Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 15, 1971 State official calls highway plan a definite benefit Bv MICHAEL FOX cross-campus route Thursday afternoon in to University' Woodford cited other benefits viewed by Kellogg Center. Grand Trunk Western tracks would no Wharton for the board of trustees to hear State News Staff Writer the State Highway Dept. as accomodation of "The route would provide improved traffic movement across longer conflict with north-south campus commentary for and against the Construction of the access to MSU. This benefit is of campus, traffic traffic, and this would help to unify the proposed M-43 the utmost relief on Grand River Avenue,and a decrease cross-campus highway. It is proposed to be highway across south campus would be "a importance to both MSU and all Michigan in Harrison Road traffic flow. campus. Pedestrians and cyclists would also constructed by 1975 on University property definite benefit to the citizens," testified John P. Woodford, have access under the railroad at these University," a top "The proposed railroad grade north of the Grand Trunk railroad tracks. State Highway Dept. official told trustees at deputy director and chief engineer for the separations locations," Woodford said. Six of the eight MSU trustees attended the at Farm Lane and a public hearing concerning the Bogue Street will be of The highway Dept. of State Highways. tremendous benefit to MSU. Trains on the hearing, which lasted into afternoon hearings. Only Frank Merriman, the night hours, was arranged by President R-Deckerville, and Clair A. White, D-Bay City, were absent. About 40 individuals and organizations had requested permission to Library head speak at the hearing, wih some of these speakers consolidating their presentations in an effort to save time. takes out list Organizations testifying Thursday in support of the corss-campus included the Chamber of Commerce of highway greater Lansing, the East Lansing — Meridian of faculty pay Area Chamber of Commerce, the Pretzel Bell restaurant, the Ingham County Board of Road Commissioners, the Charter Township A copy of the MSU individual faculty of Meridian, and the City of East Lansing. salary list was pieced on the reserve reading Opposition groups speaking against the list in the Library Wednesday proposal included ASMSU, Residence Halls evening by Richard P. Oleksa, asst. professor of Assn., Faculty Environmentalists, Stop - business law and office administration. Campus • Access - Route (SCARV Cvclists Thursday morning it was checked out by for Cleaner America, the E-QUAL Richard E. Chapin, director of libraries, campus ecology group, Coalition for Human according to a reserve desk clerk. Survival, and Wilbur Brookover, East Hie clerk later would not Lansing city councilman. repeat the name of the person who had checked the document out. President Wharton presided over Oleksa placed the list on reserve for his Thursday's hearing, and read a statement of law and society (BOA 440) class under the MSU's responsibilities to open the title, "Public Institutions, Public and proceedings. He noted the University's Officials and the right to know." educational function, its role in supporting A State News reporter who tried to and furthering the land-grant tradition, and check out the document at 4 .its duty to service the citizens of Michigan p.m. within the areas of MSU's expertise. Thursday was told it was signed out. John "We have a responsibility to our students, Hayes, supervisor of the assigned reading section, said it was against Library policy faculty and staff to make the MSU campus to reveal who checks a particular item and its facilities conducive to the learning out, or how many process and an attractive and enjoyable people have checked it out. When asked if the Library could notify the place in which to live and work," Wharton said. reporter when the document was back, "But we have an additional responsibility. Hayes said the Library never notifies anyone when an Item is brought back. .And that is to be good neighbors to the Oleksa said he demanded at surrounding communities and not to seek to Chapin's exist in a vacuum. We are too great an office Thursday afternoon, that the influence — financially and geographically — document be returned to him. Chapin's to exist, even if we wished to," he said. Highway so secretary ret .ved it from his locked desk Wharton said he expected the highway and gave it back, Oleksa said. About 500 spectators attended the public "I expected Chapin would succumb to highway hearing in Kellogg Woodford of the State Highway Dept. testified before the board of trustees Venter on Thursday afternoon. John P. proposal to be an agenda item at the Nov. 19 board of trustees meeting. Though the censorship," Oleska said. "A bureaucrat is (at left with President Wharton) that the a bureaucrat." highway would greatly benefit MSU. Red balloons distributed by Project: City Hall read "No more trustees had approved the concept of a asphalt." Chapin said late Thursday that he State News photo by Jeff Wilner (Please turn to the back page) checked the docment out because he was "interested in it." Student "I check things out from the Library all participatio the time," he said. "I must have five books at home now, all properly checked out." Chapin indicated that as a faculty member, he would not have had to return the document at any specified time. should be felt in the Academic Council and methods-selection committee. The group seniors who have declared majors within the "I have the same privileges as a professor the standing committees, the most powerful has not yet met to make its selection. college. A poll will be distributed today to of journalism as he (Oleksa) has as a faculty bodies in academic .governance College of Engineering—The professional Student participation in academic college members on a list of possible professor of business law. He once had a However, before students can assume seats or technical society for undergraduates in methods for selecting the Academic Council governance, the subject of years of study on the council and in the committees, each book charged out for two years and I and numerous reports, is scheduled to be in each department will conduct elections representative. Once the results of the poll couldn't get it back despite letters that it full swing by Jan. 1. college in the University must first define its within the departments to choose a have been determined, action will begin was needed," Chapin said. constituency and then decide upon the representative to the Student using the chosen method for selecting the The major impact of student participation method of selecting their representatives to College Advisory Council. The council will council representative. the Academic Council. determine the method of The "Bylaws for Academic Government" selecting the college representative to the Academic College of Social Science—Within the next do not provide any procedures for Council, a representative to the Committee few days the faculty will vote on the student determining either the constituency or the on Academic Governance and method of selection, in order to allow the constituency. In addition, the Student 2 proposals colleges the maximum freedom in governing their own affairs. representatives to college committees. College of Human Ecology—The constituency has been defined as all major Advisory Council is working on a method-selection procedure. But it is this vagueness on College of Veterinary Medicine—No the part of the preference students. No method for definition of the constituency has been bylaws which is creating some delay in selecting the Academic Council determined. Both this matter and the Not Sci bylaw implementing the bylaws. To date, the steps taken by the colleges are not proceeding with striking speed, but representative has been decided upon. College of Natural Science—The method selection are in the hands of the Student Advisory Committee, which hopes constituency was defined as juniors and to have the material ready by Nov. 1. The proposal suggests that members of headway is being made in most colleges. By JUDY YATES The following is a capsule account of the the committee be chosen State News Staff Writer by lot from a progress being made toward implementing pool ofeligible members at the first faculty the new bylaws in each college: College of the Copies of two proposals for revision of Dept. of Natural Science bylaws, one meeting of the academic year. all Eligible faculty members are defined as faculty members except the department Arts and Letters-the constituency was defined last spring to include anyone who has indicated a mpjor preference in any of Student apathy perils suggesting substantial changes to the chairman, the administrative assistant, the departments of the college. Steps toward present bylaws regarding the Ad Hoc Committee for Reappointment and Tenure, have been distributed to Natural members of the department council or the faculty affairs committee, any member whose tenure or reappointment is polling students on the acceptance of petitioning as the means for selecting a academic cooperation Science faculty members. being representative to the Academic Council are considered and anyone who has served Stile's fears Copies of the proposal suggesting the underway. A voluntary group of students is were echoed by Theresa previously. Parrish, chairman of the Dean's Advisory substantial changes, drawn up by Raymond currentlj accepting petitions from students Hollensen, associate professor, were for the Academic Council seat. Committee in the University College. The proposal further The distributed to facul'.v members Thursday. suggests that College of Communication Arts—The Student interest—or lack of it—may be recently approved University members of the Ad Hoc Committee not be Eileen Van Tassell, asst. professor of constituency has been defined as anyone the major deterrent in bringing about College Bylaws, similar to the University on the department council the Legal sources Natural Science, received written or Faculty who has declared a major preference in the student participation in academic bylaws, provide for up to 30 seats for confirmed late Affairs Committee during their term of students on college governing committees. confirmation of the decision against her college. Once all the student representatives governance. Wednesday that six people are office. to the College Graduate Student Affairs The revised "Bylaws for Academic At present they are accepting wing studied by the American reappointment by the Ad Hoc Committee for Reappointment and Tenure for fall, Committee have been named, the Governance" which contain amendments applications for one committee—the The proposal suggests that before the Ad ,ar Association as candidates for 1972, the same day. Hoc Committee reaches any decision it will committee will meet with the College and inclusions providing for undergraduate University College Student Affairs o Supreme Court. Starting at The department and council will meet Undergraduate Student Affairs Committee and graduate student seats on most Committee—which is charged with interview each candidate and students of standjng committees and the Academic tne top, they are: Sen. Robert C. today and Monday to discuss its and the dean to select a method for choosing selecting procedures for filling the the candidate's choice. The proposal also Council, are scheduled to be in operation By*, D-W. Va.; Mildred recommendation tot he chairman. the college representative to the Academic remaining student seats. Lillie, a Copies of the second proposal, and suggests that the committee interview Council. by Jan. 1. There are positions for 10 students on J*8l|f°rnia state Appeals Court editing and clarification of the present students of its own choice and seek any other information deemed necessarv. College of Education—The Student But the go-ahead signal may never be the Student Affairs Committee. So far, Ms. ^dge; Herschel Friday, a Little °ck, Ark. bylaws submitted by a committee of Education Assn. and the Council of Graduate Students (COGS) will each flashed if students interest, two students who do not are show more involved in Parrish said, only one student has submitted an application. municipal bond faculty members, were distributed to According to the proposal, if the governing the University College, said "I'm afraid there won't be Jttorney; Charles Clark of ackson, Miss., a Southern judge; faculty members last August. A faculty meeting is scheduled for committee decides in favor of appoint three representatives to serve on a recently. students to. fill all the seats," Stiles said. enough reappointment, a staten.ent of the decision "And if we dont get the V via Wednesday when it is expected that the "Our primary concern is now that we necessary number the vote count will be sent to the Bacon, judge on District of and Tickets of people to fill the seats, especially thoae proposals will be discussed. department council. If the decision is have these provisions for student with provisions for non-whites and Panu SuPeri°r Court; and The Hollensen proposal suggests that negative, a vote couni and the reasons will Tickets for the B.B. King concert to be participation, if they aren't used, it is quite we can't fill them. In women, a ' Ron0y, judge on Federal , three full professors, three associate be forwarded to the department council. he)d at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 22 in the possible that when the faculty evaluates those seats." effect, we will lose PPeals Court in professors and one asst. professor hold the system at the end of two years, they New Orleans. representative designated by the Auditorium are still on sale at Marshall Stiles predicted that the same student , seats on the Ad Hoc committee. According may decide it's too cumbersome and costly AP wirephoto Music in East Lansing and at Campbell'% reluctance to get involved will show to the present bylaws, the entire tenured to have students participate," Allen Stiles, up In (Please turn to the back page) Smoke Shop. Price is S3. faculty sits on the committee. Lincoln Park senior, maintained. (Please turn to the back paga) 2 Friday, October 15, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan | SkL news Impounding Massoglia said the only way to spurs registered, and replace any bike signup The impoundment policy has the statement made by Massoglia, in view of students fain*., j summary Officers attack the ordinance at present is to go through the AH University Traffic Committee (AUTC), and bicycles that might be lost in the been jn existence as long as the shuffle." Bernitt later explained that ordinance, and the ordinance has been in the MSU Ordinance book "When we err we try to make restitution to the satisfaction of the individual," he said, register, "I think they had every right to do so." "My biggest complaint ' | From eh* wires of AP and UPI. reported that 200 ask that they recommend to the there seemed Uth»t bicycles had been impounded by many students had been misled sjnce its fiist publication in July, ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. to be a l«ri 3 p.m. Thursday and indicated board of trustees that the ordinance be removed or revised, by a previous article that implied 1964, according to officers, questioning the police method of student protection, according to Dublicitv publicity on on tho the impourl\0{ i~—. impounding will continue the impoundment policy was . policy from the department V today—the fifth day of a crack AUTC member Bemitt said new. Bernitt then collaborated on Massoglia. He said, however, that said, said. ' ht that the body could make down on unregistered bicycles. The impounding policy has had recommendations, but he was not "The the desired effect, officers added. aware of any for scheduled meeting. Wednesday's LETTER EXPLAINS SUIT inescapable, unavoidable An additional 1,893 bicycles have fact remains, that it is the lack of been registered by the Vehicle Massoglia said he attended a Fired meeting in Case Hall Tuesday, at prof adequate incomes which is the Registration Office since the V im major factor in hunger." -Clifton Wharton See related article, page 6. policy began Monday, bringing the number of campus-registered bicycles to 8,974. There have been efforts by which an ad hoc committee discussed the impounding policy. "Their primary concern", he said, "was that the ordinance be revised so that only unlocked case by the National AAUP office. te students to have impounding By JUDY YATES unregistered bicycles be Hildebrand was discharged by the Dept. of Social Science \5I stopped, but there is no way of State News Staff Writer in ■i y doing that until the ordinance 43.06 is changed or revised, impounded". He said students having any John R. Hildebrand, former associate professor of social Sept. 1969. He has filed a suit charging University officials with discharging him from his position for no legitimate reason and special problems obtaining their science and Latin American studies, Thursday, presented Jack not providing him with written reasons for his discharge. according to the director of the ASMSU Legal Aid Dept., Charlie impounded bicycle should Breslin, secretary of the board of trustees, with three letters The letter, dated Sept. 30, 1971, also reaffirmed War fever Massoglia. contact ASMSU Legal Aid, but which support his position in a suit against the board of trustees support of the I mounting "We investigated the possibility added, Bemitt had assured him that any mistakes in impounding and five University officials. Academic Freedom Committee's report of Feb. 19, state that Hildebrand had not been given substantial due 1969, which of going through the Student process The letters were addressed to Bertram Davis, general secretary War fever is mounting along the border between West or processing bicycles would be The letter was signed by former officers Albert Faculty Judiciary for an rectified by the department. of the American Assn of University Professors (AAUP.) Rabin Pakistan and India. injunction," he said, "but they- president; Michael Harrison, treasurer; J. Wilson Myers, secretarv' I Motorists are decorating their cars with signs saying don't have jurisdiction over "They will pay for any locks One letter, signed by members of the MSU chapter of the Frank Pinner, past president; Harold Wein, chairman of th that are cut in bicycles that were AAUP of 1968-69, requested an investigation of Hildebrand's Academic Freedom Committee; Einar "Crush India." Bank officials say many people are ordinances". The only body authorized to Economic Status Committee, and Byron Hardin, chairman of th! [ withdrawing their Brown, chairman of the money or transferring their accounts make ordinances is the board of Membership Committee. 1 Chicanos to cite charges to other cities, and businessmen are sending away their trustees and only they can rescind "It was a typical case in that tenure appeared to be families or making plans to do so. Peasant families are them, Richard O. Bernitt director denied on totally irrational grounds without reasons being given," a second I leaving their homes near the border. of the Dept. of Public Safety, letter signed by James B. Harrington, former vice said. president of th. * 1 board of trustees meet MSU chapter of the AAUP, said. at "It was our judgement that Hildebrand, who was also elected I Nixon visit 'important' by vote of the entire social science faculty to a two-year term on I the Dept. Advisory Committee, should have received Spokesmen for Sol De Atzlan, forthe Chicano group said. to the legislature. Capital outlay that in denying tenure the department tenure and In the first Soviet comment on the forthcoming said Thursday their group will The spokesman asked to is distinct from the University and due process was not given," the third regulations were violated attempt to present a statement remain unidentified. budget. The request is being letter, signed by summit meeting of President Nixon and Kremlin Vincent Lombardi, Ronald Puhek and James and various proposals to the The group hopes to "state our processed a full month after the Wagmen, associate leaders, Tass Thursday night called it "a really big and board of trustees at its meeting case" after the trustees finish trustees approved the professors of social science said. important event." at 10 a.m. in the board room of discussing the items on the University s 1972-73 budget The official Soviet news agency said the meeting the Administration Building. agenda. The Sol de Atzlan group request. shows that peaceful coexistence has become "a realistic "The purpose of being there is is not on the agenda. Current funds allocated to the to demonstrate to the trustees The trustees will also consider University for capital outlay force of international development." how difficult it is to be heard by for approval the University's include $5 00,000 f ot An article by Tass commentator Yuri Kornilov said the Soviet Union will "search with the capitalist TIFFANY RESTAURANT 1 this University," a spokesman 1972-73 capital outlay request gCOdl talks for the Life Sciences II Building. rOCeSSl countries, including the United States, for ways of Executive Vice President Jack & LOUNGE settling issues by way of talks." | The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State Breslin is expected to make a Food and University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and report to the board concerning fire protection for the MSU contract ru Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition campus. Hie report will include service . . . the agreement between MSU and The UMW sought an incre» Consumers defended Jim's is in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. the city of East Lansing for fire Peace talks in the Member Associated Press, United Press International, two-week-old national soft coal 'n *°P d«Hy wa8e 'rom W the talk protection. The University pays Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, strike recessed Thursday amid to $50, plus a doubling of the The House voted Thursday to set of the town East Lansing for fire protection up a new federal Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press reports that the industry had 40-per cent per ton royalty the agency to promote and defend consumer interests. Association. from the General Fund and made a new contract offer to industry pays the union, Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Midi. other auxiliary funds. 100,000 idle United Mine A repair shop at House passage of the controversial bill Editorial essentially as and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., There three items the composed by the Government Operations Committee Special Creek Michigan were on Workers (UMW). At the same non-union coal firm at St, State University, East Lansing, Michigan. agenda of the September board time, there were reports of Clairsyille, Ohio was burned by was a major defeat for consumer advocate Ralph menu eveh . .. meeting that were not discussed sporadic violence in some areas.' 1^0 UMW pickets according " Nader's congressional allies who characterized the Saturday evening Phones: because of lack of time. Those police. ,A Neither side at the company ,spot legislation as a skillfully designed deception. DOWNTOWN LANSING News 355-8252 are expected to be discussed Washington negotiations would estimated the loss at.$40,00(1 116 K. Michigan Classified Ads 355-8255 today. They include reports on comment on the contract offer He said the firm had not mined Advertising the All-University Traffic report. A union spokesman said any coal during the strike. KKKE KVENINC. I'ARKINC. 353-6400 48")-119b Business Office 355-3447 Committee, financial aid to only: "They will meet again Reports that a mine foreran students and water quality. tomorrow." had been assaulted and injured I Medina gets at Farmlngton, W. Va., were I discharge under investigation by police,! and minor vandalism wis | PoWNTOWN some reported from Pennsylvania. Capt. Ernest L. Medina, acquitted of murder and ELI involuntary manslaughter in the 1968 My Lai assualt, UMW pickets were said by police to have stopped a track I | 104 S. Washington 482-8415 will receive an honorable discharge from the Army hauling coal to the Weirton, W. I today, his military attorney, Capt. Mark Kadish, said Va., Steel Division of National ■ Thursday. DELICATESSEN Steel Corp., chased the driver I away and broken windows in the | A spokesman had announced earlier that the Army has approved the unqualified resignation of Medina, 35, COLD MEAT PLATTER vehicle. of Montrose, Colo. INCLUDES: CORNED BEEF, PEPPERED BEEF, SALAMI, SWISS CHEESE, BREAST OF TURKEY, also: JEWISH RYEand/or EGG BREAD, KOSHER PICKLES, POTATO SALAD & COLE SLAW Threats do no good OPEN 7-7, 7 DAYS A WEEK Democratic National Chariman Lawrence F. O'Brien warned Thursday against Professional Football... "attempts at intimidation or threats" from the far left or far right and said those unwilling to work for reform within the party should go elsewhere. Speaking a day after party regulars smashed a move by reform elements to name Sen. Harold E. Iowa to a key convention post, Hughes of Saturday Night... O'Brien told the Democratic National Committe that reform rules to LANSING guarantee minortiy rights do not permit anyone to make winning a requirement for staying in the party. VS Army researches cancer HAMTRAMCK The weapons big Army base that was used for biological research is to be turned into a center for CHARGERS finding a cure to cancer, it was learned Thursday. President Nixon is to travel to Ft. Detrick, Md., on Beginning Monday, Oct. 18, at Monday to announce the turnover of the former Army Biological Warfare Research Center into a new cancer reserach facility. your money will be at SEXTON MEMORIAL FIELD! Two named prospects 600 E. Crescent Drive Michigan Avenue, Herschel H. (next to the Manly Miles Bldg.) west of the State Capitol Friday, Little Rock, Ark, attorney, and Judge Mildred Lillie of Los Angeles were reported by a Senate source Thursday as leading prospects for two Saturday, Oct. 16,7:30 p.m- Supreme Court vacancies. They are among six possible nominees whose qualifications are being checked, at the Nixon MSU EMPLOYEES TICKETS ARE $2 administration's request, by the American Bar Association's committee on the federal judiciary. Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 ...... - WITH STUDENT ID ,, ★★★★★★★★★★★★★*** ******* Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 15, 1971 3 'U'-Chicano debate irrational' By MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writer News Analysis Ironically, while presenting with some necessary clarity the dilemma of the Chicanos in Fbr the past ten days, the which is the Michigan, the advertisement's University administration and several struggle for dignity, respect and security for challenge to a debate was a stupid, childish and area Chicano organizations have been Chicano6—especially those who are migrant workers. maneuver. damaging sparring over MSU's The programs and services for the Chicano minority group. difficulty in dealing with the issues being raised by the MSU administrators Insist they have never even been Two University Chicanos seems asked by to stem from the poor reports, one prepared by Robert Perrin, vice procedures the minority telephone, in person, or in writing to meet with the Chicano president for University relations, and the other group is employing to establish contact with the University compiled by the groups to discuss issues. Cooperative Extension Service administration. have documented briefly the Certainly, in view of the absence of previous contact with any educational programs for Spanish-Americans To be sure, there is much reason to be concerned about the of the University officials Chicano enrollment, and the status of MSU philosophy involved, a public advertisement to employment and assistance at MSU. regarding agriculture and business: is this come to a debate is hardly an effective mechanism for creating an While neither report has been very revealing in dollar terms, the University, through its scientific and intellectual progress in air of honesty and positive direction. reports do contain more than evasions. agriculture, displacing untrained migrant workers, creating No one can adequately defend the MSU does lead the other Specifically, it seems that University's past record in Michigan colleges in enrollment of unemployment, increasing welfare rolls, dehumanizing dealing with Chicanos—at least on the basis of the latest two MSU Spanish-surnamed students who indicate that individuals, and crippling the small farmer? reports. minority status on Those last few items in question form anonymous registration computer cards. are taken from a State But similarly, it is difficult to sympathize with the Chicano But while the News advertisement of last University has produced highly professional and week, placed by Sol de Atzlan, a groups—Sol de Atzlan, United Mexican-American polished reports-one even translated into Lansing Chicano community group. The advertisement served as a Community Spanish-the Chicano vehicle for the Chicano Organization, or the Chicano Veteran's Assn.—when they have complaints are hardly frivolous. The Chicanos are concerned group to unilaterally challenge the waged an irrational battle. Instead of talking about many things University to a debate Tuesday night, which the latter directly with affecting their minority group, not the least of never attended. group administrators, the Chicano groups have only used advertisements and press releases to the State News to publicize their protests. It might be questioned if all the Chicano KISSINGER VISITS PEKING headlines in the newspapers or if about the groups seek are more perhaps they really do care situation of their minority group. Certainly the administration of this predominately "gringo" institution cannot Nixon aide arranges reform and revise its progams and services for deliberated input from the minority Chicanos without trip groups. Just as certainly, the plight of Chicano farmers and all workers needs attention. A U.S. Senate migrant subcommittee last year WASHINGTON (AP) - Henrj Guam and conducted investigations into the migrant worker situation in Shanghai. official Hsinhua news agency this A. Kissinger, the top White Although Peking, stopping in Shanghai en country. Hie title of their many volumes of reports summarizes Ziegler said, "I said in a broadcast monitored in '33 House foreign leave for policy expert, will don't want to suggest anything Peking Saturday to to you about the President's Tokyo that Nixon's Phase 2 economic plan meant that "in route to navigator, pick up a Chinese the problems encountered by all minority groups struggling for a place to stand; the title is "Powerlessness". make final arrangements for trip," it liringing in the bottles President Nixon's historic route was would believed closely Kissinger's - if not his opinion the way to solve all problems is to let the capitalists 225 A»n Street HOURS MON.-FRI. 9:30 journey to mainland China. exactly parallel the Nixon have a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Press secretary — more profits. . SATURDAY 9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m Ronald L. I A young man makes his contribution to the environment by placing old bottles in the glass recycling container Thrifty Acres. at State News photo by Chris Fischer Meijer Ziegler, announcing Kissinger's travel plans Thursday, said the presidential assistant would stop itinerary. As preparations for the President's trip went forward, his domestic economic policies The inflation broadcast said U.S. is due basically to policies of "aggression and bY the U.S. ruler classes, war liscount records SUNDAY 12:00 Noon PHONE 351-8460 - 5:00 p.m. en route in and California, Hawaii, struck sparks in China. The particularly the unleashing and war of irown urges exclusion Kissinger will be accompanied by eight White House specialists in such diverse fields as communications and presidential >f council from UF ranks protection, plus a State Department representative. The party, which also will include a small support staff, will return sportsmen , -to Washington via ;y RANDY GARTON s group has a valid charitable organization field for Anchorage, group was active in financing Alaska, on or about Oct. 25. IjState News Staff Writer complaint, Brown said. "If the politics," Dr. Robert June, studies of the Wayne County Jail councils (MCCD and NCCD) are treasurer of Sportsman's and in initiating a program in is,,. Jim N. Brown, using UF money for essentially Alliance and a physician at the For Kissinger and two other which some criminal Ikemos, Thursday said that political purposes, it would be suspects members of the group it will be University Health Center said would be released without bail if the second National Council on Crime wel' to examine the situation Thursday. June said that a series trip to Peking in less they promised to appear for than four months. Kissinger and Delinquency (NCCD) and its and Possible discontinue of meeting with UF and MCCD trial. two members of his National higan chapter (MCCD) support. officials had failed to satisfy UF officials around the state Security Council staff, John H. uld be excluded from United Brown also urged the UF to members of Sportsman's and in Detroit said that the id (UF) membership if the re-evaluate its other operations Alliance that public funds would Holdridge and Winston Lord, boycott appeared to be having made a secret trip to Peking in [decides that the NCCD is not to check for other organizations be taken out of the political some effect. early July that led to Nixon's iper charitable organization. 'Jj8' "ot f't '°to the "broad arena. An official of the UF said that July 15 announcement that he proposal came one charity criterion appropriate for Joseph Gross, chairman of the money normally allotted for he called for a UF support. MCCD denied that any money would go to mainland China NC■, is a new offense put in on Wednesday of a For the usual nuisance or obscene call, I have heard that the provide inforamtiqn about narcotic l»» I often violent demonstration of Clearly student protests have been a game week? I wonder why some people hang up as soon as you determine what it great majority of violations or any other criminal ac tivity. 1 is. Don't rapes on campus go dissent has been usurped by the ballot who do play do not know the offense from encourage the caller by unreported for a How come there aren't more students on I significant force in decreasing the the first game and cost us precious yards. I a conversation. If they persist report number of reasons, not the least of which box. Students now have a more Vietnam troop level. The campus wonder why Billy JoeDuPree isn't thrown the problem to the Department of Public is that the University would be severely the All - University Traffic CommitW which writers the student motor vehicl® | effective means of changing the Safety. strikes, Kent State, the Cambodia too. How come Easy Allen isn't run embarrassed were the true facts released. system. outside? I'm sure at 160 pounds Eric loves Does the What is the true regulations? uprisings, and last year's moratoriums Dept. of Public Safety tap story here? Moreover, since the antiwar all served their purpose to running the dives into a 240 pound university telephones? Under what The existing structure of the All _ defensive lineman who in the open field Every alleged crime reported to the University Traffic Committee I movement's first stirrings, much has demonstrate the intensity and extent circumstances could this be done? department is investigated and is shown in Eric could tear apart. I wonder why 23 established in 1964; however, <1 sp«c,» I happened to calm the more vocal of student dissatisfaction with dive is run 20 times a ball game with a net No!! Only in those instances where a our reports to the University, the Michigan Study Committee established by Preside® I protest elements. Funds for antiwar judge has granted authority for this type of State Police and the Bureau Wharton earlier this year has recommend Nixon's war game plan. But the times gain of 18 yards total. I wonder why a 5' action and reasonable cause has of I publicity are lacking; few students 4" guard can play basketball for MSU. been Investigation. Farther, if our investigation changes in the make-up of the commit' • fl have changed and so should the .. I shown to necessitate such action. indicates that a particular here were aware that there is, indeed, tactics. wonder why we run a weave in Big known person, either What is the difference between a lo# I Ten basketball. I wonder why we do not If officer smells or unknown, committed the a war moratorium. Also, the draft In November, one third of our an marijuana outside of house is that sufficient grounds for him to a offense the Ingham County prosecutor is misdemeanor and a high misdemeanor I press until we are 20 points down with two Between misdemeanor and felony? I lottery has cut the number of senators: (including Michigan's minutes to play. I wonder why a 5' 4" enter and advised and a complaint and warrant is a a make an arrest if marijuana is prospective draftees by two thirds, in Robert Griffin, all of our guard started against Michigan. I wonder found? requested. The differences are in the pena'tiesI many cases eliminating these people how long it will take for people to realize Does the University can be imposed by a Court upon a t" I representatives, and, most An officer who or Dept. of Public $1° from the protests. we have talent there to play football. I knows the odor of Safety still utilize undercover "narks" in of guilty. Ninety days and / or (I importantly, the President, will be up burning marijuana and who detects such an for a misdemeanor; one year impr,sonn , V In addition, many nonwar elements wonder how long it will take us to stop odor behind a closed door has residence halls? for re-election. Students can have a probable and I or a fine for a high misdemeanor, | have infiltrated the war movement, recruiting Class D basketball players. I cause to believe a felony is beine The imprisonment in a state penitentiary significant impact on these elections want to know why we have 5 basketball department will accept the using it to garner support for their conviction of a felony. by working to insure that antiwar players on scholarship who will never play own interests and subsequently candidates elected and war for MSU simply because they are not IT'S NOT EA5Y FOR A 6lf?L TO I KNOli), PUT I ALWAYS USED ICANT5TA® are good alienating the more conservative advocates are defeated. To do so will enough. I wonder why people do not get a TALK LIKE THIS TO A 5W TO THINK HOW NICE IT WOULD PE antiwar elements. Finally, Nixon has chance to play at tnis University. I wonder HOU KNOW... IF THAT LITTLE REP-HAlREP 6IRL require the commitment of a great reduced the troop level somewhat; many students expect him to cut our committment in Indochina to deal of time and energy. In the end, however, it will be action at the ballot box and not rally polemics which will how long the students, the adminsitrators and alumni are going to let this continue. I wonder why . . . James J. Humes Jr. IdOULP JUST COME UP TO ME. ANP.. WCKJCKf practically nothing in order to save his decide the extent of America's future Grosse Pt. Woods neck at the polls. sophomore military involvement. Oct. 13,1971 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 15, 1971 5 >0INT OF VIEW Shah s celebration criminally wasteful BV IRANIAN STUDENT over half of them between the all parts of the country, there ASSOCIATION OF MSU ages of 7 to 14, are wage earners. Most of the workers in are children, young people and spent on the Shah's army and his by the secret police. contains thousands of Iranian carpet the American trained secret I Oct 10-18 marks the factories (Persian rug factories) aged suffering malnutrition and lack of medical from (SAVAK). Of police this Due to the coming students in Europe and America. fulminating point of the Shah's are pre-teen children earning care. At the present time there includes neither course, the $892 celebration, the wave of repression has been intensified Nevertheless, the Confederation Bear long activity regarding the between 15 to 20 cents for a 12 are 11.7 hospital beds for each million U.S. military aiu before to suffocate all intends to continue its Llebration of 2500 years of the hour day. 10,000 1968, nor the arm purchases opposition. opposition and to expose the Jersian monarchy. For the heads In face of this shame, the 100-140 persons beds comparing to in reported by the New York Recently, the Shah's regime has arrested 4000 persons and 30 of corruption and repression of the Kf states attending, the Shah has Shah's Court Minister, Alam, countries and there is developed Times on July 25, 1971. In that them in unknown Shah's regime. luilt a multi-million dollar tent states: "Even if we were a only one are an In closing, we the members of poor physician for every 3223 people report it was indicated that condition—perhaps awaiting Iranian (ty in the middle of the desert nation, even If we were a nation in Iran and only 5 between 1965 and 1971 the U.S. Students of MSU, Jear the ruins of Persepolis, the with nothing, even if we had no per cent of these doctors practice in the had also given $2.6 billion credit execution. No given reasons have been for their arrests and the condemn anyone Shah's regime, his supporting the ■ncient capital of Persian beliefs, even then it was to Iran for celebration, villages where 65 per cent of the arm purchases. charges are unknown. and anyone giving recognition to Impire. completely justified that we sell people live. While 40 per cent of Considering the fact that Iran is fFor this extravagant our rugs, blankets and Suppressive and intimidating his fascist rule. To us, all those Iranian families live in not involved in any war, the everyday precautions are being taken to Llebration the Shah of Iran has needs and have the celebration." houses, one room question remains why so much insure that this supporting the regime, whether ■located well over $500 million. Mr. Alam not only is Kings, queens, and celebration involved in the MSU-Arya Mehr trying to presidents money should be spent on arm passes in "peace". Tlie Southern Everything for this festivity, tell us that the Iranians cannot are now lounging in project, or those attending the the comfort of purchase and military programs! part of the country is heavily £om milk to a $275 million exist without Kings, he is also omate designed by Jensen of Paris. tents Since 1953, we have had militarized, the city of Shiraz, a celebration, are regarded as the enemies of the Iranian people, Kjcrowave communication revealing that Iran, under the While statistics show that each thousands of executions, and at few miles from Persopolis, the Tstem linking those heads of leadership of Arya Mehr (sun of Iranian consumes only 2.7 the present time there are over center of the celebration is the enemies of those children fates to their capitals, is being the Aryans), 26,000 political prisoners, many earning between 15 and 20 cents Exported from abroad. Tne only Shadow of God,King of Kings, pounds of meat per month, the closed and special passes for a 12 hour day, those children and the center regime has commissioned of them suffering from medieval lem not imported is two tons of of the Universe, namely, the Maxim's of Paris to (passports) are required for who die in the villages because styles of torture. The Shah, with travellers. of lack of medicine and Kviar, of which Iran is the sole present Shah has been able to feasts. prepare the total support of the The Iranian students abroad, and the enemy of those tortured food, Eporter. Hie cost for poverty break the vicious circle of Why would the regime of the American government, has have, for many years, supported in the Shah's prisons because Mricken Iran is so high that, poverty and join the ranks of Shah need such an created an atmosphere of terror the •cording to the New York extravagant celebration the struggle of the Iranian they want to be free. We would advanced and prosperous celebration? TTie regime has is attempting to show that Iran and oppression. For example, all masses against the fascist limes of July 14, 1971, answer lies in a undertaken massive Shah, raise the same slogan that our nations. speech by the Shah's twin sister, a publicity, is safe for American and other radio and TY stations are under and his colonial masters. It is brothers and sisters have been ■government officials are The fact of the matter is that, Ashraf, "We all know that internally and internationally in foreign investments. After all, he government ownership and because of this very fact that in ■nbarrassed when asked to while the Shah and his 5000 trying to justify its existance and his throne to the western raising in the Iranian universities, monarchy is even today the best owes surveillance, while all magazines, Jan. 1971 the Shah outlawed the Btimate the overall cost of the guests are celebrating in the tent form of government for to convince the people that the powers. newspapers, and books are World Confederation of Iranian that 'A Hungry People Does Not ensuring Need a 2500 Year Celebration'. Hebration." city, a few hundred miles away, the security, stability, social monarchy has been, is, and will directly controlled and censored Students national Union, which J TTiese awesome figures will be there is starvation in the welfare, and integrity of a be, what the stability and At first he UNITY-STRUGGLE-VICTORY nd by a people whose children, province of progress of the country depends was brought to Baloochestan, and in nation." Through this power by the British in 1941, upon. Internationally, the Shah when Iran was invaded by the Allies. In the late 40's and early 50's the Iranian people were >OINT OF VIEW struggling to nationalize the oil industry, and to gain independence. At this time, the pro-Western Shah was exiled. While in Right on' from Ex-kings exile, he was collaborating with deposed military owners, the officers, big bank giant American and European oil companies, and the CIA (Sources: Nation Magazine, "Que ^qfPizza have been able to keep your subjects in their By KRISHNA KUMAR governments. However, you did spend March 1963 Issue, CIA The I instructor. Center for Urban Affairs proper places but also because your example millions and millions of dollars on erecting Inside Story, Niroumand's book "Grand celebrations have begun In Iran to hark the 25th centenary of the Persian gives us a ray of hope that one day the forces of monarchy, feudalism and would unite and wage a successful war serfdom vast platforms, buildings and what is still on more important, your own statues, that would always remain a monument to the Iran). Their collaboration brought Hobie's jtonarchy" against the forces of democracy and justice. Your Excellency serves as abeaconof light power of monarchies in the twentieth forth the coup d'etat of August Kayhan International century when humanity could reach moon 1953, that resulted in the Oct. 10,1971 to all of us who were simpleenough to bow and aspired to cross the solar system. following: 1) The re-emergence | On the occasion of the 25th centenary of to the demands of the oppressed masses. How much we wish that we had had the The way, your Excellency and your staff, of Western influence and ie monarchy in Iran, which is being held could extort money and gifts from the poor, domination politically and Kith great pomp and show an important fortune of having your guidance as regards semi-starving subjects to celebrate the economically, with the United Tessage sent by two thousand, five hundred the maintenance of a vast army of personal centenary in a grand manner, is indeed States becoming the dominant lid fifty one ex-kings, ex-monarchs and guards, Secret Police and a well-equipped laudable. We honestly believe that after the power (rather than Great Ic-rawabsincluding 600 ex-Maharajas tyom military to fight and kill all those whose only csar you are the only King who could Britain). 2) The emergence of Jidia whose pensions are likely t<* be Bopped by Prime Minister IndlrgCatldhl) tb crime was to demand a little political freedom or social justice. We would have successfully do it (csar of course had to run repressive military ^ and police from the Soviet Union). Our salutations. rule by tlw Shah. Today, 70-per fie Shah Of Iran has been withheld from the also liked to learn from you as how to close May we bring it to the notice of your cent of the oil revenues is being ». After a great scoop KKSS (Krishna universities and teach a good lesson to the excellency that we have decided to form an [umar Secret Service) has managed to students who are led astray by the "liberal intemationale to fight for the establishment Icure a copy which we would like to share lith students, faculty and staff on this lampus. Since the document is very democrats" of the U.S. variety. Alas, in our times we were more concerned with keeping harems than ith wiping out unfaithful of the monarchies all our most over the world. One of important demands is that all the heads of the governments should be known Remember When.... . Jonfidential and has not secured the intelligentia or unreliable friends. as emperors, kings or maharajas depending Jearance from the Government of Iran, we Your Excellency would permit us to say upon the size and resources of their nations DINE-IN, CARRYOUT, FAST CAMPUS DELIVERY PHONE 351-3800 e looking forward to the prosecution of lie State News under the Espionage Act of that you are the single monarch who has complete control over the subjects and can to mark the centenary celebrations. Thus Mr. Nixon should be known as Emperor Oct 21 3 ■00 B. C. (enacted by the first Persian do anything at his own sweet will. While Nixon, Mr. Podgorny as Csar Podgorny and Monarchy on the 1st day of its rule). our hearts wept at the poverty of the British Ms. Indira Gandhi as Maharani Indira I The message reads as follows; monarchy, we pride on your achievements. Gandhi. lyour Excellency the Great Great Shah of For, yours is the only monarchy in the world Our slogans are: Ban: which dares to celebrate the 25th centenary Power to the Kings ■ On this glorious occasion of the 25th of its oppressive rule at a time when the Long Live the Unity of ex-Monarchs Wntenary of the monarchy, we the ex-rulers people have forgotten the pomp and glory of We pray Your Majesty to give us all n all over the world wish to convey our the bygone ages. possible help and guidance in this new Jeartfelt lAVAK felicitations to your Majesty and to we are sorry that you could not make a Taj Mahal on this great occasion. For, it would venture. (Secret Police) that has been We remain respectfully yours Sponsible for the perpetuation of your have taken at least 25 years in spite of all Igime. We rejoice not only because you help from the 'friendly' foreign Ex-kings PRETZEL BELL SUNDAY SPAGHETTI SPECIAL $1.50 Includes a hefty of tasty spaghetti, and salad. George Washington knew how to make a dollar go farther. liegins at 2:00 p.m. in Times haven't changed since George's record toss. Everything with warm, roaring fir keeps going up while our ability to-pay lags behind. We at East Lansing State Bank can help you make your dollars go farther. Just open a regular passbook savings account Beer, Wine & Cocktails with us and watch what 41/4% daily compounded interest can do. No minimum deposit, no waiting, just the maximum return From the day of deposit. warm, roaring fires Daily compounded interest at 41/4% on regular passbook savings is available at East Lansing State Bank, your Hometown Bank. Now with 1020 Trowbridg -±0 Trust Services. Member: F.D.I.C. East Lansing State Bank 351-0300 —\ ^"Pntzel^Bell 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 15 Hometown hails Graham CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - Iron Curtain. the Graham Day events, said: One woman said in a letter to "A prophet is not without The Billy Graham "Most of the people around here the Charlotte Observer that the honor, save in his own country, and in his house." Matthew organization estimates that 43 million people have heard his are right proud of Billy." Classes in Charlotte and Graham arrived in Charlotte city shouldn't honor Graham * * * ♦» own 13:57. Some Charlotte residents sermons in person and that 1.12 million have come forward in Mecklenburg County schools on Thursday for a luncheon with have been canceled so pupils can O'Herron because he has public stand against the not taken a A . and Chamber of proposed sale of mixed alcoholic regard evangelist Billy Graham as answer to his appeals to repent. attend the ceremony at the Commerce President Charles beverages, an issue to be decided a prophet and they want to Millions more have seen him on 12,000 - seat Charlotte Coliseum Crutch field and a private by referendum in Mecklenbuig make sure he is not without television and heard him on or see Graham and Nixon in a reception later for about 500. County Nov. 5. honor "in his own country." radio broadcasts. Thousands from Graham's Graham plans a second hometown are expected to turn crusade in Charlotte next year. out today for Charlotte's Billy Graham heads Day President the list of Nixon officials His first one was in 1956. Graham said that Treasury Secretary John B. Connally, Educator scheduled to appear. former governor of Texas is Graham was born on a dairy among those expected to attend on new pr farm on the outskirts of town today's program. "He and I have Nov. 7, 1918. In 1940 he was been close friends since, oh let's ordained a Southern Baptist see, 18 or more years - long minister, and seven years later he before he went into politics," began preaching to mass Graham said. Malcolm Catz, East Lansing determine what sort of . .. Lonely lane audiences. All of Graham's family are superintendent of schools, will be educational program is best for ^ *rr° n! Th„! th^ This late evening photo of Farm Lane is quite a contrast to the usual crowds of students and masses Graham has crusaded in expected to be in Charlotte the guest speaker Sunday at the their child. For instance, students meeting determine what they of cars seen here during the day. State News photo by Donald Unitarian Universalist Church at would have the opportunity to want to discuss and develop. Sak nearly every major city In the except his older son, William United States. His crusades Franklin Graham Jr., who works 855 Grove St., East Lansing. choose their own programs or to abroad have taken him to most in a mission hospital in Jordan. study independently. The entire major cities in western Europe, Edward O'Herron, general to Catz will speak on his proposal structure would center on have schools in the district whethera child needs more or less HOUR-LONG SPECIAL to the Orient and behind the chairman in charge of setting up offer different kinds of direction, educational programs with UNIVERSITY Show traces Jesus rock FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH different approaches. Prior to the service and Catz's (Disciples of Christ) BAPTIST CHURCH speech, Donald Tittleson, East Lansing teacher at Donaley and 1001 Chester Rd. (one block 4608 South Hagadorn Pinecrest Schools, will be north of Grand River at a featured. He will speak on the John D. Walden Pastor "Jesus Rock," a look at the theatre, and views part of the Rock music's influence on the point 1/3 mi. west of - UNIVERSITY alternatives already present in the University Methodist Churchi origin and meaning of the film, slide, and sound traditional church worship is the Rev. William Meilke of tb Frandor) For Information SEVENTH-DAY East Lansing school system. religious rock movement of the presentation of the "Mustard examined in interviews with the MSU Department of Worship services at 8:30 & or Transportation 351-4194 "Jesus People," will be aired at 10 Message", a multi-media show Rev. Orin Smith of People's Relig™ 11:00 a.m. College Age class ADVENTIST CHURCH Also appearing arc Barney Whiu After the 10:30 a.m. service, a Bus Schedule 332-8472 p.m. Sunday on WMSB-TB's"On designed to renew faith in God. Church, the Rev. Alden Burns of of the State News and David at 9:30 a.m. discussion period will follow and A. School of Discipleship 6:45 Sabbath School 9:30 Assignment." Wright, East Lansing graduate For coffee will be served. The hour-long special on transportation, call Worship Service 11:00 student, and Michael O'Sullivu, 337-1246 and ask for Dale. Worship Sunday School Channel 10 traces the Social Detroit graduate student. —, , 10:00 AM 11:00 AM K. G. Smith, pastor The Student Religious Liberals deVelopment of the synthesis of "The Sabbath: Fact 11:00 A.M. 149 Highland Ave. also will hold their first meeting of the year Sunday at the church ^usic and Jesus from the b,ack rh thm and blues of the group The highly acclaimed was propm produced, directed, itf or Fancy The student program, which written by Jim Cash, producer* Call 351-8994 if you begins at 5 1950,s [Q the new forms of WMSB. EAST LANSING RINITY CHURCH need transportation dinner, p.m. with a potluck self-directed reIigioU8 expreSsion in the music more black "Jesus Rock" will Ik fi of Judy CoUins> James Taylor, rebroadcasted Monday, Oct. If 841 Timberlane Drive and the rock opera, "Jesus Christ THE at noon. Stanley R. Reilly, East ST. JOHNS Superstar." Lansing EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY Homes for black and biracial sponsored by Catholic Social _ . Acting Pastor The program visits a commune Telephone: 351-8200 AT M.S.U. STUDENT CENTER to talk with people turned on to children will be the theme of the Services of Lansing, couples do PrODQtlOn given first Catholic Social Services not have to be Catholic to work Interdenominational 327 M.A.C. the Jesus cult, watches a with the agency. Holy Communion at 5:00 p.m. open house Sunday at Trinity . » University Class 9:45 a.m. performance of religious street Sundays in the Alumni Chapel New Mass Schedule — AME Church, 3500 W. Holmes The program, open to the 'O v-QlSOn S SOD "Discovering the Mind of Christ" 6.00 p.m. The Rev. Jack Hilyard, Chaplain Road, Lansing. public from 2 to 4:30 p.m., is an Sundays FIRST ASSEMBLYof GOD Although the open house is attempt to recruit black families PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. ALL SAINTS CHURCH for black children. Richard W. Carson, 19 • year old 8:30 6:00 p.m. Barbara McKnight, adoption son of entertainer Johnny 9:45 9:00 p.m. 1125 Weber Dr. LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES 11:15 (a bl. N. of E. Gr. River at PAC schedules worker at the agency, said that Carson, has been placed only one black family a year unsupervised probation afte Saturday 7:00 p.m. Downer) may come in expressing interest pleading no contest to a charged St. Johns East Rev. Richard W. Bishop, Pastor additional show in adopting a black child. illegal possession of marijuana. 9:45 AM COLLEGE CLASS Three or four staff members Across from Hubbard on Carson and a companion Gary for Students and for Students at 10:50 AM WORSHIP An additional Faculty at presentation of wm present as will black M. Golden, 21, of Levittowi University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel Hagadorn 7:00 PM EVANGELISTIC Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Road 9:45 „ % lf:15 r Pfrf°rmi."g ArtS C^Vany» (PAC) Twelfth Night will be parents and their adopted N.Y., waived grand 332-2559 332-0778 Daily (M.A.C.) children. A panel discussion and indictments through shown at 10:45 p.m. Saturday in :00 1 2:30 4:30 For transportation call question and answer period are attorney. Judge Anthony A. Pastor David Kruse St. John's East - 484-6640 the^FsurchildTheatre. planned. Gianni placed them on Mon. thru Thurs. 9:30 p.m. jj-f. additional spokesman said the Refreshments will be served unsupervised probation Tuesday showing was an(j there will be a supervised because necessary because all other they have received Central United Methodist room for children of those overseas assignments from WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN performances were sold out. the] 8:15 a,m. Matins 1st and 3rd Communion Across from the Capitol attending. Navy. 9:15 a.m. Common Service WORSHIP SERVICE 9:30 and 11:00 CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE 10:30 a.m. Common Service 2nd and 4th 310 N. Hagadorn 9:45 & 11:00 Take it easy. relax. get some exercise. have funl 251 W. Grand River . . . . . . 11:30 a.m. New Expressions Matins 9:30 only Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m. "Where Do You Find the Joy?" UNION BUILDING FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEMOS ALWAYS OPEN 4684 MARSH ROAD (near Meijers ITiriity Acres) Minister, Kail Ruffner Nursery, Toddlers, Kindergarten 9:45 AM BILLIARDS ROOM An Church School unaffiliated church Bible as THE proclaiming the WORD of The Living God. Free Transportation 10:45 a.m. & BOWLING LANES Sunday Services BILLIARD ROOM UNIVERSITY UNITED PEOPLES CHURCH — $1.00 per hour 9:45 A.M. Bible School Classes for all ages METHODIST CHURCH Mon. & Fri. 11.30a.m. 11:00 p.m. EAST LANSING - 11:00 A.M. Worship Service Tues.,Wed., Thur. 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. 6:00 P.M. Junior & Senior High Fellowships 1120 South Harrison Interdenominational Sat. & Sun. 3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. Praise Service Phone 351-7030 200 W. Grand River 8:30 P.M. Counibus (a college university, 1 8 PINBALL MACHINES/ at Michigan youth rap & snak session) Crucial Church Equation 332-5073 Rev. Donn Doten ROWLING LANES - 50c per tine SUNDAY SERVICES Winthrop E. Robinson, Pastor Phones 349-2830, 349-2533 Mon. & Wed. 5:15 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. Tues.,Thurs., Sun. 2:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 12:00 noon - 11:00 p.m. EDGEWOOD UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 Church School 9:30 and 11:00 469 N. Harrison An Ecumenical Nursery Fellowshipworship Service and Church School :30 Sermon by Dr. Truman A. Morrisonll:00 New Liturgy n a.m. 332-0606 or 332-8693 6 p.m. Christian Reformed Church Service Bus Schedule Meeting 10:35 Vakeley, Williams 5:35 and Student Center CHURCH SCHOOL 10:38 Brody complex (at blinking light on Harrison Rds.) 5:38 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. 10:40 Wilson (at Univ. bus stop on Birch 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) Rd.) 5:40 Crib through Adults 10:41 Wonders & Hoiden (at Univ. bus stop on Wilson Rd.) 5:41 Visit our new Student Center — 10:42 Case (at Univ. bus stop on Chestnut) 5:42 open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. Coffee Hour 10:43 Owen Hall (on Bogue St. Circle) 5:43 Lunch Wednesday 12:30-1:30 After Services 10:45 in front of each) » 5:45 MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE 10:48 s stop in front of 5:48 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 10:50 Rev. Hoksbergen preaching Akers & Fee (circ :onrad) 5:50 10:53 McDonel & Holm '• 2 5:53 "A Brighter Future" "Ever} body's Doing It" Grand River complexes) side! 5!« for transportation call 351-6360 at Collingwood Entrance or 882-1425 East Lansing Sunday Services 11:00 AM Lesson Sermon Subject SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH ■ "Doctrine of Atonement" 1518 S. Washington Sunday 7 p.m. Lansing "What The World Faces" Wednesday Testimonial Meeting 8:00 p.m. Sunday School to age 20 9:45 A.M. 11:00 a.m. College Bible Class in the fireside room. Reading Room Temporarily Dr. Ted Ward, located in Church MSU, Teacher OPEN Weekdays 9 ■ 5 p.m. Dr. Howard F. James Emery Sugden, Pastor Youth Pastor Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri, eves 7 ■ 9 p.m. It's the real thing. Coke- 11:00 A.M. "God Gets To Us" All are welcome to Real life calls for real taste. attend church services and visit For the taste of your life—Coca-Cola. FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening and use the reading Bottled under the authority of The Call 482-0754 for information. room. Coca-Cola Company by; The Coca-Cola Bottling company, MichM" Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 15, 1971 fficial cites demand for Jy KAREN ZURAWSKI ptate New! Staff Writw the The plan calls for aidewalka, exapnding putting in planters, temzzo and "pretty ah, - „pllllM(1. to know about it," he said. He discussed the possibility linking the city and campus bus of authority ~iy' Composed of East Lansing and eight townships the Lansing M "0ur fir8t obj€ctive was to What, We had for students campus Carney explained was that possible because the bus this innovative highway transportation. forms "People are our concern, not lines to provide better service for i, and how to get them from the proposed E. Grand River Avenue would local residents. Futuristic plans transit authority is expected to P8°P without cai8'" he company serves the inner city minibuses operated one place to another," Camey implement at new bus program and low-income people who are . I accor^ngVcamey °P " rtation problem in East four-lane highway, system, Carney said. f Arthur T. Carney, asst. Carney said the beautification _ Cooperation *u is wa "vvwbivj necessity of business, Under _ Camey S31Q. the transit~ authority,1 , u wi -..J uuaiucao, V/flrncy said. LflSt East ——— — appoint their representatives to "KKW,1,V wv«i»uv«,vw now to offer the people better vv ■_n „ _ fcanager said Wednesday. plan would would provide anesthetic an ..thott,. .n esthetic mMon Mossman, MSU # professor of 1 Lansing and Meridian Township East L"18"1* and the townships the transit authority and work >s would be fighting their continuation of the campus into service, Carney said. aided the company with relief win contract f°r services with demand routes, schedules Grand River, which in the community, end stnaaed „i..ratirtn nnint as 32SSJSL administration "rsrs were East Thv..c»»"p' metropolitan °< Lansing, which along with out and other details, the transit rnnnpratinn hptwppn thp Jv at the saturation point as cooperation between the mmnus ..„ I.ancino'c authority beeen income from fares will pay for campus Lansing s representatives ranrouintalivac nn on a a . .. . ° authority will be ready to (f safety is concerned," he and city, multi-unit committee which when the )ocal governments began considering improvement Lansing then applied to the the operating costs. operate. d "If the campus is going to ban established the articles of federal government for some and Importation would be all cars, East Lansing would like Incorporation for the transit system. preservatlon of the bus money through the Model City | and more pleasant If there Program. What's Happening at the Mall: I not all this traffic, he K>ued. IN GLASS PROJECT KNOW-HOW, U.S.A. Ifeople would be alarmed An exhibition of handicraft skills of American Indians y viewed it from the air," I He compared the traffic Now-Sunday -olid herd of cattle going Lh a narrow corral. entire Ived. he said. boulevard on Jj River Avenue will have to Jnoved if the highway is not Negligence threatens recycling By TONY PELLILLO paper sacks, and bottle tops in the citizens the opportunity to set up a service container on also DILLON'S WORKING WORLD State News Staff Writer service containers mixed in with W. Grand River, Okemos, and j out that most of dispose of non-returnable glass North Harrison and Kalamazoo 6200 S. Pennsylvania, Lansing, See 251 hand-carved characters and 51 European scenes Ingestion is due to through - Consumer carelessness in using th^lass Owen bottles Illinoisto Glass be recycled. Co. of bottles in an ecologically St., near the Brody Complex. Each service center is located created by 3 G Is during 8 years in Europe. which Carney said the glass-recycling containers may Charlotte is the firm that does the advantageous way, John Dice, an The project failed because behind a Meiier Thrifty Acres, East Lansing resident and :ampus highway would project children were climbing the The city of Detroit originally for Environmental Action (CEA) jn?L recently coordinator said. containers and throwing glass sitive beautification plan j for East Lansing by X\rbor architects could not glass recycling project, spokesman said recently. In recent weeks, workers at notified the CEA that future truckloads of glass not properly segregated (minus the garbage and metal) will be refused. Dice stressed that glass be free from any metal. He also brought the service containers should down onto the lot. This containers offered year, the by the Granger Construction Co. are covered, had 33 similar glass receptacles, Dice said, but lack of interest it the project and vandalism forced a cut to □ laitslng mall 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy. only two containers. Elemented with the current three Meijer Thrifty Acres The environmental project, if suggested that consumers observe The receptacles are located at the separate divisions in the 5125 W. | situation, he said. parking lots have found garbage, properly performed, gives Saginaw, Lansing, 2075 receptacles for brown, green and clear glass. ^ i &¥>/><' The 15-foot high metal service v-OUCm containers aid transportation to SpriflCJS and from the recycling center are furnished by WQnt©d Itolion Granger Construction Co. of East Lansing. ROME Net costs (AP) — Police said that are covered by the $20 when two officers went to the per ton price for reusable glass, home of Coca Cola Bottling Co. offered to 33-year-old Italo Permanelli to arrest him, his wife 5 WITH an estimated officers observed them siphoning balloon was thrown through her help meet costs if necessary, Dice said he was out. They decided I of 1>102 were taken from K"3 from a car Parked in the ^indow, breaking it and causing said. to wait, sat down on a couch Wonders Hall coeds southeast corner of lot K near $25 damage. The eight suspects The CEA project began last and discovered the wanted man >n 10 d m. and 10:40 p.m. Kellogg Center. The two had previously been told to leave July and was patterned after the Uw whilp thev were later told officer that they took the lobby by the Wonders Hall City of East Lansing's attempt to hiding between the springs and & party in the'lounge, «« because they were short of receptionist following a fight the cushion. L eonnrtert The trirls told money. They have been referred with what police described as |rs they had left the room to the prosecutor for further appeared "plastic bags filled with what to be water." fc^r^mTinX MALEteeidenUor the wedding f $MK'I ?n 'currency ""wd b>- police in connectioS BICYCLE estimated value of $10 with was ^ rhprks missing nolice wlth a malicious incident that occurred at 3 destruction a.m. stolen from the racks at Wells Hall. It carries registration of her dreams . . 4 POFD IN WEST Thursday. A coed in South number E-2216 police report. ION n her HALL room discovered a at 8:50 p.m. Wonders, reported to police that she was awakened when a water Another worth $20 was taken from the Butterfield Hall racks. begins at lesday, and screamed Jening the suspect who then ■police report. A search of In this age of Jon Anthony revealed a wallet "Gimmick Restaurants" lining $5 missing. Police are litly seeking a suspect the excellent cuisine and gracious Florist 1 described as 19 or far-old black, 5 feet 9, 185 service are still a tradition at Is with a mustache and his parted on the left side. The t was last seen wearing a ■colored leather jacket and ■CHECKBOOK and a $10 pre taken from the room of |d in West Wilson Hall e between Monday and I Wednesday officers were I All items were taken from d metal file box located lesk drawer, and police Vg for a suspect. are 12995 1 TWO STUDENT PENTS of Baily Hall, age Qd 18 were apprehended at Thursday when Panasonic sound Restaurant of Lansing for '72! compact 321 East Michigan Avenue Phone IV5-7179 Sonisphere stereo A compact stereo phonograph with built-in FM/AM/FM stereo radio that features looks a woman doesn't mind next to her WHY PAY MORE? furniture, and sound a man will like anywhere. Contemporary good looks with twin tower speakers, plexiglass dust cover. SE840 Home Entertainment Center, Capitol Avenue and Meridian Mall. ALL NEW POP LP'S ALWAYS (SOUL, ROCK, FOLK, JAZZ) 4n taik happy talk with gaily ' Canon >98 colored little people parading on soft-woven taupe grounds. Side- buttoned tunic and pants with sunny yellow nylon knit shirt. famous Canon TL 35mm \Campui. ■ 217 E. GRAND RIVER 332-4616 Mad J SLR camera Features 50mm Canon tl.8 lens, sale priced shutter speeds to 1/500th second, a ACROSS FROM THE UNION J quick-load, quick-change lens mount, precision Canon quality throughout. si 59 A good placa to ipand a Saturday. Flash included. Cameras, Capitol (WHERE YOU'RE ALWAYS BETTER OFF) Diractly across from tha Union. Avenue and Meridian Mall reg. $199 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Abortion repeal group plans D.C. march WONAAC, is new in the area but hopes to gain enough supporters Midwest can obtain abortions by in an abortion case would be the cure that I would availability of abortions. Keemer said. to fill bus to go traveling to New York, but poor I could say that the mental administer," Keemer said. "For many women who don't "I believe it "Our goal is the a to Washington women cannot afford the tension of being pregnant would He said he believed that have the money to travel, or who between the woman,,, should J repeal of all on Nov. 20. abortion laws, no forced transportation costs to New be detrimental to the health of doctors should come forward seek an illegal abortion - the doctor," he added «.Jd i sterilizatin and the repeal of all According to a group York, even if the abortion is the mother and an the an abortion because of the inequity of cost hanger is the final say." Dr. else." ' contraception laws," Sherry spokesman the group needs done free. ,— endorsements from medical Smith, a volunteer for the Women's National people, and also funds to carry According to Nellis, NARAL's Abortion organizational activities lawyer in Washington, NARAL /? »VV\ Action Coalition (WONAAC), on is approaching the before the Washington march. repeal issue Capital Capsules said. on the grounds of interference "Antiabortion laws interfere Operating on a legal and with medical practice because with a physician's medical constitutional level, NARAL is the courts might accept his more judgement, since there is no legal using Michigan as a target state readily than a test case based on basis on which a state can tell a for its repeal effort because no the grounds that anti-abortion ADMINISTRATION doctor how to practice state in in the Midwest has a laws THE STATE WILL TAKE Thursday District Court Judge Stephan management policies " represent an announced it had stopped the medicine," Joseph L. Nellis, liberal abortion law. unconstitutional interference over the Medicaid Program in Roth's ruling that state officials Cawthorne is Last of three articles purchase of drug used in state one 0f J lawyer for the National April in order to save $1 million a were guilty of perpetuating Association for Repeal of Michigan also has wide with a woman's right to control her in administration costs, it was institutions because it had not segregation by law. Republican legislators formally announced 1] own body. his SUJ abortion Laws, (NARAL), said. support among clergymen for to prosecute him for abortion he ' In U.S. announced Thursday. The yet been approved by the Food Stating that Roth's ruling was for a unicameral These two groups make up the repeal of abortion laws, said he a Supreme Court and Drug Administration (FDA). "without foundation", O'Neil legislate performed. decision in March, the Supreme program is presently being the main thrust of the abortion according to a NARAL administered by Michigan Blue William N. Hettinger, director also asked the attorney general REP. Dr. Keemer said his actions in Court stated that a licensed EARL E. NEL« repeal movement in Michigan at spokesman, which is another Cross-Blue Shield. of the Dept. of Administration, to rule on Roth's right to order reason for the national performing the abortions were physician could terminate a said though the drug had been D-Lansing, came out stod present. Blue Cross officials expressed cross-busing between districts or against the proposed unbJ performed in accordance with pregnancy if the pregnancy was WONAAC, a mobilization organization's choice. shock and dismay at the action. tested and found "satisfactory" force the annexation of legislature Wednesday. the Michigan law governing considered detrimental to the by the Michigan Dept. of suburban districts to the Detroit group made up of nearly 253 The Federal State Medicaid combined Dr. Edgar B. Keemer, Jr., a medical practice, which is health of the mother," Keemer Agriculture, until more school district. Speaking before the h organizations is practicing physician in Detroit is program is designed to provide County separate from the antiabortion explained. information is received from the Business'.J organizing a march in playing a leading role in He said his effort, at medical care for the indigent Professional Washington Nov. 20 advocating NARAL's repeal effort. law. present, with the state paying 50 per cent FDA, purchases will be halted. THE STATE CORRECTIONS Organization J was based on this court decision Boom Boom abortion repeal. of the bills. Blue Cross Hettiger emphasized that DEPT. director Thursday urged Room, Nelson J Keemer said there is also that a Women for Abortion Repeal, Early in October, Keemer a and the burden of proof in a administered the there had been no problems with the legislature to enact a series temporary " direct VIRIDIANA which won the Grand TWO Prize at Cannes, SEX FILLED £)) SPARTAN WEST and which many FEATURES consider to be his masterpiece Beal Film Group presents TONIGHT AND SAT. VIRIDIANA After winning the Grand Prize, Franco watched this devastating, outrageous attack on religion and society and promptly banned it from Spain and sent Luis Bunuel once more into exile. ireesome (think of th MGM presents a STANLEY KUBRICK PRODUCTION TONIGHT AT 6:45 10:07 Battle. Also at 8:2S "RUCCUBUS" _ 20Q1: SATURDAY: "THREESOME" ofRntain A Harry Saltzman Production _ a space odyssey starring KEIR DULLEA • GARY L0CKW00D Harry Andrews Michael Caine Trevor Howard Curl Jurgens Ian McShane Kenneth More Laurence Olivier Nigel Patrick Christopher Plummer Michael Redgrave screenplay by STANLEY KUBRICK and ARTHUR C.CLARKE Ralph Richardson Robert Shaw Patrick Wymark Susannah YorkHarry Saltzman...»S. Benjamin Fis; produced and directed by STANLEY KUBRICK KwwuuJames Kennaway™ Wilfred Greatorex Guy Hamilton HTI „ . . SUPER PANAVISION and METR0C0L0R "In VIRDIANA, a strange but powerful film that contains one .uTechnicolorV MivPanavision' r,m iww-ti n UnifBfl episode ofGoyesquegenius, Bunuel attempts to open people's eyes to the evils EE Artists ! of sentimental piety and morbid tyranny in Franco's Spain... The girl is obviously intended to personify what is false In Spanish pietism; the uncle signifies the sickness of the ruling classes... the beggar's brawl is intended also as a rite, as the dissolution of a desicated society in a Dionysian mystery. In thedepthsofit, as the rabble bawls and dances, fights and fornicates all over the house, the leper puts a record on the gramophone, and suddenly with a supernal irony the scene ofchaos is explained and sanctified by a great chorus roaring triumphantly to Tonight in Conrad 7, 9:45 Tonight in Wilson Aud. 7, 9:30 Handel's music: "And He shall reign forever and ever!' Seldom in Saturday in Wilson 7, 9:45 and Saturday in Conrad 7, 9:30 cinema has the nature of revolution been realized with such Brody Southwest Dining Hall 8:30 Sunday in McDonel Kiva 2:30 profundity and expressed with such power." -Time I.D.'s required Students, faculty and staff only $1.00 admission VIRIDIANA Bunuel's brilliant film plays at 7,8:40 and 10:20 RHARHARHAIWja4APHABHAFHARHAfiHAJ?t-IARhlA 102B Wells Admission $1.00 No IDs Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 15, 1971 9 (U.S. food indus by Wharton to help poor By BILL HOLSTEIN growth of society's income to the "The most tangible evidence extent that other industries do. of "Included in these basic State News Staff failure by the food Writer Hence, the food industry should industry to policies must be consideration of meet its social the problems of help create responsibility is unemployment, President Wharton a new market to the continued persistence of Wednesday alleviate the market pressures and displacement from the land, urged the food industry to hunger," he told the delegates. corporate hiring practices, support policies to increase the rugged competition for volume that characterize the inequality of education, appalling income of the poor, saying it industry. Wharton called for programs housing and sanitary conditions, would aimed at the true causes of economically benefit the Wharton said the food hunger the general complacency of a industry to do so. industry that deal with the economic could help alleviate hunger and public yet in need of an issues of both the inner malnutrition by city and awakening, and a will to build a supporting an rural countryside. Speaking incomes policy for the poor. truly equitable society," he said. A student 'Speak, to theannu&l meeting of the National Assn. of Food Chains in San Francisco, Wharton He said the problems faced relaxing .lon^d. the Red Cede, Ri,e, «, be told the delegates that the by promptln> the duck, to do ,o( food State News photo by Fred Mendenhall industry does not share in the food some as groups in this society, such high infant mortality rates, slow learning rates and Civil Service Exam general lack of health, are not due Fishel solely to a lack of offered assails knowledge of what on are good foods or the motivation for a better diet. lack of campus The Federal Civil Service Entrance Examination which will be "The inescapable, unavoidable given on campus Nov. 4 and Dec. 2. For those interested in a full By NAT ABBATE harsh criticism from the SDS time government would ^ ired fact remains, that it is the lack of job, it is advised to take the exam prior to an since sinrp rptnrnina tn t.rairh this fall to a interview. State News Staff Writer returning to teach this fall |'amiMt^d n^^Hentifir»Hon . . . - r. "susPicious«y impressive contest for president of South adequate incomes which is the "After 17 years of total after being away from the University for two years. He JTd clSar went on ^o majorities that ■ ■ • Diem was V'£nm- major factor in hunger," Wharton Those interested can pick up applications and sign up for the examinations at the Student Employment Office of the Placement comoare the identification accustomed to receive during Fishel suggests that Thieu will said. involvement in Vietnamese currently teaches Political Bureau. internal affairs, the U.S. has r.,™,, nine and a half years in office." have to resort to force to remain A tentative schedule of Science 353, "Political programs He said the food examinations to be held on the first in power, and in sanctified in power a polished and Institutions and Behavior in He is even more critical of the doing so will industry has a Thursdays of the months February to June divert scarce social responsibility to not is also being planned. ruthless military Machiavellian, Southeast Asia." "We think that Fishel is a resources from only Those unable to meet these scheduled "ct-3 elections, where in Nguyen social, economic and military perform its economic tasks and Civil Service Entrance Examination dates may take the Federal heading a one-party military The SDS has spoken out criminal, the Goebbels and at 8:30 a.m. to noon the third an Thieu won an unopposed necessities, functions with maximum regime, authoritarian, against the Vietnam Project, and Eichman of Vietnam," the Saturday of each month. Held at the Federal efficiency, but to helD alleviate Main Post Office, the Bldg., Lansing in the institutinalized In its corruption, Fishel in particular, because they testing is done on a first come, first serve basis. circular said. "To say that he has a hunger. The four-hour exam is limited to and lacking support among the feel it was instrumental insetting 50 people. right to teach and research in East people." up the Ngo Dinh Diem regime, a Lansing is to justify racism and While the above may sound like regime which they feel was a murder." the rantingsofan avid member of "puppet of the Central So far the SDS has been Students for a Democratic Intelligence Agency (CIA)" and Society (SDS), it is actually an excerpt from an article by Wesley lacked support among the Vietnamese people. unsuccessful in trying to have Fishel dismissed from the HIS REAL NAME IS TOM LAUGHLIN I Fishel, professor of political Among the objectives of the University despite their I science, in Wednesday's New Diem regime, an SDS circular picketing his classroom and Some people call him Billy Jack . . . and, like Billy Jack, nobody really knows much sponsoring rallies to call for his about him. stated, was the setting up of a Fishel, former head of MSU's national identification ousting. Intelligent, sensitive and something of a misfit, he also explodes program, "They (the SDS) suddenly and violently. | Vietnam Project, has received whereby everyone in Vietnam interested in are not .. resulting on one occasion in the most exciting karate fight ever filmed. knowing my In France they say he's a combination Marlon Brando and Gary Cooper. policies," Fishel said recently. "I Baptist students plan have been quoted in the national Minneapolis' Ben Kern described him as coming on with the controlled fury of a James press as being against the war, but Cagney and the agility of a Douglas Fairbanks. they don't care." Whichever - Tom Laughlin clearly is the most masculine and exciting new star of the I f . . - - In the Times article, Fishel is 70s. fall weekend retreat cri'lc,'°'Diem*"da''ude!tolhe "Billy Jack" will make you laugh future. ... think... and will give you hope for your children's Above all, what happens to Tom Laughlin in "Billy Jack" will make you angry ... even Students of the South Baptist Church, S. make you furious.. .or, if you're a woman - break Washington at Moore River Drive, will begin their fall weekend retreat at 5:30 p.m. In hernew your heart today. The retreat is open to the public. numerous Craig Massey, author of children's stories, and a columnist for the movie, YOU'VE GOT TO SEE HIM TO BELIEVE IT! church paper, will be the guest speaker. monthly Maria Callas A hike is also scheduled at the retreat which is located near murders Greenville, northeast of Grand Rapids. The retreat will end after supper on Saturday. Second Big Week The students of the South Baptist Church are also planning a everything that moves. BIILYJACK Halloween Party on Oct. 30 with a "MotherGoose" motif. Future activities include a hayride in November. Peisons seeking information should contact J. D. Carlson at the church. OELORES TAYLOR • op - ONE OF THE GREAT FILMS OF OUR TIME! A TRUE GIANT UNFORGETTABLE THE ACTING IS EXTRAORDINARY \ -CATHOLIC FILM NEWSLETTER -N Y. DAILY NEWS E dream 55 D alt on Tr I K*2dCEGROSS BjERRY CAM0BELL PRODUCTION Prfqcmtc a CINEMATION INDUSTRIES RELEASE icro From the book that sold over a million copies! MON. • FRI. TODAY AT: 1:16. 3:20. 5:20, 7:25, 9:30 BARGAIN HOUR 12:49 - 1:45 ALL SEATS 7 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 15 BAKER HALL Night at MSU and all the lights College - for are on study? program SN photo by Donald Sak The College of Social Science (MDP) offices will be moved t« announced that the the first floor of Baker Ha|i w Multidisciplinarv Major Pribram 15. 'w An MDP spokesman said th. need for more room made th! Rainbow ends Hendrix move necessary. There era between 2,400 and 2 5nn students in MDP. ' According to an MDP spokesman, students should p|an As one would expect under "Straight Ahead" and "Ezy sprints double time leading one to it blend into the beat and allow finally builds up to an emotional collection of old tapes could not £ see their academic advisers such circumstances, "Rainbow Rider." Not Bridge" is far from perfect, and one d'ffers from the others in any appreciable way. wonder how he manages to finish one to lose concentration on peak in which Hendrix pleads contain further outstanding before or after the week of Nov. "Rainbow Bridge," by Jimi somewhat below the quality of at the same time as drummer what Hendrix is doing. "Baby, please take me." compositions, that have been 15 to avoid confusion with ihe This of course does not take Mitch Mitchill and bassist Billy passed over by previous move. Hendrix, is not the "Original previous Hendrix albums. Although "Pali Gap" is an It is entirely possible that lyrics into account. The most Cox. While this song is fairly well excellent number, "Hey Baby" is collections of recordings. If one is After the move MDP academic Motion Picture Sound Track," it "Dolly Dagger," "Earth Blues," interesting lurics of the four are done, it is not exceptional even better. On "Hey Baby," the "Rainbow Bridge" will be the a devout Hendrix fan, it goes advisers, permits to register and is billed as. It is dmply a series of "Room Full of Mirrors" and final Jimi Hendrix album. In any contained in "Earth Blues." Hendrix guitar playing, and is not enwtion and the technical ability without saying that "Rainbow offices will be on the first floor or recordings made by Hendrix from "Look Over Yonder" are all "There's got to be some as interesting as the of Jimi Hendrix are case, it is certain that any future Bridge" is a must. Baker Hall. Oct. 22, 1968, to July, l, 1970, typical Hendrix rock, containing perfectly changin'/There's got to be a lot of Hendrix-Winwood "Voodoo integrated. which have not been incuded in parts that can be heard in other rearrangin'/You better hope love Child" jam on "Electric other albums. songs such as "Freedom," is the answer/You better hope it Ladyland." The cut begins with a playful EHTERTAINMENT VARIETY before the summer." r™ . .. . . instrumental which finds Hendrix comes The one cut which has "Rainbow Bridge" also has a „ warmi Suddenly wn - live SS eat"V,S y,^VRBanner, this THe the tempo changes as if he is Extravaganza, cut, "Hear My Train Star Spangled A'Comin." This is the usual .s a grossly inferior studio version of bout Jb in th| voca, Instead excruciatingly slow blues familiar Hendrix' Woodstock h instrum6ental continues, and satire as this talented group takes off on politics, what - follows is the tenderest, to Hendrix, over which his guitar perofrmance. music, drugs, racial problems, sex, mass media, But the album is worthwhile most emotion - packed guitar education, police, psychiatry, patriotism, etc. Their 19 skits completely dissect American society. The COMMITTEE plays at 7 & 10. And on the same because of "Pali Gap" and "Hey Baby." "Pali Gap" is structurally quite playing Hendrix has recorded. Intensely involved, Hendrix seems to forget where he is, asking "Is the microphone on?" highlight week different from anything By JACK EPPS JR. program, Beal presents colofi. and then blows the first line. Saturday night at 8:30 in 100 Engineering previously heard on Hendrix State News Reporter bldg. "Viridiana," is a film by Luis Bunuel, who records. It is a bosa-nova beat When the vocal does begin, it The Performing Arts Company presents their inherently surrealistic in the direction of his art instrumental which displays tells the story of a girl determined TONIGHT m}< Hendrix at his very best. While first performance of the fall season with their and intensely Spanish in his temperment and and -- —- —— to travel the world and "spread production of "Twelfth Night." If you don't experience. Shown at 7, 8:40 and 10:20 tonight the bass and percussion around peace of mind and a and Saturday night in 102B Wells Hall. SATURDAY mesmerize with their bosa-nova, already have your tickets, you may be out of luck. whole lotta love to you and you." Except for an additional performance late "Dona Perfecta," is a Spanish film Hendrix furiously surrounds one without As she is telling him this he Saturday night at 10:45, they are sold out. English subtitles. Shown at 7:30 and 9:30 tonight in a silky webof notes.His guitar is thinks, "I'd like to come along;" Claude Lelouche's film which does On-campus only in 109 Anthony. not so energetic that one is roused whereupon she asks, "would you Theater "Baby Vickie," the Beaumont tower of MSU much the same to France. At 8:30 only. from the soothing beat, nor does like to come along?" The song "Twelfth Night," a Shakespearean comedy of pornography will be shown at 7, 8:15, 9:30,and mistaken idendity, is playing at 8:15 tonight, 8:15 10:45 tonight and Saturday night in 106B Wells OPEN At 1:15 p.m. and 10:45 Saturday night, and 8:15 Sunday night. Hall. TODAY TWO All performances are at Farichild Theatre. "What's Up Tiger Lily," a comedy by Woody ... OIG FEATURES! Film Allen. Shown at 7, 8:20 and 10:00 tonight and At 3:10-6:30.9:45 "2001: A Space Odyssey," directed by Stanley Saturday night, in 104B Wells Hall. Kubrick is a film of epic proportions that follows "Battle of Algiers" will be shown at 7:30 and "THE ORGAN in the Homeric tradition. 9:30 tonight and Saturday night in 108B Wills AND THE SILENT SCREEN" WILLARD The film will be shown at 7,and 9:30 tonight,at Wilson, and 7 and 9:30 Saturday night at Conrad; and 2:30 p.m. Sunday at McDonel. Hall. Off-campus Film Mr. Stan Kann, distinguished keyboard artist, at the console of the mighty Barton Pipe Organ, presents an original TEARS EM UP! "Battle of Britain," an extravaganza over the skies of Great Britain, will be show at 7 and 9:45 tonight at Conrad; 7 and 9:45 Saturday night at Wilson and 8:30 Saturday night at Brody. "Johnny Got His Gun." Be prepared to give of yourself because the film will demand it. It is playing at the Spartan East. "On any Sunday," an exceptional musical score for the silent "It makes Hitchcock's 'The Birds' "The Committee* and "To be Crook:" If you documentary screen classic a on motorcycles by Bruce Brown of "Endless look like a stroll through the park." ... enjoyed the Committee's performance in "Billy Summer" fame, is playing at Meridian 1 Theaters. "PHANTOM OF —Dorothy Manners, King Features Syndicate Jack," then you will enjoy an hour and a half of "McCabe and Mrs. Miller," one of 1971, is also "Exceeds in both subject * matter pure committee comedy. "The Committee" at 7 playing at Meridian 4 Theaters. THE OPERA",,™ and 10 tonight in 109 S. Kedzie and 7 and 10 "Billy Jack," an entertaining movie that looses Saturday night in 100 Engineering Bldg. "To Be a some in the story, but gains a lot in entertainment, World Journal Tribune nr Crook" at 8:30 tonight in 109 S. Kedzie, and is playing at the Campus Theater. "A crime-filled joy-ride through the FRIDAY streets of Paris Recommended." . . . 109 S. Kedzie Time Magazine "TO BE A CROOK has SATURDAY 'ESCAPE' originality and 100 imagination." New York News Engineering "A brilliant job!" Playboy i * The Committee 7 & 10 '.nil L0N CHANEY, Sr. To Be A Crook 8:30 Only the high cost of sports car excitement. Tonight and Saturday in 108B Wells at 7:30, 9:30 ONE NIGHT ONLY AT 8:00 P.M The get-away car $1.00 'This is not MICHIGAN Theatre a film to see alone!" Midget All Seats $2.50 - Tickets PLUS At 1:30-4:45-8:10 p.m. If you're out to get yourself a sports car, you can gel away with a ... on sale at MICHIGAN - lot less than you probably think. It you think Midget '71. GLADMER-CAMPUS - STATE "HOUSE THAT DRIPPED BLOOD" The MG Midget is the lowest-priced true sports car going. And for the money, you can get away with a lot: a 1275 c c. twin-carb engine, close-ratio 4-speed gearbox, racing-type suspension NOW! THRU TUE. NORTH SIDE r front disc brakes-to name just a few of the Plus reclining bucket seats, and Midget features easy-up, easy-down vinyl top, and mag-style wheels. DON'T COME ALONE Come in and see for yourself. Test-drive the that helps keep down the cost of sports car sports car y—v (Mm) handling V y ELECTRIC HEATERS! IFTTHrfimmima'MEWRPSZM and performance. BROOKS IMPORTED CARS 5014 N. Grand River 482-1473 3 Blocks Past Capitol City Airport Finest MG, AUSTIN & JAGUAR Service in Lansing j Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 15, 1971 11 Night:'bawdy fun MSU's annual dose of "Frank Rutledge'd Shakespeare" (which is too often disguise and love and seems to focus in on the work the comic be believable as with defects Duke Orsino and Maxwell's excellent Malvolio. the play, but the only faintly related Sherry Cladwells Olivia was so sets really to the work of William) is the Performing Arts Company's PANORAMA' antics, often adding his somewhat crude humor at the own bland that one wonders why so many people are love-sick over Gretel costumes, Stensrud's pastel which made John added silly. nothing and were quite expense of Shakespeare's. I (PAC) first venture this year and her. The best performances came Goodlin look like a dropout might add that a mojor Rutledge in the past has been mm is fortunately one of director from Belinda Bremner's rather from the Mad Tea Party, imporvement in Rutledge's more successful with comedy Rut ledge's better efforts. amusing Maria The play is "Twelfth Wight" a than serious drams, but in this case these added frills and James emphasized the light element of p^^wWch^re interesting onw News seem to be to look at and now comedy permeated by both conventional and psychological disguise in which Shakespeare a cover up for the cast to effectively Shakespeare's humor. inability of his carry off day feature advertisements from East Lansing businesses. Although FYank Rutledge has uses human weakness and By KENNETH STERN For examples, two high school sturck never mistaken identity for State News Reporter supposedly me as capturing the bawdy funny moments are derived from full flavor of fun. In her male ^ some excrement on the ground, audience seemed to Shakespeare, the attire, Viola is less another from Malvolio enjoy the on a highly ethical level. It is not placed in wOII MSU ... .. will sponsor its annual . goings-on. The show is sold out. comfortabel, effective and witty so much what Viola does, but an outhouse ,and still another At the end of »he program a so if you have a than her ticket, stretch Rosalind "sister" and characters what the other characters, most from a character snorting. ^?i!g j ^°°u ^e^sPaPer Day Thursday m .he Union. movie will be shown on how a your imagination, expect to have Portia, but notably Orsino and Olivia, derive The humor inherent in the reporter covers his first big a good time and you probably manages to survive and operate This program is designed to from her presence. play comes from Malvolio, assignment. will. y The Duke which help high school students Orsino, whose was successfully advisers / i PROGRAM INFC^MAflON 332 581' prepare better TODAY Open at 7:00 P.M. self-indulgence is masked by his accomplished thanks to the - Activity set guise as a lover, honest existence and Olivia's can find through a more Viola, talent of James the confusion Maxwell, and of concerning the identities of Viola and her twin newspapers. Last year about 700 students and advisers attended. Ralph MacMulIan, director of L-caa Feature Feature 7:30-9:35 SAT. & SUN. Open at 12:45 1:15-3:20-5:25-7:35-9:40 P.M_ seemingly for UN Day impregnability is easily broken Sebastion. This latter plot did not the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources, will speak on the role by her new obsession with Viola, work since Scottie students can play in saving the East Lansing Public Library, alias Cesario. Shumaker (Viola) and Dave 950 Abbott Road, will environment. present a Malvoli, who hasn't the Carson (Sebastion) resemble The program includes 13 United Nations Day program for slightest ablilty to understand each other only East Lansing children at 10 a.m. through workshops on various aspects of himself or others, is made good imagination stretched risions, decisions beyong high school newspaper writing Saturday. fun of by Olivia's lady Maria and acceptable limits. Ms. and production, The program will include tree her cohorts Shumaker's hair is brown while including news Fhbian, Feste and writing, sports, editorials, Sherry Caldwell and James Marwell rehearse a scene from the planting, flag raising ceremonies the constant drunk Sir Toby Mr. Carson's is black and to ask PAC production, "Twelfth Night," being performed conducted by East Lansing Boy Belch. us to believe interviewing, copy editing and at thay they are twins page makeup, photojournalism Fairchild Theatre. Scout and Girl Scout troops, and Rutledge, nowchairman of the that cause so much confusion and finances. A discussion a demonstration Theater Dept., group State News photo by Tom Gaunt of African merely browses among the other characters is for advisers is also slated. dances. along the crucial elements of more than a bit ludicrous. These workshops will be Ms. Shumaker acted more like conducted by faculty members of ST GREAT ISSUES SPEECH dizzy queen than a gal in men's a the MSU School of Journalism clothing with terribly effeminate and representatives of the State n EMILY BRONTE'S mannerisms that surely should have gotten some notice. Frank News, the Lansing State Journal Elmer was much too young to and the East Lansing Towne Courier. Uhitiieriiig Heights Susskind to t HARRY*ANDREWS-HUGH GRIFFITH - IAN OGILVY- JUDY CORNWELL ScrwnWy D1 PATRICK TIUEY-From ttw novel Oy EMILY BRONTE- Produced Pq| »nd JAMK H. NICHOLSON • Ewcutive Producer LOUIS M HEYWARD-M 6y SAMUEL I - - ARK0FF Television moderator David of this year's Great Issues series, Heavyweight," and, more. 11 Emmy Awards, 2 Peabody isskind will speak on sponsored by ASMSU. recently, "Lovers and Other awards, 8 Sylvania awards, Commitments for the 2 Strangers." Newspaper Guild awards, 4 TV venties," at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Susskind's "Open End," a For his achievements in Film DAily awards, and was t Auditorium. discussion program which was television, Susskind has received named Producer of the Year. Susskind's speech Is the first the first of its kind when it began in 1958, explored the significant social issues of the day. Its guests included Harry Drestry club Truman, Robert F. Kennedy, Bertrand Russell and Nikita Kruschev. match skills His current program, "The David Susskind Show," varied events continues the discussion format and involves audience participation. he MSU Forestry Club will st the annual Midwest resters Assn. Conclave turday at the Kellogg logical Research Station near amazoo. he group includes the forestry ools of 10 midwestem versities. rganization members will ipete for donated prizes in log match splitting, chain >wing and wood chopping Enter BABY VICKIE is Keep mi a surprisingly successful small film. The Aquarius and ex 'ore the plot such as it is consists of a story of a girt brought up by fascinating subject of her parents to believe that sex is bad and dirty who finds that |your u^_ NOW SHOWING PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE I WEEK ONLY! Wad. 2:00 & 5:0(1 Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 3, ASTROLOGY lore of its ZODIAC. and the Learn the intriguing history of the ancient practice of she can only enjoy sex if it is 'dirty.' This film affords bit of 'dirty' sex. All this in a fast cut 75 minutes. quite a 6, 9 eyes typing*: At 8:00 p.m. Only astrology and the influence of the stars on human affairs and terrestrial events. PROGRAM SCHEDULE on I WINNER OF 2 ACADEMY AWARDS! Friday 8:00 8i 10:00 pm - Saturday 2:30, 8:00 8i 10 pm Sunday 4:00 pm what PLEASE NOTE: There will be no 2:30 weekends involving a MSU home football Saturday shows game. on she At the conclusion of the 8:00 week p.m. Friday program each a member of the Michigan Federation of will be present to answer questions. Astrology cannot Throughout the year, we will feature new seel album releases. The albums will be played An Insane Killer and a Helpless Ryan's immediately following the Friday and Saturday night 8 & 10 p.m. shows. Linger *j»jd Girl Who Could See No awhile under a star-filled sky, and listen to our MU Daughter 200-watt stereo sound THISWEEKEND: system. "THE MOOG STR IKES BACH" - AWJLA PARroW ADMISSION PRICES ■ Regular Adults Admission - $1.00, MSU Students with 75c, Children 12 I.D. 2 and under — 50c ■ Baby Vickie does her thing at $1 00 admission Information: 355-4672 • No Preschoolers Admitted gj 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 in 102B Wells Rated X ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Friday, October is . Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Area rivals test By GARY KORRECK "We're running a tremendous amount of distance harriers against Tennessee to contend with. Even withou» State News Sports Writer this week," he said,"plus a lot more hill work, and a Randy Kilpatrick the Spartans scored an easy over the Buckeyes. 2*1 ""J I lot of group work." If statistics are any indication, MSU harriers could Although the Spartans trounced Ohio State last By contrast Western was edged at Notre Dln»L, I be in for some tough sledding, or running, Saturday week they did it on a flat surface, and though Notre tough MAC rival Bowling Green, and Cent^M when they host their third Spartan Invitational. Dame's five mile course is flat also, the tymes posted faced Western head to head in dual compete I Defending meet champion Western Michigan comes were quite impressive compared to those in the Eastern, national small college champions in iqSll' I in fresh from the Notre Dame Invitational, where also has plenty of seasoning coming into SaturiU .J I Spartans win. they took second, and Central Michigan, a solid CMU's Bob Carpenter ran to a 24:15 finish at meet. "| seventh at South Bend, brings its rapidly improving South Bend and could manage only eighth place. Michigan, whose first official season .,1 squad. Steve Goisalitz posted a 24:21 time for Western; competition has been a rough one, has run both if I The other two competitors, Eastern Michigan and Keith Brown came in at 24:26 for U-M; and Eastern's meets in competition with more than one school J! I U-M, looked good at the Notre Dame meet and could Tom Hollander had a 24:33 clocking. has the extra incentive of Saturday's meet bein»ul!l provide some unexpectedly tough competition. Ken Popejoy, MSU's winner at Columbus, ran to a first against the Spartans. I Another advantage for the visitors is they've all run rain-soaked 24:50 time. It should be taken into The weather should be good for Saturday's m», I in at least two invitationals, besides against each other consideration Notre Dame's course is a little easier to but the harriers will still be out to keep the four othT schools from raining on their parade of victories jHI I at Notre Dame. run, but it could also be said MSU's Saturday MSU has experienced only dual competition thus opponents had the speed to run it well. their hopes for a second Big Ten title. "I far, and coach Jim Gibbard wants to make sure his Except for an opening loss to Miami (Ohio) MSU As Gibbard said, "TTiis should be a preview of t|»l team will be ready to fight the traffic Saturday. harriers have had only the rain of Ohio and the heat Big Ten meet." ® AT WISCONSIN-GREEN BAY . . and my Booters seek Rob Coot (5) and co-captain Dave Dieters (1) will be two of the Spartans hopefuls Saturday as By CRAIG REMSBURG playoffs at the end of the performances of late, is the harriers host four area colleges in the third Spartan Invitational at Forest Akers Golf State News Sports Writer current campaign. apprehensive about the The Phoenix (honest, their encounter. Course. State News photo by Don Gerstner Fresh from their narrow 2-1 in the nickname is singular "They are the first rated team victory over Spring Arbor tense) on the other hand, began in the Midwest conference that Wednesday, the MSU soccer the season with a bang but we have faced," he said. Parents Visiting? team must place their unbeaten record on the line tomorrow as thev travel to Wisconsin to take on Wisconsin-Green Bay. recently suffered losses to Western Illinois and They reportedly have a strong starting "11" but, like the Ottawa. "They are going to be sky-high for the game since it is their homecoming and the game The Spartans, now 4-0 for the will be televised locally. Soccer Spartans, must contend with There's only one place they can stay and still season, must win this key is a very big sport up there." inexperienced bench strength. contest if they hope to The Spartan booters also must be in the center of campus activity. Reserve Spartan coach Payton FViller, participate in any championship contend with the fact that they them a room at unhappy with his team's will be playing on an opponents' 9 home field for the first time this ;|S8Ki SKI FUN season. Home-field advantage for T?mHH KELLOGG any team MSU is a is a definite plus and little wary of playing f ISTARTS away. In the injury department, e"v , forward Dan Mikalacki is still CENTER bothered by a knee strain he suffered early in the season and defenseman Daye Cassard may M.* ^ 4 ■ not see action for awhile with a :• T ; - *" Corner of twisted right ankle incurred in Harrison & Michigan FAMOUS SKI BRANDS the Spring Arbor game. Reservations 332-6571 "I beat a guy to the ball and Nick Du jon Sideral, Zebra, Hi-Flex, A&T, and Krystal. he stepped on my ankle - I left my ankle there," Cassard said CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR BOOTS Technica and Raichle/Molitor. dejectedly after the game, clutching a make-shift ice pack Bucs drop O's; to his swollen ankle. ANNOUNCES ITS NEW YEAR PROGRAM game closerl THE CUSTOMIZER CORNER KICKS: Nick A complete system for foam fitting boots. Dujon leads in the booter one FACILITIES: Located near the campus in East Lansmc. Coarctation SOCIAL PROGRAM t wide range ol social activities structured lor the goal-scoring title race with six H. Shaarey Zedek. founded in 1919. is mid Michigan's newest and Ixg entire family as well as adult events are olfered throughout the year X-COUNTRY SKI Gerry Murray and Lennox PITTSBURGH staggered, Orioles. est lewish House ot Worship. Facilities include a seating capacity ol An annual calendar ol events is provided to all members at the start Robinson are next in line with (UPI) - The Also check out our. 100. completely air conditioned Sautuaiy and Urge social lull, ten ot the New Year Sisterhood Women aid 1 very active Youth Group Pittsburgh Pirates, who weren't Baltimore, which led I cross-country skis. three apiece. . . Dave Goldman J dual classrooms, compete *4riry M ample otl street parking. (MSTYi meet at the Temple supposed to have any pitching, American League in batting,*i Buy 'em or has wrested the regular ... moved within a game of wining held to three hits by Steve Bli rent 'em. goaltending position away from EOUCATIONAl PROGRAM The Congregation provides an educational the World Series Thursday as in Tuesday's third game id Jim Stone as he went the program from kindergarten through 10th grade including preparation lor bar or bat maitzvah and confirmation classes The school is under distance against Spring Arbor. .. Nelson Briles stopped the only got four Wednesday ntyl RELIGIOUS PERSONNEL Services are conducted by Rabbi Philip Fran Baltimore Orioles on two hits, — three of them came in the fin kel and Cantor Bruce Wetzler. both ol whom have served this Congre the supervision of the Rabbi. Cantor, and an elected 8oard of Educa tion It is staffed by a principal and eleven paid laculty members, all RAUPP The video-tape films taken 4-0. inning. gation on a lull time basis for many years. during the game Wednesday ol whom are eiperienced educators and follow a carefully structured Briles, who did not allow a Bob Robertson got Briles tlij RELIGIOUS SERVICES: The Congregation provides both traditional and curriculum to Tvide a wide range ol lewisti studies Music, arts and crafts line ai dance, and films are used to supplement the educa tional program. School enrollment is presently in eicess of 250 stu Campfitters 2208 E. MICHIGAN AVE., LANSING (517) 489-4188. to be shown to the booters in squad meeting last night. Fuller hopes "Big Brother" will . a . runner beyond first base, gave the Pirates their third good only run he needed in ft second inning when he d Dave McNally's first pitch 41l dents. Trained substitutes are available it necessary. A librarian and " urt: Mon Lhru Fri.-lOa.m. to a p.m.; Sit.-10».m. to 6 p.m. pitching performance in a row liberal services which are held every Friday evening and Saturday resource persons complement the stall. A lecture and lilm series cur FARMINGTON • ANN ARBOR • EVANSTON, ILL. help to correct some individual since Monday's 11-3 drubbing feet over the centerfield faxf morning Visitors and guests are always most welcome • rently supplement the popular adult education/) program player mistakes. for his sixth homer in and put them in position to do something no team ever has playoff and series games. II you wish to receive the Congregations s complete information package, call (SI7) 351 3570 or done — win four straight World 332 0678 or mail your name and address to: Congregation Shaarey Zedek. 1924 Coolidge Road. East Series games after losing the first NOTICE Lansing (40S23) two. Bob Moose will try to nail Coupons down Pittsburgh's first World Championship since 1960 in Football coupons for ll The annual HI-FI BUYS Cartridge Clinic will be held Oct. 15th & 16th. Saturday's sixth game at Iowa game will once again b< Friday from 12:00 Baltimore while second-game to 9:00 p.m. Saturday from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Bring your turntable winner Jim Palmer will redeemed at the north concoun| with magnetic cartridge and haveSHUREtechnicianscheckit for pitch for of Spartan Stadium. stylus wear, trackability, the favored and wow and flutter, and overall performance. There is no cost or obligation. slightly . . free All we're offering is a friendly bribe... lake one before at HOLIDAY LANES bedtime. 1101 East Grand River Lanes available for OPEN Bowling all and evening. Open 9 a.m. daily Just north of Frandor - 337-9775 Billiards Cocktails Good Food day Jarman's racy lacer sets a men's fashion trend. . .a classic straight-tip The Oldc blucher turned contemporary with striped World... laces, big perfs and bold blaclc/grey color a a unique combination. $18. nightspot! Cap off your eveningwlth a visit to the Olde World. Enjoy a sandwich, fine imported win or beer and this really unique night spot. The Olde World offers a European atmosphere till 2 TTiurcday thru So your stomach won't go to bed unhappy, we stay up Saturday, and 12:30 the remaining late. eveningB. 234 W. GRAND RIVER 1024 E. GRAND RIVER Jacabson'B tfMMoiifc. bi^adwale 211 M.AC. Avenue Open Sun. - Thurs. till Midnight, Fri. - Sat. till 1:30 a.m. JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE East Lansim Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 15, 1971 13 SPORTS partans, Badgers put tied records 8vGARYSCHARRER championship contenders and loser will sink Into the second the record about to 3-3 before worrying conference fire under second-year Coach will stay with this offease. The earlier this The Oregon on line News Sports Writer a season. ■,a,e division. Kickoff is at 1:30 p.m. John Jardine and are challenging championship. Spartans have had time to polish State offense had impressive Hems that every football from Camp Randall Stadium. A The meeting between MSU and to become a Big Ten power. and improve on techniques this statistics comparing favorably to |"Sach Duffy Daugherty near capacity crowd of over 70,000 is anticipated. Wisconsin will be the first The Spartans must attempt to contain what Daugherty termed week and hopefully will execute those of Wisconsin's. But like the ■the Spartans prepare for this match since 1968 when the better than in past games. Badgets, Oregon State was weak l ■ is considered crucial. And MSU's overall record stands at 2-3, and following the Spartaas Spartans won 39-0 at Madison, this week the best balanced If the Badger defense remains as on defense and the Spartans this week the Importance of but the battle this time will defense in the conference. On the consistent as they have been this scored a 32-14 victory over the defeat to U-M last week reporters other hand, MSU's offense is still Tjniversity of Wisconsin game asked Daugherty whether he felt undoubtedly be different. The year then the Spartans should be Beavers. L no exception. Badgers were at a low ebb in sputtering. able to score more than in past Daugherty said his biggest a 8-3 showing would be Daugherty changed the entire ih the Badgers and Spartans good 1968, losing ten in a row in a games. In the last four Wisconsin worry this week is not getting his Yin Big Ten play. The enough to win the Big Ten title. string of 18 consecutive defeats. MSU offensive attack for the U-M games the Badget defense has team psychologically ready for ■fr of Saturday's game moves Daugherty said he was more Wisconsin had its best season last game with a wishbone set, option allowed nearly 28 points per Wisconsin after losses to ■among the conferences intent in bringing the Spartan year since 1963, having caught offense replacing the standard power "I" formation and said he game. The setting may be similar to the MSU-Oregon State game arch-rivals Notre Dame and U-M, but overcoming effects of the physical beatings absorbed. The Football predictions Spartans did not have any contact work in practices this week, because Daugherty said he did GOSSELIN REMSBURG SCHARRER KORRECK STEIN not want to risk any injuries. MSU 38, Wis. 27 MSU at Wisconsin MSU 24, Wis. 14 MSU 38, Wis. 24 Wis. 28, MSU 20 MSU 24, Wis. 14 "I don't think the team will let U-M by 21 j minois at Michigan NW by 6 U-M by 27 U-M by 21 U-M by 17 U-M by 31 up any for Wisconsin," Purdue at Northwestern NW by 3 NW by 3 NW by 6 NW by 3 Daugherty said. "Our team was Ohio State at Indiana OSUby 17 OSU by 17 OSU by 14 OSU by 13 just as high for Michigan as it was OSUby 14 I Minnesota at Iowa Minn, by 13 Minn, by 7 Minn, by 21 Minn, by 12 Minn, by 10 for Notre Dame. J Colorado at Oklahoma Okla. by 7 Okla. by 6 Okla. by 7 Okla. "They're a good group," by 4 Okla. by 2 Kansas at Nebraska 16 7 Neb. by 10 Neb. by 31 Daugherty praised. "They Neb. by 21 Ark. by 5 practice hard and show a lot of | Texas at Arkansas Ala. by 12 Ark. by 3 Ala. by 7 Ark. by 7 Tex. by 10 Ark. by 3 enthusiasm." Alabama at Tennessee Tenn. by 7 Tenn. by 3 Ala. by 7 Carolina at Notre Dame ND by 10 ND by 7 Daugherty, known for his North Lions by 21 Lions by 14 ND by 14 ND by 4 ND by 7 element of surprise tactics, has Mike Hull Lions at Oilers Lions by 20 Lions by 21 Lions by 13 hinted that there may be some 24-9-0 24 9 0 23-10 0 16-6-0 830 personnel switches and more alternating against the Badgers than in previous games. Daugherty said that he may BIG TEN PLAY utilize more than quarterback, depending on the one various game situations that may arise. PU's Danielson out this week Daugherty did announce one change. Sophomore Highland Park speedster Mike Holt will I By RICK GOSSELIN Boilermakers themselves, as the Boilermakers with a start in the backfield portion the number one defensive team in along side pate News Sports Editor quarterback Gary Danielson will of the conference lead. In the two yet to win this year. flashy Eric Allen. Senior Doug be out for the first of three games the nation. Illlinois has an overall The Spartans had better put non-conference games, Danielson Barr, Spartan of the Week against Je Purdue Boilermakers, who as a result of an injury. and Co. came within a total of record of 0-5. some points on the board this U-M, will start at defensive I established themselves as a Danielson, who has given Coach four points in beating national Ohio State will journey to Indiana this week, and though the week if they expect to beat cornerback in place of Holt. e conference title threat, Bob DeMoss all that he could Wisconsin. The Badgers will very in for their first big test of powerhouses Washington and Hoosiers have a 1-4 record, "We are getting close to moving possibly ask for in a quarterback Notre Dame. definitely score a few. The ar in Big Ten play. Half of this year, was injured in the Woody Hayes may find his team Madison boys are third in the from a fairly good team to a very With Danielson out, the in a battle. The Buckeyes were conference in .est is supplied by the Minnesota game last week. The good team," Daugherty said. "I _ Wildcats can concentrate on rushing and fourth Ihwestern Wildcats, who will Dearborn, Mich, junior had led tailback Otis Armstrong in their not sharp in last week's game with in passing. still stand on my statement that lhost to the Indiana team this the team to two resounding Illinois and Indiana was in turn The Spartans have an excellent this is our best team in recent efforts for an upset. Sonny Irday. The other half of the victories in the past two weeks Sixkiller proved you can pass on keyed for its match with defense, but the big question years. We'll get another real test is supplied by the Wisconsin over the same mark still looms Saturday, you can bet on that." over Big ten competition to stake the Boilermakers and over the offense. weekend. Indiana is second in Northwestern passer Maurie passing defense and second in ling lost to Daigneau will be out to himself. Hell have the numbers see two and three leading receivers in for total defense in the conference. The Hoosiers even came up with a 2 9-point offensive effort last tr the circuit to throw to, they being week. at least Barry Pearson and Jim Lash. In other games, Michigan, Ohio Minnesota and Iowa, with far and away the two passingest State and Minnesota drew the In arbor, mich. quarterbacks in the Big Ten, will IAmitfil Sizes Limited ■i-Dave The injury was originally three Big Ten softies whereas clash in the Iowa cornfields - Quantify Bing, the Detroit described as a scratch, but Bing MSU and Wisconsin will be in for Tins' leading scorer and assist Saturday. Iowa's Frank ie n for the last five years, lost from the team for at reported cloudy vision remained several days after the still an offensive < showdown. Michigan's Wolverines will have Sunderman is the top passer in the circuit, but that's really about LANGE DYNAMIC accident. two factors going for them in this all the Hawkeyes have going for | two months due to Dctors at the University of an eye The Syracuse 6-foot-3 graduate of has grabbed a1' the week's encounter with Illinois. First, Michigan will be back on its them if Levi Mitchell doesn't have a good day. Iowa is last in total SKIS * * Detroit scoring and assists home field after a week's absence. Medical Center said defense, which pretty much records during his five seasons |rsda\ that Bing has a with the Pistons, scoring a total al tear in the retina of his And second, the Wolverines have explains why the Hawkeyes have sggoo of 9,360 points and compiling I eye." A spokesman for the 2,209 assists. In the Pistons' THE PERFORMING Factory Rebuilt For il Basketball Association Plus two free drinks ! regular season opening game " J said Bing will probably victory over the New York Jrgo surgery Friday. Knicks Tuesday night, Bing ARTS COMPANY TBS WEATHERVANE diagnosis was made scored 24 Offers with inside orders ■wing an examination by points. only THIS WEEKEND ONLY fialists. eye TWELFTH NIGHT 4309 W. Saginaw ig was injured when he was Basketball EXTRA PERFORMANCE! Lansing |lentallyteammate poked in the eye by Hairston during an Harold Tryouts for the freshman basketball team will be held in Oct. 16th 10:45 p.m. □OMIIMCTS BOX OFFICE 353-0148 ■bitionn game | with the Los gym three, upstairs, at 4 p.m. M.A.C. AVENUE Pes Lakers, Oct. 5. Friday in the Men's IM. Weekdays 12:00 - 5:00 PM Restaurant DELIVERY THE Place for Pizza! 351-8870 3 PINBALL GAMES FREE!! With any FRIDAY & SATURDAY Oct. 15 PIZZA Oct. 16 or SUBMA Wednesday DUAL base, famous your is the most cover highly regarded turntable in audiofile circles, yet has models priced to fit nearly anyone's budget. From the new CS-16 module and Shure cartridge 1219, Dual gives - more - complete with for 119.00 to the performance for dollar investment than any other automatic turntable line. In the UPSTAIRS MECHANICAL MADNESS ROOM. ##«»##♦••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GRAND OPENING You'll find ALL the Dual auto¬ matic turntables THE "HAIRLESS DOG" j in stock now at Marshall's. Be sure to check price of • premium beer on our Dual complete a „'T'v-"-1 ^ with base, cover, and cartridge! (greatly reduced prices) WE HAVE TURNTABLES IN STOCK HOURS: The Famous •FOOTLONG DOGS Varsity Menu • continuous music STILL BEING SOLD WITHOUT SURCHARGE! So come in to Marshalls Now Monday •HARD SALAMI & HOT HAM SUB dells - Thursday •ROAST BEEF SUB During our STEREO OPEN HOUSE VARSITY "1 ■•m. -2 a.m. •HAM & SWISS CHEESE SUB •HAMBURGERS Fr'day, Saturday •FRIES 11 am -3 a.m. •PINBALL right on M78 -right on towner rd. undernfwmanagement UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CALL 332 6517 1227 E. Grand River 332-6517 only 8 minutes from campus MUSIC CO. 245 ANN ST. E. LANSING 402 S. WASHINGTON. ************************************ LANSING Friday, October 15 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 197| STATE NEWS Sweetest — Day CLASSIFIED 355-8255 A Little Salesman In Print. FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil Rank Employment For Rent ForRei GET Action WITH A The State News does Automotive not permit racial or, EXPERIENCED SKI Shop Personnel ONLY $9.00/month. Free deliveries. ONE GIRL nee Want Ad religious discrimination in its advertising DODGE Excellent CORONET R/T condition, 440-V8, automatic, 4:10 posi-trac, headers, 1968. needed for shop work and possible sales work. Apply at RAUPP SELCO COMMUNICATIONS RENTAL. 372-4948. O TV apartment 332-4432. O columns. The State 355-8771. CAMPFITTERS, 2208 East * AUTOMOTIVE chrome wheels. Call Michigan Avenue. 3-10-15 TV RENTALS. Color, $19.50 per TWO OR three man $185. Qnl'Z News will not accept 5-10-20 month. Black and white, $9.50 first three weeks. Scooters & Cycles 35l«w advertising which per month. MARSHALL MUSIC. 5-10-19 I Auto Parts & Service DODGE DART 1964. New tires, runs 351-7830. C-10-15 discriminates against perfectly. 351-4648 after 4. Aviation Male and female volunteers WANTED TO RENT religion, race, color or 3-10-15 Bus.nessmiI I * EMPLOYMENT needed for research on black GARAGE FOR RENT. Need two desires to rent 2 bedroom horned national origin. in FOR RENT personality. Will be paid $3 for motorcycles to share cost. For fall apartment East Lanji* * FORD GALAXIE, 1966. Goodtires Preference is for . plus two mounted snows. $600. participation (2 hours). 7 p.m. and spring terms. 337-9245. furnished hd I Apartments 675-5145 after 6 p.m. 5-10-15 - 9 p.m. Room 111 Olds Hall, 1-10-15 but unfurnished homeT I Houses October 19-20. Must be apartment will do. Call 337.10 for Mr. Rooney. X-3-10-15 ' ' TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction Rooms FORD GALAZIE 1963, good running between 18 and 21 years old, guaranteed. Free delivery, service . FOR SALE CHEVROLET 1964. 3 new tires, condition, $150. 355-1239 after 5 single, born and raised in the and pick up. No desposit. Call MSU - 10 minutes away, wj Animals 3-10-15 U.S. NEJAC, 337-1300. C beautifully very good condition. $325. Phone p.m. furnished, carpet*.' Mobile Homes 349-9427 after 6 p.m. 3-10-18 GRAND PRIX 1969. 36,000 miles, REFRIGERATORS - free central air conditioning jy' laundry, parking, and all I LOST & FOUND like new throughout. Must sell, DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth electric, utilh ' CHEVROLET 1965, >4 ton V-8 with paid. Suitable for WAITRESSES: 3 shifts available. faculty, g,w * PERSONAL camper, 48,000 miles, very good consider trade, 351-3567 315 Bridge, Grand Ledge. students, married couples. $175 tires. 482-3822. 2-10-15 will Excellent wages and tips. 627-2191. TF I * PEANUTS PERSONAL evening. 3-10-18 per month. 372-6103.X-3-io.i5 ' Experience preferred. Must have * REAL ESTATE transportation. Call THE POUR CHEVROLET 1959. Needs some GALAXIE 1963. Very reliable TV RENTALS - Students only. Low LEASE NOW * RECREATION work. Best offer. Call Carol, transportation. Runs great, HOUSE. 646-6261. 5-10-15 monthly and term rates. Call through December 2 I * SERVICE 332-0846.3-10-18 353-7535.2-10-15 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV bedroom apartment. Close Call after 4:00,351-O9ao r to i SALAD PREPARERS, cooks, dinine RENTALS. C campus. Typing Service IMPALA 1969. Power room help, hostess. Both full and 3-10-15 ' 1 CHEVROLET, 1965 - excellent steering, •TRANSPORTATION condition. Truck with new engine power brakes, $1250. 353-5676. part time. Apply in person at GET YOUR party needs at A, C and * WANTED and clutch. 882-0902.10-10-21 5-10-15 CONNOR'S 24 HOUR E Rentals. Glassware, red and GIRL WANTED to share two".., RESTAURANT. 3231 W. white check tablecloths. efficiency, near campus. 351-93W I JAVELIN 1969. FM, vinyl roof. Saginaw, East of Waverly. 5-10-15 3-10-15 1 DEADLINE CHEVY VAN 1969. Excellent 349-2220. O Excellent condition. $1500 condition, interior redecorated. 1 P.M. one class day before negotiable. 20 mpg. 353-9503, OVERSEAS JOBS for students. New tires and wheels. Call STORAGE SPACE to rent for push publication. 371-3431 after 4 p.m. 5-10-21 351-6349.4-10-15 feWtiY#B!K/HZr/ 9X/f2*/£MM. Australia, Europe, South America, down campers and boats. 3038 it, $125 / month, utilit furnished. After 6 p.m. Africa, etc. All professions and West Harper Rd., Mason. Phone, every c., Cancellations/Corrections 12 noon one class CHEVY IMPALA 1965. Excellent KARMANN-GHIA 1968. New occupations, $700 to $3,000 676-5827. 2-10-15 but Wednesday. No pets. 3-10-15 I — day starter, tires, and snow tires. One monthly. Expenses paid, overtime, before publication. running condition. $350. owner. $1,000. 482-7510 after Automotive Automotive sightseeing. Free information. LOOKING FOR a 3.3-10-15 roommate? | 5:30. 3-10-18 Write; JOBS OVERSEAS, Dept. Open-end leases available. Ciu I PHONE 1966 CHEVY Sport window van. OLDSMOBILE 1967, "88", 4 door VOLKSWAGEN 1963. Good 8A, Box 15071, San Diego, Apartments HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT I 355-8255 MERCURY 1966. Automatic, power sedan, power steering, power condition, new paint, clutch, California 92115.5-10-19 351 7910. O Very good condition. 882-6147. brakes, automatic transmission, exhaust. Call evenings, 351-3360. steering, automatic rear window, GIRL NEEDED immediately for 3-10-15 RATES 10 word minimum new battery, muffler system. Snow radio, $875.332-1405.7-10-21 3-10-18 4-man. 1 block from campus, good 901 EAST Oakland, 4 room terms. 351-5143. 3-10-15 CHEVY CORVAIR van 1963, new tires. Very dependable VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK furnished, utilities paid. Married I OPEL 1969. White walls, AM/FM, clutch, new transmission, new transportation. Good body. $350. - 1968. Clean, low mileage. Bicycle ONE BEDROOM, furnished. Married, couple. $135 a month, pin I paint inside, runs great, $300. Call Evenings, 351-3823. S large engine, well taken care of. deposit. After 3 p.m. 5-10-15 $1,000. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 373-3287, 10-speed. 351-7985.5-10-18 2 man or one girl needed. evenings, Farmer, 337-7227. 4-10-15 after 6 p.m. weekends. 393-1265. Cedarview Apartments. 351-4339. MERCURY 390, 1964. Good x-4-10-19 VW BUS 1964. Mechanically sound, 3-10-19 SUBLET, APARTMENT close to | condition, must sell I Best offer. like new inside, rusty outside, OFFICE HELP: NEW campus. Needed immediately, I 337-2395. 1-10-15 OPEL RALLYE 1971. Take over $495. Call 393-8629.3-10-15 STUDENTOURS TRAVEL Norwood Apartments. 4 89-2210 I 5-10-15 payments. Call after 5 p.m., CENTER, Apply in person, 129 MARRIED STUDENTS MG MIDGET convertible, 1971. 339-8025. 3-10-15 East Grand River, 12-5 p.m. & FACULTY COMET 1965 convertible. Good Excellent condition. Must sell. Call 694-4891 before 4 p.i Scooters & Cycles 2-10-15 LANSING bedroom OR East Lansing. One furnished. Large, a | transportation. Also new parts. Call PEUGEOT 404 1963, sharp, $450. 351-4080.3-10-15 5-10-21 332-8940 early mornings, late STILL OPENINGS for full or part 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. rooms. Air co nditionid. I evenings. 3-10-18 1969 HONDA CL-450 Scrambler. time work. Call after 4:30, some with study Beautifully maintained. Suitable I 3.75 10.00 16.25 Two helmets, luggage rack $625. 676-5927.3-10-15 for faculty, grad students, business I 351-7587.4-10-15 people, married couples. Lease, I 347 Student Services Bldg. tuned up, dependable PLYMOUTH, 1961. Good i Call 489-2114 evenings. 3-10-15 LOCAL FIRM has openings for hard 332-3135 or 882-6549. 0 All student ads must be $390. Oldsmobile Dynamics 1963. Automatic, power, new exhaust MGB 1965. Good condition, extras. transportation, $110. 371-3762. Tom. After 4 p.m. 2-10-18 SUZUKI 1971, 125cc. Sell for $400. working persons with good speaking voice to work as from >145 per mo. Excellent condition. 3818 SINGLE FOUR man. Privali prepaid system, good running condition. $550. Call after 3 p.m. 339-9292. Stillwell. 393-2816. 10-10-22 telephone solicitors. Hours 5:30 - UNFURNISHED entrance and parking. Phoni $190. 355-9904. 2-10-15 3-10-15 PLYMOUTH 1964. Engine rebuilt, 6, 9:30 p.m., Monday through The State News will 337-9510 after 5 p.m. 2-10-15 be new tires, $250 or best offer. Garry SUZUKI 1971 350, Rebel, like new, Friday. $1.75 an hour. Phone children welcome responsible only for the CORVETTE COUPE 1970. Powe, ^"J^TANG~~966. 3-speed, after 10 p.m., 353-8169. 3-10-15 2,000 miles. Call 393-1530. 372-7793 between 1 and 5:30 p.m. please, no pets FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM Marlette, I first day's incorrect steerina and brakes, automatic./ bucket seats, good interview. Only those who AM/FM. Real sharp. convertible, 5-10-15 to set up heat and gas included $145.1 insertion. 882-6305. condition. $575. Call 353-4558 RENAULT 16, 1969. Excellent are hard working need apply. 675-5273. X-3-10-15 4-10-15 CORVETTE -1969, convertible, day, 393-8021 evening. 3-10-15 condition, $1350, $150 below dealers price. Call 372-3231 after 6 TRIUMPH 650 1967. Pearlescent Blue, Candy Blue sportster tank, 8" 10-10-25 i.RN and LPN "AVe you interested in KNOB HILL GRADUATE STUDENT couple: 2l OLDSMOBILE 1964. New brakes, extension, chrome, best offer)' — p,m. 3-10-15 bedroom furnished Automotive supplementing your'Income? Our m^lje home, AH SPRITE 1960. Good body, top, $2950. Call before 1 or after 6. 349-2502. 3-10-18 tires, battery. Power. $450 offer. 349-1997.3-10-15 or best SAAB 1968, 96 Sedan. 24,000 miles, 351-2109.3-10-15 office, subsidiary Homemakers, of the is a Upjohn APARTMENTS Clean and quiet. 641-^P. 0 J very good condition. 482-3822. HONDA 1968 CL350. Good ONE AND 2 bedroom apartmr# snow tires. $650. 351-7767. Company. We provide home 349-4700 CORVETTE 1969 convertible plus 2-10-15 condition, back rest, luggage 5-10-20 OLDSMOBILE 1966, "98" Luxury from $145. 10 minutes frtw hardtop. Side exhaust. Call carrier, helmets. $375. patient care on a temporary basis. Sedan, loaded. 646-6452 Saturday two As a Homemakers employee, you OPEN 1 - 7 pm Mon.—Sat. MSU. Children permitted. EAGI.I 393-7832 after 7 p.m. 3-10-1 ? SPITFIRE 1969. 2 tops, wire wheels, 694-0528. 2-10-15 ARIEL 1959 Square Four, excellent - Sunday only. $795. 2-10-18 CREST NORTH, 694-8975,4330 radio, luggage rack. 485-8241 after may work when you want, earn a SUNDAY by appointment only condition. $995. 372-5234 or Keller Road, Holt. C 5p.m.5-10-19 HONDA 305 Scrambler (Custom). competitive rate and be fully 372-1310. 5-10-19 OLDSMOBILE 1968, 98 Luxury Beautiful machine. Accessories. bonded and insured at all times. LOCATED V* MILE NORTH Sedan, loaded. Runs like new. FOUR MAN apartment available, TOYOTA CROWN Deluxe 1967, Call 351-1925.3-10-19 For more information, call OF JOLLY RD. ON Phone 646-6452. Saturday - Close to campus. 332-"" sharp body. Must sell. Best offer 372-9644. 5-10-15 Sunday only. $1,695. 2-10-18 OKEMOS ROAD 4-10-15 over $700. Call 355-5900 after 3 HONDA 1971 175 road bike, like p.m. 3-10-15 275 FOR BABYSITTERS, housekeepers ONE GIRL wanted for apartment new. miles, $490. Phone Houses 371-1444. 5-10-21 and nurses aides, Homemakers, a $58 / month. Available now. TOYOTA CORONA 1969. FM radio, subsidiary of the Upjohn 332:6802. 1-10-15 stick shift, 25,000 miles. KAWASAKI 1970, 250, Sidewinder. Company, is interviewing for a HUGE 3 bedroom on Baker St. 372-5381. 2-10-15 1400 miles. $550 negotiable. variety of excellent positions. As NEED 1 - House across from .niles to campus. Carpet* 355-3703.5-10-19 aHomemakers employee, you'll campus. Cheap. 353-5328, unfurnished, $180 / month. Will TR-250 1968 convertible. $1300. Call work when you want, earn a 332-5903 after 5. 2-10-18 negotiate furnished 351-0457 before 10 a.m. or after 8 BSA VICTOR 1968. Good competitive rate and be fully IV2-7994. x-1-10-15 p.m. 10-10-25 -transportation. Too much bike for insured and bonded at all times. price, but must sell, $375. Call 372-9644 between 9 a.m. - 5 OWN BEDROOM. $50, "til 372-4321.5-10-15 p.m. 5-10-15 APARTMENT NEAR campus. One modern duplex. No I bedroom, furnished. $130. 332-4927. 1-10-15 ACADEMIC WRITERS needed 332-2110 after 6 p.m. 6-10-22 VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1969. Excellent Auto Service & Parts produce educational to 1 GIRL needed, co-op house at aids. Need shape. $1850. 351-3236 between from campus. Deposit, $5 MASON BODY SHOP, particularly writers in Economics, 812 East month. 332-5903. 2-10-18 5-7 p.m. or weekends. 5-10-19 Area Studies, and all Business BEDROOM furnished apartment, Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. disciplines. Call Write - On, close to campus. Ideal for married VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Good Complete auto painting and 332-3700. O couple. $165 per month. Call collision service. IV 5-0256. C condition, "glitter - bug" striping. 351-5434. 3-10-19 351 -8733 after 5 p.m.3-10-15 PART TIME EMPLOYMENT WITH full line merchant wholesaler. VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Sunroof, RECISION Automobile required. 351-5800. FIRST FLOOR apartment at 1009W. GmL FOR liberal house. Winter, radio, good condition, call IMPORTS Ionia, 1 or 2 people, no pets, no spring, $60 per month. 337- 0-10-20 482-7961 after 5 p.m. 5-10-19 children. Ph. 372-5 5 3-10-18 complete service for BABYSITTER NEEDED, my home. VOLKSWAGEN 1967, tape deck, all foreign models - 2 or 3 afternoons / week. excellent condition, $750, 45,000 repair and body work 351-4480. 1-10-15 miles, 332-0439. 3-10-15 CROSSWORD BEAUTICIAN - WHY not be in VOLKSWAGEN 1962. 15" magwheels and balloon tires, 500 AP. business for yourself? Set your PUZZLE own hours and take home all the ,c"°" miles on rebuilt engine. 3/4 cam, f\N GUARANTEED profits. Active beauty shop has bored and stroked, headers, heavy - repair. 1. Fear 31. Macabre RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at openings to rent chair. Excellent duty Porche clutch. Hate to sell, location. 6. Rib 32. Prohibit but I Phone 677-7051 after 6 p.m. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C Prestige building. For ' 11. Medicinal plant 33. Form information, call 393-1877 or 2-10-18 13. Abdul the 35. Shag 393-0433. 5-10-20 Aviation Bui Bui 37. Samuel's VOLKSWAGEN 1966 Bug. Rebuilt PART TIME 14. Grapefruit and full time mentor engine and clutch. Must sell, LEARN TO FLYI opportunity. Fluent phone voice 15. Mother-of- 38. Successful Complete flight deliberately underpriced, $500. required. Sincerity and enthusiasm training. All courses are pearl play 339-8441 after 7 p.m. 4-10-15 a must. 5 -10 p.m. Monday government and VA certified. through 16. Commotion 41. More delicate FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Friday. 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.and 17. Eggs 43. Supply with VOLKSWAGEN BUS, rebuilt engine, 3-8 p.m. Saturday. 11:30 a.m. - Road. Call 484-1324. C 19. Grog oxygen 4. Chill good body, best offer. 351-0063, 4:30 p.m. and 5 -10 p.m. Sunday. 20. Peace goddess Charles. 4-10-15 45. Filthy money 1. Surinam toad 5. Dieter's worry Salary plus bonus. $2 $5 per hour, 22. Position of a 46. Tea cakes 6. Container Jfc FELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB ROOM, TV Employment depending on ability. Personal golf ball 47. Signs 2. Footless animal 7. Mohammed s interviews from 5-10 p.m. October 24. Civilian clothes 48. Icelandic ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. 3. Jules Verne adviser 7, 8 and 9 at 633 East Jolly Road, 27. Despot Worldly LOOKING FOR sincere, highly - poetry 8. $ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. ambitious persons to earn high incomes, in Southland Complex, Suite 5. See Mr. Vance. O » 2 3 4 6 9. Depots 10. Square a team or individually. 4 %% 6 7 9 10 £ PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. Autumn Harvest Part 1-10-15 - time. Call 349-3949. II <2 B measure 12. Inlet £ READING ROOM FOR PRIVATE STUDY. Fresh, delicious apple cider m i IS 18. Micraner made before your eyes in 16 % 20. Possessive adjective % '7 18 kPMMS '9 UNDER NEW our cider mill. No,pre¬ % % 21-LenS * «nn £ INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. servatives added. All you 20 23. French season MANAGEMENT can drink for 10c. Also fruits, vegetables, % %% 2M 2S 26 27 21 % 22 23 24. Fairy queen 25. Radioactive £ MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA, 28 element homemade bread,doughnuts, M W LARGEST SELECTION "AJ 29 BO 31 26. Underwrite g 1, 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. pumpkins and apples. IN TOWN 32 33 %3M 28. Arikara At Discount Prices 30. Haggard novei Centennial Farm % %V/A % 34 Too bad MEADOWBKOOK as 36 trace And We Sell Service, Too. % % 37 % 36 39 MO 36. Honey 38. Applause buzza"1 Market Ml <43 MM To get to Meadowbrook 1-496. Exit Trace, go two miles south of Michigan State Campus 4 mi. north on U.S. 27 i • 39, Willow gem" 40. Thomas Haw V/ ©We Stock Over a Mil ion Parts on west onto Joliy Road and go to comer of Dunckel Road. heroine PHONE 393-0210 at Dill Rd. 669-3157 KRAMER AUTO PARTS 47 '#< M6 41. 42. Girl's nichnam* Legal thing OPEN 11-7 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT Mon. — Sat. 9-8 Sun. 1 — 7 800 E. Kalamazoo St. 44. Scepter I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 15, 1971 15 Rooms For Sale For Sale For Sale Personal Real Estate IcMALE ar*d *,ud#nt' cl*n- Service fc «Sln» 486-8836 or COMPACT STEREO Sylvania. BSR changer, 6 months old. $75 ROBERTS 778-X reel to reel end 8 Meeting |5763.0-7-1_0-22 356-€866. 3-10-18 track tape recorder. AKAI X-200-D automatic reverse stereo BOARD EXAM TUTORING Kaplan Tutoring Courses for the NOTEWORTHY 4 BEDROOM, 2 baths, completely IrVoOMS ON LOWER tap*! deck. December LSAT and carpeted, family room, fireplace, 2 drug Dual CV-40 January wjft Of new hom*' n**r EL-JAY'S IMPORTS will help you amplifier, Harman stereo Kardon SCI5 Animals DAT board exams are being car garage. Central air - PIANO TEACHER - wants students. on to make an Impression. See the In my home, El B'8' including TV room with finest selection of gifts and decor stereo music system, used HORSES BOARDED$25and$30per formed. Call collect (313) conditioning. 1V4 lots. 2 blocks to 484-8113.5-10-19 823 Woodbine, air conditioning, STEREO, speakers, 851-6077 for enrollment. schools. Only 10 minutes to MSU. in the state. Something for the amps, month. Box stalls, hay and grain, 'ill "'N'11" lnc,udwl receivers, changers, tape recorders O 25-11-12 A steal at $28,500 For more t#flly 372-8103. 3-^0-19 __ living room, bedroom or den? We have It. 2830 East Grand River, and decks, cassette and 8 track players, used 8 track tapes $2 / riding ring and trails, four miles South of MSU, 882-8779 or 882-3820. B-1-10-13 PATRICIAN $20 shag permanent for information, 5-10-20 call 882-8425. THE SECOND most important man at your wedding should be your abuse set ■aTtiVe" GIRL'S room in East Lansing. Between each. TV sets. Police bend radio, $10. Monday 124. 309 M.A.C. photographer. Terrence Miller, l! house C,0M' N° park"18 International House of Pancakes typewriters, imported wall GOOD HOMES desperately needed 337-1114. 3 10-18 FOR SALE by owner. 3 bedroom 351-2013. 5-10-15 The many facets of drug TL^ C.H Di«n«. 361 3439 or and Coral Gables. happy day. 2-10-15 332-2239. Heve tapestries. All equipment tested for friendly adult cats. Call aluminum Cape Cod near campus. abuse, from the reasons drugs "fflS. x-2-1°'18 a and guaranteed. WILCOX 351-5589. 3-10-19 CRASH RECORDER $21,950, very low equity, assume UPHOLSTER ING-REFINISHING, restyling, and repairing. All work are used to the treatment of a SECOND HAND STORE, 509 mortgage. 337-1898 for bad "tripper", will be tlie focus To for large farmhouse. WATERBEDS $26.50, any size. East Michigan. 485-4391. 8-5:30 NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND A Swedish appointment. 6-10-21 guaranteed. 18 years experience. of a three-day conference Oct. Units, $60. Mattress, liner, foam - engineer has T o land Upholstery, 675-5318. r00m- ^ 484-8871.2-10-16 -fin'iR pad and frame. UL listed waterbed p.m. Bank Monday through Saturday. puppies - 8 weeks. Registered developed a "black box" for 5-10-15 24-26 at the Kellogg Biological heaters. Amerlcard, Master Charge, stock, no papers. $50. Beautiful ALPHA STREET Halloween special: Station Conference Center at REBIRTH, 309 North auto6 that would record a Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. C layaways. terms, trades. C cuddly puppies. 882 7410 or Really this 3 bedroom Cape Cod FOR QUALITY service and stereos, Gull Lake. ROOMS for rent, driver's performance in the 30 882-8779. 1-10 15 would be a special any time. Full TV's and recorders. THE STEREO furnished. Cooking. About 40 NEW BICYCLE, women's 26", seconds before a crash. It basement, 2 car garage, near participants, SHOPPE. 337-1300. C 1372-8077. C CHERRY FINISHED table, 4 chairs, 3-speed. $70. Nancy, 351-6245. FREE consists of a tape that shopping, schools, and can be at including campus doctors, hutch, $100. or closest offer. KITTEN, grey male 7 weeks, medical 3-10-19 lovable, playful, call 489-0284. monitors braking, steering, MSU in minutes. Financing to be BATON - TWIRLING classes. Now students, local drug 355-0905 after 5:30 p.m. 2-10-15 1-10-15 acceleration, lighting and horn arranged. Call Mrs. Robinson, program staff members and taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640. QUALITY RUMMAGE 372-7610. ADVANCE REALTY, other experts, will receive SOLIGOR PROFESSIONAL zoom Sale. blowing. 20-10-28 Everything from A-Z. Saturday ST. 485-3045.4-10-15 intensive training in lens. 90-230 mm. New. 355-9865 BERNARD pups, AkC, good And you monitor yourself or treating ["sewing machines, $12.50 evenings. 1-10-16 and Sunday. 170 Stoddard, East markings. Stud Service also. Call when you keep your auto in drug abuse patients. rt up >IM zig Console models, - zags and straight Lansing. 1-10-15 after 6, 4-10-19 487-3039 or 482-5887; good running condition with EAST LANSING - By owner, 831 Typing Service The small conference will include GRAND PIANO: needs tuning and Christmas Break the help of the people who Collingwood. 2'/4 story brick group discussions, film ■ Over 60 to choose from. Colonial. some strings. $125 or best offer/ advertise in the "Auto Parts & $48,500. Immediate PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term clips, panel discussions, sessions ftCTRO - GRAND, 804 East Call 351-7037.3-10-16 SPAIN $249 AFGHAN HOUND puppies. 3 possession. Phone 372-7029 or pepers, theses. Best rates. Cetl with simulated patients and Services" section of STATE Xii^n Lansing. Hours: 9 a.m. - JAMAICA $239 months, AKC, black and tan 372-7601, Mr. MacDonald. 351-4619. O presentations m Saturdays. 9 a.m. - Noon.O female. 339-9076. 2-10-15 News Classified Ads. Turn 6-10-22 by the Street BICYCLES. STOCKLIST of LAS VEGAS $169 Corner Society. new there now! adult bikes available from Detroit's LONDON $149 TYPING THESES and letters, etc. "The Drug Scene: What Med [ANNUAL A.A.U.W. SPRINGER BRITTANY puppies. $5 Rapid J USED BOOK SALE largest store. Delivery toMSU.Call Call Frank Buck, 351-2286 each, 6 weeks old. Phone OKEMOS NEW home. Has 3 accurate service. School Never Taught Me", Alan Marcosson, 332-3576. VAN DYKE STUDIO gets it bedrooms, dining room, 1V4 baths, Experienced. 393-4075. C I OCTOBER 14,15. 16 3-10-15 AMPEX AX-50 tape recorder 1-10-15 in portraits, passports, I together fireplace, fully carpted, 2 car 'Talking Down a Bad Tripper", 1 MERIDIAN MALL D's, party "Show Me Something Better" (warranty). Craig open reel tape KITTENS - 3 long- haried, need a candids, or your job. Dwonstairs, garage. $33,500 349-2333. . and "Any Drug Program That 1 during regular Mall hours. NEW. COMPLETE. Boy Scout uniform, 12 slim. $14 or 7 recorder. 353-0187.3-10-15 good home. Free. 209 Abbott Rd., next to Brother Gambits. Or ring us up at 5-10-15 SAVE SAVE SAVE XEROX COPYING- offset - best Talks Just About Drugs Is at 112,000 books of all kinds. 339-8685 after 6 p.m. S COLE'S BAKERY 332-3331.-10-15 332-8889. 0-10-15 quality at reasonable prices. THE Best a Waste" are among the KIMBERLY DOWNS IfURNITURE Flee Fair: 314 SURPLUS BAKERY foods at reduced COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand topics. prices. 1/3 to 1/2 off at retail ZAP OPEN HOUSE River. Phone 332-4222. C The it Michigan. Dishes, boc'nt nearly new. Has 14' fireplace, University of Illinois Dental School, OFFICE DESKS, chairs, file cabinets, kitchen, 15' x 21' Country kitchen Priced reasonably. Call typewriters, adding machines, etc. very new steps and skirting. In Windsor Peanuts Personal with range, oven, dishwasher, ANN BROWN: Typing and multllith Tau Delta Phi. See the new etc. Phone 332-8398 or 484-7418. _487-3096^S Estates. $5,400. 646-6252. offset printing. Complete service 1-10-15 refrigerator, and disposal. for dissertations, F-2 NIKON 2-10-18 SONY AMPLIFIER, Dual, theses, ENGAGEMENTS Rectilinear XII. Practically new. Huge walkout full basement manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Price URGENT - MUST sell. 1970 has unfinished rec room that 22 years experience. 349-0850. APPLES, PEARS, plums, sweet cider. negotiable. 355-0774. C 3-10-18 Cambridge. 3 bedrooms, raised is spacious. Pick your own apples. Friday, CONGRATULATIONS TO five great kitchen, with island stove, Saturday, Sunday. BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of TC 127 SONY stereo cassette completely carpeted and furnished. 627-7124. 3-10-15 Alpha Chi new initiates • Miss Moneybags. 1-10-15 40' x 60' barn with Transportation Julie Thiess, Sarasota, Florida Leslie on Hull Road. (Old U.S. recorder. With V.U. meters, basement ready for up to 20 sophomore (formerly of MSU) to I 309 N. Washington recording limiter and headphone RIDE WANTED to east Detroit. John Anson, Sarasota, 127) 589-8251. 9 - 6 PM. C>sed horses. Barn needs new roof. Florida jack, $100. 372-5461. 2-10-15 SENTRY, 1969-in Windsor Estates. 2 Leave Friday, return Sunday. Mondays. O About 9 acre wood lot, good sophomore. University of Southern bedrooms, skirting, utility shed. 353-6970. 2-10-15 627-2063. X-5-10-19 fences. This property priced VICKEY - IT'S WIENNIE LOTTA to sell immediately. WnntoJ Barbara Bolvari, Oak Park junior to LOSE 20 POUNDS CIDER AND APPLES. Pick your 1957 campus. ELCAR. 10 minutes $1500. 882-0831 after 5 from DAYI Good luck manager number four. Stomach ready, MaryAnn? ____ Peter Bida II Berkley junior. p.m.4-10-18 Cathy and Dena. 1-10-15 SINGLE GIRL wanted to share Barbar8 Ann IN TWO WEEKS! own. Smith BRENNER'S ORCHARD. Road, Eaton Rapids. 1970 VINDALE 12' 60' CALL TEACHOUT ~ apartmBnt Delta Mj|| Birmingh8m Gamma to James 663-7756. 3-10-18 x ??'y*75 8 m0nth' C#" Russ911 Birmingham senior. Famous U.S. WomenSId Team Diet unfurnished, completely carpeted, AND GARDNER 489-9444.5-10-15 Theta Delta Chi. disposal, pets allowed. 339-8912. iDuring the non-snow off season the U.S. Women's MARTIN D-35-S. Exceptional wood. 4-10-15 MR. RAT from Ms. Cat : Joy or REALTORS WOZZARD OF IZ album wanted to Susan E. Gill is, 2 old. Lansing, sophomore pine I lose 20 Ski Team members go on the "Ski Team" diet years 351-1388. 2-10-15 Very friendly. advent of your second 1-10-15 decade. buy. Call Al, 353-1916. 1-10-15 to Roger R. Gentz, Tipton senior, Pi pounds in two weeks. That's right-20 Lost & Found funds in 14 days! The basis of the diet is chemical DESPERATELY NEED storage space K#PPa PH'" d action and was devised LOST KEY ring in Berkey Tuesday JUNIOR: THANKS FOR SHOWING 4320 W. Saginaw for antique car. 339-8685 after 6 by a famous Colorado ME WHAT HAPPINESS IS. lysician especially for the U.S. Ski Team. Normal morning. If found, please call SfhL Wanted 8y's maintained (very important!) while reduc- You keep "fuir-no starvation-because the diet CIDER JoAnne, 332-8661. 1-10-15 YOUR PANSY. 1-10-14 371-1930 BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for all positive. A negative, B LOST: NEAR Harrison and Grand BURLY POPPA - Happy Sweetest negative " ■designed that way! It's a diet that is easy to follow Jiether you work, travel or stay at home. TIME! River. Grey and white tiger triped kitten with white paws. Reward. Day, Sweet. MOMMA. 1-10-15 Love ya, SWEET EAST LANSING -Sale by owner. and AB negative, $10.00 O negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN WANTED: ROCK drummer with experience. Must groove. Phone ■ Inis Near University. Two - story brick. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER 372-6224. 5-10-1.8 is, honestly a fantastically successful diet. If it Call 393-5667. 2-10-18 11 large rooms, 3 fireplaces. Large ■[en t, the U.S. Women's Ski Team wouldn't be per- CONGRADULATIONS SHARMAN, attic and basement. Formal dining. ^ Lansing. Above the new Campus Ewt StJdENT TEACHING exchange. Kb Pale the ut0 tUse U.S. Ski it! R'Sht? So, give yourself the same Team Only 85c per gallon FOUND: Hagadorn, ORANGE near male Grand cat. River. We're so proud I Your DG sisters. 1-10-15 Re-locating because of job. Must Book Store. Hour,, 9 am to 3 30 ' ~ ?r8nd . . D ■ . , uu,n^ RaP'dS J°r Wa'lel Lak9- i ce, proven way. Even if gets. Lose weight the scien¬ or quantity price Phone 351-3046. 3-10-19 sell. Will sacrifice. Price reduced pm . Monday, Thursday, and . , Livonia or Macomb County. iqoi xio is you've tried all the other from $52,000 to $49,700. For Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 355-1981. 3-10-15 ■its, you owe it to yourself to ' learn try the U.S. Women's LOST: VICINITY Men's IM. Men's appointment, call 351-1283. _pmJoJ_30_pm.337:7183._C Diet. That is. if pounds in two weeks. Order you really do want to lose Corda West signet ring, initials DSJ, reward. 5-10-18 WANTED CAR to rent. 3 weeks creative group. Original, today. Tear this out 353-4218.3-10-15 332-0268.3-10-18 |a reminder. NOTHING LASTS foreverl So for Recreation around town. 489-9756. 3-10-15 |Send only $1.00 ($1.25 for Rush Service)-cash is 5817 E. Okemos Rd.. E. Lan LOST KITTEN: white, grey, black. new or newer household goods check today's Want Adsl IL - Tac r ,SkLTeam D«et, P.O. Box 15493, San 92115. Don't order unless you expect (2 mi. north off Grand River) Six toes, declawed front two feet. Reward, 355-9242. 3-10-18 SKI IN French Alps. $289. Complete package. NEW STUDENTOURS, Our Super Value System ED 7-7974 |10?? if?. pounds in two weeks! Because that's LOST: MALE "Bluepoint" Siamese, 129 East Grand River, 351-2650. fat the Ski Team Diet will do! Open daily to 9 p.m. near City Hall. Contact Radke, Extra TV's sell fast in spring with low 5-10-20 . cost Want Ads. Dial 355-8255. 351-0100. 3-10-15 WINTER HOLIDAY Nassau, $159. Jamaica, $219. Acapulco, $219. Plus specials on Spain, Hawaii. NEW STUDENTOURS, 129 East d^tudenJA., MaAsued yia STORY Grand River, 351-2650. 10-10-27 EUROPE: JETS for winter break and 1972 from $199. Reserve cutd summer .. • faculty DATSUN SALES 3165 E. MICHIGAN now, East 10-10-27 NEW STUDENTOURS, 129 Grand River. 351-2650. Faught CHRISTMAS BREAK. Spain $249. in the housing One Block From Campus Nassau $169. Acapulco $249. London $149. Complete deluxe packages. Call 351-2286. O-10-15 Frank Buck, squeeze? Service Composed of AM/FM tuner : the Sony STR222 receiver - an excellent with an amplifier that delivers 16 Clean RMS Continuouswatts The Garrard 40B turntable complete with pake your troubles to STARVING ECON student needs bread. Will tutor. Expert in Economics 200, 201. $3 cash / hour or barter. 353-1573. 3-10-15 base, dustcover and your choice of $25 mag. cartridge. The West Laboratories Mark III two-way acoustic speakers. 8" woofer & 3" tweeter suspension park west 1971 % - TON DATSUN PICK-UP QUALITY square CARPET foot, 332-4026. 3-10-18 cleaning, 6c for estimates call, STEREO OPEN HOUSE apartments SST >2,142 SPECIAL <249 PERSONAL SHOPPER for those 5530 West delivered in Laming Michigan Ave. unable to do their own, $5 per 402 S. Washington FREE RUSTPROOFING WITH ANY DATSUN SALE hour. 349-0176. 1-10-15 Lansing at Saginaw 245 Ann Street Contact Bill Dtlonge ELECTRONIC REPAIRS'. Stereos, East Lansing radios, recorders, TV's. 484 4640 Dependalbe. reasonable. Call Stereo Open House-Today thru Sat. 361-6680.0-30-11-19 Friday, October is 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan State official calls (Continued from page one) with 1-496 would not have been built if the cross-campus route The State Highway Dept. noted that MSU was a large traffic MSU," Woodford said. highway plan a'benefit and recreation resources, He termed the proposed grade delivered a stirring address on the He cited a report on noise pollution which he applied to the and quiet may be higher imagine" Risk said. than we of our major *asi-We north-south streets"^ highway in October 1949, and approval had not been given over John M. Patriarche, East Meridian Township attraction in the area, adding that intersection of M-43 and Harrison peace and tranquility of the MSU proposed highway, stating that sUtem then highway dept. plans in the past 20 years. interchanges of the proposed Road as "both safe and campus which prompted the the "seeds of madness" are Lansing city manager, said that states, referring to GrindlS September 1969, the board Trustees Blanche Martin, M-43 at both Bogue Street and efficient." Woodford suggested predominately student audience already planted by the train noise the original need of the M-43 Ave. as serviced by the pro J! rescinded its earlier approval by a D-East Lansing, Kenneth W. Farm Lane would facilitate easier that the University would be of about 500 to prolonged and that the highway might lead highway still exists and that if it M-43 highway. V ^ unanimous vote in June 1971. Thompson, R-Grand Rapids, and to the campus by to a high incidence of insanity was not constructed, Grand River "We do not access better off constructing tornado applause. Risk cited the current consider tk Representatives of the State Patricia M. Carrigan, D-Ann motorists. shelter areas for Spartan Village use of the land north of the among residents near the Avenue traffic would become cross-campus artery to b,? Highway Dept. led off testimony Arbor, questioned Woodford on with a 50 minute presentation in his contention that a Mt. Hope "MSU attracts many more residents south of the Grand railroad tracks and the Baker highway, including the Cherry intolerable. He noted that ecological disgrace. The scheduled to follow a Jf vehicles than any one of the next Trunk railroad tracks, than in Woodlot as an outdoor field Lane married housing approximately 12,800 students raiirJ which they listed justifications Road location of M-43 would not for constructing the highway and be acceptable. Woodford three best known attractors in the opposing the highway because it study area which would be apartments. cross Grand River Avenue to which already bisects the has been designed to camnl area — the Lansing business would be a barrier to shelters on disrupted by M-43, requiring "Universities have for years reach main campus every day. cause discounted alternate proposals maintained that aMt. Hope Road district, main Oldsmobile plant, main campus. been known as centers for Timothy Hiltz of SCAR harm." busing of students to nature including a route further south alternate route would not serve as andthe Capitol complex. In 1965, Woodford stated that areas. enlightenment and futurist reiterated the necessity to along Mt. Hope Road. Woodford a sufficiently attractive bypass to the daily vehicle trips to and from pedestrian ramps probably would "MSU is proud of our residence thinking," Risk said. "If this is develop a mass transit plan for the Bylaw ideas said that the $1.7 million relieve heavy traffic on Grand these three attractors totaled not be constructed over the M-43 true today, then campuses such as He said the highway would halls as unique living learning area. Trowbridge Road interchange River Avenue. 88,875 compared to 80,951 at highway, as has been proposed in centers, " Risk said. "Trains ours will be truly appreciated for initiate a migration of urban ills the past. He said pedestrians and passing by Fee and Holden halls having reserved this land for to the MSU campus. TT IT'S WHAT'S _ cyclists could cross at the Bogue already shake the foundations of nature—much as New York City Both Risk and Hiltz said they (Continued from page on,) Street and Farm Lane those buildings and, with 2,000 residents appreciate Central Park would make available to the underpasses as well as the cars per hour traveling on the or many people flock to National trustees more detailed committee will inform HAPPENING I Harrison Road and Hagadorn highway, living in this area would parks. The value to human spirit environmental statements and fe Road interchanges. and intellect provided by peace studies on mass transit candidate of the decision indeed be unique." Ifb Both Chamber of Commerce decision is possibilities. The State Highway negative, t candidate will units testifying Thursday based Dept. had contended that noise receive statement giving reasons their support for the M-43 highway on the need for an east-west route to take traffic Student apathy perils would not be excessive on the highway and that new stringent auto emmission standards would decision and will be appear before the committo forth! invited t the proposal states. its for It's What's Jesus Christ. The Alternative is past the University in addition to (Continued from page one) prevent dangerous air pollution. Friday - 7 a.m.; Tuesday and According to the "Bylaws for The Charter Township of t be received in the Thursday - 7 p.m.; Saturday - 9 located at 4930 Hagadorn Rd. across making access to MSU easier. Academic Governance," each Meridian submitted a statement State News office, 345 Student a.m.; Sunday — 3 p.m. AH classes from Hubbard Hall. "The lack of an adequate the University level, although The proposal suggests thit cross-campus route must add not to the degree that the college must define its to the trustees which noted that before Services BIdg., by 1 p.m. at least two meet in the Green Room of the any statement of reas« Creative considerably to the congestion of University College is constituency and the University class days before publication. Items The Society for planning in the township over the is forwarded to the candidate# limited Anachronism will meet at 8 vehicles the campus streets," experiencing. College, because there are no are to 25 words. No p.m. on past 20 years has been done with department council, the writta announcements will be accepted by Saturday in the Tower Room, Union. Elmer J. Manson, of the Greater "I think there will be some majors, has taken the most the future construction of the statement will be drafted The MSU Sports Car Club presents liberal definition: m phone. No announcements will be Medieval dancing, music, fighting Lansing Chamber of Commerce, shortage (at the University level) any a gymkhana from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-43 highway in mind. result of a full commit!# accepted for events outside the and plans for the Kalamazoo said. because the degree to which undergraduate interested in Sunday at Lot Y. There is a $3.50 Tournament will be discussed. discussion. greater Lansing area. Harold students are not participating is University College functions can "In addition to the extensive entry fee and a minimum 30 PSI Buckner, ASMSU under theengine. chairman, and Michael Flintoff, that extreme," he said. participate. and expensive capital The current There will be an open house from Stiles pointed out that all the practice Brothers and sisters - if you are at Residence Halls Assn. president, Ms. Parrish said there may be improvements which were 8 to 10 p.m. Saturday at the MSU all interested in dance, please come concern displayed two years ago molded to accommodate this compile a list of reasons writii Observatory. Children under age 13 Enjoy evening services followed by voiced student opposition to the some confusion in students' to the meeting of the Beautiful Black by each individual fait should be accompanied by an adult dinner at 6:30 p.m. today at the Dancers at 2 p.m. Saturday in the proposed highway, though they minds as to who can participate by students who were pushing plan, many other planning member. B'nai Brith Hillel, 319 Hillcrest. in University College affairs. To for the approval of the student projections were made in with at least one adult for each three dance studio, Women's Intramural did not say they were speaking on The proposal also children. Morning services begin at 9:30 a.m. eradicate their doubts, she and participation report has all but anticipation of this route. In the sugjn Saturday and will be followed by Bldg. We will continue to meet every behalf of the student body. Both that the recommendation in Kiddush. Have Saturday in order to maintain a black advocated development of "a Stiles have been visiting dissipated. planning of our community Sisters there will be a general a good Shabbos. "The issue of getting students center, we have concentrated on by the committee be deliven - dance department on campus. true and efficient mass transit University College courses to tell to the department council I meeting at 8 p.m. Monday in the students what is open to involved is going to be even heavy traffic generators (The Gold Room, Union. Discussion will Hillel's first Coffee House will system for the entire them. Feb. 15 of the second year, stickier than providing for their Meridian Mall, the New Township center on the feminist movement in open at 8 p.m. Saturday. Good A gay TG will be held from 6 to Lansing-East Lansing area." "Any undergraduate can the candidate's three-year ter music, food and fun. Call 332-1916 midnight tonight. Call 353-9795 for Paul H. Risk, instructor in parks participate," she said. involvement," he said. Hall, K-Mart) at the intersection general and local women's liberation for rides and information. more information. activities. "Virdiana," Cannes grand prize Eckankar, the ancient science of winner and example of art as social "Gamut," the student produced soul travel, will hold its open comment, will be shown at 7, 8:40, TV show, presents "Big Band Jazz" PIZZA! discussion group at 7 p.m. Saturday and 10:20 tonnight and Saturday in FREE at 11:30 a.m. Saturday on channel in the Captain's Room, Union. 106B Wells Hall. 10 TV. Bicycle ride! Everyone interested "Baby Vickie" will be shown at 7, in a slow 10 or 12 mile bicycle ride is The critically acclair 8:15 and 10:45 tonight and Saturday welcome to come with the MSU in 102B Wells . Rated X, you must be Czechlosovakian film, "The Stone Cycling Club on a tour to the Old 18 or show MSU ID. Flower," will be shown at 1 p.m. Cider Mill in Okemos. Meet at 2 p.m. Saturday in 105 South Kedzie Hall. Sunday in front of the Men's "Dona Perfect," a Mexican film Admission is 75 cents. Intramural Bldg. starring Dolores del Rio, will be shown at 7:30 and 9:30 tonight in The MSU Broadcaster's Guild The Gnat, a publication of 109 Anthony Hall. invites everyone to attend a second Conservative Students of MSU, will TV workshop at 9 a.m. Saturday at hold an organizational meeting at The Assn. for Shared Childbirth WMSB, studios A and B. 1:30 p.m. Saturday in 104C Holmes presents the films "Not Me Alone" Hall. People are needed to handle and "Talking About Breastfeeding" almost everything. at 7:30 and 8:15 tonight at the Old The Student Forum of the United University Lutheran Church, 504 Ministries in Higher Education will At the Albatross: Friday - folk Ann, East Lansing. Doonations are feature a graduate student from music by Vicki Jacobs; Saturday - 25 cents. Bangla Desh speaking on the "Crisis folkstrummer Paul Lucsak. Open in East Pakistan." Everyone is 8:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. music begins The Gay Liberation Movement will welcome to a cost supper at 6 p.m. about 9 p.m. at the Albatross, 547 E. hold a meeting at 1 p.m. Sum y in Sunday to be followed by the Grand River Avenue. Donations are 34 Union. For more information call meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the UMHE Si; 353-9795. Center, 118 S. Harrison Rd. Interaction - guitarists from the SDS will meet at 4 p.m. Sunday in The MSU Tolkien Fellowhsip will MSU Folklore Society, cider and the Tower Room- of the Union to meet at 8 tonight in the South popcorn. Everyone is welcome from discuss the Monday demonstration Hubbard Hall lower lounge. All 7:30 to IX tonight in 33, 37, 38, and against Wesley Fishel. hobbits, elves, dwarves, and anyone 39, Union. Sponsored by the Honors else are welcome. College, admission in 10 cents. "East - No Exit," a tape by The So cail Work School Francis Schaefer concerning the The Badminton Club invites Colloquium will be held at 2 p.m. philosophy of eastern religions, will students and faculty to play from 7 today in the Captain's Room of the be played and discussed at 8 P-m- to 10 tonight in the lower gym of the Union. Frank Petrock, director of the Saturday at 39BV1 Park Lane Women's Intramural Bldg. New Jersey Readjustment Center for (basement). Refreshments will be Young Offenders, will speak on "Behavior Modification in Lamaze Method Childbirth Correction." ONE FREE JUNIOR PIZZA College of Arts and FREE! Ballots for the preparation classes begin on Nov. 4. Letters selection procedures Couples due in December and Free U is sponsoring two ratification are due by Oct. 19, not WITH ONE ITEM. WITH A Caesars January register before Oct. 24. Call hypnotism classes this term - the Oct. 12 as stated on the ballots. The Kathie Mantylla at Little 694-8090 or experience of hypnosis and techniques of hypnosis. For information about time and place of Electoral Commission will meet to consider petitions for student Ginny Smith at 651-5971. PURCHASE OF A LARGE FREE! meetings, call Dave at 353-4420 positions on Oct. 21. Ail-University Student Judiciary PIZZA (ONE ITEM OR between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. office hours are from 3 to S p.m. MORE) WITH THIS FREE! Iteat The Alternative Coffeehouse will Monday through Friday in 331 be open from 9 to midnight tonight. Student Services Bldg. Good entertainment, friends and COUPON- GOOD UNTIL OCTOBER 20 FREE! this week we arc feAtutanq these specially pRiced ips T-Rex fettle Cae$3^ Electric Warrior . . . $2.98 Mason Proffit Last Night . . . $2.98 Pentangle Reflections . . . $2.98 Fleetwood Mack Future Games . . . $2.98 Van Morrison Tupelo Honey . . . $2.98 Incredible String 323 e. Band Reflections . . . 2LP's . . . $5.49 river PLUS THIS WEEK. . . open 9-9 ON-CAMPUS DELIVERY Selected B.B, King LP'S on Sale sat. at Specially reduced prices! 9-6 337-1681 don't foRqet to check our RACk OFF CAMPUS/CIRCLE DRIVE DELIVERY which Always feAtuRes At leAst 90 ip s discounted 40% & moRe, 337-1631 1071 TROWBRIDGE 1203 E.GRAND RIVER PHONE 351-5380 HDCKEY FANS! GET YOUR FREE POSTERS WITH ANY PURCHASE UPON REQUEST (OFFER GOOD ONLY WHILE THEY LAST)