Be. . . Wednesday . sure you are right, then go MICHIGAN Cloudy . . TATE MEWS I ahead. with a chance of showers, STATE . -David Crockett h between 56 and 63 degrees. UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 13 1971 ourt to hear new school integration suit IaSHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Irt took on a new school desegregation delegates to the Democratic and Republican remainder of the county they are 72 per cent national conventions allotted Justices William 0. Douglas and William J. The top criminal case the docket, from Ipute Tuesday but sidestepped the In other major actions, the court: basis of population. purely on the black. Brennan voted to hear the dispute. Aligned Harris on County, Tex., challenges the Itnarn War as it ruled on more than 400 • Last April, in the latest major against them were Chief Justice Warren E. old, voided convictions against a defendant. use of Moved death-row author Edgar H. Smith desegregation decision, the court In the school cases, Scotland Neck is Burger and Justices Potter Stewart, Byron, Speech cases, from Chicago and Rockford, Jfiorthanded by two vacancies, but Jr., in a New Jersey prison, a step closer to freedom by declining to review a reversal of of predominantly black Halifax part County. In unanimously approved massive busing, redistricting and a variety of other R. White, Thurgood Marshall and Harry A. III., involve picketing and demonstrations ■king hard, the justices granted hearings the town itself about 57 Blackmun. near public schools. | 21 appeals. The most significant his murder conviction. per cent of the techniques to break up racial concentrations school children are white. The In shaping its docket for the winter The court acted without a Jcerned the splintering of some Southern splitoff made in Southern schools. The new cases test the hearing to • the Scotland Neck system 74 months the court took on a labor case prohibit strikes by government workers. In ■ool districts to limit the black Refused, with Justice William 0. percent white court's current views. Douglas dissenting strongy, to halt the and the county system 82 per cent black. A The Vietnam War challenge was involving four workers who lost their jobs one action it affirmed, 6 to 1, t ruling by a Jcentrations in many schools. 1969 North Carolina law gave the town its brought with a Springfield, Mo., company after they federal court in the District of Columbia e Justice Dept. and the NAACP Legal interrogation of prisoners at Attica, N.Y. by the American Civil Liberties Union and about last month's rebellion. own school district. the New York Civil Liberties Union in the assisted the government in an investigation. against a challenge by the United Federation _nse and Educational Fund will be heard Another case tests the binding of new of Postal Clerks, which contended a ban on I winter in suits against school officials in In Greensville names of Salvatore Orlando and Douglas • In a County, blacks account for employers to union contracts negotiated strikes should be related to a ■tland Neck and Halifax Counties, N.C., case involving film, granted the Kaplan. Orlando is on duty in Vietnam and compelling government more than 65 cent of the school with the former owner. state interest. 1 Emporia and Greensville Counties, Va. a hearing on federal laws that per Kaplan is under orders to be shipped there. prohibit interstate population. By setting up a separate school The Justice Dept. says Congress has I U.S. Circuit Court in Richmond Va., has obscene materials. transportation of division, Emporia officials kept the Emporia given roved the division of the districts in ways implicit authorization to the war by • Turned down Georgia's attempt to have schools about 48 per cent white. In the t keep the schools in Scotland Neck appropriating funds for the fighting. SET FOR LATE MAY Ktly white and those in Emporia about pwhite. > court never has leal testing U.S. military agreed to hear ■theast Asia. So it was consistent when it actions in an Nixon reveal lcted by a 5 to 2 vote a challenge brought ■behalf of two soldiers contending they for trip to ceremonies unveiling a portrait of Rep. H. WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon Edward Hebert, D-La., House Armed announced Tuesday he is going to Moscow Services Committee chairman. lot Sci panel in late May to meet with because there exists now "a top Soviet leaders possibility of making significant progress" toward settling But, the President continued, "Unless and until we have mutual agreements . . . among the great powers the United major differences between the super States maintain ... must its defense at |ules against powers. The President surprised newsmen by appearing at the usual noon White House briefing and reading a statement that was adequate levels." Only by staying strong, Nixon said, has it been "possible for us to reach a position fan Tassel released at the same time in Moscow. That statement said "President Nixon where we can negotiate from strength and not from weakness." and the Soviet leaders will review all Initial response in Congress to major issues, with a view toward further (Please turn to page 13) ■ept. of Natural Science Ad Hoc Jnmittee for Reappointment and Tenure improving their bilateral relations and ■fall, 1972 decided to recommend against 1 reappointment of Eileen Van Tassell, enhancing the prospects of world peace." that In answering question, Nixon explained Nixon plans B. professor of natural science, by a 17-14 "I do not believe in having summit f Monday. meetings simply for the purpose of having s. Van Tassell met with the committee a meeting. I think that tends to create euphoria. It raises high hopes that are then to name high Iday and Monday to appeal the dashed ... We are not making that ■liminary set of for her mistake." ^reappointment. The department reasons Juires that she secure a 60 per cent vote in no Nixon took pains to explain that there is connection between the projected court choices ■ favor to win the appeal. Moscow trip and the the journey to WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon Communist China which he announced last said Tuesday he will announce his selections summer that he would make sometime for the two Supreme Court vacancies next 1 The committee has 38 members; 31 by or before next lended the meeting. May. And the White House week. said the two trips will be He said Sen. Robert C. Byrd, conservative ". Van Tassell said Tuesday that the separated "by a bridge of time." Democrat from West Virginia, and at least Jnmittee allowed her one hour to speak In what appeared to be an effort to fend two women are on the list of those being Bnday. Balloting was concluded in 15 off criticism, Nixon said a few hours after considered. putes. his announcement of the Moscow visit that Nixon did not identify the women, nor did ■he decision regarding Ms. Van Tassell and it should not be ■previous decision regarding the Meets with leaders interpreted as that the United States intends to be less meaning he disclose how many other names are on the list. But a White House aide said the Tommendation against the reappointment concerned about its national strength. President has narrowed several hundred ■ William L. Downes, asst. professor of President Nixon meets in the White House Cabinet Room with congressional leaders after announcing he will go "We want peace in the world, we want a suggested names to ten or twelve. to Moscow for a summit meeting next May. With him are House Speaker Carl Albert, center, and Rep. Hale reduction of tensions in the world," Nixon jural science, will reach the department Sources said other members of Congress — ■risory committee todav. Boggs, D-Louisiana. AP Wirephoto said as he participated in Capitol Hill including Republican Sens. Robert Griffin of Michigan and Howard Baker of Tennessee ■ he department advisory committee will — also have been discussed for the vacancies pe recommendations on the decisions left by the retirements last month of the late 2 Pass them prman of the ■What recommendations ^chairman will depend on to Emanuel Hackel, Dept. of Natural Science. porrow. We will probably on we will make to the discussion agree with the 'U' enrollment Justice Hugo L. Black and Justice John M. Harlan. The nominations, if approved by the Senate, will bring to four the number of justices Nixon has placed on he nine - r" recommendation of the committee but 53% more transfer students member court since taking office. Two other / decision on the details will depend on Nixon nominees were rejected by the I discussion," John A. Mullins, associate Senate. •lessor, and member of the department His approved selections were Chief Justice sory committee, said Tuesday. Warren Burger and Justice Harry Blackmun. another institution. This is a 53.4 per cent from last year and new first-time student Nixon said in Portland, Ore. Sept. 25 that Pnce Hackel receives the By MICHAEL FOX 568 and the increase over the transfer student enrollment up 22.4 from 1970. College of Veterinary State News Staff Writer the "most important qualification" of his Commendation, he will notify Ms. Van enrollment last year of 1,998. The fall Of the 8,872 students in the freshmen Medicine, up 19.9 per cent to 844 future nominees is that they "share the jsell and Downes of his decision and 1970 transfer student enrollment was a 1.8 class students. ■icate to them if 7,272 are new students on campus Other general judicial philosophy and approach of they are not to be Transfer student enrollment at MSU per cent increase over fall 1969's this fall. The remainder either started colleges showing large percentage the two men on the court whom I previously ■ppointed, and that the reasons are increased 53.4 per cent this fall over fall enrollment of 1,963. changes over last year include the College summer term or do not have enough have appointed." plableon request, 1970, according to a Ira Policy, asst.provost for admissions of Agriculture and Natural Resources, up s. Van Tassell and Downes can University credits to be considered a sophomore. The 13.4 per cent to 3,017, and the appeal to administration report released Tuesday. and records, released the enrollment report 7,272 figure College of Byrd, who has been a lawyer since 1963, Faculty Affairs Committee if the compares with 5,925 Human Ecology, up 13.3 per cent to A preview edition of the fall term 1971 Tuesday without comment. It shows a freshmen enrolled fall term 1970 and •irman of the department decides not to but who has not practiced or held a enrollment report lists 3,065 new students total MSU student enrollment of 41,649, 1,731. lPPointment them. 6,915 enrolled fall term 1969. In listing the transfer student increase in judgeship, was once a member of the Ku who transferred to MSU this fall from of which 8,872 are freshmen. The largest changes in percentage terms Klux Klan — as was Justice Black. But like Asked about the large increase in enrollment, the report shows 634 students in a college by college comparison occurred Black, Byrd later disavowed his relationship who transferred as enrolling in the transfer student enrollment, Polley said the in the college of Osteopathic Medicine, up College with the white supremacy group. of Social Science. The fall 1970 fact that there are 29 operating community 88.1 per cent from last year to 79 students; report He has a liberal voting record on shows a economic colleges in Michigan is a significant factor corresponding 362 transfer lildebrand files suit contributing to the increase. Applications from transfer students did increase Lyman Briggs College, up 31.7 to 819; the College of Human Medicine, up 39.6 to students enrolling in that college. issues, but has opposed some major civil rights legislation. significantly this year, he added. "We have not at this point had the time 'gainst 'U' officials LETTER CITES PROBLEM to engage in an analysis of the data to ascertain whatever significant trends might exist — if a trend even does exist. One swallow doesn't mean it's spring," Polley the summons, regardless of when the suit By JUDY YATES said. ATL enrollment was filed. State News Staff Writer While total students at MSU increased A spokesman from the marshal's office 2.8 per cent from 40,511 in fall 1970 to said the defendants will be summoned to 41,649 this the enrollment of women J?hn R- Hildebrand, a former associate court after the suit is processed through year, climbed 4.2 per cent to 17,811 this year. ■lessor of Social Science and Latin the district court office and the marshal's TTiere are 23,838 men on campus this year, "We ■encan Studies, filed suit office. By BECKIE HANES simply want this problem to be known so that when people against five an increase of 1.8 per cent from 23,425 iversity officials in U.S. District Court Hildebrand charged that shortly after his State News Staff Writer start complaining that we're not doing our job they'll realize that last year. have more students, therefore making the job more difficult," Jsday. Pendants election to the Dept. of Social Science Graduate student enrollment was down we West said. named in the suit are Clifton Advisory Committee on May 23, 1968, Dunham denied him tenure because he to 8,033 this fall, a decrease of 3.6 per cent The rising enrollment of section size in American Thought and president; John E. Cantlon, pointed out conditions within the Dept. of from 8,335 last fall. Graduate student "I'm in sympathy with the ATL department, but in the next few Language courses prompted a letter from the Advisory Council to (i£L ^*ard A- Carlin, dean of Social Science which needed improvement. totals had increased by 4 per cent from various adminsitrators recently urging a solution to the problem. years they will have to face the economics of the problem and they Is. y College; Douglas Dunham, Hildebrand was employed by the 1969 to 1970. "The faculty of American Thought and Language wished to call won't win," John N. Winburne, asst. dean of student affairs of ■ pii 1 the of Social Science, University from Sept. 1, 1967 to Sept. 1, A breakdown of graduate student to the attention of the administration and the University College, said. 1-"nto" A- Snyder, professor of Social enrollment University 1969. comparing 1971 with 1970 community excessive class size in its introductory writing and p Ce and assistant to Dunham. Hildebrand further charged that near the shows new first-time graduate students up remedial English courses," the letter states. This fall, 7,272 freshmen were admitted as opposed to 1970's end of May, 1969 Dunham ordered 10.4 per cent, transfer graduate students "It was our purpose to point out the problem, not complain or 5,925 freshmen and 1969's 6,915. All freshmen are automatically Jesuit, which was mailed from Lansing Hildebrand replaced on the Departmental down 23 per cent, readmitted graduate demonstrate," Bernard F. Engel, chairman of ATL, said recently. enrolled in University College (UC). ItZln** received and filed In U.S. Advisory Committee before he completed students down 31.4 per cent and returning The problem did not just start this year, but has been growing There are an additional 1600 freshmen K hi ^°urt ,n Grand Rapids Tuesday. It his two year term of office and before the graduate students down 3.5 per cent. steadily, he said. enrolled in UC. on campusthat are also 1L A rwarded to the U.S. Marshal's termination of his appointment in the The 41,649 total enrollment figure President Wharton acknowledged the letter, Jerry West, Advisory ■rson ii member of that office will department. includes both graduate and undergraduate Council member, said Tuesday. Wharton suggested they follow the Last year there were 14,014 students enrolled in UC while this ■end a!,y serve summons on the Although Hildebrand requested written students. Undergraduate enrollment is proper channels and state their problem to the provost's office. year there is a six tenths of 1 per cent increase with 14,093 students l^dants. 33,616 this fall, up 4.5 per cent from Copies of the letters were sent to Wharton, Provost John E. enrolled In IJC. lih,iefeiidants have 20 days to answer I nar*e after they have been served with • 13) 32,176 last year. Undergraduate transfer Cantlon, Edward A. Carlin, dean of University College, and the (Please turn to p student enrollment was up 60.3 per cent State News. (Please turn to page 15) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news E.L. voter district „ plans criticize ® . "The city . .1 (i.oi manager's statement that the law doesn't allow precinct d'^isiori is '"tor^k1^ tiw> law mutes routes to get rid net rid of of traffic," traffic " University wants to adopt a policy of h. he ■. said «i I it makes It^ Although Will suggested an injunction might summary Write-in East Lansing City Council candidate be sought against the city, Veenstra said they could not afford an attorney and that "by the said. "It not only allows it, mandatory. «airf last automobiles, that might be an answer » Project: City Hall candidates Will George Griffiths denounced plans f0r Coih., From the wjres of AP and UPI. Chuck Will ?.nd ^7 ^ Project: CSty Hall worker, John Veenstra, voiced their concern Monday night ft. . judge " J-ued » onfer, wou,d„-t be ££ cross-campus and peripheral routes J*2?* over the city's "foot-dragging" in preparing for veeristta'^aske'd city officials previously to extra voting machines to handle the expected traffic congestion. "The roads to the area at this addition of m*1 the November 3 election. divide city precincts to accommodate the large large turnout. Rrooicover said point in time w!** totally disastrous," said Colburn. He At a meeting of council candidates in Conrad numbers of newly registered voters. He cited a wn. Incumbent Councilman Wilbur Bw»ko»er«aid the development of an calUH Auditorium, Veenstra said East Lansing was section of the Michigan election code which, he the city would have iin integrated mas h,'* violating Michigan election law in not dividing voting mach.nes to handle the ...J? system to avoid East Lansing developin. i?* overloaded voter precincts. He charged that this said, required division of precincts exceeding 1,400 voters and pointed out at least three local ^ro^ ts better to leave it at that point than to go through "asphalt doormat." 8 "HI was "a subtle, but deliberate effort to confusion of knowing where to vote," he Brookover said he, too, was "Unless and until we have mutual discourage precincts fall in that category. > not verv h with a highway route on ** campus, but he "dirfPpf agreements among the great powers strongly object" when the plan was Neil Colburn, standing in for his absent proJS the United States must maintain its defense at adequate levels. >'■ U.S. frees N.Viet POW brother, George, also attacked city officials for changing election dates from spring to summer. "One fact is very obvious," he said. "On August "Part of the problem may be solved mass transit system," he said. Will charged that money which byY2J "•'I -President Nixon might 3 in the summer, this campus is pretty damned improving mass transport systems is now La near empty." Candidate Duane Phillips, local tied up in highway building. He said i (See related article, page 1) inside enemy-held region realtor and builder, responded, "Since students are permanent residents of the city, what article by Jack Anderson said lobby" is sending out "truth squads to the "hi* attaektwl difference does it make when the election is ecology movement." Lansing, he said w„ held?' He said the election could be held any target along with other large cities SAIGON (AP) — U.S. the sources said it was ot near the further prisoner releases, around ft! Exports to be limited helicopters flew deep into an Vietnamese - Cambodian border, informants reported. enemy-held region of Cambodia time of the year. Changing topics, Phillips said much of the country. "I Freeing of the North u g officials conceded they citJ'"s"traffic problem centers on the University, Commenting on a suit charging him ifcl President Nixon said today the United States will -perhaps as far as 40 miles-to Vietnamese was m exchange for campaign overspending, Phillips said there n release a North Vietnamese war the release by the Viet had no knowiedge of whether this "The largest majority of traffic starts or Cong last exchange of "apparently a division of opinion as to what? move against Japan and other textile exporting nations prisoner, reliable informants said Friday of U S. Staff Sgt. John C. prisoners, the first terminates at campus," he said. "The only way state law says." Hie suit also if eyer between the United to get rid of cars on Grand River is to divert charges Bonert no agreement is reached or significant progress made Wednesday. * on r„ 23, of Warren, Mich., excessive spending. Even after the mlsston was after 26 months of an(j the enemy would set them to another area. by Friday toward limiting exports. captivity. The All He made the comment at a news conference approved only 12 hours before it exchange fanned speculation that h , gt for further pQW ..j don>t t ffic , ^ Unsi we are going to eliminate It-S niore logica| to design appear parties involved have been ordered in court on Friday. J' began Monday, there was further prisoner releases might announcing his summit meeting with leaders of the considerable about take concern place soon, Soviet Union. security, the sources added. One Both men carried messages, He said that very intensive talks are under way with senior U.S. officer said he had Sexton's, apparently oral, feared the pilots "might be flying outlined the idea of a TO MEET WITH BOARD Japan on restricting exports to this country and "we prisoner into a trap." hope that outcome will be an agreement." exchange. The exact location of where the The North Vietnamese officer Sex equality proposed North Vietnamese Lieutenant carried with him a note was freed was not divulged, but United saying the States would welcome Chicanos to air criticism Sol de Atzlan challenged these two The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State eight-tenths of 1 per cent includes lJ agencies to appear in the Tuesday debate American and South American Advocates of equal rights for women won a major University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter also. students. Its estimation fond battle Tuesday in their 48 - year war for a constitutional and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Sol de Atzlan, a Chicano organization, The Chicano organization found the enrollment Is less than one-tenth of of ChicJ during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition will criticize the University's treatment of University's report, "MSU and the Chicano cent. 1JI rights guarantee. in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Chicano6 and its extension services Community" a "paranoid over-reaction." The House passed 354 to 23 Member Associated Press, United Press programs at Friday's board of trustees In its challenge, the a resolution to let the International, The organization said the Cooperative organization m Inland Daily Press Association, to know what per cent of the states decide whether to add to the Constitution an Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association meeting. Extension Department and Agriculture UnivenS amendment Michigan Collegiate Press A debate was scheduled for Tuesday budget goes to aid migrant farmers. I exteng specifically to women the "equal Association. Experiment Station were the only groups between Sol de Atzlan and University questions whether eight-tenths of 1 J protection of the law" guaranteed by tne 14th Second class postage paid at East administration. The University announced challenged. cent or one-tenth of 1 Lansing, Mich. Editorial "By its own statistics, the University per cent is budfeJ Amendment. and business offices at 345 Student Services its refusal to participate in the debate for the migrant farmers in Michigan. Bldg., Michigan admits that it is .8 per cent If the Senate approves State University, East Sol the measure and 38 states Lansing, Michigan. Monday. Spanish surnamed. If this University de Atzlan claims 25 per cent J ratify it, it will become a part of the Constitution. The "Although we feel the University has a considers eight-tenths of 1 per cent Michigan agriculture is based on mimi Phones: sorry story to tell in the area of equal labor. states would have seven years to act, and the enrollment—triple what it was in 1968, the amendment would become effective two years later. opportunity, help to the Chicanos and the best this University can do in recruiting the urban poor, we feel that the Referring to the University's report, i Cooperative Spanish-speaking people of Michigan, then organization questioned "not only fe Extension and Agriculture Experiement something is seriously wrong," a release legitimacy and credibility of Cooperatm Station's story is even worse," Sol de from Sol de Atzlan said. Atzlan spokesman said Tuesday. Extension, but also the legitimacy mi The organization questioned whether credibility of the entire University." Agnew OK's reforms Vice President Spiro T. endorsed on Tuesday political and land reform measures Agnew proposed by the Kelley foresees Turkish government over conservative opposition. He said they "merit our great support." of co-ed holl The reform measures are an issue in a political controversy that threatens Michigan Atty. Gen. Frank population is in the majority and the Kelley commented Monday that college vote may be of en® government of Premier Nihat should be able to claim the the state's age of majority strength to influence the trustw Erim. facilities for its own environment. legislation, which takes effect and students may even gainsaf Agnew told Americans stationed in Jan. 1, 1972, may give new life to on the board. A series of Ankara that their efforts can the co-educational residence hall . housing options help including co-ed floors was The University's authority^ solidify progress toward reform. proposition. approved by the board of trustees "legal infants" should chu He said it is only a matter of last spring, but the board later with the first of the year, K&! time before the college realizes retracted to the co-ed clause. added. that the student voting Kelley said he thought the If enough students fi co-educational floors, tl Obscenity goes to court All at the power as voting adults may wdj influence trustee and commit* store next members this year. Fall t« The government was granted a hearing Tuesday by &Beer to The 1972, may see men and wow the Supreme Court on the federal law that •Chilled Tappers living next door to each otheifl prohibits the interstate transportation of obscene material. *lce cold beer & wine Ko-Ko Bar at least a few floors in fl™ The law was declared unconstitutional last complex. October •Kegs of beer available for parties by federal judge Myron L. Gordon of Milwaukee in a •Delicious pizza to go MOOSUSKI TONIGHT! I case involving a local man, George J. Orito. The government tried to prosecute Orite on charges KWIK 7:30 p.m. 109 Become a member, sign # I Anthony,! of transporting by 410 S. Clippert off Kalamazoo for Boyne, Europe and/#I airplane from San Francisco Milwaukee 82 reels of obscene films. to 7 Days a week Open till 2:00 a.m.4 STOP Colorado Trips, see a film, P WIN DOOR PRIZES! J 0 & C WEEKEND SPECIALS DES found in livestock QUICK,CONVENIENT SHOPPING 9 TIL 9 WEEKDAYS TIL 6 SAT CORNER HAGADORN & GRAND RIVER COUPON COUPON Reg. 15c The government's food monitors announced new PUZZLE PIPE CLEANERS CONE INCENSE controls Tuesday on a suspected cancer - causing MINIATURES 10c 27c hormone found in livestock and immediately drew 17c criticism that the controls are inadequate. LIMIT 2 EXPIRES 10/18 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 The hormone is diethylstilbestrol, or DES, which the COUPON Food and Drug Administration announced last week COUPON REG. 39c had been found in 10 meat animals. The FDA and the 250 CT. POTTED PLANTS BIRTHDAY CANDLES Agriculture Department said Tuesday they are WHITE NAPKINS 27C 10c increasing the length of time farmers must stop feeding 27c the hormone before animals are sent to market. LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 LIMIT1 EXPIRES 10/18 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 COUPON COUPON SAVE 16% SAVE 11% 29 CT. BALLOONS HOT PLATES POPCORN POPPER 17c Peace rallies $3.33 planned LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 $4.44 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 COUPON COUPON COUPON 20 ct. ' Rallies, teach - ins, vigils and marches SAVE 24% were planned LICORICE TWISTS 2/PKG. for today in cities, towns and on college campuses to 10c M.S.U. RUGS ICE CUBE TRAYS mark Moratorium Day, a scheduled nationwide protest $3.77 27c against U.S. involvement in the Indochina war. LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES In the nation's 10/18 capital two groups. Washington Labor COUPON for Peace and Federal COUPON Employes for Peace, plan a three - COUPON hour rally across from the White KNEE-HI TEMPERA COLOR House, with both COLORED groups calling on "Americans of all persuasions" — SHEER HOSE POSTER PAINT LIGHT BULBS including trade unionists, unorganized workers and 37c 10C 33c students to - participate. LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 LIMIT 1 EXPIRES 10/18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 13, 1971 Police defend bike impounding By RAY ANDERSON impounded by 5 p.m. Tuesday, bringing the total to 155 since the make a mistake, Henderson said, "well State News Staff Writer impound program began Monday. pay for it." Officers also Thereby indicating that any locks destroyed as a result of a police are giving citations to students driving error would be Police Tuesday described their efforts to unregistered bicycles on campus, he said. replaced. notify students of bicycle registration prior to Monday's impounding policy as The reason the department is applying such Protection of property has been the stringent measures department's primary "tremendous." in enforcing the registration policy and applicable MSU concern, he said, and impounding has had the necessary effect of "We put forth every effort to let ordinances, according to Henderson, is to provide protection for getting students and others to register their bicycles. bicyclists know," Sergeant Harold Henderson day supervisor of the private property and enforce the law as it presently exists. Dept. of Public Safety At 4 p.m. Tuesday the Vehicle said, "We sent people to every dorm complex during school "If students break the law," he said, "they are registration office reported going to pay for bicycle registration number 8,421 had been issued, an increase of registration to register bikes. They've (students) had ample 644 from Mondav. warning." Many people have expressed concern that their bike might be Police indicated that another 100 legally registered and still be seized, and their bicycle lock To Illustrate his point, for bicycle registration Henderson cited bicycles had been destroyed in the process. examples of police problems caused by unregistered bicycles. At the end of each term, he said, a squad similar to the impounding unit is sent around to University bicycle racks to Over 2,500 ra pick up abandoned bicycles. "We get a couple hundred be returned to their owner because every term, but most of them can't they are unregistered," Henderson said. Those abandoned bicycles that are registered, he said, are idled by miners' almost always returned to owners. The registration, Henderson added, many times is the sole way of identifying a bicycle, because most students the make of their bicycle much less the serial don't even know number. Another problem officers frequently run into, Henderson said, More than 2,500 railroad is juveniles taking bicycles. employes were growers were reported fearful of economic a new idle Tuesday because of a strike agreement was reached. "Many of them will take a ten-speed bicycle from a University by 100,000 disaster, with no ships to handle their record Negotiations continued in Washington, soft coal miners in 20 states, and additional rack," he said, "and then forget where it was originally parked." crop. but union a source said: "We're quite away layoffs were scheduled. Steel production The Norfolk & Western railroad reported The result, if the bike is unregistered, is loss for the owner even also from agreeing." was menaced by the United Mine if the youth is subsequently nearly 700 employes already idle because of Extension of a guaranteed annual income arrested, Henderson said, because the Workers' walkout, now in its 12th day. the coal police can't identify it. strike, with plans for an additional was the chief issue behind the strike Elsewhere on the nation's labor 870 layoffs by the end of the week. The which ASMSU President Hal Buckner said late front, began Oct. 1. Its cost was estimated at $17 Tuesday, that the 15,000 West Coast members of the Baltimore & Ohio-Chesapeake & Ohio impounding issue was to be taken up at an ASMSU meeting million a day. independent International Longshoremen's furloughed an undetermined number, atop scheduled for Tueaday evening. and warehousemen's union were hard at With one exception, Texas ports remained 1,800 previously laid off. work in all ports except in the Los UMW pickets were withdrawn from open as longshoremen there defied strike Angeles orders from ILA area. There a dispute over assignment Weirton Steel's plant in Weirton, W. Va., headquarters. In Tuki> it scheduling held up compliance with a after the company said it might be forced to Beaumont, pickets from one of four locals away kept the port closed. Taft-Hartley back - to - work order. lay off 9,000 employes for lack of coal public Safety Dept. employes prepare to break off a lock ftnd impound another unregistered bicycle near Hubbard Jiall. Officers indicated that bikes parked away from racks ( Nearly 38,000 other dockers continued the separate East and Gulf coast strike of the AFL-CIO International Longshoremen's deliveries from stockpiles amassed before the strike began Oct. 1. The union demanded an increase in the Meanwhile, longshoremen had gone to work in 23 of the West Coast's 24 Seattle to San Diego. The exception was the Los ports from WORK SHOE Association, also 12 days old. An estimated Angeles and HEADQUARTERS vould soon be included in the seizure. top daily pay from $37 at present to $50. 7,000 Texas longshoremen stayed at work in The industry offered to extend the old Long Beach area, where dockers continued State News photo by Steve Lyon idle because'of a defiance of strike leaders. Alabama soybean contract beyond its Sept. 30 expiration until dispute involving 11 "steady men." |XON REQUESTS 6-16, AA-EEEE In stock ibor chiefs to join board ALSO AVAILABLE - ... no waiting MENS' & WOMENS' HIKING BOOTS iSHINGTON fAPl — The un^er control required the fight in Congress against Nixon's International Association of "Where FIT comes FIRST" Pub,ic " sP>dted cooperation of proposed business tax credit that Machinists to serve as labor ' three most powerful aders agreed Tuesday to Americans, and in giving such labor has described as a bonanza members of the board. President Nixon's j try to control inflation Pay cooperation the leaders of to big business. organized,abor have act«d in the Meany said that for personal Woodcock and Fitzsimmons, reasons he may not serve, but RED WING I the wage • price freeze best 'nterest of their own whose big unions are not in the that the AFL-CIO would have an les. Nixon said "the country members and of the nation," AFL-CIO, said they subscribed alternate member in that case. SHOE STORE Jby the decision. Nixon said. completely to Meany's Fijpimmons and Woodcock said ■ L-CIO President George Meany said the Executive statement. they would serve on the board if Teamsters President Council of the 13.6 - million - Nixon reportedly will ask asked. E. Fitzsimmons and member AFL-CIO will set up its Meany, Fitzsimmons, 4216 WEST SAGINAW I Auto Workers President own "watchdog" machinery to Woodcock, President I.W. Abel lard Ttal lers, Woodcock, representing guard against illegal price hikes, of the United Steelworkers and of some 17 million have pledged to serve and that it will continued to President Floyd Smith of the Lansing 484-4968 ie Pay Board. e n sent agreement came after lorandum the labor leaders a K&S THE " PERFORMING ■ed with his "OK" stating personally ARTS COMPANY ■the 15 - member labor - TWELFTH NIGHT Welcome... ltry • public board to [ol s wages after the freeze Nov. 13 will be subject Oct. 13 -17 8:15 PM Fairchild Theatre ) veto power by other ftl agencies. But Nixon left BOX OFFICE 355-0148 1 the possibility that he SHOP JACOBSON'S THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS I take a hand on occasion, Weekdays 12:00 - 5:00 PM pinging the cost of living For people with more sense than money. the admiral's coat, maties. . . just docked to winter here. Midi length, pile lined, double breasted, metal 'buttoned, back belted, deeply vented. Navy blue, in the relief from the tradition of the sea. 36 to 42 sizes. $50. The Honda is one of the best car ventilation. Front bucket seats with ordinary. i;irgains going today. headrests. Front-wheel drive. The kind 'The Olde Wofld is a relief from the ordinary. Superb For a mere pittance, isandwiches; fine wine and imported beers, all in a cas¬ you get it all. of road-hugging maneuverability Mr-cooled, four-stroke single normally found on more expensive ta! European atmosphere The Olde World is located ivcr-head cam engine. Self-adjusting cars. And the kind of gas mileage that (in the center of East Lansing on MAC. Look for a dis¬ front power disc brakes, sends service station attendants tinctive red and blue awning. pack-and-pinion steering. Flow-thru running for cover. The Honda Car. $1,545. * BUJEAD WALE ®J/ Bud Kouts Honda Jacobson's 211 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing 2801 East Michigan under the red and blue awning Two Blocks West of Frandor Open Monday and Tuesday evenings til 9. for young men •plus Shipping and dealer preparation charges. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY People must pressure KEN LYNAM for better bicycle paths advertising manager DAVE PERSON, managing editor To The Editor: CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor Since the University land planners have bicycle. It would not take them \Z JOHN BORGER, campus editor discover that the BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor no intention of improving the present are totally facilities for Inadequate, especially J. ^ RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor bicycle paths, it would be interesting to Campus. They would find also th.hL the old bicycle paths are e« Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award hazardous THese for outstanding journalism. Liberties are rough, much too narrow and accom frequent^ by drop-offs which can quicldv the unwary. To the Editor: After reading your very wise observations Being myself the recent victim of accident, I can tell you that such EDITORIALS on the pending wiretap bill in today's issue an of the SN, I just happened to come across a happen very quickly when the cvdfc quotation from Abraham Lincoln and could moving at 10 to 15 miles per hour? not help being struck by the community of only luck that left me with at! Campaign attitude and feeling which both share. skinned-up arm and not a split hei Lincoln: "I feel you do not folly I would like to see comment comprehend the danger of abridging the pressure from more of the thousu* liberties of the people. A government had campus cyclists. Here is an better go to the very extremes of toleration the university to contribute opporttZ slightly V.! muddy politic than do aught that could be construed into an interference with the common rights of the citizen." J. AlbrechtGervasi decline in the heart-attack something meaningful diesel-smoked environment. rate andto about City Council candidates Duane Asst. professor philosophy Leonard J. generated does, however, clearly Bone and Charles Max Phillips Oct. 8,1971 Instructor in point out that the election expense Oct. 8, remain under fire for their alleged laws need to be revised or dissolved. campaign expenditure violations The present laws are outdated and during the August primary. The ineffective serving no greater purpose whole affair has begun to take on than to create more paperwork for How so tar undertones of mud-slinging, but has also brought to light several important discrepencies in election candidates and county clerks. State legislators tell us that the law is designed to provide more equity The Doctor s Bag To The Editor: A student entering MSU might expenditure laws. regarding what candidates of Sy ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. "how In the hell did this school get ■ The as it has?" Do the students controversy began last different means and influences can it summer when a complaint was filed institution really give a damn about spend. Yet, Bone's and Phillips' own destinies? Are with the county prosecutor's office action has proven conclusively that a Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. they concerned I can't seem to stop the quality of their education? yawning. As soon as I complete one yawn, I F charging that the two candidates had candidate may spend massive Names need not be included unless a personal reply is requested. feel the need to yawn again. There is no they are content with accompanying feeling of feeding o spent more for their campaign than amounts merely by forming ad hoc fatigue, and I generally get progressive universities in the state. Do" Immediately following last week's column dealing with the at least seven hours of sleep. What is the law allowed. Apparently, Bone committees students have a mind of their own, ire on paper to properly treatment of crabs (lice) the Health Center had a large number of most annoying are the yawns that I can't quite "complete". Is this a and satisfied with doing what they ire Phillips had simply been disperse their funds. Gearly, to be infested students of all sizes, shapes and both sexes bring in lice of psychological problem or is it possible that my circulatory system is what the middle class mold ignorant of the election expenditure most several types, some on the body, others in Saran wrap, little vials receiving an insufficient supply of oxygen? I do not smoke. shapes equitable, the law must Into? TTiese students allow the n limitations set by law and did not set stipulate how much can be spent and other containers. On behalf of the Health Center staff I wish to I had a great deal of difficulty answering your letter. Each time I operate very efficiently but any type up committees to properly disperse altogether. thank everyone who came in to be treated. Response was so would read it I would growth has been stifled. their campaign funds. After being favorable that there has been talk of a Health Center sponsored begin to yawn and eventually begin to be The second great weakness of the Give me my dope, my booze, ind "Disease of the Week" with a rally to be held Wednesday afternoons preoccupied with my own deep breathing. I then read your letter to notified by the State News of the present election spending law is that several colleagues, and noticed that they freedom to be apathetic and a in the main lobby of Olin. began to yawn, become well. Don't ask me to seek a level complaint, both candidates filed new it limits a candidate's committee to uninterested, and were of absolutely no help to me in unraveling campaign expense statements in morality that includes responsi $40 per 1,000 votes cast for your problem. The usual textbooks of medicine and physiology do which they listed a number of My boyfriend and I have been living together now for three not beyond my own little world. It seen even discuss the topic. I can reassure you that yawning is not governor in a presidential election months. Before this, we went together for over a year. In all the have too many responsible people u it committees. The county prosecutor related to an insufficient supply of oxygen. Respiratory rhythm i6 year. Gubernatorial elections in this time we went together, I never noticed an now, let alone, this disease spread annoying habit of his primarily under neurologic control and the most dramatic changes ultimately declined to prosecute. state have not fallen in the same year until we started living together. He is constantly picking his nose. everyone be forced to think. are brought about The issue was revived September as a presidential election since 1964. He never does this in front of people when by volitional efforts or are associated with My first reaction to MSU has been - they are at our exercise. disappointing. A student from the 24. City council write-in candidate apartment or when we are out in public, but he does it often in front , — Obviously such a specification is and The phenomena you describe Is recognized by most people from South could feel very much at home Chuck Will and eight other East will remain hopelessly anachronistic. of me. I find this very embarrassing and would like to know why a personal experience. Exactly what produces the sensation that a this school were a bit more progrwshe. Lansing citizens filed suit asking that Bone and Phillips are far from person does this and how the habit can be broken. Its present rate of progress this school yawn is "complete" is unclear, but the pleasant sensation that Bone's and Phillips names either be never be able to compete, if let guiltless. Their formation of Human beings seem to have a big thing about holes in their body, occurs with full expansion of the chest is unmistakeable. withdrawn from the ballot or that a committees after filing their original communicate, with students from what can be put into these holes and what comes out of them. Men Respiratory rhythm and rate is quite influenced by emotional new primary election be held. statement can be considered no less factors. Most likely the inability to enlightened schools. Perhaps this and women of varying age, educational background and stop yawning with a sense of with its production of so many The two candidates' overspending than outright deceit; Bone admitted socioeconomic status are plagued by the accumulation of dried incomplete yawns is the result of some complex interaction students, is doomed to obsolescence* violation is indeed merely a small this summer to setting up mucus and other debris in the low end of their noses. From the time between you, your environment, and result of the very only one your lungs. I suspect that the "Corporate Logo"*' technicality. In truth, the problem committee. That their action is legal psychomotor skills develop to a sufficient level in late infancy or more attention you pay to it the more persistent it will be and it based upon. isn't that Bone or Phillips spent too in this state is more early childhood, human beings universally use an appropriately hardly seems worth all that fuss. As to what to do about It, cover than ample much, but rather that they didn't file sized digit to remove such debris. your mouth. Frank J. proof that the election expense Some people pick their noses to an excessive degree Atlanta graduate st properly. But the error was made to statutes need significant revision. beyond seem much which it appears to serve any useful purpose. In a burst of Oct. 4,1 larger by some persons, it To make this unfortunate My husband's penis has developed a skin irritation in the last appears, because it was politically conceptual creativity, some students of human behavior have happening a focal issue for other labeled such excessive nose couple of months. It Is reddened and sore and every few days pieces advantageous. candidates manipulating as being a form of of dry, flakey skin can be peeled off. First aid cream campaigns would does not help and Bone's and the Phillips' initial mistake subsequent confusion it accomplish little save to muddy the symbolic masturbation. I think a simpler view might be that it is a localized form of "the more you itch, the more you scratch, the much and I wonder what could cause this condition? Sexist city council race. more you itch" phenomena and it is fed into by anxiety. Do not panic; I have read of only one or two cases of To the Editor: Your boyfriend seems to have the situation under pretty good a penis falling off. More than likely, a fongal Infection or other Aw come on, you still are blatant sexl# control If he never does it when he is in public or while there are type of skin Plans should guests at your place. One of the difficult things people have to get used to when they live with each other is being frank about matters disorder is present. I would advise rather have your husband check with contact a dermatologist. Warm you not to use first aid cream but his regular physician or spite of the Ms. policy. How come it middle of some text Joe Blow is referred Blow while Mary Smith rates a Ms. S that make them uncomfortable. I'm not sure weather or heavy perspiration why you are creates a fine environment for a Answer that one you chauvinistic sows. embarrassed to discuss this matter with him. He would variety of skin difficulties on areas for heavy ca more than willing to accomodate probably be you by picking his nose in private. of our bodies that are continuallv Copyright, 1971 covered. BernhardWei One of the darker moments in the TRB FROM WASHINGTON Almost the entire MSU campus is history of participatory democracy blocked off as one precinct for in East Lansing occurred when students were forced to wait over an hour outside city hall on the last day - voting purposes in the city of East Lansing. Before the passage of the 18 year - old vote, the number of Another ghost on Capitol Hill of voter registration before the aided by the business slump. I have no eligible East Lansing voters living in By RICHARD LEE STROUT His severe face relaxed for August primary. The crowds were doubt it will soon blow a second. this is just a suggestion) to put a fl«t created by the overnight ratification residence halls was almost negligible. Wall Street comes away, as soon as to its senses. TTiere "You know that phrase do you? Borah, cent surcharge on everything; I nHft' Wj Now, however, Precinct Three is the that, well, crash, last November. But I was you know, is a man who is always winding of the nationwide 18 - Fancy my surprise at meeting Reed Smoot himself up but who never strikes one crack sir, — just cover the watei year - old largest in East Lansing. in the Capitol last week. I mean Senator think 1930 will be a good year, and 1931 12! He His eyes positively glittered. n vote. The City of East Lansing should a wanted a id for farm Smoot, co-author of the Smoot-Hawley very good year." products. sighed. "A simply magnificent c< A similar situation could easily do everything in its power to tariff. I had been thinking about Mr. Nixon's "I seem to remember those Fortunately we have as president a man, a he words," I great engineer, who declares that 'the sole said, breathing heavily. ' Alas, occur Nov. 2 at Fire Station No. 2 recent speeches, and how said. expedite voting in this massive foreign fonction of government is to American people would never unless speculators are mistreating poor Little "Yes," he said without heeding. "In bring about a that, I fear. But I see I have unde some plans are made now to precinct. Registration checklists, for America (with one hand tied behind its a condition of affairs favorable to slump there is the you, young man. A magnificent accomodate the great increase of example, should also be broken back), and about the theme that is recently unfortunately beneficial 'development of unemployment. Very largely, you will find, private "Oh, the surcharge wasn't my W registered voters on the MSU down into section of the alphabet so bobbing up in White House talks about the it is due to exorbitant enterprise'." said modestly. An old memory « demands of selfish The senator took off his campus. During the fall voter that every registered voter in decay of the work ethic and the decline of workers. American labor requires glasses and occurred to me. "Mr. Smoot, would registration drive, approximately the Roman Empire. protection from low-paid wiped them with a gesture that was almost Precinct Three will not have to go foreign mind telling me If you expect to blow His face was lean and humorless and reverential. 3500 on campus students registered competitors. Yes, and the farmers are in amendment removing - through one line. spectacled, and he had the awesome "But how are they the customs - to vote in East Lansing. trouble, too, particularly the beet farmers going to pay over a authority to blacklist obscene books' In addition the campus bus system tariff wall?" I asked. respectability of a man who owns woolen of mv state of Utah. America His formidable jaw closed. should consider providing some free mills, and lumber yards, and is president of "... cannot compete with one cannot...." "That is for them to decide. We have "JoU two banks, and is also a hand tied generously passed out the chips. The time Lady Chatteriy's Lover? I tried to service on election day to make it pillar of the Old-, behind its back," I suggested. has passed for the U.S. to secret session of the Senate to rew Guard, and simultaneously an Apostle. He looked at me Precedent? easier for residents of Circle Drive, Red Cedar and East Complex Yes, the Utah legislature picked him as the first Mormon to come to the Senate asked, "are sharply. you being flippant?" "Oh dear me; oh dear no!" I "Sir," he only modern one hand. world; Remember, sir, this is compete with this is the 1930. Our damnable books! We will never them to enter! I marked the t- residence halls to vote. Special f said, hastily Republican leader Ja.nes Watson predicts passages in red Ink. I regret tl» and though Democrats tried to block him, changing the subject: "Are you getting that this senators borrowed the books and express runs between these areas and new tariff will put the nation he was seated, 51 to 37. The Church had plenty of support from the White House?" «on the episode with A U.S.-North Vietnam prisoner the fire station would be "President Hoover," he said the upgrade, financially, economically, unseemly levity. immensely dropped Brigham Young's exhortation, • firmly, I was wisely silent, but I exchange has hopefully broken some "The only men who become Gods, even "believes the time has come to commercially, within 30 days'." helpful. Free bus service during voter farmers tariff protection. It was give the "30? I thought it was 60 something from Ogden Nash at t&e. diplomatic ice between the two registration this fall in the Union the sons of God, are those who enter into Borah's mind that! You are days. But never "Smite smut, Smoot!" and further enemies. The swap was the first in polygamy." Senator Smoot had one wife. idea originally." proposing the highest helped greatly. Some free service on "Bill Borah? Oh, you mean tariff in history, that raises Individual rates him, "Smoot of Ute, do your dute. But if he had 20 It would have been which the U.S. rather than South that, ah, son on 925 manufactured a discordant thought. When I l°°kW election day would also be in the eminently of the wild jackass?" I asked. goods and 75 farm Vietnam participated. respectable. He had also an products. Wouldn't it be was gone. best interest of the East Lansing encyclopedic mind, little gift of speech, easier, sir (and THE NEW REPUBLIC Undoubtedly, the incident was community. and a tremendous, yes, a spiritual, affinity arranged as much for propoganda for the work ethic. $0 HAVE I...WHEN I "THINK OF Steps should be taken now so that "Well, IN Flf^T-AlD OA#J reasons as anything else. young man," he said, surveying long lines on election day in Precinct me. THAT IF HAVE Nevertheless, for whatever reasons WANT TO DIE ..I FEEL AWFUL... Three will not discourage students I looked around. I REALLV OFFENDED HIM... 50ME0NE.THE J it was arranged, the exchange Apparently he meant from voting. Clearly such action me. l$TOAroij06lZe IMM represents a significant move and would be very much in line with the "Yes," I stammered. "Your — ah — your hopefully will establish a precedent tradition of universal sufferage and tariff bill doing okay?" for future interactions. "I think, young man," he participatory democracy. repeated, "I think we will have no difficulty. We are ichigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, October 13, 1971 5 «I Today and Thurs 9:30 am to 9 pm note panel delay snags | ss. TUES, FRI, SAT. 9:30 am to 5:30 pm 1% textbook sales tax bill 203 E. GRAND RIVER By S.A. SMITH t< B'own said there has been a exemption to all textbooks regardless of FALL State News Staff Writer 'long-standing effort in the legislature to where they are purchased. right a wrong. That wrong is a discrepancy On the House floor the bill reversed |jl which would bring textbooks sold in the tax law between government-owned to "close the loophole," or was do away with stores and free jernment-owned stores under the enterprise stores." all exemptions on textbook sales tax : Ln 4 ' per cent sales tax may never Under the present Michigan sales tax The bill died in the Senate. law due to a delay in the Senate law, textbooks purchased in a Another bill was introduced this year to jn Committee. government-owned store, such as the MSU close the loophole and it is currently Ln> that the bill came about in Bookstore, are exempt from the 4 per cent _ to the MSU Boodstore- East sales tax. lodged in the Senate Taxation Committee. A spokesman for Sen. Harry A. L Bookstore Assn. controversy over He added that the current bill under DeMaso, R-Battle Creek, chairman of the Senate (oposed increase of the University consideration by the Senate Taxation IASHION Tax Committee, said the bill is still in lore's buy-back rate for used books Committee was introduced this year, but committee. (founded, according to Rep. Jim its predecessors, which included similar "Both parties agree it's an inequity, but | R-Okemos. clauses, date bact 10 years. we can't decide how to correct sed, the bill would impose the sales The bill would it, " Brown exempt textbooks from said, '"lb close the loophole is to hear the textbooks sold in the MSU the loophole, no matter where they are outcry that we're raising education costs. Jorr, raising prices by 4 per cent. purchased, Brown explained. But to extend it only makes a bad situation |vn said the bill was not born out of "A $10 book at the Student Bookstore worse." at ions raised by the East Lansing costs $10.40, but the same book purchased "But the main thrust of both parties is kiore merchants when the at the MSU Bookstore costs $10," he to bring equity to the situation," he added. fcendation was made to change the offered as an example. SALE "The outrage on the part of the students lck/resale rate to 60/75, up from "A tax must be fair," he said. "No one is the same as the outrage on anyone's part | the rate currently offered by all can say this one is." when it comes to increased taxes. But Lansing bookstores and the MSU Brown said a year ago he introduced you a have to rise above special interests and look bill which would extend the sales tax at the whole picture," Brown continued. jOPOSED ARTS COMPLEX STARTS TODAY! Fall Fashions At Fabulous Huge Helpings of Famous Label, Hosier Quality, Savings . . . Come Collect Yours Now! L/' plans for director of MSU's In relation to the campus work of art, he noted. fc Concert Series promised community, it means that the contracting agencies that "we're On top of these not roadhouses where ■y that an announcement cultural roots of the past may be you're considerations, the here for a performance and then | forthcoming from higher rejected by youth if it cannot be Lecture-Concert Series attempts pack Bsity officials on the made to up and leave, this is a express today's to balance education with college campus. We want some ed Performing Arts concerns, Beachler said. appreciation of the arts. interaction with the And to the Lecture-Concert Beachler said he is telling direcotr, Kenneth community." series it means relating the br, declined comment on ■ content ^cement. of the expression arts to of the performing the total life of the Our Super Value System members of the audience. Is speech before about 80 kity Club members at "The great arts of music, lincheon, he also said the theater and dance can only be lat the U.S. has not settled experienced by their Ktably into its image as the performance. This requires "melting pot" is talent, discipline and work," Big a trend toward a Beachler said. ■tic expression in the i HVB' eijJi result, the effect on Ji/ngarts. ■ national character of U.S. ,the total person,'is then greater than the components of the 1 is still in evolution and Inds its way into the MOOSUSKI TONIGHT! jning arts as a means of 7:30 p.m. 109 Anthony Expression, neans Beachler said. See what happens on an MSU an explosion in Ski Club trip! Sign up for this I expression as in black and season's fun! WIN a trip, ■e rock music ■ment. season passes, other goodies! Composed of : the Sony STR222 receiver - an excellent AM/FM tuner with an amplifier that delivers 16 Clean RMS Continuouswatts The Garrard 40B turntable complete with Itetshirt base, dustcover and your choice of $25 mag. cartridge. The West Laboratories Mark III two-way acoustic speakers. 8" woofer & 3" tweeter suspension show STEREO OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT SPECIAL $249 s il.'QQ pm. 402 S. Washington Lansing QeTflabfes 245 Ann Street East Lansing Stereo Open House—Today thru Sat. in girl iriterfesfo makes the sports-scene! HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE GREAT SAVINGS: modeling, call Reg. $24 to $50. Polyesters, Acetates, double knits Alex afiheQabl£>s or iBve at fl J12 to '39 lOealtervane Reg. $40 to $110. Lodens, suedes, cowhides. Don't miss $29 to '89 Reg. $9 to $15. Ribs, cables, wools, acrylics CD CO our all day, HP to t£ Reg. $5 to $13. Cotton interlocks, crepes, polyesters, knits all night, all week Reg. $7. Famous label in 5 fashion colors '3M to *8" 2 for *7 —* PITCHER PUSHER PARTY Reg. $10. Full button or placket front styles during our ongoing Annual electronic GX3 CO CO , Anniversaryfest. CREPE PUFF-SLEEVE BLOUSES automatic date-changer Reg. $8 to $10. Denims, stripes, solids, two tones Try our new Roast Beef Submarine special with a pitcher of beer. more rough Big, bold, indisputably masculine! Takes wear, to coddle it! It not absorbs more strain! You never have only runs electronically, but the date FLARE LEG JEANS 2 for *9 - 2 for '11 changes automatically every midnight. Handsome black Reg. $12. Loads of colors, contrast stitching Anniversaryfest French Fries 21c dial. Stainless steel with matching bracelet. $115 WOOL FLARE LEG PANES H 231 M.A.C. Reg. $10 and $11. Solids, tweeds, shortlength, midis FAMOUS LAOEL SKIRTS (Across The Street From The Student Union) and '7M 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Jazz deserves ensemble Comedy opens Jazz is a highly sophisticated He said he would like to teach direc "Presently, there are openings PAC's season art form, Edward S. Meadows, a course in jazz history, its particularly for trombonists, asst. professor of misuc influence on composers and its Interested students may contact The Performing Arts Company (PAC) will 0pen it, education, said, and should not social, cultural and political me at my office in 208 Music 1971-72 season tonight with "Twelfth Night" , be just an unimportant sideline philosophies. Practice Bldg." Shakespearean love comedy. in a department of music. "Anyone on campus may Hie play will run through Sunday in Fkirchild Theatr. Meadows, recently chosen audition for our bands," Each spring, Phi Mu Alpha, Performances will begin nightly at 8:15 p.m. director of the three 18-piece Meadows said. "We select national music fraternity, "Twelfth Night" will feature PAC resident actors John jazz ensembles, said his musicians on their ability to read sponsors a jazz concert. Last Goodlin, Chattanooga, Tenn., graduate student as Sir Tobv objectives are to familiarize music, especially jazz, on their yew's guest artist was trumpeter Belch; Fred Piegonskl, Melvindale graduate student as «. audiences with the gamut of jazz ability to imporvise jazz and on Clark Show." ) Terry of the "Tonight Andrew Aguecheek; Sherry Caldwell, North Versailles p. styles from modern rock to soul, their ability as jazz soloists. Shnui " graduate student as Olivia and Belinda Bremner, Chicago "Next graduate student as Maria. spring, we hope to augment the contest with an The six undergraduates appearing with the PAC Incluri artist lecturing on composing Scottle Shumaker, Coleman senior, who will piay Vfou ' j and arranging, as well as an artist and James Maxwell, Saddle River, N. J. senior, who win to set up a workshop on play Malvollo. imporvisatlon, which should delight the band directors and Frank C. Rutledge, PAC director, said Ihe play the Renaissance idea of sensual, intellectual and true "explore. I 5 features johnny carson show special campus jazz fans," Meadows It Is also firmly based on Elizabethan love ■ from oct. 13th to 17th this coupon is worth said. conventions." farce-comedy ' Cast members rehearse a scene from the Shakespearean love comedy, "Twelth Night" which ; ■ thin 25% OFF crust ON PIZZA & PEPSI (round) thick crust Meadows dismayed that added he a campus as was large opens tonight at Fairchild Theatre. The production will mark the season of the Performing Arts Company. beginning of the 1971-72 State News photo by Tom Gaunt Fairchild Theatre box office is open For information or reservations from noon to telephone 355 0148. 5 n (square) as MSU does not promote other 12" 16" 10" 20" 40" jazz shows. ■cheese 1.27 1.87 1.12 1.87 3.75 i cheese + ■ one item I 'extra item 1.57 .18 2.17 .30 1.27 .18 2.17 .30 4.20 .45 Coeds teach modern dancing Lansing Area Dance Council and the East The teaching program has been divided into "If a child is going to move, she should wa By SUZANNE UNGERER Lansing Recreational Program, were developed to two-week segments to give each teacher two her body correctly," Ms. Durr said. RHARHARHARHARHARHA up promote a greater interest in dance in the lessons to present her program. TTiis system Exercising warms, stretches and strei. Four MSU coeds are gaining teaching community. allows both the teachers and the students to the muscles, she explained. Exercises are u*Jl The beginners class is designed for students An epic drama experience this year instructing East Lansing area make corrections during the second week. create energy, to Improve breath control i^l junior and senior high school students in modern who have no previous dance experience. The While one coed is teaching, the others warm up the spine, hips and legs. " of adventure Battle.. dance. Beginning dancers are taught by Timl Mason, Intermediate class is for students who have experience, but are not presently working with a demonstrate the various movements. Hiey also move among the students giving individual After the muscles are completely the students are ready to move across the flJ warmed J ofgnlairi Los Banos, Calif., junior and Cathy Raup, dance group. attention where needed. They are given movements in which they J Birmingham junior. Delia Davidson, Chicago, 111., Classes meet every Monday evening at the C. The coeds are aided by East Lansing High exploration! sophomore, and Mary Mendel, Louisville, Ky., E. MacDonald Middle School in East Lansing. School student Susie Ischlno. Ms. Ischlno apply the information just learned in senior teach an intermediate class. The beginners class is held from 5 to 6 p.m., and volunteered to help as a demonstrator and as a exercises. This forces the dancer to think feet instead of just Imitating the os|L The classes, sponsored by MSU, the Greater the intermediate class from 6 to 7 p.m. communications link between the students and the instructor. inovemenn| the teachers. Ms. Durr said she believes dancing Is ni. The coeds meet once a week with Dixie Durr, competitive as some sports. A dancer can devL dance coordinator at MSU, to discuss the at her own rate instead of having to keep upiS previous week's lesson and to make plans for the the team. " coming week. Each teacher is responsible for presenting her own material to the class. The coeds are earning University credit J 2001 to A considerable portion of each class is devoted warm up exercises. their teaching under HPR 424, Education. Problen*| a space odyssey 2nd BIG WEEK! LAST DAY . .. SUPER PANAVISION®' A Harry Saltzman Production "TODD KILLINGS METR0C0L0R OPEN 12:45 Cont. from 1:10 svTechnicolor* [jn ALSO Tonight in Brody color Un Feature filmeo in Panavislon* An "DARKER THAN Southwest Dining Hall 1:15 - 3:15 - 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:30 AMBER" R' 7,9:30 COMING THIS "ONE OF THE YEAR'S IMPORTANT TOMORROW TWO FEATURES! At 3:10 - 6:30 - 9:45 P.M. Students, faculty & staff only WEEKEND ;*rEsr I.D.'s required f$1.00 8' * admission "REFRESHING" 'BILLY JACK' SPEAKS TO THE HEART!". - Detroit Free Press RHARHARHARhHARHARHA TOM LAUGHLIN Clearly is the most masculine and exciting new star of the 70s. FLASH GORDON COMING TO MSU? VERY INTERESTING billy October 28 & 29 jack .TOM LAUGHLIN Alfred Hitchcock is acknowledged as the • delores tayi or i® PLUS ... at 1:30 - 4:45 - 8:05 PM | cinema's most skillful storyteller. An TECHNICOLOR® From Warner Bros. A Kin "HOUSE THAT DRIPPED BLOOD" extraordinarily gifted director, he has created superbly plotted motion pictures which have enthralled generations of film goers. While his later works were immersed in blatant horror and perversity, his earlier and much superior films were both terrifying and Bright, fast, subtle. Such a combination is hard to achieve, but Hitchcock succeeds brilliiantly. funny, roaringly beautiful. 1 TONIGHT and THURSDAY Beal Film Group will present two of these superb early works. ViCKiEJ BABY VICKIE is a surprisingly successful small filn plot such as it is consists of a story of a girl brought upby I her parents to believe that sex is bad and she can only enjoy sex if It is dirty who findithit I 'dirty.' This film affords quitt" I bit of 'dirty' sex. All this in a fast cut 75 minutes. NOTORIOUS starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman A story of the Nazi spy ring at 7:30 p.m. only Thurs: 6:00,8:00 Twi Lite Hour, Adults 90c, 5:30 - 6:00 and Tfgbin Stone... His "Women... the Academy jacqueline Award Winner j summit* (Best Picture) Joan Fontaine, ami dyan cannon ■trill robert ryan JOHN PHILLIP LAW * iHadune Laurence Olivier, Judith Anderson in REBECCA Room 111 Olds 9:15 only $1.00 No IDs. Baby Vickie Shown at I 7:00,8:15,9:30.10:45 * $1.00 admi«i°n I in 106B Weill $■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 13, 1971 7 Billy Jack:'exploitation andentertainment lr|U. persecuted minority group forces: good and evil, not always look forward to movies, there is little regard for at the cost of misrepresenting the at all times, plus little side scenes serious. give a one sided view of life, Iving a series of movies made Representing the forces of evil honesty in the treatment of the truth. that complicate the plot. It has its One of the best parts of the nor try to develop falsehoods by are: the fat wealthy land owner; it their plight for justice. The subject, but is rather contrived in As an entertaining movie, share of fighting, shooting, rape, movie was the appearance of the giving the audience the same his spoiled son, who feels he has its sensationalism to carry action stock characters they've been It issue was played to its "Billy Jack" is a success. There is and love. At times it is extremely committee. They are a comic to prove himself; and the tSt in recent years, and then deputy and keep the viewers interest even a fair amount of action going on funny and at other times very group that does short one act watching on Saturday mornings glHIN* sheriff; who will go to for years, namely the heros and tpped aside to make way for the extremes to get his daugher back. any plays of social consequence. As in a film they did a few years ago, the villains. Lest cause — the American On the side of Justice are: the The plight of minority groups is Ijian. Do not be mistaken. pregnant daughter; the they were highly entertaining and serious one, but handling the Ely-wood is not trying to meet school marm, who lives for the young deadly. They used mostly their a (ia! problems head on and face Em, but rather is trying to sell children; the hero, Billy Jack, Theater group old material which gave their appearance the feel of the plight must be done intelligently. "Billy Jack" seems a further I By JACK EPPS JR. who rides tall in the saddle Ivies to the public. State News Reviewer whether on horseback or on greatest hits of the Committee. exploitation of minority groups for the purpose of selling another iBilly Jack," now playing at motorcycle and a host of other I do not object to the \ Campus theatre, is another movie with a little moral message about the white man' Jensitive treatment of minority becomes pregnant. After a severe "beautiful people" who live at the school. This over-simplification of the Abroms os entertainment quality of this movie. But when a movie tries to instruct or create a sense of social thrown in. If you are looking for a movie that will entertain you for an tups, especially the Indian Set beating by her father, she runs problems prooiems between Between the the consciousness in the viewer, then hour and a half, then "Billy Jack" I""" .i u„min«tinnr (h- "i cBiaoiisiiineni ana me new youcn Abrams Planetarium will be the I expect them to be honest in will do the job. And do it i "Meta-4' orkers, the planetarium facilities (dome, lErwho ocutions of are a group of young made trying to live an community activTmembeTof [,71 ! ^e, and the film's inadequate treatment of problems, shows a scene for a new experience and planetarium will be the'vessel fights; "s"ou~nd" sysVem'and^even form of expression beginning at 8 used in the voyage's attempt to the lobby) as the basic art their treatment of the subject and 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION admirably. Doors open Daily 12:45 I ofnllv in a progressive school father learns whoro «hp ha« heon definite 180,4 of understanding of p.m., today, when "Meta-4," an create a personal language of medium. The artistic possibilities itr«rrr.ewor„ ■ HpHicates her life to these Billv Jack hpmmps inmiv«i in [he true problems that are facing intermedia theater, hosts its "first generation. These show. experience for viTwers. Hopefully, the artists will rid the of the planetarium co'upled with the technical advice offered by ICHIGAN starts FRIDAY: ■ There is one man watching the conflictedTies to S'I ninvj«.ir Hoi! hin^ S Prob,ems cannot be effectively Thirty-five artists, technicians, "audience" of its usual passive the staff makes Abrams ideal for Keep his own way. d tries to handle it broken down into two opposing and musicians from the Lansing your eyes on ir tne school, Billy Jack. He is hie characteristic and through the vortex concert, say the forces and then U"J white-washed community have been voluntarily . .. . transactional experiences, "Meta-4" workers. whcil she cannot see ENDS THURS I "u knM(nh,mhich«,i, Movj t j: .il 7"' across the screen and still be working on the "voyage in transform it into a cosmic |ert. He chose to turn his back Mexicans, Indians, youth and the "MARRIAGE m expected to be believable. geodesic space." Visual, sensual experience enveloping viewers as OF A lient hillsof his forefathers. ?s ,me"t are misrepresented by the film's stereotyped The handling and treatment of and audkf art forms'will be Tonight's show will feature in the forms of jazz, film, art YOUNG ■"he plot thickens when the characters A highly complete "Billy Jack" reminds me of a integrated in the voyage, which ^ Described as "an emotion-based poetry. STOCK¬ Monday night television premier probes the varied domains of art. The attempt will be to open |puty sheriffs daughter problem is broken down into two movie. As in a lot of television According to one of the new "thresholds of awareness," presentation," the "Meta-4" workers promise surprises for the BROKER" instead of "raping people," or eye and mind. TECHNICAL AREAS evoking a conditioned response. "It's kind of an evolving thing —a The group will host other metaphor process. The impetus comes not only from the artists, presentations in the planetarium _ offers jobs abroad °n ?ct 27' No\: }° and N°v" 24" but from the self," said one of the roup artist. in The workers are experimenting going beyond conventional Each voyage will have a different focus. Admission to the public (no I.D.s required) is 50 cents, PROGRAM INFCPVAfiCV 332 S81 ■Students in engineering, architecture, Students may pick up an forms of expression, ufing the Kculture and the sciences can spend this more application and information from the Placement A proficiency in a foreign language is TODAY Shows 7:15 - 5 Feature 7:30 - 9:35 desirable, and for the following countries it •••••••••• Timer working in a foreign country Bureau. The deadline is Dec. 15. is a necessity: Austria, Chile, France, tough The power, the passion, 2 FOREIGN FILMS J the International Association for Most placements are for 8 to 12 weeks Germany, Luxembourg, Spain and > Exchange of Students for Technical during the summer, but some are available Switzerland. fcerience (IAESTE). for longer periods of time. French, Eng. titles The student is responsible for Originally organized by universities and £ X'LIASONSDANGEREUSES'2 Q the terror of ■lAESTE has for the last six years paying his industries of nine Western European transportation, J Tonite, 102B Wells Hall J jonsored "career ■ough the Placement Bureau. vacations abroad" expenses, housing and in addition to the IAESTE's other nations, the IAESTE today is a confederation of 41 nations. W ® 7:30 Donation $1,25 • ^Emily Bronte's ■IAESTE, a non-profit organization application fee. IAESTE will provide some assistance to The United States branch of this group Russian, Eng. titles ® immortal story of • "THE STONE FLOWER" • ^ich was organized in 1948, attempts to students, mainly in locating housing and was formed in 1950 as a private non-profit 0 Sat. Oct. 16 105 S. # i jobs for students who are at least fchomores but have not yet finished their securing transportation and visas. It also asks that employers pay $110 to corporation. Its members and directors A Kedzie.1o.rn. 75c £ defiant young love. $120 a represent the industries, universities and ■ree work. week, to help the student. '' professional groups of the country. 0 Program? Phone 351-0979 % JAMES H. NICHOLSON and SAMUEL Z A f ANNA CALDER-MARSHALL \ademoiselle TIMOTHY DALTON uesf editor NOW SHOWING! tetshirt (K^%^Ca",y in EMILY BRONTE'S 38 HeaWllf Mademoiselle's |ard and Guest 1972 College Editor College Board members are eligible to compete for 20 Guest ELECTRIC HEATERS 3 ADULT HITS show Ulutiieriiig Heights HARRY ANDREWS-HUGH GRIFFITH- IAN OGILVY-JUDY CORNWELI npetition offers Editor positions. YES o ^ ■ergraduate staff positions to Students interested in meeting IS A iners of its essay contest on pent issues. dinners will be members of the Nov. 1 deadline should contact the student employment office of the Placement Bureau VERY TONIGHT iau ■demoiselle's College Board for more information. act as reporters for the 11.00 p-n ■gazine, following trends, ltudes and events fables ' on campus. [ submitting another entry, CM IN 04 ant) girl inlet LETTER in modeling, call WORLD Alex at the Qabl^s META-4 or tave at Intermedia Voyages ONE PERFORMANCE in Geodesic Space uOeatervan^ TONITE ONLY 8 pm — 50c 8:00 P.M., Live Jazz, Poetry, NOW SHOWING Thursday, Oct. 21 Film and much more. PLUS ELEC. HEATERS Couch Fever BRAMS at 11:05 AB -UN ik — ALSO Valerie PLANETARIUM ■ Mr. Stan Kann, distinguished ■keyboard artist, at the console ■ of the mighty Barton Pipe I urgan, presents an original 1 niusical score for the silent Beast of Blood '■creen classic ... FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS FRI. & SAT. DON'T COME L0N CHANEY, Sr. ALONE! e most successful a of the 1920's and hear ignlficent score 1000 WATT NIGHT ONLY AT 8:00 P.M. HEATERS! MICHIGAN Theatre FMI: cngogtmenl ,i„q htaB-?„r-.|BI ■ All Seats $2.50 Ticket. - HOTTEST »•» fo awry Unmarried female who purcho»e» 6"#05U.. £ ■ °n *ale at MICHIGAN IN TOWN - ticduring Ihit E TADMER-CAMPUS - STATE Wednesday, October 13, 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Nature acres area intended to be undisturbed forest, Milton Baron, director of menaced the area, but in the past few years students and others have been new paths have developed to the by cars or bicycles, by fences, extent we have trampling of the Baron noted. Grounds crews by'trampling' the meeting scheduled for Oct. (s to get their input. I hope 19 Parmelee suggested that some they students use the Sanford area as campus parks and planning forging their own dirt paths forest floor. Naturalists have semi-annually clean litter from wm assume some responsibility Student and faculty pressure on reported. which are upsetting the natural become quite concerned about the natural area, but felled trees for the situation," Baron said. the facilities of the Sanford The Sanford area is located area, Baron said. He has the depreciation taking place," are not removed nor is any . northwest to southeast Natural Area is causing behind VanHoosen, Owen, scheduled a meeting for 4 p.m., Baronsaid. spraying of pesticide use allowed. He requested that students stay — "The fragile succession of - irwnnrahi'p r^maap McDonel and Holmes halls, Oct. 19, in 310 Manly Miles Bldg. "The fragile succession of Because few .... schools have such nresprvp and of thp arpn bounded on the north by the Red where he hopes campus plants and animals is threatened. a natural area as this, we have on the established cinder pa Baron noted that anyone mipht bp University Cedar River. It is part of about environmental groups and other Zoologists and botanists won't be become quite concerned, and refrain from using the na gtudvinc a campus map would such ^"8 " JJJ"" Xiewalks npressarv a ™fidal warnedUhis oinciai warnea week ims weeK. 150 acres of j„„; i Property concerned parties can reach some „„ „,u„ able SnnfnrH there and to goNafnral Arpn useas the an However, if it it will not >> remain area i_ a i_j n for Pjcnicing activities or ohc*mignt rean^e u,nl- One alternative , . .. Fvnpncivp tramnlina nf the aesignaieo as natural areas wnere agreement on wnai siiuuiu uc .. . unique u u is irampiea, naron forest floor in the Sanford human interference with nature is done about the trampling. outdoor laboratory, he said. said Natural Area is upsetting the expressly prohibited. "In the past several years the The 35 acres of the Sanford "One of the reasons for natural cycle and balance, Traditionally, cinder foot paths forest floor has been so seriously area are portected from visitation involving student organizations in rejuvenate, he added. # minute or two longer. have allowed pedestrian access to trampled over considerable areas injecting human influence on 35 that much of the native vegetation and in particular the more delicate species are being obliterated, as well as a wide spectrum of associated fauna," Ex-TV chief says desire George Parmelee, curator of the campus woody plant collection, for shows said. THINGS "Unless threatens to controlled, this seriously impair the teaching, research and aesthetic values of the area," Parmelee Baron said that since said. the profit kills news Nature speaha? Goodman endorsed legislation construction nsirocuun McDonel nuu of mcuuim ui and WASHINGTON (AP) — A entertainment and less about government censorhip stamp, Part of the student problem H°ofmes^1" esidence"halls "the former television news executive newscasters. that has drastically reduced the that would guarantee "protection in the Sanford Natural Area it have soared told a Senate panel Tuesday that Agnew's "motives might not be amount of air time devoted to FRIDAY Sfn* rEwlS transienf nressures ^e profit motive, not so suspect if he showed such documentaries and public - affairs of mformat.on on a un.form graffiti writing on trees. SN photo by Milton Horn S3 government harassment, has led concern," Friendly said. That led programming." national bas.s" Lpfnfl?nrnTnwnhvstSnt8 de-emphasis of news and to a defense of Agnew by Sen. "A mimhe^of oroDle seem to documentary programs by the Strom Thurmond, R-S.C. large nark^ Countless nation's broadcast networks. "If some members of Congress see it as a i,,r«p park. Countless Women's group to hold _ - pred Frlan(Uy former were as concerned with the selling president ofCBS news, testified it of violence and superfluous BLOW is more profitable to televise an medicine as they were with the "intellectual ghetto" of nighttime. CBS documentary "The Selling YOUR¬ entertainment rather than of the Pentagon" the debate over SELF UP TO POSTER SIZE sometimes contro versial slanting the news might be more documentaries which sponors are understandable," Friendly less willing to support. testified in the subcommittee He told a subcommittee on inquiry into freedom of the press, bargain book saleatmal A great gift or tag Idea. constitutional rights headed by Friendly, now a Columbia Stacks of books, anything schools, libraries women in graduate research ud I ON ALL FALL SHOES Ideal room decoration perfect for parties. Send any b&w or color photo, ... Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., D-N.C.,that University professor of broadcast Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, journalism, took issue with earlier from language and religion to children's books and collector's bookstores," said Ms. Wenner. "This is our 16th annual sale study. Ms. Wenner added that lut I Polaroid print, cartoon or magazine photo. For slides Congress and the Federal witnesses who called the FCC items, will go on sale Thursday of used books, the proceeds of year the sale broke all previoal and negatives, add $1.00 in the Meridian Mall, Okemos, which "go to local and national records by crossing the $1,000 1 MEN'S & WOMEN'S per poster. Better originals produce better posters. Giant b&w poster mailed In tube. ommunications Commission should worry more about violence and low-level niehtlv threat content. to through its checks broadcast freedom on program by the American Association of scholarships. We inform our University Women. fellowship committee a certain mark. She felt this was due to the group's moving from I il 1'/, x 2 Ft. $2.50 — 3 X 4 Ft. $7.50 "Most of the time the FCC has Merrilyn Wenner, publicity amount of money is available Frandor location to the Mall. BLOW-UPS IN PSYCHEDELIC COLO*. Any photo made into a poster in psychedelic Red, Green, been a tower of jello," Friendly chairman for the association, after the sale, and they take it The sale begins at 10 a.n 233 MAC Blue or Yellow. Only In IV* * 2 ft. @ $3.50 and 2 x 3 ft. @ $4.50. Specify desired color. RUSH SER VICE »'»« Remember said, "more concerned with citizens' band radio and marine explained the books will be from there. Any eligible person displayed on tables in the north who would like to go to MSU is Thursday and runs through 51 p.m. Saturday. Hours of the silt I win8 ot the mall, near the then considered for the correspond to the regular Mil I Next to Lums U" BLO-uV'^t"(X)o** When.... frequencies than with the crucial communications that shape our lives. theatres. 'The books are collected scholarship," she explained. Local scholarships usually go hours of 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 210 E. 23 St.. H.Y. 10010 Oct 21 3 "It is the dollar sign, not the during the advertisements, summer and a through pickup to wives of MSU students to help them complete their A . .^J jf j/-\nc c In fad Take it easy. relax. . . get some exercise. service run by the association, undergraduate studies. National , , • Thurs. Oct. 218:00 PM . . Most of them come from homes, monies are usually distributed to TOT OT/S T&STIVQI although some come from UNION BUILDING " At 8:30 tonight in the Sud.I SKI CLUB MEETING Porch of the Union, the newlyll formed MSU Black Theater will BILLIARDS ROOM *TOIMIGHT hold auditions for the first Black | & BOWLING LANES Proudly 7:30 pm 109 Anthony Arts Festival to be held some til next month. The exact date will be announced later. | THE JAMES GANG DOOR BILLIARD ROOM - $1.00 per hour Mon. & Fri. 11.30a.m. - 11:00 p.m. PRIZES! Tues.,Wed., Thur. 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 3:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m. 8 PINBALL MACHINES! Boyne Week Trip 4 One Day Passes to ROWLING LANES - 50c per line Mt. Brighton Mon. & Wed. 5:15 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. 2 Gift Certificates from Weathervane Tues.,Thurs.# Sun. 2:00 p.m. • 11:00 p.n Fri. & Sat. 12:00 noon - 11:00 p.m. Membership Card necessary to be eligible for door prizes. Satisfaction 'RICH MOUNTAIN TOWER" UHRANTHI All Seats reserved $6-$5-$4.00 SKI CLUB FILM OF ON SALE MARSHALLS MUSIC CENTER E. LANSING LAST YEAR'S TRIPS Can you take really great pictures? ALSO WURZBURG STORFS. HURRY BUY EARLY FOR CHOICE SEATS WILL BE SHOWN I can with a Canon Stereo Open House.. Beef Sandwich $1.09 TODAY THROUGH SATURDAY - OCTOBER 16 Featuring: Rectilinear A line of well balanced, easy listening high fidelity loudspeakers with models for any budget. Jlow- muck The original model system has overall balance and III speaker fyine ^bicuyumd CLARITY surpassing most more expensive units, with dispersion that rivals those multidirectional speaker has the answer. systems. One 12", one 5", two 2%" speakers. 35"x18"x12" $279 each A young man buying his The III Low Boy - the same first diamond can easily I* speakers, same crossover, same confused. Leon G has been volume, and same beautiful sound, supplying young men with with fretwork grill. the right for 25 Canon TL-QL single-lens reflex camera ans wers 28" x 22" x 12" $29S> each years. For it you don't have The Rectilinear XI has been and probably always will be our faith in your own diamond most popul ar spea ker system. knowledge, then you must FEATURING have faith in the integrity of with 50mm f/1.8 Lens The smoothness, transparency and overall range from this small, inexpensive system is astounding! your jeweler. Leon G merits • Through-the-Lens Spot Meter that trust. • Fast QL Film Loading System Try' this test. Play a small model, then a large model in a ONLY $1gg95 manufacturer's line. The large model sounds different, right? YOU CAN BE SURE • Breech-Lock Lens Mounting Not just better, but different. Do the same with Rectilinear. The OF ALL FOUR IN ANY • Fast Microprism Focusing larger ones sound better - more music - But Not Different! From the smallest to largest Rectilinear it's the Same Beautiful LEON G DIAMOND: • Bell & Howell Guarantee Texture. More money simply means more music; as it should! •CUT • And Lots More! From our Precious •CLARITY The Rectilinear Rep. will be on hand to answer questions Orange Blossom Collection . •COLOR Wednesday in Lansing and Thursday in East Lansing. The model Priced from $175 •CARAT WEIGHT ARKS PHOTO SHOP XI, now with fretwork grill - still only $79.50 Register to win a Rectilinear XI at each store! 524-26 E.Michigan 245 Ann Street 402 S. Washington cp II P»rk free Jewelry end y Phone: 484-7414 East Lansing MUSIC CO. Lansing || with purchase Art c#nt#r 351-7830 372-9600 319 E. Grand River A# All sales backed by our own service department. Laming, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 13, 1971 ledge totals high for fall rush Don't Mi By CAROL THOMAS State News Staff Writer numerical upswing. Spring term, the average pledge class totaled five. Fall term asst. director groups. for off-campus i Reuling emphasized the "The important thing isn't how treats its pledges." They have to BAKE SALE pledge mportance of updated and classes average 11 many pledges a house gets, but have a reason to stay, or the house J with informal fall rush house. pledges per Reuling said he thought that attitudes freshmen liberalized pledge said these programs, and changes must be how many go active," said will lose large numbers of good with an among are Reuling. "This is a direct pledges and lose I Jnleted Pledge classes in "Comparatively speaking, it's a changing toward Greek living, immediate. reflection how well out in the long fe? Eternities are on the good rush," said Edsin Reuling, and that the new pledge classes on a house run." are more heavily freshmen, instead of sophomore and junior International Flair as they were last spring term. "I think that the freshmen are SMC plans anti Sponsored by: seeing opportunities to make a contribution to a house, and while the do you own attitude is still prevalent, more and more people that it's easier to do are finding thing out speech on free MSU COOPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL your own As ■ officers APPREHENDED o male McDonel residents at 9 was taken from his pocket and then placed under a bench after thing in a group," Reuling said. part moratorium, of a the nationwide Student interested will travel to various parts of Lansing to distribute Sat., Uct. 16 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. While several houses did not m. Monday as they were the money had been removed. Mobilization Committee (SMC) anti-war literature. rush this term because of Suspects housing will sponsor an anti-war rally ■frying a chair valued at $170 are being sought, police difficulties, the rush average and workshop at 2 Lansing Area Peace Council, Residents of the Lansing area Youll find Baklava, Swedish Coffee Rings, homemade hm the lounge at Brody Hall, report. p.m. today at which is encouraging a boycott statistics are slightly who wish to make verbal preserved items, Strudel, Asiatic Delicacies and other ■fficers went to the scene after misleading, Beaumont Tower. of the marketplace and a halt to according to Reuling, because commitments against the war foreign delectables. Also homemade Pies, Bread, Cakes, fcceiving a complaint from a POLICE REPORT A bicycle business as usual, will hold a will record their comments on large pledge classes were Coffee Cakes, and Candies will be sold. Lent resident of Armstrong struck a car on East Circle Drive concentrated among the larger Speakers will include Alan funeral procession to "bury the tapes which will be sent to ■all. The two suspects were told near the Soil Science Bldg. at SheUy, instructor in economics, myth that the Vietnam War is 5:20 p.m. Monday as the driver of houses, and many small houses who will describe the Lansing area congressmen. | return the cahir and then had wage-price ending." The procession, which leased pending action by the the car was backing from his disappointingly small rushes, freeze and its effects on the war will consist of 25 cars, will In headded. begin conjunction with the ftosecutor. and a representative of the at 11:30 this parking space. The bicyclists told "If the fraternities can Black morning at the boycott of business, the Peace officers he was carrying a book in keep this Liberation Front International Church of the Brethren, 3020 S. Council has up through all three terms, they'll suggested that ■an msu STUDENT residing in his hand and was unable to apply be well on their way to who will discuss the third world Washington in Lansing. people donate whatever money Insing notified the police that the hand brake. The bicyclist kind of house they've been having the and the war. Hie peace council will also they ordinarily would spend %L wallet had been removed from suffered lacerations of the right talking about," he said. "ItH After the sponsor a tape recording session today to the Pakistani Relief locker in the Men's Intramural knee. He was taken to the speeches, rally at 8:00 tonight in the Center for FUnd or the Lansing Area Peace i. between 2:15 and 6 p.m. University Health Center treated make more guys want to join." participants and others who are United Ministries in Higher Council Alternative Life Rind. SHOPPING CENTER _Jday. He told officers his and released. Officers report his ■cker was unlocked, the wallet bicycle sustained $10 damage. AN EMPLOYE working in the hgham County SHOP T-MART ■ third floor of the Administration Bldg. reported to police her purse Iffers free shots was taken between 10 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Tuesday from her and The Ingham County Health office. The purse contained credit ftpt. will hold an immunication cards, a check book and was lnic from 1 to 3 p.m. today at valued at $43.50. |e Okemos Community Church, ■34 n. Okemos Road in FIVE BICYCLES WERE lemos. reported taken during the 24 Anyone over two months of age hour period ending at 2 p. ly receive free shots for Tuesday, all but one of them were [phtheria, whooping cough, reported to police as being us, polio, smallpox, rubella, locked. Three were unregistered iasles and typhoid. Free and the remaining two carried Kerculosis tests will also be registration numbers F-1554 and tilable. F-1263. Wednesday, October 13, 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1971 SPORTS Booters meet Spring Arbor what he is doing wrong. By CRAIG REMSBURG up for this game," Fuller said. "We can't The Cougars have a new coach this year in category. "I might move Nigel Goodison back to look ahead to the Wisconsin — Green Bay Verdon Dundkel, and three fine booters, Another inside forwar, freshman Steve center halfback to strengthen the defense The Spartan offense may be State News Sports Writer particular!, game. We have to win this one." two of them excellent freshmen prospects. Fisher, is fast on the heels of Imhoff with four tallies to his credit. The other freshman and Jim Nugent move up to the forward vulnerable to "Big Brother" if their the first three games are any n|av J There is a song out now that says — The contest will get underway at 3:30 Senior inside forward Bob Imhoff, who lines." indication It broke all Spring Arbor scoring records last prospect is goalie Karl Glass, who has true that they have scored 13 "They're loo kin' back, they're lookin' back, p.m. on the soccer field near Spartan goals thus fa Stadium. As in the three previous home season with 36 tallies, is off to a fine start shutout two opponents and given up three Something else that will be new this season but have shown only flashes of the Too many people are lookin' back." is the boosters' use of a video-tape machine potenttoi But Spartan soccer coach Payton Fuller games this year, no admission will be again this year. Imhoff has scored six goals in goals in his only other appearance. many people say they have. 1 the four Cougar games played thus far and for the game today. The contest will be hopes that his squad does not look back at charged. For the Spartans, Coach Fuller will likely A concentrated and leads the team in that category. recorded and the films shown at a team devastating attark their three straight wins nor look ahead to Spring Arbor moves in to meet th make some changes in personnel for this unbeaten Spartans with an unblemished Another inside forward, freshman Steve meeting before the Wisconsin encounter. against Spring Arbor would not only silenr. their key match at Wisconsin — Green Bay game. Fuller believes that this method of having some of the critics but also prove a Saturday. The matter at hand is a game with record of their own. They have defeated Fisher, is fast on the heels of Imhoff has g0oH Spring Arbor today. Hope, Huntington (Ind.), Lewis (Ind.), and scored six goals in the four Cougar games "We had a team talk Friday becuase we're each player's mistakes down on film will be more effective than his telling the individual springboard for the Wisconsin hopes the offense makes their game FU|S played thus far and leads the team in that trying to straighten a few thing out," he said. move "I'm trying to give mey best to get them Albion, good for a 4 - 0 mark. today Western tests By GARY KORRECK State News Sports Writer MSU gets another crack at Michigan Saturday, only this time it's Western Michigan, as the harriers host the third Spartan Invitational at Forest Akers Golf Course. The Broncos, defending MIAA champs, are post favorites for the 10:30 a.m. meet and will be out to take a second straight title from the Spartans. "It should be an interesting run off between the Big Ten champs and the MIAA champion," said Spartan cross country Coach Jim Gibbard. Besides Western, there are three other schools for MSU to contend with. Eastern Michigan, Central Michigan and natural arch-rival Michigan round out the field. There is to be an additional loop in the six mile Forest Akers course Saturday which will • I provide the spectators with a central view of the action. purple Randy Kilpatrick, out with an injury against Ohio State, will be ready to help out Ken Popejoy, going for his third straight win, and Dave Dieters, who was second against the Buckeyes. Randy Kilpatrick in the lead Gibbard feels this meet will be a warmup for the Big Ten meet at defending titlist squad. with a first rate challenge before I brick Minnesota. "This is our first meet As for Michigan, beginning only MSU ventures into Minneapolis for its showdown | against more than one team," said its first official season of Big Ten Gibbard, "it will be some competition, Glary Stinzi, Doug Minnesota. indication of how well we can do Brown, and Dick Eddy are the Last year the Spartans ran up I running against five or more pacers. 56 points in finishing second to teams." Out to Though U-M has a harmless 0-2 the Broncos. Kilpatrick, the first | ibrMJben Popejoy's mark Gibbard said, "the fellas Spartan finisher, was ei. (victory string will be Bob very definitely would like to beat Popejoy was tenth; and Dieters I Carpenter of CMU, "one of the them." eleventh. The time between them better ones," as Gibbard calls Still, Western is the favorite was a scant 10 seconds, well him. Gary Harris and Steve and, though they aren't a Big Ten within Gibbard's desired measure | Gorsalitz head Western's team, will provide the harriers of spacing. With this season's faster start, and so far, better times, the I TRIVIA NIGHT! harriers top three should be among the top ten finishers in the I meet. Every Wednesday ... 8:30 -11:30 Dave Kositchek tests your skill at TRIVI A. If you like trivia and beer... YOU'LL LOVE TRIVIA NIGHT! Men's IM The Men's Intramural I Building will remain open until I | FRIDAY NIGHT . . . 6:30 - 8:30 . . . DANCING 1 10 p.m. on Monday through I Friday. Leo Balcer on Schedules for touch football. I ! AuaJSUoh hite Accordian fraternity bowling and soccer ait I available at the Intramural | office. 9-12 p.m.... DANCING The MSU outdoor pool will I Helmut & Werner... close at 5 p.m. Saturday for the I Singers from Austria year. The Jenison pool will not | be open for informal swimming. I |SATURDAY NIGHT . . .'SINGING UND FLINGING'| Informal swimming hours for I the Men's IM indoor pool are I | 7:30 - 9:30 Jim Basel SINGALONG posted at the Men's IM Building. I g 9:30 - 12:30 Freddie North on the Organ DANCING I All touch football managers I should call 355-5257 after 4 I p.m. if there is any doubt as to I whether a game has been I cancelled due to inclement weat P take the Jfianbh&tem MOOSUSKI TONIGHT! 7:30 p.m. 109 Anthony Restaurant 220 & Howard St./next to the x-way x A few places left for Boyne Week, Colorado European Trips, Trips. Sign up long view between Michigan and Kalamazoo. :j: tonight! PLUS - Film & Door Prizes! - juniors' hooded Gibson This is a G with a message Make your views known or pass along a happy thought THE '71 every time you turn around. Hooded wool/nylon melton coats go slashed, zipped and bibbed with bright embroidery in front, then turn about to flaunt a novelty felt applique, like the red women's lib symbol SHAG WIG on navy. In fact, color is the key to what the saucy applique will be. All warmly acetate quilt lined. Sizes 5 to 13. $75. Coats, second floor Downtown and 4-Day Special Meridian Mall. $1995 reg. $24.95 Shop Meridian Mall tonight and every week night 'til 9 541 E. Grand River Of HOURS: 10-6 DAILY Below Paramount News I East Lansing WED. NITE TILflP^" Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 13, 1971 11 SPORTS ^CK GOSSELIN An extra effort Dougherty plans to keep . for Biggie It's too bad Munnj^^ wishbone-option offense MSU wasn't able to put the skids to Michigan's five Ten," Coach Duffy By GARYSCHARRER Daugherty said. "He is name winning streak last Saturday. Biggie Munn would have State Newt Sports Writer difficult to rush because he is agile and a good wanted it that way. runner. Biggie Munn and Michigan State University are two of the Every football season Big Ten teams eye and "Wisconsin has as fine an offensive team as , sameHnstitutions. The university Is education, Biggie Munn is strive for the conference championship and any around," Daugherty praised. "They athletics. The Spartan athletic director has done as much as rewards and laurels that includes a compound problems because of a good passing trip to I anyone in putting MSU on the map. Ask John Hannah. Pasadena to participate in the famed Rose Bowl. attack." I When Biggie Munn first came to MSU (then MSC) back in The Spartan dreams suffered a setback last Meanwhile, back In the I 1947 there were more cows than football players. Football was a Spartan camp, weekend with old nemesis and Daugherty is polishing an offense that the MSU I side attraction at the college. Notre Dame and Michigan had good powerful University of Michigan turning back MSU 24-13. coaching staff introduced against U-M. It is a I teams then, but not Michigan State College. Now the Spartans have to wishbone set, option orientated offense that I Biggie Munn had a saying back then and he instilled it in his hope that the Wolverines will be upset In one of their next six Daugherty started the 1969 season with. But two I players: "Hie difference between good and great is a little extra games, as well as concentrating on the rest of years ago injuries all but depleted his I effort." At the start of his coaching career, Biggie Munn found his theirs. MSU's first test after running losing to U-M will corps and the wishbone offense was forgotten. I teams "good." When he retired as MSU strategist in 1954, his come Saturday when it travels to Madison to Daugherty hoped to take advantage of good I teams were "great." meet University of Wisconsin. running backs and maybe surprise the Wolverines Munn built hisjeamsthe hard way, too. He did It with national MSU has not faced the by throwing a new attack at them. Although the Badgers since 1968 powerhouses across the line of when it beat them 39-0. lite last time offense clicked at times MSU lost Daugherty stressed the scrimmage. Notre Dame, to Wisconsin was back in 1958. point that MSU has possession of the ball But in 1971 Wisconsin has rolled up impressive scores with a only Michigan, Penn State, Oregon seven times against U-M. State and turns at Kentucky each took teaching MSC winning football. Though Munn a lesson in formidable offense, sparked by Rufus "Roadrunner" running backs Ferguson. Alan "A-Train" Thompson and quarterback Neil Graff. Asked if he was going to stay with the offense, Daugherty quickly replied, "You're new dam Caught in right." Steve Kough, senior wide receiver, enjoyed what many people thought to be his best teams never had a The Badgers, like the "With proper execution this offense is game as a losing season Spartans, are 1-1 in tough collegian in Saturday's loss to Michigan. Kough (33) is seen (and in fact were never close to conference action, losing to Northwestern and to defend against," catching one of his four passes for 70 Daugherty said, "especially vards. state News photo by having a losing year with the defeating Indiana last week. Outside the Big Ten, with a running quarterback with the Terry Luke worst record at Wisconsin beat Northern Dlinois, lost to LSU and ability of 6-3), they didn't Frank Kolch. This gives us four running backs." really jell as a national super tied Syracuse. Daugherty promised that MSU executions will team until the early fifties. The Badger strength lies in its offense which get better and then repeated that there is no SHEPARDS | From 1950 to 1953, Munn's has been averaging 366 yards per game. Ferguson defense for it. He cited the high-scoring 48-27 has already scored nine touchdowns Oklahoma upset over Texas last week where y. , teams posted a 4-0 record rushed for 537 yards, almost 200 more and has 1 against Michigan and a 3-0 mark execution was good and defense close to yards ftv * against Notre Dame's Fighting Irish. In that stretch, MSU lost than the Spartan's And leading rusher, Eric Allen. quarterback Graff should not be impossible. Sophomore cornerback Mike Holt has been HAR VEST MOON SALE P* only two games while rolling up underestimated. He has thrown three touchdown switched to offense to utilize his great speed. DOWNTOWN STORE ONLY _ _ 35 wins. The Spartans put passes, completed 54 per cent of his passes and Holt, a track star for MSU in winter and spring l| ■' together a consecutive wins at string of 28 thrown for 620 yards. "Graff is as good as any quarterback in the sports, has not yet shown the explosive that he is capable of, but running one point In Big Daugherty said that he WOMEIKS has not been given the chance. |I Munn's coaching tenure. At the climax of Over 200 pr. of Bass, Cobblers and Munn's coaching career came the Rose HARRYMAN'S SHOES DOWNTOWN LANSING Andiamas. Values to $17.00 Bowl. The first rose battle in the history of MSU, the last game Biggie Munn ever coached. NOW 997 I Biggie and his Spartans won in a QA^UiMOA/L I come-from-behind 28-20 I over UCLA. victory WOMEN'S I Munn then took the reins as Over 250 pr. of Bass, Don Manuel I athletic director and has since and Penaljos. Values to $30.00 I built one of the most complete, I most complex athletic SHOES 20% off I departments in the country. Not ■ just the 5% tk AmwLLeA&GAy, Sale MENS on varsity, I intercollegiate level, but also on I the intramural plateau. Over 150 pr. of Bostonians and J It was Munn who We/enberg Serving the campus crowd for 58 years in fine quality Values to $32.00 brainstormed the idea of adding BIGGIE MUNN *n "PPer deck Stadium, thereby upping to Spartan mens and womens shoes and boots 20% off Attendance capacity from 60,000 to 76,000. T Munn was a key figure in getting the MSU-U-M game MESS pumped lut across national television last week, and it wqs WOMENS SHOE'S een running from the post position in situating the MSU selected groups of womens shoes. NOW , .Special group of French Shriner. Current iitramural program next to none amongst major colleges across «styles. Regular stock. Over 225 pr. Rie Choose from Florsheim, Vitality, Values to $39.00 nation. I The 63-year old Munn was still running when his heart finally Personality, Sandlers, or Miss Constance s7'° to s10'° ■aught up with him last week two days before the Michigan game. Be was hit by a 20% off stroke, found himself incoherent and speechless lid paralyzed on the right side. Biggie Munn still lies in Sparrow MENS SHOES iospital in serious condition. NOW WOMENS I But Biggie's got one thing going for him in his struggle for life Selected groups of mens Winthrop. Avant Guarde Dept. - 2nd floor |iat nowadays few people seem to have. That little extra effort. Ambassador shoes and boots, !9'° to M 6' Over 70 pair of imported stretch boots. Values to $29.00 Values to $30.00 t/refs Bloss-t ) $1797 is ■ PITTSBURGH (UPI) Pirates - Steve OAfmj DOWNTOWN STORE ONLY *ss, twice blasted out during SHOE STORE f National it the League playoffs, Pittsburgh Pirates into Frank Robinson slammed a 'Lansing's largest and oldest Florsheim dealer" DOWNTOWN 3 South Washington ard s Intention in the World Series homer over the leftfield fence to lesday by pitching a three - lead off the seventh, and Blass ■ter to beat Baltimore 5-1 then retired eight straight batters Ask and DOWNTOWN LANSING 118 S. WASHINGTON us about free parking in city ramp |>il the J>r • game sweep. Orioles' dream of a before Frank got the final hit, a single up the middle, with two ■Hie victory was the Pirates' out in the ninth. »t in three games Blass then got Elite Hendricks against Bltimore and gave their on a bouncer to second to end wrworked bullpen its first day the game and pick up his first 1 since the regular season post • season victory. •M. iss, who lost the first •yoff game to the San TEMEMBER •"cisco Giants and then lasted Py two innings in his second *t) set the Orioles down ■nout a hit until Brooks ■binson, a show stealer even - oct 213 UNCLE SAM'S STEAK HOUSE No. 26 Steak $|i79 pifloin Steak $1.76) PorkChopi $1.03 J'i*d Chicken $1.51 Jumbo Fried Shrimp" $1.88 * L»ke Perch $1.54 hdudei Idaho Potato, Toast and Salad. ■teak Burger $1.04 T^des fotato and Baked Texas Toatt. Fen 7 Days a Week^, I0'" II a.m. to 9 p.m. 1 677 S. Waverly 1482-5426 Wednesday, October 13, 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1971 PIN HOPES ON COURT RULING Abortion foes wait for verdict "The human right to life is the First in a series of three articles principle upon which our 20th week of pregnancy when the fetus is supposedly medically able said, "but that there is life." Anti-abortion groups consider and send out speakers to clubs or organizations who request Reach for J the tnsideration of Hildebrand's they, are named in the suit as successors to the two offices. plus by only the tenured full Vofessors rather than by the Snyder has been charged with |ept. advisory committee as had conspiring with Dunham as asst. the practice. to the chairman of the n Dept. of I Hildebrand charged that Social Science. lunham arranged to have the Hildebrand is asking for |ecision made during' the miner of 1968 when many $115,000 In damages for compensation for past and Members of the faculty, future lost wages and damage to Vuding Hildebrand, were not his reputation. Mailable. He charged that "I believe in government in a lunham deliberately excluded fish bowl. I am In this because of pociate professors from the the principle," Hildebrand said kcision. Monday afternoon. FREE! APPLICATION OF WELLA BALSAM'CONDITIONER WITH A SHAMPOO AND SET - CLIP COUPON BELOW fecdiam instant hair FOOD CLUB INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED SLICED conditioner Adds body, strength, bounce AMERICAN CNEESE| 49* & shine—in seconds. K) APPOINTMENT FOR CALL: PESCHKE'S HBONELESS HAMS 99t DIAMOND BRAND WHOLE! 372-8766 W. Saginaw 393-8568 S. Pennsylvania 349-3400 W. Grand River at Okemos CMIQUITA BANANAS l(X FOOD RED free open evenings FREE CLUB LABEL 10W FAT MIIK 684 FOOD !co* * * toward Hi* purthai* ofi ONE APPLICATION OF WELLA BALSAM®HAIR CONDITIONER WITH A SHAMPOO AND SET CLUB TOMATO JUICE 4/*I.00L Limited to one coupon per service * Offer expire Oct. 30.1971. 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 10 PM (Sunday - 10 AM to 7 PM Wednesday, October 13 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 197| STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 355 8255 Classified Ads Move Mountains of Merchandise Everyday. Try One! Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING ky Phil Rank For Rent For Rent GET Action WITH A The State News does Employment not permit racial or, ONE GIRL for Evergreen",Arrnj ~4~nw I Want Ad religious discrimination in its advertising MUSTANG 1965. oood cylinder,! stick.! 353-4417 355-6068. 3-10-14 rubber, or 6 SALES PERSON. Part time position available In our Ski Shop for an experienced person in the sale of refrigerators DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth electric, 315 Bridge, Grand - Ledge. apartment. Phone 35,J columns. The State skiis and binding installation. 627-2191. tf • AUTOMOTIVE F O UR MAN apartment News will not accept OLDSMOBILE 1962. Super "88". Immediate employee discount. Close to Scooters & Cycles campus. advertising which New engine, transmission, Apply Personnel Office, J.W. TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction 4-10-15 332-6322 I Auto Parts & Service guaranteed Free delivery, service discriminates against excellent transportation. Knapp Company, 300 South Aviation 337-0180.3-10-14 Washington. 2-10-13 and pick up. No desposit. Call EMPLOYMENT religion, race, color or NEJAC, 337 1300. C LANSING OR East Lansing. I • national origin. ACADEMIC WRITERS needed to bedroom furnished. Air Large T OLDSMOBILE 1963. "98." All • FOR RENT educational aids. Need GET YOUR party needs at A, C and rooms. condition, power, 2 door hardtop, $250. produce Beautifully maintained. SuitjKu I Apartments E Rentals. Glassware, red and 371-1697. 3-10-13 particularly writers in Economics, for faculty, grad students, b 1 Houses Area Studies, and all Business white check tablecloths. OLDSMOBILE 1970 Cutlass 349-2220. O Rooms disciplines. Call Write - On, • FOR SALE Automotive Supreme Convertible. Many 332-3700.0 TV RENTALS - Students only. Low extras, top condition. Excellent SINGLE GIRL Animals buy. 372-0467.3-10-13 PART TIME secretary. Need versatile monthly and term rates. Call to share furnish^ I Mobile Homes individual with previous experience 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV bedroom. Meadowbrook TrJ I RENTALS. C Phone 351-7222 or 3931a 1 OLDSMOBILE 1964. New brakes, and broad interests. Write Box B-2 3-10-13 81 LOST & FOUND CHEVY CORVAIR van 1963, new tires, battery. Power. $450 or best Michigan State News. 5-10-13 • PERSONAL FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM Marlette, clutch, new transmission, new offer. 349-1997.3-10-15 NEED ONE girl for 4 heat and gas included $145. - man • PEANUTS PERSONAL RN and LPN - Are you interested in paint inside, evenings. runs great, Farmer, $300. Call OLDSMOBILE F-85, 1970. 2 door supplementing your income? -Our 765-5273.3-10-14 from campus. 337-2284. 3.10.* | • REAL ESTATE 337-7227. 4-10-15 sport coupe, radio, stick shift, only office, Homemakers, is a 901 EAST • RECREATION Oakland, 4 12,800 miles. 332-1405. 7-10-21 subsidiary of the Upjohn •SERVICE Company. We provide home Apartments furnished, utilities paid. Many I CHEVELLE 1969, 6 cylinder, automatic. Call 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. OLDSMOBILE 1967, "88", 4 door patient care on a temporary basis. couple. $135 a month, ^ B Typing Service As a Homemakers employee, you GIRL NEEDED' Immediately for deposit. After 3 p.m. 5-10-15 •TRANSPORTATION 332-6521 ask for Mr. Su. 5-10-13 sedan, power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission, 'SURE I'M A/IAD..DISRESPECT R5R may work when you want, earn a 4-man. 1 block from campus,good • WANTED radio, $875.332-1405.7-10-21 AimvORITY FREE LOVE,COMMUNAL competitive rate and be fully terms. 351-5143.3-10-15 SUBLET, APARTMENT close to I COMET 1965 convertible. Good bonded and insured at all times. campus. Needed immediate I DEADLINE transportation. Also 3514080.3-10-15 new parts. Call OPEL RALLYE 1971. Take over LIVING- f MISS ALL THE FUM!! For more information, call TWO GIRLS needed for 4 man. Nov. 1 Norwood Apartments. 4 8 9 2210; I 372-9644. 5-10-15 Meadowbrook $50 / month. 1 P.M. one class day before payments. Call after 5 p.m., 339-8025.3-10-15 393-8837. X-2-10-14 publication. CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE 1963. a# &2Z/JT. lUte/HZ. MM. FOR BABYSITTERS, housekeepers Houses Passed safety test. Rebuilt engine. Cancellations/Corrections New paint job. $150. Call arid nurses aides, Homemakers, a FIRST FLOOR apartment at 1009W. subsidiary of the Upjohn Ionia, 1 or 2 people, no pets, no — 12 noon one class day 489-3662 evenings. 5-10-14 Company, is interviewing for a children. Ph. 372-5868. 3-10-15 WANTED TO RENT. BusingI before publication. Auto Service & Parts desires to rent 2 bedroom home# I CORVETTE COUPE 1970. Powet OPEN 1969. White - walls, AM/FM, Automotive variety of excellent positions. As apartment in East Lami^l PHONE large engine, well taken care of. aHomemakers employee, you'll TWO OR three man $185. Only $50 steerina and brakes. automatic./ $1,000. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 373-3287, work when you want, earn a first three weeks. 351-8816. Preference is for furnished horr» I 355-8255 AM/FM. Real sharp. after 6 p.m. weekends. 393-1265. VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East competitive rate and be fully 5-10-19 but unfurnished home «I 4-10-15 4-10-18 1968. Clean, low mileage. Bicycle Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. insured and bonded at all times. apartment will do. Call 337-1873,1 RATES 10 word minimum 10-speed. 351-7985.5-10-18 Complete auto painting and for Mr. Rooney. 3-10-14 Cell 372-9644 between 9 a.m. - 5 WANTED TO RENT Businessman No. DAYS collision service. IV 5-0256. C CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1967.4 PLYMOUTH 1964. Engine rebuilt, 6, 5-10-15 desires to rent 2 bedroom home or No. speed, 327-300, clean, best offer. VW BUS 1964. Mechanically sound, p.m. HUGE 3 bedroom on Baker St.3mil« I WORDS 1 3 5 10 new tires, $250 or best offer. Garry apartment in East Lansing. 484-8239.3-10-14 after 10 p.m., 353-8169. 3-10-15 like new inside, rusty outside, $495. Call 393-8629.3-10-15 'W - RANDY'S GUARANTEED MOBIL. repair. 1-96 at PART TIME and full time Preference is for furnished home to campus. $180 Carpeted, I month. Will unfurniityl 13.00 neg< 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C- opportunity. Fluent phone voice but unfurnished home or CORVETTE 1966. 2 tops, 38,000 required. Sincerity end enthusiasm apartment will do. Call 337-1873 furnished price. IV2-7994.1 RENAULT 16, 1969. Excellent 2 BEDROOM with furnitw 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 actual miles, radials. Phone Scooters & Cycles a must. 5-10 p.m. Monday through for Mr.Rooney. X-3-10-15 516 S. Francis. $140 I month, 7[. 339-9234. 3-10-13 condition, $1350, $150 below dealers price. Call 372-3231 after 6 Aviation Friday. 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and S. Foster, $160 / month, bil 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 3-8 p.m. Saturday. 11:30 a.m. - MSU 10 minutes away. New, I — CORVETTE 1969 convertible plus p.m. 3-10-15 1969 HONDA CL-450 Scrambler. 4854917 or 372-4747 after5pj« 4:30 p.m. and 5 -10 p.m. Sunday. beautifully furnished, carpeted, 5-10-18 23.40 hardtop. Side exhaust. Call Two helmets, luggage rack $625. LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 SPITFIRE 1969. 2 tops, wire wheels, Salary plus bonus. $2 - $5 per hour, free central air conditioning. TV, 393-7832 after 7 p.m. 3-10-15 351-7587.4-10-15 training. All courses are radio, luggage rack. 485-8241 after depending on ability. Personal laundry, parking, and all utilities 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 5 p.m. 5-10-19 government and VA certified. interviews from 5-10 p.m. October paid. Suitable for faculty, grad ROOMMATE: FURNISHED Okemos. Must be rr hou«,| COUGAR 1969. Body and running RIGHT TIME to buy Bridgestone FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport 32.50 7, 8 and 9 at 633 East Jolly Road, students, married couples. $175 clean, own bedroom. $ 3.75 10.00 16.25 condition Excellent. Tape Deck. 175-70. Best 175 ever built, $350, Road. Call 484-1324. C TOYOTA CROWN Southland Complex, Suite 5. See per month. 372-6103.X-3-10-15 Call 332-2753.3-10-13 Deluxe 1967, flexible, 353-4107.3-10-14 includes utilities, no lease. Deposit I Mr. Vance. O 347 Student Services Bldg. sharp body. Must sell. Best offer $20 REST of October. $65 / month and references. 694-8335. 3-10131 All student ads must be CUTLASS 1970 Supreme convertible, over $700. Call 355-5900 after 3 p.m. 3-10-15 Employment PART TIME secretary for law office. thereafter. One girl immediately. HARRY SPLIT. Come fill a air conditioning, full 393-7358.2-10-14 prepaid - - power. GUITAR PLAYER: For established Excellence in typing, spelling and room. Split costs. 419 South| $2395. Call 393-8490 after 5:30 or TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1966. New grammer essential. No others need Clemens. 2-10-13 The State News will be 373-2755.5-10-19 SUZUKI 150cc, 1966. Electric start, band, must have own equipment IMMEDIATELY! GIRL toshare4girl paint, engine runs good, $750. apply. Phone 332-8444.3-10-15 extras, $175 or best offer. and be able to sing. 699-2819. apartment. Rivers Edge. 351-3853. responsible only for the DODGE 1963 Post Office truck, 6' 484-7194.1-10-13 353-17239-4 p.m. 2-10-14 1-10-13 2-10-14 Rooms first BABYSITTER NEEDED: 7:30-4:30, day's incorrect ceiling, sunroof, partial camper, TR-250 1968 convertible. $1300. Call 5 days. 6 month old boy. Call insertion. excellent condition. 882-1230. SUZUKI 1970 T250 Hustler. PART TIME employment with fuMi. 351-0457 before 10 a.m. or after8 949-2997 evenings. 1-10-13 VEASE NOW through Df^ber. 2 GIRL TO shere furnished 2 bedro# 2-10-13 Excellent condition. >485 line' merchant wholesaler,"' bedroom Close p.m. 10-10-25 apartment. to apartment on Kalama?oo, 1 DODGE DART 1964. New tires, runs 669-3187.1-10-13 Automobile required. 351-5800. STUDENT 1*8 work part"time in retail < campus. Call after 4:00,351-0982. from campus, $65 / month. Nol 0-1-10-13 3-10-15 lease. Call Sharon, 489-1808from■ VEGA 1971 Hatchback $1900. grocery, prefer older, mature, perfectly. 351-4648 after 4. TRIUMPH 650 1967. Pearlescent 8-5:30 p.m. 2-10-13 3-10-15 Sharp. Call mornings 372-3437. experienced person. Apply, Mr. Blue, Candy Blue sportster tank, 8" INTERVIEWERS WANTED GIRL WANTED to share two Automotive 5-10-13 Gillete, 1412 West Mt. Hope. - man extension, chrome, best offer. 1-10-13 efficiency, near campus. 351-9359. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. Close. No FALCON 1967. Six cylinder, Sports 351-2109.3-10-15 3-10-15 perking. Girl - share ALFA-ROMEO. 1969 Coupe. Not Coupe, automatic, plus snows. VOLKSWAGEN 1964. New engine, 351-3439. Male, no cookintj cheap but very special. 349-2209. 882-2759. 5-10-15 new t,res- Ca" 355-7850.3-10-15 SUZUKI 1971, 125cc. Sell for $400. Interview approximately 2 hours/each. 401 South Fairview. 3 room furnished 351-1754after7p.m.S-10-18 3-10-13 ACCOUNTING MAJORS Excellent condition. 3818 apartment, $125 / month, utilities ~~ ~~ ~"~~"~ ~ ~ ~"7~ ■ FORD GALAXIE, 1966. Good tires VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1969. Excellent Stillwell. 393-2816. 10-10-22 Work 18-24 hours/week. furnished. After 6 p.m. every day GI*L WANTED <°r '"ge f«rmho«| ARIEL 1959 Square Four, excellent plus two mounted snows. $600. shaPe- $1850. 351-3236 between Y°u' °w" condition. $995. 372-5234 or 675-5145 after 6 p.m. 5-10-15 5-7 p.m. or weekends. 5-10-19 SUZUKI 1971 350, Rebel, like new, Cell Mr. Robinson temporary full or part time employment. We will teach but Wednesday. No pets. 3-10-15 included. 484-8871. 2-10-15 *%'* 372-1310.5-10-19 2,000 miles. Cell 393-1530. Federal, State and Local Income GIRL: FURNISHED house. Close ~ _ AUSTIN HEALEY MKII 3000,1965. FORD GALAZ.E 1963 goodT^ng V ° L " S W A,?,E N V®6®/ Good 5-10-15 Taxes. Some positions open October 11. Others Available (M.A.C.) Own room. $60 / month. ATTENTION: ROOMS for rentH Excellent condition, body and condition, $150. 355-1239 after 5 p.m.3-10-15 «i 351-8733after 5 p.m.3-10-15 m £in B.S.A. 250cc, 1968. Excellent January 15, 1972 thru April IS, 351-86388fter 5 p.m. 1-10-13 Completely furnished. Cookinji Call 372-8077. C 1972. Applicants must devote 20 engine. Call 351-5872.3-10-15 condition. Engine just overhauled. 372-7348 SPARROW NEAR, South Holmes, 1 hours per week to employment IMPALA 1969. Power steering, VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Sunroof, Fiberglass body. Bargain priced at and be able to attend our free tax room efficiency, utilities included, ENCONTER PEOPLE: Look into ■ BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. power brakes, $1250. 353-5676. 'a.d'0' 18°01° condition cel. $325. Call 351-6208. 3-10-13 OVERSEAS JOBS for students. clinic in December immediately gentlemen only. $70. 351-3969. O co-op living. Cell now 332-08tt I Very good car. Many extras. $850. 5-10-15 482-7961 after 5 p.m. 5-10-19 Australia, Europe, South America, after end of fall term finals. You 5-10-14 372-1168, 372-1529. 10-10-14 Africa, etc. All professions and must be available to work thru ONE AND 2 bedroom epartments , JAVELIN 1969. FM, vinyl roof. ^lKSWA^T^","^"^ TRIUMPH 650, Chopper runs good. $850. Call 337-1714 or 351-6868. occupations, $700 to $3,000 April IS, 1972. from $145. 10 minutes from CADILLAC HEARSE Excellent condition. $1500 excellent condition, $750, 45,000 2-10-14 monthly. Expenses paid, overtime, MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE For Sale 1955, good miles, 332-0439.3-10-15 Apply in person 9:30 AM to 12 running condition. Set up for negotiable. 20 mpg. 353-9503, sightseeing. Free information. CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 cemping. 337-0166. 3-10-13 351-6349.4-10-15 KAWASAKI 1970, 250, Sidewinder. Write; JOBS OVERSEAS, Dept. noon, or phone for appointment, 8 8 2 -3441. Keller Road, Holt. C USED SEWING mechines. $12.91 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Good SIMPLIFIED and up. Console modtllB 1400 miles. $550 negotiable. 8A, Box 15071, San Diego, BOOKKEEPING AND TAX condition. Custom paint job. Call portables, zig - zags and strap 355-3703.5-10-19 California 92115.5-10-19 SERVICE. 4305 LOOKING FOR e roommate? CHEVROLET, 1965 - excellent MERCURY 1966. Automatic, power 484-1591, if no answer call South Cedar stitches. Over 60 to choose frc condition. Truck with new engine Street, Lansing. Open-end leases availeble. Cell steering, automatic rear window, 4824572. 7-10-13 ELECTRO - GRAND, 804 & and clutch. 882-0902.10-10-21 new battery, muffler system. Snow HARLEY DAVIDSON 1970 FULL OR part time for landscaping. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, Call 349-3150.2-10-14 351-7910. O Michigan, Lansing. Hou tires. Very dependable VOLKSWAGEN 1964. Sun-roof, 5 p.m. Seturdeys, 9 a.m CHEVY 1964 Window van. Rebuilt transportation. Good body. $350. SECRETARY - FULL time, $175 / 1968 engine, $225. Phone SALES POSITION - Full time. ONE GIRL needed to shBre 4 girl engine, double bed, seats six, glass Evenings, 351-3823. S week. Phone 332-3591. CURTIS tires. $595 or best offer. 373-2663, 332-2094.4-10-15 1969 HONDA 350. Super mint DOCKTER PET CENTER, Lansing Mall. Phone 487-5927.5-10-19 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. apartment 332-4432.0 next to campus. USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: East Michigan. Dishes, bod»l 3M| ask for Rick. 3-10-14 condition, extras plus insurance. 0-3-10-13 MGB-GT VOLKSWAGEN 1966 Bug. Rebuilt coins, antiques, rockers, ju*l $495. Call Andy, 332-5039. CHEVY 1967 A great auto for college travel. engine and clutch. Must sell, Bargain Hunters Paradise. Op»l IMPALA 1965. Excellent 3-10-13 SALAD GRADUATE STUDENT couple: 2 Call 489-2114 evenings. 3-10-15 deliberately underpriced, $500. PREPARERS, cooks, dining Saturday and Sunday. Furniw*■ running condition. $350. help, hostess. Both full and bedroom furnished mobile home. 339-8441 after 7 p.m. 4-10-15 room and appliances open all week,111 351-8996.3-10-15 TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 250, 1600 part time. Apply in person at Clean and quiet. MGB 1965. Good condition, extras. ANESTHETIST — CRNA.Temporery em - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C VOLKSWAGEN BUS, rebuilt engine, miles, helmets included, $550. day position and obstetrics. Oct. 16 CONNOR'S 24 HOUR 1966 CHEVY Sport window van. $550. Call after 3 p.m. 339-9292. 351-9428. 5-10-14 good body, best offer. 351-0063, through Oct. 24. Permanent full RESTAURANT. 3231 W. Very good condition. 882-6147. 3-10-15 Charles. 4-10-15 time position also available. Saginaw, East of Waverly. 5-10-15 3-10-15 LJEDQB ECBE CHEVY 1965. Standard shift, radio MUSTANG 1966, 3-speed, VOLKSWAGEN 1961 in excellent BS A VICTOR 1968. transportation. Too much bike for Good Contact: Jan. C. Martin, Personnel Director, St. Lawrence Hospital. ACADEMIC WRITERS needed to CROSSWORD mm ; convertible, bucket seats, good produce educetionel and heater. Very good shape, price $345,882-3820.3-10-14 condition. $575. Call 353-4558 condition. $400 or best offer. 489-4551.3-10-13 price, but must sell, $375. 372-4321. 5-10-15 372-3610.3-10-14 eids. particularly writers in Education, Need PUZZLE □aao' ran day, 393-8021 evening. 3-10-15 LOCAL FIRM has openings for herd Economics, Area Studies, and all working persons with good Business disciplines. Cell Write - AtROSS □□□□a p ge§ HARLEY DAVIDSON 1967 speeking voice to work as On, 332-3700. O 1. Slump EH1H00 BSfl" Sportster XLCH. $1000 or best telephone solicitors. Hours 5:30 - 4. Young boy anna raaQQSJ Qsuzd ^tudeuii., offer. 332-6801.3-10-14 d^tudenti, eu/iuciM NOTHING LASTS foreverl So for 9:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, $1.75 an hour. Phone 372-7793 between 1 end 5:30 p.m. PART TIME EMPLOYMENT WITH full line merchant wholesaler. Automobile required. 351-5800. scout 7. Gallivant 11. Laudation an a es an aa|n fflgi BgQi and faculty new check or newer household goods todey's Want Adsl to set up hard interview. Only those who working need apply. O 13. Huge toad aaaal raaiiSJ are 14. Supply with . . WAITRESSES: 3 shifts evailable. anas 10-10-25 Excellent weges end tips. gas Experience preferred. Must have 15. Besides WAITRESS WITH grill experience or transportation. Call THE POUR 16. Formal dance 4. Slice LEONARD WHOLESALE'S willing to learn. Abie's Bar, 100 CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING LOW PRICES ON South Main, Eaton Rapids. 5-10-14 MARRIED STUDENTS __HOUSE1646-6261. 5-10-15 STILL OPENINGS for full or part time work. Call after 4:30, 17. 19. 22. Pack horse Relish Cerise 24. Vertical hand 45. Seedless grape 46. Chopped down 1 Attempt 5. 6. 7. Western W1* Have being Electric eff® 47. Kimono sash 2. Precinct 8. Flirts NIKON 676-5927^3-10-15 26. Straighten 3. Sweetheart SQUEEZE? & FACULTY 68. Shank 9. Grave GENERAL OFFICE - full time, $95 pr- 3 Is 10. Chinese Nikon Demonstration KNOB HILL / week. Phone 332-3591. CURTIS EMPLOYMENT w |6 Y/yvi ie 19 Ho" Communist leader AGENCY. 0-3-10-13 12. Light rail Take your troubles to A sales representative APARTMENTS 17Dice Ml from TELLER $96 / week. Phone 18. Peace go#*9 Nikon, Mamiya, - 20. Texas shrii* Bronicaand Durst 349-4700 332-3591. CURTIS mwuw^mmmumvt 21. Watch PARK WEST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. will be in our store OPEN 1 O-3-10-13 23. Put on - 7 pm Mon.-Sat. this Saturday, Oct. 16 24. Treatment SUNDAY by appointment only 25. Seeming from 10-5 p.m. contradict APARTMENTS See the new Large 2 - bedroom, bath & % $|75°0 EXPERIENCED SKI Shop Personnel needed for shop work and possible sales work. Apply et RAUPP 1 29. Condition release 31. Region F-2 NIKON 5530 West Michigan Ave. Large 3 • bedroom, C A MPFITTERS, 2208 Eest Michigan Avenue. 3-10-15 i i 36'Happy 38. Use the pW bath & % 39. Large dog at Saginaw - $ Contact Bill DeJonge jg50O For Rent 40. Dross 41. Yellow HUP LOCATED '/< MILE NORTH 42. Burnish 309 N. U c ONLY $9.00/month. Free deliveries. 484 4640 Washington OF JOLLY RD. ON 43. Cassius CW SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 45. True OKEMOS ROAD RENTAL. 372-4948. O Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 13, 1971 15 For Sale For Sale Personal KThEATH kit guitar »P"k*r«. ELECTRIC GUITAR. Tone Master FOUR BARBERS Service FACULTY WRITES LETTER 1? 17 Good condition, $199. and amplifier, must sell. $50 for you, on duty to serve STARVING ECON student needs both. Call after 4. 337-7734 8-5:30p.m.,Monday-Friday, bread. Will tutor. Expert in ■32-0694.3-10-14^ 4-10-16 UNION BUILDING BARBER Economics 200, 201. $3 cash / SHOP.C-1-10-13 ATL enrollment size hit hour or barter. 353-1573. 3-10-15 OVERBURDENED? Educational |934166.3-10-14 aids, research, tutoring, SENIORS! FOR translations, science Hermann"'harsicord. GRAND PIANO: needs tuning and projects. Write On, 210 Abbott research YOUR FREE PICS, (Continued from page one) ^assembled *"d - walnut finished. some strings. $125 or bast offer. Rd„ 332-3700,10-5 p.m.0 The Advisory Council said it is fine." most MSU students and to this S)608L^6 P^n.^4 Call 351-7037.3-10-15 CALL 353-5292 The averace section i f aware of the "budgetary The letter continues: "To restrictions the University faces," continue to permit excessively faculty." The course requires much time-consuming out - of- tcRN OAK bedroom set, like CONSOLE STEREO - IK years old, Peanuts Personal ATI which inHnHoo miSn^n^n but feels ATL is an inexpensive large writing classes in ATL is to class attention to individual f Lgrge bed, dresser end mirror. J,iced very reasonably. Call $350 new, 332-1601.1-10-13 asking $125. Call HEY CHIP, Sorry to have your party ARTIST, EXPERIENCED: Is 28.9 students . ~~ in 1968 was 34.9; 31 in ^e average size ^ . West. said West said that that ATLA has a low continue to do a dlsservice to P^^nd conferences. Illustrations, Graphs, Charts, Leroy 1969; and ||87-3096.S SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. without you. Happy Birthday lettering, etc. Call 332-2807. 26.7 in 1970. These statistics are cost per credit hour compared Pooper, S.N Staff. 1-10-13 with other 0-10-13 from Winburne. courses at MSU. v„ Saturday, S PEARS, plume, sweat cldar. your own apples. Friday, Sunday. BLOSSOM Brand new portables - $49.95. per month. Large selection of reconditioned used $5 machines. HEY TENNESSEEI to you. Luv Happy Birthday ye. Calamity. 1-10-13 FLUTE LESSONS. Private instruction The letter lists this fall's as 33 students in ATL average classesand Compared to composition courses in the other English Elevator explosion IrCHARDS, 2 miles North of Singers, Whites. Necchis, New available at MARSHALL 245 Ann Street,351-7830. C-10-13 MUSIC, 22 in Comprehensive English University heATL is a cheaper laslie on Hull Road. (Old U.S. Home & "Many Others", $19.95 to C.W.P. HAVE A happy, beautiful classes course, added. English injures 3, 1 missing day ■27) 589-8251. 9 - 6 PM. Closed $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS you're "The department seems to feel composition - a sweetheart. Jeanie. courses enroll fewer Tondays. 0 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 1-10-13 FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. Call this is unbearable," Winburne students the course 15 more 1115 N. 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE Washington, 489-6448. said. "We hope the section expensive West said. WOLVERINE. 0-10-13 [glasses, SAFETY and C-10-14 TODAY IS Cerolynn Fisher's will not exceed the mid-30s.' John E. Dietrich, asst. provost, CHICAGO (AP) - Three An employe of a neighboring ,ered lens; or any optical Birthday. Call and say "Hi!" What he considers an ideal size persons were injured and a fourth trucking company said she saw a [g15 OPTICAL East Michigan DISCOUNT, Avenue, 100 USED vacuum cleaners. canisters and uprights. Guaranteed Tanks, 353-3304.1-10-13 and what the ATL faculty ATcost ^ Der^credi^^our was reported missing Tuesday in man thrown through the air considers ideal will involve a produced from general fund an explosion and fire at a grain shortly after she heard the blast, 72-7409. C-5-10-15 one DENNIS full year. $7.88 and up. Real Estate PIANO TEACHER wants students. L6®"o expenditures was $13.99. The elevator. Wall said the scuba divers were DISTRIBUTING - compromise, Winburne said. In my home, Deputy Fire Marshal Edmund fcpSICHORD. SOLID cherry. 8 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. 823 Woodbine, The Michigan College English average cost per credit hour for searching the river for the missing foot strings. 484-9856, Opposite City Market. C-10-14 ALPHA STREET Halloween speciel: 484-8113. 5-10-19 Assn. recommends a raximum of Wall said four men were rescued worker. ^77-1529. 10-10-14 Really this 3 bedroom Cape Cod PERSONAL 25 students in freshmen writing Jf""* ** a whole was from the tower of the structure General Mills is not among the would be a special any time. Full SHOPPER for those and flown by helicopter to a unable courses and 20 in remedial The cost six companies that was struck by JjNCORD MK IX DOLBY basement, 2 car garage, near to do their hour. 349-0176.1-10-13 own. $5 per English courses. Engle said MSU co„ r„ per credit hour for hospital. Local 418 of the Grain Elevator, e, $179. Authorized shopping, schools, and can be at - - nglish composition-courses English composition courses was A hospital spokesman said Flour and Feed Mill Workers, MSU in minutes. English classes have one of the unavailable. The English chised Dealer. Financing to be FURNITURE Dept. as three persons were admitted to whose members returned to work arranged. Call Mrs. Robinson, STRIPPING. Old whole MICHIGAN Animal» finishes removed to bare wood. registered $13.46 per the burns unit. Saturday under a federal court 372-7610. ADVANCE REALTY, credit hour, Dietrich said Wall said that fifth order, |ECTR0NICS, INC. 927 AFGHAN HOUND puppies for sale. or 485-3045.4-10-15 Ready for your new finish. Fast, dependable, reesonabie. HOOGAN The letter notes that Lyman Tuesday. working in the tower a was man blown Grand River, East Briggs college closes its The sta Black male, black and tan HOUSE STRIP-IT SHOP,' fcsing. „ 351-8388. Pioneer, female. composition sections at 25, the demand more and" ^ T.r MITHRA AFGHANS. 332-1895. Williamston. 655-1410.1-10-13 more [nwood, English Dept. at 20 and Justin productivity from e, available. Sansui, Marantr, 3-10-15 NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND puppies. FARM 70 - 110 ACRES ELECTRONIC REPAIRS'. Stereos, radios, recorders, TV's. Morrill College at 10. ATL does not close its sections at a graduate assistants, Winburne added. faculty and fell about Calumet River. 250 The extra-alarm fire was in an feet into the Squeeze K PAIRS hi-fi speakers. $100 price 8 weeks. Registered stock, no Dependalbe. designated number. Extra "We operate on a ■10-13 Argus camera, 482-2011. papers. $50. Beautiful cuddly puppies. 882-7410 882-8779. 10-12 minutes drive from 351-6680. O-30-11-19 reasonable. Call sections were added for this term's freshmen, however. Engel said. "If the University shoestring," elevator of General Mills, Inc., at 10459 Muskegon Ave., in the on in or MSU. Quality brick home, wants to put its ■—• Calumet Harbor district. B-1-10-13 FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL money elsewhere, ■ERBEDS. " fcl-4490.3-10-14 ALL sizes, ten year $22. Call Lynn, HORSES BOARDED$25and$30 per month. Box stalls, hay and grain, nearly new. Has 14' 15* x 21' Country kitchen with range, oven, fireplace, dishwasher, 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE WOLVERINE. 0-10-13 rg^ it's i a w what's wnni a A ^ colleges riding ring and trails, four miles refrigerator, and disposal. ASHES, RUBBISH hauled. 75c a Students seeking admission §TTE Happening TABLE with 6 chain, 3 South of MSU, 882-8779 or Huge walkout full basement barrel, special on clean ups. Phone into one of the four law schools Jace bedroom suite with mirror. 882-3820. B-1-10-13 has finished rec room that is 393-4592 anytime. 10-10-14 in the state will find stiff 14-2860.5-10-15 spacious. competition for every available DON'T GIVE your used furniture We'll space, according to Camille away. buy it. JDERWOOD ■oportlonal RAPHAEL 40' x 60' barn with 10-10-14 393-4592. Smith, Career Information Space Electric basement ready for up to 20 Specialist in the Counseling Ipewriter. Good condition. REGISTERED AMERICAN Eskimo horses. Barn needs new roof. Center. >le. 482-7739. 3-10-13 puppies. One male, one female. About 9 acre wood lot, good BATON - TWIRLING classes. Now Shots. 337-0613.3-10-14 Applicants should take the fences. This property priced taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640. Law School Admission Test |AS0NIC AM/FM stereo 20-10-28 Announcements for It's What's Obser the stars with the system, like new. AMERICAN ESKIMO puppies, need to sell immediately. Happening must be received in the Astronorr: Club at 7:30 p.m. today (LSAT) in late summer or lasonably priced at $100. adopted homes and love. FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL State News office, 34S Student (if clear) i 315 Physics-Astronomy October of their senior year in ll-2781.489-4693. 3-10-13 Registered, ail white, best offer. Services Bldg., by 1 p.n Bldg. Everyone is welcome. college and appiy to from three 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE class Sexuality". Andrew M. Barclay, 337-2694.4-10-16 days before publication. Items to five law schools before ANNUAL A.A.U.W. WOLVERINE. O-10-13 associate professor of psychology, CALL TEACHOUT are limited to 25 words. No will Christmas. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppy. announcements will give an introductory lecture USED BOOK SALE be accepted by Test dates for 1971-72 are The Chess Club will along with discussion. Female. 4 months old. AKC,shots, AND GARDNER FOR QUALITY service and stereos, phone. No announcements will be meet at 7 p.m. | OCTOBER 14,15, 16 wormed. Beautiful temperament. TV's and recorders. THE STEREO accepted for events outside the today in the west meeting room of scheduled for Oct. 16, Dec. 18, MERIDIAN MALL greater Shaw Hall. Please In conjunction with the National Feb. 12, April 8 and July 29. $85,372-4318.4-10-15 SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Lansing area. bring sets and Moritorium, the student Students should apply one Mobilization Committee will sponsor month before the test date in The Ski Team will begin its first Mobile Homes «U .inavaVtfes-Bi* PIANO LESSONS. Adult / children. full week of workouts starting at 7 The MSU Ski .Club wi« held an antiwar rally at 2 p.m. today at 207 Student Services Bldg. Experienced teacher. Studio / \U Beaumont Tower. lEWRITER, OLYMPIA 9", 4320 W. Saginaw p.m. fbday in 208 Men's IhtratfiuraT cond organizational meeting at: sf.or "It is good strategy, because TRAVELO 1952. $1000. Excellent your home. 337-7059. 3-10-13 frtable, Elite. Like new, 1 year Bldg. All men and i invited 7:30 p.m. today in 109 Anthony „.u The , „ . following Free L classes will ,----- of the great riisE {oi!wkRooIs, irantee,$60. Call 882-2053 after condition, close to campus. attend if they sted in Hall. Movies will be shown and door . j. ,° t , . i.m.2-10-14 351-6808 after 5 p.m. 5-10-18 THE SECOND most important man prizes will be given to members. meet today: Blues Harmonica. 7:30 to diversify the list applied to at your wedding should be your Everyone is invited to attend and p.m. in Snyder Hall lobby; Beginning *** ,not to apply to Schools that SENTRY, 1969-in Windsor Estetes. 2 photographer. Terrence Miller, new Movements, 8 to 9 tonight in the a hl^er LSAT SCOK Or EAST LANSING area. This 351-2013. 5-10-15 memberships will be taken. Women's Intramural Bldg. GPA than the student has," Ms. bedrooms, skirting, utility shed. large 4 627-2063. X-5-10-19 bedroom bi - level is less than 15 Transportation Educational Reform Snithsaid. Enrollment in minutes from campus, has 2 UPHOLSTER ING-REFINISHING, change accredited law schools has more The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will Resources Cent e invited ti 1957 ELCAR. 10 minutes from fireplaces, two 5 piece baths, 2 car restyling, and repairing. All work have a lawyer available from 8 a.m. than doubled in the last decade. discuss children's ICLES. STOCKLIST campus. p.m. 4-10-18 $1500. 882-0831 after 5 attached garage, extra large lot with rear fenced in yard. Priced at guaranteed. To land 18 years experience. Upholstery, 675-5318. GREYHOUND to noon every Wednesday and from 1 abolishing the grading system, a liberatic More than one third of this of new to 5 p.m. every Wednesday and teaching as a subversive activity a growth occurred in the fall of lilt bikes available from Detroit's a bargain of $41,000. Call Harold 5-10-15 Thursday during the fall term. Those 1970. Darbor, 699-2302 or All Star tonight, second floor of the Uni< jgest store. Delivery to MSU.Call URGENT MUST sell. 1970 ELECTROLOSIS: now has direct bus service to wishing an appointment are asked to Out of the 4,900 applications Ian Marcosson, 332-3576. Cambridge. 3 bedrooms, reised Realty, 694-8181. 3-10-13 MEDICALLY check with the ASMSU business trained operator. Free Pontiac, Royal Oak and orgai inizationai for the University of Michigan kitchen, with island stove, office, 307-B Student Services Bldg.. Law OKEMOS NEW home. Has 3 consultation.Mrs. Knowlman, Birmingham, from the East interested School, only 370 places completely carpeted and furnished. or call 35 3-0659. There will be a ■. COMPLETE. bedrooms, dining room, 1V4 baths, 882-6114. 3-10-13 forming the MSU Golf club at 7:30 were available. Classes at the Boy Scout 627-7124.3-10-15 Lansing Bus Depot. Departing nominal $3 charge for this service. p.m. Thursday in 137 Women's 12 slim. $14 or 7 fireplace, fully carpted, 2 car Detroit College of Law are on Fridays at 4:25 intramural Bldg. if you are interested 19-8685 garage. $33,500. 349-2333. p.m. For after 6 p.m. S 1970 VINDALE 12* x 60* already filled for January and unfurnished, completely carpeted, 5-10-15 Typing Service further information call East Lyman Briggs College Academic but cannot attend, call 332-0851. September 1972. [TRIC TYPEWRITER, portable. disposal, pets allowed. 339-8912. Lansing Bus Depot, InE will hold its first meeting of the Idly used, excellent condition. 4-10-15 KIMBERLY DOWNS COMPLETE THESES service. 332-2569. year at 7:30 p.m. today in 104 C. 8:15 Off-campus Council will p.m. Thursday in 31 Union, meet at announced intentions h>Vef of (3-5328, evenings 485-7610. OPEN HOUSE Discount printing. IBM typing and Holmes Hall. All Briggs students are invited. Plans will be finalized for activities, establishing law schools, but no 2916 Mayfalr Dr., Sunday 2-5 All p.m, binding of theses, interested people are welcome, new schools will be opening this Lost & Found Oct. 17. Attractively styled 3 or 4 publications. Across from campus, resumes, WHATEVER YOU you want to buy, Three vacant seats on the council will X AX-50 tape recorder bedrooms, stone and aluminum there's a good chance you'll find it The annual Dairy Club Bean Feed year. MSU has no plans for a law Colonial. corner M.A.C. and Grand River, be filled at this 'ranty). Craig open reel tape in the Want Ads. Check now! will be held at 6 p.m, today in 122 meeting. If you are school in the near future. LOST: VICINITY Men's IM. Men's Vour host, John J. below Jones Stationery Shop. Call interested get , petition from 307 Henry. Anthony Hall. Students and faculty Students seeking information |order. 353-0187.3-10-15 signet ring, initials DSJ, reward. 485-6766. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, welcome. We w.11 package cheese 9udent BJd and turn ., jn are on admission requirements and 353-4218.3-10-15 337-1666. C t£) 316 Sludent Services B,dg befofe COLE'S BAKERY TEACHOUT-GARDNER Wanted afterwards. career opportunities should Thursday night. |.US BAKERY foodsat reduced BLACK WALLET lost on campus. REALTORS ANN BROWN: contact Ms. Smith in the . 1/3 to 1/2 off retail Reward. 373-1758 or 371-2279. Typing and multilith —— The MSU Lesbian Sisterhood and ■ ces: at 371-1930 offset printing. Complete service SINGLE GIRL wanted to share Radical Lesbians invite all women Venceremos Brigade - people Counseling Center or any of the great eating, great 2-10-14 •nomyl Surplus Store, for dissertations, theses, modern 1 bedroom apartment interested in joining rap groups, interested in the next brigade to occupational information 640 QUIET, BEAUTIFUL, reflective Cuba, there will be a meeting at -8 libraries located in Fee, Brody, ■th Waverly, manuscript*, general typing. IBM. near MSU. Only $75 a month. Call immediately North LOST: MALE Sealpoint Siamese, near describes 4 bedroom house In sensitivity sessions, social events and ■•496 expressway. 0-3-10-15 22 years experience. 349-0850. C 489-9444. 5-1 CM 5 other activities to tonight in 33 Union. and Wilson halls, the Union and Lake call 353-9795 City Hall. Contact Radke, Lansing. Glass front with : between 1 and 2 p.m. Monday the Student Services Bldg. 351-0100.3-10-15 fireplace, built - in kitchen, The MSU IaL: GREAT Gibson LG-1. around $25,000 339-2254. SUPPORT YOUR business with a WANTED: THORENS turntable and through Wednesday, at 7:30 Cycling dub will meet Teed to sell. . good speakers. JBL, AR, etc. today in 203 Men's $100, case. David, 5-10-14 boost from Want Ads. Advertise Intramural Bldg. to discuss plans for 482-2011.2-10-13 Ensemble The Spartan Bowmen will meet at £5693 after 9 p.m. 1 -10-13 Personal services there. Dial 355-8255. 7 rides and cycle tours. Everyone is — p.m. today at the south door of EAST LANSING -Sale by owner. WANTED: fcn2n S,ereo cass0ttedeck, IKAI Near University. Two - story brick. MOFISSIOMl ROCK drummer with Jenison Fieldhouse. Equipment will f°'D I deck, DUAL automatic reverse stereo THESIS experience. Must groove. Phone be available tc The Rodeo Club will hold CV-40 11 large rooms, 3 fireplaces. Large 372-6224. 5-10-1.8 All archer roping stereo velcom J Ke° , Harman-Kardon ™usic system, SCI 5 used MICHIGAN EDUCATION attic and basement. Formal dining. Re-locating because of job. Must PREPARATION ROOM FOR female, over 21, with dog. practive at Livestock 7 p.m. today in the Judging Pavillion. A to present ASSOCIATION RESEARCH meeting T"E0. speakers, amps, sell. Will sacrifice. Price reduced Bicycling distance. Call Ingrid, If you enjoy learning square and will follow at 9 p.m. ■V°rs' chan9ers, tape recorders DIVISION FAIR. MEA from $62,000 to $49,700. For 489-9756.3-10-14 Everyon* interested in rodeo is folk dancing, loosen up and have ■ ™cks, welcome to attend. cassette and 8 track Building, Abbott and M-78. appointment, call 351-1283. 1 st show some fun with the MSU Promenaders »r«, used 8 track tapes $2 / 5-10-18 CsmpUtt Prafestlanal Thesis Strvlct far NEED 2 tickets for Ohio State- MSU I' TV sets. Police Tuesday and Wednesday Maittr's ill Dec taral ClUlfilit fttt at 7 p.m. today in 34 Women's There all be band game. Please call 339-9297 after 4 a public taping radios, October 12 and 13, 2-4 PM Rrscksrt ml Cansaltatlan. Pltii* Call Intramural Bldg. session at P.m. 2-10-13 8 liters, rnes, A" imported wall MEA and NEA Research KIMBERLY DOWNS. OPEN HOUSE. 2916 Mayfair Dr. Sunday 2-5 p.m., CNff art Paula H»fk*y 137 IB? ar 127 7*3* Ministries of tonight at the United Higher Education eclu'Pment tested Gays Against the War will meet at MSU's Wind Ensemble will J guaranteed. Publications on exhibit. Oct. 17. Attractively styled 3 or 4 BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for (UMHE), Asbury Hall, 8 South WILCOX'S KAY'S TYPING Service. Thesis, 1:30 p.m. today in the Gay present its first concent of the W*° HAND STORE, 509 East Selected extra copies to be bedrooms, stone and aluminum general typing, IBM electric. Phone all positive. A negative, B negative Liberation office before proceeding Harrison Road, East Lansing, season at 8:15 p.m. Thursday, in fcan. 485-4391. Colonial. Your host, John J. Henry, and AB negative, $10.00 O which the community will make 8-5:30 p.m. distributed at no cost. All Fall 393-3588.1-10-13 to the rally at Beaumont Tower. the Music Auditorium. verbal commitments against the war. taV ,hrou9h Saturday. Bank term students and faculty are 485-6766, Teachout - Gardner, negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN fr'card, Master Realtors. 371-1930.5-10-15 COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Conducted waVs, Charge, invited. Free coffee. DISSERTATION, THESES, term 507V4 East Grand River, East SDS will hold an East Complex The University College Social by Kenneth terms, trades.O papers. Expert typist with degree in Lansing. Above the new Campus meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Science Student Advisory Committee Bloomquist, director of bands, EXECUTIVE HOME for sale. 4 large English. I.B.M. 351-8961. O-10-13 South Hubbard main lounge. the Wind Ensemble features 50 of Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 I 4 p.m. today in 129 bedrooms, walk - out basement, 3 Discussion will center on Wesley pm Monday, Thursday, 8nd Bessey Hall. MSU's finest instrumental fireplaces, family room and rec TYPING TERM papers and thesis. Fishel, former head of the MSU Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 musicians. FREE ... A lesson in complexion care. room. Located on West side of Electric typewriter. Fast service. Vietnam Project, and on the new Iran The pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C soaring dub wUl meet at 7:30 Call 484-4519, East Michigan or Lansing, Waverly schools. 10 Call 349-1904. 18-10-29 Project. Mifflin Harvest 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS minutes drive to East Lansing. Call Bob Gelina, HALSTEAD AND The Resource p.m. today in 30 Union. There may be a talk on the history of soaring. The concert will feature works writtenin the late 18th and 19th PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term Development Club All interested people are welcome, BMelicious apple cider STUDIOS. C-10-14 ASSOCIATES, 351-0810, papers, theses. Best rates. Call will meet at 8 tonight in 37 Union to century for wind instruments. fdebefore your eyes in 489-6383.3-10-15 351-4619. O get this year* planning started. The program will open with Philip C. Thorpe, asst. professor of T"r cider mill. law at Indiana University School of "Overture in C" by Charles Catel ratives Nopre- : TYPING THESES and letters, etc. Dehumidifier. Good, Free U r in8 and "Overture for Band" by Felix added. All you cheap. 353-0769, days; 332-5622, Law, will be on campus to talk to JUST A SECOND Recreation Rapid accurate service. beginning dance technique will IcandrinkforlOc Experienced. 393-4075. C after 5:30.1-10-13 Thursday beginning in 103 at Lintc 10 Mendelssohn. Elfr Interested students should call Ann Hall. The group will also perform lriead'doughnuts, T Pklnsand mie first watches, Germany during the 1500s, made in O'Brien at 3S5-6676 for three sections from "Messe De apples. Why study philosophy? Come to a appointments. Requiem De Louis XVI," London $149. Complete deluxe a mass had only one hand. The meeting of the Philosophy Club and for winds and chorus minute hand wasn't packages. Call Frank Buck, find out. Three professors will hold a composed pntennial Farm developed until 1687. 351-2286.0-10-13 SAVE SAVE SAVE colloqium on the topic at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 34 Union. The South will meet at 9 Collegiate Fellowship tonight in the Alumni in 1815 by Charles Bochsa. But don't let another XEROX COPYING- offset Chapel to continue the study of the Wind Ensemble will Market minute go by without reading quality at reasonable prices. THE - best 2 - BEDROOM house or apartment by Oct. 30. Cathy, 351-4154, practice of the presence of God. perform "Three Marches for also STATE News Classified Ads. COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand |mi-north at on U.S 27 You'll find all sorts of good River. Phone 332-4222. C 353-7999 afternoons. 2-10-14 Registered student organizations The Fisheries and Wildlife Club Band," composed originally for the Grand Duke Nicolas of Russia Dill Rd. must re-register with ASMSU each ill meet at 7 p.m. today in 183 STUDENT TEACHING exchange. 669-3157 things to buy advertised there HAYRIDES DRAWN by horses. Make for GLAD year. The registration for this yea ural Resources Bldg. A Peace by J.N. Hummel. each day. tidings look for Grand Rapids for Walled Lake, due by Oct. 22 and the form for this L~ Sot. 9-8 Sum-7 your appointment now. Call something you've lost with a Want Livonia or Macomb County, i* available in 101 Student Services Corps representative will speak aboi The free concert is open to the 676-5628.3-10-14 Ad. Dial 355-8255 jobs in the field after the meeting. All 355-1981.3-10-15 Bldg. public. students are welcome. Wednesday, October 13, 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan WootcG department stores yiheui/iCu/uoK^iHadmv/ie(ai&t(f T V_ NEW RECORD LOW PRICE IN TOP HITS EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY Rod Stewart RAM Paul 8: Linda McCartney TAPESTRY Carole King FIREBALL Deep Purple WELCOME TO THE CANTEEN Winwood,Capaldi,Mason, Wood Grech, Kwaku Baah, Gordon TRAFALGAR Bee Gees THE LAST TIME I SAW HER Glen Campbell THE DONNYOSMOND ALBUM Donny Osmond BLUE Woolco Discount Price Joni Mitchell BARK Jefferson Airplane MASTER OF REALITY Black Sabbath FOR LADIES ONLY Steppenwolf AFTER SALE PRICE '4.82