Friday MICHIGAN Volume 64 Number 40 UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 8, 1971 Nixon calls Phase I success, vows to maintain economic restraints WASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon by Nixon's nationally broadcast address on are free to strike if such increases are pronounced his wage-price freeze post-freeze inflation controls is the size of disallowed after the freeze. But a White paying the full increase when the freeze council would recommend "remarkably successful" ends. tightening of the and Thursday night wage increases that will be permitted—in House spokesman said the issue remains to standards of the Pay Board or Price announced plans for continuing a While effect, a new set of wage guidelines. be settled by the Pay Board. emphasizing that the Cost of Living Commission. program of economic restraints after the Nixon merely set the goal of Council will not function as a "court of reducing the Officials emphasized, however, that the And if the tripartite Labor Commission current freeze ends Nov. 13. rate of living-cost increase to between 2 and pay increases withheld during the freeze appeals" from decisions of the pay and price cannot agree on pay-increase guidelines "We began this battle 3 per cent by the end of 1972. Some against inflation for cannot be saved up and paid agencies, a White House official said the before the end of the freeze, thisofficial said the purpose of winning it," he told a economists estimate this could be done if retroactively to commission will keep tabs on the worker when the freeze ends. The operations of the council will do the job. nationwide radio-television audience. "We the agencies and the over-all wage boost were limited to 5 or 6 per cent a workers simply lost that much progress of the Any one of the three agencies—the are going to stay in it until we do win it." money; the program. year. council, Price Commiission or Pay "We will permit some question now remains whether the Phase 2 adjustments of But Nixon's address dealt almost If it becomes clear that inflation is not solely standards will permit the employer to Board—could refer cases to the Justice prices and wages that fairness with the structure, not the begin being held to 2 3 per cent a year, the Nixon said, "but we will not demands," policy, of Phase 2 or Department for court action. permit inflation restraints. The wage guideposts are to be The construction to flare up again." industry's present developed by the 15-member Pay Board system of wage-control boards will be The President said he was made up turning over the of five members each from labor, continued, a White House official said, job of fixing specific standards to quasi-independent bodies two wage newly and price created whose major industry and the public. The Price Commission permissible price rises. will seven-member set policy for Munn suffers within the general framework of new Board standards. "We think it is a good operation," the source said. Pay pretty decision will be subject to Nixon's reticence governmental was partly a strategic Here is the rundown on President Nixon's veto. Gimme Shelter Nixon announced that Secretary of the Treasury, John B. Connally, who heads the Cost of Living Council, will go on radio and necessity. AFL-CIO President George Meany has indicated labor would not cooperate in Phase 2 controls unless the guidelines were made and administered by a Thursday Clarence (Biggie) Munn, former MSU immediately rushed to a Sparrow Hospital proposals for an wage-price freeze: anti-inflation effort to go into effect Nov. 14 at the end of the current Goal: A two to three per cent annual television Friday with further explanations tripartite board. football coach and present Director of where he was placed in the intensive care inflation rate by the end of 1972 This is of the Ben Peters, Watervliet senior and continuing program. The time was set The hottest current issue is whether pay Athletics, suffered a stroke at 3:10 p.m. unit under the care of a long time friend about half of the pre-freeze rate. for lp.m. EDT. boosts negotiated before the Aug. 15 freeze Thursday. and family physician Theodore I. Bauer. Price Commission: A seven-member Diane Vujea, Grand Rapids President Nixon tossed to his new can take full effect after that date. group They Munn was found by his secretary Bauer first described the condition of of distinguished private citizens, to senior, are sheltered from the three-sided Pay Board, still to be were blocked for duration of the develop named, the freeze, slumped the wheel of his car in the Munn as an "episode of yardsticks on prices, empowered to restrain hot-potato issue of whether previously over fainting," but while traveling near W. even though in some cases they represented Jenison Fieldhouse parking lot. He later confirmed after further price and rent increases and prevent windfall contracted pay increases can take effect was study that it Holmes Hall. the second-year or third-year step-ups of had been a stroke. when the Phase 2 controls profits. State News photo begin Nov. 14. long-term wage contracts. The stroke came just two days before Pay Board: Five representatives each of by John Rossi Another crucial question left unanswered The AFL-CIO has advised its unions tne they biggest game of the year for MSU, the labor, management and the public, to stop Michigan clash in East Lansing, a game inflationary wage and salary increases. All that Munn had worked so hard at to get elements of compensation, including wages, Y NAT SCI PANEL nationally televised. Munn's efforts were salaries and fringe benefits will be subject to finally rewarded this season when its regulation. ABC-TV charted the Spartan-Wolverine Interest and Dividends Committee: game as its "Game of the Week" for Oct. Headed by Federal Reserve Board Contract 9. Chairman, Arthur Bums, it will apply By JUDY YATES now appeal studied but in the future," Lincoln Petttt, available on request, the letter said. Munn has been athletic director at MSU for the past 17 years. In his tenure, he has built one of the largest collegiate athletic programs in the nation, on both the varsity and Intramural level. anti-inflation yardsticks in these areas with care taken not to drive credit from or other critical areas. Health Service: Because of "special difficulties" and lack of standardization, a housing State News Staff Writtr chairman of the committee, said Thursday. Pettit said the list of reasons will be Munn, prior to his appointment as the special committee on this industry will Letters sent to Downes and available to all members of the committee. Ms. Van University's director of athletics, served advise on how to restrain cost and price The reappointment appeal of 3>flliam L. Tassell said that if the committee decides The department must the head football increases. wnes, assistant professor of natural against reappointment, the reasons will be notify the faculty as coach of the members whether or not Spartans. The fiery Munn, Cost of Living Council: Will continue to moves into its last stage at the written on the ballot and forwarded to they have been a member of the reappointed before the December meeting the National Football Hall of Fame for develop anti-inflation goals, review the partmental level today. department chairman. of the board of trustees. both his playing and standards set by the Pay Board and Price The Dept. of Natural Science Ad Hoc The coaching days, chairman, having notified the If the committee does not reappoint the compiled a 54 9 2 record while Commission and have the power to back mmittee for Reappointment and Tenure - • candidate, will indicate to any candidate candidates and if the them up with government sanctions. r fall 1972 will continue deliberation this not to be reappointed that proposed Interim coaching MSU. the reasons are Duration: "Until inflationary pressures ternoon of Downes' appeal of a (Please turn to page 13) eliminary set of reasons for his are brought under control." Administration: A national system of n-reappointment. Deliberation began regional and local service and compliance U' ednesday. Chi centers will be set up under the Internal reports Downes and Eileen Van Tassell, another Revenue Service with about 360 offices and stant professor of natural science, a staff of some 3,000. ~"ived the set of reasons Oct. 1. Downes and Ms. Van Tassell were til given By MICHAEL FOX Tickets today to appeal. Ms. Van Tassell did students — about eight-tenths of 1 per cent leads Western Michigan University in t appeal the six-page set of reasons. State News Staff Writer In addition to enrollment statistics, the ASMSU Pop Entertainment presents B.B. "I havent had an of the student body — at MSU in fall 1970, Kalamazoo which has 14 full-time graduate MSU report chronicles Spanish-surnamed opportunity to King at 8 p.m. Oct. 22 in the Auditorium. pare my appeal as yet," Ms. Van Tassell The University ranks first among state according to a U.S. Office of Education Spanish surnamed students —1.5 per cent of employment as rising from 66 in 1967 to Tickets go on sale Tuesday at Marshall Music d institutions in enrollment of Spanish report quoted in the MSU Chicano report. the Western graduate students. 125 in 1970. The 1971 figure is 122, of Thursday. The next closest college in terms of Chicano A separate report prepared by the in East Lansing, Campbell's Smoke Shop When asked if he would surnamed students, an administration report which 42 are in professional positions. The continue his enrollment is Wayne State University in and the Union. Price is S3. peal procedures at released Thursday states. Michigan Dept. of Education claims that report notes the 1971 drop in indicative of today's meeting, Detroit with 100 — about six-tenths of 1 per MSU has 17 per cent of all an overall decline this year in staff sizes. wnes said "I don't know whether I'll The report was drafted in response to past go cent of the Wayne student body. fore them or not. That will "ision." be their Chicano allegations that MSU's programs for the Mexican-American community were About 81 graduate students — or 1.7 per cent of the MSU graduate students — Spanish-surnamed full-time undergraduate students and 46 per cent of the graduate students enrolled in all Michigan colleges in The report provides a brief review of other Union orders We are inadequate, Robert Perrin, Vice getting things on paper which (Please turn to page 13) 1 be helpful for hammering out "edures that will be useful not only President for University relations and author of the report, said. reported Spanish surnames last fall. This fall 1970. dock strikers About 370 Spanish surnamed students were enrolled at MSU for fall 1970, the Chicano report stated. Of these, 308 were back to work full-time students, which compares with 100 Petitions full-time Spanish surnamed students in fall SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The West 1968. Coast longshoremen's union Thursday etitioning is open for ASMSU "MSU's record of accomplishment in ordered its 15,000 striking dock workers Preservatives from West Circle and comparison with other institutions in the back on the job Sataurday in response to a -Campus Districts and for Elections state continues to be favorable," the report federal court order. ^mission. Petitions are available in 336 states. President Harry dent Services There 227 full-time Bridges of the Bldg. were undergraduate International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union sent telegrams to all 28 locals instructing men to return with the first shift Saturday, 101 days after the enate backs record walkout began. Bridge's telegram, released by the ILWU, said the union's strike strategy committee voted unanimously to respect a restraining tails federal order issued Wednesday night by a federal judge. U.S. District Court Judge Spencer Williams ordered the dock workers back for ASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate overturned his order by adopting a 10 days. ked by a 51-32 vote Thursday President resolution of disapproval before midnight A hearing on converting the x°ns six-month Thursday. The House rejected such a temporary postponement of a eral raise as resolution last Monday by a 207-174 vote restraining order into a permanent 80-day part of his anti-inflation strike moratorium under the Taft-Hartley orts. and the Senate followed suit Thursday. he vote was Act had been scheduled Friday, but was the first in the Senate on any Republican leader Hugh Scott of se of Nixon's delayed until Oct. 15 by U.S. District Court new economic policy. The Pennsylvania appealed to senators to vote ident won another Judge William T. Sweigert. major victory in against the resolution, sponsored by Sen. "gress Frank E. Moss, D-Utah. Sweigert acted on a request from the Wednesday when the House °ved tax cuts ILWU and the Pacific Maritime Assn., which he urged to spur the One argument raised against the resolution nomy. K represents 120 shipper-employers. They was that the Senate's action in voting to "the Senate asked more time to prepare for a hearing. fight over the pay raise issue, permit government pay raises up to the James Robertson, secretary of the PMA, U ? [°, suPP°rt the President's average permitted in the private sector under said after Bridges' announcement that the •'"nation moves won out over Phase 2 of Nixon's program would not stand court order "provides for the prompt tedunV'1^ fe<*era' employes were being up. The Senate voted for this as an resumption of operations. Therefore it is our position that each employer should start as amendment to the military procurement soon as he can resume operations." »} by ie went a 60-27 vote on record Wednesday, the bill but Sen. Hiram L. Fong, R-Hawaii.and -- r. .,- In granting the restraining order sought by as favoring pay raises others said its chances of acceptance by the President Nixon, Willaims said there was government employes comparable to Permitted in private House are practically nil. evidence that continuation of the strike phase industry under the threatened "the nation's health and safety." of Nixon's economic Fong, the ranking Republic^ on the er program, The ILWU is seeking a 37.4 per cent legislation Congress passed last Civil Service Committee, said wage > tederal of employes were due to get a about 6 per cent Senate Congress has plenty of time to pass separate legislation giving federal employes raises in Limb(o) boost to $5.98 per hour over two years, a $500 monthly pension for men retiring at 62 on Jan. 1. The Two Phillips Hall freshmen ent delayed this six months. line with the President's new guidelines after enjoy the view from a tree near the Red Cedar. with 25 years service and sole jurisdiction over off-dock container the Senate or the House could have it found out what those guidelines are. State News photo by handling, which the Terry Luke Teamsters Union also claims. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October, news Senator backs prison reform of prison reform developed this summer by protecting the public. prison reform legislation. summary Director of the State Dept. of Corrections, Gus "The program will "It is time we stop studying these things and actually i__iv Harrison. money for other worthwhile DeMaso, chairman of the Senate Taxation get some action," he said. "I'm tired of listening "By improving the penal system, the things"" From the wire* of AP and UPI. State Sen. Harry A. DeMaso, R-Battle Creek, Committee, said the planned reforms would to studies and commissions and then have inmates and numL'1'1 nothing coine from them. new returning criminals sho,£? Thursday announced that he will use state provide an essentially ideal prison system which greatly reduced." hou1^ legislative channels to help impliment a program would do a more effective and efficient "We have spent $65 million in the last couple job in The of years on studies and what has the state gained proposed plan contains ten from them? What is sad is that we don't even improvements in Michigan's prison system- "I am announcing tonight that Panel predicts rise listen to our own employees, some of whom are the best in the nation." criminal cod,,. C?i when the 90-day-freeze is over on r min°r offej Nov. 13, we shall continue our DeMaso said Harrison's ideas are "fresh, and Expanded use of probation programs. for the most part untried in any other state penal program of wage and price Precedent diagnosis of system." convicted crimin i restraint. We began this battle in recommend either college populace prison or probation "There senta^ against inflation for the purpose of are some things in this program that Limiting of individual prison t winning it. We are going to stay in it some people are going to gasp at, but we cannot 90 inmates or less to continue to live in the 17th century," he said. "If pr< until we do win it. and individualized efforts. the present day prison system is all that PHILADELPHIA great, - President Nixon (AP) — it says enrollment may reach expressed < Expansion of prison industries (See related article, page 1) Enrollment in American colleges or decline in why do we continue to have a rising prison to keen a. only 16 million by the tum of the 1980s, inmate population will double by the year 2000, population, many of whom have been there fully occupied. ^ the century, with 12.5 million before?" Elimination of employment the Carnegie Commission on restrict!™, by 1980. "That decade may present following imprisonment. ^ DeMaso predicted that the state's lawmakers Wholesale prices drop Higher Education predicted Clark Kerr, commission special problems for educational will turn thumbs down at any program Increased academic and vocational Thursday. chairman, explained to a news planners because during such requiring traininp And this climb will need conference additional funds. Community residential centers to the current periods it is hard to obtain funds ex-convicts establish hoi Wholesale prices dropped last month for the first time in about 300 new institutions, two enrollment of 8.1 million would to arouse interest in change "However, I believe it is better in the long run aid in job placement. community identitv J, thirds of them at° nearly a year and White House economists called it good two-year rise sharply in the 1970s, shrink and innovation," the report said, to spend money that will provide a prevention State-wide probation services. news that could be credited to President Nixon's community colleges, mostly in a little in the 1980s, and "H this difficulty cannot be for our problems rather than to continuously metropolitan areas. then increase heavily again in the overcome, institutions Management information systems to evalmu economic policy. may be pour money down the drain for band-aids. It the effectiveness of "The United States is creating final decade of the 20th unprepared for the big prison programs. "I think be quite reassured" that Nixon's makes much more sense to appropriate money DeMaso said he we can policy a society in which more people plans to introduce legislau« Century. enrollment increases that will for a preventive program than to try and treat during the fall session is working, said Chairman Paul McCracken of the will have had more' education The commission to implement those described characterize the final decade of of dm problems after they have already erupted." the program which President's Council of Economic Advisers of the than ever before in history in this as a go - stop - go cycle, and this century." DeMaso said the whole state will benefit from legislative channels. are not already!' ® three-tenths of one per cent price decline. any nation," the commission reported. "It is making higher "The report on September wholesale prices was good education available to all who news for all of us," said Arnold Weber, staff Nixon's Cost of Living Council that administers the director of want it for whatever reason." In its report, "New Students CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT and New Places," the wage-price freeze. commission estimated that by 2000 half of all young people More tax cuts demanded between 18 and 21 will be in college, compared with 35 cent now. But because of per Griffin proposes to stop busing uncertainties Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connally the encountered commissin issued two By RANDY GARTON fundamentally wrong for any Griffin's proposal came one day Thursday a barrage of demands from growth studies: instrumentality of government — handful" of congressmen were by contacting legislative leaden Democratic senators that President Nixon's tax cut bill be State News Staff Writer after the formation in * Based on past growth rates, including a court — to keeping the measure bottled up. around thecountyr. revised to give more benefits to individuals. it predicts enrollment will hit U.S. Sen. discriminate in the treatment of Washington of a national "I don't question Sen. Griffin's "We've contacted by letter Robert P. Griffin, ev«j 13.5 million by 1980 and climb children on the basis of race." antibusing group called Action sincerity," Bowman said, "but I legislative leader in the national Connally, opening witness at Senate Finance R-Michigan, Thursday proposed a Now. think he'd be better off if he Committee hearings on the legislation, to 17.4 million by the year constitutional amendment that Children should not be subject every governor," he said. "Itadi replied that A spokesman for the instituted a discharge petition to 2000. would stop to "unreasonable punishment," group said to the pressure." individuals have received massive tax cuts in recent the busing of children that a number of organizations years * Griffin said, because they are get the resolution that's sitting in while corporation levies Noting changes in the labor to integrate schools. Bowman said the actually have increased. market for supporting a constitutional the judiciary committee onto the continue college degree Griffin, who is up for members of a generation "guilty amendment to ban Senate floor." from the states and He said the administration is accepting changes made by holders and a reduced birth rate, re-election in 1972, said that it "is of nothing but being black or been busing had pressure thcj the House in the original Nixon tax white." meeting in Washington since Bowman said that he and Congress would greatly i proposals to give Monday. McCauley will continue the chances of additional tax relief to low-income families. Griffin's move also aligned his to work eliminatingbusiq "within four or five months." for the success of their resolution with the rapidly growing antibusing movement in Michigan, and placed him in clear opposition to most of his FOR FALL VOTE Liberals afflicted souls' prospective opponents in the 1972 senatorial race. 11 top Michigan Democrats in a * Vice President Spiro T. Agnew w of a "goal the Republican was expressing his view party would seek" in the 1972 Statement Saturday gave cautious support to the busing move, Patriarche elections when he pledged a new effort to rid calling it "imperfect answer," Congress of an "radical liberals," the White House said but the only practical way to Thursday. Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler was asked Agnew was speaking for the White House when he whether achieve racial balance at this time. Signers of the included Secretary of State statement against red referred to radical liberals in an El Paso, Tex., speech Richard Austin, Attorney East Lansing precincts will not be Tuesday and said: "Come 1972, be assured, we intend to General Frank J. Kelley, former redistricted before this November's election, according to John M. strengthen the hand of the President during the second state senator Sander M. Levin and Patriarche, city Nixon adminstration by former Detroit mayor Jerome In response to a removing most, if not all, of these suggestion made at Monday's city council afflicted souls. Cavanaugh. All four men are meeting calling for the division of precincts to accomodate a large considered possible opponents of voter turnout, Patriarche said he would "look into it." However, Griffin in 1972. Wednesday afternoon he said he had not checked into the law and One Michigan Democrat who said the city would proceed with did not sign the statement is State plans to order extra voting machines to handle heavy voting. Strikers expect mandate Sen. John T. Bowman, D-Roseville, who recently "I don't see any problem," Patriarche said. "I really can't get very announced that he would excited about the fact we might have a few extra voters." An estimated 15,000 longshoremen remained idle along . u sponsor, along with Sen. John E. the Pacific Coast Thursday, but The city manager said it would be they were expected to Sweet McCauley, D-Grosse lie, a senate "very difficult" to divide up Baby James resolution calling for a overburdened precincts before November as interrupt a 99-day strike within 24 hours under a JAMES TAYLOR Mud Slide Slim and Veenstra at a council meeting suggested by John Taft-Hartley back - to - work mandate. Formal service of the Blue Horizon constitutional amendment Monday. He pointed out notification contains would have to be sent to all the court orders was $949 JAMES TAYLOR # forbidding busing. Griffin's registrants by the city clerk's office "We plan to abide by an underway. Fire and Rain and Country Road J *4 proposal is almost identical to which "already has their problems." enough to do without adding something elseto injunction if it comes through Bowman and McCauley's. the courts," said John Pandora, Warner Bros. Album BS 1843 Wamer Bros. Album BS 52561 When contacted at his Roseville a Southern California Patriarche admitted Precinct 3, which includes theMSU leader of the striking home Thursday, Bowman called campus, independent Longshoremen's and Griffin's as well as others, may have too many voters, but this was Warehousemen's Union. "We're available to go move "meaningless unavoidable. He said precincts boundaries would back to unless he can get it out of probably be work." changed next year after a study of registration rolls and action by committee." the city council. TONIGHT! Bowman said several antibusing proposals were now in "If this were a presidential election it might be different," he said. Healey criticizes party committees in both the House and the Senate. He said a "small <( "But since we have any problems." only have one issue on the ballot, I don't hink well An opposition Labor party leader criticized Britain's Conservative party Moonlight Sale government Thursday, saying it is emerging "the major obstacle in the Western as world" to East-West 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. understandings. Ex-Defense Minister Denis Healey's assertion at the party's annual also convention highlighted a frontal assault on the foreign policies being pursued by Prime Minister Edward Heath's First "Funny Money" government. Auction, 11 p.m. Earth has 'little sister' Mel Smith, Auctioneer A pint-sized "quasimoon" only a mile in diameter is linked to the earth and the moon in kind of a "triplet system," Nobel Prize-winning physicist Hannes Alfven Auctions Sat., 9 p.m. said Thursday. and Sun., 5 p.m. It travels to within 9.3 million miles of earth in eight-year cycles, Alfven said. Its next close visit is expected in August 1972. See the "Banana Splits" Saturday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 7 p.rr Fourth party possible - Democrat ic presidential hopeful Henry M. Jackson said Thursday his candidacy would be successful even if it should lead to establishment of a "We would do better than senator told a news fourth party on the left. ever," the Washington conference. "Truman proved that in lanslng 1948 a when Progressive. Henry Wallace left the Democrats and ran as -This one's on the house-! mall 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 8. 1971 3 Trustees to vote recommendations will be on pay By BILL HOLSTEIN D-Ann Arbor, Don State News Staff Writer approved by the board with only Stevens, President Wharton said the minor adjustments and questions. D-Okemos and Warren Huff, pay raise package but Huff administration will pay for the Barring any thundering D-Plymouth, have indicated they raises by tightening its belt and indicated that a motion would i proclamation, from the Michigan President Wharton Wendesday would also vote to approve the probably be made at the meeting Capitol, the board of trustees will said the administration will recommendations. making up any later deficit to raise their salaries as well. finally vote on faculty and staff recomment the average 7 percent "through forced savings and The meeting is open to the increase retroactive to One trustee, however, has perhaps painful program pay raises tonight. July 1 public. From all despite a possible reduction of up expressed his dissatisfaction with reallocations." indications, the the administration's proposals. administration's to 3 per cent in the state's The meeting, scheduled for 6 BUF sponsors appropriation to MSU. "I don't know how in hell p.m. in the Heritage Room of Trustees contacted Thursday they're going to pay for this free film, AAUP plans said those raises vary from 3 per faculty raise," Clair White, D-Bay Kellogg Center, was originally scheduled for Sept. 29 but was Huey' cent raises for some City, said. called off when Gov. Milliken faculty At 7:30 members to 12 per cent for called for budget cuts of 3 per tonight in 100 faculty meet others. Dr. Blanche Martin, D-East Enrollment cent for all state-funded institutions. Engineering Bldg., The Black United Front will, present "Huey", a film covering the Black An organizational meeting for Lansing, said he intends to vote Panther Party in Oakland, Calif. K City Council candidates talk with students in Se faculty interested in faculty bargaining is scheduled between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Saturday in for the administrative package. "It looks like it's abou t the best totals Admission is free. a rap' session sponsored by the Case Hall student we could do under the government, in the James Madison College Library. Candidates Gordon Thomas 119 Linton. The drive is The State and George circumstances," Martin said. News, the student newspaper at Griffiths discuss an issue with a student. state News photo by Mike Rodemer sponsored by theMSU chapter of the American, Assn. of University for fall Michigan State University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Professors. Mondays, Wednesdays and About 41,649 students are during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week Fridays edition in September. enrolled at MSU this fall, Horace Subscription rate is $16 per year. RISH LEADER'S REQUEST King, registrar, said Thursday. Member Associated Press, United Press Inland Daily Press International, The 41,649 figure represents Association, Michigan Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, total gross enrollment up to the Michigan Collegiate Press tenth class day, which was Association. Britain to Wednesday. No individual stastics Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Belfas and business offices at 345 Editorial up on the enrollment per class or Student Services Bldg., any State Michigan other breakdown will be available University, East Lansing, Michigan. until Monday, James Stoneman, asst. registrar, said. LONDON (AP) — The British after the meeting made no This fall's enrollment is News terrorists are receiving sanctuary up 355-8252 loverninent agreed Thursday mention of Faulkner's in the south and that most of up recruiting for the Ulster One went oft near an army about 1100 students from last Classified Ads request to defense regiment, the locally 355-8255 light to beef up its battle to crush Heath to sanction the formation their weapons came from there. recruited national guard, and post in central Belfast, another in year, Robert Perrin, vice Advertising 353-6400 errorism in Northern Ireland and of civilian unarmed the suburbs and a third Business Office vigilante Three extra battalions will named during a president for University relations, 355-3447 innounced that three more a British government machine gun attack on a police groups throughout Northern bring the number of British observed Thursday. of troops will minister to supervise this. jattalions be Ireland to help in the fight against troops on duty in Northern post in Roden St., Belfast. dispatched tq Belfast the outlawed Irish Tough new British action was i Republican Ireland to nearly 14,000. sparked by the growing wave to mmediately. Army. (IRA). Heath and Faulkner said in this week we arc feAtu&me, The decision was in answer to The statement said the their joint statement that the terrorism, bomb throwing and slaying of civilians and British Rugby matches in appeal by Norther Ireland's additional troops — these •rime minister, Brian Faulkner, about 1,500 men — will numbering permit extra troops "will be at the practical disposal" of Tuzo "to be troops. Terrorism has cost the lives of rescheduled speciAlly ppiced Lps n a marathon 6'/4-hour the British army commander in meeting used as he thinks fit, but their Due to the late kick-off time for nth Prime Minister Edward 116 persons, including 26 troops, Ulster, Gen. Sir Harry Tuzo, to arrival will enable him, the football game, the ieath and his among since August 1969. rugby Cat Stevens key ministers. tighten his control of the other things, to strengthen match between MSU and the Faulkner, beaming to newsmen Bomb explosions in September Teaser the Fire Cat 260-mile, largely unmarked control of the border and to numbered 152 in the province University of Michigan will start $3.59 m leaving No. 10 Downing Street border with the Republic of follow up more at 11 a.m. The "A" team Santana fter the exhausting talks, Ireland to the south. rapidly the action against only 101 in August. There game against terrorists." will be New Santana $3.59 ippeared delighted with the Belfast and were 10 in Belfast Wednesday played first at Old College London The two prime ministers also Field, with the "B" T raff ic esults. night alone and three up to game governments claim that IRA agreed greater efforts to step $3.59 This is one of the most on nightfall Thursday. immediately following. Live .atisfactory meetings with the Rod Stewart British government that I have Every Picture Talis A Story $3.59 KELLOGG had and I have had THINK >ver — quite a Carole King Tapestry $3.59 "We made great progress." B.B. 323 e. grand Rut a joint statement issued King river CENTER Live in London $3.59 Save! Save! Save! extravagant nuP/ Harrison^ Michigan; PLUS THIS WEEK. ALL JAMES TAYLOR LP's . . open daily Rent Your The only place your parents can on Sale sat. stay and still at Specially reduced prices! be in the heart of campus activity. 9-6 TV don't fORqet to check our PACk Then think practical. And the Located on the MSU Campus BY THE TERM! choice comes out MGB/GT, the the Brody Complex, the opposite which aLwavs feAtuaes At leAst GT that looks extravagant but Kellogg Center is Free isn't. At our showroom now. within minutes of every dormitory, and QO lp s discounted ac% & Delivery Free Service walking distance from most University mope, Free Pick-up buildings. The State Room, on the ground floor, provides the finest in dining facilities. All rooms $25.°° per term BROOKS IMPORTED CARS 5014 N. Grand River twin -- ~ are provided with air both single and conditioning, 482-1473 3 Blocks Past ' radio, and color television. All at PHONE 351-5380 University TV Rentals Capitol City Airport reasonable rates, too. 351-7900 Finest MG, AUSTIN A JAGUAR Service in Lapsing CALL 332-6571 FOR RESERVATION GIhei£'s alwSys sorqetfiing going or^at tl|e6P-GBelL Now as you can see, we're not Sure, we've got good food, but E. Kalamazoo just any ordinary kind of place. besides that, we serve 64 oz. We've built a restaurant and bar pitchers of that cold refreshment Stadium that was designed for you. with the foam on top. Now that's Harrison Rd larger than any place around j PRETZEL serves. Besides that, in our cock¬ _ tail lounge we have a T.V. that'll pick up any football game or sports event even when your \\5"d \ | Trowbridge Rd Stadium Rd home set won't. .. and to top it all off, there's live entertainment Traditionally, fine food and drink 1020 Trowbridge Road after dark. On the edge of campus So, whether it's food, drink, Phone 351-0300 entertainment or friends, the Pretzel Bell is trying hard to be a tradition in its own time. Stop over and be a part of it. MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE MEWS Ask what you can do for the U' UNIVERSITY ByC. PATRIC LARROWE "OK, but what about Professor of economics ranking eighth in the Big Ten? Don'.1"0'1 KEN LYNAM In recent weeks my agree they ought to get increases advertising manager mail has been running bring them up, say, to third place?" thatw? heavily against our central administration. DAVE PERSON, managing editor "The reins have passed into palsied hands," "Take my own case for example. Up "I wish you hadn't asked me that- is a typical comment. until a year ago, I was low paid. I used to replied. "But we economists are CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor "How can you say that?" I've protested. looking unpleasant realities in the used/ JOHN BORGER, campus editor think the administration had it in for me. face iv "There isn't a man in our top leadership who economic fact of life is that a BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor looks a day over 45." Then I got on the stick and published. determined by the value of prc>rsJ; RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor his "Maybe so," the critics have shot back. Right away /got a whopping 15 percent product.Putting itanother way, he "But what about the fact that down at what he's worth, according to the Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award his services. market! Western, and over at Eastern, and up at for outstanding journalism. Central — even, for godssakes Ann Arbor — "Now, if MSU profs are in eighth because pi^ * the administration has given the faculty they're not as productive their salary increases? Retroactive to July 1, profs in the schools above us. asul too. fuddy-duddy to some, but I say it's about increases in the middle of the year. Wasn't he "Take my own case, for example. UpM EDITORIALS "And we haven't gotten one thin dime. Are you so blindly loyal to your friends in time we praised folks who stand responsibility. up for fiscal an economist, too?" a year ago, 1 was low paid. I used to administration had it in for me. think,? I had to admit Then b the administration, C. Patric, that you can't "Let's not forget," I've told these scolds, they had me there. "He's an on the stick and published. Right away U Congress see State is wanting in leadership?" "our President is an economist. He knows economist, all right," I conceded. "But," I d whopping 15 percent increase. fox I don't agree with that. I say our central administration should be commended, not condemned, for not how turning loose $4 million in salary increases will stoke the engines of inflation." "But what about that Mr. Adams who added, "He hasn't cracked a theory book since he got his degree. Anyway, he's one of those fuzzy - thinking Keynesians who "I sure learned my lesson. I about timo time these meirruRe Bowling all day nejactv rentals and evening. Open 9 a.m. Just north of Frandor - 337-9775 daily m our 337-1300 Billiards Cocktails Good Food mm Open Tonight Until 9 p.rr we MY li£ Jarman laces up the granny FREE DELIVERY! boot for the men. . .a rugged y0e Caesa^ back-to-nature black leather 14-incher lo keep company with your knickers and tucked trouser looks. $29. nN CAMPUS ON r.AMPiK nFi ivfry DELIVERY === 337-1681 imza OFF CAMPUS/CIRCLE DRIVE 1071 Trowbridge 1203 E. Grand River 337-1631 Jacobson's it's so easy to park in the adjoining east lansing auto ramp, jacobson's will gladly validate your parking ticket ^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Availability of state salary figures varies By DIANE PETRYK State News Staff Writer based on the premise that salaries of employes of the state are and asked for his first told: salary. We were The next said: person who answered request. him?" Why don't you ask in about a half hour we had the trustees Kenneth Grand Rapids andThompsonFrankof point to releau .8'n£ J public, and since MSU is a public "I can't salary figure, information, but didn't give out that a n't give out that We explained the reason we "$23,490," he said. ' If you Merriman of Deckerville were not strong feelings either Are salaries of employes of the state of Michigan as accessible to j^ituUon wp^r^by***"" pubUc information th° I'll transfer you to information, I'M refer you to Mr. Sullivan, he's were asking was to find out how need any more payroll v allable for comment One associate way. ., -. accessiDieio shouid be public also. charge accessible public records are to information come in any time. '.'ednesday or Thursday. professor. The payroll office said: ... the public as they are said to be? payroll.' the public. He took our phone is "sympathetic - 1 Part of thp" »r«njment for After T"" se,ecting flt random "a "I don't know if we're allowed Our records are open to you." Se vera I professors Several proiessors said saia the Ideaat thte inPri"c|p|(i|l iJulJmr divulging MSU facilK MSU faculty salaries salaries is is ° ^th? stflte News called the depart^ent to )\ Some of the courses being Sexuality: Woman and Man GOV. MILLIKEN has endorsed statement that the state Board of executive secretary offered this term are: will examine the future of a series of statewide town hall of the Water Education may hire an outside Resources Commission, reported Contemporary Avant-Garde feminity, masculinity, marriage meetings Nov. 4 at which citizens A Uifi American Poetry will emphasize and the family. Discussion and can discuss health concerns such consulting firm to draw proposed busing patterns that would that the loss resulted from failure to closea valve on the fuel tank non-establishment poetry, group interaction will be an as water and air pollution, desegregate schools across county during fuel transfer operations. ■ Several specief of fish planted last spring are being harvested in an experiment magazines, and writers. integral part of this multi-media nutrition, substandard housing and city boundaries. by the zoology Business Communication for "At this time we expect no ■ dept. The student on the right, heading the mission is Steve course. and rat control. "This approach has never been Durr, graduate student, Bristol, Ind. environmental impact from the Secretaries will cover techniques State News photo by Don Gerstner Women: Potentials and Sponsored by the Michigan effective,'' he said. for writing stylistically correct Public Health Assn., the accident, due to the success of Perspectives 1 is the first in a meetings "Desegregation of schools is emergency control measures," he three-term sequence focusing on will be held at 7:30 p.m. in East merely an administrative said. women's place in today's Lansing, Saginaw, Traverse City, function. Integration should society. The fall term study will Marquette, Grand Rapids and bringing about quality onors mean course be directed Woman?", toward emphasizing "Who social and cultural forces and the is the Detroit. The meetings will have informal unstructured format an education opportunity for all students." Chicanos pick officers and discussions at each will be physical and psychological recorded for transmittal to the STATE OFFICIALS characteristics of art-universe women. relationship governor and legislature. announced Thursday that an Australasia will explore the accidental spill of 200,000 little-known area of the South THE gallons of fuel oil into the MECHA, the campus EXECUTIVE organization of university and Pacific, extending from Australia DIRECTOR of the Michigan Saginaw River Wednesday is y NAT ABBATE in the west to Pitcairn Island in community Chicanos, elected informal discussion with the 25 Assn. of being contained by pollution I State News Staff Writer director of planetarium in the east. School Boards all-female officers winter and spring term Wednesday said local school control operations in a confined Wednesday respectively. All three of the stream about one-half night. . ... . iL range from a basic introduction courses African Art and Culture will boards would be "totally area lering if there is life in the tQ outer space to a discussion on In additon to "Man's have the mile from same format, Sandefur not only study the qualities of opposed to hiring out solutions" Saginaw Bay. iroom, there is one course celestial mechanics and relativity. Universe," Sandefur is also the said, and are dismissed about two the African art forms, but will to school integration Anna Marie Valenzuela, ,ble which touches the problems as on The course is designed for coordinator of "The Human and a half weeks before the term also deal with the cultural and proposed by John Porter, state Emergency operations, supportive services counselor Itionof life in outer space. juniors and seniors who are Organism" and "Man's Personal ends to allow the students to including pump-out equipment working with the group, said the tually, Natural Science sociological contexts from which superintendent of public and straw baffles, were election was "a blow to non-science majors, Sandefur said Health," which will be offered work on a paper on some phase of the pieces were grafted. instruction. 1, "Mans Universe," is 16 the immediately implemented. chauvisism that could prove that condensed into Thursday, course which they found Other courses of interest ses one, the term 'machismo' is a gringo particularly interesting. rding to B.T. Sandefur, "It's a low pressure course South Africa offered by Evening College Norman Billings, acting myth." [fessor of geology and taught by real experts," he said. Jinator of the course. The classes are held in the bans atheists BARNES each class meeting, an expert conference room of the dean of >me aspect of man's relation the College of Natural Science, FLORAL universe participates in an Sandefur said, so the atmosphere DURBAN, South Africa- (AP) OF EAST LANSING Immigration authorities have — Stereo Open House. is relaxed and informative. told the Association for iVer rescues For some students, the class is European Immigration that , I from "-"'y >»", .TwsuTuinr^Uei'to crowdSS . JaMPALA, Bon for Uganda (AP) — A were unaware of before they took TV RENTALS "bravery above and the course. Ind the call of duty" was One girl was so entralled with Monday Saturday Oct 11-16 ■ded to a taxi driver who tKe discussions on astronomy We telegraph flowers Iched miniskirted girl from that she decided to get a job at - a ■clutches of a crowd angered NEJACTVRiWfTALS worldwide Abrams Planetarium, Sandefur er short dress. said. Today she is an associate 216 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 337-1380 -n'-'. We're presenting our 3rd annual Open House to introduce the many exciting new developments in |plzza - cheese - pepperon i - mushrooms - ri pe oli ves - green olives- shrimp audio technology, give you the opportunity to talk with manufacturer's representatives and bring you many very special values individual components and complete stereo systems. For a quiet I 1 mKrnm ■ Ml 1 Stereo High Fidelity Components IpriK i"^| is but that's one of the fine lines available at Marshalls, but where the common denominator between draft beer and SONY and other component lines ends. SONY components will outperform any other components in their price range.That may seem like a strong statement, but compare the meaningful specifications on amplifier and tuner performance between SONY and any competitor - you'll see the difference. SONY components are backed by a THREE YEAR Part and Labor, FIVE YEAR Transistor warranty. Incidently, we're Lansing's ONLY SONY COMPONENT Dealer. Intimate Dining Register for our Equipment Giveaways! We'll have hot coffee all week long, so come in and relax, take a look at our extensive demonstration facilities, and feel free to just talk - or listan. Authentic Italian food AKAI Rectilinear AKAI may be a newcomer to The best pizza in town the U.S. market, but certainly the they not newcomers in construction of are Our most popular line of loudspeakers. One word can best describe the reason why quality - SMOOTH tape equipment! Crisp salads Meat ball sandwich AKAI pioneered Crossfield head the They're undoubtedly the best balanced, easiest listening system and now have the Revolutionary loudspeakers available Lasagna Ravioli Spaghetti New GX Glass and crystal ferrite tape heads. 79" to 299" Ei. DRAFT BEER IMPORTED CHIANTI Our Open House is the opportune time to get the complete information on SONY, AKAI, RECTILINEAR, PIONEER, JVC, LWE, DUAL, GARRARD and the other quality lines we sell. PIZZA VILLA WE'LL HAVE MANY SPECIAL PRICES TOO! 2167 E. Grand River 2 blocks west watch your newspaper for more details or inquire Okemos of Meridian Mall 2 miles east of MSU at either Marshall Music location... 349-2630 campus 245 ANN STREET 402 S.WASIIINGT0N Close: 1a.m. Mon. thru Thurs. EAST LANSING LANSING Open: 11a.m. Mon. thru Sat. 2 a.m. Fri. & Sat. 351-7830 ' 372-9600 4 p.m. MUSIC CO. Sunday EAST LANSING'S LARGEST METRO METROPOLITAN LANSING'S ONLY Midnight Sun. SINGLE DISPLAY OF STEREO TOTALI TOTALLY ENCLOSED LISTENING COMPONENTS ROOM | lad -spaghettl-lasagna- veal parmigiana-Vllla special-green pepper- 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 8 Films, flicks a highlight weekend B.B.King concert set; sit and v With the exception of a sold out Wilson Hall; 6:45, 8:35 and tl IKte are a "Lonesome r films James Taylor concert, it is back 10:15 Saturday night in Conrad Cowboys," a film to the cinema for entertainment by Andy Warhol. 6:45,8:15, and mand of tnis weekend. ON-CAMPUS "Butch Cassidy and the Auditorium; 7 Sunday night in McDonel Hall. "Yojimbo" Akira Kurosawa's 10:20 tonight and Saturday night 106 B Wells Hall. "Birth of a Nation," one of the tickets on sale Tuesday t you a His Gi ling at Samurai film, 7 and 9:30 Friday Iter, is « Sundance Kid" starring Paul classics of cinema, directed by night in Anthony Hall; 7, 9:30 L This is i Newman and Robert Redford, D.W. Griffith, 7 and9:30 tonight By NAT ABBATE Saturday night in 100 King, considering he has been around for 7:30 and 9:30 tonight, in Conrad only, 102 B Wells Hall. State News Staff Writer A 33 Vtu, Engineering Bldg. change In managers a few years ago took^t leeveryoi 11 woi Auditorium: 6:30, 8:30 and "Rachel, Rachel," directed by away from the "chltltn' circuit" and "Long Day's Journey Into It has been said that it took B.B. King 22 years to |S the sto 10:30 Saturday night in Wilson Night," a play by Eugene O'Neil, Paul Newman. (Check ads for introduce I off Hall; 9 Sunday night in McDonel Hall. starring Jason Robards and Katherine Hepburn, 7 and 9:30 time and place). become an overnight sensation, but even before he rose to popularity after his 1969 tour with the P°P"-orient41 ie goes the "The ccracy "Owl and the Pussycat" with Professionals," an Rolling Stones, there were people who recognized His engagements during 1968 and tonight in 111 Olds Hall; 7 and him as the "king of the blues." 1969 less deaf, Bar bra Streisand and George 9:30 action-packed western. (Check him to many large colleges throughout the Segal, 7:30 and 9:30 tonight in Hall. Saturday night, 102 B Wells ads for time and place). People like Eric Clapton and Mike Bloomfleld and to every Important pop festival in count!! ultofa b< the Unlw undama were influenced by King, and considering the States and Canada. In November, OFF-CAMPUS number of rock guitarists they themselves have 1969 BB )ed inside played before million fans while on a influenced, it is safe to say that B.B. King is really one American tour with the Rolling Stones. I4J,' must ci "Johnny Got His Gun," an ibo, the t nebula excellent film at the Spartan the "boss of the blues." From then on, King's fame has making t Twin East Theater. has played all the big-name rooms in snowballed. Ht It woult King will play a two hour concert at 8 p.m. on Las Vem r. Oct. 22 in the Auditorium. All tickets will cost $3, appeared on numerous television shows ck the '"McCabe and Mrs. Miller" at and will go on sale at 8a.m. Tuesday in the Union, commercials, and has toured Europe and ISUHH' p the Meridian 4 Theaters. If you 9 a.m. at Campbell's and 9:30 a.m. at Marshall's. Japan. ibo remi missed it before, don't make the B.B. King once said his biggest be the "best blues singer and blues ambition wasto I 1 and rea same mistake twice. The concert will be held in the Auditorium because the installation of Tartan Turf in Jenison world. If his public, critics and fellow guitarist" inti*| "Billy Jack," a new film at the B.n.Kiiif! Fleldhouse has made the building unavailable for musician I are any indication, he has succeeded. B Campus Theater. Blues star B.B. King will appear in concert 8 p.m., Oct. 22 that date, Berry Blatt, Pop Entertainment If you don't believe it, just ask Eric in the Auditorium. Tickets are $3 and will go on sale, Chairman, said Thursday. find out for yourself at 8 p.m. on Oct. Clapton Oi I Tuesday, at Marshall Music, Campbell's Smoke Shop and 22 inthi I (w the Union. Playing to college audiences is relatively new to Auditorium. Club recreates Middle Ages (w be the cures Veterans fa f If you're interested in combat tournaments, medieval music and dance, or if you just want to compose poems in Anglo-Saxon, a good place to start is the MSU chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism. grown to more than 30 groups in the United Statess and Canada with about 5,000 members. Its aim, said Tracie Brown, former MSU student and Mistress of without causing any real physical injury, Robert McNish, Eut Lansing resident, said. McNish, the groups' "Seneschal" (president) explained thati | [shop to b< srence Battle Crt Cer the Arts, is to "recreate the Middle Ages, not as they were, but as Known as the "Barony of the North "clean blow to the helm" is usually required. Woods," the MSU group is they should have been. This is not as we see it, but as the writings "A 'killing blow' is a blow delivered with sufficient force so see them hear them part of a movement that began in Berkeley, Calif., in 1966 and has and ideas of the age show it." real weapons and armor were being used, the blow would thatil This means, she said, that the knightly virtues are have a encouraged, good chance of having some damage on the other person," McNish dance to their big brass sound while the faul ts of the real knights of the period are HILLEL FOUNDATION discouraged. "Many of them were dirty, dishonest and conniving," Ms. Brown said. said. He added that all fighters are required to wear head and neck now protection. Fighters also protect themselves with body appearing wed.-sun. night 319 HILLCREST AT W. GRAND RIVER AVE. Among the society's interests are medieval and Renaissance music, sewing and costume-making, jewelry-making, poetry McNish added that there have been a few padding. injuries, none serious, due Friday, 6:30 p.m. Sabbath Services & Shabbat Dinner to faulty equipment. writing, mummery (medieval drama forms) and belly-dancing, she Before fighters can enter the Saturday, 9:30 tournaments, he said, they are dells a.m. Sabbath Services followed by Kiddush said. trained to handle weapons without The group also gives demonstrations of medieval injury to themselves to otheri Sunday, Oct. 10, 5 p.m. at Hillel, Buffet Supper. Dr. combat, dancing McNish said the rules of chivalry govern all combat. and music and presents talks on the Middle LAWRENCE H. OFFICER, Professor of Ages to schools. It had Economics, will an exhibit at the Lansing "Day with the Arts" show last year. discuss critical issues of our For those not artistically inclined there are the day. Everyone welcome. For rides call 332-1916. where they can engage in mock combat tournaments, with broadsword, hagadorn-right on M78 Graduate students get together, at Hillel Sunday Oct. 10, 4 p.r.i. longsword or mace. The object of these tournaments is to Students "kill the opponent" SIMCHAT TORAH observance at -right on towner rd. Hillel, Mon. Oct. 11, 7 only 8 minutes from campus p.m. Hakafot, songs, refreshments. Children wotcom*. ^ Anyone interested in participating iir Hebrew basic Judaism, claSSfc, to utilize passes contemporary issue study group, Israeli folk ' dance group, creative services, Effective Monday, all students didn't have their ID cards, please contact the Hillel will be required to have his or her "he new policy, Niles said,wifl bus pass sticker affixed to the student ID card, Max Niles, >p the transferability of the bial director of automotive services ' isses, which has plagued thtl epartment in the past. Studenofl said. handing their pass to othel DOMINO'S the pizza people He said, the bus passes were students through bus windonl sold this year with instructions and other transfers would haul indicating they would be invalid of MSU if not placed in the space increased the cost of the tickitl eventually, he said, because ofifl provided on the student ID's resultant drop in revenues. beneath the picture. Another positive factor witkH The department has permitted the new system, Niles said, istlxl students to use the pass not lessened possibility of theft «l Call 351-7100 attached to the ID until now, because as yet many students loss, because the student identified by name and picture! il Whether you have friends Have a voice visiting or io our plan to watch the game on T.V.,why bother running out or fixing some¬ community. thing to eat? give the Call DOMINO'S for fast, money to your free,delivery- United door! Way I'NITKD (X)MMt N talks. Just for this weekend Domino's Trowbridge shop will be open HOURS MON.-FRI. 9:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m Qiscount records SATURDAY 9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p, JUST A REMINDER from SUNDAY 12:00 Noon - 5:00 p.m. 40 BIG HOURS to better serve you. ONLY 4 PAYS FOR OUR The M4800 5 - piece SUPER-PUPER EQUIPMENT A New Gem in Our Group PHONE 351-8460 Radio/Tape/Disc System SAli||| component system: $149.95 0N£7° •AM/FM Stereo Radio DOMINO'S •AM/FM/FM Stereo •Garrard Turntable •8-track Cartridge •Garrard Turntable w/Cueing MENU •Two-way speakers •60 watt output Our Superb Cheese 12-inch Regular Pizza Pizza Our hours will be: •Two way speaker 16-inch Super Pizza Additional Items Pepperoni Ground Beef Freih Sautag. FRIDAY 4 PM-4AM 12-inch Pizza *40 watts of SATURDAY each 30c clean, crisp N00N-3AM 16-inch Super sound each 50c Our DeLuxe •Hinged Dust Cover & Cueing Pix*o—Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Ham, Green Pepper, Onion .. Always Our Bestseller •AM/FM Stereo Get the Most Availabilities 12-inch Regular Pizza 16-inch Super Pizza $3.00 $4.50 SUNDAY N00N-1AM ONLY $129.81 •Walnut Cabinetry Must be heard to be believed I for Your Money Soft drinks also available. onlv $179,951 MASTEBWORKS CIVES YOU THE BEST BUYS AROUND! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 8. 1971 9 rumbo's 'Johnny'-- gripping masterpiece level of iere are some films that you understanding from the [sit and watch, and there are audience. Written in 1938, of the audience. He achieves this sense of depth and extreme confused his intent here, but then moment and stands along with then Hollywood would |r films that control you, take "Johnny" has by making careful use of all the credibility as real people. He probably again maybe not. the film "All Quiet on the never have Enand of your emotions, and always carried an air of elements of the cinema. Sound takes time and carefully develops It seems that the peak of Western Front" as produced it. nor would any national T you a part of It. "Johnny controversy about it. Its becomes more than an them in stages while a great distributing making relevance has passed for the document the J His Gun," which la now publication accompaniment to the picture, it careful use of little touches like on brutality of company have carried it. wassuppremedduring war-protest film, which could in war. Definitely this film should "Johnny Got His Gun" is one ling at the Spartan East antiwar World War II because of its strong is effectively a dimension of its ballet slippers to set an entire turn hurt It at the box office. But, have been made in the middle 60s of the finer films released Iter, is an example of the statements, and until own. He juxtaposes black and character. One of the stronger I think the film goes beyong the when it was most needed, but year. this T This is one of the new films recently has received little white and color between reality characters, the father, played by [ | would uncategoricaly national recognition. Already and fantasy. This is always a Jason Robards, is created through L everyone to see. is the story g(H>s of a young man established as a Hollywood scenarist for over off to World War I to Trumbo is making his premiere the world safe for performance as director of his 30 years, By JACK EPPSJR. State News Reviewer difficult area to handle because of its basic lack of subtilty, but in the case of "Johnny," it flows evenly with the rest of the film. careful style, choice and of expressions, costume. becomes the man, and a fighing A hat Ecology group [e pole his greatest achievement. ccracy and Is rendered own creation. To obtain a high degree of There were times when the film less, deaf, dumb, and blind as Ult of a bombing. His brain is Don't be misled by the star billing given to Donald soldier. He is representative of the 19th century innocence that realism, he makes effective use of verged on the certain film stocks that produce a but edge of melodrama, Trumbo manages to hold site of proposed undamaged and remains Sutherland. His part is small and grainy quality and give the black back enough without preceeds the war. and white sequences the feel of a offending ,ed inside his crippled body. possibly the weakest strain in the the audience. Also, the To promote a clearer interpretive, to serve as a source film. The true power in this film lies documentary. His choice of color clothing for going through damp must commend Dalton transitions between the present of environmental information The true star, besides the not in the actors, or in the is excellent. It is extremely rich understanding of the areas and tall grass. ibo. the author-director, for and the past were jerky at times, environmental issues at stake in around which a sound basis for Seven other faculty members making this film a horror author-director, is cinematography, though they and gives way to a fairyland and on the whole not as creative the question of the. porposed discussion may be constructed, Timothy excellent, but in the power and graduate students from the r> it would have been easy to Bottoms, an 18 year old boy were feeling which enhances the as they could have been. Risk said. who has never done - - of the story itself and the fact uonreality of the vignettes. cross-campus highway, departments of botany, park and I don't know whether the film Environmental Robert C. Victor, Abrams any that it controls you. Interpretation is recreation resources, natural Probably one of the most tck the audience with some photographs, but professional acting before this evoked within me a greater sponsoring a two hour public Planetarium staff astronomer, film. He plays the part of Joe Dalton Trumbo, in his first important elements that Trumbo sympathy for the mangled science, forestry, and fisheries ,bo remains above cheap boy, walking tour Oct. 10. recommends that people walking and wildlife, will lead the walk in s and reaches for a deeper Bonham, the war-mangled attempt, displays an exceptional makes use of is characterization. or made me feel "In no way should the walk be the route wear appropriate a greater distaste addition to Risk and Victor. power by capturing the emotions Each of his main characters has a for war. Trumbo may have construed as a protest march", Paul Risk, coordinator of .S. VETERANS Environmental Interpretation, one of the two major areas under the Dept. of Park and Recreation Resources, said. Workshop to study drug The walk will begin at 9a.m. at the Grand Trunk railroad crossing tne bast campus residence hall social work at the complex), and continue n cures for drug addiction University of addiction rather than the addict, but no stealing or other Topics covered in the westward along the proposed be the focal point for the Toronto; Edward Milligan of the conventional hospitalization crime is involved," he said. discussion highway route, ending at the Ontario groups will be Veterans Adminsitration Addiction Research approach. Social workers in VA TTiomas believes a announced when Harrison and Center and James Foster, of the temporary they meet. Trowbridge traffic p to be held at the MSU hospitals need to get moving on system of this sort, followed Applications for the light. Parking is available in Lot X ice Center at Gull Lake, Office of a better plan toward curing cure centers by workshop .. Drug Abuse for the for the patient, and further information may be immediately south of the railroad Battle Creek, Oct. 28 and State of Michigan, will speak addicts," he stressed. would benefit the addicts in obtained by contacting Bert tracks near Fee. Hiursday afternoon. Discussion Thomas explained the current need Thomas at 208 Baker Hall. "Its sole purpose more than medical will be sessions will follow each recovery rate in America for methods used today. sponsored by the Office of speech. Former addicts from the Wayne drug addiction is only 2 per Abuse for the state of County Drug Abuse Center are cent. His hope is to better that igan and the MSU School of also on the agenda. rate by using a system similar to il Work and Continuing Bert the English system where an ation Service, the workshop Thomas, associate addict can get his drugs free pen to the public and professor of social work and ;ration is limited to 125 coordinator of the conference through a licensed physician. defined the workshop's goals as "This is no cure and the cipants. Cost for overnight nodations and meals at the hoping to work out new patient is maintained as an r during the two days is approaches to drug addiction. er person. "Groups will work on a new maid Meeks, professor of systems approach toward R0THERK, MT6 TO YOU , WOW ABOUT * OLD , 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FMay, October«,| Fate uncertain tor CUA plan The proposed college will be Humanities", "Human Resource would focus on the black health science program would be problem-oriented, concerning Development", and "Health to provide the state of Michigan experience with an urban Robert L. Green, director of itself with racial and urban Science". and the larger society with a development focus, black urban the Center for Urban Affairs problems. Course work will be To receive a general degree, the group of professionals who are populations, social structure, (CUA) said he believes the multi-disciplinary and not limited student would also be required to knowledgeable about the health development, economic rejection or acceptance of a only to the classroom, but will have 54 hours in race and urban interacting factors associated and political development, life proposal that CUA attain college also be carried out in a courses and 18 hours in the core styles, and black history. with urban health care. status as the College of Race and community setting. program. A minimum of 38 of the The proposal states that as the The tentative program in Urban Affairs will depend on how "We are not purporting that we 54 credits must be taken within racism, ethocentrism, and social college grew in experience, it long the proposal stays in the have all the answers to all urban the College of Race and Urban would become desirable to create development would re-examine office of the provost. problems, but during the past two Affairs. The student must also multi-disciplinary graduate the notion that peoples of From the office of the provost, years the CUA staff has take 30 hours in action/research different nationalities, culture, programs leading to advanced the proposal will go to the demonstrated that they have the experience and 51 hours of race, and religious backgrounds degrees in all program areas. « University Educational Policies intellect to respond meaningfully electives. are able to blend into American Green said he assumes that if Committee, the Academic to society, education, politics, The goal of the Urban Resource Society. This program, says the proposal is approved, he Council, the Academic Senate economics and the difficulties of Development program (URD), as Green, would seek to develop would remain in a leadership role and finally to the board of the urban poor," Green said. stated in the proposal, provide in the college, possibly as dean. systematic research and a trustees. The proposal cites the colleges' society with an innovative group He commented that if the CUA curriculum which would deal There is little indication at this purpose as being to train people of professionals who are becomes a college, it will remain with the problems of racism, point what type of response the who are service-oriented, knowledgeable, of urban aware interethnic conflict and strategies responsive to the needs and proposal willl receive. President knowledgeable about problems, problems, and who are trained in for change and conflict problems of those in society who Wharton, one of the only and interested in bringing this the strategies and tactics of are poor, powerless and at a intervention. University administrators to knowledge and scientific planned social change. The black studies program disadvantage. express his position, publicly expertise to urban-centered Its curriculum would be divided supports the founding of the problems. into two major divisions: urban GREEN college. Green said he hopes to know the decision by winter term. The college would offer degrees in urban resource development, urb?.n health science, racism, residency and minimum grade organization and which the focus analysis, in is on the Convocation point average. The college's development and formulation of The ethocentrism, social development proposal, which completed in early September by members of CUA, is the result of was and black studies as general degree, Green said. well as a requirements would consist of courses that focus on issues relevant to blacks, North change strategies and tactics, and urban on problems, with the focus accurate understanding and for new work that began in January 1971, The general education program American Indians and Chicanos. the development of quality The first convocation of the Board of Trustees; John E. under the direction of Ruth of the proposed college would Such courses would be "Ethnic scientific information on specific MSU College of Osteopathic Cantlon, MSU provost, and Dr. Hamilton, assistant director for comply with University degree Thought and Language in CUA curriculum. Medicine will be held at 2 p.m., Myron S. Magen, dean of the requirements concerning America", " Third World The objective of the urban College of Osteopathic Medicine. today in the Erickson Kiva, welcoming the first class of A legislative act last year osteopathic students to study on established an osteopathic a state-supported university medical school at "an existing campus. campus of a state university with Dr. Merlin K. DuVal, assistant an existing school or college of secretary of health and scientific medicine.'' MSU was affairs in the United States Dept. subsequently selected by the of Health, Education and State Board of Education making Quiet moment Welfare, will address the 36 the osteopathic college the first medical students. to be university-based, the first to This empty hallway in the Engineering Building is silent, Dr. DuVal, who has appointed be a public institution and the but will soon come to life as students leave their classes. to his post in July, is responsible first to be established in State News photo by Donald Sak for health policy guidance for the Michigan. administration and for the direction of activities of the U.S. Public Health Service. Agencies under his direction the National Insts. of Health, the Food and Drug Administration and the Health Services and Mental Health Administration. In addition to Dr. DuVal, addresses will be given by Warren POLICE ARRESTED five were arraigned in District Court AN EAST OWEN HAUi Mason residents at 2 a.m. M. Huff, member of the MSU Thursday afternoon and resident was bitten by a squirrel Thursday after officers observed demanded preliminary them removing the wheels and in the courtyard of Van Hooseil examination. Two posted bond Hall, police report, as he ..FLASH GORDON »s. tires from a 1963 Corvette parked and the remaining three were attempting to feed the a S\ COMING TO LZ in the Southeast corner of Lot police report the five were lodged X. returned to the county jail. A court date has not been set. Wednesday afernoon. He wtsl taken to University Health] MSU? overnight ir) the Ingham County Center, treated and r< |jail from a and clwg«l with larceny A PAIR OF CYMBALS and Authorities are attempting tol vehicle, a felony. The five stands valued at $200 were taken locate the squirrel. from the room of a student in North Wonders Hall between 5 FOUR BICYCLES WITH p.m. Tuesday and 3:30 p.m. TOTAL estimated value of $290l A| Wednesday. The student told were taken from University racial police the room had been during the 24 hour period endinfl unlocked. rharharharharharharharharharharharha at 2 p.m. Thursday. MARX Stamp honors PRESENTS BROTHERS labor minister "Night at the Opera" Doris believes in love PAUL NEWMAN IS Saturday OTTAWA commemorative stamp (AP) - A| honori™ at first sight. Second sight, BUTCH CASSIDV AND at 1 p.m. Pierre Laporte, the Quebetl Labor minister who wal THE SUNDANCE KID 105 S. Kedzie kidnapped and murdered a yeirfl third sight, etc. IS ROBERT REDFORD. ago by separatist terrorists, will Admission 75c be issued Oct. 20 by the Canadil Post Office. KATHARINE ROSS "No one who has ever demanded serious, mature entertainment on the screen can afford to miss it. . What is most extraordinary about LONG DA Y 'S JOURNEY is the way it builds. Shot in progression, the actors come to the peak of their powers just as the play rises to its climax. Together, they provide a final half-hour of sustained intensity the like of which has seldom been seen on the screen." -Arthur Knight. Saturday Review "One of the year's finest films... provides a raw red slice offamily life liberally garnished with rotgut, morphine, vitriol and sour takes more than three hours to grapes, that digest. But it feeds the inner man... In hJs,°n#tished sincerity, In his dogged loyalty to his own experience, 0 Neill sees deeper perhaps than any other dramatist has ever seen into family life. He sees its animal warmth, its blessed monotony, its healing, private humor. A nd he sees all the terrible each other in the name things people do to BURT LANCASTER of love. " Time LEE MARVIN • ROBERT RYAN -JACK PALANCE After such an^ experience, I don't see how one can niggle over whether RALPH BELLAMY UCLAUDIA CABDINALE] !a ,c'nema or ^rely "filmed theater." (And I am prepared to Whatever it is, it's great. Not that it matters.but most of it is true. defend it as a movie.J I'm not sure, however, that JOURNEY is, in the artist as an Irish-American fullest sense, exportable. This portrait has the worst American of the tmc professionals A GEORGE ROY HILL-PAUL MONASH PRODUCTION obvious, sprawling yet crabbed. It's the failings: it's Fri. and Sat. in 108B naked, trite, naggingly Wells 6:30, 10:20 AND A RAY STARK- HERBERT ROSS CoStarring STROTHER MARTIN JEFF COREY HENRY JONES self-expressive art of a new, almost pathetically self-conscious Executive Producer: PAUL MONASH, Produced country But if you respond at all, I think Barbra Streisand -George Segal by JOHN FOREMAN you go all the way to rflChdiracHci I exaltation. Perhaps fust because Directed by GEORGE ROY HILL, Written of all its hideous familiarity, its The Owl and the Pussycat by WILLIAM GOLDMAN grinding, ludicrous wrestling with expressiveness, JOURNEY is, at Music Composed and Conducted by BUR! BACHARACH A NEWMAN-FOREMAN PRESENTATION last, an American family classic: the usual embarrassments have been PANAVISION* COLOR BY DELUXE ~ transcended and the family theme is raised to mythic heights. J RAY STARK HERBERT ROSS Katharine Hepburn has surpassed herself the most beautiful comedienne of the thirties and forties has become our greatest tragedienne; seeing her transitions in JOURNEY, the way she can look Tonight in Wilson Auditorium 7:30, 9:30 Tonight in Conrad 7:30, 9:30 eighteen oreightyat will, experiencing the magic in the art of acting one can understand why the appellation "the divine" has sometimes been awarded to certain actresses. For the other Saturday in Conrad Auditorium performers Ralph Saturday in Wilson Auditorium Richardson, Jason Rohanls and Dean Stockwell, for the director 6:45, 8:35, 10:15 6:30, 8:30, 10:30 Sidney Lumet, and for the cinematographer Boris even a critic may express simple gratitude. To borrow Kaufman, perhaps 1 1 n praise there is often more ob from Nietzsche- trusiveness than in blame." Sunday in McDonel Kiva 7:00 Sunday in McDonel Kiva 9:00 PAULINE KAEI. KISS KISS BANC, BANC, I.D.'s required Students, faculty and staff only $1.00 admission 7 and 9:30 Friday 111 Olds rharharharharharharharharharharharha Saturday 102B Wells 1.00 No ID Fri. and Sat, in 108B Wells 8:40 _ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 8, 1971 11 >rm facilit \\ benefit The following employers will Assn.; Firestone Steel Products S.S. Kresge Co.; Mobil Oil Corp.; Ill's more than 2,300 veterans week, he said, though be interviewing from Oct. 18 through Oct. 22, 1971. Co.; Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.; Proctor & Gamble General Foods Corp.; Koehring of Co.; University ■ pxnect their monthly GI Bukovinsky alonetranscribed the Rochester; Schlumberger Well December, March and June (it checks earlier this fall information given by each of the graduates of all degree levels are Co.; Monsanto Co.; Ortho Services. Pharmaceutical Corp.; Peat, ■in previous years, according more than 2,000 veterans to the Oct. 21: Charmin Ke Veteran's Administration new form. eligible to interview unless Marwick, Mitchell & Co.; Procter products Co.; ContinentalPaper Oil otherwise indicated. & Gamble Co. "They (VA) should have checks If you are interested in an Co.; Dow Chemical Co.; Eastman out much faster, and I think Oct. 19: Arthur Anderson & Kodak organization, please sign up in the Co.; Dow Chemical Co.; Ernst & Co.; Fidelity Union Life Ley (VA) have instituted a veterans should be getting them Placement Bureau Monday, or at Insurance Co.; General Electric Ernst.; General Foods Corp.; Co.; Hallmark Cards ■type of computer form that between the 20th and the 25th of least two school days in advance Indiana Farm Bureau Inc.; Is them to process each October," Bukovinsky said. of the interview date. Icerman, Johnson & Hoffman, leant nearly as soon as his He indicated there is a chance Cooperative Associates Inc.; CPA's; Ingersoil-Rand Additional information is Kraftco Corp.; Mobil Chemical Kenneth L. Co.; that |d arrives," Edward some veterans could get their available in the Placement Co.; Mobil Oil Corp.; Monsanto Accountant; Johnson-Consulting Ivinsky, veteran's clerk for check by the normal date, Bulletin posted each week at the Co.; Mutual Benefit Life; Livermore Lawrence T said, "and they've between Oct. 8 and 10. MSU Placement Bureau pnd in most Laboratory; Michigan lised to have out much veteran students have been rather O'Neil's; Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Consolidated Gas Co.; Mobil Oil departments. This bulletin lists & Co.; Procter & Gamble Co. Kr this year." fortunate, he said, because the specific majors requested by the Corp.; Owens-Illinois Inc.; ■ applications made by MSU school has done Oct. 20: Charmin Paper Purdue remarkably well Anticipation of Saturday's game is captured ii the gazes of these two coeds intently watching a interviewing organizations. University; Shell Cos. ■-ans were forwarded last in Products Co.; Continental 111. Oct 22: Baxter Laboratories completing applications. Spartan practice session. Oct. 18: Arthur Anderson & State News photo by Martin B. Overholt National Bank & Trust Co. of Inc.;CPC International Co.; Factory Mutual Engineering Inc.;City Chicago; Dow Chemical Co.; National Bank of Detroit; Eastman Kodak Co.; Ernst & Eastman Kodak Ibatross Co.; Hallmark Ernst; First National Bank & Cards Inc.; Shell Co.; beginnings detailed Trust Co. of Michigan; General Uniroyal Inc.; Vocation Central; Walker Electric Co.; Hallmark Cards Inc.; Manufacturing Co. r-* Y KAREN ZURAWSKI Orig'inally, there was a the draft information center in UNCLE JOHN'S coffeehouse, the "Scene," in to take his place. State News Staff Writer the 1967, two years before the anyone dared suggest rear of the United Ministries in Krumske said he could something Albatross. hardly against the he was believed war, Jcture a man with near Higher Education (UMHE), "People in the area, MSU offer any advice now about the to be a Communist and lulder length hair and where Krumske is now a staff professors and local lawyers saw a draft, because it is a "tricky field" un-American; it was very A national organization with member. that has much new information »ngular wire rims, and Bill real need for draft unpopular." local chapters, the movement was Inske, 26, appears. The "Scene" information," coming in all the time. He felt not was open one he said. Krumske participated in the primarily an antiwar group, that he would be several Kgs sprawled out on a night week. Folk music, plays a Krumske attended years SDS marches in 1965 and 1966 in but had commitments in other lehouse table with hands and poetry made up the program session of draft counselor? in Ann a training behind the time. New York and in various areas as well. ling the beard of going which Krumske termed "very Arbor, seeing that "people Most active between 1965 and Washington marches. Most of his Now Krumske is trying to get Jugh the hair, Krumske slowly unprofessional and mostly of fun." a lot confused and misinformation were was 1968, he said that at that time "if involvement was local, however, the Albatross running so that ■nes his movements the last there will be few problems when How the Albatross got its name floating around." he leaves next spring. wears. "I also had a lot of information Open At 1:15 p.m. / 1 program information 485«85 Bring those years Krumske is really sort of unbelievable. from my own hassles, I sorted it TODAY Krumske plans to go to Kicipated actively in the fqaiaa "The first fall, we were . . . Two Philadelphia to "retain sanity and sitting out and alphabetized it." lar movement and helped around my living room trying to Three and a half years ago, Exciting Hits! humanity in the world." Jnize the draft information thi nk of a name. We came up with Krumske applied for "Vocationally, 1 don't know Iter and the Albatross the usual trite ones, and then just conscientious objector status and what I'll do, but I'll be about the lehouse. for fun we asked the OuiJr. board. SKIPPER TODD DIGS GIRLS job of community among ■e Albatross, a coffeehouse The board spelled 'Albatross.'" was refused. Krumske refused induction and It's his idea of people," he said. WANTS YOU led at 547 E. Grand River "When we asked why, it received a letter from the federal killing time... ■ was originally thought of a answered that it was 'good vites,'" attorney who refused to Ice where people could be Krumske said, laughing. Shown at prosecute on a technicality. lentional about Krumske, a Merit Scholar, Jnunicating, deeper than just changed his major four times in "The draft board, when it 3:10 - 6:25 S Mii^NDRONEDA jane fondojj rj refused my application, did not Jirface." eight years, before he was 9:40 P.M. ■ot just what's I year are you and what's your name, graduated last year with a degree in humanities. give not a reason, do and they could so anything," Krumske £ STRAIN "g» explained. 5 |r major," Krumske "I didn't actually decide to A year and half ago the a 0 I* : TOO IHTEM*E piented. start school as a r FOR YOUNGER chemistry major, government tried again and M lUwi -| CHILDREN. "Mute" * but I just seemed to head for I it," Krumske refused. he said. [1 Fri: HSat: 5:00 - 7:30 - 9:55 Fri: 5:0 0 ct. 24 He then enrolled in civil Though "it's hard to tell what they'll do," he said he sees jail as I2 2:00 Sun: 2:00 - 5:45 - - 5:00 - 7:30 8:15 - 9:55 ^ L\ Sat: 1:4 5 -- 9:40 5:00 - 7:30 - 7:30 - 9:40 |f| H engineering, but dropped out the only alternative if he is il|| Fri - Sat Twl-Ute Hr. M Sun: 2:. 15 - 6:15 - 8:30 Fri - Sa t Twi-Lite Hr. 12 |*j \J Adults 90c 4:30 5:00 Ajy W% after a year and a half. • Adults 1 30c 4:30 • 5:00 ordered to go. |r festiva Krumske dropped ,oy( of the draft information center as his |£j 1& work and reading alone," he said. own involvement in other things When he re-entered MSU his nation major was English, which he increased and as others moved in lomeday Well Be Together" changed two terms before I graduation to humanities. 9 IP JENNIFER ONEILL SNbS be the theme of an national festival at 8 p.m., Krumske became involved in SEE BABY VICKIE 2] H * Fri: 5:45 Sat: - 8:00 1:45 - 3:45 - 5:45 - 10:10 - 8:00 - 10:10 jRJ II^B^Fri: 5:30 - 7:45 MRS.MIUER m - 10:00 M ■24 in Kellogg Auditorium. /"\Sun: 1:45 - 3:45 - 5:45 8:00 _ Sat: 2:15 - 5:30 - 7:45 - 10:00 ■ M - §*j program information 482-3905 Fri - Sat Twl-Ute Hr. f f| Sun: 1:45 - 3:45 - 6:00 - 8:15 M program is honoring Gov. WITH SOMEONE ie . v it WVV1/Adults 1 WI Fri Sat Twl-Ute Hr. 90C 5:15 • 5:45 - Efj [3 n's proclamation of Oct. as International Week, ICHIGAN PLUS ... At 1:30 - 4:50 - 8:( | V Adults 90c 5:00 • 5:30 JMk latured at the program Theatre Lansinq • ROD TAYLOR RMHHHHHHBW lored by the International pnts department will be TODAY! OPEN 12:45 - Show YOU LOVE asTravis McGee Sehgal performing the at 1:20 3:20 5:20 7:20 SUZY KENDALL ANDVWARHOI'SIONESOME COWBOYS' - • - - 8:25 p.m. leal Indian dance, Bharat 'DARKER |e Latin American Club will A story THAN AMBER" "Musical I America." Dancers from Thailand Club will perform Tour of about a man "i program information 332-6944 Boxofflce Opens 12:45 MAY BE A BIT TOO MUCH FOR MANY I Sieng Dance (Harvest who tried to Continuous from 1:10 Mohan Jfent of the Mundhra, India Club and hold onto his 1:15 • 3:15 Feature - 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:30 PEOPIE, BUT THAT'S THEIR PROBLEM Binator for the program, "The purpose of the binoculars "REFRESHING BILLY JACK' SPEAKS TO THE HEART!" 'Lonesome Cowboys'is a ng is to raise funds for the ■ Pakistan refugees and to and his wife.. —Detroit Free Press magnificent and very »se the ■ of the awareness leaders on of the the at the "ONE OF THE YEAR'S IMPORTANT PICTURES" funny satire of the lnunity on the refugee same time. American Western will that is liberally be focusing —Los on Angeles Times ■ems of humanity, not on seasoned with our problems," Mundhra favorite 4,8,10 and HIS NAME IS TOM LAUGHLIN ■mission willbe $3 with 12-letter words and a ■ tional contributions Some people call him Billy Jack. and, like Billy Jack, nobody really knows much about him. . . cornucopia of nudity Intelligent, sensitive and something of a misfit, he also explodes suddenly and violently. . . and sexual carryings-on resulting on one occasion in the most exciting karate fight ever filmed. In France they say he's a combination Marlon Brando and Gary Cooper. Minneapolis' Ben Kern described him as coming on with the controlled fury of a James and the agility of a Douglas Fairbanks. Cagney MOT WARHOL'S that is-in combination -perhaps Whichever-Tom Laughlin clearly is the most masculine and exciting new star of the 70's. V .! "Billy Jack" will make you laugh. think.. and will give you hope for your children's future. . . Above all, what happens to Tom Laughlin in "Billy Jack" will make you angry.. even make you furious. . .. . or, if you're a woman-break your heart! LONESOME COWBOYS IN EASTMAN COLOR np ceMed S F CHRONICLC Once you see JUTS tiffany restaurant & lounge BILLY The service at Jim's . JACK your make day. So what's wrong you'll not with being a voyeur? * forget them. I SpeeM Creek The Marriage of a Young DELORES TAYLOR i0Vr-VN LANSING Stockbroker iioR"„X7rr:.^.[GP|-^= CO ininng by ELIZABETH ASHIiY Fred Karlin COLOR BY D£ LUXE* K National Student film Corporation Production You must be 18 ADMISSION $1.50 I"*** Saturday 106B Wells t ages will be checked SHOWTIMES 6:45 2g [**!*» * 8:30 * 10 15 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Bicycle numbers soaring; MSU facilities unaltered he had the bicycles to sell, he could sell many bikes every day. News Commentary The sudden surge in bicycle buying within the past two years ■ Whizzing along over the asphalt pathway, the typical MSU bicycle m"ch of the interest in bicycles. The East Lansing police the East problem, and interviews from a has not been met by increased Lansing transportation bicycle production, he noted. Meanwhile, on campus, an 4 i \ * iilim ^ ' ls- rider faces the frustration this fall department has registered 1,671 couple bicyclists will also be official in the division of campus i»:*nr ■•■11 i . k of the sparing bicycle numbers bicycles this fall, many of which shown, House added. He said the parks and planning I .said while facilities remain relatively Pr°bably belong to students and special program on bicycles is in Wednesday that no substantial unexpanded. faculty living off-campus. Many response to the extensive public additions have been made to About 7,240 bicycles had been bicycles still have not obtained interest in the area. bicycle paths in the past three registered' with the Dept. of their fifty-cent registration Indeed, the sudden boom in years. Public Safety as of Thursday sticker, and the actual bicycle bicycle popularity has left many "Right now there are no plans morning, a spokesman for the count on campus is probably near bicycle stores empty. An for any new paths in the future," — vehicle registration office said. - - - 10,000 two-wheeled, *■--1--J employe for the East Lansing Robert F. Trojanek, asst. land The figure Cycle store said Wednesday that planner said. — compares with 5,163 nonmotorized vehicles, bicycles registered last year, and A special television program if an adult ordered a new bicycle Trojanek said the University is Grazin9 in I lie Grass 3,793 the year before has today it would not arrive from now repainting the lines and been produced by Andy The use of bicycles has become House, the factory until next spring. arrows on the existing 11 miles of East Lansing graduate student, on These sheep used primarily for research purposes, graze on the land at the MSU farms. a major phenomenon both The store employe said that, if in the bjcycle problem in East bicycle routes. State News photo student suburban communities areas. and in The enticement Lansing. The bicycle by Chris Fij^l of documentary will be broadcast inexpensive, highly mobile on WMSB-TV, Channel 10, at 10 transportation, plus an Sunday the "On Retail class to study in Londoi pm on opportunity for ecological conscience clearing has sparked Assignment"program, "The program will include an explanation of what has taken place, what other cities are doing summer in London. in terms of bicycle (co-author, to be published in tomorrow's marketers may take retail facilities, and meetings up to May 31. After Apria paths, and Under the direction statements from some people on of January of 1972), feels London lesson from the British system with British merchants, applicants must be prepaid the situation," House said. The Dept of Marketing and stanley Hollander, professor of is an ideal location for the class, of shopping center development government officials, and other pay all program costs at thej Transportation ansnortatinn will will sponsor an marketing, the course will begin "I don't d know of any one city also. experts will also be made. Film clips from a Cyclists for a overseas study program July 3 and run until Aug. 18. the United States that you "Principally, they have put Students enrolling for the of acceptance into the prwJ Cleaner America rally, a focus on Comparative in Courses offered will be MTA „ could give this course in and their chips into downtown Classes will be held o*l Retailing 351-Retail Administration, MTA course must have completed his seven-week period on ■ expose students to the same development. It is what we feel sophomore year and preferably 452 - Retailing Policies and things," Hollander said. we ought to be doing," had one course in marketing. Bedford College campus otl Problems, or MTA 409 Field University of London and* - Employe training and Hollander said. The application deadline is April meet in the mornings four J jsmkm Studies in Business. executive training are only some Also of interest to students, 30, 1972 and will be considered Hollander, whose books of the areas whre the British per week. Hollander noted, will be the include "Explorations in have instituted new programs of institution by the British post STARLiTE LANSiNG Multinational development, Hollander said, office of a "Giro" system for U S. 27 WEST OF WAVERLY Phone 372-2434 S CEDAR ST. NEAR JOLLY RD Phone 882 2429 and "Modern Students will have Management" Britain's National Economic access to payment of bills and for the transfer of funds. Hiis has been Students Development Committee for the acclaimed by some to be the nuclear s/'tej O HORROR Distributive Trades. The forerunner of the "checkless o committee was spawned by a society." Along with the "Giro" FEATURES heightened British interest system field trips will include LOST FOR A VAMPIRE SAIL increasing its productivity in the such places as the "New Towns" and rehabilitated areas, such as Graduate students from MSU's Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife are licensed to operate. Under the direction of Shown At 8:45 Only he feels PLUS THE HIGH SEAS Coventry, providing current examples of downtown shopping studying three proposed Michigan nuclear power plant Gysel, professor of fislteriaj wildlife, the MSU survey . . . mall development. sites under a grant of $7,447 from will make an ecological an Topics normally covered in the Consumers Power Company, of the plant and animal |3 "THE MAN WHO TODAY AT on-campus retailing classes will The study will provide HAUNTED HIMSELF" 7:00 - 9:15 be covered and included in the information required by the each site and the natureo(| adjoining land, course. Extensive use of store Atomic Energy Commission Starring Roger Moore visits, exploration of significatnt before any nuclear power plant is Included in the A NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES RELEASE Shown at 7:00 Only programfl power plant sites i ALSO . . . AND . .. SATURDAY AT 2:00 - 4:15 "DARKER NIGHTMARE Shown 6:35 and 8:50 THAN AMBER" In WAX Late One FREE Item! fR!. ' BH7-nnp SUNDAY AT 4:15 - 6:35 'U' slates BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS and 3:50 That's the MGB/GT. Beautiful to look at and practical to drive. 4-day breal Test-drive one today. Birth of a Nation at Yuletidei LOUIS de ROCHEMONT'S MSU faculty and staff! BROOKS IMPORTED CARS enjoy two long weekends* 5014 N. Grand River 482-1473 the break between fall f 3 Blocks Past winter terms, Jack Bra Capitol City Airport executive vice presid* |j J Finest MG, A USTIN & JAGUAR \ announced Thursday. I "Because Christmas and I Year's Days fall on Saturtf the University is declaring® "The idea is about rivalry on both sides and both Plus Two FREE Cokes at all times! sides are equally bad. We all know ,/vhat this is like. Here we preceding Thursdays and HU| are, weakly caught in the middle, and it (Offers only for inside orders & pick-ups.) as official holidays," is impossible to choose between the evils." said. He said that the four va AKIRA KUROSAWA DOMINO'S days would be Thursday, M 23; Friday, Dec. 24; I'M M.A.C. AVENUE Dec. 30 and fYiday, Dec. ■ The four-day holidays will ■ Restaurant DELIVERY directly affect students. Finals week of fall term 4 I THE Place for Pizza! 351-8870 Dec. 11 for students, 1 winter term commencing i registration on Jan. 3. 1972. J 'Perhaps it would be better for you to go away now. You're a very unlucky young man and sometimes it rubs off." Its director, D.W. Griffith, who is often referred to as "the father c the motion picture," was the first director to become known to th public at large, attaining a status equal to that of today's super-star Griffith out many motion futures which revolutionized th course o, the international cinema, and "The Birth of a Nation" isth masterpiece of the lot. It is also the beginning of the feature film asw i epic sweep and realism of "In a movie that is both a IUITTOMSJBJ Griffith's battle scenes and of lan's march to the sea have seldom been equalled by Hollywood AKIRA KUROSAWA'S wow of a show and a TIMOTHY sen °f?^ti0.n" was re,easecl ln eye for sentiment and 1915. Griffith had an equally JASON BOBAKD9 i -thusthereis the juxtaposition masterpiece of misanthropy, KATIIY FIELDS DONALD SI THERLAM1 Yojimbo uying with the corpses piled in Kurosawa MAKSHA III'NTlW DIANE VARSIi. le trenchesand the c scenes of combat. emerges as a bonecracking satirist who with "W" DALTON TRl'MIIO'S red toothed glee chews out Johnny Got - esult of all the furor is that today, "The Birth of a Nation" is the film which has had the most far reaching repercussions, his century as no dramatist has VENICE FILM FESTIVAL WINNER and clnemattcally of any movie ever made. It is a film to be , enjoyed, analyzed, debated and one to be seen over and over done since Bertolt Brecht. His Gun Mifune presents a ferocious and ironical, portrait of a military monk, TONIGHT ONLY! lice." a Galahad with TODAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY TIME MAGAZINE 1:15 - 3:20 BARGAIN HOUR j 102 B Wells Nol.D. 5:20 - 7:25 9:30 - MON. - FBI- SHOWTIMES 7:00 & 9:30 12:45 - 1:45 Admission $1.00 Beal Film Group presents Yojimbo at 7:30 and 9:30 Rated (GP) ALL SEATS Friday 109 Anthony Saturday 100 Engineering $1.00 75c Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 8. 1971 13 eru's rulers defy tradition in reform acts ■IMA, Peru (AP) - The declared recently an "open door' wlury men who took over Policy for foreign firms wishing Jaun Velasco also has shown walked out Sept. 1, demanding Also deported were Hugo . government three years to Fu.i.v.Pa«:iiin participate in a vast search lor for Pnme increasing evidence of desire to pay raises estimated to currency." inexperience of a state monopoly 1969 agrarian reform law is a — total two vasisearcn rnmp In lomc «r»i. 11. -- Blanco,' « former Communist A series of mining industry formed to market fishmeal, vowing to build oil in the Amazon , of government a. cornerstone Basin and nr; ms . ®country's billion soles, or $50 uuiiivii. . ruling in a style that offshore areas. private ate I . . investors, frightened . •» -....v.. million. They * guerrilla icduei guciinw leader - irwu freed .from „ irurn strikes began late last year, aimed Peru's second most important policy. are by rejected two offers, including one prison last Christmas by a ■es traditional labels. The government h.s mainly at the nation's three export behind minerals, resulted Huge sugar plantations on the s,e„ed workers government amnesty — and Tut recent steps indicate that exploration-development part ownership of The government, which has Rolando Brena, head of a largest mining companies, Cerro de Pasco Corp., Southern Peru in a surplus of almost one million coast, two of them formerly Lomic problems are requiring contracts with three U.S. industry and a voice in voiced pride in the social peace commission tons early this year. owned by W.R. Grace and Co., reorganizing Peru's ~ Copper Corp. and. Marcona /"revolutionary" government companies calling for an even management. - .... which has accompanied its rules, leftist Federation of University The government says the have been expropriated and Jnoderate its ways of carrying split of oil found. Other foreign iqcq mil,taryarmored sent an men on 0ct- 3, acted with speed and military Mining Co., all U.S.-owned. Miners, most of them affiliated remaining 650,000 tons will be sold by next March. Much of the turned into cooperatives. Similar ■programs of sweeping reform, firms have applied for contracts unit to the steps are being taker with cattle , gates of the presidential efficiency, using police to break All seven were accused of with the Communist-led General efforts are being made with similar terms. palace, up teachers' product, used for hog and and sheep ranches in the Andes. ousted uu5lwl the meetings and public having taken part i nfederation of Peruvian lttract foreign investors, wary Efforts are also being made to in elected president, ,s designed to end what the interest foreign investors in the =, Fer^Hr>lR«ia..nHo • demonstrations. acts against national interests. Workers, made demands ranging government has trov^rnf government of generals and The walkout ended following a Although it recognized the from all-expense vacations to Government steps have brought promised that "by 1975 not one tary mining industry, which provides split in teachers' ranks and the teacher demands admirals just, the allowances for mistresses. dramatic |ribed as Peru's traditional more than half Peru's annual - p .• .. . . arrest and deportation of the government said to meet them in changes in some areas, latifundio will foreign President Velasco asked notably in the semifeudal system Peruvian soil, nor any antisocial endency on income. It has been hurt rla»p J*™!, uol'e tame i» ster"®^t last month in a to National Teachers Federation full would "compromise the workers to realize that they no of land ownership. Gradually, the forms of ownership and —.—i.. ... Ipanies. seriously by strikes 14-day . «... and falling 5trike bv 11 n nnn th„ J president, Pedro A * stability of* " the national budget longer face . .. ■he military leaders who conservative and latifundios, or large estates, are management, and expropriated copper prices on the international 120 000 teachers and the solidity of Peruvian Mionalized U.S. owned market. Tho i. antipopular government." He being expropriated and turned lands will have been wholly Jrnational j rned that the government over to landless peasants. The transferred to field workers.' Petroleum Co. The government of President pay 1%^ ThSv raises sjnce Chicano would act energetically if damage to the economy caused by Panel WHAT'S ^ production drops did not stop. weigh figures Nine strikes, abnormally low sales of fishmeal, and a drop in HAPPENING reported metals prices were blamed recently for a 6V4 per cent cut in the government's two-year contract appeal 1971-72 national budget. Gen. to (Continued from page one) (Continued from page one) plan for the future, you F'ancisco Morales, economy democratically elected peers or campus programs . , including sometimes have to know "know'where minister, reported that exports Faculty Grievance Procedure is procedures established according Chicano employment in you are,"Perrinsaid. dropped 26 per cent in value over passed, the committee may not to ■merits for It's What's MSU he Perrjn said the report js ^ by the first half of this year while be allowed to appeal to the democratically approved Broadcaster's Guild department Come see the Marx Brothers or college bylaws." kening nust i be received in the office, 345 Student you to a general oday at WMSB-TV. All those meeting at 7 their craziest in "A Night at I Equal iOpportunity Program staff de"tath *m%governmental and Emphasizing ^ that heavy judicial board. The reappointment Opera" at 1 p.m. and the Special Services for non.g0vernmental units in the proposed Interi deemed a substantive s Bldg.. by 1 p.m. at least two Jed in TV or radio are asked to Ked tie Saturday in 105 S. . Lansjng area to disseminate Payments are being made on Grievance Procedure decision, before publication. Items Hall. Admission is $1; Minority Students office. the candidates cannot ays information on MSU's Chicano Peru's foreign debt, estimated at scheduled to go before the appeal. imited to 25 words. No '-sponsored by the Society for the New programs for Chicanos But if the reappointment icements will be accepted by rnative Coffeehouse offered by the cooperative programs to an interested A ?1 billion, Morales placed net pected Faculty Council shortly considered substantive due opens 12 tonight at 4930 S. Extension Service, the Rural Spanish translation of the report foreign exchange reserves at $332 is across from Hubbard Hall. Manpower Center and the prepared but is not yet million Aug. 1. Reserves totaled e MSU Sierra Club presents the atmosphere and ready perrjnsaid only — $60" million when the Section 3.3.3. of the grievance Substantive due process deals •Wilderness Alps of the i Christ. Adm s 25 c Shabbos dinner and s< will be Expanded Nutrition Program are He ^ enrollment information military took over. procedure reads, "Judicial with the rules and procedures held at 6:30 p.m. today. es" at 7:30 p.m. Monday in 35 Saturday also mentioned in the report. in Price boards shall not hear appeals The Russian and East European morning services will be followed by Many Mexican-American thc report was based on a problems and the used when a department makes a i. Everyone is welcome, a Kiddush computer card fllled out at concerning substantive decisions decision. Substantive decision Studies Group will present at 9:30 a.m. There will be lion on upcoming outings, a Soviet migrants and their children are registration made by or according to the film entitled Thp flrr,In,0v of the do with the outcome of SK^s^eST^ "The alrendy being ion. and issues will also take General" at 7:30 p.m. 106B Wells Inspector Monday in Laurence Offcer, professor of »ehej ,he states, through MSU-sponsored report nr« „c as might , be t Drought kills recommendations of a body of that decision itself. Hall. desirable, admission charge. There is no bZ^hZ': and bring 8 f,iend Spanish-speaking radio programs. ?errinadded. ■ Gay TG will be held from 6 p.m. Broadcast in conjunction with ^°a?cDast conjunction with ! ABRAMS Tidnight c today at the Canterbury Mike's Coffee House on There will be . a Gay Lib party at 9 Saturday. Bring your own and Gay Liberation Movement and Radicalesbians ..jii will hold wK WKAR, AR, the programs are produced in Lansing Quinto Sol . knoN The Dev Sharma ABRAM S ■ week a member of the Michigan Federation of Astrology locate you, especially if you Yoga Group will will be present to answer questions. house folk singer Duke - off campus. Please call u ^ eet in the Green Room of the starting at 8:30 p.m 355-3632, Kathy Union according to this Schedule: 9 lot cider, pretzels, and Misze, 489-5173. to 11 a.m. Saturday, 3 to 5 p.m. Throughout the year, each weekend, we will The Sunday, 7 to 8 a.m. Monday thru feature a new album release. The album will located at 547 E. Grand Mee Frit,ay- and 7 to 10 P m- Tuesday „/ite-in be played in its entirety immediately ue across from Berkey candid: for The East "Lansing City and Th"r"«ay. Everyone is welcome. PLANETARIUM following the Friday and Saturday night 8 & No fees. eting of the Coalitii for 10 pm shows. Linger awhile under a Human Survival at 7 p.m. Film group presents Monday in 30 Union. star-filled sky, and listen to our 200-watt Venice Film Festival The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, £85 THE PERFORMING ~ ~ stereo sound system. THIS WEEKEND: Leonardo da Vinci in open Chapter will have meeting for all those ARTS COMPANY "THIRDS" By The James Gang > Aftermath - a radic nterested in dinner and music at 2 of ADMISSION PRICES fnunity and progressive hopefully espouse. Listen betweer rock, you. W. thi p.m. Sunday, Oct. ishington, Lansing Women's Club 17 at 603 TWELFTH N16BT Adults - $1.00, MSU Students 75c, Children 12 and under with I.D. Hon i. Fre - 50c I 1 a.m. Friday nights or Oct. 13 - 17 8:15 PM Fairchild Theatre Information: 355-4672 • No Preschoolers Admitted |*R FM stereo - 90.5. The Muslim Student Asi all Muslim students to a BOX OFFICE 355-0148 s MSU Broadcaster's Guild will party for new students at 7 p.m. a TV workshop from 9 a.m. to today at the Wesley Foundation, Weekdays 12:00 - 5:00 PM Saturday J. For at WMSB-TV. All are 1118 Harrison. Come over and get get more more information call acquainted. Refreshments to be of a good H36»- served. ELECTRIC IN-CAR HEATERS thing NOW SHOWING MGMS J LANSING ON M 43 ♦ PHONE ED. 2 1042 3 ACTION HITS FABULOUS ELECTRIC IN-CAR HEATERS F®UR Held Over! Last Week! arid a The movie hustling lady. and the music I everyone is dying to meet SHOWN 2ND AT 9:25 PLUS Girfy for young Big men with throbbing machines-And the girls America!. r (2 i® MRS.MILLER SHOWN TWICE AT 7:30 AND 11:45 PLUS who take them on— TODAY &MON. TUES. 8:00 p.m. SAT. 2:00 & 8:00 SUN. 2:00 & 7:00 cgiorder DAVID LEAN'S FILM OF BORIS PASTERNAKS DOCTOR ZHHAGO , Lansing REGULAR of McDonald's trench fries ADMISSION 1024 E. GRAND RIVER 234 W. GFi.vjD RIVER 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan F»day. October,, state news Think about thinning out your library? classified 3558255 Sell those extra books with a Classified Ad. FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank For Hient GET Action WITH A The State News does Automotive Scooters & Cycle* Employment not permit racial or, Want Ad religious discrimination in its advertising FORD 1969 Custom 500. 4 door sedan. V-8, A-1 condition. KAWASAKI 250cc miles, $550 negotiable. 355-3703. 1970, 1400 MOTHER'S HELPER - babysitting. In exchange for room and board. LANSING bedroom OR L - • AUTOMOTIVE columns. The State 882-1751, anytime. 4-10-8 5-10-12 351-3274. B-1 10-8 furnished. Ll£ Scooters & Cycles News will not accept FORD FAIRLANE, 1964. V-8, SUZUKI 350 1970, 6 months old. GUITAR AND PIANO - organ player Beautifully for faculty, maintain^'!!? Auto Parts & Service advertising which automatic, Must new battery, muffler. sell. 485-5613, 353-2263 Low mileage. $600 best offer. needed for established commercial P«ople, grad students married court* 7 bZ discriminates against Aviation 3-10-8 337-0369. 3-10-11 band. Musi be able to sing and have 332-3135 or 882-654g q ^ * religion, race, color or good equipment. Call between 6 EMPLOYMENT national origin. 19 64 FORD Galaxie. 1970 HONDA CB-350. Road bike, Good and 10 p.m., 699-2819.1-10-8 ► FOR RENT low mileage, excellent condition. TWO GIRLS TO transportation. Must sell. $100 393-4785after 5 p.m. 2-10-8 man FllLf Apartments cash, 332-2591, Leo. 1-10-8 WAITRESS WITH grill experience or apartment, cio* Houses FORD 1961 Step Van. willing to learn. Abie's Bar, 100 campus. MARMa1J . Rooms FOR SALE Automotive campers. Excellent Ideal condition. Includes bed. $600. Call Art at for 1970 KAWASAKI sidewinder. 250cc. 4000 miles. Must sell. Call, South Main, Eaton Rapids. 5-10-14 APARTMENTS, Street. Call 332-2215. 225 D,^ 489-4836.3-10-8 BUSINESS MAJOR, part time. Need Animals 1940 CHEVROLET, 2 door sedan, IV2-1226 before 6 p.m. 3-10-8 aggressive, motivated, socially needs engine work. Trade for fully UPSTAIRS FURNISHFrnJl Mobile Homes F-85 OLDS 1965. V-8, power 1960 900cc XLCH chopped, re-built committed individual. Send resume operating VW H-D 74 or Triumph steering last Call Dave, 337-2184. Washington Watch, South Point apartment in Holt. LOST & FOUND bike. UNCLE UH-UH TRUCKING and brakes, radio and heater. year. to 694-X«1'"'li Phone 3-10-8 Plaza, Lansing 48910. 3-10-12 4nm 1.1IVO ► PERSONAL COMPANY, 624 Forest, East 677-9851.2-10-8 ► PEANUTS PERSONAL Lansing. 3-10-11 TRIUMPH TROPHY 500. 1970. MAN WITH a van available 3:30 - 4 TWO GIRLS neededfcMma JAVELIN SST, 1970, tape ► REAL ESTATE deck, vinyl Come and see it. $650. Call PM, daily. 485-3569, ask for Jim. Meadowbrook $50 / CHEVROLET 1964 panel truck.$150 roof and air. $2375. Call 355-5809 351-2593.3-10-8 3-10-12 393-8837.3-10-12 RECREATION or best offer. Bruce 882-1698. after 5.5-10-12 2-10-8 SERVICE 1971 HONDA 100-CL. Only 800 COLLEGE MEN, Part time help ONE GIRL for Evergreen Arrow JAVELIN 968, automatic, Typing Service CHEVY IMPALA 1962. $150 or best economical 6, new tires, show miles. Helmets included. Call available now. Full time in the apartment. Phone 351J 355-9877. 3-10-8 summer. Flexible hours. Excellent 5-10-14 ^ TRANSPORTATION offer. 351-6234 after 5 p.m. room condition. 355-7927. 1-10-8 5-10-8 pay. Car necessary. Call Mr. WANTED TWO BEDROOM 1967 KARMANN-GHIA convertible. Burton, 489-1495 between 1 and 5. 2-10-11 furmshed'j month, includes all utilities.^ DEADLINE CHEVELLE 1966. 283. Stick with overdrive, call 355-7477 after 5 New tires, good condition. Must sell. $850. Phone 482-8225. M(£T YM HAY (i/fTM TM>, WARP?' students. Parking, laundry,mb 1 P.M. one class day before Auto Service & Parts ACADEMIC WRITERS needed to minute drive from P.m. 3-10-12 5-10-8 campus cd produce educational aids. Need Dean, EIPPER REALTY |1 publication. LAUS/N6. mm. Cancellations/Corrections CHEVELLE 1969, 6 cylinder, MERCEDES 230-SL 1964. Dark particularly writers in Economics, Area Studies, and all Business 372-9730 or 487-5100. Mail Very good shape. Engine — 12 noon one class day automatic. Call 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. green. recently overhauled, new tires, | recision disciplines. Call Write - On, ONE GIRL for large 2 n,.„ before publication. 332-6521 ask for Mr. Su. 5-10-13 imports 332-3700.0 term. Sublease. 351-1562.3.M hardtop convertible. 332-4996 Automotive Automotive PHONE 3-10-11 1970 CHEVELLE complete service for TV RENTALS. Color, $19.50 GIRL TO sublease, Malibu, 2 door per wn 355-8255 hardtop, V-8, tubohydramatic CLASSIC RAMBLER V-8 287 1964. VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Low mileage, all foreign models month. Black and white, $9.50 per Cedar Village. 351-5898.110(1 MERCURY 1966 - transmission, power steering and excellent care.393-4858 after 5:30 good condition. Call 353-4156. month. MARSHALL MUSIC. RATES 10 word minimum disc brakes, vinyl 4 door Monterey. Automatic, radio, repair and body work roof, radio, and 4 excellent tires, 2 snow p.m. 3-10-11 5-10-11 351-7830. C-10-8 FURNISHED TWO t rally wheels. Best offer takes tires, apartment near No. DAYS 1 15,000 miles. Sparrow Excellent ... No. 349-3633. 1-10-8 WORDS 1 3 5 10 condition. $350. 351-3823 968 TORINOfastback. Buckets. All 969 VOLKSWAGEN Bug. Just CATCH THE Michigan game on a 2 to 4 people, $175.00 to 3 power, accessories. New polyglass NEJAC TV. Free delivery. Call Includes utilities, except elej FOR SALESPOWER try a little evenings. S inspected, excellent mechanical tires. Asking $1150 or best offer. NEJAC TV RENTALS, 337-1300. Drive 10 minutes andsavedol 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 Classified Ad to sell a large mobile condition. Call Kathy 332-4989 VW - GUARANTEED repair. MG MIDGET. Rebuilt engine.2000 Call 351-0736 any time. 5-10-8 after 5.3-10-8 RANDY'S C-1-10-8 332-5144.3-10-12 homel Dial 355-8255 today! MOBIL. 1-96 at 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 miles. Good body. $850. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C BABYSITTER, IN my home, V4 days, GIRL WANTED for 4 m 351-0067. B-1-10-8 VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Good CORVAIR immediately. 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 1 964 Spyder. condition, beige outside, black MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East own transportation, call after Rent October 15. Water s Edge, 1 pa>d J Turbocharged, excellent condition. MUSTANG 1966 convertible, inside. $900. 372-9749. 3-10-8 Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. 12:30 p.m., 339-8082. 3-10-11 18 2.70 23.40 $420. Phone 694-8335.5-10-12 maroon, 3 -speed, bucket seats, TRIUMPH, SPITFIRE, 1969. 20,000 Complete auto from campus. 351-6115 3-11)1 7.20 11.70 painting and good condition, 51,000 miles. miles, excellent condition, call collision service. IV 5-0256. C RED VOLKSWAGEN 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 CORVAIR 1962. transmission, 2 door, standard radio, excellent $600. Call 353-4558 day, 393-8021 evening. 3-10-8 355-4795.4-10-8 1970, excellent condition, low mileage, GIRL WANTED to man. 316 Gunson. shareefficier^ 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 mechanical condition, includes radio, black interior with white Aviation 3-10-12 snow tires with rims. $250 or best MUSTANG FASTBACK, 1967, V-8, walls. 627-7806. 3-10-8 For Rent 347 Student Services Bldg. offer. 694-8338.1-10-8 radio, 3 floor, no rust, LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight w NEED 1 GIRL on runs 1967 TRIUMPH 1969 GT6+, VOLKSWAGEN, like new REFRIGERATORS' All student ads must be great, $795. 489-4210.1-10-8 good throughout, no rust, new exhaust trainifig.' . All courses are - CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE 1963. condition* Call 482 4jU5 or DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth electric, government and VA certified. prepaid Passed safety test. Rebuilt engine. 355-0197 after 5 p.m. r?6nc~ for system, snow tires, Se# 'to The State News will be New paint job. $150. Call MUSTANG 1969, 302, 3-speed, Very clean. Must be seen to appreciate Rick. 3-10-8 * appreciate. 3-10-8 $875. 393-4632. FRANCIS AVIATION, Roadl Call 484-1334. C Airport 3 315 Bridge, 627-2191. TF Grand LBdge. FOR H01 489-3662evenings. 5-10-14 339-8183.3-10-8 responsible only for the CORVETTE 1969 convertible. Sell NOVA 1970. 2 door, sedan, VEGA 1971 Sharp. Call Hatchback $1900. mornings 372-3437. VOLVO 1967 144S. California car, no Employment STARR 3 bedroom, excellent condition, 6 miles from Lansing 4 GIRL ■op V-8, rust. Sharp. Radial tires, 4 or trade. Call after 6, 349-2502 5-10-12 stick. Call 372-9659 after 4 3-10-8 p.m. 5-10-13 VOLKSWAGEN P.m. 3-10-8 speed, air, radio. Call 485-1340 after 5 WANT IRONING of any size. Mall. Phone 663-8921. 5-10-8 APARTMENT ■nor 1962 CORVETTE convertible, 4 OLDSMOBILE 1964 —Dynamic 88, automatic, 1969, Sunroof, radio, 16,000 miles. Experienced, reasonable. references Phone 487-5566. and GET YOUR party needs at A, C and E Rentals. Glassware, red and next to campus ■L ( ■66 speed, 327, V-8, Headers, 5E.T. automatic, power, good body; $1500. Tom 353-5664. 3-10-8 Scooters & Cycles 5-10-8 white check tablecloths. '! Automotive mags. $1600. 482-7601. 5-10-12 $475. 353-8410. 3-10-8 349-2220. O OLDSMOBILE 1967 Cutlass, 4 door, VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Good condition. Custom paint job. Call TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 250, 1600 HOUSE CLEANING help needed. Twice weekly, car necessary. TV RENTALS Students only. Low Call 332-4432 AUSTIN - HEALEY 3000 MXM V-8, excellent tires, power steering 484-1591, if no answer call miles, helmets included, $550 351-9428. 5-10-14 349-4618.5-10-12 - monthly and term rates. Call LCC AND downtown, 1963. Great condition, extras. $1,850. Phone 484-6738. and brakes. Low 482-4572. 7-10-13 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV sacrifice. 355-7927. 3-10-8 mileage, one ACADEMIC WRITERS needed to girls. One for three man 3-10-8 $995, HONDA 750 ,1971, customized paint RENTALS. C owner. Phone 332-3744. VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Sunroof, produce educational aids. Need for four man apartment. Nndfl 3-10-8 job, customized seat and sissy bar. girls for large five girl BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. COUGAR excellent condition, 50,000 miles. particularly writers in Education, PARKING SPACE available 1 block 1970, 351 V-8. Many 5,300 miles. Call before 3:30, Very good car. Many extras. $850. options, great shape, call 694-8408 1970 OLDSMOBILE F85, 2 door, 6 $1100. Call 372-7536. 1-1C-8 485-2950.3-10-12 Economics, Area Studies, and all from Berkey. Reasonable rates. month per girl. All utilities^ 372-1168, 372-1529. 10-10-14 Business disciplines. Call Write Call Joan at 337-0364. X-3-10-8 Parking. Six mi after 6 p.m. 3-10-8 cylinder, radio, manual shift, - IV4-6858. 6-10- 8 excellent condition. Only 12,700 VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Camper. BULTACO On, 332-3700. O 250cc Matador, latest BUICK miles. $1,800. 332-1405. 5-10-8 California no rustl Rebuilt ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. SPECIAL 1965, 4 door, FAIRLANE 500, 1965, V-8, radio, - model, carefully broken in, 400 "1600" engine, PART TIME EMPLOYMENT WITH SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV automatic, 8 cylinder, $125. After transmission, new miles. New ones will be over $1000 MARSH 5 p.m, 337-1174.3-10-11 excellent condition, $395 or make OLDS CUTLASS 1963. Good radial tires, battery, much more. next spring. $765.Might trade for full line merchant wholesaler. RENTAL. 372-4948. O RD. 5880 2 bedwj offer. 489-4210.1-10-8 Call 482-1914.2-10-8 Automobile fully carpeted. $160 a condition, $300. Call between 5-9 older Porsche, Mercedes, Alfa. required. 351-5800. 349-9402. 3-10-8 p.m. 349-4954.4-10-8 1-616-749-9175.1-10-8 VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Blue, Apartments 1 ROOMMATE needed to rij I NURSES: RN, LPN, ROSELAWN OPEL 1969. White - walls, AM/FM, FM/radio, sunroof, great 1971 KAWASAKI 250 Enduro. Needs trailer, own bedroom, k MANOR NURSING large engine, well taken care of. Condition, $1200. 393-7917. some parts. HOME, 707 2-10-8 .Sacrifice, $500. Armstrong Road. Has positions FURNISHED - 1 bedroom, 4 miles to privileges, parking. $70 pernd $1100. 8 ajm. - 5 p.m. 373-3287, IV4-1524. 3-10-12 available on all shifts. Full or MSU. Very clean, all utilities paid. plus utilities. Sycamore if after 6 p.m. 393-1265.4-10-8 part VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1970. Pop time. Excellent starting salaries and Security deposit required. $160 per Mason. 676-2273 before 3l| v w largest selection PEUGEOT 1963. Sharp body, good - up top, sleeps 4.1500 mileson re- FOR SALE: 106 Sears motorcycle. If interested, call Harold Timberlake, benefits. Apply in person or call, month. 3-10-8 349-4907 after 6 p.m. 3-10-8 393-5680. Miss Lehmann, Director t in town engine, solid transportation car. built engine. Fully 372-8520.3-10-11 equipped. 351-9466, 484-8447. Price $250 of Nursing. 5-10-12 TWO APARTMENTS for At Discount Prices 332-8940.1-10-8 7-10-12 SINGLE GIRL to share furnished 2 completely furnished, ft PLYMOUTH 1965 Fury II. 4 door, PART TIME secretary. Need versatile bedroom. Meadowbrook Trace. Avenue area, $110 and $125.® And We Sell VOLKSWAGEN 1967 Fastback with. 1970 HONDA 450. Pipes up. New Service, Too. automatic transmission, heater. 337-9585.2-10-8 radio, sunroof, new tires, shape condition. 3,600 miles. Call individual with previous experience and broad interests. Write Box B-2 Phone 5-10-8 351-7222 or 393-1865. 484-5421 between 8-5, M couples only. 3-10-8 condition. 675-5229 or 641 -4486 332-6645 or 332-8324 after 5 3-10-8 p.m. 5-10-8 Michigan State News. 5-10-13 PONTIAC ©We Stock Over a Mil ion Parts 1970, 4 door Catalina. PART KRAMER AUTO PARTS Very clean, factory air, vinyl top, radio, power, turbo, good tires and VOLKSWAGEN, DOUBLE cab, pick- up - bus, Great condition 37 000 1971 HARLEY - DAVIDSON TIME and opportunity. Fluent phone voice full time CROSSWORD E M uM 6 L A DfSPJ mm 800 E. Kalamazoo St. original owner. $2500. 349-0480. miles. Original owner' $550 Sportster, 1,900 miles. Red, white required. Sincerity and enthusiasm P A s'fr R A M 1 484-1303 5-10-11 351-7397.3-10-8 ' • and blue. $2000. 482-7601 a must. 5 10 p.m. • Monday through Friday. 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.and PUZZLE 1 N UIR E D SJ.Oll 5-10-12 3-8 p.m. Saturday. 11:30 ACROSS 30. Yellow bugle w T.OO.J 4:30 p.m. and 5 -10 p.m. a.m. Sunday - 1. Poor actor 31. Medieval shield T A H Eto c H A8|M BM p O C/>uzd Salary plus bonus. $2 - $5 per 4. Furrows Ma£tude*ti , hour, 32. Intimidate TWU STORY depending on ability. 8. Obsolete 33. So be it OR ■H Personal interviews from 5-10 p.m. October 11. Palestine plain 34. Sylph O v]e E ■skg 7, 8 and 9 at 633 East Jolly Road, 12. Hebrew month 36. Beige S A L MO'BI cuul tyaculiy . . . Southland Complex, Suite 5. See Mr. Vance. O 13. Spelling contest 38. 40. Sweet potato Book of maps P H IIL RHc T s N NLiMi DATSUN SALES I AM looking for ambitious people 14. Lunar module 15. Goal 43. 47. Unskilled Past £ ABO Y x|EBI 3165 E. MICHIGAN interested in making good 17. Reside 48. Durable wood CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING money part time. Call 19. Expert 4$. Buffalo canal One Block From Campus 7:30 p.m. 2-10-8 351-0579, 5 30 - 20. Christen 50. Parson bird 1. Retain 5. City Danube o"""I 22. Mitigated 51. Shoshonean 2. Afresh 6. Saxhorn 26. Baseball glove 52. Firewood MARRIED STUDENTS 3. Power 7Cut SQUEEZE? 28. Supreme Being 53. Lamprey ri 4. Domain 8. Kimono ML & FACULTY 9. "The Lion' I 2 3 M §— 4 j— t 10. Lair f KNOB HILL 11 % yA e .0 16 Collation J Take your troubles to i 12 % IB 18. Buddhist W 21. Conceit APARTMENTS IM IS 17 % '9 16 23. Feign 24. Twilight PARK WEST 1971 % - TON DATSUN PICK-UP OPEN 1 349-4700 - 7 pm Mon.-Sat. %% u 20 21 % 22 %sr 28 25. Cupid 26. Husbands 27. Gelid . 90% SUNDAY by appointment 27 29 29 Attribute i % 30 only % APARTMENTS Large 2 - bedroom, bath & 31 % 32 % » 32. place of worship 33. Faculty 5530 West Michigan Ave. >2,142 Sjjjoo 35 V/a 36 57 % sr % 35. Sacred vw 37. Delicacies J FREE RUSTPROOFING WITH ANY DATSUN SALE vered in Lansinj Large 3 - bedroom, % H3 MM % 38 39 % MO fi 39. Large 8""^ at Saginaw b"th8'*~ M5 hi M7 41. Malaria Contact Bill DeJonge $185°° He M9 % 42. 43. Earth promise m DATSUN So 484 4640 S| 44. Burmese LOCATED V4 MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. ON OKEMOS ROAD $ 1 ST demon Augment 46. Tackle Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 8, 1971 15 For Rent For Sale For Sale for Sale Recreation Service Transportation ■ un 2 bedroom T $145. 10 minutes from EMPIRE TROUBADOUR turntable. Robert's 778X reel to reel and 8 APPLES, PEARS, plums, Pick sweet cider. PARK ESTATE 12' CHRISTMAS BREAK Spain $249. Recrujters your NOTHING LASTS forever! So for J Children permitted. EAGLE track tape recorder. Thorens own Saturday, Sunday. BLOSSOM apples. Friday, Nassau $169. Acapulco $249. Typing Service new or newer household goods It NORTH. 694-8975. 4330 TD150 Mark II turntable. Sony ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of London $149. Complete deluxe check today's Want Adsl Tj Road, Holt. C 355 and 265 tape decks. Harmon - Leslie on Hull Road. (Old U.S. 1955 GREAT Lakes. 8' x 45'. Located packages. Call Frank Buck, to interview Kardon AM/FM turntable and 127) 589-8251. 9 6 PM. Closed 351-2286. O-10-12 SAVE SAVE SAVE - in perk behind Tom's Party Store. InG for • roommate? speakers. Panasonic RS-790-S Mondays. O Phone 349-1586.5-10-11 XEROX COPYING- offset - best Wanted ■Lnd leases available. Call automatic reverse tape recorder. 8 Service quality at reasonable prices. THE ■ stead MANAGEMENT, (7910. 0 track tapes, used $2, track home and auto new, $4. 8 decks, TAPESTRIES, WATERBED and heaters. REBIRTH, 309 frames 1966 MARLETTE 10' x 55', 7' x 20* Expando. 3 bedrooms separate DOWN HOME cooking. Macrobiotic COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand River. Phone 332-4222. C BABYSITTING IN your home, days or nights. Phone 487-3855 next week $29.50 up. Cassette recorders, North Washington Avenue, meals prepared in your kitchen. KIRL needed for 4 man. dining room, carpeted, washer, air anytime. 4-10-8 amplifiers, speakers, used records. Lansing. 489-6168. C-10-8 conditioned, all set up in Park 20 Only $1 per person. $3 minimum t i 0 f IS S 10 N * I Marine Corps Officer Selection ckingham, $70 / month. Police band radios, imported wall You are what you eat. 351-3490 TMESIS minutes from Lansing. 625-3427. BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Team will be on 5435.10-10-19 tapestries and rugs, slate pool FOAM MATTRESS, Box springs, 5-10-11 Kathy. B-1-10 8 Ml MHATION all positive. A negative, B campus table twin negative interviewing interested -tudent.s and accessories. All size, $65. TV Philco IRL needed to share 4 girl equipment tested and guaranteed. portable, 19 inch., $75, 372-1437. PERSONAL and AB negative, $10.00 O Monday through Thursday at the MARLETTE 1966. 12' 50', SHOPPER for those negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN tment next to campus. WILCOX x unable to do Placement Bureau between 8:30 SECOND completely furnished, excellent their own. $5 per COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 1432.0 HAND hour. 349-0176. 1-10-8 STORE, 509 East condition, skirting and shed. King 507'/? East Grand a.m. and 4:30 p.m. River, East «j TO sublease 3 man Michigan, 485^391, 8-5:30 p.m. COATS, SLACKS, etc. Brand names. Arthur's Court, 485-7744. Call Complttt Professianal Thesis Service fsr Lansing. Above the new Campus The Corps is interested in Jr. petite WALGREEN Maitcr'i ini Oecteral Caatfitfatei. Free Monday through Saturday. Bank 5-7-9, Misses 13-14, after 5:30 p.m. 4-10-8 PRODUCTS Penny Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3.30 undergraduates and graduates, .man,. Call 351^637 or Americard and Master Charge. Ladies 20'/a. ■ reckure and Cenieltatien Pleaie Call Reasonable offers Saving Sale now going on at Monday, Thursday, and and will provide information on 7688.2-10-8 Layaways. C accepted. 372-1437. 1-10-8 TRAVELO GULLIVER'S STATE Cliff and Paula Haufliey 337 15?7 er I27 7SM pm 1952. $1000. Excellent DRUGS, Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 their commissioning condition, close to campus. 1105 East Grand River. Phone programs, I00M unfurnished, 10 minute STEREO SEARS Silvertone. Good 361 -6808 after 5 p.m. 5-10-11 ED2-2011. A KAY'S TYPING service. Thesis, pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C ground or aviation. There is no campus, $180 per FOUR 1971 Zig - Zag. $43.50. Small - Walgreen Agency. condition. $50 or best offer. 1-10-8 general typing, IBM electric. on-campus training. ■ th plu' tilities. Deluxe paint damage in shipment. In CHEMISTRY 132 Lab manual, 4th 353-8366. 3-10-12 Phone 393-3588. 1-10-8 all carpeted, walnut sew table. No attachments KIT OPEN House; 106 Tudor Drive, edition. Phone 371-3127 after 4 sher. Ideal for couple or needed as all controls are built - King Arthur's Court. Sunday, Oct. FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS p.m. 3-10-8 in. Makes CHEVROLET, 1965 excellent 10, 2-5 p.m. 12' x 60' plus DISSERTATION, THESES, term students. Call Diane Dean - te buttonholes, sews on papers. Expert typist with degree condition. Truck with new engine |ppER REALTY INC. to see, buttons, blind hems and sews addition, 1,000 square feet. Three I973O or 487-5100.2-10-8 many fancy designs. Only $43.50 cash, or terms and clutch. 882-0902. 10-10-21 bedrooms, carpet, furnished, wood burning fireplace, drapes, CALL in 0-10-8 English. I.B.M. 351-8961. Polo te arranged. Trade - ins MARTIN D-35-S. Exceptional wood. kitchen with extras. Storage shed. (BEDROOM. 4 student accepted. To insure 2 years old. 3535292 COMPLETE THESES service. •tment. Furnished $200 satisfaction, sold by free home Very friendly. Definitely not a drive by. Come ■des heat, laundry, parking. 9 |th lease. Only 10 minutes drive demonstration only. Call 484-4553, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 351-1388. 3-10-12 see. $7,900. 482-6401. 1-10-8 ASHES, RUBBISH hauled. 75c a Discount printing. IBM binding of theses, typing and resumes, 10 STUDENT coupon tickets to MSU clash 9O BROWN SUEDE jacket, size 12. Like publications. Across from campus, - Minnesota game. 355-5823after 5 barrel, special on clean ups. Phone Ji MSU. Call Diane Dean of ELECTRO - GRAND. O best CHAMPION 10' x 50' furnished, carpeted shed,6 miles from MSU. 393-4592 anytime. 10-10-14 corner M.A.C. and Grand River, p.m. 3-10-11 ■BR REALTY INC. 372-9730 new, offer. 489-4500. MSU Water Polo Club will open 3-10-12 below Jones Stationery I7.5IOO. 2-10-8 FOUR SWEEPERS. Brand new. Paint 353-9062, 641-4209. Make offer. DON'T GIVE COPYGRAPH Shop. Call WANTED: AR or Thorens turntable its season against the University damage in shipment. Excellent 1-10-8 your used furniture SERVICES, of Michigan at noon We'll 337-1666. C and good speakers. 482-2011. Saturday in IjATE GIRL wants girl over 21 working condition. Includes all away. 10-10-14 buy it. 393-4592. 2-10-8 the Men's Intramural Pool. ■areexpenses in small basement cleaning tools plus rug shampooer. HOMETTE, 1965. 12' x 60', 2 Both teams are members of the ANN BROWN: t. Will have apartment Cash price, $18.95, or terms bedrooms with front kitchen. Typing and multilith PLAYBOY, MAD magazines, baseball offset printing. Complete service FULL TIME secretarial position. Midwestern Intercollegiate Water st of the time. 482-7334. available. Phone 372-3324, 9 a.m. Located in Williamston. 655-2073. cards 1953 to date. CURIOUS for dissertations, Experienced in typing, shorthand, Polo Assn. to 9 p.m. To insure 1-10-8 theses, satisfaction, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. dictaphone. 337-9216.3-10-11 sold by free home demonstration BOOK SHOP, 541 E. Grand River DAYTIME BABYSITTING in my 22 years experience. 349-0850. ■M furnished apartment. 1022 only. ELECTRO-GRAND. O (downstairs) 1-6 p.m. 3-10-12 C Lost & Found home. 1 or 2 children. Call 337-2112. 5-10-8 COMIC BOOKS, Baseball cards, Who's Whose Ih Pine Street, near School for EXPERIENCED TEACHER'S aide to PLAYBOY magazines, wanted. SCIENCE FICTION. Paperbacks, lind.lV2-9218.3-10-11 type for CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 541 E. CIDER, DONUTS AND APPLES. magazines for sale or trade. LOST: MEN'S glasses near Shaw. teacher. For more Open 9 through 6, Tuesday BATON TWIRLING classes. Now information, Call 355-0867. Grand River (downstairs) 1-6 p.m. CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 541 E. Brown frames. Call 353-7092 or - through Saturday. 12 to 6 Grand River (downstairs) 1-6 p.m. taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640. 3-10-11 3-10-12 Janice 355-1663. 3-10-12 Guldenzoph, Saginaw senior Sunday. THE COUNTRY MILL 3 3-10-12 20-10-28 to Timothy Horal, Detroit senior, miles West of Potterville TYPING TERM papers and thesis. WANTED: TWO U-M, non - student Tau Delta Phi. on LOST: MALE wedding ring, I.M. Electric typewriter. Fast service. tickets. Call 351-5608 after 5:30 Vermontville Highway. TEAC A-1200U Stereo tape deck. THE SECOND liMSTON. LARGE 1 bedroom Field, reward, call 355-9848. most important man Call 349-1904. 18-10-29 p.m. 1-10-8 Professional quality, like new, plus 3-10-8 at your wedding should be Nancy Sharp, Grand Rapids, utilities paid. $150 / your accessories and photographer. sophomore Grand Rapids Ith. 655-2092.2-10-8 WEDDING GOWN, veil, detachable some tape. Asking Phone Terrence TWO NON - STUDENT tickets for Junior $250. 393-5937 after 6 p.m. LOST: ONE pair black rimmed Miller 351-2013. 5-10-8 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term College to Mark Belfer, Grand train, cost $250. Best offer- MSU-UM game. Call 485-9723. Rapids, sohpomore, Sigma Alpha Mu. IaTE STUDENT couple: 2 351-2346.3-10-8 glasses, brown case, 355-5306. papers, 351-4619. O theses. Best rates. Call Ask for John. 1-10-8 Toom furnished mobile home. HEADSTROM Buggy stroller, baby $$$. 3-10-8 ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, ENGAGEMENTS L and quiet. 641-6601. O WOMAN'S WHITE rabbit fur coat in radios, recorders, TV's. NEEDED, 2 general admission, adult items, hairdryer. Cheap. 355-9760 FOUND: BLACK male cat, vicinity TYPING THESES and letters, etc. excellent condition. Call 351-7626 Dependable, reasonable. Call tickets for U of M game till 9 p.m. 1-10-8 Michigan and Beal, 351-9518. Rapid accurate service. Houses after 6p.m. X-2-10-8 3-10-11 351-6680. 5-10-11 Experienced. 393-4075. C tomorrow! 355-7900 or 355-8492 or 353-9100. 1-10-8 REALISTIC 200 Watt tuner, amp. SANSUI STEREO Receiver, solid turntable, Akai. Reel to reel 8 FOUND: WHITE / tan kitten, 9/24 FOR QUALITY service and stereos, FOR state, 55 GLAD tidings look PERSON TO board two kittens. Will watts RMS, track. Albums, tapes. Like new, Baily School Area 332-6671 after 5 TV's and recorders. THE STEREO Nancy Jones, Dear! AM/FM/FMX, with walnut sorietlvig you've lost vvtf- aV pey an expenses. 351-0458 Joh-i reasonable. 355-2018. 3-10-12 p.m. 3-10-11 SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Middlesiv- - An Dial 350 8255 2-10-11 cabinet, two years old. Price $169. Graduate. Call after 6 p.m. 351-2607.3-10-11 E TO SHARE FARM HOUSE MEN'S 3 speed English bicycle. LOST: PRESCRIPTION sunglasses I month. And also, 6 room Excellent condition. Must sell. near Americana Apartments. house GARRARD SL-95 Turntable, to rent. 332-3357. 355-8025. 2-10-11 Burgundy cese. Reward. 332-2253. powermatic base, dust cover, Pickering XV15-400E cartridge. just 8 TRACK tapes. Clearance of all in $110. 351-2472. 3-10-8 ORTABLE, COMPLETELY stock. $4.95 each. Original prices Personal nished home. Close to 150 WATT amplifier, Garrard Lab -80 up to $9.95. WJiile they last. B.F. sportation, shopping and Goodrich, 2116 E. Michigan. >us. $180 a month. Phone turntable, speakers, $295. JAMES 1 TAYLOR Bootleg Double 12015.6-10-15 351-4779. 3-10-8 JJM2 ^ > AI btf'm . Limited quantity E-FLAT CLARINET, Unicycle, available. CURIOUS BOOK students, 3 CHEMISTRY SET, microscopes, bike Coleman lantern, four new 6.50 tires. Cheap. 355-8026. 1-10-8 SHOP. 541 E. Grand River . ished. $230 per lights, helmets, barber set, floor (downstairs) 1-6 p.m. 3-10-12 694-2775.5-10-11 scrubber, encyclopedias, furniture, books, clothes, records, sleds, REMINGTON-' SPORTSMAN 58"12 THE BATTLE of the bulge lit imagine |LE OCCUPANT for coed skates, games, much more. gauge, semi. Excellent. Must sell Phone DIET ™CT WATCHERS today. !. Own room, $55 / month. 669-3342.4-10-8 355-8025. 2-10-11 655-2073. 1-10-8 |2060.3-10-8 PERSIAN LAMB coat, black, TUTORIAL HELP by Ph.D.'s, all Rooms excellent condition, size 14, Animals sciences including math and reasonable, 332-5406. 3-10-7 computer. For information TROPICAL FISH ten gallon set • ups, 351-8629, 1-10-8 $12.50. And we can get almost VAN DYKE STUDIO gets it [EST OAKLAND. Rooms, shed / unfurnished. Entire together or in portraits, passports, ID's, any supply item over night - party 2nd floor. Kitchen and In other living cheap. Come in and see the nasty candids, or your job. Downstairs, words, imagine a whole new uses standard cassettes, it provides a privileges. Students welcome. Needle - nose Gar fish, and other 209 Abbott Rd., next to Brother sound 3 medium, with the best level of convenience and portability PAIRS Hi-Fi speakers. Various Gambits. Or ring us up at EsCox, 482-4982.3-10-11 friendlier fish at THE FISH makes. All good condition. 332-8889. 1-10-8 qualities (including the sound) of all (and pocketability) which only the MONGER, 1522 EAST I o 1 the media you're accustomed too, TER 482-2011.2-10-8 cassette medium can provide. MICHIGAN, across from Resurrection OVERBURDENED? but with few of their drawbacks, and Church. Call SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. Educational aids, research, tutoring, with virtues all its 485-6036. Plenty of free parking own. Brand new portables - $49.95. $5 — no car? Take the Lansing bus to translations, science research Imagine, if you will, a compact There is more to the story. Some of per month. Large selection of front door. 2-10-11 projects. CPS Computer device into which you pop a small the technological advances used in ITION: ROOMS for our Advent Corporation has used its Pletely furnished. 372-8077. C rent. Cooking. reconditioned used machines. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Home 81 "Many Others", $19.95 to Programmming Abbott Rd., . WRITE ON, 210 332-3700, 10-5 p.m. plastic thing, press a button, and flood a room with sound - the imagination, and by combining several significant aspects of current ths 201 manufacture ca.i also be used in the of pre-recorded kind of sound you've come to cassettes. The best commercial $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS I For Sale DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, AFGHAN, PLATINUM associate with new (unscratched) technology, has come up with just such "Dolbyized" cassette releases, when female, a new medium. What makes it 1115 N. Washington. 489-6448. beautiful SOCK PURSE records of the highest quality played on the Model 201, are easily cut. Best offer. Call all > most C-10-17 possible is the new Advent Model repairing and relace before 6 p.m., 371-3486. 1-10-8 Now on the market is a played back on your music system. the equivalent to the best disc en frames. OPTICAL 201 Stereo Cassette Tape Deck, a fOUNT. 2615 East Michigan USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 sock - shaped coin purse of recordings. With further refinement, FREE: SPAYED, young, shaggy, record/playback device that uses the e. 372-7409. C-5-10-8 East Michigan. Dishes, books, knit wool - like fabric. Imagine a device as easy to operate standard cassette format to achieve in some respects a commercially - "Night Dog." 1 year old. Youll be able to coins, antiques, rockers, junk. 351-7294. 1-10-8 sock as a simple table radio, yet which all tnose recorded cassette can actually allows you to do your own pro¬ things we've asked you to fUDDHIST BOOKS lurthor Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open Saturday and Sunday. Furniture FREE DOG, about 2 some money away for things you'd like to have by selling gramming. imagine.1 improve upon discs. information and and appliances open all week, 10 years. latalogue Write to: Housebroken. Food. Jacki, things you no longer wish to Perhaps we're over-taxing your am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C 351-5040. 2-10-8 have with STATE Cassettes have always had many of News fUDDHIST BOOKSTORE| Classified Ads. Look around Imagine carrying around with you the imagination - after all, it'snot every virtues we've described, but JO Octavia Street MODERN BLONDE bedroom set MIKE'S PET SHOP. Mice,45ceach 5/ your home right now for (perhaps in your shirt pocket) one day you're asked to think up a new or more of those small unfortunately their AM-radio sound jFrancisco. Calif. 94109 like new, large dresser and mirror. $1.50. Kuhliis, 39c each 5/$1.50. things in good condition you plastic medium for recorded music. If so, All Herptiles in shop 20% discount quality, and their lightweight drive R AND / Also smaller dresser, and bookcase no longer use. Make a list of things, and popping them into please come visit us soon; we'd be or amplifier. Fender headboard. Call 487-3096. S with this ad until October 13. mechanisms have limited their 8r them, then dial 355-8255 for similar devices around the house, at delighted to show you what it'sall Guitar, and / or Pro Located in Holt Plaza. About 5 appeal. On the other hand, open-reel amplifier. Bothone yearold. - a courteous Ad Writer. Shell the beach, in the car — anywhere. about. We think that with time, you CAMERA - MINOLTA Super 8, miles from MSU at Aurelius and recorders have had the virtue of good immaculate. Must sell. Best editor, splicer. $80. Enlarger, $50. Holt Road. 3-10-11 put you in touch with cash might find this new medium, as f or 35%°,f original buyers right away! Do it sound, but also have proven cost. Call 371-1275. 3-10-8 Imagine that the sound quality of exemplified by the Advent Model °736. 5-10-8 FREE KITTENS: Box trained, 7 now! the small inconvenient enough to intimidate weeks old, affectionate, 351-4255. plastic thing will not 201,3 your preferred way to enjoy BRAND NEW Olivity No. 31 deteriorate with repeated playings, many critical listeners, who would recorded music. 4-10-8 FREE A lesson in complexion care. rather not work quite so hard to typewriter $39.95, Remington ... and that it's virtually indestructible. Call 484-4519, East Michigan or "portable," slightly used $19.95. enjoy well-produced music. AFGHAN HOUND puppy for sale, 1. Some of tne 351-1985. 3-10-8 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE things that make it I AND apples. Pick black male. MITHRA AFGHANS. your own. NORMAN COSMETICS Imagine too, that the same device possible, in addition to Advent's The Advent Model 201 |NNER'S Eaton ORCHARD, Smith KUSTOM AMP. Farfisa organ. Leslie. 332-1895.3-10-11 STUDIOS. C allows you to conveniently make provides all imagination and expertise, are: a . Rapids. 663-7756. Gibson guitar. Bargain. Phone the performance and day-to-day GERMAN SHORTHAIR Pointer your own plastic things - copies rugged nigh-torque, precision, and 332-2721. 5-10-12 made from other sound sources consistency of operation of good pups, AKC registered, excellent easy - to - operate transport ? that are virtually indistinguishable open-reel recorders, at about the _irder. SONY stereo Tastette USED SEWING machines, $12.50 stock. Get yours now. Phone 646-3822.2-10-8 same price you'd expect to mechanism; the famous Dolby With VV from what you've copied. pay for a meters, and up. Console models, Peanuts Personal System® of noise reduction; the ■ '"9 'irniter and headphone portables, zig - zags and straight really excellent one.2 Yet because it yiOQ, 372-5461.4-10-12 BEAUTIFUL THOROUGHBRED proper circujtry to take full stitches. Over 60 to choose from. ELECTRO - GRAND, 804 East Keeshond. 8 months. Has all advantage of new chromium dioxide shots. Papers available. Must sell. Michigan, Lansing. Hours: 9 a.m.- tape; accurate and uniquely Phone 339-9186. 3-10-8 5 p.m. Saturdays, 9 a.m. - Noon.O convenient recording controls; and BEAGLE PUPPIES AKC. CONGRATULATIONS SAMMY many other things we'd be happy to MODERN OAK bedroom set, like pledges. We're glad to have you. Championship, pedigree, beautiful explain to the technically inclined. HIFI BUYS The Brothers. 1-10-8 new. Large bed, dresser and mirror. markings, shots, wormed. 9 weeks 2. $280.00 Priced very reasonably. Call old. 3 males, 1 female. Ail 487-3096. S VALORIE, KATHY and Jeannie say 3. The Model 201: wonderful hunters and pets. 1 show dog. 349-1913. 3-10-8 "Froehliche Geburtstag, FRINGE JACKET and suede sport Maedchen"! 1-10-8 coat, men's large. Craig, 351-1740. AMERICAN ESKIMO puppies. Need 2-10-8 1101 E. Grand River adoptive home and love. Real Estate Registered. All white. Reasonably SONY 355 tape deck, 8 track player, priced. 337-2594. 3-10-8 amplifier, speakers, good QUIET, BEAUTIFUL, torc/a VVesf condition, $150. 353-4274. 2-10-8 Mobile Homes describes 4 bedroom house in Lake Lansing. Glass front with reflective [E OkemosRd., E. Lan |'- north off Grand River) HARPSICHORD. SOLID cherry. 8 and 4 foot strings. 484-9856, 372-1529. 10-10-14 MICHIGAN MOBILE -Open 7 days a week, 9-9 HOMES fireplace, around 5-10-14 built $25,000 - . in kitchen, 339-2254. THE DISC SHOP J ED 7-7974 MEN'S LEATHER JACKETS, Monday through Saturday, 1-5 Sunday. 2015 N. Friday, 9-5 "LOCATE LOST PETS 323 E. Grand River COATS. New, unique, imported, fast. Dial tPendaily to 9 p.m. beautiful, reasonable. 353-7108. Larch U.S. 27N. Phone 372-2680. 6-10-8 365-8266 now for Classified Ad. a quick - actioi 3-10-11 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday,^. Ociobag |( Charles Evers Mayor of Fayette, Miss, and CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR IN MISSISSIPPI will speak 2 P.M. TODAY free admission in the MSU Auditorium THE LECTURE IS SPONSORED DY The MSU Center f College of Soci College of Arts James Madison