Shoplifters' By BOB ROACH Executive Reporter began stealing last September. She was caught during the holiday season. have been forced by the assignment to give close thought to the reasons for their acts costs — essays in personal, judicial and financial by sales personnel, a security guard or an side. Especially when re Following her apprehension, arrest and terms — to the students electronic alarm. A sampling of those we got to the station caught pilfering such caught and I had to have my I* realized that by not paying for the little conviction she was fined, and, more important, the serious items as a $20 pair of hot pants, give their impressions: fingerprints taken and placed on a $4 book a mug shot of myself. It was just like in the probation and assigned an essay on "The consequences they must bear for "simple and even $1 pen. J roUld stretch the money from my a • "My heart was pounding in my throat as movies. I was so embarassed." Where the warnings of Jner job to cover the whole year's tuition Morality of Shoplifting." Faced with a sharp increase in local larceny" from a store. Specifying that names be kept Schoenberger, a young and reportedly "liberal" jurist might the alarm system blasted a shrill that went "I passed through the front door and ■tees That was logical. through my whole body Customers heard the alarm like a door bell I jUsl wasn't logical, though, that 1 shoplifting, Judge Maurice E. Schoenberger, confidential, Schoenberger loaned several ring hollow in the ears of students who may swarmed near, thriving on my embarassment . . . gooff. I kept has made the to the State News in order to let someday face him, those who have already walking and a second later I heard a lady's I|d forget about the consequences of essay a standard part of the sentence for those found essays students know that five-finger discounts faced him are fully aware of the costs. . . . and salesgirls, too, some whispering voice calling 'Miss — Miss!' I didn't want to guilty in his 54th condemnations, others publicly denouncing run because I knew that I was I these'words Sandy (a fictitious name) district court. East Lansing convicted shoplifters "just aren't worth it" for the courts, the police, the merchants and, most of all, the Personal costs are the most and the essays bear unanimous far-reaching me as a thief . . . The degrading ceremony returned . . . wrong. . . I and really got scared when she llained the rationalization for her — students themselves. the degrading ordeal that carries testimony to was complete once I was booked, mugged, told she had to call the police. Tt-lived career as a shoplifter in East including a minister's daughter, policeman's son and a Costs to the courts, merchants and police shoplifter to the East Lansing police station the found guilty in court and fined." • Personal costs to the rtg. On a mutual dare with a friend, she a pre law student — are hazy in contrast to the vivid picture of for booking after he or she has been detected "It was a terrible feeling having to walk convicted out of the store with a policeman at your Tuesday MICHIGAN Sunny UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 12, 1971 \SU Library leclines list Police implement new plan, faculty pay By DIANE PETRYK State News Staff Writer seize 50 unregistered bikes t MSU Library refused Monday to right to pick up unregistered bicycles. b concerned over the officers breaking "With all these bikes parked on campus The ordinance states that officers are off locks to confiscate the bicycles. vi available to the public a list of they are causing a hazard for many entitled to impound any bicycle found on "If it is locked, I don't see how else we [ividual MSU faculty salaries and Two irate East Wilson residents walked campus which is not registered, or is pedestrians and particularly the Lmmended increases. into the MSU police department can impound it," said Sgt. Henderson. handicapped such as the blind." he list was offered to the Library by the headquarters improperly parked. The ordinance further Though they are presently limiting As a further deterrent to thieves, officers Monday afternoon and grants officers the right to charge an [e News. In a letter to Richard E. Chapin, demanded the return of their bicycles and impounding to unregistered bicycles, report they may also include unlocked, but impound fee or sell the bike if it is not Henderson indicated, that bikes parked lector of libraries, John Juel, new bicycle locks. registered bicycles in future impounding n-Chief of the State News said: claimed within 30 days, although one away from racks, would soon be included. efforts. These two students typified student officer said the standard waiting period Clarification of this (While we feel this list is an important reaction to the new impounding policy before taking further action is closer to 90 Department of Public Safety Director, came from The Vehicle Registration Office reported [lie document and public access to such implemented by MSU police Monday. days. Richard 0. Bernitt, who said, any bicycles 7,777 bicycle registrations had been issued puliation is essential, we do not believe By 4 p.m. Monday officers had by 3:45 p.m. Monday. I the best interests of the University and While angered about having their parked in areas without racks, or parked That figure is approximately 1,500 short impounded 50 bicycles from racks located culty would be served by publishing the near East and West Wilson bicycles impounded, students who have away from them when spaces in racks of 9,235 compiled by grounds maintenance Hall, having to complained thus far to the police are even existed would be impounded. |re salary schedule in the newspaper. first cut off the bicycle locks in most cases. (Please turn to page 10) We would be happy to let any interested Officers said this impounding of y have access to the document if we had unregistered bicycles will continue today [facilities, ke such but unfortunately accomodations since we cannot we are in particularly in racks located near Holden, Case and Wonders Halls. BETWEEN 'U\ CHICANOS [ business of putting out a newspaper The student who has his bike |er than serving as a reference library. 'e feel a moral obligation to make this brmation accessible, however, and would happy to work with the library toward impounded is advised by officers to go to Quonset Hut 103, register his or her bicycle and pay the impoundment fee of $3. Debate request | end. We would be glad to provide the For students who do not know the serial to the board of directors of Sol de Atzlan legal action also militate against our y with a copy of the complete list. In number of their bicycle, officers said By BECKIE HANES they refusing to participate in the debate. participating in your public hearing," i manner, access to public information may go to Quonset Hut 104, find their and "While we do not intend to engage in Perrin's letter states. juld be maintained without unduly bicycle and check for the serial number. MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writers the 'debate' which you have unilaterally In its advertisement, Sol de Atzlan, a >licizing the salaries of individual faculty Officers advise students to claim scheduled, we do stand ready to meet with Lansing Chicano group, stated that MSlPs mbers." confiscated bicycles anytime between 7 role as, "the scientific and intellectual you at any time for serious discussion Ihapin issued the following statement: a.m. and 4 p.m. which will contribute to constructive vanguard of agri-business has caused and Since the board of trustees indicated The University administration Sergeant Harold Henderson, day Monday progress," the letter states. created: 1. unemployment, 2. increased said it would not meet in a debate format ^ing positions regarding availability of Future S supervisor for the Public Safety Dept., said with Chicano spokesmen to discuss welfare rolls, 3. dehumanization of i document, we will await further MSU ordinance 43.06 gives the police the isues individuals, 4. crippled the small farmer, 5. dance from the board before making the raised by the Sol de Atzlan organization. "My concern is that your approach to and shifted the burden to country and this issue suggests that we must be tument available to the public. Such 16-month-old Scott Oliaro is local governments." In a State News advertisement last adversaries or that we have different e and guidance is expected in the near ready and willing to spell his dad week, The advertisement also publicly the Chicano group challenged several objectives in mind. This should not be true. Paul, head adviser at McDonel Deadline University officials to debate the "However, attempting to conduct this challenged the MSU Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station to (Please turn to page nine) Hall, in an RA football game. University's services and matter in a debate forum accentuates the programs for justify its $16 million yearly appropriation. The deadline for filing requests for Chicanos at 7:30 problem, and while it may provide an p.m. today in 100 The Cooperative Extension service office space with ASMSU is 5 p.m. today. emotional outlet, it certainly would not be Engineering Bldg. responded in part to the Chicano Request forms are available in 334,Student productive in furthering the best interests ANY TO TESTIFY Services. of those citizens for whom you presumably challenges by releasing a report on are seeking to speak. Your threats to bring (Please turn to page 10) V weighs of highway By MICHAEL FOX likelihood of extending State News Staff Writer Thursday afternoon's public hearing into the night hours. nterest in the cross-campus highway htinued to mount Monday as the The hearing on the proposed route for Iversity administration announced the relocating M-43 will be 1:30 to 6 p.m. Thursday in the Big Ten Room of Kellogg Center. It is designed as a forum for the c-prof to file board of trustees to hear commentary for and against the highway plan. "It is very likely that we will have to 'it against resume the hearing at 8 p.m. Thursday following a dinner break," Robert Perrin, vice president for University relations, said Monday. officials About 40 individuals and organizations By JUDY YATES had formally requested permission to testify State News Staff Writer at the hearing as of Monday afternoon, prompting Perrin to announce the necessity •rmer associate professor of Social Nee and of imposing some sort of time limit of the Latin American Studies is speakers Thursday. ted to file suit als ln against five University district court today, The State Highway Dept., which will open jjned Hildebrand, the plaintiff, is the hearing with a presentation, announced charge the defendants with Monday that it will have a display on th ' im8|lng »te h'm fr°m 1,18 positions for no highway plan in Kellogg Center starting reason, and not providing him today. The display will include a 15-foot written reasons for his 's discharge. map of the highway 's proposed route. , char8'ng that the defendants low prescribed The display will De in the center lobby of procedures in Kellogg Center from 1:30 to 5 p.m. and 7 to rJP"? "unity to hitn and denied him an 9 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, and 9 a.m. present his case. ...dants named in the suit to noon Thursday. An official from the are Clifton Wharton, met n' prcs'dent; John E. Cantlon, State Highway Dept. will appear with the ost Edward A. display to answer questions. Carlin, dean of Perrin said by Wednesday he will compile a * College; Douglas Dunham, schedule of appearance for the individuals n. . °' ^e Dept. of Social Science, and organizations to appear at the hearing. nro •and A' Snyder, professor of Social He added that the East Lansing city assistant to Dunham. government will probably follow the fJl^gh Wharton and Cantlon were not Pickin' Jl 1 the J' ors to heV wi» time of Hildebrand's be named in the suit as highway department, with pro and con presentations beginning after that. a mlgrinnin' ^e two offices. Fary Rosenberg, Detroit sophomore, and Tom McCarty, Boston some tunes in front of Abbot Hell. (Please Not exact,v ly Hee-Haw to turn to page nine) (Please turn to page nine) sophomore, do some fancy pickin' and lots of grinnin' as they go over not bad State News photo by either. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 12 i m. a news Book buy-back policy unsettled n Li associated! PRtss J used books to student* of the 1 only the East Lansing merchants _ have any reason to be satisfied University, there would be no and the merchants b»U to contend that »uch action summary thThe*y^f? the MSU book price policy Bookstore, underof W'^^S^uy-back and cent of the original price. would be using unfair and wouj^ At the recent ^Xn w'm meeti From the wjre* of AP and UPI. scrutmy by the Eusin^s Affairs rates for used books at the MSU Bookstore is identical to A recommendation by the monopolistic business prices bookstore subcommittee of the if the pricing change were '^^^^rd of trustees STown mSnf^Hli the , th of 21 In the boaH PBl buy-back and resaie rates at Business. Affairs Committee to implemented. of *tud KT s>ti:LctioV"SIS In a Mareh 31, 1971, State cost, or any other flgure Wow purpose of EJ* Ltmsfng boo ksto^ nwrchan ts^1 ^ ^ ^ Savet^S Smmit^in mE*!*? ^ .^ey^oTihe^ks^e^d ^l^bSKipuWc Boob^^ook^ "Everybody is in favor of protecting the environment, but this business of yelling 'ecology' with the final outcome of the much-debated policy. To date, _rice ^ used . . * H beginning spring term students would lose a valuable damage in either ^ fede™1 o* book price changes has ^ everytime we get ready for a new to consumers at 75 per 1970. However, questions and market for WedI books, as the University would be unwilling merit, courts state^ woidd maintained theT^tXi°t if Sli the opinioni At that time, the Business Jne pMition objections raised by the East project has got to stop" Lansing Bookstore Assn DUt the 811(1 unable to engage in the Lansing taken by the" Bookstore Assn -Sen. James Eastland Groups t policy meetings and in abeyance until* 1688,6 business at the proposed discussions price reductions and this would between the University and the *lso eliminate the availability of Affairs Committee entertained spring remains the same, and approved a proposal to ch^ He added that he has not the <*'• plan East Lansing merchants could be used books. a 60/75 buy-back/re6ale ratio. meeting scheduled bv See related article, page 3 on arranged The East Lansing bookstore The University Michigan Atty. G«n. Frank J. requested The matter was placed on the M.y 1971, .gen^for the bo.rd he He Business Affairs Commit! will ..tad Five local groups will meet viable alternative to alleviate the retailers charged that if the MSU Kelley prepare an opinion on the of trustees meeting, but before it added that the " today to formulate a unified congested E. Grand River Ave. ^ ^ changed its used book legality of the proposed price was discussed, the board Bookstore has been | ,. the University could not reductions. The statement, received a communication from money. And that's all the Panama wants control statement w,» he Thursday's hearing on the presented at o,„c,.,S_ EHIW-* KM ' EE Starting today flyers will be „ _ Gen. Omar Torrijos declared at a rally celebrating his proposed cross-campus highway. poSted around campus in an monies, which the group said "" must be concluded that was finalized. finance, said the MSU Boo third year as Panama's strongman was improper. should the board of trustees of The board then requested the is on a self-supporting baa Monday that o Th.e £°aJi??n JOT i|uman Survival, E-QUAL, Stop Campus about the attempt to inform more students The bookstore group also Michigan State University Business Affairs Committee to which it covers all Panamanians will die if necessary to gain highway. < sovereignty Access Route (SCAR), Cyclists contended that the University choose to lower the sale price of meet with the retailers In lieu of costs." over the United States-controlled Panama Canal Zone. for a Cleaner America and "If we have to die, we will die," the Project: City Hall will meet at 45-year-old Torrijos told almost 200,000 of his countrymen 7:30 p.m. in the West Shaw lounge to present their proposals ELIGIBILITY DISPUTED overflowing a downtown plaza bordering the and then attempt to blend them controversial zone, which he called "a colonial enclave." "We want a free country," he declared, to together. roaring The cyclists are calling for applause. limiting the amount of square feet devoted to cars, and then relating what this concept means to the entire city. Cabinet head's ouster forseen ByJONIBENN classes this term, she admits that Sadat to discuss peace Ronald J. Horvath, asst. State News Staff Writer she has not yet registered for "I felt that it was better for her clear any obstacles Imposed by newly-reorganized ASM'J professor of geography and a to get out early, and gracefully," the board, she is expected to be Bookstore. Presenting a list member of the cyclists, expects classes. Failure to complete Bucknersaid. confronted with opposition from twelve allegations to the an equilibrium to be maintained As its registration, she insists, results Recalling board pressure which directors within her own cabinet. News, Bale said that he and normal operations from difficulties in Presiden Anwar Sadat of Egypt between car space and non-car securing a resulted in the The uncovering of her resignation of co-worker were unable t< flew into Moscow Monday to decide space. iSl AQM«iTPe^n!f iy Promisedscholarsh'P- Robert Grossfeld as cabinet ineligibility last week with the "inflexibility - with the Kremlin's help - on a "If a new parking lot is t . ?°,ard ' Violation by the cabinet director last year, Buckner said corresponded to the circulation closed-mindedness of ASMSU. response to a new U.S. Middle East proposed, the amount Of land to one?* If ouster of gp fnr Diane ~Rj»thnnw ni director was uncovered — u last week- "anyone anyone who had ever WHO iiau disliked ever uiau&ea of a petition calling for her A major issue in the boo* ' cf cabtoetSJSiby feffrey F'umk,.n' bofd Bob found a chance to jump be used for the project should be in resignation. strife was the $3.50 peace proposal. wage*-_ 48 hours of intensive discussion taken out of other territory used for m" Rathnow will be asked v' ,, - ^tary- Frumkin said that a and drive in a nail or two." to check with current The drive was spurred by the the directors by Ms. Rathnow1 cars so as to maintain a records, the resignations of Donald Bale and Grant Grecu ASMS with the top Soviet leadership has status-quo," he explained. & °f of[ice°:t*e registrar, and several ironically, Ms. Rathnow's Mary Jane Brlmlnstool, comptroller, then"immedia been scheduled, but Sadat postponed The second proposal consists of **atO\derations other sources failed to confirm confrontation with the board co-directors of the denied as part of a reorganizi' Monday night's talks in the Kremlin instituting bicycle paths on E. \ Rathnow s standing as a comes exactly one year after of personnel by cabinet serr- until he could confer with Grand River Ave. director to be a full-time s^dent student this term. Grossfeld's resignation. Foreign The bicycle, which has doubled ?T„1 t" ? ! Harold Buckner, board Despite Ms. Rathnow's SAfrirrt .MTrica Dans hnn c a Intotal addition, tack of Bale said, there Minister Mahmoud Riad. Riad arrived in number on campus since last _„_ain it7 ffi !? elected and chairman, said he discussed the declaration that she will not between the bookstore and in Moscow from New York late year, from 4,500 to T.T d , ■ matter with Ms. Rathnow as soon resign, she added that she will not Monday afternoon. approximately 9,000, is seen as a that shechf hhas kbeen °T. attending aS he waS ,nformed of the fight the issue. meets atcityhall'^SSS. «« discrepancy. Buckner said he .Tm tired of thege personal ,swg*estgd that the director the future of the do- confrontations; there isn't any bookstore remained i choose theeasiest alternative-to The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State fight left» she tojd the state PRETORIA, South Africa either register for classes or resign News Sunday, Monday as the anti-Rath- University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter her post. (AP) — A ban on meeting and campaign grew, Bukovsky not insane and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Two-thirds of the board, (twelve members), would be gatherings on the steps of the Although it remained Ui during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Johannesburg city hall has been the form which the opposition in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. -p . ■ required to complete the ouster extended for two more years Ms. Rathnow would take," Member Associated Press, United Press I OXI STO pn • through formal board action. under the Vladimir Maximov, poet and short story writer, has International, ' Supression of members agreed that somei added his voice to those of 50 other intellectuals Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, According to the ASMSU Communism Act. would be taken. Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan constitution, the board must wait asserting that writer Vladmimir Bukovsky does not Association. Collegiate Press thieves give one week before finalizing such a belong in a mental hospital, usually reliable sources said Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial motion. Monday. The sources said Maximov wrote to the director of and business offices at 345 Student Services State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Bldg., Michigan victim fare The board and defendant are faced with several other Labor leader meet the psychiatric institute where 28-year-old alternatives, however. Ms. Bukovsky is Phones: Rathnow, it is projected, will try held, saying: "His philosophical optimism, faith in life and people, News Classified Ads 355-8252 355-8255 _ 30, said thieves held him to rally enough support to call for up" and waiver of the Code of Operations, to discuss so uncharacteristic of many of his generation, mark him Advertising 353-6400 stole his day's earnings and his ^ess sympathetic sources claim WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite a Republican senatort as a well-integrated and mentally healthy person." Business Office 355-3447 car, but left him a dollar to take that no formal actlon 18 required, peacemaking move, the nation's top labor leaders held th™ a cab back to the center of S,nce Ms- Rathnow is not a counsel Monday on the eve of a town. student, they submit, she is not meeting that could make orbral President Nixon's post-freeze economic and cannot be cabinet director. program. The Executive Council of the 13-million-member AFLCIOul If ousted, Ms. Rathnow will the heads of the two have the option to appeal her case largest Independent unions, the Teamsters ui Drug controls discussed to the All-University Student the United Auto Workers (UAW), will meet today to deci* whether to participate in the Phase 2 economic plan. Judiciary (AUSJ). A spokesman for the AFL-CIO said there had been no effortsbj Should the cabinet director France has proposed to its five partners in the administration officials to contact federation President GeoiJ Eruopean Common Market that a meeting of experts be Meany to patch up a dispute over how the post-freeze program MSU SKI CLUB operate. held in Paris on Nov. 4 to study means of cooperating Meeting 7:30 Wed., Oct. Meany, who has been critical of the wage-price in drug control officials said Monday. 13,109 Anthony Hall. Sign up an autonomous Pay Board. freeze, hasurpd At the same time they for Boyne Week, reported that British and Europe, or As the labor leaders pondered their decision, consumer advoci# French officials had recently met in Paris to discuss the Colorado! See a wild film! Win Ralph Nader, who was excluded from White House constant groovy prizes! Become a consultations on Phase drug problem. The meeting, which will be followed by member! 2, told a Senate subcommittee Nixoirt another session in London before the end of the post-freeze program undermines the Constitution. year, came after an exchange of letters between Prime Minister Edward Heath and President Pompidou in August. Georges FEEL THE MAGIC" WEDNESDAY THE LA piers remain shut GRAND OPENING Los Angeles area piers remained shut down Monday, while the rest of the West Coast throbbed with after a 14-week longshoremen's strike was activity interrupted DELLS over the weekend as a result of a Taft- Hartley back-to-work order. The Los Angeles-Long Beach harbor was crammed with than fresh ships. Cargo remained piled up three times higher a man's head, while efforts were made to settle dispute involving 11 striking members of the 15,000-man independent Longshoremen's and a NOTICE The annual HI-FI BUYS Cartridga Clinic will be held Oct. 15th & 16th Warehousemen's Union. They refused to PriH^fmm 12 00 accept dock assignments for which they were singled out by name. W°^: "f:. ^7' Bhmi yopr n.rr.l»blt Program meal service' CLINIC SPECIAL The Nixon administration wants to overhaul the HI-FI BUYS will allow $10.00 on nation's $750-million school-lunch program which one any cartridfle traded in for a new Agriculture Dept. official says is threatening to become SHURE ma^etic cartridge. a nationalized meal service for all children, regardless \ of need. ^ HI FI BUYS A new plan being drafted in the department is aimed partly at heading off growing demand from state schoo-lunch lobbies and some members of Congress for 228o3k.GrRi"' THE WEATHERYANE full federal Ea>t Grand financing of the program. 337-2310 I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 12, 1971 3 Ruling court costs. on and instructed to pay $120 in rally mishap hit ''Aside from circumstances surrounding this the incident point that he is, in fact, responsibility. In his letter, Vaughn said he a danger, not a potential danger, In an particular charge, would not a and social menace to "It is the obligation of the open letter sent to was "compelled to seek this a everyone Ingham County Circuit Court driving record such as this be on our streets?" probation department to obtain justification on behalf of the reason alone for for the of the court Judge Jack W. Warren, Rep. suspension and Raymond L. Scodeller, information use the hundreds of thousands of young revocation of Jackie Vaughn III, D-Detroit, people who cannot comprehend driving privileges?" Ingham County needed," he said. Vaughn continued. "In Mr. prosecuting "It is not the function of the requested Monday that the judge such injustice and hypocrisy." attorney, said Monday that he justify what Vaughn considered Bennett's case, does not his prosecutor to get involved in A conversation with had not presented Bennett's the the lenient sentencing of the driving record and the driving record to the court sentencing." prosecuting attorney's office circumstances of the Warren man who drove his car into a revealed that Bennett's May, 1970 because that was not his was not available for crowd of anti-war demonstrators driving comment Monday. record was not presented to the in May, 1970. William court, Vaughn said, adding that H. Bennett, 253 "in criminal cases, a defendant's Maplewood Drive, who did not contest the charge of attempted felonious driving, was sentenced former record is always made available to the court, and is Eastland asks taken into consideration in October 1 to one year probation determining the sentence." Vaughn then stated Bennett's driving record as follows: of ecology Dec. 17,1957: Dec. 29,1959: reckless driving. called for re-examination, instruction Sept. 29,1964: improper tum. given. pro Oct. 11,1965: 2 vehicle accident, 0 WASHINGTON (AP) - A prime Senate backer of Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. Nov. 5,1966 : killed, 0 injured. a massive construction project halted 2 vehicle accident, 0 temporarily injured, 0 killed. on environmental grounds has asked The Environmental Protection Act of Sept. 15, 1967: 2 vehicle accident, 0 Congress to 1969 injured, 0 killed. determine whether the nation's environmental requires that an environmental-impact statement Sept. 15, 1967: failure to yield to vehicle. Dec. 2, 1967: failure to yield to vehicle. protection laws are helping or harming the public. accompany major federal projects through the Dec. 2,1967: 3 vehicle accident, 1 injured, 0 killed. decision-making process. Sen. James O. Eastland, in a statement released Sept. 5,1968: Ride em Nov. 25,1968: speeding—70 m.p.h. in 50 m.p.h. zone. referred to review. Monday, said "new, close look" at Environmental Protection Act provisions is needed because Judge Smith ruled the Environmental Defense Fund had made a substantial Jan. 9,1969: no action by review. showing that the Bttle Julie Sak enjoys busting the broncos at Majer Thrifty Acres. Julie attends Spartan Dec. 16,1968: 2 vehicle accident, 0 "special-interest groups, invoking the ecology Corps of Engineers had not fully complied with |y care center. Village injured, 0 killed. theme, are holding up badly needed governmental provisions of the act. May 4,1970: 1 vehicle accident, 15 injured. 0 killed. Dec. 16,1968: projects." State News photo by Donald Sak violation of basic speed law (conviction date The Court of Appeals ruling said the AEC had Dec. 16,1968: 1/5/71) drove while impaired (conviction date been slow in 1/5/71) The Mississippi conservative Democrat referred implementing EPA rules and had misinterpreted provisions of the act. It did not specifically to court decisions against the Ieciprocal release Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway in his home state of Mississippi and against the Calvert Cliffs atomic order the Calvert Cliffs AEC should consider a project halted but said the temporary halt pending a review of its rules. power plant on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. U.S. Dist. Court Judge John Lewis Smith Jr. last "Everybody is in favor of protecting the orth Vietnamese POW freed month ordered a delay in the start of construction on the Tennessee-Tombigbee until he could determine whether the Corps of Engineers had environment," Eastland said, "but this business of yelling 'ecology' every time we get ready for a new project has got to stop." LlGON (AP) - The release of however, is the goal toward complied with EPA provisions. The chairman of the Senate ■rth Vietnamese war prisoner were suspended in the area, hoped for further POW releases Committee said the Judiciary which we are working." South Vietnamese rangers and about 15 miles from the South was Tennessee-Tombigbee case is ■day raised cautious hope for State Department officials in encouraged by the fact that armored troops clashed again The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of only one of a "rash of lawsuits" filed to block Vietnamese base camp at Loc it was the first freeing of more U.S. Washington said the North one ever delivered with North Vietnamese units Columbia, saying the Atomic Energy Commission numerous public projects. ftners by the enemy. Ninh, where Sexton showed up by the United States rather than Vietnamese lieutenant carried a after what he said was just south of Fire Base Alpha, a was making a mockery of the EPA, ordered the "Many of the suits amount to nothing and the U.S. Embassy said a an South Vietnam. The obvious result is added cost for the message with him expressing the much-shelled artillery outpost commission to revise its rules. That taxpayer," he said. Vietnamese eight-hour hike. haste in which it was ruling came in lieutenant hope for further releases. arranged, just inside Cambodia 3V& miles a suit filed by environmentalists "Many of these suits are in the vital field of The release of the North and the fact that the U.S. against the Calvert J freed in Cambodia as a Washington officials also were Vietnamese was arranged in east of the town of Krek. Cliffs plant, which is being constructed by the public power", he added. ■procal gesture" for the careful, however, to avoid Embassy announced it. Kn on Friday of an American Saigon at State Department The base has been arousing undue optimism about initiative following Sexton's The prisoner situation came under jy sergeant. future exchanges. almost daily release, reliable sources said. to the fore at a time when shelling since the |ie U.S. statement said the The reference to the "given North Vietnamese launched : of the lieutenant was The South Vietnamese were fighting on both sides of the their border offensive time and place" ir '.icated that Sept. 26, a "in response to indications "informed but not involved" in Cambodian-South Vietnamese I the enemy would welcome the Americans communicated with had the the mechanics of the release although border was continuing but diminished scale. on a campaign which subsided late last week but now appears to be Like all of us, a release at a given time and they supplied the picking up. Communist command on the prisoner. A Foreign Ministry freeing of POWs since Staff Sgt. source said it was made through le statement gave no clue as John C. Sexton, Jr., 23, of "an S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW ™ ■ these "indication?" agreement between the two The Band „$f)d, Warren, Mich., was released. goyepiments," ,U.S. and Soutjh ■d aside all questions related ■ the unusual prisoner lange, marking the first time . North The reciprocal release of. the Vietnamose lieutenant, Vietnamese. TTie POW was said by one apparently was carried out in source to have been among a ■ i, FABRICS 4960 Northwind Drive, "d an American captive accordance with instructions group of North Vietnamese East Lansing 332 0879 st free. given by the other side. prisoners preselected for return Jnbassy spokesmen went to The U.S. Army MON. - FRI. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Bhs to helicopter home in case an initiative SAT. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. discourage further carrying the prisoner, two developed on either side for lussion by newsmen on Vietnamese KNITS OF ALL KINDS! guards and a exchanging. Jids it could jeopardize ■ts to obtain the release of four-man American crew flew into an area on the Cambodian Speculation that U.S. officials has changed a bit/The result: pional Americans, side of the frontier just after e Embassy statement said: have no assurance dawn. It had an escort of U.S. REM ember helicopter gunships but they Cahoots Jsoever at present that this Brocal gesture will lead hung back discreetly and there When ? 7 to was no sign of enemy activity in 1 release of additional the area. irican prisoners. That, All artillery and air strikes OCT. 23 Their new album on Capitol ...just once WE'D LIKE ALL THE SENIOR YEARBOOK PIC I a cinch for Miss J. . leather PROOFS I belts with "faces" buckles I and the way they pull BACK I together today's layered I separates Our suede and I split cowhide belts are I to 2" wide with large I cast metal buckles. IMMEDIATELY All CAPITOL RECORDS are available at . . . $5-$6 (IF NOT SOONER) The Disc Shop 323 EAST GRAND AVE. EAST LANSING 351-5380 YOUR PROMPTNESS APPRECIATED Jacob^oriS JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE SINCERELY, The Wolverine, '72 Sf /ffaj&it |§ m IL. 402 s. f Washington MUSIC CO. 245 Ann St., ™ Customer Lansing E. Lansing Parking MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY Dorm cafeteria policy; ,0 'No milk today', or later KEN LYNAM advertising manager lb Hie Editor: farming (ever walk through DAVE PERSON, managing editor Anthom, CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor JOHN BORGER, campus editor After living in a residence hall for a few :tx,£low"loden,"h*i terms, one comes to expect something less BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor than Mom's home cooking; however, there RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor A1 Seh are occasional surprises that inflame the D soul and deny the body. It is my belief that Brooklyn N.Y. Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award Mason-Abbot has perpetrated such a for outstanding journalism. nutritional atrocity. Beginning this term, the Mason-Abbot Cafeteria has instituted a policy of not EDITORIALS serving whole milk with any meal. While this may please various dieters or food Grad stack faddists, I find this action both shocking and abhorrent. In view of the $60 increase in dorm costs this year, one would at least To the Editor: Your editorial !n the Oct. food quality to be maintained. Four ' year expect Unfortunately, it hasn't been. News on the grad stack several points that have 4,197} permits brina needed rer^ Upon repeated questioning of the food for a long time. I have had administrators about the milk policy, both contact- several Honors College people, ind through the suggestion box and directly in my roommate, and while likin. unnecessary person, only double-talk and nonspecific answers were obtained, such as "somebody asked for it." respecting them, I've conclude? they're really not very different thm But the Library doesn't seem to The administration is currently While the that, because if a person has " points raised by this Let it be considering converting University publicly known that somebody College" stamped across the right argument "re significant the proposed is siik now asking for whole milk, the real his ID, he can go right into the College into a four year degree - solution is severely wanting. If thing, not some water-laden substitute that stick! being one of a majority of ot^ granting institution. University additional flexibility is needed in the tastes like it came from a cow three days students, have to go running hither - College presently consists of but four multidisciplinary programs at MSU, it dead. How can an institution like MSU, thither getting little slips which has a proud tradition of dairy signed, wt*, departments: American thought and might be wiser to amend the present I'd really like to do is get my work language, natural science, social programs rather than expanding the and go home. It reminds me off science, and humanities. In addition, a University College which would entail hall-pass system in high school. 1 med" stacks at least three times last senior level great issues course is no small cost. Surely if would be BARNEY WHITE is probably not very year, taught by the college. All freshmen better to have the exceptional, id multidisciplinary like to be able to use the and sophomores at MSU are officially humanities, natural science, and unhindered. enrolled in University College. Social Science programs revise their The food and air around herein., Those who want to expand the college into a degree-granting school point out the need for unstructured requirements instead of creating an entirely new degree for the evading them. purpose of Waiting for the Milennium be so great, but those and a lot of things are commonly shared by stu grads, and Honors students without signed passes, and .so should the- multidisciplinary programs. Many An additional question here is not stacks. students, they feel, will need broad whether University College should be Kris educational background to compete One of the interesting things about sociey is that it somehow elevated to four-year status, but general area of the strains of Country-Western sounds. Belleville sophw in a world where changing manages to perpetuate its substance through time while wildly We haven't quite started beating on the Rednecks Oct. 41 technology rather should it exist at all. The vacilating in terms of its form. Unfortunately too many folks yet, but I shifts job demand rapidly. wouldn't be surprised if that was just around the comer too. College of Arts and Letters could equate the form with the thing itself. The problem is that we have remained the In addition, proponents suggest that Consider: I was sitting in a bar the other people that our parents easily handle ATL and humanities. night inanimatedly are. Society is composed of exactly the same kinds of people that it the present programs at MSU are multidisciplinary a bit lacking in The Colleges of Social Science and Natural Science could manage the listening to the animated conversation of my tablemates. They were hotly contesting the moment of arrival of the Hip Milennium —an was five or ten years bellbottoms. ago — they've simply traded in their overalls for No names flexibility. Those who would be interesting concept which presupposes the ultimate cooperation of Remember the herald marks of the movement? Love, University College courses in those "straight" society by the counter-culture "freak" minority. peace, "free To The Editor: interested in the humanities program areas. Freshmen and sophomores Clem steadfastly insisted that the moment has in fact arrived — your head" and, above all, "do your own thing?" How do these in the College of Arts and Letters are precepts fit into the new age, into the dawning Hip Milennium? could be enrolled in the college of probably with the release of the Sgt. Pepper album — and that we In accord with bylaws often turned off by the language Very poorly. adopted by their major from the very outset. were, indeed, (as he so eloquently puts it) at "the of the faculty, each year the chair" dawning of the requirement. Those who would Those with no-preference status could Age of Aquarius." "After all," quote he "just look around. Yea, When I was in junior high school in Florida one of the the physics department at MSU s even the Tau Delta biggest normally enroll in the social science have their own department. Zorps are wearing long hair,and everybody is bummers of the whole scene was a particular hell - and - brimstone, each faculty member of the depart" going around with beads and bellbottoms and saying 'Right on'..." neo-fascist Protestant sect which held sway over the with a complete list of ihtlltidisciplinary program may not do But Rocky was not so sure: "Of course we're city. "We sure faculty si entering into a missed you in Sunday School last week, Bernard." collected so because of the Try cutting a big by ranks, but required methods It is high time the new and unique phase in the development of man, but you can't deal, on-campus rock concert one of these days and see what courses. The University really say that the Golden Age is upon us. I mean, the political your accompanying names. This proposed University administration climbed out of the cul peers do to your head. provides each faculty member with College program would have the institutionshave yet to even begun to budge from their eternal Such discussions of personal hipness are, of information he needs to evaluate his de sac of "the more the better" course, pointless. No student and his adviser work together trajectories. Shoot, we haven't even got pot legalized yet. I mean, matter who you are talking with reasoning and take a long, hard look at we're not even going to get off the you will be evaluated by him by standing within the department, wif ground until we find a way to him differently then you yourself would do. Yet this is to tailor a program to the individual MSU's educational and, an indicator completely compromising the privacy hence, cope with those ten million Rednecks out there in Klanland." of how far remain from other needs of the student. we Moksa, the great finishing: we are still faculty members. budgetary priorities. Rednecks? Hum. Rednecks equal "Oakie from very intent upon whatever," ergo establishing "hipper - than - thou" hierarchies Perhaps such a procedure could be unhip, ergo The Enemy. Why? Well, they hassel us about the way when, in fact, the paradigm calls for a kind of social we look, about our anarchy by other departments and/or in re music, about our way of life. You remember, caste-wise. information to the and they used to all the time press. It would jump on our breathem and beat the the MSU student pure living sociology out of them. Used to, yea — but now that's a dying paradigm. Sure there are a The problem is the eternal the Vedic philosophers: mankind problem possibly first recognized by finitude and, thus, loses track of the persists in tying himself to women's information lib. they compromising either the male or f group require, wi" great number of places left in the world tat a Tex Ritter non-buff overview of things. Its members of a department. It would do well to stay the heck out of, but their number is dwindling interesting, the Upanishads insist that so long as a man continues to allow Trustee White to fulfill his would^ hide himself in either use i every day. The tables are turning; the underdog life decade ago is ascending as the traditionalists withdraw in So lately we've been style of half a defense. evening up with the "Oakies" for all the grief living he will continue to be reborn, countless bodies as though they were mere shells. sloughing off Whether this mechanism is, in fact, true for the individual is purpose of providing the voters will information necessary to decide wL" far faculty are over- or underpayed.« they gave us in the past. Its heady, almost intoxicating not to be on beyond the scope of my perception, but one thing is clear: it holds One of the ironies of the the bottom for the first time, so we completely violating the privacy past few interest groups to schedule their really put it to them. And we admirably well for society taken as a collective entity. Through individual faculty members. years is that while students have tried hate them because they wear their hair time the same people — hateful, activities around those of the outside funny with lots of grease. bellucose, loving and tranquil — And because we can't dig their life remain in much the same to gain a stronger foothold in the style cum suburbs and lots of configurations, though society may organizations. kids. And above all, it simply isn't hip to be seen anywhere in the assume and shed a myraid for University community, they have ms/bodies in the duration. The matter is further complicated virtually ignored the steady demise of s'nee some morning classes are now a structure built primarily for their being held in Union rooms use — the Union. Student disuse theoretical contradiction of Union — a POINT OF VIEW coupled with poor Union Board precepts. At present, however, the management have all but forced the rooms are not being used in the early New voters will have slow phasing out of the Union as a part of the day. student services center. Originally built in June 1925, the Union served as a "cultural, recreational and service center for social, Clearly, the Union management has opted for a pragmatic solution to a very knotty problem. Nonetheless, it would be a shame if classroom use By GEORGE COLBURN policy of neglect regarding citizens' right to volunteers from the League of Women impact students, faculty, administration and were allowed to become the East Lansing City Council Candidate vote, especially those young residents of our Voters be forced to ballot. rule carry the entire load of This attitude can no longer be tolera® guests of the University." At the time, For close to 8,000 students at city. We are appalled by their lack of an intensive registration drive. rather than the exception. MSU, no those who took the time and effort- it provided practically the line planning and preparedness to deal with the Voter registration booths only The was long enough or hassle great enough would be responsibility for revitalization to interfere with their right to vote in East large number of students who wanted to manned at campus register. Neither should they be taken" non-academic outlet in the of the Union is two-fold. On the one exercise their right to vote in East locations, perhaps at the city officials seeking re-election Mil Lansing. These newly registered voters, the Lansing in Union and International Center and community. However, with increased hand the Union Board, which in the the fall. Perhaps it was wishful thinking central locations trying to appear now as friends of stu recreational and cultural outlets in the city council candidates, city officials and the on theirpart that few would in the dormitory and responsive to past has suffered from poor entire University community owe a great register to vote. complexes. The laundries in the married youthful ideas. New* residence halls and in East Or perhaps it was a conscious must vote on November 2 to make Lansing, organization and inaction, should thanks to the small band in a number of policy to housing complexes could be utilized also, as student use of the Union groups who worked so hard to facilitate discourage registration by young residents. could the Spartan registration easier for those who w» sharply mount a sincere effort to inform the To avoid the hassles of the Village day care center. some decreased, particularly in the past few voter registration before the Oct. 1 deadline. past and to Publicity for these special services also eligibleduring the year and those student body on the many facilities In particular, we thank VOTER, enlarge the electorate of East Lansing, we would become the become new residents of East years. As a result "guests of the and services offered by the Union. On especially propose that a person in the administration responsibility of the city, Those candidates who believe partici_ M. Robert Carr; ASMSU, not just, of political especially A1 office of every school in East organizations and University" - paying non-University the other hand, the students Flory; and the East Lansing members of the Lansing be candidates. democracy is more than a slogan are organizations have been using the clearly deputized permanently. We also propose a Griffiths, George Colburn and Chuck - must pick up their end of the League of Women Voters, especially Beth During the past two weeks of intensive Union services with Moore. permanent deputy registrar in each voter registration, the increasing proposition since the governing residence hall complex. These city could have done freguency, often forcing student That these newly registered voters can deputy much more to help register new voters. For equation here is "use it, or lose it." have a great impact in the Nov. 2 city council registrars, full time employees of either the example, they could have been at the Union school system or the University, would be election is undeniable. For example, they every day, not just two days; if accessible to on and off campus residents they had outnumber the voters who went to the polls during the August primary election (54.1 who want to register to vote. No longer will accepted offeres of help which were obtaining volunteer deputy registrars could made, Misplaced Men Corners cu per cent of the registered voters at that time). But to make their numbers mean an inconvenient trip to city hall or a lengthy wait in line be necessary. easily have been obtained. The stories regarding hassles that faced a student once he reached the head of the To: Richard Nixon something, to make the city government line are now sensitive and During the two weeks before the deadline legend. Some students were told Re: Nixonomics, Pnase 2 There seems to be a chance that if all responsive to youthful to they would University urinals. Unemployed concerns in the community, these new register for state, local or national lose their health insurance there really is a three per cent cut in benefits if they sociology professors will sell pencils voters must vote and vote for those who elections, the city should sponsor an voted in East Sir- intensive voter registration drive. Lansing; others were told they the state budget, the University will inside each restroom for gourmets of encouraged and worked hard at the City hall were violating state law if their address on It need to take drastic measures to door-to-door would schedule night and weekend hours their drivers license wasn't sure gives you a case of dejJ grafitti. registration drive. It was and increase their manpower with changed and doesn't it? make ends meet. To make these cuts George Griffiths, Chuck Will and I — others were warned of the •Reduction of student government volunteers from recognized student or election day and informed how long lines on unaided by any other candidates — who as painless as possible, the University expenses while maintaining the backed registration of students. Not until citizen groups. No longer would a handful of to vote at their easy it was has parents' address by absentee already decided upon: present power balance by we have seats on reducing city council with youthful •Disbanding the Department of the ASMSU student board to one voters havo a say in city affairs. Sociology. All students presently Greek and one black. enrolled in sociology classes will be If we are elected, one of our first items of •Appointing East Lansing City business would be to further given automatic 4.0's by the Clerk Beverly Colizzi as simplify the part-time voter registration process. We totally registrar. "They would have gotten registrar, thus insuring that the 'U' disagree with Mayor Thomas's statement in them anyway," a source will not be troubled the State News that high in the with pesky a 45-minute wait to administration reportedly said. students trying to get register to vote is not too long for those who • classes, change consider voting to be an important Implimentation of pay toilets in majors, and such. right. We have disagreed right along with the city's Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 12, 1971 5 Commercial term papers SHOP-RITE STORES' cheat students, aide By MICHAEL FOX says State News Staff Writer / \ - paper — but to provide suggestions, comments, questions and ^ Local business concerns that service MSU students by selling (*rm accolades," she said. Ms. Arata emphasized that the term ' El hLtagrt C"''•n8e^,"8 Kademl': 'nte8r'ty» » University papers should be due soon enough, and returned to the student soon enough, to provide I think it is indefensible from an maximum mileage for interaction between the student and viewpoint to offer for sale term educational, legal and moral the , papers," Dorothy A. Arata asst. faculty member. She questioned whether faculty members have in provost for undergraduate the past devoted adequate time to evaluate the term education, said in a recent interview. papers turned in by students. ,j ,, Kast», m ***** writin8 service established itself this summer in Lansing amid faculty outrage. Apparently there is a large */v,T distributing!?' n°mmer0ially Produced term PaP«s, as a second firm literature is asking, "Term ' Papers A Hassle?" speaking, the term paper process is an educational avenue that is fully dependable. Students are learning process, sifting and sorting through interjected into the full information and then Concert pulling it together into the student's own Unless the student does the creation," Ms. Arata said. paper himself, it is a farce - it has no Va«T;Jh,ertiS with 1 think the nosynthesis by the student of information," she said. ese students themselves would be services. If I were a student and had a questionable value, I would much somewhat offended by term paper assignment by bogus prefer to raise a question of Up to 1,000 counterfeit tickets may have been sold for the James the term paper assignment's validity with the professor than go out Taylor concert, Fred Sanchez, Pop Entertainment ticket to buy one," Ms. Arata manager, said. said Monday. The services are apparently used by students who find a particular Sanchez said Pop Entertainment became aware of the term paper assignment too unappealing to do themselves, or who tickets just hours before the concert when a bogus lack the time to student brought in prepare the paper. Faculty members have no real some tickets which he felt did not look professional. protection against the services "The prime way we could tell the counterfeit tickets except for the student's own from the real integrity, she added. ones was by the paper stock," Sanchez said. "Tickets for the James "It's hard for me to comprehend how collating information from Taylor concert were printed on special paper." the library and then writing a paper is not a valid learning He added that several of the letters on the counterfeit tickets were experience. It is very much like an blurred. option such as independent study," Ms. Arata said. The Pop Entertainment crew was She criticized quickly instructed how to faculty who do not allow students to include identify the false tickets, and was told to turn away anyone who did somewhere in the paper the student's not have on the own comments and opinions genuine tickets, Sanchez said. topic in addition to conveying the information obtained "We don't want to seem like the bad from other sources. A guys," he said, "but we can't requirement for understandable prose is let people in without our tickets. reasonable, but style is a more trivial item than "Someone made more money off that concert than ASMSU documentation of sources consulted, proper he added. did," she said. clarity and train of thought, tiuricd treasure "How wide the margins are is of no Police are investigating the matter, Sanchez being taken to avoid the said, and steps are such consequence. I think things same problem with the B.B. King concert as the paper being either typed JValt Linsea, a Lansing or written, on blue or pink on Oct. 22. Resident, searches for lost paper - these format items are trite aspects of the paper," Ms. Arata Sanchez asked students who bought counterfeit tickets to is near the Union with an said. contact the Dept. of Public Safety. "I believe the term One way students can help is to llectronic metal detector. paper should be a learning device and the buy their tickets from official student deserves feedback. I believe the outlets including the Union, Marshall's or &N photo - Jonathan Kaufman instructor has a very heavy Campbell's, or to buy obligation to mark up the paper, not for the sake of marking them from good friends, he said. up the Capitay Ckpsules |THE DRIVE to put the '(I ) 0 ) »I\ M Fresh Lean a one-house legislature issue be run.' Pork Steaks . PUBLIC schedulod.Fnday HEARING in Lansing Is on s'lr . ined the support of Rep. state school aid rules nlne-d.y tour of Russia. Milllken ichael Dively, R-Traverse "The time City, assisting disadvantaged pupils. said the sources had told him that "constitutional Center Cut has come to The hearing will be?in at 10 iTsolved nr„h,aw., P |mplify and improve the a.m. in the Lansing Community Native process,' he said. "I College lecture hall and is could DURING ARIDE on the Rib Pork Chops lb Lean & Juicy ink the plan for a unicameral sponsored by the State Board of kislature fklatliro would fality of wnnlr) ininrnun Hin improve legislation, vastly the Education, PJ »: Moscow subway . .. . _ Sunday young boy offered Gov. Milliken r.' Fresh Meaty . Fresh Picnic 59 GOV. MILLIKEN said a white rabbit which he the responsibility and pulled |countability the of the legislature people and make Sunday in Moscow that he cannot reveal the source who assured him there is no legal from a burlap bag. Spare Ribs "" - - Pork Roast nificant The governor in Russia on a savings in efficiency block to the appointment of State Dept. tour, declined the |d effectiveness." Sen. Robert P. Griffin, iDively said there lien two houses were 7 proper checks and balances, was a time needed R.Michigan, Court. to the Griffin has been mentioned Supreme as gift, but gave the boy a souvenir Michigan pen. Del Monte Corn Whole Kernel or Cream Style, 17 oz., limit 6. •cause the two branches a possible nominee to the Court, ^presented different but a constitutional question has Instituencies ■pulation and area. ■"Now with the based one-man, on been raised. Griffin voted in 1969 to raise the salaries of Supreme Court justices and it Puffs family facial Tissue 3/$1 |e-votechecks principle, the need for has been contended that because and balances is of this he could not accept a internally between the Nabisco Oreo's Chocolate Cookies44' Court appointment until his ecutive, judicial and legislative Inches," he said. "I plan to In with the Michigan ^ many of Jaycees my colleagues in furing enough signatures on |titions to place thfs issue on a lot and let the public decide Heinz Ketchup 22 yv it wants its government to TlSU SKI CLUB Meeting [ 30 p.m. pnthony Hall. Film > ie y her goodies! Wed., Oct. 13,109 trips! Win a week at of last Mtn., season passes, Empress Mandarin Oranges *- 4/88' -CUT OUT AND SAVE Spartan Pot Pies Turkey, Beef, or Chicken; 8 oz. 14c Imperial Margarine One pound, in quarters 36* U.S. No 1 Cal. Green Seedless Grapes 39° LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL "NATIONAL APPLE WEEK" Fresh Michigan Presents for Your Dining Pleasure Apple Cider TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 1 gal. 89' L Bra'sed Beef Tips w/ Buttered Noodles $1.46 WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL $1.35 Angel Flight is more than a service sorority. Angel Flight is a concerned group IHURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL of MSU women who give part of their time I Roast Turkey and Dressing w/ Cranberry Sauce $1.54 and energy to help ... an orphanage in Korea, a 3rd grada class from Lansing, and FRIDAY NIGHT Si-ECIAL a lot more. $1.69 We welcome you to join us, to participate in Angel Flight and to share our concern. SATURDAY Baked Swiss Steak NIGHT SPECIAL $1.69 V"«it us Oct. 11 & 12 in the Union Green Room at 7:00 p.m. for open OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. rush. Evening Specials include roll, butter and beverage and a choice of two of the following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. .CUT AND SAVE— STEVE SINGS THE BLUES Miller bond bombs Occasionally you will see a new was Steve Miller, Lonnie Turner, The best that one would be album by a group whose previous Tim Davis, Boz Miller's guitar work, and "Let Me Scaggs and Jimmy justified in hoping for is either a Serve You" is recording seems untouchable in Peterman. Then after two albums a good, rocked up fairly decent new sound, or blues number. quality, and buy it only to find Ben Sidran replaced Peterman on that it is even better than the last. "Brave New World," and regular old Steve Miller. As for the "new" material, Nicky It seems that Miller and Co. there is a live "slow blues" Sometimes an unheralded band Hopkins joined in for "Your couldn't decide which approach will produce a record which Saving Grace" and "Number 5." to take. Evidently they were number which isn't bad,assuming j would seem to excel their you like Steve Miller's voice and Through five albums Steve afraid to disassociate themselves blues guitar. But "Love Shock," capabilities. Miller Band survived minor from the past successes, but they which contains a bass solo and a And then there is the band that personnel changes and put out didn't know where else to go. So drum solo by Vallory and King, has put out good music consistently good music. Their "Rock Love" consists of a few threatens to induce sleep, and consistently in the past, and music was not stagnant. Blues was Steve Miller Band standard surprises you by recording trash. their origin, but they weren't "Deliverance," an acoustic sounds, a a few "new" Steve instrumental, does. Originally, Steve Miller Band restricted by it. With good Miller Band sounds. It's just too easy for a group musicianship and well written tunes, they truly entertained. been a long time between albums Distressingly, the standard with a name to put out crud and ONE PERFOBMANCE After undergoing a major Miller songs are not up to par. ("Number 5" was released on the "Rock Love," consists of Miller's get away with it. Emerson, Lake and Palmer, for example are personnel change which left only summer of '70) and the band has 0N1T Steve Miller and new members seen some changes. One could steady strum of a 12-string guitar over which he dubs short electric 'selling more of their grossly inferior "Tarkus" than they did Ross Vallory and Jack 8:00 P.M., King, expect this album to be entirely passages and of their debut album. Steve Miller Steve Miller Band has released different from all the others since sings. Not new, J Thursday, Oct. 21 "Rock Love." the new band might want to improved, or even as good. probably needed some money, so Normally a record released by a emphasize their break with the be a band with the past success of "Harbor Lights" is supposed to parody but succeeds only as he threw together an album. Mediocrity would have been Peter old band's sound. Or one could Steve Miller Band would arouse self-parody. "The Gangster is accepted as a natural occurrence. If you are a pumpkin eater you will be happy to know that your season is here again. These fine expect an attempt at maintaining Back," which is one of three live terrific expectation. But it has the successful sound. But, "Rock Love" is not even specimens were found at a roadside stand near campus. cuts, has its moments because of mediocre — it is dismal. State News photo by Christine Fischer Chinese students favor Nixon's trip Du RHRCDTRAn By ROBERT BAO diabolical trap , ....... and Nixon's is really misleading, because insist there is only one China, — ■ . . ... . ... - .. iU.i l : iajc !i i — Taiwan were expelled from the that each year since 1945 it has "What's * i. the use of the 0 intention to visit Peking "a big Taiwan has been ruled since 1949 Peking's admission must entail "THE ORGAN" JULIE McNERNEY mistake." under "state of siege" laws, thus Taiwan's withdrawal. UN, it would constitute "betrayal contributed dues computed in anyway?" he asked. of the coarsest kind." proportion to the population of "Maybe if Taiwan AND THE MSU students from Taiwan are Consequently, most Taiwanese many basic civil rights and One student, quoting columnist He argued that Taiwan was a all China. expelled, it can become nun alarmed by President students interviewed were liberties which Americans enjoy William F. Buckley, said if SILENT SCREEN" as founding member of the UN and "It would be extremely unjust self-reliant and independent! Nixon's recent overtures to reluctant to have their names are suspended there. if it were suddenly expelled," he the future." Mr Stan Kann, distinguished published. Those interviewed were more said. keyboard artist, at the console If there is 100 of the mighty Barton Pipe Organ, presents an original here generally feel that Nixon's freedom in the U.S.," one per cent concerned by the shift in American policy within the U.N. Six people Another student felt that the latest developments in the UN The officers of the China Club stressed that their views« musical score for the silent upcoming trip to mainland China explained, "there is only 20 per than by Nixon's imminent travel, have destroyed once and for all not necessarily representative d screen classic is a "great idea," provided the cent freedom in Taiwan." On Aug. 2, Secretary of State ... the "myth of one China." all members, since the clubisi is William P. Rogers announced that selection event not a political stunt Therefore, he continued, if one Although he would like to see social, not political, organizatia "PHANTOM OF which will "kick Chinese people were to go on record favoring the U.S. would favor a on Taiwan retain a seat at least in the One officer estimated around like a ball. Nixon's planned trip, his family U THE OPERA'U "two-China" policy instead of General Assembly, he is extremist views, In contrast, the official position might suffer political the previously held contention Four faculty and two student committee's composition. whethg pessimistic about the situation, — of the Nationalist «- , . , . . . „ ,.L . .. pro-Mao or pro-Taiwan, wn Chinese repercussions back in Taiwan. that the Nationalist government members were elected to the Deliberations are expected to an(j jn any event, does not held by less than one fourths I i it j i; • j Another student ^aid the label ... i.i__ a. i _n -r nl- .lamps Madison iYhIpctp Hpfln hnoin in t.hp fntiirp. government .. expressed by its represented all of China. s npnr . — as u a.i 1 :_i uoimi 4 consider the matter to be crucial. • MSU Chinese students. . Washington ambassador — Free China" — used commonly This policy reversal has considers the "ping-pong to distinguish Nationalist China jeopardized Nationalist China's last week, diplomacy" of last spring a from its Communist counterpart seat in the UN, as diplomats in increasing numbers feel that as Faculty members chosen were r1* i long as both Chinese governments Peter Lyman and Richard Zinman, instructors, and Chitra Smith and Robert Edington, associate professors. "FEEL THE MAGIC" Michael WEDNESDAY Betzold, St. Clair AN ARMED ROBBERY of a A MALE RECEPTIONIST AT DURING THE 24 HOD ssfiMssts THE ». elected stud™, membeIS. L„, a„ ^SU rAwfsrirLsr student, told officers he was GRAND OPENING These six, with asst. provost approached by a black male tjjem rooms. to pass through to their The two have been of$317 Herman King, representative carrying a small caliber pistol, referred to the county from the provosts office, and The student gave the suspect $44 DELLS Jack Wakeley, professor of psychology, the member from in currency and checks. The suspect then fled on foot. Police prosecutor. The receptionist was to the University Health Center, treated and released AA Q| | _PrtJlini„ y'OQUOJe outside the college, complete the are lookin8 f«r a man in his early 20's, six feet one inch tall, and dies in Missouri weighing approximately 170 pounds. No suspects have been TWO INCIDENTS OF apprehended, officers report. malicious destruction were rilltn nrridpflt reported to Police. A student aUTO OCCIUeill resident of Shaw Hall told police somebody had broken the rear An August Msu graduateoftkl Planes search windi-vv of his car sometime masters of administration program, L Sunday night, as it was parked on Force the Captain George M top level of ramp No. 1 for near killed early SaturdfJ illegal crops Shaw Hall The window estimated to be worth $50. was Bailey, morning was in an automo" accident in Missouri. LONDON (AP) - Authorities ... IN Capt. Bailey joined the M ANOTHER SIMILAR said light planes were patrolling incident, officers said, the food Force in 1964, after gradual parts of England in search of from the University of MissouT supervisor of Brody Hall reported Air Force ROTC program, potato crops not registered with the breaking of a window door in He was an organist fortheFfll a government production and Brody Half. The door has an price regulation board. estimated value of $50. Baptist Churc h of East Land Capt. Bailey was bund Monday morning. He is survived by his wiiM Evelyn, and two sons, Kent Ml Mike. Nigeria to take notional census LAGOS, Nigeria government (AP)-J announced it w0*j conduct a national censusi| 1973. The last census wastiT in 1963. SWIMMCM i STRAIN Today at 5:45 8:11 fV Twl-Llte Hour, Adults^ I 5:15-5:45 jooefoiKjf Today at 6:1 5 8:30 0Twl-Llte Hour, Adults90C 5:45.6:15 111 Today at 5:45 8:00 Twl-Llte Hour, Adults90c. 5:1 b-5:"^ WARREN BKATT* McCABEft MRS. MIUER Today at 6:00 8:15 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Tuesday, October 12, 1971 7 Orioles crush Bucs, 11-3 BALTIMORE (UPI) - The attended on the "spur of the slight pain in his elbow, in the fourth and six runs in the methodical Baltimore Orioles, moment" with David and Julie seemec. nervous and walked stranded 12 runners during the fifth and there was never any Mark Belanger and Palmer making 14 singles go a long way Eisenhower — there were too first seven innings but didn't give on a doubt after that. total of nine pitches to force in and featuring Brooks many Oriole heroes to count as up a run. Pittsburgh finally got Bob Johnson and Bruce the fourth run of the game. Robinson's annual World Series they ranked six Pittsburgh to him when Richie Hebner Kison, the two surprise Pirate Bob Moose then replaced showstopping act, humiliated Pirates for the 14 singles. tagged a three-run homer with the pitching heroes in the playofEs, Kison and got out of the inning Pittsburgh Pirates 11-3 Dave Johnson drove in three two out in the eighth. were both ineffective. Johnson, Monday to move within two runs with two singles while on an exciting double play. who beat San Francisco in the games of their third World Frank Robinson added three Dick Hall finished up in the third game of the playoffs when Championship in the last six singles and winning pitcher Jim ninth for the Orioles and he was a last-minute starter in Moose, though, only got one years. Palmer walked twice with the Pittsburgh wound up tying a place of ailing Nelson Briles,, was more batter out. Merv Brooks Robinson, who made bases loaded to force in runs. Series record by stranding 14 lifted after Johnson's two-run Rettenmund and Boog Powell the Series his personal showcase But the true story of the runners. single gave Baltimore a 3-0 lead started the fifth with singles and in last year's five-game triumph victory was that the powerful In the first and third innings, in the fourth inning. Frank Robinson flied out. over the Cincinnati Reds, had a Pittsburgh hitters couldn't get Pittsburgh had two on with one Hendricks then singled in perfect day at the plate as he the knockout blow against out and the losers got the first Kison, a relief standout in the Rettenmund and Powell came drove in three runs with three Palmer, even two batters on final playoff game, replaced though they had base in the home when A1 Oliver overran singles and walked twice. him in trouble in every inning. second with none out when the Johnson but the youngster the ball for an error. But with the Orioles resting Palmer, who was flaally lifted game was still close. on an 11-0 lead in the eighth after eight innings because he But Palmer survived each jam inning, he awed the crowd of had thrown 168 pitches and felt and Baltimore scored three runs l£i=£hirt 53,239 including Mrs. Pat Nixon with one of those diving stabs that he seems to have patented at third base. Football schedule With a 2-0 lead In the series, the Orioles go to Pittsburgh MAIN CAMPUS FIELDS Field 1 Field 2 Tuesday when they send Mike 5:30 Brandy Uauco* S: 30 ■ 5 Spot - 6 Pak Cuellar against Steve Blaia. The 6:IS Tiurui • Brutui 6:15 Brougham - Brawary Hallling liirri Orioles, who've now won 18 straight, would love to wrap It 7:00 Holdan 2N • Poonar 7:45 Wlnacallar • Wlnihlra 7:00 Whakkan 7:45 Caiopolli • Troll* jI third Biltlmort'i Dava Johnion ilamt Into Plratai catcher Mnnny Sangulllen m ha trial to icora from on a fly to laft In tha fourth Inning of Monday's World Serle* up Wednesday night with a four-game iweep. • Cameron uraH.oef.i3 gamo. Johnion thrown I out by left flaldar Wlllla 8targall. Tha Birds still won, though, 113. wai Although Brooks got loudest cheers from the Oriole the Field 4 II.'AO pm. AP Wire photo fans and from Mrs. Nixon- who 1:30 Bailers • Chicago Ail5 Plowjock* Ag. Prod II (AT) 6:15 W.8. Laughing INLY DISAPPOINTED 7:00 7:45 8:30 9:15 Children'! Crusade Cool Ouyi 7:00 Francis day Lib - Schuler Met. EMU * BMF Empyrean - Emperor • 7:45 Wlmbladon Wl.dom 8:30 - Windsor Wlvern 9:15 Jacobins Evart - Vanguard Ferries • T.M F *i GrtTflabk EAST CAMPUS RIELDS Field 5 Flald 6 Field 7 girl in JI State partans not discouraged By GARY SCHARRER beat the great ones for us to get back to the top of the heap," died. A penalty, a "Ine-yardlo. 5:30 McRae • Mclnnes 6:15 McFadden • McCoy 7:00 Hub 4 - Hub 5 ™ Hendrlx - Horrendous Wankkers • Bawdlari 11 McDuff - McLean McLalne • McGregor Hobblt • Horror Hub 7 - Hub 13 Hub 10 - Hub 11 w> Shaw 3 ■ W. Shaw 4 Fe» Brewers • Fenwlck McNab • McBeth any in modeling, call Jj Alex atiheQabl£s Nawi Sporti Writer and a 20-yard loaa and Wolverine 'Daugherty said. fumble recovery provided U-M U a mora I. East Mayo F Mooae • or "Da\te eft- vrv Old Forreaters Although disappointment Two years ago when the Wolveirnes last visited Spartan with the spark and time to uleathervane I natural after a reorganize. MSU became ita fifth king lots, Coach Duffy Stadium the underdog Spartans Egbert v told reporters at a lnday press luncheon that he Kin't want Spartan playen to surprised Bo Schembechler and company by introducing a new consecutive victim. "If we would have scored at that point It would have been Ruggers down U-M; and . . . offensive formation, coming out Idlicouraged with the 24-13 defeat to University of In « P°wer I from the previous wlihbone set. Saturday the damnedest dog-fight for the rest of the game," Daugherty said. "But I'm not going to aay land Steeby Trophy Tonight is Bhl|jan. Daugherty reversed the surprise that we deserved to win the The MSU rugby club captured MSU "B" team was whltewaahed ■•We have played two of two years ago by utilizing the Walter Staeby Trophy from Ikto-back games with the pntry'i top teama," Daugherty entirely new formations than what were used In tho first four Jf W game. was Senior cornerback Doug named 'Spartan of Barr the *»>• Unlverilty of Michigan for Jh# first time In three seasons by a more experienced Michigan »B" squad 18-0. The ruggers face the "50* NIGHT" "Wo are a fairly good team Bwnes this year and running has lost to outstanding from the wlahbone offense, Week,' playing career's best games. one of hla ®^urday, aasquad Wolverine they defeated 4-3 on Old the Unlveralty of Toledo at home this weekend In their next m. And the M8U offenao moved CoUege Field. scheduled game, |l don't think that there are the football with success during MSU players wanted the U-M The Spartana' John Chriateller j j ',"" c— 1 m«ny teama In the country wveral drives. Daugherty also „ an 1 could play Notre Dame and made Interesting point as hv DOUQ BARR not only to prov. .uporlor In their home state but also for ZZ.v midway through the <£, J first 1.15.hatf. "FEEL THE MAGIC" at the fehlgnn back-to-back and beat " compared the offensive statistics plays thrown Athletic OlZSTSS »YfffoV.W r them." Daugherty of both teams. were out, "Biggie" Munn who still lies 0 the ^nnlng WEDNESDAY mented. "And I doubt U-M had the ball for 72 plays, Spartans would have an average rrlt|cauy m at Sparrow Hospital ither there are many Big Ten Including three plays that wttre of 5.8 yards per play. following a stroke last week, Following the contest, the is that could even split counted as losses. If those nine "This indicates we dldn t have THE [■to-back games with Notre plays were discarded the the ball enough," Daugherty said CORRECTION! le and Michigan. Wolverines averaged 5.4 yards a In a massive understatement. Although Munn's vital life Dally Mass Schedule GRAND OPENING 'We can beat most of the pl«y- "We were with>n one play,-" signs remain good, there was St. Johns (M.A.C.) id teams In the country but MSU had 51 plays with nine but Daugherty did not have to deterioration in his condition DELLS 8:00 12:30 4:30 have to get good enough to g°'ng for losses. If those nine say anything more. Monday, marked by a decrease The Spartans had marched St. Johns (EAST) in awareness, down the field and were on the 9:30 p.m. Mon. thru Thurs. U-M 14 yard line with a first [o//ors fifth down when the third quarter ended. As the Spartan offense ran down to the south end of the field to begin the fourth lusty, shiftingw quarter Spartan fans let loose with Hurd a thunderous ovation. Mike and Spartan teammates [othered by gusty winds, the This regatta Is the first of two could not have gotten lUSailinjjClub took fifth place ;hat will determine who emotionally higher than they Ithe Cary Price Memorial represents the Midwest in the were as they lined up for the vtta held last weekend In Sugar Bowl Regatta to be held In I Arbor. New Orleans In January. Each of lick Davla, Birmingham the seven districts in the country ftomore, finished seventh in will send two schools to the IA division while teammate Sugar Bowl. Remember |rlck Fries, Waterford Davis fells that a strong tati '>'?n ►man, took third place In the showing at the Ohio State When * • • (vision. Regatta on Oct. 23, would give Shifting winds constantly the MSU Club a good chance to Oct. 23 7*d trouble for the Bailors, qualify for the Sugar Bowl. Jjs, a veteran sailor, was no fption. I He said, "The wind fluky. I was sailing well but ■ such rotten luck." All the cash you need II 1 and students, faculty and staff flng spring women Interested In golf are Invited to for that new car Pd an organizational meeting "May, October 14, at 7:80 Whether you've got your eye on a new car or just one 'n Room 187 of the len 8 that's new to you, we're ready with the money to help Intramural Building. you finance it. ■ Take it easy. And if you'll visit your credit union before you shop , . relax. . . some exercise. for a car, you can arm yourself with dealer cost and ■UNION BUILDING trade-in information that can help you drive the best SeAfArer, Kfzoo, And Ztkina ie/tn$ possible deal. /{om MILLIARDS ROOM By making the credit union your first stop, you also can arrange your financing in advance and be confident on/y..-. $5.00 of paying the lowest net rate. Why? Shirts from the /V\oniice((0 & BOWLING LANES First, because your credit union charges the same collection priced low interest rate on new and used car loans. Second, at the end of the year you'll receive a rebate on the *7-°° ft *7*° Billiard Room - $1.00 per hour interest you've paid. In addition, your loan will be protected with life and Mon. & Frl. 11.30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. permanent disability insurance at no additional cost. Tuei.,Wed., Thur. 10:00 a.m. • 11:00 p.m. And, best of all, you can repay your loan the con¬ Sat. & Sun. 3:00 p.m. • 11:00 p.m. venient credit union way - by payroll deduction. S PINBALL MACHINES! Your credit union - it should be your only source Bowling Lanes - 50c per line of credit! If you're not already a member, join today. Mon. & Wed. 5:15 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Tuei.Jhuri., Sun. 2:00 p.m. ■ 11:00 p.m. MSU Frl. & Sat. 12:00 noon • 11:00 p.m. 1019 EMPLOYEES Trowbridge Rd.« Open 9:30 -5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 12, j STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Make Room For Your Car! Clean Out The 3558255 Garage With a Classified Ad! We'll all smile. The State News does fay Phil tank For Rent For Rent For Sale not permit racial or, religious discrimination TR-250 1968 convertible. $1300. Call FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM Marietta, Houses PLAYBOY, MAD magailnii"^ I K1 in its advartising 351 -0457 before 10 a.m. or after 8 p.m. 10-10-25 heat and gas included $145. 765-5273.3-10-14 cards BOOK 1953 SHOP, 541 to date E c'uS" II columns. The State ROOMMATE: FURNISHED house, • AUTOMOTIVE ' Okemos. Must be mature and (downstairs) 1-6 p.m. 3-1 * I Scooters & Cycles News will not accept VEGA 1971 Hatchback WANTED TO RENT. Businessman $1900. clean, own bedroom. $90/ month advertising which Sharp. Call mornings 372-3437. desires to rent 2 bedioom home or SCIENCE FICTION Auto Parts & Service Includes utilities, no lease. Deposit I discriminates against 5-10-13 apartment in East Lenslng. end references. 694-8335. 3-10-13 magazines for sale ,,77** I Aviation Preference is for furnished home ► religion, race, color or EMPLOYMENT VOLKSWAGEN 1964. Sun-roof, but unfurnished home or HARRY SPLIT. Come fill en empty national origin. 1968 ► FOR RENT engine, $225. Phone apartment will do. Call 337-1873 room. Spilt costs. 419 South 332-2094.4-10-15 for Mr. Rooney. 3-10-14 Apartments Clemens. 2-10-13 STEREO Houses VOLKSWAGEN 1966 Bug. Rebuilt MSU 10 minutes New, SEARS Silvertone condition. $50 or I engine and clutch. Must sell, - away. WANTED TO RENT. Businessmen best '2? I Rooms Automotive deliberately beautifully furnished, carpeted, desires to rent 2 bedroom home or 353 8366.3-10-12 "*■ I FOR SALE underpriced, $500. free central air conditioning. TV, ► 339-8441 after 7 p.m. 4-10-15 apartment In East Lansing. laundry, parking, and all utilities Preference is for furnished home CHEVROLET, Animals CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE 1963. paid. Suitable for faculty, grad condition. Truck with Mobile Homes VOLKSWAGEN BUS, rebuilt engine, students, married couples. $175 but unfurnished home or and clutch. new I LOST & FOUND good body, best offer. 351-0063, per month. Phone 372-8103. epartment will do. Cell 337-1873 for Mr. 882-0902 10-10-2, I Charles. 4-10-15 Rooney. 3-10-14 PERSONAL PEANUTS PERSONAL 3-10-14 HUGE 3bedroom on Beker St. 3miles MARTIN D-36-S. 2 years old. E*~ceptlow7^ Very (nj0 1 I CORVAIR VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Good REFRIGERATORS 1964, Monza, newly condition. Custom paint Job. Call - to cempus. Carpeted, unfurnished, 351-1388.3-10-12 * REAL ESTATE rebuilt, immaculate. Need cash. DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth electric, $180 / month. Will negotiate 371-3471. 2-10-12 484-1591, If no answer call 315 Bridge, Grand Ledge. RECREATION 482-4672. 7-10-13 furnished price. IV2-7994. BROWN SUEDE Jacket,Tiem* I 627-2191. TF best offer SERVICE 2 BEDROOM with furniture. new, 41--■ CORVETTE COUPE 1970. Power 516 S. Frencls, $140 / month. 700 3-10-12 Typing Service steerina and brakes. automatic. / VOLKSWAGEN 1969 Bug. Blue, PARKING SPACE for rent across S. Foster, $160 / month. Cell AM/FM. Reel sherp. radio, whltewalls. Excellent from Abbot Hall. Call 351-0573 TRANSPORTATION 882-6305, 486-4917 or 372-4747 efterBp.m. REALI8TIC 200 Witt tunw, condition, careful owner. $1250. WANTED 4-10-16 Phone 332-2422. 2-10-12 'I SAVE HIM HIS ONE fWNE CALL AND after 12 p.m. 2-10-12 6-10-18 turntable, Akai. Reel to „, run L track. Albums, tapes. DEADLINE CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1967.4 HE CALLED SOMEONE IN TV AND Stereo rentel, satisfaction Like JI 1 P.M. one class day before speed, 327-300, clean, best offer. 484-8239 3-10-14 VOLKSWAGEN 1961 In excellent condition. $400 or (Test offer. FINLANPI' guaranteed. Free delivery, service end pick up. No desposlt. Call Rooms reasonable. 355-2018.3-10-12 publication. 489-4551. 3-10-13 NEJAC, 337-1300. C GIRL TO si are furnished 2 bedroom SUNGLASSES, SAFETY"",' CORVETTE 1966. 2 tops, 38,000 tempered lens; or Cancellations/Corrections actual epertment on Kalamezoo, 1 mile needs, sny optical miles, radials. Phone VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK TV RENTALS - Students only. Low from cempus, $65 / month. No optical Discount! — 12 noon one class day 339-9234. 3-10-13 1968. Clean, low mileage. Bicycle 2815 East monthly and term rates. Call leese. Call Sharon, 489-1808 from Michigan before publication. 10-speed. 351-7985.5-10-18 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV 8-5:30 pm. 2-10-13 372-7409. C-B-10-16 CORVETTE PHONE or 1969 convertible. Sell trade. Call after 6. 349-2502. Scooters & Cycles Employment RENTALS. C SINGLE: MALE student. Cooking, HARPSICHORD. SOLID 355-8255 5-10-12 Scooters & Cycles BUSINESS MAJOR, part time. Need GET YOUR party needs at A, C end perking, block / Union. 314 and 4 foot strings. cherry || 1971 KAWASAKI 250 Enduro. Needs 484-gev ■ aggressive, motivated, socially E Rentels. Glassware, red end Evergreen 332-3839. 3-10-13 372-1529.10-10-14 ■ RATES io» 1962 CORVETTE convertible, 4 1969 HONDA CL-460 Scrambler, soma parts. Sacrifice, $500. white check teblecloths. speed. 327, V-8, Headers, 5E.T. IV4-1524.3-10-12 committed Individual. Sand resume Two helmets, luggage rack $625. WORDS mags. $1600 482-7601 5-10-12 351-7587.4-10-15 TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 250, 1600 to Washington Watch, South Point Plaza, Lansing 48910.3-10-12 ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. Close. No APPLES, PEARS, plums, Pick sweet cider 1 1 3 5 10 miles, helmets included, $550. ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. parking. Girl • she'e house. 351-3439. Male, no cooking, your own applet. Frids« Saturday, Sunday. BiOSSail | COUGAR 1969. Body and running RIGHT TIME to buy Brldgestone SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 condition. Excellent tape deck. 351-9428. 5 10-14 ENROLL NOW - for October classes, 351-1754if v7p.m.S-10-18 ORCHARDS, 2 mllei North J 175-70. Best 175 ever built, $350, RENTAL. 372-4948. 0 Leslie on Hull Road. 12 Call 332-2753. 3-10-13 flexible, 353-4107.3-10-14 6 week course, day or evening. 127) 589-8251. 9 6 PH (OldUil 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 Current job openings. SPARTAN ENCONTER PEOPLE: Look into - DODGE 1963 Post Office truck, 6' Auto Service & Parts KEY PUNCH ACADEMY. Phone co-op living. Cell now 332-0846. Mondays. 0 STUDENT TO work part time In retail 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19-50 ceiling, sunroof, partial camper, grocery, prefer older, mature, MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East 393-8615.0-10-12 Apartments 5-10-14 KUSTOM AMP. Farfisa organ, 18 2.70 7.20 23.40 excellent condition. 882-1230. experienced person. Apply, Mr. Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. ATTENTION: ROOMS Gibson guitar. Bargain, lhi| 11.70 2-10-13 Gillete, 1412 West Mt. Hope. . .. FURNISHED TWO bedroom for rent. Phoitl Complete auto painting and PART TIME and full time Completely furnished. Cooking. 332-2721. 5-10-12 20 3.00 6.00 1-10-12 epertment near Sparrow Hospital. 13.00 26.00 FALCON 1967 Six cylinder, Sports collision service. IV 5-0256. C opportunity. Fluent phone voice Call 372-8077. C 2 to 4 people, $175.00 to $195. Coupe, automatic, plus snows. HARLEY DAVIDSON 1967 required. Sincerity end enthusiasm JSED SEWING machinst, $121(1 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 Includes utilities, except electric. 882 2759. 5-10-15 Sportster XLCH. $1000 or best W GUARANTEED repair. a mutt. 5 -10 p.m. Monday through and up. Consols modiii,! For Sale • Drive 10 minutes and seve dollars. 347 Student Servlcei Bldg. offer. 332-6801. 3-10-14 RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at Friday. 0:30 a.m. to 2:30p.m.and portables, zlg ■ zags end itrsfyil 3-8 p.m. Saturday. 11:30 a.m. • 332-6144.3-10-12 All student ads must be FORD VAN 1965, Good condition, Okemos Road. 349-9820. C stltchee. Over 60 to choose froovl can be seen between 9-12 a.m. 4:30 p.m. and 5 -10 p.m. Sunday. ELECTRO 131 TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 8B0cc. Salary plus bonus. $2 -85 per hour, LANSING OR East Lenslng. One USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 - GRAND, 804 Michigan, Lansing. Hours: 0i.ffl,T E«| piepaid West South Street, Clean, runs beautifully, $950. East Michigan. Dishes, Williamston. 655-3089. 3 10-13 393-5794.1-10-12 Aviation depending on ability. Personal bedroom furnished. Lerge, eiry coins, antiques, rockers, Junk. books, 5 p.m. Saturdays, 9 a.m. • Noon,ol The State News will be Interviews from 5-10 p.m. October rooms. Air conditioned. Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open responsible only for the FORD GALAXIE, 1966. Goodtires HARLEY DAVIDSON 1970 LEARN TO FLY I Complete flight 7, 8 and 9 at 633 East Jolly Road, Beeutifully melntelned. Suitable Saturday and Sundey. Furniture 8 TRACK tapaa. Clearance of ill Sportster. Electric start. Like new, Southland Complex, Suite 5. See for fecuity, grad students, business stock. $4.95 each. Original pries■ first plus two mounted snows. $600. training. All courses are and appliances open ell week, 10 day's incorrect Mr. Vance. O people, married couples. Lease. $ 1650. Phone 351-6818. 4-10-14 government and VA certified. up to $9.95. While they lest. B.P V iftsertiun. |75-5145 after 6 p.m. 5-10-15 FfeXNCIS AVIATION, Airport 332-31^ wfl«|fo6549 D em - 6 pm/ Phone 371 2843. C Goodrich, 2116 E. Mlchigstl Road. Call 484-1324. C 3-10-12 IMPALA 1969. Power steering, ' cbrtditlcrfi, extras pfus iwt/rWiea. ;0jJR MAN apartment arable." 1C-127 .^nV, stereo cassette power brakes, $1250. 353-5676. Close to campus*' 332-5322. j recorder. Wlftf VV/ meters, TWO HEATH kit guitsr^Mttkiitl 5-10-15 Employment recording limiter jack, $100. 372-5461.4-10-12 end heedphone TA-17. Good condition, S199.I Automotive JAVELIN 1969. FM, vinyl roof. SECRETARY • FULL time, $175 / 332-0694.3-10-14 FOR SALE: 106 Sears motorcycle. If NURSES: RN, LPN, ROSELAWN week. Phone 332-3591. CURTIS ONE Excellent condition. $1500 BEDROOM apartment. $135 ALFA-ROMEO. 1969 Coupe. Not interested, cell Herold Timberlake, MANOR NURSING HOME, 707 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY unfurnished or $150 furnished. FOUR 1971 Zlg • Zag, $43.50. Small HEAVY DUTY ateelof f ice desk - 60" H negotiable. 20 mpg. 353-9503, 0-3-10-13 cheap but very special. 349-2209 351-9466, 484-8447. Price $250. Armstrong Road. Has positions Available now. Phone 351-8183. paint damege in shipment. In x 30", excellent condition, S7S.■ 351-6349.4-10-15 3-10-13 7-10-12 available on all shifts. Full or part 5-10-15 walnut 9ew table. No attachments 393-4186.3-10-14 time. Excellent starting salaries and SALAD PREPARERS, cooks, dining needed es ell controls are built - JAVELIN SST, 1970, tape deck, vinyl room help, hostess. Both full and in. Makes buttonholes, sews on ZUCKERMANN BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. roof and air. $2375. Call 355-5809 1971 HARLEY - DAVIDSON benefits. Apply In person or call, part time. Apply In person at 901 EAST Oakland, 4 rooms HARSICORD,| Very good car. Many extras. $850. Sportster, 1,900 miles. Red, white 393-5680. Miss Lehmann, Director furnished, utilities paid, Merrled buttons, blind hems and sows hend essembled - walnut finish! after 5.5-10-12 CONNOR'S 24 372-1168, 372-1529. 10-10-14 of HOUR many fancy designs. Only $43.50 $550. 356-0608, 3-5 and 5-10-12 blue. $2000. 482-7601. Nursing, 5-10-12 RESTAURANT. 3231 W. couple. $135 deposit. After 3 e p.m. month, plus 5-10-15 cash, or terms erranged. Trade - pjti.U0-«( CADILLAC HEARSE 1955, good MERCURY 1966 PART TIME secretary. Need versatile Seglnew. East of Waverly. 5-10-15 ins accepted. To Insure MODERN OAK bedroom si 4 door Monterey. Automatic, running condition. Set up for radio, 35A VICTOR Good individual with previous experience SUBLET, APARTMENT close to satisfaction, sold by free home new. Lerge bed, dresser andmirt&l 4 excellent tires, 2 snow tires, Priced very 1 easonebly. Crfl camping. 337-0166. 3-10-13 trensportetlon. Too much bike for and broad Interests. Write Box B-2 ACADEMIC WRITER8 needed to campus. Needed Immediately, demonstration only. Call 1 15,000 miles. Excellent 487-3098. S price, but myst sell, $375. Michigan State News. 6-10-13 produce educational aids. Need Norwood Apartments. 489-2210. 484-4553, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. condition. $3 50 351-3823 ELECTRO CHEVY 1964 Window van. Rebuilt . 372-4321. 5-10-15 particularly writers In Education, 5-10-15 - GRAND. 0 evenings. S engine, double bed, seats six, glass ACCOUNTING MAJORS Economics, Area Studies, end all FOUR SWEEPERS. Brand new. Pelnt DINETTE TABLE with 6 chi>rt,l| tires. $595 or best offer. 373-2663, Business disciplines. Ceil Write - piece bedroom suite with m MUSTANG SINGLE GIRL to share furnished 2 ask for Rick. 1965. good rubber, 6 KAWASAKI 250cc 1970, 1400 On, 332-3700. O damege in shipment. Excellent 484-2860. 5-10-15 bedroom. Meadowbrook Trace. working condition. Includes all temporary full or part time Phone 351-7222 or 393-1865. PART TIME EMPLOYMENT WITH cleenlng tools plus rug shempooer. COLE'S BAKERY employment. We will teach 3-10-13 Cesh full line merchent price, $18.95, or terms TUESDAY ONLY Special 4 SUZUKI 1971, 125cc. Sell for $400. federal, State and Local Income wholeseler. Automobile required. 351-5800. evellable. Phone 372-3324, 9 e.m. Home - style white bread, $1.00(1 cM| Taxes. Some positions open CHEVY 1965. Standard shift, radio Excellent to 9 p.m. To insure our bekery foods concetto ■ condition. 3818 October 11. Others Available satisfaction, and heater. Very good Still well. 393-2816. 10-10-22 sold by free home demonstration MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES -1 shape, price January IS, 1972 thru April IS, $345,882-3820. 3-10-14 337-0180. 3-10-14 1972. Applicants must devote 20 only. ELECTRO-GRAND. O Okemos, South Pennsylvinill WAITRESSES: 3 shifts eveileble. SUZUKI 1971 350, Rebel, like new, hours per week to employment SPARROW NEAR, South Holmes, 1 West Seglnaw Road. KROGER-B CHEVY CORVAIR van 1963, new Excellent weges and tips. 2,000 miles. Cell and be able to attend our free tax room efficiency, utilities Frandor, Logen Center, 4002W«1 OLDSMOBILE 1970 Cutless 393-1530. Experience preferred. Must heve Included, UNDERWOOD clutch, new transmission, new 5-10-15 clinic in December immediately gentlemen only. $70. 351-3969. O RAPHAEL Seglnaw, 1721 North Grand Rl'" Supreme Convertible. Many after end of fall term finals. You trensportatlon. Call THE POUR Proportional Space paint inside, runs great, $300. Call Electric evenings, Farmer, 337-7227. extras, top condition. Excellent must be available to work thru HOUSE. 648-6261. 5-10-15 100 USED typewriter. Good condition. __o-10;!2_ buy. 372-0467. 3-10-13 B.S.A. 250cc, 1968. Excellent vacuum cleeners. Tenks, __4110115_ condition. Engine Just overhauled. April IS, 1972. canisters and uprights. Guaranteed Reasonable. 482-7739. 3-10-13 TWO PAIRS hi-fi speekers.SIOOprWl CHURCH OFFICE secretary. Typing, renge, Argus cemera, 482-2011. r Fibergless body. Bargain priced at Apply in person 9:30 AM to 12 one full year. $7.88 and up. CHEVELLE 1966. 283. Stick with mimeographing, filing and payroll PANASONIC AM/FM 2-10-13 OLDSMOBILE 1963. "98" All $325. Call 351-6208. 3-10-13 noon, or phone for appointment, DENNIS DISTRIBUTING stereo overdrive, call 355-7477 after 5 experience necessery. 5 days e component system, like new. power, 2 door hardtop, $250. 8 8 2-2 44 1. SIMPLIFIED COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. p.m. 3-10-12 week. Call 332-2559 Reesonably WATERBEDS. ALL sizes, 371-1697. 3-10-13 TRIUMPH TROPHY 250cc 1970. BOOKKEEPING AND TAX Monday Opposite City Merket.C-10-14 priced et $100 SERVICE. 430S South through Friday, 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. 371-2781,489-4693.3-10-13 guerentee. $22. Cell L»* $400 or best offer. 351-4376. Cedar CHEVELLE 1969, 6 cylinder, 3-10-13 351-4490.3-10-14 3-10-43 Street, Lansing. SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. automatic. Call 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 332-6521 ask for Mr. Su. 5-10-13 Brand new portables - $49.95. $5 RN and LPN - Are you interested In per month. Large selection of HONDA 750 ,1971 /customized paint supplementing your Income? Our CORVAIR GENERAL OFFICE - full time, $95 reconditioned used mechines. 1964 , ,uer. PLYMOUTH 1964, 6cylinder, 2door, job, customized seat and'sissy bar. office, Homemakers, is a Turbocharged, excellent condition. dependable economical, $300. / week. Phone 332-3591. CURTIS Singers, Whites, Necchls, New 5,300 miles. Call before 3:30, EMPLOYMENT subsidiary of the Upjohn Home & "Many Others", $19.95 to $420. Phone 694-8335.5-10-12 i-10-12 AGENCY. Company. We provide home 485-2950.3-10-12 0-3-10-13 $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS petient cere on a temporery besis. As a Homemekers employee, DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. TELLER you 1115 N. Washington. 489-6448. - $96 / week. Phone may work when you want, eern a Q^aA 332-3591. C-10-14 £iude*Ui,Ma^Aied CURTIS competltiva rata and be fully EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. bonded and insured et all times. 0-3-10-13 For MARSHALL'S ANNUAL Audio more informetion, call Open House - Week of October 11 372-9644. 5-10-15 and .. . fyacultq FOR and BABYSITTERS, housekeepers nurses eldes, Homemakers, e through 16. With Amp Clinic Friday and Saturdey. MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann Street. C-1-10-12 ANESTHETIST-CRNA.Temporary subsidiary of the Upjohn day position and obstetrics. Oct. 16 Compeny, Is interviewing for e GIRL WANTED to share efficiency, 2 CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING through Oct. 24. Permanent time position also available. Contect: Jan. C. Martin, Personnel Director, St. Lewrence Hospital. full variety of excellent positions. As aHomemekers employee, you'll work when you want, earn a men. 3-10-12 316 Gunson. 351-9359. competitive rate and be fully 372-3610. 3-10-14 SQUEEZE? Insured and bonded et all times. Call 372-9644 between 9 a.m. 5 1 F r v. - LOCAL FIRM has openings for herd working persons with good p.m. 5-10-15 ONE GIRL for Evergreen Arms. 4 man % 10 it— r- r- r- (r 9. Tyrant 10. Mortarboard* WEST Take your troubles to speaking 9:30 p.m., voice to work es telephone solicitors. Hours 5:30 - Monday through CHRISTMAS 18 coming - Earn that needed extra cash. Opportunities unlimited. Call 371-2227. 5-10-15 apartment. Phone 351-3307. 5-10-14 •s % $ W 12. Poker countt" 13. Sorceress Friday. $1.76 an hour. Phone >4 •J * 17. Threespol GRADUATE STUDENT couple: 2 TT 372-7793 between 1 and 5:30 p.m. 21. "The J „ bedroom furnished mobile home. 16 to set up Interview. Only those who MAN WITH e ven eveileble 3:30 - 4 ai H sr Roughrlder PARK are 10-10-25 hard working need apply. PM, dally. 485-3569, ask for Jim. 3-10-12 Clean and quiet. 641-6601. O % fcl $ SI $ !T 23. Grant 25. Artist s dress SALES PERSON. Part time position COLLEGE MEN. Part time help ONE GIRL needed epertment next to to share 4 girl campus. ii is w % lo 26. Stead 27. Robust APARTMENTS available In our Ski 8hop for an experienced person In the sale of avalleble now. Full time In the summer. Flexible hours. Excellent Car necessery. Cell Mr. 332-4432.0 ONE AND 2 bedroom SI 4 Si $ M %% w 8T 28. Songbird 30. ■ ■ Cobb 4 ski Is end binding Installation. pay. apartments 34 a 32. Steps 5530 West Michigan Ave. Immediate employee discount. Apply Personnel Office, J.W. Burton, 489-1495 between 1 end 5. 2-10-11 from $145. 10 minutes MSU. Children permitted. from EAGLE mi % ft w 24. 35. Long-Ill""811 Deacon's at Saginaw Knapp Company, 300 South Washington. 2-10-13 ACADEMIC WRITERS needed to CREST NORTH, 694-8975, Keller Road, Holt. C 4330 •w Ml % masterpiece 37. Tolerable Contact Elly Louch produce educetlonel aids. Need 47 % M4 38. Preserve at 484-0709 WAITRESS WITH grill experience or willing to learn. Abla's Bar, 100 particularly writers In Economics, Area Studies, and all Business LOOKING FOR a Opan-end leases available. Call roommate? V/< Y/i % 41. Statu" 42 Outstanding disciplines. Call Write - On, HAL8TEAD MANAGEMENT 46. Behold 8outh Main, Eaton Rapids. 6-10-14 332-3700.0 351-7910. 0 I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 12, 1971 9 For Sale Pergonal Service Essays detail crime GUITAR. Tone Master ; L' amplifier. mu,t . $5° ,or Call aftw 4. 337-7734. "bORHOOD GARAGE Sale - cut BUILDING C-1-10-12 JAMES TAYLOR * could be the cure) BARBER iimidw bootleg Double SHOP SHOP. ,n* a •» weddlno should be photographer. Terrence 361 2013.6-10-15 your Miller, (Continued from ,rom ppsg. on.) "It also means a dark spot in my selective and are so. Thus, a cost Clothing, baby Item*, Album. Llmlttd UPHOLsTERlNG-REFlNiSHlNG, Thus, a file with the police criminal deeds, certainly has the«s. quantity shoplifters extend beyond the life — the time I let myself go and blemish such as shoplifting can A"wwk embarrassment of detection and department is a scar that will not most haunting effect. didn't think of all the defer a person from many types heafinthe working-day realm." ... C Lansing, Oct. 13-14. 8-4:30 SHOP 541 E. "It's too "bad that Grand River (downstairi) 1-6 p.m. 3-10-12 T0,,nd n^r P°lice Procedure" More costs must follow on the8e consequences. of employment. This student also expressed a misdeed had to occur, and such moreso a survey of the "All this together makes that Ami judicial and financial costs, pen look as big as all the pride and secured, ^ even where^a job^is great loss in self-respect: trust and confidence will that it had to occur in so young a hwu B°t utorirfg^clu J*°?'*£,K"^n eleCTROlosis: medically Shoplifting cuts deeply into the hope I have in myself. I have let not be placed in such an "The idea of being a deviant within society will always be person's life," he said. "",4The marks are permanent and „ deck, DUAL CV-40 itereo December lsat and janu.iv tr»'"«d operator. Free Pr°nt margin of East Lansing myself and others that trust me individual. So chances of Harman-Kardon SCI 5 January consultation.Mr*. present. Living with a conscience the lesson learned—if only it had dat board exam* are Knowiman, merchants and they have implicitly down." being 882-6114. 3-10-13 ■ereo music system, used formed. Call collect subsequently decided to Others also wrote of their (3131 PEREO, speaker*, amps, 851-6077 for enrollment. prosecute all those who are personal losses in self respect and >rs, changers, tape recorders O-25-11-12 apprehended. _ 1 decks, cassette and 8 track trust, resulting from their SENIORS! FOR Immediate costs from the court used 8 track tapes $2 / TV sets, Police band radio*, Ipewiiters, imported wall Peanuts Personal YOUR FREE PICS, sentence probation, include a fine, police record and, in a shoplifting convictions: * "My father, who is a very proud man — very proud of his Classes in istries, All equipment tested "uldie and R e N A R d rare instances, a jail sentence, wprk and of his home and, guaranteed. WILCOX'S CALL 353-5292 Fines are generally preset and j §C0ND HAND STORE, 509 East mv/NcG,RATULAT,ONS those convicted often find them mostly, of his children — was the most hurt. I imagine it will make A new summer program in London will be James Ftnimore Cooper, Ralph Waldo Emerson, conducted by the Dept. of American Thought Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain, Henry James, 485-4391. 8-5:30 p.m. i. BATON TWIRLING claues. Now disproportionate to the costs of him wonder and worry aboutabo me and Language during 1972, focusing on the James Whistler, John Singer Sargent, Ezra B>nday through Saturday. Bank - items stolen. Their comments Pound, taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640 for the rest of his life.' student and his role, identity and heritage. Robert Frost, T.S. Eliot, Theodore Roosevelt Master Charge, ricard, include: Kaways, terms, tradefc.O 2010-28 herself, this coed added: Hie following courses will be held from July 3 and Woodrow Wilson. "Mom never has any "It extra was embarrassing for me to to Aug. 17 at the University of London: ATL Students will keep daily journals of their stand in court, ION guitar ES-335 electric, - LUNSKY: YOU finally made it i FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL T"ey t0 anything for herself. in front of all 112, "America's Discovery of England in the responses to England and compare their reactions st with case. New, $500will Happy 21 *t.PJ. 1-10-12 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE Ant* me> without a job, had to ask those people with traffic tickets 19th Century" (3 credits); ATL 113, "America' to those of the earlier Americans in an attempt e, $245. FAR f ISA DUO WOLVERINE. 0-10-13 her for$69 to pay my fine.' and illegal drinking (charges) and Discovery of England in the 20th Century" (3 to understand their personal identities, America's |)MB0 ORGAN - compact, Real Estate In paying my fine of $74 I Plead guilty to something as credits); and ATL 300, Independent Study (1-8 identity and their heritage as Americans. keyboard, with power WHATEVER YOU •w, $1100 will tacrifice. y there * a good chance you'll find it it to buy, had to go into my savings for next degrading as shoplifting. It also credits). British specialists in Americana and Americans In the Want Ad*. Check now! winter's clothes. I probably won't hurt me to be treated like a In ATL 112 and 113, students will examine living in London will visit the classes. Tours will have all the clothes I'll need common common thief, even thnueh I was though the reactions to England of American painters be conduted to allow students to become Really this 3 bedroom Cape Cod writers, scholars and statesmen, such as Benjamin familiar with the locales and society that have New $400, will tacrifice, FREE sen,or portrait* tai . a*ain' 1 was faced with the ° , BARITONE UKULELE - would be a special any time. Full basement, 2 car garage, 353.^909 353-5292 A a SERV'CE °F SSuc wrongness of my crime." * ™ The concensus of the essays was West, John Singleton Copley, Washington Irving, been subjects of American writing and painting. i, Ail instruments fine shapel "The more I think about it that loss of self-respect and shopping, school*, and can be at I 393-4182 MSU in minute*. now, the more ridiculous the idea others' trust extends beyond Financing to be arranged. Call Mr*. Robinson, ASHES, RUBBISH hauled. 75c a °' shoplifting seems. An $8 skirt one's immediate associations, Shoplifting is generally a Highway hearing 372-7610. ADVANCE REALTY, barrel, special on clean up*. Phone has cost me $74, a police record 393-4592 anytime. 10-10-14 Animals ir 485-3045.4-10-15 and an even greater amount of misdemeanor, depending on the embarrassment." Va,ue of the stolen goods. But a KIMBERLY DOWNS D0NT GIVE your used furniture * (Continued from page one) away We'll buy it. 393-4592. "For stealing a dollar police record comes with hearing proceedings on their AM Sierra Club chapter and Cyclists OPEN HOUSE cartridge pen I was fined $74 and conviction and many of those "It's quite evident from the list station because they are required 2916 Mayflar 1:tk with the >,nn>o strict iob market, emnlovers strict job market, employers tmistM>e wnniH wol^nmp written trustees would welcome written Pretzel Pretzel Bell. Meijer Bell, Meiier Thrifty Thriftv "It wilt "It will not ho an nnt be an it-om item ffor rmed. Beautiful temperament, fc. 3724318.4-10-15 possibility of future employers accept only the most impressive material which they could absorb Acres, Meridian Mall, Married action by the trustees before the applicants. They can afford to be at their leisure," he said. Students Activities Assn., the November board meeting,," for dissertations, theses, Perrin's office has been Residence Halls Assn., the MSU Perrin said, pTERED AMERICAN Eskimo Ad*. pies. One male, one female, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. it's whats. 11a Minn a a — i requesting 10 copies of any 22 yeers experience. 349-0850. C written material to make it ts. 337-0613.3-10-14 EAST LANSING n -Sale by owner. available to the trustees. He MNfi Near University. Two - *tory brick. liCAN ESKIMO puppies, need added Monday that groups might 11 large rooms, 3 fireplace*. Large consider releasing their written [opted homes and love. attic and ba*ement. Formal dining. tered, all white, best offer. statements directly to the press to Re-locating because of job. Muit | 2594.4-10-15 sell. Will sacrifice. Price reduced facilitate coverage. from $52,000 to $49,700. For David Littleton, promotion Mobile Homes appointment, call 351-1283. Announcements for It's What's director of WKAR-AM radio 5-10-18 today in the Eppley Center announced Monday that the J>« received in the classroom$. |TEL0 1952. $1000. Excellent QUIET, BEAUTIFUL, reflective c"JSe Services Bldg k 34S.,Student by 1 p.m. at least two The MSU Lesbian Sisterhood and University operated radio station tion, close to campus. class Radical Lesbians invite a„ women will broadcast thepublic hearing describe* 4 bedroom house in days before publication Items |1 -6808 after 5 p.m. 5-10-18 Lake Lansing. Giaaa front with are limited to 2 5 words No interested in joining rap groups, sensitivity sessions, social events, and Thursday live from Kellogg Center. fireplace, built - in kitchen, COMPLETE THESES «.rvi«i »nn°unc°ments wiU be accepted by other actlvitieS to caU 353-9795 I VINDALE 12' x 60' around $25,000 339-2254. Diacount printing. IBM typing and ?« ®. ,Vvi«: Phone. No announcements w.11 be between 1 and 2 p.m. Monday through Littleton said students, faculty urnished, completely carpeted, . accepted for eventsoutside the greater 5-10-14 and other members bosal, pets allowed. 339-8912. binding of theses, resumes, Lansing area. weanesaay. publications. Across from n campus, campus. Book community may find it valuable EAST LANSING corner M.A.C. and Grand An informal exchange - last chance to pick to follow the proceedings via Thi* large 4 area. River, rap session on up forgotten money and books. Call bedroom bi - level it les* than 15 below Jone* Stationery Shop. Call living-learning will be held at 7:30 351-1771. public radio. WKAR will not be minute* from campus, has 2 COPYGRAPH p.m. today in Multipurpose Room A, i Lost & Found fireplaces, two 5 piece baths, 2 car 337-1666. C SERVICES, Brody Hall. Dan Price and Roy H. able to broadcast any of the night McFall, asst. professor of natural Sexism and sexuality discussion attached garage, extra large lot I science, will be featured. groupwill meet at 8 tonight and every h rear fenced in yard. Priced at TYPING TERM papers end thesis. Tuesday in 209 Bessey Hall. Open t( abargain of $41,000. Call Harold Darbor, 699-2302 or All Star Personal A lesson in Realty, 694-8181.3-10-13 ~~~~ PROFESSIONAL papers, theses. TYPIST. Be*t Term today in 208 Men's Intramural Bldg. All men and women are invited to attend if they are interested in rate*. Call competitive skiing. Workouts will The Spartan Bowmen will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the south door of Library •. complexion care. run Jenison Fieldhouse. Equipment will 351-4619.0 Monday through Thursday. (Continued from page one) Ji 484-4519, Ea*t Michigan or FARM 70-110 ACRES be available to use or bring your own. |-?197, Lansing Mall. MERLE fRMAN COSMETICS TYPING THESES and letter*, etc. The MSU Ski Club will hold its All archers are welcome. The complete list of salaries was made available to the State This little slipstick RJDI0S.C-10-14 Registered student organizations Wednesday in 109 Anthony Hall. News Saturday by Trustee Clair lust re-register with ASMSU each could increase your . Experienced. 393-4075. C Movies will be shown of last year's 10-12 minutes drive from year. The registration for this year is , # White, D-Bay City. White said MSU. Quality brick home, trips and door prizes will be given to due by Oct. 22 and the form for this is members. Everyone is invited and new public money is public business. available in 101 Student Services Bldg. nearly Has 14' fireplace, His action came despite urgings typing speed new. SAVE SAVE SAVE memberships will be taken. pIGAN EDUCATION 15' 21' Country kitchen x XEROX COPYING- offset - best The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will a program on a past club trip to from other trustees at the Friday 0CIATION RESEARCH with range, oven, dishwasher, quality at reasonable prices. THE have 8 lawyer available from 8 a.m. to Mexico and climb of Mt. "Popo" will night board meeting that no one VISION FAIR. MEA COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand noon every Wednesday and from 1 to by two or three days. refrigerator, and disposal. be given 1 it the MSU Outing Club take "unilateral" or "arbitrary" River Phone 332-4222 C 5 p.m. every Wednesday and Thursday meetings 7:30 p.m. today in 140 Jding, Huge walkout full basement action to release the figures w __ Abbott and M-78. during the fall term. Those wishing an Natural Science Bldg. All are invited, Isday Wednesday and has finished rec room that is appointment are asked to check with before faculty and others have an 7er 12 and 13, 2-4 PM spacious. Transportation the ASMSU business office, 307-B Student Services Bldg., or call what is SDS doing? Red Cedar Complex meeting will be at 7:30 opportunity to express their Students will be elated over a completely new and NEA Research 353-0659. There will be a nominal $3 opinions. way to correct typing errors: Liquid Paper's® new 40' x 60' barn with today in the Snyder main lounge. "I don't want to pick it up and ■lications on exhibit. NOTHING LASTS foreverl So for charge for this service. Discussion will center on Wesley dispenser, slipstick. basement ready for up to 20 newer household goods run with it, board opinion divided new or Fishel, former head of the MSU When you're typing the big one, the 30-page J-ted extra .. copies to be horses. Bam needs new roof. check today's Want Adsl Veterans - join us at 8 tonight in the Vietnam Project and t asitis,"Chapinsaid. fibutedat no cost. All Fall About 9 acre wood lot, good Union ballroom to discuss Project, paper you've been sweating for weeks, that's when 1 students and participation in the Veterans DAy mistakes bug you the most. So you slow down. faculty are fences. This property priced Parade and other future activities. A Free coffee. to sell immediately. Wanted short movie will be shown and coffee Support your local locomotive! The MSU Railroad Club meets at 7:30 p.m. And the closer you get to the bottom of the page, SINGLE modern GIRL wanted to share will be served. Veterans for peace still has a job to do I today in 33 Union. Attend and bring a friend. We give a green light to innovative people. Suit planned the more you clutch up. Mess up now and you've got a whole page to retype. When you've got a slipstick handy, you don't 1 bedroom apartment Newspaper recycling will be the »>YKE STUDIO will turn CALL TEACHOUT . . you on near MSU. Only $75 a month. Call ibject of subJect of a talk and a film to be The Chess Club will meet at 7 p.m. (Continued from page one) worry about mistakes. One easy touch releases a treat photography. We do it all presented at 8 tonight in Williams Hall. 489-9444.5-10-15 Wednesday in the west meeting room special fluid that buries the mistake and leaves a 71 Passports and ID'* to unusual AND GARDNER The speaker willb e Major Browning of Hildebrand was employed by 0f Shaw Hall. Please bring sets and 'aits the Volunteers of America. the University from Sept. clean new surface like the paper itself. to candid photography. clocks. 1, "• a ring at 332-8889 REALTORS 1967 to May 23,1968. So you type relaxed. And make fewer mistakes. or drop Women for Abortion Repeal will The MSU _ studio in the Abbott Sailing Club's first class of Hildebrand is asking for On the big assignments, Liquid Paper's new slip- have an informational meeting from shore school will meet at 6:30 p.m. 0-1-10-12 7:30 to 11 tonight in the table tennis $115,000 in damages for stick could put you days ahead. COMIC BOOKS, Baseball cards, todBy in 35 Union. Anyone interested PLAYBOY room, fourth floor Union. Interested in learning how to sail is encouraged to compensation for past and rIAL HELP by Ph.D.'*. All 4320 W. Saginaw magazines, wanted. sisters are welcome. attend. future lost wages and damage to r«s, CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 541 e. including math, phytic* Grand River (downstairs) 1-6 p.m. his reputation. Meta 4 Intermedia voyages (jazz, - If you enjoy learning square and folk |lO°i2PUt#r'' Ca" 351 "8629' 371-1930 3-10-12 poetry, film and more), all in geodesic space will be presented at 8 p.m. dancing, find out at the meeting of the Hildebrand has filed two Liquid Paper Corporal MSU Promenaders st 7 p.m. previous cases with the Michigan BRAIN BURNED? ROOM FOR female, over 21 wi th dog. Wednesday in Abrans Planetarium. Wednesday in 34 Women's Intramural. Labor Relations Commission OKEMOS NEW home. Has 3 Bicycling distance. Call • KsTnYsVen™ charging ■ pain of cla*t work bedrooms, dining room, 1V4 baths, Ingrid, The Caller's Club meets at 4 p.m. the University with ' 489-9756. 3-10-14 unfair labor practices. ■ educational aid*, Lyman Briggs College Academic InE today in the lobby of the Women's ■°rin9, translation, CPS flreplece, fully carpted, 2 car will hold its first meeting of the year at 1 ntramural Bldg. TTie first case, regarding his ■ u'er garage. $33,500. 349-2333. NEED 2 tickets for Ohio State- MSU 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 104C Holmes programs, lab manuals 5-10-16 position with the Dept. of Social game. Please call 339-9297 after 4 Hall. All Briggs students are invited. [^search from WRITE-ON, 210 There wiU be a public lecture on Science, was denied. Hie second, T Road-332-3700.10-5 p.m. p.m. 2-10-13 Sex crimes will be discussed by Det. "Translation: What is Truth?" by regarding his position with the Recreation Darrell Pope at 8 tonight in the Philip H. Vellacoh at 8 tonight in the Green Room of the Union. Latin American Studies Center, BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Emmons lobby. This is the second of: is pending. all positive. A negative, B negative Sexuality Series. Everyone is invited. baby bug CHRISTMAS BREAK. Spein $249. New Free U classes are starting Hildebrand is Nat*au $169. Acapulco $249. and AB negative, $10.00 -O tonight: Sexism and Sexuality, 8 p.m., being London $149. Complete deluxe negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN The Israeli Club announces "Shalom 209 Bessey: and Yoga; 7 p.m., Green represented by Lansing attorney COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, '72: p«rade of ,sraeli Stars" at 8:30 Room,Union. Kenneth Laing. Laing iW»gen owners who package*. Call Frank Buck, e 351-2286.0-10-13 507U Ea«t (VanH Rivar Fait tonight at the New Power Center represented Paul M. Schiff in a race to the maternity Liquid Paper Corporation land give birth In a beetle H AYR IDES DRAWN by horse*. Laming. Above the *** un>l„ new q Campu. -j in r^ariZ' ple""e ^1^35 re»e'v»«ion» piea*e sVlO^ call 35 5-7910 or i*" " "eedS classes:auto peopleh ,°ilead speed mechanics, ,hes! celebrated case in 1965. Make Schiff, then an MSU graduate l?niroli|ib,e 3"-'894. Transportation will be reading, guitar, karate, pottery, basic Youll find the little slipstick in ■ 'n U.S. Savingsto receive , appointment now. Call bonds. your 676-5028.3-10-14 Fridav Friday. TuMdav Tuesday aid and W^ariav Wednesday 1 1 irr,,,g principles of art, writing, meditation. if you help, call 353-9190 charged denied that him the University readmission to the office supply department of Ien if you are not pm to 6:?i> pm. 337-7183. C The Marketing Club presents John can or 484-5104. graduate school because of his K'V baby it pays to ~ ~ — Fleming, director of marketing for protest activities and the (f»l3OOK^BRe Service Oldsmobile, at 7 p.m. today in the Ifiai E2 cats- s,tate news Ad« tor all kinds of aa WANTED: THORENS turntable and good speakers. JBL, AR, etc. Teak Room of Eppley Center. All are welcom^ Beginning modern dance will at 6 p.m. today in 218 Women'* i.m. meet distribution of the Committee 482-2011.2-10-13 Bldg. Dues ate $2. for Student Rights newsletter. 1'rom plush to ELECTRONIC REPAIRS'. Stereos, Schiff was readmitted to Accounting students - Beta Alpha iCwtf ,h* "X"1 radios, recorders, tv s. Dependalbe. reasonable. Call WANTED: ROCK drummer with experience. Mu*t groove. Phone P»l will sponsor an evening with the '•cruitefs. Find out what the Orchesis, modern dance club, < meet 7 p.m. to~day In 218 Women'* i.m. Bldg. Payment of dues will be graduate school decision was handed down before a by 101 c n— 381-e«aO.O-30-lMfl 372-6224.8-10-1.8 recruiter* are looking for at 7 p.m. checked. the district court. 131 E. 1 Grand River 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October^ Halls ask OFFICERS CRACK DOWN old paper recycling "Recycle the State News!" Unregistered bikes impounded (Continued from page one) demand for them in particular right turns," he added. South Shaw, which officers enough money That's the battle cry of crews during a semi-annual areas fluctuates, No one is at fault, he said, but consider the Campus's most construct availabi, environmentalists across the MSU campus. count conducted at 10:30 a.m. on October 5, Burt Ferris of The flood of bicycles has caused problems for other this intersection misunderstanding has resulted in dangerous, But, there are number of specifically problem will for^Ej" continue. Several residence halls, ground maintenance said. departments. lUIIinuua near numerous ucoi accidents. «VVIMVM»W. things tilings barring correction of . . ~*1Q| "Twice annually, grounds Max Neiles, Manager of the Public Safety Director Bernitt these problems according to the „ including Mason, Williams and Bicyclists, Bernitt said • Wonders halls, have organized maintenance crews are asked to automotive service department described it as a situation that - just trying to department heads, save lives." drives collect count the bicycles parked in reports he has received needs immediate attention. to discarded Ferris said he cannot change their designated areas," he said. calls from irate newspapers so that they can be numerous •The concept of placing any ianes on the South Campus processed and used again. They then call us and report students complaining about bicycle lanes on the roadway without the permission of the U he figure." l I "Kids pick up two or three a careless bus drivers. next to the curb," he said, "is Director of Traffic Safety, who I I I J day and just throw them away," That figure—1,250 more than "It is conceivable that the biK fraught with danger. It has has not made any specific Qflg he the nreviouslv recorded 1964 driver could take take a , » according to Barbara Courtney, previously recorded 19fi4 driver could a right turn, created problems that weren't recommendations. Birmingham sophomore, who high—has fostered numerous he said, "and hit a bicyclist contemplated r He cited a lack of funds as the TQtfGSt P* ~~ organized the project in Wonders problems beyond registration. without even knowing it." (bicycle lanes) were designed." major obstacle delaying changes Hall. "This is a way to stop Shifting bicycle densities in crux of the problem. Members of the Department that have been described as CAPE TOWN, South both MSU housing areas and according to Neiles is the bicycle 0f Public Safety have made wasting the papers and do "necessary." (AP) — Ralph Grant, | academic areas, in addition to lanes on the right of the motor tentative recommendations to something for the environment, ideally, Ferris and Bernitt "Tubb, the world's too." increase in bicycle vehicle lane. change the pattern of bicycle Used copies of the State News population, has caused According to Neiles, the tiffin traffic at the intor«*winn at fho intersection of of RpH Red agree tj,e bicycle paths should ' " in carnivals here, died at ft aonarent an apparent hoart . _ r an heart ailment. - be separate from campus streets, —v..,, «>;i and other newspapers are fluctuating parking problem, bicycle motor vehicle conflict Cedar Road and North and according to Ferris. particularly bad the South gut> tj,ey say, until there is weighted 700 pounds. deposited by hall residents in on boxes in the lobbies of North and Conversion of dormitory Campus where the roads were South Wonders halls. Volunteers rooms to apartments and constructed to accommodate a Filipino leader Contact lens wearers: take the from the classrooms particularly in Fee special bicycle lane. The strain is newspapers QfOViClGS $2,300 lobbies flo the hall loading dock, and Akers has decreased the greatest at the intersections, he where they are picked up by the Volunteers of America. They are number of bicycles in those areas, he said, and the empty ' Bicycles have the same road r MANILA (AP) Ferdinand E. Marcos signed a - President New Swirl Clean bvContiq then sent to a paper dealer, and Swirls your lenses clean for new wearing comfort! racks have been relocated. rights »» buses, and the bus as —-—, — — law providing $2,300 each for —. from there they go to a mill for One academic area suffering drivers often have bikes between the families of six persons who Your eyes look better wh«n they fee/ recycling. from the fluctuation, Ferris them and the curb when making died in public distrubances. comfortable. That's the whole idea behind new Swirl Clean electric contact lens The Wonders Hall project was continued, is the Natural cleaner. It gets your lenses so much initiated last spring and was well Resources Building. The racks cleaner than manual methods they're sure received by the students, Ms. there, he said, were placed in a to be more comfortable! And Swirl Courtney said. Residents of individual floors collected the newspapers and added them to courtyard away from the main stream of student bicyclists are parking near the traffic and Vi PRICE COLOR PRINTS? Clean minimizes handling, which means ice of losing or scratching a lens. Here's how it works: Swirl Clean 'ates the cleaning power of Contlque the piles in the lobbies. east entrance. To accommodate SAVE ON SLIDES - MOVIES - B t W PRINTS, TOO Cleaning Solution with a high-speed agitator that swirls away eye-irritatlnR The only problem was that Ms. for the change, Ferris said, deposits. You get cleaner, more Courtney had to transport the maintenance crews have placed This low price saves you up to 50% over usual "drug store" prices, comfortable lenses. And a safe place to huge piles to the loading dock by hi the spirit racks on the lawn near that rushes high quality color prints back to your door in just a few days. Try soak and store lenses between wearings. the film- service used on many mid-west and southern campuses. Use the coupon to order your Swirl Clean herself, and the job proved to be location. today. Satisfaction guaranteed or your too much for one person. Now Someone is in the Christmas spirit, as evidenced by this E. "If we can provide parking SO EASY, SO CONVENIENT ... just use your own envelope and the coupon money back. below. Fill in name and address, write name on roll or cartridge, enclose she is aided by other volunteers Grand River Avenue lamp post already decorated for the places for 40 or 50 people by coupon and remittance. Or, use Ihe coupon to get film mailers and dis¬ Special offer! $6 worth of Contique Contact and is Solutio plans to continue the project Yuletide season. placing racks in areas designated count coupons; order film and flashes at low prices... a better deal than throughout the year. for cars, we will do so," Ferris "free" film. Savings and processing quality guaranteed. State News photo by Jeff Wilner said. new low price: $19.95 He acknowledges a lack of preparation on the part of I YOUR OROER MUST INCLUDE THIS COUPON- Chicano request denied maintenance department, but he adds there was no way of & anticipating the number of (Continued from page one) histories and descriptions of bikes. allegations and □ Send me a free sa of Contique Welling Solution He said the grounds educational programs for j£°Ef Michigan for Spanish-American stated. recommendations," the letter department still has 64 racks, a Spanish-American groups. citizens. surplus from previous years, that "Extending opportunities to "No one on the campus Pemn'.UtWr Monday .istat^ disadvantaged and minority suggesB ,hat am, is nothing tic 126-12-127-120-620 groups *h„.,Qc continues k. 1 «. .. th»t w Sol ^de Atzlan -- a*i made no — further to iurtiici tu be uc done uuue or ui that uiat we wc . , , . ,, ... • u " important fees of Cooperative Extension Service programs in Wltn university omcials. cannot improve on our current efforts," Perrin commented. ZSttSXiZKl * MAIL TO: SPE-D-PICS • Box 299 • Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 • Dept. MS • Michigan. "I understand that neither the "Approximately 15 per cent of the total dean of the College of budget is allocated Agriculture nor his directors directly for these programs. A have been approached for a ^ THE PERFORMING major effort is the Expanded rational discussion of your Nutrition and JJJJj ARTS COMPANY NOTICE- Fkmily Program currently underway in 21 countries," the Cooperative Extension report said. TWELFTH N16HT L The report is Oct. 13 -17 8:15 PM Fairchild Theatre further documentation of report issued last week by Perrin BOX OFFICE 355-0148 on "MSU and the Chicano Community." It details case Weekdays 12:00 - 5:00 PM To All 1 8 or over AKAI ON JANUARY 1, 1972, YOU WILL HAVE ALL ADULT A WORLD LEADER IN AUDIO AND VIDEO TAPE TECHNOLOGY AKAI offers tape decks and AKAI pioneered crossfield head RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN MICHIGAN .. . recorders to fit anyone's taste or recording, and now presents the budget in music. To Purchase or Consume Alchoholic The GX365-D has every type of feature needed by the serious tape EXCLUSIVE GX TAPE HEADS The GX head is comprised of Beverages You gem-like crystal fermye elements Must Have Two or More ID's recordist, including: GX heads, 3 motors, 3 heads, 3 types of encased in solid glass. The result is a seamless contact surface which Including One With automatic reverse, locking pause, low noise tape selector, mic - line runs a dust free, the ability to design smaller head Photo. gap for better mixing, output level control, frequency response, and a ceramic mldmy_:::get y0ur identification sound on sound, sound with sound friction free and sound over sound, solenoid operation and more. THE GX 365-D 150,000 hour lifetime. surface with a cards now only *559" Compare AKAI for versatility and performance. Come in 1. Michigan Drivers License during our Open House and talk to the AKAI representative. He'll be in Lansing Wednesday and East Lansing on Thursday. 2. Michigan State Police ID Card 3. Voter Registration Card Special Introductory Prices MAKE NOW YOUR BEST OPPORTUNITY TO OWN N N AKAI - 4. School Identification Card t 5. Draft Card 6. United States Passport 7. Employment Identification Card The X330 tape recorder ■ Eligible 8. Out-of-State Drivers License with 40 watt amplifier 4 head, 3 motor. Solenoid TheCS50-1 stereo cassette . W'n con¬ system. Auto-reverse recorde A cs 50-1 BJRTH CERTIFICATES WILL The 250Dtapedeck 4 head, 3 Auto-rev. Solenoid control motor. trol. 3 types of Auto-rev. 10%" reel capacity and playback, complete with speakers ° 7°, HZ NOT BE HONORED Save * + mm/if- Available in Important: $299 $100.00 $1QQ95 lUU deck only for $149.95 you^ave ^Michigan dr.vIrs ucETsFVsTlfe~po^cvid"card" 402 s. washington lansing 245 ann street e. lansing Drinking Is A Privilege - Please Don't Abuse It 372-9600 351-7830 MICHIGAN LICENSED BEVERAGE ASSOCIATION 534 s. walnut street lansing Ml. 48933