200 be given to all representation of students in more than one department are & fact that he is able to run as faculty members appointed on a 12-month included in the document. ^ important. It is basis. The recommendations also include The six-page document expected that black voters will turn will be distributed to assistant deans, out to elect merit increases to be granted to faculty department heads and key faculty and student leaders. Any some of the 220 black candidates running Mississippi's with blacks make up about 37 per Evers. members at all ranks. Wharton said severe economic measures in questions or comments directed toward the committee will be greatly appreciated. .V,yfc- *V cent of the state's population, yet less than operations and major reductions in "I suspect it is going to be difficult to meet the Oct. 22 deadline .Vv* f V. *t: :■ ♦ Per cent of those but everyone involved is giving this a high priority," Hekhuis said holding elective offices, he lecture is open to the public and Tuesday afternoon. Search sponsored by the MSU Center for Urban "Hopefully the committee will come up with procedures, The students from Science Education Methods class At fairs, the College of Social Science, models and suggestions that will be helpful," he said. searched for hidden objects, such "I don't see anyone dragging their feet. I think a lot of people are as toothpicks, in an Petitions for two Off Campus Council Mad^s6 °f ^rtS an(* betters, and James seats may be picked up today and Friday raising good questions that will be very helpful." experiment behind McDonel Hall. This student. Chuck Gates, Grand Rapids junior, intently combs the grass for in 307 Student Services. (Please turn to page nine) dues. State News photo by Don Gerstner 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October " news Nixon to outline 'Phase WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon will outline the details of his Phase 2 economic Nixon thus will beat by more than a week mid-October deadline he set some time ago the for Nov. 13. Government sources reported that the Cost of a July 1. 2'plan 6 per cent federal pay raise from Jan 1 t„ tone*t summary program in a live radio-television broadcast at 6:30 p.m. EST today. Announcing this Wednesday, the White House laying out the program that will replace the current 90-day wage-price-rent freeze. The one big question remaining on the eve of his Living Council, the agency Nixon set up to administer the wage-price freeze, appears destined to be the chief policymaking unit in the Senate action on the resolution shortly, but the companion bill may be until later. was exp^u, nut/J? v From the wires of AP and UPI. said the President will go on the air from his broadcast was: how much if any will wages and post-freeze program. The House brushed aside office and will finish his talk within half an hour. mounting |lhn prices be allowed to rise when the freeze ends on However, these sources said Nixon could opposition and passed by voice vote a three-v«' change his mind overnight about continuing the program of tax cuts totaling $15.4 billion r council, a ten-member group of top government business and individuals. or officials headed by Secretary of the Treasury The action came despite a John B. Connally. steppedupiampai^ against the bill by labor union leaders Nixon seeks "To hell with faculty. the wh A Senate committee voted unanimously to contended it is a bonanza for big business. They're just afraid the public is ° give federal employes a pay raise of up to 6 per The measure goes to the Senate where th going to find out how overpaid cent on Jan. 1 if Nixon's new rules permit private union leaders will have another chance to try to they are." industry to raise salaries after Nov. 13. revise it. Clair White Sen. Hiram L. Fong, R-Hawaii, a cosponsor, Most of the bill's benefits for to curb dock strike - said the committee's bill provides that if Nixon would go to those individual, MSU Board of Trustees in the lower-income bracket! continues the freeze on the pay of private although all taxpayers would receive some member employes beyong Nov. 13. or if their raises are relief' possibly starting this November, through > limited to 3 or 4 per cent, then federal employes speedup in bigger personal exemptions. WASHINGTON (AP) - longest such dock strike in the safety." President Nixon ordered the region's history. Ziegler said, however, Nixon's would be under the same restriction. Fong said The measure would revive the the purpose is to give equal treatment to investment credit under which business firms could Justice Dept. Wednesday to seek Press secretary Ronald L. decison not to move now against off 7 per cent of the cost of new charee injunctions for an 80-day cooling Ziegler said the board also the East and Gulf Coast strikes government and nongovernment workers. The Senate Post Office and Civil Service equipment - off period to end deadlocked determined that the dispute that "was clearly influenced by the against their income taxes. labor disputes on the Pacific has tied up 10 Chicago grain status of bargaining" as reported Committee coupled its approval of this bill with Nixon has said Phase 2 will cover all segments Coast and the port of Chicago. elevators in the Great Lakes area by the four-member board of a resolution, which it adopted 5 to 3, of the economy but he also has indicated it w He ordered federal officials to is deadlocked with no chance of inquiry. countermanding Nixon's previous order deferring focus on the larger industries and labor unions Minh lies for morale go to New York City to try to prompt settlemtnt. seek a settlement without resort In San Francisco, U.S. Atty. to Taft-Hartley injunctions for James L. Browning Jr. said a East and Gulf Coast disputes. request for an injunction to halt WHAR1 Flying in his helicopter above the crackle of The White House announced the West coast dock strike would antiaircraft fire in the recent Cambodian Nixon's action some 5Va hours be filed late Wednesday in U.S. offensive, Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Minh radioed his commanders on the after a board of inquiry reported District Court in San Francisco, ground: "We killed 4,000 North Vietnamese. We have. photos." "1 told a lie," the commander of the operation to him that the West Coast negotiations would indeterminate but considerable take time to solve complex difficulties an Browning said Deputy Asst. Atty. Gen. E. Grey Lewis had fiown to San Francisco from Selection plan suggested V.'ashington to help present the declared Wednesday. "But it raised the morale of that have continued a strike of government's case. probably include a third student in the advisory committee. my The committee would elect a chairman from its own membership, troops. I talked to each batallion commander, and I told 15,000 longshoremen on the them that the South Vietnamese airborne were West Coast since July 1, the It the first time President was Taylor's comm ittee recommended. going to Nixon invoked the Taft-Hartley Mimot and Chup. That was a lie, too. president Wharton has not yet initiated the procedure to select a The seven-member faculty committee that drew up the plan also act, passed in 1947 to deal with "Maybe I told a lie, but it raised the morale of my labor disputes that .mpenal the replacement for Milton B. Dickerson, who resigned as vice president recommended a procedure for selecting a new President. The first men." forStudent affairs In June. part of their report, dealing with procedures for selection of a national nealtn. Wharton told the Academic Council Tuesday that he would, in j Ziegler said Nixon based his president, was approved in February, 1969, to facilitate the the "fairly near future," issue letters to the groups to be involved in selection of a new president when former President John A. Hannah V?® ^actpthat continuation of the West Coast the procedure and that he would "follow in general" a selection left to head the Agency for Internation Development. and Chicago disputes "would process developed a committee of the Academic Council. Ky announces election imperil national health The ad hoc committee, headed up by John F.A. Taylor, pr The second part of the report, dealing with other academic of philosophy, recommended that the president compile a list of officers, was approved by the council because of their never candidates and then ask a special advisory committee for rating of involvement with the report on student participation in academic Vice President Nyuyen Cao Ky those candidates. The ratings would not be binding upon the governance, Taylor said last spring. The State News, the student newspaper at charged Tuesday there was "brazen Michigan State President. Consequently, President Wharton is operating without any University, is publishedevery class day during Fall, Winter formal structure in choosing the new vice president. rigging" of South Vietnam's and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays President Wharton is reportedly compiling that list, which will presidential election in which during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition remain secret. President Nguyen Van Thieu, running in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Dickerson resigned citing the "killing demands" of the job that he Member Associated Press, United Press alone, won re-election by what International, had held since 1967. Milton E. Muelder, vice president for 'Chicago Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press election officials said was more than a 90 per cent margin. Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Association. Association, Collegiate Press research and development, was named as temporary fill-in. The advisory committee, according to the proposed procedure, would consist of three members appointed by the President—two to Se "The results of the Oct. 3 election, with figures indicating percentages ^ Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services State Bldg., Michigan be drawn the non-administrative membership of the faculty and a third a& administrative officer with some knowledge of the shows trial University, East Lansing, Michigan. "The Chicago Conspiracy nearing 100 per cent, revealed a position to be filled. onCanadian television stations Two students would also the Advisory Committee with serve on Trail," television film based a but will probably not appear on brazen^ rigging beyond imagination," «Phones}•*»j*<>«*«v-> 7V *?A8MSU uuoosing one and the Council of Graduate Students,1 upon the 23.Q00 pages of court American channels since appeals Ky^d in a statement released by his News 31 355-8252 i(dbGS) anbth&r. k/(I iDSVgniil'hw * ' 1 v'* transcript of the "Chicago 7" trial to the trial are still pending. press office. Classified Ads 355-&25S " r ftrdiversity sotirces say, however, that President Wharton will will be shown at 6:30 p.m. and 9 Frustration with our crurtsand Advertising 353-6400 p.m. today in 108 B Wells Hall. the American "system" in general Business Office 355-3447 Co produced by the British is dramatically revealed by the "OLD TOWNE" MARYLAND Broadcasting Corp. and seven American actors ii , Time-Life films, the film has been principal roles. Cliff Gorman stars Senate votes for raise A 60-27 Senate vote Wednesday threatened to deal GIVE YOUR BIKE AWAY? CLAM BAKE! WANTED: as Yippie leader Abbie Hoffman and Al Freeman Jr. plays Black Panther Bobby Seale. • WHOLE LOBSTER The Detroit Free Press rated the President Nixon a setback in his effort to fight inflation by delaying a federal raise for six months. pay Bicycles left at Cedar Village • CHERRY STONE CLAMS Girls to model film a "superb presentation of the • SHRIMP • CORN-ON-THE-COB atmosphere and emotions of the It wrote into military-procurement bill an a Apartments over September break amendment under which government employes could can be claimed at the Cedar Every Friday! 6 to 10:00 PM. at the GABLES confrontation in the courtroom." Village get a pay raise on Jan. 1 despite Nixon's order delaying office with positive identification. Steamed and uniquely served in o wire bosket if interested the congressionally approved boost until directly to July 1. your table! However, the amendment provides that any federal Unclaimed bicycles will be do¬ TOSSED SALAD-CORN BREAD raise could not exceed the general average of nated to DRAWN BUTTER pay charity. increases permitted for private employes under Phase II of the President's new economic program. CEDAR VILLAGE APARTMENTS Bogue at the Red Cedar Change proposed for TV Clay T. Whitehead, President Nixon's director of the Office of Telecommunications Policy, proposed Wednesday a sweeping revision of the laws regulating radio and television. He proposed new regulations to end the chaos developing over access to television time and license renewals, and suggested that commercial radio be excused from some regulations. He warned, "The Fairness Doctrine and other access mechanisms are also getting out of hand. It is a quagmire of government program control and once we get into it we can only sink deeper The courts are on .. . the way to making the broadcaster a government agent." Williams gets no aid U.S. Justice Department officials said Wednesday they have refused to intervene in the extradition proceedings against Robert F. Williams, the former see them hear them president of the Republic of New Africa. Williams lost a round in his fight to avoid extradition dance to their big brass sound to North Carolina where he faces charges of kidnaping a white couple when the now Michigan Supreme Court Tuesday refused to hear Williams' request to declare the appearing wed.-sun. night proceedings illegal. dells Williams, 46, then went to the U.S. Attorney's office here, alleging that the governors and attorney generals of Michigan and North Carolina were conspiring to deny him his civil rights. Williams fled the country in 1961 to excape prosecution on charges he kidnaped a white couple hagadorn-right on M78 during racial disturbance at Monroe, N.C. a Williams, at the time president of the local chapter of the National -right on towner rd. Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), claimed he was protecting the couple from an only 8 minutes from campus angrv mob. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 7, 1971 3 BUF urges motion defeat By JOiMI BENN more than 125 members of the is in the best interest of the proven how much they want and State News Staff Writer which the disagreement was orderly group crowded the student body," Harty said are willing to work for their discussed. Union sun porch. With the room Wednesday. votes. Over 200 representatives of filled to overflowing, the Harty lauded the group for Buckner appraised defeat of the Black United Front (BUF) atmosphere was calmed as the attending the meeting, claiming Board Chairman Harold the motion as -"in the best demonstrated the benefits of a proceedings were moved to "they've showed more interest Buckner congratulated -both interest of the student body at united constituency Tuesday larger quarters in the building. than anybody else and have groups for the orderly manner in the present time." night be rallying to encourage In the new setting, both defeat of a proposal to end groups engaged in peaceful, if ASMSU voting representation tense dialogue. Throughout the from the Office of Black Affairs (OBA). The proposal, introduced last course of the debate, Harty calmly reaffirmed his reasons for the motion. State week by Kevin Harty, board Although Harty denounced vice-chairman, called for reducing OBA's two representatives from voting to any previous aspirations to regain voting seats for the Intra-fraternity Council (IFC), on red non-voting members. Intra- cooperative Council (ICC) Though Harty had introduced and Panhellenic By JOANNA FIRESTONE D-Livonia, House Democratic state-wide population has made Council, he the proposal as a measure to repeated his allegations that and Majority Leader said the the futures of these encourage voting equity and these groups were "minorities" RANDY GARTON re-apportionment question will congressional seats uncertain. reduce special representation which have "lost their votes and have top priority on the House on Michigan legislators wrestling Currently, Michigan's ASMSU meeting the board, the increasingly issue had become identified as an practically much of their in the interest of power equal with the problem of remapping the state's 19 congressional calendar when the chamber resumes its session Oct. lower congressional districts are mapped in favor of Republicans, "anti-black" measure since its representation." districts agreed Wednesday to 26. with 12 GOP members and Black United Front members and advocates appeared at the ASMSU seven meeting to protest the presentation. \\ would relinquish the office of Black Affairs' Harty's proposition was met conclude their work before Jan. Democrats, two of which are [ proposal wbic two votes on the council. As the proposal was with charges of "a return to "Nobody—Republican or these black congressmen. State News photo by Tom Dolan introduced for board discussion, tokenism" by C. K. Hunt, Brody Democrat wants to see this Informally heeding warnings representative. question defaulted to the courts, The population shift from by House Elections Committee Although Harty remained Chairman Alfred A. Sheridan, no matter what our individual Detroit to the suburbs since the differences," Stempien last census which has resulted in itness stirs calm throughout the exchange, D-Taylor, that further delay said, controversy another advocate of the one could throw the "What Democrats want to do is some tremendous inbalances vote start by laying out the under the one-man one-vote man-one principle was less re-apportionment question into restrained. Larry Stempel, federal District Court, the Detroit-Wayne County districts. requirement. Shaw-McDonel We have to come out with two representative, bi-partisan group will aim at black districts, whoever Members of both the Senate bitterly attacked the black completing the task prior to represents them. It's and House presentations and at one point, federal intervention expected a political apportionment iver rally incident necessity." committees have agreed to meet following the 13-4 defeat of the Feb. 1. By LINDA i/VERFELMAN peace motion, engaged in a fiery exchange with Steven Landrum, Akers-Fee representative. State law requires that Michigan's congressional districts be redrawn after each U.S. two A decline in population in black Detroit districts, jointly in order to avoid duplication and intra-house squabbling and hopefully wrap turned away for "about 30 been given a breathalizer test The coupled with growth in up by early December. individual's previous Had the motion passed at the Census. Current redistricting has State News Staff Writer seconds" until he heard screams which indicated that he was problems with the law and his board level, it would have been been held up, however, due to behind him and saw the car intoxicated. mental state at the time of the presented to the student body in delays in certifying Michigan A quiet controversy has arisen turning into the line of marchers. Scodeller said he had hoped alleged crime must be considered a constitutional referendum. census data. the sentencing in Ingham "I think he knew exactly what that Bennett's intoxication before sentencing, Warren said. TTiough Harty has the option of Under a rising state iunt,y Circuit Court last Friday he was doing. By the action of would cause his license to be catalyzing such a referendum by population, the new districts are tueman who injured 18 people sitting behind the wheel and suspended. Court records Because Bennett had no petition drive, he has decided to expected to include about bracing himself for the shock, I'm indicated that such action has not [hen he drove his car into a mass previous difficulty and because let the issue rest. 467,000 persons—an increase of peace marchers in May, 1970. convinced he readied himself for been taken. "he did not have the wrongful "The board has decided on a nearly 58,000. William Bennett, 253 the impact," Crawford said. Responding to the charge that motive," he was sentenced to one course of action which I suppose Rep. Marvin R. Stempien, iplewood Drive, who did not David A. Bunch, a former MSU the sentence had been too year probation, the judge intest the charge of attempt student who was injured by lenient. Warren said, "People will explained, adding, "What's to be lonious driving, was found sentenced to one year Bennett's car agreed. "He just looked determined. It appeared always differ about what a gained by putting him in jail?" sentence should be." Another 20% DISCOUNT ON though his intention defendant, convicted of obation and instructed to pay TYPEWRITER REPAIRS as was to 120 in court costs. drive into the crowd," Bunch manslaughter the same day, also James B. Crawford, East said. Scodeller disagreed, claiming was added. placed on probation, he The GABLES FOR MSU STUDENTS ansing graduate student, who itnessed the that Bennett could not have incident, charged uesday that the hearing had intended to run into the needs girls iena "whitewash." demonstrators. "It could have French try Crawford said that he offered been the VFW (Veterans of to model FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY give Raymond L. Scodeller, lgham County prosecuting Foreign Wars) and he would have done the same thing," Scodeller table tactics ;torney, a description of what he said. MARSEILLE, France (AP) - next week id seen, but that Scodeller Although Bennett originally A French and a Chinese cabinet minister squared off with table CONTACT ALEX AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES fused, asking Crawford, "Are was charged with felonious 1477 Haslett Road, tennis 337-1311 Haslett du going to tell me how to driving, the charge was changed paddles Tuesday aboard a rosecute my case?" to attempted felonious driving Chinese ship in the harbor here. because of his intoxication, The opponents were Jean Although he said he did not member that particular Dnversation, Scodeller said, Scodeller said. A second and lesser charge, driving under the influence of alcohol, was Bailly, Frency. secretary for commerce, and Pai Hsiang-kuo, Chinese minister of BOSTONIAN tfore than one person called foreign ith their own preconceived Dtions. Some calls were way off absorbed by the attempted felonious driving conviction. trade, who delegation on a is heading a tour of France. BOOT. Stereo Enthusiasts Jack W. Warren, Ingham During the impromptu reception, the French officials JT Your Time is Crawford County Circuit Court judge, said he had seen nnett's car approach on the left de of Michigan Avenue and stop disagreed with Crawford's claim that Bennett's gaze had been too were ship's shown the crew room where the plays table tennis, a r Coming >out nine feet in front of him. steady and too determined for major sport in their country. LIEBERMANN'S Hf AD- him to have been heavily That's when the two ministers cording to Crawford, Bennett en "tightened his grip on the heel. He looked pretty much intoxicated. Bennett indicated in court that he could not remember banged the ball back and forth few times. a October 11-16 ■aight aher.d and pursed his lips, itting his jaw down hard." At this point, Crawford said, he what had happened the afternoon of the march, Warren said. After his arrest, Bennett had Save! Save! Save! QUARTERS ROLL-PAK AIR RESERVATIONS CRUISES HOTELS TV RENT-A-CAR TOURS BY THE TERM! Free Delivery All these services at no extra cost! Free Service Free Pick-up Gitje college travel $25. ' per term Canterbury FINE ITALIAN FOODS W office University TV Rentals $I}Op VALUABLE COUPONS 130 W. Grand River 351-7900 MAC at Grand River THURS 6 PM - 11 PM FRI 11 AM - 3 AM LASAGNA PIZZA NIGHT 1 LB. PLATE GARLIC I 10 INCH PEPPERONI BREAD AND ROLLS PIZZA 99° 99° ... a great carry-all +- Atlantic's Roll-Pak opens wide for easy SAT. 11:30 AM-3AM | SUN. 1PM-1AM packing. And they're made of sturdy canvas that's light and tough. Carry it by j YOUR CHOICE the top handles or sling it over the SUBMARINE ! 1.1 LB. PLATE shoulder with the extra strap. Red or yellow canvas; blue denim. SANDWICHES j LASAGNA AND PEPSI [ROLLS OR GARLIC BREAD 19" X 9" $1500 BUY ONE GET OR 22" X 11" $2000 ONE FREE i 2. 10 INCH PEPPERONI PIZZA 65° TO 99° 99° 16 oz. PEPSI OR OTHER FLAVORS ALL 5 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU E. LANSING LANSING NORTHWIND DR. SAGINAW (AT WAVERLY) (NEXT TO YANKEES) S. CEDAR DOWNTOWN—107 S Wash.ngton W. GRAND RIVER E. GRAND RIVER (AT LARCH) EAST LANSING—209 E Grand River MICHIGAN ART BUCHWAID STATE NEW? UNIVERSITY Economic decline: KEN LYNAM scapegoat looking advertising manager WASHINGTON-If you were looking for back on her feet. It was Harry Trumi] idea." DAVE PERSON, managing editor scapegoats for the downfall of the American CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor economy, they would be easy to find. Most "A likely story, Hardeman. The truth i. JOHN BORGER, campus editor of the guilty parties reside right in this that, thanks to your technical advice u! BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor country and formerly worked for the United States is losing a billion dollars RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor Marshall Plan and other foreign-aid to imports." >e" "But building up West organizations. Germany was on Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award I wouldn't be surprised if a new Joe way of fighting communism!" ' McCarthy came out of the woodwork and "And destroying the American for outstanding journalism. dollar G« out of here! You held Senate hearings to identify the culprits William Kotweiler. Mr. disgust me... I will nowcS who have made the American balance of Kotweiler, it ^ payments the worst in American history. here in your folder that after World Warn The hearings might go like this: you were sent by the American government EDITORIALS "Mr. Hardeman, would you please tell us for whom you worked in 1948, 1949 and to Japan to act as a sales consultant Japa nese camera industry." to tlx 1950?" "Yes sir. Gen. Mac Arthur asked for j* "I was employed by the U.S. government personally." "Don't bring that great Shoplifting to act as technical adviser to the West Germans on automobile production, sir." into this hearing. It also says that American'..^, you toy "And what did you advise the West the Japanese the best way to sell their Germans to do?" cameras in the United States was to maket "I told them to start fresh with new belter product than the Americans and sell it who is getting factories and new machinery. I said that the only way they could expect to compete with American automobiles was to build a small, for less. Do you deny this?" "I probably did tell them that. You "We don't want explanations. see.." Kotweiler inexpensive car that would appeal to young How could an American tell the Incidents of shoplifting are and Japane^etc consumer student employee. people and Americans who were looking for undersell the Americans?" increasing in East Lansing, perhaps as Business compensates for shoplifting a second car." "I guess I got carried away. much as 300 per cent. The student "Did you realize at the time you were would have ever thought the Japanese Besides,wfo losses by increasing prices and by could destroying the American automobile do it?" community is to blame for the limiting wage increases. It is increase and no one seems to be industry?" "May the good Lord have mercy on you, sometimes argued that were "I I'm holding you over for was only following orders, sir. At that contempt...I denying it. Indeed, tales of who shoplifting eliminated, prices would time were supposed to put now call Bartholomew we Germany Wainright. VVainright ripped-off what from where are not decrease and wages would not it says here you taught the Italians how to becoming quite common. But the increase. But such arguments are not OUR READERS' MIND make shoes." shoplifting must stop. "That's not true, sir. The Italians necessarily valid. When, for instance, knew how to make shoes. All I did was show Shoplifters have been analyzed and Montgomery Wards in Chicago then how to make the right shoe and the left shoe psychologically disected ad nauseum. Some (clinically labeled kleptomaniacs) steal unconsciously, reduced incidents of shoplifting through better security, prices were All power to the responsible the same size. Up until then matched." "And now, thanks to your deceit they rarely dropped and the employees union _ others for the thrill, and a few because To the Editor: distributed to students. Mr Colburn lists the people" should not be interpreted to espionage, 10 million people in this country bargained for and received a share of It is unfortunate that the they are desperate. In this campaign for himself and a colleague as being a mean power to students or to any other are walking around in Italian shoes." the new (or at least not lost)revenue. city council in East Lansing which, because "legislative analyst" and "school teacher" group. It should mean power to those who "But, Senator, if we hadn't taught tl» community, though, the percentage Whether to shoplift or not is more of its University emphasis, should insure a of shoplifters who fall in these three respectively, while stating that I am are informed, who are responsible, and Italians how to make shoes for export, tin than just a moral decision. It is a rational analysis of all the issues and a "mayor — ten years" and Dr. Brookover is who are willing to solve Russians were going to do it. How did I problems on a categories is small. Most articles pragmatic one as well. In ripping off careful examination of the relevant "incumbent councilman". Why did he not rational — not an emotional — basis. know at the time that the Italians would rip-off are non-essentials, local merchants you are qualifications of each candidate should so list our primary occupation as "professor Gordon L.Thomas make a good shoe?" ultimately rapidly depart from these criteria. Just the of communication" and "professor of "You thoroughly destroying the common ripping off yourself. Mayor of East Lansing are a traitor to the American shoe other day, in a State News "Point of View" sciology and associate director of the East notion that students steal only what Lansing City Council candidate industry, and if I have anything to say abou column, Mr. Colburn, one of these Center for Urban Affairs"? The answer, I Oct. 4, 1971 it, I will see that you never work aslonga they need to survive. candidates, launched an attack on the think, is obvious. If candidates are to be you live.... Apparently most students shoplift present city government by employing identified as "student oriented", it is better "Gentlemen, I have here in my hand a list for another reason—it saves them such emotion-laden terms as "nigger," not to mention that two of your of 5,000 State Department and U.S. "ghetto," "blatant discrimination," foreig for beer and dope and some opponents have taught at this university aid employees all who have contributed! money new clothes. Moreover, respect for the business establishment has steadily "backlash" — all of which have the effect of short-circuiting the thinking process, polarizing the community, and, of course, and worked with its students for many years. Indeed, we are the only candidates on the ballot whose close involvement with Apologies the downfall of the American dollar. The taught the French how to mal e fabrics, tk Dutch how to make butter, the been deteriorating; shoplifting is bringing votes to the candidate. To the Editor: Belgians hoi university students has been the focus of to make lace and the Hong Kong Chinea Of equal" concern to me are the partially easily justified by those who claim our professional careers. how to make everything. I am turning thii true and fcometinles incomplete pieces of ■lb the many juniors landing tha^since business rips them off with Information written by a person who seeks No one on the present city council tickets at the Stadium Monday, in line for list over to the Justice Department fo higl* prices, the favor should be I apologize. immediate action." the responsibility of city councilmari. xFqr denies that students To the returned. increase the amount junior girl who avowed me to cut in As two federal marshals carry \Vainrigh Shoplifting, they example, the Whitehills Park was places of state revenues returned to the city or front of her, I deeply apologize. My two out of the rationalize, neutralizes excess profits where it is not to serve one "wealthy" hearing room, tears streamin that, if they are residents of the city, they children were waiting for me to pick them down his face, he keeps and is, therefore, admissable in a subdivision, but because it was next to a have the legal right to crying, "But I wi register and vote up at 1:30 at the Mason Day Care Center. I only following orders." public school playground, because land was here. But I think that if anyone will take needed to exchange my football coupons for revolutionary perspective. available in that location, and because it is the time to find out, he will discover Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times that tickets on this afternoon, and since I had not Business is assuredly not the only designed to serve the entire region we have always treated students at council purchased coupons before, I had no idea one that is affected. Shoplifting including children and adults of the less or commission that lines of at least 30 people each were meetings just as we have part eventually hurts the student economically fortunate Tower Gardens other citizens of the community. We have of exchange situation. It was 1:20 and I was area in Meridian Township. listened carefully, we have weighed ready to panic, and when I did panic, I Misplaced Memo arguments and evidence, and we have abruptly made my way to the head of the And again, the peripheral route, even if To: East Lansing Mayor Gordon attempted to come up with answers that line. Kindly, a junior girl let me in front of the plan remains unchanged, will not "run were fair to everyone Thomas - and we shall her, much to the dismay of the man at the through" Valley Court Park, but at worst MSU should will take a small slice off one park which, in staff opinion, will not side of the continue to do that. As in the question of voter registration, ticket office who let me know what he thought. I want to again sincerely apologize to all those around me whom I offended, it Re: An additional S180,000 in stale revenue-sharing money. impair its efficiency nor reduce its we consider that whether a person is a won't happen again. Boss usability. student or a businessman, a housewife or a coed is irrelevant to the Mary Buffamoyer - Wow, now we can afford to build Iran project Another example information is contained in of a incomplete separate flyer decision-making. I am students would want it this sure process that way. "power to of the Mason junior Oct. 4,1971 another parking ramp. - City Manager Patriarchs Part of any university's greatness is difficult to see how Arya Mehr and AP NEWS SPECIAL measured by the success of its MSU benefit to the fullest from projects can an outside of the University community. exchange program. Any MSU For many years MSU has been professor who decides to teach in Iran conducting international Children: America's programs of will find himself handicapped from only hope no small stature. the outset and any Iranian scholar One such program earned the who comes to MSU will not dare University a nationwide reputation, a engage in a truly free exchange of reputation it could have very well ideas for fear of retaliation upon his WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress Yet it passed. There will be a conference done without. This was the infamous return. speak of something soft and tender and generally takes years to enact programs with with the Senate to agree on a single version, And probably most of all the House was Vietnam Project in which MSU did In a wide social sweep, but in a everybody wants to do something for the addition, the purpose of having couple of hours but it should be on President Nixon's desk responding to a hope expressed by R«P' last week the House approved one that could child," said Rep. Fletcher Thompson, the people of Southeast Asia a an exchange this month to be either signed into law or Edith Green, D-Ore. great program with Iran has have a tremendous impact on the nation's R-Ga., by way of warning against supporting vetoed. "If we have any many fovors, such as training Ngo not yet been clearly defined. The text future. the bill. hope in this country To those who remember the seven changing the situation 10, 12, or 15 ye«R Dinh Diem's secret police. of the formal years it But to a greater degree the vote showed an agreement lists no It has as its goal nothing less than seeing to took for Medicare to run that from now," she said, "we must do more with When this project was course, the awareness that the country is publicized specific goals and objectives, just it that each child born in the United States is decade of struggle that went into the changing,^ children when they are small. back in 1966, then MSU President given an opportunity to develop to his full new problems have arisen and the search for generalities. This is the most crucial enactment of federal aid to education, and solutions can't wait. John Hannah stated, "We have criticism of the Iran Project. It is a potential. the slow progress now "I must say that I am very disturbed In pursuit of that goal it would establish a being made by Rep. Orval Hansen, a conservative learned many lessons since then Nixon's welfare program, such speed is hard abouthow much we can really do for the 1 h case of the proverbial Republican from Idaho, who helped draft . . . pig in the poke. nationwide network of day-care centers to understand. We try to avoid situations of We do not exactly know what we're the bill, told the House 18-, or 20 - year old who has experienced great where the preschool children of working Part of the explanation lies in the why he strongly political sensitivity ..." Yet MSU is supported it. failure, who has been involved in all kindsof getting in this bargain. mothers, or those from impoverished procedure. A small bipartisan group in the problems and who suffers the disadvantage now about ready to embark families, would receive a wide variety of House Education and Labor Committee upon a The University, of course, should of a home in the ghetto health, educational and nutritional services. "The American family today is not any neighborhood » project in a country of immeasurable not abruptly cut off the Iran headed by Reps. John Brademas, D-Ind., longer - if it ever was - the Norman Rockwell which he has grown up... Project No one knows how much it would cost. and Ogden It. Reid, political sensitivity, Iran. simply because of the oppressive R-N.Y., had been - Saturday Evening Post stereotype, Before the House trimmed the number of Power and wealth in Iran are working on a bill for two years and planned complete with a mother waiting at the door nature of the country. If MSU's children who would be eligible for free to move it separately. But the Senate made "This is not going to be some program by concentrated in the hands of a few. with hot apple pie for the children after the government in which we are foreign programs dealt with only services - to those from families with its version part of the antipoverty program going'" The per capita income in Iran is less incomes under $4,320 - the administration school," he said. 1 pick up children and make them go s°me "enlightened" principalities, there so Brademas had to tack this hurriedly on as "Today more than half the mothers of place and indoctrinate them with certain than $350 per year. Yet this fall the estimated it at $20 billion a year. an amendment so the House would be few, if any foreign projects. would have school-age children are now in the work The Senate, which passed a similar views. It is quite different. Shah plans to honor the 2,500th Yet in this instance the University something to bargain with in conference. force and all future projections program a few months ago, thinks it might Part of it is that point to an of the Iranian monarchy, needs to further examine the Iran Congress has become even greater proportion of working mothers cost $2 billion. The managers of the House inured to passing bills without caring about in the years to come. "It is a chance to take the children o' lliterally hundreds of millions of Project to a least map out specific bill talked vaguely of $250 million or $350 the working mothers, of families of the po°rj price. "It's not so much that we're "Those who claim that this dollars will be spent to wine and dine million. legislation is a chance to give them some other programs and prevent the possibility spending $20 billion," observed an would mean forcing children from the arms When the House voted to launch this new foreign dignitaries. Such monarchial of a Vietnam project, take two. If opponent of the bill, Rep. David W. Dennis, of their mothers into opportunity than wandering the streets in» program hardly any of the members know massive, regimented ghetto with no one giving a damn abou squandering is de rigeur in Iran. professors are to be exchanged, the R-Ind., sarcastically, "we do that every day day-care centers are surely not speaking for more than the broad outlines of what them. More significant for the they around here." working mothers and their children. They University University community deserves to were passing. It was offered as an Part also lies in the natural "Our only hope is the children. Their only is the nature of academic freedom in know such matters amendment to the Economic appeal of are appealing to the stereotype and ignoring as which Opportunity children. "When speak of the reality." hope may well be the possibility ® Iran. MSU plans in its Iran Act, not as a separate bill, so there was no we a child, we project to professors are going to Iran, which attending a center where somebody cares. exchange professors with Arya Mehr report from a committee explaining it, as is Iranians are coming here, and who is required with a bill and members were University, which is named for the handling whose salaries. limited to 5-minute speeches in Shah and is almost debating it. directly under his This examination should not be It was opposed by the administration and control. An exchange project with limited to just the Iran project; all 59 most Republicans mostly on the basis of its Arya Mehr is in effect an exchange foreign projects should be similarly cost, but not entirely. "It is a question of project with the Snah. scrutinized. We could not have collectivized child raising and it perverts ail Considering the Shah's consistent the traditional cultures," said Rep. Durward forgotten the lessons of the Vietnam G. Hall, R-Mo. "I see this as a long step intolerance toward dissent in Iran, it is Project this rapidly. toward the socialization of our nation." Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 7, 1971 ave )NlPELLILLO lake' plan gains support By TONI PELLILLO the meeting and pledged to work and weeds." could-■ •be purchased- with — — the ..... and after" study of the .1 ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS ate News Staff Writer with the sailing club and all other Brown is responsible for flvnilnhlp available money," mnnpv ' Krnwn OA in soft to withstand the weight of interested students. an Brown said, anvirnnmonfol environmental and o « A marhinerv used .. in . other i„n to "Save Lake The MSU n.„k amendment to the Michigan "That's why it's important we socio-economic effects of the Indian Trails campaign to J>ave uiKe ihe MSU Sa ling Club has a k Legislature, enabling the addition methods Snell said The method ng" received an added boost special interest in the restoration make Lake Lansing one of the of Lake Lansing property to a list acquisition sites," he restoration done by the MSU £ ay nigbt with the MSU project since the club is located of other properties providing ,s also more economically feasible, he added, « e Club'ss nub formation of an ad on the south end of formation ti Lake Lansing Lansing, "arepss "access ito ininnH n inland lakes" to be Approximate^ „i 150 o i„ i ne siuaies are separately ..What we.fe trying to do ^ ^ properties are already on the list, funded, with 90 per cent coming ^mmittee to spur public You might say we're purchased with some $500,000 Brownsaid. from the federal government and Lading back about 10,000 iai|V student - awareness intimately involved with the Lake J V, renvoi. fnnrlintf fll nf. . T m"te|y inv,olvfd w',th the anoint step up federal funding of Lansing situation, m n_. Lake ^ of state funds. After acquisition Brown Eric D. of the site, state monies would Brown stu—stressed that if the state 10 per cent from MSU. yearg when it was a clear lake," Snell said. beautiful, Has (7) Buses Every Day does become a partial property restoration project. Fenton, Port Huron junior and possibly fund beach, "The only parallel restoration To Chicago camping, owner, then perhaps state Rep. Jim N- Brown, president of the sailing club, said, maj,jna or fishjng areaS) B|own _,..L kernos, proposed the "because it's our rudders that said. offjc|aJs wjH encourage federal project that has ever been and intermediate stops at: restroation funds for Lake similarly proposed was in /^/;n/r tion of the committee at always get caught in the muck n nnC "Probably only about 20 sites Lansing Sweden," Sode said, "but it V^lfflfC. £J I U 110 Battle Creek Benton Harbor Ingham County Drain involved a lake the size of a Kalamazoo South Bend Commissioner Richard L. Sode P°nd." OTEST PROJECT said he is still waiting for an . .. T , to the Lake Unsing t . „ The restoration project for public Leaving 6:55 AM 2:25 PM answer Restoration Project s$l,066,000 Uke ^ invo|ves ^ East Lansing 7:55 AM 5:10 PM the lake to a depth of 12 feet or reques from the Environmental . U1. , 10:25 AM 6 :15 PM bottom to clear the lake of * Pub "« meet,n* [OT P®°P'e Marchers urge Protection Agency (EPA) but 10:35 PM human wafites muck mar) d who want to quit smoking will be expects a favorable answer any held at 8 p.m. today in 204 weed John R g whoge - ->rv, in nis searcn tor iunas, ooae, engire'ering firm will do the work, SP™W ofuthe Buses Departing for Flint meeting explain how ■ - - explained is to who is also chairman of the Lake with Bay City and Saginaw Connections "smoking withdrawal clinics" can Lansing Lake Board, had the help the smoker quit, firing of Fishel f, puinPei^ proposal subjected to various " A Physicians, health agency Leave 8:15 a.m. 4:30 p.m. reviews by county, state and d 8*°und to outlying swamp members and former smokers East Lansing 11:50 a.m. 6:40 p.m. federal governmental officials ,thr°ufh d'schaige pipes who liave quit by participating i 2:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Sundays only who all made promising reports. ™e cl«rlJ«d1 then would the withdrawal clinics have joined _out 30 people marched to Fishel should be fired because try to force your beliefs on The project will receive 75 per return to the ,ake f or reuse. together to sponsor the sessions. Cjdent Wharton's office of his actions as head of the people." A series of 12 help sessions, .psdav afternoon after a Vietnam Project, Singleton said After a brief dialopue the iunas. wnue me remaining zo per Because^ — - -- of - - ^the - su«^s" conducted on Monday, rally at Beaumont Tower He said si'ts all over the makers leftInaZ'e of cent will be covered by local units ~ Wednesday and Friday evenings Phone East Lansing Bus Terminal for arrival and departure schedules MSU's involvement country should °f government (Meridian rotest the Iranian government and universities unite of to rid "racist disappointment. Township funds and lakeside u^in/currentWaveraS Lansing.currently averages a at 8 p.m. will begin October 11. No clinic sessions are planned for and information demand that Wesley R professors." "We're not getting anywhere property taxes). The actual work November and December. One 3322569 professor of political here. Let's go back down to will be spread over a three-year dwDCT will be conducted in January. Air Conditoned - Rest Room lake will result with better water ',g be dismissed from the where the real power of this period, Sode said. Cost is $25 per person. Deluxe Coaches Available For Charter enoetuts Jjtv The marchers were met in University lies—with the quality for swimming, boating For more information, contact Write Call the and water skiing. or Owosso, Mich, toll FREE marchers, sponsored by i^ents for a Democratic S^'L?'0" .5* 5!?i.5 person said, B^'ard, asst. to the president, tho™""is. uke Unsing.. pr<4Mt is Hydraulic dredging was chosen the Ingham County TB and 800 292-3831 unique since it involves a "before because the lake bottom is too Respiratory Disease Association r -tv (SDS), paused at the Robert Perrin, vice president for in Lansing. iikiiiiiS of the Administration University relations, and Louis 1 to hear a speech by Jeff Hekhuis, associate dean of gleton, SDS national ?^de"ts' who notto,din them that "T/if university will respond to llie We Waited! Wharton was his office and offered to answer their group . . .we believe we have a gleton explained that the questions. ; is opposed to the Iran good story to tell." ct because they feel MSU "I think it's important for not become involved -Robert Perrin, MSU vice-president You Stalled! you to have the opportunity to the "repressive Iranian try to persuade others to your nment." He called the Shah point of view," Hekhuis said, Stale Journal Sept. 24,1971 "puppet of the CIA." "but I don't think you should roadcast to study We Demand Answers Now! idochina practices THE ISSUES Ihur J. Goldberg, a former and anti-personnel bombs— and me Court Justice, will attempt to determine whether rate the final session of the their use constitute war crimes On September 24 Sol de Atzlan, a Chicono ri c a n 1. Your role as the scientific and intellectual vanguard of Society of against humanity. agri-business has rnational Law meeting Members of the session to caused and created: stigating individual debate these and other questions community organization, Board of Directors 1. onsibility and the are Paul C. Warnke, former unemployment iational law of war as it general counsel and assistant 2. increased welfare roles to the war in Indochina, program will be aired over secretary of defense; Leonard B. Boudin, New York bar; Prof. publicly challenged MSU Cooperative Exten¬ 3. dehumanization of individuals ,R-FM at 7 p.m. today, Telford 4. crippled the small farmer Taylor, Columbia iphasis, according to School of Law and former chief sion and Agricultural Experiment Station to 5. and shifted the burden to country and local governments onal Public Radio, U.S. Counsel for War Crimes at asting the session live Nuremberg and Prof. Tom Farer, Washington D.C., will be Rutgers University Law School. justify its $16 million yearly appropriation. 2. Your imperialist agri-business philosophy and programs in Latin America, .uestions dealing with the Asia, and Africa are creating problems that you can't solve in Michigan - il kind of armed conflict TV RENTALS ently being waged in We maintain this is violation of land-grant mechanization, urbanization, dehumanization, poverty, unemployment, and :hina. Examples they cite increasing welfare. "Are pilots who drop 3. You are not an equal - opportunity employer. lm " l and free-strike ant i-personnel zones where NEJAC TV RENTALS 337 1300 philosophy. You promised an answer. 4. You have violated the land - grant philosophy. reasonable doubt as to 5. Your investments for agri-business ignores and perpetuates the problems military character of the WE DEMAND AN ANSWER of migrants, small farmers, and the urban poor. lace" prosecution? culpable for war WE NEED GIRLS NOW! mbers of the session will the development and use to model new tactics and next week pment—napalm, defoliants at the We challenge Dean FLASH GORDON you, Boger. Dire i COMING '°y> GABLES i Chairman TO * contact Alex Hathaway and vice-president K 337-1311 and debate these on issues. e House wai ed by Rep Student Accounts Welcome! i country or 15 yeas o more will Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1971 Room 100 y disturbed >for the 17' experience) i all kindso Engineering Building lisadvantag iborhood in 7:30 p.m. program by re going or m go some ith certain FREE SmiLE BUTTOn We will be in the Board Room Oct. 15, 1971 when you open your children of new Zales Custom the poor-it Charge or Zales 3nit' other Revolving Charge Accounts. streets in» No purchase Stop necessary. about treating the migran ami", Their only sibility ® jdy cares. ZAWE* My, how youto changed like the University 318 S. Washington lis (.crow from FREE SPIRIT) (Paid Advertisement) SOL DE A / 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Qctober ? TO INTERESTED GROUPS Voter data East Lansing City Clerk Beverly Colizzi announced sought by the candidate groups—would not be available until all that voter registration data will be made available Tuesday today to all registrations were processed. With more than 7,500 new interested parties, including city council candidate registrants enrolled between Sept. 20 and the FHday deadline, he groups. indicated that the city would be hard put to "I didn't think there was complete processing going to be any problem, but no one before the Nov. 2 election. gave us the chance to look at the situation," Ms. Colizzi said. Ms. Colizzi said her office is utilizing volunteer help on the processing from the League of Women Voters and other city hall City Manager John M. Patriarche had said Sunday the workers. information—names, addresses and ages of newly registered voters "We're distributing part of the work to any other City Hall worker who has even a few hours available, so that we can " finish she said. ATTENTION MEDICAL STUDENTS Those enrolled in MSU's College of Human Medicine Conservative estimates place the number of recently registered voters at more than 7,500 but Ms. Colizzi said no final be available until the processing work is figure will Hare-ramng This brown rabbit was discovered nestled in a bike rack completed, probably just before the election. is outside Marshall Hall. Watch out for him when parking State News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman HEADQUART highway foes join forces coordinate efforts in preparation for the Oct. 14 hearing on the road. meeting in the Union attended by approximately 50 members. Part of the organizational plan calls for informing students about cyclist's plan, which calls for choosing an alternative route to - spread congestion, out some 0f J Fred Moore, Buchanan junior, the issue and attempting to reach south of the proposed route, and Students against the proposed E-Qual, a campus-based a.id Dave Neuendorff, a Toledo, some consensus or representative ecology group, and Stop Campus Ohio senior, will head the idea, Nuenedorff said, changing the traffic flow on E. , no guarantw that J cross-campus highway formed a Access Route Grand River Ave. ™ad ,mProvp if "othi j loose confederation Tuesday as (SCAR), agreed to organizational phase of the A residence hall, campus-wide have two units, one for research done, he said. ■ plans were made to organize and an(j one for program. Both are members of system is the best way to reach Other organization, at the E—QUAL. He suggested traffic groups have the student population, he added. lights with expressed an interest it Neuendorff also mentioned the staggered times, which would confederation, includin# Glenn Herriman, Inc. idea of forming a speaker's bureau and recruiting people with increase the traveling time on the road and result in motorists Coalition for Human ASMSU and resident SjJ 7 Panel backgrounds in speaking to testify at the hearing. choosing other roads to travel on, advisers. Pakistan Tim Hiltz, East Lansing graduate student and SCAR POLICE] coordinator, will head the WASHINGTON (AP) - An research unit, amendment to the foreign aid authorization bill has been Groups of students began passed by the Senate Foreign research Tuesday night when POLICE SAID WEDNESDAY A white Relations Committee barring they selected areas of inquiry and THEY will begira male, about! further aid to Pakistan. impounding year:i-old and approximately! special problems to be unregistered bicycles Monday, feet tall and 200 pounds! investigated. Impounded bicycles can be observed in the area at the j The measure, similar to one recovered at the Dept. of Public and is being sought, officers J already passed by the House Groups are formed to discuss Safety office, following would stop all sales to Pakistan alternative proposals, mass registration of the bicycle and OFFICERS REPORT tL of military equipment and transit, the Spartan Village payment of $3 impoundment fee agricultural commodities, hazard and the disruption of the at the vehicle received a complaint at 2 Si registration office Tuesday that a man wascj Economic, military and other environment and campus in3quonsethut. forms of direct aid also would be buildings, Hiltz said. Other a gun near the stadium. Chedl the scene, officers found! halted pending Pakistan's groups are looking into the 21-year-old student carryingiS agreement to cooperate in justification for the highway and A TELEVISION AND TWO stabilizing the East Pakistan interviewing students in areas PURSES with an estimated value gauge single shot Officers said they at tempted! shotj situation and to allow return of directly affected, of $224 were reported stolen refugees. two coeds in South Wonders Hall by question the man follovfl apprehension, but lit declined® Cyclists for a Cleaner America sometime between 8 p.m. was also represented at the Monday and 4 p.m. Tuesday, answer and was subsequeiT referred to University Hei meeting. George L. Anderson, Police said the coeds weren't sure Center for observation Gasport, N„Y., graduate student the room had been locked, and represented that group. officers report there were .10 signs FIVE BICYCLES WITH Anderson presented the of forced entry. value of $355 were reportej AW| stolen during the 24-hour pe TV RENTALS ending at 1 p.m. Wednesd Free Delivery Free Service police report. The bicycles w| vd for a ball-control-type offense that couldn't penetrate The MSU - University of captains Eric Allen and Ron Curl. K others defense. approximately 8,000 but the Michigan game will be a pivotal Other members of the team will entire university is urged to n the second quarter, Murray had a great chance to open the contest for both teams. There will also be there. attend. ring when the Michigan goaltender, Karol Krotki, was detected be no tomorrow for the loser. I the referee for touching the ball with his hand outside his Both teams are eying a possible PROGRAM INFORMATION 4856415 lensive zone line. Big Ten championship and Rose Kjurray received a direct free kick in front to the goalie but Bowl trip. The climax comes Kjtki managed to get a piece of the hard drive. Hie ball bounced Saturday at Spartan Stadium. §r to Frank Fisher, who hit the post on the rebound shot. Jut Murray made good on a second chance at the 21:41 ■the quarter as he connected on a soft shot past mark Krotki, who Keep-a-way MSU forward Nick Jujon battles for the ball with a Michigan defender in a OPEN AT 1:15 P.M. TWO EXCITING FEATURES! game played ^kr out of position. A nice head-butt pass by Dujon set up the Tuesday afternoon. Dujon scored three goals in the third period to open the game up in the 6-2 SKIPPER TODD and center halfback Steve Twellman also drew an assist. Hie Spartan win. * PHONE tO 21042 TAKING OFF |t half ended with a 1-0 Spartan lead, State News DIGS GIRLS. RECKLESSLY is extremely disappointed photo by Tom Gaunt NOW! 3 KITS It 's his idea lur play in the first half but FUNNY! Ion began to control the ball in ELECTRIC HEATERS third quarter and the shots he PITT IN SERIES of killing time... ; went in," Coach Payton _»r said. "Dujon pUyed much HILARIOUS! |er than he hac been." Bucs hammer UNCOMMONLY Jdeed he did but some of the ■it must go to his llnematesas | set him up perfectly on each Is three tallies. PITTSBURGH (UPI) — The Pittsburgh Pirates won the are Hebner and Robertson, who Giants, 9-5 first strike, arguing briefly with pitch Into the second deck In ENTERTAINING! roommates, were the batting plate umpire Andy Olsen. National League pennant heroes for Pittsburgh, which right field about 400 feet from tidy Mayer gave Dujon a nice Clemente then blasted home plate. Is and the 6-foot-l, Wednesday, riding the brilliant won three straight playoff games Gaylord Perry's next pitch—his Perry, who beat Blass 5-4 In |pound Jamaican put the relief pitching of young Bruce after losing the opener even 112th and last in the game-back the scries opener, struggled all Itans ahead 2-0 with a shot Klson and three-run homers by though Willie Stargell's bat was through the middle to the way this time. He made 95 J the lower right corner of clinching, AJ Oliver and Richie Hebner to a 9-6 victory over the mysteriously silent. centerfleld to score Cash and pitches In the first four Innings ■_ And |net at the 16:13 mark of the Stargell, the major league give the Pirates a 6-5 lead. but pitched out of trouble. TECHNICOLOR" ■ PANAVISW fenra San Francisco Giants. home run champion with 48, f, The Pirates, trailing 5-2 when Jerry Johnson, relieving Perry, PLUS .. .AT 1:30 had a miserable 0-14 In the TV RENTALS San Francisco rocked starter Intentionally walked Stargell 4:50 8:05 - P.M. r minutes later, at 20:25, playoffs. He hit only two balls after a passed ball allowed ■ |de right player Nigel Steve Blass for eight hits, past the Infield and he struck Clemente to take second base. Edison with sprung r. a Dujon Into the . nice pass and he Including two home runs, first two Innings, tied the game In the out six times. Oliver, who popped out In a "It's a good thing they similar situation In the fourth MM. "TAKING OFF* angel his second goal of the on Hebner's blast In the second haven't been depending on me after NEJACTV RENTALS the third for the Spartans, Stargell was purposely A MHOS FORMAN FILM and put It out of reach with to do anything," Stargell said. passed, slammed Johnson's 2-1 337-1300 R Oliver's homer In the sixth. A UNIVERSAL PICTURE hard blast. if Stargell's bat was not a "DARKER IN COLOR But the real hero was Klson, a factor In the playoffs, certainly \ PRUQKtM INFORMATION 13? 6944 NOW! OPEN 12:45 HI Ml no COMING THE on's third goal of the game fuzzy-cheeked 21-year-old his presence was. THAN AMBER HELLSTROM CHRONICLE Continuous from 1:10 . It 4-0 for the booters a whose gutty pitching The pennant was decided in Feature 1:15 - 3:15 - it 55-seconds later, just performance came when the the sixth inning when the Pirates 5:20 7:25 - Pirates needed It most. shattered • • 9:30 a 5-5 tie with four "The Chicago Seven" They will go Into the World runs, and an Intentional walk to "ONE OF THE YEAR'S IMPORTANT The ..... A CO-PRODUCTION time with a good setup and Series against the American stargell figured prominently, BY THE in pushed a shot into the League champion Baltimore With one out, Dave Cash lined PICTURES!" - L°s Angeles Times BRITISH BROADCASTING CORP. |ter of the Michigan net. Orioles with the health of two a single to right center. Hebner ANDTIMl;/UFE FILMS!"A SUPCRB Wolverines got on the regular starting pitchers, Dock then bounced sharoly to first. kboard with a goal by Ellis and Nelson Briles, in where McCovey tagged him out kide tighter Daniel Boyce, question, and may have to call after momentarily juggling the Once you see BILLY PRESENTATION Of THE ATMOS¬ PHERE AND EMOTIONS OF THE CONFRONTATION IN THE COURT¬ Chicago Conspiracy ited by team captain Bob on Kison again. ROOM" Detroitfreo Press ball—thereby missing a chance at , — elice. It came at the 9:28 Kison, who was pitching for an inning-ending double play JACK ik of the fourth quarter and the Charleston, W. Va., Charlies and allowing Cash to take led Spartan goalie Dave of the International League until second base, iman's bid for a shutout. July 3, choked off the Giants on lurray then scored his second two hits in four and two-thirds batter, took a disputed called of the contest on an assist innings Wednesday and, in one Roberto Clemente, the next you'll not forget them, su- JOM LAUGHLIN Trial iRobinson slightly over four stretch, retired 10 straight lutes later, making the score batters, DELORES TAYLOR ■for MSU. Dave Giusti, as he did 30 THE GABLES GP tsEEH TECHNICOLOR* From Warner Bros. A OCT. 7 6.30 and 9:00, 108B Wells $1 tally by Goodison, with times during the regular season ther assist going to inside ir Robinson, Into the left and again Tuesday in the playoffs, got the save. He came needs GIRLS ANDY WARHOL'S'lONESOME COWBOYS' ler of the net ended the into the game with two out in ting for the Spartans. It came the seventh and stopped the to model ■4:25 of the quarter. Giants the rest of the way Hie Wolverine duo of Boyce without another hit. good benefits Defelice combined once In for a Michigan tally with ■elice doing the passing and ■ce again finishing off the Thousands in the crowd of 35,487 raced on to the field as Bobby Bonds bounced out for CONTACT ALEX A story about a man who tried to hold onto his binoculars and his wife ...at the same time MAY BE A BIT TOO MUCH FOR MANY the final out of the game, 337-1311 1 It was a last-gasp effort by I tired Michigan squad, who led the game with only one fittingly recorded on a out that went from Hebner at third base to Bob Robertson at ground PEOPIE, BOT THAT'S THEIR PR001EM. Jtitute player available to first. ■ The the regulars a rest. next opponent for the Lonesome Cowboys'is a ran booters will be \FLASH GORDON^ Jor> again at home, on Spring COMING TO < ELECTRIC HEATERS magnificent and very ■nesday, Oct. 13. The contest »ted to begin at 3:30 p.m. MSU? funny satire of the American Western gi THE PERFORMING that is liberally ARTS COMPANY MRS.MILLER ANDY seasoned with our TWELFTH NIGHT favorite 4,0,10 and WARHOL'S zOih Century-Fox presents Jt. 13-17 8:15 PM Fairchild Theatre RICHARD BENJAMIN - JOANNA SHIMKlit i 12-letter words and a BOX OFFICE 355-0148 HOTEL The Marriage of a Weekdays 12:00 - 5:00 PM Young Stockbroker cornucopia I of carryings-on that is-in combination _SR LOIBSOBE perhaps - unprecedented!" Wattmrman, 5.F. CHRONICLE jane fonda donald COWBOYS IN EASTMAN COLOR wlPERSONS UNDER 18 J^JNOT ADMITTED /utnerland STARS: VIVA, TAYLOR MEAD, TOM HOMPERTZ. ERIC EMERSON, JOE O ALESSANDRO Thursday at 5:45 8:15 "klute" * 1968 SAN FRANCISCO INT L. FILM FESTIVAL PRESENTATION • A SHERPIX RELEASE Thursday at 6:15 8:30 Friday at 5:00 7:30 9:55 Friday at 5:00 7:30 9:40 Thursday Twl-Llte Hr., Thursday Twl-Llt« Hr., Adults 90c, 5.15 - 5:45 Adults 90c, 5:45 • 6:15 I ALSO . darker SiW HMw IP JENNIFER (j NEIL Thursday at 5:45 8:00 Friday at 5:45 8:00 10:10 Thursday Twl-Llte Hr., SrafH MRS.MILLER J Thursday at 6:00 8:15 Friday at 5:30 7:45 10:00 Thursday Twl-Llt« Hr.. DEFINITELY NOT FOR THAN amber Adults 90c. 5:15 - 5:45 9QC, 5:30 - 6:00 You must be 18 Room 109 Anthony Ages will be checked Admission $1.50 "OX OFFICE OPENS QEj] ^ Fm8T FEATUBE ATEE3 ^ showtimes 6:45 * 8:30 * 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS Happy mcm/fi/mR CLASSIFIED 3558255 Ads FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil Frank GET Action WITHA The State News does Automotive Automotive Employment Employment not permit racial or Want Ad religious in its discrimination advertising CORVETTE or trade. 5-10-12 1969 convertible. Sell Call after 6, 349-2502. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN Bug. Just inspected, excellent mechenical condition. Call Kethy 332-4989 BABYSITTER, IN own my transportation, home, V4 days, call after WANT IRONING Experienced, of^y"^ reference, **■ 12:30 p.m., 339-8082. 3-10-11 reasonable. Phone • AUTOMOTIVE columns. The Stata after 5.3-10-8 5-10-8 <87.55*1 News will not accept COUGAR 1970. 361 V-8. Many Scooters & Cycles HANDICAPPED PERSON needs live- Auto Parts & Service advertising which options, great shape, call 694-8408 VOLVO 1967 144S. California car, no In assistance. Room provided. discriminates after 6 p.m. 3-10-8 rust. Sharp. Radial tires, 4 speed, 355-4015 after 6 p.m. 3-10-11 against Aviation air, radio. Call 485-1340 after 6 • religion, race, color or CUTLASS S 1968, 4 door, eir, power EMPLOYMENT p.m. 3-10-8 PART TIME, 2 hours / day. Some • FOR RENT national origin. •eats, back seat speaker and other telephone. $15 / week, no sales. For Rent extras. $1,860. Phone 484-6738. 351-0236.2-10-8 Apartments 3-10-8 Scooters & Cycles STARR Houses I AM looking for ambitious people - 3 bedroom, condition, 6 miles from , exc«|ill| Rooms 1967 CUTLASS Supreme, FOR SALE Interested In making good money, Mall. Phone Automotive steering, excellent condition. power 106 Sears motorcycle. If pert time. Call 351-0679, 6:30 663-8921. 5.10-8 • FOR SALE Interested, call Harold Tlmberleke, • Animals AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 M.K. II 694-2546 efter 4 p.m. 1-10-7 351-9466, 484-8447. Price $250. 7:30 p.m. 2-10-8 R E F R | Q E R A~T o7r I ,L1 - 7-10-12 DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth Mobile Homes 1963. Great condition, must DATSUN 1971. Two door sedan. RESIDENCE 315 • LOST & FOUND sacrifice. 355-7927.3-10-8 Perfect condition. Must sell. 1970 HONDA 450. Pipes up. New MANAGER. couple, family considered. To Married Bridge. Grand 627-2191. TF i^l • PERSONAL 16,600 miles. 393-5533, after 5 condition. 3,600 miles. Call administrate Lansing apartment 1967 BARRACUDA fastback. p.m. 2-10-7 V-8, 332-6645 or 332-8324 after 5 complex. Wife must not be TV AND Stereo rental, « PEANUTS PERSONAL four speed. Runs good. $800. p.m. 5-10-8 employed. Selary and apartment. satisfactioiH guaranteed. Free delivery, u • REAL ESTATE 675-7155.3-10-7 1967 FIAT. Good shape. $550 or Immedlete opening. Send brief to and pick up. No deposit best offer. Phone 339-2209. KAWASAKI 250cc P.O. Box 897, East Lansing. 1-10-7 • RECREATION BONNEVILLE 1970, 1400 NEJAC, 337-1300. C CONVERTIBLE. 2-10-7 miles, $550 negotiable. 355-3703. • SERVICE Very good cer. Many extres. $850. WANTED: ART ma)or to produce ONLY $9.00/ month. Free Typing Service 372-1168, 372-1529. 10-10-14 FIAT 850,1970 convertible, like new, 5-10-12 8-12 drawings. Due Date 10-12-71, SELCO dellvirhl excellent transportation. COMMUNICATIONSTvfl •TRANSPORTATION BUICK SPECIAL 1965, 4 door, 351-1187.3-10-7 1971 HONDA 100-CL. Only 800 Call 353-7666 after 0 p.m. 3-10-11 RENTAL. 372-4948. 0 " WANTED automatic, 8 cylinder, $125. After 'SURE im flFFECT US! WE HJONTGET miles. Helmets 355-9877. 3 10-8 included. Call RESPONSIBLE BABYSITTER 5 p.m. 337-1174.3-10-11 FORD 1969 Custom 500. 4 door PARKING SPACE available 7 ux,m DEADLINE sedan. V-8, A-1 condition. TUB RAISE YE WESE PROMISE? IN 1953!' wanted for 2 year old. your Mornings In Spartan Village home. Call from 'Barkey. Call Joan at 337-0364 Reesonablarlt,l 1 P.M. one class day before 1940 CHEVROLET, 2 door sedan, needs engine work. 882-1761, any time. 4-10-8 after 6:30 p.m. 365-1279. 3-10-8 X-3-loif Trade for fully publication. W/&*/*. UWNt,. Mm. GET YOUR party needs at A r Cancellations/Corrections operating VW H-D 74 or Triumph bike. UNCLE UH-UH TRUCKING FORD 1970, Mech I, 351 Cleveland 1971 HARLEY - DAVIDSON PART TIME secretary. Need versatile E Rentals. Glassware, red J engine, low speed rear end, stick Sportster, 1,900 miles. Red, white individual with previous experience - 12 noon one class day COMPANY, 624 Forest, East shift, low mileage. $1700. Phone and blue. $2000 482-7601. and broad Interests. Write Box B-2 white check tabieciotj before publication. Lansing. 3-10-11 723-1664, Owosso. 3-10-7 349-2220.0 " 5-10-12 Michigan State News. 6-10-13 Automotive Automotive TV RENTALS • Students PHONE CHEVROLET 1964 panel truck.$150 FORD FAIRLANE, 1964. V-8, 1970 KAWASAKI sidewinder. 250cc. PART TIME only, Lo and full time monthly and term rates &, or best offer. Bruce 882-1698. automatic, new battery, muffler. 355-8255 MG 1100 sedan, 1984. Needs clu7ch TRIUMPH, SPITFIRE, 1969. 20,000 4000 miles. Must sell. Call, opportunity. Fluent phone voice 361-7900. UNIVERSITY Tv| 2-10-8 Must sell. 485-5613, 353-2263. work. Good body. 482-5270 489-4836. 3-10-8 required. Sincerity and enthusiesm RENTALS. C " RATES 10 word minimum 3-10-8 miles, excellent condition, cell 3-10-7 355-4795.4-10-8 a must. 5 -10 CHEVROLET 1970. MONTE p.m. Monday through No. DAYS 1960 900cc XLCH chopped, re-built Friday. 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.and No. CARLO. 3 speed, fectory eir, FORD 1961 Step Van. Ideal for last year. Call Dave, 337-2184. WORDS 1 3 5 10 $1995. 35141001. 3-10-8 campers. Excellent condition. Includes bed. $600. Call Art at MUSTANG 1966 convertible, maroon, 3 -speed, bucket seats, TRIUMPH 1969 GT6+, good 3-10-8 3-8 p.m. Saturday. 11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and 5 -10 p.m. Sunday. Apartments condition. Call 482-4915 or 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 CHEVY IMPALA 1962. $150 or best IV2-1226 before 6 p.m. 3-10-8 good condition, 51,000 miles. 355-0197 after 5 p.m. Ask for Salary plus bonus. $2 $5 per hour, - LCC AND TRIUMPH TROPHY 500. 1970. downtown. Need ti, offer. 351-6234 after 5 pjti. $600. Call 353-4558 day, Rick. 3-10-8 depending on ability. Personal Come end see it. $650. Cell girls. One for three man andm 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 5-10-8 F-85 0LDS 1965. V-8, power 393-8021 evening. 3-10-8 interviews from 5-10 p.m. October for four steering and brakes, radio and heater. Phone 351-2593.3-10-8 7, 8 and 9 at 633 East Jolly Road, man apartment Needtnj MUSTANG 1966, 289/2 girls for large five girl house. $5 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 CHEVELLE 1969, 6 cylinder, 677-9851.2-10-8 barrel, Southland Complex, Suite 5. See month per girl. All utilitii 3/speed, excellent condition. Must 1967 VOLKSWAGEN, like new Mr. Vence. O automatic. Call 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. sell. Call 351-4754. 5-10-7 Parking, Six month 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 throughout, no rust, new exhaust 332-6521 ask for Mr. Su. 5-10-13 JAVELIN SST, 1970, tape deck, vinyl 1968 TORINO fastback. Buckets. All IV4-6858. 6-10-8 system, snow tires, See to roof and air. $2375. Call 355-5809 PART TIME office help needed. 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 MUSTANG 1969, 302, 3-speed, Very power, accessories. New polyglass eppreciate. $875. 393-4632. CLASSIC RAMBLER V-8 287 1964. after 5.5-10-12 Work evenings. Call MR. CLARK, tires. Asking $1150 or best offer. 3-10-8 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 excellent cere.393-4858 after 5:30 clean. Must be seen to appreciate. Cell 351-0736 any time. 5-10-8 351-3701. O TWO GIRLS TO FILL four I 339-8183.3-10-8 p.m. 3-10-11 1967 KARMANN -GHIA convertible. TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE 1971. man apartment. Close to I 347 Student Services Bldg. New tires, good condition. Must VEGA 1971 WANTED, STUDENTS needed for campus. MARMAXl NOVA 1970. 2 door, sedan, V-8, Hatchback $1900. 650cc, mint condition. 1700 miles. COMET 1962, good transportation, sell. $850. Phone 482-8225. motivational research. Interesting, All student ads must be $100 or best offer. 393-5363. 5-10-8 stick. Call 372-9659 after 4 p.m. Sharp. Call 5-10-13 mornings 372-3437. JN. Extres. First $1225 takes. peys well. Cell 353-9254 between APARTMENTS, 225 Division || 4-10-8 3-10-8 351-2609.3-10-7 9 a.m. - 4 p.m, 4-10-7 Street. Call 332 2215. prepaid MERCEDES 230-SL 1964. Dark VOLKSWAGEN 1969, Sunroof, MOTORCYCLE TUNE-UPS, repairs, The State News will CORTINA OLDSMOBILE 1964 -Dynamic 88, ACADEMIC WRITERS needed to be 1969, 4-speed, low green. Very good shepe. Engine automatic, radio, 16,0(kf miles. all makes. 600 N. Cedar 482-9166 LANSING OR East Lapsing. ( mileage. Like new. 882-9989 after recently overhauled, new tires, automatic, power, good body; $1500. Tom 353-5664. 3-10-8 produce educational aids. Need responsible only for the $475. 353-8410. 3-10-8 5-10-7 bedroom furnished. Large, ai 5 p.m. 3-10-7 hardtop convertible. 332-4996. particularly writers in Education, Air 3-10-11 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Good 1970 HONDA CB-350. Road Economics, Area Studies, and all rooms. conditions).] OLDSMOBILE 1967 Cutlass, 4 door, bike, Beautifully maintained. Suitat COR VA I R 1 964 condition. Custom paint job. Call low mileage, excellent Business disciplines. Call Write Spyder. condition. - for faculty, grad students, busii V-8, excellent tires, power steering 484-1591, if no answer call On, 332-3700. O Turbocharged, excellent condition. 393-4785 after $420. Phone 694-8335.5-10-12 MERCURY 1966 and brakes, Low mileage, one 482-4572.7-10-13 5 p.m. 2-10-8 people, married couples. Le«| 4 door Monterey. Automatic, radio, 332-3135 or 882-6549. 0 owner. $995. Phone 332-3744. PART TIME EMPLOYMENT WITH FOR SALESPOWER try e little 1962 CORVETTE convertible, 4 4 excellent tires, 2 snow 1 15,000 tires, 3-10-8 VOLKSWAGEN 1961, sunroof, SUZUKI Low 350 1970, 8 moTrthTold. full line merchant wholesaler. ONE AND 2 bedroom apartmd Classified Ad to sell a large mobile miles. Excellent mileage. $600 best offer speed, 327, V-8, Headers, 5E.T. recently rebuilt, $350, it's worth it. Automobile required. 351-5800. from $145. 10 minutes f condition. $350. 351-3823 1966 OLDSMOBILE F-85 with 1968 337-0369. 3-10-11 home! Dial 355-8255 today I mags. $1600. 482-7601. 5-10-12 489-3690.3-10-7 MSU. Children permitted. evenings. S 8 cylinder engine. Only 20,000 1968 NORTON matchless. CREST NORTH, 694-8975,43 EAGlj miles. Call 349-0649.2-10-7 VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Low mileage, 750cc's, 53 horsepower. Call Lee RESPONSIBLE BABYSITTER Keller Road, Holt. C good condition. Call 353-4156. wanted for 2 year old. Mornings in 1970 OLDSMOBILE F85, 2 door, 6 337-9091. 131 Bogue. 5-10-7 5-10-11 Spartan Village home. Call after cylinder, redio, manual shift, FURNISHED — 1 bedroom, 4 miles) The 6:30 p.m. 355-1279.3-10-8 W excellent condition. Only 12,700 VOLKSWAGEN 1967 Fastback with 1971 SUZUKI, SLIGHTLY USED, MSU. Very clean, all utilities p« miles. $1,800. 332-1405. 5-10-8 sunroof, $380. 663-8165. Located et 227 Security deposit required. $160(*l new tires, shape HOUSE State Street, Eaton Rapids. 2-10-6 CLEANING help needed. condition. 675-5229 or 641-4486 Twice weekly, month. 349-4907 after 6 p.infl OLDS CUTLASS 3-10-8 cer necessary. 3-10-8 1963. Good 349-4618.5-10-12 condition, $300. Cell between 5-9 p.m. 349-4954.4-10-8 VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Camper. Auto Service & Parts NURSES: OPEL 1969. White - walls, AM/FM, California - no rustl Rebuilt "1600" engine, transmission, new VW RANDY'S GUARANTEED repair. MOBIL. RN, LPN, ROSELAWN MANOR NURSING HOME, 707 NEED 1 GIRL lerge engine, well taken care of. radial tires, battery, much more. I-96 at Armstrong Road. Has positions Okemos Road, 349-9620. C FOR Looks To Us. $1100. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 373-3287, Call 482-1914.2-10-8 available on all shifts. Full or part after 6 p.m. 393-1265.4-10-8 time. Excellent starting salaries and MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East benefits. Apply in person or PLYMOUTH 1965 Fury II. 4 door, VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Blue, FM/radio, sunroof, greet Kalamazoo Street Complete auto . .. Since 1940. painting and 393-5680. Miss Lehmenn, Director of Nursing. 5-10-12 call, 4 GIRL automatic transmission, condition, $1200. 393-7917. heater. 337-9585.2-10-8 radio, 2-10-8 collision service. IV 5-0256. C ATTENTION FOREIGN WANTED: PART time waiters - and APARTMENT car owners. PONTIAC 1970, 4 door Cetaline. VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1970. Pop waitresses, nights end weekends. Very clean, factory air, vinyl top, - up top, sleeps 4.1500 miles on re¬ Now open to serve you at the lowest prices in town, KYPERS Experienced, $2 / hour. next to campus radio, power, turbo, good tires and built engine. Fully equipped. FOREIGN CAR SERVICE at 312 Inexperienced, $1.75 / hour. Call Call 332-44321 original owner. $2500. 349-0480. 372-8520. 3-10-11 Hosmer Street. 489-9714. 5-10-7 for interview, TIMBERLANES 5-10-11 LOUNGE, 489-1467.3-10-7 VOLKSWAGEN, DOUBLE cab, pick - RED up - bus. Great condition, 37,000 Aviation VOLKSWAGEN 1970, Duty on imported cars in U.S. before the miles. Original excellent condition, low owner, $550 mileege, OIBM1a S a P!LAS freeze was already 3.5%, so the new 10% import tariff increases the P.O.E. price of radio, black interior with white walls. 627-7806. 3-10-8 351-7397.3-10-8 LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight CROSSWORD c LpM P Rill!* training. All courses the car by 6.5%. Since the excise tax is VOLKSWAGEN 1967. condition, beige outside, black Good government and VA are certified. PUZZLE eTe| 6 O N O LA5| 7%, it's repeal will make an imported car FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport A 0 >2% less expensive than it was before. inside. $900. 372-9749. 3-10-8 Road. Call 484-1324. C ACROSS 23. Seaman HI pwI 1. Astronaut's 24. Garden flower A 1 TJ | suit AV E c S O CI 1 Qnad 25. Man's SiudetUi, Ma 4. Pleased 8. Oasis 11. Highly nickname 26. Correlative of either HEDUEiHHO OM A k EPPII cuul tfaeultu. . seasoned smoked beef 27. Valentine symbol ngjnjH □□□ S8 . . 13. Peace 28. Eskimo 14. Hardened 29. Contrary 38. Moslem guide DOWN 15. Pilfered 1. Slender fmid I 31. Merganser 39. Savage CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING 17. Brawl 32. Volcanic mud 41. Wallaba tree 2. Fortify 18. Dunce's seat 33. Hoi polloi 42. S?mi-precious 3. Loan shark 19. Lean-to 34. Mexican dish 21. White wine stone 4. Flourished 35. Silex 43. Recede 5. Boy Record sales during the past 40 days SQUEEZE? 1 * 3 % il T~ r- T"~ % r- r~ 6. Exist 7. Aloof 8. Cylinder prove to us, thai little has changed. 1 n 9. Lessen WEST The interest in the Take your troubles to •M •6 10. Hatchel 12. Walked superior quality, •7 4 16. Beer mug '9 % % 18. Coast I. il &■ 19. Greek portico • | of our product is high ever!!! % as as PARK is % V 2H % ir 20. Injustice 21. Desist 22.Sa|ad ■ sr 24. Apricot coriW1! APARTMENTS * lo Si 27. Hades 28. Absorb WHEELS TOYOTA INC. sr 30. Adamantine 5530 West Michigan Ave. •H W %& sit % 31. Arias 33. Bold gift at Saginaw 3$ % U6 34. Accountant 2400 E. MICHIGAN AVE. Contact Elly Louch Ml % Hi 35. Bend in M"# 36. Trucker's 5 Blocks west of Frandor at 484-0709 ti % cubicle 37. White vestal i| 40. Article Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 7, 1971 9 Student Service For Sale Personal APPLES, PEARS, plums, sweet cider. FR E E ... A lesson in complexion care. Soviet head denies DIRECTORY Pick your own Call apples. Friday, 484-4519, East Michigan or Saturday, Sunday. BLOSSOM 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of NORMAN COSMETICS Leslie on Hull Jews' Road. (Old US STUDIOS. C right to exit 127) 589-8251. 9 6 PM. Closed BEAD CRAFTS, Mondays. O Illege travel • EYES EXAMINEb UNION BOARD Travel Office open DECOUPAGE SUPPLIES, • GLASSES 11:30 - 4:30. Phone 353-9777. C office ART REPRODUCTIONS • CONTACT LENS Animals ON THE DOT relatives in Israel, needless st Grand River Ave. candle making supplies DR. I.Li. Collins, Optometrist A Taipei business man filed a administrative hurdles, ,351-6010 Enfield's Incorporated Cb-Optical Services MIKE'S PET SHOP. Mice, 45c each 5/ lawsuit for the equivalent of to leave is not the right of Jews, liquidation of all forms of racial 693 $1.50. Kuhliis, 39c each 5/$1.50. but of the state. groundless refusals of visa M-43^_Okemo»f 349-1940 S218 S. Login. 393-4330 All Herptiles in shop 20% discount 2V4 cents United States coin "And in this matter the discrimination, ratified by the applications and "extralegal against the Taiwan Railway USSR in January 1969." Introducing WASHDAY SAVINGS with this ad until October 13. interests of the state have been persecution" of Jews who have for damages because the A stenographic record of the Maria Lam 2Sc per load Located in Holt Plaza. About 5 given primary consideration." applied for emigration. miles from MSU at Aurelius and Taipei Pintung 2Vi-hour session was made by one In addition, the Central The beet for leas - express was specializing in Holt Road. 3-10-11 100 minutes late. He said he The speaker was Albert I. of the five participants. A IhwfW permanent! Special Texas Wash* S0c Committee official rejected the BOB JONES PAINTS wanted to remind the railroad Ivanov, head of the Communist 1,900-word summary of the Elda Diane WENDROW'S ECONOWASH party Central Committee section delegation's appeal for a general FREE KITTENS: Box trained, 7 of the importance of record was made available to Beauty Shop 3006 VIM St. which treatment of the question, Fast Service - The Price is Right weeks old, affectionate, 351-4255. punctuality. supervises the Dept. of Western correspondents 5 21Q'/> Abbott Rd. 7 a.m. to 11p.m. i bit 4-10-8 Interior and ultimately the fate of insisting that exit permission If you believe in Wednesday, would be considered on a thousands of Soviet Jews who In his remarks, Ivanov provided Erides and Party Room FREE punctuality, there's probably case-by-case basis. BUD'S DOG, about 2 years. an employer who's want to leave for Israel. the most up-to-date and Housebroken. Food. Jacki, looking for Ivanov spelled out the official "A.I. Ivanov said further that i white BIRCH Auto Parts Late Model Motors and Inc. WEIGHT WATCHERS for classes 351-5040. 2-10-8 you. Employers and employes meet in the "Help Wanted" position on Jewish emigration authoritative statement on the Soviet view of Jewish emigration each request for an exit visa is examined in a strictly individual Iable AND SHOP parts FREE. BEAUTIFUL columns of STATE News during a meeting with a since the movement of Jews to a speciality. in East tabby and order, and the Soviet Lansing white kitten. Needs new home. Classified Ads. For better delegation of Jews at Central resettle in Israel became known. Halfway between Holt and Call Committee headquarters on government, as other states, III 6770071 forappt. Mason N. Cedar - 393-5740 Landlord threatens to evict. Call employmnet opportunities Sept. Ivanov's statement held little reserves for itself the right to let on 694 2154 20. daytime, Jill Gilbert. 372-8460. hope for those in the the Jewish MSU BARBER SHOP 3-10-8 dieckjjhere^each^day!^^^^^ The section chief was replying community who want the go or not let go individual WE Wl LL straighten it, color it, or just to liie delegation spokesman who persons," the summary stated. Wouldn't You Be 209 MAC Ave. The LARGE ad for AMERICAN ESKIMO puppies. Need trim it. UNION BUILDING had declared: "We feel that Jews government to recognize their right to emigrate. "In this the preservation of the i This Spacer 351-1110 adoptive home and love. BARBER SHOP.C-1-10-7 have the right to leave for Israel interests of the state and the the small ad price. Nor did Ivanov offer much to Try for your next styling, Registered. All white. Reasonably so-called brain drain will be taken us raz. Student Service regardless of the availability or redress Jewish grievances which priced. 337-2594. 3-10-8 into consideration." This means ■ALL 355-8255! cut or special cut Peanuts Personal presence there of close relatives. include, they say, delay Directory that Soviet Jews with special Appointments available Thisright is guaranteed by the delivering invitations from skills — primarily relating to the RAHI RAHI R.A. Happy Birthday, Willie. Frog, Rocky, and Red. st it's what's a ^ scientific and defense 1-10-7 establishment — will not be FREE KITTENS with food, litter. For Rent Happening For Rent For Sale Box trained. Must sacrifice. permitted to leave, Jewish BRIDGE CLASSES still room in sources said. It was not known 337-0472. 3-10-8 I GIRL to share furnished 2 duplicate pupil game. Call how this would affect other EMPIRE TROUBADOUR turntable. Meadowbrook Trace. BEAGLE PUPPIES A K C. 349-4247.3-10-7 intellectuals. 351-7222 or 393-1865. Robert's 778X reel to reel and 8 , Call 372-8077. C Championship, pedigree, beautiful Official policy on Jewish track tape recorder. Thorens TD150 Mark II turntable. Sony markings, shots, wormed. 9 weeks old. 3 Recreation emigration has taken several males, 1 female. All Announcements for It's What's The IiATE STUDENT couple: 2 For Sale 355 and 255 tape decks. Harmon - MSU Gay Liberation sharp turns. Early this year wonderful hunters and pets. 1 Happening must be recieved in the Movement and furnished mobile home. Kardon AM/FM turntable and Detroit Gay practically no one was allowed to n show dog. 349-1913. 3-10-8 CHRISTMAS BREAK Spain $249. State News speakers. office, 345 Student Liberation Front are sponsoring a leave. Then as pressure and civil Ii and quiet. 641-6601. O WE DO most repairing and relace Panasonic RS-790-S Nassau $169. Acapulco $249. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two automatic reverse tape recorder. 8 picnic at 1 p.m. Sunday on Belle Isle, action increased before the party broken SPRINGERS FOR London $149. Complete deluxe class InG FOR a roommate? frames. OPTICAL track tapes, used $2, new, $4. 8 sals. AKC days before publication. Items Detroit. For more information call DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan registered, 7 weeks old. Had packages. Call Frank Buck, are limited to 25 words. congress last March the Soviets Tend leases available. Call track home and auto decks, 351-2286.0-10-12 No 353-9795. ■STEAD Avenue. 372-7409. C-5-10-8 $29.50 up. Cassette recorders, puppy shots. $50 and $65. announcements will be accepted by granted exit visas to the most MANAGEMENT, active Jews, with little apparent 694-8594. 2-10-7 phone. Women are invited to f910. 0 MEN'S amplifiers, speakers, used records. an evening LEATHER JACKETS, Police band radios, imported wall Service social starting at 7:30 p.m. Friday. regard for any brain drain, in COATS. New, unique, imported, BEAUTIFUL THOROUGHBRED The Michigan Botanical Club will Bring your own. For what Jewish sources saw as an tapestries and rugs, slate pool more details, beautiful, reasonable. 353-7108. Keeshond. 8 months. Has all tour the Sanford Woodland and Beal call 355-9795 between 1 and 2 effort to 3-10-11 table and accessories. All shots. Papers available. Must sell. FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL Pinetum. The tour will be led by p.m. "decapitate" the 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE Monday through Friday. Sponsored movement. Phone 339-9186. 3-10-8 members of the Red Cedar Chapter by the MSU Lesbian Sisterhood. WOLVERINE. O-3-10-7 CIDER AND apples. Pick your own. with emphasis on conservation of ■N TO sublease 3 man HAND STORE, 509 East BRENNER'S ORCHARD, Smith AFGHAN, AKC, platinum blonde, these natural areas. Meet at 2 p.m. Call 351-4637 or Michigan, 485^391, 8-5:30 p.m. FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS Sunday in There will be a Gay Liberation Road, Eaton Rapids. 663-7756. older dog, good pet, $75. the Van Senate OKs Hoosen Hall §688.2-10-8 Monday through Saturday. Bank meeting at 3 p.m. Sunday in Parlor C 3-10-11 351-3486.1-10-7 parking area. Americard and Master Charge. of the Union. Call 3S3-9597 for JOOM unfurnished, 10 minute TC-127 SONY stereo Layaways. C AFGHAN HOUND puppy for sale, further information. All sisters and cassette I from campus, $180 per brothers are invited. recorder. With VV meters, black male. MITHRA AFGHANS. (Continued from page one) |th plus utilities. Deluxe recording limiter and headphone 332-1895.3-10-11 s, all carpeted, 353-5292 The Management Club presents all major weapons systems getting jack, $100. 372-5461.4-10-12 Come to the first meeting of Rasher. Ideal for couple or GERMAN SHORTHAIR Pointer the GermanClub at 7:30 p.m. Edwin Fitzpatrick, asst. director of authorizations approved by the te students. Call Diane Dean PROFESSIONAL SUEDE and leather today WATER the MSU Placement Bureau at 7:30 PPER REALTY INC. to see, SPECIALI BEGINNER'S folk guitar BEDUNITS$60.Mattress,liner pups, AKC registered, excellent in 34 Union. See German movies and usually pro-Pentagon Armed foam pad and frame. Any size. cleaning and refinishing. OKEMOS p.m. today in the Teak Room of Services Committee. $44.50 includes case. MARSHALL stock. Get yours now. Phone |730 or 487-5100.2-10-8 MUSIC, 245 Ann Street. C-1-10-7 Water mattresses, $26.50 646-3822.2-10-8 DRY Road, CLEANERS, 2155 Hamilton Okemos. Eppley Center. Two floor amendments, REBIRTH, 309 North Washington 349-0910. Persons (BEDROOM, 4 student 0-1-10-7 interested in Covenant Come and however, promise to cause major WOMAN'S WHITE rabbit fur coat in Avenue, Lansing, 489-6168. C-10-7 Groups students who want to be play duplicate bridge in difficulties when the bill goes to tment. Furnished $200 Sxcellent condition. Call 351-7626 Mobile Homes - real and experience what it means to 1962 Room of Wilson Hall at 2:15 is heat, laundry, parking. 9 conference with the House. MODERN OAK bedroom set, like be sensitively human are invited to an p.m. Sundays. All are invited. after 6 p.m. X-2-10-8 One is an amendment by Jh I MSU. lease.Only 10 minutesdrive new. Large bed, dresser and mirror. PARK ESTATE 12.' x 60' with organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. Call Diane Dean of Priced very reasonably. Call At the Albatross (547 E, Grand Democratic Leader Mike feR REALTY INC. 372-9730 BUDDHIST BOOKS Expando, 2 bedrooms, skirted, in today in the Center for United 487-3096. S Molt. 694-0762. 3-10-8 ASHES, RUBBISH hauled. 75c a Ministries in Higher Education, 1118 River): Frederick Wiseman's 90 Mansfield of Montana calling for 17-5100.2-10-8 for further information and barrel, special on clean ups. Phone miniute documentary "Basic total U.S. withdrawal S. Harrison, 332-0861. free catalogue Write to: FRINGE JACKET and suede sport 393-4592 anytime. 10-10-14 Training" filmed live at Ft. Knox. MICHIGAN MOBILE HOMES from Indochina in six months, ■ATE GIRL wants girl over 21 Showings will be at 7:30 and 10 THE BUDDHIST BOOKSTORE coat, men's large. Craig, 351-1740. —Open 7 days a week, 9-9 A Gay TG will be held from provided American prisoners DON'T GIVE 6 p.m. are pre expenses in small basement 2-10-8 Monday through Friday, 9-5 your used furniture to midnight Friday at the Canterbury tonight and 8:30 and 11 p.m. Friday. freed. Will have apartment 1710 Octavia Street away. We'll Donations 75 cents. . Saturday, 1-5 Sunday. 2015 N. buy it. 393-4592. (above Mark's Coffee House are The second amendment headed I most of the time. 482-7334. San Francisco, Calif. 94109 SONY 355 10-10-14 on tape deck, 8 track player, Larch U.S. 27N. Phone 372-2580. William Street) in Ann Arbor. for trouble is the proposal by Sen. The MSU Conservative Union will ANCIENT TV, $15. Oval dining table amplifier, speakers, good 5-10-8 THE SECOND most important man meet at 8 p.m. today in 31 Union. Gordon Allott, R-Colo., to add with 5 chairs, $40. 349-3317. condition, $150. 353-4274. 2-10-8 Gay Liberation officers will meet [/I furnished apartment. 1022 3-10-8 MARLETTE 1966. 12' x 50', at your wedding should be your at 2 p.m. today in the Gay Liberation All students of a conservative $381 million in additional e Street, near School for AM-FM STEREO, 8 track photographer. Phone Terrence office. viewpoint are welcome. military pay increases for the tape center completely furnished, excellent Bind. IV2-9218. 3-10-11 mini Miller 351-2013. 5-10-8 lower enlisted grades to the $2.4 GUITAR AND / or amplifier. Fender - changer for records, $50. condition, skirting and shed. King The MSU Aikido Club will hold its Rick Rose 351-6338.1-10-7 Arthur's Court, 485-7744. Call billion pay raise already enacted Jaguar Guitar, and / or Pro - reverb amplifier. Bothone yearold. after 5:30 p.m. 4-10-8 BATON - TWIRLING classes. Now Transportation first meeting of the term at 7 p.m. in the draft-extension act. CAMERA MINOLTA taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640. today in the Men's Intramural and - Super 8, Rep. F. Edward Hebert, D-La., Immaculate. Must sell. Best Building. Aikido is editor, splicer. $80. Enlarger, $50. TRAVELO 1952. $1000. Excellent 20-10-28 a Japanese martial offer or 35% off original cost. Call t. All ai velcom chairman of the House Armed 371-1275. 3-10-8 condition, close to campus. 351-0736. 5-10-8 Services Committee, has refused |MST0N. LARGE , 1 bedroom utilities paid. $150 / BRAND NEW Olivity No. 31 351-6808 after 5 p.m. 5-10-11 DAYTIME BABYSITTING in home. 1 or 2 children. Call my GREYHOUND Orchesis, modern dance group, will to back it. HEAD GS 200cm skiis, Lange h.655-2092. 2-10-8 typewriter $39.95, CHAMPION 337-2112. 5-10-8 meet from 7 to 9 tonight in 218 The bill, as passed by the standard boots, size 10, Poles, Remington 10'x 50' furnished, "portable," slightly used $19.95. Introduces new direct bus Women's Intramural Bldg. The jazz Senate, authorizes $13.3 billion Nevada Marker bindings, good carpeted, shed. On lot 15 minutes fclRL needed for 4 man. - 351-1985. 3-10-8 from MSU. 641-4209, Must seel service to Pontiac, Royal Oak, group will meet from 9 to 10 p.m. for procurement of planes, condition. $125 or separately. ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, ■ckingham, $70 / month. 351-6120.3-10-7 3-10-7 radios, recorders, TV's. and Birmingham, from the following the workout. Dues at $2. missiles, ships, tanks and other ^435.10-10-19 KUSTOM AMP. Farfisa organ, Leslie. Dependable, reasonable. Call East Lansing Bus Depot. The MSU Broadcaster's Guild will weapons, and $7.6 million for Gibson guitar. Bargain. Phone 1955 GREAT Lakes. 8' x 45'. Located WEDDING 351-6680.5-10-11 Departing on Fridays at 4:25 research, development, test and Apartments for rent, GOWN, veil, detachable 332-2721. 5-10-12 in park behind Tom's Party Store. p.m. For Further Information hold at TV workshop from 9 a.m. to evaluation. train, cost $250. Best offer- jpletely ie furnished, Barnes 351-2346.3-10-8 Phone 349-1586. 5-10-11 FOR QUALITY service and stereos, call East Lansing Bus Depot, noon Saturday at WMSB-TV. All are invited. For more information call '• The $21-billion total, exclusive area, $110 and $125. Call USED SEWING machines, $12.50 TV's and recorders. THE STEREO 332-2569. 3S3-4368. of the pay-raise authorization, is p421 between 8-5. Married and up. Console models, 1966 MARLETTE 10' x 55', 7' x 20' s only. 3-10-8 FOUR 1971 Zig Zag, $43.50. Small SHOPPE. 337-1300. C $1.2 billion less than the Nixon - portables, zig - zags and straight Expando. 3 bedrooms separate paint damage in shipment. In stitches. Over 60 to choose from. The MSU Broadcaster's Guild administration requested and dining room, carpeted, washer, air invites you to J■ carpeted. RD. 5880 - 2 bedrooms, walnut sew table. No attachments ELECTRO - GRAND, 804 East conditioned, all set up in Park 20 a general meeting at 7 about $100 million below what $160 a month. Call needed as all controls are built - Michigan, Lansing. Hours: 9 a.m.- minutes from Lansing. 625-3427. Typing Service p.m. Friday at WMSB-TV. All those the House voted. 7402.3-10-8 in. Makes buttonholes, sews on 5 p.m. Saturdays, 9 a.m. - Noon.O 5-10-11 Wanted interested in TV or radio activities The House, however, left out buttons, blind hems and sews are asked to attend. some $800 million for the F14 •MMATE needed to share many fancy designs. Only $43.50 HARPSICHORD. SOLID cherry. 8 SAVE SAVE SAVE BABYSITTING IN your home, days carrier-based fighter pending own bedroom, kitchen cash, or terms arranged. Trade - and 4 foot strings. 484-9856, Lost & Found XEROX COPYING- offset - best or nights. Phone Come see the Marx Brothers at leges, parking. $70 per month ins quality at reasonable prices. THE 487-3855 their craziest in completion of a Pentagon study accepted. To insure '372-1529. 10-10-14 anytime. 4-10-8 "A Night at the COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand Opera" at 1 p.m. Saturday in 105 S. which since has recommended Inutilities. Sycamore Park, satisfaction, sold by free home FOUND: BLACK male cat, vicinity River. Phone 332-4222. C Kedzie Hall. Admission is 75 cents. the project be continued. Hebert "6-2273 before 3 p.m. demonstration only. Call 2 RECTILINEAR model - loud Michigan and Beal, 351-9518. HELPI NEED $4 ticket for James 484-4553, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 3-10-11 now is expected to back the speakers. Perfect condition with ELECTRO GRAND. O PROFESSIONAL Taylor concert. Call 355-2120. Want Christian fellowship and an additional $800 million when the - cartons. $120. 393-8816. 3-10-7 THESIS 2-10-7 opportunity to work for Jesus? Come Houses FOUND: WHITE / tan kitten, 9/24 PREPARATION meet with us measure goes to conference. FOUR SWEEPERS. Brand new. Paint SUEDE COAT with mink collar. Size Baily School Area 332-6671 after 5 - Campus Action at 9 CHEMISTRY 132 Lab manual, 4th p.m. every Thrusday in 39 Union. damage in shipment. Excellent 9. Beautiful condition. 351-5037. p.m. 3-10-11 edition. Phone 371-3127 after 4 Bible study meets Tuesdays at 10 working condition. Includes all 3-10-7 LOST: p.m. 3-10-8 p.m. in the Oak Room of the Union. cleaning tools plus rug shampooer. PRESCRIPTION sunglasses i TO SHARE 7 FARM HOUSE Cash price, $18.95, or terms available. Phone 372-3324, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. To insure satisfaction, WANTED AR and good 2-10-8 or Thorens turntable speakers. 482-2011. near Americana Apartments. Burgundy case. Reward. 332-2253. 3-10-11 Prefenlenal Thesis Service fsr Master's and Decteral Candidates Free ■reckare and Censaltatlea Please Call WANTED: buggy; LIKE European new name baby brand and a The MSU Sports Car Club presents. raU» upda,e for Sunday's "Fall Student reps month. And also, 6 room children's clothes. 355-7774. Frollc '71" rally at 7:30 P m- ,oday sold by free home demonstration and Paula Hiufhey 337 1527 er 627 2936 only. ELECTRO-GRAND. O 3 PAIRS Hi-Fi speakers. Various LOST, GREY kitten. Vicinity Beal / 3-10-8 ln 30 Union- Oak. Please return, reward. (Continued from page one) makes. All good condition. COMPLETE THESES seiv,OT. 351-1740.3-10-7 There will be a Gay Lib party at 9 GARRARD SL-95 Turntable, 482-2011.2-10-8 Discount printing. IBM typing and BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Hekhuis said problems of »|ATE and NEEDED. cozy. Own $75. room, powermatic base, dust cover, LOST: WIRE rim glasses. Near Wilson binding of theses, resumes, all positive. A negative, B negative p.m. come Saturday. Bring your own and as Call 353-9795 for mechanics often arise when Call SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. and AB you are. ■552. 3-10-8 Pickering XV15-400E cartridge. publications. Across from campus, negative, $10.00 O address of party. documents like the bylaws are Brand new portables - $49.95. $5 Hall. Reward. Call 353-2782. $110. 351-2472. 3-10-8 corner M.A.C. and Grand River, negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN 3-10-7 COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, completed during spring term |0W HOSPITAL garage. near. 2 Gas heat. 150 WATT amplifier, Garrard Lab - 80 per month. Large reconditioned used machines. selection of LOST: GOLD Checkbook, Sept. 24. below Jones Stationery COPYGRAPH Shop. Call SERVICES, 507% East Grand River, East Sigma Alpha Eta will hold a meeting for all audiology and speech because many faculty members and students are not available in d turntable, speakers, $295. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New 337-1666. C Lansing. Above the new Campus couple preferred. Anthony Hall. Call 353-2835 science majors at 7:30 p.m. today in the summer. 351-4779.3-10-8 Home & "Many Others", $19.95 to Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 6, TU2-1934. 3-10-7 evenings. X-5-10-7 213 in the Audiology and Speech $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS ANN BROWN: pm Monday, Thursday, and He said the committee that Typing and multilith Sciences Bldg. SANSUI STEREO Receiver, solid DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 wrote the bylaws was not |E T Own room, $55 OCCUPANT Tor""coed st8te, 55 watts RMS, 1115 N. Washington. 489-6448. LOST: Field, MALE reward, wedding ring, call I.M. offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C The Foods and Nutrition Club will responsible for the mechanics of / month, C-10-17 355-9848. "m 3-10-8 AM/FM/FMX, with walnut manuscripts, general typing. IBM. the implementation. 3-10-8 hold its first meeting of the term at 7 cabinet, two years old. Price $169. 22 years experience. 349-0850. C 1 TICKET (non - student ) to "A committee like this Call after 6 p.m. p.m. today in 9 Human Ecology can get MSU-UM game. Phone 337-2068. . attention students, 3 351-2607.3-10-1^ USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 LOST: ONE pair black rimmed 1-10-7 Bldg. Various summer experiences bogged down and lose its East Michigan. Dishes, books, glasses, brown case, 355-5306. EXPERIENCED TEACHER'S aide to will be discussed. All foods l£°eT, finished. * $230 per PERSIAN LAMB coat, black, coins, antiques, rockers, junk. $$$. 3-10-8 type for teacher. For more and objective if it is responsible for °94-2775.5-10-11 excellent condition, size 14, 2 ADULTS tickets Michigan game. nutrition majors are welcome. the mechanics too," he Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open information, Call 355-0867. to r0aionable,JQ2-MO6LS1J3j7_ Saturday and Sunday. Furniture 3-10-11 355-8396 or 332-2210 evenings. explained. The MSU Sports Car Club presents CHEMISTRY SET, microscopes, bike and appliances open all week, 10 Personal 2-10-8 a road rally with registration am 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C TYPING THESES and letters, etc. lights, helmets, barber set, floor beginning - at 11 a.m. Sunday in Y scrubber, encyclopedias, furniture, (OVERBURDENED? Rapid accurate service. 10 STUDENT coupon tickets to MSU Lot, first car out at 1 p.m. 100 miles, Drivers soaked til, 0AKLAND. Rooms, books, clothes, records, sleds, MODERN BLONDE bedroom set Educational aids, research, Experienced. 393-4075. C - Minnesota game. 355-5823 after 5 3-10-11 80% paved. Cost is $3.50 and a Ann <■ un,urni«hed. Entire or skates, games, much nore. like new, large dresser and mirror. tutoring, translations, science p.m. compass is needed. ■Drill ' Ki,ch8n and living 669-3342.4-10-8 Also smaller dresser, and bookcase researchprojects. WRITE ON, 210 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term under new law IcoJ^on ■Cox, S,uden,t welcome. 4824982.3-10-11 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, headboard. Call 487-3096. S Abbott Rd., 332-3700, 10-5 p.m. papers, 351-4619. O theses. Best rates. Call WANTED: AR and good or Thorens turntable speakers. 482-2011. film, ^ film "The presentation of the BBC Chicago Conspiracy canisters and uprights. Guaranteed 2-10-8 Trial," will be presented by the MSU PARIS (AP) - Under new OVATION GUITAR, $375 new, 1 Paris traffic regulations, drivers ■forS'fpG',CIOM in' furn,'h«d on# full year. $7.88 and up. month old, immaculate condition, WOOLfES, ROCK blues and hard TYPING TERM papers and thesis. chapter of the American Civil ftoe r,?'8 6,udent- cooking DENNIS DISTRIBUTING will sell for best offer. 372-5822. core boogie. Direct booking. Electric typewriter. Fast service. FULL TIME secretarial position. Experienced In typing, shorthand, Liberties Union at 6:30 and 9 tonight who splash pedestrians are COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. in 108B Wells Hall. Contributions subject to a 10-franc-u.s. »UoP7r m°nth' Phon# Opposite City Market. C-10-7 5-10-7 351-2182. 5-10-7 Call 349-1904. 18-10-29 dictaphone. 337-9216.3-10-11 $1. are equivalent $1.90-fine. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 7 Foll--a something for Much can be said about fall at MSU. It's the beginning of tfo academic year. It's football season. It s colorful. It s a time to book and make up for all the other bad terms. It sa time to revive a spring romance or end a summer fling. It's a time to get away from summer hassles. But most ofall, fall is the best time of year to dry clean all your winter woolens. WkxIimBm MHE&cP HiC^ \'W- V > S■Pp "45! ' MHMJ nMfi> '■ ■ ml RHHRIH'.4™, : V 1• ."."'J* State News photos by Tom Gaunt Stephi Rennpage