Monday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 41 STATE East Lansing, TATE NEWS Michigan Monday, October 11, 1971 Board OKs 'IT suggestion for faculty, staff pay hike White came into the meeting minutes after By BILLHOLSTEIN He termed his contingency measures Calling the cuts "severe, painful and the vote was taken. Huff did not come in at State News Staff Writer all. Neither were available for comment "emergency measures" and said they could extremely difficult", Wharton called for a leave the University in dangerous financial "reciprocal response" from faculty Sunday. shape at the end of the fiscal members who are to receive raises. The board of trustees, with two members year. October pay checks will reflect the raises. President Wharton said the University will Trustee Kenneth W. Thompson, R-Grand absent, voted unanimously Friday to The money due the University employes be able "fairly soon" to determine whether Rapids, emphasized how hard the University approve administrative recommendations retroactive to July 1 will be distributed in the cuts will be crippling. (Please turn to page for an average 7 per cent pay increase for special checks on Oct. 18 for salaried 11) faculty and staff retroactive to July 1. employes and on Oct. 21 for hourly i Robert Perrin, vice president for workers. University relations, told reporters the Citing the "relative degree of deprivation" CHALLENGE FIGURES University would not release what increases suffered by MSU full professors, President Hoard of trustees individual faculty members or individual departments received. He also declined to Wharton said full professors would receive more money in raises than other faculty. say what effect the raises would have on the MSU salaries for full professors rank Martin, D-East Lansing, and Kenneth W. Thompson, Blanche J| Grand Rapids, chat informally after a special session of the board of Custees Friday night in the Heritage Room of Kellogg Center. At the ranking of MSU faculty among Big Ten schools. The two trustees absent, Clair White, eighth in the Big Ten, associate professors seventh and asst. professors second. The meeting Friday was U' Chicono originally lieeting, the board approved an average 7 per cent raise for faculty and D-Bay City, and Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, scheduled for Sept. 29 but was called off on were elsewhere in Itaff retroactive to July 1. State News photo by H.ilton Horst Kellogg Center when the short notice when Gov. Milliken said the tIDAY HEARING SET vote was taken in the center'sHeritage Room, state would withhold up to 3 per cent of the University's budget — or $2.28 million — as part of a state "contingency fund." The University was faced with either disputed b University relations and author of the reducing the anticipated 7 per cent raise or report, stated that about 370 coming up with the necessary money by Spanish-surnamed students were enrolled at Overspending suit filed The United Mexican-American cutting back internally. MSU for fall 1970. To further complicate the picture, the Community Organization claimed Sunday that the administration report "MSU and A report by the Chicano Veteran's University was uncertain how much, if any, Assn. of the 3 per cent would eventually be the Chicano Community" contains false stated that fall term at MSU included 25 to By BOB ROACH statistics concerning the enrollment figures 30 more Chicanos and 15 to show cause why returned to MSU. brought the Executive Reporter they shouldn't be to prosecute Bone and Phillips. Kelley was of Chicanos at MSU. prevented from further spending. Hence, the University developed enrollment of Chicanos at MSU to 55 or 60. also asked to void their nominations. The administration's report noted that the This included East Lansing City Council Reisig also ordered the East Lansing "contingency plans" for whatever action the all graduate and Conviction for filing fraudulent campaign University ranks first in the state in Idates and a campaign treasurer for Board of City Election Commissioners and state may take. undergraudate students. expense statements could result in a If the state withholds only 1 per cent, enrollment of Spanish-surnamed students. Jof them were charged with exceeding the Board of City Canvassers to show cause $1,000 fine and two years imprisonment. The organizations said the report assumes laign expense limitations in the August why they shouldn't be ordered to strike Kelley has not yet acted on the request. Wharton said the University can compensate that all Spanish-surnamed students enrolled Only six or eight of the 100 i a suit filed FViday in Ingham the names of Bone and for the $650,000 gap in the General Fund by Spanish-surnamed students enrolled at MSU Phillips from the at MSU are Chicanos (American citizens), in fall 1968 were Chicanos. the report Ity Circuit Court. ballot. From his home Sunday, Phillips said he enforced closure of small enrollment but that many of these students are by the le suit asked that Charles Max Phillips State election law limits expenses for sections, a freeze on vacancies, limitations Chicano Veteran's Assn. added. iDuane P. Bone, and Bones' treasurer, each candidate to $440 had no specific comments on the suit. on the spending of MSU's medical schools foreign-bom, SDanish-surnamed students. This number was compiled by the per individual The organizations felt that the report was J. Fleming, be prevented from and reductions in maintencance association by contacting Spanish-surnamed i committee for each election this year. The "I didn't know of this until I saw it in "further proof of the University's unstated students and determining their place of birth Iding any more money on their plaintiffc claim that Bone and Phillips have the paper Saturday," he said. "And then a expenditures. policy and complicity in minority and the place of birth of their parents. ■aigns. If the state withholds 2 per cent, or $1.3 already surpassed these limits. young fellow from the Coalition for discrimination, persecution and plaintiffs, including write-in From mandatory statements filed with from the General Fund, Wharton said the Human Survival brought a notice of it by exclusionary practices." The University's report also lists 81 |date Chuck Will and eight East the county clerk,the plaintiffs point out the House at 9:30 Saturday night. University would defer more maintenance Jose Trevino, spokesman for the Chicano graduate students at MSU last fall with ng voters, are afco asking that the that in the primary Bone spent $1,580.82 expenses and pay some operating expenses s of Bone and Phillips be stricken out of reserve funds. Veteran's Assn. contended that every Spanish surnames while the Association's of $2,367 contributed, and "We've understood the I the Nov. 2 ballot, or that the primary Phillips spent prosecuting A "significant reordering of program statement, claim, figure and statistic report states 10 or 12 Chicano students were $1,061.33 of $1,536 contributed. attorney to say there is no cause for presented in the University's report is false. admitted this fall. lion be nullified and a new one held, After the statements were filed, Bullard priorities" would be necessary if all 3 per Robert Perrin, vice president for (Please turn to page 11) laintiff's attorneys, Richard P. Oleksa presented the alleged violations and asked (Please turn to page 11) cent were withheld, Wharton said. ■W. Perry Bullard, obtained an order Ingham County Prosecutor Raymond L. 1 Judge Donald L. Reisig requiring the Schodeller to prosecute and void the s to appear in court before Oct. nominations of Bone and Phillips. Tickets Attorneys for the candidates later filed amended campaign statements listing various committees which they said existed before the initial statements were filed. Schodeller did not give Bullard a formal White releases ■ckets for the B.B. King concert reply, but notified the county clerk that, By DIANE PETRYK Discrimination at MSU, whose members White said he is doing some have faculty Trustee Don Stevens, D-Okemos, asked lsored by ASMSU Pop Entertainment "Although some of these committees State News Staff Writer charged the University with concealing members a favor in revealing their salaries. appear to be unorthodox in form, I do not salary records to cover up discrimination "The people of for a board discussion of the matter. He said ■go on sale Tuesday at Marshall Music Michigan aren't he has maintained for a long time that Bast Lansing, Campbell's Smoke Shop find that any are in violation of Michigan Proclaiming that public money is public against women faculty and staff. cheapskates," he said. "They'll pay when Law." business, Trustee Clair White, D-Bay City, "I have complained for seven faculty salaries should be open. years that we they're convinced they are getting their | the Union. The concert is scheduled On Sept. 24, Bullard, in behalf of the released a complete list of individual MSU have a self-serving clique running our money's worth." (Please turn to page 11) B p.m. on Oct. 22 in the Auditorium, Coalition for Human Survival, asked faculty salaries and recommended increases departments, holding down younger But White said the taxpayers won't pay for lets cost $3. to the State News Saturday. members who might present a threat to the Michigan Attorney General Frank J. Kelley outlandish salaries for people who also may His action came despite urgings made at ruling obligarchy," White said. not be carrying the required teaching load. Mt MS. VAN TASSELL the Friday night board of trustees meeting that no one take "unilateral" or "arbitrary" "Actually," he said, "My feeling is that instead of exposing some super-secret, this is At the special Friday convened to deal with the night trustee session proposed faculty- State shifts action to release the figures before faculty good public policy. pay raise, which six trustees passed and others have an opportunity to express unanimously. White and Trustee Warren their opinions. "I think all citizens, this includes groups "This unshackles a department that makes Hitler's Scout troop." hierarchy Germany look like a Boy Huff, D-Plymouth, did not enter the board room until after the cross-MSU voting. Committee trying to accomplish legitimate goals — such White said it is true that MSU salary After the pay raise was approved, Provost highway plan as the Alliance group — are entitled to this John E. Cantlon averages for full professors are lowest among brought up the issue of information," White said. "How else can the revealing faculty salaries. Apparently Big Ten, schools, but said some people at >rof reappointme they support their contention of discrimination? Maybe they won't find any, but they're entitled to look." the top couldn't find anywhere. a better salary "These guys are full-time politicians," he addressing himself to White, Cantlon said: "In the spirit of collaboration, before anyone takes unilateral action By MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writer White referred to the Alliance to End Sex on this, let's said. let the faculty express their opinions." The cross-campus highway proposal has last year's discussion of the Van Tassell case. By JUDY YATES been altered by the State Highway Dept. "This means that the membership is a State News Staff Writer The changes involve creation of a Farm continuously moving group that changes Lane intersection and tightening of the with the times," Lincoln Pettit, chairman of ■ Dept. of Natural Science Ad Hoc Bogue Street interchange, but no new mittee for the committee and professor of natural Reappointment and Tenure science said. location for the route, Robert Perrin, vice ■all, 1972, will meet president for University relations, said today to continue Downes, who did not recieve reasons for •eration of the reappointment of Eileen Sunday. his nonteappointment for the 1971-72 1 Tassell, asst. professor of natural "The State Highway Dept. delivered to the *ce. academic year, was granted a one-year contract extension last spring by a class University Friday some revision of its ■ committee decided to recommend previous plans. The Bogue Street ■•st the reappointment of William L. action of the Dept. of Natural Science. intersection has apparently been redesigned ■nes. asst. professor of natural to take up less land and therefore would not science, at ■eting Friday. The action, which also affected Ms. Van be as close to the Veterinary Clinic," Perrin 11'He same meeting, Ms. Van Tassell met Tassell and fellow asst. professor Bertram said. T the committee to appeal the Murray, followed a motion passed by the "The revised plans for the Farm Lane board of trustees in April. That motion liminary set of reasons for her crossing call for an interchange instead of an offered a one-year contract extension to all ■appointment. She received the reasons underpass," he said. | and was given seven days to appeal. faculty members who were not reappointed The revisions in the plans, which were not reasons in fall 1971 and who did not receive reasons released to the University until Friday, for the Downes for the nonreappointment. jnmendation will be forwarded to the reportedly do not include any change in the Prtmenl chairman. The location of the cross-campus route. Current ■man will use department The trustees offered the extension after the recommendation plans locate the highway from the Ms. Van Tassell and Murray filed a charge of T considering his recommendation to unfair labor practices with the Michigan Trowbridge Road exit at 1-496 to Grand |ean. River Avenue at Park Lake Road, east of Employment Relations Commission. Their East Lansing. |>anuel Hackel, chairman of the Dept. of lra' appeals to department committees and the Science, said Sunday he had not University Tenure Committee had failed to The highway would cross MSU property |ved ■ donany reasons. ( know secure a satisfactory resolution of from Harrison Road on the Hagadorn Road on the east, running through west to what else can be done ■ easement which extends north 200 feet ■ jng ties said the appeal," Downes said Sunday. an from the Grand Trunk railroad tracks. The he will wait and see what ■ $9.7 million plans show the Bogue Street J>ns are made in the proposed Interim fci„ fPrievance Procedure before interchange with the highway and the F 8 ,f he will take farther action. railroad tracks pasing under Bogue Street. proposed Interim Grievance Sunny Perrin said Sunday that the State Highway ("p is scheduled to go before the Dept. intends to open a public display on | F aculty Council Nov. 2. Tuesday in Kellogg Cneter which would fcni. p L.' Pd Hoc Committee . J"*6"1 and Tenure, composed of for . . and windy with a high in the Taylor in st illustrate its current highway plans. Almost 40 individuals and organizations A stereoscope view of pop music artist James Taylor reveals intense determination as he performs before a L .^ Acuity members, has met eight sell-out crowd at Jenison Fieldhouse. The have the vice formally registered with the office of PV 20, Four recently-tenured concert, held Friday night, was sponsored by ASMSU. (See article on president for University relations to I "ave joined the committee since page 5). speak at the highway hearing Thursday, state News photo by Jeff Wilner (Please turn to page 11) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October U 19?| news Curb medical costs, MO says Erickson Kiva honoring the first groups can work together for a resident, is president of the Garland Lane, D- Flint class of the MSU College of common goal- better health Michigan Osteopathic Medicine of the Joint Capita summary From the wires of AP and UP1. __ The . . .. .. greatest objective of healthcare is tocontain Us cost , Osteopathic Medicine. MSU has Unlverilty.bl8ed the only an£ care for all Americans. "To do our part, government must we first in Advisory Board, which is advisory to the board of trustees. Subcommittee chairman of Appropriations Coi and the , and Receiving the awards were: '"mmitte,. Pres dent state.supported <*„ of streamline, restructure w I Ilia especially now d Nixon santi-lnfiationary efforts, Osteopathic Medicine ^ the DuVal,"an Dr. M.D. and former natjon The MtUL 36.member initiate truly innovative planning for the full and efficient dean of the University of ^Wyandotte,' House a top-ranking federal physician dass wi„ A said at a press conference Fnday thejr diplomas utilization of the enormous Arizona Medical School; Rep. Committee PP/opri.ti- in jg-jg John following a convocation in resources that are at our Josephine Hunsmger, D-Detroit, member of Dr. Merlin K. DuVal, assistant the p disposal," DuVal said. chairwoman of the House State Osteopathic Hospital r2! secretary for health and DuVal told the students that Affairs Committee; Sen. Charles Dr. Alan M. Potts nasi "Our bill is so full of scientific affairs in the U.S. "whenever professional 0. Zollar, R-Benton Harbor, loopholes McCHA elects , Department of Health, standards and performance chairman of the Senate Df the Michigan 'j^, that you could drive a truck Education and Welfare (HEW), Osteopathic PhysirianT appear to serve the interests of Appropriations Committee; Sen. Surgeons, through it." executive board said he Sieves ph** 2 of the the profession more than those Rep. William Springer freeze will not involve "special of the public, it Is the public R-Rhode Island MECHA, the campus treatment" for health care interest that will prevail." organization of University and systems. He emphasized, community Chicanos, elected a however, that some controls on Also convocation speaking at the were: Warren M. Laureate to discus See related set of all-female officers already established federal article, page 3. Huff, MSU Board of Trustees; Wednesday night. insurance The new members of the Medicaid), will be programs (Medicare, enacted, but currently at nii\/Ai DUVAL a ^ "crossroads" in John Cantlon, provost; Myron S. animalcell changes executive board are Tonatzin that fee-setting would probably health care, he disclosed, Magen, dean of the College of Alfaro, East Lansing freshman; not be one of the controls. therefore, some bills in Congress Osteopathic Medicine; J. Nobel prize laureat Charles B. Huggins from the Lupe Soliz, South Bend, Ind., But until physicians involve providing "socialized" or Langdon Taylor, Jr., assistant University of Chicago will present a talk "Transformation sophomore; and Rebecca Soza, themselves personally in the completely federally-funded dean for student affairs and of Normal Animal Cells" at 4 p.m. today In 109 Lansing freshman. The secretary Anthony attempt to cut health care medical programs involving admissions, College of Hall. is Rosa Suarez, Lansing prices, the cost will not go salaried health services. China may lose seat freshman, and the treasurer is down, he said. "Th'8 is close as we may Osteopathic Medicine and Robert Perrin, vice president for Winner of the 1966 Nobel prize in physiology or Diana Villastrigo, Lansing DuVal discussed the come to complete socialization, medicine, Dr. Huggins received the honor for his work freshman. university relations, on possibility that Americans are DuVal said. He stated that such the use of female hormones to treat cancer of the Seven persons were recipients prostate action would involve a move in gland in males. Qf the first annual presentation U.S. Ambassador Geroge Bush says he is worried the wrong direction, in the sense Qf the Walter F. Patenge medals The talk is about stories going around that the United States will that all sponsored by the MSU Dept. of Physiology professional medical for health care, education and and the lose its fight to keep Nationalist China in the United services would be salaried by the College of Human Medicine. The public is invited. public service. Nations. government. salad DuVal commented he is in Patenge, an East Lansing He expresses concern that other governments might favor of a national health believe these accounts and vote against the United State insurance plan that meets the thinking they will wind up on the winning side. needs of people—the employees NIXON WORRIED Twenty-one nonaligned or Communist nations are sponsoring the so-called Albanian resolution calling for the seating of Red China and the ousting of the in a as well as the is not He voiced employers—one that contains cost, and one that exclusively governmental. approval for some of Struggle over welfare Nationalists. President Nixon's health care sandwich plans, but some was not in favor of of the Senate's suggestions. At the convocation, DuVal could delay tax-cut bill said he was 'Interested in WASHINGTON (AP) — the committee majority is not less pressure to pass the creating opportunities for President Nixon's tax-cat bill going to act on the proposal, No enthusiasm for Assistance-Welfare Reform Byrd conversation among federal and private entities" so that the two could become entangled in a Senate Finance Committee The committee killed the plan in the last Congress after It would be left as the only - item in the House bill. struggle over his welfare-reform passed the House. This year it program, and he is moving to has bottled up the legislation Long said that he, for would like to add the head off any such impasse. since it passed the House a Sen. Fred Harris of Oklahoma said Any such intracommittee second time in June, Security provisions to the bill. Sunday he would not support fellow fight could mean a long delay In Ribicoff favors a somewhat Democrat Sen. Robert C. Byrd if the Senate action on the more liberal version of the plan "But I'm not going to West Virginian were nominated for House-passed $15.4-billion that Nixon recommended, for adding Family Assistance You'll find lettuce, tomatoes and tax-reduction measure, He is having his ideas drafted the Supreme Court. special the tax bill if I can help it," something which could be a as an amendment for a possible Another Democrat, Sen. George seasonings nestled among the meats and blow to Nixon's over-all told a newsman. Save! Save! Save! severe attempt to get It added as a rider McGovern of South Dakota, said he cheese in every Hobie's submarine. Your economic program. "Ill fight against that to the tax-cut measure. choice of a wide variety of sandwiches. Nixon told the committee we're hip deep in snow" would keep "an open mind" on the If this were done, he said, it here or even until next matter, although he would not submit chaiauM<,.Sgs. Russell B. Long, wolild add to the D-La., while still supporting the administration's economic Byrd's name for nomination if he Long said that, since S administration welfare proposal package $5.5 billion of obvious if one side tries to were president. McGovern Senate confirmation predicted if Byrd is TV strongly, he does not want it tied purchasing power for the to the tax legislation. nation's poorest families. welfare reform to the tax bill other would move to add" Hobie's nominated. Nixon said that, if the tax cut The committee's conservatives is to have the beneficial effects have a Security, the result might Ji¬ BY THE TERM! on the economy that he expects, mind. different strategy in be that neither would make try. Free it should be enacted into law by Delivery Some of them would like to early November if at all possible, lift out of the bill passed by the New settlers discouraged l^e^Ui^Pizza Free Service Free Pick-up But the opposing sides in the House in June welfare battle both look on the would Increase provisions which "President Nixon way. He wants us to pass a sees it Social Security tax bill," he added. DELIVERY PHONE 351-3800 $25.°° per terra tax bill as an opportunity for maneuvers to aid their cause. payments and raise welfare benefits for the aged, blind and The Finance Committee Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff, disabled. Seekers of clean air and wide 930 University TV Rentals begin hearing public \ open spaces apparently Trowbridge Road Dine in or carry out. D-Conn., chief supporter of the They believe that, if these on the tax bill Tu" still are moving to Oregon despite a campaign by some 351-7900 welfare plan in the finance could be enacted as a part of the panel, said he now is convinced tax bill, there would te much AFL-CIO President residents - including the to Meany, astrong critic of governor - discourage new Nixon settlers. program, is Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Until 9 .FLASH GORDON*. Wednesday. Early this year, Gov. Tom McCall, in a nationwide p.m. television boradcast, told the rest of the nation: "Come S\ COMING TO LZ The chairman said he !.opa visit us again and again. This is a state of excitement. get the measure out of IF But for heaven's sake, don't MSU? committee and to the Sd come here to live." floor for debate by the end I October. Javits urges cooperation Can you take really great pictures? Sen. Jacob K. Javits, R-N.Y., urged union leaders Sunday to cooperate with President Nixon's Phase 2 Miss J's best .. .you can with a Canon economic program. And he assured of Living Council will not veto them that the Cost rainy-day companion Pay Board decisions which labor might is help shape. a lined cotton Principal labor leaders thus far have not responded to administrationProPosa,s that they participate in the new canvas coat treated Pay Board to set policy on increases in wages and salaries. to shed water like a duck's back. . . Political crisis brewing contemporary version of the trench coat, A political crisis will be simmering behind the scenes as Vice President Spiro T. Agnew arrives in this topstitched for contrast. deeply troubled North Atlantic Treaty ally Monday to conduct talks with President Cevdet Sunday and Premier Nihat Navy, natural, grape, Erim. At democracy. stake is Turkey's wobbly The crisis arises from a confrontation between the parliamentary brown. 7-15 sizes. $26. Cation educated elite, personified by former law porfessor Erim FEATURING with 50mm f/1.8 Lens and backed by the officer corps of a tough army, and conservaitve politicians who command rural 500,000-man MUte^jA&Op' • Through-the-Lens Spot Meter • Fast QL Film elective support from about 60 per cent of the 36 Loading System • Breech-Lock ONLY million population. • Fast » Lens Mounting Microprism Focusing Pall 9. U/mhaII Bell & Howell ■ $10)95 Guarantee London Bridge restored * And Lots More! Drop in for a demonstration of this tine camera. Shorter and humpier than when it spanned the Thames River, the London Bridge was to service in the Arizona desert Sunday. formally restored MK$ PN0T0 SHO The Lord Mayor of London, Sir Peter Studd, and 524-26 Arizona Gov. Jack Williams hailed the reconstructed 140-year-old bridge as a symbol of friendship between England and the United States. JacoteorifS Phone: 484-7414 E.Michigan Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October II, 1971 3 OPINIONS AT MSU Economists rap Nixon's policy By NICK MIRON attention to what is actually those that would freely be set State Newt Staff Writer "In the meantime the president dollar in happening." wi thout any control at all. his speech was On the js slapping on these tremendous new pay board (made up "The best thing the president intentional. Phase (2) of President Nixon's of five representatives each of quotas on foreign textiles, solely "He wanted to new economic sw econom cBO cvdrewm policy drew mixed*ed i9h.,r can do to Mt inflation 7 o Z To Sin£ gei me souinern votes keep the foreign labor, management and the ,u=_ this 10 per cent surcharge in tne competitors in suspense, reactions from a sampling of four public to stop inflationary wage on 1972 elections He is imports, also reduce import American consumers 'making especially Japan where there is J MSU economists since the President's interviewed speech and salary increases), Officer commented that it may be just a tariffs generally, even if other pay for their clothing," Officer said, more increasing pressure to depreciate. The IKS. policy now is to countries don't go ahead. The Officer put Thursday. little throwing of fish to the next best was outspoken on the maximum pressure on Japan. Professors Lawrence Officer, workers to give them the thing is to have a firm interest and Dividends antitrust policy. Break up the big Japan is very stubborn, they do Committee (which will apply not want to depreciate the SsrJSz ST!.™ S 55&M; monopolies in big business. up" This is why the president is not yen. agreed that in many respects the wage rates, areas with care not to drive credit telling everything that he has in president s speech had been a The third thing he should do is from "The pay board can make housing or other critical mind," Koo said. to begin breaking up the powerful - ... . . - i--.* — "non-event". Nixon had ' , — — areas)"s<" °Uic^ many issues still up in the mandate will be «id• "Ite powerful to have unions. The tremendously "To control interest rates you they said. unions should have Saks noted that the real issue is puiHplinps hut guidelines, but whatever it says or thelr power controlied just as big might have to print an awful lot Qf money, to keep interest at the Piranhas get determines can be overruled by business is controlled. These same level," he said. Interest has Freewh the^areas KXTeside^t'isnit III! ^st of Ljving °«u"cil.fnd three things would go a long way ».wfn?ahnn, to be d^iredTnafreemarket! rides from ducks talking about. 2?^.'<3?un?" " toward reducin8 inflation and at made up solely of high level civil the If we have our interest rates too "The things talked about in servants and members of cabinate employment, time^ increasing Officer iow a |Qt Qf American money will |veral students find that freewheeling a bicycle is a great way to get to class on a fine fall speeches are said. "It would be side issues", Saks a shame if we rank." Koo stated that the definition concluded. |eave the country. This would hurt our balance of payments. SAN PAULO (AP) Guarapiranga Reservoir, source - Moore was generally displeased of most of the drinking water for payed too much attention to the of windfall profits is "This is just a phony issue to State News photo by Robert Eckner vague. The with the Nixon course of action rhetoric and not enough President could disrupt the gjve the workers the impression Sao Paulo, has become a breeding in recent months and said he felt competitive nature of some that everyone is suffering. W3ll, if ground for piranhas because wild - business ,f some companies are continuing controls would not Nixon continues with thpsp ducks migrating from affected and others not, Koo said, ea* inflation pXies every^r will S southwestern Brazil forty World War II controls didn t people inadvertently pick ... and noted further that it suffering," Officer stressed. up the newly may reprei"'Inflation, •nrpfie infiafinn wo "Moore said. Koo felt tnat that wixon s laiiureio hatched fish in their feathers and ^Do ie.i Nixon's failure to SSiU. any real ?»»H?»tlCal teeth. P'°y With°Ut the "Jhey war P°stP°ned let up. il until after That is all that this mention the international trade deposit them in the reservoir, a "What situation or the plight of thp naturalist reports. we should really do is doing—postponing until the ———————— •remove the obstacles to free day they go up." Itudying prices," Officer said. "That is, highway Officer was disturbed over the remove the tariff, remove the president's statement that we By KAREN ZURAWSKI State News Staff Writer Paul Hamel, an East Lansing graduate student, pointed out that the area is in the walk, feels more committed to the idea of alternative solutions after seeing that tariff surcharge; break monopolies; and break powerful labor ™ unions. The J™.va" up up vast (taken to mean the government) would not let special interests hold sway over the rights of the hold sway ove (=) important for classes and research. general public. the "land is not lying fallow but is Lrly 40 people struggled through tall The only two cattail marshes on being used campus for classroom purposes. I grass and marshy land Sunday, as they would be destroyed and birds such as the "It dramatizes the problem the The State News, the student Id along the proposed cross-campus meadowlark, and pheasant would have no faces and the potential loss involved," he University newspaper at Michigan State Kay route. University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter place to go, he said. said. and Spring school terms, SALAD & SPAGHETTI GORGE I two-hour walk sponsored by Between 1962 and 1966 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays approximately Don Stevens, D-Okemos, of three during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition jonmental Interpretation, one of two 16,000 student hours were spent in Baker MSU Trustees who toured the route in one in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. All you can eat Tuesday Night J areas in the Dept. of Park and Woodlot under such departments as botany, another walk Saturday, agreed with the Member Associated Press, United Press $"L95 Ration Resources, attempted to show forestry and animal ecology. International, Mayor's observation. Inland Daily Press Association, Kological effects of the highway. Gysel expressed concern about Baker "I was impressed. I didn't realize how Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Michigan Press Association, Wine Special I walk went west from the Grand Trunk Woodlot because it is located near the . Collegiate Press LIZARDS much the departments used the area," he Association. lad crossing on Hagadorn Road to the proposed Bogue St. interchange, and would 224 Abbott said. Second class postage paid at East >nand Trowbridge traffic light. become the center of an influx of cars. Lansing, Mich. Editorial "There are so many things growing out and business offices at 345 Student Services Ilie W. Gysel, professor of fisheries and Environmental Interpretation conducted Bldg., Michigan there of great value," he added. "We may be State University, East Lansing, Michigan. ■fe and forestry, spoke of the loss of the public tours through the proposed highway the only university with open space of that Jbdt area, trees, grass and shrubs along area and Baker Woodlot last year. Each kind." Phones: lighway. He said the highway would week-end during spring and summer terms Trustees Frank Hartman, D-Flint, and News fee the park-like character of the 355-8252 10 to 20 people toured the area, Hamel said. Kenneth Thompson R-Grand Rapids, also Classified Ads 355-8255 Mayor Gordon Thomas, who participated participated in the Sunday tour. Advertising 353-6400 Business Office 355-3447 impaign costs bill B VFLASH GORDON^ |ay stir party battle COMING TO MSU? *' "What should I LsHINGTON (AP) — Two House committees have laid the Jdwork for a potential partisan battle over two bills to limit ■ign spending by national candidates. i Republican tion. says President Nixon might veto any such START TJE T_M RICHJ I spend on a music je of the bills would tie spending to the number of voters in praphical area and the other, to the total population, t House Rules Committee has to clear either bill before it Jet to a vote ■ything but lur and that committee has set an Oct. 1 deadline emergency legislation. bill is so full of loopholes that you could drive a truck Study Aids available ■ system?" (An important question deserving of ■hit," Rep. William L. Springer, of Rhode Island, said, t commerce bill would limit spending to 10 cents for each in the following courses j a straight answer. We'll risk one:) I This could run as You probably should spend $650 on high as $14 million in a nationwide ■ ■ign. TV RENTALS Natural Science: I our Advent/Kenwood/PE /Shure system. Why are ■■HBH ■ EMEMBER Delivery 181-191A-191B-191E-192A-192C-193A-193C ■ we so sure? WHEN ? WcZlf.n $9.50 « Social Science: The system we have for $650 is not NEJAC TV RENTALS 231 -231A-231B-231D-232-232A-233-233A just a good value (although we do act. 23 337-1300 J think it's actually the best value now ATL: 111-112-113 available in hifi equipment.) Nor is it ■ just a question of its sounding "good Humanities: 241242243 for the money" Our Advent/Kenwood tentori¬ ■ /PE/Shure system is Chemistry: 130-131141 unique among all the systems that can be put together: it is a stereo Psychology: 170489 radio/phonograph system that is al™"" nothing less than the right, complete¬ ® Economics: 200-201 ■ ly satisfying choice for most people with a demanding interest in both J# music and sound at a price far History: \ — uteri. oc4. b 121122 lower than such a system would have The Advent Loudspeakers have over the greatest number of stations to be cost just a few years ago. and over again proved true the claim received in truly listenable form. 11:00 pm. Statistics 121 originally made for them: they pro¬ ■ An ambitious claim to be sure. But vide the kind of performance associ¬ The PE 2038 Automatic Turn¬ Glial srflables Sociology 160 one which, from experience, we are ated with speakers then and now table does its job smoothly and not afraid to make. Our $650 sys¬ costing far more. reliably; its heavy platter turns tem will do the following for you: Math- 108 109-111-112-113 S records at a constant speed, quietly. There is a gentle changing mechanism ■ ■ It reproduces the entire fre¬ The Kenwood KR 5150 AM/FM Stereo and a convenient cueing control. The quency range of all music, without Receiver is yet another example of Plus book digests on the Shure M93E Cartridge transmits all girl in1effesfe( * annoying coloration or distortion, at the wonderful way your inflated the sound that is on the record, and levels which will comfortably fill dollar now buys much more real m modeling, call ^ following at 50M, A5M5U POP ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS _.e were no stage antics, no Tonight" to the driving rock of "One Man leessary embellishments Parade." ■ the band. Just a couple of 1 of James Taylor and his ' Yet through all the songs, It I after every song, you T*y|or4 maintained his own left with the impression down counterfeit tickets. With characteristic style, taking it Ja lot more liad gone c ion those difficulties, the show easy and end|ng up sounding like I than had actually taken started about 50 minutes late. he meant every word he sang. That is the power of When the concert did start, Even on "Steamroller," or's understated, simple Taylor came out alone and did a Taylor's parody of young bands I Music and lyrics blend into few songs by himself, calling on who claim to be playing blues, pnonious whole. the other band members only as his integrity and simplicity e crowd waited in line in he needed them. When they turned the song into more of a ain outside the fieldhouse came on, they took their seats ligitimate effort than a mere I Taylor's band fixed some quietly and seemed more parody. i equipment and the Pop concerned with playing well While the lyrics might get a Jrtainment crew hunted than trying to present an image. bit ridiculous in parts ("I'm a napalm bomb for you baby/ stone guaranteed to blow your mind"), the easiness of style and the basic bass pattern in the background let you see the song for what it is: besides taking at pokq at pretentious bands, , Taylor is also trying get you N ALLIED RADIO receiver, A it_ to tap your feet and move are presently available at the around a iittje J an estimated value of $65 following locations. Marshall Itolen from the first floor of Music, Dagwoods, Lum's, White Admittedly, things could have |rfield Hall at 12:15 a.m. Monkey, Sportsmeister, Country gone off a little better Friday y, officers report. Entry to Store, Campus Book Store No. night. The equipment didn't om was gained by cutting 2, and Jenison Ticket Office for have to blow up. Some young [ screen andopening the low. The student $1.00. All proceeds from the entrepreneur didn't have to owner of game will go to St. Judes make everyone wait in the rain Receiver reported to police Children's Hospital in Memphis because he was after a quick ■w someone driving away in Tenn., for ALSAC (Aiding buck with his counterfeit fite Pontiac or Oldsmobile. Leukemia Stricken American tickets. There were some are looking for the Children.) complaints that the echo was a ICKETS FOR THE bull I football game to be held at |m. Sundav, Nov. 7, in Ran Stadium, officers report, loup initiates lek of study I reform topics Rucational Reform Change lurces is sponsoring a week lonsciousness topics and Riences beginning 8 p.m. on the second floor, 1 Lounge. Areas focused will be Children's lotion, Bn, the the Students Labor Degrading Grading »ii, Teaching as a Subversive ply, and the Totalitarian ■room Game. Angel Flight is more than a service sorority. Angel Flight is a concerned group of MSU women who give part of their time and energy to help ... an orphanage in Korea, a 3rd grade class from Lansing, and a lot more. Monday We welcome you to join us, to participate in Angel Flight and to share our concern. Visit us Oct. 11 & 12 in the Union Green Room at 7:00 p.m. for bpen Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SAVE ON REVCO BRAND NATURAL-ORGANIC VITAMINS WWITH THESE COUPONS COUPON GOOD FOR 50< OFF Natural Health Foods and Vitamins Department, At Revco's New Discount COUPON GOOD FOR 50< OFF COUPON GOOD FOR 50« OFF REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC VITAMIN B-12 MULTI-VITAMIN FORMULA 25 meg, Bottl# of 100. ^Bottle of H|£ HelpsJn the formation and regeneration of ^|d bloc|£cells, iupplte* a tfomjrt tliius helping to prevent an^Siia;; •atsi i.. and increased apnv».« kbbi revco's low. everyday »»€ocil# PI SP6cWw.lmiI Y D ATDTSCfWNT PWCE $2.39 WITH COUPON ONLY 59< WITH COUPON ONLY $1.89 coupon expires october 23, 1971 COUPON EXPIRES OCTOBER 23. 1971 COUPON GOOD FOR 50< OFF COUPON GOOD FOR 50< OFF COUPON GOOD FOR 50< OFF REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC RUTIN-C WITH BIO-FLAVONOID VITAMIN E v ■ | i KlOgable A rich natural dietary s 1 i V *p vl FJavonOids ail revco'S IOW. everyday DISCOUNT PRW$$1.89 wm EVERYDAY WSCOUttt PRIOi $3.69 WITH COUPON ONLY $1.39 WITH COUPON ONLY WITH COUPON ONLY 49< $3.19 COUPON EXPIRES OCTOBER 23, 1971 COUPON EXPIRES OCTOBER 23, 1971 COUPON EXPIRES OCTOBER 23. 1971 COUPON GOOD FOR 50< OFF COUPON GOOD FOR 50< OFF COUPON GOOD FOR 50< OFF REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC SOYBEAN LECITHIN TABLETS | 90% PROTEIN TABLETS KELP TABLETS WH ffraios per tablet. ICO tablet fctfffle. Bottle of 200. 250 tablet bottle. Ail excellent natural-organic dietary |H^plenMWl. §so#e o Mist constat Rich REVCO'S LOW, EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRIC£|l.l9 y intake of ndtujspl soidte /i grains. 100 tablet bottle 75 mg. 100 tablet bottle Regularly $1.19 Only $ .69 — — Regularly $1.49 Only $ .99 6 minims. 100 capsule bottle — Regularly $1.09 Only $ .59 REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC VITAMIN C WITH ROSE HIPS BEVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC ACEROLA WITH "C" TABLETS REVCO NATURAL-ORGANIC ALFALFA TABLETS 300 mg. 100 tablet bottle — Regularly $2.99 Only $2.49 120 mg. 100 tablet bottle Regularly $1.29 — Only $ .79 8 grains. 250 tablet bottle — Regularly $.99 ALL REVCO BRAND Only $ .49 NATURAL-ORGANIC VITAMINS HAVE AN UNCONDITIONAL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION CHECK OUT THESE NATURAL-ORGANIC FOOD VALUES IN REVCO'S NEW NATURAL HEALTH FOODS DEPARTMENT HOLLYWOOD LASSEN FAMILIA SWISS EL MOLINA SEELECT PEANUT OIL GRANOLA HUNZA CEREAL SUNFLOWER ALFALFA 16-OZ. BAG. SEEDS MINT TEA SEA SALT 13-OZ. BOX. 26-OZ. B0l Excellent ior Ready to eat Mixed cereal with cereal. Kids love Natural sea waW salads and iruit and almonds. The finest selected it! No preserva¬ Large, tasty meats salt with magnfr line cooking. Product oi tives added. freshly hulled from Alfalfa leaves and sium carbonal' Switzerland. select sunflowers. Peppermint leaves. added I* free flowing REVCO'S LOW. EVERDAY REVCO'S LOW, EVERYDAY REVCO'S LOW, EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE REVCO'S LOW, EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE DISCOUNT PRICE 37$ DISCOUNT PRICE ^ EVERY DAY IS SAVINGS DAY ON EVERYTHING AT REVCO! REVCO DISCOUNT OPEN MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. CENTERS 211 EAST GRAND RIVER PHONE: 351-7040 AMERICA'S FASTEST GROWING DISCOUNT CHAIN! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 11 1971 Here's to your health! It's time you learned the facts about Natural-Organic Health Foods and Vitamins. Vitamin B-12. Just one of the B Vitamins. Just one of the elements your body In Revco's new Natural-Organic Health Foods Department, you'll find Vitamin needs. Many things use up the B Vitamins in your body. Things that almost B every¬ supplements and other excellent supplements. one comes in contact with. Almost every day. Plus multi-vitamin formulas with B Vitamins, and many other vitamin So, if you want to keep the party going on, you've got to keep the B Vitamins com¬ supple¬ ments. All are derived from natural-organic sources. All are low, ing in. Every day. everyday discount priced. In the main, vitamins come from sources outside your body. From the foods you If you alreadv take vitamins, take second look what eat. The right kinds. In the right amounts. a at natural-organic vitamins offer you and your family. If you're thinking about taking vitamins, think over what Unfortunately, modern processing often removes the B Vitamins from the foods we eat. you just read. It's your party. Keep it going. So, a lot of people have turned to vitamin supplements. And a growing number of people are now buying natural-organic vitamins, instead of synthetic ones. ONLY REVCO OFFERS THESE GUARANTEES Natural-organic vitamins are extracted from their natural sources ... fruits, vege¬ OF QUALITY AND SATISFACTION tables, meats and seafoods. r* Scientific Associates <^irr C0N1*°> 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October | -SPORTS U-M drops Spartans been built for the Spartans near By GARYSCHARRER slumped after an openjng gf me remaining to set up Kolch s theendof the second quarter. touchdown drive and second State News Sports Writer touchdown. MSU Trailed 10-7 at half-time quarter field goal, needed only but mounted a drive in the third A late fourth quarter nine plays after the fumble touchdown by both U-M and A Spartan Stadium record quarter that took the crowd of Spartans all recovery to score a Bill Taylor M®U closed out the scoring, but 80,093 were on hand the way to the Wolverine 14 yard touchdown. Taylor, who ran *he Wolverine score, which was Saturday to watch the poise of line and a first down at that point, the country's second ranked roughshod through and around se* UP on a Manderion fumble on Quarterback Frank Kolch, the Spartan defense in the limited the ^-M kickoff following team, University of Michigan fullback Paul Manderino and time that he played, ran for 117 overcome an upset bid by MSU, Taylor's touchdown, all but tailbacks Eric Allen and George yards in 15 carries and scored two defeating the Spartans, 24-13. clinched the Wolverine victory. Mihaiu provided the Spartan touchdowns. U-M recovered the fumble on But it was not until the fourth punch, and a fired up MSU Taylor demonstrated why he is MSU's 24-yard line and four plays quarter that U-M was able to offensive line together with the an all-America candidate and why later quarterback Tom Slade overtake the momentum that had enthusiasm of Spartan fans kept he is about to break U-M career went nine yards for the score, the touchdown tempo at a peak, rushing records of Tom Harmon Coin's conversion made the score Play went into the fourth and Ron Johnson. At the start of 24-7. quarter and it seemed apparent the game Taylor carried for the Mike Rasmussen engineered the that the MSU momentum would first four plays before carry them right into the on a 38-yard busting lost Spartans' second toughdown NOW SHOWING Wolverine end zone. However, a scoring sprint. with. just. over four minutes The Wolverines had to settle for remaining in the game. A 32-yard ELECTRIC HEATERS Spartan illegal motion penalty moved the ball back a Dana Coin 27-yard field goal in Pass to Mike Hurd sPark,ed the to the 19-yard line. The Wolverine the closing minutes of the second drive' pnd .a mterference defense then nailed Kolch for a quarter after the Spartan defense penalty against U-M gave MSU a nine yard loss. On a third down held U-M for three plays from the f,rst and goal sltuatlon from the MSU six-yard line. A,W "'°"f "" situation Kolch went back to pass MSU scored its first touchdown but did not survive a determined .. on the last play of the first half but the Spartans' two-point r#j4 . XL. —>— __ conversion attempt failed. but more importantly fumbled _ Spartan defensive lineman Ron MRS. MILLER over left tackle "for one yard. In Curi was named the outstanding the ball with U-M's Mike Keller recovering on the Wolverine the MSU drive the Spartans were given added life as a Wolverine 6 defensive player by ABC and probably summed up the strength Follow the bo 47-yard line. of U-M's backs better than roughing - the kicker penalty gave Wolverine defensive end Butch Carpenter (94) gives chase U-M's 10-7 lead. Then a penalty, a nine-yard loss and a fumble their final chance to go ahead or to MSU quarterback Frank Kolch and the lose ball. Play had halfbacks and fullbacks that U-M HOTEL 41-yard Kolch pass toSteve was a gave U-M control of the game. even kick a field goal to tie the just entered the fourth quarter when the Spartans had a first Kough who fought his way to the has sometimes they don t even State News photo by Tom Dolan one yard line. MSU called need a offensive line, down on the U-M 14-yard line and were threatening to break time-out with one second LANDRY ON TARGET , YAT WAH Restaurant DETROIT Lions outscore (UPI) - Greg lead and held off the Green Bay 60-yard touchdown pass from Coach Dan Devine ordered since 1969 when Landry had his best day as a Packers, 31-28. Landry to Larry Walton, who the obvious on-side kick attempt Donny running Anderson thre*B iL professional quarterback Zeke Bratkowski, 39 relieved earlier had scored with a catch but Wayne Rasmussen snared Sunday, throwing for 302 yards rookie quarterback Scott Hunter left-handed touchdown pis I of 10 yards. Walton took the Lou Michaels' soft line drive and and four touchdowns as the four yards to John BrorkinJ in the second half with the Detroit Lions piled up an early ball on his own 42 and Landry ran out the clock Anderson scored from a Packers trailing 24-7 and rallied himself. yi amazingly broke five tackles on out in the third quarter the Packers for three his way to the end zone. Earl McCullouch made good Mike McCoy recovered a fug] ^ touchdowns but it was a case of That left the score 31-14 on a 17-yard touchdown for Green Bay but Detroit J not enough and not soon enough pass midway through the third from Landry, who completed 18 right back on Landry's sc as Detroit, No. 1 against rushig, quarter and contained the National Football although of 29 attempts, when safety touchdown toss to Walton. I Bratpowski's scored on a Doug Hart slipped in the end Conference's top rushing attack. one-yard sneak and then threw a zone 5:01 into the game. Mike The difference eventaully five-yard touchdown pass to Weger took the first of two turned out to be a brilliant tight end Rich McGeorge with 56 seconds left in the game, it proved to be too much to interceptions Hunter threw and on the next play, Landry hit Biggie Muni Steve Owens with a 26-yard listedcriticj overcome. scoring toss over the middle. Owens also added 87 yards in 17 rushing attempts. MSU athletic Clarence "Biggie" Munn isil Errol Mann kicked a 12-yard in critical condition field goal 10 seconds into the followii| stroke Thursday afternoon second quarter before Green Munn, who is in the inteni Bay, now 2-2 scored against care unit at Sparrow Hospifl Detroit, 3-1, for the first time has showed some slin improvement but has not# cleared the danger zone. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS- Monday, October 11, 1971 9 i loss o crushing blow Rain Cigarettes 10% off The Discount Price ; |o Spartan title chances O's, B 2/69° on all Film Developing ' I By RICK state GOSSELIN Newi Sports Editor T?hn?.hrllnt0#fUmble' »et the ball on or near the in Seri limit 2 pkgs no limit I. win nnH. " ff .r ,g°'ng to Michigan one-yard line. BALTIMORE (UPI)-A (coupon) Expires after 10-15-71 (coupon) > Ro Schembechler and his , . . "!.iuat br°ton P1»y.?arly .. -— r—* v Tl>e oparuin Spartan aeiense defense was once steady 18-hour downpour that East Lansing Store Only Expires after 10-15-71 East Lansing Store ligan Wolverines, Saturday's *l^.*i?,etn£olch a8*in Plagued by poor field dumped 2'/i inches of rain on Only ^ L Ijoad was just another step along leading to the Big Ten n Jff! n^.oh 5 5S?ch P°sltlon- The Kolch fumble Memorial Stadium in Baltimore 2.25 3 changed the whole complexion Mld; That of paved the way for a 47-yard forced the cancellation Sunday of one of TV's biggest sports Michigan "coring march and the Kodak Color Film | Duffy Daugherty and his ine8ame- fumble on the ensuing kick-off attractions of the Jtans, It was something even - .. K , Paul Manderlno allowed the by Sunday game of the year—the World Flashcubes J^Tit C that many man-hours recSrS was losing a game — THE crowd of ... 80 093 .t Wolverines an even easier drive Series. 126, 127, 620 - so w.'tneL*' w'th 24 yards good Commissioner Bowie Kuhn j Spart>n Stad|um wag enough for I devoted to In anticipation of It wm a game that was wh.t wh\n? noS^rcrrd othw crowd h:de^ h«d ever ^he touchdown. announced EDT about 12:30 Sunday that the second p.m. 89° s, 99® Hike or break the Spartan Big a team moving the "I was surprised that they game of the Series between the limit 1 limit 1 I L season. To that was go further, It w« a to make or break }RlW?hSSi ^^ defense," Daugherty commented Baltimore Pittsburgh Orioles Pirates and was the being (coupon) Expireiafter 10-15-71 East Lansing Store Only (coupon) Explresafter 10-19-71 East Lansing Store Only » f Entire MSU season. afterthegame. "It'sreally hard to postponed until 1 p.m. EDT Tere were no excuses p wBrr ..u Duffy instituted a brand new score when you don't have the 1.35 135 Michigan was the better °ff®",e 'or jhe game, the ball and we had trouble getting i n the field The ntnerieia. Wolverines inewo.vennes 6 n1*!. confused. the Ann ho,d of the M,chl8an played Sandal foot a w k Arbor boysslightly . Kolch kept the Wolverines off good ball control. muig point Mystic or Leg Hugger One of the turning points in the fourth PlayerToV-piayerVMSU just ,^th.vhl8 Paaatng efforto, "I'd rather be In their position Frank Kolch was thrown for a nine quarter was when yard loss on a broken Panty Hose Panty Hose pjn't match up with what Ihiffan J=?dii ..ttlM rlght now than ln our8>" Duffy play. A flag was thrown, Kolch neglected to throw the ince had to offer. that Schembechier's The ? >ettlng up both touchdowns with pass plays that continued. "It's going to take great team to beat Michigan." a and the Wolverines declined the penalty. ball, 69° 53® State News photo by Terry Luke n exhibited was far superior hat MSU could contend with, it for a few seconds into the th quarter, the situation was WITHOUT KILPATRICK 2.00 |ng tense on the Michigan side field. Wolverines, the number Fitalon team in the country and one lie top three defensive teams Paoty Hose Panty Hose the nation in almost every ■gory, found themselves [peddling up the field as ik Kolch, Eric Allen and Co. Harriers blitz By GARY KORRECK Buckeyes 99® $109 [mered away at the weakening State News Sports Writer however, as they loped to four of ,l„ . , . , .. the best collegiate time he has run . . the first five Dlaces title. higan defensive line. The ►tans rtans pieceapieced logeiner together a anve drive Randy Kllpatrick didn't get his Behind Popejoy, who garnered «""•«where, his second straight win crossin8 the line at 25:07, also be right now," said Gibbard. At j IS11IS 3 plays covering 63 yards and was led assured of at least the second win Saturday but Ken Popejoy over Ohio State tried c^anUdnDaJe co-captain Dave Dieters^ Dieters, followed followed posted his best collegiate time. this point last year the Spartans i 1.00 1.79 [ng points as the ball rested on hardest and got his first by Rob Cool Cool, John Hammond of Gibbard n "'DDp™ ,r noted the finish of were 1-2. With a 3-1 mark thus far as the nsii OSU, and»nHnnnr«nufMeiT Ron Cool of MSU. Kon I'QOI ,^on ^°°'4 a^, • necessary this season they should be right Orion DrPySsSpoo Wolverine 14-yard line. MSU harriers stomped the Coach Jim Gibbard wmpd improvement. Cool finished at where they want to be November u\""s!m |it the Spartans couldn't with the big play to more than satisSedwiththe 25:26, just seven seconds behind 14, in the Big Ten winner's circle. MIX Knee Sox ^uad' s^performance > up Kilpatrick didn't run at ail, in re th" points. They were let ..h.utnnHh.m^u.ik. "quaes periormance. "We we ran ran the b Buckeye's . .. Hammond, and 12 brother - , tlized, thrown for losses, and, 69® ,oz' ■the turning point of the to* been cloee, with Bendy in We sincerely ITi G1^y ^ Ski teams have room The "sollt" referred Gibbard was just 36 seconds to bv f,nal Journey over «ve mile h0* wish to 1.15 between winner Popejoy and Ron "j «J* ™lle Invitational thank you >r interested skiers Cool, MSU's fourth man. Almost secondary to the ^hi?f *°n, ^ 8eason. at Arrid Extra Dry Crest both the mens and womens Intramural Building. Coach John conclusive victor were the Othh^nl^tnrnTh'lR . J* distances and^Dut ftnimH for making [teams at MSU will be starting Munn says that there is still conditions under which the meet them thr8ough second week of training room for both men and women w^ae some extra hill our first year 'orkouts being held who are interested in It was pouring down rain, „ work as preparation for this, and cominff meets "The next eo, 99c 59c are competitive skiing. Gibbard said, "The times were ci ,ft - " ... . a success. iday through Thursday from The ski teams will be racing in very good for the condition of the to 9:15 P.M. at the Men's the Central imoortant " he said After thp Intercollegiate Ski course; Kenny (Popejoy) missed Zu Expi res'aft er°10-15-71 1 Association (CISA) The £ year. |h. cjuree record by only 17 invitational MSU .NgVn^u* tn i . j , i, The league league includes includes universities seconds. plleyball I lGOfT) and colleges in Michigan, Popejou's time of 24:50 was ...uh with uinnnenie Minnesota, its main mnin 1st ANNUAL ANNIVERSARYFEST 1.50 1.00 Minnesota, Wisconsin, and challenger for the conference Oct. 11th thru Oct. 17th Coricidin "D" Gillette Platinum Plus I begin tryouts Munn will be coaching both I Iryouts for the women's the men and women teams. ^blei Cold Tablets Razor Blades Anyone needing information |rcollegiate volleyball team should call the ski club office FREE balloons to all kids less than 21 years old 1 be held today and In 4 to 6 p.m., each day, in Tuesday between 1 and 4 P.M. daily. WcUclie/iA, from 5 a.m. - 7 p.m. daily. 2„ 89® - 59c OF MICHIGAN limit 1 limit 1 |>m 127 of the Women's IM. For all you big Kids - our first, your first. East 1 undergraduate women are Lansing's first- PITCHER PUSHER PARTY. ExplresCa°ftePrTo-15-71 If you don't Monday night watch your FREE french fries with every pitcher at Specia our figure pARNES PIZZA NO ONE ELSE party. Bath Size FLORAL WILL! Your favorite imported beers that are no longer Phisohex listed on our menu are yours at cost while the OF EAST LANSING for Dial Soap meeting weekly in supply lasts. 2 BROSES SAY the UMHE Hall (next to ■ SO MUCH SO University Methodist) TUESDAY 9:30 AM 17® 5oz. $"| 09 ^BEAUTIFULLY price or 7:00 PM Open dally 11 a limit 3 655-2073 Call 351-2755 E.P AS,,,, .DIr.^°U.rTo. 15-7 , We telegraph flowers worldwide TOWN PUMP 1.19 Vaseline Tah-A-Day #3 307 S. Grand with Iron fejjANN ST. ED 2-0871 Lansing Newest styles Intensive Care Lotion Multivitamins iooz. c ,0°'s "he Marines are looking for in MSU Sportswear & a few atsSlss, EastPLM?°,""r°15-71 good men to lead. Every Pictore 1 ells A Story Now at the Rod Stiwart i on 6 Track S tereo An OFFICER of MARINES is a Tape Student Book Store. 99 leader. He is with the a college graduate knowledge and 2 ti ir 10-15-71 responsibility that most men will never know. Our PLC Program for Jerseys from $3.40 T-Shirts from $1.95 "ndergraduates requires no on Jackets . Shaft Sound Track from $6.95 campus training. The successful MSU blankets from $8.50 candidate receives a draft Sweatshirts and sweaters From $3.25 ^ on 8 Track Stereo Tape deferrment, tralm in the summer and receives his lieutenant's bars Also children's T-shirts, $299 limit 1 upon sweatshirts, sweaters, jerseys (coupon) graduation. Choose either and booties. Expires after 10-15-71 aii" East Lansing Store Only or ground. Contact Major w°OD at the PLACEMENT office. STATE DISCOUNT Student Book Store 307 E. Grand River Next To 421 E.Grand River 3:30 A.M. 11 thru 14 October "The Card - 4:30 P.M. Across from Olin Shop" 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 3558255 Fumbling With Storing o Problem ? Sell It With o Classified Ad, Now! GET Action WITH A Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING far Phil Prank For Rent The State News does For Sale For Sale not permit racial or, Want Ad religious in its discrimination advertising VOLKSWAGEN 1961 in excellent condition. $400 or best offer. GIRL WANTED to shareefficiency. 2 man. 316 Gunson. 351-9359. PLAYBOY, MAD magazines, baseball cards 1953 to date. CURIOUS MODERN OAK hfdtootr, Large bed.dresserir 489-4551. 3,10-13 3-10-12 ► AUTOMOTIVE columns. The State BOOK SHOP. 541 E. Grand River (downstairs) 1-6 p.m. 3-10-12 r„'C!^VBrv 487-3096.? re«son, Scooters & Cycles News will not accept VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Low mileage, ONE GIRL for Evergreen Arms. 4 man Auto Parts & Service advertising which good condition. Call 353-4156. apartment. Phone 351-3307. DINETTE TABLE SCIENCE FICTION. Paperbacks, with 6 5-10-11 5-10-14 | Aviation discriminates against for sale trade. piece bedroom magazines or suite «,uk ^'1 ► EMPLOYMENT religion, race, color or CURIOUS BOOK SHOP. 541 E. 484-2860. 5-10 lb h nW"i national VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1970. Pop Grand River (downstairs) 1-6 p.m. ► FOR RENT origin. up top, sleeps 4.1500 miles on re¬ 3-10-12 COLE'S BAKERY - ■ Apartments built engine. Fully equipped. TUESDAY ONLY 372-8520.3-10-11 ONE GIRL needed to share 4 girl Home -style white Spectal 4 u. I Houses LEONARD WHOLESALERS bread apartment next to campus. our bakery foods Rooms 332-4432.0 LOW PRICES ON MEIJER conc. ► FOR SALE Automotive Scooters & Cycles PHOTOGRAPHY THRIFTY ACR Okemos. South ONE GIRL needed for 4 man. Penn.vl'-i Animals West CORVAIR 1964, Monza, newly TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 250, 1600 Twyckingham, $70 / month. •Nikon Saginaw Road Frandor, Logan Center KR0G^| Mobile Homes rebuilt, immaculate. Need cash. miles, helmets included, $550. 351-6435.10-10-19 'Minolta Saginaw, 1721 North 40wi]| LOST & FOUND 371-3471.2-10-12 351-9428.5-10-14 ' Mamiya 0 10-12 Gr,J» I ► ► PERSONAL PEANUTS PERSONAL CORVETTE 1966. 2 tops, 38,000 HONDA 750 ,1971, customized paint LOOKING Open-end FOR leases a roommate? available. Call •Pentax •Yashica SAVE TO APPLES, PEARS, plums actual miles, radials. Phone job, customized seat and sissy bar. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, •Durst Pick sw^i REAL ESTATE * Bell & Howell your own apple, Fr£l 339-9234. 3-10-13 50% - 5,300 miles. Call before 3:30, 351-7910. O Saturday, RECREATION 485-2950. 3-10-12 •Miranda Sunday siOsaSr CORVETTE ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments ORCHARDS. 2 miles NoEL 1969 convertible. Sell Leslie on Hull SERVICE or trade. Call after 6, 349-2502. from $145. 10 minutes from Road. (0wuJ| SUZUKI 1971, 125cc. Sell for $400. 127) 589-8251. 9 6 Pf- -"*■ Typing Service 5-10-12 Excellent condition. 3818 MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE Complete Professional I Mondays. O . CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 TRANSPORTATION 1962 CORVETTE convertible, 4 Stillwell. 393-2816. 10-10-22 Keller Road, Holt. C J^OARKROOM^PgyigJ WANTED speed, 327, V-8, Headers, 5E.T. SUZUKI 1971 350. Rebel, like new, 1 P.M. DEADLINE one class day before mags. $1600. 482-7601. 5-10-12 COUGAR 1969. Body and running 2,000 5-10-15 miles. Call 393-1530. 'NOW WITH WE SINGLE GIRL to share furnished 2 bedroom. Meadowbrook Trace. Phone 351-7222 or 393-1865. (><><•<$>£$<•> up to $9.95. While Goodrich, 3-10-12 2116 they l.« E Michll ,7| 1 3-10-13 309 N. Washington publication. condition. Excellent tape deck. B.S.A. 250cc, 1968. Excellent Cancellations/Corrections Call 332-2753.3-10-13 condition. Engine just overhauled. 9XK2Z/Z. UWNZ, Mtoi. Fiberglass body. Bargain priced at KUSTOM AMP. Farfisa Gibson orgin iMl| - 12 noon one class day DODGE Pickup 1962. Excellent $325. Call 351-6208. 3-10-13 EMPIRE TROUBADOUR turntable. guitar. Bargain 332-2721. 5-10-12 Ptel before publication. running condition. $325. Robert's 778X reel to reel and 8 TRIUMPH ONE BEDROOM apartment. $135 track recorder. Thorens PHONE 349-0772. 1-10-11 $400 or TROPHY best offer. 250cc 1970. 351-4376. Employment Employment unfurnished or $150 furnished. tape TD150 Mark II turntable. Sony USED and SEWING machmei, up. Console 355-8255 FALCON 1967. Six cylinder. Sports 3-10-13 Available now. Phone 351-8183. 355 and 255 tape decks. Harmon - portables, zig - zags a Coupe, automatic, plus snows. SALES POSITION WAITRESSES: 3 shifts available. 5-10-15 Kardon AM/FM turntable and _ stitches. Over 60 RATES io w 882-2759. 5-10-15 1971 KAWASAKI 250 Enduro. Needs Excellent wages and tips. speakers. Panasonic RS-790-S ELECTRO to chooiifU, AUTOMOBILE REQUIRED 901 EAST automatic reverse tape recorder. 8 • GRAND, BMt. some parts. Sacrifice, $500. Experience preferred. Must have Oakland, 4 rooms FORD VAN 1965, Good condition, track tapes, used $2, new, $4. 8 Michigan, Lansing. Hours:9i.g] IV4-1524. 3-10-12 transportation. Call THE POUR furnished, utilities paid. Married 5 p.m. Saturdays. 9 can be seen between 9-12 a.m. 12.50 per HOUR, GUARANTEEC HOUSE. 646-6261. 5-10-15 couple. $135 a month, plus track home and auto decks, 131 West South Street, PLUS COMMISSION $29.50 up. Cassette recorders, SUZUKI 350 1970, 6 months old. deposit. After 3 p.m. 5-10-15 PHOTO Williamston. 655-3089. 3-10-13 Low mileage. $600 best offer. CHURCH OFFICE secretary. Typing, amplifiers, speakers, used records, EQUIPMENT! 337-0369. 3-10-11 NO DOOR KNOCKING. mimeographing, filing and payroll SUBLET, APARTMENT close to Police band radios, imported wall ♦Cameras FORD GALAXIE, 1966. Goodtires experience necessary. 5 days a campus. Needed immediately, tapestries and rugs, slate pool ♦Projectors plus two mounted snows. $600. ALL LEADS FURNISHED. week. Call 332-2559 Monday Norwood Apartments. 489-2210. table and accessories. All ♦Lenses KAWASAKI 250cc 1970, 1400 675-5145 after 6 p.m. 5-10-15 5-10-15 equipment tested and guaranteed. miles, $550 negotiable. 355-3703. through Friday, 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. ♦Accessories CONTACT BOB MORRISON 3-10-13 WILCOX SECOND 5-10-12 IMPALA 1969. Power steering, GUY NEEDED to sublet Cedar HAND STORE. 509 East Lowest prices in 20 13.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 power brakes, $1250. 353-5676. BSA VICTOR MONDAY, OCTOBER 11 RN and LPN - Are you interested rn Village Apartments winter and Michigan, 485-4391, 8-5:30 p.m. the Midwest 1968. Good 5-10-15 BETWEEN 1 and 5 PM ONLY. transportation. Too much bike for supplementing your income? Our spring terms. $70/ month. Monday through Saturday. Bank HOPE 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 JAVELIN SST, 1970, tape deck, vinyl price, but must sell, $375. PHONE, 372-1796 office, Homemakers, is a 337 2065. 1-10-11 Americard and Master Charge. CAMERA, INC. | 372-4321. 5-10-15 subsidiary of the Upjohn Layaways. C Mail order division 347 Student Services Bldg. roof and air. $2375. Call 355-5809 Company. We provide home GRADUATE after 5.5-10-12 STUDENT couple: 2 7601 Mentor Avenue All student ads must be ACCOUNTING MAJORS patient care on a temporary basis. FOUR 1971 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1970 bedroom furnished mobile home. Zig - Zag, $43.50. Small Sportster. Electric start. Like new, As a Homemakers employee, you Clean and quiet. 641-6601. O paint damage in shipment. In Mentor, Ohio 44060 prepaid MERCEDES 230-SL 1964. Dark Send for Free Price List $1650. Phone 351-6818. 4-10-14 may work when you want, earn a walnut sew table. No attachments I green. Very good shape. Engine temporary full or part time competitive rate and be fully 4 The State News will be ROOM furnished apartment. 1022 needed as all controls are built - recently overhauled, new tires, employment. We will teach bonded and insured at all times. SANSUI STEREO Receive 1969 HONDA 350. North Pine Street, near School for in. Makes buttonholes, sews on responsible only for the hardtop convertible. 332-4996. Super mint Federal, State and Local Income state, 55 watts For more information, call the Blind. IV2-9218.3-10-11 first 3-10-11 condition, extras plus insurance. Taxes. Some positions open buttons, blind hems and sews day's incorrect $495. Call October 11. Other Available 372-9644. 5-10-15 many fancy designs. Only $43.50' AM/FM/FMX, with walnj Andy, 332-5039. insertion. January IS, 1972 thru April IS, cabinet, two years old. Price $1|1 3-10-13 cash, or terms arranged. Trade - MERCURY 1966 4 door Monterey. Automatic, radio, 1972. Applicants must devote 20 hours per week to employment FOR and BABYSITTERS, housekeepdar". nurses aides, Homemakers, a Houses ins accepted. To insure Call after 6 p.m. 351-2607. 3-IImJ 4 excellent tires, 2 snow tires, FOR SALE: 106 Sears motorcycle. If and be able to attend our free tax subsidiary of the JWPjohn LAKE « satisfaction,, sold' by j demonstration free home MODERN BLONDE I interested, call Harold Timberlake, LANSING Rd^'home. Has 1 ' Automotive 1 15,000 miles. Excellent 351-9466, 484-8447. Price $250. clinic in December immediately Company, is interviewing for a available bedroom. Share rent and 484-4553, 9 a.m. only. to 9 Call like new, large dresser artdmii Also smaller dresser, and tx condition. $350. 351-3823 after end of fall term finals. You p.m. 7-10-12 variety of excellent positions. As utilities. No lease. Call 489-9756 ELECTRO GRAND. O evenings. S must be available to work thru - ALFA-ROMEO. 1969 Coupe. Not April IS, 1972. aHomemakers employee, you'll or 353-4515. 5-10-15 _ headboard. Call 487-3096. S cheap but very special. 349-2209 work when you want, earn a FOUR SWEEPERS. Brand PERSIAN LAMB coat, biic)| OLDSMOBILE 1970 Cutlass 1971 HARLEY - DAVIDSON new. Paint 3-10-13 competitive rate and be fully Sportster, 1,900 miles. Red, white Apply in person 9:30 AM to 12 damage in shipment. Excellent excellent condition, Supreme Convertible. Many noon, or phone for appointment, insured and bonded at all times. COMFORTABLE, COMPLETELY BONNEVILLE extras, top condition. Excellent and blue. $2000. 482-7601. furnished home. Close working condition. Includes all reasonable, 332-5406. 3-10-7 CONVERTIBLE. 8 8 2 -2 441. SIMPLIFIED Call 372-9644 between 9 a.m. - 5 to Very good car. Many extras. $850. buy. 372-0467. 3-10-13 5-10-12 transportation, cleaning tools plus rug shampooer. BOOKKEEPING AND TAX p.m. 5-10-15 shopping and Cash 372-1168, 372-1529. 10-10-14 SERVICE. 4305 South Cedar campus. $180 month. price, $18.95, or terms a Phone OLDSMOBILE 1963 Dynamic, 4 • Auto Service & Parts Street, Lansing. CHRISTMAS IS coming - Earn that 337-2015.6-10-15 available. Phone to 9 p.m. 372-3324, 9 a.m. door, new exhaust system, power To insure satisfaction, BUICK SPECIAL 1965, 4 door, needed extra cash. Opportunities 10 - SPEED SCHWINN Varsity Bi«| brakes and ROOMMATE: FURNISHED sold by free home automatic, 8 cylinder, $125. After steering. $275. MASON BODY unlimited. Call 371-2227. 5-10-15 house, demonstration 485-5897. 1-10-11 SHOP, 812 East Okemos. Must be mature and only. ELECTRO-GRAND. O New, women's, yellow. S 5 p.m. 337-1174.3-10-11 Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. 332-8213.3-10-13 clean, own bedroom. $90/ month Complete auto painting and GENERAL OFFICE - full time, $95 MAN WITH a van available 3:30 4 OLDSMOBILE 1963. "98." All - includes utilities, no lease. STEREO SEARS Silvertone. Good CADILLAC HEARSE 1955, good collision service. IV 5-0256. C / week. Phone 332-3591. CURTIS PM, daily. 485-3569, ask for Jim. Deposit - SUNGLASSES, SAFETY 1 power, 2 door hardtop, $250. and references. 694-8335. condition. $50 or best offer. running condition. Set EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 3-10-12 3-10-13 up for 371-1697. 3-10-13 tempered lens; or any optidl VW 0-3-10-13 353-8366. 3-10-12 camping. 337-0166. 3-10-13 - GUARANTEED repair. ONE GIRL for 4 man, own needs. OPTICAL DISCOUNT RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 COLLEGE MEN. Part time help room,$50 2615 PONTIAC 1970, 4 door Catalina. at plus damage deposit. 351-9302. East Michigan Avm 1940 CHEVROLET, 2 door sedan, Okemos Road. 349-9620. C TELLER — $96 / week. Phone available now. Full time in the CHEVROLET, 1965 - excellent 372-7409. C-5-10-15 Very clean, factory air, vinyl top, 3-10-11 condition. Truck with new needs engine work. Trade for fully 332-3591. CURTIS summer. Flexible hours. Excellent engine radio, power, turbo, good tiresand and clutch. 882-0902. operating VW H-D 74 or Triumph EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. pay. Car necessary. Call Mr. MT. HOPE, attention 10-10-21 I PAY YOU 5c if our free sa bike. UNCLE UH-UH TRUCKING original owner. $2500. 349-0480. Aviation 0-3-10-13 Burton, 489-1495 between students, 3 5-10-11 1 and 5. bedroom furnished. $230 per MARTIN D-35-S. Exceptional car shampoo streaks your >■ COMPANY, 624 Forest, East 2-10-11 month. 694-2775.5-10-11 wood. finish Lansing. 3-10-11 LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight ARTHRITIC LADY needs someone 2 years old. Very friendly. 1-10-11 or glass. Call 337-12

©pl E Rentals. Glassware, red and Completely furnished. Cooking. white check tablecloths. Call 372-8077. C 17 u » • 1 ■ ^6' After song CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING HOUSE CLEANING help needed. Twice weekly, car necessary. 349-4618.5-10-12 ONLY 349-2220. O . $9.00/month. Free deliveries. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV For Sale 15.Caddoan^ 19' 20. Aviators wn00? 48 Describe 50. Salt marsh 52. Relative 53Score 2. Lawfulness 3. Polygon with equal angles 4. Porker PART TIME and full time RENTAL. 372-4948. O CIDER AND apples. Pick your SKsr 5. Cut SQUEEZE? own. opportunity. Fluent phone voice BRENNER'S ORCHARD, Smith 6. Refusal 26. Less j. required. Sincerity and enthusiasm Rood, Eaton Rapids. 663-7756. Horseshoe t 7. Housewife's '21. 00 Ru*51^, KU5M«J" a must. 5 -10 p.m. Monday through Apartments 3-10-11 fiddler chore department Friday. 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.and Take your troubles to 3-8 p.m. Saturday. 11:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. and 5 10 p.m. - FURNISHED TWO bedroom TC-127 SONY stereo recorder. With VV cassette - Sunday. apartment near Sparrow Hospital. meters, Salary plus bonus. $2 $5 per hour, - 2 to 4 people, recording limiter and headphone $175.00 to $195. depending on ability. Personal jack, $100. 372-5461.4-10-12 PARK WEST Includes utilities, except electric. interviews from 5-10 p.m. October Drive 10 minutes and save dollars. 7, 8 and 9 at 633 East Jolly Road, USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 332-5144.3-10-12 East Southland Complex, Suite 5. See Michigan. Dishes, books, Mr. Vance. O coins, antiques, rockers, junk. APARTMENTS :vuS WAITRESS WITH grill experience or willing to learn. Abie's Bar, 100 South Main, Eaton Rapids. 5-10-14 GIRL WANTED for 4 man immediately. Rent paid untiL apartment, October 15. Water's Edge, 1 block from campus. 351-6115. 3-10-12 Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open Seturday and Sunday. Furniture and appliences open ell am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C week, 10 5530 West Michigan Avo. BUSINESS MAJOR, part time. Need REALISTIC 200 Watt aggressive, motivated, social1'/ LANSING OR East Lansing. One tuner, amp at Saginaw bedroom furnished. Large, airy turntable, Akal. Reel to reel 8 committed individual. Send resume track. Air Albums, tapes. Like new Contact Bill DeJonge to Washington Watch, South Point rooms. conditioned. reasonable. 355-2018. 3-10-i 2 Plaza, Lansing 48910. 3-10-12 Beautifully maintained. Suiteble ' 484 4640 for faculty, grad students, business people, married couples. Lease. REMINGTON-"SPORTSMAN gauge, semi. Excellent. Must sell 58~12 332-3135 or 882-6B40. O 355-8025.2-10-11 * Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 11, 1971 for Sale Personal -neap. Animal* . ■JPICAL FISH tan gallon sat - up*, bi12.50. And we can gat almost y supply item over night - Come in and . the nasty JAMES TAYLOR Album. available. SHOP. (downstairs) board exam 541 CURIOUS E. Bootleg Limited quantity 1-6 p.m 3-10-12 tutoring Kaplan Doubli BOOK Grand River Campaign spending suit filed (Continued prosecution, general hasn't done from page one) and the attorney see what happens in court." Bone said Sunday the suit registered East Lansing voter.' "Through the courts," Bone committees, individually subject to the limits, but that the the system to change it, and existing law, then maybe we we're faced with other, wealthier lleedle nose Gar ""d otnr Tutoring Courses for the anything appeared to be "basically aimed said, "Will and the others are number of committees or total ought to change that law," Will friendlier fish at the fish December lsat ye*;" . Phillips said his attorney will expenditures at limiting our total trying to do something the expenditures were unlimited. candidates, who won't conform to said. ponge r, 1522 east oat board exams are and January to $400, or so. If existing law." "But we feel they ought to at being be handling details of the case, legislature didn't intend." "Thus the suit apparently "You're damned right, we're dlchigan, across from formed. Call collect and that's the case I couldn't even Bone said the least meet the existing law that (313) 'we'll just have to wait and legislature intends to get the court to making an issue of this. If they laiurrection Church. Call 851-6077 for send a postcard to every says if they're going to spend a 85-6036 Plenty of free parking enrollment. provided for establishment of interpret something already (Bone and Phillips) can spend all 0-25-11-12 written into the law, against lot of money, they must at least . no car? Take the Lansing bus to that money and still be within file it properly " Will added. front door. 2-10-11 what the law already ur BRAIN BURNED? says," he JcHSHUNDS-MINIATURE. iKC, 7 weeks. Phone 641-6764. red, RELIEVE THE pain of class overload.with educational aids, tutoring, translations, computer programs, lab manuals work CPs] Faculty pay l said. "Since they (Bullard, Will and others) first contacted the county prosecutor, they've made and research from the false assumption that I'm a WRITE-On, 21- ilSTERED BASSET w ■.10-12 677-0501 or pups 677-8551. - Abbott p.m.O Road. 332-3700, 10-5 to State News wealthy person and that this is all my money," Bone, an East WANTED: Lansing builder and real estate YOUR excess pounds. jtry, 1969 -in Windsor Estates REWARD: A (Continued from page one) developer, said. ■ bedrooms, skirting, utility shed. new, happy you. opposed to publishing salaries of when the University was I haven't spent one red cent Phone DIET WATCHERS Its true MSU is a building today employes of this type. I think it could not have on the campaign. All the money |27 2063. 5-10-15 655-2073. 1-10-11 constitutionally autonomous they deserve this privacy." gotten people, comes from contributions from iNGERSfor sale. AKC registered, body," Stevens said, "but that Trustee Patricia Carrigan, such as those from Harvard and my friends who would like to Lansing Metro Lines n doesn't erase the fact that we are D-Ann Arbor, said she felt some Princeton, to settle here if their for information phone 482-4848 5 old. Had puppy shots. reanuts Personal a public institution. If a salaries were "ventilated all see me elected, he said. 0 and $65. 694-8594. 2 10-12 jvere thinking publishing meant Will explained Sunday that department head or dean can give over" SUZZANNE, APPLE blossoms in publicizing. the suit is strictly aimed at sound and good reasons for President Wharton also said irTER HORSE Arabian - 4 vour 21st year. Mary and giving "We don't mean that we are Phyl. that gaining the defendant's b\scklite ssle Must sell. Call 1-10-11 one person more than another a large number of faculty going to paint the salaries on would object to one or more compliance with existing law, §75 5378. 2-10-12 ' there's no reason to hide it." Grand River Ave. in green "I wouldn't propose that one paint individuals on the board making although he would like to see _ ie's PET SHOP. Mice, 45c each 5/ Real Estate tonight when we adjourn," she salaries public, laws enacted to provide for more trustee arbitrarily act without said. equity between what candidates coniolete lite & fixture now ll.50. Kuhliis, 39c each 5/$1.50. QUIET giving others the right to express Ms. Carrigan said she was not BEAUTIFUL raflectiv. of different means and influence their opinions," he added. opposed to making salaries public Rri i I r<^ri/-l |;n|/p can spend. $12.99 (18 in.) or located in Holt Plaza from MSU at A^iut ^5 White's intention to release the salaries was announced in the information, but was opposed to publicizing them. ■**jiiioqq llnks "Older people complain that Aurel'us and $20.99 (48 in.) ,s 8r0und State News Thursday. T ■ — young people — they call us ready to $25,000 339-2254! She asked University Jolt Road. 3-1 CM 1 Attorney IUrK©y, CUPOpG . 5-10-14 radicals — won't work within the Trustee Blanche Martin, D-East Leland carr if the plug in trustees could Lansing, asked Cantlon how legally deny anyone access to the system," Will charged. "But here |HtN TM^HRA AFGHANS- AFGHANS' ^VIANSINT^T TOh"l^ 4 salaries became cofidential. salaries. ISTANBUL (AP) — Istanbul we are, trying to work through |32-l8ab.j-iu-n i# . Mobile Homes .. __ bedroom bi • levei is less than15 minutes from campus, has 2 fireplaces, two 5 piece baths, 2 car attached garage, extra "I plead total ignorance in this matter," he said. "I thought "Probably not," Carr said. "It is clear the business of the salaries were available to anyone board has to be done in open has been brought closer to the rest of Europe with the opening 0f a 55-mile stretch of railroad riEMEMBER 1■ ace 201 e. gr. river hardware opposite union large let who wanted to see them." linking Turkey with Bulgaria, k great Lakes. 8' x 45'. Located with rear fenced in yard. Priced at 8 bar98in of $11,000. Call Harold "I came here in 1954 and said. "The consensus session before the public," Carr of the board Previously trains from Istanbul to When ? ? ■ h park behind Tom's Party Store. apparently it antedates both of in the past has been to ask the Europe had to detour across Darbor, 699-2302 or All hone 349-1586. 5-10-11 Realty, 694-8181. 3-10-13 Star us," Cantlon said. press not to give that (salaries) Greek territory, OCT. 23 "After taking over as provost I visibility." fc MARLETTE 10' x 55', 7' x 20' KIMBERLY DOWNS. OPEN found that those were the gound Carr contended that in the past fxpando. lining 3 bedrooms separate room, carpeted, washer, air HOUSE. 2916 Mayfair Dr. Sunday ^-5 P-m- Oct- 17. Attractively rules — that salaries weren't published. You have to Perkins' Palate MAJOR CHANGES londitioned, all set up in Park 20 stV«* 3'4 bedrooms, stone and understand taht 80 to 90 per cent t Lansing. 625-3427 aluminum Colonial. Your host, of the current faculty hired with AArtn rckcirlf^^ ■.,0.^ John J. Henry, 4 8 5-6766, IU" ' ■ Teachout the understanding that their - Gardner, Realtors. . , 1 IvELO 1952. $1000. Excellent jondition, close to campus. 371-1930.5-10-15 salary was their own information. "Before we change the rules, ISI f©/©pnOn© to |51-68088fter5p.m.5-10-11 OKEMOS NEW home. Has 3 let's hear from the faculty," bedrooms, dining room, 1v4 baths, Cantlonisaid. jjQQfh for V©QT ' Lost & Found fireplace, fully carpted, 2 car White said Wednesday that the PHILADELPHIA Elementary, Special Ed, F C S garage. $33,500 (AP) — . 349-2333. faculty is "just afraid the public is Stephen 5-10-15 Tolvish, the 55 - year - going to find out how overpaid old MEN'S glasses near Shaw, unemployed bachelor who wn frames. Call 353-7092 or they are. lived in a telephone booth for >5-1663. 3-10-12 Recreation "Most of our professors are the last year - and - a - half, has a making less than their wives who new home, MALE Seal point Siamese, Christmas Break are teaching public school-and Tolvish moved into the fcllarless. Michigan Grand River damn it, that's embarrassing," - spain $249 Glenwood Boarding House Application forms for Fall Term major • Harrison. Likes apartments and Cantlon said. acapulco $199 , 40 Saturday morning and promptly changes to Elementary, Special Ed, and ! 332-4282. 1-10-11 Republican trustees Kenneth got a shave and a haircut. FCS are available in 134 Erickson and ' nassau $169 Thompson of Grand Rapids and rooms 7 and 405 Human Ecology. LABRADOR retriever, black, "i feel 10 pounds london $149 Frank Merriman of Deckerville lighter," , gold collar. Reward, Call Frank Tolvish said as he rubbed his 13-9021. 1-10-11 Buck, 351-2286 both said they were opposed to chin after leaving the barber's revealing individual salary figures, chair. jnd: BLACK male cat, vicinity Service "As far as I'm concerned," Jichigan and Beal, 351-9518. Merriman said, "I'm very much >10-11 PERSONAL SHOPPER for those Perkins Pancake House ind: unable to do their own. $5 Service Chicanos WHITE / tan kitten, 9/24 per »ly School Area 332-6671 after 5 hour. 349-0176. 1-10-11 301 Clippert V. 3-10-11 TYPING THESES THE SECOND most important man Rapid accurate and letters, etc. (1 Mile from MSU-Opposite Sears) at your wedding should be your service. (Continued from page one) PRESCRIPTION sunglasses Experienced. 393-4075. C Americana Apartments. photographer. Terrence Millar, 351-2013. 5-10-15 Only six of these graduate Jrgundy case. Reward. 332-2253. PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term students received any financial UPHOLSTER I NG-REFINISHING, papers, theses. Best rates. Call aid from Center of Urban Affairs 351-4619. O restyling, and repairing. All work or Equal Opportunities, the Personal guaranteed. 18 years experience. Chicano organizations said. Some To land TYPING TERM papers and thesis. Upholstery, 675-5318. of the six have had their financial 5-10-15 Electric typewriter. Fast service. aid discontinued for this fall. Call 349-1904. 18-10-29 Perrin's report also calims 122 ELECTROLOSIS: MEDICALLY trained operator. Free EXPERIENCED TEACHER'S aide professional positions are to consultation.Mrs. Knowlman, type for teacher. For more presently held at MSU by Mexican-Americans. The Chicano |CHIGAN EDUCATION 882-6114. 3-10-13 information, Call 355-0867. iOCIATION RESEARCH 3-10-11 report could locate only five ■ VISION positions filled by Chicanos at the FAIR. MEA seniors! for University. Biding, Abbott and M-78. SAVE SAVE SAVE "Perrin's University answer to lesday and Wednesday your free pics, XEROX COPYING- offset - best the oppressed and repressed (ober IA and 12 and 13, 2-4 PM NEA Research call 353-5292 quality at reasonable prices. THE COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand Chicano community is a bureaucratic brainteaser and River. Phone 332-4222. C plications on exhibit. smacks of an administrative Wed extra copies to be BATON TWIRLING classes. Now DISSERTATION, attempt to whitewash itself," the • THESES, term association said. fributed at no cost. All Fall taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640. papers. Expert typist with degree n students and faculty are 20-10-28 in English. I.B.M. 351-8961. ■ted. Free coffee. 0-10-11 Board FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE COMPLETE THESES service. WOLVERINE. 0-10-13 Discount printing. IBM typing and binding of theses, resumes, PRIVATE GUITAR instruction. publications. Across from campus, (Continued from page one) Folk, Rock, Classical. All styles. corner M.A.C. and Grand River, was scraping to provide the salary $3 per lesson, Inquire at below Jones Stationery Shop. Cell increases and called for the Symposium 1972 MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, C-1-10-11 337-1666. C faculty to tighten their economic The Candidates. belts and to be more productive PIANO LESSONS. Adult / children. and accountable. THE ISSUES. Experienced teacher. Studio Wanted University administrators say your home. 337-7059. 3-10-13 the salary increase does not conflict with the wage-price Typewriter Repair SINGLE GIRL wanted to share TONIGHT freeze now in effect. modern 1 bedroom apartment They base near MSU. Only $75 a month. their belief on a letter from the CONRAD HALL Call 489-9444. 5-10-15 Cost of Living Council to the president of the University of Louis E. May, Sr. PERSON TO board two kittens. Will Michigan. hassled? PU tried stuff that took Campus BookStore pay all expenses. 351-0458. The letter indicates that you up s from Union ED 20877 2-10-11 fK but 's coming down was hard. Michigan universities can go brings you down gently. ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, ahead and give the raises because ' FULL TIME secretarial rap about HIM? radios, recorders, TV's. position. they would have given the raises 1-8472. 1-10-11 Experienced in typing, shorthand, well in advance of the freeze if the Dependable, reasonable. Call dictaphone. 337-9216.3-10-11 Perfect for the student 351-6680.5-10-11 Michigan Legislature had not • f"ortland, oank dinner Maine bank was FOR QUALITY service and stereos, 10 STUDENT coupon tickets to MSU been delayed in appropriating B originator Minnesota game. 355-5823 after 5 money for the 1971-72 year. The Gabriel - of an unusual TV's and recorders. THE STEREO p.m. 3-10-11 K pr'ze at a Pops Concert, SHOPPE. 337-1300. C ■'nner on the night of the COMIC Highway *l concert with the BOOKS, Baseball cards, ASHES, RUBBISH hauled. 75c a PLAYBOY magazines, wanted. Puctor as one of the guests, barrel, special on clean ups. Phone CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 541 E. I to be served in a bank 393-4592 anytime. 10-10-14 Grand River (downstairs) 1-6 p.m. 3-10-12 (Continued from page one) ■ATE News DON'T GIVE your used furniture A 2-bell, all metal, copper finish alarm clock for Classified Ads Perrin said. ■ not be able to away. We'll buy it. 393-4592. BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for only $2.95 with each deposit of $25.00 or more help you The public T dinner in a bank vault 10-10-14 all positive. A negative, B negative hearing will be from to a savings or checking account 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. J1 ey will serve to and AB negative, $10.00 O Thursday in ■ money |n help you the Big Ten Room of the bank. By negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Kellogg B good things you no Typing Service COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Center. It is designed to serve as a 507>4 East Grand River, East forum for pro and con enjoy as soon as you ■ "sing them, ANN BROWN: Typing and multlllth Lansing. Above the new Campus commentary on the proposal. you'll keep a East Lansing State Bank J offset printing. Complete service Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 The trustees will attend the ■y flow of cash coming for dissertations, theses, pm Monday, Thursday, and heamg and probably take formal fea36-58256 "* manuscripts, general typing. 22 years experience. 349-0850. C IBM. Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C action on the highway their November meeting. proposal at 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan OCTOBER SPECIAL FREE HAIRCUT It's ■■■■■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii What 's With Shampoo and Set Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday SPECIAL ON SHAG CUTS $3.00 for It's What's Women for Abortion Repeal will The MSU Folklore Society meets at The MSU Outing Club is Happening must be received in the having an Teak Room of Eppley Center. All are help work with the largest group of STYLISTS. have an informational and 7:30 p.m. today in 100 Berkey Hall State News office, 345 Student overnight bicycle tour to Yankee welcome. people in need in America, those over • Claudia Wells • Jan Battin • Nancv Warner organizational meeting from 7:30 to with a bluegrass jam session and Springs State Park Oct. 16 17. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two Accounting students Beta " *°u have even *n ho"r " IMPERIAL - 11 p.m. Tuesday in the table tennis elementary guitar helps. All are - Alpha Interested members and nonmembers Psi will sponsor an class days before publication. Items room, fourth floor Union. Interested welcome to attend. evening with the V°u would like to spend with even one are invited to the club meeting at 7:30 are limited to 25 words. No recruiters. Find out what the old person, please call 482-5927. announcements will phone. be accepted by The Society for the Betterment of Sisters tonight at - come 343 to a meeting at 8 Evergreen to begin P-m- Tuesday in 218 Natural Science Bide. recruiters Tuesday are in looking for at 7 p.m. the Eppley Center House ol Beauty Just South of the 1-96 X-way Society is cosponsoring a free film work on our Women's Center. Bring The Marketing Club presents John ' "rooms ,H , . . Book Exchange - last chance; if .. 6425 So. Pennsylvania In TML Building, Phone your ideas and any tools you have to you forgot to pick up your money and The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will series with showings at 7:30 p.m. Fleming, director of marketi Volunteers are needed to work with books, call 351-1771. 393-ig77 have a lawyer available from 8 a.m. to Oldsmobile, at 7 pjn. Tuesday in the the aged. Optimal opportunities^ every Monday at the East Lansing noon every Wednesday and from 1 to Public Library. This week's film will mm 5 p.m. every Wednesday and Thursday be "Das Madchen Mapion," with during the fall term. Those wishing an English subtitles recommended for appointment are asked to check with German students. Seating capacity is the ASMSU business office, 307-B limited. Student Services Bldg., or call Stereo Open House) 353-0659. There will be a nominal $3 The political science undergraduates charge for this service. present "Symposium '72": the East Lansing City Council candidates at 7 The MSU Sierra Club presents the p.m. today in Conrad Auditorium. film "Wilderness Alps of the Cascades" at 7:30 p.m. today in 35 Meta 4 - Intermedia voyages (jazz, Union. Everyone is welcome. poetry, film and more), all in geodesic Discussion of upcoming outings, space will be presented at 8 p.m. legislation, and issues will also take Wednesday at Abrams Planetarium. place. Admission is 50 cents. The Russian and East European Monday-Saturday October 11-16 Auditions for the Black Arts Festival Studies Group will present a Soviet will be held from 8:30 to 11 tonight in film entitled "The Inspector General" the Union sun porch. Blacks interested at 7:30 p.m. today in 106B Wells Hall. in acting, dancing, or theater Admission is free. experience are urged to come. Vetei the still What is SDS doing? There will be a OUR COMMITMENT IS TO OFFER THE STEREO ENTHUSIAST THE FINEST PERFORMANCE AND VALUE happening. Join with us to work for an Brody Complex meeting at 7:30 today end to the senseless slaughter. in the southeast lounge of Brody Hall. Veterans for Peace will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the ballroom of the Union. Discussion will concern Wesley Fishel. head of the MSU Vi FOR HIS INVESTMENT! There will be a short film and coffee. Project, and the Among the new Iran Project. Meet Chuck Will, write-in candidate for the East Lansing City The MSU Scots Highlanders will many fine lines represented at Marshalls are: Council, at meet at 7 the meeting of the Coalition for p.m. today in the Demonstration Hall Ballroom. We are SONY® PIONEER Human Survival at 7 p.m. today in 30 looking for students and faculty with interests in Scottish drumming, dancing or bagpipe playing. Newspaper recycling will be the Stereo High Fidelity Components. A line with Regardless of what stereo components subject of a talk and a film to be you're Sex crimes quality sound reproduction the foremost looking for—electronics, speakers, turntables, presented at 8 p.m. Tuesday in will be discussed by Williams Hall. The speaker will be Darrell Pope at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the objective. tape decks-Pioneer makes it! Major Browning of the Volunteers of Emmons lobby. This is the second of a America. Sexuality Series. Everyone is invited. The end result of all of Sony's labors is uncompromising sound quality. LOOK TO US We display the Entire Sony line of components priced from $119.50 to over $1400.00 FOR QUALITY •'complete selection of LANSING'S EXCLUSIVE frames •'Sunglasses and wire - rims ■1 $-»-■ JT __ „ 1 SONY COMPONENT DEALER • prescription lenses ground 1 i J ® n. j; © O; f~j_ 1 m. 1 • repairs while you wait ficU&i ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. LWE For years negative feedback has been used in amplifiers to improve performance. LWE has adapted the Speakers same principle to precisely control are undoubtedly the OQO OOO the speaker cone electronically AKAI smoothest speakers you can Listen (and we mean REALLY buy. Welcome... OOOO at all times. ingenous clip-kit (which does nothing to alter your amplifier physically) Emerson, Lake and With an WITH THE EXCLUSIVE G X TAPE HEAD listen) to the speakers you have been planning on buying. Chances are, that if they're not Rectilinear have some subtle distortions they that Palmer will no longer come off like will make you the Kingston Trio. Sample LWE uneasy after long from $75.00 to $2400.00each. listening. . . Rectilinear-The more you listen the more you'll hear—Naturally! Dual The originators of the Synchro-Lab motor for true AKAI developed the famous cross-field speed accuracy. Garrard offers the widest choice of recording system, which The first choice of most revolutionized slow speed taping, and has now audiophiles who owr, an quality automatic turntables and modules. Priced from engineered the automatic turntable. Still the revolutionary new GX tape head. GX heads consist of crystal ferrite only automatic with a under $40.00 to the ultimate-the Zero 100 at True gimbal tone - arm elements encased in glass. The GX head is suspension and now on two , $189.50. Garrard, now playing! dust free in operation, models. DUAL covers the improves frequency range and distortion and has a quality turntable field with 150,000 hour four high perfomance models. relief from the NOW IN STOCK! REGISTER FOR PRIZES life. See, Hear, and Feel AKAI quality now at Marshalls. AKAI WE'RE GIVING ONE RECTILINEAR offers a wide variety of tape equipment with any numberof features SPECIAL OPEN HOUSE dependent on the amount you wish to invest. XI LOUDSPEAKER AT EACH OF PRICES ON MANY INDIVIDUAL SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES ON ordinary. OUR STORES AND A SET OF KOSS COMPONENTS AND SOME VERY MANY AKAI REEL AND CASSETTE SPECIAL SYSTEMS AT OUR HEADPHONES AT EACH STORE UNITS LOWEST PRICES EVER SO ATTEND OUR OPEN HOUSE—A TRUE AUDIO SHOW AND AN OPPORTUNITY TO The Olde Wo^ld is a relief from the ordinary. Superb1 sandwiches; fine wine and imported beers, all in a cas- TALK TO MANY MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVES E'lropean atmosphere. The Olde World is located WE'LL HAVE COFFEE ALL WEEK LONG FOR YOUR in the center of East Lansing on MAC. Look for a dis¬ OUR UNDERLYING FEELING IS THAT SOUND IS A REFRESHMENT PERSONAL PREFERENCE-WE LL LET YOU DECIDE tinctive red and blue awning. Many Dealers sell tiie 'BEST' equipment but sell it by degrading competition. We recognize the fact that there are several excellent I sell the Finest - BUT! We will back up our equipment with no lines nd d b I nonsense specifications We demonstrate the difference. on amplifier and tuner performance - and " ^m^dlv 9 y BETWEEN OUR STAFF AND DISTINGUISHED GUESTS,WE'LL GIVE YOU STRAIGHT STEREO ANSWERS'! &OWW0M 402 Ml ALE S.WASHINGTON, LANSING 245 ANN FEATURING METROPOLITAN LANSING'S STREET, E.LANSING 211 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing w ONLY TOTALLY ENCLOSED SOUND EAST LANSING'S LARGEST under the red and blue awning ROOM MUSIC CO WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE ioUIPMENT C°MP0NENT SE1.L