M. S. C. t lans — 1 Member—The Assoc-lain! editorial j Collegiate Press -Taking a Fraternity? | EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN, TAKE IT EASY, FROSH InterfraterniiynSdd Grinnell Pioneers Prepared States New Program to For Local Societies Engage Spartan Gridders in Initial Contest of Season 5ir|tnt Amnkn National Hellenic Policies Affecting Financial, Social, Moral, and Scholastic Endeavors Stair Tram Weakened by Loss of Kurt Wartnbein. Confined to of All Chapter nouses. MUSIC COURSES No\V Dean of WHo Talks Moll/ iHimhlV Bench Following Shoulder Injury; Agett ' Takes Over Left Halfback's Post. l/aal adoption of the National lnterfraternity Council pro¬ gram for 1935-36. one of the moat comprehensive plana ever WILL PRESENT By IIARRY WISMER. Sports Editor (tared by that body, was announced today by James Sar- IFIGHT NUMBERS , Tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 in Matklin *ta debut against B:i// Watts ami moral and scholastic as|>ecta of the college fraternity. Department Announces Two his band of versatile gridders from Grinnell college in a Commenting on the move, Sargent stated that the IKC 1 Series of Fonr Concerts Each, contest which should be replete with thrills as two ciuljiS *i* definitely supported in its drilled in the passing game take t«« the air once mere. to be Given During 1935-36. elan of action by the college ((Trials and especially by Dr. EXCAUBURITES • FAMED STAR TO COME Coach Watts has again brought a powerful array of Cent- hall players with him, and the\ are bound and determined to make it tough for Bach- over men's societies TAPTOMORROW Cinster. Kolisch Quartette. Stra¬ man and his men. The.Grin- nell club worked out this af¬ FROSH COUNCIL vinsky, Fcuermann. and MSC ternoon in the stadium, and la addition to its ruling on F*"r *•«" From Se»>«r Clan Symphony All to Appear. tails. the council adopted the Will Eater Highest Honor- they hail a world of pep and enthusiasm as they whipped MEETS MONDAY ulutha ! 'lr.f music department at dr.wn^up^.^ '^'^t lrJf |t ?„rfy Kiichigi'tl State college will through their signal practice. * Fvbru- The Pioneers are in fine shape. Hannah and Colina Scheduled Four men. the- pick of the if gain prt 'ent eight concert* *hich states "We con*) uid ready to put up the bottle .» clas-v will be tapped ton this seasuii, four each in the |0 |^a(j Discussion for fraternity responsible foi night for Excalibur. wht iiive contribution to the ; aeries a».il the M. S. ('. in ot.* off..i riaih of Ote Freshmen. ■} functions of the colleges holds i ay mphony orchext f ncries, v«T*»tie«. and therefore uri l Kia (Blister official!,' «|iena (.bligalnn to encoui.se the ' Union UUroun. , aru, :• ot .ts members.-intellectual. with~Red ftomnan \ *1- artists' series of colleges concert course, -n Mh ''gun FORUMTOHEAR Blu<. th(. vucaU * x. ember 1! Because of het weal ond ao«.l _TI«-refure Tm, lot be „al,„. given o( here ,m.n ,.atl. Suffice it to Attendance Rules Listed DEAN MITCHELL :At* and activities of the (rater- #y that they were selected from -'v • should be th the aims and purposes in entire accord of the ause in the opinion of Excalibur For Benefit of Students New / dviscr to Talk on Rela¬ restitutions in which it has chap- tion c( Students at Sunday hey were un pore lied in then ser- 10 aPJM'.I «•?* <2< that the primary loyalty Fice to this college. Excalibur Methods of Beiog Escusrd for Absences and Limitations on Cuts Kolisc Noun Meeting. .Thi responsibility of a student in relation* with his institution mis always been exclusive, this Eipliined by Reporter. will ..j ear it was necessary to d«< s»»me ».it, cd of l (Continued on page 4) h> HOIt I'OC/IK ' Therefore, if rmu i la,, meets four ftjmris, all natives of Vi< f| irtet was brought to u by Mr* K S CumIi Annual Report , ing college is the attendance sys- j jie-'turad in a festival ; on Book Store Russell Reynolds ally left out in Uk- hat of jlu.»ry l> C of Congress In W Later they ap plex and very hard to understand. mrmbers. Hurd, captain < ! hew York, where the »• Shows Savings Icarit team text »|ctn« r~f ; In ttahty it la very simple and if itne student follows the rules "Tie.1 the best milers in the count r finish school at the end < term, along with Reynold" t-> lute »egivti,it PLAN MEETING ingN per week for the afternoon in OF WOLVERINE e morning after an , illday wilt tie coun Ts Start Organiiation of Ku.i ut-. it they are not . nr.. and Editorial Staff. order « with Tue.day Night. mi* discount* *. wirrnry 1 ber actual co CEDAR RIVER DAM NOW BEING HXED i wn> subject in who h L»f|, Crew of Men Making El- . A. S. ENROLLMENT r» on SlroctHrr. Ka- h apt eportod m the subject. !; REACHES NEW TOP HONORARY PLANS due to the large er. signed 1 ^ompanied by a v..u. h- TEA THIS MONTH us year, or to the toaisr mainun. or ecjualiv ret pun* > nf ' «'*jirrhtm r in Un% in,, police Coune Popular, Phyiical t last year when hie partv Absences of less than (Continued on page 2) •..r work. I'.riif .. i ally inclined were Education Fails in one full da;y are not excused At;-! willing to work Ilif M- .»<«• miinv Towrr Guard tu Hold Affair (or fact remain* that Wolverine.! Science List, the Red Cedar potntments drntist mt« *ed for the lrs;h">• * Tradder Stadesl. Will W Fstsd ion. aipha belli al of a funerait or .severe iilne**, the! limited time only, a* the price will ||-rgcr i'egisliat«<»n i« , that l Application* for thi* tr»n»fer jnMrn f)mft jf„t w>fTM. „f its pf*pu)ai it. . •teenage dividend Ttu* «>- »(-,«. th, r.wr, Mary Mayo hail Lorraine De- mwlOTbtz mor, boo.k«P- "> '"-1 »" m" and high and ttrucU* drier stud rhor«» «-rvt, . |at of w>,;, prMKlrnt o( th, tudrnu to Ihr ,ttendance of- should he made at the Wolverine !«ime the figures dropia'd fr-.n, ofRce. 110 Women. Niwever. *tdlj I.?"»| A ..pro, Kluallr re- ^ " •' b'*hrr h>, ,niKKjncrf ^ ,,^u»io| ram- to flee and they are then 'Ttie aspire to train female athlete* a» j " wivai to niidrnu. Tb« .lb-n u"'7 *"■" mitte, chairmrfi' Grace Lawien. car the bovk store earned a An ^tererUng thing ha* rome ttodenU do no* hav furniahan (nM.ra, thalman; Blanch, Roa, Cornell U. Claims u»- numu-r >w »t*«.i r. iter.m' of 12 per cent cex :U sale* m ^ iarm *n oW rwl wcu** In thin ca*e chairman of the reception com #n « In anticipation of a ia»g«T I rvederaccd by the following re-!1"** » „ u>r inatructor* may count ftudent* ^ the refreshment commit- — j TO HEAD MICHIGAN TECH ,rr have been, returned , and ttw prewnt ^ built of •obd constroriton of ginrung of ^ hoor who are Urdy at the be- trr u* Socine Anaorpr chair- Instructor Dorothy Park«-r of «tructor» during the summer and the women's physical education ha* added several more since. j Mrs Mabel t'cdwim. Wrst Mary m any way. ahape o - J( yoii mn ^ of -r1 and r* ^ uxveaud rather in invetj . thu old dam, comiderabie trouble, Ut/, ^ „ cUm ^ department is among Uio*e missing ; school started It i* also ,staled , The fvhs president of the M Mayvi lu*f*~mtXhrr. will pour. au»- i* being experienced m getting tram the M. 5, C., campus this; mat great housing spate has been j gari Cullege of Mining and T swted by. • Mm Grace Richards,'' Mum Barker, popular, peppy prided for. tiuose'ftujther at East Mary MavcJ,' ~ »nd *** tots cut removed, by Evelyn Hart of the imtogv 1* Urover C. Ihilma »jors are to be used Year rntlng June IS, IMS j011" ^ 10 tt>e rvw oi * ;.Al*o, vtudent* are KUppoaed to partmmt W A A. graduate in the civil engine* 1 arid candle* which fundiae ml— PM.914 19 wh»ch »»U be aunk in front of the, va|, ,s minuU* *fu*r the Mim Richard*, houw department at M S C in 19 the West Mary Muyo Michigan J% apron to be congtmcted. jhour for the imlructor. After i W COLLEGE RADIO CLUB DiHman was state highway 1 1 Ute ranks or .h, miss tuner from 1929 to 103-1 Kol-1 parlor, and theie will be piano and lMi»~ABIW;^t tone they are free to leave the tea. GueaU at the affair will at Cornell university, where she ; ——-- lowing this, he became auperln-{vtolin music the time of —; eCWT GAMS fOniLMUTT the classroom if the instructor ha* be Dean Elisabeth Conrad, Dean j is how working for her master's' The State College Radio club will tendent of service* in the city of t the tea. j not appeared Maf ie Dye. Mm Garvin, advisor )u.ld. its first meeting for the yfiar Grmid lb pull until J.iiuurv. Th. Tuwrr Guard, «n the com¬ The -number of atudrr.t* en-; Student* are allowed twice as of the league. Mrs, • Thompson, Mia* Marie Paull. flaming haired at 7:20 p. rn. on Septemiwr 27 ma. ,nd then Kt«tr welfare ill-!mitte, Ui rharg, orr: June Hun- in the economics depart- many cut* minu* c*>e. than the Mr* Cobum. Mia* Grots. Mr* of thi* in*titution with The meeting will be held at 111 i r,ior until hi* appointment a*: lerlord, fcxwt: Barbara Tranter per week. The cut* McCune of 1924. is taking Mis*;Old* hall and all amateur radio; luteted by th, numtor bm. Mr. tUrokl P.tten ud Mm premdent In July. | "ki Dorothy Carlock. arran«e- rker'* place in the physical adu- j operator* and others interested . iment*: Nancy- P'arley, invitations; it ion department. {radio are invited to attend. Support th, advertiser, In the Barbara Lu BratUn. music; Laura Michigan State New,; i Ami Pratt, publicity. COLLEGIATE FLOWER MOP NEXT TO TM ETATE THEATER | Friday, Septemlx-r \17, 19;t5f Rotters ofK07vSom TAKE CAR on the type of absences and the honor roll students will have their registration in the course shall be registration canceled the same as Michigan StateNews By JACK WARNER Show Large Gain' T« en rnNVENTIAN PUN INITIAL MEETING canceled immediately. There is other students if their number of only one exception to this rule. In absences equals three times the Toadies Inquiring Reporter and gemmen. It Over '34 Figures WMUffTOWIlUW The Lutheran Student club of Michigan State will hold their first ease such absences are caused by number of times the class meets late registration or prolonged ill¬ Students taking graduate wor hooves us at this time to pr 'ILittl* bit* tv. barn*. Trio Fvs" Tarries I noonan I jib# ! Loo| tcmbfr 2_of a( th* >'Mr Friday, Sep» ness, It shall be within the power our own Inquiring Reporte.. Nearly 1,800 Now Enrolled in g p m |n mm los ic dean of that division in are not held by any of the abov .. , . Trip (0 Mrttinf il Paiadcna. of th* People church. The Luth- consultation with the supervisor rules and may attend classes-ac spite of the fait that this column Three Units of Military __ eran Student chaplain, the R< of attendance to permit exception carding to their own desires. was sctsiped on the idea by one, Department. ■ A midwMtgm carl "Llttt* Eva.'* ®*orkc c Buboli. will give the o this rule provided that the *u- It would be wise for student, issue. The question, of course,' concerns the wearing of pots. Last* from Michigan Stat* reported with CP"""* addrws. There are 171 !en is required to reduce hia espcially freshmen, to clip thes The registration of students In Gertrude Warner, Virginia Hurley.^Lutheran *tudent« registered as ichedule. "N" means withdrawn rules out of the paper and kc< week, as you know, there was di- the various branches of the mili- of the brighter tgry and Caroline I.amb for ttie Lutheran thin year on the campus —no grade—no negative . points- them for reference later in th department is as follows: twen- -second biennial Kappa At the mes-ting on Friday evening Upper classmen should particu- s of our fair campus a few jn the infantry department there Delta convention. June 19-24. at ,he Luther League of the lrrv I slants on the matter In are 31 seniors, 30 juniors, 200 arly note this, for it is different the Huntington hotel. Pasadena, manuei Lutheran chureh of Grand than the rule was last year. Last! Bethlehem Lutheran Church usual straightforward man- sophomores, and 490 freshmen, Calif Little Eva" roamed through Ledge will furnish refreshments i rule allowed the student; Mt Hope Ave. & Ray St.. Lansiru ve now give you some of the This is a total of 751 students for I statements made to our little band this department. the I-tinn.s enuntrv heading south- 'rtle Lutheran Student cabinet three times the number of class Rev. Ceo. C. Ruhols, Fastnr Sunday School. 10 a m : Strut *" cro^s the Mississippi at 'or this y**r consists of the fol- meetings per week without receiv- , an' 1 snoopers: The cavalry deportment has 27 r . W a m Lutheran Student meet¬ r *■ Girardeau The flood area lowing; Miss Edith Kclch, Gray- a "WA " However, this year ing.-* first and third Friday e\ • Hob llerrlrk Ye*. SIR' I think semoj 29 juniors. 198 sophomores - s, Miu-'^on Blank, Miss Virginia An- number is one less and a nings at Peoples church. at all frosh should wear pots and 337 freshmen, for a total of top of ?chuctz. Miss Ethel Krans. Jam* i" will be given on the •sides. 1 have a new plan Why 591. The artillery has 37 seniors.; rged roads and ill Hansen, and Rev George C Bi unt mentioned above. . | With eight **>1/ out their four year period and 240 freshmen for a total of 452 ID car covering the roads Lutheran students are urged ' niors, who in any term have registered in ail work necessary CARD Y Ford was turned attend the meeting on Friday evi complete their graduation re-. Dallas. Fort Worth, ning. "cowboy land"—where the permitted, Non-Lutheran guests ai quirements are granted the privil- «ge of voluntary attendance There JEWELRY Over Strand Theater attempted to see the "he-! ""1 m 1 """ s one exception to this, and it is „1 the west, only to be 1ated in the paragraph below All • ^REPORTER LISTS ophomore, junior and senior stn-' REPAIRS AT ::f zh,z2y\!rt *** attenimve RULES dents whose average in the two LOWEST COST TAKING A FRATERNITY? r above and Who have made' grade below C in these two fiudrnt is warned and shall notify Sunday night t h«* *<»a*f>n on pledge* i* open again. these and the registrar whenever terms shall constitute an Honor dollars a tv* "i <•' "1 " » "»y only bt to Cal-' removed by repeating the subject; Continental you'll feci a slight loss of self-respect. A *mart Tyroleae type hat And even though you don't break your pledgeship, though for young men, deriving it* you dgcide t*» stick, it through, try to realize that you're pick- name from the silk rope * for the next few years All your clone band, with jaunty feather with the men who gave i»u that button. in the Continental manner. Shown in three dark color* O Think thin over. t.«.: You're going to pay in more money Nv bvamml COLLEGE . - of exceeding richness, 0 tin a fraternity man, ami if- got to be paid. The rest of the brother* aren't going to support a parasite. Z- BULLETIN E. $.150 The largest selection of J NOW ARK Vol.' SOUK THAT Vol It MIND IS MADE hat- in Central Michigan * VP? Can you say honestly rn vv that, your choke i* the beat and "May Fitting Service" * one? Are you sure that no other house is going to npiieal to make thi* the logical place 1 you more later and make you wi-h that you hadn't signed up to purchase your hat. Price*, $2.95 to $7. » no quickly ? If you can answer thee quest ions affirmatively, * then go ahead and mak. the liest of it Readv with Campus Coat* * in blanket-lined corduroy* If .Vou can do that, we're for you. In a fraternity you'll ' find with slicker interlining. • plenty of company, plent\ of help and sympathy, plenty Sport a pair of BDCKOS. $6.95. double breasted, hat if tbc going dews get 1 of joy, and plenty of grief And you'll find that the grief will warm, wood reefers, $7.45. mean more to you than the rough! Mud and scuffs can t hurt Reversed Lilf.Jux r«m- *~vVTien you jolti a fraternity got to conform, whether pattern selection. Will not up the nap with a wire brusL. you like it or not. Try to dechi where you're improving wrinkle and wear longer. $1. Our smartest sport shoe. I yourself by agrrs'ing; and try to it want anything that w Kinsley shirt* with "Tru- Walk-Over Varsity Blueber. l>e helpful lat« r t-m ail around. Brother benized collar-." made by >ou'ii find vriti Orowu Bucko. Soft Tuv. Crepe the originator-. $1.65 anil A ikiesn't like the ami perlia|Mt he can giv# $2. you aome good j»» on to head Brother H object* to your *o» i You might not like that: you WALK-OVER thought y»m learne ft High school or in your early college year*.' Hut Burton'* Walk diver Brother (' think- \ i,f hfr I ll.l. •i Ikait Shop Jii ?!l *. IVashintton mayU> it r-. , You'iJ k'Mi i: a i t due. and human nature, when i fratemitv. Your eateemed brother* miglit take your best i'latikets to n foot hall raidc. u when they te|>ait' their ear*; Nou'l) learn how' to humor you'll cultivate an interest in t«» your own benefit After ilong with all type* of human watch reivmr PEN-SKRIP PENCIL-SKRIP ■ ity w hen If trunt Iia. .kiUrd SUCCESSOR TO INK SUCCESSOR TO LEADS Ten yea hi won't think nuu li of ItlTUX " t AMrt S PRESS OFFICE THIS REVOLUTIONARY OFFER that i hapt , The fellow* are ihfiVr- r.kTHOMM Ota AOVD4THUH.9 , (' Sn.MS Only lo*H from September 10th to November 1st ond w.ll not be IN - hap* you miirht n* repeoted! One pock age of Pencil-Strip, "Successor to feods", , but not so many. But is be.ng given tree with every bottle of Blue or Blue-Black Pen- • although any hard generoUy used by the American public we ore c»»ng it »o M.S.C. Co-eds intreduce ovr new Special H B PencibSkrip, "Successor to leoai which fits oil pencils using round or square leods. , * connection i*.u mat k takes sir gallons of kquid to make one gofion of Pen-Skrip, t tlull is g• mmi for little the famous writing fluid which is absolutely free of sediment. »«ue than f«Hir .» >ourwlf to your broth- Shaffer Bakery Permanent Pen-OSr o Is for business—wo*hobie Per-5vrkp r#. try to twrt . »*ibk And try to 2*9 M. A. r An. iv the fault* of qualities. That, »»Kk form, R writes blocker, smoother1, and has greatest rcidyntaUv. appbi Roll. «H Plr. tentHe strength. Purchase your supply of Pen-Sknp to fraternities. kt the family six# bothe with the Skrtp-WeU that of* You ar» now pr iows you to use the lost drop of fl u>d No smudgy fingers. Remember during the period of STUDENTS AND FACULTY thft offer o free pock age of Pencil C'ominjr bark to the fr*t»rti(ty "hunting sH-awm"—wi' „till Skrip, "Successor fo leods". is think the XI S. t\ pultclr* vers .am- At m»n> other ». H.h>I« OF included free with your It t* petmivsMc to sign up |>iistg.n. directly they arm,-, and *T hate heard e well to start *.« >tl, before they form permanent attitudes Oil college life —KN— 1 c Action of the Inlerfraternity Council in adopting the plan* of their auperior* it commendable. All that remain, now i* Dave's" College Inn to enfom all their proposals. The executives fr„m the Wolverine office announce the | beginning of a successful year. It won't be necessary, then, | for the State News to issue their book in loose-leaf .upple- mrnt form. SHIAFFJKS v, September 27, 1935 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS IONEERS SEEK , — WOLVERINESTO FROSH WORK TOUCH FOOTBALL ——— WITH VARSITY SPONSORED BY T. 1Catch * our Breakfast j ^ AERIAL ATTACK Sideline Coach BANK ON SOPHS ki,,iiatc H Attacking Strong State .nd'Remember L..I , - >^du.e. Your school may have the best Kiplu Points (or State Game He Places His Hopes oc as Kob, Well Pirated With Year- lings* Defensive Showing lnd.pra.Mt Tent Alike j MARY STEWART'S ! Years Success. J line in the-conference, an All-' Wis P Under Fire. — 1 American quarterback, a coach1 Br Al. THEII.ER ^ 'whose name is initialed with a1 One year c See "Snph" in regard In Meal Tickets hall followers of thejdollar sign, and alumni who go'Statedom was , - are generally agreed out of their way to moke It known, outcome of th< orange of Syracuse thut the>' arc from dear old Slip- a column prl •RESHMAN TRACK . I .est eleven to take >r> Rof^ Teachers, but If of New,. IMm, Slippery Rock hasn't Rot a sched- with men abc GETS UNDER WAY against Bachman a tl , . ; u|, of teamj lintd up m pred.cteh ZIPP RING NOTE BOOK lf»;u. let. when then i successful achievement| over the Wol Coll I (teed for Fill Track and the record books,'come* mighty hard. The situatio • the easterners' 10 Yes an institution of learning— ^d Optimism CrM, Caaatry Candidate,. r.1% half of the best '*>*»' makes little difference, if it campus and tl - *h-• Green and White hasn't got an attractive schedule for. althnugr sioo l p college, lately the of grid opponents, the crowd stays: Arbor tndirnti . ran up 20 points in away in large numbers and fail- mon-or-Friedi Kdmo here at what is ure looms financially And yet a to parade in field State was im- 'bank-book loss isn't the only lo« Rer.ner. mning. managing 33 To gain prestige, you must knock willing but a .'•**. the lowans Yet lover the big boys, you must, veteran oleve PATRON 1ZE OUR ADVERTT8ERR let loose by the "samp thorn by iln-able fcnies K",kl - • ,/t. Watt, the Grinned !and if the big gun- are not pres- his scphomun • «i more times against 'ent, they must In* hud before the gambling H« . than w me of the turnstiles click in fast cadence hoP°$ on u h the country. j Now. will the attorney for the P,!«h His iva t-JFJtCJVT NEW! ,* ;s in • -..ti. around the Mis- defense bring forth his evidence" Ronn" a' qv mate tti.i* once more Right, your honor. Cast your eye" *u*' and Slvw : - . little fellows' attack on Michigan State the air. Their line L*»t season sucii big bugs, grid- sweet punter h's Two-piece Underwear • ind their barkfieid too. ironically tOh. it s a new one to A' hJ ' v. allow them to think «•:: plan of battle on aKiiw._ you. ton'') speaking, such as Syra- hav'' Carnegie Tech. Michigan V icierstaff and His Orchestra TUESDAY AND FRIDAY If You Appreciate MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, September 27, 192: Organiralion of State Theater Announif Faculty Ridinc Clan 'WKAR' Pots Are Quite the Thing CLASSIFIED Pireviuies Radio Program For Well-Dressed Frosh S^ut radio *tn-1 p|r|| or Decked on.™ Out „ in Miihigan own Stylish Musi be |' nm yMr le«r men to — TONIGHT AND SATI'RDAY >n. WKAli, will open Its fall ■* 10 Of Oiymn ■ #, , mu.l u.» LOST-Pearl jeweled Kappi "AIrn tVMhout Names" , II oVI.Kk, at |Vm„n. I hruadca.ting Orlnber I Hsndwme Spartan Green H.lt, W. between Stewart ill. mmnjencing October Jn addition to its regular noon " Starring Fred MarMurruy and Madge Evan*. list will twenty-ftve i broadcast from 12 to 1:30, the gta-; bike I always said, there's editior MiirMun.iv. in this picture class to cover the care, tion will be on the air from 2 to'nothing which makes a college orial cldb, society, organization or suph ! graph five, lines two to eight, for Mortar Board and Excalibur spy ',1, >n five davs a week ~~ , 4 . , rlmlttlnu thnse n( last WKAlt. the broadcasting station | of the kind more of what it is ttan tin- proper traditioi sentiment towards the ^ ra,hier and" U«.kkec| Combine to Kick Social Bali ' Saturday after- instance - who 'hasn'r'heard of '"'s,'.. freshmen. as mention of this >">ar.t Apply »K>« «. Stat.- ! With Parties Tonight, Saturda// admitted according to date or rt»-} ntH/n that the Spartan* play foot- deah old trudition-soaked liar- tradition ' ' ceipt of applications Member* of j,„|| ti is going to broad- vard. Or take two ferns fl'Oti The All-n.ll. WVlrttnu* (lane* xpoiworert by Mortal* lb»anl last year's class need not apply us ;,| state games this R"*1' Wellesley twittering will be vfiM ii in th« I'tii'di b;illt'4Him this evening at !». Nate they will receive full information. • fltnt both those played at home tions and customs of d;« hose played abroad. Thi« they were there. 'Tis di Support the advertisers In .Fry's' nrchiv-t ra will pla>. Dean ami Mr*. Freil T. Mitchell ule of »pmi* broadcasts will! ing to pass through the do Michigan State News; they ami Ih MIS OltCIIKSTKA DANCING Win • it- t mirieou* jut vice ever >rfsfr^j2SC. Wher* are aurrountlinir* always ballroom Classes Where h everythinif lovely am! TOR HEGINNERS \Vh<» apparel tvpua! of You? Start Tuewd*y, October 1 Just in case you hattn'l heard AMONG Dill N K\\" HOOKS 'MA ( RICE" is ' • positively the last word huun wns invited to make his Sinn of ( ixili/jition h\ \Yill Durant g.VtM) New York debut last fucst artist with the New York season as The "Piccolino" I Dark Tents or Arabia b> Curl It. Ita**un *1.011 Mnri (pieett of Scotland by Stefan /wrig *1.50 M Line, aasisUnt. ani- Phiihai manic Symphony orches¬ Taught in th«- Adiunccd Class tra. under Bruno Walter Thm, Soul »i h\ I mlcMck Wight The Stir, look Ib.nn by V J t run in Keep Your Wit* by D.r*id Sea bury • M.WI $2.00 dogy; Duncan Stewart, geology and geography, J together with his ensuing recitals, established htm (irmly among American concert-goers as one of lleginning Monday, Sept. .10 800 Maurice Anna harenma' by I.im loKtoy The t owing Struggle for Cower by Straec* *1.00 ft.00 the finest exponent* of hut iiutru- Yirgiline DISTINCTIVE ATPAREL 295 North Wo*hin«ton rty in- The Michigan State n llege tym- Simmons SchiMil ELLISON BOOK SHOE (01 IN" ih-mulrV; 7..hn iiuttiKior, Zim. maihi-maiir, ""+"»!'• m H. anirt will Uw ron""v f«k*. coupon hnns your frirnd. inlu land officers and lists of pledges at :tant professor, history (replacing clow of rushing perUxf*, and re- iMis* Johnston, wbe died July A*. Jriuestini the college officials to K I. BalUcbry. Imlrurlnr. phtliwi>h»; Sidm-v ill. Nrwman. Imtiuitnr. ogy and phtkaophy; Paul Drr«.», *a,l'>a|1. prolrwia- ot pnnmlocy payrhol-i»«*<'«". horticul. ilu'* l**v* Ul »■ acting, i:™*"™ MATTHEWS OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT inatrtKinr, ma thematic. lj„rt*en house. Begin* ■ L. Godfrry, liuUuctnr, nlng at 8 o'clock In the stu»1rnt norok*; Dorothy : i , , •Aniniatration; T, M- Thmn, • parlor* on the wound floor every-, prufeaMor, home economics tre- one will be welcome^ expeciallyj piasing Miss Elisabeth Whittaker. freshmen. The wxAal cabinet has' now on leave). as- MAR-JO HAT SHOP Lea vet: Walter Morofsky. in* strucior, entomology (now- MAR-JO HATS MARJO HOSIERY leave to | This cabinet, which Is composed for $1.95 - $2.95 and Up the | of six M S. C. students, aim has i (dans for future parties writ under Conservation Coral Gables Will Open October 4th ! way. The second party will be the W. Sbcedy. \ ; mat let (now on leave to | "Cuckoo College.*