Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 50 STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 22, 1971 Justice official, lawyer named for court seats WASHINGTON (AP)-Lewis F. Powell, a If confirmed by the Senate, Powell and violent clash with the White House and that wie could not question 100 attorneys" soft-spoken Virginia trial lawyer, and Rehnquist would take the seats vacated last ending consultation with the bar association month by Justices Hugo L. Black and John without the chance of one of them leaking William F. Rehnquist, an assistant attorney about Supreme Court candidates. M. Harlan. Hearings are expected to begin in names. general, were President Nixon's surprise Minutesafter the Nixon address, the White about 10 days. "I've never been able to understand," he nominations Thursday night for the House released a letter by Mitchell to ABA Supreme Court. The selections were largely unexpected, President Leon Jaworski and Lawrence E. said, "why appointment to one of the Nixon announced his choices to the nation though Powell has been mentioned as a highest offices in the country should be Walsh, a New York lawyer who heads the made by surprise. There seems no reason by television and radio as the Justice Dept's Supreme Court possibility for years and ABA panel. uneasy alliance with the American Bar Assn. Rehnquist's name popped into speculation The attorney general said "the events of why anyone would want to put a person onto the high bench without knowing on court nominees was coming to an shortly before Nixon went on the air. the past week have made it clear" that there explosive end. Herschel H. Friday, a Little Rock bond everything there is to know about him." was no practical way to avoid "unauthorized The President described both Powell, 64, lawyer, and Mildred L. Lillie, a California disclosure of the names submitted and the and Rehnquist, 47, as judicial conservatives, appeals court judge, had been considered the Giving his reasons for his two advice of your committee." like himself, and said "they will be names to odds-on favorites as late as Wednesday when nominations, Nixon said proposals had Mitchell said "the only fair and proper included appointing a woman and be remembered." qualified Senate sources reported Nixon was course is to resume the on the verge of longstanding practice appointing a member of Congress. Others He reiterated his oft-stated view that "the naming them. of submitting the attorney general's wanted appointments from religious or balance of power" in American society is However, the American Bar Assn.'s recnmmendations directly to the committee on the federal judiciary, which nationality groups, he said. turning against "the peace forces," and President." indicated Powell and Rehnquist would work had been asked by Atty. Gen. John N/ But, he added, he believed the entire Walsh said in a television interview Mitchell for an assessment of Friday, Ms. shortly nation should be represented. to correct the shift. after Mitchell's letter was made Lillie and four other prospects—none of public that Senator protests Nixon also said "their sole obligation is to the Constitution and the American people them Powell or Rehnquist—concluded late he had "told the attorney general a year ago (Please turn to page 15) and not to the President who appointed Wednesday that neither was worthy of the Sen. Mike Gravel, D-Ala., center, carries his placard as he demonstrates them." top court. against the planned underground nuclear test in Alaska Thursday in Their job is to interpret the constitution, A report of the ABA committee's findings front of the White House. Demonstrating with him are members of the and "not twist or bend" the Constitution to turned up in late editions of Thursday's Canadian Parliament. See story, page three. any philosophy, he said. Washington Post, evidently precipitating a AP Wirephoto iARNED BY PROFS Panel a.. MiruACi cnv may study All-University Committee on Copyrights, electronic processes for instruction, such as terms through use of their own textbooks Royalties and Sales of Instructional the taping of television programs by some Materials in September, Davis said. Ten was $9,792.26. At the time, however, n about royalties earned by MSU faculty. The committee has met once to textbook prices were lower, there were faculty and staff members representing date, he added. kulty through the use of their own various segments of the University ranging 1,535 regular faculty members compared "I suppose we will get into royalties. It's ptfbooks for their classes partially from academic departments to WMSB-TV a pretty with about 2,160 this faU, and student pmpted the establishment of an constitute the committee. complicated area and there is a enrollment stood at 34,487 vs. 41,649 lack of stated policy in that area," he said. [University committee by the provost's The royalties issue arose again this week now. Bee, Robert H. Davis, asst. provost, said Davis noted that a primary cause for Davis, who is chairman of the new lursday. creation of the committee was the lack of when three soil science professors committee on copyrights, royalties and Provost John E. Cantlon created the formal policy dealing with relatively new announced that they would refund $1 instructional material, said the lack of from royalties to students in their courses definite policy on royalties requires some WILLIAM REHNQUIST because the students were purchasing a text written by the three professors. At the (Please turn to page 15) I.S. reports time, the professors expressed their action would a stimulate hope that Dorm rules unresolved similar refunding of royalties across campus. Several administrators contacted ip slightly lo Thursday were unable to assess the exact nature of royalties at MSU currently. Paul L. Dressel, director of the Office of FASHINGTON (AP)—National personal ome showed a moderate rise in non-recurring August boost in postal employe pay. Meanwhile, the White House announced it Institutional Research, released a July 1964 report on "Estimates of Royalties accruing to Faculty Members Through Use of Their Own Textbooks." on candidate canvassing will name this week the members of the pay candidates and pointed out that no candidates and still protect the interest of pember as President Nixon's wage-price and The 1964 report, which By BILL WHITING the students." i took hold in the economy, the price panels that will administer the was never exceptions would be made for political State News Staff Writer Neil Colubrn, campaign manager for his 'eminent said Thursday. post-freeze economic controls. The names duplicated and used only by the central groups. will be "very likely" announced Friday, administration, states that the total One more hangup has emerged in the Flintoff referred to an article in the brother George, decried the rule, however, strained race for the East Lansing City [heanal Commerce Dept. income increased reported that press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said. The White House is reaching into the amount earned by MSU faculty for three Council. Academic Freedom Report which says: "No door to door solicitations for sale shall saying, "To deny a candidate direct access to his electorate is a denial of free speech." by $3.2 billion Confusion regarding University rules | month, mainly on the strength of rises in academic community for some of the key be permitted in organized living units on Colburn said he did not want to go to income and railroad retirement spots, and has selected Dr. C. Jackson governing solicitation inresidence halls has the campus without permission from the court to battle the regulation now, but resulted in banning workers canvassing for Grayson, head of the Business School at proper governing authority of the living admitted it may be necessary to have the page and salary payments, which had Southern Methodist University, Dallas, as Elections political candidates without the permission of individual hall government bodies. unit." issue resolved in the courts in the future. chairman of the Price Commission. "This has to be applied across the (Please turn to page reed by $6 billion a month ASMSU West Circle District elections In at least two instances earlier this week 15) earlier, showed In Scranton, Pa., a weekly newspaper board," Flintoff said. "We could overlook increase over the will be held today from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 involving three student workers for council August figure. reported that former Pennsylvania Gov. it, but then we could get some group Pivate payrolls advanced and 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Polling candidate George Colburn, Beverly by $2 billion, William W. Scranton will be one of the seven p.m. saying that we had taken a biased I mainly because there were more people pong. And that advance was offset by a persons named to the price panel. The places will be in each residence hall in West Circle. Blodgett, Green Bay, Wis., junior, Cindy Staniszewski, Warren sophomore, and Mary position." The RHA president said he felt there MEA to fline in government (Please turn to page 15) Alice Smith, Orchard Lake sophomore, were adequate channels for candidates to payrolls, traced to a were interrupted while distributing election pursue to reach student voters. literature in Shaw and McDonel halls. Resident advisors and hall management "I think it's a poor excuse for to say candidates they have to get to the students to brief ba cited University regulations prohibiting get them to vote," Flintoff said. "Students soliciting on campus as justification for the action. Mike have a right to say they don't give a damn. I'm trying to be as fair as possible with the Hildebrand Flintoff, Residence Hall Assn (RHA) president, said Thursday his office would have a written statement sometime Requests By JUDY YATES today which would outline University Budget requests for consideration in the State News Staff Writer regulations in this area. He indicated the 1972 ASMSU Budget are due today. The statement would clarify standing policy for completed forms must be returned to 307 The Michigan Education Association hall governing bodies and interested Student Services Bldg. by 5 p.m. (MEA) will file a brief in support of John R. Hildebrand, former associate professor of social science and Latin American studies, Calhoun Collier, president of the MSU AF arrests sergeant Faculty Associates said Thursday. "The MEA intends, at the appropriate time, to file an amicus curiae brief regarding the Hildebrand Federal Court suit against on espionage charges University College Administrators," the statement written by Collier said. "The brief will express an interest in basic human rights for non-tenured faculty," the TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE (AP)-A statement said. master sergeant in military intelligence was Hildebrand has filed suit in U.S. District accused Thursday of espionage in Court against the board of trustees and five connection with national air defense secrets Capt. Clyde W. Russell Jr., Perkins' Air University officials charging them with and Pentagon sources indicated there was Force attorney, said regarding the alleged Russian involvement. "I get more a smile out discharging him from his positions for no some Russian involvement. legitimate reason, and not providing him of it than anything. If it weren't the The Pentagon would not elaborate. with written reasons for his discharge. M. Sgt. Walter Perkins, 36, a 19-year Air Russians, it would be China or Cuba or He is also charging that the defendants did Force veteran, was arrested Monday and maybe the Bronx in New York." not follow prescribed procedures in held at the base guard house. discharging him and denied him an Russell said he told Perkins of the Perkins, married and the father of four, opportunity to present his case. was specifically charged with intent to pass Pentagon source involving the Russians. William Owen, director of higher classified He said Perkins was very upset over the information to unauthorized education at the MEA, said the MEA is filing case. "I guess you'd be upset, too, if persons. The Air Force said the information a brief in support of Hildebrand but is not was taken from the Air Defense somebody accused you of all these things the primary mover in the case. Weapons effects and you found yourself in a confinement Blast Center, the place where the Air Force develops and checks out it's national air facility," he said. Defendants named in the suit are Clifton R. Wharton, president; John E. Cantlon, a „ '? 3 *nerB* ^ew of the tangled wreckage in Glasgow, Scotland after an explosion ripped through the area of newly built defenses. Reached at their home on the base, Ms. Perkins, who is Japanese-born, said she shopping street, killing 13 and injuring at least 50Thursday evening. AP Wirephoto (Please turn to page 15) (Please turn to page 15) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Malik blasts embassy attack Bush, reading a prepared statement by phone on Wednesday. No bombs have been reported U.S. Ambassador George f#, I summary UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - Soviet UN Ambassador Jacob A. Malik, angry at a shooting attack on the Soviet UN mission, accused the United States Thursday of failing in its obligation to denouncing "this outrageous, cowardly and hostile act," said: "This incident works against everything we are trying to do in Jamil Baroody, the Saudi Arabian ambassador aceu^ » York Mayor John V. Lindsay for acts which' he From the wires of AP and UPI. protect Russian diplomats stationed in New York. The United seeking improved relations between our country and the Soviet sairt Union." committed against diplomats by Zionists. 0 States apologized for the incident. "He goes to the synagogue and acts like a rabbi in orders . Malik's protest over the Wednesday night shooting interrupted Bush said he went to the Soviet mission Wednesday night to express his concern to officials and the parents of four children who Zionists and to get votes," Baroody said. plei* the China debate on the General Assembly floor and generated a were in the room where the four bullets landed. Baroody said Gov. Nelson D. Rockefeller also "goes tn round or remarks from other diplomats which took up most of the "Any one of them could have been killed," Bush said. "Today I synagogue and puts on the yamulke." 10 'to assembly's morning session. Bush rejected the suggestion that Lindsay "or "This incident works against Malik accused the Jewish Defense League of firing the shots and have expressed my regrets to the permanent representative of the any other offi • of this city is less than zealous" in protecting Soviet said the JDL's leader, Rabbi Meir Kahane, may have planned the Soviet Union." citizens everything we are trying to do in Bush said he was making no accusations as to "what individual Turning aside the contention that the JDL was responsible fn attack on instructions from Israel. tk. seeking improved relations Police said the shots were fired from Hunter College, breaking group or members of a group are involved and responsible for this shooting, Bush said: "In our country and much of the world am between our country and the three windowpanes in the Soviet mission across the street on New crime." innocent until he is proven guilty." I Soviet Union." York's East Side. No one was injured. Despite stepped-up security measures Thursday, a boy and girl of Uproar broke out in the blue-and-gold General Assembly toward the end of the session when a man from the George Bush, U.S. ambassador Police said the shooting was reported at 8:50 p.m. by the first 15 entered the Soviet mission and sprayed the lobby with red paint, public eiii I See related article, page 2. secretary of the mission, A. Skotnikov. Two patrolmen on guard police said. The boy also allegedly threw a hammer in the foyer. tried to read a statement from the podium. He was seized hvim ' outside the mission said they were unaware any shots had been At almost the same time, the midtown office of Aeroflot, the guards. 'UN Soviet airline, was sprayed with black paint and a mirror broken. The incident touched off a series of statements criticizing fired. itw Blaming U.S. authorities, Malik said; "They have not taken the Police picked upa 15-year-old boy and a 14-year-old-girl. Police said the four youngsters, all heldfor questioning, claimed security. Representatives of Cuba, Bulgaria and Syria action to prevent a recurrence. demand#!w necessary measures effectively to prevent the systematic campaign carried out by Zionists and other hostile elements against the Soviet to be members of the Jewish Defense League. Union." However, Kahane said, "I have no idea who the people are who In Moscow, the government paper Isvestia said the shooting "proves" that ultra-Zionists have switched tactics from did it. We would never break the law." Malik rejected remarks by Bush to the effect that without LBJ' s memoir "hooliganistic actions ... to terrorism." It added that Russians in knowledge of all the facts U.S. authorities were powerless to make Withdrawal bill stalled arrests for terror attacks. of f/ghf|I the United States were "on the alert." vtestimeorifneys Malik charged that in an appearance on New York television Tusday night, Kahane, "the head of this group of bandits which voting Senate-House conferees put off action Thursday for total U.S. withdrawal from Indochina in six months but agreed on a compromise $21.3 billion for military Agenf calls itself the Jewish Defense League," threatened to kill two Soviet diplomats. Malik said Kahane had just returned from Israel and "probably NEW YORK (AP)—Former President Lyndon Johnson says "the crucial turning point In the Ala. in 1965 in excerpts intk New York Times from hkl memoirs, "The Vantage P0JI voting rights struggle" in the Perspectives of the President* I weapons and research. The conferees reached monetary agreement on all of the items in the military procurement graft received instructions there on what to do." Kahane's militant Jewish Defense League has been harassing Soviet citizens in the United States in what it describes as an effort to draw attention to the plight of Jews in the Soviet Union. The South was his meeting with Alabama Gov. George Wallace, when he told Wallace to keep 1963-1969." The forme _ that he was "deeply hurt" wfo ^ ■ | authorization bill but delayed decisions on policy NEW YORK (AP)—A former he began to realize that "the league has denied involvement in earlier violence against Soviet order in his state or federal troops would be sent in. demonstrators protesting u» Li— of Selma marchen I 1beating | FBI agent went before a situation was changing in the matters including Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield's diplomatic facilities in New York and Washington. picketed the White House m V commission probing police police department-the ball game anti-war amendment until their next meeting, in about a Syrian Ambassador George J. Tomeh told the assembly that Johnson recalls his actions "once again my South® I corruption Thursday and backed is over." police were still at his mission investigating six bomb threats made week. up a plainclothesman's testimony following the march on Selma, heritage was thrown in myfw," f that grafting cops pocketed millions of dollars a year in TO UNION BALLROOM payoffs. Japan military potential Ralph Cipriani, the Knapp Commission's expert on gambling Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., said has the technological base to build a today Japan now "truly awesome" payoffs, was asked if plainclothesman William R. Phillips' three-day testimony was consistent with what the former Council OKs vote site switch military machine, one that might easily surpass the agent had uncovered. In a special, five-minute identificaiton cards that list the Patriarche said the city would change the precincts." providing transportation betwml military night of the United States, the Soviet Union on "Yes, it was," replied Cipriani, meeting Thursday the East fire station as the voting location rely on posters, media Patriarche had told the council the fire hall and the Union on I Communist China. who joined the Knapp Lansing City Council formally for the Nov. 2 city council announcements and the move was required to electionday, as well as sounll Commission a year ago after five approved the relocation of the election. advertisements, and did not accomodate more than 5,100 trucks to publicize the ci Declaring that the stakes in the Indochina War are far years as an FBI specialist in campus polling place from the Council candidate George A. consider direct mailing "because newly registered voters in location of the polls, more important that that of a mere "provincial conflict," organized crime and gambling. Shaw Lane fire station to the Colburn criticized the city changing the polling place is not Precinct No. 3. Factors in the He also criticized what he caDtd I Goldwater, the Republican party's 1964 presidential The second witness in the Union Ballroom. council for not authorizing a as important as if we were to decision included inadequate "preordained decision" by tlx I candidate, added. fourth day of the commission's The move will effect more than direct mailing to notify each . ± -U ± parking and a lack of inside council which precluded public I "If most of Asia should fall under the domination of public hearing, Cipriani took the 5,100 newly registered voters registered voter of the switch and UN COIltriDUtGS waiting area at the fire hall incase discussion of the move.| stand after Phillips testified that living on campus (Precinct 3) who said he would spend personal ... .. of bed weather, Patriarche said publid discussion I Communist China then the chances of Japan emerging as a even as he was raking in payoffs are now receiving official voter funds "To make sure every voter milk OllOWOnCGS p . . .. h „ . . 'are not normally scheduled"(oil military power and of the Soviet calling for an armed knows where to vote." . „ , . . resolutions sheduled for a vote I confrontation with China will be vastly increased." City Manager John M. ^OME (AP) - About 2.6 and million Venezuelan children will centraHyadequate moreprovides located onspace campus for b thecouncU LEARN THIS: pnWt jl w«W nft* ******* A********* receive daily allowances o/milk the nine voting machines the city ' LET COOPER FIX YOUR councilmen not up for re-election 1 over a five-year period under a $7 will use, while adequate parking is Nov. 2, said he didn't feel th million aid agreement between available in city lots in the Nobel goes to Neruda : TIMEX WATCHES Venezuela and the UN Food and adjacent business district. would be nay confusion amon(| voters in Precinct 3. #211-^ ! AND ALL BRANDS Agriculture Organization's World Colburn said the city should "I don't yet know what all the! Food take the responsibility for The Nobel Price in Literature was ELECTRIC SHAVERS Program. city will have to do on this, bull awarded Thursday in Stockholm to whatever it is, it's just nfl STUDENT administrative function," he said. I Pablo Noruda, a Communist poet from m°/ lU/o 'O i DISCOUNT Chile who says he tries "to interpret a ABBOTTS L.' little of the soul of all Latin America." COOPER S FIXERY i MERIDIAN ME MALL EPC u Some of his poetry is anti-Yankee, and his writings helped sway public EAST LANSING 349-1994 /W^SMIUNG c|ear Be|1 A|arms FACES opinion to bring the first Marxist government to Chile last year. suspension President Salvador Allende rewarded him by naming him ambassador to of 0.5,4.5 France. At the embassy in Paris, Neruda, 67, told reporters: "Poets believe in Set your sails A recommendation eliminate the 0.5 grade fromir til MSU grading system will pi for fine dining miracles and this time it seems the miracle happened." He had been before teh Academic Council (if its Nov. 2 meeting. considered for the prize for 20 years. The Educational PoM Committee (EPC) will recommend the deletion of the! 0.5 in conjunction with >■ River estate not for sale recommendation to drop thej 4.5. However, recommendations will be gi«l to council for separiwj The State Dept. said Thursday in Washington it has consideration. turned down the Soviet request to purchase a Potomac William D. Collings, cL River estate near the Mount Vernon home of George of the committee, announcwB Washington. $75 last week that the EPC *»■ Speaking for the department, press officer Charles W. "Smiling Face" -Go-Go 2 Bell recommend the elimination ° | Double alarm clock. Has both the 4.5. _ Bray said Secretary of State William P. Rogers decided last week the historical nature of the property sought by the working bells on top and a Collings said the majorie«*»| for recommending the deletion■ bell alarm inside case with 1 Russians made its purchase inappropriate by any foreign of both the 0.5 and the 4.5 kev wind Color co-ordinated the misuse among faculty of ™| government. dials and case available in orange, yellow, and white grades. with green. Size: 3" x 4-1/2" In addition, Collings said ■■ idea of having the 0.5 indicawi ■ AN "degree of failure" did > Watson gets gas chamber IDEAL 319 E. Grand River Ave. meet with general approval GIFT... East Lansing, Mich. the EPC. Like Reef and Beef, a hearty combination of sirloin Charles "Tex" Watson, portrayed by his defense as a steak and a steamed lobster tail. Perfect for your victory NOTICE "withered human being" and 'by his prosecutor as a celebration meal after the game. cold-blooded killer, was decreed death in the gas chamber Thursday in Los Angeles by the samte jury that convicted SALAD BAR SPIRITS him of the seven Sharon Tate murders. Hi Fi Buys is having a free tape recorder clinic Friday, Oct. 22nd from 12 to 9 p.m- Watson, 25, is the fifth and last defendant charged and Engineers from Tandberg will be at Hi-Fi Buys to test the performance of your tape convicted in the August 1969 killings. Charles Manson recorder, any make or model. The evaluation is absolutely free, and you'll receive a graph FINE WINES and three female followers were sentenced to death last of your tape recorder's performance! Here's what the test consists of... April for the slayings of the actress and six others. clean and demagnetize heads ^ check speed and accuracy check frequency response check head alignment v* check distortion levels provide a written performance report Auto failure discovered tS check signal-tonoise ratio is answer any questions you may have STARBOARD v* check wow and flutter The clinic is restrictedto stereo, reel-to-reel, AC operated tape recorders and decks. A TACf( blank reel of tape of the type normally used on Ford Motor Co. said Thursday in Detroit it is asking your unit will be required for the test. If U.S. owners of 12,810 Cortinas and Capris toreturn their you own a Tandberg tape recorder, the Tandberg engineers will perform minor cars to dealers for reinforcement of the steering system. adjustments and repairs on your tape recorder free of charge Ford said metal fatigue could cause steering failure in Serving from 10:30 a.m. - \2 p.m. K the cars, all built between Dec. 1, 1969, and July 31, 1970. The company said failure was most likely during high-effort, low-speed maneuvers such as parking. Ford said that two incidents of steering failure have 1110 Trowbridge Road 351-8720 HI FI BUYS 1101 East Grand River been reported, but neither caused an accident. 337-2310 337 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 22, 1971 3 Buy-back policy defended proposal by the Business Affairs basis on which it covers all bookstores and eliminating the books this buv-back would viplrf SmSssiri'aa s?t£S3Ssi!:r& b®®kPrice- The East Lansing bookstore The merchants told the Figures offered by the "eresetat60percent^''k** merchants Thursday told the Business Affairs Committee that th^proSos^ti^echa^Sbv the ~™™ttee ^ they rely on the bookstore group indicated that a The statement continued: force he V offers for resale half the "$2.50 is not worth it to the the service rendered by the local K K25".ZSZTZU *5 pricing revision would have the S h books he buys per year. Of these, student." 50 per cent are purchased by the No action , ,, . , , . vmouivoo, viiv uiciviiaiiM uticicu a pffppt: ftf H rvincr .in t hp Innnl ncoH -i. iL- rn l was taken by J the dollars students might receive ... . from an increase in the buy-back five.point presentation to the book market, producing severe rate for used books. committee, economic hardships on the buy-back rate. Using an average of $100 per year per student for wasonVy fo"r in form aVion gathering. The merchants made their The presentation emphasized comments and recommendations that the MSU Bookstore could against the proposed increase of only lose money through Signs of times t the buy-back used book rate to 60 per cent, up from 50 per cent at the MSU Bookstore, at an open meeting held by the committee, adopting the 60 per cent buy-back rate, and strongly suggested the maintaining of the pricing status quo. Coal, dock The current buy-back/resale John L. Cote, attorney for the Two pedestrians are stranded in the confusion of rush hour traffic. State News photo by Tom Dolan ratio at all bookstores, as well as the East Lansing University bookstore, is 50/75. A East Lansing Bookstore Assn. and chief spokesman for the merchants at the meeting, said MSU students "enjoy the benefits hurt Perm of low prices in spite of rising WASHINGTON (AP)—The Thursday Crowds jeer speech r r costs" because of the presence of w coal and East Coast dock strikes situation. to review the that hold bonds believe equity is being eroded and have their __ the local bookstores. He added have Put a heavy dent in the While there was some served notice "they would fight that the issue of pricing changes is meager cash reserves of Penn disagreement over how much additional guarantees, a "matter of life and death" for Central, raising fears that the emphasis the trustees place on The bankruptcy court in Home backs mart railroad may soon rush back to the retailers. the possibility of direct Philadelphia would have to I LONDON (AP) Foreign throw Home off balance, giving that." Their point was that the entry Cote hinted darkly at the probable subsidization of the MSU proposed Bookstore pricing" F under policy F the and • ^ee .j sa,dt.he Cpntral Central : *or more help. with the trustees ing bankruptcy four Penn hantriint™ trnctnoc thic government aid, Vance Hartke D-Ind., Wirtz did agree that a request for ™*yr fro|" a direct government loans is among the alternatives being nnnoirls-ws-. *1 Hartke and approve issuance of trustee certificates, allowing bondholders to hold up any cash outlay. The railroad rpresumably this considered. J . . - . .. . . strong signs to suggest that West questioned the legality of .. could operate on a direct lecretary Sir Alecan anticlimactic sense to the people must decide. Europe will have to do much University subisdization of the week with the imoression thev 1 e !.mPres?lon they The trustees apparently government loan while litigation louglas-Hoine said Thursday crucial issues to be decided by Home recovered some of his more for its own defense in the bookstore, .. ... would like cash rather than "* believe that by direct loans they s going on. lembership in Europe's Birtish lawmakers in the next poise when he turned to power future. He said he was sure the additional loan guarantees of the could sidestep court challenges fcmmon Market may represent e'8ht days. Roger E Wilkinson vice Wirtz, however, said the factors implied uy 'The^are^lkin^no^tout euarant^^HoW^Tf4 — by the United - - States win °'d ^rikes have „,.H,|CU Hie unuea oiaies will not desert desert tne the president for business and Britain's last chance to regain Struggling to make himself enlargement of the Common Old World by puUing back its finance said recently the MSU ;Kf .T7 guarantees. Holders of Penn Fenn thre*\wee* created a situation where Penn |T,ts |orld. .„ng parliamentary approval protesters, had some pickeies Thursday a U.S. senator unusual proclaimed "Mr. President, Gravel introduced the Philadelphia. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition rtfhere do you stand 011 Canadian MP's Mark W. Rose "There was no new emphasis foi the principle of British entry in September. Subscription rate is $16 and two members of (Canada's Cannikin?" Cannikin is the code and Leonel Beaudoin his per year. tee shots, tests on the terms negotiated with the name for the test. guests. ™ Rose ' apologized as for on government subsidies," he said, referring to earlier Member Associated Press, United Press International, six-nation continental group. Inland Daily Press But unlike other sign carriers, At the time the President was trying to influence another Association, Michigan Press Association, proposals for outright Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Opposition Laborites, led by Sen. Mike Gravel of Alaska and in the East Room receiving country's actions. government Collegiate Press grants on an Association. the Canadians trotted the credentials of new ambassador While Gravel and his handful h Committee will hold ite ex-Prime Minister Harold Wilson. industrywide basis to help Second class postage paid at East Pennsylvania Avenue sidewalk from Malta, Senegal, Bolivia, of pickets took the spotlight, the Lansing, Mich. Editorial Bonthly free immunization are committed to fight the alleviate a critical freight car and business offices at 345 Student Services c from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. motion though more than 40 are for only 25 minutes before Yugoslavia and Argentina. other protesters gawked like shortage. Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Iturdav at the Lansing Church expected to vote with packing up and leaving the field While Gravel pounded the tourists. Following his Monday lood.m. Ctai^wnwAftSt. fwrty take* IP Mm negUteMi , ,auw.\w«r sidewalk, soldiers from the Gravel said it was the first eating Jteto , _ I f lif. Itferft* Army's fife and drum corps, he'd fhA t nfrrt* v«^' that the terms won by ur.u^ Kir I) 1 i, •_» the Nixon asking . . _ . ■tending are urged to bring a decision to be taken the hecklers ... for a chance to Ateutians. The President has not ■cord of past immunizations yelled and rubbish and explain his "apprehensions that I lie no pizza people DOMINO'S decided whether to halt the test, the test could damage y°u re not getti"g away w,th the "We are acting essentially as environment. There was no of MSU Call 351-7M Whether you have friends visiting or it's just the same old crowd, why bother running out or fixing some¬ thing to eat? Call DOMINO'S for fast, free,delivery- to your door! Just for this weekend Domino's Do you feel like Uncle Sam Trowbridge shop will be open at check-writing time? Some months it feels like you're writing checks off to the whole country. We at East Lansing State Bank can help. Our checking plan is based on how much you use it rather than 40 BIG HOURS to belter serve you. just a minimum balance in your checking or savings account. DOMINO'S Here's how it works. With a $300 maintained balance you MENU automatically get free checking. If your balance falls below $.800, you still receive a 150 credit per Our Superb Cheose Pizza Our hours will be 12-inch Regular Pizza $1.70 $100 multiple average monthly balance and 16-inch Super Pizza $2.50 only 8^ a check. There is a service charge only if Additional Items your average monthly balance falls below $100. So, if you want a flexible checking plan that saves Ham Mushrooms Olivet Green Peppers Pepperoni Ground Beef FRIDAY 4 PM- 3 AM Oniom Fresh Sausage you money without tying it up, come to East Lansing 12-inch Pizza each 30c Slate Bank, your Hometown Bank. Now with 16-inch Super each 50c SATURDAY NOON - 3 AM Trust Set vices. Member: F.D.I.C. Our DeLuxe Pissa—Pepperoni, Mushrooms, .. Ham, Green Pepper, Onion East Lansing State Bank 12-inch Regular Pizza 16-inch Super Pizza $3.00 $4.50 SUNDAY NOON - 1 AM Soft drinks also available. MICHIGAN PRESIDENT'S PERSPECTIVE STATE costs UNIVERSITY Bearing education many variables. Fbr example, it has been has been estimated that in r*cont d pays" for higher education is the said that a college education is worth this "advance in knowledge" h« "H By CLIFTON R. WHARTON JR. determination of "who benefits.' There for 20 per cent of the growth $150,000 to $175,000 to an individual. i„ appeare to be a growing tendency to argue product and 34 per cent in the KEN LYNAM Students finding it increasingly difficult But naturally a student goes to college for of college education may that the consumer — the student receives national income per capita. All 0fJ.k advertising manager to meet the costs reasons other than simply qualifying to the benefit, and hence he should pay the that benefit, and should help to find it a matter of vast indifference to be achieve a higher income. He presumably cost. pay DAVE PERSON, managing editor told that colleges and universities — the will enhance his ability to enjoy life as In summary, no one would CHARLIE CAIN, tity editor corporate bodies — also are finding However, there is uncontested evidence well, for example, and this is a private student should pay his fair disagree, JOHN BORGER, campus editor themselves in increasingly difficult that the person receiving the education benefit. a costs of his education, even share 0r^ BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor financial positions. Certainly students have does not reap all of the rewards. Society though hT RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor enough worries of their own on this score gains substantial rewards as well. And it is But what are the social benefits? They are likely to be disagreements ast0w7! constitutes fair — the cost of education has been mounting because society has benefited so can be roughly divided into two classes: a share. vVh,t steadily at the rate of 15 per cent a year. substantially that we have publicly Those which enhance the individuals objectionable is the presently escaUti" Seven -time recipient of the Pacemaker award shift away from public But the strained circumstances of supported primary and secondary capacities to contribute to the community support to private support for outstanding journalism. American colleges and Universities concern then, directly or indirectly, both do education, and publicly supported higher education (for fewer individuals) as well as a citizen, and those which contribute to the increased productivity of the economy. - by students then!U« of education and citizens If this trend persists, there will be as consumers as for many decades. 'lTiese are almost impossible to calculate seven! who have inherited the serious consequences. Not the responsibilities of accurately, and because they are so lesst The difficulty and confusion arise when these will be to raise new barriers to hirij EDITORIALS citizenship along with the new privilege of helping to make public policy at the polls. it comes to determining the value of the difficult to document, their significance is often discounted or overlooked. education for the disadvantaged, just wu Students may think of universities as benefits which accrue to the student and to some of the traditional barriers are falling possessors of vast wealth, and indeed some society, and apportioning the costs TTiere is another major contribution A second will be an adverse effect on tj IRS not inves of them are, but the fact remains that 540 public and private institutions, including a third of all U.S. universities, are in serious accordingly. It is possible to make estimates of the of higher education which isnot understood. It is the contribution in the form of "advance in knowledge," well allocation of resources within university, and upon the structure of the university itself. I shall hope to disci ife value of economic benefits to the student, these consequences in a later column. financial difficulty. This was the recent but they are only estimates because of the accomplished mainly through research. It real fee refund finding of the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, which commented also that an additional 1,000 educational institutions are headed towards serious The fee refund policy imbroglio in the form of refunds for dropped financial problems in the near future. continues. Now the Internal Revenue courses. The legislature proceeded to Like a father who must turn to Service (IRS) has decided to drop this part of the MSU moonlighting to meet his family's investigate the University cut on appropriation, forcing the expenses, policy makers are searching for alternative sources of support for higher refunds for courses dropped by administration either to reduce education. In this search, there has students. The IRS has received a educational services or to change the developed one trend which must be of number of complaints charging that refund policy. Rather than increase concern to students: the trend toward the new fee refund policy is in essence costs for all students, the shifting a larger and larger share of the a reduction of services in violation of costs to students themselves. administration chose only to penalize Our university derives the greater part of the wage price freeze. those who drop courses. its support from tax dollars. So it is That the new policy changes the In as large a University as MSU, significant that student fees and tuition as conditions of registration at Michigan however, students need to be able to a percentage of general fund revenues for State cannot be denied. Under the drop and add courses without penalty Michigan's public degree-granting new policy students who drop courses for at least a couple of days. There is baccalaureate institutions have mounted from 21 in 1960-61 to 26 in 1965-66 to 30 are forced to pay for services not no way a student can determine per cent last year, and the percentage of being rendered by the University. If a before registration the nature of every tax contributions has declined in student is enrolled in a class but one course for which he has enrolled. proportion. day, he must still pay half tuition Forcing students wanting to drop a Those who are obligated to worry about unless he adds a class of equal credit class to either endure an experience such things — trustees and presidents, for value. example — have a companion worry: why they do not enjoy or to suffer economic is public support declining? There are The new policy plainly takes unfair penalties places them in a completely many theories, but underlying all of them advantage of students, especially in unfair situation. is the haunting fear that people are M I KNOW—YOU'RE JUST TOO light of the wage price freeze. beginning to disparage the basic rationale 'YOU'RE ELATED!' OVERCOME TO SAY ANYTHING.' However, the IRS might do better to When next year's appropriation is for public support of higher education. investigate the real culprit-the state determined, the University and the Now, the central issue in deciding "who legislature. legislature must work out a means for In hearings on the higher education students to drop and add courses at appropriations bill earlier this year, MSU without penalty. The present MICHAEL FOX the, legislature found that part of the situation cannot be allowed to MSU appropriation is paid to students continue. South campus panorama Developing I live on the sixth floor of Wilson Hall in South Complex :The window in my room view and promises to erect an artificial barrier, closing in on the fourth side of activists. The other side sees the highway as a students could vote in college towns hin forced both community and students to avoid room faces south offering a panoramic view of the campus, less developed regions of MSU's such as Baker Woodlot in the campus that is now bordered by three other main roads. At last Thursday's public hearing on the boon to mankind that will alleviate many transportation problems in Ingham County. The constituency of this group affect an uneasy integration. The iroi twist and seems to be that while East Lansinf Meridian Township desire to distance. highway, the speakers largely concerned includes the State Highway Dept., East Residence hall management this operations including meals and linen cross-campus route, MSU anti-highwij Although it is an intangible benefit of themselves with their own personal desires Lansing city government, Meridian forces are not willing to abandon tin week began processing rebates for service started Sept. 21, the residence hall life, the serenity and ease of about the cross-campus route, much as I Township, many businesses, and probably sanctuary of a campus devoid of a those 1200 students who found administration apparently mind afforded by living in a campus versus am expressing my environmental concerns the majority of the local non-MSU feels no highway. a commercial setting is a satisfying reason in this column. themselves housed in triples in the obligation to make amends for triple community. for living in Wilson Hall or most other The hearing was a well planned, In other words, the highway issue sets The obligation of MSU to the M residence halls this fall. situations that existed for two full residence halls. successfully executed forum to provide two traditionally diameterical community is a very serious one which Hi While the $3 a week per student weeks before Oct. 4. Those who lived From my window I see the rambling trustees with some thoughtful commentary groups—student and community—in trustees realize. Although MSU has itsoi rebate provides some sort of financial in triples for three weeks will receive fields through which the Grand Trunk on which to base the decision they must opposition of the most on one police and public works departments,? but $3; for four weeks, $6; and for railroad tracks run, the structure of Power make in November. Unlike those who controversial local projects in recent compensation for those students still relies on East Lansing for ran Plant 65 which uses nonpolluting natural spoke at the hearing, however, the trustees history. The local community, as forced to tolerate the difficulties of five weeks, $9. services including fire protection. Neil gas fuel, and the coeds queued up at the must remain above personal emotions and illustrated by the East Lansing city clerk's the University or the city is really enjoyir* three people occupying a room barely The only fair means to handle these bus stop outside Holden Hall. consider only the total good of the infamous history of refusing to register a parasitic relationship: both have beena large enough for two, an inequity rebates is to distribute them over the Also from my window I can see the University and the community. student voters, has not always taken a must be good neighbors. appears in terms of the time period full period for which students pay route of the proposed cross-campus There are some who view the highway as shine to the MSU school boys and girls. the rebate covers. room and board. Since empirical highway, a plan that would put four lanes a demon rising up out of a swamp: a Similiarly while the students have never Some of those in East Lansing pwp of concrete through the fields where I terrible, harmful, and alarming thing. This fully accepted East Lansing as a haven for According to Robert Underwood, evidence indicates most triples were are already concerned about MSU's pow often see students taking walks. That group is made up almost solely of informed director of residence halls, the rebate broken down by the second week of youth, recent actions such as the lowered of limiting on campus driving, forcing proposed highway threatens my pastoral students, some faculty, and the ecological age of majority and the court ruling that parking problem onto the nearby ci will only be paid to students for the classes, the present rebate policy streets. If the trustees should decide agaw period commencing Oct. 4, the start allows the University to dodge most approving a cross-campus route, of the second week of classes. of its rebate commitments. Granted it friendly integration of MSU and » Underwood maintains that it is very may be difficult to determine where OUR READERS' MIND Lansing might be jeopardized. difficult to determine where triples triples existed before Oct. 4. existed before that date, so students Nonetheless this must be done. So while I personally, and many otli because of living in triples for the two prior weeks will not receive rebates. Despite the fact that residence hall Inventing red tape to deprive students of their due compensation cannot be tolerated. Colburn, Griffiths opportunistic oppose the highway potential noise, air and of the campus environment, we aesthetic polM realize and understand the entire must pictutt To the Editor: special interest group (albeit a group forgetting that two other candidates are hope this issue can be resolved for the Three weeks ago I was intending to vote currently being taken advantage of by full-time members of the MSU faculty. possible benefit of all concerned. for George Colburn and George Griffiths other special interests). This sort of dishonesty by omission is Make plans for East Lansing City Council. Presently I am not prepared to vote for either of them. But I think the most serious offense of Colburn and Griffiths was the appearance the sort of thing I would expect from candidates of the likes of Max Phillips and Duane Bone. I do not expect I thought they might like to know which of their recent actions prompted my change of mind. of a handbill in which the two portrayed themselves as the sole representatives of the University community, conveniently representatives of the present college this from generation, which despite its faults is at Vets' march The return of the bicycle as a against motorist on public least honest and ideologically candid. First, I was swayed by the manner in popular mode of transportation has All in all, it appears to me that Colburn thoroughfares- a highly dangerous which their supporters continued to push During this homecoming tele ra ' been a nationwide phenomenon - and Griffiths, while attacking the practices situation. the campaign spending issue, apparently Letter one which has been particularly for publicity purposes, after it was clear Policy of Messrs. Bone and Phillips, are Veterans for Peace ask you those MSU alumni who gave to ren? their i ifl There is more to the bicycle that the other two candidates involved nevertheless adopting all of their favorite apparent on the MSU campus. Bikes World War II. Korea, and Vietnam. problem, however, than chaotic would not be subject to prosecution. Also, The State News welcomes all letters. techniques, with the single exception of have always been popular at MSU, but spending money. Colburn and Griffiths are Veterans for Peace ask V0"' traffic flow. There are not enough I have not appreciated the "power to the They must be typed (preferably to a this year there are more of them than beginning to impress me as political commemorate their sacrifice by i01"1 j bike racks in many areas on campus, people" tone of their rhetoric, since it is 65-space line and triple - spaced, dated, and ever, some 9,500. over-emotional and designed to cater to a signed with the hometown, student, opportunists who have little of substance the effort to bring an immediate en Little has been done to accomodate forcing students to chain their bikes faculty or staff standing and local phone to contribute to the city council. If this further bloodshed in Southeast Asia. to trees and fences. This in turn number included. No unsigned letter will opinion is premature and erroneous, I wish Veterans for Peace also ask t this rapid influx of bikes on campus. ^ creates a hazard for handicapped be accepted for publication, and no letter they would enlighten me and set the record ex-service men and women )oint ' Presently all bike paths on campus run east and west, an extreme hardship for bicyclists who may prefer to travel in persons. break a It also forces bike riders to University ordinance To the Editor: Right on will be printed without a signature except in highly unusual circumstances. Letters should be addressed to The Editor, State straight. Howard Brody in the Monday evening. Lansing Veterans Mci i Day Veterans . for n,# another direction. requiring bicyclists to use bike racks. I wonder why, in such times of social stress East Lansing graduate student News, 345 Student Services Bldg., MSU, The lack of bike paths in many areas and turmoil, moldy questions like why a 5'4" East Lansing, Mich. 48823. Oct. 18, 1971 With cold weather rapidly on campus force bicyclists to either guard can play basketball at MSU can take approaching, the bike craze is due to up several column inches of valuable SN illegally use the sidewalks, which are die down for a few months. However newsprint... on the editorial page yet! I TOLD ALL ABOUT H0U) FIERCE UJHAT SORT OF A 6RAPE often overcrowded with pedestrians, all indications show bikes will be back Seriously now, you could have put James 6VLIY CAT5 ARE, AMP I EVEN PIP YOUR TEACHER 6IVE W? especially between classes; or the Humes' burning question on why we don't THREW IN A BIT ABOtTT HOW bigger than ever spring term. Local press until 20 pts. down next to Rick THEY ARE IMMUNE TO THE BITE streets, where bicyclists seriously transportation systems need to be Ai Gosselin or someplace couldn't you; OF THE DREAPEPOJEEN 5NAKE interfere with the flow of traffic. The adjusted to handle the increased Sometimes I wonder about you people on mi situation in the City of East Lansing is similar. The complete absence of bike paths in East Lansing pits bicyclist bicycle traffic. The present chaotic conditions cannot be permitted to continue in the future. the editorial staff. Right on Duff and Ganakl. Steve Roman Sterling Heights junior Oct. 14,1971 ^StnmnSBSSSBS M Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 22, 1971 5 Agnew praises Greek leader ATHENS (AP) - Vice liberalization of the authoritarian of President Spiro T. Agnew said military aid to Athens unless highly intelligent and Athens regime. He has extended very frank timetable for a return to "I do not want to President Nixon rules it to be P Thursday he is convinced that compliments to Papadopoulos overridingly in U.S. security man whom, I am convinced, representative rule, and offered the President is imply that going to fly in the Greek intends to return his country to -/ Premier George for progress in such areas as interests. assurances that U.S. military aid face of congressional opinion, Papadopoulos "intends to return health, education and welfare. representative government," would continue. because the Congress has left him his country to Agnew said that to his surprise Agnew said. "Were this not so, he representative The State Dept. has he had received no Aboard his Air Force jet in a an option to exercise, which I • government." He did not request in would not have been say pronounced the return of Athens for increased aid. He said news conference would think he will exercise [ when. instrumental in the promulgation embargoed for democracy in Greece a primary Papadopoulos indicated that the of the constitution that calls for publication Thursday, Agnew without questions." Agnew, relaxing in Athens, has goal of U.S. policy. The The same foreign aid bill carries government "expects to make said he was sure that if Congress in five days of conferences and | tours uttered Papadopoulos regime has been greater efforts on its own in the exactly that.. Greek diplomatic sources have adopted a ban on military aid, a provision limitingmilitary aid to no public word that criticized in Congress where the future to fill in some voids in Nixon would overrule it. Greece to the current level of would been quoted as saying that Agnew . . . imply pressure, or House has approved legislation their defense structure. $118 million. persuasion, for that would ban the $118 million made no attempt to persuade the The vice president said prompt "... I found the premier a military The vice president government to move on any aid to Greece is indeed "a matter played tennis Thursday at the Athens of overriding importance to the Lawn Tennis Club. There was no United States. ." and there official business on his . was, therefore, schedule, Cooperative no doubt in his mind and a spokesman said no formal that the presidential option to conferences are planned before continue aid "would have to be he leaves exercised." Saturday for Washington. 1971 organizes North American Student Cooperative cooperative to co-op food and craft stores. MS is aimed at cooperatives and communal HOMECOMING SPECTACULAR Organization, Inc. (NASCO), a year-old He added, NASCO is serving as a clearing service groups exclusively." group designed to promote house for information on co-op enterprises The organization is new non-profit institutions for the student through a bi-weekly newsletter, and also nationally and Jones said that it would be a while before a community in the United States and publishes a catalog titled "The Community local organization is firmly established. But Canada, recently established an MSU Market Guide." as the publication of the catalog indicates, chapter. "The Community Market Guide*' is being Mr. (.lean NASCO trustee member, James R. "we're already doing things," Jones said. Jones, published locally, and Jones said it should be Grand Rapids graduate Today Jones and 11 others will be goi ng to student, said all available shortly. Toronto to participate with NASCO institutions are owned and "It's a combination of catalog and nearly 1,000 beamng windows can be a chore, especially when they are controlled by the people they serve. people in a conference jointly sponsored by L numerous as those in a greenhouse. They magazine," he said. One person called it a NASCO and the range from an 800-member high rise United States Youth "Whole Earth Catalog" in reverse, in that it Council. State's small farms diminish I continuing trend toward released through the productivity of each average size of the state's farms example," said Ball, "of the Service in and larger farms in federal-state Crop Reporting Lansing. Between 'Census statistics indicate se.rious economlc Posit.ion 1964 and 1969, he said, three ^an, while the number of Service, said, "When you realize Michigan had 13,807,240 acres jndicattont?^ thi"* f.ifures' which most of the state's small counties in the state, Houghton, [TOMORROW OCT. 23 [dual farms continues to that, at the time the 1969 8:15 p.m. Hie. is reported by B. Dale ■ director of the Michigan agricultural census was taken, in farmland in 1880, a figure which continued to crow until up to UP u 499Tcr^ u ,ai:rfS ? farmers find themse,ves- Montmorency and Marquette,reported an almost 40 IN THE " Michigan Ihad less land in farms reaching a reacmng peak aDui a peaK abut 1920 iazu " Ball ban !?um per 0601 while Agriculture census figures are UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM farms over 500 acres per cent decline in the amount | of Agriculture. than before 1880, you become pointed out. that t,me,t increased in compiled every five vears of farmland. The state's overall 1, commenting on figures aware of the increased has been shrinking untU in 1969 ^ by 9.5 ^ ^ acco?ding tQ ££ average was a drop of 12.5 RESERVED SEATS: S5, S4. S3 the state ,eport!d acres in farmland," 11,900,689 " ,s simpli' another Crop Reporting cent. per TICKETS AT THE UNION \frican wax "The acreage Michigan during 1970 was harvested in low native approximately one milion less than 1965," Ball indicated, "but FREE DELIVERY! total production remained constant." ■ Kenyan artist hoping to Objects produced in Peace rve and spread elements of Corps villages compose about 15 jn culture has created and per cent of the store's stock, ..... to the United States batiks, Belaski said, adding that it was his ix prints, of the people and intention to inform people inf the batiks is returned to pna. who uses it to support ■amily and his employes, 68 Toyota Corona 2 door Hardtop economical standard $1595 transmission, spotless inside and ^(isaid. out, nearly new tires. $ 1195 1 store also sells goods |ied through other Peace 70 Hornet 4 door Sedan ' members, including automatic transmission, 6 cylinder, low mileage, and an brand pottery and Kenyan new tires. I figures. $1595 fiefs hangings c a l 66 Chevrolet Caprice 4 door Hardtop automatic transmission, V8, full power. The condition of this car must be seen to be believed. 69 Toyota Corolla 2 door Sedan $1095 FREE DELIVERY! . tittle Cae^ standard transmission, gleaming white finish, whitewalls, and low mileage. |AKA, Zambia (AP) — Th' $1195 of Chiefs passed ■ution calling on Tnment to introduce th WHEELS TOYOTA public USED CARS Pgs for those convicted o,' i robbery. 2112 E. Michigan 372-0975 Our Best $46000 System ON CAMPUS DELIVERY COMPLETE WITH 3 YEAR SYSTEM WARRANTY ON PARTS & LABOR ONY 5 tc W e've combined some top-flite components in our $460.00 system to bring you what we OFF CAMPUS/CIRCLE DRIVE feel is the best sound available at this price. 337-1631 The SONY STR 6045 receiver delivers 20 V 1071 T rowbridge watts RMS continuous 1203 E. Grand River power per channel over the FULL audio frequency range. The Garrard SL72Bautomatic turntable, com¬ plete with base, dust cover and EMPIR E 999 PE/X magnetic °ur Popular cartridge for tracking UNDER 1.5grams West Mark V speaker. A three way acoustic sus¬ Little Caesars 50c OFF 50 pension system with 12" on a medium woofer, 6" midrange and 3" tweeter Separately these components would sell for over $565.00 or large pizza r45 Ann Street ^zza Beat . 402 S. Washington fast Lansing (1 item or more) 1j ^ / MA Lansing Good Thru October 26 rs,/ B"s'n#,\ Lansing's only (with this coupon) display of totally enclosed component 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan % Jesus freak groups grow : : T . ■ * • advertised a coffee house a student room in Abbot Hall had premarital sex, drugs and much of Now some of her best friends are By KATHERINE NEILSEN featuring entertainment, eight members last year. Last women's liberation. They are over 30 refreshments and of ail things, Jesus Christ. There are now W^iL24,rPle,attrfd- Regardtes of what may K. aggre®?ve ^angelists. They are be non-stop talkers about their The United States is no stranger A small Pentecostal to spiritual revivals; it's had prayer several such coffee houses in the thought about .t, the nat.onw,de favonte subjects-Jesus, whom several. But there is something group meeting at St. John's East Lansing-Lansing area, and Jesus movement «s her^-and .ts they regard as an intimate, new about the one Ms. Peter* Catholic Student Center since many people who attend them member are increasing personal saviour. Their mood describes. The "Jesus freaks", as 1968 has suddenly increased this are forming prayer groups and Most fall mtoageneral pattern: seems nothing less than ecstatic, they are called, are forming year by 25 or 30 people. Bible studies and living together A recent ad in a State News in "Jesus houses". fundamentahsts They read the ..N° thousands °"f kn„OWS there how inma"y are the religious communities that know their own. They are eager for new "It's What's Happening" column A Bible-study group meeting in Bible daily. They frown on country, but 8,000 recently members and they are thinking gathered in Sacramento, Calif, to big. celebrate a "Spiritual Revolution At the national level, the life • International Student Congi Campus There s an excitement in the Evangelism to be held p on air affirmed Liz Peters, , Dallas, Texas, in 1972, expects Muskegon junior. Ms. Peters, an 100,000 people to attend. Jesus early member of the campus people predict it will be the movement, was once "Christian Woodstock". 4 nigh of terr Episcopalian. She said the Jesus movement is different in that, to He converts you to himself, not a set of rules. He's Locally, the MSU Campus Crusade for Christ is somewhat unhappy about campus media your total coverage of the Jesus movement, security, Fie s your self. **The world needs 8 return to Insane asylum inmates, cave second annual "Scream in the possible interest include the Last summer, Ms. Peters fundamental Christianity" staff women and assorted monsters Dark''will open the doors of the funeral parlor, psycho room and "witnessed" to old friends in 225? Swtt h£?d .^cenUy and freaks will be hanging around this weekend and next for four House at 7 p.m. today, Saturday, Friday and Oct. 30 next week. sp^r room. Students will also be able to Muskegon. "They thought I was loony, and told the State News «, know a J Con ten tnwnt of Christians who are praying for mghts of terror at the Haunted Visitors are expected to be gone meet the "mad surgeon" and see that I was trying to convert House 404 W. St. Barney White and Rick Wilbins on Joseph at by 11 p.m. the home's crematorium. them," she said. Happily, she (State News columnists) Don't Walnut, Lansing. The 42-room house will have 20 Strobe and black lights will discovered and joined a be surprised if you see some Framed by water, rocks and fallen leaves, this duck seems content to feed and s Sponsored by Campus Life, the horror scenes. Freaky rooms of the Red Cedar River. State News photo by Chuck a(jorn the rooms as will various fast-growing prayer group there, change in attitude " Bradley visual illusions. A nine-track UNIVERSITY Are You Tired Of sound system will give an extra SEVENTH-DAY 'Playing Church"? ghoulish atmosphere. OPEN TO EVERYONE Admission is $1.50 or $1.25 ADVENTIST CHURCH United Pentecostal Church with a coupon. For a coupon and 360 Clement (near more information concerning Sabbath School Worship Service K. G. Smith, pastor 9:30 11:00 the Sveden House) Pastor: special group rates, contact Campus Life: 4215 W. Mount Hope, Lansing. Church offers spiritual retreat Rev. Ron Hackworth The nights of terror will be 149 Highland Ave. relived at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 30 in day period of spiritual renewal or attend the Cursillo, living in a Cursillo secretariat, said the meditation. Call 351-8994 if you Phone: 372-4755 Gardener Jr. High at 333 Dahlia need transportation Dr., Lansing, through Instant awakening similar to a weekend close community atmosphere, Cursillo is open to everyone, and Although the first ereninl Replay. Cursillo people will be holding retreat. including priests and laymen of "sometimes has more impact on the Cursillo calls for silenttl ST. JOHNS their monthly meeting, Ultreya, after the 7:30 p.m. mass, Oct. 26 Cursillo people who wish to relive their weekend different races, educations and non-Catholics than Catholics." They go in lacking previous during a weekend retreat attempt is made to create! J THE People will be able to see films experience backgrounds. EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY STUDENT CENTER of the Haunted House and meet at St. Casimir Church, 738 participate in the voluntary The priests and laymen, experience with the Catholic atmosphere of friendship! 327 M.A.C. the monsters in person. Sparrow Ave., Lansing. Ultreya. forming a team, present 15 talks faith and sometimes have a more conviviality with scssioal AT M.S.U. New Mass Schedule — Potter's Clay, a musical group, Cursillo, Spanish for 'little Usually beginning on a over the weekend concerning deeper reaction, he explained. singing and joking, he said.] will entertain. course in Christianity," is a three Thursday and ending on a theological matters and their Because women are "more Cursillo atmosphere is genu Sundays: 6;00 p m> Sunday, the Cursillo attempts to application to daily living. high-powered and religious," the more free and easy. 9:00 p.m. Charismatic Crusade first Cursillo is usually for the After the various t. The Rev. Jack Hilyard, Chaplain Central United Methodist convey a new sense into a Contemporary ideals, the with person's Christian faith. sacraments and modern theology men, who need more prodding, presented throughout theperi 11:15 Across from the Capitol ALL SAINTS CHURCH Rev. E. A. Manley Approximately 40 people are some of the topics. Others Kress said. community picture sessions! Saturday: 6:30 p.m. WORSHIP SERVICE Oct. 26 to Nov. 7 revolve around study, action and Central acts during the Cursillo held, where groups of fivepwl Communal Penance 7:30 p.m. nitely 9:45 & 11:00 include a community mass, followed by Mass living in today's environment. get together and draw what J except Mon, & Sat. UNIVERSITY John B. Kress, member of the rosary, communion and discussed. 7:00 p.m. Sundays 9:45 & 11 a.m. "What Does It Cost?" St. Johns East and 7:00 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Across from Hubbard on Rev. Robert Behs FIRST ASSEMBLYof GOD 4608 South Hagadorn Hagadorn 1125 Weber Dr. 9:45 11:15 Nursery, Toddlers. Klndergarte John D. Walden Pastor Organization - (1 bl. N. of E. Gr. River at 9:45 AM Daily: (M.A.C.) Downer) Church School 8:00 1 2:30 4:30 For traosportation call 10:45 a.m. St. John's East Mon. thru Thurs. 9:30 p.m. -<184-6640 485-9477 Bus Schedule 332-8472 Bernie Smith, Guest Speaker | 11:00 A.M. UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN School of Worship Discipleship 6:45 Sunday School studies Jewish CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE EAST LANSING JRINITY CHURCH 841 Timberlane Drive 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River By KAREN ZURAWSKI than student and teacher," she establishment of Israel as Discussion Groups 9j30 a.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH State News Staff Writer stressed. "It's not a school Since the birth of Israel, 1 Stanley R. Reilly, 1 East Lansing Israeli and the Jewish heritage situation." group has focused on obtaial (Disciples of Christ) Acting Pastor ALWAYS OPEN A wide range of activities are further knowledge about £ Telephone: 351-8200 Nursery 1001 Chester Rd. (one block and the focus at the bimonthly meetings of Hasachar, the youth included in the program ranging and the Jewish culture, isn histtj Interdenominational Minister, Kail Ruffner Campus Minister, north of Grand River at a from cook-outs and arts and and current events. organization of the national . 9:45 a.m. Gary Hawes University Class point 1/3 mi. west of Zionist group Hadassah. crafts to informal Hebrew 6:00 p.m. 351-7844 351-8232 Frandor) The sessions. Ms. Simon said Hashactel Keith Hunt, Guest Speaker Sunday discussion Worship services at 8:30 & groups, held in area homes, are A $3.75 dues is charged for the strongest American-Is® 7:00 p.m. Transportation youth organization interested ie Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 11:00 a.m. College Age class composed of children between the entire year which furnishes a at 9:30 a.m. the fourth and eighth grades. monthly magazine and a promoting Judaism inJP LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES Christian Reformed Church For transportation, call In Hashachar, Hebrew for the membership card. United States. The g Hadassah, a community group emphasizes pride in beingm 337-1246 and ask for Dale. dawn, the boys are separated and a love of what it t0 and Student Center from the girls until the eighth that was organized in 1927, has national besides a knowledge of Israel. | grade where co-ed sessions are a membership of 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) for Students at held. 10,000 people. The Michigan A college group Hamagsh for Students and Faculty at University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel The separation occurs because organization began last will also be starting soon. Visit our new Student Center Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Road of a difference in learning September, and has 332-0778 open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. Grand River interests between the two approximately 250 members. For more information con 332-2559 Lunch Wednesday 12:30-1:30 groups. For instance, Before 1948, the Zionist Louis Simon, 1000 Wit at Collingwood Entrance girls in Pastor David Kruse East Lansing the younger grades are supposed group worked to bring about the Dr., E. Lansing. MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE to be more interested in the Sunday Services 11:00 AM 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Lesson Sermon Subject ■ songs and dances of Israel than Muslims start WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP are the boys. "Probation Rev. Brink Rev. Hoksbergen Under the guidance of a 8:15 a.m. Matins 1st and 3rd Communion After Death" 9:15 a.m. Common Service 9:30 and 11:00 "Elected For A Purpose" college student, groups of Common Service 2nd and 4th 10:30 a.m. for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 approximately 10 students each, month-long fast| Matins 9:30 only Wednesday Testimonial Meeting 11:30 a.m. New Expressions spend two hours talking about* 8:00 p.m. Israeli history and related topics. EDGEWOOD UNITED CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEMOS Sunday School to age 20 Slides and articles are used to 469 N. Harrison 11:00a.m. 4684 MARSH ROAD stimulate discussion, Louis An Ecumenical Fellowship Worship Service and Church School (near Meijers Thrifty Acres) Reading Room Temporarily Simon, a local program Ramadan, a month-long fast marking the revelation of the Koj 9:30 and 11:00 Sermon by Dr. Truman A. Morrison Located in Church coordinator said. to Mohammed began Tuesday, which Muslims observe with astiP 332-0606 332-8693 6 P-m- dawn to sunset fast. 11 a.m. or An unaffiliated church proclaiming the OPEN "It is taught in ways other Service Bus Schedule Meeting Bible as THE WORD of The Living God. Weekdays 9 ■ 5 p.m. The 200 families or students of MSU, members of the Mufl 10:35 Yakeley, Williams 5:38 Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri, Student Assn., will observe Ramadan by abstention from drinkM 10:38 Brody complex (at blinking light on Harrison Rds.) eves 7 -9p.m. eating, smoking, taking medicine and chewing gum. Sick persons and pregnant and Sunday Services nursing women are exempt.Tt 5:40 10:40 Wilson (at Univ. bus stop on Birch Rd.) All are welcome to are expected to 10:41 Wonders & Holden (at Univ. bus stop on Wilson Rd 5:41 keep the fast as soon as they are able, however. The Muslims begin 10:42 Case (at Univ. bus stop on Chestnut) 5:42 9:45 A.M. Bible School Classes for all ages attend church fasting two hours before dawn, but a services and visit sunset, break the fast and eat what they want. Owen Hall (on Bogue St. Circle) 5:43 11:00 A.M. Worship Service and use the reading - 10:43 6:00 P.M. Junior & Senior High Fellowships Special prayers, in addition to the five daily prayers, area pan°| room. this fast, but are not 10:45 Shaw dorms (brU 5:45 7:00 P.M. Praise Service compulsory. , f 10:48 stop in front of 5:48 8:30 P.M. Counibus (a college university, business Ramadan is one of the five pillars of the Muslim religion, constitute the Muslim's duties. The other four are: wni^ an acceptance J youth rap & snak session) PEOPLES CHURCH Allah and of Mohammed as Allah's apostle, daily prayer, aWr 10:50 Akers & Fee (circle di i in front of Conrad) and a pilgrimage to Mecca. 1 10:53 McDonel & Holmes (I Iriveway betw. 2 complexes) Winthrop E. Robinson, Pastor Phones 349-2830, 349-2533 EAST LANSING The Muslim Student Assn. holds a noon 106 International Center. prayer every FridaS'l 10:55 front of each side) SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 1518 S. Washington Lansing the The Winds of God J Sunday 7 p.m. SUNDAY SERVICES wedding what will take place on earth and in Heaven as God's providential 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. ' 'in'iit begins? of her dreams . . • 9:45 A.M. College Bible Class in the fireside room. begins at Dr. Ted Ward, MSU, Teacher Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor Jon Anthony CHURCH SCHOOL James Emery Youth Pastor 11:00 A.M. 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. Crib through Adults Florist "God'sNew World" FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Coffee Hour Call 482-0754 for information. After Services Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 22, 1971 7 323 E. Grand River JOINS FORGES PH. 351-5380 WITH ELEKTR bringing yon the lowest prices possible on these labels! (for 8 limited time) ATCO RACOON ATLANTIC REPRISE BROTHER ROLLING STONE BIZARRE SGC CAPRICORN STRAIGHT COTILLION WARNER BROS. ELEKTRA and maybe one or two others ROCK—JAZZ—BLUES—R&B LIST SALE DOORS JETHRO TUIL GRATEFUL DEAD STONES ALLMAN BROS. JONI MITCHELL YES KINKS FACES DR. JOHN JUDY COLLINS ARETHA JAMES TAYLOR LED ZEPPELIN BLACK SABBATH MOBY CRAPE DAVID CROSBY TASTE TIM BUCKLEY PENTANGLE MOTHERS ARLO GUTHRIE NAZZ BEACH BOYS stay cool,don t freak... ALICE COOPER MC 5 if uie don't have it in T-REX just to name HENDRIX a few f I stock we'll order it FLEETWOOD MAC ZAPPA for ya at the sale price BUTTERFI ELD J. CEILS NEIL YOUNC 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Experts BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) — Soviet espionage in Western say although both Kremlin are reported to have been Mends, belonged to spy cent of them in the pay operation intact of the East German government. manufacturer said was reserved for the military. Europe has been hit hard by two defections in a month, but Soviet commercial missions in the West, and abandoned their Status obscure Experts say the Sovieta have made an extra push in experts from North Atlantic countries say the Kremlin's spy families when they defected. Britain had over 500 Soviet citizens, France 430, Belgium 175. years on scientific and Industrial spying. neP*l( apparatus is not basically endangered. Their importance is attested by the number of people involved. These do not include people from East European countries under The Soviets can develop their own science and inrf "The apparatus is still a solid operation, and it's been effective their space exploration has shown, but It U often over many years," one of them said Wednesday. "But some But officials with experience of underground intelligence work Communist rule, whose status at home is often obscure. Many are a*'» chinks are beginning to show. There has been a weakening of point out that a basic principle is to limit an agent's knowledge of other agents strictly on the basis of "need to know." refugees, others are professionals or businessmen. Any of them also may be spies. sttnctt^"" "** ,•,low', loyalties, even among these privileged people. People who organize spies are like marine architects: They Belgium's importance as a spy target has grown since the "The personnel policies of the Soviet security agencies seem to be slipping. There may be mofe defections." —Oleg Lyalin, 34, whose turn-around in London was followed divide their work Into watertight compartments, to limit damage in case of accidents. Soviet intelligence in Western two accidents in a month, but It Is far from sinking. Europe has had establishment here four years ago of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and its top European military headquarters. Scaldia-Votga, agent for Soviet autos in Belgium, has its Colleagues by Britain's expulsion of 105 Soviet citizens. —Anatoly Tcheboratev, 38, who disappeared from Belgium and was taken to the United States. Belgian police say he furnished A former top Scotland Yard man, now retired, said the basics of Soviet spy information comes from diplomats. One-a-year headquarters only a mile and a half from NATO. Belgium also claims the attention of Soviet spies because it is the headquarters of both the European Common Market and to departing UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) names of nearly 40 Soviet agents in Belgium. The government has "The real operational spy boys are outside that in some other about 180 U.S. business firms, many fellow executives in the UN - Secretary-General ir of which share industrial family gavehima going aw.v not yet decided what to do about them. cover. If you get one, that's your lot. You get no one else, most secrets with Belgians. _ . Thursday. Many Belgians would dislike doing anything that might Car market times," he said. It was a silver box to put his cigars in. On the endanger the prospect of talks with Moscow on military force box« Richard Gerken, former chief of counterespionage in the West Joseph Beherman, a Belgian who used to run the Scaldia-Volga reading: "U Thant, may you enjoy long life and great h reductions. German office for state security, estimates there are 16,000 operation for the Soviets, said he could not refuse Soviet requests Link missing Thant, who is Burmese, will leave at the end of this Soviet and other Communist agents in his country at any given to buy models of other cars for them. But he said he drew the serving two five-year terms as secretary-general. So far, no solid information linking the two men has appeared, time. Last year 768 were reported uncovered, more than 80 per line when they asked him to get a vehicle the American COME AND CELEBRATE! FESTIVAL 71 a time for Six Outstanding Beginning Sunday, Young artists of exceptional talent deserve to have more opportunities for public performance. Audiences lu composed of younger and older generations alike respond enthusiastically to the music-making of gifted U young performers. Both the development of such projects and the support of the public are positive ways of showing the need of new performing arts facilities. 2 These are some Time for Music." of the reasons behind Festival '71, "A 0 Dr. Donald A. Pash Chamber Orchestra of the Saar WMSB Television u FESTIVAL '71 ... a time for music. 1 Six consecutive evenings in late October devoted to young artists and ensembles playing familiar works from an international LU OCTOBER 24 (6:30 p.m.) University Auditorium repertoire. w. MSU STUDENTS $1.00 QC •CHAMBER ORCHESTRA OF THE SAAR Antonio (Program I) Janigro, conductor and cello soloist: Gesine Cauer, violinist. Second international tour of the orchestra founded in the mid-fifties by the late Karl ID Ristenpart. With many of Europe's most noted instrumentalists — from Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium. Opening night program features music by Vivaldi, James Buswell, violinist Garrick Ohlsson, pianist Haydn, Ligeti, Hindemith and Bartok. (Also on Series A) OCTOBER 25 (8:15 p.m.) University Auditorium MSU STUDENTS $1.00 •CHAMBER ORCHESTRA OF THE SAAR (Program II) U Antonio Janigro, conductor and cello soloist, James Buswell, violinist. This evening's program includes concertos and orchestral works by Bach, Vivaldi, Hindemith and Shostakovich. (Also on Series B) UJ OCTOBER 26 (8:15 p.m.) Foirchild Theatre MSU STUDENTS $2.50 •INSTRUMENTAL TRIO: BUSWELL HARRELL CARLIN - - James Buswell, violin; Lynn Harrell, cello; Seth Carlin, piano. An trios by Tchaikovsky, Ravel and evening of piano Haydn. (Also the first attraction on the new Chamber Music Series in the Fairchild Theatre.) OCTOBER 27 (8:15 p.m.) University Auditorium All seats $1.50 "GISELLE" (Ballet Film Premiere) StarringCarla Fracci, Erik Bruhn, Bruce Marks, Toni Lander and the American Ballet Theatre. John Lanchberry conducts the orchestra of the Berlin German Opera. A romantic ballet in two acts with music by Adolphe Adam. (First winner in the Paris International Dance Film prize Carta Fracci and Erik Contest, June, 1971.) Bruhn, starring in "Giselle" A film premiere of a romantic ballet in two acts OCTOBER 28 (8:15 p.m.) Fairchild Theatre MSU STUDENTS $1.00 "JOYCE & JONATHAN & HIROKO & MARCUS & ALAN" A festive evening of chamber music in the "Mostly Mozart" manner. Five brilliant young musicians, prize-winners all, each well on the road to a distinguished career, each having appeared nationwide on public television. Joyce Mathis, soprano; Hiroko Yajima, violin; Marcus Thompson, viola; Jonathan Abramowitz, cello; and Alan Marks, piano, in music of Mozart, Haydn, Kodaly and Faur6. (A Special) Tickets at the OCTOBER 29 (8:15 p.m.) University Auditorium MSU STUDENTS $1.00 •GARRICK OHLSSON, PIANIST First Prize-winner of the 1970 Chopin International Piano 4:30 Today Competition in Warsaw, Poland. A giant in both professional and physical stature, Carrick Ohlsson, 6 feet 4 inches and 240 pounds, will appear more than sixty-five times on two continents this season. Don't miss his MSU debut. (Also on Series A) the Door Preceding Perform Each an# 355-6686 355-3361 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 22, 1971 9 V #*■ COURT HEARING NEEDED Judge sets repossession rules By BILL WHITING State News Staff Writer seize goods in default of through "ex parte" file bond at twice payment. The the value filed with a judge's office. thing I care about determinations from judges. are the persons left with two alledgedly owed the creditor. "It may be there will be fewer Financing agencies will no "This decision will allow a Hotchkiss said his ruling would small children claims and delivery cases if it is longer be able to repossess when their judge to set bond reasonably, so a allow household goods are gone. Where a claim to be settled by a felt they will have to pass this type property without a court hearing, defendant could make it to are they left in our affluent cursory examination with bond of scrutiny to get their case into according to a court ruling made prevent repossession and sale of set at a realistic by presiding Ingham society?" figure. He noted court," Hotchkiss said. County goods," the judge said, that such matters An appeal of the ruling seems Circuit Court Judge Raymond C. "It's hell to be poor, but it's not are usually Previously, a defendant had to handled the same day they are Hotchkiss last week. a crime," Hotchkiss continued. "I likely. In an Oct. 14 know what it is to be poor. It just decision, Hotchkiss ruled Lansing isn't right." Automakers Federal Credit The three women defendants in Union had to return repossessed household furnishings to Delores A. Riggs, Monnie Dunn and Rose the case borrowed money from the credit union in 1965 to purchase furniture and other E.L. businessmen Marie Black in a case household items. Later, those recognized as the first of its kind in Under Michigan Claim and Delivery Law, lending Michigan. iretitutiorB purchases and other personal property were seized when payments stopped and the donotions to have had the contract was apparently in authority to reposses default. Weeks before children have property without a begun to long for the utility poles will cost aboout $1,100. hearing i if payments fall behind on Hotchkiss said there was some arrival of Santa Claus or to allow visions of "Donate to Decorate', canisters have been a loan. The Hotchkiss decision legal precedent for his decision, sugarplums to dance in their heads, the Central placed in the following places: Jacobson's, Tom What's u called such laws unconstitutional. "What I am concerned about is including cases in New York, California and the U.S. Supreme East Lansing Business Assn. (CELBA) has the Christmas spirit. Sawyer's Book Raft, East Lansing City Hall, the Union, East Lansing State Bank, Lum's, the not the law, but procedural due Court. He said he relied on a Chamber of Commerce office, Marshall That seems to about sum up the attitude this MSU dairy research cow has of the photographer decision handed down by the A single decorated utility pole Music, the process of the law," Hotchkiss on East Grand Towne Courier, Kay Baum, taking her picture. The cows are located on the research farms south of said U.S. District Court in New York River Avenue indicates what 35 other Sportsmeister, campus. Wednesday. "I do not oppose poles should Hosier's, Campbell's Smoke Shop, Shepard's financial institution being able to for some look like at the close of CELBA's "Donate to State News photo by Ken Ferguson a guidance. Shoes, Leon G., The Bagpiper, First National Since making the decision, he Decorate" campaign. Decorations for the 36 Bank, Student Book Store and NE JAC. said many requests for a copy of |ED CEDAR POLLUTION the ruling have come in from Oh Where Have surrounding counties and "nearly every state." As metropolitan area presiding in the county * BILL Y JACK, J Ferency postpones suit circuit court binding courts. on Hotchkiss said judge, the ruling is all Ingham County he did not ■ Oh Where Have h By TONI PELLILLO State News Staff Writer "It's a matter or priorities," Ferency explained. The highway level of environmental the river and concerns other is protection of the «ir, water and other natural believe his ruling would result in any increase in court cases, but indicated it may reduce Charming HIS REAL NAME IS TOM LADGHLIN issue is a current one, deserving resources and currently being compiled for use public trust there in from thenumber ofhearings. He said Action on the antipollution immediate attention, he said. in the Red Cedar case, Ferency pollution, impairment or most cases would now be able to Kaw suit concerning this Pollution on the Red Cedar said. destruction." be handled Rummer's fish kill in the Red River is a continuing problem, administratively edar River to be filed against Ferency added, but action on The City of Lansing may also City of East Lansing by the the situation can be postponed. be included in the since Intelligent, sensitive and something of a misfit, he also explodes e case suddenly and violently. human Rights Party has been untreated sewage has been .. resulting on one occasion in the most exciting karate fight ever filmed. The City of East Lansing will In France they say he's a combination Marlon lentatively postponed, Zolton A. be named as the defendant in dumped into parts of the Red Brando and Gary Cooper. ■erency, East Lansing attorney, Cedar that flow tnrough Minneapolis' Ben Kern described him as coming on with the controlled the Red Cedar case because the fury of a James laid Thursday. Lansing, Ferency said. Cagney and the agility of a Douglas Fairbanks. city allows some combined [ The party is waiting to see d of trustees approve if storm and sanitary sewer The Human Whichever - Tom Laughlin clearly is the most masculine and exciting new star of the systems to still exist. During Rights Party, 70s. le construction of the proposed founded by Ferency last year, is "Billy Jack" will make you laugh heavy rains, pressure gates open ... think... and will give you hope for your children's Iross-campus highway at the and storm water and sewage are able to bring the law suit about Mov. 19 meeting, Ferency said. because of the Environmental forced into the river. Above all, what happens to Tom "If the board votes against the Protection Act of 1970. Laughlin in "Billy Jack" will make you angry ... even make you furious... or, if you 're a woman - break your heart lighway, which we hope they Last August, the raw sewage The act states that any legal "I do, then the party will entity may sue for "the Jontinue preparing the case overflowing from the combined sewers blamed for YOU'VE GOT TO SEE HIM TO BELIEVE IT! was a huge ■oncerning the Red Cedar fish killing. The sewage increased er," Ferency continued. the water's bacteria and lowered MARX BROTHERS' the level of oxygen, causing f If the baord acts "to allow lonstruction on the highway, asphixiation of the fish. riouz 3rd WEEK i Human Rights Party may Evidence on the pollution DUCK SOUP lecide to file a suit against East Lansing, MSU and the Michigan State Dept. of ■erency said. In this instance, ■he antipollution case on the Highways, Saturday, October 23 107 South Kedzie BILLY fed Cedar would have to wait, Verency said. Admission 75c JACK SEE IT NOW! ONE OF THE GREAT FILMS OF OUR TIME! TECHNICOLOR* From Warner Bros A Kinni * INFORMATION 332- | A TRUE GIANT UNFORGETTABLE THE ACTING IS EXTRAORDINARY ] f f O Feature 1:15-3:15-5:20 -ABC TV -CATHOLIC FILM NEWSLETTER , -N Y. DAILY NEWS 7:25-9:30 OPEN At 6:45 p.m. Shows at 7:10-9:10 Feature 7:30-9:30 5:10-7:10-9:10 Feature It is a trip much worth taking. Not since '2001' has a movie so cannily inverted consciousness and altered audience perception. IV, E QREaN/1 F TiyOTHV BOTTOMS KATHY FIELDS MAMMA HUNT JASON ROBARDS DONALD SUTHERLAND DIANE VARSI i- "T1 Tl as ths soldier V. the vir0ln •• the mother as the father a. Christ as the nurse Dal tonirumuu oT THIRD WEEK! rtest order has reported the shortest order tootoo late had .j registered as **9™* the at 400,000 unemnlmJ* unem-1 top the one million mark by Christmas "We have the chance to beat but Prime Minister the world at their own game — building. Ernest Barrett, head of the book since the government's effort war. The On top of this, the in of the exchequer, Anthony chancellor unemployed totaled 929,12L that tens on of thousands registered which, unemployment"' with^^ Edward Heath claims the high production, low prices and Engineering Industries midsummer deflation, he Barber has forecast a swift dive Tworken, particularly women s_pell a_ proportion 7^ I country's worst slump since the high wages.' 1930s is ending. Already, he said, the state has exports over imports. A Deapite a plague of ever-rising poured $1.2 billion into the King, Hirt slowdown in world trade also is highlight prices, the Conservative fight against unemployment, expected: and the fees of British government says it is bracing for Only excessive wage claims by entry into the Common Market big-scale expansion to coincide labor unions could jeopardize with entry into the European recovery, he argued. Common Market in 1973. "We stand now on threshhold of a period of growth Yet the flashing, danger signals keep A state survey Oct. 11 showed Homecoming "Remember When" is the green and white ribbons, will be theme of Homecoming this year on sale at the game for $1.25. and according to Judy Bogart, Pre-game activities include the are causing worry. All reserves world Wunu these thing together suggest that foreign exchange amassed during the money llB„ uwikj eve could crisis v» quick|y gobbled up. The reserves Capita^CVpsules State Rep- Michael A. Dively, R-TraverseCih, I and prospertiy unparalleled since a sharp decline in industrial THE LEGISLATURE was outside the law when the war," Heath told a investment this year despite Homecoming coordinator, it procession by the queen and her now stand at a ^cord $5 billion, it excluded persons injured in on-the-job auto sponsor of age of majority legislation is *! I means "remembering anything court from Landon Field to the The issues are dominating accidenUs from benefits of the state uninsured scheduled to attend. ^ °n'15 *• I you want to." stadium. At 1 p.m., Banners will politics. motorists' fund, the State Court of Appeals ruled "We're trying to make be judged, with $25.00 going to Opposition Labor and ruling Wednesday. THE MICHIGAN SENATE will become a "ty I Homecoming something that the entry winners, of State Flags" when the banners are unfurls ' FOR CHRIST'S SAKE everyone can enjoy", she continued, "just a weekend with Trumpeterer A1 Hirt is this weekend's featured performer, Conservative leaders at their annual conventions traded angry accusations of blame. The court, in an opinion written by Chief Appeals Judge T. John Lesinski, concluded that this exclusion was "constitutionally the rostrum this fall. The new display, arranged by Sen. * Philin n I a lot going on " Hirt's concert is at 8 p.m. "The million unemployed are discriminatory." Plttinger, R-Lansing, will highlight an AmeZ I show all men the road to the peace and freedom of Chris Bines "ng,r B.B. King will ^ " the legatees of Heath's deliberate The legislature, in the 1966 Motor Vehicle flag and Michigan flag. ■ the goal of our worldwide apostolate as kick otf the weekend festivities ot "* testament," cried former Prime Claims Fund Act, said victims of injury caused by Pittinger reportedly has asked Senate president. I DIVINE WORD MISSIONARIES show. with a concert at 8 tonight in Minister Harold Wilson. "He uninsured motorists could not claim relief from in all 50 states for donations of state nags to end! I f. a n/iitAPiiam Ms- Bogart stressed that decided on taking office that he the state fund if they were also eligible for the upper chamber. ^ ' Homecoming was not just for When all the banners have been fee FATHER ELMER ELSBERND, SVD The Floriculture Forum will the students to would use the weapon of workmen's compensation benefits. enjoy, Pittinger said, a special display will be erect* DIVINE WORD MISSIONARIES, Dept. 16 be sponsoring the annual sale of "I hope that everyone realizes unemployment against the trade EPWORTH, IOWA 52045 unions " IMPLICATIONS of lowering the age of majority balcony above the presiding officer's chair. , interests, address, etc. Homecoming Mums Saturday, that Homecoming is for the Setting aside the question of The flowers, decorated with alumni too," she said. blame, statistics tell their own in Michigan from 21 to 18 on Jan. 1 will be considered in a Nov. 12 conference at Olivett story: SUPREME COURT JUSTICE Thomas — In normal times since the College. E, war a pool of 200,000 to The meeting, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., will Brennan said Thursday that parents should htn I 300,000 workless was focus on school rules, curriculum, and economic the right to decide whether or not their childreo I considered acceptable by all issues. will be bused to school. | parties, expecially because there Speakers will include Paul Carrington, professor "The question of whether you travel or howfo I were often as many vacancies as of law at the University of Michigan; Robert M. depends on where you are going and why you win I applicants. * Thrun, Lansing attorney; Dr. Gorton Reithmiller, to get there," he said. | — In May 1970, the Labor a member of the State Board of Education, and "It's an individual choice. It should be no I government's last full month in Sam Corl, asst. professor of education at MSU. different with school children than with adults." f U.S. envoy J PRAGUE (AP)—Samuel G. w|"hjinnextwreek. Wise Jr., American diplomat "e U.S. Embassy described« I •accused by Czechoslovakia of complete fabrication" the | espionage activity, left Prague Czechoslovak charges that Wise I Thursday for Paris. |?ad bou8ht espionage materia]] I Wise expected to fly later to m a Czechoslovak journilfo I London where his two daughters now servin8 a 10-year prison I are studying and where his wife sentence. aircraft seats carrier flt no routing depart B-707 93 CAL 209 Det/Lon/Det 12/15 DC-9 94 AC 007 Win/Nas/Win 12/15 12/20 London- Admin Chrg $20, Total $175 Nassau- Admin Chrg $15, Total 3 RHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHA PRESENTS RHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHAI Presents Midnight- W.C. You Can't Cheat an Honest Man My Little Chickadee Fri. in Wilson Aud. Sat. in Conrad 12:00 APPEARING IN PERSON Students, faculty I.D.'s and staff required BUSTER CRABBE only $1.00 admission Hollywood in the 30's — The Serials 7, 9:30 Conrad Aud. 7, 9:30 Wilson Aud. Tickets on Sale at the Union Ticket office starting Oct. 21 And from 7-8 Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Nights at Wilson Aud. and Conrad Aud. Admission $1.25 RHARHARHARH^RHARHARHARH^RHARHARHARHA RHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHAI^I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 22, 1971 11 1st POW now suffers in U.S. TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - The an interview. "It may not show remembered reading about guns were soared to 106 and military quiet on that pleasant up right away — it may even be Americans who had been — had never suffered from nervous honorably discharged from the Sunday in Vietnam, the war but a hospital personnel quickly disorders before his capture —"If years later — but many of these captured in Korea, then Army. whisper. For Spec. 4 George men are diagnosed his condition as you could have seen Since then he has been in and going to need blindfolded and shot in the back malaria. But he said they noted before he was my son Fryett Jr. it was a time for treatment." of the head." captured, out of veterans Bermuda shorts, sandals a sports on his records, you hospitals receiving The story of Spec. 4 too, that he had a wouldn't have recognized him treatment for disorders which he shirt. A perfect day for an Fryett Fryett was forced to march all "thinking disorder" about once when he returned from Vietnam. began in Izmir, Turkey, where he night until the group rested ne&r a claims and his records now eight-mile bicycle ride to the served as a foreign being a prisoner of war. He was a completely different indicate stem from his language stream in the captivity: swimming pool at Tu Due on the instructor to senior officers until Day. It was morning, Christmas Fryett's captivity and person." Recurring nightmares about his outskirts of Saigon. then, Fryett recalled, subsequent release were covered Asked for comment, a early 1961. that he made his only capture; a scaling skin condition ftinting i» * 9°°d waV But Fryett never made it. A friend there attempt to in the news media. Several days spokesman for Letterman which doctors say is dropped a escape. after his release by the Viet probably due Lent rust but it alio improves Instead he pedaled his way along remark that Vietnam was the "I had a choice, it Cong Hospital, Army Capt. Finley to anxiety from which he never the Kings Highway into a Viet seemed, to he appeared at a news conference Willis, said: "Any statement we e looks of things. This place to be. Fryett said, "I was either die or escape or die fully recovered; a general feeling Cong trap and became the first told it was beautiful, even ... arranged by the military. He said could make would be of restlessness. lintenance worker is « American trying to escape. I managed to then that during his captivity he because meaningless prisoner of the exciting, and I wanted to see the loosen the binds around at this time we don't "I know I need Vietnam War. my was forced to read propaganda know the facts of the situation. treatment," he Etherrng both by painting lamp * world." said. "And I know I'm not the e, on Grand River Avenue, Fryett is free now, working asa wrists, got a chance and tried to documents aloud several times The So, on July 4, 1961, Fryett swim people who treated him are only ex-prisoner of te News photo by Chris Fischer real estate salesman in Tucson. He across the stream daily and was led on long long gone. war with stepped off a plane at Tan Son underwater." problems. says he still has physical and Nhut Airport. He would work at marches, his arms bound and a "I doubt very much he was He was recaptured before he "What is going to nervousness problems rope around his neck. treated happen when stemming headquarters in Saigon. reached the other side. poorly," he said of the more are released? Some of these from his captivity. He believes The Pentagon says today it has Five months later, on the day Later he was marched younger Fryett. men have been that they are as much through a no record of Fryett's ever being Willis said the treatment captives for six the resul t of before Christmas as he peddled years or more. a lack of village to a Vietnamese nurse who Isited as a deserter or as AWOL. medical records at Letterman - proper treatment by his way through the dressed his wounds. Americans after his release as of edge of He was once listed as a Saigon, two Vietnamese villagers In the coming POW, a date only five years. Willis was "It may not show months up right harassment or beatings by his casually spokesman said. able to verify approached him from interrogation, harassment, through a file of away, but in the long run, many captors. behind on bicycles. Fryett said that during his hospital admission cards that of them are And he says he is worried about threats and beatings all became hospitalization part of his Fryett was a patient at Letterman going to need One of the two passed him. treatment for physical and other prisoners of war who have Seconds routine, he said. military records remained from Aug. 7, 1962 to Oct. later a hand grenade "About once a month they'd 24, mental disorders. been or will be released and "retired" and out of reach of the 1962. exploded, peppering him from tired of me," and, he said, force "And where are they going to thrown into situations similar to head to foot with hospital and that his claim of On Oct. 23, 1964, Fryett get it?" his own. shrapnel. The him to dig a grave for himself. being an ex-POW was dismissed as was two cyclists dragged him through "I slept on the ground most of "No one, just no one, can come the a delusion. brush, blindfolded him and the time, but later out of a prisoner of war the same mental and camp in threw him to his knees. physical "I was sure I'd be killed on the hammock to was given swing under the a He was shipped Letterman Hospital in San off to BRAMS trees like one of the Viet Cong shape he went in," Fryett said in spot," Fryett said. "I Francisco for mental soldiers." rehabilitation. Fifty pounds lighter and in ill "They treated me worse in the IN BLACK CULTURE health, Fryett was marched to a bus going to Saigon on June hospital than the Viet Cong did," 24, he said. "I couldn't even make 1962. them believe I actually had been a "Sometimes I think they did it prisoner of war." Editors flunk just because they didn't know what to do with me," he said. "At other times, I think they wanted to show the world they had George Fryett Sr. of Long Beach, Calif., said the doctor in charge of his son at Letterman Enter PLANETARIUM the Age Aquarius and explore the of "told me 'well, I'm afraid your fascinating subject of PHILADELPHIA (AP) Frankie, his mother, Johnnie, American, nearly 70 years ago. 4. Guitar. compassion." son is anotlier GI ASTROLOGY and the i dw's your soul IQ? Billy. psycho case." Who was he? 5. Billy. His problems were far from ® Good if you're black but poor if 6. Jazz pianist Ahmad Jamal Fryett Sr. said after he lore of its ZODIAC. 11. A black surgeon developed 6. Fritz Jones. over. threatened to make public "what m're white, as newspaper adopted that Arabic name after the technique for For Learn the intriguing history of the ancient practice of extracting and 7. Two hours. one thing, he said, the was happening" to his son, itors from the United States he was discovered by white astrology and the influence of the stars on human affairs preserving plasma from whole 8. Jean Baptiste DuSable. Army thought he had deserted or physicians decided to recheck Canada learned Thursday audiences and became famous. blood. What was his name? was absent without leave and had and terrestrial events. 9. The slaves were freed in and finally discovered his son had iring an informal quiz on black Black jazz fans knew him under 12. Everyone is familiar with Texas. 10. Dr. removed his records from their Daniel Halo been a prisoner of war. PROGRAM SCHEDULE fcture. his prior name which was — Willie the famous painting of active files three months before George Williams. 11. Dr. Charlew Drew. "Neglect and just not caring" Friday 8:00 & 10:00 pm - Saturday 2:30, 8:00 & 10 pm ■Thirteen questions devised by a Jackson, Lee Jones, Will Donald Washington crossing the 12. Prince the Viet Cong set him free. about the Firtz Jones. Whipple and Oliver case were what he Sunday 4:00 pm ychologist, sociologist and or Delaware. Two of his oarsmen Then about a month after his meant by "what was happening," Itonan were 7. Cheap chitlins taste rubbery Cromwell. 13. John Clutchette PLEASE NOTE: There will be no 2:30 posed to 300 were blacks. What were their release he was afflicted with a the father said. Saturday shows on and Fleeta Drumgo. weekends legates at the 38th annual unless you cook them long names; high fever — his temperature Fryett Sr. said, also, that his son involving a MSU home football game. Invention of the Associted Press enough. How long should they be 13. Every managing editor At the conclusion of the 8:00 p.m. ■naging editors Association cooked —15 minutes, 2 hours, 24 knows Soledad Brother George Friday program each week a member of the Michigan Federation of VMS). hours, 1 hour. Jack9on was shot to death this Astrology Robert J. will be present to answer questions. Haiman, St. 8. The first American pioneer past August at San Quentin. But tereburg Fla. Times, chairman to settle on the site of what Is now who are the two i the minority news study Chicago was a black man. What surviving Soledad Brothers? Throughout the year, we will feature new pmittee, told the editors, all was his name? '' Now here are the answers: album releases. The albums will be played ite, that the quiz vyas testW in' f.AManjfjRWifks, immediately following the Friday and le states — none named — ttid > : ... Saturday night 8 & 10 p.m. shows. Linger Jt blacks averaged 8 out of 13 the Unilw States because it awhile under a star-filled sky, and listen to our ■ whites just 3. the day — the slaves were freed in 200-watt stereo sound system. f I know tiiat we APME editors the United States, the slaves were I score a great deal higher than freed in Texas, Martin Luther THISWEEKEND: It," Haiman said, before King was born, Booker T. COMMUNICATION I Ming the questions. by Bob Carr and Bill Kahl Washington died. ■ oweter, the 10. The first doctor to perform ADMISSION PRICES editors, fconsible for the news and open heart surgery was a black ' Adults - $1.00, MSU Students with I.D. ■ures that go into America's 75c, Children 12 and under 50c lies, did not. Most scored 3 or - ■correct answers. Information: 355-4672 • No Preschoolers Admitted ■ere ate the questions: j. If a man is called a "blood" Down I own pfce is—a fighter, a Chicano, a 104 S. Washington yo, an Indian. I If a black reader of your Jer thinks it is "real down," he Iks it is - very good, DELICATESSEN very bad, 1st, or sympathetic to blacks. I The opposite of COLD MEAT PLATTER "square" is INCLUDES: CORNED BEEF, PEPPERED ►°l. up, down, hip. I T-Bone Walker got famous BEEF, SALAMI, SWISS CHEESE, BREAST ling • what musical instrument lombone, piano, flute, guitar. \ Who did Stagger Lee kill in famous Blues legend - KOSHER OF TURKEY, also: JEWISH RYE and/or EGG PICKLES, POTATO SALAD & COLE OPEN 7-7, 7 DAYS A WEEK BREAD, SLAW H|g|p %,'OP£lU£V£RYMTE LANSINC V an ARTHUR P. JACOBS D»xJuction (MrON hESTON Beneaih l'IiI'i'H ! hl'i'l IJTFB BROADWAY THEATRE SERIES AT MSU man ARTHUR P JACOBS production 4the "SMASH HIT!"-™ presents the New York Production of plAliET SFtME PLANET 2a Vfi "Meyer's!" ApSS Kevin Thomas-L.A. TIMES "A fun drama about a swinging lady!" Judith Crist-N.Y. MAGAZINE "Meyer's best...a merciless put on. Erica Gavin... VISITORS... rM,ure OR iNVAdERS electrifying!" From the Future? onLy baby I jo'M,,- * MiLo kNows... I 'ONIGHT AND SATURDAY "USS MEYER'S ANd Me N A beautiful musical based on the intensely moving poems and stories of New York ghetto iSN'TTALkiNQ VlYPN YET! children. Performed by a youthful cast. A marvelous musical score by Gary William raedm*n = UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM WW I ■■■ ■ ■ 1066 wells Monday, November 1—8:15 p.m. Vixen will play at 7:00,8:15,9:30 g *6.00 - $5.00 $4.00 MSU Students $5.00 introducing erica gavin as vixen - - $4.00 - $3.00 Tickets on sale at the Union Ticket Office restricted to adult audiences in eastmancolor produced AND DIRECTFn RY russ meyer AN EVE PRODUCTION 355-3361 FROM( ^ 20to Century Foi presents A Baal Film Group Pre«entatlon^^^^^^^^l^MB^Mj| friday, Qctobcr 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^ Jacobsori's 'Hellstrom' bugs viewers hosts show Glowing candlelight , The prophecy, "the meek "The Hellstrom Chronicle" is •oft organ music of th/L - ■ worth in terms of shall inherit the earth" has been a dramatic documentary starring existence when the length of not be functional, but they are Chapel set the state WedS? I proven false by a film entitled locusts, termites, black widow narrator very interesting. evening for the Union I ^I "The Hellstrom Chronicle" now says, "the true winner is the last "The Hellstrom Chronicle" "Winter Bridal Preview spiders, bees, driver ants, and " to finish the race." I would leaves you amazed, humbled and m,',del^ II playing at the State Theater. In a carnivorous plants. It is Ten MSU coeds measure worth in the very frightened. It will direct collection startling documentary, man's beautifully photographed and is your of fall wm$ existence itself. If you have any consciousness toward those ego is quickly smashed and his exceptionally well editied, and historical view point then you hairy little things that gowns to the comment?* I throne is torn down by a brutal has a creative musical score, and barbarous race — the insect. Helmert Barth, the cameraman, know that it is not the length of of the woodwork on a winter Ernestine Sorber, Jacobson's Bridal Salon miJjJ J* II Nature has little room for the a civilization or a race that night. If you enjoy nature and Styles included the meek, but respects only those takes you to a face of the earth probably never seen, nor even makes it great, but rather the its thousands of mysteries, the look, culottes, bridal hot nT* I Pessi(l [ that can adapt and endure. The imagined before. His heights to which it soared that tiny worlds that coexist daily Spanish bolero gown, andX' I survival of the fittest theme really matters. with ours, then you surely must resounds throughout this movie, photography is masterful. Each shot is a still photograph filled This film aptly points out that go see this film. I highly Piece ensemble. "wallpaper priJ I w ,IU I And as "The Hellstrom with mysterious life. we have lost our pure biological recommend it as a visual Ms Elaine Chronicle" disturbingly The film juxtaposes modern drives and have begun to destroy experience. It is a thought t slur Jacobson's Tyler, manage, 0,| . inherit the earth, their own . . - • - wig depart I documents, it those hairy little civilization with the insect superiority will give them the ourse,vesJn our own conceit. But we gain love, hate, enormous P^o v°(k.i n_g ^ unavoidably educational, entertaining Pictured is one of the stars of "The Hellstrom Chronical" coordinated the hairstyles1I* creatures which have been kingdom, and uses a fictional right to it. They function more *fear — tne irrational odyssey in another world. You the various veils. All tf- lurking in our gardens for scientist, Dr. Hellstrom, as the effectively, but it is their pure and which is now playing at the State Theater. The film is emotions themselves. millions of years that have the narrator, to place the proper existence without doubts or They may will not be disappointed. described as a startling documentary on insects. durability and the adaptability emphasis and perspective on thoughts that is so distasteful to to reign supreme over this what is dramatically presented mankind, planet. before your eyes. The doctor is This film is striking directly at ENTERTAINMENT LINEUP excellent and seems to delight in man's pride and his enormous the audiences' squeamishness. conceit. We tend to think that Flicks lead weekend activities INTERESTED He speaks directly to you and we are the masters of this earth his eye contact is personal and and have gone beyond the IN AN extremely penetrating. boundaries of nature by There is no plot by insects to developing a civilization of our OVERSEAS conquer the world. If they own. We are but dwarfed by the By JACK EPPS JR. performed at 8 Sunday night in Conrad Auditorium; and 7 State News Reporter W.C. Fields midnight festival, role. It has excellent potentiil CAREER? complexity of nature. We do Kellogg Center Auditorium. Sunday night in McDoncI Kiva. "It's a Gift" and "Bank Dick" but doesn't make it. At Films Meridi^ A . have reason to be proud, but as B.B. King, one of the leading "The Out of Towners." A shown at midnight tonight in 4 Theaters. Americans "The Hellstrom Chronicle" "A Man for All Seasons." The comedy staring Jack Ix>mmon Wilson Auditorium and midnight "Billy Jack." An enterUinjM points out, we need not be city blues guitarists, is playing at winner of six Oscars, including 8 tonight in the Auditorium. and Sandy Dennis that is Saturday night in Conrad film, but it fails by stereotypy ft arrogant about it. best director, best actor, and sometimes funny, a little bit immigrate The fact that we can Stage best cinematography. Shown at overdone, but entertaining all Auditorium. "You Can't Cheat an Honest Man" and "My Little its characters. It is playing atthl Campus Theater. appreciate the majestry of the Day We'll 7 and 9:30 tonight and Saturday the same. Shown tonight at 7 - Chickadee" are shown at 12 TEL AVIV (AP) — Nearly sun and feel life itself flow Tether. ... A cultural night at 108B Wells Hall. and 9 in Brody; and 7 and 9 midnight tonight in Conrad HorSe-Dull 23,000 Americans and Canadians through our veins makes man's mus,ca| pesented by the "The Pawn Broker." Shown Saturday night in 109 Anthony, Auditorium and at 12 midnight ,1UI HU" 'OCe rnra have immigrated to Israel since short existence entirely International Students of MSU. at 7 and 9:15 tonight in Wilson; "The Baby Maker." A film Saturday night in Wilson MR. HAL A. LOCKER the 1967 Middle EaSt war, worthwhile. "The Hellstrom The dances are representative of 7 and 9:15 Saturday night i about a girl who dec ides to have Auditorium. All four of these set for Friday will be on the campus government officials announced. Chronicle" tends to measure s'x countries. It will be another cquple's baby for them. films are considered to be among Shown at 7 and 9:15 tonight in the best of W. C. Fields. Some of the best Wilson Auditorium, 7 and 9:15 horse-pulling I October 25, 1971 MYSTERIOUS "Duck Soup" by the Marx teams in Michigan and fronTthl Saturday night in Conrad Brothers. Shown at 1 p.m. and 3 Midwest will compote again) Auditorium; and 7 Sunday night Saturday in 107 S. Kedzie. each other on Friday in to discuss qualifications for ISLAND at McDonel Kiva. p.m. Livestock Pavilion on campus. advanced study at "Mysterious Island." shown at " " The contest, sponsored THUNDERBIRD "Vixen" film bv H.1SS 1 p m- 80(1 3 P m- Saturd"y ln by the I Saturday, October 23 MSU Block and Bridle Club, wll GRADUATE SCHOOL Meyer. Shown aat 7/, 8 55 9 8.55, 30 9.30, 105 S. Kedzie. and job opportunities 1:00 & 3:00 p.m. and 10:45 tonight and Saturday Off-Campus be divided into two division I in the field of night in 106B Wells Hall. "The Hellstrom Chronicle." The light-weight teams will stm INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT 105 South Kedzie f An intriguing new film playing at * Pm-. and the heavy-weight Right On!" A film based at the State Theater. This is one teams will follow at 7 p.m. around poetic readings. Shown Admission is $1. you will truly enjoy, be scheduled at at 7, 8:30, 10:00 tonight and Interviews may "Johnny Got His Gun" Is The object in horse-pullingii I No Twl-Ute Hr. Saturday night in 102B Wells still playing at the Spartan East • to move 8 ,oad 2715 fee,i« The Placement Office If you haven't seen it, try and *bree trles or l®88- winner ii determined get out there before It leaves. by elimination on | NOW SHOWING "McCabe and Mrs. Miller." A increasing weight loads. The film directed by Robert Altman who gave you load dynamometer. is metered by 11 OF "M.A.S.H." and Weights i INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT East Lansing On M-43 2 X FILMS "Brewster McCloud." It is mounted on a truck bed I Formerly: Th« Am«ric»n Instilul ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS playing at the Meridian Theaters. Through a system of pullies, the | for Foreign Trado) "Who is Harry Kellerman." weights are lifted up as the I P. O. Box 191 Dustin Hoffman would do better horses pull, allowing the tnickto | Fri: 5:45 8:00 10:10 "ROSELAND is the "TOO GOOD FOR if few people saw him In this Phoenix, Arizona 85001 v roll. 4I Sun: Sat: 1:45 3:45 5:45 8:00 10:10 #i| Fri: 5:30 7:45 10:10 M CITIZEN KANE'of JUST THE UNDER 30 1:45 3:45 6:15 8:15 LI Sat: 2:15 5:30 7:45 10:00 , VJ Affiliated with ' Fri Sat Twl-Lite Hr. Adults 90c V Sun: 1:45 3:45 6:00 8:15 JU Sex Films. HOBBS is ft SET - 5:15 - 5:45 ... Tho American Management Atiocii IPC 5:00 - 5:30^ a blend of GOYA and 7, A MASTERPIECE msmxr ERNIE K0VACS." / FOR ALL ScanIon's Monthly Syd Cassyd, Hollywood RHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHAI^ ... Report PRESENTS "... Film courts comparison to Fellini in sweep and style .. .art in a sustained mood of outrageous comedy .. When they take you for an out-oftoumer, - Rolling Stone they really take you. Permitted COLOR E. Kerrigan Prescott • Christopher Brooks • Peggy Browne • Karen Ingenthon Shown Twice at 7:30 and Late Peter Fonda • Warren Oates • tona Bio® "The Hired Band" ENDS MON. PICTURES PRESENTS TODAY & M0N. 7:15-9:15 JACK LEMMON SANDY DENNIS SAT. & SUN. 2:00-4:00.6 on 8:00-10:QL s (NEILSIMM STORY What kind of husband and wife would make such an arrangement? THEOUT-OF-TOWNEDS A PARAMOUNT PICTURE The ISaby Maker BARBARA HERSHEY gollin wilcox-horne sam groom W KITThN AND IXKKCTKI) BY JAMKS HRIDCKS fWMHCKI) BY RICHARD COLDSTONE MISIl BY KKKI) KARI.IV TECHNICOLOR* Tonight in Wilson Aud, 7, 9:15 Tonight in Brody Southwest Dining Sat. in Conrad 7,9:15 Hall 7,9 Sunday in McDonel Kiva 7& Sat. in 109 Anthony 7,9 Williams Hall Cafeteria 9 Sun. in Williams Hall Cafeteria 7 Starting this weekend films will be shown in Williams Hall Cafeteria Students, faculty and staff only I.D.'s required $1.00 admission RHARH/WARHARHARHAI^^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 22, 1971 13 'MAC' MOVES TO NEW SOUND Latest album lacks imagination "Future Games" is the first been replaced by Christine Mc Vie to lead the band with her piano playing on 'Tell Me All the album by the latest configuration and Bob Welch. of Fleetwood Mac. playing, and the developments Things You Do," for example, "Future Games" consists of are impressive. In this medium and this development is Originally, Fleetwood Mac was three songs written by Fleetwood Mac seems at home. Danny appreciated. strictly a blues band consisting of John McVie and Mick Fleetwood, "Future Games" is a pleasant Peter Green, Jeremy Spencer, Kirwan, two by Christine McVie, two by Bob Welch and one jam. strictly blues men who adapted album to listen to, but it does not John Mc Vie and Mick Fleetwood. well to songs such as "Tell Me All contain the exceptional, Danny Kirwan then joined the The two songs by Welch are the the Things You Do" and "Station imaginative creations in and ss group and ballads began to accompany the blues. The first least impressive songs on the album. "Future Games," the title Man," are not utilized properly Kirwan's simple ballads and around the structures of blues on and rock that past albums major change occurred when track, is eight boring minutes of Welch's various abominations. Peter Green left the group after displayed. Fleetwood Mac has — W 'Then Play On." With him went Welch repetitiously singing what is not an exciting tune in the first However, Christine McVie's reached a critical stage in its most of the group's best blues, By DAVID FLAXMAN light, lively rock finds John musical development. With Peter place. Nothing ever happens on McVie and Fleetwood back in the Green they were a great blues Hurry and "Kiln House," the next record, contained mainly Jeremy this cut, including the instrumental closing which State News Reviewer __ / I picture, and at least on this band. On "Kiln House" Kirwan album, caused Kirwan to play his and Spencer made them rock. I Hurry up and wait. That's what goes on every Friday as students attempt to cash University pay Spencer's '50s rock and Danny features a guitar moving back and with the guitar a little. While Kirwan is not Now they seem to be moving Kirwan's picking of an electric I checks at the Administration Bldg. State News photQ fay Qon '70s Spender has since left rock. Jeremy and has forth from one speaker to another. Welch's lack of guitar over which Kirwan sings. Peter Green, he certainly toward soft rock — the kind From here the song is developed shouldn't be ashamed of his suitable for AM play. imagination, and ability, is through a change in tempo in dramatized by his guitar solo in SEVERAL PROGRAMS which he simply picks out the which Christine McVie's piano begins to take charge. The main tune, one note at a time. instrumental trade-off between her and Kirwan is pleasant, but His other song "Lay It All Down" is an attempt at driving unexceptional, and the songs fade Tickets to Volunteers need Help rock, otherwise absent from the album. Again he shows that it is a simple matter to begin with an back into the original calmness. Christine McVie is the writer of sale the best song on the albu, leveral volunteer programs still Eight men who have their own to work with these students unimpressive main theme, and fall to develop it. "Morning Rain." The tune is well-written and played, and go on i more participants, Judy cars are needed to work in a who to the Northside Athletic and have only one parent Kirwan, on the other hand, has McVie's voice is very pleasant. _um, asst. director of the program with emotionally and/or have Recreational Club located in the disturbed children. Similar to a emotional problems written three very pretty songs. But the importance of this song is Tickets for the musical "Sweet ■untcor Bureau, said recently. or physical Spanish-American community at Charity" will go on sale Monday at little brother program, the difficulties. Yet none of the three is in the implications it and "Sands the Union Atis Davis, coordinator of the High Street Elementary. Activity of Time" seem to make. ticket office. The play, which will be preformed at 8 p.m ■lunteer Probation Officer program focuses on recreational Boy's Training School, a orientation, field trips, and arts noteworthy, except for "Sands of November 11 to 14 and 18 to 20, will be presented by the Cabaret activity with the nine-year-old correctional institution for Time." This song begins softly On these two songs she appears Company. jgram, is looking for juniorsor and crafts are some of the Tickets will cost $1.50. iiors with their own students. delinquent boys ages 12 to 17, at volunteer activities. Some MSU 400 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Asportation who will be able to Volunteer Big Brother tutoring is also available at the OPEN At 1:00 p.m. Bote a couple of hours a week also needs volunteers to work Lansing, also needs volunteers. school on 1717 North TOHAY At 1:15-3:00-4:40 PROGRAM INFORMATION 485 6485 The boys, who are High St., ADMISSION $2.50 1 I ■at least six months. with youths ranging in age from 5. socially Lansing. . 6:25-8:05-9:45 p.n ■tudents work on a one-to-one to 20 years. Expected to devote a maladjusted or who have emotional problems, are at the ■sis with edlinquei or minimum of one year, the volunteer also needs his school because of a series of ■lected children at the Ingham own car WHY IS IT THAT IN THE COKE ■unty Juvenile Court, 608 §th Washington Ave., Lansing. K the past about 60 MSU ■dents have served as volunteer ■bation officers, which Davis Italian farmers offenses, which have ended in something more serious such as breaking and entering. The Boy's Club, 1235 Center St. is an opportunity fcr MACHINE OF LIFE THE "CORREC1 CHANGE ONLY" SIGN IS ALWAYS LIT? 'esses PRESENTER IN Icribed as "something along volunteers to work with § line of a big brother or sister plan wife hunt and on individual bases. groups Any Carlton, Raleigh, Turin, Bertin, pgRno mmn interest or hobby, such as Triumph, Holdsworth, Witcomb, Bob ■gram." Jackson, Pogliaghi. J) the beginning, volunteers are TROMELLO, Italy (AP) - A photography, is all that is Touring and Racing parts and Snted to activity programs. group of north Italian farmers required in addition to being able accessories. Complete repair facilities to for all Racing and • They may provide one's own Touring bicycles. take the who have had celibacy thrust ■lescents to the intramural upon them by a shortage of girls transportation. ■Iding to help establish a Mtionship from which they can in their town are wife-hunting organizing a expedition to The nonporfit organization serves boys between the six and 18, most of whom come ages of TURIN ■nsel," he said. another Italian region. from the inner city. C.W. Otto tutorial needs volunteers who will work with individual students in an THE individualized learning program. Transportation is provided to the UNPUBLISHABLE school, located at 500 Thomas NOVEL IS NOW St., Lansing. Volunteers work 2112 N. Clark St., Chicago. Ill 60614 with students with severe learning Telephone. (312) LI 9-8863 AMERICA'S MOST Open weekdays Noon to 8:30 p. problems, and in a few cases with ■POLICE ARE SEEKING a reckless driving warrant against a students who want some Sat 8< Sun 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Closed Thursday CONTROVERSIAL Bonders Hall student. Officers said they discovered him at 10:20 special work in a particular work. FILM! jm. Wednesday driving south on Chestnut and then West on Shaw Transportation is also provided I approximately 25 miles-per-hour with a girl riding on the left CHRISTINA HART MICHAEL GARRETT Jont Ud fender. The girl told the officers it washer idea, and the driver ANGELIQUE OEMOLIN police he didn't know it was reckless. Passes and Ladies Day Suspended JA COED told officers she had her purse taken from a lecture room during this ■ Kedzie Hall sometime between 10 and 10:15 engagement. a.m. Wednesday Jhile she was in the corridor. The purse had a total value of $16 she Bid police. ■TWO STUDENT residents of University Villa reported to police RHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHA ■eir lockers in the Men's Intramural Building had been broken into ■metime between 5:15 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. They told officers ■eir wallets were removed, $15 taken, and the wallets left in the PRESENTS Tcker room. Police are investigating. \ BROWN AND GREEN COUCH with an estimated value of i5 was reportedly taken from the first floor lounge of West Fee ■II sometime between Oct. 4 and 10 a.m. Tuesday, officers said, "Director Sidney Lumet "THE ■ley have no clues, or suspects at present. PAWNBROKER is brings the movie alive a noteworthy film not when his camera turns on only for its content and' Harlem's blighted streets, I Ural Film technique but also /nrsruls Tonight & Sat. sopping up the juices of a because it comes close to slum that breeds thieves, excellence." THE ORIGINAL LAST POETS spivs, prostitutes and all - Judith Crist, N. Y. Herald their prey." Tribune - Times THE International Critics Prize ' PAWN BROKER RIGHT MANNHEIM FILM FESTIVAL A Choice of Directors , A ON! CANNES FILM ^ FESTIVAL " COLOR GUERILLA DRAMA ... of freet gangs, junkies, soul |us,c- hustlers and, Involution." - N. Y. Daily News Tonight in Conrad 7.9:15 Students, faculty 7 RIGHT ON!"is funny and Sat. in Wilson Aud. and staff only 7,9:15 I.D.'s required 8:30 murderous ... is about Sun. in McDonel Kiva $1.00 admission 10:00 making love and war . . 9:15 | No IDs about raising the wind. . $100 visually spectacular!" New Yorker Mag. REVOLUTIONARY REVELATION!" - hnamu Baraka (Leroi Jones) RHARH/^HARHARHARHAfiHARHARHARH/'fiHARHA Friday, October 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 2-19?! INTERNATIONAL WEEK SET Cultural groups host festivities will lead off campus festivities at International Center foreign Service, Encyclopedia Britannica follow a lecture entitled "Chinese 8 p.m. Sunday in Kellogg Center student office. Book of the Year and the World in Taiwan" at 7 p.m. Wednesday A ...... Auditorium. Entertainment will Noted China and Southeast Book Yearbook. He authored the in 100 Engineering Bldg. Snow's special international cultural include demonstratin of the a Asia expert Albert Ravenholt will book "The Philippines: A Young film will also be shown at 8 and musicale, Jectures^ and JUm Thailand Candle Dance, a dance presentations will highlight MSU which is deliver a major address, Republic on the Move." 10 p.m. Thursday in the performed for guests at "Contemporary Developments in Ravenholt will be the guest Albatross Coffeehouse. activities during International the Royal Thai Palace, a "Latin China," at 7:30 p.m. Friday Oct. speaker at the luncheon being The film "The East is Red "will Week (Oct. 24-30). American Musical Bonanza" and . Gov. Milliken proclaimed the ... McDonel Kiva. During the given by the Society for be presented by the Asian Studies Greek and Philippine music and weeks' activities Ravenholt will week as Michigan's first International Development at Center and the Society for Asian dance. lecture several times on related International Week and suggested noon Friday in the Crossroads Studies at 3 p.m. Friday in A11 proceeds from the cultural subjects the theme "Tlio thn "The Wrtrlsl World — flnr Our • , „ . A J Cafeteria, International Center. Conrad Auditorium. musicale will go to East Pakistani A member of the American Other activities for Neighbor." refugees in India. Reserve seat MSU's cultural musicale, on sale for $3 at the Universities Field Staff, Ravenholt has written for the International Week include the IsTQgI AA©xiCO "Some Day We'll Be Together," presentation by the Bahai Club of MSU Union Ticket Office and the Chicago Daily News Foreign Richard Thomas, instructor in • n 7nno nnft the Center for Urban Affairs. Sign ZOne pOCT Thomas will speak on Students comple "International Racism: A Barrier to World Unity "at 7 p.m. Sunday in the Union's Gold Room. JERUSALEM national (AP) - The scientific research councils of Israel and Mexico The Russian and East European Studies Center will present have signed an agreement for Tentacles? cooperation in arid zone on state court George Kline, professor of philosophy at Bryn Mawr, agriculture, ecology, food technology, protein research and The limbs of this tree near case it forms nice Beaumont Tower look like the framework for looking at the fall colors. tentacles of a giant octupus. In any State News photo by Donald Sak speaking on the "Political science teaching. Philosophy of Leszek W. Kay Doyle, East Lansing The survey, under the direction country-funded, employes in Kolakowski"at3p.m.Monday in Hailey seeks authenticity graduate student, and Marta K. of Norman A. Paelke, personnel different areas of the state receive lOlS.Kedzie. Dodd; Niles senior, recently consultant for the court different compensation for "No Welfare Mess in Norway— finished four-month assignments administrator's office, is the similar duties. Can That Happen Here?" will be as staff members of the forerunner to possible state Under a statewide system, discussed by Albert Holloway, classification and pay study now assumption of court costs for all however, employes performing professor in the School of Social being completed by the Michigan of Michigan's courts. similar functions would be Work, at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday in Supreme Court administrator's 109S. Kedzie. novels, Under the present system, compensated at the same level, office. which is primarily regardless of their geographic location The survey involved field visits The African Studies Center is presenting two African poets reading selection from their own in newsman says to all of Michigan's 242 courts. works. Dennis Brutus from the Green was asked by Haih y to course in hotel management for Hailey for traveling expenses. Per"sonnJ7nTormatfon""and Republic of South Africa will be do the legwork for "Wheels.' two weeks. When he finally sat Hailey visited Detroit severe I "I'm locked in an office," down to write the book, he had expense and income data were speaking at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday in By JONATHAN KAUFMAN floor times and was allowed into tit I McDonel Kiva Kofi Awonoor Green said, "and if I've got the plan of a real hotel top-security I collected to allow classificaiton auto companies' How do you go about writing before him. For "Wheels," he of every court employe in the i™™ Ghana be speaking at chance to go out and meet some advance planning rroms, when I best-selling novel on the auto pretty high-powered people, it's used a map of Detroit and its he saw 731 state. An estimation of the cost of J;1,5 P ™- Wednesday in the a industry? clay models of the the courts on a statewide basis is U"'°n s G°,d Ro,om-, great. It's the opportunity to do surrounding area. model cars, Green said. also included in the study. Ei3v Sn™ ?. fi,m Ch,na' If you're Arthur Hailey, things I might not have had the Green's research consisted I . one-Fourth of Humanity" will author of the new best-seller chance to do otherwise." For Hailey, the publicationof mostly of conducting informal "Wheels" "Wheels," you examine every Green said Hailey does not interviews and scouting locales ^ __ means more thul aspect of your subject begin to write a story until he io^ke the'action the""novel $850,000 in royalties in addition I Irish head thoroughly, to make your novel as realistic as possible to your has done thorough background research. For "Hotel," Heiley fit the area in of which it was to what he received from hit publisher. He is asking $1.25for I I readers. read every book and taking place. the movie rights, compared to I subscribed British of To do this, Hailey employs legmen, who collect the facts to every magazine he Qn hotels, then could find attended a He did this in his spare time, he said, and was reimbursed by $450,000 he received forI "Airport," Green said. that he will use in building his DUBLIN (AP)—Prime Minister seeking to intimidate citizens of story. Jack Lynch accused the British the Irish Republic in border areas. "He insists on having an army Wednesday of violating the For the past week some of these absolute familiartiy with his Irish Republic's territory and said troops have been blowing up subject beforehand. He knows if he is considering a complaint to border roads along which, the ou sneak one uttle error into a the United Nations. British say, the outlawed Irish _ . . story it will come flying back to . . Lynch charged that British Republican Army gets its supplies you," David Green, asst. Sunday operations on the border could of arms and explosives, news editor of the Detroit News, lead to a breach of international Lynch added: "If incursions said iu Wednesday. nwutouu,. , The following employers wiU Bulletin posted each week at the Co.; McNamee, Porter & Seeiey; I peace. He accused the British of continue the government may have to inform the United Green told a monthly meeting be interviewing from Nov. 1 Placement Bureau and in most State Mutual of America;! HILLEL FOUNDATION of Sigma Delta Chi, through Nov. 5. December, departments. This bulletin lists Texaco Inc.; U.S. Dept. of I Nations, as this might lead to a 319 Hillcrest at Grand River breach of international peace. professional journalistic society, March and June graduates of all specific majors requested by the Transportation; Duke I 332-1916 that he had been a friend of degree levels are eligible to interviewing organizations. University. 9 Hailey's since he first met him interview unless otherwise Students are advised to Nov. 3: Aetna Life about seven years ago, when indicated. interview with employers even Casualty Co.; Atlantic I Sunday, Oct. 24, 5:30 p.m. Green was the book editor of though they had not completed Co.; Bell System; Bendix Corp.; I Supper at Hillel. T. _ . . , , . Dr. Joseph Zaks, Dept. the Kitchener-Waterloo Record If are "tested their military service. Many New Lothrop Area Public I in Canada and Hailev was a organization, please sign up in employers have indicated an Schools; Ohio Dept. oil of Mathematics, M.S.U. will Canadian author who had not the ^cement Bureau Monday interest in interviewing the Highways; OwensCorninjI lead discussion "What's on yet published his first bestseller, ?ct" ,25' or at ^ two school student before and after his duty Hberglas Corp.; Raytheon Co.;I Happening in Israel" Everyone Hotel " days in advance of the interview with the Armed Forces. Sears, Roebuck & Co.;| Welcome. For rides, phone date. Nov. 1: American Hospital Southland Corp.; Texaco lnc.;| 332-1916. BEER AND WINE Supply Corp.; Arthur Young & University of Chicago Uwl Hayride Co.; Bell System; Ebasco Service School. Sat., Oct. 30,7:30 p.m. Meet at Hillel House. $1.00 TO GO! Inc.; NCR; Texaco Inc.; U. S. Navy. Ford Nov. 4: Detroit Bank & Trust; Motor | Members; $1.50 BARNES Nov. 2: Arthur Young & Co.; Libbey-Owens-Ford; Spenyl Non-members necessary. Reservations Call 353-5817 or OPEN TILL FLORAL OF EAST LANSING Bell System; Central Mutual Insurance Co.; Kellogg Co.; Right Systems Div.; Texaco I Inc.; Upjohn Co. I 332-1916 by Oct. 26 Leeds & Northrup Co.; Lincoln Nov. 5: Bechtel Corp;H Havdalah at 7:00 p.m. 2 AAA National Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.; Life Insurance Westwood Community Dist.; Xerox Corp. Schools| •1201 E.GRAND RIVER- FRI. NITE — SAT. NITE Flowers say so much so * beautifully 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 the long, lean lanky at HOLIDAY LANES by Robert Bruce. . this week we ARe feAtuR-mOi Lanes available for OPEN Bowling all day these specially pmced lps and a close-fitting cotton evening. Open 9 a.m. daily Just north of Frandor - 337-9775 knit Billiards Cocktails Good Food skinny ribbed Shawn Phillips MM Second Contribution Blood rock $3.5 In this age of U.S.A. $3.5 Derek and the Dominos "Gimmick Restaurants' Layla... 2 LP's excellent cuisine and gracious definitely the tfHR Commander Cody service are still a tradition at sh,„ to wee, HI Ozone... Rory Gallagher $2.98 (Taste Lead Guitarist) $2.98 now. Hazel, dust, T-Rex 323 e. grand blue, rose, burgundy Electric Warrior $2.98 river or smog. Sizes _ PLUS THIS WEEK. . . open Selected B.B. King LP'S 9-9 S/M ond L/XL. 6.50 1 t} at on Sale Specially reduced prices I sat. 9-6 |j|llj||i don't pORC,et to check our RACk which AlwAys feAtuRes At leAst Jacobson's 90 lp s discounted moRe, . Shop PHONE 351-5380 Restaurant of Lansing hit 321 East Michigan Avenue Phone IV5-7179 JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 22, 1971 15 Espionage |(Continued from page one) Nixon names court picks (Continued from page one) over the past five to 10 days. Stanford Law School and added n.nk Basham, director of Nixon While example, that the president has individual liberties and spoke quietly and posing for photographs in a mock whisper: "I was rights." Ulation at the base, said evenly, delaying until the last in his Oval Office after the the unfettered right to employ "Our freedom exists," he has third." fens was arrested Monday on few minutes of the broadcast the broadcast the President electronic surveillance against said, "by reason of the law's base He said Perkins had been At the Justice political extremists, even names of Powell and Rehnquist. continued his praise of the Department, guarantee that others must Led to the weapons center He said "Presidents come and nominees. He called Powell "a Rehnquist is known as a protege without court approval. respect it." tfe 1969 and was classified to but the Supreme Court, go through great man" and described of Deputy Atty. Gen. Richard Rehnquist also has insisted Powell is a quiet, scholarly G. tertooTt. 6,000 its decisions, goes on forever." White House press secretary Rehnquist as "Some said he "fantastic." too Kleindeinst, one of the toughest law-and-order the president should be free to wage war in Vietnam without man hailed Virginians as by his fellow a fair minded lians and military personnel was old," exponents in the administration. congressional interference. realist in Ronald L. Ziegler said Nixon Nixon said of Powell. "Let me dealing with the on the base, the only weapons problems of racial desegregation. decided tell you 10 years of him is worth Rehnquist to the He Lter of the Aerospace Defense on Powell and 30 of anyone else." came has attacked radical Supporters of Powell pointed Rehnquist Thursday morning department in 1968 and has protestors as "new barbarians," knmand. been instrumental in to his qualifications as It the base, which is and the President "pretty well The developing and said in one speech that lawyer President noted that its on and judge and as an active Lnsible for all advance air had these two men in mind" position on use of wiretaps. topic that "law and order will be Rehnquist was first in his class at He has member of the ABA for more ffense training, are the contended, for preserved at whatever cost in than 30 years. erceptor weapons school, the hter plane tactics school, the Lat crew training school and 'test squadron. Income rises slightly Kasham said the test squadron •esponsibie for research and elopment of defense systems for maintaining weapons, where the aerospace defense che (Continued from page one) Abington Journal, is ownedby Scranton's son. On wages, AFL-CIO President frozen and their allowed to pocket the In the employers money. banking field, the First National City Bank of New York, has The administration privately urged a cutback in the prime lending rate, the interest that big the administration's extend standby controls for another bill to wage-price year. smallest of the year. Farm income climbed commercial banks by second largest in the nation, charge their Treasury Secretary John B. said theout." almost $1 billion and social Femof isitschecked George Meany said that labor biggest and best customers. asham arrest was the announced it will allow the prime Two fresh readings on the state Connally will be the first witness. security and railroad retirement cooperation with the Phase 2 rate to float and make it t kind at the base, near restraints would be jeopardized if more of the The Commerce pensions by $1.5 billion, economy are scheduled Department, in nama City in the Florida workers don't get responsive to money-market Friday with release of the reporting personal accounting for the bulk of the eventually conditions. The bank said that as income, bhandle. He would not say [ether anyone else was Digger retroactive pay for frozen and deferred pay hikes wages of Monday, the prime rate will be coasumer price index and third quarter gross national product. underscored how the freeze has affected the economy. September rise. Solved. already set at 5.75 With negotiated. per cent, then On the September risa, This digger is being used by the Lansing Public Works crew Capitol Hill, the House The $3.2 Jerkins was born in Perry, N. to tear up the road Meany said in a recorded reviewed weekly to see if Banking Committee rescheduled billion increase, personal income was at a I and currently lists his home along Grand River Avenue across from television interview that there is a adjustments should be made. for next figured at a seasonally adjusted seasonally adjusted annual rate of Mason Hall so a new curb be installed. Wednesday hearings on annual rate, of the Press as Palo Verde, California, can keen sense of injustice on the part was one $871 billion. Cham said. State News photo by Terry Miller of workers whose pay hikes were Dorm canvassing policies unresolved SUNDAY SPAGHETTI OR Continued from page one) Laid he was only interested in matter for students to decide. He indicated will have to go that candidates to residence hall c o n t ra d i ction to constitutional guarantee of free the (ACLU) would attempt to negotiate with the University. "I'm very much upset about FRIED CHICKEN SPECIAL Bhing registered voters and governing bodies to obtain speech." this personally," his hope that some permission to canvass. Ferency said. $1.50 "As I see it, no harm can come Ifactory arrangement could However, Zolton Ferency, Ferency said that if a to the University T reached with University East Lansing attorney, said: "It complaint filed with University by having ■orities. people go from room to room to appears University policy of officials by council candidates is talk about the election. I Touis Hekhuis, associate dean preventing canvassing in rejected, he expected that the hope the University will see the error Students, said the issue was a residence halls definitely is in American Civil Liberties Union of its ways and correct the situation, allowing candidates to Includes a hefty platter of canvax and distribute literature in or out of the dorms." Panel may study book royalties was Flintoff admitted the first time that this anything of. tasty spaghetti or fried chicken with this nature had come up and said Continued from page one) Press to publish textbooks instructor from financially eventually the policy would be reviewed and probably garlic bread and salad. because the University in itself gaining through use of his own rewritten. ■fication. The only widely did not represent a textbook. very large Davis said his 'niinated policy statement audience to purchase the committee would also work on ■royalties is in the "Polity inditklual textbooks. He added policies for copyrights arid the From 4 p.m. until 9 p.m. in the President's Idbook for MSU Faculty that whiie many faculty do not income derived by faculty from |0" which states: write textbooks, real bonanzas producing other instructional For Complete Party Service A faculty member producing Bxtbook or other teaching exist for faculty who write an introductory textbook in an area materials. Much of the instructional Room with roaring fires in two fireplaces. GUARANTEED EARNINGS prial prepared and designed like economics. material other than textbooks is parily for the use of and "We would like to come up prepared with University For Interview Ipulsory purchase by the with a fair arrangement for fcnts of MSU must submit everyone involved. We don't resources, he added. "It's easier to define a set of Send Brief Resume CONSOLIDATED Beer, wine & cocktails also served. Manuscript to the MSU Press, want to kill off off the conditions for policy on CONSUMERS CORP. fh was established for the incentive," Davis said. electronic instructional materials 1322 S. Wabash Avenue of publishing such Textbooks published by the than textbooks because it is a MSU press have their royalties Chicago, III. 60605 newer area," he said. |ne I administrator noted that revert to the professor's faculty go outside the MSU department, to avoid an What's Happening at the Mall: 1020 HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY cPrttzel MEA statement Thursday, Oct. 28,7 p.m. Trowbridge Rd. (Continued from page one) Three $15 prizes for the scariest, ^Bell |vost; Edward A. Carlin, dean of University College; Douglas prettiest and most original cosutmes. 351-0300 ►ham, chairman of the Dept. of Social Science and Clinton A. also Rder, professor of Social Science, and assistant to Dunham. Teland W. Carr, JACK-O-LANTERN CONTEST University attorney who is handling the case, was Ivailable for comment. Friday Oct. 29, between noon & 6 p.m. lildebrand presented his case to the MSU chapter of the Three $15 prizes for the scariest, lerican Assn. of io.The membership ■ not University Professors (AAUP) in November, reported in February, 1969 that Hildebrand been given substantial due prettiest and most original carved jack-o-lantern. MSU CREDIT UNION ASMSU process. ■^meeting held Nov. 21,1970 at Hildebrand's request, he asked ■AAUP executive council to reopen his case. T execufiye council whose membership had shifted since the lansing mall | ^ °«ginally f rand presented, discussed a statement prepared by 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy. detailing reasons for the new action, fe executive council members unanimously found that Jebrand's statement offered no clear evidence that the decision ■ to reappoint him had Pell, vice president of the been reached improperly, Albert P. UNION BUILDING present MSU chapter of the AAUP, ■•nastatement Monday. yinell was unavailable Thursday for comment on the MEA BILLIARDS ROOM & BOWLING LANES SKI FUN ISTARTS BILLIARD ROOM $1.00 per hour MON. & FRI. 11:30a.m. -11:00 p.m. FAMOUS SKI BRANDS TUES., WED., THURS. • DC-8 round trip from Detroit Sideral, Zebra, Hi-Flex, A&T, and Krystal. 10:00 SAT. & SUN. a.m. - 11:00 3:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. p.m. March 20-28 AMERICA S MOST • Deluxe resort hotel on POPULAR BOOTS 8 PINBALL Technica and Raichle/Molitor. THE CUSTOMIZER MACHINES! Costa del Sol A complete system for foam fitting boots. • 4 people /2 bedroom suites , X-COUNTRYSKI COMPLETE ' Also check out our BOWLING LANES • 2 meals a day* breaUfast&dinner L cross-country skis. 50c per line Buy 'em or ... CALL: rent 'em. MON. & WED. 5:15 p.m. -11:00 p.m. • Kitchen in each suite TUES., THURS., SUN. ASMSU Travel 355-4560 • RAUPP 2:00 p.m. — 11:00 p.m. FRI. & SAT. after 6pm call: Putting green, 2 swimming pools Campfitters 5? E-M,ch'GAN AVE., LANSING (517) 489 4188 12:00 noon - 11:00 p.m. KATHY JOAN 332-5617 353-1088 • Rum punch party r.Ti" ,hni r"-10 'ARLINGTON • ««« p ANN ARBOR • sit. -10. rn IVANST0N, ILL to«p m. CHRIS 351-0288 • All tips and taxes Friday, Qctoh..r n 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan The State News does Automotive Aviation GET Action WITH A not permit racial or, TV RENTALS. Color, $19.50 per SUBLEASE 2 cri, LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight white, $9.50 per Want Ad '-v r religious discrimination in its advertising training. government All courses and are VA certified. month. Black and month. MARSHALL MUSIC. 351-7830. C-10-22 3 BEDROOM upar columns. The State FORD VAN 1970 Maverick engine, FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport ► AUTOMOTIVE News will not accept only 13,000 miles, tape deck, must Road. Call 484-1324. C GET YOUR party needs at A, C and across from Scooters & Cycles sell, $1,000. Call 351-7466. campus. Derxi,,, J advertising which E Rentals. Glassware, red and Auto Parts & Service 4-10-22 check tablecloths. Per month for lour S,UM Aviation discriminates against Employment white 349-2220. O Dyanne Dean 0f Eip ^ ► EMPLOYMENT religion, race, sex, national origin. color or FORD good. WINDOW Van, 1962. Runs $295. Phone 627-9217. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, part TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction lasr 372*"** ► FOR RENT 3-10-25 time, $2 per hour, apply Room 32, guaranteed. Freo delivery, service Nt.LU ON 210 Abbott Rd. 10 a.m. 3-10-20 Apartments and pick up. No desposit. Call Houses FORD TORINO Fastback 1968 NE J AC, 337-1300. C 1.7StM°°mma,eS! Cal|351«l buckets. Has all power options. COCKTAIL LOUNGE and nightclub, Rooms Automotive Best offer takes it. Call 351-0736. waiting on tables. Apply in person. TV RENTALS Students only. Low 2122 N. Logan, Lansing. JOE ► FOR SALE 5-10-25 monthly and term rates. Call CAMARO, 1968 SS-396, 4 speed, JOSEPH'S PRO BOWL. 5-10-22 Animals 351 7900. UNIVERSITY TV mags, good condition. 393-2064. FORD FAIRLANE, V-8, 1964. Good Mobile Homes RENTALS. C 3-10-26 tires, new battery, $250 or best NURSES-RN, LPN. ROSELAWN fLost & Found offer. 337-0947 after 6 p.m. MANOR. Skilled nursing home, 393-7480 before ► PERSONAL CATALINA 1968. 4 door, automatic 5-10-22 10) Aimstrong Road. Have REFRIGERATORS noon. S-IO.Jj'w DISHWASHERS. Eschtruth electric, PEANUTS PERSONAL transmission, factory air - positions available on 3-11 p.m. ONE MAN to sublet Nov 315 Bridge, Grand Ledge. conditioning, V-8. Power steering shift. Opportunity for Own room, REAL ESTATE and brakes, 6 ply whitewalls, advancement, excellent salaries, 627-2191 TF 393-1867.5-10.2|| RECREATION benefits. Apply in person or call, UNFURNISHEDEXCEPT ft, AM/FM, rear defrost. $1650. JAVELIN 1969. Excellent condition. 393-5680, Miss Lehmann, Director SERVICE 351 -8494 or 351-0274. 5-10-26 Apartments and refrigerator, 2 bedroll Sharp. 20 mpg. $1250 or best offer. of Nursing. 5-10-25 apartment. Utilitiesfurmshedi Typing Service 353-9503, 351-6349.4-10-22 CHEVROLET 1963. V-8, automatic, Reo adults only. |\|o pets j|3 TRANSPORTATION ACADEMIC WRITERS needed to CEDAR VILLAGE apartment. Need month plus deposit good WANTED runs good, tranportation, $200. Call 349-1165. 3 10-25 LOTUS EUROPA 1971. 12,000 'REMEMBER. SOME OF THOSE HALF-TIME pi oduce educational aids. Need one girl to sublet winter and / or 834-5235.2-10-25 actual miles. Phone 1-799-2947 particularly writers in Economics, spring term. 351-8076. 5-10-25 DEADLINE Saginaw. 5-10-27 SHOWS- BEFORE THE BUDGET CUT Area Studies, and all Business 5880 Marsh Road, 2 bedroom CHEVROLET NOVA 1970, 307, 3 disciplines. Call Write - On, carpeted, $160. Call Mai 1 P.M. one class day before speed, Positraction radials. Must MERCURY 1966. Automatic, power fltyW/&EteW,/ &/&23/S. LAWNS MW. 332 3700.0 MARRIED STUDENTS 5-10-28 publication. sell. Call 355-1175.3-10-22 steering, automatic rear window, Cancellations/Corrections new battery, muffler system. Snow TELEPHONE CANVASSERS. 6-9 & FACULTY NEEDED: TWO girls winter«, CHEVROLET IMPALA 1968. p.m. Monday through Friday. No sublease three — 12 noon one class day tires. Very dependable man apartment! Automatic, good tires, very good experience necessary. Phone 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. 351-4404.3-10-25 before publication. transportation. Good body. $350. Automotive Automotive 371-3220.10 11-3 condition. Days 373-3044. After 6 Evenings, 351-3823. S some with study PHONE p.m. 582-3941.5-10-28 GIRL WANTED to shi VW BUS 1965. Powered by 1600 T.J.'S RED COACH, 465 North MERCURY COUGAR 1969, 2 door PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1969, V-8, near campus. 337 9469 355-8255 Porsche engine. Call 351-6999. Cedar, Mason. Lunches, dinners, m CHEVY BE L-AIRE 1965, 3-10-22 RATES i 0 word1 minimlum dependable, standard, $250. Call hardtop, 4 speed, air-conditioned, excellent condition. $2,000 or best power steering / brakes, AM-FM. New tires, 5 year warranty. 2-10-22 and night shift. Phone 676-2627. 3-10-25 from *145 per mo. ONE GIRL 484-9188 after 5 p.m. 3-10-22 351 3859,353-9252.5 10-22 immediately, Nc. DAYS offer. 393-4452. 5-10-26 No. 5 Scooters & Cycles HOME MAINTENANCE Handyman, UNFURNISHED negotiable. Meadowbrc WORDS 1 3 10 CORVETTE 1971 convertible. RAMBLER 1961. Good condition, girl apartment. 351-9049.} snow tires included, $125. with ^ools if possible, to work on children welcome 10 13.00 "Brands Hatch" green. Assume CL 350 1970 Honda. Helmets, seat 1.50 4.00 6.50 332-6835. 332-668-1 5-10 28 arranged basis, car a must. Call mortgage "32-5 'Or "0-2J ;v:o- I sissy bsr included. LUCAS L V., 349-2549 5^10-27 please, no pets ONF OR two b mobile homes $28-$3Spe-J 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 -SO $575. rtich, 153-3603, 353-0169. "cMPEST 196b. >/-8, excellent iutes to campus. 64IM MUSTANG MACH I 1969 4 speed, MARRIED students for 3-10-22 WANTED: KNOB HILL . condition. Reasonable. Call 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 CORVETTE 1970 Coupe. 454-390, 4 351 cubic, red. Excellent 351-8279 after 5:30 p.m. 3-10-26 babysitting in exchange for room speed, power windows, low condition, $1700. 351-4813. 520 and board. 489 2659. 5-10-27 1967 305 Scrambler, above average EAST KALAMAZOO off. Fur 23.40 Spartan. 3-10-26 18 20 2.70 3.00 7.20 8.00 11.70 13.00 26.00 mileage. Burgundy with black interior.$4400 or best offer.Phone 485-8363 or 694 8951.10-11-3 MUSTANG 67GTA, tape, mags, TR-250 1968 convertible. $1300. Call 351-0457 before 10 a.m. or after8 305, almost mint. Mike 3-10-22 351-2593. LOCAL FIRM has openings for hard APARTMENTS p.m. 10-10-25 working persons with good utilities paid. $95 month, power steering, brakes. Mint. 349-4700 10.00 32.50 1968 BSA 650, excellent condition speaking voice to work as 351 7283. 1 10 22 3.75 16.25 1969 CORVETTE 427 convertible, $1300. 351-7228. 2-10-22 TR 4-Everything new including paint, $825. Phone 351-7376after 6p. telephone solicitors. Hours 5:30 - OPEN Monday Friday 347 Student Servlc:es Bldg. nice, $3350. 627-9592 or 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. OLDSMOBILE 1969 "98" lUkury will consider trade. Best of^er cfver , 2 10-25 hA(Wrt*)HV ^ondav WANTED, ONE man, M 373-4983.2-10-22 , ' - ■ Friday. $1.75 an hour. Phone All student ads must be sedan. Power steering, brakes, $600,485-8079.1-10-22 f 372-7793 between ! and 5:30 p.m. &timtey 12-5 p.m. Woods. Call 351-1649.^10-y, seats, windows, trunk, confortron, SUZUKI, 50cc, ,1 970 LOCATED % MILE NORTH prepaid CUTLASS SUPREME 1971. Air, stereo radio and tape player, TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1969. 20,000 Super-economical. Fun. Excellent to set up interview. Only those who GIRL TO share expenses of ml vinyl top, 2 door hardtop. condition. $225. 393-8728 after are hard working need apply. OF JOLLY RD ON , 31,000 miles, excellent condition. miles, excellent condition. Please home, reasonable, The State News will be 5:30 p.m. 3-10-25 10-10-25 OKEMOS ROAD 332-8050 evenings. Must sell! Phone 351-3128 after 4 p.m. call 355-4795.4-10-22 485-8394. 5 10-27 responsible only for the 3-10-22 5-10-27 FOURTH GIRL needed immediately. first VOLKSWAGEN 1964, Body, tires, 1971 HONDA CB-450. Like new, COOK FOR Sorority house. Call day's incorrect Cedar Brook, $70. Call Patti, 442 CONVERTIBLE. Hot 1970. OLDSMOBIEL 1971 Cutlass Supreme and general condition, good. New extras. Mike, 351 -3820 after 8 p.m. 351-5085, 8-12 a.m. or 3-5 p.m. insertion. Good price. Call 351-2526 after hardtop coupe. Air, bucket seats, 3-10-25 3-10-22 351-0399.3-10-22 clutch, and brakes. Call 882-9969. 3:30 p.m. 2-10-22 console, vinyl top, $3295. Phone 3-10-22 484-4010.1-10-22 HONDA 750 1970. Excellent WANTED, MARRIED Pre-Vet or FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 1 DATSUN 1200, 1971 Fastback. 35 condition, windshield, rollbar and beginning Veterinary student with bedroom. 10 minutes from MSU. VOLKSWAGEN 1967 Fastback with m.p.g., vinyl top, radio, tape. OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS (S) 1971. buggy rack. Call after 5 p.m. farm background or experience to for Automotive Excellent. 625-3039 after 6 p.m. sunroof. Must sell, best offer. 646-3732.5-10-22 Ideal married couple or Sharp, "Bittersweet", air, care for country home and small Phone 675-5229 oi 641-4486. graduate students, $155. For 6-10-29 stable of registered horses. Reply to ANTIQUE 1933 Chevrolet. automatic, power, many extras. appointment call 489-6939 or Original 3-10-22 and excellent. Drive it anywhere. 10,000 miles. 626-6880 after 6 Auto Service & Parts Box C-3 State News. 5-10-25 489-6561. B-3-10-22 351-7397.5-10-22 p.m. 3-10-22 VOLKSWAGEN 1962. Good LIGHT SECRETARIAL and phone transportation, $295. Call FOR SALE, black MGB hardtop. Call work. 40 hours / week, excellent LANSING - 410 South Pine. Large 4 DeWITT, 6 MILES North, BUICK SPECIAL 1966. Power OLDSMOBILE 442, 1 965, EXOTIC, EROTIC 1948 NASH. 627-6862 after 5 p.m. 3-10-22 Skip, between 8-5 at 332-8640. working conditions, several bedroom home, partially furnished rooms, steering, brakes. Automatic convertible. All power, excellent Perfect 4 door basic black. 3-10-22 openings, $2 / hour, day and furnished. Ideal for couples. Call 355-0822 after 6 p.m. 4-10-22 condition. Call 626-6700. 5-10-28 351-1740.3-10-22 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK evening shift open. 393-5460 for 6-8 evenings only. Mr. Alban, BUICK RIVIERA 1968. Very good condition. Mustsell. interview, Dick Vance. 633 East 337-2510. 5-10-26 1966, excellent FIAT 1967, 850 Coupe, excellent Call 355-1217. 3-10-22 Jolly Road. Equal Opportunity buy, new tires, engine, call RECISION 339 8025.2-10-22 Employer. O 373-1858, 8-12 a.m., or 351-6188 condition, 4 speed. 332-4927. LANSING OR East Lansing. One after 5:30 p.m. 3-10-22 3-10-22 VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Great IMPORTS bedroom furnished. Large, airy NATIONAL COMPANY looking for OPEL 1966, light blue sports coupe, condition, new muffler, rooms. Air conditioned. carburetor. Must sell. complete service for men and women. Comfortable has new clutch, brakes, battery. $600 Call Beautifully maintained. Suitable $700. Phone 663-6301.3-10-26 484-8007.1-10-22 inside work, no outside canvassing, IPmBra all foreign models - for faculty, grad students, business no sales experience necessary,must repair and body work have good phone voice. Full time people, married couples. OPEL GT 1970. 102 hp. Orange, VOLKSWAGEN 1966sedan.Beautiful 332-3135 or 882-6549. O excellent condition, new tires, ruby red, A-1 condition, and part time positions. Salary, ALSOI VW service available $100-$200 / week, depending on $2550.349-2653.2-10-25 maintenance papers, original 1206 E. Oakland 484-4411 FOUR MILES from MSU. Completely W m9 LARGEST SELECTION * owner, must sell. $7 50 firm. Parked ability, 2 weeks paid training furnished, very clean 4 rooms, 1 OS 1971 Cutlass Supreme, 4 door kiddie corner 1513 Spartan Village program. Contact Dick Vance: IN TOWN or 355-9559 M-F 11:20 a.m. - MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East 393-5460 for interview. 633 East bedroom apartment with garage. hardtop. Palm Green vinyl top, Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. Must be seen. $160 / month, the time to h ixterize is mow: 1-10-22 Jolly Road, Equal Opportunity • power. $2900. Phone 485-8708. 12:00 noon. . . . Complete auto painting and utilities paid. 349-4907, 393-1126 4-10-22 Employer. 0 collision service. IV 5-0256. C 4-10-22 THE I'L i( E IS KRAMI'R! MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST, VW - GUARANTEED repair. ASCP Registered or diagnostic We Stock Over a Million Parts RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at Microbiology experience, day shift, CROSSWORD PONTIAC TEMPEST 1965. Power Okemos Road. 349-9620. C Sundays only. Apply SPARROW KRAMER AUTO PARTS PUZZLE o HOSPITAL Personnel. 7-10-27 steering, brakes, automatic V-8, VW BUS 1963. Good condition, radio, FROM WHERE you sit, check the ACROSS 60,000 miles, best offer. 351-0132. wood 1. Gentle 34. Knitting stitch 800 E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 interior, phone 393-8723. better jobs in today's Classified 3-10-22 5. Fairy 5-10-27 Ads. 36. Fashion 8. Grimalkin 37. Kind of music YOUTH DIRECTOR. Responsible, 11. Alpine goat 39. Jacob's eighth dedicated young man or couple to 12. Festival Q'u zd Studenti,Mamied £>Uu&e*U4., STORY direct a weekly program for high garland school aged students. Send resume 13. Windmill sail 47. Lair including, church affiliation and 14. Crystalline 48 Hawaiian references to P.O. Box 88, Okemos, 15. White lily aj-iA. fyaauty DATSUN SALES 48864.1-10-22 17. 19. Checks Cereal seed 49. 50. baking pit Honey Ostrich 20. Pets 51. Helium 3165 E. MICHIGAN For Rent 23. Season 52. Beatnik's 26. Case of apartment CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING One Block From Campus ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV RENTAL. 372-4948. O SQUEEZE? CIDER A take your troubles to TIME! PARK WEST 1971 % TON DATSUN PICK UP Only 85c per gallon or quantity price APARTMENTS Corda West 5530 West Michigan Ave. FREE RUSTPROOFING WITH ANY DATSUN SALE 5817 E. Okemos Rd., E. Lan at Saginaw (2 mi. north off Grand River) Contact Bill DeJonge ED 7 7974 484 4640 Open daily to 9 p m. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 22, 1971 17 For Rent For Sale For Sale Personal Real Estate ■TnrKS MSU. Immediate EIGHT TRACK - Sony TC-8 play / NEW. COMPLETE. Boy Scout it's what's _ > from OVERBURDENED? Educational EAST LANSING " - By owner, 831 recordd•ck. S a c r i f ice, $75. [(Happening Call 337-0683.5-10-22 uniform, 12 slim. $14 or 7 aids, research, 393-7756.1-10-22 tutoring, Collingwood. 214 story brick 339 8685 after 6 p.m. S translations, science research Colonial $48,500. Immediate projects. Write On, 210 Abbott possession. Phone BEST OFFER takes. Fully 372-7029 or Houses 16' sloop, equipped GUILD STARFIRE V Rd„ 332-3700,10-5 p.m.O 372-7601, Mr. trailer., 349-1243 electric MacDonald. 3-10-25 hollowbody - Grovers, extras. 6-10 22 LaNTED for large farm house, Wanted: 1950'srecords. 351-2593. BOARD EXAM TUTORING Kaplan J room, $75 / month, includes GARAGE SALE: Sat. 3-10-25 Tutoring Courses for the - Sun., |,i8S. 484 8871.2-10-22 waterbed, head skiis, ski clothes, CONN CONSOLE organ, steel December DAT board LSAT exams and January EXECUTIVE HOME Nikon FTN, 1023 East Michigan, desk, are being ■ TO share furnished house. 371-1374.2-10-22 hall carpet. Reasonable. Call formed. Call collect (313) , cedar Cavanaugh. Own 351-5524.4-10-26 851-6077 for enrollment. Announcements $80 / month. 882-4861. GIBSON O-25 11-12 Uniquely styled, 3-bedroom for It's What's Foreign student W k up : Klin BLUERIDGE 12 string, ranch. Fteatures Happening must be received in the applications for :holarship philosophy, will deliver a lecture at vestibule almost new. 351-1439.5-10-27 $200. Call Tim, Animals PATRICIAN $20 shag permanent for entry. Formal dining area. State News Office, 345 Student Services Bldg., by I p.m. at least two offered by the Com nmunity 7:30 P-m- Monday in 7I6A Wells Hall Committee for International Programs I on "The Poetry of Joseph Bodsky". $10. Monday 12^1 p.m. 309 M.A.C. Convenient kitchen for the class days before publication. Items at the Foreign Student Sponsored by the Dept. of German MSU MUSIC professor selling s old. 337-1114.3-10-22 homemaker. Lower level has are limited and Russian and the violin, to 25 words. No Applications deadline is Oct.; Russian ind Fast cello, bows. All professional been carefully designed for the announcements will be accepted by quality. 353-6485 or 337-1525. KIDS & ADS host and hostess. Features are: phone. No announcements will be MINIATURE SCHNAUZER. Male. 12 Rooms 5-10-27 weeks Children see more TV informal lounge with accepted for events outside the The MSU Sports Car Club pres old. Has had shots. Ears ads If fireplace, game room, wet bar. greater Lansing area. you enjoy Barhe cropped. Groomed. Champion than adults because the night road rally with registr _u.a.c. Furnished, cooking, BEAUTIFUL, UNUSUAL - 1876 bloodline. Excellent play dog with and a soundproof office broadcaster's code allows 16 beginning at 5:30 p.m Saturday Shop Quartet Society Jing for more information call, platform rocker. $200. Call insures seclusion for the children. $100. 393-3543. 5-10-27 minutes of commercials busy Saturday at Eastern ■8215 after 5 p.m. 1-10-22 882-4744.3-10-25 in executive. Too many other GREAT every hour of children's features to name here. Priced Service featuring the internatit fnON: ROOMS for rent. CANON PELLIX, 1.2 lens, 4 months DANE puppies, AKC Harlequins and blacks. Show and programs, compared with 10 $49,900 and submit "Gentlemens' Agreem Epletely furnished. Cooking. old. Excellent condition. Reduced Pet quality. Show Brindles. minutes per hour in prime terms. For personal your own CERAMIC TILE are $2.50 at the door. ■ 372 8077. C to $285. 355-7821. x 3-1025 517-328 2691 or 517-248-3238. adult shows. showing - Painting and Information the phone Dick Edley 371-1930 carpenter work. Call 482-0056 on Kast Lansing Ther i infor 6-10-29 Smart businessmen know City Council candidates and ROBERTS 778-X reel to reel or evenings 393-5081. anytime. 5-10-27 the of the Baha'i World Faith at 8 tonight and 8 the economical Meridian township charter For Sale track tape recorder. AKAI BOXERS AND tiny toy Poodles and way to reach and at 4988 S. Hagadorn Rd. Call X-200-D automatic reverse buyers who are ready to buy NOTHING LASTS forever! So for candidates is available at Legislative 337-1220. Everyone is welcome. stereo Schnauzers. AKC registered and looking for their offer is Relations, 312 Student Services Bldg. Ktte PLAYER will sacrifice. tape deck. Dual CV-40 stereo 517-248-3238.6-10-29 with STATE News Classified TEACHOUT-GARDNER new or newer check today's Want Ads! household good s from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday through The MSU Tolkien Fcllowhsip will | tapes. Call 489-5495 after 10 amplifier, Herman - Kardon SC15 Friday and from I to 5 p.m. Thursday. stereo music Ads. Just dial 355-8255 for an REALTORS hold its regular meeting at 8 tonight in 4-10-22 system, used POODLE PUPPIES Lovable$256r Questions call 355-8302. STEREO, speakers, amps, - Ad Representative and start the South Hubbard Hall lower lounge. trade for furniture. Phone All people interested in fantasy receivers, changers, tape recorders your action getting campaign 4320 W. Saginaw SENIORS! FOR 627-9442.3-10-25 - and decks, cassette and 8 track today! Applications are now availbable for players, used 8 track tapes $2 / POA MARE - 4 years old, ALPHA STREET Halloween special: YOUR FREE PICS, the MDP Student Academic Advisory each. TV sets, Police band radio, eligible to GRANOLA IS HEREI Come to the hayride and campfire at register. $125. 1 Appaloosa mare, Really this 3 bedroom Cape Cod Committee in 207 Linton Hall. All FAMILY OF MAN, INC. 201'/4 East the Bar-N Ranch. For reservations call typewriters, imported wall 18 months old, $125. 645-8387 would be a special any time. Full CALL 353-5292 MDP students are eligible. Grand River. B-1-10-22 353-5817 or 332-1916 be Oct. 27. tapestries. All equipment tested 5-10-27 basement, 2 car garage, near Havdalah service will be at 7 p.m. and and guaranteed. WILCOX THOMAS IS interested in your shopping, schools, and can be at harride at 7'30 p.m. Oct. 30. SECOND HAND STORE, 509 BEAUTIFUL BLONDE Afghan, must PORTRAITS, WEDDING, Persons interested in supporting and SAVE TO East Michigan. 485-4391. 8-5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. sell. Shots and papers, 11 months. Can be seen. 1127 East Grand problems. City Council. November 2.1-10-22 MSU in minutes. Financing to be arranged. Call Mrs. Robinson, Commercial. Black and White Color photography. Terrence - working for presidential candidate Edmund Muskie call 339-295 3 after 5 Sponsored by B'nai Brith Hillel, 319 Hillcr it. Fot call 372-7610. ADVANCE REALTY, 332-1916. " Bank Americard, Master Charge, Miller, 351-2013. 5-10-22 p.m. and leave your name, address and 50% layaways, terms, trades. C River, East Lansing, 7 p.m. 3-10-22 a.m. to 4 "LAW SCHOOL I - Will I Make It? Can make it?" A new book. $2.95. or 485-3045.4-10-22 phone number. Evening services at Hillel will be held KROOS EXECUTIVE HOME PIANO TEACHER - wants students, at S:45 p.m. today followed by COLE'S BAKERY GERMAN SHEPHERD, AKC pups, 3 PRESS, Box 3709-A, in my home, 823 Woodbine, dinner. Morning minyan will be held at Bicycle ride! Anyone interested in a Complete Professional SURPLUS BAKERY foods at reduced Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217. 484-8113.5-10-26 9:30 a.m. Saturday. Sunday supper Tqarkroom SUPPLIES prices. 1/3 to 1/2 off at retail months. Beauties, $7 5. 3-10-22 only $42,750 bicycle ride in the country is invited to and speaker at 5:30 p.m. will feature 1-642-8076.3-10-22 the MSU Cycling Club. Meet in front prices; great eating, great economy I of the Men's Inteamural Joseph Zaks discussing "What's BARBARA BOX CAMPUS WIG AND KIMBERLY DOWNS STARVING, SICKLY, INDEBTED Building at 2 Surplus Store, 640 South Waverly, p.m. Sunday. Happening in Israel." For rides or CAIRN TERRIER - year old, female, HA IR STYLISTS, featuring newest Econ student needs bread to finance information call 332-1916. immediately North of I-496 can be registered, all shots. Phone hair AREA contingency funeral fund. Will still expressway. 0-3-10-22 styling techniques. Free 485-8061.3-10-22 Consultation explaining Gypsy cut tutor Econ 200 or 201 for $3/ The film "Salt of the Earth" will be International students of MSU present COLE'S BAKERY - Fine bakery and permanents. 1880 Haslett 3 or 4 bedroom • stone and hour. 353-1573.3-10-22 shown at 8 tonight ip 111 Olds Hall. a variety program, "Some Day We'll Road, from Berkey. Donations foods for all meals. Open Sundays. Mobile Homes across 332-4080.3-10-22 aluminum styled colonial BATON TWIRLING classes. Now Be Together," in aid of East Pakistan SDS. are 75 cents. Sponsored by MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES - home. Beamed and ■ I FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 paneled refugees at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Okemos, South Pennsylvania, West taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640. | Michigan. Dishes, books, RICHARDSON 12'x 50', 2 bedroom, Family room with raised 2010-28 Kellogg Center Auditorium. Tickets The Student Advisory Committee jbs, rocken, junk, Saginaw Road: KROGER - excellent condition, $3500. Peanuts Personal hearth fireplace. Formal are available at the Union. Mathematics will meet at 6 - Frandor, Logan Center, 4002 West 1-623-6952 after 7 p.m. 3-10-26 p.m. bain Hunters Paradise. Open dining plus casual dining, book Monday at 138A Wells Hall. All Saginaw, 1721 North Grand River. CINDY. WE walk alone in the world shelves and storage galore, J Sunday. Furniture I appliances open all week, 10 0-1-10-22 24' CUSTOM built motor home on until we find a lover or a friend. It's about 1700 so,, ft. living area Typing Service interested students are invited to GMC chassis. Completely equipped been two months since I walked » 6 pm/ Phone 371 -2843. C APPLES, PEARS, PUMPKINS, sweet plus full basement and Juniors and seniors enrolled in the less air. Will bargain. 655-3089. alone. Paul. 1-10-22 attached garage. Delightful ANN BROWN. Typing and multilith cider. Pick your own apples. College of Business who wish to be |RBE0S $26.50, any size. 4-10-22 kitchen has all built - ins. Call offset printing. Complete sefvice considered for Academic Council or Coffeehouse from 9 Friday, Saturday, Sunday. to midnight $60 Mattress, liner, foam HAPPY FIRST Anniversary Brown for dissertations, theses, BLOSSOM ORCHARDS. 2 miles John J. Henry 371-1930 or Undergraduate Students' Advisory tonight for good entertainment, J frame. UL listed waterbed HALLMARK , 1969. 12' x 52' Eyes, Love and kisses, Dave. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Council may obtain petitions today friends and Jesus Christ. The North of Leslie on Hull Road. (Old REBIRTH, 309 North furnished, skirted, with shed. 1-10-22 evenings 485-6766. 22 years experience. 349-0850. C Alternative is located at 4930 S. U.S. 127) 589-8251. 9-5 p.m. through Monday in 7 Eppley Center. hington, Lansing. $3500. or best offer. Must sell. Closed Mondays. O Hagadorn Rd., across from Hubbard Phone 625-4427; 2-10-25 521226 HAPPY 24 monthsl My TYPING TERM papers and thesis. The war machine is alive and well Hall. Ad mission in 2 5 cents. SUES JENNY Lind bed $50, Happiness is Loving You. 512001. Electric typewriter. Fast service. and living in Vietnam. If you are of ■nd oak table $60. large 1-10-22 ELCONA 1965, 10' x 50' furnished, TEACHOUT-GARNER Call 349-1904. 18-1029 draft age, help is available from the "Verification of Christian Truth" a ■ogany rocker $50. SOMETI ME near campus. Call 332-8276 after East Lansing Draft Information taped lecture by Os Guinness will b$ 10.2-10-25 REALTORS NINE FOOT davenport, green and 5:30 p.m. 5-10-26 Recreation 4320 W. Saginaw Center, 855 Grove St. (upstairs). Call played and discussed at 8 p.m. SAVE SAVE SAVE 351-5283 now. Saturday at 398V4 Park Ln. ■size brass bed. Will sell to best 1969 MOBILE HOME, WINTER XEROX COPYING- offset - best (basement). Call 351-3053 for moving out of HOLIDAY |r. viewing Sunday between OR7-1331.3-10-22 state, sell. 12' Nassau, $159. Jamaica, $219. Acapulco, $219. fAST LANSING, 5 bedroom ranch quality at reasonable prices. THE Applications are still being accepted directions. Refreshments will be i.m, and 6 p.m, must x 60', 2 with many many extras. Two car Plus specials on Spain, Hawaii. COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand for the University College Student SPEAKER SYSTEM, Eliminator II, bedrooms, 114 baths, completely garage, family room, rec room, River. Phone 332-4222. C NEW STUDENTOURS, 129 East Affairs Committee. Applications are 100 watts, $427 new, must sell for carpeted, furnished, skirted, air dining room, central air. House available in 275 Bessey Hall from 8 The Soaring Club will be flying this Grand River, 351-2650. 10-10-27 |R COMPACT 95, Garrard $160,351-0424. 5-10-26 conditioning. 371-1165 after 6 simply immaculate. Excellent PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. a.m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. weekend at Ionia County Airport. Term ■ntable, Pickering cartridge. p.m. 5-10-26 Christmas Break home for professor. Close to MSU. papers, theses. Best Monday through Friday. Anyone interested in the challenge rates. Call Any Evenings, 485-3110. HARPSICHORD. SOLID cherry. 8' Priced at $38,500. Call George 351-4619. O undergraduate is eligible. and sport of motorless flight is and 4' SPAIN $249 Petroff, 482-0064 or Petroff welcome. For rides, meet at 9 a.m. strings. 484-9856 or 372 1529. 10-10-27 Lost & Found ACAPULCO $199 Realty Company Realtor, Radical Lesbians and Lesbian Saturday at the Union. I WATERBEDS $15.38 485-7174.2-10-22 EXPERIENCED TYPIST. MARY NASSAU $169 Sisterhood invite women interested in ■ ANTEED. ANN ARBOR LOST: SMALL hearing aid fits into ANN LANCE. 626-6542. GIBSON S-J and Guild case. New forming rap groups to come to the Gay Joint Iss ITERBED STORE, 1217 South right ear,evening of October 16, in LONDON $149 B-1-10-22 $395. Best offer. Call 349-2589. FARM 70 110 ACRES Liberation Movement meeting Glaberman, radical editor Fairchild Theater or vicinity. Call Frank Buck, 351-2286 - worker speaking on 5-10-22 Sunday. Call 353-9795 between 1 and Reward. Phone 351-8484 after 5 TYPING THESES and letters, etc. 2 p.m. EUROPE:JETS for winter break and for more information. USED SEWING machines. $12.50 p.m. 2-10-22 Rapid accurate service. summer 1972 from $189.00. 10-12 minutes drive from and up. Console models, Experienced. 393-4075. C Block and Bridle Club members who The MSU Broadcaster's Reserve now, NEW MSU. Quality brick home, pAR old, 7 string blues guitar, portables, zig - zags and straight LOST: LARGE, dark grey, tiger male signed up for the hayride Saturday will presents the Marx Brothers in ' je. Inlaid. Good condition. stitches. Over 60 to choose from. cat. Last seen in Brody last week. STUDENTOURS, 129 East Grand nearly new. Has 14' fireplace, BARBI MEL: Typing, Must sell. 332-0587.2-10-25 River. 351-2650.10-10-27 15' x 21' Country kitchen multilithing. meet at 7 p.m. in the Judging Pavillion. Soup" at 1 and 3 p.m. Saturday ELECTRO - GRAND, 804 East Reward. 351-1087. 3-10-22 No job too large or too small. Block Cost is $1 per person. S. Kedzie Hall. Admis with range, oven, dishwasher, off campus. 332-3255.0 Michigan, Lansing. Hours: 9 a.m.- FREE BOOKS refrigerator, and disposal. Be sure to watch "Gamut,' 5 p.m. Saturdays, 9 a.m. - Noon.O LOST: SILVER and aqua bracelet. Campus Girl Scou s wilt hold its first |SANDS OF free books still Real Estate Huge walkout full basement meeting at 7 p.m Sunday in Shaw weekly student produced TV shi it THE BOOK ADDIC. Deep sentimental value. Reward. DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term 10:30 a.m. Saturday on channel I BLACK LEATHER jacket for $25. 355-6620.1-10-22 has unfinished rec room that Hall. Signs to roo n will be posted. in and get your book. papers. Expert typist with degree in I'/j white and brown winter coat for TOO GOOD is spacious. Everyone iswelcorr West Grand River. Friday, English. I.B.M. 351-8961. 0-10-22 LOST - SILVER bracelet, October ■P.m., 7-10 p.m. Saturday, 12-5 $20, grey and blue coat for $15. TO BE TRUE 15th. Roxburgh Rd. or Campbell 40' x 60' barn with Gay Liberation will have a meeting 1-10-22 351-2015.3-10-22 PROFESSIONAl Hall vicinity. Reward. 355-3663. at 3 p.m. Sunday in the Gold Room, OKEMOS AREA. 3 - bedroom basement ready for up to 20 THESIS 1-10-22 Union. Officers wiU be elected so aU llTA TWIN lens reflex, Yashica GUITAR: BEAUTIFUL brick ranch. Carpeted, built - horses. Barn needs new roof. PREPARATION T lens telephoto, Webcor four , Harptone, interested persons should attend. New acoustic. 2 months old. ins, 2 full baths, 2 half baths, About 9 acre wood lot, good Will FOUND: GRAY long haired kitten. people are welcome. For more Jk tape recorder, ten reels tape. sacrifice. 351-7983. 3-10-22 River street area. Phone 337-0584. large rec. room with bar and fences. This property priced information call 353-9795. ■ 393-6015.2-10-25 1-10-22 stone fireplace, extra room to sell immediately. SCHWINN 10-speed. Brown, with which could be used as Free U classes meeting this LOST: GREY cat; "Shadow"; (Akers) bedroom or office. Many more Complete Professional Thai Is Sorvlco fir weekend: Playing the Recorder - 4 dropped handlebars, fenders, lights. Almost perfect. $90 Phone IM fields, Wednesday night, Please! FABULOUS extras. PLUS Masttr's an* Otctoral Candidates Frta Brochure and Consultation Plant Call Who's Whose p.m. Sunday, 420 Evergreen St.: Yoga 7 a.m. today, 9 a.m. Saturday, 3 p.m. Reward I 355-9874.3-10-26 - 393-1472.3-10-22 large lot. TEACHOUT-GARNER Cliff and Paula Haughty 337 1527 ar U7 21M Sunday in the Green Room, Union; ■ CS-124 portable stereo cassette FOUND: FEMALE gold tiger cat, near Phone 349-3535. Self Defense call 332-4155 for WIRE FRAMES? Many styles. White REALTORS COMPLETE THESES sei,,«,. information; Elementary Dark Room ■°rder, speakers. AC/DC, 30 Mt. Hope and Hagadorn. 351-0995. Discount printing. IBM or yellow gold at OPTICAL 2-10-22 FOR SALE by owner. 3 bedroom typing and Mary P. Fell, Pontiac senior. Alpha Technique call 484-5104: Sewing - call ■«. New, $200. 349-3358 binding of theses, resumes, DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan aluminum Cape Cod near campus. 4320 W. Saginaw Gamma Delta to R. Scott Gilmore, 351-1771. Free U catalogs are ■'0772.5-10-26 Avenue, 372-7409. C-5-10-22 publications. Across from campus, Saginaw senior, Phi Kappa Psi. available at 329 Student Services Bldg. Personal $21,950, very low equity, assume corner M.A.C. and Grand River, mortgage. 337-1898 for below Jones Stationery Don't invest in Snow Tires SUPPORT YOUR business with a Shop. Call The Sierra Club p Willia VAN DYKE STUDIO gets it together appointment. 6-10-21 COPYGRAPH boost from Want Ads. Advertise SERVICES, Horton with slides and discussk Until You've in portraits, passports, ID's, party services there. Dial 355-8255. 337-1666. C ENGAGEMENTS his reasearch and study expedite candids, or your job. Downstairs, 207 MILFORD the Gulf of Cortez, Mexico at Seen the 209 Abbott Rd., next to Brother EAST LANSING 5 ROOM RANCH p.m. Monday in 31 Union. LOW Go-in-the-Snow Gambits. Or ring us up at Walking distance to Built 1969. Brick and aluminum Wanted Cindy Bowers, Jackson .0-10-22 campus. 5 Full rooms. 2 Bedrooms, 4 piece basement, nice lot, convenient Bruce Bussing, Blissfield senior, Delta For those interested in regulai Prices at the location, very clean. Good traffic Tau Delta. NOTEWORTHY bath plus stool in basement. Plan. Price $18,900. Choice NEED FOUR tickets for serviceman. terms. Exceptional Children can DAYTON TIRE 4 BEDROOM, 2 baths, completely Formal dining. Price only 2*n®r leaving state. Call Don Chicago Bears - Detroit Lions. Oct. Carol Larson, Bloomfield Hills, 7 p.m. Sunday in 107 Eri TENT SALE carpeted, family room, fireplace, 2 $19,000, easy terms. 7%MTG. f-5o43d-0w8'iS: 3711930 24,372-2425.4-10-22 graduate student, Alpha Delta Pi to car garage. Central air conditioning. available. Call Gay Gardner, B.J. Wendzel, Dowagiac Law Student, 154 lots. 2 blocks to schools. Only 371-1930 or evenings TEACHOUT-GARNER University of Detroit. Alpha Gamma November 3-13 10 minutes to MSU. A steal at 349-2044. REALTORS "DOOR PRIZES" $28,500. For more information, TEACHOUT-GARDNER 4320 W. Saginaw call 882-8425. 5-10-28 REALTORS NEEDED DESPERATELY - 4 Kay M. Dalrymple, Galien senior, 4320 W. student or adult tickets to Iowa Saginaw ■ I .,t J Monday, October 25, we Autumn Harvest Service game. Call 332-2033 after 5 p.m. Omicron Nu to Dale R. Longacre, Benton Harbor MSU graduate, Alpha I p no longer offer a luncheon menu Fresh, delicious apple cider LCC NEAR home. - 7 room, 4 bedroom Has excellent income KEY PUNCH, Computer Operations, 1-10-22 Phi Sigma. pinner willbegin as usual at 5 o'clock or /our made before your eyes in cider mill. No pre¬ possibilities. Call 487-6235 or 371-2330. 3-10-25 Jim Olger, and computer training. Enroll programming now to insure space NEED USED girl's bike and tutor. Call 355-8113 after 5 p.m. English I dining enjoyment. our servatives added. All you in class. Phone Mrs. Furney, 694-2197. SYSTEMS CONTROL 1-10-22 can drink for 10c. LANSING Diane Casey. Livonia senior to Mark |Cave of INSTITUTE, 6810 South Cedar, BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Formsma, Livonia senior, Eastern the Also fruits, vegetables, COUNTRY CLUB NEAR Suite A, Lansing. 3-10-26 all positive. A negative, B homemade bread, doughnuts, negative Michigan University. Building lobby. People and AB Delightful older home onquiet FOR QUALITY service and stereos, negative, $10.00 O inplaying medieval and i pumpkins and apples. street — 9 rooms. 3 bedrooms, negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Rebecca J. Kuivanen, Pelkie senior, TVs and recorders. THE STEREO COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, living area, too many features Zeta Tau Alpha to Ernest C. Oz, SHOPPE. 337-1300. C 507'/i East Grand River, East Centennial Farm to list here. Priced only Dearborn, MSU grad. Candles Market 4 mi. north on U.S. 27 $21,500. Easy terms MTG. Call 371-1930 485-6766. J.J. or on 7% Henry, evenings, MATHEMATICS TUTORING by Ph.D. with 4 years college teaching experience. Call 482-5270.1 -10-22 Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 pm Monday, Friday. Tuesday pm to 6:30 pm. Thursday, and and Wednesday 1 Annette Collard, Adrian sophomore to Robert Wilson, Parma, Ohio, junior, 337-7183. C Tri- State For reservations College. The MSU Folklores ciety will meet phone at Dill Rd. 669-3157 TEACHOUT-GARNER ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, radio, recorders, TV's. Dependable. GIRL WANTS to share Marilyn Mulder. Royal Oak senior to at 7:30 p.m. Monday in 100 Hall. There will be j; liming, singing Berkey REALTORS your 351-7076 Mon.-Sat.9-8 Sun. 1-7 4320 W. Saginaw Reasonable. x-0-30-11-23 Call. 351-6680. apartment 351-7375.3-10-22 as extra. Hurry! Renard Kolasa. Gaylord, University of Michigan Law School. 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tutorial project support needed developmental students," he real educational opportunity", the student because he will not applications and receive departments at a later date. find intellectural stimulation and counseling. Those people Johnson found that through added. Hamilton said. will not likely be motivated to interested in tutoring can also academic assistance the student Developmental students, Outlining the need for an achieve educationally under these pick up applications. who received help improved their Calling for University support Hamilton explained, are those academic assistance program for circumstances," Hamilton said. The Center's staff consists of GPA. of the Office of Special Program's stu^e0nItf wl]° ha*e ^ admitted minority students, Hamilton said To further induce the Maggie Martin, counseling "Although their GPA may have Academic Assistance Program, to with a school GPA m.nority students come from effectiveness of the tutorial specialist; Charles Thorton, been higher than some students James B. Hamilton, asst. provost »nd S,AT score below the isolated environments such as the program, Hamilton stated that administrative asst. for academic who did not receive assistance, for special programs requested in a recent meetint? with college "ormf adm.ssable'eve!. Hamilton believes that because inner city. "In these areas the students the Office of Special Programs assistance program; Raul Arizpe, one must keep in mind that those has initiated a follow up program graduate assistant in counseling; students who asked for assistance deans that faculty members the teaching faculty to a certain have been isolated, culturally for every disadvantaged student Peter Dual, asst. to the may have attained lower grades if interested in the program be extent> perceives all minority making it impossible to acquire in order to assess his or her ombudsman; and Ana Marie not assisted", Johnson said. granted released time in order to students as disadvantaged, this intellectual stimulation," he said, particular problem. The office workwithstSenlr affects their relationship with Hamilton appeals to the also has begun developing an Valenzuela, curriculum information and advising Johnson stated that the students who participated in the The purpose of "the Academic stents when they are enrolled teaching faculty to be cognizant evaluation mechanism for the specialist. Assistance Program is to assist their respective classes. of those facts when trying to program demonstrated they had disadvantaged student entering Those assisting through other the ability to achieve, students who need tutoring by "Minority studen s have every teach the typically dull lecture but new next fall term—quantitative offices are Thomas Cunnings, ways must be found to make the locating a volunteer to provide chance of success at MSU given involving one faculty member statements concerning the asst. director for minority disadvantaged student realize his the assistance in the subject area good teaching but the faculty and 300 students, I effectiveness of MSU's programs counseling; Gloria Smith, asst. abilities and potentials. specified by the student. The must be interested and concerned "This type of classroom for disadvantaged students, and professor, counseling; Al Shorter program began winter term 1969. in order that students may have a situation is totally unsuited for also so that areas in which the and Marilyn Wilson, Wonders "The students responded Hamilton explained that the favorably to the tutorial program, programs are deficient can be Counseling Center. program is designed to help determined. In order to determine the but you cannot isolate the one disadvantaged students, but feels that many faculty members and students label all minority Diplomats Working with Hamilton in the academic assistance program are impact of last year's tutorial program, Johnson compiled a thing that spells success for the student", Hamilton said. Johnson reiterated the need for students as disadvantaged. Henry Johnson, asst. director for report on the program which will the cooperation of the special programs; Joel Bryant and be distributed to deans and some is He said a disadvantaged student one who enters the University Cambodian Jose Gomez in admissions; Don Coleman, asst. to the Dean of departments in order to make this year's program a success. with less than a 2.75 high school City blocks He cited the Learning GPA and a student who has been PHNOM PENH, Cambodia Diplomats doubted whether Students, Amos Johnson, asst. Resources Center which has recessed and is readmitted to the (AP) - Foreign diplomats opponents of the marshal in the director of financial aid; Dixie wondered Thursday why Premier National Assembly ever Dumbrausky, Vocational reading specialists available to University. "The notion that all minority LonNol decided to rule by decree constituted a threat serious Rehabilitation; Lansing and Maxie Gordon in the Office of road traffic work with students who have reading problems, the Tutorial s f Iirte nT«"~*n students n on campus flre camniis are to save the nation from what he enough to justify the move to sideline them by transforming an Institutional Research. Assistance in Chemistry (TAC) MARSEILLE, France (AP) - program under the direction of Hammond Hamilton said. " .... Several diplomats said they felt assembly possessing legislative the ailing Dremier made a powers into a toothless The Office of Special Programs maintains the Center for City officials have banned all vehicles except buses and taxis Robert Hammer, former lamed halls "The majority of minority . ailln6 premier in misculculation madehisa constituent assembly. Supportive Services and on certain main streets of associate dean of the Honors students are not disadvantaged announcement Wednesday. Counseling, 32 Union under the Marseille in a three-week College, and the engineering The halls of learning in the U.S. have become long, fa, and are not admitted as The new body will have as its direction of Johnson. There the experiment designed to tell college's tutorial program as and overcrowded, although none of these show in sole duties the edition and student can apply for academic authorities something about examples of department photo. Its located in the Agricultural Engineering Buildk I ATL sets deadline approving of a constitution that is being written by a committee of assistance, pick up financial aid traffic control. cooperation. State News photo by Jonathan K experts and representatives of Cambodian society. It has been at for session summer April 30,1972, is the application deadline for the Department of American Thought and Language's (ATL) newly announced work since midsummer. Diplomats believe that opposition to the Lon Nol regime inside the assembly centered Black cop ex summer program in London for 1972. around no more than half a dozen Classes will include ATL 112,113 and 300. men and three main antagonists, policemen on the force and day supervisor, Henderson of exposure and sudden personel Henderson, because of i Students who enroll in any of the classes offered should not enroll received his promotion in early combines his job as policeman turnovers, though, unlike the the former interior minister, In background, feels that he isid in those classes for winter or spring term. August after only three years of with that of an MSU student. The normal city police department." to understand and identify Tam, the assembly president Yem It is a widely Estimated cost for the seven-week program is $800 for air Sambaur and Douc circulated joke service on the force. senior social science major from many students on this campi Rasy, a and often serious Henderson explained that transportation, dorm, breakfast and course expenses, and $200 for wealth intellectual. assumption that In a recent interview, Washington, D.C. has the unique who are "super sensitive"! extra travel, lunch, dinner and personal expenses. policemen on the MSU force Henderson attributed his rapid opportunity to see two angles at before he became a policemen he police. Students may arrange transportation and rooms, or They could not muster strenght receive their promotions by the rise on the force to a number of once. had worked a variety of jobs transportation arrangements will be provided by the International to constitute a challenge to the number of tickets they write. reasons. "I received my ranging from draftsman to Center. Rooms will be available in University of London marshal's "Not so," said Sgt. Harold Promoted out of the Detective janitor. "I didn't grow up with "If a student wants to to government, which promotion according to dormitories. bases its power to a large extent Henderson recently promoted performance as well as Bureau, Henderson says of the the goal to be a cop," he went on. something he shouldn't beafri Additional information is available from John Ferres, G-36B on the personal member of the MSU Dept. of MSU force, "this department "Being black and from the city I to stop a policeman and ast hJ loyalty of dozens recommendations by my superior Hubbard Hall or W-34 Holmes Hall; Stuart McDougal, 252 Bessey of top army officers whom Lon Public Safety. isn't very different from any really didn't particularly like If you've got a question sty! officers," he said. Hall and Erick Lunde, 284 Bessey Hall of the ATL Dept. Nol can count UDon in crisis Henderson is one of three black other in many ways. There's a lot policemen."' cop!" he said. anv Working as the department's INTERNATIONAL WEEK AT MSU SUNDAY PONEDELNIK TRITI BUDHWAR SONDI JUMMA 24 OCTOBER 25 OCTOBER 26 OCTOBER 27 OCTOBER 28 OCTOBER 29 OCTOBER 7 PM-ASIAN STUDIES 7 PM - KHALID BIN SAYEED 4:30 PM - SCHOOL OF SOCIAL CENTER PRESENTS 12 NOON - SOCIETY FOR PROF. OF POLITICAL WORK PRESENTS DR. BERNARD GALLIN INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE - QUEENS UNIV. ALBERT HOLLOWAY, PROF. PROF. OF ANTHROPOLOGY DEVELOPMENT LUNCHEON 3 PM - RUSSIAN AND EAST ONTARIO - "NO WELFARE MESS IN "CHINESE PEASANTRY CROSSROADS CAFETERIA EUROPEAN STUDIES "CURRENT POLITICS AND NORWAY - CAN IT HAPPEN HERE? AND A CENTURY OF FLUX" ROOM C 7 PM - BAHA'I CLUB PRESENTS CENTER PRESENTS; POLITICAL FORCES IN PAKISTAN' 109 S. KEDZIE 100 ENGINEERING BLDG. RICHARD THOMAS DR. GEORGE KLINE 102 B WELLS HALL 7:00 PM - SOUTH ASIA FILMS PROF. OF PHILOSOPHY INSTRUCTOR,CENTER FOR 9 PM FILM: EDGAR SNOW'S 3 PM FILM: "THE EAST IS "PUNJABI VILLAGE" - - URBAN AFFAIRS BRYN MAWR 102 B WELLS HALL "CHINA: ONE FOURTH RED" PRODUCED IN PEKING "INTERNATIONAL RACISM: "POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY OF OF HUMANITY" CONRAD AUDITORIUM A BARRIER TO WORLD UNITY" LESEK KOLAKOWSKI" 100 ENGINEERING BLDG. GOLD ROOM - UNION 101 S. KEDZIE 7:15 PM - RECEPTION AND EXHIBITION OF PRINTS-PAUL COLLINS 7:15 PM AFRICAN STUDIES 7:15 PM - AFRICAN STUDIES 7:15- AFRICAN STUDIES - PHOTOGRAPHER AND ARTIST CENTER PRESENTS CENTER PRESENTS CENTER PRESENTS "BLACK PORTRAIT OF AN DENNIS BRUTUS - REPUBLIC KOFIAWONOOR- GHANA AFRICAN JOURNEY" RICHARD THOMAS, INSTRUCTOR I 7:30PM-DR. GEORGE KLINE "POETRY OF OF SOUTH AFRICA READING HIS OWN POETRY CAPTAIN'S ROOM - UNION BLDG. CENTER FOR URBAN AFFAIRS f READING HIS POETRY GOLD ROOM - UNION READING HIS OWN POETRY JOSEPH BROKSKY" McDONEL KIVA GOLD ROOM - UNION BLDG. 716 A WELLS HALL 8 PM - CULTURAL MUSKALE: "SOMEDAY WE'LL BE TOGETHER" 8 & 10 PM FILM: EDGAR SNOW'S KELLOGG AUDITORIUM "CHINA: ONE FOURTH 7:30 PM DR. AZIZUR MALLICK PRESENTED BY INTER¬ - FORMER VICE- OF HUMANITY" 7:30 PM - ALBERT RAVENHOL | NATIONAL STUDENTS TO ALBATROSS COFFEEHOUSE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY CHANCELLOR, CHITTAGONG AID EAST PAKISTANI UNIVERSITY 547 E. GRAND RIVER FIELD STAFF (AUFSI- REFUGEES DR. ABDUL HAQ-CHAIRMAN SPECIALIST ON CHINA AND | $3.00 - TICKETS ON BENGALA - DESH RED CROSS THE PHILLIPINES SALE AT 109 INTER¬ "PLIGHT OF EAST PAKISTANI 'CONTEMPORARY DEVELOPME1^ NATIONAL CENTER REFUGEES IN CHINA" PARLOR C - UNION BLDG. MCDONEL KIVA