For. . . MICHIGAN Monday Sunny . the female of the species is fATE NEWS With a slight chance of STATE . . . afternoon rain. High between 72 and 77 degrees. UNIVERSITY |fl 64 Number 46 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 18, 1971 ighwayfoes outnumber backers By KAREN ZURAWSKI system, and system. a study of expanding the bus "will reach critical levels very shortly." "We should substitute this land use for Environmental Quality, cited several recent laws dealing with the conservation of natural administrative, licensing or other at meet Building Lands and Planning Committee, and Leighton L. Leighty, chairman of the State News Staff Writer In a slide proceedings the effects of actions should be presentation, they pictured East other possible land uses, and restore it to resources. ascertained on the environment. If the Committee on Forensicsand Environmental Lansing and MSU coming into conflict along Loonents outnumbered supporters of E. Grand River Avenue. With the more humane purposes," he said. Fred Moore, Buchanan junior and member The 1963 protection Michigan Constitution terms the of natural resources of effects are judged to impair or destroy Quality, cautioned that more analysis needed and did not advocate any position: was / proposed cross-campus highway construction of the natural resources, the action cannot be •Jtav as the trustees listened to almost and the peripheral cross-campus highway of E-QUAL, termed the highway "a "paramount public concern in the interest implemented Nor can it be implemented if "Not all the alternatives have been route, three areas of violation of the founding and guiding of the health, safety and general welfare of explored, the issue is not yet soluble," Ms. ne hours of testimony in the Big Ten conflict would exist, they contended. the feasible and prudent alternatives consistent Garrison said. -m of Kellogg Center. philosophy of the University." people." with the public good exist. Urging tnat E. Grand River Avenue be Moore asked if the loss of the different Ms. Garrison questioned how to weigh the rvclists for a Cleaner America agreed to The 1970 Michigan Environmental downgraded, they also Sort a highway provided that it followed alternative forms of stressed transportation that were species of plant and animal life, recreational areas and educational Protection Act made provision for the the Opposing the justifications presented by Highway Dept. and merchants, for the needs of protecting the environment against those of traffic flow, and the living needs in oute along Mt. Hope Road, and that their needed to alleviate the congestion. atmosphere, had been citizen to protect his environment in court highway, he called them "legally eeproposals were implemented. figured into the $10 million price tag for the residence halls aginast the priorities of George Anderson, Gasport, N.Y. graduate highway. action, he said. insufficient" for the trustees' approval of convenience. Thev called for a moratorium on the student and a member of the He pointed to Section 5(2) as being cyclists, said Robert Carr, former asst. attorney general the proposal. She pointed to Berkey Hall, which was oansion of car territory, the integration of the amount of applicable in this case. It says that in territory devoted to cars and a lawyer the Task Force for any Anne C. Garrison, chairman of the campus and community bicycle path on (Please turn to page 11) rustees promise help o Chicanos after the Lansing Chicano community Chicanos. We would like to have positive By MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writer group Sol de Aztlan presented documents action," Boger said. claiming past contact with University In his statement to the chicano group, The board of trustees Friday promiseu administrators had been fruitless. The Wharton said the trustees did not wish to rward movement and positive steps in group had challenged the administration to hear a Chicano presentation until the group area of Chicano programs and services a debate last Tuesday which administration had gone through channels. In a closed nearly 50 Mexican - Americans pressed officials did not attend. board meeting the trustees reportedly to the board's chambers. An Oct. 11 statement written by Robert mandated Wharton to meet with the President Wharton read a statement to Perrin, vice president for University Chicanos in the future. Chicanos which said the trustees, "are relations, to Sol de Aztlan, said: "Hie press "Let me emphasize that if, after such ry deeply interested in and concerned release, debate challenge and other meetings with the University officials, the a number of the issues raised by the utterances have appeared without there representatives of the Chicano community iwuio student community." being any effort by your organization to are not satisfied with the judgements and The trustees' response resulted in part discuss your concerns with those who have decisions which are made at that time, then responsibility in this area." the board would be willing to entertain a Roman Gonzalez, a spokesman for the direct presentation by members of the t\>ard of Sol de Aztlan, said that while the Chicano community with regard to these ap Brown group wishes to meet with the administration in an effort towards better issues," Wharton said. Though the Chicano situation was not Chicano programs, the group still disputes an agenda item, three Chicanos supported eported in Perrin's contention that there had been no prior direct contact. by about 50 h an d - cl ap pin g Mexican-American spectators made short speeches to the trustees. The first speech air condition "I am submitting to you two which prove conclusively that documents Mr. Perrin was the Sol de Aztlan statement on past contact with the administration, followed Jumping has purposely lied to you and misled the by an angry Chicano individual whose Pirates pitcher Steve Blass leaps high in the air as his catcher, Manny Sanguillen, raises his arms in public or is misinformed as to our efforts victory after they NEW YORK (AP) - H. Rap Brown, the defeated Baltimore 2-1 to win the 1971 World Series Sunday. Blass was the starting and winning in dealing with the College of Agriculture," pitcher, (see story -k militant on the FBI's "most wanted" a Sol de Aztlan spokesman told the (Please turn to page 11) Page 9) for 17 months, was reported in fair APWirephoto trustees. dition Sunday after abdominal surgery lowing a shoot-out with police during a The two documents included nine room-crap game-holdup. educational demands presented by the Court clears 2 candidates From his bed in Roosevelt hospital, Chicanos or. Feb. 25, 1971, in a meeting *wn, 28, was charged by telephone with with Provost John E. Cantlon and Jack ttempted homicide, robbery and Breslin, executive vice president. :«ession of a dangerous weapon. The other document was a March 29, The long-missing Brown surfaced about 3 1971, proposal by Sol de Aztlan requesting m. Saturday when a passerby called police in campaign spending suit funding of a new radio service for migrant report he could see a holdup going on in Chicano workers in Michigan submitted in -Red Carpet baron West 85th St. Six patrol a meeting with Cantlon, Lawrence L. cars answered the call about the Boger, dean of the College of Agriculture bery and the gun battle began. and Natural Resources, and George S. Brown and one of the other suspects fled o an Mclntyre, director of the Cooperative By BOB ROACH apartment building near the corner Extension Service. Executive Reporter in favor of legal precedents which allow notwithstanding the impossible task of f Columbus Ave. The second man was but also agreed with Reisigs' opinion that candidates to file revised campaign expense deciding who would move up if he were to better laws are needed to control campaign ptured and Brown was wounded in an Two East Lansing city council order the names of Bone and Phillips statements and avoid prosecution if the change of gunfire which left the building Boger said Friday that Perrin's statement candidates, Duane P. Bone and Charles expenditures. second statement is proper. stricken from the ballot. bby a sha mbl es, tenants reported. regarding no direct contact by the Max Phillips, were cleared in Ingham "Attorney General Kelley, in his last Bone's attorney, Leo A. Farhat, a "The Brown disappeared when he was Chicanos with administrators refered to plaintiffs have had their day in County Circuit Court Friday of changes in direct word on this subject," the judge former county prosecutor, asked the court this fall and did not cover the court and we're satisfied that justice has heduled to stand trial in Bel Air Md., on a civil law suit that claimed they had to order the acknowledged meetings last spring. added, "has said this act doesn't proscribe plaintiffs to pay the been done," Bone said. "I do think the *"ges of arson and inciting to riot in improperly filed campaign expense (the number of) political committees or defendants' costs, including legal fees, but abridge, Md. "At no time have we said we have done statements for the August primary legislature should enact some type of the amount that each may spend." Reisig refused. as much as we would like to regarding election. limitations," he added, in agreement with The law, Reisig concluded, "is, for all "Misters Bone and Phillips have chosen Farhat, who said more explicit laws are Judge Donald L. Reisig also denied the intents and purposes, unenforceable." to enter the arena of public life and here needed because: OMSU LIBRARY plaintiffs' requests: • To ban further campaign expenditures in "There is no clear legal right for the must learn early to bear the costs of a relief sought by the plaintiffs here," he public official, which include the cost of "I don't think any candidate for behalf of Bone and Phillips. public said. defending oneself from law suits." office should have to face the • To strike the names of Bone and Phillips specter of hapin To annul the primary election would be Following adjournment, Bone and lawsuits," permitted by uncertainties in the plans from the Nov. 2 ballot, and • To have several produce personal bank records. The Bone plaintiffs included contributors write-in "turning back the clock," Reisig said, Phillips expressed their relief to reporters, present laws. n pay list, if candidate Lansing voters who Chuck Will and eight East filed suit Oct. 9 following unsuccessful attempts to secure CHARGE 'POLITICAL BLACKMAIL' By DIANE PETRYK criminal "There will be no repetition of such prosecution by the county State News Staff Writer action by the director of libraries," Chapin prosecutor and the state attorney general. Huff, White blast Dems Their suit charged that the mandatory said. .JtoardayE.heChapin, director of Libraries, would take An MSU student librarian reported to filed accounts of expenses for Bone and Phillips, of $1,580 and $1,061, no action if the the State News Friday that the MSU of individual MSU faculty respectively, did not meet state election -mh„ Library Association had agreed in a law requirements. They said the candidates tin ^ p'aced on the reserve reading meeting that Chapin's action was an act of non-communication and an abyss of misunderstanding and (i the Llbrary again. censorship, but that censorship is all right filed only lists of total expenditures and did not, as the law requires, list By BILL HOLS TEIN mistrust." ujap.n removed the list Thursday by in certain circumstances. contributions by individual committees State News Staff Writer Huff responded to the letter, saying he had often supported the - it i ?ut ^or an indeflnate period which are limited to $440 each. administration's recommendations and was not trying to hamstring -ksa ,placed on reserve by Richard P. Librarians Miriam Bright and Clarice Charges of "political blackmail" and "crass political pressure" the administration as the legislators supposed. Bone and Phillips each filed proper, aimed at the State Democratic Party Friday by two fficP;,SSt' professor business law and Dawson said Sunday there had been some amended statements with the county clerk were Trustee White, after the meeting, told reporters he has been scattered discussion on the matter among Democratic MSU trustees. subject to similar pressure from the State Democratic Party. after the county prosecutor was notified of Trustees Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, and Clair White, D-Bay City, the library staff but nothing had actually "I was told three months ago that the president or his the irregularities by attorney W. Perry vailabltntS 3rf, now ma'c'ng the document been done. Bullard. said political pressure was being brought to bear upon them because of their opposition to the policies of President Wharton. representative had contacted the state party and complained about brary James Madison College Ms. Dawson said Peter Trumbull, Bullard argued the plaintiffs' case Trustee Huff, during the board meeting Friday, read a letter he harassment. This in turn was relayed to me by a political source inside the Democratic Party without any solicitation on my part," iic^nnCil0f the MSU chaPter of the Library bibliographer, initiated the discussion against Chapin. Trumbull said Friday, but Reisig said it appeared "the allegation is simple that too much was said he received from Jackie Vaughn, black Democratic representative from Detroit, and Coleman A. Young, black White said. Wesson (AAUp\Cla?°n °f University spent on the campaigns of these two Democratic senator from Detroit. The letter said a resolution would White said he considered the matter to be "raw political Sunday he knew nothing about it. blackmail" by the black legislators. Si^™ent Saturday: fo,,owing "Nothing actually became of it," Ms. candidates." be introduced into the House and Senate "on behalf of black staff "I'm just as much against a black Ku Klux Klan as I am against a ews SH!tory as reported in the State Dawson said. "They decided to wait and In his ruling, Reisig blamed the legislature for the vagueness-"in a general, members of the University" seeking an investigation into Huffs actions as a trustee unless he ceased his "destructive" opposition to white one," he said. k00^15' 1971 is correct.the get the feeling of the people. My feeling is During the meeting, White asked Wharton if he repudiated the ' ''braripc ? y Richard Chapin, director that it is no longer pertinent." not constitutional, sense"—of the law on President Wharton. letter. which the plaintiffs' complaints were The letter also said a resolution to censure Huff would be -rve hv' d° r.e,nove materials placed on The student librarian who contacted the based. introduced at the next meeting of the Democratic Party Black Wharton responded that he would not become involved in what ,e«r violatin «• Richard Oleksa were a State News said Chapin had violated The "This act is a Philadelphia lawyer's Caucus if Huff did not correct his behavior. he saw as a "partisan, political dispute" within the Democratic "Above aS °f aCademit freedo™- Library Bill of Rights, a doctrine of the delight," he said, "and although the issues The letter said Huff has attempted to "frustrate, hinder and Party and would neither repudiate nor condone the actions of any member of the legislature. w that ,nJ8' Mr" Chapin should American Library Association. here may be resolved in the counts, the impede the present administration at almost every juncture, which The legislators said the most recent example of Huff's ":r"ed bv th cu,ty members are The Library Bill of Rights, a statement ultimate solution must come from sincere ultimately leads to nothing less than blatant harrassment of Dr. dents in th! Same rules «PP,ied to of basic policies which the organization and dedicated action by the legislature to Wharton." "destructive" actions took place at the July board meeting when undeild rKUSC °f reserve materlal8- feels should govern the services of all enact a totally clear and enforceable The letter added: Huff motioned to amend the boards bylaws such that "any action Mr. 0,2 materials were returned libraries, includes the following statements: limitation on campaign expenditures." "By your official action, you have successfully incorporated affecting the policy of governance of the University must be approved by the board of trustees before becoming effective." ^Petitions r P® that there will be Reisig said judicial restraint compelled racism into procedural policies of the University. By continuing rect°roflibraries »SUCh aCtl°nS by the (Please turn to page 11) him to forego his own opinion on the case your racist attitudes and actions, you are creating a chasm of (Please turn to paoe 11) Monday, Octoberla Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan , news Trustees OK By BILL HOLSTEIN and resolution concerning student voting and discussed operation of residence halls. panel revision AUTC as strictly an advisory group to another office responsible for approval of permits. The board also passed without resolution Introduced by Pfttrlcla Carrieann dis* 1 summary MICHAEL FOX State News Staff Writers The plan to revamp AUTC requires that group to develop written procedures for conducting The committee also recommended that an outside agency conduct a study of "the entire Arbor, to commend those officials University, East Lansing, Meridian Townshi ^ League of Women Voters, Operation From,"? J From (he wirct of AP and UP1. business to provide continuity of operation during campus transportation problem." 'The board of trustees Friday approved a plan to cestructure the All University Traffic Committee the turnover of faculty and student members. Executive Vice President Jack Breslin described and VOTER who helped facilitate regis, .,?'1*1 The special review committee which prepared for the trustees a recent agreement between the MSU students this fall. 8 "lonf« (AUTC) designed to make the group better organized and more effective. the plan recommended that more staff assistance University and East Lansing concerning fire In other action, Warren D. Huff D-Pivm The trustees also approved a fire protection be given to AUTC to meet the "sizable burden of protection for the campus. parking permits" or else establish The costs of providing the protection will be asked the administration to investigate »!!3 agreement with the city of East Lansing, passed a rollback in residence hall rates for the split on a "50-50 basis," Breslin said, with the currem as the trustees' action In University's $300,000 share coming from three increasing rates last JT "I'm just as much against a black was based on a prediction of 86 per cent can^ Ku Klux Klan as I am against a white one." Agnew stresses sources: $150,000 from auxiliary fUnds, $100,000 from the General Fund and about $60,000 in credit from East Lansing for a pending revenue this fall. Huff noted that occupancy is mow ^ 100 per cent, with triples resulting. Roger E. Wilkinson, vice president for busing - Clair White, sharing bill. Breslin said under the terms of the agreement and finance, replied by noting that food costsh. MSU Board of Trustees member with present Greek East Lansing will now notify the University 30 days before purchasing any equipment and will no Increased 5 per cent, which Is more " anticipated, that reductions in staff have alread" longer buy equipment without the University's been necessary, and that the labor is up]1 cost for i»k«. knowledge and then sentf a bill to the University per cent. Vice to legislation now awaiting See related article, page 1 ATHENS XiroT President Splro 1. (AP) — a™ J "is Agnew is Senate TctTon ' which wodd ban luncheon!'zJitaklfwtehed"future office and him for half of the cost. for half of th, University officers will be involved in the hiring "We do have a fiscal responsibility assets. But the conditions have tomaintii. succes in our changed andi .. . success taking a hands offattitude on the U.S. military military aidaid to to Greece Greece , m .. .... . ^_ .. , of fJ|e pro4tion personnel where they previously* new review might be in order," Wilkinson issue of when democracy should unless President Nixon success in the political field in - The board also approved a change in said be restored to Greece, the nation determines overwhelming U.S. your country. He said Agnew added. were not under the terms of the agreement, Breslin for Richard L. Dean to become asst. prof assignment of his ancestors. security interests require it. has a rare quality to speak in THe board approved the agreement without a essoin* Agnew is stressing mutual Agnew is opposed to that every occasion the language or acting chairman of the department of ' dissenting vote. environment and design, effective Sept. 1. Sadek commands troops security and alliance in his talks measure, and is seeking in truth. with leaders of the authoritarian Athens to undersuurt- _ _ _ _ __ ________ —— — regime. A spokesman said the vice president was adhering to administration support for continued aid to help Greece %CrlMiW$Up|IS * S SE#&TINICv War Minister Gen. Mohamed Ahmed Sadek of Egypt is the position he had already meet its commitments to the to assume command of both Syrian and Egyptian troops taken publicly, that "it is not up North Atlantic Treaty UN starts China debates facing Israel, the government-controlled Egyptian press to us to impose on another Organization, reported Sunday. * government or attitudes" as to a In activities Sunday, Lt. Gen. Sadek, who returned Saturday from a week-long visit to schedule for the return of George Zoitakis, the agent who Moscow, is expected to visit Syria shortly, the reports representative government. acts in place of exiled King The State Dept. has said a Constantine II, UNITED added. presented Agnew NATIONS, N.Y. (AF) Bouteflika of Algeria will make Council now held by the but oppose the Nationalist* The paper said the dual command was agreed upon primary7 goal of the U.S. policy with the Grand Cross of the — The General Assembly starts the first two speeches, pressing to Nationalists. expulsion, by toward Greece is "the Order of George I, "for the today its debate on whether seat the Chinese Communists on The Nationalists do not intend On Sept. 24, the assembly bat Presidents Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Hafez Assad of restoration of personal liberties distinguished service you have Communist China comes into the their own terms - with the to walk out to make it easier for down — 65-47, with IS Syria during Sadat's recent visit under the new Federation and the re-establishment of rendered to our country in the United Nations, Chinese Nationalists thrown out. the Communists to come In. And absentions - an effort to bar from of Arab Republics, joining Libya, Egypt and Syria, joint democratic institutions." development of relations Foreign Ministers Nesti Nasse U.S. Ambassador George Bush the Communists have said they the agenda an item titled "Th( Hiat issue has led in Congress between our two countries." of Albania and Abdelaziz will follow, arguing for the military commands are provided for. will not come In while the Representation of China in tl« retention of the Nationalists. Nationalists remain. That U.N." which the United Stata Three resolutions will be put suggests they will wait until next had proposed to accommodated formally before the 131-nation fall, when they will probably get a resolutions, Job program announced NOTICE HiFi Buys is having a free tape recorder clinic Friday, Oct. 22nd from 12 to 9 p.m. assembly. Nasse will introduce and Bouteflika will suport a 22-nation "Albanian resolution" to better vote. Last year for the first time, the Albanian resolution got a simple But the assembly gave priority in the debate to items coveriM the Albanian resolution - majority - 51-49, with 25 "Restoration of the Lawful Finance Minister E. J. Benson, faced with the highest Engineers from Tandberg will be at Hi-Fi Buys to test the performance of your tape recognize Peking envoys as "the abstentions. It had no effect sole legitimate representatives of Rights of the People's Republic September unemployment rate in 10 years, announced a recorder, any make or model. The evaluation is absolutely free, and you'll receive a graph because the assembly had of China In the U.N." So all three China to the United Nations" and $1 billion job-making program recently that includes of your tape recorder's performance! Here's what the test consists of... previously adopted - 66-52, with resolutions will be debated undei "Expel forthwith the 7 abstentions - a resolution that title, modest tax cuts for individuals and larger ones for clean and iS check representatives 01 Chiang making any proposal to change Various supporters of Pekinf business. demagnetize heads speed and accuracy Kai-shek." the representation of China an have been trying to get the iS check frequency response check head alignment Canadian taxpayers will get three per cent sliced off Bush will introduce a 22-nation ^ check distortion levels important question with the Communist Chinese Into the their individual federal income taxes. The cut is iS provide a written performance report resolution saying that any two-thirds requirement. United Nations since 1950, the is check signal to-noise ratio iS answer any questions you may have proposal that would deprive the But the United States feared retroactive to last July 1 and is scheduled to last until the year after the People's Republic e' check wow and flutter Nationalists of U . N that, with support for seating the end of next year. was established on the mainland representation is an important Communists on the increase, it and the Nationalists fled, For the same period, businesses will get a seven per cent The clinic is restrictedto stereo, reel-to-reel, AC operated tape recorders and decks. A question," requiring a two-thirds could no longer win with its In 1950, the assembly vo_ Federal tax reduction. blank reel of tape of the type normally used on your unit will be required for the test. If vote to decide. policy of preserving the down 33-16 an Indian proposi He will also introduce a Nationalists' monopoly of U.N. you own a Tandberg tape recorder, the Tandberg engineers will perform minor 1 9 - n «it i'O.n a 1 'dual and 37-11 a Soviet proposal to adjustments and repairs on your tape recorder free of charge. representation. invite Peking here, and defeated representation resolution So, on Aug. 2, after a long 38-10 a Soviet proposal to unsait affirming the right of both policy review, Secretary of State IRA leader searched Chinas to be represented in the the Nationalists. HI FI BUYS William P. Rogers announced On a Canadian proposal, assembly and recommending that that, to accommodate "realities," voted 38-6 to establish, the Communists get the Chinese the United States would Police searched throughout the Netherlands Sunday for support committee to study the question permanent seat on the Security seating the Communist Chinese and 42-8 to seat the Nationals a man believed to be an Irish Republican Army leader and 1101 East Grand River 337-2310 a young woman companion in connection with the seizure hereon a plane load of Czechoslovak an arms. Police said the munitions - 116 crates of bazooka and anti-tank weapons, grenade launchers and automatic arms and ammunition - apparently were destined for the IRA and its guerrilla war against the British in Northern Ireland. Kosygin visits Canada Premier Alexei N. Kosygin's visit to Canada this week brings to the U.S. doorstep a determined Soviet diplomatic offensive that has sent top Kremlin leaders on missions in four continents. This is a time of strain in relations between Canada and her closest neighbor and biggest trading partner, the United States. The strain has been generated by resentment of President Nixon's economic policies; some Canadians complain of an unfair burden. REMEMBER WHEN . . . Corporalions expanding October 21-23, 1971 A week-end for everyone to relax and enjoy themselves. Some of the nation's largest corporations say their Have a party, see a movie, hear a concert or just sit back and remember when! expansion plans remain unchanged despite the Nixon Remember when Union coffee was 10c? administration's new programs to stimulate the economy. Remember when there was real grass in Spartan stadium? An Associated Press survey of campanies around the Remember Mr. MSU? country indicates many of them are waiting for further Remember when Wells Hall was on the north side of the river? evidence of the effectiveness of the new policies before Remember when the cow was queen on campus? committing more funds to additional plant facilities and Remember when everyone had to be in by one? equipment. Remember Brody food riots? If Congress approves a tax credit for businesses which Remember when people yelled, "Kill, Bubba, Kill!!?" invest in new facilities, some companies say they might increase their capital spending. Beginning Monday, Oct, 18, Remember Remember Rubber Bob? Spiro's? Remember water carnivals? your money will be at Yes, Remember When is a subject we can all dwell on with some degree of fond nostalgia, and that is why we selected it for the theme of MSU's 1971 Super plane still costs Homecoming. We hope that each and every student will take an active part and 600 E. Crescent Drive take advantage of all the activities we have planned to take you back to bygone days. We've got a pop concert by a bonfire, the fabulous B.B. King and Al Hirt in concert, banner competition, homecoming queen crowning, plus much, Little has changed in he three years since A. Ernest Fitzgerald, a government cost-efficiency specialist, (next to the Manly Miles Bldg.) much more. Look back and forward — to Homecoming 1971. startled Congress with reports of huge cost overruns on the Air Force's C5 supertransport plane. The Air Force's fleet of 47 shiny new C5s sits idle on (Remember - Banner entries are due Tuesday, by 5:30 p.m. at 323 Student* Services). airport runways, grounded while inspectors scour them with X-rays, to determine whether any more engines are MSU EMPLO likely to fall off, as one did last month. Their findings Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 7Ae probably will send cost to the taxpayer climbing further. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 18, 1971 3 'rustees approve AT ZPG MEETING Ms. Milliken endorses •apital By MICHAEL FOX the outlay facility, together with many summer abortion reform group State News Staff Writer workshops and institutes, has created an urgent By CAROL THOMAS only delay its coming. I fully support the current e board of trustees Friday approved a list of states conditioning," the outlay request State News Staff Writer petition drive to put the abortion reform issue on the ballot next November, and I believe this drive ■capital outlay needs including requests to the for funds to expand the capacity of is going to succeed," Ms. Milliken said. 1 jegl Plant 65, plan programs for the Life JSXSf 'tems °n the capital outlay request Calling for government adoption of a zero population growth policy, Helen Milliken, the Ms. Milliken emphasized that government ■power 1 could not handle the job of Sciences I! building, and air condition Erickson governor's wife, Sunday endorsed the efforts of the convincing people to have fewer babies." "The fact is that the ■Hall. Michigan Committee Coordinating for limitations of government are just as Bequests totaling to $4,858,000 for the 1972-73 finance new construction Abortion Law Reform to get the abortion issue as its powers. While it can be impressive instrumental in — the 1972 ballot. ■budget year for a rw lncluded the increased priority on changing people's attitudes, it cannot, by itself, ■constitute the capital outlay needs. Hie list also added m'"g arts center and ■ hw school, he "I believe that Zero Population Growth (ZPG) change them," she continued. ■serves as a ranking of the University's priority for should become part of the national policy, part She also pointed out the value of |new building and remodeling on campus. of the state's policy, part of everyone's policy," thinking positively, not negatively, when considering the I For the next fiscal year, MSU seeks almost DPrform'inn °" ^ OUtlay UeStS is the Ms. Milliken said. performing problem of overpopulation. ■$2 5 million to complete expansion of Power arts center. The capacity and As part of a day-long meeting for the Michigan "Above all, we must show the clear and direct ■Plant 65 so it can meet the increased needs Confederation of Zero Population Qowth, Ms. ■created by the Life Sciences complex. The item accommodates of the present Auditorium have Milliken discussed both the efforts of ZPG and relationship between the preservation of ■leads the list of 20 projects compiled by Jack suites dCqUate for some time- ^e request the initiative petition effort of the Coordinating environment and the growth of population." While endorsing the efforts of the Abortion ■Breslin, executive vice president. Committee for Abortion Law Reform. Law Reform Committee, she asked for I rp|,e requests included $1.5 million to prepare The obligation of the Approximately 30,000 signatures have been speedy for its students University to provide action among groups interested in reform to ■a complete educational program encompassing other fine arts is not through dramatics, music, and collected by the committee, according to Jack circulate petitions. help ■the activities of the College of Human Medicine being met because of an Stack, committee chairman. Their goal is She quoted Governor Milliken's opinion on almost total lack ■and the College of Osteopathic Medicine which of facilities," it states. 250,000 signatures, the number needed to bring abortion law ■will be housed in the Life Sciences II building. the bill before the legislature. reform, saying: "Abortion law reform is ■Also, $500,000 was listed for air conditioning A communication arts vitally needed. I ■Erickson Hall. one structure the building to gather in College of Communication Siii>i>orls referendum According to a committee spokesman, if the legislature fails to pass the initiated legislation, believe that women, under appropriate ■ "Summer programs in the College of the bill will be placed on the November, 1972 conditions, should be permitted to make an fifth. go°gr1aphlcally nl ™i,«, ^"ered departments Helen Milliken, wife of the governor, called for a individual judgment regarding abortion and that ranks ■Education have a greater enrollment than other Ranking sixth is a building to house governmental policy of zero population growth Sunday and ballot. the result of this judgment should be the classrooms, "The fact that abortion law reform is respected terms. offices, library and reading rooms expressed her support for placing the abortion question now and protected by law." increasing demand on teaching areas in of the proposed MSU law school. This before the voters. hopelessly bottled up in the House will, I believe, State News photo bv Terry Miller Detroit in uproar over cross-busing issue constitutional amendment to prohibit cross-district busing and Another Michigan District Court Judge, Michael J. Hand of DETROIT (AP)—The possibility of cross-district insists that neither courts nor local governments advocating such Farmington, was quoted as saying he would "take an awfully long ■busing-swapping suburban and city school children in an effort Opposition busing "have the consent of the governed." look at the penalty provisions before imposing any sentence' d achieve racial balance—has generated more tumult in the Within less than a week after Roth's ruling, Griffin said he involving parents brought before him for allegedly violating the ■ Detroit area in the last two weeks than any other issue in modern Among those who have since come out in opposition to cross-district received more than 7,000 letters, all but a handful of them compulsory attendance law. ■times. busing are politicians, suburban school boards and | Literally tons of thousands of people are involved in the issue superintendents. opposing busing. Hand asked, "If a parent is There have been proposals—disavowed by many politicians—for The Democratic State Central Committee endorsed busing as a educating his child according to his ■which quickly eclipsed the clamor over busing controversies that own philosophy and religion, who is to say it is not adaquate?" a statewide school means of effecting racial balance, but termed it "an imperfect and ■developed earlier in Pontiac and Kalamazoo. boycott In protest or» Oct. 25. I Pontiac and Kalamazoo busing involved schools mostly within Organized opposition thus far, however, has been confined temporary mechanism." I municipal boundaries. primarily to so-called blue-collar suburbs, although some of these Endorsement have large white-collar pickets of affluence. Democrats endorsing the committee's stand included Atty. I The new plan, in contrast, could involve as many as 68 A rally called Wednesday night Gen. Frank Kelley and Jerome Cavanagh, former Detroit mayor, ■ neighboring suburban districts being ordered to swap pupils with by foes of busing drew 750 in The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State blue-collar North Dearborn Heights. both considered possible democratic opponents of Griffin in next | the Detroit District. Nearly all-white Warren already has dispatched petitions to year's elections. University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Washington which it says contained 40,000 signatures in support Pontiac's National Action Group (NAG), which led opposition Fridays Roth ruling of a proposed constitutional amendment which would outlaw during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition to court-ordered busing there, says it has been flooded with in September. Subscription rate is $16 The possibility stems from a ruling last month Dy U.S. District per year. busing for racial balancing. applications since Roth's ruling. Member Associated Press, United Press I Court Judge Stephen J. Roth in a suit brought by the National NAG is planning what it says will be a gigantic, statewide International, 1 Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Inland Daily Press Association, Mothers react Michigan Press Association I Roth ruled that there is de jure (by law) segregation of Detroit antibusing rally for Oct. 24, followed the next day by a statewide Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Mary Jane Marcozzi, a Madison Heights mother of four, Collegiate Press boycott of schools, and Oct. 26th by a massive voter registration Association. I schools. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled such segregation summed up suburban reactions to Roth's ruling thus: drive. I illegal and empowered judges to remedy it. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial "I can't see how Judge Roth gr anybody else has got the right Antibusing developments have drawn banner headlines in and business offices at 345 Student Services I On Oct. 4 Roth ordered the Detroit Hoard of Education to to come In here (her home) ana take my kids and do anything suburban Detroit newspapers, which on occasion devote virtually Bldg., Michigan I prepare within 60 days State University, East Lansing, a plan for further integration of the city's they want with them. • all of page one to such news. Michigan. 1 320 schools. "I didn't cause it (Detroit segregation) and I don't see any The Farmington Enterprise and Observer quoted District Judgf He also ordered the state Board of Education to offer within reason why he's got a right to come in here and tell me my kids James Mies of Livonia as saying in an interview: 1120 days News 355-8252 a plan of integration that would include more than the can't use the school I bought and paid for. "If any parent was brought before me for violating the Classified Ads I Detroit district. Roth said, "It appears to us only a plan that "In Detroit there's more dope, more robberies, more rapes, 355-8255 compulsory school attendance law, I might have to find hirr Advertising I encompasses all or part of the metropolitan district can guarantee of everything." 353-6400 more guilty technically, but no one can tell me what the sentence musl Business Office I the constitutional rights of all the people of the district." Another suburban mother said, "If they want to bus inner city be. That's my discretion, and circumstances might well dictate i 355-3447 Asked if extensive busing would be involved, he replied, kids out here and our schools have got room that's fine with me. suspended sentence or probation." "Busing is only a tool that can be used to integrate the schools, as But they're not sending my children into that jungle. Not ever." I drawing attendance boundaries can be used." Sen. Robert P. Griffin, R-Mich., is sponsoring a proposed the Jacobson bride is a beautiful portrait of serenity and joy in this gown from our collection, lustrous white or ivory rayon peau with velvet-beaded venise lace outlining its simple princess shaping. Attached train. $155. Jacobson's Bridal Registry records a bride's personal preferences in linens, china, silver and other gifts for the home for the convenience It was only after the Golden Toneh of friends selecting gifts. that Midas had a problem. Many of us have no difficulty making money. It's what to do with it afterwards for the greatest good that's become a problem. We at East Lansing State Bank offer a unique solution. Buy Student Aid Bonds and help a student help himself through college. Fully guaranteed by the Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, these bonds yield 5.18% per annum daily compounded interest. Students are selected on the basis of need and the recommendation of the University with the approval of the Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority. For further information, please ask for our brochure at any of our offices. Student Aid Bonds, exclusively from East Lansing State Bank, your Hometown Bank. Now with Trust Services. Member: F.D.l.C. JacobSoriS East Lansing State Bank sHOP JACOBSON'S THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS POINT OF VIEW MICHIGAN STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY Alternative politics for the future By GEORGE A. COLBURN As another illustration of East Lansing City Council Candidate allowed to register to vote in this city. A their legitimate voting right. To dilute the duplidt resident of the city, he was employed at youth vote and maintain your solid voting point to you and Mr. Brookover's f*n, '1 that time as an assistant attorney general block, you hope to insure another term for repudiate Mr. Phillips' mailing to which warned "It can Jm10 KEN LYNAM you as mayor. happen here" nSt for the state of Michigan. that emotional, advertising manager While your voting bloc remains solid One campaign tactic used by both you Irresponsible and Mr. Brookover is to emphasize your irrational?). Neither of you added ' Your attack on me and my recent because of your record of the past 12 DAVE PERSON, managing editor "Point of View" in a letter to the State years, you and the other incumbent full-time jobs at the university. "Close names to mine and those 0f I CHARLIE CAIN, city editor News published on Oct. 7 represents the seeking re-election are trying to make involvement with the University students responsible candidates who newspaper advertisement and purchase,?*1 JOHN BORGER, campus editor has been the focus of our careers," your ««--■ irrational flailings of a politician about to inroads into the bloc of newly registered that infamous postcard. BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor be repudiated by the people he has voters. To do so, you are trying to cloud letter stated. But what has been the focus Perhaps RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor systematically excluded from governmental the issues by emphasizing your professorial of your career in city government? The Thomas, you did not those want to alien!! issues in this campaign concern your supporters-all wellkno, participation during his 12 years in office. rank, your identification with the young Seven -time recipient of the Pacemaker award Over the years, Mr. Mayor, you have and your rationalism and good will. You decisions on council, not your pursuits at homeowners—who in an advertise,*!! created a hostile community within East the university. Have you at any time been published just prior to the August elecU for outstanding journalism. hope to mislead and confuse those new Lansing and I believe that this community voters who have not followed closely city an advocate of student demands or an asked support for you, Bone and ftm? now has the power to pay you back for all hall's machinations against them over the advocate of programs or projects that I believe that it is no longer enough J would benefit students before they were city councilmen only to associate ^ your disservice, your paternalism, your years and thus neutralize these new voters students or to treat them hypocrisy. voting bloc. This is important because presented as student demands. Where were equally EDITORIALS I speak from experience. When I was as a you and your loyal supporters in the you and Mr. Brookover during the last two few trickle into council council must begin to provide meetings Qtl services (! 24-years-old, I was tossed out of the city affluent subdivisions of East Lansing area weeks in September when the voter return fl! the young and less affluent in clerk's office when I tried to register to solid voting force. TTiose who solidly voted registration drive occurred. There were three candidates who did knock on the money they bring into the city vote. "Vote where your parents live", the for you, Bone and Phillips in the primary city clerk said. I hadn't lived with my doors-Chuck Will, George Griffiths and example, where is a city-subsidized dav agree wholeheartedly with your parents for seven years, but that didn't discriminatory policy regarding students, myself. We were saying to this city's young care center? Where is a recreation faciS Hacks spend matter to her. My problem, she said, was that I was a full-time M.A. student at the i.e., collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars in unrestricted state-shared revenues residents: "This is your city; you pay taxes there; your very presence provides large for young people? members for every Where are youthfo city commission m University. A year ago, the 27-year old amounts of money for the city. Register to planning board? Our campaign has bee, (based primarily on census figures which based upon the issues and our man who headed last month's voter included married housing and dorms) to vote and be a part of the decision making proposal wallet for Sen. Coleman A. Young, make city hall responsive and Once upon a time, the Michigan registration drive for VOTER was not citv coffers while excluding students from in your city." sensitiveto the needs of the community. What D-Detroit ($16.95). pi^ Legislature began dreaming of do you and Mr. Brookover have for the remodeling its office quarters into a $18,191 was spent to send Gus seventies in East Lansing? . spacious and beautiful architectural Languis, building division director, It is obvious that both of you know tin masterpiece. The House contracted a and Sigmund F. Blum, design political game quite well. Council's sudds director for Smith-Hinchman, on a interest—in the midst of a firm to make its dreamhouse a polity five-week tour of the world to campaign—in downtown parks, bike pi^ reality. neon signs, additional voter registratioi Two portable buildings and acquire new ideas for the remodeling hours, and alternatives to the cross cam ' endeavor. Neither of the men filed route illustrate belief tlit $10,000 later, the dream began to your take on shades of nightmare as the any type of findings of their compromise with youthful demand; t extensive journey. necessary if you are to maintain tin foundations sagged, the roofs began Perhaps some of these sad present power structure. That these action to leak, and general depreciation last minute "unknown', mistakes could have are political ploys i took place. confirmed for the more cynical of us been avoided if Sen. Philip O. Rather than admit it made a your statement in your letter regar" mistake and charge the firm with Pittenger, R-Lansing and Rep. Valley Court Park. You say a small slice faulty building, the Legislature hired Raymond C. Kehres. D-Monroe, who the park will be eliminated with~ are in charge of the Senate and impairing its "efficiency" or reducing " a Lansing contractor to correct the House expenditures, knew what was "usability". Yet, you must be aware of blemishes to the tune of an effects the peripheral route will have on additional $10,000. going on. The appropriations for this small park, the only one in the m Such "unfortunate" incidents remodeling are supposed to clear densely populated area of the city. IHstic' have become more and more through them. But many of the new with my term The peripheral roir additions to the Capitol were through the park will destroy it ' prevalent during the last 27 months polluting the air in it, limi of remodeling the Capitol. The purchased without them even people-access to it, and creating the n;1 program has cost the tax payers realizing it. we try to escape when we go to a park. It is probably impossible at this some $3 million. And what has the Because your decisions and point time to discover who is ultimately view are responsible for the Capitol to show for it? Many, many nice, though not particularly responsible for this extravagant government's lag behind the culture, 1 waste of the taxpayers' money. One continue to criticize your past politics- functional, decorations. continue to offer alternatives for For example. $453 was spent for think, however, can be stated with future. We'll soon see which political : THE PAY BOARD WILL NOW COME TO three refrigerators in which the few certainty. is more effective. diabetics in the House could store Boys, we realize your offices are in dire need of reconstruction, but their insulin. The committee rooms $500 worth of flags won't dust off AP NEWS SPECIAL now have four coffee makers worth $177. Office decorations include your heads when the ceiling falls down on you. And all the ostrich Byrd eight US and state flags ($460), two planters for Sen. Garland Lane, D-Flint ($86), two electric razors for the men's room ($43.94), and an invaluable ostrich calf planning calf wallets in the world aren't going to persuade the voters to pull the little lever under re-election time. your name at By CARL P. LEUBSDURF AP Political Writer enrages senate liberals responsible for day-to-day scheduling of businesslike basis. Senate business, incurred the wrath of nearly half the Senate would be absents WASHINGTON (AP)-Democratic Leader As a result, most amendments on key bills Joseph M. Montoya of New Mexico, w Mike Mansfield of Montana is moving to fellow Democrats, chiefly those in the have had specific times set for voters after Byrd tried to persuade him to call up reassert a larger role in running of the Senate party's more liberal wing who have feared he agreement on debate limitation, a procedure antiwar amendment likely to lose bef in the wake of grumbling over the methods would use the job to push his conservative that makes it easy for senators to know Mansfield's which was expected to of his assistant, Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-West views. when to come, but which reduces Capitol approved. >as Virginia. As a result, Byrd has been much less in attendance and spontaneity. s when The situation came to a head 10 days ago Byrd lost control of an evening session evidence around the Senate in the past week, and Mansfield has been more visible. Before the chrome incident, Byrd reportedly had antagonized three fellow On the night of Sept. 30, the Senate just approved by a vote of 45 to 43 amendment by Senator J. W. Fulbrigt that saw the adoption of an amendment Senate observers said they couldn't recall Democrats—Gale McGee of Wyoming, by D-Ark., to keep the United Nations embi* Michigan citizen's have long Trustees could actually run the dealing with chrome imports from when Mansfield had spent as much time on scheduling his amendment also dealing with on trade with Rhodesia on what leaders' suspected that the foundation of the Rhodesia—and then its reversal after several the floor, keeping an eye on business. chrome on a day he was unable to be there; University. Gov. Milliken wouldn't senators Since Byrd became assistant leader in said would be the final vote of the night. Capitol has been somewhat less than have anyone to get mad at anymore. including Mansfield had gone Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota, who But Sen. John C. Stennis, DM home. January by unseating Sen. Edward M. claimed he had been "trapped" when he solid. Certainly the quality of the State agencies would not have to It was the latest in a series of incidents in succeeding in winning two votes, 40 to Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, he has pushed agreed to bring up an amendment on and 39 to 38, that reopened the issuer legislation passing out of the Capitol worry about their appropriations which Byrd, who has been largely hard to put the Senate on a more multiwarhead missiles without being told Mansfield and others had left. has been suspiciously shaky for a bills being passed two months after On the latter vote, Byrd, at that point number of years. It's now official. their previous appropriation expired. OUR READERS' MIND acting leader, cast the decisive vote Revealed last Wednesday was the Without the Capitol the city of reconsideration. fact that the Capitol is built on Fulbright then served notice he W Lansing could quicksand and that one day the entire structure will sink into the serious business get down to the of Oldsmobiles instead of laws. The making Brookover speaks for students prevent final action offering on the amendment a series of alterations-a guars" that final action could not be taken. lower regions of Middle Earth and Olds Plaza cocktail lounge may To the Editor: study your history. Cases ranging from Humphrey, who served as the No. 2 Sena live in eternal harmony with the suffer with a statehouse vanishing marijuana a misdemeanor in East Lansing Democrat under Mansfield before - discrimination against women to black with no minimum penalty. He didn't Lansing gopher population. act, but the idea seems just capital The students of Michigan State representation in extracurricular activities stop election in 1964 to the vice presidency there as he again voiced the concerns of For many Michiganders this is the moved to adjourn. The move with everyone else. University are now given a unique have confronted President Wharton's students by introducing an ordinance best news since Henry Ford put opportunity to articulate their needs here down 45 to 33, with Byrd joining anti-discrimination committee. In 1969 in East Lansing through the election of regulating the towing of cars from private majority. former President Walter Adams envisioned together the Model T. With the Lest the legislators find themselves lots. As a resident of East Lansing for 25 candidates to the city council. As students the problems of a nation split by hatred Only then, did the West Virginian move Capitol being converted into a in a hole, construction workers are years this same professor of sociology assert himselff and, by that point, he lv on a campus of 40,000 plus, it is our and inequality touching base on our demands the respect of citizens and subway by the forces of nature, the pressing hard against nature's responsibility to select people who are campus. To reinforce the University's stand some difficulty in finally getting the SeM political leaders of the community. As to adjourn. legislature, no doubt, will, like good deadline to restore the Capitol's aware of the current events at MSU as well against discrimination President Adams students and as in the East Lansing we can should show our Mansfield told reporters later he felt captains, have to go down with their interior. News of the community. It is turned to a professor of sociology and Capitol's almost impossible to separate one from the support to this man who has been our shared some responsibility for what education to articulate the concerns of the ship. demise, however, has once again bridge between MSU and East Lansing. other. As citizens in a nation which moves administration. Your first vote on Nov. 2 should be for happened, and made clear he agreed « Imagine. Without the legislature, prompted discussion in many from racism at home to racism abroad, it is This same professor had kept abreast of Fulbright's effort to put off final acl1 Wilbur Brookover, city council candidate. something could be done to get the quarters concerning the erection of a also our responsibility to select someone community needs as Associate Director of because senators had left. 14-foot mondo mobiles off state new Capitol hopefully one with who is sensitive to student cries of the Center for Urban Affairs. As a member Roderick D. Gillum At the same time he made clear tna Detroit senior stands behind Byrd's efforts to exp highways. The MSU Board of only one chamber. prejudice and discrimination. of the East Lansing City Council he spoke For those of you who argue that this is for students of MSU when he introduced Charles McMillan Senate business. . not the case here in East an ordinance to make possession or use of East Lansing senior But a more visible Mike Mansfield Lansing, we say Oct. 12,1971 emerged in the Senate. What son of justice?Forgotten 'M SORfX QE NEVER FINISHED OUR 6AME OF "HA HA, HERMAN " UJHEN VOU'RE FEELIN6 LO^ EVERYTHING SEEM* HOreL&Sft AW THERE'S NOTHING LIKE A SAME OF "HA HA, HERMAN One of the shadier entries in the brouhaha over Herbert's treatment To the Editor: lengthy chronicle of military dirty finally reached the upper echelons of It appears the SDS and student dealing is the Army's treatment of Lt. the increasingly sensitive Nixon mobilization groups Col. Anthony Herbert. The most have forgotten their administration. Soon thereafter the fights for academic freedom. Last year, or decorated enlisted man in the Korean secretary of the Army ordered that was it last week, they were fighting for the War and a four-time Silver Star winner the efficiency report be deleted from rights of students to be allowed to come in in contact with different opinions and the Indochina, Herbert wasnonetheless Herbert's record. He will now re-en tier THIS 1$ FOR ENGLISH rights of professors to teach what they 77~; <555 given a poor efficiency report after he the promotion pool on an equal believed. This week they want professor CLASS... WE'RE 55UPPOSEP reported atrocities committed by footing with his peers. Fishel out because of something he has TO DECORATE A SENTENCE.. American troops in Vietnam. Twice this report has been used to block While Herbert has ultimately found justice of a sort, one cannot help but done or supposed to have done. How quickly they forget. Do they really know foth* Herbert's chances of promotion-and wonder about the fate of other what they want? Bob Allen Army regulations specify that three military men who chose to follow strikes wins an automatic retirement. junior their conscience, but lacked the Deckerville Earlier this month, however, the publicity to draw high level attention. Oct. 8,1971 Students gave Adams a 4.5 in 'Test' as MSU ByGEORGEBULLARD students signed apetitionsupporting Adams Underclassmen, president who perhaps take For Adams, the test was to for the job. ITie petition committee, keep student involvement for granted, should peaceful the power scramble that followed John Hannah's 28 years as MSU including the ASMSU chief and two State know the origins of student Hannah's abdication. Every faction that president ended in a manner he probably News editors, doubted if they could recognition at get MSU. wanted a piece of the action was a test thinks inelegant. The spiritual change of 10,000 signatures. That Beginning with Adams' presidency, question that had to be settled. Every crisis command, the naming of a successor, was was the most that could be students beg*n moving from the was a quiz. Adams not marked by proclamation or musical expected, they reasoned, since even hot periphery passed the test with of involvement to center fanfare — though some suspected Old John campus issues seldom drew more than stage. The high honor, and "The Test" is a 4.5 thesis would have changes, engineered by faculty, on success. enjoyed muffled drums 1,500 partisans. administrators and students, were spawned Adams once told a cub reporter that his echoing over the empire. But the^r had not correctly estimated from the mood Adams created The Hannah era died differently. After students' during his philosophy was a paradox: approval of Adams' acting nine months. "The Test" illustrates that an "You should act from being appointed acting president, presidency. A virtual army of volunteers day to day as if administration can rally students to its what you're doing is the most important cigar-chewing Walter Adams, professor of circulated petitions through dormitories, cause rather than its doorstep. economics, wandered unceremoniously classrooms and apartments. With more thing in the whole world and at the same The book tackles common myths of time realize what you're into an airblown trustee meeting — this one time, all 40,000 may well have signed. doing doesn't still smoking from political skirmishes over higher ecucation, including the one that mean a damn thing. None refused. his appointment — and announced that quotas for minorities are "reverse "You have to do one to keep yourself discrimination." In a crackling argument, from becoming a cynic. And you have to administration wasn't his bag and said he wanted to work himself out of the job Cynics said students were being led by a Adams points out that academic realize the other to keep yourself from pied piper, but students just appreciated achievement has never been the sole becoming a pompous ass." quickly. genuine concern for their existence. criteria for admission — many athletes, for Trustees had passed the torch to "The Test" lets the record show that a new Hannah had willed MSU into existence and example, slide through the door without Adams lived his creed. For MSU readers, generation, not realizing that Adams would gets credit for itstsize and use the flame to prestige, but as regard to their brainpower. the book is the best of two worlds: a light a fire under MSU's "Hie Test" notes, students are more Adam's presidency had its critics, of national theme of crises in education, bureaucratic arse. than a plus Walter dormitory receipt number. course, especially following the Wilson a local setting. Adams, professor, Francophile, University presidents can actually do Cafeteria incident described in the book. connoisseur, football freak', congenital little to uproot implanted Dureaucracy, but 'The ancient alumnus even suggested that But for every reader, it records a optimist, cigar addict and occasional scotch Adams never took the bureaucrats Communists had something to do with his successful university administration when drinker had arrived and, like Millard seriously. Students - at the bottom of the appointment, and certainly the hippies it was imperative that the administration Fillmore, was a 13th president. bureaucratic ladder, just below were involved. succeed. Within a month he had carved out a snapping - secretaries — appreciated Adams' style that co.n^leted the break wit.. the system from the top. harrassing Hannah tradition. Yes, students could drop by the office and say hello. Yes, University administrations occasionally bogged down, Things may have gotten difficult, but but only because administrators were a "Wally" wouldn't let them get out of hand. bunch of old fuddie-duddies. Violence, like administration, wasn't his Yfs, he could J>ag and anybody who could best the arrange for a student reporter to ami . . exclusively interview U.S. Rep. Donald Students for a Democratic of Society in three three confrontations couldn't be all bad. Riegle, R-Flint. Yes, he would attend a Upperclassmen this year will .be the last ty president, Walter Adams made student party and bring his own scotch. i .to remember personally Adams' smoldering cigar. Not surprisingly, during the selection of presidency, but "The Test" serves as a a permanent president, more than 17,000 yearbook of those nine months. is president Walter Adams brought a loose, freewheeling style to the IVSU presidency. Adams always had time for discussing problems with students and faculty (left); on October, 1969, he led thousands of students on a peace mcrch on the State Capitol. Though no longer an administrator, Adams stays active in University affairs; above, he chats with his presidential successor, Clifton R. Wharton, after an Academic Council meeting. ) on should act from day to day as if what you're doing is 'h*' most important thing in the whole world and at the same l,n,r realise what you're doing doesn't mean a damn thing, "You hare do to one to keep yourself from becoming a cynic. t'ul you hare to realize the other to keep yourself from 'romiug a pom/tons ass." --Waller Adams Monday, October 18 | (} Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ECONOMIC VIEWS SOUGHT Chinese 'Open air seminars' start of restricted topics, Stengel said. Allopinions will be welcomed. serves banquet Also, by opening up the seminar, Stengel hopes to destroy the Genuine Chinese food "unpolluted by Americanization" "myth" that economics is a difficult subject that should be left to was served to more than 260 students and faculty members at The Dept. of Economics began a series of group seminars Friday the experts. What the president is doing in the field of economics the Chinese Club's annual Welcome Banquet Saturday night. in front of Marshall Hall with hopes of starting a new trend in concerns everyone, Stengel said. The menu included chicken steamed in rice winei student discussion and political awareness. shrimp-balls spiced in white sauce, sweet and sour pork' The discussions may develop into a clearinghouse for views and a MSU is a fragmented university, Stengel said, withconcentrations Cantonese style beef stew and Ascalonian egg foo-yong. place for student gathering. Future discussions will be held at noon of students more in the corners than in the center of the campus. According to President Chou Cheng-Kong, the feast was the "as long as interest lasts, people turn out, and weather permits," Many colleges have a point on the campus which is quite close to largest ever in the history of MSU's Chinese Club. Mitch Stengel, asst. professor of economics and urban affairs, said center where students gather. MSU currently lacks this sense of "We had to turn away many people who came without Sunday. community, Stengel noted. reservations," he said. Stengel noted that the spontaneous organization has two After the dinner, officers for 1972 were elected: Lok intentions. One is to generate public discussion on President Providing that the semiars gain enough support, they Mei-Tak, president; Kao Wei-Hsiung and Chuang Chru-An may Nixon's economic policies and the other is to create a focal point on become mobile in an effort to reach more of the student populace vice presidents; Yu Yu, Yang Chen-Ying, Bosco S. Wang' the campus where students can gather and discuss problems. Stegnel said. Irene Wang, Shaw Shyh-Aur and Hsieh Sam-Chuan, social' Friday's discussion centered on the merits of capitalism as The seminars were started by a group of economics chairmen. professors as a opposed to socialism, Stengel said and pointed out that this will be loose gathering of opinions. They felt their opinions on possible exemplary of the flexibility of the tal ks. results of the President's actions shoudl be aired publicly. Tin talks will be open to everyone and will avoid the classroom air YAT WAH Restaurant Council reaffirms class By BECKIE HANES motion reaffirming the rights of faculty members to make free professor or group of students, rights whole rationale for universities reaffirm their stands on the I State News Staff Writer faculty, students and protesters use of all peaceful, non-harassing Conrad L. Donakowski, asst. throughout the years, ri$its of individuals' protesting,I NOW SERVING: MONDAY 4:00PM-9:00PM The University College (UC) last week. methods of making their views professor of humanities, said Donakowski said. Copies of the motion are betni I TUESDAY thru THURSDAY FRIDAY 11 :OOAM-2:OOPM Advisory Council passed The """ motion written by known." Sunday. sent to President Wharton! 11:00AM-2:00PM 4:00 PM-10:00PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY Bernard F. Engel, chairman of The original motion made The council is reaffirming a council is askinB other Provost John E. Cantlon, and 151 4:00PM-9:00PM 11:00AM-10:0OPM the Dept. of American Thought reference to Wesley Fishel, principal that has • been the college advisory councils to other advisory councils. and Language (ATL), states that professor of political science In hernew UC "reaffirms the right of who headed the MSU Group YAT WAH RESTAURANT students to attend classes (MSUG) in Vietnam from movie, without disruption or 1956-1958. MSUG gave special Capita/Ckpsu 1 cs n Mary Mayo Hall interference." technical aid to the Ngo Dinh Maria Callas "This council also affirms the Diem regime, right of students to attend Fishel's political science class (i J U ) » i murders classes without interference; this was disrupted by protesters who right includes the right to use attempted to shut the class "Our action is the first step three Michigan cities this week,! everything paths, doorways and other down Sept. 27. routes of access and exit without In the discussion that GOV. MILLIKEN AND ATTY. GEN. Frank J. Kelley Friday filed toward a simple goal: That each Rep. David S. Holmes, Jt,J that moves. harassment. followed the motion presented a suit challenging the child in Michigan shall have an equal opportunity for quality D-Detroit, announced Friday. I The hearings, all starting it I "We further reaffirm the right by Pauline Adams, instructor in constitutionality of financing education. 7:30 p.m., will begin Monday,K of those who disagree with ATL, the council decided to public schools through the local drop any reference to the Fishel property tax formula. Gov. "The suit we have filed is Oct. 18 at the Oakland County! incident, Engel said Friday. Milliken will ask the Supreme fashioned in such a way as to Board of Comniissioneril The council did not want to bring fairness to the financing of Auditorium in Pontiac, followed I Court to consider the question schools without altering in any by a hearing on Tuesday, Oct. 191 immediately. way our traditional system of in the Health Auditorium inl A joint statement issued by the local control." Flint, and ending on Thursday,! two officials read in part: The suit was filed against the Oct. 21, in the Griswoll| Bloomfield Hills school district, Auditorium at Allegan, the Dearborn city school district and the Grosse Point public THE HUNTING OFl schools. ANTLERLESS deer will be thel subject of a public hearing tobel THE STATE SPECIAL HOUSE held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the! Subcommittee on Welfare Fraud Oscoda Area High Schooll will hold investigative hearings in Auditorium, Oscoda, Michiguil WE HAVE HEATERS "SMASH HIT!" NEWSWEEK *• DOWNTOWN FOPEN 1:00 P.M. SHOWS AT L 1:20 3:45 5:05 7:05 9:05^ R.H.A. Presents: "Meyer's!" - - - - BKEEP YOUR EVES ON fWHAT SHE CANNOT SEE klVIIA Kevin Thomas-LA. TIMES Director's "A fun drama about M IMOtMAHON 4IM4IS Series a swinging lady!" * -DOWNTOWN ' Judith Crist -N.Y. MAGAZINE OPEN AT 1:15 TWO FEATURES! At 3:10 - 6:30 - 9:45 ft Juliet of 'UfillAltl the one movie you the Spirits "Meyer's best...a should not see alone. PLUS. . . At 1:30 ffjp Tonight in Wilson Aud. 4:45- 8:05 15251 "HOUSE THAT 7,9:25 merciless put on. DRIPPED BLOOD" M INFORMATION 333*944 Erica Gavin... NOW! OPEN 12:45 en DOWNTOWN I Feature 1:15-3:15 electrifying!" 5:20-7:25-9:30 Roger Ebert - CHICAGO BILLY SUN-TIMES JACK TECHNICOLOR* iGPitSSB* NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED! 109 ANTHONY VIXEN. Tonight in Conrad 7, 9:20 UluMqg^ INTRODUCING ERICA GAVIN AS VIXEN AN EVE PRODUCTION IN EASTMANCOLOR PRODUCED AND DIRECTED BY RUSS MEYER RESTRICTED TO ADULT AUDIENCES Admission $1.00 M Heights ANNA CALOER MARSHALL Students, faculty, and staff only Monday and Tuesday nights only A Bea' F''m Group Presentation I.D.'s required Starring TIMOTHY DALTON $1.00 admission Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 18, 1971 "J :jremen Museum of pottery Cigarettes 10% Off The Oiscount Price lisclose 2/69° on all Bt lethods will open in Detroit limit 2 pkgs (coupon) Film Developing nolinit (coupon) Explresafter 10-23-71 Expires after 10-23-71 The opening of MSU's Pewabic firing pottery. The staff will also East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store invited to watch that Only I Armed with a deluge nozzle, Pottery Musuem and Ceramic conduct tours of the facility and picturesque tl expansion foam and three Showroom at 10125 E. Jefferson discuss the education program step and then wait a few minutes to see the unpredictable results. 2.25 W the department's five fire Nov. 7 will mark the end of a Kicks members of the 52-man five-year program to restore the being developed. After the soot has been scrubbed Kodak Color Film away, the Raku pottery has a K t ' Lansing Fire Dept historic facility and develop it The museum's courtyard has black body and Flashcubes S lemonst rated a variety of tL flehting techniques Saturday into an Detroit. adult education center in been equipped for classes in the spectacular Raku technique in contrasting glazes. brilliantly 126, 127,620 J„ t h efield eas1 of the SPartan The Pewabic Musuem will which potters take red-hot pottery from the kilns and bury it In its opening the 89° 3, 99c Ly care Nurserv. feature examples of the pottery, in containers of sawdust. contemporary showroom, which will provide a place for I Nearly 100 people, many of ceramic tiles and murals of one of the pottery's Opening day visitors recognition for pottery's students limit 1 limit 1 ? lem children, watched as the Chase founders, Mary Stratton, whose works will be as well as experts from the area, (coupon) Explresafter 10-23-71 (coupon) Explresafter 10-23-71 Eefighters displayed an grace such famous and diverse will feature the works of 10 of East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only I5 foot-high ladder on an aenal buildings as the Immaculate Discussion set Detroit's finest potters. These Idder truck; high expansion Conception Church in works may be seen and purchased 1.15 .79 Earn used to smother fires in Washington D.C., the Detroit Art between 1 and 5 p.m. weekdays Ed to reach places and a ■ Institute and the Louvre in Paris. for candidates and Saturdays during November Crest Dormates 3 Knee nozzle, capable of and December. Tending out 750 Eone minute. gallons of water Both the musuem and the Candidates for the proposed Toothpaste Orion Slipper Sox showroom figure in the pottery's City Council of Meridian Park 6,75 Using a high-powered saw, educational role which Henry J. will Kinawa be at a meeting at the Middle School oz- 59c 49° Caulkins, the son of Ms. limit 1 Iremen cut off the roof of a car, Stratton's original partner, auditorium in Okemos Monday. (coupon) limit 1 (coupon) 1 procedure frequently used to envisioned when he gave the The public is invited to attend Explresafter 10-23-71 Explresafter 10-23-71 ds on the I fescue people trapped in the 8 p.m. discussion, sponsored East Lansing Store Only This Spartan Village youngster looks like he facility to MSU in 1966. East Lansing Store Only protesting. I litomobiles. what to think of what he has doesn't know by the League of Women Voters. n are beint I 1 Firemen also set several small gotten himself into. The foam The opening program will be a 1.69 2.00 WhartoJ I Jres to explain and show the use came from fire dept. demonstration and drills Saturday. demonstration of Raku, a 16th Lion, and 151 ils. If home fire extinguishers. State News photo by Tom Gaunt century Japanese technique for Nude Look Panty ilose Opaque "for Hot Pants" Panty Hose 89* 99c limit 3 limit 6 (coupon) (coupon) Explresafter 10-23-71 Explresafter 10-23-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only s this wed I 1.00 .79c lolmes, Jr F ■ POLICE REPORT an unidentified number of people entered OFFICERS SAID four bicycles were taken from i Friday, liirchild Theatre between 1 and 9:30 a.m. Saturday by breaking between 2 p.m. Thursday and 1 University racks Sheer Eaton's Corrasable starting u ie window and reaching through to unlock the door. Once inside p.m. Sunday. One with an estimated value of $125 was cut from the rack at the rear of in Monday, I ie individual(s) used the same technique to enter the offices of West land Count;! Akers. It carries registration number F-3809. Another valued at Knee Sox Bond Typing Paper tjht instructors. Officers said the rooms had been rifled and $100 with registration number F-2682 was cut from the West Shaw missioned! Ejects strewn around. Individuals occupying the rooms were Hall racks. Two others with a combined value of ac, followed I jotified and reported that a starter pistol valued at $14 and $30 in day, Oct. 191 h were missing. Officers estimate damage to the building at $70. $100 carrying registration numbers F-4636 and F-838 were taken from Bryan Hall 59° 49° and rear of Library respectively, limit 6 limit 1 ditorium in I police report. (coupon) (coupon) n Thursday,! Explresafter 10-23-71 Explresafter 10-23-71 Griswoldl A SIMILAR INCIDENT occurred in Marshall Hall, officers said, East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only someone slit a screen and opened an unsecured window letime between 4 p.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. Sunday. Once inside .39 individual(s) entered 10 offices by breaking the windows in the irs. Professors and graduate assistants occupying those rooms WKAR airs 500 milligrams Westmore subsequently notified and reported that some drafting tools Vitamin C light meter were missing. Officer's report the desks in many of offices were rifled and cash left on the floor in one. Motive for UN debates Nail Polish | ;ry is yet undetermined and damage was estimated at $250 to 300, Police said. 3/8 oz. 20C ioo's $119 limit 1 limit 1 1 (coupon) (coupon) f; Explresafter 10-23-71 Explresafter 10-23-71 A COED IN Phillips Hall reported to police that a man indecently East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only xposeWumself to her, at 9:10 p.m. Saturday, in the Phillips Hall ourtyard. The girl said she heard a knock on her window. When she 1.75 1.85 xiked she saw a man wearing nothing but a short-sleeved shirt .The lrl immediately fled the room and could only police as a white male. identify the suspect Barnes & Hinds Dreck Wetting Solution Shampoo 2 estaurant takes the oz.JJ09 t7:00 Late new players 15 oz. *]<* limit 1 limit 1 neutral stand The Pretzel Bell restaurant Announce Open Tryouts (coupon) Explresafter 10-23-71 (coupon) Explresafter 10-23-71 East Lansing St ore Only * East either supports nor Lansing Store Only opposes the oposed construction of the 1.35 2.25 oss-campus highway, Robert W. ullum, restaurant co-owner and anager, said Friday. lergens Arrid Extra-Dry Cullum clarified the Pretzel ell's neutral stand on the Extra-Dry Lotion Deodorant ghway, following remarks he 14 ade at an open ighway Thursday, where he hearing on the 7 oz. 89° oz. $129 entioned that limit 1 limit 1 if extending (coupon) (coupon) 'owbridge Road would resolve F xpires after 10-23-71 Explresafter 10-23-71 ! traffic congestion which East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only irrently hurts his business. The only thing we asked the .69 istees was that a suggested 1.75 ternative of building an Masking terchange at Harrison and Tampax owbridge Roads not be vocated by the trustees. We are Tape >[ taking a stand for the 40's . in a ®y, and I do not think we 39c $119 position to side either limit 1 limit 1 ■ Cullum said Friday. (coupon) (coupon) Expires after 10-23-71 Explresafter 10-23-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ASMSU GREAT ISSUES 6 P.Jick "Frostie" Root Beer presents 6:3C TV COMMENTATOR and lim it 1 (coui pon) Expires aftiir 10-23-71 East Lansin<) St ore Only PRODOCER | Imagine by John Lennon on 8 Track Stereo Tape DAVID | $2" limit 1 SUSSKIND (coupon) ji Explresafter 10-23-71 East Lansing Store Only STATE DISCOUNT Tuesday, October 19 307 E. Grand River 7 pm MSU Auditorium Next To "The Card Shop" '1 admission Monday, October 18 i 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS POINTS OF VIEW Spartan offense explodes "Don't blame but Badgers upset victors In the past few years, criticism which we feel Coach Duffy Daugherty has Uken*, he does not deserve. ""A L Reflecting on the first six games we've played this year we M I can justify our stand. Against Illinois in our first game, we tff ByGARYSCHARRER Spartan defense both surprised Mike Rasmussen engineered I State News Sports Writer and disappointed Daugherty. the offense in place of Frank score from the one-foot line. In the same game we also fUmi!?! I "Two big lapses on defense Kolch who did not make the trip crossing the goal line. Can you really say that Duffy iSat f I was not play selection that caused these breakdowns, but MADISON, WISC.-The ruined us," Daugherty said. "One pass went for a touchdown because of a knee injury. Senior breakdowns. petS0|. II tailback Eric Allen had his best agony of accepting defeat to favorites Notre Dame and and the other set up the winning career day, running for two I feel just plain low, not only because we're losing (although*,.' I field goal. I never thought touchdowns of 56 and six yards. most of It) but because Duffy and his staff get the blame AnT' I University of Michigan was bad enough. But insult was added to anyone could score this many Allen ran, spun and slithered not right. We're the people who fumble, miss tackles, miss block! I MSU's football team Saturday as points on our defense. his way through and around the assignments, get beat on passes - and this is our fault. ^I the University of Wisconsin "We broke down defensively a Badger defense for 247 yards, We're properly prepared and its individual breakdowns whin I rolled to a 31-28 victory in a couple of times," Daugherty only 21 yards from Clint Jones' hurt us. I want to get something straight. I'm very proud of ill I game that the Spartans were lamented," and that means our single game record. And the team and I love this university. We have a good team and some,™!! I fine football players.We had some bad breaks against favorites to win. line too, not just our backfield. 'Flea' would have had the record usbut*h I Wehl 11 I say? We have five games left and we can win them all if The defeat was the first for They really hurt us with draw had not a holding penalty can less breakdowns. sI Coach Duffy Daugherty at plays a few times." nullified a 27-yard run of his In Madison's Camp Randall Stadium in his 18th year stay at MSU Until the Badger game, the pass defense had not the third quarter. The first Wisconsin score RoncuJ MSU. The official attendance yielded a touchdown and ranked came with help from MSU's I don't think any fan can sit on the sideline and say what's, was 74,847, the second largest first in the Big Ten and fourth in offense. A first quarter Mike or right about a team or coach. I've heard a lot of "Duffy'sihJI U-W crowd. the nation, allowing only 68 Rasmussen pass was picked off coach" by many people, most of them knowing as little aboml Against the Badgers, MSU's passing yards per game. But it ft I by Ron Buss who returned it 28 football as I do about medicine. Speaking for myself, there are defense, which has been seemed apparent that no one yards for a Badger touchdown. really great coaches but there's a lot of bad players. A coach isoni* 1 bothered to inform Graff of the The Badgers returned the as good as his team plays on the field. The only reason players h ^1 outstanding through the years, could not stop the Neil Graff Spartans' impressive statistics as Spartan favor early in the second great coaches is because those players played a full 60 minutesTI passing attack. If Graff was not he completed 11 of 15 attempts quarter when Thompson game and not just 30. '■ for 191 yards. fumbled and Emie Hamilton picking apart the Spartan ERIC ALU, The Flea: 247 yards huhiIi secondary, then backs Rufus While the defense shocked recovered on the Wisconsin 20-yard line. Four plays later 'Road runner' Ferguson and Spartan fans, the green and sophomore Mike Holt, starting Football is indeed a great character-building activity. It isontjgl Allan Thompson were running white offense produced which a young man can really find himself and understand thevilJ in the offensive HABLO ESPANOL rampant. explosiveness that has been absent for years. his first backfield, game took Rasmussen of unity. It is really a shame that most people can see no deeper thiol The breakdown of the a pitch around left end for a the score. If football had no more to offer than a would in no way be worth the pain and sacrifice it requires. championship M 8-yard score. how many champions are there in each conference? AfterillI Perkins Palate Allen's 56-yard touchdown run down the right sidelines gave ERROL DO MSU a 14-7 lead and indications of a strong Spartan offensive When I look at this year's Spartan football team, I feel very proud. I performance to come. The MSU It is a great privilege for me to be a part of it. I offensive line was at its best and There are many ways of measuring success. The obvious method! with center Errol Roy leading is to compare the win with the loss column. At times, this wiyl the way for Allen, the speedy completely overshadows many other means of figuring desiredl back went untouched. success. I In reviewing the accomplishments of our team, a few thingshinl Roy and linemen Joe been evident to me. Dedication, unselfishness. determinatimB DeLamielleure, Bob McClowry. Skip Macholz, Mark Loper, Chris discipline, pain, desire and love arc just a few. I My intention in writing this isn't anything but to eulogizeagroupl King, Marv Roberts, Ray Nester. of people who never give up. It is just a way of expressing pinfl Billy Joe DuPree and Scott admiral ion for the people I play for and with. P Miltenberger dominated the PILAR CHRISTIE Badger defense, firing off of the MIKE RASMUSSEN I line faster than in previous has joined our staff of travel consultants. She comes to us from Venezuela where she worked as a travel consultant. She (Please turn to page 9} has attended school in Canada & at MSU and has traveled extensively in the Caribbean & South America. OWENS GAINS 93 YARDS She is ready to assist you in J TIMEX WATCHES any ofyour travel plans. 5 AND AI,I, BRANDS Lions dump Oilers, 31-7 DINERS/FUGAZY Perkins Pancake House I ELECTRIC SHAVERS was on a desperation 58-yai Phone 351-0384 HOUSTON (UPI)—Steve '30 1 Clippert filldozed into the end zone z you aU n three vards out to tie the L/"> Monday night c PIZZA SPECIAL the music. I 1 1 W price ■ mm °f I Until very recently, if you set pianoand pipe organ, the lowest which the Kenwood receiver |Watch Mon. night football on color TV while you eat S out to with four hundred dollars purchase a complete stereo notes of the double bass, or the bottom string of an electric and the Smaller Advent speakers represent, we 09 system, you were likely to be bass guitar. (These low recommend the Garrard SL55B TOWN PUMP disappointed. To purchase a music system that could frequency sounds have a lot to do with the enjoyment you will automatic turntable. It has a good heavy platter, c 307 S. Grand, Lansing reproduce the lowest octave!s) derive from your music convenient cueing control, and a ■< of deep bass, you found you system.) minimal (also inaudible) wow, had to spend about six hundred flutter, and rumble. The 55B, T;ic Barber Shop dollars; for four hundred dollars a component system did The Kenwood KR-4130 FM stereo receiver provides enough with the Advent speakers and the Kenwood receiver, allow us 7^ power to satisfy both you and Designed For Those not exist which could really low bass. produce the Advent speakers; itdelivers into the four-ohm Advents more than 21 watts per channel to offer system at a cost lower you a than that quality sound substantially which was Who Normally Have But this has now changed. Because of two new products, of RMS power, over the entire audio range, with less than previously possible. We include with the Garrard we are now able to offer (and a > An Aversion To guarantee) a complete FM stereo 0.5% distortion. (RMS is the most demanding and least dustcover, a base, and a Shure M44E cartridge a smooth, z phonograph system flashy of the various power light-tracking, which provides the necessary wide-range o Haircuts.... Has your figure been damaged range to reproduce all music. The system consists of two new rating systems.) The FM tuner section of the Kenwood receiver is both sensitive and cartridge with frequency capabilities. fine high CD m by summer pounds you didn't plan on? Smaller Advent Loudspeakers, The complete sy stem, selective: weak stations well F) Join Weigh! Watchers*for help as a new Kenwood KR-4130 FM guaranteed for two years,parts in losing those pounds. as strong will be received with Start getting ready stereo receiver, and a Garrard and labor, costs $399.95. * You for your fall wardrobe now! surprising fullness and clarity. sit back and hear all the SL55B au to ma tic turn table can with a Shure M44E cartridge. To match the level of quality WEIGHT® WATCHERS. The new Smaller Advent * Price subject to Federal surcharge o EAST LANSING CLASSES Loudspeakers and the Kenwood KR-4130 receiver z kin "l!]V>ins your once 'a ' year haircut turned University United Methodist Church 1118 South Harrison Monday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. make possible the increased performance and lower cost of this system. HI FI BUYS m m 73 how to cut HM'ER long hair? ^rbers who really don't know Don't worry any more. Have Thursday 7:00 p.m. 1101 East Grand River Ave. East Lansing 337-J GeM(> Of ft.7l "vn. rn/ri/m./.rw.v.. —v St. Andrews Church The Smaller Advent is the only soeri r or style your hair t0 Perfection. We Hagadorn and M-78 loudspeaker costing less than | a ze in extra long hair styling. QENE'S Tuesday for 1:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. class information call $100 which can reproduce the entire musical range. Through The Disc Shop BARBER more the Smaller Advent you can 323 East Grand River Ave East Lansing ■^4-492? ■ 1016 E. Mt. Hope Ave (ju«t east of S. Pennsylvania) 393-5740 hear the bottom octave of 351-5380 area director -H0URS 8 *6 Pm (closed Mon.) Sophia Branoff TEAOSONY • |BL» PE*KOSS*SHURE Monday, Qctober ,g 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan If You Haven' STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Classified Ad Yet, 3558255 a Good FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Rank For Rent For Sale The State News does Automotive Employment GET Action WITH A not permit racial or, JOBS EUROPE guaranteed and DeWITT, 6 MILES North. 3«P«cious COMPACT STEREO Sylvia»u'? Want Ad religious in its discrimination advertising OLDSMOBILE 1964 Cutlass convertible. Excellent condition plus 2 snow tires. $450. Call salaried — Europe, Switzerland, year - round, 1st Class hotels / furnished rooms, included. No 5-10-22 heat and utilities Pets. 669-3211. changer, 6 months "1. 3 -10-18 columns. The State 372-5742.3-10-20 restaurants. For details write JOBS COLE'S BAKERY ► AUTOMOTIVE News will not accept EUROPE, Box 44188, Panorama TUESDAY ONLY Special 4 Scooters & Cycles HASLETT AREA, 2 bedroom, fully ^ advertising which OLDSMOBILE 1967, "88", 4 door City,California91402.1-10-18 carpeted, spacious luxury Home-style white bread, Jim Auto Parts & Service discriminates against apartment. New G.E. appliances, our bakery foods co'nci«i, sedan, power steering, power PERSON WANTED to run a VERY - conditioning, garbage disposal, MEIJER THRIFTY Aviation religion, race, color or brakes, automatic transmission, air ACRES profitable business. Earning phone 339-9291 or 372-8480 Ext. Okemos, South Pennsylvania 1 ► EMPLOYMENT national origin. radio, $875. 332-1405.7-10-21 abilities are unlimited and well 28, for appointment. 2-10-19 Saginaw Road. KROGER ► FOR RENT above average. Mail qualifications Frandor, Logan Center, 4002yi OPEL 1969. White - walls, AM/FM, to Mr. Warren, P.O. Box 503, GIRL WANTED to share efficiency; Apartments Saginaw, 1721 North GrandR„ large engine, well taken care of. Maiden, Mass. 02148 or call (617) terms negotiable; 316 Gunson. 0-2-10-19 Houses $1,000. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 373-3287, 261-1964.1-10-18 351-9359.3-10-20 after 6 p.m. weekends. 393-1265. Rooms Automotive PHOTO ► FOR SALE x-4-10-19 YOUTH DIRECTOR. Responsible, ONE OR two bedroom furnished EQUIPMENT mobile homes. $25-$35 per week. ""Cameras CHEVROLET 1959. Needs some dedicated young man or couple to Animals PEUGEOT 404 1963, sharp, $450. 10 minutes to campus. 641-6601. work. Best offer. Call Carol, 332-8940 early mornings, late direct a weekly program for high ♦Projectors Mobile Homes school age students. Send resume' ♦Lenses 332-0846. 3-10-18 evenings. 3-10-18 LOST & FOUND including church affiliation and ♦Accessories ONE BEDROOM, furnished. Marriei ► PERSONAL CHEVY VAN 1969. Excellent references to P.O. Box 88, Okemos, PLYMOUTH, 1961. Good Lowest prices in condition, interior redecorated. 48864. B-1-10-18 ► PEANUTS PERSONAL transportation, $110. 371-3762. the Midwest New tires and wheels. Call ► REAL ESTATE Tom. After 4 p.m. 2-10-18 371-3431 after 4 p.m. 5-10-21 For Rent HOPE CAMERA, INC. • RECREATION PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1969, V-8, CHRYSLER 1968, fully equipped, by Houses Mail order division SERVICE power steering / brakes, AM-FM. ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. original owner, $1395. Call New tires, 5 year warranty. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 7601 Mentor Avenue Typing Service TRANSPORTATION 485-9202.3-10-20 351 -3859,353-9252.5-10-22 'WELLSR3H5FANS- US QOINSi TO EE A RENTAL. 372-4948. O ROOMMATE NEEDED for 2 man on Baker Street. 3 miles from campus. Mentor, Ohio 44060 Send for Free Price List WANTED CORVAIR 1966. Excellent condition. New tires, snow tires, brakes, SPITFIRE 1969. 2 tops, wire wheels, radio, luggage rack. 485-8241 after ROUOH SEASON SfflTE AFTER ITS TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction Own room, furnished. No lease, utilities paid, $72.50 / month. RUMMAGE SALE; ALL SAIH1 DEADLINE springs, shock absorbers. $500. 351-7026. 2630 Raphael, East 5 p.m. 5-10-19 ATHLETIC BUDGET CUT!' guaranteed. Free delivery, service and pick up. No desposit. Call 489-7100, Dave. 5-10-22 EPISCOPAL CHURCH, | 1 P.M. one class day before NEJAC, 337-1300. C Abbott Road, East iimi Lansing. 1-10-18 TORINO 1968 GT, 2-door fastback, GWiavimuHb/ ax/faze SOUTH MAGNOLIA 219 - October 19, 609 p.m. October publication. power steering, radio, very Everything furnished. 4 graduate 9-12 a.m. Clothing, houw REFRIGERATORS - Cancellations/Corrections CORVETTE 1969, convertible, dependable, V-8 engine. Call DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth electric, students preferred. Phone articles and toys. 3-10-19 12 noon one class $2950. Call before 1 or aftei 6. 351-4105.3-10-20 485-0460.3-10-20 — day 349-2502 3-10-18 315 Bridge, Grand Ledge. before publication. TR-250 1968 convertible. $1300. Call Scooters & Cycles Employment 627-2191. TF 1 GIRL needed, co-op house across ANTIQUES - TWO brass beds, i| cash register, wood ice bo* from campus. Deposit, $55 / PHONE CUTLASS 1970 Supreme convertible, 351 -0457 before 10 a.m. or after 8 GET YOUR party needs at A, C and month. 332-5903. 2-10-18 great bar). Phone 1-589-S6! air - conditioning, full - power. p.m. 10-10-25 FOR SALE 1971 Honda Trail 70. PART TIME and full time 355-8255 E Rentals. Glassware, red and 2-10-18 $2395. Call 393-8490 after 5:30 or Excellent condition. Call opportunity. Fluent phone voice 373-2755.5-10-19 484-0827.2-10-19 white check tablecloths. RATES 10 word minimum VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1969.Excellent required. Sincerity and enthusiasm OFFICE DESKS, chairs, file cabin 349-2220. O shape. $1850. 351-3236 between a must. 5 -10 p.m. Monday through typewriters, adding machines,1 DODGE CORONET R/T 1968. 5-7 p.m. or weekends. 5-10-19 KAWASAKI 1970, 250, Sidewinder. Friday. 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.and etc. Phone 332-8398 or 484-74 TV RENTALS Students only. Low Excellent condition, 440-V8, 1400 miles. $550 negotiable. 3-8 p.m. Saturday. 11:30 a.m. - - Rooms 2-10-18 automatic, 4:10 posi-trac, headers, 355-3703.5-10-19 4:30 p.m. and 5-10 p.m. Sunday. monthly and term rates. Call chrome wheels. Call 355-8771. VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Sunroof, 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV Salary plus bonus. $2 - $5 per hour, USED FURNITURE Flee Fair: radio, good condition, call RENTALS. C SINGLE. MALE grad student, clean, 5-10-20 depending on ability. Personal 482-7961 after 5 p.m. 5-10-19 Auto Service & Parts quiet, cooking. 485 8836 or East Michigan. Dishes, bod interviews from 5-10 p.m. October FORD FAIRLANE, V-8, 1964. Good 487-5753. 0-7-10-22 coins, antiques, rockers, 7, 8 and 9 at 633 East Jolly Road, tires, new battery, $250 or best VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Good W - GUARANTEED repair. Southland Complex, Suite 5. See Apartments Bargain Hunters Paradise. Saturday and Sunday. Furnit offer. 337-0947 after 6 p.m. condition. 51,000 miles. $550. Call Mr. Vance. O ATTRACTIVE GIRL'S room in RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at and appliances open all 5-10-22 355-8375 before 5 p.m. 3-10-20 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C GIRL NEEDED immediately for quiet house. Close. No parking. am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C ACADEMIC WRITERS needed to 4-man. 1 block from campus,good Privileges. Call Diane, 351-3439 or 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 GRAND PRIX 1969. 36,000 miles, VOLKSWAGEN 1962. 15" A.P. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East produce educational aids. Need terms. 351-5143.3-10-15 355-8252. x-2-10-18 like new throughout. Must sell, magwheels and balloon tires, 500 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. SONY AMPLIFIER, Ou 3.75 10.00 32.50 . . . particularly writers in Economics, Rectilinear 16.25 miles on. rebuilt engine. 3/4 cam, ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. XII. Practically will consider trade, 351-3567 Complete auto painting and Area Studies, and all Business ONE GIRL NEEDED TO bored and stroked, headers, heavy collision service. IV 5-0256. C Completely furnished. Cooking. Price negotiable. 355-C 347 Student Services Bldg. evening. 3-10-18 disciplines. Call Write - On, FILL FOUR MAN duty Porche clutch. Hate to sell, Call 372-8077. C 3-10-18 332-3700.0 All student ads must be but I Phone 677-7051 after 6 p.m. APARTMENT CLOSE TO KARMANN-GHIA 1970, yellow 2-10-18 Aviation CAMPUS. MARNmx prepaid convertible. 24,600 miles, serviced BABYSITTER NEEDED 7:30-4:30 For Sale APPLES, PEARS, plums, sweet( regularly. Must sell immediately, p.m. 5 days a week. 2 preschool APARTMENTS. 225 Division. Pick your own apples Fr The State News will be VOLKSWAGEN, CONVERTIBLE 663-48 *2 after 5.5-10- 22 1965. Needs valve job. Otherwise LEARN TO FLY I Complete flight boys. Extras for housecleaning. 332-2215 " ' Saturday, Sunday. BIOS training. All courses are USED SEWING machines, $12.50 responsible only for the good, $250 or best offer. ORCHARDS, 2 miles North KARMANN-GHIA 1968. New government and VA certified. SUBLEASE WINTER and spring.2or and up. Console models, Leslie on Hull Road. (Old 351-7146evenings. 3-10-20 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport portables, zig zags and straight starter, tires, and snow tires. One 3 man apartment. 351-1906. - 127) 589-8251. 9 - 6 PM. CM Road. Call 484-1324. C 3-10-20 stitches. Over 60 to choose from. owner. $1,000. 482-7510 after PART TIME EMPLOYMENT WITH Mondays. O 5:30.3-10-18 full line merchant ELECTRO - GRAND, 804 East wholesaler. Automobile required. 351-5800. Michigan, Lansing. Hours: 9 a.m. - CIDER AND APPLES. Pick Employment 0-10-20 5 p.m. Saturdays. 9 a.m. ■ Noon.O own. BRENNER'S 0RCHAR VOLKSWAGEN 1963. Good Automotive condition, new paint, clutch, Smith Road, Eaton OVERSEAS JOBS for students. TELEPHONE NEED 1 GIRL - House across from 663-7756. 3-10-18 exhaust. Call evenings, 351-3360. SOLICITORS, part MERCURY 1966. Automatic, power Australia, Europe, South America, time, $2 per hour, apply Room 32, campus. Cheap. 353-5328, AH SPRITE 1960. Good body, top, 3-10-18 steering, automatic rear window, Africa, etc. All professions and 210 Abbott Rd. 10a.m.3-10-20 332-5903 after 5.2-10-18 snow tires. $650. 351-7767. GRAFLEX STROBOFLASH I, with new battery, muffler system.Snow VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK occupations, $700 to $3,000 5-10-20 battery pack. $40. Call Terry, tires. Very dependable 1968. Clean, low mileage. Bicycle monthly. Expenses paid, overtime, COCKTAIL LOUNGE and nightclub, 351-2013.3-10-20 transportation. Good body. $350. 10-speed. 351 -7985.5-10-18 sightseeing. Free information. waiting on tables. Apply in person. ANTIQUE 1933 Chevrolet. Original Evenings, 351-3823. S Write; JOBS OVERSEAS, Dept. 2122 N. Logan, Lansing. JOE APARTMENT NEAR campus. One and excellent. Drive it anywhere. GIBSON S-J and Guild case. New 8A, Box 15071, San Diego, JOSEPH'S PRO BOWL. 5-10-22 bedroom, furnished. $130. 351-7397.5-10-22 California 92115.5-10-19 332-2110 after 6 p.m. 6-10-22 $395. Best offer. Call 349-2589. MG MIDGET convertible, 1971. 5-10-22 Excellent condition. Must sell. HOLIDAY SITTERS - Needs married ARIEL 1959 Square Four, excellent Call 694-4591 before 4 couples without children to live in condition. $995. 372-5234 or 5-10-21 p.m. Scooters & Cycles Male and female volunteers client's homes and care for their 1 BEDROOM furnished apartment, MOVING SALE: Craig tape recorder, 372-1310.5-10-19 close to campus. Ideal for married $50; White treadle sewing machine, needed for research on black children while clients go on $25; American Leader flute, $25; vacation. Wife must be couple. $165 per month. Call OLDSMOBILE 1966, "98" Luxury HONDA CL350 1970, six months old. personality. Will be paid $3 for 351 5434.3-10-19 typewriter, $10. 351-7146 CHEVROLET 1964. 3 tires, unemployed. All employees are new Sedan, loaded. 646-6452 Saturday $600. Must sell. Financial problems participation (2 hours). 7 p.m. insured. Phone 694-9464 4 evenings. 3-10-20 very good condition. $325. Phone -Sunday only. $795. 2-10-18 355-2439.3-10-20 - 9 p.m. Room 111 Olds Hall, ONE GIRL needed to share 4 349-9427 after 6 p.m. 3-10-18 7 p.m. for interview.2-10-19 girl USED FURS, capes, coats, stoles, all October 19 or 20. Must be apartment next to campus. OLDSMOBILE 1968, 98 Luxury HONDA 1969, CB 350. Like new, between 18 and 21 years old, styles and sizes,reasonable. Phone LOCAL FIRM has openings for hard 332-4432. O CHEVROLET, 1965 - excellent Sedan, loaded. Runs like new. insurance included. First 332-0448. 3-10-20 Phone 646-6452. reasonable offer. Call Andy, single, born and raised in the working persons with good condition. Truck with new engine Saturday U.S. speaking voice to work as TWO OR three man $185. Only $50 and clutch. 882-0902.10-10-21 Sunday only. $1,695. 2-10-18 332-5039.3-10-20 first three weeks. 351-8816. WATERBEDS $26.50, any size. telephone solicitors. Hours 5:30 - 9:30 p.m., Monday through 5-10-19 Units, $60. Mattress, liner, foam HONDA 305 Scrambler (Custom). Friday. $1.75 an hour. Phone pad and frame. UL listed waterbed Beautiful machine. Accessories. BEAUTICIAN - WHY not be in heaters. 372-7793 between 1 and 5:30 p.m. ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments REBIRTH. 309 North .MEADOWBROOK Call 351-1925. 3-10-19 HONDA 1971 175 road bike, like business for yourself? Set your own hours and take home all the profits. Active beauty shop has to set up are interview. Only those who hard working need apply. from $145. 10 minutes from MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. C • • new. 275 miles, $490. Phone openings to rent chair. Excellent 10-10-25 CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 Keller Road, Holt. C CROSSWORD TRACE 371-1444. 5-10-21 HONDA 750 1970. Excellent * location. Prestige building. For information, call 393-0433. 5-10-20 393-1877 or MATURE MAN or woman who is LANSING OR East Lansing. One PUZZLE nQsaaa BE® motivated and would like to make bedroom furnished. Large, airy condition, windshield, rollbar and good money and be their own boss. rooms. Air conditioned. buggy rack. Call after 5 p.m. Call 669-3804.2-10-19 646-3732.5-10-22 Beautifully maintained. Suitable for faculty, grad students, business 1. Fossilized resin 30. More precious people, married couples. Lease. 6. Front 32. Serene 332-3135 or 882-6549. O 12. Ex-Dodger 34. Songs for two aM|JH Q>uid, Qtuden-U-, MawUed Qtwlesiti, LOOKING Open-end HALSTEAD FOR a roommate? leases available. Call 13. 14. Chameleon Unit of germ plasm 15. Conundrum 35. English letter 36. Total 38. Sheep-killing cuu£ MANAGEMENT, parrot 17. Scruffs »1, 2, and 3 BEDROOM LUXURY APARTMENTS. . . . 351-7910. O 18. Savory sauce 20. Heat-resistant 39. 41. Dog tree Squeeze 43. 3|C MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA. MARRIED STUDENTS glass 46. Trumpeter Repartee 1. Barren & FACULTY 22. Disadvantage 48. Denial 2. Average j|£ INDIVIDUAL STORAGE AREAS. CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. 24.19 25. Paid football player 49. 51. 53. Cancel Turnstiles Taunted 3. Exist 4. Extrasensory perception some with study 28. Corrosive 54. Tale 5. Defendant £ PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS. SQUEEZE? from $145 per mo. 12. 2 3 M 5 i T- >3 7 e * •O tl £ SAUNAS, POOL TABLES, PING PONG, VOLLEYBALL COURTS. Take your troubles to UNFURNISHED % 15 16 •7 hair £ FELLOWSHIP AND RELAXATION IN YOUR CLUB children welcome "8 16 26.Fee I %% % '9 ,... ROOM, TV ROOM, AND EXERCISE ROOM. 27. Alternatives ■ please, PARK WEST pets no ii 23 21) 25 26 27 28. Auxiliary 28 % *9 80 31 29. Antipathy . 31. Arctic bfro KNOB HILL i 33. Rumen MEADOWBROOK APARTMENTS APARTMENTS Sz 35 3 1-6 executive. Too many other ANN BROWN: Typing and multillth Christian Fellowship will be held at 4 demand related to Sol de offset printing. Complete service p.m. today In 210C Wells Hall. Aztlan's call for a justification of features to name here. Priced dissertations, theses, for the $16 million budget of Talk to the reps See the latest |d,U^^? Educational $49,900 and submit your own terms. For personal showing manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 22 years experience. 349-0850. C ASMSU's Great Issues presents David Sussking at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Cooperative Extension Service - phone Dick Edley 371-1930 WANTED TO rent. Businessman and the Agricultural Experiment at the Auditorium. He will speak on desires to rent 2 bedroom home or Station. TYPING TERM papers and thesis. 7a»*».oXJm,0oAb0on' or evenings 393-5081. Electric typewriter. Fest service. Call 349-1904. 18-10-29 apartment in East Lansing. Preference is for furnished home "Commitments for the Seventies." The Advertsising Club will hold an Gonzalez meeting said Friday following the that Sol de MARKS BIG PHOTO SHOW TEACHOUT-GARDNER NOTHING LASTS forever I So for but unfurnished home or apartment will do. Call for Mr. organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. Aztlan had been working through channels in the frustrated in NOVEMBER 5,6,7 today in 35 Union. Terry Morford id iihV. 'eava VQ REALTORS new or newer household goods Rooney at University Inn, from Leo past, but that they would take "•656-2073, 1-10.18 check today'* Want Adal 361-5600. 3-10-20 Burnett in Chicago will Pantlind Hotel, Grand Rapids the trustees on their word. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Queen of MSU crowned Also Cronovich, Warren junior Personality, poise and homecoming festivities. The on Friday PVpni . By TONI PELLILLO (McDonel Hall). attractiveness were among the annual alumni banquet will ASMSU will present SI State News Staff Writer Other members of the court criteria used by the judges. begin at 6:30 p.m. Friday in the B.B. King as part 0f hntertainment Series th^Jj I p I Homecoming officially began are: Dianne Hubbard, Yellow The activities for the 1971 Big Ten Room of Kellogg at a Sunday when Denise "Rusty" Springs, Ohio senoir (North Homecoming celebration way Center. The queen will be in the auditorium. iVkntcP'111 I be purchased at Richmond, Sterling Heights Akeis); Kathy Linde, Kalamazoo toward the side of tradition presented and the class of 1946 the iu>U junior, was crowned MSU's 1971 senior (Hieta Chi fraternity); under the banner of a will be honored. Guests of honor Ticket Office, Campbell's Sm I Homecoming queen at a special Cheryl Murphy, Southgate "Remember When" theme. will be President and Ms. Clifton Shop and Marshall Music in p Lansing. I *#1 | luncheon held at the Alpha Chi senior (Chi Omega sorority); Highlighting the week's events R. Wharton, Jr. Omega sorority house. Sharman Stewart, Livonia senior is a Saturday football game 4-H (Delta Gamma sorority) and halftime and evening appearance Richmond, Lansing Ms. a representative for Landon Hall, Bronwyn Williams, Hastings by the famed trumpeter A1 Hirt. was crowned by Carol Kaste, sophomore (Delta Chi At 8:15 p.m. Friday in the Auditorium, Hirt will present a Geneva, 111., senior, the 1970 fraternity). queen. The girls were chosen from an First runner-up for the title initial group of 65, each being was Linda Petro, Detroit senior, nominated from a University concert as part of the Lecture-Concert scries. may Tickets be purchased at the Union student Students interested in vol teaching arts and crafts, conservation. I representing Sigma Kappa living unit. Ticket Office. drama, or dance, may join the Lansing Urban 4-H Volunt«j I sorority. Judges, composed of To help build the Program. Others members of the court representatives from major homecoming spirit, a pep rally John Duff, Marietta senior and student coordinator of th, governing (ASMSU, and open-air concert will be held program, announced immediate openings thia week for volunteeis I Crowning and represent the living units they are (in alphabetical Residence groups, Hall Assn., with a bonfire at Thursday the 8:30 p.m. Fee-Akers to work with disadvantaged Lansing children one afternoon, I order): Caron Behrendt, Interfraternity Council and the on week. 1 Denise "Rusty" Richmond, Detroit junior from Landon Hall was crowned Sunday as Rochester fresh.nan (North Case Pan Hellenic Council were intramural field. "The volunteers provide learning opportunities leading to u I Homecoming Queen at a luncheon in the Alpha Chi Omega sorority house. Carol Kuste, Geneva, Hall); Mary Burson, Wyandotte among the judging units), alumni The traditional rememberance of alumni will also be part of the understanding of special skills. Many past successes have been attributed to student volunteers," Duff stated. I III. senior and last years queen, porforms the honors. junior (Phi Delta Theta and the 1970 queen, selected the ■ State News photo by Jonathan S. Kaufman fraternity) and Georgia top 10 girls Wednesday night. CONSERVATIONALIST SAYS Bargains galore at Student Book Store's BOOK and RECORD SALE! Change of wildlife laws urged SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) - A widely known California botanical life and land to the benefit of each — and to the for endangered species, but they would do so after considering the be killed by hunters. These officials keep a count of about As staff veterinarian, director of research and an assistant vice i Prlc» ~ ior °' conservationist favors abolishing benefit of man. total wildlife and nature picture how many deer there are in an president at Sea World marine I indudinfl th«« bfiswa"8"- all animal protection laws in favor Kenney, 37, said in an interview and not simply on the basis of area, what the available food park here, Kenney's main of "biological management." that all existing animal protection emotionalism, he said. supply for them is and what their concern is sea life. There are Dr. David W. Kenney, the veterinarian who advocates the laws should be abolished and replaced with a single federal Kenney said that protection laws by themselves are no longer competition for it is. Then they determine how many deer can congressional bills pending which as introduced would grant I So"ny £ unusual proposal, says he's got a better idea than the current protection system. biological management program run by a minimum number of offices, probably fish and game of value because man permanently upset the natural balance of nature. has live well in the area and whether that number should be reduced to protection to marine mammals such as whales, dolphins, seals, give greater priority to the cattle sea lions, sea otters, walruses and I r.rr_r— & 1«* -Wett y . !>r°nheS-PremesBu,te "Biological management" is defined by Kenney as regulating departments at the federal and state levels. "Animal protection laws were good in 1900, when there was The people in these offices only one unnatural influence on or sheep or other animals. polar bears by .outlawing their Then they establish hunting capture or killing, with a few S Losing Battles | up«,.0.».nU.t»» -!»— |§ CcJr/os A/loi * * an artificial balance of nature by quotas for the excess number — exceptions. 1 controlling wildlife, marine life, would still issue protection orders their survival — man killing thereby keeping happy the Kenney believes his admittedly >nfoyQ them," he said. "But today there people who want to hunt while "idealist point of view" will are too many other factors." protecting a sufficient number of eventually be put into practice. 98 and $]88 Family group offers For example, he said man has virtually eliminated the animals who used to prey on deer and that deer to prevent them from But he said it won't be overnight. becom i ng enda ngered. "But you can't manage the deer sin9'e album as a result the deer population without managing the grass, and ;e 6 panel discussions The second annual Family Issues Series sponsored by the Married continually swells by natural reproduction. There is limited food such as you can't manage the grass without managing the land," Kenney said. "That's what I mean ia bus Student Bunk Sture421 E. Grand River grass for the deer to eat, and by biological management — It's Student Family Services Committee will present six panel without enough food the deer all integrated." Across from Olin discussions on topics relevant to married students beginning this would starve or become prey to week. infection and disease, and might TV RENTALS All of the weekly meetings will be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the eventually die out completely, he Married Students Activities Bldg. in Spartan Village. said. The first discussion of the series Tuesday night is entitled "Sexual Enrichment in Marriage." A sexual enrichment couples program will continue at 8 p.m. every Tuesday concurrent with the But deer are fish and game managed by state officials who set NEJAC TV RENTALS SAFETY quotas on the number which may 337-1300 Roberts remainder of the Family Issues Series. The other topics to be explored in the series are "Parent-Child Relations" Oct. 26, "The Single Parent Family" Nov. 2, "The Working Woman" Nov. 9, "Family Management and Finances" FIRST Nov. 16 and "Marital Enrichment" Nov. 23. Interested married students who wish to explore these areas in greater depth will have the opportunity to do so through informal Automotive groups. Center Welcome... "The Problem Solvers" Includes: 1. Caitor Set Correct Any Suipernion ? Camber Set Problem! You Have Now 3. Toe In Adjurtment For The Sake Of Safety! 4 Roa 24" Z.1# BOWLING LANES (INCLUDES PARTS & LABOR) 50c per line MON. & WED. 5:15 p.m. 11:00 p.m i B^ADWALE ®/ £ I BLINKING LITE — TUES., THURS., SUN. Roberts Automotive Center 2 / Ui " 2:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m PARK LAKE RD. FRI. & SAT. 12:00 noon 11:00 p.m i 211 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing 4980 PARK LAKE RD. JUST DOWN FROM - under the red and AT GRAND RIVER - E. LANSING blue, awning 351-8062 351-8088