Man Wednesday i, but God disposes. MICHIGAN Cloudy . . . STATE NEW ... A chance of brief afternoon STATE showers. High in the low sixties. UNIVERSITY e 64 Number 48 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 20, 1971 Nixon asks for wider economic powers iSHINGTON (AP) — /A PI — President Nixon asked ContfrpssTupsHnv President Nixon asked Congress Tuesday aiu . , ... ■ Although the controls over wages, prices and rents bar them from complaints by the public would still flow through district courts "The committee has in the past taken a dim view of retroactive «irfen his economic-control powers to cover interest rates and rising any higher than their level of May 25,1970; the bill does not first. statutes and we would need to move !°nds and to set a stiff new civil fine of $2,500 for punishing use that date on interest rates and dividentsasa carefully on any proposals ceiling. The civil penalty of $2,500 for each violation of the controls was which might arbitrarily wipe out the legal rights of any individual or tors of the post-freeze program. "Interest rates were closest to the highest level in 100 years at that a surprise provision of the bill. Officials said that, if passed, it could group," Patman said. White House sent legislation to Capitol Hill that would time," Walker said. The bill would empower the President to make enforcement of the controls easier. But Walker and Donald Rumsfeld, newly named director of the nd for one year to April 30,1973, the Economic Stabilization stabilize interest rates and dividents at "levels consonant with Now, the law provides for a criminal penalty of $5,000 for each Cost of Living Council, said the ratification provision would not under which Nixon imposed the 90-day wage - price - rent orderly economic growth." violation, a fine the government is reluctant to seek since it involves prohibit the Pay Board and Price Commission from granting ,eand the controls to follow. In addition, Walker said, the Cost of Living Council is setting up seeking a criminal conviction. The government would retain its retroactive pay increases deferred by the freeze if they wished. it Treasury Undersecretary Charles Walker told newsmen the closer monitoring of interest rates to insure that more up-to-date power to seek court injunctions to bar and punish violations. The question of a one-year extension of the standby controls may vear time limit doesn't indicate the actual length of time the figures are on hand. As anticipated, the new legislation would extend subpoena powers spark a controversy on Capitol Hill. Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wisc., freeze controls will remain in effect. The bill, as reported earlier, would set up a temporary emergency to the board and commission. chairman of the Senate-House Economic [e controls will last as long as "it takes to break the back of court of Committee, said the appeals to handle wage-price cases, to be named by Chief Meantime, it was learned that the White House is expected to controls should be limited to six months with itionary expectations and to make meaningful progress to bring Justice Warren Burger. Congress to announce members of the Pay Board and Price Commisssion on re-examine them at the end of that time. n the cost of living," Walker said. It would be composed of three or more federal district or circuit Thursday, exactly two weeks after Nixon disclosed his Phase 2 But Walker said a one-year extension is more sensible. xon has no plans to clamp controls on interest rates and court Anything judges and would have the exclusive power to rule on the economic machinery. less than that would lead to speculation that the controls would be lends, he said, pointing to what he called a "dramatic decline" constitutionality of the law itself or any government order or Walker said the administration coming off at the end of that period, he argued. strongly opposes requiring terest rates. regulation dealing with the post-freeze controls. But the wage-price members of the PayBoard and Price Elsewhere on the economic front: Commission, the two bodies that will pass on wage and price * Talks were resumed in an effort to end a increases, to be confirmed by the 19-day coal strike. Senate. * Most Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports continued in the grip of a The standby controls are delegated longshoremen's strike. by the Cost of Living Council, he said, most of whom were confirmed to the jobs they were named * The New York stock market went through its fifth straight day to before being put on the council as well. of falling prices with declines blamed in part on disappointing Rep. Wright Patman, D-Tex., chairman of the House Banking corporate earnings reports for the third quarter. Committee, said hearings will begin on the bill Thursday. He said he * Despite administration efforts to stimulate production, the feels the Pay Board and Price Commission members should be nation's manufacturing industries operated at only 73.2 per cent of subject to Senate confirmation. capacity in the third quarter, the Federal Reserve Board reported Patman said also he doesn'tlike a provision in the bill which would Tuesday. ratify the previous decisions and rulings by the government dealing This compared to operations at 74.5 per cent of capacity in the with the wage-price freeze. first quarter of 1971 and 75.1 percent in the second quarter. -V House procedural vote called defeat amendments including the war amendment But he said his amendment "is not W ASHINGTON (AP)—House leaders going in a $21-billion weapons bill purely on the to be blocked a straight up-or-down vote on the swept under the rug. It is going to be Senate's six-month Indochina war deadline ground they violated House germaneness brought up again and again." rules. During Senate debate on this year's in a stormy session Tuesday-and then interpreted a procedural vote as rejection "Today young Americans are getting foreign-aid bill, Mansfield said Tuesday Court he of the deadline. their guts blown out in Vietnam," said Rep. Charles W. Whalen Jr., R-Ohio, who that while the war is being wound down in Vietnam "it looks like we're getting into Sparking angry floor speeches, had planned to move for the straight vote. Cambodia." Republican Whip Leslie C. Arends of "And we're sitting here in the House "I thought it was the intention of this Angela Davis, in court Tuesday in San Rafael on a charge of venue hearing, smiles as a supporter in the Dlinois averted a direct showdown by debating germaneness." government to get out of all the old ourtroom shouts: "I love you, Angela." At left is Margaret Burnham, one of Ms. Davit' attorneys. moving that the House reject five Senate An effort to override Arends with a Indochinese countries," he said. AP Wirephoto procedural motion to permit the Hebert said the House-Senate conference up-or-down vote was rejected 215 to 192 on the weapons bill will begin Wednesday, and House leaders then called that vote but he said 'It will be a long, cold winter', IECKS FOR FREEZE VIOLATIONS? House rejection of the six-month deadline. and he expects no early compromise. House Armed Services Chairman F. Conferees will be senior House and Edward Hebert, D-La., told newsmen that Senate Armed Services Committee the vote sends him to a House-Senate members who overwhelmingly oppose the IRS studies 1U' fee refund plan compromise conference on the $21 billion weapons bill with a House mandate not to accept the Senate war deadline. "That's the only vote that counts," six-month war deadline although the Senate conferees are required to try to win acceptance of the Mansfield amendment. Hebert said. By MICHAEL FOX August to bring its gross receipts in line finance, said that at this time it is not drops and adds is probably down for the State News Staff Writer with the actual amount of funds it would receive as tuition payments. possible to gauge what the dollar impact of the new dropped course refund policy will fifth day, but that the average class load at the end of the term will be close to last Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield of Montana, author of the SN adviser "It is our belief that the change in be. Slightly more than $29 million was fall's load. amendment requiring U.S. withdrawal tuition refund policy does not violate the "We may be wrong. And if there is a gets national lie University administration Tuesday collected by the University after refunds from Indochina in six months if American lowledged that the Internal Revenue spirit or letter of the wage - price freeze for tuition last year, which compares with change, it cannot necessarily be attributed prisoners of war are released, said "that's ice guidelines," Perrin said. a current estimate of $30.2 million after to the changed refund policy more than (IRS) had requested and been their business" when asked about the plied with information concerning "The $14 fee (in state tuition) that the refunds this year. anything else," Terry said. House action. ITs new fee refund jtuted he IRS this fall. reportedly policy which was has received student pays is for classroom instruction and that has not been altered at all this fall," Perrin said. "The new fee refund policy is not likely press award to slow down a student's ultimate progress When Louis J. Berman assumed the iplaints tht the new MSU policy of not "Hie fee refund was an administrative towards graduation. While the notification advisership of the State News in 1961, the riding full refunds of tuition fees for accomodation to students and not a service of the new policy occurred after students paper was in rocky financial condition and Res dropped after the close of they were purchasing. Therefore we don't stration constitutes a violation of the think it constitutes a reduction in service," had probably already initially planned their threatened with suspension. In the past 10 ent federal fall schedule, we opened the class card years, his guidance has made the student wage - price freeze, Robert he said. arena to all students so they could make publication the largest and wealthiest nn, vice president for University Perrin noted that a mailing to all 'ions, said. students before the start of fall term adjustments without penalty," Terry said. college newspaper in the country. Wore this term, the In recognition of his achievements, the University had provided full dissemination of the policy National Council of College Publications mded full course fees to students. This change, which was determined in August. Terry said that figures on the average academic loadof students are computed for auvisers will award Berman the 1971 resulted in about $1.5 million "The IRS really just asked information. being Distinguished Newspaper Adviser award at nded to students in the I suppose they did that because someone the fifth class day, but that this past. the American Collegiate Press convention 'ecause the legislature bases its had filed a complaint and they felt they information is not yet available. He commented that while fee revenues will be in Dallas, Tex Friday. ropriation to MSU on the gross receipts had to look into it," he said. , "We don't view it as a reduction in Berman's nomination for the award he income from fees before refunds — up, he anticipates a drop in the average was academic load for students as of the fifth endorsed by former MSU President John University had traditionally lost money service because it never was a service that A. Hannah; Roger Wilkinson, vice president refunding fees. The legislature was being purchased," Perrin said. day of classes. for business and finance; Milton Dickerson, ropnation committee advised MSU in Steven Terry, asst. vice president for He speculated that activity in terms of former vice president for student affairs; Elmer White, executive secretary of the Michigan Press Assn.; journalism and hree advertising faculty members; State News profs to refund $1 editors and personnel and former students. TTie award is advising publications, not made publishing or administrating. on the on "Berman lias done a tremendous job of basis of teaching, •n class texts they wrote building The State News into the paper it is today," John Juel, editor - in - chief of the State News, said. "His business sense has put the State News on the firm financial footing it needs for independent editorial By CINDI STEINWAY per copy of the book as it sells in the bookstores. The refund is freedom." State News Staff Writer figured upon a 22Vi per cent margin from the royalities made after During Berman's 10 years at the MSU selling over 2,500 editions of the book, Donahue explained. student paper he had effected the change Donahue, Shickluna and Robertson wanted to be sure a policy to offset printing and aided the 5 wepw sc.'ence Professors are digging into their bank accounts like this did not violate department rules, so they discussed the incorporation process. tbook h? ®'Ve llleir students a refund from the royalties from a procedure with the Chairman of the Dept. of Crop and Soil Prior to being named adviser to the State tudgney c"-authored and assigned to their classes, Science, Dale P. HarDstend News, Berman reported for the Chicago und ' ln Agricultural Technology 54 will receive a dollar Journal, worked as state editor of the I Plant r required course text, "Soils, An Introduction to Soils Muskegon Chronicle and operated a weekly Pandcni/0^111 " 3rd edition," Roy L. Donahue, professor of "Harpstead suggested we decide between giving the students the paper in Whitehall for 35 years. ^auth sclence, said Tuesday. option of accepting the refund or donating the gross amount from the royalities to a scholarship or charity. We decided to let the "nS. Rh°f the text with Donahue, John C. Shickluna and students have the money," Donahue stated. h Donah,.ert.Si°n' both cr°p and soil science professors, agreed Tickets 1,1 Publinr 1 the refunds based on the royalities received Donahue said Shickluna had been thinking about a refund policy course book should go to the students enrolled in for a few weeks, and Robertson professed that the first time he told The International Students of MSU will present the variety show, "Some who a class about the idea, he felt a little awkward, as if something was are enrolled in Shlckluna's lecture will Day We'll be Together", at 8 p.m., "e>" Donniin I f they have 8 ">py of the book bearing their not right. Containment Sunday at Kellogg Center auditorium. Manage ami,6 aled> He added that the classes are small enough Proceeds from the show will go to aid >k. a check for the validity of the owner bearing the "The whole purpose behind this matter stems from our feeling Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ontario Provincial Police and Ottawa East Pakistani refugees in India. that it is not quite honest for a professor to receive money when h refunds to those students or other people assigning books for students to read for a class," Donahue said. He municipal police combine forces Tuesday to keep an estimated 10,000 Tickets are available at the Union demonstrators under control during their six block march to protest the ticket office and also at the door. ®>" he said teXt'but wbo are not currently enrolled in the hoped this would serve as an example for a campus-wide program Admission i s $3.00. rs to return thousands of dollars to students. treatment of Russian Jews. AP Wirephoto determined the $1 figure from the base cost of $7.96 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Voter rolls exceed estimates The estimates, based on registration figures 1,532, Precinct 2 at 1,778 and Precinct 9 at 2,150. fire station, where the polling place is no* i Patriarche said he hoped to reach dlt*4 I entered with the city clerk's office since Aug. 3, Although city officials stressed these figures a . .«• •. II.. tkai today on recommending a change for artist ^ show four precincts, including Precinct 3, which were "not final", it was generally conceded that summary East Lansing voter precinct rolls are growing bigger all the time. Tentative figures released at contains most of the MSU campus, have exceeded state limitations of 1,400 for precincts using more voters would be registered in city districts than previously thought. city council. He said such action since the precincts are regulated "We must move now if we're by was SU"* From the wires of AP and UPI. Monday's city council meeting indicate a going to movs voting machines. In addition to Precinct 3 with City officials were asked two weeks ago to look he said. "We will carefully look over surprising number of new voters have been added 5 102 voters other estimates list Precinct 1 at into the possibility of dividing local precincts to the conn if1" to city records. avoid long waiting lines in November and conform and if we feel the facilities are not find another place, we will make the adeoi?. with state law, but at that time City Manager John move » "But I don't anticipate any problem nn„i M. Patriarche indicated it was too late to take such I MSU police w action and that extra voting machines were being ordered to accommodate voters. day," he added, pointing out the city voting machines and is renting 18 ml, 28 oS "There are never any complaints November election. ure forth,] City Attorney Daniel C. Larned backed up Councilman Wi about bias and slanting when the Patriarche's decision and told council they could Larned's opinion "particularly appropriated I news when is good. They the news nowadays it often is." appear is bad, only and improperly By RAY ANDERSON pa not act to divide precincts so close to the election without violating Michigan election laws. He said that "odd year elections must be conducted in the same manner as state and county elections" and said he felt dividing precincts caused "more confusion and now would il? frustration F changing the voting location." However hP He said they had been asked by I m pounding . t . the present location should be -David Brinkley, NBC commentator State News Staff Writer police to distribute additional bicycles was rnmn irvr ee was of unregistered completed e on on therefore precincts could not be divided later than retained' possible to give registered voters maxil if'».*? racks last week and he indicated ^ days prior to the election. "However, had this Sunday, offiers said, with a total increase occurred several months ago, such action opportunity to vote. Imi® See related article, page Bicycles found obstructing the department has tried to place of 315 bicycles having been Councilman Robert J. Wilcox 2 would have been appropriate," he added. said, "We d building exits, locked to chain the racks where necessary. impounded during the one week need to be overly fences and other University „w thinR we are tt „ period. Half have been returned. Larned also stated that he found there was no out. I have a worriedaboutgettingthenofol notion v e would have lots statute which dictated the location of a polling of U getting the noise around campus to reach vote*! STSliSgAgSR irticularlv inratpH when n p a r h v racks are nffirpr« w,e ,,U,,,UCI "l ■" »«*-«» ^ Henderson suggested that people wishing to have their varies from hour to hour and it is bicycle returned with the least place, but precedent indicated that it may be changed for any particular precinct, provided it is for the convenience of the voters. the precinct." Wilcox and Councilwoman Mary P Share hntk 111 announeed late Tuesday difficult need. to tell how many we'll possible delay come to the police "There have been —— some questions as to whether praised City Clerk Beverly Collizzi and her staff their efforts in voter registration. f! Obstacles for the handicapped department between 10 a.m. and or not the facilities (in Precinct 3) are as good as 1 p.m., when part time personnel "We owe a vote of thanks to the and blind were listed as the most they might be," Larned noted. "Therefore the city city clerk ^ Gas subdues inmates ^ manager is looking into the possibility of changing her staff for the kind of work they have done" important reason for impounding Director, Richard O. Bernittsaid, the polling place to another nearby location. In said Ms. Sharp. "It shows that the whole dtv improperly parked bicycles, tf,e p01ice were essentially As of 4 p.m. Tuesday, 9475 administration was interested in police report, but there are other concerned with getting bicycles our judgment such a move would be proper where getting as r ' Riot-equipped guards at Joliet Prison used tear gas bicycles had been registered it is necessary for the convenience of the voter and registered voters signed up as possible." Tuesday to subdue hostile inmates armed with faC0t0rS' Bicycles , , . obstructing exits , away from entrances, sidewalks, campus, the vehicle registration whprp where thpv nhstmrtintf r>ffipp rpnort.s with an increase of ^ P y 8 Wilcox echoed Ms. Sharp's sentiments savin, I makeshift weapons and transfer them to special security create they arf> are obstructing office reports, with an increase of "It shows we do have an administration capalilirf potential hazards in the pedestrian traffic and if that 1,698 from the figure Reported Larned recommended doing everything possible cells. event of a fire that would require handling these things. They worked requires additional racks he said the first day of impoundment, to maximize the dissemination of the notice of overtime-physically hard and mentally hard to Authorities said no one was injured but some inmates rapid evacuation. They also they would be made available. change, including posting people at the Shaw Lane interfere with normal pedestrian get these thingsdone." inhaled tear gas. Prison officials said 24 inmates, mostly traffic, and cause a problem for former members of Chicago street gangs, were involved grounds crews who must cut and |A AA|iPV * V U g M Pfc 0+ and some wielded as weapons posts torn from their beds sweep around them, officers said. ®w © fvllvl I I I EE HIE#%KIRI%P and pieces of metal. Sergeant Harold Henderson, Warden Vernon Scott Jr. said a task force of 40 day supervisor for the Public Safety Dept. said the department Brinkley lashes press critics guards was assembled after the inmates assigned to a has taken reasonable steps to special program unit refused to come out of their cells. ensure that there are enough They were transferred to cells stripped of everything racks located in dormitory and except mattresses. academic areas. A grounds maintenance WASHINGTON (AP) - Many subcommittee investigating Brinkley said every time exposed to anything like serious employe indicated that his "Anyone who cannot i_ complaints against broadcast freedom of the press. "They television airs pictures of urban journalism." criticism should not go into I department had placed an news come from Americans appear only when the news Is bad, arson and looting, for example, additional 35 racks on campus Brinkley told Chairman Sen. journalism," Brinkley said, "isI unfamiliar with serious journalism and nowadays it often is." he gets hundreds of letters asking Sam J. Ervin Jr.,D-N.C.,and Sen. think anyone who can't stand Mexico wants exemption last Friday, but he disclosed who think television exists to News broadcasters are on the why the networks "glorify and Roman Hruska, R-Neb., — only criticism should not go into another 45 racks were still entertain and not inform, NBC same tube as a succession of available. dignify this kind of unspeakable subcommittee members present politics." commentator David Brinkley said "comedians and conduct" by televising it. jugglers," — that he does not think there is Mexico appears to be opening a quiet campaign for "We still have 28 racks in the Tuesday. And he supported Brinkley said, consequently, Brinkley said many in the Brinkley said he supports thi any intimidation of broadcast special exemption from the 10 per cent surtax President storage area on Farm Lane, some congressional scrutiny of "when a face comes on that is not audience want to know about the news by critics even though some contention of Rep. William L Nixon imposed on imports. at Fee Hall and some on bicycle broadcast news. wearing a toothpaste smile and bad news or "or ought to know witnesses have testified in the Springer, R-Ill., that Congres pads on the west side of Natural "There are never any says there's been another riot and about it" while the complainers should continually survey The Mexicans apparently hope to enlist the aid of past that the government is Resources," John Zink, a complaints about bias and slating more war casualties and taxes are are mainly "listeners who have intimidating television news television news and documentary Canada to get special status to the two nations which supervisor for the grounds when the news is good," Brinkley going up ... it looks even worse never, until recent years, been programs. programs and publicly criticize boarder the United States. maintenance department said. told a Senate Judiciary by comparison." the networks when the| State Dept. officials report no plans to give any lawmakers think a subject lu nation an exemption. been presented unfairly. But Mexican sources say behind-the-scenes manuevering has convinced them there is a good chance of success when the smoke clears from Phase 2 of Nixon's economic plan. HiFi NOTICE Buys is having a free tape recorder clinic Friday, Oct. 22nd from 12 to 9 p.m. a Hobie is a whole meal. Council urges Engineers from Tandberg will be at Hi-Fi Buys to test the performance of your tape recorder, any make or model. The evaluation is absolutely free, and you'll receive a graph acceptance of of your tape recorder's performance! Here's what the test consists of... Nominees expected soon clean and demagnetize heads i/" check speed and accuracy One of my subs recommendation v* check frequency response v* check head contains everything alignment The White House said Tuesday check distortion levels \S provide a written performance report needed for a The Dept. of Natural Scienci tS check signal-to-noise ratio council has advised that tin President Nixon still is expected to ^ answer any questions you may have balanced meal- recommendation not to announce his two nominees for the i/* check wow and flutter good for lunch, reappoint William L. Down# Supreme Court vacancies this week. The clinic is restrictedto stereo, reel-to-reel. AC operated tape recorders and decks. A and Eileen R. Van Tassell, asst dinner, & snacks But blank reel of tape of the type normally used on your unit will be required for the test. If professors of Natural Science,!* press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said "I would not tell you the you own a Tandberg tape recorder, the Tandberg engineers will perform minor accepted in its entirety, Qarence President has made decision adjustments and repairs on your tape recorder free of charge. Schloemer, chairman of the a on the nominees." department council said Tuesday. K The comments came after President The recommendation wis Nixon conferred with Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, who is handling the screening of potential Supreme Court / HI FI BUYS 1101 East Grand River made Oct. Natural 13 by the Dept. of Science Ad Hoc Committee for Reappointment and Tenure for fall, 1971.1k candidates and has been consulting 337-2310 department council acts as u with the American Bar Association. advisory committee to Emanuel Dine in or carry out. Hackel, chairman of the Dept. of Hobie's 930 Trowbridge Rd. Natural Science. Hackel's recommendation to 351-3800 Edward A. Carlin, dean University college, was of due Police relieved of duty Tuesday. Memphis, Tenn. Police Chief Henry Lux has relieved 23 city policemen of duty pending the investigation of a hand-crocheted cloche and D & C OLD FASH ION ED VALUES scarf set imported from Italy QUICK CONVENIENT SHOPPING 9 TIL 9 teen-ager's death. WEEKDAYS TIL 6 SAT The action, announced Tuesday, came after leaders of CORNER HAGADORN & GRAND RIVER add charm and Memphis' black community had called for suspension of Coupon Coupon Coupon city and county officers present Friday at the arrest of color to winter outings. WOODEN OLD FAVORITE reg. 29c Elton Hayes, 17, who subsequently died. The cloche and 12 IN.RULERS STICK CANDY SPONGES Lus said the 23 men relieved of duty until an fringed 10c 3/10c 17c investigation is completed included two inspectors, a 68" scarf are shell-stitch captain, two lieutenants, 17 patrolmen and one reserve Limit 1 Expires 10/27 Limit 3 Expires 10/27 Limit 1 Rvnires 10/27 —. patrolman who were either at the scene or nearby when wool. Purple/pink/blue Coupon Coupon Coupon Hayes was fatally injured. QUART SIZE reg. 79c or olive/orange/white. SCENTED FREEZER CONTAINERS DOMINOES VOTIVE CANDLES Set, $12 10c 57c 9c Limit 2 Expires 10/27 Bids solicitation farce' Coupon Coupon Coupon reg.99c reg. 49c SCENTED IRON-ON LAMP OIL PATCHES CORN COB PIPES only 66c 27c 33c Calling the bids solicitation "a farce," a congressional Limit 1 Expires 10/27 Limit 1 Expires 10/27 Limit 1 Expires 10/27— investigations panel in Washington recommended Tuesday that the U.S. Postal SErvice void its job Coupon Coupon Coupon evaluation contract with Westinghouse Electric Corp. 4/pkg. BANDANAS 200 FT. TWINE In a report based upon four months of hearings and 17c IRONSTONE CUPS 10c 77c study, the subcommittee on investigations of the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee also Red or Blue urged that the Post Office Department seek to get back money Limit 1 Expires 10/27 Limit 1 Expires 10/27 Limit lpke. Expires 10/# already paid Westinghouse under the contract terms. Coupon Coupon Coupon The subcommittee said it was recommendation that it take such submitting the hearing transcripts to the U.S. Justice Dept. with "the action as is Jacobean® RAIN BONNETS 10c reg. 79c POTTED PLANTS MUG SHAVING SOAP 10c 63c appropriate under the circumstances." JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE Limit 1 Expires 10/27 Limit 1 Expires 10/27 Exoires 10/27^ n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 20, 1971 3 FILED BY MILLIKEN, KELLEY Suit By JOANNA FIRESTONE perils school tax system not without its dra wbacks. relief coupled with a gr.vt. ated Although Kelley promises that income tax. State News Staff Writer News Analysis the suit is fashioned "to bring In a legislative fight that lasted fairness to the "inancing Qf months, The future of declared Republicans and Michigan's was unconstitutional. widely throughout the state. schools without altering in any Den ocrats were unable to come present system of financing This decision, along with the In support of this lessoning, way our traditional system of up with any kind of compromise public schools through local request for a review cf the they cite figures from two local control," the fact that local on the pic perty tax property taxes is highly i ncertain question. question by five Michigan unidentified school systems in schools may be funded through a in light of a joint suit filed in legislators, prompted Kelley and which state aid failed to makeup Therefore, the byproducts of state income tax makes increased the Kelley-Milliken suit Milliken to file the suit since the - the Inghair. County Circuit Court the difference arising in the vastly state input and control almost quality of Michigan education Friday by Gov. Milliken and circumstances are nearly identical divergent sums grossed through inevitable. and the form of state and local Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley. in both states. property taxation. Such a system, In additiot, The suit, which is expectec' tc capitol observers taxation are as important to "It isdezrfrom this review that Kelley said, cannot possibly note political overtones in the Michigan residents as the be transferred to the state the public interest requires a provice equal education Kelley-Milliken action. constitutional Supreme Court at the governor's question itself. covrt challenge to our system of opportunities to the state's A ruling in favorr f the attorney request, challenges the school aid school children. formula on the grounds that it is property tax financing and school general and governor would be a West Germany aid grants of public education Clearly, Kelley's rationale is political victory for Milliken wl o in violation of the which in my judgment, is unfair, supported by blatent instances of is currently leading a petition equal-prctection both the state provision of and federal unequal and inequitable," Kelley inferior education in the state's drive to place the property tax gives UN funds tftid. poorer districts as compared to question on the November 1972 Powder constitutions. In a recent ruling by the Kelley and Milliken contend relatively luxurious school programs in the wealthier ballot. The governor is battling for property tax relief with z - UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) West Germany, not a member California Supreme Court, that that school suppc rtthrough local suburban systems. flat-rate income tax while state of the United Nations, has state's systen of financing i»itlic given a I These women play a tough game of football. One of them fades back for a pass in this action shot property taxes creates But the alternative of school total of $10.5 million for Democrats, led by House Speaker support which was taken at a recent intramural game. school through its local property inequalities in Michigan's school finding through flat-rate of the UN taxes and state rchool aid a William A. Ryan, D-Detroit, are Peacekeeping Force in State News photo by Terry Miller grants districts since tax levels 'ary income tax or a graduated tax is pushing for some property tax Cyprus, officials announced. apan sees peace ■united NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) He addressed the 131 - nation The Albanian plan calls for confidence in the organization's threat in Taiwan ouster would not take its place until dialogue, and will promote peace expulsion is voted, he said: "Not Japan expressed fear Tuesday General Assembly as the China seating the Peking government integrity. Taiwan was expelled. Taipei's right to represent debate went through its second and stability in Asia." so many." Taiwan. Baroody promised to the proposed expulsion of and outright expulsion of the Pro Peking speakers continued Like Pakistan, two other - The United States continued The spokesman said Saudi ■ationalisl China from the day without any surprise switches Nationalists. The rival U.S. - to hammer at the theme that Red speakers — Ambassador Hamilton present amendments later to behind - the - scene consultations Arabia's amendments to the Tnited Nations would upset a which might throw light on the backed resolution would keep China would have nothing to do Shirly Amerasinghe of Ceylon to line up support. A U.S. resolution were a surprise. The change the U.S. - backed fcvorable trend" in the political outcome of voting next week. both Chinas in the organization resolution. with the United Nations as long as and Abdul Rahman Pazhwak of main amendment submitted - spokesman said the mission was A UN spokesman said 70 Jmosphereofthe Far East. The Japanese noted that the situation and give to Peking the permanent the Taiwan government remains Afghanistan — reaffirmed receiving 400 to 500 letters a Monday by the Saudi Arabian speakers had been inscribed so far ■Speaking as "a close neighbor in Asia "seems to be seat in the Security Council that in it. support of the Albanian week, mostly on China and about ambassador, Jamil Baroody, to speak in the China debate. He ^China," Japan's former foreign undergoing a change for the the charter allots to China. Ambassador Agha Shahi of resolution. 95 per cent against the expulsion would eliminate the expulsion linister, Kiichi Aiclii, joined the better," but declared that Aichi denounced the Albanian Pakistan said approval of the dual The Indian Ocean country of of the Nationalists. said the previous high in the liited States in urging that Red approval of the Albanian provision of the Albanian annual discussion was during the resolution as unreasonable and representation plan would cripple Mauritius backed the U.S. Asked whether many favored a proposal and instead call for 1968 session when 58 countries ftina be seated in the world resolution "would be likely to "punitive in substance and the Security Council by leaving it demand that the assembly invoke cutoff of U.S. funds for the recognition of Peking's right to took part. Last year 52 countries Bgani/ation with the Taiwan entail an abrupt change" in this intent." He said it would damage with only four of five permanent the two thirds rule by declaring - United Nations in the event the represent mainland China and spoke. ■legation remaining. delicate situation. UN prestige and undermine members. He declared Peking expulsion of Nationalist China an "important question." The ambassador, Sir Seewoosagur Phone company lews gather in Ottawa Ramgoolam, added a new note by The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State urging the Taiwan government to University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter renounce its claim to be the colls Rio unsafe and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays government of mainland China. during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Japan stressed that the dual RIO DE JANEIRO in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. (AP) - |o protest Kosygin's visit representation plan was not a two The Member Associated Press, United Press International, telephone company has - Chinas plan, but simply a concluded Rio is not Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, safe for transitional Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press phase which public telephone booths. All 25 Association. eventually might lead to a outdoor booths set up in an settlement between Peking and Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial I OTTAWA (AP) — Thousands of Jews poured into this capital Canadian authorities. experiment were wrecked in less and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan luesday in a continuing campaign to embarrass Soviet Premier Taipei. than six weeks, a spokesman Security was visibly tighter Tuesday because of the attempt by Aichi said this would "leave the State University, East Lansing, Michigan. llexei N. Kosygin. a young Hungarian to assault Kosygin the day before. reported. 1 Police cordoned off the vicinity of the Soviet Embassy in option open to the two There have been no large crowds of well-wishers waiting to governments to take whichever ■reparation for the arrival of at least 110 busloads of protesters greet the visitor in the first twoldafs of his eight-day tour. On the direetidfa they wish in dealing 355-8252 pom other cities. Police intended to keep protesters five blocks contrary, most *vbc#>tarned out seemed to be there no to cheer wittt their conflicting claims 355-8255 rom the-embassy in every direction. but to jeer. througiyieace talks." 353-6400 I While authorities were preparing for an organized parade The protests may dog the trip in other cities. Busloads of "It is our profound belief," he 355-3447 protesting alleged mistreatment of Soviet Jews, Kosygin was protesters already have been heading toward Montreal, where declared, "that by adopting our laving another round of what were described as solidly Kosygin is due Thursday for an overnight stay, and other draft resolutions, the United Tusinesslike discussions with Prime Minister Pierre Elliott demonstrations are promised. Nations will open the path to Jrudeau I On the and other Canadian leaders. A ram's horn signaled the beginning of the Ottawa march. The reconciliation and peaceful public front, the only Canadians who seemed to take protesters formed up behind a group of rabbis and started toward lotice of the visit were those with protests to make and axes to semicircle of several hundred a police. lind, and they have created a nightmare for both Soviet and Young parade marshals formed a barrier in front of the police UNWANTED to insure no contact with the protesters. A HAIR? sprinkling of young Jew A SMSU men carried blue and white flags bearing a clenched fist inside a star — the insignia of the militant, New York-based Jewsih HAIR Defense League. REMOVAL) Before the march began, Rabbi Gunther Plaut of Toronto told Facial, Hairlines, Body to oversee the crowd. "We are not a bomb-throwing group but I want everyone to know that we are a militant group. We will not be Close to downtown bus. silent. Four thousand years of history and millions of dead Jews by Virginia Hanchett I The ASMSU board held a special meeting Tuesday night to shout into the silence with us." 325v, South Grand lonfimi the appointment of the board's newly-appointed election commission. I The hurried process was initiated late Monday to provide for a ■egulating body in the disputed elections for a representative from The W. Circle district. I Though the elections had been slated for Tuesday, balloting was would Postponed when Charles Massoglia, elections commissioner, failed ,L helie ■o recognize Susan Benjamin, Sanford senior, as a certified candidate. I Ms. Benjamin said in undue Tuesday that she judged Massoglia's actions as penalty for failing to submit an itemized list of her meager 56 cent campaign expenditures. I She has promised to appeal the case to both the new commission •nd the All-University Student Judiciary (AUSJ) if necessary. | Greedy Gut H4 Night For Complete Party Service TONIGHT | GUAR/i GUARANTEED EARNINGS For Interview ? $1 SPECIAL Send Brief Resume CONSOLIDATED ? to crive book to ih€ auay CONSUMERS CORP. first 5000 pfopk DELLS 1322 S. Wabash Avenue Chicago, III. 60605 cubo bring in the coupon (C(l below P Ladies' Boots for Hiking and Camping sootac Sizes 51/2 to 10 Widths A to C ^Llf {Lit CUP rLjPCLlP CUPCUP CUP CLIP CILP 's S'yles... Sizes 6 -16, Widths AA to KEEE In Stock... No Wafting. We stock over 40 styles for work. Sport and Leisure. 4216 WEST SAGINAW JjFASSWSK ^first 5 OO©^ 1 <^>eciai 484-4968 One block W. of Waverly on Saginaw JL M ICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE C 77 O 'Inter' instead of 'multi' UNIVERSITY is thrust of U' college KEN LYNAM To the Editor: TTius, the entire student bodv .» With respect to your Oct. 12, 1971 benefit. y st«»4 to advertising manager editorial concerning University College, let 3) I agree that the University re-evaluate Its educational DAVE PERSON, managing editor me offer the following rebuttals: is my conviction that the priorities i? k CHARLIE CAIN, city editor to Increase the Universiw 5* JOHN BORGER, campus editor 1) You seem to be laboring under the range of BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor impression that University College offers opportunities available to students than S" RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor multidisciplinary courses, and that these adding to the narrow mS courses could be handled equally well by disciplinism that your editorial seenS^1 Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award the appropriate disciplines and discipline advocating. I believe that uS College can indeed increase the ra for groupings. On the contrary, University educational opportunities outstanding journalism. College offers interdisciplinary courses, not available^,01 gains degree-granting status; and with? multidisciplinary courses, and the recent provisions that the Univlv appropriate discipline groups have not as College has made for student particiiJt^ yet given any evidence of being able to in college governance, EDITORIALS offer interdisciplinary courses (each seems too tied up in itself to be able to cooperate MSU student is eligible to any undent participant J sufficiently). designing and implementing 0f tkZ opportunities. Allen Stan Senate must 2) All available evidence indicates that the majority of the students that have taken the Great Issues Courses have Lincoln considered them to be highly worthwhile. 0ct-12,m! If University College becomes a all Cambodian degree-granting college it will be able to offer more such courses. Furthermore, these courses could be made available to Hildebrand juniors and possibly to sophomores as well. To the Editor: Certain additional facts dew- Last week the Senate Foreign America has gone down this road publication concerning your Oct. 15 j Committee cut the before. A year ago Sec. story on the case of Dr. John R. Hilde Relations of State recommended $350 million military William P. Rogers, referring to ! At a November 21, 1970 meeting held his request, Dr. Hildebrand asked the AA and economic aid to Cambodia appropriation to a maximum of $250 million, which is regrettably $250 Vietnam, maintained: "We have no intention of slipping into the mistakes of the past." Yet a continued military The Doctor's Bag Executive Council to reopen his executive council, whose 1970 the present officers, requested a case, officers wri statement detailing all of the reasons for million more than America should and economic aid program to action. A statement was received, dated commit to the present Cambodian Cambodia is all too reminiscent of the By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. 2, 1970 and it was discussed government. manner in which America became extensively executive council meetings of Jan. 23- The U.S. became deeply involved in involved in Vietnam. Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. Feb. 6, with the president, who we There are no reported cases of Dutch Elm disease being transmitted Cambodia over a year ago when that Most aid budgeted to Cambodia will Names need not be included unless a personal reply is requested. to human beings. From what you describe, it Is unlikely that you interested party, abstaining. nation was invaded to accelerate the A subcommittee interviewed thee1' serve to implement a five year are the first one. Coming three weeks after exposure, the symptoms of the Social Science Dept. Vietnamization process. Aid was Pentagon plan to protect South A year ago I gave up taking birth control pills. Now I am back on are probably not related to the trees in any way. concerning- them again with no adverse affects. The problem is this: One of my There are a variety of allergies that can cause sldn conditions after point raised by Dr. Hildebraoij given to Cambodia then to Vietnam's western border as Disinterested executive council meraf friends told me that the pill can only be taken for a total of five contact with trees and plants but these appear rather rapidly. complement the "incursion." Americans are withdrawn. This could unanimously found that Dr. Hildebrand years. Is this true or not? Fungal infections can cause patches of hair to fall out although the This year undersecretary of state mean the U.S. will still be statement offered no clear evidence thit Is there yellowing you describe is a little mysterious. Fungal infections can John Irwin II has said that the U.S. anything else I can use beside the pill which would be just decision not to reappoint him, taken withdrawing troops from Vietnam as as effective? I have never tried anything else. I don't know if this is also cause flaking of skin. The only wise move at this point Is to be by Social Science Dept., had been should work to maintain the Lon Nol late as 1977, at least that's what the examined by a dermatologist to determine what you have. The reac worth mentioning, but I only see my boyfriend about every three improperly. The council concluded Health Center will refer you. government to enhance "the prospect Joint Chiefs seem to have in mind. weeks as he goes to a different school. was no basis for farther action. Thisdec1: for ultimate peace in Southeast Aisa." The $250 million spending limit on was communicated to Dr. Hildebrand in The legitimacy of the present spending in Cambodia prevents the We have all been told that knuckle letter dated Feb. 8,1971. There is no evidence suggesting that the pill should be taken for a cracking is a bad habit from a Cambodian government is nil. The Nixon administration from Albert P. Ua' making specified total number of years; women have used them for a medical viewpoint, I have also heard that bending and flexing the Vice President, MSU AAUP" Lon Nol government came into power large scale commitments to Phnom considerable length of time with no signs of adverse effects. The spine to produce similar noises is beneficial. What is thedifference Oct. 18,1 by overthrowing neutralist Prince Penh, but it permits a continued normal pattern of usage of the pill appears to be one in which it is between these two processes? Norodom Sihanouk. Seemingly the American presence in a land where not taken continually, as has been your experience. After the only purpose of the regime is to keep tjte Viet Cong from overrunning the this country has no business at all. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee decision to become pregnant, a change in sexual activity, or other events interrupt the use of this contraceptive. Of the very large number of women who participated4n »he original field trials of Withholdin capitol city of Phnom Penh. As the made a step in the right direction by oral contraceptives in the late 19504, a bare handful are still taking Snaps, crackles and pops resulting from the manipulating of joints is due to the forceful sliding of one joint surface over the other To the Editor: Communists already control the rest limiting aid to Cambodia, but it was the pill combined with a rubber band like zinging of tendons The action of the United Commr' of the country. The Lon Nol much too small a step. It would have The crux of the issue appears to be whether the use of the pill is sliding over bony prominences. Random cracking of joints is discouraged by Chest in withholding funds from indicate when a person is sexually active as infrequently as you government does not even make a been a giant stride had the committee physicians because it can result in mechanical damage of bones and organization which is seeking gre" describe. Many physicians, this one included, would suggest that pretense of holding elections in the halted all American military programs alternate forms of contraception be explored in situations where soft tissues. Some people are actually habituated to cracking their controls on hand guns is perhaps future. in that woeful, wartorn land. intercourse occurs infrequently. For instance, your boyfriend can knuckles and do so whenever they are anxious. While the technique pragmatic one, but the submission use a condom and you can use a contraceptive foam such as Delfen. does seem to temporarily relieve tension,itdoesmake other people blackmail by an outside agency This combination is extremely effective, has no side effects, and is anxious. frightening. Although I am not adr" that sportsmen should be deprived inexpensive. As well, these materials are available in any drug store hunting weapons, I would like to see- Salary list without a doctor's prescription. Another possibility is the use of the diaphragm. This method is also highly effective when used as directed. An examination by a physician is necessary to obtain a prescription for a diaphragm. A Bending and flexing of the spine is sometimes used to relieve certain pains due to muscle spasms. Such a practiceshouldonly be engaged in by physicians trained to do so and who recognize when not to do so. Many osteopathic physicians occasionally use such stringent controls of hand guns. And have an organization urge a state- boycott of chest drives unless one of call to the Health Center asking for an appointment to discuss techniques. benefiting agencies conforms to guilt National Rifle Association position on not only contraception will put you in touch with a physician who will be able to discuss the various alternatives with you. An important word of caution must be entered here. Chiropractors who base a great deal of what they do on manipulation of joints, are not physicians. They believe in an control smacks of George Orwell's "19m For this reason I have decided withhold my contribution to the t I was employed by the city forestry department on crews which entirely unproven and unscientific theory of disease, and are not Community Chest this year and to give The vast, sprawling University deprive the people of their right to trained in the diagnosis of medical disorders. They have been instead to an East Lansing comnr removed trees which had fallen victim to Dutch Elm disease. Now, bureaucracy was recently galvanized know is not especially surprising known to cause considerable amount of damage by insisting that service agency—or agencies. about three weeks after I quit, small tufts of my hair are yellowing into unprecedented agitation and since their hallowed and vested illnesses in urgent need of medical attention be treated by their and falling, and small sections of skin on my palms are flaking off. Is ritualized techniques. Although it may sound harsh, they practice Gordon L. activity. The catalyst for this interests are involved. Chapin's is possible that there is any connection between the tree disease and something akin to quackery and should be avoided. professor of communici surprising reaction was a seemingly culpability is, however, alarming. The my problem? Oct. 15,1 Copyright 1971 innocent 600-page document which director of a library as indicated in happened to list faculty salaries — the American Library Associations's possibly the most clandestine bit of Library Bill of Rights is one of a very RICK WILBINS "public information" in the state. few individuals in which society The shadiest and most - places the especial trust and Love: hamhanded ploy to date in the self-fulfilling prophec - responsibility for maintaining the "U'"s battle to blacklist the list was undoubtedly committed by Richard free duped flow or of information. To pressured into becoming a be a E. Chapin, director of libraries. Last censor is a direct betrayal of this week the good director checked out trust. indefinately a copy of the salary list It is very unfortunate, however, "Love at first sight" has been discredited bad. The same can be said for wnites and into reconsidering the direction of his placed on the reserve reading list by that Chapin has been forced into the as mere romantic nonsense by many. blacks, red and whites, students and emotion, his/her feeling of hate or love, freedom, It seems, revolves around Richard Oleksa, asst. professor of Allegedly it only happens in movies and hardhats, State News reporters and Joint like or dislike, more often than ability of man to start on the scapegoat role by the machinations not, emotional foot. business. books, not in real life. But there is more Issue staffers. dissolve. Thus the man who is saved of University higherups. While truth to this age-old belief than might first Love by a is an even more complex man he hates will This action was, of course, grossly suddenly find himself Chapin's action was reprehensible his appear. phenomenon. Physical appearance is so hating his foe less, if at all. In just the unethical if not downright illegal. censure should be shared Love and hate, in truth, are self-fulfilling important to the love syndrome that ugly equally by opposite vein, the woman cheated on by The American Association of those as yet unnamed administrator prophesies that depend not so much on learned behavior, but rather on the extent or fat or socially clumsy persons are virtually doomed to a much longer period her husband will suddenly find new faults Misplaced Universtiy Professors, MSU chapter, who probably masterminded the in his character; hate, or at least decreased of first impressions. People don't learn to of celibacy. As one friend honestly thereupon leaped to Oleska's defense ploy. love, is merely a small mistake ahead. memo love each other but rather feel the emotion confided to me after picking up an The ramifications of love and hate as and, apparently, the disputed It is shameful that institution an initially, reinforcing it later with further exceptionally good-looking girl, "I don't self-fulfilling principles are quite clear: man document will soon reenter the of protestations of the same emotion. Just as what she is like personality-wise — I'll To: MSU Board of Trustees learning must suffer the pain of care can find in another man whatever side of assigned reading list. censorship at its very heart, its a person who buys a new car looks for learn to like her." A less beautiful girl his or her character he would like to That the Universtiy would try to advertising that reinforces the wisdom of wouldn't have elicited the same response. believe exists. This type of behavioral Re: Seasonal regularities library. his decision and ignores that that doesn't, Moreover, people often search out dogmatism is most evident in politics so does a person search out examples of companions on the basis of initial reaction, where members of a another person's behavior that reinforces party blindly defend Sirs- and, it they are desperate, reinforce their Ms. Milliken his initial emotional commitment. For example, a friend of mine used to desire for that person by conveniently overlooking his/her bad traits. Teenage one another believing each other to be practically faultless. Human beings seem to be dependent on In the fall the leaves turn, refer to a complete stranger as an"ass". He Recently the uphill battle to initiate circumstances should be permitted didn't even try to hide his intense dislike marriages are often the result of such first reactions as a stimulus to further Spartans lose football games, and intense reinforcement. request $500,000 to air condi' • emotional development. abortion law reform in this state to make an individual judgement for "X", seldom missing a chance to make Essentially, then if a person wants to this type of response Unfortunately, received an invaluable assist from regarding abortion and that the an acid comment about him. Even though love or hate another human being, he will pattern lends itself to hate more than to love. In addition Erickson Hall. We have to give none other than result of this judgement should be mutual frends of ours frequently cited — regardless of rational decision-making. In credit for trying. Helen Milliken, impulse is often critically misdirected and instances where "X" showed himself to be exceptional situations the love-hate wife of Michigan's unfair to those persons governor. respected and protected by law." Ms. far from an ass, Bruce, my friend, never being judged. Addressing Milliken's position is irrefutable: the syndrome is broken; When a person can no A long time ago, people started talking -Yerfrens in the C a meeting of the Michigan wavered in his hate. When I asked him why longer rationalize his feelings or is forced about Confederation of Zero Population law should neither compel nor deny, he thought "X" was an ass even though freeing men's heads. Part of that Growth (ZPG) Ms. Milliken endorsed but rather allow for the exercise of Bruce had never met him, he replied "He ' both the concept of ZPG and the individual choice regarding abortion. just is." No excuses. No rationale. Just THERE ARE MAW WILD ANIMALS NCHi). OF COURSE, WHERE V0U hate. UH0 LIVE IN THE UEST..50ME UH0 HAVE MOUNTAINS, WU HAVE (11... 6ULLV cm initative petition effort of the LIVE IN THE MOUNTAINS ARE Bruce looked hard to find fault in X's GULLIES... THE WILD ANIMALS DUO Coordinating Committee on Abortion Endorsement by an individual of character to reinforce the wisdom of his CALLEP MOUNTAIN LIONS..." LIVE IN THE SULLIES ARE CAUEP., " Law Reform. the public stature of Ms. Milliken hate. Accordingly he ignored "X's" good In supporting the abortion cannot help but be of profound traits. question Ms. assistance to the abortion reform Bruce is certainly not alone in his Milliken echoed the governor's movement. We are indeed glad to have judgement of the "book by Its cover." position stating "that Freaks are hated by the straights and vice women, under appropriate her on our side. because critical first versa impressions are Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan >her 20, 1971 ACLU to probe Chicano claims press at last Friday's board of trustees meeting at which the Chicanos secured the trustees' promise for future positive action. A rumor circulating in the University community that Sol de Aztlan had already written to ver% netjj Provost John E. Cantlon educa^l Jdents nthJ regarding a suit to be initiated against MSU for Chicano discrimination could not be ■ UniveJ confirmed or denied by any sources contacted th,e uilable "mgeJ if J Tuesday. lnd with J French scholar UniveUhl ' Participatiflil questioned his action at the time did not get much support. to "dergradu^l ic'P»te ig t J "Those people now understand it was a confidential and have document speak Friday changed their opinions," she said. i of thq,| Charles Press, chairman of the committee and chairman of the Dept. of Political Science, asked if Oleksa French scholar and author Jean Borie will speak on "Les Ecrivains Ailen Stflnl material was putting the Naturalistes" at 8 p.m. Friday in on reserve for his class or whether he was doing it for Lincoln some personal reason. the lounge of the Physics >ct. senior! "We accept what people put in assigned reading. We don't Astronomy Building. Borie is on 12,197! make judgments on it," Chapin said. the faculty of the Universite "I'm not sure that anything anyone d'Orleans in France and is a puts on reserve should be automatically accepted," Press said. visiting professor at the The committee also raised the question of the library's legal University of Minnesota. responsibility in accepting materials such as the pay list that Sposonred by the Romance might generate libel suits. Languages Dept., the speech will cts dtitJ Local draft evaders As released a whole, the committee agreed that if the salary list is officially the library would be a proper place for H be conducted in French. Borie recently published a book on the )ct. 15,1$ French naturalist Emile Zola. UliWebrJ The list of faculty salaries and recommended increases is now eetingheidj ked his theAAljj case given civilian work being made available by were published in the students in the James Madison College library, 3rd floor, Case Hall. Three James pages of selected excerpts Madison student newsletter, TV 0 officers | Phalanstery Review, Vol IV, No. II. •ed a | Sparty, MSU's mascot, shows a lot of chin and muscle in this writm picture. Standing guard at the intersection of Red Cedar !asonsforj« Drive and Kalamazoo Street, he presents an impressive figure. ed, dated D* State News photo by Martin Boverholt extensively! f Jan. 23 « who wis n I the chiinaj ncerningeKl India rejects H ildebranU icil membJ Hildebrudl dence thatthl , taken by u o halt buildup seen reach! icluded thai Washington (AP)-india "Talk of restraints only Thisdecisiol [6. brusquely turned down a emanates from the State Dept." said the ldebrand inl request for restraint in the spokesman. "There Bdup of troops on both sides should be some recognition that khe Indo-Pakistan border, we have exercised restraint kn Indian Embassy continuously. ikes man said Tuesday that by "I would like to see what the ling restraint the United United States would have done Ites only aggravates its if this had happened on your ktions with India. border and there had been an influx of nine million refugees." State Department press fovie to show iners' strike officer Charles W. Bray III said Monday that both public and private appeals have been made SmimL w. CAT STEVENS to both India and Pakistan to Ut of the Earth, " a movie Kit the 1951 miners' strike in ^4 £ [ard, N.M., will be shown a!8 a ENJOY FM RADIO Ight in 100 Vet Clinic, at 8 J AJEW FROM lursday night in 100 # IN YOUR CAR FOR Dozen peering Bldg. and at 8 Friday A [tin 111 Olds Hall. 2 JUST $2995 pe movie portrays the strike ~ Woolco Mexican-American miners and ® Discount Prices pKyattempts to end the "racist # code" policy of the mine f Mm Dozen Dnation will be 75 cents. Jon Anthony Florist Greedy Gut The Standard FM Car Radio converts your present AM 809 E. Michigan radio to FM. Installs in minutes. Just $29.95! 485-7271 Night STEREO FM Converter $49.95 Free Parking Behind Store . 2751 GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING Yours Exclusively At... TONIGHT ^ AFTER SALE S1 SPECIAL PRICE - $4.62 543 East Grand River - East /,arising Over the years people, Special student credit plans... DELLS attitudes, and feelings change. As deemed necessary by change, homecomings will also change. Michigan State has come from a small agricultural THREE school to a large university. This growth includes an DOG NIGHT increase in the student population and relatedly a greater diversity of people. It BIRMINGHAM also yields an increasing GROSSE POINTS amount of graduates. With so DETROIT many constituents of a ANN ARBOR DEARBORN university it was hard to GRAND RAPIDS formalize a homecoming EAST LANSING program that would appeal to as many as possible. We hope this year's activities will be enjoyed by all and will be • worthy of remembering when. The 1971 Homecoming Committee •*"" Be sure to find your way to the... WOOLCO DISCOUNT PRICE Free pop concert with bonfire! Thurs. Oct. 21-8.30 p.m. - East Complex. Featured will be Pillowcayse. B. B. KING Concert - Fri. Oct. 22- 8:00 p.m. - University Aud. Banner judging - Sat. Oct. 23 - Time and place to be announced. Also on Saturday!! AFTER SALE Parade of the banners -1:00 p.m. - PRICE - $4.62 In the stadium Winner to be announced at half time. Presentation of the Queen - Pre - game And the Al Hirt/Parade of Bands Concert at 8:00 p.m. plus the many more ... movies... ... parties... Wednesday, October 20 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Campaign costs ruling sought WASHINGTON (AP) - party in any calendar year. nothing illegal about it because of Richard Nixon's 1968 Of these, 17 of the 22 Committee, and 52 of the 80 Common Cause asked U.S. "There can be no doubt that the methods used. presidential election campaign Republican committees shared Humphrey committees shared District Court Tuesday for a defendants' admitted practices Common Cause said the and 80 supported Hubert the same Washington address the address of the Democratic speedy ruling against what it said are proscribed by these admission by the parties of the Humphrey's candidacy. with the Republican National National Committee, were admitted campaign provisions," the motion said. questioned practices left no issues contributions and spending "Indeed, these practices lie at the of fact to be resolved and the violations by the major political very heart of the abuses that the court should decide quickly parties. legislation was designed to without trial. The motion judgment was filed in for summary a long legal battle in which Common Cause, a prevent." Common Cause contends that these practices, linked to the "For too long have we observed the spectacle of national political parties conducting campaigns in Deferred paym citizens' lobby, has won most of rising cost of campaigning, have which they ask to be entrusted the rounds so far. made the parties, and to an extent Common Cause said both officeholders, captives of large parties, in their answers Oct. 1 to campaign contributors. with federal elective office at the very moment they are violating specific federal laws governing students, direct a district court ruling, conceded The Democratic and the conduct of elections to such grants in proportion ot student collecting more than the $3 Republican national committees offices," Common Cause said. By LESLIE LEE grants. A proposal of this type is million limit for individual acknowledged raising and "This spectacle breeds cy nicism State News Staff Writer now before Congress. contributors and spending more spending money beyond the in the electorate," the motion While some trends, especially in than the $3 million limit on a limits but aigued there was added. Pointing to considerable the west, in the repayment of The challenged practices pressure afoot for deferred involve soliciting contributions tuition payments and loans, a government guaranteed and National Defense loans are from wealthy givers in excess of director of the financial the $5,000 limit by having them assistance division of the Dept. of alarming, Ms. Ferguson said that at present the situation appears to make several contributions, each Health, Education and Welfare be under control with less than of $5,000 or less, to numerous told the University Club Tuesday one per cent default. committees set up to receive such that it would be unfortunate if funds. Praising MSU for insight in the this were to be the only direction field of financial aid, she said that Another challenged loophole is of financial aid. it has demonstrated an awareness the practice of contributions "If it becomes too excessive, it of the power of such aids totaling more than $5,000 being could become a millstone around especially through the ability to given in the names of different the students' necks for the rest of pay and National Merit EAST LANSING members of the same immediate their lives," Josephine Ferguson scholarship programs. 317 E. Grand Rivrr family without regard for the of the Chicago HEW office said, In the relatively new field of source of the monev. She also questioned what this Guys . . . higher heels mean "If the facts are as alleged," policy of deferred payment and guaranteed loan program will do financial aids counseling, she warned new people not to be /I \i hamstrung by rules and higher fashion. District Judge Barrington D. to tj,e economy in the Parker said in his opinion Aug. ahead. It could have years guidelines. Wasteland 9a "this ic flnarant nnH potentially MS. FERGUSON 'We're trying to help the 23, "this a e i i.. il. i 3fln otfhedehUo profo"nJ eff^ts the home on said. college graduate spent teaching Swamps, often thought of as holes of pestilence and waste, _ r .irreparable erosion of the right to market. 30 01 int? rigni iu market, Ms.Ms. Fereuson Ferguson said. should be guided by an effective vote, and, in the was snucrht to draw more nersons was sought to draw more persons rrHiVidMl" "concern#"" Ms «. • »» serve a function in nature. In addition, this swamp has an jn other developments in into the underpopulated field. ' absence of an express statutory financial FWoi.«nn \ toward Iho purchoio of: ONE APPLICATION OF WELLA BALSAM®HAIR „ ■ 10 ",ts u.wv thrifty acres CONDITIONER I WITH A SHAMPOO AND SET ■ Limited to one coupon per service i 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA I" BEAUTY SALONS 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Alumni Fandango dancers cast sets open| as part of D ™.r>, ByCINDI STEINWAY Produce the play. 'Our conductor, Charity' show Cheryl Rose, a sophomore from years. Her romance with Oscar housetoiif Larry Phillips, Union Lake majoring in home and the The State News Staff Writer and vocal adviser, Sherman pranks of the Fandango College of ] economics was cast for the lead Alumni Assn., oneratin.""" gjr|s make the production a fun Lynch, are both music majors," role of "Charity,''and Jeff Lewis, Charity Hope Valentine, she stated Phillips is a Dearborn hostess of the Fandango Hts. Louisville, Ky. freshman in piay for student participation," Lid Ms. Hanzakos. the MSU Alumni open AssnliTy house from 9 t0 ii junior and Lynch, a political science, snared the role "The supporting lead of Ballroom Taxi Dancers, will bring Saturday in Erickson Hall. U Birmingham sophomore. of "Oscar," her boyfriend, Ms. Vittorio her girls to MSU as opening Vidal, the Italian movie "We held open tryouts at the .production of the musical beginning of fall term for actors, Hanzakos said. stlrTplaved brPeteVZriZs a The open house fa Kwnet finantv "Charity is a dance hall girl who jun'jor theater major fro'm comedy, "Sweet rnm Charity." «-.» actresses, and dancers, ,» Ms college alumni, facuitv" "As the first production of the Hanzakos said. desperately wants to escape the Pontiac," she said. students and will Cabaret Company, 'Charity' world she has known for eight "Charity's friends are played by dean William feature ' illustrates the growing student Denise Cole, junior theater major Hawley and11 Shulman, chairman of involvement in theater at MSU," from St. Louis, and Paula Carson, and selection these, Kathy Hanzakos, asst. director of the comedy and Detroit Board outline a Detroit senior in elementary education. The Fandango girls, new committee dean. They will alumni up to date W 0- • also students, designed their sophomore in theater, stated going on in the col during a recent rehearsal. "The company was founded for Fine Art costumes to relate to their special parts in the play," she added. Performances will be at 8 p.m., James E. secretary of the Green, college^! during the summer by the director of the comedy, Daniel In conjunction with the rock students," Bushouse said. Nov 11 -14 and Nov. 18-20, in assn. and coordinator! Vigliarole. a sophmore theater opera, "Tommy," the Union Featured during the week will the1 Union Ballroom. Ticket sales be early in November unde The dancers major from Livonia," Ms. Board will be presenting a Fine be the MSU Jazz Band in Hanzakos explained. Arts Week, Feb. 4 through 11, After raising enough funds Tom Bushouse, Union Board concert, the Street Corner *h® The Fandango dancers in dress rehearsal Society, a showing of Calif, »r„h,,,L! for the upcoming production of "&weet Charity." The through personal loans and adviser, announced recently. student films in Genesis IV, and p " "narWnf n^A/Wm dancers are only part of the cast of this show scheduled for November informal talks kiva. following1"1 advertisements, the two student "As a time for people to a pin ball tournament as a special p ' State News photo by Terry Miller directors recruited Tim Carvey, a display new creative techniques, with "Tommy." sophomore from the Philippines Fine Arts Week is looking for "Everything that happens will majoring in music therapy to original artwork and be matched with a workshop. underground films done by The Jazz Band will offer a study 3rd WEEK! OPEN 12:45 Cont. from 1:10 Feature in jazz history, the crews of "Tommy" will feature a workshop on the production of a multi-media play, and aspects of street theater will be E.L. approves park plan 1:15 - 3:15 - 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:30 discussed by the Street Comer Monday night to plans drawn up use by the older sector and Movement requesting the city to Council also authorized by the city Planning Dept. calling thedb Society," Bushouse explained. college students. They said the revise personnel rules to forbid manager to accept the bid "We need people interested in for parking Lot 10 on Albert plans were developed with four discrimination on the basis of sex Frederick's Sanitar\ Landfill participating in the week, either East Lansing officials hope to Ave., across from the new city things in mind, including or sexual orientation. The handle city disposal. He "REFRESHING" 'BILLY JACK' SPEAKS to offer their talents out front or begin transforming a downtown parking structure, to be turned adequate capacity for four season wast into a park. Estimated cost for suggestion was referred to the check with University officii^ TO THE HEART!". - Detroit Free Press backstage," Bushouse said, parking lot into a mid-town oasis recreation, adequate screening city manager for review. see if they want to Interested students can contact no later than Nov. 1, construction at the half-acre site from surrounding areas, a scene continue^ according to set at Arthur Carney and Frank contract with the city to Bushouse on the second floor of City Manager JohnM. Patriarche. was $3,000. of entry and blending with the Mossman TOM LAUGHLIN Plans for the lot include tearing were appointed campus disposal. Previously,4 the Union for more information. City council gave its approval elements nearby. up two-thirds of the asphalt and delegates to the Capital Area Universtiy contracted with En Clearly is the most City officials said the 61-car lot Transit Authority from East masculine and 1:00 p.m. J LJ 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 4823905 planting 52 fir trees to provide Lansing when the city operate exciting natural screening. Basketball and was no longer needed for Lansing. They have been active in its own landfill. off-street parking and that luM new star of the 70s. volleyball courts are to be planning stages of the authority s installed in those areas where the monthly parking space renters which will have a controlling BILLY would be moved to the parking board of 12 members. An Insane Killer and a Helpless asphalt will be left, which will be flooded in the winter to be used structure. They said the city's lease on the property will run out, Councilman Wilbur Brookover Benefit called on the authority to seek Blind Girl Who for skating and ice hockey. however, in June 1973. JACK MIA Could See No Evil. Planning representatives said would be aimed department the primarily toward area In other action the council received a letter from Don Gaudard of Gay Liberation the cooperation of the University in integrating its bus system with that of the authority's. holds show LAUGHLIN Councilman Robert Wilcox • DELORES TAYLOR NO EVIL PROGRAM INFORMATION 405 6485 LAST DAY said. "There's a lot left to be at Fairc . . . desired in the matter of TECHNICOLOR* Fr "WILLARD" transportation. We would be Tickets for the MS Also "HOUSE THAT remiss if we didn't push hard In Symphony Schc larship Fun this area." RHAIWRHAlWRHAPHARHAfHARHAfHARHAPHA DRIPPED •-* ' BLOOD" At 1:15 GP City Attorney Daniel Learned recommended council host a benefit concerts scheduled' Nov. 16 and 16, are now on s The concerts, featuring "pre-ordinance hearing Votapeks, will be presented PRESENTS SThe^ 3:00-4:40-6:25-8:05 9«■> introduction" to the proposed city ordinance governing cable television (CATV). Council set a the Fairchild Theatre. Tickets are available at Union ticket office and at Stewardesses STEREOVISION hearing dat for 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 22. The place of the meeting will be determined at a later date. Music Dept. office. Donation for the concert tickets will $2.50. In her new movie, Maria Callas murders everything THEUNPUBL1SHABLENOVEL IS NOWAMERICA'S that moves. CONTROVERSIAL RATED EASTMANCOLOR Passes and Ladies Day Suspended TONITE OPEN 7:30 P.M-SEE THE FINEST IN DRIVE IN ENTERTAINMENT! 2 BIG HITS Appearing in Person Buster Crabbe Hollywood in the 30's The Serials 7, 9:30 Conrad Aud. 7, 9:30 Wilson Aud. Tickets on Sole ot the Union Ticket office THE MIRISCH PRODUCTION COMPANY presents sroney poiTien storting Oct. 2 1 m A WALTER MIRISCH PRODUCTION \ And from 7-8 Thurs., Fri., and Sot. Nights meoRGamzaTioh Dean Martin at Wilson Aud. and Conrad Aud. "Matt Helm « Admission $125 TheWrecking Crew MC" At 10:30 V^Sqen RHARHARhlARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHA Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 20, 1971 9 SUSPENSEFUL SCENES SPARSE No good seen in 'See No Evil' A good suspense film is like a itself, is not intriguing enough to It is disappointing that there are created a mood of fear and terror ride on a roller coaster. It can take carry the full attention of the not better suspense films without falling to the tricks of you up, down, and around viewer. And except for occasional produced. They allow the bloody bodies, or scary amazing heights while keeping hints of something about to audience to purge their troubles supernatural beings. They set the you in a grip of fear and terror. happen, the story just rolls along for an hour and a half, plus they film and then capitalized on the And for some very perverse SINftt* without getting anywhere. Once allow them to let out their tensions created. reason you enjoy it. the conflict is established, the frustrations on the strangers next "See No Evil," staring Mia The same elements of suspense movie begins to carry its own. to them by clutching their arms Farrow, is a slight version of a are available to "See No Evil" but But, by that time, the film has or screaming in their ears. the film doesn't use them as tilt-a-whirl. Occasionally it spins lost a great deal of interest. Basically the history of you around and makes you In "See No Evil" the suspense films is poor. Most of effectively as possible. At best wince, but, more often than not, this is a mild suspense film that By JACK EPPSJR. suspenseful scenes themselves, them produced, like "See No it bores you to death. The one picks up at the end, when the plot State News Reviewer are good, but they are too sparse Evil," do not properly develop thickens — as much it advantage of the tilt-a-whirl is that to be effective. Mia Farrow does the art of suspense. Through the as can. the ride lasts only for a few an admirable job of pretending to use of sound, music, lighting, and minutes, while a film lasts for shot outside with autumn leaves be blind, but after Patty Duke's editing, a director can control an ninety. blowing across a tree lined path performance in "The Miracle entire audience and make them The story invovles a blind girl while the blind girl and her boy who is vacationing Worker," occasionally tripping squirm, and sweat, and generally in the country friend ride on horseback. around is not effective enough. enjoy terror at their own expense. with her wealthy relatives. She becomes involved in a series of senseless killings. Her blindness Probably of the one of the finer points film is found in the The basic idea of the blind girl involved in a killing was used in a One of the at suspense was more artful attempts the movie, "The bus contrast between the natural film a few years ago in "Wait leaves her unaware of the bodies Haunting." By implication they beauty of the settings and the Until Dark." At that time it was lying around the house. blindness of the girl, although this effective in its novelty, but "See 'See NoEviV It' is set in the countryside during the fall and English was never really properly emphasized, but was more or less No Evil" does nothing to improve on it. lira I Film (> ro TONIGHT presents an excellent picture of left to the imagination of the Mia Farrow stars in Columbia Picture's See No Evil, playing at the Michigan Theater in Lansing. the English aristocracy from a viewer. THE ORIGINAL LAST POETS "Home and Gardens" point of The film took a long time to Ms. Farrow portrays a blind girl who is inadvertantl/mixed up in a series of murders. view. TTie best scenes are those build suspense. The story line. ONE PEBFOSXMCE ONLY Skin flicks l 8:00 P.M., Thursday, Oct. 21 If you are looking for are usually the most successful. conglomeration of sex scenes "We show Cornucopia' and 'The Groupies' but many movies do not live imetliing to do this weekend mainly art films and from last year's movies, received receive up to id are like an increasing number top grade foreign products but poor response because the praise they receive and turn poor response in a three-day run. have found that our movies with they are primarily sex presented out to be disappointing f other people on campus, you The humor in the exaggerated in a documentary manner." ay end up going to see a skin the sex- centered plots attract the productions. acting technique is the main most people," Sunshine said. The Beal group attempts to be ick. reason for the success of "Baby The X-rated films have been He added that the films are not careful in its film selections, but is attracting Aceordinp to Michael Sunshine, Vickie", Sunshine said. He also mainly male viewers, the most professionally produced often misled by reviews, he said. but audience lanager of tne Beal film co-op pointed out that the film must composition varies of those Beal offers, but Sunshine explained that reviews with couples ttendance and interest in the people have some sort of a plot for the occasionally in the seem to find them humorous and Critics Prize are the basis for film ■rated films at MSU has grown audience to follow. selection, majority. MANNHEIM FILM nee Beal began showing them entertaining. "Many people are returning to FESTIVAL Beal's "Baby Vickie", shown years ago. The group shows see 'Baby Vickie' for the second A Choice iree on campus 60 times, has been its or third time because of "THE ORGAN of Directors variety of films each week but most its , successful film, while humorous plot," Sunshine added, AND THE CANNES FILM 1 as found that the skin-flick type "Erotica Cornucopia", a "while films like 'Erotica > FESTIVAL " SILENT SCREEN" COLOR Mr. Stan Kann. distinguished keyboard artist, at the console GUERILLA DRAMA ... of of the mighty Barton Pipe Organ, presents an original street gangs, junkies, soul musical score for the silent screen classic . . music, hustlers and, Starlit e U.S. 27 WEST OF WAVERLY "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA"™. Revolution.' -N.Y. Daily News 7 RIGHT ON! is funny and Phone 372-2434 murderous is aboul i ... 8:30 /Everyone wants M 10:00 making love and war . . v._ ICATLOW \ No IDs S about raising the wind. visually spectacular! . I murdered, mangled and | massacred. His only hope is a Marshal, who wants r1i ] 00 - New Yorker Mag. starring LON CHANEY, Sr. REVOLUTIONARY REVELATION! | him hanged. Iniamu Baraka - (Leroi Jones) ONE NIGHT ONLY AT 8:00 P.M NOW SHOWING MICHIGAN Theatre EXCLUSIVE All Seats $2.50 Tickets 3 APES PICTURES I HEATERS - on sale at MICHIGAN - GLADMER-CAMPUS - STATE OPEN At 6:45 p.m. ifmiai MM Jieorge Kennedy JSylft? Shows at 7:10-9:10 Feature 7:30 9:30 \*OP£H£!/£RYMTE - *n ARTHUR P. JACOBS production Hfl ** It is a trip much worth taking. ChARljON kESTON Beneath HumnEnmzicrm Not since '2001' has a movie in an piANET ARTHUR P JACOBS production 4-the "SMASH HIT!"- have predicted. He estimated his expansion was warranted. He referred to Harold Henderson, day supervisor for the s would increase about 10 percent friends in Toronto whose businesses were Public Safety Dept., said he foresees an te the new law goes into effect. not helped by the lowered age of majority initial increase in alcohol-related problems »The young people don't drink as much law passed in Canada this summer. "until the novelty wears off." There are no I they used to," Ode said. "Tliey've "It's possible that the younger people plans to increase manpower, Henderson lorted to other things." will drive away some of the older said, and no extra precautions are being With an eye toward the increase, Ode customers," Vanis said. "I hope that taken. lently remodeled the Dells and is trying doesn't happen, but it could." For those planning to purchase alcoholic Eater to a younger crowd. If some local liquor merchants seem beverages after Jan. 1, the Michigan Barnes "Lizzard" VanDenberg, the unsure of what will happen, there appear Lisensed Beverage Assn. advises carrying at |ner of Uzzard's, said the new law would to be others ready to take the When questioned about the effect of the gamble. least two pieces of identification, including ■finitely bring in more people from one with a photograph. lOOM REMODELED By TONI College PELLILLO legislature last March. About Medicine relocates also aided with medical facilities at Giltner Hall. 185 faculty offices, 150 clerical I State News Staff Writer suggestions, Siefert said. A Phase two will provide offices and technical offices and 650 commercial contracting firm did and "minimal laboratories" ...j College of Osteopathic student stations will be the the construction. Idicine is moving Into new result of the conversion. (providing the basic services and Because of the time element equipment) on the east portion Ydquarters located at Fee Hall, Robert L Siefert, University involved (the College of of East Fee. Each three-room pch has been completely architect, did the major portion of the conversion Osteopathic Medicine was dormitory suite will be hodeled for the occupants. planning. He was assisted expecting its first class this fall), converted into either a lab, JThe conversion involves by workers from the the University did not contact a faculty or administrative office. looo square feet of Fee Hall. Physical Plant Engineering commerical architect to draw up February 15 has been set as the Iproximated cost will be Services. People associated with the plans for the conversion. date of completion for this 1477,000, funded by the state the College of Osteopathic "Normally the trustees would phase. hire an outside architect to do The final phase of the the total planning," Siefert said, friday banquet remodeling program will involve "but in this instance, we didnt more labs and offices on the have time to." west portion of East Ftee. The "And, since this case involved Office of Medical Educational remodeling more than Research and Development and honor alumni rebuilding, we did not go outside the University," Siefert said. Initiated last March, work on also. the Department of Psychiatry will have offices located in Fee the remodeling program has All the new offices and lab6 been divided into three phases. will be airconditioned. I A MSU administrator, a rabbi and a long-time benefactor of le University will be given recognition as Honorary Alumni By September of next year, the three uring MSU's Homecoming festivities this weekend (Oct. 22 - phase conversion should be A id group plans J). completed, Seifert said. I They will be guests of honor at the annual alumni banquet Phase one of the plan involves niday evening in Kellogg Center. the transformation of the to meet in Union I The honorary awards will be given tb: Pr6vost John E. kitchen and dining dtea of Pee pntlon; Rabbi Abraham Zemach, director of the B'nai B'rith into pathology, teaching and People concerned about the lillel Foundation in East Lansing, and Myra Hart, namesake of human anatomy labs for the East Pakistani refugees in India le Hart Recital Hall in the campus music building. College of Osteopathic Medicine are needed to handle I Cantlon joined the faculty in 1954 as an associate professor of and the College of Human administrative, secretarial, and Ltany and plant pathology. He previously taught at Rutgers Medicine. Work on this phase media jobs for the national Iniversity, where he received his Ph.D. degree in 1950, and at has been completed. headquarters of the East Virge Washington University, and served as senior ecologist with The floor and wall surfaces of Pakistan Emergency Refugee le Arctic Studies, Physical Research Laboratory, at Boston the old dining area and kitchen Relief Fund in Lansing. are ideal for the new human iniversity. A meeting of interested I He has been active in ecology programs, serving as visiting anatomy lab, Siefert said. In past faculty and students will be held lofessor for three years at the University of Michigan Biological years, students have used at 5:30 p.m. today In 30 Union. pation in Pellston, Mich.; and program director and advisory knel and committee member of the Environmental Biology fogiam with the National Science Foundation. Since 1968 he is been a member of the executive committee of the division of Jology I Cantlon and agriculture for the National Research Council; awarded the was MSU Distinguished Faculty Award in TB64 and in 1968 was a Centennial Review Distinguished lecturer. He was appointed provost in 1969. [Rabbi Zemach, a native of Minneapolis, Minn., holds a 203 E. GRAND RIVER bchelor's degree from the University of Minneota, a master of Pblic health from the University of Michigan, and a master of lebrew literature and doctorate of divinity degrees from the Iwish Theological Seminary of America. ■ Before coming to East Lansing in 1958, Zemach was active in Europena Theater during World War II, and after the war ed as an adviser to Gen. Mark Clark in Austria, where he ®sted in the establishment of improved living and working pnditions and hospital installations throughout the American J»e. He also held the position of special assistant to the Pdersecretary for welfare in Washington, D.C. I Zemach taught in the Dept. of Religion for 10 years, from P58-68 and is a past president of the Religious Advisers Assn. I Ms. Hart, a long-time friend of the University, is a graduate of ™ Gracia Williams Secretarial ►ed her College in Lockport, N.Y., and administrative-secretarial skills to aid her husband (Class F «) in helping to build the foundation for the present Ncture of the MSU Alumni Association. I m 1968, the Harts presented to the Dept. of Music a Schlicker ■Pe organ, which is housed in the Hart Recital Hall on campus. T"er this year they donated a priceless Civil War library to the Sale! Uncut Iniversity. I Ms. Hart is a native of Medina, N.Y., where she resides with her Corduroy Flare-Leg | transcendental Jeans meditation were $12 Styles Unlimited For Every Fall And as taught by Maharishi Winter Occasion . . .All From America's Mahesh "zipfly, 4 pocket Most Famous Manufacturers . . . Hurry! Yogi styling •select from red, • land 2 pc. styles! dressy! casuals! navy, camel, purple, brown. • Long sleeves! Short sleeves! la1"101 meditation it a natural spontaneous tech- "Sizes 5 to 15 • Easy care dacrons! Polyesters! Aci I in? ""P'ove c" allow! each Individual to expand hi* mind and his life. Introductory Lecture • Sizes 3 to 13, 5 to 15 TODAY 4 pm 104B Wells or 8 pm 110 Anthony ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE STUDENT UNION _for information call 361-7587 or 349-4967 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS RICK GOSSELIN Boiling By CRAIG REMSBURG booters Goldman has ample reason to complain about the game as he was knocked over several times by opposing players in his "protected" Spartans need to find big play State News Sports Writer goal crease. "I was really getting battered out there, it was really rough," he In the aftermath of the rough treatment it received up in said. "I was hit about 10 or 12 times in the game." Wisconsin Saturday, the MSU soccer team is finding it hard to But battered or not, the booters now must concentrate on the The Green Bay Packers of the early 60s had it and the ■ Minnesota Viking team has It. Notre Dame has had it sin* I forget that game as it prepares to face Western Michigan at task at hand — defeating the Western Michigan Broncos today. Kalamazoo today. The Western squad posted a sterling 11-0-1 record last season as a Parselghan took over and so does Toledo with Chuck E*i I Several Spartan squad members are still seething at the refereeing club team, but lost five top-flight players through graduation. This quarterback. But MSU can't seem to find this elusive elom " I and Green Bay's offensive and defensive tactics in the 1-0 Spartan year, however, their first as a varsity squad, their 34 mark indicates all good offenses. emeal«f I loss. some problems. The Spartans could have used it against Michigan and tk I "I've never seen such partiality in all my life," Captian Steve Inside left Ahmad Nassar leads coach Pete Gsdale's team in could have used it against Wisconsin. What, you ask? \fcil n7* I Twellman complained, refering to the decisions of the refs. "They scoring with six goals and two assists. Not far behind in the point bluntly as possible, the ability to come up with the big pliv i£ I let the game get out of control. I've never seen anything like it." totals is outside left Bob See, with two tallies and four assists to his play that can turn ball games around. y' I The game was halted with 14 seconds left when fights erupted on credit. Against Michigan, the Spartans were down 10-7 early in th. I the playing field among players and spectators alike. Onecasuality Goalie Keith Shroyer, who has stopped 81 percent of the shots fourth quarter and were situated on the Michigan 14-yard li I was Twellman, who received a two-stitch gash on his head. blasted at him and center halfback Dennis Buford spearhead the MSU also had a first-and-ten. No touchdown, no field goalT I gain a v. if I "Nick Dujon got into a fight and I got into the middle of it," win. Three straight downs and the Spartans failed to Bronco defense. Twellman said. "I then got kicked on top of the head by a Green Spartan mentor Fuller plans to unleash a new offense againt Against Wisconsin, the Spartans took the ball with sliohti I Bay player." Western in an attempt to get the forward line to produce a few more over five minutes remaining in the game on their own 21 Mcnl "All we want to do is let the Midwest Conference Committee know what happened up there. It was really something." goals. Except for a six-goal outburst againt Michigan, the offense has methodically moved the ball down the field until the SparUm were faced with a third-and-one situation on the WiscorZ I I been quite anemic. Spartan coach Pay ton Fuller is in the process of writing a letter to Dujon leads the Spartan scorers with six tallies, while Gerald 27-yard line. The Spartans called time out, came back, andonZ I Billy ]!! I the League office to protest the game. He has checked with the first play lost the ball. The Mike Rasmussen pass hit Murray and Lennox Robinson are next in line with three goals athletic administration and received a clearance for the letter. in th! | DuPree on the belt buckle, shot downward and landed apiece. The problem is, however, that these three players have "I talked to Gene Kenney, Assistant Athletic Director Monday and he said the administration will back us up on it and he will also accounted for 12 of the team's 15 goals! As can easily be seen, a arms of seated Ron Buss. a | Co^ I balanced attack is missing. "He (Buss) was falling down when he caught it," MSU help me write the protest if I want," Fuller said. But after the debacle with Wisconsin, the MSU booters just might Duffy Daugherty said. "If he was standing I'm sure it would hi» I "When I finish that letter, no one will want to play them (Green Bay) up there again," he vowed. go out and vent their wrath on Western. The game is the second of Defensive been too low for him to catch. That's a classic example of beiu | three away games in a row and Fuller is hoping that his team can Spartan soccer captain Steve Twellman (dark jersey) moves in the wrong place at the right time." ^I Booter goaltender Dave Goldman, however, is not convinced that constructive results wBl come out of the protest. finally put it all together. A loss to the Broncos would seriously up on an unsuspecting Wooster booter. Twellman will lead Successful plays late in the game against both Michigan I some "We are already accepting the game as a loss," Goldman said. "We endanger any championship aspirations the booters now entertain. the MSU defensive corps as they meet Western Michigan in Wisconsin could have meant victories. The MSU mark of UI kev I An explosion by the offense today would certainly take care of (hat would be turned around to the shape of 4-2. But without anticipate no support at all from the MSU administration on this Kalamazoo today at 3:30. plays, MSU must face the reality of being two games under .5% | matter." The Spartans have the capacity to come up with the big play ft LACK COMMUNICATION Any unit that has Eric Allen has the power to explode on a team I Allen needs only 317 yards to become the all-time leading MSU I rusher. The Flea almost broke the Spartan single game rushiai I mark last week with 247 yards. Clint Jones holds that record wift I NFL Giants troubled 268 yards against Iowa in 1966. "If Eric stays healthy he ought to break all the records," Duffy I I■ said. "And I hope he makes them all in a hurry." NEW YORK (UPI)—As if the Norb Hecker made several was pulled. stumbling New York Giants changes in the lineup Webster said Lockhart huddled with the didn't have enough problems, he was going to start on Friday Giant coach Tuesday and the free now the club is worrying about a and when Spider Lockhart safety—considered to be the lack of communication. popped off about the Giant coach Giants' best defensive Coach Alex Webster said after he was pulled from the player—said the matter was Tuesday that several matters have game. straightened out. "There's no to be straightened out but he Lockhart, yanked with about problem," Lockhart said. "We admitted, "If this keeps four minutes left in the third Make aWisl lw may come true. happening, we're going to be in period of the Giants' 31-7 loss to trouble." Baltimore, didn't think he was thought we had a problem but we found out we don't. I'm not saying he was wrong but we made What happened was the Giant playing badly enough to be pulled an adjustment. I didn't play up to Tell the Great Pumpkin. Just fill out an coach was embarrassed twice and also was infuriated that none par but I didn't think I was Sunday—when defensive coach of the coaches told him why he playing that bad." entryat the pumpkin patch when you shop. Webster said, "something should have been said to him when he was taken out. Ill buy that. He's right, he's 100 per cent Super savings are storewide right. I'm not going to argue his point." Lockhart was pulled in the so check every department midst of a Baltimore drive after he missed a tackle on a Norm Butaicb:< reverse. The Giant coaches said he also made several other mistakes in the game. opaque pantyhose Lockhart said it was the first time he's ever been yanked during a Eric Allen goes over top game. Webster said Hecker told him Proportioned opaque nylon pantyhose in the season's most popular shades. A great chance to stock up at savings. 3 prs. $4. Hosiery, main floor Downtown and Meridian Mall. 1.39 Lockhart was playing poorly and Webster replied, "If he's not doing the job, take him out of there." Bobby Do Webster said he has never overriden the advice of the assistant coaches in the past gets roomie new misses' pants coats because, "I want them to have responsibility and that's why I CHICAGO (UPI) and Kent Nix not — Injuries to Chicago Bears Jack Concanncn only made Bobby Douglass the quarterback but have good assistants. But I have to also provided him to a new roommate. make the final decisions." Bears Coach Jim Dooley abandoned his pretty wife and pleasant Assorted designs in wool melton, cotton TV RENTALS family to move in with Douglass this week so that the signal call* corduroy and velour or acrylic fleece. Novelty can get a cram course in quarterbacking. details, fashion colors. Misses' and juniors' sizes. Coats, Downtown and Meridian Mall. 39.90 Fre« Delivery Free Service Free Pick-up $9.50 NEJAC TV RENTALS Douglass played in only one game last year, breaking his arm, ant has been in only one game this year, after injuries put the Bears'two other quarterbacks on the sidelines. This week it's Douglass to quarterback against the Detroit Lions, 337-1300 or no one. "We have to do a little extra work," Douglass said. "Ill learn wh) skinny rib sweaters he thinks the wayhe does and that way it will be easier to The only uncertainty in the arrangement for Dooley to share execute." Douglass' apartment, Douglass said, was who will do the cookii* Misses' novelty knit pullovers in solid colors Both men knew they would be talking and thinking football the and marls. Acrylic or wool knits, rest of the time. styled with placket and button fronts. Collared, or jewel necks. Long sleeves. Sportswear. turtle 6.90 misses' ski jackets Assorted styles including Safari and belted designs. Zip or snap front. Light and dark solids in washable nylon. S-M-L. Sportswear, main floor Downtown and Meridian Mall. 15.90 men s winter coats Single and double breasted models in cotton corduroy or polyester/cotton. Some with acrylic pile collars, linings. Assorted colors. 36-42. Store for Men, Downtown, Meridian Mall. 28.88 MONTH! men's better slacks OCTOBER IS GRATEFUL DEAD All Grateful Dead albums and tapes one-third off 1 price. Good until Halloween Eve. Famous makes. Solids and fancies in discount records permanent press fabrics. Plain front, belt loop and beltless models. Assorted colors and patterns. 29-42. Store for Men, Downtown, Meridian Mall. 6.88 HOURS: DAILY 225 ANN ST. i.c The only complete record store in the 9:30 AM • 8:30 PM Lansing area. n,, 046O PHONE: 36'™ Shop Meridian Mall every week night 'til 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 20, 1971 13 -SPORTS uffy changes offensive line Eric Allen, Mike Holt, Jesse us at quarterback now." for Iowa Sat. ByGARYSCHARRER tVilliams and James Bond. Frank Kolch worked in starter for the Hawkeye contest. The biggest shuffle was made State News Sports pads Rasmussen handled the offensive in the offensive line. Writer George Mihaiu has been for the first time Daugherty moved back to his Tuesday since a reins against Wisconsin last week wants more speed and quickness quarterback bruised knee sustained in the and did a good job Iowa comes to the Spartan considering from blockers for the spot after playing wingback for University of Michigan gunning campus this weekend and should several weeks. Mihaiu was moved game put that it was his first experience game and hopes to get it by the big quarterback on the be a game for MSU to put both with the wishbone offense. from quarterback when a sidelines. Daugherty said that he moving Errol Roy and his speed its offense and defense together shoulder inflamation prohibited Rasmussen in a California from center to tackle. would probably know for a winning combination. him from throwing a ball. Tuesday transfer from Fresno City Tackles Skip Macholz and Joe if Kolch would be Iowa has not beaten anyone "We think that ready for College who entered the Spartan DeLamielleure have been moved Mihaiu's action Saturday. this year and, until record book last year for most to guards, tackle Bob losing 19-14 shoulder is better," Daugherty McClowry last week to Minnesota did not Daugherty said that senior yards passing and most complete has gone to center and Marv said, "and he will be able to help Mike Rasmussen is the even come close. The Hawkeyes likely passes in a single season. Roberts will be at tackle. have not had a winning season since 1961 when they were 5-4. The Hawkeyes have a new Salt Days Thru Saturday• reserve th» right to limit quantities. coach in Frank Lautebur. -1 Lautebur built long winning L a streak at Toledo(which is still alive r at 29 games) but has found Big THE DISCOUNT Ten competition at bit harsh on him in his first year. Spartan deve The Spartans have also STORE WHERE suffered the miseries of defeat. YOUR DOLLAR MSU football coach Duffy Daugherty had new developments at practice Tuesday with a wholesale Dreams of a possible Rose Bowl offensive line move topping the bill. Skip Macholz (left) was shifted to guard in the change. George trip will probably become reality BUYS MORE! Mihaiu (center) will again concentrate on the quarterback post. Duffy said that Mike for some other Big Ten team Rasmussen since the Spartans have lost two (right) has earned die right to start the Iowa game at quarterback, though. games in the conference. Hie last time a Big Ten team won the Iriday football conference championship with two losses was Wisconsin in 1959. 920 Trowbridge The Spartans have also lost to Frosh to play Georgia Tech outside conference and Notre Dame overall record of 2 - 4. play for an SpaHan Shopping By RICH GOSSELIN to work with but not enough," Bob Delaney and Doug Coach Duffy Daugherty has Center Rutherford said. "Our I State News Sports Editor strong McGrady have been working out implemented a new offense and point will be our offensive backs 88 P'ace kickers while Kellie likes what he has seen so far. we've got some really ^an' J'01 Grannell and Mike Tuesday he made several — iFreshman Coach Ed good ones." Duda are in the litherford will lead a crop of punting derby, personnel changes and is flrst-vear collegians onto the Rutherford has Steve .11"n,e ,ack of practice time experimenting with different tlefields Friday afternoon M°erdyk of Grand Rapids wlU definitely affect the game," players to provide depth for the the MSU frosh football Northview and Steve Barton of Rutherford said. "We've been option offense, meets the University of Dearborn Divine Child spending most of our time Daugherty said East Lansing 'higan freshmen. Tlie game alternating at the number one working with the varsity and junior Mark Grua and II be played at Spartan quarterback slot. Clarence haven t had much of a chance to sophomore Tony Ransom will [idium with the kick-off Bullock is running at the on our own." be worked at halfbacks behind led at 2 p.m. fullback spot while Dave Brown and Arnold Morgado situate IMSU Tmitted students into the will game be by themselves at the halfback posts. Centering the Spartan frosh Court gives OK |owing their I.D.'s. will be Charley Ane, son of the . Spartan frosh originally fo™"kDe,troJt Lion great, the I'dered athletes, but season with a 25 knee R. Rutherford Jill have Brad « t « 5' ?°Ug to Flood's plea nd ensuing operation to ^°" of a; °f k"*and Larry leman Charles Wilson cut the . F1°rid" !" the WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Supreme Court agreed Tuesday f of p available scholarshipped sta^n« defensive backfield to a request by Curt Flood to consider whether organized to24 ™e Spartans should be in baseball should be subjected to federal and good hands as far the stage antitrust laws. as kicking The Court will schedule arguments this term and follow with a as the team of last game goes. written opinion. Flood, a former St. Louis Cardinal Rutherford will have "We've got a lot of boys star, claims that baseball's reserve clause kny players going both ways in kicking out there every day," system illegally restricts a player to the club that "owns him" for the duration of his career. |iohmanattempt to prepare the Rutherford said. "Ill pick the A U.S. District Court in New tbrk City ruled Aug. 12, 1970, palyers for vanity best ones to handle the two that baseball Impetltion next fall. jobs. TTiere's no rush here. I was exempt from both federal and state antitrust laws. ■ Rutherford broke the wh°rm goin? Flood filed suit against baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn lolarshipped V three players down in "f until before the game. after the Cardinals tried to trade their star centerflelder of 12 categories, with the might go w,th several kickers." years to the Philadelphia Phillies in October, 1969. Flood refused iatest representation being the to report to Philadelphia and sat out the 1970 season. IcMMd players (10). There are F fl m i IW ^\A//m The Phillies later sold their rights to negotiate with Flood k quarterbacks and eight ' Ul I Illy O W II II under the reserve clause system to the Washington Senators. ■men. Flood signed a $100,000 contract to play for the Senators in the I "We've got 1971 season. However, he quit the team last May and went back BENTRON REGENT FURNACE p*" Sunday some to Europe where he had previously gone into business. Varsity Club There will be a Family Swim from 5-8 p.m. Sundays at the In his Supreme Court appeal, Flood contended that his one-year layoff had "eroded" his skills to the point where he left the Senators and baseball. VAPORIZER ANTI FREEZE FILTERS ... Women's IM Building. Lawyers for Kuhn argued that the collective bargaining process REG. 299 5 139 :;! 3100 the proper means for settling Flood's dispute. [The second varsity feting of the club A maximum of three children was They noted that even Flood's own witnesses in the case "have conceded that 3.99 year will be held will be admitted with each JoU p.m. tonight at the Varisty parent. baseball would be chaotic without a reserve system." Children entering the ■uo Ho°m. area must bg at jeast 53 ■ GALLON FOR ® (juest speaker will be Frank inches in height or be able to (-★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Soothing vapor relief all night Protects entire cooling system Prepare for the cold weather Jtonara, director of the Ralph swim two widths of the upper long. One gallon size. against freezing. Stock up now. now! Hull range of sizes. Bung Fund. Palamara |the Ralph Young Scholarship f,ram- .... will speak pool. All students, faculty and staff are invited to attend. If there are Yes, It's Here Again... } ANACIN VASELINE JERGENS varsity club members TABLETS J LOTION ! - . |ed to attend the meeting. are any questions, please call the PETROLEUM JELLY FLAMING Women's IM. \EAST LANSING HEADQUARTERS Self-Wind, Instant s 89* i'67 * r 694 jal English-Spanish Calend " Water Tested, 30 Mini HOG i SINUTABS SO Ml N EX PHiSOHEX rder, Tachymeter Tim Rotating Elapsed Timi ing. Stair" " 1 " TABLETS SLEEP TABLETS SKIN CLEANSER SEIKO R°.9 l 29 £ I 09 SCORES 1.89 B 1.46 S 914 DINTS NIGHT MINITRUB ANALGESIC BALM A.,. Typ»« VOS SHAMPOO TEGRIN CREAM fITH if fir 2C 1 63 (All the Beer } 93* 784 2.29 | •PORTS |„ 30 FREE 10VERS. You Can Drink) } * MYADEC .. K - 51 .... J~ MYADEC I All the s VITAMINS All at very sporting prices. fjj with purchase less liel n ho find anVe aut°matic self pte'cEnnf ! drinstant oant are f0Und in Seiko washes. :ause all Seiko watches made So you pay by automation. timepiece, not the time it only for the TONIGHT r,s0 99 isistanro calendar- wa'er h took to make it. R\l29 live vouTho 1 They fe.eti also Come in ,oday and see. thjs great Seiko International in the * SEIKO 0W Show Bar PRESCRIPTIONS ARE OUR BUSINESS WE ARE PARTICIPATING IN AIL Park free *l,h purchase Art Ctnter t PRE-PAID PRESCRIPTION PROGRAMS 319 E. Grand River Ave. East Lansing, Mich. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 355-8255 You Can't Beat Classified Ads For Sup FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank For Ret The State News does Automotive Scooters & Cycles Employment GET Action WITH A not permit racial or, GENERAL OFFICE-full tim«,$95/ TV RENTALS Sluden,. HONDA CL350 1970, six months old. CORVETTE 1971 aVrrr:;>| n,s Want Ad convertible. week. Phone 332-3591. CURTIS monthly — religious discrimination $600. Must sell. Financial problems in its advertising "Brands Hatch" green. Assume 355-2439.3-10-20 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 351-7900. rentals, c UNIVERs^Tv0*! SITy tv| mortgage. 332-5105.3-10-22 0-2-10-20 columns. The State ► AUTOMOTIVE News will not accept HONDA 1969, CB 350. Like new, CORVETTE 1965 convertible, included. First WANTED, MARRIED Pre-Vet or " E F R I G E R ATOriI Scooters & Cycles insurance advertising which hardtop. Must sell, call before 12 Call Andy, beginning Veterinary student with Auto Parts & Service discriminates against p.m. or after 4 p.m, 337-2085. reasonable 332-5039.3-10-20 offer. farm background or experience to 3«AS.H-3s- " 0,.,, Aviation care for country home and small 627-2191. TF religion, race, sex, color or 1-10-20 EMPLOYMENT stable of registered horses. Reply to ► national origin. HONDA 750 1970. Excellent condition, windshield, rollbar and Box C-3State News. 5-10-25 ► FOR RENT CUTLASS SUPREME 1971. Air, Apartments vinyl; fop, 2 door hardtop. buggy rack. Call after 6 p.m. LIGHT SECRETARIAL and phone Apartmentj 332-8050 evenings. Must sell! 646-3732.5-10-22 work. 40 hours / week, excellent Houses 3-10-22 working conditions, several ONE OR two bodroom~~(u~zJ Rooms Automotive Auto Service & Parts openings, $2 I hour, day and mobile homes. 10 minutes to $25.3:3.; FOR SALE campus. ► ANTIQUE DODGE CORONET R/T 1968. evening shift open. 393-5460 for 1933 Chevrolet. Original MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Animals Excellent condition, 440-V8, interview, Dick Vance. 633 East and excellent. Drive it anywhere. Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. Mobile Homes automatic, 4:10 posi-trac, headers, Jolly Road. Equal Opportunity LOOKING FOR 351-7397.5-10-22 Complete auto painting and chrome wheels. Call 355-8771. Employer. O Open-end leases availabi# *L_ LOST & FOUND 5-10-20 collision service. IV 5-0256. C ► PERSONAL BUGEYE SPRITE, (1961) $400 or NATIONAL COMPANY looking for HALSTEAD 351-7910. O managers ^*1 best offer. Call Bob, 882-3250. ► PEANUTS PERSONAL 3-10-21 EXOTIC, EROTIC 1948 NASH. FOR SALE, black MGB hardtop. Call men and women. Comfortable ONE GIRL ► REAL ESTATE Perfect 4 door basic black. Skip, between 8-5 at 332-8640. inside work, no outside canvassing, NEEDED*"™! ► RECREATION BUICK SPECIAL 1966. Power 351-1740.3-10-22 3-10-22 no have sales experience necessary .must good phone voice. Full time FILL FOUR MA nH SERVICE steering, brakes. Automatic 355-0822 after 6 p.m. 4-10-22 VW GUARANTEED repair. and part time positions. Salary, APARTMENT CLOSE TOI FIAT MARMAJ - 1967, 850 Coupe, excellent CAMPUS. Typing Service RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at $100-$200 / week, depending on condition, 4 speed. 332-4927. TRANSPORTATION BUICK RIVIERA 1966, excellent 3-10-22 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C ability, 2 weeks paid training APARTMENTS. 225 Division I buy, new tires, engine, call program. Contact Dick Vance: 332-2215 1 WANTED 373-1858, 8-12 a.m., or 351-6188 393-5460 for interview. 633 East FIAT 1970 124 Sports Coupe, Aviation Jolly Road, Equal Opportunity GIRL WANTED to share efw DEADLINE after 5:30 p.m. 3-10-22 5-speed, $1,975 negotiable. Call OH SWELL! A RESEARCH MA3DR-1. Employer. O terms negotiable 31c rT*1 1 P.M. class 393-8430.2-10-20 TO FLY I Complete flight 351-9359.3-10-20 Gu*" one day before LEARN CATALINA 1968. 4 door, automatic #&*/&/ ax K2Z/E- lAWNt,. MM. training. All courses are MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST, publication. transmission, factory air - FORD VAN 1961. Runs good, snow tires, camping possibilities. government and VA certified. ASCP Registered or diagnostic LANSING bedroom OR East furnished. Lansing Cancellations/Corrections conditioning, V-8. Power steering FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Microbiology experience, day shift, Large ± 694-8010.3-10-21 rooms. Aire 12 noon one class and brakes, 6 ply whitewalls, - day Road. Call 484-1324. C Sundays only. Apply SPARROW before publication. AM/FM, rear defrost. $1650. FORD VAN 1970 Maverick engine, Automotive Automotive HOSPITAL Personnel. 7-10-27 Beautifully maintained. Suii for faculty, grad students, 351 -8494 351 -0274.5-10-26 busiiu PHONE or only 13,000 miles, tape deck, must sell, $1,000. Call 351-7466. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1969. 20,000 Employment BEAUTICIAN - WHY not be in people, married couples. id 332-3135 MGB 1970. Red, wires, tapedeck, or 882-6549 0 355-8255 CLASSIC BUG - EYED Austin Healey 4-10-22 business for yourself? Set your AM-FM, immaculate. Must sell. miles, excellent condition. Please PART TIME receptionist and phone own hours and take home all the Sprite. New paint, tires, interior. 332-4241.4-10-22 call 355-4795.4-10-22 TWO BLOCKS from I RATES 10 word minimum No rust. Best offer. 351-9415. work. Must be 21 and have your profits. Active beauty shop has 2-10-21 TRIUMPH 1968 TR250. Looks and own dependable transportation. openings to rent chair. Excellent occupancy. Call MG MIDGET convertible, 1971. location. Prestige building. For runs good. $1295. 694-8010. Hours, 1-5 p.m. or 5-9 p.m. Call Excellent condition. Must sell. ONE AND 2 bedroom FORD TORINO Fastback 1968 3-10-21 Miss Erdman for an interview. information, call 393-1877 or CHEVROLET VEGA 1971, like new, Call 694-4691 before 4 p.m. from $145. 10 minutes buckets. Has all power options. 372-0047. 0-10-20 393-0433. 5 10-20 II 8500 miles, economical, Best offer takes it. Call 351-0736. 5-10-21 VOLKSWAGEN 1969 27,000 miles, MSU. Children permitted EAGll undercoated. 332-5515 evenings. LINE UP a fall term job n k. Car CREST NORTH, 694- 3-10-22 t!0:!5 MUSTANG -GT 1969. 351, 4 speed, excellent condition, new tires, $1375. Country Village Mobile 2 STUDENTS needed to clean DAY CARE CENTER. 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. necessary. 351-7319. C Keller Road, Holt. C FORD GALAXIE 1964. Automatic. exceHem^ condition, dark radio, 353-8308. 3-10-21 green, Homes, 7781 West Grand River, daily. 15 hours per week. $2 an LOCAL FIRM has openings for hard FOUR MILES from CHEVROLET NOVA 1970, 307, 3 other i MSU.Comp , Apt. 128B evenings. 3-10-21 hour. 353-5154.3-10-22 good, $185. Call 355-5974 after working persons with good furnished, very clean 4 room,® speed, Positraction radials. Must bedroom apartme 5:15 p.m. 3-10-21 speaking voice to work as sell. Call 355-1175.3-10-22 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Good Must be seen. $160 ' COOK FOR Sorority house. Call telephone solicitors. Hours 5:30 - 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 condition. 51,000 miles.$550. Call FORD FAIRLANE, V-8, 1964. Good 351-5085, 8-12 a.m. or 3-5 p.m. 9:30 p.m., Monday through utilities paid. 349-4907,393-1120 CHEVROLET, 1965 - excellent 355-8375 before 5 p.m. 3-10-20 4-10-22 .25 32.50 tires, new battery, $250 or best 3-10-22 Friday. $1.75 an hour. Phone condition. Truck with new engine offer. 337-0947 after 6 p.m. 372-7793 between 1 and 5:30 p.m. and clutch. 882-0902.10-10-21 347 Student Services Bldg. 5-10-22 to set up interview. Only those who EAST LANSING, HOSTESS - WE LL - paying permanent OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS (S) 1971. are hard working need apply. furnished, Westinghouii All student ads must be CHEVY II, 1965. In good running position, hours approximately condition, $300. Phone 485-0051. FORD VAN 1964, camper, excellent 4-11:30 p.m., immediate opening, 10-10-25 appliances, parking, walkif prepaid shape, new engine. Best offer. power, many extras. VOLKSWAGEN, CONVERTIBLE ideal for non-student. Contact Peg distance to campus and downtwi 3-10-22 1965. Needs valve job. Otherwise $165 / month. Available Nov. J 641-6568. 5-10-26 10,000 miles. 626-6880 after 6 MATURE MAN or woman who is The State News will be good, $250 or best offer. Perry, 351-1200 Northwind Phone 332-1183 after 5 pj p.m. 3-10-22 motivated and would like to make responsible only for the CHEVY BE L-AIRE 1965, 351-7146evenings. 3-10-20 Stables, 2843 East Grand River, 5-10-25 good money and be their own boss. East Lansing. 3-10-22 first day's incorrect dependable, standard, $250. CaU OLDSMOBI LE 1967, "88", 4 door Call 669-3804. 2-10-19 484-9188 after 5 p.m. 3-10-22 VOLKSWAGEN 1964, Body, tires, HOLT AREA, ne insertion. sedan, power steering, power 1966 GTO convertible, rebuilt engine, brakes, automatic transmission, and general condition, good. New FEMALE MODELS, needed for LCC PART TIME EMPLOYMENT WITH Unfurnished 1 bedronj CHEVY VAN 1969. Excellent clutch, and brakes. Call 882-9969. drawing classes. Tues. - TViurs. full line merchant wholesaler. apartment. Stove, refrigerate nice shape, best offer. 393-2494. radio, $875. 332-1405.7-10-21 condition, interior redecorated. afternoons and Tues. - Wed. Automobile required. 351-5800. heat furnished, $125 I m 3-10-22 1-10-20 deposit. No children or ( New tires and wheels. Call OS 1971 Cutlass Supreme, 4 door Thurs. evenings. Call IV9-3751 ext. 0-10-20 371-3431 after 4 p.m. 5-10-21 JAVELIN 1969. Excellent condition. hardtop, Palm Green vinyl top, VOLKSWAGEN 1967 Fastback with 232. 5-10-26 393-7480 before noon. 3-10-21 | Automotive Sharp. 20 mpg. $1250 or best offer. power. $2900. Phone 485-8708. sunroof. Must sell, best offer. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, part CHRYSLER 1968, fully equipped, by 4-10-22 HELP III Young lady to help arthritic EAST LANSING - 353-9503, 351-6349.4-10-22 Phone 675-5229 or 641-4486. time, $2 per hour, apply Room 32, original owner, $1395. Call woman with dinner for 2 and stay 210 Abbott Rd. 10a.m. 3-10-20 apartment. % block fro AH SPRITE 1960. Good body, top, 3-10-22 485-9202.3-10-20 PEUGEOT 404, 1963, excellent fireplace, free parking, $190 M snow tires. $650. 351-7767. KARMANN-GHIA 1968. Real nice overnight. 1-10-20 5-10-20 little coupe with new muffler, tires condition, $425. 332-8940, VOLKSWAGEN 1962. Good COCKTAIL LOUNGE and nightclub, month unless managing. Utijl COLUMBIA 10 speed racer. Brand included. Available Nov. 1.Ca ■ Esmay, professor, agricultural the dean of communication arts; associate, physics, Sept. 15; John D. Continuing Education A'„ Utl°' B assignments was the naming of Alvin L. Rogers, visiting asst. McMillan, from associate professor to Sept. 30; Valeria M. Wilder, extension engineering, Oct. 18 - Nov. 30. to Gordon L. Thomas, from professor, H. Richard L. Graham as asst. professor professor, botany and plant pathology professor, administration and higher home economist, Oceana. Muskegon Dreisbach, research associate, physics, Schweitzer, instructor r 0* I and acting chairman of human and medical technology,Oct. 1,1971 - education and director. Equal study farm mechanization in Korea. The board approved transfers and communicatbn and the office of the and Newaygo counties, Sept. 30; Sept. IS; Arthur L. Karr Jr., research Urban Affairs, Sept. j0 a'/I"*I dean of communication arts and associate, MSU/AEC Plant Research Ruesink,librarian, l ibrary environment and design, effective June 30,1972; Frank Deutsch, visiting Opportunity Programs, Sept. 1; and Joseph F. Pollack, asst. professor. o changes in assignments for (effective assistant dean for continuing Sept. 1. Graham succeeds Robert associate professor, mathematics, John J. Forsyth, from instructor to Sept. 1): Allen E. Shapley. from asst. education to professor, office of the Board of Rice, who is currently serving as acting April 1 - June 30, 1972; Allen asst. professor, computer science, dean of the College of Human Ecology. The board approved appointments Goldstein, visiting professor, mathematics, Sept. 1, 1971 - Aug. 31, 1972; Carole Lynne Ledford, Sept. 1. The leaves board approved sabbatical for: John L. O'Donnell, professor, agricultural economics and dairy to asst. professor, agricultural economics; Peter D. Levine, asst. professor, history, with additional dean of communication arts and assistant education; professor, dean for Verling continuing C. Troldahl, communication, with trustee for: Johne Rooks Criner, extension librarian, office of the dean of professor, accounting and financial assignment as undergraduate director: additional assignment in the office of totaling$4,559,0931 home economist, Wayne and Oakland osteopathic medicine, July 1; Jenifer administration, April I - June 30. counties, Nov. 1; Josef Hadar, visiting |S. Banks, instructor, American 1972, to study in East Lansing; Terry Triffet, professor, metallurgy, mechanics and materials science, Sept. Erwin P. Bettinghaus, from professor, communication and asst. dean, office the dean Vincent J. of communication arts; Salvo, from instructor, sociology, to asst. professor, sociology funds and Center for Urban Affairs; and POLICE 1, 1972 - Australia: Aug. 31, 1973, to study in and Bertram P. Karon, Unwitting man Benjamin W. Wolkinson, from asst. The board of trustees accepted gifts, grants and scholarship funds operating on UHFChannel 23. The campus park and planning the training of counselors reh,bi||t|1| by the Dept. of Coiiim, ■ professor, labor and industrial professor, psychology, Jan. I - March amounting to $4,SS9,093 at its department received $262,000 from Personnel Services and relations to instructor, labor and Educito 31, 1972, to study and write in East Lansing and California. helps thief steal industrial relations. monthly meeting Friday. Included in that total was the estate of Jessie T. Fee for the upkeep of Hidden Lake Gardens near Psychology received $141,404 HEW. The training program I Other transfers and changes in Granted other leaves were: KirlapS. in operation for 16 years. BEAUMONT, Tfex. (AP) - assignments were approved for: $2,207,232 from the Dept. of Health, ■ Sidhu, research associate, dairy Education and Welfare that will fund The Agency for International A grant of $«6,474 Steve Nobles saw a man trying Lawrence W. Stebbins, from county ftom {k science, Oct. 21- Nov. 5, to return to the National Defense Student Loan Development provided $219,794 to Environmental Protection to put a battery in a car. extension director, Oceana County to Agency his country; T. Harry McKinney, A CASSETTE TAPE recorder, 12 blank tapes and an electric professor, Justin Morrill College, Sept. "Do you have a wrench?" the county extension director, Ottawa program 011 campus during the current the communications department to conduct a series of seminars for the fisheries and wildlife will support the depart™, I clock with a total value of $133 were taken from 255 Student 1, 1971 - Aug. 31, 1972, to continue man asked. In a noble gesture. County, Sept. IS, Elizabeth B. training of students in water pollution grt(|u* I Services Bldg. sometime Monday night police report. The property ith Michigan Dept. of Nobles got his and helped him Mowery, from extension home Another $49,020 in HEW money foreign nationals studying in this Two biology f belonged to a counseling center staff member who told officers that educi Diet Brum finish installing the battery. Hie economist, Calhoun, Jackson, Branch and Hillsdale counties to extension was allocated the the Educational Opportunity Grants program. country. The seminars, which have been conducted by the department endowment fund, nearly $90,000 in scholarsli provid„|1 the stolen goods were on his table with the exception of the tapes professor, geography, Jan. 1 - Aug. 31, for the current year.The man got in his car and drove specialist, resource development, Nov. A third HEW grant was accepted on since 1958, exposes the students to Winjamu(B 1972, to serve as a visiting professor at which were taken from a filing cabinet. The room had been locked. the University of Hawaii; John Useem, away. I; Milton B. Dickerson, from behalf of the television broadcasting communication techniques helpful to Sarah E. Hinman EndowmentFul professor, sociology, Jan. 1 - April 30, Nobles then tried to do the professor, Office of the Dean of department for a previously them upon returning to their Corp. provided $45,000, and tkl A 17-YEAR OLD EAST LANSING resident turned himself in to 1972, to study in Hawaii; Bernard J. same but couldn't. Student Affairs to professor, business announced expansion ofWMSBintoa homelands. estate of Elizabeth A. Klare providdl MSU police at 11:30 p.m. Monday after having thrown a bicycle he law and office administration, Oct. 1; full time educational television facility Another long-term project involving $43,583. Offer man, instructor, labor and His battery was gone. stole from the racks at Landon Hall into the Red Cedar River. He told officers the bicycle belonged to a girlfriend with whom he had had an argument. The bicycle was later recovered and returned to the owner by officers. The youth has been referred to juvenile court. A LANSING STUDENT told at 9 p.m. police that he returned from a class Monday and found the trunk lid on his car parked in Lot E painted silver. Officers said, he estimated the damage to be $25. POLICE REPORT that a resident of Holden Hall was assaulted at 12:20 a.m. Tuesday. The student told officers, he answered a knock on his door and found three students walking away. He asked if SHOP T-MART! they had knocked, after a short conversation one of the three returned and punched him in the mouth. The student was subsequently taken to the University Health Center, treated for cuts inside his mouth and released. Police are investigating. CHUCK ROAST THAT LIKE A THICK STEAK! A ROOM ON the fourth floor of North Case Hall was entered sometime between 5:10 and 6:35 p.m. Mondav and » $20 bill and a smail -ug with an estimated value of $20 were taken, a student told officers. Police are investigating. RICH IN SATISFACTION.. .NEVER BEFORE COULD YOU EXPECT TO 10 BICYCLES WITH A TOTAL VALUE of $540 were taken BESOPLEASED WITH A CHUCK ROAST! SWIFT'S PROTEN BEEF from university racks during the 24 hour period ending 2 p.m. MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO SERVE CHUCK ROAST WITH COMPLETE Tuesday. All were reported to police as having been locked. Two CONFIDENCE THAT ITWILL BE TENDER EVERY TIME! THAT GOES FOR were unregistered. EVERY OTHER CUTOF BEEF. TOO! Counselor joins business college Freshmen and sophomores interested in the College of Business now have an undergraduate counselor to serve them. Frank Gordon, a senior in the College of Business conceived the plan and found the college quite receptive to his aims of closer communications with new students interested in business. Gordon has completed most of the business core program and feels qualified for questions concerning courses offered by the College of Business, choices of major, or related situations. Gordon said he would not be replacing the role of the advisor, but felt there was a need for a closer association with the student planning his college career. Most important is that the students realize the alternatives open to them, he said.. Gordon hopes to increase student confidence in the College of Business and its counseling services by showing personal concern for the student's welfare. Gordon will further function in explaining course content and courses required by each department for the major. He will act as an intermediary for students in attempting to resolve conflicts involving curriculum choice, course selection, or other related problems. Gordon was granted a quarter-time graduate assistantship for undergraduates which means he will work 10 hours a week as an undergraduate with pay. An office has been set up for Gordon at the Dept. of Marketing and Transportation Administration office on the third floor of Eppley Center. His office hours are 1 to 5 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday and 1 to 3 p.m. on Friday. Gordon said appointments at other times are readily available. UNION BUILDING BILLIARDS ROOM & BOWLING LANES BILLIARD ROOM $1.00 per hour MON.& FRI. 11:30a.m. -11:00 p.m. TUES..WED., THURS. 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. SAT. & SUN. 3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. 8 PINBALL MACHINES BOWLING LANES 50c per line MON. & WED. 5:15 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. TUES., THURS., SUN. 2:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. FRI. & SAT. 12:00 noon — 11:00 p.m.